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No. 2035138

empath-chan/seppukugirl is a 25 year old (as of now) r9k attention whore who shoops her body and face beyond recognition.
>started self posting on 4chan as Billy. Still self posts here. There and on tumblr(not found yet) mainly posted self harm and her shit art
>according to screenshots she laughed at her mom dying and allegedly according to her, got groomed by sleepy_seymour
>years later she resurfaces on an orbiter server called Jay's server by the name hvy and makes an of
>selfposts on r9k her comically shooped selfies on 2020, makes fun of ciara's death
>2021 starts going by empathchan and the selfposting r9k campaign starts
>posts nazi,misogynistic,zoophile,edgy shit to appeal to scrotes along with just repeating everything they say about her. Common 4chan girl tactic, for example they call her jewish she calls herself jewish, they say they want to rape her she says she wants to be raped. Τhey threaten her, she posts a fake address and claims that she wants them to come
>somehow art got even worse
>according to screenshots allegedly minors accuse her of being inappropriate with them
>still talks to sleepy seymour
>moids cut her name on themselves including on their dick despite nobody caring about her in any platform. So she might have paid them or asked degen cutters to do it, in order to appear like she is more popular than she is
>screenshots surface where she offers escorting to people on discord if they tip her 100 bucks on of
>gets welfared checked cause she was suicidal, liveposts the whole thing asking her orbiters how to get attention to be attended faster, she tries sitting on a wheelchair, screaming, talks about running around naked or falling to the ground and banging her head. Perhaps inspo for later
>claims to attempt suicide. Resurfaces in korea most likely where she had chin augmentation, also visits la afterwards
>alt reddit found where she has photos of a 3-year-long enduring yeast infection, vaginal cheese included.
>posting edgy statements did not get her any attention so she starts posting herself screaming irl
>still nobody cared so she starts posting what allegedly appears to be her peeing in public, spitting at people, groping women, swinging at them and calling them slurs.
>of banned moved to fansly
>alt reddit surfaces where she talks about having got fillers and chin augmentation, considers jaw surgery and lip lift.
>calls sigmund freud based >>1448731
>is proud of being a lolcow despite nobody rlly caring about her >>1448735
>real empath >>1501870 >>1659412 >>1811088 >>1820109 >>1821429 >>1835109
>wears a 'femcel rapist' shirt >>1658376
>pisses on the street >>1658542
>steals art >>1687949
>wanted to fuck her grandmas dog .. supposedly >>1811365
>calls a random stranger a faggot and proceeds to threaten to beat them >>1818439
>tells minors to buy her onlyfans, sends them lewd pictures >>1819445
>orbiter covers himself in writing of her name and sucks his moms vibrator for her?? >>1822509
>other weird orbiter activities >>1822537
>cuts swastika into her stomach whilst sucking in >>1822607
>shoops her body so genuinely crazily.. photoshopped >>1840761 opposed to real >>1824978 and >>1997870
>moid meets up with empathchan and takes candid photos of her >>1912488
>goes to a porn cinema >>1926814 >>1930285
>pretends to commit suicide and becomes inactive on social media for a solid month >>1950514 >>1952009
>gets caught on tiktok with a new persona >>1960622
>'self harm check' >>1988116
>gets nose and lip filler >>1991628
>harasses people on the streets of dublin for a while, is racist to most >>2002949 >>2002956 >>2003751 >>2003752 >>2004906 >>2010752 >>2010759 >>2010760 >>2010761
>hospital shenanigans >>2005311 >>2005312
>spits on people >>2008369 >>2008368
>is caught posting about a 3 year long yeast infection on reddit >>2010440
>flexes money >>2010813
Recent milk:
>many shoops >>2034160
>1970s witch trials? 1800s witch trials? This bitch is stupid.>>2032346
>brags and makes up stories on twitter about people calling her cute/ cat calling her >>2035056
>alogging about her 15 bmi even though she’s fat >>2013118
>making fun of recent femicide case where a model was brutally murdered by her husband and puréed in a blender to be edgy and appeal to her twitter fags >>2033637
>When she asked her followers what ethnicity she looked like and they all said Jewish >>2032303

social media:
https://twitter.com/findomlover028(2020 twitter oldest on recovered)
http://onlyfans.com/secretgurl(do not make new threads until the old one reaches 1200 posts)

No. 2035140

Old thread

No. 2037677

File: 1727108603024.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1419, IMG_0853.jpeg)

Oh my god

No. 2037678

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No. 2037679

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Help why is she holding it like that

No. 2037680

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Literal autist

No. 2037683

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Bonus Chloe sperg on how blue eyes are super superior which is a huge cope because she’s hideous and Adriana Lima and Megan Fox are still gorgeous regardless of their eye color..

No. 2037685

File: 1727108860126.jpeg (688.69 KB, 1170x1068, IMG_0855.jpeg)

Multiple tweets of complimentary hotel room Champagne. We’ve hit a new low

No. 2037693

File: 1727111210425.png (116.52 KB, 475x475, IMG_0856.png)

Fat bitch

No. 2037707

Nobody cares about this tryhard self-posting pathetic bitch.

No. 2037717

The wiggly forearm and fupa begging for death's sweet embrace are sending me, holy shit

No. 2037719

Shut the fuck up. There are a few of us who follow her because she's a cow who harasses strangers in public and lies about rape.

No. 2037720

Personally I follow her because she's the only local cow I know of. I really want to bump into her in Dublin city centre just to see how she is irl

No. 2037746

File: 1727119243385.gif (635.2 KB, 275x190, 1725346501827.gif)

speak for yourself nonners, i and others love watching the downward spiral

No. 2037753

this comment should not have spawned such defensiveness unless shes actually self posting tbh

No. 2037759

I made this thread because I hate her and I’m also a new fag and posted it way too early. To each their own but she’s very milky

No. 2037770

File: 1727122903404.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1478, IMG_0862.jpeg)

kek at the low opacity shooped eyelashes from a shitty makeup app

No. 2037771

Me as well. I’ve actually seen her in public before around O’Connell street her beak is huge irl

No. 2037772

File: 1727123029707.jpeg (Spoiler Image,584.27 KB, 1170x847, IMG_0863.jpeg)

She should get liposuction(spoiler this)

No. 2037774

This is actually the saddest lolcow

No. 2037777

Hahahaha that fake latex/leather nurse headband looks so so terrible help

No. 2037780

How is she already blurring the shit out of her skin and making her arm wiggle but then thought the rest looks fine? Like “yes I’m going to upload this”.

No. 2037785

The top looks like something a gay leather Daddy would wear

No. 2037789

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No. 2037805

Hate to agree with a scrote but he's right, there's something very asexual and unerotic about Chloe. It's kind of like when a female mental asylum patient takes off her gown and starts masturbating in front of everyone or something, it's not sexy, it's just sad and weird. Like Alida her doughy strangely shaped body lacks sex appeal. Of course this wouldn't be relevant if Chloe wasn't constantly trying to whore herself out and shill her onlyfans.

No. 2037870

As much as I hate it I have to agree with him as well. unsexy and vacant and weird.
this is the male attention this loser craves.
>It's kind of like when a female mental asylum patient takes off her gown and starts masturbating in front of everyone or something, it's not sexy, it's just sad and weird.
holy shit this is the perfect analogy

No. 2037874

I'm built exactly like this.
Being skinny-fat and short is the worst fucking combination. Time to hit the gym ig.(no1curr)

No. 2037878

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overfed alien cattle physique

No. 2037914

what on earth… this looks so low effort and ugly

No. 2037915

it’s because she’s pale and got graves’ disease eyes, it’s like pro jared in those anime suits

No. 2037921

Why's it always the ones who lack sex appeal and grace like Moo, Emp, and Doupy that go into sw? She looks like a victim in her pics but she's the one exploiting herself.

No. 2037933

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Mr slave outfit

No. 2037979

thirded. it's what I imagine a realistic sex robot to be like. desperately lap dancing or whatever as everyone is weirded out and tries to ignore it.

No. 2038005

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No. 2038007

No man with even a semblance of a good jawline will ever stand in the same room as her

No. 2038027

Her face looks painfully swollen.

No. 2038028

>lain t-shirt
why do creepy incels love serial experiments lain so much?

No. 2038050

mr slave? this bitch is doctor rockso kekek a drug addicted clown everyone hates.

No. 2038114

the filter gave her a new face and somehow but emphasis on her nose

No. 2038222

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No. 2038232

kek even all the defenseanons are her, shes finally figuring out how to change her typing style after spamming 2 threads full of selfpost garbage. its kind of annoying seeing her thread wasting space on page 1 because she is always bumping it and i dont get why this 4chan invasive species is allowed to get away with shit that cows tend to get banned for(tinfoiling)

No. 2038252

File: 1727227964551.png (5.1 MB, 2048x1538, CYzQFfRUEAEEtM_.png)

>i dont get why this 4chan invasive species is allowed to get away with shit that cows tend to get banned for
I think only a hand full of people actually give a fuck about this fat loser and her gay shenanigans (that's including her "simps")
whew samefagging but this is all I can see when she's wearing a hat, sorry everyone.

No. 2038374

imagine the smell

No. 2038402

empath looks like she smells like rancid milk and the dude looks like he smells like BO

No. 2038455

note the balenciaga pedo cap

No. 2038500

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She having an episode.

No. 2038501

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No. 2038503

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No. 2038511

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No. 2038532

still can't tell if this bitch is actually mentally ill or just desperately starving for attention. She tries so hard yet is only able to get 50 likes for posting her hairy crotch on twitter

No. 2038539

I’ll take things that never happened for 100 please

No. 2038544

File: 1727293000260.png (76.15 KB, 1200x324, file.png)

idk whats the deal with her pretending to be a lesbian and then posting about being asexual and wanting to date guys but it doesn't matter cause she's dying alone anyways

No. 2038564

First of all nobody would say something like that at work, and second of all you're like a 3 both in Ireland and around the world.
How is she 25 and coming up with blatantly fake stories like a tumblr teenager

No. 2038583

nothing wrong with pubic hair you pedo

No. 2038586

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Oh the irony. So many tweets during her meth binge

No. 2038601

Why is she pretending to be feminist lately? Her entire online presence caters to incels. She's basically Elaine 2.0 at this point.

No. 2038623

Ayrt. You read my mind I think her and Elaine would literally either be best friends or arch enemies. Would love to see a cow crossover. Besides, Elaine is British and Chloe is Irish so its even more hilarious

No. 2038626

she's not feminist she's just a hateful narc who has contempt for everybody who doesnt kiss her ass, regardless of their gender

No. 2038627

I want them to do blow together and explore each others bodies

No. 2038750

Did she deliberately incorrectly quote Kendrick Lamar’s song “Humble”? The lyric is “show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks” lmao

No. 2038756

total attention whore. she 200% thinks about getting attention from online men and here every time she pulls out her phone and takes a selfie like a sped. she communicates through shock because shes ugly and socially retarded
why the hell do you think shes on meth.

No. 2038800

>why the hell do you think she’s on meth
You must be new here

No. 2038815

does she ever realize or at least consider that her whole shtick of constant posting of her snatch and being an absolute sperg in public achieve ONLY that porn-addicted-looking absolute losers like this sad individual get to have their turn with her. Like this is the only actual real life result of her ego binges. Thats what all this effort compiles into being. Meeting up with ugly bottom of the barrel sex perverts. Bleak!

No. 2038816

let me rephrase my question: why the hell do you think shes on meth when shes a pathological liar.

No. 2038825

She actively posts proof of her doing drugs.

No. 2038826

Bottom of the barrel pervs who feed her drugs so sad

No. 2038841

other than weed, why would I believe the other stuff when shes soooo desperate to look like a badass.

No. 2038850

Because she’s retarted and desperate for attention? Either way who gives a fuck how are you so sure she’s NOT doing drugs kek

No. 2038917

because korea is a place that does not fuck around. notice she isn't going around spitting on people or talking shit either

No. 2038918

thank you for the cultural context I cannot listen to this zoomer rap

No. 2038992

you must be old as fuck, that's archetypal millennial rap

No. 2038996

you mean zoomer rap. this came out in 2017 not 2007

No. 2039001

Kendrick Lamar actually does seem most popular with millennials and has a really diverse fan base. There’s a lot of people who enjoy his music who typically don’t listen to rap. That song sucks though.

No. 2039039

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No. 2039040

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No. 2039041

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No. 2039042

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No. 2039043

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No. 2039044

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No. 2039050

Lame and boring, just another dime a dozen worthless egirl in a sea of other worthless egirls.

No. 2039056

This. She knows she's mid compared to other e-girls and doesn't have particularly big tits or ass so she has to compensate by being as edgy and tryhard relatable to incels as possible.

No. 2039057

all the more reason to lie on the internet. she tries way too hard and her act only fools sheltered neet retards and her orbiters. we have actual drug addict cows here and shes nothing like them.
if you don't know who kendrick lamar just say so and move on
why do I get the feeling shes tries extra hard when a rando moid is unimpressed by her

No. 2039080

File: 1727391982542.webp (77.42 KB, 1119x801, kendrick-and-diddy-v0-l37f525b…)

How cute of Kendrick to pretend he's into women.(derailing)

No. 2039164

File: 1727408460878.jpeg (111.76 KB, 750x699, IMG_3598.jpeg)

Dunno where this is from but i saw this in a youtube thumbnail. Look familiar?

No. 2039200

yes lol but this goofy drawing still mogs her

No. 2039224

File: 1727418769830.png (324.98 KB, 883x543, nxuedl-729782485.png)

Thankyou for reminding me of this show

No. 2039244

No. 2039245

File: 1727424681479.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1477, IMG_0940.jpeg)

She looks like shit

No. 2039292

she's going to end up looking like katie price

No. 2039294

she is not getting meth/speed in ireland, its very uncommon, only the poles/lithuanians sell it and they generally don't sell it to irish people, i really doubt she's on coke in the airport too

No. 2039303

As someone who lives in Dublin it’s extremely common

No. 2039360

Speed (amphetamine) is very common there. Meth is not.

No. 2039403

She probably just took some adderall or something, but pretends she's some badass bitch that's snorting coke on a plane, lol.

No. 2039549

it's easy as fuck to get anything off dnm(sage your shit)

No. 2039573

how much korean surgery did she get, looks like an eye job, rhinoplasty, chin implant, the most obvious is the jaw shave?

No. 2039588

25 years old btw and still having to make up that edgy cringe shit. Some junkies really do get mentally retarded and stuck permanently in the age where they started using. Quite sad.

No. 2039616

she should just get lipo or a bbl instead of fucking up her face, like her eyes look absurd in this picture kek >>2039245 (I wonder if she got a nose job so people would stop telling her she looks like a jew)

No. 2039657

her bday is in june or something. isnt she 26 by now?

No. 2039820

she turned 25 this year but according to her she's 20-21

No. 2039893

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No. 2039894

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No. 2039896

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No. 2039897

File: 1727558237603.jpg (42.78 KB, 748x555, media_GYhnTapasAIDjLi.jpg)

No. 2039898

File: 1727558282039.jpg (44.08 KB, 750x551, media_GYhmyTBacAA4I8T.jpg)

No. 2039906

You can see the filler in her nosebridge kek.

No. 2039942

File: 1727568133654.jpg (194.74 KB, 1118x563, IMG_5632.jpg)

Oh crap I see it, sharpened it up and it looks like a lump

No. 2040027

For real. The fact that she's keeping her own thread alive is insanely pathetic… Like who does that? I almost feel bad for her, like imagine doing this with your limited time here on Earth.

No. 2040105

My first thought was : "look at her victim standing in the background". Notice how they're not touching each other in any of the pictures, unlike couples usually do in their selfies.
This negative canthal tilt retard is going to get abused on the premise of having crazy bpd sex, serves him right geg.

No. 2040114

keeping your own thread alive is a level of pathetic I didn't think was possible. imagine going about your day but then you have this weird need to prove yourself to randos on lolcow of things, so you act out like a retard and come here for validation.

No. 2040117

Revealing yourself as the failed normie you are with that Taylor swift lyric reference

No. 2040151

File: 1727625637218.jpeg (272.29 KB, 1242x913, IMG_4369.jpeg)

I think she got the idea for that from this other cow who also supports pedophiles and went on that child molester sam hyde's show and is a part of the milady scene >>1995382 >>1995349

No. 2040285

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No. 2040310

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No. 2040311

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No. 2040312

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No. 2040313

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No. 2040314

File: 1727648608147.jpeg (510.31 KB, 1170x2254, IMG_5600.jpeg)

I’m just posting these because it’s fun milk. She brags about getting sent money but is begging and stuck at the airport in Bali until further notice.

No. 2040315

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No. 2040318

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No. 2040319

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No. 2040320

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No. 2040322

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No. 2040324

Did this bitch seriously get catfished into flying to Bali?

God she's so pathetic

No. 2040328

File: 1727649928029.png (14.75 KB, 598x214, chrome_003UlvU3bf.png)

Self-posting for sure

No. 2040330

No it’s not. Just beating her to it so she doesn’t skew the story she posted even more so.(sage your shit)

No. 2040331

Can mods just lock her thread? she's boring and forcing her own milk by constantly crying rape and abuse from 4channers she's willingly flying out to and visiting(go to /meta/)

No. 2040332

>lolcow forums
The nonnie that said she was failed normie was so spot on

No. 2040334

First of all, kek at lolcow "forums." If you were really an edgy femcel you'd at least get the name right. She reminds me of those coquettes on tumblr/twitter who talk about using lolcow to sound edgy but then when someone posts them to make fun of them for having bunself pronouns or being memed into dating divorced dads by Lana Del Rey songs they have crybaby meltdowns about how farmers are meanie weanies. She's like that except trying to appeal smelly autistic 4chan men instead of other edgy e-girls.
Second of all, if she tried to post him here she'd just get banned for vendettafagging.
This woman needs to do some deep soul searching, she's already 25 and still doing behaviours she should have grown out of at 20 at most. Does she plan on being 30 in a few years and still acting like a moron on twitter for low quality male attention?

No. 2040336

>spends her days trying to get male attention, having an onlyfans and constantly meeting up with loser spergs for quick sex
>"I'm asexual and a virgin actually!!!1"

Her thinking anyone would believe this bs is proof that she must be constantly high as fuck

No. 2040350

File: 1727655055610.jpeg (132.5 KB, 945x2048, IMG_4378.jpeg)

This is so pathetic lol. She keeps getting rejected by other rejects, the pedo nft scrotes who are flying her out i hopes of fucking her so they can brag about it to other losers in their gcs like they bagged the insane bpd femcel whore who spits on people, but don't want to be affiliated with her in public so when she posts about them hanging out they get embarrassed all the bitches they're simping are seeing it, get mad at her, call her a clout chaser and cancel plans, then she comes out with fake sexual assault/abuse allegations. She acts all excited posting about meeting up with her crypto "friends", meanwhile they're all laughing about her placing bets on who will fuck this ugly sped who can't even tell what's actually going on. It's a terrible thing really to take advantage of the intellectually disabled.

There are so many examples of her trying to befriend or talking about other cows at this point and she's probably the most desperate one on here. You gotta give it to her for trying so hard to milk herself

No. 2040360

the milady fags and incels like childish looking women who dont wear makeup and look like they just rolled out of bed and woke up pretty. they also like them to be rail thin with no tits or ass whatsoever. empath looks too mature and chubby for their tastes.

No. 2040396

This bitch is so cringe lol
This. She’s boring as fuck and cries wolf whenever her thread is dry. Not even worth it at this point. She’s just a fat Irish normie trying to larp as an edgelord but the second any orbiters come near her and match her energy she gets scared.

No. 2040397

File: 1727663432920.jpeg (773.05 KB, 1170x1236, IMG_1084.jpeg)

Begging for money to drink her own stinky pee out of a cup to make enough money to get back to Ireland is a different kind of low lol

No. 2040398

File: 1727663624299.jpeg (533.78 KB, 1170x1613, IMG_1083.jpeg)

How actually retarted do you have to be to post this publicly and not have any common sense

No. 2040399

File: 1727663822129.jpeg (586.97 KB, 1170x1392, IMG_1085.jpeg)

This is a fucking hilarious

No. 2040400

File: 1727663861479.jpeg (370.94 KB, 1170x870, IMG_1086.jpeg)

On one hand she’s getting 20k and making bank and this and that but now she has no money to fly out to Ireland

No. 2040402

File: 1727664018036.mp4 (8.81 MB, t7frl1.mp4)

The main Miladies are pedophiles friends with the pedo founder Indian >>2037296 and they like literal children, "childish looking women" is gross af to say. He was asking to cuddle her and obviously wanted to fuck her. He just doesn't want to be seen with her in public because that looks bad even for him

After it was pointed out in the first thread that Empath was calling a child who they thirst after a troon, Empath started obsessing over this milady pedo @Schizo_Freq. He is 30 and the one who posted that viral tweet talking about having sex with a 14 year old girl who looks like towelboys. Empath saw that and has since been calling him her best friend, competing with other women for attention from him, complaining about them kicking her from spaces she follows him into, talking to other scrotes about wanting to meet him but he's too busy for her, etc. Why are you so desperate for validation from this specific pedophile Chloe? It's like she's reading about different cows and wanting to befriend them, so strange.

This is 7 minutes of her obsessing over this one pedo. At 1:40 it also sounds like she said "I missed bail twice" If I'm hearing correctly there's a possibility she could've been charged back with something back in Ireland and traveled to avoid prosecution

No. 2040405

File: 1727664719227.png (185.91 KB, 1756x820, 1727649928029.png)

HAHAHAHA stranded in a third world country AND getting clown on by crypto chuds? that's awesome, couldn't have happened to a better person.

No. 2040408

all lies shes not in bali and some dude didn’t want her again. this is blatant self posting. shes manufacturing “milk” by constantly lying for the sake of a fucking lolcow thread. mods need to lock this thread, filthy neet can go pander to 4chan fags

No. 2040409

File: 1727666859551.png (1.31 MB, 2246x1334, cap.png)

lol. lmao even!

No. 2040424

File: 1727671809536.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3232x3276, 091298EF-A213-41CB-9CE6-8C6008…)

Bali is a pretty cheap place to travel and it's not like unbelievable some coomer would bring her over there. asking for a thread to be locked where we're laughing at her chubby pics, keeping record of her petty crimes and humiliating downward spiral isn't doing what u think it's doing

No. 2040428

File: 1727672730703.png (54.26 KB, 611x400, 94872987428.png)

LFG!! this is a sign Irish Nona's reports worked and she missed bail twice

No. 2040475

I think she’s self posting. This one was extremely obvious.
But now I think she’s just interacting in her threads and making fun of herself just to gain traction. In reality no one really cares we all think she’s fat and retarted.

No. 2040578

Can we just let her fade away? the attention seeking is so apparent

No. 2040588

Jesus christ, she's literally retarded. Why would she trust some random crypto guy and flew to Bali for him? She's such a handmaiden. Also, she tweeted like a week ago that someone tried to rape her in her hotel: >>2037181 - why does she keep meeting these crypto faggots?

No. 2040590

I thought she was rich, why is she begging for money again?

No. 2040659

nobody believes anything she says. I also don't believe she's on bail or whatever oirish name for it.

No. 2040698

She really is so obsessed with this pedo. And he has a gf. But she was fine with him sexualizing 14 year olds so I doubt she cares that he's dming some whore.

No. 2040795

All these posts asking for empath's thread to be locked are getting weird. If you hate this thread so much, hide it.

No. 2040823

File: 1727760192423.jpeg (599.98 KB, 3241x3317, 7B5ACE83-A4B7-4A62-B6C0-12D555…)

it's just her pretending to enjoy being a laughing stock because of her edgy psycho larp. she's acting like picrel but idiot anons who get bored with other threads and browse here to complain when it gets bumped believe it. she mentioned posting on lolcow! stop making fun of her and archiving her miserable life crumbling before everyone's eyes, she loves and gets off to it! yeah ok,,

No. 2040861

OT but the way these crypto tards talk on twitter is such a cringe compilation of narcissism and terminally online retardation .

No. 2040862

Sorry I'm dumb. What's a rugger? I've only heard it being used to describe someone who likes/plays rugby. Urban dictionary isn't helping

No. 2040864

she's not using it in the correct context but I am sure she's referring to cryptotard speak short hand for "rug pull" where they inflate a coin then sell at its peak to profit leaving the sheep who bought in as exit liquidity

No. 2040869

Ah makes sense. Thanks

No. 2041044

File: 1727810485334.png (904.61 KB, 682x890, Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 9.20.…)

egghead beta strikes again(sage your shit)

No. 2041636

raised on environmental oestrogen and microplastics. progeria looking omega mf

No. 2041995

File: 1728021729587.jpeg (795.12 KB, 1170x2148, IMG_5625.jpeg)

Angelw4ste is her new Instagram handle, can’t post a reel without using a 2016 Snapchat filter.

No. 2042035

obvious self post. no1curr

No. 2042043

She’s so boring thinking saying nigga makes her edgy. She’s really just an attention seeking self posting uggo

No. 2042072

File: 1728045263184.jpeg (1012.32 KB, 1170x2107, IMG_1122.jpeg)

The shoop on the waist has to be intentional at this point. It’s just embarrassing how rotund and unflattering her body shape is

No. 2042117

stop bitching and go to meta this seems like the real selfpost

No. 2042303

File: 1728087290501.mp4 (2.35 MB, 590x1022, 8539084948.mp4)

Most obvious video shoop ft warping and her ribcage changing sizes

No. 2042306

File: 1728088736158.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3464x3438, C7179CB3-1F56-42EB-AC56-6A854B…)

> Being 30+ years old and harassing someone in their 20s is weird!

She mogged you in her 20s and still does. She looks slimmer, prettier and more youthful than you in her 30s, and you're both full grown adults since you're in your mid 20s, Chloe. She's dming you because you were obsessing over and making up lies about her uggo milady roommate who she wouldn't get with so he goes for equally ugly chubsters like you, and even then rejects you, and that isn't harassment. You do harass children though and are a pedophile who sends photoshopped wide torso & vaginal yeast porn to them, so there's that.

No. 2042348

She have a botched brow lift? kinda like ariana grande's

No. 2042404

no it looks like she just shaves them thinner and into that retard ‘sad’ expression that these bitches usually do when they want to appear more childlike

No. 2042406

She is. You can only see the analytics button on your own tweets and half the tweet screenshots in this thread have it.

No. 2042415

I see analytics button on everyone's post

No. 2042468

She doesn't look that bad in the bottom left pic she needs a good nose job that might lift up her slef esteem and make her stop acting like a fucking retard online

No. 2042492

she's like a bodybuilder with downs. nobody wants to deal with her sped brain and botched face even if they like her tits and ass

No. 2042565

Are we looking at the same pic..?

No. 2042582

Her nose bridge looks so crooked here, compared to all of her shops. She should have gotten a nose job instead of getting her jaw shaved down smh.

No. 2042753

why is she allowed to constantly self post, like girl go get a hobby for friends or something

No. 2042972

she did get one, that pic was from before but it was probs liquid rhino with filler >>1992063

No. 2043068

She hasn’t had a rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty takes a year to fully heal and until then there are various stages of facial swelling which would have been obvious in her selfies. What has happened here is she rushed to get nose bridge filler when she saw the creepshot somebody took of her subhuman profile… mouthbreathing and hooked nose.

No. 2043146

The analytics button is available for everyone

No. 2043147

File: 1728300922272.jpeg (227.96 KB, 1170x647, IMG_1160.jpeg)

No one cares about your shit coin fatty

No. 2043211

Still a better investment than FTX

No. 2043275

File: 1728329098443.jpeg (228.02 KB, 1170x765, IMG_1164.jpeg)

Bitter uggo, as if hiding your face is worse than photoshopping all of your pics

No. 2043323

File: 1728337918111.jpeg (1 MB, 2937x2515, EB167ED9-3FA8-40F3-AD7F-AF1281…)

don't forget videos. she checked her thread and saw her failshoop posted here >>2042303 then deleted it from ig kek how are you so delayed that you didn't notice this until anons pointed it out?

No. 2043462

giving this bitch some head would fix me ngl(no1curr)

No. 2043474

Hi cow(hi cow)

No. 2043555

I still think she got a botched brow lift, the left looks permanently raised like ariana grande's. Also Beingbetrayd is the infamous egirl uggo-chan wishes she was.

No. 2043652

File: 1728417482879.mp4 (596.04 KB, 640x360, ssstwitter.com_1728417123326.m…)

she does realize that mostly black gooners like this right?

No. 2043661

File: 1728418429079.mp4 (2.6 MB, 720x1280, rzhrzer.mp4)

more cringe

No. 2043669

File: 1728420233850.mp4 (1.21 MB, 576x1024, dfghjm.mp4)

back in ireland looking better? idk what the plastic surgery supposed to accomplished she looks awful

No. 2043673

File: 1728421134207.png (654.9 KB, 515x913, fghjkhgfd.png)

No. 2043877

File: 1728468889105.png (488.18 KB, 502x642, ydcvydv.png)

grim(sage your shit)

No. 2043892

Is it just me or does her nose look even bigger than before?

No. 2043900

thats because thats the true size of her nose. you know prevalent filters are right? hope she realized how weak the filter was before self-posting again

No. 2043911

She has major filler face kek she needs to get everything dissolved and refilled or just bite the bullet and get a proper nose job

No. 2043913

She looks like she’s made of clay

No. 2043919

File: 1728478352386.png (588.52 KB, 631x822, rgsdfgbd.png)

why the wrinkles though

No. 2043920

File: 1728478528584.png (378.93 KB, 495x588, rtzhetzh.png)

better picture

No. 2043924

a golem made of condoms filled with porridge

No. 2043936

She looks like how the women in Wallace and grommit are designed kek

No. 2043982

She has one of the worst voices I've ever heard, she literally sounds retarded

No. 2044059

i mean, she's definitely retarded

No. 2044068

This bitch takes the cake for the most pathetic cow on lolcow. Genuinely I never have seen a more desperate for recognition, histrionic retard ever and all her ploys for attention fail miserably due to her obvious insecurity and lack of authenticity in anything she does. All the piss shit, the spitting on people, saying the n word, none of it is done in a true schizo fashion, it seems all so forced, even when she says the n word it sounds like a child swearing for the first time. Even by saying this I know she’ll take some sort of twisted pride in me saying she’s the most anything but seriously, what a sad and pathetic case

No. 2044069

Also, I was gonna add. She definitely doesn’t do all this when the camera is off. It gives her a motive to do it, to show all her followers and orbiters what a schizo femcel uwu she is. You just know that if it weren’t for the larp she wouldn’t do any of this. She wishes she was daniel larson kek or literally any other genuinely cracked cow

No. 2044141

File: 1728513972482.jpeg (452.14 KB, 2368x1544, 8EF3C197-0B10-48B9-AF38-B4EBD3…)

She talks like she's not all there mentally, her voice sounds vacant & absent-minded like she's in a constant dissociative state. The look in her eyes is the same, void & not in a psychopathic way like she says, more like in a non-sentient sped incapable of cognizant thought way. You could say anything to her & it wouldn't register, she'd stare blankly, run off yelling "INCEL RAPE" as people nearby turn away from secondhand embarrassment wondering why the local tourettes lady was let out unsupervised again. I don't believe it's drugs, the result of grooming or even internet brainrot, it seems she's been slow since birth and that likely helped her qualify for disability and housing benefits

It's filler, a surgical rhinoplasty won't make a nose bigger for more than a couple months while it's swollen/healing, she traded having a crooked roman nose for a straighter albeit bigger one. I think after her recent Korea trip she looks the same though and don't see the eyebrow lift people are talking about or any aesthetic changes. She looks just as ugly with the blowout she's showing off like a makeawish tard who won a makeover giveaway. The curtain bangs appear to have been cut to help out her down-grown, manson-esque middle third but hairstyle changes do nothing for such a high mutational load face

No. 2044183

File: 1728523648781.png (322.51 KB, 353x555, fhshsth.png)

looking like a corpse

No. 2044184

File: 1728523705038.jpg (136.09 KB, 851x1509, GZeKtj1W0AA5TQ8.jpg)

sleep paralysis demon(posting milkless social media posts just to nitpick)

No. 2044312

I wish this obvious self post thread would just get nuked, holy shit.

No. 2044399

she said she was launching this like 3 times and still hasn't happened she knows its gonna flop

No. 2044413

the eyebags and facial bloating werent so bad before. is this what meth and aderall abuse do

No. 2044440

File: 1728589481936.jpeg (332.33 KB, 1170x1968, IMG_5643.jpeg)

Hahahaha what the fuck, Meitu waist edit slider on max and the forearms are creeping in with it.

No. 2044466

File: 1728594287620.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1890, IMG_1177.jpeg)

Wow she’s fucking huge and had to edit.
Here is a tweet she made about some other twitter thot because empie is jealous and uggo. Notice the projection here is only onto girls who are ten times more attractive than her. Shocker!

No. 2044468

>she's been slow since birth and that likely helped her qualify for disability and housing benefits
you wouldn't want her working as a care home assistant

No. 2044609

she actually managed to make herself look even uglier somehow. well done, retard.

No. 2044680

File: 1728634749146.jpg (82.84 KB, 1290x874, 20241011_091827.jpg)

Oh no no no

No. 2044681

destiny is well known for sleeping with any e-girl (or boy) who gives him a crumb of attention, hes always been a very desperate slag

No. 2044740

two fags following each other on twitter, who gives a fuck.

No. 2044886

File: 1728689704248.png (6.29 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1186.png)

Yikes(not milk)

No. 2044887

why are her ears so low down on her head? its kind of odd

No. 2044892

File: 1728690908789.jpg (89.97 KB, 600x319, IMG_3305.jpg)


No. 2044893

File: 1728691139742.png (42.78 KB, 971x622, a6404ee51271bc6de1fa58dbca0362…)

samefag and i'm kidding lol but low set ears are features present in a variety of genetic disorders and hers are actually unusually low

No. 2044894

E-whore on e-whore violence

No. 2044900

virgin taylor swift vs the chad lady gaga

No. 2044949

she looks like anne frank

No. 2045022

I'm a mixture of two(no1currs)

No. 2045053

how old are you to type out stupid shit like this. its called genetics its really not that fucking deep.

No. 2045353

how autistic are you to not pick up on such an obvious joke

No. 2045458

this is the physiognomy of an illiterate peasant who eats porridge for fun

No. 2045462

Behold the IQ of the average skullshape obsessor kek

No. 2045689

i posted the "skullshape" pic, not the anon ur replying to, and it was obviously a joke and not scientific lol. the anons virgin/chad reply was also another obvious joke, jeez louise people. the cow does have clinically low set ears however that part is not a joke

No. 2046471

no one gives a fuck who you are this is an anonymous imageboard

No. 2046779

File: 1729065181367.jpeg (757.34 KB, 1170x2061, IMG_1195.jpeg)

More begging for desperate men to notice her, even offering her shit coins in return. How desperate

No. 2046780

File: 1729065273761.jpeg (150.65 KB, 1170x679, IMG_1217.jpeg)

Kek no one wants her stupid shit coins

No. 2047019

yawn. this bitch is B O R I N G already. the racist schtick gets old quick. she’s boring af. wouldn’t have even gotten a thread if she didn’t desperately make one herself.
why does she think lolcows are people to be looked up to… imagine trying this hard to be the lowest common denominator of society… that makes you even lower…

No. 2047422

every time some retard comes in here complaining about self posting instead of going to meta im assuming its her or one of her moids, shut the fuck up and go to meta

No. 2047428

File: 1729200402749.jpeg (144.27 KB, 1170x305, 67FF7602-D34E-46C6-A897-6C7284…)

I can’t tell if she’s saying this ironically or if she’s actually so retarded she forgot about the 33 times she’s posted screenshots of other people blocking her. (Aella being one).

No. 2047499

File: 1729206649933.jpeg (132.03 KB, 1242x406, IMG_5079.jpeg)

your 2 braincells are clearly confused cause no one said who they are, anon i replied to was attacking a different anon for something they didnt post, and the post itself was a joke

aella advocates for legalizing ai csam, they're not far from each other in terms of how disgusting they are. aella is a cow in her own right and iirc has a thread too, she's just not a nobody, not as low IQ nor as unoriginal as empath who's plotting shitcoin scams like everyone else on the crypto side of twitter she just joined and started trying to social climb off late in the game. aella's thing is conducting research alongside her whoring on the depraved coomers who follow her, it's debatably rather unscientific but at the least it is more original and sets her apart from other whores, which is part of why whoring worked out for her financially. meanwhile empath sits on her flabby ass in her low income housing lying about how she bought it with simp money

No. 2047810

ok? i don’t care about aella and your weird spergout of her. i was just using her as an example of someone who blocked empath, that empath bragged about for days; thus being hypocritical in her post.

No. 2047838

File: 1729279606095.mp4 (589.06 KB, 638x360, ssstwitter.com_1729279425689.m…)

new n word stephen hawking voice video

No. 2047919

File: 1729291734530.jpeg (64.53 KB, 728x257, fdfh.jpeg)

deleted cause people kept calling her retarded

No. 2047924

Damn I thought this thread was on autosage.

No. 2047925

why would anyone care if you personally care either retard? making it known to those who don't know aella about her being a cow with subhuman views isn't a spergiut , yet she still has something empath is failing to get (millions from whoring). getting blocked by aella isn't a bad thing, and "hypocrisy in relation to posting about getting blocked" isn't milk at all. the fact they're pretty much both CP advocates is though, only empath actually posts it.

No. 2047935

Nothing here is milk anymore, she stopped being milky when she stopped spitting on people and she did that to get posted here. Yeah that's gross but it's not new.>>2047838 These feel like selfposts and it should be >>2047924

No. 2047938

i mean they are not and idk what you want me to do minimod chan she is already starving for attention it will escalate again

No. 2047947

there are only a few people who would get this stupid defensive like this. empath and her orbiters.

No. 2047948

File: 1729296411007.jpeg (201.71 KB, 488x830, dfghjkm.jpeg)

whatever will wait for milk personally

No. 2047952

I mean you can do that, that's fine but I honestly think this thread should be on autosage. I suggested this in meta but maybe if this thread is autosaged it will discourage fat retard-chan from self posting in her own thread.

No. 2047954


why autosage when she is going to escalate again

No. 2047955

Because this lolcow sucks ass dawg

No. 2047956

just hide the thread

No. 2048024

To be fair I like to see empath ruin her own life, but she is an ass tier lolcow since she's such a try hard

No. 2048036

yeah it’s only funny when the person isn’t trying hard to be a lolcow as some ironic joke or some shit. just lame as fuck boring bpd snooze fest.

No. 2048037

you genuinely have 40 iq

No. 2048114

I agree to an extent I think it's just newfags who don't know how to use the website and post nonmilk constantly. Just because the cow is updating social media daily doesn't mean you have to update the thread with it

Yours must be 10 then since you type like you're 2 standard deviations below me

No. 2048172

There's a person in this thread who's constantly trying to provoke infights (the one you replied to). Not sure if it's her or not, but the way they type really stands out and they're constantly being rude and snarky for no reason. They're one of the main posters itt and stick out like a sore thumb because they don't really know how to integrate despite posting here constantly.

No. 2048533

File: 1729450291130.jpg (211.54 KB, 1080x1520, IMG_20241020_215056.jpg)

Banned again on x

No. 2048566

File: 1729456250815.jpg (114.31 KB, 592x745, Untitled.jpg)

Ah ok, so the only people who don't want this thread locked or autosaged is uggo-chan herself and whoever runs this expose page, everything posted on this account was taken from these threads.

No. 2048607

No, multiple people post milk in these threads. I would argue it’s 1-2 people sperging about how these threads should be autosaged or deleted. Obviously it’s easy to ignore this thread in the catalog, so you must have some personal reason for being so distraught over people discussing Chloe.

No. 2048621

You seem pretty defensive over keeping this thread up and feeding into her attention seeking behavior.

No. 2048623

Nta but if you hate this thread so much just move on

No. 2048628

Not trying to infight but what sets Chloe apart from the other dime a dozen 4chan egirls that she should have her own thread and not be posted in the egirl thread? Her threads are filled with infighting "she's self posting" tinfoils and when there is milk nobody replies or even cares.

No. 2048648

i'm not the anon you're replying to but no one is taking your suggestions seriously if you keep sperging and infighting. the other egirls aren't as unhinged as chloe (assaulting people in public, fake rape allegations, prostituting for crypto) and if anything she'd want this thread full of people making fun of her failed shoops autosaged/locked over selfposting.

No. 2048651

She was different back when she was spitting on people and having meltdowns in the Mater Hospital but her milk has dried up. The only reason I still check this thread is because I'm also from Dublin lol but close ups of her shooped waist otherwise aren't interesting to me. She's just generic e-thot #69420 now.

No. 2048674

I'm not sperging out though? Multiple anons have said she's boring and milkless yet every time it's said a few defensive diehards pop up and claim she's totally unhinged and deserves a thread, it's a little weird especially if this was any other cow their thread would have been locked/autosaged already…

No. 2048726

she'd fit perfectly in the egirls thread and thats not an insult. some of the egirls there have their spergouts but dont warrant their own thread. not sure why people take downsizing a cow so personally when that’s just life. a thread isnt a badge of honor, and its not like she doesnt exist without one.

No. 2048867

empath is too boring to laugh at anymore.

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