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gender critical and female politics
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No. 24356

A thread for documenting and discussing the issues of the surrogacy Industry and the harms it causes to women and children.

No. 24357

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reposted from the MTF thread, this is a gay man (who I assumed was a TIM) who "commissioned" twin boys for him and his husband

No. 24358

Ugh, the baby devolving into silent crying. I can't help but think that this is because babies can recognize their parents by familiar/genetic smell, which this is man does not have. The baby knows they're with a stranger. So sad. Let alone the horrifying image the baby got when they opened their eyes.

No. 24359

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>"we just want to get married and be left alone"
>not even a decade later
>man gets to larp as a mother in the hospital while picking up the baby he just bought

No. 24360

Vile. Absolutely vile. The first skin to skin contact is what imprints the mother and the child, the child can feel he's not the mother and this faggot is sitting in a BED? While he's not sick? All glammed up for holding a baby?
Truly a men's world, this is so sad to watch.

No. 24361

His face literally looks demonic in the wheelchair

No. 24362

My sister showed me a screenshot of her wanting to become a surrogate. I am shocked that she really did this shit. Obviously she got rejected because she is under 25 and have had never had children. The worst part is that she is a midwife, so she should be highly educated about how grueling pregnancy could be and how it could be hurtful to have your baby taken away. It stems from the fact that she is desperate to own her own house and it will take a while in her career for her to start making 100k a year. I gave her a rant telling her that children are not commodities and that people who seek surrogacy are selfish and nasty people.

No. 24363

maybe shoe her some of the works renate klein and other feminists against surrogacy

No. 24364

Tbh, she is very slow in the head, has been heavily poisoned by liberal feminism and a huge consoomer. Had she saved more during her teen years, since she got good paying jobs at a young age, she could afford a house by now. She has a room that is worse than a lot of rooms in the consoomer thread and would probably do sex work if my family would never find out. She would never take life advice from me because i am the stereotypical ugly feminist type. I have one article that radicalised me against surrogacy, but to any other libfem, they would just call me homophobic over it. He's the article in question if anyone is curious.

No. 24365

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Spoilered for gross moid behavior.

No. 24366

One of my old highschool friends is going to be a surrogate again for the 2nd time.

She has a young kid with neurological issues and seizures so it's crazy that she's a surrogate in the first place… IDK if she's getting paid to do it or not, I don't think she works anymore.

No. 24367

No. 24368

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Men have literally kept dead women on life support so they can user her as an incubator.

No. 24402

No. 24416

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No. 24432

Why is this man who did NOT just give birth laying in a hospital bed? I can't even finish watching this video because I'm so sad and disgusted.
Knowing this is breaking my heart

No. 24437

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They literally make up anything whenever they can't argue with us, it's hilarious lmao. Idk how you could not see buying a child as trafficking or where they got the idea that terfs, some of the most pro abortion people on the planet, are somehow against it. The only answer to this is brain damage.

No. 24465

I mean sure surrogacy is evil but you don't have to post christians who talk about how god designed women's bodies and the divine conception…

No. 24470

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>why do feminists care about an issue that commodifies women and leads to abuse of women and children?

No. 24493

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TIM wants to use a surrogate for a baby, he's literally talking about buying babies from women in poorer nations.

No. 24528

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No. 24529

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No. 24539

>they aren't hurting anyone
Go check with the mother they paid peanuts to.

No. 24678

No. 25220

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No. 25221

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No. 25222

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No. 25223

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No. 25224

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