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No. 1690826[Reply]

1165 posts and 297 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1699220

top row is women trying to be taken seriously in the cos scene by showing the mhales that they're not silly girls

second is what men think women are like : one dimensional caricatures. plus, moids get a sexual kick out of the feminine rituals so larping sexy stereotypes is enjoyable to them

in short, this was made by a male

No. 1699225

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he doesn't seem to be saying or doing anything offensive. And this is probably better than being confined to ur house b/c people will judge you if you do go out

not a fan of performing femininity but there's worse out there

No. 1699859

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This is a sickness. He’s definitely pre-troon

No. 1700104

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This guy was on an episode of Catfish a while back and now he’s a boxy hsts troon.

No. 1700105

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No. 1692445[Reply]

any update on hikiwiz/gutturalsnug? deleted their account a few months back(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 1788067[Reply]


Quick summary

>shanny is a super religious YouTuber/streamer

>claims to be the second coming of Jesus sometimes other times he is her personal killer of all her foes
>has a long history of public meltdowns
>Shanny fakes all sorts of illnesses for attention and sympathy
>is married to an alcoholic named Rev who beats both Shannys kids one of which is autistic
>But in turn she beats Rev and has been arrested before for it
>Rev has said in multiple occasions she hits him and is faking her illness then takes it back
>Rev lost over 700k in inheritance
wasted it all on garbage

More recent stuff:
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No. 1788068

Holy shit i thought that was Fat Sajak

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No. 987632[Reply]

Haydur Nation is a group of YouTubers who make their living by hating on cow Amberlynn Reid, but they are unable to keep out of drama themselves and are constantly engaging in cow behavior.

The Haydurs:

Charlie Gold/Charlie Dorlean
>Has been doxxed and threw a huge pity party about it, but is currently helping doxx other creators who criticized Young Dumb Honey Bun's shitty ALR merch
>Lies about her diet and exercise routine so she can make excuses for acting exactly like ALR and never losing weight
>Called someone racist for imitating a French accent
>Making absolute bottom of the barrel nitpick content just to keep profiting off ALR
>Was arrested

Young Dumb Honey Bun/Sara Lomzynska
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No. 1691562

This isn't reddit, newfag

No. 1692139

A terminally online freak obsessed with ydhb that posts about this absolute nobody quite literally every day. And she has been doing this for at least a year now. Totally unhinged.

No. 1840435

User xxn00dlexx from the YDHBsnark subreddit (likely the newfag above) was just caught defending her own honour with an alt account kek. She deleted both accounts within minutes of being accused like a retard, confirming that they were both her.
I am dying laughing about this, but she's such a niche nobody that this is the only place I can post it.

No. 1856739

Sage for no milk but the YDHB subreddit is a dumpster fire. There are people there who make 10+ posts a day hyperfixating on everything she does and then more posts crying and acting holier-than-thou when people don't agree with their obsessive schizoposting. Some of her haydurs are almost bigger lolcows she is.

No. 1859135

I did enjoy the brief period when everyone collectively decided to shit on noodle & vent about how much they hated her presence but felt they couldn't say so before lmao.
But yes, haydur nation is the abyss that we all must take care not to gaze too far into. The people who willingly attach this type of internet trash to their own names are psycho. Even the anon people who follow this niche tend to be pathetic in one way or the other. Godspeed my nonna. We fly close to the sun.

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No. 378235[Reply]

20 something yr old professional photoshopper, "ig model" who lies about her age

Lies about being 13 or 14 on social media for attention, ALWAYS mentions how "old" she is despite it being disproven, has 21 yr old or older friends she hangs out with mostly,photoshops her pics to hell and back, claiming its natural, anyone who calls her out on her shooped pics is jealous, been on FB since 2010 - 2011, is on the "you don't like me twerking and wearing slutty outfits? stop sexualizing minors" train, always has grown men on her facebook call her thicc, rate her, and say shit like "if she 14 im 14", has random people draw her for some reason and has thousands of followers yet the only thing she posts is ass pics and how she's 14 with shooped selfies
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No. 1433101

You do realize in America you can be enrolled in a physical high school until you are 21? She could be held back and lying. I'd bet money on her ass being held back since she cares more about pretending to be jail bait online. Nobody cares and the bitch is old. Milk is dead, move on WK. Teen or not she's boring and busted.

No. 1622126

you necroing scrote ass bitch

No. 1691554

Unfortunately this was already discussed in Holder's thread(thats not how you sage....)

No. 1691743

Holy mother of kek

No. 1692199

Why has this thread not been locked long ago.

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No. 1055531[Reply]

So, in 2006, this fad called "YouTube Poop" was pretty popular. YouTube was still developing, and the internet was full of dorks squeeing about cartoons, anime and video games. When you mash all of those things together into a weird, non sequitur internet stew, you get YTP. But I'm sure most of you knew that. But, would you have thought this stupid internet hobby had, and still has, a lot of drama attached to it?

Back in the mid '00s, this one forum called "YouChew" gained a lot of traffic, and it eventually became the number one spot for fellow YTPers to spit ball ideas and collaborate, or have "tennis matches". After YouTube removed their friend system, and later also removed private messaging, YouChew became the only place to talk to everyone in the community in one place. Lots of friendships were made, but as the years went by, lots of people "grew up" and burned bridges. Now when you see a dormant YTP channel, you may think to yourself "he probably got an office job and a family to take care of", but no, to put it bluntly, you can name any pooper from 2007-2010 and they're most likely a fat, psychopathic tranny with either dyed hair, or a Shmorky weev. There's tons and tons of cows to choose from, but the best example I can give you is Radock himself, the king of ironic YouTube Poops. In the comment section of (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crgUnJccE0A) his most recent video, he basically says in a really cunty, snarky tone, that his videos were simply irony poisoned garbage that he shit out when he was depressed.
(here's an archive since he usually disables comments; https://archive.is/P5wPP)
Now, of course a lot of people were supportive, except a few comments that called out his hypocrisy, which he has since deleted. Now this isn't bitter fanboyism, he does the exact same shtick on his twitter account which only a small clique know about (https://twitter.com/rf9weu8hjf78923). Pretty much the same content, except some of his new vidsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1623122

I have someone, though this might not be interesting.

He's a white 24yo moid, stopped uploading after being outed for grooming a 15yo fakeboi on Discord. He deleted all his socials but his videos are still up. He's friends with the youtube animator CybeR/cryptae. His reddit account is u/PapaFlame, but that seems to be pretty inactive as well.

No. 1623387

so many of his recent YTPs have stupid tranny jokes in them now. completely turned me off from watching his newer stuff because I can expect at least one stupid joke about programmer socks or some other retarded tranny shit per video now, where those jokes only appeal to other trannies. it takes me out of it because it reminds me that every moderately autistic male on the Internet is slowly being groomed into tranny shit. I also distinctly remember that when I first found out he trooned out, there was no explicit mention of him being trans on his channel or website, but the jokes in his videos and his Twitter retweets gave him away immediately. it's hilarious that these people think they're anything like women. hell, they're not even close to being like autistic women. they're autistic males and always will be, and the way they act online always gives them away.

(it really sucks because Prawn Srars is one of my favourite YTPs ever and I still quote it on a regular basis with my friends.)

No. 1623625

Gross. I feel your pain anon. I love quoting that one, the price is rice, the shark tank one, and wow it's made. It's natural for troons to fall into the loud Twitter tranny subculture I guess.

No. 1642036

Kek how is saying "fuck pigs" tasteless, alright bootlicker..

No. 1691164

Do not drink whiteclaw while driving, Sarah(necro)

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No. 1684491[Reply]

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No. 1690948

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His grandad was the padres president and now his dad is apparently a full-time cookie maker and philanthropist. There was a 2020 news segment on what a "wholesome" guy he was to make so many cookies to give to charities. Seems so made up lol.

No. 1690983

>I can't make it as a man, so I must be a woman.
These dumbasses will never realize that feminine-masculine is not an opposite binary.
If you fail at being a man you're just a failmale, not a woman.

No. 1691008

It’s the same kind of bullshit men have spewed for centuries about how women are “incomplete males” and lesser than men.

No. 1691226

cookies, lmao. cheap bastard

No. 1708059

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So delusional

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No. 1669967[Reply]

Dworkin excerpt on scarethot pathology

Rumors that Dasha met with major LA director

HIV medication commercial faced gay liberals called Dasha out on being a hypocrite regarding the Martha's Vineyard Migrant situation

Dasha needs professional color analysis

Scarethots attributing their newfound preference for adult grown men (more likely than not simply due to maturing) to stopping birth control and cutting out seed oils

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No. 1690883

>all those people deserved to have their salaries halved
never gonna beat the out of touch rich liberal accusations at this rate, felix

No. 1690889

bussydouche and Megan Bitchell publicly thirsted over this ugly scrote

No. 1690902

Felix will 100% get MeToo’d next year.

No. 1690923

Is this faggot taking checks from the CCP or something, his endorsement of TikTok feels so sponcon and shoehorned into his gay little rant about Instagram. TikTok does a lot more than track your blinks and this loser knows it, I miss when lefties used to care about privacy and overreach by big tech corps but guess in 2022 it’s pure shilling - I mean, “let people enjoy things”

No. 1690942

all these people only cares when it affects them and their bank accounts

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No. 1688140[Reply]

Kiwi Farms is down again due to Liz Fong-Jones exploiting his connections in the Tech world to get KF's hosting pulled again. Josh is sounding discouraged but saying he has one last plan involving decentralization, details so far unclear.

This thread is absolute cancer and is autosaged by the farmhands for good reasons. It's full of kiwiscrotes, kiwitroons, and banned kiwi vendettfags agendaposting and vendettaposting all day but also it's a necessary evil to discuss the status of KF and discuss KF/KF-adjacent drama.

If you are coming from KF, please try to integrate. This board's culture is different than KF's. Moids and trannies need not apply.

- Josh simps, he won't pick you. However, a lot of people who hate Josh are doing so for their own vendettaish reasons, which is stupid.
- Josh haters, it's been said before, and it's obvious when it's OnionFarms faggots trying to astroturf; however, Josh simps are also trying to claim that anything critical of Josh is from trannies/OF which is equally stupid.
- In other words, the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.
- OnionFarms is basically nothing but one retarded Discord clique of banned users at this point. It's run by shady characters who admit to exploting admin powers to check user IPs for doxing purposes, editing posts to make their enemies look bad, etc. It's one of the only places that you'll find critical discussion of Josh and KF but that is also a circlejerk of Josh enemies.
- The same tranny who posts gore and CP here is camped out in these threads constantly mostly posting bullshit about his personal enemy namefags nobody cares about. His posts contain gaslighting and textbook abuser tactics to try and position himself as a hero when with the other hand he does everything he can to manipulate and traumatize women. He's one of the sickest fucks in this sphere and it's saying a lot. Do not engage. Ignore and report.

Kiwi telegram (a cesspit)

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No. 1694263

All this anti-censorship information + technology is to useful to just be waisted on some shitty drama website. When josh gets the chance he should publish a book on it.

No. 1694271

New thread:
Thanks to all the nonnas before me for the previous threads. I have nothing to offer but blood, tears, sweat and autisim.

No. 1695542

..but I'm literally on the site right now

No. 1888194

No. 1898173

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No. 1432730[Reply]

"Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped”."

Prior Thread >>1191646

The worst offenders:

Erin Eevee/Pinkfox Cosplay:

Jenna Lynn Meowri:
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No. 1689228

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>how do you get rid of womb chub?
Is sucubuzza trying to cater to the breeder weirdos now?

No. 1689244

>without getting abs
Girl… abs are not a thing to avoid ugh I hate this type of turbo pornsick pickme. They’re as bad as the scrotes they pander to.

No. 1689245


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1689597

New thread >>1689594

No. 1726339

Im recalculating the pixels captain!

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