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No. 2239839

Since the GC thread is still getting over run by Khelif talk.

Please post all your Imane Khelif bullshit (including: bait, infighting fodder, pity posts, and all other spergouts relating to Imane Khelif) in this thread and stop shitting up every other thread with annoying Imane drama because I'm sick of it.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2124068

No. 2239844

How come these super produced pics made him look more male than his regular look?

No. 2239847

Kek reminds me of the early seasons of drag race where it looked like Ru or the producers spread vasiline on the lense.

No. 2239862

No!!!1!1!1!1! Nonny don’t call her a him don’t you know MENA women are supposed to look like men, this is totally not racism btw!!!!11!!1!1!1 sarcasm indicator for the retarded ass farmhands

No. 2239912

literally everyone called it LMAO
>you can never tell
ye we could
>inb4 you argue like a Tee Arr AYYY and wanna exclude people
yes i wanna exclude MOIDS from FEMALE ONLY spaces

No. 2239918

contrast between feminine styling and masculine features only exacerbates it.

No. 2239941

Nonnies, I admit I believed the Imane is female theory, but now I'm skeptical. I just don't understand why they'd go through all the trouble of forbidding trannies like that "Lia" Thomas fag from competing only to let this scandal with Imane go down if he really is male. Is it just to cause infighting and confusion and for them to say "SEE?!? You really CAN'T tell!!" and then force obvious trannies into female categories once we feel too doubtful to call it out?

No. 2239946

What a retarded take kek. Yes, let's let men beat up women because athletes cheat and you don't like sports.

No. 2239950

I have said it more than once before but I would fuck herm, i need to know what it would be like.

No. 2239954

Honestly the whole controversy is so retarded. In some sense the committees that allowed him to compete kind of set him up for this witch hunt. Lia Thomas is a pompous bastard who deserves all the hate he gets for being a blatant perverted man. I feel like with Imane there's layers to this and i don't cast the whole blame on him, there were definitely people in the background who were really hoping he could get away with it and encouraging him to continue because they REALLY wanted Algeria to have a gold medal. This is not the first instance of men getting away with this shit, there was that one South African runner who was such an obvious male and had literally fathered a child, but ultimately he got away with it. Then there were a bunch of runners from China who won gold medals and also got away with it, deep man voices and blatant man faces and all. The question is when will it stop? When will reforms happen? Why is it that it's only women who get such opportunities ripped away from them? Also notice how there would never try this shit with the wnba or women's football.

No. 2239985

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he's so small that it probably won't even get in kek

No. 2239990

you are a fool, thinking i wanted herm to have a dick… the ambiguous genitalia is the appeal… no one understands me…

No. 2239993

so he's a habsburg incest baby KEK

No. 2239994

Feels good to be vindicated despite all the identity politics/crypto tranny retards trying to psyop by defending this hulking rape ape. Today is a good day to be a woman.

No. 2240006

>hulking rape ape
yeah that's a sane way to describe this situation, in which the individual doesn't even have a penis…

No. 2240012

>in which the individual doesn't even have a penis…
Small peepees are still peepees

No. 2240020

Not functionally in any way that could be described as “rape ape”. They described it as looking like a large clit and in this condition the urethra doesn’t run through it like it does in a dick, instead it’s underneath. I don’t think Khelif should have been allowed to compete but the rhetoric (“rape ape”???) is going totally unhinged in my opinion. We’re talking about someone who believed they were female until puberty at the earliest and these tests in adulthood at the latest. I think we can acknowledge this is a unique situation while still maintaining that no amount of unique situation gives a male access to women’s sports.

No. 2240029

Just came here to say that I called it kek
Shutting off the debate was as easy as saying "she has XX chromosomes shut the fuck up", but they didn't for a reason.

No. 2240036

I knew it kek

No. 2240038

They need to strip him of his medals

No. 2240039

It's actually so funny how this made all the racist trannies go mask off and start bashing brown women (and black women for some reason). Nothing makes a troon seethe harder than a man not being allowed to claim woman at convenience, and they'll gaslight forever about it.

No. 2240076

>They described it as looking like a large clit and in this condition the urethra doesn’t run through it like it does in a dick
I may have misunderstood >>2239985 but I assumed "a micropenis resembling an enlarged clitoris" meant the urethra did run through it like a dick.

No. 2240086

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>it's a knife when you know they're counting on your mistakes
>it's a knife when you're so pretty, they think you must be fake
>it's a knife when they dissect your body on the front page
>it's a knife when they won't believe you - why should you explain?

No. 2240097

Man… I still want to believe Imane is a woman because masculine women do exist. Feels bad. It also kinda sucks how cruel people are being about Imane being possibly intersex as if that’s something they asked for and totally doesn’t happen before birth.

No. 2240099

Radio silence, because it's an inconvenient truth. Now you see why the majority of journos belong to the same pariah underclass as drug dealers and career criminals:

No. 2240101

It's sad how his life went, but women and girls shouldn't have opportunities and wins taken away from them for the sake of intersex males.

No. 2240107

Believing this would be an insult to masculine women. Just like how people coped with Nikkie tutorials "just looking like any fat woman" when he was shaped like an American football player the whole time but could hide it with the right camera angles sometimes so I and other clocked him before he came out.

No. 2240113

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Amazing news, I still remember that one anon calling farmers racist towards mena women and / or russian shills for having eyes kek

No. 2240114

I'm a masculine woman, believed khelif was male, but I don't think it was really malice. I had friends call my other friends racist for believing he was male kek. I got the other side of the arguement, I was kind of disengaged from the argument but it sucked that those girls who fought him got so much vitriol

No. 2240118

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Even masculine clothing will look different on women, the stylists really wanted to accentuate his features huh

No. 2240126

He looks like any random Bilal kek, I've seen so many Maghrebi men that look exactly like this

No. 2240146

KEK i remember those nonnas obsessed with calling everyone expressing even the mildest skepticism "russian shills". good times.
the report is from 2023. if the investigation was done after the olympics i might feel some sympathy, but as it stands he's just a moid who knowingly lied his ass off the whole time and got a gold medal beating up women.

No. 2240157

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>hulking rape ape
Imane Khelif has a blind vagina, which ends in a blind pouch or sac rather than being connected to the internal genitalia. She has a micropenis the size of an enlarged clitoris and internal testicles. So, she is biologically male but was raised as a girl. Men search for these girls in sports and try to pass them off as biologically female because they know it gives them higher chances of winning at sporting events. It's extremely exploitative. When these girls discover they are biologically male, they are often kept in the dark by their country's sports federation. And when they are questioned and ultimately banned from sporting events, they are left with nothing in most cases. Imane Khelif competing in the Olympics was absolutely unhinged, from everyone involved, including herself. But we have to understand that she isn’t an exception. There are sports federations out there actively searching for intersex males to push into female sports events to glorify their country. Many of these women want to compete in a category made for them only. The IOC and Caster Semenya are completely dishonest for acting as if there isn’t a problem with countries exploiting the health condition of these athletes. Acting as if sex isn’t relevant in sport is absolutely unhinged. There’s a reason why many of these athletes are found in athletics, where male physical advantages are magnified. And this problem would be extremely easy to solve if they truly gave a shit. They should test girls before they win national events. Because when they are outed by the media, it can lead to severe consequences, including violence from their families and communities, and even force them to flee their own countries. I hope that, for once, people will focus on blaming the men who create these absurd situations, rather than attacking the rare women who have spoken up for women's rights, like J.K. Rowling. I hope some of those moids are jailed for once. They can imprison the entire IOC for all I care, given how they’ve endangered the lives of women.

No. 2240158

Wait is Imane a confirmed male? I thought he/she was intersex and people were debating if Imane had xy chromosomes or not but I don’t think that ever got revealed?

No. 2240160

It's confirmed, check the last thread

No. 2240164

Imane didn't know before competing? That sucks, what a shitty situation.

No. 2240169

nta but something i don't get about the "raised as a girl" argument is, how was he allowed to do things that girls in his village weren't allowed to do, like playing soccer?
if the investigation was done last year then he might have known

No. 2240180

Nonna, we have medical records, and I'm a baguette who read the original article in French. Her reproductive system looks female on the outside, so it’s unlikely her family knew. The most we can assume is that they were loving parents who supported their daughter’s desire to play soccer. Not everything is part of a conspiracy. Imane isn’t the first or the last woman with an intersex condition to be exploited by greedy sports federations. These issues aren’t even hidden; it's just that no one cares once these women are banned and left with nothing. Caster Semenya is one of the rare exceptions. People started caring this time because American right-wingers labeled her as trans. If only J.K. Rowling had tweeted about it, most people outside of feminist circles likely wouldn’t have paid attention to the situation.

We don’t know when she became aware of her condition, but it's common for women in this situation to be in denial, especially when their career and safety are at risk. It’s an incredibly difficult situation, and even more so in a sport like boxing, where there’s a real risk of seriously injuring another athlete.

No. 2240183

Kek that's like saying your average welsh woman looks like kate moss.
>No we're actually soft and round and feminine!!1!!1!

No. 2240188

If Imane knew I am upset for the women who were robbed of an honest match and upset for those women hurt in dishonest matches. If Imane didn't know then I actually feel bad for them, that's quite sad and it must be awful to learn alongside the public.

No. 2240211

>unlikely her parents knew
Except this person never grew breasts, has an obviously male body shape that got more male with puberty, and never had a period? You can't explain all of those things away by claiming it's merely athletic amenorrhea. The generation of gymnasts who starved off puberty still look female. So do ana runners. They knew. That's why Imane pals around with men.

No. 2240222

you are genuinely retarded. this is some major blackpilling shit some women just have absolutely zero self preservation instincts and zero awareness of anything.

No. 2240224

so now that he is proved to be a man all the retards go "well obviously SHE didn't know!!! obviously SHE grew up as a girl even though he was allowed to do all the things other girls weren't allowed to do, you are just a racist if you think all algerians aren't bunch of retard children who recognize sex! don't you understand you bigoted idiots that they all are illiterate dumbass morons who know no concepts like "lying" or "cheating" or "hmm if i pretend to be a female to become a professional international athlete i could feed my family instead of digging up trashcans for living" you are just harrassing this poor, dainty innocent little woman who obviously never knew there was anything off about him while everyone around him never treated him as a regular girl!"

No. 2240234

imane was obviously a moid because pigs would fly before women and moids would ever show such respect and love towards a masculine female. even now itt he is painted as victim who prob never knew kek

No. 2240238

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GNCfags support trannies and hate real women at the end of the day, all of their gender-bending nonsensical Alice in Wonderland rules is more of a priority than a dangerous precedent to come for women, they can start sneaking in trannies into our species and retarded loony pickmes will defend them endlessly against their detractors. I feel like their goal has been very successful and they’ve managed to get the ones who seemed like they were against tranny mess against the people who are actually against tranny mess because being GNC is just another few steps to being a AFAB. The self-hating, woman-hating, superiority language is similar to NLOGism, every other normal woman has to suddenly shut down her mental faculties and brain functioning and logic to allow the invasion/conquest/control brought on by males to happen and the GNC fags will be there to tell you that you’re a delusional homophobic bigot (just like a certain camp..) for not accepting “her”. I can’t trust most women anymore, they are just so weak-minded and can’t think for themselves and that’s why these spaces and groups always waver to outside opinion and thought because every woman, even the tomboys to the butches, want to be considered society’s “best girl!!!” it doesn’t matter how they get their, many women slather on clown paint and wear a push-up bra to get there and other women brag about being “unfeeling” “unemotional” and “moar intelligent!!!!” than other women and think wearing a flannel and pants is what makes them gender non-conforming, it’s also so performative and reductive of female progressive concepts it almost feels like they’re adopting parodies of the real ideas and then trying to lecture other women on these fake ideas and try to spread them like a disease. It’s not longer women defying gender expectations and stereotypes as a class like reprogramming from our early socialization, refraining from society trained pipeline to go and obtain a scrote like they’re hidden pirate treasures and to shit our children and get degrees, start organizations, caring more about women and girls than tearing them down in stereotyped cattiness and patriarchal crumbs, not just playing into the two-dynamics of gender by going from one extreme to another and then call it “non-conforming”[/spoiler]like most GNC, tomboys and butches[/spoiler]. GNC people are just nonbinary people with the same delusions, the same hypocrisy, the same need to be hypersexual even though they all look like secular Aidens and the same need to weaponism the backbone of their concept, trannyism, to exist and make women afraid for having differing viewpoints or actually seeing reality for what it is. There is no escaping this shit, is there? It just comes in different forms and some of its forms tries to make itself appealing but when you get to the real root of it, it’s garbage for women, too highly focused on identity and labels (just like gendies) and ends up supporting the very people who could care less if women got raped by a tranny, respect the masculine woman because masculinity = respect and by proxy the woman practicing the extreme genderism receives the same respect the male has by existing on that basis. Am I crazy for noticing this and then being dogpiled for noticing this shit? Sigh

No. 2240241

Anon, there are a bunch of gnc/masculine/butch female athletes out there

No. 2240242

sorry what the fuck do you want actually?

No. 2240248

Still can't believe they told us this is a woman.
>any random Bilal
KEK he looks like his name is Toufik
Well yes, women look softer. That's hardly controversial kek
I think second AYRT was being sarcastic nona
True. Well, denial in certain societies is so deep, it's not that his family didn't know (they sure did), but people beyond his immediate family will be so used to repressing things (especially sex-related matters) to save face that it borders on delusion. I would love to ask his village about their impression because while repressed people are good at psyopping themselves, there's no way they didn't know on some level.
You're not crazy. I see exactly what you mean but i think that genuinely masculine women don't fall for this. They're just regular women with something that explains why they're relatively more masculine in how they interact with the world (occupation, family dynamics, sexuality, etc) and they might be annoying (NLOG rhetoric), but it's real. But self-proclaimed GNCtards are rarely that, they're soft-spoken, agreeable, submissive progressive women with a different look. Claiming to be GNC online is actually so strange, as if you could decide that. You can't.
>It’s not longer women defying gender expectations and stereotypes as a class like reprogramming from our early socialization
Exactly, it's about moving from 'trans' 'detrans' 'NB' to another label, treating it like yet another nice girly identity marker. But their feminine preoccupation with moralfagging and empathy displays is still very much there
>it’s garbage for women, too highly focused on identity and labels (just like gendies)
kek the women i see who're obsessed with 'butch' 'GNC' labels come across as extremely girly in an 'instagram influencer' way

No. 2240252

Exist as a woman, without a bunch of deranged people who are trying to seek community rather than being authentic and honest to themselves telling me that wearing baseball caps, fixing cars and being autistic is gender non-conforming. Exist as a woman without other deranged gendies and wannabe gendies towering down you like queer Hitler Youth to tell you you’re a homophobe for knowing what a woman actually looks like and not calling you a tradfag even though I hate the “best girl” olympics women involve themselves in. I see it all the time on here, women will chameleon themselves into any kind of space even ones they know damn well they don’t belong in just to be socially accepted. It makes them feel great, empathetic and supported if they feel like they’re on the “right side of history!!” and plus they don’t actually have to do any of the mental work, they can just suck the teet off of women who actually use their minds, come up with unique ideas to push women forward because too many women benefit off of women like me to exist while I become more ostracized for the things I say, let’s be real. Fuck with that shit. Imane is a man, GNC ideology is fraudulent, trannies suck, males should all go play with knives with their balls hanging out, most if not all women are not real feminists and my pussy is bleeding and I’m going back to sleep and nothing matters so just dogpile me anyways idgaffff. Love you anon

No. 2240259

I guess you’re referring to the normtard ones that exist on Reddit, the more acceptable spaces of Tumblr, Tiktok and especially Twitter when you’re talking about le epic and badass butch/masculine women!!!! I also see your point about them, but my understanding is that they truly enjoy genderism without either acknowledging it or know that they are so they tongue twist and subvert words like their gendie counterparts. The other GNCfags who exist here are pure NLOGs and their speech is always dripping with female hate and a hate for themselves and it always made me wonder how they never truly trooned out, and it’s because GNC people are caught in a web to save themselves from going down the path of their regressive ass beliefs. Like I said in my above speech (because I’m going right to sleep after this kek) there’s so many traitors and retarded women sucking the teets off of many women’s real hard work and the very little sympathy she has to extend to them, so they get to destroy everything around us, destroy our boundaries, mend our words, and they don’t get any of the brunt of it because they will go to trannies and gendies shake their hands and smile that “we don’t hate you guys!” it’s such an obnoxious savior love-me love-us let me be the best girl complex, which like you said kind of plays into that feminine extremity or expectation that underlies this entire BS. Fuck Imane and his skittle scrotum and fuck the woman-hating retards for trying to shut up normal women who don’t give a shit about “gender nonconforming” or any kind of bullshit or being masculine or feminine or nonbinary blah blah, I just want to exist without invasive males and handmaidens in my way.

No. 2240261

No, Bilal suits him more. It's a fuckboy name and he looks and mpves like one.

No. 2240274

>No nonna, his masculine jaw is typical of algerian women, you're just racist!
>No nonna, his massive hands are typical north african, you're racist!
>No nonna, his wide frame is normal in Algeria, you're racist!
>No nonna, his strenght it's normal for an athlete, you're just sexist if you think that women can't punch that hard!
>No nonna, his features are typical of a butch, you're not lesbian, you do not understand!
Those times were dark of lc, I know a butch when I see one, they don't look like Imane, this went full cycle and made me think if some lesbians are secretly faggy attracted straight women lol, I wonder where's the "woman" in here, he also sits like a man.
>Algerian women don't all wear the hijab!!
He's the only "woman" in his shithole village that doesn't have one. By that logic, I should see one or two women without it in every video where he's visiting the village. They goddamn knew, it's just that his dad is a typical ignorant male who thinks that ignoring a problem will make everyone else ignore it too while eyeing that sweet money from the Olympics.

No. 2240281

I checked the thread on LSA because I remember most fonts calling Imane a man, I just now realized that people think intersex means "physically between a man and a woman" and not "either a man or a woman with specific health issues". So many of them are posting that since he has a micropenis he's a man and not intersex. So now I understand why so many normies have been so confused over intersex and troon shit these past years and why they agree with dumb shit all the time. They don't even know what they're talking about in the first place. No wonder Imane's supporters are so quiet now.

No. 2240298

I noped out of this discussion because both sides were acting retarded and info about this…thing? was actively being hidden from people. Now, is there like, actual proof they(?) are a male?

No. 2240302

No. 2240307

No. 2240333

>Discover "out of the blue"
No period, no breasts, broad shoulders, man jaw…either you're stupid or you're trying to gaslight half of the human population lol, don't they make mirrors in Algeria?

No. 2240379

>muh both sides are retarded
Yes recognizing a male as a male is being retarded. God I hate fence sitters so much, does it make you feel so smurt for not “choosing a side”?

No. 2240384

Oh stfu you tryhard, we all know he's a male now you're doing too much, go smoke a blunt or something

No. 2240385


No. 2240411

You're so real for this. From my observation, being GNC is just an ugly woman's cope. They still want to be viewed as attractive so they attempted to find an alternative way to do so by appropriating male fashion and looks because at the end of the day male/masculine=ugly. The Khalif situation proves it. And the rare hot ones troon out ofcourse.

No. 2240451

I don't disagree but I've seen plenty of insecure women saying the same things too as a cope even if they're feminine.

No. 2240452

Bait used to be believable

No. 2240457

You know you've been spending too much time on lolcow when you start recognizing anons based on the bait they post. We already had this infight before. Do something new.

No. 2240460

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>made me think if some lesbians are secretly faggy attracted straight women lol
The TiFchaser butchfags that seethe about being called bisexuals when they realize they were attracted to an actual man being passed off as a woman for money.

No. 2240470

I kinda don't get what you mean, can you elaborate? For the record, I dress and style myself both feminine and masculine or androgynous depending on my mood, but I don't really describe myself as any of these or GNC, but I can't say I'm gender conforming either. I just don't bother. I think caring about it and trying to prove something with it says a lot about someone.
This is the first time I post this opinion and I've never been in an infight about this topic before. You're thinking of someone else.

No. 2240471

Yup, even though you’re the tradfag baiter GNC is just another entrapment for women and more identity politics and more time-wasting retardation. There is minimal difference between TIFs/AFABs and GNC women. Their speech, beliefs, mannerisms and goals all align in the same purpose, to distract women further, to hassle them with more navel-gazing shit that pop culture and makeup function as and to eventually divide women who are all oppressed in the same kinds of way, just in different unique flavors and they get so caught up in the unique flavors. Trannies at the root level don’t really have much gripe with evul gender crits/gendies, the only thing they purely disagree with them is that they think they’re being excluded from joining the “cutesy bio women’s club!!” just like how little boys are always egging on other little girls to join their slumber parties. It’s a popular ideology for younger people or people who are very childish in the mind. Me saying this is not agreeing with you that heterosexuality is natural, so don’t think we’re on the same level of understanding kek but I agree with you, it’s a cope for women who don’t fit into the distraction mold that’s made and curated solely for women like fashion, beauty, pop culture, media so the only things they have to help their navigate themselves back to their own personhood is by sipping the other side of the spectrum koolaid, by bragging about wearing baggy jeans, not shaving, having bad hygiene, thinking that masculinity is the upmost form to aspire to. It doesn’t matter how much words they say to you, the ultimate idea of their ideologies that all perfectly align id that masculinity is to retain traits of virtue, power, respectability and when they try to play into them by becoming tomboys, butches, “the man of the relationship” they somehow gain power by that masculinity. They think gender nonconforming behavior is slipping from one extreme (our socialization) from the other with no proper tools or resources to truly breakdown their early programming and get out of the identity-obsessed matrix. I hate the same retards slathering clown paint on their faces and injecting silicon in their bodies to destroy and mutate themselves for male’s necrotic kink and I hate the retards who think acting masculine gives them male power by proxy, those groups include GNCtards, tomboys, butches, fitness women, some groups of libfems and the rest of the ABC gendie crowd. Whenever I write about this I’m always so shrouded in confusion and that’s the purpose of these ideologies, when women start peaking, they start throwing the retarded distractions imaginable that women unfortunately fall for and GNC/gender crit is one of them and dare I say it’s on the same level of retardation as the whole queer movement

No. 2240479

And then proceeded to call people with eyes, ears and a working brain “misogynists” for pointing this out and using the same racist ass arguments that trannies use that minority women are supposed to look men just like they do with black women. GNCfags are racist as fuck, regressive and self-hating uglies that need to go and take a jog or something instead of lusting after zippertit TIFs all day on /g/

No. 2240480

Would being anti-identity not be an identity too? There is no way to fully abandon whatever boxes exist when there will always be someone to put you into one.

No. 2240483

No, because you aren’t actively trying to validate and prove your identity. You just live your life, I know that’s impossible for some of the degenerates pining for intersex male penis to figure out but abiding by these distracting identities you always need to prove and find meaningless validations for them like trannies and it gets to a point where their validations starts impeding on the boundaries and dignity of other women, even if it’s coming from other women. It’s another reason why I just don’t care about telling anybody about my sexuality, it’s like a freaking gang that you have to prove your loyalty to constantly and having purity checks done on you to see if you’re the “real deal” and not a traitor, it’s exhausting. No wonder a lot of lesbians and bishits just force themselves live a heterosexual/celibate lifestyle

No. 2240484

this is just being gender-nonconforming

No. 2240486

>I kinda don't get what you mean, can you elaborate?
I've seen average, feminine women saying Imane is just a GNC woman because women don't have to be girly girls. Even if that doesn't apply to them. I've seen many of them using the "transphobes are trying to apply eurocentric beauty standard to Imane and that's wrong" argument and somewhat related to Imane because they're not white and seen as ugly by racists or they have PCOS and expected Imane to just be GNC or to be a woman with an intersex disorder or hormonal issues, even though it turns out he's a man with an intersex disorder. It really is just a cope from them because they were projecting their own personal issues on some guy.

No. 2240490

I already declared I'm not the baiter you disagree with. I'm not homophobic or trad, I'm against the nuclear family, marriage, relationships and having kids, and I'm bi. But yeah you're right about this. It's like they do everything they do just to say "fuck you, I don't need your validation anyway! Now notice me for being different and the opposite of what you want, please.", they can't do what they do simply because they want to/it makes them happy/it's easier, nope, it needs to have some ~deep~ meaning or something and virtue signal or just signal anything for them to keep doing it. Everything has to be political activism, and it doesn't even achieve anything. We're still stuck.

No. 2240495

I see what you mean, thanks for explaining.

No. 2240514

No it isn’t, take your weak bait somewhere else. Boooo you stink

No. 2240518

cope, tomboys are more attractive than femme women to me

faggot(infight bait)

No. 2240522

My brain is way too small to contribute here but, if gender and sex are the same, then gender nonconformity isn't even a real thing. Or it means something different than crossdressing or whatever

No. 2240524

Go fuck your zippertit aiden

No. 2240529

nah, i like unmutilated women. i know someone who thinks peak female beauty is in plastic surgery (another form of mutilation) and trying to look like a barbie doll can't relate ♥

No. 2240537

How am I baiting? Not caring what people think about how you ~present your gender~ is the same as being gender non conforming

No. 2240539

In this context gender would be more like gender stereotypes and expectations.

No. 2240540

You are both absolutely insane. Not even sure what to say honestly. Some of us just think masculine items of clothing look cool or are comfortable, it’s not some grand conspiracy. You sound unhinged.
>Their speech, beliefs, mannerisms and goals all align in the same purpose, to distract women further, to hassle them with more navel-gazing shit
The only thing I share with the random other GNC woman at work is a love of men’s dress shoes. We do not act similarly, speak similarly, have the same political beliefs, taste in media, or have the same “purpose” (wut?). There is no overarching purpose GNC women are scheming towards, you sound like a complete conspiratard.

No. 2240558

>It's like they do everything they do just to say "fuck you, I don't need your validation anyway! Now notice me for being different and the opposite of what you want, please."
You cannot be serious. I have a short hair cut because I think I look nicer with it. I wear items from the men’s section because they have styles I like that I can’t find in the women’s section. The fact that the fashion I like is counter to society is not the reason I dress the way I do, it’s just a side fact which is really more inconvenient to my life than anything else. I know this is nearly impossible for you to wrap your head around, but not all women have the same taste in style, your tastes are not objective and women who dress a way you personally wouldn’t doesn’t mean that they also think it’s ugly and are just doing it for “attention”, they actually enjoy these styles. Insane, I know, since women come out of the womb craving to wear Lolita dresses. No offense lolitafags you do you.

No. 2240562

Never seen an attractive tomboy but to each their own.
This is exactly why we dislike your kind. You can't like what you like without putting anything that isn't it down and pretending it's some big evil horrible thing and only you have the pure correct taste or whatever.
I like and wear some male fashion from time to time, too. I just don't have a superiority complex to overcompensate for something missing in my identity like some GNCs, do. As long as you aren't obnoxious about it you're fine, what I and the other anon are describing are the annoying braggy type who sound NLOG because they think they discovered atoms when they switched styles and mannerisms.

No. 2240569

If this doesn't apply to you why are you hellbent on responding to it? Just scroll past it because it's not about you if you're not that type of person. Also read my last response in >>2240562

No. 2240587

>This is exactly why we dislike your kind. You can't like what you like without putting anything that isn't it down
stop playing victim. look at >>2240524 and >>2240411 instead of crying about being "put down", hypocrite lmaooo. don't throw rocks and then hide your hands.

No. 2240596

It’s because you applied crazy blanket statements to GNC Women with no qualifiers. Obviously GNC women are going to see that and say “uhhhhhhhh… that isn’t right” when you try to claim something about the group they are part of.

No. 2240606

First one wasn't me, second one is me, though. Sorry for generalizing I guess but from my life experience in all-girls schools and university, it's always the ugly nerdy, buck teethed, glasses wearing bracefaces who are GNC/tomboy/butch, I even met one who was a straight up TIF, and ofcourse she was ugly and fat and wore glasses and had a pizza face. I am yet to see an actual hot GNC/tomboy/butch, the only ones who come to mind are the gigachad female photographer and Daniela Sea but the latter trooned out. And again, I dress masculine sometimes and don't shave at all despite being super hairy and don't wear makeup.

No. 2240621

Ok… so your problem with GNC women is that they’re …ugly?

No. 2240626

Apparently…? I don’t know, anon seems to have some unresolved issues. Her rants are weird and contradictory so I’m just going to ignore her sperging.

No. 2240634

Why are you people arguing about gnc women in the intersex moid's thread?

No. 2240639

because some retard is claiming masculine women are too blame somehow

No. 2240669

Hyper masculine mega butch GNC women still have vaginas, because they're women. Imane doesn't, because he's a man. The system allowing him to invade our areas isn't related to us females, this has nothing to do with GNC women. End discussion

No. 2240676

She has a blind vagina.

No. 2240683

a what

No. 2240685

His vagina can't see

No. 2240692

it uses his microdick as a cane

No. 2240694

Oh fuck off with this female empathy "just be kind!!1" bullshit. A male is still a male. Period.

No. 2240708

Unfathomably based.

No. 2240714

I would do anything to smoke with you

No. 2240721

Give me a break, anyone can see that calling Imane a “rape ape” is dumb as fuck and has nothing to do with the actual issue, namely, cheating.

No. 2240736

I hate this website. How difficult is it to not hate women? Imane Khelif isn't the first and won't be the last because being biologically male gives physical advantages in some sports. Men have to be held accountable for what they allowed to happen.

No. 2240752

File: 1730825967332.jpeg (200.44 KB, 1080x1350, GbTUDyCWUAAze5F.jpeg)

These pics are hard as fuck. I'm so happy for her.

No. 2240772

The photos do fuck I have to say, very cool. Wish I could simp for him/her but the willful cheating is nasty.

No. 2240773

All XYs are rape apes. No exceptions.

No. 2240774

I feel like there should be a reasonable middle ground here where both things are true.
1. Khelif is male and should never have been in female sports. 0 sympathy for him or anyone defending him.
2. Until we actually got the recent proof, it could have potentially gone either way. There was a slim chance that Khelif had a female DSD and if that had been proven to be the case instead, GCs would have looked retarded and it would have set everything back.

I'm just relieved that he is in fact male because I did not want to deal with Rowling publicly destroying our arguments because she jumped the gun on insisting that it was a male DSD. I really think that when things like this happen the best approach is to respectfully ask questions and push for evidence to be released instead of spamming MAN MAN MAN AGP AGP everywhere because transvestigating is not an exact science and eventually it IS going to publicly blow up in our faces. Rant over.

No. 2240777

>The photos do fuck
Smells like twatter in here

No. 2240781

Can someone make a compilation of the pro Imane retardation in past threads? I wanna save the keks for posterity.

No. 2240791

Even if Imane was female, it would still have been clear that Imane abused roids and would still be not fair competition against women who didn't do the same.

No. 2240807

It’s weird, even in male styling he does have a bit of a female look to him. Not sure why.

No. 2240809

Because GC's and TRA are the two sides of the same coin. Look how many women itt couldn't hold their disgust towards ugly and GNC women. Because that's what's a woman is, beauty and femininity. It's always the same story honestly. Women don't need trannies as enemies when they have each other

No. 2240815

glad to be proven right ever since i caught on how he spoke Arabic sounded moidish

No. 2240816

Anyone here still defending Imane is a Nigelfag. You will shit on other moids invading female sports but when it's THE moid you defended for weeks and got emotionally attached to then it's fine if he got to beat up women and steal gold from one. Exactly the same behavior you see from Nigelfags with their Nigel.

No. 2240817

I don't necessarily disagree. But nobody was having a conversation about the complexities of DSD or roided females competing with non-DSD females, it was just an angry mob shrieking MAN MAN MAN which turned out to be correct THIS TIME but might not be correct next time. I just think it's stupid for transvestigators to see this as a victory because eventually they're gonna fly too close to the sun and try this on an actual female and destroy all our credibility.

No. 2240821

just remembered when pro imane fags were comparing this thing to black women who were footballers/boxers, just ridiculous. i think as soon as someone starts bringing up black women thats how you know the subject being discussed is 100% a moid

No. 2240825

There were people arguing that, including myself. That you chose to not read such discussion because you were convinced Imane was simply a GNC and we're angry at the moid accusations is on you lol.

No. 2240827

Those same posters were calling people racist for saying Imane didn't look like an Algerian woman at all lmao

No. 2240843

Gave me a flashback to that one tranny who had a meltdown and started attacking black women randomly and saying all black female athletes should be removed if Imane (a literal man, who he kept insisting was a woman) is removed, demanding people post photos of black women being short(???), complaining that /lgbt/ let him attack non-white women so LC should do the same, then samefagging hours later and accusing everyone who called him weird and racist of "attacking white women" lmao.

No. 2240859

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It's interesting to watch when trannies are racist, because no matter how hard they look down on women that are black or any woman that's not white, a black woman is always going to have what a tranny could never, and that's two X chromosomes. All the women they hate will always be women, a state of being that a tranny cannot obtain no matter how many surgeries he can pay for.

No. 2240896

The biggest giveaway is that women with dsd still look female. Shave their hair/make them lose weight if you're that picky and you have at best a virilized female like women with aggressive pcos are. Find me a woman with a dsd that naturally looks like a man, has the same big hands as a man, the same muscular build, the same ape face. I hate how the media and libfems tried to lump this fucker into women with an illness. Even if you look up the intersex meetups, the women look like women, from butch to femme womens, they still are women.
When males are born failmales, at best they have a micropenis, don't have too much hair, they don't grow beards and are fat on the belly area. There are still distinct features and no intersex condition makes people totally androgynous, talking about people wondering what you are because the features are confusing, it only makes some features rougher in a case and softer in the other one, it doesn't magically changes bone structure, muscle mass and such, not even women who shoot up testosterone to bulk look like Imane. No butch woman looks like Imane. No woman in general looks like Imane.
If this was all about hormones, it would be troon logic where high testosterone then makes a woman a man, when we have pcos women who try to dare call them men and tifs are clockable as fuck because they're short and have a cartoon voice and men on estrogen still look like men, just with a shrinking penis and softer skin. Guess where Imane falls into lol.

No. 2240938

A woman who started roiding extremely young can still look like that, and given the lack of ethics when it comes to sports that wasn't completely out of the equation in this case. It still wouldn't be fair and a person like that should still be banned from competing with normal women though. In any possible scenario when it comes to the Imane case the answer wouldn't change. Anyone who defended Imane after seeing his physique and performance should have known better.

No. 2240983

>how he spoke Arabic sounded moidish
Can you elaborate?

No. 2240996

Exactly, and you can tell it makes them even angrier kek

No. 2241022

Retarded shit-brained pickmes, come back and explain to us now.

No. 2241026

The TiF chasers really outdid themselves with this one lol. They should just admit that they're attracted to male bodies.

No. 2241029

It was obvious he was a male to any woman who still has normal instincts and isn't brainwashed by the internet, that's why she "jumped the gun".

No. 2241051

I love how no one took your bait the first time so you’re just repeating yourself like an autist telling an unfunny joke kek

No. 2241052

>Until we actually got the recent proof, it could have potentially gone either way
Not really though. Imane and that Taiwanese scrote were already kicked out of the women's boxing championships by the IBA in 2023. Them not refuting this disqualification was complete proof that they have XY chromosomes. People who didn't understand this and needed more proof were simply retarded and probably blind

No. 2241075

wow my queen JK Rowling was right again. She never misses.

No. 2241088

Keep seething, "butchfag" that simps for literal XYs kek.

No. 2241107

I don’t know who you think I are am anon but im bisexy so

No. 2241138

I mean, anyone with eyes could have seen he was an obvious male.

No. 2241153

>our arguments
>uwu we need evidence to prove a man is a man
kek you're not being slick

No. 2241155

That’s a man with a micropenis you dumb bitch

No. 2241208

Retards are booing you but you’re 100% right and I’ve been saying the same thing. GCtards are very stupid.

No. 2241255

And internal testicles and a vagina. Mald harder.

No. 2241258

Having a shallow hole between your legs because the gooch didn’t fold properly does not make you a woman. He’s a mutant man

No. 2241286

Raised as a woman.

No. 2241288

So was David Reimer, but he wasn't an incest baby so he had enough of an IQ to know it was wrong kek.

No. 2241290

Who gives a fuck what he was raised as? He's a man and therefore should not be competing against women.

No. 2241317

>GCs are same as tardthots and Right Wing Nazis!!!
Gee, where have I heard this rhetoric before…

No. 2241345

No one said that, which is probably why you couldn’t even reply to a specific post and instead need to make up a strawman

No. 2241352

some of you are seriously defending a woman being beaten by a man on national television and winning an award and being praised for it huh

No. 2241356

His medals should be stripped off. He stole from women.

No. 2241359

Point to where. Again, the reason you can’t reply to any specific post is because no one is saying that, but at least you tried.

No. 2241368

Imagine caping for a man this hard

No. 2241379

Not defending him at all, just pointing out you’re inventing people to get mad at that don’t exist itt, which is weird.

No. 2241399



all of these are either refusing to call the MAN a MAN or otherwise saying "but still"

No. 2241407

They're tardfems that believe if men were raised as women they would behave exactly like women and understand the female struggle etc. Blackpillers are deranged but at least they comprehend the inherent biological difference between men and women down to the behavioral level.

No. 2241410


No. 2241420

I just wanna know why this wouldn't also apply to someone trooned out as a young child (or maybe they think it does apply?)

No. 2241482

And you would be right. He has a micropenis, the urethra still runs through it but it does look like an enlarged clit because that's how all micropenises look externally. Still a penis. He also has testicles and hormone levels compatible with a regular male. He doesn't have a uterus in any form.

I doubt it because a regular woman wouldn't be allowed to do sports, but anyway feelings don't really matter in boxing which is the most physical sport there is. What matters is the body, and Imane, being a biological male who went through male puberty, has a body and hormones compatible with any other males. Therefore he shouldn't have been competing with women.

He doesn't have a vagina. Read the article properly. He has XY chromosomes, testicles (doesn't matter if internal or not, he still has testicles), a micropenis and male hormone levels. You can suck him off all you like, but you're not sucking a clit.

No. 2241514

Ok but you realize those posts are saying a totally different thing than you strawmanned about…? Is your reading comp just really bad or are you trolling

No. 2241601

careful, youre making too much sense and showing too much empathy

No. 2241606

Haven’t you heard anon? Nuance BAD, empathy BAD and WOMANLY. We need to be acting more like retarded moids and that is BASED

No. 2241613

I mean, the average Welsh woman likely looks closer to Kate Moss than a literal man. Although that's not what the post you're replying to even said. It didn't say Algerian women look like models, it said Algerian women usually have soft, round features (as women in general often do) and that a typical Algerian woman does not look anything like Imane Khelif and in fact typically have feminine features despite Imanefags who have probably never even met an Algerian trying to make out that Algerian women just look like a literal man with a male body and male facial features and if you say he doesn't look like a woman you're ackshually being racist to Algerians!1!!

No. 2241796

>"pwease think of the poor moid's feefees"
Kek so much handmaiden behaviour on here. Am I really on LC.

No. 2241912

Tbh it's hilarious to see nonnies here defending a scrote because they suddenly had to backtrack kek

No. 2244176

Barely, he was allowed to do things that most women in his village weren't allowed to do.

No. 2245610

File: 1730914553779.jpg (73.89 KB, 827x508, sue Lolcow next, incest manchi…)


No. 2247910

this but unironically

No. 2247984

Can you fags stop lying for one second? Yes he has a vagina, yes he's still a male. Having a blind vaginal pouch still doesn't change the fact he's a man, hebjust has a DSD.

No. 2248111

A hole or pouch isn't a vagina. His are incorrectly developed male genitals, because he's male. Sorry to break it to you but you can't have a vagina, testicles and a penis. The article doesn't even mention a vagina, just that externally a male child with this condition can look like a female to idiots in shithole countries who believe every deformed man is a woman.

No. 2248133

A vagina implies a functional organ, the "vagina" is not a hole, are troon rot pockets vaginas? Of course not and he's the same. He's a disfigured man.

No. 2248263

>just remembered when pro imane fags were comparing this thing to black women who were footballers/boxers, just ridiculous.
I think it was just 1-2 dedicated trolls starving for drama.

No. 2248861

File: 1731004741583.jpeg (166.64 KB, 990x1036, GZSw-ENXkAAGo7p.jpeg)

i hate people saying imane is intersex, because hes FUCKING not.
so if i give birth to a young healthy baby boy and raise him as a female does that make him a woman you fucking retards istg i wanna neck these people

No. 2249317

how about you stop caping for a MAN who would beat the crap out of you?? fucking retard

No. 2249556

kek i know this is quoted sarcastically but the kicker is he wasn't even raised as a woman because he's apparently stated in interviews that he was allowed to go outside and play sports with male children and also travel on public transport ALONE, meanwhile actual girls and women in his country were trapped inside their houses because misogyny. not even his parents raised him as female.

No. 2255661

Yes he literally does you retards, if you actually bother reading the french document not some random article you'll see his medical docs directly state he has a closed vagina.

No. 2255785

We are asking: is his "vagina" just the hole or a atrophied organ? "Closed vagina" doesn't mean shit. Are we talking about an actual vulva that opens into a vagina or he has a hole in between his balls?
The vagina is a functional organ, it includes a shitton of implication, a "closed" vagina, if he doesn't have an internal one but he has a clearly micropenis is just a underdeveloped penis.

No. 2255866

You absolute retard, he has testicles. Testicles. And a penis. Two things you can't have together with a vagina, because in development that tissue either becomes one or the other. No, magical hermaphrodites with testicles, penises and vaginas don't exist, maybe try to read less fantasy porn. And since he has testicles and a penis, then he just has a hole where his testicles are poorly fused together. A hole in your crotch isn't a vagina. You're exactly like the doctors in his shithole country who concluded that since there's a hole, then that's a vagina and he's female.

No. 2255941

>No, magical hermaphrodites with testicles, penises and vaginas don't exist
Blackpill futafags.

No. 2256184

A faux canal isn’t a vagina retard. Hermaphroditism doesn’t exist in humans either.

No. 2256463

he will punch you with his microDICK you fucking retard

No. 2257398

Reminder he was beaten by an Irish lass

No. 2257668

reminds me of Anna from red scare

No. 2257831

The lchat meme that butch women and butchfags are typically bisexual or even straight stands true.

No. 2258738

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No. 2258776

Tradfags, just let it go

No. 2259419

Why is he still claiming not to be a biological man? You're a man, you stupid clut.

No. 2261568

And she's still not trans and you are all still super retarded.

No. 2261572

Well he's not "trans" but he does have XY chromosomes so

No. 2261663

He's not trans, just a man. Hope that helps.

No. 2261786

“He is biologically male but he believes he’s a woman and so should be treated as one”, i.e. the idea that one can be socially a woman while being male, or that a male should count as a woman because he has somehow failed at being a typical male, are gender ideology arguments. A man is a man is a man even if he has abnormal genitalia and wears a skirt. Being an abnormal man does not make him female.

No. 2272380

So does Imane keep the medal, then? And will he keep competing as a "woman"?

No. 2280028

File: 1732779323438.jpg (51.96 KB, 948x168, lll.jpg)

>Last month, Khelif announced her intention to compete at World Boxing’s inaugural World Championships in Liverpool next September.

No. 2280035

what in the literal shit is this thread? There are photos of her as a child..a female child.

No. 2280037

No. 2280047

>a female child
wrong its a male child.

No. 2280076

Post the photos then

No. 2280398

It's a male with undescended testicles and a micropenis who was raised female, not an actual woman according to his medical reports. Do keep up.

No. 2281382

Female is when caveman father dresses you up in girly clothes because your shrinked Dick looks like a vagina in his ignorant mind.
I get it now!

No. 2283031

Oh wow, I'm late and I held back opinions when I saw people first say it's a man, even the woman that lost to him in the fight to say he's a man, but I knew it was a fucking moid.

No. 2285702

sometimes I like to think how some lc "lesbians" used to tell in his thread that they found "her" so hot like…did we go full circle? Do these "lesbians" like faggots/failmales? What the fuck are you even on? Can you even recognize a woman? Embarrassing.

No. 2451705

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Extremely poor journalism.
The article calls him a "cisgender woman" and makes no mention of the medical tests confirming that he's biologically male. I don't expect much from CNN, but I didn't expect them to lie about what was revealed last year. It's stupid to report on something like this so poorly. I blame the state of the US partially on rabid troon demands and the ensuing fiascos they caused.

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