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No. 2252408

This thread is to discuss your grievances with gender ideology.

>What is gender ideology?

Foundational to transgenderism, gender ideology is the belief that one’s “internal gender” can contradict one’s biological sex.

Gender ideology operates much like a religious cult. There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that we have an “internal gender,” and yet doctors now medicalize and sterilize children with “transgender identities” who have been groomed by the cult. Anyone who does not reaffirm these delusions is labelled as a “transphobe” in order to discredit any dissenting voices of the cult.

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No. 2252417

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i'm playing agatha knife and it fills my terfy heart with joy

No. 2252458

I have to briefly rant.

I helped started a local mental health support group a few years ago and have been a prominent member ever since. I have done a lot for this group and its become really large and a great resource for the area. I'm now going to have to stop going because ONE tim has started coming and now it's ALL about trans issues. we had our first meeting after the election and allllll we talked about was how hard it was going to be on trans people. like stfu. the tim even talked about how her sister didn't talk to her anymore because of 'the bathroom issue' and everyone else was so shocked and dismayed that anyone could be upset by that.

so i guess i'm just losing that resource for myself now. tims ruin fucking everything.

No. 2252476

It is fantastic how their mere presence can ruin everything. They suck the energy out of the room and divert all remaining attention towards the wrong causes. I wouldn't even min working with handmaidens/tims to achieve important things that I care about if they weren't so fucking destructive.

No. 2252509

There are probably people who feel the same way you do. If you have a good relationship with people charge, and they haven't drunk the koolaid, ask them to keep the trans talk in check, because all the troon talk crowds out talk about the people in Gaza or whatever other discussions would override their cater to troons reaction.
Or try to find the others who hate all the trans talk and try and take them with you to start your own group.

No. 2252548

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had the misfortune of stumbling across this ugly mug eugh

No. 2252567

Does he think it's marketable and kawaii when East Asians do something but it's evil and misandrist when western women do the same thing?

No. 2252573

NTA but it's because troons have been asking if they're allowed in the 4B movement and of course the answer is no, completely unaware of the fact that Asian women wouldn't tolerate their fetish bullshit either

No. 2252588

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why are these people so hellbent on ruining everything

No. 2252752

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I know this thread is going to be biased here but the tinfoil thread is the most unmedicated thing I've ever seen so I ask here: do we think this is actually the work of troons, or is this transparently a psyop? I just feel like troon sentiment is more likely to be "4B is an inclusive movement for ALL women!" and this is just attempting to poison the notion by tainting it with the terf label.

No. 2252759

Trannies be pissed. As if mentioning trannies in a women's celibacy movement constituted conveying essential information. It's a dogwhistle for trannies to attack yet another enemy.

No. 2252771

A tranny definetly wrote that. I've been seeing first hand the women interested in joining the 4B movement in the west but absolutely no talk of troons is there. Take notice of the fact that troons are immediately painted as the victim and are mentioned on the wiki page before there's any context of 4B's history or why it's a movement to begin with.

No. 2252786

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West 4B is a hate group for moids and tims, that's the difference.

No. 2252788

Happy vent; spent the afternoon talking to my almost-terf friend about troon issues and it was a nice bonding experience! She's peaked in most areas but still believe in trutrans, if the troon in question makes effort to actually pass and gets close enough she'll call them their preferred pronouns. I'm glad she's gotten this far, but is there a way to get someone to see how trutrans isn't right either?

No. 2252795

It’s not surprising but I am so sad to see the discussion of 4B move from the subject of women’s oppression to focusing on the exclusion of TiMs.
Not that long ago wasn’t there a story about a TiM Wikipedia editor editing articles to be trans inclusive at the detriment of the article itself?

No. 2252819

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>misandric website
Only slightly related, but a while ago me and a friend were looking at the GC feminism wiki page to see how biased it was, and we were surprised that 4B wasn't mentioned or linked in the South Korean section. Maybe because this this quote from picrel:
>"the radical stance of today's [young] feminists has a tendency to emphasize the identity of the 'female body' as based on the category of the 'biological woman,' taking an attitude of excluding 'biological' men refugees, and transgender people"
Is directly at odds with this part from the 4B wiki page:
>The 4B movement is meant to serve as a direct opposition to South Korea’s patriarchal state and combat its pro-natalist policies, which view women’s bodies and reproductive abilities as tools for the state’s future.

No. 2252823

It's always the nerdy and/or socially awkward male characters. I think it really says something that Tifs don't see non traditional males as men. That men are supposed to be very masculine or they won't count. Funny considering most Tifs try to look like flamboyant anime twinks.

No. 2252917

Believe me they put that shit on traditionally male characters too it's disgusting. (Example: I've seen lots of trans Wolverine and those guys from Call of duty and Hanzo from Overwatch) No one is safe from their degeneracy

No. 2253224

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No. 2253294

What a horrible understanding of Korean feminism.

No. 2253309

Of course it's a Tumblr tif saying this. No moid or troon would ever include us "cissie" women in their activism, I'm tired of seeing this. Anyway we are very beautiful and divine and feminine thanks to our womanhood.

No. 2253359

We need to make her right though. We need to actually start doing this.

No. 2253381

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trannies stay telling everyone that they are moids in disguise kek like way to make sure everybody knows that trans women aren't real women at all with the way they insert themselves into a conversation like this

No. 2253674

late but is this bait? no need to exaggerate things or make them up, that just gives fodder for trannies claiming everyone's out to get them and everything bad said about them is made up. op can just tell that a male being present made her uncomfortable and felt inapproppriate.
also wtf "he felt able to be silly with you", that's so unprofessional and inaproppriate in the situation.

No. 2253693

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What's the best site to peak people? For me it's https://transcrimeuk.com - just a single glance leaves the person unsettled. Then you can add that every single one of them has the legal right to be imprisoned in the facilities of their 'declared gender'.

Can't he be reined in by the wrangler-in-chief? There are narc people out there who just love making everything about themselves and turn groups into their personal circlejerks - the staff should know better.

Or just approach it from a professional standpoint - everybody should get equal time to talk about their problems without interruption and derailing.

No. 2253742

i remember a site called something like "this never happens" that was basically your uk site except worldwide. had no luck when i tried finding it a while back though

No. 2253744

>ciscentric, liberal, white feminism
I hate how trannies just expect women of color to fall in line for their cause.

No. 2253751

No. 2253761

>She's peaked in most areas but still believe in trutrans, if the troon in question makes effort to actually pass and gets close enough she'll call them their preferred pronouns.
Does she truly believe that they're female brained or is she just being nice? I hope the latter, because believing trannies based on how well they perform femininity (or masculinity) is misogynistic. Even if a troon genuinely passes (and they virtually never do), managing to fool people with makeup and surgery does not change your sex. If she's just being nice to them, then you could point out that gender ideology is homophobic. A lot of the troons that care about passing are HSTS so by entertaining them you're basically OK with transing the gays and reinforcing stereotypes. Also, by entertaining "truscums", you're preventing them from getting actual help for whatever causes their dysphoria. We know now that "gender care" does not lower suicide rates or improve trannies' mental health in general so what's the point of playing along.

No. 2253766

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No. 2253781

>[women] feel the need to be radicalized but don't have the experience and information to pinpoint the true source of their suffering
That shit is so so SO insulting. At this point any libfem who doesn't flinch reading stuff like that has had her brain too fried to be saved. Imagine claiming that women who (rightfully) think that being born female is the root of their suffering at the hands of males are just lacking experience and information. Then whining about muh white feminism on top of that. Bitch you're the one who hasn't stopped to think even one second about non-western countries. On what basis do you think women are discriminated against from birth and married off as children? You're crying about your labels and identities on tumblr ffs. You cannot make any other movement look more self and US centric than your own.

Not sure where to ask this but where can we find actual 4B communities online? or even just social media accounts? I'd love to be able to follow a bunch of like-minded women on mainstream social media like insta but it seems impossible

No. 2253797

>where can we find actual 4B communities online?

No. 2253888

>Does she truly believe that they're female brained or is she just being nice?
I think she thinks they have "female coded" brains. She understands they're biologically male, but that they have gender dysphoria which makes them have "female coded" brains so they're trutrans and the transition is the only cure. She'd agree with every single point I make against trans, but still turn around and go "and think of the poor real transwomen getting lumped in with these degenerate AGPS". I'm scared it will alienate her if I straight up go "um actually they're equally bad". She knows who Blair White is so I think that's the cohort of troons she's thinking of.

I've brought up pretty much every thing you can think of: the homophobia, transing gay away, autism overlap, fetishes, misogyny, opportunistic surgeons, untrue stats like 42%, detrans rates, abused kids… and she agrees! And then still goes "but REAL trans people…" I just don't know how to make that last part click for her! I think perhaps what she needs is for some famous troon she (presumably) watches like Blaire to come out and detrans while explaining they've always been men and trutrans was never real.

No. 2253906

give it time. it sounds like she's almost completely peaked and just isn't fully there yet out of misplaced compassion. unless there's a reason to be urgent, like if you're worried she's going to date a troon or transition herself, then i wouldn't push it too much and let her come to that realization on her own

No. 2254034

can someone explain to me how a person becomes so obsessed with their body and sexuality it becomes this kind of movement. these people seem to have nothing else going on in their lives and function on the lowest level possible (physical, sexuality and performance)

No. 2254039

>She knows who Blair White is so I think that's the cohort of troons she's thinking of.
So, the man who makes blatant racist and antifeminist content and says rape culture isn't real? That's a true "woman brained" trutranny? Libfems are cooked. Even in my most handmaiden moments when I wanted to like him to convince myself I wasnt twansphobic I knew he was a gross, sexist man like any other.

No. 2254048

>these people seem to have nothing else going on in their lives and function on the lowest level possible
The answer's right here. Getting your friends to call you by a new name is an easy goal, buying a binder is an easy goal, too. Getting a stupid haircut, buying shitty clothes, designing pride flags for your own brand of neurotic heterosexuality…all of these are cheap and easy dopamine hits for lame human slugs that don't have the capacity for anything greater. Gender obsession genuinely feels like a symptom of a deep depression. It gives the illusion of self-improvement without any of the icky effort parts.

No. 2254055

>how a person becomes so obsessed with their body and sexuality
- being a narc
- autism and the love of categorisation that comes with it

No. 2254060

brainrot. It has to be. I think for some reason, their are emotionally unstable. For men, it's because they watch so much porn, they want to pretend to be women. For women who are often told they are nothing and constantly critiqued, it's because they want to pretend to be men so they dont suffer as a woman. I feel like it all goes down to self hate for women and brain rot/porn for men.

No. 2254098

I also think being trans gives you the green light to kill your former self. You can change your name, your interests, have new and achievable goals like you said, and anyone who brings up your past self or questions it is committing an actual war crime. When you’re uncomfortable with yourself and want to rebrand, trans ideology gives a very appealing alternative to the hard work of just being a better person.

No. 2254163

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God forbid women have friend groups that don’t include men.

No. 2254195

literal dehumanization here

No. 2254215

This is how you can tell the retards are peaking, they're all queer nonbinary transmascs and still twansphobic kek. Even the most spineless of handmaidens know to stay away from the devil.

No. 2254230

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Maybe trump getting elected was a good thing if these freaks join the 41 percent. But they’ll probably just go back into boymode

No. 2254244

Trump loves troons, don't expect anything

No. 2254269

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What gets me is that it's not even that trannies are just mentally ill and think they're in the "wrong bodies". Trannies seem to regularly be horrible and dangerous people that need to be isolated from society. Like, holy shit. A coworker told me all these horrible things about what her "sister" got into and what her "sister" would do to her and their mom. Then, the coworker tells me that her "sister" is trans. Suddenly, the drug addiction and perpetration of domestic violence makes sense. When she basically told me that her "sister" was actually a male, it all started making sense.

No. 2254273

the only thing he has promised thats actually achievable is making troonery not be catered by insurance anymore, the annoucement was like two days ago or some shit that they will be pursuing that route lol

No. 2254281

>cis women terfs are going to try and recruit you
>all men are your violent oppressors
But that's the truth, Tiffany.
>divine feminine
We don't talk about that libfem nonsense.

No. 2254286

A lot of them are probably already in boymode anyway. They're only "girls" on the internet or when they want to barge into a female-only space.

No. 2254293

Or maybe they don't want males in their group because men and women are different, male trannies are porn-obsessed freaks without fail, and women with similar interests stick together, and even female gendies subconsciously pick up on that despite trying to force themselves to accept porn-addicted males.
>the group is trying to make itself unsafe for trans women
Yeah I'm sure those oversensitive enbies who have never been to a gym in their life are intentionally trying to appear threatening to hulking men, and not trying to protect themselves from members of the sex that is more likely to have rapists and predators, or sticking together because they actually understand each other and have many things in common like any normal group of friends (touch grass tranny)
>there's this fun double standard where trans women are not allowed to discuss the social dynamics of assigned gender
>callenging social dynamics assigned gender queer spaces
All this pseudointellectual nonsense just to say that you're offended that women don't want to be around you because you're a fucking creep kekekek

No. 2254305

>>divine feminine
>We don't talk about that libfem nonsense.
Unfortunately there are a lot of idiots on Xitter who call themselves radfems or GCs but believe in that tradfag shit. They make such compelling arguments as
>these girls are just confused because they need to nurture their divine feminine energy
or something like that. How is that not the same logic conservative tradfags use and making the problem worse?

No. 2254306

This is kinda stupid but I love when trannies seethe over my little brother. I feel so smug. They're convinced he's an egg or something but he firmly knows he's just a gay dude and he hates trannies with a passion. It breaks their minds and it's so funny. Tims wish they could be as 'feminine' and tifs wish they were 'soft bois' like that
>shy, quiet
>favourite colours are pastels
>loves shoujo manga and bl
>hates violent games/movies/shows
>especially hates gore so hates horror movies
>likes cleaning and learning to bake
I have a similar effect on tifs, they assume I'm non-binary or some sort of genderkweer, fucking hilarious kek. Just because
>deep voice
>unshaven, no makeup
>in comspci
>stereotypically 'masculine' interests
I always make sure to proudly mention I'm a woman. Tifs wish they could be as 'masculine' and tims are just… creeps as usual

No. 2254310

Male trannies are the least oppressed motherfuckers ever. Take off the wig and makeup, Timothy. You'll be just fine.

No. 2254317

It's funny because it's fully true that TIFs stick together and almost never interact with TIMs, but it's because TIMs share practically none of the same hobbies TIFs have, and if they do, it's either to larp or to coom. TIFs aren't making it "unsafe," in fact they fall over themselves trying to prove their best ally ever status, it's simply they don't like lolicon hentai coomshit and TIMs do. TIMs alienate TIFs and then act like they're being discriminated against because TIFs didn't recruit them to join their yaoi/crochet/Animal Crossing/OC autism servers. Like no shit, men who jerk off on Reddit all day and won't shut up about their niche subculture of grindcore and MDMA and programmer socks have nothing in common with women who want to talk about Genshin Impact yaoi. I guess the latter is just really evil or something.

No. 2254343

no literally. I can't see how she thinks "let's bring a random hairy gay man on our shopping trip so we look more diverse" is less objectifying than hanging out with people who have the same interests as you. but I am pretty sure that person is an adult woman who had a goth phase in her 30s and larps as gerard way so of course she's mentally 12 years old

No. 2254361

That is a huge and great thing, we don’t have to pay for these surgeries and synthetic hormones. They should pay it out of their own pockets.

No. 2254502

Reminds me of a gay guy in a server I'm in that just accepts he's a male and wears a lot of cutesy clothes and has a lot of stereotypically "feminine" behaviors, vs the agp troon that has typically male interests, narcissistic personality, talks over everyone else, retweets coomshit on his twitter and calls himself a lesbian. He also constantly tries to push any vaguely gnc men into transitioning to the point where I feel second hand embarrassment watching it happen. Like I actually start feeling bad for the moids he's doing this to because it seems so obnoxious and they either ignore him or tell him to fuck off and he just keeps doing it anyway.

No. 2254504

It's because the trans movement is a cult that promises cures and betterments to all and every problem a person could possibly have.
Lonely? Trans family and community will always be there for you!
Feeling like you're not one of the cool kids? You can be the most rare person, trans!
Hate your body? It's because your body is wrong, cut it up and take hormones, look how hot you could be (never mind the photoshopping done here!)
Female and hate male sexual advances? It's because you're really a man! And if you transition into the man you're meant to be the harassment will go away!
Male and hate how other men are harassing women? You're clearly not a real man then, you must be a woman too and not an evil cis straight man
Feeling like you want to sexually harass women too but it makes you feel guilty? Don't worry, you're just a transbian and not an evil sexist cis straight guy like them so it's ok when you do it!
Gay and hated for it? No, no, you're just straight and trans
White and feeling guilty about racism? Don't worry you're also oppressed as a trans person so you're not the oppressor anymore
Ugly? Of course you don't fit into cis beauty standards, you are above that because you're a holy trans who can't be judged
Into kids and animals? Don't worry, the trans movement will cover for you!

And remember, everyone else hates you and wants you dead. Only us trans accept you, and we love you. They will drive you to kill yourself. But we can save you. What do you have to lose little egg, when the only other option is that you kill yourself?

No. 2254507

Samefag it's even dumber when he does this to dudes that basically act the same as any regular guy (including being coomers) and their only "gnc" behavior is basically having longer hair and being passive nerdy types instead of having a more dominant personality. As if that means they're a woman automatically somehow

No. 2254621

Is it also discriminatory for TIMs to hang out in furry gooner discord servers with no women and all dress the same? Or is that normal and morally pure?

No. 2254803

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I was watching the video of that faggot Nick Fuentes and found this comment replying to another comment saying "W Nick" and agreeing with him. My tranny radar went off. That profile picture, the she/her pronouns on it's bio and the "NatSoc" in it's username. When it replied to me I realised I was right kek. They're so fucking obvious and they don't even know it. Forget about passing in real life, you can't even pass in a measly youtube comment section, filthy trannoid.

No. 2254825

>cis woman terfs are going to try and recruit you
Kek reminds me of vidrel

No. 2254945

maybe it's OT but I don't think you can really consider yourself a radfem if you believe in that "divine feminine" bs, it's just repackaged religious doctrine reinforcing gender roles under the guise of spirituality. Are we talking about hollowearthterf here? Isn't she into some woo woo crap?

No. 2255009

we now have pickmes in the 4B movement trying their hardest to make sure that trannies feel safe in the movement kek. they're dropping book titles like scum manifesto but then add a million qualifiers like TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN IF YOU ARE TRANSPHOBIC BLOCK ME NAO I AM NOT A TERF like baby maybe this is not the movement for you

No. 2255059

I honestly think some of them are cryptos who are too scared to speak up about trannies but understand the danger women are in

No. 2255065

I wish pick mes would 41% at this point. Sick of them trying to make women only spaces open for men.

No. 2255287

jfc these retards are going to ruin the image of western 4b before it even gets started. ive been seeing a handful of trannies asking if theyre welcome in the movement. if you have to ask if you're welcome in the movement, you know good and damn well it isn't made for you. luckily lots of them have been rejecting the movement, dismissing it as too radical and misandrist. they're rly telling on themselves tho, being the only "women" outspoken on the man hate involved in the movement

No. 2255290

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I like sneaking in the word "self-id" when going crypto in discussions since the first results on google show matter of fact statements that are hard to interpret as "ebil terf propaganda". hopefully trannies dont catch on and do damage control by vandalizing the wiki page

No. 2255376

It’s always rules for us and not for them. Women can’t organize among themselves, while they deserve trans spaces kek

No. 2255498

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tl;dr putting trans people in camps… won't include putting trans people in camps??..

if you know you're not getting put in camps then stop fucking saying it. there are actual people being tortured in camps right now because newsflash idiot WARS are still a thing. but of course trannies in a first world country have it just as bad as them! trannies have it so bad they can be considered camp prisoners without ever being to a fucking camp! listen and learn, cissoids

No. 2255503

I saw some terf on X/twitter say that it should be made illegal to knowingly use wrong sex documents. The same way if you get a seizure disorder or eye problems and then get caught driving or operating heavy machinery on purpose anyway you're committing an illegal irresponsible act that puts others at risk of harm. I think that's such a good idea, it covers troons, but also people with DSDs who got the wrong papers at birth only to then learn the truth when for example their balls dropped and it's clear they were always just male. And even IF someone like Imane managed to purposely avoid all doctors to claim he didn't know he's male, the second he does get a test it makes it illegal to continue after that regardless of if he reveals the results to the world or not.
It's such an obvious idea, idk why it's not a thing already.

No. 2255510

Anyone else say they're against child genital mutilation only for some TRA to smugly go "oh so you're against male circumcision at birth too???" As if that's some major gotcha lmao yes I'm against cutting up male baby genitals too why the fuck wouldn't I be. I want zero baby genitials to be mutilated for aesthetics or otherwise, it's not that hard to grasp.

No. 2255511

Kek does this hulking hon think grandmas out there scoring back alley estradiol for her menopause? The people who need hormone treatment are definitely getting them without mutilating themselves and there’s tons of medical reasons for a doctor to safely prescribe them.

No. 2255514

Trannies, the reason most groups who have gone through persecution or genocide can even point it out is because IT'S CLEAR THAT THEY'RE BEING PERSECUTED AND GENOCIDED. If you have to twist yourself into knots explaining why your non-violent "oppression" at the hands of a system which throws money, pills and surgery at you upon request is just like being put into camps, you're not being put into fucking camps.

No. 2255635

Damage control looks like pretending that a man masturbating in a woman's bathroom and uploading it to Reddit will only be arrested for public indecency because he wore a dress in public. Damage control looks a hell of a lot like the freakout the TIMs had when pedos got the death sentence in Florida.
They know their movement is losing support. I can't wait for the tranny ass licking phase to end and all the 'I want to put women through the woodchipper and shit on the remains lololol uwu' posts to have actual consequences.
With the backlash from Imane's case, this might actually be implemented. Fingers crossed.

No. 2255673

Tbf he’ll probably have a significantly better chance with those guys.

They may have been assigned privileged at birth but they identify as oppressed. How dare you question their declared identity? Transpressed people don’t owe you actualgenocidenormativity, bigot.

I kept seeing this with criticism of child drag queens, too.
>Oh but you’re fine with child beauty pageants!??
No I’m not, those are horrible too. But unlike child drag queens and drag queen story hour, child beauty pageants don’t exist where I live so obviously I’m not going to focus on them. Likewise circumcision of infants is extremely unpopular where I live but FGM is still practiced by certain communities and is also objectively worse.
They’re purely gotchas by people who don’t actually care about the other problem either and just want to shut feminists up.

No. 2255687

This shit happens every time you bring up FGM, not only with troons but men in general. I fucking hate them.

No. 2255803

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>not a mental illness, guys!

No. 2255823

How dare he say that when places like Manus island and Xinjiang internment camps still exist.

No. 2255833

Can we add in the gotcha of
>Oh, but you’re okay with cis women getting boob jobs and rhinoplasties to improve their appearance?

No, I think that anyone who’s getting plastic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons should be forced to undergo a psychological evaluation to address the underlying issue of why they hate their body before jumping into an unnecessary surgery, and that cosmetic surgeons are vampires who prey on people’s insecurities.

No. 2255858

The tranny puppygirl shit is starting to ruin the concept of baby dogs for me. Why doesn't castrating these retards making them stop posting their coomer trash everywhere?

No. 2255967

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jennie hodgers was a poor immigrant who had to dress as a boy to work in an all-male shoe factory, she joined the union army for financial reasons and was placed in a battalion of mostly teenage boys, after the war she still hid her gender for her veteran's pension, she has never been a trans man

No. 2255968

TIMs would definitely harvest women's organs if they could
Don't let them ruin it for you nonna. I just see their puppygirl shit as entirely separate to any of the cute animals they try to appropriate.

No. 2255970

It's been recorded through out history about women hiding their gender because of sexism. I hate trans allies so much. They are so brain dead.

No. 2256058

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Total tranny death.

No. 2256068

This is "not true" meanwhile the moment you say that asexual people do not exist they always go "well, they face corrective rape!!"
Sexual assault repackaged

No. 2256078

Hard to tell apart trolls from genuine posts in 2024…

No. 2256247


No. 2256257

No no anon if a woman doesn’t like sexism that makes her a man. True women love being dependent on men and having baby after baby until her body gives out. If any woman in history complained about this in any way that is irrefutable proof she had a man-soul and any suffering she endured during her life was transphobia, not misogyny.

No. 2256400

Feminist and detrans tags on every site imaginable are full of rape fetish posts like these

No. 2256501

>criminalizing posession of estradiol or testosterone without a prescription
??? Isn't it already illegal to own testosterone without a prescription in most places? So TiFs would already be closer to "being put in camps", but I'm sure that this guy would still think that "transmisogyny" against men in dresses and makeup trumps all.

No. 2256587

we all know if transmen aka real women all grew a dick and balls transwomen would be frothing at the mouth to get theirs back again so they could keep invading female spaces

No. 2256659

Speaking of Blaire White, he now openly calls himself a man openly in interviews. I think he's a future detransitioner. But I also think it won't happen until it gives him maximum attention and benefits, and that he'll keep up the aesthetics so the detransing is mostly in name only.

No. 2256679

kek every male attention whore online has always either been like
>"I'm a girl!!! boyz plz msg me"
>"RAPE!!!! LOL U MAD?"
and literally every single one is born to die alone because no one can stand them.

No. 2256995

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lol at this academically renowned troon admitting it in 1994, modern troons clap and cheer

No. 2257016

Even a fictional story like Mulan (not the Disney version) is treated like "she knew she was a man all along", not because she wanted to save her dad while going to war and in fear to be caught and killed by the same army.
TIFs and TRAS ruin everything.

No. 2257150

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The Disney version of Mulan also attracts TIFs like flies to shit even though the message of the movie is explicitly that women can be just as brave and heroic as men, if not more so. Mulan drops the man disguise the second she doesn’t need it anymore yet they’re still convinced she’s TIF representation. The training montage song especially brings out the brainworms.
>it says to be a man you have to be swift as a coursing river, it doesn’t say you have to have been born with a penis!!1
Funnily enough, most TIMs I know who’ve seen the movie hate it and say the scene where the guys from the army dress up as ugly women is transphobic.

No. 2257184

I hate to be bringing a stupid and probably already asked question to this thread but it won't get out of my mind… If a tif gets bottom surgery, does the period still come? Does it come out of the new peehole "as intended" or somewhere else? Does it just get trapped in there? Google is not helping me right now and I really would not like to imagine this any further.

No. 2257185

I think that if they’re far enough down the transition pipeline that they qualify for fauxloplasty they’ve already had a hysterectomy and no longer menstruate. Maybe an exception is made for those extra deranged nonbinary/hermaphrodite surgeries where the surgeons try to keep the original genitalia intact while creating a facsimile of the opposite sex genitalia, though I’ve only ever heard of TIMs getting those. TIFs who want a dick while keeping their female reproductive system intact tend to focus on increasing the size of their clitoris and pretend it’s a micropenis.

No. 2257213

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Then why people are so obsessed into "breaking eggs", Jarvis?

No. 2257219

They always try to run away from responsability even though they're the ones pushing this shit onto young vaguely gnc people in the first place

No. 2257222

Nta but tifs who get the fake sausage while keeping the original vagina with clit definitely exist, I remember I saw a picture in the tif thread years ago. Something about the vagina still being used for sex, peeing and sensation (fuck dysphoria I guess right?). It's so fucking disgusting. Luckily I doubt they still menstruate because the hormones or birth control/hysterectomy would stop it, but still…

No. 2257235

nayrt, but uhh, why would the pipes be redirected to pee from the vagina? that sounds more risky

No. 2257505

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>If a tif gets bottom surgery, does the period still come?
Ftm bottom surgery typically involves getting a hysterectomy to remove the uterus. A period is the lining of the uterus getting shed and bled out, so they no longer get that.
If the tif (often non-binary, but sometimes a regular tif) chose to keep their female parts, but also add a sausage skin tube "dick" to their crotch above it, they could still possibly get a period from their vagina as normal.
However they likely also take hrt which COULD be making them infertile, but it's not guaranteed. Picrel is an irresponsible ftm who accidentally got pregnant while taking testosterone, which has resulted in her baby seemingly having some developmental issues (she's a terrible mother in many other ways too, but I digress). If a woman takes testosterone regularly she will HAVE to get a hysterectomy within about 4 years as it leads to vaginal atrophy and other complications. If not, she could fucking die.

On a similar note, there are detrans (and likely some who still identify as trans) who have removed their breasts only to then get pregnant and find out their bodies still have milk ducts that produce milk - which is now trapped inside their chests and can't get out because the nipples are typically removed and placed in another location on the chest. Detrans women report this is incredibly painful. And since it's a new phenomenon there is no medical professional who knows how to deal with it, so they're stuck with this horror without help.

No. 2257554

That poor baby. And damn, the mother does not pass even remotely. She might be the most cutesy, baby-faced adult TIF I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something.
I’d never heard of post-mastectomy mastitis but that sounds excruciating. Mastitis is painful enough when the sufferer has functional nipples to expel the milk from but when the inflamed ducts are covered in layers of scar tissue? Body horror. I suppose doctors could puncture the individual ducts through the scar tissue but that would just be asking for further infection. I know a woman whose mastitis was so resistant to other forms of treatment that doctors decided to cauterise the affected milk ducts. Maybe they’ll start doing that as part of TIF mastectomies too, just in case.

No. 2257565

A sad thing about gender ideology is that when you grew up with it (like I did) you've been trained to not trust your instincts anymore about threatening people…

Even after peaking it still lingers, I was trained to shut down those thoughts and feelings that the hulking man in a dress could possibly be a threat. Him staring at me like I'm a piece of meat and asking overly person questions about periods or girlhood - that's just a little transgirl being curious about her own lost girlhood, she means no harm! Don't be a bigot and think of it as creepy or wrong, suppress the feeling of wanting to run away. Ignore the feeling of discomfort when he's in a women's only space with you, she's only trying to pee!

And now I'm left feeling a bit broken. Too often do I notice a creepy man, and notice that I just accepted him being there and acting creepy when a reasonable person would just get the fuck away or tell him to fuck off. I act accordingly when I catch myself suppressing my real instincts, but it just really sucks to realize I'm in this position. What if that period of silent "acceptance" is all he needs to attack me or someone else?

No. 2257652

>my homestate in Mexico hasn't fallen for the gendie tendie meme
Thank God

No. 2257709

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No. 2257723

One of the TIMs actually harassed me and used the fact that I'm a Rush (the Canadian prog rock band) fan against me

No. 2257747

woman is when hair

No. 2257793

Late but gnc people (or even people who don't overperform femininity or masculinity) profoundly and deeply irritate gendies and troons. Both gnc real people and gnc fictional characters are an easy green light to a gendie to immediately dump their insecurities onto. Fucks sake kek, even "gnc" troons that are fakebois in frilly pastel clothing or masculine TIMs are more well accepted and coddled. Why are they the ones who have to jump through hoops to feel good in their femininity or masculinity and we're the insecure bigots opposing rebellion? As a matter of fact I don't want to hear shit from women too scared to wear cargo pants or wear pink without a he/they pronoun pin. Weak bitches.

No. 2258002


No. 2258591

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Said by someone who close their eyes at the news of children being abused, TIMS crying gender shit and more because "it doesn't represent the whole collective".

No. 2258592

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>trans people existing does not harm anyone
I think these people beg to differ.

No. 2258668

who are these people?

No. 2258669

Nashville shooting victims

No. 2258675

>"long hair is not an expression of femininity for me"
So close to getting it, yet so far.
God it must be so fucking tiring having to justify every single little thing you do, even things that are automatic like the hair that grows on your head. Even if they don't tell anyone just having to do it to yourself must be so exhausting, I can't imagine going "I-it's n-not(!!!) to be feminine!! It makes me feel uhh like a shrekian creature of the dark!! Yes, not Fiona, but Shrek!!! Pink shoes uhh no I'll wear the grey ones, that's more manly I mean enby, don't want people thinking I'm too feminine or anything! But if I do add a pink flower that's because I AM expressing femininity, but only a tiny bit as I'm not a woman and all women only express femininity all the time, I'm just a super special non-binary"
They should just peak, detrans, and stop caring so they can enjoy the world instead.

No. 2258679

I have a male tw/X mutual with a following who very aggressively posts shit like this ALL the time. It's always "trans people have zero negative impact on my life, if you have a problem with them you're just a bigot who should die". Yeah of course you as a man can ignore the harm trans people do to women, children and mentally ill people. And of course it benefits you to throw vulnerable people under the bus to uphold fetishists when they pay your social media salary as long as you keep screaming their political propaganda…

No. 2258804

I have a mutual who I have seen being so vocal about trans rights until he became a TIM to then… Be non-binary and then TIM again. Is like for moids is easier to just place the "trans" tag over them and ignore the damage others do on women, child and ill people with their attitude.

No. 2258853

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Why are TIMs and especially TIFs act more stereotypically masculine or feminine respectively? I've never seen a TIF into guns, sports, or vintage computers. TIMs sometimes try to skinwalk stereotypically female interests but always end up dropping them out of boredom. I've never seen a TIM write 100k+ gay slowburn or knit proficiently. Picrel is an adult TIF I found on the LPS subreddit who recommended an e-therapy service that will churn out a letter for a titchop a day after your appointment.

No. 2258886

She sounds insufferable. I can't remember her being posted in the TIF threads, we need more cows like her. I feel so bad for her daughter. Being born retarded because of her mom's narcissism, doomed to be treated like a toy because of her mom's hatred of women. I hope she breaks free from her in the future and learns to love herself as she is without feeling like she has to destroy her mind and body for attention from internet strangers.
That's dangerous and good on you for working on undoing the damage. Keep working on it, it takes time but you sound like you already made good progress.

No. 2258895

"Does nothing negative to your life", meanwhile everyone has to walk on eggshells around these freaks and play along with their delusions otherwise you're a bigot and should be raped and killed. Even excluding all the shit they're pushing onto gnc, mentally ill people and kids, I can't even be in online groups or fandoms anymore without some tranny shitting things up and being a nuisance. Or read medical information about women without some retarded term like "pregnant people". But surely they're "doing nothing negative to my life".

They really want to pretend they're the same as a gay or a black person with this rethoric but it just doesn't work when their movement is literally about forcing others around them to perceive them the same way they do. If a black person was alone on a deserted island they would still be black, you can't say the same for a tranny whose whole existence relies on capitalism and other people's perceptions 24/7. Without asspats, validation and gender roles that are socially enforced, they would have nothing. Their existence relies on being a nuisance to others but they will still hypocritically say shit like this and I'm sick of it.

No. 2258899

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I'm so tired of seeing that ugly titchop BJD. She did a horrible job painting the head. Thick swaths of acrylic paint on resin(If it's even printed in resin to begin with) is a terrible idea and there's no blushing. I also hate seeing the most cutesy shit ever of a male character with top surgery scars slapped on. Picrel is a Fortnite character kek

No. 2258902

There was some poor Chinese sweatshop worker who sewed those titchops..just fucking imagine that..

No. 2258903

Lol, why don’t you just unfollow/mute these people? After I peaked I unfollowed/muted every single friend who posted pro-tranny content on social media (even the people I interact with IRL) and it made my internet experience so much less stressful.

No. 2258910

i hate that you can't tell from a glance that the nose isn't a mouth because it's so straight and the actual mouth is so pale

No. 2258914

So ugly
Not those anons but for unfollowing it can be difficult if they ask you why or you have mutual friends, at worst they can even accuse you of being transphobic and try to ostracize you from your groups. Muting though, yeah. I've muted basically every person that ended up trooning out so I don't see their retardation on my timeline

No. 2258922

Is all the cutting off breasts thing caused by porn? If these women weren't exposed to porn where breasts are so fetishized, would they even get the idea that they want to remove a body part to stop being sexualized by disgusting moids?

Hopefully it's done by a machine lol that thing is atrocious

No. 2258932

It is already illegal to have testosterone without a prescription… I see a TIM who hasn't ever been to a gym and knows nothing about sports wrote that. How does he not know that?

No. 2258935

This is gross and I feel bad for whoever had to sew that

No. 2258937

For me personally I hated the size and shape of my boobs when I was younger. I'm doing better now, I accept my body, but because they're bigger than average it really did cause a lot of problems for me. Bras felt shitty and I felt uncomfortable when people sexualized me because of their size. I was already big boobed by the time I was 13-14. I wear plain fruit of the loom bras now and most of the discomfort is gone. Most. You can never underestimate what a good comfy bra can do for you. I don't care about designs anymore but that also was a big deal for me growing up, not being able to wear cute age appropriate bra designs in my size as I grew up.

No. 2258946

exulansic made some videos about pigeonsandfries, iirc her daughter doesn't appear to be hitting certain developmental milestones. i don't remember if she was on T while pregnant, might have been at least for a while because she was somehow surprised she got pregnant. she thought it would somehow work as a contraceptive. she also constantly seems resentful of her daughter and at times prioritizes her genderspecial doc appointments over her daughter's needs. complains about money, spends it on tranny shit, instead of setting it aside for her daughter in case she needs it. all around a cow

No. 2258950

I don't think it's just porn, but it certainly doesn't help anyone or anything. Puberty is rough, and boobs are often the first visible sign that a girl's body is changing. They're sexualized by peers and adult men alike, even though the girl is still a child. Many girls have been groped or otherwise assaulted, and breasts become a become a painful symbol of the discomfort and violence that come with growing up female. Cutting them off can feel like a shortcut to coping with that trauma. But it doesn't truly help. It just leaves these girls disfigured and still deeply affected by their experiences.

No. 2258955

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Disgusting, as a freelance dollmaker of cotton dolls like this, such nonsense angers me so much. I would've immediately blocked anyone who tried to commission me such crap. I took it up as a hobby because it was mostly Asian women who didn't subscribe to gendershit, is nothing sacred?

It is possible to hand embroider, but at factories the embroidery is done by embroidery machine (vidrel). However, stitching together the body parts is done by a person using sewing machine. So while some poor Chinese person did have to touch that crap, at least they didn't have to spend top much time on it.

No. 2258981

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Disturbing how TIFs make titchop scars into a fashion accessory. Same social contagion as self-harm scars. Same demographics too. He/him they/he members of edtwt, shtwt, and MPA are mentally ill but who are they trying to fool? I hate this ideology with a passion
OT but can these lazy fucks attempt to make the dolls themselves instead of buying more garbage from China? There's step-by-step instruction books and guides you can copy off of

No. 2259046

If you have “friends” who are meticulously combing through the list of who you follow, and then making assumptions that you are transphobic you based on who you do or don’t follow, those are fucking crazy people and you are better off quiet quitting those friendships as you extricate yourself from this cult. If anyone asks you why you unfollowed them/someone, just default to old fashioned feminist answers - “It’s none of your business”, “Because it was my choice” and“ No is a complete sentence”. I s2g, if women are such pussies that you’re afraid to even unfollow someone on social media how the fuck do you ever expect to get literal men kicked out of women’s bathrooms? I lost a lot of friends when I peaked because I reached the point where I decided to be blatant and open with my views on social media, and guess what - my life didn’t end. Plenty of people didn’t unfriend me, but I’ve made new friends since then who aren’t rabid tranny dicksuckers. These days I focus on making connections with people IRL, and I don’t even add new friends that I make on social media. Your social media “friends” shouldn’t make your life feel like a police state.

No. 2259125

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>Mulan drops the man disguise the second she doesn’t need it anymore yet they’re still convinced she’s TIF representation
Specially in this scene:
>Shan-Yu : The soldier from the mountains…
TIFs were "see? He doesn't yell 'a woman destroyed my army?', he's an ally". No shit, Sherlock. Mongol women even went to war if needed. It doesn't make them "men in disguise", it make them female soldiers.

No. 2259128

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You would think that a cheaper and less drastic option to that "fashion accessory" would be an underboob tattoo, but nah, "boobs bad, must remove to feel like man".

No. 2259185

An (in)famous autistic weeb troon to my euro country had the dick inversion surgery done this year and I just found out the surgery took place in my actual home town. I feel so grossed out, I had no idea they did that kind of surgery right here. Mentally ill people are getting their genitals butchered right in my home town. It's just so evil! I don't know what to do, should I email the hospital that did it and call them butchers or should I just stay silent and watch people get their lives ruined?

No. 2259638

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Context: This was left on a video by a woman talking about her not wanting to date or befriend men again after the elections because she, rightfully so, believes that most men either voted for Trump or are silent fans by not voting/voting third parties. Why is it that these females who would slit your throat open if you even so much as suggest that they are just naturally masculine females still feel the need to barge into spaces that has said absolutely nothing about trans people? I don't get why this idiot can't just detransition and come join us fellow women again if it's so hard to see us congregate and discuss our issues and not participate?

No. 2259642

>jokes about wanting femboys
>my only cishet male friend

The delulu is strong in this one.

No. 2259645

Oh, didn't you hear? Only real straight men and lesbian women like the poor oppwessed trans women while those who actually love biologically female bodies just need to be re-educated.

No. 2259660

>I s2g, if women are such pussies that you’re afraid to even unfollow someone on social media how the fuck do you ever expect to get literal men kicked out of women’s bathrooms?
Chill out, you don't have to be so rude about it. Also, I don't really expect that to happen (or not anytime soon, anyway), and me unfollowing troons on social media with like 100 followers wouldn't really make it happen either. I also don't really consider them my friends, it's more like I have several social groups online and some of them happened to have people who trooned out, they're more like acquaintances to me at best. So it's not that serious to me really, even with non troons or just people I don't talk to that much or like a ton or anything I wouldn't unfollow them unless they did something to me, I just mute them and move on. Good on you for peaking and being open about your views, and sure, ideally I'd be all for speaking up openly but I don't really feel like dealing with all that stress just because some troon acquaintances I barely interact with post dumb shit on the internet, at worst they're a nuisance (not really if I've muted them) and at best they're a source of milk. You could use some more empathy for others and their situations instead of acting like unless everyone acts exactly like you they're a retard troon enabler or something. It's not like I'm going out of my way to lick troon ass by not unfollowing someone on twitter if I barely interact with them otherwise compared to the average handmaiden, so this just comes off as silly and annoying to me. I don't consider anyone on the internet my actual friend outside of a handful of people that aren't troons, so you're really assuming a lot here.

No. 2259666

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Today on /r/thatHappened
Sure, buddy.

No. 2259674

Sounds like corny video game dialogue.

No. 2259686

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pretty sure i saw the post youre talking about and wanted to vent about a similar thing. 4b has been getting more steam on tiktok but every single time theres an outspoken misandrist woman who has a large following, she's a tirf. recently discovered that professionalsassatron has an enby brother, captioning posts with "not a man btw" and shit like that and it truly boggles the mind. HOW!!! It is so blackpilling that so many women are cowards and retards. How do you follow along with ts but then suddenly stop as soon as someone suggests that 'changing pronouns doesnt mean you arent a man anymore'

No. 2259762

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The repeated misgendering sounds kinda funny to witness but this enby scrote would be SO insufferable to deal with irl. At least you can talk shit about him with your fellow based coworkers though. I would kms if I was management though

No. 2259770

if there's enough oppositional pushback against the 4b movement in america then eventually the conservative movement will win and women will be back to living in the 1960s and prev years - nothing but women stuck in abusive marriages with no way out and where most women of all ages has a man in her life and if you don't, you would be put into a mental hospital to straighten you out. i don't recall which thread this was but a nonnie talked about where in history, whenever there was a strong sense of gender normative practices where men ruled society and women were the silent subservient class, that troonism was basically nowhere to be found. but when women started gaining rights and became more publicly visible in society, that's when troonism comes through to try to shove women back in. in a trump era, we are probably going to see less and less of troonism as women revert back to being second class citizen.

No. 2259780

what a fucking waste of materials and resources. The audacity to act annoyed that the doll "doesnt look right" when you didnt even do the effort to draw a back view of the doll which is bare minimum for doll designs.
Insufferable and inconsiderate like their shitty ideology, I feel bad for the seamstress who had to cobble this mess with what little reference they had from the shitty procreate mock up only to get their business slandered because an ungrateful tranny couldn't even put an order down right

No. 2259797

>gladly i didn't pay extra from this seller
If I were the seller I would place you in a blacklist for being an insufrable entitled customer.
Besides the "chest scars" looks like shit and more like belly scars.

No. 2260027

You could use some empathy for women who are affected by trans women in bathrooms. Maybe theres a reason for the frustration?

No. 2260033

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>elder home
oh boy

No. 2260164

Underboob tattoos only work if you have small or perky boobs, but at least in my experience the tifs that really urgently go for a double mastectomy have saggy boobs and have internalized the media hatred of sagging big time, in addition to ED "must get fat off me" thoughts

No. 2260198

I don’t know if calling the hospital like that will help, but you could try to spread word around town about what’s happening so more people are aware of it.
I used to work at a hospital without realising that it was the #1 gender hospital in my country. I did encounter a lot of genderspecial-looking patients on my rounds but it’s a big city, so I figured that was just the state of the world now. Then one day they started renovating large parts of the building which meant everyone had to take different routes and waiting rooms got different temporary locations, and the ‘gender care’ posters directing gender patients to that department stood out like a sore thumb. The posters directing people to the oncology dept, GI dept. etc. were super generic easily readable black text on white printer paper. The gender department posters, on the other hand were large, multicoloured (very expensive to print) and had childlike anime characters on them. And this was the adult wing. The paediatric gender department (ugh I know) was in a different building, so these uwu x3 xD loli/shota posters were aimed at adults. It was unnerving, and a lot of other employees thought it was bizarre but nobody felt comfortable expressing those thoughts because the slightest criticism of gendershit could and would get you fired for ‘creating an unsafe environment’. I’m really glad I don’t work there anymore.

No. 2260506

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This made me cackle. I can't believe they admit to being braindead idiots. Of course they don't fucking read. They're too busy destroying their attention spans by mindlessly watching tiktoks and getting all their shitty info from some pedo tranny's tweets kek. They always lose in arguments and counter by screeching about evil terfs are

No. 2260560

It's so sad anytime I see a cool butch-ish woman and she opens her mouth to talk… and there the frog croak voice is yet again. I used to think women with deep voices were so cool and endearing, now it's turned into a massive red flag that she's in a cult and destroying her body

No. 2260596

All I said is I don't think me unfollowing some nobody troon on twitter (instead of just muting) is going to help with that, which is just a fact. It's not a lack of empathy at all, you're just projecting yours. Being frustrated by how not everyone wants to deal with bullshit just because they happen to have one tranny in their social groups is just unreasonable. Even more so if you're someone who could genuinely get fired, harassed, or worse for it. People who come into this thread just to act like everyone has to shout from the rooftops that they hate trannies at everyone they meet irl and online 24/7 are just weird especially considering so many people come to this site in particular so they can talk anonymously without being dogpiled on other social media websites.

No. 2260610

I mean weren't butches always taking steroids to cheat biology, even before gender ideology became mainstream?

No. 2260611

what? why would they do this? what is your thought processes here?

No. 2260619

>cheat biology
I'm genuinely confused, what do you mean? Quite a few women just have naturally deeper voices, myself included.

No. 2260623

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amazing how everything he said is wrong and can be easily disproven by simply looking at reality (underage trannies getting hrt sent to them by adults, that one surgeon doing titchops on kids on tiktok, detransitioners talking about their underdeveloped genitalia due to puberty blockers, etc etc you all know it already)

No. 2260646

Part of the sagging is self induced. Binding wrecks the ligaments supporting the breasts so they sag. It’s why a lot of tifs have grandma breasts. Same mechanism, ligaments being worn down (of course, in a normal older woman, it’s the expected collagen breakdown of age and not being delusional).

No. 2260702

Jazz Jennings got his micropenis inverted on national television when he was 17. I don’t know his timeline by heart but it wouldn’t surprise me if he started HRT before age 16, either.

>literally nobody is transing kids!
>okay well let’s ban it just to be sure

No. 2260718

I hope all those conservative suburban moms are happy. Thanks for the 7-2 Supreme Court split. It’s a failure of feminism that we could fix this ourselves. Trannies won’t disappear nor will the conservative social norms that gave birth to trannydom won’t disappear. Thanks a lot. And now Ovarit bans you for even talking BACK to these assholes. It’s a fucking Karen site now.

No. 2260722

Why do people say this when TIFs often openly have a mastectomy as teenagers? And start T? And TIMs can easily get estrogen online?
>HRT is only available to teens 16-17
Not true. Therapy is usually just virtual appointments for a letter. Plus teens are minors? Plus their own ideology wants to remove all guardrails to have people "medically transition" as easily as possible?

If something isn't happening, then why freak out over banning it?

No. 2260724

The blockers he had been put on since 13/14 actually resulted in underdeveloped penile tissue to the point where his surgery required revisions (not enough material made it difficult for the surgeon) and Jazz has never had an orgasm fyi. They act like the blockers don't count as medical transitioning when they are prescribed to a child that does not need them, it's literally interfering with their growth to prepare for a sex change

No. 2260727

KEK What is it about commies and femboys? I bet she met him through playing videogames too. The guy I was friends with said that was how he found out he was bisexual because he got catfished by a femboy and found he actually kind of liked it. Love is love.

No. 2260794

>Why do people say this when TIFs often openly have a mastectomy as teenagers?
I find that most who say this are men who legit do not spend a single second thinking about or reading about tifs, they are MRA who only think of other men and their interests

No. 2260807

Wikipedia sucks, nobody should use it. This video explains it very well.

No. 2260814

fiona apple was right. there is no hope for women.

No. 2260823

It's good when people like that go mask off and show how hostile they are to basic feminism. This is the stuff that peaks women.

No. 2260826

File: 1731613976216.png (311.54 KB, 518x640, 1731610455428.png)

94yo co-founder of La Leche League steps down because of a new focus on including men in the mission of the group. I searched but didn't see this posted anywhere. The pic is not the best resolution but I couldn't locate a better one.

No. 2260828

File: 1731614011661.jpeg (286.85 KB, 1125x753, C129862A-7B27-4EA7-AF7B-1D82C2…)

I was reading picrel on Internet Archive. It’s a collection of works about how women have been harmed by TiMs and feel pressured into remaining silent due to fear of being labeled transphobic. Except today when I checked I get a page informing me it was removed, either because the uploader took it down or it violated Terms of Service. I don’t believe there is a way to confirm the reason for its removal, but if it was due to being transphobic I am going to be so mad.

No. 2260833

its honestly insane because like. just by looking at her, she seems just like the type that the conservative proud boys of the trump movement would love to clown on… yet she's their perfect dream girl: always standing in the way of actual female liberation, parroting stupid shit about inclusivity (aka making sure moids don't get left behind or hurt their fee fees), and policing women's thoughts. unlike so many groups of women who are now being terrorized by these men, she can quite literally get her tattoos removed, take off her nose ring, put on a dress, and join the GOP if she cares so much about men more than women.

No. 2260852

holy fuck this accent/voice affect makes me chimp out so bad. can burgers itt confirm if this is a cali thing? maybe its just because i associate it with libslop and shilling but i cannot fathom taking anything she says as sage wisdom

No. 2260884

highly unlikely that the original poster removed it. this is how they obscure reality, by labeling women's experiences and womens history as transphobic

No. 2260889

It’s called uptalk and is most present in the speech of young women living in urban areas, not west coast specific.

No. 2260913

File: 1731617267875.jpg (115.16 KB, 1152x648, trasaktywista.jpg)


No. 2260945

She is not as smart as she or the comments think she is. TikTok has melted these people's brains

No. 2260973

i'm not taking advice from someone who says uhhhhh and ummmm every other sentence
>i'm giving you some dogwhistles you can look out for so you don't engage with that content
god forbid you engage with something that might threaten your beliefs. god forbid you encounter anything contrary to your ideas and dare to analyze it using critical thinking and decide for yourself whether you agree or not. don't ummm interact with these evil radfem terves and ummm stay uh safe guyss yeahh ummm!! xoxo

No. 2260975

File: 1731619344171.png (112.58 KB, 277x317, shithead.png)

don't worry nona, she is a true feminist hero who has done so much to help other women, such as… waiting for 5 minutes when her neighbor is yelling at his wife or something? we are saved

No. 2260983

She claims to hate the gender binary in another video, but her whole worldview and frame of thinking is broken into a "good/bad" binary. Trannies = good, TERFs = bad, etc.
Such a feminist savior. Whatever would we do without her activism?

No. 2261007

holy fuck that pretentious duck face she's pulling here is peak tradthot 'thou must be married before 25 lest you want to be foreveralone bitch!' energy

No. 2261014

samefag but that sentence she typed in that video is giving the same energy as religious women who tells the woman getting abused by her bf that she might've done something to make him act that way and that its all her fault kek

No. 2261026

>Children are not medically transitioning
>Puberty blockers are safe
Okay so either the children are not medically transitioning OR they are being put on puberty blockers, not both. And no, stunting a child's development by blocking puberty is not "safe", it's not healthy, it's objectively bad for them. I wish people like this would shut the fuck up forever

No. 2261078

aside from the troon ship and her annoying vocal fry, I don't think she's necessarily wrong, as the divine femininity bullshit is how many women got sucked into crunhy and then far-right worldviews, yeah most separatists are usually not serious and don't do much and too many radfems are just not willing to accept that tens of millions of women voted for trump of their own accord

No. 2261135

File: 1731625150117.png (1.73 MB, 931x4205, youweredifferent.png)

I don't want you to be right but I believe you are. The only other explanation is if the publisher requested for it to be taken down. I cobbled together the screenshots I took of one story from the anthology, picrel. I hope a new pdf becomes available again.

No. 2261138

File: 1731625493687.gif (1.92 MB, 400x225, wtf reversed.gif)

Always gets me. Enjoy being in the Gulag.

No. 2261142

>Puberty blockers are safe
If there were "safe", they wouldn't be used against Cancer like it's supposed to be.

No. 2261147

At this point, how is this any different than labeling women with logic and reason as hysteric? Trannies are men and men want us to go back when they could put their wives in an asylum and give them a lobotomy.

No. 2261167

File: 1731627292589.jpg (16.45 KB, 735x412, ada3e6ce13fe78ba7c1869506de25a…)

>God, I was shaking

No. 2261184

I literally saw a documentary on ABC that featured an 11 year old being given puberty blockers and testosterone, but ok.
She is actually fucking stupid, holy shit. What do you mean talking too much about female genital mutilation is a bad thing? Absolutely retarded as fuck, how can she think the feelings of a disgusting man matter more than a little girl has her genitals altered because she lives in a society that is afraid of little girls potentially being whores? She talks about how women who were excited about Harris were isolating women who live in the global south, but how is shunning women who talk about genital mutilation not doing just that, but in the most egregious manner possible? Almost every woman I've seen talk about female genital mutilation has been a black woman and any white woman I've seen bringing it up is usually just sharing articles about the experiences of said black women and letting them do the talking. The experiences that women of colour face at the hands of misogyny are always based on "bio essentialism", you can't bring them into the conversation with addressing it and accepting the reality of human biology. When i see people talking about white feminism, this is the type of dumb bitch that pops in my mind. She literally wants women to stop liking and discussing anything that's mean to troons or challenges anyone in any kind of way. She actually makes me furious and want to a-log, holy shit i cannot take this level of retardation. I bet she thinks we can't talk about what's going on in Afghanistan because it's disrespectful to non-binary people. She unironically linked being excited about having a biracial woman president to perpetuating fascism, i CANNOT with these bitches. They are reaching so fucking hard because they are fucking retarded and needs to bend logic to seem more enlightened than they actually are whilst not hurting moids fee fees, when all they are doing is spreading stupidity.

No. 2261218

This has fully convinced me that gender ideology is a psyop to dismantle any real feminist action. It’s been wild seeing so many women speak so positively about 4B and openly shit on men without a million qualifiers, even in normie spaces. I thought that the one silver lining of the US election is that many women have woken up to how much men hate them. And of course, like clockwork, I’m starting to see the criticism rolling in from libfems about how the 4B movement is actually super problematic and Korean feminists are really terfy and extreme. So fucking annoying. We get one step closer to class consciousness and trannies have to make it all about themselves. On the bright side, I’ve also seen a lot more pro trans sentiments get downvoted in feminist spaces on Reddit. A wave of upvotes will bring them back up after a while, but they start off in the negative and often stay low. One tim was even complaining about how he noticed it and it bothered him lol.
Also this girl has the same photobooth twirl cashew face as Dasha. Love that for her. Must be some kind of weird physical manifestation of pickmeism

No. 2261224

>The experiences that women of colour face at the hands of misogyny are always based on "bio essentialism
On this it also really pisses me off how bastardised the term bio-essentialist has become and gendies never fucking use it correctly. It's like gaslighting where they've just taken it and run it to the ground.

No. 2261285

>White feminism
What the fuck even IS white feminism? Is it just another word for ~~evil racists~~ or is it just some libfem shit? Before i get any ban for racebaiting i am asking a genuine question because i see people mentioning this brand of identity politics online and none of them bother to explain it to me before getting pissed off also i'm mixed race

No. 2261314

both of you explained exactly how i've been feeling since i posted that video. i was actually super excited to see so many normie american women terf the fuck out and are finally realizing the weight of how misogynistic men really are on the inside, and i get giddy when i see straight women talk about creating women-only spaces to get away from men further. but of course fucktards like that woman and her troon friends have to swoop in at the last second to wreck everything. like i said before, she should just join the GOP if men and dick are so fucking important to her. conservatards love troons so i don't understand why she's pretending to be some marxist commie gorl power stereotype since she clearly doesn't care about women in all honesty.

No. 2261332

File: 1731639349151.jpeg (720.04 KB, 1125x1444, B1910962-A0DB-4BCC-AEDA-B49F63…)

>Also this girl has the same photobooth twirl cashew face as Dasha. Love that for her. Must be some kind of weird physical manifestation of pickmeism
She has a very asymmetrical face. I’m curious if she has hemifacial microsomia it’s that severe. Anyways, I tried to find more pictures of her and ended up finding her Reddit account. Nothing much there but she claims to have BPD.

No. 2261342

BPD = Bad Person Disorder

No. 2261345

File: 1731640232763.jpg (763.88 KB, 1363x3840, 20241114_220706.jpg)

>Fiona Apple was right
What you said made me look up what you were talking about. Fiona is a fucking genius. The more I learn about her, the angrier I get at the way media treated her. She deserves to be recognized as a genius, but because she's a woman, she was called crazy instead. She deserved so much better.
Source: https://www.spin.com/featured/fiona-apple-tidal-november-1997-cover-story-girl-trouble/

No. 2261360

It’s just libfem tier feminism that doesn’t include women that aren’t white. However it’s kind of a straw man at this point generally used to discredit and silence regular feminists for fear of not sounding inclusive enough.

No. 2261510

I hate moids so much that it's starting to extend to tifs with he/him in their bio. I know they're just women and girls but a part of me says you wanna be treated like a man? I'll hate you like a man then.

No. 2261566

File: 1731659836696.jpg (151.99 KB, 1080x1202, 1000026907.jpg)

>Birthing parent
I hate working in tech.
This is from OpenAI (not surprised since their CEO is autistic as fuck and I imagine is getting part of his funding from the likes of Blackstone)

No. 2261588

File: 1731661960767.mp4 (7.76 MB, 720x720, DnjitHah--FGoUuc.mp4)

They want you to believe that 'trans men' birthing on tv is normal even though this is clearly an once in a blue moon situation (sorry for shit video, it's what I could find)

No. 2261589

It's on libgen too, so you can get it from there as well.

No. 2261590

I miss the times when nobody bought into gender bullshit and it was easier to talk to people. Nowadays everyone is polarized and hard to talk to. I want to vent more about this but it's hard to put it into words. I just hate this brain rot so much.

No. 2261592

i dont understand why a woman would troon out if she still wants to be a mother? literally what is the fucking point even

No. 2261594

same, it's so frustrating and it makes me sad. I wonder if there will be a stop to this

No. 2261598

I wonder if it's because they want to be some sort of example for actual males. Kinda like "if real men won't do this thing, I'll do it myself". Only in this case, they take it to an insane extreme, because men giving birth isn't possible but these TIF still want to "prove" something. Maybe they're living out their mpreg fantasies, I don't know.

No. 2261607

File: 1731665617798.jpg (95.6 KB, 828x313, 1689334072352.jpg)


No. 2261611

Do they ever stop to think that the reason they can't argue properly or come up with retorts against le evil TERFs is because they(and trans ideology) are just wrong? So fucking lost in the sauce that they're drowning in it

No. 2261649

Off handed way to compliment somebody kek

No. 2261675

Why are TIMs so obsessed with Greek goddesses? Every one of them is "Artemis worshipper" "Persephone" "Athena" "Aphrodite stan". They are dangerous and will smite you, moid.

No. 2261727

File: 1731674316447.png (950.92 KB, 1852x2775, iu.png)

Here it is re-uploaded, I recommend everyone to download the PDF in case it goes missing again
And you can also buy the original book from the collective for as cheap as 6 bucks

No. 2261732

I felt your rant. The myth of 'white feminism' is simply leftist/non-white women's version of 'foreign men are awful, unlike my angelic white christian husband'. It's always about defending their men, and their men only, because most violence and control of women occurs within your ethnicity or religion (with some exceptions like sexual harrassment). Feminists are offensive to these women because they question the power and actions of men from their ethnicity and religious background. They can't lie about their men being generally lovely because anyone with an IQ over 60 can see just how horrible these societies are for girls and women. It's really a show of tribal loyalty, hence why they're happy to shit on white men but anything that even comes close to touching their moids is Hitlerian TERF homophobe colonialism. They're anti feminists, so there's no hope to lose with them

No. 2261733

No one can convice me that a baby born from a poisoned body like that will be healthy. How is testosterone not affecting the baby? Yeah I know that there are women with pcos that give birth but they are women and they self produce that testosterone, but what about synthetic shit?

No. 2261739

You know what's funny, it was always a bit cringe when emos and punks would say "music saved my life" but now seeing how trans is the exact same kind of fashion based movement (for rogd kids that is) but without the music to center it around they're all actually ruining their own lives and bodies. If they had had the music at the core instead of body-mutilation maybe their lives would have been saved huh

No. 2261741

Tifs wouldn't survive a single day being treated as an actual man. So many of the teen girls change their mind and think they're non-binary instead of men once they start interacting with real men and realize they're nothing like them kek would be better if they fully peaked but still funny that they got one illusion crushed so quickly

No. 2261755

it's not even only about TiMs it's about many types of "queer" men who hurt women and it was a book where women could tell their stories even though they were afraid of hurting the queer movement or told they shouldn't tell their story because it might contribute to a negative narrative about their community. but that's bullshit because when there's abuse you have to call it out

No. 2261756

File: 1731677042827.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1284x1885, IMG_3399.jpeg)

They’re so fucking homophobic

No. 2261762

Imagine how exhausting it would be to work with this narcissistic.

No. 2261764

and every "straight" transgender is an ingrateful homophobe

No. 2261780

>gay transphobe
So a gay person who don't bend to your shit? They're smart.

No. 2261795

>every gay person who isn't willing to stamp it down and be in a heterosexual relationship anyway is immoral
What a bold and progressive sentiment.

No. 2261797

i'd rather be called a traitor than a rapist. trying to coerce someone into having sex with you when they're not even attracted to the genitals you posses is reprehensible behavior yet by calling it transphobia they're able to portray themselves as victims of anyone who refuses to give them sex

No. 2261828

no idea, a good friend of mine in HS who always has wanted kids became and enby and i was so confused. my guess is that they don't like the typical associations people make with motherhood. except instead of realizing that motherhood is what she makes it to be regardless of everyone's assumptions, she decides instead she must be less than a woman for not wanting to be an instagram mommy… which is hilariously misogynistic in itself, because mothers know that is not the reality anyway. as an aside always makes me chuckle how women who hate women so much they don't want to be referred to as one, want an experience only a woman can have so badly. like the "queer" spicy straight women who literally marry a man and have his kids but insist they aren't extremely heterosexual.

No. 2261835

When women are mothers it’s boring and lame, but when ‘men’ are ‘birthing parents’ it’s cool and subversive. It’s the same reason some TIFs are suddenly comfortable with wearing makeup/skirts/the colour pink again after declaring themselves nonwomen.

Ngl every time TRAs turn on each other and eat their own I think of Artemis and Actaeon. Unfortunately it doesn’t happen to TIMs nearly as often as they deserve.

Women with elevated testosterone from PCOS don’t reach even close to the levels that TIFs inject themselves with.

No. 2261850

While they've always done it in secret they used to only openly hate detransitioners, they've now moved on to being openly homophobic a well… because there is nothing a cult hates more than apostates who stray away from the religion they follow. There is literally no reason for a trans person to wear this, apart from homophobia.

No. 2261855

File: 1731685165562.jpeg (178.69 KB, 1125x1120, 36EB036D-88B1-400A-B03C-3ED3BC…)

Anon thank you so much!

No. 2261857

No prob nona ♥

No. 2261860

File: 1731685534220.png (878.82 KB, 1152x2133, IMG_3413.png)

This was a comment about a TRA post being removed on a lesbian sub. Because gay women wanting our own spaces away from men is somehow equivalent to nazis at a bar. I can’t take it anymore nonnas.


No. 2261867

I don't get it. A TRA post was removed on a lesbian sub. Good. This was compared to a story where a nazi-punk was ejected from a punk bar. Also good. In this comparison, just based on the screenshot you shared, the nazi was the TRA. So what's the missing context?

No. 2261872

File: 1731686867554.jpeg (806.85 KB, 1284x1715, IMG_3414.jpeg)

The comment was comparing “cryptoterfs” to nazis, sorry for the lack of context. It wasn’t comparing nazis to TRAs. Here are the previous comments.

No. 2261880

ah what a shame

No. 2261895

File: 1731688715558.png (218.43 KB, 569x492, image.png)

Is this why 'puppygirls' with age dysphoria are so common? I wouldn't be surprised if the next trend was turning physical disability into a desirable sexual trait
Another bit, still from this book (Masochism and the Self):
>despite the lingerie and makeup, the male transvestite masochists remained masculine masochists
>on two of three measures, the transvestite male masochists were farther away from female masochists than the other male masochists were

No. 2261905

>I wouldn't be surprised if the next trend was turning physical disability into a desirable sexual trait
This feels like the next step in munchie evolution (which many troons also are.) It would go hand in hand with autopedo shit.

No. 2261910

It's a pantheon so you can pick and choose like a Hogwarts house, and just like Hogwarts houses they were obsessed with them at 12.

No. 2261914

It's that specific kind of bigotry which everyone who misuses the term "intersectionality" is riddled with.
>Straight men murdering gays and troons in several countries and getting away with it? Meh, whatever, it's a shame but it's nothing new, at least it wasn't me!
>WHAT?! Some gays/women aren't mindlessly praising me for existing?! But I have GRACED THEM with my PRESENCE and ACTIVISM! How dare they not elect me as their spokesperson!! Fucking traitors!! They're supposed to coddle me for being just as oppressed as them!!
They also love to pull this gaslighting bullshit on ethnic minorities, hence why the average tranny is racist.

No. 2261921

The Percy Jackson books DID give Greek gods the Hogwarts house treatment kek. Tumblr loved that series so that's where 80% of the obsession probably came from.

No. 2261922

It's a pantheon so you can pick and choose like a Hogwarts house, and just like Hogwarts houses they were obsessed with them at 12.

No. 2261946


Here's the actual site, saved it from a few threads back in the mtf thread

No. 2261975

>me whenever anyone known for being a pathetic pervert or manipulative cunt troons out and women I know starts kissing the ground they walk on
Just how strong is this brainwashing? I know women that are very clearly uncomfortable around moids that aren't their immediate family put any troon on a pedestal no matter how well-known they are for being awful, and they don't see anything wrong or hypocritical about it. I've tried to bring up how weird it is and they just give me this empty, sorta "if you don't watch what's coming out of your month right now, we're through" look so I end up dropping it and play dumb. Like they just can't understand why I refuse to "move past" any shitty behavior just because they changed pronouns and/or started to dress like a porn star. Hell, they don't even seem to follow when I try to bring up the hypocrisy of women getting shat on and threatened for years if they are gc but men gets a pass. These are otherwise intelligent, well-educated women that are very much for women's liberation - as long as it includes troons of course.
I'm glad I have a couple of friends I can more or less talk about this shit with (they are somewhat peaked, but still believe in trutrans), because I would question my sanity daily otherwise.

No. 2262082

nta but you sound retarded and ignorant. many women have naturally saggy boobs.

No. 2262156

Nta and you’re not wrong but binding does actually affect the ligaments and cause more sagging. This isn’t a judgement on saggy breasts, just something that happens.

No. 2262200

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No. 2262218

File: 1731706956950.jpeg (181.97 KB, 1125x498, IMG_5207.jpeg)

No. 2262224

>Trannies gain weight
>can kinda sorta lick their own nipples after folding themselves in half like a lawn chair

No. 2262233

Ew. They're trying to grow woman parts so they can finally touch boobs.

No. 2262513

File: 1731724109099.png (358.36 KB, 612x592, Disney.png)

>Is an ep about a TIM joining the female-only volleyball team.
Good. Way to tell little girls to leave their dreams or teams aside for boys who cannot win against other moids.


No. 2262519

>the episode, quite literally called The Gatekeeper, is being pulled because it follows the main character and her team as they are harassed by a parent from an opposing team after she learns that one of the members is trans. it's… being gatekept.
Based parent.

No. 2262890

No. 2263016

I wouldn't be surprised if they release the episode for streaming later. The show is cancelled anyway.

No. 2263025

File: 1731767125261.jpeg (340.69 KB, 1536x2048, Fd98mQ9VUAAjEkh.jpeg)

Holy shit, for a cartoon telling girls "you can be strong and beautiful and smart", this feels like a big slap with "moids dressing as women are valid like you. Shut up and listen to them only".

No. 2263034

Calling it “The Gatekeeper” are they fucking serious

No. 2263091

File: 1731771139613.jpg (442.8 KB, 665x1149, befr.jpg)

>taking the Mary sue test for the lulz
>Immediately cringe at the way everything is worded
>"Something's very off, I can feel it"
>Check "about me"
Kek so a woman? I knew it kek. You're into RP, fanfiction, Star Trek and are desperately "socially conscious" and "mindful of how your words affect others"?? FEMALE, cut the bullshit, "enbi person" my ass. Nothing wrong with these qualities, I just find it so ridiculous to pretend to be a genderless being when she shares so many traits with other nerdy women

No. 2263095

Kek at the clockability and all the disclaimers. Imagine being the kind of person who takes this test and gets offended when it diagnoses your OC with autism.

No. 2263110

This eerily reminds me of that male algerian boxer that won gold in the womens boxing competition. Men should not mix with women when it comes to women's sports. Based disney. I hope they do not get backlash for this shit. I go to disneyworld a lot irl and there are always gays/lesbians, but have not seen a tranny there yet.

No. 2263113

File: 1731772210561.png (31.92 KB, 523x214, 1000029139.png)

Lmao she changed the pronouns on the questions from "their" to "xir" (the Alexandria's Genesis point is funny too, you can tell this was made by and for Tumblrinas)

No. 2263131

File: 1731773044009.png (607.74 KB, 756x454, right.png)

"Trans girls competing with other girls because they're mediocre moids is a myth!".

No. 2263135

No. 2263375

Never understood this sentiment because I was told being trans was something you "identify" as? That if you think you're trans, then you probably are according to TRAs and others trans people. It's not inherently the fault of the person who regrets it seeing how heavily encouraged medically transitioning is tied with trans identity. Even more so therapist and healthcare profs affirm and encourage people to take hrt and get sex changes. There is no neutral talking out about it because that's all they're ever told to do

No. 2263379

File: 1731785761622.jpeg (76.82 KB, 720x761, 0D45A90E-0380-4794-B335-3AFD09…)

Now Why is it worse to be transphobic than homophobic? Hmmmm

No. 2263384

Simply gay = no breeding, trans and gay = breeding can occur.

No. 2263389

Fucked up if true. You’d think trannies would be trying to be nice to the gays since they’re the only ones who defend them other than handmaidens

No. 2263393

With lesbian/gay people you can at least donate your eggs/sperm. Trans hormones pollute any sort of that.

No. 2263433

accidentally posted this on the snow thread and couldn't delete it, sorry mods

what is bluesky like re radical feminism and terf stuff? i know it's a liberal/leftist bastion, but i'm a lefist terf and i'd love to see the website not get fully ceded to trans shit, off the bat. i know jk rowling is not on bluesky (yet?) but does anyone know if there's any terfs or anyone speaking on gender issues that's aren't only twaw?

No. 2263443

The TRA narrative is still that it’s incredibly difficult to transition and only someone who’s super duper cereal and persistent can get a referral. They will contradict themselves and move goalposts mid-conversation to maintain this narrative but maintain it they will. They’re not going to admit that transitioning is easy and even encouraged by the medical establishment because 1) this undercuts their Most Oppressed Minority claim and 2) that would open the door for people who do want more regulations on the process. If they criticise the enabling healthcare providers and admit that a ROGD girl shouldn’t have been given a testosterone prescription during her first appointment at Planned Parenthood, that will make it more difficult for themselves (or the kids they’re grooming) to get hormones too. All that matters is what they want in the moment and they don’t care who gets hurt.

No. 2263561

I haven't seen much but the blocklist feature can be pretty useful if you use it the other way around kek. I'm using my account for fandom stuff and naturally have gendie mutuals so personally I'm playing the crypto game of just not mentioning my beliefs at all (inb4 nonas come for me) but I have been tempted to make a side account for that, I want to post memes I've saved from here and elsewhere but I don't know how I'd attract followers to it considering how pro-troon it is already.

No. 2263597

File: 1731793389935.png (35.61 KB, 588x308, naomi cunningham bluesky.PNG)

I've been wary of bluesky because for the past few years, the userbase has been at least 80% TiMs making it into their own little jerkoff puppygirl incest drama bubble, because twitter got too hateful and dangerous for them to post that stuff there. They've actually started raging a bit because normal people are ruining their fun.
Not sure how much you can say about gender before you get outright banned, but a UK barrister/the head of sex matters has all her posts labeled as "intolerance" by default, by the bluesky mod team.

No. 2263621

maybe I'm reading too much into it and achieved top paranoid status but I noticed that there are more and more makeup companies that are using men in advertising? I can let pass off youtube fags like James Charles because they're basically womanfacing using their face as an advertising billboard, I mean it's yucky but I can understand, I'm talking about men, full beard, shit dead eyes, putting on meakeup or skincare. It's uncanny because men are not the target of these products so I wonder what are the companies are trying to pull with this move, I know that makeup is genderless as in anyone can wear it and woman is not equal to makeup and I don't wear it myself but I'm starting to find this odd. Men are not the target of these products and unless some girl is a faghag, it's just uncanny like you force me to wear this shit and now you're doing it yourself? Who are you trying to attract? Idk I think that it's a subtle move to get troons to buy their shit by saying "our products look good even if you don't pass!! Look at these men and how good they look! You know you are one but see how good you look, you could almost pass off as a woman!" but they fail to realize that unless the guy is a skilled mua, it looks uncanny because it's a very well known fact that troons can't do makeup with their wonky liners and black lipstick.

No. 2263737

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I wonder if they pulled the episode because they didn't want to draw attention to the current news about the San Jose State women's volleyball lawsuit. A bunch of players are suing the school, the head coach, and the athletic conference that organizes the volleyball games for violating Title IX by letting a male player on their team. Opposing teams keep forfeiting games rather than play against a male. It's pretty much the big trans sports controversy in the US right now, so the episode could've added fuel to the fire, and I don't think Disney wants to be in the middle of that.

No. 2263760

I believe the target audience is still girls and women, but this time targeting the particular crowd who believe if a MAN is doing something it MUST be empowering. I've seen "pole fitness" ads using the same gimmick of "we have MALE pole dancers so YES it IS empowering!" but in reality the target audience of the makeup ad is still women in order to drain them of their reduced paycheck because they're told if they look youthful and please everyone by looking good with [makeup product] then everyone will like them and respect them despite that never happening throughout the history of the entire world. I trained as a MUA and beauty therapist waxing clients, performing manicures, pedicures, and applying facial treatments with masks and massages, and not a single client within those 2 years I had was male kek. Back when I trained I was in the kpop fandom and a lot of girls I was in mutuals with on twitter/tumblr would buy the sponsored clothes and makeup of male idols (designer clothes, high end makeup, imported korean skincare) because it was men they found attractive wearing and using them. Honestly if these makeup companies REALLY wanted to sell their shit, they'd make male models apply their products and not bearded dead eyed moids.

It's basically selling the fantasy that "Makeup IS gender neutral!!1! Which is why, ladies and enbies, you should buy our empowering gender neutral products just like the superior men do!1!!" When in reality I have lived the proof that noooo male is investing in that shit kekkkk. Actually after I finished training I quit and never wore makeup again, it's such a waste of time and energy. It was the equivalent of studying the bible back to back and then leaving the church shortly after kek.

No. 2263768

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I know I said this in the last thread, but I really do think that Democrat's recent losses are what's going to spur them to drop the most controversial parts of the trans agenda and overall usher in a mass peaking (or, rather, accelerate the peaking that is already occurring). The New York Times published this opinion piece on the topic just a few days ago: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/14/opinion/trump-democrats-transgender.html
Use the archive link if you can't get past the paywall. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I can't imagine a left-leaning newspaper like the NYT would let a columnist call for trans "common sense" like this even a few years ago; clearly, the "most oppressed group" label is starting to fade even among the most well-meaning liberals. The tide is turning for real.
>In my reporting, I’ve spoken with many parents of gender-dysphoric kids, overwhelmingly liberal and Democrat, who told me they felt betrayed by Democrats and by the Biden administration on this issue. They resent being labeled “anti-trans” for questioning whether it’s right to simply accept what their children say about their gender, especially since those children often suffer from other mental health issues.
>This is not because Americans are “uncomfortable” with the existence of transgender people or need to get with the program. About 44 percent of Americans already know someone who is transgender. Indeed, polls show that people have become less supportive of progressive ideas about gender identity as they have become more widely publicized and understood. According to Pew, 60 percent of Americans in 2022 said gender is determined by the sex at birth, up from 54 percent in 2017. Democrats’ opposition to allowing trans girls and women to compete in women’s sports increased to 48 percent in 2023, from 41 percent in 2021, according to Gallup, while independent voters’ opposition increased to 67 percent from 63 percent.
>“Democrats spend way too much time trying not to offend anyone rather than being brutally honest about the challenges many Americans face,” Seth Moulton, a Democratic representative from Massachusetts, told The Times last week. “I have two little girls; I don’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat I’m supposed to be afraid to say that.”

No. 2263777

I remember some trannies on 4chan talking about how transphobia from women "hurt" more than transphobia from men. It was because they expected women to be on their side.

No. 2263780

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>"noooo, women! why aren't you helping us! I thought you were the nice ones! I thought we were friends!!!"

No. 2263792

>other teams would rather forfeit the match then compete against a male
Based, but also sad. Men do not belong in womens sports. I hope there are laws made to change this. It's insane how some people are okay with this, especially when it comes to womens sports. Mens sports do not have this issue. I hope these young women's futures burn bright.

No. 2263793

from what i've noticed, 4chan troons seem to be more self hating and self aware than usual. they at least readily admit that they're mentally ill freaks who won't ever be a woman

No. 2263796

>>“Democrats spend way too much time trying not to offend anyone rather than being brutally honest about the challenges many Americans face,” Seth Moulton, a Democratic representative from Massachusetts, told The Times last week. “I have two little girls; I don’t want them getting run over on a playing field by a male or formerly male athlete, but as a Democrat I’m supposed to be afraid to say that.”
I was just talking about this shit irl like democrats rolled over and took this loss. People are done dealing with trannies. I have a friend in her late 40s who has a kid who is trying to troon out. (FTM) and she DMs me all the time about her frustration. I feel so bad for her. She also told me she felt better talking to a like minded woman and has been reading anti trans books. I'm happy she's peaked, but it sucks she's dealing with this bs with her own kid.

No. 2263816

I had a stupid dream where I was on LCF and someone posted about or linked another imageboard with some drama. So I went to that imageboard to check it out and it was full of trannies.
I replied to a troon that kept talking about technology that will supposedly make it possible to turn into a female, absolutely delusional. I asked him why he keeps chasing a "goal" that he knows full well is impossible to reach, and told him to just accept that he'll never be a woman, and turning into the opposite sex is impossible. But a tranny in real life would never, ever give an honest, straightforward answer to this unless he was just starting to transition or was one of those self-aware AGPs.

>On Transgender Issues, Voters Want Common Sense
Wooow you don't say.
NTAYRT but thank you for your input. Very interesting indeed. No male that isn't gay or whose livelihood literally depends on his attractiveness (male idols and models) would even think about investing in his physical appearance to look prettier, as males aren't conditioned from birth to do so. Regular straight men could do that, for a change, but of course they don't give a fuck, and deep down they, including the moids being used to advertise these things, probably realize that makeup and other female-exclusive products and beauty standards (pole dancing, lingerie, etc.) aren't made with women's best interest in mind, but men's, so there's no way in hell they'd ever believe it's actually empowering. Straight troons just make this more obvious.
It sounds like a psyop tbh. Both in the way it's trying to convince women that there's nothing sexist about it, and that it's trying to target AGP males as a secondary target demographic without pissing their main demographic off.

No. 2263833

It's something I've noticed too, as well as within the fashion world. Honestly even as someone who's anti-beauty industry and critical of modelling I say let them. Let men take over the beauty industry and buy into it and waste their valuable time consuming and adorning themselves with products to look like fucking clowns. Let TiMs own the runway looking anorexic and haggard while real women move past it. The beauty industry is beneath us, and advertisers know now they don't only have women in the market, but men too, so they're trying their darndest to reel em in. Let them. Let men look ridiculous and ugly.

No. 2263853

My guess would be: gay people already have their rights, and they're "old news" in general, while trannies are genocided on the streets every day (at least they think they are).

No. 2263856

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No. 2263859

Not a single one of these people knew about this show until yesterday

No. 2263862

"What do you mean the MC's best friend has two dads and have kissed on TV and shown more same-sex couples? WON'T SOMEONE THINK ON THIS POOR MOID?"

No. 2263965

Remember the girl who got paralyzed from playing against an innocent trans girl two years ago?

No. 2264178

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No. 2264258

“If you don’t fuck me you’re a transphobe”

No. 2264262

>You can't collaborate with genocie.
Kek, they you just can't win with trannies.

No. 2264279

Basic research would tell you to pre-emptively avoid it, because it will get nasty:
>Treat others with respect. For example, no:
>Harassment or abuse directed at a specific person or group, including but not limited to, sexual harassment and gender identity-based harassment
>Promoting hate or extremist conduct that targets people or groups based on their race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, or sexual orientation
In other words, you're safer from the thought police on Twitter.

No. 2264432

Jeez, imagine if that happened in the cartoon, the Gatekeeper would have been in the correct of not letting the moid to participate.

No. 2264435

>Stonewalluk hasn't mentioned it at all yet
If I were behind that account, I would mention it but by remind to people that Marsha was a drag artist, not a trans woman and he didn't do shit in the riots.

No. 2264438

I'd guess it's the regular exposure to moids who either openly bully them or make it very clear their tolerance is purely for sexual reasons.

No. 2264464

They truly view us as completely submissive doormats yet claim to have “female brain” and be one of us lol

No. 2264543

They're so brain rotted about women having "sorority" and all the jazz thanks by tv shows or movie tropes, they seems to ignore that our sorority is BECAUSE of them. This explains also why they hate terfs so much, they cannot deal with women not wanting nothing to do with them, specially in stuff that is concerning about OUR health and safe space. Libfems might help them somehow, but noooooo they want all women to kiss their horrid feet.

No. 2264635

Holy based team and based other teams for forfeiting and refusing to play against a moid. This is the sorority we need, everyone refusing to play while the cheating moid is still on the team and letting everyone know he's the reason. If they lose this lawsuit under Trumps America I'll officially lose all hope in that misogynistic shithole. Dozens of female players are actively expressing their discomfort yet they keep prioritizing the one tranny on the team that's preventing everyone from playing. Misogyny at its peak.

No. 2264646

repost from the mtf thread
this is a 1996 documentary about a trans rights group called the "transsexual menace." It's interesting because despite the whole topic about the trans-experience, you can immediately see the divide between the black, poor white, and hispanic hsts tims, who are mostly in the sex trade or prostitution (they all come across as drag queens) compared to the apgs who are usually upper middle class and can be found in academia or with other successful careers, interestingly enough almost every tif shown seems to be lesbian women who want to be men to attract women, there was even a lesbian who transitioned to a man, married a woman, but that women ended up transitioning and now there are a 'gay male couple', there is also a section where they are a hispanic tim complains about the fact that many men who are attracted to troons usually end up wanting to be fucked by them

No. 2264657

I get it for skincare, it's expanding to target men with 'manly' marketing. Makeup ads for men though..? It's probably put out by out-of-touch libfem marketing graduates who think men in a tutu is revolutionary. They're not thinking about haggard AGP moids, they believe that it's so inclusive and wonderful that men get to wear makeup too, which includes troons (because even their handmaidens know they're men after all)
>Let TiMs own the runway looking anorexic and haggard while real women move past it.
I agree but sadly we're seeing famine-tier anorexic models walking alongside normal weight models and male models in feminine clothing. It feels like it's gotten worse since the 2000s, they've injected 'diversity' by putting old/chubby/gay male models here and there but it doesn't cancel out the absolute state of thin models these days.
Thanks nona!

No. 2264681

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No. 2265048

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No. 2265093

No. 2265136

I've been called gender essentialist and a transphobe for implying trans men are less of a menace than cis men by miles by some tims in a discord discussion so please go ahead and treat these abominations like men because they won't hesitate to throw women under the bus to please their fellow "men" and "break gender barriers". they truly don't give a shit about women, they just want to self affirm "men" and performing misogyny is gender affirmation to many.

No. 2265152

yes let's never generalize men especially when they're the doing the most violent crimes (% vary from 95 to 85) in society according to every statistic in every country while also being mostly in charge of every law concerning women's healthcare, those poor men being generalized amirite

No. 2265587

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No. 2265622

This person must be so damn insufferable to work with holy hell. gendies making (third person pronouns) something customizable that every other person is forced to comply with, when the whole point of them is people will call you what they perceive you as in their point of view. You can have a million prounoun pins and enby pride flags on your wardrobe, but the truth be told is if you look and sound like a 5'3 woman with colored hair, even with a frog voice, people are gonna call you she. People aren't gonna deny reality to suit you kek

No. 2265657

>I work at an elderly care home
Jesus Christ. Imagine being Edith and Albert, 89, and some moid wearing a shirt that says "THEY/THEM GANGBANGED UR MOM" strides in to wipe your ass.

No. 2265661

>Absolutely retarded as fuck
And racist too I would say. She is the textbook example of white libfeminism. She puts fucking scrotes on a pedestal.

No. 2265671

Of all things, she picks…talking about FGM to whine about? I can just tell this woman is extremely fucking racist no matter how much time she's spent ~unlearning her upbringing~ and thinks black women (because if she's hearing soooo much about this subject then she's obviously heard multiple black women's stories) should just quiet down because it makes her and her precious white men uncomfortable. Or she's actually done no research whatsoever and just picked an exclusively female issue to patronise about for essentially the same reason. Btw, isn't it a coincidence how every single woman like this always has a sob story about how they were raised super conservative?

No. 2265683

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It will never cease to amuse me that faggots and trannies genuinely think they're more attractive than women. He had to draw a little shota femboy to win that competition in his fat and aged forehead. KEK

No. 2265686

>"talking too much about female genital mutilation is bad because it hurts mentall ill men's feelings"
holy fucking shit, not only is she a handmaiden, but she's a genuinely terrible person.

No. 2265739

Thinking that talking about FGM is too much is racist and misogyny combined, I hate retards like her and they always think that they’re righteous too.

No. 2265762

They genuinely are less of a menace than real moids though. They're assholes and cultists, yes, but they're far less likely to commit a violent crime than a male.

TIMs only pretend TIFs are as dangerous as real men because it allows them to pretend that they're as inoffensive as real women. No TIM is actually scared of a TIF.

No. 2265799

TIFs are women with brainworms, TIMs are men who has overdosed on misogyny and turned their lives into a walking fetish. I know which group I prefer.

No. 2265805

Neither is the correct answer, no one dicksucks TIMs harder than a TIF

No. 2265886

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No. 2265978

Detransitioners reading this, was it ever annoying to be around other TIFs constantly praising TIMs, claiming TIMs had it way worse, always shouting them out in posts, etc? Only for TIMs not to give a single fuck about TIFs of course. For an outsider looking in, it seems like there's insane social pressure among TIFs to worship TIMs to avoid backlash

No. 2266013

A woman could just be breathing next to them and they’d call her a terf

No. 2266125

Five bucks if it had been a moid with a "MAN" tshirt and they'd instead go "lmao silly lil' man asserting his gender" or called him an overcompensating egg.

No. 2266128

Desister here. It’s actually one of the biggest discussions in the trans communities, we just used coded language to talk about it. The refusal to talk about tifs issues was called “transmasc erasure” or “transmasc invisibility”. It was considered a privilege that tifs had to not be talked about all the time. Anti-tif sentiment among tims was called “antitransmasculinity”, “transandrophobia”, etc, and talked about a lot. Honestly the difference between how tifs and tims were treated was one of the main reasons I peaked, I saw how similar it was to the misogyny I transitioned to get away from and it all clicked. Although this website was a big help.

No. 2266183

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He's 18, and he notes in the article from an interview how he's "suddenly" been vastly improving his speed lately, which has surprised him.
Hm, almost as if boys start actually hitting puberty and growing large/larger amounts of muscle/even sprouting chest hair around that exact same time.
I remember boys all starting to get big after senior year. What an interesting time to suddenly gain a significant physical advantage, around the final year of high school where these kinds of physical competitions matter the most for getting into an ideal college. How harrowing

No. 2266226

Original post asked for detrans perspective, which I am not. But I do want to add on to this nonna's reply
I look around tranny socmed accounts for milk, with tumblr being the easiest to access. (I could probably make some threads, but I don't want to be put out to pasture for shit ops kek)

There is extreme backlash against terms like "transandrophobia" because it "centers AFAB experiences over that of [TIMs]". The prevailing attitude is that transmisogyny should be focused on above all else, and talking about female hardship "takes away" from male problems. You saw TIFs parading themselves as good little men who knew how to decenter themselves for the benefit of their trans sisters KEK. Blocklists for "transandrophobia truthers" still get passed around. I've seen people peak off of this drama alone

No. 2266271

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i don't understand his logic. if trans women are women (kek no), then a so called cis woman could enjoy her womanhood and it wouldn't be such a big deal to trans women since they are on the same team, right?


No. 2266289

desisted nona. Yes, it was. something that is widely known but not spoken out loud is that everyone knows exactly who the women and the men are and the rest is just layers of denial to pretend the obvious isn't there. If you're not completely retarded, eventually the cognitive dissonance gets under your skin. It also depends on the type of tranny you were. fujotifs are the most obnoxious and cope the hardest and tend to take the most time to get fed up (and often are in a group of all tifs which makes the surveillance even tighter), gnc autist-to-trans pipeliners tend to adopt a not like other trannies attitude and if you're one of those and smart, eventually it clicks into place you're doing advanced NLOGism and you stop.

It's all verbal, vapid virtue signaling. A lot of the fujotif type, who already had primarily female social groups and probably trooned out with their friends all at the same time, would never really treat a tim as an equal, nor would he be interested in being around a group of all girls. tifs and tims cluster together with their own ilk with very little overlap, and tifs pay lip service and surveil each other until either they grow up, end up splintering over minor disagreements on any one cause du jour, or the abuse becomes impossible to ignore so they peak, usually by means of a tim boyfriend (an experience common enough there's an entire book about it). Tims are an imaginary oppressed concept to be united with your own group defending them and the unpleasant reality breaks a lot of people eventually.

There is at least one term to speak of it now, transandrophobia. I wanna think this means they're becoming self aware, but often, they're not. They drop the fight at the lightest pushback. If you already have an assertive temperament it becomes fucking insufferable to see these pusillanimous women roll over at anything, and you usually desist and terf out. kek

No. 2266295

A woman I was interested in just came out to me and told me she planned to start T soon. God being a lesbian is bleak.

No. 2266514

I hate that my name is so popular among tims. I always see grotesque ugly men using my name. I know why too, its a playful and girly name and theyre all pedophiles. So annoying

No. 2266565

How have other nonnas here dealt with creating lives in alignment with their values re: gender ideology? Most of the people I know, in my general "queer" social milieu, are trans/nonbinary and/or brainwashed, to the point of believing in some of the more obscure religious beliefs about trans, including ideas about god-given gendered souls, how there are "no differences" between female and male bodies, and the beauty of the mutilated body. I had (or struggled to have) similar beliefs. I was a they/them, but have slowly desisted over the years as the logical inconsistencies of gender ideology added up. I only recently fully peaked and stopped trying to "just make it all make sense". Is the only solution just to be open about my views, and let myself get kicked aside? How do I make new friends when living in a liberal U.S. city, where this stuff is everywhere? I know a popular choice for many is just to keep their views private. However, I would like to take responsibility for myself. Has anyone else been a similar situation?

No. 2266573

Same reason why they want to be called trans "women" and not just "women", or cry about representation for trans "women" specifically. Because deep down inside, they know they're not really women, or at least not "normal".

No. 2266597

Join groups for things with a purpose - something you can actually do and not just think about. Take a class on something you're interested in. Engage with the real world over real things beyond ideology and you will find that most people don't give a shit about gender ideology.

No. 2266615

What >>2266597 said. But this is where you must have courage, and grab hold of your tism to prevent it from sabotaging you. Every time you feel that you must be "true" and "responsible", remember that many women have been fired, harassed, assaulted, stalked, and blacklisted for expressing even the most normal and inoffensive opinions. Even when you agree with a troon, he will find a reason to attack you, because he is insecure and his life revolves around misogyny.
Join some groups, take the classes. Don't think about gender retardation. If the topic comes up, say you don't understand it and don't care in the blandest way you can. Emulate boomer zen and move on from it. People will filter themselves into and out of your life accordingly.

No. 2266649

First I've seen detransitioners still be seen as valid to the community. "They still had dysphoria!" And "protect trans youth! Even if they no longer identify as trans as an adult!" And now I am seeing people making fun of detransitioners and especially for outing the very online spaces that groomed them too. Too many transtrenders seen as valid only for them to turn their back on the whole cult when they grow out of it. Some actually get surgeries and regret it immediately.

No. 2266759

Sorry to hear about that, Alice or Emily.

No. 2266818

No one cares tifanny

No. 2266854

Don't shoot yourself in the foot, tim. If passing proves TWAW, 99% of you are disqualified.

No. 2266855

I'm not a tim lol seethe

No. 2266858

It shows that you are male because all you see is being pretty, sometimes I actually wonder if you think you really are a woman (thus you are severely mentally ill) or you just are turbotrolling and are so dedicated that you ruin your body, in every case you will never be one, dude.

No. 2266859

watch out the male accusations, you may be giving some tif a euphoria ladyboner

No. 2266860

Dude I'm not a male no matter how much you'll cope. I just hate you trads and wanted to see you all cry

No. 2266861

Nothing gives my xeno ace clit more boner than you tradwhores seething PLEASE COPE MORE ITS SO CLOSE AAAAAAAAAAAA(bait)

No. 2266862

Sometimes I wonder why tifs want to be considered men. I mean sometimes I'm embarrassed by my own country people, they're loud, cringe and overall unpleasant and I cannot optout of this label but since tips believe that you can with gender, why associate yourself with the largest demographic of rapists, killers, abusers, criminals, baby molesters? All for what, "I don't like my ~gender roles~?" As if men's gender roles, or better typical traits are not the worst fucking thing on earth and everybody untrusts them.

No. 2266863

>I just hate you trads and wanted to see you all cry
You aren't from around here, are you,

No. 2266864

In that case at least they're good at larping but it doesn't change the mentally ill accusation, no sane person does that and its not quirky or funny.

No. 2266865

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Go be retarded somewhere else troon. Posting pics of women and saying they're trannies is peak cope.

No. 2266870

Recently my mutuals were reblogging a post by a troon complaining about "tme people's" interpretation of the substance and saying being anti body mods means being anti hrt and a whole paragraph about how those "tme people" saying oh but it's not about you though wasn't good enough. So, mutuals reblog this post taking the tim at face value because they're just tme people what do they know!! Then someone else makes a post saying that the troon's post was misinterpreting the movie and the same mutuals reblog it and are like hm yeah much to think about. It's like people are scared to think for themselves and will agree with anyone who uses enough buzzwords. The original troon post had a screenshotted example and my mutuals tags were like "good points, I think I reblogged the screenshotted post before" Don't forget to self flagellate for the tims!

No. 2266876

what the fuck is a "tme"?

No. 2266878

"transmisogyny exempt" aka women

No. 2266879

They had similar tantrums about Cyberpunk suggesting there are downsides to mutilating yourself kek

No. 2266915

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lol, I guess the god who wants people to sacrifice the blood of other would fully support troons

No. 2266923

>It looks like it's got rope around its neck
KEK what did they mean by this

No. 2267000

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No. 2267023

>consequences of shutting down asylums

No. 2267047

Hey now, she could be Lilith

No. 2267051

Jfl my best friend just got accused of rape by a troon, and everyone is on the troons side because no one wants to be seen as transphobic. This is why you should never give trannies the benefit of doubt and be in friend groups with them

No. 2267054

Is your friend a male or a female? Have they ever had sex with said troon? What is she it he being accused of?
If the friend group is full of gendies there’s nothing you can do, they still suck TIM’s cocks even when they do the raping, so imagine if they’re whining about being the victim kek.

No. 2267056

If it’s a male I’d suggest him to troon out for a couple of months kek, troon on troon crime always ends up being pushed under the carpet.
If she’s a female goddamn, too bad, they already see her as a “”TME” kek.

No. 2267068

>Is the only solution just to be open about my views, and let myself get kicked aside?
I did this personally (once I peaked I became open about my views on social media) and a lot of people did unfriend me (I haven’t talked to them since). Plenty of people didn’t unfriend me, either because they’re not online enough to be reading my posts all the time, or because they agree with me ig, so I focused on spending more time reaching out and hanging out with them.
>How do I make new friends when living in a liberal U.S. city, where this stuff is everywhere?
Join groups that don’t have the word “queer” in the name. Join groups for art, or a sport, or an activity, and make an effort to talk to the people in the group who don’t have blue hair and a septum piercing. Also, early on as you’re taking to them, try making an off-color, non-PC joke, like “I identify as an attack helicopter” or “lol I don’t know what any of those woke terms mean” and see how they react. Or show up to the group wearing a Harry Potter t-shirt (I literally do this even though I’m lukewarm about the books).

No. 2267070

They want to be like anime boys and fictional heroes kek

No. 2267111

Because they want to be free from the cage thats womanhood, at least some of them. Anons make fun of the tifs that go from normal women to morbidly obese hairy freaks but i honestly think that's just the conclusion to living in such an opressing society that doesnt allow women to just exist without fitting extreme beauty standards. I am a very outdoorsy person and i loathe being a woman because i can't do things like camping or hiking alone without fearing for my life. It's genuinely awful to be female, scary, opressing, depressing. And i am saying all this from someone living in latam, now imagine how a woman living in a shithole like the middle east must feel. I totally understand them from wanting to escape all that.

No. 2267431

kek I wonder why the standard TIF is name is something cutesy like Ash or Ollie or Bean while TIM troons name themselves stripper names
They want to exist without being sexualized and feel like a person instead of just "the girl". FujoTIFs want to self-insert into yaoi instead of feeling guilt for being a straight [white] woman.
I don't ever bring up gender stuff but refuse to play pronouns or recite TWAW. I'm not going to contribute to this mess anymore. Please join a normie hiking group or pickleball group or something. If some handmaiden or TIF asks for pronouns, just say you're a woman but you don't care how other people refer to you. If someone (online) gives you shit for not virtue-signaling, make sure to double down and stand your ground and state that you aren't here to discuss politics. TIFs especially are meek and will back down from direct social confrontation.

No. 2267492

Does any anon have any lists or know where to find one of of criminals that have trooned out so they can go to women's prison or of times women have gotten badly hurt because of tims in sport (I already have the volleyball incident in mind but I'm pretty sure I've heard of a number of incidents at this point)?
My friend has started crushing on a handmaiden that keeps belittling shit like this so she's turning stupid and I wanna nip that one in the bud before she's too blinded by her feelings

No. 2267528

My workplace (government funded btw) is so captured by gender ideology it makes me feel crazy. My boss asked me for my pronouns on day 1 and a ton of my coworkers have pronoun pins and asexual/pansexual flag pins on their lanyards. It's extremely hard to bite my tongue when they start giggling about that one Pokemon being trans and talking like they're tweeting (ie "the trans flag is so yassified!") There are constant displays about brave TIMs and the place is covered in those ugly new pride flags. My coworker was talking about her shitty lame boyfriend and then randomly said their relationship was "very queer coded" because he's "nonbinary" (TIF? TIM? No clue). It sucks because staff is comprised almost entirely of women, and I thought this would be a good thing, but they're all spicy straight TIFs or turbo libfems. I don't think any of them even know I'm a lesbian, but it's funny because not one of them has expressed any attraction to women or talked about a girlfriend despite adorning themselves with a million labels. It just makes me mad that there is a presumed buy-in on my end and I strongly suspect that part of this assumption is BECAUSE I'm a woman. I hate that my job depends on playing along. Despite this, management is always harping about us being politically neutral (because we're public facing), but it's obvious to anyone who steps foot in our bulding that we are not neutral at all. I'm so sick of it, I can't wait to find a job where everyone just does their fucking work instead of passing around memes about anime characters being trans.

No. 2267565

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>"We are the evil trans people that the government warned you about"
>Gets a panic attack for a tshirt.

No. 2267577

Someone should tell him that Mexica people were more homophobic than the "Spanish colonizers". No, they were still grossed out at the idea of two moids having sex, that wasn't under the influence of Christianity.

No. 2267648

When wokies ask me for my pronouns (I have short hair and wear pants sometimes) I say “Huh, what?” and pretend not to understand the question and make them repeat themselves. Then I answer “Uhh…female.” and leave it at that. Just pretend you’re an ignorant normie who’s never even heard of the gender cult. Religious nuts are way meaner to apostates than to someone who’s never even been a part of their religion to begin with.

No. 2267862

"You can't fem overnight"
You will not "fem" ever

No. 2267927

i really hate how "feminine" has become synonymous with mtf trannies, as if being feminine has anything to do with being female. such sexist bullshit i hate them so much!!

No. 2268016

nonna, there's nothing feminine than a woman, period.
There are various ways to express femininity but men cannot since they are not women.
We should also stop calling faggots "effeminate" because they cannot be effemminate, they're not woman. Only women own those terms. Feminine men don't exist, it's an oxymoron.

No. 2268064

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I can't believe I finally realized this, I feel so slow.

The reason why so many middle schoolers or younger people latch onto modern gendie shit is because it's fundamental concepts are compatible with that stage of human development. When a young person is in a stage of their life trying to develop an identity that's unrelated to their family, it's no wonder they want to opt to troon out. Gendieism is so rooted in this constant never-ending focus on the self, putting your selfish desires on a pedestal, that's so easy to access through consumption, and can be the physical manifestation of developing a new identity detached from your own life through plasic surgery. So many autistic people or people who are generally developmentally behind, so many pedos who pretend to be little kids, so many retards who were denied a typical social upbringing. They choose gendieism because they're all developmentally behind trying to forge a new identity through the most childish ways possible; never by actually growing up, but by never ending consooming. Gendieism has only exploded in popularity because of the new age of kids not having a social upbringing and having less friends because of social media. I know other factors are also included (misogyny, homophobia, porn addiction) but I don't think I've seen this specific aspect discussed.

No. 2268081

Teenagers notoriously want to reinvent and distinguish themselves, and I really do think all the atomized microlabels that make up the bulk of gender fandomspeak scratches the same itch as MBTI, astrology, alt subcultures, etc. This type of shallow self-exploration is safe and easy, giving them pre-defined archetypes to try on and put away like seasonal fashions. This isn't new, but it is the first time that being an angsty teenager with an absurdly limited world view can make you part of a protected class with a built-in support system constantly feeding you positive attention and shielding you from any criticism. It's like catnip for socially alienated teenagers and emotionally stunted adults. Both of these populations have ballooned over the last decade, and the vacuum of social connection has been filled with a glowing screen that tells them it's not their fault they feel identityless and empty, it's actually because they're trans and the whole world has callously suppressed their true identities. It feels almost inevitable that something like this would happen.

No. 2268089

Amazing point anon, if it wasn't going to be gendie shit it would be another fad. History keeps on rolling into a more complicated jumble something of this caliber was going to be inevitable.

No. 2268137

I read some radfem comment on some website that said something like “In the 80s, angsty teenagers would piss off their parents by listening to punk rock, modifying their bodies with Black Flag tattoos, and experimenting with drugs like heroin and cocaine. Now the teenagers are listening to trans influencers on Tiktok, modifying their bodies with SRS, and the drugs they use are estrogen and testosterone.” Same shit, different decades.

The only difference is that in the 80s there weren’t DEI workshops in schools and workplaces trying to “normalize” the punk rock lifestyle and mandate that you respect people’s punk identity. And it’s easier to cover up a shitty band tattoo than to regrow your boobs or penis.

No. 2268350

I had no idea Hannah from Redfem posts here but hi I fancy you

No. 2268467

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reminds me of this shitty comic, as well as the indigenous third-genders she mentioned
>The "third gender" term from Hawaia, Māhū, is a male to female identification used by (primarily homosexual) males who teach hula (they were allowed to perform in some temples that women weren't), and were known to "always be available for sexual conquest by men"; It is a role for gay men who act as performers and sex objects for other men
>The "third gender" term from central america, muxe, is a male to female identification used by (primarily homosexual) males who dress in "female" clothes or otherwise behave "like women". They do jobs associated with females. It is a role for homosexual and GNC males.
>The "third gender" used in Samoa, fa'afafine, is supposedly an identification used by males to signal "being between male and female", but the term itself means "in the manner of woman". So, once again, it is a male to female identity. Fa'afafine are known to do housework, care for families, and only having homosexual sex (sex with other men). It is a role for homosexual males.

No. 2268477

All of these people must have been so fucking annoying. Imagine an obese Mexican man calling himself a woman-lite for getting his ass diddled and the whole town plays along. You can’t teach people but the obese faggot can. He plays with his prostate and does the dishes so he’s a woman. Literally the same thing as modern trannies. I would’ve killed him when nobody was around 100%. Fuck them fags

No. 2268483

No. 2268490

>central america
Sorry for nitpicking, but Mexico is part of North America.
Anyway, I'm sick of these "third genders" being shilled. Normal people won't know what the fuck this is all about so they'll believe it, since the topic is so obscure. Almost every single case of "third genders" is a homophobic category for gay or GNC males performing roles that are usually associated with women. And the remaning third gender categories are for girls and women whose parents dump masculine roles onto because they failed to produce male children, so they had no choice, so to speak.

No. 2268569

Exactly. It’s all rooted in misogyny. The roles for gnc gay men were invented because men can’t tolerate other men performing woman-like societal and sexual roles and thereby soiling the superior Man category. Note how the gay/bi men who fuck these men aren’t considered non-men. It’s being penetrated that’s considered degrading.
The roles for women were invented because men designed their societies so that women cannot participate in society without men, and families without sons therefore need to create a pseudo-man proxy that allows them to handle money and sign contracts. Note that these women are not allowed to marry and are stripped of all their privileges once a man enters the picture. Their privileges are a necessary, temporary facade, and nothing more.

No. 2268580

>Note how the gay/bi men who fuck these men aren’t considered non-men. It’s being penetrated that’s considered degrading.
That all stems from the fact that men, at their core, believes that sex is an act of violence and humiliation they get to do to women, and everyone who "receives" sex is a woman to them.

No. 2268671

It's ironic that all examples she listed are male while she's a woman herself
yeah exactly what I thought too

No. 2268695

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No. 2268766

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No. 2268771

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>Forces women to address him as female
>Forces his way into female spaces
>Triggered when women complain about scrotes because even his subconscious acknowledges he WNBAW

No. 2268785

Why do they want to be women if they don't relate to women at all?

No. 2268789

>I’m literally you! Let me in, I realized the solution to my mental issues is being viewed as the same as you, my natural kindred!
>Well we don’t relate to your experience whatsoever and our lives and opinions are therefore anathema to your goals. You aren’t actually one of us and you not understanding our feelings or agreeing with us is directly because of your life and experiences as a male
>NOOOOOO I HATE WIMMEN they’re evil bigots for not seeing that I’m clearly one of them!!!!!!

No. 2268791

They dont care if they relate to women because they only see women as a hole to fuck nothing else.theyre all fucking vile

No. 2268799

The lack of self-awareness is genuinely impressive. How does he not realize that everything the evil strawwomen said is correct and that he's indistinguishable from every other incel?

No. 2268801

He's coming so close to getting it

No. 2268817

Curious how troons never empathize with women or women's concerns and instead with other men / incels. Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.

No. 2268836

This is the truth

No. 2268842

>Women are afraid that men will kill them.
Sadly some TIMs in countries like mine where most of them are gay men and end up as sex workers are also afraid of this, it's the autogyns the ones that are never afraid though.

No. 2268844

has anyone come across this weird fetish from TiMs? i always just assumed that they’d eventually start sexualizing women that criticized them because that’s what moids do.

No. 2268854

love this. i think the fact that millennials that had to deal with helicopter parents who tried to cut our social lives down in the name of safety also fucked us over and the next generations as well; we never had to learn how to deal with social setbacks like trying to fit in properly, or how to deal with being the new kid on the block, or how to participate in a community that doesn't have to do with dressing a certain way or listening to a genre of music, or how to deal with bullying with healthy assertiveness, etc, it all went to the parents and teachers and other adults that are also dealing with their own issues to then step in and make everything worse instead of better. labels do not help us find ourselves, if anything, it hinders us and limits us and our potential as we get into our adulthood years.

i feel this could be remedied by much stronger communities and caring for children's and teenager's social development, but that would require adults getting over themselves and quit with the whole "well i never got to enjoy that in my youth so now you younger people can't have it".

No. 2268867

>Sadly some TIMs in countries like mine where most of them are gay men and end up as sex workers are also afraid of this
Nothing even remotely sad about this. These faggots wanna be women so bad yet can't even handle %1 of what we go through. We fear for our lives for being born female. They "fear for their lives" because they literally chose to live out their coom fantasies and make themselves a walking target by picking the most disadvantaged "job" available solely because being a cumdump prostitute makes them feel like real women. They can take the ugly wigs off and get a normal, well paid job any day. I'll never feel bad for a scrote who chooses to prostitute himself to get his micropenis hard when there's women born into poverty who genuinely have no other choice.

No. 2268869

should get canceled for wearing braids

No. 2268870

agreed, they literally chose that life for disgusting reasons, women are unjustly treated for just being born female

No. 2268872

the fetish being “terfbreaking”

No. 2268880

Yeah, I remember one of my (moid) college professors saying something like
>And they can't even get jobs while looking like erect crossdressers! So they have no other choice but to prostitute themselves… Poor souls.
Kek are you kidding me? Do you know the amount of women who hate shaving, high heels, make up, etc but have to compromise to these sexist double standards to even get a decent job? And moids can't even handle not living out their sissy diaper fetish during their work hours??? Get a fucking grip.

No. 2268884

This episode of Beyond Scared Straight misled so many gendies. Not every LGBTQIA+ gets to be in an alternative lifestyle unit and most jails and prisons do not have one if any, at all.

We saw what happened to Nikita Dragun, who got arrested for throwing water at a cop and ended up in a men's unit. The fuck did she think was gonna happen? The system will not cater to them because of their identity, especially if you attack their own pigs. They can throw you in wherever they please just for that. And these radical troons who think they're such a threat to the cops will probably end up in their biological gender's unit just like Nikita.

There is no ALU waiting just for them to be in Gay haven after they throw a molotov cocktail at a cop car.

No. 2268886

trannies are uncanceleable

No. 2268895

>nikita dragun
it's okay nona, we don't get cancelled for calling a male a man around here

No. 2268941

They can take the damn wig off and get a job, scrotes who prostitute themselves do it because they want to live their delusion. They’ll never be the same as prostituted women, fuck them.

No. 2268995

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Got vid on the left in my recommended. It's actually a man who thinks he's a woman. It's incredible how degenerate men get the stunning and brave treatment for trooning out.

No. 2269001

This is old news and it turned out he actually had klinefelters iirc kek

No. 2269006

I like skumbagovich's videos and I was disappointed when she called this man a "she". I guess Youtube freaks the fuck out if you don't call trannies by their preferred pronouns like in the Chris Chan Documentary.

No. 2269083

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so apparently there's a new text message going through the phones of gay, lesbian, and bi people that they will be rounded up and sent to a 're-education camp' aka conversion therapy and of course the trannies are seething because the T wasn't mentioned in the text. they're now wringing their wrists crying and wondering if this means that trans people will just be automatically killed off instead, despite zero evidence that a trans genocide is going to happen or if it's even under trump's plan once he's sworn in. i swear to god these people have the worst victim complex ever and love having persecution fantasies even though most people refuse to physically come near them in the first place. they really saw something that is hateful towards same sex attracted people and go "okay but what about me?" scum.

No. 2269092

Tf? Is this real?

No. 2269093

its basically a repeat of that other text message that was targeting black people and threatening to send them to plantations, its fake and made by trolls, but fbi is looking into who is sending them. that's all i know.

No. 2269154

When they find them, I want them to be put up for a public stoning

No. 2269192

Although a tinfoil i feel like maybe the sharty may be behind it 4chan has gotten way too mellow to pull a stunt like this anymore

No. 2269206

It's fake nonna. Don't worry. I would not genuinely be surprised if it was done by far left antifa types. They're scare mongering like crazy. Jessie Smollett anyone?

No. 2269219

Sorry for venting but can troons and TRA just stop targeting kids already??? It makes me so mad that innocent vulnerable kids are being told they're born wrong and the only way to fix them is by mentally stunting them with drugs and by cutting up their bodies. It's fucking EVIL!
And on top of that they're told anyone who disagrees and says their child body isn't the problem is actually just an evil bigot who literally wants them dead. How dare they be so cruel, it makes me so mad!

I've been going back and forth on it but now I'm fully on team "any medical professional who helped transition a minor deserves jail", because fuck them. It's child abuse and there's no other way to put it. I'm sure many of them, most even, do honestly have good intentions BUT that's just the same as the women who perform female genital mutilation thinking it's good for the little girls - it's not, it never is, it just doesn't matter that you have personal delusions that caused you to harm the child. You still harmed the child and that's never ok.

No. 2269481

Can we shut down that shitty "living with dysphoria" thread? It's inviting gendies, schizoids, and misogynistic bait. Besides, the detransition thread already exists.

No. 2269491

can anynonnie explain to me why it is that some tifs get 'faggot' tattooed on themselves? like what is the steelman argument that they would use to justify it? I'm assuming they would just lean into the 'reclaiming a slur!!!' angle but like…what other minority group ever would do this? could you ever imagine a black person getting the n word tattood on them? or an asian person doing this? is it even something actual cis gay men do?

No. 2269532

Yeah, how the fuck is that thread even allowed on this site?
They want to be quirky and oppressed. I bet they've never even been called faggot in their whole life and if they were, they'd probably enjoy it because muh gender euphoria kek. The only fag I know is my brother and he thinks those tattooes are retarded as fuck.

No. 2269597

Have you tried asking this in the complaints and suggestions thread? >>>/meta/85300
It sounds like a reasonable request to me
This is the paradox of the tif. They know they're using a slur that they "shouldn't be" because they are female. However, they get a pass bc "trans men are real men" or whatever. To use your example, it would be like a white guy getting away with saying "the n-word with a hard r", and getting asspats for it. There's a thrill to it for them.
To answer your 2nd question: the gay moids around me use it as an insult, or derisively towards themselves. Other nonas might have different experiences.

No. 2269624

Yes, radfem tags on tumblr are full of moids posting their fantasies about raping feminists until they accept "gock"

No. 2269630

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lol no.

No. 2269688

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No. 2269733

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from a tiktok vid of a girl cutting her hair into a mullet after watching i saw the tv glow… ever since peaking and recontextualising the gendie movement as a cult i can't help but see it in all the comments

No. 2269782

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>Mourn the dead trans people
>If you're a bigot, die.

No. 2269972

I did meet an actual gay man once who got the word “Fag” tattooed on him - he had it on his wrist in cursive font with a hot pink crown over the word. Tbf, he was probably about 20 years old, and we all do dumb shit when we’re 20. This guy was an extremely stereotypically flamboyant gay man - he wore makeup, carried a purse, wanted to be a hairdresser, etc.

No. 2270129

Does he actually, or is he an intersex fetishist-faker like other trannies?

She's dropped the ball on a few videos. In her Wonder Bread Guy video she didn't challenge him on what he said in his Kiwifarms thread.

No. 2270194

newfag that needs to rant here. i have recently been looking at a subreddit called r/stupidpol (basically a subreddit for so-called marxists who are against identity politics). im not a marxist, but i thought they were pro-terf or at least GC. im just desperate looking for spaces with some sanity. one of their most recent posts is a link to an article about a republican issuing a transgender bathroom ban at the US capitol. comments were very disappointing. it was mostly shit like “but what about inflation?”, they should focus making laws on “more important issues”, just basically groaning, even some commenters not outright caring about trannies using bathrooms that fit their delusions because economical issues are more important and they would rather have people focus on that instead. everyone knows the economy is fucking shit, but like…can one not care about economical issues and women’s issues at the same time?…some of these people also act like the issue with gender ideology and the trans agenda isn’t “that bad” that it’s “over exaggerated” online.

no, it’s actually pretty fucking bad. many women irl are being negatively affected by gender ideology and the trans agenda.

No. 2270320

Good. Seeing Tim McBride cry about it has been nice. Dude thought because he got a pity win as the first tranny into Congress, he could just barge his way into the women's. We have to enact laws now to stop men from entering our spaces now. It's wild to me that this is something we have to do.

Also, my mother is so…milquetoast Dem normie. She's like 'I didn't even know McBride was born a man! She looks like some women I've known!' And I'm like. Seriously? He doesn't look like a woman even with a wig and I had to sincerely ask her 'okay so, that's what being a woman is? Just, you kinda look like one so you are?' She just seems to think that TIMs are harmless because one time she met a nice old tranny (one of the first in Hollywood or something) and because he was a nice old geriatric man for a few hours of meeting him, that absolves the fact disgusting fetishists are trying to hijack our gender, change our language and put women into danger. I don't care how nice this dude was. I still don't want men in my bathrooms, in my lockerooms, in my sports.

She's the type of nice that will actively get herself hurt like a lot of women… Because I love my mother but this trash nice mentality is asking women to not trust what they see, or what they feel and go against all danger sense that has been inbuilt to just go 'yeah sure, men come into our bathrooms and don't question it'. I don't know how the woman who taught me as a kid not to trust strangers and strange men would then adopt this almost Darwinian attitude of 'they just wanna pee!' Acceptance that is against her own safety, the safety of other women including her daughter and granddaughter. I can only imagine it's just all the trash MSNNBC shit she listens to. Like the inverse of FOX news I stg.

I'm trying to find some normie peaking materials that isn't too radfem hard so she can at the very least come back to some sort of sense.

No. 2270478

They target kids because it's their fetish/because they're narcissists and want the attention/because they have severe autism and cannot understand that a little girl who likes cars is anything but a boy/because they are completely brainwashed by social media and are terrified of being hunted for sport if they don't cheer on a 10 year old who wants hormones.
Mostly it's the first and second reasons. Being trans is a free pass to do anything you want without any consequences. It's much easier to groom kids as a TIM than it is as a man who doesn't wear skirts. TIMs can work at daycares and it's so stunning and progressive and brave, and look, they get to make children explore their true identities! No, the kids aren't Elsa or a dinosaur, they're the opposite gender, because Mr Cat Ear Fetish said so. If the troon has a conviction, it's purely based on transphobia, and you're a bigot if you want your kids to be safe.
And it's so easy to be showered in asspats and attention as the parent of a trans child. Look at how many troon mothers put their 'seahorse dad' birthing videos out there, how many troon men get praised for pretending they can breastfeed (it's chestfeed for everyone else! Only men can have boobas!). Once the attention from one gimmick runs dry, they can troon their kid, and provide updates for the internet on their child's sexual development, which is a totally normal thing to do, obviously. The commenters desperate to know if their child has had a period or an erection and what their chests look like are definitely NOT pedos, how could anyone ever think that.
There's a lot of overlap but they won't ever stop going after kids. If you get them before they develop critical thinking skills, you can make more money from the hormones and surgery they'll need as adults to mitigate the damage of the hormones and surgery they had as kids.

No. 2270517

>because they have severe autism
I know there IS a correlation and this is not an attack on you nona I'm just using your comment to vent, but can we please stop pretending like all troons are just autists? Most of them are "normal" opportunistic men, they don't need autism to prey on women/kids nor should they be offered it to them as a "get out of guilt"-card making it so they can claim "they just didn't understand due to being a poor autist".

I have seen autists who are troons, and they surprisingly tend to be the ones who are NOT the biggest creeps (I mean they are still creepy), but who genuinely think they are women/men, or that transition will really save them from their depression. They're the ones who are fully straight but still take themselves out of dating the opposite sex because they've memed themselves into thinking a fellow troon is also a woman/man and they're now both male lesbians/ female gay yaoi men. By far the worst troons are the non-autists who know EXACTLY what they're doing.

No. 2270522

what about chris chan

No. 2270532

As someone on the spectrum so I had my experiences, men on the spectrum are either social rejects on the verge of mental retardation or full force creeps. They are male, so natural sex pests and then their autism makes them feel entitled and they don't understand why being a sex pest is wrong. Sure you don't need autism to be a creep but it's a major, playing in factor if you are one naturally. The largest autist demographic in troon spaces are tifs due to "not feeling like a woman" but tim's autism makes them troon out because they constantly jump in communities and troonism makes them believe that being sex pests is acceptable so that's why they see it as a safe space. Not all of them are autists but by saying "not all troons" doesn't do them any favours.

No. 2270534

As an autist I understand not wanting the stigma but come on, nona, a lot of the autogynephiles are textbook cases of male autism.

No. 2270547

Speaking as an autist it's not just a correlation, it's a causation. Autism legitimately makes it harder to put nuance into gender roles because you either get the autistics who are based and understand that gender isn't real because there's only sex and that's that, or you get the autists who unfortunately bought into the whole "woman = hair and makeup" nonsense that's fed to us since infancy. That's how you get autistic tifs who go trans because they don't relate to this reductive stereotype of woman and aren't socially aware enough to realize that it is a reductive stereotype in the first place, and also how you get autistic tims who think that they can become women just by growing out their hair and wearing different clothes.
>nor should they be offered it to them as a "get out of guilt"-card
It's not, but unfortunately non-autists are too afraid to call out autistic people anymore. It'll fall on the autistics who haven't bought into gender woo to spearhead gendercrit rhetoric because we can point out that trans rhetoric primarily targets and is caused by autistic people.

No. 2270594

Kek I'm AYRT and I agree with what you said, no offense taken. The autistic TIFs who meme themselves into thinking they're the opposite sex because of their interests are depressing, of course trooning out fixes nothing but they now have a community of yes women who are also autistic and they all play pretend together online, which is much more fun than fixing your life and facing your problems.
Autistic TIMs on the other hand are beyond awful, but men generally are.

No. 2270662

Yeah they’ll complain about troons sometimes over there but not for feminist reasons. They just find them cringe and annoying, but most of them also feel similarly about radfems. Unfortunately I don’t think we’re gonna get a lot of support on the left after the election, even less than usual. Caring about trannies is associated with the right now after many of them like Matt Walsh hijacked GC arguments and dumbed them down for conservatives. Doesn’t help that some of the more visible “radfems” on social media are weirdly racist and conservative and waaay too comfortable cozying up to ugly chuds just because they also don’t like trans shit. It’s frustrating because a lot more reasonable arguments will be dismissed even more readily simply through association. Like I’ve seen people calling out Hasan’s misogyny lately, but because disliking him is now associated with being a destiny/h3 fan, so I’ve seen these criticisms hand waived away immediately when they would’ve been taken at least slightly more seriously a few months ago. Any point you make is now seen as taking sides, and I feel like it’s only going to get worse. We need a way to cut ties with the shittier factions of the GC movement if we ever actually want to see change on this.
Though it is interesting to see a lot more women become explicitly anti-men and how that causes conflict when some tim or tif butts in to “um actually that’s kinda terfy…” Like I saw a tif on Reddit complaining about this very thing right after the election and was pleasantly surprised to see most of the comments being along the lines of “Hey sorry you feel that way but you really ought to read the room. This is not the time or place for this conversation.” I wonder how this conflict will play out. Because, based off all the downvotes I see on pro trans stuff lately in feminist spaces, seems like a lot of libfems are waking up to just how similar the cajoling and whining of tims sound to that of regular men. It’s hard to ignore how they sound exactly like the men who go in there to cause trouble. The censorship is still strong though but it’s nice to see it undermined by the amount of dislikes. It’s also nice to hear most women talking about feminist action rn using plain language and just saying “men” and “women” without specifying cis.

No. 2270851

>Caring about trannies is associated with the right now
this is so true and what honestly frustrates me. im more economically left, am pro-choice, and a supporter for women and LGB, i just fucking hate troon shit and am completely GC, but i mainly hate it cuz the trans agenda is extremely anti-woman, targets children way too fucking much, and is also homophobic, especially towards lesbians. it is mostly just a “men with fetishes” rights group, who want to erase the female sex. it kinda sucks, and also weird too, how most GC stuff you will see in the mainstream media will be coming from the right and they keep their presence but hardly any GC perspectives from leftists and radfems or even radfem related talking points anywhere will get immediately shut down and reacted with way more vitriol. it’s like troons hate us more than rightoids, lol.

No. 2270859

>im just desperate looking for spaces with some sanity
I found a feminist sub on reddit that has gc and radfems and surprisingly didn't get banned. I would tell you the name but I'm worried about lurking trannies reading this. It's out there though

No. 2270865

am OP, just clarifying my last sentence as to mean troons seem to hate us more than they hate right-wingers/conservatives, should’ve worded that better lol

No. 2270866

>because we can point out that trans rhetoric primarily targets and is caused by autistic people
I see your point but imo autists are not the primary target. The primary target and vector of gendieism in women is found in people who struggle with overly binary thinking, intimacy, self-esteem… That means autists and BPDfags (though it's not the same kind of binary thinking, but you see where i'm going), immature young adults, actual teenagers, etc. Immature young adults and teenagers easily graduate from gender ideology once they become more secure, leaving spergs and people with BPD to detransition later. In my experience it takes a while for autistic women to drop it in adulthood but it's still much earlier than women with BPD who likely aren't getting the needed therapy to stop coping. Every tiny, late-twenties TiF i know who clearly hates being a troon has diagnosed BPD or is a lesbian and has been demoralized into trooning out.
Typical. They don't give a fuck about women's struggles. It's as simple as that. Every issue with real consequences for women gets brushed off as 'culture war' or a 'distraction' because 1. they don't care 2. they actually support troons (this is not rare, even for anti-idpol leftoids) and are uncomfortable with GC critique. When they have nothing to retort they fall back on 'who cares! dude why do you care' or try to make it about partisan issues, pointing at socialist GCs and saying they're secretely working with the right. Often the people being accused of this have no substantial ties to the right and even then, most leftists of the stupidpol kind revel in being edgy and close to the right on some issues. It's unacceptable for women, still. Not every anti-idpol leftie is like this, you'll come across a couple who do not have patience for gender ideology but it depends on where you live and how pornbrained they are. Addiction to porn is somewhat correlated to support for TiMs for whatever reason

No. 2270898

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She doesn't bully children, she bully the TIMS with their hollier-than-thou attitude. And "killing" children is such a reach for something the parents are doing instead.

No. 2270953

>they actually support troons (this is not rare, even for anti-idpol leftoids) and are uncomfortable with GC critique

leftist moids don’t really gaf about women’s issues (and even if they do make out like they care it’s most likely just virtue signaling or trying to get pussy) just cuz it don’t personally affect them and a lot of leftist men like tranny porn. throughout my time on the internet i’ve also noticed a weird correlation between communists and trannies particularly. like straight up marxist-leninist, north korea loving communist (these people are often called “tankies”) but still kiss tranny ass or many of them are trannies themselves. it’s weird.

No. 2270961

>Not all of them are autists but by saying "not all troons" doesn't do them any favours.
It does though, because most of them aren't autists anymore than they are the opposite sex. Just because men who troon out act obviously retarded and entitled doesn't make them have autism, they're literally just average male sex pests like you said

No. 2271022

Actual socialist parties are far and few between and their membership has steadily decreased in the past few decades (or has never been big, like in the US). They've turned into book/debate clubs for nerds, this attracts TiMs who like military/history/etc. I can't tell you how often i've seen edgy communists who'll otherwise say 'fuck wokes!! fuck LGBTs!! fuck feminists!! fuck social-democrats!! only lenin will save me' asskiss trannies even if it completely goes against their ideas. I'm guessing it's because they need to pander to this new crop of weirdo socialists and can't afford to chase autistic TiMs away, besides male solidarity. You notice the same thing happening in far-right autist circles

No. 2271040

Well, you're right that troons hate us more than they hate anyone else. We say 'no' instead of bending over backwards when they demand access to our spaces. Rightoids are only the enemy in name- trannies were 4chan incels before they started down the spinny skirt route, they have more in common with robots than they do with any actual woman. Tiffanies hate all women, themselves included, so yes, we're worse than the men who took away abortion rights.
It's currently social suicide to say anything against trannies. The election might change that, now that everyone has real problems to worry about, and since troons lie on the floor and scream when they're not the center of attention they're going to peak a lot of handmaidens. Give it a little time, things are changing.
She is single-handedly responsible for the tranny genocide. She KILLS them with MURDER. She uses her wicked fingers to type words on the internet that men don't like to read. Won't someone think of all the suicides she caused by not giving in to men? Won't someone bring back hanging so the TIMs don't need to think about her?

No. 2271058

i just don't understand why trans people just stop their bullshit and just be gender non-conforming instead of spending tens of thousands, if not more, for surgeries and hormones? they cry about the bathroom thing now that the US government is going to go ham on banning everything trans related but like… being trans is a choice at the end of the day. of course being gender dysphoric isn't a choice, but it's like any other issues. i didn't choose to have ptsd from trauma, but i choose to get professional help and do lifestyle changes to make sure i cope with life as an adult instead of placing it all on other people's shoulders. i didn't choose to be gay, but i can just accept that part of me or maybe just be selective on who i tell it to since it's not anybody's fucking business unless they've close to me. they can choose to stop having invasive surgeries and taking elective drugs and be able to live peaceful lives. i hope this isn't a-logging or anything but i just had to seethe for a bit.

No. 2271074

The man behind that TIM erotic fantasy book (Manhood) was right: JK Rowling is leading a terf only sect to send women to kill tims.

No. 2271099

Dear Christ. I see a YT short on Roman paintings and of course the one about Elagabalus and him murdering a bunch of dinner guests with rose petals brings all the 'EXCUSE! SHE WAS TRANS' weirdos out of the woodwork.

'You can't not respect someone's pronouns just because they were a bad person! That's transphobia!!!1'

I am so done with this. I can't even look at art without troons invading everything. Literally everything. For such a small minority they are the absolute loudest and most obnoxious people on the planet.

No. 2271158

for such a small minority, they wield an absurd amount of power and control, much like the one percent. im still honestly baffled how the trans shit gained so much traction in such a short amount of time and how everyone seems to bow down to them these days.

No. 2271220

quick vent cause this is irking me.

I have a non binary identifying friend who also identifies as a "demisexual, asexual, lesbian" and sometimes i just can't with her. she has such misogynistic views and seems to think that she is the only woman to have ever existed with thoughts other than make up or shopping. and she often projects this on to me because im "cis" and haven't "explored my gender". I can just tell she thinks she's better than me and my cis woman brain can never understand the complexities of her gender (she's literally said exactly that kek)

Recently we were having a conversation about dating and I said I was les4les (she keeps trying to set me up with other they/he identifying weirdos) and she got so offended even though she is supposedly a lesbian. She kept asking me to justify it, accusing me of being exclusive and like a "terf", she then said she was trans for trans lol. I've been ignoring her for a few days but i'm tempted to ignore forever. The thing is we recently reconciled after a few years of not speaking but we've been friends since childhood. When she's not talking about gender, she's very pleasant to be around, I just wish she was normal.

No. 2271251

i feel u nonna. im actually in a kind of similar situation. i have a lesbian best friend that i have been friends with for over a decade. me and her have always complained to each other about moids, but she has also complained about “transphobia” before (although only briefly) and i believe she is sadly a brainwashed handmaiden and a libfem. she has no clue about what i think about trannies and that im GC, but i think if she ever found out, despite us agreeing on everything else, she would drop our 13 year friendship like a hot cake. i haven’t talked to her since election day. i just can’t help but feel awkward, knowing that she’s a pro-trans lesbian, which honestly doesn’t make any sense to me. like, can you not see how the trannies are oppressing against your own kind? it makes me really sad tbh, because she has always been such a good and close friend of mine, and has always been by my side, yet something as fucking stupid as trans shit will most likely put an end to our friendship in the snap of one’s fingers, like thanos. it scares me, cuz i really don’t want to lose her.

No. 2271267

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a comment that particularly struck out to me from that post in r/stupidpol on the US capitol transgender bathroom ban.

conservatives and trump didn’t care about trannies using bathrooms of their identified gender?! im having a hard time believing this or someone needs to seriously enlighten me.

No. 2271271

I think I know the one you’re talking about. Not 4b but there’s also a 4 in the name right? I’m surprised they haven’t been nuked already but maybe that’s because posters will often speak vaguely and not explicitly call out tims while very clearly referring to them. The 4b sub also definitely has a lot of cryptos in it.

No. 2271321

It feels so hopeless the way they insert themselves into everything. I feel like gay rights cant advance anymore without trannies narcissistically attaching themselves to everything and I hate it. I just want them to go away!!

No. 2271333

the TQ+ was a grand mistake for LGB

No. 2271410

I would have been done it as soon as she called you "terf" even if you're not a radical feminist. The fact she knows that word is mostly used for TIMs for women that do not think like them and still call you like that? Nah, you're better without someone who you feel you have to walk over egg shells.

No. 2271433

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>"b-but we just want to pee!"

No. 2271438

moids are fucking insane jesus christ

No. 2271444

These just make me cringe atp

No. 2271446

>She doesn't notice I'm trans
Press (x) to doubt hard.

>All the text about women violence

"They just want to pee", my ass.

No. 2271461

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From "Twitter hate", ironically.

No. 2271469

i've said this for years now but trannies won't give up until every single woman ends up being forced to stay at home once they make all public restrooms and locker rooms and other places that leaves women vulnerable into a free-for-all for moids to just storm in. honestly, what's their long-term plan after that? when all they will see are scrotes in public, what's next on their agenda? they don't let women talk to each other online in private, they don't let us date each other in peace, they don't let us have our own spaces whether online or offline, so what's next?

No. 2271477

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Obviously make all women call themselves "lesbians" when they marry them for "gender affirmation" or shun them if they want the divorce.

No. 2271507

you’re asking the real questions. do you think their ultimate goal is completely erasing the female sex and “replacing us”, as crazy as that might sound? also this eerily sounds like islamic societies.

No. 2271555

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funny how the first thing they think of is using these to obliterate women who voice their concerns/opinions instead of protecting themselves against violent moids who kill trannies out of shame for sleeping with them

No. 2271558

>islamic societies
its crazy but there are muslim countries that encourages trans surgeries to wipe out the homosexual population, because they are just that committed to gender roles and heterosexism. i do think trannies won't rest until all real women are to be chained in the homes, and we'd all either be stay at home wives or just work from home. the trannies then get to be the "public women" who can go out, pee in the public restrooms, and have careers outside of the home. of course, once moids realize what's happening and starts killing the troons outright, then the trans trend starts to dwindle until all that's left is the very few black prostitutes that have sex with men for cash. the rest will 'boy mod' and then magically start to get over dysphoria once women's rights have been stripped completely.

it all sounds insane yes, but why do you suppose the trans craze isn't such a huge thing in super conservative societies where men get to go out but women are forced indoors? and why did the trans craze started just as soon as women in the west started to finally gain equal ground with men? i feel like once trump gets into office and trans people finally faces real oppression, many will start to opt out because the party is finally over.

No. 2271566

Yep basically this. The solution to troons is to either squash it systematically or return to a rightwing society. Guess which way we're going.

No. 2271571

And if there's a real tim doing problems in muslim/women places (Jessica Yaniv), "she doesn't belong to us". Yes, he does! He is your problem, solve them by calling him out, not protecting yourself saying is just "an isolated case".

No. 2271573

oh yeah i’ve read about how muslim countries force transgender surgeries on homosexuals, it’s truly fucked up and crazy, but also weird that these hyper conservative countries apparently believe that mutilating your body will magically make you into the other sex, like they don’t know basic fucking biology and that your sex is embedded in your DNA no matter how much you fuck up your body kek.

also notice how trannies seem to have more rights and freedoms in those muslim countries than women and gay people.

hmmm…does this mean that the trans agenda/trans ideology is actually…conservative?

No. 2271593

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>does this mean that the trans agenda/trans ideology is actually…conservative?
the far right conservatives and the trans ideaology both believe:
- that men are men because they are masculine, and women are women because they are feminine, and if you fail at properly practicing gender norms then there is something medically wrong with you that needs to be fixed
- women are inferior to men because women only care about the superficiality, and it is that vice that makes a woman a woman
- men are born with depth, and so if a woman believes herself to also possess depth, then she is not a woman at all but secretly a man
- homosexuals are sick deviants that have a fixation with the bodies and genitals of the same sex, and should either be mutilated via transition, or forced to be attracted to something against their nature a la conversion therapy ("you just haven't met the right person yet", or, "you're just a terf and need to try harder!")
- boys like blue, girls like pink. if your son likes pink, he is actually a girl and needs to be fixed, pronto.

i can go on but i think you see it crystal clear that they are in each others beds kek

No. 2271598

yup. once you connect the dots it becomes real clear. it's funny how they like to pretend that anybody who isn't approving of gender ideology MUST be a conservative bigot when in reality they have more in common with conservative religious zealots than whatever their current trendy larp is

No. 2271636

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No. 2271645

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>"TDOR"? Is that a new ga-
>the Transgender Day of Remembrance

How many months/weeks do these people need?

No. 2271647

of course

No. 2271649

This illustration is kinda creepy isn't it kek. I know that wasn't the intention though. Can anynonny else see what I mean? Can't really articulate as to why it's creepy instead of solemn or whatever.

No. 2271654

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the google ai overview when you look it up tells you how you can participate kek

No. 2271656

She won't stop insulting you until you identify as trans too. It really is a virus.
Trump was pro-LGBTQ+ at the start of his campaign because he was trying to appeal to everyone. He couldn't balance appealing to the gender crowd and the far right so he picked the larger group. The average American Conservative in 2016 probably had no idea about how horrifying the TQ+ crowd's demands were until Libs of TikTok became popular. It went from the distant memory of gay wedding cakes to child castration.

No. 2271661

A bit off topic but the gay wedding cake thing was so stupid and it really shows you how vastly different lgb demands are compared to tq demands. sucks how lgb is basically fucked over because the only people willing to install more legal protections for gays also want us to lick tranny boots.

No. 2271669

I associate lilies with funerals, lesbians, and Catholicism. So this feels like some commentary on the death of self to pursue an idealized, deified being that no man could ever hope to truly become. The needle being plunged straight into the vial is reminiscent of stabbing, making the overall piece have a somewhat violent tonal shift from the serenity of the pastel colors. So when that is paired with the funerary imagery of the lilies it feels like the syringe is suppose to be a killing blow. Either to yourself or to god.

No. 2271688

>How many months/weeks do these people need?
365 days a year

No. 2271705

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For the longest time I felt such deep misery towards tifs and now I can openly say how much I'd love to laugh in their faces. Ever since I went out of my way to learn about women's health and learn about hormones I realized how much they fuck up their own life. If women who go through menopause are advised to have TEMPORARY hormone therapy due to the long-term health affects– imagine being a tif. Imagine giving yourself osteoperosis, imagine giving yourself an increased risk for heart attacks, stroke, blood clots, cancer, and dementia. It's all so short sighted. I've struggled with dysphoria for so long and deciding to go to therapy instead of fucking up my body was the best decision i've ever made. I love being a woman, I love being a woman who doesn't have to hyperfocus on every aspect of my being, I love saving money, I love not needing surgery and hormones. I love not being a TIF.

No. 2271710

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I imagine if the same situation happened now, trans people would be like "a gay people asking for a wedding cake in a religious cake shop? Suck to be them, but at least they can ask in another bakery, I have to deal with people misgendering me every day! That's more tragic and they're just cis people with more privileges than me!"

No. 2271731

I'm bi but really don't get the wedding cake thing. If someone is homophobic why would you want to spend money on their cake anyway? I guess you could argue that it's the principle but it feels exhaustingly not worth the hassle.

No. 2271735

wtf happened to tomboys, did they just go fucking extinct ever since trannyism became more popular and mainstream, cuz it seems like young girls these days will have one slight masculine interest and they think they MUST be a guy just based on that and ultimately have to troon out. it’s very sad, trans ideology really is just enforcing gender roles.

No. 2271738

based. i used to feel bad for tifs and tried to be inclusive of them in my radfeminism once upon a time but ummmm i think i can deal with living a life without their fucked up misogynistic thoughts about me and other women kek. i can deal with living a life without hearing about them hating gay men because they won't fuck them. i can deal with living a life without having to deal with them pushing into any and every single conversation on earth to center it back on their trans journey. fuck em.

No. 2271794

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trannies on suicide watch

No. 2271797

wow that's scawey! meanwhile america is about to be run by a team of rapists and pedophiles

No. 2271803

something something twans genocide, denying ayden his yaoi tit chop is literally murdering him

No. 2271804

>anti-trans shift
when maternal mortality rates on the rise because of laws targeting female reproductive healthcare lmfao. Fucking narcs
Ayrt, I'm a lesbian, and it was more about sellers being able to discriminate against customers due to things like sexual orientation under the guise of it being religious. The shit gays got from conservatives because of that was so retarded. I hate religionfags, they're on par with troons. Sad how something innate like homosexuality gets put under the boot of something that isn't material like religion, reminds me of something lolol

No. 2271806

JKR is not even transphobic I’m so tired of this. She’s completely on board with it being a real thing she just doesn’t want the laws to allow people who still have a penis to go to women’s prison or women’s shelters and you know what sorry but she’s right. If she hadn’t been in a women’s shelter herself she’d probably be pro-trans, you just don’t get many rich women with a big platform who were on their own like that in the past.

No. 2271809

Woow, who could have thought these major companies would milk a billion dollar money machine rather than catering to a fringe group???

No. 2271820


>indigenous cultures see gay men as "basically a woman" and therefore he's a degrading third category who does "fenale things"

>Western society advances to the point of seeing gay men as nuanced men with personalities outside of their sexuality
>"stupid wyteppl erasing these beautiful cultures!!"

No. 2271826

At this point after all the shit she got from trannies i belive she's "trasphobic". Any person with a brain would be. She doesn't need to say it but she feels it inside.

No. 2271827

It is interesting that troons in general are pretty pro-religion with the exception of Christianity (because most of them come from Christian majority western countries and they need to be transgressive, or they grew up in ultra religious Christian households). Their language is often very cult like though, like the TWAW mantra, "trans kids", "trans joy" etc

No. 2271840

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Narcissism lol

No. 2271849

tbf It's a little more complicated than that, most of the third gender category comes from algonquian related tribes or settle mayan societies that were explicitly more misogynistic, even by that time period

No. 2271850

DA that sounds interesting, may you share more?

No. 2271856

so they do agree troon shit is ruining rights for gay and lesbians and women hmmmm

No. 2271859

Kek I was about to say, I also interpreted it that way. Their shit is fucking over everyone else

No. 2271880

I can't help but remember the lady in the consoom thread who got almost an entire Michaels mystery box of Pride tat. The anti-trans shift in companies is because they never spend money on anything that companies put out to appease them, there's no point wasting money catering to a demographic that doesn't buy stuff. They boycott a million companies for being anti trans based on a malding tweet by a schizo moid troon, then wonder why none of these companies care, then get mad when the companies continue to not cater to them. What the shit did they expect to happen? And then they get mad that a woman, with XX chromosomes and everything, who wrote a book series so popular it has a theme park and is still a huge moneymaker years after its release, is getting a TV adaptation of her work. Harry Potter brings money. Normies love Hogwarts houses and have all the Funko Pops of the characters. The films are shown every Christmas season. She's raking in the cash! Of course companies will support a proven money maker over some broke bitter nobodies online!
Fully agree, the tranny shit is bringing everyone else down and we need to stand united against it.

No. 2271894

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handmaidens really love feeding into troons delusions huh

No. 2271901

It's funny when handmaidens say this shit, ESPECIALLY since we all know this poorly split-bleached, kind of overweight enby woman is not buddy buddy with any HSTS, she literally probably only know like 2 greasy, porn addicted AGPS.

No. 2271906

>they put in the work
I curse the retarded motherfucker that at some point in human history decided that "woman" is something that you have to work to become as well as a set of arbitrarily chosen behaviours and not just a way to identify sex. I want to dismember them alive. People have gone beyond retardation.

No. 2271914

Someone is still stuck in the wrong version of Stonewall

No. 2271968

>Addiction to porn is somewhat correlated to support for TiMs for whatever reason
Well it must be because most TIMs are porn addicts to begin with and their entire idea of what a woman is comes from porn and stereotypes. That and a lot of TRAs like to watch trans and futa porn.

No. 2271974

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>a state of being is no longer a state of being that you either have, or you don't. Now, it's merely a concept instead of a biological fact that a person can "WORK" to achieve.
Okay look. Normally, I hate it when people try to drag in race with tranny bullshit, but I would seriously love for this retard to use the very same argument with "transracialism". I would love to start seeing society's reactions to, say, a white people putting on brown makeup all over their body, buying an afro wig, and saying "I had to WORK to be black. Cisblack people are just NEPO BABIES." Like, I really wanna see people's reaction to that, and I wanna see how long it would take for them to branch off of their reaction and realize that this is what women have to deal with about trannoids.

No. 2271985

Tbh it is a little surprising considering how much large companies usually cape for trannies despite them being a minority compared to sane people. I would like to see this continuing and them realizing no one actually gives a fuck about trannies. The way they talk about JK Rowling in particular is retarded too, as if she's going out there and killing them with her own bare hands or something kek.
They'll never understand no woman needs to "put in any work" to be a woman, you just are. They can try as hard as they want but they'll still never be us lol

No. 2272051

It happened with Rachel Dolezal. Except people did knew what she was doing was wrong and offensive for black women. But each time a TIM do the same, they seem to ignore it or claim "oh she's what she is".

No. 2272068

Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of their actions! In all seriousness, how can you be so retarded you don't realize companies, big pharmas and the government were only into the trans fad because it was filling their pockets? And now that HP, a billion dollar property, is about to make their pockets even fatter, of course they're gonna forget about the pearlclutching victim complex trannies who tried to cancel the most famous children's book author over saying women have coochies.

No. 2272081

The only good thing that came out of the election was companies realizing the quiet majority doesn't give a fuck about trannies at best and despise them at worst. Troons are in for a very rude awakening kek

No. 2272085

>trans rights
i just dont get it. what rights dont men have? more like fetish rights to dress up like a woman because youre a pervert who belongs in prison

im convinced all ftm trannies are just mentally ill though.

No. 2272086

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found a pic of what this person "autumn" looks like

No. 2272106

How is this faggot even personally affected by a Harry Potter series kek, like that scrote ever read the books.

No. 2272107

I think there's something to be said too about the lack of general community these days. Religion and similar cultural practices used to mean a certain level of almost guaranteed community for the average person. People would, for better or for worse, be on the same level about a lot of things in life. I think it also ties back into the lack of third spaces these days, but I'm also reminded of a graph I saw recently how until recently most people would meet their significant other through family or friends, and how it's now mostly online dating. All these things together, alongside the rise of the internet, caused this current extreme of individualization. You can see it in stuff like the issue of therapyspeak too, where everything is only about yourself and never about how it might hurt others. Those things mean that the person on top of the totem pole of who has it worse is always going to be on top, meaning that again, being more individualized and picking apart everything that means you have it worse to showcase is getting encouraged.

No. 2272108

>giant bondage collar every single time
Can these perverts just start identifying as porn and sex addicts or something else because seeing a woman in this kind of sex gear outside of porn is basically unheard of unless it’s at a goth nightclub, meanwhile 95% of troons wear some “uwu subby slave pain praise kink” collar daily.

No. 2272109

You could score a tranny fashion bingo on this pic alone, damn

No. 2272111

All sexual deviants are mentally ill though.

No. 2272113

>women who experienced female genital mutilation at birth and were forced into countless traumatic births by men didn’t WORK to be women, women who lived and suffered their entire lives as females through oppression and assault and female-only bodily experiences didn’t WORK for it, unlike beautiful stunning trans women who had to do things like buy Manic Panic hair dye and get insurance/gofundme-covered boobjobs

No. 2272116

someone should do this, it would be hilarious

No. 2272118

>simultaneous greaseball and unkempt frizz hair
>world’s worst attempt at “goth” makeup with shit eyeliner and poorly drawn-on black lipstick ill-suited to tiny puckered moid lips
>Shein factory brand items ordered off Amazon while probably reeing about capitalism
>tries to cover Gru moid body with spinny skirt, doesn’t work
>bondage gear as outfit
>only fashion inspirations are porn, onlyfans girls, moid art of anime girls, and other moids
>ugly moid nerd merch
>remnants of former moid closet
>something else visibly dirty and stained (phone case)

No. 2272122

mini vent (the other boards vent thread is full), yesterday i saw someone spell women as "womxn" and in my mind i was getting so aggro. i instantly wanted to respond to them with "why the fuck did you spell women like that" but i knew i would be ganged up on by the mob of retards who are always ready to go up to bat for their fellow retarded compatriots. fucking idiots, women is not a bad word, women is not an offensive word, women should not be fucking censored, ever, under any circumstance. fucking retards

keeek, i didn't even notice how gross the phone looked because i was distracted by the hideous makeup. nasty scrote, you know he thinks he looks like an anime girl

No. 2272146

reminds me of those mfers who say misogyny can't be that bad if men willingly subject themselves to it via transition (or that misogyny is good because agps get """gender euphoria""" from it). when will this nightmare end nonnies

No. 2272154

I'm saddened. I work in an oncology clinic for breast cancer patients, and I LOVE it because our patients are all women, usually older women. Part of what I do is writing up histories for all the mammograph pts we get. I was really confused when I saw we had a really young woman scheduled for a screening, but I figured she probably just had a really shit family history and was really proactive. She was a TIF coming in for a mammograph to clear her for a bil mastectomy. I remember reading that and feeling my heart sink. She is so young too, and from what I could tell only recently trooned out (within the past year). This shit is so pervasive and it angers me that our clinic is even humoring this woman and clearing a path for her to mutilate herself.

No. 2272161

In their mind: Better access to medical records using their new sex, not using butchers as surgeons for their "life saving surgeries", give to kids their chance to see which gender they identify more with and a long etc.
But we know they only want to be seen more hollier-than-you.

No. 2272249

Nepo of what? A totally made up social construct that was imposed to us by men? Kek

No. 2272381

But they won't do anything about the comments that pedophiles and zoomer moids leave under pictures and reels of young girls and lolis

No. 2272451

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actor Liev Schreiber's tranny son who grew up completely socialized as a girl


No. 2272459

he looks so much like a teenage boy, creepy

No. 2272514

>grew up completely socialized as a girl
No such thing nona, they can only grow up "disguised as" not socialized

No. 2272518

kek the terf interpretation of this is so true, trans "rights" will bring down everything else

No. 2272520


If you want to ruin your day, look up any paparazzi photos with Liev and Kai when he was in grade school. This man has been an open pedo for years.

No. 2272595

Ayrt, fucking kek it’s perfect thank you

No. 2272679

there was this one person i used to be friends with a looong time ago. we didn’t talk anymore but i was still following them on instagram for a while. this friend was a lesbian, but eventually she became a gay TIF (aka just a straight girl), but she apparently only loves moids now and is a “moid” herself. it was kinda weird and idk how tf that happened (probably secretly consuming a lot of yaoi and that’s what usually happens), but what’s even more fucking insane is that she calls herself a “””lesboy”””…(i wish that term didn’t fucking exist), but the straw that really broke the camel’s back for me was when i saw a story she posted one day and it was her basically saying it was “terfy” just bc lesbians didn’t want men in lesbian/women only spaces and that she loved being a “lesboy”. i got fucking pissed and believed to have unfollowed her that day.

she basically just outed herself as a lesbophobic misogynist, but ofc that’s all fine and dandy on social media right now if it’s coming from the “right” people.

No. 2272753

She sounds insufferable. Why do straight retards always swear up and down that they're lesbians? I knew a chick who wouldn't shut the fuck up about how 'lesbian' she was, how she could never imagine being with a guy yadda yadda, only to end up with a guy and post "I love my boyfriend!" type shit on her story every other day kek. She could have just larped as a bisexual instead. These idiots give lesbians a bad name

No. 2272761

i honestly don’t know what the fuck she was trying to be. it was like she was wanting to be TIF gay guy, but also still keep her lesbian card at the same time?…but apparently she liked only moids now…idfk it’s gonna cause my brain to explode if i try to make sense of it lmao. “lesboy” is so fucking retarded tho. it goes completely against what a lesbian is, it’s literally an oxymoron.

No. 2272854

It's a very bizarre shift because I distinctly remember how a few years ago, when being gay started to rise in popularity, lesbian was considered the most "boring" LGBT identity due to being the only one that didn't include males. There was this stereotype that all lesbians were "ugly" hairy feminist butches with boring, moidlike personalities and gay men were the fun kweens with all the glitter, drag and pride parades. But suddenly everyone and their momma identifies as a lesbian. Straight women, bihets, straight and gay moids all collectively decided that lesbian was the new fun quirky label to appropriate for some reason.

No. 2272862

lol same, my personal cow was the world's biggest manhating lesbo back shen she still considered herself a woman. and now she tiffed out she's a "gay man" and exclusively thirsts after moids

No. 2272867

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The picture of him when he was a little boy dress as Harley Quinn in suicide squad, mini shorts and all makes my skin crawl. And the worst part is that online tras actually came out en masse to defend it. I swear to god the pedo left stuff is one of the talking points crazed rightoids have in the bag, can't even argue with it at all at this point, even if it's a somewhat hypocritical talking point. It's disgusting how troonery unironically is opening the door to pedo acceptance.

No. 2272871

ew why do they sell that outfit in child size? you never see such sexualized outfits targetted at boys

No. 2272878

Ew, isn't he like 15? It's so creepy how oversexualised he's been, I honestly feel bad for this kid. He's looked dead behind the eyes since like 8 years old and his dad is so creepy with him.

No. 2272892

It's no coincidence that you hear so many hsts tims have stories about being in relationships with old men whilst being underage. Those same old pedos camp around mtf reddits waiting for underage tims to post themselves in hypersexual outfits and nobody gives a fuck to warn the tims about this so it seems because it wouldn't be very woke. For that, i believe the theories that his dad is blatantly pimping him out and encouraging him to dress provocatively.

No. 2272898

i hear that a lot of supposed “lesbians” eventually troon out and it’s funny when they troon out they all seem to all of a sudden magically like men only now. like no sis you were just a straight girl all along then. true lesbians are honestly rare asf, cuz i’ve also heard of cases of girls saying they’re “lesbians” but also get dick on the side sometimes or eventually cheating on/leaving their girlfriend with a man, even tho they’re a supposed “lesbian”. it’s crazy.

No. 2272900

His eyes… the lights are on but nobody's home

No. 2272902

i'm scared to check the comments on his ig

No. 2272921

NAYRT literally this. It's become the hit new identity, meanwhile the real thing has become everyone's favourite scapegoat. Misogynistic skinwalking narcissists.

No. 2272926

Some of the comments are insanely creepy, he's 15 ffs

No. 2272931

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i know this isn’t exactly GC related but i found this on ovarit, someone’s university didn’t include “lesbian” but included “straight ally”, kek

No. 2272936

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Numerous bugbears.
>Never bothering to answer basic questions or clarifying actual positions when you point out questionable logic or clearly nonsensical claims. Will almost always resort to personal attacks when questioned.
>Unrelenting narcissism, where they clearly make everything about themselves. Extremely prevalent in western leftist politics where literally every left group becomes a trans-hon-hugbox. Irony is that Marxist materialism would instantly reject a metaphysical/spiritual concept of gender, yet every Marxist space is now specifically a Choo Choo hon space.
>Clearly worm their way into mod and admin positions and ban anyone who again, even asks a question that goes against their dogma.
>Insane amounts of gaslighting and brazen lying, like claiming AGP isn't real or blatant insane demands or practices they engage in constantly (transitioning kids, egging, rampant grooming, skin walking, gay conversion) is just transphobic bigoted propaganda.
>No coherent actual theory or positions that are not completely incomprehensible. Will literally flip to opposite, contradictory positions based on whatever their response needs to be.
>No explanation why transracial isn't acceptable based on same logic.
>No explanation as to how non binary-gender fluidity or gender is entirely social doesn't completely contradict the need for transitioning.
>Rampant misogyny to the point even incels couldn't even dare to match.
>Every trans community online you can look at is a utter cluster fuck of genuine peak unhinged Cluster B behaviour and attention seeking.
Probably topics covered numerous times in these threads, but fucking hell I hate how troonies have completely fucked up every leftist space online.

No. 2272938

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I hate these retards so much. Why even live if you're this stupid

No. 2272939

i think this is why the left scares off people so much because of the fucking trannies. like leftism = troonism now.

No. 2272943

>if you’re a man hater get the fuck off my blog and block me
>but also i fucking adore men
>100k notes
kek when did tumblr become so moid-loving and misogynistic

No. 2272944

I feel the same way and I hate it. Leftism isn't perfect and never has been but I feel like it would have a broad appeal (workers' rights, universal healthcare, protecting the environment, equal rights) if it wasn't weighed down by the retardation of postmodernism and trannyism (one and the same). It feels like a psyop to take these movements down from the inside

No. 2272956

t can "change" sexualities, women say they've developed higher sex drives/ become more attracted to mem

No. 2272960

Same, I had a personal cow who was (according to her) the first person to coin the "bi lesbian" term. She identified as a manhating lesbian obsessed with the lesbian couple from that show The 100. Then, a "bisexual lesbian" (aka just febfem but lesbophobic). Then, the hot lesbian from The 100 got killed off and everyone in the fandom including my cow were unironically slitting their wrists about it. "Bi lesbian" troons out and suddenly she's a "gay as in fuck you" MLM transmasc. Typical.

No. 2272965

sexuality cannot be changed you sound like someone from the 1920's, most tifs who go from lesbian to troon always just want an identity to latch on. That's always the case, it's some form of aap. GTFO with the retarded "sexuality is fluid" sludge that trannies love to eat up

No. 2272969

It really does, republicans spent millions on anti troon ads. Republicans are still going so hard on the tranny bathroom tardations and democrats feel as if they HAVE to defend troons or else they lose voters. Rightoids know every normie hates trannies and knows that if they keep pushing it on the left they can make them look insane and get more normies on their side. This is why I'm always open about my hatred towards trannies despite being on the left because I know I can be ostracized but it's better than being quiet.

No. 2272971

all over a fucking TV show?? that is insane kek

No. 2272974

troons are so intense in the way they change their identity because they're just autistic and mentally ill, they're quick to change their identity because of a tv show for that reason. Their identity holds no true merit they love nebulous identities like "bi lesbian" because it can make them look cool without changing anything fundamental about who they are as a person. This is why we always see fake gay women flip flopping to troondom, it's all meaningless. It's the fast fashion of politics

No. 2272988

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These gender retards are hell bent on setting times back holy shit

No. 2272993

how can these people be so openly perverted and vulgar?

No. 2272995

Oh that kid is 100% getting molested. This is just sad to look at. Police should get involved but you know they won't because "OMG such a progressive and brave supportive dad!!!"

No. 2272996

i really want to get off this planet already

No. 2272997

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the person who tweeted that btw

No. 2273000

>a feminist society would demand that women should be safe in all spaces even when there are men there
Wow! That sounds great! In the mean time, lets not let women have any of their own spaces at all because of how un-feminist it is, and just throw them in with all the men who are currently saying things like "your body, my choice". This definitely won't end up with women choosing to stay away from spaces with males (which are now ALL SPACES) or end up making their own underground spaces, like what rape shelters and abortion houses used to be. I'm so smart and a totally real feminist, unlike those stupid sexist woman-hating terves!

No. 2273006

>and i know they can do it
kek lol lul kekw lmao rofl lmfao haha hehe teehee bahaha jajaja

No. 2273007

similarly to what another nonna has said before, it’s going to make women not even go out in society. that’s probably what they want.

No. 2273012

Kek discord trannies

Every single discord server in my geeky hobby if there's a selfie channel in it? Always full of ugly troon selfies. Genuinely. I don't know where they get such self confidence that they think people care what they look like / want to see them. It's really weird.

No. 2273016

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Oh absolutely. Jesus, the shorts look even smaller in this picture. Nitpick but the kid doesn't even look like he wants to be there. Even if he did, moids are never this open minded about kids being effeminate unless they get to molest them.

No. 2273017

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Samefag, fent addict eyes

No. 2273033

Unpopular opinion but I actually agree with this. For context I am an eurofag and most of our bathrooms are all fully enclosed rooms with doors that close all the way. American-style bathrooms where you can easily peek into actually make me feel unsafe. Some places in Germany are trying out a single, communal bathroom comprised entirely of closed stalls (and no urinals) and it's actually been a success.

No. 2273040

i don't mean their sexual orientation changes, it can change sex drive and preferences. some detrans women have mentioned this, Keira Bell (believe she says she's bi) mentioned this once but I can't find the tweet. though yes it does sound like the woman you're talking about was always straight and was uncomfortable about it until she could larp as a gay man.

No. 2273053

Of course. This homestuck looking individual wants to send women's rights back to before we had the right to our own public bathrooms. This is because she does not leave the house and has never interacted with a public bathroom

No. 2273055

We can thank misogyny for this one too. When women being bisexual became mockable on the left, everyone whose clout was based on being bi had to change or face losing their social standing. Memes and attitudes like
>She says she's bi for attention
>Bi until graduation, more like memetic hetero
>Like moids in any capacity? You're one of the cock-slobbering bimbo sluts on the path to straight tradwifery
get women to look for other identities, and lesbianism especially is a way to avoid that third one.

No. 2273062

be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie

No. 2273074

>I would like to see this continuing and them realizing no one actually gives a fuck about trannies
I think the tipping point was that game Hogwarts Legacy last year. Troons were out in full force in the run up to its release guilting and suicide baiting and pre-cancelling and exposing anyone who even thought in their own mind they would maybe play it. Then it made a billion dollars and everyone played it lol. The troons were shellshocked but I think companies saw the writing on the wall. I only hope trannies don't try and drag down every other minority, women especially, with them.

No. 2273152

I genuinely think hogwarts legacy had a big peaking impact too. I know so many openly woke people who loudly said they would never play the transphobic game… but then they played it in secret and vented about minor things like "JKR is bad evil bigot!!! Buuut 'Sirona' isn't a transphobic name, it's a goddess, they're being ridiculous there!!!". It was a gateway for them to find flaws in troon rhetoric and to go against them in a safe way. And the world didn't end, troons didn't all get genocided by suicide, JKR didn't rise to become Femnazihitler. Everything was just fine and the game was a hit!

No. 2273164

MANY detrans people report "changing" sexuality to some degree from transition. But it's important to note that not ALL have that reaction.

Straight detrans men report suddenly thinking other tims were genuinely hot and the sexiest humans they've ever seen, essentially turning gay. Lesbian women report suddenly fancying sleeping with men and essentially turning straight. (Or perhaps "bi" is more correct for both). I think if anything it just proves hormones are an important factor in the forming of sexuality. Which we already knew from puberty existing!

But again, far from all people had this happen to them. The worrying part is that homophobic people might use this info to justify calling homosexuality a hormone disorder or to think it's curable with hrt. And even if it's possible to change someone's sexuality it's still not ethical.

No. 2273173

We have single (closed room) stalls here too, but still separated by larger rooms and by sex if the building is big enough.
The problem with ALL toilets being just a genderneutral door:
>men fucking stink and piss on the seat and floor, the toilets WILL stink of their piss at all times
>some men will be masturbating in there
>men can wait right outside your door and listen to you or your child pee, or hear you change pads
>men can see exactly where the woman goes in and if the area is clear so he can jump her when she comes out
>women can't escape to a "communal" safe area and is instead locked in a tiny room
>parents with kids don't have the same privacy

No. 2273199

Leftist spaces have always been infested/controlled by feds since the red scare. In the UK they had a recent scandal called spycops where it has turned out since the 70s, almost every leftist political org was controlled by undercover police at the highest levels and they literally spent much of the time bedding and raping leftist women while wrecking the orgs. The red scare actually began with infiltration of the socialist party and communist party (both essentially major parties at the time with thousands of elected reps from councils to Congress) and feds pushing a new campaign "the campaign against white chauvinism" based entirely on identity politics, which saw both the socialist and communist parties tear themselves apart with party cadre purging and snitching based on made up allegations of "white chauvinism". The snitching is what allowed the FBI to round up thousands and throw them in prison.
Another issue is Western Leftism is a "outcast" based counter culture based around oppression Olympics, this means leftists will find it extremely hard to gatekeep and maintain boundaries against "oppressed" people or groups which makes it extremely easy for identity grifters to come in and just take over, wreck and use victimhood to engage in mass virtue signaling and narcissistic supply because everyone knows if they push back against against a troon, then instantly they will be purged as being a reactionary.
Any serious left will need to counter such a tendency. I think a real Left wing movement will probably need to crush the current left and purge it of it's Idpol shitlibbery because history shows that this is a major issue for western left wing movements.

No. 2273280

Handmaiden says that feminist focus “too much”on anti-female genital mutilation advocacy because they are transphobic and want to make female oppression purely sex based apparently. Baffled. They want to make western men in wigs the centre of the feminist movement rather than little girls and women getting their vaginas sewed shut for being female.

No. 2273304

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I'm an oldfag here and I've seen the decline of left-wing spaces (online and in real life) in real time, the foundations of it had been around in academia for a while, but it only really took off in the early 2010s, you have to understand what left online spaces used to be like before the rise of the dirtbag left. troons, libfems and the soyboys of breadtube
they were much smaller, but they had a more diverse and mentally stable range of people(men and women, white, black and hispanic) and we discussed social issues, what we could do with our limited resources, activism and in those spaces real hate speech statements such as actual racism, sexism and any mentions of violence against women can get you banned or deposed for being a wierdo
when you compare that to left-wing twitter or spaces like discord and breadtube comment sections, you see nothing more than a bunch of degenerates spouting nonsense, talking about catgirl skittles and how much they hate their chud parents or analyzing random movies, most sensible people left and now those groups with overly online degenerates(picrel was an actual shared by by the iww btw)

No. 2273334

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>but my ol' third gender from noble natives that were punished by Christianity!!

No. 2273345


'They insisted men were men!'

Is this 'mountain of evidence where men are actually real and honest women' in the room with us?

Also the absolute reach of these people to associate 'anything I do like is a Nazi' to scaremonger normies into believing every lie they say. It's stupid how much this blatant tactic works.

No. 2273387

interesting. i'm a lesbian but have always been estrogen dominant, as well as diagnosed with endometriosis when covid started. when i was eating very healthy (aka "hormone balancing" whole food type of diet), i started to feel and look very healthy but i still didn't think of men sexually like that. so i am reluctant to think that hormones is a major player in how orientation develops in a person.

No. 2273472

they can't go 5 seconds without making every single fucking thing revolve around ""transwomen"" …men are so self-centered.
>our existence was erased!!
>our culture!!
fucking retards, don't want to imagine what their idea of "culture" is. your existence wasn't erased because it never existed to begin with, you made it up

No. 2273497

Every time I see shit like this I become more and more convinced that this is just another flavor of conservatism. Old thing = good and valid, don't think too hard about if it actually makes sense or not. And if we're going to talk about erased history, why not talk about cultures that got colonized that have no evidence of having had the concept of gender, like the Celts? Who incidentally did not have a patriarchal society? Why do they never realize that third genders and trans shit only ever pops up in patriarchal societies?

No. 2273515

I have a friend who identified as a lesbian her entire life. she’s been through 3 different girlfriends (all who cheated and were abusive) and now said friend is going by “he/they” and removed any mention of being a lesbian from all her socials and is starting to transition into being “more boyish” right after her last girlfriend broke up and cheated on her. what the fuck is this phenomenon???

No. 2273549

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I’ve seen people speculate that the change in sexuality on T is due to the increase in libido revealing aspects of one’s sexuality that one didn’t notice before. For example, a woman who thinks she’s solely attracted to women, but is actually bi with a negligible amount of attraction to men, might only notice this attraction when it gets amplified from taking T.

Picrel is interesting because the poster reports also getting weird fetishes from T. Extreme fetishes like this seem more common in men, so maybe they’re related to a very high, testosterone-fueled libido?

Though this hypothesis seems to fall apart when you take into account the men who have claimed their sexuality changed on E, because E is not known for increasing libido, is it?

This is all speculation/hearsay, so please take it with a grain of salt, but it would be great if someone who has some more solid evidence regarding this stuff could chime in.

No. 2273577

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No. 2273584

Does anyone have advice for talking to a gendie friend who wants to start T? I'm not even sure why she wants to start it since she's said multiple times that she's fine with her body and not interested in hormones or surgery. I'm guessing because she wants to fit in more with her trans discord friends.

No. 2273597

ask her what does she want to get from T? what's her end goal? don't confront her directly, just ask questions and make her think for herself.
>he's said multiple times that she's fine with her body and not interested in hormones or surgery.
remind her of this if she starts coming up with insecurities and things she "always hated wanted to change" about her body

No. 2273600

>homestuck looking individual

No. 2273602

Hmm this reminds me of a friend who married a guy that as far as I know trooned out. She used to be very open about discussing her sexual preferences and things she liked to do, but now she claims to be asexual and doesn't discuss sex at all. I think it's related to her husband's transition and hormones likely destroying his ability to have sex.

I also know someone who is super gendie (had all the surgeries but had to stop taking T because they're already an anorexic wreck) and completely TMI discussing their sexual habits after their first sexual experience was a MTF fucking her in college, ever since she trooned and found other autistic gendies to have sex with she's been insufferable about sex

No. 2273605

This is weird but I think it's become a trending thing among "genderqueer" people to just experiment with hormones. There are so many posts online from lesbians taking testosterone but not transitioning or using different pronouns. Like I wouldn't be surprised if full trooning out is losing steam (like who the fuck would want to sound like post-transition Ellen Page) but people still want to mess around to have a gender journey or be included in the queer space. And to validate all the damage they willingly did to their bodies with meds and surgery.

No. 2273692

I can say with confidence this is their crab bucket mentality. I have a few troon spaces I scroll through for kicks and the messaging right now is all hormones being candy pills that make you hotter and happier. Tons of different posts about how there are no negative sides to picking up a prescription, even if you aren't a tranny.
I could upload some screenshots but I can't scroll through all the threads to see if they've been posted right now kek

No. 2273785

So they’re basically drug addicts who think that drugs will solve all their problems.

Does anyone know whether T or E has a scientifically addictive component?

No. 2273875

it seems like just being plain ol’ gay isn’t cool and hip anymore and it’s all moved on to gender now, like genderqueer, trans, nonbinaries, demigirl,
/demiboy, agender, etc…plus at how many people now believe that you can be a man and consider yourself a lesbian and how you can be a girl and consider yourself a gay guy (although i’ve seen WAY more of the former).

No. 2273908

God I miss when people would allow themselves to be androgynous and wear/be into things the opposite sex would be into without transing in some way.This shit is so bleak and I feel awful for the would-be tomgirls thinking they have to be some kind of gendie if they’re into monster trucks or camo.

No. 2273929

>the messaging right now is all hormones being candy pills that make you hotter and happier
I've flat out seen troons saying to take HRT instead of things like lexapro if you want an antidepressant that really works. Makes absolutely no sense given most of what I've heard about emotional changes on HRT is rage on T and depressive mood swings on E.

No. 2273935

Could the addiction come from a placebo or social effect? Like, "taking this drug gets me so many compliments from my friend group, I should keep taking more"? Also, I know that strong emotions can be addictive in their own right, especially to a mentally ill person with a broken brain, so maybe the mood swings are kind of the point? These idiots probably think their hormonal imbalance is proof of their true gender coming to the surface or some shit.

No. 2273937

something I've come to learn is that it's lesbian specifically that has this "lesboy" stuff attached to it but there really isn't an opposite. like tims identifying as gay men but also as women at the same time. additionally there can be lesbians who are "transmascs" and again, I don't hear anything about gay men who are "transfem".

No. 2273969

If her girlfriend cheated on her with a man thats probably why. Fucked up but its probably why alot of lesbians troon out
She has to be a fed, I fucking hate handmaidens so bad

No. 2273973

Ask your friend why and what exactly she would want from taking t. Then ask if she would instead take anabolic steroids to get the same results and that she should look up side effects of it, because testosterone is literally an anabolic steroid. Some results (not just "bad possible side effects", but these ARE the actual wanted results she'd be signing up for):
>more hair growth, facial hair, back hair, toe hair, ass hair, chest and belly hair
>balding and thinning of hair
>acne and bad skin, making you look older (not just your face but hands, and neck etc too)
>PAINFUL permanent clitoris growth
>cardiovascular issues
>liver damage
>voice damage (not just a deeper frog voice, she likely won't be able to sing anymore)
>die earlier
>mood swings
>increased aggression
>urination problems (she will piss herself)
>increased horniness
>period/pregnancy problems, could do permanent damage to it

No. 2273974

im that anon you replied to, the thing is tho is that this TIF was like she was trying to be two things at once. both a “lesbian” (or “lesboy” whatever) and a “gay guy”, or at least that what it looked like, cuz she’s stated that she loves men and has a boyfriend…if u eventually came to like men but the attraction to girls is still there…why not just call yourself bisexual then?? it’ll make things easier and less confusing. her taking T could’ve made her realize her attraction to men more, but i honestly just think people are trying way too hard to be so special and different in like every way possible, to where it’ll cause your brain to explode if you try to make any sense of it.

No. 2273981

DA I have known of several "t4t" gay and bi mtfs who would just straight up call themselves lesbians. I guess they tend to skip the word salad kek. I have noticed their "lesbian identity" differs between their view of lesbians. Their motivations seem to vary, the ones that I remember
>"Lesbians are allowed to be sexual while m4m can't. Being a lesbian means more freedom."
>"All lesbians are sexual because all I know is porn and I want to signify I'm DTF."
>"Men are scary and women are safer. Therefore I'm a t4t lesbian because I want love."
>"Men are fucking ugly but I'm attracted to them. Women look better therefore I'm a t4t lesbian who wants to date hot (feminine) guys who take care of themselves."

No. 2273985

>"Men are scary and women are safer. Therefore I'm a t4t lesbian because I want love."
Wasn't this literally CWC's reasoning for trooning out

No. 2273988

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i HATE this clown country

No. 2273990

and this is why the democrats lost

No. 2273994

literally. 100%
and now they're eternally branded as the tranny party.

No. 2274000

god i fucking hate trannies so much. what the fuck do they know about being a women? they dont have periods. they cant bear children. like is it simply they enjoy playing dress up ? inhabiting some kind of make believe female existence ? its so cruel to think about how many generations and centuries of women suffered at the hand of men, oppressed, given no rights to own anything of her own, and to finally get that within the last 100 years just for men to once again swoop in and try to take something from us again (on a surface level). whenever i see trannies i think, oh, this person is literally just doing a caricature of a woman.

it makes me so sick and angry.

No. 2274020

Why is it always male trannies? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ftm in the spot light that wasn’t Ellen Page

No. 2274022

now our rights are being taken away under the veil of “wokeness”

No. 2274026

He is a straight male though; the anon you replied to was talking about gay male TIMs who date other TIMs and pretend they’re both women.

No. 2274030

I think I’ve seen people say that T makes you more confident? Could be misremembering though

No. 2274033

>radical feminism can only mitigate patriarchy, not get rid of it
lol, lmao even. Once again these retards show they have no idea what radical feminism actually is. They hear some (likely cringe) self-identifying radfem on twitter seethe about troons and think that's all radical feminism is. Forget theory, literature or talks on the subject!!

It really reminds me of how uneducated people will describe all the tenets of capitalism and how it makes their lives miserable, but then blame it on those damn socialists! It just shows a complete lack of understanding of how the world operates, and how narrow they look at it all.

No. 2274035

Unfortunately due to the troon subject, radical feminism to a significant amount of people effectively is just about troons. If you look on Ovarit or a lot of this site, males are centered and endlessly talked about. You're right and I hope I don't come off as correcting you or anything. It really is a travesty.

No. 2274039

Nta but I'd love to do some proper reading on government involvement in 70s leftist organisations, do you have any good lit recs on that?

No. 2274054

AYRT and yeah you're exactly right. I don't like browsing Ovarit for that reason. I feel like a lot of these so called "leftists" just watch breadtube videos and think that makes a great supplement for understanding any sort of leftist, marxist or socialist theory. The anti-intellectualism is insane, and part of me thinks that a big reason a lot don't read into it more is because what they have seen is too confronting, and too much of an upheaval of their current comfortable reality.

No. 2274067

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You can really tell that these dipshits don't leave the house. I hope the Democrats do completely drop tranny issues in their next campaign, this sort of verbose navel gazing is what passes for a problem in their circles and they have the gall to get mad when actual issues take precedence over their whining.

No. 2274068

not tryna argue or anything, but isn’t places like ovarit and this site a way for women to be able to rant and vent about moids and troons without getting flamed to hell and back like one would on mainstream media and to meet other women who feel the same way? and that’s why it seems like they’re endlessly talked about?

No. 2274074

This does makes sense though originally Ovarit wasn't solely a place to vent about troons. It's effectively become that though unfortunately

No. 2274077

I stopped browsing Ovarit because it seems to be filled with self-righteous mom types who act like they’ve never had a bad thought in their life, and it made me feel guilty as an angry, messed up young woman.

No. 2274079

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picrel made me wonder, how much do filters and not looking at mirrors help tims "cope"

No. 2274082

i do sympathize with the fact of one getting exhausted from seeing and hearing about troon talk constantly, but i feel like the trans situation is just so bad now and how it’s taken over almost everything and threatening women’s rights, it feels kinda impossible to not talk about it

No. 2274099

Why does he have so many eyebrows??

No. 2274146

it's always funny to me when ppl use pics of trannies as some kinda a gotcha. like you sure showed me. showed me that someone can completely alter his digital appearance in 2024. congrats

No. 2274149

This post is kinda old and my response is late but I take issue with the idea that 'conservatives' especially people like Walsh 'hijacked GC arguments and dumbed them down for conservatives.' GC arguments were in fact largely the default before leftist academia introduced the idea of 'gender' as something separate from sex, and therefore many 'conservative' people and cultures don't need radfems to feed them the most basic GC views because they held them already. There is definitely a large subset of conservatives who believe that women must or should fulfil gender roles, and in this case they aren't using GC arguments watered down at all, they're using sex-based arguments that are neither gender critical nor pro troon, they're simply trad views. I saw the Matt Walsh movie and I think it was a mix of both - he himself seems to espouse a lot of non-GC, trad views but he snuck some more basic GC views in there including via the psychology/psychiatry prof who I think is more of a TERF than a conservative.

I think we need to back away from this practice of calling any idea that 'bio sex exists' GC, and also of strawmanning all conservative people and cultures as boogeymen who don't understand basic GC ideas because many do and many GC ideas were much more normal throughout history than modern third wave feminists believe, leading to a lot of confusion. I am from a very conservative extended family and culture but both my extended family and the larger culture when I was growing up was more 'GC' than Western culture - aside from one great-grandparent who lamented me not wearing skirts as a tomboy, the rest of my family and people in that culture rarely imposed strong gender roles or norms on me, thought me being GNC/a tomboy was completely normal, and nurtured my GNC hobbies. If you go back to before WWII it was actually the norm for women to work unless they were upper class/aristocrats, oftentimes in similar jobs to the ones men worked in. My great grandmothers were all labourers, my grandma who grew up during WWII wore pants and rode a motorcycle and had a STEM job with very little pushback, etc. Not every seemingly GC attitude or belief stems from radical feminism at all, it's just the basic human norm throughout much of history except in exceptionally patriarchal societies or echelons of society (gender norm enforcement was often stricter for aristocracy than for peasants, for e.g.) so a lot of older 'conservative' people just by default don't care that much about gender roles and naturally care about sex based protections for women, even if a large subset of conservative moids don't because a lot of moids are predators (this goes for leftist moids too). But not everyone with generally conservative views think gender roles are absolute, including some men and many women. And I don't think it's good to conflate 'bio sex is real' with gender criticism either, because GC isn't the same as anti-troon. Being gender critical means being critical of gender roles generally, not just wanting to protect women's safe spaces or understanding that biosex is real which is all that people like Matt Walsh are really doing most of the time. These views were already common on the right to begin with and they used to be fairly common on the left too. Radical feminism is by definition not conservative, but I think gender criticism can be both liberal and conservative.

I also disagree that 'hands across the aisle' campaigns by radfems working to pass specific legislation with conservatives is the same as 'cozying up to' the right. A lot of people of every possible political persuasion will hold their nose to get an important law passed even if that means agreeing on a specific issue with people you otherwise don't disagree with, and I think we need more of this kind of pragmatic political action if we want feminist causes to prevail since both sides of the political spectrum are run by men and thus inherently anti-female and patriarchal to some extent. Women on both sides of the spectrum have successfully banded together in the past and we'll have to continue doing it in the future as well as allying temporarily with men who want to help pass important laws that preserve female rights. I'm not sure which twitter radfems you're referring to since I don't have twitter and maybe some of them really are cozying up to right wingers but I think it's better to recognize that 'gender critical' views are and have been broadly popular in many cultures before many of us were even alive. We should be taking advantage of that, while also making the distinction between actual gender criticism and right-wing 'pro gender' views like that women should follow social gender roles in order to be proper women.

The reality about the Matt Walsh movie is that it was popular because it reached normies in a way that intellectual, academic radical feminist discussions never will, but that's a good thing too. Both things have a purpose to serve. Normie moral outrage about children being transed and men in women's sports is useful to us and serious radfems have to accept that normies will never start reading all of Dworkin and thinking seriously about the social construct of gender and that's okay, some people will respond to that or Kathleen Stock podcasts and a larger number of people are more likely to just respond to some dumb moid doing Borat-style 'hmm im just a dumb moid' interview films exposing the lunacy in current academia and medicine. They don't need to become radfems in order to help.

No. 2274153

This, I understand people's frustrations with non-radfems making radfem spaces all about troons (or even worse: tradthottery), but it's pretty much inevitable when the left openly crucifies anyone who dares speak against gender ideology. You also need to remember there's women peaking for the first time every day. What may be a tired, overly discussed topic to us could be a groundbreaking personal discovery for baby terfs.

No. 2274155

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AGPs are often GAMPs and pseudo-bisexuals (having sex with men because they want to be degraded "as a woman"), and even HSTS have a touch of AGP. It's all part of the fetish and detrans TIMs are just ashamed of it. Picrel all of these men are straight pseudo-bisexuals.

No. 2274157

I've noticed a lot of old gay men are OBSESSED with referencing whipping boys and seeing the first quote morph it into whipping girl and talk about fantasizing about sex slavery makes me want to alog. Autopedophiles are disgusting.

No. 2274159

Just noticed they all have the exact same eyes. Autopedophile stare.

No. 2274173

Qtcinderella looks nothing like them, nice twy

No. 2274177

Because men see male trannies as men still and see ftm as women. That's it.

No. 2274178

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Is using unflattering screenshots of women what creeps try to use to (delusionally) pretend they're mogging them?

No. 2274179

it's because they're the most loud and visible compared to TiFs

No. 2274186

I see it started shaving its face now

No. 2274196

An absolute creature. Nothing in that head at all. "Widdol gurlz are kinky"

No. 2274215

>"first out transgender member of Congress"
Do they think there was an earlier closeted TIM in Congress, or a woman disguising herself as a man, or what?

No. 2274220

its so funny to me how they treat trannys the same as gays and lesbians. like wtf? can you "out" a tranny? huh?????? its not the same at all

No. 2274316

This is going to be a really unpopular opinion but I actually buy that this is possible. There is no real hard proof about exactly what makes people gay or straight, but for e.g. DSD conditions like MRKH result in a much higher proportion of lesbian women which could be attributed to prenatal testosterone but also possibly hormone levels (epigenetic changes?) and experiences later in life. I think it is plausible that some people (especially people predisposed to bisexuality, whoever those people are) experience changes in sexual attraction as a result of either hormonal/epigenetic changes or environmental/social conditions during their lifespan especially around puberty/adolescence. One of the reasons I think this is that as a bisexual I went through female-exclusive and male-exclusive attraction 'phases' when I was younger before I settled on a more stable sexual identity as an adult, I started out thinking I was lesbian but then became attracted to males in my mid-late teens and then went through another phase of only being attracted to women. So I think it's possible that going on exogenous hormones can actually change attraction in someone especially if for whatever reason they have a biological predisposition to bisexuality. I think people are really attached to the 'born this way' narrative because claiming sexuality is in any way fluid results in conversion therapy and hatred for gay people, but we don't actually know exactly what causes sexuality or when in the life cycle it is fully 'solidified' (we assume around birth, but no one is sexually attracted to anyone until puberty basically) and messing with your body as a teen/young adult might actually result in significant changes for some people. I'm not gonna give the average gendie the benefit of the doubt because most of them will say and do anything to seem/feel 'special' and different from other people but it might be true that some TIFs who go on hormones experience attraction changes due to the changing hormone levels. We already know straight women are attracted to different men at different points in their hormonal cycle; I'm not sure if such research has been conducted on lesbians but I could see the possibility of someone who's a 'kinsey 5' for example becoming more like a kinsey 2 with different hormone levels and genuinely believing they went from gay to straight or vice versa even if it's not likely with a gendie.

No. 2274329

Yeah this is the way imo. I talked a friend out of going on T (and then she completely desisted shortly after) by just asking her things like 'do you want to lose your voice or for your voice to completely change?' (she was a singer), 'do you actually want a beard and body hair,' 'will you be comfortable with balding,' 'are you okay with needing a hysterectomy which can mess with your hormones' etc. She eventually admitted that she didn't really want any of these things except more musculature and she thought having a beard would be cool but didn't even think about the body hair, voice change, balding, etc.

If someone is really dead set on wanting their body to change this might not be the best strategy but if your friend is fine with her body it can be good to remind her how many changes can happen, including dry vagina/painful sex, increased acne, baldness, severe weight gain on the midsection, etc.

No. 2274332

There's no hard proof on what makes sexual orientation but it's pretty much proof that people who are rock solid that their sexuality wont change, are not fluid in anyway. Even lisa diamond who basically created the sexuality is fluid rhetoric agreed with this. The truth is, is that after the pandemic and after advancements in gay rights have been made more and more people mistake themselves for being gay. In my opinion homosexuality is real, it cannot be fluid because that ignores the point that it is exclusive, it's just EXTREMELY rare. Born this way has been true, the 21st century isnt the only century where gays have existed. they have existed in times where theyd literally get beaten and killed for being gay meaning theyd have no reason to acknowledge their gayness out of nowhere. I honestly find the way bisexuals project their sexual experiences on homosexuals very frustrating. Sexuality can really only be fluid for bisexuals

No. 2274342

do you think its maybe because there's a huge correlation between trooning out and bisexuality? i hope i don't sound mean spirited or anything, but bisexuals are more common within the lgb and because there's more of them, statistically speaking there's going to be more bisexual troons in general, though obviously homosexual troons have been recorded in history. i think perhaps the hormones might've helped with some people recognize their sexual attraction towards both sexes in a way that made them fianlly feel confident and comfortable with their sexuality. testosterone shots tend to make middle aged men feel more, well, 'potent' and confident towards women if you catch my drift.

No. 2274344

AYRT and I agree with you which is why I said I'm inclined to think that with gendies who like label-hopping it's probably not a genuine sexuality/attraction change, just a self-identity/label change which I think is becoming increasingly common and trendy. But OP described the friend as calling herself 'bisexual lesbian' or something meaning she was aware she was bi/febfem to begin with so it is genuinely possible hormones might have flipped her sexual attraction to be mostly to males.

>Born this way has been true, the 21st century isnt the only century where gays have existed.

Gay people existing in all centuries doesn't actually mean sexuality is decided pre-birth though. I do believe homosexual and heterosexual people have a 'stable' or 'set' sexuality at least from adolescence onwards but there is no hard proof of this being decided prior to birth, it just seems like a plausible theory that it is since many children 'seem' like they're going to grow up to be gay even before they hit puberty. Being exclusively same sex attracted and not being able to change that as an adult doesn't actually prove that your sexuality was decided in the womb though, nor that some major physical change couldn't alter your life trajectory.

>I honestly find the way bisexuals project their sexual experiences on homosexuals very frustrating.

I find your accusation very frustrating. The original topic was a 'biles' (febfem) who knew she was bisexual to start with but preferred women. I never said that a 30yo lesbian will suddenly turn straight with hormones, I said my experience as a bisexual makes me think it's possible for other bisexual people to 'flip' from a preference for one sex to the other.

No. 2274353

>Gay people existing in all centuries doesn't actually mean sexuality is decided pre-birth though.
That is not what im saying at all, they've existed in times where they'd be unreasonably and unfairly punished for it. Even nowadays in shitholes gay adolescence get killed and abandoned. It doesn't make sense for homosexuality to be anything but something you're predisposed to, otherwise, throughout history, nobody would be gay. Most homosexuals report homosexuality pre-puberty too. Biological factors most definitely play into homosexuality there's a reason why ring length tended to be different on identical lesbian and heterosexual twins. It's likely just a rare biological phenomenon

No. 2274357

Samefag but I've only really recently have seen this rise in "well maybe homosexuality isn't a set thing and it's societal blah blah blah" and it's no surprise I'm seeing most of this post pandemic. I'm just tired of seeing it, especially in more gender critical spaces considering how often trannies also love slandering the born this way narrative. Even some of the researchers most set on the idea that most people's sexualities do change throughout time agree that there are a handful of outliers. I do agree that most peoples sexualities arent set but the thing is, homosexuals are the outliers we ALWAYS have been. This is why you see so many lesbians being so militant against late bloomers and shit too post pandemic, it's just tiring seeing this kind of rhetoric more and more.

No. 2274359

I'm not actually sure if bisexuals are more common than gay people, I think straight people are just more likely to adopt the bisexual label. In my life I've met more genuinely same sex attracted people than genuine bisexuals, but a lot of "bisexuals" who are just straight.

With troons their sexuality is so messed up in most cases that most of their sexual activities are probably pretty much entirely divorced from 'real' sexuality. Autosexuality especially AGP is so common and usually leads to 'pseudobisexuality' but I'm not convinced these men are true bisexuals, I think they are just so navel gazing and obsessed with themselves and porn that they will talk themselves into all sorts of weird situations because their fetishes, not genuine attraction for their partners, are the main drivers for their sexuality. I think most troons are actually straight, especially male troons.


If you had read my post carefully you would see I already addressed this re: MRKH, I never said sexuality isn't biological. But biology is complicated, epigenetic factors can affect people post-birth as well as pre-birth. The male ring finger length inversion (which I also have even though I am not lesbian) is due to prenatal testosterone levels but there are other hormonal and brain changes that can occur post-birth as well and these are also 'biological' factors. Epigenetic changes mean you have a genetic predisposition to something as you said, but it can be modified/switched on or off by environmental changes and exogenous testosterone levels could be one of these changes. As for reporting homosexuality pre-puberty that strikes me as strange since my impression is that children don't really have 'sexuality' pre-puberty at all, i.e. don't experience sexual attraction or sexual feelings. I guess this either means they were more romantically drawn to the same sex in some non-sexual way or they just think they showed signs of being gay, looking back?

Again I knew this would be an unpopular opinion because as another anon pointed out saying 'sexuality isn't decided before birth' opens the door for people to try to do all sorts of conversion therapies and 'change' gay people which is cruel and doesn't work, but I'm just saying there could be a period of some plasticity after the fetal period before sexuality becomes truly set in stone. I'm not in the habit of talking about this publicly around conservatives because I don't want to give them fodder for homophobia but if we're really honest with ourselves scientifically we still don't really know how this works, and that includes bisexuals too - bisexuality is ALSO likely a tendency or predisposition set in early life but people are happy to say it's 'fluid' throughout the life course so there might be exogenous factors affecting attraction in childhood or puberty as well otherwise how could bisexuals have 'fluid' sexuality?

No. 2274360

I didn't become interested in this topic during the pandemic, I became interested in this topic about 2 decades ago when I went from thinking I was lesbian/exclusively SSA to starting to be attracted to boys, and I have been interested in the research about this ever since. I am a scientist and I still think it's interesting, it's one of the many things about human cognition we don't have very good science about. I also think it's unrelated to trendy sexuality labels which are, lbr, mostly employed by bored straight people who were brainwashed by tiktok.

No. 2274361

go back

No. 2274369

This is what I meant by "bisexuals projecting their sexualities onto homosexuals" and you had missed my point, you may not think you are but you used the fact you thought you were lesbian as some sort of crutch for that idea of fluidity. The truth is alot of bisexuals tend to be more shaky with their label, rather that mean theres actual fluidity or not, you can see why alot of lesbians are annoyed with what I had discussed above. (oh my god this is like the third time I had to post this there is water on my pad)

No. 2274372

I think you misinterpreted her post, I think she was saying that using pictures of 'passing' troons as a gotcha is stupid because they're filtered/fake.


Again, no, my original response was to a post talking about a febfem who now calls herself gay. I didn't talk about actual homosexuals switching sexual identity at all, I made a post saying I think it's plausible for a bisexual who is mostly female-attracted to become mostly male-attracted after taking testosterone. I didn't actually say let alone 'project' my experiences on straight or gay people at all, I was responding to a post about a bisexual woman and I used my experience as a bisexual woman to explain that bisexuals can be attracted predominantly to one sex and then predominantly to another at different points during adolescence. Can you show me where in that post I said lesbians or straight women can have their sexualities entirely flipped because I don't see it?

No. 2274382

No i just think the way you worded it was extremely easy to take that way. You talked about how you though you specifically were a lesbian/ssa. You did not say "mostly female attracted". You also said "female exclusive", you said you went through it as a "phase". All of those imply gay, I think the way you also went on to talk about "born this way" also insinuated that. You guys just really need to start being delicate with the way you guys talk about these things in 2024

No. 2274391

This is straying away from the genderism discussion but to clarify, I said the thing about how I thought I was lesbian in early adolescence AFTER I had already said
> I think it is plausible that some people (especially people predisposed to bisexuality, whoever those people are) experience changes in sexual attraction as a result of either hormonal/epigenetic changes or environmental/social conditions during their lifespan especially around puberty/adolescence.
Which I thought made it pretty clear I was talking about people predisposed to bisexuality, since I mentioned that specifically. Then I went on to say
> I could see the possibility of someone who's a 'kinsey 5' for example becoming more like a kinsey 2 with different hormone levels
Note that I did not say I think a Kinsey 0 would turn into a Kinsey, I just mentioned that people with some level of bisexuality might develop a preference for the other sex and 'genuinely believe' they went from gay to straight as a result. I don't know how you wanted me to be clearer than this, it seems like you're nitpicking my post to try to look for something in it that wasn't there.
>you though you specifically were a lesbian/ssa. You did not say "mostly female attracted"
Yeah, because that's the truth, sorry I didn't lie about my experience because I assumed the other anons reading this would be able to parse my entire post. I had no attraction to any males during that period of my life so that's what I said. I didn't imply I was gay, I said outright that I was bisexual but that I believed myself to be lesbian at that time. I think that is a not-uncommon experience and maybe you are the one projecting your experience of being lesbian on bisexuals - just because you were super duper sure of your sexuality all along doesn't mean bisexuals are.

>you also went on to talk about "born this way" also insinuated that.

No it didn't, it's unrelated. I stand by my view that we don't know if sexuality is set in stone at birth, because we don't. I mentioned this as a response to an argument about whether exogenous testosterone could change sexual attraction because if attraction was set in stone at birth, obviously exogenous testosterone could not affect it. But we know that even for exclusively straight women hormone cycling changes attraction to some degree, although it doesn't change sexuality. I'm sorry I don't agree with your mindset about being 'delicate' about the way I talk about factual matters - for the same reason I was able to resist genderist troon brainwashing and conservative gender role brainwashing (by refusing to be 'delicate' about conversations about the truth) I also don't think it's right to be 'delicate' about discussions of fact on any other matter. But I think we're just getting into pedantry here and we're straying from the gender ideology topic. I'm sorry if you misinterpreted my post, but I was responding in good faith as a scientist who has researched this to a question about whether it's possible for someone to 'change' their level of sexual attraction to males/females on HRT because multiple posters asked about it. My opinion is yes, it is likely possible or at least plausible for people biologically predisposed to bisexuality, like I said originally. >>2274382

No. 2274400

You most definitely have to be delicate on the topic of sexual orientation, considering we don't even know why it is the way it is and knowing that the connotations around sexuality affect real people, especially lesbians. But you're right, this isn't about gender ideology anymore. So there isn't really any reason to discuss it any longer

No. 2274401

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kiwiscrotes starting a war on trannies on bsky lmfao. bsky has become less annoyingly troon infested since more people have been leaving xitter I will say, though.

No. 2274434

Yeah, I guess I fundamentally disagree with this ('have to be delicate') because I think figuring out the truth of something is more important than being 'delicate' about it. If I wanted to be 'delicate' about everything that might cause people to feel bad or experience some unspecified harm from speculating about what causes phenomena like sexuality or transsexual identity I'd be a TRA at this point, and I don't appreciate being guilted for expressing genuine curiosity/uncertainty about what made me or other people the way we are. To bring this back around to the original topic of the thread, I think as more kids are put on blockers and hormones we're going to experience more and more upheavals in society because of weird, hitherto unheard-of physical and mental effects of messing with natural puberty and physical/mental development and these bizarre phenomena like changing sexual preferences and sexual proclivities/fetishes have to be something we're open to talking about/researching if we want to help these kids navigate what was done to them by the medical system/their parents/themselves. I also think it's a moot point because sexuality being set at birth or not doesn't make homophobia any more or less morally acceptable. According to the idea that bisexuals all have 'fluid' sexuality I wouldn't have been the victim of such severe homophobic bullying my family had to move and I had to change schools and cut off contact with my former friends but I did even though people can claim that by virtue of being bisexual in the end I had a 'choice' in the matter of liking girls. I just think it's not okay to be homophobic regardless of what leads to the development of sexuality; homophobia is cruel and evil anyway, not on the basis of whether people were born that way or solidified their sexuality until puberty but because homosexuality/bisexuality is a real phenomenon regardless and is not morally wrong. I also think increasingly we're running up against a problem with troons claiming they were 'born that way' too and therefore people have to validate child transition and them trying to hitch their wagon to LGB rhetoric. If we stopped hanging everything on the born this way rhetoric and highlighted that gay people aren't harming other people or themselves, while trans people are harming both themselves and women's rights, we would maybe finally start to get somewhere. I'm worried that TRA rhetoric is taking LGB rights down with it and delicacy/tact is part of the problem when in reality it's enough to take a principled moral stance. And at the end of the day I'm discussing this on the lolcow gender ideology thread, a thread full of other LGB people, I'm not feeding lines to fox news.

No. 2274437

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Like we say in my country, they just set themselves on fire with plain water.

No. 2274445

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Way too much.
Exhibit A: The infamous tim comic artist who was found tracing pics of real babies for his fetish. Notice most of the time pic on left is the one that is used for his meetings or his horrid book releases.

No. 2274459

stupidpol is a crypto-lolbert subreddit and has the absolute dumbest moids, i'm convinced the subreddit's purpose is to push women away from collectivist politics

No. 2274529

Ewww THIS is what assignedmale looks like? His face definitely lines up with his psychotic comic writing.

No. 2274563

Isn't it funny how all these "trans" identity's of the past are all sodomized peasant boys for old rich male perverts, like in greek or japanese history, or just literal eunuchs and castrati

No. 2274566

Yet they never stop making retarded posts about how "in the past" they were "temple priestesses". And of course were having copious amounts of sex because all the men in the city lusted after them. Pornbrained coomer nonsense.
But I suppose one must find ways to cope after getting your balls chopped off and cutting a hole into your rank, shit filled intestines.

No. 2274589

Thank you so much for posting this, nona, this was such a powerful and emotional read.

No. 2274594

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>bsky has become less annoyingly troon infested
The chief troon who ruins online spaces is there, so it's a lost cause.

No. 2274603

Also interesting that ever since the troon migration happened the rate of cp reports also went up..hmmmm

No. 2274613

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Bluesky is a MAP haven.

No. 2274635

Interesting enough there used to be an estrogen therapy that's been banned because it raised the risk of having breast cancer caused a ton of birth defects including hormonal imbalances

No. 2274642

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No. 2274646

Bluesky only has 20 employees and one of them posted about how they have received a shit ton of reports for CP and they're prioritizing these reports over others for now so I really hope their team will grow and they'll get rid of this shit faster.

No. 2274647

For a fucking crowd to unanimously cheer for the fuckers getting a beat down, those trannoids must've done something to really deserve it.

No. 2274649

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troons deserved it

No. 2274654

They deserve it for being trannies
Even if they didn’t “do” anything, just them standing in public with their sexual fetish which should be charged for public indecency they deserve to get beaten up. I don’t give a shit about violence targeted towards tranny males, they deserve it, always. Take all of that violence TIFs experience and give it to these degenerate perverted men, the only way for a man to learn he is wrong is either through violence or their deaths.

No. 2274671

Sometimes I wonder how "socialized as a girl" even works because I don't remember being "socialized" besides from getting molested even in thick coats outside, being considered a commodity by men and overall being expected to look like a doll.
Nonnas were you "socialized"? Did you take girl lessons? kek

No. 2274679

That's what it means. It's just the experience of being seen and treated as a woman by society.
This is why male troons hate it and say "male socialization" is transphobic. Because it used to be a way to tell them they would never understand what it is like to have these experiences, but now they use it in their sad wank fantasies.

No. 2274711

nta but by that logic, boys in afghanistan would be 'socialized as girls' because they are constantly molested and have to worry about their safety until they reach adulthood, liev schreiber's son similarily is just an abused boy, not a woman

No. 2274722

NTA but I think in extreme patriarchal societies, young boys and young girls are both considered to be in an 'other' category of inhuman objects to manipulate and fuck. It's a different socialization we cannot compare to in the west.

No. 2274752

Yes, and the fact he's still calling himself an "innocent girl uwu" is what makes it way more creepy.

No. 2274777

Are you fucking braindead? No they wouldn't because even the most assraped boy in Afghanistan isn't forced to cover from head to toe and forbidden from speaking and education, you tard. They're still extremely privileged. A raped scrote will never experience "female socialization" because it's much worse than just being assaulted

No. 2274788

Bacha bazi are usually boys in a vulnerable situation and when they're not cute anymore (aka when they're older), they're discharged like trash but leaving them with sexual and mental abuse, which leads them to seek helk in alcohol and drugs. Is not the same, but women, specially girls, aren't discharged, they have to suffer still the abuse and not having privileges at all.

No. 2274790

It’s not girl lessons dumbass. It’s how society treats you when you’re a girl.
It’s being expected to be proper , to not ruin your clothes and hairstyles. It’s being expected to act in a gentle manner even if you’re being mistreated. It’s being put near the rowdy boy in class because you’re the one who gets good grades. It’s shaming young women when they have sex while men don’t get the same treatment. It’s giving a chance to the ugly scrote that you don’t even like because “uh give him a chance, he has a good personality”.
The fact that you don’t understand what it means makes me doubt that you’re even a woman kek.

No. 2274795

You’re considering and comparing women to young boys, but compare young boys and young girls and look at how young girls are treated, they face pedophilia and misogyny on top of that, that’s female socialization retard. Comparing apple to oranges isn’t the gotcha you think it is.

No. 2274802

"Girl lessons" refers to a troon that a thread or so ago stated that still after many "girl lessons" he still wasn't unsure it wasn't a woman because it felt like skinwalking but not being.
I know that by a text you can't understand the tone of a message but I was, in fact, very ironic. Check the very first sentence.

No. 2274830

i think it would be great if those MAP pedos co-opted the tranny movement. would take all of them down in one swoop and we'd go back to some normalcy.

No. 2274872

Nta but even if it's ironic you still sounded retarded kek.

No. 2274873

Nta but I agree with >>2274711 that there isn't any meaningful "girl socialization" because socialization simply has nothing to do with it, it's all about just existing as a female. You could take the most retarded drooling female who literally lacks the capacity to be socialized and she will still have a female brain in a female body and still be treated by society and nature as female. Saying you can be "socialized as" implies boys CAN be socialized as "female" (or that girls can be not socialized as one) which they simply can't be because they're male. A boy growing up thinking he is female and being held to female standards is still not something any girl can ever experience, because girls ARE girls. He's still not "closer to being a girl" nor does he "understand" what being a girl is like. He is always still just a boy, all of his reactions are that of a boy being held to female typical standards.

The phrase itself is a trap created to make people think and accept that you could be "socialized differently" than your actual sex in a meaningful way - or more accurately, it was a compromise for early slightly gender critical people to be able to still be seen as woke while criticizing troons just a tiny bit without getting cancelled. It's on the same level as saying "AGP is bad but REAL trans people have gender dysphoria" or "as a woman I was assigned female at birth" it still buys into their false ideas and made up language instead of rejecting them.

No. 2274890

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stop acting like a tranny academic talking about how gender is not biology, he is a young boy (who is probably being abused) who is made to play this "ladyboy" role because for some reason elite pedophiles are into shit like that, ,ost likely he'll end up on the same path as "desmond is amazing", the little boy who was made into a "drag kid" by his faghag mom is now apparently trans-gender fluid

No. 2274892

this might sound fucked up but as much as i disagree so much of what trump stands for, i'm starting to think that maybe his plan for gathering all the severely mentally ill people and send them off to a camp or asylum might be a good idea after all.

No. 2274894

He would have to send himself

No. 2274896

>then struck the man with her cane
Of course

No. 2274902

oh yeah no i agree kek

No. 2274906

don't bother, I'm convinced the "he was socialised as a girl" poster is some baiting troon

No. 2274921

>I stopped browsing Ovarit because it seems to be filled with self-righteous mom types who act like they’ve never had a bad thought in their life, and it made me feel guilty as an angry, messed up young woman.
Agreed, I even met a young woman (about 23?) on tumblr who was venting in someone's comments section how she tried asking on ovarit for help with her past porn addiction that she was relapsing back into, and instead of helping her they called her a male and banned her. I actually reached out and we became discord friends for a while, and she deleted her old pornblog while we spoke. She said the reason she even went on ovarit was because she didn't want to open up on fucking reddit where it's 90% males.

No. 2275012

Men hate women regardless of what women do, but one of the reasons misogyny is so rampant whether its trad or tranny shit is because women are male-centered and prioritize males over women. Sorry for the upcoming retarded sperg but im so tired and feel like im making excuses at this point. Does bj-chan have a point? She says a lot of stuff (i don't know if i agree with all of her points) but she constantly says that "femininity is innate" and maybe there is some truth to it. True male repulsed misandrists are a tiny minority, how do the majority of women not develop pattern recognition and recognize that males hate them? Maybe they're not chronically online so they don't get exposed to things male-on-female abuse and murder statistics, studies showcasing how men view women which don't reach the mainstream. How can they not realize and how and why don't they value how much time, effort, empathy, nuance, solidarity they put into men while men never reciprocate even 1% of what women do for them? Not even when women get pregnant and become mothers do they value their own efforts. I understand that women want and enjoy being empathetic and giving towards other people, that you want to help others, but there is a point where it just gets ridiculous. How many times are you going to let yourself get beat up and abused? Why don't they stand up? Is it really all socialization? Even when i was a teenager and diverged from my mom and i watched sjw compilations eventually i realized the right hates women. and the more i hanged around the left from music, video games, media and gendie shit kept growing from ridiculous emotional coddling to full blown TIM degeneracy which eventually made me peak not just about trannies being mentally unwell but being retarded porn addictied woman hating group.
Ever since i was a little girl even tho i didn't hate men (yet) i was pro-girls team and women always came first up until today as an adult woman. Maybe it's because i was an only child and being raised in a female only household and sometimes visits to my dad but my mother was the end-all authority and i considered her side to be my main family. Also almost all of my teachers, school principals were women. My mother never talked me into feminism or any politics at all, i just remember being like this since i gained consciousness. I never did chores or cooking when i was a kid and teenager (terrible idea, im an adult now and struggle with cleaning), and was although not outright told or pressured, i was definitely supported and made sure my education came first. I was also rarely if ever told that i had to be a certain way because i was a girl and never got questioned because i didn't show attraction to boys or caring about romance. Was i raised like a son or was i born different? My mom is an arquitect and suffered abuse at the hands of many people including my father (but i never knew this until my late teens). Was i "raised like a son" or i was i just born different? Did my mom pass down some generational trauma that evolved into me being built to be a man-hater?

No. 2275031

There's a surprising overlap between them, don't have examples on hand right now but I'm sure if you started checking profiles you could take a shot for everytime you see something like "transage demigirl" and die of alcohol poisoning

No. 2275066

but whenever men are inconvinienced they complain and do something about their situation because they know women will comply and accept it, men chimp out at the slightest inconvinience yet women coddle them and try to agree and do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify this. Why is this? You say women don't want to be alone but women are already alone, men don't support or care about women, when women get sick or ugly they leave them. Not even women care about women at large, but women are the only ones willing to empathize and actually help women yet they rather prioritize a male. Meanwhile no matter how much a woman panders to male he will choose and prioritize other men because of what other men think of him even if he doesn't actually do anything to help him in the slightest.

No. 2275070

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No. 2275090

This the people that talk about how E gave them "girl horny"

No. 2275094

i will never understand what the problem is here. if being trans in general is such an insufferable existence, they can literally just stop, go back, and work on their mental issues to try to feel better about being a gender non-conforming person. they don't have to go through such extreme lengths to live a happy life and if anyone else does try to do the same thing, the world would rightfully tell them that there's something wrong with them and that maybe they can't have a certain life because that life is not for them. this idiot can simply take off the wig, the makeup and other shit and live a privileged life as a moid; i can't take off my female sex, i can't take off my skin color that makes me vulnerable to violent racists, i can't suddenly change my sexual orientation because when i did tried i ended up with severe trauma afterwards. fuck these retards. sorry for sperging.

No. 2275119

Even when I first learned about TiMs and TiFs as a kid I thought it was ridiculous that the whole thing depended on them being affirmed by everyone around them. The idea you can control how others view you and that anything that pointed to something you didn’t want to face was nuts to me then and still is now. I always thought that if someone was that reliant on others for emotional/mental fulfillment or they’ll kill themselves then they had bigger issues going on and probably should be committed

No. 2275258

Kiwiscrotes have been seething so much over bluesky, i find it kind of pathetic. Bluesky literally only has one employee per million users and like another nona said theyve been prioritizing reports of actual child porn. I mentioned kamala in a post and a BUNCH of kiwifarms themed accounts that were bots started liking it and following me. It was so weird, I had just made a neutral joke about her. Kiwiscrotes have been doing everything in their power to fuck with bluesky and it's funny as fuck watching it all fail. Twitter probably has more "MAPS" too kek

No. 2275290

Hey anons, I'm >>2274679 and I want to clarify that I don't think males can ever experience "female socialization". Another anon brought up little boys being assaulted by men, but at the end of the day, they are not experiencing that abuse because they are women, they are experiencing it because men are vile and have fetishes surrounding emasculation and degradation.
I do not believe Liev Schreiber's son has been socialized as female. I was tired and forgot that was what anon was replying to when I replied to her, so I forgot to include this. He is a male and therefore cannot have experienced "female socialization".
He is not being molested because he is a woman. He is being molested, in this specific way where he is being feminized and emasculated, because he is a boy. His situation is impossible to inflict on a woman, because there is nothing to ""transition"" her into.
This is why I mentioned male trannies reeing. Women attempting to defend their spaces against men coined "female socialization" in order to draw a line between female lived experiences and males pretending they lived through anything of the sort. So of course these faggots started crying twansphobia and the incorporating "female socialization" into their gross autopedophilia fantasies on reddit about being a young girl at a girly sleepover with middle schoolers in lingerie swooning over him.
Sorry anon, it's hard to read tone across text. Remembering that retarded moid and rereading your post made it clear what you meant.

No. 2275344

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Hooking up a middle schooler with drugs. Predator gonna pred.

No. 2275564

I think knowingly using falsified documents, like having the wrong sex on official documents, should be considered a serious crime. I mean I'm pretty sure it IS illegal in most places it's just that people haven't caught on that it's what trans people are doing. They're literally just falsifying documents to supposedly make their feefees not hurt.

To get out of it being a crime for the 0,0001% cases were the person has some freaky DSD and genuinely didn't know their sex, just get a doctor to sign off on them not knowing and having a DSD when they get the documents corrected. If the doctor lies and helps a troon falsify documents he simply loses his license and is also prosecuted for having committed a crime. If the person finds out and still doesn't change their documents because it's more convenient to be a male boxer beating up women even when your balls have dropped they are committing a crime by using false documents. Perhaps even make it so the doctor is legally required to note it in patience journals so the court can look back and see that the person had known for 10 years at the point they were caught.

No. 2275610

most leftists don't even read, despite the fact that most leftists texts are free online.

No. 2275663

I once had a tumblr mutual who really didn't want to read Whipping Girl by Julia Serano for school and all the comments told her to just tolerate the nasty rape comments in the book for the sake of getting through the course. That's when I saw the generational divide between young an old radfems. Sadly she go doxxed and I never got her other socials, so I hope you are okay Momo

No. 2275748

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I'm loving how retards trying to push "puberty blockers are totally safe and reversible, anyone saying otherwise is a liar" are getting downvoted even at plebbit.

No. 2275787

Reading vents on another forum like "I hate being trans" etc. Then don't be? You're making yourself suffer on purpose, idgi. Imagine having such a non problem

No. 2275793

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Kek I wanted to read the entire thing and I’m glad I did.

No. 2275795

it's always k-pop or anime

No. 2275797

Can we talk about the rad-to-trad pipeline, especially on twitter?

No. 2275803

Not much to say that hasn't been said by others but it's basically a combination of
1. Being sick of leftists putting basically any oppressed group over women
2. Taking the biological argument too far, e.g. troons arent women because women give birth and troons cant -> therefore its all we can do
3. Motherhood/pregnancy being the radfem version of libfems sexwork and empowerment BS (basically a sacred cow that cant be critized at all)

No. 2275827

Nta, but 3 has reached comical levels. I've seen radfems say that if a mother hurts her children (or even kills her child in one post) it's the fault of the patriarchy. No personal responsibility at all.

No. 2275865

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The clown then kept calling that person a liar, as wxpected. While a bunch of other TIF/TRAs stepped up to join the slandering, I was pleased to see sane passerbys as well
>refuse to acknowledge that it permanently stops puberty
Yes, denying things hard enough totally make them true!!

No. 2275866

many of them have taken the slatzism path and gone full in with their racism. Don't get me wrong, male migrants should be criticized and even punished for their crimes, but dog whistles of mass genocide and even mockery of actual femicide of black/brown women are common place on twitter. Feminism is at its best when it's offline

No. 2275881

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It was soyjak.party.
>Soyjak.Party / The Sharty is an imageboard site comprised of former /qa/ users that enjoy raiding other sites. On September 4th, 2024, the /soy/ board on Soyjak.Party would create a thread in order to raid Bluesky
>The Sharty raid would not only illustrate how dead Bluesky was, but it would also expose how terrible the app's security was. It was discovered that Bluesky accounts could be created without any email verification
>This oversight likely stems from the platform's time as invite-only, as the userbase and developers likely believed that the invite codes would prevent any future raid, although when Bluesky finally went public, they appeared to have forgot about this being a potential issue. The lack of email verification made it very easy for Soyjak.Party to raid and spam Bluesky once it went public.
>The raid managed to make #HWABAG one of the top 10 trending hastags on Bluesky for a time
>The lack of anti-botting measures on Bluesky also allowed Sharty members to easily raid with bots and spam, including hijacking hashtags.
>Soyjak.Party was even able to dox the CEO of Bluesky, Jay Graber during their raid
>Naturally, the raid was able to extract a massive amount of salt and caused all the commie pedo troons on Bluesky to cope, seethe and dilate. As Bluesky relied more on reporting and community policing instead of having dedicated mods and proper anti-spam/anti-bot security measures, the raided Bluesky users were only able to report the incoming Sharty invaders and impotently whine about it in posts

No. 2275883

No. 2275886

Well at least they're taking the cp down, Twitter doesn't even do that

No. 2275895

I was going to ask why men think law enforcement is gonna measure their dicks to assure that they're dudes instead of just looking at their ID but- at the end of it all the whole ideologies just a fantastical hate lifestyle and reasoning is unproductive.

No. 2275918

doesn't it say that the man sucker punched him first

No. 2275920

I don't think it's that common, appealing to right-wingers and not acting like a holier-than-thou leftie is not trad, though it can make you say retarded things like miss Slatz. But a lot of radfems are way too focused on motherhood, domesticity, relationships etc. Leaving work-related feminism to girlboss libfems or normie women with vague feminist leanings. I noticed this dichotomy almost a decade ago on Tumblr and it's still like this. It makes sense to tie women's oppression to sexuality and private matters but the some radfems only care about private matters.
>Motherhood/pregnancy being the radfem version of libfems sexwork and empowerment BS (basically a sacred cow that cant be critized at all)
Exactly. This is really the key to the pipeline. On tiktok i came across this tradwife who talked about being a 'recovered extreme feminist lesbian' (polilez new age commune LARPer), you can't make this up kek

No. 2275979

I checked their thread a little bit and so far they pretend that people moving to bluesky are almost only extreme left wing Americans who support troons and that's the only reason bluesky is getting popular. As if people weren't sick of engagement bait and how it's encouraged thanks to blue checkmarks being accessible for everyone, or sick of bots and of the search function not working anymore.

No. 2276012

You are completely right, nonna. The truth is even if gay people weren’t born that way, they would still deserve civil protections and a place in society because there is nothing wrong with being gay. There is probably a genetic component to being gay but we know it can’t be 100% genetic because of identical twins where one is gay and the other isn’t. This means there has to be an environmental aspect to it, we just don’t know what goes into that environmental aspect. We know even less about bisexuality.

Born this way was a good strategy to convince normies in the 2000s. But frankly the truth is there is just no good reason to be against gay rights. Gay people don’t require special medications to be gay. They literally just love the same sex. Compare this to trans activism where we need to overhaul all language, need medication to be themselves (but also they are valid without medication), and need to change all sexed spaces to validate their identities. This is why even if trans people are born this way (and I’m not convinced), they really cannot be compared to gay rights because the scale of the intervention is much bigger.

Comparing the gendered bathroom issue to segregation is one of my bugbears. Racial segregation didn’t exist because white people were afraid of black people. It was because whites thought they were superior. The entire point was to degrade black people by forcing them to have inferior jobs and inferior resources to reinforce white supremacy. The gendered bathroom issue is the opposite - women are afraid of mens superior physical power and don’t want to be attacked by men, regardless of how those men look or identify. It is such a surface level comparison that ignores how violent and repulsive segregation was. Trans people are not being forced to use inferior faculties or go to lower quality universities because they are trans. But liberals don’t want to think about the trans issue; they want to say it is the new civil rights movement or the new gay rights movement. I guess they cannot function without feeling like they are the defenders of a minority group even when the comparison makes no sense.

No. 2276026

This. Ironic as fuck for >>2275181 to claim
>"Radfems jump to spit on poor widdle ftms immediately"
when that's exactly what the trans community does constantly. For radfems, it's never immediate. Most radfems are former TRAs who enter every argument with the patience of a saint and only get sick of TIFs bullshit after they repeatedly spew misogyny and shove women under the bus for male trannies. Everyone's patience has a limit and there's only so much patience you can have with terminal NLOGs who are determined to make their internalized misogyny and dysphoria everyone else's problems. We're literally dealing with women who will unironically tell you they'd rather have children occasionally get molested by trannies than to have males use the male bathroom. We know Tifs were women first, that's why we expect some basic human decency from them but they're so commited to the moid larp they'll always side with predators before feminists.

No. 2276303

You ever see how ugly a certain kind of tim troons dress and just wonder WHY??? I mean it's so objectively ugly, mismatched and bad looking. I have sloppy men in my family who in 99% of cases do not care what they wear, and they still wouldn't be caught dead in something that ugly. Do they have like a shock or attention fetish like an exhibitionist? I really don't get why they don't even dress normally (or skinwalk some real girl like other troons) they dress like actual clowns

No. 2276311

because they dress like anime characters or what they like to see on (idealized) women and of course it's trash. They cannot even do their makeup and tell women that "well, someone teached you" like no, the fuck?
Notice then how a good chunk of them are into gothic fashion, it's because they're into that stuff but not actual gothic woman, except for 2d ones, dress like them.

No. 2276598

the rad to trad pipeline isn't really real from what I've seen but I have seen the occasional dumb hettie go from "radfem" to rightoid. Phemoid and Slatz are prime example, focusing on retarded racepol and scrotes race cuck fetishes instead of anything productive for women

No. 2276609

They don't care how they look as long as they get to be called "women"

No. 2276610

what about meghan murphy? she went from hosting dworkin books on her site to whatever this is

No. 2276613

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No. 2276622

why do they always have the same fucking hair. literally why. the exact same hair and i've only ever seen it on the pooniest of pooners.

No. 2276665

I saw a pair of this type of clown troon today in the wild. The funniest part was that they both looked extremely uncomfortable and grumpy and kept looking around like they were trying to gauge everyone's reactions. I imagine that walking around in fucking dungarees and a stripy rainbow top alongside another balding man in stripper shorts and plastic bead necklaces attracted the sort of attention that made them question their womanhood. No clue why they looked so miserable when they were living their best twans life but I'm glad they had a bad time and I imagine they peaked a lot of normies.
It's not just the clothes, it's everything. The makeup is smeared on and the most atrocious shades they could find at Claire's. The clothes look like something a child would wear and somehow they're never weather appropriate, they wear daisy dukes in the snow and coats in heatwaves. It's either too tight or way too baggy, and stained. The hair is always unwashed. They always stink of old Burger King and Mountain Dew, with a hint of literal shit. They're balding. They look haggard as fuck for their age.
The sloppy men in your family presumably wear clothes that fit them and probably shower once a week or more. Also, I assume they don't wear fetish outfits, at least not in public.
How many panic attacks do you think these troons had during this conversation?

No. 2276668

Having dworkin books on there is so funny to me because that means she probably read RW women

No. 2276677

>pooniest of pooners
Why has this 4chan/kiwiscrote name for tifs been popping up here so much? It was getting called out a couple months ago, but I've spotted it in several different threads now. Every time I see it I'm reminded of that kpop board where the women called themselves roasties, it's just fucking gross.

No. 2276911

File: 1732588236233.png (34.55 KB, 646x247, GMStarson.png)

Care to explain me, then?

No. 2276967

File: 1732590850989.png (65.87 KB, 620x518, misgender.png)

I would rather be a shitty ally than call any shitty TIM a "she/her".

No. 2277039

Without even viewing the original tweets I know in my heart that these troons are malding over people calling Chris-chan a man in response to his pregnancy announcement.

No. 2277067

"We don't defend the bad weed of our community!"
also: "Chris Chan is a woman! Do not misgender her even if she did wrong stuff".

No. 2277169

You need to learn the word's history.

No. 2277204

File: 1732614719342.png (46.42 KB, 613x445, poon history.PNG)

AYRT I said 4chan, are you upset that wasn't precise and called it a kiwi term too? It doesn't change the fact that unironically using scrote words like "poon" to define other women is gross.

No. 2277208

There's a lot of kiwifarms users who come here

No. 2277219

>The funniest part was that they both looked extremely uncomfortable and grumpy and kept looking around like they were trying to gauge everyone's reactions.
Kek my very first encounter with troons was eerily similar, they were wearing tons of plastic kawiwi childish accessories, both balding and middle-aged, darting hostile looks around. Completely different vibe from feminine gay men or people with alt styles. There was no coquettish glee or pride for daring to wear what they want. I didn't understand why they looked so damn miserable as a kid but now i get that they were self-aware sad perverts

No. 2277331

It's funny how even well-meaning normies who buy the TRA lies who think "oh they just want to be themselves" just have to see one single troon in the wild, look him up and down and go "wait a minute that's a whole ass pedophile"

No. 2277408

I hate this assumption that if you're not trans, you have to be a good ally at all times. I'm not your ally, so I don't give a shit.

No. 2277428

>"poon" to define other women is gross
Only if you're the pooner in question. You should stop coddling those women and instead treat them the way they want to be treated: with suspicion and derision, like men they desperately want to be. Sorry, I won't be guilt-tripped into walking on eggshells when discussing a bunch of handmaidens, NLOGs and TRAs (that's what they all are) who defend their MtF counterparts with vitriol, contribute to the systemic abuse of women and spread hatred about 'TERFs' on social media and in their peer groups.

No. 2277434

I don't even want to call myself an ally in the first place

No. 2277478

white feminist women cannot resist the allure of the bimbo/tradwife siren

No. 2277483

>You WILL catch a block from me
Oh noooo Xitter user, PLEASE don't block me from viewing your masterful takes on anime!

No. 2277493

Exactly. I used to feel bad for tifs but I don't give a fuck anymore. They're too obsessed with defending tims who make it clear that they hate tifs KEK. They'll join in on the 'punch a terf' 'kill terfs' bullshit when they're more likely to be raped/killed/attacked by male twansphobes. Terfs fight for tifs rights and include them in feminism but that's how tifs treat us.

No. 2277545

i still don't understand what's wrong with this word. so it comes from the word "poon" which is slang for vulva. okay? how is that offensive? maybe it's because i'm esl but idgi

No. 2277554

It's nothing to do with the etymology- it's because its a phrase used almost entirely by male 4troons.

No. 2277566

both trannies and radfems hate tifs. Tifs should say fuck you to both communities and just become bpf instead that would be way more based.

No. 2277571

It's clearly meant to be derogatory to anyone with a vagina. You can insult female trannies without using sexist retarded 4chan slang. Are we supposed to reclaim roasty now just because there's nothing wrong with having labia?

No. 2277572

Not all radfems hate tifs

No. 2277593

I don't think this is the right time for you to say this considering you have anons above you trying to justify the use of a misogynistic slur just because they are using it against tifs and that apparently makes it ok.
Daily reminder pooner is mostly used by 4troon tims (mtf) against tifs (ftm). And a couple of years ago there was popular "pooner" art made by tims making fun of tifs where they would depict tifs getting murdered or raped. If you are okay with the use of "pooner" then don't bother calling yourself a feminist because what you actually are is a reactionary tradthot.

No. 2277619

Just replace "gender" with "species" or "race" and it's clear how delusional these lunatics are.
>misraceing people you hate is fucked up
>If you misspecies me on purpose you're evil!!!1

No. 2277631

choachan reclaimed roastie

No. 2277653

a tif made the pooner comics

No. 2277658

yes a tif made it first but after that it was majority moids and tims who kept pushing that ''meme'' and contributing to it.
I don't know why you keep making excuses, just admit you want to be edgy instead of straw manning.

No. 2277695

>white wamen bad and trad
Spare us this bullshit. Seriously, how can you be against gender ideology and fall for this meme that's mainly parrotted by gendies and moids. Non-white women are more likely to be tradthots or bimbo types
t. a 'non-white' anon

No. 2277738

They're retarded

No. 2277846

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Nightmare world

No. 2277875

I recently saw a detrans book at the local bookshop! I didn't even see pro-trans books, and it wasn't on a "LGBTQ+" shelf or anything like that either, it was just there like a normal book. I'm considering writing positive reviews for it on every bookshop site I can find if that's an option, I hope it gets a lot of attention.

No. 2278045

Has she found her man yet? Has her hypocrisy granted the tradwife dream yet?

No. 2278620

Any wordsmiths ITT able to tell me how to safely deflect away from trannies asking too many questions about my GNC-ness? I really don't want to give in and call myself "cis" but I also don't want to get exposed as a terf.

No. 2278638

All of these look self published so I wouldn't care that much, it's only other gender havers the ones who would care to buy in the first place so they could "teach their grandma about pronouns"/

No. 2278651

can’t you just say “not trans”?

No. 2278656

Well yes but then they say "so you're cis?" and I either deflect by saying "not entirely" (which is still giving up) or meekly agree. I worry if I go any harder I'll get dog-piled into just accepting the definition

No. 2278658

I'd just say "idk" and then leave it at that kek

No. 2278672

you don’t have to reply to the “so you’re cis?” you can always just leave it at “not trans”. I feel like you saying “not entirely” is confusing them and making them think you’re some flavor of genderspecial

No. 2278685

>I think labels are reductive
>I don't believe in gender

No. 2278698

You can tell them that you're exploring your gender and it's a very personal journey so you'd really appreciate if they would kindly respect your privacy tysm! They'll get off your butt if they think you're drinking the cult-aid. Trannies of both sexes rip proud GNC women apart, so claiming to question your gender to escape scrutiny isn't unheard of.

No. 2278702

Avoiding trans or cis entirely with insistent "I'm a woman" and to the pronoun question "I don't care" and "please stop asking" if they dissect it

No. 2278704

you mean well but this is not subtle

No. 2278706

Just give them the confused treatment. Like no matter how hard they try to explain it, just act dumbfounded and move on

No. 2278719

I'm convinced there's not really a subtle way outside of acting confused or giving into the terminology. For fleeting public interactions acting oblivious and saying that I'm a woman works well enough while it's less helpful when it comes to a group chat or something. If you refuse to use the language, people are sensitive to it and will sniff out something off about you, you can't pretend to be stupid forever.

No. 2278723

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No. 2278737

I think it's funny that gender fags are so pissed with him over this because he isn't even anti-trans, he just wanted to understand them.

No. 2278747

I used to know a tranny whose family read Blanchard's studies and actually used Blanchard terms on him. Imagine sitting down at the dining table and your parents call you an AGP.

No. 2278768

I hope his studies and general terms become part of the general public knowledge because once most people know why men troon out it will be so over for them because getting called an AGP a well-adjusted normie would ruin them.

No. 2278813

My opinion on faghags is already as bottom of the gutter as it can get but the women who are surprisingly not gendies yet or just she/theys who put TME in their bios are especially interesting. TIFs and gendies are one thing, but if you're so fucking shackled to not only fags but fags in dresses to put a term so retarded as "transmisogyny exempt" that not even other troons and gendies use, is out of this world. Why they always try to sell women out for a smidge of faggot approval Is what I don't get. I wish they'd stuck to complimenting James Charles' makeup like they did back in the day.

I say faghags and not handmaidens specifically because the individuals I have been seeing completely avoid "afabs" or make frequent callout for TIFs but are eternally forgiving of troons. At what point does someone have to reach to have their brain shattered into pieces like this? There is no need to put TME in your bio. Real gendies are concerned about transandrophobia or whatever.

No. 2278814

>Imagine sitting down at the dining table and your parents call you an AGP.
KEKKKKKKKKKKK this is exactly what we need for them to crawl back to irrelevancy

No. 2278844

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Ruh roh, people are getting fed up and the cult is realizing it (unfortunately don’t have access to a non-paywalled version and 12ft.io is not working to get through the paywall) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/26/us/politics/transgender-activists-rights.html

No. 2278845

Kek aw you don't say? These fucking retards I swear to god…

No. 2278847

kek who could have ever predicted this happening?

No. 2278860

No. 2278872

Eh even if organized activist groups go for a more flexible approach when dealing with politicians and such, I don't think it'd translate in more public support. The average person isn't interacting with them, they are interacting with terminally online weirdos who might be calling you a nazi and wishing violence on you in the same account they post fetish content. I could maybe see TIFs agreeing with being more diplomatic, but moids not so much, especially low effort AGPs who just lack awareness of how everyone sees them.

No. 2278885

I hope this splits the TRA movement. One half are the ones who used the correctly seed bathrooms (these ones can be moved into a more gender critical belief), and the ones who screech and cry and fling shit over one half of the movement obeying the laws (these ones can be used to smear the TRA movement and push the other half into a more gender critical approach).

No. 2278891

Women need to stop wasting their time trying to reform rotten meat. Approaching mentally ill people through political means will always be time-wasting and ineffective, let them chop of their tits/balls and shove cancer-inducing hormones in their body, like addicts you can’t help them until they eventually OD/tweak the fuck out of gives them a self-relevation that they need to change or they die from their self-inflicted disease. Let them mutilate themselves, let them castrate themselves and destroy their bodies and then they’ll come crying about medical abuse and big pharma targeting the poor little troonies.

No. 2279002

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>“What we’re facing is fundamental unfairness — and that is not coming from people who are interested in compromise and open debate,” said Gillian Branstetter, a communications strategist with the American Civil Liberties Union who works on transgender advocacy. “These are people who are threatened by trans people’s very existence. And, more importantly, they’re trying to scapegoat us.”
I don't know how anyone takes the ACLU seriously after all the Chase Strangio stuff and finding out they butted into one of the female prison rape cases just to say picrel. Everything about not being open to compromise or debate, and experiencing scapegoating can be thrown back at them so easily.

No. 2279019

ACLU also sued to block a FOIA to see the amount of trans prisoners in female prisons in Washington.

No. 2279117

>how to safely deflect away from trannies asking too many questions about my GNC-ness?
I think being confidently honest without saying anything directly about troons is the best way. "I'm a woman who doesn't like skirts. Is there something wrong with that to you?" Preferably in a slightly annoyed tone so they know they asked a stupid question. Basically treat them as if a slimy sexist old man asked the question to you. Treat them as if they're stupid for being so backwards thinking with their rigid gender stereotypes. Because they are.

What I do is to when asked say something like "I don't ever think about gender, it's not something that is important to me personally, I just exist as me." And if they start going "oh you're probably nonbinary then!" you shut that down immediately by saying "no, if YOU must put a word on it because it makes your uncomfortable otherwise you can say cis, but I don't care and don't use that word for myself." Make sure they know the word is for THEM. It's not your word or identity. And if they come back saying "so you're cis right" you again make sure they know "Well no, YOU can call me cis. I don't call myself cis." As long as I stay neutral on trans issues and make it clear I'm very disinterested in the whole conversation they just kind of give up.

A last pro tip: if they gets really annoying you can even tell them "Look at it as if I'm agender. I do not have a gender, I just exist. I'm not trans, I'm not cis, I'm not non-binary. I just exist without a gender." That will put them at ease because in their minds agender IS under the trans umbrella, so you are somehow kinda trans. But you've literally told them you're not trans. But you're also not cis. So you kinda get the best of both worlds, they're afraid to insult you now that you're a fellow trans even though you're not one. It confuses them but they are forced to accept it kek

No. 2279246

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anyone else notice this? if you go on any tags with snuff or murder kink it’s sure to be filled with both pooners AND troons who constantly talk about how they want to violently kill women. tim in picrel also wrote a fanfiction with that exact concept. this never happens

No. 2279278

This is terrifying holy shit

No. 2279283

I have a male guro blog (art of animu characters only no IRL or realistic looking shit) and most of the people following me are TIFs who self insert into the male victim. Very annoying how hurting women is so normalized even for them.

No. 2279338

Of course. How predictable

No. 2279353

troons have been nothing but violent towards real women since day one, this isn't exactly new

No. 2279359

>is it a horny post a…
Why are they all like this.

No. 2279374

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I don’t think it was shared ITT but there was a tiktok posted by a troon where he graphically describes how he will kill Nancy Mace and JK Rowling. Picrel is Mace reacting to it. I’m unfortunately desensitized to a lot of what trannies say but it still made my skin crawl. I’m on mobile right now and don’t have SM so I apologize for not linking the original video. It was posted by a user called venuspeenis if any kind nona could link it.

No. 2279418

File: 1732736590940.jpeg (936.36 KB, 1125x1589, IMG_7150.jpeg)

Have any of you nonnies read any of the trans/x gender biographical manga getting translated? It's sad and oddly entertaining because anglos are seething about the majority of the content- it's primarily advertised as being queer friendly but the people writing these have backgrounds heavily steeped in misogyny, sexual trauma, or act like sex freaks themselves (like one ftm hooking up with a homeless guy that was half her age). Like they all want magical fun stories like the author of Shimanami Tasogare made up but it's all mental illness

No. 2279423

Was nagata Kabis artstyle always this shitty?

No. 2279430

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This one is Poppy Pesuyama

No. 2279465

This shit pisses me off. Mostly because it doesn't make sense. Have any of these idiots had a spayed animal? You can't see the scars when the fur is grown over it. This shit just makes it look like Sonic got his mastectomy done by Eggman using rusty tools.
It would be one thing if they drew Sonic on model with his chest and arms ambiguously hairless but they GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to make his chest and arms fluffy. YOU WOULDNT SEE THE FUCKING SCARS WITH FUR OVER IT YOU BRAINDEAD IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck these fake ass Sonic fans deliberately bullying the severely autistic Sonic fandom with their logistically horseshit headcanons. Anyone who has even slightly glanced at the Sonic fandom knows it's full of people who will mace people irl over the color of Sonic's arms or the shape of his muzzle

n…not that I'm a sonic fan or anything….

No. 2279519

>n…not that I'm a sonic fan or anything….
Dont worry anon I believe you…and also does you name start with c and end with a Hris with a chan in the end?

No. 2279546

No because chris chan is an agp and probably supports poonic

No. 2280039

File: 1732780569520.png (227.36 KB, 2274x828, Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 08.49…)

The fucking tone-deafness. Ya folks is not being forced into concentration camps and your houses are not bombed, your family is not killed, you don't live in a tent in a war zone. I get it, it's not easy, but the self-insertion into every topic. This was under a video about Palestinians losing family, home, limbs (not voluntarily, like other people…).

No. 2280054

That looks very thick for a ‘quick guide’, especially compared to the other booklets around it.

This has always worked for me. I just keep repeating that I’m a woman and I don’t understand what they’re asking me, I’m just a normal woman. Cis? No, I’m just a woman. Even after they try to explain gender terminology to me I keep acting like I don’t know what they’re on about and I’m just a woman. Eventually they give up. Although I must admit it helps that I’m straight (so not involved in the LGBTBBQ+ community) and vaguely foreign-looking, so it’s easier for them to believe I’m genuinely ignorant of their enlightened genderisms.

On the bright side, their tone-deaf narcissism and pathological need to centre themselves in absolutely everything does a good job of peaking normies. I know a lot of ex-handmaidens who got utterly fed up with their TIM acquaintances after the US abortion ban when TIMs were insisting that they were more affected by this than ‘cis’ women… somehow. It finally registered in these women’s minds that these were typical toxic males who don’t empathise with women in any way.

No. 2280059

I was about to write a comment in the veins of that I understand their "suffering" but that it is hardly comparable to what's happening in literal war zones. Also come to think that they forgot Ukraine in their list… but anyway. I wanted to end the comment with a "it's not about you". But I didn't finish it and decided not to post it. I have no nerve for being attacked for stating something that is obvious just because everyone is expected to handle trans folks with silken gloves.

No. 2280065

Yeah, there’s really no point in arguing with them except maybe to reach more sensible people who might be reading along. I know the words narcissist/narcissism get thrown around a lot but trans ideology genuinely does encourage that way of thinking in its followers and they don’t even realise it. They’re told to believe they are the #1 victim in all things and anyone who disagrees is the enemy who personally wishes them harm. Also they are the only ones with a rich inner life whereas ‘cishets’ are practically NPCs who could never possibly understand them. It’s almost like a socially-induced personality disorder and you can’t argue them out if it while they’re still steeped in the culture.

No. 2280072

File: 1732783069799.png (Spoiler Image,526.34 KB, 748x825, UQcE5Uh.png)

the absolute fucking cope

No. 2280077

>t. literally Aiden

No. 2280084

I can't with the fucking hypocrisy of troons
>our bodies are created from self love
These people threaten suicide because they hate their own bodies so much. The entire concept of trans is built on their self-hatred and changing their "wrong" bodies. But they are all massive narcissists and that IS a form of self love so I will give them that.

No. 2280091

They're full-on conspiracy theorists. "Trans-genocide is happening in the US!!!!" Bitch where? Where are the thousands of dead genocided bodies? Where is the actual nazi-esque propaganda against them? Where are the mass execution facilities? Where are the laws saying they have fewer rights? And no, having special privileges that grants you as a man access to female spaces isn't the loss of your trans right, that's a privilege for you and loss of female rights which you as a man doesn't have.

Trans people are the ones making violent death threats to women on the daily, not the other way around. If they weren't so openly hateful and violent I would feel bad for them for being tricked into thinking everyone is out to get them. They're suffering at their own made up thoughts, serves them right.

No. 2280128

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No. 2280139

Did she recover from this in the end?

No. 2280144

why is it always "the problem is that you were born a girl" and not the problem is men?

No. 2280145

All the TIFs I know are like this. Pisses me off. So the solution is to transition so you yourself get treated better while other people “born as a girl” suffer? THAT’s what you think the solution is?

No. 2280146

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No. 2280153

Actually blackpilling, moids need their dicks and hands amputated en masse so they have nothing to live for and then kill themselves

No. 2280158

File: 1732794537152.webp (603.54 KB, 1725x2475, 36487732_1725_2475_618028.webp)

What's more worse about the moid who sexually assaulted her that he thinks a woman editor asking him to do a bl series is FUCKING SEXUAL HARASSMENT say what you about fujos but bl makes moids mald to death

No. 2280159

File: 1732794582749.webp (527.25 KB, 1725x2475, 36487733_1725_2475_539908.webp)

But sadly since the author is kind of a mentally ill tif she thinks that situation is comparable to hers..

No. 2280162

>Laughs at misogyny because she thinks it no longer applies to her
>"There was a time I blamed my sexual harassment on women in general"
Wow, mask off. At least she can admit that. Please tell me it ends with her detransitioning fully. >>2280159
>Author ends up feeling bad for her rapist because his landwhale self was politely asked to draw BL

No. 2280165

Tayrt I would recommend reading the whole comic https://battwo.com/series/110669 it's a short read I dont want to spam the thread with the pages

No. 2280166

will look into it

No. 2280168

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thoughts on picrel? Are libfems who cape for troons actually just attracted to "feminized" men with dicks?

No. 2280169

Is misogyny really that bad in Japan? or is the author just extremely stupid? I'm reading it now and her boss tried to rape her several times but she still chose to stay because she thinks that that's how life is for women and we should all just suck it up.
Then in the end she defends him because apparently being asked to draw yaoi (not even forced) is the same as trying to assault your employee while she's showering or sleeping. Please tell me the average Japanese woman isn't a submissive manloving doormat like her.

No. 2280172

>Is misogyny really that bad in Japan?
nona it's so fucking bad that they alter female students in universities results so they wont become doctors. Japan is just like south korea

No. 2280173

I can understand these women if that's the case because I'm also into feminized males but that attraction is shamed a lot and we're told that feminine men are only into other men and not for women. I hate how we are told that our only option is hypermasculine domineering slobs.
Obviously, I'm not defending trannies like these women. Pretty much all agps look horrible to me it's very disappointing that men can't be normal with feminity/crossdressing. They always turn it into a creepy fetish.

No. 2280175

Sounds pretty retarded to me. In my experience most handmaidens aren't attracted to troons, they're just virtue signaling.

No. 2280176

Thank you nonnie, I was looking for it.
>Are libfems who cape for troons actually just attracted to "feminized" men with dicks?
Only in their dreams kek what a strange conclusion considering even trannies complain about their handmaidens not wanting to fuck them. Just because one rare female was attracted to Blaire white doesn't mean most are.

No. 2280192

>Please tell me the average Japanese woman isn't a submissive manloving doormat like her.
The average Japanese woman isn't that mentally ill, even if their society tries to put them down all the time.

No. 2280198

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Her staying isn't surprising, she was overworked, not getting enough sleep and it happened at her workplace aka her means of survival. I thought her willingness to give out her weaknesses to strangers was odd.
>Then in the end she defends him because apparently being asked to draw yaoi (not even forced) is the same as trying to assault
Yep, she is a doormat. But she also has a good understanding of sexual abuse ('the only thing that could get this guy to change was social norms [anti-SA policy]'). It's like she's torn between her analysis and her need to identify with men because of 'dysphoria'.
That whole manga is a cry for help, and a case study in how gendie mentally ill women are failed by themselves and medicine. She never gets decent help for her trauma and extreme penis envy. She goes to EMDR therapy (quackery), then decides to troon out after said therapy. EMDR is a short and shallow way to treat trauma so it's popular these days. She never got to actually sort out why she wanted to be male in the first place. Then she uses pornography because she can't have sex which then makes her even less likely to have sex… Picrel is why i love japanese autobiographical comics even if they have a retarded conclusion, they're brutally honest about how dysfunctional they are. It's a good picture of the sexual autism at the root of gender issues
>many if not most
This is an overexaggeration. But i know exactly the type. They're usually redditor bihet millenials and they only orbit TiMs. There aren't many of them and i suspect their public lust for troons is partly for brownie points but they definitely exist

No. 2280199

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This is really bleak, the author's reaction to the harassment makes me think she's been assaulted before. I know her TIM friend isn't the bad guy here, but it's crazy she can't connect the dots on how getting sexually harassed and assaulted by men and then having other male friends claim they wish they were women so they could flash their panties at boys tehee! is contributing to her sexist perception of womanhood. She still thinks her annoyance towards his ago behavior was unwarranted

No. 2280201

I pray that her agp friend 41% himself already because him being around her will do her no favours

No. 2280219

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Men need to be sexually harassed with gay porn.

It ends with her getting a haircut and going to therapy. I think she still considers herself an enby?

It used to be really bad.
>I'm reading it now and her boss tried to rape her several times but she still chose to stay because she thinks that that's how life is for women and we should all just suck it up
That's a remnant of Confucianism and the culture norms of not rocking the boat, especially if you're a junior trying to break into an industry.

No. 2280220

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Weekly Shounen Jump being a sex pest central was no joke, huh?

No. 2280229

I missed that, so many TiFs have the same 'i'm the exception, none of this applies to me' fantasy as tradthots

No. 2280233

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It's not that the mangaka is unusually mindbroken - it's just the way she manifests her trauma is not socially acceptable. In comparison, her successful, rich friend is even more broken than her and gets into S&M and also drinks a lot, but it's a reaction that is out of sight out of mind and okay-ed by the society.

No. 2280234

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theyve gotten so shameless, i hope this leads to more people peaking. fucking disgusting

No. 2280235

This is so sad and depressing. I hate scrotes so much. Why do they do this shit to us?

No. 2280239

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reminds me how the BBC published a documentary about the pedo johnny kitagawa and revealed how casting couch based the idol/entertainment industry is in japan to normies. The thought that it's even like that in the manga industry too just feels insane. No wonder she trooned out.

No. 2280241

Can't be worse than the pedophile who had so many tapes and dvds the police suspected he was distributing CP, and he only had to pay a small fine, I guess.

No. 2280242

>even more broken than her
I don't know, she might be a BDSMfag but at least she has enough class consciousness to acknowledge men are the enemy. The author is still stuck victim blaming herself, believing she deserves harassment for being born female and that her obese harasser is actually a victim of fujoshis.

No. 2280266

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I think the teen groper (a 'maker' of many future NBs) was worse. The sentence was also a joke.
>NHK reported on August 8 that Matsuki was arrested on suspicion of committing an indecent act with a female middle school student. According to police, the girl was walking in the Nakano ward of Tokyo on June 18 at around 8:00 p.m. when the suspect approached the girl from behind while on a bicycle and touched her inappropriately on her chest. Afterward, the suspect fled the scene on the bicycle. The girl went to police, who analyzed security camera footage to investigate. Police discovered through security footage that about an hour later, a similar incident on a nearby Nakano road with a different female middle school student occurred, involving a suspect who resembled Matsuki.
>The editors of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine had announced on August 10 that they canceled the serialization of the manga.

No. 2280280

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I don't think so.

No. 2280298

wait, what's happening hee?

No. 2280301

Kitagawa had been exposed much earlier, but he was so powerful that nothing came out of it.
>In 1988, former Four Leaves singer Kita Koji published a 12-volume diary (entitled Dear Hikaru Genji) that took the form of an open letter to the most popular Johnnys act of the time, a roller-skating boy band. In it, he alleged to have been raped and coerced into a long-term sexual relationship with Kitagawa. The boy band boss was said to operate a system of patronage, promoting the careers of idols in return for sexual favours.
>In 1996, the rumours returned when Hiramoto Junya, a former member of Johnny's Juniors, published All About Johnnys, which collated the experiences of other former idols. In his book, Junya says that the Johnnys acts all lived in a communal apartment rented for them in the centre of Tokyo. He claims that Kitagawa shared their living space, insisted on washing their backs at bath time, and slept among them in a large dormitory.
>In 2001, Shukan Bunshun, a weekly newspaper mixing scandal with serious reporting, also printed a series of sensational articles, describing Kitagawa as the 'monster of the showbiz world'. Questions were raised in Parliament during a meeting of the Committee for Child Protection as to whether Kitagawa was in fact simply using his talent agency to groom young boys for his own devices. There were no findings against him but the story made headlines across the world.
>Kitagawa later sued Shukan Bunshun for defamation and won ¥8.8 million (around £45,000) in damages in a 2002 ruling. There has never been any police action against Kitagawa or the agency, which also stamps down hard on any suggestion of impropriety by its acts. When an 18-year-old member of NEWS, one of Kitagawa's most popular current groups, was picked up by police last month in Sendai for drunk and disorderly behaviour, he was immediately barred by the agency from any public appearances. Pre-recorded TV appearances were re-shot.

>In 2002, the Tokyo District Court ordered the publisher to pay ¥8.8 million in damages to the agency. However, the Tokyo High Court in 2003 reduced the amount of compensation to ¥1.2 million, ruling that the article on sexual harassment was based on fact, while other parts, including the drinking and smoking, were defamatory, according to news reports.


No. 2280304

Cool so now we have two pedophiles working for this magazine and plenty of other editors and mangaka defending them or pretending nothing happened. At least the guy you're talking about had his series removed from the magazine, but something's telling me he didn't go to jail. And I'm glad the victims went to the police and were taken seriously, for once.

No. 2280308

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what >>2280219 is fairy accurate, I read this book about bullying and punishment culture in japan and it is the most organised and formal form of bullying in the world. In principle you are not allowed to fight back in japan, your seniors can beat you, humiliate you and even sexually abuse you and you should take it, this is more extreme with male groups, but even girls do it to each other, this happens in school but also in adult life, that's just the culture there, that's why victims do not speak out and this bleeds into the media, that's why every japanese romance/smut story whether it's bl/het or taking place in japan, fantasy Europe or the future has causal sexual assault that never gets resolved

No. 2280309

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The villain origin story of a sexual harasser.

>implying it's only two
Shimabukuro paid a teenager to have sex. Nothing happened to him.
>Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro, Manga artist of Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi and winner of the Shogakukan Manga Award, has been convicted of breaking Japan's child prostitution laws, however the two year sentence that he has been given has been suspended for four years, leaving him free from Jail. Shimabukuro was arrested for the offense on August 7th.
>In 2004, Shimabukuro returned to manga with a sports comedy

No. 2280311

The dumbest argument I have heard (by handmaidens), why trans people are not mentally ill, was that people wouldn't voluntarily hurt their bodies and put themselves under the constant duress of pain and being ridiculed.
People arguing like that, underestimate the power of wanting to belong to a group or movement, or dare I say, cult and to what means they go (re the being ridiculed and constant suffering) and ignore totally millennia of records of people doing weird shit to their bodies, either for some sacrifice or due to mental illness.
I think this is a phase, society has to go through until they come out at the end of the tunnel, that indeed, transness is in most of the cases due to unaddressed problems with identity, body dysmorphia, feeling like not belonging or needing constant attention or/and being severely mentally ill. I write most, because I'm still trying to be fair. For whatever it may be good (putting on the clown makeup right now).

No. 2280314

Feels like every online space I join either ends up having troons or people that later go on to troon out. Can't have a normal talk without one of them jumping in to praise HRT, trying to groom random people into trooning out, or talk about how much they want transphobes to die. So fucking annoying, just shut the fuck up already.

No. 2280321

>you dont get it me being offered a male prostitute is such sexual harassment! me sexually assaulting you telling you to drink my semen, stalking you while youre naked in the shower and laying in your futon? nahh thats not sexual harassment at all
i wish she revealed who this fucker was id be the first to send him international deliveries of razors telling him to join the famous moid statistic

No. 2280324

Those people cannot be real. It's about time someone tells them no. But on the other hand, maybe let them show their true colours.
There is not a single quantum of empathy for others. They don't get that black didn't try to come off as white, because they felt in the wrong body. They were born into segregation not in a middle class suburban home to parents named Becky and Brett.

No. 2280338

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But you are here. There are other image boards out there that don't accept trans bullshit.

Abuser logic.

>i wish she revealed who this fucker was

It's mentioned in the manga that she can't do it for legal reasons. A sad state of affairs and a reason to do away with defamation laws.

No. 2280340

>Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
I completely forgot about that guy, I don't know why.

No. 2280343

This sounds like a brainfart she thought was clever enough to post. If you like feminine looking men you like exactly that. Not some man in women's clothes that tries to emulate women but complains and argues like a npd dude.

No. 2280345

Yeah, but I'd like to be in places other than imageboards and not anonymous without troons taking over. Doesn't help that I like anime kek

No. 2280359

still, he is a married man with children, whose appear gay to most people, that narrows it down

No. 2280366

This is so broad that it could apply to most of them, like the mangaka of Naruto or Jojo making pretty male characters (the arguments about Araki being gay/bi are endless). I think the biggest giveaway would be his enormous height, but mangaka rarely show their faces these days.

No. 2280367

You can buy it on gumroad as well as their other works, I'm probably going to order one once my paychecks come in
Here's the gumroad link if anyone else wants to order it

No. 2280395

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>I wrote BL featuring them and read it out loud
Holy based kek
I highly doubt he wrote anything that popular, the biggest giveaway imo is mentioning his manga came first in a popularity poll in this exact date.
It's pointless to tinfoil anyway because it could genuinely be anyone, I doubt there's even a single male mangaka who isn't some flavor of pedophile rapist.

No. 2280446

>I highly doubt he wrote anything that popular, the biggest giveaway imo is mentioning his manga came first in a popularity poll in this exact date.
heres some moid authors who fit the beautiful men manga from shounen jump its Tadatoshi Fujimaki (but the appearance doesn't match but its always him in the April 3-7 popularity polls) the other is Daisuke Ashihara of world trigger (has no irl images) also from shuiesha tbh it really could be anyone in the end since these type of mangas are known to change facts

No. 2280449

is this at VPL?

No. 2280451

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Reading this. Not to victim blame, but it's pissing me off. You are getting paid 100,000 JPY a month and this stupid faggot is taking complete advantage. Shove him off, curse him out, beat his ass (to the best of your limited ability).
I don't care if the passivity is "part of japaneezu kulcha dess". You're non-conforming enough to hit "neither" on gender forms growing up, dress wild and tell people you're "questioning your gender" well into adulthood, only to take the most female socialized route ever in one of the places it counts the most? Pathetic. I thought reading this would somehow give me context to what was posted in the thread, but he stuff about her blaming other women for her sexual harassment and laughing when they face misogyny because she deluded herself into thinking she's not "quite" a woman just got even more annoying.
I kind of despise FtMs. They're almost always the most impotent NLOGs, only a few steps above tradthots.

No. 2280480

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>not to victim blame
>victim blames
nona suppose if you will, your japanese (a country famous for throwing actual child rape cases in the trash unless the child not the parents THE CHILD had evidence) you grow up in a extremely misynonistic country where youve been told a womans job is to breed and give brth and where your boss touching you "doesnt count as sexual harrasment" you land a good job with good money but your boss is a coomer whose review of you can put you out of the industry forever so you stay and take his abuse because "women get molested all the time" so why should you be unique so you take it because youve been told "not to rock the boat" we arent in her shoes so its easy to speculate that shouldve been done she wasnt in the wrong to be harassed by the coomer the coomer was

No. 2280503

I don't care. Other Japanese women, without the narcissism needed for "I'm not a woman because I don't like misogyny (obviously, other women love it)" cope have taken the plunge and risked their own reputations for their dignity. From them, all Japanese women benefit and can stand up for themselves. The issue is obviously not resolved or perfect, but women are still fighting for their rights, and it irritates me to see NLOGs shit all over them while clinging to the status quo. The funniest part is that the same women they're attacking because "I'm not like them" are fighting for their rights at the end of the day, too. Men will never accept FtMs as male, no matter how much they laugh along with misogyny, it's a fucking joke. It's feminists who enable them to be free, but they're too blinded by gender identity sperging to see it.
I hate this transgender bullshit for offering false solutions to young girls and women, and I hate the arrogance the women who fall for it exhibit and propagate to this day. They'll talk our ears off about how they're so different and unique from women that they transcend the gender binary while actually conforming perfectly to it and deliberately aiding men in kicking down women who speak up because they're too traumatized to practice self-awareness and empathy. When you're a teenager, this is understandable. When you're an adult and have access to therapy, fuck off. What that man did was not her fault, but who she chose to blame and how she relates to other women in general is her own choice, and it pisses me off, that's all.

No. 2280517

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It's over, the trannies won, the pandora box is open and the horrors inhabit the earth. Children are being taught about this shit, they're being encouraged to troon out, they're being exposed to deranged sex acts and paraphilias under the guise of sexual education. Every new cartoon tries to shove a troon character under kid's throats. Media is enthusiastically propagating gender ideology, so much so that normies are starting to turn into TRAs and demonizing anyone who questions woke gender essentialism and misogyny. Males won again. We lost again. I'm full of nothing but despair and just thinknig about the future depresses me.

No. 2280530

>Shove him off, curse him out, beat his ass (to the best of your limited ability).
I very much agree with your point about NLOGs/tardthots who fall back on blaming other women instead of male sex pests. But what is this supposed to achieve? Not to blog but i was sexually harrassed for years, did all of this in retaliation and it did fuck all. Like nothing whatsoever, harrassment continues as if nothing happened. No person who thinks seriously about harrassment or SA buys this bullshit 'i would've done it differently! i would have punched the massive groper and it would be good because reasons' narrative. It's really cool if more women learn defense and get solid training but this is just pointless, harrassment victims hear it all the time, it doesn't help. Being groped will take away your dignity and you might think fighting back restores it but not really, at best it can ward off a weak moid or it can help you feel better about yourself later on, but it's a meager consolation prize.
Shit bait

No. 2280532

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Gdi let me vent.

No. 2280545

File: 1732815903567.webp (Spoiler Image,14.35 KB, 368x250, 6626946-dc81cd1b1588b4121756d2…)

Kids are being taught this shit. Forgot to spoiler the image. Phoneposting keeps fucking with me.

No. 2280564

He was a weak moid (as evidenced by her finally telling him he was being disgusting and him fucking off), and public humiliation would hopefully have made him hang himself. Men like that go after women who seem shy/quiet because they expect them not to fight back or "make a fuss" (again, female socialization, and they can insist they're "just flirting" or "joking" every time), I've experienced it and I feel like it made my mind snap because it's a "give an inch, take a mile" situation nearly every time.
To be honest, the biggest share of my anger isn't in her reaction/lack of action, I find that normal. It's the spectacle of purporting that one is "outside of gender" and the spite toward other women all to just do exactly what these men expect of all women anyway. The paper tiger shit followed by the backstabbing and no actual praxis to break gendered socialization. If only saying you "feel" like you're male-lite would actually enable you to break out of the bullshit that was forced on you, but that's never how it goes. These women get a haircut, change up their pronouns, scorn other women for being "too feminine", maybe get surgery, read some western books about transgenderism and call it a day, but we're supposed to be cheering them on like they're the truly brave fighters standing up against societal norms, and we're being "hateful" if we point out these problems or try to prevent them from shilling this BS to others.

No. 2280580

>He was a weak moid (as evidenced by her finally telling him he was being disgusting and him fucking off)
True, i forgot that detail. I jumped the gun because i hate the 'woman gets harrassed, other women call her weak for not being a She-Hulk' dynamic. Ironically enough this perfectly describes the author and her way of blaming of women for acting like they don't care when she herself couldn't fight back. This is what i don't understand, how can she have such extreme dissonance, it must be that the actually believes she's exempt from womanhood
>It's the spectacle of purporting that one is "outside of gender" and the spite toward other women all to just do exactly what these men expect of all women anyway.
>backstabbing and no actual praxis to break gendered socialization
Exactly. As if cutting their hair would somehow magically translate into behavior. Gendies and trads alike seeminly think that social construction (socialization etc.) doesn't exist, it's either fake because women's nature is to submit, or it's a bunch of words and signals you can manipulate to reinvent yourself because it's all fake anyways. The funniest thing is you will find tradthots who are strangely masculine (like a lot of conservative women, actually), but that is hardly a thing for TiFs and enbies.

No. 2280583

Gen alpha as they grow up will either cringe at this stuff or perpetuate it, wait until all millennials hit 50+ and gen z 30+ then we'll see what will truly happen

No. 2280586

What I wanna know is why a non trans person killing a trans person is a hate crime but a man killing a woman is NEVER listed as a hate crime?

Like sure, go ahead, say Aileen was committing a hate crime against moids. But why is femicide never seen as a hate crime????????

No. 2280597

why do they have to obsessively shove themselves everywhere? d&d/warhammer/etc. other fantasy settings have magic and dragons and gods and they could just play the sex they want to be but instead they HAVE to put a troon it and workshop how the world would bend around their character. it's so annoying

No. 2280600

Just think about this: if twaw, then all troons are represented by women. They don't feel represented by women because they know they aren't one. They are always against bringing up the past of a troon always talk about being reborn but they always mention that their characters are troons. They don't want to be clocked, yet want clockable characters. It's all a big, gaslighting fetish.

No. 2280602

I feel you nonna. As a TTRP nerd I find the hobby to be insufferable online. It's always full of troons and they always play the most obnoxious characters who are always troons too. Cuz you're right. They could play the sex they want to be but never do. And they're always raging lesbians who aggressively hit on women like men but act like it's different because 'troon'. They're always the worse aspects of any group, too.

I'm definitely over trannies in my hobby.

No. 2280615

relax, they're literally removing this from schools and if porn is actually restricted, 99% of the tranny's will be gone, and we'll be back to pre-90's levels of trans in the general public

No. 2280617

nta, my family is from a culture where it's like this and sometimes worse, I've been raised being told many of these things are obviously normal, and I get why the anon talked about how the mangaka could have left her piece of shit employer.

No. 2280619

>They're always raging *lesbians

No. 2280627

Don't be too desperate, more and more people with common sense are aware of troons being lunatics and in which ways they can be dangerous, it's safe to assume this whole trend will end with a huge scandal the same way lobotomies stopped being a thing decades ago. The real issue is that it's taking more time than it should.

No. 2280630

>we'll be back to pre-90's levels of trans in the general public
And then it will all come right back because they won't be getting rid of gender, just replacing it with the definition they like. Troonery is a misguided reaction to oppressive gender roles at best and a way to put women who try to overcome gender roles back in their place at worst. You can't fight conservatism with conservatism. You have to completely get rid of the concept of gender to get rid of troons. Where do you think they came from in the first place to be able to put that shit in schools when it wasn't there before?

No. 2280631

>relax, they are going to take away womens rights along with eliminating tranny indoctrination
I just want a peaked democrat/leftist. I don't like that this vile rapeape is supposed to be seen as a savior because he hates troons.
I would vote my soul away if there was someone on the left who said "I don't give a fuck about trannies. I want women to have bodily autonomy and live as they please and I want less wealth inequality."

Bonus points if rapists and pedophiles are executed publicly and their deaths are broadcasted around the world. Starting with that orange daughter rapist.

No. 2280634

honestly mate the nature of troonshit is such that it's self-defeating, there's a reason why they continue to suicide even after getting the tit chop/ffs/rot pocket/etc., it's going to fuck up a good chunk of people but we'll look back on this shit as we look back on lobotomies and leeching

No. 2280638

Fwiw the female artist got back in with a new series cowritten with another successful female author, so hopefully the damage done to her career wasn't the worst.

No. 2280641

The only clue is that it's a guy that can draw hot guys but doesn't want to be seen as gay.

No. 2280644

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Her mom was extremely based and it's like she learned absolutely nothing from it. She even told her to get stronger and fight back sexual harassment and bullying but she still managed to become completely mentally ill.

This is something I've noticed with TIFs, they all seem to come from loving families? I've never seen a TIF who really grew up with abusive parents (or at least mothers) other than perhaps being molested by their father. But the ones you see online all seem to come from extremely comfortable, well-loved homes.

No. 2280647

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No. 2280650

Sorry to be OT, but god he literally looks burnt in that vid. Like a fried hotdog.

No. 2280654

I really, really hope they react to it with cringe. It is cringe and it boggles my mind that so many people don't see that.
Shame that it takes Trump to revert this insanity. He is going to come for us as well, after all.
I have heard the lobotomy comparison before and it's so accurate. I really hope you're right nona.
The most insane part to me is that the evidence is there, it's painfully obvious that out and proud trannies still suffer, and in fact suffer more than before, but no one is allowed to acknowledge it. Society and academia, right now at least, still tries to blame le evil transphobes for trannies killing themselves after agreeing to being mutilated.

No. 2280660

>the real enemy is conservatives not men!
can you believe tumblr used to be considered the “male tears drinking feminist” site but now they don’t even believe in sexism

No. 2280667

>The most insane part to me is that the evidence is there
If there's evidence but people don't want to access it or can't access it, the evidence might as well not be there. The internet is trash now, social media website are garbage controlled and populated by the most retarded people who actively believe in troon shit, the silent majority of normies who just lurk these platforms and believe anything they read or watch there because they never check sources or look for them, and even traditional media that you would expect to be reliable thanks to publishing companies or editors bought into this nonsense so even the few normies who look up this topic will find unreliable or misinterpreted information. Some countries put laws in place that make misgendering illegal so even if some influential figure wants to say anything they could get sued unless they make their points in a subtle way or if they know the law like how JKR likes to call her lawyer.

>can you believe tumblr used to be considered the “male tears drinking feminist” site
We need to go back. I noticed it all changed when that retarded American teenage boy whose name I forgot killed himself by throwing himself in front of a truck at the end of 2014 and posted his suicide letter on tumblr by putting it in his queue. Bruce Jenner trooning out to divert attention from him killing a woman in a car accident happened very soon after, the timing was perfect and that's what made tumblr "feminist" change their stance.

No. 2280669

Yeah, I noticed that too. It seems that the sexist indoctrination and subsequent dysphoria that turned her into a total doormat happened in middle school when her moidlet best friend sexually harassed her in front of everyone, and tried again later in private.
Honestly mixed education is just evil considering how sensitive we are at such tender age and how disgustingly misogynistic and pornsick scrotelets are in comparison. We didn't even have phones in middle school and moids still managed to degrade and harass girls with the disgusting porn magazines their coomer dads gave them.

No. 2280670

>Daisuke Ashihara
Wasn't he half dead at this point? Iirc something about severe back issues that causes him to go on hiatus a lot.

No. 2280673

nah i can understand this, it would've been better to offer emotional support instead of blindly just saying "durrr fight back!!!!" it's as unhelpful as telling a blind person to just take a better look

No. 2280677

she has also been a porn addict since elementary school. She said she watches porn multiple times per day and sees it as a fun hobby. I think that's what ultimately damaged her the most and wrapped her view of women.

No. 2280679

>I think that's what ultimately damaged her the most and wrapped her view of women.
not the sexual assault and sexual trauma she went through as a child?? nona..

No. 2280690

nona, she’s not disabled

No. 2280692

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I read this whole manga last night and can't figure out what to say about it because it's bleak. It's all just so bleak. I especially can't believe she sees and experiences all this for around 30 years, and comes to the conclusion that she's mostly exempt from it because she's a masc-leaning nonbinary or something.

No. 2280717

white women will always have a place in right wing politics as the breeders for the race, they will always have that suburban safety net, (leftist) politics for them is a game. It's all fun for them when it's serious for us(racebait)

No. 2280719

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ntayrt but I’m reading through this right now and even the sexual assault she experienced seemed more affected by japans pornsick society and how warped her brain is because of it. The scene where her moid friend wanted to shower with her and she agrees with it is just filled with her realizing that her body does not fit in with what he wanted and ending the experience with him never touching her in anyway then later rejecting her and calling her fat. She seems more upset that she’s seen as a product for men to criticize and she can’t escape it without being reprimanded socially, so she tifs out instead of actually learning to be comfortable in her body and realizing that moids are the root of all of her problems. It’s so weird to see someone so close to what really is the issue here in the written dialogue where she explains all the reasons why she’s totes not a woman and it’s just problems that every girl faces because of female socialization. While she works with women who go through the same thing but are still comfortable with being women

No. 2280720

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>Shame that it takes Trump to revert this insanity. He is going to come for us as well, after all.
You have to be so dumb and naive to think trump will revert anything or help overcome gender ideology in any way. At any given point in time from now onward that people want to make progress with regard to women's rights, gender stuff will be used as a wedge and a tactic for diversion/distraction. It's straight out of the simple sabotage field manual. An example of having your political goals derailed would be voting for a moron who's going to ruin our country and economy like trump just because you let tranny shit distract you. The only way we will ever overcome gendie ideology is by focusing on meaningful goals and not getting derailed or tempted into collaboration with conservatives. They will always use us and then fuck us over. It will never work the other way around.

No. 2280730

Extremely based mother, I bet going to work before the equality act was actual hell.

No. 2280732

I mean, it took her like, what, over a decade to reach this conclusion? Not to say it doesn't count, better late than never but like >>2280692 pointed out, she's in her 30s and has been a victim of sexism and harassment ever since she can remember. It shouldn't have taken anywhere near this long for her to learn something as basic as to not blame herself for being born female in the first place, and she still thinks the moid who harassed her also counts as a victim and men aren't the real problem.
And not to downplay what happened to her because I could feel her revulsion towards the moids sexual harassment so I know it really is that bad, but considering he never got to actually molest her I don't know if it was "agonize about it mentally for the next +7 years" bad. At that point she was just torturing herself.
It's also very bleak how she can acknowledge the involvement MeToo movement had on societal norms, but instead of discovering feminism and healing through its teachings, she goes to a gender clinic.

No. 2280744

>It’s so weird to see someone so close to what really is the issue here
Because all women share the same issues with men, but some of them get presented the idea that the only way to "fix" said problems is transitioning aka "fixing" one self instead of addressing the bigger problem.

No. 2280757

Not if you don't want to be a breeder at all

No. 2280763

>he should have realized that other people and "female bodies" are human too
how can she write all this shit and still not understand? he knows you're human. he just doesn't care. tifs are so genuinely unfathomably stupid it makes me insane.

No. 2280768

how is this main character surrounded by the most based women and she's getting NOTHING from it?
I also like being a woman. I get to have genuine empathy and love in my heart. Just because men constantly exploit that intrinsic part of my biology doesn't mean I hate who I am. I would NEVER want to be a man. Men are subhuman and unenlightened. They are hyper dependent on women to guide them into not acting like chimpanzees. It's embarrassing and shameful.
Most TIFs don't even actually want to be men, they just want men to leave them alone.

No. 2280771

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You call it bleak, but I think there is hope for her. She resisted becoming a full-blown FtM and as her life situation improves and she meets more women who are different, reject 'expectations of feminity' and went through abuse like her she might reach out to others to 'save' them just as she had been 'saved' herself. She needs meds for her autism though.

No. 2280775

>"So she doesn't hate me…"
God this hit me way too hard. I love women and want them to like me. Not in a creepy scrote way. Just to have as friends and be close to. I feel like whenever I've had a disagreement with another woman they abandon me. I'll always keep trying because male acceptance is still worse than female rejection

No. 2280789

I think you misinterpreted the comment, it's condemning TRAs by hypothetically applying the logic of the trans rights movement to the civil rights movement, highlighting how retarded and harmful TRA logic is
Also, a woman asking a man to draw BL will never be on the same level as a man asking a woman to draw porn for him because the risk of a man getting sexually assaulted by a woman is almost non-existent compared to the inverse, and BL does not perpetuate harmful, objectifying views about males while moid porn does reinforce the view that women are just sex objects. Women aren't the rapist sex and moids aren't the main victim of sexual assault or the ones that get treated like sex slaves by society.

No. 2280826

I get what your saying, but the actual issue is that he's an actual rapist

No. 2280833

>read any of the trans/x gender biographical manga getting translated?
how do you find them?

No. 2280839

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i wish i could beam basic rf lit/rhetoric into these women's heads, that's all they need. you aren't the problem, it's the world. seek female unity instead of squirreling yourself into a box. tell the hsts (picrel) in your life to kill himself

No. 2280854

That part was so bleak.
I don't think porn and SA alone caused her to turn into a delusional TiF. Like other anons have pointed out, something's off, the fact that she's obsessed with these incidents to this day, her banal conclusions at such an old age. The confessional style of the manga magnifies this but still, she comes across as really immature and unwell. It feels like she's developmentally arrested, stuck at a period where she hasn't quite accepted that boys and girls are different, and that you have to carve a place in the world as a woman despite all the baggage that comes with it. She's like a stupid stubborn child, facing reality but insisting she's not part of it somehow, with the child-like sensitivity that comes with it. It's other women who are the problem, it's her hormones, her body, it's her haircut, it's her style, it's never her self, her beliefs, her mental illess, her terminal masochist brain etc.
Thanfully most women aren't this stunted. I still have hope, she seems capable of enough self-reflection to not embellish her issues in vent art

No. 2280865

in many ways it's easier to be a wife than to go at it alone though, so i get it. it's not a "white woman" specific issue though, women crave men regardless of their race and regardless of what men do to them. their man is always "the good one". women are also working against dogma set up a million years before they were even before kek it's tough to really blame them for running to the sex that's supposedly god-ordained to protect and nurture them

No. 2280877

look at women like Aimee Terese, they end up acting as mouthpieces to tell other women to be feminine and have kids despite not doing so themselves

No. 2280879

they are so close to getting it, the biggest problem is that they feel alone and dont know there are other women that think the same

No. 2280884

It's called "Until I Love Myself: The Journey of a Nonbinary Manga Artist" if you want to poke around on some manga sites nonna

No. 2281022

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hmm i think self-absorption probably plays a part in it too. to call yourself "nb" is already a sign of some narcissism, to assume the women in your lives who you watch go through sexist bullshit are just "tehe!" moving past it with no strain or worries is pretty self-centered and shows a lack of empathy

No. 2281031

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Handmaidens are so retarded. Men prefer trannies because they are closet homosexuals, not because trannies are uwu so vulnerable~

No. 2281048

I was browsing a site that linked comics related to medicine/illnesses to goodreads and started reading all the reviews, and it snowballed into me downloading a couple books. It seemed kind of funky that so many publishers hopped on the LGBTQ train but these manga have almost no traction or positive feedback.




No. 2281050

Agreed, I think that view may be exacerbated by pickmes who act like misogyny doesn't exist. Conversations like >>2280719 likely muddied the waters for her because what she's hearing is "I'm happy with my assigned role as a sex object/breeder, it's never made me uncomfortable". When in reality, we see this female editor is clearly uncomfortable with the misogyny surrounding her >>2280146 she's just learned to let it roll off her back, rather than obsessing over it and resenting her anatomy. The fact that feminism is a very taboo subject in Japan and they're basically groomed into never acknowledging their own oppression even to themselves can't help, either.

No. 2281105

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And their excuse would be "We all know hurting women is bad, but I'm not a woman! No one cares when men are hurt! And you know what's worse? Trans women get hurt and no one cares neither".

No. 2281107

>Straight woman realizing she's a tomboy and straight. News at 9.

No. 2281109

>niñeces trans
Al menos no fueron tan boludos para decir niñ@s o niñxs.

No. 2281129

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The only anime/manga that should be allowed to be exported/published is yaoi.

No. 2281241

I know my anecdotal experience doesn't count for much but I took T and went from borderline asexual bi w strong preference for women to horny 24/7 and almost exclusively into men. I started masturbating every day, consuming more (2d) porn, and developed a really embarrassing paraphilia. Hard to tell if the paraphilia was because of the T or the porn addiction though. After stopping the hormones I'm back to normal libido and sexuality. I look back at the stuff I used to be into and feel disgusted tbh. So I would assume for mtf trannies they'd be less horny and more vanilla, but somehow they're still all into weird porn. maybe it's the autism.

No. 2281283

I think it's just that they are men and even if you just have a drop of test it fucks you up hard.
The only way to make a tim asexual is if you mutilate them as a child, which I am (naturally) STRONGLY against

No. 2281400

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Her queerio friend isn't even an HSTS. He's a flaming gay man.

No. 2281401

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this you?

No. 2281402

Same. Every time I venture away from LC and try to be social elsewhere online I run into gendies. Every time I log into one of my social media accounts I find that more of my mutuals have trooned out. I was only on IG for crafts and Jfashion but the last time I logged in after a year or so of inactivity, my feed was 50% TIFs showing off their binders and testosterone-induced hair growth because so many of the women I followed had begun to transition. Most of them completely dropped the hobbies and interests I initially followed them for, too. It’s bleak as fuck and I don’t understand how more people don’t recognise this for the destructive fad it is.

>You're non-conforming enough to hit "neither" on gender forms growing up, dress wild and tell people you're "questioning your gender" well into adulthood, only to take the most female socialized route ever in one of the places it counts the most?
That’s true for 99,99% of TIFs.

>This is something I've noticed with TIFs, they all seem to come from loving families? I've never seen a TIF who really grew up with abusive parents (or at least mothers) other than perhaps being molested by their father. But the ones you see online all seem to come from extremely comfortable, well-loved homes.
I’ve noticed this too. I know statistics tell us that girls from abusive homes are grossly overrepresented among TIFs but all the trans people I know personally come from loving, supportive families who, at worst, overindulged them a bit. A lot of them now claim to have been abused but the ‘abuse’ they cite is shit like granny misgendering them and their parents encouraging them to get a part-time job to finance their expensive hobbies instead of just buying them what they want. You’d think that if an actual abuse victim wanted to participate in the victim Olympics they’d be able to come up with something better than that. Especially the ones who also claim to have DID.

No. 2281404

No. irl gay men are disgusting you fujobigot.
I only like gay porn made by women for women.

No. 2281406

you mean heterosexuality with extra steps?

No. 2281407

Let me enjoy objectifying fictional men in peace god damn.

No. 2281415

and I wish you a safe transition(infight bait)

No. 2281417

nta but saying that in this thread is absurd

No. 2281420

don't bother. They are just an attention seeking fujohater

No. 2281423

DA, she is making a joke that men can't be trusted with anime and manga because they are all pedos (emphasised with her picrel of a male niponese pedo) so the only manga that should be published is for women where men are put in their place (especially since earlier in the thread the gendie autobio mangaka read out her yaoi manuscript about the guys that were harassing her in order to piss them off). It was not about wanting to be a tranny it was just her making a joke kek.

No. 2281425

I also love seeing smaller being being sexually abused and often impregnated by larger more dominant male creatures, thankfully nothing that exits irl

No. 2281429

To this day I still cannot understand why specifically the topic of yaoi gets people this pressed. Why does anyone (fujos, antifujos, husbandofags) care whatsoever? Why does it derail the moment it's mentioned?
t. neutral party

No. 2281434

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Spergs mix up me, a based male objectifier, with pic rel.

No. 2281436

Kekkkkkk ily nonna, and that picrel is insane who in their right mind would willingly publish that

No. 2281437

I wish to god fujos objectified men instead of just creating obvious heterosexual with extra steps(fujo derailing)

No. 2281441

i mean…are they wrong to assume that?

No. 2281444

They are

But they do, you just decide to cherrypick the worst examples and then pretend it's the norm so you can feel better about insulting other women.

No. 2281447

Ironically people like you who are this obsessed with equating behaviour/prettyness to a sex and can't distinguish fiction from reality are way more likely to transition. So good luck on your transition, autism diagnosis or alternatively to your miserable trad life.

No. 2281450

give a reason why they are then just saying theyre wrong doesn't cut it and im not even a fujo hater but you have to admit theres solid proof of that accusation fujo fetishism has been proven time and time again to make straight women transition into mentally ill lifelong patients because their attraction to idealized moids becomes so wrapped into delusion thats why you see the omega?verse genre everywhere. im sure some fujos are mentally stable but you cant ignore such a core part of that fandom transing out(fujo derailing)

No. 2281458

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Ignore the bait nona. Bl has its roots in shoujo as a means of showing sex and romance without the objectification of a woman's body. Since the majority of women are straight, some fujoshi self-insert as the uke while others self-insert as the seme. Some more voyeuristic fujoshi just enjoy bl without self-inserting, merely appreciating the sex and romance itself from the only familiar angle they are aware of, heterosexuality. None of this should matter though because it's not real and if anything should be celebrated as it makes moids seethe and feel uncomfortable.(fujo derailing)

No. 2281475

>You’d think that if an actual abuse victim wanted to participate in the victim Olympics they’d be able to come up with something better than that. Especially the ones who also claim to have DID.
Exactly, it's almost as if having gender dysphoria and having parents who try their best to understand all this new lingo and concepts their cult-induced child is suddenly spouting constitutes as abuse to them? I've never read of a TIF seriously being denied so-called gender affirming care by their parents while underage. It reminds me of this scene from the new Dragon Age Veilguard where a mother trying to understand what non-binary means is treated as being completely abusive as well as verbatim "an unfit mother". It's bizarre stuff. If you understand what real parental abuse looks like when it comes to denial of care (instead of denying your minor child hormones and titchop imagine denying them any and all medical care like the Turpin children) it's even harder to wrap your head around.

No. 2281479

>that video
Oh my god, I can't believe what I'm watching. That this kind of shit exists in such a big video game seems unreal. When the fuck did it get this bad? I've read some DA general posts in passing but I never thought it could be this blatantly preachy and absolutely retarded. Why the fuck does "non-binary" even exist in a magical setting? It's so fucking retarded, I can't.

No. 2281480

I don't relate to it at all though. I don't want kids and I wouldn't tell anyone else they should have them

No. 2281485

I am tired of being transvestigated and misgendered every day.
In the first case, people are openly hostile to me because they noticed something about me that only they give a shit about (I am in a conserbative country though).
In the second case, a meeting turns into the person turning all shades of red and blue, falling over themselves apologizing for, again, seeing something only they gave a fuck about.

I wish I could just exist. When I was growing up, no one was obsessed with this bullshit enough to do any of this to me, even if I was always too tall and flat in every way for a woman. Kids bullied me because of my weird teeth or smth, now I have to deal with a whole bunch of adults hopping to their own conclusions just because I am quite butch and have big hands and feet.
I'd get called a man even when I am wearing a dress that is revealing my cleavage (albeit it's not much)
Like I am just genetically born this way and chose to opt out of nearly all beautification procedures.
Just let me be a butch dyke in peace, why do you even care about it any way around. It's not even important, because I just met you and will never see you again. But nooo, buzzing insects all around, gender on their mind 24/7.

No. 2281501

expect constantly reading fiction about men who can get pregnant or ultra feminine males that are basically women in all but pronouns will seriously change your ability in viewing reality(fujo derailing)

No. 2281506

>will seriously change your ability in viewing reality
It won't, unless you're male, a literal child or a womanchild. If you have a normal development you don't have trouble differentiating between written/drawn fiction and reality. What you said applies to filmed porn because seeing actual humans made to perform certain things impacts you more deeply
>ultra feminine males that are basically women in all but pronouns
Straight men write female characters who align with male sexuality (always down to fuck, no boundaries, understands male self insert…), women do the same by writing thoughtful, sensitive, high emotional IQ men. It's in heterosexual romance, it's in yaoi, it's in films, it's everywhere. You will never browbeat people into not fantasizing about a world where the gap between sexes is bridged. It's especially pointless when it comes to BL because the whole genre is about sex and romance, it's not like a realistic gritty novel or something(fujo derailing)

No. 2281517

>change your ability in viewing reality
Not the video games make people violent crap again. Stop patronising the posters here. We are not children.

No. 2281520

oh the only voices loud enough to do anything are the ones who want women out of the public spaces and shoved into the kitchen or bedroom

No. 2281524

>will seriously change your ability in viewing reality
How so? Please explain.

No. 2281529

shit like this is what ruined tumblr

interacting with 2D guys is way better than getting your ass thrown around by real thugs

No. 2281531

I hate it when fujos insist that yaoi has nothing to do with young women transitioning and hating their bodies. Like damn don't take everything so personally we're not talking about you but the thousands of young girls online who say ukes are their transition goal. I wish we could talk more about how porn especially gay porn makes women sexually dysphoric without being jumped by coomers defending their favourite porn genre.(fujo derailing)

No. 2281576

'Yaoi is a factor in trooning out' isn't controversial. That's not what that anon said, she said 'expect (yaoi) will seriously change your ability in viewing reality', it's a general, definitive statement. Maybe she didn't mean it like that, it's just a post. But she said this after someone replied 'enjoy your transition' as if reading BL was a direct track to tit chopping. Fujos are very familiar with the fujo-to-TiF pipeline, yet most don't troon out, so they won't agree with such statements.
>without being jumped by coomers
Sure, let's talk about the mechanics of porn fucking up girls' sexuality. But why make it about how pure you are in comparison to other adult women? It's so tired atp.
I find that BL and material like transition timelines is fuel for trooning out but it's not at the root of the problem. Arguably seeing women being brutalized in real porn does more to make a girl disassociate from her body than anime boys. The mix of two is probably why they retreat into a wish to become the immaterial anime boy, rather than the abject being of flesh brutalized on screen.

No. 2281600

it's called brain-rot

No. 2281603

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Oh that's real nice. Word of the month. Got anything substantial? You already have to be pretty retarded to not be able to grasp reality from fiction. However, I may lean on the side that reading only mpreg omegaverse fics may make you already pretty mentally ill.(infighting)

No. 2281632

If you consistently read degen smut it will lead to messed up brain patterns, is that easier to understand?(fujo derailing)

No. 2281642

Because it's a symptom/cope and not a point of origin. Even in the case of the mentally ill mangaka, it'd be pretty shallow and stupid to think she wouldn't have this problem if she simply didn't read bl.
In general, if you are into any sort of nerd activity as a male or female then you are at a much, much higher chance of trooning out. By being online, you are probably 40% or so higher than average chance of being on T withing the next couple of years.

No. 2281648

this, it doesn't matter if it's yaoi or oteme, with any "geek" activity there is a greater chance that there are alternative people who don't fit in(and have a higher likelihood of autism) and therefore have a greater chance of a transition

No. 2281655


No. 2281661


Go derail other threads.

No. 2281663


No. 2281672

Honestly, it says a lot that the manga can show what she went through and the mc basically admitting to using bl as a way to shield herself by making herself seem unappealing that the immediate thought is "well if she didn't read that she'd be fine, omegaverse bl is the issue"
It makes you wonder why they refuse the blame the real issue.

No. 2281682

trump did nothing about trannies during 2016-2019, he's not going to do anything about them now either. it's all for show just like the "build the wall" shit

No. 2281751

I hate that I have to explain this. but the dems blocked most of trump's policies and controlled congress, while trump was totally inexperienced with politics (mostly he kept the same people from the obama era), now he actually knows what the hell is happening and the point of project 2025 the to appoint key political positions with any right wing lunatic as long as they were loyal to the trump, rfk jr will become the secretary of health, dr oz the administrator for medicare and linda mcmahcon the secretary of education, these are incredibly powerful and influential positions whose influences will effect by tens of millions of people
trying to paint this as just a repeat of 2016 is either cope or ignorance, the only way project 2025 fails is if republican senators and congress critters openly rebel against trump like mike pence

No. 2281780

cute shiba

No. 2281782

I'm an artist that occasionally works for people on twitter/tumblr and recently moved to bsky for that sweet new reach and every time, every fucking time I say that my comms are open, I always get requests by people with a troon flag in the username.
They always ask for furry shit or for stuff involving deities but "can you give her a dick?" which is funny as fuck because they're the ones calling terfs genital fetishist when they're all about adding dick/scars because otherwise they cannot like the character. At least their hard earned money/self inflicted disability money is coming to me and cleaned into my necessities/donations but god, this is always hard. They're also the ones that pay the highest amounts, I guess that being at daddy's home/not going out at all really show in their money.

No. 2281789

repost from the mtf thread, a bunch of troon's are making a movie about radical punk feminists beating up men and "force-feminizing" them with sissy-hypno

>We Need More S.A.F.E. Spaces for Women!

>A blood-soaked, trans-led, DIY short film about social justice warriors in a world of monsters.
>We Need More S.A.F.E. Spaces for Women! is a tongue-in-cheek horror-thriller featuring internet culture, transmasculine werewolves, radical feminism, and sissy hypnosis. Created and designed entirely by trans and queer artists, Ginger Snaps meets your problematic fave (yes, even yours!) in this crunchy, neon-colored DIY short film.
>After an encounter in the woods leads to one (1) dead body, drifter Laurie enters the upside-down world of S.A.F.E., a secret society dedicated to ridding humanity of super-fucking-toxic men.
>But S.A.F.E. is just a word, and Laurie's status as a, um, "person of lycanthropic experience" soon puts him in the crosshairs of the group's totally foolproof plan to save the world.

No. 2281791

this is the writer, director and producer of the film

No. 2281803

Getting troons money as a terf is still a win, if they knew they supported a terf they'd be horrified kek

No. 2281804

I didn't post it in here when the game dropped cause I assumed everyone had seen it, but it's so much worse than that. The proper way to handle misgendering, everyone!

No. 2281811

this is a bad porno kek

No. 2281981

Get that bag nonna. I also do commissions occasionally and it has been oddly more and more troons who contact me to do character art in the past two-three years. Before it was just nerds who wanted pics of their RP characters. But now it's like self insert weird fetish pics.

No. 2282036

i don't understand the fixation GCs seem to have on saying that TIFs who recognize misogyny are "so close to getting it." i'd say they're actually the furthest from getting it out of anyone. plenty of RWW recognize misogyny - they just go along with it because they're too afraid of the potential backlash they might face for doing anything else.
tifs are delusional and think they can exempt themselves from misogyny, but there's no reason to believe they'd become GC even if they discovered that they can't. they could just as easily go the path of the trad, and many do. in my experience, that actually seems to be the likeliest outcome, because it means going from one fear-induced response to another, which is much easier than overcoming their underlying issues.

No. 2282353

Omg that is the lamest shit I've ever seen. Who plays this shit and enjoys getting preachily stroked off about current culture war topic? I hate everything.

No. 2282399

Perfectly put. RW women have a slightly bigger potential for peaking and feminist consciousness because once they snap out of their 'i'm the special girl, i'm the exception, my trad husband will treat me like a human if i follow every rule' delusion they really snap out of it. This is less a thing with TiFs and handmaidens. Many of them know there's an alternative, they've been exposed to some kind of feminism, they regularly come in contact with TERF rhetoric but desperately cling to gender. To be fair RW women also go through these motions of doubling down on trad submission, but they're weirdly more masculine than TiFs in many regards, and are allowed to think of themselves as women in a way that TiFs can't because it's forbidden by gender ideology and it would be too painful for their dissociated self. Right-wing women often extoll egoism and strength, these masculine values aren't commonly found in TiFs.
It's like RW women adopt the apperance of submission to excuse themselves out of feminine behavior (people remark all the time that RW women come across as manly). Like 'oh, i've done my part by calling myself a breedable wife, now i can be some based libertarian debater'. TiFs are often the reverse of this, they adopt masculine aesthetics and they believe it cancels out their extremely feminine and compliant behavior. They can comfortably lean into total conformity by pretending they're not girly at all because muh haircut and pronoun pin

No. 2282447

this is a whole other topic, but it reminds me of how certain conservatives often without even realising it, are actually in favor of socialism without even mentioning socialism, similarity rw women have their own feminism that they refuse to call feminism

No. 2282455

jen izaakson often brings up that many tims consider themselves failed men (which is true). Instead of improving themselves as men, they want to join the "women's club," which they believe is full of losers and they believe that we "the failed people" should stick together from their perspective, this is why they have this fantasy of feminists beating up the mean jocks for them

No. 2282597

Yeah, no. Right wing women may have a spine sometimes, and wish to be treated well sometimes, and talk about "high/low value men", but at the end of the day their utopia is still one in which women have their defined "different but equal" subordinate role.

No. 2283509

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Wanted to share picrel. The OP cleared his post history but people still clocked him kek.

No. 2283527

kekk i went to his user page and he was arguing back and forth in the replies with someone who said he looks masculine. his replies are classic troon behavior it's so funny how they truly will never be able to hide in any way that they are male through and through

No. 2283546

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KEK. I missed that, imagine seething this hard over being called a "handsome woman".

No. 2283552

I mean, the troon would look better and be more approachable if he just accepted he was a femboy twink and not a real™ woman

No. 2283553

>violation of my HIPAA rights
Stupid retard thinks stating you're trans to the court is a HIPAA violation lmao.

No. 2283612

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No. 2283614

Electric chair.

No. 2283629

Why is it so hard for them to say they are gender nonconforming? Thats what pisses me off the most.
>I'm like totally a non conformist!
But then because they don't meet the bigoted status quo of what society expects a man and a woman is they self harm by mutilating their natural bodies and then socially ostracizing themselves. How the fuck is that celebration?

No. 2283666

This is for a nonna from the ethel thread so I’m not sure if it’s pertinent to this one but I was talking about a specific brand of women who mostly consume tranny shit and put them on a pedestal. I had a vague idea about why that happens so I briefly share my thoughts here: essentially they’re the type who are attention whores inside but couldn’t get that attention for various reasons (e.g. fat). They never get over it and their entire life they chase approval from various communities where they can live out the fantasies of being something akin to the desired, popular girl. They have a high school mentality, tend to be highly insecure of course and feel threatened and jealous of every woman they admire certain things about. So then, either they place themselves below these women i.e. becoming their sidekick just for proximity (becomes very obsessive) or they end up being their biggest haters and project everything onto them. As they feel threatened by other women, partly for competition for scrotes and partly because they feel worthless, they end up consuming stuff where women are replaced. This is where the tranny and drag stuff comes into play: they feel comfortable with that concept because they will have some access to moids but since they are unconventional ones, their own insecurities will less likely jump out and they become obsessed with said moids; it feels safe to do so. On top of that they get into fujo shit ofc because there’s again no women involved so they’re not constantly reminded of their supposed inadequacies. And then they eventually identify as something other than what they are which is straight because they’ve psyoped themselves into it, the idea being, if you can’t beat them (feeling too inadequate to compete with other women for moids, popularity etc.) join them (pretend you’re into them instead). These type of women are one of the biggest woman-hating handmaidens to ever exist.

No. 2283689

>Queers (not LGB, but "queers")
>are, like transgender people, "gender deviants" (????? why are you calling the LGB deviants?)
I don't know about this one chief

No. 2283694

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No. 2283697

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Can somenon spoon-feed me the name of that comic that's all in bright pink colors about like… handmaid's tale and robots or something? Feels like a fever dream, I saw bits and pieces posted around here but never knew what it was.

No. 2283704


No. 2283743

I see where you are coming from and you are probably right with the outcome but I don't think Trump is able to learn anything.
That dude knows shit what is happening around him. He is nearly eighty and an uneducated narc that thinks the world revolves around him. I would rather have trannies running free (and lets be honest they are already demolishing themselves with their self-centredness and self-insertion in anything they can victimise themselves over) than this fucking shit that will backfire on anyone but the super rich.
I swear, when Musk and Grimes decided to date and went to the Met Gala, something happened to the time/world line in becoming the most ridiculous unrealistic outcome possible. The people he appoints for the different offices/administrations are a fucking joke. What a fucking dystopian world.

No. 2283747

Why are they all the same with the furry and add dick to everything shit? It's a hive mind. The worship of dick is a typical male obsession. They are so fixated on their fetishes.
It's good that you can take a bit of their money away. But let's hope you won't become known as THE artist for trans people deranged fantasies.

No. 2283879

probably explains faghags as well?

No. 2283892

A lot of them are too ugly to even be attractive as twinks, but being trans definitely makes them even more repulsive

No. 2283895

but "femboy twinks" are also just ugly men, who attract gay paedophiles

No. 2283938

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Quick reminder to everyone exasperated about the troon cult taking over everything that picrel does happen quite a bit. I took this from a much longer post where a bunch of gendies were clutching their pearls at being fed evil feminist rhetoric by the Devil's minions. It's not quite as bleak as it seems.

No. 2283956

This retarded coward is part of the problem too. Imagine being so spineless you parrot the same misogynistic homophobic bullshit they do to be stay a "crypto" and get updoots from fandom trannies. You're not epically owning any of them for having a secret feminist blog where you can be brave enough to spout wrongthink, just a coward like your average TRA.

No. 2283985

This does make me feel a bit better, that maybe all these people don't actually believe what they're saying and are only trying to protect themselves from getting backlash from TRAs. I've tried questioning people like this before and they did turn out to be more gender critical than I expected, but some I think are just lost cases and really believe in this stuff. I'm in places with a lot of TRAs myself but I don't really go as far as this person with pretending, it's just too unbearable and fake for me. I just avoid them as much as I can while talking to the few sane people instead.

No. 2283990

This is like that old question: what do you call a German who didn't support the nazis but went along with it in order to not be hurt? You called them a nazi. This person is furthering the troon cause.

No. 2283994

I get what she's saying, but there isn't really a reason for her to spout tra bullshit on her main. I know gendies get super suspicious when a blog doesn't have anything about trannyism at all, but she can just reblog the bare minimum. No need to go hard in her fake support. Anything for money I guess

No. 2284012

it's retarded tho. i've gone by in fandom for years while being mutuals with tras without the need to pretend to be one. i just don't post about politics at all.

No. 2284042

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Kek he looks exactly like what he is, a man playing dress up. He posted picrel today after taking reddit’s advice.

No. 2284066

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Hung out with friends and some new people at an event recently and there was a guy with a dress/skirt there (modern city, sometimes guys here just wear skirts as fashion), at first I thought maybe he was just a quirky guy because he didn't have makeup, nail polish, nothing feminine apart from the dress was kind of unshaven and just made no attempts at passing whatsoever. He had a pin saying "gay" so I assumed maybe that's kinda what the dress was for but nah, I then spotted the other pin saying "she/her". So a transbian. I'm not used to seeing them irl, the experience was very… odd. He was so clearly just a man! He can't possibly think he passes either, so we all know he's just a man being read as a man by everyone.

The worst part is he had his friends, an actual lesbian couple, enabling and encouraging him. What the fuck ladies? Either they're lying about being lesbian and are bi women who think dick is fine, or they're so committed to each other as adult longtime partners that they throw young and single lesbians under the bus by insisting they're the ones who have to sleep with males or be bigots, while they can still stay female only without judgement.

No. 2284083

This is what I do as well. Don't ask don't tell.

No. 2284107

His post history says he goes to a women’s university in South Korea and he’s wondering why no one wants to hit on him. How can men be this delusional

No. 2284242

>women’s university
Korean women suffer enough they don’t need to deal with him too.

No. 2284307

You need to start charging them a degen fee. Say any drawing involving furry or NSFW has to pay $50 extra or something
This can't be real, right? Female universities had huge protests against mixed sex education when even a single anonymous tranny tried to join, there's no way they made an exception for him because he's white and foreign

No. 2284317

Idk how related to the topic this is so I apologize in advance, I just have a quick vent to post. I'm rereading LJs threads and the amount of troon caping and calling out "transphobia" is so annoying. Every time an anon complains about lillee being transphobic (there's barely any of it even, it's all just reaching and pearl clutching) I roll my eyes and sigh. I'm at the point where Nikki tutorials was exposed as being a man and some posts are defending him. Lolcow is one of the few sane places online that I know of, it hurts a little to see people supporting this shit even here.

And yes, it's genuine defending of troons. They're not saying it as in lillee is getting backlash for transphobia because she sucks up to the twitter crowd. They sound genuinely mad that she would hurt perverted men's feefees.

No. 2284323

Don't worry, those tards aren't even nonas. Just some pathetic tranny lovers who somehow found lc and didn't get the memo yet

No. 2284328

LJs threads were mostly lurked and followed in the beginning by r/makeupaddiction, snark sub, and Facebook posters, so it makes sense.

No. 2284342

I see both sides. On one hand pretending to be one of them is alienating to other hurt gc terfy women who think they're alone.
On the other it is funny to me that TRA are unknowingly supporting and paying terfs their hard earned troon money.

I think there is a kind of middle ground, if all the terf blogs are open with having secret side terf blogs and with having a main on which they pretend to be pro-troons… that means other people questioning it all can feel a bit more hopeful that they're not alone, and they can realize they can be honest on a side account too, and any seething TRA hate-reading will have to start doubting all their friends and mutuals trying to find the secret traitors.

And let's be honest, most of those platforms like tumblr are hugboxes, they're no longer converting neutral people into the cult, they're mostly maintaining the status quo. Their troon activism is largely a circle-jerk preaching to each other.

No. 2284362

Especially those kek. I mean, the description I gave pretty much alludes to them being faghags but I still can’t believe I forgot to mention them, thanks nonna.

No. 2284390

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A bunch of virtue signaling idiots sucking tranny cock. This and the replies aren't the worst example, just the one I saw right now. Hopefully their contact with lolcow helped them see the light and peak.

No. 2284400

>i'm spouting the same lies as them
what for? is she stupid?

No. 2284429

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Did some digging so luckily its not just him in an actual all womans school. unlucky for the women who have to see this 6ft+ rectangular skelemoid wearing little girl clothes, poorly styling his thinning hair and taking pics with his gigalarge man hands at the ends of his maximum length ape arms skulking around the campus

No. 2284474

Oh, it's Ewha? Topkek, they have a church on campus and the women who attend tend to be reserved and gun-shy about controversial topics. They also avoid exchange students, especially the men, even at the best of times. I'm sure the women there are deeply uncomfortable, but avert their eyes and pretend nothing is happening. I wonder how admin is dealing with the room situation. Dorms are sex segregated, and I cannot imagine Ewha is letting him stay with the women. This makes it even funnier he's whining about no one flirting with him, though. What did he expect?

No. 2284529

Thank you! That's it! No amount of internet searches is gonna let me find that.

No. 2284531

post is kind of shitty even if i feel where you're coming from – taking bullshit at work from your seniors is a pretty universal experience, ESPECIALLY when it's a first job or you can't risk losing it. her justification and rationalization around it (i'm female = it can't be helped) is dumb but yeah

No. 2284534

female-dominated communities online like rp and general fandom spaces are in this weird spot where mtfs, ""nb"" scrotes, and regular pervert males can come in and be sex pests and they just get yass kween'd. the latter group (regular pervert males) only get it if they're playing fuck stick to an hsts. i'm currently watching an hsts write fic where his self-insert regularly touted as barely legal fucks some other guy's 50 y/o self-insert and nobody gives a shit, it's being discussed as if it's peak fiction. but i know for a fact if two fujos (even if one is like, they/he or whatever) want to write a gay pairing that's like 20/30 everyone goes "uhhh i dunno you're fetishizing faggots better stop that's pedophilia uhh uhhhhh"

No. 2284539

being crypto is so stupid, it doesn't get us anywhere. radfems need to grow some ovaries

No. 2284543

but it's so tough though. i mean i'm sort of crypto in that i don't actively disparage it but i don't support it either and i know if i spoke up or voiced discomfort i'd just get the boot from all my spaces. being that one voice that speaks up =/= social isolation and mockery

No. 2284546

This reminds me how there's a "gender dysphoria" thread on here, the posters there are genuine TIFs who don't even criticize gendie crap

No. 2284547

NTA but standing up for women’s spaces got me ghosted by my FTM best friend of 10+ years. Only after that ghosting did I realize how awful that friendship made me feel, thinking that it was contingent on me keeping my mouth shut 90% of the time. It allowed me to more firmly understand my own beliefs and eventually connect with other people who either shared those beliefs or respected my right to a different opinion. Truly, nothing of value was lost and my life has genuinely improved.

No. 2284548

in some spaces, being crypto saves you from getting fired/assaulted/doxxed. I don't want my family to get in trouble because I say ywnbaw online, nonny

No. 2284552

That's what I do. It's rare to get a good opportunity on the popular surface websites to get a good anti Troon sentiment across. Irl it's always much easier to make fun of trannies I find. When the opportunity arises on reddit or somewhere to ask actual ideological shit they never fucking answer. It seems gender completely hinges on gender stereotypes which are apparently a social man made construct and the ideas that colours and interests are gendered can mean you biological sex is incorrect. It's the most bonkers stupid fucking debate going. Just call yourself gay and flamboyant or butch and get over it.

No. 2284632

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Can't express the horror I felt when I found this drawing I did on 2020 posted on reddit, though it's funny to see how I was slowly starting to peak

No. 2284730

Kek can you share some more context? What sub was this? And did you get called out for Le evil transphobia?

No. 2284803

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I originally made the drawing on 4chan's /lgbt/ but I found it reposted on r/4tran4. If you go to the subreddit you'll find that that drawing isn't out of place, it's basically a community for transphobic troons that hate themselves and want to fuck each other. It's really funny to look at the self owns that they post, I recommend it to have a good laugh

No. 2284810

Why did you draw for the LGBT board?

No. 2284813

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I identified as trans and circumstances led me there, long story but at least I got out

No. 2284827

The way the troons at /tttt/ draw and talk about TIFs ("pooners") is so disturbing

No. 2284831

I think the funniest part is that people try to push that they were created by self hating ftms but they were not and the most popular artist was a mtf

No. 2284862

An acquaintance of mine is going out with a hetero woman who identifies as nonbinary and therefore thinks she's not straight. She's also been dropping hints that she's actually a TIF but doesn't care. It's interesting to me how she stays with him even though the guy is completely immune to gender propaganda and doesn't hide it at all. Does she think she can change him? Is sexual gratification that impoortant to her? She's a huge keyboard warrior on xitter too. What daily amount of copium does she need to survive I wonder.

No. 2284867

same anon, he doesn't care. important

No. 2284926

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Vagina = rich white lady

No. 2284955

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This happened with one of my hardcore TIF acquaintances who jumped on the bandwagon early, like first wave SJW. She spent all day sperging at people for the even the smallest infractions, but she had no problems coupling up with a scrote who used racial slurs and made fun of trannies. She'd brag that her nigel was "actually gay teehee" but he never once even tried to use her special pronouns, it was so perplexing to watch.
It's always incredible when you can see gender ideology destroying female class consciousness in real time. I checked the book's 1 star rating, and it's all either men seething about feminism or TRAs…also seething about feminism. I don't see how anyone can believe feminism and trans ideology are compatible projects when it's been made clear over and over that any attempt to speak lucidly and clearly about women's oppression is considered evil because it hurts the feelings of men who wish they were women.

No. 2284972

The irony in reading a book about how women get erased from data and going "but where are the men in this data about women???"

That's part of what scares me about troon ideology. Otherwise reasonable people who claim to be all for womens, kids and minorities of all kinds rights will literally throw EVERYTHING under the buss for troons. I can't imagine caring for kids safety and thinking them getting healthy body parts cut off isn't at the very least alarming. How can you care about womens rights but think people with penises convicted for rape should be in their victims locker rooms? And not seeing that "if black and disabled women are women, so are men who say they are" is just incredibly racist and ableist? Every noble core value just seems to disappear when you support troon ideology.

No. 2284976

I always thought "pooner" sounds more like a name for tims given that their inverted dicks are known for often using a colon and smelling of literal poop bacteria, and if they don't get the surgery their only other bottom option is anal aka their original poo-hole.

No. 2284983

That’s what I used to do, but a baseless trans headcanon for a main character became popular and controversial enough in my primary fandom that TRAs started bothering even the people who tried not to take a side. I gave up on fandom because it wasn’t worth the stress.

No. 2285003

>calling a woman a 'cunt' for misgendering some male tranny
What a fucking pathertic handmaiden.

No. 2285073

i mean it's pretty accurate

No. 2285087

I know a lot of lesbians like this, unfortunately. They tend to be over 30, white, very online and desperate to fit in with the cool kweer crowd and not be demonised as Karens. They’re all in committed relationships so pretending that they’d totes date a qt trans gorl uwu doesn’t hurt them personally but does give them nlog cred in kweerland. They treat both straight and gay TIMs exactly like they treat gay men, which is to say, as their superiors in the LGBTQWERTY hierarchy, and invariably love drag queens as well. One couple are part of my extended family and wanted to take my preschool aged daughter to a drag event with a performer whose act involves giant breastforms like the ones worn by that Canadian shop teacher. They don’t have kids themselves but there seems to be an expectation in that crowd that if you have access to children you have an obligation to expose them to queer things, and apparently simply being lesbian aunties in a loving same sex marriage isn’t queer enough to count. It’s so culty and I wish they’d snap out of it, but they’re convinced it’s either that or homophobic conservatism. Like any criticism of trans ideology automatically makes someone a conservative Christian in their minds, there’s no room for a third option.

No. 2285120

the amount of lesbian handmaidens out there is sad and it honestly makes no sense to me. i believe a lot of them just do it to get social/“woke” points. plus recognizing biological reality, wanting to preserve women-only spaces and kids to not get groomed and molested, hell even just common fucking sense, are all apparently a far-right thing now. even leftists who are idpol critical seem wary of anyone GC or against the trans shit cuz it’s been so associated with the right now, like GC leftists/socialists can’t possibly exist or something. i hate this “either or” culture we currently live in. i believe it’s a product of having two main dominant parties in america for so long it’s caused people to be so extremely polarized and if you’re not this, then you MUST be that, no ifs ands or buts about it.

No. 2285167

I’ve noticed this too. Moids can get away with anything. TIFs are happy to cancel each other over problematic two year age gaps in ships, but males can be outright pedos and it’s high art because they’re transmisogyny affected which is the most unbearable pain ever that no woman could possibly understand.

No. 2285213

>They tend to be over 30, white, very online and desperate to fit in with the cool kweer crowd
Ayrt, and that's a very accurate description of the couple in question. They also went by anime nicknames, needless to say we are not Japanese (nor was the event an anime event).
>wanted to take my preschool aged daughter to a drag event
>They don’t have kids themselves
What the actual fuck, it's not even their own kid?! Never let them babysit your daughter, they WILL poison her mind at best, and at worst secretly take her to see a child molester perform sexual skits. Religious people see it as their personal mission to convert ("save") others to their religion so no matter how many times you tell them "please don't do that, just watch her for the day" they 100% will not respect it and do the thing behind your back and tell your daughter it's a fun secret to keep from mommy. They will take you being against it as the child NEEDING to be exposed to it because you won't let them.

No. 2285363

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Pick me’s proudly posting nasty troon graffiti in the bathroom is depressing. So much for just wanting to piss in peace.

No. 2285366

>kurt travis


No. 2285400

I don't know if this is the thread for this, but do any Saul (Stacy) Goodman nonnas know of gendie organizations/accounts similar to troonsanta that I can use to grift? Preferably not restricted to burgerland. I'm tired of troons and want literal payback kek.

No. 2285574

Youtuber Rachel Oates is a perfect example of this. She's smart and well-read but she's a libfem and capes for troons, I used to think come on you're so close to getting it but lately I don't think she ever will 'get it'. The cognitive dissonance drives me mad sometimes. In a recent video criticising a book by a fundie, she talked about trans women in women's prisons and she was like "a trans woman raping a woman in prison is a bad person problem not a trans woman problem" yk the standard stuff and then she goes on to say trans women get raped in men's prisons so they can't be put there and says "what's your solution then, having trans women be raped instead?" God it's so dark in here. Suddenly they understand the danger when it's trans women getting raped in male prisons. Only they have the right to a safe space and it's at women's expense. Any other nonas watch her or any other youtubers / streamers that you want to peak?

No. 2285751

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For context, since I was a child, I have pretended to be a boy and later a man when playing online because I didn’t want to deal with misogyny. Being trans wasn't mainstream at the time. Obviously, I don’t sound like a man, so I thought by now, my online friends would assume I was a female gamer identifying as a trans man or lying about my identity. I thought they didn't ask questions because they wanted to make me feel comfortable. I really thought my close online friends knew that I was female.

Last year, one of my female online friends, someone I’ve known since childhood, told me she had started identifying as non-binary. I was curious and asked her why. To keep it brief, she became very upset, especially when we began discussing feminism and the issue of men wanting to be included, whether they are trans or not. Now freshly identifying as queer, she accused me of being a bigot for “gatekeeping” feminism. But what really shocked me was when she said I was in denial and that I was trans. Fair enough, I have presented as a man online, and we spoke while I kept up the male persona. But then she went further, claiming that I was a trans woman in denial. To my utter disbelief, she genuinely believed that I was a transphobic man refusing to transition. After all these years, she had truly thought I was a man.

Interestingly, I was told the opposite by another friend in real life, who accused me of being transphobic and said I was a trans man in denial. Why do they always jump to this conclusion?

No. 2285811

Dae get sometimes frustrated with the way trans people will be portrayed by gender critical people? I might be autistic about this kek but I really just want to see more humanized versions of these freaks depicted so that normies will see it and get a bit closer to peaking.
I know trannies, and while all of the TIMs I know are most definitely, without a doubt, prime examples of AGP, they're not outwardly consumed by a fetish 24/7. They can actually come off as nice people despite the obvious fetish. While it is deeply unnerving to me because I' in the know and I can pick up on subtle tells like a bloodhound, the normies will not. They find them odd, sometimes annoying, but they aren't aware that it is a fetish. These men can genuinely be some okay and tolerable people, ignoring the giant AGP elephant in the room. That's why a lot of gendies and TRAs love the stereotype of AGP, because it gives them something to laugh at and distract themselves. The gender critical movement focuses entirely too much on the outrageous trannies (for good reason, I TOTALLY understand) and not enough on highlighting the subtle fetishism and porn-poisoning the more personable AGP tranny has going on. They're not all wanking under the table while making anime girl voices, many of them have passionate interests and talents. I know what I'm saying might come off retarded but I'm so tired of hearing the people around me excuse the obvious porn-fried scrote in a skinny skirt because he tells a funny joke and has basic understanding of how conversations work.

No. 2285859

I sometimes want to say this but I don't bother wasting my time fielding off accusation of pickmeishism. Buying into caricatures and arguing primarily against an imagined opponent, weakens and delegitimizes the movement. But saying so makes one a tranny defender, I guess.

No. 2285872

Sometimes I think that if the modern TRA movement was ten years ahead of itself we probably would have majorly tackled it head on during a time where social issues and political opinions weren't just a way to flex on the internet. Trannies gain power in part because it's the uninformed little people actually putting in the work and being annoying lobbyists. I by no means mean to diminish the accomplishments of radical feminists at all, and I thoroughly understand their frustration with trannies and TRAs, how could I not? I am a woman surrounded by navel-gazing shitlib TRAs and troons. But while depicting AGPs as hulking homicidal pedophile psychos does the job at earning the scorn of trannies it does basically nothing to convince the public. To most well-meaning normies it is a legitimately offensive portrayal. I just hope nobody thinks I'm saying the gender critical crowd is being too mean to trannies, rather I mean that the gender critical crowd isn't doing enough to bridge the gap between the well-meaning and totally uninformed and the "in the know" peaked people (just putting this here for bad faith nonnies who skim to hopefully read this part).

No. 2285899

I do see your points! But extreme AGP cases CAN be really good for starting to peak well-meaning allies. It allows the ally to think "oh well THOSE trans people are bad", or even "those are men with a fetish pretending to be trans, they're not real trans people".
So then you can keep encouraging them to complain about AGP, framing it as "they're hurting the REAL and good trans people by making them look like fetishists, so it's important to be able to spot and call out AGPs…". So you can change their worldview from "all trans are valid" to "some are bad and not even real trans, they're not all valid". Once they've accepted that some trans people are actually bad you can under the guise of AGP talk about ALL the bad things troons do. Peaking is a slow process for a lot of people who deep in the cult. So once they've realize there are a small minority of bad AGP who are harmful and that they're very sexist they eventually realize… that nice troon they know is actually kinda obsessed with lesbians and porn, he's always asking personal details about their period… and it clicks into place that it's more common than they had thought. That it's nearly ALL of them.

But I also think most gender critical content I see is actually very fair about troons though. I like to watch a lot of detrans content and also the youtube video podcast "gender a wider lens" they have such a nice and respectful approach that I think they'd be super good for peaking people who are on the "just be nice" side. They often talk about children getting caught up in it through social contagion, gay people and homophobia, and how autism plays a role etc. So it's not framing everyone as evil pedos and freaks but often as victims (of the ideology) - while still talking about the fetishist aspects too. I think this is possibly what you're looking for nona!

No. 2285908

>that nice troon they know is actually kinda obsessed with lesbians and porn, he's always asking personal details about their period… and it clicks into place that it's more common than they had thought. That it's nearly ALL of them.
You make good points but this part is still way too far into the realm of the offensive stereotype thing. NOT saying that there aren't troons like this, of course they are. But you are naive to think that these men aren't able to understand when something genuinely crosses the line. The AGPs I know are not asking me about my period, they aren't talking about my breasts or body parts. The ones I know, and the ones a LOT of well-mesning libs know, are easygoing nerdy males. Some trannies genuinely have social decorum to know not to mention their overt fetish in public. Not saying at all that this never happens, of course this does and it's disgusting and I hope every woman in their vicinity instantly peaks, but in my humble experience I have been treated kindly by the AGPs in my social circle. I know that they are porn-addicted men. I'm never alone with them so maybe that's saved me, but if we keep depending on these men to ALWAYS make their fetishes known we are kind of just, in a lot of ways, giving the movement ammunition against us.

No. 2285955

I agree with you, anon. AGPs who behave that egregiously do exist, and I have met them, but I have also met AGP men who come across as legitimately kind and talented/smart. The soft-spoken nerdy guy with long hair who brings brownies to work and plays DND with his friends is not going to come across like a predator to most people. Many AGPs can socially mask competently, and it is no surprise that a lot of well-meaning libs who don't know them well think all that stuff about porn fetishism and child grooming is a bunch of wild conspiracy theories. After all, Alex at work doesn't do those things! But I don't really know what to do about this. You can't plausibly say that deep down, that guy is the same as all the rest but just saves it for the internet, and you can tell by the way he loves girly anime and Reddit, without sounding insane. So then what are you supposed to do? How do you convince normal people he's a risk like any other man who thinks he can distill womanhood into a pill? I really don't know, but we open ourselves up to obvious counterexamples when we pretend AGPs who can mask don't exist. It's kind of like how it doesn't benefit anyone to pretend abusers can never be kind or amicable because it leads to people failing to clock abusers. It's important to know that even the nicest wife beater is still a wife beater, just like it's important to know that even the nicest AGP is still a misogynist.

No. 2286059

File: 1733105873130.png (622.55 KB, 615x906, pinkblue.png)

Imagine having OC syndrome so rooted in your brain, anything with shades of pink, white and baby blue = trans shit.

No. 2286061

nonas, i have a curious question. is the general public “okay” with trannies now? i thought most people in society did not give a fuck about them and think it’s something weird and abnormal. are people still applying the “live and let live” shit to them? like i’ve noticed even people on the center-right, bordering on full right-wing, are becoming “okay” with them and even defending them. i have a friend that calls herself a conservative and even she has said “but i don’t want them persecuted” as i was basically talking to her about trans women not being women, and then she responded “you know what, i agree with you”, like saying tims are not women is an opinion that one can just simply agree or disagree with?? i just thought that was kind of odd considering her political stance, but she has since peaked luckily.

No. 2286094

File: 1733108111212.jpeg (544.43 KB, 1170x1770, IMG_9172.jpeg)

when ur choosing the theme of a DM on instagram “transgender” immediately pops up in your face, dead center on your screen. it’s literally just pink and blue.

No. 2286127

>So then what are you supposed to do? How do you convince normal people he's a risk like any other man who thinks he can distill womanhood into a pill?
By simply pointing out the root of the ideology is misogynistic and reduces womanhood down to sexist stereotypes. Ask them why the oppressor should have the right to identify as the oppressed and compare it to a white person identifying as black, or a straight person identifying as gay. Clarify you don't think they're ALL evil sexpests nor want them licherally genocided; but you've noticed patterns like obsession with anime and Yuri hentai, porn addiction and autism. Point out all the ways they still exercise their male entitlement and privilege and how uncomfortable it feels to have no say over your own comfort as a woman in order to prioritize the feelings of dysphoric men. Ask why women's bathrooms always need to become gender neutral and include everyone, but men are never forced to include TIMs in their safe spaces. Ask why all women have to campaign for tranny rights or we're transphobic TERF bitches, but none of our fellow trannywomen ever ever give a shit about women's rights, oppression or our reproductive rights. It really is very simple to opens someone's eyes if they haven't drank too much of the koolaid. I terfed out my mega liberal and accepting mom who has trans students, she still accepts them and uses their fake pronouns, but now understands it's a harmful trend spread through social contagion.

No. 2286156

what is up with so many of these tranny supporting moms, it makes me grateful to have a mom who hates them

No. 2286196

They're all insecure TIFs and she's very accepting of gay people, plus male trannies are extremely rare here and mostly haggot prostitutes. She's still the smartest person I know, so I knew I'd peak her easily.

No. 2286226

I know a woman like that. She's a social worker and she told me about how this one girl was trying to tell her she was trans or non binary and she knew she was doing it for attention. She's a leftist but I think because she's hardened as all fuck from growing up poor she doesn't have a lot of tolerance for histrionic bullshit.

No. 2286230

It can depend. I'm not out and about so much, but they're starting to invade the normie workforce. My dad's workplace started getting HR trainings on how to appease troonery sometime around 6 years ago. They've started getting positions at his government job lately, but he's more prone to rolling his eyes at whiny faggots than indulging nonsense. But a lot of normies will take the HR trainings as coming from a place of utmost authority and fall for the psyop. More prone to this are people who are more gullible than average, and people who love "social capital".

No. 2286326

I'm having flashbacks from middle school. I want to kick that little scrotelet.

No. 2286341

At least Korean women are becoming more and more based. Japanese women should really learn from them.

No. 2286473

Why the fuck all enbies are either turboautistic girls or pickme whores?
I can understand the first, the autism must really fuck with their brain and I know that always feeling out of place is shit so that's how the search for community (like animefans used to back in the days) but the second ones?
Their logic is that they don't like misoginy, as if other girls do and they're the pickme ones, so they opt out to it with a label and voilà, get this stupid cissie girls! I cracked the code!
But then they clearly are in for the male gaze with how they dress and act. They hate being, conceptually, a piece of meat for males and yet they love it so, so, much. So what is it? What are they trying to achieve?
I'm saying this from a bisexual woman perspective: I know what men and women like. Women won't like a single lick about this nb shtick (unless they are themselves but their view of lesbian sex is pecking and cuddling in bed), men do, because men like "special" women, which they are. Why? I feel like they don't know their enemy, which is a basic survival skill. They want to attract men but not the ebil cis average type, just the special ones like them, so they can be the truest, wokest couple. Don't they realize that men are chameleons that will change for a gram of pussy and will play along for easy access to it? It baffles me and it doesn't help that the current lgbt+++ community is sexual as fuck, those males in the communities are creepier than any man on the street.

No. 2286508

>But you are naive to think that these men aren't able to understand when something genuinely crosses the line.
You'd be surprised how many of them really do it. But usually they're not heavily breathing going "s-so Sally how m-much do you bleed out of your v-vagina?" while shaking and salivating, they'll just casually bring it up in an attempt to be "one of the girls", and woke girls very happily play along in the gay-best-friend "big sister" role, which encourages the troons to go on and do it more. They'll say they're jealous they can't have one, or even say they're glad they're trans so they can't have one and don't have to deal with the pain of it. They'll try to steer the conversation in that direction in ways females don't: "wait omg should I like carry tampons around in case a cis girl needs it??? How do you even do that, do you just walk up to them like 'hey girl I've got a tampon for you' lmao I'm new to this but I want to learn to support my cisters!". It becomes clear it's a fantasy they have.

All it takes is them acting perfectly fine and normal 99% of the time, but to slip up 1% of the time. Before peaking the nerdy males I knew who trooned out did exactly that. They seemed nice and normal - but every so often there would be a small comment that sounded off. At the time I could easily brush it off, but once I started peaking it all fell into place retroactively. The truth as we all know is that males simply do not understand or know what it's like to be female, so when they insist they are a girl/woman too they will mess up. Their entire troon world view is built on extremely sexist stereotypes to begin with. Things like the lesbian obsession wasn't always obvious from the start. It's just the guy saying things like "I just love seeing happy queer lesbian representation" and later you find out he's a manga fan, and it slowly trickles in that he's been big on yuri manga porn this whole time. But you're right in that you have to be fairly close to them and often in private, they won't reveal it to a random female on the street they don't know that well. I had one who was stupid enough to follow me on X (which he kept neutral), and by googling his username it led me to finding his yuri fetish blog. Before that I thought he was just a misguided autist troon.

No. 2286515

She sounds like someone who has talked a lot with leftists and woke people. But her saying she agrees with you is a good sign, she's clearly been told "twaw" like THAT is the one true fact. So when you tell her reality and she's faced with another opposing fact she has to choose what to believe in. She's just trying to process information, so keep helping her see reality and don't worry about details like that.

No. 2286566

I see your point, but i've come to think a lot of people actually know it's AGP. Crossdressing fetish was a thing in the collective consciousness long before AGP was coined. The issue is that it's in the realm of sexuality and 'unusual potentially dangerous things' which is taboo and uncomfortable for a lot of people. I can believe there are people who are actually naive about it, but a lot, if not most people sense that something's off. In that context, it would make sense to smash the taboo with clear examples of what AGP looks like. Still, i agree that we need to bring up subtle examples so that it doesn't look like exaggeration or libel, because women in particular are wilfully naive about sexuality and want to believe AGP is not real because it's too gross.
>Well-meaning libs
Those 'well-meaning' libs aren't, really. They simply say what they think is socially acceptable and has the apperance of morality. I can guarantee you no lib thinks TWAW and is completely oblivious to fetish, if they know TiMs. Wanting these people to peak is a dead end because they don't have a shred of integrity. Once you look at people who aren't educated middle-class libs you'll see a lot more 'perverts' and 'man in a dress' because normies are much, much more honest with what they think. The only thing that would 'peak' libs is if troons go against their self-interest in a blatant way. Most people are like that actually, you need to make it clear AGP is a fetish and fetishes are destructive if acted out publicly.

No. 2286670

It makes me so salty that men can get away with not caring while women are policed and hounded. I tend to play the clueless normie IRL to get away with literal murder deadnaming and misgendering and it works initially, but that grace period only lasts so long. Men, on the other hand, get a seemingly indefinite grace period. They’re excused with “oh but he’s trying!” even when they are very obviously not trying at all and clearly think their girlfriend is going through an embarrassing phase.

Likewise male content creators can get away with loving Harry Potter with only the occasional friendly reminder uwu that JKR is Literal Hitler whereas female streamers are harassed endlessly. I’ve seen female YTers get ripped into for ‘supporting hate’ even after putting long “JKR is evil incarnate and I call down a pox on her house amen” disclaimers on decade-old HP videos but men can make haul videos showcasing all the new HP merch they bought last week and it’s fine. I’m really salty about this right now because I’m so excited for the new HBO series and I really want to be a cringy fangirl online in a way that’s a bit hard to keep anonymous (costumes etc.) but because I’m a woman that would open me up to harassment. I just wish I could get away with claiming not to know or care about “the controversy” like men do.

No. 2286747

File: 1733157403715.jpg (141 KB, 750x745, tumblr_7040d592d692626aa2076c7…)

There's no way this many people right now are actually trans. Since watching a friend of mine get groomed by Tumblr, I just could not get behind any of this that spread to the rest of the internet.

None of the pro trans memes come across as wholsome to me, even if they're truly lighthearted. People start adopting a certain personality that labels people as bigots or other awful terms. The stories I'm reading on here confirms it. They end up all acting the same, they also cannot join fandom spaces without acting like jackasses. I didn't want to believe that it's mostly a fetish like AGP but it pretty much is with so many of them. Also nobody wants to admit people are going through a trans phase after the phase is over.

>They identified as trans once, they were still valid!

>They detransitioned when they realized it was not for them!

Now it's
>Haha we hate THOSE detransitioners that say they regret it, amirite?
>Detransitioners said that being trans would solve their depression. Nobody told them that!
>I hate detransitioners, they got the help to transition when I didn't. They're not valid anymore.

No. 2286749

File: 1733157453117.png (69.8 KB, 613x475, terfs.png)

Trannies be like 'no no, we don't want to touch your kids' while protecting the homophobic and misogynists ones.

No. 2286840

I have a troon that takes care of themselves who is dating a male friend in my life who says that they’re anti porn and has repeated some lukewarm radfem takes in random conversations. I’m not sure what to think to be honest but it’s interesting. Not sure if it’s a LARP or not. It’s weird for me to think of this person as a male as well which I wouldn’t have thought I would ever say.

No. 2286888

It all clicks into place once you realize that the current transgender craze basically functions like a new religious movement (cult) for left-leaning people (mostly young people) who are lonely, hate their bodies, have trauma (usually from sexual assault), or otherwise feel like they don’t fit in.

Just replace phrases like
>I can feel the Holy Spirit, I am filled with Christ’s love
>Gender affirming clothes (spinny skirt and striped socks) give me gender euphoria

>I have been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, I am Born Again
>HRT and top surgery have enabled me to become my true self

Likewise, when someone leaves the group (detransitioning is basically becoming an atheist in the Church of Gender), you used to hear
>They were never really a true Christian to begin with
but now it’s
>They were never really trans

Nobody is actually trans because humans cannot actually change sex. If you feel like you have an X brain in a Y body, or you should have been born a Y instead of an X, it is due to some sort of mental illness or trauma in your life that should be addressed through competent therapy. Cutting off body parts and forcing those around you to play along with your delusion is not the solution.

No. 2287198

atayrt but yes, i know for a fact that she has hung around a lot of people like that, like shitlibs. she’s been on tumblr and hung out in quite a few discord servers, me and her were both in one that had a tranny or two in it one time. she didn’t hang out with these people bc of their political views or beliefs tho, she’s more of a “chill” type of conservative, although i do believe she could have been influenced a little to where she was starting to slightly feel sympathetic for trannies and have possible thought processes like “they just want to be theirselves, they’re not harming anybody”. im obviously not saying all of this is 100% true, but it could very well be possible. some may think that the people you often hang around with is not going to influence you in some way when it eventually does and a lot of times you don’t even realize it. i think a lot of people greatly underestimate the power of social contagion.

but ever since then she has realized way more about them. she straight up hates them now kek, but i wouldn’t be surprised if someone in one of the discord servers or a friend of her’s were trying to brainwash her into trans ideology. maybe not outright brainwash, but doing it in more of a sneaky, ambiguous manner.

No. 2287279

>humans cannot actually change sex
people are so stupid these days that this actually needs to be said

No. 2287434

File: 1733188705572.jpeg (234.86 KB, 1100x519, IMG_9173.jpeg)

sorry, but the straight people who dismiss you and your wife as a lesbian couple are the correct ones here. neither you nor your wife are lesbians. you are a moid and your wife is either bisexual or one of those annoying straight women (that you’re oh so ironically complaining about in your own comment) that say they’re a lesbian when they’re actually not. it’s also so funny how a TiM is complaining about being fetishized. the amount of irony this comment has is truly something else. i swear reddit should just go ahead and name their website “tranny haven” or something. i highly doubt there are actual lesbians on there, despite there being two subreddits called “r/actuallesbians” and “r/actuallylesbians”. fucking kek.

No. 2287797

>when one of us is treated as predatory
>one of us

That nonsense about fetishising is 100% projection/wish fulfilment fantasy. Wanting to be sexually objectified is at the very core of male transidentification, whether gay or straight.
I really think we need to do a lot more consciousness-raising around the phenomenon of male projection. So much of what men accuse women of is pure projection and once you’re aware of that it actually gives you a very good insight into what men really think of us. It also further reveals what nasty little perverts TIMs and their chasers are. For example, note how no gendercritical people have ever proposed ‘genital inspections’ when it comes to TIMs in women’s spaces yet somehow all the TRAs are screeching about it. TIMs with exhibitionist and humiliation fetishes are the ones who put that idea out there. They don’t fear these imaginary genital inspections, they get off to the idea. And their stupid handmaidens are unknowingly participating in that fetish.

No. 2288537

damn fiona apple is right, there really is no hope for women lol

No. 2288563

Jesus fucking christ it doesn't matter what video I watch, literally doesn't matter what wild subject I pick, they still always immediately go to "troon good, wizard author evil".

No. 2288575

Keep peaking her! Tell her about their cult strategies too, and always empathize thinking for herself and that truly "kind" people who respect others and strive for real diversity wouldn't say "if you don't agree, you're evil and should die". I think it's helpful to once in a while send some ridiculous AGP troon insisting he's a lesbian or toddler fetishist pedo or something silly to be concerned and laugh at him. Just constant reminders that THAT is who those people keep defending.

No. 2288632

Kek they always think everyone and anyone wants their smegma dick. Dude no one wants you, we’re all grossed out apart from your other lovely troons. Even the handmaidens who swear they’re women don’t even prefer them kek.

No. 2288633

Spot on nonna.

No. 2288655

File: 1733265396746.jpg (324.38 KB, 1080x848, halimede.jpg)

This reminds me of one of my least favorite xitters. It's a troon roleplaying as a woman who wants to fuck troons really badly. It's supposed to be satirizing how desperate real women are for dysfunctional estrogen dick and mocking how pathetic and transphobic these chasers are, but the fact that numerous troons thought it was a real woman and were heartbroken when they found out it was a parody roleplay account says it all.

No. 2288804

Kekking at the word games. If this is a problem that effects everybody, then why consider it a women's rights issue? Doesn't that "alieniate" men and nonbinaries who get pregnant, are these not their rights? Not to mention the "people with a capacity for pregnancy" thing… You can't even legally say "female" for this iirc.

No. 2288856

I got banned on Reddit today for saying that it's disgusting to read about sucking dick advice in a lesbian subreddit. I want to alog. I need to make a new social media platform that instantly bans trannies and men.

No. 2288869

I have a confession
I don't care what someone identifies as… kinda. I'm extremely biased to mtf because 9/10 they're just creepy men. I'm also biased if a tif is ugly. I think I'm just shallow or something or just want to stay away from people who look like perverts.

No. 2288870

Her fucking manic wide eyed autism stare and blinking… He did in fact gag her and made her look insane.
>One in 5 trans people attempt suicide because you won't pretend pregnant women fucking up their babies with testosterone are men!!
You're a fucking black woman. You've faced more discrimination in one day than a tranny can face in a lifetime and here you are with your septum piercing acting like tifs who get called mom instead of uterus-having birthing parent are the people most affected by obstetric violence. Shut the fuck up.

No. 2288891

what the actual fuck, let me guess it was r/actuallesbians?? i swear reddit is the most dick worshipping site out there

No. 2289002

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No. 2289099

If she's talking about abortions and shit or whatever she's fucking throwing women under the bus by talking about trannies.
God fucking dammit we are going to get all our rights taken away because the only people who actually are pro choice these days are fucking handmaidens to troons.
I hate feeling like as a woman, neither political parties actually fucking care about my rights.
These psychos actually see me as fucking privilaged, meanwhile I found out forced birther websites are trying to encourage women to not terminate their ectopic pregnancies.
I want to cry….

No. 2289105

No. 2289108

>found out forced birther websites are trying to encourage women to not terminate their ectopic pregnancies
Excuse me?

No. 2289121

I'm scared.
If leftists could just fucking drop the tranny shit and realize a troon killing themselves is not the same as a woman dying from a miscarriage we might be able to prevent women from losing their rights.

No. 2289128

Holy shit these people are crazy. "I held my tiny aborted baby in my hand and cried because I was a murderer." Not to be crass, but even if this were real, I would not dig a weird fetal abomination out of a dirty toilet filled with blood and excrement.
I do understand your feelings, anon. Sometimes it feels insane knowing there are entire organizations dedicated to caping for men who want to force everyone to participate in their grotesque fetishes while women are still struggling to not be seen as subhuman. It's sick.

No. 2289131

For every one of these handmaidens that had enough clarity to not spread low value male genes and feel guilty afterwards there's at least 1000 women who have abortions and feel relieved that they dodged a bullet they weren't prepared for.
Why can't moids use this woman hating energy to solve the absent father. Why aren't those men devoted husbands providing for their offspring?
Ugh. I dont know. I hate it. It scares me and I want to cry and talk to a nonna that understands. I fucking hate trannies for turning the very serious topic of women's health that second wave feminists fought tooth and nail for into "sOmEtImEs MeN gEt PrEgNaNt"
No they don't.
Shut the fuck up. You are going to kill us all.

No. 2289143


No. 2289178

File: 1733310588892.png (12.63 KB, 318x230, 65465.png)

(The caption in question was for a drawing of a character transwash with a huge trans flag in the background)
Joined a discord group for the first time (super chill except for picrel who won't stop sending tranny shit) and so it's the first time I get in contact 1-1 with trans people, as I simply ignore/mute them on social media. I found it interesting how they already know they will get a shower of compliments for the shittiest art as long as it has trans stuff on it, there really isn't anything behind it but attention seeking uh…

No. 2289179


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2289199

I think that is sarcasm, anon.

No. 2289203

If that were said by another person I would agree with you but considering how he has been acting until now, unfortunately I don't think that's the case…
Specially since he has been plastering that drawing in the server daily really proud of it and talking about how nice and accepting people are there.

No. 2289231

Not going back to retarddit to cap rn but in the nail sub im in some tranny posted hand like “I’m trans and did my nails for the first time uwuuuuu” and it looked fine like they were a nice set of nails nothing too fancy but I was livid bc the need to put TRANS on the post title to ensure maximum asspats and minimum critique I’m just so tired

No. 2289246

They have got to be the most narcissistic, attention-whoring group of people on the face of this earth. Also anytime there’s a post on a subreddit that mentions someone being trans or anything related to trannyism, you can be 99% sure that it will get tons of upvotes.

No. 2289270

I believe you nonna. They are absolutely delusional. I have this one guy on multiple discords related to a niche hobby posts his selfies and each once is steeped in 'I'm so hot' and 'thrist trapping the server rn' captions that aren't sarcasm in the least. This ugly moid genuinely thinks he's hot. And he isn't the only one. Every single troon in my hobby has some cope profile about how hot they are.

I don't get it. I don't understand it. This undue confidence to think they're the hottest shit. I have met some of the most beautiful women and they are convinced they are fat or ugly and need to improve themselves and wouldn't think to post a selfie to an open forum for one second due to cripple self worth. How is it this men get such big egos for zero reason and women have to suffer with insecurity? I hate it.

Also I've noticed a gross trend on Pinterest. I was looking for inspiration for an outfit and it was transition timeline goals. They show an ugly moid before and a beautiful supposedly 'trans woman' after but on Pinterest when you click it, it shows related photos and the after photo was straight up just a woman. A woman who kind of resembled the start pic but an actual woman.

So this is what they're doing now? Lying by using unsuspecting women's photos as 'after' for their troon BS? Not only is it gross to use women's photos its gross to trick other pornsick men into thinking that it's physically possible to look like that. It isn't.

I felt like I was crazy pills seeing a whole bunch of them. I wonder if I can report the pins and get them taken off just for the sake of these women.

No. 2289284

File: 1733322879052.jpg (424.35 KB, 1080x1267, 1000005194.jpg)

No handmaid why you hate yourself? Hurts to see a woman prostrate asking a bunch of men for tran mercy. How any women isn't at least crypto by now boggles my mind.

No. 2289289

I hate how whenever I try to look up anything about female hormones (effects of estrogen in birth control pills, PMDD hormone treatment, etc) nowadays the results are full of information about men pumping themselves full of estrogen that they don't need. So now not only do we have to deal with women's health not being studied enough, but information about it is harder to actually find now too.

No. 2289299

bullshit, most of them would be elated that a woman didn't clock them immediately

No. 2289306

kek this is called karma farming

No. 2289359

i don't even need to see the comment section, it's full of 'omg don't you realize??? she had tears in her eyes because of the gender euphoria [boner]'. gag.

No. 2289363

File: 1733327758643.jpg (146.58 KB, 720x735, 1729456896592.jpg)

I was in a female washroom today at work when my period started. I tried to get a sanitary pad from the dispenser there, but the cleaner lady informed me that it's broken. She got worried about me, asked me to wait and ran like 100m to grab a pad from the medical center we have at work. It was such a heartwarming moment of female solidarity and compassion, this is why women's toilets are so needed.

No. 2289364

same, but also: try the pcos subreddit

No. 2289371

I’ve seen men online post about trolling troons by making those before/after pictures with real women. It’s supposed to make post-op troons feel bad that they haven’t achieved the same result and make more pre-op troons delusional enough to pursue surgery too. Though I don’t doubt that some of them are made by actual TIMs or other men with a transformation fetish.

Yeah, that didn’t happen.

No. 2289555

Whenever I hear "they just want to pee" I always reply "but women don't" and go on to explain girls and women use restrooms for: dealing with periods, having miscarriages, dealing with pregnancy illness and escaping suspicious and threatening males. If male troons truly just wanted to pee, they'd have no problem going into pee in the men's restroom where they are always welcome on the account of being male

No. 2289627

Listening to SCOTUS arguments. Elizabeth Prelogar is saying that puberty blockers have no effect in themselves on fertility and are just "pressing pause" on puberty.

No. 2289653

plot twist it was a TIF who recently got a hysterectomy

No. 2289665

This is so true kek. Every troon I've seen on discord and twitter are always so full of themselves yet starved for validation from others. Saw a troon that would literally ping everyone just to shower him with compliments then get mad when someone didn't praise him enough, and constantly kept posting thirst traps (ew) on twitter and everywhere else while saying he's super hot. It's so embarrassing, makes me laugh at how delusional they are. They think putting on some black cheap clothes they got from shein automatically turns them into some sort of goth baddie unironically. Extra funny when they start flirting with actual straight men who are just disgusted by them too.

No. 2289698

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>I’ve seen men online post about trolling troons by making those before/after pictures with real women
I must admit it's very funny of them

No. 2289826

outright lies with zero evidence. these people are so unscrupulous

No. 2289860

It's shocking how they still spew literal lies so easily. At this point it's not even just a lie from ignorance, there are so many people who have been hurt by it who are actively speaking out against it in public so it's a purposeful lie to harm victims further.
I hope everyone who promoted puberty blockers in any way get sued to hell and treated as a gender-nazi by future generations

No. 2290031

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why are they like this

No. 2290051

what would happen if I gave the most terfy answers possible?

No. 2290066

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define terfy lmao, if you pick "same gender" mostly or all you can get a normie lgb result. here's mine after going through their insufferable questions.

No. 2290082

File: 1733361586247.jpeg (756.5 KB, 1125x1891, 9DECD16D-7A87-48C8-B580-7C7FBB…)

If you want to try it out
Apparently being selective about my partners and prioritizing female friendships results in an insatiable desire for froggy hats.

No. 2290102

are you straight? i suppose if a straight woman has her own life and interests outside of men, she's regarded as abnormal or sexually maladjusted. or even if she's bi/gay, and wants to take time getting to know someone before fucking them, that makes them totally an ace of some sort. what a retarded quiz.

No. 2290118

Unfortunately yes. I decenter men from my life and don’t stress about making them a part of it, which means I am asexual.

No. 2290166

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everything i read about srs is so terrifying. why would you do this? just to say you have a pussy? you can't even have sex kek. this is from Boku ga Watashi ni Naru Tame ni by the way, if anyone else is morbidly curious – i'm only here because i wanted to read more autobiographical manga by women (Chiaki Harada's Suspicious Diary was really fun, and i did enjoy the manga posted about the tif up thread) and this popped up

No. 2290178

>had their intestines cut out
Is this a TIM? I dont know how the rot dog shit works but it feels like cutting out your guts would be more of a hole building procedure
either way it makes me wanna vomit

No. 2290184

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(found on tumblr)

No. 2290209

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a TIM. You probably already know this but when they don't have enough "depth" bc the TIM has a tiny deformed or shrunken dick from estrogen, the surgeon extends the "canal" using intestine. It's fucking disgusting. I can't even imagine the smell when the post-op goes wrong, as it inevitably will because troons are fucking filthy.

No. 2290219

jesus fucking christ if someone thinks they need their fucking colon mutilated to "feel like they are in the right body" how is that not grounds for severe fucking mental illness?

No. 2290412

It's a body mod cult. They lie to each other and say that neovaginas are indistinguishable from "cis" vaginas and function exactly the same. Complaining about your own surgery results is highly frowned upon in the trans community and anyone who does gets told to be patient, it will totally be perfect and functional soon. Criticizing other people's surgery results is a bannable offense. Going to cheap surgeons is often encouraged. Going out of country is often encouraged. Going for unusual procedures including "non-binary" surgeries to get two sets of genitals, or to get everything completely removed, is cheered on. They are just that determined to fuck up their bodies, and once it's done, they're determined to get others to do the same because misery loves company.

No. 2290416

womxn and womyn are both old spellings that remove the word "men" from women, this goes back decades

No. 2290592

Next panel could easily say "maybe if we pretend to be gay men together it'll feel more real"

No. 2290593

It's a radfem comic, blue shirt is a gnc terf.

No. 2290600

The difference between the responses from my cleaner and that clown from >>2289284 makes it clear that TIMs are nothing but narcissists who need to make everything about themselves.

Kek, basically every gnc girl I know is facing this struggle when dealing with super snowflake nbs and TIFs sharing fandoms with them.

No. 2290605

I love performative spellings of “woman.”Maybe next we can try out “woxxx” this eliminates the word man altogether. And if we keep using it this too could become a word that goes back decades, making it more valid for some reason(baiting in multiple threads)

No. 2290606

On this topic, does anyone find the word "gyns" (tumblry radfem alternative to "guys") incredibly cringe?

No. 2290618

No. 2290623

When you're in a fandom and your long time friends are committed TIFs (nonbinary), is there any hope of subtly peaking them?

No. 2290628

It is cringe but I think most people know this and are using it ironically? I might be wrong

No. 2290629

nonbinaries are easier to peak if they havent medically transitioned and dont have a sunk cost fallacy on their body to keep them delusional. A majority of themlets troon out because of trauma in the first place, and will snap out when they realize its impossible to escape womanhood/biology and that TIMs are still predatory and do not exempt TIFs from their abuse + snark. He/Theys or people who fully commit to identifying as a man, regardless of truscum or fakeboi, are way too far in it and can only peak/detransition on their own terms.
Be mindful that anti-trans rhetoric from the perspective of someone in the cult can be met with hostility, until the scales are lifted from their eyes and they can see these criticisms under a new perspective unwired from the trans cult, only then will they peak fully.
I remember during the last moments before I peaked, i thought think TERF rhetoric was needlessly cruel until I saw for myself how TIMs behave in person. Thats when I finally decided to give these ideas a chance, and took the plunge into peaking.

No. 2290657

I’m watching a meet the cast for squid game season 2 and of course there’s a tranny character. Played by a normal guy of course but still barf. Hope he dies early

No. 2290659

How do you start the intro to peaking to enbies

No. 2290668

I always have to roll my eyes when radfems attempt this. From the perspective of a gendie, you trying to peak her is as unwelcome as an MRA trying to indoctrinate you would feel to you. It's not subtle, it's usually cringe, and it's almost always useless.

No. 2290674

It's worth it if you're doing it to a woman.

No. 2290684

I don't think so. You're both adults who have the freedom and control to believe whatever you want and live the lives you want. Unless you're on the level of Daryl Davis you don't have a chance, and even then, the average TIF is more misogynistic than the average woman and they think you're their oppressor. Only the TIM flavor of male violence seems to change them because then they can't brush it off with 'hah, I'm not the right target for that' or 'they're just a stupid bigot.'
I just pretend to be those "any pronouns" ones and fade out of the conversation if it turns towards trans shit. Fandom friends are for fandom only, anything else is a bonus.

No. 2290690

this is kinda funny icl. if i were to use it, it would be for an ironic ott feminazi lean in. Like playing up the boogeyman character liberals strawmen terfs into. idk how you could use it seriously since it sounds like people who are anal about saying gynoid instead of android for fembots

No. 2290710

I don’t think it is. When I was an enby in fandom and peaking myself, I tried talking to my friends about my doubts. They agreed with me on everything and were identifying that way for all the same reasons as me. By all means, we should have peaked together. But they never arrived at the logical conclusion of it all and they stopped talking to me when I stopped IDing as enby.

I didn’t understand why, but looking back, I think it’s because I’d had a rock bottom moment where I was put on a 72-hour hold and then started getting real treatment for sexual trauma. People join cults to cope and they never got a wakeup call that their cope wasn’t working or got introduced to better ways to cope. I think moments like that can only happen organically.

No. 2290724

Not that I have any experience with interacting with NBs as I would rather kill myself than tiptoe around their fragile identities, but I imagine talking about feminism in general would work better than talking about gender critical stuff specifically. Aidens and enbies are often sooo close to getting it, it's like their inner feminist took an abrupt wrong turn along the way, but the foundation of understanding is there. The reality of women experiencing misogyny and violence due to biological sex has got to sink in eventually.

No. 2290756

Even when everything goes perfectly the hole ends up smelling like feces, because that’s just how intestinal tissue is. It doesn’t stop being intestinal tissue just because they moved it around a bit. It can’t be fully sterilised either so the fauxginal flora (bacteria) ends up very similar to intestinal flora.
One thing that I’ve never wanted to think about but I saw being brought up recently is depth; a lot of them report having inadequate depth for penetration even when the surgery goes well and they keep up with dilation. Men who’ve had sex with post-op TIMs also report that the ‘vagina’ is unusually shallow. So, what happens if a man sticks his dick in too deep and too forcefully? Does the wound bust open? Can they end up with a hole into their abdominal cavity?
This is actual body horror and I don’t know how so many people can act like it’s normal.

And even when they do complain about their results they always act like their case is a freaky exception and not remotely representative of that type of surgery. Just because they almost died and their surgeon ghosted them and they’re about to go in for their eighth revision surgery and their family is bankrupt and they are miserable and more suicidal than ever doesn’t mean it was a mistake! They regret nothing!! It may still be the right choice for you!!!

No. 2290831

My sister started testosterone this morning. Devastated and feel like I failed her but I have to pretend to be happy for her or she’ll shun me.

No. 2290882

Firstly it's NOT your job to peak them. Your best option is to silently slowly leave and to find friends who aren't in a cult.

However they can be peaked! But it depends on what kind of enby they are, are they green haired microdosing on T themlets, or are they normie looking girls who just call themselves nonbinary? The former may be too far gone.
Use specific AGP pedo troons as an example, you can grab one from the mtf threads. Say that that kind of person upsets you because it makes other trans people (such as your friends) look bad. Subtly point out you think people are afraid to call them out because they're afraid to come off as anti-trans when in reality trans people are normal people and of course some are going to be bad and evil, so the bad people should naturally be called out. Whenever they complain that it's "just one or two bad apples" and not worth focusing on, you keep saying "but they keep making trans people like YOU look bad! I don't want that for you as your friend.". Get them to hate AGPs, then all tims.
Also talk about feminism here and there, specifically female struggles and how men oppress females.
Any time they join in in either slagging off tims or agreeing with feminism, support them and hear them out fully - basically socially reward them a lot, give them a compliment like "your perspective is always so interesting", "discussing things with you is so fun". These people are sensitive to social pressure (hence trooning out) so that tactic usually works really well on them.

No. 2290886

>if a man sticks his dick in too deep and too forcefully? Does the wound bust open? Can they end up with a hole into their abdominal cavity?
Yes, yes they can. Detrans men are more open with it, the "wall" between their surgically inverted dick hole and their anus is really thin so it could break. In fact they do often have complications without even having sex, fistulas/holes forming so actual poop leaks into their "vagina".

No. 2290887

>but I have to pretend to be happy for her or she’ll shun me.
No you do not. Let her shun you. Be clear that you love her but that you don't approve of her taking testosterone.

When/if she ever peaks she'll be more upset you didn't even try to stop her even though you knew she was destroying herself. Imagine her in the future crying because she's balding and infertile, she can't ever have the baby she now craves. You both know you could have tried to stop her but you smiled and nodded along.

No. 2290889

it was a man using the word (of course it was), and when i saw it i looked it up and found that it is used to be "inclusive" to the gender cult so even if it has been used for decades, it's changed meaning at least. when i saw it i was hoping it wasn't another one of those retarded "latinx" things. crazy how normal words have to be censored or else trannies will kill themselves


No. 2290891

>And even when they do complain about their results they always act like their case is a freaky exception and not remotely representative of that type of surgery.
Every single troon be like: "I had no complications at all! Just needed 5 revisions, nearly bled to death a couple of times, a really big fistula that can't heal right, my heart stopped once, the 6th surgery is in two months, I'm bed ridden for 3 months after that and will shit myself regularly for the rest of my life - saved my life, 10/10!"

No. 2290893

Yeah, if I was still a gendie, this sort of thing would freak me out and turn me off radfeminism for a good while longer.

No. 2290917

At least draw some boobs on the gnc woman so it's easier to tell

No. 2290922

It disturbs me that it's mostly women doing the non binary they/them thing, or he/him thing.
I believe these women are trying to distance themselves from being female because of the baggage that comes with it. We are victimized by scrotes for being female, and most societies are constantly shaming and shitting on women for literally everything.
Even from a young age i remember being feminine being treated like a n inferior, degrading, humiliating and disgusting thing by peers and media.
Scrotes will hate and shit on us for literally everything we do, how our bodies work, what we like or dislike, our age, etc. sometimes scrotes even make up things to hate us for.
So when you hear all this bullshit about how gross and annoying all women supposedly are, but you obviously aren't any of those things, then you will want to distance yourself from the female label.

No. 2290927

I hate this too. I look up women specific information and the article drags out with shit like "ASSIGNED FEMALE AT BIRTH!" Like just say female jfc.

No. 2290946

Depends on how old she is. If younger than 20, it may be just a phase or a way to be appear cool. If her brain has already matured - it's a lost cause.

But why should you care about them? I would weaponise my autism and call the entire gender stuff dumb in the discord channel (as I once did, with no consequences whatsoever - mind you, it was years ago). It's a great filtering tactic.

No. 2290954

I got called ace and other retarded terms all the time too for just not telling every random person about my sexual preferences online and not being a porn addict. You can literally tell them you've had relationships, have had sex, even that you actually have a high libido and just prefer to keep things like that private, and they will still paint you as asexual just because you don't post nsfw shit on your social media / don't objectify women every 5 seconds, keep things between you and your partner, and think whoring yourself out is bad. You can tell they don't go outside because irl almost everyone understands it's weird to be so open about your weird fetishes and degeneracy in public, literally none of the shit they do is normal and by their logic my boomer parents or anyone above the age of 30 who isn't a terminally online coomer would be asexual.

No. 2290956

How? What is she saying that points towards radfems at all? Anon is laying out a very basic guide for getting people to question troonery. People who peak from the MtF threads in /snow/ start by being repulsed by the worst offenders out there, plus the surgery pics.
Helping tifs escape the cult by showing them what troons try to hide has nothing to do with radfems on a basic level. It's just being honest?

No. 2290963

Some of you sound so retarded
>Ohh if I was a TIF I'd find you creepy and MRA-ish and it would turn me off feminism forever!!!!!
Are we forgetting these women are consistently surrounded by literal rapist trannies they're forced to address as "she" and chant mea culpas about how they're ackshually the most oppressed women while these dudes post about wanting to violently rape "pooners" and steal their uteruses? Are we forgetting feminists don't regularly convert into MRAs but it's very common for TIFs to finally peak and become radfems? Are we forgetting these women are in a literal cult, not just a metaphorical one?

No. 2291045

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>Authorities have blocked the website of online gender clinic GenderGP from users in Singapore as its doctors are not registered to practice here.
>Founded by English physician Helen Webberley in 2015, GenderGP is a registered entity in Singapore.
>MOH had warned GenderGP on Oct 22 to stop providing medical services to Singapore-based users, after finding that the platform's doctors based outside the country had provided teleconsultation and issued a prescription to one person here.
>"GenderGP has been warned not to re-offend," the authorities said, adding that failure to comply can lead to a fine of up to S$100,000 (US$74,000), a maximum jail term of 24 months or both. Repeat offenders face harsher penalties.
>In the joint reply on Wednesday, Singapore authorities said Dr Webberley is not a registered medical practitioner with the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) and therefore cannot practise in Singapore.

No. 2291075

agreed, not to mention the potential health risks and the amount of money they could blow on nightmare surgeries. at that point it's just looking out for people you care about (and yes, they might want medical intervention now, but troonism loves to push people towards these things). if i had a friend who wanted cosmetic surgery or was in an environment that pushed cosmetic surgery, i'd try to turn her away from that too. also the implication that most gendies could sniff out radical feminism is so out of touch kek, most of them still wrongfully associate it with conservative tradthots and actually have to be told not to share posts they agree with because "op is a terf". i also find it suspicious that we've discussed how to best peak people numerous times throughout these threads, but this is the first time i've seen these stupid points being brought up. offended thembie? with the prevalence of egg-cracking culture, they're not really in a place to talk…

No. 2291093

We've been getting a noticeable influx of tumblr losers within the past day or so. They're giving their stupid asses away all over multiple threads because they can't integrate. They think every single post needs their opinion because they don't realize this isn't their dashboard. Hoping it dies down soon.
That's one of the things that annoys me about troonerism the most. We have been set back so far in the fight against plastic surgery. These stupid faggots have made cutting yourself open for male coom a fun and trendy thing. People die from anesthesia complications undergoing necessary surgery, why would you risk that for #aesthetics?

No. 2291134

You either have to give it time or it doesn't happen at all. The community they surround themselves with will eventually peak them if they're aren't completely unhinged themselves. The way it's set up, any line of questioning is totally haram and shot down on site as bigotry, so that's a no go. Maybe just feed that voice in the back of their mind that knows something is off with your own niave skeptism.

This is why I don't really feel anything negative towards TIFS. Women are more prone to social conditioning tactics since we're socialized to be submissive and agreeable, and pretty much every TIF I've met has been nice enough, although I think hormones fuck with them cause they are usually really depressed

No. 2291145

ayrt I'm not even a radfem kek and it's all very similar to how my friend peaked me from being a handmaiden. My friend would show me some AGP photos and rage about them, partly for making "real dysphoric troons" look bad so I wouldn't worry she was "transphobic" all of a sudden. She'd also later show me Blaire White videos making fun of AGPs, that was a safe way to introduce me to more points against troons because it was coming from an actual trans person who was saying the same anti-trans things she was saying. But he also makes fun of enbies so idk if his videos would work as well on them.

So if pointing out that an old man in diapers calling himself a baby girl and shitting himself in the name of trans and forcing himself into female restrooms with real kids in them makes you react with "omg how can you be such a transphobic and bigoted radfem" then fair enough, you're a lost cause. So just cut contact with these people because they're literally brainwashed and not worth your time.

No. 2291147

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>being feminine being treated like an inferior, degrading, humiliating thing
And mtfs are so misogynistic they see it as a fact of womanhood while the ftms transition to attempt to escape it. Posts like picrel make me sad because she understands she'll never be accepted while still not understanding mtfs aren't misunderstood victims.

No. 2291156

>many transwomen have confused exploitation for acceptance
Girl, that is part of the fetish. The entire point of it, you could say. I think the reason this has all taken off is bc trannies prey on people who are just a little too slow.

No. 2291164

I couldn’t hide it and started crying when I saw her in person, so mission accidentally accomplished. She said she had doubts and fears too and was scared but she knew she needed it and wouldn’t back down.

No. 2291174

>nonbinaries are easier to peak
I don't know, it depends, there are different types of enbies/TiFs with different outcomes, feel free to correct these impressions
>normie chill girly they/them
Will peak on her own. Basically a normal woman with slight handmaiden tendencies, might peak if exposed to enough misogyny from TiMs
>autistic TiF/enby
Usually a complex mix of shame from being the 'inferior' sex, irritation at peers for feminine bullying and black and white judgment of her own self (this part of me is good and man-like, this one's bad and womanly). Getting her to realize she can't erase her undesirable traits is the way. Advising her so she dates and matures sexually outside of anime coom helps too. Receptive to discussions about gendie misogyny but tread carefully
>nerdy/quirky non-autistic TiF/enby
Very similar to the previous one but they usually troon out because they think it exempts them from feminine policing, but they're actually really feminine on some key aspects (into bodymod/drastic looks alterations, severe body issues, insecurity etc.). It's odd, either they get bored and quietly detrans or persist, can be convinced with common sense advice like 'you'll never pass with your frame' or 'you'll be bald'. Sadly they take hormones and fuck themselves up even if they're 'just' NB
The hardest to peak, likely to have a major crisis if peaked because whatever caused her to troon out has not been addressed. It's very hard to get them to let go of gender as cope but they're receptive to horrifying surgeries and the issue of not being desirable anymore, to an extent

No. 2291693

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In a thread about a pervert coming out to his mom as a pervert: group brainwashing. Any resistance to the idea of getting your dick chopped off and spending your life as a cross-dressing autistic alarm bell is manipulation, hatred. Demonizing probably the only people that actually care about this dude because they care enough about him to pump the brakes when he starts talking crazy, how depressingly trans. It's a cult and they want you just as miserable and alone as they are.

No. 2291990

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>Reduxx has learned that a trans-identified male sex offender was quietly transferred into a women’s prison in Minnesota, despite having been convicted of sexually abusing a girl under the age of 13 years old. Daniel Patrick Benz, 38, filed a civil rights complaint on February 27, 2023, which resulted in his transfer into Minnesota’s only women’s prison.

No. 2292078

How would you rank social media sites in terms of their userbase being pro-tranny? Blue Sky must be the most tranny-centric while Spinster is anti-tranny by design.

No. 2292156

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>motivated by jealousy
KEKKK, we’re all actually jealous of troons guys, that’s what our problem with them REALLY is. said by a moid himself.

No. 2292157

Embarrassing. Why do scrotes always default to THE H8ERZ IS JEALOUS when someone opposes them.

No. 2292174

File: 1733493805024.jpeg (39.4 KB, 667x1000, IMG_4962.jpeg)

Troons famously run on middle school logic

No. 2292175

Kek the fact this picture uses the wrong "compliment" ties it together

No. 2292193

I suppose it does make me jealous that women had to spend centuries campaigning for the rights we have now while moids in skirts only needed a decade to get every single "right" they asked for including the dismantling of nearly all our protections. You got me there, Shaun.

No. 2292337

It's sad that he's likable when he's not spouting bullshit like this. What jealousy do you think he's talking about? "You're jealous that trans people are brave enough to be their true selves and fight the system" or "you're jealous that trans women are so fuckable"? I've heard both, variously.

No. 2292366

This moid is actually likable? I don’t know much about him other than he’s a leftist youtuber, but honestly, I’m starting to not even like leftist moids either. They all support the genderwoo and bend the knee to the trannies, especially the white Western ones. Most of the ones I’ve seen are anti-TERF, which in my book just translates to “anti-women’s rights” or just simply “anti-woman”.

No. 2293392

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No. 2293414

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Meh, my guess is that it’s the Ellen Page phenomenon.
>young actress with cute typecast hits 30s
>aging out of typecasted roles
>identity crisis
>troons out and destroys her body instead of just accepting herself as a naturally aging woman
It’s a shame.

No. 2293422

I highly doubt ellen page trooned out because of her aging. She was constantly getting objectified and got so much shit because of her sexuality, I know other lesbians like her. Even after she trooned out she was still getting objectified by scrotes

No. 2293447

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Hate to do lookism but the different of the gay movements and tranny movements are clear in the looks of the parents shown in picrel. Parent on the left is clearly just some normal guy and happens to have a gay son, there is weight in him saying that he is proud of his son. Parent on the left was clearly involved in tranny shit before, there is no weight in what is being said. The gay rights movement and troon rights movement are not the same

No. 2293464

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Repost from MTF but can we talk about how fucking based Nancy Mace is? Not a burger so I don't wanna comment on their politics but it's so retarded when people on both sides seethe at feminists being happy when a right wing woman gets shit done for our rights. AOC is never gonna peak.

No. 2293468

there's a difference in the slogans used too, the one on the left has one plain and simple but specifies the most important thing, that he's proud of his son and not afraid to show it. the one on the right is trying very hard to have a snappy sassy moment.

No. 2293480

Any hope of saving my lesbian childhood friend who trooned out as soon as she went to study abroad? Her father is a huge piece of shit chauvinist who treated his entire family like trash because his wife didn’t have a son. My friend had no chance against the Australian trooming squad.

No. 2293490

Language has become so much more angry lol like no you can not gain any respect from threatening or antisocial messages. Shock horror.

No. 2293513

It is so wild to me that most men who want to identify as trans happen to be the most masculine(?) motherfuckers I have ever seen. Tall as hell, massive hands, chiseled chins, bulky frames… It's jarring. I rarely see guys who have an androgynous build become trans. Though I guess "femboy erasure" exists too.

(probably used every wrong term possible here. Masculine as in flipside of deminine they want to be - theyre all over 6ft whenever I see a specific cow that catches my eye. There are obviously the lumps of useless flesh with no defining masculine traits but they still don't seem feminine at all for a base? It's just a weird pattern)

No. 2293607

why are so many lesbians trooning out omg

No. 2293668

>moid thinks getting politely asked to be a part of an anthology is “sexual harassment”
>his actual sexual harassment victim feels bad for him
you really can’t make this stuff up

No. 2293692

I find it some kind of divine comedy that the people who buy into the cult end up destroying themselves with it. It's also funny to me that identifying as "non-binary" just means to stop trying to look good, even they know they're ugly kek

No. 2293762

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This gave me such a chuckle. These people can’t fathom the fact that it’s played by a man because it breaks the delusion that the very majority of TiMs look like men because they quite literally are obviously men. It’s amusing that apparently the character is a soldier since there’s a phenomenon with men in the military identifying as women. Almost made me hope this shit was done for satire.

No. 2293930

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>starting to not like leftist moids either.
Leftist moids are just as bad if not worse than the rightoid moids. Conservamoids are at least out front about the fact that they are misogynists who see women as nothing more than livestock.
Leftist moids are wolves in sheeps clothing, they are lying in hopes of manipulating women into becoming their livestock.
At the end of the day both are subhuman and will throw women under the bus. It's just the left ones will do it for trannies.

No. 2293945

The person on the left is supporting his kid as he is. The person on the right is chemically sterilizing her kid for deviating from gender norms and/or because she has MBP. They are not the same kek.

No. 2293946


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No. 2294024

Then perhaps she should have quit being an actress? Being in the spotlight only contributed to her mental health issues.

No. 2294027

Imagine becoming a tranny with that face, fully knowing that you'll never pass. They have brain issues with vision perception.

No. 2294028

Testosterone overload/high sensitivity probably contributes to their porn addiction and hypersexuality.

No. 2294195

>"people suggest at the very least a cis woman should play the role"
lmao troons upset at a man portraying them is so funny
like OH REALLY? Having a man mimic you and pretend to be like you is hurtful and bigoted now? Where have we heard that before…

No. 2294665

Why would the producers slap a wig on a man when they could have hired a man who already comes with the wig slapped on? Oh right, it's because they're the same thing.

No. 2335580

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First thing I saw today. What a great way to start my day off!

No. 2367240

Late to the threrad. To the anon that posted the link to the book, "you told me you were different" thank you so much. Im going to purchase a bunch of these books and donate them to womens shelters, womens prisons, and womens homeless shelters. every woman needs to read this book.

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