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No. 128374[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/m/79211

Discuss about your favorite ship(s), vent about sinking or sunken ships or rant about ships that you hate from any movies, tv series, animation, books, games, so on and so forth.

Or just some nice art of them couples you enjoy.

-No ship wars derailing.
-No "I ship character with myself", that's what the husbando and waifu threads are for
718 posts and 318 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 437381

it's so lonely being a mai fan. i feel like everyone who thinks she's boring glossed over her backstory, flashbacks, and development when she decided to ditch azula, or maybe it wasn't exciting enough for them. she and zuko have the emoness in common at least.

No. 437387

ayrt and tbh i love mai but i really don't like zuko, so im pretty sure that even among mai fans i'm in the minority lol.
that said, i don't find her boring but i suppose i can see why others woudln't like her, you don't see many female characters being this detached and unemotional.
even as someone who doesn't ship zutara (i don't care much for either character), i agree taht aang and katara's relationship felt more like a sibling dynamic, especially since aang acts like a little iid a lot and seems (imo) kinda too young to ship. the relationship in the finale semed tacked on. but then again the whole finale was rushed as hell, the writing rly took a nosedive in quality at the end of book 3.

No. 453732

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No. 453735

I wasn’t even a big shipper as a kid, but I always expected Katara to end up with Zuko and Aang with Toph, because that made sense to me. Aang and Toph were both kids while Zuko and Katara were teenagers, and it felt natural for them to be paired like that

No. 453737

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mai is my favorite character in the whole series next to azula, tbh. i love unexpressive, cold bitches. she's not boring at all.

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No. 194636[Reply]

A thread to indulge in nostalgia! Post images or videos of things that make you feel nostalgic. Talk about your favorite memories and stuff you miss.

>old shows, commercials, movies and games

>toys you had or wanted as a kid
>school yard games, songs and jokes
>images of places and things that spark nostalgia for you
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No. 450533

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No. 450545

Did you own this book? What was in it/the website? I'm so intrigued.

No. 450547

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sooo freaking cute. i liked these ones too.

No. 450588

aww I love this!

No. 453626

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No. 287101[Reply]

Fire Emblem thread? Fire Emblem thread.

Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. First produced and published for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990, the series currently consists of seventeen core entries and five spinoffs. Gameplay revolves around the tactical movement and actions of characters across grid-based battlefields, while incorporating a story and characters similar to traditional role-playing video games.

I am aware there's a general game thread where Fire Emblem has been discussed, however, I feel like many of us are fans and deserve a separate space to sperg about anime chess in peace.

>How long have you been playing?

>Favourite title?

>Least favourite title?

>Any hot takes?

sperg freely here
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No. 417855

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I want to raise my hand and say that I kiiiind of agree. I like the wish fullfillment part of the moving castle base, it's comfy, but I wish the story was darker so it would feel nicer to have such a comfy base

Anyway, I will however stan my favourite archer who happens to be from this game. I think Awakenings characters were more varied and had less 'joke' characters than FE3H, and also this archer is the cutest. Trap-kun was so cute that I keep him on my team even though he's shit.

I hear the localization removed the gender differences for the romance scenes tho, is this true?

No. 417856

Can I ask how people are playing Fates with an uncencorship patch? Is it possible to do it on a 3DS, or do I have to do it via computer?

No. 417857

Yes it’s true for Fates, as for Engage, I’m not sure they were different at all. I haven’t looked into its Japanese version because I much prefer Louis in english and he is one of my favorites.
Alcryst the best btw. I ship him with Fogado.
You can play it with a pirated 3DS but I can’t help you with that, sorry. Also I remember there were two uncensored versions, one had a laughably bad amateurish fan translation with many missing supports and the other has the NOA english script but with some scenes tweaked to resemble the Japanese original.

No. 417862

I really like the base idea but i think it needs to be better incorporated into the story, since for example, in engage, it doesn't make much sense for your characters to make a big deal about running away from the bad guys in chapter 11 when supposedly Alear can just teleport the army away into the somniel, and leaves it to the player to come up with their own reasoning as to why Alear can't do that, and then there's Fates My Castle which is an even bigger clusterfuck. 3H had it a bit better by making it feel like a real place in the world, even if it also didn't make sense for Byleth and Co. To retreat into Garrech Mach every month after a battle, but at least 3 Hopes fixed it by making the base a regular camp that gets set up in a different location every major battle.

No. 453495

You can do it on 3DS
Just homebrew it
I have Japanese undub, Japanese faces, swimsuits, and gay fates patches
You just need to use a tutorial step by step

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No. 246630[Reply]

Danganronpa is a Japanese visual novel franchise created by Kazutaka Kodaka and published by Spike Chunsoft. The series primarily surrounds various groups of apparent high school students who are forced into murdering each other by a robotic teddy bear named Monokuma.

Currently the franchise includes four console games and two major anime series, with associated manga, novels and stage play spin-offs and adaptations.

Kazutaka Kodaka left the company in 2017 and founded Too Kyo Games with other ex-employees. Despite his departure, Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp released in 2021, confirming more installments in the series may release in the future.

Where can I read Orenronen's fan-translation for the first game in the series? Here: https://lparchive.org/Dangan-Ronpa/
Where can I watch the anime in English? Here: https://www.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation/videos and https://www.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-3-the-end-of-hopes-peak-high-school
The games are available on PlayStation Portable, Android, iOS, PlayStation Vita, Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One devices.
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No. 259676

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>Shipping Chiaki with Sonia, who is canonically not a virgin
I don't get why people would ship Sonia with Chiaki to begin with, but what does Sonia not being a virgin have to do with anything?
>Yes, it does. Chiaki and Kaede, with Kyoko as a small exception, act as their respective protags' manic-pixie-dream-girl. Sweet, caring, and bubbly girls who take pride in their femininity and helping others out.
This is so misogynistic, Kyoko was NEVER written as a manic pixie dream girl and she's not even that feminine personality wise (she's pretty cold and aloof). Personally that's why I really like Kyoko though, she's fully willing to put people like Naegi at risk despite him being her ally because she puts the truth above that and the game doesn't feel the need to have her suck off the protag constantly like they did with Chiaki.
>First of all, no they did not. Nagito simply stated he was in love with the hope inside Hajime
This is well known to be a mistranslation though, in the original he says he's in love with Hajime.
>Kokichi's mini "confession" to Shuichi about "liking someone so much that he'd strangle them" was only hinting at Miu's death and his canonical attraction to Miu
Ouma and Miu hate each other lmao.

This was a funny read, and I'm only done with the first chapter of this thanks for posting though since it gave me a good laugh.

No. 262864

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No. 263144

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Finally playing the first game after watching the anime in 2013 im on chapter 4 and i miss mondo and taka so bad

No. 429264

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Post some memes!

No. 453467

Despaircest otp
Truly nothing else like it

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No. 242911[Reply]

Lost the original thread in the /m/assacre, wanted to bring this back. A thread for discussing and learning game development, women/projects to check out, and venting about things that are impossible to talk about in regular game dev spaces.
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No. 442130

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I got tired of waiting for a company to make my dream game so i am making it myself. I am learning GDscript to use godot, has anyone used godot before?

No. 442203

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Is making a game entirely on blueprint on Unreal a bad thing/unrealistic? I want to make a low poly game and the furthest I got with programming is python. I tried learning C# but it's not clicking with me.

No. 442557

It's alright for a small game with simple features. Low poly is art style so not much to do with programming. Blueprints are a nightmare for source control and collaborative work, but if you are solo you will be fine. Name your functions, use OOP practices, and use comments in the blueprint graph. If you need to do things on tick consider if it's really necessary and if a timer would be appropriate. Use interfaces and avoid hard references. I think those are the main noob traps of unreal development.

No. 453466

OK, fuck this. >>453301
I WILL write and program an R18 catboy otome game, no matter how shitty. Then I'll add my shitty placeholder art with my own designs. And when I'm done, I will recruit one or several artists from here who are willing to help me with actually good art because I'm honestly not that good at drawing (I'll allow character design changes, of course). I might even recruit a better writer than me if my writing is too shit. The point is that I want to make this happen, and it doesn't matter that it's not the best, or that it's too short. The point it to get it done and release it.

No. 453547

I'm willing to help you, I know how to use ren'py.

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No. 196559[Reply]

Similar to the HP thread, discuss all things relating to LOTR and Tolkien and his works. Favorite books, thoughts on the movies, what you'd like to see in the future etc.

>What was your first experience with LOTR? What hooked you?

>Movies vs Books- is one better? Do you have an opinion on that?
>Have you read the books in the extended Tolkien world- Children of Hurin, Unfinished Tales, The Fall of Gondolin etc. do you plan to?
>What more (if any) Tolkien/LOTR media would you like to see in the future? Could be shows, movies, games, comics etc.
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No. 445136

Most reviews I've seen of this can be summed up as "this sucks and I blame women for this and their girl boss Mary Sues"

No. 445154

Same. I honestly agree with this so hard.

No. 445250

> but the VAs aren't too bad
The Japanese or the English ones?

No. 449902

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No. 453437

Post more parodies.

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No. 382896[Reply]

Post and discuss your favourite AMVs (anime music videos) here.
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No. 438684

No. 438690

No. 438739

No. 442668

Sooo nostalgic!when One Piece was actually worth watching also I had the biggest crush on Kaku lol.

No. 453279

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No. 348698[Reply]

Discuss Michael Jackson with clowns, His fans, MJcows, MJ white knights or whatever other weird MJ shit
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No. 444211

>ships herself with Michael Jackson
How did ypu even find out this information her website has one trillion links on the first page and it all just seems AI generated. Random aside I thought her quotes page was her escort services pricing page but it's just a bunch of weird robotic, literal quotes from herself.

No. 445421

Just found out about this. I can't stop laughing.

No. 445428

she thinks she's MJs soulmate because they ''have the same eyes'' pure schizo, i love it

No. 445437

Sme looks more like a TonyTalks character than Michael Jackson to me.

No. 453192

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No. 232717[Reply]

ITT: Just talk about weird casting decisions where the actor just didn't fit the role or didn't match the look of the character that they were supposed to be portraying, you can even post examples of odd castings that at the end of the day surprisingly worked well
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No. 452747

I adore your Disney autism, nonna. All power to you.

No. 452781

Okay so if a big ugly aggressive man kidnaps a hot chick and forces her to live in his mansion, she will still love him if he treats her nice. Not disagreeing with that, never was. The annoying thing is that inner beauty is only more important if you're a man, if you're a woman outer beauty is still more important.

No. 452855

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nta but there are many variations of beauty and the beast, one of the oldest pre-modern version of this story is actually arthurian. In this tale, the reckless and beautiful knight sir gawain must marry a literal pig-faced woman named dame ragnelle, who saved arthur's life, at wedding night ragnelle then reveals her true form as a beautiful woman and offers gawain a choice, she can take her monster form during the day (when they are in public) and her beautiful form at night (when they're in bed), or she can be beautiful during the day and ugly at night. gawain doesn't make the choice and gives her the freedom to be what she wants, this decision allows her curse to be broken and they live happily ever after, the point of that story is that love is a duty and that men should honor their wives

No. 452876

The justification for why Eric was white in the live action was hilarious.
>he's adopted or something lol moving on
It would have been fine to make Eric black since Ariel was made black but doing so would have hurt white men's egos.

No. 452880

this version is sweet and based. Why must the uggo moid psyop version be the most popular? fucking uggoids

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No. 273444[Reply]

Puppets! Puppets everywhere!

Pili shows also welcome.
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No. 450788

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No. 450789

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No. 452839

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So late, huh.
>Thunderbolt Fantasy Season 4 Premieres on Crunchyroll January 25

No. 452841

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No. 452844

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