File: 1458787429907.jpg (152.24 KB, 871x559, Margo - new caption birthday p…)

No. 252056
Last thread reached it's limit
>>248676Our favorite nightmare momager is still stalking her daughter around the Shibuya / Harajuku neighborhoods of Tokyo, hoping to snatch up her daughter and rescue "her" macbook full of 50 youtube videos and maggot's original songs.
No. 252062
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Mags is currently in her insta comments, telling people of her ungrateful child and her damaged hair (because she's a stupid cunt and can't buy toner - johns don't pay top yen for jacked up middle aged hookers, Margendo. Get with it)
No. 252064
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No. 252065
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No. 252066
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No. 252133
>>252064No one is buying her shit. NO ONE. She's getting her ass handed to her all over the comments of her last 2 videos and on IG.
And yet…
"Time is on my side." Okaayyy, maggs.
No. 252144
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>>252133Well, ALMOST no one. Never underestimate the number of whack jobs out there, looking for solidarity in stupidity
1/2 of some of magoo's asslickers, who have, according to mags, restored her faith in humanity
No. 252145
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No. 252155
i love all these names
is there a list compiled of them?
No. 252158
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Uh, when the hell did Venus "confirm her bmi of 16", Margendo??
No. 252160
>>252158"And the worst part is: my child is living HAPPILY EVER AFTER! It's a mother's worst nightmare!"
Honestly, she can't even keep her "loving mother who gave everything for her child" persona up for 5 minutes running.
No. 252173
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"I eat at fancy restaurant, Venoos!"
Totally not an escort.
No. 252180
>>252058This made me cringe so much
I prefer Margo to be the cow, I hope Venus can just go on being a normal human now
No. 252183
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Mags got a few shots in on her way to her outcall date. Now mags is not only convinced Venoos is a "psychopath" from her "micromimics" in the video where she explained her abuse - magro says anyone with enough life experience can see that VENOOS IS LAUGHING AT MAGS, not chocked up. If you pause the frames just right. And smoke crack.
No. 252189
>>252183>police and cut records watches micromimimcsAlso! Aliens on the astral plane. Lizard people.
>time is on my sideI'm a busted forty year old with no job, no prospects, and no real friends, stalking my teen daughter. But it's okay, time in on my side!
No. 252198
>>252195come on man don't leave out my little special, Margoyle
>>252183this reminds me of that song
>Time was on my side when I was running down the street, it was so fine fine fine
>Yes you were born, born, borrrrrn>Bohn to be alivei wish she would make a cover of it lmao
No. 252201
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Well, Mags saw the link to the (accurate and useful) article for estranged parents. But you see, none of this applies to magoo! Her case is special; there was a master minded plan months in development against her, which she solved piece by piece like the fucking FBI. Even though she can't read or speak Japanese. But she KNOWS it was a plot.
No. 252209
>>252201The EVIL PLAN is back! And now we learn that it was hatched for MONTHS.. in SECRET MESSAGES.. but the plot has been uncovered by brave and ever-vigilant Maggot…who will now reveal it to the world! And when the world finally knows the TRUTH all will rush to her side, and Veenos will be RUINED..and justice will at long last be served.
This is how the maggot comforts herself in her darkest moments, on the floor of the communal sleeping room. Sweet revenge.
No. 252221
File: 1458818871351.jpg (98.74 KB, 312x504, Satanist.jpg)

Does Marg not get sarcasm?
No. 252224
>>252222Margo presents herself as a free spirit type (magical thinking, thoth tarot, binarial beats etc). Like a edgy teenager, she probably associates "satanic" with "cool" and takes it as a complement.
Meanwhile I did a bit of googling, apparently you need empathy to get sarcasm.
>>252223Ive been waiting for her to post caps of these perceived micromimics on her insta
No. 252225
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>>252224Didn't she claim a while ago to be a satanist? kek
No. 252227
>>252225If she did, I missed it.
No wonder she got on so well with her Jesus-Church famil.
Then she sucks up to her Dad when she needs the money.
Classic Margo
No. 252242
>>252224>need empathy to understand sarcasm Not entirely I'd imagine, since socio/psychopaths can understand sarcasm (for the record I'm not trying to armchair imply margo is one - I'd argue she's not)
Though I do agree margo is low in empathy, I think her misunderstanding comes from her various delusions/language barrier
Even as someone who is familiar with practicing mental gymnastics, people as delusional as margo never stop being interesting. I wish we could better understand the method to her madness - is there an initial denial that manifests into these delusions? A lie she tells til even she believes it? Or does her mind never, at any point, conceive reality, never really twisting it - but viewing it in this distorted fashion to begin with?
I wish venoos would lie and tell margs she could have everything if she'd get prof help. Then not let her back in anyway and spill the diagnostic deets on us
No. 252294
>>252289well then I hope she will spill some quality milk again.
Imagine she would gets preggo by some random japanese dude.
No. 252341
>>252334lmao, no.
ps is often distinguished by how bizarre the delusions are
try looking at videos by "effectsofmaledominance" to get a better picture. she tries to record her hallucinations.
vid very related
No. 252349
>>252341Nah it's not the same for everyone. As I said my grandmother had it and she "only" was paranoid about that everyone is talking behind her back. for that reason she didn't leave her flat anymore and no one was allowed to visit her, even her own family and the grandchildren, a toddler and a 8 year old were suspected of gossiping or conspiracing about her.
It doesn't need to be especially crazy or grand. Sometimes it's just simple like that. Nowhere is stated it has to be "crazy" - where does "crazy" even start?
Not saying Marget is, but she very well could be. Not severe yet, but that can change too
No. 252351
>>252349>>252341i forgot to add that she later blogged about how he was coughing AT her, to somehow imply that her vagina smells?
while it's true that margoyle is very delusional, not all delusions are schizophrenia symptoms. the shit about micromimics, venus plotting, etc etc are very similar to paranoid symptoms and have Some bizarre quality to them but not in the same way that it is expressed in those with ps, all this leads me to believe it's just convenient for her to throw around these buzzwords. her claims and vernacular just aren't colorful enough. i'd also recommend gail chord schuler's videos/wiki (? the page has since vanished)
im not good at articulating this as it has been a while since i read the article, its interesting to note that what constitutes a "bizarre delusion" has changed since, close encounters and alien abductions were a common theme but it isn't like that today.
i think it would be best to take this to /b/
No. 252356
>>252354In that video Venus is so clearly ready to cry, gets choked up, then makes a cut edit so no one sees her actually cry. The cognitive dissonance Marge has between what is actually going on, and what maggot sees and interprets, is astounding.
Same with the "Evil Plot" messages. V and M talk about how Margo is important to Venus, and how they don't want to hurt Margo's feelings? EVIL PLOT AGAINST MARGO. I'll bet the whole thing was in code; thank god Margaret caught on in time.
No. 252363
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Venus is still a weeb and still an ita.
No. 252379
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maggot could just sell some of her ~brilliant~ art to get some money since she is such talented painter.
No. 252397
>>252394Agree. Its not that hard to get your painting up in a cafe or bar. All you have to do is ask the owner. its that easy.
>>252379Is that a signature in the lower left? I wish I could see it better. Plus honestly the painting isnt that great and I dont mean because its abstract, but I can see its blotchy, and that the artist was having trouble with making smooth curves. I like the concept though.
sage for useless art critique.
No. 252400
>>252398I think NJM suggested marriage/catching a man a while back. Since this Maguro Art has emerged I think Margs should paint her recent experiences as a kind of therapy. It could be the exhibition of the year in art circles - while I was in Tokyo a few years back I met a guy there scouting for artists who do crazy shit.
We could have:
Denny's Parfait
Venus With (My) Suitcase
I Would Walk 15kms
My Friend With No Face (Spanish Chef)
No. 252403
>>252400But I would walk 9,321 miles
And I would walk 9,321 more
Just to be the woman who walks a 9,321 miles
To fall down at my daughters door ??
No. 252410
>>252403When you go will you send back
My suitcase from from Akihabara?
Take a look up the river
From Shinjuku to Shibuya
No. 252414
>>252382Contemporary art anon here. It's resolved and complete but it offers nothing of substance. She's capable but wouldn't get that into anywhere credible. Cafes and foyers are the best she can aspire to.
I studied the art of the mentally ill when I was younger and have also been to the outsider art museum in Paris. It's giving me very that. Not psychosis or disability, but mental disturbance. Those acid trip faces like I see in the middle tend to come up a bit.
Anyway, like her wedding dress I don't really doubt her story. Margo seems quite intelligent and capable of creating. She's just not good at life and realtionships.
No. 252418
>>252414There is this vibe about her of picking up/collecting things then discarding them when she is bored or something else comes along. Like, she can sew a wedding dress, she can create passable art, she is a qualified radiologist and fitness instructor. She has also moved countries continuously like she is looking for the next thing to take her fancy.
Venus up and leaving has upset Margo to no end because Margo hasn't decided to end it, someone else has.
No. 252435
>>252418Putting everything aside, it's quite sad to see an intelligent, capable person discard things continuously like this. So much wasted potential. Her being insane just makes this sadder, IMO. Like when earthquakes destroy historical monuments.
damn it magoo you could have had it all
No. 252455
>>252436I'm one who said that and it's not a white knight. These adjectives are neither positive or negative. Hitler was intelligent, doesn't mean he was a good or sane person. There's not a necessary correlation between intelligence, niceness, or sanity.
The anon who started this is trying to imply Margo has a low IQ. Please. I'm not saying marge' is a genius, just that she's not some unintelligent fuck up like Mira (low IQ) or Kailyn (even lower).
Being a mentally ill fuck up with zero emotional intelligence will not get you far in life, even if you reached Mensa level with your intelligence.
Creativity is a basic human function, anyone at a certain level can achieve something creative and technical, like sewing a dress (Kailyn couldn't do that but she's not normal). It is no great achievement in life to paint one or two average paintings, but it is more than some can do. Creativity is not artistry.
Don't get your knickers in a twist about it. Trying to insist Maggot is retarded only makes us anons look stupid.
No. 252458
>>252455I'm not suggesting Maggot is a) an artist or b) a genius.
Assuming she could not possibly make an ill-fitting wedding dress using a dress pattern, please.
No one is going to convince me she's Kailyn-level.
/ saged for additonal rant
No. 252462
>>252448Has she ever lied? LOL
the bitch's lies are too numerous to count. Let's start with this one- "Veenoos bullied other Youtubers!" It's been documented that maggot is the one who did this.
I can't believe I'm having to argue this shit.
No. 252464
>>252456Her story was Venus and Manaki "grabbed" at her bags. Then V was the only one to meet her. After Margo held Venus security came and Venus ran off to join manaki in a car.
Shes been anti Manakifor a while. It was strange because Manaki was being polite towards her at the time.
No. 252466
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>>252455Your post reminded me of this.
No. 252470
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Not intelligent: email popular Youtubers in Japan with identical clueless message begging to be hired as "celebrity manager"-
have them post your emails on Twitter and laugh
No. 252473
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Here's the one she sent to Micaela. Apparently under the impression Micaela has her own "network."
Very intelligent (not)
No. 252475
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Mags, let your crazy flow. We're bored. Stop shooting #flowers and lose your shit on an asian john who learns too late that his euroMILF (ugh) is a bag of crazy.
No. 252478
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Oh, and nicejewishmama is hitting up Venus with her "business opportunities" now. Do we have consensus on whether this… person is a troll, or a very fucked up individual in their own right?
No. 252521
>>252510I don't understand why she got 1Mil views. It wasn't such special video?
But on the other side I'm happy because I know maggot will hates to see her shining without her.
No. 252535
>>252529>>252529What irritates me is that she probably does have some kind of ED and in a years time people will start feeling sorry for her. Shouldnt her superhero Husbando Manaki be helping her? I cant wait for all the white knights to jump in and defend her.
Still not a fan of her even if she has ditched her cunt mother. Yes yes anons, i know, go away if you dont like her videos. But whatever people can have opinions.
No. 252581
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Has this been posted before?
No. 252582
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>>252554No they don't, fatty.
No. 252615
>>252582Anon said
a cookie - not 20 cookies every day for 10 years. One occasional cookie will not make you fat. Your reading comprehension must be shot from all that starvation, anachan.
No. 252616
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>>252609>>252610>>252611she could have post these links in the comment section of her newest videos.
No. 252627
>>252622>>252615It's too bad that the majority of the western world obviously
doesn't have a healthy relationship to food, as evidenced by their astronomical overweight/obesity rates. No one needs encouragement to eat junk food, and saying that doesn't make you anorexic, just realistic.
No. 252633
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>>252627Can't you sperg about the decline of the west elsewhere?
No. 252680
>>252637>>252642Heat is going to kill off any probiotics in the yoghurt.
>>252545This is a pretty accurate assessment of Jillian. Even when she leaves to do her own thing it is just a mash up of a whole bunch of stuff everyone else is doing.
>>252662Nah, I think Margs had the passwords for the old ones so Venus made new ones. If it was Margs that had been updating them all this time it makes sense that Venus wouldn't have bothered with it until Manaki updated his and she thought of having her own.
I don't think Venus is going to take NJM seriously. No one should.
No. 252683
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Dropped the pic, sorry
No. 252706
>>252529just did a simple google search and found out the heat kills off the probiotics in yogurt, so what she's doing isn't really helping her at all. sounds like some sort of old wive's tale tbh.
and i dont think i'd ever take any diet advice from venus. idk if she has an ED, but i have a feeling she just very fortunate with her metabolism, which allows her to eat such shit all the time and still be skinny. she does no work, and its going to catch up to her as she gets older
No. 252720
>>252711That link is for a study on a heat killed bacteria strain which was dispensed in a pill form for the study. We are specifically asking if microwaving yoghurt destroys the probiotics contained within.
Wake up Margaret! Give us something to argue about besides yoghurt. Flowers, parfait, long walks by the river, whatever
No. 252730
>>252728I don't mean the yogurt, I mean all the other shit she does like eat sweets and 2-3 cups of ramen and 100 fucking chicken nuggets in one sitting.
Besides the yogurt thing she doesn't think about her diet at all, and as far as I know does not exercise or very little. Its fine now since she's young and has such a high metabolism (or bulimia hue), but thats going to crash at some point.
No. 252780
>>252581Can someone please reply to her that she looked pretty chill when talking to the tattoo artists, that it only was when she spoke to Margo or was next to her that she looked really intimidated?
I don't have IG sorry
No. 252783
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So I was kicking around Instagram and Facebook looking for signs of life from Margo and found pic related
No. 252797
File: 1459010531535.png (1.61 MB, 935x596, watisexposure.png)

She's still around, nothing lulzy though. She's repeating the same lines about what an accomplished photographer she is.
No. 252802
>>252793Margo's present fantasy probably involves becoming a 'better' Venus
To show her daughter/the haterz she was the true star all along, that she is the real success
It's a last ditch narcissistic attempt of self justification. Even if it doesn't come true in reality, as long as it seems 'true' in her head that'll be enough
That's my guess, anyway. Might be wrong and have to admit a bias; I have a cluster B myself so I could be projecting to some extent. Can't imagine I'm too far off, though even I can't conceive Margo's magical thinking
No. 252804
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Also, for completion's sake, there's a video version of
>>251372 on Facebook with the chef (?) playing music. No. 252815
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>>252793Venus-senpai doesn't notice her
No. 252820
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>>252810Are you old and fat? Do you have bad "genetics" that made you fat when you were young? Her metabolism hasn't slowed down yet, she's pretty young—what is hard to understand about that? Her mentioning the "one cookie isn't gonna kill you shit" should give you the impression that she's not binging on junk food. Occasionally eating them in her videos doesn't mean she eats like shit all the time. Do you even realize how retarded you sound?
No. 252859
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Margo is being lame, but @nicejewishmama left her first name and email address for Venus. Apparently JGM has been feverishly working on a "marketing plan" for Venus and it's urgent.
Are we sold on troll still or nah?
No. 252875
>>252871Sounds like a stable, sane person.
Eugh, venus attracts these crazy bitches like flies.
No. 252879
>>252823>>252864>>252820>>252817Venus was borderline overweight all through her teens until she hit 18 and way after she hit her adult height. Then she became underweight.
All this anger because I said Venus purposely controlled/controls her intake and doesn't just have a kawaii fast metabolism. I miss Venus threads before all the Margo drama and the influx of complete retard white knights.
No. 252883
>>252871Hahaha…meet njm aka Cara Cohen, Business Agent and Talent Recruiter for DAMES Dial a Model Entertainment Services. Brand new Facebook pages for both. Eagerly giving out marketing advice to other Facebook sleazeballs (in this case one Bill Zucker):
NiceJewishMama Bill-time for you to make a public figure page and to hone your traffic. I just put mine up. NiceJewishMama. I will now send 3K customers your song! If it were (subjectively) on your FAN site, those would be number. Let's party.
Told you guys she was real. She glommed onto marggs for obvious reasons but WHY Venus???
No. 252891
>>252887Thanks! and omg, she's a total loon…besides stalking this professor she has a dozen domain names registered to her- including,,,,…on & on. She made a website that published fake "articles" about the university & professors after she was kicked out, called or something. She's nuts & obsessed.
She's a 'former madame' who runs a phone sex service for the handicapped(?) according to this article from 2007:
Glenda Miskin, a former madame who has recruited hundreds of paraplegic women to perform phone sex from farmhouses across the Midwest, sees adult images someday restricted on the Internet and elsewhere.
"In 20 to 30 years, we'll see parents protecting their children full-on from pornographic and sex-oriented businesses," said Miskin, who runs Dial A Model Entertainment Services in Crookston, Minn.
"Now they look the other way. Their kids go online. But there will come a day when this business will be absolutely delineated - with porn on one side and absolute abstinence on the other."
DAMES Dial a Model Entertainment Services. LOL
No. 252896
File: 1459051391620.jpg (5.97 KB, 200x200, 431077_2974940088898_169780577…)

she's 60 years old
No. 252897
>>252883Wow, good sleuthing! If NJM keeps her crazy train rolling, we might consider making a thread for her in snowflakes so we don't cross the milk streams.
In the case of NJM going after both mags and venus to do some kind of sex work (with NJM ad manager), it is possible that our jikes about mags being an escort might actually be a thing in one capacity or another. I very much doubt ferenc or Margit (mags' parents) gave her any cash, they seem to be fully cognizant of her crazy. And even if mags was inclined to lower herself to a job, she can't legally work almost anywhere. Phone sex would keep her face out of sex work, so it's a possibility. But the hotel / restaurant dinners with "friends" look like out call dates for sure.
No. 252903
>>252897It was
>>252871 that broke the story. bless you Anon.
here's part of a review NJM wrote for a documentary about young girls getting into the sex trades, on IMBD. She's quite the expert-
A good agent books 3-5 gigs a day and goes WITH for the 10% and protects the woman like high-end merchandise. Especially if she is hot and does anal. The movie research says that 40% of Amateur Teen Porn is exploitive. i.e., having dildoes shoved down their throats until they puke for $300. (More money in turning a trick with a good Escort Service and not "Filmed.") Women are paid 100K a year. They book as many shoots a year as possible to keep their Twitter numbers up. this Miami agency of 8 live-in women. The agent is age 22 and is renting a home.. A better agent has better women and the gigs pay more.
I have been in Adult Industry for over 40-years. As an agent, I know and check out who I send women to. I do not hire women for cam or for porn that are under age 26. This is a decision one must live with for a lifetime. Men record women who do cam and women are often shocked to see their cam session on a paid site. Only WS high court has ordered these removed. Otherwise, they are out there as your history.
The money is in BBW's or Curvey women with a little age. I learned that in the 80's.
No. 252907
>>252903This is repulsive.
But women in the sex industry are totally liberated, right?
No. 252912
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Meanwhile, poor margo is STILL being bullied and victimized by venoos, that heartless monster.
No. 252913
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No. 252917
>>252903>>252897I was just curious who the hell owned the site and boom, payload. I've had it work before (how I found out my boss knocked his side piece up), but I wasn't expecting some crazy ass pimp lady. Now I want to know who that Cara person is. Maybe it's her using some old promo photos and a pseudonym?
>>252897I've been pretty sure Maggot's prostituting since she let slip she's got two phones. Couple that with all the other shit and I really just don't doubt it. Hell I still think that supposed photo of Venus in bed with that guy is Maggot with a client.
No. 252918
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>>252917I'd assume that Cara is the name NJM / Glinda uses for clients. Most women in sex work don't use their real name.
Our NJM / Cara / Glinda has been all about Margo basically since the beginning of Margo's freakout, NJM made a comment on mags' facebook with her personal facebook profile more than a month ago.
No. 252919
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>>252918holy shit I wonder what other comments she's left Maggot and Venus then
No. 252932
>>252915Chill your titties dude it's not that big of a deal. Regretting doing cam work is totally valid but like tbh you will be forgotten in the sea of 19 year old girls putting two dildos in their ass while fucking a glass tentacle.
Ruining your entire life mentally because you flashed your bod online one time is dumb. You're worth more than the secrecy of your body.
No. 252933
>>252891>hundreds of paraplegic women to perform phone sex from farmhouses across the Midwest,ngl, I'd watch this movie. It sounds a thousand times more interesting than this Batman vs Superman dudebro manpain angstfest.
>I have been in Adult Industry for over 40-years.And you still don't have enough money to retire? That means you're doing something very, very wrong NJM.
>>252915It'll be fine. Your face will change and with make up and a change in hair color and style you can look completely different from how you looked on camera. It's probably cheaper to legally change your name, and less painful than surgery, if your old camming account was ever connected to your real name. Put it behind you and live for the now and the future.
No. 252939
>>252915I'm sorry, but this isn't a "muh tragic story" thread.
But seriously, like anon said, the people who watched you will/probably did forget when they found another camgirl to masturbate too. Camgirls don't get crazy amounts of recognition because there's hundreds and thousands of camgirls in the "business"
No. 252952
File: 1459071021557.jpg (141.33 KB, 1200x1004, I can be ur new daughter.jpg)

this bint appears to be serious.
No. 252953
File: 1459071983288.gif (1.88 MB, 250x308, 1449326519013.gif)

>>252952serious or not that's creepy as fuck
No. 252964
File: 1459077933739.jpg (75.94 KB, 307x250, Fed up.jpg)

Did margs have a drink between these two posts?
No. 252965
>>252964So much projection lmao
Midge really is like herpes.
No. 252967
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No. 252968
File: 1459078749892.jpg (117.5 KB, 315x404, It will not stop.jpg)

I dont think these comments of margs have been posted here yet. Its found under the first round of hairdye pic.
No. 252969
This pic makes mags look like an old lady.
Think she splurged and got a professional to do it?
No. 252989
>>252967wow she shows it off like so proud but doesn't she realise she looks like a grandma with that "blond"? (More a mixture of green and grey)
I'll shoot myself if I look like her in my forties…
No. 253011
File: 1459091060819.png (481.78 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-27-11-02-44…)

So Venus hit Margo and she has proof of it in the storage
No. 253032
File: 1459095201475.jpg (144.87 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

She should have stayed in the river.
No. 253037
File: 1459098650935.jpg (37.06 KB, 200x266, jvsf100-1.jpg)

>>253034Looking at the loose material, I doubt it is intended as swimsuit but one of those nightclub gogo dancer pieces.
No. 253044
File: 1459103761646.jpg (50.27 KB, 720x960, 1372896430666.jpg)

>>253043you must be new. Margo is a lot of things, and fit is actually one of them.
No. 253049
File: 1459107021057.png (534.42 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160327-150148.png)

The maggot's full late night hate-filled paranoid rant. 1/4
It's always the same pattern with this freak. Lay low for a few days, brooding, anger building up until she blows like a volcano.
No. 253050
File: 1459107073519.png (447.86 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160327-150219.png)

No. 253051
File: 1459107139406.png (496.26 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160327-150237.png)

3/5 (not 4)
No. 253052
File: 1459107185186.png (486.37 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160327-150259.png)

No. 253053
File: 1459107432418.png (504.15 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160327-150454.png)

She's getting more paranoid & obsessive with time. Constructing these bizarre plots against her in her mind. Delusional & disordered and getting worse.
No. 253067
File: 1459109527017.png (705.7 KB, 922x577, Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 1.09…)

Meanwhile, Manaki took Venus on a day / weekend holiday to Enoshima Island. Smart move, it keeps her far from Margo and gets her mind off shit.
No. 253082
>>253050>>253055>>253071>>253073>>253076Answering my own statement, with the screenshot at the top link for context.
In addition to objectifying Venus as a "thing who does things, not a human" mayo said Venus is already dead. Since Mags' engrish is poor, I'm not sure if she meant to say "dead to ME", or whether Margo actually considers her to be all of the above" inhuman, a thing, and an animated dead person. With all of that projection plus Margo's paranoia about the "evil plan" she thinks she's uncovered, I do really think Margo's plan goes beyond ruining Venus's reputation.
No. 253084
>>253081Margo is projecting; I've known other narcissists who are CONVINCED that the people the narc is abusing are actually abusing THEM, and that they are the narcissist.
What's interesting to me is that Margo isn't projecting narcissism onto Venus; she's projecting psychopathy. I know, internet diagnosis and all that. But I think it's an important distinction in this case. Just getting attention - like a narcissist craves - might not be enough for Margo in a full rage.
No. 253085
File: 1459113312527.png (72.11 KB, 317x510, Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 2.14…)

Is mags up, or is this from last night?
No. 253087
File: 1459113414417.png (83.23 KB, 330x551, Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 2.16…)

"She is cyberbullying me every day" Holy fucking paranoia. Margo, your daughter hasn't mentioned you in over a month.
No. 253088
>>253087But if the videos are up!!! Pay attention anon! Venus' videos are bullying and they
TRIGGER Margo every second they're online, while Margo's vids are pure truth and need to be seen by everyone.
No. 253091
>>253084My best guess for why she projects psychopathy is
a) she sees it as a bigger insult/convincer for her crowd
b) being a narcissist, she refuses to admit her one true flaw; her narcissism. Even when projecting. Or being a narcissist, she might see her own narcissism as a strength instead of a weakness - so she wouldn't project it as a weakness. Quite possibly she just lacks this awareness all together
Whatever margo is (though I whole heartedly agree with the narcissist potentially comorbid diagnosis), she isn't a psycho or even sociopath. Different breed, different thought process and different methods
No. 253092
File: 1459115224882.png (686.56 KB, 922x588, Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 2.46…)

Margo throwback. Maybe she could take her own advice.
No. 253098
>>253095It could be Margo's engrish, but dehumanization of victims as in actual thing, and it seems to line up pretty closely with what Margo's saying.
"The mechanistic form [of dehumanization] occurs when features of human nature (e.g., cognitive flexibility, warmth, agency) are denied to targets. Targets of mechanistic dehumanization are seen as cold, rigid, interchangeable, lacking agency, and likened to machines or objects. Mechanistic dehumanization is usually employed on an interpersonal basis (e.g., when a person is seen as a means to another's end)."
No. 253101
>>253100Couldve been a butter knife for all we know.
>>253098Ha, "Engrish", cute : ^ )
Just stfu and stop flying off the handle. English is not her first language and she's obviously trying to say that she disowns her.
No. 253102
>>253101Saying her daughter is not human, not alive, and just a thing reads as "I've disowned her" to you? Maybe the part about her being dead is meant to express "she's dead to me". But the rest is straight up dehumanization, and in context that dehumanization is clear.
>>Couldve been a butter knife for all we know.Minimizing someone's experiences of abuse is a shitty thing to do. None of us was there for that particular incident, but it's undeniable that Margo was and is abusive to her daughter, just based on the psychological abuse she's still hurling Venus's way.
No. 253104
>>253102You really are retarded. I'm not minimizing her experience. I am saying that their grasp of English is weak to moderate, therefore a knife could be a butter/butcher's/bread knife. Calm the fuck down.
I also didn't argue that her statements were not dehumanizing, so learning comprehension, pls. Either way, dehumanizing someone does not equate to by hem being on the verge of murdering them. Stop with the slippery slope fallacy.
No. 253136
>>253135And if her "proof" of this is in the storage place that's about to be repossessed - which is the one maggot is talking about as it's about to get repossessed, or "thrown" in maggotspeak - it's in the Netherlands. Venus wasn't older than 11 when they left there. So she's claiming to be beaten up her her pre-teen child.
Also: remember those photos of Mags being super ripped / she hulk? How did bodybuilder mags get thrown around by an 11 year old? Why would she not take a child like that to a doctor for treatment? So many questions, so many more lies to enjoy.
No. 253137
>>253135first it's all lies.
second nobody is a piece of shit for being abused.
third it's all lies.
No. 253138
>>253136'proof' in the storage, yeah right. if papa will just send money…
also Maggot, unless you show your face bruised and beaten like those children you posted, we will know it's not true. because that's how abuse works right???
No. 253153
Margo is originally from Hungary, them moved to the Switzerland to study, when Venus was like 11 they moved to Span (Tenerife), then they moved to the UK for a modeling contract with some agency Margo ruined with slander in the media, then they fleed to The Netherlands after Mr. Yan from Bodyline reported them for tax evasion, then they went to Japan after they were unabel to pay back the dept they made with ruining a houseboat, then they moved to Southkorea after the visa renewal for her mom failed and then it was like how it is now.
No. 253158
>>253156She's always been completely insane. Poor Venus.
>>253155Shut up, crazycakes.
No. 253166
File: 1459133259853.png (133.84 KB, 500x464, tumblr_m4ni2qHneR1rul2mio1_500…)

>>253161>>253163Yeah, just search "Lethal Models Venus" and you can find plenty of posts regarding the drama, it was a modeling company owned by Aletha Shepherd, Miss Guyana 2010.
No. 253167
File: 1459133678098.jpg (102.27 KB, 677x471, fakelethalmanagementC6QZ0.jpg)

>>253166>>253165And like how Margo did with that one YouTube sponsorship company, she also wrote fake mails in the name of Lethal Models.
Whatever, old milk but shows that Margo has been like this ever since she got internet access.
No. 253168
>>253167I love that someone graded this paper. Although 'endeavour' is correct spelling for UK English.
I haven't been around long enough to know this story - was Margo also doing the 'cyber bullying' using sockpuppets by chance?
No. 253170
>>253167And a management company would never "take strong action" against some fucking commenters, and they would never address this anyway. The most you might get is a denial IF you're from the media. Margo really is an emotional child in the body of a 40 year old woman; her thoughts are not formed like those of an adult at ALL. This sounds like it was written by a 12 year old imagining how adults handle something.
Sage for personal, but my mom is emotionally childish like mags. It's terrifying, because there's so little you can do to keep them from hurting themselves or others as legal adults. Jail works for a bit though. Kind of like grown up time out. It made my mom reel her crazy in a tiny bit, maybe it would chill mags out.
No. 253172
>>253166>search 'Lethal Models Venus'Lol I found all the old Tumblrs from back in the day that were calling out Margs and Venus for being shitty human beings. I remember the drama from as it was happening but reading it again was a good laugh.
Margo has definitely been doing the crazy-paronoid-I'm bullied routine for years. Going back and looking at it, Venus hasn't been completely nice - but how much of this is a mix of Margo posting on her behalf, Margo's influence/instruction or Venus being young & immature.
No. 253192
>>253172I'm really enjoying catching up on things I had just heard fragments of.
It's interesting how people have been onto to Marge for
years. Also Marge has said the 'bully' word too many times to count.
Zero change in Marge I think. She's always been this mad (just a little sadder now).
No. 253193
>>253178Here's Xiaorishu talking about this email and what preceded & followed it, in an interview from 2012:
Xiao: Well, Venus’s agent sent me an email. She said that Venus cherishes her fans, she never blocks people, and that I should join them in an anti-cyberbullying campaign. Man, that’s like me joining a cyberbully [laughs]. Right after I replied to them, I got an anonymous text where they knew what I wrote in that email somehow and they tweeted it. That same anonymous person leaked my phone number and my location, and also called me a “chink” and “gook.” How could this anonymous person know what I wrote to the agent, and then Margaret posting to her Facebook saying that she could read all her agent’s emails and stuff. So I’m like, “Oooh, so it’s you, Margaret.”
So yeah, maggot has been a fucking malignant creeper, stalker & internet bully for years. Interesting that now she's accusing Venus of doing all the shit that she's been doing herself all along.
No. 253194
>>and also called me a “chink” and “gook.”And for someone who is so set on living out her kawaii dream in glorious nippon, Mags certainly has… interesting feelings about asians.
So. much. cognitive. dissonance.
No. 253195
>>253193link to the entire video: talks about the fake accounts, anonymous abusive comments/posts and various internet fuckery she & other Youtubers were subjected to…some anonymous and others under Venus'name. Sick, sick, sick. (But Veenoos is the biggest Youtube cyberbully ever you guys!)
No. 253198
File: 1459143094787.png (469.01 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160327-183533.png)

>>253195"the top cyberbully on Youtube!" (IG comment from today)
No. 253200
>>253170I'm glad your crazy ass mother went to jail, anon. Most of the time these crazy cunts get away with their antics for decades.
>>253193>>253173While Venus was underage she can't really be blamed, having to live with that nightmare of a mother, and not being allowed any kind of close relationship other than mother Gothel. Maggot was probably typing all that racist shit, and every time Venus tried to protest maggot would be like Oh no, Weenus, these people are a threat to our popularity and deserve everything I send to them. Mother knows what's best, Weenus.
And the thing with Manaki? Maggot went along with it initially because she is such a racist piece of shit she doesn't view Asians as even human. And since she sees Venus as nothing but an extension of herself, as a piece of property really, she could never have imagined that Venus would actually go for him and wasn't just fooling around for more views.
No. 253204
File: 1459146125335.png (97.54 KB, 346x548, Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 11.2…)

Oh dear god no. No, Glinda / Cara /NJM, Venus is neither taking your suggestions or having a psychic connection with you via your instagram comments.
What IS it with these menopausal freakshows and VA??
No. 253214
>>253213Venus got a new twitter weeks ago; it's in her YouTube bio. But it's not verified - Mags still has control over Venus's verified facebook and twitter accounts.
But NJM is convinced Venus has done something she's suggested. Yeesh.
No. 253221
>>253219Nope, just a crazy old bitch. See
>>252887 &
>>252903 No. 253222
>>253219See above comment.
njm is a 60 year old nutcase. She got kicked out of the University of North Dakota when she was 44 for stalking and spamming one of the professors with sexually explicit emails & phone messages. She went nuts and set up a webpage called where she published fake "articles" about the University and this professor, said he was a pedophile, the university was racist etc. etc. She was literally obsessed, this website was so elaborate. She wrote a small novel called "the kinky torrid sex adventures of a randy physics professor" or something, detailing the guy's sexual fetishes & perverted practices and posted it on the website. The prof sued her for slander & won, the jury awarded him $3M in damages.
Plus she's a "Talent Scout and Agent for the Adult Industry" and operates a phone sex business called DAMES-Dial a Model Entertainment Services, and has a long history of recruiting girls for porn films & prostitution. No troll. No bueno.
No. 253226
File: 1459160252610.png (38.66 KB, 409x153, vintage Margo.png)

vintage Mag from 2012, but it could have been posted yesterday.
No. 253271
>>253249Some of them might be being genuine but in a way that would really piss Margo off. Where I'm from, dark hair is considered too "severe" for an older(55+) woman, and going for a lighter colour or accepting grey hair is a way to age gracefully.
Her face is really weird, she looked 40 when she was a child, and she could easily pass for 60. The colour change has kind of changed her from looking terrible for a 45 year old to looking alright for a 70 year old. With this hair colour and softer makeup she could actually look quite attractive but like an elderly woman.
No. 253284
File: 1459187993232.jpg (65.37 KB, 929x596, flower.JPG)

new flower pic
No. 253308
File: 1459192977045.png (286.06 KB, 950x355, 43ff7575-c02d-4aaf-b067-146cbe…)

>>253226Gahhh @ the maggot spouting the exact same shit back in 2012 that she's spewing now. Playing the same games, not learning anything. Only now she's screeching that it's VENOOS who is playing a game. Fucking whackjob.
No. 253329
>>253318I think if she went through with it she would be like a old lady version of Meg, from the camwhore thread. Just a shit personality, super tryhard edgy, racist bitch.
She was already like that with her butt pic "you can kiss it too" or whatever the fuck she said lol
No. 253382
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No. 253392
>>253382Oh, maggrot wanted to let it go but it was WENOOS who wouldn't stop. I SEE IT NOW. Thank you maggot for clearing that up!
LOL @ "babumm!"
and "what Youtuber makes CLICKBAIT VIDEOS?" um…all of them?
No. 253424
File: 1459229793958.jpg (15.24 KB, 320x320, 10570033_1001606799932465_1689…)

This freak looks like an evil ferret.
No. 253456
File: 1459240503640.jpg (476.91 KB, 929x589, Shinjuku.jpg)

No. 253463
>>253456Maggot, that intersection was an exciting, exotic concept in the
80s. But thanks for opening our eyes with your photography.
No. 253493
>>253489Part of me wants to believe she's honestly just being a burden to 'friends' who aren't very well off to be supporting her
Though I can see why she would need to protect her ever narcissistic ego from reality, I'm surprised she wouldn't into 'a bloo bloo venoos is bullying me I now stay in hostel'
No. 253508
btw does it mean there is maggot's Airbnb account somewhere??
No. 253510
File: 1459264601433.jpg (37.2 KB, 658x345, spanishchef.JPG)

>>253508samefag but her "friend" is only the host lmao
No. 253530
>>253505This is literally right in my area. The general area airbnb gives is literally like a 10 minute walk from my dorm.
I'll keep my eyes peeled for Margo for you guys!
No. 253533
>>253530oops sorry for being redundant lol
I have no plans and have to get out of the house tomorrow so I'll see if I can actually find the street that's shown in the pics of the airbnb…
No. 253547
>>253530Well, we know she takes a lot of night walks and takes either the train or bus to Shibuya / Harajuku on the daily to creep for Venus. Maybe you'll get a sighting!
AND - know that we know where she is, we have an address to report when she overstays her visa.
No. 253557
>>253556I just saw it when I noticed the Denny's! I'm going through street view on that street right now~
Even if I don't find much I'll walk around the area nearby the Denny's in person anyway tomorrow!
No. 253564
File: 1459267001897.png (336.06 KB, 373x503, Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 8.56…)

Ah, the exotic backyard shed Mags was so enamored with.
No. 253565
>>253556Even though the listing says there's a bus stop right out front, I feel like it's def a side street instead… There no proper street like on the main roads where the buses actually stop.
Maybe I'm just not looking carefully enough at the bus route because I'm so excited and amazed that Margo is so close to me
No. 253569
>>253566Found a side street with at least one bus stop there so I'm going through it right now!
Trying my best to find that green thing!
No. 253579
>>253576Anon you are my god. I honestly wish I could just give you a box full of your favorite snack/food.
I'll check this area out tomorrow!
No. 253596
File: 1459268876385.jpg (443.49 KB, 939x1192, 2016-03-29 18.26.28.jpg)

There is something creepy about her whole family… I dont know what
No. 253599
>>253597Yeah, I wish I'd included that with my posts about the location but I got too excited.
Anons, don't fuck it up by contacting the host. Let Margo milk her damn self. It's not that long until her visa expires.
No. 253602
>>253599And with an address, if she overstays - it'll be fairly easy to point the authorities in her direction.
Stalk mags? Sure! Bother her roomies, who have surely suffered enough? Nope.
No. 253648
>>253526>>253632>>253645well from my AirBnB experience I guess that the list says what you use when you are there. Sometimes you get an entire flat/house or just can live in a part of somebodies place.
So I think that it's his house and he has his own personal room/bedroom and mags stays at her guest room.
No. 253653
>>253648The first line in the airbnb ad is
>this is a old japanese style mansion.So it's probably a big house where the host doesnt really see her daily.
No. 253662
File: 1459280928008.png (65.11 KB, 776x279, Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 12.4…)

"Venoos was so cruel and hurt our roommates dog in Seoul!"
No. 253694
>>253693>>narcissists/sociopaths/whatever PD she has..are master manipulators, con artists and can be v charming & engaging on the surface.Yep, totally agreed. The outstanding thing to be was that from what we've seen of her, Margo has never displayed her charm (she's overbearing, cold and pushy in interviews with Venus, harasses people online via puppets or her own accounts, etc). But I guess when she's not around Venus, who
triggers Mag's shitty inner self, she's capable of manipulating others through her false public face.
Side note for personal, but my dad does this also. It's extremely offputting to watch him change around other people, it's like he's crawled into someone else's skin suit. It's really creepy, and just as disturbing as his real (angry / cruel / controlling) self.
No. 253702
File: 1459291161707.png (406.54 KB, 474x563, c7913177-2986-44f9-8d29-6feae9…)

"Old Japanese-style mansion" bnb where maggrut is holed up.
No. 253712
File: 1459292290783.jpg (144.31 KB, 510x500, c3a74abd-0078-476d-bdfa-47521c…)

listing says: NO SMOKING
Suitable for Events → crossed out
Smoking Allowed → crossed out
Handicap Accessible → crossed out
Elevator in Building → crossed out
Indoor Fireplace → crossed out
^^ from listing under 'Amenities'
No. 253747
File: 1459300017067.png (431.9 KB, 615x683, 194f0482-9d61-49f8-a921-4395bb…)

Denny's Hatagaya is @ intersection of 420 & 431 (red dot)
No. 253756
>>253751Nah, send margs some "leave venus alone" flowers. Mags loves flowers, she'll probably post a pic on instagram.
Wait, no, a leave venus alone Denny's voucher. Or a single cigarret. A pack of sausages?
No. 253758
File: 1459301454383.jpg (255.74 KB, 480x640, margennys.jpg)

>>253747Looks like it’s this Denny’s: you look at the photos, the booth has the same flower pattern as the one Margo goes to.
No. 253762
File: 1459302181761.jpg (333.92 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

>>253658Am I reading her feedback right in that there are several short stays in Budapest? I know she was born in Hungary but can't think of a reason she'd need to pop back. Also, what is Zoltan going on about?
No. 253763
File: 1459302479213.jpg (473.99 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

Pretty sure we have talked about this before but
>my friends invited me
I am pretty sure it's your host's restaurant, Margo you freeloader.
No. 253765
>>253762Visa renewals require a visit to your home country, so that'd be my best guess. Margo had an actual job for a while in the UK (at some type of gym / personal trainer thing) so she might have had a work visa there. Work visas need to be renewed in your native country every 1 or 2 years, if I recall.
Who the fuck knows what "unforeseen circumstances" are, but it must've been sudden / weird enough for him to mention it in the review.
No. 253766
Margo following her host around. From his other reviews it sounds like the chef has a pretty active social life and is happy to invite his guests to come along. But odd how we haven't seen anything from her hanging out with him lately, olny in the first week or two and she's been there at least a month. I'd assume hanging with margo gets old / exhausting / weird after a while. She's more than likely overstayed her welcome to glom onto his friend group.
No. 253782
>>253766I stayed in an AirBnB right near Margo next to Hatagaya Station and the hosts always wanted me and my bf to tag along with them even when we were being antisocial.. They would try and take us to meet grandparents/friends etc. I went to the girls uni with her and sat in on a class as she was very persistent that I should go with her whenever she left the house.
Nice people but seriously annoying when you are there with your bf to do young people sightseeing. I guess this is part of the reason you rent your house out, to meet different people.
No. 253810
>>253712This photo is especially poignant to me now. Mags moves in with a chef who hosts new roomies constantly, parties whenever he's not at work, and makes close friends with those ever changing roomies, inviting them out according to his many reviews. Mags hung out with him and his friends for the first week she was there. Then the going out photos stop; she takes down the 1-2 photos of her "friends" excepting the creepshots she took of them in the house (that allowed up to identify her location.)
Mags has her birthday a week and a half after she move in with Spanish Party Chef. She spends her birthday completely alone, with a single cigarette she bummed off him. By this time, no one wanted her company any longer than necessary.
That's a special kind of toxic.
No. 253816
>>253788it's kind of petty and dumb.
anyway he may have even given her the smoke and permission to light it at the stove.
No. 253824
>>253810POIGNANT?? That's like the furthest thing from my mind looking at that or any other of her pics.
Also lol @ the "house party" video & pic she posted, consisting of host guy & his gf semi passed out on the floor.
No. 253827
>>253818Yeah, for a "new project" she thought of to "get back on her feet," but needed
*help with.
No. 253836
>>253829That's what it looked like to me too. Like she didn't want her face to be recorded.
I'm wondering if these guys know she doesn't have a job or has any real business being in Japan. That could explain her walks too. She could be pretending to be "out at work" when really she's out to meet Johns and roaming the streets for her daughter. Geez she's really pathetic.
No. 253862
>>253857Wow. That was a lot of pudding.
Also a side note: her finger nails are much nicer than margs'
No. 253875
>>253857I just watched a girl eat a pudding for 7 minutes. I need to get out of the house more.
Can't wait until Manaki comes home from work
>Tadaima Venus! What did you get up to today? No. 253884
>>253467Actually, Ramen is a Chinese dish. That's why it's usually written in Katakana, not Hiragana.
Japanese noodles are udon.
No. 253892
>>253889I'm very into this texture an type of pudding, but the sheer quantity she eats is disturbing. I guess it's a little kids' fantasy, to be allowed to eat the whole thing. She's not a kid though.
It's terrible that she has a brand built on what her mother made her do. And now she might just perpetuate it on her own. I hope she breaks out and finds a new direction.
No. 253894
>>253860I didn't even catch that the first time around, so I watched it a second time to see if she really said it.
WTF Venus.
No. 253980
File: 1459367575291.jpg (34.92 KB, 506x261, image.jpg)

There's something unsettling about seeing these two videos side by side, like I'm expecting the next one to be like an anon had said a few threads ago where weenoos is in a hospital bed weakly talking about her kawaii eating disorder
No. 253998
File: 1459374235806.png (540.17 KB, 852x473, Noooo.png)

I paused the video and she looks so much like Margo here holy shit.
No. 254000
>>253997Control is a big aspect of EDs but its used as sort of a catchall or buzzword to explain away a lot of other complex and varied factors. Venus does make a good textbook ED candidate given her bizarre and shitty family dynamic but its a bit presumptuous to put it all down to control.
Polite sage for sperg.
No. 254012
>>254001God, my inner binge eater wants this so badly.
No. 254050
>>254049yeah, not good.
>>254021me too. that video made me cringe.
No. 254056
>>254054A 40 year old woman sleeping in a little girl babydoll dress, and making an 80s german techno morning montage.
Maximum cringe, holy shit. But maybe she's realize that her "venus truth movement" is never gonna be a thing, and she should stop trying to make it happen?
No. 254064
>>254054I love that you posted this here so quick.
Look's like Maggot is getting on with her life, even just a tiny bit. There were a lot of crotch shots in that video but hey, whatever gets her clicks/customers, right?
No. 254069
File: 1459395115938.jpg (148.09 KB, 1200x674, maggots-morning.jpg)

No. 254070
>>254066The rhythm of it is okay (video anon here) but it doesn't have the polish it needs.
But correlating the toilet with the shots of the coffee cup actually turned my stomach.
No. 254073
>>254054Is it weird that these are the types of things I like to see from people? Like, daily life, what their house looks like, what happens in their country. I preferred Margo shaving her legs to Venus eating 3kg of pudding.
>>254065I thought it was some hand washing your clothes whole you travel but then she used the washing machine, so who knows.
>>254063That Air BnB room better be really cheap because that's the only reason I would want to stay there. It's a hoarders crack den.
No. 254075
>>254073anon, I also preferred this to the bucket of pudding. it was at times gross but it was entertaining. plus I've never lived like that so it's good insight. that toaster oven is the stuff of my sharehousing nightmares but still I could not, not watch.
we have a times suggested Mags find something to do with herself and maybe now she will. good news for Venus, good news for us viewers.
No. 254079
>>254054is she expecting views just because she has a regular morning routine in a JAPANESE house?
also lel at the showing off of her Chanel eyeshadow
>still uses a sponge applicator No. 254085
File: 1459398498530.png (158.88 KB, 819x651, Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 9.27…)

… she actually thinks she's making the clothes cleaner by "pre-washing them" in her leg hairs, soap scum, and morning funk.
No. 254092
>>2540855-7 cups of coffee a day
Mmmh, between 3 and 5 small portions of coffee a day actually helps your liver, but more than 5 risks making you psychotic. And she's already crazy.
>i wash my hair everydayNot a good idea with that wispy thin middle european hair. It leads to an unending cycle of greasy thinness.
No. 254094
>>254093No shit. Marggles l-o-v-e-s to pretend she's a fucking expert in every known subject: waking up early, doing acrylics, shitting, home hair dyes and extensions, video making, nuclear medicine and trains, etc etc. But she's ill educated and chock full of hubris, which makes for a good cow.
Anyway, she's stripping the shit out of her natural hair oil every day, and that shit is already fried to it's limit. I'll bet it's so porous it gets stretchy when it's wet.
No. 254113
>>254085So she isnt a fan of using many chemicals but she washes her hair every damn day?
>I have to be careful with too much color and basically just cover blemishe, and high light my eyes.She forgot to mention she puts on the brightest lipstick she can find.
No. 254125
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All that morning exercise isn't doing much for her. I'd expect to see her more toned.
>>254056> a little girl babydoll dressNah, that's an ol' lady nightie. I've seen the laundry at the local care home, and loads of the residents wear that style.
Margo's face shape always reminds me of Pob (img).
No. 254138
Can she start side channels for the flexibility of more experimental content?
No. 254147
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I'm not 100% sure of what I just watched.
No. 254155
>>254054I don't understand showering with your dirty clothes around your feet. Like, she has a washing machine so what the fuck?
It was also gross that she scrubbed her face with a loofah full of soap and didn't show a moisturising scene afterwards. It makes it look like she just put makeup on her dry-ass face.
No. 254176
>>253834aka Venoos stalking
>>253714I read this in the most annoying voice tbh
this woman is fucking scum
No. 254180
>>254073I fucking love vlogs like that. Like, I hate pewdiepie but I love watching whenever he vlogs because he's not as insufferable and it's cool to just see him doing things in life. Julien Solomita is one of my current faves because it's really just him filming his everyday life, not making every vlog about going out and doing some special thing (also his editing is top notch)
I think it's really weird but it's my love for the slice of life genre just except applied to real life lol.
sage for OT
No. 254186
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>>254170You don't use a mushroom brush?
It's all you need to get rid of the dirt.
No. 254187
>>254054besides the creepy as shit pandering she did, i thought it was kind of interesting to see all the old appliances and how they worked
she's still fucking insane tho
No. 254193
>>254054Urgghhhh. I mean, I'm not an obsessive about cleanliness or anything but that house is fucking disgusting. And there's a hair on the face cloth, is that from her legs? Her straightening that straw hair made me cringe, especially in the unflattering light in the kitchen where you can see all the frizz.
On the other hand, I agree with some other anons that these everyday vlogs are kinda interesting and the angle of an older single woman in Japan is fairly unique. She could have some success if she wasn't fucking nuts.
No. 254199
>>254197The pallets look also pretty grubby. Weekly cleaning her beauty supplies and washing her brushes? Not for maggot, queen of roach motels.
A little dirt never killed anyone, Weenoos.
No wonder she ran off. Manaki may not be the handsomest dude, but he probably has better hygiene.
No. 254212
>>254095I thought she was somehow getting hot water from the dishwasher. I should remember everything she writes is is margoese.
If I drank that much coffee I'd be peeing every ten minutes. I don't know how she does it. Maybe they are very small cups.
No. 254218
>>254164I know right. She's European, she should have a clue about mushrooms and not to wash them.
But then, after that shower / bath / clothes trample it's clear Margo is a sloven.
No. 254229
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No. 254241
>>254240I wouldn't want to actually go up to her! I'm Asian anyway so it's not like it'd be entirely obvious why I'm just chilling out in the area lol
I'm sort of curious to see her in real life and see what she does besides going to Denny's/staying at home.
No. 254244
>>254054I really don't know how I should feel about this because everything just looks so dirty like damn I saw that this place is pretty cheap but m8 I couldn't live there or even EAT in this filthy place DAMN
And this fricking shower part jeeez
but I can't wait for more gross maggot vids tbh.
No. 254246
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>>254244samefag but saw this
No. 254257
>>254255and this is something I don't understand. Mags should be thankful about the fact to stay there for such long time. And I mean when you live there for so long you should move your jobless ass and clean something idk
also kek at the part in this video when she said she doesn't need an alarm clock because she wakes up at the same time every day - sure mags that you sleep until noon because no reason to wake up.
No. 254270
>>254177>Mass produced mushrooms are grown in dirt that is practically 'sterile' so only mushroom spores grow in it so you won't get anything from eating the dirtwell ty anon. As someone who hates mushrooms but loves to cook, you've solved a riddle.
I'll still boil the mushroom I give to my fish tho, since it always smells like dirt.
No. 254279
>>254265I didn't even know that she had spelled it "dishWASHER" until this l, my brain just autocorrected it to "dishwater".
Do they not have this phrase in the US? I kind of like the discussions that the special brand of Palermo ESL brings up.
No. 254295
File: 1459447360243.png (600.52 KB, 920x585, Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 11.0…)

No Spanish restaurant with city views for you anymore, Margo? Just wandering around your block at midnight, taking photos by yourself? Not even your wacky world traveller adventures party roomies want to hang with you?
Say it with me: quelle dommage, you fucking bitch.
No. 254300
>>254298I didn't take a screenshot of it because I'm dumb -_-
It was a pic of flowers.
First it said "My heart aches and I feel alone" or smth like that.
Then I refreshed it and it said the same message plus "but it will end soon".
She deleted it quickly. There were many messages asking what happened and many supportive messages aswell.
No. 254307
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>>254183>>254298>>254300Found a screenshot on pull.
No. 254315
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>>253505>>254054I was re-watching the video and remembered the house rules …
No. 254349
>>254235>>254237Seriously, no. We observe the lolcow, we come here and talk about the Lolcow. We don't milk the lolcow lest we become one ourselves. Standard Lolcow Operating Procedure. Refer to Pixy and Kailyn for people who didn't follow that. They stopped milking themselves and went away and we all got sad.
>>254315If one of my air BnB guests decided to clean up my house or touch my trash hoard I'd be pretty annoyed. Scrubbing everything would be rude and imply that it wasn't to a good enough standard of cleanliness. Best to leave it and just clean up after yourself to save any arguments. I've lived with chefs and they are pretty messy and don't care.
No. 254358
>>254307Maybe Venus knows something we don't. Maybe she hears from her aunt now… just hypothetical of course.
We still don't know the outcome of Maggot's conversation with her dad. Magoot suggested she planned to come home to Hungary, of course this was bs, but maybe she'll have to anyway.
Stay strong Venus!
No. 254359
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No. 254370
>>254363Yes I agree. They could need to fight this out in court and come up with a proceeds sharing agreement. Could take years, like an ugly divorce. Maggot has already had a lot of proceeds from them too.
Venus' new videos since leaving are not Maggot's though, so locking the whole channel is fucked up.
The best thing to do is to clean slate, using only the new videos since the running away one. All those old videos represent their abusive relationship and, even though Venus earns money from them, just let them disappear. That way Maggot earns nothing too, and she can't afford a lawyer to sue.
Fullscreen should really do something about this!
No. 254374
>>254364>>254365Disagree all you like, the law is the law. The person pressing the shutter on the camera owns the material created by the camera. This law is so absolute that a man had to take wikipedia to court over a selfie a monkey took using his camera, wiki lost only because the monkey wasn't a human being. Whether or not she owns the character is totally irrelevant.
>If I work for a film studio and I direct a film, the film does not belong to me, it belongs to the company / brand.That's because of the contract worked out prior to the creation of the film. Also, in this analogy, venus is an actor, not a director. Actors and models have no claim to what they're filmed doing.
>>254371That process involves giving her address and contact information to youtube, who then pass it on to the party filing the DMCA. This is actually quite a clever scheme.
No. 254376
>>254374But isnt the video where we can see Venus's period spot, a video where she is alone her mom isn't even there? Like, that might be the case with a lot of the videos, right?
Like, Margo might have come up w the idea maybe even edited, but there's no real proof she videotaped or hit 'record' on most of those videos, and she needs to be able to prove it? Or so you'd think.
No. 254377
File: 1459466427506.png (482.64 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160331-191532.png)

The fans strike back! on maggot's latest IG pic →
No. 254380
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The fans strike back! on maggot's latest IG pic →
No. 254381
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No. 254382
File: 1459466601331.png (501.83 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160331-191634.png)

No. 254384
File: 1459466628519.png (484.62 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160331-191645.png)

No. 254385
File: 1459466713973.png (516.44 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160331-191726.png)

6/6 (before maggot deletes)
No. 254387
>>254374Margo can't prove shit on her claims. She would have to prove, definitively, that the materials were all recorded by her. While it's possible that she MIGHT have filmed some of the videos, Margo has no proof of this.
Since she's filed a claim she has no proof for, the claim will be considered false and in bad faith (intended to harass) which is perjury.
Here's a little legalese about it: No. 254393
>>254376>But isnt the video where we can see Venus's period spot, a video where she is alone her mom isn't even there? Like, that might be the case with a lot of the videos, right?Yeah, could well be. If Venus has access to the raw footage of her videos and they prove this, then she would have a strong case against marg.
>and she needs to be able to prove it? Or so you'd think.DMCA requests are a little weird in that they always assume the person filing the claim is in the right. The hosting websites are legally required to comply, and it's part of what keeps the company out of hot water legally for hosting material that doesn't belong to them. If you ever use streaming sites, (Like ones that host TV shows) you'll notice a lot of them have really clear, easily accessible dmca forms.
>>254387Yeah, she'd have to prove it if she ever went to court over it, which Venus would need to counterclaim and therefore hand over her address for. Margo really has the upper hand here.
Just look at how many times the Ostrengas got away with this shit.
No. 254394
>>254364>>254365Margo was listed as the director for 'Venus Angelic LTD' in the UK. Not sure if this gives her any rights to the you tube channel or if it still counts since the company has since been dissolved.
I wonder if she has registered the company in other countries? Her AirBnB shows short visits to several countries where she could have registered it in order to protect the 'brand'.
No. 254396
>>254374>>That's because of the contract worked out prior to the creation of the film. Also, in this analogy, venus is an actor, not a director. Actors and models have no claim to what they're filmed doing.Mags can make that analogy all she wants (which she's been doing for months; i.e. "She was just the body, I was doing everything." This is patently false, because Venus started the channel on her own and produced all the content on her own for at least 2 years before Maggot glommed onto the project once she thought she could benefit from it.
This is a huge pain in the ass for Venus, and obviously distressing for her, and mega shitty of Marge, but I hate to give anything Margo says about being the brand maker any heed. I think it's clear she was not only a detriment to the brand; the entire "Venus Angelic" thing is Venus's intellectual property.
No. 254401
>>254393>>If Venus has access to the raw footage of her videos and they prove this, then she would have a strong case against marg.I'm guessing that the data is on: the macbook Mags bricked; some of the many external hard drives margo has; and possibly also on the Mac desktop Venus left behind with Margo. I doubt Venus was thinking about legal proceedings when she ran out the bathroom window with a single suitcase to escape Margo's insanity.
>>254395>>For everything before the fullscreen contract, yes. They have nothing to do with the videos created before their contract, the dispute there is between Venus and Margaret personally.It's a grey legal area for the things before Venus's 18th bday; even if Margo has the content stored on her hard drives or the Mac desktop - which she'd presumably use as proof of ownership - it will be impossible to detangle whether Venus or Margo owned the files, as a minor cannot purchase things with a credit card, and leave a paper trail. And even if Margo purchased the materials, a parent doesn't own the files a child creates or downloads just because they own the computer legally.
Anyway, point being: this is a huge legal mess either way. Margo decided to throw a nail bomb in Venus's vicinity just before Mag's visa expires because she can't stand the thought of her daughter being happy.
No. 254402
>>254396Margo not being able to prove she took the videos is not proof that Venus did. For this to go anywhere in court, the party making the positive assertion needs to be able to definitively prove what they're claiming, i.e. one of them needs to have proof that they definitely, physically pressed the shutter to start the camera recording. If neither of them can prove this, then they're just both going to be stuck in legal limbo forever. It's a he said she said Mexican standoff.
And again, unless Venus counterclaims, this wont even go to court and Margaret will effectively "Win" again, see: Ostrenga history of false DMCA notices.
No. 254410
File: 1459468913053.png (277.6 KB, 932x592, Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 5.01…)

Christ, another fucking delusional Margo stan. It doesn't look like a sockpuppet, either
No. 254411
>>254407That was kind of the point of my post anon, did you not read the last line?
Venus wont counterclaim, even if she did it's not a guarantee that she'd win in court as anons seem to think, margaret may actually be on the right side of the law here for at least some of these videos - anons seem to think that just because they don't like her it makes her the guilty party 100% of the time.
No. 254416
>>254413The final sticking point here is Margo's lack of money to pursue a case for a management cut, which it could be argued she's already received.
All she really has available is free methods of harassment, being internet drama, and that's what she knows best anyway.
No. 254418
>>254411You are right anon. Something interesting to note, the video were (apparently) uploaded to Venus' account. In effect, Margo may have already transferred her copyright in that one action; depends who owned the account all along. We know Margo had her devices linked to it and was able to use it, but it would be useful to know whose name it was under, Venus', Margo's, or both?
Anyway, Margo's a turd.
No. 254424
>>254402operating a camera or editing a video does not grant you any copyright. you can still be performing a service and not the creator.
the real question is in the credits, who was it credited to - and who owned the YT account.
YT should not allow such frivolous claims so easily. they've been trolled by Margo.
No. 254426
>>254413No. Youtube is legally obligated to side with the person filing the request, they don't mediate copyright claims and all the person filing the request has to do is repeatedly claim that they own the copyrighted material to youtube. They don't have to provide any evidence of this claim, and youtube will not take into account evidence provided by the person who uploaded the content.
The point is that Margaret does not have to take this to court to win. Venus does.
for the third time, if this is so easy to fix, why has there never been a single instance of someone winning against the Ostrengas when they pull this shit? Every time this has happened in the past, people have had to resort to creating multiple accounts to post stuff they 100% had the legal right to post (Parody/critique laws) Which is not the case in this instance, there is a possibility that at least some of this content does legally belong to Margaret.
No. 254431
>>254424>operating a camera or editing a video does not grant you any copyright. you can still be performing a service and not the creator.Yes it does. Editing doesn't, but operating the camera does. Copyright is bestowed to the person who creates the image as soon as they create it, in terms of photography this means whoever pressed the shutter. An edit is considered a derivative work of an original, but you still own the changes made.
For it to not belong to you despite you physically creating it, there has to be a contract in place prior to the creation of the content stating that you forfeit your rights to it.
No. 254436
>>254433anon, please explain why operating the camera automatically grants copyright, instead of calling us names?
YT is not a cottage industry anymore, real world rules apply as far as I know.
No. 254437
>>254429I'm actually the anon who posted that information originally and so far have been the only person to mention it in the thread.
The point I'm making by citing the Ostrengas that is unless it gets taken to court, the person filing the claim has the upper hand. Venus has exactly a 0% chance she'll come out of this on top unless it goes to court, and it will likely not go to court.
No. 254442
>>254440People sometimes work without written contracts too (say on friends' projects) but it doesn't mean they can successfully claim copyright.
Margo and Venus will have had verbal contracts with each, that probably changed at times. The roles were probably very muddy. Whatever the roles, it's not advantageous costwise for either of them if this goes to court.
No. 254443
>>254442>People sometimes work without written contracts too (say on friends' projects) but it doesn't mean they can successfully claim copyright.What do you mean by "Successfully claim copyright?" Margo has already done that - she's filed a DMCA request and claimed the videos belonged to her, and they have been removed from youtube. People do that to one another all the time on collaborative youtube projects. Unless you mean successfully prove that they own the material in court, in which case,
again that relies on one of them being able to prove they created the content. Which as we've established over and over, is nigh on impossible in this specific instance.
No. 254448
>>254437You keep saying "Venus has to take this to court" blah blah blah…
This is not Venus vs Margaret. This is Fullscreen vs Margaret.
Fullscreen is a huge company with a legal team that deals with this shit all the time. Margaret is…margaret. LOL. What are you not getting here?
No. 254450
I'm gonna greentext the issues here because people don't seem to get how shit this is for Venus and how likely it is that she will be completely fucked by it before we even entertain the possibility of going to court;
>Youtube will always side with the person filing the DMCA>Youtube does not review or consider evidence>The person filing the claim gets to see any evidence submitted and review the validity of their claim.>You can appeal this decision>This involves the person filing the claim being given the opportunity to review their claim again>If they "Review their claim" And again state that it's valid the account with the material receives a strike against their account>one strike per piece of content>3 strikes and your account is shut down>In order to reverse this, a counter claim must be filed >To file a counter claim, contact info, name and address must be givenSome more background reading:
>;dr despite this guy being able to prove he owns the copyrighted material in question, and getting the parent company (A huge company just like fullscreen) who he bought the licence off to corroborate this, he was unable to restore his content to youtube because they. Always. Side. With. DMCA. Claimants.
No. 254451
>>254448please see;
>>254448Who has to go to court is largely irrelevant at this point, the point is that Venus' account, and only source of income will be shut down if it receives three claims against it, and she will have to supply her real, legal address to Margaret in order to fix it. This will not get to court at all unless Venus submits a counter claim. Fullscreen can't do this on Venus' behalf, because they don't own any of the content that Venus made before she signed up with them, so them submitting a counter claim would be false, which they're not going to do because they're not idiots.
Oh, and by the way, if the content it monetized youtube redirects all of the revenue to the claimant whilst they believe the claim to be true. And they always believe the claim is true until a counter claim is submitted.
No. 254464
>>254459I wish there was some way the community could help her take care of this. Margo is seriously psychotic. Her videos seem like she's "above" this drama, but she's instigating everything then placing the blame on her daughter.
I feel so bad for Venus - imagine growing up totally isolated with only this woman for company. Madness doesn't come out of nowhere… I think the scariest thing is how justified Margo thinks she is in her behavior.
No. 254481
>>254459Is the address requirement for service of process? Why do they ask for an address?
And yeah, like the anon above said, she could designate someone else to receive process/use her attorney's address for communication. It's hard to imagine that fullscreen will do nothing, especially since this can't be an uncommon issue among youtube account holders. I'm sure this will work itself out.
No. 254504
>>254462Nooo… the channel is still up, all videos viewable. Venus is not screwed, maggot is.
We shall see how long this maggot-induced block lasts, won't we? My guess: NOT LONG.
No. 254514
>>254511If I wasn't so against interfering with the cow's lives I'd agree
…too bad Venus doesn't give margo some 'bullying' and do it. I sure as hell would be reading sites like this and sneakily using the info against margo if I were her
Crazy already thinks venoos is out to get her so might as well
M. Night plot twist: venoos photoshopped the copyright infringement to thing to actually send fans after margo
How fucking delicious would that have been? One can only dream
No. 254523
>>254522I was wondering how that works too
Same with the address thing. If I was some crazed fan couldn't I just make a bunch of claims to force them to give me their address?
How is this system feasible? What am I missing?
Venoos should use manaki's parents address for the counter claim, since margo presumedly already knows it/has been there before?
No. 254531
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>>254528unfortunately the real psychos are grouping to Margo's side.
No. 254537
>>254535If she has any intelligence at all, her very first move would have been to contact fullscreen. You don't handle anything on your own if you have a branch above you. If she doesn't go through FS then it's her fault.
I'm still tempted to contact Margo's host and tell him that she has been slandering him on the internet to get her thrown out. Too bad that would mean we wouldn't know where to say she's staying.
Still, I think her visa runs out after she
is apparently leaving the hostel, which means it can't hurt. None of the anons supposedly living in Japan are doing anything after all.
No. 254541
>>254537Has she said anything other than she's not cleaning other people's shit that was like that already though? If I was in her position I wouldn't either.
Margo will fuck herself up. There is no need for anyone to dob her in for shit.
No. 254553
>>254541Idk in this screenshot she's agreeing with is basically being disgusting
>>254246You're probably right, they more than likely already hate her, but they won't kick her out because $$$
No. 254554
>>254537Lol. If you have any sense you'll stay the fuck away from her host.
First or all, we are not YouTalkTrash. There is no point in harassing random people who have like nothing to do with Venus' and Margo's personal problems.
Also, a host is not going to give a fuck if she had a falling out with her daughter. All they care about is whether Marg is polite and whether or not she is going to damage their property.
She pretends to be a poor concerned mother who followed her child to Japan to make sure she is safe and is now being "bullied" by her, whatever that means. Do you like not realize you would actually give that story some credibility if Venus' supposed fantards/supporters came after her and tried to get her kicked out of her accommodation for completely unrelated reasons?
No. 254599
File: 1459498943049.png (Spoiler Image,9.08 KB, 794x91, lolcowsimulator.png)

Jesus christ look at her oily hair
Some people are not very smart
No. 254607
File: 1459501691810.jpg (39.84 KB, 500x556, pokemon001.jpg)

Holy shit look at that pit hair
goddammit mods
No. 254622
File: 1459505326053.png (76.17 KB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160401-060648.png)

Jesus christ look at her nasolabial folds
dear Admin,
No. 254638
File: 1459511245603.jpg (95.44 KB, 480x720, bina&mana.jpg)

Motherfucking weeb
shameless tumblrina.
staph! hammer time!
No. 254723
File: 1459533832273.png (318.04 KB, 1440x2560, tmp_28814-Screenshot_2016-04-0…)

Grandma looking gigantic fucking snowflake
So, Mira is getting in on it.
No. 254732
File: 1459534472300.jpeg (108.81 KB, 640x630, image.jpeg)

her greasy face.
I'm still confused to what this bird is made out of
No. 254751
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The grubby hands
The fuck? From the @stopmargaretp account. Margo now claims that Venus stole Margaret's youtube channel already (is M talking about the venusangelic channel??) and "hacked" Mags' fullscreen account in Feb. Uh, mags? FULLSCREEN locked your crazy ass out, Venus didn't do shit. You were no longer V's manager, OF COURSE you lost access to her Fullscreen account.