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No. 1606262
Keep on posting all the dumb shit you see on Tumblr.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1419137 No. 1606746
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does anyone know the deal with this megapope/mousegirl drama? a blog i enjoyed (somewhat based gay male, actual gay dude not a tif – /dyatlovpassingprivilege) got deleted for "transmisogyny" and now trannies on tumblr are in a flurry over it. i hate how gross scrotes have infected a social media site mostly full of girls and women
No. 1606806
>>1606746I didn't see it play out in real time but the gist is that there was some kind of tranny blog about mousegirls or was posting about mousegirls and megapope, who to be fair IS annoying but in this case pretty based, went through the tranny mousegirl's blog and posted screenshots (?) of the weird-ass furry porn or w/e that was on the tranny mousegirl blog. Not quite sure what exactly megapope said but it was done in a "oh wow, these loser tumblr freaks are fucking weirdos with weird degenerate kinks" way or something of the like, and thus he was ran off tumblr by trannies who think it's totally normal to jack it to cartoon animals getting fucked or whatever. Then it spawned a fuck ton of "let trans women be disgusting rape fetishists you fucking loser puritans!!!! It's actually totally normal!!! Real women have degenerate fetishes too!!!!", yadda yadda yadda.
Tl;dr, megapope expressed his dislike of the mousegirl trend because it was all just trannies being degenerates.
I think it's funny because pissvortex, iirc, the biggest tranny cock-sucker on tumblr, defended megapope, so now he's on the chopping block as well (at least headed there).
No. 1607524
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Tradwives on Tumblr are truly something else.
No. 1607556
>>1607552too bad her point isn't to rid people of the things that harm them and make those exist to begin with but to go back to their original roles and accept them in the name of God.
also transgenderism exists because men are sexually ill.
No. 1609121
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Tumblr’s reaction to Reddit coming to their site compared to twitter really highlights their blatant pick me misogyny for moids and troons
When twitter people CAME BACK to tumblr they got annoyed despite them being in the same group of women
When redditors, a group that openly dislikes women and tumblr came to tumblr they’re like ‘uwu we should be kind and learn to get along’
Personally, I’m hoping tons of Reddit troons and moids cause a mass peaking where tumblr girls realize how disgusting they are from having to share a website with them, but it’s unlikely that’ll happen.
No. 1609124
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>>1609121Like they literally openly admit to this shit
No. 1609132
>>1609121It's more likely that they'll just completely ruin Tumblr, and the deluge of hideous hon selfies and coom posting will render the site completely unusable for anyone but trannies. It's what they do with female-dominant spaces; they colonize it under the false pretense of fleeing bigotry, only to grow out of control and push out all but their most ardent supporters. It's already happening to Tumblr with Twitter trannies, but the Reddit trannies are going to make it a thousand times worse. It's a shame, because I've stuck with Tumblr through thick and thin since 2011, and if the things I'm concerned about come to pass, I might just have to jump ship and abandon all social media except for imageboards.
As cringe as it was, I miss the peak of DeviantArt around fifteen years ago. Now the interface is ruined and only turbo-autists with highly specific fetishes use it.
No. 1609173
>>1609132It’s just hilarious to me how they convince themselves that the site with rape forums on it
Apparently a lot of this is from a troon subreddit which is why a lot of the posts are tagged with ‘196’ migration and guess what? To no one’s surprise there’s a shit ton of coom posts.
No. 1609225
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>>1609121>>1609124>>1609132Even if tumblr pick-mes and handmaidens can't acknowledge their moid preference in regards to the reddit invasion, redditors are annoying as fuck
>turbo autistic levels of pedantism >one-up faggotry culture>Cannot make generalizing statements ever or get dogpiled by nitpickers>assumes everyone they talk to is a retarded perma beginner>hates pirating or pretends they don't pirate or read fan translated content ever>makes constant up-vote chasing references to films, tv or pornTumblr is acting like it's all niche maple syrup x video game themed cross stitching cricut vinyl makers who lost their little internet cubby. I hope the reddit scrotes get frustrated by tumblr's lack of clout-chasing tools and overall culture and bail once their subreddits go back up. If pinterest can stay a female dominated space, then Tumblr can too
No. 1609771
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No. 1609810
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>>1609121This user in pic related has been specially vocal of how much they love Redditors, but I think this post takes the cake.
No. 1609942
>>1609121Fandom as in fandow wiki? Than fuck em, honestly. Fandom killed several great wikis and/or misguides people when they search for useful information, since they rather would click on fandom link than an actally well-curated one. Off the top of my hat, wookiepedia was fucked, tes wiki churnes out unverified garbage unlike uesp, and fallout fandom wiki is hot garbage compared to nukapedia.
Fandom is a fucking cancer of the internet and it should be killed with fire.
No. 1610586
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Wasn’t sure where to post it but I tumblr had been worshiping reddit for years as this website that provides niche communities and information.
When did this shift happen? Tumblr used to label reddit as a neo-Nazi website and now they’re “quirky weird guys”. Tumblr got completely defanged.
They’re right but I can’t help but feel like reddit also helped in killing forums and making the internet more centralised, 2 things that tumblr users complain about
No. 1612683
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Redditors being unable to assimilate and getting mad when called out have been pretty funny at least
No. 1616499
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By this logic, pedophilia is queer too. I don't think OP realizes they are advocating for this.
No. 1617647
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Is there any more milk on imeverywoman420?
I searched and found some posts (1/4)
No. 1620772
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gay men orbiting radblr have a hard time minding their own business
No. 1621569
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What's the point of being like this
>>1617649Reminds me there's a resurgence of women on tumblr sleeping with older and married men blogging about how they get used but will forever own their eroticism by choosing to be with said men. Lots of cryposts in between intellectual posturing.
No. 1622037
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>>1621569>trans women are my sisters in armsBoy have I got a cool horse to gift you
No. 1623811
>>1623231Based, thank you for your service.
>>1623304At least it's calm and doesn't have kids starting drama over nothing right now.
No. 1626508
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tranny posts on tumblr are always so clockable. it's the weirdly sexual vibe to them all.
No. 1626905
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Stumbled upon this loser. You can really just be the biggest male loser on Tumblr slap some they them pronouns on yourself and pretend like you're actually an intellectual for defending your gross hentai addiction. He seems to have a decent following considering the notes he gets. I'm not on Tumblr so idk if this man is known.
No. 1628341
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This is so dramatic lmao.
No. 1628370
>>1628341>>1626906I used to follow some of his mutuals and fans back when I was a teenager (don't ask why) and it's such a weird circle of people. They where hardcore postmodernists and thought everything was a social construct and used that logic to justify the oddest shit. If a woman expressed the slightest discomfort over erotic art of prepubescent girls they would call her a bad person and quote Foucault to back up their claim. Some of the most deranged men in these circles would even say that any critique of porn and lolicon was transmisogyny because trans women use it to explore themselves.
There was a NB woman (I think she IDs as a trans man now) in that circle who genuinely believed that she had privilege over men. Not even the typical "AFABs are more privileged than trans women" bullshit she would legit argue that men are more vulnerable than woman because they are more likely to be targeted by the police and more likely to fall
victim to gang violence and completely ignored how gangs are more likely to sex traffic women.
At some point I legit thought she would peak as a radfem because she became very vocal about sex based oppression and would reblog news posts from radfems that talked about feminism on a global scale, but then she went full they/them and never spoke about misogyny again and started defending men. She runs a popular tumblr blog and it's so weird to see that blog on my dash. I doubt most people know all the weird shit that happened on her main/private blog>>1628341lol. I do agree though that any "pro ship, anti ship" discussion is unproductive and both sides are cowish but this is so melodramatic that I can take it seriously. It's cruel that a teenager got so much harassment, that's unfortunately the daily life on the internet. Btw it's well documented that people do the weirdest shit for their fetishes, while the person in question should not have received any hate, the tumblr OP is stupid for pretending that men don't make life altering decisions so they can coom
No. 1628430
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>>1628341The artist in question didn't have cancer, but the OP of the post is otherwise right. Why are minors proudly going through NSFW accounts? Because creepy adults who call themselves "antis" actively encourage that sort of culture and reward them for it. It's inherently predatory, I really don't give a fuck how much they finger point and try to deflect to the freaky fujos writing genshin impact incest fic or whatever. I even saw some of these people brag about trying to find and repost as much of her fetish art as possible for people to see. That seems to go entirely against the point of the drawings being
problematic, wrong and "not wanting to give her a platform!!", and shows they just wanted to feel like they "did something" by harassing a random person. Some of them were fans of shit like Pornhub and sewerslvt, so I know this isn't about ethics and morals. It's also crazy how they only ever seem to target women for being
problematic, never men. Not a single MtF or normal scrote cancelled by these people for making gross/weird content, but they have all the smoke in the world for the most random women who either have mid-level popularity, or are straight up underground. So, some FtM who draws edgy shit and FMA yaoi chopped her leg off. I'm supposed to be mad and want her gone from the internet? The same people acting like it's their own leg were cheering her on when she chopped off her tits, then had flesh carved from her arm to fashion some clownish, grotesque parody of male genitalia that was finally stitched onto her crotch. Supporters of genital mutilation and mass sterilization/hormone experimentation on the mentally ill need to sit down. No one with a brain believes they have standards for human behavior. I've seen too many tit chops and blood-covered tit chop drawings pushed as "stunning and brave" to take this shit seriously.
I don't know how they do it, but these people somehow manage to be groomer-ish
and make the internet a more boring, shitty place because they're addicted to "cancelling". They, their need for attention and their faux delicate sensibilities are the reason we've been going milkless.
All in all: Fuck twitterfags. Hope all the newfags who have swarmed this place like ants because their fellow retards have been trying to get "street cred" by talking about it get cancelled for giving attention and frequent visits to this heavily transphobic, misandrist community. Fuck males, fuck Islam, burn a hijab, no one with a dick can ever be a lesbian.
No. 1629393
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this post was longer but I cropped it because I want to rant on the vegetable partincoming autism. I'm genuinely disturbed by the amount of tumblr users who refused to eat vegetables until they became adults and then act like this is normal. Sure, it's normal for children to be more suspicious towards food it's just the caveman instict acting up. I had some vegetables which I loathed as a kid but like now. But on the other hand there where tons of other vegetables I had no problem eating as a kid. Same goes for all my childhood friends. Growing up I didn't know anyone who disliked vegetables as a whole. Carrots and cucumbers are extremely common snacks for children so idk where the "children hate all vegetables" thing came from.
It's also annoying whenever a tumblr post about disliking vegetables starts circulating the notes a filled with "vegetables aren't gross if you know how to prepare them" comments. I do think some vegetables taste better when steamed or with spices but I like raw vegetables too. I have never meet a person who refused to ear raw vegetables either. It's so weird that the majority of tumblr's userbase have no problem admitting that they didn't eat vegetables until they became adults and even then they refuse to eat them raw. I have never meet people like that irl I know that tumblr has always attracted weird people but still
No. 1629485
>>1629393I know multiple adults like this. It’s so disappointing and frustrating. I also grew up around a lot of picky kids. One of my pickiest friends is my bestie and I love her but the ARFID is something I wish she’d get serious about getting therapy for. She won’t eat any veggies at all but will eat TUNA HELPER?!! And eats tuna helper like weekly for dinner in addition to kielbasas for dinner. Those are two foods I don’t even want to smell or look at, let alone eat. Canned tuna is for cats as far as I’m concerned. She won’t eat actual good high quality tuna though. Won’t eat a tuna steak or seared ahi tuna or even try a bite of sushi. My mind explodes when I think of this kek. SHE ALSO WONT EAT FRUITS. She’ll eat onion powder and garlic powder but won’t eat actual onion or actual fresh garlic. She will eat nothing green. She regularly gets fried rice take out for dinner and it’s just rice and egg and oil and soy sauce with some chicken.
Thankfully my autism didn’t make me a picky eater and my favorite snacks as a kid were raw broccoli, cucumbers, and carrots. My mom got compliments from other parents about how well behaved I was for eating my veggies, which my mom laughed at, cause she never had to force me to “behave” and eat veggies, I just enjoyed them. No dips or dressings just plain. My family had a garden and we grew cucumbers (literally the only thing that actually grew well kek, we grew some carrots too which were good but extremely spicy??? And never got bigger than like 4 inches lol, but I ate the shit out of the tiny spicy yard carrots). I remember eating a cucumber or two like daily for months out of the year. Yummy, I wanna grow some cucumbers now. LES CONCOMBRES
No. 1630805
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It’s wild that if you went on rdddit 10 years ago tumblrinas would call you a Nazi and dog pile on you
No. 1631181
>>1620708They're usually either cryptos that completely LARP as apolitical or they only reblog posts about 101 feminism with no mention of trans topics (ex. anti-makeup, pro-choice, etc.) from rad-adjacent blogs with urls that aren't obvious (ex. nothing with "
TERF" or "radfem" in the actual URL). I'm not a radfem, but I am GC/anti-prostitution/misandrist/etc. and do reblog posts that criticize Onlyfans and whatnot alongside fanart, but I tend to get too paranoid to interact with wider fandom blogs for that reason because I don't want to be involved in their "spot the
TERF" game.
No. 1631232
>>1630805The way they're making it all that big of a deal is so annoying. I feel like most posts I see now are straight up 2013-14 style tumblr with that really irritating typing style. Also guessed correctly that the first person replying to OP was some AGP sex pest. How can they be so clockable with just an icon and url?
>>1631181There's a ton of us like this, and a lot of radfems will signal that their blog isn't "safe for cryptos to follow" (read : you'll get harassed into the "spot the
TERF" game if you're seen following them). Actually a lot of handmaidens and even troons will reblog radfem beliefs if the OP is crypto enough, it's interesting.
No. 1634347
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These are not the same things though? Pagan women tend to have radfem leanings so they don't buy in the trad shit, also it's mostly normie women and gay men who are into astrology, and it's tradfags and pickmes who shit on them for that, not the reverse.
No. 1634391
>>1633285wasn't gothabiba called out for transmisogyny though? I don't remember the details but some years ago some TiM had beefs with her over something stupid.
She also once got called out for being privileged because she had a college education and knew how to use academic words but it wasnt TiMs who called her out on that.
I also think some handmaidens got mad at her because she had said something that apparently implied that porn was bad? Idk it's hard to keep track off what tumblr users gets called out for. Specially female users gets attacked over anything
No. 1636758
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Welp my crypto days are over. Tumblr update randomly shows likes on followers’ dashboards now (Picrel as example of how it shows up). I don’t see a way to not allow this. I never rb terf stuff or from anyone with “rad” in their username but I always give them a like in solidarity. Now I can’t unless I make whole alt account which I’m too lazy to do. I think I’m already on Shinigami Eyes but still was trying to remain as under the radar as possible. Feels bad and also like why is there no privacy anymore?! Showing my activity to everyone is the exact reason I never liked twitter or will use threads. Not everything has to be broadcast to your followers ugh
No. 1636766
>>1636758Go out in a blaze of glory and be the biggest
TERF ever
No. 1636770
>>1634347Look, sometimes things are complicated and rules for living do not keep you pure. Real life example: My homeschool dad says Samsom got his strength from long hair, my brothers are not allowed to cut their hair short and his girl children obviously aren't either but also we cant shave out legs or pits. Is that feminism? Not shaving as a girl is going against the norm so it must be feminism, right? No. Not in this situation. We were not free to cut our hair. I cut my bangs and thought I was gonna get beat.
Father enforced gender roles like girls clean and cook, boys chop wood and play video game. Dad was living a woo-woo hippy granola life where he stayed home and mom worked and isn't that so subversive –Lol no.
This is a real life example from me. I'm just one person though and it's after 8pm here and I'm having wine so sorry if I missed something. My dad is dead. Rot in pieces.
No. 1636773
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>>1634391Yes, because gothhabiba was mutuals with a crypto back in 2017 (butchcommunist) and didn't block & stay safe swiftly enough despite TIMs telling her to. She still gets hatemail for it all these years later. Picrel is from just 2 months ago and there were several like it. I don't know why she bothers placating them, TIMs hate her so much they even send anonymous hate mail to TIMs who still associate with her demanding they justify talking to a litchral
TERF nazi.
No. 1636903
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>>1636770In which country do you live? I ask because my ethnic group had a similar practice where men don't cut their hair as it is considered a gift from Allah, and it has become a rule that no one is allowed to remove any hair from their body, this lasted till the 1950's mind you, sikhs still keep this cultural practice alive but as a part of their faith.
No. 1637230
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Are these “feminists” in the room with us right now?
No. 1637239
>>1637230I can't tell if this guy doesn't know instinctive, basic biology that even the most tribal savage primates know, or if he just hates women. Probably the latter.
I'll gladly let quiz shows and beauty contests for the TRAs to win, tho.
No. 1637636
>>1637230Why raw physical strengh is the only thing that metters? My brother is an athlete and he prides himself in having good stretching. I sometimes join him with his training and we tried to leard leg-splits when we were teens. It took me very little time to do a leg-split while he struggled with it for months. He also can't do silly things like locking his hands behind his back or stretching his right elbow past the left ear. Even though every woman can do it with ease.
I guess most women can master at least some gymnastics feats while moids can't do it. And we don't see troons competing with women in sports where flexibility is important. Hmmm, I wonder why….
No. 1639728
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I try not to venture too much on tradblr too much because I feel like I'm losing brain cells but you see the dumbest shit over there.
No. 1639730
>>1639420>>1639445I became very aware of how 90% of my dash was gendie stuff so I started unfollowing everyone who reblogged that. Now I'm just an aesthetic blog and I'm genuinely sureprised by how much I enjoy reblogging pretty pictures and tweaking my tumblr theme. I do follow some fandom blogs but they are rarely active. Some of them are TiFs and enby women but as long as they stick to fandom stuff and don't call themselves for breedable boys then I don't care. When I really crave fandomposting I go trough character and ship tags to reblog stuff which I honestly prefer to following active fandom blogs. Ive always been picky with what fandom blogs I follow. I don't care for multifandom blogs and blogs dedicated to a single fandom can be hit or miss.
I do miss memes and shitposts though. But now all the shitposts are homophobic garbage like "lesbians crave girldick" and MRA talking points.
>I don't remember it being this bad in 2012it wasn't. 2012 tumblr was fun. Many posts took light jabs at men (like making fun of them for spitting on the street, their repulsion to anything slightly girly etc.). Can't do that anymore because it makes men upset. jokes that basically boiled down to "lesbians likes pussy, gay men like dick" used to be popular but not anymore. Alot of talk about period (not educational stuff just silly jokes about bleeding once a month accompanied with reaction gifs) but you can't do that anymore either.
No. 1640015
“Radfems (or terfs) do touch”
“ radfems (or terfs) please interact”
Once you find one you’ve found all of them
“Radfem (or
terf) safe”
No. 1640240
>>1639769A few good radblr blogs: iconicterfposts, transmeowgynistic, gendiebrainrotreceipts, thecoloredcanvas
The community is pretty small so just be following those blogs you can find everyone else by looking at who they reblog etc. I don’t interact much at all but I like to follow and support through likes
No. 1640366
>>1640015Thanks lol, cause I get confused a lot. I used tumblr back in the day for fandom and I remember I also had problem where people would use tags incorrectly.
>>1640240Thanks, I will check them out.
>>1640022>>1640223Excuse me being retarded, but why you thought I asked for tradtothery lol? Maybe I don't know tumblr lingo? I wanted to say that I looked for radfem blogs using what I assume is the biggest radfem tag on tumblr but a good chunk of posts were people dissing radfems. I don't know what much to do except blocking them.
No. 1641215
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Why are they bitching? I thought tumblr staff loved troons?
No. 1641216
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>>1641215And this was in the notes. The site that’s 90% troons is made by and for terfs and somehow terfs are also Nazi pedos.. sure Jan
No. 1641475
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Why do pickmes always feel the need to defend moids in literally every aspects of their life, even shitty anime?
>hateful bullying
Being told you have shit taste in media isn't bullying, stop being so melodramatic.
No. 1641499
>>1641215i know it's random what blazed posts you get but constantly getting blazed pictures of women in lingerie and nudes? Really? I could understand if it had happened one time but constantly? I have never gotten anything nsfw blazed to me. Only promotion to indie projects and general fangirling over fandoms. Either there is a hidden algorithm in the blaze feature so the blazed posts you see a vaguely based on what tags you browse and what blogs you follow or this person purposely seeks out nudes on tumblr and uses the "tumblr blazed them to me!!!! it's not my fault that I saw them!!!" excuse to not appear as a coomer
>>1641475pickmes have always been annoying but at least they used to just say stuff like "femoids are to shallow to understand the depth of this im the only female who can because im special". Now they have to turn men into
victims and protect their honor and feelings. The men they defend would not hesitate to backstab them if it meant defending another man.
>if men enjoy anything they are degeneratemen who don't watch shows about middle schoolers don't get called degenerate maybe OP just needs to stop hanging out with degenerate men
No. 1641777
>>1641216>pedo nazi terfsAre they talking about that mod who liked Harry Potter (“
terf”), Attack on Titan (“nazi”) and drew SFW fanart of anime characters (“pedo”) kek?
No. 1642120
>>1641215Troon selfies keep getting flagged as Mature because they cannot help themselves but to put on fetish gear like harnesses, collars, and cat ears. Then they scream and cry about the unfairness of it all. There has been speculation about a
TERF staff member, but allegedly the troon that suggested it got ethered kek
No. 1643103
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Of course they're whining about the Barbie movie and muh bio essentialism lmao
No. 1645730
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What does this even mean
No. 1646323
>>1621383she is so funny and insane but her moid thirst and general life depresses the hell out of me so i cant follow her blog. i do genuinely wish her well tho
>>1640055shes so awesome, her art takes are pure class. i love her so much… camillepagliahater if youre reading this i stan
No. 1646402
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I think I found the worst tumblr post, spoiling because it's long af. Tldr:
>feminists are exactly the same as nazis
>feminists are illiterate in their own movement while I am the enlightened one
>whining about misandry
>feminists are responsible for tranny shit and perverted moids having power
>random tangent about movies
>yet another melodramatic comparison between feminists and nazis
No. 1647757
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No. 1648744
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was looking into ritard's ween since the main archival blog was according to her 7 years ritard's senior and been at it since ritard was 15, and fakes did and autism like tiktok tweens, it was worse than i thought
No. 1648909
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What's your opinion on this? Personally I would have been mortified if it was my parents who gave me sex ed as a teenager.
No. 1648924
>>1648909>it's not the school's business, right or responsibilityRetarded, by the same logic it isn't the school's responsibility to teach your kid maths. You've given them the right and responsibility by enrolling them in school.
>No stranger needs to be so eager to discuss those topicsAgain retarded, she(?) sounds like she thinks sex ED consists of a pedo getting all giddy about sharing kinky stories or something. Sex ED is just factual information no different from learning about cells in biology class.
I do think it's good for parents to discuss sex with their teens (uncomfortable but it's for their safety) but not as a replacement for sex ED on school.
No. 1649099
File: 1690730293619.png (508.19 KB, 1440x1562, 1.png)

Are TIRFs intentionally disingenuous or are they just genuinely retarded?
No. 1649199
File: 1690738809688.jpg (173.27 KB, 1080x722, crabday.jpg)

holy fuck i can't stand the whining from these types anymore. i'm pretty sure community labels aren't approved by the owners of tumblr themselves…if not done by an algorithm, it's probably by some random employee who sees thousands of posts a day. the chances that this is malicious are next to none and i've never seen any proof that it's even happening at all in these supposedly large numbers. to the average tumblr user, having a post marked as having sexual themes is tantamount to oppression, but if they hate the damn site so much, WHY are they still using it??
No. 1649459
File: 1690762697657.jpg (90.24 KB, 488x872, crab day.jpg)

>>1649199100% agree. I've seen so many posts like picrel
No. 1649623
File: 1690773538419.jpeg (526.3 KB, 1170x1484, IMG_5039.jpeg)

Troons: hmm…scientists, sociologists, and experts of all kinds tell me I'm factually wrong, I've been rejected from most feminist spaces, my views are only embraced by white supremacists, MRAs, tradwifes, fundamentalist evangelical zealots, and all my former friends hate me. Maybe my views are…….. bad?
Also troons: no, no it's terfs who are the problem.
No. 1649691
File: 1690778588523.jpg (81.09 KB, 1080x1015, Screenshot_20230731_Tumblr.jpg)

Love how troons have been whining nonstop about muh censorship and oppression wahhh TERF staff, meanwhile there is a whole subculture of TIMs fantasizing anout correctively raping TERFs with zero bans. Curious, really makes you think, etc.
No. 1649849
>>1648744samefag, she started to backpedal and im not sure if i should post in the ritard thread, here, or personal cows. anyone interested?
>>1649691everyone in this sc belongs in a padded cell away from women and especially lesbians. i'd say worse but i don't want to catch a ban
No. 1652102
File: 1691009318619.jpeg (104.73 KB, 370x1056, ED7AF49B-339D-4079-8D18-540551…)

Idk why but the fact that this tif has been on testosterone for less than six months makes it sound even more pathetic
No. 1652644
File: 1691067095568.jpg (21.58 KB, 261x275, 1671624684966.jpg)

I only use desktop and browser version of tumblr so it may be different on the app, but is it me or is the order of the posts completely fucked up?
the tumblr dashboard used to show post in chronological order, but now its random. I refresh the page to see new posta but then it puts a post i already have seen on top of my dash, like its the exact same person who has reblogged it with the exact same tags, and i can see the person who reblogged it had reblogged it hours ago but for some reason it shows at the top of my dash as if its newly reblogged.
Then i refresh again, i get 3 new posts, and then i see the exact same post again.
No. 1653121
File: 1691107144453.jpeg (394.68 KB, 1170x1048, A29140F2-4E39-4BD8-95DC-60DB72…)

Ceo of missing the point so much.
No. 1654214
File: 1691196588773.jpg (137.19 KB, 1080x972, Screenshot_20230805_094828_Chr…)

This is about women leaving their boyfriends after watching Barbie, and while I really give zero fucks about this movie I think it's a bit more nuanced than "evil bitch leaves her poor innocent bf because he didn't like a movie" like this user says it is, like the guys were probably assholes in the first place.
No. 1656631
File: 1691386646691.png (711.19 KB, 719x617, barbie.png)

These people are so fucking stupid. Corporations can make the most bland sanitized heterosexual media ever, and so long as it is 100% sexless it somehow becomes "aroace rep". Like, these people have the same puritanical taste in media as your local fundie, yet somehow worse because they've deluded themselves into thinking not wanting anything more than heterosexual handholding on their screens is actually woke.
No. 1657429
File: 1691461095454.jpg (101.13 KB, 1170x523, unserious.jpg)

Someone explode this website
No. 1658826
File: 1691587954566.jpg (252.26 KB, 1080x1167, fakeboi.jpg)

Fakeboi says that if she canʼt write kid rape porn, she will cut her wrists. (her thread is full, thatʼs why Iʼm posting here.)
No. 1658898
>>1658276I agree. Im getting tired of the kidult movement. I hate that every adult now revolves their life around cartoons and toys. I do collect dolls and my interests do align with "kidult" stuff so Im being a hypocrite but i also enjoy media for adults. Im sick of that you cant even have an adult conversation anymore without centring around childrens stuff. We cant have a movie that talks about how society treats women without making it about childrens toys. The fact that parents got criticised for taking their little girls to see the new Barbie movie is mindblowing and just goes to show how big the kidult movement is. Toys and cartoons arent for children anymore because adults pushed them away, so now the only things that are targeted children are male streamers who hate women and female streamers who coombait.
This current infantilization is affecting women in particular. Women are saying that Oppenhaimer and other war movies are for men because god forbid a woman has interest in history and war. I know that the Barbie movie isnt a shallow and it does make some good points but did we have to have this discussion trough Barbie? We are never gonna escape the patriarchy we cant even have a movie that says "misogyny bad" without coating it in nostalgiabait. 80% of the women who watch that movie arent even gonna acknowledge the point it makes they are just gonna take a bunch of out-of-context screenshots and make bimbocore moodboards with them.
>I'm sick of adult women suddenly pretending they love Barbies and dolls just because of the novelty of being marketed to for once.I dont fault collectors for being hyped for this movie but its weird to see people who never showed interest in dolls act like that they have always loved barbie. Nothing wrong with gaining interest in Barbie trough the movie but i hate seeing women change their personality and interests overnight because they watched one movie lo.
>>1658846Bad take. Im very nostalgic towards barbie but i dont care if other women dont share that nostalgia. Women and girls can have different hobbies and interests and they arent are alienating themselves from other women just because it doesnt align with traditional girly hobbies. An attack on barbie is not an attack on womanhood and he idea that girls are united under barbie dolls is troon logic
No. 1659485
>>1658846so liking barbie is an inherent part of womanhood? absoluetly braindeax. tranny level, even.
it's a plastic consumer product designed to sell. not everyone has to like it
No. 1660496
File: 1691708464696.jpg (203.71 KB, 1139x1080, tumblr_cb3c81b2e833eb77810e9dd…)

>tumblr got termed today
i can't believe this. i rb'd radfem/"terf" stuff sometimes but i've never actually so much as reblogged someone to argue with them….this sucks
i guess i have to start a pinterest now for aesthetics bc i doubt i'll ever be banned from pinterest. stupid tumblr
No. 1660520
>>1660496This is why I was worried about tumblr, thank you for confirming. People who keep creating accounts to do
terf stuff are brave ladies imo. The fear of being termed keeps me from speaking out.
No. 1660533
>>1658846I had dozens of barbies as a kid. To me, barbie represents missing out. Shockingly, I don't feel nostalgic about running to keep up with my little brothers when they got bicycles and I got barbies. I don't feel nostalgic about opening package after package at christmas and birthdays and getting NOTHING BUT BARBIE SHIT after begging for lego and connex.
And what about any of that makes you assume I'm alienated from other women? All my friends are women, and I've only rarely had male friends. I'm not special. Lots of women I know hate the barbie brand for the same reasons I do.
No. 1660608
File: 1691716169539.png (1.02 MB, 1004x636, toy dino.png)

>>1660581I was thinking the same thing. What a familiar story, hmmm…
No. 1660641
File: 1691718975368.png (41.94 KB, 540x394, Screenshot 2023-08-10.png)

It's all so tiresome
No. 1661531
File: 1691801853058.png (180.8 KB, 640x480, 40F409AC-90E6-4BF5-A32D-F2D986…)

>>1653464Just for some added context, she’s not talking about men being superior to women. She’s referencing this post that was made on radblr. I remember some terfs earnestly arguing about picrel and it was the most ridiculous thing ever tbh.
No. 1663323
File: 1691939271063.png (79.25 KB, 540x546, Screenshot 2023-08-13.png)

Why are Tumblr commies so retarded. How is "literal children cannot be fully autonomous or live independent lives because they do not yet have the capacity to make informed choices" in any way equivalent to arguing that women should be forced into marriage.
No. 1664220
File: 1692015032756.jpg (94.87 KB, 723x439, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg)

I could write a novel length A-log about this.
No. 1664224
File: 1692015627260.png (173.44 KB, 682x1222, tumblr.png)

i dont care about f1nnster but its funny how much he makes people seethe on tumblr. Also i went to op's blog and of course on of the first thing i saw was softcore anime porn
No. 1664417
File: 1692034017634.png (72.53 KB, 909x362, real women are men.png)

Copium is a wonderful supplement that goes great with hormones
No. 1664658
File: 1692047552926.jpeg (409.21 KB, 707x1991, D3E3A6E8-68E8-4FCD-9281-EBB45C…)

so tired of this retardation. no, it’s not misogyny to acknowledge men have an advantage over women. if anything it’s misogynistic to deny it. it’s arguably the main source of our oppression as men have been using their physical strength to beat and rape us into submission for millennia. “just create your own league lol” fuck off tranny, why don’t you practice what you preach instead of demanding women bend the knee to a minority of mentally ill fetishistic losers. of course OP doesn’t care about women’s sports, the only physical activity he’s gotten since high school is jerking off to hentai.
No. 1664730
File: 1692051128176.jpeg (154.49 KB, 1170x710, IMG_5098.jpeg)

OP is the troon who leaked the US gov flight logs btw
No. 1664934
File: 1692071209782.gif (Spoiler Image,3.81 MB, 641x360, r6madqcwj1a91.gif)

>>1664913Concentration camps everywhere
No. 1665059
File: 1692082997738.jpg (249.25 KB, 1080x1753, Screenshot_20230804_113515_Chr…)

Once again moids are being praised for doing the bare minimum.
No. 1665286
>>1664658and they are all
bi trans girls, from all the troon tumblrs I've blocked so far, none was not a lesbian or bi
No. 1665313
File: 1692101154403.jpeg (824.36 KB, 1253x3316, IMG_1406.jpeg)

Deleted original post so I can clarify something.
I thought the post was going to mention how non-Western artists get attacked for a bunch of shit that only Westerners or Westernised people be aware of. It’s weird how op and the comments focused only on nsfw content
No. 1665323
>>1664536holy shit me too, bizarre. i have no idea. inb4 it becomes the new camp kek
No. 1669038
File: 1692390016810.png (226.54 KB, 750x901, IMG_3376.png)

The OP is a 35 yo “cishet” man who posts so much stupid filth on his fetish blog that he has a pinned disclaimer that’s like “I promise I actually like women and support feminism I’m one of the good ones!!”. Men like this should be shot. Your weird posts literally only appeal to pornsick troons
No. 1669077
File: 1692392844144.png (351 KB, 1043x777, EbLDazjXkAAfgsi.png)

>>1665313Lel Your post reminded me of these types of exchanges between western users and jp artists, being a perfect example of how sarcasm and memes don't translate well in different cultures. nsfw content won't be the only issue and I think the artists will run into these issues on Tumblr too.
No. 1669466
File: 1692424380603.png (3.19 MB, 1080x3901, Screenshot_20230819-084813.png)

Posted by the most bloated troon you've seen.
No. 1669491
File: 1692429349122.jpg (469.67 KB, 1080x2391, Screenshot_20230815_104100_Chr…)

Have these people even talked to women who have had abortions? Do they think all of them are some kind of reckless early 20s party girls who don't bother with protection? Do they get all their opinions from screenshots of clickbait articles from Buzzfeed or something?
No. 1671251
File: 1692585775727.jpeg (648.28 KB, 1170x1819, IMG_5111.jpeg)

The copium
No. 1671656
File: 1692623692716.png (293.31 KB, 1021x1010, Screenshot_20221015-131817~3.p…)

So much melodramatic waxing over a shitty TV show, just don't watch it, the movies are still here.
No. 1672596
File: 1692680903662.jpg (37.81 KB, 1080x399, Screenshot_20230822_103610_Chr…)

I usually just lurk on tumblr for pretty gifs and sewing patterns but this really motivates me to post moid hate on my account.
No. 1672827
File: 1692713852555.png (139.21 KB, 1015x775, unhinged_but_based.png)

i didn't know where else to post this but did i just find a nonna in the wild? i don't know how widespread "pick me" and "moid" are. she sounds a bit unhinged but isn't wrong.
No. 1675244
File: 1692839301552.png (8.76 KB, 437x124, whatever pos is.png)

Naruto, who has a reconstructed arm because he lost it.
No. 1675857
File: 1692890886999.png (377.49 KB, 1605x1116, brainwashedsincerely.png)

it makes more sense now that they label JK Rowling a "transphobe"
No. 1676922
File: 1692977357665.png (76.57 KB, 684x681, narc tif.png)

No. 1678274
File: 1693086539708.jpeg (618.93 KB, 1170x3397, IMG_1425.jpeg)

There are 3 different threads picrel belongs to
No. 1682543
File: 1693405829050.jpg (187.02 KB, 1080x923, Screenshot_20230809_000458_Chr…)

People don't like furries because they are sexual deviants and it's not your right to qualify what is furry art if the author doesn't call it that way.
No. 1682691
>>1682634Because it's considered rude to talk on someone's post with inane or unfunny bullshit, since op used to see all of that. And reblogging a post with an addition can also be taken as responding to op. Tumblr users like to put their jokes or additional commentary in tags and have other people add the tags to the post if they find it funny. They call that "peer reviewing". So basically it used to be a semi-hidden way to comment on a post for your own use/only to your followers on your blog. You also had loser blogs that would make a post, and then call out or respond aggressively if somebody responded via reblog to their post with something they didn't like or thought was taking attention away from the op.
Of course, tumblr added tags to their stupid notifications system, so now op reads all the tags everyone puts on their posts. Which led to extended "don't tag my art as #me!!!" and "you're violating the artist if you tag work as #kin!!" discourse, kek. And of course, annoying activist types reading their tag notifs for any hint of bad attitude or wrongthink, so they could either call people out or brag about blocking. Nevermind that tags are meant to be an informal expression of thought. Otherwise whatever was said would have been added via reblog.
No. 1682844
>>1682761Ntayrt, but because: it's not part of tumblr culture it came from tiktok or twitter implants who refused to adapt, it is easy to just add the tags from the person you're reblogging it from bc tumblr gives you the option, it's annoying as hell to jump back 20+ blogs for either a shit tier take or unfunny joke, and most importantly because tumblr users delete things ALL THE TIME. It is so aggravating to start going through a shit load of blogs in order to find context for someone's stupid opinion or rant, and then the "prev" chain breaks bc someone deleted the post or their blog.
It's an etiquette thing, and someone can immediately tell you joined tumblr within the past 2 years if you don't mind it kek.
No. 1682979
File: 1693437575471.png (116.24 KB, 808x1051, image_2023-08-30_192244002.png)

two days ago, tumblr staff posted this in response to TIMs selfies and posts getting the Mature flag. now the kweers are very upset that staff is claiming only a quarter of the userbase is LGBT.
No. 1682981
File: 1693437796932.png (142.21 KB, 808x1167, partu.png)

>>1682979A lot of people are saying that actually, 92% of users are LGBt because of this poll which was done by a trans-identified user, who probably has mostly other trans followers.
No. 1683036
>>1682996Kek no problem, but I didn't see the initial post so I'm only responding to what I can read in
>>1682986I never actually used twitter or tiktok, but that's where our transplants were coming from at the time. The reddit api meltdown hadn't happened yet, and they certainly weren't coming from instagram, facebook, or snapchat (with the exception of a few artists, maybe). I think I've seen someone say it's related to hashtags or maybe retweets from twitter (LRT), but again, I don't use those sites. I even stopped using tumblr after they made a lot of shit tier changes, like changing their post hyperlinks. The site is kind of going down the drain a little bit, but it is funny hearing about tim selfie blowups from afar.
What annoyed most people about it was tiktok users refusing to learn basic etiquette, as you said, and twitter users "coming back after they left in 2018", bringing their own platform's behaviors to a site not designed to accommodate them. I found the reaction to redditors especially annoying because the general narrative on tumblr is that reddit "is a cesspit of racists", exemplified by the popular comics about reddit you see floating around. But after redditors started coming to tumblr en masse, people were making "helpful" posts about how to use tumblr, and cooing over how redditors constantly talk in the reblogs. This was also facilitated by a bunch of loser tim funnyman bloggers making posts about how everyone needs to accept reddit refugees with open arms, so I'm not surprised.
Let me know if any of that was confusing or badly worded, I'm writing this kind of fast on mobile.
No. 1683042
>>1682981Yes, a lot of users will make polls and then insist it is representative of the entirety of tumblr, when it is really just their personal blog ecosystem. According to tumblr, there is 135 million monthly active users even if we very generously assumed everyone was responsible for one other active user account (not blog, you can have a lot of side blogs on one account), we would cut that down to half at 67.5 million users participating in a poll. Nobody has anywhere close to that many followers. Popular posts will have an average of 500k-700k notes, with a post rarely breaking 1mil. So yeah, the 118k votes on their dumb poll don't mean anything
Sorry for sperg, I still get flashbacks to "Make sure to reblog for a bigger sample size!" begging kek
No. 1683218
>>1682981Tumblr kills your brain cells.
Queer is such a broad term for starters that anyone fits under it.
The users that aren’t part of the queer fandom would most likely not even be aware of this controversy. Despite following a few gendies i didn’t see this poll or was aware of this issue at all.
Someone should tell staff about the true and tested method of ignoring the bs because users have a small attention span and will stick with tumblr anyway, where else are they going to go?
No. 1683239
File: 1693467662792.png (2.24 MB, 1080x2008, Screenshot_20230831-084252.png)

why are so much of the animal tags filled up with tranny shit? and their posts are always so long to scroll past. picrel is just an example but there's a lot more
No. 1687626
File: 1693853461949.jpg (294.95 KB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20230728_083314_Chr…)

Are tradfags retarded? It's not because she didn't need an abortion that nobody would ever need one.
No. 1687717
File: 1693859240207.png (73.33 KB, 465x265, tumblr.png)

looked up a blog i remembered from like 2015-2016 and saw she was getting accused of being racist for not liking beyonce and got an anon telling her to kill herself over it
No. 1688093
File: 1693896987284.png (55 KB, 530x332, Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 02-56…)

Idk how they can say this sort of shit and not realize that maybe this is all just retarded and defeats the entire point of labelling anything. Tumblr truly never changes
No. 1688221
>>1688098NTA and being devil's advocate, but this retard has a point.
I hate exclus that are tranny inclusive, they are the worst hypocrites. "Huh duh you can't be a masc-aligned and a lesbian" ~ As if having fucking balls and cock weren't the most masculine, manly, scrotiest shit possible. As if retarded teenagers calling themselves "biromantic lesbians" cause the same damage as degenerate rape apes in skirts invading EVERY possible female-only space. It's all your fault, now deal with the "radqueers" claiming to be transracial and transableds, they're YOUR offspring.
No. 1688761
File: 1693954856447.jpeg (39.99 KB, 1284x661, IMG_5140.jpeg)

What the fuck does this mean
No. 1689195
File: 1694004256853.jpg (227.59 KB, 1080x1090, tumblrheadmichaelmilkers.jpg)

>>1688221I do not know what exclus are. The post is stupid because "gender" is not "a social structure with infinite possibilities". This is a tard who is convinced aesthetics = sex/gender, and that's directly related to their coom brain, proof of which is in the url.
And considering this girl has picrel as her header, and an entire section in her FAQ about "exclusionism", your comment on "exclus being inclus" means you're on tumblr and way more keyed into whatever drama this dumbass is obsessed with kek
No. 1689202
>>1689160When I was on tumblr, "normal" just meant "don't be a dick to fat people". There was a lot of discussion about skinny privilege and fatphobia, which I do think is real. Anons on lc have also talked about stuff like being treated way better after losing weight. I do notice most blogs on tumblr that talk about fatphobia wouldn't go out of their way to fuck or date a fat person though, kek.
I think the fat positivity movement spreads a better message than the trans rights stuff. One is saying "accept your body for what it is in the moment", the latter's message is "hormones, surgery, and lying to yourself will literally bend reality" KEK
No. 1689212
>>1688221radqueers are hilarious, according to them, terfgender and strict genital preferences are
valid. they've gone full circle
No. 1690136
>>1689195I'm not questioning the fact that this op is retarded (obviously is), just saying that this one at least is consistent in his retardism, something rare on Tumblr, where there are hundreds of annoying posts of "idiotgenders" saying that "dumbsexuals aren't
valid and make us like a joke" as if they weren't cut from the same cloth (hypocrisy/lack of self-criticism). Even radblr is full of retarded hypocritical debate (who can or can't be a radfem, etc).
No. 1690305
File: 1694105905260.jpeg (344.46 KB, 750x993, IMG_4080.jpeg)

> mad about women rediscovering goddesses after centuries of patriarchal Abrahamic religions murdering women, pagans, and squandering any belief of women’s importance in the circle of life
Is this a seething tranny? Or just a dumb handmaiden who can’t let women reclaim their power?
No. 1690307
File: 1694105979784.jpeg (300.05 KB, 750x721, IMG_4081.jpeg)

>>1690305Samefag but I really can’t tell kek
No. 1690335
>>1690320I don't know what argument they were trying to make, maybe they think white women aren't allowed to worship goddess
because most are nonwhite? Or maybe they think worshipping say, Artemis, is white supremacist? Their post contradicts itself by saying goddess worship is white supremacist
and that every other race has goddesses. Then the tags confuses me even more, are they saying being a witch is white supremacism because a lot of witches (on Tumblr?) are white?
No. 1692904
File: 1694322447815.png (323.45 KB, 1271x1465, Screenshot_2023-09-10_010556.p…)

Do they know that green eyes aren't a white exclusive trait…?
No. 1692972
>>1692904>Maybe even kill them. Because of youKEK idk this one was kind of funny but with the context in
>>1692941 it sounds a bit defensive over some retard's post
No. 1694048
File: 1694400472278.png (57.33 KB, 532x821, blazed post.png)

they paid money for people to see their opinions
No. 1694103
File: 1694402764464.jpeg (435.37 KB, 1170x1045, IMG_5163.jpeg)

Making up shit to get mad at
No. 1694196
File: 1694410660639.png (37.82 KB, 545x404, autism.png)

>>1694103>the mere act of consuming porn has never made anybody a freaklul this girl has to be autistic or something to be this self unaware. She claims to be a lesbian (despite claiming to be sexually attracted to men), a furry, loves yaoi and that we should "reclaim" sex pest from twt alt righters KEK whatever the fuck that means. She's only a teenager tho so I hope her dumb ass grows out of this and realizes how porn is rotting her brain.
No. 1694226
File: 1694415475370.png (3.19 KB, 510x57, lol.png)

>>1694048this person has to be 12, also i went on her blog and the first thing i saw is this, weird flex but ok
No. 1694306
>>1694103The anti sweatshop movement is so fucking goofy because instead of criticising any of the number of real issues surrounding the sweatshop industry like the subpar treatment of workers or potential ties certain groups have to human trafficking and child labour…they just comment absolutely deranged shit in the tags of posts talking about how anyone who partakes in the thousands-of-years-old practice of profiting from slave labour and obtaining cheaper goods as a result of it has something wrong with them or needs to be killed.
The mere act of buying clothes from and running sweatshops has never made anybody selfish or greedy, but saying people need to die for doing so definitely puts you there.
No. 1700798
File: 1695008674237.png (130.09 KB, 724x209, tumblr porn.png)

I'm tired of this shit. So much for purging the porn. I can't browse without having softcore shoved down my throat. This is a publicly traded company. They have money to hire janitors. Yet half the users are porn bots and now they are recommending me porn channels.
No. 1701116
File: 1695042475231.png (346.1 KB, 1080x2014, Screenshot_20230918-090852~2.p…)

Melanez is doing her weekly "I hate white people" rant and now her screeching monkeys are up in arms because a radfem said that was racist. One of them posted a diatribe stating that if you don't support POC who hate white people, you're not a radical feminist. I'm just so bored of all the infighting she starts, you'd think she was a tranny psyop.
No. 1704461
File: 1695405366700.jpg (247.44 KB, 1080x1815, Screenshot_20230922_194250_Chr…)

Gendie slapfights will never not be funny, like what does all that shit even mean lmao?
No. 1705582
>>1694103I theoretically get where this post is coming from because I've dealt with hardcore prude types that treat occasionally masturbating to erotica or drawing/writing it is equally as coombrained as spending hours on Pornhub, but most anti-porn takes are about the industry itself and there
is a risk that watching videos of real people is someone being pimped or raped on film. This post just feels like the "well what about amateur porn" argument instead of trying to be actually nuanced. It's weird how people complain that Tumblr has "turned puritan" after the porn ban but I've seen more posts defending watching porn or claiming that it's impossible to be addicted to porn.
No. 1705755
File: 1695520093344.jpeg (314.35 KB, 750x898, IMG_7340.jpeg)

Sick to fucking death of dense ass tumblr users thinking they’re arbiters of morality while caping for an industry built on rape and pedophilia. No, men aren’t just “disillusioned” with real life women, they are hateful, cruel and often straight up dangerous to the women in their lives because porn has taught them that all women are sex objects. No shit men hate us, they’re constantly frying their brain cells with scenes of women being degraded and in pain and then Pavloving themselves into becoming aroused by it. This is a feature of porn, not a bug. It doesn’t matter what “lens” you think you’re bringing to it. Neither “Kyle” nor the hypothetical “queer woman” would know or care if the women in their porn had been trafficked, coerced, forced, what their “working conditions” are like (abysmal obviously), if they were even in their right minds during filming or if they were fucked up on drugs (as is common in the porn industry), a lot of the time you can’t even be certain the “actors” depicted are of legal age. Also, just because women aren’t deranged, entitled rape apes like men doesn’t mean we all have a “totally healthy” sexuality. There’s nothing healthy about watching pain being inflicted upon other women on a mass scale and brainwashing yourself into thinking it’s normal or desirable. Sounds like OP specifically used “lesbian BDSM porno” as an example to make the post more palatable because the reality is the vast majority of BDSM porn depicts MEN strangling, beating, and torturing women, but when you state it plainly like that it’s harder to get women onboard with your rape apologia.
No. 1706078
>>1705755Another Tumblr take on porn that falls flat because it ignores the issues with the porn industry in general. I'm not even a radfem and I agree with them on that. It really shows the userbase is mostly virgins that think watching porn="exploring sexuality" and the 25+ crowd is still trying to rebel against their boomer parents. If this was about fictional content I'd agree since a lot of arguments against "
problematic media" are a repeat of the "videogames cause violence" hysteria, but watching this theoretical "lesbian BDSM porn" has the same risk that you don't know if there was off-camera abuse, if the actresses are drugged or underage, if it's leaked/revenge porn, etc. It doesn't matter "what someone takes from" something unethical in the first place.
No. 1708722
File: 1695837958916.jpg (575.15 KB, 1080x2969, Screenshot_20230927_194924_Chr…)

There's something extremely tradfaggy about the reply that really rubs me the wrong way, not fond of the people in the reply going wow so deep.
No. 1710361
File: 1696005715600.jpeg (296.71 KB, 1170x901, IMG_5195.jpeg)

Genuine retardation
No. 1710390
>>1710361when people say shit like this they think they’re being nuanced and objective but they’re actually just retarded. forgoing all meaningful analysis of society, patriarchy, and oppression just to parrot the gendery version of all lives matter, “hurr durr men have it bad too”
>people who would like to be perceived as inherently lacking the capacity for immoralityyou mean like troons?
No. 1711121
File: 1696050816383.png (33.03 KB, 526x275, 435115674153.png)

Crazy how over the last decade, spicy straights stopped larping as bisexual and moved on to just lying about being gay. Then other retards turn around and act like the behavior of these attention-seekers is at all representative of normal homosexuals. Wack.
No. 1712319
File: 1696186240489.jpg (247.41 KB, 1080x1893, Screenshot_20231001_191008_Chr…)

Polyamory is a dumb lifestyle but what a retarded opinion and analogy.
No. 1713101
>>1711165Definitely agree. If only bi activism would focus more on this kind of thing and less on how married women in their 30s who've never even seen another vagina are "
No. 1717170
File: 1696533642423.jpg (328.02 KB, 1080x2233, Screenshot_20231005_211549_Chr…)

No comment.
No. 1717177
>>1717170>hating men means hating trans menLol
>FOLLOWED by trans womenI like how even in this "warning" post, they're so in denial about the world not conforming to gender ID garbage. No radfem equates FtMs to men.
No. 1717189
>>1717170>stereotypes that get men of color harassed and killedThey're the ones doing harassment and killing most of the time whether in their own native countries or abroad, tf is she on?
>they'll go after cis men, gay men, men of color, nonbinary people (aka woke men)Why is she acting as if a man's skin color and/or sexuality changes his inherent manness? Does being cis/gay/moc somehow make them somehow less men than what I assume to be what they're comparing against, a white straight man?
No. 1717199
>>1717170have you noticed that trannies always seem to align themselves with men’s right activists? it’s almost like they’re a bunch of misogynists that center men and don’t care about women.
>not only is “men are evil” transphobic and adds to stereotypes that get men of colour harassed and killeddo they really think women saying men are evil is the reason for why men are harassed/killed? holy shit these people are actually retarded. the main perpetrators of murderers of men are other men but women are to blame for being traumatised by men lmao? typical moids blaming women for THEIR actions. also, I’ve never met a radfem that viewed trans men as being on the same level as cis men, because they’re not. trans men’s experiences are completely different because of how they’re socialised, hence why trans women have the same crime patterns as other men whereas trans men don’t.
> they will go in for gay men, men of colour, followed by non binary people and trans womenyes, because in a patriarchal society all women are at risk of being harmed by men. all men have advantage over their female counterparts. men of colour have power over women of colour, gay men have power over lesbians etc. like obviously some men benefit from the patriarchy more than others, but at the end of the day all men are capable of hurting women not just “cis straight white men”. like I’m actually sick of “woke” people complaining about how horrible “cis straight white men” are, like this isn’t just cis straight white men it’s all men.
No. 1717263
>>1717170How the fuck is "men are evil" transphobic, is literally anything remotely alluding to biology "transphobic"?
>we must believe in unrealistic fantasies in order to keep people well-behavedNah women don't need external motivation not to chimp out
No. 1717908
>>1717170the majority of men are trash, they socialize each other to be trash, they fuck over women and men and children. calling a man what he is (trash) is never going to be the problem or the root of any evil until they stop being trash! and good luck waiting that.
>“men are evil” [is] transphobictop kek someone is confused or something hit close to home
No. 1717927
File: 1696608966139.png (146.84 KB, 720x1196, 1696522258374.png)

Cross posted from /2X/. These people are insane and creepy.
No. 1719040
File: 1696714615615.png (52.1 KB, 1004x562, many such cases.png)

why are fujotroons like this god. just read yaoi and be normal about it, it's not hard. also may i see the radfem-riddled f/f communities?
No. 1721805
File: 1696919267468.png (71.77 KB, 575x489, autism.png)

whatever this is
No. 1724150
File: 1697121339548.jpg (231.18 KB, 1080x1634, Screenshot_2023-10-12-16-27-00…)

how did tumblr go from the "stupid is a slur" website to a place where you can say stuff like this without any backlash
No. 1725797
File: 1697263050729.png (57.07 KB, 873x392, 5XsH9sK.png)

No. 1729134
File: 1697506966792.jpeg (154.08 KB, 1170x491, IMG_5240.jpeg)

tumblr terfs are pathetic but at least they aren’t ebegging to mutilate themselves
No. 1735808
File: 1698073791612.jpeg (662.41 KB, 1170x1552, IMG_5252.jpeg)

dicks are gross lol
No. 1735974
File: 1698080795731.png (542.02 KB, 740x1635, cantread.png)

Wild misinterpretation of what the original tweet said. Is everyone who asks a biology related question a TERF? Is your professor a TERF? Is a doctor who asks about recent sexual activity a TERF? Is little Timny who asked how babies are born a TERF?
No. 1736168
>>1735974to be fair it's a weird question but i doubt that the twitter user had any pervy intentions. They probably just wanted to know if its a female or male alien but didn't want to sound "offensive" by asking directly so they accidentally worded it in a kinda crash way.
Anyway it's amazing how these people never miss an opportunity to bitch about feminists. Nothing in that tweet alludes to radfem ideas but they still start whining about some made-up pervy pedo
terf boogyman
>>1736000I assume they will have pamphlets where it will explain how you borrow books. Or they will make posters of it with generic statements like "reading is fun".
some teachers at my school used a reading mascot plush to make students feel more comfortable reading out loud. I have no idea if it actually benefits kids though. Besides the alien's design translates poorly to a plushie
No. 1736491
File: 1698101143536.jpg (7.81 KB, 251x275, 1656146560151.jpg)

>>1735974Imagine being a gendietard and so hypersensitive over basic science like reproduction, that the mere questioning of a fictional biology makes you spiral and
triggered at Terfs. Holy fuck. Terfs know the biology that separates women from men and vice versa. That's it. Gendies literally make everything eleven times more complicated than it has to be with shit like "girl dicks", "man vaginas", "cis bodies", and the exaggeration and misinformation of how being a hermaphrodite even works. Then they go and project their genital-obsessed little minds onto everyone else when they're the reason why teachers now sweat at the question of "what is a woman?".
No. 1736858
>>1735808when men stop using their disgusting dingdong as weapons to hurt others, then I'll stop caring. We should chemically castrate all men.
Also, has anyone noticed how men are obsessed with dicks? they're the ones drawing penises with marker on the walls, their friends faces at a party, in school books, etc. they love dicks. I'm convinced all men are faggots pretending to be into women
No. 1737668
File: 1698172449865.png (247.29 KB, 1080x856, Screenshot_20231024-192631.png)

moid wants insane surgery because uhh sex.
No. 1737768
File: 1698177197890.jpg (244.93 KB, 1080x1292, Screenshot_20231024_011323_Chr…)

This has to be the dumbest shit I've read on Tumblr.
No. 1737806
File: 1698178342995.png (42.25 KB, 500x318, IMG_2710.png)

>>1724150The post you screenshoted was probably made by some gendie so it’s ok in their eyes, but anyway, it’s picrel. There was version with examples referring specifically to gay people, but I can’t find it.
No. 1737828
File: 1698179431929.jpg (45.43 KB, 550x350, tumblr_ni4r7lHML91rp7q79o2_640…)

>>1737806NTA. You mean this one?
No. 1742183
File: 1698517273979.jpeg (99.21 KB, 1170x325, IMG_5265.jpeg)

Nothing compared to the disappointment I feel when I’m recommended a “woman” content creator and it’s a male.
No. 1742384
>>1737768Why is it that anti-prison people are the ones least capable of dealing with reality? Every single one of these idiots has a meltdown when they have to interact with staff at a store, how the fuck do they think they're going to deal with rapists and murderers roaming around? They're not immune because of neo pronouns and misogyny.
>>1737873It's mad, they have no connection to reality at all. They think it's like getting lip fillers and you can have your neovag dissolved if it migrates or something. It's a fucking permanent surgery, once it's done you can't flip it right side out again and carry on like nothing happened.
No. 1742732
File: 1698557194408.jpg (25.69 KB, 400x225, idiot.jpg)

>>1737768It worked out so great for this retard.
No. 1744548
File: 1698673774820.jpg (162.04 KB, 1080x865, Screenshot_20231024_011124_Chr…)

Huh I wonder why people subconsciously reenact binary thinking when it comes to gender despite trying way too hard to ignore it…
No. 1744579
>>1744576The post refers to the fact that in most of gender community, they no longer use the terms man and woman to describe someone, but instead use masc/fem. It still references all the typical gender stereotypes, such as men are tall and strong and women are thin and weak, yet doesn't use the forbidden words of men/women.
This user is further mad that I'm this new binary, others still are imposing meanings on words instead of letting anything mean anything. So for example, if a woman calls herself non binary, but wears make up and dresses and only dates girls, people would tell her she's not a gay man, even though she wants to be thought of like that.
No. 1744883
File: 1698691951837.jpg (302.95 KB, 884x858, 20231030_125106.jpg)

No. 1744946
>>1744931Goes to show they want to be women so badly, even though they know
nothing about us.
No. 1745088
>>1636773Fuck her, nasty ass bitch, hated anyone who made any
valid criticism on Islam despite being a weed smoking slutty tumblr hoe. She deserves everything she got
No. 1746329
File: 1698784235839.jpeg (165.37 KB, 1179x357, 87F8B9BB-2649-43B0-A016-0F8EB1…)

Fuck this shit. The fact that women shame other women for not wanting to fuck gross balding fat old men is such bullshit. If these try hard genderspecials want to fuck an old man that’s their pathology … but shaming other women for having standards is pathetic. Dilf means dad I would fuck, therefore, if you wouldn’t fuck him he’s not a dilf. I wouldn’t fuck a balding old fatty, nor would I date a man over 40. Crazy that tumblr, the website that gets super autistic about age gaps, also eats up shit like this.
No. 1746361
>>1746329a lot of women and young girls make preachy, fake "wholesome" posts like this because they hope men will return the favor. in this case, the OP wants to see men who say they like milfs defend older women who aren't considered conventionally attractive. she knows yelling at men for talking badly about older women who don't look like porn stars will just get her mocked, laughed at and called an ugly future hag. instead, she's switching the genders and chiding women for the Big Sin of not being attracted to baldness or obesity, hoping that some males will watch and learn. too bad for her that men (as a group) don't give a fuck about returning these sorts of concessions, and that you can't shame anyone into changing their attraction.
because really, do
you actually care if some other random women don't find what you like attractive? no, nobody does. it's all disingenuous.
No. 1748859
File: 1698942570786.jpeg (715.59 KB, 1170x1941, IMG_5273.jpeg)

Why is a TiF lying about her parents getting mad about her conforming to gender roles? Why is she lying about having a 15 year old child at 25?
No. 1748865
File: 1698943117154.png (36.37 KB, 537x337, Screenshot 2023-11-02.png)

>>1748859This also sounds like a lie, but she says he's actually her boyfriend's younger brother they adopted.
No. 1749679
>>1749676like the barbs on their tongues. they
trigger ovulation in female cats and pull out the coom of other male cats. seggs is painful for the female cats.
No. 1750267
File: 1699045218529.png (18.74 KB, 673x265, Screenshot_13.png)

i'm getting real good at clocking troons just through text and it pisses me off SO much to see retarded they/thems giggling at this shit. i wouldn't even be so irritated if it were coming from just a horny guy but it's the fact that op is one of those trannies that thinks he's a le cute dog girl that makes me want to bite something
No. 1750554
File: 1699057499090.jpg (279.27 KB, 1080x1358, Screenshot_20231024_011623_Chr…)

No we just don't care about this shit, you are the ones who spend every waking hour of your life torturing yourself ouve muh gendah.
No. 1750600
File: 1699060222750.png (178.36 KB, 705x335, Screenshot_16.png)

No. 1756110
File: 1699309599197.jpg (25.32 KB, 750x238, F-PODDEaQAAtL-q.jpg)

this is a tif with a "boyfriend" and i'm not sure if it's a t4t situation or not. either way it's cringe
No. 1757925
File: 1699382311109.jpg (313.86 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20231029_193617_Chr…)

The mental gymnastics Holocaust deniers do are a sight to behold.
No. 1768672
File: 1699821750680.jpg (27.26 KB, 552x227, wtf tumblr.jpg)

The porn bots are at it again. I keep seeing these ads pop up as posts tagged with all sorts of fandom/aesthetic/interest related stuff (tumblr recommends them to me because I follow some specific aesthetic tags). Mods don't seem to be doing anything about it as usual. Even though it's annoying it is kinda funny to see "Wanna play with my booty?" followed by hashtag the phantom of the opera, mental health, miguel o'hara x reader etc. Everyone trying to find mental health advice or husbando fanfic must do a double take upon seeing this shit.
No. 1768867
>>1750554>transphobes don't see gender as something that is biological and innateCorrect.
>and they do have a concept of people who are outside of the gender binaryAlso correct, this is gender non-conformity (which is actually natural unlike gender roles).
>they just don't see that as a valid identityExisting outside of gender roles isn't "an identity" though.
>in their eyes, you can fail at being a man or a woman, and you can fail so badly that you are not seen as any gender at allThis is how it is for conservatives, and they technically believe in gender identity and gender roles just like TRAs.
>but you are not allowed to claim this as an actual identityA person who can't live up to gender roles isn't the opposite sex.
>gender is something that is given to you and taken from you, and you're not supposed to have any choice in the matter, your options are supposed to conform, or to be dehumanizedYeah, that's what living as an actual woman is like. This used to be feminism 101 but OP frames it as a "transphobe" thing instead of "gender is a stupid concept"…
No. 1771914
File: 1700015441023.jpeg (265.62 KB, 1170x1001, IMG_5288.jpeg)

Ofc op is a tranny
No. 1773045
File: 1700077369527.png (431.82 KB, 1080x3186, Screenshot_20231115-204019.png)

Porn is good because I have a film degree and uhh you're a prude and also Christian.
No. 1773077
>>1771914Aren't most kinks by default immoral? You're sexualizing stuff that absolutely isn't sexual, and some of it
cough DD/LG and furry shit cough definitely shouldn't be sexualized no matter how much bending over backwards you do to explain that it actually isn't about childhood props or animals at all
No. 1773094
>>1773045>like yeah it can be a brutal industry and i don't want to minimize the issue of people being filmed or sexualized against their willproceeds to do that exact thing
>all work and employment is exploitationThere's a big difference between flipping burgers for below minimum wage and having to fuck people you wouldn't otherwise consent to because there's a monetary incentive.
>it's just sex on film>if you seriously think that someone filming themselves fucking is a form of misogyny you might be a bit stupidThe average shit you see on Pornhub isn't remotely like a movie with a sex scene or consensually shared nudes. The issue with porn isn't that it's horny or sexual, it's the very high risk that it might not have been filmed or shared consensually. I used to be in the camp that maybe ethical porn can exist but even if 1% of it is okay, that doesn't rule out the remaining 99% and most people just gravitate to jacking off to the first thing they find without a second thought if the actor is underage or if they were forced into it. Your orgasm isn't worth that.
>>1773077"Kink" is a really wide umbrella term that means anything someone can get a sexual kick out of. So it could involve relatively harmless things to more dangerous/illegal shit like choking/rape/lolicon/DDLG/etc. That's why I find these arguments suspicious because they never name exactly
what they're into or defending. Kinksters love saying "what two consenting adults do in the bedroom isn't your business" but they constantly make it other people's business and take it out their bedroom.
No. 1773106
File: 1700080001282.png (39.53 KB, 256x256,…)

>>1773045Tired of this non consensual-consensual bullshit. Doesn't even matter if it was somehow made ethically or not. It doesn't detract from the obvious degredation on mental health specially with scrotes now trooning out more than ever and more and more people, famous or not being exposed for CP and other related grooming and sexual deviance towards minors. The amount of retardation you must have to just ignore something that noticable is astounding.
No. 1773222
>>1773045>porn is just a movie genre so therefore it's not exploitiveit's a well known fact that directors of non-porn movies frequently abuse female actors and cross their boundaries during filming. The movie industry
does hate women and exploit them so calling porn a movie genre isn't really a defense.
>if you critise porn you will have eager academics who will tell you why you are wrongwhat kind of argument is this even. There are academics who are against porn too and will tell you why you are wrong if you defend it.
Most sources that says that porn is exploitive comes from women who used to work in the porn industry. But I guess their experiences doesn't matter because they aren't academics
>I was taught by gay men and lesbian who defended pornand there are gay men and lesbians who are anti porn. Many anti porn gay men used to work in the industry too but again, their experiences aren't relevant because they aren't academics.
This guy is genuinely insane. So we should all just ignore porn actors abuse just because it turns some academics on? Academics don't have godlike authority they can still have biases and hate women even if they have a degree. Besides basing your worldview on what film majors says is weird. They are taught how to analyse movies. Anything they learn regarding social issues and misogyny is going to be shallow and in the context of the movie industry. It would be like asking a law major to explain art history to you
No. 1775252
>>1773222Would you be able to let me know some anti porn gay men who've shared their experiences? Haven't seen much about it but I'm interested
>>1773045These people are always so snobby about their education all the while claiming to support the workers
No. 1787915
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No. 1788006
File: 1700922897867.png (83.76 KB, 427x776, Untitled.png)

No. 1791053
File: 1701101989811.png (1.56 MB, 660x2016, xvriqx7bcw2c1.png)

I just had to glance at the name of the "lesbian" to know instantly it was a troon. And guess who was right? First pic I found on his profile.
No. 1791076
File: 1701103068576.jpeg (129.31 KB, 828x506, IMG_6699.jpeg)

>>1791053The jokes write themselves
No. 1791977
File: 1701176696620.png (461.63 KB, 1080x1626, Screenshot_20231128-140245.png)

I don't get why the first take is so controversial? If women being safe from drunk moids is wrong then I don't wanna be right.
No. 1791982
File: 1701177230975.png (22.76 KB, 590x186, Zrzut ekranu 2023-11-28 141430…)

>>1791977because if a woman is not a lib feminist who lick men's asses she's a
terf (also the first post is not even endorsing prohibition but saying that these women were painted in an unfair light). the second person is a male themie. also, kek.
No. 1798227
File: 1701627524425.png (2.95 KB, 514x87, maybe.png)

How do anons feel about this?
On one hand, do I have nostalgia for it? Sure, but it couldn't have been safe. I kept my roleplay partner from way back when, and thankfully and she's extremely chill but I think it only works because we're similarly aged. But at the same time there's extremely accessible porn roleplay bots for kids that are obviously collecting logs. I don't know which is worse or which is better.
No. 1800879
File: 1701833181152.jpg (231.14 KB, 745x879, tumblr.jpg)

This is from the royal confessions blog. Most of the submissions there are just plain dumb, but sometimes there's gems like this. I don't even hate it, I think this is hilarious.
No. 1800895
>>1800879whoever submitted this is really telling on herself
>not being "stuck up" and "useless" means you're not a woman..and skirts in a suit fashion, something incredibly common that tons of women wear especially decades ago
No. 1800906
>>1800879Samefag but also note the "other afabs of THEIR time" kekkk. Also, I googled it and apparently
>Queen Victoria considered that the title 'Duke' was the proper title for the holder of a Dukedom whether man or woman, that of Duchess being a courtesy title for the consort of a Duke. Throughout Her reign, Queen Elizabeth was also sometimes referred to as the Duke of Lancaster.So Elizabeth only went by that title cause it was tradition and "duke of lancaster" is just a title given to whoever is the monarch. Unless that person believes Victoria was also nonbinary.
No. 1801896
File: 1701908393822.png (27.21 KB, 564x331, Screenshot 2023-12-06 191622.p…)

nonnies give me the strength not to a-log
No. 1810503
File: 1702479175294.png (3.02 MB, 596x4058, emergency commissions plox.png)

Stumbled across this because someone had tagged it transphobia.
No. 1811378
File: 1702513270485.jpg (21.22 KB, 504x164, you are the problem.jpg)

Apparently you don't even have to do anything to be trans exclusionary now, according to tumblr.
If transwomen don't spontaneously interact with your community, it's because they don't feel safe! There's something wrong with you! Shame on you!
No. 1825649
File: 1703325643430.jpg (393.32 KB, 1080x2479, Screenshot_20231008_110017_Chr…)

Today in Shit That Never Happened.
No. 1834109
File: 1703928262486.png (353.57 KB, 1080x2836, 1000022689.png)

>beating someone can be affectionate
No. 1834137
File: 1703933373107.jpg (110.79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>1834109I remember when I discovered his music through some other gendie's videos. I genuinely like his voice. I think it's very unique and he could be a voice actor if he wanted to. Not a singer though. I've watched a few of his videos before I peaked, like "Art, furries, god" (it started off as a good video but he tied the information together poorly) and the don't hug me I'm scared commentary. His interpretation of it, having to do with autism, was better than the overbeaten trope of "big bad guy that controls everything". I didn't know he was trans until midway through the video where he explained his childhood and how it was like having autism. Overall I didn't have a negative opinion towards him. But his Tumblr is obnoxious. He's an asshole to people there and he keeps making the worst most annoying posts, making him somebody who you clearly don't want to interact with. He seems hostile, though it could really just be how he's autistic. He looks the stereotypical autistic guy if you look at a picture of him, plus he said it somewhere on his Tumblr how sometimes he needs support from others to do certain things. I actually feel so fucking bad for people who have autism of that severity. I don't know how to describe it without sounding like an asshole. I really wish the best for them.
No. 1834287
File: 1703950720588.png (764.5 KB, 1080x919, 1000022692.png)

>>1834113Male autists should be sent to the mines as soon as they turn 10.
No. 1834401
>>1834109Shit like this is peaking more he/they zoomers than JKR herself. Piss is only a delicious beverage to coomer moids and Luna, even the most deranged DID larper with 12 genders is going to pause and rethink their opinions at that point.
>>1834287Is he related to the Habsburgs?
No. 1835139
File: 1704035369150.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1284x2167, IMG_0190.jpeg)

This was posted by an “ace trans lesbian”. Can someone translate what the fuck is being said here? I thought being trans for any reason was valid. And isn’t the reason most TiMs transition for the aesthetic of looking like their pornified version of what they think women are?
No. 1835165
>>1835139There is a trend of TIFs calling themselves TIMs and TIMs are angry because it's "appropriating the transfem experience and reducing it to an aesthetic." They're especially angry because so many TIFs are accidentally revealing they know all TIMs are easily clockable as men and list a bunch if physical features that give TIMs ~dysphoria.~ It's hilarious because appropriating lived experiences and reducing it to an aesthetic is exactly what they do to women and this self-obsessed schizobabble is what they ushered in with "everyone is
valid" talking points. Karma.
No. 1836312
File: 1704145683047.png (155.89 KB, 1060x468, dumbSkärmavbild 2022-08-23 kl…)

Maybe this person SHOULD get perma'd or a tracking device on their car for openly wishing death on people.
No. 1837320
File: 1704239532609.jpeg (272.62 KB, 1284x896, IMG_0233.jpeg)

How is this even a gotcha. Okay then, I was born female.
No. 1839808
File: 1704445556439.png (159.72 KB, 715x672, gotta love how they're subtly …)

>and whose perpetrators are also singularly evil people who were born evil and need to be erased from society in order to get rid of rape existing at all
they do need to be erased from society though
rapists deserve the death penalty
No. 1840979
File: 1704525157331.png (133.17 KB, 720x693, IMG_20240106_010959.png)

New antinatalism just dropped
No. 1841935
File: 1704596837658.png (381.83 KB, 622x1020, IMG_20240106_210716.png)

Why are Tumblr users like this? Specifically tifs.
No. 1841963
File: 1704598473418.png (2.8 MB, 1284x1973, tumblr_e48c1bf08b8c83065c10364…)

>>1841935I see even non-TiFs expressing an incredibly hostile desire to remove their uterus too, like clearly not a "in careful consideration with my doctor and my medical history" way but in a rabid and politicized way that hates women's bodies.
No. 1846949
File: 1704917291933.png (6.78 KB, 494x98, 0d5f01c713deeded5efa55685a6e30…)

I just noticed that they use the toothpaste flag for the gay tag on tumblr, I'm fucking howling
No. 1847595
File: 1704943954251.jpg (122.78 KB, 546x715, asexual fashion expression.jpg)

Speaking of pride bs, I scrolled down my feed to find collaged pictures of lolita fashion with asexual flags slapped on. The tags had some real hot takes.
>everytime some idiot complains about this or anything we woman or woman presenting people do or enjoy
>clapping emojis
>you can enjoy dressing up and not making it about mating maaan
Like does she think that normies are all out there dressing to signal potential mates?
No. 1848898
File: 1705022015099.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x2120, F3A0D43A-A7F0-4E09-B1CA-424A3C…)

Shockingly, a “kidcore” furfag has been outed as a zoo/pedophile. Who could’ve seen this coming?
No. 1849620
>>1849589The term is never used that way (ie, no one has ever said "I consumed media this weekend") in the first place. It's used when broadly describing the actions of groups of people. (eg, "One in four teens were mostly cell phone users, consuming a majority of their media with applications on their phone.")
I didn't make up anything about any anon either. She literally said she thinks watching a lot of different shows is "consuming" whereas she isn't a consumer because she just watches the same shit over and over kek
No. 1849838
File: 1705081807943.jpeg (39.42 KB, 1080x714, received_750881107075428.jpeg)

>>1849620I never said I consider watching shows to be a "real" hobby and I also never said that I consider myself special or not a consoomer of media or whatever. I brought up the phrase in regards to people who watch lots of different and new things all the time because that's usually the kind of person who says they've been consuming media. Of course I know it's been used before but the current popularity and use of the term on Tumblr specifically is weird to me. For instance picrel just makes me roll my eyes. It's such a clinical yet quirky~ way to say you've been watching shows or reading books. This is also starting to become a really dumb conversation
No. 1849987
>>1848898I swear anyone that uses those mastodon websites are
sus and or hiding something.
Just communities of freaks
No. 1850153
File: 1705093133930.png (119.12 KB, 1080x1102, Screenshot_20240112-145854~2.p…)

What a stupid retard
maybe because we're tired of the ugly,lazily made,cookie cutter,furry bait garbage we've been getting in the past 5 years or so.definitely homophobia!!! The victim complex is strong with this one.
No. 1850166
>>1848992>>1849433>>1849589>>1849838tumblr users are pseudo intellectuals and are constantly seeking a high horse. There are conversations where media consumption is an appropriate term but most of the time when it's used on tumblr it's a way to prove you are smarter. "Sheeples consume anime without catching the pro imperialism undertones, unlike me who use art to explore humanity and human relations, which is why i wrote a poem about how eating dinner together is a love confession". It's just the "good taste gang" rebranded. Of course it's a good thing to be critical towards everything and of course it's good to use art and media to challenge yourself but tumblr users pick the weirdest battles and can't just admit that they like a multimedia franchise. They have to make up a claim that they are the only ones who gets it while everyone else are mindless consumers.
I also don't get why people will use the word consume to describe themselves when there are other words to use that sounds less cynical. "I have really been into stories about dolphins" "I stopped engaging with sci fi media because it bores me".
>>1849589content creation sounds corporate to me because it lumps artists together with streamers
No. 1850370
File: 1705104298381.jpeg (100.58 KB, 828x849, IMG_2104.jpeg)

No. 1851449
File: 1705151644519.png (1.31 MB, 1284x4545, IMG_0306.png)

Why do they lie through their teeth?
No. 1851665
>>1851449gender is fluid but also you are born like that and can't help it. Also is a social construction but at the same time if you don't change into the right gender you can't live.
Everything is so bullshit and self contradicting, how the hell did we get to this
No. 1852450
>>1850153normalize expressing scorn for furries
>>1851449man i hate when they say puberty blockers are so safe and your body will catch up on its development when it stops taking them. isnt a popular blocker also used to chemically castrate prisoners? that should tell you enough.
also tumblr gendies shouldnt be allowed to have children.
No. 1855615
File: 1705335399679.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20240115-113324.png)

Scrolling through a random blog and see this, do they have no self awareness kek?
No. 1856119
>>1851449When the meltdowns start, that's when you know the tide is beginning to turn against these dipshits. Puberty blockers are safe!!!! Source: my ass. It's hard to tell how much is the usual gendie bawwwing and how much is cope from retards who were chemically castrated for internet brownie points and kinda regret that decision. Chimping out about how your son trooned out for a year before accepting reality isn't helping the whole 'transgenderism is social contagion' thing either.
The way they sidestep the detrans thing is telling. It's an act of self-exploration, it's learning, it's life, investing in something you end up not wanting is normal… they're really setting themselves up for their own detransitions. TRAs and trannies are this close to admitting to themselves that 99% of gendies were memed into taking unsafe medication and/or undergoing irreversible surgery because of a misogynistic trend that gave them social media clout. The other 1% are pedos and sex pests who ask for pre-tit chop pics from minors on Reddit, but they haven't reached the level of mental gymnastics needed to admit that yet.
No. 1861007
File: 1705657141721.jpg (449.93 KB, 1080x1821, 1000006222.jpg)

obviously op is a double retard who should've been aborted but i enjoy the tableau this post presents. the homestuck icon, the use of "masc" instead of "male", talking about porn with the cadence of a fandom elder…underpinning it all, the fact that op doesn't understand why the tarp is on the couch: because porn isn't a fantasy, it's real life, and in real life someone has to clean that couch. very postmodernism pilled. anime pantyshot on op's blog as well.
No. 1861019
>>1855615classic tranny. there is nothing i can say about this that wasnt already said before.
>>1861007i laughed at loud
No. 1861371
File: 1705697956575.png (259.24 KB, 561x593, accurate blog name.png)

If you feminism doesn't include asskissing men, you're not a feminist!!!!
No. 1863922
File: 1705885507498.png (141.02 KB, 720x754, Screenshot_20240121-190200~2.p…)

New gendie term just dropped.
No. 1864825
File: 1705970985183.png (29.61 KB, 1176x242, bogleech.png)

No. 1864832
>>1863922Perisex sounds like a bootleg Pyrex that you don't really know where it came from.
>>1864825All I got from this is that mushrooms are less dangerous than men on average even if you are eating random mushroom you know nothing about
No. 1866437
File: 1706119013435.png (539.03 KB, 504x1122, IMG_20240124_115334.png)

No. 1866442
File: 1706119245490.png (108.67 KB, 595x466, IMG_20240124_115511.png)

No. 1866501
File: 1706122678679.jpg (23.1 KB, 357x403, mushrooms.JPG)

>>1864825That analogy doesn't work though? Everyone knows you have to be extremely careful when picking mushrooms, since a lot of them are inedible or so poisonous they can kill you. Or well, you know what, that analogy works pretty well actually - not in the way the retard in the tumblr post meant though.
No. 1866503
File: 1706123067732.jpeg (441.06 KB, 828x1667, IMG_2211.jpeg)

>>1866484looked it up and ut seems they rely on user reports. unsurprisingly any mention of feminsim/ women's rights equals transhobia, but the criteria for being labelled trans friendly are bonkers, it's not enough to be supportive of the lgbtiaqquekz++++ you have to specifically gobble their girldick 24/7
No. 1867148
File: 1706160421103.jpg (609.9 KB, 2880x2880, 20240125_012652.jpg)

>>1866534It's exactly who you'd expect, TIMs who scream when they're not being centered and turbo-handmaidens like Sarah Z. It's not just for Tumblr blogs btw, Hitler is marked red on Wikipedia for example. But the Tumblr userbase is obsessed with the add-on and references it all the time like it's common knowledge. "The only Tumblr mobile update I want is Shinigami Eyes" is one I see a lot. Some users also take it upon themselves to TERFhunt, like picrel.
No. 1867648
File: 1706210865520.png (25.6 KB, 560x108, ff2d79a2-bb97-4dc0-93de-41dfef…)

If only there were psychological explanations for fearing intimacy.
No. 1867709
>>1867148So apparently because I dont support kids transitioning, I'm a
terf. well, fuck me for being a woman who only supports women. Tifs are just as huge babies as troons. I hate tifs just as much to be honest.
No. 1870672
File: 1706499643111.jpeg (52.28 KB, 720x607, received_1346146810116927.jpeg)

>tranny marxist-leninist
>not alienated from the world's population
The preaching mixed with the go outside and get in touch with your community if you're a real intellectual crowd has been such an annoying thing. Grad school bloggers should have never been a template to social interaction.
No. 1879684
File: 1707250242163.jpeg (259.11 KB, 828x826, 7DC440F0-EE54-4355-92EC-CA0CCD…)

No. 1879729
File: 1707252974452.jpeg (198.16 KB, 828x1403, IMG_2343.jpeg)

yeah right the guys who commit mass atrocities on a galactic scale follow tumblr politics
the way tumblrfags treat their fave characters send me. they really treat them like teddy bears and take away their whole characterisation.
like why do you even like the emperor if you turn him into a softboi? the man's sole character trait is being evil
No. 1879739
>>1879684If the TIF who wrote this spent 20+ minutes a day doing extremely light exercise with whatever body parts she can still move, and consumed vegetables twice a day, instead of projecting like this, she would be so much happier with her life.
>>1879729So by their logic, we're the good guys? OK, I'll take that.
No. 1879742
File: 1707253450179.jpeg (146.46 KB, 828x1414, IMG_2342.jpeg)

>>1879739lol ikr, if the evil space fascists hate my guts that means i must be doing something right
No. 1882983
File: 1707508455575.png (127.47 KB, 1076x1444, sad.PNG)

No. 1883044
>>1882983Granted I was a child in the 00s so my peers didnt have this discussion but based on the movies and tv shows I saw and what I overhead older kids talk about, I get the impression that 20 years ago watching porn while dating was considered cheating. I wonder what cultural shift happened to make women okay with their boyfriends watching porn? I think it was around the early 10s I suddenly saw people defend this
however the early 10s was also when I started watching more TV targeted men so it might not be a cultural thing and it might just be me being exposed to more moidness.
But to play the devil's advocate I can imagine the types of people who follows and votes on a blog call "spicypolls" already have pornbrainrot
No. 1883147
>>1883044Porn was for losers who couldn't get laid back in the day. The early 10s was when libfems decided that women owning their sexuality without being shamed for it was empowering and cool, then fucked it up by promoting sex work as a viable and desirable career path.
It was cool to be a chill girl who didn't get insecure over her guy checking out other girls and supported her man when he befriended empowered women at the strip club. The narrative became 'Porn is hot, I'm one of the dudes, I'm also very bi and want attention.' Polyamory took off with insecure cool girls showing off their lack of standards.
When troonism and HAES started trending, Tumblr was full of women posting their 'artistic' nudes in defiance of beauty norms. You had endless free porn that wasn't porn akshually, so it was cool for moids to appreciate them because that meant the moids were sensitive feminists. Basically a long cycle of women cucking women until we'd cucked ourselves down to a point where this poll exists.
No. 1884086
File: 1707601857543.png (456.69 KB, 1056x1230, Skärmavbild 2024-02-10 kl. 22…)

I think they've overdosed on copium.
No. 1890100
File: 1708059475807.jpg (523.29 KB, 1080x1369, Screenshot_20240216_155738.jpg)

I was agreeing with the first post and then it got to the bottom where once again tumblrinas consider anything and everything bad TERF logic
No. 1890109
>>1890100Funny, because that's introductory anti-
TERF rhetoric - defend men and pressure women into lowering their guards around them instead of trusting their instincts. I wonder who this benefits, hmmmm.
No. 1891460
File: 1708178198980.png (93.75 KB, 1205x613, tumblr.png)

did tumblr change how dashboards works? I got shown this post on my desktop dashboard even though I do not follow the blog that reblogged this. Normally when I see posts from blogs I don't follow it usually says some variation of "based on your likes" next to the rebloggers username but here it is shown as I'm following the blog. Also the person who reblogged this post is a furry artist and I don't follow anything adjacent to furry stuff so I have no idea why tumblr thought I would be interested in this post/blog. I do occasionally lurk gender critical tags, which is probably why tumblr algorithm thought I wanted to see a post about ~twansmisogyny~ but I mostly use/lurk tags that arent related to trannies, and my suggested blogs and posts are also normally unrelated to trannies so I have no idea whats going on here. Has this happened to anyone else? the whole appeal of tumblr is that they dont force you to see crap you dont want. whats the point if they are just going to start putting posts on your dash that is unrelated to your own blog and the blogs of the ones you are following?
No. 1891565
File: 1708186392096.jpg (168.78 KB, 1080x1349, 1000014915.jpg)

How dramatic lmao.
No. 1891591
>>1891565>actively dangerous kek
also saying they liked her better when she was 'milquetoast' is really telling
No. 1894980
>>1894972The whole fiasco has been pretty well documented in
>>>/snow/1961046 but yeah, pretty much. Notably though, it seems pretty rare for tumblr mods to actually terminate a user
No. 1895083
File: 1708447440309.png (Spoiler Image,887.03 KB, 1080x3500, 1000008625.png)

Spoilered just in case.
No. 1895101
File: 1708448151270.jpg (703.14 KB, 971x2106, Screenshot_20240220-165724.jpg)

>>1894908KEK. I see way more posts by trans men and regular women on tumblr, but trans women created everything there, sure
No. 1896510
File: 1708540396298.jpg (69.08 KB, 527x507, #Writing.jpg)

tumblr writing advice: giving characters kinks makes them more deep and complex and interesting, not like all those boring vanilla cishet normie npcs
No. 1896578
>>1895101>The contentMm, yes you totally created superwholock yes.
>PaintingsI have literally never seen a MTF who I thought was a good, let alone passable artist.
Literally the only thing here that troons MIGHT have contributed to is music, and that's literally just because there were so many musician bronies making dubstep who trooned out, otherwise tumblr's entire site culture is female dominated and it's kind of disgusting that they're claiming it was all moids.
No. 1897780
File: 1708628016110.jpg (88.94 KB, 1080x685, 1000015038.jpg)

I hope this dude is next on the chopping block, I'm sick of seeing his retarded takes.
No. 1898642
File: 1708693271986.jpg (476.59 KB, 1080x2946, 1000015062.jpg)

Troon on troon violence will never not be funny (and ofc still zero mention of the TIF who got beat up to death).
No. 1899927
File: 1708788999006.png (529.54 KB, 1200x693, fat and bald.png)

No. 1900992
File: 1708860654681.jpg (849.08 KB, 971x2607, Screenshot_20240225-112852.jpg)

No. 1900995
File: 1708860966339.jpg (820.51 KB, 971x2583, Screenshot_20240225-112910.jpg)

No. 1900997
File: 1708861284723.jpg (484.14 KB, 1080x1636, Screenshot_20240225-112929.jpg)

No. 1900999
File: 1708861532981.png (658.31 KB, 651x641, Screen Shot 2024-02-25 at 6.47…)

>>1900992>>1900995>>1900997This whole post is pathetic.
No. 1902255
File: 1708944128271.png (252.08 KB, 535x1120, IMG_20240226_044003.png)

Furries are now the newest addition of most oppressed people added into LGBTQA+f
No. 1902449
File: 1708957328413.jpg (873.53 KB, 928x1000, tuftedtit2-2777688916.jpg)

>>1902255This morning, I got up, sat my ass in front of the computer, clicked on my LC icon and started scrolling. Within a few moments I encountered this post. And it made me so mad, so filled with the certainly that we're doomed from the retardation of others, that I reached a moment of clarity where I realized that real people aren't like this. And I got up and went bird watching in the park. Thank you nona, you posted something so egregious and disconnected from the world that it made me go touch grass and my mental health is better for it.
No. 1908836
File: 1709371062026.jpeg (117.58 KB, 750x508, IMG_6969.jpeg)

>prettier than me
Truly handmaidens are projecting since they’re the ones always saying how ‘beautiful’ twans women are.
No. 1908849
>>1902255Are they just gonna ignore that conservative furries exist or…
Also rainfurrest alone is a good reason to sum up why people don’t like furries.
No. 1908928
File: 1709373666194.png (Spoiler Image,889.5 KB, 1024x576, tumblr_813ae0cd19a910bc238530b…)

>>1908836I don't think I'm really saying anything new that hasn't been said on this site before, but one of the handmaiden arguments I hate the most (that I unfortunately used to fall for in my tumblr phase) is that TERFs think all women are weaklings and equating that to inferiority which is why TIMs should be let into women's sports, when they are simply acknowledging that men and women have immutable biological differences that allow men to be physically stronger than women on average.
These people do not live in reality and/or have been brainwashed into thinking that observing any differences at all between men and woman is sexist and anti-trans. They don't get that women do not want to see a hulking, perverted man in a dress larping taking up awards and spaces meant for women, and twist it as "TERFs don't want men in women's competitions because they think it's unfair as the woman will lose because she is of the inherently weaker, dumber sex". The consequences of being told to "unlearn your biases" and that "formerly shitty and sexist men were just sexist because they were kawaii little twans gorls all along with internalized misogyny in their real womanly hearts" and that you would be a violent nazi killing transwomen in the streets with your thoughts and words otherwise.
Spoiler for ugly trannies. (Throwback to the first MTF thread)
No. 1909131
terf I’ve seen has been like TiMs can have beauty pageants. I don’t get why so many TRAs think something like that is an issue for a lot of women who have already taken time to unravel themselves from mainstream beauty standards.
No. 1919295
File: 1710092676581.jpg (276.21 KB, 1080x1810, 1000015859.jpg)

What kind of stupid comparison is that?
No. 1919377
>>1919295>>1919308yeah, some very spicy food gives you a mild high but it's a fairly safe way to get it. the worst you might get is fiery shits, not get trapped in an
abusive remationship.
No. 1920055
>>1919334oh yeah that acne sure is adorable.
nonny please.
No. 1923980
File: 1710383695457.jpg (189.83 KB, 1080x749, Crymeaninfiniteriverfattrannya…)

OP is apparently a disabled mobidly obese jewish lesbian tranny who is a "scientist" "working to better the world with his inventions". All the first comment said was "is this cat on a diet?" because the cat is literally obese (not even gonna mention how grody and dingy the background often is… oops guess I did kek). I'm starting to think morbidly obese fatties should not have pets if they're going to inflict their mental illness on animals. Of course every single comment thereafter is people telling the cat diet question guy to frick off and pee your pants fatphobe!
No. 1924053
File: 1710388778862.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1037, tumblr_ea4ce41d91e73591f3874f5…)

>>1923980He spends a lot of time begging for money when he could save quite a lot by simply not overfeeding the fuck out of his cat. This is animal abuse as far as I'm concerned. When his cat inevitably gets diabetes or some cardiovascular disease I'm sure he'll beg for even more money. Lame Stray Cat J ripoff, YWNB Landlady
No. 1924072
File: 1710389395433.jpeg (386.89 KB, 750x1099, IMG_3372.jpeg)

>>1923980Ebegging with six pizza boxes stacked in the corner, can’t even be bothered to sweep. The poor cat looks massive in this pic too.
No. 1927383
File: 1710591160154.png (20.64 KB, 463x260, jprdl.PNG)

jkr literally just denied holocaust
No. 1928969
File: 1710702952309.jpg (442.1 KB, 1080x1503, 1000006800.jpg)

this one isn't even super egregious or anything but it's so funny how clockable these men are just by their words alone. the way sexism did not even occur to him as an explanation lol. girlbrain moment!
No. 1931667
File: 1710888637191.png (1.23 MB, 589x1289, nicies farms.png)

Satirical, but it got a little chuckle out of me.
No. 1932942
File: 1710977393155.png (42.73 KB, 544x395, hmmmm.PNG)

I can't believe so many people are reblogging this and agreeing. This has 15,000 reblogs
No. 1941353
File: 1711589076838.jpg (20.61 KB, 580x171, erewfree.JPG)

Tumblr lesbians seem to have a huge thing against SSA women using straps or dildos or enjoying any form of penetration and they get so aggressive about it. I've seen so many posts that basically say penetration isn't pleasurable for women at all so two women using insertable toys on each other are male-centered and probably not real lesbians, any woman who says she's a lesbian but enjoys dildos or straps is bisexual and lying about it, etc. It's so retarded. Internal stimulation just feels good for many women. Because we have pleasure spots inside our vaginas. They don't disappear just because a woman isn't attracted to men. Why should we be barred from having fun with those spots just because we're having sex with a woman? I just don't get it.
No. 1942855
File: 1711748271267.png (176.42 KB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_20240329-132408-154…)

they are so fucking WEIRD and nasty
No. 1943519
File: 1711808400711.jpg (186.84 KB, 1490x1258, 9bac8db3-7a85-5b3b-b588-0ac629…)

No. 1943557
>>1943519Just let normies have their harmless fun ffs.
>antisemitism They really believe this shit? They are insane.
No. 1943928
File: 1711836911887.jpeg (161.39 KB, 1080x1638, received_1220599269325992.jpeg)

No. 1944411
File: 1711856638821.jpeg (811.08 KB, 1170x2006, IMG_0133.jpeg)

>>1942855It’s faggots vs retards tonight as halodite/neotrances has challenged him to a fight. She said he was being racist I guess. Glad “Tyler” remakes every so often because she had me blocked on the neotrances account
No. 1944425
>>1943928>>1943937>being poc and/gay is the same thing as being a sexual deviantI love when these freaks expose themselves and say what they really think. They believe the exact same things that conservatives do, they just view it in a positive light.
>punk is when supporting the state sterilizing homosexuals and gender nonconformists, the mentally ill and traumatized and the autistics Back to your Nazi punk phase so soon?
No. 1946448
File: 1712002639236.png (253.26 KB, 1080x1840, Screenshot_20240401-150906~2.p…)

>>1944411Tyler is always in some shit with white mtfs it's genuinely shocking she hasn't peaked yet. She can't go a month without pissing them off. It's always the same group too, I suppose if white trannies aren't posting about wanting to rape kids and animals they are hosting homestuck racism workshops. I will admit this latest spat is actually pretty funny.
No. 1946587
File: 1712008991670.jpg (68.53 KB, 1080x585, 70d22a3f509_1f5c0443_1280.jpg)

If you're not on tumblr today, the April Fools gimmick is that you can hit someone's blog with a cat paw and it's called booping.
No. 1946594
>>1946448As much as I’m annoyed by her (and she blocked me for genuinely no reason, I’m crypto) I do feel bad because the trannies she fights are always scumbags. Also when you click her blog the pinned post has a rebuttal to a callout that accused her of being a
TERF I would love to see her peak
No. 1950108
File: 1712234217996.jpg (522.68 KB, 1080x1793, 1000009258.jpg)

How come these fat fucks believe that weight is an axis of oppression on par with race or sex? Kek
No. 1954882
>>1954732most of my old tumblr mutuals have since moved onto becoming my twitter mutuals and I stopped caring about what they post and just focus on things I like. Its kind of cringe seeing people in their 30's talk about euphoria from being gay/trans etc. but it is what it is. I just follow them for their art at this point.
Maybe its because Tumblr is more easy to curate but I rarely see tranny stuff on my TL and the second I see someone post stuff like that I unfollow because I dont want to deal with the eventual drama they bring.
Sounds like your mutual might be on the path to peaking though so keep encouraging her with likes and validation.
No. 1958929
File: 1712818251593.jpg (266.68 KB, 1080x1151, 1000006926.jpg)

horseshoe theory or whatever you wanna call it is so real like if you're seeing (((them))) behind every corner and making up anti-semitic conspiracy theories you have more in common with the average /pol/troon than anyone remotely in touch with reality. harry potter is not the protocols of the elders of zion just because joanne said ywnbaw lol.
No. 1959057
File: 1712836791587.png (161.1 KB, 593x552, temu labia.png)

>>1954732Personally, because there's no longer a dumbass shit thread, I try to keep websites within their own threads, even if it is a hate thread. So I post my tumblr shit here and reddit shit in reddit hate. Not 100% of my posts are hate, but I don't want lc to become another clone of the rest of the internet, where there's only five websites and all they do is post screenshots of each other, so I contain them within their threads.
No. 1959132
File: 1712843195836.jpg (88.74 KB, 481x888, sgvsae3fe.JPG)

No. 1959168
>>1958929Harry Potter has all the retards on such a tight grip that they will never get over the fact that JK Rowling is sick of their tard behavior. I still can't believe these idiots got tattoos, consoomed, went to watch all of the movies, read all of the books and /
now/ they're coping and seething by saying that
>i-it wasn't t-that goodKEK this is just too funny, they all also have made stories based on the core ideas of Harry Potter. Whenever I see a retarded TRA, tranny, or just plain braindead faggot talking badly about Harry Potter, I assume that their dumbass must have bought at least some mercb, has read at least a fanfic or has contemplated making a story using Harry Potter as some either direct or indirect inspiration.
Like, just the whole stuff of having different color coded clubs in the magical school is the absolutely most iconic shit ever, but anything for the sake of seeming better than others I guess.
No. 1959319
>>1958929I used to think 'surely person in 2017 writing an essay about how Dumbledore DEADNAMED Voldemort is joking.' Only for just last week for these very earnest posts about the same thing to start poping up on my dash.
Wtf. Get a grip you retards.
Side note but where my Bellamort fags at? Why must my dash be clogged with Tomarry? It sucks.
No. 1959583
>>1959289Wrong thread
nonny, but i hate these routines too. Especially the body care ones.
No. 1972529
>>1954732>Is anyone going through the same thing? Anyone notice their mutuals not giving a fuck about trans right bullshit? It feels kind of nice. Maybe the tranny shit really is on the up and out. Fingers crossed!I've had my tumblr since I was 17 (am 30 now, never remade) and I noticed something similar when I started using my it again. I follow ~500 blogs and never remade, I noticed a lot of my current mutuals often like radfem adjacent posts I reblog. I even have a friend from high school who is gendie and still follows/reblogs from me despite edging into
terf territory. My blog is mostly fandom but I stopped tranny virtue signaling 5 years ago and posted more anti-queer theory so I think a lot of followers took the hint. I've noticed more 30+ women who have been on tumblr a long time are skewing closer to
terf-sympathetic for obvious reasons.
No. 1973647
File: 1713696023086.jpg (283.56 KB, 1080x2400, u4myig60z0b71.jpg)

No. 1973667
>>1973647lol wut? Is there any context for this? did an
evil terf call them smelly and hurt their feelings?
No. 1973703
>>1973667On tumblr (and often twitter too) anyone having an opinion that hurts your precious feefees is automatically a
terf regardless of whether it makes any sense whatsoever.
No. 1973758
>>1973647LMAO? Telling people they stink isn't inherently ableist or classist, 99% of the time those comments are aimed at people who DO have access to running water and deodorant but choose not to. If you search any trans Reddit you'll see basement dweller troons brag about "not showering for months due to dysphoria". I find it pathetic even when normal people refuse to shower due to "depression" or "spoons", I've been clinically depressed since early childhood and falling into that bad hygiene NEET habit made me more miserable. It's legitimately a privilege to have these things normally taken for granted and not use them.
Not being able to cook for yourself is also pathetic, I literally taught myself when I was young. The vast majority of adults my age who can't cook and e-beg for Ubereats money aren't physically disabled, they're lazy and rely on mommy to do it.
No. 1973768
>>1629393I'm multiple months late to this but my older brother is exactly like this, he's in his mid 20s and has straight up never eaten vegetables aside from potatoes.
His diet consist of red meat, chicken nuggets, bread and potatoes.
Alongside with being a mamas boy, a hoarder and a n-word enthusiast he's my personal cow.
No. 1974272
File: 1713736138345.jpeg (515.72 KB, 1242x1219, IMG_2703.jpeg)

Does anyone remember the vintage tumblr cringe?
No. 1975731
File: 1713836343877.jpg (363.29 KB, 750x1965, D3E34D27-2576-44FD-8BCD-7C21CC…)

>>1973647Reminds me of picrel
No. 1976398
>>1976384Punctuation is harder to do when you're using speech-to-text, so his use of & instead of "and" is a start. This sentence in particular
>Then there's reading & understanding the directions, which, especially when I'm tired, is difficult enough for me.That's a lot of commas you'd have to dictate. Doable, but suspect if this dude has extensive executive issues like he's claiming.
No. 1980156
File: 1714078270062.png (319.86 KB, 522x632, CAPTURE.png)

I can't tell if I love or hate this
No. 1982696
>>1975731Can't have the mental power to process microwave meal instructions or open a cardboard box but sitting with your phone and computer all day, drawing, typing, clicking, arguing with people online and making and ~aesthetic~ cardd with your DNI list is no issue.
I hate these type of retards so much.
No. 1995566
File: 1715195680452.jpg (456.38 KB, 1079x1603, 1000007179.jpg)

damn i thought those people were ideologically obligated to pretend eurovision doesn't exist this year? but then, i also thought eurovision was literally yass queen gay culture, but now it turns out it was always evropean imperialism (north africa is assigned white by the european broadcasting area)?
No. 1995623
File: 1715199438543.jpg (1.07 MB, 1200x840, ExpaCtoKwkHrqu9rj16Qaj8P8LNzvm…)

>>1995566Did they want the entirety of Africa to participate or do they not understand how colonies work? Also look at these incredibly white Australian Aboriginals who were participating, kek.
No. 1996205
File: 1715235062939.jpeg (497.06 KB, 1188x1553, IMG_0908.jpeg)

All 44k notes saying what a heckin silly boy
No. 2007069
File: 1715988333103.jpg (37.83 KB, 531x610, tumblr_obdbffItzH1tgb6wyo1_540…)

A classic
No. 2013592
File: 1716349766264.jpg (24.29 KB, 540x110, tumblr_cc39539a0f41bba6eddfe5e…)

DNI lists crack me up. It's like "don't even look at me if you ship things or if you're trans in a way I don't like, btw I'm excluding all exclusionists from my blog", but wtf even are endos?
No. 2013939
File: 1716356534661.jpg (156.13 KB, 936x765, endos.jpg)

>>2013592I think endos has something to do with DID, endogenic systems. Here's a screenshot from the "multiplicity" wiki for posterity, even though it doesn't really clear up much because everything to do with DID is a word salad made up by teenage girls at this point
No. 2013940
>>2013592Probably endogenic system, it's a DID thing.
DNIs at this point serve only to virtue signal to likeminded individuals as I've never seen them effectively stop somebody who was interested in following them from following them.
No. 2014129
File: 1716367843640.png (36.96 KB, 496x483,…)

No. 2014235
>>2013592What I don't get is these banners or disclaimers is that they post things that half of these lists don't want to see. I have seen Trump and Blue Lives Matter supporters on Tumblr, but they're not going to go anywhere near a stimboard.
>>2013939I hate that I know what endogenic means. Basically nearly everyone with DID online is faking (or they're schizophrenic), but even if the existence of DID is debated the diagnostic criteria as of the DSM-5-TR is that someone has to go through some pretty extreme trauma during early childhood that would cause "splitting" as a coping mechanism (keyword). Treatment is integration therapy to merge the made-up personalities since it's not natural or healthy way to live. So anyone who claims to have developed DID past the age of 6 without PTSD or "born that way" or that it's natural are more faker than the average DID fakers.
No. 2024591
File: 1716923436794.png (240.91 KB, 336x855, Screenshot 2024-05-28 200830.p…)

No. 2026202
File: 1716989222629.jpg (55.79 KB, 1080x396, 1000019113.jpg)

No. 2026205
File: 1716989583762.jpeg (1023.75 KB, 1492x838, A6DCF978-F481-4BD5-B2D7-AC63D3…)

>>2026202me if hating autistic men was an olympic sport
No. 2028510
File: 1717118618282.png (292.07 KB, 780x1326, IMG_9913.png)

Discovered this necro/zoophiliac edgy narc moid who has a small following of Vincent Gallo fangirl type orbiters. I noticed he liked a photo of Sylvia Liken’s wounds. Utterly horrifying, I don’t understand how no one has called the cops on him yet
No. 2030632
File: 1717271393232.jpg (247.07 KB, 1080x939, 1000007750.jpg)

reminder to transfemmes who want to impregnate their uterus owning partner: your desire to become a mother is totally valid uwu. nothing could be queerer than a true and honest woman ejaculating inside her bleeder's vagina! probably transphobia is to blame for the kissless teen girls auf tumblr thinking pregnancy is gross.
No. 2032754
File: 1717376073661.jpg (930.47 KB, 1079x1683, I hate this site.jpg)

These tags???
No. 2040765
File: 1717850388993.jpg (102.5 KB, 716x820, IMG_20240608_203337.jpg)

Tumblr is literally patient zero for trannydom, this goes to show you could pander to troons all you want but they'll never be content.
No. 2041570
>>2040765It took me a while to realize op is referring to trans bs.
I honestly thought it was about tumblr censoring gay content
No. 2042199
File: 1717934590902.png (131.39 KB, 662x701, IMG_2019.png)

Wake up new gender explanation dropped by tumblr that makes even less sense
According to these idiots nothing can be defined then
You know OP wanted to write female but couldn’t anyway
No. 2047564
File: 1718289145957.png (97.27 KB, 591x972, activism.PNG)

Yes, this will surely save the palestinians.
No. 2052510
File: 1718608479870.png (20.21 KB, 540x279, pale facsimiles.png)

No. 2053032
File: 1718651106587.jpeg (134.19 KB, 1080x1932, received_346557971574527.jpeg)

I like how Tumblr did nothing for pride after the whole predstrogen shitshow. Warms my heart kek. Meanwhile people are trying to enact legal action on Tumblr over trannies getting their porn blogs deleted
No. 2056033
File: 1718814857595.png (72.09 KB, 538x800, kill da evil terves.png)

No. 2060641
File: 1719109062621.jpeg (536.47 KB, 1170x1924, IMG_0582.jpeg)

The tranny who owns the fat cat Ricky is being made fun of for saying the term “doctors note” is ableist and he totes is forreal psychotic guise. Looks like he’s going on hiatus over this. I saw this on my dash and assumed that OP was friends with him and that it was some sort of friend in joke to make fun of poor reading comprehension until I realized it’s the Ricky troon and he’s dead serious
No. 2060663
File: 1719110844667.jpg (98.45 KB, 448x400, sdfsdfsdfsdf.jpg)

>>2060641Holy fuck kekkkk
No. 2060665
File: 1719110929057.jpeg (431.75 KB, 828x1492, IMG_4342.jpeg)

>>2056033lol these types of "come at me terfs i will shank u" posts are always made by themlets who couldn't lift a paper cup irl.
yeah im sure your fat fakeboi cripple is gonna 1v1 me irl as soon as you've finished crying about your cptsd twauma and 399 chronic illnesses.
No. 2060816
File: 1719127626704.jpg (509.57 KB, 1080x1808, 1000008867.jpg)

there are only two genders: tradwife and tranny.
No. 2061763
>>2056033> Any TERF that sees is going to go and try to be like "oh trans men are violent! Trans men are misogynistic!"KEKKKKK, she fucking wishes. As if anyone would feel threatened by pudgy autistic tumblrinas who knits packers and watches Steven Universe, lmao. We are afraid of TIMs only, you're just cringe/annoying.
>>2060816> there are only two genders: tradwife and trannyI-is picrel the "reeeee
tErF tO tRaDthOt piPeLiNeeeee!1!1!" retarded samefaggot from the radfem cow threads?
No. 2061862
>>2056033>>2060665I thought this was a military troon for a second but oh my god what is this fat woman going to do? Reminds me of that TIF who seethed at a tote bag.
>>2060816Is this not bioessentialism? The thing they moan and tear their hair out about?
No. 2075214
File: 1719949795597.jpeg (532.56 KB, 1170x1688, IMG_4504.jpeg)

Never thought the day would come were I agree with Weaver Z
No. 2075494
>>2056033Kek, as if. It's so fucking funny as well that she mentions having a couple of inches and a couple of pounds on every single
TERF. Bitch is too permanently online to understand that actual men have significantly more than a couple of inches and a couple of pounds on a woman. Does she think this is threatening to anyone who isn't the fish from Spongebob with glass bones and paper skin? Does she even know how to throw a punch without breaking her own bones?
>>2075214Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
No. 2076899
File: 1720047718299.png (15.95 KB, 535x249, 01.PNG)

No. 2077751
>>2077562No Halimede is absolutely a TiM, he's like an advanced version of prison gay where he (as a TiM) reflects very specific troon fantasies about 'chaser gfs'. Women who like the concept of a 'feminine male' are pretty different from their fantasy (starting with how they want feminine
men, not an ersatz of a woman)
No. 2080945
File: 1720383383400.png (32.84 KB, 562x169, Screenshots_2024-07-07-15-14-3…)

Tumblr users get real problems challenge
No. 2098674
File: 1721592169520.jpg (596.21 KB, 1080x2778, Are being for real here…)

If I'm wrong I am deeply sorry for being retarded but… does this not smell like a scam? Google says a "fish eye" is a fucking plantar wart. Google says that it COULD lead to amputation but upon further inspection there are many people online saying that they've had plantar warts for 20 entire years. People even remove it themselves (with help of liquid nitrogen).
They're asking for 40 THOUSAND euros. And they have already raised 2.5k.
No. 2103093
File: 1721843509410.jpg (406.59 KB, 1080x1553, 1000021696.jpg)

Idk you guys kinda brought this upon yourselves.
No. 2103548
File: 1721871332018.png (667.4 KB, 1008x1328, retardalert.png)

What an obnoxious cunt.
No. 2103567
>>2103093>in the 30s and 40sIn the 30s and 40 troons were being put into rail cars and sent to concentration camps, if not shot dead on the spot. Funny how
now they want to talk about troon genocide.
No. 2104567
File: 1721928771001.png (151.12 KB, 303x567, childrenplayingiskink.png)

on a poll if kink is sexual or not
No. 2104640
File: 1721933433994.png (228.37 KB, 732x1204, femfreakout.png)

No. 2105232
File: 1721970565370.jpg (216.32 KB, 1080x1302, 2873727riqiuei2i2.jpg)

I know for a fact that the user reblogging this and adding the tag is a fully bald man in his late 20s IRL kek
No. 2105341
File: 1721978341273.jpg (191.31 KB, 1080x901, 1000021741.jpg)

I feel like this is an extremely simplistic take but I don't know how to explain how.
No. 2107811
File: 1722117109082.jpg (95.31 KB, 542x661, tumblr_e8cbf6ea77c78197a6a5485…)

I'm more just confused than anything. I feel like I found dadaist tumblr.
No. 2108353
File: 1722147162192.jpg (276.65 KB, 1080x1146, 1000012597.jpg)

I don't understand why they still use Tumblr?
No. 2108893
File: 1722185794817.png (Spoiler Image,157.77 KB, 1056x1088, i wish i was blind.png)

i felt violated just reading this
No. 2108933
>>2108893if they used "dick" and "pussy" instead of those words they would be referring to the same thing and less difficult to understand
I literally have no idea what the fuck these people are saying other than something about mangled genitals
No. 2109298
File: 1722205068307.png (305.67 KB, 1056x1088, translated from gendie to engl…)

>>2108893it's all so tiresome
No. 2111561
File: 1722328903773.jpg (200.63 KB, 600x600, 1444750794052.jpg)

What are the worst, most annoying recent trends on Tumblr? Absolutely despise all the Dissociative Identity Disorder fakers (AKA plurals AKA systems), and all the teenagers claiming to have objectophilia when they just husbando robot characters.
No. 2122568
File: 1722873396743.png (46.23 KB, 480x753, rflarp.png)

Radfem larpers on the rise.
No. 2122922
File: 1722881004759.jpg (309.93 KB, 1080x1752, _20240803_224433.JPG)

this shit is so exhausting
No. 2122936
File: 1722881422489.gif (771.19 KB, 220x216, 1722704903923.gif)

>>2122922>women, regardless of birth genderENOUGH
No. 2123781
>>2122922i love that this is coming from the same crowd of people, who produce essays about how every historc women who was slightly gnc is actually a transman and how neolithic women buried with fishing hooks are actually nonbinary because women don't fish?? also every butch is an egg…
just shut up
No. 2130338
File: 1723335718175.png (113.38 KB, 531x922, 6229.png)

Does anyone else find it suspicious how common Palestine-related ebegging posts are on Tumblr? (No political derailing please, this is just about the fundraisers themselves.) I get why those sorts of things would proliferate on more popular social media like Twitter and Facebook, but it's kind of odd to me how many people there are on Tumblr now claiming to be middle-aged Palestinian men with dead kids. The accounts are often younger than a year, too. While I won't discount the possibility that the sites' political character has attracted some legit fundraisers, it just strikes me as unlikely that so many people in a war-torn, non-English-speaking country are hanging out on a dead microblogging platform full of zillenials and trannies.
No. 2130452
>>2130445>Tumblr is such a known place where scams proliferate, so I don't see why this would be any different.It might be for the some reason there are so many porn bots: the moderation there is incredibly lax and I suspect they're shortstaffed on mods. On Twitter, Tiktok, and Insta, links to payment services and such are penalized, but no such rule exists on Tumblr, or it's unenforced if it does. People can link their Cashapp, Onlyfans, etc willy-nilly on Tumblr with no repercussions, and now we're seeing the fallout from that. A fool and his money are easily parted, I suppose.
No. 2133400
File: 1723515430473.png (964.66 KB, 567x3197, ghhhazzzzaaahhhh.png)

I've got some fresh milk from the Gaza scam drama. Tumblr user Javert started digging into these GFMs and began to somewhat haphazardly call some users scammers. This infuriated the users being accused (who probably are scammers lbr) and their virtue-signalling white knights. Now it's a gigantic slapfight. Very fun to watch, 10/10.
You know, because making call-out posts like a teenage American (and typing like one too: "anyways," "shading," "cracker,") is the kind of thing someone in a war-torn country would care about or have time to do. (1/2)
No. 2133401
File: 1723515466053.png (773.54 KB, 616x2948, ghhhazzzzaaahhhh2.png)

No. 2134538
>>2134527It gives them more of a "feel good moment" to donate to an individual rather than a charity because the individual is easier to grasp. A lot of Tumblr scams involve hyperbole about how much "trouble" the scammer is in, it's always catastrophic, because the scammers know that
victims wanna be the heroes of the story. The scam-
victims want to save someone else because it makes them feel important and valuable and compassionate.
No. 2135127
File: 1723630382402.jpeg (128.13 KB, 750x494, IMG_6855.jpeg)

why are they seething so much about people pointing out the obvious scams?
No. 2135906
File: 1723666438869.jpg (261.07 KB, 1079x1203, Screenshot_20240814_170411_Tum…)

did you guys see the trannies spamming every radfem, lesbian and gender critical tag with unfunny 2016 memes like pregnant Shrek and shit? some particularly unhinged trannies have taken it a step further and started larping as a radfem who makes revolting pro-islam posts. I really wish meanfems organized to give them a taste of their own medicine and spam the tranny tags with shit to make them %41 but unfortunately most radfems are actually employed and have lives ,unlike your average tranny
No. 2136239
>>2136042You are, and I don't say this lightly, using the same excuses as Hitler. You can't blame the
victims of a genocide for their genocide. That's literally what the Nazis said about their
victims. That they had brought it on themselves with their actions. And this is from someone who hates Palestine and thinks it's culture disappearing forever is a good thing.
(derailing) No. 2137127
File: 1723728710189.png (77.87 KB, 677x686, Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 14-25…)

the particular tumblr brand of activist who has a meltdown if you call a troon "chubby" or so much as think a micro-aggression against their male fave, but who thinks it's fine to call women "cunts" genuinely makes me want to go on the rampage
No. 2137175
File: 1723730531114.jpeg (661.51 KB, 1179x1663, IMG_1916.jpeg)

>>2137130>>2137135AYRT here. I don’t think it’s specific to one fandom; it comes up if you Google “tickle blog tumblr.” Here are some examples: was also a blog that came up that said it was owned by a minor. Yikes
No. 2137179
File: 1723730931923.jpeg (69.69 KB, 876x492, IMG_1918.jpeg)

>>2137175>No child ticklingSo you do see it as sexual.
No. 2137322
>>2135906>most radfems are actually employed and have livessorry but this is blatantly untrue kek
(infighting) No. 2147154
File: 1724246492133.jpg (473.99 KB, 1080x2371, 1000024012.jpg)

What are they talking about, moids are coddled to hell and back, do they believe that Tumblr misandry is some kind of widespread societal problem?
No. 2147747
File: 1724277289918.png (37.94 KB, 1094x153, taxpayer.png)

are you not embarassed
No. 2147862
File: 1724281686568.png (583.94 KB, 1054x940, oGAZQ0a.png)

she's right
No. 2147865
File: 1724281816009.png (215.82 KB, 950x950, IMG_20240715_202032_790.png)

>>2147862>Female furriesWow I feel so represented
No. 2148097
>>2147866Those cringey teenage girls
will become the malicious pickmes if someone doesn't snap them out of it.
No. 2148133
>>2147862>you have to stick up for all women>that means defending tradwives, shuwu, red scare, ddlg, conquettes, and candace owens!1!!I don't
have to do shit, actually. Do those women have a right to be retarded? Sure. Do they deserve to be mistreated solely for being women? Absolutely not. Do I still hate their guts and think they that deserve to be mistreated specifically for being retarded? Yes.
Putting these morons on a pedestal and pretending like its muh soggy knee to hold them accountable for their actions and opinions is
not feminism, it's infantalizing women. It only becomes misogyny when people make ad-hominem attacks based on the moron's sex.
No. 2148137
File: 1724296883147.gif (1.26 MB, 540x303, Disney_BL.gif)

>>2147862>>2147865True true, but—
>female furriesLol, what? How is that participating in the patriarchy? If they draw degen shit for male commishies, then maybe. But I don't see how some fujo who draws Donald Duck × Mickey Mouse doujin is comparable to say, a tradthot.
No. 2148407
File: 1724321415880.jpg (313.3 KB, 1080x1547, 1000018150.jpg)

Troons stop yaslighting each other challenge (impossible).
No. 2153879
File: 1724604978688.jpg (333.73 KB, 1075x1432, 1000014557.jpg)

This is so dishonest.
No. 2153886
>>2153879I love how this retard claims that women and men have equal strength and then
immediately goes "but why are all the popular sports the MANLY ones where you have to be BIG and MUSCULAR?" kek
No. 2153912
>>2153879just a few days ago a mediocre male fighter had an "inter-gender" bjj match with the most dominant female heavyweight wrestler and he spent the entire fight basically playing with her and not taking it seriously, and he won.
How would she respond to that?
No. 2153958
>>2153912Different weight and muscle percentage, doesn't disprove that there are women who can match or be stronger than some men physically. It also is dishonest to pretend that an average scrot is some physically strong god and no woman can match his might (lol) like
>>2153945 does.
>inb4 muh denial of sex differences, etcI am not denying anything, just saying that comically exaggerating those differences is just as retarded, biased and delusional as denying them.
No. 2158923
File: 1724944183223.jpeg (543.47 KB, 558x2551, tub.jpeg)

Long af screenshot, but there's so much. Og post was made by prominent TIF (FTMTX now kek) who posts a lot of shit like this despite being transandrophobia truther, which is virulently hated by TIMs and obligatory 'but won't somebody think of the MEN!' response. Men are posting CP in the very moment you write posts about evil females being mean, I don't care if hating them doesn't help them, I hope they will kill themselves because of it.
No. 2159101
File: 1724952527392.jpg (17.86 KB, 400x400, f0dfeb42fbfbb319194bc39abd9f76…)

>search for sensual femdom art on tumblr
>end up in some rancid corner where people wish their moids would jerk off to childhood pictures of them
80% of them are tifs too, what the fuck
No. 2166698
File: 1726519388799.png (1.05 MB, 2272x1187, 1000015827.png)

Jesus christ if you're going through all of that maybe don't bite people
No. 2166936
File: 1726530412488.gif (499.73 KB, 250x159, tumblr_661afd33c38cef46bbeb2b2…)

>>2166732Its more than obvious by the use of "puppygirl" that these are two trannies so
No. 2169373
File: 1726657855798.jpg (944.06 KB, 4320x3148, 1000013084.jpg)

No I will never be attracted to fat and bald moids.
No. 2172343
File: 1726856040344.jpg (809.75 KB, 1080x3095, 1000007634.jpg)

No. 2172376
>>2172343>Pete Wentz is blackIs is literally like a quarter black. He has black ancestry and heritage but are we really going to use the one drop rule: wokie edition? It's like claiming Cameron Boyce was black just because his one grandma was black. It's like calling fucking Halsey black. Wentz and all celebrities of a similar heritage are just some flavor of bi/multiracial.
The entire post is retarded bullshit just because of the insanely retarded url.
No. 2175299
File: 1727024264699.png (38.67 KB, 350x355, 1.png)

I just came across this right now, seems like a pretty popular blogger too. Words cannot explain how extremely cringe it is to see the way Tumblr users think interacting with imageboards and knowing 4chan lingo makes them immediately so cool and NLOG. If anyone asked me if I use lolcow I'd be denying it, not associating it with my personality to come across like a super based girlie!!1!!
No. 2175301
>>2175299They do this but at the same time they will
never go on 4chan kek
No. 2175308
File: 1727024897040.png (514.29 KB, 1080x1219, Screenshot_20240922-100725~2.p…)

No. 2175311
>>2175308Posting about going on 4chan while having a lolcow banner is just embarrassingly begging for attention, so people think she's peak quirky and omg she knows her way around those taboo sites omg epic hacker 4chan navigator!!1! She is one with the anons!!1!
No. 2175577
File: 1727040893376.jpg (1.06 MB, 1170x1754, 1725758331079.jpg)

Kek lemme see what happens when I post these
No. 2175578
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No. 2175579
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No. 2175602
>>2175330>>2175311>>2175577Pickme trannies who want to out-quirk the other genderspecials love namedropping these sites. Like "see, being called a faggot doesn't bother ME, I'm so jaded and desensitized"
>>2175492Kek these retards somehow don't learn ANYTHING from browsing the epik spooky dark web and happily doxx themselves on a daily basis.
No. 2176905
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another one. explains the state of things
No. 2176914
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No. 2177110
>>2176914Publicly posting about using this site is already a sign of mental illness, you don't get to act more special and based than everyone else after going out of your way to out yourself as retarded
>>2176905>girlblogging>coquette>femcelwhen will it end
No. 2184028
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>>2175299I know this user, she used to go by gerontophobe/hatesworker/usabomber. Her whole schtick is that she hates usamericans and her job. She makes a big deal about how she’s superior to straight women with ugly husbando taste but thirsts for Anton Chigurh. She’s also best friends with this girl
>>2175579 Her posts are so forced, she cycles from posting about idubbbz, her husbando, and sonic the hedgehog so you know how much of a real masculine autist she is. She’s on the outskirts of radblr and most of her followers are newly-peaked radblr users that are eager to use ‘retard’ and ‘tranny’ in every post. There’s a small amount of tifs that follow her because she safe-edgy. Picrel is her new banner. She always makes her banner sole reference to LC or hateanons she receives. She probably sends them to herself. I refuse to believe there’s someone actually taking the time to write out an anon that is perfectly curated in cadence for her to frame on her blog.
No. 2184051
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I notice an uptick in tumblrinas calling LC a forum. I know it’s due to the fact that they’re zoomers that don’t know the difference between an imageboard and a forum. Going through the recent lolcow tag is full of retarded below 21’s that just have to mention the fact that they are going to go lurk lolcow for 5 hours.
No. 2184103
>>2184052You mentioned lolcow to a fucking
tranny that you were chatting up with for a month?? Why would you do that
No. 2184125
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No. 2184127
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No. 2184135
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>>2184125>>2184127These people are actually so embarrassing because no one cares. There's literally no reason to announce this unless you're making an attempt at ~subtly~ telling your followers what an edgelord you are for using lolcow. Picrel is her bio btw kekk she sounds like your run of the mill tif raised on tumblr.
No. 2185180
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I feel that popular blogs like these are exposing LC to a new audience of nlog edgyposters that aren’t even familiar with 4chan but have heard of it from YouTube. I keep seeing posts on here and Tumblr misusing imageboard lingo. I understand that they long for a place where they can have the freedom to be “offensive”, but they end up sticking out like a sore thumb when they try posting on LC. Especially when they have to let everyone know that they’re going to visit the website. It just shows how out of touch they are with this culture, and when they get called out they act like they’re better than farmers and don’t care anyway. Picrel is trying to turn this post into good publicity that showcases how different she is.
No. 2185735
>>2185660>(not her i just used to lurk her blog among others in that circle)Omg you're so cool and epic for knowing what lolcow, 4chan and other imageboards are WHILE using tumblr omg!!1!1!!! You are so nlog and so special and unique, nobody does it like you omg!!!1!! Most trannies on tumblr are too busy kinning and crying about pronoun issues and
abusive parents like a bunch of npcs but you are le epic female for fixating on internet celebrities and visiting le taboo sites of le internet omg!!1! One with the boys!1!!1!! I fear nobody will be as epic and cool as you!!1!!!1!
No. 2185948
>>2184028Kek it’s my post as her banner, that’s cute
>>2185660Posting about lc on Tumblr was always in bad taste because they know average Tumblrfag hates it, it reads as edgy and performative. The caps they share are not original nor funny, or are written by blatant newfags. I made fun of her being interested in Idubbbz because it’s so run of the mill, like his former Redditor fans who try to be teeny tiny edgy. Her tryhard responses are funny too.
No. 2186708
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>>2184157KEK The first thing I thought of when I saw that drama was her. How did she delude herself into liking him when hes so fucking ugly? He looks like he has literal testosterone poisoning in some pics (probably from the onlyfans exposure).
No. 2187468
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No they don't and no I won't
No. 2187837
>>2185180>Picrel is trying to turn this post into good publicity that showcases how different she is.I'm pretty sure she's poking fun at the "real masculine autist" phrase. Embarrassing either way. She is so unbothered and cool you guise.
>>2187468Trannies have ran out of posts to make, and somehow every copypasted "joking" e-begging post gets over 5k notes every single time.
No. 2188674
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Do you sometimes just keep following people that are insane because they’re lowkey amusing
No. 2189063
>>2188695Wait did you seriously ignore her calling people wearing deodorant and cologne "borderline chemical warfare"
Nonnie I hope I never run into you on public transportation
She posts other stuff as well lots of gender related posts but I thought this was over the top to share here, I just didn't think people would defend it