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No. 2191693

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

Previous threads:

Relevant /snow/ threads:
>>>/snow/2022374 (MTF general)
>>>/snow/2016968 (FTM general)

No. 2191694

fuck im a dumbass who forgot to update the /snow/ threads, >>>/snow/2035831 (mtf) and >>>/snow/2041204 (ftm) for the most recent ones

No. 2191703

kek I'm terf shiba-anon and seeing this as the threadpic made me really happy

No. 2191709

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thank you for creating a legend, nonna ♥

No. 2191795

My coworkers were terfing out in the office yesterday, not even in a "ew trannies and faggots should rot in hell" way but in a reasonable way. It feels good knowing I have normal people around me at my job despite my close friends turning into hardcore TRAs. Speaking of my friends, they turned into parodies of SJWs with time, I wish I were kidding but it's not a hyperbole. Now I avoid them and it's been weeks since I've seen them online or sent them messages. It feels so good going outside and minding my own business without hearing "omg anon did you hear about what JKR did yesterday? She's so awful, she turned into a white supremacist, can you believe it?! Please stop liking Harry Potter!" right into my ears.

No. 2191810

>It feels good knowing I have normal people around me at my job despite my close friends turning into hardcore TRAs.
Same, and I find it helps to inform the normal people what my TRA friends are like and that they'd disown me and never speak to me again if I said the super reasonable statement they just told me. It lets them know it's real and in their own vicinity and not just a few crazy people online. It also lets me update the normies with the crazy shit they say in the name of kweer and troonism so we can laugh together. Also really helps when you can influence the person at your job who is hiring people, they now know to avoid hiring anyone listing their pronouns.

No. 2191829

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what the fuck is wrong with will ferrell? he and his TIM buddy went to a restaurant, awkwardly started talking about trannies for no reason during what was supposed to be a steak-eating challenge, and then got upset when everyone didn't fall in line by cheering for them.
>Will & Harper shows Ferrell and his close friend Steele, who came out as transgender in 2022, embarking on a 17-day road trip across the country. In one notable scene shot in March 2023, the duo stops at The Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo to take on the restaurant's famous 72-ounce steak challenge. But Steele gets a less-than-warm welcome when she toasts to the crowd.
>"I'm from Iowa, but I will raise a glass to your great state of Texas," Steele said, holding a glass of wine. "I wish you guys would do more for trans rights in this state." But as the crowd stopped cheering and a few people groaned, Steele said, "It went dead, completely dead. That's not how we would treat you up in Iowa."
>Ferrell, dressed as Sherlock Holmes from his 2018 film Holmes & Watson, holds up his own glass and adds, "Cheers to Texas and trans rights, right?"
>The toasts don't make it into the film, but the aftermath of the visit does. Steele and Ferrell face a wave of negative comments on social media, and both note how uncomfortable the experience quickly became.
>"The room started to feel very wrong to me," Steele says in Will & Harper. "I was feeling a little like my transness was on display, I guess, and suddenly that sort of made me feel not great."

No. 2191833

love your work

No. 2191834

HR tried to make us add our pronouns in English in our email signature some months ago even though my team isn't English speaking and we're not using English unless some of our clients have no knowledge in our first language. I removed it from my signature, but if we weren't all ESL I'd get in trouble for that. Even when my coworkers talked about how weirdly homophobic American schools are for telling gender non conforming kids that they might actually not be the right gender I kept my mouth shut but it felt freeing hearing them. I wouldn't tell my coworkers about my friends though. I'm at this point where I'm too embarrassed to be associated with my friends so the less they know the better. When I say they look like parodies of tumblr SJWs from 2014 I mean that the one who annoys me the most with tranny shit is a straight woman who's black and actually agrees that straight male troons can relate to her and even our experiences with womanhood, she's jobless but would rather read out of context clickbait headlines about evil terfs saying normal things, and she talks about that shit unprompted, just shoves screenshots in front of my face with her phone and almost screams in public about muh poor trannies. That's just the tip of the iceberg, she and others think fatphobia and racism are the same thing, that porn addicted white supremacist troons' dysphoria is the same as her needing surgery for a medical condition that makes her breasts too big for her back, etc. If my coworkers knew they'd start wondering if I'm not a TRA myself who will snitch to our HR about discrimination.

No. 2191841

>But as the crowd stopped cheering and a few people groaned


No. 2191909

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i feel terrible. my friend is in an awful situation unimaginable to people living in the first world, and i wanted to use the dumb transanta shit to help her out a bit, as i know she would 100% need it more than any of these american/western euro upper middle-class gendies. however, they opened earlier than id anticipated and with a far shorter window than usual. i missed the deadline by a hair (ironic too, because i was obsessively checking throughout the whole month of august for any news on application dates). im so mad at myself, but im also disgusted by the idea that some fucking financially illiterate troon from the suburbs is gonna be getting life-saving thongs on handmaidens' dime instead. i know there are grifter nonnas here too, but i can at least respect people who know they're grifting and don't claim to be genocide victims. this is such a shot in the dark but if any grifter nonnas have an extra spot…

No. 2191912

>makes sure his fetish is known to a room of strangers by announcing it loudly and scolding people for not having the same skewed priorities as him
>"I was feeling a little like my transness was on display"
No shit, dumb ass. If you don't want attention, don't act like a loud and proud exhibitionist

No. 2191929

TOP KEK at the people groaning when he started sperging about trans rights. How fucking stupid can scrotes be? I'm not a burger so correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most states in the south known for being conservative to the point even black people have to tread carefully? But of course white trannies have always been so privileged they lack absolute self awareness and think everyone's gonna fellate their limp micropenises no matter where they are.
>>The toasts don't make it into the film, but the aftermath of the visit does.
Kek of course they'd omit what they said to make patrons uncomfortable and kill the vibe but include the aftermath so the tranny can look like a poor widdle victim being harassed for no reason.

No. 2191941

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No. 2191964

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Saw this on Tumblr, discussing TIMs (ethel cain, ayesha erotica, etc.) and how perverted they are. I agree with this person so much

No. 2192011

Based post.

No. 2192098

LMAO i'm so happy that happened, go texas
as a former tumblr user who was groomed there to believe in trans during my childhood/teens, it's very cathartic to see terfy posts on tumblr

No. 2192133

tumblr actually has a lot of TERF posts, it's one of the only reasons why I use it. granted it's still a website filled with trannies and TRAs if you venture out anywhere else

No. 2192197

Yeah the radfem and terf community is really strong on tumblr surprisingly. I think after the porn ban all the degens moved to twitter and most of them were trannies and tranny supporters.

No. 2192249

Sorry for the blog post but I had something similar happen at my work after that TIF shot up a Christian elementary school. I live in Tennessee (where the shooting happened) and like the day after the shooting my tranny coworker for whatever reason kept bitching to random customers about trans healthcare and trans genocide. It pissed so many people off that customers would just walk out and not even buy anything. This one old black lady was so uncomfortable with this oblivious retard ranting to her about how much trans and black people are under attack by conservatives that she stopped him while he was ringing her up, told him she needed to grab something from her car, and fucking walked out and drove off.

These assholes suck at reading the room and are so self absorbed I hate working with trannies

No. 2192253

Same fag but that particular interaction he had with the old black lady really irked me because we live not too far from a sundown town. So this retard comparing the very real racism black people face here to a bunch of diaper fags in drag wanting to force their fetishes on us was just disgusting and distasteful

No. 2192266

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I read Light from Uncommon Stars today after being pestered by a TRA friend who gushed over the writing and the gorgeous, stunning, cathartic imagery and how trans women were wonderful. I literally couldn't finish it because of how autistic the writing was. It's a book where you can tell the author is a TIM literally in the first sentence. His self insert is a tragic troon who runs away from 'her' ebil family because they don't see him as a woman. 'She' is a brilliant violinist who at the end of the book is asked to play worldwide to show everyone that trannies are girls too and gets gifted a Tesla. This was written in 2021, when Musk was already a laughing stock, btw. The whole book is the author's fetish fantasy of a tranny being feminized by a sexy Asian lady who's older but doesn't look it and getting back at the haters by being so special and cool and awesome and talented and fuckable and beloved. It feels like reading a more coherent text-only version of Chris Chan's comic masterpieces. It's impressively autistic, cut up into weird paragraphs with no flow, with a ton of details that make the book feel more like a manual. It's unsalvageable slop, like everything else that's touched by entitled narcissistic men who view women as a set of stereotypes.
The whole book reeks of 'spoilt boy with no problems who invents problems to justify his victim complex'.
Idk if this really suited for this thread, I just needed to rant about that pile of drivel to someone who isn't my friend. I told her how disappointed I was and she's messaging me non stop about how it's a good book because it has big words, and how it doesn't matter if it's good or not because a trans woman wrote it and we need to listen to trans voices, and how it's mean to say I'm disappointed in the cathartic release of a trans woman's pain.
The one good thing is that the author recognizes that he's ugly as fuck. The troon self insert gets on a bus with old ladies wondering if he's a boy or a girl and they decide he's too ugly to be a girl (correct). It's all very woe is me, but at least that bit is realistic.
Picrel is the author btw, his looks have not improved.

No. 2192301

Yeah, unfortunately a huge influx of reddit trannies (aka the worst tranny breed) invaded Tumblr semi-recently for some reason, I can't imagine what they could possibly dislike about reddit if it caters to them in every way. Tumblr always had trannies and gendies but at least they were TIFs who mostly minded their business and drew cringy fanart like everyone else. It's becoming borderline unusable now with all the furry scat pedo transbians

No. 2192356

Tumblr banning porn was based even if it seems like it still ends up seeping through regardless. I'll never understand the outrage it got and why people hated the decision and proudly announced that they were quitting the website over some porn. Really goes to show how pornsick the average internet user is that if ONE website doesn't allow it you have to jump ship. Genuinely can't imagine being that far gone but a huge amount of people are. They talk about the site like it's dead too nowadays even though it isn't
I noticed that too. I think it was over some retarded shit reddit did a while back (can't remember what by now), and there was also some drama about those trannies being banned off of tumblr for their degeneracy and them saying they were being hate crimed or some shit. Anywhere they go in general turns it unusable, they're so gross.

No. 2192406

Im so sorry to hear that, what a pack of wankers.

No. 2192416

>I can't imagine what they could possibly dislike about reddit if it caters to them in every way.
Maybe because they found out Tumblr was a female-dominated site and decided to colonize it

No. 2192528

I can't believe someone else has read this shitty book. I picked it up from the bookstore on a whim because the cover was cute, but the book itself was dumb. The only interesting character is the older Asian woman who makes a deal with the devil. All the other characters, including the mtf violinist, the alien, and whoever made the violin, are so irrelevant that I can't tell you any personality traits of them. You can tell it's the author's self-insert because the cool older Asian lady doesn't care that the violinist is trans and always encourages him to be a better violinist. The alien has this projection technology that the troon uses to see himself as a girl and he's so euphoric about it. He posts a video of himself playing violin and everyone posts mean and transphobic comments, but then he finally performs live and everybody clapped because he's so good at violin that it got back at the haters. Most blatant wish fulfillment I've read in a long time.

Shockingly the reviews all complain that the book isn't supportive ENOUGH because they actually type out the transphobic comments and the troon's inner voice. I can't fathom it because every "good" character in this book makes sure to let the troon know that they are so cool with trans people and they really don't care that he's trans because they're very enlightened. There's nothing subtle about it. But apparently reading descriptions of gender dysphoria and transphobia is enough to trigger reviewers and undo everything else about the book.

It really feels like an OCD thing where if they read something negative, it gets stuck in their heads and they can't stop ruminating on it. I bet you gender dysphoria is a type of OCD thought pattern that you can develop or worsen. I have a tendency to obsessive thoughts and reading tons of accounts of gender dysphoria in my early twenties made me start to develop dysphoria too. I stopped reading them and thankfully it went away, but it still comes back if I spend too much time around TIFs describing how they're totally not women because they don't want to be sexualized and TIMs talking about how they're women because they WANT to be sexualized. OCD is unfortunately really hard to treat. Sometimes if it's about a specific problem, like being afraid of leaving the hairdryer on, you can just take the hairdryer with you and it solves the issue. Maybe transition works for you if it's for something very specific like that. But other types of OCD just move from anxiety to anxiety, and I guess these are the people whose dysphoria never seems to get better as they transition and only gets worse as they find something new to fixate on.

No. 2192544

tumblr moderation is easy to work around and there are females for them to bother, makes sense. there are many 4chan chud types there.

No. 2192586

ntayrt. i agree with 99.9% of your insightful commentary on OCD and think it's severely under-discussed as a potential cause too, but i do want to refute one minor point: no matter how specific the obsession, transition will never be a healthy way to deal with it. for one, the consequences of it are way more far-reaching and unpredictable than just bringing the hairdryer with you on your way to work. hormones and surgery will fuck someone up in a myriad of uncontrollable ways that aren't even fully understood yet, for life. tbh i feel like the lack of control here would be pure ocd nightmare fuel for someone genuinely only targeting one thing. i also think that the sheer amounts of escalation encouraged in gendie circles (the "pipelines" from nonbinary to trans, "egg cracking", hormones being pushed onto people more and more) is proof enough that there's no such thing as targeted, one-thing-and-that's-it transition. the community simply wouldn't allow it. that said, as someone who also struggles with another form of ocd, i wish you the best nonna and i believe in you ♥

No. 2192587

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No. 2192603

and everyone says only white guys are agps. there's so many of these exact type of autistic rényāo working in DoD STEM careers.

No. 2192797

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I have OCD as well and know exactly what you mean. One example of this in action is the British detransitioner Ritchie Herron. He had undiagnosed and untreated autism, OCD, PTSD, and other mental health problems that should have flagged him to not receive gender affirming “care”. Instead he had SRS and realized once it was too late he didn’t think he was a woman at all. Here’s an article that talks about him and his story;

No. 2192871

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Pro trans "sex work collective" is selling these pins. "Sex work is work" and "abolish work" in the same picture, which is it then? Also don't forget to slap women who are critical of prostitution but no word against the johns who actually murder TIM prostitutes.

No. 2192881

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im getting soooo sick of these stupid tranny wish-fulfilment novels that've been coming out as of late. one of my TRA friends was sperging out about how good picrel was when it's basically just a giant tranny bdsm/sugar daddy/csa fest with ~feelings~. i don't deny that the author has skill with words, i just think it sucks seeing it wasted on slop like this when he could be writing about something other than his raging autogynephilia. actual brain-eating amoeba type shit

No. 2192883

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I got a poor trans person trying to get my attention to RT his stuff due insert trans problems. The weird thing is that I have never speak with him and called me "friend".

No. 2192892

according to j.michael bailey, agp tendencies usually comes from a combination of being upper-middle class, misogyny, porn addiction, having nothing really to do and are usually over represented in academia
it would be rare to see a poor white person or minority with a conservative family becoming an agp, however upper class minorities can likely to devolep agp tendencies, if these circumstances exist

No. 2192900

how did you end up with a group of tra friends?

No. 2192906

i peaked like seven months ago and haven't bothered to move on from the three of them since they're funny enough and barely talk about troon stuff anyway. most of my friends are normal though

No. 2192912

That makes sense. Peaking just this year is very recent but congratulations with lack of better wording kek. What was it that peaked you?

No. 2192914

tldr kinda just woke up to it being misogyny all the way down. i was an insufferable nlogging themlet for years too before i realised there's no wrong way to be a woman & acting like women can't like traditionally boyish things is just misogyny kek

No. 2192936

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These are the same people that don’t want to be oppressed. Moidcide when? This tim claims he has been sexually assaulted(doubt) but I guess his looks matter more than his walls being invaded. He must have liked it.

No. 2192956

>it would be rare to see a poor white person or minority with a conservative family becoming an agp
There are plenty of those, but being middle-class (navel-gazer with a sense of importance and money to spend) helps with AGP expression. IIRC Helen Joyce said there are 8 to 10% of men with some AGP tendencies (could be lower, idk that seems so high kek) and in that group, only a fraction lets AGP progress to the point of trooning out.

No. 2192990

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“Gender affirming care” to prepubescent children is akin to castration imo.

No. 2193003

DA have any proper stats on this? I feel like it's one of those very "bold" claims that need hard backing.

No. 2193010

nayrt Stats on what specifically? If a child is put on puberty blockers and then goes on to take wrong sex hormones, they will be sterilized. That's facts.
Nobody knows entirely what happens when kids go off puberty blockers because nobody's done the studies.

No. 2193013

Well, there's the fat moid with the TV show that is totally a woman who got castrated and hormone "therapy" and he looks kind of miserable. He said at some point that he has never felt an orgasm.

No. 2193017

I mean I've heard gendies say that when you go off puberty blockers you'll be able to procreate again, I'm saying what was said in the tweet doesn't seem to be common knowledge or thought of as false.

No. 2193057

I was thinking about this too recently, they claim to hate capitalism and want to abolish work but somehow fixate on sex work being "real work" like why do you care? Just exposes how they have no real values and support sex work specifically because it gives them access to women lol
I wouldn't be surprised if it's that high. I've known mostly white guys and so many of them have turned out to be AGPs. It's like in any group I've joined that was predominantly white males there's always at least one or two that troon out with those exact tendencies

No. 2193069

>I mean I've heard gendies say that when you go off puberty blockers you'll be able to procreate again
Even adults who just took hrt and never got puberty blockers as kids end up sterile after a few years of it. And even then the few women who still can have kids have high risk pregnancies that require c-section births

No. 2193146

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somewhat related, there is a book about contemporary Japanese male sexuality called "confessions of a frigid man". In the chapter on "lolita complexes," the authors argue, based on interviews with self-confessed lolicons, child molesters and other studies, that lolicons are not just sexually attracted to little girls, but the attraction to girls is a side effect of imagining themselves transforming into girls transform. as for why Japanese men don't transition, it's because they know they can never really be little girls so instead they want to own them either as posters, magazines and through rape, the authors also make no correlation between lolicons and shotacons, but only when the "boys" are cross-dressing or feminized

No. 2193203

Yes nona! That book is underrated, it's really interesting. He's spot on when it comes to the lolicon/AGP connection, this type of man (from pedos to mere moe enjoyers and AGP anime fans) wants to fully submerge himself in this bubbly idealization of the other sex. The book's theory rings true, this idea that many men struggle with a fundamental sex delimitation (made worse by porn), a 'grass is greener' delusion that women have access to something superior in sex, which is the basis for male frigidity. It really looks like most AGPs cannot face this delimitation and spend their lives denying the obvious (Mommy is a woman, i'm not a woman, i'm not a blissfully unwaware child anymore). It's like they (frigid men, lolicons, troons) try to reconcile the Madonna and the Whore by insisting the women they jack off to or have sex with do have a virginal, 'pure' quality to them (think about how AGPs describe female orgasms like they're a religious experience). This strategy inevitably fails because it's rooted in unsustainable self-loathing. They're huffing copium to make sense of being a male, this copium triggers further coping that eventually leads them to trooning out. Wild
>as for why Japanese men don't transition
Yeah i wondered about this difference when i first read the book. I suppose there is enough of a legal industry that caters to this brand of pedo/AGP escapism so these men don't feel the need to troonout. I read somewhere that japanese otakus tend to strictly delineate their fantasies and couple intimacy (if they enjoy intimacy kek). For whatever reason they're still capable of separating their daily life from degeneracy, though i wouldn't be surprised if we saw a massive uptick in trooning out (looks like there are already many crossdressers on the loose)

No. 2193208

Wish we could kill all these sickos

No. 2193313

If that were true they wouldn’t be so over represented in the service industry. It’s a public health crisis. Can’t get coffee anywhere without it smeared with estrogel.

No. 2193325

You can’t pause and resume puberty you either go through it or you don’t. The evidence is in what we do to dogs and cats, the eunuch slaves every country had as labor throughout human history since 21 BCE. Castration in humans is actually the most performed elective surgery we have the most data on, because of how often it was practiced and improved upon throughout history. Chemical castration in prisoners was a huge deal, remember Alan turning?

No. 2193329

To add to this serial killers often displayed agp tendencies and they varied in economic background, but most were pretty poor and living on the margins.

No. 2193466

Puberty blockers sound like such a patently illogical scam, how they get pushed as safe in any capacity is beyond me. Hormones got you down? Opt of puberty and make permanent lifelong decisions while you have a child's brain and no life experience! You can be an uwu child forever until you pick what sex want to be when you grow up!

No. 2193470

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>sex work is work
>work should be abolished
>sex work (work) should be abolished
by this logic they should slap themselves.
amazing that they think every other kind of work is exploitive but sex work is the only one that is empowering. hmmm.

No. 2193472

I just scraped literal shit from bathrooms today, just thinking that some people pay women to shit on their chest or face is gross

No. 2193513

This is not a new problem or a novel complaint, but I fucking hate having really autistic interests and wanting to talk about them to people. I'm able to find good groups and places to discuss them but the second a tim gets involved all he ever wants to talk about is extreme fetishes, porn, rape, "terfs", or crossdressing. They don't even care about the actual topic at hand, at most they just pop in to take a picture of some basic easy thing they did like a fresh Arch install with thigh high socks in the frame. They never even do anything impressive or come up with interesting ideas. I'm starting to think the high IQ thing with AGP is a desperate cope, and it's really just skewed that way because they tend to be more affluent and have better access to education. Once they actually troon out, they just stagnate and devote all their time and energy to the fetish. It feels so uncomfortable when you're just having a normal pleasant conversation with someone and a guy inserts himself into the conversation to talk about porn or say really inappropriate sexual things to you. It's probably even worse if they know you're a woman. It's fucking creepy as shit the way they talk about lesbians, or more specifically, "cis lesbians" as they love to say. They're obsessed with lesbians and they genuinely sound like serial killers whenever they bring them up.

No. 2193533

it's crazy to think that vets now are advocating for spaying and neutering pets at later ages for better health outcomes while minimizing unwanted reproduction because of the impact of gender medicine on humans. you can actually be honest about the negative health outcomes that happen to a juvenile that gets no exposure to the appropriate sex hormones when talking only about animals.

No. 2193788

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I was really enjoying this one YouTube channel called morpho that reviews extreme horror novels, I really enjoyed the fact that the woman making the videos was really open and critical of how a lot of extreme horror authors and works are just trash written by misogynists. But then she goes on RAVING about this one book called Fluids, and even just hearing the first 5 minutes of the synopsis I knew the author was a troon. It's so obvious that the author has a vomit and rape fetish (his self-insert has no personality besides "weak fragile twans giwl that gets molested by the evil cis woman while puking) and I was even more floored that she was praising the book to high heavens when the only difference between this book and all the other books she had rightfully called out as woman-hating was that this ugly beast wrote it with one hand. And the only other "woman" writer she reviewed was also a troon (she even complained in that review that she didn't know how the author was this misogynistic as a troon). I'm just so irritated… I feel like we need actual women writing for extreme horror.

No. 2193789

woah he has midget physiognomy kek

No. 2193970

It's always nice to hear someone have less-than-nice views about troons without me bringing it up first. Was talking to one of my friends in an art program at my college and he noticed that I had an awkward moment of eye contact with this ugly guy with string bean greasy hair and mentioned that his first impressions with the guy were not great because the guy was complaining about a chill professor using the "h" word and my friend was super confused and joked that the "h" word was "heck" until the guy said "he" in a very not-amused way. My friend said he felt super awkward in the moment.

No. 2194239

I also like morpho, but as soon as she said she loved Fluids, whose cover make it pretty obvious the author is a troon, I was put off of ever watching her review. That video will continue to be unwatched for me, same as any other book by troons that she happens to enjoy in the future, since I enjoy the way she reviews books and find her funny and don't want to unsubsribe.

No. 2194267

>I'm able to find good groups and places to discuss them but the second a tim gets involved all he ever wants to talk about is extreme fetishes, porn, rape, "terfs", or crossdressing.
Troons take over every space they enter to turn into their own fetish space. It's so fucking annoying and gross. Even the """"nice"""" troons are just there to get asspats. They'll go "a-am I a g-good girl…? please boop my nose and pat my little trans head uwu" larping some kind of anime girl fetish, it's so fucking gross and vomit inducing.

No. 2194268

Love when that happens, always take the opportunity to let them know you agree no matter how minor it is. Whether they're usually crypto or unaware of troonism they need to know it's ok to be open with these views and that people around them agree. Otherwise they'll quickly learn that they're being seen as "transphobic" and will stay silent in the future.

No. 2194288

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No. 2194384

Two retards fighting. Even when women troon out they still get blamed or hated on but now because they're "men" instead. God forbid she still acknowledges that feminism is relevant to her or has some shred of sanity left

No. 2194407

>trans men are not men
Is it starting?

No. 2194414

nonna can you elaborate or link some other discussion about this? it seems like a really interesting topic

No. 2194421

how convenient for this moid to give into what the deranged tranny wants because he knows appeasing a male doesn’t threaten his class as a moid. i’ve seen plenty of men co-sign trannyism because they know it leads to inevitable destruction of female boundaries, this youtuber looks like a rapist anyways can’t really trust male content creators when the very next day they come out for beating their wives/children or raping little children

No. 2194426

I think youtubers have to use the "correct" pronouns not to get the video deleted and their account suspended though, right? Not saying he doesn't look like he has terabytes of deranged porn on his hard drive, because he does.

No. 2194429

>not saying he doesn't look like he has terabytes of deranged porn on his hard drive, because he does
KEKK yeah i assumed it’s probably because of the “hate speech” ToS. there’s something so totalitarian about social trannyism, they seriously need to adopt the government and police to force people to say the opposite of reality despite them claiming they’re going against society and are progressive and for “freedom” of expression”. that’s actually pretty scary when you think about it for a minute kek

No. 2194441

>I think youtubers have to use the "correct" pronouns not to get the video deleted and their account suspended though, right?
I have a small hobby specific youtube channel, i've gotten away with misgendering so many celeb troons "by accident" kek
Almost no one seems to care but every once in a while I get angry people commenting and telling me that "the dangerhair slutty dressed woman is actually an enby theythem, do better bigot" so i just mute them from appearing on my channel now. I doubt I could get away with it if I was a bigger channel but I'm hoping them being immediately offended just makes them stop watching and that they'll never come back. It's also way easier to get away with it when you misgender enbies who look and act fully female, most people think that's silly anyway and they're meeker and less aggressive than transwomen for obvious reasons.

Another lifehack is to pretend to be a confused normie, pretend you met/knew an enby and she said it means she accepts any and all pronouns so that you calling this enby celeb she should therefor be fully ok and you trust your irl enby friend more than a rando on the internet.

No. 2194448

Misogynistic moids love that they can make troons our problem. Not only does it erode women’s boundaries and drive us back into the home, it allows them to pretend that all these crazy perverts are women and that women are therefore just as bad, if not worse, than men are. And even though everyone knows that’s bullshit, you can’t contradict them without being labelled a bigot and maybe even losing your job.

No. 2194475

TIFs acknowledging that they gain nothing from patriarchy unless they pass as real men and that their biology and childhood socialization affect their whole lives no matter how well they pass are despised in the trans community. I suspect this is because it logically follows that TIMs rarely pass and therefore rarely face real misogyny, and TIMs have male socialization.

No. 2194588

Tbf the only other book she's reviewed by a troon so far is "no one rides for free" that she absolutely dogged on. Although at 20 minutes in she states that she can't understand how a "female" author could write women so badly KEK. I really hope she peaks, even if it's quietly.

No. 2194935

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Yeah, we cannot forget when trans people fought for

No. 2195149

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The author of Inside Mari has literally stated this, he wants to be a 'girl' (not a woman) because he views himself as a failure as a man. But he knows he can't actually become one, so it remains just a fantasy, what he describes is literally just standard AGPism but he won't ever transition because he'll never have the pandering or encouragement that happens in the West. All he'll (and other Japanese APGs) have is their hentais

No. 2195236

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Thanks. I hate it.

No. 2195331

If it's any reassurance I doubt the women making >>2192871 do anything involving shit. More likely they're Onlyfans users who think having 5 subscribers entitles them to speak on behalf of trafficked women.

No. 2195336

I was about to post this! I'm 100% sure his AGP tendencies stem from his mommy issues as well. His other manga Blood on the Tracks is about a boy and his mentally ill, overprotective mother, there's some light incestuous vibe to their relationship and there's a scene in the manga that's a direct reference from Oshimi's life (his mother kicking him out of the house and locking the door).

No. 2195349

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nta but that theory was also presented in the book I mentioned >>2193146, lolicons desire young girls due to wanting to separate themselves from their own mothers. though the authors did not fully agree with this theory, there still might be some correlation

No. 2195453

has anyone else grown to hate flags because of troonism?

No. 2195508

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I don't know why you're trusting anything this guy says about sexuality. He does that freudian thing where he invents a "plausible" explanation of a subconscious process and then decides that makes sense. I could invent any number of equally plausible theories to picrel

No. 2195524

>I rape children because my evil mom made me study hard for my own good
the lengths males go to justify their sadism is unbelievable

No. 2195611

Yes. I never cared for flags to begin with but now I see anyone who uses them as a…Red flag if you will

No. 2195636

I read that book and this was the only part I actively disagreed with and didn't like. Let's rephrase
>men try to protect themselves from the emotional connection of a mother who pursues her own self-actualization by making her son study by raping trafficked children.

The poor, poor men. Mommy wanted me to make me study too much and I must protect myself from her smothering. By raping girls, I can effectively protect myself from evil mommy and her high expectations of my education.

I agree that mommy issues are at play but they're not like this. More likely, emotional incest from the mother towards the son (treating your son like your husband), which is just as harmful as physical acts of incest, does nothing but perpetuate the cycle of abuse that leads (certain) victims to become perpetrators.

No. 2195638

No. 2195639

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It’s funny because they really expect you to shut up, smile, and never disrespect a troon while a woman will never ever get this amount of public grace even from people who you think are defending women kek. This type of shit makes my blood absolutely boil holy shit I fucking hate trannies and their whiteknighters

No. 2195657

>I could invent any number of equally plausible theories to picrel
NTA but please share them if you do beauce it'd be interesting, psychology in general was never and never will be a hard science, everyone is interpreting subjective accounts and external behavior. Assuming women troon out to escape what they perceive to be a jail is also a "plausible" explanation of a subconscious process that we can't really measure, but i think everyone here agrees it's very very likely to be the case for many TiFs
>I agree that mommy issues are at play but they're not like this
Devouring parents come up so often in biographies of disturbed/perverted people, saying it's just about being told to study hard is bad faith. It's about having no sense of individuality whatsoever and the resulting dysfunction (also a thing for TiFs). Anyhow, emotionally stunted moids are overrepresented among AGPs and lolicons but it's not the only or primary cause of these paraphilias

No. 2195663

>It's also way easier to get away with it when you misgender enbies who look and act fully female, most people think that's silly anyway and they're meeker and less aggressive than transwomen for obvious reasons.
If you wanna be openly gc or you want to scare off troons from hanging out around you without getting backlash start by criticizing tifs, especially enby tifs.
Woke males do not give a shit if you talk shit about any kind of female, including female troons, and men are the ones who send death and rape threats. So you can ward of gendies and TRA simply by being slightly rude about tifs.

And if some Karen (is there a name for a gendie-supporter Karen? Kairen?) decides to call you out you can specify you're talking about those tifs that dress fully feminine, take no hrt or surgery and twirl around in dresses calling themselves manly men you can usually get them to agree with you that those girls aren't "real" trans. And even that those girls are harming the "real" trans people kek

No. 2195701

By "equally plausible" I meant to the things he just pulled out of his ass. Did you look at the quote in my picrel?

No. 2195733

kek nonas I have a confession, I was the one in charge of taking and editing some cosplay photos for a meetup at a big convention. I'm the only one who ever gets to sees the raw photos. So I took it upon myself to make sure instead of doing the usual touch ups and improving things, for the photos that featured a troon I made sure to instead touch down and subtly exaggerate their male features, while editing everything else normally so they can't tell. I wish I could share some but then they'd find out I did it kek

No. 2195863

incredibly based, you're doing god's work nonny

No. 2195896

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If it wasn’t real I would laugh at the absurdity of it all

No. 2195902

Based nonna. Keep yourself safe!

No. 2195925

>keep yourself safe
i can't tell if you actually mean that or youre telling anon to kill herself kek

No. 2195930

If you can change it enough to make him upset, won't that necessarily cause you suspicion? I have a feeling you weren't as subtle as you think.

No. 2195947

Yes, please tell us, Sir, how you will get to decide what we women are!
>"transwomen say they would lose rights to equal pay with men and suffer restricted services"
this is one of the arguments in the article as to why TIMs should legally be defined as women… why would they lose right to equal pay if they already are men? either they're a man and don't have to worry, or they're """legally""" a "woman" and are entitled to equal pay through law. there is no third category for trans people where they earn less… retards. making shit up to sound oppressed as usual.
>subtly exaggerate their male features
based but tbh I think just absence of touching up would have sufficed. at least if they realised you 'touched down' the photos they have plausible deniability that they look like ogres kek

No. 2195949

I meant that she should keep herself safe from being found out by troons.

No. 2196005

It's true that TIFs are easy targets that the trans community couldn't care less about and often mocks themselves, but that makes me feel like I should be nicer to TIFs and not add to the misogyny directed at them. I hate TIMs infinitely more than them.

No. 2196200

>I have a feeling you weren't as subtle as you think.
I actually work with photo editing (hence why i was in charge of it for the con), trust me they won't know kek you'd be surprised over how bad people are at spotting editing in photos even if it's their own face

No. 2196201

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I haven't gone on Tumblr in a while and I occasionally go on there to look at art or shitposts and it's fine for the most part, then I remembered one of my mutals who's a friend in irl is a gendie unfortunately. she reblogged this post and it's getting harder for me to tolerate her knowing she unironically supports this

No. 2196205

I genuinely don't know how people can support this retarded shit, this just mentally ill straight people encouraging eachother's mental illness.

No. 2196222

>mentally ill straight people

no, these are straight men who fetishize lesbian relationships now having a woke way to excuse it because they're actually closet transbians uwu. dame is happening with young fujos who watch/read too much yaoi and fantasize about being a gay man and being in a gay relationship. 9/10 those girls are TiFs now. I hate that I have to be more critical with himedanshis and fujoshis now than ever because of logic like this that gets support. they can't just keep their fictional interests from affecting real-life reasonings but you can't reason with trannyism

No. 2196273

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How gender ideology harms lesbians , especially butch lesbian.

No. 2196275

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No. 2196278

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Good on her for standing up for herself against these retards kek. I hope she became terfy after this.

No. 2196279

You know they’d never post this comment on an actual male. So much for misgendering being cruel even for cis people.

No. 2196307

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Nonnas I need help please. I put way too much thoughts on troons, to the point that I overly fixate on it , perks of being autistic I guess kek.
I just want women’s spaces and women to be left alone and for stupid men to stay out and I feel like everyone is so stupid because how the heck can you support this shit?

No. 2196318

I need her so bad

No. 2196334

>perks of being autistic
same and it baffles me that so many autists buy into gender ideology when it makes no logical sense on any level. i wouldn't obsess so much if we weren't being constantly gaslit about how biological sex works, material reality, women's safety, medical experimentation on children etc. i don't want to fixate on it either but i can't force myself to believe lies and accept wrongdoings.

my only advice is to find more fixations you enjoy and make you feel good. i still check in here regularly though to keep my sanity (knowing i'm not the only one who questions all of this).

No. 2196520

All my hobbies are infested with troons though , at least online. Whichever social media app I open I’m always met with at least five types of content , despite me not liking any of them.

I’m kind of repulsed with sex too and TIMs are always so disgusting, the only thing they ever talk about is how they are so feminine , how HRT made them girl horny, girl orgasm, how they’re puppies and obviously the mythical girldick. You know that sensation you get when you’re with a scrote who is so sexual to the point that it makes you uncomfortable and gross? That’s what every TIM makes me feel.

No. 2196582

What's with TIMs and puppies? The puppy girl shit is everywhere and I find it so fucking creepy.

No. 2196586

> They're all weebs
> They're all zoophiles
> They will not accept anything less than total adoration and obedience in their relationships because they are BPD scrotes

No. 2196589

that's because TIMs are in a constant state of displaying their fetish to you, at least most non-crossdressing men have some down time once in a while, when it comes to sexualising everything.

No. 2196595

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boy have i got the cap for you

No. 2196605

This retard probably thought calling her a man was a compliment

No. 2196629

I'm pushing a guy I know to do ffs. I want him to get it, spend an absurd amount of money, go into debt, suffer the pain and still looking the same. I want to see him coping. Am I lite alogging? idc, that's what he wants, right? So why not seeing all that wasted time, money and energies into useless surgeries? Unless they feel the physical pain, they don't realize shit and who am I to stop them from having the greatest epiphany of their life. I think this guy will go ever for the dick reversion, I'll hear about him again when his autistic ass will break down when his routine will include daily dilation session with the risk of losing his job while I walk around freely lol
Troons love so much to roleplay transness because it gets them attention and they will go so much over to the attention, they will start to ask themselves if it's worth it.

No. 2196630

>(You)s full of denial and gaslighting
I don't know what I expected.

No. 2196658

This sums up my whole mindset about this, why should I lie in the first place? It takes useless effort to remind myself that the man in front of me wants to be called a woman or viceversa, I don’t gain anything from it, zero, while I lose quite a lot.

> same and it baffles me that so many autists

buy into gender ideology when it makes no logical sense on any level
I honestly think that it’s the desire to find common place with like minded people, that and also a whole lot plethora of other mental illnesses and the tendency to overly fixate on particular topics (in this case your own self). It’s much easier to just put a bandaid on and attribute all your problems onto being born in the wrong body and taking special pills , injections and surgeries to be your own true self, rather than accepting yourself and learning how to properly cope with your own self , gender ideology removes accountability and creates perpetual victims that always think “it’s not my fault! It’s the universe’s fault! If I wasn’t born like this I would be a better person and I would have more potential!”.

No. 2196660

I wanted to be a man when I was younger, mainly because I hated having boobs, having periods and how I was expected to act jus because I was a girl. Going through puberty sucked because I understood that we weren’t all the same , but we were different. I can see how a neurodivergent woman can find solace on becoming a TIF since I experienced it myself, what I don’t understand is how they don’t realize that they’ll never become what they want. I’d rather remain a woman than be a facsimile man and with no benefit of being a man either.

No. 2196677

>Be weird autistic girl in school who likes anime in the early 00s
>Be bullied
>Find yaoi/yuri in last year in middle school, still be weird but in private
>Go to a school out of town in a bigger city, find like minded people, trade gay manga, fangirl on it, realize I'm bi
>Grow up, the teen cringe goes away but still enjoying my husbandos and waifus
>Had some stuff to deal with here and there with life, decide after a very rough time to indulge in my hobbies to feel good again
>Try to get my name known around as an artist alley artist
>the artist alley scene is filled to the brim with troon artists, with tifs being annoying as shit and transing characters, to the point of bullying you out of the spaces (not happened to me because I have some self respect to not give credit to them but saw this on other people) for not agreeing if said character is trans
>More trans characters in media
>tifs try to be my friends just because I have a culture in gay manga
>tims try to be my friends bcs of course if I indulge in media then I'm totally a supporter and a safe space for them
>Suddenly (I may be dramatic but I shit you not it's the same feeling) feeling less and less joy in my hobby
>Realize it's because it's the same feeling of being gaslit and lied to that led me into a spiral of deep depression in my late teen and early adulthood years because I was in an abusive relationship with a bippie
>troons have the same tendency to lie, mood swings, identity crisis and rage outbursts as bippies do
>Connect some dots
>Now every space feels unsafe to me

Bloody hell I know that anime is a easy target for troons but what someone like me do to enjoy their series without any of this bullshit? In some space they warp so much the characters they basically become ocs and you can get cancelled for drawing a penis on a transwashed bishie that obviously gets transwashed because he's cute or girls get dicks because they're dominant/butchy. Fuck this. Writing their own stereotypes and invading every community, the thing that pains me it's seeing that normal people can't stand them but we're in a emperor's new clothes situation and the silence drops awkwardly around them. Once one of them asked me why I don't like a guy character from popular show with a pussy, because "you're bi, why you don't like it?"
Because I like media literacy, you dunce.
I can't enjoy shit anymore because I know that I have to walk on eggshells and go out of canon/character while my autism makes me fixate on canon media, it's hell.
Check this >>2196170

No. 2196699

Main reason why I don’t engage in any fandom bs. Never went into any anime con and I’m proud of that. I just watch my series and go away. Every space has become toxic and filled to the brim with trannies who are so fixated on transing every single thing and who are quick to shun you if you don’t worship them. They’re supposed to be 1% of the population, why the hell are they so represented in anime/manga communities?
I miss the time when watching anime was embarrassing and loser behavior, at least people acted decently kek.

No. 2196772

I don't understand why normies don't realize that most trans "musicians" are just making this song over and over again

No. 2196787

>Bloody hell I know that anime is an easy target for troons but what someone like me do to enjoy their series without any of this bullshit?
Stop hanging around anime conventions

No. 2196792

NTA but by that logic you're just saying troons should be able to kick us out of whatever hobby they please if they get a big enough presence in it. There are things I've liked for over a decade before trannies infested them and I'm not going to just stop because some balding fat retard with horse piss hormones wants to stink up the place

No. 2196806

Last night I was dancing at a bar's monthly lesbian night and there was this MTF standing awkwardly at the edge of the dance floor, like he didn't know what to do. I bet he was a weird, shy awkward guy who was unable to talk to girls before he transitioned, and now he's still just that but in a dress. I wanted to laugh, tbh. Like I wonder if some bihet handmaid friends brought him to the bar because they felt bad for him and wanted to validate his lesbianism? I hope he went home from the bar still a KHV and that he takes a long, hard look at his life and whether trooning out was worth it.

No. 2196811

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Wrong:"Trans masc ppl (and seahorses) CAN get pregnant, and that's a fact."

Correct: "TIFs can get pregnant because men cannot get pregnant, since their bodies are not meant to hold a pregnancy".

No. 2196830

>They’re supposed to be 1% of the population, why the hell are they so represented in anime/manga communities?
Because fiction/fantasy is escapism. Mentally ill people often fall into escapism to try to escape their own lives. They’re likely obsessed with fiction for the same reason they think transitioning will solve all their problems: they think the grass is greener on the other side.

No. 2196837

Oh my gosh these lyrics are so cringe it’s hard to listen to

No. 2196868

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I’m kekking at this brewing company’s name.

No. 2196889

kek i might have to buy a few cold ones!

No. 2196915

Very telling how it comes in the middle to split the original flag, just like the original community

No. 2196921

That last line is a fucking whammy, why couldn’t these men just kill themselves ?

No. 2196930

I sued to be like this. I strongly recommend you write down your thoughts, physically or in your notes app. Make mind maps to yourself. Just get it out of your mind. You can make a new anonymous account somewhere and post your thoughts. I recommend reading old school and new school books. Lots of decent reads came out in the past decade. I know it’s hard to not ruminate on this, but. Talking/writing is better than keeping quiet.

No. 2196936

That is why I post in this thread. Because I am constantly surrounded by trannies and their supporters IRL (I live in a liberal city and have multiple troon coworkers, a troon family member, there are troons in my hobby groups, I’ve had crushes and close friends troon out over the years) so I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this topic. Expressing them out loud to almost anyone I know IRL would be basically social and career suicide. I need to discuss this topic with like minded individuals to remind myself that I’m not the crazy one - it’s just like living in a small town where everyone except you goes to church together, or living during the cultural revolution in China where you had to endorse Maoism or be purged. I can’t just ignore trannies if I log off social media - they are literally an elephant in the room with me and I’m expected to pretend that I’m sharing the room with a giraffe because it identifies as a giraffe.

No. 2196996

I find watching interviews with detrans people helps a lot. It lets me hear gc views from someone who managed to peak even after committing their own bodies to surgery. They're living proof gender identity is made up and dangerous and they call it like it is

No. 2197013

Hannah Barnes' book "Time to Think" goes into how all children at GIDS prescribed puberty blockers went on to take cross-sex hormones. Therefore the negative outcomes of cross-sex hormones, including sterility, will happen to all "trans kids".

>Nobody knows what happens when kids go off puberty blockers
In patients with precocious puberty, Lupron causes a range of health problems even when followed with true HRT. https://www.statnews.com/2017/02/02/lupron-puberty-children-health-problems/

No. 2197014

>Omg just stop enganging in your 20+ year hobby

You do realize that this wasn't gradual but very sudden and they invaded every space from anime to videogames to fashion to cooking (with their stupid pickle shit) to dating sites, health discussions, therapy advice groups, sports etc? Do you really believe its confined into a specific group? That was only an example but they are everywhere, I was also into Lolita and still check some communities from time to time, the amount of troons that I see that complain about burando not fitting them so they feel good about their Shein crap it's absurd, meanwhile girls get still bullied about fakes and cheap shit. They're allowed to wear shitty pieces because they play the ~discovering myself~ card. Look around you.

No. 2197017

>all children at GIDS prescribed puberty blockers went on to take cross-sex hormones.
they're always so dishonest about it all, they know this but act as if there's only a small chance the kid then goes on to be a trutrans who takes hrt. It's like saying "just because we're cutting the blood flow and grabbing a saw doesn't mean we're always going to amputate the leg" I mean it sure looks like that was the plan all along

No. 2197043

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No. 2197091

>wrong: you’re a transphobe
>correct: I am a delusional retard

No. 2197098

Handmaidens when they see an obvious, hulking tranny:
>Yass kween slaayyy girl, transgirls are the prettiest!
Handmaidens when they see a butch lesbian:
>What is this MAN doing here?!

No. 2197104

Because a large portion of anime fans are nerdy coomer white guys and that's like, most trans women. I went through the same thing (never went to an anime convention though), any new space I enter where I want to discuss anime or anything else is filled with either troons or coomer males (or both considering trannies are usually coomers). I miss old anime fans too, they had their problems back then too but as you said at least people understood it's degenerate or weird to like or do certain things, now it's like they're emboldened to act in whatever ways they want and act like YOU'RE the weirdo if you're actually normal lol.

No. 2197105

This is actually so embarrassing. The fact she even felt the need to mention her "double take" says a lot about her.

No. 2197124

I was like you too and would check the troon threads all the time. Get better fixations like a show or book you enjoy. Get off of social media and discord. Carve out a presence online without pronouns or troonism as much as possible and get normie irl friends

No. 2197169

I felt just like you. I started an anonymous radfem blog to write about it and got it out of my system for the most part. I still hate the ideology but knowing that other people also hate it gives me peace. And knowing that left anti-gender ideology people are everywhere. In the US most people against gender id are conservatives who are also anti gay and anti abortion, which is no real ally to us, but there are signs of left discontent with gender stuff everywhere. It will be a long time unfortunately before the tables turn, but as the outcomes of this ideology get put out in the open (especially detransitioners and women’s sports), it will be harder to maintain the support.

I’ve met so many people, including pro trans people, who make all sorts of snide little references when they think they’re safe about how non binary is nonsensical, how TIMs always end up dressing inappropriately. A lot of the supporters have doublethink - they know a lot of this is bullshit, but they still think the core is good because medical authorities approve it and we’ve been flooded in pity stories for years. The more mainstream news covers this stuff, the more the Overton window shifts.

No. 2197412

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No. 2197416

I don’t understand why more lesbians don’t make fun of these guys or try to ostracize them? Why is it that so many actual young lesbians just let them stomp all over them? We need to go back to making these freaks uncomfortable to leave their house

No. 2197430

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so many amazing places to explore

No. 2197445

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if I somehow fuck up this post it's because I'm on mobile anyways what do we think of this

No. 2197457

I think this man is wasting his time typing a lot of words to cope because he knows deep down that he will NBAW.

No. 2197458

It doesn’t matter if you try to genetically reengineer yourself, the preexisting structure is always going to be there.

No. 2197462

Cool story, bro. You still get clocked as a moid every time you go out while I've never been confused for a man a day in my life. Almost as if "biohacking" your body with horse piss hormones doesn't do shit to change the immutable reality of your sex

No. 2197468

Because making fun of them even about something completely unrelated to them being male that any woman would get made fun of for too will get you labeled a transmisogynist and ostracized. You can't even criticize troons for being literal violent criminals without getting called a TERF.

No. 2197477

Because there's like 10 thousand trannies for every real lesbian. They're completely outnumbered. Most "lesbians" nowadays are bihets who harass actual lesbians for their nasty genital preferences and talk about how valid it is for lesbians to suck dick, so they feel less safe than ever to voice what real lesbians opinions on trannies are. And since it's a social contagion and porn addicted moids are on the rise, there's more and more trannies every day.

No. 2197482

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That’s a lot of big and scary words trying to intimidate people from challenging him. Very male behavior.
>The issue with TERFs is that they appropriate science and yet are not scientists, they misinterpret the scientific implications of various facts they learned in highschool level biology, and think they’re intellectuals. TERFs are the fedora tippers of gender theory
He’s really telling on himself here kek

No. 2197485

>The issue with TERFS is that they appropriate science and yet are not scientists
Thank God troids would never appropriate anything from a group they don't belong to.

No. 2197496

>TERFs are the fedora tippers of gender theory
I actually kek'd at this, both from the implications TERFs actually subscribe to muh gender theory and him trying to compare terfs to "fedora tippers" when that's what every twansgurl was before discovering lolicon and their sisters underwear: Fatass fedora wearing neckbeard discord mods. I'm sure it would be delightful to get science mansplained to us by moids who think giving themselves gynecomastia makes them undistinguishable from the sex able to give birth kek

No. 2197501

>I don’t understand why more lesbians don’t make fun of these guys or try to ostracize them?
1. Lesbians are women who are vulnerable to their male troon violence
2. All former LGBT spaces are now basically T-only spaces so they are outnumbered by a lot of troons (most troons are straight men, and straight men outnumber lesbian women naturally)
2. Because the ones who do get shunned from the community, and for lesbians it's not easy to find a new welcoming community
3. The only way for them to escape the troons and/or be accepted is to stop identifying as a lesbian and to be some kind of "demiboy", "transmasc", enby-non-woman
4. Lesbians who are already in a stable lesbian relationship don't have to worry about actually being confronted by girldick so they pretend it's not a big deal
5. Because most lesbians now troon out themselves, they in turn have to accept male troons so they can be accepted as female troons
6. Because most lesbians troon friends are actually just fellow female lesbian tifs, they all accept them by default as they are women. It can take years before they meet an actual male troon and realize they're all gross predatory males

No. 2197507

Agree with everything but
>most troons are straight men
is just not true, most troons are bisexual. When they identify as transbians, they're very much including fellow trannies.

No. 2197508

This is it. The level of censorship that criticizing misogyny and scientific illiteracy gets. forums like this are super comforting and some yt channels but it seems we have no spaces to talk openly, if anyone knows any gender critical spaces online feel free to reply

No. 2197526

Really says it all when he thinks the female sex is just something that can be hacked into or engineered. Very very male. Hilarious that he thinks we have a flawed understanding of biology when he sounds like a schizo who does't understand fundamental concepts of reality. But not even a fascinating kind of schizo, just retarded.
>change DNA, change your sex!
No sir. Your Y chromosome will always determine you to be male. Your body will always be set to 'male' no matter how hard you try to interrupt these set patterns.
>DNA is worthless and proteins are just for making hormones and tissue
kek troon tunnel vision. All his (lack of) understanding of biology is just a means to an end. As if proteins don't have have any other functions.
>estrogen moobs and spinny skirts can override genetics!
>external of the body is only an illusion created by the ego
All that effort waffling about biological "facts" when it's all just an illusion? Bit of the classic autistic 'theory of mind' going on here too, as if we don't (or shouldn't?) have a shared concept of biological reality.
>my body craves estrogen
First of all, he's actively harming his body by fucking up his hormones. Secondly, he's assuming that all cravings mean your body NEEDS it. Which anyone who's ever had a craving for something bad for them understands.

No. 2197585

it's so creepy to me how male troons have a patter of stealing the names of the women they choose to skinwalk. it's happened to myself and i come across it being mentioned itt and mtf thread. TIMs have such utter lack of respect for women's boundaries, they even consistently take their very name; which they have some understanding is wrong to do, because they will always butcher it into some variation or closest associated name. and yet it's still always so blatant and disturbing. it's insidious, folktales old as yore warn against malevolent creatures who will steal you name and disempower you.

No. 2197615

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Your post reminded me of picrel. Somewhat related but I have an uncommon but recognizable nickname that I go by. It has started to gain traction with troons and I fucking hate it.

No. 2197616

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Stellar reviews too.

No. 2197618

KEK oh my god

No. 2197631

How do you type something like that with zero self awareness to how creepy that sounds

No. 2197647

It's probably pretty easy if you don't view women and girls as people

No. 2197661

> trail mom
I don’t have the vocabulary to describe just how greatly it disgusts me when AGP’s use the word “mom” to describe themselves

No. 2197693

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Wow. AGPs read like parody accounts. Still obsessed with some little girl as an adult. Major psychopathic vibes, in addition to pedophilia. There was actually a subplot like this in Sankarea (man troons out and being still obsessed with a little girl - Rosalie - he knew as a child he creates zombies from little girls and calls them all 'Rosalie') - reality is creepier than fiction?

No. 2197748

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Ladies, did you know that we are racist, homophobic Nazis? Also, is misgendering someone is violence, why is that man committing violence against jk rowling?

No. 2197754

>did you know that we are racist, homophobic
Yes and this is why I keep coming.

No. 2197764

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kek it brings me joy to see nonnas discovering Erin Reed. He's engaged to another TiM and has a reddit tattoo.

No. 2197783

No amount of rationality, facts, empathy or patience will prevent these manbabies from accusing every woman who disagrees with them of being nazi bigots and contorting everything into somehow being racist and homophobic, even when they are the ones who are guilty of those things. It's their modus operandi to keep screaming variations of "bigot!" in our faces to make us shut up. Calling women TERFs is fine apparently, so might as well just call a troon a troon.
I hope middle aged lefty terfs start openly using the slur more now, and watch "Erin" try to claim they're all 4chan nazis.

No. 2197798

>Nair dog causing it to slough off hair
>Start arguing with people that you have transformed it into a naked mole rat
>Species do not have specific definitions anyway and sometimes people mistake other things for naked mole rats so slough-dog is actually a naked mole rat
>It only being able to sire dogs is irrelevant because some naked mole rats cannot do typical mole rat things
>Start threatening to kill yourself if anyone challenges your slough dogs identity
>A naked mole rat is anything that looks close enough to a naked mole rat and disagreeing is trying to get slough dogs creator dead even if it is blatantly a lie becomes the argument

Men actually believe this train of thought

No. 2197818

Nazism is so inclusive nowadays!

No. 2197850

b-b-but the dog's body CRAVES hair removal cream. epigenetics, duh!

No. 2197898

Wasn't troon coined by trans people on Something Awful and spread because it was a funny self-own?

Kek I love how JK no longer gives a shit. They were already calling her Satan when her only crime was a very centrist and empathetic essay that said she thought of trans women as women and only worried about cis men lying to abuse self-ID laws. No dissent is ever mild or polite enough for them, so may as well not even bother being nice.

No. 2197907

I know a troon who took the name of a girl that rejected him. The only one who rejected him. Fuck them

No. 2197926

Wow. I wonder if they actually are as vile as possible with their names? Like he had to know that only people with the brain of a serial killer do shit like this, right?

No. 2197953

Troon have a pattern for their names: either the choose the name of a female deity/religious figures like I can't count enough troons named after Selene/Luna/Diana/Artemis/Jezebel/Lilith/Freya or they choose the name of a girl that didn't put up with their bullshit to kinda take their place and then claim that that name was always special to them when it's really not. It's creepy as shit and they do that out of spite like a bratty child throwing a tantrum and stealing your toy. It always look so miserable because they cannot realize its their deviantart oc tier name that clocks them out, they never choose a normie woman name, they have to be speshul somehow yet this is part of troon culture. I don't have a name to describe this phenomenon but they don't want to pass as a woman but pass as a troon, if that makes sense, they don't want to blend in, they expect you to blend them mentally ill. Let's throw away for the moment the surgery/hormones talk and let's talk about their typical things:
>Exotic/goddess name, that sound marysueish
>Shein clothing. It's not like they can't afford high end or actual brand clothes, they buy shein because it's their cosplay until the hype dies down. It's mostly edgy/e girl fashio
>Skirts. Always skirts. Spinny!
>They don't straighten their hair ever or even try to do hairstyles just for fun. It's the same oilt curls for everyone.
>Makeup consists in thick eyeliner and deep purple to black lipstick. No other makeup. Eyeshadow is never applied properly with a brush
>Weird, childlish moves and expression. It's like they want to recreate anime expressions irl.
>Socks, thighs but never leggings or comfy clothes
>Can't cook at all, take pride in being bad at it
>Messed up rooms
>No skincare. They use foundation to cover any blemishes without actually taking action

Look I'm not saying that women always do these things, in fact, quite the opposite. I've saw women of every habit and fashion, of every hairstyle, even bald women, women without makeup and women with makeup, women that can cook and women that cannot.
Women come in many flavours, shapes and sizes.
Troon only come in one, distinct set of habits which doesn't represent a woman and for a group of people that want to "pass" they sure do a shitty job at it, it's like they don't see and carefully take a look to who they're trying to skinwalk, it's like they go "Yeah but my vision of your kind is better" and become a weird subcategory of men that does them zero favours. I don't believe at all that they don't have a grain of self reflection in their brain so they must be aware somehow and still putting that act up. The troon that pretends to not to do makeup in makeup subreddits knows how to do it, he watched a shitton of videos, he just gets off at the idea of the attention because he knows he will stand out like a sore tumb. He knows he will attract attetion walking around dressed like a little girl. They know. They're disgusting creatures.

No. 2198106

I'm convinced if most mtf troons spent even one day as an actual woman they'd kill themselves

No. 2198153

Real. Trannies seem to believe all girls and women live a middle class privileged life and get assmad about it wishing that was them, so I think if they got turned into female for real they'd get a nasty wake up call. In a way I'd like to see it.

The ones who were molested as kids would be like "oh nothing's changed?" as soon as they get targeted at work and kill themselves. And the ones who think it's hot to be degraded and treated as lesser would be like "oh this is for real and I can't actually get out of this?" And then transition to male. I think if mtfs spent one day as an actual girl or woman they'd become the biggest blackpillers because they'd have a frame of reference for how much better they were treated before they were female and comprehend they can't go back to someone who can go outside after the sun sets at 4pm in winter.

No. 2198244

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my tinfoil is that the guys like this are different from the fetishists who are exhibitionists who want to expose themselves to you against your will and different from the fetishists who are into sissification and want to be publicly humiliated. they want to feel desired like everyone does, but they're so autistic and sexist that the only way they can imagine desire is the desire they feel for 20 year old hot girls in porn and anime. they don't think women are real people and can't imagine women having feelings like lust or love, so they can't bring themselves to work out or get a nice haircut to become desirable as men. they don't have the depth to imagine the love you feel when you're in a normal relationship, so they can't be happy with dating as a man. the only thing real to them is the boner they get for porn and cartoons, which leads to the goth girl, e girl, gamer girl larping, and the way they're always ugly nerd men who 'transition' into kinky alt girls instead of just being the female version of themselves, the way they would if it was actually just about their true gender and not a fetish.

No. 2198247

gross. if i was suzy id leave this retard

No. 2198262

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>Yes Timmy deserves to outplace a girl for free education.

No. 2198282

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Never understood their argument that (cis) people are also partaking in gender-affirming care because they do plastic surgeries and the likes, as if normal people with beauty or grooming routine are trying their best to make sure nobody forget that they're in the gender they want to be as.

No. 2198285

TERFs are closer to atheists, lmao

No. 2198291

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Reminded me of picrel

No. 2198294

Some men feel emasculated once they start balding because they also lose confidence, so it makes sense to say that.

No. 2198305

Youtube just recommended me this pure AI bullshit channel. Every video is some fake fanfiction about trooning out. It doesn't have many views overall, but i wonder what's the goal here? Some autist just sits at home and makes up these stories every day for what, to make more people belive how transition is awesome? This obsession in scary.

No. 2198306

Shelter anon again. Today one of the male enbies walked in on my bathroom stall. The locks are shit, most people have the decency to knock or check for feet if the door is closed. I’ve accidentally done it to someone first thing in the morning when I was groggy but of course because I was socialized as a girl and am not a giant entitled asshole I apologized profusely. Another woman’s done it to me before and apologized. No big deal.

This creep didn’t say a goddamn thing and then went to the stall right next to me like nothing happened. I know the popular narrative is that trans bathroom mishaps never happen and it’s some conservative boogeyman fairytale, but I feel so creeped out and violated. He fucking made eye contact and acted like I wasn’t worth acknowledging. I have so much sexual trauma. I don’t want random ass men walking in on me peeing with no remorse or shame. I don’t know how I would even report that without getting in trouble for transphobia, which would get me kicked out. The same dude was walking briskly right behind me down a hallway the other day instead of saying excuse me to get past me like a normal human being.

No. 2198324

Maybe they saw that trans stuff was a trending topic and thought that generating videos about it would get views (and therefore money), like AI content on other topics.

No. 2198355

No, it still doesn't make sense. It's not "gender affirming care" the same way if I kneel down for yoga class I'm not suddenly praying to allah as a muslim. Things aren't religious or spiritual unless you actually believe in that religion or spiritual belief.
Elon Musk didn't have a hair transplant to make his magical male gender spirit align better with his non-male physical body by making it less bald = somehow more physically male (oh but also sex isn't real!!!1!). It's literally all just nonsense.

No. 2198381

I love how men say that women are attention seeking when most men do shit like this and would die to be fucked or suck a cock. They want that.
Of course they want to be women, they don't want to be people, just to be desired, to have other MEN cry for them or lesbians so they can feel empowered. This was the thing that made me peak in 2017 and I can't believe people don't realized that because either I'm too intelligent or people are fucking stupid. As said here >>2197953 , they know they are larping a weird ultra specific type of woman, notice they don't skinwalk unpopular girls or only hop on the last trend/aesthetic only for attention. I have yet to see a troon that isn't a total narc or shut in.

No. 2198435

If a slice the top off a pear, paint it orange, and draw a bunch of dimples on it, does that make it an orange? After all, I modified its external structure so its DNA does not matter.
>oh but that's different species that's not the same
Ok. If I cut a bull's dick off, does that make it a cow?

No. 2198441

They'd still say yes. You do not come to the conclusion that you are trans by following logic and science, you come to it by directly going against and denying logic and science. So any argument that uses basic logic is lost on them by default.

No. 2198509

Don't the Game Grumps have tons of fangirls? He already knows what it's like to have a bunch of online randos wanting to fuck him and his friends.

No. 2198531

this scrote had to pull out his wallet or phone to make the payment, go to the parlour, actually sit in a chair for hours while it was being tattooed and he actually did not stop at any point?

No. 2198537

i feel like these scrotes are some type of elaborate voyeur that wish they could stalk the objects of their desire everywhere anytime to the point of wanting to be that object bc that's the only way to.

No. 2198540

The idea of there being female enbies and troons on this site using it because they are literally female and they crave a space full of females away from males, but are still die-hard handmaidens that obey and serve moid troons and they have to see anons shit on trannies IE males in skirts makes me so happy. I hope they feel as ostracized as normal gender-crit women feel in literally any other internet space. I hope they're scared of speaking up in defense of their skirt wearing scrote overlords in fear of being called a newfag and a retard. Kek. Gives me a good chuckle just thinking of it. Fuck you obnoxious losers.

No. 2198546

so you admit it? you admit that being fuckable is all there is to changing sex for you so surely any procedure making one more attractive is "gender-affirming"?

No. 2198681

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>Long hair means you're a woman.

No. 2198833

probably because it's AI generated to be shit

No. 2198899

troons fear butch women kek

No. 2198912

How is a hair transplant to get rid of the overwhelmingly male trait of male pattern baldness affirming him as a man?

No. 2199087

If only everywhere else on the internet was like that too

No. 2199191

someone needs to tell trannies aging and insecurity over it isn't the same as gender dysphoria
reminds me of that one time when trannies jumped some "transphobic" old lady on twitter after she said she gets HRT for her menopause. "Oh so when YOU put synthetic hormones that aren't meant to be in your body (anymore) it's healthcare but when TRANS WIMMIN do it they're poisoning themselves?!" like it's some kind of le epic gotcha moment

No. 2199266

Kind of off topic, but it makes me so furious that these retards are causing estrogen shortages by using a medication off-label while menopausal and post-menopausal women suffer without easy access to HRT. It's incredibly selfish and unfair, as per usual.

No. 2199328

they're actually just projecting because so many of them take HRT hoping it'll reverse their own male pattern aging (balding for example). like it is the same in that sense except normal old ladies who take hrt for menopause actually need it to be healthier and feel better overall while trannies are just making their own bodies worse and not actually preventing aging like they desire

No. 2199339

How, how, how the fuck can this be happening?? Everytime I think I can no longer be surprised by TRA misogyny, now they're letting elderly menopausal women go without hrt they medically need to live comfortably just because some tranny wants titty skittles? How aren't people protesting about this? It's so fucking insane I'll risk a ban for a-logging and hope we get a new AIDS epidemic that only wipes out trannies

No. 2199379

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Good news for quack doctors and butcher surgeons. https://archive.is/aYKss

No. 2199391

>higher rates of kids who think they're trans
>higher rates of suicide attempts
definitely not a death cult

No. 2199516

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April 2024 statistics showing that post-op trans people are associated with a higher risk of suicide. "Life saving surgery" my ass, it makes people wanna kill themselves after seeing their plastic surgery bill and mutilated body. I'd be suicidal too after realizing that therapy would be cheaper.

No. 2199538

Isn't taking supplemental estrogen linked to heart attack and strokes? I swore there was a huge push for this for menopausal women until the link was shown and suddenly it's okay to give it to trannies since there was a decline in demand

No. 2199546

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My strong advice to all trans people is to consider to stfu.

No. 2199550

Troons stop trying to badly gaslight the whole internet challenge (impossible)

No. 2199566

More people learning about modern "trans theory" is the worst possible thing for the movement. It's only gotten as far as it has because the public still thinks of the trans movement as a tiny number of mentally ill gay men instead of a deluge of furry porn addicts.

No. 2199924

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It's ironic how gender critical people are more sympathetic to detransitioners than libtards. But we're supposed to believe that libtards are so welcoming and accepting of identity compared to le ebil TERFS that must be burned at the state, aren't we? It's disheartening being peaked and seeing these people as the hateful souls they truly are. I wish I was still a handmaiden sometimes…

No. 2200001

kek, this is the first time I see a troop acknowledging the fact that their demands change every three months or so. highly obnoxious how they act like it's the transphobes that are responsible for trannies constantly changing the narrative so they can remain eternal victims and always have a reason to chimp out at normal people. remember when they insisted that trans* was the correct term until they realized how fucking stupid it is and they decided it was actually offensive and transphobic and made up by terfs all along?

No. 2200091

>It's disheartening being peaked and seeing these people as the hateful souls they truly are.
This is so true. People don't talk enough about how truly painful and depressing it is to realize all your trans and handmaiden friends are just so full of blind rage and hate for innocent people. Before I peaked trans used to just be another topic, then afterwards I suddenly realize EVERYTHING they do is laced with hate towards mostly girls and women, victims of trans ideology and grieving parents trying to keep their child from being mutilated and sterile.
Their interesting art? It's showcasing mutilated girls and demonizing women who fight it.
Their funny jokes? They were really just deeply misogynistic and homophobic.
Their brilliant minds? All wrong and from the pseudoscience lies they pretended is "settled", but they never even read in the first place
Their hobbies? Centered around showing who is the most trans or the best trans-ally, knitting isn't just knitting it's knitting everything in transflag colors now
Their compassion and empathy? They never had it, you now see how they treat people they disagree even a tiny bit with.
It's so all-encompassing. I think there should be a word/phrase like "trans widow" but for people who lost their friend/friend group to trans ideology because it's frankly a bit traumatizing.

No. 2200121

So true. It feels so depressing and isolating and makes you see everyone you know (who supports trannies) differently. And you can't even talk about it to anyone outside of places like this or if you happen to get lucky and meet a like minded person for once

No. 2200226

One of the hardest parts is the realization that when your friends talk about how much "transphobes should get shot", "i'd punch a terf if i ever saw one", "they should all just die"… they're now talking about YOU.

And it's so confusing and hurtful because what first made you peak or question trans ideology is typically something very reasonable. All you changed your mind about was that the science maybe isn't settled and that maybe only adults should transition for now until we know more. Or maybe you're a lesbian and you know you don't ever want to date someone with a dick even if it's a "girldick". Maybe you figured only transwomen who had the sex change surgery should get access to female spaces. And then your dear friends openly talk about how they want people dead for stating exactly those bigoted evil things. That they want YOU dead.

No. 2200337

Yeah, and then you end up feeling this wall between you and them and like they're not actually your friends, that they'd ostracize you from their group if they knew how you really think. I think this phenomenon makes it harder to peak too, I know I felt unsure at first partially because I was struggling to accept that it'd basically isolate me from everyone I know when I'm already a person that doesn't have that many friends, and that surely this many people can't be so wrong.

No. 2200429

>both ways
I thought gender was a spectrum?

No. 2200444

>ugly fat moid who looks like if the monster from monsters inc who got stuck in the scream machine gained 300 lbs making fun of people who got manipulated and happen to be ugly

No. 2200506

trannies have made a mess of everything, truly. in a normal world you wouldn't wonder the 'gender' of someone posting on a lesbian subreddit.

No. 2200761

And that’s very sad, really, because a lot of so-called terfs are not really in power to change anything. It’s not like there was a policy vote on something like bathroom bills or whatever tims and tifs were crying about - usually it comes in a package with other bills, and, again, it’s not like we vote on it. Also, it’s not like we’re actively make their lives worse - in most cases, we’re just discussing them and their ideology on a small number of our websites. But nooooo, terfs should be punched, terfs are not women etc etc etc. it sounds very scary and, if anything, make tims sound more like men they truly are. What’s more manly than threatening to punch your opponents?

No. 2200935

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No. 2200937

Why did the fathers brothers and bfs of those girls allow that to happen? Bong men are useless.

No. 2200942

these kind of gangs exist in Pakistan itself and people know it why is it admitting they exist abroad a scandal?? its like saying most sex trafficking comes from romania and slav europe is also a myth and a conspiracy.

No. 2200943

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The police were in on it and actively prevented the fathers rescuing their children.

No. 2200977

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this makes me so angry. such an insult to the victims holy shit. and all those "far right" left wing feminists in the UK that investigated this abuse must be fuming too.
of course picrel was put in the 'see also'

No. 2201016

it always reminds me of when people were prosecuted by the church and burned at the stake for saying things that were deemed heretical. i understand how that happened now seeing troonism become such a huge cult thing
wtf. i'm so tired of people always having to pretend every single race that isn't white must be just angels and that you aren't allowed to criticize them otherwise you're racist

No. 2201018

No you see the increased rate of transgender identification is because transgenderism is more accepted than ever, like homosexuality and left-handedness, and the increase in suicides is because of the ongoing and rapidly escalating trans genocide. Understood?

No. 2201022

Really shows what cushy lives they lead that their definition of genocide is not getting free boob implants immediately upon demand. They decide halfway through their life to grow their hair out and buy an Amazon plastic heart collar and then start crying that the world is “erasing their existence.” No one is stopping you from existing just because you didn’t get infinite self-defined legal benefits for hitting your hair with some Manic Panic.

No. 2201116

It all reminds me of my time growing up in a fundamentalist Christian community but seeing how unfair the doctrine was to girls and women and never truly believing in God. Only now the zealotry is coming from the skeptical communities I found refuge in. It honestly makes me wonder if making up stupid shit and going postal on people who don't believe it is just human nature or something.

No. 2201123

They think that women looking uncomfortable when a 50-year-old man in stilettos totters past them into the women’s bathroom is like living under Jim Crow and mom saying “no Kayleigh I’m not going to call you ‘bucket’” is horrific child abuse that warrants CPS investigation. I’m at the point where I simply do not believe any trans-identified person when they claim they’ve been abused, which I know is wrong and irrational because I’ve seen the data from places from Tavistock, but I’m sorry they’ve just cried wolf too many times. If you think that someone recognising you for the sex you are is a hate crime then you have no idea what hate looks like.

I’m starting to think the same thing. I was raised atheist/agnostic and fortunately never saw this kind of behaviour until I was in high school, so I wrote it off as teenagers being teenagers, but it seems that many people never grow out of it. When I first saw it it revolved around politics and I didn’t make the religious connection until much later.

No. 2201340

female sports league im in has a new tranny member average hulking 6+ft that doesn’t even attempt to pass, im not mad or worried he’s gonna hurt me because he absolutely sucks at every aspect of what we do but we were discussing what we do outside of practice and a woman mentioned volunteering with little kids and how she has to change before coming from the field bc the workout clothes are not appropriate (we get sweaty as hell so tanks tops sports bras biker shorts etc) and he immediately made a ‘joke’ saying ‘I would just show up naked kids need to get comfortable with nudity’ and im just like ah. there it is. nothing like having to hang out with actual irl tims to reaffirm my mindset, it sucks though bc i hang out with a lot of tifs irl and they’re mostly great people/fun to hang around with bc they are biological women but they’re all fucking handmaidens

No. 2201358

>he immediately made a ‘joke’ saying ‘I would just show up naked kids need to get comfortable with nudity’
This creature needs its hard drive checked

No. 2201371

Highly inappropriate. Please tell me everyone else looked at him like that one awkward party gif, right?

No. 2201373

He’s literally such a stereotypical coomer that I see in the TIM thread that it sounds made up, his name is some kind of super long Greek/roman goddess thing (Like that Narcissa freak but even more convoluted I can’t even remember the whole thing) I was on the other side of the field working on setting up the next drill so I didn’t hear the whole conversation but to her credit I think she replied pretty normally and was like ‘that’s a weird thing to say don’t say that’ We’re training new members for the next few weeks and he’s absolutely terrible and constantly self-victimizing/pouting about not being ‘good enough’ and wanting all the members to comfort him and give him one on one attention. Everyone else on my team is extremely libfem and I would most definitely be ostracized/kicked out if I brought up how I feel and this has so far been a really safe space for me to meet other lesbians esp from older generations so im not gonna risk losing that but i absolutely refuse to coddle his male ego and I ignore all his bullshit + will not hesitate to call him out on the disgusting things he’s most definitely going to say next once im actually part of the conversation

No. 2201486

Late reply but these kind of posts are so telling in that men truly do not see ugly women as women. They don't exist in their mind. The only women that exist are early to mid 20's hot instragramable girls. And all those girls have picture perfect friendships with other instagramable girls.

No. 2201800

I agree. I've felt invisible all my life and like I never related to whatever bullshit incels and/or troons spout about how women have it so easy and whatever else they say about the supposedly average female experience. It's like if women thought the average man's experience was being a chad or something unironically and considered every other man not actually a man or just invisible if they aren't fuckable enough

No. 2201816

>I’m at the point where I simply do not believe any trans-identified person when they claim they’ve been abused, which I know is wrong and irrational because I’ve seen the data from places from Tavistock, but I’m sorry they’ve just cried wolf too many times.
People who are vulnerable are more likely to troon out, abuse being one of them. But the vast majority of trans people have never been abused. Both can be true at the same time!
In my experience the ones who loudly talk about being abused have more often than not been abused at all, they think their parents saying "no Michael getting a boner from wearing your sisters panties doesn't make you a girl, you're still a boy", "no Josephine, bug/bugself is not a real gender and we won't call you that" is them violently and verbally abusing them. The ones who have actually been abused often hide it from shame, and also because they know it means the evil terfs were kinda right that they trooned out because of abuse. So they'd rather pretend that wasn't the cause, but deep down they know.

No. 2201820

Nona please let the people around you know that you find him creepy and uncomfortable, point out that he said that to them and ask what kind of person says and thinks that. There are probably plenty of girls who are silently thinking the same

No. 2202308

Something specific I've noticed is that trannies (TIMs) are apathetic to animals - unless it's for fetish shit or "cute" aesthetics. Like less so than regular men. I've never heard of a vegan or animal right's activist TIM.

No. 2202413

I knew an adhd enby tim who felt really bad about eating meat, he often thought about going vegan but he couldn't ever commit to it. The guy was skinny and barely ate to begin with so idk what the issue was. I find it funny that he can't commit to being a transwoman so he's an enby, and he can't commit to being a vegan so he's just sad and stuck doing everything halfway.

No. 2202572

can't say i have noticed this specifically tbh. i wouldn't trust them to properly look after pets though, since they're usually self-obsessed and too pathetic to even look after themselves. there are also a lot of vegan crusty "punks" which has a huge overlap with troons, but a lot of them literally just become vegan to be straight edge or so they can be part of a scene.

No. 2202593

>thinking fathers and brothers give a shit about protecting girls

No. 2202725

I feel like they tend to use animals as props or just as an expression of aesthetics to get attention but that's not very different from what other people do with animals on the internet. With TIMs specifically I guess a difference would be that they really internalize the whole puppy girl bullshit and try even harder than the most cringe e-girls to associate themselves with "cute" animals. Besides that sub group of crazies who thinks they're actual animals like that one guy who was trans and also thought he's a wolf or some shit like that

No. 2202746

File: 1728645842096.png (339.9 KB, 3784x1852, 1000008317.png)

Stolen from the other farms, but one of the most accurate trans memes I've ever seen. The Boyfriends comic girl, Noelle Stevenson, every edgy TIF vent artist…

No. 2202884

so accurate. it's sad when even actually talented artists end up trooning out, happens so often nowadays

No. 2202892

this is so fucking accurate

No. 2202895

Needs the chinese/taiwanese artist that only draws cuntboys style.

No. 2202902

wow they're so painfully accurate lmao
it never stops to amuse he how hard troons pretend to be breaking out of boxes and stereotypes, only to all fit into very exact boxes with even more narrow stereotypes

No. 2202930

I've known 3 TIMs who are or who became vegan or vegetarian after trooning out. I'm assuming that they do it partially out of a virtue signaling thing, or maybe they are so deeply drinking the kool-aid that they honestly believe that they need to adopt every extreme far left activist position to undo oppression…idk. Maybe they are mentally ill men who transitioned partially due to OCD, and being obsessive-compulsive about what they eat is just another expression of their mental illness.

No. 2202940

Is there a TIM version too? Generic anime girl coomer shit and ugly on purpose Ren and Stimpy looking comics about depression are the TIM styles I see the most.

No. 2202947

I personally think it has to do with the soy boy theory stuff. Basically people believe that eating meat increases testosterone and not eating meat decreases it. The term soy boy came around when people started including soy like tofu as a meat replacement. It basically means you arent manly enough. Kek too bad they are retarded troons and dont know, real women eat meat. For some people it helps with their periods for the iron and stuff. Kek
Imagine being so retarded that you think not eating meat will make you a woman.

No. 2202979

File: 1728661591638.png (844.87 KB, 1080x1365, uglytrooncomic.png)

>ugly anime coomer yuri comics that are always sexual
>ugly ironic reddit-humor comics that are always sexual
>ugly comics obsessing over being a lesbian that are always sexual
someone needs to help me out

No. 2202986

My former friend who was a moid loved these comics and got offended when I said they were for retarded gooners who fetishize alt women while failing to understand their subcultures, and that the way their subscultures are labeled on their shirt rather than worked into their design is extremely lazy.

No. 2202995

None of these catty bitches would DARE to comment these vile thoughts under male posts. Feminine women think anyone who isn’t a chinless midget is a man, it’s exhausting. But if you’re actually a man you’re literally god’s most precious lamb and a gift bestowed upon humanity. So many brainless male worshipping cunts, not a single spine in sight.

No. 2202999

Doubleposting but I just saw her photo and it’s so obvious that she is a handsome young woman. There’s no way this wasn’t intentional berating coming from jealous fatsos. Fuck, I hope she never troons out.

No. 2203015

ikr? this is absolutely nothing by butch lesbian standards kek. I'm also not seeing this "strong german jaw" that she uses as explanation, she looks great. i pray she gets off reddit and ignores the gender-obsessed lesbophobes.

No. 2203151

Was talking with a couple of friends and for reasons I don't remember the sissy that tried to invade our lolita community came up, he has left quite the legacy as the creep that would show up in obvious sissy dresses and talk about diapers and other obvious sissy bullshit until the mods finally managed to get him to gtfo. The moment he was brought one of my friends and I immediately briefly mentioned how disgusting he is, but the other informed us that he (of course) now identified as a woman. Which made the previously disgusted friend light up and go "oooh, good for her! I hope she is doing great!". I hate how much of a handmaiden some of my friends are, and the way they immediately excuse any troon moids degenerate history the moment they come out as trannies. I don't fucking get it. And these are women that otherwise don't really like men so it's not like they're the type to worship regular scrotes. But they bend over backwards for tifs and tims with a goofy smile on their faces.

No. 2203158

I'm so sick about my relative nonnas. Everytime i think he hit the rock bottom he surprises me with more scary shit. Now he thinks it's perfectly fine to give children puberty blockers and that it's harmless. He's going to be a teacher very soon. He never liked kids, but since he started living with a weird pedo guy who brainwashed him to the core, now he decided to teach. The creep brought out the absolute worst out of him. He is dead to me but what i struggle with is how can someone like that come from the same genes as me. How powerful is brainwashing that no grain of reason is left? It's just from one guy. Is the sex that powerful for a scrote mind to brainwash him completley? I always thought i'm fucked up in my family but i'm a fucking beacon of hope and light compared to this pedo demon. I can't even bring myself to talk about this with my family, they don't know any of this, they don't even know he's gay most of them.

No. 2203182

I fucking love it when a moid is trying to signal they are woke (which is code for "please have sex with me") and you get to go "lol no that's actually retarded and wrong on every level" and they get so confused and offended that you didn't follow the script

No. 2203191

Please tell on him if you get the opportunity

No. 2203223

There's going to be a day when all the kids have detransitioned and they're now against trans ideology, but the parents are the one stuck in the cult. The parents will be the ones going to events and advocating for how good parents they are and that they did the right thing but that unfortunately their poor kid was forcefully brainwashed by evil terfs to detransition.

"He never liked dresses, it's clear he isn't a girl! All little girls love princesses, right?" they'll say and fellow parents will go "yes, that's so true! My male child loved dresses so she's a woman! Her husband is just transphobic and made her think she's a gay man and now she won't speak to us anymore!" they will never admit to harming their own child, even when the child abandons them. They can't mentally face that they did something so bad.

No. 2203229

god i hate this mommy shit they do so much. any woman who is even slightly tall is instantly a "mommy" to them. i see so many troons and coomers (same group but whatever) saying it and it's part of why i never believed their bullshit about having a "female brain" if they literally act like male coomers even when they supposedly transitioned

No. 2203863

I don't see how it relate to trooning out.
The Japanese long knew it is just a fantasy for them.

"義体", the "prosthetic" body or body these otaku men want to inhabit as opposed to "実体", real body (I didn't read the book but it's something like 義姉 though read as nee-san it usually means older girl cousin, stepsister or adoptive/adopted sister as opposed to 実姉 which means real sister. Sorry for sounding like the average 4chan sisfag)

Trannies are attempting to change or modify their real bodies.

No. 2203867

If wokebros don't give a shit how are you supposed to deter them?

No. 2204032

Wokebros get mad and start aggressively arguing with you when you insult male troons, because as men they want to protect other men. But if you start by insulting the most ridiculous tifs they stay silent and don't engage, and often they agree because they actually love getting to look down on a group of women. You just gotta play their narrow little minds and point out that the enby tifs wearing floral dresses and calling themselves "real heckin bug/bugself men uwu" actually make the "real" trans women who suffer from dysphoria look bad. You get away with saying gc things, you can often get them to agree with you and at the same time they think you're kinda on the bigot side so they still prefer to avoid you.

To this day I've never seen a wokebro defend a female troon, they always just defend their own male troon friend. They'll defend female troons collectively only because the group contains men, and they don't give a shit about the women arguing against it because they're women.

No. 2204071

this has 100% been my experience every time. a male friend of mine doesn't see eye to eye with me on gender ideology, which isn't a huge deal most of the time, but he will try to "correct" me when I use he/him pronouns on a TIM like Hunter, Contra or Keffels and talk about how they have gender dysphoria (but is completely ignorant when you press any further, of course) but will straight up laugh at TIFs and refer to them as women/girls because he thinks they're unserious. for example, he still calls Ellen Page "Ellen" and finds it tragic that she transitioned. even when I bring up that I thought he cared about gender dysphoria he will dismiss it as "yeah, he/she whatever".
I see it all the time whenever a TIF is in the news or spotlight (which is rare). men will call them "she" and there will be very little push back, at least in comparison to when it's the other way around.
It's almost as if sexism is based on a person's sex, not gender…

No. 2204248

This is the exact experience that peaked me like a decade ago.
>Ugh that new brolita is so weird, I hate how he insists on getting changed in full view of everyone at every meet, I think he’s getting off on flashing us just like “Kimiko-chan”
>Yeah “Kimiko-chan” was the worst, remember how he kept trying to get underage comm members to have sleepovers at his house or the time he flashed his ballsack at a picnic? I was so glad when the mods finally banned him
>Umm? Actually?? It turns out that Kimiko-chan is trans and goes by she/her now UwU
>Omg really wow good for HER, living HER best life! So brave!! I guess all of HER quirky behaviour makes perfect sense in that context!!! I hope SHE’s okay now!!!!

I quit the comm when they started proactively transing, and thereby excusing, every creep who showed up even when the creeps in question never pretended to be anything but men and had never even heard of gender identity before. There were middle aged and older men in our Facebook group who went by names like Robert and were openly part of sissy fetish groups who we weren’t allowed to call “he”, much less make fun of, because a bunch of handmaidens had decided they were closeted trans women and therefore above reproach. The guy who stripped down to his nasty stained underwear in the middle of public parks to change into and out of his coords got away with it because he managed to convince a bunch of handmaidens that he would get stabbed if he got changed anywhere else. I don’t understand how anyone can be involved with the Western lolita community for more than five minutes without peaking. I really don’t.

No. 2204276

Even TIMs make fun of TIFs and don't take them seriously. I wish there was a way to help TIFs see that the cult they're in actively hates them.

No. 2204307

Some of them do see it but it’s very difficult for them to talk about it without being shut down and ostracised from their community. From time to time you get posts from TIFs wondering what is up with the TIM-centric nature of trans subs or complaining about TIM misogyny but they are immediately shouted down and removed if possible. Even TIF-centric groups are not safe to discuss it in because they’re full of handmaidens and often modded by male overseers TIMs. The only spaces willing to hear TIFs out when they want to complain about TIMs are gender critical spaces, which TIFs have been conditioned not to interact with. I’ve seen TIFs delete their own insightful posts on subjects like TME/TMA because they realised they were getting interaction from gc accounts. It really is a cult, and giving outsiders an angle to criticise the cult on is seen as worse than actual abuse from group insiders, especially priest class insiders like TIMs.

No. 2204323

If you wanna peak people: make fun of troons of the other sex to them.
Woke men will happily dismiss and make fun of tifs because they know they're women.
And woke women will happily dismiss gross sexist AGP troons. You just have to make them think these people are transtrenders or faketrans AGP fetishists. Making them believe in trutrans is the first step towards peaking because it means faketrans is also real and can be identified.

No. 2204329

I urge nonas who are in this position to start your own groups in which males aren't allowed.
Or you could allow males in theory, but just have strict rules that result in an immediate ban. For example for a lolita group if a person is following or interacting with any type of sissy or age-play content on any of their accounts on any platform they're banned with no questions asked. If a person flashes people, or sends sexual messages, or invites underage members to meet them outside of an "offical" meetup they're banned. These rules are for everyone, but we all know 99.9% of it is targeting males actions without you having to actually write that it's for males kek

No. 2204393

This happened in my comm too. It just killed me to hear supposedly feminist friends of mine making excuse after excuse for men who were openly proclaiming and acting out their sissy fetish at meetups, creeping on comm members, and threatening people they didn't like. It was like the trans label just gave them a free pass and almost everyone bent over backward to enable them.

The thing that really fucked me up and got me to stop going to meetups though was all the tifs/enbies proudly talking about getting their breasts and ovaries removed. I just can't deal with that shit, as I've suffered with body dysmorphia for a long time and even attempted to correct it with surgery, I know how awful it is to go down that path. But they treat it like it's nothing, talking about their bodies as if they're customizable video game characters where they can swap out parts they don't like. I feel nauseated every time that sort of conversation happens, and it's way too frequent, so now I avoid the whole group. Even though it's mostly newer members that are like that, everyone else is so disturbingly supportive of it. I feel like everyone got brainworms at some point.

No. 2204416

I never know how to respond when a TIF proudly shows me her mastectomy pictures. I usually just give it a bland non-response, like okay, uh huh, I see. Internally I feel like I've been gut punched whenever it happens, which is sadly often as a crypto in fandom.

No. 2204419

This is genius nonna

No. 2204611

File: 1728765080925.png (391.54 KB, 1160x1318, boydick.png)

saw this on ovarit and lolled.

No. 2204686

is anyone interested in compiling a master list of sites men don't want women to know about? Sites where they detail and crowdsource all their nasty activities on 2X? there's one on 4chan where they target a streamer they like, coordinate food buys, and attempt to make her obese without her knowledge or consent, and then jack each other off by gloating about it amongst themselves called the architecture general. there's also some sites where it's like pimeyes for porn/onlyfans, nonconsensual ai nude share sites of friends, coworkers, and family that they spread and trade and sometimes try to profit off of by creating a digital pornstar out of ai and real picture pastiches of women they know who have no idea. there was recently a 4 part expose on reuters about onlyfans which was great but there is so much more heinous male depravity out there that needs the light of day.

No. 2205177

>I never know how to respond when a TIF proudly shows me her mastectomy pictures
Depending on the tif I would react in two different ways:

For the ones that are clearly attention seeking (like the green haired goblin-pronoun enby type) I would simply take a quick glance, act fully uninterested and just go "Oh cool. Btw did you hear Becky said this other thing…" and change topic so they don't really get any reaction and instead get dismissed. If they press you on it saying "hang on, do you like my scars?" you stay as neutral and uninterested as possible, always changing the focus away from them onto someone else: "huh, scars are whatever to me. My uncle has one from an elbow surgery, and he's got this cool boat, his actually a fisherman-"
They want your reaction (good or bad) as they thrive on any attention. So you don't give it to them.

But for the slightly more normie type I would just react negatively, like physically cringe in horror and say a little "ugh" and then quickly go "oh sorry, I'm super squeamish I can't handle scars or body horror at all, sorry!". These people need to see the physical reaction of fear and horror these surgeries actually bring out in normal people. They're living in a bubble where they think to fix a female body you need to literally mutilate it and cut female parts off, that is extremely horrifying. After the initial reaction you should act and look concerned, like you pity them for having had such a tragic thing happen to them. You do not say it, you just convey it with body language. This all should come naturally, I'm really just describing exactly how people normally react when seeing trans surgery scars.

From having heard detrans people (who were fully onboard the trans-train but later peaked) we know these reactions get to them. They remember them, the concerned look on their pro-trans sisters face when seeing the scars for the first time. The way their supportive mother turned away in shock. They knew something was wrong.

No. 2205183

honestly someone needs to do this at some point like TIMs public image doesn't reflect reality, because of how insanely sanitized it is due to TRAs working over time on flowery branding to the public

No. 2205255

File: 1728818058442.png (17.4 KB, 374x138, I cope very very hard .png)

I see so much nonsense like picrel in TIF-heavy spaces. Spells to make everyone call them 'he', spells to make them feel comfortable with their own trans identity like picrel, affirmations that they ARE the gender they identify as, subliminals to make them look like men, endless rants about TERFs needing to fuck off and get run over by a million trains, it's all so incredibly telling. Nobody needs a spell to feel like something they already are.
It's almost like they're waking up to the bullshit, but they burnt so many bridges that the troon cult is the only space they have any friends left.
Let her see the brief moment of horror and disgust, say something awkward like 'haha, yeah!' and scuttle off whenever she tries to talk to you. It's a horrific thing to do to yourself. There's no need to pretend otherwise. TIFs lack any sense of personality outside of their echo chamber, seeing a friend react in a way that doesn't follow the script might be enough to kick their minuscule little brains into action.
Kek this is hilarious, we should do that.
Absolutely! We should also have a site outside of lolcow where we can work together to dox them and support the women and girls being targeted if they need help going to the police or taking legal action. Nobody else is going to help, every government loathes women with the rage of a thousand honboners, we might as well use our collective autism productively.

No. 2205279

>Likes charge, reblogs cast
What in the early 00’s message board roleplaying game hell is this

No. 2205352

Newfag to the TERF threads

I've officially peaked about 2/3 months ago (with a good year of contemplating leading up to it). It feels freeing, but I live in a very faggy city where basically no one would accept this view point, despite evidence of it being true.

I've told about 3 friends but it's a gamble with the rest. Where I live it's social suicide to say anything remotely TERFY- I've seen people shunned for far less than what you'd see on here.

Does anyone else hide their beliefs or are you completely open with it? Did you find women IRL that agree with you?

No. 2205360

Stop using reddit spacing.
>Does anyone else hide their beliefs or are you completely open with it? Did you find women IRL that agree with you?
I'm open with it irl, because people around me are normies who I end up peaking just by stating some facts about trans people. Online I have to pretend to not be a terf though or they'd never talk to me again

No. 2205362

I've told a couple of people and they either agree with me but are less harsh on trans stuff (peaked but not fully), or they disagree but care enough about our friendship to not cut me off (rare). Everyone else would ostracize me if they knew my views so usually I don't bother telling them since I see them sucking up to trans people all the time. Irl it's mostly older women that agree with me since they aren't around social media and the internet as a whole as much.

No. 2205371

I don't want to come across as a bitch but you don't need to put your whole life and opinions out there for others to judge. Stay quiet about peaking, don't push troon crap onto others, be the voice of reason when you can, keep yourself safe. Trannies goon at the idea of destroying a woman's life, so yeah, it's totally likely that if one of them catches wind of you thinking girlcock isn't a lesbian's wet dream, they'll dox you on 4chan for brownie points.
The most uwu accepting cities still have terfs. It's widely accepted that interacting with trannies, especially TIMs, is the best way to peak. There's a lot of lip service, but not a lot of actual diehard pro-troon delusion.

No. 2205382

Separating paragraphs to make something easier to read is not “Reddit spacing.”

No. 2205384

I agree, I think it's best to keep it to myself. I swear 50% of the people in my suburb are troons, which wasn't the case when I moved here years ago. "PUNCH A TERF/SWERF" stickers appearing at all my local bars. It was actually being practically the only """cis""" person in a friendship group that got me peaking. Surprisingly some people have opened up to about about some slightly gender critical ideas to me since I became really outspoken about other topics like prostitution and porn… that's about as far as protecting women is acceptable to the rest because if you dare to say TIM's shouldn't be in a women's bathroom you're the town megabitch and you've got 0 friends and a call out post I've seen it happen more than a few times in my area

No. 2205387

I hit premature menopause when I was 22 years old. My doctors are already weaning me off of HRT, I'm 23. Cool, give it to troons instead I guess.

No. 2205394

I'm crypto in the sense that I don't advertise my stance but I also don't ever pretend to believe in transgenderism. When I'm forced to be around TRAs I just pretend to be clueless about everything until they get frustrated with me and give up. I usually get away with it because I give off palpable dumb autist energy and either the handmaidens themselves feel bad for me or they realise that bullying the wide-eyed weird girl is a bad look. Fortunately I have never had to consistently interact with a TRA over a longer period of time. I don't know what I'd do if I had to work with one, for example.

With normies I'm more openly gender critical but without ever mentioning transgenderism explicitly. The vast majority of people will agree with me when I say that lesbians shouldn't be pressured into dating males or that kids shouldn't be limited in what toys they like based on their sex, and they never even realise they're committing thought crimes because they're not aware of current trans ideology dogma. As long as I don't use the T word I'm good. And if a stealth TRA tries to argue against me like "um actually lesbians SHOULD be pressured into sucking dick if it's girldick" they end up looking like a giant jackass. I just hope I'm planting some seeds to help people peak when they eventually encounter their first hulking AGP or nonbinary-who's-not-a-woman-because-she's-a-person.

No. 2205395

>I end up peaking just by stating some facts about trans people
what do you say?
except she wasn't separating paragraphs she was separating every single sentence or two aka reddit spacing. notice how other nonas itt don't get told to stop when they type with actual paragraphs.

No. 2205475

How is that even legal? Like as doctors don't they know what once you're on you're supposed to stay on? Hope you stay strong and advocate for your health

No. 2205491

I wish there was a guide to be being crypto and subtly shutting down troons / whiny gendies in fandom. One good way is to not use their euphemisms. It makes TIFs super uncomfortable to call a ""top surgery"" a double mastectomy
I've had TIFs show off gross mastectomy scars for no reason in front of me before, why are they all like this? I know one in college who would randomly talk about shooting up Testosterone too. It's best to look disgusted but not give them any sort of positive or negative attention and move on.

No. 2205513

Here's something positive for this thread, I went to my nieces school event and the kids were supposed to be in character as their hero. well there were several girls who chose to be JK rowling, and one of them specifically mentioned how she is a hero because she stands up to bullies. I was surprised to see that but it made me happy.

No. 2205521

tbh it hasn't come up that much in my real life conversations. I think at this point I am not volunteering my opinions, but would be honest if someone asked me. I have one friend who is super TRA and when she kept making comments about it I didn't engage or agree and just stayed silent. I got into one conversation with some relatives and they essentially asked my view so I told them even though I was afraid they'd villify me, but they agreed with me

No. 2205660

I hope that some day soon gender identity will be as passé as emoji spells, a relic of social media trends.

No. 2205702

that's so sweet. jkr is such a good role model for girls so i'm glad to see not all have been poisoned against her

No. 2205737

So many videos of people criticising the fat acceptance community have popped up in my social media feeds these past few months, and all of them are filled to the brim with people talking about their experience with it and how they woke up to the fact they were in a fat cult and how they got out of it. Dare we hope for something like this in the future for gender politics?

No. 2205907

an old hometown acquaintance just messaged me today proudly announcing that they have had to organize 'a second anti-terf pride' in order to combat the local drag show, which has allowed evil Republicans to show up and socialize freely.

I don't even care about the political shit, republicans have the right to exist and also be gay, but I'm both kind of pleased to hear yet another instance of transactivists being so insanely petty/aggrandizing injury to the point that they willingly ostracize themselves from their own communities, and I'm also rolling my eyes at the concept of 'anti-terf pride'. something about having to identify yourself by your critics really says a lot about the type of person you're likely to find in this social circle. oh well lel. i'm sure the drag shows will be much improved by their absence.

No. 2205976

anyone else looking forward to all the gender ideology cult documentaries that are gonna come out once public opinion changes?

No. 2205983

No. I feel like we are going to revert back to a more conservative, misogynistic and homophobic world after it.

No. 2206029

Unlike other anon I'm hoping that gender ideology will open the doors to the general internet population, which will trickle out to normies, for actual gender critical views. I think that the reason troondom is so trendy is because we are already living in that extremely sexist phase in history right now. Like how insane the early 2000's were. I genuinely do think after like a decade or so there will be a lot of "JKR was right" posts that circulate and I think people will have this newfound understand of "gender". I think the anti-gender ideology crowd is but the next step of gender ideology, and I think it is a more objective and understanding form of gender ideology. I feel like culturally we are at a stand-still with psychology and etc., though. Things get held back by the fact that people make good money off of trannies. They're pretty integral to capitalism in a way, currently. It's a strange and perverse empire with a lot of stakes in a lot of markets so it won't be coming down crashing all together, but slowly.
Sorry for schizorambling. But yes I am very excited to see the gender ideology cult videos to come out. This shit is basically a religion. I wonder if California will be the tranny state like Utah is the Mormon state in the future.

No. 2206036

Absolutely! I'm Swedish so my country has been making GC documentaries for years already, warning about puberty blockers (which they then made illegal) and highlighted different detrans people and their struggles. None of it has been conservative, misogynistic or homophobic at all so at least for my own country I have a lot of hope.
There are still a lot of woke ameriboo people within media specifically who advocate for "trans rights", which is a shame but I really think the more people learn the worse it gets for trans ideology here. Even the men at my normie job have started talking shit about trans ideology on their own which is impressive to me, usually men are the last to give a shit.

No. 2206037

I feel like gender surgeries are going to be lobotomy of the 21st century

No. 2206049

Not only the documentaries, but the ways in which fictional media will use trans as a boogeyman in the future is going to be so much fun. They're going to be the evil pedophile villains doing inhumane experiments on innocent children and mentally ill people. A thriller movie about an abusive husband skinwalking his wife as he tries to replace her and people around her is enabling him and calling her a bigot much to the frustration of the audience watching, until he finally tries to kill her to wear her skin. There will be amazing horror movies written about cults where they cut up children's bodies, or stunt their puberty to keep them childlike forever to "save" them. Even when they they don't explicitly say "the villain is trans" everyone is going to instantly know what it's based on, just like how we all know when the villain is based on nazis. The second the "can't be touched" status goes away from trans, media will thrive on this horror show.

No. 2206071

GCs are all delusionally desperate about there being some reckoning or change in public opinion. gender identity and transition mostly affects vulnerable people like gays and autists, most normies don't know or give a shit about their issue (not a harsh indictment here but reality). there may be some gradual shift, but the worst behaviors will be memoryholed and the worst perpetrators like the plastic surgeons will get away with it.

No. 2206142

I think it'll end up a lot like the Satanic Panic. Known and studied by a few, but normies quickly forgot it and the repressed memory pseudoscience keeps popping up again under different names in new agey circles.

No. 2206159

I think that once the economy becomes a bit more stable, and we can afford to live normal lives again, trooning will fall drastically in popularity. At its core it's escapism. When you can afford to buy a property, or escape to exotic locations without borrowing money, there's less reason to spend so much time online obsessing over gender. I think you're spot on about a lot of stakes being tied to troons, especially in the medical industry, they won't want their cash cows to leave. I don't think we'll have a tranny state or tranny country but the troons who still try to pass will be seen as weird schizos.
In terms of factual media I think a lot of it will focus on the causes of trooning, trying to find answers to why so many girls who suffered SA decided to become boys and why so many men who suffered from AGP boners decided to become anime avatars. I think they'll become less sympathetic to troons as time goes on, to the point where they sound like the stuff you wrote and everyone gets correctly gendered because it's not illegal to call a man a he any more.
I kek'd at your post, I could totally see all of these happening. We're going to enter a new era of body horror movies, I can feel it.

No. 2206219

Absolutely. What goes up must always come down. I don't know if you're an American, but it was very trendy during 2020 for white people to publicly prostrate their white guilt by reading books and attending lectures about white privilege by authors like Robin DiAngelo and Ibraham X Kendi, and now people in woke circles are allowed to criticize them as overly-educated grifters who maybe hurt the cause of antiracism more than helping it. It will gradually become more acceptable to be openly critical of trans propaganda in liberal circles, especially as the number of detransitioners grows.

20 years ago, hardly anybody knew a trans person (in part because doctors didn't just hand out HRT and surgeries like Halloween candy), but now if you hang out at anime conventions, electronic music concerts, or art school chances are you know at least 10 trannies. And we all know that the best way to peak someone is to let trannies speak. Eventually it will reach a point where everyone who has a bunch of troon friends knows 1 or 2 who detransitioned, especially since it's impossible to ignore the harm that hormones and puberty blockers do to bodies.

I love documentaries about cults (fundamentalist Mormonism, Scientology, etc.) and I am extremely looking forward to this.

No. 2206247

do you run a radfem account on instagram by chance? kek.

No. 2206269

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Congrats on peaking however see picrel.
I agree with >>2205371 anon, especially as I come from a VERY liberal city myself. It can often feel pretty isolating when your views aren't shared with your peers, but it's best to just leave things be for the most part.
The way I kinda deal with it is:
If I'm talking to handmaidens, and they bring up trans issues, I'll mostly just nod along and wave it away, or change the subject. Though, I've had some very nice discussions with friends willing to listen about the reality of gender ideology. I'll often find they didn't realise they'd agree with me to some extent, and they've either harboured these feelings themselves or they realise (speaking to me) that they're in a bit of denial. The key when I speak to people about this stuff is that I'm patient, compassionate, and understanding of any feelings that come up for them. I think with things so deeply ingrained in our culture, the best way to challenge viewpoints is giving others the space to deconstruct them in front of you. When I chat to gendies about this stuff (though this is rare) I will simply ask questions, and I mean a lot of questions. I'll act as if it's out of curiosity, when really I'm just deconstructing their viewpoints. I don't intend to completely change someone's mind after a single conversation, rather I think having these conversations implants seeds in a person's mind that might grow into something else.
All that being said, having the sorts of conversations I mentioned above takes considerable care, time and energy, and if you're not willing to put that in it's just best to keep your mouth shut because it's just not worth it. You could lose friends, peers, and as you know, it's social suicide. Best to cope by posting on here, or I dabble in radblr every so often for a bit of catharsis.

No. 2206548

>We're going to enter a new era of body horror movies, I can feel it.
It's of course not an exact comparison, but people these days are open with how stupid, mean, and ugly foot binding in China was. It used to be standard practice and now people are horrified over it. The same thing will happen to trans surgeries.

No. 2206558

>the best way to challenge viewpoints is giving others the space to deconstruct them in front of you.
Yes, give them clues and let them explore the thoughts! Instead of saying "it's retarded that you think a boy playing with dolls means he's actually a girl" you can instead ask "I really disliked dolls but liked trucks as a girl, and that doesn't mean I'm trans since I'm happily cis now right? But then why do people say if their little boy plays with doll he must simply be a girl? Isn't that a bit stereotypical to say all girls like dolls…? What do you think?"
>When I chat to gendies about this stuff (though this is rare) I will simply ask questions, and I mean a lot of questions. I'll act as if it's out of curiosity, when really I'm just deconstructing their viewpoints.
Stacy move. If you don't live in a super woke area, peak all the normies who don't know about troons yet. They're the absolute easiest to peak, and it's better to arm them with facts and science before the troons show up so they'll be able to spot their lies. Tell women about AGP. Tell men about dick inversion surgery and that they could lose their job for saying no to fucking another man just because he calls himself "she".

No. 2206649

I just don't get it, just how can't they hear how insane they sound?? A creep is a creep no matter what pronouns they use this week, but according to some people transwomen can't do no wrong. I want to point out that behavior is honestly very objectifying, to see how they would react but I'm not well-spoken enough and the risk that I would get frustrated with their responses and almost go all mask off is too big. I just get so pissed

No. 2206650

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No. 2206715

The fact that anyone could give legitimately the most bad faith masturbatory excuse for wanting to be the opposite sex and they have to be taken at their word or else you're satan has always awed me about TRAs
>man spends his whole life jacking off to porn and/or hentai and an obsession with looking or being like a japanese girl, wants to become a woman
>clearly has some very off ideas about what women are
>woman borrows her entire perception of gay men from fanfiction and wants to look like an anime character or a kpop boy, wants to become a man
>clearly has some very off ideas about what men are
>man or woman clearly just wants to be a bit special by identifying as nonbinary
>slightly disagree
>"why aren't you giving them the benefit of the doubt? why do you hate trans people?"
These aren't the only examples, obviously. But I think you get my point. It's become socially acceptable to mock a gendie if they're deemed a "gooner". so maybe there's hope?

No. 2206770

I'm prepared for that, I can imagine all the videos they will pull from tiktok or from pride parades but I'm afraid I'll see an endless wave of suicides and people flocking to therapists to the point it will be needed to add a separate category of therapists. This isn't something like being emo where you stop and make fun when you're older, this isn't being like an anachan where you can recover with little to no permanent side effect, this is actively castrating, altering your appearance forever, giving yourself health problems, blood clots etc for nothing and the laws are deleting women's spaces. It will be a giant, enormous shitshow and while I wish for everyone to peak, the stress that will come after that for everyone will be immense. Fuck moids as if I don't care about their rot pockets but if I can imagine a woman being in her 40s/50s, detransing and getting ready in the morning and looking at her mutilation scars/plucking her beard while crying, it's still too much. She cannot go to the beach because people will know what she did, kids will ask "Auntie what are those??" at parties, she will have to fake their voice higher sounding like a faggot…I weep for them in advance

No. 2206788

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most of the comments are based and calling him a pervert kek

No. 2206983

late response but
Not religious but I attended a Catholic school for the majority of my upbringing. I'm often reminded of a quote by bishop Fulton Sheen,
>If you do not worship God, you worship something, and nine times out of ten it will be yourself. You have a duty to worship God, not because He will be imperfect and unhappy if you do not, but because you will be imperfect and unhappy.
In the west our society is becoming progressively more and more irreligious, but the desires and emotions that lead many to religion in the first place remain. Pursuing things like consoomerism and gendershit at the scale they currently are I believe is just the natural fallout for many who decenter religion from their lives. They still desire some higher purpose, community, and sense of self but seek it out in these movements instead. Not everyone needs these guideposts, but for those who do it's easy to end up in the gendercult and have it be just as damaging if not more so than what they run from.

No. 2207011

Selfish people were still selfish back when they were religious, they just pretended their selfish acts were really for god, just like social justice zealots today think their selfish acts help the oppressed. At least back then society allowed you to tell religious people no. That’s not the case with this new social justice religious, there’s no secular plurality. The problem is the government sanctioning this new religion and condemning those that don’t follow it. What most people worship in some shape or form is money, even when they pretend otherwise.

No. 2207045

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I think it's because the company is based in Japan, is small and nobody tried to bring it under the boot yet.

No. 2207050

it’s the phrasing. were he called a transwoman the reception would be different

No. 2207091

Kek, I hope you're right. I think there could be a great zombie movie about AGPs. It could take place at a big tech company, where a sissy hypno porn virus has been spread by a turbo autist troon programmer, causing all the male employees to become mindless shambling troons who want to kill the female employees and wear their flesh, Buffalo Bill style. A group of female employees have to fight their way across the campus and stop the virus from being broadcast into the rest of the world. I'd start writing the script myself if I had the time.

No. 2207120

I mean, ultra-woke Netflix just made the movie adaptation of Uglies really transphobic by accident - the book is about a dystopian society where teenagers are forced to get plastic surgery to become “pretty” when they turn 16. By casting Laverne Cox as the character in charge of forcing kids to get surgery, the movie serves as a great metaphor for the current horrors of transgenderism. I’m not sure if there’s a secret TERF at Netflix who made that casting decision, or if Netflix producers are so deep in the koolaid that they just genuinely didn’t consider the broader optics of casting Cox in that role. You can try as hard as you like to pretend that he’s “an actress like any other woman” but at the end of the day it’s impossible not to notice that Netflix cast a surgically modified man to play a villain in a story where the key takeaway is “love your body as it is naturally without surgery.” I predict that in another 5-10 years it’ll be socially acceptable in academia to write papers about trangenderism in film portrayals with the perspective that transgenderism is bad and harmful to people’s mental and physical health, rather than the current notion that queering everything is good and liberatory. Maybe it’ll happen more as the current generation of girls who transitioned as teenagers detransition in their 20s, and they pursue higher education in the humanities and social sciences and they want to incorporate their own experiences into their thesis papers.

No. 2207128

I'm sure the 41% statistic is gonna skyrocket at some point in the future as the troon wave rides out its popularity and people realise what they've done to their bodies. The thought doesn't make me happy because I don't think the average TIF deserves to die, but I can't see a bright future for such a mentally unstable group whose entire identity hinges on fleeting social approval.

No. 2207131

KEK. That's hilarious of them, surely Laverne himself realised the discrepancy even if it didn't bother him enough to refuse the paycheck.

No. 2207147

The 41% was never true though, it's very easy to debunk because if it was true then transgenderism would be the biggest cause of all suicides everywhere on the world and an even larger percentage of all teen suicides. Someone on Kiwifarms did the math. They have a larger suicide rate than the average population but not as high as they claim and I think, when considering all the mental issues they have, it was only higher after SRS (not surprising in the slightest). The only reason the 41% isn't debated usually is because they are a tiny percentage of the populations so people don't question this absurd number.

No. 2207154

>Only after SRS
That truly isn't surprising at all. Accepting your existence as an effeminate, crossdressing gay guy (or even just a degenerate with a fetish) sounds WAY less depressing than spending thousands to mutilate yourself chasing an impossible idealised self.

No. 2207160

The 41% statistic came from a study that just asked if the person has ever thought of killing themselves. Not whether they go through with it or not. All it indicates is that this population is mentally ill at a higher rate than average.

One great point I have seen is that if access to trans healthcare and general acceptance correlated with a reduction of suicides, then that should be reflected in suicide statistics. The increase of people identifying as trans is because they feel safe to do so now, right? So there should be a comparable decrease in suicide rates to reflect that now, except there isn’t. Almost like these people won’t kill themselves and are just hopping on the newest trend.

No. 2207181

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I just saw The Substance by Coralie Fargeat which is an awesome horror piece about female sexualization and fear of aging. Many of my tranny friends (tims and tifs) have been giving it horrible reviews talking about how it is “male gazy” or stupid or meaningless. I fear that the way this movie portrays female body dysmorphia and anger towards sexualization and the constant reinvention of things to make us look younger and prettier activates their cognitive dissonance because it shits on their stupid tumblr and reddit fantasies of dysphoria and sex and body horror. (see picrel) this one is going to be a TERF classic and should be a lolcow movie night screening fs.

No. 2207188

No the 41% was the number of respondents who reported attempted suicide. Which is obviously bullshit and shows how much you can't trust troons in self reports, because we know how much attempted suicides lead to death (on average) for both sexes.

No. 2207201

I just don't understand how the people that base their entire being on gender aren't the 'gender essentialists'

No. 2207215

troonism wont die until non-conservative women are open about being against it. Being crypto has literally never worked, most women are still handmaidens because they feel bad. You have to get people on your side. Until majority of women are against troonism it's not going to go away. Yes, troons love ruining women's lives but that doesn't change anything I said. The reason troons keep getting all of these legal protections is because they push and push and there's nobody stopping them other than alt-right schizos who look worse than them. We have to get normies on our side or absolutely nothing will happen, this is just how it is. This is coming from a radical feminist who lives in a super liberal city too. They're gonna keep pushing until normal people decide to push back

No. 2207235

I've been thinking about this a lot, while I agree with >>2207011 I also think the loss of purpose that came with the isolation of not only covid but internet in general. We are more distant and disconnected from each other than ever, and this inability to connect with others or organically creating a community has caused people to desperately search for a purpose. Everyone wants to be "good", but only being a regular "good" person doesn't really bring you much, but forcing your "goodness" on others will give you the immediate feedback these empty husks of people crave. Trooning out is just the next step of craving that sort of validation, but instead of martyring themselves through whipping they cut off their breasts and pop hormone pills.

No. 2207270

What do you recommend? My friends and family know I think troonery is stupid but I don't feel like I have the ability to change anything.

No. 2207333

>The 41% statistic came from a study that just asked if the person has ever thought of killing themselves.
Also worth noting that troons actively groom kids to lie to therapists to say they are suicidal so they'll get their hrt and surgery faster. Then after the kids detrans the troons go "well duh you were never trutrans, you LIED to the therapist so this is all your own fault!"

No. 2207358

Again. The 41% was about reported suicide attempts (https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Trans-GNC-Suicide-Attempts-Jan-2014.pdf) there was also a survey that asked "trans youth" if they "seriously considered suicide in the last 12 months" which is more recent and also had a reported 41% (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/41-of-surveyed-lgbtq-youth-considered-suicide-in-the-past-year), but the initial 41% number was about suicide attempts and can safely be considered bullshit.

No. 2207361

I don’t find that it’s a religious thing, but that could be culturally relative too, as I’m from a rather secular country. I think people just aren’t happy with who they are, or cannot accept what they are, so they take the easy way out and try to become someone else by popping a pill and having someone else cut you up and forcing others to accomodate and validate your insecurities. Being trans is the perfect way to do that today, because TRA have taken the pride movement from gays and have managed to make it socially detrimental to not cater to them. They don’t want to make any mental or physical effort into improving themselves, treating the root cause, so instead they outsource themselves like this.

No. 2207362

nta you cannot save people from the trans cult, they can only leave if they choose to question it themselves. You can try to plant a seed and wait but that's it.

Step 1 is to peak people who don't "need" to be peaked, like normies, elderly family members or people who aren't terminally online. You need to protect them before the cult gets to them, or one day out of the blue they'll come home talking about how their friends son is now a beautiful daughter named Luna and they just learned how oppressed trans people are. Don't just tell them you think trans people suck, tell them about their actual cult tactics and how they'll lie to make people believe in them. They need to be able to spot it when they see it for real.

Step 2 is to support people who CAN make a change. Following individuals is fine, but if you wanna put in money do it in an organization like genspect, or LGB alliance. They actively WORK on changing things and don't just screech online. Maybe you as an individual can't change much, they they can - and you can support them.

Step 3 support detrans people. They were in the cult and got out, often permanently damaged mentally and physically. You need to have actual compassion for them and understand they were conned and abused by trans ideologists. By showing them support people who are still in the cult will be able to see there is a better alternative to the trans cult, and that people will accept them leaving it and there is real help to be had.

No. 2207365

chill, I was adding to the comment not questioning it

No. 2207382

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no. (On a more serious note: I think we should talk more about how nonsensical this is. Everyone memes about the 41% but it's rarely ever mentioned that this claim can be debunked by just looking up how many suicides there are and how many suicide attempts are successful. It shows how dishonest the trans community as a whole is and that studies around trans people can't be trusted without even getting in to gender politics.)

No. 2207435

Thanks for the correction. I remember it being bullshit but obviously misremembered exactly how.

No. 2207439

Don't put trannies in anything you create, whether it's art or shitposts. Offer solutions to struggling women and girls that are actually helpful instead of telling them to get a double mastectomy to solve all of their woes. Sign petitions against gendie laws. Peak normies by reacting normally to news stories of crossdressing men murdering and raping women and getting put in women's prisons. Point out how sexist and racist the most common tranny talking points are. Call and email your local representative to let them know your views on gender bullshit, it really helps to explain why it would financially benefit your area if everyone went back to being sane. It might damage the reputation of the city/town/whatever if the governor was known to support putting men in women's prisons, because it sent the message that the area was unsafe to visit and the police were incompetent or powerless. It sounds trite but they will listen. They're also much more likely to listen if you explain that you feel forced to vote for another candidate if the current one remains blind to the needs of the city/town/state. Be straightforward and very calm, that always scares them. Join your local groups, whether it's a PTA if you have kids or a local community watch, and promote literally fucking anything that has nothing to do with gender. Push for funding for things like fixing potholes, which everyone will agree is as much of a pressing issue as sterilizing children. If most of the group members are gendered retards themselves, point out that the newly mangled will have gender-affirming complications if they bounce their way home over swiss cheese roads, so fixing potholes is beneficial to the brave and stunnings.
Speaking from personal experience troons tend to shut up when they're in a position where they have to speak to anyone with a real job and who seems vaguely competent. If you can use your functioning brain for the good of the group, you can shut out the troon nonsense and draw attention to issues that actually matter. Don't just focus on women's safety, as depressing as that sounds. Cleaning up litter from local parks. Finding free local places for kids to visit on day trips. Putting together a list of allergy friendly restaurants in the area. Suggesting fundraising events for a local animal shelter or hospice. All of that helps your local area as well as doing a whole fucking lot to peak everyone who isn't neck deep in the cult. It's amazing how quickly a TRA can peak from listening to a tranny whinge about collecting money for a charity that doesn't personally benefit them, speaking from experience. I literally saw a diehard TRA peak during a TIF's rant about raising money for a local hospice where the TRA's elderly relative had been cared for during their final years, because trans people were being genocided. Remember, these are the people who constantly post tranny propaganda all over the internet, who sign every troon petition they find, who mindlessly donate their entire life savings to a man who really needs to go on a Carribean cruise for his gender dysphoria. If they peak, they stop doing all that. There are less voices screeching into the echo chamber, less signatures on the 'legalize pedophilia' petitions. All of that matters.

No. 2207486

ayrt and I totally agree.
Peaking normies on how troons really are is easy enough, but it's harder to come at it from a radfem perspective. I mostly talk to/hang out with women, so this usually just means talking to them about womanhood and how varied it is, and that gender ideology ultimately harms gender non-conformity and expression. Coming at it from a progressive angle it's more likely that women will listen to you, and I've found individualising it also helps (even though that pisses me off, given it's a collective issue.)

The one thing I'll add as well, is that the tactics I mentioned above are pretty much what I learnt from watching videos and reading account of people who deconstruct their faith and leave the church. The common thread I hear is that the more they actually looked into what they believed, the more questions they had, and the more holes it poked in them. I've peaked many people this way, which also gives me a bit of satisfaction to know I'm on the "right side" here. People often say that those who end up leaving the church are the ones who've read the bible the most.

No. 2207492

>At least back then society allowed you to tell religious people no.
Ehhh no that's more modern. You would absolutely be ostracized or even punished for openly being an atheist back in the day. There are some places in the world today where atheists are still beaten and killed.

No. 2207497

It breaks my heart that TIFs who want to detrans will suffer the most while they deserve it the least but the AGPs will get away scot free with little health problems and complications.

No. 2207499

Just learned that a woman whose work ive followed online and enjoyed paid to have her daughters healthy breasts cut off. At age 16. The girl is likely autistic. I feel sick, she should have known better.

No. 2207512

a reoccurring fight i’d have with my ex, which wasn’t what let to our breakup but was definitely a huge disagreement she couldn’t get over, was me using this website and being “transphobic”. there’s so much i could say about that relationship the cheating the lies manipulation but the thing that’s pissing me off the most rn is thinking about her getting emotional about defending troons from evil terfs like me and then literally being devoid of emotions or empathy about actually issues that effected me and her and our day to day. when we started dating i hadn’t peaked and was super like “leftist” (how leftist can a 17 year old be?) but once i started using lolcow and like realizing the “progressive feminist movement” i was engaging in was just another form of patriarchy uplifting and protecting men now under the guise of them being “trans women”. from time to time i’d read things and tell her about it later and she’d agree with me but then use it against me later to paint me out to be some horrible bigot when behind the scenes she was the one actually engaging in abusive and harmful behaviors. i didn’t know what thread to put this in but i feel like this one makes the most sense. when i think about the entire situation this was the least important problem in our relationship and yet it’s the one i think is the most fucking retarded

No. 2207681

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>I learned what it was like to live under a gov. that wants me dead

I have never heard any TRAs being killed there and there in Florida, but I hope she's not meaning the shootings of Pulse and Colorado Springs nightclubs, where people were killed for being gay.

No. 2207744

>People often say that those who end up leaving the church are the ones who've read the bible the most.
Absolutely, just listening to troons is the best way to peak people

No. 2207770

They’re not taking about actual murders. The logic goes
>if I don’t get what I want (free hormones, surgery, validation) I’ll kill myself
>so if the government isn’t giving me what I want, it wants me to kill myself
They may claim that “increased transphobia” leads to innocent trans people being murdered on the street and some of the exceptionally gullible ones might even believe this, but 1) that isn’t happening and 2) transgenderism is more accepted now than ever before in history, so if trans people ever did get randomly lynched by transphobic mobs it would have been worse before, not at an “all time high” now. You can tell they’re absolutely desperate for real deaths because they’ll claim deaths of trans-identified people that had nothing to with genderism. A while ago a TIM murdered his TIF girlfriend and then killed himself and both of those deaths are being counted as victims of the trans genocide. If an unhinged drug addicted TIM threatens to kill people and waves a weapon around until he gets taken out by police, they’ll count this as trans genocide. That’s how desperate they are for actual deaths.
They were absolutely ecstatic about that TIF who got into a fight in a bathroom and died afterwards because it fit the “trans people being murdered in bathrooms” narrative, but when the facts came out about her being a CSA victim of her pedo father who’d just gotten out of jail they suddenly went very quiet. If they a really cared about girls like her they’d be raising awareness about the high rates of CSA suffered by girls who grow up to identify as trans, but they don’t. They want deaths that suit their narrative and allow them to manipulate people, not deaths that raise uncomfortable questions.

No. 2207771

It pisses me off how these histrionic bastards keep throwing themselves into groups that actually face hardships and then go "OMG SEE LIFE AS A TRANNY IS SO HARD"

No. 2207785

Plus the men in these groups can often elevate their status and improve their living conditions by identifying as trans. Homeless men can identify into women’s shelters and incarcerated men can identify into women’s prisons. Male asylum seekers can claim trans identity and get priority. If transwomen are the most oppressed group ever, why does identifying as such improve a man’s quality of life?

No. 2207883

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What troons and TRAs don’t understand.

No. 2207892

Trans people kill others , including trans people, more than they get killed kek.
The ones who are getting killed are the black prostitutes, but they never give any word to them despite that. White TIMs live life on easy mode.
An incel scrote can troon out and he’ll improve his life because he’ll become the token victim and he’ll access women spaces too, he’ll ebeg and get tons of money, he can write porn and rape kinks on social media without anyone batting an eye.

No. 2207901

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Why do they still keep pretending this isn't happening. This tweet has 89k likes btw.

No. 2207912

i hate when people bring up how "but the poor trannies are being prosecuted by hamas!!" as a gotcha toward people defending palestine. fucking ridiculous, trannies are such a western, rich people phenomenon that people who bring them up in any other context sound absolutely silly. i just can't stand how trannies always are people's first priority (in some spaces) when any conflict or anything occurs anywhere. and i hate how LGBT has become synonymous with trannies only. i really wish troons would be excluded from gay/lesbian/bisexual rights. it doesn't make any sense at all to bunch them all in together.

No. 2207937

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My own cousin has fallen to gender ideology and I feel honestly pretty shitty about it. She identifies as "nonbinary" and is trying to get on testosterone.
She clearly has autism and was bullied in school for it, so that probably pushed her into trying to identify out of femaleness. (as well as some internal misogyny) She still dresses very feminine. Dresses, makeup, corsets, etc. I guess its cooler to look female but call yourself a boy?
She also dates the ugliest moid I have ever seen and they of course call their relationship "queer", even though they are a regular straight couple. She even managed to get on the local newspaper a few times talking about how hard it is for her and her "queer" relationship to exist in this society.
I really hope she can overcome her trauma and come to embrace her femaleness and grow out of the gender cult, especially before she ruins her body with hormones.
I don't think there's much I can do unless I want to out myself as an EVIL TERF.

No. 2207941

>Black people being concerned about the ongoing slave trade in the middle east: omg not everything is about you stop crying racism
>Gay people being concerned about the rampant violent homophobia in these countries: ugh privileged gays speaking for the rest of us again stop assuming the worst
>Women being concerned about the cultures of extreme misogyny: it's just their culture and way of life stop playing the victim
>Trannies being worried about being called the wrong pronouns: OMG EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING WE NEED TO FIND WAYS TO FIX THIS PROBLEM NOW!!!!
I have no stakes in Israel/Palestine discussions (especially since there's so much /pol/fag behaviour on both sides) but I've seen this shit too and it's so fucking transparent.

No. 2208062

TIMs will always be worse than TIFs, but I hate being in a fandom flooded with TIFs. Why do I have to pretend that 19 year old he/they Aiden is a true and honest gay man while we write fanfiction and play with Monster High dolls?

No. 2208182

>Trans people kill others , including trans people, more than they get killed kek.
Would love it if some clever nona would put together some stats on this, or a paper or whatever so I can throw it in the face of people crying trans genocide at every turn

No. 2208213

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this is an old article (2022) and specific to UK statistics but gives an idea. the data they looked at showed:
>9 TIMs murdered, half involving prostitution
>12 TIMs convicted for murder
>1800 women killed by men, during the same time period

No. 2208246

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And then you have an only-woman shelter saying only women are allowed because most of them are scared/traumatized by moids. A "sane" tim would say "ok, better seek for help in a LGBTQRASDF+ shelter". But no, they whine and claim that only-woman shelter is a hidden shelter for terfs, so they destroy it.

They know they have privilege even if they dress as women. I know TRAs will claim "he/she/they don't belong in our collective", but no one do nothing to stop/ostracism that asshole.

No. 2208295

Have any troons gotten mad at the OP for being too slow to switch from "This isn't happening" to "It's good that this is happening"?

No. 2208423

Honestly I’ve only really seen very naive handmaidens play the No True Transwoman game. Male TRAs and more hardcore handmaidens will happily rally behind the most heinous men and feel fully justified doing so, right up to the moment it gets the trans community as a whole too much bad publicity and they just sort of fade out quietly. TIMs like Morgane Oger initially supported Jonathan Yaniv until he became too notorious. Same for the Wi Spa flasher. Laverne Cox saw no issue with campaigning on behalf of Synthia China Blast who brutally raped and murdered a little girl. When the Chris Chan story broke, social media was full of TRAs who were more angry about people misgendering Chris than Chris’ crime. They tried to destroy Vancouver Rape Relief not because the centre refused a TIM seeking refuge, but because they declined to let a TIM volunteer work one-on-one with clients. This man proceeded to go on a rampage spanning many years and instead of thinking “well gosh maybe they were right not to let a male who responds this aggressively to the word ‘no’ work at a rape crisis centre”, TRAs (including Oger again) decided that VRR needed to be destroyed. None of these people are under the illusion that TIMs are harmless. They just don’t see anything wrong with it.

No. 2208814

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>Call and email your local representative to let them know your views on gender bullshit
Nonas please email (email leaves readable proof, so I prefer it to calling) any and all facilities in your town that has single sex changing rooms! I emailed the local pool asking if troons were allowed in the female changing rooms. I explained that it was super important to know if male bodies could be in there because we would potentially be bringing kids who were victims of SA and seeing a naked male might trigger them to have panic attacks (which was true). I was as polite, neutral and normie sounding as possible in my email.

I was pleasantly surprised to quickly get an email back from staff saying they don't allow any males in the female changing rooms, and they even specified even if they male had surgery he wouldn't be allowed in there. I hadn't even asked about surgery so I was thrilled to hear them add that by themselves!

If the pool/facility is run by normies this forces them to realize males trying to go into their female changing rooms is a possibility they should be cautious about. If it's a troon-friendly place you know for sure that there are currently active troons going there (as otherwise they'd still be normies), so you'll know to avoid it. And you get to politely inform them that it means you can't go to their facility directly because of this reason, so they lose out on paying visitors. In my case it would leave readable proof that they choose to cater to males over female child victims.

No. 2208816

and no single killing done by a terf

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