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No. 74707[Reply]

Here's a lolcow that isn't a weeb:


She's a deluded wannabe famewhore, there's years of drama and tryhard to lol at, and like Beetlejuice, she will show up and fight us just by being mentioned. She thinks she's a writer and trendsetter and that she is going to take the world by storm.
42 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 168740


just out of curiosity, are you that omnamaste person from twitter?

No. 170584

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Raymi Toronto brand ambassador extraordinaire for the pooping.

I always wonder about the person behind the lens in these pooping pics. Like, is it multiple different friends that she suckered into doing it, or is it all the same guy and taking pictures of girls going to the bathroom is like his thing?

No. 175158

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Raymi is making "art" again.

Errr… I wonder what she charges for commissions…

No. 180172

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More "art".

Reminder that this is a 35-year-old adult and not a special needs child.

Although, I guess Raymi could be a special needs adult.

No. 180276

Moved to >>>/snow/30618.

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No. 165971[Reply]

Because we needed one.

Info from previous threads:
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No. 179871

The only mental disorder she really has is called "being 16".

No. 179878

So she doesn't wash her hands?

No. 179895

No. 179896

Sometimes I wonder if they really had the amount of mental illnesses they had, they would be complaining about how the NTs are holding th4m back by putting them in SPED courses

No. 179914

Moved to >>>/snow/29305.

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No. 179632[Reply]

Angelica is a 'human barbie' who at 26 has never had a bf and still lives with her parents


Her parents choose her clothes, don't let her go out.


She doesn't have a very heavy online presence, so if someone could fill me in on her some more, that would be great.
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No. 179856

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No. 179858

I like her face shape

No. 179860

No. 179884

she's cute

No. 179892

Moved to >>>/snow/29083.

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No. 95204[Reply]

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No. 178351

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What the fuck is going on with her eye in this photo? And lol at that escaping titty

No. 178356

ew that boob. It's just the effect from the glitter filter

No. 178358

I think it's one of the sparkles from the filter being unfortunately placed over her pupil/iris resulting in it looking like she's blind in that eye.

No. 179791

is there anything new with her? is she dead?

No. 180273

Moved to >>>/snow/30502.

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No. 82818[Reply]

so Leda's back and in full force, big fucking surprise. tf was the point of her sobbing on camera for ten minutes bidding us all goodbye like she was gonna off herself, then, huh??




ugh she's so fucking cute, though, someone give me a reason to not hate her, it'd be so much easier just to, you know. not hate her.
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No. 164083


Damn, she really needs to just chop her hair off. I don't understand why Leda doesn't just wear wigs. She honestly needs to shave her head/get a super short cut. There is NOTHING that'll save that hair.

I wonder if anyone IRL has ever told her how unhealthy her hair looks.

No. 164307

nigga what
the left pic was from september 2013
pink hair pic was from april 2015

No. 179699

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i ctrl+f'd to see if anyone mentioned what kind of circle lenses. could anyone help me out? i think she's usually wearing this pair

No. 179781

Princess Pinky Eclipse in brown

No. 179913

Moved to >>>/snow/29149.

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No. 179563[Reply]

Does anyone keep up with My Digital Escape?

For those of you who don't know, MDE is a group of alternative YouTubers, lead by popular interviewer Bryan Stars. He is a 25-year-old self-proclaimed "teen" who constantly uses a "WE'RE GAY JUST KIDDING!!"-style of humor to gain views/viewers. He is very similar to Onision in the way that they both say inappropriate things to their (mostly) underage fan base and have a very large cult following.

Flatsound (a musician who I've never heard of) recently called Bryan Stars out for being a "creepy, queerbaiting, hypersexual 26 year old trying his hardest to talk to and relate to minors". He also called out another member of MDE (Johnnie Guilbert), saying that he used the term "gay" as an insult and Bryan Stars threatened Flatsound with a potential lawsuit, claiming defamation of character.

Johnnie Guilbert has acknowledged the fact that he used "gay" as an insult (which I think would make the lawsuit pointless, right?) and apologized, saying that he would never say it again.

My Digital Escape (YouTube):
My Digital Escape (Twitter):
Bryan Stars (Twitter):
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No. 179575

Woah, it's been a long time since I've seen Bryan Stars. I used to watch his videos a long time ago when I was in my emo phase.
I can't really say much about him since I don't follow him anymore. All I can say is I'm not a fan of his new hair.

No. 179755

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I don't think his hair has ever looked good. Glad he finally changes his shirts though (that blue Aeropostale shirt was atrocious). Honestly, I don't see how so many people find him attractive.

No. 179759

Moved to >>>/snow/28896.

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No. 138060[Reply]

Top lolcow of the past three years. Who do you nominate? Please include an image along with your nomination.
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No. 179600

Didn't pay attention to the dates, mb

No. 179611

What is raven up to these days anyway? Someone should make a thread

No. 179685

Raven has a thread but it's been dead for a while. >>20741

No. 179752

I miss Quirky.

No. 179753

Same. She's gotta be back online by now, someone track her down please :(

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No. 35566[Reply]

Yes, baby, I am only 15 years old and I am all real and natural!

According to her VK, Lolita is only 15 years old (like, we all are so stupid) and, according to different articles in the media, she claims she is all natural, including her 20-inch waist and 32 F bra size. She only wears lenses.

Lolita claims she is psychic and she teaches people to control their orgasms dreams, enter the astral plane etc. I am not quite sure but… doesn’t it remind you of someone? I don’t know… Maybe Valeria?

Her religion is Buddhism.

Her life priorities are “Power and Wealth”… really?

Her interests include psychology, hypnosis, horror movies.

Her favorite games are “catch-up and fights”… what?

Interesting fact: the media say she is 16 years old, while her VK says she is 15 years old.
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No. 179666

r u ok

No. 179669

what's up with americans and hamburgers?

No. 179710

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No. 179717

She looks like a different person in every fucking picture.

No. 179917

Moved to >>>/snow/29733.

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No. 74016[Reply]

Can we talk about this disgusting beast.

Potato face, spoiled, gets tons of free shit from sponsorship, makes a lot of silly faces in hopes that you don't realize how hideous she is.

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No. 171065


She blatantly used the excuse of not everyone being able to afford access to the mental health help offered because there's nothing wrong with her. There's no excuse not to get professional help, whether it be medication, therapy, counselling or whatever in the UK. As someone with depression and relying on medication for it, her attitude and obvious bullshit lies has really pissed me off. She deleted the original comment said by that person on FB as well.

Oh I wonder why.

No. 171105

I hate how having a mental illess is basically a tumblr/sjw requirement, It's one of the reasons I deleted my account there. Fuck those people.

No. 179582

where the nudes at

No. 179584

So why is this bitch allowed in /pt/? Shouldn't she be moved to /snow/ as well?

No. 180281

Moved to >>>/snow/31535.

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No. 173114[Reply]

Aly has deleted her ig life prior to her NEW BEGINNING where she faked a new real recovery!

People calling her out on her recovery and her jolly full or motivation right now captions.
Aly isn't giving a shit about hurting comments but deletes them anyway (because it's HER account and she can do what she likes hmkay).

Will we ever see Dante again?
Will we ever see food enter her mouth sphincter?
Will she ever learn to paint her nails and use eyeshadow properly?

Loving you all into pieces…
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No. 179535

I wonder what brought her to start making them in the first place.

No. 179536

To prove to all "the haters" that she really does eat what she posts. Eats a whole first bite. We'll never see her eat the last bite of a meal.

No. 179541

True, but I guess Instagram only allows 15 second videos. Honestly I hope she doesn't discover YouTube and start making longer videos of her eating because the one video where she was struggling was just painful.

No. 179545

you meant the German ones that she deleted? Basically all the same stuff we discuss here.

No. 179547

Moved to >>>/snow/25478.

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