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No. 36210

What is the 4B movement?
>4B (or "Four Nos") is a feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019. Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children.
"Female separatism" is another term that could describe this in English.
Discuss ways women can support themselves and other women while decentering and ignoring men in their own lives. Some starter questions:
>Are you 4B?
>Have you talked to any women in your life about going 4B?
>Do you plan on moving in with women instead of trying to split cost of living with a boyfriend?

No. 36211

>Men hate us. There's no point in catering to them. They're gonna hate us anyway.

No. 36212

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Comments on vidrel

No. 36213

I'm glad that more women are becoming celibate, although I'm not sure how it took this long. It is SO easy to avoid engaging with males and there are no benefits to being acquainted with them.

No. 36214

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Korea and China are at 6b. Also you guys have known about the 4b movement all year but waited until the nightmare scenario to happen to finally come to terms with the fact that your racist Nigel is also a sexist. You bitches are a joke and it’s why I laugh when you guys say this is a feminist board. how!?(ban evasion)

No. 36215

This feels so good to see. I'm hoping this is what peaks women to troons as well. No more catering and coddling moids for any reason. Western 4B now.

No. 36216

You guys are not leaving your scrotes I’ve been in g(ban evasion)

No. 36217

Ignore the retarded baiters. Western 4B now.

No. 36218

Sadly, most straight women will talk big shit about hating men but still have sex with men, marry them, have children with them, look the other way when they're being sexist etc. because either their Nigel is One Of The Good Ones or they're already spiraling down the radfem to tradfem pipeline. And that said, after seeing that 70% of white women voted for Trump in certain states I'm genuinely blackpilling so fucking hard realizing that so many women are domesticated and brainwashed to the point theyh would submit our rights just like that. I hope women of the future generations keep becoming more and more liberal and keep taking more leading positions at grassroots level to climb up and form meaningful connections with other women, something that has previously been sabotaged by childbearing concern for men.

No. 36219

This thread is for the other 30%! We are stronger together than we are divided!

No. 36220

>you guys
>you bitches
are you including yourself in your retarded generalization? because this might come as a shock to you but there are more than 5 people on lolcow who again (big shock, I know) have extremely different beliefs and lives from each other

No. 36221

>celibate and a homebody to begin with
Pretty easy for me. It'd be nice if "celibate" became more of a mainstream label tbh.

No. 36222

why not call it celibacy instead of 4b?

No. 36223

Tbf sex with women would still be allowed.

No. 36224

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reposting from another thread, I honestly believe a lot of stuff the about 5b/6b coming out of korea is made up at this point, it's one thing to remain celibate(that's not outlandish), but seeing claims about how they don't buy or use products from male companies or even interact with men just feel made up, cause unless you live in a women's commune you will have to deal with men if you work or want to interact with your family and I swear this is not racebait (I'm asian myself) but asian people in general can be quite superficial and have an obsession with aesthetics and this feels like just an extension of that, an aesthetic of radicalism, but nothing genuine

No. 36225

Tbf I suppose it could work if you're a NEET kek

No. 36226

praying with all my heart that it gets more normalized in south asian countries because we really need it

No. 36227

Most women won't do shit. Feminism is only for "alpha women" who are the top 5-10% specimens of the female population. The rest are slave NPCs.

No. 36228


So? Save yourself then. It's good to build a support community and offer help to those women who search for it. Offer a solution to those who need it. Even if all women can't be saved, even if it is 10% of women - it is something because you know you are not alone in your decision.

For all those using 4B as some kind of a revenge against moids - you will fail because you are putting the moid in the centre again. If you are doing it for your own wellbeing - then good.

No. 36229

I've been 4B my whole life without even thinking about it. I'm glad there's a term for it now and that more women are joining in. I hope the number keeps growing

No. 36230

>Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children.
I've been doing this my whole life, not specifically for feminist reasons but because men are too fucking ugly and annoying to risk an unwanted pregnancy and STDs but no orgasm. Just straight up balding in their 20s and bright yellow chain smoker teeth. I'll keep ignoring them.

No. 36231

It can work. I'm in compsci and have mostly male classmates and three male lecturers. I haven't spoken a word to any of them yet (In fact, they avoid me. Thank god) and if I do, it'll only be college related so whatever. Only males I interact with are my dad and faggot brother. It can't be helped. But I never speak to my male cousins or uncles. Even at shops, I go to the self checkout, or stand in the queue where there is a female cashier. I mostly shop online though.

No. 36232

Same here. Honestly, it's more comfortable for me due to me being attracted with women throughout my life. I just hope this movement will be more well-known

No. 36233

I mean I've actually practiced it unintentionally, I've had a few relationships that never worked out but I live with my brother because neither of us can afford to live on our own, I'm curious how 4b deals with the fact that many koreans are forced to move with their parents due to the economy

No. 36234

I do wonder about the issue of family. I like them too much to cut them out.

No. 36235

My exact thoughts lol. I support 4B and all, but this happening due to election day screams New Years resolutions lmao.

No. 36236

My point wasn't kist about family, I just really wonder how anyone can afford to live on their own and the korean economy and housing crisis is even worse than the west, it made me think a lot of this is just larping

No. 36237

It's crazy how much home ownership impacts your view on men and relationships. In my country, most young people pin all their hopes of buying property to splitting costs with a partner, it seems completely impossible otherwise. So for women, a man is a golden opportunity and their best chance at financial security.

But for me, because I own my apartment, men only represent massive risk to both my finances and my quality of life. Being in a relationship that progresses to living together or combining finances or having kids could absolutely destroy the security I have (whether it's because of divorce, rising expenses, needing to upgrade to a bigger home, the guy turning into a financial liability due to secret gambling or drugs or something). I'd like to say my 4B lifestyle is purely for feminist reasons but a lot of it is just practical materialism where I'd rather die than split assets with a man who could take half or fuck it up.

No. 36238

I am a mom who married young and threw away my career goals to start a family with a scrote for "romance". I fell for the psyop and I tell all the younger women or women my age I run into NOT to have children, marry or even move in with a scrote. They are evil and there are no exceptions only variations of slightly less evil ones… It is too late for me, I know, I got divorced, domestically abused. I did everything for him and walked away with nothing. Barely survived and demonized for not putting up with his shit

No. 36239

In my country almost everyone has to live with their parents, even though that wasn't really a thing a generation ago, it's just the economy and inflation just got really fucking bad

No. 36240

I've always known that I would be 4b even if I didn't know the term. I've always been a man hater and I only tolerated my female friends male friends. I've known since I was a little girl that I would never tie myself to a male. I've always held childfree and antinatalist sentiments. If I ever felt the urge to care for a child I'd definitely open my home to daughters only. I want to try to transition to 6b4t, and I'm pretty good at not supporting misogynistic media. I hope 4b gets more popular with young women, and hopefully more of us start to turn our backs away from males entirely. I cannot help any of the women in my life, at this point, the only woman I can look out for is myself. All my female family members are pathetically tied to shitty males via children and one-sided emotional bonds. All I can do is guarantee my safety, happiness, and well-being. If any of you have young women or girls in your life, please try and steer them towards chosing themselves and 4b over male approval and misogyny.

No. 36241

Sorry you had to go through all of this. I hope you're doing better now.

No. 36242

Ngl I don't have much faith in western women to pull of 4b because South Korea's virulent misogyny is on a whole different level. It does disillusion a lot of women to the myth of male chivalry and supposed gender equality - and even still in Korea, a lot of women date and marry.
But small degrees of separatism is always possible - centering your bonds with other women, supporting other women, reading feminist texts for conscious-raising. The thing is, this takes community to do. Individual actions won't mean much without scale.
The key is also to prioritize other feminist women instead of just any woman. Many women won't go 4b no matter how bad it gets, and some will use 4b and other feminist women as free resources while they're waiting for their nigels. It's hard because we're working against both men and large numbers of women.

No. 36243

I respect you for having the guts to say that I feel like it's taboo but I think you are just awake. It takes a lot of self awareness and humility to not just be a crab in a bucket. Too many women act that way and give others bad advice and try to clip young women's wings. Or shout them down and tell them to grow up and deal with oppression (try to bring up any issues with the gynecology field around a gen x woman and she will scream until she's red in the face that you are a stupid little girl and need to just deal with it or even wish cancer on you and mock you)

No. 36244

Even "good" marriages seem so tinged with resentment if you just scratch the surface. It almost feels like a good marriage is one where the wife is financially cared for but has to, throughout the marriage, deal with being emotionally neglected, betrayed, lied to, deceived re; their partner's sexual predilections and habits, and sometimes cheated on. That's why so many of these women cope through religions that teach them to be pathologically selfless and externally forgiving and humble; because underneath that self-imposed indoctrination lies a ton of bitterness, but religious women are terrified of doing or saying anything that might make them seem feminist, because feminists are equivalent to witches (old, decrepit, infertile, mean-spirited, grotesque, anti-life, evil) in their worldview

No. 36245

I don't think that 4B will do well in the West. Most of South Korean women are atheist and most of American women are Christian and religion is the first brainwashing tool that teaches girls to hate themselves and worship men.

No. 36246

I think we should focus even more so on solidarity among women irl. The US election is just another great example why we can't rely on moids in any way and should look out for eachother first and foremost, instead of wasting our energy and altruism on moids.

No. 36247

Now that's pretty impossible, just look at this thread, or any social media, or anywhere really.

No. 36248

Sorry for blogposting, but I am religious (catholic) but I have never been in relationship with a man. I have met only one truly upstanding, selfless, caring and religious man (my dad) in my life, but that is it. Jesus recommended being celibate for a good reason, most men are way too deep in their sin, but tbf I met plenty of selfless extremely caring women.

No. 36249

Your religion is only made to punch women down and keep them at home to raise their family. You'll never find a sane catholic man.(infighting)

No. 36250

Seeing a lot of 4B posts but I don't have confidence that these people will go through with it tbh. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt so. 3DPD forever

No. 36251

>South Korea's virulent misogyny is on a whole different level. It does disillusion a lot of women to the myth of male chivalry and supposed gender equality
This. Honestly, the ideal of "gender equality" does more to hold western women back than anything. It obfuscates the truth about men: that male violence is biological and misogyny is a universal male value. Men feel no kinship towards women, but we project our own good will onto them. And they're never going to change. The least we can do is let them wallow in their own filth all by their lonesome.

No. 36252

Nta but so is 4b only a thing for atheist women? It's not going to get that large, then.

No. 36253

I'm naturally 4B by being born into a muslim family and refusing to get married, but at this rate I'll be a virgin for life. Honestly, very few women can handle being 4B and we're better off discussing the best way to financially take care of ourselves.

No. 36254

>Your religion is only made to punch women down
Most catholics in first centuries were women, it used to be an egalitarian religion, as Jesus said sexes are equal. Paul the murdered went against Jesus's teachings and because men are sinful that's the version taught by catholic priests nowadays. Women in middle ages in Europe had way, way better position than in Ancient Greece for example, in part thanks to christianity.
>You'll never find a sane catholic man.
Will you find a sane man in general? Men are more sinful and cunning than women in general. 4B all the way tbh.

No. 36255

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>we’re going 4B even though we all had this time to do so and called other women retards and femcels for saying to separate from men
This is never going to happen, most women don’t like each other and are very happy and content on maintaining that status quo. They’re too addicted to males, defend them tirelessly and the western 4B women (who pale in comparison to the real ones - the Korean women who actually curated it and had their ideas taken and mashed up into pieces from greedy materialistic western feminists only addicted to identities, titles and the internet) are not real 4B, they are only angry and trying to play power plays with men just like how female hetties get pissy in their little squabbles with their retard nigel and start acting passive aggressive to them (but oh no no don’t you dare ever begin to hate him), not because they actually care what happens to women. Most women don’t care what happens to other women at all and even if it seems like they do and they’re the ones behind the organization and upkeep of social and civil movements and institutions it’s inly to be seen as likeable, agreeable and for the community, if they really cared about women we wouldn’t be in this predicament because women finally grew up and put their big britches on. Community and togetherness is the death of women and when people want community, women always have to pick up the pieces and keep things together into one neat shit pile even for other women. You really only have yourself and other very few women not as a community but as people to speak to and share ideas and read their ideas, most women here are fully hypocrites and it’s funny they made this thread even though they are completely two-faced and have called every woman for telling them to stop fucking scrotes “ugly” and “can’t get a man” as if that was the point we were making. Good luck trying to pull women away from their little nigel blankie they will placate themselves with until apocalyptic times. Fuck you, fuck feminism, and most importantly fuck scrotes. None of you are genuine, none of you are real, none of you ever held these beliefs and ever thought about it for a long time, most if not a good majority of women will never be 4B/separatist and hell even be a feminist who actually actively cares about women instead of trying to cater to men and the world and fight to be the most agreeable and liked women of the masses. This was never to be liked, approved, I’m not trying to be liked or validated for the shit I say I just want women to stop being hard headed retards and actually listen to my thoughts even if they seem negative. If a woman starts calling me every cope out insult in the book like “antisocial reject” or “NEET” for properly and realistically speaking about the dynamics between men and women then I know for a fact I can’t like you or talk to you. Most women don’t give a shit about you, are not your friend, and hell won’t even give you the day to listen to you and love patronizing you as if you’re some little girl while their brains are ironically still stuck in girlhood. I hate everything and everything is doomed beyond words

No. 36256

Catholicism is literally retarded and they only honor the Virgin Mary because she didn't have to be a whore to give birth to Jesus. And obviously it was written in the Bible that she so totes wants to fulfill God's mission. Bear in mind she was supposed to be 14 in the Immaculate conception, of course scrotes would write her that way. She's like the perfect gracious forced birth rape victim.
Only converts are this devout. If you were Catholic from birth and made to endure your entire schooling from preschool to university under Catholic tutelage you would know intimately what a load of horseshit it is. Do you even know how to pray the rosary without a guide? Drop and give me hail holy queen right now no bullshit, bet you don't even have it memorized(off-topic religion sperging)

No. 36257

To add to this, most people preaching and leading the masses were women as well (historically)… fuck Paul for murdering them and going against Chirst's teachings.

No. 36258

i will go 4b if my boyfriend and i ever split up. we are young, so it is likely, but he is the loveliest man i have ever met (all the men in my life were abusive be it to me or other family members or friends, only had one ex who was an abusive cheater etc. i say this for context) and i know its a rarity and i dont trust that i could find another like him.

i think some women may fear going 4b if they have jobs they cannot support themselves with. i worry because i am an english major but i would never rely on a man. i think im lucky because if i help care for my mother she may house me forever. i guess thatd be the only way, if i do happen to struggle

No. 36259

I was born and raised in catholic country, I don't think I was taught once about the virtue of Christ and the point of his teachings, we were only taught dozens of different long prayers we had to memorize or some dumb schizo ramblings unrelated to Christ tbh. It actually made me atheist at some point until I read the New Testament in its entirety and read up on historical context behind it.

No. 36260

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nta but 6B4T does advocate for escaping religion as one of the T's (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6B4T_movement), but I'm not sure if that is actually being done on a large scale, especially given picrel where despite a trend in non-religious people, religious women (46.9%) far outnumber religious men (26.2%) in SK

No. 36261

Honestly true. Most women are beholden to men, even the picky ones have their type of strange. It’s always odd to see a highly selective female go for a 2/10 brocoli-haired bespectacled weirdo nerd who bullies and teases her “with limits”, and still hates her fundamentally. But that is the harsh t, women don’t want to fight but just force men to love and keep them only.

No. 36262

Anon are you joking? You sound brainwashed.
> Jesus recommended being celibate for a good reason
> Jesus
Your life is being led by a “man” anyway

No. 36263

Males are in-born redpill by nature. Sexism starts on the playground, not during high school dating years or in adulthood.

No. 36264

>But that is the harsh t, women don’t want to fight but just force men to love and keep them only
That is basically feminism at its core, you’re so right kek

No. 36265

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No. 36266

It is being led by a God and my own way of thinking. I think you anons are making a mistake when you berate religious women and try to exclude them from 4B, especially from a religion as comparatively tame and egalitarian as catholicism. Lots of feminists in SK are christian too. Not everyone has to have the same reason for picking celibacy, for many women religious feelings could prove more powerful than hate on half of the world's population. Logically I know men are sinful and evil, but there needs to be a feeling behind this too to be fully effective.

No. 36267

>female solidarity
Lol, lmao even.
This thread couldn't go more than a couple of posts before calling women out as retards and whores that don't deserve sympathy. Any movement will end up bogged down into superiority complex and moral competition.

No. 36268

Yes, if you notice most feminist women they just boil down to gender equality, cannot quote dworkin, and most imporant issues are dismissing slut shaming and making sure older women are considered hot and objectified too. The NLOG ones in the feminist movement are just playing tomboy and doing skills, all performance for men in hope to have stuff in common with them, get attention and be seen as “more human”, and loved. The endgoal of most feminism is to get men to see them as “more human and lovable”, not hating and dissecting male nature.

No. 36269

NTA but if you are religious, you cannot be a feminist. religion is made by men for men.

No. 36270

Maybe the bit about women being solipsistic and lacking nuance are true. Everytime a female experiences lmale kindness” notice how she switches back from her sulking “hate men” phase to liking them and being non-celibate again. Also the fact low iq women who managed to tie down a “soulmate” or compliant effeminate cuck think because her story turned out good, this must be the experience for every other woman and no one can contradict her. And women who got abused or have different path are doing something wrong. So antifeminist for “soulmate fantasy”. That is bullshit. One’s self-experiences don’t dictate for you to try and write all women’s conditions that way. Maybe that’s why women shouldn’t make laws. Or policies. Oop.

No. 36271

AYRT, and totally. I work around little kids and the difference in behavior between the boys and girls is absolute doompill material.
>women don’t want to fight but just force men to love and keep them only
If there's anything I'd like to accomplish in my life, it's to disabuse as many women as possible of the "I can fix him" complex and the myth of romantic love as a whole. It's one of the strongest mental blocks holding women back.

No. 36272

Why are you even posting on LC? As an ex-catholic I don't understand why anyone practicing this religion would even bother posting here kek

No. 36273

Kind of funny that celibacy is the goal but if you do it wrong it doesn't count.

No. 36274

Yeah, pretty much, all to be liked and appreciated by men and they’ll allow the mentally deranged disgusting ones (trannies) into our spaces and let them destroy it because tehee~ just one of the gworls!! God I fucking hate these people

No. 36275

IMO the biggest obstacle of the 4B movement in the U.S. isn’t religious programming, but rather leftist culture. Conservatives / the right are like wolves, upfront about their contempt for women. But liberals / the left are like foxes, repacking their desire for women’s servitude under a progressive veneer.

It isn’t uncommon for women who grow up in religious backgrounds to leave, especially as they wise up. However, I live in a very progressive, urban area with a lot of educated professionals - the type of blue stronghold that’s exactly what the right imagines when they think of out of touch urban elites. The amount of women I know irl who have drunk the “Hookup culture is empowering! Sex work is empowering! Open relationships are empowering!” Kool-Aid is enough to make one throw their hands in despair. Women are so brainwashed so crave male validation to the extent that desiring male validation is rebranded as empowerment. Did Millennials and Gen Z learn nothing from 2nd wave feminists? I thought the takeaway of the free love movement and the sexual revolution was that women becoming more sexually available benefitted men more than women.

No. 36276

I mean, catholicism has been created by a God, and not a man. I consider myself feminist and I have been 4B my whole life. I think it should be encouraged for women to join 4B movement no matter the reason, be it financial security like some anons ITT or religious reasons. We need to stick to this together instead of infighting.

No. 36277

Yeah this 4B movement only worked in Korea and China not because women collectively love each other and “support sistas” and want to be girlboss geniuses bs BUT because men gone full mask off there and refuse to even use the “love and romance soulmate” lies to trick women into marrying them anymore.

These countries patriarchy are just a few hairs away from becoming Afghanistan, honestly. Most women can delude themselves and tolerate if the moids breadcrumb them and mention something about “love” every now and then, but the korean and chinese moids don’t even do that, they just straight up robotically demand and try to enact subjugation from those women, so the true male nature is plain to see.

Sometimes knowing how bad and redpill male mindset and natural behaviour is can cause women to collectively band together and try to push back against patriarchy. You have to show and prove the redpill techniques and manosphere exposes to female masses. But tradthots and altright porn stars, prostitutes see the redpill handbook crap and still like it even more, really low iq cuckqueans.

No. 36278

I like talking to other women. I have been here for about 9 years at this point, at lowest points of my life nonnas helped me a lot. I remember the OG man hate threads too (to this day idk why they were banned by the self-harm admin), those were great and led to me becoming more conscious of my beliefs.

No. 36279

>IMO the biggest obstacle of the 4B movement in the U.S. isn’t religious programming, but rather leftist culture.
Agreed. And what's worse is that young girls are being groomed from a young age to crave internet validation from men by becoming egirls. OnlyFans is the most common side hustle for women struggling due to the realities of late stage capitalism. It's hard to do any kind of separatist movement when you rely on men for your sense of self as well as your income. But how I see it is that not every woman has to, but every woman that can should. Birth rates are already down and it only takes a trickle in the bucket imo for the effects to become visible. ESPECIALLY in terms of so called "male loneliness".

No. 36280

I don't get why it has to be anti-religion tbh. It still achieves the same outcome if you are celibate for religious reasons. Just don't go full on tradthot in a few years.

No. 36281

It makes Nonna feel stronger to say they're low iq and not in line with the movement. It's only for cool kids, that's how these things get popular, right?

No. 36282

I’m sorry but you sound so cartoonish. Maybe I watch too many religious horror movies KEK

No. 36283

Non stop propaganda from birth

No. 36284

>I don't get why it has to be anti-religion tbh
Because every single religion is a construct invented by men to enforce social control over women, and they are all fundamentally misogynistic. If you're celibate for religious purposes, you aren't 4B, you're just a religious celibate. 4B is explicitly a rejection of men for the purpose of female safety and liberation.

No. 36285

Like anon said religion is made by men for men, so this movement surely doesn’t make sense for you ??

No. 36286

Okay, so this movement is basically dead in any nonathiest state as soon as it was considered. What's the point of this thread, other than larping?

No. 36287

Is it possible for me to be 4B if I am married? I don't ever bring my husband along with me anywhere, I never introduce him to women, me and him work together at our business, but I essentially don't share a social life with him whatsoever. Is it hypocritical to try and encourage 4B? I never speak about him unless asked. Would it be more beneficial to lie? I also want to know what types of volunteer organizations may make it likely to come into contact with other like-minded women. Thank you.

No. 36288

Did you even read the thread description?

No. 36289

The majority of major religions were created to benefit men, did you not post earlier about how "sinful" Catholic moids are? They make the rules to control their women and do whatever they want. Your celibacy for god is not the same as women doing it to escape the patriarchy.

No. 36290

No. Obviously not. Nonna wtf

No. 36291

>What's the point of this thread, other than larping?
Now you just sound mad because nobody else here is using skydaddy for the purpose of being single.

No. 36292

The very definition of 4B includes not dating or marrying men, so no, but 4B is only one example of a way you can practice female separatism. "Perfect" separatism is achievable for a select few. Other women will reasonably look at you funny if you preach 4B and not practice it, but it would make sense if you practice other things like building community bonds with other women and encourage other women to prioritize more women in their lives.

No. 36293

Duh, I've been aware of the 4B movement for a while. However, I want to spread awareness of it because I feel like it's best option for women as a whole. I volunteer and contribute to the community around me and I feel like even at outsider aligning with these values is better than nothing.

No. 36294

>Okay, so this movement is basically dead in any nonathiest[sic] state
Yeah, but because women raised in religious environments are victims of some of the most thorough scrotoid brainwashing ever devised by "people" with g-spots up their assholes. Not because the meanie feminazis are alienating them.

No. 36295

No, but you can still support the movement. We can't afford to dilute the definition for inclusion. But you are still valuable if you are willing to value other women.

No. 36296

I am celibate because I think all men are sinful and gross, my belief in God is only a part of my choice. It's not just catholic men who are misguided and gross, every male is. They literally spoiled catholicism from first centuries. First catholic masses were attended and led by women until men discovered it could be used as a powerful tool to futher their agenda. I am a feminist and supported women in need plenty, stayed celibate in life.

No. 36297

Understood. This is helpful as I don't want to use the wrong terms and I agree it would dilute the definition.

No. 36298

Stop trying to insert your skydaddy into everything. We should include male gods in 4B too.

No. 36299

I wasn't the original anon, more than one person can see how making it into a competition is an easy way to make a movement look like a joke.

No. 36300

It was some other anon who brought up religion and dunked on religious nonnas first. But ok time to exclude SK feminists too since many are christian.

No. 36301

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Religious women will never give up god or men. Refocus your energies on the women who will listen

No. 36302

I don't like religion either but one anon practicing hers in a flavor that presumably isn't misogynistic isn't something worth trying to moralfag over. 4B is a list of 4 requirements, if she's doing those things then yeah she's 4B. Adding silent rules doesn't really do anything except turn it into another social game.

No. 36303

>It's hard to do any kind of separatist movement when you rely on men for your sense of self as well as your income.
Ironically, the aforementioned woke urban/educated/progressive female demographic is arguably in the best position to attain financial independence. However, they're also the most insulated from men's control over women. How many of them would still eagerly back hookup culture if they got pregnant via unprotected sex and could not access an abortion? How many would support sex work / OnlyFans and the porn industry if they had to do survival sex work for a living? So many parrot "I support sex workers" but drop their facade as soon as actual women who've done sex work mention something bad about the industry or the type of patrons you are forced to encounter.

No. 36304

Actually samefag this time, but specifically the "enlightened euphoric atheist" joke that everyone got sick of a decade ago. Why you would want that to be connected despite it being so heavily mocked because of how pretentious it was, I got no clue. I mean, come on, "skydaddy"? What's next, flying spaghetti monster?

No. 36305

KEK anon based and true

No. 36306

Love you nonny. Female solidarity.

No. 36307

Do you really think a radical female separatist movement is going to be Christian just because it's one of the popular religions in the country. Retard kek. This is like saying all American radfems must be Christian because it's the leading religion in the states.

No. 36308

What are some ways nonnas can support female solidarity and women in their communities?

No. 36309

Why is there a Muslim and a cop in the op?

No. 36310

Half of Korean women are christian, recently a post made by Korean roach went vital, he expressed how men need to punish women who have short hair, go to church and a bunch of other traits. Some prominent Korean feminists are christian too. It's just silly to me, trying to exclude women who are grossed out by moids, hate them and actually stick to 4B because of their religious beliefs.

No. 36311

This is a great idea. All male gods are false idols and must be smashed!

No. 36312

Fair, I guess I made assumptions about what might be true and read your post in bad faith. Sorry about that.

No. 36313

>trying to exclude women who are grossed out by moids, hate them and actually stick to 4B because of their religious beliefs
This isn't a kindergarten playground, nobody's being excluded here. We're just suggesting that women who adhere to patriarchal religions that hate women and put men on par with God are going to have a hell of a time reconciling that with radical feminism. You can't hate men and worship them at the same time.

No. 36314

>You can't hate men and worship them at the same time.
Well said!

No. 36315

Isn't it a sin to consider man on the same level of God? Any worship other than that for God is considered idol worship and is bad, no?

No. 36316

HOLY SHIT nobody fucking cares about your theology lesson

No. 36317

Sorry for samefagging, but Korea actually has this conflict too, as many 4B Korean feminists are christian, and many view religion as oppression. On individual scale, we (as in christian feminist women) do not view God as male or female, He is a being beyond our comprehension. And same for Jesus, Jesus was depicted as on a border between male and female as early as in middle ages (the wound as vagina), he never engaged in any evil male deeds as men do, he never had sex, never had kids, he worshipped women, which back then women were treated as cattle, his own mother was forced to be married and give birth at 14. When we pray to God we don't pray to a male, or female, we pray to something beyond that. I understand it might sound weird and whacky, and I totally get how non-religious people view this as male worship (after all God is often depicted with a beard and all that), but we do not treat it that way.

No. 36318

As an atheist I personally don't care. God isn't real and why should I care if they worship a fictional man. I care when they worship REAL men. I feel like as long as your love for God doesn't inadvertently make you a huge pick-me, then who cares.

No. 36319

Compounding on this, but if your fictional moid worship like husbandofaggotry makes you less likely to have sex with real men then who cares. I accept husbandofags and Jesus is the OG husbando.

No. 36320

What an amazing coincidence that all major religions have a human male as the representation of God and His (never Her) will! And can you believe that these religions also (purely coincidentally!!) bid women to be submissive domestic workers/sex slaves for men on pain of damnation, social ostracization, and death?
>why should I care if they worship a fictional man. I care when they worship REAL men
They are part and parcel both in practice and by definition.

No. 36321

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Thoughts on husbandos?

No. 36322

They're still mostly voiced and created by real men.
this is the main reason I don't consider myself a true feminist, I like my escapism too much.

No. 36323

But they're fictional

No. 36324

But to what end? The purpose of the movement is to not have sex with men. If being a Jesusfag makes you less likely to have sex with men then what's the problem. As long as you don't donate to any Christian organizations it shouldn't be a problem.
I see this as more of an issue. It's hard to be an ethical consumer under capitalism but it would be good to avoid support men financially where you can.

No. 36325

I love cute fictional guys. It’s so funny watching all these moids rush to cosplay him because he’s so desirable.

No. 36326

yumeism is not 4b fujoism on the other hand…

>in b4 what is clearly a joke gets redtexted

No. 36327

kek, some anon unironically believing that would be funny though.

No. 36328

Worshipping males of fictional Is still bad. God you bitches are actually ridiculous and bastardize 4B, the original 4B they strictly made their stance AGAINST anime and all fandom/media slop that especially includes men. You people don’t read and are only here to derail and bait

No. 36329

Okay link some reading materials here then instead of complaining. I'm open to changing my mind.

No. 36330

I do not, God has been a bird, a burning bush, it is beyond our comprehension (never showed Himself as an actual person), but for people of the past I guess it was easier to depict Him as an old man, even though He is beyond things like sex.

Jesus preached that women are equal and they have the same rights as men do, He did so in times when women were not considered human and treated like cattle. Masses in first centuries were led by women. After Christ left murderer Paul (a guy who murdered a bunch of early christians) decided that women should be lower than men in church, going against Christ's teachings. Christ warned that men are sinful and greedy and the church will become corrupted by them, and that is exactly what happened. So sorry for derailing this hard but idk I think it's a fascinating topic. While I agree that systems created by men are oppressive, including the institution of church, Christ's teachings were very egalitarian which at the time was unheard of.

No. 36331

I think yumes that are celibate can be 4B though, I don't think they should be excluded as long as they keep the yumeism on the low

No. 36332

Ofc when it comes for westerners to get rid of their dangerous for the mind consoomer slop they rather kill themselves than abstain from it, just like having casual sex with the ugliest motherfucker that came from out of a sewage dump. Westerners seriously think the anime, video games and music they listen to are personality traits and descriptors or what makes them full, actualized human beings. How sad, you think playing a video game is the equivalent of somebody being righteous, kind, intelligent, passionate, mysterious etc. things that actually make somebody a person and not shit made by 200 suit-and-tie scrotes just for men to play and then have you weirdos try to turn into something that was achksually made4thegurls because it’s a male. Get rid of that shit and you’ll magically see how trash it is and how clear your mind will become, it’s all drenched in scrotum influence

No. 36333

Agreed. Same type of shit when troons jack off to lolicon, claim it’s not real, then later end up raping kids.(baiting)

No. 36334

What about media made by women? Not all media is drenched in scrotum influence.

No. 36335

Not everyone is a christfag. Women being non religious speeds up progression. Sadly, I know too many religious women love to stand by their man because jesus.

No. 36336

A lot of media by women still do male-worship and delude other women with the males they write being kind by simply acting like women irl, when in reality males would never be anything other than degenerate. Just because it’s a female-written fantasy cope fiction about men being kind doesn’t mean it’s right.

No. 36337

Bait harder.

No. 36338

Calm down it’s just a 3d model

No. 36339

As much as I encourage this, lolcow is an awful place to try and get this movement off the ground.

No. 36340

hello normie women are you interested in 4B, it's about female liberation. oh but you can't watch tv shows, play games, listen to music, consume media of any sort or believe in any religion

No. 36341

A lot of women actually aid in reproducing scrotum consoomer slop, romance novels and films have served that function quite perfectly along with toxin-filled makeup and feminine hygiene products. Even if the most innocent appearing of content made by women they perpetuate the grossest stereotypes unfortunately. I’ve watched a few anime shows as an example for you weebs that were made by women, a classic one is Sailor Moon and even in a show filled with female characters it still has the most scrote appealing tropes and messages because without it, they couldn’t market it to anyone else besides women. InuYasha was also made by a woman and even though it’s a decent show, it has shit loads of crap in it that’s just straight up garbage and especially her other anime, Urusei Yatsura which is like a travesty when you actually manage to understand anything that happens in that show. The male MC in that show is basically a fucking rapist and so are the other males

No. 36342

Purity spiralling like this is the exact reason 4B will never succeed in the west.

No. 36343

sign me up

No. 36344

>nooooo we actually have to COMMIT to our beliefs???
And this is why I will never take this thread seriously, people are just way too weak-willed, soft-hearted, ignorant and suffering from deep chronic cognitive dissonance to ever commit to 4B. I appreciate this thread being created and all but I will just use this casually, I highly advise everyone in here to just do your research on your own and wordpress blogs are the BEST material you can find of female separatist/actual radfem commentary and information. I fortunately found these blogs and links: https://nomorepapertowels.wordpress.com/
lastly icemountainfire.wordpress.com/ (her blog was privated/deleted so search up that link on internet archive and you will be able to find it - recommend the men are not broken article and the one about motherhood if you can find it)
Also a link to a Google drive full of free radical feminist material:

No. 36345

You can't discuss 4B and ignore the fact that it did not start with feminists, it was already a reality in Korea (lost generation) prior to women coining 4B. It's good that korean women are consciously choosing not to involve themselves with horrible men (so most Korean moids), but there are material reasons behind this that exist independently of 4B ideology. We have the same trend here in the West (can't move out, romance is dead, men make it clear they're porn-addicted manchild lowlifes etc.). Women will continue to date and marry at lower rates, regardless of purity-obsessed online 4B larpers screaming at them that they're not feminist enough.

No. 36346

I recommend Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Akage no Anne, Girls' Last Tour, When Marnie Was There.

No. 36347

No you can't watch them because men made them. Your choice in TV show disqualifies you from feminism even if you follow the actual 4 points of 4B. Sorry, those are the rules.

No. 36348

Yeah pretty much. Must consume, I must consume next product… next dorito chin man and dorito chin woman coming 2026 ah yessssss!!!!!

No. 36349

That's technically not true, because most animators in Japan (people actually drawing anime) are women. But you should pirate stuff anyways.

No. 36350

Are we really falling for the baiting ruskie divide sowing bots again.

No. 36351

not a bot just feeling unhinged due to the election i won't shitpost again

No. 36352

I genuinely dont understand why its antifeminist to husbandofag. Mgtow moids dont consider anime women as real women, so why should anime men be on the same level as 3dpd.

No. 36353

Proof for that? Actually curious

No. 36354

>Actually samefag this time, but specifically the "enlightened euphoric atheist" joke that everyone got sick of a decade ago. Why you would want that to be connected despite it being so heavily mocked because of how pretentious it was, I got no clue.
Because it's still less cringe than you thinking you're superior to anyone else itt for being naive and brainwashed into a religion for tradmoids.

No. 36355

Utena and Girls' Last Tour were both created by and directed by men

No. 36356

Russia destabilizing democracy by posting slutty Leon in the lolcor scroid hate threads, smdh

No. 36357

IMO, for female solidarity to prevail women must focus on practical, material gains. Specifically, amassing wealth among women (because access to capital is directly related to autonomy) and not letting men profit off our bodies and labor (because men exploiting women's bodies/labor is a tried and true formula for keeping women in servitude).

Realistically, I don't see 4B catching on among a vast majority since pure 4B isn't possible or practical for many women. If there is anything to learn from the left, it's that ideological purity is the enemy of progress. However, like-minded women can still do lots to ally themselves outside the movement:
> Be financially literate and strive for financial independence
> Do not rely on men for your livelihood
> Try to give your capital to other women by patronizing women-owned businesses such as cafes, bookstores, shops, salons, etc
> Center the female relationships in your life
> Do not engage in or support hookup culture, sex work, the porn industry or any institution that gives men free access to women's bodies
> Protect women-only spaces

The hopeful eventual outcome is that there will be a gradual shift of social norms where women collectively peak and these tenets assimilate into the mainstream. FDS had a lot of unhinged users, but you can't deny it successfully caught on in the mainstream since it made radfem concepts accessible to normie women.

No. 36358

Exactly it's like when Godspousinf, no one bats an eye when nuns are supposed to do it lol. Most husbando content are made by women as well, so it's just engaging with women in fandoms, not interacting with moids generally.

No. 36359

Where are nonas itt getting the notion that 4B, a movement with "don't fuck or date males" as its only tenets, is some kind of elite corps with a million rules that filter normie women? It's literally just "don't marry a scrote and take him as your lawfully-wedded person most likely to kill you". That's it.

No. 36360

Tell that to anons trying to purity police.

No. 36361

>ideological purity is the end of progress
No, deviating from the original principles and practices is the end of progress. What the fuck is the point of 4B when you can bend and twist the fucking rules and never fully commit to them? Good god people are so obnoxiously retarded and condescending

No. 36362

The sacred rules you speak of are literally
>No sex
>No dating
>No marriage
>No babies
Now tell me where "no TVs and games" fits into those. You are just trying invent shit to feel superior to other women.

No. 36363

>can’t understand how media impacts women
It was already fucking over before it began, seriously this is just pathetic kekk

No. 36364

the millions of rules come from the movement itself
>>36214 (in the 4t section of the screenshot)

No. 36365

nta she's probably thinking of 6b4t, which I adhere to personally

No. 36366

>Thinks women are babies who can't tell fact from fiction
You'd fit right in with scrotes who denied women access to books because "it would be bad for their fragile minds"

No. 36367

Maybe I'm unenlightened, but I do believe it's possible to be alert to misogyny in media without living like a medieval monk.
Go ahead and be critical of moidslop media, but it's just a part of feminism, it isn't 4B.

No. 36368

You do know even Christianity allows shit to pass, right? That's one of the reasons it spread well across different cultures.
There's core beliefs (celibacy) and then there's unnecessary and stupid shit like tv shows and religons. Do you think moids give a fuck if nona likes Leon? They only care if they're not getting laid. The only thing it's doing is making it sound like pretentious rich college girl euphoric atheist larp.

No. 36369

>No buying sexist products
>Support single women
>No beauty products
>No hypersexual depictions of women
>No religion
>No idol culture
And where does "no liking male characters" fit into this? Again, you're just making shit up so you can lord it over other women how pure you are.

No. 36370

>since pure 4B isn't possible or practical for many women
Yeah. I think you can sell not being married and not having kids to some women but repressing heterosexuality has never worked (see separatism). It also doesn't take into account that many women genuinely want to have kids.
Your list is good, we seriously need some kind of 'girlboss' sentiment going around, without its tone-deafness about how workplaces suck. I'd go further with decentering, women need to stop being so anxious about relationships in general. Women need to help each other develop a sense of ethics and code of conduct that doesn't revolve around the preservation of relationships. They need to be told that cutting off a shitty bf/a pedo relative/a deranged female friend who puts them in danger is not a crime and that it's good to operate on less personal terms ('am i hurting x?' 'am i a baddie for not wanting to be with y?'). They need to realize how morally bankrupt they become when relationship maintenance is their #1 priority, because it ends up with putting themselves or other women/children in danger. I see a lot of disillusionment with financial reliance on men but very little criticism of the feminine obsession with relationships

No. 36371

It'll be easy for me to avoid new media because most media during backlash periods is just too demoralising and also the quality dips. 1950s and 1980s are regarded as the worst decades in American cinema and both of those were conservative backlash periods.

No. 36372

A billion dollar industry of entertainment of music mostly ran by men is definitely not trying to influence women to act a certain matter and reinforce certain behaviors that caters to males. Definitely not. This is a thing that has never, ever been criticized and talked about by any feminist or separatist ever! Fucking idiot They spend millions on advertisements, commercials and influencing and even have psychologists who help them appeal to mass amounts of people and it clearly works, they don’t do it because they simply want to make people happy or whatever. Of course the person watching flashing colors and chicken scratch moving slow motion on the screen while you drool and pick your nose is going to live in lala land, lots of media riddled with hidden agendas and psychological manipulation is targeted towards women to reinforce their socialization. Stop being ridiculous and stop being so weak-willed, you kind of act like fatties when people tell them to stop eating so much

No. 36373

I thought 80s movies were considered fun, wasn't there a whole 80s nostalgia trip and movie remake era?

No. 36374

Are you so retarded that you think lowest common denominator mass produced slop is all the media that exists? Don't project your shit taste onto the rest of us just because its all your ignorant ass has ever been exposed to.

No. 36375

Yes and that’s mostly what you’re consuming if those are your ugly ass husbandos you’ve been posting itt. If I would really have to say it, all media is low common denominator slop. Imagine defending the need and “right” to consume media, it’s not a right or an entitlement you need to have, it’s not water or nourishment your body needs nor is it housing or employment, put that shit down and stop being so addicted to it

No. 36376

I honesty just wish something, anything, would happen that would kill off so many scrotes that women could easily take power over them and keep them under control.
It kills me to think of all the problems that would not exist if scrotes were locked up somewhere. They have no business roaming the streets like loose dogs. They need to be fucking castrated, locked up and away from the sun in moid facilities and be fed mountain dew, cheeto and vidya game, and then be used for slave labor, doing all the shitty brute trades snd cleaning jobs.
It sounds cruel but really it’s the only way to give women fucking peace. Plus it’s only fair to do that to them after what they have been doing to us ever since we fucking evolved.
Every single culture has lied to women. Every single one tells women something like we are incomplete men, we are inferior, we’re emotional and more.
Every single culture has essentially enslaved women by forcing us to do nothing but make babies and preventing us from doing anything else.
They have limited our potential for so long, but look at us now, surpassing men in education and not committing a bunch of crimes despite being the “lesser and more emotional sex”.
Did i also mention how fucking disgusting scrotes are? All of them are rapist. They constantly blame women for being raped as if our skin can cast an evil rape spell on innocent ole men, but if you take a look at shithole muslim countries where the women are locked away, out of sight and are 100% covered, the men just end up raping little boys and animals in their place. Pakistan and Afghanistan have a huge boy rape problem. That is more than enough proof that men are the problem.
They are feral animals that have no place in a civilization. They should have been wiped out a long time ago, but unfortunately, we’ve yet to have our miracle.

No. 36377

There is only one husbando on this thread kek. And it's not the same anon.
Entertainment is part of being human, since the very begining humans have told other stories, done representations, etc. You may argue whatever but you can't say entertainment is not human, it doesn't have to be modern means of entertainment. Just dance or play board games and chill. It does good to your body and mind.

No. 36378

File: 1730952852642.jpeg (266.33 KB, 1500x844, 11616890-16x9-2150x1210-1-1705…)

Can a smart nonny mame a glossary of terms related to 4B that could maybe help others get initiated into it and perhaps be included in the OP next time? Thank you

No. 36379

We're reaching "music is actually bad for you and for the unenlightened plebs" level of shit here lmao.

No. 36380

Good job convincing literally anyone to join your movement when you hound them for things as simple as watching movies and listening to music as crimes. Unironically Muslim tier. You just alienate even more women who are already are/willing to be celibate but you insult and bash them anyway.

No. 36381

Yes and now it’s used as widespread propaganda machines. They aren’t telling stories or creating art to share, they are trying to sell lies and encourage, promote and reward negative behaviors and concepts. Most if not all media is riddled with sexist hypersexualized trash, even ones made by women because that’s the tenets of the industries formed by men and they have to abide by them to get the very little crumbs available. We don’t live in that fantasized era of life (which even back then before radio and then MTV they had myths and legends that always included the rape, murder and humiliation of females) but I guess it doesn’t matter. It can have a “hot” male in it and all of the husbandos in their sex-crazed glory will push aside the damaging imagery and sludge just to get off to it. Insanity, no more critical thinking about these things anymore, just accept everything and accept bending the rules and then eventually 4B just means nothing anymore, just like they’ve done with feminism. Oh well

No. 36382

>is it muslim to have self-control
We all know Muslims are the opposite of having self-control kek. Self-control is something all adults should practice, it’s alarming you don’t think you need to control and actually think about the media you watch and consume and you even encourage other women to watch and consume it like a social contagion. Think for ONCE in your life

No. 36383

>I honesty just wish something, anything, would happen that would kill off so many scrotes that women could easily take power over them and keep them under control.
This looks good on paper and would make a great sci-fi plot but realistically, women would just reproduce a lot of patriarchal BS. The rates of sexual violence would plummet but a lot of principles related to reproduction (like socialization) would persist, unless there's a serious effort to change them. Women are very capable of maintaining a hierarchy on a patriarchal basis (valuing things that are useful for a male chief, like subservience, purity, passivity etc.). I mean it's a big reason for why women's low status is perpetuated in the first place, we aren't just kept in line by moids chimping out. Women would take the place of dead male leaders a recreate a different hierarchy, but in a way that's still reminiscent of the current world. Only a deep rejection of patriarchal values will make a change
They're not interested in spreading the movement, nona.

No. 36384

It literally is Muslim tier because they call shit like music and art and movies sinful.

No. 36385

Its not going to mean anything if you push people away. What happened to female solidarity? It went away because despite being completely celibate, not having children, never getting married, not talking to men, they dared to… be a fan of resident evil kek.

No. 36386

It would be nice if more women abandoned letting male influences into their lives. On the other hand I fear this will create a polilez plague

No. 36387

This thread is already filled with polilezzies itching to attack women.

No. 36388

Oop, are we being true and honest on the flaws of female nature and how male-centered most women truly are on this thread? because it sure is about time someone finally addressed them.

Yes, even though it affirms manospherian sentiments and sounds like pickme slop, it is true. Women fundamentally just want to be seen as a whole person by men, although different, and be loved for more than just looks and sex, like character and ‘inner beauty’.

Most women do not hate men, they are too attracted to cock and muscles.
Most women are not “lesbian seperatists”, they genuinely have soulmate fantasy of marrying a good man and having kiddos, or for the more whorish ones, having a harem of a few to many men and still kiddos, but pedestalized and coddled for subservience nonetheless. Women’s brains are wired like, just set up to fail and get tricked by men.

Many women rather their tradcage with a mid or below avg man who coddles and leads them more than he bullies or limits her, its a balance play. No one wants to be smartass girlboss.

No. 36389

kek right
Well yes, most women are straight. Shocking. Even if they were all gay it wouldn't change the problem of placing relationships at the top of their moral/ethical priorities. I won't reply again because you're BP but yeah, most women are straight. Get over it.

No. 36390

>but repressing heterosexuality has never worked (see separatism)
>I see a lot of disillusionment with financial reliance on men but very little criticism of the feminine obsession with relationships
Yes, finally someone who touches grass here. Have we learned nothing at all from 2nd wave feminism like political lesbianism and the female separatism attempts? It's not just that those movements can't catch on outsider a wider demographic; it's that they end up imploding on the inside from infighting. the anons itt arguing about husbandofagging and media are not helping lol take that shit to the fandom discourse thread

you make a good point about the female reliance on relationships. it's not that relationships are a liability, but women are socialized to be people pleasers (for both men and women) to our own detriment including our careers. the relationship-career tradeoff is a well-documented conundrum that high-achieving women face that shows no, you can't have it all. For sustainable female separatism to be a reality women need access to funds, which means taking the "girlboss" route (ie, participating in capitalism and corporate culture to gain access to wealth) is inevitable. However, women working their way up the corporate jungle cannot thrive alone. Outside of "decentering men", women need to create circles of mutual aid, which I imagine could look like:
> collectively pooling money with other like-minded women to buy property, so more women can be homeowners
> supporting female trade workers such as electricians, mechanics, etc or entering trades
> setting up childcare systems so women who have kids (eg from a previous marriage) can focus on their work
> establishing women-owned co-ops and only hiring other women

No. 36391

We need to astroturf and keep pushing, we can't let these women forget about this movement. Even if we don't have much more hope for what they choose to do.

No. 36392

What is the OP pic source? Reverse search is not working for me.

No. 36393

Nope, the only way women will collectively band together and fight for some rights is if they knew how bad male nature is. But even then, even if you showed them all the redpill forums and manosphere comments and books, a subset of women still love toxic men if they are hot or chad enough, and will let them cheat and stay in the harems. Too many women project their goodness and thinking onto men. But men and women are different, and male mindset is more brutal, competitive, transactional. They think in terms of logic, hierarchy, superiority, “what are my selfish gains if i do this and do i own or upsurp that dude after doing it?”

No. 36394

Ngl you guys got to learn how to start a cult/religon/movement. You don't start with "cut off all entertainment", you're not going to get followers that way.
You have to first appear friendly and understanding, accepting of those who made mistakes and the downtrodden, to those who are struggling with faith and need a talk, once you have a stable following that accepts your true core values, is willing to change more of their lifestyle and have everything set up, then you start pushing for more extreme ideology and maybe convincing them to cut off from their family if you're into that.
This should just be common sense at this point.

No. 36395

EXACTLY! These people start too extreme! Start with the basic 4, then go harder!

No. 36396

It's not, because the women here don't want to succeed in any social movement, they are just looking for other women to call "bad women" and prop themselves up at their expense. This is why radfeminism never took off, because the joy of stepping on women is apparently too great to pass up in favor of building a coherent movement.

No. 36397

Yes this. This is how men radicalize other men. This is why male solidarity is so prevalent, they don't strive for perfection, they let shit slide because "he's just my bro".

No. 36398

If we want to actually get women to stick to this, how do we start? I'm a lesbian but after that I'm very down to contribute.

No. 36399

But women don’t have this kind of mindset, they are all ‘feminists’ for casual hookups with men and objectifying themselves in selfies and festival bikinis until a high status man comes along, then they all turn desperate and start to compete. You should see how female cliques and friends act around one rich or high status man over time, it is ugly. Yes man-stealing does go on, and a subset of women will always be trying to fuck or take their friends’ bfs or husbands just for their own stupid female ego, the fun or challenge of it, and self-validation on their beauty, vain narcs.

No. 36400

Honestly, complete celibacy in of itself is already pretty extreme and the fact that enough women are saying they're okay with it is a handicap if anything. Immediately going "if its not because of the right intention it doesn't count" is just plain greedy. Who do you think you are? You already have women saying they're willing to die alone, immediately turning to them and saying "and also no tv and also your religon is retarded" is just stupid.

No. 36401

When it comes to radical feminism I've always thought that even if someone isn't a radfem but at least learnt something from it, then I'm happy. Of course, applying it to real life and not just in theory is important. I want more women to be free, even if they're normie and don't adhere 100% to it. At least they have to strive a little.

No. 36402

Yes, many women like to reduce women too, jealous of their beauty and sexuality. Most women know of each other’s allure and how detrimental it can be, if they are on the losing side. If we’re being very honest we believe there’s always a subset of women are happy when other women are raped or abused, because it tarnishes their beauty and so-called auto elevates the other women in the vicinity, mostly made of unhappily married crones and extremely vain beckies.

No. 36403

You need to make people feel welcome and give them a sense of belonging and identity in the momevent. This is human psychology 101. You need to target disillusioned and disenfranchised women first, because they already have less avenues for seeking belonging compared to a normalfag woman who can net a boyfriend and fulfill that psychological requirement with ease in a socially acceptable way. Start with lost and downtrodden women who have been burned by men too badly, autists who failed female socialization, uglies who never had a chance. Start with the easy marks because they already have less incentive to chase after men. Build numbers first.

No. 36404

>it's that they end up imploding on the inside from infighting
Exactly, plus a lot of it is fake. It's posturing and it's not rare to see muh based manhating (male obsessed) polilezzies/separatists running towards the first decent man who gives them attention. You know the anons sperging about husbandos just want to nag other women, it's not even about trying to build something like during the 2nd wave.
Agree with all of your mutual aid suggestions. Women becoming homeowners at unprecendented rates is currently happening in many countries, so is women pooling money to take on bigger projects (ie. japanese moms becoming traders). The ultimate mutual aid for mothers would be some kind of state structure dedicated to helping women raise children without depending on men, but in many countries that's unheard of. The closest thing you'll get is a family network of helpers but this takes us back to the issue of relying on potentially detrimental bonds because of feminine loyalty/dependence. So yes, until women have organized at a level where they can reliably create these structures, we'll have to try and help them see that you can't run away from full responsibility. No matter how harsh it is, being fully responsible for yourself will always be better than placing your fate in the hands of a man. With responsibility comes dignity and self-respect, which is usually what young normie women lack (the whole 'i'm just a girl' shtick)
>if they knew how bad male nature is
I think most of them already know but can't bring themselves to believe there's an alternative. They've based their self-worth on male attention for so long that only a catastrophic event like severe harm, losing everything to finanical abuse, becoming a single mother can snap them out of it. It's true that women expect bizarre and uncharacteristically feminine things from men but they also knowingly resign themselves to submission. It's human and a consequence of not having a true, thriving feminist movement in 2024

No. 36405

It sounds really bad to say it like that, but yes. This is how you get shit done, this is how all movements of all sorts, from cults to charities, to fucking fan clubs idk, do shit.
The posters going "but ugh normal women" are just larping and are either too lazy or afraid of changing the status quo.

No. 36406

It's also illogical to want strip all media from women from day 1 since most people consume media anyway. Let people learn their way into the movement and forge their own conclusions. If the bar of entry is too high, then not many people will join, happens in all movements really. It has to start slow, open and friendly. Striving for perfection is useless, the world isn't black and white. Just save as many women as possible even if said women aren't perfect themselves.

No. 36407

Do you guys think we should try getting said women off of mainstream (male owned) social media? I feel like that should be one of our incentives, social media seems to be pushing out anti-female narratives.

No. 36408

How would women learn about it if not on social media? Wait until the idea that this exists is in the mainstream before you can consider shit like that.

No. 36409

I think at the very least moving discussion occurring on twitter to bluesky would be a good move. Considering who owns twitter and all. Worst case scenario I see user information there being used to persecute women.

No. 36410

We can't tackle the big problems first. Right now, social media should be leveraged by us to seek out women who could potentially be receptive and start peddling propaganda.

No. 36411

You're telling me that this thread is being steered mostly by the mentally ill? Shocking.

No. 36412

I'm losing my shit at the insane ideological purity itt it's an amazing deonstration of why women will never win

No. 36413

Yes. Easier said than done though since social media is deeply ingrained in our lives at this point, plus the whole internet will always have some kind of propaganda in it. I don't use social media for this reason. It's the only way.

No. 36414

We need good propaganda. Normie boomer GCers with 5 years of internet use experience are better at conveying their point with memes and hard-hitting formulas than the entirety of millenial radblr (i don't read these people but they seem to love shitting out 40k words rants). Korean women understood that early on, it's why they were able to exploit online culture and edginess to promote their views
Agreed. You can't push back against vehicles of misogyny (online figures, popular trends etc.) if you retrat from public discussion.

No. 36415

We need to clamp down on the spirallers hard. We will never get anywhere if they run rampant. Anytime you see a woman trying to purity spiral and chase a potential mark away, clamp down on her hard. It's ingrained in female socialization, so it must be actively fought if we want to get anywhere.

No. 36416

I don't understand where "all media" is coming from. AFAIK 6B4T just restricts consumption of medias that have hypersexual representations of women, i.e. much of Japanese ACG content as well as idol content.

No. 36417

The major thing standing between women and their liberation is socialization. Women are socialized to prioritize relationships first and foremost (actualization of another) while men are socialized to prioritize actualizing themselves. This combined with lack of female solidarity is why feminism has stagnated. Both women and men will prioritize men over women, and women will prioritize men over both themselves and other women. Liberal feminism further muddied the waters by acting as a trojan horse designed to repackage behaviors that benefit men as "empowering". Either the male population has to be reset and resocialized to female standards, or women have to start acting with the aggression of men. Imho
Yeah. Same reason why progressives tend to fail politically. Too busy fighting over minute differences in policy to focus on the larger issues they all agree on.

No. 36418

you cant run a successful, longlasting, movement without being an edgelord. People like edginess, it's rebellious. Purity monitoring doesn't work for that reason, it creates stiff, easily targeted, communities like troons. So yes, be edgy

No. 36419

You're a psycho no offense

No. 36420

Yes, women don’t have to agree on every little point interpretation made to a tee, they just have to focus on the big points mainly being male nature and bad men, there does not need to be carbon copies of thinking, its ok to be a bit differentiated. this is why women have trouble with cliques and fitting in.

No. 36421

Then keep purity spiralling if you want a failed momevent, because that's how you fail. Leftism is in the sorry state it is today because of purity testing. So keep doing it if you want to fail.

No. 36422

Sorry for deleting my post I wrote ''dage'' instead of ''sage'' kek

No. 36423

Is it really just socialization, or part of female psyche and nature? Why do girls get desperate and start turning on each other the minute a high status man walks into the room? Why do unhappy wives tolerate their husbands bullying and red flag flaws if he is rich or coddles her in other ways? Maybe, if women like deferring to men and gilded cages so much, it might be more nature than nuture.(bait/blackpill outside of containment)

No. 36424

How about you start talking like a normal person and not Charles Manson

No. 36425

“MEN ARE EVIL BUT I NEED A BOYFRIEND SO IM NOT LONELY!!!” Fucking insanity. If you can’t commit to a cause because of something so stupid then go fuck yourself

No. 36426

Then we make a gilded cage thats even more gilded than the ones they're currently in. Anyway, it's useless trying to court the average woman at the beginning of a movement. You start with the ones on the fringes about to fall off a cliff and put out a net for them. Search for these women first.

No. 36427

Don’t respond it’s definitely bait

No. 36428

Exactly, it's suicide. I have little faith about women committing but that one nona who talked about getting lonelier women in the movement first is right.

No. 36429

It's not even about priorities, a man being tied to a woman simply does not jeopardize his credibility or ability to maintain power in the way the reverse does for a woman. Worst case scenario he's the platonic ideal of a family man and on the other end of the spectrum she's simply another piece of his property. He wins in every scenario regardless of the political stance on women of the male he's perceived by.

No. 36430

I agree, perfectionism is ingrained in female socialization. Nothing good comes from not letting other women who could have benefitted from it in. Then you're just making yet another "you can't sit with us" clique.

That's why a lot of people I knew don't consider themselves radfems anymore or left the movement all together, these movements always implode from the inside.
Repost it

No. 36431

Just get a husbando

No. 36432

does this fit better on /2X/

No. 36433

Yes, it's getting psychotic.

No. 36434

If you want discussion to die overnight, yeah.

No. 36435

you are correct

No. 36436

BP talking points remain the most consistently pointless talking points in feminist discussion. What do you want from your statement?

No. 36437

All radical movements are the same, really. They just have different ideals with different people.

No. 36438

I love how moids can talk about how they control women's bodies and are literally out on the street harassing women and minorities right now, posting in their little echo chambers, mocking us. But as soon as we're fucking tired and want to resist against this retarded culture war that has been going on for years we suddenly sound psychotic. This shit is so fucking pathetic. By complaining about this shit you give moids free space to be less moral than us. Shut up, if you dont agree with 4B GTFO

No. 36439

File: 1730958755070.jpg (100.44 KB, 864x1055, 1000000154.jpg)

You sound psychotic because you, too, are trying to control women.

No. 36440

I already did

No. 36441

Moids don't need to censor and control women because there's plenty of women who will gleefully step up to the plate and do it for them. Anyone trying to shut down discussion in this thread is a traitor turncoat.

No. 36442

Exactly. Any seething over this thread should be ignored.

No. 36443

No one is controlling you. If you don't want to do 4B you can hide this thread and never think about it again.

No. 36444

>Why do girls get desperate and start turning on each other the minute a high status man walks into the room?
I don't do that, a lot of women don't do that. If I see a "high status man" (no such thing) I simply think "Ok. That's a man. Move along". Life isn't a romcom full of stereotypes.

No. 36445

Literally talking about CLAMPING DOWN on defectors upthread hahhahahhaha okay

No. 36446

You could just not read this thread retard

No. 36447

Any amount of decentering is great you sound like those insane vegan who screams AT you that you need to stop eating egg and meat yesterday otherwise you're actively contributing to a genocide

No. 36448

Again, if you don't want to do 4B, no one is forcing you. Hide the thread instead of reeeeeing at women who do want to.

No. 36449

File: 1730959334866.webp (15.56 KB, 590x443, IMG_6757.webp)

Reminder that as a woman you have a narrow fertility window, going 4B might not be a problem for the 20's anons, but can anons in their 30's really afford to put off reproducing for 4 years?(bait)

No. 36450

They're not saying they hate the 4B movement though?

No. 36451

Irrelevant bait

No. 36452

Anyway nonnas, do you have any useful books on topics like social engineering and understanding/tapping into internet algorithms. Because we will need to do some legwork if we want to put our money where are mouths are.

No. 36453

Having children is not a woman's duty or purpose in life. Stop posting this propaganda shit here.

No. 36454

What makes you think they want to have children

No. 36455


No. 36456

Governments across the world are begging their citizens to have more children to avert an economic catastrophe, and you think you can successfully manipulate internet algorithms to spread your message of celibacy? Lol(infight bait/hide the thread if you don't like it)

No. 36457

BP fem is so interesting to me. All built on increasingly stereotypical and sheltered views of women and it does make more enemies that friends when it comes to that. It always ends up looking like a man wrote it. And yet I can't hate women that fall for it because they must have a reason to be this way.

No. 36458

And who the fuck are you ?

No. 36459

> You know the anons sperging about husbandos just want to nag other women
Completely agree, and they already have other threads to sperg about the pros/cons of husbandofagging.
> No matter how harsh it is, being fully responsible for yourself will always be better than placing your fate in the hands of a man.
This is a message that most normie women can rally behind, and as >>36394 suggested targeting downtrodden / alienated women is the first step. In fact, a lot of women have first hand experience of suffering at the hands of men - struggling single moms, femcels, women with absent or shitty dads, women who were SAed, women who were cheated on, etc. - so it would not be difficult to repackage this message in a way that resonates with them.

No. 36460

Some women aren't having children because we are in the middle of an economical and ecological catastrophe. Anyway, why would it matter to you if a handful of women are celibate?

No. 36461

I was with you until you said the word femcel.

No. 36462

The message doesn't change just because she used a cringe word.

No. 36463

>Some women aren't having children because we are in the middle of an economical and ecological catastrophe
And it's only going to get worse the less children are born, what do you think will happen to those childless women when they retire? They're going to get their pensions from working adults who are a slimmer and slimmer proportion of the population due to declining fertility rates, and the pressure of supporting the burgeoning pensioner group will only make it harder for those working adults to have children which makes the pension problem even worse.

Whether or not you have children, someone's child still has to pay for your pension, hand you your medication, or clean your diapers.

No. 36464

True but I still hate the word. Oh well

No. 36465

Stop replying to the baiter

No. 36466

Then I'll have your kid paying for my pension and changing my diapers when I'm 65 and retired with all the money in my bank that I made and saved up from not having to feed and take care of a child. Capiche? Now fuck off.

No. 36467

This, incels being misogynists and waifufags is not a contradiction at all, quite the opposite, really. Also gotta vent those straight urges somehow.

No. 36468

It is not enough imo to just ignore men. You can do everything to avoid men but they still exist and will still force their way into your life in some way or another. Women need to start getting violent with men, maybe then they will learn. I understand why many won't since moids are unpredictable depraved rapeapes, but at some point you need to start swinging. Moids don't respond to words, they don't respond to being ignored because they'll force their presence on women anyway. They do, however, respond to a gun in their face.

No. 36469

Gun ownership must be promoted amongst women in general

No. 36470

What makes you think you'll still be entitled to a pension in 20-30 years time as a childless woman, as the economic situation worsens? What makes you sure that voluntary childlessness won't be punished by getting cut off from pensions?(bait)

No. 36471

Right wing feminists are just temporarily scorned pickmes. Always remember that.

No. 36472

Nice fanfiction

No. 36473

I really don't understand the "if a man created it, women can't like it" idea, considering men copy, steal, appropriate and co-opt things from women all the time. Consuming entertainment made by women as a woman is a priority of course. Just be critical of what you consume because unfortunately yes men are everywhere in the entertainment industry, very wicked and bad men at that.

No. 36474

You are so financially illiterate it's fucking ridiculous. What do you think a pension is exactly? Do you think that every person hits 66 and starts leeching off of the government? I'm saving for retirement, I have a private pension through my workplace, and even if I DID take a state pension, I'd have earned it with with the taxes I've paid on the 50 years of my working life. Stop shitting up the thread bitching about things you don't understand.

No. 36475

as a lesbian, this thread fascinates me. i'm of full support for straight and bi women to go 4b, especially in response to the elections this year. men have made it loud and clear through their actions and what they're yelling on the streets and online that they hate all of us, and being anywhere near them in an intimate way is just asking to getting massacred on a personal level imho. that said, the media issue outlined here is not a core tenant of the 4b movement or even 6b4t. the rules states:

- no dating men
- no marrying men
- no sexual relations with men
- no procreation with men

and then the additional rules are then:

- do not buy sexist products
- supporting single women who are a part of the movement
- not engaging in hypersexual material (pornography, hentai, etc)
- do not support religion (ESPECIALLY abrahamic religions)
- idol culture (celebrity gossip, especially male ones, are prohibited)

watching a ghibli movie that features main female characters is not the most offensive thing at this point. poking fun at husbandos for shits and giggles with your gal pals also isn't a huge deal.

No. 36476

When will these uplifting women posters drop the muslim headscarf? Name one more iconic piece of oppressive clothing. Disgusting.

No. 36477

>I'm saving for retirement, I have a private pension through my workplace, and even if I DID take a state pension, I'd have earned it with with the taxes I've paid on the 50 years of my working life.
Your money is either numbers on a bank server or pieces of paper in a safe/suitcase.

Your money can't grow food, your money can't heal the sick, your money can't build houses, your money, your money can't rescue people in emergencies, your money has an arbitrarily assigned value.

Even if you retire as a childless millionaire, you will still create demand for doctors, nurses, farmers, engineers, pharmacists, and who should benefit from the services of the decreasing working age adults? You, the childless millionaire who depends on others children for your safety and comfort, or the middle-class elderly woman who gave birth to and raised four working adults? Are the numbers on the screen in your bank account or the pieces of paper in a safe that you accumulated worth more as a contribution to your country than the four working adults that he middle-class elderly woman gave birth to and raised? Will people see it as fair that the numbers on your millionaire bank account assign you priority to the services of those working adults over the middle-class woman who raised those working class adults?

And by the way, the money that you paid to government pensions before you retired will be gone before you retire, that money went to current pensioners while you were working.(ban evading to keep sperging)

No. 36478


ntayrt but holy shit lay off already, some women just don't ever want to become mothers and that's okay. i say this as someone who hopes to have a couple of them someday.

No. 36479

so fucking mad abt the election

just dumped my trump loving bf

feels so so so good

No. 36480

What country are you from? How are the fertility rates in your country? What are the worker to pensioner dependency ratios in your country?

No. 36481

>your money means nothing compared to the retarded workers tradwomen shit out for the state to control
So a bunch of downies working menial labor jobs are more important than a single woman working and building her wealth? Those kids can grow up to be anything but if they’re born male most of them may statistically end up as retarded criminals. They’re the ones draining resources and taxes because they can’t live peacefully so society has to coddle moids. They’re the ones that encourage each other to shoot up schools, malls, mosques, and churches but because they’re male workers its okay kek

No. 36482

>So a bunch of downies working menial labor jobs are more important than a single woman working and building her wealth?
I wouldn't be so arrogant if I were you, after all, your health, comfort, and safety depends on those workers, or are your paper bank notes going to grow hands and feet and start working by themselves?

No. 36483

found the moid(scrotefoiling )

No. 36484

File: 1730967565644.webp (20.55 KB, 640x640, hmmmm.webp)

>poking fun at husbandos for shits and giggles with your gal pals
>just asking to getting massacred on a personal level imho
I'm not antinatalist and i hate malthusian bs but: the birthrate dropping is only an issue for the economy because it relies on having a massive workforce with more people who want a job than people who actually have one. This is very convenient if you want to keep labor cheap. This is why they're hysterical over women not wanting or not being able to have kids in 2024. It's not a threat to humanity, it's literally just because they need capitalism to keep going

No. 36485

KEK retard still thinks people are digging ditches or hand planting crops without government subsidies. Those corporations that make unsafe working conditions seem manly are rolling in money while moids pat themselves on the back for not dying at the oil rig today. Then when those workers dwindle they’ll just hire the people that are more interested in bank notes and paper degrees to engineer and automate the process while making it cheaper than hiring retards every few years

No. 36486

literally this. without moid votes there would BE no harmful jobs due to sane regulation

No. 36487

File: 1730968410083.jpg (59.61 KB, 720x480, furi.jpg)

Isn't this thread just a copy of >>>/g/282262 ? I'm surprised it's on /ot/ rather than /g/ or /2X/.

No. 36488

I agree. When animals lose fur/feathers it's a sign of sickness or old age. Moids becoming old men at the ripe age of 30 is an evolutionary mistake and has to be corrected.

No. 36489

Yes, let’s hit childless men and bachelors with no pension rights too since they refused to provide and protect for a family or single and widowed moms, only wanted to pleasure themselves only. Fuck these double standards.

Women should never settle for ugly retards like you with ugly genes, go troon out since you are so jealous of women’s beauty and duality, maybe you can be Imane and invade women’s sports and finally win a medal.

No. 36490

Okay, good luck keeping your purity spiral movement alive then.

No. 36491

File: 1730971013511.jpeg (25.32 KB, 366x401, 1_3I9cIc3nWuy6U5J_zERENQ@2x-22…)

>thread devolves into constant infighting about worthless shit
>"noooo it won't work in the west because other women (those whores) are not as perfect as me reeeee"
What a boring doomer attitude. We need to be more like the Jesuits: make propaganda, appeal to the masses, spread the word. Along with financial independence and support networks for single women that other anons have mentioned, I'd like to add creating support also for married women so that they won't feel trapped and will be more likely to leave their husbands. I will always support my friends and relatives who are married with kids by e.g., listening to them, being a friend, discussing feminist topics with them, encouraging them to prioritize themselves over their husband, and siding with them in arguments. It's better than just sitting on my ass all day being a NEET. I encourage other women to do the same and do whatever they can, even if it's not much.

No. 36492

File: 1730971312129.jpg (110.62 KB, 1280x720, can't be helped.jpg)

>- idol culture (celebrity gossip, especially male ones, are prohibited)
Then all of the lolcow doesn't qualify. Perhaps find better places to preach your ideology.

No. 36493

Ur right nona. I think there's a retard in here purposely infighting with the whataboutism and it's pointless to be talking about shit like that instead of giving pointers of how to organize and go about with this regardless of where nona lives. I'm gonna make my own list later, looking into supporting locally as well such as women's shelters and specifically charities for women by women.

No. 36494

Exactly. Holy shit men are so fucking stupid

No. 36495

File: 1730971855283.png (404.09 KB, 793x572, yyyyyou.png)

Sorry, but I'm out. I've heard about 4B and though I qualified (celibate my whole life, not planning to ever date), but if the movement is about adding more and more faggy rules like
>- do not buy sexist products (it's MY money earned by ME and YOU won't be telling ME what to do with it as if you had any power over me)
>- supporting single women who are a part of the movement (I'm not supporting the schizos who made the additional rules, thank you very much)
- not engaging in hypersexual material (pornography, hentai, etc) (fujo4lyfe, also naughty otome games are my thing)
- do not support religion (ESPECIALLY abrahamic religions) (thought control much? because that triggers you?)
- idol culture (celebrity gossip, especially male ones, are prohibited) (see the comment above)
then count me out. I don't want to get involved in all this bickering and struggle session for 'not being communist enough'. I'll be sticking to my animu husbando.

No. 36496

It's not impossible or hard at all in real life. All you have to do is seperate us from moids for long enough. In fact, even blackpill-chan would see the light if she'd get to spend some time with well-meaning women in real life.

No. 36497

>Along with financial independence
you keep on saying that, but there's never any specific other then "helping women"

No. 36498

>do not support religion (ESPECIALLY abrahamic religions) (thought control much? because that triggers you?)
Relgious people are way, way worse when it comes to trying to control people's thoughts and actions though.

No. 36499

>choose your poison: me brainwashing you or those other guys doing it
Abusive manipulation. Low-level deflection tactics. You're no saviour to anyone.

No. 36500

Except there's always a cunt who wants every other women to behave exactly like her and push to exclude anyone who won't follow her insane rules or don't fit her ideal of the perfect feminist woman (ex : you must never have looked a man in the eyes ever)

No. 36501

falseflagging tranny(troonfoiling)

No. 36502

Easy to defuse in real life.

No. 36503

this thread has only been up for a few hours and already derailed by bots/males/glowtards.

>worshiping a penis in the sky and being apart of a movement meant to undermine male supremacy is totally compatible!!

>easily disproven nonsense about asian feminists being devout christians kek
>I think males are sinful and gross but I'm still going to worship one.
>god is "genderless beyond comprehension" buy I'll still use he/him
>worshiping a literal penis is the same as playing video games made by men or liking a male fictional character

I swear this is the psyop they are going to use if by some miracle 4b becomes popular in the west. First they'll insert religion by using nuns, religious celibate women then say "But it's unnatural and sinful to not defer and obey men, after all our dickgod is a man do you want to go to hell?"
A separatist movement cannot survive if it relies on patriarchical religion or tolerates it amongst it members. Look up the beguines. The church tolerated them for a few centuries but then shut them down real quick after the population drop because of the plague and they needed their broodmares back.

No. 36504

this reads as so fucking fake, holy shit. we're being pysopped.

No. 36505

Seek treatment for your obsessive religion thoughts.

No. 36506

>against nonnas rightfully opposing male religions
Take a look at the ex-muslim threads and see for yourself why we aren’t exactly going to welcome the rules and traditions that come with following them. It makes sense to scrutinize abrahamic religions when theres non muslim women getting raped because muh pedo allah says its good to force converts and there’s girls being forced into polygamous marriages with old scrotes because of mormonism. Even for more relaxed denominations they still place value on women who obey men and abstain from sex. Why support anything that places men above women and don’t allow women to love women on lolcow of all places kek

No. 36507

The biggest gripe about religion is that most of them do have some good values but it's told entirely through the moid lense and is therefore full of their manipulative bullshit that aims to suppress and hurt women. I think if religious women go against the "just trust in skydaddy in everything" mindset and are strictly selective in what parts of their scripture they follow and believe in, they should have no problem joining seperatists.

No. 36508

All I see in this thread is blatant misogyny and moral fagging. Nothing a woman does is ever right, even according to other women. All a woman can do is lock herself away or kill herself and even that won't help her escape judgement. Women aren't allowed to just be alive. So many fucking rules. Rules from men, rules from women, rules from feminists, rules rules rules rules. Women are SLAVES, and according to all of our fucking rules we're NEVER allowed to be happy, never allowed to have peace, never can escape judgement, we will NEVER be free and it's not just men's fault, it's on all of us for constantly tearing each other down for not falling in line. Fuck this cult of gender. I'm a human fucking being goddamn it.

No. 36509

the very act of worshiping a male is misogynistic. "When God is male the male is god" this is feminism 101. if some women want religion so badly they can worship pagan goddesses.

No. 36510

I don't get anons who say celibacy is extreme or hard, it's literally one of the easiest thing in the world, it's not even about repressing your sexuality or whatever, just masturbate, it does the job.

No. 36511

I'm just some random anon looking at the shitshow that this thread is becoming, not Jesus 2.0 kek. I personally think random women who vaguely believe in god and buy presents for relatives for christmas while minding their own business are fine but if we're talking about actual religious people they're not hamrless.

No. 36512

Religions are just prepackaged morals for dummies tbh. The general population thousands of years ago needed something easy to understand and relatable to create a stable community, its why christianity rose fast and was welcomed. Though I don’t think people need an omnipotent being to see right from wrong because we have empathy, its why we had very early forms of laws like the code of hammurabi for punishing others taking what moids thought belonged to them only. Its why those same books build upon those ideals of men owning everything that made them last for so long compared to animism.

No. 36513

You're either a worthless low-status male from 4chan who knows you're a genetic failure and wants to coax and subtly emotionally terrorize women into "submitting" to motherhood because you have literally no chance of having a romantic relationship or future otherwise, or you're a self-hating woman who thinks women are obligated to bring forth the next generation even if they are treated like dirt by the men around them, because "muh economy". Either way, you're a pathetic person who tries to use covert intimidation tactics to control the emotions of women.(responding to bait)

No. 36514

We need a female Andrew Tate who will lead us on our path of inceldom.

No. 36515

Significant portion of Korean feminists are christian. Idk what's up with your weird obsession with religion.

No. 36516

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No. 36517

Stfu we need all the women we can get

No. 36518

kys cock gargling cunt(a-logging)

No. 36519

Sounds like a lesbian grooming psyop.(bait)

No. 36520

They prolly one of those atheist American radfems who cannot fathom anybody still having any set of religious beliefs

No. 36521


No. 36522

Yeah that's the way to get other women on your side, you're so level headed and understanding, I totally feel like this is a movement I can get behind because I have women like you to support me during the hard times.

No. 36523

No they won't. The libs are the only ones going for 4b. Her analysis is off.

No. 36524

Shit bait, you just sound stupid.

No. 36525

4B should have been embraced by women when roe va wade was implemented, but it didn’t happen and it won’t happen now kek, let a month pass.
Some of you all fail to understand that most women won’t ever give up men. We need at least 10 more years of men openly shitting on us for us to ever build a speck of female consciousness.

No. 36526

Overturned, sorry nonnas.

No. 36527

As a non-amerifag looking in from the outside I doubt American women would ever pick up 4B. I don't know if it's your culture or the influence of tradcaths or something that has implanted the brain worms, but in my experience American women are next level pickmes who would rather die than NOT leech off men, they would rather remain helpless bimbos being cared for than live a life of freedom. In my country housewives were never a thing, every woman was out working the fields so we could survive the winter, even after industrialization women went straight to factories to work and back then the socialist ideals were so strong that everyone was encouraged to get an education regardless of gender. And because of this, the women of my country are committing 4B on their own to the point newspapers can't stop fucking obsessing over women not getting married and birthing babies now. Maybe the strong Soviet influence of the 60's and 70's wasn't that bad after all.

No. 36528

I agree with the first part nonna. They fail to understand that the 4B movement is becoming more mainstream in Korea because they actually have a bit female consciousness, which isn’t present in the west, especially in America.

No. 36529

If you are truly all women, why are you acting like doomers? Culture changes. Maybe it won't work but we don't know if people just doom post.

No. 36530

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I’ve already seen this comment earlier and also a TIF asking why no one could answer how she could do 4B as a trans man.

No. 36531

I'm not American either and we didn't have the 50s trad shit but being volcel is such a niche lifestyle that it's basically unheard of, I told some coworkers I will never get married and they went "omg you are going to be a spinster how awful!" like it was the worst thing ever.

No. 36532

I am practicing it myself, I’ve been long disillusioned with men despite being young. I’m focusing on building a career for myself and I focus on women too, I don’t have male friends, I only have my mom as a parent too kek. I also donate when I can.
I’m just being realistic on the fact that radicalism won’t ever become mainstream.

No. 36533

Kek 4B is all males, not only the “cis ones”. This is also one of the reason why it won’t become mainstream, you have to leave gender ideology all together.

No. 36534

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This was taken yesterday

No. 36535

I'm unmarried and have no plans for children, and many, many of my friends are the same (or lesbian). None of them report being seen as weird, if anything they're envied for the freedom they have kek and some openly regret having children, naturally this is only my personal experience but according to reports women are practically doing volcel unconsciously. As long as men are the way they are, getting married and having children is way too exhausting for any self respecting woman and we know it. My country's birth rate has plummeted in the past 10 years more than any other in my entire continent and politicians are panicking trying to throw literally any carrot possible at us besides fixing men.

No. 36536

This was already discussed two hours ago in the amerifag thread. Do you think that people only browse one thread?

No. 36537

I haven't been in that thread, do you think people browse every single thread? Chill out.

No. 36538

Samefag, I just checked and it was not "discussed", one anon replied and that was it, that isn't a discussion. Just say it was already posted next time and get the fist out of your ass.

No. 36539

I once dated a Japanese man who actually admitted to me that in his country males don't view women as people, they view them more like mythical sex creatures. Until we ban pornography we won't ever be seen as human by men, because all of them are addicted to it and already see us a porn categories. They hate you. They want to rape you. All of them are like this, some are better at concealing it and hiding it but deep every single one wants to degrade your body and do the most humiliating acts to you that you can imagine.

No. 36540

Kekkkk and an anon was calling me retarded for pointing out that the right will go back on gay marriage laws. "They actually don't care!!!" my ass. Fucking look at them, admitting that women are property and homos having sex is sinful kek.

No. 36541

still kys. you're clearly a baiting male. males and their worshippers should die unironcally(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 36542

First of all, I'm not the anon your called a cock gargling cunt, second, how am I baiting male because I see less than zero value in your hostile attitude toward straight women? You want this movement to succeed? Treat other women with understanding and compassion because that is how you change minds, not by telling women to kill themselves because they don't follow your specific guidelines. You're mentally unwell and you have the nerve to accuse me of baiting. You really think telling other women to kill themselves and calling them cock gargling cunts isn't bait? Are you stupid or just disingenuous??

No. 36543

$20 says that those anons agree with the right wing nuts and that's why they're trying to gaslight everyone into the false sense of security thinking that they won't go back on women's and gay rights.

No. 36545

Women are indoctrinated with non stop propaganda for their entire lives and you're surprised that normies who aren't chronically online like you aren't doing a 180 on male validation, you clearly have no genuine interest in the well being of women or you would have room in your heart for women who are ignorant or brainwashed. You don't care about women, you care about YOURSELF and only yourself, so WHY ARE YOU EVEN PARTICIPATING IN THE CONVERSATION if you hate women so much?

No. 36546

All women have experienced sexual harassment or assault in their life, dumbass. What point are you even trying to make. Some men suppress their urge to rape and have made laws against it to appease their God and have some moral high ground to virtue signal. Your boyfriend would rape a 10 year old girl if he knew he could get away with it.

No. 36547

Ayrt and being childfree is a common sentiment among my generation from metropolitan areas (not from provincial towns and rural areas though, all my former classmates got straight married at 25) but foregoing romantic relationships is very uncommon, the only single people are having a break after a shitty relationship, can't find the partner they want or just have a bunch of hookups without committing. I've never met another woman like me who was vocal about not needing anyone.

No. 36548

Do you think this whole election will peak a sizeable chunk of women to trannies or will trannies still coast by on their THEY'RE GOING TO MAKE US KILL OURSELVES schtick? If women gave up on trannies we could become way more unified in our fight for freedom. Blogpost but the dems really left trannies in the dust this election and I haven't heard a single peep about trannies from my libfem lady friends, they were crying over abortion access and healthcare in general amd none of them mentioned trannies even though they are huge handmaidens. Maybe we're getting closer…

No. 36550

1.) Men would rape you if they would get away with it. i.e. no laws would punish them or alternative male relatives would beat them up for touching their property.
2.) Rape is illegal because men don't want their wives, sisters, daughters and girlfriends be hurt by another man besides themselves. Marital rape was legal up until the 90's iirc and even in the US I don't think it's a federal offense but a state crime. You could literally rape your wife with no repercussions in the 70's.

No. 36551

NTA but women around you aren't some helpless babies you condescending dumbass, blah blah influences blah blah brainwashing but there's a point were they do have an individual responsibility on their choices

No. 36552

Your post would make more sense in the gender topics thread, transgender is not the subject here.

No. 36553

Wrong thread nonnie

No. 36554

You're incredibly dense or live in a box. Every. single. woman has made a disgusting sexual comment made by her. Every time you go outside at least half of the men that see you are envisioning you naked and imagining what they would do to you.

No. 36555

??? Nta but are you serious? It's already a wide known fact that 1 in 3 women will be assaulted in her life time and that's just the ones that are reported. Personally, I've been assaulted multiple times and most of them happened when I was still a child and teen. I don't know a single woman in my life that hasn't been stalked, harassed or assaulted.

No. 36556

>Every time you go outside at least half of the men that see you are envisioning you naked and imagining what they would do to you.
Thankfully I don't live in a muslim country, so this has not happened.(bait)

No. 36557

Wow I'm not being condescending and I'm not calling women helpless. That's your take away from my post? The other anon is saying women deserve to die for not falling in line but I'm the one being unreasonable? Get off the internet for a few days you fucking retard.

No. 36558

….What? Are you genuinely this stupid? Do you live in every moid's head? You think only muslims are perverts?

No. 36559

This is just some baiting loser.

No. 36560

>you would have room in your heart for women who are ignorant or brainwashed. You don't care about women! you care about YOURSELF and only yourself!!! Waaaah waaah
What's with you all and this emotionally manipulative, whiny bullshit? Embarrassing kekk

No. 36562

Report the bait instead of replying and mods please delete the bait shit so that people won't reply

No. 36564

This is very insightful to read nona! I belong to a eastern country so its interesting to see how the west views the movement (since most of our feminist movements are inspired by the suffragettes and the 2nd wave feminists) it's kind of scary how much gaslighting is going on in the west to uproot women's fundamental rights it kind of scares me that our own movements will turn out that way. A change is truly needed in both sectors

No. 36565

I've already learned since the last time lc was down that having a real discussion on this site is nearly impossible. There are so many bad actors, baiters and trolls that it's actually a struggle to have a constructive or satisfying discussion with anybody. The amount of anons who admitted to stirring shit up on purpose, admitted to lying about their lives and circumstances just to fuck with a discussion, admitted to playing both sides on the same thread during the same discussion while the site was down was really eye opening. I don't know what made anons open up on CC and that cuckquean board but they let it all out and now I can't take a single post on this site seriously. As far as I'm concerned, you're all disingenuous liars.

No. 36567

Your reading comprehension sucks I guess because my original comment says every single woman has been sexually harassed OR sexually assaulted. Do you know what the word OR means? Go be a handmaiden somewhere else why are you even here

No. 36568

They talking like they live at Rwanda or Tijuana wtf it's a first world country, come tf on I'm sure it's not that common to get raped/SAd at such alarming rates, much less if they aren't at high risk like race minorities or the extremely poor

No. 36570

This shit is why movements like this won't happen. Because there is a fundamental lack of compassion and understanding. You can't create a movement based solely on vitriol and aggression. That's not a movement, that's a group of vicious spergs and none of you can even align in your beliefs. Unorganized, unmotivated and uncaring. You don't care about anyone but yourselves.

No. 36572

Junkuchans shelter board

No. 36573

So what ?

No. 36574

So that makes the lesser one okay…..? Neither are good. What even is your point here.

No. 36575

Nta but why do women need kindness and compassion from women to join together and work for their own best interest? They don’t need kindness and compassion from men to work with them

No. 36576

>As far as I'm concerned, you're all disingenuous liars
I'm glad you finally came to this conclusion. Taking any LC debates or discussions seriously it's a foolproof way to get an unnecessary headache. Everyone's lying and talking out of their ass at all times, don't ever take shit you read here seriously

No. 36577

Anon, clearly I can't help you. You aren't here to have a good faith discussion and you aren't here to uplift and encourage other women. You're here to laugh at cows and act like a cringe edge lord spaz on a goofy imageboard made by people who peaked in middle school. Your opinion about how to best run a movement means less than nothing. You don't have a genuine bone in your body.

No. 36580

Women are already scared you fucking retard they don't need an obscure imageboard to be scared of scrotes

No. 36581

How am I going around scaring women? This is a niche image board only read by adult women. Men are making sexual comments about you either to your face or behind your back, sorry but that's just reality. Pretend to be stupid and not protect yourself. Yes, women should be taught to protect themselves, what a crazy concept.

No. 36582

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White women are evil Asians are on 7b and you dimwits are NOW on 4b and are going to try to be the face of the movement when you white women caused this mess. Don’t be in community with white women they will just tell their scrotes our business. Like they always do. You idiots have been warned. There is no female solidarity and white women prove it everyday.(bait)

No. 36583

men don’t show kindness and compassion to other men who don’t fall in line to what they want, they just kill them or exclude them and that doesn’t stop them from being in power. Why do women have to be treated like delicate lotus flowers to do something that benefits themselves? They don’t need men to be nice to them for them to work together with men, that’s why most white women voted for trump.

No. 36584

I live in america, am ugly always wear modest clothing, and still get harassed on the street.

No. 36585

>delicate flowers
Thinking that compassion and understand is a weakness is why this world is so trash and youre happy perpetuating it, anything to avoid personal responsibility and self awareness.

No. 36586

>they're STILL replying to the baiter
Holy shit you guys are hopeless

No. 36587

Why do you want to emulate scrote

No. 36588

Don't be acting like St. Teresa and demanding shit from me who tf do you think you are? I'm no minion for your movement i didn't sign up for any of that, so don't be acting entitled to my feelings or reactions. Go be a bleeding heart if you'd like but don't be pestering everybody else

No. 36589

Can't even read past the first sentence. Get over yourself.

No. 36590

Stop arguing with the bad faith incel, it's a scrote and you're not going to change his pea brained mind about women's rights because he already considers us subhuman. Report and ignore.

No. 36591

My question is why is it mean women will scare a woman away from doing something that benefits her but mean men don’t scare women away from doing things that benefit men?trump goes around saying he creeps on women, thinks his daughter is hot and women still voted for him and love him.

No. 36592

You're such an INFJ anon wow your KINDNESS and ~compassion~ and forethought are so admirable wow can't believe I'm getting morally scolded by some retard at an ib fuck you kekk

No. 36593

The discussion is over anon, you can't rub two brain cells together to figure it out that's too bad for you. There are you happy now that I was rude to you? Feeling validated??

No. 36594

Lmfao you're the poster child for peaked in middle school

No. 36595

Because everyone is biased towards men, that's a fact of life. You have to take the into account in a female lead movement if you want to get anywhere. We are not men, we will not be afforded the grace society gives men. So work with it instead of crying about why it exists if you want to get anywhere.

No. 36596

internalized misogyny + scrote whorship, you have to deal with both those things if you want to help women.

No. 36597

Yeah. It’s all:
>Noooo you guys can’t heckin choose to not interact with men. Noooo! It’ll never work because xyz so you better not try!
and throwing spaghetti at the wall to try and discourage and derail a non-debate thread through debate bro tactics when the threads just about how to practice something.

No. 36598

The discussion is over and you won’t answer the question because you know what you’re saying is bullshit. If a woman doesn’t wanna work for her own best interest because she ran into some mens woman then she’s a retard.

No. 36599

Lmao now you calling it quits because we don't agree with you? What happened??

No. 36600

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This isn’t bait it’s an empirical fact this will be my last time warning you. This is for any black women ITT you’re better off finding your own community and talking with other black women in person . Leave white women alone they have white supremacy to protect them always. The rest of you dont. You’ve been warned.(ban evasion)

No. 36601

No wonder your country is fucked, look at this garbage. You can't even stop cannibalizing each other long enough to have a productive conversation. None of you are going to follow this 4B shit because none of you are actually capable of commitment and follow through, you're all spineless, gutless cowards and you'd so much rather sit here and tell other women to kill themselves then actually do something meaningful with your time. It's the most pathetic shit I've ever seen. This is the saddest group of people I've ever witnessed.

No. 36602

Nta but even the white women who are now going on and on about 4b don’t want to acknowledge that black men voted for Kamala more than them, they don’t really think of people outside of their community. They’re making this is women vs men situation because they’re only thinking of white people.

No. 36603

No. 36604

Pretending like it was ever a discussion at all rather than a couple of socially retarded spergs not understanding how to interact with other human beings kek

No. 36605

I already started seeing American troons arguing that 4b is bad because it excludes them, it will never take off if everyone is arguing over petty shit all the time instead of trying to apply these rules to the best of their abilities.

No. 36606

You know they love themselves some posturing, virtue signaling AND dick, most importantly. Posting their meltdowns on Twitter and TikTok yet they were the group (besides wm) that favored trump the most kek why can't they be honest for once? The cat is out of the bag might as well go mask off already(bait)

No. 36607

They’re not gonna follow 4B because of two things: they’re homophobic heterosexual fujoshi who can’t drop drooling over men instead of doing anything else ever, and because they’re all getting baited into the racewar psyop some retarded glowie is posting here.

No. 36608

You’re right, but even so, former socialist/communist countries still got their own can of worms, notably christianfagging (at least where I’m from).
Sure, women practice 4B in a way here and are encouraged by older women to have their own money and jobs, but at some point they are still expected to have a long term boyfriend and even a husband by the age of 30 or even their mid 20’s and are pressured to have a family and give their parents grandchildren (christianfags are notorious for that) and at the same time are told that “they don’t need a man”.
But the rest is on point, I find it baffling that chronically online zoomies from my country are reposting tradthot ideas from TikTok - kiddos, your grandma worked like a horse in the field and your mom went to 3rd shift in a factory, cut the bs.

No. 36609

Stop samefagging and also, stop fucking acting like all white women voted for trump. There are many of us that didn't and your beloved black men also perpetuate systems of misogyny as all men do. I'm not denying that many white women are gender traitors. Stop causing needless infighting when women are already divided as is.
>homophobic heterosexual fujoshi
How is this a bad thing? Are you a faghag?

No. 36610

Because it's not about a movement and it's not about women, it's about a group of people feeling superior to another group of people. You'll always be "doing it wrong" because there will always be some arbitrary invisible rule that you didn't know about. You'll never have respect or peace because everything you do is wrong, and you're going to be labeled a retard simply for breathing and same air as a man in a grocery store. This isn't about women's rights, this is about the most aggressive posters who claim to have never so much as made eye contact with a male feeling righteous and worth more than those COCK GARGLING WHORES.

No. 36611

Because they won’t. These are literal radicals, and they don’t really get anywhere. Be for fucking real right now. Look at what a laughingstock the Westboro Baptist Church is. Look at how progressive (for better or worse) media all the kids grow up on is. They’re not gonna get anywhere you doomposting fuck.

No. 36612

Whenever a situation of white supremacy arises, white women hide behind being women so they don’t have to take responsibility for anything.

No. 36613

>white women that white women supremacy
>posts a picture of a light skinned black woman dressed and styled in a white way
It's so pretentious really

No. 36614

>How is this a bad thing? Are you a faghag?
I’m a lesbian and 4B is easy as fuck for me to follow because of my lack of interest to males or even moid-centering slop, but go on sis. Prove me right.

No. 36615

Black men voted more for Kamala than white women did though. That’s just really hurt your heart knowing that kek

No. 36616

This post glows.

No. 36617

>light skinned
Can't even be black correctly on lolcow

No. 36618

File: 1730985362267.png (170.21 KB, 318x481, Screenshot (663).png)

Hehe Ive been doing 4B all my life, no effort required

No. 36619

And grow up

No. 36620

Light skinned?!!! Are you blind??

No. 36621

I was right. This discussion cannot be held on lolcow. If you ever want to be able to talk with men trying to derail and sow discord and incompetent mods who can't moderate, a different site will be needed.

No. 36622

How the fuck does being a fujo harm women? In fact consuming fujo stuff is good because it gives women a sexual outlet without having to interact with moids. You’re on some weird conversion therapy shit right now, you literally can’t choose to be straight.
Of course it hurts my hearts, it should hurt any sane persons heart. Do you not think that black men are misogynistic though as if black moid culture also doesn’t promote treating women as sex objects
>inb4 you’re capping for white moids durr
Nope, I hate them just as much.

No. 36623

This place is a cesspit and should never even be considered for serious discussion. It's a site built on complete unseriousness. I don't trust a single poster here to argue in good faith or to even be well enough educated to hold a conversation without devolving into "kys retard"

No. 36624

Discord? Voice vero. It is funny how men are absolutely seething with rage at the idea of women wanting to discuss separatism.

No. 36625

>This isn't about women's rights, this is about the most aggressive posters who claim to have never so much as made eye contact with a male feeling righteous and worth more than those COCK GARGLING WHORES
Somebody's feeling a lil touchy about this subject, which is funny because not fucking men is actually quite easy to achieve. Hm, let me guess, do you suffer from BPD, by any chance?(infight bait)

No. 36626

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I don't entirely disagree with you, but I don't think it's a wrong to dip a little here, dip a little there. Black women are ultimately a minority with fewer protections or safety nets, as well as a unique history and social position in the west, so they should prioritize one another and never foolishly stick their necks out, but at the same time, allyship with (non-pickme) white and other non-black women is also good to have. Ultimately, women are stronger and achieve more together than apart, and both right wing men and pickmes (whose only real allegiance is to dick) hate when we realize that.

See, there are things that just get lost in translation or seem very difficult to understand for women who aren't black, and I think posts like this exemplify that. It's not even worth explaining to this anon, it's too silly. This is why black women (and maybe all racialized women? idk) are better off having it both ways instead of putting all their eggs in one single basket. I know we're different, and I do get angry/disappointed at some BS, but I don't want to throw every single thing we could get done away because of a bunch of retards who'd even happily screw over their fellow white women for crumbs of moid validation.

No. 36627

File: 1730987663654.jpeg (95.59 KB, 648x1000, IMG_3834.jpeg)

Shut up puta. white women are the reason women are suffering in America and why women in the Middle East and global south will too. Wake up all of you dummies are racist and dont care to leave your racist scrotes. I have said time and time again that if your scrote is racist he is 10/10 a misogynist but you morons don’t care about racist sexism because it’s more than likely directed at black women. Every single one of your Nigels do it and none of you try to stop it. Instead you encourage it by further spreading harmful stereotypes about black women any time you decide to date black men. While being in community with 0 black women until it’s time you need a black woman to do your biracial child’s hair.

I know this because you guys exist in every black person’s family. Black women aren’t looking at you with jealousy when we see a nonblack woman with a Bm, we are looking at you with contempt because you all choose black dick over black women.

100 Sudanese women killed themselves because they would rather die than be used as rape pawns in men’s war. None of you cared or talked about it. But if 100 ukranian women or 100 japanese women who often raise NAZIs killed themselves it would be a headline. All of you nonblack women are a joke. You thought working was a joke because that is supposed to be only black womens burden to bear. All of you mocked blaxk women who decided to raise their children alone by calling us welfare queens. We are just bitter baby mommas who didn’t get picked by their men. When in reality black women knew the worst of mankind because we are the ones bearing the biggest brunt of it. All of your scrotes pillage our countries and our women and children with impunity.. None of you women will be free until Native and Black women are. But you dizzy idiotas are too busy dying your hair blonde and getting blue contacts to get a piece of the white supremacist American pie. It’s why you all come here. You aren’t low. I see through you all.

Better start reading black feminist theory. But you won’t. Your gender race and class is all connected and is used against you to benefit the whitest of men while women all suffer. Look up the history of feminism in America and why black American women reject it now. it’s because white women took black men in while shutting black women out of the movement. Leading to black men getting the right to vote before even them. They love black dick more than female solidarity. I think white men know this and it’s why they are obsessed with black dick too. Kek

Exactly. Black men and white women have so much in common. Black men hide behind their race when they do misogynistic shit and white women hide behind their womanhood when their white privilege gets called out. They were made for each other kek.(infighting)

No. 36628

You spoke the truth nonna kek

No. 36629

Great post. Finance and establishing power is something I never see talked about when it comes to the fight for women's rights. How would one go about finding other women like this, though? I think organizing a truly radical, non-individualistic community is one of the bigger hurdles in feminism.

No. 36630

Anon, most of the things you're saying aren't wrong on a mass social/systematic level, but please tone it down. Saying every single one is like this and being angry this way just gives everyone else permission to call you a schizo and try to downplay the issues you're pointing out by going on about how they're not personally that way (which would be good if that was actually the norm, and not a rarity).
When you give people ammo to make you out to be the angry black women, they can also act as the victim and derail any discussion or understanding that might actually help liberate us all as women. Watch as some retarded tradthot who even hates other white women waits anywhere from two days to a week or more to say "Black women ~*ruined*~ the 4B thread because of their hatred and jealousy of us poor innocent white women". Do not let yourself be easily pigeonholed, you already know the tropes people use.

No. 36631

Black men don't have a white male abuser threatening to kill them and beat them if they don't vote for who they want. nor do they have anyone sabotaging their ballots in their own home.

No. 36632

Issa joke
100% financial freedom leads to social freedom in almost all instances

No. 36633

Admin chan is that you ?

No. 36634


No. 36635

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Nah, white women voted for trump because that is who they wanted to vote for. Your post reminds me of when people try to wash the hands of white women during the Jim Crow era and put it all on white men. White women were out throwing rocks at children who just wanted to go to school, just as much as the men did.

No. 36636

yaoi makes most girls hate themselves so much they chop off their tits and attach rot sausages on their crotches in a futile attempt to become scrotes.
How is becoming a self hating cuckquean supposed to help women? just be a yume(fujosperging out of containment)

No. 36637

I don't doubt that a minority of racist white women exist. But the majority of white women support liberal causes to the point of stupidity like how many gen z girls refused to vote because of Palestine to the detriment of their own rights.

No. 36638

>the minority of white women are racist

Whatever helps you cope kek that’s clearly not true. The majority of libtard white women like Chappell roan didn’t vote because they knew they have the privilege to take that kind of stance and it have no consequences for them.

No. 36639

>yaoi makes most girls hate themselves
Lack of critical thinking skills and nuance. These women will still hate themselves and chop their breasts off even if yaoi didn't exist.

No. 36640

I'm sure the media that promotes that true love can only exist between two males has nothing to do with it. That's why practically all hetero ftm admit they transitioned because of yaoi. Does noticing a pattern means I lack critical thinking skills or are you just getting irrationally defensive of your porn addiction?

No. 36641

NTA but acting like every fujo troons out is retarded, before trannism became mainstream practically every nerdy woman in fandom was a fujo and they were all normies with nigels. You already have a fujo hateboner thread to sperg about this.

No. 36642

Those girls already hated themselves. And most women do, because of how they are treated in society and by men and misogynistic women, not because of some gay anime porn. Be real.

No. 36643

smh don't see japanese women transitioning en-masse, even though they live in the country where this media comes from (mostly). It's not a yaoi issue

No. 36644

Where would this be platformed? How would a woman looking to be the first Andrea Tate find an audience and be seen? Would she be less successful if she didn't show her face/reveal her identity?

No. 36645


No. 36646

tens of millions of hispanic and native americans also voted for him, plus the arab population

No. 36647

Yes, and it's more a symptom of how sexualized and objectified women are over there. "Just be a yume" isn't good advice because most of the time that type of media is very misogynistic and the woman are treated like shit. If you aren't a submissive masochist your only escape is yaoi.

No. 36648

I noticed women only follow these types of women if they’re the sera 7 sprinkle sprinkle types and some what conventionally attractive. They like being told they can still fuck scrotes but it’s feminist because they’re doing it for money. A true man hating woman would never take off, maybe if she was really hot or something but idk.

No. 36649

I don't care about appealing to women who want to fuck dudes. I want to appeal to the women who are genuinely currently thinking about 4b, or who are looking to make their first foray into feminism.

No. 36650

right because yaoi doesn't constantly portray rape/incest/abuse and the uke is basically a female proxy.
they didn't transition because it's not a realistic option in Japan and before troonism doctors didn't hand out t and masectomies like candies. You can't convince me fujos don't secretly want a penis when their sexualities revolve around watching men fuck their objects of affection while they are alone or stuck with ugly nigel irl.(fujosperging out of containment)

No. 36651

I don’t think a woman like Andrew Tate could take off because women are mothers. Of course women are going to have a soft spot for males who grew in their belly for 9 months.

No. 36652

Most women (and men) are just hypocrites and never follow their own values even on things. I've seen loads of people claiming to be "anti capitalism" then they support prostitution and are huge consoomers themselves, and it's similar with women and these types of issues. They would basically all be fine with the current system if it favored them, just like the lefty faggots who say they hate capitalism would be all ok with it and would stop wanting to "eat the rich" real fast if they were the rich ones. You'll rarely find a person who truly sticks to their values no matter their situation in general. I remember even a while back I said I think porn being banned would be good and a bunch of retards came to try to tear me down immediately with "but what about MY woman aimed coomshit??!" since they're never consistent with their own values.

No. 36653

even on things that are easier to do*

No. 36654

>We need at least 10 more years of men openly shitting on us
so 5k+ years of the patriarchy existing wasnt enough but 10 extra years will? it will never happen. this thread is adorable tho.

No. 36655

perhaps not, but the difference between the past and present is that we now have the internet and it effectively exposed a lot of women to what men really think of us. Reading stories of other women and learning about the amounts of harm that men cause. Not to mention that now women have more opportunities to discuss this shit instead of staying delusional about the bs that men do, so it kind of opens some opportunities to plan and strategize for what can be done about it in the future, if ever. I agree tho, it will take much more time than 10 years

No. 36656

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No thank you. I will stand for and try to protect any and all women when it's necessary.

No. 36657

>lefty faggots who say they hate capitalism would be all ok with it and would stop wanting to "eat the rich" real fast if they were the rich ones
>They would basically all be fine with the current system if it favored them
This is normal. Politics isn't about values floating in ether, it's about your interests. A leftist who says they would never shift their views even after becoming a millionaire or just very successful in capitalist terms is a liar. Some women are against the system because they realize it doesn't favor them. Maybe consider that sticking to values like like 'not fucking men' and 'never getting off to smut' isn't actually going to change much. It's not like you're creating a mass movement with direct pressure on material things like domestic labor, low pay feminine jobs, attacking porn corporations by any means possible, putting pressure on legal systems etc. Closing your legs and laying off yume/fujo/whatever coom might be good for you but it won't change much for women as a group. Like woah, here's your medal for sticking to your values to the very end. Now what

No. 36658

I think our right to vote will be the least of their problems in that scenario.

No. 36659

Let's not let the doomers and baiters destroy this thread. I've got two questions that I'd greatly appreciate answers to: 1) Do you have any recommendations for books on feminism, misogyny, and/or female separatism? and 2) Who are some of your favorite female-centered/feminist content creators? Here are some book recommendations for anyone interested: Right-Wing Women, by Andrea Dworkin; Misogyny: A Male Malady, by David Gilmore; Loving to Survive, by Dee L. Graham; Male Fantasies, by Klaus Theweleit (this one's about Nazi men and their sexuality); Men Who Hate Women, by Laura Bates; Down Girl, by Kate Manne.

No. 36660

This really needs to be moved to /2X/

No. 36661

No future generations + our economy wouldn't function without women in the workforce anymore, no matter how much rightoid moids want to go pretend our only society value is pregnancy. And our rich overlords only care about money and staying in power. Also some women might actually snap and use the guns they're allowed to carry.

No. 36662

It wasn't a proposal for a plan or anything, just stating the fact about how we now have an additional tool for possible change. I was initially talking about the fact that the more women start to learn about the reality of things, the better. And it's good if it happens early. We need some ground to stand on, after all. If all you have to say is "they will just take away our rights boohoo" then might as well not participate in this convo. Go to blackpill thread instead.

No. 36665

>I don't get why it has to be anti-religion tbh
I don't want to repeat the words of other nonnies but here a few examples:
>Almost all religions consider women dirty during periods. Jewish women can't be near their husbands during menstruations because jews say eewww blood eww! In some Asian countries, they're sent into camps for that.
>Look up Islam's Heaven. It only benefits man and it says that women have to be eternally virgins for them to consume. There's no heaven for women and the only faith as a muslim woman is to be a sex slave in heaven. Women are sex slaves if they're not married in the religion, because men give them some sort of worth. Aisha herself, Mohamed's wife, says "No woman suffers more than a muslim woman."
Mohamed also was a sex pest, if I remember correctly, muslims cannot adopt because one time he had to fuck his teen wife and since he couldn't with his adoptive son at home, he said that Allah said that people who are not born by blood shall not call him father or something. Aisha, in the quran, scraps off semen off his clothes, with her bare hands.
>In Catholicism, women are uteruses and cleaning ladies, full stop. Once a woman steps out of these two roles by not having kids or provide for a man, then she's useless or a whore
Religion, in particular abrahamic and monotheist ones, was created to provide men with slaves (sexual or workers) and carriers of their legacy. Animist religions are not popular because they do not offer control over women and there's not religion that offers control over men. Celibacy shouldn't come from imaginary fear of burning in hell in afterlife but to preserve your current one on planet Earth.

No. 36669

Sadly, I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time until the worst of Western brain rot feminism - gender identity shit and libfem shit - invades the rest of the world (if it hasn’t already). The East needs to do it’s best to resist being imperialized by western thought and cultivate their own home-grown movements.

It will be difficult, but not impossible. We must look at the failures of 2nd wave female separatist attempts and the successes of modern movements to figure out how to proceed. Infighting resulting in inner turmoil and trying to hold people to ridiculously high ideological standards seems to be a common theme as to why these radical attempts don’t grow and end up languishing in obscurity. On the other hand, successful attempts to mobilize seem to have a strong uniting goal that appeals to as many as possible. Iirc, when South Korean women mobilized to protest hidden spycams, they made a point that any woman who was against spycams could join the protest, regardless of her walk of life or political affiliation.

Love them or hate them, imo FDS is a great example of a successful movement. FDS was radfem lite and responsible for peaking a lot of normie women. Outside of radblr, radtwt and other obscure Internet communities (like lolcow), you’d be hard pressed to find spaces where you could be unapologetically critical of moids and the patriarchy without kowtowing to libfem bullshit. FDS achieved the impossible and brought radfem concepts into the mainstream. Their concept resonated with a wide section of the female population, women who felt burnt out or disillusioned by dating and relationships. Their tenets were easy to understand and implement for normie women - no sex without commitment, have high standards for men, never rely on a man for your financial security, focus on your career and financial independence, porn culture and hookup culture is bad. Some might argue their tenets are common sense, but clearly not for women who grew up without strong female figures in their life - which is sadly a substantial part of the population. The community encompassed women from opposite sides of the political spectrum and women of different ethnicities, religions, income levels, etc which speaks to how those basic concepts spoke to a wide swathe of women. It’s a pity the movement went kaput since some of the mods tried to monetize the community, and it was all downhill from there.

No. 36670

Is farmhand retarded ? She said she doesn't want to out the ''secret board'' and linked it in the og thread kek

No. 36671

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She edited the automated thread mover message to hide it, refresh. I don't think jannies control what the thread mover message looks like

No. 36674

No way a thread where women act like they are oppressed for being hetero. Who would guess. Nobody is forcing you to give up men. Chill out why you always act so defensive.

No. 36675

Did you seriously just said that patriarchy exists 5k years

No. 36676

we must secure the existence of our sex and a future for young girls

No. 36677

Make your own Oppression Olympics thread just for yourself.

No. 36681

>Infighting resulting in inner turmoil and trying to hold people to ridiculously high ideological standards
Agreed. Anyone who makes significant strides to decenter men should feel welcome, even if it isn't as significantly decentered as other women. Even fulfilling one or two "B"s is better than none. I can think of a few example cases of this:
>a single mother decides not to date or hookup with men
Obviously, she's had kids. But the fact she is deciding to not engage in dating culture is commendable.
>married but no kids
This is a trickier case, but it still qualifies as she has no children and is no longer dating. As long as a woman keeps the moid decentered in her conversations with other like-minded women and doesn't bring him along, I still think that's progress. I would also put an emphasis on being independent career-wise and making sure that the woman can separate quickly. There should be no dependence on the man whenever possible. There should be a clear commitment to not date if there is divorce.

No. 36682

Yes, it’s a disservice to exclude the substantial portion of women who can fulfill at least one or two B’s. Realistically speaking, pure 4B is going to be a hard sell to women who aren’t already engaging in that lifestyle (eg single women who make a conscious decision not to date or have sex)
>a single mother decides not to date or hookup with men
Single moms are the some of the best ambassadors you can get since moids’ contempt for single moms is unparalleled. Successful single moms are living proof women can have families and not rely on men, which makes the “men are providers” type seethe. Single moms can also attest to the worst of moid behavior because they have often been personally screwed over (eg ones who got divorced due to a cheating spouse, or ones with deadbeat dads)
>married but no kids
The anti-natalist mindset and the DINK lifestyle already has a foothold in developed countries so I can imagine piggybacking off the movement and extending it to “women, don’t bring more daughters into a world that’s already fucked up for women”. There needs to be a hard emphasis on financial independence and more importantly having the means to leave the man if necessary.

No. 36686


Nobody is forcing you all to not date men. Stop yapping. You're not oppressed for being told to not date men and not involved in movement that's about not dating men. None of your relationships are wholesome, sucking dick is porn like and perverted we want a relief from you bitches and you come here to gaslight and whine

No. 36687

Who cares we should just focus on living by example. Don't do donkey work for donkeys.

No. 36689

these type of women are already extreme femminists and were in the movement to begin with dont you think?

No. 36690

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Some moid posted about the 4B movement on Reddit and of course leftist men are melting down at the possibility of no pussy, but are shielding themselves by saying "Boo you're just doing what the conservatives want!"

No. 36691

I'm seeing people say that liberal women becoming celibate would just punish liberal men and conservative men and women would just pair up and not care. Young women are more liberal than not now and many conservative men openly admit they find liberal women more attractive than conservative women. They think conservative women are too masculine and independent thinking. So if enough liberal women actually went celibate it might make a difference.

No. 36695

may as well start using character ai + sex toys if you're a straight woman for the next 4 years. you'll pretty much get a much better satisfaction from them anyways.

No. 36696

lots of lesbians are setting themselves up to be used by a bicurious libfem

No. 36698

>many conservative men openly admit they find liberal women more attractive than conservative women. They think conservative women are too masculine and independent thinking.

No. 36699

conservative men love libfem aesthetics/attitude. the whole big tiddy goth gf bs is loved by them.

No. 36700

Since being a conservative as a young woman is rarer, they think any woman who arrived at that conclusion by herself is too intelligent and disagreeable. Or another conservative man got there first and left his imprint on her mind.

No. 36702

Pls do not read the comments in this it’s blackoilling

No. 36703

>Boo you're just doing what the conservatives want!
They've just admitted that for them 'leftism = access to easy pussy'. A great filter that should be used in all leftist spaces.

No. 36705

south asian women especially pakistani and bangladeshi ones don't have a choice. They mostly get forcefully married

No. 36709

Kek that's a whole new level of retardness

No. 36710

not that i don't believe you, but do you have a screenshot or something of this? sounds kinda funny kek

No. 36711

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And this is what I was talking about with the the 4T part, which would create 64BT. A bunch of you dirty ass husbandofag consoomers are too lazy to commit to anything, just don’t claim to be anything if you can’t even do the due diligence of research and commitment on your own and have every other woman who’s actually sincere do all the work. Fuck you.(infight bait)

No. 36713

>infighting will be the death of these movements
This ISNT infighting, this is trying to make sure people who have zero intention on being genuinely 4B don’t reap the benefits from it or parasitize form it. This entire thread and the people in here are all fucking hypocrites and trend hoppers and when a whole movement filled with the most insincere selfish people alive it will never get anywhere. If you can’t agree to the simple fucking tenets and do the research then why the fuck are you obsessed with it? Why do you use it a clutch whenever men don’t give you what you want? Retards, this shit will never fucking happen because a few months from now the real genuine 4B women will be denigrated by these same trend hoppers as they were when 4B and separatism was brought up. For months other women told me separatism was never possible but now you’re interested in 4B because you think it’s going to punish and make your scrotes behave? They don’t care you fucking poser retards. This has nothing to do with purity, if you can’t follow the fucking rules (any rules required of society matter in fact) then you have no good intentions for 4B and I can only imagine the amount of bastardazation these Korean women will face from Westerners. Westerners don’t give a shit and will throw 4B out of the window when it no longer benefits them, the current parade is to use it to scare moids and dangle “no-sex” in front of his face because they didn’t vote for the right candidate for you, not because you genuinely thought about the impact of reproduction and sex has on women’s oppression or even other women, because you’re all selfish, self-centered people and that’s probably why a lot of people went the other way and decided to vote against you, you’re entirely single-minded people who only care when your little slave crumbs have been taken away. I hate every single person alive right now, you’re all fake and retarded and don’t want to face any of your own actions for being evil. You don’t care about women at all especially the ones with no boyfriends, husbands, or families behind them, abortion was a right only made exclusive for women who still cohabitate with men and it was never a fight for women all around(infight bait)

No. 36714

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Find greener pastures to troll.

No. 36715

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No. 36716

>still believe in female socialization
>thinks wanting people to adhere to the basic tenets and principles of what the Korean feminists wanted is purity spiraling
Holy shit, this is a done deal. Women don’t want to release themselves from oppression, this is just another way to swing something in male’s faces just to persuade them to behave and not rape them. The people who always speak sense are always the ones turned into crazies or hyper sensitives for using logic and reason and being future-oriented… this is why I seriously can’t stand being in these types of things anymore. Common sense is just gone

No. 36717

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>already kicking out, silencing and banning people who are genuine separatists/4B
>same shit happening here where you show a piece of evidence of what they believed in and then there’s a bunch of fucking degenerate weeaboos telling you to stop “purity spiraling” for having reading capabilities

No. 36718

Nta, thank you for the resources and links, the one from trustyourpercepions (what I read so far) finally explained to me why women wear the suffering of pregnancy and motherhood like a badge of honor and how even mothers who didn’t necessarily want kids most of their life do a whole 180 the moment their kid is born and preach about muh maternal instinct and how a baby is their bundle of sunshine and joy. I always found it weird, like something hit their head in order to do such a drastic change in mentality, now there are scientifical anectodes for that too, lovely.

No. 36720

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No. 36721

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But if you dare say this to other women they will seethe and moan about you being misogynistic against women’s choices or their inherent sexuality to fuck scrotes or something as if my opinion will stop your biological determined behavior to fuck over other women to have a family and to fuck men. Nigelfaggotry supercedes reason and logic every single time and that’s probably why you keep fucking men and wondering where all of that venereal disease, disabling pregnancy and emboldened scrote rage is coming from because you keep doing the same thing expecting different results kekkk, it’s in a nigelfag/husbandofag’s nature to be a retard to worship males of real life and fiction.

No. 36722

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Samefag, the ultimate right wing male fantasy is converting a liberal woman. It's a "Taming of The Shrew"/tsundere sort of thing.
A woman who starts out right wing is more likely to naturally be masculine, confrontational and irritable in nature. Trad values dictate that a woman is to be soft and nurturing to a fault, and like children, they need to be corralled and "headed" or else they go down the wrong path. It's obvious how liberal women can be made to fit that narrative, especially with the "They brought in all the immigrants and are throwing feminist tantrums".
What's a "trad", right wing man supposed to do with a right wing woman? At best, it's like having some other man's leftovers, no romance or push/pull or personalization aspect since there was no conversion game to be had. If he feels weak, he'll go for her, but he'll keep coveting the "unruly liberal whores" anyway, and they'll have to just live with that (see: the self-hating Indian tradthot whose white right wing husband follows IG thots, Donald Trump openly lusting after other women and teenage girls, Elon Musk drooling over Taylor Swift and jerking off to videos on Twitter of Asian findomme women making fun of his tiny penis despite marrying and reproducing with multiple pickmes and how he still simps for Amber Heard even after she dumped him and had a daughter instead of a son against his wishes, etc). At worst, it's like dating another man. Sam Hyde has said similar things and told other men to stop looking for women who share their values, because the person who shares their values is an autistic man. Even Muslim men are obsessed with converting non-Muslim women to their faith ("love jihad") etc.
This right wing moid went and married a career woman because of the same conversion ideal, had multiple kids with her, then went insane and killed her because he couldn't get the "big prize" (making her quit her job to become his housewife). I just want women to know that they cannot really do anything to escape moid fetishization and sexualization in some capacity, and that what men claim they want is often different from what they actually want (they truly want it both/all ways and whatever you do will be wrong anyway lol).

No. 36725

yeah i love getting my feminist thought from an OF thot who fucks dog dildos says lesbians aren't real! Nigelfaggotry is retarded but the OF thot ur posting literally justified her moid loving 16 year olds, it's no suprise that she's justifying abortion bans done by scrotes. We shouldn't have abortion bans or nigelfaggotry you people are so fucking stupid. Lol following iTalkShit too You seem to follow all of the retarded right leaning "radfems" the nona upthread was right about you people.

No. 36726

Okay but I still want abortion rights for women to be a thing, I don't really care if someone is getting them for the wrong reasons.

No. 36727

samefag too and complaining about abortion rights in the 4b thread that has started directly as a result of the election and moids literally screeching "YOUR BODY MY CHOICE". Oh yeah so feminist!! Go get those moids by upholding their scrote culture!! I don't even doubt that you're a woman because of what you follow and what you're liking, you're just a really annoying contrarion one

No. 36729

>ackchually not letting men pass on their bloodline is le bad
Yes, allowing men to have sex with you isn't good. No, taking away a woman's right to reject a man's seed is not correct. Yes, the woman whose take you're posting isn't just a Nigelfag who believes she found "one of the good men", she happily worships some right wing racist moid's dick on the daily and tried to defend him on some podcast IIRC. Get this mongoloid pickme shit out of here. You can tell she thought she was so smart, probably tells her boyfriend "Don't worry, babe, I speak feminist tee-hee". Rub two braincells together, it's clear both you and the literal e-whore in that screenshot view women as children who need to be controlled on a mass scale by men. Stupid faggot, there is no country in the world where abortion is banned and men still aren't getting free/easy sexual access to women. You are a delusional retard if you think taking away women's right to end a pregnancy will ever block men from sex. It just creates more rape/incest babies and unwanted children who will more than likely be neglected/abused and continue the cycle either through watching it play out commonly or being forced into prostitution.

No. 36731

I like how you brought up Elon. Most of the women he's actually gone out/still chase after are the leftists like Grimes and Amber who dumped his ass and don't do what they say. Moids love a challenge.

No. 36733

men dont like women that agree with them 100% on everything. why eat unseasoned chicken everyday when you can go for the nashville styled chicken sandwhich?

No. 36735

>right leaning radfems
Hmmm why are you looking at iTalkShit’s page if you hate her so much? I like her page, even though she is a conservathot who thinks she can balance out the cock sucking with a fresh glass of retweets with delusional radfems who only spend time fighting with mentally ill dudes, because unlike most women she actually still has her head attached to her body and doesn’t look it like a little girl when things don’t go her way. Women don’t know how to organize and come together unless the very few women with money and time do so, most women don’t care about each other and that’s the way it’s going to be until this species dies out. Radfems spend so much time fighting against biology than seeking the truth, oh well!
>annoying contrarian one
So you don’t want women being free-thinking people and just follow what the crowd says, which has led to trannies being forced into our spaces since day 1. Noooo don’t think for yourself!!!

No. 36736

>A leftist who says they would never shift their views even after becoming a millionaire or just very successful in capitalist terms is a liar.
What's the point in them pretending otherwise then? Like just be right wing then kek if the only thing making you a lefty is not having money and it can influence your views that much. I've had money (not millionaire tier but still applies) after being poor and it didn't change my values overnight actually. If it does for you it's because you never really cared or believed in it in the first place and you are just another selfish retard as bad as the people you hate. I didn't become a consoomer over night and suddenly change how I think or start throwing money at useless shit just because I could. In the end, I don't actually care what you do nor is it about receiving any medals, I just find your hypocrisy gross, that's all. You have no real principles like everyone else but still get on your high horse about how you're gonna "liberate women", hilarious really.

No. 36741

I get their shit pushed on my page that’s why. These women really have no actual goal for women other than getting as much thielbux as possible and it’s so gay and pathetic. They do scrotes bidding by sperging about how you should continue their bloodlines and save europa or some shit. They think letting scrotes take over everything while screeching “hehe will i actually do hate men!!!” is peak feminism. Most of these women are whores, they’re stubbornly contrarian for the sake of it purely because they wanted to go against the incumbent. Literally the most pathetic types. No right of woman’s should be confiscated and stop trying to make it justifiable so other women don’t hate you for the fact that you voted for trump. Abortion is getting fucked over for a reason and I know it’s not being done by le based separatists it’s being done by old men who hate women

No. 36742

>i follow and listen to literal pickme whores, they are the true free thinkers
>i'm a real feminist. you are just fighting biology by refusing to worship cock and balls
Deaf, dumb and blind

No. 36743

NTAYRT you say this but another anon will bring up in a different thread that most women are Nigelfags because it's natural and healthy. Libido and the desire for companionship are a part of biology so that's technically not wrong.

No. 36744

Late, but what is this from nona?

No. 36745

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Not having children is probably the most important aspect of 4b for western normie women right now, honestly we should make it key for the west. Males worry so much about their precious birth rates.

No. 36746

I get this but a lot of women actually want children, the men won't really be phased by this since they can have children later in life.

No. 36747

>I get this but a lot of women actually want children
This is about 4b, so if we want to get normie women into 4b they have to know what they're getting into. 4b has been going on in korea since 2015 and the birth rates have absolutely dropped. Moids are mad as hell about it and are begging women to have kids. Not having children is the most effective aspect of 4b, although the women also shouldnt be dating moids. I just think the antinatalist aspect should be key in the west because of abortion rights

No. 36751

Nta why don't you suck dick if it's biology then

No. 36752

You're likely going to get hit with a ban for this because of the deadpan delivery but its a legitimate question. Is a "natural healthy libido" and "companionship" with only dicks worth not having human rights?

No. 36760

Maybe but what if I never wanted this, does that make me unnatural and unhealthy?

No. 36766

Try telling a woman with a boyfriend on here that she's brainwashed and compromising female rights, see what she says. She will think you're ridiculous because she's doing what she wants in a relationship that she sure isn't going to give up over something that doesn't directly affect them. It's unreasonable to demand that she should.

It turns people on to please their partners, that's why they aren't going to care and stop doing it if a feminist screeches that it's evil. Obviously your mentality can override wanting to fulfill your libido through a man, but most people see this as settling. They prefer fulfilling their natural libidos and desire for companionship, something that pretty much every human has, through men "because it's fun"/satisfying. That's why many of them are not going to suppress this want for a feminist cause.

No. 36768

That's natural for you. If you're lonely, then it could be unhealthy.

No. 36769

You didn't answer my question

No. 36770

So you missed the point

No. 36772

what about the ugly men tryna get into your life no matter how 4b you get into the separation movement? you still get threats. how about just lower moral standards and prepare for worst situation like life threatening situations, prepare weapons, like guns , knives, chemicals etc to protect yourself? besides there are many human traffickers, how about preparing for diy abortion, rape prevention, escaping them tracking your life/ stealing your business ideas/ financial ruin etc

No. 36773

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What even is this argument? Follow the rules of the movement if you want to join in, don't if you don't want to adhere to them, simples. It's like if there were suffragettes that didn't want women to vote but really wanted to be called one.
Anon's main complaints with nigelfags are that they keep bringing him up for no reason, and sometimes to gloat about their marriage (like in the vent thread not so long ago) or venting about him treating her or other people like shit but not taking the steps to end the relationship and fighting with other anons when they point out he's a shithead. No one is going out of their way to "screech" at them unless they're being annoying.

No. 36774

My country has one of the lowest if not the lowest birth rate in Europe despite having conservative government and strict abortion laws. My friends don't have kids and don't plan to, additionally average young male makes less money than young woman (below 35). So there's really nothing in dating for women anymore - no security (lack of strict laws or systems against domestic violence), risk of pregnancy that can not be terminated, average moid is uneducated and poor af. I think the US might follow similar route now. Personally, I have tried building networks of close female friends (or having my best friend do it - she is very sociable), that replace the need for "new family". I believe that heterosexual sexual urges (if a woman has them) can be redirected to 2d/erotic fiction. pretty efficiently.

No. 36775

>I believe that heterosexual sexual urges (if a woman has them) can be redirected to 2d/erotic fiction. pretty efficiently.
This is very true. It's easier and more rewarding than women give it credit. Even back when I bothered with men and dating, I noticed that I was always more attracted to the fantasy than the actual male himself. Or more specifically, attracted to how he made me feel due to those fantasies. The more confident I get, the less attracted to males I am in general, especially irl men. I feel like female heterosexuality is inherently pickmeism. Only insecure, weak or brainwashed women experience it. Might sound like a reach though, I'll still leave it here in case it validates or inspires someone else to drop out of the hetsex circus.

No. 36776

i've somehow been more motivated/happy in my life having an anime husbando that occupied my head than when i've been with actual boyfriends. I truly don't see what's in it for women anymore unless they just want a male friend they can have sex with every once in a while and get gifts from.

No. 36778

In my irl circles I hear women eagerly discussing 4B but of course they have to call the South Korean feminists twansphobic. Sad to say, but the elephant in the room is the chokehold the trans agenda has over Western liberal feminism. 4B - as an offshoot of the Korean feminist movement - will never take off in the West unless it can rebrand itself.

IMO the best bet would be to piggyback off the strong anti-natalist sentiment in Western developed countries. AFAIK the child free movement is not a glowing target for TRAs, in the same way radical feminism is automatically associated with being a troon hater.

No. 36783

Encouraging women to use husbandos/ai for their romantic and emotional needs is the only way this movement can take off especially in America where women seem weak willed and man worshiping.
I read an article about young Chinese women who exclusively use advanced ai chatbots as a boyfriend and have abandoned 3d men because of it and not for politics.
Fantasy is better than reality we have to make this movement look fun if we want to it succeed long term. Ironically ai could bring the liberation of women.

No. 36784

>Ironically ai could bring the liberation of women
Your retarded polilez ideology won't bring women liberation lol.(retard)

No. 36785

What do anime husbandos have to do with political lesbianism? its literaly the opposite retard.
You cockloving bitches always accuse us of political lesbianism when we advocate for celibacy and seperatism as if you care about lesbians.

No. 36787

I'm not attracted to men, you schizo feminists should stop acting like anyone who sees you all are bunch of moralfags is a nigelfag. None of you are less misogynistic than "pichk mehs", just have some kind of holier than thou attitude for being virgin which is ridiculous. None of you hettie betties are in position to tell me what's feminism and what's misogyny. Keep thinking you're enlightened or saw the "light" when you're just a retard(infighting)

No. 36788

If we could get normie women to see that their lives are better with the romance novels they already ready and a good vibrator, maybe they’ll see men are pointless. I think women have it ingrained in them though that they can’t do everything alone and that’s just not true. But so many of them are financially reliant on their nigels.

No. 36791

Real 4Bs are philosophically rightwing but without the pro-natalist gendurrr worshipping faggotry. Lets see if men are capable of fetishizing that

No. 36793

>Obviously your mentality can override wanting to fulfill your libido through a man, but most people see this as settling.

The poster meant to say 'unsettling', since thats what it is. Scary and Unthinkable to the average humanimal

No. 36794

They have a chip off their shoulder if you call them a whore. Hence why BJ anon genuinely triggers nigelfags. Theres a small voice in these women that knows they are doing degrading shit.

No. 36795

some men fetishize turning sex repulsed asexual woman into whores. Men are capable of fetishizing anything with a vagina/pair of breasts.

No. 36796

Then why does BJ-chan also get triggered and accuse the whole website of sexually harassing her when anons "no u"? Is she also a secret nigelfags?(encouraging personalityfags)

No. 36798

They actually do it, she doesn't. Simple as.

No. 36799

Hmm.. good to know

No. 36800

She have degrading fetish. We're talking about a person who imagines herself as a man during masturbation and watched porn many times even tho she claims to ne sex repulsed. She also mentioned having wet dreams, it's just one unhinged horny autistic woman

No. 36801

>t. nullfag
Opinion discarded. Hope mods permaban VPNs; it'll be like using bug spray on a pack of cockroaches.

No. 36802

Banning vpns won't change anything btw. Anyway I don't come to this cesspool anymore

No. 36804

I don't think so. She even does it to anons who don't suck dick. She called someone a cocksucker for licking cheese off a plate, and when people said "Why are you always thinking about blowjobs", she flipped her shit and said everyone was sexually harassing her.
I think she is a porn addict. She's not even a lesbian, she talks about feeling most at her peak her when she's taking on what she views as a feminine, submissive role to a man, but she also hates it and fantasizes about having a dick often. She just has an extreme sex drive, likely OCD and hard submission (and unfulfilled domination) fantasies. She did admit to having autism, and thinks it makes her "male-brained".

No. 36805

Not to get too far off the beaten path but there's truth in stating the obvious. So what if the majority of this site are pickmes? shame them. The only counter I've ever gotten is 'get off your high horse' and something something moralfagging as if not being a retard and degrading yourself is moralfagging. If that's what passes for morals than I don't want to know what's immoral.

No. 36806

There's shaming pickmes, and then there's pathological fixation on male-fucking. There's nothing fruitful in that, just seems like an excuse to talk about dick at a certain point.

No. 36808

Lmao this isn't ovarit bitch go make your own website if you're this upset

No. 36811

You have a crush on her, admit it.

No. 36812

I agree, seems like you're a little too fixated on the personalityfag. Do you have sexual fantasies about her?

No. 36814

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> make your own imaginary boyfriend oc and forgo ALL male connections in order to preserve what little respect you do have for the male species inside a sexy tumblr man that lives on your phone

Unironically based especially in the name of fucking with men.

No. 36818

No. 36825

No one cares, cocky chan

No. 36829

It's weird you say this. Did you really thought you could sell your degrading fetish as something else? That's so funny

No. 36830

Stop taking your sexual frustration out on her. Go jerk off to your husbando instead.

No. 36831

It's weird you say this. Did you really thought you could sell your degrading fetish as something else? That's so funny

No. 36833

None of /2X/ is safe from being subjected to their psychosis.

No. 36835

Who said anyone cares about male fucking? Don't put words in my mouth. I said degrading behavior is shit and retarded. If your only counter argument to this is dick obsession you don't have an argument.

Isn't ovarit the site of tradthots and boymoms who do nothing but sperg about trannies all day? It's akin to FDS with a anti troon spin.

No. 36836

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Even the tumblr trans-inclusive feminists are actively combatting the tims trying to suppress 4b

No. 36838

I saw this in the front page and not even reading your post helped me decypher this word salad. Could someone translate this from troonblr to English, please?

No. 36839

Go fuck your mom already.(infighting)

No. 36840

we understand you, but please stop telling us that we sexually harass you..

No. 36842

Essentially the asker is saying that TIMs fearmongering that the 4b movement is transphobic are retarded, and the answerer is saying that it's not just retarded, it's intentional, because they care more about deplatforming feminists than the troons' primary stated goal of Protecting Trans Women. It's heavily dressed in troon language but it's a surprisingly based post

No. 36843

Please report and ignore personalityfags and avoid talking about them, as it just encourages them (or causes them to sperg out)

No. 36845

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Tranny wikipedia editors are attempting to sabotage the movement, remember both males on the left and right are two sides of the same coin. fight their psyop intelligently. We can't let them win over normie women

No. 36846

They aren't sabotaging, they're making the terms and conditions better and filtering out libfem retards for us. Gobless!

No. 36847

>accused of furthering a homophobic agenda
Its homophobic to not fuck men? All lesbians and celibate women are apparently homophobes.

No. 36860

fr. you can program them to be however you want them to be. Already a much better alternative against dealing with a moid. the conversation you have is much more fufilling too.

No. 36867

Filtering "retard libfems" is not what you want, and I will never thank men for that. I hate tranny Wikipedia.

No. 36869

The fact that farmhands couldn't handle having this thread on ot for more than a week is quite telling. Only talking about troons is allowed on this site. the mods of this site make it obvious what their stance on feminism is.

No. 36870

I STILL don't get how GC talk is allowed on /ot/ when it's inherently political but no other politics are. It's so fucking telling. GC and Radical Feminism were both banned from /ot/ but only one was allowed back….

No. 36871

we need normies lol. they know what they're doing

No. 36897

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This needs to be added to the wikipedia page that keeps getting fucked up by men and troons.

No. 36899

we need to get the korean feminists on this in all honestly

No. 36946

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Scrotes on 4scrote trying to psyop the 4b movement. It's really pathetic honestly, nobody is using fucking reddit for 4b lmfao

No. 36955

I think a compromise can be reached for women who want children by them simply not having sons.

No. 36964

Making more victims to be raped and suffer doesn't make you an ally. Isn't the point of 4B not giving men what they want? Kek. Giving men kids to predate on, young women and girls is antithetical. no.

No. 36972

>a compromise
Or how about you keep the original principle of 4B and don’t be 4B if you want to be a breeder and involve yourself with a scrote. RV should be heavily gatekept and any breeder/nigelfag who cries about this should do it on their pillow and leave single women the fuck alone.

No. 36980

Do moids have ANYTHING better to do than harass women like at this point just… ugh

No. 36981

samefag, the most a woman might do is spam troll incel movements and say "we'll peg you boys" for a laugh and yet they claim women are just as bad when these faggots openly share cp and racebait

No. 36986

Most women are breeders, this ideology won't hold up, the only reason why 4B exist is because of lesbians who wants to keep all women to themselves and het women who are upset because men are rapey

No. 36989

I promise lesbians don't want your retarded ass. You're free to breed as you please to your own detriment.

No. 36990

This is not the blackpill thread.

No. 36991

So only one thread on the entire site is actually close to the truth about the world we live in? Damn that's sad

No. 36992

Men are the ones that would fuck anything. Lesbians actually have standards

No. 36995

Tired of moids and their handmaidens thinking the movement is just another female hysteria thing, wokies dumb, etc. Conservative pickmes like Misha Petrov and that Ben Shapiro lookalike girl, looking at them.

No. 36997

who cares what a bunch of moids and long lost women are thinking

No. 36999

It's just everywhere, the new trend to hate on us. Look at the utter state of YouTube, everyone is milking it like the MrBeast drama. Men everywhere saying "good we didn't want to fuck you anyway" as if they weren't the rapist scrotes who made women blackpill to begin with. I know YT and social media are really moid-biased but ugh

No. 37001

Good. Then women can't deny it and shut their eyes and block their ears.

No. 37002

i feel grateful for being a minority now because i can't imagine caring this much about what other people think

No. 37005

Hey me and my friend want to attend this 4B meet at the local uni but I have some questions. Like isn't the 4 "no"s a more like an guideline? We can still keep having sex with men right if we agree with the overall premise?(bait)

No. 37006

I think it's more fear of what they'll actually do to us rather than simply caring about what scrotes think. They're threatening to rape children now, I'd be a little concerned.

No. 37036

Why are gay moids inserting themselves into this movement. I thought it was literally "no men" on the door of our house.

No. 37042

you know how they are, they gotta insert themselves into womens business.
even though theyre gay, theyre still moids at the end of the day.

No. 37044

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Someone posted about bonobos on the monkey thread on /m/ and now I'm very sad that humankind didn't develop like this

No. 37045

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No. 37046

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peaceful monkeys

No. 37047

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and now it makes me upset because they're being driven to extinction

No. 37048

Manifesting this. We can do it!

No. 37049

Whose gonna tell her bonobo boymoms encourage their sons to rape female troop members

No. 37083

Bonobo society has virtually less rape than humans, or so I've heard, because females control when to reproduce.

No. 37252

>because females control when to reproduce.
Do you know what rape is?

No. 37284

I wish more SEA women (especially Malaysian and Indonesian) would join the 4B movement with how increasingly misogynistic the moids became each day, but i feel like most of them still wants to suck dick in the name of religion

No. 37315

IMHO the 4B moment isn't exactly going to work in burgerland or anywhere else other than its South Korean origins. It works in the latter because it's a specific product of their culture, society, etc and those things only. Attempting to integrate it to burgerland just destroys it and has it crawling with retards like troons and pickmes

No. 37320

>"good we didn't want to fuck you anyways"
>says scrote who will literally fuck a shit filled hot pocket
Yeah sure.

No. 37321

I generally hate religion but you seem relatively sane forever a religionfag. I think it makes more sense in abrahamic religion to see moids as the holder of original sin than women anyways. I hate most prophets but Jesus being a volcel who saw women as equal to moids God's eyes is better than prophets like Mohammed who was the epitome of scrotedome.
I also liked religions that allow women to live 4B but it's still in the name of scroteworship so I can never really get behind it.
Anyways just saying if religions worshipped women and saw moids as evil demons who only find salvation in serving and respecting women I would hate religion less.

No. 37724

Americans are generally too much of attentionwhores. They'd only latch onto it, because it's popular, not because it benefits them.

No. 37735

gnostic christfag here, another thing I like about Jesus except him being volcel is also that he essentially said to leave pagans alone and to only speak to those who want to listen to you (which is exactly the opposite of what the church did throughout history…). And what I like about gnostics in general is that many of them thought humans should stop procreating and they were allowing women to teach the doctrine

No. 37738

>women who live without men are more creative
Geee what a surprise. Maybe that's the reason I always felt that once a woman I knew entered a relationship with a male it seemed like she lost her personality

No. 37840

Do you think the decline in birthrates would continue enough for the world population to fall to at least 2 billion people? I live in South Asia and I can't stand the amount of people who live here. Why is there so many people?

No. 37845

I wish but I'd not be so sure. As long as welathy men are in power, they'd never allow that - the pyramid they're so severely benefitting from is entirely built and held by insanely cheap labor, provided by billions of people. So the more borderline slaves they get - the better for them. Not to mention, that low birthrates as a concept are in direct conflict with male's reproductive strategy and therefore his ego, his entire human being. It's incomprehensible to a man that he's being artificially prevented from having more, more and even more of his offspring, his little extensions, symbols of his ownership.
We're entering truly dark times, because world elites will do everything in their power to provide themselves with an endless sea of human labour and the easiest, shortest way to achieve their goals would be to strip women of their rights yet again.
The only scenario where world population becomes small is that of a worldwide matriarchy where women control reproduction, male population is forcivly brought down to 5-10% and are treated as slave cattle, straight women magically become mature human beings and stop being obsessed with Nigels and their "innocent baby boy sons uwu" (lel at that, this is the least likely option out of every single one I mentioned).
It's truly bleak, nonna. Just like you, I hope for the best (low human population would be a blessing), but I'm preparing for the absolute worst.

No. 38888

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Sad this thread got so slow so quickly. Any other nonas practiced 4B and was aware of it from Korean documentaries before USA abortion bans? I'm a Canadafag and recluse but pushed myself to find more women to befriend. Met a lot of celibate women/lesbians recently through D&D. My life has genuinely changed for the better. I wish I met them sooner.

Especially seeing how nerdy male friends I grew up with turned out, I hate how I befriended moids at all in childhood. Would've saved my confidence and wish I made stronger female friendships instead of caping for edgelord moids since I was a tomboy. Anyone else had any separatism success stories?

No. 38893

this post has me considering trying out D&D, if there are other celibate/4B moid avoiders to befriend on there.

If I may ask and if you happen to see this, how/where in D&D did you find them? Ill understand if you dont want to say outright, due to any moid lurkers.

Wish there were more places/sites to meet 4B friends in the know.

No. 38894

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found this post on tumblr and it's really peak

No. 38907

Yup, this is exactly what put me off a lot of radfem spaces in general. Then again, as a lesbian, I’ve always noticed it. Just could never articulate it as well as this person did.

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