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No. 2290853

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:

Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/2063201 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/2058104(FTM general)

No. 2290875

Kek at the thread pic op. Perfectly describes my feelings on this debate

No. 2290890

threadpic made me kek though I still don't think mizuki is trans

No. 2290898

Okay I swear when I looked at thread 8 it was at 1196 posts. Now it's at 1160. Mods, don't kill me.

No. 2290915

What are some good ways to stop gnc and autistic girls from pooning out?

No. 2290926

I hate trannies and I wish they would finish castrating themselves so they inevitably kill themselves. I have little to zero empathy for TIFs too, they’re males little henchmen

No. 2290935

Spreading misandrist propaganda, they will get too busy hating men instead of trooning

No. 2290944

TIFs aren’t GNC and I disagree with GNCfags on socialization theory

No. 2290955

Oh christ, it's you again.

No. 2290957

Who is it anon, tell me

No. 2290964

you're straight and would suck dick too if you weren't a turboautist

No. 2290975

We need more misandrist spaces like lolcow. I say this as an autistic gnc woman who thankfully never wanted to troon out but used to be a 4chan user and was on the verge of becoming a pickme, this place made me reach the nirvana.

No. 2290976

Then what are you doing in gender ideology hate thread, retard? Go back to reddit

No. 2290978

We called you a sexually repressed handicapped autist because you literally admitted to being suicidal because other women had sex kek

No. 2290980

The only anon who says "gncfags" (yes, I am very confident of that) is the imane khelif sperg who whines that it's actually the gnc women who are upholding gender roles.

No. 2290985

Were you a r9k poster or something? I never understood why so many women that post on 4chan end up becoming pick-mes other than because they want validation from bottom of the barrel men who hate them, always saw most 4chan scrotes as pathetic

No. 2290987

Mwah thanks anon.

No. 2290988

Irony when you should go back to tumblr with your attention-seeking bullshit. Nobody should care about your NLOG gender dysphoria but unfortunately we have created threads to have cows like you proliferate on these boards. No wonder why this website has turned to shit, they keep allowing undesirables we usually laughed at on here because males wouldn’t be this open about having tifs on their platforms, wouldn’t they? It’s all about having to hear about retarded ass women and make spaces for them when all they’ve done is just destroy more shit and use women like TIMs do. This shit is so ridiculous, TIFs are beyond helping and play into the gender matrix because funnily enough they think dressing in stereotypical male fashion is gender nonconforming, not women joining careers and acting in certain behaviors that are only allowed in the opposite sex but now some trendy idpol bullshit where you wear some overalls, read gay manga and call normal women “cunts” and “bitches” to sound male that makes you “gnc”. Hahaha(bait)

No. 2290991

Nah, thats why i didnt become a pickme. I used chill boards.

No. 2290992

I just try to reinforce that women and men can present themselves in whatever way they want without needing a gender about it. I had all the risk factors (into anime, isolated/no friends, gnc and alienated by gender roles in general, used to be fat), yet I still never did because to me it just sounded retarded to even need a gender to just say I didn't relate to other women and didn't have the same interests, and I never believed that made me a man since I didn't relate to them either. I had seen gnc people growing up and in media and understood they were just different types of women and men, which I think helped. I think to really troon out you also have to be kind of retarded and delusional in some way though, so idk if it can really stop someone who is already far gone.

No. 2290993

>GNC which is just code for NLOG tomboy playing into ridiculous male stereotypes and think it’s gender-defying when it only upholds maleness
>would’ve trooned out
>feels entitled to “misandrist” spaces so they can bloodsuck off the welfare and kindness of women so they can further destroy themselves and never fix themselves (bait)

No. 2290994

>gncfags admitting to being fat and ugly
Kekkkkk this thread is too easy, they should just shut it down or move it to /2X/ ffs(bait)

No. 2290996

learn to read i never said i wanted to troon out, the rest is just simply projection because wtf

No. 2290997

Yeah it's great to have a site where you can feel real with other women.
delete this it's baiting lmfao

No. 2291002

I said I used to be fat, not that I am now. And that I was gnc aka didn't wear or act like other girls my age when I was a child, not that I was ugly.
What? You must be replying to the wrong post since I never said any of this.

No. 2291004

Did you reply to the wrong post? Where did she say any of the things you just mentioned.

No. 2291005

What possesses you to think that we don't want women in male-dominated professions? Or try to larp as men with misogynistic slurs? Where did you get this strawman?
I did, reposting.

No. 2291007

It's a baiting faggot, nonna, ignore it. Also I don't think there's anything wrong with fat women, you don't have to defend yourself from random anons on that account. Fat women are still women and deserve respect, etc etc.

No. 2291009

Yeah, I guess so.

No. 2291028

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Yeah yeah take your spergout back to /2x/. GNC women are the opposite of TIFs kek

No. 2291049

Stop calling them nlogs or secretly a man for their personality traits or hobbies and mocking their appearance would be great, this site is guilty of all of these things btw

No. 2291065

No. 2291071

>this site is guilty of all of these things btw
No it isn't. There's no GNC cowsthread (as much as redditard upthread would like it to be) and nobody makes fun of GNC women for being NLOGs. The only women we call NLOGs are those who claim their "boyish" hobbies make them non-women, aka women who have already trooned out and can't be considered GNC, because trooning out and calling yourself "demiboy" is already very much conforming to gender. Try again.

No. 2291074

Set a good example, and make sure they have an offline social life and real achievements/goals to base their identity on so they don't have to resort to internet communities and "innate" political identities.

No. 2291176

Confidence and self-assurance. Just giving them a sense of worth and comfort with who they are so they don't need to feel like their body and personality are something inherently broken and needing to be fixed. Finding a hobby or something to feel a sense of purpose from

No. 2291188

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What are some women in history that get trooned out? i am so tired of female history being erased

No. 2291201

Every single lesbian.
>This is one of the earliest examples of a trans man!!!!
>Literally just a butch lesbian crossdressing so she doesn't get stoned to death for holding hands with another woman

No. 2291294

I am seeing more handmaidens peaking, and it's such a relief, but they can't get past trutrans.
A couple weeks ago my friend confessed to me that she doesn't believe hormone therapy should be available to people under 18. She almost seemed ashamed to say that and I told her immediately that she isn't crazy or evil and lots of women agree with her. I think she has more gender critical views than even she realizes, she just feels bad about it because the troons told her to.
This morning, a different friend who used to be a hardcore TRA told me she thinks gender ideology is taking us backwards in time. And again, it seemed like this was hard for her to get off her chest for fear of ridicule. She's still a believer in the trutrans thing but she's at least awake to the threat perverted men pose to women.
Does anyone have personal experience with helping women peak fully? So far they are receptive to every radical feminist theory I propose, but they can't stop defending the "real" trans people. I don't know how to get it through their heads that they aren't evil for thinking males in dresses are still male.

No. 2291340

If they're sympathetic to trutrans they might be receptive to the "gender identity is homophobic" angle. It's true and it is a very sympathetic opinion. Like sure, that feminine little boy has been exhibiting femininity since he was very little, and he ended up liking men when he was older, but does that mean he's secretly a woman? Are naturally feminine men just misplaced female souls in male bodies? Is it wrong for him to exist in his male body while being feminine and loving men? Or is it the society we live in that say it's wrong, is it the society we live in that says life would be easier for a feminine gay boy to pretend to be a female, and for masculine gay girls to pretend to be male? Just spitballing some things to maybe bring up to them. Also you could bring up how predatory the SRS industry is, but to people who aren't really in the know it WILL come off as schizo because they just don't know that stuff even though it's all real.

No. 2291343

>Find a cute life story animation online
>Looks sort of like me
>Girl is disheveled and autistic and seems genuine about it
>Feel relief because she might actually be this way and not just larping for moids who jack off to Tomoko
>See trans flag in background

Every fucking time. Can't win.

No. 2291365

Hm I suppose it depends on what angle you want to go with, but IMO my go to is pointing out how we don't treat other mental health issues like body dysmorphia or trans-racials with affirmations. You might affirm a person with dementia because there's not much else you can do and you don't want to scare or provoke them, but nobody actually believes whatever false flag their brain came up with. Doctors don't sign off on people who want to become quad amputees just for the lulz, and if they did most people would rightly see that as corrupt or motivated by greed/lack of care in some way. And a reminder that although many doctors approve gender affirming care, malpractice like lobotomies have been a thing in the past, or dealing out drugs they shouldn't have been, etc. Doctors are humans like anybody else which means they can be just as dumb or crooked or selfserving if they are so inclined.
Even the most passing TIM has only suffered the secondary impacts of femininity being associated with women, wrt society viewing effeminate men as lesser-than because of their proximity to what they see as womanliness (nevermind the fact that women are not inherently feminine). They still never face the same social conditions living as a female has, regardless of how well they pass, because they were not percieved by others from the get-go in such a way. They were not raised in the world in a female body, and can't live as one in adulthood regardless of how much hrt they take or surgeries they have done. Their experiences are fundamentally different, and it's vice versa for TIFs.
Explaining this in a way that emphasizes it isn't out of malice and it's still possible to feel compassion for people struggling with gender dysphoria, but that supporting the idea of trutrans ultimately stagnates actual progress.

No. 2291454

I can’t stand these freaks trying to troon out influential women in history like Margaret Ann Bulkley or Mary Read who only hid their sex because of extreme misogyny at the time. trying to spread the trans label on dead people who can’t defend themselves and never claimed it is disgusting

No. 2291515

Nta but I've seen people make fun of women who just don't relate to other women and don't have female friends on here before, even saw them saying they must be closeted troons when the women themselves never said they wanted to troon out or that they were non women in any way.

No. 2291593

genuine question: has a tim EVER been murdered by a woman for being trans? ever? ive literally never heard of this happening, but trannies seem to have this delusion that women are out there culling them. when in reality, every murdered tranny ive heard of was murdered by a man or another tim…

No. 2291716

Maybe in self-defense. But I've never heard about "terfs" harming or killing toons ever. Yet troons kill and harm women and kids on the regular.

No. 2291724

Make them watch detrans interviews. A lot of handmaidens think the low regret rate is real and that basically no one ever regrets trooning out. It's especially useful when the person in question talks about all the abuse they got from troons after detransing and how they felt like they left a cult.

No. 2291739

I was a handmaiden, thinking back to things that made me fully peak (while my friend who peaked me is still a trutrans believer)
>watching trutrans youtubers, like blair white and buck angel making fun of gender trenders (my friend never made it past this)
>learning about trans surgeries in detail, that a neovagina smells of poop and is literally just an inverted penis
>the mtf thread on lolcow
>seeing rational people like Helen Joyce talk about how it harms women
>seeing gay people talk about how it's homophobic
>seeing what former trans people aka detransitioners have to say about it
>after learning about AGP, seeing "trutrans" people and handmaidens defend it as if they're equally trans
>learning the harms of puberty blockers, and that they're lying about it (so what else are they lying about?)
>reading what JKR said and realizing she was nothing but polite and I agreed 100%
>having my friend point out AGPs (despite her thinking trutrans is real) which gave me permission to see that they're men with fetishes and it's ok to say that
>listening to "Gender a wider lens podcast"
>watching a lot of interviews about gender on Benjamin Boyce youtube channel: detrans, gay people, terfs, whistle blowers, AGPs, trans people, people who got cancelled by TRA

I think it helped that I'm an autist who got fixated on the fact that nothing TRA say added up and they're always contradicting themselves. A toddler boy cannot be signaling he's actually a girl by playing with pink ponies if "boys can like pink too" is true. And I was firmly on the side of "gender non-conforming kids exist" because I was a tomboy kid.

No. 2291757

I got nowhere else to talk about this so I'll do it here. I think it's really weird that Anya from Mouthwashing is voiced by a tim, because her pregnancy was a huge part of her story and it feels almost insulting that her actor will never understand how she feels. I dont know if this is bitchy or not though

No. 2291766

Thank you, I'll pirate it then.

No. 2291776

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I've noticed that when TIFs join Discord servers or online groups, their introductions won't focus on the topic of the group. Instead they will divulge a bunch of information into pronouns, mentioning personal medical information when they don't need to, giving warnings about how to interact them, trying to subtly gender themselves in third person as men, etc. One TIF joined my hobby discord server and wrote a Russian novel about how visually impaired she was so we can't use emojis around her. Another wrote about how she's an autistic gay man who wants to see other male fashion doll collectors like just her. Are all of these people so inwardly focused???

No. 2291777

The more I hear about this game the less I want to play it

No. 2291786

kekk what the fuck i have only had one interaction with a TIF on discord years ago and she was the same fucking way and ended up getting banned too because the discord was 97% male and none of them could put up with her. (they praised and loved every TIM in there though! strange…)

No. 2291793

kekkkk as if i didn't hate this game enough already
tbh i think you're nitpicking here, voice actors don't need to understand entirely what their character is going through. but it's annoying to see a tim get a job meant for women.

No. 2291834

You mean anons saying that about cows? Well yeah, it's kind of a given cow's threads are to laugh at them and it's common for cows to get nitpicked or troonfoiled. But there's support threads for women who struggle to relate with other women on /g/ and no one's making fun of anyone there.

No. 2291841

If Anya is really voiced by a troon I have 0 desire to play this game anymore

No. 2291845

Voice? The game has no voices.

No. 2291854

nta but the game got an official trailer with voice acting recently

No. 2291861

Trannys doing voice acting is actually insane, their voices are literally their biggest challenge when it comes to passing since estrogen doesn't change your vocal cords like T does and the only way to get a more feminine voice is with high risk vocal cord surgery.
Are we just gonna start getting female characters who sound like corpse husband doing a retarded falsetto because trannies are too ugly to do real acting but want participation trophies anyways?

No. 2291870

KEKK skip to 54 seconds, it sounds like a gay teenage boy

No. 2291875

It was funny when they got a troon to voice the troon bartender in the new Harry Potter game and even TiMs were upset at how husky his voice was some even designing a voice mod to make him sound less manly

No. 2291941

kek the young dude’s voice is higher pitched than the troon’s

No. 2291949

Naw that's actually fucking crazy if she is considering her whole story and the fact its the entire motivator for the plot of the game. What the hell were they thinking.

No. 2292004

Sports and ecology. I'm thinking more for autist girls, but really anyone benefits from it, which is developing a good relationship with the physicality of your body, as well as a studying the greater context of the world around you that is far more expansive than our itty human history and infrastructure. Also, learning about non-human oriented stuff is just really interesting and rarely super depressing. Thinking about geologic time is cool and makes me feel better at least because I know the world technically doesn't end due to human destruction, it just goes on without us kek. In terms of being physical, it obviously doesn't have to be playing sports but just learning to move in ways that are challenging, where you can feel the different changes in strengths and limits of your body is super valuable. Could help with other issues I notice autist girls having with recognising hunger/pain/sleep cues. Having these kinds of skills and insights helps immensely with the dissociation that if left untreated can lead to all kinds of health problems, both physical and mental.

No. 2292020

I've been called a moid/moid-like on here for everything from not being able to read between the lines to enjoying mechanically complicated games to drinking monster energy of all things, its absolutely a thing

No. 2292030

Have you tried stop calling them "autists" and unlikeable freaks who only exist to be laughed at?

No. 2292033

I just can't take any kind of feminist discussion on this site seriously. You say that women need to develop a good relationship with their bodies but then go on /snow/ to nitpick women's bodies and insult their appearance. What you say about a "lolcows" body affects all women reading it with a similar body. Funnily enough men's repulsive bodies are hardly ever criticized in this supposed man hating site outside of the ugly man psyop thread. And even there anons are constantly accused of being too mean and shallow for not liking dadbods.

No. 2292050

Yeah, because we can definitely be sure that the exact same people are participating in all threads, that lolcow is a hivemind where everyone shares the same opinion, and any random post should be judged by how consistent it is with another random fucking post in a totally different part of the website. Retard.

No. 2292056

Kek I was coming in here to say exactly this. We share a website with the dumbass who keeps escaping her /2X/ containment to sperg about sucking penis, and kirbychan. The spectrum of experiences is wide and varied.

No. 2292190

Nayrt but I remember lcf admins stating that /ot/ users do not use /snow/ threads that much. In my experience there are more kwf users that use /snow/ than /ot/.

No. 2292200

Post caps because I doubt you just jumped into a thread to say you liked monster energy drinks and someone called you a moid. You sound very autistic and might've accidentally worded things in scrote-ish sexist ways. One time an anon said something pretty logical about a cow choosing abusive moids for the thrill, but worded it in a very incel way sperging about the "nice guys" she ignored in the process, which definitely warrants scrotefoiling imo.

No. 2292226

Probably being openly GNC in public and actually piping up whenever you hear a woman talk about how not being some hyperfem bimbo is proof she's not female. Unfortunately straight and/or male aligned women outnumber us like 10000000000 to 1 so good luck with that

No. 2292262

Seeing actors "come out" as non-binary now is so embarrassing. It's nearly 2025, the tides are turning how the fuck do you think now is a good time to join the child mutilation cult? I'm genuinely embarrassed for them

No. 2292275

On top of the tim, the voice acting is terrible the whole way through. Which idiot decided these characters should get voices?

No. 2292280

why did JKR allow a tim to voice in her game?

No. 2292293

She had to be kekking at Syrona

No. 2292300

She was barely involved in the making of the game if at all. She's just cashing in money on it. Also, I think people sometimes forget that Rowling isn't actually opposed to trans people. She doesn't hate them. She just doesn't want kids to transition and wants to avoid giving up women's spaces and safety to transwomen, outside of that she has no issues with them.

No. 2292307

better question: what TIM would agree to voice a character in the evil terf game?????

No. 2292309

No, I meant other anons. Not that it happens 24/7 or anything, just that I definitely saw people throw around those comments before at just random people here.
Non binary "identities" are just retarded and even their fellow troons make fun of they/thems and say they'll change once they get a job or go outside kek

No. 2292311

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>Facial "feminization" surgery
>It's a 7k brow lift, an optic illusion you can get by waxing your brows, maybe a nose job in case of really ugly mugs.
I wish I was a surgeon to sell lies, it's so easy to make money off of them it's almost insulting. I also love how the "after" pictures are the exact same but with makeup/long hair and never in the same exact setting so you can see a difference at all.

No. 2292314

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Do they think that people are that stupid or

No. 2292322

So what is he on in the left pic?

No. 2292329

Holy shit he's so fugly, good job getting all that invasive surgery just to look like a flaming faggot KEK

No. 2292332

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>daring to criticize troons being given free makeup money by the student union on ones own private blog can get women fired

No. 2292360

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Lacking pic rel

No. 2292361

i don't get why retards here always get mad over cows of this site being mostly female. this is also true for men, they follow and watch mostly male lolcows. if this site were mostly male lolcows, you'd still call it male obsessed or something. haven't you thought that maybe, intrasexual competition plays a part? that these ugly and GNC autist women you like to bully are trying to learn which behaviors they shouldn't do, as so do males?

No. 2292368

He's still an incredibly fugly moid, but I admit they improved slightly on his unhinged AGP Dylan mulvaney serial killer stare. Did he do 100 lines while taking the before pic?

No. 2292436

This video showed up for me, an artist that uses a male character to represent her online and people are now calling her an egg and telling her she is a trans boi in denial, she's clearly annoyed by it and uncomfortable if you read the comments. Trannies always say they are nothing like a cult btw

No. 2292441

And all started because she disliked the women erasure with "people who can menstruate" in an article. TIFs can whine and all, but women are the ones who can give birth or menstruate.

No. 2292831

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there's gonna be a troon in squid game

No. 2293489

They still cast a male actor lol

No. 2293507

not very convincing is he

No. 2293515

Yeah just like the real deal kek

No. 2293576

shit like this is why right backlash is upon us

No. 2293738

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Meanwhile others use the "egg" metaphor way too seriously.

No. 2293743

South Korea picking a terrible time to jump on the bandwagon kek

No. 2293745

He looks like Korean Severus Snape

No. 2293748

he isn't kek. everyone understands this but westerners

No. 2293751

femsoc coming in hard tonight because i feel bad for them lol. even the "best passing" trannies just resemble androgynous twinks (hunter)

No. 2293784

this is so funny, like people are going into the games for cancer treatment and this character is going to get his dick chopped off

No. 2293788

Tras are seething about the troon being a normal man instead of a troon, as if that would be an easy task to accomplish. Saw another viral tweet saying that he needed some lashes, as if they would have said that about a normal woman.

No. 2293848

I wish tv would just go back to token gay characters instead of this shit. it’s so bizarre that a korean show would do this when it’s not as prominent over there

No. 2293874

I feel like this era of Netflix produced Korean shows has made Korean show writers pander to an American audience, and that's already on top of how much South Korea absorbs American culture. Still, it's insane because I still have yet to see a lesbian character in a prominent K-drama, but sure, okay, we can have a fucking TIM I guess. Whatever.

No. 2294049

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Can gender ideology leave her alone? The damn Tsar knew she was a woman, and nothing in her diaries indicated that she felt any differently about the matter.

No. 2294054

It makes me so secondhand embarrassed when they put trannies in shit that like, normie 55 year olds watch. Like at least contain it to Euphoria or whatever please, you're just making everyone's aunts and uncles in Florida more conservative and homophobic with these inclusions.

No. 2294056

This is bro's last role ever. South Korea doesn't play with that shit. He's gonna get demolished by the netizens and his entire family. He can only be cast in western produced movies from now on

No. 2294063

this guy is like 180cm he's going to tower over all the women

No. 2294127

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For those who are feeling doomed and think peaking won't happen any time soon; the lawsuits have started! Those child butchers better start running, because legal justice is coming for them.

No. 2294158

No. 2294169

File: 1733572125998.jpeg (355.66 KB, 490x834, your new self.jpeg)

Show them photos of pooners who got the chop. Nobody wants to look this gross.

No. 2294179

Why are TIFs always “gay” and TIMs always “lesbian”? “SSA” trannies are really just spicy straights kek.

No. 2294180

I'm not going back through months of threads to find this, you don't have to believe me but it happens frequently enough. Real ones remember the days long infight about it being "manly" for a woman to have a job.

No. 2294187

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hey we all thought it

No. 2294189

You guys have zero theory of mind. To a tif, this is hashtag gender envy transition goals.

No. 2294192

is anyone else truly horrified at the normalization of showing mutilated female bodies?

it's not even about it looking good or bad, just the fact that it's literally a female-only body part that they mutilate and you're not allowed to say anything negative about it, you even have to celebrate it

No. 2294196

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>super trans
Tell me when a mammal, not an homo sapiens, thought that changing its sex will help it with its survival.

I'll wait. No, lionesses with mane do not count since is a hormonal issue.

No. 2294200

I know the clown fish has the ability to change its sex, but just because a fucking fish can do it, doesn't mean it is or should be natural to humans.

No. 2294265

>I know the clown fish has the ability to change its sex
Not even really true, clown fish are born with both sexes and just expresses one at a time. So they never "changed" from one to the other, they always had both. Humans and most other animals simply don't.
>>2294196 is also such a stupid take, sex is so binary that we can literally grab any plant and know what sex it is because of how ancient and binary the system is. They're so mad that nature is against them that they have to lie about it. And if anything nature is super straight, so straight that gays can't reproduce at all (except for maybe some rare freak species or if you count asexual reproduction in lizards) and most species existence revolve around straight mating strategies.
And what the fuck is
>"the vast majority of sex is done for fun"
So what? That has nothing to do with troons not being the biological sex they claim to be. Always trying to change the goalpost.

No. 2295121

Kek sex is only fun for human most of the time, animals mate to procreate and have children. It’s only humans and some other mammals maybe who bond over sex.

No. 2295295

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how do they know the baby is male?

No. 2295308

You can see the gender with an ultrasound around 3 to 4 months

No. 2295316

Yeah but if it's "people" and assigning the gender to a baby is a horrid crime, then how do they know that the baby is a boy?

No. 2295317


No. 2295323

Shhhhh I’m not good with sarcasm kek

No. 2295326

fun fact! Women with female babies were and still are encouraged to eat less during their pregnancy so the baby will be born "small"(aka underdeveloped ) and boys the opposite, boymoms are groomed from the start to cater everything to their moidlings

No. 2295518

The difference is that the fish doesn’t need a ton of surgeons to do it. Imagine the little fish surgeons…

No. 2295853

>Ermmm, that's not lesbianism bigot, if you're attracted only to cis women you're GYNOSEXUAL!
>Ermm, you're not just a woman, you're a CIS WOMAN!
Holy fuck how much cognitive dissonance do these faggots have to not comprehend that they can't just change the definition of pre-established categories to force their way into them? Not how it works. If you wanna make up a fake identity so bad, how about you make up your own terms and leave women and lesbians alone? If someone's into MTFs, they're not gay or bi, they're Phallosexual. Makes a lot more sense considering the chasers who are into you always dump you once you get the rotpocket, they're clearly there for your phallus! And you're not "trans women" either, let's call you Phallofolx so we can avoid confusions in the future.

No. 2295858

Fact! Women who bear moid children get 2-5 more years shaved off their lifespan when compared to mothers who only have female children.

No. 2295861

It's so fucking hard not to alog sometimes.

No. 2295934

This yuritroon fantasy is hilarious, because no one ever mistakes a TIM for a woman in real life, especially if you spend more than 5 seconds with him. In reality, when a troon "comes out" as a tranny, he's always "presenting male". It's always a hulking man basically telling his loved ones that he's obsessed with the idea of becoming a woman, not a girly, perfectly passing "woman" confessing to "her" friend that "she" was actually born with a dick and the friend was clueless all this time. The latter never happens and will never happen. MtF trannies will never be yuri characters and their lives will never resemble yuri.

No. 2296200

>ultrasound around 3 to 4 months
I think this is extremally fallible. I was deemed a male before I was born.

No. 2296201

Any studies to back it up?

No. 2296245

File: 1733659813397.png (7.02 KB, 435x79, thumb009.png)

I know this is a troll post to get empathy and asspats like "noo we're a big family!!" but dude lol, you are forgetting that people can and will reply with "Yes" kek

No. 2296249

Considering how trans refuse to date trans at a much higher percentage than heterosexuals…

No. 2296328

Assigning gender to children before they are even born. What a cruelty!

No. 2296450

Don't they generally want to look like conventionally attractive young twinks? I thought them embracing baldness and fatness and "bears" was a cope for when T didn't do what they wanted.

No. 2296492

File: 1733675760103.jpeg (789.82 KB, 1170x1480, IMG_9212.jpeg)

>The TERFs are mad again
…I’m honestly confused. Am I misunderstanding something here, or are these redditfags seriously that retarded to think that TERFs or radfems are “liberals”?? KEKKK. This subreddit is so fucking stupid. It’s for MLs/Communists who are against “liberals”. These people support Russia/Putin, China, North Korea, etc…but also support trannyism, which doesn’t make any sense to me at all, because I highly doubt trannies would be accepted in any of those places. Can we NOT have a fucking left-wing space that is contaminated by gender ideology. Plus a lot of Marxists/MLs/Communists seem to hate radfems for some reason, a lot are even just straight up misogynistic, yet they LOVE those trannies, which I will always find so damn weird. This type of shit is seriously pushing me away from the left but I definitely don’t want to become a right-winger either. I’m tired.

No. 2297203

File: 1733688881088.gif (289.02 KB, 220x163, barf.gif)

started playing an indie game just to find out it was made by a tranny. and not just by any tranny but an especially annoying twitter famous one. scrubbing that shit off my steam library as we speak. good thing it was free

No. 2297234

What game?

No. 2297244

nightmare kart

No. 2297255

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No. 2297270

dammit, i've been following that game forever and it's so cute. what a shame

No. 2297295

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The original post is in a trans subreddit and these are one of the comments under it. Apparently trannies love Russia now kek.

No. 2297330

Is anyone else surrounded by people who most likely would be against troons but who just refuse to believe it's happening?
I have close family who just see me as a crazy conspiracy theorist because surely they wouldn't allow self ID, give kids blockers after a 30 min session or let rapists into female prisons just because they said so. Trying to show them proof just makes them roll their eyes like it's all fake. Legit don't know what to do, it's so frustrating.

No. 2297363

why do you want them to care so bad? it's not like they support it. maybe they're rolling their eyes because they are just tired of you sperging about trannies
most of the time people don't care about things that don't affect their daily life. if you really want them to listen you should appeal to something they actually care about or might have encountered IRL. someone is a sports fan? talk about how unfair it is to let males compete in women's sports. someone has a teenage child? talk about gnc/gay kids getting groomed into trooning etc etc

No. 2298426

of course it's made by a lilith. it's like they always pick their name from a bag but the bag only has three papers.

No. 2298453

lilith, amy, sophie, luna are the
4 in my social scene's bag

No. 2298491

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TRAs: Conservatives are so stupid if they think we "brainwash" to kids to discover their gender.

Also TRAs:

No. 2298495

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Bonus track: Trump couldn't do the "TrAnS GeNoCiDE" during his first run and most of the "trans killing" were against each other. Why these people think he'll do it in his second run: Electric Boogaloo?

I know their answer is for delulu

No. 2298533

even 10 year olds arent free from the troon fashion curse wtf. why is he being dressed with the wardrobe of a female senator pushing 60?

No. 2298543

I'm so sick of trannies in my friend groups oh my god. Crazy how they can just say the most creepy/fetishy shit but if you call them out on it you're being a bigot. Just being a bitter loner with no friends seems more attractive than keeping up the charade at this point

No. 2298601

He's so fucking ugly omfg. Ten years old already with the +50 yo AGP who troons out after a mid life crisis phenotype. So much for chemically castrating little boys early on so they can pass better.

No. 2298639

It has to be bots. I know they’re deeply incurably retarded, but no way they’re caping for the country where LGBTQ activists are doxxed and hunted for sport.

No. 2298651

how could you forget Alice???

No. 2298802

It's the woke equivalent of the African breast ironing.
>When children turn 10, their first double-digit milestone is usually a time of excitement. But not for Elizabeth John, who could only feel dread about what was to come.
>A day after her 10th birthday, three older women held her legs down firmly as her mother pressed a burning hot pestle against her still-developing breasts, unyielding even as the child screamed in pain.
>John said her life changed after her mother forced her to undergo breast ironing in an attempt to shield her from sexual abuse.
>Breast ironing, or “breast flattening”, is a cultural practice whereby young girls’ breasts are ironed or pounded down with brutal or heated objects to delay their development or disguise the onset of puberty, according to the Africa Health Organization.
>Some 25 to 50 percent of girls in countries like Cameroon and certain parts of Nigeria are affected by the practice, according to data from the journal, Annals of Medical Research and Practice.

No. 2298966

Practically everyone I know is like this. They’re either hardline TRAs who spout that none of this is happening (but if it is it’s a good thing actually) or normies who acknowledge that it would be awful if it were happening but refuse to believe it is because that would be too awful. Circular reasoning all around.
I don’t sperg out about trannies out of nowhere but I do bring it up when it’s relevant, like when I saw a bunch of trans flags in the elementary school a relative’s child attends. I just wanted to warn the parents that activist teachers who trans children behind their parents’ backs have legal protection to do so but everyone looked at me like I was crazy because they don’t believe child transition would be allowed to exist. I pointed out a national celebrity who was famously transitioned as a child as well as the fact that the hospital I used to work at has a paediatric ‘gender identity disorder’ department that boasts about prescribing puberty blockers and hormones and referring young girls for double mastectomies, but they refused to listen. They simply don’t want to believe it. They’re going to keep sticking their heads in the sand until it happens to someone they care about and then they’re going to act surprised and scandalised that nobody warned them about it.

No. 2298974

You gotta shit talk them to mutual friends in private. Don't even mention they're trans, just be like "sorry can I vent a bit? Athena just always says the most uncomfortable overly sexual things…" every time they say something, until you all secretly hate them kek even if they're sympathetic at first once you start pointing it out to them they often start to notice it too and eventually join in. If you're lucky another person may turn out to be brave and point out something like "if Athena wants to be seen as a woman maybe she should stop talking like a man to us, sorry but it's how I feel" I've seen similar things said from women in super woke groups who were just about to peak or had secretly peaked already.

No. 2298978

God I really wish someone did a serious documentary on it that pointed out how these things are all connected and how sick it is.

No. 2298993

>why do you want them to care so bad?
Innocent kids are quite literally being mutilated nona. Women are being raped in female-only spaces and having our rights stripped away. It could happen to you, it could happen to your niece or the 5 year old girl down the road. It did happen to someone I know. And they can't even go "wow that sounds bad IF it's true". They just go "no way, that would never happen".
>you should appeal to something they actually care about or might have encountered IRL. someone is a sports fan? talk about how unfair it is to let males compete in women's sports.
I have. Do they give a shit? No, because to them it "doesn't happen." It's really infuriating living with people who sweep everything under the rug and refuse to talk or believe you no matter what you say. I don't keep sperging about it either like you accuse me of, I just bring it up when it comes up such as like around the olympics, or if someone mentions anything related to it.
>I just wanted to warn the parents that activist teachers who trans children behind their parents’ backs have legal protection to do so but everyone looked at me like I was crazy because they don’t believe child transition would be allowed to exist.
I still like to think planting the seed is at least something. If their kid starts to say they're trans and they ever start to doubt it, they've at least now heard it before and that could push them to do research. Hopefully one day these people will be saying "I didn't believe it when I first heard about it, but now I see it"

No. 2299353

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tifs and tims projecting their degenerate fetishes

No. 2299403

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They attribute it to boys needing to be breastfed more but they forgot to factor the soul sucking nature of males kek

No. 2299766

Never thought BBC Sherlock would be colonized by TIM fetish posters instead of TIF ones

No. 2299890

>at least for the individuals the team looked at — Finnish villagers in pre-Industrial Scandinavia
Fake news then.

No. 2299899

Eeyup typical "studies"fag posting the most irrelevant and poorly done studies that they only just barely skimmed themselves KEK.

No. 2300030

You just know that if you bring it up as a complaint people will just argue that it's the future so they can transplant wombs or something and then they'll somehow talk about how these theoretical future troons getting raped have it harder than actual women

No. 2300099

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Incredible that they truly blame JKR for everything.

No. 2300101

God I sure hope this trannoid is right! Fingers crossed!!!

No. 2300277

>a lot are even just straight up misogynistic, yet they LOVE those trannies
The two are correlated. They love trannies because they're misogynistic, because they categorically refuse to take women seriously, because a lot of them have an unconscious solidarity with other porn addicts.
>This type of shit is seriously pushing me away from the left
Avoid, ignore. Most online leftists are utterly useless anyways and normie, older socialists of a certain age are generally better on this question (might be very hard to find them if you live in the US). And don't expect anything from leftist men or women when it comes to women's struggle, they've never been good on this question. If you put in the work they might listen when you push back against their bullshit but you can expect a scolding from female socialist wimps. You also risk being banned because while they're happy to claim feminist leanings, they really are allergic to any kind of feminism in their orgs. There are exceptions but they're pretty rare
Damn that's a lot of arrows for very little thought

No. 2300305

people are far more tolerant towards trannies than women, the new millennial right will welcome trannies in for their skills in surveillance. No need for them to worry

No. 2300448

I really wish I had just one female friend who wasn't a handmaiden or a pickme. Or weird in general (met a girl who was neither a handmaiden nor pickme who ended up admitting to me that she lost custody of her 4 year old for beating the shit out of him on Xanax).

Maybe it's because I'm in a conservative shithole, and before that I lived in a liberal shithole.

But it would be great to have someone to talk to who isn't gonna put men on a pedestal. Libfems pretend to be pro women but will say foul things about terfs and uplift ugly fags in makeup. I just want to cry sometimes. I'm pretty open about my views (I don't talk about it alot though) and haven't really received any backlash, even from trannies. But it would be nice to meet someone normal

I also hate that my hobbies attract trannies and handmaidens. I can't even watch video essays about my favorite tv shows without random shilling to troons.

No. 2300455

Samefag but alot of conservative women here are just as bad as the libfems. Like Yea we both don't buy the tranny shit but theyre still pro life male worshipping retards who only hate gay males. I just want a friend who hates all males

No. 2300797

trannies are seriously ruining my mood and hobbies holy shit all they can talk about is being trans. everything they do connects back to their speshul identities…don't you get fucking bored

No. 2300811

i mean seriously i have 100% whined about this here earlier but…fantasy world, you can be anything. you could write a fucking dragon wizard, i don't know, but you want to be a they/she troon? you want to rp using glamors to be more ~femme~? shoot yourself already goddamn 41% let the ffs cripple you somehow i am sick of it!

No. 2301086

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"How can I keep people from learning about my criminal history?"

No. 2301594

Seriously. I went to a store for my hobby and over half the people working there were TIMs. The hobby is moid dominated anyway, but I can’t even complain about the scene being so unfriendly to women without some handmaiden saying ‘but what about Lilith?’ Ugh.

No. 2301754

File: 1733837694330.png (275.46 KB, 662x607, hate.png)

Hate to break it on you, but people have more problems than caring of a John Doe in a dress's pronouns.

No. 2301763

Troons are never happy. If they get to play a tim troon they'll make it about how they should just be a woman and not have to be identified with the trans part because "twaw". If they get to play an actual female character they cry that it's troon erasure to make everything cis and headcanon her as trans. Troons don't actually care about being seen as women, they just want the power and control over people. They care about people pretending to see them as women.
They're not mad their old name came up, they're mad you didn't play along.
They're not mad they look like men, they're mad you won't pretend they don't.
They're not mad about not being allowed in female only spaces, they're mad women won't let them in when they demand it.

No. 2301857

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Not being able to talk about his "many relationships" with young girls who need mentoring is gatekeeping and gives him dysphoria.

No. 2301917

They did file down his lower jaw.
Yeah, he looks like a man, that is the reason he participates in the game. He needs the money to get feminisation surgeries. And with should he wear false lashes, in a game of life and death? Their hive mind really share only one braincell between all of them.

No. 2301929

And why do they think they will be murded? Who told them that? (it's a hypothetical question, we all know who it is)

No. 2301936

So, dysphoria is actually jealousy then.

No. 2302192

In my experiences, most people who do these genderbending trans “headcanons” are usually straight women who call themselves lesbians. They slap on the “butch trans lesbian” label onto male characters they thirst for and get asspats for how super gay and kweer they are for wanting to fuck a masculine male. Trannies usually keep the character the same gender (making a male character FTM)

No. 2302316

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How are you supposed to find radfem friends in real life? I’ve known some people who you would never expect to be radfem in a million years who later revealed their true feelings to me in private, but it’s not like any young women actually go around advertising that they’re a radfem in public. All the things that used to be associated with radfems (short hair, etc) are now associated with enbies.

No. 2302338

Is it bad if the woke soldier turns me on

No. 2302344

the closest i got was working at a small mom and pop shop that was mostly females. one girl was very loud about politics, but it was mostly normal right wing trad stuff and some of us would murmur about our own takes, which were much less right wing. none of them were radfem but it was the closest i got

No. 2302360

I feel like it's impossible. I either find handmaidens who would drop me if they found out I don't worship trannies or women who are gencrit but trad. There's no winning. I've only been able to find other radfems online.

No. 2302375

How selfish. Outreach programs like what he is describing are always desperate for male volunteers and mentors. Men are very much needed as mentors but rarely do they have enough to meet the number of boys in the program. If he was truly interested in being a mentor then it shouldn’t matter and he would be volunteering now. But instead he’s viewing the program as some sort of validation for his degeneracy and life choices, rather than as a means to help people.

No. 2302376

I can't believe one of them tried trooning out Shu. Leave Itsuki alone.

No. 2303138


It really depends where you live nonnie, but I think the best way to spot a radfem (or potentially normie/radfem adjacent woman) is to look at how little she conforms to beauty standards. I tend to find women (gender conforming or not) tend to be a bit more accepting and understanding when I talk about radfem topics if they already do things like not wear makeup, don't particularly shave, seem a bit more laid back when it comes to how they dress. There's subtle cues, but you have to learn to pick them.

No. 2303848

File: 1733929009417.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1290x1240, IMG_2141.jpeg)

MN house of representatives appointed a TIM to their reproductive freedom committee, everyone please clap.

No. 2303858

The colour palette is so retarded kek

No. 2303934

File: 1733933058446.png (321.35 KB, 512x680, BxMSFJf.png)

most “pro-trans” men are like libfems, naive liberals but any man whose passionate about trans-rights, is usually a pervert and a sex pest

No. 2303939

he looks like a chaser John, like the exact type of guy who travels to Thailand to fuck trans lmao

No. 2303990

Please tell me your pic comes from that guy's blog/carrd/site and not from a gov official page, what the fuck are those colors

No. 2304148

File: 1733943377519.png (1 MB, 1213x1632, GeiMHVEWIAA1VTe.png)

Trannies on xitter are currently seething over Imogen Heap being GC lmfao

No. 2304151

I haven’t heard of Imogen Heap in forever. Based

No. 2304153

Those ladyboys are prostitutes who know a John when they see one. Dude probably tweeted that with one hand down his trousers.

Aw good for her

No. 2304204

Oh my gosh, I love her music. Now I love her even more. Thank you for posting this here!

No. 2304217

Imogen Heap I love you forever and everrrr!!!
I wonder if the recent uptick in troons finding her music (Headlock went viral because of a stupid Mouthwashing edit) and shitting up the comments to her music videos contributed at all to her liking that tweet lol, with how terminally online-ness and fandom brainrot are comorbid with genderism.

No. 2304222

>i'm gonna be that one friend that's too woke and remind y'all that fuckin white lady is a TERF!
god they're all so fucking annoying. just remember that musician you like? she's a heckin white lady who needs to be condemned and you should feel bad for listening to her music! they're all so tone deaf they don't even hear themselves. always ready to point out someone's white, you already know what the rest of their tweets look like

No. 2304224

just needed to add that "white" in there as if that justified the hatred towards a woman with common sense
Also this obsession they have with blaming white people for twansphobia is so retarded because people of all races hate trannies

No. 2304231

can someone explain to me why east Asians latched on so much to trans? they are typically tradcon, but I would think their proximity to STEM would mitigate the Kool aid drinking, compared to Latinos who are tradcon but primed for magical thinking via religion. but they are pretty up there with handmaidening and pandering. is it bc of the Thai ladyboys so it's easier to accept as a concept? sucking up to whitey? anime influence?

Asian LGBT are also super insufferable and batshit

No. 2304247

I know that with China it's because of the huge sex-ratio imbalance. With Japan, perhaps because of how much female beauty and "moe" is worshipped?

No. 2304249

I haven’t noticed Asians being more into gender ideology than other races? I don’t think the ladyboy subculture really exists outside of a few SEA countries (like Thailand), and I’ve seen just as many white weebs troon out due to debilitating hentai addiction as Asians. I’m not Asian and don’t live in an Asian country tho so maybe I’m missing something

No. 2304280

File: 1733949630202.gif (1.69 MB, 220x391, IMG_4850.gif)

Why do FTM keep calling themselves dykes or butch? I thought you were suppose to be a man so why are you calling yourself a DYKE Or BUTCH?. Why do spicy straight women call them self butch they wore a t-shirt? Why do ACTUALS MALES TROONS cal themselves butch dykes? Lesbians who are female and doesnt have troon delusions have gone extinct.

No. 2304286

>I'm gonna be that one friend who is REALLY ANNOYING AND HATES FUN

No. 2304293

Are you asking from personal experience or thinking of in/famous public figures of some kind?
This pertains to the diaspora/immigrated population in the West, but a popular cope I've seen from all races is "we got colonalized back in the day and the white man brought the knowledge of two sexes with him," which ties in neatly to all those other ahistoric claims that say shit like "sexism and homophobia didn't exist, or was sooo much tamer, in our cultures before the white man came."
It's all cope tied up with the genuine racism they suffered. Troons and TRAs of all races are intellectually lazy, they want One Solution and One Big Bad Guy they can blame so it's an easy thing to seethe at and blame, while at the same time allowing themselves to throw up their hands and go 'the problem is too big! We can't do anything about it!'
Another explanation is misogyny is such an iron-clad presence that they can't really see a world without gendered stereotypes and attacks being intertwined with sex. So to try to opt out of one, they opt out of the other as well. It's really weird because most women recognize that it's a bullshit game and try to play in a way that benefits them one way or another. Troons are doing the same thing, just in a sometimes more demented way.
I'm not dead yet nona, don't give up hope.

No. 2304308

Any conservative society is already primed to accept gender ideology because gender ideology is tradcon roles for the sexes repackaged. Someone who already thinks a woman MUST be feminine and a man MUST be a macho caricature finds it less dissonant to process that some faggot is actually a woman because he’s effete and sexually interested in men. It’s why the “third genders” are almost universally gay men who “failed at being a man” and are pushed to be a third, secret thing. Lesbians are less readily re-categorised like that but it’s also easier for them to see it as a form of correction. From then the spicy straight AGPs and fujotifs simply latch themselves to that understanding opportunistically to shill their own fetish-motivated pseudoreligious cultlike ideas.

It’s also why I know a bunch of fujotifs in fandom despite being in Latin America. Gender ideology is conservative.

No. 2304404

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No. 2304442

My condolences to the transformers nonnies here who have to put up with this and also can't easily filter out the word "trans" on ao3

No. 2304479

My jaw actually dropped watching this kek what the fuck. "People who aren't female or male" is insane, talk about moving goalposts. Wtf happened to "gender and sex are different mkay!"

No. 2304590

>Gender ideology is conservative.
It's literally just this.
You can't accept that men can become women, and women can become men, unless you see men and women as nothing but walking stereotypes and rigid gender (actually sex) roles. It's the horseshoe effect, woke progressive people are so far gone they circled back to being more conservative than the conservatives.

No. 2304605

>Why do spicy straight women call them self butch they wore a t-shirt?
Most of them are so entrenched in beauty culture they consider clothing the only indication of femininity/masculinity. They don’t consider a full face of makeup or perfectly styled hair as feminine, they see it as being female.
“Butch” FTMs operate on the logical conclusion of that thinking. They think women are intrinsically hyperfeminine, and thus being GNC makes them not women.

>Why do ACTUALS MALES TROONS cal themselves butch dykes?

Mediocre men want to be congratulated for merely existing, in this case for being a gender-confirming heterosexual. Standard moid behavior.

No. 2304609

Oh my god, the cringe… Nobody fucking talks like this, but I fear for a future where autistic who copy everything from cartoons and tv will eventually normalize this robotic (no pun intended) "Xer pronouns are xe/xir!" bullshit. Do kids who watch these cartoons even know what they/them means?
>Someone who isn't male or female
We're all either male or female. Yes, even intersex people still primarily present as one sex and only have certain attributes of the other. The retardation…

No. 2304612

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>me watching this and knowing this will finally give conservatives the final incentive to make hostile 1950s level homophobia come back

No. 2304613

>Why do FTM keep calling themselves dykes or butch?
Because they wanna have their cake and eat it too, they want to get the privilege of identifying as trans, but don't wanna let go of the lesbian label because having to identify as a straight man wouldn't sound very woke, kweer and oppressed of them. So they keep moving goalposts and now claim FTM can be lesbians.
Honestly would be pretty based if they used the same logic to tell male trannies they cannot identify as lesbians because it's still a label based on your sex and sexuality, but of course lesbian has just become this meaningless umbrella term that all trannies appropriate as they please with zero regard for actual homosexual women.

No. 2304618

Am I crazy for thinking this will probably be the best outcome? I hope lesbians don't face any negative consequences from it, but those videos of gay pride where moids were literally pissing into each other's mouths and waving their micropenises around while wearing fetish gear in broad daylight with kids just a few feet away radicalized me. It's gotten to the point where lesbians have less and less rights every day, yet gay men are allowed unprecedented levels of public degeneracy. The whole LGBT movement is becoming a male supremacist hugbox to normalize male degeneracy and push lesbians and normie bi women out.

No. 2304620

This is so ridiculous. How is this real? I doubt any kid would watch this slop kek. And why do they always make the female characters into themby kweerios while the male characters get to stay as normal male characters

No. 2304679

DISGUSTING. This is how troons win, by brainwashing children. This is aimed at preteens, isn't it? The thing they want the most at that age is to feel unique, they're just developing their personality and ideals, and media is shoving this shit in front of their faces and saying "you can be special too! Be non binary! Be trans! It's so cool, all your favorite heroes are doing it!" The whole generation is lost. They don't stand a chance. A generation of castrated lifelong patients. I'm not a conspiracy theorist usually but there is something nefarious behind this bullshit. Population control, eugenics, stuff like that. There's no way this shit just blew up organically to the level we see now in only 10 years.

No. 2304736

I dunno, they might be shooting themselves in the foot. Kids want to be different, and once they relize every one of their friends and their mom too is a flavor of trans it won't be cool anymore, once everyone is special, nobody is.

No. 2304740

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The 21st century is the most embarrassing time period in all of human history. The elites are planning something, aren't they? What are they planning? It feels so obvious but WHAT IS IT?

No. 2304809

They want the almighty dollah in exchange for prescription drugs and cosmetic surgery revisions.

No. 2304842

the culling

No. 2304985

"their proximity to STEM" is an insane thing to say about an entire ethnic group that includes most of the population of some of the largest countries in the world

No. 2305052

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I wonder for how much longer can the tranny mods and their dick worshipping sycophants carry on censoring the GP true feelings about trans shit? Obviously female centered subreddits are too infested with those freaks to ever be for women ever again but in other subs I will randomly see people speak the truth about how retarded it all is and it's like the mods either don't notice or care. I saw people getting fed up with "non binary" actress Emma Darcy (plays Rhaenyra in house of the dragon) because she keeps projecting her identity onto a character she doesn't understand on a fundamental level. She wants to change Rhaenyra even more than she's been changed to be a nonbinary masc sword wielding ruler who doesn't give a fuck about her kids. And some of the people in the sub aren't having it

No. 2305055

Samefag but if shit wasn't so censored by trannies all over the Internet less people would feel pressured to go along with it.

No. 2305165

I'm convinced that TIFs don't have autism but another, worse thing. Maybe a personality disorder?
I thought I about this while working with girls with autism and asperger: either they are actually mentally retarded to the point that they need support even to write/read and have the needs of a child or they cannot believe this bullshit.
Aspie girls are really against telling lies and a main trait of theirs is that they're blunt and very analytic and critical. For them saying that a woman can be a man is equal to telling a lie, which is to the core, but their brain are so against it that they cannot even say it. They feel out of place but surely not because of gender, in fact, to them "gender" means nothing at all. Feeling out of place isn't a diagnostic criteria but being too critical, with a strong sense of justice and preferring honesty over feelings kinda is.
I'm so sad that these very intelligent girls that use critical thinking to the max are being lumped up with girls playing pretend.

No. 2305190

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Excellent, now ban HRT.

No. 2305203

Good luck to localizers and translators all over the world who have to put up with this shit, and thank god I gave up on becoming one long ago.

No. 2305222

>Aspie girls are really against telling lies
Man dont be delusional, the biggest liars in my life were aspies. They just lie for convenience or thrill, then sperg out about how lying is bad but actually have extremely elaborate tactics about the lies they make and they keep track of all of them so they never get caught. Until they can't do it anymore and it causes insane meltdowns with arguments like "autistic people can't like" and acting like a literal 5 year old caught doing something bad. Seen it too many times.

No. 2305228

This and the bathroom bill being enforced are actually incredible hopefuel. I used to be a doomer who rolled my eyes every time GC women would see a comment section of women peaking and claim the tide is turning, but is the tide finally turning for good? I think they're gonna quietly try to turn everything back to normal (and shove all the horrible medical malpractice they've been doing on preteens under the rug).

No. 2305230

Literal speaking and thinking is literally a crucial diagnostic criteria, that's why aspie girls are often seen as "rude", keep in mind that asperger moids are often misdiagnosed when in reality they have bpd

No. 2305234

anons are praising her for being cool but i also heard she's a trumpie. so it might be based "i understand women as a sex class" gnc-ness it could be more tradfaggy and conservative

No. 2305236

yeah i agree with >>2304736. i think more corny, hamfisted dialogue around gender shit in media as well as blatantly false statements (neither female or male) will make not terminally online children/teens/etc. cringe away from it or think it's another embarrassing sjw thing. whatever the term for sjw is now

No. 2305242

Honestly, who cares? Tradfag trumpie women are currently doing more for feminism than any girlcock guzzling libfem.

No. 2305259

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It’s crazy that TRAs can just say something, without any backup and they’ll all believe it kek. It’s just cultish behavior.

No. 2305262

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If you associate with Harry Potter you’re a terf apparently.

No. 2305266

are the wokies still cetegorizing JK as a terf? Do they not know in the game Hogarts Legacy you don´t choose a gender?

No. 2305267

I love seeing people immediately switch up on her lmao . I was getting tired of her new TikTok headlock mouthwash fans anyways kek

No. 2305268

I think they took 1 thing and ran with it as per usual

No. 2305273

man idk what you're replying to but I had actual diagnosed autistic women sperg out to me about how skillful they are at lying and tricking people. I've also been on the receiving end of this so it's just a myth that is quite easy to uphold.

No. 2305275

Nonnie, headlock has been trending on tiktok for over a year now, it has nothing to do with mouthwashing.

No. 2305293

Some of the most persistent liars I've dealt with have been both male and female tists at work who hide behind the whole 'but I'm honest to a fault' stereotype.

No. 2305314

If they participated in hobbies normally while happening to be troons I could ignore it but trans is literally all they talk about. Any discussion about any form of media devolves into discussing which characters are trans. They can't even complain about work or the weather like normal people, it always loops back to trans. I've tried to be nice and relate to them and they've told me I'm also trans and should go get my tits cut off.

No. 2305317

With TIFs, I think it's genuinely a cope most of the time. Most of them get to the point where they (subconsciously or not) realize they made a huge mistake, but it's too late to back out now because they'll never look like normal women again and they're stuck with beards, baldness and atrophied enlarged clits incapable of orgasm. Most TIFs who are into women end up being T4T not out of genuine attraction, but because they feel inadequate and freakish being with lesbians who actually look and function like normal women, they can't help but be reminded of what they've lost. It's that same sentiment that makes them try to troon out every normal woman so they don't have to feel that bad about having fucked up their bodies permanently.

No. 2305319

One woman vs. a diagnostic criteria. Statistic, girl and actual liars don't brag about being liars, that wouldn't be beneficial. Actual liars and malignant liars do not expose themselves.

No. 2305330

This is derailing and has nothing to do with the thread but you're eating up their bullshit. Statistics can be also altered because no one would confess to being a liar. How exactly are these things measured? Is it a test where people answer questions about themselves? That's nuff said then. If they trust you and treat you like an insider they will sperg out. Gosh it's like you never met one. Autistic people can and will lie, they can also be extreme assholes and manipulate others to get what they want while pretending to be smol innocent beans. Get over yourself.

No. 2305331

This is so true. Anytime I saw troons discussing media they always tried to make it into either a trans thing or shitting on "cishet" (bleh) people or whatever, it's like they're incapable of talking about anything that doesn't revolve around trooning once they've done it. I'd be having a normal conversation with someone else online then in comes the troon talking about how actually (insert piece of media) sucks because it doesn't have enough troon representation or some other bullshit like that. Like nah, that makes it better and it doesn't need that retarded garbage in it that will age like milk once people get over this shit. Or just talking about how he took hrt that day and saying stupid women stereotypes. It's bad enough that even the well meaning normies I knew started getting tired of their shit after a while kek

No. 2305341

I agree, but I also wonder if it's more complicated. A lot of aspie girls are also into nerdy media, and if you are, all your friends will be TIFs. I know for me, I didn't really understand the social rules, so I constantly upset them by asking questions about what they mean by "he's so gender," why they think women can't like "masculine hobbies," and how they avoid doubling down on gender norms. I just didn't understand I wasn't supposed to ask, but they guilt tripped me and were so upset when I did that I learned to stop asking. Aspie girls will probably be called "agender" by TIFs, or at least I was. It's their way of convincing you their system accommodates you. I can see lonely aspie girls convincing themselves of this system (it does have categories and rules that might be appealing) or being pressured into masking their discomfort because they don't want to be alone.

No. 2305347

This is why as a bi woman I don’t associate myself with the LGBT anymore. It really is just a movement mainly for gay men and the trans now, plus homophobia towards lesbians seems to be on the rise while I hardly hear about or see homophobia towards gay men anymore, and trannies are treated better and get more respect and privileges than women now. I don’t know why exactly but it seems like misogyny has gotten incredibly worse in like the last decade or so, maybe even shorter than that. The right and the left are currently expressing misogynistic views, which can feel pretty alienating to women and like nobody really gives a fuck about us.

No. 2305364

Luckily not I can't find it but she said that she follows literally anyone and she seems to just be a centrist. She follows 26k people
not really

No. 2305399

also samefag but I forgot to mention she also has a song about how terrible trump is, she doesn't like him lol she just follows anybody

No. 2305429

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>>2290853 ah mb i didnt know, my point still stands though. i've loved imogen's music for years now and i hate seeing people "cancelling" her now

No. 2305437

>I don’t know why exactly but it seems like misogyny has gotten incredibly worse in like the last decade or so
Apparently it's a cyclical anti-feminist pushback that happens every decade or so, for every few years we get to experience a small, but significant feminist boom; we get like another decade of malding and male supremacist backlash. I do agree it seems to be aggravated by the utter degeneracy porn and the internet in general have brought along this time.
>not really
I mean, Nancy Mace is passing a bill to keep bathrooms sex segregated. Trumpies are passing bills to stop giving puberty blockers to minors. What are libtard women like AOC doing for women and kids being groomed by trannies and big pharmas besides asking people their pronouns?

No. 2305438

I was just reading about this, this is amazing. The government can't sort anything else out but at least they're saving children from fucking their lives up on a whim.
And there's a good chance that the kids who get trooned out by their attention seeking parents will now manage to escape physically unscathed instead of being mutilated for life by the people that should have protected them. Now that the UK is seemingly more proactive with addressing mental health issues, we might even see more trannies desisting or detransing once they're no longer depressed or terminally shut in.
Agreed, this is too goopy to be cool. Plenty of adult women will fantasize about being Sam and making friends with a super cool genderspecial robot who's just like me, I mean her, but kids are way too cynical to unironically enjoy this slop. Sam looks like the personification of social suicide, she has no personality aside from pronouns, if anything this shit is going to peak kids out of being thembies.
It should be in the animation thread, it's almost as boring as that retarded Tom and Jerry bootleg.

No. 2305445

I just cannot support the lgbt activist organization (that organises/funds also most of events, gay bars etc) in my country because they are pushing for trooning out children. Sad because they have done so much good in the past like helped legalise same sex marriage and parental rights for both mothers in lesbian couples.

No. 2305461

it is weird but that was mostly for a promotional nomination game awards video. same person also voice daisuke. there is no voice acting in the actual game itself

No. 2305544

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downvoted for being too gender = scary

No. 2305580

>What are libtard women like AOC doing for women
Expanding reproductive rights/health, acknowledging things like pay gap, protecting rights for minority women. We may be in the gender ideology thread but feminism isn't just hating troons. Republican women are handmaidens, not for trannies, but for old pedophiles like trump. Anti trannyism should be bipartisan but it's not the only pressing women's rights issue rn

No. 2305581

>It's their way of convincing you their system accommodates you. I can see lonely aspie girls convincing themselves of this system (it does have categories and rules that might be appealing)
This. I spent my whole life not fitting in with other girls and women and being told that I’m not doing it properly, where it is ‘being a girl’. They could never articulate what I was doing wrong exactly, just that I was doing it wrong. If someone had come along and told teenage me that this was because I had a male or non-binary brain in a girl’s body I would have eaten it right up. I do click better with other aspie girls and if all the other aspie girls are identifying as non-binary too then well, doesn’t that prove that we really are a different category?
>being pressured into masking their discomfort because they don't want to be alone
This, too. I long ago learned to defer to others when it comes to social matters that don’t make sense to me. Don’t ask why you have to shake people’s hands, just do it. Don’t ask why it’s rude not to make much eye contact, it just is. Stop asking, it’s annoying and makes you unlikeable. Just believe us and do what we say. I doubt I would ever have truly believed TWAW or TMAM or that penises can be female or whatever, but I (and I guess many other ASD girls) have been primed to shut up and not question things that the majority of people are telling us ‘just are like that’, especially if asking too many questions results in being ejected from the only social group who will have you.

No. 2305830

Yeah they DID really do good, in the past - now they're hurting the very people they claim to help in inexcusable terrible ways. Its important to be able to spot when something that used to be good turned bad and to be able to admit to it and turn back.

No. 2305840

amazing how trannies take offense at any sort of basic feminism but then get mad when you point out how the trans movement is detrimental to the women’s movement

No. 2305866

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nowadays supposed “lesbian” organizations like National Center for Lesbian Rights just focus on defending violent pedophiles like picrel and making sure they get their fetish surgeries paid for by taxpayers

No. 2305960

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I read this retarded post. What a stupid bitch. Back on the “scary lesbian sub” people rightfully told her to go back to her hugbox subs and stop telling them how to feel and what to say in their space. It’s literally this meme all over again.

No. 2305969

ayrt, sadly this means lesbians and bi women will also face horrific levels of misogyny-fueled homophobia too. we used to be locked up for wanting to have sex with other women. we couldn't get housing with our partners. this is more than just the marriage thing, it affects every part of our lives. i've gotten nearly fired a few times in a couple of jobs in the past just because someone is lesbophobic against me and wanted me gone. no one deserves to live like this, even if gay men are fucking annoying.

No. 2305981

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Where is that 2.5 million even coming from? Why is a child rapist getting 2.5 million? Why is a child rapist even alive to get that 2.5 million? This world is a goddamn circus.

No. 2305984

I think it’s probably because of overall misogyny.
That being said, I really hate how some gay moids use the worst feminine stereotypes ever, and the overall sassy and catty shit. It screams of misogyny and yet they don’t see it and don’t reflect on it. I would even say, they are worse than straight moids in some aspects because the mask is off. They don’t want anything from women and therefore don’t feel the need to play nice.

No. 2305987

No it would not. Lesbians get misogyny AND homophobia thrown at us. We aren't just magically exempt. God I find fags annoying but I get suspicious of people who are fine with setbacks because they hate fags.

No. 2306015

Funnily enough nearly every single detrans female I see at least claim to be on the spectrum. Autists do get roped into it more easily (due to being vulnerable), but they're also the first to peak and call it bullshit in my experience. I truly don't think most crazy tifs are autists either.

No. 2306023

If they're such persistent liars they likely lied about being on the spectrum nona, especially when literally using that stereotype as leverage to lie. That's just too calculated and manipulative.
>If they participated in hobbies normally while happening to be troons I could ignore it but trans is literally all they talk about
Oh my god same, I'm so sick of them turning everything about troonity and nobody is allowed to call it out or they risk being called transphobic and oppressive. I can't think of any other group that is this level of self-obsessed and devoted to their cult.

No. 2306028

I really don't think there's any chance of things regressing back that much, nonnie. The way things are going, transactivists are actively making it easier for women to get fired for being lesbians considering lesbian=TERF in a tranny's pov, even if you walk on eggshells around them and don't even mention trans people. Women have already gotten fired for simply stating sex is real, even in medical fields. I think gay men, and by extension trannies, losing their immense privilege over both straight and SSA women will only be a win for us considering they're constantly using that privilege to destroy women's rights and enforce their right to be public degenerates, which makes all homosexuals look bad as a whole.

No. 2306031

What is the source? This reads like rage bait.

No. 2306156

tax dollars
you could just search up the title instead of asking nonas to spoonfeed you but here
and here’s the NCLR article which hilariously enough completely omits his crimes or his victim’s statements on the matter

No. 2306170

Are these people really so fucking evil they unabashedly help make child rapists lives easier, or are libtards such fucking retards they keep "accidentally" picking the only minorities who happen to be child rapists to campaign for? They literally do this every single time. Remember when everyone was campaigning for this TIM to get transferred to a woman's prison and get hormones or whatever and he'd brutally raped and dismembered a little black girls corpse? Or the black man arrested for domestic violence wokies got released, who immediately went on to commit femicide against his victim hours after becoming free?

No. 2306175

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This reminds me of when GLAAD stopped all funding for lesbians and focused all on trannies, and how afterellen published an article about "sense8" showing "representation" of a lesbian and tranny kissing, and how autostraddle ("lesbian" publication) released an article about how to have sex with a pre-op tranny (written by a tranny in detail with pornographic language).

No. 2306387


This is how they peaked JK. They kept trawling through her likes for wrong think BS and lambasting her for innocuous shit she favorited. I hope she doesn't back down and tells them to fuck off. This policing of what she's allowed to like or believe by the perpetually online is annoying AF

No. 2306477

For reference, the TIM you mentioned is a Latin Kings gang member called Luis Morales / Synthia China Blast and his victim was 13-year-old Ebony Nicole Williams. Laverne Cox campaigned on behalf of Morales / Blast by referencing his character on Orange Is The New Black, a TIM incarcerated for credit card fraud, which added to the illusion that TIMs in prison are nonviolent and harmless. But like you said, practically every TIM who TRAs campaign on behalf of has turned out to be a violent sexual predator. Apparently even they can’t find any nonviolent TIMs to campaign for and settle for simply ignoring the fact that their latest project is a serial murderer or child rapist. You’d think that at some point they’d look at themselves and wonder, “Are we the baddies?” but no.

Remember when her PR team tried to write off her liking GC posts as a ‘middle aged moment’, just a silly middle aged lady not knowing how Twitter works and liking things by accident?

No. 2306524

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I have no words. The dude looks like such a creep.

No. 2306542

No. 2306553

Why do so many het couples both troon at the same time?

No. 2306555

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saw this on ig yesterday. for context, these two are a 'queer' couple (two women) who have a video series where they 'explain' things to their baby like the baby is an adult. normally it's cute stuff like the olympic games or whatever but one of them is a genderspecial and got the titchop, so they made a cutesy video 'explaining' it to the baby and calling her breasts "daddy's lumps." of course, because of the titchop she won't be able to hold her own child for weeks.

i really worry for the children of these sorts of parents.

No. 2306556

Insane to me that they're still talking about what's in someone's likes now that likes on twitter aren't even visible publically anymore. They can't really do this policing anymore with current tweets at least since it doesn't show you what someone liked
Seems like it's either their cope for the partner trooning out, or they also have an "awakening" from seeing how their bf/gf says they're trans because (insert not fitting into gender roles super rigidly). Maybe they feel like they can't leave so end up doing that instead.

No. 2306562

They hate gay people. They think that identifying as a different sex changes one's sexual orientation. So they can still be queer but straight but better than straight because they are T4T.

No. 2306579

Tgat titchop money shouldve gone to a weight reduction surgery god, she can't even close her legs.
Hope their child grows up as normal as possible, both in the gendie and health way.

No. 2306598

Usually the man goes first and makes no secret of the fact that he believes woman = misogynistic/porn tropes, so a sufficiently brainwashed wife may end up questioning whether she is a woman at all. I mean, if husband Lilith Athena knows he she is a woman because he she loves scratchy lingerie and getting cat called and is too much of a ditzy bimbo teehee to work, where does that leave her, who doesn’t identify with any of that? Plus they see their husbands being lovebombed by everyone around them just for identifying as trans and probably want some of that, too. By the time they realise it only really works that way for TIMs and not TIFs it’s too late and the sunk cost is too high.

If a woman that size wanted a breast reduction surgery she would have been turned away and told to lose weight first, not least because surgery and anaesthesia are far more dangerous for morbidly obese people. But if she’s genderspecial those risks disappear apparently.

No. 2306602

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Oohh right! Now troons care so much about children with precocious puberty! And you were believing that they were transing children?
God they're such bad liars

No. 2306621

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I love when they eat each other.

No. 2306645

lol the consequences of using pubety blockers on healthy kids and teenagers to troon them out remind me a lot of when kids have a delayed puberty because their pituitary gland barely works, so clearly this talking point of theirs is bullshit. They don't give a fuck about anyone with actual hormonal issues regardless of what it is and don't mind seeing young adults suffering from osteoporosis just to prove a factually incorrect point. This is also the same issue when MTF tards compare themselves to menopausal women who genuinely need hormonal treatments. These men don't give a fuck about these women because they don't mind stealing resources from them.

No. 2306646

noticing that TIMs can boss TIFs around and make fun of them while also acting like the victim. wonder if the troon hierarchy gets annoying to TIFs as well. almost like changing your pronouns to he/him doesn't make men respect you

No. 2306652

>wonder if the troon hierarchy gets annoying to TIFs as well.
Probably, it's not like they'd say anything publicly though. I've always seen that a lot of TIF detransitions involve TIMs to some extent.

No. 2306654

>wonder if the troon hierarchy gets annoying to TIFs as well
It is, but every time the few brave tiffies dare speak up about it, male trannies REEEE about how they're just like terves for daring to criticize the holy penis-owners, and go mask off and say stuff like "typical from an AFAB".
To combat being called terfs, tifs made up their own ridiculous version of transmisogyny, "transandrophobia". Which of course prompted TIMs to endlessly mock them for being MRAs and thinking men are oppressed (the irony KEK, you can't make this up), and berated them for being oppressive transmisogynistic AFABs again. Go through the transandrophobia tag on tumblr if you wanna have a big laugh.

No. 2306671

Tiffanies are inhaling a shitload amount of copium. They are too far into their delusion and are afraid of being seen as oppressors if they detransition, like jeovah witness that get basically exiled after leaving the cult, that I think that personally they will not detrans but I'm sure as hell that they're starting to notice that the male entitlement is still there, even under layers of estrogen. Males also know how to guilt trip, they love to call other people traitor and stuff like that, the bad thing is that tifs are morally weak and deep into a crab mentality and if they weren't, they weren't tifs to begin with, and yet it takes a drop to agitate an ocean, tims just need to dig their own grave even more.

No. 2306674

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>post online about an obscure album i listened
>months later the musician somehow finds this post and replies to it, ranting about how their music isn’t for bigoted terf losers like me or whatever
>do a deep dive on said musician
>apparently he’s a tranny pedophile who got dropped from his record label for grooming allegations
the jokes write themselves

No. 2306689

TIFs notice the hierarchy and sometimes try to talk about it as "transandrophobia" or "transmisandry" but they quickly get shouted down by TIMs and the TIFs who worship them.

No. 2306698

tifs gets shut down because the rethoric is that they "choose" (kek) to be the privileged class so since misandry doesn't exist in woke species and misogyny does, tifs now have the power and tims are poor little angels with a lot of struggles and tims use that at their own advantage of course but since going against a troon is transphobic no matter what and being labeled as a transphobe means worse than death, they are basically chained in the cage of lies, they simply have to truly wakeup and connect the dots.

No. 2306737

The precocious puberty use is already controversial, there's tons of women who have come out about having used puberty blockers to treat it only to end up with severe osteoporosis and joint problems in their late 20s and 30s. Like break your hip, lose teeth, jaw joint begins to erode level. The bone problems were never disclosed when it was prescribed and wasn't even a listed side effect. Even worse, they only recommended those women be on the drug for a couple months at a time and acknowledged long-term use was risky. But for transing, because a child might get some cosmetic benefit down the line, we should just ignore all that and prescribe it for years on end. Idk those drugs are so fucked, there was a really great article maybe 5 years ago about women who had precocious puberty treated with it, then in adulthood were calling for them to get banned, but it's basically impossible to find now cause of the trans stuff. Some of them women were saying they had more surgeries at 30 than their grandparents at 80.

No. 2306740

KEK. They really have no actual oppression going on in their daily lives and need to invent ways to feel like those nasty women are hurting them

No. 2306752

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No. 2306767

Aren't people with actual physical health issues also put on a list unless they seek medical care in private hospitals in the UK? Am I supposed to feel sorry for a retarded teenage boy killing himself because he thought he was sooo special and unique?

No. 2306769

did this neanderthal think that puberty blockers were going to fix his shitty premature aging moid genes? mf looks like a 40yo child predator

No. 2306787

Moids realise they're ugly and start using trannyism as a cope.

No. 2306862

This is funny because I feel this all the time for my own stuff (not a musician but I do art), yet I don't act retarded and tell people they can't look at it just because they're a troon. Sounds so conceited to try to control who listens to your music, he should be grateful anyone even cares about his shit despite him being a disgusting troon.
They always call themselves names like "Alice" or "Lily", it's so gross. I hate the phrase "gender affirming care" too, it's not care at all it's literally just mutilating your body because you're mentally ill and think you can become a woman. Delusion affirming care. If this fugly stunted retard was so sensitive he died just because society didn't enable his delusions enough he wasn't going to survive in the real world anyway.
True kek. I think TIFs do this too, they don't fit into the beauty standards so they troon out instead.

No. 2306894

Kek Imogen has issued a statement where she denies she is a terf and basically says that the whole thing is stupid and she doesn’t have time for it, she’s busy with her own life.
TRAs are saying that she’s committing DARVO and the fact that she doesn’t openly prostrate and say that trans rights are absolutely human rights then she’s lying kek. These people are so cultish, they always act like rabid dogs , but somehow only to women. I never see these campaigns against men.

No. 2306906

>Puberty blockers at 16/17
KEK they would have done absolutely nothing at that age.

No. 2307003

the language and arguments sound so dumb post-peak
>let kids have hormones or else they will commit mass-suicide!!
>her body she didn't want
next time you read pro-troon slop, notice how many times TRAs refer to bodies as some possession to easily modify and match an eternal subjective gender soul. as if you are not your body. as if there's a parallel universe where troons have the "correct" body and god made a mistake.

No. 2307324

It happened once in Japan

No. 2307325

No. 2307346

I've seen this before and she was so based for this. I laughed when I saw comments saying something like "and yet they say this never happens." kekkkk.

No. 2307362

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Yeah it happened… once lmao. They will conveniently ignore all the moids who murder troons because they couldn't handle being seen with a man though.

No. 2307365

>and they say this never happenes
women murdering troons or troons raping lesbians? because its not a good idea to use this gross rapist to defend your cause

No. 2307370

This troon raped her, he deserved it and based dad too for helping her. Women dont need to kill any troons since most of the time they do that job themselves

No. 2307384

Reminded me of something that happened in the city nearby me. A man dating a troon got into an argument with them, then beat them to death and left their body in a ditch by a gas station. Their secret hatred comes out eventually somehow. You never heard of troons finding true love, they die really fast by suicide or getting murdered by someone.

No. 2307409

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You wouldn't be thrown under the bus if you didn't post fetish shit or CP while crying about transphobia.

No. 2307419

there's some recent comments that are saying she was just as psycho as her victim (new info from the court case)

No. 2307515

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maybe you should get some real problems dude

No. 2307518

>she was just as psycho as her victim
are you referring to the tim as a woman?

No. 2307524

i dont think she is

No. 2307526

You're being unnecessarily mean to a child that is getting brainwashed by predatory adults. Trans kids, even male ones, are victims of grooming.

No. 2307562

These retards aren’t groomed. They watch porn and sissify themselves into being degenerates who think they’re women. They fetishize women’s pain too.
The only ones I can have pity on are TIFs in certain instances, but a male committing suicide? Good fucking riddance, there are way too many scrotes anyways.

No. 2307563

My bad , thought you were referring to the 16 year old TIM kek. But still, my point stands, I don’t give a fuck.

No. 2307619

I always heard about this case that the dude wasn't even a troon, he was just an occasional crossdresser that liked to pressure lesbians into sex. Not really much of a difference per se, but a part of me want to separate him from regular troons so tims don't get more ammunition they can use to turn themselves into victims - even if that creep was right to be murdered.

No. 2307623

Learn to read English.
She (the woman) … her victim (the woman's victim)

No. 2307653

How are they even thrown under the bus in any way? Almost everywhere you go online except sites like these bends over backwards to satisfy them. Twitter still hosts them and their bullshit despite Elon taking over too.
This DUDE needs to shut the fuck up kek. I've been called dude or bro by random guys as a woman and I don't throw a tantrum about it.

No. 2307662

This guy died from being surrounded by asspatting enablers who convinced him he was a true woman instead of telling him to get therapy for whatever issues he was actually dealing with that made him troon out in the first place.
Moidlets who troon out can suffer from porn addiction but there's usually something more sinister happening alongside it, like that 16 year old who was stabbed in London who was a coke addict. Clearly his accepting and loving parents weren't doing a great job since he was going out to get high in the middle of the night, you have to wonder what else was going on in that household. Same with this one, he was probably going through some unrelated shit, saw enough estrogen memes to think that inverting his dick would save his life, and killed himself because nobody offered actual help.
Imagine hating yourself for being bi/lesbian that you get the tit chop and hold your own actual child and pretend it's a cutesy widdle thing that all parents of indeterminate gender get.
I follow a TIF lesbian who's married to a 'queer' woman (gay but her wife's a man and she's self aware enough to know she doesn't like dick) and it's just this. Them and their circle of fellow TIFs and TRAs patting each other on the back for their surgeries, cheering at the testosterone redness and acne, throwing parties for transition days. These women include women who were treated like shit by their own families for being women, girls who escaped forced marriages when they were in school, women who were raped and gaslit by their moids and wanted to change their bodies to get rid of the memories. It's insane. I get TIFs doing this with other TIFs but when actual lesbians are involved it's sickening, what the fuck? These women watch their fellow women destroy their bodies and brainwash themselves into thinking it's a replacement for therapy and they're all happy about it. Nightmare world.

No. 2307792

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Trannies are subhuman. What is this shit?

No. 2307805

they say this about any women who isn’t a total doormat

No. 2307845

I was thinking about something, last year at my uni class there was a TIF, she never mentioned it. However some of my classmates were like "he's the man!" or "he's the best dude ever!". They don't do it anymore, but I wonder, were they trying to be supportive or to convince themselves this short woman with short hair and makeup is a man?
Similarly I ask cuz there's a new classmate this year who is also a TIF but she doesn't even try, the only thing she has going for is that she's taller than all other girls in my group but she has super long hair and dress the most casual way possible (just jeans and hoodies, like come on). She always says things like "I'm the best son ever" or "I'm just a guy". Does she actually believe she's a man or is she trying to convince herself? I think she just trooned out this year before joining my course cuz a lot of teachers still misgender her and even her deadname is still on the uni database lol. Side note but whenever she's not present and my teachers refer to her as a woman by classmates are always like "HIM! HIM!", it's so funny lmao

No. 2307934

AYRT my bad for vague wording it was 4am when I wrote the post kek. It was lesbians saying "and yet [TRAs] say [transwomen never assault lesbians]" when they commented "and yet they say this never happens." It was tongue in cheek.

No. 2308000

effects of porn brain rot

No. 2308003

I don't care if she was

No. 2308025

Here we use "bro" on anybody and I have never seen a woman correct me saying "call me sis", just "I know, right?". Imagine being so sensitive to cry over a "bro".

No. 2308191

Aren't "baeddels" the openly MRA troons who started the idea of AFAB privilege? Their opinions can be discarded even faster than other troons' can.

No. 2308197

i recall brianna ghey was partly fixated on by his female murderer for being trans specifically, and she seemed to be the ringleader between herself and the boy who killed him.

No. 2308198

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They complain about their parents yet they give their own parents hell with their decisions. GAC isn't just surgeries and hormones. These teens that want to be trans so bad… Cannot wait until they are 18? If Mom says no to a lip ring, why would she say yes to a procedure that she's most likely going to fork out thousands for? Even porn stars take out loans, get the cosmetic surgery they've always wanted, then pay it off with onlyfans. Is it really that unattainable? At this point, they just want money, or to see that people around them care.

Someone I knew complained about how white trans people get more money than those of color in GoFundMe. And somehow that applies to them. The real reason why nobody donated to their GoFundMe, is because nobody knew them and they already discarded 90% of the people that cared about them over being trans or adopting that Tumblr hivemind personality they got at a young age.

Some of these suicides come across as tantrums. GoFundMe is not a magical fairy you can summon once you utter that you want someone to pay for your body modification.

No. 2308208

What. The fuck. "Black New World Order"? "Black Baby Factory"? "White Genocide Black Supremacy"? And the black baby dolls… I'm speechless. When will this freak's house burn down with him in it?

No. 2308211

There's a ton of troons into bnwo and BBC shit, typical wm shenanigans tbh

No. 2308213

Somebody explain it to me why gender is a social construct and not biological

No. 2308221

i think i said this before on lc but i honestly think that if women lose all rights and the only thing we're meant for in life is to be bred like animals and chained to a home, with zero career options, zero ways to travel, the whole nine yards.. trannies would no longer exist. think about it. they think being a woman is fun because we're basically free in the western world (not for long i fear), but once that turns around, will they stick around or will they destransition and pretend that none of that happened? being a woman is all fun and games when it's about makeup and getting fucked by a straight chad moid, but when it's about being forcibly stuck in a subordinate role doing boring shit like keeping house and child rearing all the time..

No. 2308230

Your conclusion is correct but your logic probably only applies to a tiny minority of passing HSTS, men who don't pass would never be expected to adhere to rules for women.

If women were forced to be broodmares there would be no transcel AGP trannies because they'd get their govt assigned bangmaid and no longer need to 'become the gf' as a cope for being undesirable. The married men who troon out probably wouldn't bother either since they'd have so many other options to freely abuse their wives. The remainder of trannies would have a fetish for the situation, but there aren't enough men who want a tranny wife so they'd go prison gay for each other and LARP the life of a woman with no rights.

No. 2308243

Gender and sex are intertwined and cannot be separated. Gender is merely a list of non-biological traits or stereotypes that are associated with their retrospective sex. It's either a way for enforcing actual biological essentialism i.e woman = homemaker, man = likes cars or it can be just a bunch of sociologists trying to understand why certain traits/interests are associated with either sex. It's a fairly outdated concept and it was never supposed to mean that you as an individual could have a say in what you gender is because it's something that's ultimately decided by society.

No. 2308252

>Gender and sex are intertwined and cannot be separated.
It's even simpler than that imo. Gender and sex are the exact same thing, gender is just a euphemism so we didn't have to use the word sex all the time. Like, 'gender roles' sounds more polite and academic than 'sex roles'. Crazy how trannies turned a semantic quirk into a identity-defining philosophy that their whole lives revolve around.

No. 2308257

Gender does not exist, at least the modern definition. It was a synonym for sex since sex obviously refers to intercorse as well. Gender roles come from cultural stereotypes and expectations for men and women because of our biological differences. Same with sexism, men oppose women because we are physically weaker and bare children.

No. 2308450

They treat gender like an accessory because they're boring as fuck. I think it's a good thing that younger people are essentially treating troonism like a handbag, because it's less likely that they're going to take hormones and get surgery, the most they usually get is a haircut and a few new clothes.
Nobody would think these women were men even if they did cut their hair and wear men's clothes. All the 'He's the MAN!!!!' is for virtue signalling only. See the TIF threads for how little women pass even when they've been mainlining T for 34 years. Ellen Page has had face surgery to make her look like a man, she's rich enough to get the best gendie treatments, she's on T, and she looks like an old depressed woman, literally nothing at all like a man. Pronoun pins exist because troons know they don't pass at all.

No. 2308490

I thought about this before too. I think it would definitely stop being as trendy as it is now, because as it stands men think being women is life on easy mode and assume if they became us that their life will automatically improve, which they can't say as much if women have no rights anymore or are brought down by men. The irony being that it never really became easier to be a woman even if some of us have rights now. I constantly see incels, male feminists (lol) and in general failmales thinking if they troon out they'll be able to start an OF and get money from other men (could've just done that as a dude) and live a great life without making any effort, since they assume every single woman has model tier looks, no dignity and that all she has to do is show her ass online to live a cushy life modern day when this isn't even accurate at all to the average woman's experience and most of us work normal jobs. All while dealing with misogyny and male threats of violence, harassment, ageism, menstruation, pregnancy…That said, I bet a lot of them would still fetishize the whole wife with no rights thing and being submissive and beaten since they're freaks. And maybe TIFs would want to troon out even more to try to escape being female like they're already doing now.

No. 2308493

>The married men who troon out probably wouldn't bother either since they'd have so many other options to freely abuse their wives. The remainder of trannies would have a fetish for the situation, but there aren't enough men who want a tranny wife so they'd go prison gay for each other
Married men with AGP would do what they have always done; wear their wives’ lingerie in private and cheat on their wives with other (pseudo)bisexual married men. Gay men will probably do the same, only getting married for the social and domestic benefits and fucking other men behind their wives’ backs. A lot of gay men my parents’ age did this before same sex marriage was legalised.

I wish this were true, but many transtrenders who treat transgenderism like an accessory treat hormones like an accessory too. I know more young women who casually use testosterone to ‘just masculinise their jaw a bit’ or ‘just lower their voice a bit’ than women who get fillers.

No. 2308506

Sex is a biological attribute. Humans are either male or female. Intersex conditions are genetic defects the same way as having 6 fingers is a genetic defect, and the existence of people with 6 fingers does not mean that humans have between 5 and 6 fingers. Gender is the expectations that your society places on you because of your birth sex. They are socially determined. For example, western society dictates that people born of the biological female sex must have long hair, wear makeup and wear dresses. This is called a gender role, and it varies according to time and culture. For instance, in historical eastern societies, having long hair, wearing makeup and wearing dresses was something that both male and female biological sexes were expected to do, and not associated with one particular sex. However, having lotus feet (in the case of ancient China) was socially expected of the female sex, and was thus a gender role. If a male had lotus feet, he would have been gender non-conforming, because he was adopting the gender stereotypes of the opposite sex instead of his own. However, having lotus feet does not change his biology into that of a woman. In this way gender is socially constructed but biological sex is not.

No. 2308513

The correct phrase in English is “bear children” not bare. Sounds the same but different meanings.

No. 2308547

I've been seeing Swyer syndrome being tossed around, and I looked it up. Apparently they're classifying people born with XY chromosomes as "females" who don't have any formed ovaries. The whole research is confusing, and it seems like there's a defect in the Y chromosome? I'm honestly skeptical that it's a Y chromosome at all, and it's a deformed X.

No. 2308582

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my gorgeous beautiful stunning twitter mutual started hrt. another one bites the dust.. i'm so tired anons
we're in eastern europe how the fuck did she even get on it??? i was hoping this cancer would stay in the west but clearly it's spreading

No. 2308624

I found out yesterday that one of my mutuals is likely poisoning herself too. She's in her 30s, older than me, she should know better. When will it end…

No. 2308625

Not from eastern europe but where I live it's like they're copying what the americans have been doing for a while with all this troon shit but like 10 years late. It's like being sent on a time machine to when troonery was starting to get big because I already saw this shit from being online and engaging with americans for years. It definitely feels bad to see especially when I also didn't think it'd reach here.

No. 2308679

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I already said I suspect one of my friends of wanting to troon out. She had to move back to her country two years ago and I haven't seen her irl since then, and healthcare where she lives is shit according to her so I have no idea if she can medically transition, but she keeps making grammatical mistakes in our first language that make it look like she's talking like a guy and it's happening more and more often so now our other friends are also suspecting something. I'm not talking about third person pronouns the way English speakers do, but about adjectives and nouns in first person. The issue is that they're all TRAs except me. So when our other friends and I talked about her this week irl the one who said "maybe she's transitioning" looked like she was already happy for her. The friend I'm talking about would fit the "privileged sheltered fujoshi from a third world country who may be autistic and has too much anxiety to have a normal conversation irl" stereotype to a t, this is so uncanny. If anything like this happens in 2025 I'm mentally preparing myself to not consider any of them my friends anymore depending on their reactions.

No. 2308692

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>Somebody explain it to me why gender is a social construct and not biological
Picrel Sources:
>gender knot 3rd edition https://files.catbox.moe/ynnayc.pdf

No. 2308712

gender in the sense of the roles society assigned to certain sexes IS a social construct, but that construct would not exist with sex existing first. if anything, you can't have "gender" without sex. theyre inherently linked too each other. personally I feel like the problem with transgenderism is trying to define "gender identity" due to the vagueness of it and the implications that one decides what their gender is based on certain social roles or being a man or woman. majority of people don't have an inner sense of being their sex like TRAs claim, they just are that sex regardless if they choose to conform to said social roles or not.

No. 2308722

>if anything, you can't have "gender" without sex. theyre inherently linked too each other
It's true. Society is not tolerant of people of a certain sex adopting the gender of the other, there is no such thing as a biological man whose gender is feminine; if he adopts feminine gender roles he is not a "female man" but a gender non-conforming man. That descriptor itself contains a judgement value, that of which he "should" be confirming to his gender roles but is not, and that makes him deviant and an "other". For a society that rejects the existence of GNC people there is only one reality, the one where you follow the gender roles attributed to your sex. And if you can't follow them, you must change your sex. Gender ideology 101.

No. 2309022

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stolen from kf but this is precisely why I'm glad the UK did what they did with puberty blockers and the U.S desperately needs to follow through with the same. how anyone not seeing how this is blantant child abuse is beyond me. no child can "choose their genders" and fucking their endocrine system with cross sex hormones during a critical stage of development isn't going to make them go through the opposite puberty either. I really do feel for these poor kids who get groomed into this

No. 2309115

Asian countries have already been affected. I’ve read that about a year ago Japan’s government said it was “unconstitutional” or something for there to be transgender bathroom restrictions and that trannies should be allowed to use the restroom that matches their gender identity (despite gay marriage still not being legal there kek). Middle Eastern countries have always been more lax and accepting of trannyism, obviously more than gay people and the female sex itself. If this fast spreading cancer hits Eastern Europe next, especially Russia, then I feel like the world is going to be really fucked by then, and it would honestly really surprise me, cause that’s the very last place anyone would expect it to exist there. It’s like anything that’s a big trend in America will soon spread out literally everywhere else because America is such an influential country. This shit honestly fucking scares me.

No. 2309213

This, gender and sex are the same thing. My native language literally had to invent a new word for "gender" because of troonism (which still contains our word for sex). Splitting them was only done because English uses sex which also means to have sex, and thus is too crude to say out loud. Gender roles are roles based on sex, gender stereotypes are stereotypes based on how the two sex behave, gender doesn't actually exist separately from sex because they both refer to the same thing.

No. 2309309

If society became less strict about gender roles do you think there would be more or less trannyism? Right now I feel there is a horseshoe effect for those who are GNC where trads expect theme to be forced into the stereotypes of your sex and troons expect them to troon out. I don't think either is a good solution for those with social discomfort around those stereotypes.
Being a GNC female is punished by both men and by women who fill the expectation more easily, this site is full of women who scream "NLOG" at every little thing. If people were more accepting of being GNC, I wonder if it would be easier to accept "I don't fit the popular idea of how my sex should be, but that doesn't mean I'm the opposite sex" and such people can accept themselves as individuals first without hinging their self-image solely on whether or not they fit stereotypes. It feels to me like people just want to identify with a group. I'm sorry if I sound retarded and idealistic but this matter is genuinely very confusing to me.

No. 2309357

I am still here, it's lonely though

No. 2309361

Well put, this is very important because in a public forum if anyone wanted to change the minds of other intelligent people around them, one must to bring up gender and sex to show how transpeople are a mix of sexist kinksters and self-hating homosexuals that were groomed and turn into groomers.
It's important to poke holes in trans logic this way otherwise nobody is really going to see and know TERF positions at all, the use of only looks-bashing as a strategy is not enough and pushes others away from seeing the truth.

No. 2309377

I'm not eastern european but I feel like I already know what kind of people do this, super terminally online weebs who are so obsessed with western politics and culture that they think they are liberal westerners

No. 2309383

Yes, I wholeheartedly believe this nonna .

No. 2309384

They really think that these drugs are harmless

No. 2309457

Unpopular opinion but it feels like the mainstream troon movement is dying down. We could just be seeing a backlash. Anecdotes but I’m seeing less pronouns in bios and normies not talking about it as much. Doesn’t mean the damage hasn’t been done

No. 2309460

it used to be cool and trendy but now it's too mainstream especially with both political sides of the culture war using it as talking points. so naturally it will die out slowly with hipsters and only autists behind on trends will keep trooning

No. 2309529

I saw some freak out posts on tumblr because of the growing use of the word detransition by people who don't identify as trans anymore, along with people using they/them pronouns more often to completely bypass having to call a troon by their preferred pronouns

No. 2309547

I think that the more the most normie "surface" level talks about troonism, the less is appealing. Being trans was and still is to some degree the cool thing but not the cool niche thing with a strict community, idk if I'm putting that right. I think that most of the tifs on tumblr most likely grew out of it but since they made it big the first time and the tumblr ban made people flee to twitter which is a more normie site, made this cool and totally unique niche get on the surface and so only autists (which are paradoxically too autist to realize how bogus that is, this type of autism is like a mild mental retardation) and porn addicts take the bait. Gen Z is less and less interested in sex stuff and on the other hand, being trans is not cool because it's so normalize now, that it all lost its appealing. It's the normal trend circle but this is destructive because I just know that it will leave behind a shitton of corpses with mauled breasts and frog voices with back fur. You can't exactly go back from this as idk, being emo and this is why it's scary but I'm glad it is slowly losing its appeal.

No. 2309655

>trying to explain to someone that gender identity is harmful: “it’s not considerate to sell someone a lie”
>”you see it as a lie but I see it more as an identity that should be allowed to be seen”


No. 2309688

nta but as someone who had the displeasure of being friends with a tif (also in eastern europe) who overshared everything about her life, it's not as hard as it looks sadly. anyone who wants hrt without years and years of psych evaluation just orders testosterone online via those seedy websites. those roided gymbros apparently do the same all the time, and because eastern europe is lacking on drug laws one can reasonably get away with it.

No. 2309703

I think it's dying among normies but I don't see it dying among autistic nerds any time soon. It's too firmly entrenched as the only way to make friends in those communities and too many people have medicalized and fallen prey to the sunk cost fallacy.

No. 2309772

Yeah that's similar to why they get so mad over the use of "detransitioned" picking up politically because it implies that the person has rejected being trans, but it's almost a bit contradictory because they want everyone to be experimental with transness. Some people are going to see how ridiculous or a lifelong commitment it is and decide it's not for them.
At this point I think most normal people are realizing that trans employees/graduates are personality napalm and it's starting to effect where they can work or behave, hence some really starting to tone it down as they get older.

No. 2309773

Honestly I will only say that it will be done on a mainstream level when self-ID gets abolished and a public official statement is made regarding males in female spaces (from healthcare , prisons and even toilets). We are still not done here.
I never cared about trannies when they just used to stay on their lane and I don’t care if a scrote wants to chop his dick off and take estrogen as long as he pays for it with his own money, same with a woman.

No. 2309774

Yup, every year I see a tiny bit more resistance to troonism but this year really escalated it a lot more! Puberty blockers are being banned in more and more places, the cass review now exist out in the open, athletes are finally being heard and people publicly boo at troons winning sports, detrans people are being seen and heard in more mainstream places and they've got lawsuits going now, pronouns are silently disappearing from bios. And it's now been around for so long the kids are getting bored of it, it's no longer cool and the would be future trans kids can now clearly see that if they go down that path they'll be just like the rapidly aging green haired, fat, bearded and smelly overly emotional themby down the street. It's just not as appealing when you can see the reality of it.

Even WPATH knows their days are numbered as they've switched the narrative from "it's lifesaving care" to "it's a journey of body goals" kek they know they're fucked

No. 2309775

The word gender can also be about grammatical gender, so having separate words for "gender" and "sex" in some languages is normal but many languages don't work that way so there's no real reason so have separate words for them.

No. 2309841

>It’s like anything that’s a big trend in America will soon spread out literally everywhere else
True, it fucking sucks.
That fits the ones I've seen from my country trooning out. They're usually people who spent way too much time online and absorbed all this american shit as a result. Weird because I also spent a lot of my time online in similar western spaces and more around foreigners than people in my own country, yet I still didn't fall for troonism. It's also ironic because they'll say they hate america and capitalism but simultaneously adopt tons of liberal western shit like troonism (which they got from americans due to being terminally online) and buy shit constantly aka feed into capitalism and consoomer culture to validate their "gender identity", as well as buy tons of other shit they don't need with mommy's money and supporting "sex work" when that's just supporting capitalism and women being commodities for men. Again, all this while saying they hate capitalism and america, and they don't even realize how contradictory this is. Any time you point this out they'll act like they have no choice but to do this or some other bullshit like that when you DO have a choice to not be a massive consoomer ordering shit from shein every week for example if you supposedly hate capitalism so much kek.

No. 2309853

mini vent because the thread on the other board doesn't really exist anymore. i rarely ever check the TIM threads on /snow/ because i don't like to see those nasty, ugly, freakish hulking troons and i enjoy hiding those threads to preserve my eyes and mental health. plus, whenever i check and see something in there it's usually horrific. if i check, i'm bored or hoping to laugh at their ugly mugs and complete failure at setting out to do what they can never. just saw something in there that encouraged me to keep it fucking closed indefinitely, men are absolutely disgusting and can't hide their gross fetish for trying to skinwalk women and they could never be one. nasty ass freaks. people need to do something about it but men will absolutely never care about women's rights and do everything they can to prevent women from having them

No. 2309966

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This YouTuber here just attaches being trans to different shows including children shows. The KOTH episode is my favorite as it's about Peggy finally feeling feminine given the features she was born with through her new drag queen friend. But here comes the troon community making the episode about them. There's no trans person in this episode.

Skimming through their channel, all I can say is, if all of these shows have transphobia, don't watch them. And you should give the creators the same amount of terror like you would to small time artists for drawing a character in a way you wouldn't like. Most of these speculations from his channel are extremely cherry picked.

>This show has transphobia, this show failed to represent us correctly.. BUT ALWAYS SUNNY DID IT RIGHT YOU GUYS! I CAN NEVER TURN MY BACK ON SUCH A GOOD SHOW!!

No. 2310096

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nothing is sacred

No. 2310106

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KEK this loser is the reason for this meme

No. 2310121

i hate this timeline

No. 2310313


No. 2310469

Gender in grammar isn't the same as gender meaning "magical sense of self that dictates what your true spirit is disregarding your physical reality" so I find it stupid the same word is used there too. It was just never meant to be like that.

No. 2311024

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I also sleep on my back. I guess I'm a man now. Report me and put me out to the pasture, nonas…

No. 2311033

beyond parody

No. 2311090

Real men should sleep on their stomachs to hide their boners and expose their asses to demons. And I guess I'm not a real woman from the last one as well because I use disinfectant and dishwashing soap for everything then.

No. 2311110

> Real men should sleep on their stomachs to hide their boners and expose their asses to demons.

No. 2311187

No. 2311302

I’m also a man too according to this. They somehow always end up being so sexist in their retarded comparisons
>farting makes me feel like a man
>burping and scratching my ass makes me feel manly!
This is how they sound like kek

No. 2311537

The simpering teehee uwu what if momma said noooo nature of this post is how you know it's part of the fetish. How the fuck does someone read this and not see that this is what he gets off on?
>pronouns are silently disappearing from bios
Yes, I noticed that too. Most of my personal lolcows are gendies, the older ones have quietly sidled back to their real pronouns some time ago and now the younger ones are following suit. There's less TRA shit being posted or talked about, even if it's big news like puberty blockers being banned.
I saw a post about shinigami eyes being actively harmful because it discriminates against intersex and transmasc folqxz and how it doesn't even work because it goes apeshit at random words like 'butterfly' because it has terf in the middle. Women are slowly fighting back in the most retarded and roundabout way possible. Hooray for progress. IMO it's because a lot of them have either peaked or gotten fed up with TIM histrionics so they're looking for a reason to uninstall it and maybe unfollow a few particularly insufferable moids.

No. 2311613

>'butterfly' because it has terf in the middle.
oh i love that, cute new terfy animal

No. 2311623

Because almost everyone is a fucking hypocrite. Most people who say they hate capitalism are pampered, upper-middle-class, white zoomers who probably get things handed to them on a silver platter and hate poor people in real life, at least ones in the West. People need to realize that most shit on the internet is a LARP and that a lot of self-proclaimed, online “socialists” or “communists” are not actually true socialists nor communists. They all talk the talk but don’t actually walk the walk.

No. 2311638

>>2308624 same nonas… a friend of mine has started T and now is a bearded woman with boobs, makeup, skirt, and all… you have to be reeeeally ill to be happy about looking like a sideshow. don't get me wrong, i am a very hairy woman and i love hairy woman but she's gone too far w it and on purpose. RIP our mutuals

No. 2311651

I have a noncommittal she/they mutual who considered T after someone told her it'd cure her depression but decided T wasn't for her and she liked her body. She got a bunch of replies to that tweet saying she was cheating herself out of happiness and to just try it. I hope she doesn't listen, or she tries it once and feels like shit and doesn't touch it again.

No. 2311672

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In this post, idiot waxes philosophical about people not choosing his scrotal self as he tiptoes around the obvious.

No. 2311821

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It's funny how the TIFs are pressed about still supporting feminism despite trooning out. I've seen this quite a bit online but it's the first time I've seen it in Youtube comments. I hope it continues to spread- TIFs are the biggest handmaidens and being hated and shunned by the women in their family as well as being ridiculed by the men might just make them come to terms with reality. The one who whines about ebil cis women is fucking funny, like no, you don't get gendie care because your self inflicted titty yeet isn't important enough to push some woman's actual life saving double mastectomy back.
Also kek at the fujo who trooned out to be like her yaoi men, if fandom hadn't turned into a moral crusade against women who objectify fictional moids she and all the other fujo TIFs would have stuck to cringe crossplaying instead of trooning out. It's sad, but absolutely hilarious because they have no qualms with saying they want to be IRL Aragorn and IRL Lance and IRL Gojo when they're 4"2 and look like Fanny's pedo OC with a sunburn. That's the trans rep we all need kek.
I'm just happy that there's finally some pushback on their bullshit, online and IRL.
So chanting TWAW in front of the filtered mirror selfies didn't manifest a partner. That's so traumatic and sad. Perhaps he should ask his fellow ladies about it on the lesbian subreddits, I'm sure they can give him some girl to girl advice on how to find a partner who's totally not a chaser.

No. 2311836

Youtube comments are always shit

No. 2311841

You can always tell the difference between men and tifs because men want to be included in feminism and make it all about themselves, like a dental patient going to chemo and getting assmad that there aren't any dentists there. Meanwhile tifs are like cancer patients who keep ignoring their symptoms and eventually die from it.

No. 2311870

Of course, a Lily with frizzy hair. It's a global phenomenon.

No. 2311891

late reply but I literally guffawed. I wonder if that name got less desirable after people learned American McGee's horror story of his mom literally abandoning as a teen to run off with a mtf. Or maybe his cash-grab dysphoria bunny won them back.

No. 2311949

The other day I 'misgendered' a they/them coworker. She wasn't in the room at the time but someone asked me, "Why is this item in this place?" and I replied, "W put it there, she is coming back to get it."
Time seemed to freeze and several people just stared at me like I had just dropped the n word or something. I just let the silence go on and walked away slowly. But damn it was tense. I know someone told her, too, because she has been avoiding me since "the misgendering." Bet she thinks I'm a conservative fascist now or something. Fuck.

No. 2311963

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I have lose the count on how many tifs trooned for Will Graham.

What is she going to do about it? Complain to HR? Call for a "Transphobia sucks meeting?". Jeeze, she sounds insufrible even if you make a honest mistake.

Picrel: Can you guess which is the NB/TIM/TIF in the team?

No. 2312004

>Most of them would work through their cis partner getting SRS if one day their partner woke up with a penis

No. 2312006

i'm annoyed on your behalf, that's ridiculous

No. 2312046

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i keep forgetting most people haven't seen over 999999 troon online profiles and simply can't notice the patterns i do. they'll see someone who makes breakcore music with loli album covers and has she/her pronouns in bio as a true and honest woman and i'll sound like a schizo for pointing out the obvious. honey that's a MALE.

No. 2312066

>transmasculine people get denied healthcare because they are not women
Kek no you get denied tranny surgery because you're just a physically healthy WOMAN who wants to get rid of perfectly healthy female body parts to validate her delusions of wanting to make her husbandos come true and skinwalk fictional characters, whereas other women who aren't retarded like you need mastectomies to save them from ACTUAL life-threatening conditions like cancer
Why are TIFs so fucking dumb?
>I trooned out because I wanted to be like my favorite male characters so I became a man like them
>I trooned out because I wanted to have a sense of community and I thought that's innate to women so I became a woman
Why are they so obsessed with things they can't biologically have and delude themselves into thinking they can actually have them and gain magical properties they associate with the opposite sex. You can be inspired by people of the opposite sex and try to have the same traits as them without mutilating your body and pretending that your brain doesn't belong in it kek
Do they not know that you can be cool and strong and dress how you want without having a penis, or that you can be empathetic and not selfish and have friends without having a vagina?
>5D chess move
>becoming a man so you can show other women that men can be better so hopefully they start holding men to a higher standard
The thing is that everybody knows you're not a real man and if someone is fooled at first, you're only disappointing them when they find out you're female after all kek

No. 2312088

this but when i tell my art friends that the ''gay man'' they follow that draws FOTM husbandos is actually a tif

No. 2312089

>I trooned out because I wanted to be like my favorite male characters so I became a man like them
Don't they have male relatives like a father or brothers? Because they're not going to become in a bishie character if their moid relative are ugly af.

No. 2312107

>my experience for my whole life was that men were eternally alone and had no emotional outlets except through their romantic partner.
i hate men so fucking much holy shit. this is probably why so many men have zero qualms about abusing their romantic partners, cheating, or openly monkey branching from one woman to the next with zero guilt. men can't see women as human beings with a complex inner world, they see us as they mythical beings who can't feel pain, only sexual pleasure. they're also angry that they feel 'had' in life because of their faggoty ass rule about men not allowed to show emotions, and so they take it out on all of us instead of dismantling the patriarchal structure that they pretend to be oppressed under instead of, you know, actively benefit from at the expense of girls and women worldwide.

No. 2312108

They think T will make them skinny asian gay boys but actually it makes them fat and bald with a neckbeard.

No. 2312166

They're so obsessed with their magical sex change hentai they even use it in their retarded analogies in normal conversation kek
Also, if that could actually happen I'd just end up dumping the person because I don't want to sleep with someone whose genitals I'm not attracted to OR someone who has mutilated their healthy genitals. But trannies keep trying to gaslight people into thinking that genitals are not a factor at all in sexual attraction.
It's the same as recognizing whether something was made by/for male coomers or not kek all male trannies are coomers so it checks out
Nta but today I heard a radio ad on a local station about government measures to respect tranny identities (changing their sex in their passport, etc), I'm not even first world, I'm worried that it'll become a punishable offence to misgender them, especially in contexts like the workplace

No. 2312277

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>Tons of tv shows/stories/reports about danger of T in sports, real life, etc.
>"It won't happen to me because it will make me a handsome man".

No. 2312488

Yeesh anon that sucks. TIP’s very existence in the workplace makes it a hostile work environment where you have to twist your brain into a pretzel just to do your job. Is this the first time she’s been ‘misgendered’? In my experience most people (including gendies) struggle with single person they/them pronouns so mistakes are common and more forgivable, but it sounds like your coworkers are pretty captured if they reacted like that. And what kind of an asshole would tattle on you? Even by gendie logic that’s a shitty thing to do because it upsets the theythem for no fucking reason.

>omg my fandoms are full of sensitive, soft-spoken gay men who draw wholesome ship art of our cinnamon roll husbandos and write comfy coffee shop AU fanfic UwU
those are women love

I mean you need a terminal case of Not Like Other X syndrome and an unhealthy dose of magical thinking to seriously identify as trans in the first place so are you really surprised?

No. 2312651

I think you doing that and acting like nothing was a power move kek it's good for people see you didn't die from misgendering her

No. 2312671

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even if you have attractive men in your family you are still going to be ugly if you transition, buck angel was a very hot androgynous butch woman but testosterone turned her into an almost gremlin like thing, when she stands next to real mmoids, she looks so tiny next to them as well

No. 2312677

Damn she was beautiful before.
Also isn’t this the TIF who had a severe complication from the continuous usage of T? Was it vaginal atrophy?

No. 2312682

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She said that in many photoshoots they were telling her to act more feminine, but she always envied the male models.
I have a theory, might be dumb though nonnas, but do you think that some GNC women, especially the ones who don’t abide to femininity at all , who are told that they must abide to femininity and who are pretty much attracted to men, feel the need to become TIFs because at least a gay relationship is seen as more serious than a “woman who looks like a man” with a man.
As much as I hate to say it but the way our society is structured greatly influenced the rise of gender ideology.

No. 2312687

It has been said a million times that a portion of troons, mostly the older ones from the 90s/80s/00s are GNC women/men with conservative or homophobic parents. Women cant be gnc without either being sexualized(tomboys) or being bullied for not fitting in. Women are literally forced to shave as soon as they hit puberty to remain prepubescent looking forever, thats bound to fuck up a lot of women.

No. 2312702

Yes it's definitely a LARP just like their gender one, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
The male entitlement in this post is crazy kek. Your partner being infertile can actually be a deal breaker for a lot of people, like what is he even talking about? Not many people would be fine with their partner having SRS or suddenly waking up with different genitals either, they would most likely just break up and feel bad about it. Most aren't attracted to extremes and people who get botched surgeries and implants outside of porn sick men who see it as a novelty or something to gawk at. All of those traits are dealbreakers even in normal people kek. Being trans is even worse though because the person actively lives in a delusion that they expect you to validate every single day, at least with the other ones you can chalk it up to it either being unintentional/unavoidable (like being infertile) or being able to classify it as a mental illness without being called a bigot (women who get crazy implants). You could also break up with someone who "randomly woke up with a penis" without it being transphobic too, and it wouldn't have been their fault either so it falls under the unintentional thing as well. What's uniquely messed up about trans ideology is how you're basically choosing to do this to yourself and no one can say anything negative about it, choose not to fuck you or leave without you throwing a tantrum and writing all this retarded shit to justify being an undesireable faggot. I don't want kids and I still don't want to date a troon because I would have to validate their delusions and engage with their LARP instead of being with a mentally healthy person or at least someone who I can try to get help for without being told it's healthy to be mentally ill. I know what trans people are and they're still repulsive, even the most passing ones are still delusional and should just live as gnc people. The "vibes" that are off are that you are all a bunch of insane people who need others to play pretend and who thrive off of recreating sexist stereotypes and being homophobic kek.

No. 2312708

The comparison between an infertile woman and a TIM always felt disingenuous to me, even when I was a TRA. A woman who is infertile is still a woman, a child free person would be okay with them or even someone who wants to adopt, but a TIM is a man to anyone and unless you’re a flavor of bisexuality or gay if you’re a man then you’ll never be remotely interested because you’ll always think “oh this person was born a man…this person is a man”, there are certain characteristics that we unconsciously pick up, from the gait, to the feel of their body that at a certain point you can’t really miss. If you choose for some reason to be with a TIM you have to be able to stomach this.

TIM are registered as a man who wants to be woman to the average citizen and the courtesy of pandering to them is out of societal pressure and just basic human desire to get it over with. I was giving lip service as a TRA but I never believed the words I was saying to a T kek.

No. 2312709

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Re: the TIM movie

None of these movies tell to kids to respect the qt+ pronouns or htr/testosterone is a magical thing that helps you to fuck your body and makes you end up in the 21%, for heaven's sake! Besides Frolo is a villain and what he did to Esmeralda in the scene it was what a villain would do!

No. 2312711

Yes, yes everyone thinks you’re not women enough when it comes to shag you and being in a relationship. It’s easy to shout TWAW when you don’t have to bring one back home kek.

No. 2312716

also pretty much every person will in some way be affected by death regardless of age, this is shit logic.

No. 2312721

Yeah, they're two completely different things, it's just a retarded comparison. Being infertile as a woman doesn't magically turn you into a male, they say "TERFs" are the ones reducing women to their reproductive functions when they're the ones constantly trying to use that as a failed gotcha and implying any woman who can't have kids= same as a troon aka a male when that's not true at all. They just come off as entitled, rapey and homophobic when they complain about other people not being attracted to them too as if it's some form of hate speech kek, incel mentality really. They also do already have people who will fuck them: other troons and chasers. So they should just shut the fuck up and stop trying to force themselves onto everyone else when we don't want them.
The difference is putting troon shit into movies is just going to age horribly kek, it'd be like exposing your kids to lobotomies and saying they're a good thing in their cartoons. The issue isn't really showing kids serious topics, it's trying to indocrinate them into self harming and delusions from a young age.

No. 2312782

>The comparison between an infertile woman and a TIM always felt disingenuous to me, even when I was a TRA.
Especially because girls and elderly women are infertile by default and at no point has anyone questioned if they're still female

No. 2312882

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"See Jimmy? There are people who believe they're in the wrong sex and deserve hormones and surgeries to become in their real sex, otherwise they might kill themselves. You can even join them someday… Or today, I have seen you playing with dolls. Are you sure that you are a boy? Because boys don't play with girl's toys, that's gay".

No sane parent ever.

No. 2312885

Is like if you're infertile or have menopause, you have your woman card revoked. But they claim that terfs are the ones doing that.

No. 2312997

mass peak fucking when i am so tired of seeing troons gab on about gender. it's so ridiculous how generic they all are, it's BEYOND parody, i swear to god everything i see the current crop of troons infesting my latest hobby space talk about is practically word for word what gets picked apart here and in other rf spaces
>ermm i'm such a she/her femme baddie with my tits hanging out but i still get he/himed wtf!!!! (said troon being a clocky uggo with frizzy hair and a pig nose?!
>i'm very obviously a typical woman with poorly dyed hair but i swear everyone thinks i'm a gay boy futch
>haha yeah i post on r/malelivingspaces i'm totally just one of the boys see the way i cheer on guys saying any hole's a goal or calling my female friends bitches hahahahaha i'm just a normal dude please clap
how do i kill them all

No. 2313017

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nonnies i genuinely don't know how much longer i can keep seeing shit like this on my feed. aside from the obvious (turning taking life-altering drugs into a cutesy thing) "don't die wondering" was literally a slogan from the gay/lesbian rights movement. is there ANYTHING these people won't co-opt?

No. 2313024

I feel the exact same way. Nerdy hobbies have been hit with a fucking gendie nuke.

No. 2313026

Saw this on the front page and said wtf out loud.

No. 2313173

I hate these posts more than I can express. So many autistic women who openly have no dysphoria or interest in the effects of T consider it now because they think it's going to give them a spiritual epiphany and eliminate their disability. Genuine cult shit.

No. 2313190

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Probably because the fetish/porn sick ones were the louder ones? And you didn't stop them, but also encourage them to take women places? And don't give me that "third gender" crap, it was a way to cover homophobia back then and you know it.

No. 2313211

I can't help but wonder how female youtubers who're outwardly pro tran truly feel whenever they start to get a swarm of
> omg girl you're my transition goal..
Comments. Extra creep points when it's under a 2/3 hour long vid on a serious topic but all the troons can talk about is wanting to wear your skin tho. Flattering?

No. 2313268

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I hate that they're being purposely obtuse with this because how do you think telling children that "some boys were actually born girls and some girls were actually born boys, and that's totes valid!" is not all confusing considering children are already self aware about the differences between boys and girls, and I'm not even talking about in stereotypes or in a social kind of way either. gender which is a set in stone blantly obvious, can't be changed thing, and were having shows aimed at them telling them the opposite that they can change it if they feel "off" or don't fit in with their assumed gender roles. that's something more harmful than helpful and it astonishes me how TRAs don't seem to get that.

picrel somewhat related. retarded for the sake of being retarded. for anyone confused, they're saying Gazelle is trans because only male gazelles have longer and thicker horns than the female ones. this is the back at the barnyard "Otis is a trans cow" all over again. ironically though these are like the rare times they admit there's gender differences between males and females kek

No. 2313395

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I remember a comic about how the artist never knew that her student was being SA until very late, and it would have been so sad if wasn't because she draw a scene of her telling to her students (I guess 6-7 years old?) that "some girls have penises and some boys have vaginas, so that's why I'm calling you 'kids' (in a 'neutral way' in my language)".
I understand telling to kids about SA and how adults shouldn't touch them without consent and even then, is wrong, but why is important the crap about "boys with vaginas and girls with penises"? So they can understand why a 'girl' is dressing in the same room and his "funny willy" is there?.

No. 2313403

If Gazelle was trans, she wouldn't have been voiced by a woman (Shakira) in first place. And even then, Kim Petras sounds and sings like shit.

No. 2313428

I have a coworker who keeps (accidentally, I assume) misgendering a he/him TIF coworker as they/them. I kind of want to be like “Uhm ackshually SHE identifies as a man!” for the lulz but also I don’t want to start drama at my workplace, I just want to show up, get paid, and go home. Already I’m one of only maybe 10% of people in our woke 200+ person workplace who doesn’t put pronouns in my email signature (and one of only maybe 5 non-pronoun-havers who is a white woman, not a man or a WOC, who I feel like have more leeway to not adhere to the pronoun shit) so people probably already suspect something’s up with me but idgaf.

No. 2313566

File: 1734574489721.png (25.81 KB, 636x184, shutup.png)

>A moid is more important than-


No. 2313612

>accidentally misgendering a he/him TIF as they/them
it might be deliberate, i know thats what i do if im confronted with pronoun bullshit but don't want to start a whole debacle. ive also seen more sane but still unpeaked people do it when they dont buy a particular troons LARP (i.e: chris-chan) but want to avoid backlash from the "misgendering is violence no matter what" crowd. overall its a good sign.

No. 2313626

I’m legitimately just retarded and kept doing this at my last job on accident. I don’t wanna start anything or make anyone upset. I actually wanted to be the TIF’s friend kek. Was wondering why I never got a text back when I asked to hang sometime and kept getting the cold shoulder. I would correct myself after making the mistake and say sorry but did it a lot. I hate that so many of these larpers pretend to be autistic cause if they actually were they’d be more understanding of actual autistic people like me slipping up.

No. 2313935

This is where transgender ideology and autism fakers play into each other. Actual autistic people are very likely to have difficulty with non reality-based pronouns (and genderism in general if they haven’t been sucked into it themselves) but they are shouted over by neurotypical autism fakers claiming that “Well I identify as autistic and I have no problem remembering all my friends’ neopronouns!”.
Even the autistic TIFs I know trip over pronouns constantly, including their own. They’re always self-flagellating over it. I wish I could shake them out of it somehow.

No. 2313996

I'm also an autist and I keep accidentally calling famous/public troons by their real sex pronouns. I can't help that once I know a man is man (or woman is a woman) my brain defaults to seeing them as one even if they pass half decently. I've been called out for it online a couple of times but I just waited a couple of days and then silently deleted their comments. So far I've been lucky enough that 99% of people haven't cared but I'm not sure what excuse to use to get me off the hook if some unhinged TRA comes at me

No. 2314016

Kek, cursed.
The thing is I knew about trannies and crossdressers when I was a kid, but they weren't being actively celebrated like this nor was the message in the media that they're totally real women/men. They were usually just used as the butt of a joke, or when represented seriously it was still acknowledged that they are crossdressers not actually the opposite gender/sex/whatever. What's innapropriate to show kids is all the fetish shit and also this idea that if you become a troon everyone has to see you as a real woman/male and this delusional idea that that is even attainable at all.

No. 2314024

The rigid thinking in autism is actually a significant contributing factor to why autists have a high degree of transgenderism. That and a large portion of autists are actually mentally stunted like CWC.
That said, I’ve also noticed the phenomenon where troons don’t get each other’s pronouns correctly or even their own. The biggest thing I’ve noticed there though is MTFs will be completely shocked and outraged and want people who get their pronoun wrong once to be social pariahs, but will consistently forget to use they/them for specialer genderspecials and will still call FTMs she and everyone is supposed to let it slide. It’s interesting it’s like they don’t actually buy into anyone’s garbage except their own.

No. 2314055

There needs to be a study on why so many TIFs are overweight or obese. Like surely a normie's gotta have noticed a connection between them hating being fatties and trooning out.

No. 2314106

Yeah, I think it's a mix of two things. One is that testosterone makes them hungrier so they eat more and gain weight. They're under the illusion that testosterone will give them more muscles, which in turn makes them burn more fat so eating more is "fine". And thus they overeat and rapidly gain weight.

The second thing is quite obvious in a lot of them like you said, they didn't fit into female beauty standards of being thin and pretty so they went the "rebel route" and go "well then I'm not even a woman so I can't be an ugly woman, ha!" as a cope for being fat and/or "ugly"

No. 2314181

>I actually wanted to be the TIF’s friend kek.
She got angry at knowing you "misgerdering" by proxy, I feel like being friends with her is like walking over eggshells made with legos.

No. 2314209

File: 1734619107530.png (239.5 KB, 598x726, 0SegkUQ.png)

even troons seem to realize that the larp is ending soon

No. 2314244

And even here, they couldn't include TIFs. It's always me me me.

No. 2314464

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Of course David would do that. Anybody not saying shit or saying the opposite of what they want to hear is a "terf" or "traitor".

No. 2314605

the dominatrix that convinced her to troon out was jealous of her high fashion butch look and conspired to take it away from her.

No. 2314941

I for one am loving how he's destroying his own reputation, the day his child detroons will be glorious

No. 2315065

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Do these girls really think them indentifying as trans change reality?

No. 2315162

The naïveté of TiFs is so annoying. I don’t know how these girls are so sheltered they don’t understand a man will call himself gay as much as he has to get you to sleep with him. That will not deter a scrote, you are in fact feeding him the exact strategy to manage to take advantage of you.

No. 2315205

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I’m sure this is already common knowledge, but even AI is made to not hurt the wittle feefees of the trannies, but of course that is to be expected. Imagine us actually getting humanoid robots in the future like fucking Detroit: Become Human where they’re assuring moids in dresses that yes they are women and that real women shouldn’t complain about them invading their spaces because the real women are being “transphobic”, KEK. “No misogyny”, even though the AI will give a misogynistic answer if you ask it about trannies, KEK.

No. 2315345

I honestly wonder what makes trans people so high up on the social justice hierarchy and how the fuck they even got there in such a short amount of time. Is it because our toleration had gone too far? Is it because our empathy was taken advantage of? I don’t even think gay people got this much pampering, special rights and privileges like the trannies do now. Being transphobic is literally the worst thing you could be in modern day society, worse than being misogynistic, racist and homophobic. It’s all so fucking weird and insane to me.

No. 2315387

The movement is led by psychotic men and is based on fetishism. Every scrote, even the higher up politicians, understand what being a sick fetishist is and a lenient on it while women are mass guilt tripped into catering to men's feelings, as always. There is also fucktons of industries that are profiting out of this movement as it is based on outward appearances.

No. 2315453

They sadly will have to learn it the hard way as they refuse to listen to evil terfs warning them. It will be so embarrassing for them to look back on having posted this online for all to see it
>That will not deter a scrote, you are in fact feeding him the exact strategy to manage to take advantage of you.
They're making nice guys stay away from them by being delusional and insisting they're gay, while the filthiest kind of men who want to take advantage of them by lying are handed strategies on a silver plate. They're going to happily be the bottom for those "gay" males and after a dozen of times figure out maybe there was supposed to be more to sex than a man using you for anal

No. 2315459

>I honestly wonder what makes trans people so high up on the social justice hierarchy and how the fuck they even got there in such a short amount of time.
Who's in power? Generally conservative, sexist and homophobic old men.
Troonism offers you a highly sexist conservative view of men and women while also being homophobic. Troonism is promising to turn icky gay people into straight citizens, they're advocating that real women are made by a dress and makeup, and not only that but you get unwanted social groups (minorities, gays, mentally ill people) to BEG you to sterilize them so they can't pass on their own genes. Women beg you to take your lady boner into their private spaces and changing rooms, and you don't even have to transition or shave your beard. It's fucking brilliant for them! Troonism has largely been a men's right activist group since the beginning, they've always been vocal their main enemy has always been terfs, aka feminists. Yet, they get to blame feminists as if they caused it all when it all goes bad.

No. 2315470

Yeah, that actually makes so much sense. No wonder troons hate terfs or just women who don’t abide to them more than anybody else. I never see them hate a man for being “transphobic” as much as they show hatred for “transphobic” women. I also remember a fellow nonna saying before that trannies only “hate” conservatives/right-wingers in name only. I have come to fully realize that gender ideology is actually conservative, but for some reason it’s shown and acted like a “progressive”, “leftist” thing, most likely to trick and deceive people. Just like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I also curiously wonder if gender ideology is actually conservative, then why would conservatives/right-wingers hate it?

No. 2315504

this video i listened to a while back both exposes the issue and touches on the whys a little in laymans terms, but tl;dw lobbying, troon billionaires and a top-down approach (note: moid in vidrel is a gc leftist and not some tradtard). if you want something more in-depth, i remember seeing a more comprehensive article on the matter floating around. i think it was this one by jennifer bilek but im not sure http://www.thelizlibrary.org/liz/Transgender-Astroturfing.pdf

No. 2315512

I can't use this link nonnie, it's a pdf and it won't download

No. 2315528

I can download it fine, I reuploaded it to pixeldrain, does this work? The download button should be on the top right, beside the printer icon

No. 2315538

That worked, thank you anon. I think it's just an issue with my phone.

No. 2315601

>I also curiously wonder if gender ideology is actually conservative, then why would conservatives/right-wingers hate it?
It's basically a different brand of conservative views, they've turned the progressive people so progressive it goes all the way back to being conservative. The right says "women should wear makeup and dresses", while troonism says "wearing makeup and a dress makes you a woman". So they're VERY close in views, they just don't agree on the wording. Normal right leaning people who are not on the extreme ends had a natural protection against the leftist propaganda from the start which is why some of them are able to be against it. While normal leftist people who don't agree weren't allowed to speak against it, or they'd be kicked out of the community - and often they did end up kicked out and called rightist by the left. The top rich right people and extremists can often see that if they just silently support troonism things actually go their way in the end.

No. 2315718

>they've turned the progressive people so progressive it goes all the way back to being conservative
horseshoe theory strikes again

No. 2315777

Considering how many are also anorexics there is a pretty large correlation with autism/self harm/eating disorders and trooning out

No. 2317103

this makes a lot of sense. i think, at the same time though, there's a layer of manipulation coming from the rich old scrotes that most people don't see until it's too late. and we're now at that point with trump's presidential winning, which means that america will no longer be giving out hormones or surgeries to trans people, either completely or make it as difficult to get them as possible. the old scrotes only gave the green light to troonism until women started losing their places in scholarships, leadership roles, private areas like bathrooms and locker rooms, getting cancelled or fired if they are even the lightest bit of gender critical, and of course silencing women from speaking too much about the loss of roe v wade because bringing up biological female bodies is too transphobic.. now that most of the competition from real women have been curtailed thanks to the trannies, the same old rich homophobic scrotes can throw them under the bus and be the ultimate status quo again.

No. 2317107

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(1/2) Comparing incels to radfems, truly a Tumblr moment

No. 2317108

kek that whole spiel about thinking everyone of being evil and wrong while staying insulated in tightly knitted online communities and behaving in cult-like behaviors is quite literally the trans rights movement but okay

No. 2317109

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No. 2317114

I've seen people make this corny ass comparison before and it's always just pathetic. Radfems aren't out there killing people just because they don't fuck kek, and radical feminism is completely different from being an incel, it's literally just about women's rights and oppression from males which is an objective thing that exists, while incels just made up that moids are opressed because some of them don't get pussy or whatever and le women inferior because they said so and to justify their violence, sexual assault and general terrible treatment of women. Yet retards will still act like they're in any way comparable just because muh misandry is just as bad as misogyny type of retarded mentality. Even the most blackpilled doomer radfem isn't as dangerous as the average incel (or hell, even the average man).

No. 2317123

There is A LOT of money behind them. There are a surprising amount of AGP billionaires/millionaires pouring funds into trans orgs, far more than L, G, or B organizations combined. Jennifer Pritzker is the biggest name among them. Here’s a quote from an article about it that I’ll link below.
>The rise of transgenderism is not simply a spontaneous social tsunami that happened organically. A handful of very wealthy activist contributors has funded and nurtured the movement and tried to make it mainstream. I have tracked the flow of the money through public records, charity and foundation filings, and reports from ground-breaking reporting from other journalists, such as Jennifer Bilek. This is only a snapshot of a much larger story.
>Many of the richest contributors were significant donors to LGB organizations long before T was added. Unless a grant is earmarked for trans issues, it is sometimes difficult to determine how much of a gift to an organization such as The Human Rights Campaign, might be put to transgender matters.
>Hundreds of new transgender specific charities and advocacy organizations have opened in the last decade. In 2013, less than $2 million went to groups such as the Trans Justice Funding Project or the Palm Center for Transgender Military Service. Annual contributions to transgender associations surpassed a hundred million dollars by 2020, about eight times faster than the increase for overall LGBT funding.
>The single biggest contributor to the movement is Jennifer Pritzker (formerly James, born male at birth), a cousin of Illinois governor, J. B. Pritzker, and a member of a $37 billon family fortune built from nursing homes and Hyatt hotels. Other key financiers include the Soros family; Warren and Peter Buffett; United Therapeutics CEO, Martine Rothblatt (born male but identifies as a transhuman/transgender woman); software programmer, Tim Gill, the first openly gay man listed on the Forbes 400; Canadian venture capitalist, Mark Bonham; the Tides Foundation creator, Drummond Pike; Jon Stryker, the billionaire heir to the Stryker medical technology company fortune; and the estate of Ric Weiland, who was the second employee at Microsoft.
>Many of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby through their own charitable organizations. They also pass significant money through Pike’s Tides Foundation and other anonymous funding groups. Large corporations, other charities, and individual philanthropists, send money to the Tides Foundation, specify where the funds go, and their gift is then delivered anonymously. The Tides Foundation acts as a combination of a legal firewall and tax avoidance for foundations and the wealthy. A snapshot of the charitable contributions to LGBT foundations in 2020 reveals the largest donor was “anonymous;” $31 million in 112 grants that were disbursed through groups like Tides (the second biggest contributor, at $30 million, was the pharmaceutical firm, Gilead, a pioneer in HIV/AIDs medications).
>These financiers do not simply write checks. Their money almost always comes with conditions. Jennifer Pritzker, for example, gave millions to the University of Minnesota for the creation of a Program of Human Sexuality. The Pritzker Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health at Lurie’s Children Hospital, which includes research for gender non-conforming children, got over $20 million in Pritzker gifts. The University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine was one of the first in the nation to offer a complete series of gender affirming courses. At Canada’s University of Victoria, Pritzker endowed the first ever chair in transgender studies. The University of Toronto got $20 million to create a center for Sexual Diversity Studies. Pritzker wrote a $25 million check to the University of California at San Francisco, and it opened a children’s psychiatric unit that specialized in LGBT care. Besides underwriting major institutional endeavors that further the transgender ideology, Pritzker gives millions in research grants to influential physicians, from Northwestern University’s chief of pediatrics, Cleveland Clinic’s Pritzker Foundation Chair for Functional Medicine, and Baylor University’s Endocrinology chief. When Pritzker gave $25 million to a military academy in Vermont, a faculty member told me it felt as if the directive was to develop a program to “make military transgerderism a reality.”

So not only is there a lot of money behind them, there’s a lot of money to be made from them. Once they start hormones, and especially after surgeries, they become lifelong patients.

No. 2317143

aw you love when people try to use a bunch of big words to sound smart but they actually have not a single thing to point out, feels like i'm reading insecure disorganized gibberish
projection at it's ripest
>where people don't try to gaslight me into questioning these truths
what the fuck are they even saying??

No. 2317180

So it's incel blackpill behavior when women look at history and see that they've been oppressed for millennia and feel down about that, but it's perfectly normal for troons to whinge about genocide when they've existed for less than a hundred years and gotten everything they've asked for in record time.

No. 2318490

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Sorry for venting but a a few years ago I had a male autist troon (non-binary) friend who sexually assaulted me and he turned into a stalker for like 2 years after I finally cut all ties with him. I've been free for like a year (sure hope it stays that way). He was fully aggressively a TRA extremist, he called himself a righteous feminist and called me un-feminist for being anti a group of "women" aka male troons. Lately he's come up in my mind a lot so I can't seem to let it go. I fully think he was being honest and that he as an isolated autist enby troon accepted other troons as a form of women because he literally never had to meet them in person and thus it was easy to pretend that they truly were women. It bothers me not knowing if he'll ever realize what he did to me and other women, that he threw real women under the bus so his fellow men could get into female spaces and pretend to be us. I just so badly want him to one day realize what he did and said was wrong, even if he never admits it out loud. The thought that he's gonna grow old and still insist that rapist men are women just because they said so and that me and every other gc person are still wrong just makes me want to hurl, I can't express enough how much it's truly sickening to me. I don't know why it's suddenly back in my mind and I don't know how to get rid of these thoughts and feelings. If anyone has any tips or ideas please share, I need it all

No. 2318499

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nonna, give me his adress and name, i'm getting my baseball bat ready.

No. 2318546

So basically at the end of the day it’s all about money and capitalism benefits greatly from trannyism (and vice versa). How ironic considering so many so-called socialists and communists support trannyism that it’s a meme now. Kek.

No. 2319068

god i'm so sick of troons ruining every women only gaming discord servers and the handmaidens that allow them in. Why do I have to listen to some man cry about not sounding "girly enough" in vc? Don't even get me started on TIFs crying for a he/him role to be added.

No. 2319223

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Crazy that they make posts like this but can't understand why we find posts about wanting to rape and kill TERFs alarming.

No. 2319317

Wtf is this word? Never heard it in my life, did some Tumblr 16yo come up with it

No. 2319318

Why would a hulking troon be afraid of thembys microdosing T?

No. 2319329

>Tifs should be able to kill trannies because they won't stop being fucking misogynistic towards us

No. 2319330

Extremely mentally ill and deranged subcommunity(?) of TIMs, which is saying a lot considering how psychotic they already are. From my understanding they think masculinity/maleness is basically the root of all evil, so all males should be feminized and turned into trannies like them. They shit on TIFs since they're transitioning into men. Whenever I've come across them it more or less seemed like forcefem fetish shit masked as "radical feminism".

No. 2319336

If he's autistic enough to fall for this shit he's autistic enough to be seriously affected by the shit TIMs say to each other. There are screencaps in the old TIM and gender critical threads of troon Redditors calling themselves trannies, malding openly about how their rotpockets are completely different to real vaginas, getting pissed off that they can be welcomed by all the handmaidens on the planet into any woman's space but they still feel miserable because it's obvious that they're men and these women are only doing it for brownie points. They know they're men and don't belong in women's spaces.
If fellow moids are scary and he only hangs out around women, he'll still be bombarded by reality. It can be a passing comment about men in dresses, a scribbled message on a bathroom mirror, anything, if he can pick up on it you bet your ass he'll freak out about it. Ironically hanging out around handmaidens can make this worse. They can pick up on microaggressions (women pushing their kids away from him, people doing double takes or looking at him funny, the sort of shit he might not notice) and tell him about it so he knows just how oppressed he is. Autists ruminate a lot, he probably thought you were the only person who thought he was a man, and now you're gone and he's still being called sir despite the stripper heels. He's got to be having a hell of a bad time.

No. 2319337

Tifs vs tims has been the big hot discourse on tumblr for quite a while now.
Marginally related i think it's embarrassing that so many women go along with it and willingly emblazon themselves as TME and therefore all potential perpetrators of horrible misogyny against tragic female+ troons. Ironic considering how much troons rally against "men bad" bioessentialism.

No. 2319362

I’m subscribed to a jobmail for a local university and its medical centre. It often feels like half the jobs listed for the university have diversity/intersectionality/inclusion somewhere in the title but this is the first time I came across that in the UMC jobmail: a PhD project in a new research group about Diversity and Inclusion in palliative care. I check it out and the description has a long spiel about the intersectionality of race, religious background, class, gender identity, ‘sex differences’ (which I’m 99,9% sure is being used to refer to DSDs and not sex, which is not listed of course) and poorer quality of care yada yada and then I scroll down to the list of advocacy groups they’re collaborating with and it’s ALL trans or LGBTQI+ groups. I check out the LGBTBBQ. groups and they’re all focused on trans, too.
How many transidentified people are currently dying in hospital that they felt the need to create a whole new research group focusing entirely on this issue? Is this just same old same old “trans most affected” or are they actually dying in droves already?

No. 2319364

It’s easier to work in a field where almost nothing exists. They’re choosing a subject that’s trendy and easier to navigate. It’s pure laziness and downright egotistical to pour so many resources into something that’s essentially fiction.

No. 2319376

Meanwhile at the same university, research into climate change-resistant food crops is being smothered by budget cuts. Dystopian.

I kind of hope you’re right, though, because the alternative is that scores of TIFs (you know it’s gonna be TIFs and not TIMs) are at death’s door as we speak, and that’s only the first wave.

No. 2319422

How the hell did the tifs at my school unironically feel like boys when the entire school especially the boys was violently normie/neurotypical? You're a girl with short dyed hair who likes anime and sits alone on your laptop, how do you feel you're the same as the boys kicking soccer balls on the school oval and playing testicle cum tag in the boys' bathroom and talking about their achievements in their basketball teams outside of school?
Like my question is just how do tifs come to life even in that environment where they're nothing like boys? None of the "trans boys" would even go near a real boy. I get it comes from not feeling like a girl, but even autistic and ethnic me when I was 14 who didn't feel girly at all as a result just decided I didn't feel girly and suffered but never felt like a scrote.

No. 2319440

Their nonsense about girly voices is part of what peaked me because I have a deeper voice for a woman yet kept seeing them talk about how they need to make their voice girly and kawaii uwu to be female. They don't even seem to realize most women don't naturally sound like an anime character.

No. 2319443

I remember hating my naturally low voice (accentuated by my ethnic accent so I don't sound like a high pitched cartoon fairy too) as a little girl and now seeing moids attempt to have the same issue is just tiring.

No. 2319449

Thanks to this thread for introducing me to these guys… blanchardians are a bizarre little niche.

No. 2319452

Yeah, it just feels insulting.

No. 2319498

they never actually talk to real boys so they have an idealized soft boy version in their head, and when more tifs troon out and they're just like them (because they're girls) they take that as confirmation they're "just like the other boys"

No. 2319510

The idea that transmisogyny is the worst oppression to ever exist and can only be experienced by males, therefore females have privilege, especially TIFs since they're female "men"


No. 2319557

I swear there always has to be a “fan theory” somewhere in a piece of media like a movie or a kids cartoon that a character is possibly transgender because trannies love to shove themselves into literally everything. One of my favorite childhood movies has been affected by this, the 2003 movie “Holes”. Apparently there is a theory that the character Mr. Sir is actually transgender only because he has a name that’s “traditionally for girls”, which is Marion.

No. 2319578

Nonnas, I need someone to talk. I have a classmate (adult education, software developement) who is 25 I am significantly older. We sit next to each other and vibe on some level with each other. I came to talk to him about his partner, I assumed was a woman, because he dated women before. But he told me it was a man. And I asked, if it works (well). And he said, yes, surprisingly, well. The whole time I was imagine him with a man, and it was kind of strange to wrap my head around, but I was happy for him. His boyfriend is 29 nearly 30. Well, last Friday, after school we went into the same direction and he met with his boyfriend at the same bus stop I would wait for the bus. His boyfriend is a GIRL. A woman with shortish hair styled up like a mohawk without it being an actual mohawk cut). I just saw her for a short moment. Now I know why this relationship works so nice for him. I am just… I swear this school class. We also had a TIM, stereotypical software dev tim with frizzy hair and the occasional kawaii school uniform dress. Was still very young and took transitioning actually serious (medically, not looks-wise). He was focused solely on himself and trains, kek, didn't give sex pest. That's what happens when young people are terminally online and getting groomed in trans spaces.
I have the impression, from my interactions with him, that my classmate with the "boyfriend" just prefers being dominated by women. Of course, he will respect her chosen pronouns then, lol.

No. 2319581

Why Dakota, why not Arkansans?

No. 2319583

Every "Andrea" in Italy is trans, got it.

No. 2319587

>likes anime and sits alone on your laptop
They’re probably engrossed in media and fandom 24/7 and their idea of ‘boys’ comes from whatever media they consume, not actual male humans in real life. These girls often have an idealised view of men and boys based purely on fiction and tend to identify more strongly with fictional characters than with real people.

I’m surprised he actually pretends she’s a man when she’s not around to hear it. Most men I know who’ve dated TIFs don’t bother playing along when their girlfriend or her friends aren’t around to witness it, like at best they’ll call a he/him ‘they’ and at worst they simply use female pronouns. Could it be he thinks you’re a TRA?
>just prefers being dominated by women
Maybe, but in my experience TIFs tend to be even more meek and submissive than normal women. Even the ones who get off on using their identity to bully others will almost exclusively pick on other women this way.

No. 2319693

He is a very insecure guy and just wants to be liked. So, he is doing the "right" thing, in respecting her chosen pronouns, I guess. The very short moment seeing her, gave me the impression she was a bit aggressive. But maybe she tried to seem "manly", idk. If you would see her, you wouldn't think she presented as a TIF. More like a mega edgy woman (being aggressive and edgy are not signs of a secure individual, if you think that was my thought/impression). I would consider that the common TIF could be perceived as a butch lesbian, if she prefers women. She was different, and she prefers men. I hope, he doesn't think to troon out himself.

No. 2319731

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>troons headcanoning an 11 year boy in baggy clothing as being trans/enby
It's funny how clueless they are about how creepy this comes off

No. 2319755

Well, there are TIMs and TIFs in nursing homes freaking out about their missing dicks and breasts and getting upset when the staff use the wrong pronouns instead of the correct, twansphobic ones. Old fetishists with dementia forget that they're really a woman/boi/genderless gremblin gorblino and live their last days out in a nightmare of their own making. I predict that we'll be seeing a lot more of that.
The issues unique to the trans community also play a big part. Like dying from surgery complications after trying to attach a rolled up piece of arm flesh to the mons pubis to pretend it's a dick. Or getting some horrendous infection after jamming a dilator too hard into a rotpocket and letting shit leak through. Or having serious issues with health from prolonged hormone use and puberty blockers. A lot of trans deaths are from being hit with the reality train and then roping, but so many more deaths are caused by the pure bullshit these people are doing to their own bodies. Not to mention that a lot of the trans community could really benefit from the help of a psychiatrist and maybe CPS, and the many, many unaddressed issues they have can contribute significantly to the presence of trans people in palliative care.

No. 2319758

>troons not being creepy and pedophilic towards children challenge impossible

No. 2319786

>underfed preteen boy forced to wear his spoiled fat cousin’s oversized hand-me-downs because his abusive aunt and uncle refuse to buy him clothes of his own
>gendies: is this a lesbian???

No. 2319857

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my sister is a veterinary and a friend from highschool she hasn't spoken to is years dm'd her to ask her to cut his balls as this retard think it's the same as castrating a dog. The tranny has been so desperate he has mutilitated his balls in hope to get a free sex change in the hospital, i hope he dies trying to cut his dick in his kitchen

No. 2319862

>Never has an eleven year old boy looked so lesbian
It would cost them zero dollars to stop doing whatever the fuck this is.

No. 2319866

They said it like they thought that's never been said before and not a huge stereotype.

No. 2319867

>pretty woman with luscious, deliberately styled feminine hair
>cleavage-baring top
>im a man

okay. Her insistence she's a a bloke reminds me of pt kek

No. 2319874

I know that this would be a better reply in the hidden board but I need more insight on this phenomenon: Did you have a friend/saw someone close who totally (and I mean totally) wasn't into this shit, or even better, made fun of troons when tumblr and engaged in dank memes/gendie humor when it was around (Did you just assume my gender?? type of 2016 shit) and now they're pushing 30 and fell into this shit? Because yeah I can excuse a single friend being secretely mentally ill but now more and more people are talking about discovering their "true" selves. Is it some sort of hysteria? I can get it in younger people: they want attention and community, primordial needs but younger to middle millennials? They lived throught the insanity of what tumblr was, saw countless gender stuff and always made fun of it and then bam, post covid they're changing pronouns, taking hormone blockers and talking about "respect". I get it, you can grow, you can mature and cringe at your old self, fine, but at almost 30 you have to have a crumble of common sense and think about shit, I cannot believe that so many are falling into the troon pipeline. Or maybe I'm just sad, because I saw some old pictures and this friend, who I loved so much, who was a nice guy, slim and funny now it's a fat blob with moobs and poorly applied lipstick and unsufferable personality. It's horrible but I'm wondering if this troon shit hooks itself at already weak individuals or it's just the more exposure phenomenon, on the same level that when you saw a product too much on ads, your brain wants it or to escape the past?

No. 2320027

Midlife crisis? 30 year olds nowadays still struggle to find affordable housing, jobs in the areas they want to work in, they have way less savings than their parents' generation, there's a loneliness problem among everyone of all ages and both genders plus everyone being terminally online makes it easier for a depressed 30 year old to get bombarded with a bunch of ice cold takes from retarded teens who think that being a butch nonbinary male-presenting lesbian but with a vagina has fixed all of their woes. So they troon out hoping that this will give them a new direction in life, instead of buying a sports car or getting regrettable implants. It doesn't work out but the cult has a hold on them by the time they realize that and the sunk cost is too much, or they burned all their bridges and feel stuck.

No. 2320033

My friend and crush has an appointment to start T now. This happens every time I let myself start falling for someone. Being a lesbian in current year is fucking bleak.

No. 2320034

I think it's just that the more desperate and mentally ill a person is, the more likely it is that they're sold a lie and their age doesn't matter that much. If you're depressed for any reason and people around you keep going "we know why you're depressed/unhappy and we have the only cure to it" they're gonna take the bait.

No. 2320035

Ew, frankly that should be reported as sexual harassment and as him being a physical threat to himself.

No. 2320040

It's just the porn addiction they leaned into during covid. Happened to a moid I was friends with for 8 years.

No. 2320348

Yes, I knew a bunch of people like this, except this happened to them even quicker than the pandemic hitting. As soon as the edgelord stuff in 2016 wasn't trendy anymore, so around like 2018-2019, they all suddenly started saying they've changed and started to hate their past "evil" selves, but the pandemic does seem to have intensified that stuff in general. It's like all of a sudden there was this shift where the correct take became doing the exact opposite of before, so not being edgy at all, not being bigoted and so on, which sounds good on paper, but it was taken way too far and we ended up with all this insanity being validated instead, this idea that if you counter how anyone else feels no matter how stupid it is, you're evil. It feels like an overcompensation for the edgy phase before. I also think it's basically people not having any ideals of their own so they latch onto whatever is trendy at the moment, and it feels kinda blackpilling to think so many people just…Don't have that for themselves, like their moral compass hinges on whatever is fed to them through social media. It confused me too and still does, since I'd chat with them and we were on the same page for trans stuff only for them to become like this, while I never really changed because my morals aren't based on whatever is popular to think online at any given time. Like, of course I've grown over time and become more knowledgeable and evolved my views, but never really in the same way as them where they just seem to have moved sides to whatever will gain them the most social brownie points online without considering if it's actually good or not. The biggest proof of this for me is when these people aren't good human beings in every area of their life but still virtue signal a lot, like being a piece of shit that treats others poorly but they're still on social media sucking trans cock. It's like they use it as a replacement for actually being a good person and think that's good enough, so it doesn't matter to them very much what it is or if it's actually good or not, what matters is that they are seen as a good person, hence why they were able to switch sides like that and call you an insane bigot anytime you question anything. It just feels like watching a person become religious and then calling everyone else evil and uneducated, I know I got that from those types of people. I agree that it also has to do with mid life crisis like >>2320027 said, as well as there just being a lot of men who basically absorbed feminism stuff in all the wrong ways, where instead of it making them want to be a better man and not hurt women, they'd rather just stop being men entirely like cowards, so they don't have to change their actions or take any responsibility. That and just wanting to live out their fetishes without any repercussions too, which all this libfem talk about porn being empowering and good just emboldened. None of them want to grow up and become men so they went the route of becoming trans instead to try to escape it even though at the end of the day they're still men and only harming women even more, despite pretending to be soo much more educated than when they were a bigoted misogynist in their edgy years.

No. 2320419

I don’t even know where to start with this one.

No. 2320485

>shorts my mum saw my female friend wearing so it's ok for me to wear (i actally really like them though
how do tifs simultaneously claim clothes have no gender and often embrace being "gnc trans femboys" but also experience crises over liking a pair of shorts that happened to be from the womens' section. jesus christ

No. 2320612

I’m starting to have a suspicious feeling that my lesbian best friend of like 13 years is going to eventually turn into a gendie. Me and her usually send funny stuff to each other but a lot of the “funny” stuff she sends has to do with they/them shit or whatever genderwoo, especially here recently it seems. Idk it’s hard to explain, but it just makes me a bit worried since lesbians are increasingly going extinct.

No. 2320672

Maybe try to talk to her if she feels lost or so. Idk how old you are, but as anon mentioned, a quarterlife crisis can mess you up. Tell her you feel/felt lost, too. And if she opens about her having gender concerns try to answer/help as most realistic as possible. Like, that it normal to feel like this as a woman, that a lot of women go through this. Because of how the world is for women and having to feel like a second class citizen. That wearing non conforming clothes is absolutely fine and a way to express yourself and male/female (clothes, fragrances, haircuts,…) are just labels. I usually would suggest visiting a doc and psychologist but yeah, atm, maybe not the best solution if she is unsure about her gender identity. Talk with her, how men act and think (idk if you date men or not) and if she really thinks the same way. And she has to reflect what the root cause of her thoughts are. Fe. if you feel you don't belong to other women as a group, maybe there is some trauma going on. Listen to her and don't diminish her feelings but answer as rational as possible. This also means, that you have to let go of the fear, that you will lose her, at least as long as you talk about her feelings/thoughts. And try to get her out of the online trans echo chambers, so that she can at least entertain a different perspective.

No. 2320731

I started spending more time on this one website for people struggling with severe depression and felt so understood, there's a lot of autistics too and talking there feels better than therapy sometimes. But then I noticed more and more that it's flooded with trannies, and to add to that one mod is extremely behind them and gave me warnings two times, once for stupidly trying to help somebody and pointing out their emotions might have gotten out of control because of taking estrogen and second one for disagreeing on something with a bpd mtf. It ruined the entire site for me and I'm so pissed. I wish they'd go complain about their issues on dedicated sites instead of flooding every place with their agenda. It's disturbing that they can openly wish the worst and a-log about people who disagree with their ideology and mods protect them, but I get a warning for suggesting something might be harmful out of concern for vulnerable people. Fuck this shit

No. 2320742

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tif friend admitted she has been having an identity crisis for some time now, and wants to talk to me and a couple of other friends about it tomorrow. Here's to hoping she's thinking of detransing and not that she is thinking of another wardrobe change!

No. 2320761

Just a curious thought, but do you nonnas think that all this genderwoo shit will eventually come to an end or won’t be as popular and that people will finally realize how stupid they were in supporting or defending it and that trannies will become the laughing stock of society again? Or is that being too optimistic? Idk I’m just trying not to go too deep into the doomer mindset kek.

No. 2320767

I hope that after more people get surgeries and drugs that mess with hormones and experience side effects the more awareness there will be and the public opinion will eventually shift. It has to end some day, maybe some new movement starts like post genderism kek.

No. 2320770

That sucks, you didn't even do anything wrong. Going to a place like that and just seeing trans people being annoying would make anyone even more depressed than they already are from having to deal with them. You could be the nicest person and they'll just spin it as bigotry every time if it doesn't match their agenda.
I think it will come to an end eventually because it's simply not sustainable long term, everyone knows men are men and women are women and this is just a trendy fad. Once it stops being as popular and something else replaces it I think it'll go back to how it was before with these people existing but being a lot rarer and out of the spotlight. My main concern at this point is just how long it's gonna take, I'm tired of waiting this out but it does feel inevitable.

No. 2320790

Absolutely. Women are more wary than ever of men, so there's more backlash against TIMs. I've seen women turn against TIFs for being gender traitors, accuse them of being misogynists, exclude them from female spaces which you'd think they would want but they don't. Trannies thrive on muh suffering but only the kind that happens in their minds not IRL, they're not happy about the pushback. The Cass report happened, puberty blockers are banned in the UK for under 18s, more and more people are untrooning and talking about how insane the cult is, moids like Honter are looking suspiciously male despite the bolt ons to the point where even faceblind normies notice it, and Ellen Page is a joke. The amount of TIMs going around in public is enough to peak normies just by seeing them, troons are accepted based on the lie that they're really the opposite gender and you can't tell but seeing a hulking hon in what moids think is girl clothes stomping around really shows that trans women do not pass at all and are extremely male. I'm not that sober so sorry if this doesn't make sense. I've seen a few TRA friends post gendercritical stuff but passed off as not gendercritical, like how TIF health is seen as less of a priority than TIM health, TIMs speak at women's events but TIFs don't speak at men's events, talking about the lack of research into women's issues, that sort of stuff, it's like they're peaking but veeeery slowly. Nobody likes troons IRL. Control freaks, hysterical crybabies, bullshit everything to get what they want, backstab everyone all the time, talk shit then cry when confronted. They stick to the internet because nobody can stand those fuckers IRL. They need to control something so they mod chatrooms and develop EDs. The more crazy a troon is online the more hated they are IRL, and the closer they are to either detrooning or roping. They are reaching their mental limits now that lockdown is over and the hormones have not done magic, the mirror and the public don't lie.

No. 2320795

Extremely well said. I personally don't have anything against transgenders at all. Body modifications and identities don't phase me. But the cult mindset on how it affects our friends truly breaks my heart. They become angry yet sensitive at the same time. They discard everyone who loves them. Their own people make them look like a joke with neopronouns and new keywords coming out every week. You're constantly walking on eggshells not to offend them and lose them forever. Once they alienated their whole support system, and damage their bodies with hormonal therapy and end up not looking like what they expected. Then what? How soon until a huge wave of women getting top surgery regret it and cry about the decisions they made online?

No. 2320813

I think troonism as a mainstream thing supported by major medical organizations will end but that it will keep existing in new agey pseudoscience circles. Same thing that happened with multiple personalities and repressed memories.

No. 2320820

>I'm not that sober so sorry if this doesn't make sense
Nonnie, it makes perfect sense, kek.

No. 2320882

Yes but it’ll go out with a whimper, not a bang. You can’t just demand and demand increasingly invasive things from regular people without pushback. The Achilles heel of trannies is that they’re more annoying than they’re vulnerable, and everyone eventually gets fed up with annoying people and stops entertaining them. Institutionally it’s already being questioned and anecdotically I have seen a tick-up in how ok it is to make fun of the histrionic behavior of trannies. It took an entire decade of escalating insanity to get to this point though so don’t be surprised if it takes another decade to snuff it all out. I also don’t think it will disappear entirely it will just be a well understood and mocked crazy minority like anti vaxxers or flat earthers.

No. 2321036

it's so weird when "cis" people are so invested and involved in calling "transphobic" behavior in other cis people when they have nothing to gain, aka a trans relative or partner. for example, i have an online friend that occasionally points fingers at the sooper evil transphobic jokes, or says that x character would be so much better as trans, or makes the kind of jokes you'd expect of a gendie, not a regular cis genderconforming straight guy. he probably has bigger fish to fry, as we all do, so i wonder what does he expect with being an ally? and he doesn't give me any "egg" vibes fortunately, if i were to tell he's probably trying to impress someone. he's a pretty average moid, and the average moid doesn't just fight for a social reason out of the sheer kindness of his heart.

No. 2321052

Why are trannies so bad at picking names? If this is your new super cool identity, shouldn't you really think about your name before transitioning?
In my uni field there's plenty of TIFs and a small minority of TIMs, recently I found out the deadnames of 3 of them:
Sara -> Sam
Charlotte -> Charlie
Marie -> Victor

Outside of the last one, it's just lazy and those 3 are common nicknames for women, so I have no idea why they're so surprised whenever they get misgendered cuz they sure as hell don't look like men and they chose names who don't remind anyone of men. I'm suspecting the one who changed her name to Victor did it cuz of Arcane cuz I know she loves that show but I have no proof about it, it's just a feeling I have.
And the other trannies in my field have ridiculous names as well, like Zaac, Aodren, Echo, Eden… All real names they call themselves. Like really why, this is the same as picking whatever tattoo and not caring if it looks stupid on your body (now thinking about it, a lot of them have ugly tattoos and piercings so I guess it's consistent). If you're gonna troon out, spend more than 5 minutes thinking about your retarded new name.

No. 2321053

Because they've been memed into thinking the hypothetical tranny in the room's feelings are worth more than your actual, real feelings in the situation. Like how some people get really riled up over how you're transphobic for not wanting to date a tranny, no matter how gently explain why it wouldn't work out for you.
When they flail around like your friend does it kinda makes me feel like they're doing it out of guilt, like they're overcompensating for their own passing "transphobic" thoughts and feelings, and instead leaning into and exploring those thoughts and feelings they overcorrect. Like how everyone tried to overcorrect anything slightly racist in the 2000's.

No. 2321262

Your friend could also possibly be a chaser. Might be considered reaching, but I can’t help but get highly suspect when an “average straight cis gender-conforming” moid defends trannies like that or talks about them in such a way, like a character would be “so much better” trans or something.

No. 2321266

He's either a chaser or using transphobia accusations as an excuse to shit on women/people he's jealous of.

No. 2321285

seconding this. i know hes your friend and not ours, but regular straight men will just never mention troons out of the blue like that. hes either an "egg" getting groomed on preddit or a chaser.

No. 2321312

Thanks nonna. It sucks, I've seen people ruin their lives over this many times myself. I think there's already more detransitioners today than a few years ago, but still doesn't seem like enough to stop this unfortunately.
Like other nonnas said he's probably a chaser if he's not an egg himself. And if he's not either of those then he's probably just trying to look like he's a good person and following the crowd. I know guys like this, one gives me the likely to troon out vibe and the other seems like a chaser.

No. 2321362

i've posted before about how my boyfriends sister is a TIF and on a waiting list to get a frankendick, but today was wild. For months now i've been hearing about his sister's boyfriend and all I knew was the boyfriend was muslim. And i was surprised because what muslim man is going to want to date a TIF.
Anyway, I met the "boyfriend" this morning. The "boyfriend" is a TIF as well, idk why I didn't expect that. She even has blue hair.
And I accidentally found a comically large buttplug in his sister's bedroom drawer while looking for something. It's so surreal getting an in depth glimpse at this.

No. 2321385

Lol, welcome to the club, I posted a few days ago about a classmate with a boyfriend and me believing he was suddenly bi. Then I saw the boyfriend. It is a woman.
It's nuts.

No. 2321852

Always hilarious how every troon (especially AGPs) is indistinguishable in their speech and behaviors from the regular male coomer despite crying about how they have a ~female soul~. They're just so incredibly male in every single way, can't go one day without posting coomshit like every other degenerate male but they'll still pretend they're not like the other men kek.

No. 2321857

He is going to troon out or he’s into shemales, aka a chaser faggot.

No. 2321860

>Comically large buttplug
Kekkk now I want to know the scale

No. 2322002

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It will go out the same way kink Tumblr and ddlg Tumblr did. There were hundreds of ddlg blogs and even more Instagram accounts. A little after the "no kink shaking!!" era, these accounts were disappearing and getting abandoned as so many people involved were being told that their boyfriends were pedophiles and they were being disgusting trying to act like babies while trying to be seductive. Now you hear nothing from the community. The only people left that practice ddlg openly on social media isn't "daddieskttenuwu" it's back to being "subqueen1989" with a private account with a link to their FetLife in bio.

This gender ideology trend will be no different and be for sure a whimper. Accounts will be wiped, people will avoid talking about it, and they will call everyone who is still trans an age player. Maybe a few "being trans ruined my life" people crying about their own actions

No. 2322108

I don't care if it's a force of habit, the moment I hear anyone say c*s I just tune everything they say afterwards out

No. 2322184

svu needs to stop making tranny episodes. Like there is no way in hell the six foot tranny with linebacker shoulders and a caveman brow was the uguu sad wittle victim of rape who just wants to pee. Get real. I miss transphobic olivia from the early seasons

No. 2322295

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Putting this on the list of things that never happened, also tras clearly don't know their enemy and I find this shit so funny

No. 2322315

>idea that someone would fight that hard to be a woman
She probably cried from laughter kek

No. 2322376

anyone else feel a bit flattered about trannies existing?
it's kind of nice knowing thousands of people (derange but still) would kill to be me
like i'm just an average girl hanging out making putting 0 effort in my appearance while some people have to devote years of their lives and thousands of money to try and be me
idk.. kind of crazy to me

No. 2322381

I've never actually believed the whole "they'd kill to be me (average woman)" thing. I don't think they'd kill to be me, they'd kill to be some pornified version of me kek.

No. 2322384

Now realize that what you just described doesn’t just stop at trannies. It extends to all men, past and present.

No. 2322390

How did it go anon?

No. 2322417

Not really, but it’s because trannies have skinwalked me so I just find it unnerving. They don’t really want to be me but whatever weird version they have created in their head. It’s demeaning at best and terrifying at worst.

No. 2322513

Like other nonnas said, they mostly just want to become the pornified version of us in their head, I don't think they want to live the life of an average or even below average woman because to them it's like we don't exist, they see women as only being a set of stereotypes and pornified ideas they have in their head. They would hate to actually have to exist as an average woman despite all their whining otherwise.

That said, I do find it funny how so many men claim women (or what they think a woman is) are inferior but then they end up wanting to become what they supposedly hate, the incel to troon pipeline is hilarious. They spend all day hating women and projecting only to troon out and wish they were the thing they hate. There is also a certain feeling of "lmao look at these losers who desperately wish they had body parts I naturally have" to it, so I think I get what you're saying.

No. 2322538

No, they don’t troon out because they love women so much and admire us so much. They literally troon out because they’re either so misogynistic and can’t cope with being faggots that take it up their ass that they delude themselves that they’re women (HSTS) , since you know, only women are the ones getting fucked or they watch so much porn they end up developing a fetish (Transbians and AGPs).
They repulse me profoundly each and any of them, there are no good trannies out there because they’re all cut from the same cloth.

No. 2322732

no these men are still raping and abusing their female partners and women in their social circles, as well as bullying lesbians into sleeping with them

No. 2322783

that's like asking if any women feel flattered by catcalling. no, i don't like being perceived and treated as a fetish object whose primary purpose is men's sexual gratification

No. 2322833

If they envied us out of genuine respect and admiration maybe I'd feel this way, but they don't. They're either incels who think we have easy privileged lives or pervs who think being female is inherently degrading and get off to it because they have humiliation fetishes or both.

No. 2322992

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I'm tired of gendieshit jumpscares in books. There's so many nowadays. I'll just randomly start reading something that seems interesting and then boom random gender nonsense. So far, this happened in Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and literary fiction. I'm reading a short story collection with a friend and one of them is about being genderqueer and I have no idea what I'm going to say to her when we get to that one.

No. 2323025

File: 1735335804584.gif (2.39 MB, 498x270, tenor-4151637734.gif)

>at the holiday christmas party
>former co-worker/tenuous friend mentions her niece's budding "queerness"
>proceeds to explain that her niece wants to go by they/them pronouns and a different name. also wants to wear boy clothes. decided she was a theybie because the internet "inspired" her and her friends reaffirmed it over and over. the aforementioned co-worker proceeds to say she is helping her niece have a smooth "transition" and won't tell her parents about "their little secret"
>i ask how old the kid is
>twelve years old
>mfw preteen girls can't just wear comfortable boy clothes without having gendie retards shove bullshit onto them

No. 2323030

autists love sci-fi and escapism through fantasy also goes along with escaping your problems through identifying as trans
>literary fiction
trans is in vogue and the most interesting thing these people have going for them, they have nothing to say otherwise

No. 2323035

None of the authors of the books I've complained about are trannies though. It's both male and female authors as well. It's just fucking everywhere

No. 2323038

Blackpilled again

No. 2323042

When I was 12 I wore my dad’s old clothes because I was too fat for my sister’s. Good god I would’ve been forced to become a tranny or walk around with my flat tits out.

No. 2323050

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>“When it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents would prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline”
I mean, sexuality is always hard to talk about when you have children, but I don't blame them for speaking about transgenderism or the cult behind it, when there are people in Internet telling to minors that daddy or mommy doesn't love you for not being in HTR or T in such young age or "you're already trans if you think so".

No. 2323053

Any sane woman would be grossed out to find how men want to experience periods, genital mutilation, "girly childhood" and more under the pretext "I want to feel like a real woman", when we know is for fetish reasons. That mom probably cried because her daughter is an idiot.

No. 2323054

This is the second time you've typed it like this. It's "HRT" retard. It stands for "hormone replacement therapy."

No. 2323056

Anonymously tell the parents. I'm serious. Used a burner e-mail or something. This is grooming.

No. 2323057

The key is to read something written before 2010, nona

No. 2323060

People born with cocks need to shut up about womanhood, actually, since they do not and will never experience it no matter how hard they LARP. "Transmisogyny," is just homophobia, because people see a moid in a dress and just assume he's a fag.

No. 2323061

kek, I like how she starts the video with "minus stuff my mom bought me to make me dysphoric" meanwhile all the stuff she got are the most female-coded things. Do they ever think about if any cis men are getting bath bombs, "queer coded" literature and pretty boy cosplays for christmas?

Off topic but, I'm suprised her room doesn't elicit dysphoria either. How many men have photo collage walls in their room? These mofos always have the most feminine mannerisms for people claiming to be men lol.

No. 2323062

I think it will die off gradually, the way the hippie movement and recovered memory did.

No. 2323065

It's virtue signaling or the person is a future troon himself.

No. 2323069

oh in that case it still applies, as trans people are big in the online sci-fi/fantasy communities so these authors can get readers and also not make be as big targets for harassment. And the same goes with literary fiction, no one wants to tackle anything of substance about today's society so they write nonsense about gender identity instead.

No. 2323076

I wonder if it's the same anon who keeps typing 3DPG kek
I didn't want to say anything because I don't want to be mean and she didn't do anything wrong but now that someone else mentioned it, her typing style is so recognizable, in particular her atrocious use of prepositions

No. 2323087

I hope you don't work in organic chemistry, kek.

No. 2323088

Because a man fought to be a woman, woman are worth being… Cute.

No. 2323093

Personally I think a lot of male supporters get off on knowing they're making women uncomfortable. They get to boss people around with pronoun correction and shove male fetishism in peoples faces with minimal consequence. It's a power rush. Once I observed male friend groups who don't identify as trans pulling this shit, about how they hoped a trans woman would be "more masculine" in order to "make transophobes uncomfortable" it all clicked to me.

No. 2323181

I got kicked out of my nail polish group for saying men aren't lesbians. I want to go nuclear.

No. 2323206

what were you looking through her drawers for, hmm?

No. 2323234

This is the worst. I'm sorry you dealt with that bs. Truth is now condemned by these pick me bitches.

No. 2323238

Do you think Ellen page will detrans or 41% in 2025?

No. 2323245

I can't believe SVU is still going. I cannot fathom why any woman wants to watch a show soley based on sexual crimes. I only saw a few episodes years ago, and one of them was a tranny killed a man who found out he was a dude at a party. He didnt want to get 'outed' then the tranny got sentenced to a male prison and gang raped. kek

No. 2323246

Buy older books. Anything before 2012 really doesnt have gender bullshit. Most of my books are Tolkien or Stephan King.

No. 2323255

For 2025 I hope that my TIF coworker detransitions and that my TIM coworker quits and/or kills himself.

No. 2323271

File: 1735348476343.png (207.53 KB, 633x827, terf.png)

>TERFs hate trans women because they hate all women and womanhood itself.
No, we hate them because they're moids trying to appropriate stuff they don't belong to.

No. 2323279

The original post is really sweet when you’re a young, naive “ally” and don’t realize it’s a fetish for so many of them.

No. 2323288

I think she'll double down on the trooning and make a million movies and documentaries about how hormones saved her from being a lesbian. Then when tranny shit is well and truly forgotten about she'll either quietly detrans.
I think she was on the verge of suicide long before she trooned out, and if she doesn't get therapy she's going to eventually 41%, but I don't think it'll be any time soon. She's been in the middle of a very long mental breakdown for years, the trooning is just another stage of it. When/if she detranses she's probably going to join another cult.

No. 2323292

whats womanhood? high heels and make up? because moids cannot experience true womanhood, which is painful and not sold at wallmart in a sparkly pink package

No. 2323296

>"my mom thinks transwomen are empowering because they broke her cycle of internalized misogyny!"
I'm trusting my intuition that this just never happened at all. This stems from projection, partially made up on the spot, and is thinly disguised as a "point" to throw at a group of women they do not understand.

No. 2323408

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ayrt its one of the main shows they play at the blood donor clinic by my house and now im invested. it’s also good background noise for when im working. Unrelated to you but kek to this being in my recommended tab

No. 2323439

Oooooh encourage him to make a photo collage of his transition timeline! Face and body pics! Himself in his dream outfits now vs in 6 months! He'll be thrilled with your idea and you'll be thrilled with the results.
Not sure how you can help your TIF coworker, but I hope her brain cells start to function soon.

No. 2323463

>Nobody adores gender stereotypes and performing hyperfemininity like a transwoman and nobody will fight as hard for it
>We're the best possible allies you could have against the patriarchy
Male moment

No. 2323519

"Nobody adores disability like an unemployed munchie scammer and nobody will fight as hard for it. They're the best possible allies you could have against ableism."

No. 2323520

No. 2323533

The stereotypical trappings of womanhood that moids can perform don’t need to be fought for. They’re backed by multibillion dollar industries. Call me when a transwoman does something for the half of the population that gets fucked over every which way on the basis of their reproductive system.

No. 2323537

It's probably because the criminals are clearly portrayed as the bad guys and the whole main cast hates them and often succeeds in catching them so it might be cathartic to the women who watch it

No. 2324162

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I saw picrel while on a walk. It's just blatant misogyny, like the trannies are not even pretending anymore. And this cultist dogma is inescapable–I was out in nature when I saw this ffs. I took it down but it must have been there for awhile bc the text of the sticker left a residue on the metal ugh

No. 2324223

>A sticker for those who have run out of words for the insane stupidity of pretending men can be women.
You removed a terf sticker. LMAO

No. 2324224

They need to make better stickers

No. 2324226

Nta but I don't get the point then? I know it's probably meant to be black propaganda, but even then it doesn't really work for me. It just looks like a typical feel good slogan that troons use, something handmaidens would eat up. It doesn't make me angry enough to be considered good black propaganda. Maybe a better way to do it would be "MEN ARE BETTER AT BEING WOMEN THAN WOMEN" because then it would add a lot more overt misogyny and help the handmaidens to come out of their delusions.

No. 2324228

one of the art nonas should design a better sticker lol

No. 2324233

I feel like this could have been done better, because I only got sexism and not terfy vibes from the sticker.

No. 2324234

Kekk. If it would air now the trannies would seethe and call it transphobic

No. 2324249

TIFs who are overwhelming oldest (firstborn) daughters almost always proceed to destroy their bodies with their little sisters enabling this bullshit, but TIFs who have older sisters, their older sisters are almost always against it for whatever reason, including non gender-critical ones (e.g. i want her to be a cute little sister not some masculine woman like me). What is this phenomenon?

No. 2324257

I have no suitable pics but here's an article i came across
Can't help to wonder what if in a given family with a "Bacha Posh", one of the OTHER daughters come out as trans? This ain't addressed but it's thought worthy.

No. 2324265

Bacha posh isn't comparable to troonism. The societies in which bacha posh happens aren't infected with troon ideology.

No. 2324268

Idk how you could confuse it for being pro-tranny, when would they EVER admit to being men?

The target audience of that sticker is most likely offline normies, not radfems or troons. A normie is gonna see it and go "wtf that's dumb, is that what transgenderism is all about??" and be turned off the entire concept.

No. 2324272

I mean my point was originally in extreme cases where families with one daughter raised as a boy to whatever extent (can even be simple examples such as given duties in the household reserved for boys etc.), what if the daughter who ISN'T the one raised as a boy comes out as TIF.

No. 2324278

it's just a little unclear, I've definitely heard trannies say how "girls with penises are better than c*ssies!!" and the sticker 100% sounds like something a chaser would say lol

No. 2324283

But its probably something created by a moid to troll troons

No. 2324286

File: 1735432441852.png (184.09 KB, 1028x574, sticker ideas.png)

>When would they ever admit to being men
It's pretty common line in pro-troon spaces online, stuff like "men are better women," "boys are better at being girls," etc., I see it a lot from edgy zoomer troons especially.

I just don't think it works as a piece of black propaganda because it's not as overt as it should be. Most normies would see that and think "aw, so brave and stunning! I will now take the knee for this byootiful hon!" because normies are brain dead, that's the whole reason why the troon cult became so successful to begin with. If you want to make a good piece of black propaganda, it has to be more overt and inspire more rage.

I only spent <5 minutes making picrel, but I think these stickers would be better because they're more rage-inducing. You want the audience to be angry or upset by the propaganda, that way they can abandon the troon cult quicker. It's not enough to confuse, the audience must be angered.

No. 2324292

Speaking as a former handmaiden who had tranny friends they do genuinely think and speak like this. I’ve heard stupid shit like this with retarded reasoning like they appreciate being a woman more than actual women therefore do it better. Sorry sis this sticker just doesn’t get the point across that it wants to.

No. 2324300

Fair enough, lets say trannies do say things like that. But then wouldn't that make the sticker more effective? As I said, I assume it's intended for normies who don't really know anything about gender ideology, not as an empowering message to GC women. An average person sees a man claiming hes better at being a woman than a woman, and they're gonna find it offensive, bizarre or amusing. They're not going to be like 'so true, I'm definitely in favour of trannies now'. They're gonna be very much against it. Nobody but trannies could see that as a positive message, it makes them look extremely bad.

The biggest thing troons have in their favour is that most people genuinely don't know how bad they are, that's the only reason they get away with it despite 99% of people knowing that men cant become women. They force team with legit causes (gay rights), they play innocent with 'we just want to pee!', they let people think they're all just effeminate gay men who are no danger to anyone. If you really think about it, the best campaign against trannies would be for their words to be used against them so everyone can see what they're really like.

No. 2324369

>Idk how you could confuse it for being pro-tranny
If I saw it in the wild I'd think it was a forcefem sissy fetish thing. Troons used to claim those people were chasers fetishising them but most troons seem to support them now and consider them eggs.

No. 2324396

i really like your takes on black propaganda nonna, but three out of these four stickers have unfortunately become common dogma now. i could only see "real men prefer trans women" having an effect because it's not asking women to bow down as per usual, it's asking something of straight men, though i might add a dick to really drive the point home kek.

if we want to talk black propaganda, i'm still of the belief that a lot of women (TIFs included) would have some serious questions if they saw what was being said on /tttt/, trans supremacy blogs on tumblr, comments on r/mtf and egg_irl, and basically anywhere very heavily male-dominated where troons dont have to hold back their true feelings. TIMs put up a progressive veneer on twitter because they know women are watching, but what many dont know is that those very same TIMs either come from or retreat to these spaces later.

taking jabs at the predatory nature of egg-cracking culture (present in both TIMs and TIFs) would also be a good move, because i don't think normies would appreciate the notion of some troon(s) gathering to speculate on their (or a loved ones) transness and forming plans to manipulate them. exposing the practice and its prevalence would sow some well-earned distrust.

again, no manufacturing required, just finding some short and sweet authentic troon caps and slapping "trans approved" on it with the flag colors to draw the viewer in. perhaps that addition will even prompt a brief moment of reflection in whichever troon tries to take it down (especially if its a TIF). most likely though, it's going to be a normie noticing that it's been taken down and realizing that the creeps approving these messages may just be walking amongst them.

No. 2324479

Also very unfortunate to read a great book from a female author and proceed to look up her other works, only to find out this 40ya woman is now tweeting about being non-binary and protecting trans kids.

No. 2324925

I like that idea, maybe add a code, that if scanned with a mobile phone, brings them directly to the source of the quote. They then could read the whole shit for themselves.
Or some trans awareness pro-trans seeming sticker, like "if you are interested in information about the trans community and how to support them follow this" and the code/s links them to source/s.

No. 2325010

He will live like kings while you terf hags will age like shit while smelling your own period blood, seethe(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2325126


No. 2325390

Ugh, you reminded me of Janelle Monae. Now I can't listen to her music without being reminded of what a massive pickme she is. It's a little bit more understandable when an author does this on Twitter since they could be trying to drum up an audience of gullible gendies who buy everything that has kewl pronouns, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth when I see that an author I like is a misogynist who supports male rapists in women's prisons. We need to go back to the days when publishers hired separate people to deal with publicity.

No. 2325395

I don't know why only women go through this bullshit phase. It's so disheartening.

No. 2325399

It looked like she was already under eating during the filming of Umbrella Academy too. What a shit choice for that role. Now her character is rewritten in the show to be a tranny

kek, tras would be like "omg, the brave transwomen was just trying to protect herself from the transphobic cis man!!1"

No. 2325624

That’s charitable of you. In my experience most ‘transmisogyny’ is actual homosexuality i.e. lesbians not wanting to sleep with them, and people getting fed up with TIMs because of how gross and annoying they are. I rarely see them refer to actual persecution or violence as transmisogyny. It seems to be a word they invented especially to pressure TIFs and handmaidens (those nasty tmes) into falling in line.

Like >>2323288 said I think she will double down initially. Her entire life and career now revolves around transgenderism and “trans rights”. She wrecked her relationships and her health over it. Crawling back from that would be extremely difficult even for someone who still has a support system and isn’t a public figure.
I hope for her sake that she manages to turn it around and detransitions, whether she becomes a detransition spokesperson or disappears from public view entirely to live her life in peace. But I think it’s far more likely that she’ll become a trans martyr, either through her own wishes or posthumously through the opportunists and enablers who’ve latched on to her. Her “coming out” was timed to obfuscate the Keira Bell ruling and it wouldn’t surprise me whatsoever if the announcement of her death or the release of her suicide note were used in a similar way. To some of the people currently enabling her, she’d probably be more politically useful dead than alive.

No. 2325736

The average detransition time for women is 3-6 years (and for men it's a bit more, up to 8 years) so it's a bit early but close to that for Ellen to realize, internalize, and being brave enough to take the step to actually detransition and become public with it. She transitioned in December of 2020 (so basically in 2021) meaning she's just entering the most likely detransition years. I'm guessing for public people like her it will take more years rather than fewer, but I can't see her make it past a decade as trans, she looks far too miserable all the time.

My prediction is that when her time comes she will silently enter a butch lesbian era, publicly pretending to still be a transman for while but in private starting to go by she/her again. She'll likely first identify as non-binary for a while too and ease into it while getting used to being seen as a woman again.

Ellen's ex-wife was pretty butch so I think that was a big reason she wanted to troon out, she is attracted to and wanted to be butch too but "couldn't" because she was the fem one in her relationship. I think if Ellen ends up dating a fellow tif (which is very likely) she'll stay delusional longer, but if she gets memed into dating a "woman" tim she'll peak in an instant.

No. 2325999

Nona I don’t know if this will make you feel better or worse but I’ve been seeing a small handful of moids in “protect trans kids” shirts/patches at live music shows recently. They don’t appear to be tims or tifs either, like full blown males. I do wonder if it’s chasers, moids trying to appeal to handmaid libfems/tifs, or a mix of both

No. 2326471

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If those kids could read they'd be very upset.

No. 2326778

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It will forever baffle me how they'll force their identity on innocent cis characters like Spider Gwen and other obvious cis characters. But never want to actually use a character like Tweedy that's neither gender, and shows feminine and masculine traits. I just feel like they don't really care to look into media and find what really is their representation or what can be. They just want the most popular or beautiful character. Not to mention claiming cross dressing trap characters as "trans". If they make their own stuff, it usually turns out like Owl House, a larp where the gendies that have opposite aesthetics end up liking each other.

No. 2326917

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what did he hope to accomplish here?

No. 2326930

Thank god, i was born in 1998, i’d hate to be a kid now

No. 2327140

Tweety is girl you chaser

No. 2327169

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My TiM brother is visiting for the holidays. Last night I was giving him a hard time for referring to my hobby (knitting) as fiber arts. I asked if he knew I knit or crochet and what the difference is. He gave a decent response so I mentioned he now knew more than the husbands who have been married to their wives for a decade and don’t know what hobby she has still. He then got offended and said he was a wife not a husband. I was so taken aback because that was literally not the fucking point of what I said at all. I hate troons so much.

No. 2327212

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I’m playing a new farming/creature collecting sim called Moonstone Island. It’s very cute, but of course at least three of the romanceable NPCs are genderspecials. The carpenter, called Paolo, is apparently a non-binary they/them and probably considers himself latinx (dios mio!).
Usually these games try to make the theythems at least a little bit androgynous, or theythem is just an edgy woman with a choker and dyed hair. This is the first time I’ve seen a whole ass hairy lumberjack get the theythem treatment.
Bless Stardew Valley for not caving to pronoun bullshit, seriously.

No. 2327258

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I howled at this, they tell on themselves so much. Yeah, that little boy who escaped reality is now a grown man still escaping reality but with a woman/crossdressing man this time. The little boy was allowed to be happy too, and so is the grown man he became, but he's not a she and that's not going to change no matter how much he copes and seethes.
I cannot wait for the day when this shit is used to hold these men and their handmaidens accountable for their bullshit. Seriously hoping that 2025 is the year that more pandemic trannies detrans and talk about how vile the TIMs are, the more we speak up about how entitled and narcissistic they are the less likely it is that there will be pushback against anti-troon laws.

No. 2327505

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>Every trans adult was a trans child.
Every trans adult was a gay child who was told that being gay is a sin/horrible/fetish.

No. 2327508

That little boy spent his time wearing his sister's underwear because "onichan is being kawaii and hentai".

No. 2328188

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I found an interesting read elaborating on why trannies tend to be psychopaths:

>How ‘TW’ display psychopathy

>Impaired empathy and remorse: ‘TW’ do not consider the impact of their behaviors on others. They assert their ‘right’ to invade all aspects of women’s lives. From sports, to toilets, to breastfeeding and stillbirth groups. It matters not that their presence is causing disruption, discomfort, fear and anger. The mirror neurons that would normally trigger empathy are either absent or dysfunctional. The ‘TW’ therefore does not experience the negative emotions their presence is causing to others. They are incapable of feeling empathy.
>Boldness: These men’s low response to stress means they are not inhibited by fear (at least, not of women). They go anywhere and do anything they please. We have seen this recently with a group of ‘TW’ filming themselves dancing in the female toilets in the House of Congress. They are enraged at Rep Nancy Mace’s Bill which would (officially) bar them from the female toilets. But this pathological boldness is not only shown by their transgression into female spaces. It is shown in their aggressive response to what they perceive as any attack on ‘Trans Rights’. This is why academic meetings are shut down; it is why ‘GC’ women are chased and hounded in the street; it is why women now need police protection to discuss their rights; it is why Kellie Jay Keane had soup thrown over her and why JK Rowling and has had thousands of death and rape threats. It is why any woman who challenges these men does so at the risk of her livelihood and safety of herself and her family.
>Sadism: I add this as a new specific trait in my definition of psychopathy as it relates to ‘TW’. I believe many transvestite men have a profound hatred of women (probably a result of disordered primary attachments). As such, they are motivated by sadistic urges to ‘punish’ any woman who will not meet their psychological ‘needs’ (i.e. to be accepted as female). Why else would a ‘TW’ insert himself into a group for mothers grieving a stillbirth, or film themselves carrying out sex acts in women’s toilets or threaten ‘Terfs’ whilst carrying knives and guns?
>Disinhibition/Immunity to stress: This is a classic manifestation of TTP. We see this most typically in the increasingly common ‘bathroom selfies’, where ‘TW’ post online videos of themselves masturbating in women’s toilets, often in the full sight of women. We see this in the ‘TW’ who shaved in a @PlanetFitness ladies’ toilet, or the ‘TW’ who walked around naked in @WiSpa_USA in Los Angeles. As well as these more extreme examples, this trait is on show every time a ‘TW’ leaves the house dressed in female clothing. Most of us would be too inhibited to appear in public dressed in a way that so wholly flouts the norms of our culture. Test yourself: If you are white, would you wear an afro wig? Would you wear a sari or a thobe, or say, traditional African clothing? Would you black up? The answer is likely to be “no”, (and if “yes” would you not feel even a slightly bit self-conscious?). Your stress hormones would be activated. You would sweat, you would feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Other people’s feelings and reactions would matter to you. But in the TTP none of these neurobiological or behavioral reactions occur. They don’t even break a sweat. Their disinhibition renders them uncaring and indifferent to the feelings and reactions of others.
>Egocentrism: To the TTP the only thing that matters is the fulfillment of his own ego-drives. This is why they typically break social boundaries and insert themselves into women’s spaces. It also explains why the Autogynephile will demand their wives and children now accept them as ‘female’. They are quite happy to force their children to call them ‘Mum’ and to destroy marriages by insisting they have changed sex. This thinking also allows men to ‘chest-feed’ their children and even their grandchildren. The TTP is living in his own universe. He is the star around which everything orbits. Literally nothing and nobody else is of any consequence to him.

No. 2328196

you don't have to say "cis" nonnie it's ok I know they'll try to convince you it just means not trans, but then you have to realize youre just playing into their ideology by implying there are female born woman and "male born woman". also not to nitpick but tweety bird is a boy. you could argue how they like to claim bugs bunny is genderfluid because he crossdresses for laughs

No. 2328402

You're welcome. Looking at that thumbnail and
>self-aware AGP
KEK, this guy appears in interviews with lesbian-themed jewelry, LARPs as lesbian while acting concerned for lesbian spaces, goes on and on about how 'fembrained' he is in comparison to other AGPs (people lie about having desirable traits all the time). In reality he comes across as a weak, odd yet obviously masculine male, like most troons. A big tell is how his voice breaks into a very masculine range, compared to him Shapiro and Peterson sound like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
I kekked when he coped by saying
>these other malebrained agps are awful, it's all sexual and they will get bored! Unlike me and my romantic, trve anatomical AGP
Actually sex pest AGPs just keep chasing the high. There's no such thing as asexual, romantic AGP, you can't have a romantic relationship with a fetish object, romance happens between people.
>blanchardians are a bizarre little niche
Yep, they’re funny. The obsession with Blanchard might be because he's a scientist who acknowledges their sexual drive and is sympathetic without the pretense of LGBT rights (this is likely where TiM advocacy is headed towards). To me it looks like they're trying to soften the blow of GC discourse by ignoring the breakdown of boundaries that occurs when you indulge publicly in a fetish. Enter the 'romantic AGP’, 'asexual AGP' ‘AGP is sexual orientation, not just a fetish’ and 'paraphilias are genetic' discourse that occurs in that corner. Blanchardians are basically regular troons who are capable of some introspection, but they use the same old rebuttals such as calling people who disagree 'repressors’. As if not crossdressing in public as an AGP is anything but basic social etiquette.
Anyways, it's funny to see them craft their arguments because it's still about making it into a kind of legitimate sexual orientation, it's still about concealing the fetish mechanism (by watering it down) and it's still about stressing how urgent it is to let a bunch of fish eyed men LARP as women in public without pushback.
Oh and that Phil Illy guy who interviews him is such a creep, his american psycho vibes and attention whoring really shine in longform content, my god.

No. 2328901

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>Usually these games try to make the theythems at least a little bit androgynous, or theythem is just an edgy woman with a choker and dyed hair. This is the first time I’ve seen a whole ass hairy lumberjack get the theythem treatment.
this reminds me of scarlet hollow which is an amazing horror visual novel save for a genderspecial thembie moid character. picrel is literally a grown ass man with chest hair on full display but i'm supposed to see him as neither male or female, yeah sure.
on the bright side his obvious maleness makes it easier to tune out the pronouns and enjoy the game, especially since it's never pointed out - the whole town somehow magically knows to they/them him and it's never made a big deal.

No. 2329000

File: 1735794867034.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x1714, Screenshot_20250102_071221_Chr…)

pathetic honestly

No. 2329006

Sorry but people who try so hard to get likes through memeart look desperate as fuck

No. 2329010

What does this have to do with this thread's topic? I don't get it.

No. 2329014

It's jk Rowling babes, Twitter retards think it's cool to harass and obsess over her since she's a terf

No. 2329022

Tras accused her of having black mold in her house and ever since then, that's been their go to ad hominem attack against her. I think it's extremely ironic considering i've never seen a tranny barring the classic hsts troons with a clean room, they all usually live in squalor.

No. 2329024

It was obvious it was wallpaper too. They forcememe anything involving her

No. 2329131

Have you ever asked him if he stole your underwear?

No. 2329162

File: 1735810554462.jpg (122.45 KB, 967x517, transgender sex offender~.jpg)

Uh oh. I am shocked.
>Out of the 245 trans women inmates, who are legally recognised as male, a total of 151, or 62 per cent, had committed at least one sexual offence.
>It was not clear where these inmates were held within the prison estate. A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: “Well over 90 per cent of transgender women in custody are held in the men’s estate and those who’ve been convicted of sexual or violent offences – and/or who retain male genitalia – cannot be held in a women’s prison unless in truly exceptional circumstances.”

No. 2329166

I wonder when will mainstream media start to realize this. The “womanly inner feeling” doesn’t explain why these scrotes still behave like males.

No. 2329393

Nonnies, help. I hate all this gender ideology shit. I fucking hate it all. It’s pervasive into every facet of my life. I can’t spend a day without hearing about it. Seeing some cunt have a whinge. I can’t make friends, unfortunately I’m in that prime breeding ground of being a quirky artist who usually doesn’t particularly care about traditionally feminine things and everybody who I get along with is either deep into trans shit, or have fucking “educated” parents that push them into that shit, I’ve seen it countless times.

I fucking hate, hate it all. I hate being called “ooooh you’re so butch are you sure you’re not an egg?” Shut the fuck up you tranny cunt! I don’t care you have medical disorders and whatever weird pronouns you like all I want is people to drink and chat about fucking Kirby with! Fuck! I hate that it’s being taught in schools. I fucking hate that, that’s a big thing where I am. Luckily, having worked as a lunch lady at a local school all the parents there completely refuse that, and it’s such a small and low-funded school no high and mighty teacher could do anything about it. It makes me really happy that there’s at the very least, that little piece of solace in my town. Unfortunately not the other schools.

Every single motherfucker in my age group is diagnosed with some shit for quirky points and they ask me my pronouns and I’ve just started to point at my tits for them to get the hint. I went to a art class and after it ended I was asking the teacher for tips to further my career and she asked me my fucking pronouns like for fucks sake I don’t understand the obsession with pronouns? Genuinely? I don’t get it? How can you have a fit over that? If someone accidentally calls me a dude I just laugh a little bit it’s fucking mental.

But then I feel like a bad person because all these people that I know say it’s a bad thing and I think “am I a bad person for thinking this way?” I love lolcow because I come here to regain some hope in the world.

No. 2329503

File: 1735839134178.png (146.56 KB, 1152x648, 1697242262881.png)

Learn to be rude and dismissive. You don't owe those people your mental effort of acting kind.

>I was asking the teacher for tips to further my career and she asked me my fucking pronouns like for fucks sake I don’t understand the obsession with pronouns

Report her for bullying.

No. 2329535

How exactly do you argue with a troon whenever they say "well does that mean infertile women, women with chromosomal disorders and women who can't menstruate aren't women then"?

No. 2329551

File: 1735840507806.jpg (258.82 KB, 700x400, falsehood.jpg)

>How exactly do you argue with a troon
Don't bother. They're too far-gone. There's no point in arguing with them, or trying to sway them, because they won't accept anything that goes against their cult or their brainwashing. We all know that infertile women, women with chromosomal disorders, and women that don't menstruate are still women, it's as obvious as the sky being blue. To troons, truth doesn't matter because truth is their enemy. You can't defeat falsehood with facts, because falsehood is predicated on the rebuttal of facts. They're operating on a different plane, one that's removed from reality, so they'll just continue to spew nonsense regardless of what you tell them.

No. 2329573

Of course there's no point arguing when you don't have an argument

No. 2329575

your post is reading like it's pro-troon lol

No. 2329609

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I just found out that someone who was like a sister to me got her double mastectomy a few months ago and is doing so much worse, her mom told me she's not happy with it at all and has some really gnarly scarring to boot. I wish I could talk to her, but knowing what she's been like since she started going deep into trans shit, she would just freak out and blow up at me like she's been doing to everyone else. I might reach out anyway. Happy new year everybody.

No. 2329625

>if you castrate a dog, it becomes female
>if a cat is born without a leg, it becomes a whole separate species
>if a chair is something you can sit on, a thorny bush qualifies
>if a black african is born with albinism, they become a white european
definitions will never be perfect by virtue of the natural limitations of language, but that doesn't mean there isn't a common consensus nor does it change the nature of reality. pretending this is a "problem" exclusive to the definition of womanhood and trying to argue that men should be considered women because of it is extremely disingenuous, but what can we expect from a movement born out of postmodernist slop.

No. 2329655

It wasn't even black mold in her kitchen, why are they still keeping this rumour alive.

No. 2329662

The thing is, they know what a woman is already. They know to call all of those women "cis" unless they're on testosterone. They know to call all of those women "transmisogyny exempt." They're arguing in bad faith. Point this out.

No. 2329669

In a completely healthy female body those conditions of sterility, chromosomal disorders, or lack of periods would not exist. Chromosomal disorders are still sex-specific so a male that doesn't experience periods or doesn't have a female DSD is a bog standard male with nothing to note. Sterility is more unisex, but the troon in question confuses 'the average healthy person in this group has the capacity to […]' with 'ONLY people with the capacity to […] are women.'
They're not genuinely that stupid unless in exceptional cases, they're willful retards who bought into a high-control beliefs system and lash out at others for threatening those beliefs. Arguing with them would be more of a show for the onlookers to see and mayyyybe get closer to peaking. It's like flat earthers - all the knowledge and proof is already out there, they refuse to look.

No. 2329677

It’s pointless to argue with them. They know that those women aren’t the same as literal fucking males. You’re just arguing against a wall.

No. 2329678

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I’m a bit autistic about rooms. I really think they’re the best window into someone’s identity. The fact TiMs so rarely keep a tidy home and almost never have any semblance of thought or care about how it looks is so very male.

No. 2329681

Those women still have a female body.
Women with DSDs are still female, a woman can never have Klinefelter for example.

No. 2329682

Shut up tranny

No. 2329696

>they know what a woman is
Especially when they search for porn.

Better go the full 'I couldn't save you' route of lamentation and self-loathing.

No. 2329701

>How exactly do you argue with a troon-
You call them unfuckable and block them.

However if you want to sway their followers who are considering going crypto, pull out all evidence you have, every article and every reference on hand. Like if you're on Tumblr, use pictures in your posts because the cryptos will reblog it to their side blogs and screenshot them on their phone.

Spell out what point you're making too because these kids/young adults have been so groomed by trannies to not do any research, lest they be shamed and kicked from the nest, that they can't read anything that may challenge their worldview without feeling guilty about it and putting up a mental block that makes them shut down. Arguing with trans people is the equivalent of speaking to a kid's parental figure while the kid is listening. You're showing their kid that mommy and daddy aren't always right.

No. 2329702

The best answers, thanks.

No. 2329705

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Very unlikely for a women to have all 3 kek . There's always something biological that supports that they are actual women. But what troons should really ask themselves is what doesn't make a woman?

No. 2329792

I'm not a tranny, woman doesn't equal to female. They're different things and have different meanings, it's common sense(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2329808

A woman is an adult human female. Not even trying to feed into the radfem meme but that's literally what a woman is.

No. 2329815

out of curiosity, tell us your definitions for 'woman' and 'female'

No. 2329818

It doesn't make sense. Womanhood isn't a biological concept. When a woman mistaken for a man her chromosomes do not change. Gender is a social construct and there are list of things that makes you more of a woman in society. So it isn't the same thing

No. 2329819

You're not a bad person at all
Yeah, I don't argue with troons because at the end of the day I know I'm right and they're wrong and they'll never actually listen anyway. All it would do is cause me unnecessary stress and I'm over it at this point. They can make up all the bullshit arguments they want to sound smart all day but reality doesn't change kek. Being good at the act of arguing doesn't make you right in general as much as people love to pretend it does

No. 2329820

But be specific; what makes you "a woman in society"?

No. 2329821

File: 1735852880525.jpg (29 KB, 526x506, 1000004147.jpg)

pic rel for your post

No. 2329822


No. 2329823

Go back

No. 2329829

so masculine females are men?

No. 2329832

That train of thought is gonna to lead you right back to 1850s gender roles, my guy. The only real definition of a woman is an adult human biological female. We can behave and dress however we want, and we're still women no matter how masculine we are. Men can act "feminine" all they want, and take on outdated gender roles all they want, but they're always gonna be adult human biological males. Men. Whatever though, you're not gonna believe me so why bother.

No. 2329836

So twinks are women and butch lesbians are men?

No. 2329865

>How exactly do you argue with a troon whenever they say "well does that mean infertile women, women with chromosomal disorders and women who can't menstruate aren't women then"?
Girls are female and infertile due to not having aged yet.
Menopausal women are female and infertile due to naturally aging out of it.
In a normal average woman's lifetime she is only fertile during that middle period in her adult life, it's NEVER made anyone confused to as if girls or older women are still female or not. Fertility has NEVER been the defining factor to if a woman is a woman or not, so it's literally a retarded argument to even bring it up. A woman is an adult human female. Her fertility status has never mattered in that definition. A male isn't and can't ever become female.

Like other anons said, you can't actually argue with troons. However if other people who can be swayed or who agree with you are listening it can still be worth making the arguments.

No. 2329882

By your logic everyone who saw me today couldn't have possibly known to treat me as a woman because I wasn't wearing anything particularly feminine, yet they all did without me having to say anything.

No. 2329893

File: 1735855478739.jpg (56.53 KB, 860x484, _118283916_b19c5a1f-162b-410b-…)

>VPN ban lifted
>Immediate bait

No. 2329899

How many times do you have to be told to report and not respond to bait? Anyone retarded enough to do it after this warning will get a long ban. They keep coming back because you keep giving them what they want.

No. 2329932

File: 1735856852265.png (159.22 KB, 483x1534, 555.png)

Saw this based exchange in the wild today. Which one of you was this kek

No. 2329974

>if you have basic empathy you'll support trannies

Letting other people do whatever they want all the time and forcing others to comply isn't empathy, and it's this surface level understanding of this concept that has so many people in a chokehold feeling like they must support anything that is thrown at them otherwise they're an unempathetic person. Even setting aside that it does have an effect on others (especially women and children) and literally requires everyone else to comply for it to work, this retarded idea that in order to be empathetic you must always accept everything is just completely off the mark. Trannies think empathy only goes one way too, so towards them but they themselves never empathize with women's side of things. Their whole idea of empathy is cancerous and it's like saying unless your friends enable every single delusion you have they're no longer your friends, when a real friend and someone who truly cares would empathize but also let you know when you're being retarded so you don't hurt yourself and other people further.

No. 2330066

It was so peaceful. We need it back.

No. 2330070

She’s the butch lesbian of my dreams. I need a terfy gf.

No. 2330157

File: 1735865399363.jpeg (881.32 KB, 1125x2040, IMG_7496.jpeg)

This dumpster fire thread showed up in a female-focused subreddit this morning, and surprise surprise it's filled with a bunch of 40yo men whining about how they have it so much harder than real women because they can't experience pregnancy


No. 2330340

What did the OP say? It would help to have some context.

No. 2330561

Male delusions are on another level.

No. 2330582

Anybody watched
It's so blackpilling and disturbing.

No. 2330608

Yeah pretty incredible piece, seeing sane comments there was refreshing

No. 2330776


No. 2330834

Troons crying about not being able to be pregnant is so infuriating. They had the ability to father a biological child. There was NOTHING stopping them, until they actively chose to give up that ability with unnatural drugs to larp as female. And now they act like they're sooo oppressed about the fucking choice they made for themselves to castrate themselves. Many of them still CAN have a biological child if they reverse the hrt in time as well. God troons are so fucking evil and stupid, which is a terrible combo.

No. 2330838

why are they so fucking stupid. sometimes i imagine if one day these troons will hold a gun on some scientist's head and force them to find a way to make these troons be able to get pregnant. sounds unrealistic but with all this insanity who knows kek

No. 2330839

Wasn't a womb transplanted into a man and he died immediately? Scientists could successfully fool them and then send them to the operating room to accidentally give them the wrong blood kek

No. 2331016

A person with a prostate can never ever be a woman. So 100% of TiMs do not qualify, since no 'sex change' procedure out there removes prostates.

No. 2331050

File: 1735927607659.png (32.47 KB, 562x342, Screenshot 2025-01-03 130254.p…)

I am so sick of tims and libsfems attempting to placate them. There's zero way for them to not feel like victims or make them empathise with women. I just wish every single one of them would fall off the face of the earth, the are the most vile and wretched beings on the earth and yet we are all expected to view them as victims despite them choosing a degenerate lifestyle on their own accord. When will people start calling out trannies for the fact that their shit lives are completely their fault? I am sick of hearing about them and knowing they exist.

No. 2331054

"in the wild" have you never heard of radblr? it's cool but it's normal to see women hash it out with TRAs there.

No. 2331060

Using that as a motivator would just make them remove their prostate to tell you "I'm a woman by your definition now since I don't have a prostate". Just stating it clearly without trying to boil it down to some tiny detail always works best. Males aren't females and cannot become females, that's all there is to it.

No. 2331206

File: 1735933629627.jpg (148.66 KB, 999x693, 1712858626875.jpg)

Have you ever seen a tranny IRL react to anti-tranny memes? How did it look like?

No. 2331216

Just laugh in their face and don’t even bother wasting your time trying to argue with them. That’s like asking “What arguments can I make when a creationist is telling me that the Earth is 6,000 years old?” There is no amount of fossils you can show them to disprove their argument because at the end of the day their position relies on ~faith~, not logic, just like it requires ~faith~ for a man to believe that he is a woman simply because he likes wearing a bra and masturbating to yuri hentai.

No. 2331245

I just nearly threw up when I saw picrel. Please for the love of God spoiler this stuff. This was an assault on my sense of vision.

No. 2331286

File: 1735937701300.png (930.93 KB, 600x978, deluluisbeautiful.png)

Each time I see "trans is beautiful", a detrans angel loses the wings.

No. 2331290

kek reminds me of when a mod of /r/antiwork decided to go on Fox News. Tucker is a piece of shit but could reddit not get someone better that an unkempt trans part time dogwalker to be their mouthpiece.

No. 2331291

I can smell this photo. Absolutely vile

No. 2331295

The mtf troons always laugh and act like the memes are totally so true and funny. Like it's just a blatant cope it's almost painful to watch. The ftm ones cry about transphobia.

No. 2331349

No fuckin way, link some clip? Lmfao

No. 2331368

Einar Wegener aka Lili Elbe, yeah. He's always portrayed as a tragic victim but he was a nasty little perv.

Even if, with the aid of modern medicine, a TIM might survive a womb transplant, he will never be able to successfully carry a pregnancy. Pregnancy involved a woman's entire body, her every organ. Heart, brain, liver, kidneys, blood, skin, bone marrow, muscles, ligaments, everything. Every tissue, every cell in our bodies is sexed. Just shoving a womb into a male body is not going to make it capable of pregnancy.

No. 2331580

File: 1735948714525.png (2.07 MB, 1554x1124, m.png)

If ur referring to the documentary I looked around and couldn't find any sort of documentary like that so I'm pretty sure that image is fake. Though I did see some troon repost it on reddit like this lol

I've never seen it irl but I'm sure you could probably find some videos of that sort of thing on YouTube. Though they might be all staged and scripted so that they give the impression of being witty, sassy, and unbothered and not just upset.

No. 2331679

This was the funniest shit to see live.

No. 2332006

File: 1735970790879.png (973.93 KB, 949x1851, 792a29c3cb78eb2d5095ee22bac62a…)


No. 2332020

I wish this was true but I saw some coquette Lana stan account acting retarded like that quite recently, it seems never ending

No. 2332071

Yeah I still see these, plus autopedo TIFs and petplay weirdos with rape fantasies. They’re easy to find on tumblr if you look up those keywords

No. 2332142

File: 1735983309984.jpg (148.13 KB, 1222x411, rx.jpg)

No. 2332168

File: 1735986369008.png (16.25 KB, 849x562, 1621260393323.png)

what a waste, could have been decent looking moid but now he's headed down this path

No. 2332175

>If ur referring to the documentary I looked around and couldn't find any sort of documentary like that so I'm pretty sure that image is fake.
I could have sworn that video was posted in the mtf threads ages ago. Don't know if it was a "documentary" but I remember anons laughing in disgust over those troons before

No. 2332177

Man it's so fucking embarrassing to say shit like "trans is beautiful" on random ass images that have nothing to do with trans. It's a drawing of a dragon, not of a mutilated pervert grooming children.

No. 2332296

I made it halfway through before I had to stop, seeing that many ugly scrotes was making me feel sick.
Cute at 25? TIMs hit the wall even faster than normal moids, and normal moids start balding while they're in school. The true irony of this meme is that they're the same picture but the left hand side is what the TIMs see when they put on their dog collars and schoolgirl uniforms.

No. 2332297

They're AGP and AAPs.
I know it's hard for women itt to grasp it because it make you feel self conscious about your womanhood but gender ideology is simply part of humans. Just think deeper on it without making it personal, and you'll see the truth. It won't be a pleasant experience, tho at least you'll know the truth(bait)

No. 2332380

If a woman does not shave, does not put on makeup or jewelry, and just wear convenient and comfortable clothing/hairstyle, she's not doing anything to "masculinize" herself, yet she'll be considered unfeminine. As unfeminine as she is (by society's standards), she will still be treated like a woman because that is what she is, a woman. She won't miraculously escape misogyny and harassment. Also a "twink" is a young attractive fag, how is it AGP? You just sound confused and retarded. The hulking trannies itt are not considered women by others just because they slap on some makeup from the dollar store before going out.

No. 2332415

>women who don't look feminine aren't treated as one.
In what context are these women treated like men? At work? In male-dominated hobbies and communities? Unfeminine women, usually considered unattractive, are at best invisible to men and at worst face even more hate. That doesn't make them "one of the guys".
So you admit it, performing femininity alone does not make people view men as women. How come "passing" is important for trannies to be considered women? Could it be because deep down they know that body/sex is what people use to determine who is a man and who is a woman? Glad you got it now.

No. 2332442

Why didn't they freeze their sperm? Women that need for example cancer treatment freeze their eggs, in case they come out infertile. They want a child but not from the evil manly sperm (their own sperm of course).

No. 2332449

Yep, me and my girlfriends also sit on a couch, one having the Al Bundy pose and the other sitting in her underpants, legs wide spread, inviting people to photograph and interview us like that.

No. 2332608

It’s not that they want a child, they want to be pregnant.

No. 2332611

Like clockwork

No. 2332668

hand down his pants and everything, kek
I saw a troid admit this outright once and the handmaidens in the chat had the nerve to coddle him about it when he rightfully showed some embarrassment. Peaking moment for sure, I left pretty soon after.

No. 2332811

File: 1736021818843.jpeg (242.2 KB, 958x1280, IMG_0696.jpeg)

“Experimenting” and it’s just taking drugs.
It’s also funny how he says that he totally told his story freely when in reality most detransitioners can’t even talk about their experiences before first saying , for at least 30 times, that transitioning absolutely save lives and that it simply wasn’t for them. You have to prostate before telling your story.

No. 2332979

File: 1736026933352.jpeg (443.81 KB, 1179x2114, Image.jpeg)

Seattle hockey team has new pride jerseys designed by a they/them woman named Kelly and the only pride flag included is the trans one. Not to mention they’re hideous

No. 2333051

I have followed a lot of public detransitioners for several years now, definitely more than most people, and I've yet to see a single "detransition grifter" like they call it. Every time they call someone a grifter I check them out and it's literally just some teenage girl who was groomed into being trans and is now outspoken of the permanent harms it did to her. Sometimes it's literally just a gay autistic guy who no longer has a dick who warns people about the dangers of srs surgery. If troons don't want to be called a cult they really need to stop shaming anyone for leaving their cult.

No. 2333090

My local TIF loves to surround herself with women who are more masculine e.g. women taller than her, women bigger than her, women with square jaws, butch women, tomboys to make herself feel better comparing herself to them "i.e. they're all wonderful(press x) wimminz uwu im still the only boi"
Does anyone else find it insufferable?

No. 2333096

>For men to detrans he had to be gay autistic gnc femboy who is already a more feminine man who has to get the axe wound first let alone let alone the average male troon while the average male troon is celebrated as the face of the movement and harmless

No. 2333099

that's what they get for being Kraken fans tbh

No. 2333129

>using the male form Asimov not Asimova
LMAO telling on himself

No. 2333368

the players are probably furious

No. 2333375

>not for the reason you're selling it
I'm sure they're well aware that they can make bank from catering to tranny fetish play

No. 2333457

>does anyone else find it insufferable
Well yeah, they all are, they're all attention whore NLOGs. Your local doood boi sounds like she's got no chance in hell of passing as a man to anyone, especially when she's next to actual men, so she picks 'manly' women to feel superior to, because she, and all TIFs, are deeply insecure women who need constant validation to keep up the LARP.
It's funny how your TIF keeps gloating about how she's the only man there. That's an impressive level of cope. These threads are packed with examples of TIFs seething at their female friends or relatives being more masculine than them, your TIF just took that and turned it into typical narcissist validation fuel.
They have to shit on women somehow, even if the woman they most hate is themselves. It's depressing how they choose to be special by being Tumblr's ugliest little potato, but it's like they're addicted to attention. Nobody likes TIFs.

No. 2333719

File: 1736063692894.jpg (181.89 KB, 736x981, tumblr_150ae15d8693ce8ca5fa030…)

The forcemasc tag on tumblr is wild(ly misogynistic). Very glad I didn't come across any of these in my teens.

No. 2333724

File: 1736064955290.jpg (75.46 KB, 700x857, tumblr_a3ff17a271b2eec1a3e9aef…)

You know you're a woman because how many men would find pissing out of a penis this exciting?

No. 2333788

I honestly feel a bit bad about mentioning her on a public website but at least it’s anonymous and it fits with the topic of the thread. I have this one female right-wing friend (who’s actually pretty chill and nice), but she isn’t a tradthot, she’s masculine. She almost trooned out once, thought she was having gender dysphoria because she hated being a woman and having a “womanly” figure, along with her being gnc and relating more with men than women, so all of that combined apparently made her think that she was actually a man on the inside or something. I wasn’t friends with her yet during this period of time in her life, but she has spoken about it and so that’s how I know. Thank god she has gotten over it and knows better now (plus has peaked A LOT), but it just shows how sad it is that if a person doesn’t perfectly conform to traditional gender roles then they must be the opposite gender and troon out. It also makes me curiously wonder if there has been any instances of conservatives/right-wingers trooning out.

No. 2333873

A friend of mine got me a book for Christmas called Cleopatra and Frankenstein, and while I appreciate the romance the troon shit is pissing me off. Every time I read about a trans person in fictional media it always comes off so weird and stilted. The trans 'experience' never feels like natural growing pains, always this weird, awkward and deeply mentally ill way of fitting into the world.

No. 2333874

It's always written exactly the fucking same too.

No. 2333875

Blaire White.

No. 2333881

File: 1736084857929.png (258.15 KB, 789x872, bleak.png)

The accounts of TIFs ruining their singing voices on T always make me sad. The voice is such a powerful and versatile instrument, you can train it into so many different directions with the right methods, and these idiots will risk breaking it for good for the sake of an idiotic cultural trend. Ten years from now trooning will have fallen from fashion but you will be stuck croaking as Kermit the frog forever.

No. 2333885

Oh shut the fuck up. Opera is shit. Vocals are nothing but ugliness. Human body is inferior to oboe. Suck it up(infighting)

No. 2333925

She wants to be special, she made this choice, she can reap the consequences and cope about how much she loves her new voice. She knows damn well she doesn't sound good, she has the nasally croaky frog voice that every single TIF has, she can hammer on all she likes about how omg speshul!!!!! she feels about hitting lower notes but it's never going to be a man's voice and it's never going to be her natural singing voice again either. I have no sympathy for troons who paint awful side effects as ermagerd sooo validating and drag other vulnerable women into this shit. She trooned out at 39, she's not a retarded teen, all the consequences are on her.

No. 2333944

t. oboe_lovrr83

No. 2333959

>started testosterone at 39
Horrifying. Your vocal cords already lose some of their elasticity by then and your singing voice is usually darker than your 20s. There's no way the T didn't leave her unable to hold even alto notes without raspy vibrato. Not that trooning out in your 20s is any better, but the effects are way more pronounced when you're older and can't as easily bounce back from vocal injuries.

No. 2333971


No. 2334182

Another imbecile mod shitting up the thread with redtext. Imagine being policed by illiterates.(take it to meta)

No. 2334185

This feels like one of those boomer sissyfication memes.

No. 2334191

The way that this is the average teen girl experience kek. When I was going through puberty I hated being stared at, I hated having boobs and gaining curves , how adults around me started to behave differently (even getting catcalled) kek. Aiden you’re just a woman, you aren’t special.

No. 2334239

I didn't have any of these, does this make me trutrans?

No. 2334261

No. 2334304

Yeah cuz no one else is sharing their experiences it just makes me feel so alone and weirded out. Glad there's some support here

No. 2334338

Not the anon you're replying to so I might have missed them, but I've never seen an outspoken male detransitioner who hasn't had his dick cut up. It's like they need their penis flayed before they can admit to themselves that they've made a huge mistake.

Many TIMs are conservative/right wing/alt-right to the point that it's a common joke that most "transgorls" had a nazi phase. They usually end up LARPing as left wing or even communist afterwards because their whole new friend group does the same, but aside from wanting free HRT, to be allowed to be sexually degenerate in public and to not have to work their values often stay very socially conservative. Blair White and Bruce Jenner are examples of TIMs who made being a conservative NLOT their whole schtick.

No. 2334350

>It's funny how your TIF keeps gloating about how she's the only man there. That's an impressive level of cope. These threads are packed with examples of TIFs seething at their female friends or relatives being more masculine than them, your TIF just took that and turned it into typical narcissist validation fuel.

NTA but don't those two traits tend to overlap? In some cases it's not being how masculine the other women are, when they see other women being less prone to female socialization than they are they fly to into batshit insanity. E.g. women with more masculine features tend to have some level of immunity towards female socialization imposed on society

No. 2334351

File: 1736111756962.jpeg (522 KB, 1125x1956, CE2E7132-3650-4CA8-88B4-FA57AB…)

Found this guy in the comments of a post asking if TiMs experience a hormone cycle like actual women. I’m so baffled that I had to share.

No. 2334356

File: 1736111841054.jpeg (492.15 KB, 1125x1707, 573FE214-D798-4F88-A2BA-4D7535…)

No. 2334357

Maybe you’re super agender nonna kek

No. 2334362

He copied and pasted from a science or blog site describing menstrual cycle kek.
>blood stains in my underwear
From where did the blood come retard? If you are experiencing GI bleeding you need to go to the doctor ASAP not twirl in your girlhood menstruality.

No. 2334363

File: 1736112066614.jpeg (512.49 KB, 1125x1901, E2594E04-9079-4D96-8F43-287798…)

Going through his post history tells me that multiple doctors have told him he’s wrong. He continues to bleed out of his butthole while searching for a doctor that will affirm his delusions.

No. 2334375

My friend found some tiktok a while ago with some tif that was upset that women aren't intimidated by her like they are with actual men, and the comment field was filled with other tifs supposedly feeling the same way. My friend was annoyed by it and swiped away from that insanity without linking it to me, but does any nona recognize which one I'm talking about?
I'm just so baffled by this mindset, it really shows how much these tifs actually hate women. It's not about actually being a man, they just nlogs that hate women to the point of wanting to make us uncomfortable and scared in their pathetic presence.

No. 2334378

This is also why so many TIFs are edgelords. They just can't help externalising their hatred for women who don't completely hate themselves.

No. 2334384

This fuck is having intestinal bleeding or hemorrhoids and thinks it's period blood from his phantom uterus… Darwin award right here. Also any woman who has reoccurring bleeding off-cycle would be going to the doctor instead of navel gazing about how much of a woman she is, but of course the autistic male wouldn't know that.

No. 2334443

The guy was high on copium he'd grasp for straws. Disgusting.

No. 2334480

>but I've never seen an outspoken male detransitioner who hasn't had his dick cut up.
Those men are sissies in denial

No. 2334497

Has anyone had TIF friends that later desisted either by themselves or through your actions? And have you ever "come out" for lack of a better term to your TIF friends?

Two close friends of mine are both trans identifying and lying is becoming not only tiring but hard to keep up with plus I also feel like I'm being dishonest with them so I feel guilty. I've been slipping up with pronouns and forgetting that they actually buy into the whole gender thing. I think they might suspect I have gc views and so they're doing the most to have "trans talk" infiltrate all our conversations. like they'll randomly bring up jk rowling, suggest that I'm NB or even a man (I blew up at them for this which I think raised suspicions) or once I said lgb community accidentally and got such a haranguing for it.

I do want to keep being friends I think, I enjoy their company and we've been friends for years. Plus they're both "straight men" (lesbians) and I don't have any gay friends really apart from them. I just feel like one day I might snap and just say my true feelings.

No. 2334500

File: 1736118211634.png (2.27 MB, 1320x1676, 1736115705874.png)

I hate this

No. 2334508

>conservative NLOT
I hate it when trannies try to be “based” and are basically like “see guys!! im actually on your side!! im not like those other yucky, weird trans people!!”, not realizing that their very existence is a degeneracy, no matter what opinions they have or what political flavor they are. I’ve seen so many other conservatives eat their shit up too and defend them, just because they have “based” opinions, opinions they agree with or that isn’t the norm among other trannies eg. “one of the good ones”.

No. 2334518

Can someone legit explain why the creator wanted to add a tranny in the show even though korea is super anti tranny? it makes no sense. I hate trannies in shit for no reason

No. 2334524

>starts shitting blood
>clearly this means im intersex
Maybe whatever virus he has is invading his brain.

No. 2334525

If they are both women and tifs, they are already traitors to lesbians.

No. 2334527

Yeah, a KOREAN show adding a tranny is just super weird and out of pocket given to how unfriendly the country is to them.

No. 2334528

My guess is western pandering. The first season did really well in the west, so why not put in some stuff that panders to westerners?

No. 2334536

File: 1736120101661.jpeg (513.94 KB, 1125x1112, 653ADF66-C8A2-459B-B7BB-FA5F91…)

Picrel was posted by the same guy. You’re probably right.

No. 2334543

This makes me hate being a western, especially living in Burgerland, I highly doubt most normie Americans would want to see a tranny in their show. Most people do not like trannies but the media and trannies themselves will make you think otherwise and people who seem like they “like” or “support” them are just going-with-the-flow, conflict-avoidant types who would just not risk getting screamed at or potentially suffer serious consequences like losing their job or even getting physically harmed, especially if one is a woman.

No. 2334546

File: 1736120762231.jpeg (212.72 KB, 923x1488, IMG_9971.jpeg)

idk if this is the right thread to post this in but the desperation for greasy scrote praise is strong in this pic

No. 2334552

He looks like he smells like an old sleeping bag

No. 2334557

Kek that's a good one

No. 2334603

File: 1736123813426.jpeg (52.48 KB, 492x603, GaCSHtyXgAAK4Ks.jpeg)

>Menstruating people in my TL
I know you follow tifs but come on, say women!

No. 2334616

Love how it’s always menustrating people and never ejaculating people or prostate havers

No. 2334632

What makes this even worse is that the actor of the tranny character is a disgusting piece of shit irl, who accidentally posted a pic of a japanese porn to his official ig in which women get raped to death. The most sexist moids are so happy to support troon shit, by acting as a tranny it gives him brownie points and it harms women, what a perfect win-win situation!…

No. 2334641

I had someone telling me that "women have prostate too". No, we do not.

No. 2334669

The point looks like right wing moids jumped the bandwagon of troons they became one just to take one for the team by harming women in all sorts of methods. NTA but the political switch is undeniable it's almost giving right wingers fuel to hate on communists.

No. 2334674

>not have to work
Wouldn't they be shot or gassed or sent to a gulag?

No. 2334690

File: 1736128166584.jpeg (482.45 KB, 1170x930, IMG_9350.jpeg)

No. 2334697

Nonnitas, in which countries we can still call a moid a moid without the risk of going to jail for trannyphobia?

No. 2334709

The jokes write themselves.
They're all deeply insecure women with little to no sense of self. I agree that there's overlap but it comes down to the same thing in the end, being unable to accept yourself for who you are, projecting personal issues onto everyone else, and desperately needing external validation.
They see other women shrugging off nagging parents who push them to get married, live their lives without makeup and hair and nail appointments, feel comfortable being a woman AND wearing men's tees, and they flip the fuck out. I mean these are the women who take T because they don't like heels.
I'd argue that women with masculine features or who are considered ugly by current beauty standards actually face more pressure to be feminine, especially if their features can be 'fixed' with filler or surgery. But of course most women aren't so desperate for approval that they bend to the whims of fashion. The cult to troon/troon to cult pipeline is insane, and it's because they all have the need to be told what to do to get asspats and guaranteed positive social interactions.

No. 2334801

>searching for blanchard interviews about autogynephilia/autohomoeroticism on youtube
>one of the top results is the retard in vidrel, seething for 50 minutes because he obviously fits the agp typology


No. 2334814

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Weird to see stuff like this because there's so many "trans girls can't get pregnant so you can raw dog us all you want!" Memes. This one isn't the best example from Google because so many are just in the wild. But it's not about wanting to be a parent, it's about just being bred and pregnant.

No. 2334824

>"trans girls can't get pregnant so you can raw dog us all you want!"
i never understood this because it's not like women can get pregnant from anal either

No. 2334916

Why are you still friends with them? It sounds like a chore.

Netflix is an outpost of the US government.

>actor of the tranny character is a disgusting piece of shit irl, who accidentally posted a pic of a japanese porn
Very fitting for a troon. Perhaps he does method-acting lel.

No. 2334921

He's weird about Buffalo Bill too

No. 2334929

They believe in a bizarre alternate reality version of communism where it would allow them to sit in their room all day watching porn while the state provides HRT, spinny skirts and made-in-Bangladesh plastic trans flags to hang on the walls of their gooncave.

I heard TRAs hate him for being a ‘cis’ man playing a trans character, but the violent porn thing probably makes him more sympathetic to them. He’s just immersing himself in the authentic transgirl mindset, y’all.

No. 2334935

Does he think Buffulo Bill is troonsphobic or something?

No. 2334945

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He's personally triggered by Buffalo Bill bc they share a resemblance and the author/director of SOTL portrayed AGP in such an uncanny way. So it bothers him and he talks about it a lot. Nick spends a lot of time gazing into the mirror and dancing around the room to mid-2010s electro so he can't lose himself in the moment without intrusive thoughts about BB. I think he's cultivated a new paraphilia on top of the AGP, where he is simultaneously aroused as "Natalie the transformed university freshman" predated by "Nick the old skinwalker pervert". He gets off on himself, getting off on himself. The ultimate narc-agp-coomer, repost for grammar/spoiler

No. 2334947

No. 2334967

>made-in-Bangladesh plastic trans flags
Kekkķk idk why this made me laugh so much

No. 2335011

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No. 2335024

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what the fuck is she on about?

No. 2335029

Kek, if that was her only takeaway from being pinkpilled then she's kind of an idiot.

No. 2335042

Is she going to chastise the most vulnerable women (disabled, old, young, pregnant) for 'feeling weak' around troons? It reminds me of the pro-gun arguments some Americans have: just shoot the armed criminal with your own gun. Except the people most at risk (children, sick, old) can't legally own guns or are in no state to use them effectively. This is the Fight Club jerkoff fantasy shits-for-brains like her are advocating for. She should move to India or Haiti and report back how empowering it feels.

No. 2335067

She's on about letting trannies in women's sports as a "cis" bootlicker

No. 2335075

No. 2335077

Italy for now

No. 2335081

>while the state provides
There's a thing called rations card…

No. 2335093

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A friend notified me that a loose tif acquaintance has gotten "gender affirming liposuction", and I'm fucking SCREAMING. It's not like anything about her weight gain would make her "totes dysmorphic" because the fat wasn't on her hips, chest, or whatever - she had grown a beer gut, that's literally it. The most moid fat distribution ever. We're not sure if the state paid for it, but considering she is constantly struggling economically and how expensive any sort of beauty procedure is in our country, she most likely got it paid for her so she could keep looking like her dream kawaii uke.
Meanwhile body dysmorphic women are ignored with minimal help or fucks given about, because hating your body to the point of severe anxiety when you're a woman is completely normal.

No. 2335102

I wish these surgeries would be paid out of their own pockets, spending tax money on this bullshit is ridiculous.

No. 2335104

Troonism would cease to exist if the state didn’t pay for HRT and useless surgeries.

No. 2335113

I understand what she's getting at. Being fully aware of how vulnerable women are to physical assault by moids is scary and painful. Pretending it's not true isn't going to protect her or change the DV statistics though.

No. 2335226

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these pedophile freaks definitely get off on 'correcting' children. and of course they love having a captive audience of 30+ children forced to affirm them every day. so disgusting.

No. 2335234

She's gonna gain it all back anyway, it's extremely rare anyone who gets lipo manages to get in control of their weight. If they had that skill first they wouldn't have been dumb enough for lipo anyway

No. 2335236

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>The troon "correcting" a student

No. 2335238

I think it's funny that they've gone "fuck the evil rightoids", "anyone voting trump literally wants you dead" for over a decade, and now that it's started to swing back they go "i-it shouldn't be political…"

No. 2335241

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BASED gen alpha using their iPad-breaking anger issues to bully their troon overlords

No. 2335253

>give them a book to read with a trans main character as homework
This man is speedrunning being fired

No. 2335281

Can’t they just teach good lord. Keep the propaganda bullshit (politics, religion, sexualities) out of schools. No wonder people are becoming more retarded.

No. 2335476

they are both south Asian (ones Muslim) so I do give them allowances since it’s clear they just have so much internalised misogyny
I don’t know tbh, I feel so guilty being friends with them but I also think if I said I no longer want to be friends, they wouldn’t take it well

No. 2335494

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I'm in college and my classes this semester have THREE troons in multiple of my classes, one of them even has Bad Dragon stickers on his laptop, the other one was wearing a choker with a giant lesbian symbol on it as if that would somehow make women want to fuck him. I can't switch classes either. How did it get this bad. What do I do nonnies.

No. 2335497

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This is the funniest thing I’ve seen because the first troon I met hit every stereotype. I made a joke saying “the only ethical consumption under capitalism is eating ass” (unfunny I know but I was a 19 year old NLOG at the time) and his first question is “have you ever eaten ass?” to which I was disturbed he had asked me a genuine sexual question as a response to a terrible joke. He was also a Twitter anarchist, “lesbian” and was studying to become an elementary school teacher, he peaked me so fast.

No. 2335500

computer science, nonny?

No. 2335512

What are the bad dragon stickers of? You could probably make a complaint about them for promoting a hostile environment or something.

No. 2335521

no, something in the arts. i can't imagine how bad CS must be honestly.
just the logo. if i made an official report i'd have to attach my name to it and he'd possibly find out who i was. plus that wouldn't do anything about the other two.

No. 2335532

They don't understand that what peaks most of us is meeting them and listening to what they have to say. "Listen to transwomens voices" is a disservice to their cause, they shot themselves in the foot insisting on that one. The ones that still defend them are the ones who have never met any male tranny irl.

No. 2335534

Jesus, he sounds terrifying. There was a troon on my college course who fit every stereotype as well. He was SO rude, passive aggressive, and "covertly" racist for no reason, also thought he passed super well just because he conditioned his hair sometimes kek. Watching him go to war with the homophobic Muslim girls in our class was hysterical. And then the train who orbited my friend was even worse, he always STANK and had the freakiest glazed-eye stare I've ever seen. It was so embarrassing being anywhere out in public with him because he wouldn't stop talking about drugs and sex. I'll take my blogging ban for this but it just goes to show that trannies don't know what they're talking about in regards to TERFs. The best and most frequent peaking material is simply letting them talk.

No. 2335596

not to mention "perceive them as kinda creepy" is a fully fucking valid reason for a female to dislike a male. They want women to not trust their gut when they know men are dangerous.

No. 2335621

I think he meant that the terfs are supposed to be mannish and creepy to the "normal" women and that being a terf is icky because it's fringe politics and no woman is ever allowed to have a non conforming thought. It's hard to tell what he means, but it's a mask off moment either way.

No. 2335629

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Anyone else notice how troons are desperate to be perceived as women online so they use usernames with the words "lesbian", "girl", "princess", etc? And their pfps are always female avatars as well? TIMs (and TIFs) always jump to volunteer information to gender themselves and fail to be subtle or actually integrate.

No. 2335682

It's pretty stereotypical pickme behavior too. Like the only thing openly outing yourself as female will do is cause trouble for you. Best for moids to assume you're one of them because at least they won't send pms begging for feet pics.

No. 2335845

This is hilarious because it’s so utterly wrong. I peaked because ALL the TIMs I met were fetishistic creeps. Initially I was willing to give ‘the community’ as a whole the benefit of the doubt because surely this is one is an outlier, surely they aren’t all this bad… but after number four or five I figured that the greasy-haired lolicon incels were the rule, not the exception. Ask any group of gendercritical women what peaked them and at least two thirds will say it was a trans person.

No. 2335973

Let's look on the bright side, maybe being thin will make her go outside and interact with normal people. She might detrans once she realises that she gets more attention as a moderately attractive thin woman than as a big blobby testosterone laden woman.
Who wants to bet the pedo accusations are already on the way? Kids these days have access to recording devices and know how to use them. I hope they can keep themselves safe.
Pretend you're a TIM who's been on girly pills since babyhood and convince them to get the chop.

No. 2336542

theres this mobile game i play (identity v) and theres one storyline that involves a domestic abuse survivor and her retarded incel coworker trying repeatedly to come onto her after her abusive husband dies and eventually forcing her to end her life and i just saw a fucking fanart using the stupid i saw the tv glow audio where it’s like awww the incel was actually trans all along and she helped him realize it…… they are always telling on themselves

No. 2336559

theres this mobile game i play (identity v) and theres one storyline that involves a domestic abuse survivor and her retarded incel coworker trying repeatedly to come onto her after her abusive husband dies and eventually forcing her to end her life and i just saw a fucking fanart using the stupid i saw the tv glow audio where it’s like awww the incel was actually trans all along and she helped him realize it…… they are always telling on themselves

No. 2336611

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This is making the rounds and normies/older GCs are still surprised by his honesty, like 'why would he admit this and still want to be addressed by female pronouns'. Hello? This was always the point, TiMs' preoccupation with passing (physically, behaviorally) is really about being treated like the 'inferior' sex, it was never, ever about true acceptance as a pseudo-woman. It was always about forcing people to treat them like women, daring them to object, this is what's thrilling for overt fetishists. Wu's admission is yet another example of this. He's saying 'you know i'm not what i pretend to be, but you can't do anything about it'. The odd feeling created by the gap between the truth and what they claim/want others to say is precisely what gets them off, just like how they get off to putting on feminine clothing as a man and thinking 'i know i am male, but still…'. These men do not work like most people, it's not your regular male horniness that may be disgusting and objectifying but pretty simple in its aims, it's about having a special relationship to norms and provoking ugly feelings in others. This is why they take bathroom selfies, they're really looking for anxious reactions in women, this is why they insist on having lesbians say 'yes ma'am i would totally bone you', it's about feeding on the confusion and discomfort of others. Creepy men who jack off in children's parks operate with the same logic, they are the closest match to openly AGP moids, perhaps even more than fetish-ridden men who keep it to themselves or any other type of male.

No. 2336627

Is Wu admitting he has AGP? I thought his stance was that fetishists and trenders were giving trutrans post-op gays like him a bad name.

No. 2336663

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Got confused in which thread was active. Wanted to properly share this word salad.

No. 2336668

Kek users claiming in the comments “they are more like sisters” as if that changes the fact it’s a man in a wig. I hope people aren’t this brain dead in real life.

Exactly, the first TiM I ever knew was just like every other coomer male liking male-targeted posts which depicted unrealistic proportions of women in typical Twitter coomer art and he convinced himself that he’s a lesbian. He also reads yuri, likes computers, and likes those ugly striped programmer socks.

KEK everything is nonsensical

No. 2336688

I know right. He must have felt silly when his LARP was pointed out (thus making it useless)

No. 2336734

Read a pretty alright book to start off my reading challenge for the year and found out the translator is a he/they TIF who spergs out about muh palestine in japanese on the regular. at times, it really does feel like troonism is inescapable when it comes to the most mundane of hobbies. seriously, why did i have to come across one of the few troons who works in JP to EN literary translation. she did a good job, but oh my fucking god

No. 2336736

Decided to tune into Games Done Quick even though it's an absolute joke now. Every other donation message is "TRANS RIGHTS", and the donation message reader has the most stereotypical hun voice ever. If I made a drinking game of this I'd be dead by now. I just heard another while typing this post

No. 2336748

I love reading about troons destroying themselves. I wish every progressive woke zealot destroyed themselves as much as troons. It makes me happy to see my enemies destroying themselves without having to do anything.
Books are a lost cause right now, I recommend only reading books at least ten years old at least but ideally more

No. 2337015

That's a cool pfp, wonder if it's from a picrew?

No. 2337029

Exactly. I keep seeing gc people say that TIMs harass lesbians because they think that dating a lesbian would validate them as true and honest women but imo that’s not the case at all. That may be how it works for HSTS, but not AGPs. They know they’re male and that actual lesbians could by definition never be truly attracted to them and that’s the whole point. They don’t want someone who genuinely wants them back, they want someone who is repulsed by them but powerless to get away.

No. 2337041

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>gender binary exists because of capitalism

No. 2337063

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It's the same shit every year unfortunately, although I keep growing increasingly tired of it. It's not purely a fundraising gaming event anymore, they shoehorn the trans rights stuff everywhere and it takes away from the fact that they're trying to benefit a cancer foundation. They may as well start donating to a trans cause instead at this point, but we all know they wouldn't profit they way they do from it like they do now.

They also have this online event that only women are allowed to submit speedruns to but 80% of the players are men. It's laughable.
Stupid idiots can only think in childish terms ("princesses are for girls cars are for men" type of shit) barely any woman out there would chose "princess" as an username unless they're DDGL and mentally unwell. They can't even figure how to copy this shit right I swear. "Female is when you like princesses" god they're idiots.

No. 2337073

Both are true though. They know they’re males and they need the validation from homosexual females, they’re aware that a true lesbian would hold no interest in them, hence why you see them melting down about “genital preference” (even coining that term) and then constantly doubting their “lesbianism”. They know they’re a fraud.

No. 2337078

we were watching last night in bed when the troon announcer came on. once he introduced himself i made a "yuck" noise, told my husband i cant listen to an annoying tranny, and went to sleep. apologies for the blog but my husband is a ~good leftist~ so he wont say anything negative about troons so he rolled his eyes when i said i was going to bed but he couldn't even stand 5 minutes of the tranny's screeching either and turned it off. like, what caused that man to come out swinging at 10pm with his shrillest "squeels" and shit? thank god he wasnt on during prime time so i could still enjoy my evening

No. 2337081

Ah yes they want to co-opt TERF experience so they can call themselves troo and hunnest women

No. 2337129

>flame fatales
that reminds me of the time i saw some TIM apply to said female-only gdq event barely a week after "coming out", it was so surreal to witness. they really don't have even an ounce of shame. troonism wasn't just crack to speedrunning communities, it was the nuclear bomb to hiroshima.

No. 2337138

lol I know exactly who you’re talking about. her translation work is good though

No. 2337140

I'm pretty every single terf I know (including myself) has met a TIM irl. It's why we are terfs. I'm a big gamer and since they've basically taken over gaming cons and spaces in the last decade, I peaked pretty early on.

No. 2337142

>apologies for the blog but my husband is a ~good leftist~ so he wont say anything negative about troons
My boyfriend is the same kek. It's annoying to be with someone who is a left leaning centrist (he's a "we all should get along!" kind of guy) but what else can you do
Only after a week? Jesus Christ they have no shame left

No. 2337146

It's why I'm aiming for home schooling more and more for the future because jfc. Between this shit and pushing drag queen storytime, they are grooming children very young. I hate trannies so much.

No. 2337153

Yup! I always have to double check if someone uses the word princess or fairy. My current username has the word sweet in it, but I've also had it for like 12 years. I shouldnt have to change it because of troons. They want to larp as women so badly. It's like you cant have cute names or avatars anymore because it might be a man

No. 2337156

Adding a troon to squid games was the most insufferable thing that dumb ass creator could have besides making a s2, because s1 should have been ended fine.

No. 2337162

If it was only that, they want to have the baby also suckle for milk.
I still cannot get over that TIM that induced milk to "feed" his grandchild. It's bizarre. Just feed that kid from a flask as every normal person who isn't the mother, does.

No. 2337174

>Books are a lost cause right now, I recommend only reading books at least ten years old at least but ideally more
I really, really want to set up a site like "does the dog die" except it's like "are there any troons". I don't cause I don't know how to keep from getting doxxed and it would get a lot of hate.

No. 2337181

I know you’re probably esl or speak a non American dialect but I laughed because in American English flasks exclusively hold alcohol

No. 2337185

Easy. Do it under the guise of representation and you won’t catch any heat

No. 2337215

What does Palestine have to do with being trans? Asking genuinely. Many non-troons post about it too, arguably more genuinely as well as they're not doing it just to fit the "radiqueer leftiepunk" archetype.

No. 2337288

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American education - not even once. I frankly see no difference between 'American schools' and that North Korean schools in Japan that indoctrinated kids into the GLORIOUS LEADER cult (they are now begging parents for donations - top kek https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/in-japan-pro-north-korean-schools-fight-for-survival-as-geopolitical-tensions-heighten-20241023-p5kkv3.html ).
>The “Sexuality Survey” was the directive of the Head of the Upper School Physical Education (PE) Department, who ordered faculty to administer it to students aged 14-15 years old. The survey, reportedly approved by the male department head and created by another male PE faculty member, contained questions that many parents and educators found highly invasive and inappropriate for the age group.
>Children were encouraged to be “courageous” when answering questions such as:
>Have you ever taken nude or sexually explicit pictures of yourself?
>Have you had sexual intercourse? (Penile, vaginal, or anal penetration)
>Have you ever sexted?
>Do you feel comfortable with your knowledge about Gender Orientation? If you don’t know what this is, your answer is no!
>The growing discontent among parents was documented in multiple communications with school administrators, who resisted acting on these concerns and failed to address the issue promptly.
>TAS, which abides by an American-style curriculum intended to prepare students for college in the United States, has in recent years been active in promoting gender ideology on their campus. Guidelines set in place allow students to compete in sports and access restrooms as the “gender identity” of their choice, and facilitate coercive pronoun usage on campus.
>Teachers have been instructed to use “preferred” names and pronouns of students, and to hide this from parents in parent-teacher meetings if the parents are known to object to gender ideology. Staff who have voiced opposition to these school policies have reportedly been threatened with loss of employment if they continue to speak out.
>Adding to the controversy is the presence of multiple sexually explicit books promoting concepts popularized within gender ideology in the school’s libraries, sparking further outrage among parents and faculty. Titles such as Gender Queer and This Book is Gay have come under fire for graphic depictions of sexual acts and controversial themes that critics argue are inappropriate for students. While debates over explicit content in schools have been highly visible across Western nations, this is the first reported instance of such issues surfacing in Taiwan.
>One book available to students, Gender Queer, contains illustrations of oral sex using a strap-on prosthetic and explicit discussions between siblings about “vagina slime.” Another title, This Book is Gay, offers instructions on using dating apps and organizing sex parties.
>Further complicating matters, some of these books include QR codes linking to external websites that sell products like chest binders and underwear packers. Parents have raised alarm over these links, questioning how such content made its way into a school environment.

No. 2337290

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>A QR link found in books available in the TAS library leads students to a site featuring prothetic penises for sale.

No. 2337296

what the fuck. This is so creepy.

No. 2337312

Those dicks looks so gross, why are the heads so conical/circumcised? Ick.

No. 2337313

>defective packers

No. 2337410

I'm 100% convinced some gross men modeled these after their own dicks, and the thought of young women putting them in their underwear on their female genitals is exciting to them

No. 2337459

why are american universities expected to educate the world's elite private school kids?

No. 2337475

Kek, the next time someone critiques me, I just ignore it and tell them to take it to meta. Idk why this response red text cracks me so up (in circumstances like this)
That's what's happens if you give the mentally unwell the benefit of the doubt, feed them substances they tell you will make them stop to idealise suicide.
Those fucking morons really think that estro alone causes a menstrual cycle, no need for the organ, you would actually bleed out, no egg to get rid of, no fluctuations of multiple hormones, that will make pms/pmdd a living hell for some. I hope he doesn't have unprotected sex, too much risk for a pregnancy… Need to start measuring temperature, then.

No. 2337503

That confet flag screams to be pink and light-blue, kek
That's a woman. (Or am I confused)

No. 2337527

He did look more feminine as a man, ironically.

No. 2337560

Ah yes, the standard narc reasoning. Person x doesn't like me, they must be jealous of me. Case closed, no need for introspection.

No. 2337587

As I now finally was able to read the thread to the end I re-read my comment and thought, hm flask sounds a bit off, lol. I meant bottle, in German it's "Flasche" (Give the baby the Flasche), kek.

No. 2337665

I can't believe there are tifs that look at these and think "yep, having one of those stuck to me at all times sounds like a dream"
Like, I'm straight and I can't even look at or touch a naked penis. Can't imagine having to look at it every time I need to take a piss, absolutely revolting.

No. 2337676

Facebook is going to stop censoring discourse around gender ideology apparently, will other social media follow suit? I hope so.

No. 2337914

>once I said lgb community accidentally and got such a haranguing for it.

KEK nonnie I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during that conversation, holy shit. How autistic do you have to be to let things slip like that? I'm a sperg myself but I feel like whenever anything trans related comes up I kick into gear and watch every word I say, lest I be outed as a meanie terf.

No. 2337926

That is why they keep trying so hard to infiltrate the only terfish lesbian sub on reddit even though they already have every other lesbian subreddit. Its the only sub with guaranteed real women and they know it. Theyre constantly trying to escape each other but every lesbian space eventually ends up overrun with troons. Imagine constantly searching for lesbian validation only to keep getting stuck among other transbians

No. 2338099

Imagine seeing all these people donating for cancer research, opening up about losing loved ones, and then going "Hmm, how do I make this about ME?"
I'm calling it, the donations are gonna start funding some kind of LGBTQ cause by 2030

No. 2338129

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I 100% empathize with parents who refuse to let their children for to public school. If this was my child i would be furious. All people want is for their children to be fucking literate and right now there are too many children who can't read properly but probably know about pronouns. There will never be anything "neutral" about being a troon and forcing people to bend their perception of reality to feed into the fantasy of a bunch of degenerates.
Troons are the only group of people i've seen in my whole life unironically act like a monolith. They are literally all the same person, have the same interests, they are the only group of people where you can look them right in the face and you already know their whole entire life story and their belief system. When it comes to stuff like racial or gender stereotypes, people with a brain know that they only tend to encapsulate a portion of that population, so naturally you'd still have an open mind and it's not a shock for such stereotypes to be proven wrong. Not with troons. There's literally only 3 settings for troons; hetrosexual coomer, self-hating gay man and self hating woman. That is all you ever need to know about them. There's a troon whose been in two of my classes and i suspect he is doing the same course as me and i am DREADING crossing paths with him and having him sit next to me. I find him so unsettling and creepy. He's a huge fucking lad too, i stood near him once and all i could think about is that he could easily beat the ever living shit out of me. I am not a particularly petite woman either, but the way he was towering over me and his overall broadness was quite threatening.

I'm going to go off on a tangent a bit, but i have classmates who are obsessed with troons and gendercult stuff despite being hetrosexual women with no conection to a single person on the lgb + t. They were talking about how they love that you can be non-binary in Baldur's gate, but the way they were talking about it couldn't sound more fake and contrived. The tones of their voices indicates that deep down they did not give a fuck, but they knew saying that shit out loud probably made them feel like good little allies. In regards to the same handmaidens, one of our classes was exclusively female and they had a bitch fit when the instructor stated that nobody in the room had a prostate. They were getting mad saying "urm how do you know that, urm why are you assuming", it was the most retarded thing i've ever witnessed in my life. The silver lining was that the instructor completely dismissed them and was chuckling to himself about it. Why are these stupid cunts in a fucking biology class??? I absolutely hate it when i have to meet such retarded irl, why can't it stay on the internet???

No. 2338198

Omfg I can’t even listen to a song without seeing troons in the comment section. I was listening to a song called Glory Box by Portishead (a 90’s song) and they were troons in the comment section relating to it (you’ll know why if you listen to the song or read the lyrics). WHY ARE THEY EVERYWHERE??? This is honestly getting ridiculous, they’re seriously like parasites that infect every single nook and cranny of the internet. The urge to a-log is very strong right now.

No. 2338419

Sage for blog, sorry if this isn’t the right place to share this but I didn’t wanna shit up vent with trans stuff.
My father fucks troons. I honestly didn’t really care until I met one of them, a freakish, 18 year old ghast that talked like a lobotomite. That clearly soured my opinion of my dad. I never told him my problems with this until last christmas, at his born-again Bipolar mothers house. He came out to her as bisexual a few years ago which lead to her ostracising us. (I didn’t have the heart to tell him that saying he’s bisexual for fucking trannies would be twansphobic)
We rekindled for this christmas and I ended up drinking a bit too much and all I recall saying is
>You fuck 18 year old trannies
during a heated argument with my dad in front of the entire family. Now, I don’t care if certain people know what my beliefs are, but my uncle and dad are both ‘bi’, i.e. chasers. I was mainly concerned that I had outed myself as a twansphobe to them but they actually understood my grievances and didn’t hold anything I said against me. Most of that can probably be chalked up to me being in a semi-psychosis state and being just a ‘hysterical’ woman, but still.

My grandmother has sent my father a letter today saying she can no longer talk to us due to the fight we had, and his homosexuality. I feel guilty, because that was obviously not the place I should have aired my grievances, however I feel torn because she’s such an evil cow. I feel justified in calling my dad out but on the other hand my grandma is actually batshit insane and a terrible person.
On a positive note I think what I said has stuck with my dad and he will refrain from going for ones younger than me next time.
It’s hell out here.

No. 2338438

Reading this type of shit just blackpills me more on men. I keep on hearing more and more men being chasers, but I guess it shouldn’t be too surprising since scrotes will stick their dick in just about anything.

No. 2338479

Kinda pisses me off that no matter if a person is a big TERF, gender critical, a detrans victim trying to recover… so many of them turn to christianity. You have these people arguing in depth about how believing in unreal things is mentally bad for you even if the promises sound good, that this "cult of worship" is so bad and brainwashes people into doing and thinking in harmful ways, how they refuse to listen to reason and reality… and they just refuse to see that is literally what their religion is too! It's so hypocritical. Of course it's not every single person but it's so common that it's easy to see a pattern.

No. 2338483

So he’s a borderline pedo faggot, I would feel way too disgusted to be even near him kek.

No. 2338484

A chaser is in 99% of cases just a pre-troon waiting to troon out. If he's fucking 18 year olds already there's a VERY high chance he's fucked (legally raped) younger boys too. Distance yourself fully nona, he's a lost cause. He will NOT stop going for younger boys nona, that's just something you tell yourself to feel better. I'm dead serious when I say you should cut contact with this man.

No. 2338486

You sound like a fedora-tipper.

>A chaser is in 99% of cases just a pre-troon waiting to troon out.
Brianna Wu's husband hasn't, so there must be more to it.

No. 2338487

There is nothing beyond that kek, they’re faggots who are ashamed of liking scrotes so they delude themselves that a shemale is the next best thing.

No. 2338549

I'm so sorry but this sounds like a nightmare. Truly disturbing. If my father fucked any 18 year old, trans or cis, I would never speak to him again.

No. 2338550

your father's a pedophile
those are vaush types, men who would probably troon out in most cases, but knows it requiries doing something that isn't just consuming porn and eating crap

No. 2338564

File: 1736342836572.png (870.21 KB, 1796x1620, dcDp6vk.png)

No. 2338571

>Troons are the only group of people i've seen in my whole life unironically act like a monolith. They are literally all the same person, have the same interests
Because it's not an innate trait like race or sex, it's a subculture, and one that attracts people with a weak sense of self and desperation for validation from their peers at that.

No. 2338581

but the scrote in qn is also a faggot and/or a troon so whats the point of chasers trooning out? as far as im concerned any sorts of grooming behavior even towards the unsympathetic is moral debauchery.

No. 2338635

Amazing how clockable he is even from a tiny, blurry, probably carefully staged and edited profile picture.

No. 2338784

Do troons think sex-based oppression isn't real, or do they know it exists but don't care/pretend it doesn't exist because it interferes with their fantasies? I can't wrap my head around genuinely thinking it's not real when abortion bans and the Taliban's latest human rights violations are regularly in the news.

No. 2338787

I assume that TIFs are more likely to accept it as reality, since it’s their reality too. TIMs will accuse you of transmisogyny if you mention sex-based oppression. I’ve seen plenty of TIM vs TIF troon infighting over this subject. I don’t fully comprehend the mind of a troon, but I will say that the reality of sex-based oppression was what snapped me out of my budding handmaidenry.

No. 2338834

Ironic men see TIMs as more 'rational' than regular women, for whoever's sake they don't even give TIFs a special category instead lumping all women as afraid of reality lmao…

No. 2338856

They know it’s real but they don’t care about it because it only happens to girls and women, who don’t matter. The mental gymnastics they perform to pretend it’s not real or is actually ‘gender’-based isn’t what they truly believe, it’s meant to downplay the issue so it’s more socially acceptable to openly not give a damn. They know they would lose a lot of handmaidens if they said “FGM? who cares” so instead they’ll reblog a word salad essay on how caring about FGM is cisheteronormative and colonialist, actually, to shame people who do care and make not caring look like the morally superior position.

No. 2338865

>do not support the only part where trannies aren't allowed to be naked around rape or violence victims. Better destroy the place and claim it wasn't destroyed by trans women!

No. 2338873

Friendly reminder uwuwuwu that VRR wasn’t even initially targeted because they turned away TIMs seeking shelter, but because they turned down a TIM who wanted to volunteer with women face to face. They didn’t want to subject rape survivors in their most vulnerable moment to some strange man in a wig (a man who, as it turns out, threw a massive tantrum when told “no”) and were subjected to a years long vendetta campaign as a result.

No. 2338877

>Do troons think sex-based oppression isn't real, or do they know it exists but don't care/pretend it doesn't exist because it interferes with their fantasies?
Troons know it's real, it's why they want access to female spaces so they can oppress actual women. They of course pretend it doesn't exist, so they can go on to oppress women further. They care about it, but in ways that serve them - they want to 100% keep that oppression so they can keep oppressing women.

It is literally vital to troons existence that women are oppressed, because otherwise they wouldn't be able to troon out to oppress women.

No. 2338912

File: 1736361726569.jpg (138.52 KB, 782x606, cops.jpg)

Trannies join the forces of oppression to revel in the abuse of women and fetishism:

No. 2338942

I think in this instance christianity is one of the lesser evils. Church provide free counselling and support to people who have no one. In the case of detrans, they have probably lost all their friends and really need to hear that they are loved and a nice person. Detransitioners have been completely failed by the psychiatric profession that enables practitioners to encourage people into making awful decisions, then discards them afterwards. If that's the route they need to take to find healing, then so be it. Spirituality on it's own is really not a cult. What defines a cult is more so about how particular groups conduct themselves. For example, i feel like trans stuff is probably more of a cult than catholicism purely because i have experience with catholicism and i have not engaged with it in years with no consequence to my life, where as abandoning troonery or refusing to accept their beliefs literally can have serious effects on your relationships and cause isolation.

No. 2338943

File: 1736363387161.png (105.13 KB, 567x975, Petition to let kids be preyed…)

There are a bunch of posts circulating on Tumblr recently about signing petitions to reconsider the Cass report, trans healthcare, puberty blockers and all that. They usually have thousands of notes, sometimes tens of thousands, but the petitions don't reflect the amount of exposure they're receiving.
The petition in picrel is up to 11,250 ish signatures now, which a couple of years ago would have taken Tumblr maybe two days to reach. Looks like the trend's dying down.
If your dad is cut out of his mom's will because he's fucking children, that's already something. If your grandma bars your dad and his 'friends' from her home because of this outburst, you are protecting her from potential elder abuse. Your extended family knows to not leave their kids unsupervised around your dad. Your outburst was ultimately a good thing.
Some people were born to huff their own farts. If they don't have any connection to the alphabet soup brigade, that might be why they're so hellbent on including trans talking points in their everyday lives.

No. 2338949

File: 1736363793016.png (116.41 KB, 544x954, trans kids hormones pt1.png)

Samefagging to post a story about how kids are tragically denied the care their narcissistic, Munchausen's by proxy parents insist that they need, and how it wasn't like that before because nobody did any checks or bothered to ask why a child felt so uncomfortable in their body that they wanted to change genders.

No. 2338959

File: 1736364186671.png (116.7 KB, 525x983, trans kids hormones pt2.png)

My goodness, who've thought that this could be less than legal in some way. After all, this is the land where the bad kids get shipped off to Christian fundie camps with their parents' consent to get tortured in the woods, surely if parents choose to swap an unwanted daughter for a very special boy that means it's all fine.

No. 2338961

File: 1736364239900.png (58.01 KB, 522x462, trans kids hormones pt3.png)

Hooray, the thrilling conclusion. We're not completely in Hell World yet.

No. 2338987

All these words and the sole believable detail is the OP abusing their position to lie about their patients' symptoms and coach them to get the diagnosis they want.

No. 2339080

I don't think they know or care if it's real. If they weren't troons a lot of them would be the same reddit incels complaining about "pussy privilege" and acting like men are the oppressed ones. Men as a class have never acknowledged or cared about sexism.

No. 2339344

File: 1736382090989.jpg (483.97 KB, 734x2223, 1000026339.jpg)

I visited tumblr while logged out in incognito mode and it started pushing a bunch of gendie bs (like picrel with 150k+ notes) on me, wtf. The algorithm is such a groomer

No. 2339448

Kek ain't nobody saying that ever.

No. 2339524

Wouldn't calling it camouflage be offensive because it's implying they're disguising themselves as something they're not? They never make any fucking sense kek.

No. 2339554

Meta changed their guidelines. You’re allowed to call LGBTQ people mentally ill now. I can’t wait for all the whining from trannies about how this is literally violence.

No. 2339615

File: 1736396822366.png (148.16 KB, 898x707, LCrMTjW.png)

can't even vent about being a lesbian in a third world country anymore

No. 2339617

File: 1736396904079.png (184.1 KB, 750x886, gkLZJRM.png)

No. 2339624

File: 1736397185930.jpg (27.02 KB, 630x420, FayFSrpUcAIWzIB.jpg)

No. 2339625

My brain doesn’t even comprehend the level of high horsity that is trying to be expressed. I see the words, i understand the meaning of most of them, but strung together in that format has me going blank. I don’t know how you guys even interact in these spaces to begin with, this is not a normal human connection of thought. Genuinely, what the fuck did I just read. Are their words supposed to convey some high intelligence I am missing?

No. 2339630

>I-I know trannies have it much worse than me, I'm so sorry for complaining about my hardships, I will never again make such a mistake, please don't call me out, I am trash please

No. 2339633

This is fucking crazy omg the misogyny is out of control and the manipulative language to call this terfy… psychotic what is going on

No. 2339635

I am so sick of them misuing the term bioessentialism, the dumb bitches don't even know what that means. They've turned it into a slur for when a woman dares to acknowledge her biology. I guess mentioning that i have a vagina and i am a woman is suddenly peak transphobia too. And it will be normal hetrosexual women getting up in arms on behalf of trannies every single fucking time. I am sick of women having no backbone and bending for these ugly pedophiles.

No. 2339637

Literally just repackaged misogyny. People like this are pathetic as fuck

No. 2339641

For them, a woman talking about her biology = bad. But they can talk about girldick all they want, of course.

No. 2339643

Guys the clitoris is such a terf-y organ, idk I can't put my finger on it but I don't think women should have a clitoris. When a woman says she has a clitoris I feel like something is off. If you have a clitoris you should at least hide it or remove it idk it's rlly weird like why are they doing this to trans women?

No. 2339645

When your post gets red-texted because you do such a heckin' good impression of someone who posts here. The worst thing about troons is that they spend all their time masturbating to child porn, instead of integrating with the women they claim to be

No. 2339651

Yaaaa totes like if you have a clit you should definitely consider femoid castration so that you aren't tempted to talk about your body in any positive or neutral manner at all in fact make sure to mail me an apology letter afterwards

No. 2339672

Is this the ‘Talk like a troon’ thread?

No. 2339842

About as real as a reddit post, can we not do this?

No. 2339857

They’re throwing a fit on Reddit already kek. I’m mad that the LGB will suffer from it, that’s all. But I think the majority of criticism will primarily focus on trannies.

No. 2339858

TIMs know it exist but they don’t care because they’re MRAs , their objective is to reach “transwomen are more oppressed than cis women and more at risk” look at how they always revert all aspects of feminism to trans rights.
TIFs are aware of sex based oppression, they face it from the very same TIMs kek and normal men, but they’re delusional and think that if they men enough then they won’t face it anymore. A clear example of this is that they still want to be included in female spaces , but they want to co-opt them and make them inclusive (chest feeding, people with vaginas etc).

No. 2339861

>I guess mentioning that i have a vagina and i am a woman is suddenly peak transphobia too
It is according to them kek. They can praise girldick and plaster penises all over but god forbid you talk about your vagina or clit.

No. 2339878

Why would I lie about this? Also you’re the only redditard here

No. 2339891

nta but can y'all literally just look at what people are replying to and directly parodying

No. 2339896

>Meta changed their guidelines. You’re allowed to call LGBTQ people mentally ill now.
To people who didn't think the world was peaking any time soon, here's proof that it's happening. You're even allowed to "misgender" troons now kek

And I honestly do not think it's reflecting any new hatred against LGB, because I've literally not seen any more of it whatsoever. If anything I've seen previously mildly homophobic people now claim troons are homophobic and that's not ok. Any new opposition has always been against the trans part (old homophobes stay homophobes as usual though). Only trans ideology has loudly been claiming it's against ALL of them because they know they're nothing without LGB, they've been sucking out the life and blood of LGB this whole time because troons cannot sustain themselves.

No. 2339901

>TRAs: terfs hate their bodies and womanhood that’s why they’re so jealous of trans girls!
>women: I love having a clitoris
>TRAs: idk sounds terfy

No. 2340042

Any mention of the female body, positive or negative, genocides innocent trans women.

No. 2340061

File: 1736436380663.png (49.23 KB, 765x533, cluster bee.png)

Saw this recently and it felt like the least surprising fact ever. Messing with your kid's sexuality and self-image aswell as making them dependent on niche medical care for their whole life, all of this is perfect if you want your child to never really grow up because you're so mentally ill you need a child-crutch to have any kind of self-esteem. Truly bleak.

No. 2340094

File: 1736438288648.jpeg (33.31 KB, 411x480, IMG_9378.jpeg)

nonnas im going to fucking a-log. this is on a period tracker app i have (and been having for a long time) and this is my very first time seeing this.

No. 2340107

The LGB really needs to all come together and officially separate themselves from the TQIAP+ side because this shit is getting ridiculous and conservatives think we are all one in the same (because of the fucking trannies) which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Too bad so many people on the LGB side are handmaidens and TRAs themselves, plus I’m not too sure about the gay moids either since they’ve hated lesbians (and also women in general) since day one.

No. 2340403

File: 1736454550060.jpg (98.24 KB, 1242x824, 1000001204.jpg)

I still don't know what the fuck this is supposed to mean exactly. Twitter users do a really bad job explaining. And why would you pride yourself on being "clocky"?

No. 2340475

>stop politicising sex
>woman expresses joy in sexual pleasure and this means she has political and social beliefs I don’t like

No. 2340504

>why would you pride yourself on being "clocky"?
Idk, maybe because of the chaser? Or it's a cope for them? This is the troon equivalent of attic pidgin.
I thought there was a dick inversion option that gave them a 'clit' aka butchered dickhead. Why don't they all get that surgery then mog us with their clits, which are bigger better harder and more uncut than ours?

No. 2340506

Are any of the period apps not captured by the ideology at this point? I'm so sick of this shit.

No. 2340550

File: 1736462088301.webp (35.04 KB, 810x539, gend.webp)

I feel like this couple is a symbol of what we could've had without transgenderism. Just people freeing themselves completely of gender norms without projecting their personal psychological issues or their vapid, shallow, attention whore tendencies. They're just being confident in their different styles and the guy doesn't seem perverse (he actually has light in his eyes), it feels like a genuine role reversal of an average heterosexual relationship. Authentic. I don't really know these people but from what I've seen, their self-expression seems like a look into a world if being GNC got promoted as much as becoming trans did.

No. 2340561

aww they look so cute

No. 2340563


No. 2340564

Honestly. I want to see more men in crop tops, wearing nail polish and not giving a shit. I want to see more women not shaving, not wearing makeup etc. This is the social bullshit we need to fight against. Actual gender norms harm people, but nooo, let's focus on a tranny getting free breast job while a local woman dies of cervix cancer.
I miss when people could express themselves without making it political

No. 2340565

Kekkkk, they're so jealous of everything and are powerless against the anger of their incomplete existence.

No. 2340566

I wish it was normalized for (fit) men to wear crop tops.

No. 2340645

It was going towards that direction for a while until they were all psy-opped into thinking dressing fem makes them a femboy or tranny.

No. 2340649

File: 1736468349830.jpg (401.21 KB, 1078x1889, 1000044037.jpg)

I love living in an era where being an actual woman makes me "uglier" than a transvestite.

No. 2340650

I saw an interview with this couple and they're super cute. happy for them

No. 2340666

The only reason anyone would ever mistake this woman for a tranny is because she cakes mud on her nose, and we all know troons can’t do makeup. She’s still infinitely better groomed and better at makeup than they could ever be kek.

No. 2340667

Anyone who has seen a MTF tranny irl knows this isnt true. kek

No. 2340678

Beautiful clocky futch = TIM who looks like a normal man that takes regular showers
Mid theyfab gf = Homely they/them woman
Jealous chaser = Guy with TIM fetish who's angry that the TIM found a real woman and didn't have to go prison gay to get laid

No. 2340712

Funniest thing ever is when they get that surgery but then it falls off, is inaccessible due to bad butchery, or the surgeon didn't even make it. Ever heard the tragic tale of Yaniv, the man who lost his clit?

No. 2340888

I know the answer is because they have stereotypical views of women but ugh why do troons need to do that stupid lilting bimbo-esque high pitch voice when voice training. Even the "less crazy" troons do, are they just not capable of trying it in the medium register? And here I am, a woman with a kind of deep voice/contralto and high timbre, I wonder if I'm seen as a moid to them because of that kek

No. 2341035

the local troon doesn't even try to put on a voice so he just goes around speaking like a normal male while expecting people to treat him like a woman, i don't know which is worst tbh

No. 2341076

I haven't had anyone mistake me since puberty, but when I was a kid everyone would mistake me for a boy, and due to the troon craze and my square face I'm still scared of looking too manly/people thinking I'm a troon under my back (specially since I don't wear any makeup)
I guess the girl on the vid was just fishing for compliments, but I do get her.

No. 2341080

The way troons speak reminds me of how little boys mock womens voices kek. It's because their voice box will never ever sound like a woman's. Women with sultry deep voices must piss them off even more kek

No. 2341102

This straight couple is way more alternative, social-norms-breaking, brave, or what they call 'queer' than any troon could dream of being.

No. 2341121

Wow, that's a blast from the past. I remember some idiots doing the whole "respect pronouns no matter what!!" tirade but even other trannies were openly misgendering and alogging about him kek

No. 2341123

The only people who would call this woman a tranny are faceblind autists who are actively looking for "signs" (a la transvestigators) or negging males. The odds are, it was either the latter or she's made it up to show what a good handmaiden she is kek

No. 2341125

what are some GC radfem content creators you guys consume? it seems that there are so few. r.i.p runawaysiren940

No. 2341127

oh no, did something happen to her? her videos were really nice

No. 2341148

she died I think today or yesterday but very recently saw the announcement video her friend did today on her channel, I don't know exactly the reason but I suspect it was probs diabetes related though I could be wrong

No. 2341164

We lost Runawaysiren… I know that this would fit more in the content creator thread but she was such a shining light in a world of troon shit…I will miss her dearly…

No. 2341170

I'm fucking heartbroken. Hearing her voice, her real words and real life, talk about this shit was so cathartic to me when I felt like i was going insane. There arent enough women doing that. And now shes gone… It's not fair.

No. 2341180

Its really not fair. It feels like such a loss honestly she was so real in world of so much TRA and handmaid dishonesty and she discussed so many topics that no one really covered as well as she did ,if they covered them at all. I guess the good die young…

No. 2341182

I'm kind of baffled really I knew she had health issues but I didnt know it was this severe she sounded just fine a few days ago..

No. 2341190

yeah it's such a punch to the stomach, it's just so sudden

No. 2341233

he's a moid (so not a radfem), but i do recommend kingcritical for some leftist gc content. he's definitely more on the philosophical/rhetorical side of things, so it's not a watch for everyone, but i personally enjoy seeing some autism weaponized for a good cause kek. that said, i will miss runawaysiren's uploads. the whole thing came as a shock to me too, it's a shame that she was taken so young.

No. 2341250

Waking up to this news was really hard. She was so young too. Pour one out for our girl today nonnas

No. 2341267

There are two genres of handmaiden tranny-female comparisons: thinking that looking like a HSTS surgery addict blowup doll is a compliment, and highlighting how "male" they look in solidarity with their "sisters". The latter is even more retarded because it's a mix of feminine open self-loathing ("ugh i look male.. i mean tranny-like in this picture") and virtue signalling. Being boisterous is uncouth for some women so they have to act like Mother Teresa and say 'look tranny.. i might be conventionally attractive but my feet are slightly too big and my waist is 0.5% wider than the ideal so we're the same.. feminism win"

No. 2341268

oh no he's cute…

No. 2341275

I don't understand why her and Magdalen Berns died so young and so many worse people are still alive. Life is so cruel.

No. 2341280

Wow, that surgeon really wrecked him. His facial symmetry was really beautiful before he went under the knife. Now he just looks all puffy and aged.

No. 2341296

>face card
>"Popularized on Tik Tok and other social media, "face card" is used to refer to a person's facial attractiveness. Mainly used to refer to a woman's beauty."
For anyone else that doesn't use tiktok.

No. 2341298

Fuck just now learned about her, learned about Magdalen after her death as well too. Literally we have so few women who speak up as boldly as them so it breaks my heart. Agree with you nonnie. Fugly pickmes like Pearl deserve to drop dead but their still out their spewing hate. I hate this Earth.

No. 2341308

Wow this genuinely makes me sad. Rest in peace. Fuck this troon world, it's sad siren had to move overseas to afford medical care but these idiot troons get free "life saving" meds and surgeries just because they are grifting retard faggots.

No. 2341492

Do they make all fujoaidens in a factory? I guess being in a BL fandom already means exposing myself to a higher ratio of gendies, but it was super funny how absurdly easy to spot they are. Today I saw someone participate in a convo about whether the BL genre is for women or not, and as soon as I read "as a gay man" I immediately knew that it was a TIF. And of course I'm proven right soon after when the conversation changed to tracking periods lmao

No. 2341513

No fucking way, what the hell… May she rest in peace

No. 2341528

Anyone with faggot or fag in their handle can be clocked as a TIF immediately too.

No. 2341540

It's really not fair, they get their porn fantasies validated and she died so incredibly young. She seemed like such a sweet person too, the world is shit.

No. 2341543

didn't she just post a video like 2 days ago? this has to be some psychic attack

No. 2341555

One thing that is funny about fresh detransitioners (who I genuinely wish the best for, good on you for escaping the child mutilation cult) is that even though they've peaked and they now even laugh about troons always being delusional about passing… they still like to claim they passed "most of the time" they identified as trans. And then they unironically go on to describe experiences that only happened because they clearly didn't pass at all. And it's true for both the two genders. Like a 6'4 detrans guy with broad shoulders will claim he passed and people REALLY saw him as a real tall woman at least half the time, or a chubby detrans 5' girl with a huge badonkadonk ass will claim people saw her as a real boy because she got top surgery and her chest was flat.
>"I passed fairly well as a woman most of the time. For some reason only gay guys used to hit on me when I was trans though, and women always complimented me no matter what even though I had no makeup skills or anything to the point it was almost patronizing haha that's just what women do to each other right? Anyway nobody could even tell I was born a man"
It's just funny that even after escaping they're so clearly in the clutch of trans for a while, often not until a few years can they recognize that they did in fact not pass either kek

No. 2341566

Its so heartbreaking. I know its selfish to cry about it when i didnt know her, but i have been crying and feeling terrible since the news. I found her channel back when she had very few subs and i would comment on all her videos and like them religiously hoping that would help her with the algorithm. She was always so kind, would always respond and like my comments. She seemed so sweet. How the fuck are fat bitches like chantal still alive but she died?! fuck life, really. I am convinced life is only good to those who are assholes and dont deserve to live.

No. 2341579

Does anyone else remember the time where BL was fairly free of aidens?

No. 2341586

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Hey nonas just a reminder that it's a great idea to email or call all your local facilities that either have separated gender changing rooms or that are "women only" to ask if they allow men who are trans identified in or not. Tell them as a woman you can't go if people with dicks can potentially be there to so you need to know beforehand.
>let's them know that's a thing that can/will happen because men do that
>let's them know women aren't ok with it and they lose out on business if they cater to those men
>let's you know if they're already captured by troon ideology so you can avoid them
>let's you know if they're safe and really women-only like they claim

No. 2341623

I'm absolutely gutted, I watched several of her vids and had others on my to watch list, she was always chill when posting and chatting on ovarit too. She was so calm and mature that I had thought she was older, can't believe she was a genz lesbian only 23 years old.

Yeah, I didn't encounter these clowns prior to 2016-17ish. I miss those times.

No. 2341643

I cried over it too, I would never have found radfeminism without her. I learnt so much, she was just gaining traction you see that slowly but surely she she was getting more views, subs and the comments sections would be fuller she was the best radfem youtuber we had.

No. 2341650

One of the few positives of living in the middle of nowhere is that I know tranny shit wouldn’t be tolerated like that. When I lived in the city it was exhausting using restrooms with stickers that were pro troon.

No. 2341672

>prior to 2016-17ish
You're lucky, I started seeing them online since 2013 or 2014 and they very quickly ruined a lot of fandoms I was in. If I knew how bad it would get long term I would have deleted all my social media accounts way earlier. Since the pandemic lockdowns ended I see a lot more zoomer TIF irl though. I'm not talking about young girls and women who could just be tomboys into alternative fashion, I'm talking about girls and women with pastel tranny flag accessories on their clothes or bags and the ones who sounds like frogs because of their treatments messing up their voice.

No. 2341673

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So the shitty movie from a shitty book called the Uglies, which is about some retarded future where everyone without surgery thinks they are ugly until as a teen they get plastic surgery to be a "pretty super human".
Laverne Cox was cast as the villain and the top comment under a video by Nikki Carreon is this. Its like my issue was why was LC casted as a Pretty Woman. Some of these tras tell on themselves. LC wanted that role is he the transphobe? Can transgender never play bad people?

No. 2341881

i thought she just traveled, she'd moved overseas to afford medical care?? wtf!

No. 2342039

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They're just trying to Jedi-mind-trick people now

No. 2342058

Just venting. People that fuck troons are so fucking gross. Male or female, though males are the ones that do this the most. Imagine being some retard moid and losing your virginity to some casual encounter with a tranny. At least women are smarter and if they ever fuck some AGP troon is because they haven't peaked yet. Men can be transphobic and still fuck troons, I've never heard of a woman peaking and then fucking a tranny. And if some post peaked woman ever did fuck a tranny, I think that woman should get checked into a psych ward because that shit ain't normal (and they probably have some mental illness going on like BPD, woke shit, or drug brain rot). I can't think of anyone that willingly wants to fuck a tranny unless they're some chaser or actively self harming.

No. 2342060

the only women who fuck trannies are the ones that married to men who then trooned out. So i feel sorry for them.

No. 2342061

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Whenever I've seen troon sex I have a viscerally repulsed reaction but you should probably assume every guy has fucked a troon by now, because it's so easy and they are everywhere/readily available. So if you're hoping for a future sex life free from any parrels to troons/their orbiters, you would need to be a goldstar or date one who is willing to date a non-gs. Honestly I just try not to think about them unless they're invading my space aggressively or I'm seeing someone who seems like they're in the process of "crypto" trooning or having dl sex with a troon. The worst part is that they align themselves with people of other races or actual sexual orientations so there is really nowhere else to vent about not wanting to have coercive/traumatic sex with a fetishitic AGP than lc or ovarit

No. 2342078

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A true greatest hits compilation of retarded takes from straight TiFs, including classics like:
>"You Literally Want to Be Every Fictional Character You Like"
>"Being Attracted to Men Means That You Want To Be Them"
>"I'm Trying To Crack My Friend's Egg, But It's Not Social Contagion, I Swear"
>"Yes I'm Autistic, but That's Just a Coincidence"
>"You're Either One of Us, or You're a Tradwife"

I know shit media literacy is a meme, but do zoomers seriously not comprehend the idea that escapism is fun expressly because the characters' lives are different from our own? I feel like the logic of, "You want to BE the fictional archetypes you enjoy" is also embodied in shit like otherkin and therians. I doubt the people who play Fallout want to literally live in the post-apocalypse, or that people who like crime stories want to be criminals themselves. Does the fiction people like reflect something about their personality? Sure. But the idea that everybody defaults to consuming media in an aspirational way is completely deranged.

We need to hold the line and show people that a woman can have literally any interest she wants to have without being targeted with coercive "egg" rhetoric. I like m/m, I have for a long time, and I like being a woman. I will never, ever be a fucking tradwife or a troon, and I don't like a bunch of retarded teenagers online deciding that being into the same fandom bullshit as someone else gives them some deep insight into that person's sense of identity. People (including anons here!) need to stop acting like fiction is some huge reflection of a person's character, or that it deeply shapes their sense of self. Just let fiction be a casual hobby again, and stop assigning so much significance to it, especially when it's something women enjoy. Women are already psycho-analyzed and scrutinized enough for the silly bullshit we enjoy in our spare time.

No. 2342084

>the only women who fuck trannies are the ones that married to men who then trooned out.
There are also TiFs and polycule crazies as well, but yes, most of the time when a TiM has a female s/o, she's a future trans widow.

No. 2342085

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I do. The biggest discourse was usually over who topped. It feels so quaint in retrospect. There was once a time when I could peruse slash tags on Deviantart or even early Tumblr with nary a zippertit in sight. I could search up an m/m ship on Ao3 or FF.net without having to filter out ten different search terms related to troonshit or heterosexual sex acts. I wish we could Retvrn.

No. 2342136

Best times, I remember only needing to just pick a ship and start reading.
I also can't help but remember how all invader Zim fanfic writers were obsessed with being skinny and getting sick.

No. 2342150

No wonder the current emo/scene groups and their "revivals" were full of anachan/anakun retards

No. 2342156

I wish you were right but in my personal experience, no those are not the only ones. It takes a new level of crazy but yeah.

No. 2342166

Racist men also still fuck races they claim to hate and a lot of homophobic men are secretly fags, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all that transphobic men would still be down to fuck a tranny. Why are men like this? I know the answer is obvious, cuz “well they’re men!” but it’s still so fucking weird and insane to me, like when women hate a particular group of people they usually stay far away from people of that group and want nothing to do with them.

No. 2342171

I had a libfem handmaiden friend that was attracted to trannies and thought they were hot. I believe she was talking about the TIM ones too.

No. 2342201

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AUSTRIA: Children Expelled From Kindergarten After Their Parents Objected To Poster Depicting Naked Trans-Identified Male Displaying His Penis
>The incident occurred at a corporate kindergarten and daycare in Vienna open for the children of employees of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation. After enrolling their two kids in the kindergarten, a mother and father became aware that the class had decorated a wall in the classroom with a disturbing poster. Speaking to Kronen Zeitung, the father says they first learned about the poster after his 4-year-old son reported seeing “strange pictures” on the walls.
>As a result of the complaint, the father and his wife were summoned for an initial discussion with the regional management, followed by a meeting with the kindergarten’s CEO, Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl. Despite having no pedagogical background, Gerold-Siegl reportedly insisted that children aged 1 through 6 required “sexual education,” something the mother objected to immediately.
>Following the discussion, the kindergarten placement for both of the children were terminated, and they have since been blacklisted from any facilities operated by Kinder in Wien (Children in Vienna, or KiWi), which not only oversees the corporate kindergartens of the Austrian broadcaster but also manages 93 additional kindergartens and after-school programs throughout Vienna.
>In 2024, the Kinder in Wien Journal, published by Gudrun Kern and Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl, addressed the issue of “sexual education in kindergarten and after-school care.” In the journal, it is claimed that “children are born as sexual beings” and that a so-called “sexual identity” develops from birth.

No. 2342221

The only reason kids need to know about sexual acts at that age is in the context of reporting molestation, as fucking terrible as that sounds. Kids need to know and should be able to articulate that Miss Lilith Darkfyre showing them "her" genitals is wrong and dangerous.

No. 2342222

I once saw a porno with a troon for a few seconds and almost threw up.

No. 2342236

>you should probably assume every guy has fucked a troon by now,
lol, lmao even. Not even gay guys want to fuck troons. You're severely underestimating how homophobic straight guys are, there's a reason so many troon prostitutes get murdered by men when they discover they have a dick, and that's deranged men who are actively horny to the degree they're literally paying a prostitute. Not even those guys want to fuck a troon and kill them instead.

No. 2342276

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peak tif naivety

No. 2342283

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Idk if it was mentioned or if this is the right place, but there was a recent stabbing in NYC in a deli over a sandwich.
And I googled it, because it was strange, that it was a young woman, who did the stabbing. Lo and behold, in the pics she looked a bit uncanny, body proportion wise, and she also didn't look like you typical looney tunes druggy/psychotic. Well, guess what, it's a TIM
If you only look the google pictures, it is only mentioned as a woman being the perpetrator.

No. 2342298

They tell on themselves, that they don't see LC as a woman. LC auditioned for the role, as actors do, to widen their portfolio and earn money.

No. 2342303

Stale topic but I still can’t wrap my mind around how “trans people are valid” fits in with “nonbinary is valid” all under the premise that gender is solely down to social conditioning and therefore not real. How can you define yourself as nonbinary without first believing in the binary?

No. 2342304

I think the whole poster is unnecessary in a Kindergarten. And that person saying toddlers need to be sexually educated should be looked in from authorities.

No. 2342409

Have a friend who's dated one, he was part of the 1% of TiMs who are actually attractive, clean and dress well. He looked like a model, not like your usual AGP (though he was obviously AGP if you knew where to look). It didn't last for long because he was painfully autistic and later orbited her as a friend in hopes of sex like your average creepy nice guy. Now she's peaked kek, even the ones who somehow escape most defects associated with troons still peak women with their behavior. I think this is probably what knowing Schafer feels like, it must be confusing to see a man who'd be very successful as a normie man, publicly indulging in a fetish that's repulsive to most women.

No. 2342428

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So… which one is it? Are you more oppressed when you troon out in name only or when you go the whole hog? Can any lurking Tiffanies/ex Tiffanies chime in on which group gets to win the oppression olympics?
This is going to be the basis of so many documentaries in a few decades.

No. 2342443

I mean, they are the ones insisting being totally a woman/man born in the wrong body. Then don't go and wonder that society expects you to look and act like one.
I feel like that person is going full circle and will end up blaming trans people for their situation but is not all there, yet.
People are weird to you, because you look irritating, a fridge-like person, with scraggly hair and a beard, wearing dainty women's clothes that were not cut for your body (or made for your age, let's be honest). Of course this causes attention, you stick out like a sore tumb. If one sticks out, people look, no matter if it is because someone has pink hair in a backwoods small town, is an obvious hooker, or is a man in women's clothes, you need to learn to live with it. They really only ever see themselves and are constantly paranoid that everyone is out there to get them.
Yeah, well, it must suck when most of your male privileges are suddenly gone, kek.

No. 2342589

I like gender nonconformity and would find well-groomed TIMs and TIFs that hadn't medicalized attractive if it weren't for their repulsive belief system.

No. 2342604

Was it Fart Queen Keffals?

No. 2342792

They never make sense nonna, they’re a walking contradiction.

No. 2342801

An unhinged HSTS? Very gay male behaviour.

No. 2342809

Man I cringed so hard I couldn't get through the whole thing

No. 2342810

Runaway Siren/Brandi Kochan's father has set up a gofund me to bring her body home (she was in living in Cambodia when she died) and pay for her funeral. Any excess money will be donated to a local woman's shelter.

No. 2342811

Kekkkkk, holy shit.

No. 2342827

>wiping with the urinal cake
Cringed so hard I cried. This has to be a TIM psyop to make TIFs look bad because I refuse to believe any woman is dumb enough to think urinal cakes are for wiping.

No. 2342844

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she's been active for over a year and posts on mostly fandom related subreddits(the mandela catalogue and fallen london), it looks way too sincere

No. 2342990

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I don't get it. I don't know how Emilia Perez, with its song about vaginoplasty, won over everything else Wicked. Is it really just because of troons? Vidrel is the song

No. 2342992

>really just because of troons?

No. 2342995

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she… she wiped… with this? jesus christ almighty.

No. 2342998

oh wow as someone who likes musicals this is horrendous. Its not like you cant do politically charged musical scenes, but they arent even singing they are just talking… it shouldnt even count as a musical. What a joke.

No. 2343015

Was this already posted in the TIF thread on /snow/?

No. 2343019

I thought this might be fake but her user history seems legit (and gross). I really want to know what her thought process for using the thing that everyone else pees on to wipe. I hope it was some blessed terf trickster who convinced her.

No. 2343024

Well…if the urinal cake was on top of the urinal maybe it hadn't been used? I just don't understand how she knew the name of a urinal cake but didn't know what it was for.

No. 2343026

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>Get you pants down and out of the way
Did she learn how moids pee from Butters? kek

No. 2343072

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Found this in r/CPTSD- desperately want to a-log. Hate that this woman is so traumatized she feels compelled to say all the party lines so a bunch of fucking gross troids don’t unleash their retard male rage on her. There are fucking trannies in the comments reassuring her she doesn’t need to touch a dick but bringing up their tranny status and using the term “genital preference” as if she chose this, as if it means anything at all. Sometimes I really understand where total tranny death meme comes from. Fuck these retards and fuck this retarded movement. When will it end

No. 2343077

Makes me so sad. I have sexual trauma that resulted in severe PTSD myself and as a result cannot have sex with men, and I often find myself wishing I could be open about this despite my neurotic need for privacy. But seeing posts like this break my heart and make me want to keep it to myself even more, just knowing how even something as earth-shattering as CSA isn't enough for trannies to shut up. Everything has to be about them and their stupid rotten dicks. All they care about is their ugly dangling flesh. Just like most men in general, and just like the men who commit these horrible atrocities that traumatize women into believing they are objects undeserving of any respect. I feel like crying, wish I could comfort her.

No. 2343081

She knew it was called urinal cake but didn't know what it was for? I smell ragebait fakery here.

Didn't know she had diabetes. Wow, poor girl. I only watched a couple interviews she did but I obviously feel very sad for her now. Rest in peace.

No. 2343297

nonas, how do I deal with TIMs? I'm starting college in spring and none were at my HS. I lurk gendercrit forums a ton and I see how awful these moids are. STEM has a ton. How do I avoid them?

No. 2343298

why the hell are they always so tall and testosterone faced? i dont see any of the "transmaxxers" who are short moids with recessed jaws who think they'd be pretty as a woman.

No. 2343383

Grey rock. And always look depressed and/or pissed.

No. 2343407

My friend was talking about how "awful" it is that troons have to spell out in their dating profile that they're trans because "that is what gets people killed!!". I told her that if I matched with someone I would prefer to know early on that they're trans, and she of course went off on how that's transphobic - because the hypothetical tranny in the room's feelings are more important than a woman's comfort and safety. I tried defuse the situation by explaining that it wouldn't work out sexually for me, which immediately made her calm down and go "oooh, so you have a genital kink? Why didn't you just say so!"
This conversation happened a couple of years ago, but I'm still annoyed by it. The way troons and handmaidens express the genital questions make it sound like having sex with a tranny isn't completely off the table for anyone:
>genital fetish/kink
You can have and enjoy sex without the added spice of adding your kink or fetish into the picture. As a straight woman I would never, ever, be able to have or enjoy sex with someone with neither a vagina or frankendick.
>genital preference
A "preference" means that while you prefer one option, it's not exactly impossible for you to enjoy the other one. Like how you can ask a waiter for a coca cola, but are ok with a pepsi if that's what's available. Whenever I get to choose between red and white wine, I always go for the white but I don't mind having some red wine at times.
Troons always have to be told that there is a window open when it comes to harassing someone for sex, they can't take a strict no. They only accept these two excuses that TRAs themselves came up with because it insinuates they still have a chance if the right opportunity comes up.

No. 2343415

sounds like problems only people who don't touch grass have

No. 2343469

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Your friend sounds like a hot potato not worth spending your valuable time with

No. 2343524

>Despite having no pedagogical background, Gerold-Siegl reportedly insisted that children aged 1 through 6 required “sexual education,”
Why isn't this man immediately fired? This is so fucking disturbing. Pedophilia is normalized everywhere now.

I don't think trannies claim that gender isn't real, that's more of a terf argument? Trannies claim to have some kind of innate gender identity which doesn't match their sex or the way they were raised which is why they transition. Gender ideology is gender stereotypes and misogyny on crack. "Gender is a spectrum" & "anybody can identify as anything" is their joker when they're called out of their contradictions and sexism, but the entire concept of "transition" makes it very clear that they believe in two genders more than any other groups at this point.

No. 2343527

>Why isn't this man immediately fired? This is so fucking disturbing. Pedophilia is normalized everywhere now.
Because it must have been other pedos who hired him. That simple. It's systemic.

>Troons always have to be told that there is a window open when it comes to harassing someone for sex, they can't take a strict no. They only accept these two excuses that TRAs themselves came up with because it insinuates they still have a chance if the right opportunity comes up.
Such male energy from fake women.

No. 2343539

Right, maybe not fired, but you'd think people around him, teachers, other parents etc. would be shocked and protest it.

No. 2343574

>"oooh, so you have a genital kink? Why didn't you just say so!"
The way these people have to twist and turn and jump through hoops to allow them to accept the most normal basic concepts is so freaky.

No. 2343578

What pisses me off about these people is that they wouldn't sleep with a tranny, for the most part, and they know it. But if anyone else dares to have the EXACT SAME "preferences" as them, they whine and moralise about troonphobia. It's like the entire movement is just playing pass the bomb with trannies so they don't have to practise what they preach.

No. 2343584

Not sure if this is more appropriate for here or the MTF thread, but does anyone else get annoyed when troons insert themselves into every possible discourse conceivable? Specifically the Israel/Palestine shit in my case. It's disgusting seeing trannies say shit like "trans liberation wont happen until palestinian liberation does". There is a genocide going on and the first thing you think about is how you can insert yourself into it. Disgraceful.

No. 2343590

They have no foot to stand on so they have to co opt everything. They’re disgusting.’

No. 2343596

And I bet that your retarded friend wouldn’t sleep with a tranny either. TRAs rarely do unless they’re a flavor of gendie themselves or a bilesbian, or a chaser.
I hate how this movement measures acceptance with “would you fuck me??If you don’t you’re a bigot”. I’ve never seen black people saying that others are racist for not having sex with them or people with disabilities saying that it’s ableist if you don’t have sex with them, or at least it’s a very small percentage, while all trannies always complain about it; if your biggest form of “oppression” is not having a vast dating pool and people willing to have sex with you then you’re not really oppressed, you’re just entitled and whiny.

No. 2343598

>Troons always have to be told that there is a window open when it comes to harassing someone for sex, they can't take a strict no. They only accept these two excuses that TRAs themselves came up with because it insinuates they still have a chance if the right opportunity comes up.
What was that quote about the word no? About how men don’t consider it the end of a discussion but rather the start of negotiations.

If they can make it seem like sexual orientation is itself a kink and that therefore everyone in the world has at least one ‘kink’, that helps to normalise more depraved shit.
>You can’t judge me for my revolting kinks if you have a genital kink yourself! Kink is a spectrum!

No. 2343599

>What pisses me off about these people is that they wouldn't sleep with a tranny, for the most part, and they know it.
I think that's exactly why they have to rationalize it through all those mental gymnastics. They KNOW they wouldn't sleep with a troon, so they desperately need to find a socially acceptable non-bigot reason to why that is.
Terms like "genital fetish" was invented by troons and allies, not by gender critical people, because THEY needed it to describe themselves.

No. 2343604

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Within the next year or two, they're going to pretend this never happened and it was a TERF invention all along.

No. 2343606

They’re trying to say that genital preference is rooted in transphobia now kek since they were still being rejected; you now need to unlearn your bigotry and open your legs for atrophied penises that want to be treated like big clits and megaclits that want to be treated like penises, whatever that means.
They always change the goalposts kek.

No. 2343608

And if you’re bi you have no “excuse”. This was a real discourse I have seen both on Reddit and X.

No. 2343924

She is lovely in every other aspect (and I've known her since before the tranny hysteria), but she and another friend gets so incredibly emotional when it comes to troons. They even consider themselves themlets despite still going by she/her, and just like other nonas pointed out about TRAs - I have seen them date "cis" men and women, but no trannies in sight. They are the only two handmaidens I haven't distanced myself from because I can't handle the thought of cutting them off.
It makes me upset that there are so many people that I know that are clearly intelligent and absolutely lovely people, but they become absolutely retarded and insufferable the moment the subject of trannies come up.

No. 2344023

Kek I’ve seen that too

No. 2344071

I work at a costume/party store and I had someone come in and ask for helping picking out an outfit for a themed party, the theme was something we have a ton of in both men’s and women’s clothing so I took them to the section and then realized I had no fucking clue if this person was a man or a woman and did not want to offend them, and luckily he immediately said ‘oh by the way I’m a man people seem to not be able to tell for some reason’ and I just internally sighed in relief and kept going and helped him pick a men’s outfit + glasses hat etc. I genuinely don’t think he was trans identified either he was wearing a winter hat that covered his entire head/hairline and winter clothes and was very round/fat and possibly had some sort of genetic disorder? I see tifs and tims come in all the time and I’m able to tell their sex but this guy was truly very androgynous and I appreciated that he was straight up and told me in a very polite way so I didn’t have to make an assumption, I wish the TI people I’ve met would do the same instead of having a chimpout by me incorrectly assuming one way or the other and assuming I’m just an ‘ebil transphobe’

No. 2344073

Why is almost everyone like this these days? A seemingly normal person who isn’t even an ultra progressive, far-left loony will get defensive over trannies or feel bad for them. Has the tranny propaganda really been THAT effective in brainwashing the masses? Why do trannies gain so much more sympathy than any other minority group even though they’ve been the less oppressed? What makes them so “special”?

No. 2344078

I cannot be with moids because I am repulsed by their entire way of existing almost always, which is rooted in their biology and how they were socialized as men. Trooning out doesn't erase any of that. I don't have a kink, I'm REPULSED by penises and how men behave in general. They cannot conceive of someone not wanting to take their dick, and they especially can't understand someone taking genuine grievances with how violent and narcissistic they are. Troons are even worse than bogstandard moids because they think they've earned their position as women just by calling themselves women when in reality this makes them even more dangerous. It throws all responsibility for their male socialization out the window. Suddenly everything they do is because they're a woman and you're being a transmisogynist for having a problem with it.

I think, hypothetically, I could be with a moid if he had overcame a lot of male socialization (but I am still disgusted by penises). But troons refuse to even believe that male socialization is real so there's no hope for them. "Cis" moids who recognize male socialization ironically have a better chance of acting in a way comparable to women than trannies.

No. 2344083

GNC people who don't make the fact that they're GNC into a big parade or contrived performance of atomized identity are always based like this.

No. 2344084

>Has the tranny propaganda really been THAT effective in brainwashing the masses?
I want to know this too, and pinpoint exactly when it happened. Was it covid? My homophobic old ass boomer father was defending trannies the other week. When I was a teen this dude raged at me and called me slurs when he found out I was dating a girl but recently he told me that he respected trannies because it "takes a lot of effort to do that". There are a surprising amount of people who are not okay with LGB but support the T and it's frankly bizarre.

No. 2344087

>What makes them so “special”?
It started with them being so common in major tech companies in the 2010s. The leader of the entire occupy movement was a tranny who, once occupy failed, immediately pivoted far-right kek. But a crazy amount of silicon valley is trooned out (obviously they're all TIMs, no TIFs to speak of) and with those positions comes a decent amount of social capital for people who are otherwise total losers, which they can hold over everyone else's heads and use to pressure everyone into sucking up to them out of fear of losing their jobs. It all trickled down from there imo.

No. 2344088

Off-topic but musical nonna you're so right. There are hundreds of politically charged numbers on musical theatre already, finding inspiration is not hard at all. It's like they took the most basic beat and wrote the lyrics without any consideration for rhyme or rythm.

No. 2344093

There is no coincidence that the most prominent and public figures when it comes to troons are white (or white passing) men in dresses. This movement is about restraining women and reminding us about our “place” in society, because men will always be at the top no matter how much we fight. The way they worm themselves into our spaces to make us understand that we can’t escape.
The reason they have managed this well is because men will never turn their backs in their fellow moids, and the trannies have figured out how to appeal to the general woman’s innate empathic nature.
That is why we have to continue to speak up, cover tranny graffiti and stickers with our own, and never go quiet to make people understand that this is nothing but the next evolution of women’s oppression. No matter how impossible it feels, channel the fighting spirit of your mothers and grandmothers and know you are doing the right thing. If modern feminism is dead, then let us be the next wave suffragettes.

No. 2344109

ATAYRT, and wow nonna, that is honestly fucking crazy. It seems like more and more parents are also starting to become more sympathetic and defensive when it comes to the trannies, and I don’t doubt the covid possibility as well, since it caused everyone to be locked away in their homes and thus more likely to be on the internet. Also the fact that these people are homophobic but not transphobic isn’t really that surprising either. Trannies are homophobic themselves and it is a part of their propaganda along with misogyny of course. Sorry if this sounds doomer-ish, but I have a feeling we’re going to see an era of new-age homophobia and misogyny, but now with a more “woke” or “progressive” flavor to it, and of course lesbians and bi women with a women preference will get the brunt end of the stick.

No. 2344112

A lot of boomers see tranny apologist shit constantly on social media. One of my aunts faghags for some local troon and can't understand why he's still always butthurt and mad at everybody.

No. 2344340

The woke homophobia is already happening nonna or better the woke lesbophobia since it’s just lesbians who get the short end of the stick. It started with “it’s okay if you don’t like natal penises as long as you respect us” to “cotton ceiling” to “genital preference” where we are now kek.
When TRAs see a lesbian they deem her a “TERF until proven otherwise” you must not only respect the ogre males with their estrogenized “feminine” penises, but you must also prostate and suck them too, otherwise you’re not an ally.

No. 2344365

TIMs expect bisexual women to always be available and waiting on the backburner for them, EVEN THOUGH they'll still bitch and whine because "it's not the same as being a true and honest lesbian waaaah." GOOD, lesbians and bi women shouldn't HAVE to validate your mental illness.

No. 2344472

ATAYRT. Yes, I do know that we’re already experiencing woke homophobia, but I more of meant it in a way where it might get progressively worse and widespread (if that makes sense, I suck at explaining things kek). I also agree that lesbians will receive the worst of it all, most of this woke homophobia IS directed towards lesbians and as a bi woman I really feel for them and support them. You don’t really see this woke homophobia directed towards gay men, like people telling gay men that they need pussy or that they’re bigoted for not fucking one, kek.

No. 2344955

That's why we keep screenshots of their rants and spam them when trans shit dies down. The internet is forever kek.

No. 2344991

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>In Vechta, a women’s prison in Lower Saxony, three sexual assaults were reported to have taken place by the same transgender perpetrator between 2023 and 2024. While the trans-identified male was not identified, it is known he had been convicted of the possession of child sexual abuse material. In North-Rhine Westphalia, another trans-identified male was involved in a physical assault on a female inmate.\
>One of the most egregious incidents that the survey learned of had first come to public attention in December of last year, when the Saxony state government finally admitted that throughout 2023 and early 2024, a trans-identified inmate had repeatedly ambushed and stalked multiple female inmates in the Chemnitz correctional facility, demanding sex and threatening to beat them if they didn’t comply. The man also repeatedly forced both female inmates and female correctional officers to watch him masturbate. According to the Freie Presse, the male inmate was eventually transferred back to a men’s prison.
>Speaking to Reduxx in December, Hanna-Katarina Zippel of Lasst Frauen Sprechen said that she was “shocked” that men had been moved into female prisons before Germany’s radical Self-Determination Act had officially come into force in November. The law streamlined the process for an individual to change their legal name and sex, and imposed harsh punishments for those who fail to treat individuals in accordance with their self-declared gender identity.
>Across Germany, the number of trans inmates reported varies dramatically from state to state. In Berlin, 24 were found to have been incarcerated with women since 2020, with 15 of those being recorded just in the last year alone. In Hesse, there have been eleven since 2020, while Mecklenburg-Vorpommern declared there to be only four, the same number as in the city state of Hamburg by July last year.
>Other states had older data, with Baden-Württemberg recording eight trans prisoners in February 2022, and Bavaria only having data from 2019, which noted that they had six. Some states, such as Brandenburg and Saarland, do not have any data available.

No. 2344993

I think the best way to combat this is to be honest about our own past TRA views and to openly clown on them. It allows people to admit to their mistakes when the see others doing it too.

For example I was on tumblr and all that jazz as a kid so I had pretty wild woke ideas forced down my throat. Rather than silently pretend it never happened I will tell my friends "can't believe I used to reblog things like 'here's a list of 57 genders that are super valid' and they'd be listing shit like bug-gender and autismgender lmao this is why you shouldn't let kids on the internet alone, thank god I grew out of that".

I remember when it was a micro trend on tiktok for detrans kids to clown on their past trans selves and it made TRA so fucking mad because they'd be like "y-you were just a trender!" and they'd be like "fuck yeah I was, so embarrassing that I had a trans phase lol"

No. 2344999

…what are you even talking about?

No. 2345001

>males historically have harassed and assaulted females throughout of all history
>we are expected to be shocked when a male who has declared he is a woman is still a male
I am so tired.

No. 2345003

Holy shit this is so bad. The very first line got me cringe-laughing into my hands.

No. 2345009

In my experience I’ve seen 3 things with normies. Reason 1, a lot of people aren’t actually invested in the whole thing and don’t exactly know what’s happening. They have no idea that the majority of trannies are straight males. They just think it’s a very self hating gay man, and if you think all trannies are gay men with severe internalised homophobia, it’s understandable to be sympathetic. Personally, that was me back in the day. Every single person I’ve mentioned that statistic about straight males to is shocked. They also have no idea about trannies raping women in prison. Reason 2 is that a lot of people don’t want to be harassed online by trannies, who are usually chronically online and have no qualms about doxing or worse. They aren’t actually pro tranny, but publicly saying it infront of the wrong people can end in them getting harassed. Reason 3, misogyny is so deeply ingrained into society that it’s pretty much a never ending battle. Men talk over women, transwomen talk over transmen. It’s almost funny in a way, just how deep it goes. Just how men constantly try to oppress us. It really never ends.

No. 2345401

They've already done it with that genital preference debate, now saying 'transphobes' (normies) started it and are weirdly obsessed with genitals, when they were the ones who repeatedly poked the bear in 2014-2019
It's really normie women due to the current tendency for women to adopt vaguely 'lefty' views, not because they necessarily believe in gender theory, but because it's the feminine thing to do. Normie women are overall pretty feminine when it comes to their value system (be kind, empathy for whoever is designated as weak, being soft etc.) so they logically skew pro-trans, though that really depends on where you live, whether they're college educated etc.

No. 2345406

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that a tranny might have been posting here not too long ago?? Their posts are deleted now (suspiciously enough) but basically they were complaining about “neet, chronically online terfs” and accusing us of having “brainrot schizophrenia” kek, and were also saying shit like “nobody actually supports trans people irl, people are just wanting to act virtuous over us” (??). Could’ve possibly been just a troll too.

No. 2345413

Oh look, is it back again?

No. 2345429

Yeah I peeped that kek

No. 2345456

Had a urogynae lecture today and one of the bullet points was LGBT patients in bold. Obviously I was confused as lgbt in medicine normally means hiv/stds/chem sex and other mostly gay male behaviour so i was wondering what it had to do with gynae.

Anyway the lecturer got to that part of her presentation and I was expecting her to say lesbians have a higher risk of incontinence or something but she actually went “if you want to work on this specialty, you have to know how to deal with transgender patients because by the time you guys are practicing, lots of your patients will be transgender because of all their surgeries”.

She said this so matter of factly plus the uni I got to is heavily Muslim so naturally most people started laughing. She then explains that your views on trans stuff doesn’t matter (which yes) but you’ll have to treat them and avoid getting into trouble. The next slides are then basically how to avoid misgendering, using neutral language, basically a plagiarised tumblr post.

And to think I thought the tide was finally turning but when males are talked about even before lesbians (we had a lecture on fertility too by the same lecturer and of course lesbians weren’t mentioned) by a gyanaecologist then I don’t know what to think.

No. 2345460

Don’t worry nonnita, the tide is definitely changing. It will just take time. It also depends on where you live. I study medicine and whenever female specific health problems come up trannies are never mentioned, but I’m an eurofag.

No. 2345543

Was she talking about issues with tims or issues with tifs? Cause srs surgery can really fuck up tifs Hertha and stuff.

No. 2345567

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I think it might've been the same "agender" tif who was posting in the tif thread, or someone equally as retarded.
Idk if I'm gonna catch a ban for reposting her comments in picrel, but I've been laughing at "women who got boner" and "women who get their vulvas hard" for the last few minutes.

No. 2345571

because short moids are stuck in their place in the male pecking order they aren't really prone to trooning out.

No. 2345572

Can you complain to your department chair or someone about the lack of information about lesbians during the lecture on fertility?

Powerlevel but I work at a university and we get munchies complaining about ableism if we don’t livestream events so we have to bend over backwards for them. If we have to acquiesce to the demands of retarded she/theys who can’t make it to lectures because of “muh chronic pains” then you should feel empowered to raise a complaint with your department about the hyper focus on trannies to the detriment of other groups of people with real, valid needs.

No. 2345574

Sounds like a tim projecting.

No. 2345578

>lesbians have a higher risk of incontinence
Is this true?

No. 2345579

Nonna, I think that was a joke

No. 2345582

More proof that the good die young. She was a breath of fresh air. I loved watching her videos and it fucking sucks that I wont be able to see them anymore.

No. 2345591

The only reason kids need to know about sexual acts at that age is in the context of reporting molestation
Yeah and honestly even then it doesn't need to be sexual. It just needs to be like "hey no one is allowed to touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
Sonic the hedgehog figured it out in the 90s
Kids do NOT need to be exposed to tranny cock

No. 2345605

I thought where I live (Brit) was one of the better places but my uni is so obsessed with what they call “cultural competence” >>2345543
She talked about both but mostly TIMs in the context of the misgendering etc she was also clearly confused by the terminology ( she called them non heterozygous kekkk) so I think she was just doing what she was told tbh.
That’s a good idea, I will.
Lol I was joking but it makes more sense to say that than turn a lecture on women’s health into trans women are women

No. 2345620

Employment equality laws in UK mean they have to employ an equal representative of the community around the business. From my summation people that fill out the census around of universities have anomalies regarding retarded trans communities.

No. 2345631

Ok but you will need to deal with troons, because even once the tide has turned there will be tens of thousands of men and women with mutilated urethras with issues that are rarely, if ever, found on a normal patient. A lot of TIFs die from their frankendicks due to complications, including with the urethra, which leave them with sepsis, incontinence, or difficulty peeing. There is already a depressing amount of TIFs who need dialysis because they can't pee. The medications they're on- and they're mostly spoonies of some kind so there are a lot of medications- can interact with the usual medications offered for their urinary tract issues, so that's another minefield.
TIMs also have a ton of issues. Like urethral fistulas and strictures. And the rotpocket walls being breached by turds. And literally everything on the face of the earth being shoved in there by a moid who thinks porn is real. There's also a lot of incontinence.
The types of surgery, the amount of revisions, and the other crap they're taking will impact what kind of piss problems they end up having, so it's good to know which surgeries lead to which issues, it saves you time.
It's Bradford, isn't it? My condolences if that's the case, I don't go often but I've seen quite a lot of troons around town, and of course you have the pleasure of a booming druggie population. If you're not in Bradford, don't visit.

No. 2345634

>The only reason kids need to know about sexual acts at that age is in the context of reporting molestation
Any adult, no matter how well-meaning, who doesn't understand this is not fit to work with kids.
I would say those troon picture books for kids are pushed by 90% women and 10% men (when it's by men it tends to be a book about themselves instead, like "I am Jazz"). The women are childless and see themselves as a shining knight saving the poor innocent kids. You have to remember in troon ideology a child is not seen as a child, but as a small adult capable of adult decision making and consent. So these adult women mentally do not have the capacity to understand why it's inappropriate for these small consenting adults to not know about sex yet, especially when "gender" forms at 4, or 2, or even in the womb! And that's why they shouldn't be allowed to be teachers when they're unable to separate personal views from reality and objectivity to the point it actively puts the children in danger.

No. 2345685

I’m glad that you are taking my suggestion to heart and that you feel empowered to raise a complaint with your department chair (about a completely reasonable concern). Honestly, relentless troon advocacy at universities is part of how we got into this situation in the first place. As an undergraduate I was a handmaiden and I had troon friends who met with university leaders to request that troon students be assigned dorms based on gender identity, not biological sex. At my job I have to sit in on meetings with advisory groups made up of multiple they/them students who want our campus to add more gender-neutral bathrooms. We need more students pushing back in favor of sanity (and advocating for actual gay and lesbian people).

No. 2345750

There's this girl in my associated friend group and she is so incredibly beautiful it makes me jealous. However what makes me want to fight for her is that all of my friends (who are more friends with her than I am with her) are saying that she is a boy and hasn't come out yet, that she's told her close friends only that she feels more like a boy than a girl. It's really sad because they've shortened her feminine given name to a more boy-ish nickname, which I keep seeing as evidence of people trying to accept her feelings which are probably misinformed while also pushing this gender ideology onto her. She's in a band, writes poetry, has a cute style, and seems generally like a well-rounded interesting and beautiful GIRL. it is sad to me that someone I envy so much for their beauty (im cool too this isn't just pathetic jealousy posting) thinks of themselves as unworthy to exist exactly as she is. i think she has some sexual trauma/bad luck with moids in which case the troon ideas seem to be a defense mechanism against misogyny. Sad all aroud.

No. 2346013

You have to tell her how much you admire her and how cool it is that she feels comfortable being a woman despite the constant toxic misgendering by others. Really drive home the fact that women can also dress like her, look like her, have her hobbies, and be female. You never know if she's on the brink of trooning out.

No. 2346138

I feel bad for tifs. Especially after I saw how tims treat them just because they're women.
Tifs are just yet another proof tim's would bully biological female if given chance (they feel less

No. 2346139


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2346149

I feel bad for tifs especially after I saw how tims treat them just for being a woman.
Even more proof tims would bully woman at every chance they had.
(They feel "less bad" about bullying tifs than non delusional women)

No. 2346158

I think tifs are retarded as shit. Literally final boss NLOGs.

No. 2346168

>60 year old agp dresses like 10 year old girl
>10 year old trans cult grooming victim dresses like 60 year old woman.
What the fuck?

No. 2346230

File: 1736820123416.png (Spoiler Image,66.26 KB, 500x217, 576a055961a16023f94edc7ba17ded…)

I just remembered this image exists

No. 2346257

Kek is this what they mean with “treat it like a big clit”. I’m laughing my ass off here.

No. 2346271

File: 1736822207984.gif (1.58 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

No. 2346298

spoil this shit next time

No. 2346300

Kek it's so tiny and shriveled

No. 2346308

File: 1736824024946.png (166.49 KB, 1298x446, cope.png)

worst cope I've ever read

No. 2346319

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No. 2346327

Such gigantic cope. They live in such a la-la-land fueled by a delusional fetish, muh "dysphoria", you're a pervert playing pretend. It'll never be the same as an actual clit. But I'm sure this makes them feel very wholesome uguu. Retards high off the hits of oxytocin and dopamine. They need to get the fuck over it and realize it'll never be the same but I guess making everyone normal around them uncomfortable under the guise of "alleviating their dysphoria" is what they want.

No. 2346335

I don't feel bad for those fucking retards, they are the ones that lead all the retarded cancel crusades on xitter and Tumblr against normie women. They deserve all the bad they get.

No. 2346341

even in my handmaiden days, I was always uncomfortable and confused on TiMs claiming their genitals made them dysphoric, but then they'll describe them as "girlcocks" and ultimately talk and praise them as any other moid. I guess some "girly uwu" name slapped onto it suddenly makes it go away

No. 2346344

File: 1736826101871.jpg (25.67 KB, 327x322, Gale Just Read That.jpg)

I'm trying to enjoy my ice cream here wtf.

No. 2346363

men having tiny penises will never not be funny to me
>Do you need some tweezers to put that little thing away?

No. 2346400

File: 1736831224218.png (190.83 KB, 720x1120, Emilia Perez.png)

seems to be that everything that reminds trannies of the reality of being men, they hate. even though emilia perez is basically a pro-troon movie. why is that? what kind of 'representation' do they want?

No. 2346461

I knew two TIMs like that. Someone even said one of them looked like Ezra Miller. It was a shame because with their good looks like they could have been some IRL bishie rather than being a troon. Their good genes are lost to sexual degeneracy. Then again, in typical TIM-fashion, their personalities were way too vain and short-tempered so they'd still be insufferable regardless of looks.

No. 2346538

maybe it's a tinfoily thought, but I think that Emilia Perez was done like that to shine a light about how troons can get away with murder (almost literally) and face no consequences kek. They're mad about it because they know it's true.

No. 2346556

They already do this with practically every single one of their own talking points, depending on their audience. To more normie audiences they can’t easily bully they pretend to be more reasonable and moderate by claiming that nobody is transitioning children, it’s totally fine not to want to sleep with TIP, there aren’t any TIMs in women’s prisons and if there are they’re all weak castrated HSTS, TIMs in women’s sports are actually at a disadvantage because of hormone blockers etc. Then when they think they’ve got a more sympathetic audience they admit that transitioning children is vital to their cause, lesbians are evil bigots for not wanting ‘girlcock’, sure there are rapist TIMs in women’s prisons but who cares, and TIMs in women’s sports shouldn’t have to suppress their testosterone because that’s transphobic actually and if the women in that sport don’t want to risk brain damage by competing with him they’re whiny bitch terfy Karens. I’ve seen many TRAs flip-flop between these stances purely based on how they think they will be received.

>The women are childless and see themselves as a shining knight saving the poor innocent kids. You have to remember in troon ideology a child is not seen as a child, but as a small adult capable of adult decision making and consent.
Most female TRAs I know are exactly like this. They have no understanding of children or child psychology but consider themselves experts because they were once children too. They project the feelings and opinions they have now as adults onto children, as well as onto their own past child selves. They’re all completely convinced that they were super rational and emotionally mature as children and that the adults around them simply didn’t understand them because they were too closed minded and ignorant. But now they get to be the cool open minded adult they wish they’d known in the lives of the children around them, even if that involves going behind the backs of the parents. Which is fine because they’re probably closed minded bigots anyway. They all think they were Matilda and are now Miss Honey. It’s seriously disturbing how many adults I know who believe that children need to be ‘saved’ from their own perfectly normal loving parents because they’re still mad at their own mom for making them clean their room before they could watch tv. And of course I know some parents are truly abusive, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. These women grew up in tumblr safe spaces and have convinced themselves that anything that makes you uncomfy is harmful, even if the uncomfy option is objectively healthier than the comfy one, so anyone who’s causing you to feel uncomfy is perpetrating harm. Except if it’s a TIM, of course, in which case you need to re-examine your prejudices or whatever.

No. 2346728

It makes me cringe that he has a change of heart and after "becoming who he truly is" suddenly laments all the people he killed and feels bad for their families so he creates a charity. That's not going to bring them back. And that's unrealistic as fuck.

No. 2346784

That's probably the only thing Emilia Perez portrayed accurately
>Violet moid transitions to avoid accountability and suddendly believes he's a fucking saint because "Now I'm living my truth!"
The fact the movie is getting so many awards really tells you how Hollywood actually sees trannies, that's why it's making troons seethe so much kek

No. 2346803

File: 1736895233666.gif (1021.25 KB, 320x320, celeste-madeline-2856235540.gi…)

What pronouns do you anons use for him?

No. 2346814

I see her as a girl because the author only trooned her out way after the game was out. She was never trans in my mind and she never will be.

No. 2346907

I see more men pro tranny in the spaces I'm in, but even then, when it comes to women being pro or anti tranny, men kind of invited this themselves. Men hate women that don't coddle them and try and shame or threaten women out of being critical of men in any way but are too retarded to see the consequences of their actions are the popularization of libfem types that embrace the not all men shtick. Terfs/real-sex-based feminists are the ones who can't be shamed into the not all men shit which is why they're so hated both on the left and right. Men only want women to be critical of the men outside their own group (which is why they always try and blame degeneracy on race, sexual orientation, religion, etc). Truth is, across the board, left or right, it's men.

No. 2346910

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Oh suddenly it matters. Funny that.

No. 2347080

"Don't worry gir- I mean, kiddo! They're just changing! They're more afraid of you that you are of them!"

No. 2347135

>His response was, it's okay. I'm with you, dad.
Please tell me the dad is a TIF mom and this teenage girl isn't getting naked with her real dad.

No. 2347260

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A tranny rape gang too!
>Of the three charged – two are men who identify as transgender. Damien “Damia Rose” Baar, 43, and Even “Eevee” Seberg, 35, are accused of “repeated sexual intercourse” with the young girl, in addition to a scenario that involved both men sexually abusing the victim together at the 2024 Pride Festival in Bergen after plying her with alcohol.
>Seberg describes himself on X as “trans fem,” and “pansexual,” and frequently interacts with transgender and hentai pornography accounts. In one disturbing post dated October 2024, Seberg said he “prefer[s] to get raped by girldick.” On Facebook he refers to himself as “a bit odd, but kind.”
>Among the fetishes listed on Seberg’s profile are bondage, BDSM, and abduction play. He participates in multiple crossdresser and trans-related groups on the fetish site, as well as one group dedicated to “gang bangs.”
>This is the second court case in Norway within the past three months centered on charges of child sexual abuse against men who claim to be transgender.

No. 2347267

She is.
>I'm wondering how I deal with not feeling safe myself
I almost don't blame him. He should feel unsafe doing what he's doing. If I were a moid, I would probably beat the shit out of a grown male who brought a teenage girl into a men's changing room and ask questions later. Nobody's assuming that he's appeasing his mentally ill daughter and he knows it.

No. 2347295

I've been telling people about how Discord led troon ideology to be normalized at mass after tumblr did its job but everyone thought it was bullshit, back when i still used it i remember befriending new guys from servers i was in to play games etc just to see them change their pfps to girl picrews and she/they/xe pronouns on bio after a month. I genuinely believe Discord unlike other texting apps is a ground for the proliferation of the worst ideologies in humanity just like telegram is for illegal depravity, i wonder if anyone agrees with me as well i'm tired of hearing about kids getting groomed on it. This video has to do with it since the tranny in it ended up getting brainwashed to troon out through a Undertale (i hate this game) Discord.

No. 2347300

I agree nonna. It also makes grooming easier. That site is disgusting.

No. 2347302

It’s funny how TIFs are never up to this shit, it’s just males.

No. 2347304

blog but a close male friend of mine who i've known since he was quite young (im like a big sis) started dating a mutual friend of ours. she is into femboys despite being autistically bigoted about everything else. started playing sissy hypno for him while he was asleep in call and lo and behold in a week he was naked on camera publicly in girls outfits. seen it so many times that i can't even be dissapointed anymore. if a man/boy you wouldn't think to do that has someone coddling them enough they'll do just about anything in the name of coom. discord provides a perfect echo chamber for the groomers.

No. 2347314

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>For years, Rhonda Fleming has been trying to get male criminals out of women’s prisons. The 58-year-old, who is serving a 27-year sentence for Medicare fraud, has spent nearly a third of her life behind bars, and for most of that time, she has been in federal prisons where she says she’s been forced to share facilities, including showers and restrooms, with male felons who identify as transgender.
>“When they initially arrive, they have long hair and look like they’re trying to wear makeup,” Fleming told The Free Press. “But after they have achieved the goal of getting into a women’s prison, they start letting their beard and their mustache grow out, they get a haircut like a man, and they’re walking around like a guy.”
>In January 2023, Fleming filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons to end the policy of putting trans-identifying males in women’s prisons. Though many similar lawsuits have dropped over the past decade, Fleming’s is the first to make it to trial. On Tuesday in Tallahassee, Florida, a judge will hear her argument that the conditions of her confinement violate her constitutional right to bodily privacy.
>In her suit, Fleming argues she has been exposed to male genitalia in communal toilets and showers and was forced to expose her naked body in these settings on multiple occasions while incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee, Florida, as well as at other federal prisons.
>Bristol says Fleming has been housed with at least 10 biological men in the federal prison system. He said there were at least two males at FCI Tallahassee when Fleming was there. “Due to the nature of the close-quartered environment of these communal prison showers, Ms. Fleming’s private parts and genitalia were regularly exposed to C.J. and E.T.—both biological males,” claims her suit, using initials to refer to other inmates. That happened “at least twice daily” in the case of “E.T.”
>Women inmates are afraid and “hurry in the shower. They don’t linger in the bathroom,” Fleming told me. “When you’re most vulnerable, you’re naked in a shower. There’s no officer monitoring the showers unless some kind of emergency happens, and so at any time, anything can happen to you.”
>All 29 federal female prisons in the U.S. allow male criminals who identify as women to be incarcerated. This practice began in the early 2010s under the Obama administration. At the time, prisons were experiencing an uptick in the number of male inmates identifying as transgender, and they requested guidance over where to place these prisoners. In 2012, the Department of Justice developed a “transgender offender manual,” which allowed “housing by gender identity when appropriate,” regardless of “genital status.”
>Between 2018 and 2020, the Trump administration pushed back on this, asserting that biological sex should be the “initial determination” for placement, allowing for gender identity–based placement “in rare cases.” But the Biden-era Department of Justice revoked this change. At the last count on October 6, 2024, there are 1,487 incarcerated men who identify as women in federal prisons. According to the Bureau of Prisons’ own data, nearly half of transgender prisoners in women’s facilities are sex offenders—almost four times the rate of the general prison population.
>Since the policies went into place, there have been multiple reports of sexual assault by male trans-identifying inmates toward female inmates. One woman who sued Rikers Island jail in New York in 2020, alleged that, after arriving in her cell, a male inmate introduced himself by saying, “I’m not transgender. I’m straight. I like women,” before groping and later raping her. Another female claimed she was raped in the prison shower by her six-feet-two-inches, 200-pound, bearded male attacker. In 2022, a trans-identifying male in a New Jersey women’s prison impregnated two prisoners.

No. 2347316

I hope these women get justice, this is disgusting.

No. 2347317

I genuinely feel bad for you but men have always been retarded and nowadays the weak minded men that are online either end up trooning out or becoming incels due to online Discord social contagion or grooming at a young age sadly, and from what i've seen men seen to be more intense about this as women tend to go the genderspecial she/they route before they consider going all in and tif-ing out after spending time on those places

No. 2347322

oh of course! it's just always a bit sobering when it happens to someone you're close to.
the whole discord grooming gang sissy hypno thing is so fucking deranged, and it's not just limited to the nasty crevices you'd expect it to be.
discord is such a shitty fucking platform that they never have to answer for all of the shit that happens on there, they only care if you hurt a troons feefees.

No. 2347366

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samefag and i accidentally just stumbled across his nsfw reddit, i feel sick. he stopped talking to that girl for 3 months and they just started talking again. post gaps line up with the timeline. the thing they do is something called bambi sleep, forced feminisation. not sure if it belongs here but this shit leads so many moids online into trooning
be warned this is fucking disgusting

No. 2347375

Nta but what’s wrong with what she said?

No. 2347391

Report and don’t reply when you see bait please

No. 2347409

Are you retarded? I need people to stop confusing terfs, gendercrits, and trads. Terfs are radfems, it’s literally in the acronym. Gendercrits are critical of all gender ideology, but mostly critical of transgender ideology nowadays. Which means it invites a lot of OG terfs as well as patriarchal trad women into the space to criticize transgender ideology together. But for different reasons.

I hate when people muddy the definitions of these terms it actually makes me want to a-log.
No well-read radfem can be trad because all radfems hate the way gender ideology oppresses women and has done so historically. Trad women don’t hate regular gender ideology they revel in it by gleefully becoming retarded housewives and spreading its cancer to other women around them and their daughters.

Yes, terfs are very critical forwards women but because they want them to wake up from this misogynistic matrix of us chasing male validation socially in all aspects of our lives. They’re not critical of women for the same reason a trad woman is. Trad women think our innate purpose is to submit to a man and serve him and get crumbs of love through head pats for all that labour, these women value patriarchal institutions and enjoy the oppression and infantilization of women. Likely because many of them are infantile retards themselves who couldn’t amount to anything in university and need to blame their biology for their intellectual inferiority or their inability to thrive in rigorous institutions.

Some people are actually trad but call themselves radfems, that doesn’t suddenly make radical feminists/ terfs part of a trad ideology. It just means those people are retarded and want to try on the name to get brownie points from women who would shun them otherwise, and to feel cool and apart of something. Obviously you should be able to see through that bullshit if you’re over 12 years old.

if a handful of capitalists called themselves communists would you suddenly think communism and capitalism are the same exact ideology with the exact same principles? Exactly.

Seriously, go back to wherever the fuck you came from if you can’t even tell the difference between a terf, trad, and gendercrit.
I need you idiots to stop conflating the messages of different groups, confusing a terf’s criticism for trad criticism is literally fucking insane. On every social issue except transgender ideology they disagree. And even on that front, they’re not critiquing it for the same reasons. Terfs hate transgender ideology because it’s a continuation of the patriarchy’s oppression on women using “femininity.” They hate the concept that women are expcted to perform femininity, so a TIM calling himself a women solely because he wants to wear skirts and knee high socks is disrespectful because he’s strengthening the idea a woman exists to be feminine, and womanhood = femininity. A lot of terfs are gender non-conforming themselves in their everyday life, so most would be okay with TIM’s wearing the skirts if they acknowledged that it doesn’t make them women and promised to not bother women in the process.

But trad women hate transgender ideology only, but love gender ideology outside of that. And it’s simply because they’re conservative, and think all males should wear masculine clothing, and all females should be forced to wear feminine clothing. They DO believe women have to be feminine.
Even in their gender ideology hate, terfs and trads have nothing in common.

Those two groups are literally diametrically opposed on every single issue. Terfs see trads as literal handmaidens to oppression. Like during the holocaust, when they had neighbours who snitched on one another. Terfs think trad women are like the snitching neighbours, betraying other women. But trad women see terfs/radfems as bitter angry crazy feminists who aren’t listening to and honouring their female desire to birth 5 kids to a muscular man. Trad women confuse their patriarchal fantasy/kink as being one all women have innately, and they’re convinced women who say they don’t want that are just lying about it/suppressing it.

I’m mad I even had to clarify this, but I’m tired of the misinformation. Terfs and trads are not brethren. So you should know your enemy if you’re going to complain about either of them. Jesus fucking Christ.

That’s like me going “I hate the black panthers because they believed in white nationalism! They’re literally kkk members, so that’s why everyone else hates them and doesn’t want to be around them!”

Do you see how brain dead that sounds? I can’t even begin to imagine how long you’ve been reading those terms and never bothered to actually look them up to understand their ideologies. Did you learn all those words from twitter arguments?

No. 2347563

Your story doesn't imply your friend was groomed at all. Listening to sissy hypno during sleep didn't brainwash him. He isn't a victim. He was either a degenerate to begin with and you just didn't know, or he was exposed to troon-adjacent shit by the girl and realized he liked it. Now that you know about his sexual interests, you're coping by pointing the finger at Bambi Sleep and the girl and acting like he was manipulated into liking sissy shit.

You were right when you said "if a man/boy you wouldn't think to do that has someone coddling them enough they'll do just about anything in the name of coom."

Your link implies that the situation in your pic wouldn't happen, by the way. As the whore explains in the reddit post, hypnosis can't make you do something you don't want to do. It can allow a person to subconsciously give themselves permission to do something that part of them is ashamed of wanting (like crossdressing). Any research into hypnosis (erotic or not) will confirm this. It's clear that you overestimate the abilities of hypnosis so you're using it as a scapegoat. The problem is the moid being a coomer.

No. 2347582

I’m entirely aware he was probably already into this stuff and always like this, but like I said it’s sobering when it’s someone you’re close to, I watched this guy grow up. Discovering this whole bambi shit and hypno stuff just lead me down a rabbithole. It’s deplorable, and to think people are showing that content to actual children makes me feel sick. Definitely trying to scapegoat him a bit in my head because it’s just so foul.

No. 2347821

People keep telling me this bullshit is on its way out, that the public sentiment is changing and the general public is tired of troon shit, but I don't see it. Even ED calls trannies by their preferred pronouns (I'm reading the article on the freak that made unicorn jelly and it's all she/her past the intro section). I don't have examples to post but plenty of MRA types and right wing males love troons, FTMs and MTFs alike, while being proud misogynists. I'm running out of hope.

No. 2347896

Some troons I've seen use female oppression for their LARP. They'll talk about women's issues and feminism and how much they hate men (they ARE the men, though) and pretend like we're on the same team when they're actively making women uncomfortable and unsafe on a daily basis and appropriating our struggles. I can't imagine the cognitive dissonance they must have because they seem to waver between these two states, either "I'm a girl now so I'm oppressed and men are coming after me too, I understand you girls's problems! It's so hard to be a woman am I right my fellow girlies" and "being a girl is so much better than being a man, you get instant attention and gifts and you can just do OF and get rich! Also women are less oppressed than me because I'm a twans woman and if you don't want to fuck me you're literally hitler, suck my cock bitches".
This has been my problem with a lot of people too, they'll be ok to talk to and seemingly nice people but then become absolutely retarded when it comes to troons and women. It's made me lose a lot of hope in people because once you see that this is because they're just generally unintelligent, misogynistic (despite claiming not to be), trend hoppers who can't think for themselves and have no real morals of their own and that they're only kind on a surface level, you can't unsee it. Most people are still misogynistic even when they're lefties, especially men, and their views on tranny ideology and just generally how they react to women's opinions on things and anything that isn't cock sucking liberal feminism really expose them every time. Even the most woke progressive males I've met ALWAYS cape for porn and troon shit because they were never actually not misogynistic. I can only trust people who are actually ok with hearing me out without becoming hysterical like that and other people who agree with my views nowadays. Anyone else just comes across as fake nice, naive, stupid and performative at best, and very misogynistic and homophobic at worst. And it's sad knowing so many people are just like that and won't ever get it despite claiming to be huge women allies or whatever.

No. 2347926

Same. Gender ideology made me realize that in reality many people are misogynistic and care little about women. These pink and blue confetti are just a way to hide it.

No. 2347996

The (TIM) tranny in squid game is played by a man and yet no one cancels him or the production?

No. 2347997

>you can just do OF and get rich
Men look down on women who actually do, it's like trannies under the radar being misogynistic, might as well call us whores or e-whores to our face

No. 2348008

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Was listening to a podcast consisting of two adult, 30 something women discussing an old teen fantasy book written by a woman, for an audience of teen girls. They were talking about the main character and how strong of a character she was when one of the hosts immediately said “she definitely reads as non binary or trans masc”. I genuinely don’t understand how they can’t see how misogynistic that statement is. How has liberal feminism gone full circle into “girl likes to read and has strong character, must be boy”? I live in a liberal city and half of the young women I meet don’t identify as women despite being in no way unfeminine. I understand the impulse to escape misogyny but it makes me feel so alone. How have we gotten to this point?

No. 2348072

Yeah, it sucks.
True. It's also weird because they'll look down on the OF women but simultaneously pressure random women who don't have one into sexualizing themselves for them. I remember seeing a woman getting attacked on social media once because she went viral for being attractive or something but said she would never make an OF.

No. 2348086

i dont know. its very disheartening. ive never felt lucky to live in a conservative area until the last 10 years, but even it has some presence here. i cant imagine how bad it is in the big cities… i just keep hoping and praying for humanity and all the young people

No. 2348173

Nta but what does this even mean

No. 2348176

File: 1736985930797.gif (341.67 KB, 640x298, IMG_8484.gif)

>male tranny identifies as lesbian
>bihet identifies As lesbian
>pooner identifies As lesbian(i thought u were suppos to be a real dood!)
>asexuals who dont want to have sex with you, kiss you or even touch you identifies As lesbian
>straight poly women identifies As lesbians
>spicy straight women calling themselves “bottoms”(aka dead fish) identifies As lesbians

No. 2348179

File: 1736986195918.jpeg (89.78 KB, 1146x1500, IMG_0385.jpeg)

Everyone can be lesbian! And when everyone’s lesbian… no one will be

No. 2348196


No. 2348281

>Terfs think trad women are like the snitching neighbours, betraying other women.
It's not as simple as that. Dworkin's most popular book (Right wing women) was a break-away from this hasty judgment of trad women, and it was a good thing, because you want to create understanding of women as a group with specific interests, beyond their beliefs. Libfems also detest trad women (in a really stupid way) even though they share a lot of traits. Life and politics aren't that simple, and like you said people don't always have the values they claim to uphold. So it follows that there are trads and GCs with genuine feminist beliefs and behaviors (like protesting against troons). I've seen non-feminist GCs articulate obviously feminist points, they come to these conclusions after peaking and they end up with a mishmash of genuine anti-gender sentiment and conservative beliefs. Everyone is a little contradictory, and what matters is what you do. When people say 'terfs are trads' you shouldn't be bothered by it, at all. Gendies dangle it in front of us as some kind of anathema, like 'nazi' or 'prude'. Whatever they think does not matter.
>she is into femboys despite being autistically bigoted about everything else. started playing sissy hypno for him
He probably selected her for this exact reason and is using her as a fetish dispenser. The thing about 'groomed AGPs' is they end up in those spaces for a reason. It doesn't take away from the damage that is done to them (watching porn at 8 should count as child abuse, and it's absolutely grooming). It doesn't diminish how terrible it is that adult AGPs groom younger AGPs into their fetish lifestyle. But often these groomed teenagers grow up to resemble their groomers. They don't always become pedos or actively predatory, it's more like a 'young boy pursued by adult gay pedos and AGPs' to 'femboy chaser into very young looking men' pipeline. It's really disheartening but keep in mind they're not just passive recipients, they usually want something out of being treated like a 'girl' by other men and that's exactly why they end up in AGP discords, being fed sissy hypno shit. Male sexuality is very memetic and every person (man, woman, child) is at risk of identifying with their perpetrator when abused, it's easier for men for obvious reasons. Hence why a noticeable percentage of abused boys grow up to become sexual offenders

No. 2348591

>fake nice, naive, stupid and performative at best
That's why I can't stand Americans.

No. 2348610

trads can't have feminist beliefs because their core values are anti feminist.

No. 2348648

Nonnas did you hear about the teen tranny in the uk getting stabbed? Apparently he gave a blowjob to another teen scrote without disclosing, some days later he got jumped by his friends, including a girl. I feel like the regards are going to say that it’s a TERF attack kek.

No. 2348651

Ahahahaha. To have a brojob is such an ego wound. Keep it up, retarded moids.

No. 2348658

>They're going to say it was a TERF attack
Which makes absolutely no sense when the underlying motivation was likely homophobia and the fear of being perceived/outed as gay.

No. 2348660

Idk anon a lot of them seem to believe in women's right to education, have their own bank account, yap on the internet etc etc

No. 2348699

People are not one dimensional creatures. Even trad women want to be allowed to read and go out in public and be allowed to wear pants.

No. 2348714

Not sure where else to post this, just wanted to rant a little. I have a really unique name, that my parents gave me. I've never met anyone else with this name, until every tranny on earth started using it. Now, it's known universally as a troon name. I won't say what it is, but it's THE MTF name. It's so painful. All my interests are also taken over by stupid trannies. I hate this so much. Even my nickname is a stereotypical tranny name. I consider just changing it sometimes, but I don't want to give up part of myself.
Once at work, I was having a conversation with my coworker who is a bit of a handmaiden about one of my interests, and she said I was "so trans girl coded". I hate this nonnas, and I couldn't even say anything or else she would report me to HR for being phobic.

No. 2348757

I'm sorry trannies ruin everything, nona. I relate to names getting ruined too, my parents were hippies and gave me one of those elemental names that's semi-popular among tims now. They think that if they pick a name that's cute/cool/interesting, it means they embody those traits, just like how they think putting on childish or "goth mommy" clothes can negate or hide the fact that they're 6'5 and scary as fuck in the ugliest, male-est way ever. What they actually do is leave their gross fetish stains on everything they touch.
I think the worst thing that's happened wrt trannies and my name was about 5-6 years ago, when a nerdy guy I sometimes talked to trooned out and took a name that technically wasn't my name, but was one letter off and pronounced exactly the same. Just unpleasant to be in the same room as him after that. The only satisfaction I had was when people referred to me as just my name or "little [name]" easily, but would always hesitate and refer to him as "uhm… big [name]"

No. 2348764

That fucking sucks and I’m sorry.
Like nona above me said they gravitate to pretty or unique names to feel speshul, so I’m sure your name is beautiful.
Don’t let it be tarnished by them, you are their blueprint and they will never be a woman, so you win ultimately. Give it like 10 years and they’ll all have 41 percented anyways, and you will be just as much of a woman/your own name as you were the day you were born.

No. 2348770

let me guess, it's lilith/lily?

No. 2348783

I also have one of THE troon names and it's so hurtful to see them take it. It really feels like a social sexual assault, these men steal our names to use it for their disgusting fetish and we're not even allowed to be upset or complain.

No. 2348863

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No. 2348864

File: 1737043692443.jpg (44.05 KB, 748x198, rotfl.jpg)

No. 2348876

File: 1737044233052.jpeg (13.72 KB, 173x183, 9143B240-001A-4BBF-922E-61BC1C…)

Lots of nonas have given great advice and reassurance so I won’t repeat it, but I did want to say I empathize heavily. My nickname was discovered by troons in the past few years and things haven’t been the same since. I work in a male dominated field so everyone just assumes I’m a tranny until they meet me. Shit sucks.

No. 2349003

File: 1737049180038.png (146.87 KB, 955x706, 7beb4b59-098b-4ac3-a7fd-d02f14…)

Someone should edit it so the girl in first place is a moid with achne, beard and muscles, because you know that is always obvious when is a tim vs an athletic girl.

No. 2349004

I used to know a Lilith in college and I often wonder how she feels about all this now.
My name is very classically feminine and flowery and even somewhat popular in European-inspired shoujo manga so I worry it’s only a matter of time until TIMs pick it up, but so far I haven’t seen it happen. Knock on wood!
>she said I was "so trans girl coded"
>I couldn't even say anything or else she would report me to HR for being phobic
Ngl this is my favourite insult when I feel like pissing off a handmaiden exactly for this reason. They can’t admit to being offended (which they inevitably are) because that would be transphobic, so they have to pretend they’re flattered even when they’re secretly fuming kek. I’d only ever say this to the most insufferable kind of handmaiden, though. I’m sure you didn’t deserve it at all, nonnie.

No. 2349009

are you lost?

No. 2349010

File: 1737049422688.jpg (854.42 KB, 960x1073, look-what-they-need-to-mimic-a…)

See the good side, nonna. You don't need to be under butchering surgeries, hormones or cry when someone calls you “sir", while you live your life like you want. And you definitely aren't going to end up in the 41%.

No. 2349027

Don’t reply to bait , report

No. 2349029

Of course they put the girls photo front and centre.

No. 2349073

File: 1737052304825.jpg (362.32 KB, 955x706, edit.jpg)

No. 2349131

i see tims using my name pretty often and honestly i couldn't care less

No. 2349141

nta but good job nona, i love the little details kek

No. 2349193

I wish it was only americans. I'm not american and nowadays even people in my country act like this.
Troons keep insisting on not disclosing then get surprised when they're murdered kek. Why are they so retarded? Fuck people who would want to fuck you and you wouldn't have this problem. It reminds me of their inherent rapey nature, they simply HAVE to fuck people who wouldn't want them if they knew what they were. Suck it up and realize most people don't want to fuck troons and enjoy the chaser cock instead of being fucking retarded. Good riddance.

No. 2349545

Aren't most chasers proto-troons and didn't most current troons start with a futa porn addiction? They should feel understood by chasers more than anyone.

No. 2349629

Lets laugh at the internalized misogynists in that dysphoria thread.

No. 2349631

No. 2349634

I don't know what those anons have been through but the way they talk about being a woman and being female is so uncomfortable to me. I won't laugh but I will look on in their misery. I hope they get therapy or grow out of it.

No. 2349650

boomers perceive trannies as fixed and tamed unlike actual gay/GNC people

No. 2349660

Make the ti stare at the yelling man and we have a pic for the next thread.

No. 2349661

this is why oppression lasted as long as it did/does, the men in power always shapeshift every generation to infiltrate actually radical group to prevent them from doing anything powerful. And seeing women grovel to sissy men pisses me off

No. 2349664

Same with gay and bi moids with tifs, but who cares about moids anyway. Straight ones will call themselves gay for some pussy.

No. 2349676

it's jealousy and sabotage, you need to talk to her ASAP

No. 2349689

DA Agreed I bet she doesn't even know they're doing this

No. 2349703

NTAYRT, but it hurts, and no matter how much I try to explain, it goes over their heads. no wonder why misogyny has lasted so long. I always use the "oreo" analogy, because back in the 90s black people who didn't behave in a stereotypical manner were called white and people pushed back on that, fortunately. It feels like a rush to the bottom

No. 2349758

I don't even like masculine lesbians but this one is a hero i aspire to be.

No. 2349761

the justification i've seen is mostly
>delicate innocent trans women can't put themselves in danger south korea is super dangerous for poor tgirls uwu! expecting a trans woman to out herself is crazy uwuwuwuwuwu!!!(no uwus)

No. 2350795

>I don't even like masculine lesbians

No. 2350802

File: 1737139791391.jpg (651.56 KB, 1009x1795, 1000217495.jpg)

from a reddit thread about elon musk having an mpreg fetish. they're so obsessed with her and it's also insane how someone who's worst crime is having opinions on the internet is put on the same level as some of the most evil people on the planet.

No. 2351178

Pure cope, too. "If I'd been an adolescent in the time that groomy tranny shit was rampant, I would have likely been a prime target for this bullshit" does not mean someone is a little tran egg ready to crack, but they can't see it.

No. 2351183

NTA but KEK that was my first guess too anon, or Artemis

No. 2351299

It is disgusting how she’s treated, but by being so reasonable and level-headed, she really does peak a lot of people (myself included).

No. 2351300


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2351320

Reading that and claiming she's a man repressing it is ridiculous. Were mixed race people who passed as white and gay people who stayed closested secretly white or straight? People who are actually in oppressed groups are tempted to opt out because discrimination fucking sucks.

No. 2351437

>women would never want to escape womanhood because i said so!! women who don't think like [x] are just trannies!

No. 2351767


No. 2351772


No. 2354408

This threadpic and the new one are awful

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