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No. 2405643

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.
>What is gender ideology?
Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:

Relevant threads:
MtF/Trans-Identified Male General >>>/snow/2080821
FtM / fakeboi / TIF general >>>/snow/2069705

No. 2405648

I'm scared of the thread pic.

No. 2405704


>They don't mind having a male role in a female-only context, creating meaning, speaking over women, having social power (excluding women who don't think the right things), it's a move from a highly competitive male environment to a peaceful female-only context where they get to be the only man. Women will apologize for things that are completely out of their control (misogyny, being born female) but men demand to be worshipped because they don't enjoy being male
This is something I noticed with men in female-dominated hobbies and (usually gay) men with overwhelmingly female friend groups even before trans ideology went mainstream. Everyone would praise them for not being like other men, for being more sympathetic and not toxic, joke about them having been a woman in a previous life and therefore understanding women better or whatever but at the end of the day they were taking on the classic male patriarchal role with the women around them being subservient and propping up their ego. None of them actually fit in with the women as an equal, they were simply men who’d found their own safe little niche where they didn’t have to compete with other men. Troons have taken it a step further but men have probably always been doing this.

No. 2405706

Saw vidrel on Twitter and thinking about giving it a watch. What do other nonnas think? Also kek at all the British women they interviewed, they really deserve the title Terf Island

No. 2405715

This ogre is literally hypervirilized. The severe acne, the skull that looks like it was designed by Dr. Eppley, the tiny butthole eyes, the evil predator glare. First tranny I actually believe is intersex (XYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY^10)

No. 2405718

this tranny looks like goals for those incels who are into looksmaxxing

No. 2405726

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tranny must've asked for FFS but they gave him FMS

No. 2405757

Something I find interesting about a lot of superficial friendships where it's gay men with one faghag is that the entire dynamic revolves around making fun of and humiliating her for being messy and said faghag develops this weird, unfunny sense of humor revolved around self flaggelation and talking about how fat she is. It's embarrassing and illustrates an incredible lack of self respect.

No. 2405824

Oh, that's Helen Joyce! She's fantastic, definitely take a listen when she's involved.

No. 2405837

Externalised misogyny from TIFs scares me. Like how much do you hate yourself that you need to project it onto others like that? Sometimes it's not even because they want to fit in with misogynistic moids, they just hate themselves with no identity.

No. 2405968

I struggled a lot with internalized misogyny (i think women are just brought up to hate themselves.) But never TIF tier.
Like I was scared of women but I finally woke up and took a step back and realized being gossiped about and shunned isn't as scary as being raped, tortured, and murdered.
I feel like TIFs don't really understand that men are by far the worst sex. Some will larp as misandrists but will only get angry at "white cis straight christian men!!" When it's all moids.

No. 2405974

>Like I was scared of women but I finally woke up and took a step back and realized being gossiped about and shunned isn't as scary as being raped, tortured, and murdered.
Not defending tifs but I can see their perspective (at least for the typical sheltered ones). If you've never been raped, tortured, etc. and you live in a safe area it's unlikely that it will happen to you. They don't care about violent men in some 3rd world countries or bad areas because they haven't interacted with them. Shitty women, on the other hand, is something they had to deal with in their everyday lives. The truth is most care about things that affect them personally the most.

No. 2406010

While I can agree with you, I know there are a lot of TIFs who have been raped/tortured by men. Instead of recognizing the issue is men, they turn all the hate on themselves. They think if they had been a man then men wouldn't do bad things to them (even though men will rape and torture each other all the time).
Idk, what is your explanation behind that?

No. 2406116

Kek at Buck Angel calling troonism a cult. Also kek at her being so obviously clockable without her angles and filters.
I wonder why she's suddenly speaking up about this. Does it have anything to do with someone telling her she's not allowed to say tranny because that's a TIM exclusive privilege?

No. 2406133

I’m not sure if this is exactly what you were talking about, but I also notice that a lot of gay men are inexplicably mean to their female “friends.” Not joking around, playful, kind of mean, but legitimately hurtful. They then pretend that they were joking, it’s just their way as a flamboyant gay man, and if you don’t like that you’re actually homophobic. It’s just interesting to me that all these women, who decide to cozy up to these mentally ill men who are supposed to be non threatening and “just one of the girls!” (TiMs, violently flamboyant gay men) wind up being abused in some way regardless. In either case, it’s never truly about finding friendships on equal footing with women, it’s about exerting power over women, and some kind of kink for inserting themselves in a space not meant for them. “I don’t belong here,but look at how these stupid women fawn over me regardless of how poorly I treat them! I call them bitches and whores and pick apart their appearances to their face just like any other man, but they continue to include me over identity politics!”

No. 2406136

My assumption is that her turn is simply a reaction to TRA's doing their usual thing where they go berserk if you make even the mildest and most specific of criticisms of anything or anyone transgender. If they already all hate your guts why mince words?
There's a probably an element of damage control too, an awareness that she needs to work on selling herself as 'one of the good ones' now that public opinion appears to be shifting and she can't count on support from her fellow gendies anymore.

No. 2406142

>I wonder why she's suddenly speaking up about this.
Old trannies are being dragged because back when they trooned out they at least accepted the fact that their desire to mutilate their bodies was a mental illness as opposed to being a hip and cool fad.
These new troons that don't detransition will likely be dragged and hated by gen beta troons because they will be against giving infants tranny surgeries for not liking their gender assigned color or some shit.

No. 2406147

This is part of it for sure. TIFs who are regularly othered by girls in their peer groups often conclude they must not be "one of them." It is easy to concoct an imaginary ideal of a man if you rarely interact with them and base those ideas off of fiction for women. They create an imagined category that accommodates them. Even TIFs that have endured sexual violence by men typically want to be some non-threatening caricature of a soft and gentle "better" man who can defend against further abuse. TIFs either have no idea how men actually behave, or they know all too well how men behave – the former capes for men in saccharine and bizarre ways, the latter says they hate men and gets very angry at being lumped in with them. Both groups almost exclusively interact with women and other TIFs.

No. 2406188

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Trannies are so stupid. No, the rape apologist crack addict did not make a great point that women have penis envy. You just hate women and have immense pussy envy.

No. 2406225

I love takes like this. Why the hell would any woman in the history of existence who wasn’t severely mentally ill be jealous of a dick? “Woe is me I am incapable of victimizing others via my genitals! Something,something, pee standing up! ” Troons ability to project their massive insecurities about never being women no matter how hard they try onto actual women is un fucking paralleled. (Or was the point there supposed to be that we are envious of the rot pocket? Like women are out here going “No! I can’t go on without a hair and shit filled wound! I might as well die!” )

No. 2406233

>penis envy
cocks are disgusting to look at unless they are drawn by women. Why would I want one? That's like saying I have tumor envy when I see someone with cancer.

No. 2406254

That jaw

No. 2406270

The definition of projection, we are not the ones mutilating ourselves to literally have a rotting poor imitation of the opposite gender.

No. 2406278

"Penis envy" was never about a literal wish to have a penis, instead it's about a feeling of being robbed of something (whether the thing exists or not) and the resulting jealousy/inferiority complex that occured in many of Freud's female patients. These early psychological concepts were always metaphors. He coined a male equivalent of this but he thought it was much more literal and in-your-face for men (as in, his envious male patients seemed to actually want a womb and shared wishes or dreams to give birth). I guess he was right because troons are extremely literal and think we'd want a penis the same way they want womb transplants kekkk
>You just hate women and have immense pussy envy.
Exactly. They're projecting their own male sexual complexes onto us

No. 2406329

Like all the posters said above, TIFs don't understand men and instinctively avoid socializing with them. I've spend a lot of time around men. There is simply no gossip a woman is capable of concocting that will rival a male's in both scope and viciousness.

No. 2406376

This is so true. My profession, hobbies and social circle require that I am socialized almost entirely with men and anyone who actually believes men engage in less vicious gossip than women has probably never really gotten to know that many men very well.
There might be exceptions but every TiF I'm aware of or have personally met lives in a strict dichotomy wherein woman = bad/conformist and man = good/individual.

No. 2406380

I never understood why TIFs back when I was in high school thought they were anything close to being male. Like they were little alt girls with short hair who sat in the corner during lunch and watched anime on their phones. Meanwhile the boys were snapping each other's asses in the boys' bathroom and probably comparing dick size and wrestling on the school oval and harassing people.
Yes the answer is that they have a really fictional fantastical view of maleness thanks to their lack of socialisation and anime/K-pop etc. but it's funny how they insist to be one of the real boys but could never be close

No. 2406437

Yeah. Tif is just internalized misogyny mixed with nloggery whereas tim is just plain old misogyny.
Tifs are the tardwives of the left.

No. 2406444

This is such a retarded cope and incredibly ironic coming from trannies, whose entire existence revolves around skinwalking women and wanting to be us. Even when I've seen women express "penis envy" it's never been because they wished they were born as trannies instead, it was always more so about wanting to be able to penetrate their partners instead of being the one who gets penetrated. No woman would want to be reincarnated as a troon but all (male) troons wish they were women

No. 2406452

It's strange to me that they're afraid of men and don't socialize with them thus create idealized versions in their head from watching anime, consuming yaoi and kpop, but somehow think they're totally one of the boys. It genuinely makes no sense, like how are you a man on the inside if you never interact with men and don't really relate to them. Lmao

No. 2406464

My former best friend became a TiF and it's genuinely baffling behavior. She had never really had any male friends other than guys who had no interest in her that she wanted to date and she ended up adopting a fucked up tautology wherein anything men did that sucked shit was 'not true masculine!'
The ways men actually behave became fake and her absurd fantasies became some kind of sublimated reality that abrogated her actual experiences. I'm around the fuckers almost all the time but somehow, when I tell her that her concepts of men are horrifically inaccurate, I'm just deluded. You can't use reason to argue someone else out of an unreasonable position.

No. 2406520

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>Tifs are the tardwives of the left.

No. 2406532

This is why masculinity is literally a meme invented for no true Scotsman purposes. It's about as real as gender identity. The only real thing is maleness and male evolutionary directive, which is plainly observable and immutable whether the moid is "masculine" or not. Any libfem who at some point finds herself wondering why left/lib/gay moids end up exerting the exact same parasitic effects are very close to seeing past the mystification, but never quite make it because deep down they don't like what it implies.
On a more fundamental level, TIFs and libfems are fulfilling the female urge to see men as something more than they really are, but with their own left-wing ideological tools. There is indeed no difference between an Achillean uwu blushing penis smolboy, a Paglia tier fakelez fujoshi-cockchan enamored with the Hellenic glory of male urination and a tardwife that thinks a worthless amoral coom chimp is God on earth. In fact, they're often stages in the life cycle of the same midwitted pickme - always circling around the truth and never quite getting it.

No. 2406633

this honestly feels like it sums up the basic motivational difference between women who troon out and men who do. the women wish they had penises because they hate the social role that having a vagina resigns them to due to male oppression. the men wish they had vaginas because they envy the physical 'privilege' of females' biological male-assigned role as madonna/whores. TIFs can be tolerated sometimes because it's natural to reject being cast as a madonna/whore 'by society', but the man who conceives of those roles & then decides he wants to be one is deeply unhinged every single time.

No. 2406715

yes, gay men always seek out the most unfeminine woman they can and berate her jokingly for her perceived flaws to make themselves feel better in comparison. being a fag hag is the lowest you can be in the female social hierarchy.

No. 2406719

women's gossip can cause you economic devastation, maybe it is true for young women that there are less consequences

No. 2406728

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Buck angel!?

No. 2406730

what is surprising you about that?

No. 2406764

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I will say that i sympathize alot with lesbian tifs. There was a rape and murder against a lesbian transgender back in like 1993 that was extremely similar to Matthew Shepard's case, her name was Brandon Teena. She was seen as male by all of her peers till they found out she was a woman and tortured her, that kind of treatment towards lesbians is why so many of them would rather be seen as male. When I was younger- I felt similarly. The 2010's really felt like the peak of acceptance for gays. Now as we go deeper into the 2020's the landscape gets more ostracizing towards lesbians (On the left, and especially from the right) I expect to see more hsts lesbians

No. 2406790

She's always been open about being a biological woman tbh She's got the "old tranny" attitude where they didn't try to harass you over acknowledging their biological sex. I'm not exactly sure what changed and why current trannies and their handmaidens scream about pronouns or misgendering like its a hate crime.

No. 2406795

Realistically trannies are going to fade back into obscurity along with women's rights being stripped away.
But as far as the mentally ill troons goals? Idk I figured they were all some sort of transhumanists or some psychotic shit like that. Just huge technophiles who want a world where they can be an irl interchangeable anime avatar. I hate it.

No. 2406805

As with anything there are multiple ends, some of which are mutually exclusive. Human motives can diverge and come together in unusual ways.
Most TiMs are just standard perverts who have been given a model by which their excesses can be not only tolerated but celebrated and legally protected. Their end is to make it illegal to in any way try to contain or constrict their coom. Other TiMs (HSTS in the current parlance) have being viewed as female, no different from actual women, as their end goal.
TiFs broadly seem to want to revoke womanhood and the negative meanings they have attached to it. There is a sort os spiritual belief that if they can be viewed as fully male they can finally live their life without judgement. An absurd premise if you're well acquainted with men.
More or less I think it comes down to self-hatred and a strange faith that if you distance yourself from your biology you can be whatever you want to be. From a political perspective I don't think there really is an endgame other than it's a cultural marker you can use on your game board.

No. 2406807

Depends, transgender scrotes (who are straight men) troon out because they want to create a dynamic where there are "better" women (who are males) to uphold make supremacy
Transgender scrotes who are gays usually just looked up to female popstars as a kid or started to hate their sex because of homophobia (mix of both tbh)
Transgender females who are straight usually just want to fall into the "new thing" and want to piss of their mom and dad. theyre often buddy buddy with straight tranny scrotes. That or they hate their bodies because of misogyny (rarely the case of osa tifs)
Transgender females who are gay often transition because they hate their anatomy due to homophobia and misogyny, similar to gay males who troon out. They often find living as a male to be "easier".
For gay trannies (male and female) you can just get them to not troon out by having more rights for gays
for straight trannies it's a fad, you cannot get them to not troon out until the fad dies down

No. 2406887

Buck is just a grifter, he just tries to get people to hate trannys bc it pays, most of his videos on youtube are just reacting to libs of tiktok, low effort content. even still, i do think he's more sane than most and has my respect in that regard. he will acknowlage hes a woman and has been honest about the difficulties transtioning brings, is against transing kids and allowing trans women in womens spaces. he says it before, that hes a woman who wants to live as a man and did it before it was cool. if every tranny was like him, we wouldn't be in this mess.

No. 2406919

I don't know how this doesn't make their "dysphoria" go nuclear. I only see a few posts every one in a while in the fakeboi thread about them feeling bad about not being able to get along with boys their age, but not many. I live in a third world country, all of them openly say they're scared of men and pretty much only other women in their in groups use their pronouns. They're the literal definition of trying to escape misogyny while also being painfully reminded of biological reality and ducking their heads if it means avoiding trouble.
>Like they were little alt girls with short hair who sat in the corner during lunch and watched anime on their phones.
Of course, these are the most vindictive bitches alive to other women over ~twansphobia~ because they're pretty much the only ones they can bully. Vendettas with men get them called stupid retarded Bitches with a capital B because they can't opt out of oppression nor even bother to pass. They're painfully sheltered women who somehow are so aware of their reality that they try to kick other women under the bus for a chance to opt out. If they don't sober up and realize we're in this together, they can go fuck themselves. You will never be an anime prettyboy and fanfiction isn't real.

No. 2406964

…you think male gossip can't? ROFL

No. 2407039

I disagree that HSTS want to completely blend in with women. Maybe a few of them do, or think they do, but plenty of HSTS see themselves as superior to ‘cis’ women and want to be recognised as such. They often enjoy using their male strength and aggression to intimidate the women around them. Remember that video of Nikita Dragun reverting to his deep male voice to threaten the woman police officer as soon as (he thought) he was alone with her? I’ll also never forget that image of a troon dragging a woman through the street by her hair like the caveman he is. They don’t want to fit in with us, they want to be Queen Bee and use their maleness as a cudgel to enforce this. They also don’t want men to treat them like women, but like the male-invented porn version of what men pretend to think women are; pampered and desired. If other men started treating them the way men treat actual women, HSTS would go back to ‘boymoding’ real fast.

>he will acknowlage hes a woman

No. 2407141

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>plenty of HSTS see themselves as superior to ‘cis’ women and want to be recognised as such
exactly. they are not the poor little oppressed gays even many gc people believe them to be

No. 2407277

>There is indeed no difference between an Achillean uwu blushing penis smolboy, a Paglia tier fakelez fujoshi-cockchan enamored with the Hellenic glory of male urination and a tardwife that thinks a worthless amoral coom chimp is God on earth. In fact, they're often stages in the life cycle of the same midwitted pickme
KEKKKK this is it. All of these women have a similar problem with the cards they've been dealt but instead of pushing back they desperately attach themselves to the men they envy, hoping to be elevated above their personal hell. It's standard heterosexual yin-yang complementary bullshit where their titchop self-insert/historical figure/trad husband is understood to be them but better, because he has the thing they so desperately want (humanity). This in and of itself isn't that bad, tons of women have been fed this lie but they can grow out of it. For whatever reason TiFs and paglia-chans remain stuck with their frustration and let it rot and fester. Trad women crash out because they'll actually find a man and realize he's just some guy, then transfer that delusional wish to their sons, turning into boymoms or the mother they hated growing up. The other types keep huffing imaginary copium and we have to witness it in public
I feel like TiFs and TiMs both come from places of resentment and feeling robbed or limited, but their solution is different. TiFs are begging to be anything but themselves while wishing to be the woman of their ideal male archetype. Their envy will be quenched by proximity with men, or a man. TiMs take their revenge by trying to literally possess female attributes, there's this fantasy of total control and that's when they get off, when they feel like they're completely self-sufficient.

No. 2407370

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KEK at the comments being off. She looks so smug

No. 2407408

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Have to mention before I start, literally dying at his profile pic. This you?
> more attractive than you
There is not a single TiM alive or dead who has, in real life (with zero photoshop, lighting tricks, or flattering angles) looked better than the most average woman. Cry harder.
>stay attractive longer than you.
Scrotes nine times out of ten actually age significantly worse than women, but they’ve been bullying women over the most minuscule signs of aging for so long they don’t even understand women being over 25 and still attractive as a concept. (Not that a woman exists to be attractive in any capacity, but it’s hilarious how they don’t even come close to “beating” us in the categories their moid brains care about most)
>we bitch less than you do.
The entirety of the troon community and its existence in and of itself would beg (violently demand, with rape threats) to differ.
> Men get along with us better than you.
First off, if that were true, it would solely be down to scrote camaraderie and coomer retardation. Secondly, normie men hate these greasy little fucks. Not for the reasons we do, but they still hate them, and would likely enact violence upon them if given a consequence free opportunity. And any “straight” man who says he would fuck you is a massive fag in denial. It is the least “affirming” thing possible.
> they made a giant mistake in settling for less
Good lord, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone cope this hard in a long ass time. Less than what? An ugly, annoying, mentally ill freak who either has another fucking penis or an open festering wound? Oh yeah, I’m sure that shit brings straight men RUNNING from their marriages.
>sTeM cElLs! StEm CeLlS!! you HaTe Us BeCaUsE wE cAn RePlAcE yOu!
The womb envy truly knows no bounds. You hate us, because realistically you know regardless of advancements made in medical science, you will never truly be women. You have to tell yourself that you not only are women in every possible sense regardless of the glaring evidence to the contrary, but also that your endless flaws somehow make you better than actual women because otherwise you will 41%. In all likelihood your precious stem cell research and uterine transplants will NEVER enable you to have a child no matter how much time passes. The majority of the world legitimately hates you even if they don’t show it outwardly. Please, feel free to give yourselves Colombian neckties at any time.

Troons are such victims! Troons are so nice! They’ve never done anything to you! Troons just want to blend in and live normal lives! Troons are the least misogynistic people on the planet! Just because some of them behave worse than animals it doesn’t mean they’re all bad! Meanwhile troons:

(Saged just in case, but I just had to pick apart that shit pile.)

No. 2407413

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>men get along better with us than with you
now why do you think that is?

No. 2407415

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fat MOGAI handmaidens when i tell them transracialism too is valid because race too is a concept

No. 2407447

>that's when they get off, when they feel like they're completely self-sufficient
notice how these men almost always have mommy issues also
like either a boymom enabler that never told them 'no', or they'll claim that mommy didn't love them enough (read: she told them 'no').
some psych doc i remember stumbling across once had a theory that the reason why AGPs crave 'assuming the female role' is because essentially it allows them to roleplay as the women they WISH they had in their lives and now every time i see one i can't get that idea out of my head.

No. 2407492

Yes! i've noticed it too. It's either deep resentment with an unclear reason or they're way too attached to her to the point where they act like scorned lovers if she stops giving full attention. I feel like the former had boymoms who clipped their wings and they ended up weird, the latter want their poor mothers to be total enablers or their perfect waifu or something (eugh)

No. 2407646

Went to an alt text seminar for work and we were advised to they/them everyone because we don't know their gender identity. It's so retarded because the whole point of alt text is to relay the same information to a blind person that anyone else would see – and we can all see clear as day what someone's sex is, but apparently we are supposed to pretend we can't and actively deny the blind that context. I hate this shit so much.

No. 2407648

They can keep the faggots, I’m not interested in a scrote who dabbles in booty holes and caca.

No. 2407832

UK women are so based about this. it's so annoying because over here troonism acceptance is linked with being a good person/left-winger while if you even so much as question it you're labeled a heartless hateful conservative. seems like in the UK there's way more nuance
buck has always been cool and critical about this. i respect him. like another anon said if all trans people were like him, this shit wouldn't be a problem.

No. 2407839

It's literally like smugly saying "jesus forgives your sins anyway" to someone who is saying they're not religious. They really think they have the moral high-ground, it's so embarrassing and once they finally peak they'll look back and cringe so hard that they ever said it in public

No. 2407846

>if all trans people were like him, this shit wouldn't be a problem
Buck is a woman who literally became famous doing fetish porn nona.

No. 2407857

Man this is so awful and unnecessary. Pointedly denying blind people essential basic information for the potential benefit of 1% of the population… bleak.

No. 2407924

I knew a weird vegan woman at my old job about 2-3 yrs ago who unironically would they/them all animals because it's unfair that "they don't have the ability to speak to us and therefore can't communicate their true gender"

No. 2407944

Picrel reminds me of that Annora Petrova creepypasta that went around a decade ago.

No. 2407956

sage just to keep it safe.
I am a lesbian and I’m tied of trannies. I get that in real life you can involve yourself into like minded people and be away from this shit, but I’m so fed up with how online lesbian spaces have been ruined my these retards and their flood.
I’m tired of seeing fake lesbians praising dick and regarding that I’m tired of seeing dick talk in every “lesbian” space and seeing women putting TIMs over themselves when we are figuratively drowning in the meantime. I still see this shit despite the fact that I click “not interested”.

No. 2407963

If lesbians would be more big in numbers we wouldn’t have this problem. Look at how gay scrotes don’t have to prostate and kiss TIF’s asses, given that bi scrotes don’t use their label too. But we have fakebians, bihets and bisexuals with internalized biphobia that intrude our spaces and language and give leeway to fucking men.
I prefered the old school homophobia at this point.

No. 2407967

Kek I’m sorry for all these typos. But you get me.

No. 2407976

cool. still gonna respect him for being a level-headed tranny

No. 2407978

It's less about numbers and more about male privilege though. The fake bi/lesbian handmaidens are a big problem too, but they are another consequence of male privilege in the end.

No. 2408100

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taking a survey for money and I saw this, what the fuck? kek

No. 2408121

Kekk I wonder what kind of targeted advertising the shove onto the genderfluids and agenders. Probably disney crap.

No. 2408129

guess we don't need to discourage women from selling their pussies and degrading themselves as long as they say the right phrases kek. libfem tier logic

No. 2408600

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I'm so tired of tras and troons acting like q hayashida's obvious joke of everybody refering to shimada death from dai dark by masculine pronouns and she herself using "ore" when shes a hot buff lady means that shes somehow muh he/him representation. Its a joke. In the same manga there is an ongoing gag of a different main character who looks like a middle age man constantly reminding everybody he's sixteen. They're jokes! Shimada refers to herself as a "fair lady" when disguised as a "human. I feel like these people ruin everything they fucking touch.

No. 2408609

I am surprised they were bigoted enough to include "woman". This must be a nazi survey.

No. 2408619

Kekk like it changes every day. But I don't see moid on there.

No. 2408627

I was wondering why man wasn't on there. Maybe because they know mostly women pull this "I'm nonbinary and genderqueer!!1!" tumblr shit.

No. 2408654

File: 1740019061989.png (1.58 MB, 898x898, yamato.png)

What do you expect from people who think Yamato is trans because she uses "ore" because she wants to be like her hero, not a real man.

No. 2408854

meanwhile in canon
>hourglass shaped woman with big tits

No. 2408966

Can you please stop talking about moids' poop and buttholes at every goddamn opportunity? We get it, you can't stop thinking about fags and their feces, but keep that mental illness to yourself. Just say you hate moids and leave it at that like a normal person.

No. 2408974

TIFs get their idea of men from male characters written by women. I know so many TIFs are ex Potterheads and many TIFs are fans of The Secret History, Frankenstein, and The Song of Achilles.

No. 2408978

>All of these women have a similar problem with the cards they've been dealt but instead of pushing back they desperately attach themselves to the men they envy, hoping to be elevated above their personal hell
Well put. I think this is because our socialization steers us towards passive solutions that involve exlcusively burdening ourselves over active solutions that actually resolve the root of the problem.

No. 2408983

Children shouldn't be given lip filler, either.

No. 2409064

File: 1740028284141.png (294.71 KB, 632x817, Captura de pantalla 2025-02-20…)

trannies are the only people that don't find this weird

No. 2409082

File: 1740029352602.jpg (29.13 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-177519468-612x612.…)

and the french

No. 2409089

>the reason why AGPs crave 'assuming the female role' is because essentially it allows them to roleplay as the women they WISH they had in their lives
Reminds me of Ted Kaczynski’s AGP phase

No. 2409110

File: 1740030628321.jpeg (159.85 KB, 1346x1346, load-bearing-limerence-v0-nl2z…)

Found this gem in the wild.

No. 2409137

I knew a moid with this exact thought process, very unnerving lol

No. 2409140

What the fuck kek this isn't even what limerence means. Troons will take any word they just learned from psychology, twist it to fit their personal problems, and run it to the groundd so that it's devoid of its original meaning.

No. 2409153

File: 1740032928684.jpg (53.65 KB, 696x392, KING-SPA-ALEXANDRA-GOEBERT-NEW…)

Trans-Identified Male Sues For Compensation From “Discriminatory” Korean Spa That Would Not Allow Him To Be Nude Around Female Patrons

No. 2409161

>she kinda looks like my mom
>maybe I'm a little trans too and want to be her lol
What the fuck? If I found out a moid felt like this about me I would fucking run. Skinsuit serial killer type mentality.

No. 2409169

im convinced chuddy asians are going to be what saves the world in the end. I hope those based ahjummas tore that gross tranny to shreds.

No. 2409171

They all wear skinsuits and obsess over a woman or multiple only to copy them even down to their personality. It's why they think dressing in skirts and thigh highs and saying girrrrl makes them a woman kek.

No. 2409176

Why does it even bother you kek. This is such a non issue nonna.

No. 2409452

File: 1740064024228.jpg (191.24 KB, 959x959, bafkreieonbhtqdexmushabvmty5tt…)

That body of water is not going to drown us for calling it "sir/ma'am".

No. 2409455

File: 1740064137146.png (398.37 KB, 600x951, kek.png)


They do not eat the whole "woman in a man body". We should learn more from Korean radical feminists.

No. 2409458

If a MAGA bathroom were to be made, MAGAs would be okay with it since they don't want trannies, but the issue is that trannies would try to invade them too if they find out some women use them.

No. 2409678

I'd feel so sad if a female friend of mine trooned out and was that delusional. I've had mostly male friend groups unfortunately so all I've seen is men trooning out and I never really feel bad for them since it just exposes their misogyny. As a result I was never delusional about male nature though since I interacted with males more and knew I was different from them even if I also didn't fit in with the girls. Though I guess you could say women who feel this way usually end up turning non binary which I never did.

That way your friend had of seeing it reminds me of shit like "he wasn't a real man, just a boy" being a common thing people say anytime a man does some fucked up shit. Like no, that IS the typical male behavior, kek. I guess it's similar to how TIMs also have no actual female friends a lot of the time, they mostly interact with other males and will get their idea of what womanhood is from anime and the internet while ignoring the way actual women behave, yet still claim they relate to women and are one themselves. Every guy I know who trooned out was always extremely different from me and behaved very much like the other males outside of this desire of theirs to wear female clothing so it's always ironic.

No. 2409685

It's almost like men and women shouldnt be allowed to be naked around each each other. Yes, sir, that includes you, a man. American-morons need to learn from based asians.

No. 2409694

File: 1740080452522.jpg (53.85 KB, 1035x228, Screenshot.jpg)

cishet man? I think the correct word is troons. She has a point but she's a troon chaser

No. 2409697

moid award

No. 2409701

Yup. This is literally the result or troons. You can easily tell men to fuck off, but so many women love sucking up to troons. I would kill for more lesbian or women only spaces. We need them. Men get them, but women dont? I honestly do blame women for putting us in these situations instead of telling men/troons no.

No. 2409702

File: 1740080748756.gif (696.23 KB, 640x426, missed-it-by-that-much-get-sma…)

So close yet so far

No. 2409709

The pot calling itself black kekkk. It’s tranny ogres that ruined any public lesbian space. Look in the mirror, you are the cishet man.

No. 2409711

Ops , thought that she was a tranny. But my point still stands.

No. 2409720

Oh man the article somehow gets even more painful.
I mean it's obvious this guy is just a perv but apparently they looked into his social media and found how unashamedly coom he is

No. 2409727

File: 1740081334730.webp (51.52 KB, 511x680, media_FyglzlgaMAMGshT.jpg_name…)

she's a handmaiden and a diaperfur

No. 2409760

Anyone know if the Radfems in Genderland podcast is still available anywhere? It was some of the best terf content. I'd love to re-listen but I can't find a working link. It was by two women that made a fake tranny account and joined private trans facebook groups to lurk and see what goes on. They joined different kinds of groups, like one for children of trans parents, another for parents of trans kids, another for spouses of trannies, etc. It was all really revealing and a big part of my peaking a few years ago. The hosts were really great too, both intelligent well-read feminists, plus really funny and entertaining.

No. 2409765

Wow that sounds great! I hope it is still available somewhere, sounds perfect to binge.

No. 2409830

Their last patreon post links to Sillypoo… though it doesn't say they are, I feel like they must be the same people.

No. 2409904

File: 1740088378662.jpg (303.02 KB, 1289x2027, Ga4vHGMa0AALSTm.jpg)

It's literally just an unflattering angle. She doesn't look like a troon. Mind blowing that she's still defending troons after they called her a clock twinkhon, though. She's saying shit like
>It's not an insult to be compared to a trans woman!1
Libfems have zero self respect I stg.

No. 2409914

File: 1740088930444.jpeg (686.33 KB, 2193x1645, IMG_3327.jpeg)

>At that point in my transition my pronouns were they/them and I had never in my 21 years of living willingly used she/her pronouns. She was more than aware of this, and actively chose to misgender me for months. Now that I am a binary he/him man, and I look as such, I love to imagine how disgusted she is by me.
You still want to sexualize me and get in my pants now?

some tranny faggots at my school made a zine about le evil terfs on campus. this little anecdote really got me. because most of the time it’s trans agps who exhibit this type of behavior. also just the way this feeds into the predatory lesbian stereotype is insane. everything about this is insane. the comparison of misandrists to conservatives. everything. god please get me out of this fuck ass school.

No. 2409971

Honestly I would kill for just women only, I don’t even need lesbian specific. If we could just have spaces with no scrotes allowed under any circumstances, I’d be happy. And most normie women want at least SOME spaces free of men (hell, even most tradwhores do even if they won’t admit it). I’d be fine to kick out the handmaidens too. You’re so in love with TiMs and scrotes? Go be with them then.

No. 2409991

is it weird I feel bad for the girl she's talking shit about? I've had unwanted sexual advances by other women made towards me but it was never nearly as traumatizing or scary as when men make unwanted sexual advances.
This TIF comes off as a HUGE handmaiden.

No. 2410058

She can’t just say that she feels insulted , otherwise they’ll throw rape and death threats at her.
No woman wants to be told that she looks like a tranny, even the most hardcore handmaiden , even if they tell you that “beautiful girls are always clocks and get doll allegations” kek. The overly fake compliment and cope gives it away.

No. 2410061

Judging by that she deserves a bullet in the middle of the head. Gross.

No. 2410063

It’s a group of women that ruined it for other women by kissing the asses of TIMs. If we behaved like men and ignored these ogres we wouldn’t be here.

No. 2410090

The self loathing is insane in this one. The girl she's shit talking probably feels the same way we do, disgusted by her cutting off her nose to spite her face and pretending that it's a win. Nobody sees her as a man, no matter how many pronoun pins she wears and how many women she throws under the bus for the sake of attention. If she detranses she's going to be a raging tardwife boymom who helps him rape lesbians. What a horrorcow in the making, this is why it's hard to be sympathetic to TIFs until they see the light and detrans.
Yeah, I feel bad for her too. Tbh the TIF sounds so schizo that it's hard to tell if the other girl was hitting on her or if the TIF's narc logic/repressed lesbianism/burning rage for stacies/desperate need for attention/extreme homophobia made her think she was being hit on, and she wanted the other girl to feel bad for 'causing' this retard to butcher herself. Idk, I'm not mentally ill enough to understand the terminally online.

No. 2410173

>the kind of friendship that forms through trauma-bonding and surviving orientation together
so the profound bond that comes from starting school in the same year, and having one conversation where you say "my parents got divorced and it made me sad" "yeah me too." got it.
>never in my 21 years of living willingly used she/her pronouns
so you discovered tumblr at a young age and had already hopped the bandwagon before high school. got it.

No. 2410201

>never in my 21 years of living willingly used she/her pronouns
god that shit sounds so misogynistic. The caping for moids makes me roll my eyes so god damn hard.
I'd love for terfs to anonymously make a counterzine and pass it around.

No. 2410376

File: 1740111349488.jpg (258.58 KB, 1077x1076, 1000008206.jpg)

Apparently old but gold. They really believe this lie kek (it had almost 10k likes)

No. 2410383

File: 1740112200533.jpeg (512.7 KB, 828x837, IMG_0482.jpeg)

found this similar one on Reddit and couldn’t not share. It’s amazing how they’re so nearly self aware, but then have to tac on the delusions to make themselves feel good.

No. 2410386

Self-censorship in an image

No. 2410388

The vast majority troons look like the image on the left, the only thing that is missing is the galaxy print leggings kek

No. 2410391

Even the troons i see irl look more like the one on the left, kek.

No. 2410392

Don't forget the boner pressing against the skirt.

No. 2410395

I know. I also love the fake confusion on “sports trophies?” Trivializing the shit you freaks pull and pretending you are innocent does not, in fact, make it go away. And the fact this loser accurately drew pretty much every fucking TiM that has ever existed on the left, and then still tried to portray troons as their totally real dainty uwu anime girl delusions on the right.

No. 2410406

If they're just "living their lives" why don't they ever shut the fuck up?

If you have to artificially create a hormone imbalance in yourself, cut off mutilate and carve up your body parts, demand access into spaces you aren't welcome in, put immense effort and time into looking, acting, and sounding a certain way that's unnatural to you, and bully everyone else into playing along with these delusions, how is that "just living your life"? That's mento illness luv xx

No. 2410408

Idk if the place I live is exceptional infested with AGP troons that can't dress even if their lives depended on it but every single TIM I have seen with the expectation of 1 (who was a gay man) straight up looked like picrel with the face of Chris Chan.

No. 2410409

Dropping biases for trans people for a second, hrt literally does nothing, it's one giant scam pushed by the pharmaceutical companies because they noticed that certain medications give men bitch tits. Almost every mtf i've almost been tricked by either has a build that's already smaller for a man and softer features even before doing anything. They also get tons of surgeries such as bbls, breast implants, surgeries that can help to blur the lines. At least with hsts, they are very good at makeup and know their way around wigs and hair, so they are very good of donning the costume of a woman. Not a single one of these factors that help troons pass is attributed to hrt AT ALL. I also notice that almost all pr from troons was because of htst who largely did not take hrt, but they do not reflect most troons of today who are almost all agps. Even a lot of the newer hsts have the same entitlement of agps and a lot of hsts don't even make the same level of effort as hsts of the past because agps and handmaidens have shown them they don't need to try anymore to be validated. That troon that literally just wants to live their life no longer exists in the modern age, it probably never existed the moment the idea of transhumanism blew up in the 70s and troons were busy parading themselves on trashy afternoon talk shows of the 90s-2000s to promote their agenda.

No. 2410418

If you live anywhere that's considered a hub for gay men, you will see a TON of troons. I remember going to nyc and seeing in broad daylight an anorexic troon in an anime school girl uniform. The only troon i know in my day to day life literally makes zero effort to look like a woman aside from insisted we call him a woman's name, growing his hair out and wearing a wear skirt and leggings combo thing that looks incredibly worn out. It's so weird. I often wonder one day if he will walk in through the door with a haircut and in normal mens clothes, i'd honestly be so happy for him if he just dropped it all completely and forgot it ever happened.

No. 2410436

I don't live in a large city like New York but I live close to a university that has a popular art program which a lot of people move to. There is one obsese troon that frequents at a library that I usually study at and speaks in a extremely loud shrill voice to talk to his friends while he plays video games. He always wears on the same blue shirt, black Amazon skirt and smells like shit and armpits. Another troon that also see frequently wears on a amine military cosplay and hangs out at the mall near my uni. I can probably remember like 10 different troons that frequent in my area.I wish I had the ovaries to take pictures of them and post them kek

No. 2410528

File: 1740124913150.jpg (1.12 MB, 1079x2772, 1000031881.jpg)

Now that many news outlets (even guardian) has stated that the suspects of the Sam Norquist murder were also "LGBTQ+", reddit queerios are losing it. They are alternating between finger pointing at "cis queers", trying to blame the female suspects while excusing the male ones, and mass downvoting all comments that ask for evidence that the murder happened specifically because the victim was trans. It's such a clown show

No. 2410531

>we shouldn't assume men raped the victim because they would have used their penises!
Typical misogynist. As if we don't all know men will typically use objects to assault victims in order to torture them. Disgusting.

No. 2410565

File: 1740127815442.jpeg (691.46 KB, 1199x2012, IMG_3746.jpeg)

I despise it when I find a video that tries to imply grievances about being homosexual but it’s really just another gendie troon

No. 2410657

File: 1740132822961.png (777.53 KB, 1070x920, X0zz4S7.png)

very edgy, it's funny that I could tell this was made by a tif

No. 2410662

File: 1740133313577.png (288.81 KB, 1000x912, CA-They-Shall-Not-Pass-busy-be…)

Do they ever make these without implied homicide? Anyways this button is from 1916

No. 2410675

I love how they solely focus on “angry women online rather than the men who are the ones actively killing and calling them trannies in their face (at least the black prostitutes).

No. 2410676

Kekkk. They can’t claim it’s transphobia now if it’s TIMs who did it. Best assured that they’ll wrap it up as quickly as possible.
The TIF is no longer martyr material.

No. 2410678

Literally , they only get tubular boobs. The rest is surgeries and removing body hair with laser treatment. If HRT was magical they wouldn’t all need FFS kek.

No. 2410736

I could show this image even to normie men that aren't "transphobic" and they would still say troons they meet look more like the first depiction if no one else was around to hear it. Even the most libshit normie men I know still didn't say the troon in our group looks good whenever he tried to fish for compliments after trooning out, he would just be left on read in the group chat anytime he posted a selfie kekkk.

No. 2410741

It's telling that the lesbian journalist who trooned out for a year then killed herself passed better as a man BEFORE she trooned. When she took T she got shit from everyone for being a tranny because she looked so obviously female despite the pube beard.
It's like that for moids too, the androgynous pre-wall ones look feminine until they take horse piss. The tube moobs and ill-fitting clothes only accentuate their male bodies, their awful makeup highlights their male faces, their greasy hair shows the male pattern baldness that no amount of girl skittles can cure.

No. 2410771

I've seen dudes who have been on HRT for YEARS, literally none of them have ever developed buxom cleavage because of it. If you ever see a troon the looks like Bowsette then it's because they have had a massive amount of plastic surgery.

Honestly that's what I don't understand, none of this has a point. People say they just want to live their lives but when you're living as a walking spectacle by dressing up in some asinine attention-grabbing way and then complaining that people treated you like a weirdo, you're not 'just living your life'. If you're obsessed with gender to the point that you begin to feel like you physically cannot stand your own body, it's not 'a new identity', it's being SICK in the same way an anorexic is sick, you have self-groomed into hating your physicality. But even if you go through all the surgery, waste all your money on medication, ruin your natural speaking voice, spend years wondering when it's gonna start working, it never will. People will always be able to tell. Even the kindest handmaiden will always treat you like a TRANSwoman or TRANSman, with all the associated dancing around pronouns and privileged access that entails, you will never actually have the genuine experience of the opposite sex in any regard. For FTMs it's even worse, there is literally no surgery that can recreate even a recognizable fascimile of male genital anatomy. To me that's also where the claims of gender dysphoria become completely unbelievable because HOW is it that having a piece of flesh fused to you that you literally have to inflate with an external artificial mechanism not the ultimate trigger in feeling like 'I am not a real man'? If a woman is to the point of getting that surgery she must be the ultimate dysphoria sufferer, right? Why a solution that consciously draws your attention to the problem every single time it is in use?
When someone starts talking about their dysphoria all I hear is a new vocabulary term in which to say, 'I hate myself and wish I was a different, cooler and more attractive person". And that's what trans ideology promises them: that they'll suddenly have oodles of supportive, fawning girlfriends or male sexual attention (MTFs) or finally be respected or not have their bodies judged as women's anymore (FTMs). They desperately want what the other side's got in a 'grass is greener' kind of way, seeing none of the downsides, but it's like admiring your neighbor's lawn and deciding, "I can get the same exact results if I just spray paint my lawn" then wondering why it looks terrible and your grass has all died. For 99.9999% of transpeople who were not already feminine twinks or linebacker butches before they got their hands on hormones, there is not a snowflake's chance in hell of passing, but they all want to pretend they're going to come out Nikita Dragun and Butch Angel and in reality even the ones who have spent $200k on surgeries are completely clockable as soon as they open their mouths. They will never be treated as the opposite sex, they will always just be in the 'trans' category which they supposedly will be bothered by. What is the point? There is no conceivable path of logic that leads to happiness in this situation even if you buy hook-line-and-sinker into every delusion Tumblr or Reddit puts in front of you.

One FtM I know is currently bemoaning the new Trump administration because 'i wanted to get on hormones but now what if someone treats me weird or I get discriminated against???' and I just want to grab her like LMAO BITCH YOU JUST TOLD ON YOURSELF, YOU DON'T NEED IT IF IT'S EVEN A QUESTION because transition was ALWAYS supposed to be a last resort for incurable dysphoria that would result in fucking killing yourself. If your options are either kys because you physically cannot stand existing, or transition, then necessity would demand you choose the latter, but the fact that she's not gonna do it because scawwy twump hates da twans means killing herself was never actually on the table and no respectable psych ward should be prescribing her anything but sugar pills.

genuinely this is the first time I have ever grudgingly given that toxic dementia-addled buffoon in office a SINGLE shred of credit for any positive side-effects of his dumbass actions but making her hold off on taking a bunch of drugs and surgeries (which I have no idea how she even planned to afford because she works minimum wage, was the government ACTUALLY paying for people's HRT or something?) is ACTUALLY the silver lining to this regime of unbearable bullshit.

No. 2410796

Except they all look like left. Also, there was a whole scandal with that ugly moid boxer stealing gold from a woman at the olympics, or did they just happen to forget?? Men take over women's sports all the time. It's an actual problem.

No. 2410802

This is why they're so pathetic. They'd never go up against the men with the kind of energy. They're always picking on women who just want to live their lives without men in their spaces.

No. 2410851

At what point of them describing how much they ardently hate gender-critics and wish they'd all die and think they should be punched in the face for existing do we get to use the term 'terf-phobic'? Because this is just rampant bigotry under the guise of 'they did it first!' except that I have literally never actually seen a radical feminist call for transpeople to be attacked in the street or killed. Only the TRAs.

Literally this is just calling for the deaths of people who disagree with them and if it's questioned they retreat into 'ackshually THEY are the ones threatening my EXISTENCE with their OPINIONS, which is basically the same thing as violence, so rly they attacked me FIRST and punching them in the face only LOOKS like an unwarranted attack because you're UNEDUCATED and probably a BIGOT'. It is just mental gymnastics to avoid the fact that they are actually the ones perpetrating and encouraging violence, literally to the point of selling pro-violence merch. Then they wonder why nobody accepts them as 'true' women when they have just encouraged the most male-coded response to conflict: physical aggression. How is this 'deconstructing gender' instead of a blatant example of someone's biological urge influencing their social behavior despite their best attempts to conform to the opposite sex's?

No. 2410934

File: 1740154175492.png (2.21 MB, 1333x2000, kristopher kalli.png)

>knew a guy years ago named Kristopher Bottrall through mutual friends
>studied acting
>said weird misogynistic shit about women, made creepy advances towards me and my boyfriend at the time (before i came out as lesbian)
>facebook memory popped up, got curious what he's up to
>now a troon porn actor going by "Kalli Grace Bottrall" or "theekalligrace mauri"
>apparently roommates in las vegas with gay scrote wannabe popstar "alexzone" with sexual assault and pedophilia allegations

he looks so much worse after transitioning kek. you can tell he's doing it for the fetish.

No. 2410939

Gay dudes with odd fetishes

No. 2410941

File: 1740154579786.jpeg (222.23 KB, 1170x1219, IMG_1431.jpeg)

TRAs and trannies somehow never realize that we just want them out of female spaces. You are a male, no matter what makeup or clothes you wear. You don’t have any right to come and stomp on women.

No. 2410945

File: 1740154681996.jpeg (385.81 KB, 1170x1850, IMG_1433.jpeg)

Cue to them thinking that we “secretly want to fuck them” too kek. They really do operate like your average man.
>trans porn
It’s other trannies and queerios watching it though.
They wouldn’t be T4T or crying about genitalia preference if their dating pool was as big as they claim it to be kek.

No. 2410948

File: 1740154765707.jpeg (335.52 KB, 1170x1738, IMG_1432.jpeg)

No. 2410959

I know we use the term “built like a fridge” a lot in these boards, but seriously, what is the bikini top even for? You’re shirtless to show off…..your slightly puffy pecs that you put in some party city looking ass bikini top and non existent waist? Who are you kidding?

No. 2410961

How do they not realize their male ego is showing? Kek

No. 2410969

Wasn't this one of those freak incidents where they're moreso a intersex person than trans? I legitimately couldn't understand what the fuck was going with what I read. XY chromosome woman? But not trans??¿

No. 2410975

we want you to stop. we want you to love the body you were born in, don't give your hard-earned money to overzealous psych docs or plastic surgeons, become a 'feminine man' instead of thinking that 'feminine qualities' are so destructive to your manhood that you have to drug yourself up for years and pay thousands of dollars in order to exorcise all masculinity from your body so that sensitivity or nurturing instincts aren't ~iN cOnFlIcT wItH' your physical biology. become content with who you are instead of seeking to be someone else.

like damn i know this type of encouragement does not work because i have tried it before, but i travel in libfem spaces, i am not recognizable as a 'terf', some of my friends or even exes have trooned out and i am genuinely sad to watch them self-harm like this. in like 10 years that's all it's going to be seen as: a group of mentally ill people hurting themselves with drugs and doctors instead of EDs and x-acto knives.

No. 2410980

when men watch trans porn they're 'chasers' and 'gross'
but somehow they still love the idea of people watching tranny porn so who do they think is watching it? women? no.
it really reinforces the idea that all they are looking for is women who will serve them both sexually and socially once they assume the trans identity.

No. 2410986

I apologize for not having a pic, I’ll have to do a little digging, but this reminds me of the time that some porn exec (?) publicly admitted that it’s incredibly well known in the industry (as in, studies were done that the porn industry paid to have covered up) that what people see in porn can literally alter their brains, so a lot of companies will push specific porn to get people addicted to their specific niche and boost their profit, or bolster the execs political agenda, and even attempt to “change” peoples sexuality. But the specific guy in question, said his company promotes and advertises trans porn incessantly to try and get porn addled moids into it, and (I shit you not) to somehow further trans rights as a result. The only people watching troon porn are people in the gendie cult and men with fucked up fetishes. The reason it’s such a “popular” category is because the overwhelming majority of the people who watch it are men, and thus will probably watch porn at least once a day, if not multiple. Yet somehow in the minds of TiMs this means everyone on the planet secretly wants to fuck them, and that actually everyone watches that sweet sweet troon porn, but they just won’t admit it.(Sorry again for not having a pic, I’ll see what I can find.)

No. 2410988

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i was also confused by that. the only explanation i can come up with is that the two athletes who were disqualified were intersex but not aware of it before testing and did not experience genital mutations that made it obvious. this is actually pretty common among intersex women, many of them develop 'normally' (albeit there might be small signs like less breast tissue development than average or an enlarged clitoris) and never question whether they have a genetic abnormality until it's brought to their attention in ways like being infertile. whether it actually grants masculine physical advantages like khalif is purported to have varies on a case-by-case basis, but i think it's pretty clear from height and build that khalif and yu-ting are cases where it did. i can't look at picrel and see anything other than a man's physiognomy. if i'm wrong then it would genuinely be the first time i think i've seen a fully biological woman 'pass' as male without trying, hormones, or effort at all.

No. 2411009

Was khalif actually intersex in the end? I looked at the pictures and thought male through and through.

No. 2411010

He is an intersex male.

No. 2411024

and it's instantly okay for said hetero men with bad intentions to do it because they go by she/her. yay! hip hip hooray to libfems for solving lesbian fetishization

No. 2411026

Intersex people occupy a very niche, very small space where, to me, if they were raised female, look outwardly female, and never knew they weren't female (only proven by medical testing) then I accept them more as women than any run of the mill troon. Obviously, they're not but I feel a degree of sympathy towards them because that's gotta fuck with your head. Troons use that sympathy to their advantage and fuck it up for everyone of course, though. They use these people with chromosomal/sexual differences to push the narrative that they're true and honest women whose girl dicks you should totally suck.

No. 2411029

AYRT I would've thought that Khalif's testosterone levels would have disqualified her. Don't women athletes get disqualified for cheating by injecting testosterone? No clue where I read that, but I thought they did checks for that and steroids. "Acceptable testosterone levels" and all of that.

No. 2411046

honestly if intersex male from those countries it would kind of explain it
a lot of times in the past, doctors who encountered an intersex child that was clearly 'in-between' genders (true hermaphroditism is extremely rare but not completely out of the running here), they would choose to castrate the male anatomy because it was seen as easier to live as a female than a 'third sex'. which would explain why the algerians said khalif was 'born and raised female', if they literally chose her sex through a snip snip and then the family just acted like they'd had a daughter with zero birth defects or abnormalities.

genuinely impossible to speculate upon further without additional evidence tho

No. 2411090

I just want trannies to stop pretending they're women at all. That's it. No matter what you wear you will never be a woman.
Holy copium lmfao. If you don't like me you just want to fuck me!! Do they really think every single tranny hater is some sort of closeted conservative chaser.

No. 2411102

>Do they really think every single tranny hater is some sort of closeted conservative chaser.

No. 2411132

True hermaphroditism doesn't exist for humans. We have no evidence of a human producing both gametes ever existing. There are a few conditions that make people with xy chromosomes for all intends and purposes infertile females, but they are not true hermaphrodites for that. What most of these athletes have is partial androgen insensitivity syndrome that leads to them looking superficially female until puberty but essentially undergoing a normal male puberty and even potentially being fertile. They are usually not mutilated at birth and it's understandable that they are brought up as girls, since they look like one until puberty.

No. 2411140

i respect bucks pronouns bc i dont believe he's harmful to anyone and if anything he gives validity to pissing on weirdo troons bc hes somewhat normal/sane. he continues to be an ally to woman and he does look like a dude and has always looked like a dude. gay oldies (me) know he was an icon from back in his porno days until pissy troons cancelled him for being against them n grifty. feels forced calling him she.

No. 2411141

I think when I've read texts that claim 'true hermaphroditism' what the implication is that it is a female child that was born with an abnormally enlarged clitoris which, because that is the same tissue which develops into a penis in XYs, can be read as 'being born with both genitalia'. But these were also texts from like 100+ years ago that were asserting such claims iirc. so i guess my argument is that 'true hermaphroditism' has been described in history before but it's impossible to know what that actually looked like and regardless such people were infertile anyways so they can't be said to have fully functioning genitalia even if they were castrated to remove the 'male' segments.

No. 2411145

samefag, ok apparently they are being mutilated, thats my bad. it's still possible rural parents in a third world country think they have a normal baby girl and just bring them up like that.
but that's not what a true hermaphrodite is. a true hermaphrodite would have sperm and eggs.

No. 2411148

yeah my point was more to clarify that what i refer to as 'true' hermaphroditism is superficial hermaphroditism that was assumed to be a replete representation of the biological capacities of both sexes in the past. but you're right in that it does not exist in actuality.

No. 2411156

Yeah I get a bit overly literal with that particular topic because troons always excuse their stupid cult with shit like clownfish and unfortunate people born with disorders. I get what you mean though.

No. 2411180

the worst part is that i've seen intersex people who are conditioned into believing they are automatically trans BECAUSE they are intersex instead of going on to just live their lives as, idk, normal females with a big clit who aren't involved in sports and therefore don't even need to get into any kind of legal dispute.

but the ones who ARE are in the olympics most likely because they have male attributes. iirc there's something about the male shoulder/arm socket positioning that allows them to throw and punch much more efficiently than females which also explains why even a supposedly non-transphobic professional boxer bowed out of a fight after a punch to the face from khalif. she claimed it was just because it hurt so much that she couldn't go on. if we are expected to believe her explanation with 100% conviction, EVEN SO she is saying that the pain khalif inflicted was markedly above average in her experience of boxing matches.

No. 2411246

I go to Korean spas frequently in NJ and I would flip a shit if I saw a troon in one of them. Abso-fucking-lutely not. I don't want your nasty dick in the women's only baths and saunas

No. 2411285

I love Korean spas and I would also flip my shit if I saw a tranny in one. How odd that troons always hyper focus on the (few) sex segregated facilities available to the public. Most burgers have no idea what a Korean spa entails much less that you’re expected to be nude. Yet there are at least three discrimination lawsuits against them by troons… hmmm….. what are the odds

No. 2411317

This exactly. Why have we seen time and time again stories like: TiMmy goes to japan, and is upset he won’t be included with ( able to creep on) the dainty and perfect uwu anime girls in the onsen. It’s almost as if this shit is all sexually motivated. But that’s just me being crazy.

No. 2411318

Khelif and Yu-Ting were disqualified from the International Boxing Association because they failed testosterone level tests, and then chromosome tests. The Olympics uses different sports organizations to screen athletes, and the IBA was doing the screening for the Olympics with boxing, but was dropped for the 2024 Olympics because there was "Russian corruption" or something going on with the IBA, so the Olympics didn't have any screening organization for boxing and defaulted to only using identity documents. Since both Khelif and Yu-Ting have DSDs and were assigned female at birth (only place where the "assigned" term ever makes sense) they had documents that labeled them as female, and qualified for the female boxing competition.
IIRC, neither of them have been in any IBA matches after the Olympics. Also there's a couple threads here >>>/ot/2239839 but it was infested with 4chan scrotes so it's kinda toxic.

No. 2411334

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No. 2411339

The queen just never stops giving.

No. 2411539

There is actually a discord I'm in that doesn't allow TiMs but does allow TiFs so long as they don't whine about being called female but we can't even advertise as such or be open about it without risking getting shut down.
Moids still try to get in constantly and expect us to validate them in the holding space

No. 2411633

Ugh. I wish I could be there. I understand why you can't advertise it because there's predatory tims and moids lurking here

No. 2411644

I love TiMs endless surprise when women don’t let them into our spaces. “What do you mean you don’t unconditionally accept me? Women are supposed to be stupid docile pushovers- I mean, open and loving. You’re supposed to welcome me in without question! I’m one of you!!!! I’m actually more woman than you are because I try!”

No. 2411661

It's a combination of entitlement, perversion, and their never-ending quest for validation. They want to sniff out every single business or person that disrupts their fantasy and make them miserable. Olympus was an openly Christian-run Korean spa, and it was eventually discovered that the troon never made a reservation or even set foot on the property. He sought them out for the same reason Yaniv sought out immigrant-owned salons for his ball-waxing nonsense. It's a "test" to see if they "validate" him, and if they don't, he can drag them into court.

No. 2411667

There was a story about a tranny in japan wanting to use a japanese onsen and he was claiming it was ok because "he has a vulva". No, your inverted penis should not be in public water. There was some troon talking about how the water gets up in there and tbh I feel like with how they treat their nasty inverted cocks that would definitely spread an STD

No. 2411672

I don't even understand how someone can make it that far in athletics without discovering that they have a DSD. At that level, they're regularly given a barrage of blood tests to ensure that they aren't doping. It's odd to me that no one ever looked at those results and thought, "huh, these women have unusually high T levels."

No. 2411691

Oh god, reading this made me so nauseous. So many of these faggots have their colon hooked into it, so STDs are a fraction of your worries. C. Diff, e coli, norovirus, any number of parasites…

No. 2411708

Yes. It’s never about wanting to use the facilities they feel safest in. If they were that concerned for their safety then they wouldn’t put themselves in that position to begin with. Then they have a tantrum when they are, rightfully, denied access to women’s spaces. The whole attitude and sense of entitlement from beginning to end is male.

No. 2411710

Anyone ever notice how troon writing is given much more lenient reviews? Troons are inherently awful writers btw. Worse than old moids. Tedious purple prose, overused vulgarity, not at all disguised fetishes. Ofc libfems congratulate their horrendous drivel because they can never be critical of a poor twans person

No. 2411713

They literally don’t want you in the water in these places if you have a damn paper cut. Now imagine an open, uncleanable, (probably pussing-level infected) festering wound that in all likelihood is brimming with bacteria from piss, feces, and just the general mentally ill moid nether region funk.

No. 2411715

HRT hardly does anything to men. Their before and after photos always look like the exact same moid only he shaves his beard now.

No. 2411716

Are onsens not chlorinated?

No. 2411722

I know japan usually doesn’t entertain troon bullshit, but just for the sake of my sanity, they didn’t let his ass in, right?

No. 2411723

Isn’t the whole point of an onsen is that it’s natural, spring water?

No. 2411731

Yup. The expectation is to completely wash your body before entering, and after exiting, and also to have the decency to not come if you are feeling even slightly ill, or are on your period. Onsen are generally pretty scrupulous, the tubs are also typically washed out regularly throughout the day. But that’s not a perfect solution, and the tubs are not the only place to catch something. If everyone is healthy, there shouldn’t be any issue. But if you have a creepy fuck in there with a shit-eeking rot pocket, that changes things.

No. 2411733

NTA but I just wanted to add as someone who met a troon with a fresh rotpocket that those things STINK! Those things secrete stuff! I've been to onsens in Japan and even if you have a bandaid you shouldn't go into public onsens

No. 2411736

afaik he hadn't gone yet but was scared because the government was making him tell the truth on his ID which scared him because he wants to be in the girls onsen, but not in a predatory way, just to validate his rot pocket!!!

No. 2411740

>he wants to be in the girls onsen, but not in a predatory way, just to validate his rot pocket!!!
This is just so disgusting when you remember that nudity in onsens in Japan is NOT sexual at all, it is a place purely to relax and bathe and is a very normal part of everyday life. Many families will go with their children. My first time ever doing it, I had a gaggle of middle aged Japanese women trying to prove I shouldn't be ashamed of my body These are the absolute most comfortable and safest protected places for women in Japan, unfortunately. He shouldn't be allowed in ANY of them, god forbid some poor child has to see those horrors

No. 2411741

This is true and sad honestly. If you've actually encountered this situation, it's usually in the "buyer's regret" period. There are a lot of people who make fun of them for the rotpockets and I probably would too tbh but it's actually shocking how much they smell and even using the bathroom will make surrounding rooms/areas smell like feces. I guess they can just allow it to close and be eunuchs but it is really bad, I can imagine the psychological toll it would have on a person

No. 2411743

Not to beat a dead horse, but this was one of the most glaring TiM red flags that peaked me back in the day. If you literally just want to be recognized as a woman, why do you need to enter sex segregated spaces where real women are especially vulnerable? Why can’t you just go bathe amongst men? Oh yeah, because it doesn’t make you coom . >>2411741
Not gonna lie, if these misogynistic pieces of shit are suffering because of some voluntary self mutilation motivated by their skin walking fetish, good. I refuse to have sympathy for them.

No. 2411745

>as someone who met a troon with a fresh rotpocket
Ew anon, how did this even happen to you?

No. 2411746

Ew you like, saw it irl?
Its hard enough for me to have seen a few photos of them, it's vomit inducing.

No. 2411751

Absolutely. Publishing companies publish drivel that never would have made it to shelves had the author not been a TIM with 2000+ twitter followers too

No. 2411753

Thankfully I didn't see it. It was my faghag friends troon friend, rich 18 year old HSTS who had already undergone most of his procedures FFS etc underage.
>"I'm trans if you didn't notice"
He literally just looked like a gay male though, not even a twink kek. I would sometimes catch myself holding my nose shut because of the stench

No. 2411758

From what I understand, if they allow it to close they’ll fucking die. They have to dilate it for basically forever, which is part of the reason why even the ones that aren’t using the colon are still disgusting. It is a wound that they can not let heal.

(Maybe letting it close is a good option, kek)

No. 2411762

>argument given by trutrans type
>argument given by radical feminist type
"Transphobes are so self contradictory!"

No. 2411764

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Someone should copypaste the left one onto the right one.

Spoiler for animu porn, but I don't doubt that the ones that call that anime "positive queer representation" are mostly otaku tims. I cannot write that in F!S because I'll get called a terf.

No. 2411768

Will all this rot pocket talk, I can’t wait for the day when giving a shit about public health and safety becomes a “terf dogwhistle”

No. 2411772

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those troons also think that this forcefem lolishit anime is a good trans representation, the jokes just write themselves

No. 2411773

>18 got his genitals totally destroyed
Jesus christ. I feel a little bad because he's just a kid. I bet he went on blockers at like age 10 or some shit, then ended up with a microdick so they had to use his colon. Thats probably why is stunk especially bad
How fucking depressing.

No. 2411776

Every time somebody brings this shit up, I think of the clip with Jazz Jennings and his mother on the phone with his surgeon discussing a third revision. How did that show not peak the nation?

No. 2411777

>He literally just looked like a gay male though
They always do. I knew a now well-known troon who many people think passes. He looked like what he is, a gay man in a dress irl.
>if they allow it to close they will die
Kek, where did you hear that? They won’t die, if anything letting it heal would be a net benefit from forcing it open. It is not uncommon for them to heal shut because they can’t keep up with the dilation schedule or just by simple nature of the body trying to heal itself.

No. 2411778

this series is straight-up disgusting.
a troon once advertised it on a server i was in and after that i could not see him as anything other than a kiddie porn enjoyer. i genuinely mean it when i say everyone praising this shit should be in jail.

No. 2411780

Yeah I've never heard that. My experience was with an mtf and the next time we saw each other he was a happy feminine-presenting eunuch and didn't smell like feces anymore. If it smelled that way forever, I think they would all kill themselves

No. 2411789

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I fucking hate TRAs, I hate them with every fiber in my body. You cannot make the argument that bisexuality would be the default given the "right environment" and then argue that somebody saying it's conversion therapy rhetoric is ackshaully wrong!11! and a friggin terve!!!!111q!!1 You cannot argue that sexuality has no basis when you are saying that everyone is actually bisexual. Sexuality does have a basis, do people not understand how small the homosexual population is? It's a phenomenon. It is rare to be homosexual, most homosexuals have anecdotes pre-puberty. The basis of homosexuality is a combination of a lot of things. It's not a social phenomenon otherwise homosexuals in countries that shove them in the slammer for being gay wouldn't exist. It is fucking conversion therapy rhetoric to bitch about the "born this way" era. The argument against homosexuality has almost always been "it's gross because it is not the natural way of life and you all must breed and be trad", it has ALWAYS been that. You cannot bitch about the "born this way" era when that was a direct response to eons of homophobia and then argue that what you're saying is not conversion therapy rhetoric. People are so fucking evil towards lesbians my fucking god, I hate it. The person backtracking in picrel is OP, by the way. I hate TRAs so fucking bad they are absolutely destroying everything gays have fought for

No. 2411792

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Things can heal improperly and lead to complications, yeah, but it doesn’t mean that it’s for certain going to happen. I would imagine that after the initial healing process if a troon stopped dilating and let it heal naturally that their risk for complications is relatively low. I believe the sepsis concern is much higher earlier in the process with increased risks of developing fistulas, popped stitches, infection, etc. Picrel is the dilation schedule one doctor recommends his patients to follow. Given the time commitment I’m sure most rotpockets heal shut more often than not.

No. 2411800

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I can't remember why but for some reason both rotpocket types have fecal odor, which I remember surprising people on KF or ovarit a while back. I think one type can definitely close because they're warned not to stop dilating for that reason. If it becomes like picrel, I wasn't aware but there are always new horrors lurking around every corner when it comes to this "procedure"

No. 2411802

NTA But it's specifically the ones that get the colon/bowel surgery. If the hole closes, the organ still produces… stuff, which will have nowhere to go.
There was some case where a woman had to get a radical hysterectomy, where pretty much every piece of the uterus (cervix, ovaries, tubes, etc) and some surrounding tissue has to be removed, and got a colovaginoplasty so she could still have sex with her husband. Eventually she got tired of the upkeep and stopped, it sealed, and she had to get it removed because it basically turned into a horrifying cyst.

No. 2411808

There's no way having sex with that felt good. She did that for her disgusting scrote, who should have terrible things happen to him for even wanting her to do this. Foul.

No. 2411818

Imagine having to do all this to larp as a woman when woman can just exist with their vaginal walls, vulvas and uterus. Men are actually insane, and need to be locked up.

No. 2411821

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The unironic use of uwu and the fucking cat features I’m going to have a stroke.

No. 2411824

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That makes sense for colovaginoplasty. Most troons choose the peritoneal inversion vaginoplasty however so it’s a bit of a moot point. I vaguely remember reading that with colovaginoplasties that the equipment still works like what it is, a colon, so not only does it smell but it also lubricates and twitches when food is consumed.
>both smell like shit
I’m guessing but the real estate to create the rotpocket is very limited in a male body. It’s not uncommon for there to be wound dehiscence that effects the rectum. Plus general cleanliness needs to be accounted for. They are not self-cleaning and regularly need to be douched or else bacteria grows. Over time that will cause a smell to form.

Picrel is from the other farms and is Fistulissa. He had a peritoneal inversion vaginoplasty that healed improperly and resulted in a fistula, which resulted in a pocket forming allowing waste and bacteria to collect and grow. During his corrective surgery things became worse and he ended up needing a colostomy bag for about six months until he could get another surgery to repair his now damaged colon.

No. 2411825

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Kek the trans urge to commit acts of violence

No. 2411826

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I think the saddest part of all is that there’s a part of me that hopes this is satirical, and logically I know it’s not.

No. 2411832

Does anyone have that compilation of TIMs being perverts in women's bathrooms with an audio of a TRA "let them pee!" infographic playing in the background? Need it to prove a point

No. 2411836

He's a man with a micropenis and internal testes. There was no snip-snip. He can get his testes surgically repositioned outside if he wants but he's a man whether he does or not.

No. 2411843

the two tranny moods: coomer and misogyny

No. 2411846

I want to kill myself for really liking his collab with Jackie extreme, who tbh is a cow in their own right. But this is final stage porn rot to the highest magnitudes. Hes clearly a fag, but i still get intense agp vibes from him.

No. 2411847

Are you thinking of the “Skirt Go Spinny” video? Or a different one?

No. 2411850

First they mock us for having periods (these scrotes made middle school hell for me), then they try to claim they have periods.

No. 2411860

Yeah, it's almost as if being a woman has nothing to do with hair length, makeup or clothing. A woman can exist just wearing sweat pants and a hoodie and be a recognized as a woman. A man can't, because you're a man.

No. 2411861

Men can never stop thinking of porn. And yes, that's such a male trait.

No. 2411862

NTA but I think she's talking about a much shorter video that was literally TIMs filming porn of themselves jerking off in women's bathrooms with some handmaidens speech overlayed. They weren't even doing it in the stalls sometimes, I remember seeing it on the other farm.

No. 2411893

>the other farms
Any more detail? I poked around in the Stinkditch subforum for the past hour and couldn’t find it sadly. Was it posted in the tranny sideshows thread? Handmaiden thread? I checked the Euphoria Boners, Things Troons Have Ruined, and Trans Crime thread but didn’t see it. I’m phoneposting right now but if no one has found it tomorrow I’ll try searching on my desktop.

No. 2411896

nta but I saw it on yt a while ago on a terf channel. I think it was a short. It had the one asian repeat masturbator and a few others. All of the smaller yt terfs are subscribed to each other so it might be easier to find there

No. 2411904

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This is a fucking vile thing to say

No. 2411926

>giving wigs to cancer patients is gender affirming care
Do you ever read something so retarded it actually causes you psychic damage

No. 2411927

Whenever this retarded argument gets brought up it just makes me think that gendies have truly lost. If you're willing to admit that woman is when thick lips and long hair, then what IS gender to you, really? Same thing with saying Elon's hair plugs are "gender affirming care". It just crumbles the entire foundation of gender ideology and shows how truly regressive and backwards their ideas are.

I was talking to a friend the other day about sex dolls and what makes a woman. Of course, a big hunk of plastic isn't a woman, but it contains the simulation of one. What is a woman outside of a set of parts? When I ask you to imagine a 'woman', what sort of person comes to mind? If the person that comes to mind has long hair, makeup, is wearing a dress or skirt or heels, why? Why is that the first person that comes to mind? Why not a butch woman? Or a woman who's bald or who wears t-shirts and pants or no makeup. The fact that gendies aren't willing to deconstruct these ideas is part of what began to peak me in the first place.

No. 2411936

this is so manipulative kek. people don't say "he doesn't even try" about trannies who "aren't really into makeup". they say that about trannies who have zero issues with their dick and male facial hair. not because being clean shaved and castrated makes you a woman, but because trannies themselves spread the lie that they feel intense discomfort due to their male body, which is supposed to make them so different from other men and justify their invasion of female spaces.

they raped her when they realized she was a woman. being straight would not have saved her. if anything this proves that trooning out does not allow women to escape misogyny (and homophobia) even for the ones who actually manage to conceal their sex which is extremely rare. wanting to be seen as male and surrounding yourself with men is not the logical conclusion to any of this.

No. 2411954

Third world handmaidens are so fucking retarded to the point where even if a tranny came up straight to their faces and said they wanted vagina having cunts out of society they would still try to applaud them or try to say it's some sort of reflex from transmisogyny. why does every single one of them prefer to put the tinfoil hat and try to ignore sex based oppression?

No. 2411960

Because if sex based oppression doesn't exist, then femicide isn't real. And if those victims did something other than being women, then maybe it won't happen to them. It's all about denial.

No. 2412035

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GERMANY: Transgender South African Who Was Refused Asylum Standing Trial For Stabbing Refugee Center Security Guard To Death

No. 2412045

When I heard about the clips where Jazz seem to regret the surgery, and another earlier one where he quietly questions his mom's intentions with the show, I immediately went to the reddit for said show. I was surprised to see so many people that were SO close to peaking in the comments, so many was asking if he really was trans or if his mom groomed him into it which bled into some questioning what they believed about trannies. I don't think anyone actually peaked, but I want to think it at least sowed some GC thinking into the back of their minds.

No. 2412072

I’m annoyed with this too. There was this user I’ve lurked who lives in a developing country and had a long distance relationship with a TiF who lived in the states (you can probably attempt to imagine how that went since they eventually broke up). She didn’t do it often but I found it frustrating how she pushed TQ+ politics when she doesn’t even live in the states to know what trans identified people tend to be like. It’s kind of sad but frustrating simultaneously, since it probably comes from a place of wanting to move to America, but I wish it can get it through their heads that they’re being misled. It’s pretty ironic too, since sex based oppression would be more prevalent in those places.

No. 2412121

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twitter op's profile pic being from dino buzzati's "the morning visitor", a painting about rape, is nearly enough to make me a-log. came across this twitter exchange while i was trying to find the title, too. can trannies ever shut the fuck up

No. 2412122

I think this is the reason too. It’s clinging to a fantasy that maybe sex isn’t binary, and if sex isn’t binary, maybe they can opt out of the horrible oppression imposed on them for being female.

No. 2412124

never felt the need to a-log until this very moment, men are absolutely vile and disgusting

No. 2412126

It's so weird how resentful they are towards every female experience.

No. 2412127

Why call bowel problems period cramps tho

No. 2412129

>my rot hole rotting is the same as a woman getting raped! aint i right my fellow "women"
rape is a joke to troons and handmaidens still cape for them…fucking vile

No. 2412132

It's so fucking hard not to alog, isn't it.

No. 2412139

Handmaidens who are terminally entrenched in tranny politics/spaces and still choose to cape for them are either lobotomised levels of stupid, or malicious in the same way that prison abolitionists are ("I'm above those evil terven women so none of those bad things will ever happen to me"). Normies whose opinions are just "I suppose they can do what they want" are understandable, but people who choose to become living, breathing propaganda machines are not.

No. 2412164

Question, does anyone else have to check to make sure a brand isn’t donating to troons before buying from them? I don’t know if it’s overkill, but I just refuse to give my money to anyone who supports these fuckers.

No. 2412172

There is actually a site made by a fellow anon for this purpose but it hasn't been updated since 2023, it's something to start with though.

No. 2412177

Thanks for this Nona. Funnily enough 90% of these brands were already on my shit list from my own research, but it’s still helpful. (Ngl health and beauty space is the worst. It’s like a fucking minefield.)

No. 2412342

the only silver lining to trump is screwing over these trannies, i need them to get their comeuppance

No. 2412441

There are a lot to posts about those super aggressive predatory troons but I also want to bring up those awkward, terminally online TIMs who can't make eye contact or talk directly to anyone without looking like they want to crawl in a hole and die. I had to interact with one of those recently and it feels like the opposite extreme of the former (guess it aligns with shit like >>2411821). Like it's so annoying hearing from the parents of this troon phenotype of how they have to do EVERYTHING for them - call up/ drive to appointments, get them food, reminding them to bathe, brushing their hair for them, beg them to throw garbage away etc

No. 2412459

Let’s be real, there are two types of men. Violent misogynistic coomer, and pathetic useless leech. A lot of times they’re both, and that Venn diagram is more of a circle.

No. 2412478

I'm not sure which part is more male: thinking about porn nonstop, or assuming that women are into you when they're absolutely not.

No. 2412480

This literally makes me want to die. I need to stop checking this thread. I wish hell was real.

No. 2412549

this got posted today and im disappointed that they just explained tifs as passing trends and troonoids as gay men who are confused about their gender so thats why they troon out, lesbians trooning out wasnt addressed at all and that woman lied women posing as men HAS been talked about in medical literature i dont know why she lied about that this shit was focused more on moids

No. 2412565

File: 1740249405738.jpg (512.32 KB, 976x1243, IMG_20250222_153431.jpg)

When they can prove that the sex change can happen in primates, I'll believe them.

No. 2412651

I said this upthread but i really do expect to see more lesbians trans out, especially because of how anti woman the culture has become. Lesbians get no visibility whatsoever when they suffer from gender dysphoria. Of course everything women do is ackshually fake so tifs only tif out because it’s a trend or whatever.

No. 2412654

>4 functional sexes
>two types of males and two types of females
There's still only two sexes, male and female.

No. 2412663

I hate this bizarre form of whataboutism with trannies. What about intersex people, what about animals with totally different biology, ok but what about YOU, 6ft man in a skirt? Do YOU have an intersex disorder? Are YOU a white throated sparrow? It's fucking irrelevant if not.

No. 2412673

They act like it's some kind of gotcha with "the evil terfs" too. Like arguing with a retarded Russia supporter who's only argument is "MUH CIA! MUH AMURICA!".

No. 2412686

Still two gametes.

This. The logic always seems to be
>clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites
>a tiny fraction of humans are intersex
>therefore non-intersex, intact males should be allowed to play women's sports

They also treat intersex conditions like "additional sexes" when they aren't. All intersex conditions are still sorted into male and female. Intersex cases where you "can't tell" which sex someone is are rare even among intersex conditions. For instance, there are like a hundred people on Earth with Swyer syndrome, which causes a chromosomal male to have almost entirely female physiology. Why the hell should a group that rare dictate the language and policies of a country with three hundred million people in it?

No. 2412688

Intersex people are probably less common than trannies so idk what they’re talking about. They’re retarded because it’s not like they were born with a complicated genetic disorder, they’re just brain damaged and think they should just wear a dress over their cock, balls and the rest of their biological male body and be called a girl. Every single TIM are AGPs, I don’t get the point of differentiating between them it’s just another way for creeps to get off to being a “woman”

No. 2412818

File: 1740259298333.jpg (78.9 KB, 500x360, tumblr_06323af6bb8a6ae4023afaf…)

For all the forced masculinization content I see its interesting how none of them make manifestations about being a violent rape ape when thats what a moid is. forced masculinization is a parody of sissyfication which intends to dehumanize the TIM, why are TIFs reluctant to mimic the behaviors males do on a daily basis.

No. 2412834

>I think the saddest part of all is that there’s a part of me that hopes this is satirical, and logically I know it’s not.
They ended it with "…and need free hygiene products" and they blurred out the profile picture so you can't go find out that it's definitely from some parody account. It's very obviously satirical. Enough people post this for real that you don't need to spread fake news and make us all look stupid.

No. 2412836

It’s funny how troons will tell you that trooning out will free you and unlock your true self or whatever. I used to be a TIF and I hated my life kek. Since I stopped being retarded, I look better, I have more confidence, more friends, and I’m happier. I hate how young girls who are alienated from other women get sucked into trooning out. It just makes everything worse.

No. 2412982

File: 1740265346238.png (1.16 MB, 1176x922, Screenshot.png)

this retarded rhetorical equivalence, MAKE IT STOP!

No. 2412984

All this gender woo and "Oh, look at these clownfish/birds" shit is only in service of men. Transgender rhetoric is for men's benefit. Why can't women see this? It's so they can terrorize us, so they can assert their dominance over us, so they can dismantle one of the only things we have of our own (our sex) and make it their own so they can sell it back to us and have us thank them for the privilege.

No. 2412985

KEK. Based

No. 2413008

if creating official documents and profiles for trannies by using their biological sex instead of whatever they want to larp as classifies as "murder", then I guess I'm a fucking serial killer at this point.

No. 2413013

There were some horror movie themed ones with obvious misogynistic intent, as well as ones with violent undertones/overtones. TIFs like that I can't even sympathise with. If you want to be a violent misogynist, you can get pepper sprayed, kicked in the ribs, and knocked unconscious with one of those metal water bottles like a violent misogynist.

No. 2413035

It fucking sucks how men have all these different spaces for themselves and male spaces with not that many women (or any at all) are the easiest to find on the internet in general. If you're a woman and you're isolated you're basically fucked if you want a 100% all female space unless you get lucky enough to get into one of those discords, already had friends irl or you met people from a shared fandom/hobby that has a lot of women in it (who usually turn out to be pro tranny handmaidens anyway).
I feel like outside of porn addiction, internalized homophobia and fetishism part of why so many scrotes transition is because it's their way of attempting to do what they were supposed to do as a male in the first place (be an object of desire to raise their chances of mating), just with completely misguided, fucked up methods. It's their way of trying to fulfill their original purpose as a moid of trying to gather attention and beautifying themselves outside of the constricts of made up masculinity rules and the patriarchal reversal that the women have to be the ones who are desireable. Males have two ways in which they think they can garner attention from the opposite sex now: either you become a roidpig "chad" with muscles and a beard, or you feminize yourself and become a troon while thinking this will totally get you some hot lesbian action (unless they're gay men and not agps). They only start feeling ok with shaving their beards and trying to indulge in beautifying rituals (poorly), not as themselves because of the way they think a moid can't be the object of desire in that way, only women can. They are so deeply retarded and autistic that they can only try to appeal to this urge of theirs by taking this convoluted, long way around it due to how much they have convinced themselves that the male urge to want to be desirable and beautiful in order to mate is actually a trait unique to women.

No. 2413047

File: 1740268031701.jpg (430.18 KB, 1197x1418, shut up mentally ill moid.jpg)

Hunter is just mad that hes being reminded that he will never be a woman, he is a mentally ill moid who should actually be in prison for this shit. If Epstein were around he would be helping him, sick bastard. No woman thinks like this, not even pickmes are this bad.

No. 2413063


No. 2413067

Let it struggle to pick a struggle.

No. 2413072

A real man would’ve spammed CP. I can smell your tuna from here, little poonpoon.(responding to bait)

No. 2413077

Incredibly feminine character choice kek

No. 2413118

I unironically believe this nonna

No. 2413122

And these are supposed to be our “sisters” kek. These men see women as skirt, pink, long hair, make up and being penetrated by men, quite literally.
So disgusting, I can’t stand them anymore to be honest. I’m just fed up with this MRA movement.

No. 2413127

At this point I feel troons are worse than normal men (only slightly) because they are more open about the predation. I wish they could just admit to their sickness without pretending it somehow makes them female, they forget who births them, glad the birth rate is declining.

No. 2413135

They are nonna, because they are able to infiltrate our spaces, they are like an infection.
Troonism was pushed in order to push back feminism, look at how you can’t say shit or advocate for women without trannies screeching about trans rights and inclusivity of penis havers. It’s no surprise that it became mainstream right after #metoo kek.

No. 2413139

And yet TIFs aren't nearly as listened to/made a big deal out of when it comes to men's issues…

No. 2413147

Women can’t do anything if they are busy worshipping males on estrogen and fighting off other women who try to push back. Roe vs Wade has been overthrown for years and the reactions have been nothing but lukewarm , but look at how they cry “genocide” for TIMs. It’s a design , not a feature and that is not lost on me kek.

No. 2413161

Women marching all together while stating that abortion is a human right is vastly different that a group saying abortions are transrights while calling “TERFs” the group of women who call out sex discrimination kek.

No. 2413257

No. 2413295

They're still porn-addicted and turbo misogynistic for trooning out tho.

Congrats anon!

No. 2413714

File: 1740296604767.jpg (264.3 KB, 823x710, troonshine.jpg)

i just found a big telegram community of trannies from my country and i'd love to share the milk with you but i don't want to discredit my homeland. here's a picture of what one of them has been injecting

No. 2413715

>"This will make the terfs mad"
>"The terfs can't deny this conclusive evidence"
And then it's an opinion that doesn't change the material truth about misogyny.

No. 2413717

The bathtub estrogen tranny from Brazil or something?

No. 2413723

Kek that's who I immediately thought of, too. Isn't he documented in /snow/?

No. 2413731

totally not a fetish guys

No. 2413736

Now that's a false advertising lawsuit if I ever saw one kek

No. 2413786

that's the one who cooked it, the person in the pic is not him but one of his customers
tranny in the pic is eastern european if you're curious. scary to see this cancer spread so far

No. 2413836

I know more of these types than the overtly violent ones but I guarantee you that these guys are also posting violent rape and murder fantasies online. One of these guys is used as the posterchild of harmless uwu shrinking violet transgorls who couldn’t harm a fly by the handmaidens in a local hobby group even though he semi-regularly tweets these really disturbing explicit rape/murder fantasies about JKR. He disguises them as jokes (“wouldn’t it be funny if [extremely sexually violent thing] happened to a certain wizard book author heehee”) and deletes them after a few hours, so the handmaidens are in denial about how bad it is, but you can just tell this guy probably watches the most vile kind of torture porn and ought to have his harddrive checked. But IRL he acts like Violet Parr at the beginning of The Incredibles and like you said, is too ‘anxious’ to do anything for himself so his mother does everything for him and everyone pities him and thinks he’s harmless. I guess the one upside of his mother cleaning his room for him is that he can’t keep anyone or anything captive in there.

All that effort to make themselves even more repulsive to straight women when they could’ve just practiced basic hygiene and learned to play the guitar.

I’m glad this is making the rounds again. Many people think Hunter is an example of a normal, passing, well-adjusted troon when he’s just as unhinged and misogynistic as rest of them.

No. 2413884

Trooning out is used as a "treatment" for same-sex attraction in some countries. That alone should show people it's homophobic and put an end to it. Personally, I know three lesbian or bisexual women that have trooned out.

No. 2413896

There's a TIF I follow who has a ton of medical conditions that she posts about frequently and not in a munchie way, and I think she might be actually intersex. She's poly and fat (of course) and her current 'nesting partner' is a verified ASPD and NPD TIM. She posts a lot about how to navigate a high-conflict relationship and also posts about how she's NOT A DOORMAT YOU GUISE and can't be single because she's disabled and also kind of terrified of being abandoned.
She was bullied horribly as a kid for being intersex and kids used to try to force her to undress to show if she was a boy or girl. She went from being a Christian fundamentalist to being a troon, literally swapping one cult for another. She posts poetry and music about how her bullying made her troon out and how all her relationships suck, and then writes about how she's enby because she's got a boy brain sometimes and how being in a long term poly relationship with Buffalo Bill is fulfilling and beautiful.
She loves men above all else and hates any sort of 'men bad' movement because the moiderinos suffer so much too. I feel so bad for her. She can't troon out medically because of her ten million medical conditions but that's the only plus in this situation. Once her TIM flounces off in a bout of narc rage she's going to cuddle up to another violent mumma's boy and walk another tightrope for another however many years while insisting that she's a free and independent agender man.
I've been following her since she was having breakdowns over her narc troon putting gluten in her food to punish her for not answering her phone fast enough, so there have been some improvements, but I don't know how long she's going to last. She's working on losing weight and prioritizing her mental health now, which has made a difference, but the weight loss has attracted more moid attention and her newfound peace has triggered her scrote big time, so I don't know how this will play out for her.
I hope she manages to wake up before she's murdered by her scrote. Losing weight has made some of her conditions better and she's able to be more independent now. There's hope, but she's a headline in the making and it scares me.

No. 2413900

Oh I definitely feel like they're a lot worse than regular men. At least with a regular guy you could call him out on his misogyny and say he's a retarded male even if you get backlash. With a troon you would get that backlash and you can't even say he's a male without getting gaslit and you'll be accused of transmisogyny or some other made up bullshit so they're the biggest victim in the situation. They're also always massive porn addicts, the average male might watch porn but he still won't be as bad as your regular agp troon. They're creepier because they want to become women instead of just fucking us and they hate women on a deep, visceral level compared to the average joe because even a typical guy could recognize women are different from him and that he can't skinwalk them.

No. 2414390

File: 1740340324370.png (466.87 KB, 598x743, transflag.png)

>theyre trans… we love our nonbinary gaymer of the year They Ludwig
>pick one

No. 2414398

he looks like he sends dickpics to minors on discord

No. 2414411

Ludwig isn't like that at all though, he just panders to literally everyone

No. 2414537

That's just a guy in a pink shirt, weeb agps put more effort than this

No. 2414674

File: 1740348646658.png (468.45 KB, 600x881, The kids aren't alright.png)

>But still insane that a "Christian rightwing" party in Germany can occasionally be this based, while American Christian conservatives want trans people dead and billionaires in control.
Probably because American tra are more vocal and annoying, although that doesn't excuse the billionaires being in control.

No. 2414709

Isnt this the shit keffals sold to minors?

No. 2414715

>die linke queer

No. 2414862

Halfway convinced Germany is beyond redemption. With all the tranny nonsense and the way they “deal with” rape and sexual assault there, I wouldn’t be caught dead in that shithole.

No. 2414876

Nitpick, but why is this German political flyer in English?

No. 2414879

it might be a translator app judging by the way the text looks compared to the rest of it?

No. 2414893

>they want trans people dead
Close the thread. A bunch of trannies with remorse for not transitioning are obsessed with posting here apparently

No. 2414897

neither should exist so they‘re at least halfway there. there is no party in germany who is against both, by the way

No. 2414898

it is in english. they misspelled like in "die like queer"

No. 2414906

File: 1740354372028.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.61 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

They do it in English to signal how cool they are and maybe because there is less chance to offend voters that aren't terminally online if they don't really understand the flyer. Most troons and "queers" in Germany are ameriboos anyway, even though they usually don't admit it. While searching I found picrel (particularly ugly troon politician). Enjoy I guess.

No. 2414911

File: 1740354584536.jpg (97.03 KB, 944x1311, E-GzWooWYAQFYfE.jpg)

samefag. Here is the twitter post it's from https://x.com/dielinke_queer/status/1432623378607788033 it was apparently part of a campaign in 2021

No. 2414917

european „queer“ spaces are very anglocentric since they get their queer theory and politics from america.

No. 2414921

Little do we know, that thing is a patron saint of super womanly attractiveness in the TiM world, kek.

No. 2414978

It's fucking crazy that nowadays a male troon having an official document stating that he is male is seen by normies as a hate crime. How did we get this far? He's literally male! Nobody is preventing him from wearing skirts and getting implants so what's the issue?

>Trans people exist
Trannies acting like their existence is the issue is so manipulative. Noboby would care about them if they weren't causing people to lose sex-based rights.

>I guess the one upside of his mother cleaning his room for him is that he can’t keep anyone or anything captive in there.

No. 2415090

Why are you taking her at her word that she was bullied for being intersex? It sounds like munchie bullshit and tranny revisionism. Unless she means PCOS (fits since she's fat, and as you say, getting better since losing some weight) and she had hirsutism at a young age. Women with PCOS are more likely to identify as trans than healthy women.

No. 2415522

File: 1740384717610.jpg (89.66 KB, 1080x1239, GiE7sETWcAAUDzU.jpg_large (1).…)

nonnas how do i fucking stop hating mtfs and doomscrolling so much its making me miserable lol sorry to be earnest on this shitty website. it just feels like picrel. i hate them and myself and they make me hate myself. theyre so fucking ugly and autistic and retarded and mannish and they cant see it. its not fair these fucking retards get to live out their girl waifu fantasies while real women suffer. i just cant take it anymore

No. 2415527

Come join us in the digital detox thread.

No. 2415528

remember that you will outlive every last one of them

No. 2415529

You need friends to laugh at them. It's more fun to hate in a group and then you can talk about other stuff too. Just remember at the end of the day they are mostly incredibly unhappy people who have to be themselves. And you get to be you, you can walk away from looking at them but they're in their bodies every single second of the day. You need a tranny hating girl squad and it'll fix everything

No. 2415534

File: 1740386001627.png (245.97 KB, 1036x1036, dfo9p9j-dc19f160-ff07-44b1-8f8…)

If you want good news, I've seen most of those guys before and took a huge break from lc and totally stopped using ovarit. I just lost interest in the topic and I think a lot of normies did too. When it stopped being new/edgy, a lot of contrarian coomers lost interest as well. So a lot of the ones you're seeing now have either been around for a while or are a dying breed. The apex of troonism was a couple years ago, if the "trans genocide" currently going on within the trump admin were happening a few years ago, there would be a lot more suicide threats on xitter and normies indulging and encouraging that behavior. A lot of moids have eased back in femboy and soon we'll just start seeing gnc males again, like every other recent era

No. 2415548

I didn't know people got so mad at trannies. I've never met one so I forget about them when I close the tab. Do you live in a city with lots of them?

No. 2415586

File: 1740390738884.jpg (55.83 KB, 736x725, 71b51eb475b46432cc687d5c830b5f…)

start laughing at them instead. don't take it too seriously. know that no matter how much they pretend to be happy they never will be because their goal - to be a woman - is unattainable

No. 2415596

To the point of communicating almost entirely in English even when everyone in the group is a native speaker of their mother tongue, even using English pronouns (they/them in particular) instead of their own language’s equivalent. A lot of them are very ignorant of the LGB and T history and laws of their own country, too. I’ve met so many self-identified kweer types who had no idea that our country had same sex marriage well over a decade before the US did and acted like the legalisation of it in the US was somehow a watershed moment for the entire Western world. Gay marriage has been legal here for the majority of their (or even their entire) life but apparently they never bothered to check, because all that matters is what happens in America (and also they’re not actually gay so it doesn’t matter to them).

This. The vast majority of the people claiming to be ‘intersex’ are bullshitting or very confused about what DSDs actually are. Someone with a real DSD who’s open about it would use the correct terminology, just like with any other medical condition. The specifics matter because all of these conditions differ and affect the person’s life in different ways.
Most women claiming to be intersex just have a hormone imbalance from conditions like PCOS, or they’ve been led to believe that not fitting in with other women makes them ‘neurologically’ intersex. I’ve seen the latter scenario play out with autistic girls a lot, and there’s even an old theory out there that autism is caused by an ‘extreme male brain’. Most of these girls become TIFs but some end up thinking they’re intersex instead.

No. 2415666

>using English pronouns (they/them in particular) instead of their own language’s equivalent
The thing is that most languages don't have a they/them equivalent. So you can either call these enbabies she/he, it, some retarded neopronoun, or they/them.

No. 2415707

File: 1740397707705.jpeg (46.56 KB, 414x740, IMG_9750.jpeg)

this has been posted about plenty of times. i’m honestly surprised it’s still going, i hope they all die

No. 2415714

File: 1740398053819.mp4 (3.19 MB, 540x960, v09044g40000c7hjiprc77ufvou0nf…)

>illegal horse piss sold in shitty packaging covered with lolishit and ‘keep away from parents’

No. 2415718

Isn't that the bathtub estrogen? Cause I think it might kill them indeed, I recall seeing a pick of one of those vials with either hair or cat fur in it.

No. 2415770

File: 1740400460339.png (423.96 KB, 607x634, 1662743697503(1).png)

I remember now, it was @bobposting on twitter, posted about in the kiwifarms threads from when keffals was trying to take it offline.
>"Keep out of reach of parents"
>I recall seeing a pick of one of those vials with either hair or cat fur in it.
Here you go: >>>/snow/1828678
Reposting bc dropped pic

No. 2415773

The one single tranny with a smidge of awareness kek

No. 2416322

I want both to stop existing kek.

No. 2416331

Toe with a wig on it

No. 2416377

Because the TiFs who aren't just butch lesbians idolize men and view becoming a man as an upgrade from what they see as weak, pathetic female bodies, while TiMs say "Ohhh I'm a little sissy failmale, could never make it as a man, I'm basically a woman". Completely different angles, both are misogynistic.

No. 2416388

>running into this lets play of an indie game that's about chopping up your mom and flushing her down the toilet
>check creator's itch.io and twitter
>ofc it's a TIF reeing about TERFs

No. 2416397

Making a game about chopping up your mom and flushing her is probably the most moid brained a TIF has ever gotten

No. 2416491

File: 1740421075638.png (318.53 KB, 720x794, 5454456654654.png)

Holy walking mugshot batman! I heard germany doesn't lock up their chomos but I guess this is confirmation of that

No. 2416524

Can’t trust gnc males now because of what I now know is lurking just beneath the surface

No. 2416527

That's what blows my mind. Even if these failed men want to pretend to be women, no surgery or hormone treatment in the world can help them. They will always be men. Stating facts is the same as murder, dontcha know?

No. 2416530

He looks like Homelander if he were woke.

No. 2416537

I wish someone would sell illegal estrogen to troons with actual things that will kill them in just a few doses in it. kek

No. 2416684

She will not realize that she has already become her mother.

No. 2416686

This. Just like, one little (100% fatal) exclusive-to-troons plague is all I’m asking for kek.

No. 2416788

No you won't because appeal to nature is a fallacy.

No. 2417049

File: 1740440306195.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1080, 1000001618.png)

>The kids are alright
No, they are not. What's worse is that this child says her story on tiktok, for the community to say "trans aren't all like this! Sorry you got hurt tho". Yet gender ideology and fetish shit took her Dad away and his "kill all terfs" and "smack your local trans phobe" mentality caused him to slap her around for saying "Dad". And after it all, she is forced to still think highly of transgender people.

No. 2417114

File: 1740442169849.jpeg (106.82 KB, 679x900, IMG_7887.jpeg)

Dolls never beating the lesbophobia and misogyny allegations

No. 2417116


No. 2417119

Kek, as if it's worse to be a virgin than to have mediocre sex with these uggos? Also, why are they specifically focused on zoomer lesbians, that's gross.

No. 2417127

these are the kinds of moids who think that just by being within the vague vicinity of a woman that they are being considered as a sexual partner, as if women need to lose their virginity at some undefined point and if they're present, that they should be in the running.

No. 2417132

Literally incel tier dogma. No difference between them and incels on /pol/ spreading hate. They hate woman so much it makes them sick lol

No. 2417178

nah if it was made by a scrote there would be an option to rape the corpse before flushing it down the toilet. also the mom has to be shaped like a sex doll bimbo of course to bait coomers into drawing hentai fanart of her.

No. 2417181

> sexless zoomer lesbians and separatists take it as person invalidation when you say that sexuality is malleable because their identity is a dispassionately-picked political position that has to be constantly affirmed and defended
Noooo it could never be that they just don’t want to fuck you. Bro is coping extra hard today

No. 2417239

Those filters are working overtime and he still looks like a man, sad.
She posts a lot about being intersex and how her fundie family did a bunch of insane christfag rituals to make her become fully female and didn't let her make friends with the other homeschooled kids because she'd make them impure or something, so she had to go to normal school, but she was bullied there by the kids and some of the teachers for being intersex. It's possible that she had PCOS and her parents were too retarded to understand what that meant. She comes from a super religious, MLM and AI Jesus type culty community in the middle of nowhere, so critical thinking and common sense were not that important to the adults in her life.
The incel to TIM pipeline is real and they still cannot get pussy, but after they transition all they have to do to lose the V card is hook up with another incel in a skirt and hump each other for hours hoping that their axe wounds will feel something other than numbness or pain at some point.

No. 2417390

Threadpic looks like if Ben Shapiro trooned out and developed cystic acne

No. 2417637

They are slowly giving themselves breast cancer but they probably find that affirming.
I'd also be skeptical of her 'cult' claims. For one thing, Christians don't believe in a third sex. It's Adam and Eve, not Adam, Eve, and God's Mistake. Severe BPD types however will exaggerate their past and invent conflicts with their families.
>My parents are dangerous Fundamentalist Christians who homeschool their kids!
>I wasn't homeschooled though but it's for totally real reasons that harmed me!
Cult content is popular on TikTok and she's probably watched too many documentaries on Netflix and assimilated them into her unstable identity.

No. 2417720

File: 1740460719691.png (354.5 KB, 1772x2372, Image20241115133852.png)

The reason why GAY people are against the claim that everyone is "sexually malleable" or able to become bisexual is because it leads directly to conversion therapy.
They already have SAFE-T (sexual attraction fluidity exploration therapy) and "reintigrative therapy" which are just rebrands of sexual "reparative therapy" from the 90s, but this time they say that sexual orientation changes are just an incidental byproduct. The founder of the reintigrative therapy association, Joseph Nicolosi Jr., is even the son of a founder of NARTH (national association for research and therapy of homosexuality) which endorsed conversion therapy.

No. 2417733

>they take not accepting their label as invalidation
>their identity is a political position that needs to be constantly affirmed
Does the troon saying this not see the irony? He’s too retarded to know how to use the word dispassionately, so probably not. His take is basically:
>say words

No. 2417898

They’re so rapey. Even if sexuality were entirely malleable, why does that matter when a woman has already said no? Every woman in the world could be bisexual and they still wouldn’t be obligated to fuck you.

All they do is project. It’s actually kind of funny once you start to notice it. Everything they accuse women of is a confession.

No. 2418083

File: 1740491484875.gif (86.05 KB, 498x491, cosigned-real-shit.gif)

>Even if sexuality were entirely malleable, why does that matter when a woman has already said no? Every woman in the world could be bisexual and they still wouldn’t be obligated to fuck you.

No. 2418085

File: 1740492288689.png (76.7 KB, 1126x489, screenshot.png)

the weirdly pro life and pro religion message of this game is so funny kek I'm glad to see people in the comments point it out

No. 2418193

File: 1740498414991.jpeg (562.63 KB, 1170x1775, IMG_1477.jpeg)

Babe, you are just normal kek.
I didn’t bother reading comments, but I can still imagine them, I bet they are
>be more forgiving, it’s her first time being a girl!
>when you transition into a woman you enter into a second puberty, that’s what she’s experiencing. You should help her to become a woman OP

No. 2418201

I really hope people start waking up this decade to how “transphobic” is not like homophobia or racism or misogyny and it’s a silencing tactic so that people can only talk about how these cunts are degenerate narcissists unless you do it secretly in a fucking confession subreddit. I keep hoping that and nothing changes, but maybe someday…

No. 2418205

>guy making you uncomfortable at work with weird fetishistic comments
>it's okay because he's a troon going through his girly girl teenage puberty for girls and he'll only be retarded temporarily

No. 2418238

File: 1740500215253.png (88.85 KB, 600x513, dragons.png)

Surprisingly most of the comments just assure that OP is not transphobic, just annoyed at his non-sense.

If OP go to RRHH for these weird fetishistic comments, she would get fired for being "transphobic".

No. 2418308

File: 1740503457226.png (79.09 KB, 1078x625, delulu.png)

The delulu is over 9000. If men do have periods or cramps or endometrosis, I can assure you that menstruation would be taken more seriously than a taboo.

No. 2418313

It’s telling how interactions with troons irl make you more “transphobic.” Literally happened to me too. When troons say we strawmen their degenerate behavior it couldn’t be further from the truth.

No. 2418357

>researched pharmacy technician
JFC I hope this is a larp. At least this faggot isn't a doctor.

No. 2418537

I honestly believe it’s some troon larping. I can’t tell you what it is exactly, but something about the writing style gets my bullshit senses tingling.

No. 2419316

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Female equals booba

No. 2419317

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No. 2419321

>Isn't relevant to their sexual makeup anymore
Not this shit again. HRT doesn't change your sex chromosomes you retard. Sometimes I want to make a xitter to correct these retards but it's simply no use. They'll never accept reality.

No. 2419326

File: 1740537215879.jpeg (686.25 KB, 1125x1373, IMG_7904.jpeg)

There’s something wrong with us.

No. 2419331

>political lesbianism all over again
More TRA word inversion, applying the phrase "political lesbian" to women who exclusively fuck other women, implying that the "real lesbians" are the bihets who sock TiM cock. War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.

No. 2419342

File: 1740537856350.webp (247.92 KB, 1400x2100, Hunter-Schafer-by-STYLEDUMONDE…)

The bolt-ons are the only reason he doesn't just look like an anorexic man with long hair. His face is SUPER mannish. There are non-troon men out that there that look more facially feminine than him, but they aren't honorary women. Do fatass moids with gynecomastia get to be women now? No. And Jesus Christ, what a first-world-ass problem, having the optional document you use to travel internationally list your sex as what it is rather than what you LARP as.

No. 2419343

his giant manhands lol

No. 2419346

He looks like a skinny gay man irl because that’s what he is ultimately. The amount of work professional stylists, plastic surgery, camera angles, and money that go into him looking like he does is huge. Even with all of that he doesn’t pass. He’s my personal example of that “You’re not ugly, you’re just poor” tweet.

No. 2419352

File: 1740538582529.gif (2.4 MB, 281x374, ariana-grande-reaction-video.g…)

What the hell are lesbians even supposed to do anymore. everyone hates us

No. 2419358

File: 1740538876935.webp (27.25 KB, 650x430, HONter.webp)

>How is medicine improved by seeing tgirls, with boobs, normative estrogen levels, etc. as men?!!!
They are straight up losing it. Normative estrogen levels???? he literally has to keep injecting that shit his entire life, his body has never and will never produce female levels of estrogen. Also, don't trannies have to take wayy more than women naturally produce? And how are the bolt ons meant to make us see him as less of a man? he also paid for those lmao. Hate that theyre making me quote marvel, but
>Everything special about you came out of a bottle.
Even this angle is too flattering imo, this is what he really looks like. Funny how he's the only somewhat decent looking poster tranny they keep waving around to prove theyre not all basement dwellers and even he is chopped as fuck.

No. 2419377

Does anyone remember the woodshop teacher that wore those insanely huge boobs to class? Was that an elaborate troll or was that serious? I want an update.

No. 2419385

File: 1740540329736.png (779.19 KB, 604x582, cool tism art.png)

I'm messaging a friend (they/them, mid 30s) and she's saying "things in America are getting scary". I'm peaked, Euro and have in the past 1-2 years got a lot more into Marxist thought, especially anti-identity politics. Is there a way to subtly let her know I think gendershit is disgusting and a narcissistic product of capitalism without scaring her off? She's older than me but very conflict-avoidant, but regardless I'd love to set off a lightbulb or two for her if there's hope of that. I know I need to be careful with it. Asked in the stupid questions thread recently but seems more fitting here. Also maybe it's not a stupid question at all?

It genuinely cheers me a bit to know the Coomphoria TIM who made that stupid post about how wanting to be consumed and dominated by men made him a woman is having to go through this. Every cloud has a silver lining

No. 2419391

The thing i don't understand about tras is why is it a huge deal with troons are identified by their natal sex? Does such a detail prevent them from presenting themselves in any way? Even in the age where troons were a niche subculture and being made fun of on tv 24/7, not a single person was trying to stop them from presenting as the opposite sex. You see how much easier life is when you meet people in the middle? The thing is, if terfs were to completely have their way, troons would still exist and will still be able to do what they want, except they will have to respect boundaries and scientific reality. What's wrong with accepting two very simple conditions? I don't understand why they want to force everyone to accept every detail of their beliefs, if they just accepted that some people disagree with them, they would come to realise that people will dislike them less.

No. 2419393

>Most troons and "queers" in Germany are ameriboos anyway
Crazy how common this is, kweers in my non-english speaking country are also all ameriboos who parrot the same retarded tumblr "QUEER AS IN FUCK YOU!" and "THERES WOMEN WITH PENISES AND TERFS WITHOUT TEETH!" retardation, all while claiming being kweer is actually so anti-colonialism because it comes from "The Natives" (no tribe ever specified) kek. They're all such parodies of eachother and its painfully obvious it's just ameritard internet brainrot and these people would be so normal had they not been given unrestricted internet access.
>Are we actively trying to be portrayed as groomers??
How do you not know your own community? You're on 4chan and youre acting like you just found out 90% of trannies are pedophile lolicons, give me a break. Cant believe the horsepiss pedo bathtub estrogen is still being sold though.

No. 2419396

Samefag, but most troon medicine is just off-label medications that have proper uses for other conditions that just conveniently have the effects of stimulating the overproduction of cross sex hormones. Even in troons who take hormones, often times the levels will be far above what would be considered healthy in a normal person to make up for the fact that their natural hormonal system is trying to fight the impacts of the medications.

No. 2419400

Feels like we go through this every thread, but its all about control and male narcissism. They won't stop until there's nothing left for them to appropriate, I'm shocked they havent started demanding free surrogate wombs so they can larp as pregnant and diddle newborns they'll turn into enuchs yet.
>The thing is, if terfs were to completely have their way, troons would still exist and will still be able to do what they want, except they will have to respect boundaries and scientific reality.
Please speak for yourself, if I was world leader I'd ban HRT yesterday for everyone except menopausal ladies. Bolt-ons too, I miss the days they had to get that shit done in some dark alley by a crackhead that injected them with cement and cooking oil so they died faster.

No. 2419405

That's not what samefagging means, I posted that, not you.

No. 2419408

I have an older brother who is a troon. When he started taking hormones I was curious what the long-term side effects are for men, only to learn there is effectively little to no research on it. The fact this stuff is being prescribed en masse when we have no idea what it really does is absolutely fucking bonkers. It’s the same for basically all trans medicine. We’re just confidently fucking guessing no matter what it may cost both now and in the future.

No. 2419425

Samefag but I took off label cross sex hormones and now my memory is hazy

No. 2419427

Sorry, i did that before you posted your comment.

No. 2419540

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No. 2419632

They see lesbianism as inherently political because they feel personally threatened by the idea of any women not being available to them. Straight or bi women appropriating the word lesbian doesn’t register as a problem because these women are still (theoretically) available to them, but exclusively homosexual women existing? Now that’s a targeted attack on all men!

There aren’t many precedents for cross-sex hormone use in humans but what we do have doesn’t look good. For women we have the East German athletes who were dosed with testosterone at (iirc) much lower levels than what TIFs receive and still developed serious health issues. For men we have men convicted of gross indecency who were chemically castrated with injections of synthetic estrogen (diethylstilbestrol aka DES), which had the side effect of breast growth. The most famous example is probably Alan Turing who was convicted for homosexual activity and is believed to have committed suicide, but I’m not familiar with any follow up studies on the other men this was done to.

No. 2419639

>Is there a way to subtly let her know I think gendershit is disgusting and a narcissistic product of capitalism without scaring her off?
Link her to this site.

No. 2419796

File: 1740576850494.png (84 KB, 962x586, Screenshot 2025-02-26 082937.p…)

I was trying to take a survey on hormonal contraceptives and apparently I wasn't qualified for it despite taking it and then I went over the survey requirements again and look at this shit.
>was not assigned female at birth
Ah yes because it's just trannies who take hormones and not the overwhemingly amount of women with fertility issues, PCOS, and those who use it without those disorders. I want TTD, I'm so fucking tired of these people and this shit. Seeing billions of fucking dollars funded into quack research for them only for female diseases to be totally ignored, research is underfunded and nobody gives a shit. I don't give a fuck if a tranny dies, nature would heal if they all did.

No. 2419800

Trannies have such a selfish, selfish, selfish existence, it's not even something to laugh at sometimes.

No. 2419926

Doesn't that say exclusion criteria? So if you're a man, you don't qualify for the survey on hormonal contraceptives?

No. 2419928

I don’t give a fuck how extreme it sounds, all troons seriously deserve agonizing deaths for the shit they do and cause.

No. 2419963

I'm begging and pleading for the leftists and libs in America to just abandon the troon movement fully. Something has got to fucking give. Just give up the troons and focus on actual fucking issues holy shit. I cannot believe people are crying about a GENOCIDE when trannies just have to put their birth sex on their licenses. WHO FUCKING CARES OH MY GOD. This is why they never get shit done.

No. 2419964

Yeah, this says it excludes ‘amabs’ and also everyone on HRT. It’s for healthy women aged 18-30 only. Maybe anon is outside this age range, or has a medical condition that excludes her?

No. 2420133

File: 1740598027142.jpeg (554.36 KB, 1242x1334, IMG_0144.jpeg)

I love that these posts are back to back, shut that tranny up real quick

No. 2420188

Can anyone who has pics of troons getting shut down like this (or just otherwise losing) post them? I need a good laugh today.

No. 2420193

Unfortunately, Trump's policies are going to make TRAs and pro-trans libs double down, at least in the short term. There was a short moment of clarity after Harris lost the election with some people realizing how fucking retarded this policy position was, but then people went right back to the entrenched positions in the new year.

No. 2420199

Arielle is a tranny

No. 2420204

That’s what I think too nonna, they already have the “I’m the most victimest of victims!” And now it’s going to be “I’m THE victim, I’m literally being genocided and erased from existence!”. I’m scared that gender ideology will come back with full force after Trump’s mandate.

No. 2420275

Fully aware it’s completely unrealistic, but I’m hoping beyond hope that the one good thing that this administration actually does in the end is to stomp out tranny bullshit like a cigarette, or at least get the ball rolling. (And that it wakes a lot of women up as a result, to hopefully pave the way for better things in the future.) I know it’s a long shot, but a girl can dream.

No. 2420315

File: 1740602946346.jpeg (Spoiler Image,402.04 KB, 828x811, IMG_0490.jpeg)

Found this one in the wild and had to share, Kek. This lovely little lady goes by Shannon.

No. 2420326

File: 1740603237426.mp4 (9.12 MB, 1280x720, thisneverhappens.mp4)


IDK if this is the one you mean but

No. 2420332

This fag genuinely just looks like your average white twink, I have no idea how people say he "passes"

No. 2420344

I kinda agree with both of these but I think it's important to point this out
>in the short term
I've already had a couple irl discussions with some pro-troon libfem friends about how tiring tranny screeching is and how gender markers are nothingburgers compared to ICE stalking schools and women dying because of roe v wade being repealed.

No. 2420367

I think you’re half right, the die-hard gendies and porn addict supporters have double downed, but I’ve seen a LOT more liberals coming out still saying that the gender policies on the left have been too radical and polarizing for the majority of democrats and they’re right. Most non-terminally online dems I know acknowledge that TIMs don’t belong in women’s sports. It’s the all-or-nothing Reddit leftists that are still refusing to acknowledge that they’ve ostracized a ton of the voters in their own party. Single issue voting is stupid, I know, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t do it.

No. 2420381

An easy way to get people to hate you is to threaten their kids. Gender ideology and the support thereof is threatening to parents, especially the idea of a child undergoing HRT/surgery and especially because the internet pushes kids to jump on that bandwagon and then try to force compliance by suicide baiting until they get their way. Seeing one party whole heartedly throw their support behind individuals who encourage kids to undergo unnecessary drug regimens and uproot their existing support structures if they're not 'inclusive' enough is terrifying. I bet there's people who chose to abstain from voting blue because of it when they would've otherwise.

No. 2420393

Yeah leftists need to just own the L and move the fuck on.
In light of the EO to move trans women to male prisons, I was reading the reddit comments and holy shit the cognitive dissonance
>it's actually not a big deal at all if a trans woman rapes a real woman, rape is REALLY common in prisons!
While at the same exact time in the same exact comment thread:
Like they just do not see how fucking insane they sound. They do not see how badly they push the median voter away. The tranny identity politics is such a fucking psyop.

No. 2420400

It’s because they don’t give a damn about women (Not even TIFs by the way)while worshipping males on estrogen, particularly the white one, that they categorize them in this ultra protected category. It doesn’t matter if you were a porn addict, shitty scrote, even a rapist, once you shout “I’m a woman now teheheh” you automatically get a second chance in their eyes and also get an untouchable status.
If a tranny does something like raping or killing then he wasn’t simply a genuine tranny, that’s the tranny Schrödinger for you.

No. 2420414

File: 1740605939869.png (489.25 KB, 1330x1178, 1719103949805.png)

>make new google account for reasons
>wow that means fresh youtube algo I wonder what it'll recommend me
>tons of trans shit

No. 2420415

It's insane that white male trannies are the new and protected class. They realize that white males are notoriously hated (with very good reason) and they seriously went "How can I turn this around?" and women fell for it. Please let me off this ride.

No. 2420421

And these very same women will say that “cis men are the oppressors”, babes you look like retards because as soon as the “cis man” claims to have an intimate female soul (that funnily enough he always discover through porn and sexual arousal and never out of admiration towards women he knows) you prostrate to suck his “feminine” dick. Libfems will never go anywhere.

No. 2420450

I keep my history off so I don’t get recommended anything. Pure bliss honestly

No. 2420500

File: 1740609259402.jpeg (51.16 KB, 600x729, IMG_3441.jpeg)

>everyone who boycotted voting for kamala because of palestine just wants trans people to die!

No. 2420506

Are gendies seriously implying they weren't the ones behind that boycott?

No. 2420552

Anyone who boycotted voted for Kamala because 'palestine' is full of shit or just plain retarded if they thought zion don would be any better for palestine. I hate trannies and voting blue would be much easier if they prioritized women over looney troons. But no way am I not voting for a woman over a rapist.

No. 2420571

its shame that kamala pandered so much to the troons why didnt you pander to terfs kamala chan..we couldve seen a American lady president than elon musk

No. 2420575

I’m not American but I’ve seen a lot of normie leftists react to Trump’s EOs like
>Wow these Republicans sure are crazy, literally nobody is doing those things they’re trying to prohibit…
>wait, they are doing WHAT?
and the TRAs trying to argue that no it’s a good thing we’re performing surgeries on children oh and letting teachers transition children behind their parents’ backs actually are not helping themselves. So much of trans ideology relies on average people not knowing what’s truly going on. The vast majority of people I talk to about this subject have no idea we have self-ID in our country, they still think trans people need many years of therapy, vetting and surgery before they can legally be considered the opposite sex. When I link them to official sources that prove that no, every random bearded dude can walk into the women’s changing room and get his dick out and if he calls himself a woman you can be fined for contradicting him, it’s like their brains BSOD. Unfortunately this insanity is too much to deal with for most people so they try to scrub this knowledge from their minds, try to convince themselves it doesn’t concern them and move on with their lives. But this is unsustainable in the long term. People do not un-peak, they can only postpone the inevitable. My only concern is that this ideology is going to do untold damage to both people and the law before it finally fizzles out.

No. 2420649

File: 1740614712104.jpeg (357.67 KB, 1284x1282, IMG_7618.jpeg)

OP in picrel is a biracial half black half white pooner for context.

So instead of using HERSELF as a baseline for womanhood, which would be the natural and logical response, she will now defer to a white man’s opinion of how SHE should define herself. The dude who is furthest removed from her personal experience is now who she values above her own opinion and experience, her baseline; the thing SHE can actually speak to. That is bonkers.

No. 2420652

Pickme extreme

No. 2420653

>there's never been a point in history where black women were denied work
How stupid can one person be?

No. 2420657

“Sometimes I post the most retarded takes possible to make women with actual brains hate me and to out my self as a massive tranny-worshipping pick me”

No. 2420661

That’s what I was thinking. She is obviously only in the trans community because it is the only place that would accept her unconditionally. So that means this bitch basically has no friends or people that care about her outside silly lgbt shit. Ouch. That tends to be the route that a lot of insufferable people with glaring character flaws go, looks like she’s one of ‘em

No. 2420671

How much of a fucking rat (no pun intended) do you have to be to push your own sex under the rug THIS much. It’s unspeakably traitorous and devious. It’s evil actually. It’s cowardly, shitty, spiteful, and evil.

No. 2420673

Does any "poc" woman actually feel like these types of comments aren't directed at them too? Cause as a "poc", when I see these takes that insert "white" when race had nothing to do with the topic, I can tell that it applies to me too and the white bit is just them being cynical. I mean, presuming they aren't just saying shit for shock value.

No. 2420740

>A male who got socialized as a man and lived through male privilege and who sissy permed himself understands womanhood more than a woman who was born into it, got socialized as a girl and experienced sex based oppression from the very start of it kekk.
This retard sucks way too much cock it reached her brain.
They only remember about poc women when it’s time to group them with males, that’s not lost on me either nonna.

No. 2420776

>there's never been a point in history where black women were denied work
I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just ignorant but I always saw forced chattel slavery as something different than willful and financially compensated employment. What the absolute fuck what this woman thinking?

No. 2420793

I recognise the profile pic from the ftm thread, i CANNOT STAND this pickme at all, she makes me want to a-log so fucking bad. Just a disgusting person inside and out.

No. 2420899

Isn't she at least partially black herself? Very strange thing to say.

No. 2420954

File: 1740623525791.jpg (128.32 KB, 528x737, Screenshot 2025-02-27 102320.j…)

I checked her comments and there wasn't anyone pushing back against her or questioning her comment about black women. I am disappointed.

Also apparently she's part of the team leading this free food donation for trannies thing. I have a feeling that it's not going to go very well.

No. 2421008

>there wasn't anyone pushing back against her or questioning her comment about black women.
Gendies are starting to accept that they're racist?

No. 2421149

File: 1740634376603.jpg (159.3 KB, 1016x600, clearly a male.jpg)

sage for blog. i was working at a mother mother concert the other day. im a 10 year fan of the band but ever since the band got popular on tiktok and the demographic of their fans changed from normal 25-40 year old alt rock fans to only they them mullet having tifs who call the band the "anorexia and trans band" because they only know like 2-3 songs used on that side of tiktok and but they knew none of their other songs, the band is 20 years old. I feel like a fucking boomer but like mother mother pandered so hard to them when they were never like this before tiktok.

anywhos, they came with cavetown and the fucking fans were incredibly cringe and intolerable. im talking people having pride flags (the tooth paste gay one, regular progress flag, transflag) like who brings these to a concert??? it was really fucking dishearting seeing an arena of youth with frog voices and upper lip staches dressed as egirls/boys. i made jokes to some of my coworkers that i was going say "have a good night ladies" to all of them, but i couldn't it just made me sad honstly.

pic is one of the chicks from cavetown

No. 2421150

Maybe try to go the "fake trans" assholes are ruining LGBTQIA+ acceptance!!" route. If someome accepts that at least, eventually they realize that "trans" are all fake and misogynistic. Show her some of dylan Mullaney's cringiest content like vidrel, anyone with a single brain cell should recognize how disgusting he is. If she doesn't then give up

No. 2421159

More like they will stamp their feet and deny their own racism because every now and then, they like to use black women as meat shields and gaslight them into bootlicking white troons.

No. 2421169

>there's never been a point in history where black women were denied work
This better be poorly worded irony.

No. 2421184

File: 1740636535939.jpg (581.78 KB, 976x1168, IMG_20250227_030647.jpg)

When I went to a concert, I did expect some screams for one of the members, but nothing was gringy, thanks Gods.

I wish Pedro would stfu about his brother, besides it has been proven that trans people never existed even in the past, it was a way to deal with faggots.

No. 2421209

I find it genuinely upsetting that the reaction to some of the Trump EOs on gendershit (obviously not written by Trump anyway; obviously if you read them they were written by women) from 'radfems' including lolcow farmers is just 'omg actually troonshit was never that bad anyway, this new anti-troon push is bad actually and this is anti women! Better give troon males their concessions for progress!'

Sure I understand that many people feel current/recent US policies are trending 'anti woman' in general esp. wrt abortion/reproductive rights but it kind of breaks my brain how many people who previously called themselves radfem or gender critical aren't getting how defining the word 'woman' out of legal existence is the end of all women's rights. Like the sheer number of posts I've seen 'feminists' making that are just 'actually the troons are a minority and never mattered anyway' is insane considering that, e.g., the Equality Act in the US basically redefined Title IX and defined anti-female discrimination out of existence by taking 'sex' out of the definition of forms of legally actionable discrimination to replace it with 'gender identity.'

I actually don't think most people get how entirely non-niche this shit is. They think it's just harmless concessions to some tiny minority group that won't affect them, when in reality it's an attempt to legally erase all of women's rights and many of the advances in gay rights. 'Radfems' are literally making pro-TRA talking points to own Trump when in reality one of the reasons Democratic party platforms (or Democrat activists) were unpopular was probably because people were so sick of moids stepping on every hard-won women's right from the last 60-70 years. They're saying it's fine if there's no legal definition of 'female' and thus no legal protections for women in any situation. They think 'oh, troons are just a tiny harmless minority' not realizing centuries of work by women to get rights for ourselves are getting essentially defined out of existence via fancy gender verbiage.

It's crazy to see so many 'radfems' suddenly saying 'well troons never affected my daily life anyway and I live in a liberal city so it can't be that bad' because I think they're either lying or pretending to seem more in line with the values of their political 'side' (leftists in general need to deal with this ASAP or they're going to lose so many voters). I don't go out that much because I wfh but every single time I go outside in my city, even just for 10 minutes to run a quick errand, I see at least 5 troons, many of them in some kind of fetish gear. So many of them have been personally creepy toward me and my friends, but on top of that the last time I was in university I was exposed to troonshit rhetoric in high level classes and I was genuinely terrified to speak out because of what admins were saying. I did speak out a couple times and got lucky because my profs were old and I did a STEM program, but I knew I was just lucky and if I'd had a younger prof or someone tattled to admin, I might have been forced to quit university just for questioning the shit other people were presenting in my classes (like the idea puberty blockers are safe for 5 year olds, I'm not kidding this was an entire presentation in one of my grad level classes).

I'm genuinely concerned that people worried about 'right wing' politics are supporting TRA rhetoric as a form of backlash and downplaying how serious it is because they want to virtue signal for political leftism. We need leftists who understand that this is erasing women's rights to actually say so right now but it feels like this is more taboo to say than it was 5 years ago and it's worrying me. Having lived through the initial wave of troon rhetoric circa 2012-2016 it feels exactly like what people were saying back then, 'omg shut up it's just a tiny minority why are you so worried?' I'm an artist and I apply for big publicly-funded arts grants sometimes and I have friends on granting committees who have basically told me they're encouraged not to give funding to anyone who's 'cis' if they could give it to a gender person instead. If only a tiny minority get arts grants to begin with and they prioritize troons then even that tiny minority will push normal women out of the candidate pool, and that's just one relatively mild example. We've already seen this with sports. This shit is actually making women lose career and financial opportunities, not even mentioning the safety concerns of moids in women's private spaces.

No. 2421269

Are you serious? She's gonna have meltdowns and shit up threads and tell all her gendie friends. It'd be better for that anon to link her to a radfem blog instead

No. 2421291

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Xitter poster claimed this was "chaser" activity? The hell do they want? They make their body a fetish for the average creep then get mad when only creeps want them and call them chasers. But even if they get complimented by a female in this way specifically, they call them a chaser..? They claim nobody knows how to >properly express attraction to trans people. I almost suspect the "proper" way according to them is

>Ugh you're perfect you're sooo much better than a cis person

They should be lucky anybody is talking about them like this at all. Because this is the very first time I've seen someone talk about them like this ever.

No. 2421296

You don’t have to like them because they’re trans, you’re supposed to totes see them as female woman, the exact same as real women. They hate chasers because chasers are specifically attracted to their troonism, not their inner woman true soul kek.
And that’s why they all aspire for the cis lesbian or the cis straight male, because it validates them.

No. 2421304

So much trans visibility, acceptance, and pride kek

No. 2421391


I agree and sorta kinda disagree with this post. While I do think it is important that we have a clearly defined and logical definition of "woman," I'm concerned that the EO is written in a way that may interfere with healthcare for people with DSDs.

I'm in biomed sciences and I've noticed that everyone – radfems, TRAs, and politicians alike – get DSDs/"intersex" conditions wrong. Their conditions are treated as props for an argument where convenient, but no seems to give a shit about the sequelae or long term outcomes for these populations.

No. 2421484

I know this isn't the tumblr hate thread but something tells me she has a white mom or something kek. There's no way she doesn't have a white mom, I've never met a single biracial person deep into the liberal misogynist men's rights psyop that didn't have like white adopted parents or a white bio parent that they probably were mostly in the care of growing up. I know the trans movement is largely seen as a group of hypersensitive hyperfixated autists with sexual dysfunction but I think the "biracial/adopted different race child to white parents" aspect needs to be looked into. The more I think about it the more it seems racism could indeed be a factor in instances of this family dynamic, not that black/brown people trooning doesn't happen in monoracial couplings ever at all, but this is just something I have seen play out in my personal experience. She probably hates her mom because she compared herself to her in some way or felt singled out and separate from her mother in some sort of way during her formative years and maybe in a mostly white area.

No. 2421528

I don't understand the "trans people are ancient and therefore valid" argument. Like no one is denying that there have been crossdressers or people who performed gender roles outside of their sex throughout history. And reminding people that there has always been trans and third gender shit doesn't mean it is a good thing that needs to continue.

Pedophiles have always existed since the dawn of time but that doesn't mean as a society we should allow that type of thing to exist. And yes, trans ideology is destructive to society in the same way pedophilia is imo both harm the future of society because one is confusion and sexism to the max the other is abuse of children. How can these retards not see that saying something always existed therefore it's ok is a dumb argument. Slavery has always existed does that make it ok? Fucking retards

No. 2421533

I’m doing some translation work and looking up the different kinds of salutations corresponding to official titles used during a certain period of my country’s history, and the preeminent linguistics website has this to say…:
>”these titles are grammatically either masculine of feminine and it is not known which form would have been used for non-binary persons”

>I've never met a single biracial person deep into the liberal misogynist men's rights psyop that didn't have like white adopted parents or a white bio parent that they probably were mostly in the care of growing up.
Same here. Every single WOC I know who has hating white women as a significant part of her personality or online presence either has a white (bio/step/adoptive) mother or is dating a white moid (with a presumably white mother). I’ve never really known how to bring this up anywhere without sticking my foot in it but it’s definitely something I’ve noticed.

I think this is another talking point they stole from gay people, who were responding to the accusation that being gay is unnatural or a symptom of modern society or whatever. A lot of TRA arguments appear weak because they’ve taken them from other groups and applied them to themselves, even where it doesn’t make sense or doesn’t actually support their point.

No. 2421551

Imo, they can clearly tell this woman is just doing lipservice and doesn't actually think trannies are attractive so they call her a chaser to cope and mask the real source of their anger.
Shit like "its their gorgeous souls shining through" really is the equivalent of telling a fatso they look like they give good hugs as a compliment kek everyone can see what you really mean, so it stings more than plain transphobia.

No. 2421556

Sounds like you are listening to people who are out of touch with the average person, who is sick to death of this shit and are secretly content to watch all of it burn. The time for debates and semantics is over. TTD is on the table, and there are people in office who actually have the power to actually fight against it. You should be breathing the biggest sigh of relief in your life.

No. 2421567

I've yesterday seen a video about the background to the thread pic. It's wild. A group of tims, all checking the boxes:
- autistic
- cs/dev being in front of a screen 24/7
- edgelords
- thinking they are the creme de la creme of logical reasoning beings
- could not pass if their life would depend on
- leeches from other people's goodwill
- never taking accountability
- manipulative
- cult
… ended in killing people that told them no

They are not women, they are their own special breed of hell spawn. You could use this as a dsm v or icd 11 list of criteria to clock them and it would always fit like a fist into the eye.(integrate)

No. 2421571

Hearing about college students who have to sit in biology and health classes with trannies who seethe at the lectures makes me kek and wince on their behalf. Like dude, we are sitting in a class where we have to be as factual as possible about the anatomical and physiological differences between women and men. You know you're a delusional retard, what the fuck did you think the professor was gonna say? That males can have periods? I guess I just answered my own question then. Thank God my class was full of honest people who unanimously agreed that gendies are retarded and that trannies just hold lessons back.

No. 2421572

What's your perspective on DSDs? What do TERFs get wrong?

No. 2421574

Learn to use greentext newfag

No. 2421576

>omg actually troonshit was never that bad anyway, this new anti-troon push is bad actually and this is anti women! Better give troon males their concessions for progress!'
Show me a screenshot where an anon here said this.

No. 2421584

Unfortunately even high profile celebs like Gaga publicly supported this fetishistic freak, so handmaidens still respect his pronouns even when they agree he's gross/sexist. After all this time he hasn't even gotten a single surgery to pass better, doubtful that he's even on hormones. It's such a blatantly obvious fetish with zero dysphoria in sight.
Personally, I don't give a shit. Intersex people are like a 0,000001% genetic anomalies, and most end up living completely normal lives, some not even realizing they're intersex until their 20s or 30s. Why should they matter so much now when women's rights are constantly being threatened by both the left and the right?

No. 2421585

>bla bla
Thanks for your valid and much needed commentary.

No. 2421589

>Ugh you're perfect you're sooo much better than a cis person
Nope, they'd still call someone a chaser for saying this. They have different standards depending on whether the person saying it is trans. A TiM can say basically anything "fetishizing" other TiMs, because in their minds, that's not a chaser, that's a ~heckin' valid T4T~. Everyone else is held to arbitrary, often contradictory standards. For instance, TiMs want lesbians to like their cocks, but not too much, because then they're chasers. What a TiM wants is a lesbian who is at least partially unwilling: who he can "turn" with his unique special cock, or who loves him so much that she's willing to "try" dick. It's exactly the same logic as non-troon moids who rape lesbians. You see something similar with HSTSes; they specifically want to date straight men who don't have any interest in troons, because it's "validating." This is why there are so many stories online of HSTSes crying because they went "stealth" with a guy only to get dumped when the dude finds out, or because they started dating a guy they thought was straight only to discover that he's bisexual or a chaser. Troons want to date people who aren't into them– everyone else is a chaser.

No. 2421590

>Hearing about college students who have to sit in biology and health classes with trannies who seethe at the lectures makes me kek and wince on their behalf.
Jesus christ 20 years ago if a troon started hemming and hawing about how offensive it is that women have vaginas, periods, and are capable of pregnancy they would have been kicked out of class. How did leftists allow themselves to get like this?

No. 2421592

Yes, it's all about deception, using someone else to validate your own specialness, and rape.

No. 2421598

>troons want people who don't want them
Thanks for summarizing it. The general reason for why males even troon out is rapey by itself, I'm not surprised that they think like a rapist in other aspects related to sexuality too. Even the way they try to convince people that it's okay for them to be in places like the women's restroom or the women's locker rooms is so reminiscent of how a rapist would try to spin or justify their actions as "okay".

No. 2421616

File: 1740676241162.jpeg (430.9 KB, 1242x2001, IMG_0017.jpeg)

Tranny on tranny violence

No. 2421722

If I got this message I’d find it hilarious tbh. Why do they get so enraged about the stupidest shit?

No. 2421752

It always bothers me how these peoples' worldview is the USA and only the USA. I've seen so many shitty "historically X race" takes and they only apply to America, or maybe the UK or Canada that has somewhat similar demographics but good god these idiots are ignorant despite how much they sperg out about intersectionalism.

No. 2421915


I will say that TERFs have the most comprehensive understanding of DSDs than other groups. However, I have seen a few try to argue that certain 46XY disorders like (CAIS, Swyer's, 17-Beta HSD3) syndrome should be classified as male strictly due to the presence of a Y chromosome. The aforementioned disorders are notable for the absence or near-absence of male primary and secondary sex characteristics. People seem to be familiar with CAIS, but I rarely hear about the other two.

Going back to what I was saying about the EO, I think the EO's strict definitions of sex (female = XX and male = XY) and the total bans on "gender affirming" care may impede upon the care of those with DSDs. For starters, many DSDs require the surgical removal of the gonads because of a massively increased risk of gonadal cancer. Secondly, several (if not most) DSDs will require some degree of hormone replacement therapy; many children will never undergo puberty naturally. Will a child with Swyer's or 17 Beta HSD3 be banned from having their gonads removed (since the risk of cancer is relatively low at young ages)? Will they be forced to take testosterone/go through male puberty simply because of the presence of a Y chromosome?

I am not a lawyer and I do not feel qualified to interpret laws, but based on my understanding of the EO, there are no provisions for cases such as these. Don't get me wrong, sex is definitely a binary, and these conditions (which impact less than half of 1% of the population) do not negate that fact.

No. 2421939

File: 1740694048481.jpg (123.35 KB, 640x640, b276f673f5da1a06636c3a2571f3ab…)

So an american troon contacted me because they wanted to immigrate to my euro country, to escape "trump's facist america". I'm crypto and this person found me via a very woke online friend, so I have to act nice… but every update they send is literally killing me with anger because of how fucking entitled they are. They're asking for fucking asylum in my country, and was VERY upset and confused to get a reply from the local government that you need to have actually escaped your country, and to be in your target asylum country to even be considered for it. This person had the nerve to apply for asylum over an imaginary trans genocide from the comfort of their own home in their home country so they can leisurely move over at their own pace when they manage to find a place to live here. And I have to sit there like "aww that's too bad, poor you" when I want to punch the screen in from just reading it.

No. 2421944

They are such a super tiny part of the population that they'd easily be exempt though, no? Just like how all adults naturally have all the legal rights over themselves, but in cases where a person is so retarded they literally can't speak or think above the level of a 2 year old then exceptions are made for them so other adults can decide for them and so on.
>and the total bans on "gender affirming" care may impede upon the care of those with DSDs.
Not really. It's not "gender affirming" to remove something for health reasons, so that wouldn't change. Same with hormones, it's never been "gender affirming care" to treat actual medical issues in appropriate ways, and I haven't seen anyone argue that those things should be taken away.

No. 2421957

File: 1740694802778.jpg (137.02 KB, 719x967, IMG_20250227_171647~2.jpg)

You see this yet? Laughed when I saw the reddit post was locked and all comments deleted.

No. 2421962

You're right that a lot of people, GCs included, want to score political points by using people with DSDs instead of legitimately advocating for them. You can tell there are very few people with these conditions because their advocacy groups are so small. GCs really want a bright line about sex and most of them don't care how it impacts people with CAIS or Swyer's, and there are so few of them (only hundreds of people have Swyers) that they can't really advocate on their own behalf. I do agree TERFs are the people with the best understanding of DSDs, though, I've never seen TRAs talk about specific conditions like Klinefelters or 5ARD. They always lump them all in under 'intersex' so they can pretend they're a third sex.

A TIF on one of my servers was complaining that one of their affiliates was an evil terf, so of course I had to go check out the website. The site owner was a terf but what she said was so milquetoast that it was truly ridiculous to get up in arms about it. Worked out for me as I have another woman I can add to my anti-TRA fandom list.

No. 2421972

I know a TIM who dropped out of his biology degree program because of alleged “transphobia” from a professor. He wouldn’t give me the details when I asked so I can only imagine it was because the professor refused to use the word “cis” when describing the differences between males and females. Ah well, at least his female classmates will have one less retarded autist to deal with, and the world will have one less bona fide troon doctor ready to inflict his ideology on patients.

No. 2421996

>I know a TIM who dropped out of his biology degree program because of alleged “transphobia”
Unsurprising, biology is such a transphobic subject, kek.

No. 2422134

I love how unhinged mentally ill men are raising the statistics for crimes committed by women.

No. 2422136

Love when the trash takes itself out

No. 2422253


Again, not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that's not quite how laws work. As far as I know, laws need to be written to a tee in order to avoid/allow certain "loopholes" or grey areas (blanking on a better term for this, but I hope you get what I mean). While I hope that everyone would have enough common sense to see that DSDs =/= tranny bullshit, I am concerned about the possibility of the situation turning into what we see happen in states with limited abortion rights – could doctors be put into a position where they're afraid to provide treatment out of fear of legal gray ares? Now that's extreme, but considering the fact that we've had lawmakers argue that it's possible to re-implant miscarried fetuses, you never know.

The law very plainly states that female = XX and male = XY with no exceptions. Per this law, a person with CAIS or Swyer's is legally male. If we take this law to its fullest logic, then treating these individuals with exogenous estrogen would be against the law. I didn't see a "except when doctors say so" clause in the EO, but if there is, please feel free to fact check me.


It's easy for you to be dismissive of something that won't have an impact on your life in particular kek. For the record, the idea that "most" live completely normal lives is inaccurate. Trying my best not to medsperg here, but many, if not most, of these conditions require some degree of medical intervention to live a "normal" life. I'm not saying that we should give up women's rights for the sake of a tiny minority. It's perfectly possible for the rights of those with DSDs to coexist with women's sex based rights.

No. 2422282


Based take, nona. This may be off topic (forgive me farmhands), but the way that GCs talk about those with DSDs is part of the reason why I've had to step away from GC spaces. To me, radical feminism should lend itself well to protecting the rights of those born with DSDs, given that they marginalized status based on their sex(ual characteristics) and are often treated as female in societies across the globe.

No. 2422349

>It's easy for you to be dismissive of something that won't have an impact on your life in particular kek.
Yes, but more like I'm being dismissive of something that won't have an impact on ANYBODY'S life except the 0,00000001%. So yeah, I proudly don't give a shit about inevitable malformations.
>For the record, the idea that "most" live completely normal lives is inaccurate.
>It's perfectly possible for the rights of those with DSDs to coexist with women's sex based rights.
In a perfect world, maybe. But in this one, the few intersex people that exist and are aware of their condition seem to have decided to not only side with trannies, but to identify as such. In this women vs degenerate AGP men debate, any minority who doesn't realize this isn't even about them and they should either support fellow marginalized women or sit this one out, is simply a misogynist.

No. 2422352

but then trannies say that people who dont understand transgenderism dont understand biology lol

No. 2422663

Journalism's 'reputation' will never recover.

No. 2422666

You're the newfag here. Using greentext in this context would get you dogpiled on 4chan.

No. 2422713

To be fair, Mother Mother also said
>I wear women’s underwear
so wasn’t it bound to happen?

No. 2422719

Then again, that song seems to be about how being a GNC man does not make him a woman, and all the gendies in the YouTube comments miss the point. It still has AGP vibes, though

No. 2422779

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Acting as if TIFs aren’t oppressed…

No. 2422793


it's always really funny when the larp falls apart for them though. i've never once seen the "you get to choose!! you ARE the gender your haircut is!!!!" shit hold up once Lilith joins in

No. 2422812

>"im afab and amab people are scawy :(("
>fucking embarassing
I want to alog so badly. These creatures have no empathy for women whatsoever. I'm so fucking sick of every handmaiden and TIF on the planet simping for TIMs while they shit on women back in return.

No. 2422821

The way TIMs behave like regular men kekkk. Even the most roided up TIF doesn’t get close to behaving like a man. Funnily enough TIF criminals don’t have the same male pattern, but TIMs? They love being rapists and sex offenders.

No. 2422850

TIFs behave nothing like actual men kek. Every single TIM I've met behaves much closer to them because news flash, they're men. They're indistinguishable from all the other coomer moids outside of the fact that they wear a skirt and pretend they're women.

No. 2422891

>you're closer to cis men than transwomen will ever be
pffft HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit, is this faggot serious? Dude, trannoids are a trip, man.

No. 2422915

File: 1740754692037.jpeg (Spoiler Image,167.38 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_7624.jpeg)

OP take a step back and realize THIS is who you’re nlogging for

No. 2423839

Being conflict avoidant is probably why she trooned out in the first place. Stop talking about gender (I know she probably brings it up every ten seconds but don't encourage or initiate any gender-centric conversations) and start talking about her achievements, what she's doing to look after her mental health, encourage her to go outside and speak to normal people sometimes, give her ideas on how to cope with life that don't involve new pronouns and shitty tattoos, maybe do a challenge with her for a month like a drawing or reading challenge so you have a reason to chat every day about something that isn't muh hormones. Troons only ever talk about troonism. Literally everything from their ice cream preferences to their hair to their interaction with the bus driver is linked to being a tranny and having gender feefees. If you pull her out of that for a bit and show her that there's a whole world out there filled with people who aren't insane, she might peak on her own, or at least drift away from troonism long enough to start having her own thoughts and feelings without needing to run them past the cult leaders first. Confronting the tranny bullshit head first is going to make her retreat into her shell even more and she won't trust you as a friend. Cult members can't be forced out of a cult, they need to be open to leaving, and reminding her that she's more than a set of pronouns in bio might give her the confidence she needs to start questioning them.
How lovely to know that he won't have any peace at his new school because kids have phones and they are vicious.

No. 2424017

>I think this is another talking point they stole from gay people, who were responding to the accusation that being gay is unnatural or a symptom of modern society or whatever.
"There are gay animals in nature, therefore homosexuality is quite common in mammals and some birds!"
"So there are trans ones!"
"Can you name me a mammal one? You only show us birds, insects or fishes, no mammals that can change their sex at their own will or due hormonal problems."
"Google, transphobic pos".

No. 2424020

kek based professor.

No. 2424236

Mostly unrelated but is Dylan HSTS or a regular old AGP? Him and Honter Schafer both have a similar level of ambiguity there to me

No. 2424250

It's hard for me to decide. On the one hand, his retarded skits on tiktok about hiking outside in heels and his barbie board and obsession with periods makes me think AGP. But dressing up his hulking form and doing a ballet-esque production for his "reveal" (?) reads arrogant HSTS to me.

No. 2424280

Hunter is bisexual with a fetish of being used as a woman. His words in his manifesto. That tranny is disgusting.

No. 2424281

I think Dylan is gay, so he’s an AGO HSTS probably.

No. 2424358

The thing is they don't want to be treated like actual women though. They want to constantly take advantage of their maleness and super-oppressed genderspecial label whenever possible, but then turn it against people when it's convenient and pretend they just wanted to be treated like normal women. No moid actually wants to be treated like a woman going through life, not even one.

AYRT and late but I don't know what you mean? I have multiple degrees in biomedical science as well and the definition in the most recent EO was, first of all, an accurate one that would include DSDs (it wasn't purely chromosome based but based on what gametes the person would grow up to produce if healthy; this is pretty discernable even in people with DSDs that don't lead to gamete production). Second, the EO just reverted back to using the same rules about sex on documents, in change rooms, etc. that were in place 10-15 years ago, at which point there was already fairly advanced/established healthcare for DSDs. DSD health care has not come that far in the last 10 or so years since the 'sex' distinction was changed to gender, so I don't see why reverting back to this slightly older norm would really change anything relating to DSD healthcare. I have not seen any actual people with DSDs talking about how taking away women's sex based rights 'helped' them get dramatically better care either, just troons larping as intersex. At any rate if there was any specific intersex healthcare affected it would probably be much better and easier to address it directly than by granting privileges to troons and taking away legal sex definitions. Could you specify which part of the EO (which mostly didn't talk about healthcare at all) would make things worse for DSD care?

I agree with you that DSDs are used a lot as 'props' for gender arguments but I haven't seen this much from radfems, just genderists. Most radfems just want people with DSDs left alone/left out of most of these gender arguments (and from my reading of DSD activist communities they mostly want to be left out of them too), and for biologically male intersex people not to be in women's sports (which is reasonable and doesn't interfere with their health care in any way).

Not sure what you mean by this anon. I'm not 'listening' to anyone specific just noting something I've seen in a lot of online feminist communities. I haven't seen any 'normies' irl lamenting that specific EO, no, but I'm talking about the realm of leftist/feminist political activism. I don't think 'restoring the legal definition of sex is bad for women actually' is a good hill to die on for anyone, regardless of their other views.

I'm not going to comb through all the old threads to find it but if you're interested you could find the amerifags thread from around when the EO was passed to see several comments to that effect. A lot of them seemed to be suggesting that this EO is a way to 'slip in' anti-reproductive rights legislation even though they were perfectly capable of doing that even under the old gender definitions and would do that regardless. Other comments were suggesting it was an attempt to push traditional gender roles, again even though TRAs have been doing just fine at that on their own without even needing to ally with conservatives.

No. 2424390

File: 1740837738654.png (156.37 KB, 959x781, genderidentityEO.png)

Lol I had an HSTS troon acquaintance who did exactly this - he went 'stealth' with one of my friends, then when they were making out and about to have sex he admitted he still had a dick, friend politely turned him down and he then went on a total scorched earth rampage with our entire friend/professional group out of unhinged troon rage that waiting until they were in the bed to confess he was bepenised didn't 'work.' Like would not even talk to anyone or say hi to them if they were seated at an adjacent table to the offending straight moid, at professional events. He really considered himself the victim not an almost-rapist.

That's not the definition in the EO though. I attached the actual 'definitions' section of the EO (picrel). The definitions of male and female are broad (somewhat circular even) and don't reference chromosomes specifically. They don't really have a clear application to DSDs like Swyer's because a person with Swyer's doesn't produce gametes at all, but most medical professionals would agree they generally have the anatomy that would produce the large gamete, hypothetically, so it's not exactly locking them out of being sexed as female.

I also don't think removal of streak gonads etc. was ever considered 'gender affirming care' to begin with. So many girls are already given hormonal therapies (bc pills etc) or spiro as minors even for conditions as minor as acne or painful menstruation that just giving sex hormones to children for non-gender reasons is not considered 'gender affirming care' either. Similarly, I don't think Lupron for precocious puberty (which I don't agree with either for drug safety reasons, but nonetheless) has ever been considered 'gender affirming' healthcare. There are already states that banned gender affirming care for minors prior to this EO but they allow intersex surgeries and treatments (Georgia, Kentucky, etc.)

>but based on my understanding of the EO, there are no provisions for cases such as these.

It's just going back to the pre-2010s-2020s (or thereabouts) status quo and there were never specific provisions for those cases in general civil rights sex definitions from that time either. Many other non-US countries ban or limit gender affirming care for minors without having specific legal provisions but still treat DSDs. This seems like a non-issue unless someone starts a campaign to specifically target intersex conditions but the only people I can imagine doing that is troons themselves, in order to prove a point.

Also this is neither here nor there but EOs are typically just directives given to the federal executive branch about how to enforce laws and policies in broad strokes. This particular EO doesn't reference medical care specifically except for federal prison inmates. It's not like the EO is likely to cause federal bureaucrats to literally walk into hospitals and start admonishing doctors for removing the streak gonads of some girl with Swyer's. It's mostly about enforcement of more broad strokes policies like who gets what passport, who qualifies for certain 'protected' status rights in legal disputes, which definition of sex/gender school boards should be enforcing in order to be granted certain sorts of federal funding, etc. Yes, it is likely to affect what types of conditions would get coverage under medicare/medicaid/ etc. downstream but there are many levels of bureaucracy between the EO writers and the people approving certain procedures, and all the medical professionals deliberating these things would have to be pretty retarded to qualify DSD care as 'gender affirming care' all of a sudden just to stick it to intersex people or children. Thankfully for the time being most medical specialists still aren't malding troons.

I agree with the second nonna, this is the thing that has mostly worked for me with friends that were gendies/on the cusp of trooning. If you approach it too head on they are most likely to get extremely defensive on the behalf of troons and over-identify with troons even more/cut themselves off from normal people including yourself. Reminding them there is a real world out there where everything isn't about gender seems to snap people out of it more easily, even if it could take longer. I still remember reading a post somewhere where a girl had 2 hours on a train without phone battery and it made her reconsider her 'gender identity.' They just need to be separated from super-onlineness in general and experience existing in their bodies in a neutral way. Of course if they are way too far gone this likely won't work either but then neither would anything, most likely.

With friends who are already kind of normies and support trans causes to be nice, talking to them directly about how evil gender ideology is often works, but when someone is already invested in this it's likely because they see these communities as a form of 'safe space' or identify with them, so attacking the thing they identify with in order to feel safer/accepted will just make them withdraw further into those spaces since they won't be criticized or attacked there. If they realize that there are plenty of emotionally safe, validating communities or activities that don't hinge on microidentities on the other hand they're more likely to prefer those to their gender spaces. Take your friend hiking or try to write a song together or something. And yes act like the troon topic is mildly annoying/uninteresting so she realizes she needs to think about other things to be socially engaging. You can even do this by 'playing dumb' and saying you don't get it when she brings up these topics. But also in this situation I don't think anyone should blame themselves if their attempts to deprogram their friend don't work - sure it's worth a try but like with many other maladaptive/disordered cognitive habits (various addictions, self harm behavior, etc) people have to be willing and ready to snap out of it themselves.

The other strategy that sometimes works is asking very gentle non-judgmental questions about what they hope to achieve with their special gender identity, but this depends on what kind of gendie they are. If the friend is just a 'they/them' and isn't considering medical interventions, you can just ask her stuff like 'what does it mean to be like a woman though' or 'how does something (like a hobby, personality trait, aptitude etc) become inherently feminine, haha remember when pink used to be considered a boy color and blue was a girl color,' or if you're GNC in some way be like 'am I not a woman just because I have (stereotypically masculine quality)? That seems so regressive!' If she's trying to take steps to medically transition you can ask 'are you excited to have a beard and body hair' or 'do you think you'll miss your voice' etc. I tried both these strategies on a friend who was identifying as a TIF and she snapped out of it so fast when I 'innocently' asked her if she's excited at the prospect of voice changes, a beard, and male pattern baldness. The risk with this though is that it would encourage her to talk more about gender ideology or that she could realize you're trying to 'trap' her with the questions, so you have to be subtle about it and not do it too often.

No. 2424396

Exactly. That's how I feel about everything. Child marriage, FGM, sexism, serial killers. All bad things that we should progress to get rid of. Trannies are the same.

No. 2424442

Trannies really appropriate everything to make their movement seem legit.

"Gays have always existed" to "Trannies have always existed"

"The future is female" to "the future is trans"

"Black lives matter" to "trans lives matter" (sometimes they'll say black trans lives lol)

"End literally any country/ethnic group where genocide is occurring genocide" to "end trans genocide"

These retards don't have a single original thought in their brains. Every slogan they steal to seem legit just makes it even more glaringly obvious how they don't even have actual problems only the stupid ones that they create

No. 2424536

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Even my weeb comic piracy sites are not safe from this shit anymore. I'm so disgusted. Also the comments section reveals that normies don't even know wtf transwoman / transman means, makes sense why so many of them blindly support gendercrap, they don't even use any of their brain cells

No. 2424541

I just want regular BL/fujo shit. This cuntboy stuff is disgusting

No. 2424588

>some transmasc wanna be a sub category of women so bad
because they are?
>"amab ppl are scawy" youre more similar to cis men than any trans women will be
being afraid of men is a male trait and not a female trait?

No. 2424728

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I know 4chan trannies are low hanging fruit but this made me cackle. The whole thread was like this, a tranny soooooo close to getting it followed by a mountain of cope.

No. 2424742

>T is a controlled substance for a reason, while E isn’t
lmao I bet the TIMs loved that one

No. 2424777

>T is a controlled substance for a reason, while E isn't
Oh shit dude.

No. 2424787

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Every time there's a troon on 90 Day Fiancé (which is almost every seasons at this point) all the handmaidens just have to post shit like this. The troons always look very male and they all gush about how gorgeous and modelesque they are.

No. 2424792

The male body is so obvious too. kekk big back looking ass

No. 2424794

It's funny how it usually doesn't even matter if they wear makeup. Anyone can tell this is a male just by looking at his face for five seconds. The only legitimate period of time where a tranny has zero odds of getting clocked is when nobody is looking at or noticing them at all.

No. 2424795

Is this a joke? It's just an ugly man in a slutty top. I'm getting so sick of handmaidens gushing over TIMs for doing things an actual women would get laughed at for. Keking at the blocky male chest and torso with no hips. What does she mean by beautiful skin, it's like if you got a random man you saw at the mall and put him in gay clothes and gave him makeup and long hair

No. 2424808

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No. 2424837

You ever read a comic by an online artist and you can just tell they're annoying IRL?

No. 2424850

it is absolutely bonkers to me that even when you're dealing with an obviously mentally unstable and parasitic nutjob like Elphaba, people feel like they can't criticize her without putting a ten-minute disclaimer about 'btw im not a terf, guys, terfs are totally gross and i would never, lol, punch a terf in the face amirite, kek, anyways here's 45 minutes of a troon abusing and weaponizing their status as a protected minority which is TOTALLY TRUE AND VALID btw'. the cognitive dissonance is unreal.

No. 2424878

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It's funny how whenever a culture has 'third genders' like it always turns out to be men raping young boys or eunuchs

No. 2424880

This is why western moids are always caught for pedophila crimes in the Philippines.

No. 2424884

>"Sometimes I feel sorry for them, knowing they might never experience the true joy of having a devastating advantage when playing 'two truths and a lie'"
>that halo when she says she doesn't have nipples
She is coping hard with this aggressively quirky, smug, condescending humor. Seems like sour grapes after spending 3 years post-mastectomy never passing as a man.

No. 2424913

dr penis is the only sane reply

No. 2424937

>bore no stigma
So how much evidence is there of homosexual relationships between men where neither was pressured to ‘feminize’?

No. 2425215

>twitter mutual (female) keeps gushing about her boyfriend
>the "boyfriend" turns out to be another woman (he/him in bio)
>mutual tweets "het ships are awesome in fiction because irl men don't love women"
Genuinely hilarious how women like that don't take their TIF partners seriously kek. Also saged for slight blog.

No. 2425278

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idk who tf that is on the pic but the amount of brainrot gendies have is mind-boggling

No. 2425280

It's still sexual even for HSTS, they just don't want to admit it. Because Dylan focuses so much "girlhood", I'm torn whether he is an autogynephilic autopedophile, or another pervert is paying good money for him to pretend to be a little girl as a force-femming twist on ddlg.

No. 2425395

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I wonder why this person may struggle with people disliking him? It can’t be because of his personality.

No. 2425508

I love how quickly they want to use having a vagina to demean women when it's useful to them. What happened to those designer pussies you like to brag about? Oh, for some reason they're not relevant right now, so it's not transphobic to exclude them? Kek ok

No. 2425535

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> mother’s first born son begins resentment filled tirade about the woes of being a penis bearer, and the treachery of woman who have it soooo much better
HAHAHA OKAY INCEL, I see where this is going. He wants to go mask off and bring up the draft sooo badly I just know it.

No. 2425603

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>you look like a man so you are a man
if you're a horse faced tranny crashing out on twitter, pause for a second and ask yourself if this is really a strategic position to take.

No. 2425614

probably similar to afghan/greek views on sexuality, sex between two adult men is considered unnatural. while the bottom role is more stigmatized, it was still considered unnatural even for the top to engage in sexual relations with another adult man, like marc antony was once criticized for having a 17 year old boy as a sex slave, as this was considered too old and close to manhood, compared to the societal preference for younger boys, usually 10-12 year-olds

No. 2425636

call that haircut the emo trump

No. 2425637

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that's israeli-americ "detransitioner" (desister, in reality) maia poet. she's honestly quite a lolcow on her own merit given that she openly lies about being a "hamas survivor" when she wasn't anywhere near israel in the past couple years and allegedly got stuck in a janitor's mop bucket in her college days.

No. 2425641

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more evidence she's a straight up wackjob btw

No. 2425646

Hmm retards do look smarter with glasses I guess. I think grooming is a big factor, she looks very clean and appropriately dressed. Even seeing her doing this, I assumed there was probably a good reason before reading what happened. I assumed the cows were the barefoot, fupa or greasy person

No. 2425648

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's more context to this kek.

No. 2425677

I'm loosing my patience with men like this girl's brother in >>>/snow/2094489 who just go along with gender ideology while being fully aware on some level that it's weird. Like I get that when women go along with it it's because we're socialized to be compassionate, to care about other people and to put ourselves in their positions. It's more important for a woman to be perceived as nice than for her to stick up for herself/the truth. Women who are TRAs genuinely believe in gender ideology to the point where they will low-key compete over who's the wokest alpha nice-bitch that really truly accepts and understands troons. But your average non-AGP/HSTS straight man will just go along with gender ideology because it's the easy thing to do. He doesn't believe in it, or understand it, or have any empathy for people who struggle with the insecurity it derives from - he might even be against it if he sat down and thought about it for more than 2 minutes, but he won't do that because thinking is hard, and putting his thoughts into words is hard, but since he doesn't actually understand gender ideology he's perfectly able to see that a woman calling herself a "short little guy" is strange, and when other people ask why he feels uncomfortable, he just passively agrees with whatever reason they supply because it gets him out of the feelings conversation faster.
> Why do you feel uncomfortable when I call myself a short dude?
> I don't know si- bro, it's just weird.
> Is it because men aren't supposed to embrace being short?
> Uh yeah that must be why.
This type of man will play lip-service to TIFs and TIMs while treating TIFs exactly like every other female and TIMs like equals.
TRA women are trying to be nice. TRA men are just lazy. And this is what pisses me off.

No. 2425694

there's a difference between vocal tra's and well-meaning liberals, her brother falls in the latter category.

No. 2425714

i used to babysit these non-identical female twins who lived next door to me.
they are now 16 and one of them identifies as non-binary and has changed her name and pronouns. (interestingly, it is the other twin who is actually gender non-conforming. into football, had short hair her entire life and was confused for a boy, etc.) i am meeting up with them separately soon and i'm really looking forward to seeing them both.
i was sending updates to the mum and decided to very gently ask how she feels about the child's non-binary identity. she said "It's fine." along with a description of the name-changing process. I then offered to talk about it with her if she ever feels the need to discuss it with a neutral third party, explaining that i used to be nonbinary and realised it was a maladaptive response to growing up female.
i really hope i haven't overstepped a line (she hasn't responded). i don't think the child will medicalise but you never know. last time i saw her she was 14 and talking about being "mlm". i don;t think the mum has any idea what she's up against.

No. 2425724

>I don't think the child will medicalise but you never know
Dr Hillary Cass concluded that social transitioning is not a "neutral act". The more the mother calls her daughter they/them, the more likely it is she'll want hormones and surgery. Affirmation feeds the delusion.

No. 2425727

i know. i just don't want to alienate the mum or indeed the child. or make them think i'm the enemy. the mum referred to her as "her" and then edited the message in whatsapp to change the pronoun! i know it can't be plain sailing for her, surely… i hope she replies so i can get an idea of how to approach it from here. i care about the family a lot, i've known the twins their entire lives.

No. 2425892

admitted to my extremely gendie friend that i absolutely do not believe in gender ideology, i see it as a grooming cult full of perverted, disgusting men and that it is absolutely impossible for someone to change their gender and that transgender is a mental illness. was absolutely shocked they didn't disown me and tell everyone they know. somehow we're still friends. was ready for the worst, really

No. 2425947

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Unpopular opinion: your rights are shit.

No. 2425960

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Sometimes I think about her, Shiki Aoki.
Shiki Aoki is a japanese voice actress and singer for im@s, she came out (surprise!) in 2020 as a troon and tried pass off first as nonbinary by not wearing skirts in shows and to her admission, she doesn't take T because otherwise she would be dropped as a voice actress, only for her to never start it and coming back to wear skirts again. I know, sex is not clothes, but she pulled a Demi Lovato move, tried to see if this would stick, it failed and now she's acting like anything ever happened but she cannot totally detrans socially because she put herself in a middle position where if she commits she loses her job and if she doesn't, she loses public rainbow alphabet support.
In one intervied, she said:
>Regarding acting as a voice actor, " I thought I wanted to undergo hormone treatment or sex reassignment surgery because I recognized myself as male , but I soon realized the existence of intersex people and that it (surgical treatment) was not as important as I thought. “Right now, voice acting is more important than surgery,” he said.
Basically she's using the intersex cases to justify her lack of commitment while also saying that she know she would be dropped. The ultimate, self-trapped theyfab. Sometimes I wonder how the public sees her because it's clear that she's not considered normal and the gender ideology didn't yet infect japan like the usa, she stands out like a sore thumb.

No. 2425963

I hate how they're a completely different category and they put themselves in front of everyone, latching and leeching off every possible movement and now they're crying if anyone wants to eradicate them because "it will affect your rights too!"
yeah, why? Maybe it's because troon shit infected everything, starting off with gay rights and women rights? Claiming themselves a minority and infecting the minority individual struggles? I hate them for this. Every single one of these slabs is different, it's not a crescendo, troon shit put them up in the same category so if they fall, everything else falls and their indivual fall will be less heavy. Parasytes.

No. 2425992

Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure that I recently saw a video of Dylan “coming out as a lesbian”. Again, not quite sure, but I could have sworn that was a thing.

No. 2426059

>Women who are TRAs genuinely believe in gender ideology to the point where they will low-key compete over who's the wokest alpha nice-bitch that really truly accepts and understands troons. But your average non-AGP/HSTS straight man will just go along with gender ideology because it's the easy thing to do.
Idk. I think that women who go to bat for the movement and argue and attack people and compete over being the most enlightened are faking it too, it's just that the standard for being supportive as a woman involves more effort and self-sacrifice than it does for a man.

No. 2426068

I remember there being some article about him saying something along the lines of him swinging both ways now that he's started hormones, but it was also soon after him complaining about struggling finding a boyfriend so it was probably just him being desperate for someone to suck his floppy dick since just wearing skirts wasn't doing it for him anymore. It was discussed in one of his threads on /snow/, so if an anon with more time on her hands than me is willing to dig it up please do.

No. 2426080

Trans ‘rights’ with its shaky foundations wrecking shit for everyone else. Pretty accurate, actually.

No. 2426115

I feel like hsts and agp is what most Tronos have like comorbidly. Idk like the transbians who only go for actual women are obviously pure agp and the self hating gay dudes who only transition because of internalized homophobia (like Blaire white) are HSTS but nowadays I would say most Tronos are both whether they go for men, women, or both. Like Hunter Schafer, Nikita Dragon, and alot of other modern day trannies seem to fetishize being a woman (and being turned on it by it) even if they only go after men. Porn has rotted so many men's brains that their sexuality as a whole is just fucked.

No. 2426118

Same fag idk why my autocorrect keeps saying tronos I'm trying to say troons

No. 2426126

I thought Dylan was a purebred faggot why the fuck is he predation on women now? What power level of misogyny is this???

No. 2426131

No. It's too late. I'm keeping tronos now. The god of skinwalking and gooning

No. 2426139

The only argument I get, from other women no less, when I say it's ok if a man wants to wear make up, dresses or high heels, I couldn't care less, but that is not what defines a woman, that ideology is precisely so misogynist that reduces us women to be a mere object of decoration… Well, the only argument I get is that I'm a TERF and that this is hate speech. Why don't they see? I feel so alone in this, in real life I mean.

No. 2426148

Gendies are like trumpfags they make excuses and get offended when their ideology is questioned. They are cultists and are terrified of being shunned. It's so annoying.

No. 2426164

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No. 2426168

I was at a neighborhood event in the gay quarter of my town for work and I saw the first TIF I’ve ever seen in real life with phalloplasty scars. And I clocked her even before I saw the mutilated arm. All that just to register as female instantaneously is crazy

No. 2426176

She was showing the scar off?
I do not understand tifs

No. 2426186

Not showing it off, but she was in short sleeves so you could see it even from a distance

No. 2426218

Peak stuff. I'm reposting this to >>>/m/385480

No. 2426228

I hate to bring sperg about semantics, but I don’t want any trans freak to ever call you on it and use it as an excuse to call you uneducated. troon is used to denote a trans identified male. the opposite and what you’re looking for would be pooner or poon, but I hate that word so I just always use tif. it’s retarded but if you’re gonna play their game. that being said, this makes me really sad. it’s surreal seeing articles online call her a man. it sounds like she just wants to be a girl again, but society…..

No. 2426239

from what ive seen the HSTS subtype is less "internalized homophobia" and more "perverted narcissist who wants to be seen as "better" than women to men and wants to fuck "straight" guys"

No. 2426270

nta but while that may be the origin of the term, ive definitely seen troon used for both tims and tifs these days ("trooned out" especially). besides, troons are in no position to start lecturing us on definitions kek

No. 2426312

I'm a woman that was born with a genetic disorder, my mammary glands didnt develop properly and I never developed breasts at puberty. It was so bad for my mental health to be a teenage girl with no breasts that I almost trooned out myself. When I was 19 I got a breast augmentation and I have no regrets. But trannies call this a "gender affirming surgery" and I don't know how to argue that it isn't. It seems so obvious to me that a 19 year old with a genetic disorder is different from a grown man with a fetish but they are dead set on saying I had a "gender affirming procedure"

No. 2426318

So a tif can troon out but only a scrote can be a troon kek. I honestly just use fakeboi or tif and think pooner is a bit of a gross term.

No. 2426320

Even if it is, the difference is that you were correcting a genetic disorder that prevented your female body from going through a complete female puberty. That is not and never will be the same as men, whose male bodies have completed male puberty, decide they want a boob job because it makes their fully functioning penis hard.

No. 2426344

The irony of this image isnt lost on me in that in fighting for trans rights they are toppling gay rights, womens rights and free speech kek.

No. 2426363

I saw a comment about that post complaining about the lefties all pointing out that the tranny rights are toppling the LGB rights because you're not meant to interpret it that way kek. I wish I could find it again, the notes were incredible.
She's either a doormat who's going to spend days in bed sobbing, or she's on the road to peaking and doesn't care, or she wants to convert you to her cult. Be careful, but honestly good for you for telling her that.

No. 2426379

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Its a real shame there arnt more public figures like JK Rowling standing up against this shit.

No. 2426381

Moids always want to pretend like they're more oppressed than women. Women are the "women of women", not males playing dress up. Being a male that puts makeup on and has people bully you as a result of your own mental retardation doesn't put you on the same tier as suffering and being discriminated due to being born female.
I do feel way more resentment towards the males that support this shit. It's not like they have anything to fear compared to women if they speak out but they're still massive cowards and too stupid to even understand or empathize with anything. All of them just come off as misogynistic closeted fags.

No. 2426383

Love jk Rowling.

No. 2426400

i feel like that has nothing to do with "gender" its literally organs you shouldve developed as a female human. thats like saying prosthetics have something to do with gender like no its just a replacement for something meant to be there or something lost. the difference is trannies were never meant to have those parts in the first place

No. 2426404

well anon, you did it because you're female and boobs = female, troons who think they're women do it for the boobs = female reason as well. i think it's stupid either way because neither you nor troons get mammary glands from implants. it all feeds into societal expectations of women. you were no less a woman without breasts than troons are women with them. and women with things like pcos aren't less women either. womanhood is about literally being female nothing more, and no amount of surgery will make anyone more womanly.

No. 2426416

>"Women are women, but they're not the same as cis women"
>You still want to be seen as women and demand stuff from them.
Based queen.

No. 2426443

The whole 'hormonal imbalance makes you look male' thing is so tiresome. The vast overwhelming majority of women with hormonal imbalances (i.e., endometriosis or PCOS) have them because of an initial overproduction of estrogen (yes, even PCOS is caused by estrogen overproduction relative to progesterone, even though it eventually causes high T) and no, being a high-estrogen woman does not make you look male or 'pass' as male even if it gives you hirsutism or in rare cases hair loss/central obesity. Troons really want to justify their existence by pointing out some women have high-estrogen triggered hormonal imbalances when none of those women ever look remotely like men anyway and shit like PCOS is just as likely to cause excessive menstrual bleeding as it is to cause amenorrhea. Males appropriating female-specific medical conditions is bad enough but they don't even understand what these conditions are, what causes them or what the symptoms are.

Agree with this. It's not that women are so much more genuine in their pro-TRA beliefs on the whole (although they might 'relate' more simply because they know what it's like to be part of an oppressed sex class), it's that the standard for being 'emotionally supportive' and generally well-read on identity politics is so much higher for women. Men get away with the bare minimum of just not being overtly awful and are seen as sweet angels for it, while women have to prostrate themselves and spend all their time and energy researching how to best provide emotional support to even be seen as neutral.

This is my experience with HSTS irl too. I think there probably were a lot more HSTS in the past with actual internalized homophobia driving their trooning but at least in Western societies, where lbr people are fairly accepting of gay moids, and even gay moids looking/acting 'effeminate,' I think the main thing driving HSTS is an unhinged competitiveness/jealousy toward women.

It's not a gender affirming surgery, it's just regular plastic surgery to look more like how you want to look. Gender affirming surgery definitionally is surgery to look more like the other sex, it's not surgery to 'improve' your appearance. To be clear I don't really think the rise of aesthetic plastic surgery is a good thing but it's disingenuous to call an aesthetic procedure to make a woman (or man) more 'stereotypically attractive' gender affirming. Everyone knows that gender affirming means transgender surgery. Flat chested women don't look remotely male anyway, only male troons try to pretend they do to self-soothe.

No. 2426719

i actually think it is "gender affirming" in that retard flat chests get it to try to pretend they're more womanly to males.

No. 2426725

She’s really hot so I don’t care

No. 2426752

Only if you’re attracted to plastic and filters.

No. 2426776

Just call me Ken the way I’ll be all over that plastic tbh

No. 2426778

Yeah she's always had some issues, I remember she used to be an anachan and post bodychecks all the time (don't follow her much anymore but I think she pivoted into fitness stuff since then). It's interesting to see such a common TIF archetype of 'insecure feminine woman who feels she's NLOG' manifest in a Japanese woman though. Also not really relevant but I think it's a bit ironic that the specific im@s character she voices is an edgy fake-deep teenager trying to find an identity.

No. 2426800

>Also not really relevant but I think it's a bit ironic that the specific im@s character she voices is an edgy fake-deep teenager trying to find an identity.
nta but i remember making fun of that too with my im@s friends kek another japanese chuuni who's nonbianry is the oyasumi punpun mangaka

No. 2426814

trannies are just using that logic to try and belittle women and their body image issues and to try and make what they're doing seem normal. wanting to feel more attractive or comfortable in your own skin isn't 'gender affirming' because if it was then how do you explain a feminine woman getting something like a breast reduction surgery? wanting smaller boobs doesn't mean you're a step closer to being a male.(integrate)

No. 2426876

>Be careful, but honestly good for you for telling her that.
thank you nonna. i appreciate it! you're right, and i'm going to remain suspicious and on the lookout because i cannot trust gendies. it felt good to get off my chest to be honest, i went all-in and said a lot of criticisms about the tranny movement. i was fully prepared to lose a friend and potentially multiple, but i didn't care at that point. i'd much rather lose friends than play pretend

No. 2426902

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1. Why are you arguing with trannies in the first place when you know they only want to shit on women regardless of what choices we make and the conditions we make them under, 2. Women who have mastectomies and get implants aren't doing it to prevent themselves from becoming men, they're getting back a part of their bodies that was taken from them by forces outside of their control, it was always meant to be there and 3. You're not getting surgery for a fetish or from self loathing or to appease an insane munchie by proxy parent, your breast implants aren't in the same league as a troon's.
No tranny on Earth cares about your issues and feeling unless they're the kind who get off to insecure women and bimbofication. You're better off telling them to go to a basement clinic in Cancun for hot new mommy milkers than making any sort of rational argument.
What a queen, calling TRAs out for their men's rights activism shit. Picrel is the butthurt reply kek. Amazing how the TRAs never have anything to say about the criticisms we make or the points we raise,their only comebacks are saying that we're ugly, have no lives, or desperately want to troon out ourselves. Truly the masters of debate.

No. 2427390

File: 1741033140960.jpeg (348.59 KB, 1170x1818, IMG_1583.jpeg)

Dumb question I know, but do puberty blockers eventually wear off? All the trannies on them eventually seem to revert if they don’t use plastic surgery, for example Hunter who had to get fake tits kek.
And 25-28 seems the wall off age.

No. 2427429

File: 1741035963248.jpg (285.99 KB, 1080x1161, 1000003455.jpg)

Tranny says that withholding puberty blockers and estrogen from little boys is just like throwing acid in a woman's face

No. 2427433

We all know that being a tranny and not getting free surgeries and unneeded medicine is akin to genocide and femicide. The life of a tranny is the same as a prisoner in a gulag, poor them.

No. 2427435

I hope they continue speaking like this, operation #listentotranswomen go!

No. 2427446

Blockers make boys emulate late bloomers. My dad was a natural late bloomers, 5'6", and he looked like a child until he grew a beard at 25. He didn't really hit the wall until about 35. But after 35, he looked exactly like every other man his age

No. 2427461

i live in a country where acid attacks are the norm no you fucking troon it isnt like refusing a tarded sheltered child from taking horse piss so theyll medically castrate themselves and get off their fetish faggot an acid attack is not only most of the time fatal it is also harrowing because the woman attacked has been violated of her rights you CONSENT to having your dick chopped off you worthless vermin a woman who has her face melted and made blind DOESNT it is the same to being raped not you being a moid will realize how devastating it is because these attacks are done by your subhuman kind what a world we live in where fucking rape and femicide are being compared to a moid not getting his way for his fucking vile fetish

No. 2427470

This is my understanding as well, they just delay the inevitable. The biggest change is that due to delaying puberty they’re more likely to have microdicks. If they choose to get bottom surgery they’ll need to get the colon vaginoplasty just due to lack of real estate for the pull-through method.

No. 2427610

I don't think anyone here is qualified to say that the blockers only delay the inevitable, that's just so dismissive and ignores how literally life changing puberty hormones are. There is already relatively so little medical research on women and girls.

No. 2427621

the biggest change is the low iq

No. 2427625

When I said “just delay the inevitable” I meant displaying secondary sex characteristics, not that they weren’t harmful.

No. 2427766

File: 1741052564535.png (495.2 KB, 751x678, disney.png)

first world issues but black people can't complain about content representing them and their culture being shelved because tranny content always has it worse!!! the context is that an upcoming disney princess and the frog show got shelved and people are reasonably mad because genuine representation that isn't "cast non white actress, throw her to the wolves" is scarce. even for the small issues, they never care about OTHER sides.

No. 2427979

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IDK it just reads as typical plastic surgery shilling under a delusional veneer of inclusive positivity.

No. 2428014

its really crazy how ive never seen a man get ffs and actually pass as female after. all their surgeries are so pointless and wasteful

No. 2428157

I cannot stress enough how fucking terrifying it is that kids who take puberty blockers IQ on average DROPS. Your IQ is supposed to be consistent throughout life, blockers are damaging the brain development so much they are literally becoming developmentally damaged and retarded.
Just 10 IQ points can be the difference between making it through college, or being an independent adult who can do things safely. The negative impacts of puberty blockers can be so big it ruins the kids life forever.

No. 2428262

weird. I thought according to them you "couldn't tell" yet they automatically clock an actual woman as one of their own because she's freakishly tall

No. 2428277

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Troons being delusional again. Most trannies online aren't afraid of coming off as perverts whatsoever, their social media is usually filled with them reposting anime porn and having usernames like "puppygirl slave", they love to share all their kinks and how coomery they are. Men (including troons) are the ones overwhelmingly raping and harassing women, but yeah sure it's totally women who are bigger degenerates and would rape people if they had a dick. As if this would give them male agression and socialization. I'm tired of this male copium that women are bigger coomers than men in general, feels so common these days and it's just totally retarded. Even more so when it's coming from troons of all people when they're some of the biggest sex pests online.

No. 2428284

>living like rance
ah so they admit theyre rapists?

No. 2428291

Men will never be women no matter how much stereotypical crap they do. They will never experience being undermined for being a woman, having your logic and intelligence questioned. They will never fear walking alone at night, or have to be nice in rejection, memorizing a fake phone number. I hate men. They bring nothing but pain and danger to women. Men will never get it. The woman only experience is only for biological women.
I truly wish more public figures were vocally against trannies like JKR is. Sadly, the only reason he can even voice her opinion is because she's rich and established.

No. 2428293

The average woman wouldn't suddenly become a rapist because she got 24 hour temp D. Men can only think like men, who watch too much porn.

No. 2428299

File: 1741097236632.png (148.51 KB, 747x771, rUpOp7f.png)

the world is healing

No. 2428303

Kekkk. I hated that tranny ass on Squid games. I will never understand why he's even there. He did nothing for the story. Only the old woman in the first few episodes was weary around him. I would have killed him off immediately.

No. 2428335

What a cope kek. It’s TIMs who have dog kinks, rape kinks, pedos and who are rapists, TIFs are tame compared to them.
No degenerate woman is as degenerate as her male counterpart. I can think of a vile thing right now and rest assured that a scrote has probably more deranged and disgusting fantasies.

No. 2428347

Right like if this was true TIFs would be the biggest sexual predators the second they got their fake dick and testosterone but I still only hear about TIMs being like that

No. 2428406

File: 1741103512181.png (65.81 KB, 754x642, Screenshot 2025-03-04 at 07-48…)

i just looked this up and holy shit you're right, we need to be adding this to the list of peaking materials.


Honestly no wonder the trans ideology seems so devoid of critical thinking, they are literally making themselves retarded in the purest medical definition of the word. This is what people were worried about when they said we needed more long-term research into the effects of taking these drugs FFS.

No. 2428422

samefag but i am going through the paper right now and this has me reeling
one girl lost FIFTEEN IQ POINTS.
that is the difference between going to college and cooking burgers for the rest of your life bc 'i hate reading'.
i sincerely have to wonder about those posters who've suggested that, to some extent, troon ideology has been seeded/promoted in America by foreign agents because if you knew you could convince the children of your enemies to make themselves stupider than your own, why would you not at least encourage the attempt?

No. 2428433

So they do really become retards. I don’t see how would this even be approved, the risks and complications outweigh any sort of benefit.

No. 2428441

The effects of puberty blockers has been covered up before trooning was even a thing. There was a great article a while ago that covered women who went on puberty blockers for precocious puberty. Women were ending up with horrible osteoporosis in their mid to late 20s, jaw eroding, degenerative disc problems, teeth falling out, one woman said she had more surgeries at 30 than her grandfather at 79. It's legit harrowing and criminal that this all got covered up quickly once they started shilling it for children's gender care

No. 2428455

Troons are always screaming 'protect trans kids!'
but do trans kids actually exist? Or do gender nonconforming kids exist but are told they were born in the wrong body because they don't conform to gender norms?

No. 2428465

I don't understand what "protect trans kids" mean. Do they mean it like in a hate crime way? That's funny because trannies really are not dropping like flies due to hate crimes. Like how do they mean it? I see it said everywhere but I just don't understand it. If someone said "protect black kids" I can understand the tone behind it due to the historically brutal relationship between African Americans and authority and white Americans as well…… but tranny kids? All I hear about them is that they get groomed in discord chats.

No. 2428474

They are subscribing to an ideology where they believe that every trans kid must be allowed to transisition or else they will suffer severe mental health problem and/or kill themselves. So protect trans kids means transition or death basically.

No. 2428479

i don't care if it sounds crazy but every time i see that shit all i hear is "let's groom children!" and "my interests are aligned with pedophilic scrotes!" or "i want to project my insecurities onto children!"

No. 2428491

File: 1741109724618.jpg (28.35 KB, 735x544, 1000134801.jpg)

I really hate how there's retards obsessed with drag queens and unironically referring to them as women, the funny thing is that when the two idiots I was talking to slipped and referred to them as the moids they are, they were like
>Oh sorry she
I can't help but wonder if they know that I don't give a single fuck about that shit, specially considering I'm always sending Harry potter merch posts to everyone I know. Maybe everyone thinks I'm a clueless normie.
The weird thing is that, when I was talking to that guy and that girl a few days ago, the guy was awkward about it and seemed like he didn't want to talk about drag queens and tranny shit, meanwhile the girl went full retard and sperged about that shit for hours.
Then, while we were playing an online game, she kept wanting to make tranny references, I proceeded to basically draw a pooner caricature and they were like
>it looks like a regular moid lol
No, really? Wasn't that the point of tranny shit? To look like the opposite sex and not be "clocked"? I don't get it.

No. 2428501

Sometimes as a conservative I egg on trannies for this reason. Not children obviously, but it's nice seeing adults i hate fucking themselves up for life. All the far leftoids are ending their genetic lines willingly and get mad if you tell them to not do that, it's kind of ideal honestly.

No. 2428583

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One thing that always made me go “?” Is how libfems are so quick to shallowly criticize men and sometimes even flat out call them out, but the moment one of these scrotes says the magic word “I am a women now!!!” It suddenly changes everything and somehow they have been magically women all along.

No. 2428625

File: 1741117469027.jpeg (487.74 KB, 1141x2000, B23D36FD-B76E-48A3-BA2A-C4A596…)

The way men are coddled when they put forth the smallest amount of effort. If an actual woman wore picrel they would never hear the end of it. I see this play out in my women dominated hobby groups too whenever a man announces his presence. Endless praise for what would normally be laughed at.

No. 2428630

File: 1741117715986.png (476.98 KB, 565x579, Screenshot 2025-02-23 115424.p…)

exactly. look at this fag youtuber Athena something or other, and that other "nonbinary" moid TJ the X, the way they smear actual shit on their faces in every single video and the comments are full of handmaidens praising them for being so brave. Men are so ugly it's truly revolting.

No. 2428636

she's not a troon or queer, she's just a cringe libfem

No. 2428642

>as a conservative
Opinion discarded.

No. 2428662

File: 1741119406999.png (148.06 KB, 600x667, HlRkXJB.png)

troon moment

No. 2428665

Thank you

No. 2428667

Jesus Christ kek. The lack of self-awareness is genuinely funny at this point.

No. 2428681

This dude is an actual pedophile btw, he's from Germany and on that same vtuber account openly sold and traded cp, groomed an underage boy on discord and said nasty shit like "trans people should be allowed to watch child porn"

No. 2428703

no kid is trans, you're just a groomer looking for victims
you never saw it coming

No. 2428790

It's virtue signalling. None of them care about troon rights, or think that drag queens are women, or think that TWAW or TMAM. They all know it's a crock of shit.
Hmmm, I wonder what made him change it after all this time? Could it be the fact that he's a massive pedo, perhaps, and people are starting to put two and two together?

No. 2428849

someone mentioned this before but this is a projection of white guilt from spending too much time on 4chan

No. 2428867

File: 1741126880308.jpeg (360.7 KB, 1284x965, IMG_7695.jpeg)

I guarantee you if he was given the option to switch places with her on the condition that he give up his young, undeformed, HEALTHY, male body with a young woman who suffered a severe acid attack, he’d shut up in an instant. He knows what he’d choose. He acts like it’s the same thing it’s really not. This young woman has been disfigured and is now more powerless than ever in her condition. Takes the ‘horny’ right out of transitioning into a nightmare reality where you’re the weaker sex and was mutilated against your will. No man would ever choose that existence. It’s not sexy enough. It breaks the immersion and the sick idea they have that woman somehow have it better than him. He likes to manipulate people by making false equivalencies like this but he would fucking kill himself if he were in her shoes. Pathetic

No. 2428875

I love it when tranny try to use "trans kids" for any argument, because nothing they say matters to the actual fact that the overwhelming vast majority of "trans kids" grow out of it by the time they reach adulthood. No really, you can look this up. It's a statistic.

No. 2428885

It’s also just blatantly wrong. Puberty blockers do more damage to your body and it is trivial to prescribe them in an attempt to “cure” gender dysphoria.

No. 2428896

they're obsessed with conflating real violence towards women with imaginary trans oppression because they see misogynistic violence as the ultimate affirmation of femininity

No. 2429141

You have to be a special kind of mentally ill retard to fall for troonism while being from Japanof all places. Trooning out while being non-american is already peak retardation since it's such a deeply retarded amerifag thing to do, but most Japanese people live in their own hermetic cultural bubble with little to none social contagion or influence from the US, not to mention most don't bother learning english fluently enough to get into amerifag sides of the internet. She must be extremely terminally online to even know what nonbinary is.

No. 2429222

It doesn't matter how "Slay queen" she tries to be, her husband on her videos is a legit jumpscare, most incel unwashed looking men I've ever seen.
OT but i've seen too many times "feminist" presenting YouTubers who end up giving shout outs to their boyfriends who are the most bottom of the barrel type of men.

No. 2429259

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This gave me a chuckle so I wanted to share here too. If this is real the kid is lucky to have a mom who cares so much about him.

No. 2429508

File: 1741165922532.png (391.35 KB, 729x645, brave_VCYBMmxWse.png)

I'm an older weeb and it's so fucking sickening how fetish ridden anime fandoms are. The average person might check out Attack on Titan, Dragonball, Naruto and stick to that kind of stuff and touch grass. But if you check the anime side of reddit, twitter and youtube it's full of guys unashamedly calling themselves gooners, posting loli reaction images etc.

Thigh highs are not a popular women's clothing item, it's 100% about wearing them combined with a mini skirt or shirt.

No. 2429553

His mom trying really hard to not let her son be groomed and then he hops on to reddit to complain about it to the groomers. Bleak.

No. 2429557

I feel so sorry for the mom.

No. 2429606

this is so fake

No. 2429626

troons love to make women shaped strawmen.

No. 2429630

how dare you "make" kids go through the puberty their body will checks notes most safely do instead of having their bodies be in constant battle against hormones.

No. 2429674

Off topic but I hope this thread fills up soon because the threadpic terrifies me whenever I see it in the catalog kek

No. 2429723

>japan has little to no American influence
Lol? This is insane. Like half their language is English loanwords. Theyve got cafes for english IPs like snoopy and celebrate christmas…

No. 2429802

(NTA) There is definitely some influence, but their culture is much better preserved than that of a lot of Western countries, and it's especially true that they're much less likely to be fluent enough to use reddit or american twitter. Gendies would lose their mind if they saw how politically incorrect Japanese people are (by American standards). The fact that they like cute characters (even foreign ones) and "celebrate" Christmas (as in, getting KFC) doesn't mean much.

No. 2429964

That pic is so ironic: he wouldn't have the AGP fetish were it not for porn. Other guys might visit CornHub, but the tranny isn't any better fapping to hentai.

No. 2429966

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saged for old milk
the most generic e-thot who has onlyfans while being in a relationship is using they/them pronouns

No. 2429970

File: 1741196822710.jpg (161.36 KB, 1004x663, boople2.jpg)

you're unmistakably female

No. 2429971

if you call out someone for having gender special pronouns but being gender conforming to their assigned birth gender you're being a "truscum". I'm glad they're watering themselves down so much things are losing meaning.

No. 2429977

>It's pretty strange to be against gender ideology but also hate conservatives.
it's not. gender ideology is rooted in oppressive gender roles which conservatives are obsessed with. hope that helps.

No. 2429985

so basically truscum means "try to put an effort into looking like the gender you're larping as"?

No. 2430020

truscum is when you think that being a tranny should take the effort of being a tranny and you dont like when bearded men claim she/her or fat aidens claim he/him and don't even use a binder and don't try to pass. so basically yeah, that's why a lot of these gender specials claim they/them, because they can say they're trans with 0 commitment so they get to be special.

No. 2430071

Can you even be mad at this retardation when it's so obviously fabricated? If it was a moid he'd be way more of a deraged exhibitionist, this is just your average shooper trying to make some cash off of coomer fags by pretending to be a trap.
Or… conservatards and libtards are both misogynistic scum and we should support neither? Why do you have to dicksuck any ideology if none of them show basic human decency towards women as a class?
Yes, they're basically the more "sane" troons who think you need dysphoria and hrt in order to transition, think of Robbie (Blaire) White. Not a lot better since they're still very much the TWAW type, but still less nonsensical than regular troons who switch goalposts every argument.

No. 2430224

What are we waiting for? The conservative movement definitely shilled trannies as much as the left kek, how quickly do you people forget "Caitlyn" Jenner. Trump is literally in office right now and all he did was change their passport, he's still giving them full access to HRT and even free "gender affirming surgeries". Even if conservatards were against troons, that doesn't make them any less misogynistic and retarded. Both sides from the same woman-hating coin, and you're a retard.

No. 2430235

Political affiliation had no bearing on troonerism because it's inherently selfish.
If conservatives were incompatible with the tranny movement, Bruce Jenner would still have his balls.

No. 2430282

Reminder that the Nazis gave out tranny passes. They only burned Hirschfield’s research because he was a gay Jew but went on to employ his colleague.

This. Republicans in the US jumped on the trans stuff because it’s an easy way to score votes, not because they’re against genderism.

No. 2430306

Thankfully I generally see this response to trannies in pretty much every single normie space I’m in. If a TiM is brought up and someone is calling him she, 99% of the time there’s at the very least one comment calling it out. You occasionally have TRAs sperging about respecting the sacred pronouns, but the overwhelming majority or people refuse to subscribe to their bullshit. Honestly, watching average people reacting to trans degeneracy is really healing for me in a way. Shit can feel super overwhelming when you spend a lot of time looking at these sick fucks and the heinous things they do, but people really do hate them and are tired of this nonsense.

No. 2430326

Each time I see it I have the urge to wash my hair and make sure my part is actually centered.

No. 2430429

Seeing this girl for the first time in years and she's a "he/him" now apparently. larping as a kpop femboy online. Bleak. Is there a single zoomer that doesn't get brainwashed and troon out?

No. 2430507

Any fucking caption like this is so annoying. It's always from people who aren't gnc at all. Just want special treatment from the gendie crowd. It's quite literally nothing more than a participation badge.

No. 2430519

No idea. At this point, it's hard because there's so much outside influence. It's really up to the parents to try their best to be involved in their kids lives and stop this non sense.

No. 2430526

God I fucking hate e-thots.

No. 2430959

still trying to figure out how to avoid 'are you cis' questions. i do want to say 'i'm just a normal woman. leave me alone.' but the more i research how genderists feel about "cis" people telling them not to call them that the more i realize saying you're "normal" is considered bigotry. i just don't want to use their stupid term. common arguments are:
>cis is basically straight, you don't complain about being straight
>it literally just means "opposite of or not trans"
>it's a normal descriptive term no different than saying one has red or blue hair
i have no idea how to answer of these without veering hard into anti-gender theory.

No. 2430973

Why not just lie? “I don’t know what that means, but I’m a woman.” The easiest way to win is by not playing the game.

No. 2430981

because they're either going to explain it or realize i'm very obviously lying. i'm in my mid twenties and cruising in weeb fandom spaces online, of course i know what i means.

No. 2430984

File: 1741227905755.png (88.48 KB, 940x899, minority women don't exist i g…)

sort of a double post, but here's yet another thread that proves how narcissistic trannies are. if you scroll you'll see that the ebil cis people can't comprehend:
>what it's like to be stereotyped
>what getting harassed for dumb shit (you can't change) feels like
>mental anguish from having to be in a closet
>hating your appearance
no wonder they think a genocide is always on the horizon…

No. 2431015

has anyone heard the statistic that like 80% of MTFs have been sexually assaulted in their life? i heard some troon posting about it while raving about trannies needing to be in women's prisons. i havent looked into it but i feel like theres some underlying detail that reveals the disingenuity, like all MTFs classifying a question like "do you have a penis" as sexual assault, or the study demographic is sourced from poor underage brazilian prostitutes

No. 2431019

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This answer made me kek.

No. 2431022

>you get cramps but does that mean you have a uterus
For creatures who fetishize periods they sure as shit have no idea wtf a menstruation is.

No. 2431026

The insanity of this trannoid to even entertain the idea of gaslighting someone about what they are. Can you imagine the outrage this post would get if this faggot were to try this on, say, a black person?
>how do you know that you're black?
>did you get a DNA test?
>lots of people have dark skin
>any body can have curly hair
>you probably don't really know WHAT you are

No. 2431032

I would honestly burst out laughing if someone said something this retarded to me

No. 2431040

You can say this about race or anything really (because it makes no fucking sense) but they will draw the line at transracialism somehow. Interesting.

No. 2431113

File: 1741236582489.png (301.11 KB, 598x724, quotes.png)

This has the same energy like that troon complaining that tims are not taken in mind when girls in some African countries are victims of GFM and a woman against that practice told him "If identifying as a boy would have save me from that practice, I would have done it back then".
At least the quotes give me hope that some TRA supporters are tired of this shit.

No. 2431119

File: 1741237168198.png (134.05 KB, 574x454, retardddd.png)

>look at me im just a weak wittle woman!!!
How are people okay with this

No. 2431124

>This has the same energy like that troon complaining that tims are not taken in mind when girls in some African countries are victims of GFM
Jesus fucking Christ the narcissism of troons is actually scary. What could FGM possibly have to do with TIMs at all? Why are they obsessed with making every single thing about themselves? It's unbelievable how they never fail to try to make every fucking thing about themselves. Can "gender dysphoria' please be labeled as a symptom or at least a sister disorder with NPD? Because it feels like trannies are 500% more likely to have some kind of Cluster B personality disorder, with they way they cannot stop thinking about themselves.

No. 2431133

This is such a lie anyway. They open it fine. If they were really a woman with little strength, they would know you have to bang the jar against the counter. They have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about though cause they are poseurs.

No. 2431199

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No. 2431201

File: 1741244570299.png (867.2 KB, 1024x856, hogle-posts-1024x856.png)

>Other images shared to Hogle’s account include multiple memes featuring photos of very young girls. When Jason Hogle announced on Facebook that he would be changing his name to “Tela,” he had also set as his profile picture an image of two prepubescent girls.

No. 2431202

Just use one of those rubber jar opener things

No. 2431207

What kind of freak ass tongue does the woman in the lower left have? I can't do any of those things.

No. 2431397

File: 1741256921557.jpg (347.18 KB, 1080x1700, Screenshot_20250306_112641_Chr…)

No. 2431438

pfp is a painting by noted pedo artist Balthus. because of course it is

No. 2431466

File: 1741260934853.png (354.96 KB, 748x742, zNJJxRP.png)

a troon modded a sonic game to make Sonic 'trans-fem' which is essentially sonic with breasts

No. 2431467

i know the answer is no, but dont these troons realize how mysoginistic they come accross by giving sonic tits and eyelashes to make him ''fem''? also, please tell me it was voiced by a troon, it would be hilarious to hear a tranny try his best to make a female sonic impression

No. 2431470

>also, please tell me it was voiced by a troon

No. 2431475

hahaha oh wow he didnt even try he just sound like a 14yo boy on xbox live

No. 2431515

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No. 2431519

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No. 2431539

Fuuuck I hate this awful doublewide art style. It's very recognizable though, I'll give her that! She was posted in the FTM thread a few months ago. >>>/snow/2061163

No. 2431921

File: 1741289647360.png (970.6 KB, 1040x624, 35473498970354.png)

did they troon out the werehog, or is sonic a "female" by day?

No. 2431930

Why are the troons in the reddit post complaining about the art? I don't get why the image would cause dysphoria, it's just a drawing of a fat woman

No. 2431931

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No. 2431937

File: 1741290862166.jpg (219.77 KB, 1080x1313, 1732632791523.jpg)

that woman is supposed to be a he/him

No. 2431944

That's pretty funny. Maybe drawing a girl and slapping he/him pronouns isn't so bad if it makes troons seethe

No. 2431945

Why are seemingly 50% of TIFs fat? All the gendie bitches I ever met were overweight, including one at my work.

No. 2431946

its so strange as an outsider seeing how trannies constantly shifting, impossible demands make them so endlessly spiteful, jealous, and insecure. i dont get how anybody can deny how unhealthy and obsessive this is? no wonder they all kill themselves or detransition. it would almost be sad but i know they know better, and they just dont care.

No. 2431968

>in the past 1-2 years got a lot more into Marxist thought, especially anti-identity politics.
marxist thought is exactly responsible for million gender bullshit, wtf you on about

elon and trump are the sole reason the west is finally going to turn on all this trans shit…if you had had a lady president you would have been governmentally mandated to pledge allegiance to ladydick

god, there are some retarded people in this thread

No. 2431972

The fact that she's named lilli makes it even better

No. 2431978

File: 1741292558193.png (329.22 KB, 599x632, sirman.PNG)

KEKK The second frame reminds me of the "can you believe I got misgendered looking like THIS" thing that troons do

No. 2431983

how many times do you have to tell trannies that womanhood isn't a uniform you can put on before they finally accept it

No. 2431987

Yeah, because you're a disgusting male in a dress. Being a woman has nothing to do with puttin on a skirt, but moids will never get it.

No. 2431992

It's almost as if womanhood isn't a costume

No. 2432033

Convinced these Lily Tino types are ragebaiting and/or testing how much they can get away with, ain't no way they're actually shocked they get sir'ed while going out in public with full beards and linebacker shoulders. As if they'd never seen a crossdressing fag out in the wild.

No. 2432053

It is 100% baiting for attention on Lily Tino’s part. He’s burned enough bridges that former supporters came out and leaked stuff like video topic ideas that were obviously meant to garner pushback and outrage. There was also a former childhood friend who recalled a conversation his parents had with the troon’s about how he was really occupied with receiving attention. He just never grew out of that.

No. 2432370

File: 1741308127311.png (1.07 MB, 741x926, bab.PNG)

It's like they were all made in a factory

No. 2432414

I feel bad for this damn stuffed frog. If it had a brain or any mind of its own, it would scream.

No. 2432614

I'm so autistically interested in tit chop scars as an aesthetic/status symbol for TIFs. They'll shout about how social contagion isn't real till they're blue in the face and still produce metric fucktons of this kind of "art". Why are tit chop scars such a huge revered thing for them but hysterectomy scars aren't?

No. 2432644

Yeah it's fucking weird to me. They will give every single fictional character zippertits. It kind of comes off as misogynist to me. Like I saw a picture where they scratched masectomy scars into an anthropomorphic gumball machine from some kids show. If the gumball machine was canonically female would she have breasts? Usually in those instances a female machine (i.e the girl car from cars) doesn't have breasts.
It feels so fetishistc and objectifying to imply beings who would never have breasts would get them lopped off. You can't even try to ask a gendie who does this about it and get a straightforward answer outside of "I just think it looks cool" and if you press further they will get defensive. Even they don't know why they are doing it. My best explaination is that they are tankies. Overly socialized leftist totalitarians. I mostly just pity them for their feeble mind and move on but I understand your frustration.

No. 2432654

Are trannies just autistic men who were sexually abused as a child

No. 2432660

File: 1741332422121.jpg (33.71 KB, 533x533, 1074477496.jpg)

Since she is definitely projecting on to this frog, it's pretty perverse that she wants her stuffed animal to be as uncomfortable as she must all the time. I used to make little beds for my stuffed frogs. I don't remember forcing them to engage in self harm or elective amputation surgeries with me

No. 2432672

either theyre autistics, either theyre schizos, either they got diddled as kids

No. 2432693

>marxist thought is exactly responsible for million gender bullshit, wtf you on about
NTA but Marx was a materialist, he would've never accepted gendie bullshit. You should listen to less Jordan B Peterson.

No. 2432702

This. The entire troon movement is extremely bourgeoise, reliant on aesthetics and consooming and lives with big pharma's dick in its mouth ("I'll KMS if I don't have my HRT and surgeries!")

No. 2432708

Just got scolded for using the term “women’s rights are human rights”. These people actually think women stole that slogan from troons instead of the other way around. Can we please start taking the internet away from people and making them read books instead?

Transgenderism is the epitome of bourgeoise capitalist bullshit.

No. 2432710

Gender bullshit is the result of pretentious liberal academics and degenerates co-opting Marxist concepts to support their bullshit. Don't tell me you believe rightoids when they call everything they don't agree with "Marxist".

No. 2432721

But their goal is to get everything for free so not very capitalist

No. 2432771

This is why I hope for “transgenocide”

No. 2432773

These retards have never ever read Marx, they just see it as an aesthetic. Transgenderism is the poster child of capitalism kek.

No. 2432823

File: 1741350412428.png (1.2 MB, 1050x1200, 1741142628361.png)

they're giving chop scars into everything, even the humanized blood cell

No. 2432878

File: 1741356222974.png (52.32 KB, 500x500, 1000010826.png)

It's probably something like a rite of passage or an in-group symbol that they keep giving more and more importance to beyond just ugly double mastectomy scars. Like a mix between a Christian cross and self-harm scars. Some surgeons even ask if TIFs want visual scars now. Other times TIFs will intentionally try to make their chest scar up after surgery or tattoo designs over it.

Remember how the original argument was that TIFs need double mastectomies to safety pass and have their chests resemble male chests as much as possible for dysphoria? Now you have TIFs no nipples, heart-shaped nipples, and all of these scar designs as if they're treating their body like a character creation screen.

No. 2432898

Because "tits" are a sex symbol for them. You ever notice how they'll give their male characters breasts with the excuse of him having "really firm pecs"? A hysterectomy scar signifies the removal of fertility, which is sexual as well. That's why they will give "male" characters vaginas and a uterus.
So they're using titchop scars to further sexualize the breasts, but they get to have the "superiority" of the oc being trans by removing the "extraneous" breast tissue.
Layers upon layers of sexual dysfunction.

No. 2432905

you can act a bit offended maybe? like "that's a weird question…i'm a woman", they should get the memo. bc if you were to ask a tranny "are you cis?" they would probably cry transphobia. tbh, depending on the context, you should not even care that they find you bigoted kek (be careful at work and with friends though)

if it's self-reporting from randos online, the % is inflated for sure, same as the % of trannies having supposedly attempted suicide. they're mentally ill and trying to prove that they need HRT to survive, so they lie to obtain what they want (and they're pretty open about it). they cannot be trusted.

right kek, trannies expecting women to throw a tantrum if someone "misgenders" or questions them is hilarious. only trannies are offended by this because deep down they know they aren't women.

No. 2432948

ah yes, chest tatto in extra steps

No. 2433087

How come they don't have this shit for rot dog surgeries. or for tims who get breast implants?
This just feels like glorifying womens self hatred for their own bodies. It's sad to see.

No. 2433089

Titchops can be aestheticized into cool scars and many TIFs have a reverse futa fetish, they don't want to get bottom surgery. No one wants to draw an ugly fleshy patch on a character's arms either

No. 2433093

it just feels like they hate breasts. I know tits have been sexualized but they also sexualize the troon scars. idk. I just wish women had a healthier relationship with their natural bodies.

No. 2433128

No, most troons I've encountered were never sexually abused as kids. They're usually just autistic, porn addicts, and want to abuse kids themselves.

No. 2433157

rotdog surgeries are a lot harder to get than a standard tit chop and much more expensive even with cucked insurance companies paying. but i'm still seen TIFs in the KF thread want to pierce their fake dicks or get body mods on them.

TIMs want to coom to being the imaginary woman they jerk off to, there's much much less of this internalized self-harm shit.

No. 2433276

Troons are more likely to sexually abuse others than to ever have been abused. Plenty of abusers even troon out specifically to be able to get away with more abuse.

No. 2433326

>some trans folk dont wanna dress like the opposite gender but still express themself however they want
Literally admitting that trannies do not view themselves as the gender they LARP as.

No. 2433412

Haven’t seen this youtuber before but he seems cool, someone tell me if hes maga or a conservitard please kek. Anyways! Tiktokers are trying to say Pam Anderson wearing no makeup is racist and transphobic LMAO

No. 2433418

File: 1741387769923.png (225.39 KB, 708x597, IMG_7995.png)

This person thinks thriving means making fetish art for other perverts on the internet

No. 2433434

>Tiktokers are trying to say Pam Anderson wearing no makeup is racist and transphobic LMAO
What would even be the reasoning for this kek. Do these people freak out everytime they go outside and see many women not wearing makeup?

No. 2433453

They want to have problems so bad

No. 2433493

File: 1741390348971.png (52.54 KB, 489x568, twaw even the rapist pedos gui…)

I've been seeing more and more of these passive aggressive reminder posts recently. Perhaps there's hope for the future.
Also, can an American nonna tell me if the gendies are being pandered to less in schools and professional settings now that it's not mandatory to coddle them? I have a theory that the gradual peaking of TIFs is due to them slowly realizing that nobody ever saw them as anything other than really retarded women.

No. 2433496

> someone tell me if hes maga or a conservitard please kek.
he has a prager u watermark on his screen.
men cannot be terfs

No. 2433497

He's on PragerU so that should probably say enough about his political leanings.

No. 2433555

File: 1741392824204.png (338.01 KB, 889x918, rent free .png)

Based queen uses her money to support and uplift women, gendies seethe that she hasn't learnt her place, absolutely nothing happens because everyone loves JKR and Harry Potter except the terminally online and chasers.

No. 2433560

File: 1741393063652.jpg (96.16 KB, 848x624, 1000010831.jpg)

gee wonder why time and time again troons get kicked out a community for degenerate shit or grooming

No. 2433571

The fact that this is not the first time i have seen this take from tras is hilarious. I haven't watched the video, but the argument i've heard is that trends like natural beauty, body neutrality ect is exclustionary to trans women who need makeup and wigs to heal their gender dysphoria, and that it's also dismissive of the hurdles troons face just trying to pass by creating a standard of beauty that is hard for them to copy.

No. 2433573

>there are a number of important caveats around these numbers

No. 2433595

random thought but it really annoys me how much pcos is brought up on both sides of this conversation, especially the troons who bring it up. pcos is basically just a hormonal imbalance, the way troons talk about us you'd think that we were a bunch of 6'3 lumberjacks with viking beards and you'd never know we were female by looking at us. I have pcos and didn't even know for years, you usually can't even tell from looking at someone of she has pcos, and many women who have it don't even know they have it. the most noticeable symptom is usually hair on the jaw/chin, but some women have that anyway. you can still have your period, it's just more irregular usually and harder to get pregnant etc. it's a lot more on par with having thyroid problems or something, but they talk about it like it's being intersex. it's not. you aren't born with it, and it can go away. it doesn't affect your behavior in the way that ftm troons taking T does.

No. 2433610

Is this real? Not misleading data? Real real facts?

No. 2433632

File: 1741395365114.jpeg (612.34 KB, 1284x1190, IMG_7745.jpeg)

Don’t know if anyone has posted this yet, but apparently Morgan Geyser from the 2014 Slenderman stabbing case is a TIF now.

No. 2433634

tbh I dont even need to see these stats. There's a troon rapist in the news all the time. I wonder if these stats include moids who commit sex crimes then troon out in prison to try to get into womens prison

No. 2433638

Rape and domestic abuse shelters are hate groups?

No. 2433782

From what I've observed, it's a mixture of breasts being sexualized, internalized misogyny, ED/body image, and countercultural tribal marking.

> Internalized misogyny. There are no tifs without it

> Breasts are sexualized and seen as a symbol of womanhood. If you have breasts you're read as being more womanly, sexy, objectifiable.
> Women are able to capitalize on their breasts by showing them off online. However, women are shamed for doing so (Madonna-Whore complex). There's a ton of sexism around tits therefore, simultaneous pressures to #freethenipple and cover up.
> However, this ONLY applies to media-approved porn tits. Saggy, lopsided, tubular etc. breasts are seen as a mockable, embarrassing feature. If you have granny boobs, that's seen as something to fix and fair game to be mocked for, and these girls are therefore excluded from capitalizing their breasts sex appeal. (nvm that irl men's brain stops working when they see/get close to any kind of bare tits, like the hormonal animals they are kek)
> Breasts are mostly fat tissue. Every girl whose troonery stems from not wanting to be 'the fat girl' tends to want to lop them off as part of their ED.
> Double mastectomy surgery scars function as a counterculture tribal marking. If you have the scars or slap them on your drawings and toys signals to others that you're a member. This is also why it's so common that if you meet a newly trooned out tif who hasn't had the titchop, she'll outright say she's trying to get the titchop ASAP, even if you didn't ask.

No. 2433819

She should have stayed in the mental institution.

No. 2433825

The BBC made an article about those stats years ago, they are very real. TRAs were seething over this and it's probably why they call the UK "terf island".

No. 2433846

Kek I remember when Jim sterling was making the claim that they were "literally killing trans people in the uk" I think it's funny that women get accused of being drama queens when the most dramatic liars tend to be moids.

No. 2433850

I don't get it, all these posts telling people to refrain from believing anything bad they heard about a tranny and from doing something about it even if it's true make trannies look so bad. Why are they so insistent on this? And even when someone says 'oh this applies to everyone,' they're like 'no no, it's especially for transwomen.' Kek

No. 2433857

File: 1741403496691.jpg (137.6 KB, 1161x1042, 1000011507.jpg)

Women can't even make their own spaces without handmaidens searching them up if they accept troons in. Male spaces are never under such scrutiny yet women need to make room for every other microgender and males.

No. 2433862

God why are we so cucked. Whenever women lecture me about muh transphobia I just zone out. I'm tired of this shit. It's like a zombie virus infecting all the other women around me.

No. 2433901

anon, trannies claim they can change sex and menstruate. of course they don't understand what pcos is and make wild claims about it. don't let them get to you and when they bring it up you should just laugh in their faces. it's upsetting when handmaidens throw women under the bus to defend trannies tho i agree. but deep down they know they're full of shit. they coddle and treat trannies like retards or gay besties, not like actual women.

No. 2433918

What the actual. Becoming a troon is the new mental illness. Someone better watch her.

No. 2433919

This kind of pick me is our worse enemy. Why are they so afraid of the truth?

No. 2434046

>her short haircut
Male criminals: he
Female criminals: she
TIM criminals: she
TIF criminals: she

Women wanting to get away from men is a hate crime, basically.

No. 2434314

If troons truly were and understood women like they claim they do, they would understand why we are uncomfortable around them and stop encroaching on our spaces and essentially not be troons. Kinda ironic in a way.

No. 2434513

> Why are they so insistent on this
Despite how trans friendly tumblr appears on the surface, the draconian purity culture has always been a struggle for Mtfs to integrate into. Like, it would be hard enough for a regular dude to crack-the-code to tumblr’s….‘unique’ social etiquette, so to speak…but we are talking turbo-autist-horny retards here. They don’t understand that the trade-off for unconditional acceptance from fucking everybody, is that they have to conform to ridding themselves of those nasty male attributes that lead them into so much trouble to begin with. This was the social contract tumblr first formed with trannies. Denounce your masculinity and everything that makes you a man, and we will accept you. That has been the contract for years, and the hard line in the sand for many a handmaidens. This guy is trying to overwrite the tried and true traditions with mental gymnastics, not realizing that he’s encroaching on dangerous territory by demanding to be accepted for his problematic male attributes.

No. 2434735

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Called it. He knows the social contract is complete bullshit, but doesn’t realize that the “trans woman” concept that was marketed to be accepted by these spaces, was equivalent to a male “pick-me.” Trans woman were supposed to demonize their own male characteristics and accept woman as superior, thats the idea that led to them being accepted in woke spaces. Not the idea that they could act virtually the same as men, but not be treated like them. Of course the woman are performative as fuck about it. They don’t care about your man problems. You were supposed to be better than men because of how much you hated yourself for being a man, you stupid fucking troon. GOD.

No. 2434751

Makes perfect sense. Thanks anon.

No. 2434776

I'm so fucking confused as to why troons and conservatives don't get a long better. They both love gender roles and think society should be rigidly segregated by them, yet they're enemies for some reason? Matt Walsh is fucking insufferable and stupid as shit, not well spoken or even funny, but he does make good points occasionally (but that's not very hard when it comes to troonism). Like he says "you're trying to appropriate womanhood" which is true but then he turns around and says 12 year old girls should be forced to give birth and 16 year old girls should get pregnant and married. I never watched "what is a woman" but I've heard it ends with him opening a jar for his wife (har har har), but then when it comes to tifs he just says "oh you're just a tomboy". Oh yeah, because conservative christians love tomboys and don't tell girls they're supposed to behave differently or anything. WHY do they suddenly pretend to care about women on certain issues, I DO NOT get it.

I really hate how reinforcing gender stereotypes has become the "liberal/progressive" stance. The woman they bring on to debate Matt Walsh on Dr Phil literally says (I'm paraphrasing) "people conflate sex and gender, gender is a social construct and just because you're born with one sex doesn't mean you'll identify with it. for example being born a female doesn't mean you will want to vacuum, which is usually a feminine activity". How the fuck did feminism go from "women don't want to be expected to certain things (cooking, cleaning etc) just because we're women to "we're women BECAUSE we do those things". How do more people not see how fucking backwards this is?!

No. 2434848

i couldn't find this post, when did she post/delete it?

No. 2434862

> How do more people not see how fucking backwards this is?!
>inb4 my 2 cents
I think people who are radical in their political beliefs are far more likely to view woman (and people in general) as pawns or monoliths and not as actual humans. Ignorant people tend to latch onto these ideologies like flies to shit, overcompensating for their fatal character flaws by becoming engrossed to the dubious world of political extremism. Like no, you’re not a highbrow intellectual and nothing is though-provoking or meaningful about your tabloid garbage bullshit takes. You’re just a broken human being

No. 2434922

It makes perfect sense imho. Religious conservatards want women to have children, and they want women's rights specifically to be restricted, so why would they be interested in an ideology that allows women to escape gender roles and motherhood by simply claiming to be male? Religious moids also aren't too fond of fags and openly degen males which TIMs are. Gender ideology makes much more sense as a "woke" ideology in which anyone can be anything, as long as their identity is what matters most, because it will dictate how they should act and where they stand on the oppression hierarchy. I think gender ideology (among other things) also highlighted how women and men are undeniably different (beyond just their genitals) to a lot of ex-libfems/normies. Sex is determined by the kind of gametes you produce, not by your hobbies or how clean you apartment is, but at the end of the day, we can't deny that there are tendencies. And the fact that some people claim to be of the opposite sex while acting like a stereotype of their actual sex is ironic to a lot of people, so they point it out, which can seems backwards but is understandable. When a male tranny turns out to be a pedo who works in IT, a lot of anons may say "Of course he is!" not because women can't work in IT or be sexual offenders but because it's a recognizable pattern.

No. 2435016

But a TIM always behave like a man when they do something “bad”, it’s not lost on many, even handmaidens. There’s a clear pattern between TIMs and TIFS.
These retards want to keep their male privileges and more while acting like victims. If you are a creep, rapist etc, you deserve to be stoned, I don’t care about your made up identity.

No. 2435020

The irony, something that frees women (their natural state of being, with no makeup, no hair removal, no plastic surgeries etc) is somehow a hindrance to TIMs kek, mask off moment.

No. 2435062

Lord, let them suffer.

No. 2435073

File: 1741439609416.jpeg (521.56 KB, 750x801, IMG_3951.jpeg)

>built like the venus of willendorf statue
>missing a couple of teeth
>literal hamplanet

No. 2435076

File: 1741439698021.jpeg (337 KB, 582x802, IMG_3954.jpeg)

Oh my fucking god

No. 2435079

File: 1741439884124.jpeg (112.02 KB, 750x523, IMG_3953.jpeg)

This whale that needs serious harpooning somehow has some retard shacking up with it as well. It clearly needs a lobotomy and clearly seems disabled (not the diagnoses she’s claiming to have she genuinely seems mentally impaired) and that’s what makes them so desirable to people who seek them out, so easy to manipulate considering they had no shame or deeper thought on hat they’re doing. This is the slop that showed up on my fyp, and no I wasn’t actively seeking it out kek

No. 2435081

and the marvel yaoi pfp, how is this not a parody?

No. 2435092

It’s not parody, it’s not KEK

No. 2435114

I always wonder how these obnoxious freaks have partners but then I remember it’s because they have zero standards. They just grab onto whatever other ugly fat person shows them any attention. It’s like the whole “T4T” cope with trannies claiming to only date other trannies to shield themselves from the constant rejection from “cis people” by pretending they actually don’t want to date them.

No. 2435120

Kekkkk literally

No. 2435127

this woman is like if you asked ai to make a IRL pooner caricature

No. 2435182

File: 1741444104531.jpeg (230.64 KB, 828x851, 1741379627051.jpeg)

>They just want to pee!
Imagine trying to pee while hearing a tranny wailing and screaming "I'm not a sir/ma'am".

No. 2435209

kekk they dont correct people who make an honest "mistake" because they KNOW they will always be their assigned gender at birth and other people will always be able to tell. most sane tranny

No. 2435211

>went to men's bathroom and cried
Wow, you're such a heckin manly dood!

No. 2435213

T makes them hungry but they're supposed to exercise, they do not. That's literally it.

No. 2435273

I agree with this, and also think it’s important to note that patriarchal religions rely heavily on the illusion of male supremacy over women. Religious texts are full of bullshit about women being inherently less intelligent, less spiritual, less trustworthy, less emotionally mature, more childlike, fickle, lustful etc. as justification for why we ‘should’ be subservient to men. Transgenderism, however, is a massive mask-off moment for men. Under the guise of being ‘women’ on the inside all of these men are suddenly coming out to their community as insane narcissistic degenerate perverts in a way that, unlike for example pedo priests, is difficult to hush up. Many TIMs go out of their way to attract as much negative attention as possible because that’s part of the fetish. It’s very embarrassing to men who want to believe men are enlightened beings when one of their own shows up in high heels and a miniskirt. One contingent of men will double down by insisting that no no actually these ARE women, definitely not men, and in fact they’re even womener women than real women (must maintain the hierarchy, after all), whereas another contingent of men will denounce the deranged pervert as a lone freak who must be cast out by Real Men (tm) to protect the delicate womenfolk. The first group imo is keeping the door open for themselves whereas the second group relishes the opportunity to make themselves look better in comparison, but neither is really willing to admit that AGP is the extreme end of male depravity. From what I’ve seen, conservatives are often happy to take the first approach with classic HSTS (“wants to be a hairstylist and get fucked by men? yeah no that’s clearly a woman, can’t be one of us”) but AGPs, who often start out as normal family men with wives and children before reaching terminal porn-induced brainrot and going off the deep end, hit too close to home and make them far more uncomfortable. They might be able to
tolerate one or two but once they reach a point where women really start to take notice and it begins to threaten the illusion of male supremacy, they’ll want to shut it down. And if it lets them score political points and make the other side look bad, that’s even better.

I can’t be the only woman who found radical feminism as a direct result of trans nonsense. Conservatives do not like that at all.

No. 2435447

> All of this is true though.
I will humor you. Why do you believe this?

No. 2435450

Because they are male. Troons come in this thread a lot…

No. 2435460

seems like fake ragebait or she deleted it idk. wish people would verify stuff before they post it here

No. 2435467

I fucking hate troons. While I genuinely want them to get better and accept themselves for who they are (misogynists who need to stop being misogynists), I also just want them to leave women alone. TIFs are handmaidens so I just see them as a lost cause. It's no different than trying to help a battered housewife who is neck deep in the tardwife kool aid.
I wish women would learn to not fight with eachother over men.

No. 2435568

These fags should be grateful anyone even wants to talk to them or be their friend at all. I certainly don't at this point

No. 2435576

i ended up searching for her username with "trans" and she has several posts still up from 2021 which talk about including trans women in the gym. i couldn't find the tweet in the screencap and stopped looking because there were so many posts accusing her of transphobia and "sex segregation" for simply creating a mixed-sex, pandering "women only" gym that it made me want to set my computer on fire

No. 2435973

No. The census data turned out to be flawed. The highest population of transgender people turned out to be migrants who can't speak English and probably couldn't understand the gender identity question. Tranny influencers also encouraged each other not to respond honestly because muh genocide. The prison data is incomplete because the prison service doesn't record transwomen with gender recognition certificates as male. The percentage of sex offenders amongst transwomen is significantly higher than regular males, but out of a much smaller population.
Census: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-ons-finally-admits-to-flawed-trans-population-statistics/

Current prison information:

No. 2436029

Does this count as grooming or is it more just regular retardation?

No. 2436034

No. 2436067

Just found out one of my closest friends of 14 years who is a lesbian has a TIF friend and of course refers to her as “he/him”. And yes, my friend is also a huge handmaiden.

Life is pain.

No. 2436138

File: 1741501524559.jpg (28.56 KB, 736x736, 86ba32fecb2f4a8ad08d79cc3ae522…)

some indie butch lesbian musician got the titchop and all the gendies are celebrating it and some are starting to troonfoil about her being a tif. i dont even know this woman but hearing about how lesbians are chopping off healthy body parts and being celebrated for doing so just feels unbelievably fucking grim. i wish this shit would die out already

No. 2436144

File: 1741502324668.jpg (60.08 KB, 600x853, really.jpg)

This feels satirical

No. 2436149

File: 1741502811943.jpg (164.96 KB, 1161x1534, GjHgllEXEAAhQJN.jpg)

I found multiple screenshots on Twitter so it seems to be real. What a shame.

No. 2436187

Exactly. TIMs are coddled because libfems see them as the good men who are Not Like Other Men but if they start scroting out, the handmaidens will turn on them. Libfems treat gay men the same way and it's also why libfems don't really like bisexual men because they see them as the typical bad men trying to disguise themselves as Good and Safe Men and failing to do so.

No. 2436261

File: 1741511802512.jpg (3.72 MB, 3264x2374, 2179723870473.jpg)

The way I immediately knew this was about Julien Baker… gnc lesbians cutting off their healthy body parts and/or trooning out is an epidemic at this point. This is the third time a gnc lesbian musician who I looked up to has done this. Hopefully one day we'll have lesbian artists who don't hate themselves.

No. 2436274

KEK what? Gnc? Whats gnc about her? Her long hair or the feminine top and socks she wore? Tomboys arent gnc theyre just low effort nlog femmes. As for the butches theyre female equivalent of agps so yeah, not suprising.(bait)

No. 2436439

why do a lot of TIMs self-identify as lesbians? I rarely see bi or straight (gay) TIMs

No. 2436448

Damn women can't be anything except girly girls huh

No. 2436451

most tims in thirld world countries are homos, tims being straight/bi is more of a western trend

No. 2436457

Because the wave of these new trannies are white males who are porn addicts. What’s the most frequent sexuality? Heterosexuality, that’s why all the TIMs are transbians and TIFs are “gay” kek.
Before it was mostly faggots who transitioned.

No. 2436660

I went to a LGBT movie night to see a decent lesbian student film with no trannies in it and the theater was riddled with gendies in tiktok fashion including the staff that had their little retard flag and pronoun pins on their lanyard. They had a retarded rule to not eat in theaters but sold snacks and i got scolded by a they/them staffcuck for enjoying my small popcorn bag because the packaging was "too noisy and could be triggering to some". I wanted to clock her right there and then. Gendies and trannies are abnormally annoying and I'm glad that things are getting worse for them.

No. 2436666

Is that a cosplay of Saki from Emergence? I need her to die. I'm so tired nonnas do you think we will be free from them gender cultists anytime soon? I can't bear to pretend any longer in order to not get any death or rape threats from TRAs

No. 2436698

I’m so glad Pan cut this guy out but I wish he never gave him the time of day in the first place

No. 2436709

This is a great analysis of the basic differences between the two ideologies, thank you nonna.
I can smell the insecurity from here.

No. 2436734

File: 1741548866479.jpeg (638.13 KB, 1170x1833, IMG_2612.jpeg)

the way people are talking about her on social media is so dreadful too. “she should be allowed to cut off healthy organs if she wants to!!!” when will they realise this line of thinking is just outright insane?

No. 2436746

These people always act like they are in daycare. Imagine being triggered by a bag of popcorn. This is what happens when you grow up in a world where everything is sanitized and your only entertainments are children cartoons and video games.

No. 2436752

File: 1741549789888.jpeg (570.64 KB, 1170x1475, IMG_9815.jpeg)

Turns out she doesn’t agree with that anymore, she has decided that the gym will be female only and trannies are seething. Good for her

No. 2436760

Unfathomably based. Won't look at the quotes and replies for my own sanity kek

No. 2436786

Kekkk, good for her

No. 2436789

I wonder what peaked her , was it the rapist trannies? The misogyny that doesn’t discern TIMs from regular men? Their racism?

No. 2436791

>too noisy and could be triggering to some
These retards can’t do anything yet they are always ready to screech online kek.

No. 2437075

I hope they shove those popcorns up your ass. Waste of oxygen(infighting)

No. 2437096

samefag but jesus christ it's so blackpilling seeing how many other women are getting pissy over this. saying "ITS ILLEGAL TO DISCRIMINATE" "THIS IS FACISM OH MUR GAWDDD". Make sure to support this lady's gym if you're in london

No. 2437113

File: 1741557422770.png (231.74 KB, 725x546, Screenshot 2025-03-09 215110.p…)

I don't know how she'll avoid legal backlash for this and I wonder why exactly she changed her mind. The replies to her are peak material though

No. 2437151

Is she getting ratio'd or is there more support than there is backlash? I can't be bothered to look myself because trannies will make me mald but I'm curious.

No. 2437156

There's support and backlash, a shitton of both. she's not being ratio'd but there's alot of qrts

No. 2437166

She had a daughter recently, I wonder if that’s why. Maybe becoming a mother was eye opening for her. Even about a year ago, she was talking on her stories about asking for input from trans women and wanting one on her team to help plan the girls spot gym. Sadly I don’t have caps and I’m not fully sure of the timeframe but I’m pretty sure it was before she had her daughter or even before she was pregnant. So maybe 2023-2024. Either way, I’m happy she’s no longer wanting to let troons in and I hope she has lots of success!

No. 2437171

God I hope she uses her race card so these trannies back off (ironic calling them racist works but not by their actual sex). God bless this woman and I hope the best for her keep those troons seething!

No. 2437210

File: 1741559099669.jpg (347.36 KB, 976x1207, IMG_20250309_192345.jpg)

One thing is not like the others.

No. 2437218

>implying that being called racist makes trannies back off and not double or triple down on their racism

No. 2437235

Something peaked her. I bet she got tired of troons always talking about black women. That’s what peaked me too

No. 2437260

You know the women complaining that troons will not be allowed in that gym are too terminally online to work out so she's not really losing her customer base anyway.

No. 2437473

File: 1741564462622.jpeg (333.6 KB, 1170x1797, IMG_1646.jpeg)

Shit like this is what made me peak as a black woman. They are Constantly comparing black women to fucking males.

No. 2437474

File: 1741564520336.jpeg (301.66 KB, 1170x1725, IMG_1647.jpeg)

Kek, the retard fails to understand that feminism in third world countries is radical and terfy, because women there can’t afford the privilege to navel gaze and prioritize males.

No. 2437479

Oh dear nonna. They are open with their racism, they’ll call her a manly dark skin and how she’s a retard, because the evil conservatives are going after her after trans people.

No. 2437483

terfs excluse black women? What the fuck is this guy smoking?

No. 2437486

they will just bring up the "its more dangerous to be a black trans woman!!!" bullshit

No. 2437495

>terf ideology excludes black women
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard now they're just straight up making things up kek. I don't think any even regarding race has been mentioned in everything because it has nothing to do with gender

No. 2437498

They literally invent shit and people believe them

No. 2437504

File: 1741565105023.jpeg (129.56 KB, 1170x701, IMG_1649.jpeg)

Black women should actually hate there retards even more.
I have never in my life been mistaken as a man, where did this “black women look like men!!” even come from?

No. 2437510

File: 1741565207474.jpeg (127.48 KB, 1170x703, IMG_1650.jpeg)

Most vulnerable and it’s a literal male

No. 2437516

Holy shit that's so racist

No. 2437534

File: 1741566163056.jpeg (426.9 KB, 1170x2109, IMG_1651.jpeg)

Nonnas did you not know that scrotes who live their formative and often late years with male privilege and decide to their own accord to take wrong sex hormones and keep said male privilege are the most oppressed women?
I love operation #listentotranswomen kek

No. 2437558

Honestly you just need ID card and your eyes.
>but passing trannies
They are so few that they are a non issue. I’m willing to take the “totally passable and unclockable tranny” than just letting them and ogres who are there to wank off in.

No. 2437605

Half of them had a nazi phase before transitioning, they just keep thinking the same way as before while wearing a skirt

No. 2437609

File: 1741569712054.jpg (5.93 KB, 334x324, 1000025264.jpg)

Just saw a video of a cute autistic masc saying she'll have a mastectomy the next few days. I swear, is there any 30- lesbian who isn't a retarded enbie brainwashed by troons?

No. 2437612

They literally have Planet Fitness to accept them all they want. So what if this woman wants an all ladies gym. They always forget how much other places pander to them. And the " historical levels of violence" that happens to them are when their down low chaser boyfriend gets ashamed of them and harms them.

No. 2437616

Me. If only we could hold hands, nona. But don't give up hope, we're out there.

No. 2437637

I sympathize. In the last year, my cousin's wife and my older friend's wife have decided to troon out and be tifs. The first is in her early 30s and the other is over 50. It's so sad and jarring. Like why can't people just be cool butch women anymore.

No. 2437642

I hope JKR helps support this gym somehow

No. 2437664

File: 1741573267201.png (77.55 KB, 1334x938, kek.png)

I hate trannies I hate trannies I hate trannies

No. 2437666

File: 1741573338015.jpg (253.3 KB, 1280x1280, blackwomenarewomen.jpg)

Yeah, me too.

No. 2437667

Kekk this is so funny

No. 2437674

Im fucking howling nona this is a masterpiece

No. 2437684

File: 1741574233580.jpg (43.5 KB, 586x577, 103466b427b6de7b2c49ceee5d5e01…)

Is it possible to use "voice training" to reverse the effects of frog voice in detrans tifs or is there really no hope if you've fried your vocal cords with testosterone.
apologies for blogposting, but it breaks my heart that a member of my comm trooned out. she was a seasoned lolita who knew how to coordinate her outfits and maintained a good figure that fit her fashion but for some god forsaken reason transitioned into an uglier looking woman who has to wear masks in order to cover her pube beard and made no effort to "transition" aside from having a croaky voice and facial hair. Im even more livid that moderators of the comm have encouraged her to transition and I partially think they did it out of spite because of her conventional attractiveness that suited the fashion.

No. 2437691

I want to go to her gym so bad.

No. 2437694

how the fuck is that transphobia and not just racism?

No. 2437701

File: 1741574916792.png (258.93 KB, 439x483, Screenshot 2025-03-09 9.46.33 …)

Good for her honestly, but the first mistake was broadcasting her business in an open scale such as xitter instead of keeping it local because now terminally online tards who would've never discovered it otherwise are obligated to review bomb her business and harass her from afar and the more volatile ones would pilgrimage to the area and staple dead animals on the doorstep and shatter her windows.
Trannies and their ilk have no intentions of making a safe space of their own, they only seek to harass and push the boundaries of women and make it all about "me me me" in true typical narc fashion.

No. 2437710

I’ve noticed a lot of black women peaking about trannoids lately. It’s a nice little treat to have from all of this clown world shit

No. 2437715

File: 1741575452016.jpg (164.1 KB, 1284x1408, Gln0vL3WAAALan3.jpg)

I'm so depressed, nonas. On one side I'm happy she's not backing down, but on the other violent, mentally ill men in the area will review bomb and physically target her gym. God, is there truly no hope for women? Hopefully she hires security too.

No. 2437718

They know what they’re doing when they try to pretend they give a shit about trannies as if they don’t fuck them and then throw their corpses in a river for it to be found by passerby people the very next day. Honestly this black woman needs to be extremely smart and start moving like those competent wealthy people who know how to exclude the right people they don’t want at their private facilities and businesses. This unfortunately cannot be a public access gym, she needs to make it some sort of service where she makes it a membership but the membership has to be done IN PERSON and approved by people who are on the same page as her. We need to start playing this game smarter and dirtier, I’m tired of these moids.

No. 2437720

Samefag possibly invite only memberships as well, ID verification needed every time they go into that gym, security. I don’t think she has the money and resources to keep it up, I feel bad for her because it could be a good money maker for that woman.

No. 2437722

File: 1741575735615.mp4 (15.93 MB, 1280x720, xq0UWcs0sdhYBpbj.mp4)

No. 2437728

File: 1741576010645.jpeg (193.89 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3996.jpeg)

Damn when did Chris Christie become trans?

No. 2437729

This reminds me of a similar case where a troon complained about being rejected from a women only bookclub though since the group didn't outwardly broadcast itself and kept posting its usual topic on social media (normie book shit) it didn't get much attention aside from handmaidens and TRAs bootlicking the butthurt troon and offering alternative "inclusive safe spaces" when we know damn well the troon only wanted to join because the bookclub had resort get aways that included jacuzzi parties.
(Its been a while so I can't collect sources though I'd hate to bring attention back to the book club again after the whole thing just started to blow over so youll just have to take my word on it)

No. 2437733

I can only imagine she broadcasted herself because she had already had a pro tranny stance before, the Gym had eyes on it so she was definitely left with little options.

No. 2437738

We need to change some laws about that. I’m so tired of people crying they’re “excluded” from places people are allowed to exclude from. All so tiresome

No. 2437741

Sex should become it's own protected class, specifically the female sex. other minorities shouldnt be able to be excluded, but female only stuff should also be able to exist.

No. 2437747

File: 1741576754435.jpg (180.62 KB, 1080x731, 1000011551.jpg)

I'm so GLAD she's doing this. I don't understand the hissy fit about TIMs not being able to use female spaces. These people love spouting out so much about how Trannies actually donating to her gym as if all of them aren't literally broke from their fetish lifestyle. If TIMs want their own gym I'm sure they can scrounge up money quickly to make one, but we all know they don't even take care of their appearance or exercise kek

No. 2437750

At that point I would DFE and keep it referral only. I would refer the business to members of a pre-existing club for athletic activities such as Pilates and yoga (that deter most TIMs in the first place because AGPS don't leave their goon dens unless to harass women in female bathrooms) and correct my true stance if anyone in the local group was aware of the previous pro-TRA opinions. Social Media is a mistake and has algorithms designed to push content onto reactionary people in order to gain engagement regardless if to the detriment to original poster. Again, these trannies and handmaidens would've never found out about the business in the first place unless they saw it online first

No. 2437752

Remember the tranch… never forget the alpacas… never forget…

No. 2437757


the ikea shark is really what makes this perfect

No. 2437761

one of the replies like "im sure theres a different between a man dressing up and a trans woman" like…what planet are you guys on? even the most passing tranny has a weird voice, gait and proportions

No. 2437768

voting this as next op

No. 2437795

This is so upsetting. If a TERF did this shit we wouldn’t hear the end of it, instead most transgenders are silent about this TRAs blatant racism and threats. I kinda want to see if Blaire mentioned this but even he tends to stick to “easy” bait (nonbinaries + cringe TikTok’s).

No. 2437819

File: 1741578833823.jpg (147.62 KB, 976x696, IMG_20250310_005209.jpg)

>sorry i wont post about abusive sadomasochistic hookups anymore, everything stays behind closed doors and if you see any bruises in my pics i got them from healthy, heteronormative means.

No. 2437830

>trannies being in prison gay abusive relationships and not bothering real women
seems only like a win

No. 2437867

I really wish we went back to the days when libfems realized this happens because of mispgynoir specially and not transphobia

No. 2437868

File: 1741580921312.jpeg (57.5 KB, 828x243, IMG_0513.jpeg)

I don’t know if this is a tif or just some retarded handmaiden, and frankly I don’t give a shit either way. This comment was on a video talking about the real and frightening issue of menopausal women not being able to access hormones, being gaslit or straight up dismissed by doctors, and the general overarching issue of there being little to no accurate and usable medical knowledge on the female body, and we have this waste of fucking space sperging about muh gender affirming care in the comments. This probably shouldn’t make me as mad as it does, but I am so beyond tired of women behaving this way. I seriously want to punch her. I don’t know why troonism being repackaged misogyny is such a difficult concept for these tards to grasp, but I’m so over being patient with these fucking traitors.

No. 2437872

File: 1741580960833.jpeg (40.57 KB, 828x277, IMG_0512.jpeg)

Also this piece of shit. Literally fucking die.

No. 2437873

Lmao in the UK troons are more likely to be murderers than murder victims. They are literally the safest demographic by any measure.

No. 2437877

File: 1741581291829.jpg (205.17 KB, 720x1279, 1000014237.jpg)

shit like this pisses me off so deeply because humans are for starters a secually demographic species. it has been literally ingrained into our heads for centuries to spot the differences between the sexes and that isn't gonna change if it's a guy in a dress with bolt-ons and drag makeup, or a bearded lady. plus I thought troons made up less than 1% of the world's population anyways? running into one irl feels more rare than online and it becomes abundtly clear if you see one irl. they can just go to the dozens of other mixed sex or trans inclusive gyms but they refuse to do so because it won't validate their larp. women can't have any single spaces for themselves anymore without having to include men and I feel like it's only gonna get worst from here on out

No. 2437879

File: 1741581331922.jpeg (809.09 KB, 828x1489, IMG_0514.jpeg)

Doomscrolling YouTube shorts and had to share this lovely little “lady”. voice sounds like every gross fat coomer discord mod ever kekkkk

(Funny part is, this thing is so fucking male, that I saw the flag in the bg and thought it was just some laughably ugly fag. Then I saw the profile and sure enough “phoebe” a stunning and brave TiM)

No. 2437880

File: 1741581438901.png (31.38 KB, 567x254, whore.png)

It also said that lesbians do dick in the replies. How do lesbians defend these tards?

No. 2437882

This is always a funny argument to me. If strap-ons are exactly the same as dick, then why do we need gender affirming bottom surgery for tifs? Can't they just use strap-ons?

No. 2437885

Probably because it doesn’t make these women (who are traumatized into hating every single thing they perceive as female) feel removed enough from the inescapable reality that is biological sex. I almost feel bad for tifs sometimes, but tbh the most “male” thing about them is their misogyny, and I refuse to feel bad for them after that.

No. 2437892

File: 1741582928776.jpg (63.26 KB, 736x736, 1740866286677.jpg)

>hurr durr dicks are the same as strap-ons

Literally what homophobic people say to lesbians

No. 2437895

I find it ironic how instead of saying they believe lesbians like dick (which would be more consistent with their belief that TWAW), they just pivot to strap-on = penis instead. Even when trying to defend trannies they're not even consciously considering them in what they're spewing.

No. 2437948

Bow legged and with a beer belly and still has the audacity to use the n word.

No. 2437971

I swear everytime I see a black woman peak it's after white troons wouldn't stop being racist towards them or in front of them despite these black women being supportive at first. This also applies to a lot of women who aren't white nor black as well, these troons just can't help it, they have to be racist, they're degenerates through and through.

No. 2437993

Gay sex tends to be rough, I know.

No. 2437994

>meeting a guys friends at the local gay bar
>one of them is a hulking ogre and self identified transbian
>make nice because what else am i to do i guess
>he is hammered and at one point gropes his moobs and refers to them as big naturals
>tells me "i just want a pretty girl to have vanilla sex with that will also let me hit her a little bit"
>asks me to come over some weekend to watch a movie "no expectations of course"

Okay so I listened to trans women and it turns out they are exactly like men!

No. 2438009

i still haven't seen a tranny who actually donated to her ask for a refund, just handmaidens reeeeing on behalf of them

No. 2438016

Because no tranny has even donated

No. 2438018

File: 1741598368896.jpeg (310.71 KB, 1170x1705, IMG_1654.jpeg)

They are so disingenuous I swear. Violet we all know you wouldn’t.

No. 2438021

File: 1741598428426.jpeg (180.17 KB, 1170x718, IMG_1653.jpeg)

This made me kek

No. 2438023

File: 1741598552154.jpeg (304.16 KB, 1170x1486, IMG_1655.jpeg)

A she they OF whore having a shitty opinion? Color me surprised kek.

No. 2438029

File: 1741598996677.png (206 KB, 566x549, large-927424-screenshot-2019-0…)

>I have a picture of your kid on here

No. 2438031

these trannies always love pushing the porn addicted fetish moids with the women to erase our history. absolutely disgusting, honestly i just wait for the day that they all imminently 41%. ''i passed high school science class'' like thats the best achievement this failure has ever accomplished? kek

No. 2438033

this is so depressing man what the hell

No. 2438035

there's a good chance some (racist) AGP types started harassing her about her gym and seeing it as the perfect fetish fantasy, to work out amongst women in a woman-only space. what a tough position to be in.

No. 2438050

One thing I am worrying about with Natalee's gym is that now that she's gone public and made a clear statement on being female-only, women who would want to access to her gym but who are too involved with identity politics are going to be put off, since everyone who dares to associate with it will now be called a TERF. It also wouldn't surprise me if people vandalise the gym in protest, assault women entering/leaving, and generally ruin Natalee's efforts, hard work and fundraising. On the one hand I'm glad that she spoke out about it, but on the other, if she hadn't, it might have just gone down quietly and ended up like my gym (a different "women only" gym in London which technically has a trans-inclusive policy but, since the space isn't explicitly exclusionary, no trans women actually attend it or want to be part of it. The entire clientele is older women and hijabis.)

No. 2438061

I admire her for speaking up but yeah it would've been better if she said nothing. It was already risky to go back and delete her tweets about troons. Wouldn't be surprised if trannies and their supporters vandalize it or protest outside and shame people from going. Sadly the best case scenario is that she'll only have to deal with review bombing but many people won't want to go to a gym mired in controversy even if they don't care about trans shit. I hope GCs show up to her gym at the very least, it'll be known for being trans-exclusive for it's entire lifetime which might deter normies.

No. 2438065

I’ve been hearing a lot of troons use this name again, was Brianna ghey actually murdered for being a troon or is it just another thing that had nothing to do with him being trans that they victimize all the time?

No. 2438069

Iirc, he was murdered by a teenage girl and boy who were just planning on murdering random people for fun, and the girl was "fascinated" by Brianna and used she/her on him. It wasn't a transphobic murder. There are text transcripts between the murderers if you're interested that tell the whole story better than twitter troons.

No. 2438080

>I admire her for speaking up but yeah it would've been better if she said nothing
She had to address this after tweeting that she would let trannies go to her gym in 2021. So she was stuck between a rock and a hard place ever since. It's not like she could have predicted all of this back then, otherwise I'm sure she would have ignore the question she received at the time or would have replied something a lot more moderate to avoid the current situation. I wish there were women only gyms like that in my city, I'm not in the UK so I can't support her business but I hope things will work out for her.

No. 2438082

They are totally going to do that and probably nail a dead rat on the door or something. Those people are so deranged when it comes to women, while they do absolutely nothing to “transphobic” men.

No. 2438090

File: 1741605852909.jpeg (297.08 KB, 1170x1096, IMG_1658.jpeg)

Like truly deranged. Whatever backlash they are getting right now it’s all their karma coming back if it even exists.

No. 2438096

File: 1741606308099.jpg (889.6 KB, 3535x2275, GridArt_20250310_125824088.jpg)

>started hormones 5 years ago
this never happens btw


No. 2438100

Ironically nothing changed. He looks like a twink kek.

No. 2438109

>Using Imane Khelif, a male, in this argument
>since black women=man isn't racist somehow, someone please tell the bleeding heart brigade that black women are also compared to monkeys and this is very damaging to the furry community and also not racist in any capacity whatsoever mmmkay #furriesareanthrostoo #furlivesmatter
>really pretending that the YT Karen from Hell herself, JKR, didn't stand up for Serena when some malding failed abortion said she looked like a man in a dress
The incel to TIM pipeline does not include a personality transplant. They're still /pol/tards who complain about black men stealing all their hypothetical girlfriends and watch endless spycam in changing room streams.
Yeah it will affect everyone, for the better. This is like smokers shitting and pissing and screaming back when the indoor smoking in public places ban was passed, except the only non smokers who complained were the ones selling cigarettes. No shit it affects everyone, that's why it's fucking happening.

No. 2438115

Sound like being a tif though at least world cares about breeders

No. 2438119

File: 1741609158271.webp (232.55 KB, 3035x2303, pretty-pretty-please-i-dont-wa…)

This magical girl animation is taking the internet by storm- and of course there's a "she/they" character lol
No other character shown so far is gender special.

No. 2438133

>the only character with a thembie pronoun
Can I just say that I think it's ironic that they picked the black girl to be a thembie when as far as I know, black girls are one of the last people to even play with the gendie shit? Sure, there'll be maybe one or two black gendietards if they're super autistic and raised in a super white area, but that's still rare because IME being a tumblrite genderfaggot is a teenage/early twenty something, suburban/city white thing. Not even most "oreos" participate in gendie shit.

No. 2438138

The characters in this act like tweens than 15 year olds. The pandering is so shitty

No. 2438162

gendies want oppression points so bad they always co-op blackness, this is just one of many characters made black and gendie for "inclusivity" aka something to use as a shield to criticism

No. 2438274

>teenage boy destroys his body with horse piss for nothing
He could have spent that money on makeup/makeup classes
Why can't people just be gender nonconforming? What the fuck?

No. 2438285

I've known countless black thembies and black TRAs, especially female ones. In the video where Riley Gaines was being harassed by a mob, it was mainly a black woman as the most bold in the crowd. They are just as bad as the rest of the races.

No. 2438290

NTA, but that's probably because Riley Gaines is disliked for more topics than the tranny thing. She's a conservative who's been supporting DOGE lately, she's more than likely racist too.
There are black gendies/TRAs, but there's just significantly fewer of them when compared to white people. Most minorities are culturally more on the religious/homophobic side, and there simply isn't as much of a precedent to support trans people.

No. 2438374

>TERFs will degender you in a heartbeat
Yeah, that's the point, retard. TERFs don't believe in gendersouls and I'm pretty sure this woman would not be offended or horrified by being 'degendered,' whatever that means. Normal people don't care about such things.

No. 2438400

File: 1741626998342.png (1.2 MB, 1179x1150, Gf5sju3XMAAdf_7.png)

I've seen so many examples of troon and TRA racism, they're indistinguishable from racist incels because that's what they are. It's laughable how much they despise and neg black women while demanding their allegiance. Most oppressed, vulnerable victims in the world with swastikas on their walls and faces lol.
They think they're keeping black women in line with all the verbal abuse, but they're just waking them up even faster so they can stop feeling sorry for these brolic and psychotic men in dresses.

No. 2438457

File: 1741629888049.jpeg (1016.33 KB, 1170x2063, IMG_6362.jpeg)

The owner of the Girls Spot gym is standing her ground on insta today! She made a video post with the same caption as what she posted. She’s so eloquent and measured in her response, and even still took a respectful stance towards troons, which is crazy considering the shit they’ve said about her. A lot of women were thanking her and sticking up for her, which is great to see.

No. 2438473

she's being so thoughtful and considerate to those who are probably wishing death upon her. she brings up important points and i wish that people would read this with actual thought and consideration, but you know they'll still be screaming twansphobia and terf at this even when she is being very respectful towards them (when imo they don't deserve it, but i do respect her thoughtfulness and consideration/communication towards others, even if i think those people should be told to get fucked and find some other gym that would cater to their dipshit tranny feelings)

No. 2438475

Peak GigaStacy response to all the misogyny and racism she has received. I'm rooting for her to have great success and to never back down against oppression! I hope her bravery inspires other women to stand up for themselves and their fellow women.

No. 2438482

I agree they don't deserve it, but at the same time they do. Like they need to see that no one is going to fall for their bait. There is no bigger of a "fuck you" than acknowledging their whining without stooping to their level of petty insults and threats. Her maturity is the ultimate YWNBAW

No. 2438484

Poor girl, she's giving perfectly reasonable business related reasons as to why she's not welcoming TIMs without realizing she's talking to obese jobless bums who never had a job besides maybe being a batista at Starbucks, who fatphobia exists and who won't understand what she's talking about.

No. 2438492

you can tell by the way she's been speaking that she has absolutely no fucking idea what she's up against. she doesn't realise that just saying "biological women" or indeed using any language to acknowledge that there's any distinction between cis and trans women is considered transphobic violence. she doesn't realise that even if she genuinely cares about trans women's wellbeing, and even if she manages to convince them of this, the very fact that she has decided that female people should be allowed to have one single thing for ourselves, or that we exist at all, makes her a bigoted transphobe nazi violent terf who deserves to get killed. i've already seen countless death and rape threats towards her on twitter. she's been working hard at this for her entire 20s and i worry that the character of this journey will be permanently altered for her as going forward the level of violence and rank misogyny she and her patrons will face will be unlike anything she experienced from "cis men" in mixed sex gyms. she has a young daughter and i just think the whole thing is awful. i've been so upset about this all day

No. 2438497

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… what?

No. 2438501

>you can tell by the way she's been speaking that she has absolutely no fucking idea what she's up against.
nona she wrote that she paid for legal advice. She knows what she's up against. This has always been the plight of women. We always risk our lives to fight for basic human rights. It's a sad fact of reality.

No. 2438504

I noticed this woman that’s dating a guy I used to know has “she/her” in her bio and it drives me fucking insane. Girl you wax your entire body, almost exclusively wear feminine clothing, and are completely heterosexual. Also you’re dating a man that’s a well known sex pest, fetishizes bisexual woman in his social circle, and has tried to pull some conversion therapy bullshit on a lesbian before. I’m convinced that the she/her in bio thing is one of the many ways these types of females express their fetishistic subservience to males; Just another way of reinforcing women’s gender roles in our patriarchal society. There’s nothing progressive about it.

No. 2438509

ayrt, and i totally agree with you. that's part of the reason why i love her post. she doesn't back down, displaying etiquette that TRAS couldn't comprehend. her attitude vs their attitude shows exactly who is the actual mature and thoughtful one in this situation. her being considerate towards those who act like manchildren which makes them look even worse in comparison, her setting an example, the way she will not be put down by retarded trannies, her showing professionalism in the face of those who couldn't fathom what nuance looks like… i love it
>Her maturity is the ultimate YWNBAW
completely agreed. she exudes decorum, trannies could never & will never
>she has absolutely no fucking idea what she's up against. she doesn't realise that just saying "biological women" or indeed using any language to acknowledge that there's any distinction between cis and trans women is considered transphobic violence. she doesn't realise that even if she genuinely cares about trans women's wellbeing, and even if she manages to convince them of this, the very fact that she has decided that female people should be allowed to have one single thing for ourselves, or that we exist at all, makes her a bigoted transphobe nazi violent terf who deserves to get killed
exactly this nona, i 100% agree. it's really sad, i worry about what will happen for her too because i know exactly what you're talking about. i don't blame you at all for feeling upset. i worry about the fate of her gym knowing how this has played out before. i absolutely hate that trannies will always see the most minor things and treat it as the utmost oppression that should be illegal, and then act like it’s this major attack on them because god forbid women have a space to themselves. they're such men because the world will bend over backwards for them and cater to their every minor need and they'll still cry and scream oppression when ONE space doesn't cater to them and their immature, retarded feelings. exactly like you say, despite her showing care and consideration, they will not accept it and will still do exactly this:
>i've already seen countless death and rape threats towards her on twitter.
which is unfortunately not even slightly surprising to hear. sickening and vile behavior, they will always throw the biggets tantrums online but probably never step foot in a gym. i recently saw that there was a spa that was offering one night a month for biological women only and trannies on reddit were crying opression and how this should be illegal and review-bombing the place with 1-star reviews and brigading together to try and get the word out that one night at a spa without scrotum is bigotry in their eyes. absolutely disgusting

No. 2438512

Kek I love this

No. 2438521

Holy moly… pedophilia aside, how does someone have the complete lack of self-awareness to post this shit under their public account, or even believe anyone is buying the "I j-just want to help 12-14 year old girls out" angle

Black girls are more likely to buy the gendie stuff ime… but when they don't they're also a lot more outspoken about it.

No. 2438526

He did a whole debate with this fag years ago and mentioned him on his channel a million times. Don't know if he mentioned this specific incident though.

No. 2438527

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humanity is over. this is fucking cooked. i want this to be a troll but somehow i know these types of retarded people exist, somehow
>my cat is getting bottom surgery
>her personality is y2k mcbling coded
>luckily we touch grass pretty often in this house
like kek what the actual fuck. not so sure this person saved this cat from a terrible home, considering this is their reaction to being banned from a chat. i'm afraid to see what the rest of their loser account looks like

No. 2438529

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The argument "How do you know that someone is trans??" is always so fucking cute, like really? Do you really, actually believe that troons are totally identical to the sex the choose? There's always something off, that's why they off themselves. No inspection needed, the voice, the height, the bones even the fucking attitude gives it away, always.

No. 2438533

>Her maturity is the ultimate YWNBAW
couldnt have said it better

No. 2438534

she has a child and is suicidal on top of all that. shocking

No. 2438536

It's probably a troll. I don't doubt that people this stupid really exist, but I'm pretty sure TRAs vehemently deny the "changing animal's pronouns" thing for the most part because it used to be a common rightoid joke.

No. 2438542

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>It's probably a troll.
that's what i'd hope but you can never be so sure anymore with how gendies tend to one-up each other's batshit crazy until their entire existence becomes a joke

No. 2438545

"How are you even gonna know they are a biological woman??????"
-6'4, 5 o clock shadow, man voiced, adams-appled, crotchbulge, bad makeup, acting like a sexualized caricature of a 6 year old girl, she/her

No. 2438549

ayrt, possibly. i just feel that women who've faced the full force of gender ideology's entanglement with institutions and the law don't usually acquiesce and make concessions and try to apologise and balance plates in the way she's done today. she may have anticipated the need for legal counsel but probably doesn't realise she may well be in for a battle the length and magnitude of sall grover's.
ayrt, you're completely right nona. i go to a women only gym which has existed since before the word "female" was considered violent bigotry. it is technically trans-inclusive according to their FAQ, but because it wasn't founded in this radicalised post-covid political atmosphere, it's kind of quietly ignored and i've never seen a trans person inside ever. it's the very fact that she has publicly said no which makes it now imperative that trans people be allowed in
this has been pissing me the fuck off all day as well - they're basically telling on themselves in that they're taking it as a given that trans people are going to try to get in despite being told they're not welcome. women as a class do not behave like that. why is it not enough for a woman to say "please make a space you feel safe in for your own community and let us have one that meets our specific needs"? AND THEN they effectively accuse her and her staff of this bizarre fetishistic fantasy of sexual assault where they inspect everyones genitals or require every member to have a menstrual cycle. i'm pretty much crypto in my life around everyone who would care, but this shit is so violently unjust and cruel that i'm starting to not give a fuck anymore. i don't even want people to THINK i'm on the side of these filthy, contemptible, woman-hating misogynists, even if that makes me "transphobic".

No. 2438550

someone please tell her to bring up muslim women

No. 2438552

nayrt, but you'd have to be retard to think black girls out of all groups are more likely to buy the gendie stuff. If anything it's the complete opposite, everytime a semi-famous black public figure or celeb got outed as twansphobic their fans kept using the "they don't know any better they're from the hood where everyone's dumb and not up to speed with wokeism" angle to get out of jail and it worked because it was so believable for leftists to sympathize with some imagination of some impoverished, can barely read at her own grade level, inner city black girl whose rough upbringing barred her from teaching her to have "decorum" on certain topics. Unfortunately there actually are so many poor black girls whose everyday reality is just like that too. Gendie shit is a middle class rebellious youth cultural export, which there's a smaller demographic of in black people because there's a disproportionately tiny black middle class.

No. 2438555

>women who would want to access to her gym but who are too involved with identity politics
Their loss.
>It also wouldn't surprise me if people vandalise the gym in protest, assault women entering/leaving, and generally ruin Natalee's efforts, hard work and fundraising
I really hope no women are assaulted but a backlash by TRAs means one more nail in the coffin for troons. Seeing unwashed fetishist moids attack a female-only space will bring this issue to the forefront of many people's minds and it would likely generate even more support for her gym. So far most incidents of this nature targeted feminist events or places associated with things people don't want to think about (DV shelters). A gym is a very normal, accessible place and it would drive the point home that TRAs want us out of public spaces unless we cater to AGPs

No. 2438557

no that's horrible, she has to tread carefully bringing up other identities before the gendie muslim and ex-muslim community awaken, to defend troons. They might bully her for invoking their community as a shield.

No. 2438572

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>I can’t cut my balls off and it is ruining my life
Kek what are you? A dog?

No. 2438592

>Me and the nonas walking through a troon protest to our favorite gym: The Girls Spot, for our third workout of the day

No. 2438593


No. 2438599

Jonathan Yaniv had the lack of self-awareness to post this shit publicly because he kept being backed up by the Canadian government and courts repeatedly so he learned that he was essentially invincible due to being a TIM. He was bringing vexatious litigation in human rights court against a variety of his own harassment victims and they were being ordered to pay restitutions. Long after he posted these things on facebook he was allowed to organize a community swimming event (no adults allowed) for tweens. Predators do this stuff openly when they live in countries that support what they're doing, like Canada.

No. 2438696

Black women vs TRAs are my favorite genre. Many a TIM have been smacked down by a black woman who has other stuff to worry about than being polite to retards.

No. 2438760

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That doctor was right.

No. 2438825

To be fair, if I was her I wouldn't be refusing. The more males castrated on this earth the better. Especially psychosexually disordered narcs like TIMs. The only silver lining to come out of the tranny craze is that males are self-neutering themselves like mad, I'm actually upset that Trump is putting the breaks on it. In an ideal world the tranny movement would die out by itself not before millions of males are castrated and kill themselves.

No. 2438881

This doctor is probably forward thinking and doing all she can to avoid the lawsuits looming on the horizon kek

No. 2438926

If he's a brave and stunning woman he can do his own lifesaving surgery with a sharp knife and a bottle of moonshine. This is actually a thing btw, men are literally doing DIY castrations at home for the goon. That's penis as well as testicles although most of the ones I've seen are just the testicles. I have no doubt that if he expresses suicidal thoughts about his balls still existing that someone will give him tips and links on how to do this.
Cheer up, nonna. No matter how many cuts Trump makes, the trannies make more.
Exactly, she can see the tide turning. Trooning is a social contagion and now that Lillith and Achilles can't force everyone to pander to their delusions it's not as fun as it used to be. Many TIFs already seem to be either detransing or moving away from the gender movement, for example. Men are hysterical by nature and too coddled to understand the consequences of their actions. Who's to say that an angry ex-TIM won't firebomb this doctor's practice because he's mad at his own choices? Moids are unstable at the best of times and as a gendie doctor she's undoubtedly seen the worst of them.

No. 2438930

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Is there any reliable index for all the cases of troons creeping on women in bathrooms/female-only spaces? The main argument in Latin American activism is is not that "they are so little cases that should not be held as the standard to judge all trans people" but rather that there are NONE or are alt-wing propaganda.

No. 2438941

It happens frequently in Canada. If you're having trouble finding stories, try going to Reduxx. You can google the story and you'll likely find it reported somewhere else if you're uncomfortable sending Reduxx links. I hate them calling it "right wing propaganda". Left leaning sources are choosing to not report on these incidents because it doesn't align with their current narrative.

No. 2438947

https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/this-never-happens has a lot of examples, though it's probably not the organized sort of index you're looking for

No. 2438974

Kek this conga line of stacies strutting down the street

No. 2438999

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No. 2439006

This dude writes like Eric Harris.

No. 2439012

stacy train
I'd argue his little saga made troons more narcissistic than they already were

No. 2439014

I genuinely don't understand what this scrote is on about, but I'm glad I don't give enough fucks to even be offended. Stoicism for the win.

No. 2439016

what the fuck is this cope?
It's almost like males are the ones who should be subjugated for their looks and forced to dress slutty and appeal to my female gaze

No. 2439053

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I honestly think that a neutral solution to the males in women's prison problem would be to build separate units for them (in an ideal world where there is adequate funding for prison reform). I was wondering what Reddit would have to say about this, and I'm disgusted but not surprised. Concentration camps… How histrionic and extremely out of touch and offensive. They're suggesting that OP's very rational solution to a real problem is the same as systematically rounding up millions of Jews and shipping them off to death camps? There were multiple people in the comments alluding to this metaphor, too. These people are truly blind to the problems incarcerated women face, not to mention women getting pregnant from males in women's prisons is a real thing, so now we are bringing an innocent child into this fucked up situation? There are so many reasons why sex-segregated prisons are important. I don't think TIMs should necessarily be put into men's prisons, but they definitely should not be in women's prisons, and I really don't think it's that radical of an idea.

No. 2439057

Samefag but it never ceases to amaze me how TIMs are absolutely addicted to playing the victim at all costs. This shit pisses me off so bad. Truly taking home the gold at the Oppression Olympics.

No. 2439068

Not to derail but I strongly agree, and also have a lot of opinions on this topic: 1. I don’t really think it makes sense to put them with other males due to high rates of violence/extreme homophobia 2. Solitary confinement is inhumane in any context, so that’s not an option 3. Females NEED sex-segregated spaces (which is clearly stated in the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions). So with all that being said, even when I try my hardest to create an open dialogue about this situation with a focus on the most humane solutions possible, I just get called a terfy bitch and immediately shut down. Their deeply-embedded misogyny is making them completely blind to the unique struggles of incarcerated females and it’s absurd

No. 2439071

Moids typing like cartoon villains will never not be funny.

No. 2439073

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IIRC, the UK passed legislation that prevented TiMs with male genitalia or being convicted of a sexual offense from transferring to women's general prison. This was in 2023.
From what I recall so few prisoners met this basic, bare minimum criteria that they all essentially ended up in a specialist unit instead. Which has been an option since at least 2019.

No. 2439074

>keeping TIM sex offenders away from vulnerable women is LITERALLY the holocaust!
I have no words.

No. 2439093

i just don't get how radical feminism is seen as a white woman thing. my experience in rf spaces, it's mostly hispanic/desi/etc. brown women. there are plenty of whites but brown women dominate the convos. bit ot but i wish i could find that video of the white troon claiming the ebil terfs not letting him in the women's bathroom was just like the jim crow era where blacks couldn't use white bathrooms

No. 2439188

whats funny about this is not that its a strength issue, but rather women have weaker bonds in our skin so its more painful to grip, its so our bodies can shift and change during pregnancy, no ammount of synthetic horomones will give a troon woman skin lol i hope they die angry

No. 2439195

the way i know a girl in my comm who is in the exact same spot. down to the masks and she got top surgery too sadly. she decided to detrans after going to therapy. im sorry for your friend, i see my friend hurt and i know how you feel. And yes, there is such a thing. she can register for speech therapy and learn to voice train her normal voice again. if youre also in canada it might be free for her same with laser. tho my friend cant get lazer bc shes a blonde, it sucks so bad.

No. 2439205

im a c/o, tho a new one, tims and very flamboyant are genreally put into protective custody units with pedofiles and ex gang members. main reason is men are monsters and will rape anything espcially if it has fake tits and lip filler. tho many tims enjoy being with men for this reason, since they get attention they would other wise not get. im at a muli security, both sex remand centre so its small, but other prison have entire gay blocks because PC is very isolating. staff usually call them our ladyboys which they seem to enjoy, most are addicts and prostitutes, usually just annoying, brain damanged and gay. not even being mean, its just facts.

its actually policy tho that if one comes in with a 'neo vagina' that we put him in womens side, i have nt been here long enough to see that happen. note tho that we dont have a womens protective custody, just regular segregation/SHU. women are usually more civil. and tifs show up all the time and never raise a complaint, but a couple tims have.

im in canada for reference, i tihnk they can fight this? ive never seen it happen tho, could just be our facility type too

No. 2439278

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i'm a little late but i used to have a BAB frog and i literally got rid of it because i was in the BAB subreddit and there is so much of this. titchop mutilated animals and people turning them into gay trans nonbinary "ocs". it's so weird and juvenile and they always get a million upvotes. creepy, gross community.

No. 2439279

can i also add that mtf trannies are the first ones to say that black women look like men

No. 2439305

>The more males castrated on this earth the better. Especially psychosexually disordered narcs like TIMs.
Nope, castration doesn't do much to prevent sexual offenses, look it up. The more AGP or fetish-ridden a man is, the more his pleasure is divorced from anything to do with genitals and arousal. So it doesn't make a difference, aside from making them suicidal kek

No. 2439338

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Idk why the fuck this sub appeared in my related posts because I have never been on a gendie sub in my life but it’s cracking me up. Half the posts are bots or OF grifters and the rest are obviously hideous

No. 2439351

The good thing is a lot of them do it young, so they don't pass on their faulty moid genes that led them to troon out

No. 2439362

Castration does a lot to prevent pregnancy and makes TIMs extremely suicidal because they got the chop specifically for the coom. Castration's not the most effective way to prevent SA but I'm not mad about men lining up to get it.

No. 2439378

File: 1741695632731.jpg (32.73 KB, 256x279, _-_.jpg)

It's been fun dunking on trannies & genderspecials with you. Now that the VPN ban will be implemented I won't risk ever posting on this site.

No. 2439470

you are a retard anon please learn to read, the first paragraph of the poll post says they are making an exception in all the troon threads. zoomers illiteracy will kill this site

No. 2439529

My TIF coworker is going bald and having to stay home for days at a time with a “mystery illness” that the doctors can’t explain (I wonder if it could be related to the testosterone???) and my TIM coworker told me that his fauxgina is nonstop leaking blood, or god knows what other bodily fluid, he can’t sit or stand for long periods without pain, and the doctors don’t know what to do with him. I wish I was making this up.

No. 2439538

This shit's just depressing. WHY do people do this to themselves?

No. 2439543

>Telling your coworker about your mangled inverted penis wound
I would quit on the spot.

No. 2439614

I really want to get a new job before he inevitably 41%s. I don’t think I could bring myself to wax poetic to our woke coworkers about how she was such a beautiful lesbian woman who died due to horrible transphobia.

No. 2439618

>male from slovenia
That might be a fabricated story because everyone in the balkans memes about slovenes being effeminate soyboys lol

No. 2439666

sorry for blogpost but i may lose my bestfriend to tranny polyamorous cult shit. she’s been talking about moving in with her TIM friend so she can “save money” but what’s extra disturbing is that she has legitimate female friends she can move in with who aren’t creepy “transbians” who are freshly divorced. this TIM has said that he wants to live on a compound full of women for poly reasons. she even suggests i move in with them too and i have to politely decline every time.

No. 2439676

Can you troll them by giving them malicious medical advice? Something like 'just douche with vinegar'.

No. 2439685

Is there any way we can support and protect her from the trannies? I left a few comments of support but theres so many trannies & handmaidens.
I wonder if this kind of behavior is what made her peak in the first place.
I feel mad for her. i fucking hate trannies

No. 2439687


No. 2439692

The only good thing that (may) come out of trumps bullshit is putting an end to the tranny nonsense in the usa. Idk how it is in Britain so i worry she’s fucked because she chose to have common sense in tranny world.

No. 2439697

File: 1741714097797.jpg (117.82 KB, 497x640, 1441604886177.jpg)

Or boric acid.

No. 2439720

Don't they already use boric acid on their rot pockets in some capacity?

No. 2439721

File: 1741714967688.jpg (1012.11 KB, 1125x1905, someone save this queen.jpg)

It’s spreading. They’re gonna try to destroy her. Why tf did this make it to fauxmoi and youtubedrama? She’s neither a celebrity nor a youtuber. Any nonnies close to this gym, please support her if you can. Also, what are self defense laws like in the UK? Aren’t y’all not even allowed to have pepper spray? It’s like that in NYC (stupid as hell) but women get around it with wasp and bear spray. Given her background in fitness and self defense, hopefully she can hold her own regardless but I’m genuinely concerned for her safety.

No. 2439723

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No. 2439729

so how will you prove that a scrote with a history of sexual violence can't just put on a wig and strut right in a TIM inclusive gym quick(trick question: they're one and the same and very much welcomed.)

No. 2439733

File: 1741715629106.jpg (677.17 KB, 1080x2340, 1000013863.jpg)

What the fuck… I can literally pull up like 5 examples of this immediately. I'll do it right now give me a sec

No. 2439735

Lysol is perfect because it's just believable enough because it's got history as a "feminine hygiene" product kek

No. 2439744

Teenagers have literally been raped by their male schoolmates in female bathrooms. So have grown women in public, and little girls by grown men. I hate redditors.

No. 2439745

Women is sueing prison for placing a man in with her, he assaults her, prison ignores plea to change cells, eventually escalates to rape.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2439755

If testosterone makes you want to be cute and girly why aren't most normal men walking around wearing makeup and skirts then. The only angle he's semi right on is if he's saying he lost the (male) agp urge to jerk off to himself being "cute and girly" after the hormones, but most of these losers are still massive sex pests even when they've been on hormones for years. Also kek at saying you become weak in body and mind when moids are the ones dying earlier than women on average, they're less resistant to diseases, go bald by 25 and will chimp out at every little inconvenience and shoot up schools if they're not endlessly coddled by society due to how mentally weak they are on average compared to women. What this retard is referring to is also most likely just him injecting excess estrogen he's not supposed to in his male body and it reacting poorly to it, but he stupidly assumes that this must just be the average female experience and not his male body rejecting that shit kek. Classic male retardation and them thinking they know what being a woman is like in any way shape or form. It's either this cope that they must be superior (keep telling yourself that) or that being male is horrible and oppressive and women get handed everything in life, are privileged for being female, etc. No inbetween.

No. 2439759

I have a reddit account, I'll post it for you.

No. 2439764

>another trap/gay comedy from 80s Japan is elevated as "yass queen"
The sad thing about this anime is that Hibari couldn't be female because of the cultural expectations of being meek and subdued, this is like the anti-Urusei Yatsura lol.

At the middle of the video the scrote invites a female friend to rates Hibari's awesome /fa/ fits, and the first one he picks is…sailor uniform top over a pink striped shirt with bright orange shorts.

No. 2439781

File: 1741717954818.jpg (2.6 MB, 2048x2923, tumblr_1f56e9a68df983f58d6aaac…)

i always wished hibari was just a guy that gets mistaken for a girl instead of a guy that actually wants to be a girl. It would be way funnier that way, too. He does have some banger outfits, tho.

No. 2439807

>"this never happens"
Rape culture manifest. Why can't they just shrug and be like "ok I will go to literally any other gym"? Is it because they are scared that if they allow one women's gym to protect themselves from TIMs, all of them will?

No. 2439878

I’m so worried for her, these retards are capable of violence.

No. 2439882

File: 1741723745845.jpeg (276.9 KB, 1170x1175, IMG_1669.jpeg)

Two retards telling each other “exactly!!” Kek

No. 2439893

>Why tf did this make it to fauxmoi and youtubedrama? She’s neither a celebrity nor a youtuber.
because unfortunately it's reddit and fauxmoi are retarded. you go on there and it is basically half political discourse/news for some odd reason with hardly any celeb gossip. fauxmoi has everything the rest of reddit has to offer: political virtue signaling, misogyny, and making the entire conversation about trannies. all of the most upvoted posts on there are all about kissing trannies asses or are political topics. the whole sub is extremely misogynistic, they will find any excuse to shit on women and drag their name through the mud. and by that i mean, they will not shut the fuck up about how much they hate gal gadot (didn't even know who she is until i visited that sub. they hate on her literally that much) but they have absolutely none of that energy towards men. it's yet another online circlejerk echochamber that thinks they're doing political activism under the guise of misogyny
sorry for the incoming rant but this is exactly what gets me every time. they can go anywhere else. yet they act like they're being attacked and try comparing it to actual oppression. real oppression doesn't work like this when they can just go to another gym. these people act like every space needs to be cut out for them, when the world already is made for men and men can go anywhere and get away with so much. it's so pathetic and screams volumes about the type of world they want. they prove that they don't care about the gym, they don't care about working out, it's just all about their fragile egos being shattered. "if one place doesn't cater to my needs, this is an attack on my identity. this is basically genocide!!" when… just go to another fucking place. there are other gyms that exist. why is ONE gym such a fucking problem? if they are so secure in their identities as twanswomen, surely one gym shouldn't be an issue? the world is full of variety and if they actually cared about working out they could do it somewhere else. for example, some people have food allergies, religious, ethical or health reasons why they can't eat certain foods. if i was allergic to a certain food i'd be aware that not every restaurant will be suitable for me. therefore, i might instead cook at home or go to a restaurant that specifically caters to my dietary need. it's fair and rational to work around these things and understand that the world isn't built for you and your specific needs. the person with the dietary restriction understands already that they can't go everywhere to get what they need, but it does not mean they are being denied food, just like these people are not being denied exercise. but when someone is a scrote, has no problems but wishes to invent them, and the world has been coddling their feelings their whole lives and then they realize they can exploit a retarded loophole so they can pretend they're also very very discriminated against, they start acting like fucking fools and pretending like this is serious oppression. god forbid women have ONE space, we can't let this happen, it's murder, ect. fucking retards. they're so quick to scream oppression when women just want a space for their own. men cannot STAND to see women have one space for themselves so much that they cry oppression, it’s disgusting. i’d love to see these people face real issues
the call is coming from inside the house. YWNBAW, keep seething about your broad shoulders, wide skulls and the fact that your biological sex will always prevent you from attaining something unattainable to you

No. 2439894

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Hoping and wishing for tranny and gay male death. Women need to start playing the dirty game, read up on property laws, equip with weapons and defend it like men do with their properties but somehow never get flack for (they defend it to the point of necessary violence). You cannot be merciful towards these retards who actively want you dead and want you having absolutely no rights or spaces to yourself and having the audacity to turn around and claim that those things are actually happening to them and not real women.

No. 2439900

amerilard take

No. 2439903

As a Euro I think this is quite reasonable

No. 2439909

amerilard brained euro.. nonnie get help(bait)

No. 2439931

It's logical and reasonable. One tranny said he would take my hypothetical child from me and my boyfriend because he doesn't like my boyfriend's opinions and thinks the child would be abused because we are "transphobic". The second that troon steps on my land he rots in my septic tank.

No. 2439932

I second this nonna. The treatments of women by trannies and faggots is crazy. They can all die , it’s time for women to stop caring about these demographics because it’s retarded women backing them up each time and these trannies and poopfuckers never advocate for women.

No. 2439933

It’s a parasitic relationship.

No. 2439942

> Is it because they are scared that if they allow one women's gym to protect themselves from TIMs, all of them will?

No. 2439944

how do gay men escape the wrath of tifs who want to force them to eat pussy

No. 2439961

What's up with the fearful mood in this thread? This a really stressful time for her but she'll probably live to tell the tale. Women don't have to crumble and go "oh nooo these TRAs are just too scary and powerful, i'm dipping out" every time troons try to harrass them into submission. She made the right choice by being outspoken and she deserves all the enthusiastic support she can get

No. 2439962

One time I went to the Creation Science Museum in Kentucky for shits and giggles, and the crux of the museum’s entire argument is that you need to believe that dinosaurs were in the Garden of Eden and Noah’s Ark, because otherwise, if you don’t take that part of the Bible literally, why do you have any reason to believe the rest of the Bible, or even call yourself a Christian?

I’m realizing that transgenderism uses the exact same logic - you need to believe that trans women are literally the exact same as regular women - and therefore they belong in women’s gyms and women’s sports, etc. because otherwise you are saying that they are men (in at least some cases), and therefore the entire belief system falls apart.

Troonism = just as extremist as biblical literalism Christianity. The “transwomen are women” mantra is the same as the “war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength” mantras from the book 1984. If you can get people to swallow and repeat such an obvious fallacy as the gospel truth, it allows for the creation of black and white separation of believers vs. nonbelievers (aka infidels, heretics, unsaved sinners, etc.).

No. 2439967

Kekk why do they always default to jealousy any time someone criticizes them? If you criticize them for wanting to fuck children= jealous hag, if you criticize them for fetishizing women of other races= jealous white woman, if you criticize troons for being predatory sex pests…You guessed it, jealousy again. No woman feels threatened by a troon's make believe game where he puts on his best woman costume like they believe and they're the ones who feel upset by women naturally looking, well, more like women than they do as men kek and constantly try to put us down by coping about how they totally make better and more feminine women. They can't fathom women disliking troons for reasons like how so many of them are predators and are taking away female spaces and women's general safety. It's totally all about this catty bullshit they cooked up in their head about how women are just jealous of their beard shadow, broad shoulders and having to dilate and pretend to be female for the rest of their lives.
>the hate will rot them from the inside as they age
Troons will literally rot from the hormones and surgeries they get and remove healthy body parts kek. Not to mention how often they end up killing themselves.

No. 2439973

because mtf trannies fucking kill people. look at the OP. they also harass and try to ruin the lives of women.

No. 2440013

he is, hibari is a regular trap character. there’s a trans character that’s explicitly stated to be one, so the insistence that hibari is trans too (despite the whole premise of the manga being that he pretends to be a woman because he doesn’t want to succeed the yakuza) is dumb

No. 2440041

Because trannies are insane and there are tens of thousands of people talking about it on Twitter, it's not a small thing. With troons crying genocide 24/7 now and being more radicalized because of Trump it's not that far-fetched they're going to escalate. They attacked people at a GC march/protest too.

No. 2440242

Seconding. unfortunately, the level entitledness of an effeminate man exceeds from that of a regular person. We all need to do our part and stop being doormats for trannies. Agreeing to use their “muh disired pronouns” is only fueling their delusion. Even if they whine and cope about you misgendering them, we need to put our foot down.

No. 2440248

Trannies on twitter love to echo things gender criticals tell them and try to flip it back on them.
>actually YOU are insecure with your own gender
>actually YOU are upholding sexist belifs
>actually YOU will suffer consequences in the long run, TERF!!!

No. 2440255

Its crazy how one action from some small business could cause the entire tranny community to riot. Their agenda is like a house of cards. Its about time we start acknowledging them for what they are.

No. 2440267

every accusation is a confession as they say. i wish i had a crystal ball so i could see into the eventual future where tranny shit is looked back on as we now look back on lobotomies and leeching

No. 2440275

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what's up with troons and joking about tricking people into taking e/t?

No. 2440278

There's a psychosexual factor to it. Unconsciously they know that they are harming their bodies, although in waking life they believe that they're aiding their bodies. When they threaten others in this fashion, there's an implicit acceptance of the harm that comes it, and that's gratifying for the psyche. I'd write more but I'm going to sleep now.

No. 2440283

It's coom brain. There's entire fetishes around tricking women into x, y, z in hentai.

No. 2440286

i know for a fact gender ideology will not last long in the long run. id give it about 20-40 years max. not because of that fact that most trannies ack when they hit the wall, but because the same thing happened with flat earthers and fake moon landing conspiracies when it was scientifically disproved. gender ideology is based off feelings, and not facts. its all gonna crumble like a house of cards in future generations lmao

No. 2440287

they have some kind of sexual fetish around magically changing your gender i swear to god. gender dysphoria my ass

No. 2440298

flat earthers are thriving on youtube nonnie

No. 2440302

Yeah, but not like they used to. It's not the same at all.

No. 2440304

nta but everyone makes fun of them too and "flat earthers" are largely just trolls or genuine schizos

No. 2440344

Idk but I've seen troons pestering random gnc men like this before. They would keep going even when the people involved were visibly annoyed. It's like they see any mildly gnc person and think they have to force them to troon out, they can't fathom anyone existing outside of rigid gender roles and not being a troon like they are. For women I just assume it's their male rapeyness making them want to harm them.

No. 2440367

Can your friend get electrolysis instead of laser? It's expensive but works for all hair colours because the technician targets follicles manually.
>men lining up to get it
Only 5% of TIMs are.
It's hit in the midst of upheaval in the UK. Sandy Peggie, a Scottish nurse, launched a court case against the NHS and a hulking troon dr who pervs on female staff in the changing rooms. This scandal has gotten a huge amount of press and prompted clarification from the EHRC that men do not belong in women's single sex spaces, which can include gyms. TRA politicians are being grilled on women's rights daily. Natalee is operating within the law and UK trannies know it and are hissing in the sunlight. It's perfect timing.

No. 2440368

if i went to a therapist and cried about how much gender ideology upsets me in my everyday life, how do you think they would react?

No. 2440379

I can never understand the handmaiden argument that no man will go through the effort to be a trans woman to enter women’s spaces and sexually assault them, but will (rightfully) refuse a male gynecologist because they can easily believe a man would go through medical school to stare at women for the rest of their lives.
So you agree? A man will do anything to gain access to a woman in a vulnerable position?

No. 2440383

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Maybe I am conspiratarded but I very seriously believe in 10-20 years hospitals will be paying millions of dollars in malpractice suits from mentally ill people claiming that doctors were performing eugenics on them by cutting off balls and tits instead of just giving them the psychiatric medication they so clearly need

No. 2440390

these days they say you don't even need gender dysphoria to troon out just misogyny

No. 2440397

depends on where you live and the therapist. But most likely the therapist will tell you that you need to go offline. Legally, most of them can't agree with you even on the off chance they are crypto. The sad truth is troons make therapists a lot of money due to their mental illness

No. 2440398

I mean it's already happening. The doctors aren't paying yet but it could happen. i think most of the detroonsitioning cases are ongoing

No. 2440407

at least the leeches still have a medical purpose. and nobody is trying to deny what a leech is. etc

No. 2440432

Maybe I'm a doomer but this is just wishful thinking. The farthest push back I can see realistically happening is people only accepting trutrannies and it won't be as controversial to shit on nonbinary/genderfluid/whatever anymore. But troon acceptance as a whole is never going to go away. As science and surgeries get better I can only expect for acceptance to come back again, because let's be real, most people don't ground their disapproval of trannies on any philosophical/scientific basis, but in a reflexive way because they're either gross men in wigs or obnoxious turbolib women.

No. 2440437

I never understood this one either. If a man will do something despite it being illegal, then thousands more will do it if there's a loophole they can easily exploit (like getting a GRC/ID marker changed).

No. 2440443

This sounds like on an unconscious level they realise that abusing testosterone is a punishment

No. 2440516

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Bleak. I really don't get how reddit still manages to be such an insanely biased echo chamber.

No. 2440528

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somebody wanted a tif version of the tranny timeline comic meme in the MTF thread, so i made two. if you mix both you get pixyteri (1/2)

No. 2440529

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No. 2440534

unfortunately, tomboygenocide sounds like a great name for a terfy punk band

No. 2440548

KEK these are great nonna, although I wish there was an AGP/"woman with faggot tattoo" version (but I guess the first one kind of is)

No. 2440737

It's about hurting women who won't fuck them, i.e. "uglifying" women who won't give them voyeuristic sexual access to them. This is just what the incel movement has become.

No. 2440745

i partially get it? like i'm not a huge fan of the bathroom argument, since a man would probably not go through the effort of transitioning to creep in women's bathrooms, when they could just as well put on a dress and a wig and do that without turning their entire life around for it.
but with more diligently sex segregated places like shelters or prisons or education programmes, etc etc, yeah a man would definitely transition for that access.

No. 2440748

and samefag to clarify, it's an issue in bathrooms too, i just don't think anyone's doing it exclusively for them. so the high school debate club brained part of me always cringes a bit when people bring up bathrooms as their primary concern, since with the way they work, anyone can pretty much just walk into one, troon or not.

No. 2440813

All i can hope is that the trannies on that site get 10x the scrutiny in the real world and wonder why it doesnt happen in their plebbit safespaces.

Literally all of it is lies they dont allow any opinions other than their own

No. 2440816

>troons make therapists a lot of money due to their mental illness
is that why therapists always ask about "gender identity" in their questionnares? i guess if you keep a mentally ill person and convince them they arent actually mentally ill to keep them coming to you thats an infinite cash cow.

would be crazy if all of this gender identity stuff was made by pharmacists trying to get extra money.

No. 2440820

if everyone painted their skin grey and claimed its because they “felt” like an elephant in the “inside”, as soon as the last person stopped gaslighting the new generation into thinking its normal and calling them bigots for asking about it, the whole ideology fails and you see it for what it is. a dumbass with their skin painted grey

No. 2440828

You're probably joking, but I and other anons believe this is true kek. Have you seen any other disorder and subsequent treatment get fast tracked like this in your lifetime? Think about any troons who get hormone prescriptions and surgery. Once you've irreversibly fucked your body with hrt, you're even less likely to go against the gender cult after seeing the way they treat detrans. So now that's one more lifetime customer for the drug company. And for surgeons, there's a high chance you'll be getting these retards back in for numerous revisions, not to mention medical treatment when it inevitably gets infected or needs hair removed. And because they're crabs in a dingy, crusty bucket, anyone talking about the rotpockets you fucked up is bullied off forums. Bonus! Once they give up and stop dilating, they kill themselves soon after their axewound finally heals up, so there goes one more person who would keep potential customers away.
Troons are the ultimate cash cows.

No. 2440852

Not sure how to go about this if at all, so keeping this sage'd.
>tiffany at my workplace
>pretty quiet and respectable, unlike most online
>until recently
>enter restroom before work starts
>she is in front of the mirror
>pulls out small tube marked "TestoBless"
>squeezes entire contents out
>slathers it all over her arms with rolled up sleeves
>doesn't wash with soap
>touches door handle when she leaves with her bare hand
isn't this some kind of hazard? I'm not sure how to deal with this when she's putting every other woman we work with at risk of exposure, can't imagine it's healthy for moids either but I doubt they would care. Who do I even tell about this?

No. 2440864

I hate tifs who don't even have the courage to inject.
I don't care if it's "completely" absorbed into the skin, I have pcos, if I touch something that a tif touched with their dirty hands, I risk a worsening and if these fuckers get into packed train/buses, I also risk. They should cover up, their choice.

No. 2440876

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Right on all points. Especially the detrans part.

Have you ever noticed how trannies treat their mental illness like its something that they were born with instead of something that happened in their environment (for example, being a male and not growing up with a father figure/masculine role model) And then treat people who detrans like they were never really trans in the first place? Like no, neither of you were born with "a female brain" in a male body, one just got help for their illness and youre just sitting in your own piss.

Thats why trannies like to pretend detrans dont exist so they can keep making the excuse that transgenderism is something they cant get help for, because if they did, they would have to admit its a mental illness.

No. 2440878

In my opinion, this gives off similar vibes to the moids who literally have fetishes for spreading their stds to unsuspecting people. (Wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that fetish is popular among TiMs tbh.)

No. 2440909

I only read the title of that post and after reading article after blog post after rant by clinicians or psychiatrists (usu moids) who treat these guys and who have been treating these guys for decades in many cases, (I also spend like a year on /tttt/), although right now there are cases of dumbasses getting involved with bad people who tell them that they need to trans because of ex behavioral ex preference and some of them do fall for it, The majority are just extremely delusional and they're delusions are pretty much permanent. Even the men who are heterosexual and who should understand that they are not trying to spare themselves the harsh treatment of a heterosexual society and who truly do believe that there is something wrong with them because they are nonconforming do eventually develop a debilitating mental illness if they indulge in the gender nonsense long enough. If they become obsessed with the idea of being a woman because it's what they get off to, be eventually feel like they need to be a woman or that their life isn't worth living or something. there is a real compulsion and inability to want anything else. I realize that the men who treat them are essentially enablers because that's their job and these men do not respond well to criticism or to being told that they're not thinking rationally, usually, there's a reason why they choose to LARP. a lot of men who used to be in the military and who are deeply mentally ill as a result end up trooning out. It's definitely related to mental illness regardless of whether the mental illness stems from being mistreated for being gay or feeling like you're abnormal because you're gay or because you condition yourself to getting off to the idea of being a woman so much that that's literally you know. there was kne tripfag on /tttt/ who's grown breasts and started doing feminizing shit on what he tries to suggest was a whim. this guy had no previous dysphoria, he was simply bored so he decided to go on hrt & break hus dick. It sounds fake but he does have a male roommate he apparently performs sexual favors for in return for material goods despite having a well-paying job or something. It was all pretty weird but I wouldn't put it past himdia types to be such AGPs that they really just don't care whether the cross sex hormones break they their dick as long as they get fetishized like they fetishize women.

No. 2440912

If she's using testosterone gel, yes, it's hazardous for others to come into contact with. It's pathetic how many tifs use gel that puts other people (not to mention pets) at risk just because they can't man up and get over the minor discomfort of using a needle.

No. 2440913

I wish musk had bought reddit instead of shitter.

No. 2440914

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I fucking hate the fanfic trannies make about aphordite and artemis

No. 2440918

why do they always say girls but never ladies or woman?

No. 2440921

you know why

No. 2440925

They dont want to be a middle aged wine auntie, but instead a 10 year old girl who plays with barbie dolls. As grown ass men

No. 2440930

theyre just autopedophiles and want to be sexy little girls (i feel gross typing that but its true)

No. 2440932

I would think this is a HR report, right? Can you ask in one of the employment threads?

No. 2440952

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No. 2440955

The patients will most likely lose their lawsuits unfortunaly, since the doctors can claim that they gave their informed consent.

No. 2440972

If TIFs are really "happy" after pooning out, then why do they have to try and "prove" it so often? It's because they aren't and they know that they wasted thousands of dollars on surgery and hormones.

No. 2440974

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>"It is important to note that our results only show biological sex identification and not gender preference"
It's sad that even a random science article has to say stuff like this. On the bright side, scientists can clock trannies based on their enamel developing gene, kek

No. 2440985

in the uk and us sadly a failmale white man like that supersedes every black person on the social and political hierarchy. he knows he's a white man even if he's using she/her and he takes comfort in that.

No. 2440987

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No. 2440991

>every person is deserving of life
bold of you to assume I believe any moid is deserving of life

No. 2440992

its always funny when someone tries to back up an obviously stupid claim with big wumbo jumbo psychology words “exclusionary limits of the self” gtfo i dont care if you change the dictionaries im still gonna call you what you are, a man in a wig

No. 2440993

Has this troon… watched family guy?

No. 2440995

also why do trannies really love using peter griffin and spongebob for their woke word salad memes lol

No. 2440996

they want peter griffin to be one of those late stage agps that turns lois into a trans widow.

No. 2440999

Didn't Meg poon out in that one episode

No. 2441013

This. The delusions truly know no bounds. If we’re actually going off of Greek mythology, pretty much all of the gods and goddesses, but especially Aphrodite and Artemis would fucking loathe troons. Again, going off of actual mythology, they’d probably be causing troons misfortune and death en masse. But because the idea of goddesses accepting them into female only spaces, or literally turning them into women makes them coom, it’s totally what they would do, fuck anyone who disagrees, Rick Riordan rules! , etc.

(Apologies for my sperging, but I majored in Greek mythology (historian) and this particular facet of troon retardation gets under my skin in the most special of ways.)

No. 2441018

>not because cis women might also be negatively affected by it
Since when does transphobia affect women negatively kek. Is this about how these retards think troons being clocked and treated poorly somehow affects gnc women who still obviously look female compared to troons. "Transphobia" is a positive thing for all women and doesn't harm us in any way, accepting troons is what harms women since it hinges on accepting the idea that women aren't oppressed on the basis of sex and reduces women to stereotypes like wearing skirts and having long hair.
>must we also erase them from their own oppression
What oppression kek. Not being able to force people to play along with your misogynistic delusions and general untreated mental illness? Being killed by other men for tricking them into sleeping with you without telling them you're trans? Not being able to lie about the reality of your sex on your documents? Not being able to groom children or expose the public to your degeneracy? Troons face no actual oppression.

No. 2441030

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Adding more fantasy to fantasy characters kek
Everything made for women trannies love to take for themselves and destroy. Its just appropriation at this point. No doubt in my mind that if these trannies made their mental illness known in ancient greece they would be stoned alive

No. 2441037

Does anyone else feel depressed that the gender crit movement seems as full of idiots as the tras? Ovarit is full of conspiracy theories, caping for Trump, and just bad arguments in general. They also constantly make excuses for Republicans because "at least they know what a woman is," as if that matters when they want to come for no-fault divorce and birth control. I can't tell if the trans issue just actually broke their brains and got them to think conservatives are somehow better or if there's been an influx of conservatives and trad shit. It feels like a lot of it attracts the same type of overly anxious and angry people that would have been TRAs otherwise but just happen to be right on this one issue.

No. 2441064

That tweet is so retarded I can’t even fucking tell you. One of Artemis’ main passions was assisting and protecting women! A cursory google search could tell you that. Never in a million years would she subscribe to the delusions of some sick coomer moids and allow them to put women at risk. Troons try not to be insufferable and rewrite history to fit your bullshit narrative challenge! (Impossible)
Rick riordan is such a gross grifter too. The troon worshipping is tired as fuck and the only people who like his books anymore are obnoxious genderspecial 13 year olds, and adults so fucking stupid and mentally ill they might as well be 13.

No. 2441071

Literally every single gym on earth allows trannies, but ~1 thing is NOT for them and they lose their shit. What a nice movement that will not age like milk in 10 years!

No. 2441084

Yes, it drives me mad.

No. 2441087

As long as we’re doing Greek mythology fanfic, I’d like to submit my own, based on the real life myths and not some troon’s porn addled schizophrenic musings.
Artemis is the original radfem. Goddess of hunting creepy moids for sport. Patron saint of troon death. Protector of actual women everywhere. Every time a troon does some misogynistic bullshit (so, anything and everything they do) Artemis sends death or misfortune their way. All hail Artemis, protector of women, destroyer of moids. Sleepover tonight at the temple nonnas, all I ask is you bring an altar offering. (Seriously though, what I wrote isn’t that far off from her actions in the myths. Which makes the troon shit even more retarded)

No. 2441091

You are not alone. I prefer to hang out here where people are mostly sane.

No. 2441098

But… right-wingers are comparatively better opponents unless they're completely captured by incel manosphere ideology. We are total enemies on many issues but you don't feel like you're trying to reason with someone who is trying their hardest to act like the sky is pink and who will do anything (threaten, lie, ignore you even if you get in their face, etc) to keep believing it. So i get why GCs say these things. Their arguments are retarded but they're clear because they're not ashamed of their stance (unlike TRAs), you can attack them without expecting insane levels of bad faith and dishonesty in return. I'm not a burger but i wouldn't be too scared of birth control going away. It's such a core part of modern life and sexuality and frankly, men enjoy it too much (sex without bothersome babies) to let it go. Divorce is another story
> It feels like a lot of it attracts the same type of overly anxious and angry people that would have been TRAs otherwise
I don't get that vibe at all. TRAs come across as really weak, resentful and afraid of reflection, they are very fragile and not good at absorbing disagreements so they respond with rage and mobbing. GCs come across as normie brash people, a little hard to talk to sometimes, but still way better. I really think that supporting stuff like child transition is untenable, only fetishists can comfortably do it. Most TRAs aren't so they get really agitated and defensive, like fundamentalists. Facing a conceited conservative normie is different, still annoying but different

No. 2441105

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>At my wagie job
>Some guests are standing in the way of something I need to get to
>"Pardon me, ladies."
>One of them turns to me, points to herself, and tersely says
>"Uhm, it's they/he."

No. 2441106

Honestly though, I get why a lot of this is happening. Don’t get me wrong, It’s still retarded as hell to align yourself with the right, and you’re a fucking idiot if you think they actually have women’s best interest and rights in mind, but I think it’s more about the terrible state of politics pretty much the world over these days. The proverbial left is pretty much always aligned with trannies. If you don’t want to support these sick fucks, there’s really nowhere to go. So a lot of women naively align themselves with the right because of their stance on troons, regardless of the other shit they do. It’s fucking abysmal that there aren’t really any parties that actually support women. And on the off chance they do exist, they never actually get enough support from the public to do anything.

No. 2441112

>pretty much all of the gods and goddesses, but especially Aphrodite and Artemis would fucking loathe troons
Can you elaborate on this?

No. 2441116

Unfortunately it is human nature to need to pick a political side. It's hard to say "I am a political orphan" to anyone because people don't know what to make of that. Sadly a lot of gender crits will be more sympathetic towards MAGAfags because the MAGAfags are the ones more likely to agree with them on the troon shit. They need to accept that their reasoning for hating troons has nothing to do with their own. MAGAs want women to be second class citizens.
>It feels like a lot of it attracts the same type of overly anxious and angry people that would have been TRAs otherwise but just happen to be right on this one issue.
I've seen this. The gender crits who need to be on one end of the horseshoe tend to give off those vibes. I have seen some women who are gender crit/anti troon who are complete doormat handmaidens to some of the biggest misogynistic scrotes I have ever seen all because they claim to also hate trannies.

No. 2441119

Ah yes, the guy who wrote YA slop for Tumblr users is the ultimate authority on Greek mythology and whether the morally bankrupt fictional characters worshiped by people 2000 years ago would have supported a modern-day fetish.

No. 2441134

Men need to never talk about women ever again unless its to say they can't speak for us. I bet this scrote thinks he's a 'feminist'.
Can't wait for him to get gaiman'd

No. 2441145

Genuine question, what do you mean by gaiman’d ? I don’t know much about him, other than what he wrote.

No. 2441152

No. 2441154

"pardon me, they/he"

No. 2441160

Sorry, I had kind of assumed based on the context and what you replied to that it was going to be something like troons started eating him alive on twitter, so I didn’t really think to look it up. Thank you for the link.

No. 2441178

I don't really care if right-wingers are clear-headed because their general worldview is repugnant to me. Left-wingers are delusional on this issue but overall I agree with the left far more than I do on the right and I'm not going to jettison every other belief and policy position I have because of troons. In any case, if the public continues to turn on trans issues the way it has been, then Democrats will silently walk away from it, the same way Republicans decided to just silently let go of the gay marriage issue once it became clear that it wasn't worth fighting against. It sucks but I have more faith Democrats will eventually "forget" the troon issue than I do that Republicans will fix the many, MANY issues with their platform, culture, and party.

You're right GCs aren't as fragile but they are very anxious and paranoid and I'm sick of hearing conspiracy theories in every ovarit thread. No, puberty blockers aren't a plot by Global Pedo to create an infinite supply of twinks, it's a stupid misguided attempt to "solve youth gender dysphoria." No, troonism isn't part of a Global Conspiracy Towards Transhumanism, that's literally just a very small group of Silicon Valley types and Martine Rothblatt or whatever his name is. Support for gender ideology is caused by the same boring problem behind many mass failures, well-intentioned but severely misguided people forcing their beliefs on everyone. Also, nobody is trying to memoryhole their links, 90% of the time when they complain Google "buried" their links, I can find it easily, they just suck at searching.

No. 2441314

File: 1741810713284.png (91.22 KB, 889x426, hm i wonder why he is single.p…)

Hear me out: I think that the reason these trans ladies aren't being asked out is because nobody is crushing on them.
Kek they're seething.
Fucking crying at the Walmart ashwagandha tag. These are amazing, good job nonna!

No. 2441315

I feel like people on here ignore my rants because they're often incomprehensible, lol. :C I have spent a lot of time reading the opinions of professionals who treat troons, tho. they truly do believe their own bullshit. It would be stupid to not believe their own bullshit and do what they do(emoji)

No. 2441319

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No seriously though, why do they give a fuck? There’s way worse shit happening due to sex segregation in afghanistan because actual violence is manifesting from it. But a girls gym in the UK dedicated to motivating women to get stronger is what they give a fuck about? Trannies will probably just be kindly escorted out of the building anyways. Lolllll they can cry me a river

No. 2441345

Hi I didn't read your rant, spacing goes a long way when it comes to legibility. Just don't reddit space.

No. 2441359

Dont worry i read it nona, just didnt know how to make a well-thought out reply. I really agree with the idea that they want to become the thing they fetishize, because they only see womenhood as a coomer costume (i.e "bimbofication”

No. 2441363

I have grown to truly fucking loathe this man. Troons always act like he's some great writer and world builder. He's a mediocre writer and he's a fucking horrible world builder. The Percy Jackson series has the worst world building in all of mainstream Y/A fiction and that is saying something.

No. 2441369

They care because they are men (and the handmaidens who cape for them). Men HATE women doing shit without them. In their eyes, they need to have full control over and dominance over women otherwise they have nothing to live for.
Men are pathetic, doesn't matter how they identify. They are pathetic control freaks. It just is the nature of the scrote.

No. 2441654

Kekkk nonna

No. 2441657

Their demands are so crazy that the public has started to wake up

No. 2441780

File: 1741828271333.jpg (26.87 KB, 644x680, lean.JPG)

Went to the dispensary today and it only lets ~3 people shop at a time so you have to wait in line to be let in. So I’m standing in line behind this tranny with AGP hair and those sneakers that seemingly only autistic males wear.
He stumbles hard while trying to “coolly” lean against the wall (picrel) and I laugh but then it’s his turn in line and he goes in. When I was let in I was immediately overwhelmed by the sound of the conversation between an HSTS dispensary employee and the previously mentioned AGP customer audible from the other side of the store.
Initially I ignored it and told the other employee what I was looking for but when she walked away to go get it I noticed the trannies’ conversation again. It was almost offensive hearing these two males doing their best porn-brained impressions of what they think women are like. “Oh my god, like, I just love your nails, like they’re just sooo cute”
Like, shut up faggot you are autistic. By the time I left they were still talking so it probably took twice as long as my 5 minute visit.
On my way home I thought about my interactions with the female dispensary employee and how glad I was that she didn’t waste my time telling me about how she needed to get a new bra for the new shirt she bought.
Crazy to see how much of a performance it was for them both and how painfully inaccurate it was.

No. 2441832

I don’t mean this to be an invasive question, but do you live in a large city? I just say this because I don’t live in the middle of nowhere, (standard suburban) but I’ve had the incredible fortune of only having seen 2 troons irl.

No. 2441833


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2441875

Like 15 years ago, my mom's workplace had an obvious AGP before it became super trendy. And he was so weird to the women, like touching their hair, talking about bras, showing pictures of his outfits, doing this terrible valley girl accent, giggling about slumber party pillow fights, the works. She said it felt like an alien received instructions on what women are like. He always tried to approach me when I was young, but my mom thought he was creepy and refused to let us be alone together. I always think of him when I see TIMs in the wild doing their bizarre mimicry. It is just very surreal to think this is what they truly believe women are like.

No. 2441997

File: 1741843585899.jpeg (487.56 KB, 1170x799, IMG_0268.jpeg)

Autists really don't know when to shut up.

Police will do nothing about TRA protesters harassing the business and their customers in person. They have literal seethe sessions about women like Natalee:
>Echo referred to those who raise concerns about single-sex spaces and women’s sports as “motivated by hate”, showing “cult-like behaviour” and having “twisted, warped views”.
>During a later talk one of the speakers mentioned women’s-rights campaigner “Posie Parker“ (Kellie-Jay Keen). Newman says the audience hissed in response.

No. 2442010

>15 years ago
Sheesh, hopefully he already dropped dead.

No. 2442092

File: 1741846627939.jpg (49.8 KB, 1270x436, sure buddy.jpg)

>>Echo referred to those who raise concerns about single-sex spaces and women’s sports as “motivated by hate”, showing “cult-like behaviour” and having “twisted, warped views”.
Incredible how males can't stop projecting, even when they're pretending to be female.
>Newman says the audience hissed in response.

No. 2442235

>those sneakers that seemingly only autistic males wear
slightly offtopic to ask, can you give an example? i'm worried I wear them lol

No. 2442385

File: 1741867067517.jpg (191.07 KB, 1200x900, D1eiRLgXgAEXlcq.jpg)

i'm curious as well because the only autistic male sneakers i can think of are chris chans recolored ones kek

No. 2442606

File: 1741874968219.jpg (108.68 KB, 500x500, artworks-nSoC9cDbaB9aVhTk-rfjG…)

nta but it's probably something comfortable but ugly, dirty and very worn because they don't care about fashion and can't be bothered to buy more than one pair of shoes

No. 2442615

File: 1741875304938.jpg (14.05 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg)

No. 2442661

File: 1741876571570.jpeg (41.07 KB, 336x400, IMG_5300.jpeg)

Other anons have been spot on with their interpretation, very worn down “practical” sneakers that don’t look good with anything. Especially when he’s also trying to dress like a goth woman kek. I’m sure your shoes are fine anon mostly because you are not an autistic male

I live in probably one of the top 5 troon cities. I see too many every day

No. 2442763

holy fuck, they are all such proformative skinwalkers. wanting so desperately for other people to see them as something theyre not. i would have went full terf if i saw that faggotry in public

No. 2442774

I've always thought autist shoes were the ones with velcro instead of laces cause that's what I often see them wearing.

No. 2442819

Checked on a 2SLGBTQ+ support group at my local center and the photos only have women in it and one faggy moid kekkk

No. 2442921

File: 1741884654706.jpeg (454.99 KB, 1170x1841, IMG_1677.jpeg)

So the retards were screeching about having their money back while they didn’t donate shit? Kekkk

No. 2442924

File: 1741884762014.jpeg (233.93 KB, 1170x1250, IMG_1678.jpeg)

We are so back nonnas. I hope more women speak out and we regain online spaces.

No. 2442927

just a rant but god I hate trannies so fucking much. I read some nasty shit on kf about a troon sharing the contact information of three "popular" csam victims to his pedo followers. These are the people I'm supposed to feel empathetic towards?

No. 2442929

File: 1741884949750.png (111.52 KB, 889x498, womengym.png)

Good news for those who want to support Natalee but don't live in London.

No. 2442930

thank god kek i was so tired of seeing tweets with 100k likes shitting on her when trannies in women's bathroom isn't even that popular of a position. i hope more women peak because of this

No. 2442963

This is the TIF version of TIMs' getting euphoria bones from be sexually harrased.

No. 2442964

Not a single lie spoken in this screencap to be fair

No. 2442968

In the past, which is to say like ten years ago, people seeing a man walk into the women’s bathroom or changing room (and not immediately backing out with an embarrassed look on his face) could sound the alarm because a man like that would be instantly recognised as being up to no good. Nowadays any man like that can simply claim to be a TIM and trying to remove him from the bathroom could cost an employee their job. Previously it was possible to stop men from committing crimes in such spaces through basic vigilance, but now we have to wait until after they’ve committed a crime before anyone can do anything about it. Surely you see how that’s a problem.

No. 2442984

Kek when I was being a little shit as a kid, I ran into the ladies' room while at a store with just my dad because I knew he couldn't come in after me. He had to go to customer service and get a female employee to drag me out of there.

No. 2443001

This exactly. The “signs don’t stop predators” argument is enough to make me explode. The issue, is that now the safety net of having someone remove the moids who should not be in the space has been stripped away by the TiM clause. Some people will then rebut with some shit like “well if the person is actually committing a crime they can still be removed” oh great. So they can cry twansphobia and get a slap on the wrist? Probably not even get on the registry? And how the fuck is “just wait until the guy is actively raping, assaulting,or murdering you” a fucking solution? I see retarded women sit there and talk about how they’ve never been made uncomfortable or unsafe by a TiM as if that negates other women’s very real and understandable fear. Or the idiots who say that it’s not right if it’s just some big hulking creep in a wig or a dress, but if it’s a big hulking creep in a wig or a dress who’s had a rot pocket installed, or makes an effort to “pass” (because that’s always an undetectable success) then everything is fine. I so wish from the bottom of my heart women would stop throwing each other under the bus for pathetic coomer moids. They’re not gonna pick you anyway.

No. 2443024

kek those of us who do live in london probably won't get to go to the gym either as it's all the way in wandsworth and she apparently has so much registered interest that they have no idea how they are going to manage memberships yet. i'm genuinely so happy for her. excited for the patreon

No. 2443025

File: 1741888631086.jpg (138.33 KB, 720x1476, 1000001925.jpg)

if trans"""women"""" are women then why were they historically referred to as faggots (a slur that means gay/effeminate males) hmmm?
makes one wonder. doesnt it

No. 2443061

File: 1741890225782.jpg (104.7 KB, 1080x610, 1000001905.jpg)

unrelated to the earlier picrel but i saw another pro conversion therapy post about lesbians made by a troon.
notice the "fix your heart or die"…
god i hope this lesbophobic troon gets murdered in the most violent way possible that it becomes hard to identify his troon dead body afterwards(alogging)

No. 2443067

What's that water filter?

No. 2443074

No. 2443094

post so retarded nona had to drown it

No. 2443142

Honestly nonna, I can confidently say that I hope that exact scenario happens to every single fucking troon. At the very least every single TiM.

No. 2443166

Kek it's a filter you can add to images you upload on tumblr. I hear some people add it to screenshots they repost so users don't think it's part of the post they're making.

No. 2443191

File: 1741896427983.jpg (74.6 KB, 720x732, 1000001936.jpg)

I didnt take the screenshot myself so sorry about that retarded water filter.
its just something other tumblr users do.
i eventually found the original post too so heres a readable screenshot without the filter

No. 2443232

I wish I never visited this guys tumblr. He definitely rapes animals and it grosses me out. Imo if there was any woman who said they wouldn't date him because "genital preferences", she was probably trying to put him down gently because he gives of psycho vibes like you wouldn't believe.
I hate men so much. I swear there has to be a secret scrote competition for who can be the most disgusting man

No. 2443236

Isn't his username a pun on "hemipenis" and "penal system"?

No. 2443253

my sister is a huge troon/lgbtqiaa+ supporter and just thinks people who are critical of trans ideology are being hateful or whatever. my mom is the same way. it's so hard to explain concisely why it's so bad and harmful to women. she's also an artist and in a ton of kweer friendly artist spaces online and probably interacts with tons of kweerios everyday. she's always supportive of people who go by they/them pronouns too and whenever we're talking about some person who isn't even there (like ezra miller) she will correct me when I say he and be like "you mean THEY". I also hate that I'm seen as being right wing for being critical of this shit. and I don't even think she'd care that much if she did know how harmful it was to women, because every time I say something about men being awful she just retorts with the "but anon, women do bad stuff too". I don't think there's any hope of making her see my point of view and not having her think it's some hateful bigotry (I'm not even asking her to agree with me, people have a right to their own opinions, but it would be nice to be heard out) she spends a lot of time on tumblr and is a diagnosed autist too.

it's even weirder with my mom because she has been homophobic as fuck for my entire life and acts disgusted by the idea of 2 people of the same sex being together, but she's okay with a man pretending to be a woman. I think it's because she's religious and has been programmed to hate gays her entire life whereas the trans thing is a lot newer.

No. 2443319

File: 1741901567404.jpg (195.84 KB, 1193x978, oh piss off.jpg)

This popped up on my feed and so far its only got 3 likes but lots of replies basically telling them to fuck off, is nature healing?

No. 2443384

Not that they ever did, but cosmopolitan doesn’t deserve to fucking exist atp. They suck tranny dick, and constantly push misogynistic drivel under the guise of being woke.

No. 2443391

yeah idk if a magazine that always had a "how to please your man" article is about womens rights

No. 2443402

Well, yes. Which is why I prefaced it by saying not that it ever did, kek. More than anything, I find cosmo more annoying than your average sexist as hell women’s magazine, because of the fact that it’s all still misogynistic as fuck, but they pretend that their shit doesn’t stink. And sad as it is, retarded women and gendies eat it up. (I think? Maybe by some miracle they’re tanking these days)

No. 2443433

File: 1741906916692.jpg (509.61 KB, 720x3508, 1000001940.jpg)

another retarded post i remember seeing on tumblr was this one troon unironically claiming "lesbian fascism" because lesbians in the past have used the labrys flag and according to him the labrys is fascist iconography…
tbh this reads like a troon whose aggressively coping and seething that he will never be a real lesbian by deliberately painting the history of actual lesbians in bad light

No. 2443435

Nah I think as much as it scares moids. Feminism will always win in the end, at least in the west. Troonism is just a way to try to manipulate women into submitting. No different than any other religion. But the masses in the west don't want their daughters or mothers (or themselves if they are women) to be cattle. Trannies are outnumbered and their demands are outrageous and irrational. Subjugation of 50% of the population to please a mentally ill 1%? Nah. They were doomed to lose from the start.
But in hindsight I can see why billionare cooperate types tried to push tranny shit so hard. Since they too are the 1% so getting normies to adopt that mindset works to their advantage.

No. 2443441

I hope you’re right. I might just be kind of jaded from how much handmaiden bullshit I’ve seen. Hard to feel like that when every other woman seems to perpetuate pick me bullshit in moids favor. But I do legitimately hope I’m wrong here and it’s not as bad as I think.

No. 2443442

I hope you’re right. I might just be kind of jaded from how much handmaiden bullshit I’ve seen. Hard to feel like that when every other woman seems to perpetuate pick me bullshit in moids favor. But I do legitimately hope I’m wrong here and it’s not as bad as I think.

No. 2443454

File: 1741908581215.jpg (152.81 KB, 720x1893, 1000001942.jpg)

>"the tendency for lesbians on this site to put cis dudes before all else is so genuinely baffling"
says the be-penised creature himself.
like genuinely, youre not any different from the cis dude because youre both disgusting penis-havers so it would still be baffling if a lesbian puts trans penis-havers (like he wants) above all else instead of cis penis-havers

No. 2443483

File: 1741909966899.jpg (128.86 KB, 720x1041, 1000001947.jpg)

No. 2443563

Idk what hemipenis and penal system is nor do i want to

No. 2443564

Is she an older or younger sister nonna? I think her being autistic may indeed mean that this is a lost cause although if she's not a gendie herself I wonder why this is the hill she would want to die on. I'd be concerned that your sister is going to troon out herself if this is so important to her and she is autistic.

As for your mom, it's surprising that as a religious person she is OK with troons since a lot of 'trad' religious people hate troons as much or more than they hate gays (or just think they're the same thing as gay men), but she might be easier to convince that TRA ideology is bullshit if you approach it the right way (and could help convince your sister if you and your mom both end up agreeing about this). I would have such a rough time if my family didn't get this, since I talk about it a lot openly in front of my family members and them correcting you to use they/them pronouns is especially annoying and egregious. You could try showing them examples of what TRAs actually say privately about their ideology and goals, that peaks some people.

No. 2443565

You don't know what the penal system is?

No. 2443570

Maybe she's ESL

No. 2443580

prison but idk what the other one is

No. 2443590

a hemipenis is basically a reptile's pair of dicks that come out of their tail area during mating.
so i'm guessing that this user is some furry freak who wants to be fucked by a dragon with a really weird penis or something. i always find it kind of concerning whenever furries fixate on giving their characters accurate penises for their species. it certainly doesn't help the frequent assumption that they want to fuck real animals kek

No. 2443600

>I'm a WOMAN!
>is into the most male shit ever (fucking animals)
>gets offended when you call him out on his moidery
every fucking time. I'm sure he would think you are trying to genocide him if you said his tranny shit was nothing more than an extension of his pornsickness. It's so embarrassing. Imagine if alcoholics claimed you were a bigot or a nazi because you pointed out their drinking problem ruins their life.

No. 2443605

I hate to say it but genderist moids project constantly and many of them unironically believe that bestiality is a female-typical thing, I unfortunately have seen a lot of TRA men say this openly. They project all their weird fetishes on women and then use the fetish as confirmation they are 'actually' a woman deep down because they can't develop enough theory of mind to realize that women are not, for the most part, all degenerate coomers like them and have actual lives and thoughts outside sexual degradation and depravity.

No. 2443676

File: 1741924919491.gif (692.5 KB, 220x273, bette-davis.gif)

>be annoying fujoshit
>become thembie or aiden
>absolve yourself of the fujo label
>go on moral tirades about your holy bl
>shit all over non-delusional fujoshits in the process
it will never fail to piss me off. i've seen it a thousand times at this point and i know i shouldn't hate read accounts but today's thembie is claiming women into bl are porn-addicted. porn-addicted! as if her sense of self isn't so fragile that she stopped seeing herself as a woman after consuming too much genshit porn at fucking thirty. why can't i make fun of these retards? why do i have to hide seethe a rat on lc or risk being forever marked as a child-murdering terf? boiling over right now looking at this tif's zippertits and unable to even point out the hypocrisy, not fucking fair

No. 2443685

Wondering again why some cis(?) gay men like the one in the left of your pic are wedged so far up TIM asses. Is it for clout more than anything, since it doesn't seem to come from a place of sexual attraction to TIMs or TIFs? Owen Jones is another example of this type of brownnosing moid

No. 2443686

They both hate women

No. 2443688

the reasons are varied imo
>they see tims as an extension of gay men, or otherwise don't understand that most of them are agp
>they genuinely think they're on the "right side" of history and love the concept of a lgbtqia+ or whatever
>they are misogynistic and love seeing women inconvenienced
>it's just clout chasing, like you said

No. 2443691

just stop.

No. 2443722

they have solidarity with fellow men and fellow lgbts

No. 2443781

Transgenderism is a misogynistic male sexual privilege movement. These men are misogynistic and don’t want male sexual privileges to be restricted in any way. It’s that simple.

No. 2443814

Yes and even gay males who aren't interested in sexual access to women will usually still be male-aligned (why wouldn't they be?) and sympathize/relate more to other men than they do with women. It always baffles me when women assume gay moids would 'naturally' align themselves with women over other moids - gay men especially have no reason to do that, since they don't even want anything from women sexually or romantically. And gay males often assume (as do most other people) that TIMs are mostly HSTS gay men so they want to support them because they relate to them and don't even get that most TIMs are deranged AGPs.

No. 2443879

I can't stand when men take female struggles and make them their own.

gender fluid born male: "I was in Abu Dhabi and was feeling female and dressed female in the airport but its a crime to do that there so I was so scared"
geez dude, just dress male at that moment. That's a luxury actual women, with actual struggles in a country like that, don't have.

Or men who call themselves women because apparently they're non-binary and they say things like "as one woman to another" no you don't get to say that! You have no idea what it's like to be a woman and you have no idea what we have to deal with on a daily basis, you have no idea what it was like for us growing up!

No. 2443900

Theres an overlap with the really terminally-online degenerate troons and beastiality types. Pretty much every troon on Twitter has some kind of fucked up moid-coded paraphilia.

No. 2443909

Gay men only defend women for superficial reasons. I used to bat for them until I was exposed to them long enough to see the kind of fucked up things they do and say when it means they get access to men above their means. Gay men will aid and encourage men in abusing women if it means getting approval/ more attention from straight/attractive/affluent men. They seek superficial status symbols and in that misogyny is a social currency. I mean straight up psychopath levels of hatred for women from some of these men, they're obsessed with the humiliation and degradation of women. The only time you'll see the defending women online, they're defending them for doing humiliation and exploitation rituals and really nothing else. They'll defend a womans right to degrade herself for """"art"""" and posture for xitter follows, but the moment they aren't screenshotable and among men they are retard-levels of lacking in empathy and emotional intelligence. They're boring, vain, and build entire personalities upon skinwalking women but make it ~fag~

No. 2444013

At the end of the day she's the one who's going to spend the rest of her life with the consequences of her bullshit and you're the one who gets to enjoy your hobbies knowing you haven't irreparably destroyed yourself for online asspats. Vent here or in a journal and check in on her in another couple of years to see just how much she's enjoying taking T. I'm sure the joy will be leaking out of her pores.

No. 2444059

Yeah, because AGP itself is a fetish, and it's rare to have only one fetish. Most HSTS have a fetish too tbh, for most of them being a woman is about being submissive and treated as a sex object, which I would argue is very fetishistic.

No. 2444189

Has a new thread been made yet?

No. 2444226

You can always count on a retard with a Homestuck pfp for a bad take. By his logic, eagles should also be considered "fascist," because they were used in Nazi iconography a hell of a lot more than labryses.

No. 2444229

1) check the catalogue
2) there isn't supposed to be a new thread until 1200 posts anyway
3) lurk moar

No. 2444234

>it's surprising that as a religious person she is OK with troons since a lot of 'trad' religious people hate troons as much or more than they hate gays
It's really not. A lot of normie religious people would rather have a troon "daughter" than a gnc gay son.

No. 2444241

File: 1741974440485.jpg (112.73 KB, 1005x1365, deserved.jpg)

all deserved

No. 2444310

File: 1741977562860.png (339.21 KB, 720x983, 1000001982.png)

libfems: hahaha i love reducing down women to just baby making machines by calling them degrading terms such as "people with uteruses" instead of simply calling them women because then the trannies with dicks will feel alienated.
i love pissing off actual women and sucking tranny dick even at my own expense

No. 2444314

I bet they don't call men "people with prostates"

No. 2444323

Nta but of course they don't because they'd piss of a hair trigger tranny and then get mini-cancelled for daring to lump retarded males in dresses with retarded males in pants.

No. 2444341

Meanwhile, the average girl on the internet gets called a whore and told to kill herself because she posted a picture that some moid didn't like.

No. 2444344

>Not a lot better since they're still very much the TWAW type, but still less nonsensical than regular troons who switch goalposts every argument.
Eh I don't think I'd say men like Blaire are "less nonsensical", just less abrasive. By all accounts, the troons like Blaire are still just as nonsensical as the outward unhinged troons. This is a man who has become a plastic surgery addict and doesn't see just how botched he looks and yet thinks that looking like a cross of Michael Jackson and Pete Burns with bolt-ons makes him a woman, I don't think that's sensible at all and that ultimately, no matter who the troon is, they all believe in the same ridiculous ideology of thinking they are the opposite sex.

No. 2444350

sometimes this whole woke thing just feels like another way to suppress women

No. 2444363

Are there people in here who are a part of the fandom art online space and if so, are ou openly gender critical? I'm an artist and I have been openly gender critical since 2020 and I admit that I have lost all my friends because of it and whenever I tried to make new friends within the space, the people are just either TRAs and/or they are identify as "trans" or "enby" and I just avoid them. It really sucks that gender ideology has consumed the online art world and I miss the days when it wasn't like this back in the 2000s.

I admit that it has been pretty lonely not really having people to talk to anymore. I certainly don't regret being open with my views because I reached my breaking point and could no longer pretend that "trans" is a thing and that mentally ill men in dresses are any kind of women or vice versa nor can I entertain the "nonbinary" thing.

I'm just wondering if any other artists are going through a similar thing.

No. 2444531

Not exactly fandom art space per se, but as a once avid consumer of fandom content in general, I feel your pain. I’m lucky enough to know some very openly gc girls, and I’m really thankful for their friendship, especially being in a lot of the same fandoms I’m in.
I swear every other person you come across is just a bland white woman calling herself a he/they. Especially in fanfiction. Scrotes by and large don’t even read fanfic, yet so many fucking fics are all about enby reader! Non binary reader! Gender neutral reader! Trans reader!
My favorite is the use of they/them for a reader that has “afab genitalia” in the fic. Or in a reader that is stated to be female, they must still disclose “afab genitalia!”
They bend themselves over backwards for tifs afraid of reality and gross perverted men who aren’t even there. TiMs aren’t reading fanfic. They’re too busy watching sissification rape porn, or cooming over their spinny skirts in women’s restrooms.
And of course, as has been discussed here multiple times, the insistence that any and every character is trans or “trans coded”. They either take a page out of the real life troon handbook and say anyone who is remotely gnc is automatically trans, or they form some autistic attachment to a normal fucking person and decide they’re trans because it makes them feel good about their pathetic little selves.

No. 2444535

My biggest pet peeve is when troon moids try to be part of hating and treating men poorly as if he isn’t exactly part of the problem. The worse part is that when you scroll through his profile since he passes with makeup and filters and has a body’s fat distribution that makes it look convincingly enough as female, everyone eats it up that he’s equivalent to a woman. Things like this make me feel bleak.
I have, but not outwardly. It’s more so with connections that are closer when I’m talking one on one. A friend has told me she doesn’t agree with some of my views, but I’ve still remained friends with her. However that’s because we’ve been friends for years. I haven’t been strongly vocal about it with her yet though, it’s more subtle, so that’s probably also why. I’m not sure if I’m currently falling out of friendship with another person though because she managed to eat up troon rhetoric even after I’ve been strongly vocal to her about being gender critical and agreeing with my views. All it took was a co-worker to somehow convince her that being intersex and trans are related and she went back to being a handmaiden. She went and told me that trans identified people should be allowed to change their sex on official documents because that will allow her to know who’s trans, which doesn’t make sense. At the end of it she told me she no longer wants me to talk about trans discourse because it’s tiring for her, so I don’t think she’s willing to change her views any time soon.

No. 2444588

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This is what happens when you remind trannies of reality. Even as a medical professional. They brush it off, not taking a single moment to think deeper about it, and then run away and try to avoid it it all together. It’s genuinely scary how hard they protect their ego-centered delusion

No. 2444590

she's older than me, in her 30's actually. I've also had a fear she's going to start identifying as they/them but I don't think she will.

as for my mom, I think it boils down to the fact that her and my sister are really close, and my sister probably convinced her a lot. my mom is also just not very intelligent and has 0 critical thinking skills, she also knows next to nothing about the trans "community" other than what my sister tells her. delete+reposted to say I've actually given both of them (but mostly my mom) examples of trans"women" acting horribly like reading her a screenshot of a troon saying how he loved being choked and treated violently in bed and that's what made him a woman, my mom just said "that person watches too much porn". I didn't have the heart to say most of them watch too much porn and that's why they're like that. my mom and sister refuse to believe that cases like that aren't just a cherry picked minority.

No. 2444613

I bet all these freaks were clapping his skin walking ass up so hard in the comments for “defending his womanhood” TiMs deserve death I stg.

No. 2444634

>My biggest pet peeve is when troon moids try to be part of hating and treating men poorly as if he isn’t exactly part of the problem. The worse part is that when you scroll through his profile since he passes with makeup and filters and has a body’s fat distribution that makes it look convincingly enough as female, everyone eats it up that he’s equivalent to a woman. Things like this make me feel bleak.
This is exactly why I roll my eyes at Blaire White glazers. How even some people who call themselves gender critical will give a special pass to him just because he knows how to use makeup, filters, and was depraved enough to buy chest implants and that he says the bare minimum of saying that TIMs should not compete in women's sports nor should children be allowed to "transition". Yet he's too deluded to see that he is still part of the problem by referring to himself as a "transwoman" and sure, he has said that "transwomen are a category of men" but it's all retarded bullshit. They are not a "category of men", they are all fucking men. Every last one of them.

I know it's not exactly like the guy in your OP but it's similar lol. They really need to touch grass because they are all the same delusional men playing make believe and it's at a point where I just wish society would tell all of them to fuck off. I'd say that America is halfway there with the executive order implementation in the beginning of this year but we still have a long way to go.

No. 2444646

Ayrt and that sounds awful. Admittedly I'm not all that into famfiction but I've seen a couple and seen those they/them prompts. I haven't seen the "female genitalia" ones though, that is so fucking stupid.

>I’m lucky enough to know some very openly gc girls, and I’m really thankful for their friendship, especially being in a lot of the same fandoms I’m in.

You're very lucky and I envy you. I didn't have many friends to begin with but of 4 I had, two of them I had known for a long time. But even though I do miss them, it's just not enough for me to pretend I believe in gender ideology, I just can't.

And it's not like I advertise my gender critical views in my biol or anything but I have drawn fanart for JK Rowling and expressed how much I admired her bravery as well as shared GC things on my Twitter so all it takes is a little scroll to see that I don't support gender/trans crap.

>And of course, as has been discussed here multiple times, the insistence that any and every character is trans or “trans coded”. They either take a page out of the real life troon handbook and say anyone who is remotely gnc is automatically trans, or they form some autistic attachment to a normal fucking person and decide they’re trans because it makes them feel good about their pathetic little selves.

I've seen this a lot as well and I can't help but groan every time. Like these people (women) really need to get a fucking grip.

No. 2444652

Well don't worry, if this jackass is actually taking hormones and planning on getting the dick flip, he'll either be killed by the drugs and/or commit 41%, the problem will sort itself out and I hate being so blunt but at this point I'm over these halfwits. There's plenty of resources out there that warn about the dangers of these things and there's no excuse to not heed the warnings any longer.

No. 2444672

>troon takes HRT, gets an axe wound surgery
troon suffers from physical illnesses from injecting his body with external chemicals, & has to dialate daily, and dies in pain due to health complications
>troon doesnt take HRT and doesnt get his dick cut off
looks in the mirror everyday and sees himself for the man he is and gets “muh dyspwhoria” and ropes himself

lose lose situation. this is also why you will never see a tranny take hrt at take hrt at 18 live past 40

No. 2444697

Ayrt, the troon fanfics are so hilariously retarded though, they all pretty much follow the same formula.
Some idiot shitting out a request about “can you do something with (character) with a trans SO?”
And the fic is literally just one of two variations of the same bullshit. “Omg, (character) would totally love you and accept you as you ARE. They would so affirm you and protect you from the evil terfs. They would buy you shit you do not need that affirms your (stereotypes) and beat up people they’ve known for years or strangers on the streets if they even looked at you funny. uwu twans wights!” Meanwhile half of these characters would probably canonically knock a troons teeth down their throat if they ever approached them, kek.
On a real note, I know how hard it can be to find friends who aren’t sucking tranny dick, especially in super “woke” spaces like fandom and art. I know it sounds cliche, but keep your head up. There are more women out there who agree with you than you realize.

No. 2444732

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kind of a rant, but this exact thing happened with mizuki akiyama from project sekai when they announced that he was actually a TIM (even i originally thought he was a woman for years until the announcement, which is why its so obviously forced) and now every 1/2 thing said about him are trying to use as much woke validation female pronouns as possible like “SHE is so GIRLY and PRETTY” and its just so fucking forced and now hes just another troony “le cute anime girl who is actually trans!” that troons latch on to like how a virus latches onto cells just like they latched onto that pedotroonanime onimai

No. 2444733

I'm sad to say that you need to get your sister and mom to a TIM meetup. It's the only way they'll be cured.
And then what? He's going to get the surgeries and love his life like all the other TIMs who post endlessly about how much they regret their surgeries? He's determined to spite his face by cutting off his nose, that's not the therapist's fault.

No. 2444738

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samefagging, its so fucking funny to read all of these straight up preformative lies, and he isnt even a real character, its obvious they are doing this to virtue signal its so cringe

No. 2444742

>lose lose situation. this is also why you will never see a tranny take hrt at 18 live past 40
Yep because they start destroying their health before they're even 21, it's like a head start to a premature, slow, and painful death.

No. 2444743

In this absolute shitshow of a podcast, someone asks "would you rather bang the hottest trans woman or the oldest biological woman" a christian guy (who is an absolute fundie schizo and thinks everything is part of some satanic conspiracy, but that's not related) he answers "the oldest woman because then I wouldn't be gay". One of the women walks off set because she's so mad at his answer.

Genuine question, why are women the loudest, most ardent advocates of all of the trans shit when it hurts us the most? I hate to sound like Jordan Peterson but sometimes I think all of troons screaming and whining is igniting women's maternal instincts or something, it's so weird.

No. 2444751

i think one of the reasons are because of virtue signaling from other women makes them feel like they have to do the same. thats definitely one of the reasons why i put up with the effiminate skinwalkers for so long until i peaked.

before i peaked, i also felt like troonism and the concept of supporting it as not a big deal, because i never really looked into it and just saw it like someone wanting to change their name or dye their hair. so my guess is that these women dont really understand the true psychology of the troon, and dont see past the lies of them quote unquote “being genwosided” until they meet one up close.

No. 2444756

Honestly I don’t think it sounds Jordan Peterson-esk at all. I genuinely believe that half of the reason so many women subscribe to SO MUCH of this bullshit it’s because we know. We know what it’s like to hate ourselves. The way society socialized us. Views us. Raised us. Puts us in boxes. Puts us on display. We know what it’s like to be mocked, and harassed, shut out, and victimized. We know what it’s like to be vulnerable. Alone. Afraid. Women, unlike moids, are actually capable of compassion and empathy. So a lot of women foolishly cuddle up to these creeps. I don’t mean this in a creepy, Christian way, but women usually wind up having an instinct to nurture and protect beings we see as vulnerable. ( like how women are able to actually care for children, babies, sick people, the elderly, the dead, and animals instead of trying to fuck them.) so because these troglodytes sit there telling us how they’ve been through the same things we have, whining and crying about how fucking terrible their lives are, how they’re super vulnerable and have a common abuser with us, some women take their asses in like puppies off the street. Start standing up for these poor defenseless troons. But as we all know, these greasy little freaks know exactly what they are doing and are the fucking epitome of wolves in sheep’s clothing. The agreeable sympathetic bullshit is hurting us. It’s frustrating as fuck to watch other women sell you down the river for some porn addled guy in a skirt, but there it is. I really hope women wake the hell up, and soon, but I’m not holding my breath.

No. 2444760

that picture is the definition of cope, it's insane

No. 2444762

I would like to add to this, stress and anxiety (mental illness in general afaik) can and will literally kill you (at the very least kill you faster). So considering how bad troon mental health is, I’m guessing most of them will croak pretty damn young.

No. 2444764

>probably something comfortable but ugly, dirty and very worn because they don't care about fashion and can't be bothered to buy more than one pair of shoes
>very worn down “practical” sneakers that don’t look good with anything
ntayrt but damn i guess i really do have autistic male shoes KEK those look exactly like mine

No. 2444773

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youd think its satire, but its really pure, legitimate, hiveminded, attention seaking cope that you arent able to make fun of because then youd get -5 million downboats and your account reported

No. 2444788

I fucking hate these stupid rage bait things, whatever the fuck they are with the text in the back and the insta thots. All the comments are like "DUR ALL WOMEN ARE TRANNY HANDMAIDENS" when you can CLEARLY see that there's a WOMAN who agrees that even this tradfag moid is entitled to his own sexual preferences.
When one woman says something stupid, suddenly it's ALL women. Meanwhile moids are raping babies left and right but it's NOT ALL MEN.
I hate how slimy and covert misogyny can be so fucking much you don't understand. No, it's not women who are the loudest about the tranny shit. They aren't the ones making rape and murder threats, they aren't violently attacking businesses and doxxing the owners small children because people won't look at their cocks. They aren't the ones ruining women's sports and rape shelters and raping women in prison.
Handmaidens are awful little enabling servants of the patriarchy, but lets not lost sight of the true enemies.

No. 2444789


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No. 2444807

kek, that was insane to witness. people really want to keep pretending like biology is fake. while that scrote is most likely a giant asshole, he wasn't wrong in this situation. he was just stating simple facts that made her way too worked up. there was no reason for her to get that assmad. troons could and would never put that much energy towards caring about the issues that real women face. they hate the fact alone that she's a biological woman because troons are misogynists. she's defending them so ruthlessly & immaturely, yet the people she chooses to defend only see her as an object. it honestly makes her look pathetic

i agree with you completely. i think most, if not all troons are likely aware of this and choose to weaponize women's own empathy against themselves. since they know it works, they are men so they are fully aware that harassing, belittling, shaming and manipulating women works because they've done it before. their constant attempts at trying to appeal to emotion in order to make women feel sympathetic is insane, and it works! every day we see troons reeeing online how the world is killing them and they are so oppressed. they are manipulative scrotes who want the world to bend over for them. unfortunately, too many women fall for their manipulation tactics so it gives trannies far too much undeserved sympathy

>you can CLEARLY see that there's a WOMAN who agrees that even this tradfag moid is entitled to his own sexual preferences.
i was really glad and relieved to see there was a woman who was agreeing, and trying to be heard. i didn't check the comments but of fucking course they’d be blaming all women just because two of them left. classic scrote shit. i also agree, i don't think that much blame should be placed on handmaidens but i absolutely hate the fact that they are coddling these men. they defend and enable them as if their life depends on it when they clearly need to wake the fuck up and see that none of those troons they are defending are worth the effort. troons hate women, period, and i hate that women are shamed into feeling like they need to defend these fuckers. i don’t blame women for troons nasty behavior at all but i am frustrated with how often everyone will let a tranny’s bad behavior go the second he troons out. it should never be enabled by anybody, troons should be shamed and women need to stop eating up their bullshit because it’s only further enabling them and boosting them up

>youd think its satire, but its really pure, legitimate, hiveminded, attention seaking cope that you arent able to make fun of because then youd get -5 million downboats and your account reported
nona you're 100% spot on. it's so pathetic. it genuinely does looks like satire, but it isn't. and it's just sad that no one can point out anything even remotely criticizing it without being labeled as an evil twansphobe bigot fascist

No. 2447230

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Wasn't sure if this should be in the cekeb thread bc azealia always ranting but it's so insulting she says this shit as if she herself hasn't said worse about troons and making it out jk doesn't like troons because one stole her man rather than just, letting women have their own space. Male obsessed idiot.

No. 2447338

I fucking cannot stand these fucking handmaidens who refuse to acknowledge that YES, some women do care about other women and want to keep them safe in this subject which is keeping men out of our spaces.

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