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No. 2049860

Previous Thread: >>>/snow/1783143
Kiwifarms Thread: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/rachel-aliza-leeds-minkin-alruna-serarosier1-tayuubarbie-lucyfern13-miranda-sforza.116204/
Current known twitters/x accounts: @pepseethe
https://x.com/pepseethehasn’t posted in a while
https://x.com/furtivehuntress Also seems to be abandoned

Active Neopets:

Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin is a Zoophilic Pedophile from Emerald Hills California who has spent the last two weeks on Twitter having a meltdown everyday even while being locked out of one or both accounts due to the excessive violations of Twitter's terms of service. Thanks to this the prior thread was graced by a lack of her presence and discussion was allowed to occur without her obvious posts disrupting it's flow, despite usually making a solid amount of her prior threads comments it filled up all the same due to many confirmations of the many sins Rachel has committed. Rachel has also since lost interest in the Drop Kiwfarms movement instead taking to attacking various members of the Final Fantasy, Cat Twitter and other twitter communities in an effort to 'keep her position in the community'. While having admitted to owning CP, being sexual with children, and having to be pushed away from minors constantly by other communities she has since taken to declaring her intention to befriend kids and in particular, Kindergarteners. Despite being extremely bigoted against the gays herself this cow desires to actually have her own 'Drag Queen Story Hour', sans parents being allowed, as she lies about having unrestricted and unmonitored access to children through her job as a teacher. She has since admitted that she lied and only volunteered with children, regardless her bizarre journey to beguile children into hearing about her nether regions(she has done this several times)is continuing into a downward spiral so join us in watching the Rachel show.
Take anything this cow claims with a grain of salt as not only has she been known to lie but has been caught running homosexual operations with many other cows at various points in time. Although inept this cow is in the range of horrorcow and should be taken as a danger to vulnerable individuals despite her life being a Chris Farley sketch and extremely humorous. This cow gives into rage cycles while trying to build herself up as some fearsome villain, she will claim to be desirable while proving herself a virgin, she will be extremely cringe in all her private conversations, disgustingly quirky our 'Not like other gamer girls' cow rolls her way through life with an ego more bloated than her gut. Simply the harder Rachel tries, the harder she fails and the funnier it becomes to see her stomp among the ashes of something she burnt down while crying for pity having learned nothing. She is the definition of insanity and a great example of true lolcows never learning.

A Summary of Prior Events
>Our gal posts in her own thread repetitively leading to the rise of her catch phrases 'only she's not here', 'cope and seethe about it', 'only she's not (jealous,fat,etc)', and so on.
>Her twitter history has been a rolling slapfight for years on various accounts and for different things mainly detailed above.
>On discord Rachel gets kicked out of two groups, a FF community after threatening to call CPS on a woman she was feuding with while posting photos of random women, and ruining an in to a twitter/discord cat community by constantly starting drama.
>Continually claims to have been swatted or had her house broken into depending on what she feels will garner more sympathy, no matter whom she accuses she will claim they are from Kiwifarms and posted about it there despite all evidence to the contrary.
>Makes various death and dox threats to many different people on a public platform(Twitter).
>Goes into various minor's DMs to tell them that nobody will ever find them sexually attractive in a clear attempt at an early 2000s MTV pickup artist attempt to break the child down.
>Defends pedophilic proclivities as simple Autism and expresses that anyone with Autism would understand her clearly wrong perversions as a simple 'Moral Debate'.
>Rachel describes, straight faced, exactly what she has done to others for nearly a decade and projects it onto someone else >>>/snow/1772278
>Claims to not be defending notorious Zoophile Puppy Killer Tim Win by…defending him >>>/snow/1772320
>Obsesses over the price of adoption in very odd and possessing language >>>/snow/1772531
>Rachel's necklace connecting her to an account she denies being her and exposing just how thick her neck is >>>/snow/1772638
>Declaration of intent to invite Orphans to come into her house outside of public eye >>>/snow/1772998
>Inviting violence to others for things she has also done >>>/snow/1773067
>After grabbing the attention of a Random Pedo watchlist Twitter account she projects onto them >>>/snow/1773097
>First mention of a twitter Poll that would be voted upon by over three hundred people with thirty percent saying they were harassed by the cow >>>/snow/1773148
>Archived Copy of Rachel bragging about possessing Child Pornography and that nobody can do anything about it as well as her throwing away her whining about doxing by doxing another person >>>/snow/1773576
>Farmers speculate over when she held a job at a Casino after nailing down where she had went to college >>>/snow/1783025
>tried doxxing one person and it was their dead mothers old address and not their actual up to date address. >>>/snow/1783936
>got into another huge slap fight on Twitter before her Bello account got permanently banned.
>Elaine admitted to shielding Rachel >>>/snow/1783936

Most of the last thread is not worth mentioning due to it being a broken record playing the same things from before with different people, different sites and different Twitter names.

Older Milk
>In December 2020, the first Rachel thread was made on LCF and it went relatively unnoticed.
>Most of the first thread covered her harassing roleplayers and random cat accounts on Tumblr, Twitter, and other sites. This included stalking, sending death threats, making a ton of accounts that got banned for her breaking ToS.
>Rachel discovered her thread and has a complete rage induced keyboard smashing meltdown, which included the ragepiggie sending her unredacted ID to someone over Discord.
>With her continued psychosis to this day, she quickly filled threads. A Kiwifarms thread was made, as well as threads on smaller sites.
>Rachel's online behavior became even more bizarre, and she started blaming everything on her enemy of the week, believing everyone posting is this person.

Prior Threads:
Thread #1: >>>/snow/1095830
Thread #2: >>>/snow/1485119
Thread #3: >>>/snow/1497013
Thread #4: >>>/snow/1508548
Thread #5: >>>/snow/1518588
Thread #6: >>>/snow/1529219
Thread #7: >>>/snow/1535186
Thread #8: >>>/snow/1538415
Thread #9: >>>/snow/1538415
Thread #10: >>>/snow/1561022
Thread #11: >>>/snow/1702642
Thread #12: >>>/snow/1752926
Thread #13: >>>/snow/1783143

No. 2049861


I just copy pasted the last thread and added some new recent stuff since no one else was going to do it.

And with the recent uptick in her activity on Neopets and the Twitter ban removal thing she might start to rage again.

No. 2051308

I hope she rages off of Neopets, I have kads to feed. No time for her bullshit.(sage your shit)

No. 2051544

I'm assuming all these new people who don't sage are coming from neopets and where else. I'm tired of there being the "sage your shit" thing at the bottom so I'm just finally gonna come out and say it because I was also naive before. You sage your shit by putting "sage" in the email section when you make a post. ffs

No. 2051814

I think it’s one person who simply keeps posting. They posted the screen grabs too. It kinda makes them easier to notice when they are samefagging. I don’t expect much from anyone still using Neopets as a forum to be able to Google shit. They can’t even get off a webpage made for children and teens.

No. 2051921

In their defense, back when I first started posting in these threads I had no idea how to sage, and trying to search how to sage on lolcow didn't really bring up anything useful. A friend told me how.

No. 2057158

Hi Rachel. Guess you got bored didn’t you. Guessing you got kicked from another fandom or site. Only reason you come here is when you get the boot. Which one was it this time? Neo pets or discord?

No. 2057471

Shut yo ugly fat ass up nobody gives a shit about you not even your dementia ridden adopted mother

No. 2058116

Fifteen threads and Rachel is still fat and ugly and has not learned from her mistakes.

No. 2058164

Honestly she's been at this type of behavior for a decade. At this point I don't think she knows what a normal life is anymore, this has become her normal. Which is pitiful and downright sad.

No. 2058303

No, stalker child, you're the faggot. Enjoy prison.
That's what you sound like, Rachel. You sound like Patrick Tomlinson.

No. 2058338

Everybody laugh she got her posts removed

No. 2058565

she just got her ass banned from another neopets discord, lmao

No. 2058566

In the vent channel for the discord >>2058565 mentioned here she mentioned she broke up with her boyfriend and another friend died from a heart attack

How much of it is factual, idk, but she tattled on herself to the mod more or less an hour ago from this post

No. 2058585

She's known to lie about things. It was mentioned in a previous thread that she said she had a friend with cancer and farmers went to search up this friend and found out this particular friend never actually had cancer. Anything she says should really be taken with a grain of salt, since she rarely tells the truth.

No. 2058591

You neopets nonas should drop the usernames of her neopets accounts whenever she shows up. It would drive her crazy to know someone's documenting all of her bullshit. I'd try myself but I'm not versed enough on the site culture to know where to look for her.

No. 2059569

she's still active on tumblr. most active known url is wyvernicus, but ofthebones gets bursts of activity sometimes too.

there's also a bsky account with 2 followers under the wyvernicus name that might be her?

No. 2059868

File: 1732399626873.jpg (215.75 KB, 1080x999, retard alert.jpg)

Zero self awareness.

No. 2059887

You wouldn't be able to drill self awareness into her even if you gave her a lobotomy

No. 2060095

Nah not her. Just someone unfortunately that has a name she's using. They don't have the same manners she uses and following accounts that she wouldn't be into either. I don't think she will do much on blue sky since its not got a big roleplay community on it and that's what she uses those platforms for.

No. 2060312

There's a "wyvernicus" that goes by vvyvernicus on AO3 that writes almost exclusively canon x female oc fics

No. 2060315

Show screenshots? I can't seem to find them myself.

No. 2060360

File: 1732515692231.png (100.18 KB, 1673x735, ao3.png)

Boyfriend, please? You mean a 13 year old she was grooming on Discord? Rachel is a bitter virgin femcel who still plays neopets and flicks the bean to Sephiroth.

No. 2060557

I did a bit of looking into this user, their Tumblr specifically. At first glance it seemed like they just took the url "vvyvernicus" because Rachel already had "wyvernicus" on there, and they link to that first one on the AO3 profile. But I'll do some further investigation just to see if Rachel has another Tumblr. But I don't really think this is Rachel.

No. 2060564

I don't think this "wyvernicus" is Rachel, either. I checked their Tumblr, and their writing mannerisms are completely different from Rachel's kind of writing. Like the bluesky one, I think this person just unfortunately uses a name that our cow goes by. I'd consider messaging them about this, but I don't like messaging on Tumblr because I'm not on there often enough to care.

No. 2060656

Tumblr wyvernicus is Rachel. The rest are not. She also has ofthebones which is her self insert oc. I've never used tumblr so I don't know how to filter out reblogs that are pointless, I wanted to see tard rage.

No. 2060830

new twitter account:

No. 2060843

I'm wondering when she will genuinely shut the fuck up. I dug through this twitter just to verify and yeah, she's getting into worthless arguments like she usually does, and mentions neopets, giving it away it's her. And she bitches every time like "stop stalking me" like the dumbass always gives herself away by arguing with people and talking exactly as she usually does. If you're going to try and pretend to be someone new to avoid lolcow milking, at least make an actual fucking attempt.

No. 2060914

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Between this and her saying she's 115 pounds I'm gonna be entertained for weeks.

No. 2060933

Sounds like she wants to get into streaming lol. Twitch viewers can brutal as fuck

No. 2060951

I can't wait for the twitch viewers to dig up this and watch her throw a fit because she can't stream without all this coming out.

No. 2060963

She'll throw the bitch fit on stream and someone will clip it lmao

No. 2061036

It's so over for her if she uses face cam. Experiencing her ugliness in real time would be enlightening unless she plans on vtubing like the weeb she is.

No. 2061071

Similar mannerisms, and the same excuse as the Bello account in the profile. "I made this account for strictly Neopets" and then proceeds to get into arguments. She's probably going to cry when that's pointed out.

No. 2061072

I dunno. When you've blown yourself up like a lolcow and are an actual danger to children like she is, you kinda lose that right to privacy because people are going to be watching you like a hawk just to make sure you don't further groom kids

No. 2061079

Okay Rachel lol keep deluding yourself

No. 2061081

I’m calling it as I see it. The only person here deluding themselves is you, like don’t you have any actual hobbies that don’t involve trying to drive autistic people to an hero? “Oh this is her, that is her, she did this or that blah blah” then where’s the actual proof? Because all I’ve seen to date is hearsay.

No. 2061130

I mean, in past threads there has been proof of her admitting that she talks to minors about sex and how to safely do so when its not her job to do such things without their guardians consent to teach the minor such things. That is considered grooming behavior and is something that would get someone marked as a predator in a legal standpoint.

The others is harder to get since normal people wont be going around asking minors where the creepy autistic woman on the internet talked to them about touching themselves.

No. 2061152

Nonnie it's best not to talk with Rachel here. She has 15 threads proving that she'll never change for the better.

No. 2061176

Rachel you're friends with Elaine Miller who is a part of a terrorist group as classified by the literal fucking FBI that extorts minors, spreads csam, and has been connected to acts of violence. You have even encouraged her to help you go after your own enemies (her Centennialism account) because it benefitted you to do so. You can grandstand all you want but you know you're guilty. That's why you have no friends. That's why all your relationships have only been parasocial, online shit. You only see people based on how useful they are to you or if they are someone you would be sexual with. Your "activism" is performative. If someone you don't like is a minority or a protected class you will use slurs and hate speech but then cry about "muh autism." You deserve all the terrible things that happen because you created every single one of these issues for yourself.

Suffah, piggie!

No. 2061190

Rachel stop white knighting yourself. It makes you look sad because you have no friends to stick up for you because everyone else has common sense.

No. 2061193

How does it feel knowing that Chris Chan potentially got a girl pregnant before you were able to lose your virginity?

No. 2061202

Hehe how very ableist of you, Rachel.

No. 2061203

Also real funny how "someone" is WKing Rachel here while the totally not her Twitter account is active. Really gets the noggin joggin if you know what I mean. Good for you for being up early Rachel hunny.

No. 2061213

You genuinely make yourself look so pathetic every time to do this, Rachel. Who the hell wakes up at… 2 am their time to stalk their lolcow thread that was dead for a few days prior to them necro'ing their own thread?

No. 2061228

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Found a picture of Ragel out in the wild. From B.O.K. Ranch, a "therapeutic" horse riding school in the Redwood City area circa 2014. The piggy nose confirms it's our girl. Poor pony.

No. 2061231

Anon genuinely how the hell did you find this LMAO

No. 2061232

Witchcraft. Actually at some point she left a comment or reply of some sort which lead me to finding this picture of her on their fucking website. I was more interested in finding what school she supposedly works at since faculty records are public. Instead I found this gem.

No. 2061235

She doesn't actually "work" at a school, just volunteers. It was posted a few threads back, I'll go find it for you.

No. 2061242

I don't know how that's even allowed. Aren't "volunteers" supposed to be listed too? Something about the right to know who comes and goes from a child's school? If that was the case and I was a parent I'd be livid. Anyway I'm gonna post some older but funny milk from her alogging some random on facebook.

No. 2061243

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I wish I could see the other person but this entire exchange was held underneath her "coming out as polyamorous" life event

No. 2061245

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Big words for someone who does not pass the Mary Sue test

No. 2061246

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The red text is her commentary

No. 2061248

File: 1732642396417.webp (28.86 KB, 1070x570, img_3_1732641911613.jpg)

If hating other women was a sport…

No. 2061258

From a previous thread, Rachel talking weird to minors on discord
Her gross ass room
Someone found the casino she worked at
Rachel being gross in an f-list chatroom
Rachel making a shitty photoshopped image impersonating law enforcement
Sad bitch meltdowns
Defending incest (and she has siblings?!)

Nonna trust I'm still digging for you but here's some shit I gathered in the search so far

No. 2061262

She doxed someone's dead mother
Defending incest again
Rachel called a McDonald's to try and get someone fired (linked to the faildox)
Calling someone she does not like a racial slur >>2061176 proving this nonna right
Not being listed
I finally fucking found it

No. 2061263

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I want someone to shoop the picture of her on the horse but put her on a cow and then use this myspace era glitter text for a site banner but I'm not talented enough for that. Rachel has 15 fucking threads but zero banners and I want to change that.

No. 2061266

I can try my best approximation just for this. But my editing isn't that great. What are the requirements for a lolcow banner? So I know how big to make my thing?

No. 2061268

300x100 iirc
Now excuse me while I go dive in the trenches to see if I can find this bitch in any pictures on Roy Cloud social media.

No. 2061449


No. 2061461


No. 2061480

Ragepig Rachel is just the female fatrick. Enjoy prison stalker child.

No. 2061495

I will say it's nice to see Rachel having other interests outside of cats and men who would kill her without a second thought. Although the FNAF and Shadow the Hedgehog posting is incredibly autistic.

No. 2061529

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Like fucking clockwork lol

No. 2061533

Does she ever fuckin sleep

No. 2061547

Using animal abuse (feeding dogs chocolate) as a flex isn't cute. I have a feeling she's part of the "dog hate" camp. One of those spinster cat ladies. She really alogged the wolf rpers back in the day according to her Deviantart account. Was she a Warrior Cats girlie? Those books were so fucking outta pocket for no reason.

No. 2061744

If no one cares, then why are you constantly here replying that specific phrase ad nauseam lol. Seems like only you care much more than these people. You could just live your life and ignore the "haydurs" you know? Less stressful for you that way lol.

No. 2061781


Girl chill.

No. 2061797

File: 1732760194056.gif (667.5 KB, 300x100, ezgif-7-145510e85a.gif)

Thoughts?(sage your shit)

No. 2061803

Kek, it's amazing.

No. 2061807

Thank you, I'm shit at these things but I'm gonna astroturf the fuck out of Rachel in hope that the plague will spread.

No. 2061814

You hear that nonnas? Do you hear a cow mooing? Same sound all throughout.

No. 2061819

I hear a cow mooing and chewing her cud, smells terrible too. Must be the yeast.

No. 2061821

Must be from the gross carpet and leaving the Sephiroth dildo on there and using it with the expired Lush products

No. 2061827

Gang I'm beginning to have a hard time trying to figure out who's who because she's stealing typing styles now. sobbing emoji

No. 2061830

Rachel is her only WK and detractor, maybe Elaine will show up but Rachel is so unlikable that she has to pretend to be all parts of her polycule and her friends.

No. 2061833

I wonder who's she's trying to be now. Her boyfriend? Her girlfriend? Or did they breakup with her because of her tantrums

No. 2061835

Just remember Ines is happily married to Sephiroth, and she is having many children for him, inshallah.

No. 2061843

I really can't imagine an obeast like her having children, at all, it could literally kill her.

No. 2061846

Quit talking about yourself like that, Fatty Patty.(hi cowing, infighting)

No. 2061851

You wouldn't even be allowed children cause you'd diddle them, stupid(hi cowing, infighting)

No. 2061875

Thanksgiving week is really giving me thanks. Damn and I thought all I was going to have to deal with was the political arguments at the dinner table. This is much better.(blog )

No. 2062143

Bertha is having Thanksgiving with her senile parents, her crusty stuffed animals, and her imaginary friends. Not a single boyfriend or girlfriend in sight.

No. 2062197

File: 1732835603028.png (767.95 KB, 1080x1067, 1000010783.png)

Happy turkey day nonnas, I'm here to share some funny irony of Rachel retweeting this, despite being an ugly person with no personality who is a transphobe

No. 2062322

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I find this amusing considering how she insisted for the longest time she was being deadnamed.

No. 2062336

She's going to cry that we're misgendering her now too. Just wait lmao

No. 2062339

KEKKKKK This obese heifer is still mooing! Lmao at >>2062282 in particular hahaha you thought >>2061835 was really claiming Ines is married to Sephiroth??? My sides are in orbit around Mercury… Fuuuck this year I'm thankful for retards on LCF

No. 2062364

File: 1732852961518.png (1.14 MB, 1080x554, 1000010787.png)

I love how she keeps piling onto the irony. Trying to retweet this in understanding when she'd use any racist or transphobic slur under the sun if the person she hates is a minority.

No. 2062419

She's already used slurs in this thread but a majority of them were swept by the jannies.

No. 2062826

It’s good to know she’s reliable in that sense and have some entertainment lol

No. 2063576

For someone who is ant racisim and slur she uses them a lot. If you don't use them ever they wouldn't be in your vocabulary. I would hate to be around her in person if she lives in a environment that uses slurs casually like she does here and twitter.

No. 2063607

Being a Jew and autistic is her get of jail card. So I wouldn't be surprised if people enabled her bullshit

No. 2063635

Don't forget she'll also claim native heritage despite being default white

No. 2063641

She also claimed to be a black transwoman at one point.

No. 2063646

Nobody asked you, faggot. Thousands of native people are white passing.

No. 2063647

Nobody cares. Kill yourself.

No. 2063648

>>2063607 She's never going to be imprisoned bc she did nothing wrong. Seethe.

No. 2063650

Nobody cares.

No. 2063651

Nobody cares what you think.

No. 2063652

Nobody cares what you think. Kill yourself.

No. 2063654


did it never occur to you that that isn't even her account retard

No. 2063655

>>2062339 only obese heifer mooing here is you you fat faggot. Kill yourself

No. 2063657

Nobody cares. Get a hobby.

No. 2063658

Nobody cares. Kill yourself.

No. 2063659

Nobody cares what you think. Kill yourself, faggot.

No. 2063660

She had it with her family, her harem, her family friends, and her kids. And you had it alone, faggot. Kill yourself.

No. 2063661

Too late. She already has two. Kill yourself.

No. 2063662

Nobody cares what you think, faggot. Kill yourself.

No. 2063665


Too late. She already has two. Nobody cares what you think. Kill yourself.

No. 2063666

Nobody cares what you think.

No. 2063667

Nobody cares what you think, faggot.

No. 2063668


Nobody cares what you think, faggot. Kill yourself.

No. 2063669

This is either
1. Her as a child
2. A random ass child you found who unfortunately looks like her

but no matter how you twist it that's still a photo of a minor you do not have permission to use, and that's actually pretty fucked up anon.

No. 2063670

"Volunteers" no she is legit faculty

No. 2063707

You must be autistic as fuck because understanding idioms and figures of speech is clearly hard for you to grasp lol. All you need to know is that defending yourself is just going to make the thread count go up.

No. 2063708

Google is free by the way if that kind of thing is too hard for you to understand. It'll make your room temperature IQ go up a point or two.

No. 2063721

It's from 2014 where she'd be an adult, 20 yrs old at least. Cope and seethe.
Again, source?

No. 2063737

No. 2063740

"get a hobby" says the cow, necro'ing her own lolcow thread. This thread was fairly silent before you came pissing and shitting in here.

No. 2063749

Would just like to confirm that >>2063721 is not the wk who is obviously the fattest of the patties, just a nonna trying to keep the wks accountable by telling them that Rachel is an adult in her horse riding picture and asking for a source on the declaration that Rachel apparently has two kids.
Because cats don't count as kids.

No. 2063750

My b, sorry nonna.

No. 2063879

So I'm like 80% sure I found at least one of Rachel's accounts associated with a zoophilia site. Still trying to narrow down the details to confirm a match considering it's a site that is no longer up and running, so I'm leaving some room for doubt. But considering her hentai history and her whole proclaiming she wanted to fuck dinosaurs, it would just confirm what she screams up and down isn't true.

No. 2063895

I looked up the San Mateo and the State. Of California adoption pages and I don’t think she’d be eligible for any kind because it seems like she doesn’t fit any of the requirements. There’s no way they’d let someone with her kind of issues would be able to have a kid. Unless she kidnapped them or something lol.

No. 2063979

Drop the lore

No. 2064914

Interesting that Rachel suddenly got real quite when someone said they had found ties to a zoophile site.

No. 2064948

File: 1733368995497.png (547.17 KB, 1080x505, 1000010832.png)

That's ironic

No. 2064966

She defended Tim Win at one point

No. 2065317

Also non, if it's yzrch or whatever, it's likely her. It was mentioned here, or something pertaining to a subject matter similar. >>1783176

No. 2065612

It wasn't tentacle rape stuff, it was actual real life zoo shit. I saw her name pop up but I'm trying to narrow it down since there were a few databases leaked. Beastforum, Zooville, Bestialitysextaboo. It's been hard finding raw leak data that isn't behind paywalls. So my search continues to confirm it.

No. 2065620

I know there's a way to remove paywalls on certain articles and such with inspect element, I wonder if you can do the same on these sites.

No. 2065858

Not ironic considering she's worked with the FBI and NCMEC reporting illegal content.

No. 2065859

It's called having a life, not something you'd be familiar with.

No. 2065860

Yzrch isn't even a unique username, there's multiple hits in several countries including Japan, Poland, and Argentina.

No. 2065861

That's not your business or for you to judge now is it?

No. 2065862

Where's the proof then? Who fucking cares? Dinosaurs aren't real anyhow.

No. 2065863

"issues" no police record, full time job, own house. what're they gonna do, force her to have an abortion?

No. 2065864

Nobody cares. Kill yourself.

No. 2065865

Wrong. It was posted on the site in 2014, doesn't mean the picture was taken in 2014. Check the metadata.You are still posting pictures of a random ass child you have no permission to share. Let me remind you this website is under investigation by the FBI and other government agencies for posting child porn.

No. 2065866

Nobody cares. She did nothing wrong. Kill yourself.

No. 2065868

She's clearly smarter than you if you're trying to recycle her own insult.

No. 2065887

"get a life" says the hog spamming her thread because she doesn't have one

No. 2065888

Your mom should've had an abortion with you tbh

No. 2066282

Big talk coming from someone who posted about wanting to rape a newborn. Remember that incident?
ChEcK tHe MeTaDaTa, ok horse fucker lmao

No. 2066341

Says the bitch who posted pictures of someone's newborn child saying you wanted to sell it on the black market because this person called you out for being a piece of shit (and they didn't want to roleplay with you)

No. 2066368

Man of all the claims you can make this one is ALWAYS the most retarded one that outs you. Fucking nasty zoophile trying so hard to rationalize your attraction. Bet the reason why you don't ride horses anymore is because you got caught molesting one and then like Chris Chan and his mom they deemed you too retarded to be held accountable so they just kicked you out instead of pressing charges.

No. 2070613

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When the fuck did this happen LOL

No. 2070615

Samefag but like, genuinely. Honestly I'm not surprised, since this thread has been dead for two weeks until I decided to check the twitter, only to see it's been suspended. Good riddance, she probably got caught grooming kids and getting into too many arguments and saying too many reportable things.

I was mostly curious about her lack of online activity. Normally she would come to the threads to rant and rave if an account had been suspended, since lolcow would be the only place left for her to post to. Not even her aniroleplay has been active. It's last activity was in November, it's like she logs in once a month.

No. 2070621

File: 1734902934809.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1080, 1000010957.png)

I found my answer. She seemed to have went back to pepseethe

No. 2070622

File: 1734903082888.png (142.22 KB, 1080x850, 1000010958.png)

What I can gather is that she posted something on the utsoku account, someone replied, but because the other account got suspended she moved back to pepseethe. I checked who she was replying to and that seems to be the case.

No. 2070623

Anyways, there's a lot of milk on the pepseethe account if other nonnas wanna go digging. Shit's funny as fuck

No. 2079031

File: 1737153362281.png (354.69 KB, 764x631, Screenshot 2025-01-17 163517.p…)

Dead thread, but I found another tumblr.

No. 2088882

Sucks to be Rachel, single and lonely on yet another Valentine's Day. 31 and still a virgin.

No. 2089387

No sympathy for this bitch or anything, but I hope she does actually manage to get help and stay far away from any roleplaying communities, or fandom spaces. It seems she has been for a while, given the lack of activity on any of the "active" twitters, no popping up in her threads (could be IP banned?), and recently just logging into her aniroleplay today. Like, just move on from this, make a new name for yourself, and stop being a fucking creep.

No. 2090732

Especially with her friend Elaine Miller getting involved in 764 and com, I wouldn't have been surprised if Rachel was exposed to that, and some anons have said as much. They would have attempted to groom her because she's exactly the kind of person those weirdos would want to prey on. Naught was trying it when Rachel was on Onionfarms, and now he's also involved in 764. I don't have any sympathy for her either but she latches onto anyone who gives her attention and would likely go to great lengths if someone she was seeking validation from asked her. I sincerely hope she's cut ties and moved on.

No. 2090740

The centenilism whatever account on twitter did go private a while back, and Rachel still seems to be following on her pepseethe. So who knows if Rachel is still in contact with Elaine. She probably is, if anything, out of fear of what could happen to her. I don't really know much of Elaine, but she seems like the type to leak anything that Rachel said to paint her negatively at a moment's notice. But it's already too late for Rachel cause everyone knows how deplorable she is. There's 15 fucking lolcow threads documenting her.

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