File: 1653153804942.png (446.96 KB, 1000x400, RachelThread7.png)

No. 1535186
Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin, 28, of Emerald Hills, CA, is an insane Sephiroth shipper who has been terrorizing the Final Fantasy and several other fandoms for years. So far so good, but what makes Rachel and interesting cow? The sheer
level of her activity, for one. She will relentlessly harass roleplayers who do not engage with her (because she is a poor roleplayer who wants only her specifically autistic scenarios), but this only scratches the surface.
She's also gotten caught repeatedly having
problematic (to say the least) sexualized interactions with minors. She's tried to defend this as "sex ed" delivered over Discord and when this didn't work said she will keep doing it because it pisses her off. In the past 2 weeks she has posted both gore and actual pornography to minors she has been slapfighting with on Twitter (bad enough in itself) and that's what she's been doing in
How did a lolcow of this magnitude come to the attention of (both) farms? She had a very dead /snow/ thread and managed to get it bumped by coming into the lolcord and demanding it be taken down in the most shrill and obnoxious manner possible, to the point where anons there believed her to be a troll and a man besides. She proved them all wrong by sending her own ID, saving the trouble of doxing her. She's been averaging a new thread every week or so since and an active one on Kiwi Farms as well: the real news is the Lolcow Uprising. Alert nonnas since the first thread were noticing that Rachel's rhetoric about "Ines" (a random girl in Montreal who got dragged into drama by Elaine who falsely claims her to be our former admin) matched that of her fellow lolcow, as well as her sperging about Spooky Bones (kiwi who made her Kiwi thread, hated by Angry Canadian.) Evidence eventually tumbled out in thread #4 that she was involved in serious gayops with Elaine (who was pointing her at Ines), Naught (an open pedophile and admin of Onion Farms), a tranny named Blaine (or Ross or Erika or UnabashedHermaphrodite) and, last but not least, a real piece of work named Michael Robert Thrulow (Angry Canadian). There is not space enough to document everything about him but his arrests for domestic violence and child neglect, open and unironic Nazism, and predilection for degenerate porn including lolicon, were all exposed by the Kiwis after Michael didn't know when to stop antagonizing them. He's presently switched to antagonizing us on the other Farms which will probably work out as well for him.
Older Milk:
> posts obsessively on LCF claiming to be various other people WKing her > alleges they are part of her polyamorous relationship of 5 guys and 2 girls, at best they are her fellow lolcows, probably all her > banned repeatedly from Twitter and various Sephiroth-coomer Discords, makes socks like it's going out of style, still obviously her> threatens to stop eating unless she is unbanned from Discords> insists to everyone who blocks her she is "not going away"> claims to be in a polyamorous relationship with 5 guys and 2 girls; no evidence these people exists> undeniably fat with a BMI of 37.4; delusionally claims to be 140lbs, calls others "fatty patty"> graphically talks about her vagina, which from her level of knowledge about actual sex has probably never been penetrated by an actual penis> spams the inbox of any Sephiroth roleplayer and resorts to threats when they won't comply> wants to RP sexual situations with underage characters> has online contact with actual minors and likes to chat them up about sex allegedly in the name of "Sex Ed"> has a disturbing obsession with Bad Dragon and similar exotic animal/fantasy dildos> repeatedly denies being a pedo or zoophile even when nobody is asking, "the lady doth protest too much"> harassed a cat blog about how DDLG fetish is awesome and valid because the cat blog made a one-off comment about it making her uncomfortble> believes everyones Ines (who doesn't know that she exists) or Spooky Bones (who did make her thread on KF but probably would forget about her too if she shut up about it)> tries to take a SJWish high road but will call people nigger> posts about sexwork positivity and pro-tranny handmaiden stuff; calls us TERFs like it's a major insult> posted a picture of the newborn baby of one of her enemies saying she wants to sell it on the dark web> posted gore and death threats to obvious minors on Twitter> showed up in the Encyclopedia Dramatica discord with Elaine and proceeded to get made fun of by everyone in the server> went on her usual spergfest which resulted in all 3 of her accounts being banned from the EDD server and her reporting users, admins and the server to discord which resulted in a couple of bans> got additional Twitter accounts banned, currently @KILLINGJOKE> tried to LARP as a Japanese ESL person, failed hilariouislyThe Lolcow Uprising
> 13 May 2022 … anon rolls the devil's trips >>1527666 and shows receipts of Rachel sperging out in Discord, thinks she is talking her usual melange of schizo nonsense when she refers to anti-Semites and pedos> (presumably a kiwi farming) anon notices that for the first time we know of Rachel is actually right, she's talking about and later with Michael "Angry Canadian" Thurlow who is pretending to be Sephiroth but forgot to change his Discord status away from "currenty beating up women and Heiling Hitler in a cute tutu with cunny"> Thurlow is an actually dangerous person w/domestic violence and child abuse arrests, open and unironic Nazi, into degenerate porn, crossdressing, and playing weird psychological games with people online> bonus appearance by Naught (another banned Kiwi, admin of OnionFarms, open pedophile, doxes people with Michael with whom he shares a fixation on lolicon)> Rachel also makes references to "David [Gross]", who is someone that Michael was trying to pretend was the guy behind his accounts with degenerate shit on them, but Michael was too dumb to cover his tracks properly> a tangled web of pure autism shakes out, it turns out that Elaine, Michael, Naught, and a tranny named Ross/Erika have been chatting with Rachel for God knows how long and pointing her at their enemies> Blaine/Ross/Erika/UnabashedHermaphrodite came to deliver milk after falling out with the other cows (they were all hanging out on a Discord together where presumably they bond over bitching about their threads even though Michael was somehow involved in doxing Blaine, who tf knows) … anyway he, Elaine and Naught had been trying to keep Rachel out of trouble but Michael has been insisting on trolling her> Hermie (let's call him) is a legitimate schizophrenic who showed up on KF during the Bella saga to try to fuck with the narrative and accuse a "clan" of underage Roblox players of being a front for child trafficking, but he's back on his meds and way calmer> Naught by the way was involved in the "Watchmen" trolling group which manipulated Chris-chan by playing into his delusions, allegedly for Chris's benefit. we all know how that turned out. the Watchmen had an ugly breakup and Naught lost control of Chris to a psycho named Sean who wanted to manipulate Chris into killing himself, all of which can be read about on Kiwi Farms and elsewhere but it is very autistic> Michael's pattern is to seduce vulnerable women online and abuse them, in addition to Elaine he got nudes off two women from Kiwi Farms and leaked one of them in a blackmail scheme, he also has an alleged "wife", who has spoken of him beating her up, who he found up online, has also been in touch with Bella Janke> these people have been pointing Rachel at their own enemies (or imagined enemies) since her thread kicked off, for reasons that really have nothing to do with Rachel, but they are all sickos who get off on manipulating people online and saw an opportunity to stir the pot> Angry Canadian showed up towards the end of last thread to sperg and try pathetic damage control and trying to blame Spooky Bones> The tranny Blaine also showed up dropping off milk on whatever was going on between the various lolcows in their DiscordOther new milk
> got in a slapfight with minors on Twitter, who told her to lay off because they were kids, she retaliated by linking them to pornography> after having shown all her knowledge about heterosexual sex comes from porn, demonstrated the same about lesbian sex with unrealistic talk about "scissoring"> still at it harassing roleplayers and demanding they enact her highly specific fantasies including sephiroth/aerith ageplay> still sperging out with her telltale claims about our "perception of her weight" > spammed the thread with walls of "W"s presumably trying to say she had a Win, lol> anons posted memes about Ines and Sephiroth getting married, she says "Sephiroth doesn't exist" like it's a W over Ines> her college essays were found showing her to be a pickme and defender of misogynists> tried to flirt with some Twitter random on the basis of a pic she took of herself as a 13yo> still thinks there are only 3-4 people in her LCF thread and repeats Elaine's bullshit about the site and admin> posted horifically filtered pics of herself, anons did a better job of making her look cute a few threads ago> telling everyone about how she will have a baby now to own the haters> was quiet for a day or two and came back losing her shit along with her Nazi Canadian playpal right now Thread #1:
>>>/snow/1095830Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1485119Thread #3:
>>>/snow/1497013Thread #4:
>>>/snow/1508548Thread #5:
>>>/snow/1518588Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1529219 No. 1535228
>>1535219LOL his fat wife manages to come off pretty a lot of the time when she has filters and myspace angles but she is moon faced and like 6" and ginormous. i'm not gonna link it but the kiwis also found a porno she was in, the pure aRyAn goddess that she is. the other women we know of him interacting with are some crackhead who had to give up his kids and two terminally online kiwi thots who could be considered kind of cute if not for the terminal levels of personality disorders present
Rachel is perfect
No. 1535231
File: 1653156288249.jpg (85.25 KB, 835x477, fas and fat.jpg)

>>1535228samefag forgot pic
No. 1535242
Samefag as
>>1535225, to clarify, I meant Blaine from the looks AC became far bigger. Rachel can't ever calm down so I doubt she can secure any W, her best chance slipped through her hands back when Blaine first gave the reciepts.
No. 1535303
File: 1653160071909.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1200x720, rach.png)

idk what happened to the quality but here my late fanart contribution
No. 1535306
File: 1653160245109.jpg (60.87 KB, 1020x358, 20220521_150751.jpg)

lol michael you better go get your story straight with Rachel before she tries to throw you under the bus
No. 1535314
File: 1653160751363.jpg (15.5 KB, 570x118, rules.jpg)

>>1535279lol Michael doesn't even qualify for a thread here and is thus only relevant because of Rachel. he only has a Kiwi thread because he pissed them off so bad.
imagine not even being the cow, nonnas. imagine not even being the cow.
No. 1535319
>>1535306samefag as
>>1535314Sorry but lol a fake spookybones on twitter again this guy really needs to improve his repertoire, the real one has not used the name or pfp since November or on sites other than KF. What a retard, every gayop he's tried has gotten blown up by his own incompetence and the good old Dunning-Kreuger.
No. 1535323
File: 1653161180094.png (4.59 KB, 597x365, Reborn Rose.png)

>>1535319It's the tranny, uses the "Reborn Rose" name elsewhere.
No. 1535328
File: 1653161254228.png (137.61 KB, 581x388, Reborn Rose.png)

>>1535323samefag,sorry,dropped pic (anyone else having this problem?)
No. 1535354
>>1535222what the fuck is this vomit color
leftover faggotry from previous thread:
>>1535108she’s not your chris-chan bro. you have the actual chris-chan for that
No. 1535379
File: 1653163199792.png (102.92 KB, 332x195, fattypatty_cady.png)

>>1535370respecting the fact that some of it may be bored anons and/or the other cows I think it is cope on her part to try and convince herself that the only thing we are getting on her case on is being fat and if she keeps saying she's not she won't be whereas it's like the least interesting thing about her
No. 1535380
File: 1653163212609.png (63.25 KB, 720x328, Screenshot_20220521-145827~2.p…)

>>1535374No she's talking to me and here ignoring my advice, if that's her best life then she really is the news Chris Chan.
(5.3 Do not brag about or announce having personal contact or interactions with a cow.) No. 1535389
File: 1653163693440.png (79.97 KB, 464x480, kissmybunnyass.png)

LOL she's out there on Twitter desperately looking for friends naive enough to not go thorugh her post history. Allies for the fight against Ines and Spookybones perhaps now that her Nazi bf didn't work out?
No. 1535392
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Hey look, Rachel expressing urges for beastiality in public.
No. 1535393
File: 1653164020952.png (33.01 KB, 464x195, ofcourse.png)

Of course she's a johnnyfag
No. 1535395
File: 1653164082608.jpeg (147.43 KB, 750x854, A5A6F275-5BEF-4318-AB47-781C34…)

Kind of rich of you to be retweeting this shit Rachel when last night you assumed a minor was an adult and kept spamming them with porn you pedophile.
You’re not attracted to children if we go by your words, but you sure are attracted to the idea of being able to have a power play over children you cow.
No. 1535399
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>>1535396Proving you wrong is like playing tball lmfao
No. 1535416
File: 1653165512579.jpeg (343.72 KB, 750x742, B73E7072-F461-4B31-B515-C05135…)

>>1535399she’s obviously not going to fuck her cat. you’re reaching. you seriously can’t be that retarded. the only person you’re playing is yourself by making all these broad statements. that’s exactly how you came up with the delusion that she’s a pedo.
No. 1535421
File: 1653165680800.jpeg (134.81 KB, 750x664, 718C378E-AAF4-4F60-84AD-812206…)

>>1535399Good going retard. Covering up the whole truth, lying, omitting information or avoiding context as usual.
No. 1535422
>>1535416Screenshots from your previous thread and KF beg to differ you pedophile
Oh and your hair is dry as fuck lol. Shampoo, conditioner and hibiscus water?
No. 1535427
>>1535422ain’t my thread. screenshots from the previous thread and the KF thread don’t beg to differ, you aren’t a credible source and KF gets all its information from you.
you barely ever have proof of anything. you primarily assume, and you assume the worst. it’s pathetic, and beyond that it’s plain ugly.
No. 1535428
>>1535426>She's not hereNow how would you know for certain?
C'mon Rancid Rachet Rachel, do better.
No. 1535429
>>1535427It's FAKE NEWS according to Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin.
By the way, Null isn't going to delete your thread.
No. 1535432
>>1535422you assumed she was a pedophile. you assumed she was a zoophile. you assumed she has no romantic partners. you assumed she had no friends. you assumed she had no hair. you assumed she was fat. you assumed she shits herself.
you are a house of cards held together by nothing but assumptions. go back to giving the tranny attention whore attention or something idc
No. 1535438
File: 1653166327884.jpeg (52.58 KB, 184x275, 1652936324409.jpeg)

>>1535432Somehow I think praising the tranny in your own thread would just make you more upset.
She looks pretty fat to me, and are you the headmate that admitted she shat herself? I can't keep how many people are inside her flabby head.
No. 1535439
File: 1653166336085.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.14 MB, 2950x3567, Clownworld.jpg)

>>1535432The only one refuting it is you. Evertone else sees what you are as clear as day. You can't even provide proof of these relationships you have. You can't even provide the bare minimum.
Also, your KF thread has had 33,000 hits. Dunno Rachel, you sure seem confident about something you can't even provide evidence for.
Picrel it's from the previous thread, someone flexing on you lmao
No. 1535446
>>1535438that isn’t even her and you know it. she isn’t schizophrenic and doesn’t have any kind of multiple personality disorder.
in the words of another anon from last thread, one of the faggiest parts of this series of threads is that you think everyone is her.
No. 1535448
>>1535441I didn't say it was a good example.
At least it's proof lmao
Even fatties are out there getting it while Rachel is at home pretending on the internet.
No. 1535463
>>1535461Or her "friends" who post here, one posted "dick pics" here, but they're too ashamed to even post themselves with Rachel or a hint that Rachel isn't working alone lol
Fat hand still has the upper hand here, Rachel. Because those are two different hands in that pic.
No. 1535469
>>1535463You just said she was working with Elaine, Naught, and Michael earlier. Of course she isn’t working alone. Which is it?
That still means nothing, as she could have literally picked any bum off the street and offered him a fiver or a bump of coke off her tits to take that picture with him. Unless they show us a marriage license with time and date stamps.
No. 1535480
>>1535472I don’t buy into the idea she’s been here if
>>1535374 is to be believed.
No. 1535495
File: 1653169466730.png (904.46 KB, 828x800, 1649288397840.png)

Nobody is simping for this.
No. 1535497
File: 1653169624259.png (245.26 KB, 1075x533, WeStandOnGuardForThee.png)

>>1535495counterpoint, nonna
No. 1535498
>>1535472if they were it would be for far less retarded things than she wks herself for
>>1535480youve got to be joking berchel
No. 1535500
>>1535497Mikey is ashamed at himself for wanting to plow a shit-covered heifer, attempted to troll and failed. However he's really into the humiliation aspect so he keeps coming back.
It isn't her face he's in love with, it's the concept of Rachel. He'd ask her to wear a paper pag with the words "Spooky Bones" or "Blaine" written on it if they fucked.
No. 1535544
>>1535490The perk of having your own thread is the ability to openly cowtip if they come to you.
>>1535492Most of the bans are for openly namefagging and the ban messages are usually worth finding the old IP I was on. Thank you for using my preferred pronouns though you really don't have to.
No. 1535547
>>1535544lol that fucked me up to but more like 'her' is Rachel in
>>1535492 as she's the one with fandom vendetta chans
No. 1535556
File: 1653174711879.png (148.02 KB, 520x434, F8F32DDF-21C7-42EE-9520-C24E9B…)

>>1535526I looked it up in the previous threads. She never admitted to shitting herself. You jumped on the stupid assumption wagon. I could just as easily say it was a “he who smelt it dealt it” thing.
No. 1535574
File: 1653176368511.png (28.42 KB, 583x269, sussybaka.png)

Here we have rachel pretending to not be rachel
No. 1535579
File: 1653176792202.png (115.29 KB, 720x596, Screenshot_20220521-184446~2.p…)

Hasn't been there since thread two, I just have these screen caps from it somehow.
Not only are your lies pathetic but you constantly prove them wrong with your own sperging. Just like Chris Chan.
No. 1535583
>>1535558>>1535573I don’t think that was her. Someone get a farmhand to double check.
>>1535575Right, so confirmed that she doesn’t shit herself.
This is probably the tranny posting on
>>1535575 No. 1535587
>>1535586>>1535584Right. So she doesn’t shit herself, it’s just Blaine trying to say she does.
Who was the anon saying that the “poop study” the other anon posted wasn’t scholarly several threads ago? Saying that the numbers and statistics didn’t add up?
That owo thing they posted mocking the tranny was funny. I almost spat out my drink reading it the first time.
No. 1535591
>>1535589She works for a living. She’s clearly not lazy.
>>1535588Not everyone is her, tranny.
No. 1535593
>>1535591Like I don’t even know how this garbage rumor started. What a mess.
She works full time, so she’s not lazy. She’s very fastidious about her hygiene from what you’ve posted. Enjoys taking showers and baths. I think this is Blaine trying to draw away from the fact they have a leaky sphincter.
No. 1535599
>>1535591>>1535593She said she barely worked and still made "over 100k" a year.
If she worked full time AND spent as much time as she does posting, well into the night even, and sees her totally real boyfriends and girlfriends, there's no time for self care. Of course we know she's faked a considerable amount about herself.
She also doesn't work a physically intensive job, she's a glorified cashier. A lazy person's job.
But Rachel, if that's you it isn't doing you any favors.
No. 1535611
>>1535605>>1535609>>1535610wow that did not take long
>>1535608same i did not expect her to chimp out that quick
No. 1535616
File: 1653180539756.jpg (89.24 KB, 579x800, Unity Mitford 2.jpg)

Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin, adopted into a (Belarusian by the sound of it) Jewish family, still hasn't really disavowed the Nazi Michael Robert Thurlow. Not really. She needs to drop DMs for that.
No. 1535626
>>1535620You know, if she hadn't spent days sperging in very Rachel-coded (kek sorry I couldn't resist) ways, some of the vile stuff from @KlLLINGJOKE (K-
one-LL…) might've struck me as having been from other members of the Lolcow Polycule (Elaine does love the Joker) so it is not impossible that they were involved but the fact that Rachel is trying to pin this bullshit on "farmers" is just further proof that it's her losing her mind on the bird app. I'm still astounded she's held on to these accounts as long as she has.
No. 1535630
>>1535625How do you know for certain, totally random anon? How do you know she isn't here? How do you know she isn't just saying one thing and doing another?
No. 1535637
>>1535628Rachel are you mad cause you had a huge crush on me and asked me for nudes when we first met and I told you no?
Or are you mad cause you shit your pants?
No. 1535638
File: 1653181561249.jpeg (196.03 KB, 1080x1074, EF386DC1-7C3B-48BA-AE96-BF7ACC…)

>>1535620She’s said she isn’t attracted to children or animals though. I think that’s enough at this point given how “reputable” and “accurate” threads tend to be.
No. 1535643
File: 1653181719713.png (280.76 KB, 725x499, berthaspoiler.png)

true and honest photograph of bertha meeting sephiroth
No. 1535646
>>1535640Working as a "diversity hire" because she's incapable and too lazy to do anything else, living with her parents, having no skills beyond a pity degree from a community college, spending hours each day flicking the bean to a cartoon character??
Blessed life.
No. 1535648
File: 1653181957957.gif (696.74 KB, 444x250, 7AD5EE09-D6B7-4CDB-A1CE-2051E2…)

>>1535641Yeahhhh no. She’s 98% likely to be not lying when she says she’s only 140 pounds.
No. 1535653
>>1535646even a “pity” degree from a community college is better than no degree. A community college degree is just as valuable as a degree from an ivy league.
she probably wasn’t a “diversity hire” given her “disability”isn’t visible.
No. 1535659
>A community college degree is just as valuable as a degree from an ivy league.Rachel this is definitely you, there's no one else as stupid.
No. 1535663
>>1535653I'm sorry what? In what universe is a community college degree just as valuable as an ivy league…?
Ivy leagues are usually are a different breed.
Did your mommy hand hold you and tell you that because "mean people" from the internet were telling you the truth because you don't actually have any real palatable skills to be working in a 9-5 that makes the 100k
No. 1535672
>>1535666The devil's trips once more!
Inshallah, she will be single forever.
No. 1535673
File: 1653183328693.jpg (100.85 KB, 1338x1338, Diane Leeds PFP.jpg)

Reminder that that her mother is wearing this PFP on Facebook while she is e-consorting with e-Nazis.
No. 1535677
>>1535673Have a feeling her mom was the one that taught her that she was better than minorities because she's white and Jewish lol
That's the energy of San Fran white people.
No. 1535678
>>1535664Yeahhhh no. It’s been established at this point that it’s only Blaine with the leaky sphincter due to how much dick he takes up the ass.
>>1535672She isn’t single though. So much for Islam being a “religion of peace” if you’re just going to hope in your drug addled peabrain that she remains single. She’s living the life you wish you had.
>>1535666Nobody’s paying for that because she doesn’t need the money since she makes nearly 100,000 a year.
>>1535663In this universe. A community college degree is worth the same amount as an Ivy League one. The only difference is that an Ivy League costs a stupid amount more, and if you deny it you’re deluding yourself into the ideal that Ivy League is somehow better. You’re getting the exact same education from a community college as you are an Ivy League.
I’m not working a 100k job, because I’m not her, faggot.
No. 1535685
File: 1653184129821.jpg (59.95 KB, 696x496, clusters.jpg)

clusters, you say?
No. 1535703
>>1535608dont worry about it she was already broken
>>1535633right and she posts screenshots from here and kf why then?
>>1535648god your boomer ass gifs and reaction images give you away every time
No. 1535716
>>1535679Ope, he admitted it.
Just too bad she has sex too and you’re jealous.
No. 1535724
File: 1653185810836.jpg (135.84 KB, 1080x1059, Screenshot_20220219-231500_Ins…)

>>1535716I may be jealous of a lot of women, but I'm not jealous of the walking yeast infection that is Rachel.
No. 1535744
>>1535672 lmao
Nobody tell her
No. 1535750
File: 1653187205290.gif (444.2 KB, 200x202, 7B339BB3-586D-4EAF-ADD5-CE0138…)

>>1535705What the actual fuck Blaine you degenerate faggot. She is by far less disgusting than you. Do us all a favor and go catch AIDS.
No. 1535755
>>1535750No reading comprehension, check.
Boomer gif, check.
Bad comeback, check.
Calling yourself disgusting is new though Rachel, nice job.
No. 1535757
File: 1653187503278.jpeg (29.16 KB, 275x183, A9D93D30-1665-45AD-8E06-CCEBD4…)

>>1535755what constitutes a boomer gif?
oh right nothing because you only understand fractals as memes
No. 1535759
>>1535756Why would I need another hole? The prostate is perfectly fine, that's right in the bum. Have you heard of a bidet? It's a glorious thing that you should really try out one day.
>>1535757Hi again Rachel, this is some of your most schizophrenic spaghetti yet. Keep going please!
(scrote) No. 1535770
>>1535766You do have schizophrenia. I’ve seen it. I’m pretty sure your KF thread says you’re literally diagnosed with it. Can’t be arsed to check.
I’m just a farmer. To accuse a complete stranger on an anonymous image board of having a mental illness you do is ludicrous.
No. 1535778
>>1535768Rachel you fat lard you're the only one who spergs 'ShEs NoT hErE.'
Go become schmaltz or something, you fat fuck.
No. 1535787
>>1535785Elaine has indicated that Rachel contacted her first and not the other way around.
So I really wonder just how deep Michael's involvement runs.
No. 1535795
>>1535791awh, sweetie.
its always projection with you, isnt it?
No. 1535818
File: 1653191664334.png (194.2 KB, 720x1276, Screenshot_20220521-225255~2.p…)

>>1535797M. Night Shamacow of a twist.
No. 1535823
File: 1653192573672.jpeg (127.9 KB, 750x1032, 5A34EF0C-5DAD-42AF-BB24-9C2C4C…)

In milk news, Rachel is harassing the minor again because they made this.
No. 1535827
File: 1653192973520.png (306.54 KB, 1150x1066, racchelcantread.png)

>>1535791>sHe'S nOt HeRe!Rachel, the "NEXT!' meme died actual years ago.
No. 1535832
File: 1653193347511.png (54.95 KB, 720x256, Screenshot_20220521-231945~2.p…)

You're a schizophrenic, psychopathic sex criminal Rachel. Leave the minor alone.
No. 1535839
File: 1653194355299.jpg (807.09 KB, 809x2354, Crybabymike.jpg)

Michael is pathetic lmao
He's trying so hard to act like he isn't upset about being banned from KF.
No. 1535843
File: 1653194761745.jpg (561.39 KB, 1074x1364, fatmaldingbertha.jpg)

"She's not here" but Onionfarms
No. 1535846
File: 1653195889542.jpeg (107.61 KB, 750x974, BE9987BB-5B70-4ED8-AB51-62FB2C…)

Not gonna lie, if the kid’s specialty is in caricature art, they could probably do somehing with it. They’re making Rachel chimp out hard lol.
No. 1535848
File: 1653195984832.jpg (1.03 MB, 807x4820, harassingminors.jpg)

>>1535846The thread for that image is a riot lol
No. 1535854
>>1535848TFW one day we are all gonna get robbed of content by a law enforcement agency. I'll be looking for her on court dockets when she stops sperging online.
'Till then, her getting clowned on and eviscerated by little children will never not be kino.
No. 1535890
File: 1653202487635.png (44.83 KB, 720x118, Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 1.53…)

for posterity or whatever
No. 1535899
>>1535894I disagree, nonna. This is good content.
> I haven't paid much attention to the LCF threads since like a month ago, but recently it's been brought to my attention that tongues have been wagging and rumors flying, boundaries being crossed. I'm gonna clear some shit up.
>1. Hygiene.This is the only hoard of ANYTHING I keep under my bed. This is all soap, lotion, bath bombs, shower jelly, shower gel, body scrubs, hand cream, bubble bath, whatever from Bath and Body Works and LUSH Cosmetics. Besides that, I only sometimes collect Rubba Ducks. Family tradition.
>This is as it appeared before I moved to my new house with my boyfriend. This isn't even all of it, as I still had things I bought the day before that I needed to put away, as well as lip balm and many other things in "overflow" drawers. Part of it gets used every single day, in my soap dish, in my shower, in my bathtub, on my vanity. I shower every day and wash my hair every other day with Viori shampoo and conditioner, dry it with cold air, then apply hibiscus oil. It isn't treated with chemicals or heat at any point. My hair is my pride and joy, healthy and long, and shines like bronze in the sun. I haven't had acne for roughly 10 years at this point. Shaving your body hair at the behest of men who "wouldn't fuck you otherwise" is stupid. I don't care if you wouldn't fuck me, there's a good chance you're an incel and a 110% chance I wouldn't fuck you either. Sour grapes on your part. Body hair prevents chafing and skin infections.
>There will always be a kindhearted Chad willing to fuck me and love me whether you like it or not.And it goes on.
No. 1535904
File: 1653204579145.png (33.81 KB, 765x236, welcome_to_the_sisterhood.png)

"transgender attention whore"
kek, remember when we were TERFs?
No. 1535911
File: 1653205071517.png (187.71 KB, 493x354, kindhearted chad.png)

No. 1535955
File: 1653210437518.png (509.62 KB, 372x627, lol fat.png)

>>1535904kek, is her "husband" really calling women fat now?
No. 1535969
>>1535957Samantha (picrel
>>1535955) has him blocked? I'm going to need receipts on that. Or is this Rachel making it about her when for once it isn't?
No. 1535972
>>1535969oh shit that’s what you meant kek.
come to think of it mike probably does have a crush on her.
No. 1536021
File: 1653224476453.png (484.01 KB, 465x625, 1653198331326.png)

>>1535882here, posting the image since people keep referencing it kek
>expiration dates don't mean anything No. 1536059
File: 1653227013115.jpg (72.11 KB, 1059x440, 20220522_094327.jpg)

No. 1536099
File: 1653230570879.png (14.2 KB, 720x101, Screenshot_20220522-094147~2.p…)

Rachel I simply posted what you said in other places, it is your words.
No. 1536107
>>1536059This is genuinely disgusting and sounds like more virgin shit. Don't know any adult woman who would feel like this is a flex. Especially if they've had sex on their period.
Her "clarifying" post is too retarded to read, and unless theres proof of her claims then it might as well be fan-fiction.
No. 1536181
File: 1653238473569.png (11.26 KB, 942x116, hairbrushhandle.png)

lol why does she think owning a dildo is some kind of slam dunk? she's said this same shit about the hairbrush handle multiple times before. i wonder if she doesn't even own one herself and this is another weird ass projection of hers
No. 1536214
File: 1653240341504.jpg (1.21 MB, 809x2927, rachelonion.jpg)

She really believes herself when she says this shit
No. 1536233
>>1536126Removing body hair especially via means of waxing leaves skin especially vulnerable to abscesses, folliculitis(pimples), skin irritation, infection, and ingrown hairs. You’re also ripping off the uppermost layer of your skin. Shaving doesn’t as long as you’re gentle, but does leave you at risk of ingrown hairs, skin irritation, pimples,
Vellus hairs or peach fuzz (short body hair other than the hair that grows long on your head or coarse at the armpits and groin) does protect from chafing, but primarily serves as a means of keeping warm or cool as it wicks away sweat from the body or keeps body warmth in.
Not gonna post pictures of folliculitis. Look it up yourself if you wish. Most of us have had it at least once in life.
No. 1536244
>>1536214>it's not that I'm lying about having so much sexsobbing this is not what normal human being say
rachel never change, you kissless virgin
No. 1536256
File: 1653242250478.png (35.31 KB, 695x284, bath bombs.png)

Remember when Bath Bombs had a minor role in the Isabella Loretta Janke story? Lolcow Farms remembers. (Bella=NP2348, Luize=Louis, her #1 simp.) The merge is real shit, nonnas.
No. 1536278
>>1536275Why would changing her home address stop people from making fun of her on the Internet? The Kiwis even found
>>1536256 after she changed her
No. 1536280
>>1536259ILJ had vag yeast cheese so it's 2v1
rachel has no chance against the fungal queen, even as naaasty as she is
No. 1536313
>>1536282Or she could bleach it and dye it all sorts of crazy colors. That would be cool.
>>1536292Nah, she’s too good for that. She bought it with her own money. Plus homeless people are too filthy for her to touch. She wouldn’t go dumpster diving for that same reason.
I’d actually need to double check what they do with unsold product.
>>1536296Definitely not. We have a picture of her legs. Her feet are fine.
>>1536299She couldn’t be posting if she were. Im going to go ahead and throw in the thought that this is all a conspiracy theory and we haven’t been talking to her at all. Maybe this is all some elaborate hoax that a man or woman has been doing for a long fucking time. Maybe she stole and edited someone’s ID and name and put her picture on it or bought a fake one.
No. 1536317
>>1536300don’t forget raccoons! (come to think of it she does look a little like one)
>>1536308there are some pretty decent shotgun houses in menlo at gettin near woodside plaza. wouldn’t be surprised.
No. 1536326
File: 1653246124102.jpeg (378.58 KB, 750x1025, 3A5538A0-A3F6-4D2D-8D75-8434A7…)

>>1536313Well. I wasn’t completely wrong.
No. 1536327
File: 1653246232164.jpeg (162.08 KB, 750x1004, 18E08C13-AD15-4355-82C6-382FB8…)

>>1536320Yeah sorry for showing power level.
>>1536323Because she doesn’t actually appear physically gross. We’ve seen her legs, her feet, her face shoulders and hands.
Adding onto
>>1536326 No. 1536357
File: 1653247987535.jpg (280.39 KB, 1058x736, Typicalrachel.jpg)

She's too funny.
No. 1536366
>>1536357not as funny as watching the people on this thread.
everyone here is a cow except the cow.
No. 1536379
File: 1653248732699.jpg (727.08 KB, 1080x1826, wking.jpg)

Posted without context.
No. 1536384
>>1536380She posted a whole deal explaining that she was in the right, a OF user pointed out that's exactly what a pedo would say, she ignored it and picked a fight with UH and GroundPound69 instead of addressing someone giving her
valid points.
No. 1536397
File: 1653249638336.jpg (263.78 KB, 1080x798, alogz.jpg)

Groundpound living up to his name.
No. 1536409
File: 1653250436633.jpg (962.25 KB, 904x1847, catwhore.jpg)

Cat autism
No. 1536417
File: 1653250834330.png (273.41 KB, 1323x475, Pressed Canadian.png)

lol Michael is so pressed he got eviscerated by a site full of women he's made a whole ass thread on a forum nobody goes to where can cringe at…anonymous posts? I guess everyone needs a hobby.
No. 1536460
I found a mention of her here; is gibberish to me, maybe an anon more versed in the role playing scene could enlighten us. The user posting is an ERPing gay man from CA but who lives like 6h from Rachel so I doubt it is anything IRL.
No. 1536471
>>1536460nah I glanced through it, that particular thread looks like a notebook for RP/story junk, at most it looks like rachel created her sera character (but credited as bea l?)
looks like they rp in script style, maybe for a fake tv show, no part of me wants to read this lmao
No. 1536472
This is in relation to RL stuff.
I think Turqu is Jennifer Mayben, and Sefi is named Will. They're both Sephiroth roleplayers. She's been at this for 12+ years if the dates are correct. directly reference her birthday here.
No. 1536495
>>1536472>Jennifer MaybenThis is the girl Rachel tried to claim died for pity points and she got outed for that, too. So I'm gonna need some
really high quality receipts to show that she's mixed up in this. If this is Rachel, bitch, how bad a memory do you think we have? We're only as forgetful as all of us.
No. 1536498
>>1536495I'm talking about the people mentioned by Rachel. She mentions Jennifer (Turqu) and then Sefi (Will) and about how she's in love with them in real life.
They aren't involved, but they are mentioned by Rachel. It's some weird line between reality and roleplay because they're doing this in character, they're talking about other people who roleplay but Rachel wants to be in real life love with them.
No. 1536515
>>1536503Precisely. Now if this was 2009, Rachel would be 15 years old? Anyway, a whole ass minor.
She pursued Sephiroth roleplayers and then fell for them in real life. Yes, what
>>1536496 said is true. They were all Sephiroth roleplayers.
Sefi was in the same age range but I believe Jennifer was an adult and she was writing highly sexual roleplays with adults and other people online at that age, which is why I think she feels like she can behave the way she does towards minors because that was how she was treated.
It's fascinating to see a past Rachel. But we also have new aliases she's gone under during that time.
Bea L., Sera Roth.
I have a feeling one of the accounts posting on that forum is her but I'm not quite sure which one it is. I'm sure there's more to uncover.
No. 1536536
>>1536515>which is why I think she feels like she can behave the way she does towards minors because that was how she was treated.Hit the nail on the head. There's a tendency with terminally-online people, especially when autism is involved, to basically not realize how old they are and have no intuitive understanding of the division between minor and adult. Especially if the real-life milestones that generally develop a person's identity as an adult don't really happen, which is increasingly common with millennials and zoomers not moving out, not getting married, etc.
People like Rachel grew up in a different internet era where people's online identities weren't as tied to their real ones and having your age publicly available was less common. Lying about your age to get access to websites you shouldn't be on, rp with adults, look at porn was common and kids didn't and couldn't expect special treatment. She's having trouble adjusting, clearly
No. 1536564
File: 1653261378316.jpg (292.55 KB, 796x987, Dead.jpg)

>>1536560First thread if you wanna check yourself.
No. 1536569
File: 1653261607713.png (67.97 KB, 971x405, Jennifer.png)

>>1536515Receipts (sanitized per rules) on Jennifer being substantially older. Not all that much younger than the birth mother, even, I don't think.
No. 1536614
>>1536582So if Rachel is the
victim, why are we attacking her?
No. 1536620
>>1536614because she's 28 years old and victimizes others now
this jennifer creep is an explanation not an excuse nice try rachel you're still not defensible
No. 1536651
>>1536633>>1536619she is a
victim, and we are attacking her. she isn’t an awful person, given we only know her online persona. chris-chan documented his autism and faggotry with a camera.
No. 1536667
File: 1653270187720.png (253.88 KB, 540x960, sephiroth_accent.png)

Top is some Facebook random she was sperging at, bottom is Jennifer's Pinterest. The accents are different (and "sephìroth" is proper for the Qaballistic practice in French, sez Google) but "Sephìroth Nikolai", etc. just keeps bringing up Jennifer. Am I tinfoiling or no?
No. 1536671
>>1536651She's sent gore and porn to minors, she's a terrible person. The
victim angle is only speculation by farmers unless you want to admit Rachel
No. 1536743
>>1536742Some days I feel like the farmhands have just given up trying to farmhand this shit, which is pretty impressive considering the shit they've been through. Rachel really is in her own league.
Even Kengle decided he wanted none of that, Null doesn't want any part in it. And they've seen some shit.
Rachel is unwanted by even them. She's too autistic for people who started their journey with Chris-chan and the early internet tards.
No. 1536744
>>1536743lol Kengle is a lolcow himself nonna let's be absolutely real
More importantly what the fuck did Elaine mean by this No. 1536762
>Far as I'm concerned, she died from leukemiaIdk sounds like she assumed Jennifer died lol
No. 1536765
Went to a good school.
Not rejected from RPing, just rejected by sheep and retards.
Ines exploited her vulnerabilities to take her ID and thus this whole shitstorm started.
Didn’t want to go on Kiwi to begin with, so make accounts and locked them so nobody could impersonate her.
Is more accepted at OF than Blaine is considering the faggot has been banned there many times and just keeps on coming back.
Accepted by other lolcows.
She and Michael were never together and are never going to be together. She. Hates. Him. Get that through your thick skull.
>>1536762Then that’s your own delusional mind making assumptions. Go take your meds.
No. 1536770
File: 1653279505170.png (12.39 KB, 188x144, elainepeek.png)

>>1536765Rachel, sincere bit of advice. I was in the Discord when you got roped into giving your ID to a random person who isn't Ines. You were already calling this individual by their Discord handle elsewhere so it is not a secret. If you're not letting Michael point you at people anymore, stop letting Elaine do it.
No. 1536776
>>1536772She can't even be honest about something so small, it's no wonder nothing she says is believed because she lies more than she tells the truth.
I'd have more respect for her if she at least owned up to it, but she's spent weeks denying it at this point.
No. 1536803
File: 1653281060868.png (171.29 KB, 720x1078, Screenshot_20220522-234204~2.p…)

>>1536800Bye Rachel, your schizophrenic ass has gotten boring.
No. 1536806
File: 1653281253592.png (690.29 KB, 964x1278, sephplsno.png)

>>1536785>what was a middle-aged woman doing roleplaying anime sex with an autistic preteen exactlyWhat indeed.
Bonus: Jennifer appears to have a child, too, 12ish, probably a boy. She had to chose a username for him for his school art program. At least, I hope that is the only reason the account name starts with "Seph" and she has not gone and done something like name her child after him.
No. 1536811
>>1536808Micheal furiously coming up with ideas for revenge, his Nazi hovel flush with meth fumes as him and Elaine cackle.
Truly the villains we deserve.
No. 1536812
>>1536809I honestly can't tell. It looks sort of like that but it is a
username not the child's name, so there is still hope, but even that would be ultra cringe. I'm off to look at some birth rolls hopefully now.
No. 1536813
>>1536812Idk why but I remember someone mentioning it, how this Jennifer person has a kid named Sephiroth and another kid named after her OC she shipped with Sephiroth….dunno how true that is, or where it was mentioned but I've heard that floating around.
Gives you an idea of what kind of people Rachel associated with.
No. 1536818
File: 1653282280198.png (486.39 KB, 720x877, Screenshot_20220523-000343~2.p…)

Rachel's subconscious is trying to say something here.
No. 1536828
>>1536765>”Accepted by other lolcows”fucking kek, Bertha just
has to fight and argue against every single thing said about her, she’s here arguing that she
is accepted by other pathetic humans that are nothing more than laughing stocks of the internet and acting like saying this is some sort of “gotcha” to anons. it would have been better for her to just be like “uh yeah I’m not accepted by those weirdos, fine by me” but she just
cannot give any sort of satisfaction to anons, her retard brain will not allow her to agree with anything that we say here even when it’s slow pitching her a potential win. what a fucking loser lmao
No. 1536840
File: 1653285659929.png (1.27 MB, 770x1027, chris chan.png)

>>1536765>Get that through your thick skull. also the DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS from the previous thread. the similarities are piling on, it's a shame he's in prison or she would have been welcomed in his polycule
No. 1536860
>>1536828>>1536823In her words, only she’s not. She’s clearly a very caring bright woman who keeps the people she loves away from retards like you. She’s kept her partners from you. One of you tried to contact her mom and failed. Her parents don’t care. She isn’t a child, she isn’t under any kind of curatorship and can’t be since she pays/paid her parents bills.
>>1536806You are not seriously fucking targeting a minor and proving my point right about you.
>>1536802She didn’t. Nowhere in her kinks did she say that. Stop assuming.
>>1536803Tl;dr tranny. If someone is friends with any farmhands, go get them. We need a tard wrangler.
>>1536791She doesn’t. You keep bouncing between “Mike has a crush on her” or “She has a crush on Mike” when in reality you’re just smoking crack and that is what is making you act like this. You are on crack. You’re more likely to be a pedophile yourself. BLAINE is more likely to be a pedophile himself. She’s given us her kinks, told us what she’s attracted to, written it out in black and white in her OF thread, and you choose to turn your head away, plug your ears and squeeze your little eyes shut all while screaming “I pretend it doesn’t exist!” repeatedly.
>>1536818Who fucking cares? She likes cats. It’s funny.
>>1536771>>1536776You think she’s seriously going to come out because one person said “Come out, come out, we promise we won’t hurt you anymore”? You’re fucking nuts.
You have called her a pedophile, a zoophile, a retard, a pants shitter, kissless, dirty, ugly, face blind, fat, diaper wearer, every disgusting name in the book and not provided actual concrete proof that she is any of these things.
Even if she WAS here, she’s never going to admit it. You fucked up.
No. 1536862
>>1536772actually thats not true
for example the second that she posted proof of her (your) table that everyone thought she (you) lied about everyone shut the fuck up and never really brought it back up again
ill be completely honest i dont know if admitting to posting in her (your) own threads would stop people from making new threads but it would make people stop talking about it as much
optionally is just… stop looking at these sites
its clear that its not good for her (your) mental health or social life
block these sites find a new community leave people alone and work on yourself in therapy
therapy isnt bad its not a trick it really does help if she was (you were) honest and put in the work being stubborn and entertaining people by simply acknowledging them isnt working in her (your) favor
she doesnt (you dont) have to leave the internet you could just work on herself (yourself) and keep a low profile
dont expect anyone but a trained professional to help fix her (you)
never expect any friends to fix her (you)
that is emotional labor that could strain any relationship
okay anon (rachel)?
No. 1536863
>>1536860>Even if she WAS here, she’s never going to admit it. You fucked up.we have nothing to lose whether or not you admit to being here youre the one fucking up posting here and pretending not to be here
you know what would convince us that youre not here?
stop posting in your own thread
practice what you preach: dont like? dont look
No. 1536873
>>1536860Mmmm actually you’re wrong, anon. It has been proven that she shits her pants and wears diapers. Confirmed. No other way around it, it’s just a fact.
She’s provided proof to us of this herself, as well as everything else listed (pedophile, zoophile, and fat being the main ones). She’s distraught that everyone knows the truth about her now and trying desperately to hide it all, but the damage is done and she’ll just have to… die mad about it.
No. 1536903
>>1536873it’s not confirmed and it’s not a fact, you’re just fucking disgusting.
this has gone beyond just touching the poo, you’re rubbing your face in it.
No. 1536905
File: 1653297760596.gif (1.73 MB, 317x498, B7EEEF63-B1F9-470C-A5D8-07F93A…)

>>1536903>>1536873Not has she proven she’s a pedophile, zoophile, or fat. You’re just supremely retarded and need your electronics smashed.
God Blaine. You’re such a tranny faggot. You were the one to bring up the diaper post. Fucking disgusting. We see right into your psyche and there’s no redemption. Stop taking advantage of actual women.
No. 1536915
>>1536863I would bet actual money that even if she did say she was here, nothing would get better.
>>1536862You need to accept the fact that therapy doesn’t work for everyone. Why pay for someone to only tell you “I can’t help fix you, only you can do that”? If I were in that position, I’d rather talk to a rock for an hour and a half. It isn’t a matter of not being able to afford it. It’s a matter of knowing yourself and whether or not YOU think it will work. If someone doesn’t think it will work, it won’t. I’ve seen all of these amazing therapy stories but it’s all just fairy tales and Hollywood bullshit. She shouldn’t have to leave a community she loves being in just because some faggot got jealous of the attention she was receiving and began duping gullible morons in the same community into blocking her and telling everyone else to block her. The anger and mocking should be going to them, not her.
Most of these people blocking her are Gen Z, children and young adults who have never experienced any kind of hardship. They created cancel culture, calling people “
toxic” and the mob mentality trends that encourage people to block without knowing the story behind what is going on.
Our younger siblings and cousins are monsters of Millenial’s and Gen X’s making. We failed them. I don’t fully understand how it happened.
No. 1536939
>>1536933This is why she will never admit to anything. It takes a whole lot to build up hope in a person and very little to dash it.
You get more bees with honey than vinegar.
No. 1536947
>>1536939sounds petty and immature she should just say it for her own conscience and self respect and not look like a coward
>>1536941>You may be the rare voice of sensibilitythis isnt the first time ive said any of this stuff in your threads youve chosen to ignore them until now
>but the others have further driven hercut the shit
i get that in some situations people can behave irrationally but the way you react and handle things is on YOU not those people on top of that you would be reacting like this if 1. youd stay away from people you claim are terrible to you 2. youd go to therapy and work on your behavior
no more blaming others for yourself period
>where there is nowhere where she can feel safe to be vulnerablethe internet is a huge place you can go into literally any other community and people wont start shit with you unless you act like a bitch which again for the millionth time im suggestion therapy because itll help you not be a bitch when youre trying to make and keep friends
>You get none of the goodness out of her because with every wall you break down, she builds 3 more.i can honestly say that nobody itt cares about you being vulnerable and if they do its at your expense
youre not supposed to be vulnerable with people you do not know especially in an environment where people are shitting on you
therapy teaches you all about that shit
and if goodness means being a decent person then im sorry to break it to you but thats immature petty and manipulative
you should just be good and if people are treating you like shit you dont do the same you just walk the fuck away
No. 1537056
>>1536941>You get none of the goodness out of her because with every wall you break down, she builds 3 more.that sounds like a personal choice tho? goodness requires no vulnerability and you can choose to be good even here. start today it's as good a day as any
or you can act like
>>1537052 but that behavior is why no one likes you and why you keep getting made fun of here
No. 1537069
File: 1653318521007.png (925.37 KB, 951x1527, jennifer_steam.png)

More Jennifer stuff, here's her Steam account of things in the profile (picrel) jump out as sounding like Rachel. And of course her ass is into DDLG shit.
Age 39 is a lie, of course. I'm still trying to figure out if the kids really are named Sephiroth and something else from the game or worse.
No. 1537077
>>1536569 could be mixed up about her age (happens with the people search sites sometimes) or the kid(s) might be adopted; but even if she is 39 that means she was 25+ when ERPing with/grooming Rachel so still yuck Sephiroth-fangirl facebook acct seems like it's Jennifer's
No. 1537078
File: 1653319518392.png (27.57 KB, 498x165, jennifer lol fat.png)

I have only been able to this garbage quality pic but it confirms my suspicions that Jennifer is fat with the face of a potato.
No. 1537124
File: 1653323216724.png (91.9 KB, 530x218, unknown.png)

Meanwhile, Michael has been restored to his original moderator position by his fellow overt pedophiles at OnionFarms, where one can only assume massive, massive gayops are still underway. This is after it was taken away when he was originally halaled on KF.
No. 1537126
>>1537119"Only she is a
Only it isn't a good morning.
You are fat and angry Ines! Only Blaine needs his diaper changed! Tranny reeeee. Cope and seethe about it."
There that's the Rachel response we'd get repeated the whole thread so no need for her to post.
No. 1537129
>>1537126Hypothetical response:
Thank you Rachel, very cool!
No. 1537132
>>1537121The one time I extended a hand to her, she quickly went to asking me to talk to someone in the fandom to unblock her and never replied/acknowledge any of my suggestions.
I truly believe there are people, even here, that would help her the best they can. But, just like a therapist, you need to take in consideration about their suggestions on bettering yourself. Yeah it would be nice if the world would change, but "only it won't". If there are a lot of random strangers splerging that there is something wrong with you that needs fixed, you need to take a step back and look at why they are saying it.
Yeah, most of it is BS that they come up with to piss you off because you are their entertainment.
Ugh, I would go on but honestly I know she won't read this and won't take any suggestions.
No. 1537135
File: 1653323946268.png (41.23 KB, 678x292, ghoulie-spooky-sock.png)

Not this again, I thought the "Ghoulie is a Spooky sock" narrative would die out during the namefagging slapfight. Oh well. And I thought the other one was a fairly obvious DBS sock.
No. 1537136
File: 1653324042068.jpg (302.72 KB, 1037x1158, gp69.jpg)

Rachel is on conspiracy theory hours.
No. 1537148
>>1537146She posted about it on Discord too.
Always on those conspiracy hours.
No. 1537167
File: 1653325565661.png (614.42 KB, 1610x1301, melissa.png)

>>1537145court documents check out
No. 1537180
File: 1653326196305.png (97.83 KB, 1038x342, jennifer mayhall pardee.png)

>>1537171Look at this. The DOB is about right to be
>>1537069 and since the pic in
>>1537078 is such shit it is hard to tell but it could be the same woman, but got (re)married. Thaxton is in Lee county/Tupelo area so that checks out too.
No. 1537209
File: 1653327963667.jpg (59.92 KB, 492x681, seph.jpg)

>>1536806>>1536809Yes, yes she did name her child Sephiroth, or maybe just Seph. From Aunt Brittany's facebook (see Brittany on the art project as well.)
I'm dead. Take me away.
No. 1537216
>>1537209Oh no lmao. Cloud at least wouldn't be too different from hippie-era names like Skye, Rain, Phoenix, ect… Poor kid's gonna have to explain why he's named after a fictional mass murderer and consumer of planets for life.
I don't think I even want to know why you'd ever want to name your son after the object of your sexual fantasies.
No. 1537217
File: 1653328421197.png (22.99 KB, 517x149, botel and david lee.png)

>>1537209>>1537186And here's David Lee mentioned on Brittany's Facebook. This settles it for me
>>1537192 nonna you're right I think the 58yo Jennifer (born Feb 1964) is a real person but the people searches messed up and connected her with David Lee Maben and the Sephiroth emails which belong with Jennifer Mayhall/Pardee (born Mar 1983)
No. 1537251
>>1537216Kek, I don't know what would be worse.
Her son growing up and living up to his name (either physically or mentally)
Or growing up to be a gross weeb that would be the opposite.
Why people name their crotch goblins after sexual fantasy characters is beyond me.
No. 1537268
File: 1653330928458.jpg (311.23 KB, 640x1420, jennifer witch.jpg)

And here is a current Jennifer, from her sister's FB.
No. 1537269
File: 1653331090414.jpg (59.4 KB, 540x960, young jennifer.jpg)

>>1537268Young Jennifer, showing that 2 kids, an
abusive relationship, and staying inside cooming to Sephiroth did her no favors over the years in the looks department.
No. 1537270
File: 1653331132742.png (68.67 KB, 560x816, 1647886027503 (3).png)

Damn, and Rachel got this upset over her?
No. 1537276
File: 1653331615053.jpg (474.94 KB, 1900x799, creepy child.jpg)

We also need to talk about the child modeling pics that are all over Brittany's Facebook. It is all this 11-yo if not younger girl who anon here
>>1536813 says is named after an OC shipped with Sephiroth (as in her brother). The pics I don't wanna get into posting too much of but also they are in the public eye already. The girl is striking this goffik pose with a dour expression but I can't shake the feeling that she doesn't want to be doing this. I don't know if you can say overtly porny but there is something sexualized about them too. It's all really gross.
No. 1537301
>>1537294"Araina?" nice find nonna
almost a normal name. Why do parents need to inflict even unusual spellings on their kid I don't know and why you wouldn't think it is kinda creepy to name your kids after people who you imagine fucking. These people are not well.
No. 1537316
File: 1653334070272.png (71.6 KB, 783x271, knight in shining Hugo…)

Meanwhile, everyone's favorite pedophilic Canadian Nazi continues to white knight Rachel extremely hard. Bear with me nonnies because it's easy to just meme around and say lol they're e-fucking he likes fatties but given his patterns it actually makes sense. When he was e-fucking those 2 kiwi girls and using their nudes to blackmail them 1 of them is quite good looking (has an OnlyFans) and the other is kind of passably cute in a mousey sort of way but definitely not the kind of girl who gets a lot of attention for her looks. For these guys who like to play pimpish mind games this is ideal in order to play them off each other. The other thot that Michael is currently playing around with is, of course the conventionally attractive Elaine, recently caught on a hot mic making fun of Canada
>>>/snow/1537081 so we'll see how well that works out, but all the better to play his new harem off each other in manipulative games. It's what he does. Even in the messages from his ex-wife she talks about how he would always say this Suicide Girl from Canada was hotter than her. Same mind game. Classic pimp shit.
I just hope neither one of them has given him any nudes, revenge porn/nude blackmail is his M.O., and that both of them are content to have an insane stalker for the rest of time who has a history of actual irl violence against women.
No. 1537327
>>1537316Ew Michael the only one obsessed is you. You're gonna end up like the tranny who envied women and killed them if you keep this shit up. You're always getting into women's business and then being offended by it. You literally spend all hours of the day alogging but you claim everyone else is the alog.
If it hurts you so much, stop. This doesn't need to concern you yet you keep inserting yourself. Do you want attention? Fuck off, nobody here wants you.
No. 1537363
File: 1653338398007.png (29.94 KB, 543x127, lcf_doxing_rules.png)

>>1537351AYRT. Hence the full name is redacted? I'm not posting any socials or anything unless there's milk but this incident and if we can learn more about it is certainly milk. Anyway it's not like
Rachel doesn't know who it is. It's all public record anyway but more importantly I'm doing what I can to abide by the rules and if farmhands feel I'm not then I'll get the message if they do anything about it and in that case I apologize.
No. 1537509
>>1537485Mikey really can't get over Rachel, can he? Tbh not even Blaine/Erika was all that interested in her until Mike decided to be autistic about it.
He's such a bad liar lmao
No. 1537578
File: 1653355471541.jpg (185.45 KB, 1024x723, mischling.jpg)

>>1537485>>1537509>>1537542>>1537525Just Elaine in Discord casting doubt on whether the Nazi is actually white…kek. This is going swimmingly for him, lmao. It gets better and better. No. 1537618
>>1537612Seriously, stop whiteknighting yourself you stupid fat cow. You really don't want smoke with the wrong people and one of these days you will mess with the wrong person. I am looking forward to that day.
There is no way your fatass, manatee looking self would have been able to lose the ~120 pounds within a three year period knowing how you eat. The most recent selfies don't lie. The only people who would probably want to touch you are feeders to make you bloat flabby self in to an early death because the fat sweats you get from eating huge ass sundaes yourself turn them on.
No. 1537628
File: 1653359336191.png (243.46 KB, 720x1161, Screenshot_20220523-212644~2.p…)

UH left Onion farms and after lurking for a day Rachel finally decided to strike. Not only do we know she projects everything so these are her insecurities, she also tries to halfheartedly disavow Mike while making excuses as to why she's still talking to him.
He's got her wrapped around his finger.
No. 1537630
File: 1653359536544.jpg (174.53 KB, 800x557, Shiner-on-Hook.jpg)

>>1537620thanks for bringing milk nonna. the rest of you bitches need to calm down.
For the record, trying to make "us" look bad by advocating harassment and way over-the-top posts in general is very much the M.O. of some of the principals here. Don't get baited, nonnas. People are running gayops for non-Rachel-related reasons, even. Idiots like Michael live for this shit and the spergs from Twitter will get theirs too if they cross the line.
Back to discussing Rachel, anyone?
I am getting huge groomer vibes from the whole Jennifer thing. Whichever age difference is well over a decade. Seems like Rachel really emulated her in a lot of ways. Patterned herself after her even. In addition to or as a part of whatever else is going on. If Rachel shows up again I hope she tells us something about this instead of engages with the kind of galaxy brains we've got shitting up the thread.
No. 1537632
>>1537628Just something to keep in mind the scrotes that run that site (Kengle and Naught, and the same goes for SIG and co on have been known to hijack people's accounts for the lulz. Usually it's pretty obvious. I don't really think this is what happened here but just saying
in general since I'm seeing a lot of caps from that shithole.
No. 1537634
File: 1653359837121.png (30.85 KB, 720x152, Screenshot_20220523-212959~2.p…)

>>1537632Totally agree, I've seen them use accounts multiple times in lame bids at laughs.
Here's the part that stuck out to me, she wants farmers to fix her. It's so on brand with how she was speaking earlier.
No. 1537635
>>1537628She's projecting hard in that cope, lmao.
What a sad little fat ginger gremlin.
In related news I went to a zoo yesterday and saw a rhino, it reminded me of a cuter (albeit much more dangerous) Rachel.
No. 1537657
>>1537655Nah she's got enough for an arrest. Just needs the right person to compile and pursue the maximum sentence.
…Well, time to consult the kiwi lawfags.
No. 1537676
Rachel has had both Margo and Hyde show up here to speak to her, the two people she harassed the most. And still wants to cry she's the
She refuses to acknowledge what she's done, and now I bet she'll pretend she isn't reading just to throw it in everyone's faces.
>>1537669Thanks for dropping by.
No. 1537677
>>1537669I think you’re going to have a better chance of reaching her with this message if you reach out to her personally. This is just inciting further drama. Farmers cannot be reasoned with.
Whoever tipped you off and sent you here is not the best person to be associating with.
No. 1537679
>>1537677She shouldn't have to go out of her way to acquiesce to Rachel's demands. Rachel abuses people in private because she doesn't like when they have people to support them.
Absofuckinglutely not. Us farmers are infinitely more reasonable than Rachel even on a good day.
No. 1537680
>>1537655Agreed with the poster who told you that whomever pointed you in this direction may not have your bests interests at heart.
You deserve your peace but just know if you needed anything, there are people out there who will have your best interests at heart and will give you that support.
Farmers here at least have some sense of what lines not to cross it seems (ie, pedophilia as shown by us ragging on Rachel for that)
No. 1537681
i guys i think hyde talking about the times her legal name has been dropped itt earlier… please respect her wishes
i know the records were public i just wish that people censored her name out of respect because its obvious she wants nothing to do with rachel and her bullshit
>>1537677please shut the fuck up this is super retarded of you to say
No. 1537683
>>1537677I do not want to go out personally to her and yes I agree that people who showed it to me might have not been right with showing it to me because it takes a toll on my mental health completely. The fact of the matter is that I have an inkling as to who is saying this makes me wanna say:
Please leave me alone, please leave others alone. I know you can find alternatives to learn how to cope with your mental health properly because you did show me before how to do so when you asked me for advice and I was proud of you for that.
Please don't continue to harm yourself to harm others. I know you can stop this.
But please please please, stop bringing up my life and work. My private life is really important to me right now that I'm continuing to stay private especially to help my family pay off 14 funerals of my family that passed from COVID-19
No. 1537687
>>1537681I want my name, my address and job name to stop being posted. That's one of my only wishes.
Thank you and I am sorry too if I'm doing this all wrong on here I just wanna be left alone to grieve with my life
No. 1537690
>>1537687You're fine, you don't deserve to be dragged into this. Go relax offline and hopefully farmers will have enough etiquette to censor next time.
I think whoever posted it will be cautious next time.
No. 1537693
>>1537684LOL for the love of God stop dropping her Internet name after her real name has been dropped, that's worse than dropping her real name alone. Think, anon, think.
Second, third, and a thousand times to anon who said that whoever is contacting these people doesn't have their best interests at heart. There are people who get their kicks harassing and manipulating people and those are actually not the people who make up the regular visitors to this website. I'd add that unfortunately other people have decided to involve themselves with Rachel's life and manipulate her basically for their own amusement. Fortunately they are getting exposed here already. Them pulling these kinds of frantic games just shows how pressed they are at this point after having been exposed. Sorry to Melissa who is getting roped into the weird extra stuff but I also think that this whole thing originated with some good old drama between the two of them so maybe let's not get all up in arms about drama discussion which is, unless I forgot, the point?
No. 1537694
>>1537688Some people are jumping into this shitshow late and don't know.
Unlike Rachel they aren't being malicious about it.
Jesus Christ anon, don't be a dick. Nobody here is trying to cause direct harm to any of the
victims. We've had a few visit before.
No. 1537705
>>1537694you’re trying to get rachel arrested and put in jail like chris-chan, or to kill herself. aren’t there cows who have killed them selves over kiwi?
>>1537657>>1537658as someone who has considered going into law and has been through a messy legal battle on the wrong end of the law before… there probably isn’t enough information to get her arrested.
No. 1537708
Are the people who wrote
>>1537693 and
>>1537680 the same?
No. 1537710
>>1537698Do you know why I said "think, anon, think?" Because you still aren't. And this is good advice for her too. If her real (first only) name is there then who cares? Nobody will find her. If her Internet name
and first name and connection to a bunch of retarded drama is here? She will be easy to find. The best way to hide is to not draw attention to yourself and limit the number of pieces of information about yourself (Internet name and real name being two different ones, anon!) that you share in the same place. This is common sense stuff. I'm not gonna minimod but it's by no means a foregone conclusion that her stuff is going to be taken down and every time you post more identifiable information about her you are just screwing her over more.
No. 1537711
>>1537705Meh. I wouldn't be too pressed if something unfortunate happened.
Rachel has shown no remorse, so I feel no remorse for her.
Do a flip. In Minecraft, of course.
No. 1537714
>>1537705lol literally no ones tried to do any of tat and we're not on KF (but no if you actually look into it and not just what people want you to think)
Your knowledge of law is shit.
No. 1537716
>>1537712Re-upload it with the
victim's name redacted.
No. 1537719
>>1537712Swear to God.
Censoring a name isn't like removing the whole document.
Y'all really need to stop before you post and think if you want to look more embarrassing than I do before posting.
No. 1537721
>>1537695and then do a flip.
No. 1537726
>>1537720It's a meme, retard. A lot of people say it.
Now go step on a flaming Lego in Minecraft.
No. 1537729
>>1537716Go take a look. First name only, no address. People really need to calm down about this to be honest and this tinfoil
>>1537712 is starting to make sense to me a little bit. Anyone who might want to look more into Michael Thurlow pretending to be other people for convoluted reasons is on brand for him, especially if this one starts getting agitated.
Why should she care if her first name is there? Why so pressed about that and not the place of employment? The whole thing is off to me and I don't see why we would have to redact anything more than the already redacted screenshots. This is an (attempted)restraining order against the cow. Pretty sure that's milk.
No. 1537730
>>1537729Simple, censoring the
victim is fair play and doesn't remove evidence of the document or the crime.
No. 1537742
>>1537739I thought Hyde explained here
>>1537669 >>1537683 as to why she wants to be left alone anon.
No. 1537743
>>1537739Sounds like something Bertha would say. “Wow someone told me not to do something so I’M GONNA DO IT MORE TO SPITE YOU ALL”
Not saying this anon is necessarily Bertha (suspect) but anybody who says shit like this is a retard and if this isn’t Bertha, then you are just as retarded and shitty as she is
No. 1537744
>>1537691if by “semi sane” farmer you mean the anon that posted
>>1536947then no the anon youre replying to isnt me but this should be enough to show you that a lot of people other than myself are constantly giving you good advice in your threads
No. 1537748
>>1537745Oh no, big bad spiteful anon. So scawy.
Anyway, according to the court documents: no, she didn't threaten her but harassed her and possibly (hyde wasnt very clear) showed up to hyde's job to harass her there.
No. 1537757
>>1537754Get some rest and literally forget about all of this. Rachel will just glom onto you more if you come back and she's unfortunately going to ignore your heartfelt and wonderful advice.
I hope things get better for you.
If you do come back, write sage in the email field, don't mention who you are and just laugh.
No. 1537760
>>1537748>(hyde wasnt very clear) showed up to hyde's job to harass her there.It sounded to me like this was her concern for what might happen, not something that actually happened. It's like 400 miles away.
>>1537749And there we go. So the story is that Rachel doxed, or this woman self-doxed herself to, Rachel and then Rachel started some kind of insane Sephiroth-related vendetta including trying to get her fired. Maybe some receipts will crop up, maybe they wont. Pretty much? So, everyone just lol calm down? Can we stop Streisanding this poor woman? Can we all agree that she was probably contacted by someone who doesn't even care about her, Rachel, Sephiroth, or any of the rest, but is trying to settle personal vendettas by playing strangers off one another online? Because that's what's happening.
No. 1537762
>>1537745Why would anybody here besides Rachel feel any spite towards Hyde? Spite implies there was a past wrongdoing someone is harboring resentment over. Unless I missed something, the only person that could apply to in relation to Hyde, is fucking Rachel. So unless you have some undisclosed history with Hyde or you are indeed Rachel, this is weird and pointless to say, anon.
Leave Hyde alone, she is a
victim of Rachel and has court documents to prove this. If you start to harass her as well, you’re no better than the cow we’re all here making fun of.
No. 1537766
>>1537757I appreciate the words and advice! But truth be told I won't be doing anything of making fun of her I genuinely want the best for her and to move on with her life.
Again, thank you all for listening to me and hearing my words. I just hope what I say is taken well.
I hope everyone has a nice day, night, evening.
But I hope Sera does get the help she can get and can move on from everything
No. 1537768
>>1537763To be fair the amount of people who Slapfight me and don't have a thread yet gets smaller each month. Could just be wisdom.
More likely it's Rachel and she thinks that's an actual own.
No. 1537770
>>1537764You know what, I did say that. I had to bring someone with me incase of anything and also cause I was being petty and that was wrong of me to do to where I apologized to Sera in the call and she forgave me for that.
Like I know she can change and get good help if she managed to have listened to me then. Will I reach out to her privately to her again? No.
No. 1537772
>>1537769That type of thinking is fucking childish and immature.
And also has been demonstrated time and time again here by Rachel. Like when anons tell her to stop talking to minors and then she says “I’m gonna go make friends with more minors just because I know it pisses you all off”
That is unhealthy behavior and if you think that way, then you need to go touch some fucking grass, anon
No. 1537777
File: 1653366454380.png (112.9 KB, 1764x545, candy.png)

>>1537753candy huh? flashback to thread 1
pic related (and censored this time)
>>1537766that's not what the court document say
>ex parte notice>I did not give notice to the other party in this action because:>I was afraid that the violence would reoccur when I gave notice that I was asking for these orders.>I believe that giving notice would make the orders useless because the other party would:>harass the people who would give the information & would use my name to harass me more at my job.>>1537770So why did Hyde brag before and after it was filed and then tell the court she didn't give notice?
No. 1537778
>>1537770Did it occur to you that therapy might not be a good fit for her?
Did it occur to ANYONE here that therapy might not be a good fit for her? That nothing having to do with mental health, no therapy, no sectioning, no psychologists or psychiatrists will be a good fit for her because she’s convinced herself that they won’t work? You can’t force someone to go to therapy who is like this. If they’re given a choice between therapy and freedom or jail time, they will choose the jail time rather than compromise their beliefs? Even if she went, she might just ignore the therapist the whole time or just lie to them or “tell them what they want to hear”. You can’t force someone who is this level of stubborn.
No. 1537781
>>1537773Agreed. If I felt threatened enough to file a TRO against someone, I would film my surroundings when I suspected they would freak out and bring someone with me as well. And we’ve all tweeted or posted things on social media before that we may have ended up wishing we didn’t. Rachel, of all people should be sympathetic to this, since she routinely ruins her life by being unable to keep herself from sperging out anywhere and everywhere she possibly can.
You don’t have to explain yourself to us, Hyde. You’re not the cow here. I hope things get better for you and people are decent enough to leave you alone
No. 1537782
>>1537764No one in their right mind would brag about having to file a restraining order against someone that has caused mental distress to them and still causes pain.
>>1537770Most people have to bring a witness just to feel safe when people have to confront a harasser/abuser. It doesn’t come across as petty because even in the case of filming, had anything actually happened you would have proof to further your case of a restraining order. But apologising made you the bigger person.
No. 1537785
>>1537776Certainly so, gotta protect yourself first though with an empathic mindset like that.
>>1537778No you need to be put into a Looneybin and forcibly kept there until you learn how to behave. Depending on insanity and level of violence displayed is where you'd end up, so you'd probably not want to make death threats once you're taken in. You'd shape up pretty quick, those are not like your 5 years of someone trying to listen to your feelings in HS Rachel
No. 1537791
>>1537777I mentioned that I was filing something to people in private when I was doing that. Not sure who put it out but it was not okay.
Yeah I did say it after it was given to her and on the court date by being petty which wasn't okay. But I've done my mistakes and I've learned from it. gah, I'm sorry if I keep typing I think I just wanna explain better now that I was given a platiform to speak.
No. 1537792
>>1537785Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it will happen anon. Especially because you’re a stranger on the internet, your judgment is meaningless and you probably aren’t knowledgeable on the subject to be able to judge.
>>1537787It’s not going to happen.
No. 1537800
>>1537794Die, but not get deleted. Which isn’t enough, given these threads show up when you Google her name.
Hyde, you wishing her well and the best while all of this happens on LCF is a spit in her face.
No. 1537813
>>1537811Life ain't an anime kid, she's gonna take years to change. She won't change a bit tonight. Speaking of, I'm headed to bed.
Sage your shit, I told you how lol
Also fuck y'all farmhands the namefaggings relevant and I only ID'd as the crazy tranny cause it's how I'm know. My gender is irrelevant. Now unless Rachel spergs about random ppl being me I'm not gonna have an excuse to Namefag again.
No. 1537818
>>1537815Hah you admitted you're autistic.
Night y'all!
No. 1537821
>>1537815I actually wrote unknown underneath and made an assumption to where I was wrong cause I asked advice from someone and they made the random guess for me.
But as I've said before, having a mental illness doesn't give one a pass to behave poorly to others.
No. 1537825
>>1537810If she’s actually retarded, it isn’t.
Stop trying to make therapy happen. It isn’t going to happen. If Rachel is even here, you’re just driving it in further that she’s not going to willingly go.
No. 1537829
>>1537778 said, she’ll just tell the therapist what they want to hear if she’s made to go against her will.
No. 1537835
>>1537823Hyde didn’t cause people to think shit, we’ve all been saying that she’s fat since thread 1 (because she’s fucking fat)
Hyde also even the one who posted those documents on KF which started this whole conversation so again, stfu and stop targeting Hyde for no reason
No. 1537837
>>1537831Maybe if you can convince LCF to delete the threads she’ll listen.
KF isn’t happening though. Nobody deletes anything there. Your best bet is to appeal to Null, and he’s even worse off than Rachel.
No. 1537844
File: 1653368596360.jpeg (126.86 KB, 750x541, D8E3B10A-B18B-4998-986A-254D18…)

Gonna throw this in here since Rachel is deleting shit here and shitting up her thread with her asking Hyde to ask people to delete her threads.
It won’t happen because Rachel keeps pulling things that end up causing new threads to pop up.
No. 1537845
>>1537837I agree, Rachel should appeal to null, it's the only way
No. 1537846
>>1537832Of course you'd come out with that, Rachel. Quit pretending to not be here.
You've harassed Hyde for YEARS. You need to stop. What has that gained you? Nothing but the hate of others. You did this to yourself, when you could've been rational and not got your panties in a bunch over pretend characters in pretend scenarios. Seriously, do you even think about how stupid you sound? Not even CWC was delusional enough to do what you have done.
You really think you're some A+ netizen when you're below even the lowest low. You think that you can just beat people down and still expect everyone around you to fall at your feet in adoration.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You made your bed, don't get mad because you've gotta lay in it. You know what you've done, whether or not you want to admit to it is a different story.
At the end of the day, you have to live with the horrible things you've done over fictional things.
As OneWingedMeanie used to say, "The truth will set you free."
No. 1537849
File: 1653368715711.jpeg (13 KB, 186x186, download.jpeg)

>>1537841Girl, let me tell you something. If you look over the past few threads on Rachel, we've got Nazis, trannies, pedophiles, Nazi trannies, Nazi tranny pedophiles, a possible Sephiroth grooming cult leader who named her children after a couple she shipped, and probably some other absolute lunacy that I have forgotten. Your legal stuff is old news and boring in comparison. The best possible thing you can do with the greatest possible respect is to shut up and wait to be forgotten. Given the quality of the entertainment that we've been getting elsewhere, I don't think it will be long.
No. 1537850
File: 1653368722070.png (31.99 KB, 720x175, Screenshot_20220524-000419~2.p…)

Rachel talking about how she gave birth to kittens without marrying the father first.
No. 1537859
File: 1653368952797.jpg (183.81 KB, 811x456, cover4.jpg)

>>1537849Just wait, I got even more stuff for later. But I seriously gotta get to bed.
No. 1537861
>>1537849This. Idk if that Margo person was this adamant about not using her name or identity, but I haven't seen anything of the sort. Coming in, sharing, and moving on seems to be the best way to handle it.
Maybe I'm being autistic, but that's my opinion.
No. 1537864
>>1537778therapy is good for everyone period
you wont get better unless you get it nobody is going to help you except for a paid professional aka a therapist
cant believe i gave you the benefit of the doubt with my lengthy fucking posts about going to therapy earlier
No. 1537869
>>1537852And? She was a fucking lunatic and caused those people to dislike her and want nothing to do with her. They are
allowed to have her blocked and not want to talk to her. That’s a rational response to have towards someone who treated you like shit and harasses you. She has to face the consequences of her actions, and that’s what that is. She’s probably ruined the FF7 and whatever other communities for herself, oh well. Move on, get a different fucking hobby. Just because someone sees the error of their ways does better in the future doesn’t mean they automatically must be absolved of past shitty behavior. They still did the shit, so gotta deal with those consequences. That’s just the way the real world works. If people end up deciding to forgive her and unblock her, that’s their decision. But by no means is anybody obligated to do that and that’s what Rachel needs to get through her fucking head
No. 1537874
>>1537786you cant use disabilities as an excuse even in court
if you ever get caught doing something illegal and you blame your autism or mental I’ll was for your actions there is an incredibly high chance the court will order you to go to therapy for a certain amount of time
and yes negative behaviors “caused” by autism can be corrected with therapy look it up sometime
No. 1537877
>>1537852Maybe you shouldn't use racial slurs and post gore and porn to minors. Because I read that post made about you by her. She tried to hold on for you and forcing her to support you while you terrorize children and adults is asinine. You don't get to say it failed, you were the one who fucked it up.
Nobody should have to put up with your childish ass behavior.
No. 1537878
>>1537870oh sweetie youre cute.
Erring on you not being the retard yourself and just being a newfag… the dumbass shared her whole ID to a rando on lolcord. Its not just a picture. Its a government ID reeree had to fill the weight section out on herself.
No. 1537882
File: 1653369522487.jpg (27.74 KB, 597x177, 3242744-493037e1d33f9c95b1bdce…)

>>1537864it isn't, most therapists offer fluff, platitudes and nothingness, but rachel does need to be wrangled. not talk about her feelings with a therapist, but have her parents tell her that pic related is a deluded tantrum and to enact severe consequences if she continues acting up. that won't happen of course and she'll continue down her spiral but oh well, she's already hitting 30 so they can pretend not to know without feeling guilty i guess.
No. 1537886
>>1537815why do you constantly use autism for pity points its really pathetic especially when you call yourself poor as if youre harmless when theres proof of you being a nasty vindictive person with no regard for others
go to therapy get off your own thread
No. 1537887
>>1537874gl, she’s an adult and hasn’t done anything warranting an arrest or even a warning yet. if she had, she’d already be in custody.
given her last post was…. 1 hour ago? i doubt it’s going to happen any time soon.
No. 1537893
>>1537822it doesnt just look at chris chan
theres plenty of retarded people who have gotten punished via the law its not our fault that you dont do research
No. 1537895
>>1537887>given her last post was an hour agoyou mean…. 2 minutes ago as of this post, right?
stfu fatty
No. 1537902
>>1537897its rly cute when u put ur lawyer face on uwu :3
bitch shut the fuck up. You wouldnt know how to act properly if sephiroth fucking dickslapped you.
No. 1537903
>>1537825thats really immature and cowardly tbh i guess rachel is too much of a pussy to face herself and her actions if she cant go to therapy especially when her insurance covers it
>>1537829therapists can see through that and if you ever get mandated to see one by law they WILL tell whoever sent the mandate what youre doing and you WILL get your mandate extended
just a thought
No. 1537907
>>1537890im also pretty sure at this point that she is doing exactly that.
“housewife earns 100,000$ a year doing this one trick… farmers hate her!”
No. 1537913
>>1537852this is manipulative behavior
you are acting out in terrible ways because people wont give you want you want
and when they do you still end up acting out because they wont give you the world
this isnt how a normal adult thinks
No. 1537914
>>1537891it stands to reason
bertha subjectively fills it in: 190 lbs
hyde objectively fills it in: 250 lbs
No. 1537915
>>1537902You morons still think he’s real?
I just saw Rachel in real life. She was cuddling Sephiroth and he was lovingly running his fingers through her hair. Looks like he moved on from Fatty Patty Ines real quick.
No. 1537919
File: 1653370304250.png (62.38 KB, 553x171, schizo rachel.png)

>>1537893it does, chris-chan literally got away with hitting someone with a car and pepperspraying a gamestop employee.
>>1537897Rachel, it's no use. everyone knows you're fat no matter how many times you reformulate your point or try to pass as random anons, because we have image proof and all you have is distinctive boomer comebacks that give you away instantly.
your 'tism is way too deep to ever come up with a way to fool us, the game is rigged against you from the start, so you might as well take a break from the internet and enjoy spring instead.
>>1537911i think you underestimate your own restraint to stay quiet and KF's doxing skills
No. 1537927
>>1537887actually youve had a history of cyberstalking and harassment
if people were smart enough to report it when it happens there would be enough of a case to take you to court
if those minors decided to take you to court for your harassment you would be absolutely screwed especially when youre the one approaching them now in your supposed adult space
No. 1537929
>>1537917how can I reverse the two when that's what happened and what the legal documents show?
also see
>>1537756 No. 1537932
>>1537917Hyde has posted pics of herself. She has abs. She's doing good things for herself.
Rachel just copes and seethes online insisting she isn't fat, providing no evidence to back up her autistic screeches.
No. 1537933
>>1537928Oh now it's 140 lmao. So are you sticking with this weight and not the 190?
Is that your final answer before we start clowning on you for not being able to keep the weight straight
No. 1537937
changing your name means nothing if youre still doing the same shit
if anything itll make her “new address” easier to find because California doesnt seal name changes for people unless your case is special which she has nothing to provide that it is so lol
No. 1537940
>>1537911Isabella Loretta Janke got found living under an assumed name a couple months ago, anon. The only thing to do is to become
boring, not to change your name.
No. 1537949
>>1537919again do your research because Chris chan definitely did get reprimanded by the law
you dont get away with anything regardless of your health status
so think twice before you do shit because saying youre autistic will not exempt you from your consequences
No. 1537961
>>1537955Right here Rachel, wasn't me.
>>1537940The trick is to use your own thread to make as many lolcows as possible, lay low for 5 months and then deliver milk as often as possible.
No. 1537963
No. 1537980
>>1537917stay fat, reeree
>>1537943no no… she looks like a skinnier version of the extra fat neanderthal sister on that one TLC show… my 600lb life maybe?
Anyway… her attitude is just as bad as that fat pig's. Ole Bertha out here causing earthquake with every temper tantrum.
Fee Fi Fo Fum Sephi bby I want ur pixelcum
No. 1537982
File: 1653371276536.jpg (582 KB, 1246x1080, true and honest fatty…)

Rachel you're obese cope and seethe
No. 1537993
>>1537991Rachel why don't you stop pretending and admit you're shitting up your own thread?
You're seriously the most delusional lolcow of them all.
No. 1538005
File: 1653371770556.jpg (449.65 KB, 1089x1080, Cursed room.jpg)

Rachel is fat and ugly.
No. 1538012
>>1538009i remember once one of the ladies i went to church with was tasked with making the bread for the communion which we sometimes did. only, she decided to make raisin bread for some reason. so it sort of became the blood and body of Christ all at once.
how many communions do you need to have before you consume a whole Jesus?
No. 1538026
File: 1653372256222.jpg (76.2 KB, 667x800, fat_finatasy___sephiroth_by_nj…)

>>1538018Fat but still smaller than Rachel, picrel
No. 1538031
File: 1653372382423.gif (450.39 KB, 220x223, 368A2DBC-58FF-4FAE-8122-04954F…)

No. 1538034
>>1538028Tell her youll leave her, seph… tell her youre leaving her for my angel hair and baskets of unused skincare products. Tell her youre gonna eat my unwashed cavern.
(good god im gonna vomit writing that)
No. 1538040
File: 1653372562050.jpeg (11.43 KB, 299x168, 4532F9E0-4271-4FB9-870A-567602…)

Who pulled it out then?
No. 1538043
File: 1653372626947.png (396.92 KB, 1298x575, ErikavsRachel.png)

No. 1538044
>>1538024actually I’m suggesting that she’s never touched that box of whatever the fuck she claims is soap, never bathes, and smells like rotten cheese because of the yeast growing in her fat folds
but if she were to ever try to move a heavy object of any kind, the only way she would be able to accomplish it is by way of inertia, which she gets from her huge masses of fat
No. 1538046
File: 1653372725908.jpg (4.86 MB, 4272x2848, van.jpg)

>>1538027we're gonna need a bigger van
for biiig bertha
No. 1538061
File: 1653373048017.jpg (6.77 KB, 120x160, bertha.jpg)

>>1538050Wrong, it's me Bertha
pic related
No. 1538063
>>1538055Swallows the lump in her throatDa-daddy? I.. iiiiii think you should be with Fatty Patty Ines. She–she'll treat you better.
I literally cant do this anymore… its not the early 2000s… im not a fucking 12 year old on the internet for the first time getting groomed by the rachels of the world.
No. 1538066
No. 1538070
File: 1653373285352.png (171.11 KB, 782x512, 2D4A2BBD-D6B8-4D22-80F6-F026A0…)

>>1538063No, I would never, could never leave you and our child for that hag. She is dead and gone.
No. 1538072
>>1538069MY NAME IS RACEL NOT BERTHA. There's nobody here by that name,
nonnie. tldr l-ratio'd idfk fuck that idiot
No. 1538074
>>1538066only 140 lbs of fat
and 110 lbs of 'muscle' (from lifting boxes of expired beauty products)
No. 1538083
File: 1653373588771.jpg (792.48 KB, 1080x1452, Lushholocaust.jpg)

Shitty but hope y'all get the point.
No. 1538094
File: 1653374136496.png (47.85 KB, 720x374, Screenshot_20220524-013441~2.p…)

>>1538089I dunno if we got that bad, but Micheal sure is there.
No. 1538095
>>1538094Mike is one of the four horsemen of the post-merge Earth.
They are Mike, Ethan Ralph, Chantal and Kerothewolf
No. 1538099
Alternatively, Kero can be switched out for Nick Fuentes
No. 1538100
>>1538098Love the chaos tbh, shows we aren't just a hive of cattiness and doxing.
We have fun.
No. 1538107
File: 1653374964602.jpeg (2.88 MB, 3021x3333, A8BD0FA0-9338-417B-8C7A-F534EF…)

by everything I’ve seen, I don’t think her cat is at risk of being abused.
to proposition someone can mean to ask them for sex, but it can also mean to ask them to do something for you. She probably really did mean she just wants the cat to sit on her and purr. I would too. But what would I know? I’m just a catfucker.
No. 1538129
Let's get back to the milk, shall we?
Ohohoho take a look at this. Found an old Deviantart account!!
All that Lush stuff has been sitting there for close to ten years. No. 1538130
>>1538128 as long as its not deleted, who the fuck cares at this point? the only fun is in poking fun at her stupid ass when she shows up here and even the stooping that requires makes my knees hurt.
But I see your point.
No. 1538131
>>1538129holy fucking shit no way
im actually impressed that youve found this
No. 1538133
File: 1653376378145.png (726.38 KB, 706x1229, 0896390B-62E8-42A0-8D00-6EB7B3…)

>>1538132final fantasy character very emo
im laughing my fucking ass off she linked her gaiaonline account
No. 1538139
File: 1653376896910.jpg (516.85 KB, 801x2613, lmaowhatisthis.jpg)

This is even better than all the roleplay shit combined
No. 1538151
>>1538138I was both one of the rp folks and the one calling for the locking… as well as the one realizing why locking would be bad.
I call the retard out as much as the next, but thankfully, am not her.
No. 1538154
>>1538141Do you see anything there that can be identified in the other photo?
Lush uses much of the same packaging and recycles absolutely fucking everything. We’re going to need to cross reference when products were made and released and…. idk it’s a lot of work but for the milk.
No. 1538155
File: 1653377723089.png (1.78 MB, 1040x1246, ok rachel.png)

>>1538146Oh, its her.
>>1538150Yeah, 18.5k page views but totally just now got pinged and decided to delete it once the farms found it.
Anyway, heres an archive: No. 1538159
>>1538146Gee, I wonder who else would have a DeviantArt account from 10 years ago that has a picture posted to it that contains almost the exact same set up/collection of LUSH and B&BW products that Rachel posted about to “prove” that she is hygienic. And what a coincidence that the owner of this DeviantArt account deactivates it within minutes of it being posted here in the thread.
Honestly, nobody can even attempt to WK and say this was not Rachel lmaoooo
No. 1538160
File: 1653378045280.jpg (109.67 KB, 900x675, my_sailor_moon_toy_collection_…)

>>1538129really nice find anon. it's 100% her. this toy was featured in one of her yzrch yt videos.
No. 1538163
File: 1653378130415.jpg (111.95 KB, 900x675, stalkers__her_computer_by_vinc…)

>>1538160First in my StalkerS Series, where we follow the exploits of a "Stalker" following his obsession around in her waking period. This will enable you folks to find out more about my life, too. So here you see my NEW computer that I got on the 31st of May. On the tray beside the computer you shall see my water bottle, a bottle of Orange Soda (Gotten back into it.) and my new mug, which replaced my older one that I broke. (Wanna learn more? Read my journal.) Inside the mug is orange soda, and all too prominent are the yellow bobblehead cat, the rules my parents so deftly put on for my use of the computer, the numerous sticky notes in my chicken scratch on the right side of the computer (Y'know, on the wall.) that I use for various reminders. Also prominent is one of my hairbrushes for my luxurious hair and my Ipod Nano Purple…. But what really sticks out here is my baby. My darling Sephiroth plush (And his blankie.), (Yes, I sleep with him every night.) who I am never parted with for more than 12 hours. Call me a wuss for loving this plush, but he's been there for me for over 3 years. I was thinking of retiring him and going on to one of my other Sephiroth Dolls (I have THREE.) but I just couldn't leave him somewhere… So I'm back to him. To the very right of the picture on the shelves are our Blu-ray system and my various office toys and whatnot. And to the very left is our phone and bulletin board. While it does not show up in the picture, above the computer is mostly office supplies and stuff for first aid, camping, travelling, dictionary, thesaurus, classical books my parents have collected, gardening books, paper, and the colorful stuff for art. (I.e. Markers, Pens, Colored Pencils, Etc.) Upon the monitor is my Gaiaonline page… Don't get any ideas.
No. 1538168
File: 1653378273389.png (159.8 KB, 400x457, d1ys61w-114685a5-aa66-4508-837…)

>>1538163>I did not make this. I won this from a forum in gaiaonline, and a nice person called [Boo Boo] made it for me.gaia handle
No. 1538172
File: 1653378387676.jpg (114.17 KB, 900x675, stalkers__her_bedroom_1_by_vin…)

>>15381634th part A of my StalkerS series, where we follow the exploits of a "stalker" following his obsession in her waking hours. This will enable you folks to learn more about me, too. This is probably the most intimate piece into my life. Here we see The Mess I Call A Bedroom, while I'm standing in the doorway. Water bottle on floor along with books that I read for fun and seriousness (Reading the Trilogy of the Rings currently.), my chest of drawers, two chairs, (Rocking chair, reclining chair on the floor.) my lamp, my maneki neko, my Sailor Moon Crisis locket, my black materia replica, one of my two metal die-cast puzzles, the alarm clock my sister gave me, my clay tea set, and 3 of the 4 picture frames I own. (I don't use them for real people. Never have, probably never will. I use them for art.) . I never sleep below the comforter, I sleep on two pillows covered with a blanket, and two pillows with satin pillowcases…. There's a towel on my bed not because I wet my bed or because I put it there after a shower. It's there because I have REALLY heavy periods and I sleep alot. There's my dream catcher, and note that the ORIGINAL "Viral Loves Me" is hanging on the wall near my bed!Other various pictures from deviantart, mainly Azure Kite, another Viral on a Doujinshi cover, one other picture of Sephiroth, two of a few Naruto posters left over from my very short Naruto phase which I need to take down, FFX2 official poster, Yoshitaka Amano's interpretation of Aeriseph… And hanging above it is my two wallscrolls. One on the right is Vincent from DoC, and the one on the left is Guardian Sephiroth, who watches over me while I sleep. o.O Any questions about this picture or my room, you stalker you? Just ask.
No. 1538173
>>1538170I’m not going to do that. You get what you get or you get nothing.
I don’t like thinking about how I was when I was younger.
I fucking give up. I want to believe that things will get better now that I’m here. But I don’t have high hopes.
Btw I’m not going to therapy, it’s true. Sorry not sorry.
No. 1538179
File: 1653378756903.jpg (567.06 KB, 710x2836, interesting.jpg)

These were in the comments. Just further proving its her and she's been a pedo for quite a while.
No. 1538181
>>1538170get off social media, reflect on yourself, get a job with more hours, move out your parent's house, make some friends.
or stay here in your misery and delusion for everyone to laugh at your expense, either's good.
No. 1538182
>>1538178Haven’t been. Got pinged that my deviantart was visited and the jig was up.
>>1538176Dude I just don’t want to go. It’s a waste of time.
No. 1538183
>>1538182You're so bad at lying.
Guess I gotta dig up more about you.
No. 1538185
>>1538181I’m not going to be doing that, primarily because
1. I have friends
2. I’m already working 40 hours a week as manager
3. I’m already out of my parents house.
I’m not leaving social media for your benefit. It’s just not happening.
No. 1538193
>>1538179oh, my god. i thouught it was hyperbole but she really is a pedophile.
>>1538188yeah, that's why you're 250+ lbs and constantly on the internet
No. 1538195
>>1538189At the same time, I’ve been provoked to a lot of shit man. I feel helpless.
>>1538190I don’t even have any of the same products I once did back then. I used them all up a long time ago. I do miss some of them as they really smelled nice.
No. 1538202
>>1538196Because I read back.
Yeah, the weird rping was kinda funny, I did exhale a bit because of that.
They did hit it on the nose with that though.
And another thing someone said earlier about feeling like I never really grew up, that was accurate. The face blindness, not accurate, I don’t have that. The hygiene? Yes, I’m fastidious about that and no, I don’t shit myself. Go ahead and get all your giggles or whatever out. I’m tired.
No. 1538205
>>1537612>us>>1537628unironically trans women are more feminine than rachel
>>1537856her attempts at manipulation are really fucking sad
>>1537946rachel you dont even know what gaslighting is stfu
>>1538129actually horrid and disgusting
>>1538187go away. no one even likes you, if you left people alone no one would talk to you at all
i think shes been wearing those bandanas in her most recent selfies because the stress of this thread is making her bald lawl
No. 1538206
>>1538197you admitted you watch child porn
>>1538179. you don't need therapy, you need your name in a sex offender registry, Rachel.
No. 1538207
>>1538182DeviantArt doesnt ping you when you get a visit
the only way to know someone visited your page is if youre a premium user and have the visitors widget on your page and even then that doesnt ping you
No. 1538211
>>1538210Therapy offers no reward for me that I consider worthwhile.
All this has been going on for years. It’s just not going to happen. I’ve given up.
No. 1538216
>>1538212You don't know how to do that.
If you do, show us the script. Even if you deleted the account you should be able to recreate what you did in text.
No. 1538218
>>1538188its not supposed to be fun
life in general isnt supposed to be 100% happy and fun
working isnt always fun no matter how much you love your job
you dont do things that youre supposed to because theyre fun you do it because you should want better for yourself
do you not want a better you for yourself? are you really happy with yourself the way you are right now? im genuinely asking i promise this isnt antagonistic
No. 1538222
>>1538215Fuck off your whole plan is to get people to talk to you and then DFE and deny it.
Talk here pussy.
No. 1538223
>>1538220But if it was a script you should be able to recreate it or tell someone else how to do it.
Or you're lying, which you definitely have been doing since you came here. I love how you act like you're telling the truth only to parrot the WKs (which were always you) and provide nothing but cope.
No. 1538224
>>1538218I’m not happy but I just don’t want to go back to therapy! I don’t want to go back to it. I was forced into it by my mom and CHC when I was like 9 and I FUCKING HATED EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND of it.
I love my partners and my cat and my new house, but I don’t want to remember!
No. 1538233
>>1538228Nobody here is claiming to be otherwise except you, which you aren't.
Unlike you, the people here can own up to their bullshit.
No. 1538237
>>1538211you literally said that anon said you never really grew up and that you agree with them on that thats literally something you could work on in therapy along with a lot of other habits of yours
why are you so scared? dont say you arent because clearly only someone who avoids something this much is scared
>>1538212you had a script on your 14 year old DeviantArt? im sorry but thats ridiculous please be honest with yourself for your own conscience
No. 1538248
>>1538224you should want to go to therapy for that exact reason
if theres something so bad that you dont want to remember it then therapy helps you with that
it doesnt make the problem go away but it helps you come to terms with it and yourself allowing your mind to live more comfortably
No. 1538253
>>1538235Again, you need to find a coping method that doesn’t involve being nasty to others provoked or not otherwise you’re in for being in a nasty cycle of getting mad like that.
You wouldn’t get mad like that at work because you know there are consequences. It should apply everywhere else. Being tired or whatever else is not an excuse.
No. 1538255
>>1538235thats not true
you went after those minors that you provoked earlier this month again
No. 1538258
>>1538251Because she hurt my mom! I kept having issues with fairsinfocenter and everything after this and I knew I couldn’t talk to her about it because it would just hurt her more!
She hurt my mom and I can’t forgive her for that.
No. 1538260
>>1538242The type of help you’re requesting is not easy to do or something that you should expect other people to do for you for free. You’re basically just saying you want a random person on the internet to give you therapy for free. That’s not fair or reasonable of you and will never happen because your reactions outside of a controlled setting (which would be in therapy) aren’t able to be controlled by you by your own admission. Therefore anybody who does try to “help” you for free, like Hyde or Margo, did will wind up on the receiving end of your wrath when you inevitably get
triggered and sperg. If it’s been happening for years, then clearly whatever you’ve been doing to try and fix it isn’t fucking working. So try something different. Or don’t and keep getting the same results you’ve been getting for years. Either way, you’re the one who is responsible for yourself at the end of the day and you earn whatever consequences come from your choices.
No. 1538261
>>1538258How did she hurt your mother?
Your mother is a grown woman. Let her deal with her pain in her own way, you don’t need to fight her battles for her unless there is an absolute need to.
No. 1538265
>>1538258You obviously never forgave her then if you suddenly don't forgive her anymore.
Self awareness is the first step towards getting better so where you go from here is up to you. Being on the internet is not exactly helping. The best thing you can do is private your Twitter and block everyone that you see as malicious, rather than attack them. Since as we all know, you don't just attack them, you go as far as sending threats, porn and gore.
No. 1538277
>>1538261Because my mom had to wake me up at 10 am in March to tell me the police were at my front door to serve me papers. She had to fret over finding a lawyer for me, potential transportation, lodging in all of a week we had to to prepare to go down there as I didn’t drive then. I had to watch her stop eating and sleeping and listen to her crying at night because of what Hyde did to me! I couldn’t even cheer her up with the idea of going to Disneyland or universal studios afterwards. And now I can’t bring up anything to her about it. My dad doesn’t understand, he’s going senile and he’s just going to yell at me so I have to keep a stoic and happy face and just reassure them that nothing is wrong. I had to buy myself a god damn security blanket and security stuffed animal during the process because I was beginning to not sleep and not eat either. I couldn’t sleep properly for over half a year afterwards after and I still have nightmares occasionally. I also developed a nasty habit of plucking my eyelashes, and only my eyelashes because I always felt like there was something in my eyes. I haven’t fully kicked that habit and I need to stop myself when I go to pluck sometimes.
Just … if you’re going to insult me mock me or harass me, just leave me alone. Please. The worst critic of me I have is only myself.
I don’t even know who I can or can’t follow on Twitter anymore. I don’t know who is who or connected to who or what. I can’t just leave the FF7 community. I can’t just abandon my comfort characters. I really like Sephiroth as a character and associate him with myself because of some of the experiences I went through as a child.
>>1538267I am medicated. I started again shortly after college. I’m on two different kinds of antidepressants and antianxietals it’s just when the harassment amps up I just can’t handle it. I can’t.
I need medicinal weed man I just don’t know how I’d go about getting a prescription. I don’t like smoking it or having it in tea because I hate the flavor. I don’t know how I’m going to convince my doctor to give me a prescription for edibles or even any kind of oil.
No. 1538282
>>1538277Literally just say "I heard weed helps people with autism and I wanna try it"
Because it's true. Lots of positive studies for autistic people and weed use. I recommend gummies.
No. 1538286
File: 1653381900250.jpeg (4.58 KB, 221x228, dosomethingretardo.jpeg)

god rachel youre so fucking boring.
No. 1538291
>>1538285Learn to be calmer and not harass others in kind when you get mad. You learned the hard way when you got served your papers, don’t let it happen again. You can spend time with your cat or go for a walk when it gets to be too much.
Idk how it works in California but if you can find a dispensary, you can get your edibles without having to go to a doctor. I recommend drinks, cookies, and gummies. Oils have a bitter taste to them.
No. 1538293
>>1538277Rachel, do you realize that all of these things you are claiming “Hyde did to you” are a direct result of the things
you did to
her? If you had stopped harassing her online like she asked, she never would have had any grounds to have a TRO granted. Therefore, a TRO would have never been served to your house and upset you and your family like you claim it did. Hyde did not purse the TRO out of nowhere. Your actions are the causative factor in this situation. All of the resulting things you listed can also be true, but it is a fact that none of those things would have happened in the first place had it not been for
your actions initially.
Until you recognize that you are responsible for your own actions and learn how to hold yourself accountable for them instead of constantly projecting your anger and blame onto everyone else, there will be no real improvement for you. What you’re describing sounds like legitimate mental disorders, and they’re
valid and having them doesn’t automatically make you a bad person. But they won’t fix themselves on their own or without professional help, whether that’s therapy or a psychiatrist adjusting your medications… and the way you act as a result of untreated mental conditions is what causes you to then be this way. You can be better but you’re responsible for doing the things needed to get there. Not anybody else… only you.
I know we hate announcing departures but I’m going to bed, too. Hope you decide to take some of this to heart, Rachel
No. 1538297
>>1538284rachel you dont have to go to the same therapist you can find one that you like
its okay to have a session or two with a therapist and think youd want a different one
you should find a therapist that you really think understands you and could possibly help you
im gonna expose myself and let you know that ive been in and out of therapy for over a decade
it took me so long to find the right one and they were awesome they recommended me an awesome psychiatrist who prescribed me the right kinds of meds
as for the Hyde thing…
i think its time to come to terms that you are part to blame for this
i really dont think any of that would have happened if you didnt happen to threaten someone who lived in the same state
and i know some anon thought it was ridiculous because of how far you two were from each other but youd really be surprised how hate motivated a person someone in my friends state drove hundreds of miles to their ex girlfriends house just to shoot up their current boyfriend out of sheer jealousy i dont blame Hyde for it because you really never know whos unhinged enough to follow through on their threats
while you and your mom did suffer as a result of it you have to admit that it would never even gotten to that point if youd learn to ignore people instead of trying to fight back and threaten people
No. 1538301
>>1538266i was also curious but i didnt really feel like it lol
>>1538277you are actively seeking out this so called "harassment"
No. 1538302
>>1538294I feel stupid. I don’t know how to go about the whole Twitter thing without having someone who has a foothold in the community help me like Margo did. I don’t feel like I can do any of this particular thing alone. Medilia and RenegadeSeph fell through because they became snarky and rude and I just dug my heels in.
I’m going to make an appointment tomorrow to talk with my doctor about getting a prescription for weed.
No. 1538311
>>1538303if this is rachel and you seriously mean this… im pretty proud of you
if not then lol
No. 1538312
>>1538310Have you found anyone from here to talk to yet?
If not I can dm you on twitter
No. 1538318
>>1538316Don’t be hasty.
Because I needed legal advice and potentially representation. We live in the SF bay, and the laws in LA are different because they vary from county to county. I couldn’t just fly a lawyer down there to represent me, I’d need to find one there. We tried to ask to find anyone who had connections to the bar down in LA and it took forever until like 2 days before the hearing. Talked to a guy who was a lawyer down there and he said “Don’t show up, this woman is cuckoo bananas and the restraining order isn’t going to become permanent.”
No. 1538321
>>1538312Why would you allow the cow to triangulate you in DMs so they can focus on you to avoid having to deal with the thread?
>Leave me the fuck alone>Talk to me in private because it's 'harder to type'Get real
No. 1538324
>>1538312Not really no.
>>1538321I AM real.
No. 1538325
File: 1653385898384.jpg (111.16 KB, 754x422, art8.jpg)

submission for next thread art
No. 1538333
>>1538329Yes, but they were replaced by nonnas white knighting so go figure
>>1538331Show us the POV scales photo then
No. 1538365
File: 1653389335640.png (985.6 KB, 1000x731, 8th Rachel Thread.png)

another possibility
No. 1538380
>>1538366Refusing to prove you're 140 lbs simply confirms you've been lying this whole time
>>1538367What an incredibly autistic reply
No. 1538381
>>1538378 ninja'd by
>>1538377 saying it wasn't as a minor they had these interactons. We've got Rachel in 2014 (20ish) suicide baiting Jennifer on Facebook. Which would also be around the time she got out of that facility she posted about also on Facebook, wasn't it? The timeline is confusing for me too because she said she was there 5 years but she was posting on the Internet in 2013 and earlier too. And I thought we had her and Jennifef talking (and "talking") online much earlier.
No. 1538383
>>1538381I don’t recall suicide baiting her. The last time I spoke to her she was in the hospital with leukemia.
I wasn’t a minor when I met her, I was definitely in college. Likely sophomore year.
No. 1538391
>>1538387They are real.
You’d get quicker replies if you were on the discord server I posted. It’s still there. Just make an alt if you already use the site, choose a random word or object or whatever and join.
No. 1538399
>>1538391So you have time to reply and say they are real but still not answer my initial question. Convenient. And yes like other
nonnie said, I’m not joining discord