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No. 1642877
Recent news:
> Troons move to cannibalize Keffals, who faildoxed some Hispanic guy as a nobody from Kiwi Farms among other things> Tranny protests in Australia are an embarrassment > Josh claims family emergency but still working on the site> Up on Tor and intermittent at (you need to have IPv6, try your phone)THERE IS A SCHIZOPHRENIC, PEDOPHILE TRANNY POSTING HERE. DO NOT REPLY TO HIM. He is the same person posting CP and all sorts of deranged shit on here. It gets him off to cause women distress and get attention. Do not engage.
KIWIFAGS AT LEAST TRY TO INTEGRATE, that means sage your shit if it is not new milk and close the window if you have a Y chromosome.
JOSH SIMPS, he won't pick you,
JOSH HATERS, you very likely have nothing new to say.
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/ - Tor. You need Brave ("Open New Private Tab With Tor") or on the PC, Tor Browser Bundle, "Orbot" on your phone. - Will only work for some (who have IPv6). Chinese DDoS mitigation same provider as 8kun. - dead, Russian DDoS guard - dropped by Cloudflare, DDoS mit appears to have been picked up by V-SYS, a Ukrianian company and registration by Epik. Nothing is up there yet.
Kiwi telegram: threads:
>>>/snow/1639557>>>/snow/1636927>>>/snow/1631130>>>/snow/1627717>>>/snow/998558>>>/snow/525536KF thread on lolcow (see how Josh and others there view this site)
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/threads/lolcow-farm.11942//manure/'d Josh thread:
>>>/manure/2733OnionFarms is a total shithole but hosts critical discussion of KF: No. 1642907
>>1642899Seriously though why are you calling him (a) by his real name and yet (b) by the wrong pronoun? But to answer your question I haven't seen any big troon or SJWish person call it into question unless you count Hotwheels but there is a bit of pushback starting on twitter some of which was covered in the last thread. Give it time, though. Even if it's not this Keffals is drunk on power and clout and
guaranteed to do something stupid.
>>1642905Destiny is an insufferable pro-troon, pro-porn scrote and those two deserve each other, it's clown world shit that he managed to get canceled for "transphobia" while he would definitely suck a "feminine penis" for woke points, maybe already has.
No. 1642908
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schizo nonny reporting in. scrotes on (I visit frenschan for info about aquariumgate/stargate and other shit, and checked out the keffals thread) have started to try to redirect kiwifags to lolcow. expect even more subhuman retards, mods should also be on alert for a larger influx of cp/gore spam from these /pol/ moids.
No. 1642961
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someone's feeling optimistic
No. 1642962
>>1642947Yeah I can see it now, the error is gone.
I've been tempted to make a just to see what's going on in there but everything I've heard repulses me.
No. 1642963
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>>1642890kek, it really is GamerGate II, Lucas is even trying to go after Sargon like he is remotely relevant this decade
No. 1642999
Did you see this?
>Doxxing is already in some cases illegal. What’s missing, Cloudflare suggests, is legislation that blocks websites from hosting content that promotes doxxing.It sounds like cloudflare wants to ban all gossip forums. "Content that promotes doxxing" would no doubt include keeping track of loud transgender sex pests…
No. 1643015
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Keffals right now
No. 1643031
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>>1643019this entire thread is picrel
No. 1643134
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Working for me now. Finally get to read on more weebwars threads kek. Hope keffals the groomer pedo gets what is coming to him.
No. 1643170
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>>1642999This article makes me so angry. "Doxing is not illegal but I personally think it should be so I am the law now". Alongside with picrel, they know exactly what thex have done is extremely wrong and that they are enabling criminal activity. They are still hosting websites for ISIS for fucks sake, but Kiwifarms doxing someone is too far? I wish we lived in a fair world where Null could sue the fuck out of them for millions of dollars.
No. 1643173
>>1643170>cutting off peoples heads in the name of allahCloudflare: I sleep
>doxing a trannyCloudflare: now this is a step too far!
No. 1643210
>>1643181I doubt he could take down 4chan. For one, as many people have pointed out, its full of feds lurking and posting alongside legit anons. Plus, even though KF has a pretty big audience, it's dwarfed by 4chans many times over.
Watching the dumbass troon try it would be funny though, I agree.
No. 1643226
>>1642963notice the likes for his content after 9h is still by only 2,3k kek. And now after 16h it has 2,8k. Nobody care for him outside of the dropkiwifarms campaign, he will be forgotten soon. I hope this massively affects his ego
>>1642979maybe June did not want to bring attention to it and not confirm it is her (even if it was clear, she never admitted it)
No. 1643244
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>>1642961Was Josh's family trouble faked in order to get him out of the media spotlight? How does he have time to fix the site when he said he would be gone for a week?
>>1642963YouTubers with over 50k subs who went after keffals are few and far between. It's destiny, Sargon, metokur, and nick rekeita. I anticipate keffals will make a couple more videos like this although they are pre-recorded from streams? So maybe not for a while.
>>1643226The YouTube channel has grown by a lot since August. The quickest way to game the yt algorithm is to put bigger channel names in the title and watch the views and likes and comments slowly trend up. I am surprised you are not familiar with this tactic.
No. 1643267
>>1643265The last of us 2 keeps giving and giving. Kek.
>>1643262Has destiny ever sued anyone before?
No. 1643271
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Do you want to know how I got this hump?
No. 1643273
>>1643268Not the fucking point. Also
>You would need to be insaneWhich trannies are by default. Look, I know these terminally online retards are pussies who wouldn't actually do anything beyond punching TERFs because beating women is effortless for a man, and any actual trannies in Ukraine have better things to worry about right now. It's still not a good fucking look for someone pretending to be morally superior to do that to a company located in an unstable war-torn shithole that'd be easy to terrorize for some bored criminal. In fact, I'd say it's worse than doxing an Amerishart's house.
No. 1643292
>>1643289The police don't know who did the past swattings either, trust me the FBI is VERY INTERESTED in finding out who did it. Thankfully they are smarter than you and know that literally anyone can look up the information and do it. It doesn't have to be someone from Kiwifarms. American cops are dumb as hell but they still have a little more sense than you.
>>1643290They confirmed that they came to Lucas house and politely knocked on his door to execute a warrant. There was not swatting.
No. 1643293
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>>1642899The thing that pisses me off the most about all this stupid bullshit is that absolutely nobody who's trying to take keffals to task from any angle is mentioning the swathe of extremely, violently misogynistic posts. Say the same shit about any other marginalized group on twitter and your life would be over. Women really are on their own.
No. 1643296
>>1643292Anon this happened in Canada.
>>1642899>>1643293I saw the oddysey video. Keffals calls him a retard and posts some info that may or may not be him to gauge the reaction. It's a bit of nothing burger.
No. 1643317
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No. 1643324
>>1643322You jest,
nonnie but those are actually buzzwords being thrown around on Twitter.
Especially by that @DropKiwiFarms account run by a troon sex pest, with his own thread on KF, who lost his mind playing a 4-year-old video game for 16,000 hours and ended up banned because the entire community hates him.
No. 1643329
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weird move but ok
No. 1643334
File: 1662726573967.webm (3.33 MB, 576x1024, based_Terf-queen.webm)
Watch out Keffals, you're on TERF territory now.
No. 1643338
>>1643334welcome to
terf island. hopefully null's teased great news is various deplorables with a shitload of money willing to bankroll legal actions(s).
No. 1643348
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>>1643342The guy who owns it (Bobposting) is making it in his bathtub and sending it to kids.
No. 1643355
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>>1643291moldbug/curtis yarvin's term for "the system", "the establishment", whatever you want to call it.
No. 1643388
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>>1643329If the clearnet site comes back up normies looking for information will potentially stumble across it in the search results kek. With mainstream media like CNN and normie websites like knowyourmeme covering it this can't go well for them. Pic related, comment section is just like the CNN video where keffarts got ratioed.
No. 1643413
KF is on vanwatech cdn + ddos protection. The dude who runs it is pretty strange. he trolling? Doesn't make sense he would be a free speech absolutist and tweet what he does.
What's even stranger is there's a video of him getting smacked down by pharmabro shkreli. No. 1643446
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Could transitioning save her?
No. 1643468
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new article coming soon
No. 1643512
>>1643502Not only terrorists, but also drug dealers.
I had to do some research on the drug market in Europe for work, was a bit surprised to find some of the most prominent drug markets (in Russia of all places) were using cloudflare. The one I’ve looked into the most did change to a more secure service recently, but it was their decision, not cloudflare’s. Bunch of hypocrites
No. 1643516
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No. 1643530
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No. 1643541
>>1643523There’s no way I’m calling a man based, but this one? This one comes pretty close
Unrelated, but I’ve his surname as Grindelwald at first, English is hard
No. 1643564
>>1643550That’s interesting, thanks for looking it up, as I’m too fucking lazy and the design of the site didn’t make it any easier on my eyes.
I still don’t agree with self-medicating, but it’s way less fucked up, than I thought. Calling it DIY HRT is dumb, though, learn the meaning behind a word before using it for fuck’s sake. Or don’t cry, when people get rightfully confused
>>1643561I’ll look into it myself, of course, I’m not a lazy redditor, but a link would be really nice
No. 1643577
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No. 1643590
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This is the guy who runs the HRT Directory
No. 1643593
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No. 1643594
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I'm upset that a pedo groomer tranny can get an entire website removed and have multiple articles full of blatant misinformation written in his favor by major news publications. Meanwhile porn sites full of rape and cp, and actual terrorist sites, are allowed to remain untouched. But it's just a man facing no consequences for his actions, and getting what he wants, same old story since time began. I'm not surprised that any of this is happening but I am salty about it.
No. 1643605
>>1643550As you can see here
>>1643593 these preparations are not proper pharmaceutical products. They are hormones bought in raw bulk form probably mostly from China and India and dissolved in a carrier medium (oil) by the black market troons and a kawaii-desu-ne label slapped onto it. This is a pretty far cry from just listing sources to order stuff off of online. The pills (spiro) might be just sourced from some sketchy overseas online pharmacy (bad enough, there's a lot of counterfeit shit there) but the injectable preparations are homemade. The "bathtub" stuff of course is a meme but this is in no way a legitimate product.
No. 1643612
>>1643587Oh god, I just hope that some tired Chinese slave didn’t send 2-cb or something similar to those poor kids by mistake. It’s still better than estrogen, but one dose can fuck you up for life
>>1643593So he actually send homemade estrogen to children. It’s so fucked up how proudly he admits to it.
What’s even worse - you inject it into your bloodstream. There’s so many things, that can go wrong, even if you exclude blood-transmitted diseases. I’ve known some needle addicts, that shit is no joke. Even the most careful of them regularly got abscesses or shit like that. Certified nurse I knew had her leg amputated, because of all the heroin she injected, and she knew what she was doing. Children don’t.
No. 1643617
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DIY HRT refers to both bathtub hormones and hormones bought online outside of a prescription from something like inhousepharmacy. otonokoko (may have misspelled sry) is run by a brazilian tranny who i believe makes them in his bathtub to sell to others in anime pedo packaging (see picrel) but if you go on reddit, people share tutorials on how to DIY. this is an example
No. 1643620
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>>1643617It says "Keep out of reach of parents" on the package.
No. 1643621
>>1643605Thanks! I knew they were calling it bathtub estrogen but wasn’t sure if it was a running joke that some were taking too seriously. Seeing the labels on the bottle is enough to know it’s being made and bottled by weirdos.
>>1643585Wow, I’m really surprised about that. I don’t recall the directory including testosterone when I looked at it months ago.
No. 1643626
>>1643617If these retards get inhousepharma shut down I’ll be very mad
>>1643607It is surprising considering how notoriously unhygienic these people are. I’m also surprised we haven’t heard of some TIF’s little sister coming into contact with their Androgel and becoming virilized.
No. 1643627
>>1643621"Ideally, you would be on T through legal means. However, you may not have the privilege or desire, so this guide may be of better use for you.
Regardless, if you are willing to attempt DIY, it is a preferable option to not being on T for many. "
"If you choose to order testosterone without a prescription, it will be illegal in most countries (although the risk of a domestic order being seized, let alone any person in possession of anabolic steroids for personal use being prosecuted, is unheard of). Testosterone is legal to possess without a prescription in the UK."
No. 1643638
>>1643617The fuck is that packaging? Somehow it makes the whole ordeal much worse
I simply can’t with those people. Hold me, please, or I’m going to a-log so hard, you’ll be able to see my rage from the moon.
I have no words
>>1643627So it basically a guide on how to make DIY T. Isn’t it illegal? I know for sure it’s illegal to spread information like that in my country
No. 1643639
>>1643533>>1643536Andy Ngo is a gay Asian.
JK Rowling is a woman.
Clarence Thomas is black.
Labels can only be used as shields by the left.. Glen will be called a white supremacist terrorist no matter what he is.
No. 1643643
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>>1643638There is also this side of the package
No. 1643648
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>>1643643This is from their official website where they sell this shit.
No. 1643660
>> (and .cc) I just heard is being blocked at a DNS level by Cloudflare (, some ISPs use this or some setups are configured to use it out of the box. Try something like but I have not tried it myself, I'm using Tor for now
No. 1643665
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I find this so funny I don't know why
No. 1643668
Okay, I’m going to hug my cat and cry for a bit, it’s too much to handle on my own.
No. 1643687
>>1643679the reduxx sidebar will make libs immediately clock it as a
terf site, i wish places like this would post about womens issues other than trannies just because trannies are what get clicks lol, anyone with a shred of media literacy could tell it's not a balanced source (which is fine by me, but some subtlety would be nice)
No. 1643695
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Better article than most though
No. 1643703
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>>1643698if so, this person was a rich kid almost 30 going to film school begging jesse for a boost posing as a college freshman. so gross how they've been able to climb, pathetic on the part of people boosting "her."
No. 1643704
>>1643685Both, probably. I usually write about illegal drugs, harm reduction and all that jazz, so DIY HRT will be right at home, but it’s too hot of a topic. I’ve written about HRT before, but it was science-related piece, nothing too crazy. Cloudflare fiasco is relevant too, since it’s still being used by some of our sponsors, it’ll be really nice, if it makes them lose money. Maybe it’s the way to go about, since I don’t even have to mention tranny shit, but I’ll have to consult with my bosses first.
I love my job, it allows a lot of freedom, even if I have to conceal some controversial stuff, but, god, it’s annoying to walk on eggshells sometimes.
Thanks for all the links! I’ll talk to my girlies, I’m sure we’ll come up with some ways to share the info.
No. 1643712
>>1643593>>1643605>>1643612>>1643617Shit like this is all straight up horrifying.
Several years ago I remember first hearing about DIY hormones. When I looked into it, it was nearly always troons taking birth control pills that they got from handmaidens who were doubling up on prescriptions like this (one set of pills from their normal doctor, another set from planned parenthood or similar that they got for free or close to free). Those resources are meant to be there for people who can't afford them, not some AGP who wants to fast-track his "transformation" because he wasn't getting by gatekeeping therapists and the like.
Digressing, at least it was medication that cleared FDA, even if taking hormones without a doctor's advice is stupid as hell. So few talk about how even "official" hormones can cause cancer and all that. Ever know anyone who's died from cancer from this? I have, and it's not a death I wish on anyone except those who are pushing this shit while saying that there's no harm in it. It's slow, excruciating, and nightmarish to witness if it's happening to a loved one.
The DIY hormones that are coming from god knows where and with god knows what in them, there are going to be some horrific things that happen in time to at least some who are taking them. Anyone pushing this shit needs to be jailed for life.
No. 1643738
>>1643676I found this ( but idk if it'll help. You could use kiwifarms to gather the lucas connection with the diy website, along with reduxx.
No. 1643756
>>1643746They don't know about it. Normies still think trannies are just innocent
victims who just want to pee and were "born in the wrong body".
No. 1643760
>>1643738Thanks, I’ll look into it and see what I can make out of it.
I’ve reached someone, who is willing to publish DIY HRT part and I will probably write a piece on the whole KF thing anyway, just in case my editor will like it. Thanks for all the help, you are all amazing and I’d send you flowers if weren’t so anonymous <3
>>1643742Research chemicals are basically modified existing drugs, they’re not illegal per se, so you can order them online or even buy them in regular stores. But those substances weren’t researched and tested properly, so you can easily die from it or experience very bad side effects. Some of them get eventually banned, but new ones created all the time, so it can be hard to keep up. There’s a shitton of different nbomes, amphetamines, opioids and any other types of drugs you can imagine. The most known are probably Spice, Bath salts and plant food, the first is basically a synthetic cannabis, while bath salts usually refer to alpha-pvp (google that shit, it’s wild) and plant food to mephedrone (4-mmc) and similar compounds. They were sold legally at gas stations and other stores for a pretty long time, usually labeled “not for human consumption” to avoid closer inspection.
Nbome is a psychedelic and in this it’s quite similar to dob and 2-cb. The dosing is very different though, it’s very easy to overdose if you don’t which one you’re taking. Read PiHKAL and TiHKAL if you’re interested, Shulgin is probably one of the greatest drug researchers out there,
I can honestly talk about this stuff for hours, sorry…
No. 1643768
>>1643761That’s basically my biggest problem with the whole DIY shit. If you’re an adult, I don’t care, chop off your dick and dilate all you want, it’s not my place to police your body. But they’re clearly targeting children, which makes it so much worse. I can’t believe it’s even remotely legal
>>1643764Well, as we found out in this very thread, they do have actual guides on making bathtub T and E, so…
No. 1643772
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imagine boomers clicking on this instead of the actual site.
No. 1643790
>>1643775I miss legal mephedrone, it was very addictive, but great for my ADHD, amphetamines are too damn stimulating and makes me angry. God, I hate war on drugs
>>1643779Okay, I have a weirdest theory about it, but
Injecting drugs can become an addiction by itself, so I think it’s quite common for people like that to get hooked on the process of shooting up. I’m a former addict myself and I LOVED snorting, the drugs didn’t matter. I even crashed my antipsychotic pills and snorted them, instead of taking them the usual way. It’s like you associate the high with the process, so you’ll get weirdly calm and happy, while preparing a track. So I can see some tranny getting an euphoria boner after injecting estrogen and getting hooked from it. Also all the addict trannies I knew were shooting up, I’ve never even seen them smoke or snort. Weird how it can be.
>>1643786Sorry, it was on github, I don’t think they posted a guide on the site. My bad
No. 1643832
>>1643823no way he's crying live about his computer getting taken away by the powice :( and literally used the words "taking my means of living away" when he bragged about doing the same thing to destiny when he got destiny banned on twitch.
anyone got that tweet? i can't track it down atm.
No. 1643855
>>1643849These fucks have to continue with the whole Christchurch lie huh. The fact that Josh stood up to an unreasonable request from a country and was right to do so is more ballsy than these chucklefucks would ever do. It escapes most people that Josh protected actual Kiwi users that wanted to know wtf was going on from prison is beyond them. He has a spine, say what you will.
Ethan should know the corn still grows lol he’s thirsty af for Lucas’s ass.
No. 1643856
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(posted in prior thread last time, sorry)
Just saw a clip from Josh's stream where he said "any port in a storm" in response to people criticizing him for signing up on, which is full of lolicon. If anyone was wondering whether this scrote actually had principles, well, I don't know where you've been hiding, but of course he doesn't, not when it might interfere with him getting some asspats from his fans, too bad this one blew up in his face. Not.
Josh's simps, of course, will defend him to the death. This post was particularly telling to me because he refers to a 'dispute' over lolicon where he threatened defederation with Poast. The defederation with Poast did not happen, and Poast continues to host lolicon, so apparently the 'dispute' was resolved by Josh getting convinced that this is acceptable.
This is typical Josh behavior and if any of you thinks he's anything but utterly devoid of principles, she is deluding herself. He will talk a good game about this issue and a few others but it doesn't really matter: Internet friends and clout are more important. Remember this isn't a hosting provider. This is just a place for him to "tweet" and get asspats from his simps.
No. 1643896
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>>1643676Unironically, go talk to @CommieDGurl on Twitter (Laura/Blake Hobbs), who was also quoted at length in the Reduxx piece. Commie is a TiM who got a thread on KF after a (funny, let's be serious) public meltdown, was doxed, but learned a few things from the experience, namely the fact that tranny degeneracy as described on KF is very real and KF does a service in that regard.
No. 1643921
>>1643823Ethan is fat and I would not have sex with him.
Anons who watched: was he drooling over Keffals like he does with any other pornstar he interviews in front of his wife?
No. 1643934
>>1643930Samefagging, since I’m dumb
I’ve meant
>>1643896, obviously
No. 1643937
>>1643932What, really? Maybe I am over thinking this but isn't "little boy" the last thing the trannies would want to be called since of course they are TRUE AND HONEST little girls? Are they even hiding the pedophilia?
Also meant to ask any of our resident weebs if the anime characters on the hormone bottles were recognizeable and whether they were from something sussy.
No. 1643950
>>1643871Haven’t they heard about Streisand effect? Internet doesn’t like when you try to hide shit.
>>1643937It looks like some shota manga, tbh, but I’m not into this shit, so who the fuck knows.
No. 1643960
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No. 1643982
>>1643612hrt (whether T or E) is intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, not intravenous.
>>1643719subcutaneous injection (like insulin) is extremely easy and you can find many guides online.
>>1643769nah that's dumb. it's promiscuity/sex work/drugs. if you're out of needles you can skip doses, it's not like you desperately need the injection right now like drugs.
No. 1643983
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Go back.
Everyone who is here knows the score on this situation because we've been having to deal with his bullshit for months now. This is his exact M.O.: do a thing, cry about the thing, blame it on his enemies. Moreover it's obvious that the only reason he does any of his bullshit here is because it upsets women and he gets off on that because he is a sick freak. He's never been a good-faith participant and the CP is just an extension of that. He is what a troon is and any nonnies who weren't peaked before, hopefully are now.
No. 1643985
For the nonnas who want to access to KF but have troubles with the .top link (only available for IPv6) and dont want to download Tor for the .onion , theres that works great for both IPv6 and IPv4 on the clearnet, althought Josh forgot to mention it earlier, dont forget to mention it on the next thread , that would be helpful!
No. 1643986
>>1643971he also said before in one of his rages that he is never going to be able to get a job working around kids because he's a pedo, along with saying he thinks children are sexual and said he fantasizes about r*ping children
admin of soyjak also confirmed he's a cp spamming pedo too based on his ip ranges and how they're only active when he's online spamming
No. 1643996
>>1643986Plus, you'd think that if everyone made it clear to him that he's not wanted, he'd clear off if his intentions were anything but bad. He is here typing one-handed because traumatizing us is his fetish, same reason the likes of him want to watch you pee in a bathroom. He's a pretty depraved person, going so far as to dox his sister and talking about raping her. Then he will try to seek sympathy and call himself a
victim. He is a genuinely twisted individual who needs to be institutionalized. He thinks that because some of the people he hates are also sickos then we'll somehow sympathize with him. In other words, he thinks we're dumb: he thinks we're what he thinks women are because as always, scratch a troon and you will find a misogynist.
No. 1644000
>>1643982My bad, my knowledge with injections mostly comes from drug addicts, so it’s heavily skewed. Forgot for a second, that people use insulin with no problems
>>1643973Probably terrorist sites, there’s at least 7 groups, protected by them. And some Russian drug markets were using it too. I can’t remember which ones, but I’ll look into it, if you’re interested.
No. 1644002
>>1643996this, he's openly made tons of comments calling women breeders and saying he wants to rape women and they deserve rape, he's spamming here because he is a mentally ill woman-hating rapist pedophile moid and harassing us gets him off
hope admin was serious about being in contact with law enforcement so he can be locked away in a male prison where he belongs
No. 1644004
>>1643982True, but if hormones are given intramuscular not subq, which I believe is the usual practice, then any contamination in the solution can be
extremely dangerous due to creating an abscess. Like, loose-a-limb dangerous. Those complications can be worse than IV ones.
No. 1644046
>>1643855>>1643995>>1644009Hey, wasn't there a furry (hypnotistsappho) who threatened to an hero? In a hospital?
And isn't their friend (ZrCalo) opening sucking Keffals dick?
Really makes you think!
No. 1644049
>>1644044I will note when Ethan asked about the DIY HRT Keffals seemed a bit nervous to answer @
1:19:11 and then
>>1643836 No. 1644057
>>1644054If you had the choice, would you live in Canada,
No. 1644067
>>1644054He gets off on attention whoring and playing the
victim, it's the closest he will get to sexual satisfaction after turning his dick inside out. He's going to milk the gravy train until everybody gets annoyed with his BPD autismo delusions of grandeur
No. 1644069
>>1644037lol topkek watching keffals crumble infront of a normie like ethan. keffals dodged every accusation ethan wanted clarification about and looked nervous as hell. if these rumours were fake why couldnt he address them instead of just scoffing like a pig and saying nothing is real. his argument was "these people tell people harass people enough to unalive themselves - try not take what they say with a grain of salt".
keffals has a face for the radio…stick to the tweets bud
No. 1644083
Since I guess you aren't the troon (but are still a kiwiscrote who cannot sage and likes anime) I'll respond. The post you are replying to says that it is different for Josh to join, which is a notorious haven for lolicon/pedoshit, than it is for him to participate in a site which has a CP problem (which would apply to Twitter, etc.) The admins of are into that shit and it is explicitly allowed under the rules. Josh and Metokur and a bunch of their stupid fanboys joined up because apparently they, too, are OK with this, all cope to the contrary is just that: cope. I am glad to see that this kerfuffle has now lead people to start giving Graf (the owner of poast) a hard time, because he deserves it. If he is not a pedophile himself he is OK being in their company, or at the very, very best he is so used to the company of terminally online creepy scrotes that he believes there is some ambiguity to be found regarding drawn depictions of the rape of children. Josh joined the site, seeing no issue with this, apparently, and in the cap I posted above he dug the hole even deeper for himself by saying that he was in some kind o argument with the people before about loli, which apparently the lolicons won because Josh is now in effect endorsing them, or was until people started giving him shit for it. When Ethan Ralph, who's been going after the poast people, starts looking like the better advocate for women and children, you've well and truly fucked up.
No. 1644085
>>1644037>>1644069Brushing it to the side is the only thing he can do right now to lazily cover his tracks.
Deny, deny, deny. Kiwifarms is down so no one can look at the info coverage that I many others saw happening in real time; until Null and company(?) arrive with the comprehensive timeline (and possibly evidence that users on kiwi didnt dox Lucas) Lucas will think he's controlling the narrative when in reality he is digging a deeper hole for himself when its revealed that hes changed the story multiple times on his involvement with evidence showing for a fact he was running the catboy ranch operations from the start. This fat linebacker built troon is over already and it's only a matter of time.
No. 1644114
File: 1662774945333.jpg (287.68 KB, 1080x2071, whydelet.jpg)

>>1644112Why did the quoted
nonnie delete this?
No. 1644121
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No. 1644130
File: 1662776278550.png (54.66 KB, 800x496, Fibonacci_Spiral.svg.png)

>>1644127Uh, his back is clearly shaped according to the golden spiral? How is it not beautiful?
No. 1644150
>>1644147 listed here including listed terror organizations and god hates fags
>>1644149> theyfuck off
it was less annoying when you called him 'she'
No. 1644153
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No. 1644157
>>1642850 from last thread, from the Cloudflare wiki page:
>Taliban>Al-Shabaab>al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades>Hamas>Tatmadaw>al-Quds Brigadesfrom No. 1644161
File: 1662779725030.png (217.44 KB, 1083x303, Screenshot 2022-09-09 23.12.49…)

>>1644158And here's a kiwiscrote (seems to be one of the ones that comes mainly for the political discussions a/k/a to be able to say "nigger") defending the defence of lolicon, but the most interesting part to me was where he says
which Null has talked abouttttt…… as if that settles things that their e-daddy has Addressed The Issue(tm). The amount of adulation this nasty scrote gets from his userbase is pathetic. I like parts of KF, I am angry the troon got KF booted off Cloudflare, but it's just simply beyond parody how these scrotes think he can do no wrong.
No. 1644166
>>1644163nta but she means that taking governments offline is sort of different even if those governments are shitty. however the article linked here
>>1644150 is from a few years back when the Taliban was
not the government of Afghanistan, so yeah, it's even worse at that point. I'd actually be shocked if it weren't technically illegal for cloudflare to be providing "material support of terrorism" I believe is the legal term in the US, but oh well, at least they are on top of their transphobia problem, r-right?
No. 1644214
All this retardation about muh hamas and taliban just shows how stunted kf scrotes are.
Some fat fuck running a doxxing website and playing internet tough guy is of no interest to anyone except the shallow end of the gene pool. Meanwhile, organisations like the ones getting namechecked for the whatabout defence are an entirely different thing. Any action against them would be a huge geopolitical move and a definite position from a private company that is supposed to be agnostic in that arena. Also, these organisations and their activities are of a great deal of interest to various governments and their security apparatus. ie the exact opposite of kf. Knocking them offline would just make life harder for everyone against them and strengthen their ties with their allies. Leaving them to fuck around and be exploited, however, could yield a lot of intel, provide opportunities for infiltration, and a host of other benefits. If you really think the intelligence agencies of the US haven't had a lot of discussions with cloudflare about these customers and are directing them to let them stay online, you're a fucking idiot. No. 1644231
>>1644039Yet another fluff piece. It wasn't really worth watching but I'll give you a (poor, I'm sorry nonna) quick rundown:
>Lucas is asked about how he is now and if he's moved.>Lucas gives a rough timeline starting from the start of his KF thread, to the "swatting", to the subsequent hotel doxing (x2) and what transpired in Northern Ireland.>Ethan asks about why critics of Lucas refer to him as a groomer and then proceeds with questions about the Catboy Ranch.>Questions about the bathtub HRT. Ethan: "Oh well, it's the last resort and if kids don't have doctors then that makes sense. You're saving lives.">Muh Culture War>The Cloudflare and #DropKiwiFarms arc.>KF did Christchurch and caused X people to unalive. >"KF wants to kill me too">"You did the world a great service" simping.>Cringe clapping and "Pride Dance" Some points of interest:
>Claims that his streaming about politics was what caught the attention of the farms (nothing about shit stirring on Twitter or deplatforming Destiny).>He still insists that an assault rifle was pointed at his head.>No mention whatsoever of the 100K GFM money or the lawsuit.>Claims that his UberEats account (along with the Uber accounts of his immediate family) were hacked and that is how his hotel (#2) address was confirmed. If you remember the "OMG you guise, trolls ordered hundreds of dollars worth of food and milk jugs through my Uber" tweets, this story never came up again…almost as if he ordered the food himself.>Endless stress sighing on the topic of the Catboy Ranch.>Straight up LIED about only communicating with minors/his fans through Twitch even though there is an active Keffals Community Discord server (that KF infiltrated and witnessed mods doing massive message purges around the time Lucas' devices were seized by London police). No. 1644233
File: 1662786215757.jpg (239.34 KB, 1080x1113, Screenshot_20220910-150248__01…)

>>1644228No idea the site isn't named but the internet is a cesspool. Main takeaway is don't trust Null or trannies just let them consume each other.
No. 1644261
File: 1662788780754.png (58.76 KB, 657x257, Screenshot 2022-09-10 01.16.04…)

In case it wasn't obvious, that's Blaine, he's even boasting about it elsewhere.
No. 1644323
>>1644083oh, that's the post you were replying to.
reading comprehension, or something.
Josh still won't pick you.
No. 1644346
File: 1662797315365.png (35.28 KB, 946x558, how is that not a loli.png)

>if the anime characters on the hormone bottles were recognizeable and whether they were from something sussy. is apparently the tranny behind Otokonoko Pharmaceuticals. about the character's age, but there's no way it lines up with the historical figure who trooned out at 49: No. 1644379
>>1644080do you realise that when you incite a mob to harrass workers at a childrens hospital this has negative effects on the rest of the children there, and do you think the avg lott follower is a
terf or someone who would throw lesbians and any woman they deem heretical into a meat grinder
your crusade isnt more important than children with cancer being able to get treatment without a gaggle of qanon freaks milling around outside lol, fuck you
No. 1644394
File: 1662804794093.png (65.29 KB, 587x274, pedojacketwheels.png)

countdown to Travis View from the QanonAnonymous podcast retweeting this
No. 1644431
File: 1662814615488.png (439.61 KB, 785x1280, ree fuck kiwifarms ree.png)

wasn't this some gamergate schizo?
No. 1644440
>>1643937Troons have a humiliation fetish. They know they're male. The little boy thing is a part of their fetish. It's porn filled embarrassment. Them getting upset and raging on social media and even IRL, for anything they deem transphobic is all part of the fetish. They
like any and all attention. Even keffals getting caught deleting tweets, he doesn't care, he's still getting off to the attention and he knows he has other troons and allies to validate him and act like the accusations are lies. It is embarrassing and they know it, and it turns them on.
No. 1644502
File: 1662818925052.jpg (120.69 KB, 1080x1077, IMG_20220910_100606_452.jpg)

I'm convinced Keffals and others are racis. I notice plenty of Tim's stalk the Telegram or site but barely any of them talk about the out and proud racism. I'd say they day nigger as much as they say, "Troon, tranny etc." It's telling to me what this is about. They can ignore all the n words and hate towards minorities as long as it's not towards men in a dress.
I'm not even sure what Keffals is trying to say here and why he just can't say sorry for offending someone.
No. 1644587
>>1644502He definitely is. He got caught calling a random Hispanic dude "Sanchez". Maliciously racist people go out of their way and do this specific shit instead of using more socially common racist phrases like spic & wetback.
Keffals is a narc in and out and he believes he can do no wrong, he has an excuse for everything even if it doesn't make sense.
No. 1644589
File: 1662825437113.jpg (60.53 KB, 634x951, EUGH.jpg)

Keffals looks just like this wax mockup of humans in the future
No. 1644608
>>1644581>having a hump back might mean it can't do certain jobsas if he was going to even consider getting a job anyway.
>>1644582I mean he's basically proving the point of the original tweet.
I really hope that in the high of praisness h's receiving he agrees to a debate with someone that can contain their power level, they could easily destroy him and probably get more dirt out of him, the Winter guy ended up getting a bunch of information out of Keffals without even trying.
No. 1644632
victim complex
No. 1644639
>>1644543Unironically this
>>1644582 but he was probably put on the ODSP/Neetbux for muh "anxiety". He also has an ADHD diagnosis and made claims to have been hospitalized for a suicide attempt when he was a teenager (this, as per Lucas, prompted his parents to take his gender dysphoria more seriously). Kind of curious is Otm Shank has any light to shed on this but he hasn't been on the farms for ages.
No. 1644643
You can access the TOR site over clearnet here, it's rough and you need to fix the URL on some links, obviously DO NOT log in as this just proxies the site.'s interesting the TOR access loads but the domains aren't. This means that the DDoS protection at the domains is just overwhelming the providers but the actual site isn't getting overloaded so the traffic isn't getting through. Null says there is a 10Gbps attack. Just think how much estrogen they could buy instead of DoSing the domains, by their own logic they are literally killing troons by not financing them. Sad.
No. 1644674
>>1644657Probably a lot. Here's one such service. can't hit IPs directly so they have to hit URLs so they need to spend a lot to have multiple attacks going at once. And some of the DDoS prevention services are better at blocking bad traffic than others. Honestly I would guess some deep pocket troon has spent tens of thousands lol.
No. 1644736
>>1644711It is easy to find because they registered the company using that number as contact info. So I did find information about their CNPJ, address, names, etc.
I will try and see if I can find more info about the owners since one of them has a rather common name
No. 1644764
>>1644706>poor>medical studentSuuuure
>>1644761>showed a upper middle class looking houseAs a fellow huehue, this guy is sounding like exactly what I expected them to be. I only took quick look at the website and was honestly expecting him to not even have a CNPJ because that was how shady the website was, but that would make it much easier to denounce him (not that I will, I'm not cowtiping, please no ban), I wonder how much his parents know.
No. 1644773
File: 1662842061521.jpeg (251.51 KB, 828x717, 1140CD70-3166-4C30-AA30-98AA84…)

new message from josh
No. 1644821
>>1644764Nonnie, what if I told you if of them received over r$4000 in covid help money (auxílio emergencial)? Kek
They earn in dollars selling drugs to kids and yet needs government help and calls himself a libertarian kekkk. I can't believe he is a retard enough to use the same number for his "business" and the one he openly divulges on internet. I am gonna search what Anvisa classifies HRT as and if it is illegal to sell it without a pharmaceutical license. I am too lazy to post on MtF thread but damn, I didn't expect to find information about him that easily. A whole glass of milk
>>1644766The name matches with one of the owners, the address is different however. Email matches too.
He didn't change the name legally, I searched it on RF, otherwise he would get it in his new name.
Nonnie, I hope someone reports it, but I can't, it's cowtipping.
No. 1644825
>>1644821If I told you both of them*
I am stupid when writing. And I forgot to inform they have a second company (with not a obvious name, but it has both of original owners, including the otokonoko administrator and this one has a third person too). Different address though. Let me check the CNPJ
No. 1644867
>>1643937Took a while to scrape that information from my memory banks, but both images are from a well-known yaoi doujin by Jairou, "Yami no Serva Fes - Kindan no Rakuen ni Youkoso!". The "giant Girldick" image is from page 5, and the other one on the front is from page 13.
It doesn't look sussy to me at all (unless I missed something both Astolfo and Chevalier d'Eon appear 18+) but it certainly did to the idiot that tagged it as shotacon.
No. 1644878
>>1644867I'm a troon who's bought HRT from them before and I totally agree
>>1643617 looks like gross loli shit, regardless of whatever it actually is, although I didn't have that thing on the packaging I received. I find all stuff like that completely disgusting. Anime is whatever, but that character looks very young.
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No. 1644940
File: 1662861994318.jpg (40.96 KB, 720x247, Transontranscrime.jpg)

It's also good to note that trans facebook seems to be against Keffals and what they are doing. According to this troon. Probably be good to look into these Facebook groups.
No. 1644977
File: 1662866072569.jpg (400.92 KB, 1080x2133, 1.jpg)

If I had to see it so do you. (from the Destiny thread)
No. 1644994
File: 1662867440451.png (157.15 KB, 609x726, Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 13.3…)

Who's excited?
No. 1644996
>>1644436I know it's a matter of principle, but why not do this. The people who want to use kiwi will be able to find it under a new name. At this point with the way the trannies are eating themselves, I doubt they could get the momentum to take down a new seemingly unrelated hate site.
Moon could just sit on the full forum re-upload of a month or two or make a archive later. But they could at least set up the forums for current bullshit again. Frankly it could be good for costs to be rid of some of the older stuff for a while.
No. 1645027
File: 1662871077268.png (826.74 KB, 1080x5456, hologen1.png)

>>1645000nayrt but this is 1 of 2 posts I found speaking against Lucas. It's a long post.
No. 1645029
File: 1662871149546.png (1.97 MB, 1080x7332, hologen2.png)

>>1645027pt 2. After this it's just screenshots of Lucas tweets.
No. 1645033
File: 1662871352760.png (358.46 KB, 1080x1749, hologen3.png)

>>1645029oh also further comments.
No. 1645040
File: 1662871824563.png (580.98 KB, 1080x4333, cl1.png)

Here's the other post. This one's a 3 parter.
The rest was the same old victimization articles so I just stopped.
No. 1645042
File: 1662871954991.png (1.19 MB, 934x3434, cl3.png)

>>1645041End. They also attached screenshots of Lucas's tweets.
No. 1645077
>>1645042Kekk keffals on h3 gave a bullshit answer about the harassment is because “I do political content”. The reason why keffals earned a thread on kw and/or is well hated is because keffals does exactly what keffals cries about. The doxxing, bullying, ratioing, etc. but because keffals rationalizes it as “bc they’re the baddies it’s ok if I do it”. Keffals is a professional
victim and knew how to lead on doxxers (posting pics inside hotel room) to make a story.
No. 1645338
File: 1662910026361.png (77.42 KB, 516x261, Screenshot 2022-09-11 11.27.50…)

Tech trannies continue to do Josh as dirty as possible…
No. 1645348
>>1644706you should narc on them for this
>>1644708 just saying
No. 1645361
>>1645356I second the anon
>>1645354 who suggests ProtonMail, however I would not be surprised this was an issue on the end of Josh's mail server, which is probably also getting DDOSed to hell. MX record points to ( which to me is unreachable. This is probably (and not unreasonably) on the lower end of Josh's priorities, plus email is just a monstrous pain in the ass in general.
No. 1645369
>>1645343troons and furries. it's no coincidence that when his head was still in one piece, lowtax got insta-banned from twitter whenever he tried to get back on.
his google voice is probably offline while the court ordered tap is set up
No. 1645381
>>1645378they gotta connect all the tubes and wires, anon.
or it's in limbo while google and the feds argue about it in court
No. 1645390
>>1645379If you think the FBI hasn't been monitoring KF for years, you're an idiot. If they didn't before Christchurch, they sure started to after, although I am sure it's been going on much longer than that since Null was swatted by Vordrak YEARS ago. I bet you Kiwifarms and Null have their very own FBI agent whose sole job is reading Kiwifarms all day, they probably have a whole shelf somewhere in some office. Nothing happened because nothing they are doing is illegal.
I do expect a false-flag event in the future tho. Some crazy troon who will shoot up a place and say they are doing it in the name of KF or something. Something bad is going to happen eventually, but it's going to be an op.
No. 1645398
>>1645390I have no doubt that KF is monitored by feds, there are a lot of absolutely unhinged /pol/tards there in particular in the A&H sections, have been for years. Not too long ago someone made what was considered a credible threat and Josh was contacted QUICKLY by the FBI (the Tor site is down for me or I'd try to link, it's in the "Take that Off the Internet" section) as did more infamously the SIGSEGV user who went on to be too autistic for even Kengle on OnionFarms so he set up which was shut down when he made
another specific death threat at the US president, and the feds visited the 17-year old Australian owner's parents at their home. The most unhinged of the spergs wind up getting themselves got. It's a fine system and they deserve it. But of course making fun of troons is the highest crime. I agree that something really bad will happen eventually. Even if it is not in the strict sense a false flag then it will probably be because this current situation, like the Christchurch one, gets KF a lot of attention and will attract a certain element who thinks KF actually
is for terrorism or whatever. Hopefully Josh will keep registrations closed for a good long while (he's closed them a number of times in the past during some high profile event, but never for long enough IMO.)
No. 1645430
>>1645408Yo same!
>>1645417Well if the doxing is in pursuit of a felony, such as swatting, then I'm pretty sure it's illegal. Like if you dox someone with the intent that it leads to someone doing something illegal like harassment or swatting then you could, and I must stress could, make an argument that the doxing on the farms could be considered criminal. But I think the intent would be hard to prove in court, at least by American standards of presumption of innocence. If there are ever legal proceedings Josh or whoever is charged better pray that it's not in Canada or another country with strong controls on speech.
>>1645425I've never heard of this, don't mean to ask to be spoonfed but can someone give me a TL;DR on it?
No. 1645439
>>1645429Around that time things escalated for sure. And there are some other Discord-dwelling faggots like the "Council of Evil" (mega cringe group focused on an open pedophile–seeing a theme here–from Norway called DJ Axle) who nobody had ever heard of prior who have connections with some of the people and who started trying to start shit with KF around that time as well. The rogue's gallery of people who want to fuck with KF is very large.
>>1645430> Well if the doxing is in pursuit of a felony, such as swatting, then I'm pretty sure it's illegal. Like if you dox someone with the intent that it leads to someone doing something illegal like harassment or swatting then you could, and I must stress could, make an argument that the doxing on the farms could be considered criminal. But I think the intent would be hard to prove in court, at least by American standards of presumption of innocence. If there are ever legal proceedings Josh or whoever is charged better pray that it's not in Canada or another country with strong controls on speech.If anyone doxes and gives that dox to someone who swats someone, or even posts it with a "who will rid me of this meddlesome priest" type text, maybe. Just posting dox and someone gets swatted, nah. But you're certainly right it could be a big problem in many non-US jurisdictions. The swatters are a great case of "why we can't have nice things," though: doxing is fine to me but swatting is unacceptable so now I'd think twice about posting dox on KF at least of people adjacent to either tranny circles or IBS circles because both scenes are too hot right now and some other faggot is going to take things too far.
No. 1645447
>>1645437I was obviously joking. God knows the feds don't want to deal with me. Also thx for the TL;DR. I assume they say even worse shit.
>>1645439Yeah and I'm guessing nobody is going Henry II on cows. But yeah I'd be interested to see what Canada is doing about this. Same for British assuming the stuff about Keffals getting harassed in Northern Ireland is true.
No. 1645460
>>1645451Ehh I'm not sure if the British have that big of a bone to pick with him, but the Canadians definitely do. Assuming Keffals wasn't lying about the swatting. I also can't imagine that it would be too hard to track down phone numbers or whatever to find out who swatted people.
>>1645455Isn't he in like the Balkans? I heard either Croatia or Serbia.
No. 1645523
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No. 1645550
>>1645354Thanks for mentioning this. I have never had a KF account (but have lurked here and there since its early days) and I'm really disgusted by how this is going down.
Google is on its way out for me. I decided to finally stop using Google's browser after I saw they were de-listing all substack articles that mentioned KF. That is a direct suppression of opinion. Looks like Gmail is the next to go. Interfering with the mail is a federal crime in the USA, and though I'm not sure what the laws are like for e-mail, it's leaving me feeling the same (especially when what's getting blocked is not even illegal).
No. 1645585
>>1645581They don't want to be women. They want to be
victims and they want to have power. Their troon status means that normies have to coddle them and give them special privileges. It means handmaidens give them fake pity compliments and blow sugar up their ass all day long for putting in zero effort. A lot of them don't even want to get their dicks snipped because they are fine with being basically entitled rich white men who get to claim "oppression".
No. 1645656
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No. 1645670
>>1645656“I think rape jokes and the word retard are fine, just like all my retarded friends”
Is he Spanish now too? What excuse did he use for racist slurs?
No. 1645690
File: 1662930721784.png (331.38 KB, 1080x1643, thunkprovoking.png)

Elliot retweeting some Lucas call out. Interesting to note that the person being RTed is trying to "both sides" this shit.
No. 1645768
>>1645757That's exactly how this is gonna go down. No one fucking liked keffals before this shit. He only got lucky because there's dozens of vendetta-kuns that had something to gain from KF being taken down. With it finally being taken off clearnet, people are starting to remember "Oh, right… Keffles is fucking annoying." He was riding off the high of being a useful idiot but, like everyone's been telling him since this shit started "What makes you think they won't go after you next?". Ironically enough, people have saved his old tweets from KF and know of the shady shit he's in, and will absolutely use it as ammo against him because
he can't spend one day not starting shit with people. Pissing off black twitter was one of his worst moves, he really thinks he can just hide behind the trans label but in terms of "muh oppression" totem pole, he's still white and an easy target for these leftist circles to make him into the newest source of their rage. It's a comedy in all the best ways.
No. 1645774
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>>1645768Yeah, Keffals has ruined his life over this, and not in the sense of "kiwifags will never leave him alone" although that is probably also true, but just that he should've known how autistic this whole scenario was going to get on all sides. He's an inveterate clout chaser, of course, and to say that he's flown too close to the sun is an understatement. He's gotten such a big head over all of this bullshit, too: when he thought that KF was kill, he immediately went after Metokur and Rekeita, both of whom have much bigger "mainstream" (relatively at least) audiences. He's still riding high off his supposed win but even if KF doesn't come back (it will) he is too much of an egomaniac not to do the next dumb thing, piss off the next set of people. Even his non-apology for the rape joke is something else: a lot of SJWish types would say they have "learned" and repented of their sins, his ego won't even let him do that. Yeah, his days are numbered. The down fall is going to be amazing content.
No. 1645776
>>1645352>>1645360Yeah, I really should do that,
nonnie. I want to gather more information before reporting since I never reported anyone before to police and want to be accurate and truthful as possible. I would appreciate if any nonas did before and can help me.
>>1645366Idk, I agree with the nonas gringas. This is not a only Brazil-based thing, that man sells controlled/illegal substances to people around the world. Basically Silk Road for underage troons. I really don't understand how the police gave a huge fuck to the average party guy/gal taking his/her ketamine or cocaine but they don't bother to investigate selling HRT to minors. Idk how I should that, I am honestly a random farmer that peaked a few months ago. I really would like advice pn how proceed on that and how to avoid being identified/doxxed. Troons are vicious and I don't want to get me or anyone in danger for doing the right thing.
No. 1645785
>>1645782>>1645783Fair perspectives, I was thinking mainly on the route of doxing these people, etc. on KF which they deserve but por que não ambos I think they would say (I speak Spanish, not Portugese) - the Twitteratti REEEEing about KF might have some pull with authorities in the US, but would they in Brazil? I don't know. I second the suggestion to go to a local politician, though, if you can get one to take up the cause. A right-wing one might be your best bet if you can stomach it. I don't know how it is on the ground there really but just telling law enforcement agencies, well, they get a lot of reports of all sorts of things, but if it were to get in the news and some politicians start beating the drum for their own political reasons, you might have something.
No. 1645786
>>1645785Yeah I def recommend a right wing one as well. They have a vested interest to fight this kind of stuff and a left wing politician would almost certainly sell you out to the mob. But I just think that going about things the KF way will create more "
victims" of the site and be counterproductive. I mean imagine if someone tries to SWAT one of them and then we have another Keffals. That'd be a disaster. The authorities, if properly motivated, are far better equipped to handle the situation than some unhinged scrotes on the dark web. Just saying.
>>>1645778But yeah, if you're committed to doing the KF route be very careful and wait for things to blow over. Also I hope you already have an account because I heard they shut down registrations except for invite only.
No. 1645807
File: 1662939938847.png (409.78 KB, 1080x1657, retards.png)

>>1645782seconding this. these idiots will discount anything posted on KF as lies even if it's a screenshot/archive of an actual tweet. they don't care about the truth, they care about their feelings.
No. 1645816
File: 1662941079649.jpeg (600.58 KB, 828x1604, 5541E296-D567-4A61-877C-3ABC77…)

>>1645801flopped everytime + iirc he stoles money from the communist party in "revenge" of them being "transphobic" for him
No. 1645820
>>1645792It’s a shame really, I’m pretty left-leaning myself and that infighting is exhausting. Its ranks, at least in the US, are full of liberals too, which is not surprising at all, since universal, public-funded healthcare is still a topic of debate here.
But that’s beside the point. I’m just here to see Keffag getting dropped by his little commie friends. That’s what you get, when your political party is full of narcs, who’s just there for attention and no one holds any real values.
>>1645807Oh god, I hate it so much. Yeah, misinformation is everywhere, learn how to check your sources, dumbass, instead of hoping someone will do it for you.
Also agree with going straight to the authorities
No. 1645835
>>1645816Isn’t he upper middle class or something too? God, I hate it here. The hell you know about the struggles of the working class?
But getting 128 votes must’ve really hurt his ego. I’ve got more, running for the student council, it’s so fucking funny.
No. 1645913
>>1645908Oh no, Lucas has always been very upfront about the DIY HRT website being aimed at serving minors.
The general public sees nothing wrong with it either because there is this whole false dichotomy with respect to youth experiencing gender dysphoria that they've taken as gospel. As far as the typical normie is concerned, children who do not receive so called "gender affirming care" are doomed to commit suicide. When you believe that a child will surely die without HRT, accessing black market hormones produced in some sketchy compounding pharmacy is seen as the "lesser of two evils" (which is bullshit).
No. 1645926
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>>1645920Dunno how much you could gain from the Telegram, it's massive, fast-moving, and full of absolute autism, I'm only there for updates. Are you the Brazilianon?
Pic not related, just typical female behavior.
No. 1645927
File: 1662951636212.jpg (364.22 KB, 1080x1664, Screenshot_20220912-125644__01…)

For posterity in case some nonnies here didn't know Lucas lied about being swatted, and the circumstances surrounding said "swatting". The boomer police chief in this article capitulates to the troon by calling it "swatting", but if you read what transpired he was not was not in imminent danger with guns pointed at him and there was no forced entry to the premises. They literally knocked on the door in typical leaf fashion. No. 1645934
File: 1662953228541.png (363.01 KB, 1080x1484, unreliable truths.png)

for someone who is supposedly "not a fan of keffals" nerd skull is sure as fuck aggressively trying to paint anyone criticizing Lucas as a nazi/farmer/alt-right. Also kek at nerd saying they'd stop for their mental health but are still going at it.
No. 1645986
File: 1662965495549.png (46.64 KB, 745x417, Keffals_Clara_sorrenti.png)

What did Keffals mean by this?
No. 1646044
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>Purple Tinkeroh, from one of the brony documentaries.
No. 1646048
File: 1662977167911.png (56.12 KB, 610x281, Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 20.0…)

These trannies are something else
No. 1646067
File: 1662982179936.jpeg (421.32 KB, 828x1074, 81579224-AFC5-404E-B29F-1D47F1…)

Imagine being a creepy moid in a dress defending other groomer trannies like yourself, Alex.
No. 1646071
File: 1662982637042.png (44.23 KB, 1280x416, swatter.png)

Someone has admitted to being the serial swatter and that their goal was to take down the Kiwifarms an their next goal is to get Josh arrested.
http://uquusqsaaad66cvub4473csdu4uu7ahxou3zqc35fpw5d4ificedzyqd.onion/goto/post?id=12924651 Tipestamp: 1:15:50
No. 1646163
File: 1662995188228.jpg (136 KB, 1080x468, tards.jpg)

>>1645986This might have been made by a tranny trying to piss in the pool, so to speak.
No. 1646199
>>1646186Someone just told you
>>1646152 the worst most misogynistic scrotes to exist. They're using this in some way, they're all together again and joining up with every other moid trolling group to swoop in.
Trannies are the distraction, everyone is using this to their advantage to try and take out their 'enemies'.
No. 1646203
>>1646199I mean to some extent I'd say that Josh made his bed by relentlessly antagonizing people (and I don't mean just hosting a site with threads that make fun of people, I mean being genuinely difficult to get along with to nearly everyone who's been in his orbit over the past decade and a half plus) but also many of these
>>1646152 are even nastier pieces of work than he is. This whole thing is 100% multiple vendettaists having a go at Josh and providing each other cover, too. Maybe we will eventually find out to what it extent it is explicitly coordinated and to what extent people are just being opportunistic, but there's definitely a whole rogue's gallery doing thi shit and most are even less sympathetic than Josh and his Kiwis.
No. 1646215
>>1646209> How? What are you suggesting could have been done? I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to here, but he's well known to be "difficult." This is not a groundbreaking take by any means.
>>1646211It's basically a decades worth of extremely autistic and motivated enemies with nothing better to do. You've been able to see it escalating over the past year or to as well: see Zoom and, Byuu,, etc. You make a good point that Keffals has been good at orchestrating the woke mob but a lot of other enemies are lurking in the shadows too. That must be one of the shittiest parts for Josh.
No. 1646220
>>1646215>ZoomDidn't censor a thread.
>ByuuDidn't fall for a trap / take a bribe.
>lolcow.orgDiscord clique that died before KF because the owner kept threatening to kill people in DC.
What antagonism on Kiwi Farms's behalf, besides just existing, was going on?
No. 1646225
>>1646222>>1646220Neither I nor this anon is defending these people, we are saying that they are up to worse shit behind the scenes while we worry about Keffals who we cannot do much about right now. Keffals probably won't come for this site but for example? They tried to raid and stop this place a ton of times.
Byuu has been DDoSing since he faked his death, Zoom grooms children.
No. 1646228
File: 1663001354588.png (235.79 KB, 584x1495, gayops crypto edition.png)

hotwheels and shoveljaw trying to get Josh banned from crypto wallets. just normal people doing normal people things.
No. 1646229
>>1646203 said it's Nulls fault for "antagonizing" these people but honestly they are just fucking awful spergs who have serious behavioral issues, you can't expect Null to treat them all with satin gloves because they might sperg out and then spend 24/7 planning gayops in revenge.
No. 1646234
>>1646229Ah my bad, it's more Null's fault for having a double standard and letting people get away with a bit much after banning others for the same. Those idiots won't realize why, fact is Null did play favorites but he acted like he didn't. If he was open about doing so, it would not bother as many people tbh.
>>1646232No, plenty enemies do not have threads, the ones you're aware of do. That is my issue here.
No. 1646237
>>1646234>Ah my bad, it's more Null's fault for having a double standard and letting people get away with a bit much after banning others for the same. Those idiots won't realize why, fact is Null did play favorites but he acted like he didn't. If he was open about doing so, it would not bother as many people tbh.
Sounds personal, what is the story behind this? From what I can tell Null barely keeps track of Kiwifarms users and doesn't know who anyone in particular is unless they work hard to catch his attention by either antagonizing/tagging him directly or repeatedly causing problems for him. I think a lot of people project some sort of parasocial shit onto him that they think "Oh Null doesn't like me" but he probably doesn't even know who the fuck you are/forgets about you within 5 minutes. There are A LOT of posters on the forum, nobody is special.
No. 1646258
File: 1663002849841.png (62.32 KB, 592x496, gayops crypto edition ongoing …)

>vigilantism is ok when we do it
No. 1646309
>>1646306This is paranoid (which is not to say they aren't out to get us!) I was one of the ones referring to Josh's history with this site but I haven't claimed he's trying to take over the site
currently, he certainly is preoccupied with other shit, I just don't get why people cape for him so much and his simp squad are obnoxious. However if anyone comes in with offers to "save us from Null", "help us with the Null situation", then we all will know to trust that just as much as we should trust offers of help from the man himself.
No. 1646314
>>1646311I said specifically I don't think Josh is trying to take shit over
now but this is the Kiwi Farms thread/de facto Josh thread, and people here don't appear to be aware of the history, so it's fair game for discusion IMO.
No. 1646325
>>1646322if you can't even tell someone's writing style which is that distinctive, I don't even know what to say
No. 1646378
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otherwise I'm with you but V-SYS is not just a host but also provides full mitigation
No. 1646477
File: 1663013344233.png (11.03 KB, 600x132, Fceum5KXkAEf1Dr.png)

Jersh has a new onion domain
No. 1646484
>>1646481Honestly, no clue.
>>1646479Right but they'd probably fill it with legit swastikas or some other shit that would be a dead giveaway to actual Kiwis.
No. 1646516
>>1646511Samefag not the person I replied to but the obvious baiters. It’s so easy to search on lolcow’s search function everything so don’t believe the stupid claims about
>LE ADMINZ WERE ALL GUYS!!!! When it’s not even one of our own saying that
No. 1646544
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Couple of minor Josh W's
No. 1646579
File: 1663021122238.png (28.04 KB, 585x244, Screenshot 2022-09-12 18.19.35…)

uh oh, hopefully this is just growing pains and not LizFongJones
No. 1646599
File: 1663021848720.png (212.04 KB, 1331x665, Fce_T7OXEAI7j0l.png)

Hopefully this is milk worthy but Jesse Signal apparently posted a letter from a KF user and I think it's like the best press the KF has had in a while.
No. 1646608
File: 1663022258480.png (107.09 KB, 745x793, keffals1.png)

What will the criminal troon squad get up to next?
No. 1646611
>>1646608Not funny.
Above: obvious tranny posting.
No. 1646617
>>1646615A couple of the few posts above are him, too, you can tell by the overuse of first-person pronouns and cutesy spellings. The rape jokes are a dead giveaway of course though.
>>1646616Laziness on the part of the scrote/tranny who edited it, lol.
No. 1646622
File: 1663022971168.png (51.4 KB, 658x236, Screenshot 2022-09-12 18.49.56…)

That's fake, are you retarded? This one's real, though:
> women
Fun fact: John Walker Flynt named himself Brianna after some guy named Bryan he stalked in college.
No. 1646623
File: 1663023037646.png (31.23 KB, 745x341, keffals3.png)

No. 1646632
File: 1663023752566.png (762.2 KB, 745x1063, keffals4.png)

No. 1646648
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He should be the last person saying this
No. 1646656
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>>1646648Or retweeting this (which I assume is in reference to himself), the troon is immune to hypocrisy?
No. 1646661
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Nitpick I suppose in a sense but I find the "SNEED" meme so unbelievably cringe, why is this so funny to Josh and his kiwiscrotes?
No. 1646677
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also KF telegram is full of seething racist incels but is also pickme central
No. 1646680
>>1646678No, it's definitely not, lmao. But no there are a few female users in there who's simping for Josh is at
best semi-ironic. It's kind of uncomfortable.
No. 1646687
>>1646685>>1646684Yeah this has been his position for a number of years although he did used to try to get in some people's DMs including I
think at least one tranny if memory serves but he has been pretty clear about a 'no e-girls' policy these days. Which is probably wise, he'd be getting catfished left and right otherwise, I remember some anons from here even tried to do it but got rebuffed. I wonder if he still actually hopes for his normie girl let alone the tradwife he he has spoken of wanting. Ignore looks, even personality at this point and just go on baggage alone. At some point he said though that he'd feel like once he hit 30 it would not be happening for him which is probably accurate. You know he is the kind of guy who is going to have some unrealistic standards physically and otherwise.
>>1646685> at least oneYeah I think it's safe to say there is a couple and I bet there are a few that are not even bad looking. Well adjusted, fuck no. Probably a good thing that he's set some boundaries.
No. 1646702
samefag as
>>1646700 ngl the catboy kami guy has a nice body though
No. 1646706
>>1646704I dunno if he has the money for that for one. I didn't remember the slavs not white thing but it doesn't surprise me. He's said though that this kind of relationship would not satisfy because he wants a bang maid/mommy gf
and someone who true and honest loves him for him.
No. 1646723
File: 1663031435389.jpg (129.95 KB, 828x1288, media_FcfU8rZXEAUdF7Y.jpg)

Am I the only one who feels like Taylor Lorenz knows who the serial swatter is? Bogus threats seem to sprout all around her.(tinfoil)
No. 1646732
>>1646728most threats against keffals were falseflags anyways, if you were actually planning on doing crimes, the last thing you'd do is to tell everyone about it and give law enforcement a way to find you
it doesn't matter, it served its purpose, KF got shat on and the tranny got like 100k to play around which makes me wonder if i should start pretending to be a black tranny in peril for some sweet cash
No. 1646749
>>1646744more like it means that you could techinically get rid of any site you don't like, at that point i might as well save all the videos and shit i like and put them on a hard drive
>>1646746doubt that will ever happen, not with mr. blackrock cutting them checks
No. 1646763
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I think elliot is moving away from lucas. His retarded followers kept spamming "noodles are tasty" tweets in elliots replies.
No. 1646764
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>>1646763also kek apparently that dumbass nerd skull went after liz too
No. 1646950
>>1646152Never heard of these homos but they sound like Britbong. Funny how these types follow mostly the same script, huh.
>>1646225>Zoom grooms children.Ah there's a familiar name.
No. 1646956
Accountability is anathema to MTF troons
No. 1646959
>>1646955Eh. I'm with
>>1646199>Trannies are the distraction, everyone is using this to their advantage to try and take out their 'enemies'.This was my conclusion after speeding running through this somewhat cancerous thread. Troons are an insignificant minority, statistically, so I don't know why some are pointing fingers at them exclusively. A few schizoid troons mean nothing in the bigger picture imo. Josh has A LOT of enemies. I don't know how much of his personal behavior has contributed to that, I know nothing of his interpersonal relationships nor do I care. One thing I can say about him is he's appeared consistent over the years.
No. 1646963
>>1646959An 'insignificant minority' is apparently incorrect, since they seem to have enough social capital to get websites shut down they don't like
No. 1646964
>>1646960It seems it's much bigger than "just trannies" but everyone's entitled to their opinion. Like other anon said, trannies are the
distraction. A troon was the catalyst but there's a bigger picture whether or not anyone sees it.
Let's take Jonathan (jessica) Yaniv, he's a transtrender hiding behind a trans identity to use as a shield to deflect from his being a child predator. Now, is the bigger picture that he's a troon, or that he's a pedo (who happens to hide behind being a troon)? Not all troons are pedos, if we're honest, and not all pedos are transtrenders. Pedos come in many shapes and sizes - fixating on troons alone doesn't mean anything to the bigger picture.
No. 1646966
nonny. If what you're saying were factual they'd have much more then KF shut down by now.
No. 1646967
>>1646960Exactly. Most enemies of KF tried and failed to take it down because nobody ever takes them seriously once people see all the freakish shit about them that was posted there.
Unless of course, your freakish shit involves cutting off your dicks and giving kids bathtub-cooked hormones.
No. 1646973
>>1646969>You will never be a woman Yes anon, everyone who doesn't think the exact same way you do must be a tranny. You addressed none of my points. Congrats.
>>1646199>>1646972The point is there are transtrenders who use it as a sheild to hide behind, as do predators like Yaniv. I don't see Blaire White preying on children - not all troons are pedos but many pedos hide behind trans identity. But you're free to be stuck on troons kek.
No. 1647016
>>1647007Corey Barnhille, pedophile, has changed his name to August Heart actually. He is such a cringy fat fucking autist that he changed his name to his favorite comic book character's name, the Flash. If anyone doesn't know who he is, he also goes by the online handle "Zoom" (cause he is obsessed with the Flash) and he has a Kiwifarms thread because there are recordings of him and his girlfriend talking about how he forced her to watch a 6 year old girl get anally raped. His girlfriend is a
victim of child sexual abuse herself and is now a camwhore who wears diapers and pacifiers for pedophiles like August Heart. He also worked for and tried to get Kiwifarms thrown out of their datacenter with a faked court order. Quite a character.
No. 1647049
File: 1663077089192.jpg (52.52 KB, 738x748, IMG_20220531_015739_149.jpg)

>>1647045Nick Fuentes is another catboy enthusiast. whether he is a wrangler or the wrangled, who can say?
No. 1647069
File: 1663080921189.png (311.31 KB, 1334x750, F676C93C-B860-4996-851F-9798B4…)

So Lucas is going hard on the “since kiwi “isn’t up” changing history thing. Trying to deny everything that is well known. Typical
No. 1647097
File: 1663084486678.gif (202.92 KB, 220x122, ducks.gif)

Do you like duvkz?
No. 1647099
>>1647088See a therapist, femcel
Not all men are bad (just most)
File: 1663091192870.png (63.89 KB, 587x562, you're a lawyer, sue somebody.…)

No. 1647173
>>1646959> speed runningmy tranny sirens are going off. everyone take cover in the basement.
>>1647158>YouTube has implicitly condoned this kind of hate speechOh that’s just like Twitter and the time they verified a man who made disgusting misogynistic jokes, including a “running a train” joke about autistic girls. But wait, I guess that’s not hate speech because it doesn’t hurt the feelings of trannies.
No. 1647207
>>1647158First Destiny calling out for Canadian lawyers.
Then Joshua Moon contacting the FCC about the google voice incident.
Now lawyer vs lawyer.
This might be entering the legal arc. Interesting.
No. 1647228
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>>1647026i guess you haven't known of him for long enough but there was a solid year where he would continually argue about the existence of 'ethical cp' for harm reduction…
No. 1647231
>>1647210Nice try, WaPo poopoo
>>1647228How the fuck do you make CP ethical?? Lol you just can’t. Never liked destiny, he just looks very slimy and doesn’t touch grass as much as he should.
No. 1647237
File: 1663100935617.jpeg (173.06 KB, 1280x676, 15DB8C82-7E4A-4F98-8F93-5347D4…)

>>1647210What's pedophillic about a 28 year old meeting an 18 y.o. rape
victim on Twitch, getting very drunk with her, and fondling her in front of her (poly) boyfriend and thousands of viewers? She's legally an adult!
>>1647228Should've just posted it instead of asking and risking getting banned before you had the chance to honeypot.
No. 1647284
>>1647221Nick Rekieta is a finances lawyer he has barely any clue how shit like this can be fought in court. You idiots literally think all lawyers do the same work. Keffals vs. KF is a coinflip of whose legal rep is a bigger dumbass, not unlike the Vic Mig case.
>>1647231DesTiny is a huge sex pest and a gross poly fucker. He's an easy target hence why Keffals went after him early for clout.
No. 1647310
>>1647284>Nick Rekieta is a finances lawyer he has barely any clue how shit like this can be fought in court. You idiots literally think all lawyers do the same work. Lol you think Rekieta would represent himself and not hire another lawyer who specializes in this?
Keffals and KF both have done scummy shit so who knows the results, but Rekieta vs Caraballo would be simpler. Did the tweet ever exist? Yes or no, and proceed from there.
No. 1647382
>>1647049What a perfect mascot for the all the closeted right homos who pretend they don't hate women. At least this secret fudge packer doesn't pretend he
doesn't hate women.
No. 1647388
>>1647039>>1647173ily all but can anons stop hi scrote-ing already. Everyone who comes here knows it's pathetic, sad and hilarious watching men try to pretend they're women, no one said otherwise for fucks sake. The title of the thread isn't "I hate trannies and this is why", it's a KF thread. Calm down and stop over reacting because someone presents a different opinion you don't understand. Being so short-sighted and not understanding what a catalyst is isn't a win. They
>>1646199 get it.
A once semi-relevant scrote Dick Masterson, tried to start his own Patreon alternative some years ago to mild success, only for the banks/credit card companies to turn around and stop doing business with him for no apparent reason, effectively terminating his platform (sounds familiar). Their justification was something along the lines of, he was "on a list". They couldn't tell him what that list was exactly or why he was on it, just that it meant they couldn't do business with him. He was "controversial" and fit his name but never did anything illegal. This isn't in defense of a particular scrote, it's an example of the arbitrary removal of one persons right to due process and how it inevitably creates a slippery slope for everyone else. And this may come as a shock to some of the less than literate retards on here, but it wasn't the all powerful trannies who got him shut him down, unless you want to tinfoil that all banks are run by trannies for some reason.
Everyone knows they're run by jews, stupid. No. 1647400
File: 1663113902991.jpg (176.21 KB, 946x2048, Fcj1YIwXoAACMB8.jpg)

street fight radio breaks out, chapos crying irl
No. 1647463
>>1646608He's not going to do anything, he's a retard who likes to sperg on twitter. Some of you are overblowing this tranny cabal tinfoil. Keffals is a delusional loser who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The vultures in the msm
>>1647158 know a gravy train when they see one and are riding it for all the shekels its worth.
No. 1647566
File: 1663129062586.jpg (7.45 MB, 624x26764, angry trannies.jpg)

No. 1647652
File: 1663137634436.jpeg (188.55 KB, 750x1238, A23A6588-EEF3-497C-8411-FBCA35…)

I didn’t watch the video lucas put up simply because it’s the same ol same ol- namely him taking credit for fucking with KF and stroking his own Amhole, but it’s nice to see him in the comments “just a joke bro”. I don’t know any women who say stupid like this because of course.
No. 1647701
File: 1663143674664.png (619.71 KB, 2038x971, gross.png)

>>1647693No he has severe mommy issues.
No. 1647717
File: 1663147689907.png (28.22 KB, 584x264, you are a man named elliot, el…)

>how dare Kiwi Farms tear down women in tech, that's my job.
No. 1647754
File: 1663152859801.png (14.91 KB, 544x120, doubtful.png) isn't performing as well as the onion site, next premature victory lap scheduled for:
>There were problems with the new router so expect maintenance sometime in the near future.
No. 1647769
File: 1663154543513.png (165.66 KB, 499x921, jersh.png)

doesn't look like anyone's put up the latest message in full, so just for posterity
>>1647717i like how he even says "male" - obviously he'd argue he isn't a MAN, but even he doesn't really think he's a female lol
>>1647408idk why but there's something so funny about people overreacting to annoying but fairly benign posts, like girl you could have just said "go away retard", save your muh epic fuckknuckle shitbird reddit comebacks for the tranny
No. 1647784
>>1647778You might be right but I'm going with gypsy curse because that's what makes the most sense to me.
That and/or feds. Who'd of thunk the guy who runs KF has anti-social tendencies?
No. 1647791
File: 1663157823655.jpeg (281.06 KB, 828x1056, 9FD39B6D-C5E6-47F8-87C6-E1142D…)

>asked his mob to harass him for 2 weeks straight on his twitter page
>pulled up with a future protest at Cloudflare HQ because twitter harrassement wasnt enough for him
gee i wonder why he blocked you ?
No. 1647795
>>1645390Null definitely has a file, then again so does pretty much everyone else
thanks to NDAA, the "Patriot" Act, Nazi fusion center bs and who knows whatever else.>Something bad is going to happen eventually, but it's going to be an op.Hopefully you're wrong but I've seen it happen enough times - history repeats. I don't know why people waste time using Telegram when there's legit alternatives that actually do what Telegram claims to do but doesn't. Telegram's almost like TOR except the glowbrights don't need to use a back door to the former and to my knowledge, don't fund it.
No. 1647812
File: 1663159791137.png (59.68 KB, 570x518, tranny jannies.png)

No. 1647815
File: 1663160138577.png (38.46 KB, 575x372, MIA - Paper Planes.png)

>Iceland thinks he's a terrorist, so he is not allowed to have
>they need his passport to ban him from Frost Internet
No. 1647860
>>1646674Certainly on KF if
>>1611435 is to be believed
No. 1647863
File: 1663167856876.png (160.71 KB, 1980x691, Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 01.0…)

No. 1647954
File: 1663173977393.webm (410.47 KB, 506x360, I GET KNOCKED DOWN BUT I GET U…)
No. 1647962
File: 1663174431658.png (499.44 KB, 708x672, winning.png) working like a dream, got DDOS protection up and running, troons are DDOSing and it does nothing. KIWIS STAY WINNING! TROONS WILL NEVER BE WOMEN!
No. 1647985
File: 1663175373184.png (531.54 KB, 622x780, comfy.png)

I am sneeding comfortably on the Kiwi forums, meanwhile troons are seething and wasting their money.
No. 1648008
File: 1663176265137.png (511.36 KB, 1242x2688, 103592B6-2D44-4A1D-96F7-9BF322…)

Based siri
No. 1648128
>>1647858Yeah it is called narcissistic personality disorder.
Also I’m sure Josh is just as much of a pos irl as he is online. However I do think his issues are mostly due to payment processing (can’t use most providers) and trannies in IT working to make it more difficult to keep kf up on the clear net.
No. 1648162
>>1647928> is it fair to say someone is bankrolling kf rn?As another anon said the router is long paid for but Josh's financial situation has always been a bit opaque (not implying it need be otherwise, he's not obligated to let
us know) but I think it is safe to say and has been for some time he has a few "whales" who help him with substantial donos, it's not just $20 here and there and his streams. Many of these come from the political parts of the site, or so it is said, and/or are attracted by his rhetoric about free speech, and oncr you understand this his keeping those elements up on the site despite seething over how
toxic they are starts to make a lot of sense.
No. 1648234
File: 1663193908745.jpeg (860.12 KB, 1242x1968, 02685A88-9897-44B8-BCA0-4DF3BF…)

Update as of 20mins ago
No. 1648256
File: 1663196081285.jpg (75.41 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20220914_184239_502.jpg)

As someone who doesn't use twitter or know much about it, this whole thing made me realize all all the fake love troons get. Sure he was able to make some moves by whining, but every other platform he's not cared about. Say what you want about Josh, Rekita, Mister Metakour or even Ethan Ralph, all these men have loyal tards who will follow them anywhere. There's no reason this tweet has 11k likes, but the CNN video after 7 days STILL has 1k likes and 5k dislikes. He's botting like hell. It's not like he even makes clever tweets either. It's honestly sad. These people don't love you at all and aren't loyal to you, keffals isn't going to become some beloved Trans icon. In fact most people were like, "I dont like keffals, thank you but I don't like you, here get outraged by this thing she said-"
So if he thinks he's going to have a stable audience outside of twitter unless more drama with Kiwifarms or some other dumb crusade he's mistaken. Also technically how long has Kiwifarms been "gone". If it's not on some weird clear net link it's on tor, sure it's constantly getting Ddos'd but the site still fucking exists. Keffals did nothing but make things a little annoying for Josh. Who isn't going to quit trying to get his website right, if he does some scrote will pick up right where he left off.
No. 1648308
>>1648256You would have to be incredibly naive to think it was Keffals who took the farms down.
He is just an useful idiot. A lot of people hate kiwifarms they just needed an excuse.
A group of people planned this in some discord or telegram. Keffals all but said whith his "everyobe will abandon you josh" speech
He knew what was coming.
No. 1648372
>>1648308Oh I don’t think anyone would disagree with you
nonnie- keffals can’t even figure out his streaming shit on a regular basis; nah it was a few people no doubt, and some money spent on ddos bots I’m sure.
No. 1648373
File: 1663204617090.jpeg (627.59 KB, 1170x1147, 378F1708-F664-4FC7-AEDC-9A4AF5…)

Jesse Singal says he talked to the kid who showed up in Belfast. Keffals knew the kid’s identity and that he wasn’t a kiwifarmer before the incident but pushed the narrative anyway.
No. 1648400
File: 1663206289344.png (28.79 KB, 595x314, enforcement action.png)

>targeted for enforcement action
>enforcement action
"why don't people like us? ;w;"
No. 1648434
>>1648373This "Teddy" guy is a real deal creep who should be jailed and fed anti-psychotics, but notice how keffals dealt with him compared to an actual frightened woman.
Real girl Teddy harrassed:
>gets into fight with girl>mom has to send a DMCA request>shithead psycho responds by posting her contact info all over the internet alongside memes and videos, even one including a scene where someone snaps a girl's neck>Singal states this girl is searchable by google til this day >no signs of response from her, presumably she's scared and wanting this all to go awayKeffals
>sent keffals and the tranny he's crashing with threatening emails to no response>keffals learns Teddy's ID and tweets at him>keffals stalks him to his discord group>keffals tweets at him again>Teddy shows up outside of the flat where keffals is staying with the infamous note and picture>keffals does not hide or move or report the shithead but instead uses the situation to his advantage>creep is still out there free to harass other peopleIt's crazy that he keeps prodding and poking drama. And he really tried to sell the world that he was "scared for his life".
No. 1648448
>>1648395The various KF enemies probably know that a troon is the best optical choice to launch an attack that will get memed up. That's it, I think. Keffals + his bots might be decent at some twitter engagement but I doubt he has fuckall contribute when it comes to the technical aspects of this or having connections with the tech sector, etc. Call me optimistic but I think there might be a nonzero chance that due to some intra-Discord spat or whatever we might get some leaks as to who is doing what gay shit with one another and
that could be genuinely amusing.
No. 1648501
>>1648373This whole tweet story is so fucking weird. No one knows the real life identity of "Teddy" then?
>>1648434everything about keffals response to the stalker is suspicious. he chimped out for a month at KF but then doesn't even report this actual person who seems dangerous? Nor ever acts like he's genuinely in danger?
In one of the prior threads here, someone pointed out that the thumb of the note holder was rather similar to Ellen's thumb. You have to wonder if this is going to be a Bussy Smollett situation for real kek
No. 1648592
File: 1663229053529.png (103.88 KB, 769x728, Screen.png)

Looks like KF has dropped Vanwa
No. 1648596
File: 1663229317122.jpeg (382.57 KB, 1125x1186, 9FD7D377-66D0-4D15-9867-602CFC…)

Oh I’m such a poor little girl who got stalked, here’s me planning a stream with my exact location, live in person, on this date. This is such a spit in the face to the many women, who aren’t even influencers, who do their best OPSEC because they’re actually afraid of stalkers. Hate this larping scrote so much
No. 1648671
File: 1663243031242.jpeg (957.35 KB, 1170x1792, 37214925-0B47-4EC8-A5DB-E86ABE…)

>>1648544The podcast is public now but I haven’t listened. In his twitter thread he says they verified all of Teddy’s online activity (emailing keffals, tweeting at keffals, discord activity, post on other image boards) but he can’t be 100% Teddy is the one who showed up at Keffal’s place. He says it could be another gayop.
No. 1648694
File: 1663244488778.jpeg (202.27 KB, 828x605, AC445304-18B0-4CA9-AA29-120D44…)

does this dude have a life besides thinking about KF? its pathetic
No. 1648696
no audio for the first minute, but here's some more of Jesse Singal talking about Kiwi Farms: starring one of Hotwheels' furry friends,
that guy:
>>1648694 No. 1648749
File: 1663249914135.png (41.38 KB, 569x135, 24436435.png)

>>1648681not seized, just killed
No. 1648755
File: 1663250423798.png (47.81 KB, 590x368, furry ops.png)

>>1648749a furry's taking credit for it
No. 1648759
File: 1663250763993.png (701.38 KB, 748x704, furry.png)

>>1648755Of course it's a fucking troon too
No. 1648760
File: 1663250824926.jpg (294.66 KB, 1440x1440, furry2.jpg)

>>1648759what a fucking hideous troglodyte
No. 1648762
File: 1663251018287.jpg (946.25 KB, 1170x2532, furry3.jpg)

>>1648760OMG it's the fucking guy from the meme
No. 1648765
File: 1663251201836.png (9.09 MB, 3056x2040, furry4.png)

Imagine looking like this and not even having the decency to kill yourself so other people don't have to witness it. The fucking audacity of troons.
No. 1648794
File: 1663253278366.jpeg (51.25 KB, 739x415, D20BE74F-B4E0-4E61-A282-D97882…)

>>1648759no fucking way i didnt noticed it was him on the matt walsh interview
No. 1648804
File: 1663253944711.jpg (163.98 KB, 1600x900, close-up-macro-of-kiwi-fruit-1…)

>>998558>>1474760That mirna bitch is salty because she's infertile, heres her reddit account, she posts in the same way as on kiwi, you will always be a childless liberal hag
No. 1648842
>>1648840I don't get that vibe honestly, I only read her posts on the Amanda Morris threads tbh and she talks like a mother about childcare/pregnancy. I'm also a mom so I can tell if someone is actually experienced of bullshitting. There's a lot of shit people without kids don't know or have never heard of that you only learn about when you either hang out with children of relatives A LOT or you have kids yourself.
>>1648838Probably cause you revealed yourself again, schizo troon, you can't help yourself dumb moid.
No. 1648846
>>1648842That wasn't me lol, I just saw his immigration thing: A lot of people hate him, and fuck troons.
No. 1648847
>>1648766still in beta. ppl have issues with the captchas rn
also i thought that josh didnt wanted to rehost the .net until this shitstorm ends?
No. 1648879
File: 1663260441750.png (97.55 KB, 750x704, furry_troon_lies.png)

You'd think if the KF actually violated multiple US laws the troons wouldn't have to DDOS it and play dirty, they could just go to the police. It's almost like this is all lies and bullshit. No. 1648880
File: 1663260738340.png (60.41 KB, 1488x444, furry_troon_terrorist.png)

>>1648878Damn, this guy has a verified account on an illegal terrorist website? That's crazy.
No. 1648889
File: 1663261254696.png (296.9 KB, 1080x1155, howtheturnshavetabled.png)

>>1648880tumblr should have never died
No. 1648950
File: 1663264179257.png (791.29 KB, 619x2108, caps.png)

idk nonna but here's alleged caps from the IG. The account now is only filled with selfies from 2017.
No. 1648988
File: 1663267323705.jpg (48.24 KB, 540x542, d5228c9c9d8ad74c5398377074d426…)

Back to laughing at ugly troons on, feels comfy.
No. 1649010
File: 1663269064607.jpg (72.83 KB, 900x663, EX2BDbGWsAIYjEW.jpg)

>>1648988Finally back, I'll go check the deathfat threads, it's been a while since I did.
No. 1649054
File: 1663274205024.png (730.79 KB, 1170x1410, Capture d’écran 2022-09-15 à 2…)

here we fucking go again ! they're harassing the owner of DiamWall now, let's see how it's going
No. 1649088
File: 1663275955485.jpeg (397.26 KB, 750x1078, B020EFEA-1870-4252-A5E4-2C1FF7…)

good god, what a numbskull
No. 1649090
File: 1663276216525.png (353.36 KB, 956x494, Capture d’écran 2022-09-15 à 2…)

already ?
No. 1649112
Josh, if you fucking read this (and i know you do) someone posted the email that troons send to the services that you use in the previous thread i believe. All you have to do is talk to the services you hire, explain to them what they can expect from the troon brigade, debunk the things that are said in that email, and then see if they still want to take you on. You cant defend yourself anymore AFTER the wave of troons harass them. You have to notify them of the harassment BEFORE it happens.
Look into Dutch or Danish companies, they tend to be pretty mellow. Call them if you have to. Make sure there is open communication. Don't be a tard.
No. 1649141
File: 1663279761091.png (138.12 KB, 1198x226, Capture d’écran 2022-09-15 à 2…)

kek he needs to feel important when he adds "CEO"
No. 1649159
File: 1663281887977.png (1018.73 KB, 1166x1324, Capture d’écran 2022-09-15 à 2…)

Holy shit, looks like Jim Watkins bought KiwiFarms, and that explains why Josh said he felt optimistic for the future of the website (ignore brennan saying that josh felt unhappy, that's not what josh is saying on his telegram channel kek)
No. 1649160
File: 1663281896777.png (12.93 KB, 860x129, Capture.PNG)

got this from Kiwifarms about destiny, also Destiny had like 10k viewers on a stream he was doing, kek, Keffals can only get 10k likes from Bots. Imagine how many people are going to watch Destiny's video on Keffals? Josh probably won't talk to Destiny but as long as Keffals keep slandering him he's going to continue.
No. 1649161
>>1649160He's streaming now and talking about it
from what i understand destiny wants to file a lawsuit against keffals and I guess he's gathering info about keffals for a part of it or wants info to make some sort of documentation of it because he's annoyed that keffals is lying and getting away with it
No. 1649164
File: 1663282143228.png (909.25 KB, 1196x1324, Capture d’écran 2022-09-15 à 2…)

idk why keffals have just deleted these tweets ? it's not like the .top domain was an absolute necessity for Josh lol
No. 1649165
>>1649159"James Arthur Watkins is an American businessman, QAnon conspiracy theorist, and the operator of the imageboard website 8chan and textboard website 2channel."
THIS guy? so that's why Null yapped about 8chan, not having much choice in allies or whatever and all that.. I hope on tomorrow's stream everyone shits on him for fun. I expected better from an autistic, set-in-his-ways grifter like him.
No. 1649173
File: 1663283348034.png (478.7 KB, 591x460, Untitled.png)

>>1649164he doesn't have shit else to talk about, anyway can this be the new thread picture? Call it something like Moon, Troons and possible Doom? I'd do it but i'm retarded, lazy and don't want to fail at my first OP
No. 1649180
File: 1663283955423.png (38.55 KB, 608x383, Capture.PNG)

No. 1649181
>>1649180this coming from the faggot who was
obsessing negatively over his exes to an audience of thousands (millions?) for a decade
No. 1649184
File: 1663284299550.jpg (279.78 KB, 1080x829, Screenshot_20220915-172548_Chr…)

>>1649180>>1649181I wonder why Onison doesn't like a gossip website?