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No. 252312[Reply]

We all know them right, people who are just plan nasty, treat others like scum, think they are queen bees. Who do you know like that and why?
14 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 252338

b a i t

No. 252340

Move it to Random OP!!! jeez

No. 252343

Calm down people like seriously, post moved to random for those who want to continue.

No. 252358

Doesn't belong in PT. Maybe snow or random.

No. 252374

Moved to >>>/manure/28.

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No. 248676[Reply]

Margo continues her daily (?) parfait at Dennys while she plots Venus’ demise.

Ever the professional, she was last seen reaching out to jvloggers with offers to broker special contracts with FULLSCREEN:


Last thread reached limit, previous threads:

Summary: http://pastebin.com/1WXBTsZu

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No. 252047

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Oh, and Maggot realizes she fucked her hair, apparently. She can't do more to prevent "further damage". No shit, idiot, you're not a fucking cosmetologist.

No. 252049

Turns out I was right! She did want her hair strawberry blonde!

Also its not milk she is talking about amanda todd……. Because that girl she is replying to was joking about her…I'm always right lately :^)

No. 252051

Lol. Of course she won't admit that she fucked up her own hair because she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. I imagine that her hair is porus as fuck right now.

No. 252053


You know you can delete your double posts, yeah?

No. 252054

even if she naturally had black hair and she'd dye it to this shade it would become pretty porous. Hairdressers think they wont damage your hair if they will dye it but they lie as much as maggot.

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No. 238653[Reply]

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No. 268700

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But then this happened:

No. 268701

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No. 268702

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No. 296406

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Most probably what she realistically looks like naked

No. 362992

God this part of the "fandom" is toxic and it disgusts me. That people will actually take time out of there day to complain about Suzy. Yeah her taxidermy isn't THE best but how good are you at taxidermy and makeup? also being anonymous shows how spineless you really are. Im not saying or forcing you to like suzy but the way your talking about her like she's a piece of human trash literally makes me sick. Its fine if you don't like her but saying all off this? Thats real low.If you have an opinion to express and you feel fiercely about it don't hide and go anonymous. Its not impressive. It only makes you look like an insecure coward.

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No. 251585[Reply]

This is Kaiden (I forget her last name). She's in the Ohio convention scene and gets super pissy when ever another girl is more attractive than her.

she blew up my FB because I did a cammy cosplay and told people I was a huge slut because of it while every picture she has exposes pretty much her entire tits. Anyways, here's the drama you're probably waiting for.

I think she's like 16 now? Maybe 15? No clue. But she started dating this dude who tried to hook up with me a couple years back and got real pissed when she found out. She basically went on a rant about how I "raped" her boyfriend even though I never even touched him. (He's an emo shit, not really my type).

That's it for the personal stuff. Here's some other shit I picked up tho.

-hooks up with dudes of any age at shitty convention raves (gonna post the pictures of the dudes in the comments, be warned)

-wore a Harley Quinn cosplay, was confronted by a poison ivy cosplayer, only for her to say "oh cool who are you supposed to be"

-ends up strung out on drugs (usually LSD) in random hotels at almost every convention she goes to.

-constantly eggs on her white knights to be violent towards boys who rejected her at cons
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(NO)
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No. 251688

You end up strung out because you don't know wtf you're doing and end up buying acid that "tastes funny" or makes your mouth go numb.
Fucking edgelords, at least you could watch a YouTube video or google shit to give your bullshit a realistic twist.

No. 251694

Holy shit this thread is bad.

Are you implying laced with cocaine or…?
Then it's still not technically LSD.

No. 251698

Have you even taken real LSD before? protip, real acid shouldn't have a taste lmao

No. 251714

Wow like who in their right mind let's their 15y/o go to a concert on their own let alone stay at a hotel with their friends

No. 251715


LSD completely fucks with your depth perception, there's no way she would be able to stay standing straight throughout a con or keep herself quiet for 6-8 hours using it, you're meant to trip in a controlled enviroment and I agree with what >>251682 says.

It isn't alcohol, It doesn't "taste funny" or "makes your mouth go numb" either. GTFO for being underaged and not knowing shit about what you're accusing this girl of taking.

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No. 34186[Reply]

I was surprised that there was no thread on her while she gets mentioned in other threads quite often.

I am starting the thread with her latest cosplay shooting because there is a SJW shitstorm brewing already.
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No. 215663

>>>/pt/208335 New JNig thread, stop replying to this already

No. 219251

Finally someone said it. When i saw her in real life i was expected to be slapped in the face with titties. But they are suited to her frame quite well.
I saw her in Mad Moxxi so i expected huge head sized boobs, her pictures promote herself on a completely different way to how her body actually looks in real life. I
When i saw Yaya, i got what i expected from jniggs. Way too big and look so dumb.

No. 251562

This thread is pretty stale but still an important comment imo.

Jessica only started doing "armor" cosplays after she became friends with Kamui Cosplays, AKA, a cosplayer whose VERY well known for making armor (shes published 3 books on it).

Kamui even started promoting Jessica. Seems pretty damn suspicious to me.

No. 251607

You realise you had to physically scroll past the new thread to necropost yeah?

No. 335457

Not surprised in seeing Abby Darkstar with Jnig. Both of them almost say the same damn excuses when denying about how their boobs are not the center of their cosplay. Ran into Abby at a con in Atl and realized that she only does cosplay for the Efame just like Jnig. I just can't respect people who are fake that doesn't respect the community.

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No. 251448[Reply]

Summary about her:
>16 year old swede/probably Spanish on her dads side
>Photoshop user(more like line camera)
>Haafu japanese desu
>High metabolism not ana
>Fake bitch
>"anon" hater
>Attention seeker
>Art stealer
>Video stealer^
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.(fuck off)

No. 251452

Take your vendetta / self post and leave. This girl is a nobody who hasn't done anything of interest.

Fuck me, lolcow is full of cancer lately.

No. 251456

What the hell does this even mean?
Also, obligatory "read the rules, faggot."

No. 251459

the asian version of ivanhoe

also OP, lolcow is not your personal army

No. 251462

How's HS spring break going?


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No. 197968[Reply]

Old thread reached max posting limit.

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No. 250539

they look like mosquito bites lol christ this is reaching

No. 250589

I feel like the whole OMG yukapee days are over. Even when she does go back to Japan she's not really doing much nowadays.

No. 250596

yeah she's not really cringy like beckii now and doesn't have vaguely interesting fame/horrifying shooping habits like koot. she just has bulimia. dat ain't milk.

No. 250891

Drugs and eating disorders. So very edgy.

No. 251291

Moved to >>>/snow/107991.

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No. 250620[Reply]

>small yet popular YouTuber
>vlogs cons
>runs dance group
>cosplayer of course
>seems entirely nice

Is there something bad about her? I really like her personality and con vlogs. Seems like an angel, or am I missing something?
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No. 250697

Shit thread, not even deserves to be in snow

No. 250777

meh, next

No. 250781

The only annoying thing about her are her fans as is the case with most online people.

Plus that she gets to be a cosplay competition judge at cons even though she doesn't make any of her costumes.

No. 250861

I think Veronica is fucking hilarious

No. 251155

Moved to >>>/snow/107825.

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No. 250072[Reply]

Who is she?
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No. 250133

No. 250238


No. 250239


Wow, that was fast, someone googles themself too much….

No. 250245

>pretends someone else gave enough of a shit about some nobody to make this awful thread
sure, bitch

No. 250248

Moved to >>>/snow/107133.

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No. 245257[Reply]

Margendo Birthday edition

previous thread >>242365 reached reply limit

Current status: it's the morning of Margos birthday, and she spent the last day+ working herself into a fine rage over the fact that venus continues to ignore her. Margo has also issues a fresh set of demands before she'll cease her campaign of harassment: she wants the MacBook venus brought with from Korea; she wants a public video apology where venus tells everyone she lied about being abused; and she wants money, amount and duration of payments unspecified.


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No. 248618

I don't think she copied/pasted the eyes, just really overdid it with the eye editing in meitu (especially the brightening).

No. 248623

Actually the game has quite a lot of japanese fans in the indie gamer scene, they like it for the absurdity. It's been discussed at 2ch a few times.

It's her eyes but the contacts are a little odd and she edited them a bit too much with some app.

No. 248634

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ugh, she's actually serious.

No. 248638

i thought those "im a delicate little flower please water me with your piss uwu" plantbloggers fucking died out in 2014

No. 248651

shut the fuck up it's not even remotely finished yet, there is literally nothing to the game yet because it's not a game, it's developing

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