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No. 2035138

empath-chan/seppukugirl is a 25 year old (as of now) r9k attention whore who shoops her body and face beyond recognition.
>started self posting on 4chan as Billy. Still self posts here. There and on tumblr(not found yet) mainly posted self harm and her shit art
>according to screenshots she laughed at her mom dying and allegedly according to her, got groomed by sleepy_seymour
>years later she resurfaces on an orbiter server called Jay's server by the name hvy and makes an of
>selfposts on r9k her comically shooped selfies on 2020, makes fun of ciara's death
>2021 starts going by empathchan and the selfposting r9k campaign starts
>posts nazi,misogynistic,zoophile,edgy shit to appeal to scrotes along with just repeating everything they say about her. Common 4chan girl tactic, for example they call her jewish she calls herself jewish, they say they want to rape her she says she wants to be raped. Τhey threaten her, she posts a fake address and claims that she wants them to come
>somehow art got even worse
>according to screenshots allegedly minors accuse her of being inappropriate with them
>still talks to sleepy seymour
>moids cut her name on themselves including on their dick despite nobody caring about her in any platform. So she might have paid them or asked degen cutters to do it, in order to appear like she is more popular than she is
>screenshots surface where she offers escorting to people on discord if they tip her 100 bucks on of
>gets welfared checked cause she was suicidal, liveposts the whole thing asking her orbiters how to get attention to be attended faster, she tries sitting on a wheelchair, screaming, talks about running around naked or falling to the ground and banging her head. Perhaps inspo for later
>claims to attempt suicide. Resurfaces in korea most likely where she had chin augmentation, also visits la afterwards
>alt reddit found where she has photos of a 3-year-long enduring yeast infection, vaginal cheese included.
>posting edgy statements did not get her any attention so she starts posting herself screaming irl
>still nobody cared so she starts posting what allegedly appears to be her peeing in public, spitting at people, groping women, swinging at them and calling them slurs.
>of banned moved to fansly
>alt reddit surfaces where she talks about having got fillers and chin augmentation, considers jaw surgery and lip lift.
>calls sigmund freud based >>1448731
>is proud of being a lolcow despite nobody rlly caring about her >>1448735
>real empath >>1501870 >>1659412 >>1811088 >>1820109 >>1821429 >>1835109
>wears a 'femcel rapist' shirt >>1658376
>pisses on the street >>1658542
>steals art >>1687949
>wanted to fuck her grandmas dog .. supposedly >>1811365
>calls a random stranger a faggot and proceeds to threaten to beat them >>1818439
>tells minors to buy her onlyfans, sends them lewd pictures >>1819445
>orbiter covers himself in writing of her name and sucks his moms vibrator for her?? >>1822509
>other weird orbiter activities >>1822537
>cuts swastika into her stomach whilst sucking in >>1822607
>shoops her body so genuinely crazily.. photoshopped >>1840761 opposed to real >>1824978 and >>1997870
>moid meets up with empathchan and takes candid photos of her >>1912488
>goes to a porn cinema >>1926814 >>1930285
>pretends to commit suicide and becomes inactive on social media for a solid month >>1950514 >>1952009
>gets caught on tiktok with a new persona >>1960622
>'self harm check' >>1988116
>gets nose and lip filler >>1991628
>harasses people on the streets of dublin for a while, is racist to most >>2002949 >>2002956 >>2003751 >>2003752 >>2004906 >>2010752 >>2010759 >>2010760 >>2010761
>hospital shenanigans >>2005311 >>2005312
>spits on people >>2008369 >>2008368
>is caught posting about a 3 year long yeast infection on reddit >>2010440
>flexes money >>2010813
Recent milk:
>many shoops >>2034160
>1970s witch trials? 1800s witch trials? This bitch is stupid.>>2032346
>brags and makes up stories on twitter about people calling her cute/ cat calling her >>2035056
>alogging about her 15 bmi even though she’s fat >>2013118
>making fun of recent femicide case where a model was brutally murdered by her husband and puréed in a blender to be edgy and appeal to her twitter fags >>2033637
>When she asked her followers what ethnicity she looked like and they all said Jewish >>2032303

social media:
https://twitter.com/findomlover028(2020 twitter oldest on recovered)
http://onlyfans.com/secretgurl(do not make new threads until the old one reaches 1200 posts)

No. 2035140

Old thread

No. 2037677

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Oh my god

No. 2037678

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No. 2037679

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Help why is she holding it like that

No. 2037680

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Literal autist

No. 2037683

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Bonus Chloe sperg on how blue eyes are super superior which is a huge cope because she’s hideous and Adriana Lima and Megan Fox are still gorgeous regardless of their eye color..

No. 2037685

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Multiple tweets of complimentary hotel room Champagne. We’ve hit a new low

No. 2037693

File: 1727111210425.png (116.52 KB, 475x475, IMG_0856.png)

Fat bitch

No. 2037707

Nobody cares about this tryhard self-posting pathetic bitch.

No. 2037717

The wiggly forearm and fupa begging for death's sweet embrace are sending me, holy shit

No. 2037719

Shut the fuck up. There are a few of us who follow her because she's a cow who harasses strangers in public and lies about rape.

No. 2037720

Personally I follow her because she's the only local cow I know of. I really want to bump into her in Dublin city centre just to see how she is irl

No. 2037746

File: 1727119243385.gif (635.2 KB, 275x190, 1725346501827.gif)

speak for yourself nonners, i and others love watching the downward spiral

No. 2037753

this comment should not have spawned such defensiveness unless shes actually self posting tbh

No. 2037759

I made this thread because I hate her and I’m also a new fag and posted it way too early. To each their own but she’s very milky

No. 2037770

File: 1727122903404.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1478, IMG_0862.jpeg)

kek at the low opacity shooped eyelashes from a shitty makeup app

No. 2037771

Me as well. I’ve actually seen her in public before around O’Connell street her beak is huge irl

No. 2037772

File: 1727123029707.jpeg (Spoiler Image,584.27 KB, 1170x847, IMG_0863.jpeg)

She should get liposuction(spoiler this)

No. 2037774

This is actually the saddest lolcow

No. 2037777

Hahahaha that fake latex/leather nurse headband looks so so terrible help

No. 2037780

How is she already blurring the shit out of her skin and making her arm wiggle but then thought the rest looks fine? Like “yes I’m going to upload this”.

No. 2037785

The top looks like something a gay leather Daddy would wear

No. 2037789

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No. 2037805

Hate to agree with a scrote but he's right, there's something very asexual and unerotic about Chloe. It's kind of like when a female mental asylum patient takes off her gown and starts masturbating in front of everyone or something, it's not sexy, it's just sad and weird. Like Alida her doughy strangely shaped body lacks sex appeal. Of course this wouldn't be relevant if Chloe wasn't constantly trying to whore herself out and shill her onlyfans.

No. 2037870

As much as I hate it I have to agree with him as well. unsexy and vacant and weird.
this is the male attention this loser craves.
>It's kind of like when a female mental asylum patient takes off her gown and starts masturbating in front of everyone or something, it's not sexy, it's just sad and weird.
holy shit this is the perfect analogy

No. 2037874

I'm built exactly like this.
Being skinny-fat and short is the worst fucking combination. Time to hit the gym ig.(no1curr)

No. 2037878

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overfed alien cattle physique

No. 2037914

what on earth… this looks so low effort and ugly

No. 2037915

it’s because she’s pale and got graves’ disease eyes, it’s like pro jared in those anime suits

No. 2037921

Why's it always the ones who lack sex appeal and grace like Moo, Emp, and Doupy that go into sw? She looks like a victim in her pics but she's the one exploiting herself.

No. 2037933

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Mr slave outfit

No. 2037979

thirded. it's what I imagine a realistic sex robot to be like. desperately lap dancing or whatever as everyone is weirded out and tries to ignore it.

No. 2038005

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No. 2038007

No man with even a semblance of a good jawline will ever stand in the same room as her

No. 2038027

Her face looks painfully swollen.

No. 2038028

>lain t-shirt
why do creepy incels love serial experiments lain so much?

No. 2038050

mr slave? this bitch is doctor rockso kekek a drug addicted clown everyone hates.

No. 2038114

the filter gave her a new face and somehow but emphasis on her nose

No. 2038222

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No. 2038232

kek even all the defenseanons are her, shes finally figuring out how to change her typing style after spamming 2 threads full of selfpost garbage. its kind of annoying seeing her thread wasting space on page 1 because she is always bumping it and i dont get why this 4chan invasive species is allowed to get away with shit that cows tend to get banned for(tinfoiling)

No. 2038252

File: 1727227964551.png (5.1 MB, 2048x1538, CYzQFfRUEAEEtM_.png)

>i dont get why this 4chan invasive species is allowed to get away with shit that cows tend to get banned for
I think only a hand full of people actually give a fuck about this fat loser and her gay shenanigans (that's including her "simps")
whew samefagging but this is all I can see when she's wearing a hat, sorry everyone.

No. 2038374

imagine the smell

No. 2038402

empath looks like she smells like rancid milk and the dude looks like he smells like BO

No. 2038455

note the balenciaga pedo cap

No. 2038500

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She having an episode.

No. 2038501

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No. 2038503

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No. 2038511

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No. 2038532

still can't tell if this bitch is actually mentally ill or just desperately starving for attention. She tries so hard yet is only able to get 50 likes for posting her hairy crotch on twitter

No. 2038539

I’ll take things that never happened for 100 please

No. 2038544

File: 1727293000260.png (76.15 KB, 1200x324, file.png)

idk whats the deal with her pretending to be a lesbian and then posting about being asexual and wanting to date guys but it doesn't matter cause she's dying alone anyways

No. 2038564

First of all nobody would say something like that at work, and second of all you're like a 3 both in Ireland and around the world.
How is she 25 and coming up with blatantly fake stories like a tumblr teenager

No. 2038583

nothing wrong with pubic hair you pedo

No. 2038586

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Oh the irony. So many tweets during her meth binge

No. 2038601

Why is she pretending to be feminist lately? Her entire online presence caters to incels. She's basically Elaine 2.0 at this point.

No. 2038623

Ayrt. You read my mind I think her and Elaine would literally either be best friends or arch enemies. Would love to see a cow crossover. Besides, Elaine is British and Chloe is Irish so its even more hilarious

No. 2038626

she's not feminist she's just a hateful narc who has contempt for everybody who doesnt kiss her ass, regardless of their gender

No. 2038627

I want them to do blow together and explore each others bodies

No. 2038750

Did she deliberately incorrectly quote Kendrick Lamar’s song “Humble”? The lyric is “show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks” lmao

No. 2038756

total attention whore. she 200% thinks about getting attention from online men and here every time she pulls out her phone and takes a selfie like a sped. she communicates through shock because shes ugly and socially retarded
why the hell do you think shes on meth.

No. 2038800

>why the hell do you think she’s on meth
You must be new here

No. 2038815

does she ever realize or at least consider that her whole shtick of constant posting of her snatch and being an absolute sperg in public achieve ONLY that porn-addicted-looking absolute losers like this sad individual get to have their turn with her. Like this is the only actual real life result of her ego binges. Thats what all this effort compiles into being. Meeting up with ugly bottom of the barrel sex perverts. Bleak!

No. 2038816

let me rephrase my question: why the hell do you think shes on meth when shes a pathological liar.

No. 2038825

She actively posts proof of her doing drugs.

No. 2038826

Bottom of the barrel pervs who feed her drugs so sad

No. 2038841

other than weed, why would I believe the other stuff when shes soooo desperate to look like a badass.

No. 2038850

Because she’s retarted and desperate for attention? Either way who gives a fuck how are you so sure she’s NOT doing drugs kek

No. 2038917

because korea is a place that does not fuck around. notice she isn't going around spitting on people or talking shit either

No. 2038918

thank you for the cultural context I cannot listen to this zoomer rap

No. 2038992

you must be old as fuck, that's archetypal millennial rap

No. 2038996

you mean zoomer rap. this came out in 2017 not 2007

No. 2039001

Kendrick Lamar actually does seem most popular with millennials and has a really diverse fan base. There’s a lot of people who enjoy his music who typically don’t listen to rap. That song sucks though.

No. 2039039

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No. 2039040

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No. 2039041

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No. 2039042

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No. 2039043

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No. 2039044

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No. 2039050

Lame and boring, just another dime a dozen worthless egirl in a sea of other worthless egirls.

No. 2039056

This. She knows she's mid compared to other e-girls and doesn't have particularly big tits or ass so she has to compensate by being as edgy and tryhard relatable to incels as possible.

No. 2039057

all the more reason to lie on the internet. she tries way too hard and her act only fools sheltered neet retards and her orbiters. we have actual drug addict cows here and shes nothing like them.
if you don't know who kendrick lamar just say so and move on
why do I get the feeling shes tries extra hard when a rando moid is unimpressed by her

No. 2039080

File: 1727391982542.webp (77.42 KB, 1119x801, kendrick-and-diddy-v0-l37f525b…)

How cute of Kendrick to pretend he's into women.(derailing)

No. 2039164

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Dunno where this is from but i saw this in a youtube thumbnail. Look familiar?

No. 2039200

yes lol but this goofy drawing still mogs her

No. 2039224

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Thankyou for reminding me of this show

No. 2039244

No. 2039245

File: 1727424681479.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1477, IMG_0940.jpeg)

She looks like shit

No. 2039292

she's going to end up looking like katie price

No. 2039294

she is not getting meth/speed in ireland, its very uncommon, only the poles/lithuanians sell it and they generally don't sell it to irish people, i really doubt she's on coke in the airport too

No. 2039303

As someone who lives in Dublin it’s extremely common

No. 2039360

Speed (amphetamine) is very common there. Meth is not.

No. 2039403

She probably just took some adderall or something, but pretends she's some badass bitch that's snorting coke on a plane, lol.

No. 2039549

it's easy as fuck to get anything off dnm(sage your shit)

No. 2039573

how much korean surgery did she get, looks like an eye job, rhinoplasty, chin implant, the most obvious is the jaw shave?

No. 2039588

25 years old btw and still having to make up that edgy cringe shit. Some junkies really do get mentally retarded and stuck permanently in the age where they started using. Quite sad.

No. 2039616

she should just get lipo or a bbl instead of fucking up her face, like her eyes look absurd in this picture kek >>2039245 (I wonder if she got a nose job so people would stop telling her she looks like a jew)

No. 2039657

her bday is in june or something. isnt she 26 by now?

No. 2039820

she turned 25 this year but according to her she's 20-21

No. 2039893

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No. 2039894

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No. 2039896

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No. 2039897

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No. 2039898

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No. 2039906

You can see the filler in her nosebridge kek.

No. 2039942

File: 1727568133654.jpg (194.74 KB, 1118x563, IMG_5632.jpg)

Oh crap I see it, sharpened it up and it looks like a lump

No. 2040027

For real. The fact that she's keeping her own thread alive is insanely pathetic… Like who does that? I almost feel bad for her, like imagine doing this with your limited time here on Earth.

No. 2040105

My first thought was : "look at her victim standing in the background". Notice how they're not touching each other in any of the pictures, unlike couples usually do in their selfies.
This negative canthal tilt retard is going to get abused on the premise of having crazy bpd sex, serves him right geg.

No. 2040114

keeping your own thread alive is a level of pathetic I didn't think was possible. imagine going about your day but then you have this weird need to prove yourself to randos on lolcow of things, so you act out like a retard and come here for validation.

No. 2040117

Revealing yourself as the failed normie you are with that Taylor swift lyric reference

No. 2040151

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I think she got the idea for that from this other cow who also supports pedophiles and went on that child molester sam hyde's show and is a part of the milady scene >>1995382 >>1995349

No. 2040285

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No. 2040310

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No. 2040311

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No. 2040312

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No. 2040313

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No. 2040314

File: 1727648608147.jpeg (510.31 KB, 1170x2254, IMG_5600.jpeg)

I’m just posting these because it’s fun milk. She brags about getting sent money but is begging and stuck at the airport in Bali until further notice.

No. 2040315

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No. 2040318

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No. 2040319

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No. 2040320

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No. 2040322

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No. 2040324

Did this bitch seriously get catfished into flying to Bali?

God she's so pathetic

No. 2040328

File: 1727649928029.png (14.75 KB, 598x214, chrome_003UlvU3bf.png)

Self-posting for sure

No. 2040330

No it’s not. Just beating her to it so she doesn’t skew the story she posted even more so.(sage your shit)

No. 2040331

Can mods just lock her thread? she's boring and forcing her own milk by constantly crying rape and abuse from 4channers she's willingly flying out to and visiting(go to /meta/)

No. 2040332

>lolcow forums
The nonnie that said she was failed normie was so spot on

No. 2040334

First of all, kek at lolcow "forums." If you were really an edgy femcel you'd at least get the name right. She reminds me of those coquettes on tumblr/twitter who talk about using lolcow to sound edgy but then when someone posts them to make fun of them for having bunself pronouns or being memed into dating divorced dads by Lana Del Rey songs they have crybaby meltdowns about how farmers are meanie weanies. She's like that except trying to appeal smelly autistic 4chan men instead of other edgy e-girls.
Second of all, if she tried to post him here she'd just get banned for vendettafagging.
This woman needs to do some deep soul searching, she's already 25 and still doing behaviours she should have grown out of at 20 at most. Does she plan on being 30 in a few years and still acting like a moron on twitter for low quality male attention?

No. 2040336

>spends her days trying to get male attention, having an onlyfans and constantly meeting up with loser spergs for quick sex
>"I'm asexual and a virgin actually!!!1"

Her thinking anyone would believe this bs is proof that she must be constantly high as fuck

No. 2040350

File: 1727655055610.jpeg (132.5 KB, 945x2048, IMG_4378.jpeg)

This is so pathetic lol. She keeps getting rejected by other rejects, the pedo nft scrotes who are flying her out i hopes of fucking her so they can brag about it to other losers in their gcs like they bagged the insane bpd femcel whore who spits on people, but don't want to be affiliated with her in public so when she posts about them hanging out they get embarrassed all the bitches they're simping are seeing it, get mad at her, call her a clout chaser and cancel plans, then she comes out with fake sexual assault/abuse allegations. She acts all excited posting about meeting up with her crypto "friends", meanwhile they're all laughing about her placing bets on who will fuck this ugly sped who can't even tell what's actually going on. It's a terrible thing really to take advantage of the intellectually disabled.

There are so many examples of her trying to befriend or talking about other cows at this point and she's probably the most desperate one on here. You gotta give it to her for trying so hard to milk herself

No. 2040360

the milady fags and incels like childish looking women who dont wear makeup and look like they just rolled out of bed and woke up pretty. they also like them to be rail thin with no tits or ass whatsoever. empath looks too mature and chubby for their tastes.

No. 2040396

This bitch is so cringe lol
This. She’s boring as fuck and cries wolf whenever her thread is dry. Not even worth it at this point. She’s just a fat Irish normie trying to larp as an edgelord but the second any orbiters come near her and match her energy she gets scared.

No. 2040397

File: 1727663432920.jpeg (773.05 KB, 1170x1236, IMG_1084.jpeg)

Begging for money to drink her own stinky pee out of a cup to make enough money to get back to Ireland is a different kind of low lol

No. 2040398

File: 1727663624299.jpeg (533.78 KB, 1170x1613, IMG_1083.jpeg)

How actually retarted do you have to be to post this publicly and not have any common sense

No. 2040399

File: 1727663822129.jpeg (586.97 KB, 1170x1392, IMG_1085.jpeg)

This is a fucking hilarious

No. 2040400

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On one hand she’s getting 20k and making bank and this and that but now she has no money to fly out to Ireland

No. 2040402

File: 1727664018036.mp4 (8.81 MB, t7frl1.mp4)

The main Miladies are pedophiles friends with the pedo founder Indian >>2037296 and they like literal children, "childish looking women" is gross af to say. He was asking to cuddle her and obviously wanted to fuck her. He just doesn't want to be seen with her in public because that looks bad even for him

After it was pointed out in the first thread that Empath was calling a child who they thirst after a troon, Empath started obsessing over this milady pedo @Schizo_Freq. He is 30 and the one who posted that viral tweet talking about having sex with a 14 year old girl who looks like towelboys. Empath saw that and has since been calling him her best friend, competing with other women for attention from him, complaining about them kicking her from spaces she follows him into, talking to other scrotes about wanting to meet him but he's too busy for her, etc. Why are you so desperate for validation from this specific pedophile Chloe? It's like she's reading about different cows and wanting to befriend them, so strange.

This is 7 minutes of her obsessing over this one pedo. At 1:40 it also sounds like she said "I missed bail twice" If I'm hearing correctly there's a possibility she could've been charged back with something back in Ireland and traveled to avoid prosecution

No. 2040405

File: 1727664719227.png (185.91 KB, 1756x820, 1727649928029.png)

HAHAHAHA stranded in a third world country AND getting clown on by crypto chuds? that's awesome, couldn't have happened to a better person.

No. 2040408

all lies shes not in bali and some dude didn’t want her again. this is blatant self posting. shes manufacturing “milk” by constantly lying for the sake of a fucking lolcow thread. mods need to lock this thread, filthy neet can go pander to 4chan fags

No. 2040409

File: 1727666859551.png (1.31 MB, 2246x1334, cap.png)

lol. lmao even!

No. 2040424

File: 1727671809536.jpeg (1.36 MB, 3232x3276, 091298EF-A213-41CB-9CE6-8C6008…)

Bali is a pretty cheap place to travel and it's not like unbelievable some coomer would bring her over there. asking for a thread to be locked where we're laughing at her chubby pics, keeping record of her petty crimes and humiliating downward spiral isn't doing what u think it's doing

No. 2040428

File: 1727672730703.png (54.26 KB, 611x400, 94872987428.png)

LFG!! this is a sign Irish Nona's reports worked and she missed bail twice

No. 2040475

I think she’s self posting. This one was extremely obvious.
But now I think she’s just interacting in her threads and making fun of herself just to gain traction. In reality no one really cares we all think she’s fat and retarted.

No. 2040578

Can we just let her fade away? the attention seeking is so apparent

No. 2040588

Jesus christ, she's literally retarded. Why would she trust some random crypto guy and flew to Bali for him? She's such a handmaiden. Also, she tweeted like a week ago that someone tried to rape her in her hotel: >>2037181 - why does she keep meeting these crypto faggots?

No. 2040590

I thought she was rich, why is she begging for money again?

No. 2040659

nobody believes anything she says. I also don't believe she's on bail or whatever oirish name for it.

No. 2040698

She really is so obsessed with this pedo. And he has a gf. But she was fine with him sexualizing 14 year olds so I doubt she cares that he's dming some whore.

No. 2040795

All these posts asking for empath's thread to be locked are getting weird. If you hate this thread so much, hide it.

No. 2040823

File: 1727760192423.jpeg (599.98 KB, 3241x3317, 7B5ACE83-A4B7-4A62-B6C0-12D555…)

it's just her pretending to enjoy being a laughing stock because of her edgy psycho larp. she's acting like picrel but idiot anons who get bored with other threads and browse here to complain when it gets bumped believe it. she mentioned posting on lolcow! stop making fun of her and archiving her miserable life crumbling before everyone's eyes, she loves and gets off to it! yeah ok,,

No. 2040861

OT but the way these crypto tards talk on twitter is such a cringe compilation of narcissism and terminally online retardation .

No. 2040862

Sorry I'm dumb. What's a rugger? I've only heard it being used to describe someone who likes/plays rugby. Urban dictionary isn't helping

No. 2040864

she's not using it in the correct context but I am sure she's referring to cryptotard speak short hand for "rug pull" where they inflate a coin then sell at its peak to profit leaving the sheep who bought in as exit liquidity

No. 2040869

Ah makes sense. Thanks

No. 2041044

File: 1727810485334.png (904.61 KB, 682x890, Screenshot 2024-10-01 at 9.20.…)

egghead beta strikes again(sage your shit)

No. 2041636

raised on environmental oestrogen and microplastics. progeria looking omega mf

No. 2041995

File: 1728021729587.jpeg (795.12 KB, 1170x2148, IMG_5625.jpeg)

Angelw4ste is her new Instagram handle, can’t post a reel without using a 2016 Snapchat filter.

No. 2042035

obvious self post. no1curr

No. 2042043

She’s so boring thinking saying nigga makes her edgy. She’s really just an attention seeking self posting uggo

No. 2042072

File: 1728045263184.jpeg (1012.32 KB, 1170x2107, IMG_1122.jpeg)

The shoop on the waist has to be intentional at this point. It’s just embarrassing how rotund and unflattering her body shape is

No. 2042117

stop bitching and go to meta this seems like the real selfpost

No. 2042303

File: 1728087290501.mp4 (2.35 MB, 590x1022, 8539084948.mp4)

Most obvious video shoop ft warping and her ribcage changing sizes

No. 2042306

File: 1728088736158.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3464x3438, C7179CB3-1F56-42EB-AC56-6A854B…)

> Being 30+ years old and harassing someone in their 20s is weird!

She mogged you in her 20s and still does. She looks slimmer, prettier and more youthful than you in her 30s, and you're both full grown adults since you're in your mid 20s, Chloe. She's dming you because you were obsessing over and making up lies about her uggo milady roommate who she wouldn't get with so he goes for equally ugly chubsters like you, and even then rejects you, and that isn't harassment. You do harass children though and are a pedophile who sends photoshopped wide torso & vaginal yeast porn to them, so there's that.

No. 2042348

She have a botched brow lift? kinda like ariana grande's

No. 2042404

no it looks like she just shaves them thinner and into that retard ‘sad’ expression that these bitches usually do when they want to appear more childlike

No. 2042406

She is. You can only see the analytics button on your own tweets and half the tweet screenshots in this thread have it.

No. 2042415

I see analytics button on everyone's post

No. 2042468

She doesn't look that bad in the bottom left pic she needs a good nose job that might lift up her slef esteem and make her stop acting like a fucking retard online

No. 2042492

she's like a bodybuilder with downs. nobody wants to deal with her sped brain and botched face even if they like her tits and ass

No. 2042565

Are we looking at the same pic..?

No. 2042582

Her nose bridge looks so crooked here, compared to all of her shops. She should have gotten a nose job instead of getting her jaw shaved down smh.

No. 2042753

why is she allowed to constantly self post, like girl go get a hobby for friends or something

No. 2042972

she did get one, that pic was from before but it was probs liquid rhino with filler >>1992063

No. 2043068

She hasn’t had a rhinoplasty, rhinoplasty takes a year to fully heal and until then there are various stages of facial swelling which would have been obvious in her selfies. What has happened here is she rushed to get nose bridge filler when she saw the creepshot somebody took of her subhuman profile… mouthbreathing and hooked nose.

No. 2043146

The analytics button is available for everyone

No. 2043147

File: 1728300922272.jpeg (227.96 KB, 1170x647, IMG_1160.jpeg)

No one cares about your shit coin fatty

No. 2043211

Still a better investment than FTX

No. 2043275

File: 1728329098443.jpeg (228.02 KB, 1170x765, IMG_1164.jpeg)

Bitter uggo, as if hiding your face is worse than photoshopping all of your pics

No. 2043323

File: 1728337918111.jpeg (1 MB, 2937x2515, EB167ED9-3FA8-40F3-AD7F-AF1281…)

don't forget videos. she checked her thread and saw her failshoop posted here >>2042303 then deleted it from ig kek how are you so delayed that you didn't notice this until anons pointed it out?

No. 2043462

giving this bitch some head would fix me ngl(no1curr)

No. 2043474

Hi cow(hi cow)

No. 2043555

I still think she got a botched brow lift, the left looks permanently raised like ariana grande's. Also Beingbetrayd is the infamous egirl uggo-chan wishes she was.

No. 2043652

File: 1728417482879.mp4 (596.04 KB, 640x360, ssstwitter.com_1728417123326.m…)

she does realize that mostly black gooners like this right?

No. 2043661

File: 1728418429079.mp4 (2.6 MB, 720x1280, rzhrzer.mp4)

more cringe

No. 2043669

File: 1728420233850.mp4 (1.21 MB, 576x1024, dfghjm.mp4)

back in ireland looking better? idk what the plastic surgery supposed to accomplished she looks awful

No. 2043673

File: 1728421134207.png (654.9 KB, 515x913, fghjkhgfd.png)

No. 2043877

File: 1728468889105.png (488.18 KB, 502x642, ydcvydv.png)

grim(sage your shit)

No. 2043892

Is it just me or does her nose look even bigger than before?

No. 2043900

thats because thats the true size of her nose. you know prevalent filters are right? hope she realized how weak the filter was before self-posting again

No. 2043911

She has major filler face kek she needs to get everything dissolved and refilled or just bite the bullet and get a proper nose job

No. 2043913

She looks like she’s made of clay

No. 2043919

File: 1728478352386.png (588.52 KB, 631x822, rgsdfgbd.png)

why the wrinkles though

No. 2043920

File: 1728478528584.png (378.93 KB, 495x588, rtzhetzh.png)

better picture

No. 2043924

a golem made of condoms filled with porridge

No. 2043936

She looks like how the women in Wallace and grommit are designed kek

No. 2043982

She has one of the worst voices I've ever heard, she literally sounds retarded

No. 2044059

i mean, she's definitely retarded

No. 2044068

This bitch takes the cake for the most pathetic cow on lolcow. Genuinely I never have seen a more desperate for recognition, histrionic retard ever and all her ploys for attention fail miserably due to her obvious insecurity and lack of authenticity in anything she does. All the piss shit, the spitting on people, saying the n word, none of it is done in a true schizo fashion, it seems all so forced, even when she says the n word it sounds like a child swearing for the first time. Even by saying this I know she’ll take some sort of twisted pride in me saying she’s the most anything but seriously, what a sad and pathetic case

No. 2044069

Also, I was gonna add. She definitely doesn’t do all this when the camera is off. It gives her a motive to do it, to show all her followers and orbiters what a schizo femcel uwu she is. You just know that if it weren’t for the larp she wouldn’t do any of this. She wishes she was daniel larson kek or literally any other genuinely cracked cow

No. 2044141

File: 1728513972482.jpeg (452.14 KB, 2368x1544, 8EF3C197-0B10-48B9-AF38-B4EBD3…)

She talks like she's not all there mentally, her voice sounds vacant & absent-minded like she's in a constant dissociative state. The look in her eyes is the same, void & not in a psychopathic way like she says, more like in a non-sentient sped incapable of cognizant thought way. You could say anything to her & it wouldn't register, she'd stare blankly, run off yelling "INCEL RAPE" as people nearby turn away from secondhand embarrassment wondering why the local tourettes lady was let out unsupervised again. I don't believe it's drugs, the result of grooming or even internet brainrot, it seems she's been slow since birth and that likely helped her qualify for disability and housing benefits

It's filler, a surgical rhinoplasty won't make a nose bigger for more than a couple months while it's swollen/healing, she traded having a crooked roman nose for a straighter albeit bigger one. I think after her recent Korea trip she looks the same though and don't see the eyebrow lift people are talking about or any aesthetic changes. She looks just as ugly with the blowout she's showing off like a makeawish tard who won a makeover giveaway. The curtain bangs appear to have been cut to help out her down-grown, manson-esque middle third but hairstyle changes do nothing for such a high mutational load face

No. 2044183

File: 1728523648781.png (322.51 KB, 353x555, fhshsth.png)

looking like a corpse

No. 2044184

File: 1728523705038.jpg (136.09 KB, 851x1509, GZeKtj1W0AA5TQ8.jpg)

sleep paralysis demon(posting milkless social media posts just to nitpick)

No. 2044312

I wish this obvious self post thread would just get nuked, holy shit.

No. 2044399

she said she was launching this like 3 times and still hasn't happened she knows its gonna flop

No. 2044413

the eyebags and facial bloating werent so bad before. is this what meth and aderall abuse do

No. 2044440

File: 1728589481936.jpeg (332.33 KB, 1170x1968, IMG_5643.jpeg)

Hahahaha what the fuck, Meitu waist edit slider on max and the forearms are creeping in with it.

No. 2044466

File: 1728594287620.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1890, IMG_1177.jpeg)

Wow she’s fucking huge and had to edit.
Here is a tweet she made about some other twitter thot because empie is jealous and uggo. Notice the projection here is only onto girls who are ten times more attractive than her. Shocker!

No. 2044468

>she's been slow since birth and that likely helped her qualify for disability and housing benefits
you wouldn't want her working as a care home assistant

No. 2044609

she actually managed to make herself look even uglier somehow. well done, retard.

No. 2044680

File: 1728634749146.jpg (82.84 KB, 1290x874, 20241011_091827.jpg)

Oh no no no

No. 2044681

destiny is well known for sleeping with any e-girl (or boy) who gives him a crumb of attention, hes always been a very desperate slag

No. 2044740

two fags following each other on twitter, who gives a fuck.

No. 2044886

File: 1728689704248.png (6.29 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1186.png)

Yikes(not milk)

No. 2044887

why are her ears so low down on her head? its kind of odd

No. 2044892

File: 1728690908789.jpg (89.97 KB, 600x319, IMG_3305.jpg)


No. 2044893

File: 1728691139742.png (42.78 KB, 971x622, a6404ee51271bc6de1fa58dbca0362…)

samefag and i'm kidding lol but low set ears are features present in a variety of genetic disorders and hers are actually unusually low

No. 2044894

E-whore on e-whore violence

No. 2044900

virgin taylor swift vs the chad lady gaga

No. 2044949

she looks like anne frank

No. 2045022

I'm a mixture of two(no1currs)

No. 2045053

how old are you to type out stupid shit like this. its called genetics its really not that fucking deep.

No. 2045353

how autistic are you to not pick up on such an obvious joke

No. 2045458

this is the physiognomy of an illiterate peasant who eats porridge for fun

No. 2045462

Behold the IQ of the average skullshape obsessor kek

No. 2045689

i posted the "skullshape" pic, not the anon ur replying to, and it was obviously a joke and not scientific lol. the anons virgin/chad reply was also another obvious joke, jeez louise people. the cow does have clinically low set ears however that part is not a joke

No. 2046471

no one gives a fuck who you are this is an anonymous imageboard

No. 2046779

File: 1729065181367.jpeg (757.34 KB, 1170x2061, IMG_1195.jpeg)

More begging for desperate men to notice her, even offering her shit coins in return. How desperate

No. 2046780

File: 1729065273761.jpeg (150.65 KB, 1170x679, IMG_1217.jpeg)

Kek no one wants her stupid shit coins

No. 2047019

yawn. this bitch is B O R I N G already. the racist schtick gets old quick. she’s boring af. wouldn’t have even gotten a thread if she didn’t desperately make one herself.
why does she think lolcows are people to be looked up to… imagine trying this hard to be the lowest common denominator of society… that makes you even lower…

No. 2047422

every time some retard comes in here complaining about self posting instead of going to meta im assuming its her or one of her moids, shut the fuck up and go to meta

No. 2047428

File: 1729200402749.jpeg (144.27 KB, 1170x305, 67FF7602-D34E-46C6-A897-6C7284…)

I can’t tell if she’s saying this ironically or if she’s actually so retarded she forgot about the 33 times she’s posted screenshots of other people blocking her. (Aella being one).

No. 2047499

File: 1729206649933.jpeg (132.03 KB, 1242x406, IMG_5079.jpeg)

your 2 braincells are clearly confused cause no one said who they are, anon i replied to was attacking a different anon for something they didnt post, and the post itself was a joke

aella advocates for legalizing ai csam, they're not far from each other in terms of how disgusting they are. aella is a cow in her own right and iirc has a thread too, she's just not a nobody, not as low IQ nor as unoriginal as empath who's plotting shitcoin scams like everyone else on the crypto side of twitter she just joined and started trying to social climb off late in the game. aella's thing is conducting research alongside her whoring on the depraved coomers who follow her, it's debatably rather unscientific but at the least it is more original and sets her apart from other whores, which is part of why whoring worked out for her financially. meanwhile empath sits on her flabby ass in her low income housing lying about how she bought it with simp money

No. 2047810

ok? i don’t care about aella and your weird spergout of her. i was just using her as an example of someone who blocked empath, that empath bragged about for days; thus being hypocritical in her post.

No. 2047838

File: 1729279606095.mp4 (589.06 KB, 638x360, ssstwitter.com_1729279425689.m…)

new n word stephen hawking voice video

No. 2047919

File: 1729291734530.jpeg (64.53 KB, 728x257, fdfh.jpeg)

deleted cause people kept calling her retarded

No. 2047924

Damn I thought this thread was on autosage.

No. 2047925

why would anyone care if you personally care either retard? making it known to those who don't know aella about her being a cow with subhuman views isn't a spergiut , yet she still has something empath is failing to get (millions from whoring). getting blocked by aella isn't a bad thing, and "hypocrisy in relation to posting about getting blocked" isn't milk at all. the fact they're pretty much both CP advocates is though, only empath actually posts it.

No. 2047935

Nothing here is milk anymore, she stopped being milky when she stopped spitting on people and she did that to get posted here. Yeah that's gross but it's not new.>>2047838 These feel like selfposts and it should be >>2047924

No. 2047938

i mean they are not and idk what you want me to do minimod chan she is already starving for attention it will escalate again

No. 2047947

there are only a few people who would get this stupid defensive like this. empath and her orbiters.

No. 2047948

File: 1729296411007.jpeg (201.71 KB, 488x830, dfghjkm.jpeg)

whatever will wait for milk personally

No. 2047952

I mean you can do that, that's fine but I honestly think this thread should be on autosage. I suggested this in meta but maybe if this thread is autosaged it will discourage fat retard-chan from self posting in her own thread.

No. 2047954


why autosage when she is going to escalate again

No. 2047955

Because this lolcow sucks ass dawg

No. 2047956

just hide the thread

No. 2048024

To be fair I like to see empath ruin her own life, but she is an ass tier lolcow since she's such a try hard

No. 2048036

yeah it’s only funny when the person isn’t trying hard to be a lolcow as some ironic joke or some shit. just lame as fuck boring bpd snooze fest.

No. 2048037

you genuinely have 40 iq

No. 2048114

I agree to an extent I think it's just newfags who don't know how to use the website and post nonmilk constantly. Just because the cow is updating social media daily doesn't mean you have to update the thread with it

Yours must be 10 then since you type like you're 2 standard deviations below me

No. 2048172

There's a person in this thread who's constantly trying to provoke infights (the one you replied to). Not sure if it's her or not, but the way they type really stands out and they're constantly being rude and snarky for no reason. They're one of the main posters itt and stick out like a sore thumb because they don't really know how to integrate despite posting here constantly.

No. 2048533

File: 1729450291130.jpg (211.54 KB, 1080x1520, IMG_20241020_215056.jpg)

Banned again on x

No. 2048566

File: 1729456250815.jpg (114.31 KB, 592x745, Untitled.jpg)

Ah ok, so the only people who don't want this thread locked or autosaged is uggo-chan herself and whoever runs this expose page, everything posted on this account was taken from these threads.

No. 2048607

No, multiple people post milk in these threads. I would argue it’s 1-2 people sperging about how these threads should be autosaged or deleted. Obviously it’s easy to ignore this thread in the catalog, so you must have some personal reason for being so distraught over people discussing Chloe.

No. 2048621

You seem pretty defensive over keeping this thread up and feeding into her attention seeking behavior.

No. 2048623

Nta but if you hate this thread so much just move on

No. 2048628

Not trying to infight but what sets Chloe apart from the other dime a dozen 4chan egirls that she should have her own thread and not be posted in the egirl thread? Her threads are filled with infighting "she's self posting" tinfoils and when there is milk nobody replies or even cares.

No. 2048648

i'm not the anon you're replying to but no one is taking your suggestions seriously if you keep sperging and infighting. the other egirls aren't as unhinged as chloe (assaulting people in public, fake rape allegations, prostituting for crypto) and if anything she'd want this thread full of people making fun of her failed shoops autosaged/locked over selfposting.

No. 2048651

She was different back when she was spitting on people and having meltdowns in the Mater Hospital but her milk has dried up. The only reason I still check this thread is because I'm also from Dublin lol but close ups of her shooped waist otherwise aren't interesting to me. She's just generic e-thot #69420 now.

No. 2048674

I'm not sperging out though? Multiple anons have said she's boring and milkless yet every time it's said a few defensive diehards pop up and claim she's totally unhinged and deserves a thread, it's a little weird especially if this was any other cow their thread would have been locked/autosaged already…

No. 2048726

she'd fit perfectly in the egirls thread and thats not an insult. some of the egirls there have their spergouts but dont warrant their own thread. not sure why people take downsizing a cow so personally when that’s just life. a thread isnt a badge of honor, and its not like she doesnt exist without one.

No. 2048867

empath is too boring to laugh at anymore.

No. 2049920

File: 1729773125593.png (8.51 KB, 460x64, Screenshot 2024-10-24 153119.p…)

no milk but she is buying followers since she was at 3k a few hours ago with still shit engagement so her new acc will die too soon

No. 2049932

File: 1729776626027.jpeg (35.86 KB, 419x213, dhsdthd.jpeg)


found it lol

No. 2049997

It's at 8k now. We already knew her likes and follow count are fake since she had almost none before Elon further ruined the website and started hiding likes and follows

No. 2050124

sameanon leaving the archive https://archive.md/nZfRl

No. 2050979

File: 1730059647064.png (667.09 KB, 822x1506, 27oct 7.42.53 PM.png)

The cow is trying to force beef with prettier girls. unknown levels of projection and delusion unfolding. this retard should just lez out already and make OF content acc worth paying for kek

No. 2051042

File: 1730073106731.jpeg (1.49 MB, 3464x3464, A802C103-90C2-48B7-8F2F-78E2CF…)

She forces beef with other degenerate cows and whores who are usually more popular than her, whether they're prettier than her or not seems to be irrelevant and your opinion

No. 2051106

Phemoid is a lolcow to but may as well be a different species than Empath due to how much more attractive she is. Empath is a chimpanzee flinging shit around her cage for attention. Empath looks like a frumpy dowdy special ed, Phemoid is very pretty.

No. 2051112

File: 1730093743553.jpg (402.52 KB, 1836x2448, Ga6tl9oWEAAdSSy.jpg)

how do you post this and think your face looks good kek(nitpicking/repetitive comments)

No. 2051156

File: 1730106455543.png (790.98 KB, 604x1304, phemoid.png)

lmao how is the fact that phemoid mogs her to death not relevant for the big picture? she even got a simp to start a poll on who's hotter between them. we already know shes a leech feeding on any attention she can, but given her history the contrast in physical appearance here is especially jarring.

No. 2051157

Can you shut up you retarded white knight. She’s not pretty, she looks like a foot. She just facetunes the shit out of herself and has gotten multiple plastic surgeries.

No. 2051158

File: 1730107531656.webp (42.65 KB, 640x749, IMG_9871.webp)

Samefag but
>may as well be a different species
They look the same. Look at phemoid on the whatever podcast when she doesn’t have all her filters. Stop this ridiculous mid off.

No. 2051220

Kek habsburg jaw looking mf is pretty close to empaths level of ugly to be completely honest. Two uggos calling each other out is hilarious

No. 2051245

File: 1730133571535.png (563.6 KB, 772x423, phemoid.png)

Empath is hideous but the women I've seen her pick fights with who have engaged at all have pretty much all been lolcows who are similarly ugly and have done similarly gross things. Phemoid doesn't mog anyone to death and if you think that you must be quite ugly yourself

No. 2051285

without filters phemoid looks like an average person. empath however is objectively ugly, inside and out. i dont really care to know who phemoid is as a person but empath could be doing other things than airing in insecurities on shitter.

No. 2051330

i’ve seen her live stream, she’s looks slightly different than her posed photos but she’s very attractive. i’m not a moid. you’re coping.
taking a couple blurry screenshots of her no makeup and calling her ugly is retarded and a massive cope.

No. 2051331

the funniest part of the two chosen photos is that is a posed photo of empath with makeup on, and that is a candid screenshot while phemoid is in the middle of making a stank-face with no makeup on.

you are choosing the worst version of phemoid and comparing it with empaths attempt at looking the best she can kek.

No. 2051332

I watched that entire episode of the whatever podcast and she unironically looked great. If empath went on something like that she would look like she has stink lines coming off of her because of how haggard she manages to look.

No. 2051363

If people find a cow unattractive who in your head is obviously attractive then what are you? That's the only cope. Nobody has to agree with your cope or opinion. Empath is uglier than another more popular lolcow who's also commonly called ugly, so enlightening. She's just picking fights with cows who get more engagement cause she's all out of milk so this is attempt #2567 at manufacturing it. Yawn

No. 2051404

> if i fucked my dog
is this the bitch that was posting herself fucking her dog in the last thread

No. 2051458

It’s probably phemoid posting herself. You would not believe how obsessed with herself that woman is. She gave up a promising career in music so that she could be an e whore, orbit a dumpy manlet like destiny, post edgy jokes about fucking her ugly rat dogs on discord and to top it all off she’s married to a pedophile. Like who cares who’s better looking?theyre both mid e whores with sad pathetic lives and mental illness. Neither of them would survive a day without moid validation. Phemoid literally spends her entire life posting half naked slutty pics on Twitter and barely clears 500 likes, meanwhile the really pretty girls get 50 thousand on just a selfie of their face.

No. 2051482

is this all? shes so fucking boring its down to looks for attention now? like no one can see the blatant fucking projection from this bottom tier egirl?

No. 2051498

Yeah its true, phemoid is very antifeminist and more of a handmaiden, she’s a 3/10 homely-looking mousy-faced rat fink, squinty eyes with a long draggy mouthbreather facial profile, with horrible cheekbones and chin structure. Of course she needs to pander to mid and below men, the Chads and benevolent sexists won’t take her ever. Also they can tell she’s inherently whorish despite her talks about purity and being a good girl, her slutty selfies and half naked in pics with bedroom eyes pandering to all the dicks really give her purity game away.(this isn't the phemoid thread)

No. 2051499

Kek even the unpure OF girls mog phemoid in this pic. Looks like sped version of Ariana without a trace of beauty or makeup.

No. 2051528

this thread is held together with toothpicks, gum, selfposting and an unhealthy vendetta with a attention seeking nobody.

No. 2051537

File: 1730221194208.jpeg (240.27 KB, 1188x960, IMG_7310.jpeg)

Well guys, she made an onlyfans so that disqualifies her as sub tradwife material except to cucks and uglies who have to settle for used pussy, huh? it’s over for her(this thread is not about phemoid)

No. 2051542

She went through a radfem phase a year or so back but she gave it up because moids didn’t like it and she needs to do sex work to survive despite having a “millionaire” for a husband.

No. 2051543

wtf she’s married too yet still acting like she needs to be picked by one of the idiots following her?! Terminally online men are supertards who get fooled easily. Did she marry a cuck or a pimp, why is he not protective or possessive of her?(derailing)

No. 2051548

File: 1730224350302.jpeg (716.45 KB, 2591x2233, 843DF52E-46B3-4CAA-AA6E-66A8AF…)

One google search shows she's been a whore for years. She's getting dragged for tweeting this and screenshots are resurfacing of her posts about being zoocurious, having sex with dogs and having her dogs sniff her dog penis dildos. Empath just gets jealous whenever she sees a woman getting more attention for being "edgy" online so she latches on and starts beef. Clearly being a pedophile or zoophile isn't enough when you're uglier, not nearly as well known, and have less substance than these other cows you're trying to copy Chloe, you're gonna have to try harder than that. I'd say she should larp as a radfem and try to get on a podcast too if she didn't sound extremely slow and inarticulate to the point she couldn't hold her own in a debate with the dumbest scrotes, which phemoid is at least capable of(this thread is not about phemoid)

No. 2051586

Her shooping is so inconsistent, in every photo she legitimately looks like a different person

No. 2051670

File: 1730242249089.png (424.7 KB, 604x408, ddgfgdgds.png)

this cow is so boring now that the posting here only amps up when it's about another milkier ewhore and there's that same poster egging on the mid-off empath started

No. 2051680

File: 1730246015019.jpg (69.3 KB, 594x591, Untitled.jpg)

Ever since I came across these gay empath expose accounts it all made sense, these have to be the anons who gets super defensive whenever empath is called milkless and boring.
Making expose accounts for a low tier cow should count as cow tipping.

No. 2051690

They honestly do look alike kek. Same face shape, weird nose, bulging eyes

No. 2051783

It's so sad to see a nasty freak with such low confidence that she has to be pretending to be a pedophile for scrote appeal. This is what porn addiction does to a brain.

No. 2051812

empath is a shit tier life-destroyer compared to the queen

No. 2052033

File: 1730338625215.jpeg (151.52 KB, 1086x637, 4645453.jpeg)

saw these posts in the egirls thread more proof that empath is copying other lolcows and they're not copying her. the methhead streamer that was commenting on empath's selfie calling her cute here >>2012380 is now calling her a fat ugly jewish grandma after realizing empath is skinwalking her and saying she was only nice to empath because she was trying to milk her kek

No. 2052058

unironically they’re probably empath

No. 2052208

File: 1730402766991.png (347.48 KB, 589x945, 1727649928029.png)

I don't think those accounts are her, at least this one isn't because empath blocked them. I think these are just newfag poop touchers.

No. 2052265

>you look like you got out of the potato famine

No. 2052298

As someone who went to school in Ireland
She looks like the weird, mildly autistic girl in every class

No. 2052474

Precious Bane only with bpd so even the butterface body can't help.

No. 2055202

File: 1731284991587.png (122.75 KB, 610x730, 24908390.png)

Update she started begging to be friends with the moid she accused of raping her

No. 2055209

all this tells me that she lies about rape. she lies about anything and everything. she better hope it never happens cause I wont give a fuck. do people not read the boy who cried wolf anymore

No. 2055287

she's currently hunting for more crypto incels to latch onto. He was the first moid to fall for it so far but wont be the last.(sage your shit)

No. 2055309

On the one hand it would be typical bpd behavior, on the other hand it could be to get a written confession. She's not dumb, she's in the process of getting some idiot irish cop both fired and divorced (he deserves it lol)

No. 2055317

Embarrassing. She should be moved to the egirls thread cause she's so boring and so are all these other girls. I can't imagine being this desperate for male attention, it's like the easiest thing to get. And it's not even worth the digital footprint, imagine looking back on this. Like other anons ITT said all a pretty girl has to do is post a face selfie and get 1000s of likes yet these retards have to post their entire contorted and shopped bodies and talk about how they're degenerates to get half of those interactions.

No. 2055347

File: 1731342653798.jpg (585.74 KB, 1080x965, 1623637401888.jpg)

>all this tells me that she lies about rape
Of course she lied about it, empath is someone you can not trust or believe a word she says.
I do believe dexpuppy when she said empath lacks self awareness and anyone close to her is just using her as a personal lolcow.

No. 2055410

File: 1731356716647.png (3.4 KB, 308x118, GcH3r-PXoAAAtdj.png)

No. 2055442

she's living the dream with her full time job of editing her slampig gut, posting her yeast infected genitals and begging for money only to still end up broke living in low income housing. she works so hard humiliating herself for so little that i find her work ethic admirable, a 9-5 is a walk in the park in comparison. being a chubby ugly and poor whore relying on inconsistent small paychecks from a few coomers to survive is what we all wanted to be growing up

No. 2055888

File: 1731467661953.jpeg (177.32 KB, 792x792, Screenshot_12-11-2024_04015_x.…)

Also pissing on her shoes in public

No. 2055892

i would rather work at mcdonalds then be a OF whore, it's not a disgrace to your family like>>2055888

No. 2056036

fake and gay rage bait

No. 2056154

File: 1731536905428.jpeg (885.71 KB, 2963x3464, 402AC49B-5770-445C-BCE9-068327…)

agreed but that's not how some whores rationalize it. it's one thing if belle delphine was saying this who did make a lot, but they aren't getting paid to do nothing, her sex tapes and reputation will always be out there, it's a permanent stain of degradation that defines you for life and it comes at a huge cost

empath is making very little. "her" btc wallet she used to link hasn't had transactions in forever, never even asks for btc anymore. she had a mod babushka she claimed sent her ~100k in btc, when they fell off she stopped posting the wallet (fat chance it belonged to him). she now begs for solana and claimed that simp just sent her "thousands"- he sent her like 1k and most of her holdings are in niggabut token lol. she's had this since august, made 3.3K in 3 months and is bragging about it. it's such poorbrain who's never seen real money in life behavior. props for making a mediocre living out of embarrassing yourself only to still end up middle class, as you age the few gooners you have left will abandon you so you better start saving for whoretirement while normal women with careers get paid increasingly more with age and experience

No. 2056644

File: 1731627869448.png (215.27 KB, 629x784, empathchan.png)

No. 2056645

File: 1731627899449.png (127.17 KB, 616x495, fat.png)

No. 2056651

File: 1731628460008.jpeg (312.87 KB, 1170x1686, IMG_5700.jpeg)

Dafuq , not sure if she deleted this but ew

No. 2056667

It’s been like four years and she still can’t do a simplistic eyeliner wing despite being an “artist”. Not saying there’s a direct objective correlation between being an artist and being good at makeup but I see it more often than not. But it’s not like her art is good either, all traced or poorly imitated. Yawn.

And for this post, I thought she was a super confident goddess queen with no insecurities and perfect in every way. Hilarious how often she contradicts herself.

No. 2056690

Her makeup is always so bad

No. 2056801

She has no idea how fucking easy it is to actually have (lonely) men money at you online. I got my bills paid for a year just by talking to a guy on discord, no nudes no degenerate shit in public. I'm not even attractive. But these guys are generally unstable so it ended quite badly and she is dealing with even worse types

No. 2056818

I'm sorry, she chases ugly ass men to pay her so she can one-up lolcow of all places? a place where degenerate autistic attention whoring cows are made fun of? is she admitting shes too ugly for tik tok, instagram, etc? why do cows think getting a job is harder than being a retard?

No. 2056889

Idk who this cow is, but I just saw this pic on the front page & I am unreasonably triggered by her complete lack of awareness about her own eye shape & angle. Like, you can SEE where the line is supposed to go very clearly because her upper lids are fairly hollow and form an obvious line. She has a paint by numbers eyelid. And yet she draws it up into nowhere like Shayna does. No tapering of the weight whatsoever either. Just an ancient Egypt-ass solid line.
It is a shame too because she has pretty base features. She could make her eyes really pop with eyeliner & look better.

No. 2056893

Samefag but I just realized that this is probably supposed to be her attempt at 'correcting' a downturned eye shape. I say this because it looks like she also put light brown liner in the real outer corner of her eye, below the random black floating line. She also tried to extend her mouth in a joker-y way with lipstick so I feel like the eyeliner placement was actually an intentional choice… wild if so…

No. 2057372

Shame, because downturned eyes can be really cute. Her eyes are the only feature on her that aren't absolutely hideous. Why is every ugly e-girl incapable of doing winged eyeliner.

No. 2057380

File: 1731795676824.png (609.67 KB, 857x796, Screenshot_20241116_221943.png)

She's made her own shitcoin - Big Titty Goth GF (GOTHGF). Unless she's just shilling it on behalf of someone else. Door frame is warped in the shill picture lol

No. 2057389

>no visible collar bones

No. 2057431

File: 1731805165212.jpg (206.56 KB, 1080x1005, empath1.jpg)

No. 2057432

File: 1731805273469.jpg (147.58 KB, 1200x901, media_GciE6-MXIAAVWff.jpg)

No. 2057433

File: 1731805355271.jpg (409.29 KB, 1080x2512, empath2.jpg)

No. 2057434

File: 1731805496372.jpg (944.53 KB, 1834x2448, media_Gciga5JWcAAB8YE.jpg)

No. 2057436

is she implying she’s a virgin? KEK

No. 2057450

She's ace. I thought that has been discussed before in this thread?

No. 2057467

she also claims to be a lesbian and has met up with random moids for sex soooo

No. 2057485

I don't mean this in a weird or fucked up way but if she really was raped by all the moids she claimed to have raped her, she wouldn't be a virgin anymore so either she's lying about rape or being a virgin(i'm going to assume both since there's a picture of her laid up in bed with a dude in one of the previous threads). Why newfags believe anything she says and play into her attention seeking behavior is beyond me….

No. 2057529

wtf is ace I don't speak tumblr. shes a attention whore

No. 2057606

It's possible. She seems borderline retarded and fairly ugly. Sad to say I also fell victim to seeking 4chan scrote attention when I was a similar unattractive lonely weirdo. She will live to regret it in time.

No. 2057611

the dyed(?) black hair doesn't look good on her, she has light eyebrows and blue eyes and is very pale so maybe she'd look somewhat better with muted ginger or with grayish hair? and wash the greasy bangs

No. 2057621

Her hair is naturally black/dark brown, there's a picture of her as a kid someone posted upthread and her hair was the same colour then as it is now.
I do wish she would change her look though. How is she 25 and doing this shitty cheap e-girl look that died in 2020? Most women her age have figured out or are figuring out a personal style that actually works for their features instead of copying what Tiktok teenagers wear

No. 2057640

shes 100% unoriginal and has no idea how to deress for her body because she filters her entire body. its like she larps what she thinks is attractive

No. 2057723

the new straight bangs aren't real. she uses AI and facetune filters to apply fake hair in some pics like this one >>2057434 it's obviously AI and here >>2057432 it's fake clip on bangs. see how the hair color and texture doesn't match up, the bangs are straight chocolate brown and her hair is a cool toned curly blackish brown

No. 2060482

File: 1732533643436.jpeg (278.4 KB, 1838x2448, GdNg30RWUAAKm_Z.jpeg)

No. 2060490

File: 1732533956724.jpeg (172.05 KB, 2448x1838, GdNUCjlXUAAanS3.jpeg)

No. 2060617

no one care, melty face

No. 2062563

File: 1732892024480.jpg (226.83 KB, 1080x1657, 1000027808.jpg)

she's going hard with the drug tortured manic drug addict larp. i think she could be genuinely manic but i don't even want to say that because it will boost her ego so much since she wants so bad to seem mentally ill.

No. 2062684

She looks like less artsy and more edgy version of Tuna, pretty boring and we already know how this ends.

No. 2062902

>>2062684 lol who is Tuna(lurk moar)

No. 2062956

File: 1732947274218.jpeg (909.82 KB, 2085x3462, 22D1C968-4FEF-4835-96BE-6BFF29…)

When she's in a drug-induced manic state the facetune filters are turned up tenfold then cause wtf is this? She's like going on benders and forgetting ppl know she's inbred with a gut and chicken wings. One day she posts her fat rolls and real ugly face then posts pics looking like a whole different AI hybrid a few days later. Remember consistency is key piggie!

No. 2063128

The anon who said this thread is held together with an unhealthy vendetta and toothpicks is right, how is any of this milk?

No. 2063131

it doesn't matter when they're all ugly, anon. also, my ai has show there's a 99.7% similarity with your writing and kiki kannibal's.

No. 2063154

It's saged though? And how is most of snow or most of LC milk then considering how many posts are just about photoshop kek? Idk how I'd have a vendetta against someone Idk who's never done anything to me personally. Retards learn not to check a thread they pretend not to care about every time someone posts in it challenge (impossible)

Idk who that is and idc

No. 2063177

no one gives a fuck about your ai program anon kek why mention it

No. 2063298

fatty uggo chan countersignaling the thread whenever anons point out her fatness and shooping

No. 2063488

File: 1733062907047.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, 1000027999.jpg)

she's completely delusional to think anyone, even those who have no idea who she is, would believe these. you're starting to make me think she actually did get drugs and they caused her to have an episode of psychosis.(sage your shit)

No. 2063527

She shooped herself into looking ai generated and is somehow still ugly. Impressive.

No. 2063617

Bereft of facial harmony. The uncanny editing really highlights that. Looking like someone's wino auntie ran through the female faceapp filter twice. She's better off just plastering someone else's face over hers at this point instead of trying to polish this turd.

No. 2063677

been here since i was 17 and am now 22. never heard of either of these cows. jannies bored as hell(no1currs)

No. 2063720

Nta but tuna literally has like 50 threads in /pt/, I find it hard to believe that you've been here for five years and somehow don't know her.
I suppose next you're going to say you don't know Shayna or Venus?

No. 2063747

File: 1733100212390.jpg (306.44 KB, 1838x2448, 1000028022.jpg)

how is her makeup still this bad after so many years(sage this nonmilk)

No. 2063772

Would a stronger jaw and cheekbones fix her a little? I genuinely can’t figure out why she looks so bad when she has features that should be pretty it boggles my mind.

No. 2063773

File: 1733104070012.jpg (86.93 KB, 500x667, empathetic_thoughts.jpg)

Because she's a bad & hateful person, nona!

No. 2063774

She looks bad because her facial harmony is extremely off. None of her features match
>Large, bulging eyes
>Tiny forehead
>Large, long nose
>Tiny weak chin
>Wide but low cheekbones
She also has a weird top lip that curves in a way that makes it look like she has a little mustache, and she's pudgy and untoned. Not to mention her poorly cared for hair and awful fashion sense.

No. 2064094

Agreed, empathchan shouldn’t have a thread, she’s boring. Any posts about her should be delegated to the crazy photoshop cows thread.
I don’t know how a cow manages to be this boring while trying so hard to be outrageous but she does.

No. 2064123

why arent you sage'ing her selfies. they arent milk. this isnt discord.

No. 2064157

Take it to meta and stop posting here then

No. 2064165

File: 1733205669182.jpeg (871.35 KB, 3449x2485, 49F70048-C828-4095-BEE3-47D7AE…)

Or larping. Posted this video "smoking meth" and is getting dragged in the qrts for being a fake geeker. If you wanna prove you really have a meth habit
>film yourself putting meth in the pipe
>take a real hit
>actually inhale
>more smoke comes out when you exhale
>repeat many times
>eventually stop being a fat whore
Then it will be more believable

No. 2064189

File: 1733214336582.jpg (43.62 KB, 500x500, 64i4dc.jpg)

so did Destiny hit or nah?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2064216

KEKKKK it's the solid eye contact for me!

She was a lot funnier when she was suicide baiting her retarded simps on discord. This thread jumped the shark when she breached containment and started spitting on strangers imo, she's trying too hard to stay relevant.

No. 2064230

File: 1733229915293.mp4 (1.49 MB, 1284x720, ssstwitter.com_1733229851681.m…)

cringe and fake plus still ugly

No. 2064236

Kekk the look back we know you didnt snort shit bitch

No. 2064240

if she actually wanted to convince us she couldve made it into a real line

No. 2064245

Her video of “smoking meth” are so weak. She doesn’t know what a hot rail is by the comments and her smoke clouds are so fucking nothing lol. You usually hold your hit in for a long ass time and then a billowing smoke cloud comes out. And idk, wolf Barrett and 2014 vaporwave/methtumblr kids did it first. Nothing new or exciting.

No. 2064262

Meth just isn't a thing in Ireland. Plenty of cokeheads, heroin addicts and people doing every party drug imaginable, but meth just isn't a thing here.

No. 2064286

File: 1733242552893.jpeg (50.6 KB, 777x725, Screenshot_3-12-2024_181420_x.…)

well hope she has enough money to buy the 12k followers again

No. 2064287

I'm also irish and second this. You can get weird drugs here, but not meth.

No. 2064291

File: 1733243913049.jpg (143.57 KB, 576x1024, Download.jpg)

rip empathmeth and empathmaid

No. 2064294

File: 1733244242551.jpeg (778.57 KB, 1242x1468, IMG_6675.jpeg)

Both her accounts @empathmaid and her remade @empathmeth got suspended. She apparently was pretending to do meth in an attempt to go viral and finally launch the coin she's been planning for months, dumped most of the supply, and it's now dying off. Cattle followers of the pedophile indian milady founder are ironically coming out against her for being a pedo scammer too.
And now that she's already outed as a scammer by @retardmode, another scammer who she falsely accused of raping her, she ruined her one chance to pull off an actually successful rug pull ever again. Even the indians you claim to hate and dickride can scam better than you Chloe

No. 2064304

It's popping up a bit. There was a big seizure of meth down in Cork last Spring.

No. 2064308

I know shes a complete and utter social retard but what does she hope to achieve by pretending to do drugs. if shes pretending to be a bad ass, I mean, girls her age already drink and experiment recreationally so its not shocking. if shes hoping for male attention even barrell bottoms moids are sick of her. she legit seems slow wtf
>return to god
pretty sure god has forsaken this one dude kek

No. 2064397

Real question: What do Irish coke addicts do when they can't afford coke anymore? Part of the reason meth is big in the USA is because it's much cheaper to make than cocaine and often pushed to people who are already addicts. So what do cokeheads in Ireland do after they spend all their money on coke? Die? Is crack a thing over there? Not really relevant to Empath-san I'm just curious lol

Kek her coin was actually called $METH, it was doomed to fail from its inception.

No. 2064635

File: 1733300867283.mp4 (913.36 KB, 720x1108, ssstwitter.com_1733245502314.m…)

the other faake vid, didnt save the other meth pipe one

No. 2064638

File: 1733301572148.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.72 KB, 720x1612, Gd5YUHmXMAA5pK0.jpg)

not sure if the pedo caption is real since i saw this tweet before it was deleted but did not bother reading it pass seeing the photos. Regardless found the screen on twitter

No. 2064640

File: 1733302212581.jpg (751.85 KB, 750x1334, Gd73SEKXsAAB2xn.jpg)

new twitter x.com/empathch4n

No. 2064652

it was real i saw it

No. 2064707

inpatient time for our girl

No. 2064713

File: 1733323178731.png (677.37 KB, 1078x788, 1234567.png)

pillsbury pizza dough

No. 2064788

angling herself to try and make it look like she has curves, arms stretched up to make her seem skinnier. pathetic fat whore

No. 2064794

File: 1733340677204.png (89.73 KB, 231x330, Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 21-31…)

also shoop

No. 2064825

File: 1733348744162.jpg (198.7 KB, 1838x2448, Gd73SGUXAAE8K96.jpg)

warped dishwasher and still chubby

No. 2067036

Nonnas have mentioned this but it really is amazing how she manages to be completely sterile even though she should be sexy. Incredibly bizarre, not one iota of sex appeal
kek the pipe

No. 2067045

Such a weird angle. Literally wtf is that?(learn to sage)

No. 2067146

holy fuck those bottoms do not fit her

No. 2067275

does that security closing mechanism on the door imply she's in some sort of institution or do europoors just live like that

No. 2067297

It is just for Fire Safety as far as I know.

No. 2067672

File: 1734060525200.jpeg (159.05 KB, 512x670, Screenshot_13-12-2024_52534_gh…)

pedoposting for attention

No. 2067673

File: 1734060565480.jpg (271.8 KB, 2048x1534, GeoxvgEW4AAfhSr.jpg)

didn't she get a nosejog why does she still have the hump

No. 2067675

it was a filler rhinoplasty iirc.

No. 2067676

Yeah but I thought she also had a regular one since the nose looked smaller lately

No. 2067681

Considering how much she edits her photos, you really shouldn’t be this surprised

No. 2068048

File: 1734139853212.jpeg (142.12 KB, 821x940, 21116203-9C8B-43B8-AF40-921C5E…)

Nose looks the same. But I think she's editing fake boobs

No. 2068116

This 100%. The silicone smoothness and wearing a choker to hide the awkward, ugly neck area that never looks right on those prosthetic breastplates are dead giveaways.

No. 2068125

yeah how does she go from this >>2064825 to this >>2068048 and unironically think anybody believes it? Retard

No. 2068238

Is it a breastplate or photoshop? She's constantly posting about how pedos like her ~aristocratic~ small boobs and how bigger ones are unaesthetic and overdeveloped but secretly wants them if they're not saggy. Bet she's thinking of breast aug in Korea

No. 2068587

this is what happens when you try to skinwalk an image off of people who are genuinely just being themselves. are you not tired of DISCORD in your life, empath?(learn to sage)

No. 2068622

File: 1734299052325.jpg (164.29 KB, 1080x975, 1000029110.jpg)

she loves flexing any "smart comebacks" she makes towards people. and if they block her, her first reaction is to take a screenshot and post it bc she thinks someone blocking her is a "win"

No. 2068623

to clarify, none of her comebacks are actually smart obviously(sage your shit)

No. 2068709

File: 1734321745058.jpeg (1.11 MB, 3435x3104, C45950F6-BA53-4D2D-BFBF-A2144F…)

This reminded me: Exhibit B of her editing fake boobs + embodying this meme https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/thing-japan with an ode to an indian pedo. why the performative xenophobia empath? you're actually so inclusive!

No. 2068726

why doesn't she just get surgery at this point instead of constantly shooping

No. 2068740

because it may look like a „broken“ nose but it doesnt need fixing. stop enabling retarded mentalceldom

No. 2068743

you want to be in on the joke so bad but you cant and it makes you seethe

No. 2068748

ironic that this meme bothered u enough to leave this seething reply

No. 2068751

the truth will set you free

No. 2068752

File: 1734338377430.jpg (63.45 KB, 1178x1118, retard.JPG)

What chromosomal abnormality causes this

No. 2068753

its hot person disorder or something(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2068962

This guy blocks so many people for literally any reason lmao she is so retarded. I thought she used twitter all the time, how does she not know that?

No. 2070131

File: 1734725187728.jpg (218.64 KB, 1080x1590, 1000029977.jpg)

posting fake mugshots now looking like a kpop idol with snow app settings on max(sage this nonmilk)

No. 2070159

This looks more like a yearbook photo. What is she wearing? The meitu eyeliner too kek we know she can't do her makeup

No. 2070169

File: 1734734452795.jpg (108.81 KB, 640x640, Japanese-Restaurant-Uniforms-C…)

I think it's a button up pyjama top? But it looks like the top from a sushi chef's uniform.

No. 2070217

File: 1734753182141.png (1.18 MB, 1280x958, 282910.png)

Is this app what shes using to shoop her tits

No. 2070220

File: 1734755797046.jpeg (226.54 KB, 1536x2048, GfPl-VSWsAAHF6k.jpeg)

Her ear positioning is so insanely weird

No. 2070222

Is it just me or do her fingers also look shopped?

No. 2070224

File: 1734758238897.webp (11.88 KB, 218x218, IMG_5755.webp)

No. 2070235

KEK i was literally JUST about to make that joke before i scrolled down and saw you already did

No. 2070260

>Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears are a distinctive characteristic of several congenital and intellectual disability syndromes. This feature can be an important clue for healthcare professionals when diagnosing and managing patients with these conditions.

No. 2070277

holy shit is this uncanny kek

No. 2070584

File: 1734892760371.jpeg (219.35 KB, 923x1231, 1D851F03-B50D-48E0-B073-261AAE…)

what even is this look… also rly fucking sad she posts pics of her period blood and even then she barely gets attention. so desperate yet still failing(sage your shit)

No. 2070611

filthy floor

No. 2070684

I don't know anything about this cow but whenever I see her picrels my first reaction is that she must lead such a sad and depressing life. Everything in this image just makes me feel worse and I don't know why or how to explain it other than that. Really weird

and the "Lilya 4-Ever" poster on her living room wall doesn't help? What the fuck kek

No. 2070757

new selfies from this site's slowest and most uninteresting cow arent milk.

No. 2070758

are we looking at an unedited picture of her? I can see her classic and iconic bulbous irish potato nose and lack of curves.

No. 2070889

She does lead a depressing life, i mean imagine spending your day to day life shooping all your fat rolls on every single picture, trying your best to pander to bottom of the barrel men, when even those types don't want you.

No. 2070901

The anon bumping the thread with unsaged nonmilk whenever she posts selfies is annoying just ignore. They're the same anon always posting when she's beefing with >prettier egirls and 9/10 times it's them wking some other ugly onlyfans ewhore that empath is picking at trying to make a cow crossover happen

No. 2070922

That anon should have been banned long ago. The constant bumping with selfies nobody cares about is very annoying and only milk if you're literally obsessed with empathchan. I wonder if that person is Chloe herself trying to drum up discussion about herself or if it's a newfag who refuses to integrate.

No. 2071154

File: 1735131392275.jpg (238.39 KB, 576x768, IMG_20241225_145618.jpg)

Sage but how can you be tall like her and be short woman chubby lmao

No. 2071162

shes so insecure she really thinks no ones gonna see the glaring filters and shopping. not to mention like there are pics of her real body. shes wasting her time being lonely insecure poor excuse of an egirl that not even bottom barrel moids want her.

No. 2071374

She lost the one thing she had going for her, a rich and attractive bf. Now she has literally 0 leverage over empathchan. They’re both badly shooped e whores with worthless depressing lives and BPD.

No. 2071485

where the boob go

No. 2071498

her milenial grey home decor all black/white/grey really reveals that all of her larping as quirky 'haha I'm a pedophile xd' is nothing but larp and she's an incredibly lame and conformist person. Always living just to get attention from others and never having even a drop of creativity or soul.

No. 2071541

File: 1735249042416.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1076x2128, IMG_4762.jpeg)

socks cutting off circulation, warped floor, warped carpet, cankles, light/shadows do not match body shape, dress looks copypasted on and of course the attempt at covering her loose lips by drawing over them. there’s no way people are actually taking her seriously(spoiler your shit)

No. 2071550

Pretty sure all e-whores bedrooms look like that tbf. Either white IKEA soulless minimalism or pink kawawii landfill nightmare with gaymer gurl chair and knockoff sanrio aliexpress plushies strewn all over the place.

No. 2071604

Natural queen

No. 2071612

those shoes need to be burned.

No. 2071622

The combination of these shoes and the compression tights in the same shade make it look like she has hooves.

No. 2072339

Her hair always looks so stringy and ugly. She’s aware of it and wears wigs sometimes but they’re so obvious and shiny kek

No. 2072613

File: 1735603765754.png (49.84 KB, 303x539, 210819.png)

Love reading the replies in her posts, imagine whoring yourself out to scrotes like these

No. 2072663

Imagine whoring yourself out at all kek wtf even is this post

No. 2072674

File: 1735618455467.jpeg (730.14 KB, 3326x2125, A4121BA9-22E2-4FC6-89FF-09E974…)

when it's not a wig it's shoop that's why she goes from having a frizzy rat's nest to fake looking shiny hair with different highlights and colours on the same day

No. 2073895

File: 1735985912482.jpg (290.06 KB, 1536x2048, GgZKeImWUAAjn0a.jpg)

prob fake but whatever

No. 2073896

File: 1735985967691.jpg (127.95 KB, 1114x1006, Gfzj33IWsAAwH3K (1).jpg)

also kek at that shoop

No. 2073897

File: 1735986324775.jpeg (233.81 KB, 673x718, Screenshot_1-1-2025_55247_x.co…)

kek she deleted this

No. 2073903

the sad thing is her non-filtered face is really cute here.

No. 2073927


No. 2074163

>sitting bare ass on a public toilet
This person has never known love in their entire life.(nitpick)

No. 2074209

Do you think getting a Bachelor's is hard or something? Why would it be fake? Sucks for her to have gotten arrested for assault though. In Ireland it seems there's a character and fitness assessment to their equivalent of the bar too and this would just make it harder for her to ever practice law. Just like in America, it's also not just convictions but charges too, and a background investigation. Not like anyone would want to hire an ewhore as their lawyer anyway

No. 2074222

was the arrest real or did she lie to post that shooped mugshot

No. 2074421

how many times do we have to tell you retards we don't do mugshots in ireland, only serious crimes make the newspapers too

No. 2074436

>Sucks for her to have gotten arrested for assault though.
no its glorious wk

No. 2074438

i think a bachelors in civil law is probably harder than more bullshit degrees but it's truly just a piece of paper when your life is as fucked as hers.

No. 2074608

File: 1736131827471.png (250.9 KB, 480x583, Screenshot_20250106-034820~2.p…)

she looks like a fucking sim

No. 2074613

File: 1736133554426.png (83.66 KB, 588x380, cap.png)

twitter account is gone

No. 2074668

for her illiterate retard

i'm not irish but you do mugshots, you just don't call them mugshots and there are privacy laws that keep them from getting publicized. she requested her own months after her arrest in September iirc and photoshopped it. photographing people in custody is a pretty standard practice in most places regardless of what you call it
> If you are detained in a Garda station, a Garda can take your fingerprints, palmprints and/or your photograph without your consent.
> Scratches and marks are visible on Locke's face in this garda mugshot
>once a suspect's fingerprints and mugshots are no longer needed for an investigation which has finished, then they ought to be destroyed and removed from the Garda database.

No. 2074692

that sim is a british 9/10

No. 2074720

too long didn’t read retard(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2075492

File: 1736383746833.png (1.23 MB, 769x1280, 32922.png)

Lolcow called her fat so much she's trying to become an anachan now

No. 2076054

the meth diet. is there a way she can protect her irish teeth from dropping out?

No. 2076371

she's not doing those white trash junkie drugs there's barely any meth in Ireland she's abusing amphetamines and she pretends it's meth for attention

No. 2076497

the warping around her legs LOL

No. 2076508

File: 1736626315317.jpeg (1.03 MB, 2936x2213, EDD90D40-52A0-4178-8F8F-458947…)

she's doing a stomach vacuum and photoshopping, she's obviously not underweight. congrats on your newfound "anorexia arc" loser https://x.com/empathch4n/status/1878165957094314132?s=46&t=-nLblaGhdIYssXRDpsy62w after years of getting bullied for being chubby you finally lost like 5 kilos lol

No. 2076598

File: 1736647441820.jpg (1.82 MB, 2031x2050, IMG_2321.jpg)

Sleep paralysis demon

No. 2081871

sleep apnea demon

No. 2082338

File: 1737925805047.jpeg (426.77 KB, 1518x1877, 464F0417-3744-430A-9DF1-F8B8EF…)

Anyone know what the Elon Musk alt is doing in her groupchat?

No. 2082344

No. 2082376

real anachans don't have any softness on their belly. it's >>2076508 this obviously.

No. 2082489

Adrian Dittman is a stan who is so cucked that he lets his hero Musk use his online identity, this is established
but this is probably the real Dittman

No. 2082660

File: 1738007858746.jpeg (544.71 KB, 828x845, IMG_4316.jpeg)

Surprised no one has posted this yet but this shoop is egregious. Never seen a pleated skirt curve like that before

No. 2082678

God she's ugly

No. 2082690

>surprised no one has posted this yet
you cant be because theres only one or two anons posting her selfies. theres no milk so no one is tracking her selfies

No. 2082840

File: 1738053553638.webp (Spoiler Image,19.38 KB, 1200x675, IMG_6785.webp)

Her bulging eyes remind me of Brian peppers.

No. 2082869

mighty keks. imagine the 'hi i'm dream' tier face reveal people had after they'd thirsted after her tits

No. 2083787

Can farmhands ban this ugly cow from posting herself in other threads that have nothing to do with her and delete those posts

No. 2083902

Where did she post herself?

No. 2084880

File: 1738533018272.png (29.13 KB, 639x254, CIARA.png)

Empath saying Jet Neptune groomed Ciara in the discord they were a partof and caused her overdose

No. 2084881

File: 1738533119689.png (169.97 KB, 534x401, JETNEPTUNE.png)

Empath was invited to Fishtank S2 by Jet Neptune

No. 2084890

>i mean you can stay with me if you want
quoting empath but ew wtf
i’m not in those servers but i know people who are and this is a lie kek
>jet most likely groomed her and caused her overdose
she was dating some irish(?) scrote, went out and did heroin, and came back and died.
i know for a fact that empath is still active in all of those places and like half of the faggots who post in this thread are girls who know her from there

No. 2084963

File: 1738549410068.png (359.43 KB, 594x522, CIARANEPTUNE.png)

No. 2084992

File: 1738555492065.jpeg (964.4 KB, 2135x3464, 9C9268A7-1920-44FF-8A26-137D06…)

Using r9k anon posts as "proof" lol. If her IQ wasn't in the double digits she would just look him up by his current government name: 26 born in 98-99, so about the same age as Empath. If Ciara was 14 in 2014, and died when she was 20 in 2020, that would make her Empath's age or a year younger. So they were either the same age or 1, at most 2 years apart, chatting and met up? Maybe dated? No one cares. If she died of an accidental OD that tells you her drug dealer had some responsibility, or the 30 year old scrote she was dating at the time of her death (Empath conveniently left that part out of her screenshot) if he was supplying her heroin. So 0 proof of grooming or anything that implicates him in her death

She didn't go on Fishtank not because it's Sam Hyde's (actual child rapist's) show but because Neptune asked to "do stuff" with her for money, when there are screenshots of her offering to fuck a guy for €100

She was friends with Seymour, an old 50+ year old pedo who's obsessed with Ciara. He was printing CP at his job, and was in Empath's server telling her he gave another pedophile Michael Sosa (who raped his sister when she was 8-10) money for child sex trafficking and cp. Did she contact authorities or ban him? No. She and Seymour casually talked about this, and around minors like Juni, 2 years ago when Empath was 24

She was sending porn to a kid who told her he was 15 in 2021, she was 21-22

She was an active participant in an offshoot Sheep Village grooming server in 2023 while there were still children there, and according to anon above perhaps still is

All of this was documented in these threads, Sosa's, and Sam Hyde's. I don't even mean to defend this freak since he works for Sam Hyde, who is again a child rapist, but Empath doesn't even care about that because she's a pedo herself and wanted to go on his show. People need to stop giving this hideous whore with zero credibility the attention she so desperately craves

No. 2085000

File: 1738558797434.png (121.77 KB, 943x2048, cachedImage.png)

Shes jealous of Ciara having more simps than her beyond the grave

No. 2085001

File: 1738558967020.png (52.16 KB, 860x428, cachedImage.png)

She was happy when Ciara died

No. 2085004

she's such a useless cunt, and sheep village isnt a server anymore afaik but she floats around in all of the new edgelord com servers, looking for 18 y/o incel scrotes to orbit her because they don't know enough about her yet. she seethes about ciara to this day as do they all in those places, they never shut the fuck up about it because she's essentially their claim to fame. ive heard she posts frequently in several servers and its all just inflammatory bait. shes truly bottom of the barrel trash, she needs to fuck off already

No. 2085276

>People need to stop giving this hideous whore with zero credibility the attention she so desperately craves
That includes posters in this thread, multiple people have asked for this thread to be locked because her notorious attention whore self poster ways, yet mods and admin continue to ignore the very valid complaints. Empath and that one fat black girl should have their threads locked.

No. 2085297

File: 1738632799985.jpeg (655.8 KB, 1349x1694, 99A5F8A1-2133-418F-8324-D23DC4…)

Irish anon reported her assaults and got her charged, thats her at a luas stop by the criminal court. Anons collected evidence of her criminal activity, pedo behavior and associates. Pushing to lock a thread where this kind of shit gets archived is minimodding or at worst protecting the cow, threads stay unlocked for much less. Anons bumping it with milkless selfies can get banned or have their posts deleted, or it can get autosaged like anon suggested. Start a poll or take it to /meta/ and ask for cerbmin if you care that much

No. 2085312

File: 1738636514944.mp4 (15.31 MB, 720x1280, Vj7628QqYDJcNNK.mp4)

Empath talking to Jet Neptune

No. 2085316

File: 1738636896077.png (200.05 KB, 595x864, G8fs39x43.png)

No. 2085321

File: 1738637884584.jpg (19.35 KB, 400x347, 1734587939492070.jpg)

this is faker than her chin implant

No. 2085325

>ruining everything Sam Hyde and MDE stands for
KEK my sides. Sam will go ballistic when he finds out the other MDE moids might be propositioning adult prostitutes. Devastating blow to his serial paedophile statutory rapist brand

No. 2085331

>Irish anon reported her assaults and got her charged
So cow tipping? cow tipping and self posting mixed with vendetta posting is ok in this thread, got it!

No. 2085356

nta but i bet ta is irishanon, i think she still is in servers w empath and seems a bit obsessive. iirc they maybe even were friends?

No. 2085370

>one fat black girl
who? the button to hide a thread looks like this [-] in the top left corner.

No. 2085389

Not Irish and not the one who reported her. Multiple anons have said they're Irish here. Plus, cowtipping aside, it was for a good cause. They're the reason why the whore couldn't go around spreading her diseased saliva anymore

No. 2085818

ntayrt but im assuming that edgelord chantelle chick

No. 2085920

File: 1738809657037.png (18.27 KB, 617x93, ironic.png)

No. 2085925

She must be guilty then

No. 2085957

its amazing how completely unattractive she is. some cows here even on their ugly days still fit into conventional beauty standards. we nist call them ugly because it fun. hell even pixyteri does when she smiles. but empath is ugly inside and out that even bottom tier moids don't want her.

No. 2085974

I knew her from a while ago before discord was really a thing. She nuked her Tumblr, had a lot of unironic “emo” shit on it. Still have a lot of the photos saved from that era. Pretty sure the “laughing at moms death” thing comes from a post i made like 2-3 years ago. The mega posted alongside it with all the tumlr posts got taken down almost immediately after i posted it. I genuinely hope she finds a way to treat whatever mental illness she has or just gets institutionalised.(sage your shit or post proof)

No. 2086390

imagine if she got sent to jail. i'd rather share a cell with a troon than empathchan

No. 2086428

File: 1739012790149.png (726.09 KB, 2000x288, Capture.PNG)

oki(uncensored lewds of her as a minor)

No. 2086512

File: 1738965966732.png (303.91 KB, 608x602, 45773.png)

what year were they posted? she said she was 11 in those but looks like she's at least in her late teens

No. 2086524

not defending her but I’m pretty sure those pics were when she was underaged, iirc in one of her threads here they spoke about her posting lewds as a child on 4chan, several of the pics in that screenshot are in undies, I’d censor and delete those

No. 2086700

Well she must've had some weird parents if she had an iphone at 11 in 2010, with a drawing of a topless woman on the case. I don't believe it

No. 2087038

doesn't matter if you believe it. she's smart enough to know that if she says she's 11 in it that counts as evidence.

Obviously she just lies for the lulz anyway but w/e.

It's pretty fucked that she cut her neck for 4chan as a teen. the internet was a mistake.

No. 2087145

no it doesn't. there's a pic of her in 2011 in these threads, she was 12 in first year of secondary school and looked like a little kid unlike here. normally it would be weird to post yet that's the only proof of her age since she was lying about being 18-19 for like 4 years cause she didn't want the pedos she panders to into barely legal teens and minors to lose interest in her, and also to claim she was younger when she was dming minors her onlyfans in her early 20s. idk how old she's claiming to be now but she's still lying about her age. she was a minor in those though but like 15-17, whoever posted it should know

No. 2087393

File: 1739207996461.png (82.88 KB, 1033x302, 3456789.png)

if anyone wants to listen to this hour of her talking through a voice changer, i can not it was too boring and unfunny


No. 2087395

File: 1739208606948.mp4 (2.95 MB, 1920x1080, 6545676545643.mp4)

edited the pitch down

No. 2087400

i listened to this a while ago but i don't remember the voice being changed. anyway it was boring from both sides, and then they banned her from her own interview. gg

No. 2087403

File: 1739210230294.mp4 (7.86 MB, 1920x1080, 65456765456433.mp4)


was she banned at the 27 min mark? it is easily corrected but yeah she is never making it on stream she is pretty boring

No. 2087413

File: 1739211391931.mp4 (7.77 MB, 720x480, 654567654564333.mp4)


No. 2087422

File: 1739213418832.mp4 (12.65 MB, 1920x1080, 65456765456433323.mp4)

talking about dogs

No. 2087429

File: 1739215147593.jpg (192.67 KB, 463x522, AI.jpg)

Saying the last threadpic of her was AI

No. 2087489

File: 1739228428149.jpeg (119.83 KB, 1050x1195, CEA58632-8D7F-41C1-9351-081A00…)


No. 2088740

can you post her art

No. 2089329

File: 1739652378998.jpg (239.74 KB, 1536x2048, GjsNWw5WYAAbwjW.jpg)

it's hard to imagine a world where a decade of practice has culminated in this as the end product. she must've experienced either zero improvement in her artistic skill or actually regressed

No. 2089974

it occured to me just now that empath could've had fun trolling lowtax if he hadn't counter-strike headshotted himself with five-seven.

No. 2091885

File: 1740235872768.png (238.74 KB, 623x521, empathchan1.png)

No. 2091887

File: 1740236262911.png (331.7 KB, 620x494, empathchan2.png)

No. 2091894

File: 1740236421298.png (263.93 KB, 621x735, empathchan3.png)

No. 2091896

File: 1740236519479.png (293.92 KB, 615x527, empathchan4.png)

No. 2092176

I thought she was holding a picture of Dora the Explorer at first

No. 2092371

i am tired of pretending i know what milady is

No. 2092389

it’s a weird NFT scam that dumb fascists like

No. 2092454

lmao skirby hits on jet neptune

No. 2092466

it’s a weird pedo cult look up “kaliacc”

No. 2092959

not today, satan

No. 2093401

File: 1740595638854.mp4 (10.1 MB, 1080x1920, 2025-02-26_empathch4n_18947713…)

new korea cry for attention


No. 2093415

Out of contret, this makes no sense. Why does she keep saying that she doesn't want the shirt? Put the shirt down then?? Why are the employees crowding her suddenly? Idgi.

No. 2093422

I think she already purchased the shirt and wants a refund. She's so cringe.

No. 2093444

it’s like beautiful Korean women chads vs seething wanna be Amerifat Chloe meme

No. 2093734

she needs to lower her johnny somali quotient

No. 2093898

>why are the employees crowding her
if some schizo was screaming like a child in my store i would check whats up with her too

No. 2093907

File: 1740721313723.jpeg (338.86 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_3031.jpeg)

No. 2093909

They mog with ease too kek. She knows she's boring as fuck when she doesn't have these retarded meltdowns
>heh…. you think I'm a normie
>I think everyones a normie compared to me.
Why do people talk like this

No. 2093919

Holy shit she's ugly

Brain damage

No. 2093938

Where did this picture come from?

No. 2093939

She kind of looks like a grandma in this one

No. 2093950

wow i can see the misery in her eyes

No. 2094454

This pic really underscores just how much she edits her photos. Like these two >>2085297 look nothing alike, she transplants a whole new face on her head.

No. 2094473

keeping it real, part of it is that's an old pic and she's had plastic surgery since, but also the filters are strong with this cow

No. 2094498

File: 1740865961647.png (608.04 KB, 898x459, IMG_3093.png)

its funny because even with the fillers and chin augmentation she still looks haggard af without the shooping/filters, also as outlined she only had her chin moved forward, the rest is shitty fillers. broke bitch

No. 2094500

File: 1740866089277.jpeg (33.33 KB, 478x604, IMG_3098.jpeg)

like her nose literally looks triangular and bumpy like a raggedy ann doll, it is beyond me why her injector decided to do this

No. 2094566

File: 1740881434453.jpeg (749.08 KB, 2942x1761, 81DBF603-6E1B-4EE1-95AA-C0153E…)

I was wondering when she went back to Korea if she's finally going to get some real surgery instead of topping up her shitty filler but it's gonna be hard to tell because she photoshops so much despite having all this work done, unless someone finds her on reddit admitting it again. Hyperbaric oxygen chambers are often used there after surgery which makes me think she already got something done but I'm not sure about after filler. PS is also much cheaper in Korea so flying all the way there for filler and skin treatments you can get anywhere that will require another session in 6 months makes little sense, not even from a financial standpoint

No. 2094673

it doesn’t matter how much gubment shekels she uses she will always look like an ugly fake whore. bitch literally had to make scratches on her neck/hands bleed to show everyone that she’s “edG3 GYS I CUT MYSELF”(sage your shit)

No. 2102570

she got let off from her spitting rampage due to checks notes bpd and massive junkie + special needs

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