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No. 114859
This guy is just insane. His name is Eric Otness, and his usernames include Weedle McHairybug, Pokeria1, and Otnesse. He has an inflated ego that makes him believe that everything he thinks is factual, even when faced with evidence that it isn't. On top of that, he comes up with bizarre and frankly batshit insane reasons why things he doesn't like are not only bad, but the embodiment of evil itself. As if that wasn't crazy enough, he can't just disagree with people like a normal person. Nope, any time he spots an opinion he disagrees with, he has to launch into this super-long rant explaining (badly) in great detail every single reason why he is always right and everyone who disagrees with him is always wrong.
He's got a fuckton of places to post his shit, so brace yourself:!topic/youtube/g1a3FFuqLqc No. 114861
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No. 935846
This guy has become an obnoxious presence in the comments section of He is completely obsessed with the notion that George Lucas was inspired by the Vietcong when creating the Rebel Alliance (and later the Ewoks) in the Star Wars movies. He will inject his “thoughts” about this into any and every conversation, especially when it is completely irrelevant to what is actually being discussed. He believes that George Lucas deserves the death of a “Commie traitor”. He is also obsessed with Hideo Kojima, and believes that Kojima somehow has something to do with Star Wars because he wrote a review of The Last Jedi, and so will bring up Kojima at every opportunity, despite Kojima having had nothing to do with the making of Star Wars. He also wished death upon “Commie traitor” James Cameron. This guy is an uber-conservative, obnoxious lunatic who demonizes anyone and everyone he sees as a Leftist, and adheres rigidly to a black-and-white moral code which is totally insane. He will not listen to anyone’s arguments, and is unbelievably close-minded. He only visits forums to preach and rant, and it’s his way or the highway. He will rebut any and all reasoned, articulate responses to his insane rantings with TL;DR gibberish and irrelevant references to anime and other media, and employs nonsensical strawman arguments, political biases, logical fallacies, and non-sequiturs to support his insane “logic”. He will ignore incontrovertible evidence that disproves his ideas, and takes quotes and other sources wildly out of context to support his insane, right-wing biases and conspiracy theories. Avoid this nutjob at all costs. Arguing with him is pointless and futile. All you can do is provoke him into saying even more insane and stupid things, so as to discredit him.
No. 936060
Well, he's still deranged. And he's obsessed with spamming Disney Star Wars is Dumb with his nonsense about Vietnam, Kojima, and whatnot.
He absolutely will not listen to reason, and demonizes anyone and everyone with an opposing viewpoint. Or, y'know, sanity and common sense.
He has literaly said that, in order to remain a Star Wars fan, he has to root for the Empire, because the Rebels were based on the Vietcong, and the Empire is America. Instead of, y'know, moving on to a franchise which isn't (allegedly) rooted in politics which he's opposed to. That says it all.
Like a tenacious parasite, we just can't get rid of him.
No. 936092
Here we go, folks–his response to being outed at Disney Star Wars is Dumb:
"Yeah, lolcow, which generally goes out of its way to bully people. Is that the best you can do?"
"And for the record, it’s precisely to STOP the above that I constantly respond to you guys when you try to destroy my character."
"That unfortunately doesn’t mean much, especially when they have a political axe to grind. Let’s not forget that a teaser for The Boondocks cartoon right when it was about to air had Huey Freeman declaring that “Jesus is Black and Ronald Reagan is the Devil” during a dinner party. Are you going to assume Ronald Reagan is indeed evil from that? By your logic, I might as well assume Ronald Reagan is evil incarnate simply because Huey Freeman said so in that teaser, or for that matter that Jesus was black, when there was literally nothing pointing to him being black. Besides, Matt Stover literally had Palpatine’s speech being derived from Reagan’s “Morning in America” speech in his novelization. And don’t forget that Peace Walker treated the likes of Che Guevara and the FSLN as plucky heroes and even saints, even though in real life, they were objectively monstrous. And heck, on that note, one of the members of the Rebel Alliance, Saw Gerrera, was explicitly a Che Guevara expy as well."
Insane, contrarian gibberish on top of insane, contrarian gibberish.
No. 936166
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A small taste.
No. 936167
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No. 936170
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No. 936171
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No. 936172
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No. 936173
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No. 936175
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No. 936176
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No. 936177
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No. 936178
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No. 936179
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No. 936180
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No. 936182
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No. 936183
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No. 936184
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No. 936212
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No. 936214
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No. 936215
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No. 936216
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No. 936217
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No. 936218
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No. 936219
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No. 936220
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No. 936221
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No. 936223
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No. 936224
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No. 936225
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No. 936227
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No. 936229
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No. 936230
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No. 936231
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No. 936232
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No. 966699
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More insanity. Now he wants to create a “Christian Empire”.
No. 966700
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No. 966701
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No. 966702
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No. 966704
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No. 966705
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No. 966706
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No. 966707
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No. 966709
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No. 966710
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No. 966712
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No. 966713
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No. 966714
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No. 1275602
>>936052He trolled the Pokemon fandom since 2006 for over 15 years.
He's also an obsessive Misty fan who as you said, somehow thinks Misty is some messiah for womens rights and goes on how May, Dawn, etc are all sluts and bad female stereotypes.
The funny thing is he doesn't even watch the Pokemon anime after the first two seasons, he just rants about it. He got banned on the major pokemon forums like bulbagarden, serebii and pokecommunity years ago for his autistic rants. He's still on gamefaqs though.