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No. 28896
Does anyone keep up with My Digital Escape?
For those of you who don't know, MDE is a group of alternative YouTubers, lead by popular interviewer Bryan Stars. He is a 25-year-old self-proclaimed "teen" who constantly uses a "WE'RE GAY JUST KIDDING!!"-style of humor to gain views/viewers. He is very similar to Onision in the way that they both say inappropriate things to their (mostly) underage fan base and have a very large cult following.
Flatsound (a musician who I've never heard of) recently called Bryan Stars out for being a "creepy, queerbaiting, hypersexual 26 year old trying his hardest to talk to and relate to minors". He also called out another member of MDE (Johnnie Guilbert), saying that he used the term "gay" as an insult and Bryan Stars threatened Flatsound with a potential lawsuit, claiming defamation of character.
Johnnie Guilbert has acknowledged the fact that he used "gay" as an insult (which I think would make the lawsuit pointless, right?) and apologized, saying that he would never say it again.
My Digital Escape (YouTube): Digital Escape (Twitter): Stars (Twitter): (Twitter): Guilbert (Twitter): No. 28898
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>>28897I don't think his hair has ever looked good. Glad he finally changes his shirts though (that blue Aeropostale shirt was atrocious). Honestly, I don't see how so many people find him attractive.
No. 28900
>>28898True, but it looked a lot better short and curly. Swoopy hair really only works on people with straight, fine hair. Plus it looks awful when blonds dye their hair black but don't do anything about their eyebrows and eyelashes.
I don't get it either. I think many girls will go after any guy with an alternative style and a swoop tbh, even if it's an awful looking one and they're not all that attractive.
No. 28940
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>>28898He's so… unfortunate looking
No. 28941
>>28940Video I got the screenshot from:'s only a few months old.
No. 28985
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Why Brian Stars? WHY? This scene look is NOT working for him.
He looks like a bjd with an alpaca wig.
No. 32766
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If you watch the interview Bryan Stars did with the Millionaires, it seems like they don't even want to be near him.
Link to Millionaires interview: No. 36803
>>33978Onision actually called him ugly in this video: really is ugly as fuck and also all these kids are such faggots and annoy the shit out of me. Ugh.
Bryan is even worse though, he's a fucking almost 25 year old who's JUST getting into his scene phase when only like 7 months ago he was dressing like a prep… His hair is ugly and greasy and he's so fucking ugly and tries way too hard. Also hate how he steals posts from tumblr/reddit and puts them on twitter and facebook for likes and retweets from his underage fanbase. What a tool.
No. 131825
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>>131800>He's going to be flipping burgers soon.I can see this happening as well tbh.
Him quitting interviews is honestly the dumbest decision he's ever made imo. Because at least with the interviews, he could actually do that for a very long time because no one gives a shit about the interviewer, they care about the person that's being interviewed. Even on the highly unlikely chance his music career does take off, it's not going to last long because his music takes no real talent/thought to make/write, he's not conventionally attractive, he's not getting any younger, and he'll probably end up quitting anyway.
These videos of him talking about not doing interviews and mde talking about quitting kinda irk me. They're literally complaining about what they're doing becoming an actual job. Which is why I said he'll probably end up quitting the music thing anyway, I know/have met many people who are touring musicians and/or work in music, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, it's an actual job.
Also I have to say this, this album artwork is cringey af. It looks like something I would've drawn when I was in 6th grade.
No. 132099
>>131802why the hell are there so many middle schoolers watching this on the internet? holy shit the number of views and kids with minecraft profile pictures in the comments. why is the emo/scene trend still so strong? they all look retarded. i have so many questions.
"uh and like, uhhh…" typical speech of brain dead faggots with the mental capacity of a 13 year old shut in.
No. 132754
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i love mde
No. 132767
>>1321981) easy to manipulate/influence
2) their parents have $$$
No. 411762 don't know how to post links but kyle david hall got put out of the new collab channel that was started by johnnie and alex. the above link is him clarify a video they made to justify kicking him out. the video is pure milk. its 4 hours and I hope they don't get it taking down. deefizzy was in the chat. so many youtubers were watching. it was pure drama. however I believe him. also this is the video where Shannon and kyle says alex talked smack about leda muir. //
I think jeydon uses the trans thing as a weapon. I think johnnie is ok but isn't that different than Bryan. I think alex is desparate leda clone.
No. 411833
>>411792I just watched it. hell. damn near every minute is gold. Bryan was intimated by jeydon-probably cause he is a she. johnnie is the new Bryan. Eugenia cooney popped up in chat. one of jeydon girlfriends tried to have a 3some with her friend and a rapper but the rapper didn't want her. hair Jordan is a snitch.
kyle is very well spoken. he talked about how weed helped him but it gave him panic attacks. maybe one day I will watch again but it took me two days to watch. awesome vid. I hope a mde fan comes and breakdown all the drama.
i just described about 15 minutes and the rest is still gold. johnnie and alex is still signed to Bryan. they ghost his videos and streams. lol. owa fan was bashing kyle and at the end they agreed with kyle. lol. watch the video. it was 3 hrs and about 45 minutes of gold.
also kyle had a cold and was vaping. his woman friend was off to the side. him and the owa fans went back and forth. kyle ex girlfriend tried to get involved. he said she was irrelevant cause she broke up with him. lol. johnnie has brought his band member into owa and bryan did the same thing with mde.
excuse this post I am trying to remember things. I haven't listed a 3rd of what happened.
No. 1432156
>>1425882Come through with the skim milk,
No. 1622105
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I honestly feel like this is all of his arguements tho. Like he can never come back with a decent comeback so he just attacks people
No. 1751042
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Thats what happens when you've been babied your whole life. Looks like her life is going to shit. KARMA
No. 1753696
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More emerging.
From what I pieced together from everything.
Alex D met someone online (?) And grew more distant from Johnny. She didn't like the person he was because he stayed in constantly and never wanted to get out and do new things. In his own words his own anxiety controlled him and prevented him from living life. It looks like he went to visit his family before the breakup and Alex cut ties there.
That's why he was on physiatric hold in CA instead of Portland where him and Alex lived together. Alex left the apartment sometime after that and went back to Arizona but took Johnnie's computer which she used for streaming for a while.
Not to also mention while her and Johnnie has broken up she was inviting friends over to the apartment and having them watch her dog for her while she was in process of moving.
Anyways - back in Arizona she was planning on moving with her new boyfriend, Paul. They moved to Texas together and had an apartment with roommates I believe.
This is around the time she was treating Apex Legends like crazy off of Johnnie's old computer. Sometime between here and now it looks like they broke up for reasons unknown. Not sure if she's still in Texas rn. Explains why she randomly stopped streaming. Probably had relationship troubles
No. 1754077
>>1753696where did you piece together all of this? i'm not surprised she chose to leave him when he was visiting his family, she definitely knew he would do something drastic. fucked up for her to take the computer, too. even if he was a bad person.
any milk on alex's plan to start a haircare line or whatever it was? did she waste all the money or something?
No. 1758533
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>>1754077Well pieces are added through little hints and my own tinfoil. I'm assuming she broke up with Johnnie when he wasn't in Portland because he was visiting his Mom and then suddenly all of Alex's pictures of Johnnie disappeared off her profile 3 days later. Then Johnnie never went back to Portland (or atleast posted it) so it's safe to assume she waited for him to leave given the fact that he admitted himself he was
abusive. He downplays it now but he was emotional
abusive to her. Meaning he would hurt himself in front of her and given his mental state it would not suprize me if he threatened suicide in the past if she tried to leave. She probably did this for safety.
In the Google drive (I am the person who put that together) there's screenshots of some random guy at Alex's house watching Lola with captions like "she misses mommy" and things like that. Alex also was flying to San Diego at the time which is also included in the Google drive. It's safe to assume she asked her friend to watch her dog while she wasn't around.
Now, Alex did take Johnnie's gaming PC. He confirmed this in his live streams, saying he wasn't able to get much of his belonging back and Alex took the gaming PC without his knowledge. This adds up as she started streaming shortly after she moved back home to AZ.
We know she left Johnnie for someone else based off his social media post after the break up. He post vague statements saying she moved on fast and that he was replaceable to her. He also tweeted out something saying "I can have guys friends. Then they end up dating" which is fair to assume it's about Alex as Johnnie has never dated anyone else. So we know this guy was involved before they broke up.
Now, during stream she took a brief break and when she came back she was saying how she is living in Texas now because it's cheaper. She was I a apartment with her BF and I believe another roommate, not sure though. I'll post proof in a second to support that they were living together. We know they were dating because she told her stream and even did a pumpkin carving stream with him and called him pet names. Fast forward a few months later she stops streaming completely and her new boyfriends social media's are wiped off the internet.
Suddenly she's moving back to AZ alone and is struggling to pay bills. However I have reason to believe she is lying about moving or needing money.
On her last story which was posted 1/26 she claims that she will be moving out next Friday which would be this Friday 2/3. However if you look on her family's tiktoks they already have Lola with them.
Either she is lying about moving to get extra money or she isn't taking care of Lola. This is both on her sister's and her stepdads (?) Tiktok. I would post the user names but I don't want to dox her family as they did nothing wrong. Check the date ib the tiktoks
No. 1758535
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This is Lola on her Dad's tiktok aswell. But the earliest date they took Lola in is the 19th. . . So has she not been taking care of her or did she lie about when she moved. Because that causes another issue of her e begging for money to help her dog
No. 1758555
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This is them two living in the same apartment. Doors and everything match up aswell as they streamed together in that house. The reason I thin there was a roommate is because there i another guys voice heard in the background often
No. 1793167
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I don't even know what to say.
I think she just needs more money.
But then again, why delete YouTube?
Is she trying to rebrand herself as a internet pornstar????
She's really trying to get the attention back she had when she was still popular.
God, she's really pathetic.(Newfag)
No. 1795546
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Someone left her this comment in her Instagram. I wonder how many more people gave her money and she didn't say anything.
No. 1795854
>>1795546 Damn that's rough. I kind of want to book a cameo to see how much effort she puts into it lol. She doesn't seem to care for her fans much these days. Years ago she used to act like she cared. Maybe it was all an act?
Seems like Johnnie was the main earner when they were together. Especially near the end.
No. 1796710
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Apparently its just photos of her with barely any cleavage. Anyone thinking of buying, definitely don't do it(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2087760
So an indie artists idkraeven went to Johnnie Guilbert's party in October, got roofied and rape by some guys there but never got any help/check in from johnnie.
Johnnie's gf commented that they didn't know this happened.
No. 2087766
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>>2087764Johnnies roommate/cohost jake webber also responded with a statement on twitter. It's so bad he's blaming the
victim for not being invited and saying she made everyone uncomfortable. Typical liberal rape apology
No. 2087767
>>2087766Raeven posted a tiktok proving they knew her and she was friends with them. It's starting to look like one of johnnie's friends raped her and they're trying to cover it up.
No. 2087776
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>>2087767Johnnie and Grace both apologised which Raeven accepted. But johnnies friends Carrington and Jake are still
victim blaming
No. 2087781
>>2087779Raeven talking about how Jake and Carrington were acting like mean girls
No. 2087782
>>2087781More on Carrington and jake covering it up. Samefagging for all of these but btw Johnnies other friend Tara Yummy also throws huge influencer parties and makes everyone sign NDAs. I'm guessing to make it easier to cover up anyone getting SAd or roofied.
No. 2087788
>>2087784All of their fans are
victim blaming in the tiktok comments it's insane. Also they refused to give any video footage to submit as evidence for months and ignored the
victim when they tried to reach out irl
No. 2087868
>>2087809>she literally admits that she didnt get roofied, all she did was get super drunk, embarrass herself in front of a bunch of influencers. How does it make it any better even jake's statement confirms she was intoxicated to the point of incapacitating at their party.
If there's an underage kid at your party black out drunk you call an uber for them to get home or look after them until they sober up. Then check in the next day if anything happened.
What you don't do is ghost them for months then release a shitty statement when it comes out they get raped.
Jake shouldn't be throwing huge parties if this is how he reacts to a rape incident.
No. 2087889
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Another photo from the same party taken by maxamillionpolo. This isn't jake or johnnie but still very weird. Their parties always have frat vibes
No. 2087891
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>>2087889Zach Justice was also at a party they threw for tara yummy's birthday. At this point Tara left Zach's podcast because he was getting called out for grooming his ex and dating her since she was 15. They're also all friends with David Dobrick who got called out for rape apology
No. 2087981
>>2087930Even if it's not their job to "babysit" an adult, they should still have security or something there to supervise safety and make sure no one gets harassed, drugged, or raped. Even if their protection wasn't genuine, it would still make sense as a group of internet famous LA influencers to have precautions bc it makes them and their careers look bad and ruins their reputations.
>>2087889The fact that whoever took this picture was more interested in a photo than intervening says a lot. He even edited it and uploaded it. That's so tone-deaf.
No. 2087983
>>2087930It's not their job to take care of anyone but even if she was over drinking age (she was 20) it's basic human decency to make sure someone gets home safe if they're blacking out.
It's not babysitting, it's just party etiquette everyone does at a house party or a club. If she was making them uncomfortable they could've called an uber for her or stopped giving her drinks.
>>2087981Also they throw so many parties they should know basic safety especially if the rumors about people doing coke at their parties is true.
No. 2088027
so after all the backlash jake finally gave an apology and explanation in person
No. 2090437
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Adding some oldish milk. Johnnie adding a swastika smiley and then layer pretending he pulled it off google and didn't see the swastika when he got backlash for it. Right sure Johnnie.
No. 2090496
>>2090255I can't figure out how to embed the video properly but there's a whole bunch of videos on tiktok and youtube of her doing this cringe baby voice. Apparently Alex used to do a baby voice too but at least she was a teenager and not a 28 year old woman. Johnnie apparently got Grace's name tattooed only after dating for a few months.
>>2090437This is so tone-deaf.