File: 1448109702100.jpg (259 KB, 1280x878, tumblr_no8ynbXnAD1tk4jyoo1_128…)

No. 61064
File: 1448109911964.png (174.86 KB, 874x707, ember-still-wants-to-wear-laur…)

>>61060Samefag to post part 2 of screencaps.
tl;dr version: Ember still stalks the fuck out of Felice/Lauren in the hope of becoming the thinspo queen Felice was even though she's gone into hiding.
No. 61080
>>61064She doesn't know who to suck up to anymore
I'm just glad she dropped the whole "witch" thing. (even to she still claims to be one for edge points)
No. 61105
File: 1448123921678.jpg (18.29 KB, 480x480, 14938750.jpg)

>>60986they only carry sizes 1.5 liters and smaller. seems like she just rounded the numbers off. but there's is 16 oz difference between a 1.5 liters bottle and a 2 liter bottle.
No. 61150
>>61064Someone on tumblr posted felice'snek alias and selfies, Ember isn't smart enough to find breadcrumbs.
She doesn't even know how to edit her instagram pics to not look like a dirty crackhead.
No. 61183
File: 1448140913861.jpg (28.46 KB, 268x211, IMG_20151121_151922.jpg)

No. 63002
File: 1448195334140.png (881.01 KB, 640x960, image.png)

oh god lol
No. 63010
File: 1448199065209.gif (516.64 KB, 474x266, ricky-gervais-hysterical-laugh…)

>>63002hahahahah ahahahaha that fucking outfit
No. 63013
File: 1448199863953.png (100.43 KB, 291x310, Screenshot_2015-11-22-08-42-17…)

>>63002why does she look like such an old, homely ass, haggard bitch? isn't she a teen? fuck, this is why you should never start smoking at such a young age.
No. 63016
File: 1448200592696.png (242.7 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-11-22-07-55-27…)

No. 63017
File: 1448200663391.png (1.75 MB, 1777x1919, 2015-11-22 08.56.00.png)

aww looks like ember found a lil anorexic boy to fawn over
>is this enough confirmation that ember is a skinny fetishist or
No. 63021
File: 1448201311748.jpg (1.26 MB, 2048x2958, Hester-From-Scream-Queens.jpg)

>>63002I saw someone comment on this image of Ember, referring to her as "Chanel No. 7" but tbh, if Ember was gonna be in Scream Queens, she would make the perfect Hester, aka Chanel No. 6, since they both have super severe scoliosis ♡
No. 63024
File: 1448201796921.png (477.43 KB, 601x613, Screenshot_2015-11-22-09-15-02…)

>>63021their thighs both look as if they've been shoop'd too lol
No. 63029
File: 1448205050095.png (105.16 KB, 1045x234, Screenshot_2015-11-22-10-09-28…)

Omg ember, leave her aloneeee. you're turning out to be such a creepy weirdo.
No. 63038
File: 1448208177559.png (137.03 KB, 1080x639, Screenshot_2015-11-22-10-59-54…)

>inb4 ember takes selfies with the person who drove her ass to Starbucks and posts them on instagram with the title "omg I love my fans!!".
No. 63039
File: 1448208354901.png (725.15 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_2015-11-22-11-03-39…)

you know, I wanna bet that I enjoy the drawings of ember more than ember herself.
they all capture her homely, jealousy filled cunt essence super well.
No. 63104
File: 1448217869776.png (260.38 KB, 500x750,…)

here's a photo from Embers old instagram.
there is no way she is 5'5 and 89lbs here lmfao she looks bigger here than how she looked when she claimed to be 97lbs.
No. 63106
File: 1448217934648.jpg (92.92 KB, 380x506,…)

this is ember from loke 2 or 3 years back lol
No. 63110
File: 1448218519881.png (1.67 MB, 1769x1088, PhotoGrid_1448218384101-1.png)

>>63104for referencing purposes
No. 63137
File: 1448225472795.png (949.44 KB, 1684x1993, PhotoGrid_1448225352771-1.png)

why is her head as wide as her hips
also wtf is going on with her nose
No. 63138
File: 1448225630704.png (190.1 KB, 505x640, 2015-11-22 15.52.45.png)

something about this picture is really off
No. 63141
File: 1448228094665.png (1016.61 KB, 1131x1131, img1448227943958.png)

Those thigh bones just keep growing and growing
No. 63191
>>63143Looks like she got facetune, smoothed out her dead hair and dry ass face…little bit of defining the jaw and shrinking the nose
Her face is also elongated
No. 63229
>>63138What's her makeup inspiration
Cher circa 1999?
No. 63368
>>63322Where did you get this info? If you're not Ember you picked up some serious breadcrumbs, because her mother used to work at the Cottage Hotel of Mendon, when Ember was claiming to have gotten a design job from them to redesign their menu. No one has paid attention to her mom in forever. So the fact that you know she's switched jobs to where Ember is now saying she's a banquet server either means you are a mega lurker, or you're Ember herself.
I'm guessing you're Ember or Megan/whismical, since no one else is as obsessed with Ember as Megan or herself.
Deny or confirm or whatever, the fact that you know this says as much about you as it does about Ember.
No. 63372
>>63368Oh, I saw it on her mom's fb that she worked at the same place as her bf and she said she met her bf at work. (I check her mom's fb for candids of Ember)
It wasn't hard to put a 3-piece puzzle together, but I could see how you'd assume I was Ember but not how you could assume I was whimsical.
I'm neither.
No. 63384
>>63322ember, her mother, and her mothers boyfriend all worked at that Country Club together>that article is about her mom's boyfriendand now it appears that her, her mother, and embers new boyfriend all work at that Eastman place.
Tbh, her mom probably was the one who got her the job. Or Ember could just be hanging out with her mom (and Andrew) while she works, since Ember literally has nothing else going on in her life beside asking self sent asks on, lying to 13 year olds on instagram, and wearing disgusting outfits.
Here is the number to Embers workplace… if anyone was wanting to.. maybe call and… get her fired for (the lulz) being so god damn insufferable on the internet….?…..
>(585) 697-0491Or not! :D
No. 63387
>>63368what ever happened to ember being the web designer for some bar? also what happened to her being her grandmother's business' social media operator? what ever happened to the books she was writing that she swore woulb be published by 2014? what happened to her doing online classes to get her GED?
so much time has past since I started to pay attention to embers bullshit and it is such a wonderful feeling, knowing that all of her little dreams of being a famous writer died before her pen ever touched the page.
No. 63397
File: 1448281970522.png (809.49 KB, 1876x1018, PhotoGrid_1448281838551-1.png)

She just posted this video and deleted it in less than a minute. Probably because she didn't realize how mannish she looked until after she uploaded it.
No. 63405
>>63403This isn't my favorite thing she's been doing, my favorite thing is her keeping anon off on her and turning it on to ask herself questions before turning it off again.
I got a chuckle out of her asking herself if she's pregnant, the smart water thing was the most funny recently though.
No. 63417
File: 1448284424680.gif (1.67 MB, 350x865, point-those-toes-gurl.gif)

lol @ ember and her thinspo poses
look at them knees
No. 63418
File: 1448284549628.gif (1.11 MB, 350x865, h.gif)

i lined up the (what i assume is a) shower loofa and then compared the size of her thighs.
>oh how they grow, looks like she stopped pointing her knees at each other in the selfie when she is hunched over
No. 63430
File: 1448284965407.gif (240.5 KB, 539x653, toddler.gif)

i said it once and i'll say it again, why is her head as wide as her hips???
she made herself look as if she has the proportions of a baby.
No. 63435
>>63406I just checked her and I agree, knowing she reads this thread and wants to
defend herself so god damn badly to the point where she sends herself anonymous messages so she can reply in the whatever ways she wants just to prove us ~*haters*~ wrong is hilarious.
No. 63448
File: 1448286491864.png (65.77 KB, 721x574, om.png)

Ember asked people to send her messages so I figured I would give the cow what she wants.
No. 63475
File: 1448293312387.png (356.98 KB, 554x1071, Screenshot_2015-11-23-10-37-12…)

is it just me or does it seem like ember forgot which angles flatter her dog shit face
she's been looking extra homely lately
No. 63491
File: 1448296812900.png (171.3 KB, 1080x650, Screenshot_2015-11-23-11-38-44…)

Are you pants on fire too?
No. 63498
>>63491I like how Ember is constantly losing weght while becoming pudgier and pudgier.
She is like bizarro Aly. Pretending to be severely underweight while packing on the pounds.
No. 63520
File: 1448299804756.jpg (24.8 KB, 400x400, why-you-lying.jpg)

>>63491And yet she didn't insta pics of said low body temperature and blood pressure. Hmmm
No. 63568
Me and some of my friends considered Ember to be a friend. When all the links to lolcow and the Tumblr masterpost got sent around we didn't want to believe it. We didn't want to, because we couldn't imagine Ember doing these things. We started to pay more attention though, we realized that Ember really is a selfish bitch. Whenever we were talking in a group chat, she would only ever come in and talk about things related to HER. Whenever someone posted something about not being/feeling well, she never cared, though she expected us to care for her. Then the fake overdose came along. Literally 9/10 of the things she said had happened, could not have possibly happened the way she put them (being release from hospital 6 hours after trying to kill yourself, those things). She lied. She kept lying, and she is still lying. I doubt she will ever stop lying. I'm glad I can read on here every day, see more of the shit she posted when I wasn't around, because honestly, the only reason I'm still 'friends' with Ember, is to spy on her shit, to see what she does next, to laugh at her.
No. 63608
File: 1448315485999.png (46.05 KB, 778x173, Screenshot_2015-11-23-16-46-15…)

Looks like Ember finally became aware of Eugenia. Surprise it took her this long.
No. 63632
File: 1448320980405.jpg (1.75 MB, 1904x1142, IaKo59M.jpg)

kinda unrelated but i just saw this pic of how poses can make the difference between hambeast and average/kinda chubby
makes me think of Ember
No. 63638
>>63492This shit right here.
If she was in OP she would be weighed on at least weekly basis.
No. 63850
File: 1448380000985.jpg (190.07 KB, 532x844, IMG_20151124_094151.jpg)

Still sucking the baby food out of Aly's ass
No. 63852
>>63850She's always been like that
I like to play a game where I report all her shout out pictures and as spam kek
No. 63928
>>63850Ember is trying to get called out for copying Aly, I say we ignore any similarities she goes out of her way to make.
It's not fun to talk shit when someone is literally handing you cue cards.
No. 63992
File: 1448410235679.png (734.02 KB, 1080x1309, Screenshot_2015-11-24-19-07-01…)

No. 63994
File: 1448410298924.png (41.52 KB, 208x199, Screenshot_2015-11-22-13-14-03…)

Embers thumbs are so disgusting, holy shit girl buy some fucking lotion.
No. 63997
File: 1448410473904.png (56.16 KB, 988x171, Screenshot_2015-11-24-19-13-22…)

Looks like she is following accounts with large followings, in hopes they help her get noticed lol.
No. 63999
>>63993Jfc she's making her head so fucked it's like Mars attacks
Also am I wrong for assuming the button is supposed to be on the back?
No. 64004
File: 1448411593415.jpg (18.68 KB, 236x323, 96ba0772cb6246b58026fdd8309b0f…)

>>63999Yes or to the side. I have no idea what the fuck Ember is doing.
No. 64009
File: 1448412701581.png (2.23 MB, 1080x1750, Screenshot_2015-11-24-19-40-47…)

>>64007This is the results I got when I Googled "crochet headband with button".
But like, even though it's funny that Ember is wearing this thing wrong, it would still look fucking retarded if she wore it the proper way. I dunno, these headbands are ugly as fuck too me.
No. 64015
File: 1448413193895.jpg (24.41 KB, 306x306, 1516090_361220140710536_293308…)

>>64009Headbands like that scream, "basic bitch".
No. 64017
File: 1448413956236.png (458.28 KB, 1080x1121, Screenshot_2015-11-24-20-08-39…)

>>63999>>63994Lmfao, she sent herself asks so she could reply to these two comments.
Apperently, her hair is so disgusting that she can't even wear a handband the right way because her hair gets knotted up too easy.
votmitsEmber, if you used conditioner on the rare days which you shower, you wouldn't be having this issue.
No. 64020
File: 1448414248708.png (477.94 KB, 1080x1381, Screenshot_2015-11-24-20-15-24…)

I follow multiple snowflakes on Instagram for lulz and Ember is the only one of them that begs people to like and comment on her photos lol.
No. 64023
>>64017She has white, flakey skin hanging off of her thumb and she says her skin isn't dry ahaha.
Also, did she forget that purposeful deprivation of nutrients (aka ANOREXIA) causes dry skin?????? I bet she is kicking herself for not using that as an excuse now that I've mentioned it.
No. 64034
File: 1448415414281.png (101.83 KB, 300x256, 084.png)

>>64031Ember pretends to kill herself everytime she is caught in a lie and you can't tell if she feels embrassment/shame?
No. 64036
>>64033I think it's less embarrassment, and more she feels like some bad bitch because she says something idiodic, adds hun or sweety, and then uses a bunch of emojis so she obviously wins
Btw I find it hilarious she thinks she has a resting bitch face, but I mean it's an easy part of Jo H's "quirks" to steal.
No. 64037
>>64034Embarrassment/shame are different than seeking pity/running from your shit storm imo.
If she was embarrassed I feel like she might actually do something with her life besides playing hopscotch with rochester guys and working with mommy as a sad waitress.
No. 64069
>>64067Well, these cows have to have
something in common, right?
No. 64203
File: 1448455717227.jpeg (246.25 KB, 1122x1943, image.jpeg)

No. 64206
File: 1448456275319.jpeg (209.17 KB, 1124x1950, image.jpeg)

Also to add, she posted another "comment something nice for me when I wake up"
Felt kind of bad because she kept it up for about 20 minutes or less, got 15 likes, and only 1 comment.
No. 64209
File: 1448456465938.jpeg (170.32 KB, 1125x1110, image.jpeg)

No. 64239
File: 1448462686805.jpeg (478.25 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpeg)

She's trying really hard to get her other account deleted.
Also, she's deleted every comment telling her to "let it go" or even comments that are supporting Ember?? Then ends up blocking them as well. She claims to be the better person and is a "bitch" in a good way. But acts like a child in these stupid fights. They both photoshop their shit and both act like retards anyways.
No. 64397
File: 1448484305457.jpg (146.74 KB, 532x735, IMG_20151125_143734.jpg)

Got my popcorn for this train wreck
No. 64398
File: 1448484363461.jpg (98.08 KB, 539x419, IMG_20151125_144009.jpg)

No. 64400
File: 1448484582654.png (82.62 KB, 640x960, image.png)

Close ups of food and Aly style captions
I womder if Ember is retarded enough to think people like this kind of shit or that itll get her more atenttion, because ot wont
or shes trying to suck up to the #edfamily or actual sick deluded anas
No. 64402
File: 1448484935088.png (1.07 MB, 1073x1824, 1439400743538.png)

She's going to have to go back to posting pictures like this if she wants anyone to care about a "faking" recovery (aka non-recovery, because she isn't anorexic), because she doesn't look sick.
No. 64411
File: 1448485692631.jpg (64.99 KB, 938x609, uiasdfif.JPG)

Did not need to see this. Did not need to know that.
No. 64414
File: 1448486058623.jpg (66.92 KB, 616x842, Capture.JPG)

Hahaha she's lurking lolcow right now. No one made any comments on that pic, I've had my eye on it.
Hi, Ember!
No. 64416
File: 1448486203080.jpg (48.89 KB, 465x419, IMG_20151125_151540.jpg)

>>64411Dirty nasty photoshopping fool
No. 64458
>>64456What I mean is, she doesn't have them.
There's no curve of her hipbone, just the shape of it on the outside that she sticks out.
No. 64463
>>64459Chanel is not someone you look up too. Only Ember would be dumb enough to think that being manipulative, self centered, shallow bitch who friends only like her because she is "super rich and kind of hot" is something to aspire to be.
Too bad Ember is ugly and poor af, she would be just like her.
No. 64497
>>64486She's full of herself because begging for followers is working for her, for once.
She has nobody that genuinely likes her, they all just follower spillover though.
Nobody follows her other accounts at all.
No. 64530
>>64469Who even follows/supports her?
She gets barely any likes or comments. Pretty sure most of her followers are bought and the only people who like/comment are just trying to get a like/comment back.
No one is actually interested in her. It's why she's so attention starved towards us, we're literally the only people who actually talk about her.
No. 64583
>>64559This is only going to encourage her, sorry to say.
She wants your guys attention, maybe more than Aly's.
No. 64613
>>64611She got called out by some irls, she made a post about it awhile back and it was basically the same drama reaction she has now.
Her dad doesn't live too far from her according to fb, I'm sure they talk.
I'd feel bad if she wasn't such an awful person.
No. 64614
>>64613Irls, was supposed to be girls but I guess both worked.
Either way she ran from her praoblems, $20 says it was dating drama.
I'm sure you could see her ex before AJ's old tumblr and find his name, I bet he'd have some interesting stuff in his fb history.
No. 64682
File: 1448561364725.jpg (466.77 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-11-26-10-07-45…)

Lmao pretending like they never talked mad shit about each other on here.
No. 64692
File: 1448564316842.png (838.95 KB, 1131x1131, img1448559156964.png)

Again she posted proof Ember. why do you make yourself look so fucking stupid
No. 64716
>>64692The text is awful and speaks to who both of these girls are-inconsiderate, awful and ugly people.
They both need to get a life. Anyone looked into Makenzie's claims outside of Crihns: 35, no kids etc. This whole thing pisses me off.
No. 64913
File: 1448640578403.png (2.18 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-11-27-09-48-38…)

Caption "i hate myself"
So do w, ember
I reported this photo for triggering content
Ember you're not any better than those people who post self harm, fuck off bitch.
No. 64915
File: 1448641049372.jpg (42.75 KB, 534x185, IMG_20151127_100853.jpg)

Of course your friends with the biggest scammer of them all. Maybe she can teach you some tricks and tips to stealing others hospital pics and faking illnesses
No. 64970
File: 1448654046211.jpg (16.21 KB, 225x575, 25c7a603021ce77f55f4a5b5eb38c4…)

What an emaciated persons back really looks like
Damn why are you trying so hard to look like this Ember? Youre already a disgusting hag.
No. 65090
File: 1448681405960.jpeg (559.91 KB, 1579x2590, image.jpeg)

Kek forgot pic
No. 65093
this poor child is so ugly and full of sin. Someone help her
No. 65119
>>65104She's just ugly as fuck, especially with those faces she makes. Can we stop calling her fat/doughy/huge please?
She's not anorexic or severely underweight, but she isn't, by any stretch of the imagination, fat.
I get that part of it is probably just people being (rightfully?) bitchy because she pretends to be so sick and underweight and all that jazz but come on.
No. 65128
>>65125She really isn't though.
She's an ugly, delusional, narcissistic, lying shithead and just about every other negative you can thing of. But she is not fat.
I know being fat is the worst possible thing a woman can be according to some people on here, but calling an obviously thin girl "fat" is catty and pathetic.
No. 65152
>>65119honestly when I say fat I mean just untoned/has untoned fat
she is not obese or even overweight but I would still say she is 'fat'or 'untoned/doughy'
No. 65185
File: 1448715677424.jpeg (Spoiler Image,61.67 KB, 206x275, image.jpeg)

>>65178Purging doesn't really make your whole face chubby though, it's specifically certain glands around the jaw. Look at Ash in her hamtaro-chan form.
No. 65545
>>65202Dat bait lmao.
Anyways yeah I agree she's not fat at all. Maybe even a little bit underweight? Though she is definitely skinnyfat, she probably binge/starves and that's usually what happens.
No. 65566
>>65560No, you're just delusional.
I honestly feel like some anons are taking it personally, thinness is good and fat is bad so how could someone as shitty as Ember possibly be thin?! Maybe I am projecting a little here since I feel that way sometimes but I try to be objective.
No. 65686
File: 1448830320561.png (658.49 KB, 640x960, image.png)

What the hell? Ember must be super desperate…wow just wow…how long will it take until they backstab each other
No. 65687
File: 1448830941137.png (3.05 MB, 1242x2208, image.png)

>>65686What the fuck Emily are you serious
No. 65696
>>65686>>65687Funny a month ago Ember was saying how much of a slut Emily is when creating her thread, not forgetting
>>40577>>And her makeup skills suck.Ember has always shown herself to be a desperate backstabber. Wonder what Emily's excuse is though.
No. 66292
File: 1448901808947.jpg (996.49 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20151130_104254.jpg)

No. 66359
File: 1448914715552.jpg (169.5 KB, 531x837, IMG_20151130_140721.jpg)

No bitch, it's not your boots it's your fucking Photoshop you hypocritical fat ass bully.
No. 66666
>>66645She probably thinks it makes something sound like it's got less calories lmao
Can't believe her intensive PHP was so effective it allows her to eat pizza and starbucks almost every day when before she seemed to be upset about 1/3 a bowl of chipotle
Also the whole money situation seems great for her now, I'm sure her and her bf don't pay rent so they can just eat out all the time
No. 66670
File: 1448996006736.jpg (16.11 KB, 320x320, Recoverywin.jpg)

Damn they must go through cream cheese so fast, it's like a tbsp per square inch wtf
No. 66723
File: 1449006008308.png (228.76 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Anyone notice the new header? Kek
No. 66783
File: 1449017109133.jpg (123.91 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

Now ember's trying to be like aly with her infuriating positive captions kek
No. 66803
File: 1449019445119.jpg (14.41 KB, 308x108, ember.JPG)

Bless whoever made this
No. 66815
>>61061Love how she gives more proof of her lurking. I commented that we only ever see half her Starbucks order so she goes an adds to one of her earlier Starbucks pics that she 'orders for her boy' too.
Lurkers be lurking.
No. 66929
File: 1449065733830.png (719.42 KB, 979x979, img1449065572737.png)

More lurking, sees fat pic of herself, more Pro Ana Triggering tips. SMFH
No. 66968
>>66964me neither.
i think she just wants to copy Aly
No. 66972
>>66929Someone tell her that the squat challange is bs, it wont build a booty it just builds endurance
Thank god Ember is lazy as fuck, I wouldnt be able to stand her in the fitness comunitty
No. 67008
File: 1449090741568.jpg (122.11 KB, 537x495, IMG_20151202_150400.jpg)

>>66958If she's kissing Aly's ass then she's probably running the hate page aly_realrecovery lol
No. 67009
>>67008the right one looks aaalmost real, nice
no one would be surprised if she did
No. 67271
File: 1449149642734.jpg (181.34 KB, 527x745, IMG_20151203_073015.jpg)

JFC Now she's having an "Aly" croissant. This dumb ass bitch needs to find herself
No. 67309
File: 1449156250630.jpg (62.29 KB, 883x508, 1.JPG)

Lol. You stupid cunt, haha.
No. 67312
>>67311Mutual. Let's snog!
Oh yeah, she deleted and blocked within 30 seconds. Tragic.
No. 67317
>>67305A lot of the cluster B's experience a lack of self/sense of self. Though as someone with one I don't think it's really comparable to Ember's behavior.
I think she's just… a retard. Literally. She's this white trash youth who hasn't experienced life enough, was probably spoiled early childhood and ignored as she got older. She wants attention/to feel like she belongs to something, but her low self esteem prevents her. I don't think her personal attacks against herself/friends really display a PD either, just her poor self esteem in and of itself.
No. 67320
File: 1449158823444.jpg (138.81 KB, 535x831, IMG_20151203_100511.jpg)

>>67310It's called Photoshop lol
No. 67364
>>67329because its all fake, she cares too much about herself to compare to others, probably
you can get disordered eating but you need a predisposition(?) for an ed
No. 67436
>>67317Just out of interest, how do you think a lack of sense of self would manifest/how does it manifest for you personally?
I'm not sure if I think she's mentally ill or yeah just kind of retarded. But she's most definitely disturbingly insecure.
No. 67475
>>67453this is gonna sound weird but I found a school schedule type thing for ember which highlighted days for needed to come, to make up her attendance.
so she probably just didn't go to school as often as she should, ended up getting so far behind in work, that she decided dropping out would be easier than making up her late work.
No. 67480
>>67436I think it would be more beneficial to Google about it (not trying to be a dick in saying so, either, I'm not sure if I possess the vocabulary to properly explain it). It can also vary a bit from PD to PD as well as what causes it (lots of theories).
This is really one of those things you can't easily look up a checklist of 'traits' for and connect the dots. There's more to it, that you understand a little more after personal experience/being around people with it.
If that made any sense, haha. Like a lack of sense of self can include not having distinct hobbies, interests, etc, and only borrowing them from other people. Or making up a false self or identity. And on paper that sounds like what Ember does, right? But from experience it isn't the same, from my perspective. I wish I could explain this better, apologies, Anon.
I think Ember lacks a 'self' in the way confused teens do, or adults who haven't figured out what they want yet. This is different from the lack of self you experience with certain PDs.
No. 67510
>>67503I think she's so into it that you could mistake it with a PD, but she's just a huge wannabe.
She does things on purpose to get noticed, like copying lolcow to get more attention from lolcow.
It got her attention after she copied emily, why wouldn't she do the same thing to Aly.
It's a bunch of learned behaviors and stupidity, she might as well be a crying toddler.
No. 67603
>>67563The saddest thing is that she probably believes she looks like hot shit
Oh ember, I wouldn't wipe dog shit off on your face
No. 67676
>>67310 Oopss that was a newfag brain fart.
Ember detected.
No. 67678
>>67660Her 3 jobs are probably:
- 16 hours a week retail
- Babysitting
- Swagbucks
No. 67686
youre absolutely right. she probably uses those sites where you fill out surveys for 10 cents each
No. 67798
File: 1449276598231.jpeg (49.6 KB, 640x480, image.jpeg)

>>67760She's like 8 or something, pretty cute kid, I'm sure they don't have the same dad. Ember made a post that she deleted relatively quickly, claiming her sister came out to her as trans. Obviously a lie for attention, and a pretty gross one.
pic related: Ember's mom, but in other pictures I've seen she looks even more haggard.
No. 67832
>>67821From the look of the old photo album it looked like the family was very close, and one look at her mom's fb will tell you how mature that woman is.
Her dad seems immature too, but they're Facebook friends, etc and I'm sure he's been more involved in her life than she'd admit for snowflake points.
I feel like her parents are like those obnoxious people that hang around cheap bars in small groups of other obnoxious adults.
Like a redneck country club.
No. 67849
File: 1449285677379.png (123.61 KB, 686x252,…)

>>67562You forgot to mention her older brother.
No. 67865
>>67852Is she implying she was in inpatient for a year too lmao
Her family couldn't afford to get her braces, but years of ed treatment has been fine on them
No. 67896
>>67833Chill fam
Embers a nasty rat faced bitch, but no need to attack her family so viciously
No. 68006
File: 1449346605072.jpg (36.22 KB, 480x800, 222414_4506853003457_214192544…)

Casually going through her boyfriends facebook and… Ugh. Classy.
What's her Brother called?
No. 68079
>>68009she "used to" cut and would always talk about it on twitter to make herself more "tragic beautiful"
all lies, as usual…wouldnt be surprised if it was dirt
No. 68080
anyways her mom is an old hag who looks just like ember but fatter. Almost convinces me time travel is real lmfao
No. 68081
>>6800699% sure she doesn't have brother, not sure what that caption is even about. Was she pretending to have a brother at one point? That sounds about right for her.
>>68009She just barely scratched herself for attention occasionally back then. If they were even real scratches (or her own photos, at all). She certainly has no scars. She's definitely never struggled with self harm. In fact, her claims of NPD cancel either one or the other out. Narcissists don't self-harm.
No. 68086
File: 1449353228701.jpg (18.3 KB, 530x177, Capture.JPG)

No. 68111
File: 1449361254192.png (1.03 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-05-16-48-38…)

>>61061Same old fake thinspo post bullshit
No. 68189
File: 1449403070714.png (415.44 KB, 979x979, img1449402949223.png)

>>68111Like Pinocchio, the more she lies the more she grows! It's a Christmas miracle
No. 68191
>>68185What age is he?
Generalising here, but I've noticed a lot of the time (not all!) when guys specifically seek out younger girls instead of girls his own age, it's because the girls who are his own age can see right through his shit and won't put up with it. Whereas the younger ones tend not to see said shit as they're more naive, innocent, not as mature, easier to manipulate etc. Relationships with a noticeable age difference in teen years/early adulthood are unequal: younger partner may constantly feel like they've something to prove to the older one to make up for the age difference i.e. doing things they're not ready for maturity-wise to please the older partner/keep them around. And, unfortunately, a lot of guys realise this and try to exploit it.
Sage for OT
No. 68212
File: 1449411609388.jpg (100.99 KB, 536x680, IMG_20151206_081711.jpg)

Bitch probably has pom poms cheering these kids on. STOP encouraging bad behavior Ember!
No. 68233
File: 1449419825440.jpeg (136.46 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpeg)

Is this a normal thing she does? Follow really proana accounts or something? Since both of them are pretty triggering. I've only been following her for about 4 months maybe?
No. 68258
>>68009in what image? if you're referring to this one:
>>68009 that is not Ember
>>68011Ember did self harm in the past, she used to post images of herself with her catlike scratched arm strategically placed in the background.
Any chance anyone else remembers when Ember had a huge yet subtle bruise on her forehead that she said was the result of her purposefully hitting her head, as a form of self harm?
Here's some link I've found from Tumblr with screenshots of posts by Ember, talking about self harm:>>68003Check out this picture of Ember and her mom posted in the original thread lol: >>158392
No. 68267
>>68265Oh shut up, self harm is self harm. No one ever assumed she
didn't do it for attention.
>>68266A screenshot of this petition was posted on Tumblr ages ago. Ember signed it in Nov 2013 but here's a link to it anyways No. 68273
>>68268Naw, I'm just not interested in
your warped views on what is and isn't
real self harm. If someone hurt themselves on purpose, it doesn't matter what their intentions or results were: They still did it.
But since Ember probably did do it solely for attenton, that just makes her pathetic as fuck. There are people who hurt themselves out of habit/impulse, can't/won't stop, and end up with lifelong injuries, so Ember scrapping her arm up and then boasting about it and listing it as another "quirk" of her on her social medias is nothing more than a mockery to the people who legitimately suffer with self harm urges on the regular.
Everytime I see her mention that she has been
self harm free for XX amount of months, I cringe because she isn't proud, since she wasn't suffering from sort of urge to harm herself to begin with. She is only posting about it to feed the illusion that she is
recovering and that shit is so harmful because some oblivious follower of her's will actually think that if Ember can keep up her apperently super
disordered behavior and recover from whatever drove her to self harm, then so can they.
No. 68296
File: 1449442283271.png (2.93 MB, 1242x2208, image.png)

The two of them are so thirsty. "Give me followers I don't post anything worth following though"
No. 68299
File: 1449442661391.png (908.67 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>68296Honestly hate these two
No. 68316
>>68305I was rooting for emily and everything until she started back up with this ember bullshit.
kek i wonder if they just pretended to hate each other just for drama. I'm so over them.
No. 68418
File: 1449453634470.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-06-19-58-26…)

You can see how hard shes trying to separate her legs what a pathetic cow
No. 68430
>>68194 "I would love to see a pic of her with her feet completely together"
Lurks, posts pic of feet together
No. 68431
File: 1449455476983.png (432.51 KB, 979x979, img1449455418761.png)

No. 68514
File: 1449488606687.png (1.2 MB, 1743x981, PhotoGrid_1449488355439-1.png)

Anyone else remember the time Ember posted an OOTD pic where she had a camel toe lol?
Well, I randomly came across the this post and found Michelle in the notes ROFL. No. 68523
File: 1449492670240.png (58.33 KB, 1080x811, Screenshot_2015-12-07-07-46-21…)

>>68299Are you positive you don't enoy digging holes, Emily?? Not even
a little bit??
>screenshot context: emily asked her followers to write her a new bio since she isn't capable of original thought No. 68527
File: 1449494996618.jpg (47.2 KB, 606x789, 234623462345.JPG)

While we're on the subject of Ember's frenemies, lel at dat pixelated thigh on Mckenzie's latest post.
No. 68539
File: 1449500107913.png (164.64 KB, 640x960, image.png)

Ember, no one really cares
Wonder what she d do id someone made a callout insta for her? another "suicide attempt"? lol
No. 68550
>>68418Is it just me or are the tiles between her legs curved? Photoshopped?
>>68423I was just thinking that lmao. Her fingers are so fat, it's vile.
No. 68551
>>68539She's pissing me off so much with the whole kid thing. Kenzie could have a kid, I can understand why she wouldn't post pictures of her son online. I have two small kids and i never post any pictures on my public social media's. You never know who's going to see/save those pictures.
Or Kenzie could totally be bullshitting, who knows. But we all know what a lying cunt Ember is so…
No. 68561
I can just imagine the pixilated, brown smeared hands clutching a Starbucks cup as hard as she can until her tendons pop out
No. 68565
File: 1449506224920.jpg (17.64 KB, 236x236, 4d9cc359e575c0217aa9818c96e5eb…)

Hey Ember, could you lurk any harder? No. 68577
File: 1449507944563.png (359.12 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>68539Ember's obvious lurking + this comment right here = pretty good evidence she made her own hatestagram page, just to torment Mckenzie some more by blaming her.
No. 68594
File: 1449510135316.jpeg (442.95 KB, 2400x2400, image.jpeg)

So Emily has always followed ember's new Twitter, despite the fact Emily and ember stopped being friends before Ember's account was made. Ember just followed Emily not that long ago.
No. 68595
>>68594Same fag
You can tell Emily was one of the first couple followers because she's at the bottom of the list.
No. 68599
File: 1449511706440.jpeg (456.13 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpeg)

Anyone see her video she just posted? I'm on mobile so I can't save the video but, this is getting just pathetic lmao. Bending over still to make her thighs nice and small.
No. 68619
File: 1449513920090.png (784.18 KB, 1280x1542, Why.png)

>>68599Oh, it's not the same video
I took screencaps of the other video lol
No. 68634
>>68621what an ugly cow. unwarranted sense of self-importance anyone? no one wants to "ruin her life", her trashy ass is doing that all by herself.
anyone with half a brain can tell how hard she tries to fake a thigh gap. she looks like she's tilted at least 45 degrees forward at the waist in order to get these pathetic photos. does she really have nothing better to do than take videos of her legs next to public toilets? TRASHHHH
No. 68815
File: 1449528445801.jpg (145.49 KB, 536x760, IMG_20151207_164136.jpg)

>>68796She answered that question last week when she read on here people asking the same thing. Whatever Ember, you have to lie about reading a book on top of everything else? So pathetic
No. 68834
>>68832'Lovely bones'? Seriously… It's about a killer too, omg.
>>68831I forgot about that! Haha
No. 68836
>>68815Ember, are you posting in here again?
Isn't the font in this screenshot the one she has set to default on her own phone?
So confused.
No. 68842
>>68840Ember switches her IP like mad and definitely wouldn't voluntarily identify herself.
How is that stuff enforced, anyway?
No. 68919
>>68895Cause all she does is get high and eat her gross diet princess trader joes shit and never exercises beyond a walk.
Its easier to edit and lie than actually do anything, and she still reaps all the 'benefits' like ugly $4 necklaces and a header here.
No. 69024
File: 1449593043279.png (251 KB, 640x960, image.png)

No. 69044
File: 1449598717883.jpeg (1.76 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpeg)

No. 69049
File: 1449599418306.png (310.35 KB, 1080x579, Screenshot_2015-12-08-13-29-09…)

>>69044lmfao love it
anyways, just report her
giveaway as a scam, since that's what it is. also, anyone else notice how many notes are on her giveaway post? 4 hours have past and only 100 barely like that shit lmfao.
fakest 11,000 followers ever.
No. 69072
File: 1449604740872.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

She promo'd this embarrassment and then deleted it shortly after
No. 69259
File: 1449663143142.png (852.76 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-09-05-58-50…)

Early morning drama
No. 69262
File: 1449664213993.png (604.22 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-09-05-59-53…)

No. 69263
>>69259eeeh probaby used er old accounts, theres no real proof Mc created them
Ember are you even trying?
No. 69288
File: 1449671092433.jpeg (95.15 KB, 640x1093, image.jpeg)

She's deleted all the tweets?
No. 69290
File: 1449671227595.jpeg (199.29 KB, 640x1088, image.jpeg)

The amount of shit she eats is disgusting
No. 69295
>>69290The weight will catch up eventually
Bet once she gets fat shell claim shes recovered and throw into everyones face that she had "anorexia"
No. 69317
>>69290She's dropped the Aly act pretty quickly, also idk why she put the syrup on first…she would have put it on after.
Also Ember, reduce the warmth in your photos because everything's coming out yellow.
No. 69324
File: 1449682927603.png (381.2 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Her thirsty ass is begging for more people to enter her scam-giveaway
No. 69357
File: 1449689041679.png (377.23 KB, 640x960, image.png)

>HQ photos
No. 69359
>>69357I wonder what she bought, it sucks considering they sell useless clothes for triple what they should be.
Can't wait for her stretched bathroom LQ phone selfie, I wonder if we'll get to see her big ol' head.
No. 69387
>>69385So professional! Totally HQ and not taken on her shitty android phone.
She really needs to clean her bathroom, those tiles are disgusting.
No. 69389
look at that fucking tile grout shit oh my god
(So vegan, using herbal essences shampoo)
No. 69391
File: 1449693445001.jpeg (127.38 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

>>69386What tf is this
I think she is sucking in to make her *~Ana~* ribs pop out, but it just looks awkward
No. 69393
File: 1449693590727.png (245.61 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Damn she's lurkin hard
No. 69394
>>69391She's bending backward and to the side, i think? It looks so uncomfortable.
>>69389She's not vegan any more, her doctor MADE her eat fish again so it's okay!!11!
No. 69395
>>69393"We don't do collabs"
ember posts this to show proof that they did this as a collabHoney pls stop smoking weed and go to school. Learn some reading comprehension.
No. 69396
File: 1449693697698.png (533.22 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Oh sweaty, stop trying so hard.
No. 69407
>>69404I love it because I'm sure it pissed her off this time, but she probably felt smug lol
Tempted to lie to Long to get free shit now.
No. 69408
When someone gives you items to promo, you don't tell people you got them from free!!! You don't say that you're doing a promo. That just causes people to beg for free stuff too. Good job. You fucked up. Long clothing is prob gonna get a bunch of 12 year old Ana's begging for free shit. You're such an idiot.
No. 69439
File: 1449699017471.gif (1.03 MB, 400x293, laughing-gif11.gif)

>>69431Don't forget:
Has no discernible personality of her own as all of it is robbed from well-known ED snowflakes and shitty fake ED diaries.
97% of her followers were clearly bought.
She constantly deletes insta posts when they have 1 like after a few hours.
She self-posts in threads on here to keep people talking about her.
She sub-instas/su-tweets us to keep us talking about her.
Like the most interesting thing about her is how badly she deals with negative criticism.
Totally quaking in my boots typing this because of how ~intimidating~ she is.
No. 69452
File: 1449701355822.png (910.01 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Nearly pee'd laughing at this! Her fashion sense is horrendous ?
No. 69453
File: 1449701399010.png (763.23 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 69460
File: 1449702211419.jpg (44.35 KB, 366x488, frankie-howerd-comedian-sucked…)

Just hangin' in Starbucks with ma Ana manuals peace sign
No. 69468
File: 1449703087672.jpg (202.36 KB, 1500x2000, KKSlider.jpg)

>>69452This is so bad I'm dying
>>69453I can't get over these eyebrows. They are so ugly she looks like K.K. Slider
No. 69469
>>69453>>69385………….is this supposed to be proof that she went out dressed in her stupid dress? She walked to the local starbucks, WOW
the poor baristas are probably used to her ugly ass coming in and ordering her 700+calorie drinks.
No. 69470
>>69469She proved us wrong though! ??
Her eyebrows really piss me off. Has she never heard of waxing before.
No. 69487
>>69484Getting your eyebrows waxed is about the same price as the coffee she gets daily (or it is in the UK anyway)
>>69485At least her mums doing something right.
No. 69495
>>69259>>69262Seriously though why do I keep seeing screenshots in here that seem to use the same type of OS theme as Ember?
Could Admin or a farmhand please explain how or if these "you must identify yourself" rules are enforced for people like Ember?
No. 69500
>>69485This sounds like 100% bullshit and again possibly a self-post. Who'd ya talk to? What's the friend's name? How are you talking to someone so close to Ember you know her family situation, yet you're posting here on lolcow and don't have better milk share?
Someone tell me what the fuck is going on in here.
No. 69524
File: 1449707032204.jpg (69.87 KB, 200x260, brow1.jpg)

No. 69525
File: 1449707092095.png (396.77 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 69526
File: 1449707100847.png (706.61 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>69515She used the same reaction pic she used before…
No. 69553
File: 1449708792980.png (943.05 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

How long ago was it we mentioned her fat hands?? Annnnnnd now we have super tensed Ana hands! Voila!
No. 69558
File: 1449709118357.jpg (60.16 KB, 536x641, IMG_20151209_185702.jpg)

It looks like an amputated webbed foot lmao
No. 69559
File: 1449709245080.jpg (60.54 KB, 370x600, IMG_20151209_174121.jpg)

No. 69564
File: 1449709562497.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Her shoulders are so HUGE. Just based on her Jay Leno chin I can tell her head is wider than her photoshopped waist. I love since she's in a dress she can spread her legs as much as she wants for her Ana pose.
>insert ember making a video to prove her "thigh gap" is read
No. 69565
>>69553shitty lighting, shitting quality, shitty attempt at making her ass look big by arching her back and bending her legs. also why the hell is her other hand awkwardly holding her thigh?
the world may never know
unless ember finds a witty way to explain all this in an ig post, that would be hilarious.
No. 69567
>>69526I guaran-fucking-tee she started that shit herself. Everything about that post was way too suspicious.
Ember doesn't even have any friends from high school, why in the world would someone from Bumfuck Hills High School stay in touch with Ember's mom, and talk to a farmer about it?
Again, can we please get Admin in here to check on what the fuck is going on? This thread is starting to reek of self post drama the way her old threads were before she got caught.
No. 69569
>>69565she's gripping her thigh so the tendons in her wrist pop out so her hands look less manly.
pro tip : it's not working ember. sorry!
No. 69575
>>69565What'd I tell ya guys?
You can make Ember do virtually anything by saying it's proof she's fat, ugly, or a liar if she doesn't.
No. 69598
File: 1449712610146.png (654.37 KB, 979x979, img1449712449542.png)

Video stills featuring The Hunchback of Instgram
No. 69603
>>69564I bet she took this infront of that nasty shower curtain to pretend she's not in her bathroom for once, now she looks like she's in the dollar store
I bet she stretched it more than normal too, so she could blame it on a wiggly curtain.
No. 69615
File: 1449714243098.png (589.55 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

This is the shittiest quality picture ever. If I was the clothing company I would be pissed. She's not even displaying the dress.
No. 69623
File: 1449715389140.png (815.59 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

So fucking awful…. I'm cringing
No. 69627
File: 1449715573096.jpeg (191.96 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

>>69626Forgot the pic haha
I did it in Christmas colors
No. 69629
>>69623That sag. Holy shit.
Is this what happens when you don't properly support them?
Also, where are the HQ photos she promised the shop?
No. 69637
File: 1449716570874.jpg (118.51 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Hey em! What's up! Keep lurkin, it's fucking hilarious to watch you talk to us through your Instagram.
No. 69640
>>69615>>69564>>69623this is so bad.. all of it. I can't look away.
the "HQ photo shoot" aka poorly taken photos on a timer in a dirty, grimy bathroom.
it's shooped so poorly and her posing is so awkward and bad it makes the dress look cheap and the brand look trashy.
total trainwreck.
No. 69645
>>69639lol, ten bucks says that's the same herbal essences in this photo
>>69385don't tell me she climbs into her bathtub to take contorted selfies
No. 69651
aight so she explained her broad shoulders
now she needs to explain why her hand was holding her thigh in
>>69553 No. 69652
File: 1449717527075.png (341.17 KB, 979x979, img1449717351692.png)

Could she at least try to make herself look similar in Her spam of shit pics
No. 69653
File: 1449717788554.jpg (132.17 KB, 534x681, IMG_20151209_212127.jpg)

JFC make it stop!
No. 69664
File: 1449720128896.png (452.2 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

This is the shittiest way to give someone a shout out lmao I doubt they even gained any followers or anything
No. 69674
>>69672Hi ember ??
Why are you in an Ember hate thread if you don't hate ember JFC go make a tumblr blog to support her if you care so much
No. 69676
>>69674I do hate Ember but it doesn't mean I can't be a little objective about it? Like can we make fun of her actual antics of which there are plenty, instead of bashing her shampoo choices? And her body is just… normal, average. Not gross at all but not attractive or ana for that matter.
Sorry but that shit just bothers me.
No. 69684
>>69682Well yeah, I get that.
>>69680I honestly have no idea about any of that lol. But yeah that's understandable in that case though so nvm. Wouldn't be the first idiot to jump on the vegan bandwagon without giving a fuck. Pathetic at her age.
That being said though, she's already thin. Why can't she just go on a diet and lose a few pounds and actually look anorexic? She's so desperate to be.
No. 69695
File: 1449723685375.png (1.04 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Her boyfriend is an idiot. Didn't she cheat on her "fiancé" with her new bf? Haha. Bet he's already cheating on her.
No. 69705
>>69695This is so fucking pathetic.
You are literally squatting there bitch. You know you don't really live there.
No. 69706
>>69692I thought someone pointed out that his mom is dead?
>>69694Nah, they get ugly ass shit, but by the time they're 26 and graduated college, trying to get girls in their own place, they don't want to look faggy.
>>69695And of course, she makes sure to tell everyone she's LIVING WITH HER BOYFRIEND the second someone starts wondering about it, here. Do you actually hang out with your boyfriend, Ember? Do you two actually do anything? As far as I can tell you spend all your free time lurking here, and whoring for likes on Instagram. Does this one ignore you just as much as AJ did?
No. 69707
>>69702Yeah nope
I just don't think she looks that gross (body wise only though hahah). Boo hoo.
Doesn't mean I can't hate her for other reasons or contribute to the thread.
No. 69714
>>69708Lmao. Something I have noticed? Chubby/fat girls are the first to tease thin women whenever they gain like, a single pound. Or wear something a little unflattering.
It's really pathetic hun, because we're too nice to call you out for being the fat lardass that you are.
No. 69715
File: 1449724954134.png (215.81 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

She deleted to post about her bf, so I guess she doesn't love him that much anyway ?
Now she's attention whoring again and begging for likes. She's so gross.
No. 69721
File: 1449725226274.png (420.82 KB, 1841x1175, Lolk.png)

>>69697Alright Ember, I'll bite
>2 pumps of frapp roast 30 calories each>2 pumps of Mocha 25 each>Coconut milk 110, but she always gets extra>Whip?Hey Ember, did you fail math?
No. 69726
>>697235 calories per pump, then
Still not 140
No. 69727
>>69721This is spiraling out of control!!!! Lmfao!!!!!!
Fake sugar makes you fat and gives rats cancer you shithead!!!!! Hahahhah
No. 69732
>>69725Did I offend you somehow? Like personally?
>>69724Totally. Her life is ruined and she did it all by herself. No one will ever respect her unless she goes through a shit ton of therapy and has proof for it. She'll always date losers who don't give a fuck about anything but sex.
No. 69734
File: 1449725896792.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Haha she deleted the pic where her hand looked like Frankenstein's
No. 69738
File: 1449726091867.png (899.76 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>69734And the thirsty attention begging post is gone too!
>if only ember would just delete the entire account No. 69739
>>69730That's true, I keep ending up back in r/starbucks
>33 calories per pump (3,4,5 pumps for T,G,V sizes) and regular base has about 55 (3,4,5)I can't afford starbucks, but if I could and I was watching my weight I wouldn't trust them to make anything perfectly and her drink is probably somewhere between 200-300 if they make it close at all to how she's asked.
God knows they're probably sick of her and hope if they put in full sugar she won't hang around reading Leting Ana Go again.
No. 69742
>>69739The last line omg hahahahahahahaha
I'm literally picturing her walking in with a plastic bindi taped to her forehead, ordering a 600 calorie drink but screeching "no whip!!!" So her picture still looks like Ana thinspo. She also demands her name be spelled properly Then she settles in a chair in her hideous white fur coat that's shedding everywhere, and cracks open letting Ana go for the 100th time. She's on page 7. She reads 2 pages, dicks around on her phone, takes 12 pics for snapchat and 8 for insta. Then leaves. Only to repeat it again tomorrow.
No. 69745
File: 1449726844278.jpeg (146.73 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

Just gonna dump these here. From 2 months ago I think.
No. 69746
File: 1449726872740.jpeg (166.76 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

>>69745ember candids are the best
No. 69756
>>69714Nah fam, that's what the proana bitches on instagram and MPA do. Farmers just take shots at the irony between how amazing she thinks she looks, and the wreck that's obvious to everyone else.
>>69715The more she keeps her relationship seeming lame and lowkey, the harder I cackle. At least with AJ she tried to pretend they did cutsey lovey-dovey things together.
>>69727Yep, I did this math and lol'ed so hard. 290kcal for a grande lite mocha frap, 420 with whipped cream. 2x pumps of mocha syrup = an additional 50 kcal (and if she was using sugar-free y'all KNOW she would have made sure to mention it). Add the salted sugar topping and you've got another 20 kcals in there.
That's a 360 calorie beverage on the low end, and almost 500 with the whipped cream. Daily, often multiple times.
Ember is completely fine with drinking high fat sugary beverages all day long. What anorexia, again? Is she trying to do a bad impression of Mary Kate Olsen, 10 years too late?
No. 69758
File: 1449727519815.png (615.32 KB, 924x1205, Wut.png)

>>69653Can someone run this through ff?
There's something weird about the arm, like as if the spot where the runes were before is still showing?
No. 69764
File: 1449728143169.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 69770
>>69763Not sure what you're getting from that? Your link is for a venti (wrong size) regular frapp (no extra mocha pumps) without the extra sprinkles.
Got nothing to do with barista measurements, there's literally no calories in frap roast pumps. It's just coffee.
Also, y'all know she gets whipped cream plenty, she just doesn't post it. If the girl can slug down this sugary shit, she's sure as hell not afraid of whipped cream.
No. 69771
>>69764I guess she's started using someone else's phone or the tablet to take pictures now?
I'm sure either her boyfriend or mother drive her around, depending.
No. 69772
>>69768NO KIDDING. Who is driving this dumbass around ? How is she so bent on impressing the internet with how cool and independent she is, when she can't do a simple errand by herself? It's hard to impress people with the same pictures of you doing the same shit in the same places every day.
Just sayin', Ember. Just sayin'.
No. 69773
>>69770Yeah, that's why I used division.
Also, it's says it's light.
You high af rn?
No. 69776
>>69771What makes you think that? It just looks like a screenshot posted by a farmer to me? Forgive me if I'm being a confused faggot right now.
Agree that her boyfriend and mom are still hustling her around everywhere. I think she's a lot more dependent on her mother than she lets on. I mean, she can't get a job without her, so that's pretty telling.
No. 69812
File: 1449735302683.png (1.72 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-10-03-10-57…)

Can this bitch lurk any harder? How is she not embarassed? Sometimes I think I can relate to her because I get the whole attention whore/BPD thing but I have some sense of shame at least…
No. 69819
>>69818Oh, I can't see it
I'm banned for putting a Meg picture through kek
No. 69826
File: 1449745343593.png (694.41 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

> 69819
What about if I post it like this?
No. 69847
>>69812>>69812Barista fag here
Based on the way that looks, she has the whipped cream blended in. there's no button on the computer for that, so the cashier would just tell the person making the drink. Our whipped cream is like +100 calories on top a drink, and you have to do nearly triple when you blend it in. So she's prob loaded up on 300+ calories of whipped cream. Technically the light drinks don't come with whipped cream, so she specifically asked for it, and to blend it in so it looks like it isn't there. Can't fool me, I've been a slave to Starbucks for 3 years.
No. 69853
>>69849Shes probably saving up to buy new insta followers first!
Btw bless all of you who keep posting it gives me something to laugh at when I wake up or come back from work
No. 69876
>>69847I just cried a little at the concept of a push-button espresso machine.
Starbucks, stop acting like you know what you're doing.
No. 69882
>>69876whoops, I meant the button on the cash register, so when the label prints it says "mocha Coconut milk etc" theres no button for "whipped cream blended in" on the register, so you have to tell the barista
its too early in the morning for this shit
No. 69898
>>69884If she stuck to ONE personality she wouldve already achieved more by now, fleshed it out a bit etc
No. 69904
>>69900same. even tho it was annoying she didnt know shit anout anything witchcraft related
its also really popular nowand looks a tiny bit more mature than thiis ana ccrap imo
No. 69906
File: 1449767076725.png (568.98 KB, 640x960, image.png)

dont think her eyebrows ever looked better
No. 69915
>>69912nope its old, maybe a year
she looks better with black hair imo
No. 69920
>>69919It's all that dark eye shadow she's using under her eyes to make herself look like a panda or a victim of domestic abuse.
She should now concentrate on contouring those man hands.
She's naturally slack-jawed isn't she. How unfortunate.
No. 69925
File: 1449769921546.png (551.02 KB, 1125x2001, image.png)

No. 69932
but that tea girl has been following ember for a while but still
No. 69934
File: 1449770983487.png (25.08 KB, 634x238, 1445881622571.png)

>>69932they fell out though?
No. 69940
Ember always tries to pin dirty deeds on her latest frenemies.
No. 69953
File: 1449772551659.png (183.06 KB, 284x595, 2.png)

body has such a fucked up looking body type… those shoulders KeK
No. 69965
File: 1449773972256.png (462.37 KB, 612x958, 2.png)

her body magically changed shapes over the past few months (the bikini image here is much older but i can't be bothered to fine a more recent image - though i know one exist).
she went from having a hour glass shape, where her hips and shoulders were the same width, to having an inverted triangle body type..
>what if someone killed the real ember and replaced her with a body double
No. 69967
>>69965What if Ember has a whole closet of Ember dolls and they're all made by different manufacturers?
I could actually see her being vain enough to buy a sex doll of herself if she wasn't broke af.
No. 69985
Ember is trying so hard
No. 69986
File: 1449777966057.png (593.8 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

she's such a cunt.
No. 70003
>>69994Yeah, but commenting on their weight is apparently sooo
triggering. They shouldn't dish it out if they can't take it. I guess ana logic involves a lot of mental gymnastics.
No. 70021
File: 1449783276271.png (1.44 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-10-15-30-51…)

Also, pic related
No. 70074
>>70071I get
triggered into taking some wire wool, lots of soap and scrubbing the bitch's face clean.
No. 70084
File: 1449792862205.gif (1.96 MB, 256x169, giphy.gif)

>>70073>>70042Derailing in 5,4,3,2,1…
Okay, I'll avoid newfag accusations (it gets old), but do people not understand the point of …IMAGE BOARDS?!?! It's driving me insane, but why post :3 when you can upload a fucking gif or image to express that?
>>70075Me too, anon.
Have a gif instead (googled best gif ever). Pic related.
>>69953Who is this mysterious man?
No. 70096
>>70084funny you say that because deep down, i really wanted to google "cute reaction face", find an image, download it to my cellphone, then make that (what was intended to be) sarcastic reply but i thought the emoticon :3 would make it obvious that i was just fucking around (plus i'm feeling extra lazy today)
tldr; sorry guys, didnt mean to cause such butthurt
No. 70118
>>70116Chapter 1: it all started when i was 8 years old when i developed anorexia…….
Chapter 2:
As a 9 year old who had just developed anorexia, wait shit i mean 8
Chapter 3:
im a faerie princess uwu
Chapter 4:
Im a grey withc
Chapter 5:
Im literally sucking Emily Crocker's dick so hard I want to be her
Chapter 6:
Whaaaaa i hate Emily she wont let me wear her skin as a skin suit!!!
No. 70181
File: 1449841710872.png (661.04 KB, 979x979, img1449841571161.png)

This company has been contacted. Now let's see what happens after reviewing the links they were provided with
No. 70189
File: 1449846357397.png (826.07 KB, 1480x1092, 3.png)

Has anyone messaged about them sending promotional items to a scammer/fraud?
I mean, it should be obvious to them that she doesn't really have over 11,000 Instagram followers, considering her Longwear images only received 230-330 notes. I kind of feel that Ember is hoping they post her images on their account, so she will be exposed to their 77k followers.
Or are we gonna assume she actually spent $77 on this dress, WHICH IS A ONE SIZE FITS ALL BTW. This dress will fit a size 2 to a size 8… which is odd because didn't Ember just booast about how she is a size 0?
>sarcasm wow maybe she really is recovery Moar liek bitch lied about her pant size, for the millionth time.
No. 70193
>>69953Look how tight this dress is lmfao, yeahhhh Ember. You
definitely a size 0. That explains why an apparent "oversized" dress is hugging onto your disgusting body for dear life. Because it's
too big.
No. 70198
File: 1449849007923.png (236.6 KB, 932x600, 3.png)

hahah her anger is making me giggle
No. 70199
File: 1449849146152.png (139.93 KB, 854x580, 3.png)

Wow I point out that her promotional posts get barely any likes
>>70189 (compared to the amount of people apparently follow her account) and now she is threatening her followers again, saying she block them if she don't link her shit.
Nice manipulation tactic, ya cunt.
No. 70202
File: 1449849540461.png (915.86 KB, 913x1460, 3.png)

>one month ago
can barely fit in a pair of size 0 pants since they're too baggy
size 8 dress is so tight that is looks unflattering
No. 70205
File: 1449850180923.png (694.48 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>ember lurks thread
>sees mention of dress size
>immediately posts picture that includes dress size to show that she has nothing to hide
No. 70206
>>70202Ember has the fastest recovery speeds, I swear to fucking God. One moment, her kidneys are failing, she is in and out of the hospital multiple times a week (intensive HPH
>>51227) and not even a month later, she is to her
normal life, taking awkward selfies that make her look like a homely football player, consuming her twice her ideal calorie amount in the form of a Starbucks drink, scamming online store's out of
promotional items, eating 1/4 of leftover pasta her 26 year old boyfriend made her a week ago, and harassing girls online just because they're skinnier, prettier, and/or more popular than her.
No. 70209
>>70205I still genuinely doubt it's a size 0 lol.
I mean, even if it was, she went from barely being able to fit in a pair of size 0 jeans to almost not being able to squeeze into the same size a few weeks later? Lmfao, and didn't she say she has been losing weight again?
No. 70210
File: 1449850517420.png (1.44 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

I like how she's desperately implying that Lindor sent this to her for free or something. Bitch you bought this for yourself.
No. 70212
File: 1449850573731.png (800.74 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

I think this was already uploaded and it's really unimportant, but why tf did she put the little copyright symbol by the word Ensure?? Was that even necessary??
No. 70213
File: 1449850625275.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>70211It's full of chocolate
No. 70216
>>70212She is actually using the wrong symbol so I honestly have no idea what she is trying to do.
Like TM is used for identifying goods and that is what she should have used since you can only use (R) if your mark is federally registered on either the Principal or Supplemental Registers maintained by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Isn't it wild how she makes it obvious just how fucking stupid she is, even when it's just the smallest thing ever.
If only she stayed in school, maybe she wouldn't be so fucking ignorant about every little subject besides how to pose to make her thighs look skinnier while making her shoulders look broad as fuck.
No. 70221
>>70220I was just comparing images of other people in this dress to Ember and it became super obvious to be how she edited this image
>>69953 to make herself appear elongated as hell. Making a gif right now to show you all what I mean.
No. 70225
File: 1449852004827.gif (527.46 KB, 636x709, hex.gif)

Look how stretched out the hexagram is on Ember's dress compared to every other person who has taken an image in this dress rofl.
No. 70228
File: 1449852350234.jpg (360.1 KB, 640x914, tumblr_nbd78kPaVK1rsnhiko1_128…)

>>70225Holy shit, I knew I recognized that dress from somewhere. Longwear sent Vicoria the same thing a year ago No. 70229
File: 1449852487084.png (84.66 KB, 530x633, 3.png)

>>70205Hey Ember, thanks for confirming that you aren't a size 0, ya fat bitch.
No. 70230
>>70228the dress fits vic and ember the same, goes to show how much Ember
slims her photos down before posting them.
No. 70235
File: 1449853001735.png (1.06 MB, 1355x600, 3.png)

>>70225The top hexagram on Ember's dress has been stretched downward, making it appear much larger, while the hexagrams on her hips are a lot smaller, compared to the other images. Weird. Her body shape looks extremely mannish when you can compare it to photos of more shapely girls.
>>70233Literally everyone who took a photo in this dress did it better than Ember. Even Vic, despite looking like such a fucking hambeast.
No. 70237
File: 1449853099875.jpg (63.27 KB, 500x500, DSC_1277.jpg)

>>70235Even the coathanger wears it better.
(Anon, your posts are doing doubles).
No. 70241
>>70235All of them posted decent photos that would entice their followers to buy the dress. Ember's photos wouldn't as the dress design looks distorted.
>>70236Mte! Like that packaging is hardly visually interesting - her followers aren't really getting anything out of that pic except for Ember has no clue on how to promo products decently. And her attempt to post it to "prove" that she's a size 0 or small (instead of One Size which it says), Ember obviously doesn't know that size small = size 4/6 US (a size 0 would say XS beside it and her followers would know this being real anas themselves and that being the clothing size for a lot of them!).
No. 70243
File: 1449853961623.png (45.26 KB, 806x614, 3.png)

I contacted Longwear myself, asking for a smaller size, and this is what they said:
>Unfortunately we only offer this product in a ONE-SIZE, though this is very stretchy so can be worn from a uk 6-12 (us 2-8)
So yeah, Ember is still lying about her size/weight. What a big surprise. Somebody stop the presses.
No. 70249
>>70243And the packaging "proof" pic just got deleted on her Insta
>>70205. No surprises there.
No. 70251
File: 1449855216259.png (81.59 KB, 630x660, 3.png)

>>scoliosis recovery
I googled that shit and all I could find was stuff about "recovery from scoliosis surgery". When did she start this shit again?
No. 70275
>>70225It's because she's bending forward like 45 degrees at the waist, and pushing her shoulders forward to creat collar bones, like she always does. That's why she looks like she has man shoulders (though they are naturally broad either way) and a neck the size of her thighs.
From the way this dress fits, I'm guessing she would be approximately a US4 in a fitted garment. It's easy to claim you're a 0/XS when everything you wear is super stretchy. I used to work in clothing retail and I regularly watched size-22 girls fit into size 10-12 garments made out of fabric that "gives."
>>70251Clearly she saw some farmer's comment about how her scoliosis seems to have magically disappeared. I guess her "brace" corrected it. It's a Christmas miracle!
No. 70282
>>70276It actually looks like she has a nice hourglass bone structure. If she worked out and stopped posing like an idiot she could have a nice body.
I wonder if she'll ever give up.
No. 70283
File: 1449860460011.png (952.27 KB, 1152x1157,…)

>>70277oh god, why did you have to say something. now i can't stop noticing her disgusting digits
No. 70294
>>70291I kind of assumed it wasn't photoshopped because she looks nothing like her usual pictures, and it isn't her style to just stop at narrowing her waist.
>>70287I can't really tell but I laughed so hard at the last one omg.
No. 70335
>>70312Lmao I´m 5´9 and at a BMI of 14-15 I do not fit in Size 0
because my hipbones are too far apart
does that make any sense? Or am I just skinny fat?
No. 70400
>>70335It means you have an uncommon body type. It remains true for the majority of people.
>>70327Sorry for hurting your feelings.
No. 71455
File: 1449908623986.jpg (143.32 KB, 535x856, IMG_20151212_022117.jpg)

Hope you enjoyed your little game. Looks like they won't be playing with you in the future bully
No. 71478
>>71465eat a lot, lift heavy, train the booty every 48 hours
sage for OT
No. 71484
File: 1449927016658.png (478.59 KB, 903x687, sk2015.png)

>>71477Ember posted the uncropped version of the pic on her Twitter account a good 15 hours before the StarvingKitten one posted it: much as I'd love for her to have dun goofed royally with this one, it checks out.
Although, the "I'm being impersonated" story kinda falls apart when you consider the current version of the starvinggkitten account has the joined date as August 2013, as did the older versions that Ember owned up to owning. (this is from 2014)
The join date of the account wouldn't transfer is someone took over the twitter handle (they'd have a different join date as it's technically a different account - anyone who has changed their twitter handle, would know the join date transfers). It's not conclusive that it's the same account (run by Ember), but it's not very likely that someone took over her old Twitter handle and just happened to join Twitter at the same time she did…
No. 71508
File: 1449938485821.jpg (175.16 KB, 528x683, IMG_20151212_103852.jpg)

Help me get more underage children to corrupt and victimize
No. 71520
>>71460>I'm assuming she's cool with doing that forever but it seems like she is and a lot of people areWho the fuck wants to be a waitress their entire life? I'm older than Ember and never worked in a restaurant. I had other odd jobs throughout the years but never worked in the food industry because it's seems so god damn insufferable and I have better job options out there.
I should consider myself lucky that I didn't drop out of school like Ember because now, the only job she
can get is busting tables and washing dishes.
No. 71521
>>71520Samefag but I hate washing my
own dishes, can't imagine Ember enjoying scrubbing other people's. But that's probably why her digits are so disgusting/dry. That dish soap sucks all of the moisture out of her hands/nails which would explain why their so short (her biting them doesn't help either).
No. 71526
>>71520sry for OT, but I´m studying at University and sometimes work at festivals or at bars…events etc…
you can make a lot of money (especially tip) but it is exhausting af
and if you work at festivals or big events you need a few days to rest afterwards
No. 71530
>>71526Samefag from above
One of the odd jobs I've had was at a carnival, so I know exactly what you mean anon. I would be so sore, dirty, smelly, and sticky after work and all I could do most nights was just collapse in my bed, falling asleep before my head even hit the pillow.
But despite having to do manual labor here and there and conversing with the common folk, it was a pretty fucking awesome job. The pay was alright but it was one hell of an experience. Carnies are a weird bunch.
Anyways, if I was fired today, I would much rather work for at a fair again than become a buss boy at some restaurant. That shit just seems so mundane/lame and the employees are greatly underpaid/disrespected.
I wonder how long Ember will keep busting tables before she finally decides to go back to school, gets a fucking education, and find a decent job that actually pays well enough for her to move out of her boyfriend's mommy's house and become independent.
Haha that's such a obscured thought though… Ember living independently. I can't even picture it?
>>sage since I derailed a bit No. 71531
File: 1449943433447.png (971.6 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Man she isn't even hiding how hard she's bending over and using her Ana poses anymore
No. 71532
File: 1449943787949.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

And the winner is……
No. 71533
>>71532… That's a swimsuit? Maybe I'm behind in the swimwear trends but that looks like lingerie to me.
I doubt this person will ever receive their prize.
No. 71627
>>71548Soooo…the New Ember's going to get knocked up and start a mommy blog. That spawn is already diagnosed with some kind of autism that she struggles to deal with.
She's clearly bored of being anorexic now. It'll be easy to recover seeing how she isn't anorexic.
No. 71633
>>71531Probably the closest pic we will ever get to her natural thighgap.. There's no way she is as underweight/thin as she claims..
I'm about 5'3, 100lbs and that is pretty much how my "thighgap" looks.
No. 71637
File: 1449965073014.jpeg (50.7 KB, 750x1334, image.jpeg)

Fixed it
No. 71700
>>71651Of course if it stayed up people might ask why she lists all her fake disorders in her bio
I don't think she understands depression and anxiety very well considering she has no problem going to starbucks every day and taking awkward selfies in public
In addition to that, she has no problem meeting and hanging out with strangers for long periods of time
No. 71744
File: 1450003851046.jpg (200.11 KB, 750x1293, image.jpg)

Haven't seen this posted here yet… that smug facial expression tho. Wonder if it's because she knows she viciously shit-talked this girl on lolcow and got away with it.
No. 71756
File: 1450006451194.jpg (32.97 KB, 536x144, IMG_20151213_053029.jpg)

"I am not anorexic"
But I follow and encourage everyone who is
No. 71827
>>71744she's hanging out with someone with an ACTUAL eating disorder who has legit been in treatment……
I'd be embarrassed af if I was lying about my mental illnesses and then hung out with someone who actually has said illnesses.
No. 71850
File: 1450033486858.png (942.04 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 71856
File: 1450034504728.png (53.69 KB, 593x451, embertwitter.png)

>>71850Ember is pathetic. Butfirsttea posted this on Twitter in reaction to Ember accusing her impersonating her via her old starvinggkitten twitter handle 3 days ago - which Ember clearly saw as she reacted to butfirsttea's defence tweet yesterday.
So much for the long-winded post about letting go of negativity and growing up yesterday. Related pic: Ember sub-tweeting someone earlier. Does it matter who? Probably not.
No. 71858
>>71856>>71850LOL she wants pseudo-internet celebrity status so bad. she has such a high opinon of herself and it's hilarious because she is literally a trashy fat nobody with bad teeth and hideous eyebrows.
the only reason she gets "300-400" likes per post is because she puts up several pics of her linebacker body, deletes the half that don't get enough likes, then spends the next several hours posting and begging for likes and shoutouts,(i'm blocking all ghost followers so show that you're active and like all my posts!!) and then deleting all the evidence.
ember, do you think IGers who are ACTUALLY instafamous (with legit followers) have to spam their followers with reminders to like their photos? So pathetic.
No. 71863
File: 1450035963525.jpg (119.42 KB, 539x793, IMG_20151213_134046.jpg)

Starvingkitten is still you! You're the biggest dumbass to have ever graced us with their presence. The second person you followed was fucking skinnyforxmas! caught again! Nobody stole your fucking handle you twat!
No. 71870
File: 1450037596925.png (859.19 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 71873
File: 1450037684830.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

She's literally promoting some 12 year old Ana wanna be. She must really relate to these kids.
No. 71878
File: 1450038907534.png (395.22 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>71870All baby anas, what a surprise
No. 71935
File: 1450049785054.jpg (25.39 KB, 254x310, IMG_20151213_173347.jpg)

Looks like the Starbucks has gone straight to her face lol. But damn those eyebrows. Seriously stop using a sharpie to color them in.
No. 71939
>>71935The thing I still don't understand after the past two threads and the fact that Ember lurks here is… does she not get her eyebrows look horrible? She could easily draw them thinner/get them threaded.
They look like those women who get the poorly done tattooed eyebrows.
No. 71951
File: 1450051534104.jpg (63.08 KB, 500x500, amber eyebrows.jpg)

>>71935AAARGH!!! At this point I'm not surprised she's not cutting those stick on tashes in half and sticking them on to save some time. They'd probably look better too.
No. 72003
>>71935Nice try, poot.
We know your heads a perfect circle.
No. 72048
File: 1450066256394.png (58.81 KB, 422x750, image.png)

Wait ember you… Never….paid for followers???
No. 72050
File: 1450066291146.png (251.09 KB, 422x750, image.png)

Are you sure??
No. 72051
File: 1450066339005.png (40.43 KB, 540x321, image.png)

No. 72183
File: 1450096882339.png (242.14 KB, 359x519, tumblr_inline_ne6tdfseII1smvmw…)

>>71939her eyebrows went always this bad either, is what is so odd about this whole thing.
>pic related, not sure just how old this is but it was taken a while ago, since Ember hasn't had dark hair in months.anyways, ember ffs just look at old images of yourself and make your brows look like they did before. i know they didn't start growing in black, on all their own. srsly, i have no idea what you're doing to yourself but
stop, for your own good. you look fucking ridiculous.
No. 72193
File: 1450101082480.png (709.29 KB, 1052x513, Screenshot_2015-12-14-08-50-07…)

Don't do meth, kids.
No. 72199
File: 1450101691038.png (1.14 MB, 1906x622, PhotoGrid_1450101562046-1.png)

Wow, she has gained so much weight in her face?!? rofl
No. 72200
File: 1450101697342.jpg (13.56 KB, 236x304, 14ae00b5131f0a5e45e4c5147b34e4…)

>>72196Forgot pic kek
Even this is comparatively better than ember's
No. 72202
File: 1450102120219.png (1.17 MB, 1240x1685, PhotoGrid_1450101963133-1.png)

>>72200vonnneguts isn't someone you can trust either
No. 72205
>>72199confirms she really has gained weight lmao she HAS to be around 125 now. no wonder she edits and posts images of her body so often nowadays. she is probably self conscious af now and is trying to boost her ego by tricking 13 year olds that she
really is super frail/sick/ana and on the VERGE (!) of death.
No. 72207
File: 1450102902904.jpg (96.7 KB, 500x620, eyebrowtips19.jpg)

No. 72216
File: 1450105537970.jpg (165.61 KB, 810x1080, Charcoal_pencils_051907.jpg)

>>71935Rude, Ember only goes for high quality eyebrow pencils such as these
No. 72218
File: 1450105924795.jpg (461.72 KB, 1000x700, 1436282684-9.jpg)

>>72202Trim your caterpillar brows before filling them in, dumbass.
No. 72228
File: 1450110020387.gif (3.96 MB, 500x506, ezgif-3013882731.gif)

Get it, gurl.
No. 72232
File: 1450110448903.gif (6.95 MB, 600x608, ezgif-2288574786.gif)

No. 72235
File: 1450110810581.gif (2.9 MB, 480x486, ezgif-2263122718.gif)

>>72228>>72232I've been wanting to turn her cringey 3am dance video into gifs for weeks now but haven't had the time. I hope you guys are enjoying these as much as I am.
>>72224Ember approves of this message
No. 72242
>>72237if she starves herself, her metabolism is most likely shit so whenever she eats, her body just holds onto all of the fat. like i really think she did starve herself here and there but not enough to actually
do anything, since she would just
binge later on, basically ruining her
tlrd; i really doubt she can
eat all she wants without noticing an immediate difference in her body lol
No. 72248
File: 1450111888739.gif (3.76 MB, 600x338, ezgif-1624283998.gif)

>>72246There's more to come (:
>>72231KeK you gotta love these ana-chan comments.
No. 72250
File: 1450112149026.png (112.44 KB, 1308x452, 232.png)

Gif anon here: I was going through her old threads, looking for those links to the videos of her and check this out. She filed a copyright claim against this video of herself, lying about being diagnosed with Anorexia at age 8-9.
Guess she has something to hide. Oh well, this video was uploaded twice apparently, so it's still available to watch. The title is just different.
>added a screenshot of the video because i randomly skipped through and that was the frame I landed on.
No. 72253
File: 1450112846373.gif (9.75 MB, 600x608, ezgif-4087826298.gif)

dat gut
No. 72254
File: 1450112851248.png (623.33 KB, 979x979, img1450112725799.png)

Not skeletal at all lol
No. 72258
File: 1450113525277.gif (8.75 MB, 600x338, ezgif-3707234658.gif)

>>72254Keep in mind, Ember was ENGAGED to her fiance of ~4 years~ in these gifs lmao
>That's her engagement she is wearing around her neckWhatta sloot
No. 72262
File: 1450113831892.gif (4.41 MB, 600x338, ezgif-3235848009.gif)

No. 72265
File: 1450114263009.gif (8.66 MB, 600x338, ezgif-3918250555.gif)

No. 72270
File: 1450114794416.gif (9.24 MB, 311x338, ezgif-3209955931.gif)

>>72266Because she is an attention whore who would stream on YouNow under the tag #girl, so a bunch of gross guys would join her stream, only to request her to show her ass, which she did just to ensure that he few viewers she did have, would stick around. All while living with her ~fiance~.
No. 72273
File: 1450115159605.gif (2.99 MB, 300x338, ezgif-1684626926.gif)

God she is so awkward
No. 72282
>>72281hahahaha oh my god
she just keeps getting better and better
No. 72287
File: 1450115885299.gif (5.84 MB, 308x334, ezgif-691559868.gif)

>>72284>>72285I accidently deleted the last 3 frames. Here is what I
meant to upload.
No. 72297
>>72216The artist in me is laughing way too hard at this oh my god. Her eyebrows really do look like she used charcoal pencils and smudged it all over her face.
That'd explain why she looks like she crawled out of a mine.
No. 72301
File: 1450118985550.png (414.9 KB, 1125x2001, image.png)

No. 72305
File: 1450119231373.gif (2.17 MB, 265x338, ezgif-2692740119.gif)

>>72301Y'all know she sent this to herself right lmfao
No. 72306
File: 1450119469959.png (64.06 KB, 828x209, clementiny.png)

>>72301What's it like being worshipped by sick kids, Ember?
No. 72309
File: 1450120100119.png (96.65 KB, 1092x586, 232.png)

>>72301 guys see this yet?
Not sure who to believe. Ember is notorious for being a liar, so obviously I can't trust her and I don't know who this tea person is.
No. 72312
File: 1450120687206.png (130.46 KB, 946x544, 232.png)

So fucking full of herself. I'm positive he hasn't even thought of her homely ass since May rofl.
No. 72316
>>72312I used to chat regularly with Ember in 2014 and the ONLY thing she would bitch about was him ignoring her to play video games or ditching her to skateboard with his friends.
That was it.
She never said anything about him calling her names or the like. God, she is such a fucking cunt. If anyone feels like it, here is her ex boyfriend's Facebook if you feel like telling him about her calling him an abuser., he dumped her not even a week after someone sent the videos of her acting like a slut (IN HIS HOUSE) to him… after being together consecutively for 4 years.
No. 72318
File: 1450121042184.jpg (125.56 KB, 536x721, IMG_20151214_132011.jpg)

>>72309Fucking liar! The second person soykitten followed was Skinnyxmas and we all know Embers association with that shit. If someone took her handle the original followers would not be there you fucking twat. Nobody stole shit from you. Nobody is sending you hate messages….just stop with the lies Sharpie face
No. 72323
>>72312I hate Ember so fucking much for this. She has just stooped to a whole new low. She is fucking pretending that she was abused. PRETENDING that she KNOWS what it's like to have her significant other actually HIT HER.
This is making me so nauseous, I wish she were here so I could vomit all over her.
No. 72329
File: 1450122038208.png (194.11 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Wow. Fucking liar.
No. 72330
File: 1450122063376.png (40.08 KB, 1180x190, 232.png)

Tbh I am pretty confident Ember's urge to constantly manipulate/use/lie/abuse people doesn't just stop when it comes to her relationship. (I mean, she shit talked her IRL friend Heidi ffs)
Check out this comment she made in one of her previous threads.
>>She clearly lives with her boy toy of the moment and is squeezing hard on his balls and his wallet…Not only does that sound like she is manipulating him ( into doing whatever she wants without any consideration for his wishes, she is also using him for his money (I imagine as a 26 year old man, Andrew has some form of savings account… maybe).
No. 72331
>>72329I just searched for any photos of Ember with bruises and found nothing? Ember, ya dumb bitch, we all know you're here. Please post photos of bruises, we are
dying to see them.
No. 72339
File: 1450122445457.png (98.8 KB, 948x352, 232.png)

>>72329She straight up says that is it her ex boyfriend.
No. 72351
>>72349Someone should just send Andrew all of the gifs in a facebook message.
You know, for fun. know someone has tried to talk to him in the past and figured out that he is much of an idiot as Ember, but I wanna know what would happen if he just received a butt load of these gifs, with no explanation at all lmfao.
I purposely included her face in (almost) all of the gifs for a
>>72228>>72232>>72235>>72258>>72265>>72270>>72287 No. 72354
File: 1450123359117.png (19.98 KB, 260x213, notintersternsplez.png)

>>72338How her texts are probably going to look.
No. 72359
File: 1450123753697.png (11.93 KB, 286x72, 232.png)

>pic not related but looks like Ember has her eye on a $600 faux fur coat :')>>72357She has the largest victim complx in the world, if she actually became a REAL victim of something, oh goddd, we would never hear the end of it.
Her wanting 8 months to randomly go "HURR WE BROKE UP BC U HIT ME, I GOT EYE WITNESSES" is what makes it obvious that she is just pulling shit out of her ass.
Also.. what? People WATCHED your boyfriend hit you and he didn't get arrested? Yeah because that makes sense.
No. 72360
>>70189where is the
full shoot you promised???? you posted TWO close ups of that dress. when are you going to take actual photos?
>inb4 nvr No. 72369
>>72363>>72364Ember said in may of 2014 that she was taking online classes to get her GED but that turned out to be a lie. is sad, because if she were telling the truth, her life would probably be very different right now. Maybe. Who knows what getting an education will do to that retard.
No. 72371
File: 1450125320852.gif (1.74 MB, 450x254, anigif_enhanced-buzz-8170-1384…)

>>72305>>72287Did Ember take dance lessons from George Bush?
No. 72382
>>72301>>72312>>72329Damn she barely posts on Tumblr but checks her inbox steadily throughout the day? Mhm sure.
More like she sent herself those anons on Tumblr, screenshotted them, then replied to them on her Instagram for attention.
Also, I like how she just wants us to believe that not only does A.J. stalk her blog, he also stalks her Instagram! And has been doing so silently for 8 months, only to finally message her today…. wtf lol. This has to be one of the worst thing she has done this month alone. Fucking pretend that she was physically abused by her ex boyfriend.
No. 72388
File: 1450128276984.jpg (5.15 KB, 259x194, sleek.jpg)

>>72384While I'm here, bin those eyebrow pencils and get one of these.
No. 72418
File: 1450133684205.jpg (533.03 KB, 1512x1512, Stfu.jpg)

No. 72431
File: 1450134856116.png (68.9 KB, 959x213, Screenshot_2015-12-14-17-44-04…)

>>72424She deleted it soon after this was posted.
No. 72432
File: 1450135186014.png (417.47 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2015-12-14-18-18-06…)

Lol ember this girls followers are faker than yours.
>16k followers but can't even break 500 likes
No. 72442
File: 1450135509712.png (142.61 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>72418Hahahahaha I was the one who sent that, not AJ.
No. 72453
File: 1450136867820.jpeg (492.62 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

Ember uses a an app to get her fake comments. Notice how she only gets the most generic comments on her pictures? Nothing personal. Dumb bitch.
No. 72457
>>72453Most dumbo instagrammers see her offering to do promos and immediately do whatever it takes to get their account exposed to her, what they believe are real, 12k followers.
And Ember always tells them to "spam her with likes and comments for a better chance", so im not surprised she has a shit ton of ass picking comments from a bunch of 13 year old pro anas.
Though I also wouldn't be surprised if she is using a comment bot either.
No. 72466
File: 1450138130833.png (266.06 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>72465>>72465This'll explain it better.
No. 72573
>>72327 Most profound thing I've read on here yet. A+, Anon
>>72350 I do this lmfao
No. 746846
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