File: 1422479967864.jpg (15.6 KB, 300x250, mophead.jpg)

No. 115442
File: 1422480436630.png (499.27 KB, 531x531, M5oPcdBd.png)

She used to be on Tumblr under the URL's elfbabe and fliora, but she deleted, cut her hair really short and I think she's moved to Finland. Looks like she's grown up.
No. 115444
File: 1422480759928.jpg (28.03 KB, 200x500, ZpFLQXbIerI.jpg)

>>115443Wait, is she the Dakota copycat who made a PULL account and humiliated herself a bunch of times?
Kek, nevermind. She looks pretty good when she's not trying to ape Dakota, honestly
No. 115445
File: 1422481216852.png (599.11 KB, 763x356, SLKNfol.png)

kek anyone else remember when she was trying so desperately hard to crawl up mila's asshole while at the same time she'd go on pull and talk shit about her. i miss her shenanigans tbh.
No. 115458
>>115455you can blame pull for that one, when she had threads everyone on pull told her to do an edgy style instead of kawaii.
she looks much better with her new look here
>>115442 No. 115460
>>115443Off-topic but holy shit 90% of Emilie Autumn fans (or Emilie herself, she's basically ~"victoriunnn"~ Traci Hines) are just as deserving of threads as this girl
>>115442She looks really pretty here. She doesn't really seem funny though, just a bit of an attention whore if anything, unless I'm missing something?
No. 115465
>>115464All I know about her is that she rips off her fans a lot, bitched on Twitter about being "poor" (lmao) among other things, and that her book is riddled with lies and half-truths.
Spill deets, anon
No. 115466
>>115461Maybe she's not a 10/10, but it's a cute picture. Even if it's because it's 40% flowers.
>>115464Aww yeah, glad it's not just me.
No. 115467
>>115465>>115466FPF is always golden. The whole incident that spawned from is a trip
Claiming her family died in a fire (they didnt), freaking out because she thought her stuffed bear was stolen (it wasnt), I mean, I know there's tons but I'm blanking right now.
The current thing is that she took preorders for an audiobook that was supposed to be due 9 months ago and she still hasn't delivered.
I can't hate Enchant though. That album is my jam
No. 115469
>>115468YES the suckerpunch thing. And the lady gaga thing. Oh and the thing about how the fact that she thinks pads are by baby stuff in supermarkets is with the intent of infantalizing women. And the thing about how some women who didnt agree with her should have 'their breasts removed' and, and, and uhhh, literally how she can't stay friends with anyone she works with and only has two dancers left?
i have a music friend who lives in L.A whose run into her a few times, and when I asked how she is IRL, he put on a fake british accent and said "Hi, I'm famous, who are you?" it was great
No. 115470
>>115468Oh yeah, and the ipod thing, and her obsessive iceaxe stalker who CALLED HER and ruined everything for everyone forever apparently, and how she closed the forum years later without any warning and blamed it on that incident heres more links. I…confess she's been my lolcow for a long time
No. 115473
>>115470>>115472Also, does anyone remember the social experiment girl? There was this girl that made a youtube video bawwwwing about the people bitching about her on tumblr, and then she deleted the video and made a new one claiming it was a "social experiment". Shit was hilarious
(Or does anyone remember when socklessfuck/Victor had an EA blog where he bitched out the SJWs? I miss him a bit)
No. 115474
>>115472I agree. I mean, herself aside, her newest album is fucking heinous. I like how she said she'd have a musical out by the end of 2014 on 'londons west end' lolllll
>>115471Tbh if she put out an album like that again I'd drop some cash on it. She was going to rerelease it with the puzzle, (never happened) and fuck, I'd have bought it.
>>115473I can't say I remember this. There's literally been so much that's happened though…
No. 115475
>>115473I vaguely remember victor though I was pretty heavy into following the drama. Did he finally baleet everything? I also remember another blog called "snowflakehalloffame" who changed their name so much I lost them. They also made fun of sjw's a lot. Hope they're still around.
And I remember social experiment girl, dear gawd. The muffins/plague rats/reformers are all lolcows within themselves tbh
No. 115476
>>115475He baleeted fucking everything. I think there was waywardvictoriansnark and waywardvictoriankhaleesi too, but they were kinda SJW.
You mean special snowflake hall of fame? I think they changed their name to demisnowflake and then deleted their blog later. They were pretty great. RIP in peace.
No. 115478
File: 1436405120774.jpeg (46.74 KB, 500x500, dsad.jpeg)

Soooo Lauryn has changed a lot.
Good for her.
No. 115481
>>115480I don't know I found this picture on her Soundcloud where she goes by the name Lauryn Goulden now.
Her most recent activity was liking Kirsten's shitty Fairy Fountain "remix".
No. 115483
File: 1452712082235.jpg (25.07 KB, 320x430, wHTWVyNwiIg.jpg)

Obviously this thread hasn't been migrated to /snow/ yet although I'm not entirely sure that she doesn't belong on /pt/ given that she provides wave after wave of lulz.
Well she's returned after almost a year of hiatus and her new schtick is anorexia and sucking Ember and Emily's dick on Instagram.
No. 115484
File: 1452712211521.png (779.42 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-13-19-09-00…)

>>115483Forgot links.'s also hopping on the David Bowie hype train hard despite not being born until like 1998.
No. 115485
File: 1452712357235.jpg (40.04 KB, 480x499, dookie-brows.jpg)

Jesus fuck what is with cows having the ugliest goddamn eyebrows imaginable
No. 115488
>>115485Not even close to Cara. Hideous.
Now…there seems to be a lot of self-post in this thread. Reeks of it.
No. 115489
File: 1452715981789.jpg (105.17 KB, 760x507, 1363719329663.jpg)

For those that don't know, "Kojirina"/Lauryn Lawler emerged on PULL in 2012 trying to self promote herself as the "next Dakota" under a sock puppet account.
She got caught and absolutely BTFO by the users, and for a while continued manufacturing out these horrifying mega-shooped photos, sometimes literally copying and pasting Dakota's facial features over her own thinking that nobody would notice (picture related).
After a while she calmed down and joined PULL ("Oh it was just a phase guys I was being immature teehee"), and began shitposting regularly alongside the userbase, although she remained a frequent source of ridicule.
One day she went off on one, befriended Mila Mortice and began pulling the whole "URGH! PULL is full of meanies!" bullshit again, but a few months later somebody linked Mila to Lauryn's PULL account which contained posts Lauryn made ripping Mila apart and the pair had this big, dumb (hilarious) fallout over ASK.FM.
Lauryn then attempted cosying up to Kiki of all fucking people and tweeted at her something a long the lines of "PULL is disgusting it deserves to be taken down. They bullied me too :(" after Kiki made a tweet about PULL, but Kiki obviously read the subforums and knew EXACTLY who she was and how she made shitposts about Dakota (see
and proceeded to tear her a new asshole kek
After that she had this weird gangster phase where she started acting all bling-bling and worshipping Tyler the Creator and "tlkin just lik dis u a waste gash bruv u get me", THEN she moved onto imitating Charlotte Free/Crystal Castles as evidenced in the OP.
After this she vanished for over a year and we all thought she was gone for good but now she's gone back as one of those faux-recovery proana cunt and looks to be imitating Ember note, judging by the…. eyebrows.
I actually think she deserves to stay on /pt/. Her original drama was fucking glorious for those who witnessed it.
>>115488So, how new are you again?
No. 115490
File: 1452716036010.jpg (174.51 KB, 1476x793, 1363720790303.jpg)

Dumping some of her old Dakota-phase pics.
No. 115491
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No. 115492
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No. 115493
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No. 115494
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No. 115495
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No. 115496
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No. 115497
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No. 115498
Sweet lord are all these pics the same person?
I see pics like
>>115478 and it's like 'oh, she's pretty' but you see these others and sweetener fuckery doo
I was feeling kinda unkept lately but seeing these are reminding me I'm decent looking sweet lord
No. 115499
I'm so sad that more people weren't apparently around on PULL to witness this between 2012 - 2014 because you've no idea how fucking funny it was, especially when she cosied up to Mila and then got #rekt by her when someone forwarded her Lauryn's PULL account.
No. 115501
File: 1452716863646.png (790.71 KB, 1080x1402, 1452705727577.png)

The only reason I noticed her is because somebody posted this screenshot to the Proana thread on /snow/ and I noticed her comment.
Seems like Ember is her new object of affection. This girl is scary.
No. 115502
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No. 115504
File: 1452717951235.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-13-20-41-21…)

>>115503I have no idea what to make of this girl anymore.
No. 115513
>>115512You can tell you're new because Lauryn isn't a snowflake, she's a full fledged cow in her own right and had her own thread on Staminarose and Maxfaggotry and was talked about a lot on /cgl/.
Just a shame that PULL was kill because now evidence of herfuckery is lost forever…. unless somebody fancies hunting through the Internet Wayback Machine.
No. 115514
>>115513I hid her threads just like I did with the berry thread. I found her SWF as stalker-ish as Doe Deere's but she always struck me as a desperate nobody.
Other than that - I'm willing to try the milk again. Any more Sauce?
No. 115520
File: 1452737690290.png (353.9 KB, 560x375, dembrows.png)

>>115517her brows are actually real it's like irl muppet shit.
No. 115521
>>115517I actually think she looks better than spoony
She's less doughy
No. 115526
>>115524That's a uniquely defensive comment you got there containing information only she'd be privy too…
Why do I get the feeling that you're Lauryn…
No. 115527
>>115526Exactly what I thought too.
>>115524Hey Lauryn, you look like shit.
No. 115529
File: 1452743991010.jpg (285.34 KB, 693x598, fyytwzlxymne.jpg)

After Dakota filed a copyright claim against Lauryn after Lauryn ripped her site's graphics lel
No. 115533
I have a magnificent memory for written/visual information and I do not remember Lauryn ever once stating that she bleached her eyebrows.
Hi Lauryn.
No. 115534
File: 1452745374842.jpg (42 KB, 334x500, ZYhPKd8.jpg)

No. 115535
File: 1452745433327.jpg (109.5 KB, 1024x768, ZMqI6HX.jpg)

No. 115536
>>115532>>115533Oh my god you two damn, I lurked for three minutes and she posted some tbt and her eyebrows were thin and light - I guessed, I lightly bleach mine and they look the same. Maybe she's a natural blonde I have no fucking idea.
>magnificent memory of LaurynWell let me not challenge your encyclopedic knowledge of this random bitch.
No. 115537
File: 1452745446183.jpg (92.6 KB, 540x401, hVsBS8E.jpg)

No. 115538
File: 1452745589230.jpg (7.9 KB, 268x478, 2XpuxU7.jpg)

>>115536Bullshit, this isn't a "well I used to do this thing so I guess she did it too!" situation, you CLEARLY stated that she USED to bleach her eyebrows.
Nice to see you haven't changed Lauryn. If have a wealth of respect more for you if you just came clean at first.
No. 115539
File: 1452745611761.jpg (41.46 KB, 468x247, GnDjW8z.jpg)

No. 115540
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No. 115541
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No. 115542
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No. 115543
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No. 115544
File: 1452746038488.jpg (108.88 KB, 795x375, e0oXmAV.jpg)

Her backstabbing Mila after she got caught bitching her out on PULL and Mila refused to accept get fake apology.
No. 115545
>>115538Oh my fucking god I am not her, it was a speculation not a published study you absolute idiot.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
No. 115546
really out of all the things that would potentially bait her into a response, do you really think that would be it? Who the fuck cares about such an offhand comment besides someone as thirsty as you?
No. 115548
File: 1452746472074.jpg (61.76 KB, 725x302, 2vb23rc.jpg)

From when she was friends with Mila.
No. 115550
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No. 115551
File: 1452748377449.jpg (34.92 KB, 604x453, 2sUX0YPcYKU.jpg)

No. 115552
File: 1452748389380.jpg (25.66 KB, 375x498, AyJqyjz.jpg)

No. 115558
>also, she so reads this, because now her IG is suddenly set on privateI fackkin' knew it was her m8.
She undoubtedly lurks the new PULL and probably found lolcow some time ago from there.
No. 115561
>>115559Okay sorry Lauryn, my mistake, thanks for the correction.
Why don't you just come out already and admit you're here? Making your Instagram private after the thread updated pretty much already cements that you're in the thread reading everything.
No. 115562
>palLauryn, pls.
You're doing a really shit job of masking your presence. At least switch up your Liverpudlian dialect.
No. 115565
>>115564and she's not funny at all????????????????????????????????????
she's a flake
this thread is sad, she fell off the planet for a year and now that she's back she's just jumping on the newest bandwagon
if this is "funny" to you, you must just sit at the pc all day and do nothing with yourself like she does
No. 115566
>>115520i actually want to know how she went from thin ugly eyebrows to full thick ones
lawlyn pls tell me
No. 115567
>>115563If a cow has a high-volume of quality retroactive drama, which Lauryn does, then the rule is that they stay in /pt/ otherwise we'd be bouncing threads back and forth between /pt/ and /snow/ constantly.
If Mila has a thread here than Lauryn deserves to stay as she was just as bad as her at the time.
No. 115568
>>115565>>115563Lauryn you really need to stop.
I know you think that non-capitilisation and insulting yourself makes you seem more Anonymous but just FYI Admin and the Farmhands can see your IP and that these posts are being sent from Liverpool so samefagging like this is only going to make them less likely to consider moving your thread seeing as you're providing consistent drama.
Admin is not an unreasonable person and will consider personal requests such as this if you ask politely and explain your reasons but right now you're only making things worse for yourself by samefagging.
Probably the only reason it wasn't moved straight to /snow/ when it updated was because they could see you posting in it and wanted to wait to see if it got any better you know, which is steadily is.
No. 115570
Why would you want to keep her in pt, it's only going to feed her ego
like that time she made her own hate tumblr, all of it is for attention
>>115567I can understand this
but she's really not fucking interesting as you're making her out to be
No. 115575
>>115573I wish "check my IP" changed font like
triggered does. It's like the chant of the white knights
No. 115576
>>115575Yeah, it needs to be highlighted in blue or some shit.
>>115574Ayup' Scouse Anon.
No. 115580
File: 1452955296600.png (854.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-16-14-40-31…)

No. 115584
File: 1452958054113.png (968.75 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-16-15-22-31…)

>>115583I am confused by her art, although Tumblr-tier, because sometimes it looks like this…
No. 115586
File: 1452958150114.png (924.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-16-15-23-02…)

>>115585And then other times it looks like… this…
The change in quality is far too dramatic for me to not believe that she isn't tracing or heavily referencing from existing artwork.
No. 115587
File: 1452959185045.jpg (96.52 KB, 520x600, 1448343945464.jpg)

>>115565Maybe if you add more unnecessary question marks you'll actually be right!
>>115570You seriously reek of newfag, why does it offend you so much if she's in PT? It's not your fucking call.
>>115580What the fuck is this creature?
No. 115590
>>115580She looks more like a man when she's so spoopy. Hope she posts more so I can have more lulz
>>115586I think it depends if she has a reference or not. If she's referencing a photo, it looks nicer, if she's not it looks worse. I think that's why referencing photos is normal practice.
No. 115592
>>115590last year on ello or tumblr that she made a ranting post saying that she has gender identidy issues.
she doesn't even have boobs apparently
No. 115593
>>115591nobody gives a fuck who she has copied of anymore the past belongs in the past
why is it that when you bring her up and you mention what she did do wrong you act like she has a criminal record on her shoulder pmsl
No. 115594
Why do I get that Lauryn is shitposting in this thread furiously about herself….
>>115593 is definitely her.
I wish I was Admin so I could see the post IP's…
No. 115595
File: 1452968361135.png (115.87 KB, 284x312, 1452550590683.png)

>>115591I think now she's hopped on the spoopy skeleton trend and is copying Ember.
No. 115603
>>115601Lauryn stahp.
Also stop putting a fake email on all of your posts, you can see them when you hover over the Anonymous tag, jesus christ.
>>115601>>115598>>115597>>115596>>115588>>115589>>115583>>115581>>115578>>115574^ are all the same person.
No. 115606
File: 1452972896780.png (49.38 KB, 1103x750, eewr.png)

>>115604How is it that after all these years you're still this stupid.
>> No. 115608
>>115605Emails entered don't actually exist but are of the variety and the second one is named "" referencing David Cameron so they're almost definitely British.
Typing style is the same as Lauryn's as is the general modus operandi of "I kind of don't want this attention to hurt my reputation online so I want this moved to /snow/ but I kind of like the attention being focused on me so I'll keep bumping the thread". She used to do the same shit on PULL all the time.
No. 115613
>>115441Oh Lozza babe, why do you not learn..
So glad she's back
No. 115616
File: 1452981150181.jpg (48.91 KB, 480x640, 91508.jpg)

>>115615That explains a lot.
Aren't the Finnish considered ugly/retarded by the other Nordic countries?
The only Finn girl I know, surprise, surprise, was a hideously ugly Tumblrite bitch who severed our psuedo-friendship after I made a post on Facebook about the increasing benefits of homeopathy in relation to early cancers.
No. 115617
>>115616Idk if they are but yeah most people outside the capital Helsinki are ugly/borderline retarded lol.
Often they have the possibility to look decent but are too dumb to do anything at themselves.
This is coming from a Finnish girl, sometimes I'm just so sick of living in here….
No. 115620
File: 1452984868796.gif (703.56 KB, 320x240, 1417248565528.gif)

>>115619Fucking preach, anon.
No. 115624
>>115619Except there's a ridiculous amount of research and evidence into homeopathic remedies fighting "early" and aiding various illnesses cancers dumb dumb.
>carcinosin and Phytolacca, were found to be as effective against breast cancer cells as the chemotherapy drug Taxol (Int J Oncol, 2010; 36: 395403).
>One trial of 254 people showed that calendula cream worked better than trolamine (a commonly used non steroid cream) for preventing skin soreness due to radiotherapy. A very small trial of 32 people showed that a homeopathic mouthwash called Traumeel S (containing belladonna, arnica, St John's wort and echinacea) worked better than a placebo to prevent a sore mouth due to chemotherapyEven St. John's Wort is known to aid in helping depression, but I guess you reject this reality because "only muh synthetic compounds can help stuff".
No. 115629
>>115628Huh, well I'll be damned I'm wrong.
I mean, I had the name wrong but still. Quick research indicates that there's some pretty wide scale confusion about whether herbal medicinals fall under homeopathy so that's probably where I made the mistake.
Does that mean that you disagree with herbal remedies then though?
No. 115634
File: 1452999326636.jpg (89.47 KB, 640x725, image.jpg)

what the fucking fuck do you think this is how she really looks? because she looks so different on this
No. 115635
>>115634Who is this mysterious man?
Seriously, looks like some guy in a horrible wig. Maybe it's a wig made out of rat fur?
No. 115636
>>115626Sorry to insult your Swedish superiority, but I've visited all the Nordic countries, and to my British eyes, the girls look very similar in all of these places.
Of course there are uglies everywhere, but I'm not talking about them. I'd never be able to guess that Lauryn is half Finnish. With her face and nose she looks 100% British to me.
No. 115639
File: 1453028148096.jpg (122.54 KB, 640x772, image.jpg)

No. 115641
>>115499I was actually the one who started the thread about her on PULL in my short time there/before I knew what the place was like. I might still have some shit on my HD but I think you've got it all already.
I don't think I've ever seen a cow/snowflake switch gimmicks as fast as she used to. Do you remember when she posted her first alien-baby Mila shoop and everyone on PULL goes "OMG LAURYN UR SO PRETTY NOW <3"? lol
No. 115646
>>115644The reason none of us are posted on sites like this is because none of us are retarded enough to make a public spectacle of ourselves in a pathetic attempt to get e-famous.
That's not due to a lack of balls, that's because only the biggest retards the internet has to offer would think it's a good idea to do that.
No. 115647
>>fucking post in public on facebook or twitter if you hate her guts1. Nobody 'hates her guts' I can assure you. She's too much of a nobody, plus nobody really knows her enough to hate her. We're just laughing at her because she is funny and the things she does and says are amusing.
2. If we went public what if she targets one of us as her next disguise? I don't want an ugly man to dress like me.
No. 115649
>>115641kek yes.
PULL became so engrossed in that whole "board solidarity" thing that once they believed somebody had joined their ranks that it was then in bad taste to said person and that they were now immune from further criticism.
It was retarded thinking and part of what destroyed that board.
It's like when that shit with Orange Citrus and the Jessica Nigri thread went down and she locked it, and then when everybody discovered she was a legit cow and camwhore you were barred from making a thread on her because she was an "ex-member".
No. 115657
File: 1453071541794.jpg (118.33 KB, 943x611, z6K69SF7.jpg)

Oh my god the ride never ends with this moron.
>I hope this one gets featured on their banner because I love the attention and I'm really asking for it
Is that why you made your Twitter protected and your Instagram private :^)
No. 115662
>>115658They're obviously her natural eyebrows what do you want her to tell you.
Either your eyebrows are naturally thick or they aren't. You need to stop asking this.
No. 115669
>>115664>>115665>>115667kek I'm not Lauryn, I'm the person revived this thread, I just think it's silly requesting to know how a person "got" thick eyebrows when nobody can develop them, there's no pill or special massage or cream that's going to make your eyebrows thicker and Anon should be old enough/intelligent enough to know this so idk why she's asking.
Lauryn's eyebrows are indeed overkill though and Groucho Marx is a perfect description.
lol see
>>115668 No. 115670
>what I really want is to get on with my normal lifeSo why on earth did you just post
>>115657 ?
No. 115671
>>115668>Ember>her conditionDumb bitch isn't a condition.
>Scan my IP addressEvery. Fucking. Time.
No. 115677
File: 1453081090559.jpg (183.08 KB, 1674x942, tpCxfV65afk.jpg)

>go to log into Tumblr
>this appears as my wallpaper
I shit myself.
No. 115682
File: 1453086656982.gif (129.04 KB, 300x232, dead-horse.gif)

>this entire thread
No. 115688
File: 1455863483069.jpg (1.62 MB, 2160x2160, IMG_35e4d9cde3fdf7b0bfcbd01fcd…)

No. 115690
File: 1455864804178.jpg (840.46 KB, 2160x1073, IMG_64682e5c043efdf22cba4ecd91…)

the constant alien bullshit ugh
No. 115693
>>115692Look, Lauryn and her good friend Lady Gaga were fans since birth, okay? Since birth.
She could always buy her Sharpies in different shades if she wanted to lighten those beastbrows.
No. 115694
File: 1456201699429.jpg (60.97 KB, 640x640, image.jpg)

Looks like she changed her hair again
No. 115711
I think her newest look is way better compared to all the failed attempts of every single snowflake she tried to be like. Her funniest and most notable phase was the living doll one.
>>115708>"I think she is mentally retarded"Well if you put it that way I don't think she's mentally retarded. But if she's claiming to be an alien then she's got humanity issues. If you're referring to the way she talks someone on this thread already stated that she's half English. You'll have to have a good gander.
No. 115714
File: 1459883606514.jpg (140.02 KB, 640x871, image.jpg)

you're still not cara
try harder
No. 115718
File: 1459885947967.jpg (49.94 KB, 604x604, rus.jpg.5f03848f33114795e84157…)

>>115716>>115698Sorry to samefag, but her eyebrows are what remind me of sasha.
No. 115720
File: 1459886257876.jpg (14.64 KB, 223x226, image.jpg)

>>115719Well on this photo her neck looks the same to me?
No. 115723
Why does it feel like Lauryn is in here spamming the shit out of her own thread to draw interest towards it….
This post specifically
>>115707 feels suspect since nobody here really rags on vegans.
No. 115729
>>115727Lauryn, let me just make this clear, I've know about you from the day you first set foot in PULL with your little sockpuppet thread pathetically attempting to try and fluster up e-fame so I'm already pretty familiar with your activity and the way you repeatedly keep going about this shit.
Also I'm a Britfag myself in a location not so far from your own, so I'm very familiar with the dialect you're using. To put it simply, you type very 'British-ly'.
Removing capitilisation from your posts and not capitilising your name doesn't make it any less obvious that it's you btw. The users here may not be able to see your IP to confirm, but bear in mind the Admin can and it's not like he hasn't exposed people before.
Lauryn, just, get a hobby girl.
No. 115732
>>115730Could be a possibility you're not here, although I see that I was dead-on with being able to recognise you were also a Brit.
I'm still not convinced.
No. 115764
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>>115745Kate Moss was a fucking angel when she first got scouted.
No. 115817
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>>115815Eh, I'd cut her some slack. Kate is 16 there, today she's 42 so that's a 26 year age difference. All being said and done, what with the lengthy history of drug abuse, she's looking pretty good.
No. 115843
>>115817Never noticed before that she had a stigma
Sage of OT
No. 116096
>>115984Are you a complete idiot? I obviously mean her thread/presence on this site. Keep up.
Now stop bumping this thread already. Thnx.
No. 177447
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No. 177665
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No. 504846
>>504831Looks like a bit of the Dakota idolization still lingers. Not only did she make a selfie-blog with a paid domain, but wrote this underneath
>© 2017 - 2018 Lauryn Lawler - All Rights Reserved.same as Dakota's used to. only difference is Kooter's blog was generating her adsense money from heavy traffic, Lauryn's blog is just a waste of money.
No. 534020
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Hate to bump this dusty ass thread, but looks like she's made her insta public again. Girl still wants to be everyone but herself.
No. 534033
>>534027I feel like someone with a personal issue with lauryn is bumping the thread up I mean? The last post was 1 year ago.
>>534026Same. Looks like she’s moved on. I don’t see why people are bringing this cow up anymore.
No. 534064
>>534033>>534037>>534046>>534055No one cares lauryn
>>534049Deadass lmao. She's just photoshopping.
No. 534683
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HAHA this creature is now shooping itself to look like Lilith Levisis oh my GOD
No. 534684
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Hammerhead shark looking boil. She’s got to be special needs, I’m howling.
No. 546657
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>>534683>>534684>>534686why anyone would photoshop themselves to look like a randomly generated oblivion character is beyond me
No. 548428
>>547051>>547062This is exactly the sort of thing Lauryn would post about herself for attention, so I have a hard time believing this claim.
Lauryn is worse than Mila Mortice was. She's histrionic and recycles through photoshop skin suits every few months because she can't accept the fact that she's just a pedestrian and will never be anything more no matter how much she copies others.
I have a hard time believing that this is a "friend," because it screams "feel sorry for me." This girl is so histrionic and has been since she began posting her fantasy photoshops on the net.
Some clues:
>too skinny and child sizedexactly the sort of humble-brag thing she would say, she shoops herself to look emaciated when in candids you can see that she is at a normal weight
>I did start to notice she was getting dramatic fillers at the end of the college yearthe fillers did not start until 2017, when she debuted her new instagram, when your timeline states 2015
>her boyfriend broke her noseThis SCREAMS self-post the most. Her nose has always looked that unfortunate, no boyfriend broke her nose.
>wondering if she is ftmAgain, something Lauryn would say about herself to garner attention and sympathy because she doesn't sell as an unattractive female so now she needs to put an air of gender mystery around herself.
While I want to say you posting this supposed photo of you two together would be proof, we've seen her do some crazy shit and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she posted a random photo of her she's taken with a girl and scribbled the girls face out a la pulling a Regina George.
No. 565945
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No1curr but I stumbled across who ol Lulzer got the ideas to get those stupid challenged looking fillers from. Handle is tsunaina. Why is this a thing.
No. 892375
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is she fucking pregnant???(necro)