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No. 87325
A surprise month of Hellmas is now in effect. For the rest of the month of December, VPN posting will be banned and moderation will be stricter.
The only exception to the VPN posting ban is the gender critical hidden board as we want the women posting there to be able to encrypt their traffic if they are living in a location where it may not be safe to post their opinions otherwise.
Please note that the VPN detection API we use is about 95-98% accurate. This means that a small percentage of IPs may be incorrectly blocked or allowed through. If you are not using a VPN and your IP address is blocked, please email us at and we will submit a correction for your IP to the API provider and add an exception for the time being.
Why are we doing this?
There has been an uptick in the amount of baitposting and infighting in the past few months, and it has gotten much worse in the last few weeks. The use of VPNs for ban evading has made it more difficult to stamp this out.
We would like to address one type of posting in particular: infight baiting. If you are making a post, whether it's your honestly held opinion or not, and any regular user of the site should be fully aware that it is going to cause an infight, you will be banned. Some examples of this:
• Anti-fujo/hime/yume posts outside of containment
• Anti-lesbian/bisexual/het posting
• /pol/sperging
• Extreme tradfaggotry
There are other sites where you can post these opinions freely, and we encourage you to use them instead of causing infights here.
Can’t people with dynamic IPs still ban evade?
Yes they can, but we can put range bans in place that will limit their ability to do so.
Will this change become permanent?
That is not our intention at this time, but if the userbase is strongly in favour of it, we may consider it.
No. 87326
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No. 87333
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Thank you admin very cool.
No. 87336
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thank you mods!
No. 87354
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the greatest gift, thank you based admin
No. 87360
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Thank you santamin,this was much needed
No. 87364
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best present ever, thank you!
No. 87373
>>87368And don't forget
>mods nuke dumbass shit to curb newfaggotry>newfag population worsensI'm starting to believe the tinfoils that the admin team and mods have been infiltrated and are trying to tank the entire site
No. 87379
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>>87378You can't even say a dissenting opinion without crybabies asking for mods to ban the meanie weanie anons talking shit about their wholesomerino husbando. Like, what infight? They should learn to ignore opinions they don't like. I'm betting these are the same faggots who instigate infights at the same time and don't know how imageboard culture works.
No. 87384
>>87325this whole site is known as a
terf site, not just 2x (whether or not you actually visit any of the applicable boards). i feel like the safety of the women who use this site should take priority over infighters and baiters. i remember the site demographics showed around 1/4 to 1/3 of people on here use a vpn. if this is a permanent thing, it'll be pretty depressing. i enjoyed being able to talk openly with likeminded women when the internet in general bends to the will of our modern day cults.
if this is going to be a permanent thing, maybe it could just apply to m, g and ot.
No. 87390
>>87383I've noticed this too!! I know it's probably too early to tell but everywhere honestly seems much better so far. Even the infights that are happening are obviously between genuine users and not just retards that troll as a hobby.
>>87384Can't you still post that way? Do you live in a country where it's illegal to hate trannies or something?
No. 87403
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>>87402They're throwing fits about it on CC too.
No. 87404
I still laugh thinking about that screenshot of the anon complaining that a vpn ban will ruin the website, and then getting red texted for ban-evading kekkk.
>>87403>it's so weird and mentally deranged that farmhands don't let me clog up an entire thread replying to myself as if I'm 12 different peopleThe vpn ban is a christmas miracle
No. 87421
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THIS is the type of user you are getting rid of admin when you ban VPNs. If this isn't proof enough that the VPN ban should be permanent to some extent, then I don't know what is. These annoying psycho fags have been ruining lolcow for so long, it's finally useable again.
No. 87424
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I am in no way opposed to the VPN ban entirely but I would like to question why 2X doesn't get any flack. The reasoning is for anon's safety but there's also threads on ot and other boards that could land anons in hot water in their country, will the same safety not be extended to them? I feel like farmhands and Cerbmin show 2X a bit too much favouritism especially when that board does produce problem posters. Hopefully the VPN ban is just for Hellmas and will be dialled back a little to just applying to troublesome threads, I think a blanket VPN ban is just too much to start off with, if the problem continues afterwards then maybe it would be a good solution but as other decisions for the site made by Cerbmin seem to permanent I'd rather this to be taken slowly.
No. 87425
>>87403I legit don't understand the logic of going to an imageboard to complain about another one. like are you such an immature piece of shit that you legit cannot conduct yourself any other way online? hope the mods there catch on
>>87410youre clicking a virtual button on your smartphone anon. its not hard.
>>87421this poor retard clearly want given enough attention as a kid and has no friends lmao vpn ban should be permanent.
No. 87432
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>>87421you cherrypicked a completely insane comment in that thread that people on cc called out. no one agreed with that anon. most anons on that thread are just concerned about privacy, especially after the whole site went down for a month because of an attack. someone also pointed out how the hidden board was given leeway but anons in similar threads (the tif/tim threads) are not.
i was almost convinced by these posts here. i went to look at the cc thread and most anons seem like normal women. there are some completely deranged anons and trolls. it would be nice if it keeps those people out, but they are outnumbered.
No. 87436
>>87433First off
>Nothing posted on lolcow should violate any laws to beginWhy have curtains if you're not doing anything illegal in your house?
Second if the entire site gets dumped with IPs tied to posts then you can build a profile.
>Post in vent about your shitty wagey jobGot the job
>Posts between the hours of x and yGot the general location
>Post in mundane about how the weather isGot a more specific idea of the location
>More posts linking you to youWith enough time and effort with a full leak then scrotes could find you. Not every nonna is smart enough to do proper opsec.
I'm mixed on the VPN ban. It would increase the quality of posts here but I can see nonnas not being clever enough to hide their tracks, thinking being anon does all the work.
No. 87441
>>87436>>87437I feel the same, and even though I don't break rules here, I have felt targeted by farmhands in the past (over nothing). I had someone ask my nationality out of the blue in a completely random, lighthearted thread and I've never been able to forget that. I'm pretty sure it was someone who could see my IP and was confused about the food I posted. Fucking creepy.
Another time in another lighthearted thread I mentioned a subject I'm an expert in, and someone got weird about it, like "how many people could there be who work on XYZ" - fuck that, I was right to not say anything specific there. More than once I've gotten some ban for a random days-old post just because a farmhand didn't like something I said in /meta/.
There's no accountability for the people who moderate and admin here, and I wouldn't trust any personal details or IPs to be kept private. The apologies and making it right after huge issues ("good moid" thread, movie anon, IP leaking, everyone getting accused of being Blaine) never seem genuine (or never exist). Be safe, nonas.
No. 87442
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The quality of posting is SOSOSO much better. I feel like 90% of the toxic users were VPN users or something, I see so much less unnecessary nastiness. Still some good imageboard culture banter and ribbing etc. but way less flat out toxic "kill yourself dicksucker" type posts. I was close to leaving this site and if it stays like this I genuinely wouldn't want to leave anymore. PLEASE ADMIN KEEP THE BAN
No. 87443
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>>87441>>87437I get where you’re coming from, and I don’t necessarily disagree, but in my case, I’ve taken way fewer bans since I stopped using VPNs. I used to feel like farmhands had a vendetta against me, and maybe I did really piss off some farmhand, or maybe they just assumed I was a troll because they couldn’t see my post history. This might sound like a janny shill post, but I legit haven’t taken a retarded ban in a while. However, I do remember the good moid thread incident, so I think the concern is fair. I also feel embarrassed to think that farmhands can go through my post history and witness my occasional spergouts, kek. Oh well, things are so much better now, it’s hard for me to want to go back to VPNs. Maybe if mods just keep the ban for the most cancerous /ot/ threads, that could be a fair compromise.
>>87442A Hellmas miracle!
No. 87453
agreeing with the other anons about the noticable difference, i feel like this should be a permanent change
>>87437i sort of get it, but i think if you feel that way you just shouldn't be posting things you would be embarassed about online. i know it might be a de-stresser or feel indulgent to talk freely and "anonymously" but it's better to be cautious about posting anything online. scrotes and trannies are lurking and if you're worried about what jannies think, they'll always have something to pick on. just don't identify yourself and you should be fine. i feel like being careful/mindful about what you say online regardless of what and where you're posting it is a good practice to have. i always think before i post anything on here, even the most mudane of things
No. 87454
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>>87410theyre lying to make up an excuse why they don't want to post without a vpn because social media (especially and facebook, google and tik tok product) and damn near every website nowadays is spyware with a pretty filter and marketing over it lmao
no one gives a fuck for these online randos, they just want to keep vpn-shitposting and not have their history neatly tied to one ip address
No. 87518
>>87515Yeah, I want to hide my troon hate from my ISP so I'm not on some hatelist, not hop VPN countries to slip past an infighting ban. There may be shitty VPN users, but there's also
valid reasons to use VPNs.
No. 87543
>>87511I am in full support of a permanent vpn and nothing is gonna change my mind. the vpn ban practically killed off the mind numbing immaturity and ignorant opinions spread as fact and allow discourse to continue.
>>87515>could actually face repercussionslol how anon, i think people are taking lc a bit too seriously. unless youre in a country with a track record of tracking people via their ip address what are you talking about, and even then its important people journalists who are targeted. hell this isnt south korea where online bullying is so extreme the police track you down via your ip address. lc and its inhabitants are not important in the grand scheme of things.
No. 87547
>>87546That only happens when the posts are reported BY troons, Facebook accs are tied to a name/picture and Facebook co-operates with the cops too. One of the admins seems to be British based on her spelling/giving times in GMT so if the owner of this website is safe you need to calm down. Plus UK hates troons they just banned puberty blockers, they call it
TERF island for a reason.
No. 87565
>>87561So much this. There's three reasons a permanent VPN ban will make this place deader than CC.
One, like you said, people use VPNs to protect themselves from doxxing. We know that feds are here, and there is a history of farmhands handing over our information.
Two, many women use the VPNs while at work (even on their personal cellphones which uses the work wifi) to stop their work from tracking exactly what they're doing. If VPN is banned, those women will only be able to post in a small window after work. So you won't have the flow of conversation and people replying to little things throughout the day, you'll have one or two occasional posts once a day. This stops conversation and discourages people from bothering to post since they're not going to get any type of response.
And three, one of the farmhands is racist and the other farmhands are doing nothing about it. This farmhand never does anything about it when the pol trolls come on here and tell white women to kill themselves and post racist memes, yet if you so much as say an Indian male is a rapist (in the news thread with proof of your accusations) that's an immediate ban from her. So honestly, people should be able to avoid her racist temper tantrum bans because none of the other mods are reining her in and she's not being even handed.
No. 87571
>>87565Post proof that the mods have ever given details to the feds instead of just pulling that accusation out of your ass.
And saying a permanent VPN will kill the site is BS, it's doing just fine rn and December is usually a slow time of year
No. 87587
>>87403lol these 'people' are unreal
Hope it's permanent
No. 87592
>>87586For me it's the fact that Unpopular Opinions isn't moving a mile a minute. I think last week it went through 4 threads in one weekend.
>>87587They are. It's kind of funny to laugh at them. I think it's starting to dawn on them that they lost their bait and infight platform, because their posts keep getting more desperate.
No. 87615
>>87565Farmhands are not admin. Every single ib admin will give out information to the feds if someone is posting illegal stuff.
>If VPN is banned, those women will only be able to post in a small window after work. So you won't have the flow of conversation and people replying to little things throughout the day, you'll have one or two occasional posts once a day. This stops conversation and discourages people from bothering to post since they're not going to get any type of response.I genuinely don't see the problem with that. There were years this used to be a very slow ib. More replies doesn't mean a quality conversation.
No. 87623
>>87618the amerifag thread looks like it got cleaned up quickly so that's good. the schizos are new ones as
>>87622 said
No. 87652
>>87651honey. discord exists. other social media playforms exist. texting friends or being alert of a "community" exists. please for the love of god use them and stop throwing a tantrum on an imageboard, its embarrassing. youre not being deprived of anything, youre just being entitled and getting mad when its not catered to your "needs".
I feel like the real cows on lc are anons like these. theyre amusing for a bit, but then it becomes pathetic.
No. 87658
>>87652Discord?? Go back
>>87651People shouldn't be posting at work, they should be working. It's just a few hours. Get a hobby. Maybe you could knit and liven up the knitting thread? Please say yes
No. 87681
why allow this thread especially during hellmas?
>>>/m/440644 I know you redtexted it as a shit thread (rightfully) but it also clearly doesn't belong on /m/ unless you're considering making /m/ an imagedump board
No. 87735
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I'm sorry I'm such a trouble maker. But I'm also very helpful! You have to admit this. Look at all the images I helped recover, look at all the threads I started, look at that other thing I did that I can't mention because it identifies my alias but undeniably had a positive impact on the site! Look at the 4 banners anons have made of my memes and gifs, that's something, right? See, I'm not that bad! Give me another chance, unban my home IP address pwease. I will make a sincere effort to be better. Also it's Christmas.
No. 87878
>>87872i really feel and agree with this; their behavior over there proves that they don’t belong here, and infighting has decreased
significantly since the VPN excommunication. threads like stupid questions, amerifags, and unpopular opinions used to fill up within a matter of hours and now /ot/ across the board is getting more relaxed
No. 87905
>>87901One hundred percent agree. The CC thread is all the proof someone needs to realize that the VPN ban is the best thing for this website. Maybe take it off for the cow boards, but we
need a VPN ban for the off-topic boards. I've been loving LC this whole month because bait has gone down at least 80%. Ban evasion was the worst feature of this site.
No. 87910
>>87909All the schizos and baiters live on CC now. It's like we're one big happy family here now and it's way better this way. Bans should
mean something. That's really the main thing. It's crazy that only a month ago you could get banned, and in 2 seconds with one button click suddenly you're not anymore. The VPN ban just gave power back to the moderators.
No. 87958
>>87905>>87872I didn't go there for the last bunker but I'm reading the threads right now as well as previous hate threads, the hate threads were mostly ok until lc went down a few days ago
You went to another site where people feel free to criticize this site and then started retarded arguments with them as if you owned the place, it's no wonder that those threads went to shit as soon as you turned them into your bunker, it's like you learned nothing from the times you were kicked out of other imageboards
Btw I don't think the site is as infight free as you like to claim, you can't really stop newfags that come from social media who don't care or know about VPNs from being retarded and shitting up threads, most importantly though the bp schizo is still on the loose
No. 87963
>>87958>You went to another site where people feel free to criticize this site and then started retarded arguments with them as if you owned the placeI didn't post on the CC threads. I was talking about all the posts on there like
>>87403 and
>>87421 and all the other ones talking about how as soon as the VPN ends they're gonna come back to bait and infight.
>you can't really stop newfags that come from social media who don't care or know about VPNs from being retarded and shitting up threadYes, you can. You can stop them by banning them. Bans need to be effective to actually work, so that's why the VPN ban is so useful.
>it's like you learned nothing from the times you were kicked out of other imageboards???
I don't know why the pro-VPN group is so vocal, earlier in the year there were stats that showed less than 15% of all posts were made through a VPN.
No. 87981
>>87979It wasn't 13% of posters, it was 13% of posts. So, if there was 100 posts made in an hour, then 13 of those would have been made through a VPN. It's really not a big deal that major VPN services are banned, who cares if 13/100 posts can't be posted? Anecdotally, I've noticed a big decrease in the amount of baiting and infighting, especially on /ot/, since the VPN ban started and that's effective enough for me. If they wanna remove the VPN ban, it should only be removed from cow-boards, since such few bait is posted on them and infights are less common too.
>roaming schizos like that BP sperg from a few days ago.You must be real new if you don't know who BJchan is.
No. 87983
>>87981Thank you for the correction, I still stand by that we should just see if anything improves after hell week just so we get a good grasp on how useful this would be. If it's successful even with regular moderation and problems continue outside of vpn banned threads I'm all for blanket banning non-cow boards.
Also I know who bjchan is, I meant the anon who shat up unpopular opinions and the vent thread. I don't know if that was her because that anon's posts came off differently to how bjchan usually types.
No. 87989
>>87963That one retard in the CC thread got shat on by a lot of the other VPN posters in that thread, I saw the replies myself
>Yes, you can. You can stop them by banning themMods must be doing a poor job then because this place is full of newfags lately, newfags who don't even know how imageboards work, much less about the culture. I'm not the only one who has noticed this
Those posters can't be stopped just by banning VPNs because they come from TT and are tech illiterate, the worst part is that anons keep spoonfeeding those retards instead of bullying them until they lurk moar and integrate
No. 88018
>>88017This. It's like that time that one Northern Irish retard with gauged ears decided to incessantly blogpost and upload pictures of herself, and when she got called out for being recognizable she decided that it was the farmhands' fault and that there was some sort of admin-approved psyop to doxx her instead of just admitting she was stupid.
LC really isn't the place to share super secret personal information about yourself. /OT/fags struggle with this concept because they like to pretend LC is an edgy alternative social media platform. Even if farmhands don't have an anon's IP, they can still trace post history by looking at device type, typing quirks, EXIF data from files, & frequented threads. This idea that the farmhands actually care about identifying certain posters and keeping tabs on them is egoistic and paranoid.
No. 88020
>>88017>hmm perhaps some anons talk way too much about themselvesThey do. The only thing an IP address reveals is your vauge, general location and maybe your ISP (which depending on where you live could be the only ISP in your area anyways). You would only use a VPN because you either want to make it look like you are from somewhere else (ban evading), or to hide your internet traffic from your ISP because you are doing something illegal (which is unnecessary until we get the first "lolcow shooter", kek).
You cannot get doxxed from an IP address. Unless you are posting identifying information (pictures, usernames, emails, etc), it is literally impossible for a user to find you on the internet, and you can do that VPN or not.
Also most VPNs (including paid ones) steal and sell your data anyways, with your e-mail and billing information included.
No. 88034
>>88026NTA but not all of us live in places that are okay with a site like LC, so I'd prefer having access to a VPN. As it is now, I can't vent about my religion or other things going on freely. Even if you can't have your house address or full name discovered with an IP alone, it's obvious that it's still a layer of privacy gone, and it should be up to each anon how much of themselves they share. I do think the VPN ban might be good for threads that attract baiting, at least at peak hours, but it'd be sad if the whole site became anti-VPN.
>more sensitive info is shared with and then sold by vpn providers.Don't most apps and sites sell your info anyway? I'd rather a western company do that sort of thing for profit and to sell me more junk than for my government to use the information to penalize me.
No. 88035
>>88034Your VPN provider will forward your personal data and information to your national government if requested to do so. You shouldn't be posting anything illegal to begin with because it can be dangerous for you.
>As it is now, I can't vent about my religionThere is an Islam Hate thread on the hidden board, where VPN posting is allowed, so you can vent about it freely on there. There's even a general religion venting thread on that board too.
>I do think the VPN ban might be good for threads that attract baitingThe problem is that let's say all the baiting happens in thread X, and then the VPN ban is turned on for that thread, the baiters would just move onto thread Y to bait there. It's why a full blanket VPN ban works best, at least on the off-topic boards.
No. 88040
Thank you admin and farmhands for this Hellmas, I hope in the next few days you provide us with clarity of the future of vpn banning.
>>88035The hidden board is a hell scape, why should anon have to vent alongside certain types of posters? And why is it better than other boards to not have a VPN ban when it's so easily accessible, any moid who has been lurking for a while could find it, spam shit in it, vpn hop when banned, rinse and repeat. I'm ambivalent about the VPN ban but pro-VPN arguments are contradictory, you can't have these arguments at the same time;
>VPNs do nothing to protect you, VPNs leak info so they're useless etc. >Hidden boards NEEDS to have VPN available to protect posters and all political threads should be moved there for the safety of posters No. 88041
>>88040>The hidden board is a hell scape, why should anon have to vent alongside certain types of posters?Well, why should she have the right to vent on here at all? This isn't a religious venting website. It's a gossip forum for internet cows. I provided an alternative option from the vent thread on /ot/, which she can still access while using a VPN. None of the off-topic boards
need to be here, they're all just bonus boards at the end of the day. Anons need to stop acting like they possess some inalienable civil right to post on this site.
>any moid who has been lurking for a while could find it, spam shit in it, vpn hop when banned, rinse and repeat. Yeah, exactly. You just summed up why we need a permanent VPN ban.
No. 88070
The cow boards have been noticeably slower during the VPN ban with some usually active threads being almost dead. Cow board users do have a legitimate use case for VPNs. No one should be browsing shady porn sites and OF archive sites looking for milk with their home IP address, it's common sense and basic opsec.
90% of the moderation issues on LC are /ot/ in origin.
From a previous hellweek
>>>/meta/67909>The core of this community is (and always has been) discussing and documenting lolcows. This site exists to serve farmers. Part of the reason that board culture has degraded as much as it has is due to the number of posters who are not here for the milk, but instead to use /ot/ and /g/ like a chatroom and without any attempt to integrate or use the site as intended.I don't see the point in alienating what is already the minority of anons that use the site for it's intended purpose to save /ot/ when /ot/ is the problem.
No. 88085
Well, I'm finally here to share my two cents: please don't fucking ban VPNs, for the love of God. I understand disabling them for specific threads because there's a bunch of trolls, I get it, /ot/ is a shithole. But the whole damn site? That's just nuts. I'm not the only anon who lives at a very small country, there are few users in this area and we're easily trackable if we use our real IPs, this issue may apply to several non American/ European countries which is not fair. At least in my case, I live under a dictatorship and almost all sites are blocked, I only can access this place using a vpn, not even mentioning the fact that our government is not the only one that spies on its citizens internet activity trying to catch whoever opposes them, this is not only a problem for ex Muslims.
Also, there has been stances were mods abused their power, tracked an users post story then used it against them later, I don't want these people having access to my or others post story if they cannot be responsible with it. Please reconsider, seriously, whoever wants or needs extra internet security should be able to access it, specially as a woman
No. 88092
>>88034This is the new digital dystopia. You can not participate if you want to hide your identity. It truly renders the idea of anonymous imageboards useless.
Tinfoil but social media is now being infiltrated by bots and imageboards are no exception. I'm really suspicious of anons who are sooooo against VPNs and deeming them as useless when they are not.
No. 88095
>>88092This is my same thought process. I like the less shitposting and less randomly maxing out threads due to newfags, but I also think being safe online with a VPN is good. I know some nonnas say that it doesn't protect much, but at least throwing your IP in another state or something is a protection regardless. Taking that away from users just seems petty and almost lazy. It's been slow, so what should they do with the farmhand team? Downsize if there is less to moderate? That doesn't seem fair for the people who actually do like moderating lolcow even if it is a pain in the ass at time.
>>88094>>88093So block any posting that isn't a verified home IP? No. That's so insane.
No. 88099
>>88097Oooh, I read that as anon insisting putting that should be on the poll, not that we should use that for the poll.
The google polls are connected to emails. I don't think changing your VPN matters.
No. 88124
>>88114It's so funny because it's exactly what we expected to happen.
>>88118>13% of posts made within two week period were made through a VPNOhhh noooooo… the site being 13% slower, nooooooo, the horror nooooo.
No. 88145
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I live in a country with a junta in charge. parts of the Internet can stop working for a few days or weeks and accessing some thing online requires a vpn. I think there should be an exception made for those of us in 'unstable' countries
No. 88153
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>there is nothing wrong with baiting and there never has been
we need to make the vpn permanent.
No. 88154
>>88153I don't get it. Nobody likes bait. It isn't a normie thing to dislike bait.
>if they don't like how certain conversations are going downIt's ceases to be a conversation if it's bait. Where are these retards migrating from?
No. 88155
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>>88153There was entire threads filled to the brim of picrel from a few years ago. If anon wants to bait so bad why doesnt she go to literally any other ib
No. 88170
This site is run by Joshua Moon. You can look him up. It's all on the dark web.
No. 88185
>>88158>you idiots needs to find a better heartwrenching story to bullshit withYou don't gotta be such a cunt to that anon, I know you think everyone against the ban is a troll, but there are anons whose countries block access to internet and VPNs cover their tracks, retard
>>88179>>88183nta you all cannot even prove
all mods are female, yet you call her schizo?
No. 88193
>>88185oh no I hurt some anons's fee fees? if you cant handle a comment I don't know how youre even on the internet to begin with. are you special enough to noticed by your government that your browsing an imageboard, or are you are just too damn egoistical and/or mental? because if your government is that oppressive, they can easily contact your ISP no matter what you do. Find a better hill to die on.
>>88189cant tell if troll or crazy
No. 88201
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The admin is malicious and two-faced, yet some of you still whiteknight that person. Talk about pathetic.
The decision on VPN banning has already been made, but the admin wants to appear as the 'good guy', so goes through the motions of a democratic process. It's all smoke and mirrors, a farce. We'll get another Strawpoll (which will be rigged - it's actually not hard with the right VPNs), then a ban.
Here is how it works:
1. Astroturf a non-issue to make it appear like a site-wide problem. (Perhaps even intentionally bait outsiders to shit up LC by posting thread links on soyjak, 4chan, discord groups etc. - just to make your point appear valid.)
2. Data-buying companies want clean products, not marred with VPN IPs or that present inconclusive poster profiles (posters using private windows, agent switchers etc.). 4chan has recently (3 months ago) extended its posting timer to 15 minutes (which can be nullified after you've posted once - but only as long as you haven't deleted the cookies) for the exact same reason. Supposedly it was to target spam. Strange that they applied it to all boards (after trialling it on a select few 'busy' boards), even the niche half-dead ones that were never targets of raids and spam/shitpost campaigns.
3. Fudge the referendum.
4. Profit.
Wake up, LC. You're being taken for a ride.
No. 88209
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Message related keeps popping up and I can't post. Please halp.
No. 88301
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>>88232NTA, but the thread on /m/ is for anons who are in the yuri fandom to talk about fandom drama and crazy (female) individuals in it. The yuricoomer threads on /ot/ were attempts by a couple of baiters/fujos to shit on yuri fans in general (because they were salty about the fujocoomer thread existing), and those threads were the ones where all they had were screenshots of trannies. They're completely different threads.
>>88112>>88153It's interesting how you always "forget" to include all the replies where anons were calling these two posters retarded, and dismiss every pro-VPN post that didn't mention baiting at all. It's a given that some VPN users are going to be trolls and spergs (no shit), just like some non-VPN users are shitposters and baiters too. But that does not represent every VPN user and we're not a hivemind. We have different reasons to use VPNs, one of them being privacy concerns, whether that means ISP/employers snooping, mods and admins stalking our post history, bypassing national bans, potential IP leaks during hacks, general basic opsec, just not liking to be exposed, etc.
Like this anon
>>88070 said, most moderation issues originate from /ot/. The ones who want a VPN ban so desperately are, probably, mostly /ot/-only users. A lot of VPN users might be, too. Personally, I couldn't give less fucks about not being able to post on /ot/ anymore since it's a cesspool with or without a VPN ban.
That said, I support these ideas:
>ban VPNs on /ot/ and in select problematic threads on other boards>>88090>longer post cooldownAnd I agree with
>>88085 No. 88308
>>88303I don't know, tell that to the anons who kept posting about those two baiters in the CC thread as some sort of proof that every single VPN user is a troll.
>constantlyIt's my first time posting a screenshot of CC here.
>obsessed with ccThis is the thread to discuss the VPN ban. A couple of cherrypicked screenshots could change the opinion of a bunch of people. I'm just letting it be known that they're cherrypicked and biased. Any more questions?
No. 88332
>>88330>the whimsyWhat are you even talking about? Seriously why do spergs act like this about Dumbass Shit? It still exists, you can go post on it right now if you wanted to. Dumbass Shit spergs were the bane of /ot/ because they treated LCF like it was a chatroom when they weren't getting enough attention on their Discord servers. There are hundreds of threads on /ot/ and they all have different topics and themes, if you want to post something, anything, it could go in one of those threads. Why do we need large-scale chatroom threads? Why does that make /ot/
whimsical, why does /ot/ have to be filled with
whimsy?? The best threads on /ot/ are the ones dedicated to particular topics, they're the threads that have the highest quality posts and they're the threads that Zoomers hate the most because they require reading skills.
No. 88519
Farmhands on LC are 4chan mods - they've locked 4chan hate threads for a reason.
>>>/ot/2232351>>>/ot/926266So transparent.
No. 88546
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>>88544wow really makes you think
No. 88565
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When is the VPN ban coming back? The non-stop racebait is annoying.
No. 88657
>>88642In case you're not trolling and just have shit reading comp:'Thirdies' aren't the ones shitting up threads with infights, they'll be unable to risk posting here without legal consequences. Also, many other first world countries like Germany and UK also ban free speech and women in the UK have been arrested for saying sex is real.
Americans really take free speech for granted.
No. 88664
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>>88616>thirdiesAYRT I'm white British, fool. We literally don't have free speech here.
I'm also a teacher and lecturer in higher education and I don't want to get a criminal record or ousted from my job for kekking at troons.
No. 88668
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So lets take a look at Marion Miller. She is an accountant and an anti-trans activist for For Women Scotland. So this already tells me she isnt some NEET on an imageboard.
Well it looks like the charges were dropped recently. As an 2021 recently. How she even got into this mess was because someone sent a complaint to the police. Well, I'm sorry but this happens in the US too. Even you disagree with it, her post she put on social media under her real fucking name could be construed as hate speech, and that has consequences no matter where you live. She shouldve had another account to post shit like this.
Please stop with the trying to use stories like these to justify your need to be a retard online.