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gender critical and female politics
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No. 22361

A thread to discuss ways in which we uplift women and put men in their place, in order to create a better society through little actions. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and hopeless, but the little things do count. I'll start:
>every time a woman i know enters a relationship i remind her that a pregnant woman's highest cause of death is her bf/husband
>never buy or recommend any media that is neither written by a woman or doesn't have mainly female leads
>don't listen to music by males
>make sure to mention male crime statistics in mixed gender groups (in front of men and women) when possible, do it naturally, like "oh that reminds me of something i learned in law class"
>when men complain about anything, i like to describe them as "very open about their feelings", "senstive", "emotional", etc
>when men are visibly angry, i ask them why they're feeling so emotional
>always give the woman the benefit of the doubt
>never give the man the benefit of the doubt
>stay celibate and never date or have sex with men, only get them to give you money (they are not good at sex and not worth using for that)
>i never make friends with men. i avoid more contact than necessary (basically work related) and refuse any invitation to go out unless there are more women than men at an event
>donate time and money to women's shelters
>i do not argue with men, i simply ignore them
>stand up for women and take their side during arguments
>i do not do favors for men in any capacity, i just shrug or laugh if they struggle with something
>if a man admits he's toxic i agree and say he sounds like he has problems to work out
What do you do to improve things where you are? What are your little ways of peaking women and demeaning men? I hope to see asexual reproduction akin to ivf in my lifetime, and then men will have no biological purpose anymore, we can raise children with our sisters and friends.

No. 22362

nice troll post

No. 22365

Not trolling. Why is sharing how we behave in our best interest bad? Every space is full of the evil shit men do every day, but it's trolling to want to share positive anedotes? If my wording is off, sorry.

No. 22368

I cheat on my boyfriend when I get bored

No. 22375

Great post and thread pic.

>if you are in the position to vote for something (like in a competition, work, or politics) choose a woman always

No. 22384

If you flip the sexes in OP's list, these are all behaviors that men exhibit to favor other men and degrade women (consciously or not). Like, exceedingly common ones. In that context, OP's behavior is logical and not even that extreme, it just feels weird to you because we're all socialised to prioritise men.

Anyway, I'm not as hardcore as OP yet, but I've learned many ways to say 'sounds like you should find a therapist!' when men try to talk at me.
Also, I'm unfortunately in situations a lot where men try to humblebrag about their art to me, and I take the opportunity to offer unsolicited critique. I take great pleasure in telling them 'you're nauseatingly mediocre and your thoughts are not worth expressing' in words and tone of voice that are soft enough that they sincerely thank me after. They feel like they've been visited by the Muse and had had an artistic breakthrough, but within the year their confidence is completely gone. My track record on art Instagrams is 4 total closures, 6 stalls and 2 radical changes in direction that lost them most of their followers.

No. 22391

Nta but cheating on men isn’t wrong because they’re not fully human. Also there’s no way in hell you’re not a moid or at least a tranny. Thinking someone deserves to be beaten to death for cheating is fucking deranged and you are as vile as any of the animals in prison.

No. 22392

Also, yes we do need her. Men deserve it. They deserve worse. They deserve to be mutilated, killed and driven to suicide and if you’re gonna be a pickme like this, so do you. I don’t believe for a second you’re anything other than a larping scrote let alone a misandrist radfem that belongs here but if you are a woman you’re a worthless heifer who will get what’s coming to her in the form of the moids you bend over backwards to please.(alogging)

No. 22395

Cheaters deserve a violent and prolonged death. They are subhuman and should be dealt with accordingly. I will never stand for a cheater, regardless of their sex.(alogging)

No. 22404

>Only be a mentor for women
>Take positions of leadership. This will put you in a position of power to uplift other women, encourage women, and piss off misogynistic males

No. 22419

Nice thread. I had to vote representatives for my uni's student council and I only chose female candidates. I want to read more literature by female authors. I only buy second hand books but if I come across a recent author I like I wouldn't mind buying her book brand new, most second hand sellers in my country are men but the most important book shop in my city is run by women. I buy my tea in an independent teashop run by a woman as well. My family is quite big but I try to bond with my aunts and female cousins, male relatives are pieces of shit anyway. I'm straight but after I ended up my first relatioship 1 year ago I'm happy to remain celibate and I don't see that changing in the future.

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