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No. 1702642
Previous Thread:
>>>/snow/1561022Current Twitter Account: @BelloPanther to be posted below.
Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin is a 28 year old autistic woman from Emerald Hills, CA who has spent the majority of her life online, behaving in erratic and unusual ways that involve harassing others usually because she is denied ERP with her fictional husbandos. The last several threads had been derailed by bad actors and attention whores, and an eleventh thread was never made despite several anons saying they would do so. We're back again to check in on our gorl because some interesting things have happened while her threads were in limbo.
A summary of happenings:
>She has maintained her silly little cat LARP, currently under the name BelloPanther as of posting this thread. She has reached 900 followers since. >Chronic Liz Fong-Jones and Keffals asskisser, posting unfunny memes to "own the kiwis">She is still "coping and seething about it." >Rachel is still living at home with her parents. She is still single. No polycule in sight.>She posted about how the mean people were trying to boot her off the internet but conveniently left out sending death threats, posting someone's newborn online saying she'd rape and kill it, sending gore and porn to minors, possessing child porn, etc.>Allegedly got called at home by another cow (Blaine Gaven Ross/Erika), which made her mom begin to supervise her internet time. >General Kiwifarms alogging, kowtowing to the trannies like a good fatty.>Her cat is reaching morbid obesity and her hands are swelling further.>Freely called people faggot, nigger, tranny, etc. but cries about the slightest mean words spoken towards her on the internet.>The person whose server she jannies appears to be close to becoming trans. He is posting a bunch of pseudoscience and talking about being "both Cloud and Aerith." >She has continued to pretend to speak Japanese through google translate while LARPing as her cat.>Admits to carrying a stuffed Sephiroth plushie wherever she goes. Older Milk (A shitty abridged version):
>In December 2020, the first Rachel thread was made on LCF and it went relatively unnoticed, as it seemed like a personal vendetta. >Most of the first thread covered her harassing roleplayers and random cat accounts on Tumblr, Twitter, and other sites. This included stalking, sending death threats, making a ton of accounts that got banned for her breaking ToS. >Rachel discovered her thread and has a complete autistic keyboard smashing meltdown, which included her sending her unredacted ID to someone over Discord. This went about as well as you'd expect.>With her continuing to freak out, she quickly filled threads. A Kiwifarms thread was made, as well as threads on smaller sites. >Rachel's online behavior became even more bizarre, and she started blaming everything on Ines (who she believes "owns" LCF), believing everyone posting was Ines, etc.>She teamed up with known lolcows Elaine Miller and Angry Canadian/Michael Thurlow. >Alogged by Blaine Gaven Ross, who was the primary derailer of the prior threads.>Says that she's skinny and beautiful despite being a hamplanet, likes to call other people Fatty Patty. Insert comment about her five boyfriends and two girlfriends here. >Has an unhealthy obsession with Bad Dragon type dildos and animal genitalia. "Beautiful pour" has become a bit of an in-joke because of how she claims to be into the "art" of it and not the fucking herself with them part.>Banned from most FF7 groups, a known name in the FF and Arcana communities for her absolutely bizarre behavior. >Posted the child of someone from the roleplay community in order to try to get the thread taken down while posing as one of her friends and talked about wanting to rape it and sell it on the Darkweb>Admitted to possession of child porn on Onionfarms and the Metokur forums. The OP is shit, thanks for announcing it. We're here to talk about Rachel.
Prior Threads:
Thread #1:
>>>/snow/1095830Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1485119Thread #3:
>>>/snow/1497013Thread #4:
>>>/snow/1508548Thread #5:
>>>/snow/1518588Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1529219Thread #7:
>>>/snow/1535186Thread #8:
>>>/snow/1538415Thread #9:
>>>/snow/1538415Kiwi Farms: No. 1702713
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Thanks for letting the class know you got bullied and bodied by the “cow” in question, OP.
No. 1702721
>>1702711The last thread was 10.
No. 1702723
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No. 1702735
>>1702721The last thread was 11.
>>1702723Rather than do something with yourself, say volunteer your time, getting a job, acquiring a productive hobby, contributing to society, you continue to harass and stalk this poor girl.
Twitter is dead in the water. Social media as a whole is falling apart. Kiwifarms is dead in the water and LCF is likely next. She is living her life working two jobs last we heard and for all we know, not even in the United States anymore. The metadata on her pictures shows the pictures she took are old.
She isn’t the problem here, it’s you trying to deflect from the fact you’re a useless waste of flesh with no life. You’re sitting here on your fat ass hee-hawing about how your life is so much better than hers, when you’re likely living paycheck to paycheck in a trailer or apartment you can’t even afford. You tell yourself you dine on the finest of cuisine, when your idea of a 5 star meal is taquitos from 7-Eleven and Mountain Dew served in a plastic wine glass.
(Rachel ) No. 1702743
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>>1702735Psst Rachel if you wanna WK yourself, maybe try not posting on Twitter at the same time.
No. 1703237
>>1703227Which is extremely. Keep thinking she’s here, faggot.
>>1703232 So that’s your new name then, Ines?
>>1703234Both knowing Ines.
No. 1703402
>>1703399Okay berch berch, riddle for ya, what's got two thumbs, two faces, a billion backs and belongs in bile belched by their own bowels?
Another for you, what happens when a cow tries to flip it around with some friends that weren't ever her friends?
Final one for now, what's it like having your account used to help someone you hate with a burning passion?
I hope it burned, you'll get more too, just wait.
No. 1703406
>>1703399Nobody's obsessed. You had a whole two months of peace where nobody did anything. But even when nobody was thinking about you, you were posting about us. You were whining about being a
victim to random cat accounts when you know damn well they wouldn't stick around if they knew. But rather than moving on you kept bringing it up. If you weren't obsessed you wouldn't have been checking here daily to see if you got a new thread. Be real, nobody told you anything. Nobody cares, but you do.
We just like a good show and you always provide.
No. 1703419
>>1703399You tagged the wrong person. You meant to tag:
>>1703237You're welcome.
No. 1704440
>>1704439Fuck, you're right anon. I totally forgot.
Rachel, go to bed.
No. 1705067
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Bitch really can't do anything new.
Cries "FATPHOBIA!!!" but loves fat shaming everyone else.
No. 1705069
>>1705067Yet she can harass people sexually on her discord. Little piggie cow wants her cake, to eat it to
and have seconds, my word.
No. 1705076
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Rachel rushed to defend a fellow pedophile.
Proof the dude is a pedo: you should look into why someone is getting called out instead of immediately assuming they're wrong. Unless you're aware and want to jump in regardless.
No. 1705082
Samefag as
>>1705078But wow, look at that C A T account…being a cat. Because cats totally involve themselves in twitter drama, especially FF twitter drama. Intentionally.
No. 1705091
>>1705076I just thank whatever diety there is that Rachel didn't run into more pedos in her romp around the alt kiwi sites.
>>1705082It's literally there so she can sometimes cat post and have a 'defense', I love this thread because to hurt Rachel you must sink to her level and she lets me indulge in middle school quality insults.
No. 1705330
>>1705094She naturally can't comprehend people have object permanency as she can't understand it herself so it's a forgone conclusion she would assume others would not just check her Twitter timeline.
>>1705103I think it's more they wouldn't worship her, the current cronies from what I can tell are all people who crave an authority figure even if said figure is a giant baby with severe mental instability.
No. 1705408
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Speaking from personal experience Bertha?
No. 1705437
>>1705408What about having a tard tantrum in a lolcow discord server and sending them your ID over a long forgotten thread?
Most people dont really have to worry about posting their pics or real name online because they're not speds wreaking havoc.
No. 1705703
>>1705437Some can do nearly the same thing and nobody cares, if only Rachel would learn and listen to others, why god why?!?!
If only she'd be even slightly nice people would just move on as she's boring in all ways
except her rage blowouts being clockwork and vehicles for her to mask off about her superiority.
Essentially the dumb bitch doesn't realize we care more about the hypocrisy and there have been other dumbasses who did what she did but got forgotten about because they admitted it was dumb or they weren't an asshole. Such an easy lesson she leaves out on the field every time, literally everytime, it really seems that this same cycle is how she got kicked from all the RP sites.
Including ones on hosting sites she has never been to now because rp fags hate actual groomers like Rachel a ton and word spreads fast when delivered by people she has personally offended. No. 1706911
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Well, it looks like Rachel finally got the attention of a prominent (I'm being very generous with that) troon in the Drop KiwiFarms campaign! Finally! Too bad its just Sinseer, a 50 year old schizophrenic with 16000 hours played in Fallout 76 before getting banned. Actually, he and Rachel are pretty similar and while he's shizo, I dont recall seeing anything that made me think he's anything but harmless. Better than the crowd she WAS hanging out with.
Hmm Rachel got banned from Counter Social. (of course she did) So, guess she's socking.
No. 1707193
>>1706911>>1707192You can just say criminal records or charges like a normal person, sped.
No. 1707201
Idk, depends on what that anon meant by "caught". We do have yo–I mean Rachel admitting to having CP herself multiple times, through out the threads, though. But I guess you knew that.
Anyway, it's not as if theres no criminal record it means theres no crime. Pretty weak and unrealistic way of thinking but I dont think any of us expect you to think any differently.
No. 1707206
>>1707191Nigga that's you for sure, you use vpns to dodge bans all the time.
Look at how many times you've been banned from here Rachel but like herpes you keep coming back.
No. 1707299
>>1707201kinda hard for someone to not have cp if they report it to the fbi
anyone who does report it does have cp
No. 1707307
>>1707299You're seriously the dumbest person I've ever met. Are you for real? I can't believe that you actually think like this.
So you once again admitted to possessing cp under the guise of "reporting it." Good job Fatty Patty.
No. 1707484
>>1707299Hey berchal, I send the link to the FBI if it's actual CP staying there.
>>1707201Ask the owner of metokur forums who caught Rachel spamming CP and showed it was her, it's not some loose connection, it's confirmed she had it. Rachel's now trying to spin out of that but she can't thanks to spamming child porn out of anger on an account site.
Wait hasn't this site been spammed with CP? Gee I wonder who it could be…
No. 1707571
>>1707299Its been explained to you before, multiple times in these threads, by people much more knowledgeable than you, why thats a dumb excuse. You aren't noble for saving CP to "turn into the fbi", you saving it and not turning over a link or archiving the sites it on to turn that into police is not helpful. You are genuinely fucking retarded.
>>1707484Yeah thats believable considering she yet again just admitted having it after asking for proof of her having it.
No. 1707578
>>1707300NTA but because you're 1. Retarded. 2. A Lolcow. 3. Prone to losing your shit over normal things and producing glorious milk. 4. Don't know what stalking is and likely never will since you're incapable of changing or bettering yourself in anyway at all.
You do this to yourself, Bertha.
No. 1707622
>>1707484My heart wants to believe Rachel did it because that would mean she's committed a crime and we could get a jail arc, but my mind knows the real person behind a considerable amount of it wasn't her.
In the interest of keeping the thread on topic and not derailing as badly as the prior thread, I won't name names. But there is someone else who is notorious for spamming cp and blaming it on other people when things don't go their way and it's happened enough times without Rachel involved for it to not be a coincidence.
Rachel isn't some evil mastermind, she's literally retarded. She's got the mentality of a middle schooler. Her idea of malicious action is to harass until she gets her way. She repeats herself over and over again because she's too stupid to come up with anything new.
I think the person who did do it wanted to blame her for it because they realized she was stupid enough to save it on her devices. That same person also never delivered proof on almost all the outlandish claims they made.
So, tl;dr calling bullshit. Metokurforums has been severely restricted and threads removed because of people acting like entitled crybabies and knowingly break rules to get threads deleted. Not necessarily the best source.
No. 1707710
>>1707622Realistically not going to get a jail arc. None of the shit posted on here would hold up in a court of law. The only thing that would be able to be persecuted is that you and other users have been stalking and harassing her, and invading her privacy.
Besides, you’re already breaking the rules by alogging her.
The shit with the Metokur forums is news to me. Was her account on there Sourpuss as it was on OF and KF?
No. 1707723
>>1707718Hey dumbass, not everyone has the virtue of a functional autocorrect like you. I know damn well what alogging is.
Pretty sure you’re just one of the spergs from the fandom who has a vendetta with her.
No. 1707725
>>1707723It has nothing to do with autocorrect considering persecuted is an actual word, just not the correct one, you drooling mong. And no, you don't.
Sure. Never played FF but yep, totally.
No. 1707726
>>1707725Honestly it’s probably you that don’t know the definition then.
Sure. It’s easy enough for people to deny being Rachel, and it’s just as easy for you to deny being one of the spergs holding a vendetta.
No. 1707730
>>1707726*doesn't. And I do. Just like I know actual words and their meanings.
I also didn't deny it because I genuinely couldn't care less who you think I am.
No. 1707741
>>1707730Then why do you care at all for this site or this thread when there’s more interesting things going on? Unless you’re one of those retards like ghoulie or dumb bitch smoothie.
Come to think of it, if you feel that way, what makes you think it’s any different for Rachel?
No. 1707749
>>1707741Not that your questions correlate with anything I said, because they don't, but because people with functioning brains are able to care about multiple things at once. Yep, both of them and someone from the fandom. Lol you'll be forever trying to guess who's posting here and you'll more than likely forever be wrong.
I don't care what Rachel thinks about this site or this thread.
No. 1707753
>>1707749Uh huh.
In regards to who the cp spammer is, who do you suspect?
No. 1707764
>>1707761Metokur forums, I couldn't say because I've never been there.
Here, not sure either because this site has always randomly had 4chan/bots try to post CP and gore. Not spam it though. Wouldn't be surprised if it was Rachel, but not sure I'd say I 'suspect' her either. I also didn't see the CP spam she's suspected for so I don't know how it went down.
No. 1707786
The CP spammer was Blaine because he did it in places that had nothing to do with Rachel and magically whenever he became involved with something as soon as things went south there was a cp spam. But magically, somehow, when nobody was pointing fingers at Blaine there was no cp. Every single time. His thread on KF is very enlightening and he has a history before Rachel of doing the same thing. I guess he is just like his cows of choice and doesn't learn how to deviate from the formula.
As for Rachel trying to assert that she's being stalked and harassed, look in the mirror first. This whole thing wouldn't have started if it weren't for your behavior. Whether there are vendettachans here or not doesn't matter, you like to name drop DBS and Ghoulie like you name drop Spooky Bones and Ines because you like the security of believing someone is the big bad so you can push responsibility off of yourself and onto them. You refuse to acknowledge any of the horrible things you've done because you think that someone else has done worse. No wonder nobody likes you, you have no self awareness and refuse to accept your faults. You're not the Mary Sue you pretend to be online.
If the owner of the Metokurforums has this proof, anon who insists they do, why don't you quit being a faggot and post it up? Smells like another heaping pile of bullshit to derail the thread. Give credit where credit is due. Until there's solid proof that it was Rachel, there's more grounds for it having been Blaine.
Before you derail this shit show any further, let me repeat myself. If you have proof, post it or shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your fanfiction, if it's available you can certainly quit being lazy and provide it. Don't be a lazy fatass like Rachel.
Rachel definitely has/had cp, she has admitted to it even. We know this.
Tranny propaganda is on par with a Rachel delusion.
No. 1707790
>>1707786Post actual proof of your accusations instead, clearly you have derailed this thread more than anyone else has aside from the cow. Like I said believe the owner, not some random comment claiming something.
Piss off with your pissing match.
No. 1707793
>>1707791Not Rachel, just not interested in dealing with your manic attitude. You, yourself admitted Rachel possessed CP, there are screens of her being sexual on discord with minors from different servers and at different times brought by different people.
Rachel is a pedophile, end of story.
No. 1707802
>>1707797If true then she would have been beaten to the punch on reporting Blaine, last I heard some scrotes tried to swat him but it did not pan out.
Since you seem so interested in him why not make a thread on him here so we can go back to talking about who the thread is about and stay on topic.
No. 1707816
>>1707813Okay, yeah thats accurate.
Unrelated but I dont think Sourpuss on KF is Rachel. They didn't post in her thread there at all and we all know she wouldn't be able to help herself.
No. 1707830
>>1707822This has been gone over multiple times already in this thread. Read up if you want your answers.
>>1707823Because it was obvious, and she posted in her threads. Hence I dont think the one on KF is her.
No. 1707831
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>>1707790The more I see things like this, the more I am convinced this has all been one big game of he said she said and the accusations never held any credibility to begin with.
No. 1707832
>>1707831Yet theres tons of proof in other threads.
This is so lame.
No. 1707842
>>1707835You’re welcome to not believe it, but that just makes you incapable of reasoning or utilizing logic.
You’re just being ridiculous if you keep trying to force your illogical viewpoint onto others.
No. 1707857
>>1707850Yeah no. The only one trying to force anything on anyone is those insisting she’s guilty without any solid evidence.
>>1707849The other threads have been combed through thoroughly. There is no evidence suggesting the guilt on any part other than that of LCF users.
No. 1707881
>>1707876Sadly, we'll likely never know because she lies about it all the time, just like everything else.
>>1707880 guessed what I was going to kek
No. 1707904
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hey, saw rachels thread bumped on KF they're going on old info im not involved with rachel.
also, sorry about the Peruvian incel pretending to be me.
No. 1707916
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>>1707907naught, some Peruvian incel and angry Canadian keep tryna get my attention on wizchan/b/ the former even posting here the latter was involved with Rachel.
No. 1707918
>>1707881I'm changing my guess to 35 pounds of thanksgiving feast and pure tard rage.
No. 1707961
>>1707950I think her whole obsession with Sephiroth is definitely rooted in her self worth. She wants a man to obsess over her, she wants someone to impregnate her as an act of obsession and not because she truly wants kids. She wants to feel wanted and she's painted this narrative in her head that she would turn Sephiroth from your generic evil dude to someone who is entirely devoted to her.
Evidence for this is her "arranged marriage" thing she tried to do when playing Aerith and her tendency to directly go into wattpad romance levels of roleplay. She has a one track mind like a horny man, and has no interest in women or other characters because she roleplays solely for sexual gratification.
She repeats the same kind of storylines over and over again because she's got no desire to develop something, she uses it to get off and fantasize.
No. 1707977
>>1707961Great reply, anon. I gotta agree with you. I wonder if she would be such a coomer, or at least as overly sexual as she is if she weren't a virgin. Some women do have high sex drives, so maybe not, but maybe it does have something to do with it.
I personally could have gone my whole life being blissfully ignorant of her discord messages about getting horny over Jurassic Park raptors. Fuck you for that, Rachel.
No. 1707990
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>>1707972Boohoo nigga, cry more
>>1707974>nonaLurk moar
>>1707977She wants to say she ain't a zoophile, but…
>>1707983Someone start up the HSM "We're all in this together" song.
>>1707985Nigger THEY'RE REAL ANIMALS, DINOSAURS ARE REAL NOT FICTIONAL. They're extinct but dinosaurs were definitely real and hybrids of them are still ANIMALS.
No. 1707994
>>1707988I guess she forgot that sex toys exist for a reason. Weird considering she brags about owning so many, "beautiful pour", and wrote a novel on sex toy materials on OF.
But yeah, shoving a raptor shaped toy up there sounds totally sane.
>>1707990>Someone start up the HSM songPlaying it for you rn, anon.
No. 1708006
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>>1708001>>1707999>>1707994Anon you are fucking faggot and a nigger. She never said any of that shit anywhere in the threads. In fact the posts say she doesn’t care for penetration. Please kill yourself.
>>1708001Here's the wildest part. She never really owned any, she just had a weird obsession and tried to become a part of the "dildo community" despite being too broke of a bitch to afford anything.
So she was a weird orbiter who talked about "beautiful pours" because she knew it was weird to begin with.
She does definitely fantasize about animals though, we uncovered that yzrch account on tentaclerape she denies is hers but the comments left by that account have the same level of deranged autism that her comments here have.
No. 1708050
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>>1707925I love the fact that a fictional character has a bigger and more diverse dating pool than Rachel who will stay forever alone.
If she wasn't such a bitch and a permanently online loser with no social skills, she wouldn't be as shamed for preferring 2D guys over 3DPD ones, but here we are, on thread #11 filled with schizoposting.
No. 1708076
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>>1708067How dare you,
nonnie! Her harem looks literally like this, of course it's possible for it to be 100% real and totally not a figment of her imagination that got fucked up by her rampant schizophrenia!
No. 1708115
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Kek, that would be so pathetic.
No. 1708147
>>1708142That's the gospel truth right there.
But I can't help sticking around to see how far she'll go.
No. 1708157
>>1708147Oh I'm watching with you
nonnie but it just stopped being funny. Nothing quite like a trainwreck though. The cast of cringe orbiters is just proof of how good a cow she is but people have to be retarded about it, why we can't have nice things, etc.
No. 1708197
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Wow! Thanks so much for the insight, nonnie.
No. 1708582
>>1708410Oh my god. You're right. kek
Happy Thanksgiving Nonnies!
No. 1708734
>>1708661Not sure how she gets banned from a site that is fine with pedophilia, vore, snuff, toilet kinks, and some of the darkest shit you'd ever encounter.
Yeah that's my guess too. Or she's convinced someone to be her packmule for the time being. I figure she was trying to set up some roleplay shit on CounterSocial so she could claim to be the queen bee and the owner decided that was fucking weird and she shouldn't be pretending to be someone else. I can only speculate.
No. 1709617
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Also noticed something interesting while going to grab that. Lots of the favorites are either dragon or dinosaur porn. We know Rachel has the hots for dinosaurs so that just further proves thats her account.
Here are archives so she cant say its fake:
Bee: page 1: 2: 3: No. 1709716
>>1709617And there it is, she always screams no proof and tries to blame others but it's always there for all to see.
>>1709648Same here, heck I don't even mind furries who keep to themselves but this is a step deeper into the depravity well than even that. Lord help us as someone actually is living the Bee movie and that someone is Rachel.
>>1709656The Rachel cycle as it were, her worst downfall and why I know the cycle will never stop is that she turns on the people who try to help her the hardest. Anyone who dares give her advice is deemed an instant enemy regardless of context.
No. 1709754
>>1709652That must be the only personality trait she has. All she thinks of is sexual content and projects it to others. No wonder she’s got nothing going for her. She has no imagination to develop a personality trait that she didn’t either develop from thirsty minors on roleplaying sites, or read as she was on the outside looking in on people actually developing unique characteristics.
No wonder she changes her identity and “ Rachel isn’t here” like she does. She knows she’s got nothing for herself that she has to become someone else to sound remotely interesting.
No. 1709767
>>1709754Brilliantly and beautifully put, I agree and I think she's very insecure about that so she falls back to calling other people schizophrenic as her subconscious knows she's mimicking the worst behaviors of the mental illness without having it not knowing what it truly is.
Rachel is one of those people who can't comprehend something that's smarter than her, the thing where it's like you don't know why the engine works that way but if you looked you'd kind of comprehend the level of intelligent design there. To Rachel it just works because it does, there is no interest in why because she assumed she could just replace the engine and it's worked on by 'poor and dumb people' and so it's beneath her to learn and she thinks it's not necessary to try.
To bring the analogy to a social situation, she always thinks she's the smartest in the room, knows the most and can manipulate others. She's often the exact opposite but misses all the tells you or I would pick up on telling us someone else knows more about something than we do. Instead it's just viewed as irrelevant babble that's beneath her and so the pattern always continues.
In writing role play you can often tell who someone is by who they play and how they play them, even more so if it's an OC. It's not always a reflection of who the person is but it will give away probably ways the writer thinks or acts. It's a well known phrase and joke that you can't rp a character smarter than yourself so the people who would even play a sephiroth are either hyper competent and probably playing him away from a villain or they're a really dumb edge lord and they give away how they're not as smart as sephiroth should be. I think Rachel's fixation goes into sephiroth due to her desire for the second group. This is why edgelords smarter than her can make her do whatever they want because she is just used to being able to manipulate edgelords that play sephiroth. Likewise the Mary sues Rachel plays never explore anything in depth that could give someone a reason to play a Mary sue, it's just any character with flaws is beneath her. This leaves Rachel isolated at all times unlike some weird nerdy fat women in her situation who can get harems. They get those desperate nerdy men because they treat them as human and due to the disparity of the two groups interests in some groups of roleplay.(ff7 is one of the few that's half and half men and women) So those girls have guys who don't care about sharing her attention because it's likely one of the few women who's treated them like they want to be treated. Rachel can't treat anyone like an equal so she's chasing the dragon on this and many things, it's why she's repetitive but entertaining.
No. 1710147
>>1710008Yet she seems to believe that she has done nothing wrong and it's all our fault.
I think she wasn't beaten enough as a child, that's what I think. She has never felt a real consequence in her life.
No. 1712277
File: 1669612140123.jpeg (63.96 KB, 750x386, B94E21EC-4CCA-441E-9F77-72D137…)

No. 1712395
File: 1669619126304.jpg (393.89 KB, 798x1445, trannywars1.jpg)

I assume that this person has no clue what Rachel is really like, but the fact that everything she said was pretty spot on is hilarious.
No. 1712396
File: 1669619188900.jpg (358.13 KB, 1080x1174, trannywars2.jpg)

I'd hate to be Rachel, having to wonder just how much some random internet person knows about my life or if they're just guessing.
No. 1712599
File: 1669649404259.jpg (146.14 KB, 1080x462, cattwitter.jpg)

Presented without context.
No. 1712669
>>1712599Oh god I love this so much, it was bound to happen one day, poor little old lady.
>>1712401I don't regret teaching Rachel the word bodied because whenever she says it she's admitting she a big chubby wubby with a belly full of jello and rage.
No. 1712743
File: 1669659068033.jpeg (217.63 KB, 800x450, Split.jpeg)

No. 1712751
File: 1669659925415.jpeg (106.42 KB, 749x840, 2FF8DEC7-A8C8-4CE2-B3A4-AE1FCE…)

Looks like someone wants to go into the furry community
No. 1712781
>>1712751One step closer to zoophilia.
I also noticed a post she made about her cat weighing 20lbs. Yikes.
No. 1713468
File: 1669727741262.jpeg (15.43 KB, 225x225, A29485AA-01F0-43A1-A590-982EB7…)

>>1713057I have yet to see any evidence of her actually shitting herself so I’m going to assume it’s one of the anons here imposing their toilet troubles on someone innocent.
No. 1713479
File: 1669728289679.png (22.95 KB, 920x732, FDF9A89B-A333-4EA4-9539-91EB99…)

>>1713478what has this site come to
No. 1713484
>>1709767you neglect to mention that most of the people playing men in the community are women and vice versa
a lot of nonbinary or other gender confused women. there’s definitely more women than men
No. 1713485
>>1708661LOLLLLL so you’re one of the vendetta-chan fags upset with her
idk who you’re trying to fool but she’s still very active in the community and you’re just too stupid to look.
No. 1713515
>>1710008No, she has this thread because you’re all stalking no-life faggots who likely weigh 400 pounds minimum and think abusing children is okay. You lack even the most basic understanding of logic, reason, or critical thinking. None of you ever outgrew your Mean Girls phase and you’re going to get yourselves seriously hurt or worse, and it will only ever be your fault for it.
You are owed nothing from Rachel and you will receive nothing short of jail time for your retardedness.
No. 1713636
File: 1669738033446.png (620.09 KB, 828x1618, F81E5E2A-0524-426D-A8E9-72E22F…)

>>1713481 That little alt detector doesn't work. I got in with two alts and it never booted me. I even tried one that was recently made and it didn’t boot. That detector is garbage and doesn't do shit from finding the trolls as im still in there lurking and watching the two people that do talk try and keep it active. She ( you) haven’t posted shit in it for almost a month.
>>1713568Its not active at all. Theres just two people who post and its barely even frequently. The most recent over the last month was two people saying happy thanksgiving and one of those two people complaining about league of legends.
No. 1713637
File: 1669738102789.png (322.07 KB, 828x1121, 9FB71882-0656-4E0A-9862-D0A40E…)

>>1713636Here have some more screen shots with her and her shitty pedo mods recent posts. Notice the dates. Its a dead server.
No. 1713639
File: 1669738164871.png (343.53 KB, 1024x850, 462F4628-C3A5-44A0-A75C-DB7C2C…)

>>1713637This is her “vetting” someone.
Aka her asking “ are you in any other FF servers and what ones”
No. 1713640
>>1713626Its obvious its her that posted all those posts recently. They where all posted back to back in the same hour minutes apart. She’s trying to make it look like she’s got a army behind her but we all know she’s a one sperg army.
She also doesnt know how to tree branch responses. Shows you how “ intelligent” she is. It took her what 3 threads to learn how to sage?
No. 1713645
>>1713638Hahaha get fucked Rachel
Hope one of you has a trojan account since hers privated, I wanna see the meltdowns she's having behind her locked profile.
No. 1713650
File: 1669739332112.jpg (51.49 KB, 500x474, f45d59f9ef05947d904dd2a0a1ba89…)

She done got lost without the sauce. Rachel be wilding fr fr no cap.
No. 1713684
>>1713673>>1713683>>1713680Tl;dr fatphobic stalkers with neither lives nor jobs crying and screaming because the “cow” has a better life and is more liked than they ever will be.
(whiteknighting) No. 1713743
>>1713688>>1713690>>1713694New Rachel tell and copy pasta.
TL:DR troon
TL:DR schizoid faggot
TL:DR schizoid faggot troon
>already existing > she’s not here>cope and seethe>nice pour>still not her>this is Caleb/Nick>Ines No. 1713975
>>1713894She'll be back, just give it a few hours.
She's either sleeping or at her dishwasher job.
No. 1714022
>>1714017Yeah it's also not hard to find a way to confirm that he really views her as a leach for yourself but as
>>1714018 said there's a ton of proof in these threads that she hates him. Honestly he may not give into her but he enables her by not cracking down. I don't believe he has dementia at all and I would encourage you to check into that yourself because I honestly don't feel like recording phone calls myself.
No. 1714031
>>1714016My initial response was to disagree that she's evil, but then I thought about it and I think you're right. The things she does and says to people are fucked up. Yeah, she's autistic, but thats absolutely no excuse. As a 30 year old woman, even with autism, she should be well aware by now that there are things you should not do or say to people. Shit a majority of people wouldn't even say as anon. But she's so obsessed with trying to hurt people she feels have wronged her (even if they haven't) that she just goes for the lowest blows she can think of. Usually she still fails miserably. And I think the fact that she always does fail is why I had a hard time immediately agreeing that she's evil.
I don't think her mom is scared of her though. I think she's likely just beyond exhausted having to deal with Rachel for the past 30 years and despite her best efforts Rachel refuses to learn or better herself, ever. I could be wrong though and she could fear her, or she could think Rachel could do no wrong even though anyone with half a brain would see thats delusional. Who knows, but I can't even imagine being in Rachel's moms shoes.
No. 1714032
>>1714022Don't encourage people to cowtip. If you have proof, post it otherwise don't suggest whack ass shit.
>>1714016Not to PL but I took care of a serial hybrid/F1 savannah that was BIG. She was very tall and weighed about 20 lbs but she was as tall as an Aussie shepherd at the shoulder. 20 lbs was healthy for her because she was twice the size of a normal cat at least.
While male cats weigh more, that much weight is alarming. Each pound overweight is the equivalent of 20 human pounds.
No. 1714040
>>1714031It's likely a mix of all of those, life's often more complex than just one solution fitting but you could be right and maybe her mom doesn't fear her at all. The cuddling raises eyebrows if it's not Rachel's idea however and that leads into suspecting who would want their adult child in bed with them.
>>1714032My apologies.
Precisely my line of thinking, I'm not a veterinarian or anything but I've seen a couple cats weighed and even bigger breeds weighed closer to fourteen at a healthy weight. Rachel's black cat is likely a common housecat who should be anywhere from eight to twelve. This combined with the stress shedding captured in the prior thread really hammer in that even if it's just negligence on Rachel's part it's clear animal abuse. It's made more disturbing by Rachel desiring a fur suit however.
Overall I fear this will get darker before it ends.
No. 1714048
File: 1669763915534.jpeg (134.75 KB, 828x1004, 17A05947-7D10-415C-A014-5E747E…)

>>1714040She does say in her Twitter that hes a domestic shorthair. She follows one of my art blogs so im not one of the people she’s blocked. But I also don't feel the need to follow her back because i dont care for cat blogs showing in my feed. I could though if I wanted to see her content.
No. 1714054
>>1714047Precisely and she's acting as though she's arguing that it's okay to hug your mother which everyone could agree is fine but the reality of what she's actually saying escapes her because she's not arguing for physical contact like a hug but something that implicitly becomes somewhat sexual at a certain age.
>>1714048Best to avoid the torrent as a lot of her cringe never gets posted to the threads and you'll save yourself a huge headache by only checking in every so often on her twitter.
Poor Bello, he really should be half the weight he is.
No. 1714219
>>1714161The weed business is oversaturated lol. She's not gonna make much money if she's thinking about getting into it. I don't know how it is in California but when it was legalised elsewhere, so many shops opened and many folded because of how many were opening up.
Also with how much she goes into bitching fits, she's not gonna have a good time customer facing position lol if people come in and tell her she's an idiot for not knowing anything.
No. 1714354
File: 1669786654261.jpeg (33.86 KB, 750x276, 3C83498C-38A4-4D79-9640-D918A1…)

She’s been claiming she’s seventeen lmao. Makes sense how she’s tricking all these minors
No. 1714399
>>1714354 What in the living fuck pedophilic fuck up is this? This is the most blatant predatory behavior I have seen in a long time.
>>1714387Lol based
No. 1714429
File: 1669799415367.jpg (45.59 KB, 640x439, 1669663186379331.jpg)

>>1714354Jesus Christ that's fucking disgusting. How is she not in jail yet?
No. 1714492
File: 1669813319068.jpeg (14.22 KB, 160x160, 6DD9B4E9-3F2D-4C91-8518-23AAA1…)

>>1714222Are you seriously that big of a faggot so as to literally falsify google search results? You google that and nothing comes up about an underage account you sow.
No. 1714493
>>1714489She strikes me as the sort who was locked into closets when she threw autistic screeching temper tantrums in high school. She’s so insecure in her diagnosis on the spectrum that she has to try to belittle other people on theirs.
Lmao. Ghoulie’s probably the one that started the whole diaper thing because she can’t hold anything in, she has so little of a life and is so obsessed that she can’t get up from mommy’s computer in time to make it to the bathroom.
No. 1714496
File: 1669813946691.jpeg (61.43 KB, 1024x1021, 29717EBA-AA9C-4776-9F7B-BC6310…)

>>1714219>>1714161>>1714121>>1714086>>1714083>>1714076Are you seriously that big of a faggot so as to dig into her fucking quora? Lmaooooo please do the world a favor and kill yourself, no-life sow. Who gives a singular fuck if she wants to do weed? She’s an adult and you don’t nor will you ever have any control over her, Blaine and Ghoulie. She doesn’t do it to look cool, she does it because it’s her own god damn life and it’s none of your business why.
Imagine trying to push the agenda that she’s schizophrenic when she’s never even shown any symptoms of being such, when you’re literally faced with Blaine, an actual diagnosed schizophrenic who is unmediated and on the run from the law (thusly paranoid) and DBS who can’t do anything other than produce verbal diarrhea when she opens her mouth. It’s borderline Aphasia.
No. 1714498
>>1714047Okay ew no lol that’s just you being a fucking pervert because it’s perfectly fine to cuddle one’s mom at any age, a child no matter how big or old will always be her baby.
But you’re definitely not a normal person who has a good relationship with their mom.
No. 1714502
File: 1669814408093.jpeg (108.42 KB, 648x648, 4FEB1DBA-1F00-427B-8EED-08E373…)

>>1714040“Who would want their adult child in bed with them” a parent who has an actual good relationship with their child, especially mothers. You clearly never had this book read to you as a child.
No. 1714503
>>1714040“Stress shedding” tell me you’ve never owned a cat without telling me you’ve never owned a cat
“She desires a fursuit” nigger you’re retarded she literally just just shared it because it was fucking cute. Kill yourself.
No. 1714512
>>1714040>>1714032“Took care of an f1 savannah” nigger nobody would ever let you around their pets you know jack shit about cats and you probably think cats age like dogs do with one year being 7
Your retarded headass probably thinks cats aren’t constantly losing and growing new hair like all mammals do
No. 1714514
>>1714031“Usually she fails miserably” this was said like a little kid with his teeth knocked out insisting “sticks and stones” in the shakiest fucking voice as he’s about to get his lights knocked out I’m laughing my ass off
No. The only evil person here is you and anyone who agrees with you. You are obsessed with, stalking and harassing someone who is, has been, and always be better than you in any and every regard. Prettier than you. Skinnier than you. Smarter than you. Richer than you. Happier than you.
No. 1714515
>>1714031No shit her mom isn’t afraid of her you dumb bitch she loves her daughter and her daughter loves her
I’m seeing a frightening pattern of most people here not having an actual good relationship with their mothers and it is explaining so much.
No. 1714725
>>1714655Tl;dr you seriously think they’re going to take her cat from her, clown? You’re delusional.
She’ll have whatever she fucking wants because you have no control of her life nor will you ever.
Her cat and his health is well documented. He’s a happy, if overweight cat, which is something that plagues a lot of cats. at this. Yes, the cat actively choosing to lay in bed with her where she sleeps is SOOOOOO abused.
No. 1714751
>>1714746We already know you're too scared to show up certain places on the internet, so I think thats sufficient enough evidence for me to know you wouldn't do shit in person anyway.
>>1714748Thats not how this works, but ok kek.
No. 1714752
File: 1669838757716.jpg (119.94 KB, 1079x972, Rachelmaybe.jpg)

Hey, for the analyzing experts here, is this Rachel?
No. 1714757
File: 1669838901192.jpeg (26.25 KB, 425x282, 109F6D7D-A482-45F2-95DB-74E17A…)

>>1714755Yes, to laugh at you.
No. 1714767
>>1714756Ghoulies posted about it in the LCF thread too. DBS can post here, she just doesn't because you see her post on KF and assume its her posting here so she laughs either way. Keep coping though.
>>1714757Still here just as much, still applies to you regardless of why you're here.
No. 1714768
File: 1669839296438.jpg (184.61 KB, 1044x476, mayberachelintro.jpg)

The account showed up in a server that is frequented by quite a few Twitter roleplayers yesterday and it looks like it left or got kicked, dunno which because I'm lurking in the odd chance she does show up. None of the accounts that have came and went felt like her, but this one does.
No. 1714769
>>1714762>>1714766She knows about both threads, she's sperged on her twitter about both threads before. Thats why she was trying to get attention from Kaffals and DropKiwiFarms ON HER CAT TWITTER.
Also jannies have red texted some of her posts in this thread so thats just a lie.
No. 1714779
>>1714773>>1714774What set off my alarm bells was the whole…
>high standards>Silver EliteRegardless, I'm just an observer. Thanks for the input.
No. 1714958
>>1714952The fact that "both white knights" always show up and post at the exact same time and stop posting at the exact same time as each other also make it pretty clear.
I like to imagine they plan it out somewhere. If its not just one person.
No. 1714964
File: 1669851688581.jpg (411.13 KB, 1528x1463, darthberthathedumbass.jpg)

The account was Rachel's, allow me to present the tragedy of Darth Bertha the Dumbass, part one.
Context: Edited to keep only Rachel's sperging here, no need to name an innocent party. The person she messaged is one of the admins, also a mother…she seems to really like to target mothers if she can.
With her response alone, I think she's all but confirmed the account is hers. The language paints a very bleak picture.
Part two will be coming as soon as I compile the next set of screenshots.
No. 1714970
File: 1669852135426.jpg (293.56 KB, 1536x1177, tragedyoflardberthathedumbass.…)

Part two, adding one response because the way she reacts to being caught in the act is certainly something.
Bold words coming from someone pretending to be a child online.
No. 1714980
>>1714975Same fag as
>>1714976And you just changed my mind.
No. 1714998
You're right, bro, but that was crazy fast to get on discord, look up the user, message her, get a response and screenshot of the suspected server mod. Also Rachel is the only one who gives enough of a fuck to post the mod, who did nothing, so your point is moot.
Imagine, this girl may have a boring ass OC just like Rachel, but unlike Rachel she's skinny, objectively pretty, married, and a mother. All things Rachel wants so bad but will never have. Seethe.
No. 1715009
>>1714998Rachel was dumb to claim that this person copied her oc because that oc is a sibling of Sephiroth. She's finally admitting to being into incest, the same point she was denying earlier when she defended cuddling her mom.
Got something to say, Rachel? Gonna claim your oc is a sister of Sephiroth now? Might as well change her name to Sera Lannister if you wanna roll with that horse shit.
No. 1715066
File: 1669854214672.jpg (36.21 KB, 800x600, tuvan.jpg)

It's necroed, retard.
No. 1715193
File: 1669858120734.png (90.78 KB, 714x229, C416D304-1EEB-4F93-B951-DE8551…)

So much for saying thats not your server and that it was “ photoshopped”. Everyone can see it in there you goofy ass. Better get a new alt detector bot. The one you have is about as useful as the guards where in the January 6th insurrection.
No. 1715288
File: 1669860106077.png (152.95 KB, 711x339, 684DC522-658B-4902-BEE9-5E2ADF…)

Hahahahahahaha she’s “cleaning up”. Man that scramble is hilarious.
No. 1715460
File: 1669863768049.jpeg (16.46 KB, 1160x631, RachelsABigot.jpeg)

>>1715451I heard they broke up and he's in a polycule with her new arch nemesis DBS and Ghoulie.
>>1715454Pic of you rn.
No. 1715468
No. 1715477
>>1715473I am here to kinkshame because of all the men in Final Fantasy, our cow chose him. That's like saying you're a fan of Jeffrey Dahmer.
I'm kinkshaming.
No. 1715480
>>1715477Ya know, I dont give a single shit about Final Fantasy, never played it, couldnt care less.
But because of this little bitch Rachel I got sucked into a youtube rabbit hole about the characters and their stories, and the most visually appealing imo is Caius Ballad and he's not a whiney little bitch boy like Sephiroth Dahmer.
No. 1715615
>>1715600Turns out nonna was just the Rachel whisperer of the trick is to talk about star wars lmao.
>>1715604Should have let the wookie win huh Rachel?
No. 1715657
>>1715648No. Farmers have fucked it up by pretending to be genuine and taking advantage of her, or provoke her. I’ve seen it. She isn’t the problem.
You can’t claim to have tried to help her when you’ve only ever tried to hurt her, and
>>1715632 is proof of that.
No. 1715775
>>1715657Rachel logic confuses me. Consider this.
Rachel being called Bertha and fat: End of the world, literally call the police human rights are being violated.
Rachel calling people slurs, telling people to kill themselves, posting about their children: Perfectly fine, Rachel is the
victim! She can threaten people for calling her fat or not letting her roleplay.
No. 1715838
>>1715657>>1715775Rachel being held responsible - huge betrayal, major crime, bring up their dead kid all the time.
Rachel being manipulated - full trust, no care, don't look into.
She's literally a child nonna, selfish childish bitch.
>>1715640>>1715657Who's a childish bitch? You are!
No. 1716177
File: 1669943132352.png (175.45 KB, 460x329, CED73281-CA52-47A9-9895-0C3E97…)

I wasn't informed there was payment? I have college loans to pay off so fork up.
No. 1716483
>>1716389Gaiasgod maybe. But the fairs info one hasn’t been active liking or posting in a while. Looks like Gaiasgod took over. You would think info would say something about the recent stuff going down about Rachel since that account is always on top of it. But I would guess who ever runs it has stopped checking in or simply doesnt care since other accounts are keeping a look out for her now and calling her out on their own. Dont’t blame who ever runs that account. The Rachel drama repeats itself over and over. It gets exhausting saying the same things over and over.
Rachel however doesn't seem to realize doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the text book definition of insanity.
No. 1716548
>>1716483But is it the DSM4 definition of insanity?
>>1716312 Haven’t seen a single one.
>>1716167How very seasonal!
>>1716053At this point, I think calling the police on her again would just have no effect. Cops seem to be wisening up to a-loggers antics.
>>1716022Must suck to know she’s skinnier than you girl.
>>1715999She is. More than you know.
>>1715838Blaine never had a kid. His ex was never pregnant. I’d find the message somewhere but I can’t be bothered to dig to spoon feed you.
>>1715845You call her a shitty person despite the fact that you and anons as a whole haven’t ever been kind to her or given her any kind of help. No, don’t give me the “we gave her a chance” bc n o you didn’t.
>>1715722Only sexual obsession here is you for her and her sex life.
No. 1717622
File: 1670097589367.jpeg (98.72 KB, 2009x798, WrongAgain..jpeg)

I never read her posts on OF until last night when I went to see if someone archived that page (thanks whoever did that!) and man…talk about cringe. She was trying so hard to fit in. It wasn't working but she's too autistic to realize that. Picrel gave me a pretty good little laugh. (blocking out shit that is irrelevant that would cause some people to chimp)
No. 1717632
>>1717617I hate seeing that name in this thread so much.
>>1717622I think you can still see the profile walls in the archive, Onionfarms has since made it require an account to see those, and Rachel went all in on the cringe there. There should be some screen caps two threads ago if it isn't accessable through the archived material, but there was even more cringe.
Also her account doxed one of the ex moderators on Onionfarms and then was deleted. At the time she hadn't accessed that account for a few months, funny thing that her only actual W was not her at all but someone who knew the passwords she always reuses for roleplay sites. Lol. No. 1721409
Our favorite fatty is back on Twitter and she's claiming a whole lotta bullshit.
The copium is flowing. No. 1721558
File: 1670455848124.png (512.13 KB, 1044x1160, Screenshot_20221207-171827~2.p…)

Rachel I think most of us would say this to you in real life because if you want to try and come at anyone not only will you be charged with assault but even someone riddled with leukemia could get out of the way long before you arrived heaving and panting after running the five foot gap.
Stop trying to be an internet tough guy, it's completely the wrong lane.
No. 1721563
File: 1670455936799.png (746.59 KB, 992x1654, Screenshot_20221207-171905~2.p…)

The other highligh was Rachel admitting to getting bullied on social sites like tik tok.
No. 1721918
File: 1670479947119.jpeg (182.24 KB, 750x939, 2619787A-B61F-409E-8A18-F3C8CA…)

Didn’t she cyberstalk someone before? Rich of her to retweet this
No. 1721919
>>1721918She's still pretty much cyberstalking the entire FF fandom kek
But yeah she had someone file to get a restraining order against her.
No. 1721958
>>1721918I'd say her trying to sneak into FF servers and pretend like she isn't herself counts as stalking. She posted pictures of someone's else's child and has attempted to doxx people.
Kettle meet pot?
No. 1721988
>>1721958She’s also asked minors for their images to say its not her, used voice mods to make herself not sound like her self, stole other peoples images and say they where herself and that she’s
POC while also saying its racist to be mean to her. Taken peoples internet identities and said they where hers and stole peoples art work to claim it as her own.
I mean you think of it, she’s done it. Tried to roleplay as a trans woman, a gay woman, a man, her own boyfriend and even been caught roleplaying with herself to make herself look like she’s got partners within the final fantasy fandom. I guess thats what happens when you make more enemies than friends everywhere you go. I would love to know the stories people from her school days have about her. We already know she’s said someone was dead who she didn’t like, and mocked someone online who used to throw candy wrappers at her. Something tells me she was even more insufferably annoying in person.
No. 1722067
>>1721988She required a tard wrangler at all times and had to have the course work dumbed down for her. Her college essays were barely even two paragraphs long…
That's what we know for sure.
I'd love to hear about her school days.
No. 1722142
File: 1670513739287.jpeg (136.31 KB, 741x851, 089BDF93-77BD-4A0A-8588-62415D…)

Someone’s been coping
No. 1722629
>>1722142Three times a day? Yeah that’s why hes fat.
I feed my cats once a day, if theres still food in their bowl by the end of the day I give them one treat each. If there isn’t food, I give them a little sprinkle of food so they don't scream at me when im sleeping.
I cant imagine three times a day.
No. 1723308
File: 1670620373912.jpeg (93.97 KB, 750x613, 0D5482FE-1959-4122-84D9-755404…)

An interesting person has entered the Rachel lore
No. 1723497
>>1723357Sounds to me like Elaine is baiting Rachel.
Doesn't she have something better to do, like cutting herself over being catfished by someone pretending to be Josh, and peeing on Vordrak?
Dunno what her endgame is but it seems strange.
No. 1724111
>>1724108AYRT, yep, thats not the tweet that got their attention but from the same conversation. Why is she yelling at Epik about Kanye? She doesnt even mention Kiwifarms kek.
Its weird she's more focused on KF than here since her thread here is more active than her one on KF.
No. 1725247
File: 1670806872916.jpeg (53.89 KB, 750x274, 008AE47D-1B70-4657-82D7-654382…)

Her attitude is gonna eat her alive lol
No. 1725251
File: 1670807008741.jpeg (52.03 KB, 750x249, 51154299-8A05-4D69-9002-BB1B5A…)

I don’t think she’s in the position to be judging anyone tbh
No. 1726052
>>1726048Tl;dr obsessed hag
>>1721919And it failed spectacularly and there was never a restraining order.
>>1722067“That’s what we know about for sure” = that’s what I concocted in my schizophrenic mind to try to make Rachel look worse than me despite the fact I will always be worse.
No. 1726104
>>1726099She's always bothered. All of the screenshots from discord, RP sites, messages, facebook, twitter, tumblr.. show that she's incapable of not constantly being bothered by SOMETHING.
And the best part is the times she's the most bothered are usually just consequences of her own making. Just like these threads. Love that for her.
No. 1726183
>>1726180Did crisis core cause her conflict in her inner self?
She really did a number this time, might have hit like eight posts in a row there.
No. 1726196
>>1726180I dont know what that means besides (I'm assuming, considering who we're talking about here) it has to do with FF.
Does Sephiroth find hid true love in it, that is nothing like Rachel, or her Mary Sue OC?
No. 1726239
>>1726196No sephiroth doesnt find true love. If anything hes even more 2D then her Mary Sue in the franchise. Its just him before the insanity which, for some reason, wall flowers like Rachel think they can heal and turn back into the kind loving man they once where by showing them motherly compassion.
But its also why she’s having a freak out because she’s been booted from all the spaces with final fantasy and with a new game being out, she wont be able to get the E-Dick from any newbies coming into the scene since the fandom itself makes sure everyone knows about her and to stay away if they want to avoid a “misery”situation and be held hostage in her little world of obsession.
No. 1726325
>>1726273Her writing isn’t even thar good. I have had the misfortune of reading her roleplay before she went ass to the grass full stupid. She never was a strong writer like she makes herself out to be. Now even if you wanted to write with her, she spends all the time just talking to you about how people hate her and how she’s being harassed then will tangent off into trying to weirdly flex about something mundane she bought. The worse part is when she talks with you, she feels the weird need to tell you how she sleeps with a sephiroth plush every night. Its just weird to even think thats something people want to hear about when you approach them for porn.
Only way I know all this is because I had the unfortunate run in with her when I was writing Sephiroth for fun to keep my self up on sudden plot changes and improvising writing for my own series I have been publishing. It keeps me ready for when my editor asks for a change suddenly in the story.
But she just takes forever to get around to it. She spends days complaining about others and what they have done to her. Mind you, she approaches people with usually “ hey I wanna plot with you” but never gets around to it. You have to like steer her just to get her mind off the vendetta she has on everyone. And if you have a lot of followers, she will be on you like lightning.
No. 1726449
File: 1670950490054.jpeg (69.23 KB, 749x296, E2C2D544-74CF-4719-9514-156FFB…)

Woke up to some more schizo posting on hee Twitter. I have milk and please be patient
No. 1726450
File: 1670950541016.jpeg (205.82 KB, 750x1042, 750CB179-5382-4360-879E-83045C…)

No. 1726451
File: 1670950610812.jpeg (66 KB, 750x321, 60F4FA37-72CF-40F5-A99E-7CC131…)

Wait until KF sees this shit lol
No. 1726479
>>1726273Man, sounds like you’re super jelly she gets people to write with and you don’t lmao!
>not even the most desperate of dudesRetard nobody gives a fuck. Stop kinkshaming because nobody wants to touch you.
No. 1726482
>>1726239That’s what YOU think, and yet she’s likely already got more people to write with.
Don’t give me the “urrr durrr noooo nobody wants to write with hurrrr” because that’s just pessimistic on your part. You aren’t realistic.
No. 1726493
>>1726104>just like these threadsNo. The reason these threads exist are by no fault of hers and by every fault of those who made it and those who continue to harass and stalk her in it. To claim otherwise is like trying to claim that the cancer patient gave themselves cancer, that the rape
victim caused the rape, and that the murder
victim brought it on themselves.
YOU are bothered by the fact that she’s happy and successful in your life, juxtaposing the fact that you are miserable in yours. You are nothing but a horsefly needing to be squished.
>>1726504A unique approach, catering to Rachel's clear unhinged, certainly diagnosed mega Schizophrenia. Id rather not be autismophibic by calling a spade a spade bickers I'm a liberal or something.
Hey Rachel, you claimed you were swatted, you weren't, I know why, you claimed it cause you're jealous of the attention a dead woman got over her being swatted.
Stop hanging out with those people Rachel you make me sick.
Pedophile schizo autistic fuck up retard with a smooth brain, 5 china and 480lbs of pure lardass.
(Blaine) No. 1726661
>>1726493There was more effort put into this than into any of your roleplays Rachel, good job! I bet you had the dictionary open for this one looking for anything to make you sound smart.
You can't bury the obvious lack of comprehension behind big words.
No. 1726666
File: 1670967696683.jpeg (215.55 KB, 750x1070, 01B2AB0E-1BC2-48E2-94F7-C6BE28…)

Skinnier than me you say? That fat hand says otherwise
No. 1726668
File: 1670967770912.jpeg (35.4 KB, 750x210, 950AEB3D-345B-4482-8459-19FDD9…)

Those two jobs and six figure income can’t afford you a laundry machine and dryer Rachel?
No. 1726671
File: 1670967855201.jpeg (185.51 KB, 750x835, 2587E519-684B-4D73-876B-EC95BE…)

Her explaining Bello’s portion sizes
No. 1726674
File: 1670967916485.jpeg (118.92 KB, 750x581, E03E62EC-67E2-4D97-B365-0A7156…)

So it’s mirroring your fat ass lol
No. 1726680
File: 1670968013111.jpeg (64.43 KB, 750x285, 3F35CDEE-00A1-4997-9F4D-8928E6…)

Cope moar social pariah
No. 1726682
File: 1670968070454.jpeg (186.35 KB, 750x846, 6490B41E-36B6-4929-B851-DF5AB8…)

This is where the murderer thing comes from btw
No. 1726684
File: 1670968123731.jpeg (100.11 KB, 750x492, 8C27C970-9404-4132-899B-C7F31F…)

Then stop coming here and tweeting that a cat account is getting harassed then.
No. 1726689
File: 1670968589999.jpeg (108.12 KB, 750x531, F02E4251-7461-422C-87A2-704529…)

No. 1726925
>>1726684I was waiting for her to bring her follower count into this like it gives her some kind of authority. She’s obsessed with e-popularity for some dumb reason.
>>1726699She spends more time here trying to WK herself then she does trying to roleplay with all those “partners” she’s got. She’s in the spaces where others are, but no one talks to her. They just ignore her because no one wants to touch crazy. Not that she posts anything but complaining about people talking about her here any way.
No. 1727266
File: 1671040743430.jpg (383.09 KB, 792x1493, bigwords.jpg)

Whole lotta shit talking for someone who is too much of a pussy to go onto KF because that would mean admitting to being the only one defending herself.
No. 1727402
>>1727382Right, but I was more talking about her posting someones baby in a past thread on here, and then threatening that random unrelated discord mod/admin with getting their child taken from them. I brought up Onionfarms to point out her hypocrisy since she was an active user on there and its a wanna-be KF. She's not better than anyone just because of where they spend their free time. If she truly believed she's "untouchable" she wouldn't give a shit about having threads anywhere, or lying and denying the things she's done and continues to do; nor would she have to lie about her polycule or owning a house. I'm sure plenty of farmers on here and KF are in loving, happy, healthy relationships and own their own homes. Probably have successful careers and fulfilling friendships and social lives. Rachel has none of that, no matter how much she tries to lie and say she does. So, really, whatever she says about people posting on any website, it doesn't matter, because a giant majority of those people have at least one thing she desperately wants and will never be able to have.
No. 1727416
>>1727402I'm celebrating an anniversary this weekend! Anyway.
Yeah, she has done all of that. She has also solicited minors for sex roleplay, more in the past than recently. She does bully minors and send them porn and gore, and is into extreme ageplay/ddlg sorta shit. She also had this whole roleplay fantasy about Aerith being in an arranged marriage to Sephiroth in some sort of weird child bride setup.
She seems to like to target mothers when it comes to her bullying, especially wanting to call CPS or pretend she's Nick or Caleb and talk about raping children.
No. 1727425
File: 1671053762127.jpg (88.33 KB, 1080x245, eww.jpg)

Rachel don't call your mom or dad "one of your significant others," it's weird unless you wanna admit to incest.
No. 1727449
>>1727416Happy anniversary!
Yeah, I think she targets moms because she's bitter she'll never be one. Deep down she knows that the biological clock is ticking, she hasn't found anyone that can stand her long enough to fuck her in all these years so it's unlikely she'll find someone in time. It would be sad if she didn't have obvious issues that would put a child at risk…not to mention everything having to do with children/minors we've listed just today.
>>1727425She'll never know what thats like, kek.
No. 1727573
>>1727402People who feel the need to talk about things they have usually don’t have them. It’s something she’s always done. She talks about designer makeup like its some sort of ranking system. She obviously does it to make herself feel better then others even if its not real. Someone who has it wont talk about it like its the best thing since its just something they have.
Personally I own my own house, have a very well paying job with medical benefits for both myself, my partner and my animals. I have a new car that I bought on my own and have some Luxery items that I can afford. But other then now, I dont talk about them because they do not put me in a better position then others. They are simply normal things to have if you’re a functioning adult.
No. 1728037
File: 1671123932193.jpeg (167.36 KB, 750x734, F2AAA850-6784-442D-99B2-6DA7BC…)

The irony
No. 1728039
File: 1671124017293.jpeg (83.5 KB, 750x517, 1994D81A-9D7B-4F5A-B545-CB9D0C…)

Still continuing the KF discourse
No. 1728165
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She donated to Keffal’s GoFundMe
No. 1728166
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Re: Keffal’s GoFundMe
No. 1728168
File: 1671140272229.jpeg (177.98 KB, 749x881, 47544DA4-D8C1-4C62-86DE-AE3FE3…)

No. 1728170
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No. 1728239
File: 1671146099243.jpeg (198.56 KB, 750x1007, E32239C6-766E-4DA8-9948-9E075B…)

Out of order and some doubles but here’s your milk
No. 1728240
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No. 1728241
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No. 1728244
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No. 1728245
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No. 1728249
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No. 1728252
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No. 1728255
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No. 1728256
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No. 1728258
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No. 1728260
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No. 1728262
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No. 1728263
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No. 1728266
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No. 1728267
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No. 1728271
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No. 1728273
File: 1671147882208.jpeg (73.53 KB, 750x663, AA2594D4-B493-4185-9B4A-04F145…)

After being called “el pendejo”
No. 1728281
File: 1671149291528.jpeg (296.98 KB, 810x1218, violentlyretarded.jpeg)

Picrel Rachel highlights the fact that she has absolutely no common sense or any other sense. Astonishing that she could think that pumping ones self full of hormones wont fuck someone up, especially at a young age. Gotta love the ancient meme she threw in there. And of course, cope and seethe about it.
No. 1728333
File: 1671154769987.jpeg (174.31 KB, 808x778, thedumbestbitch.jpeg)

>>1728318Same but I got this one because its funny.
No. 1728463
File: 1671170363035.jpeg (588.09 KB, 828x5074, 33472125-614E-47DD-AF10-6DA34F…)

She’s been slapping around with these people who are obviously just fucking with her because it makes her mad. But why is it amusing seeing other people discover she can’t accept she’s wrong and claims “fake” when it makes her look dumb?
No. 1728470
File: 1671171119558.jpeg (182.86 KB, 828x914, 6D6BCD89-9C02-48D9-AF22-49F998…)

Now she’s moved into another slap fight with other people.
No. 1728476
File: 1671171266974.jpeg (290.45 KB, 828x2165, 78B105C3-E01C-4831-A202-3E91A6…)

Looks like she was sperging in the meevcord and got banned from there too. I find it impressive that she managed to make an enemy out of someone who was actually trying to stand up for her.
No. 1728483
File: 1671171641512.jpeg (245.09 KB, 828x1980, 3D9B2D3C-5AF3-48DD-A904-623A07…)

Guess she thinks the word weirdo is a slur to neuro divergent people. Lol okay.
Thats a lot of reaching but we already know she reaches farther then elastic man.
No. 1728487
>>1728484youre right but its a long time for a normal person. or more normal than her anyways. plus they said they're trying to graduate and its all over being called
weird which she is.
No. 1728500
File: 1671173254313.jpeg (705.87 KB, 828x5051, DC8455F4-BD13-46D9-941D-5EB39F…)

She really here arguing with minors. Didn’t she say she wasnt a pedo and didn’t talk with minors?
Guess that was another lie. She’s arguing with them on Twitter after what appears to be 3 days of arguing with them in DMs on discord.
She’s also posted a bunch of random video clips on her Twitter scrolling though her phone showing what she thinks is evidence but just looks like delusional rush yo prove a lie a truth.
No. 1728724
File: 1671206259477.jpeg (279.66 KB, 390x1274, crybaby.jpeg)

I dont think she's even slept.
No. 1728729
File: 1671206754099.jpeg (79.74 KB, 590x404, waaaa.jpeg)

>>1728728(3/3) Okay this is the last one from me for a bit because I just woke up and this bitch and her MeTa DaTa has already exhausted me.
No. 1728735
File: 1671207452838.jpeg (221.31 KB, 1616x566, cant be fixed.jpeg)

>>1728729Samefag I lied. I have two more but theyre not from Rachel so they dont count.
Found these on KFs dropkiwifarms thread about her kek
(1/2) Rachel, you can have your very own true and honest boyfriend!
No. 1728736
File: 1671207493529.jpeg (291.75 KB, 1604x518, mooo.jpeg)

>>1728735(2/2) this one was just funny.
No. 1729222
File: 1671247571506.jpeg (194.34 KB, 801x1445, E73B8F90-72A1-4A4F-947C-6DBAAB…)

Why does she resort to such shitty dubbed anime villain responses?
No. 1729229
File: 1671247900435.jpg (49.61 KB, 512x384, Frame254.jpg)

>>1729222It's called gassing the cow into acting one way by mimicking it yourself, Rachel will always be an anime super awesome villain best friends forever now thanks to cheap mental conditioning tactics and minor brainwashing.
I did it to about 4 or 5 cows at once? You're all welcome btw
No. 1729381
>>1729346Rachel was in this cat discord for a popular cat Twitter that appears that she was being a pest in like she has in other places. Someone who was/is (?) a mod of it told her off and said they hoped she milled herself so they could graduate. This person is a minor as well as many others in the server.
She then was banned from the discord for something to do with pronouns (?) Ala the same fashion she was other discords. She then DMed one of the mods and complained for 6 hours one night. Then when they where done with her, she pestered the other mods and members for a few days till they ignored her which brought her to Twitter.
On Twitter she was getting into slap fights with the kiwi farmers at the same time cat Twitter started slap fighting with her. Cat Twitter used their platform to inform the rest of cat Twitter about her poor behavior. She then went full ass to the grass on arguing with them calling them ableist for calling her a weirdo and saying it was a slur for neuro divergent people. Then started called meeve a narcissist which started a bunch of the teens in that server to continue to troll her. They started referring to her as male and she flipped out. So they continued because its honestly funny and amusing watch her stomp the ground. They also continued to
trigger her by generally being trolls and using her own words to mock her.
And now we are here where she’s still slap fighting with them and calling them names but then getting offended when they call her names right back.
TL:DR Rachel getting trolled by cat Twitter teens and continues to prove she lacks any form of comprehension.
No. 1729384
>>1729381I think you're correct but my understanding was the mod told her to kill herself
after she was in his inbox rage crying for 6 hours, while hes trying to graduate. And the initial problem started because she was called weird (something she's trying to claim is an "ableist slur")(hey Rachel, it isnt even by the most generous definition) and were supposedly misgendering her. She then claimed she was told to kill herself at that time as well but theres a grand conspiracy to hide that from the mods/admin and no screenshots exist.
Pretty much just Rachel being the typical retard she always is, just now getting shunned by cat twitter/discord.
No. 1729395
>>1729389She's hard to follow even when she isn't fighting with 10937 people on twitter kek
Yet she still doesnt realize shes the common denominator.
>>1729392She eats three a day just like how much she feeds her cat duh
No. 1729402
File: 1671265158729.jpeg (476.13 KB, 828x3579, D3989C7C-B638-414D-8231-F8312B…)

She cant sense sarcasm.
No. 1729405
>>1729395Sure if the cup for the cake is a fluted cake pan.
>>1729402I'm surprised she can sense heat with the reptile stage of development her brain has.
No. 1729919
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Oooof this was the result of that car account finding her history with the final fantasy stuff.
This is embarrassing for both of them.
No. 1730132
File: 1671388880453.jpeg (55.35 KB, 750x401, 75792168-45CF-4228-BCC5-65B5E8…)

Sigh, she’s still using her polycule as a win over the minors lol and gloating over the fact she’s able to report people.
Her pinned tweet though lol
No. 1730328
File: 1671407282897.jpg (477.81 KB, 810x1817, fatandmadasusual.jpg)

All of this because people called her a weirdo.
She can choose to not react to kids doing silly shit but she can't help herself and gets into constant conflict.
No. 1730410
File: 1671414571210.jpeg (61.1 KB, 750x274, EA666BE5-5305-49E3-B12D-661CB5…)

This dumb broad is so pressed lol
No. 1730528
File: 1671430466244.jpeg (39.65 KB, 740x160, A514BCAE-28DE-47F5-B115-2D3C90…)

Her response to a small streamer that she apparently had beef with lol
No. 1730529
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No. 1731421
File: 1671835666228.jpeg (68.81 KB, 1192x248, lol.jpeg)

Rachel was coping hard while the site was down.
No. 1731434
File: 1671838068952.png (123.1 KB, 615x832, 1671731224554.png)

Rachel is now trying to claim that a Kiwi tried to break into her house.
You know, that house that she moved out of? Kek.
No. 1732804
File: 1672168984310.jpeg (130.82 KB, 900x520, 1.jpeg)

Few things from Twitter. 1/3
In which Rachel outs herself for being the type of person the republicans are talking about.
No. 1732806
File: 1672169265881.jpeg (63.39 KB, 912x228, 2.jpeg)

>Real free speech
>Things I dont like are illegal to say.
I don't know if she doesn't realize this wouldn't change anything (if it weren't a lie) considering her only social encounters are online.
No. 1732808
File: 1672169403704.jpeg (177.5 KB, 898x758, 3.jpeg)

More outting herself as a pedo.
LMAO at her "bouncer and plumber boyfriends"
Imagine being able to pick any occupation for your fake boyfriend cope and thats what you go with.
No. 1736284
>>1736281Samefag but I forgot to mention that that same Robin person defended EDP… A youtuber that was caught sexting and trying to meet up with someone he thought was a minor.
Rubin is really not someone you want to be associated with.
No. 1738196
File: 1672961992755.jpeg (190.52 KB, 750x884, 3BE11293-4396-4EC2-9879-6451E1…)

Slightly amusing
No. 1739069
File: 1673069809791.jpg (708.35 KB, 1045x1535, Obesitylmao.jpg)

Rachel is picking fights with random "right wing" accounts and commenting on anything under the sun. I found it funny that she shits on this kid when she herself is fatter than him and has a dough face herself. Not to mention she can't dress herself unless it's an Alibaba "Lolita" special
No. 1739279
File: 1673114003118.jpeg (32.78 KB, 750x205, F693D607-07F4-4F36-8970-097C25…)

Funny she says this because it seems like her mom dresses her too
No. 1739931
File: 1673208443470.jpeg (110.39 KB, 750x486, 5DF277B0-66AD-498A-BE90-2E6218…)

What happened to the polycule
No. 1739935
File: 1673209229072.jpeg (129.68 KB, 750x872, 2F44E837-5131-4100-AA7D-60C827…)

Kind of ironic no
No. 1743319
>>1739946I’m pretty sure my partner thinks the laundry does itself when they don’t realize it’s me doing it every Sunday.
But Rachel probably still has her mother doing her laundry. That’s why she dresses like a save a penny grandma.
No. 1749290
File: 1674270665957.jpg (159.3 KB, 1080x684, rachelisback.jpg)

Rachel's newest account has been located. No. 1749378
File: 1674281334126.jpeg (259.67 KB, 750x775, C1557921-28E9-4677-A64E-227DB1…)

You were kinda obvious with the stuff you had pinned on your profile. Unsurprisingly you probably got blocked for being a weirdo.
No. 1749380
File: 1674281439251.jpeg (203.44 KB, 750x740, 49B60505-6E45-452D-B6EA-6A5B62…)

You kinda made an idiot of yourself considering you’re not even a fandom account and this one is.
No. 1749395
File: 1674283598662.jpeg (376.57 KB, 750x638, 6AC15FBC-D455-4E56-AB29-F470D5…)

>>1749389Hm. You react exactly as one would expect a recalcitrant obtuse fellow to react when told they have no tact in stealthily approaching someone they think is the woman they’re obsessed with— For what? You make it quite obvious by your pinned the content of your profile is dubious.
No. 1749408
>>1749395You could've eaten all the tiles in a scrabble set, guzzled some laxatives and waited to see what shows up in the toilet and have it be more coherent than your abuse of a thesaurus to try and act smart.
You exposed yourself already and your attempts to act like you totally aren't yourself are still just as bad as they always are.
No. 1749622
>>1749408Rachel's taken a page out of Elaine's book and tried to ape the tranny's bait of a style while missing the point of it. I never thought she could make her posts more obvious but somehow she has by picking up the image rate.
I guess DBS is officially added to the list of rent free Rachel gives out now.
No. 1749725
File: 1674338482371.jpg (553.02 KB, 1043x1643, emuwar.jpg)

Rachel has also been in contact with that Caroline Farrow a-log Rubin Remus or whatever his face is. I don't know the whole situation behind RR and CF and why they've got beef, but by latching onto whoever will give her attention, she has started to get in with a worse crowd. This includes defending pedophiles and zoosadists, well known child predators that she befriends simply because she doesn't want to believe what KF says about them.
No. 1749990
File: 1674364322723.jpg (328.99 KB, 1080x1339, obviousrachelpost.jpg)

Congratulations, Rachel. They know.
No. 1750189
File: 1674399182431.jpg (154.75 KB, 1079x489, virginshit.jpg)

>>1750150Her posting all this weirdly sexual shit further proving it's her behind the account, and then she really has to make it a home run by saying shit that someone who has never touched a dick in their life would say.
No. 1750267
File: 1674413364134.jpg (121.04 KB, 1080x391, Lolpedo.jpg)

She's not Rachel guys, how can this well adjusted individual be Rachel? /s
No. 1750330
File: 1674420423359.jpg (283.32 KB, 1080x882, Lmaolol.jpg)

"I don't have any other accounts"
She's trying so hard
No. 1750495
File: 1674448313869.jpg (310.33 KB, 1538x2048, fat.jpg)

She posted this picture to the SilverElitism account some time ago. If she was as skinny as she said she was there would be more definition to her chest and neck.
Time to weaponize my autism by pointing out that the original chain on the pendant is approximately 18 inches long and boy that chain sure isn't fitting loosely like it should. There's some give in the necklace but it definitely isn't fitting like it should on an average body. 18 inches is generous for chain length too…
She can say whatever she wants to defend herself but the measurements don't lie.
No. 1750514
File: 1674450665195.jpeg (153.09 KB, 946x2048, tumblrdrama.jpeg)

>>1750498I like the term broodmare because she's got a rapey breeder fetish, she wanted to be a child bride at once. If she wants to objectify herself down to her reproductive organs, which are collecting dust, who am I to deny her?
That being said I've got a related tangent. She's going after people on Tumblr too. Her current "> post all the weird autistic hyperfixations I have" account is wyvernicus
She's sending similar messages to people on her SilverElitism account from the timeline chatter.
No. 1750516
>>1750495>Rachel has the neck size of the average man.Kek
>>1750514>Rachel abusing someone she claims she considered a friend.How does this never get old?
No. 1750534
File: 1674454443892.jpeg (32.85 KB, 640x315, 2949D000-58A8-4762-B0C5-446082…)

Not her outing herself with the deadname rhetoric that she absolutely does not understand.
No. 1750552
File: 1674458799927.jpg (99.24 KB, 1080x389, 10xthehits.jpg)

Not to namefag but from the first screenshot DBS posted on Kiwifarms to now, Rachel has had 10x the traffic on her profile. DBS' first screenshot had only 203 hits. Here's where they're at as of 5 minutes ago. God bless Elon Musk for this new feature because holy shit that's hilarious.
No. 1750659
File: 1674482929854.jpg (215.48 KB, 1080x679, sheisnthere.jpg)

>She's not here
Oh honey that doesn't work on Twitter…you can bullshit here and pretend to be your own simp because of the anonymous factor, but to see her doing it on Twitter? That's a new level of delusional. The derangement syndrome has really set in.
No. 1750711
File: 1674489355386.jpeg (48.88 KB, 640x363, CC9C7ADA-9C51-42CF-860D-9E007D…)

No. 1750720
File: 1674490980507.jpg (485.2 KB, 1080x1826, blockingrant.jpg)

This is peak Rachelposting.
No. 1750825
File: 1674505340512.jpeg (22 KB, 640x172, 81F34C5D-9131-460A-9866-B69932…)

Didn’t she want them removed so she could “suck dick better” lmao
No. 1750826
File: 1674505424553.jpeg (68.74 KB, 640x559, CC0AEE07-E009-463D-90F7-EB17D9…)

No. 1750851
File: 1674508389747.jpg (600.43 KB, 1722x1240, Happy birthday Rachel.jpg)

I spent way too long on this. Happy Birthday to my favorite lolcow!
No. 1750894
File: 1674512731008.jpeg (29.65 KB, 600x600, 7DABD608-3D26-463E-AA4F-C2A18E…)

>>1750800It’s funny how you said she would be removed from the cat twitter community and she gained 700 followers in a very short period of time.
No. 1750898
>>1750894So you admit to the BelloPanther account being yours, Rachel? I remember when you denied it when you got kicked out of the meevin discord and threw a whole stink about it.
Your obsession with DBS is funny though, do you stalk her KF account to wait until she's active to come here so you can blame her? How insecure are you?
You claim that KF is a child porn site but you're actively stalking it to try and figure out who all is posting in your thread. So which is it?
No. 1750949
>>1750903Theres more proof that you're the pedo considering you've admitted to having CP multiple times than there is that DBS is one.
Anyway, I hope you have the birthday you deserve you fat little ginger virgin.
>>1750534>Not Rachel>Says the same shit literally only Rachel says.Not just in the SS I'm replying to but in multiple tweets. You think she'd realize she's not nearly as clever she thinks she is considering she gets found every. single. time.
>>1750495Ginger hairs are showin.
No. 1750950
File: 1674520036068.jpg (99.75 KB, 1330x1000, 20230123_172608.jpg)

Not my ss but this bitch forgets her legal name shows up when she makes a "donation"
No. 1750951
File: 1674520102903.jpg (89.46 KB, 1288x982, 20230123_172611.jpg)

2/2 confirming the account is hers.
No. 1750957
>>1750951>>1750950Why is she so stupid.
>repulsed by children>barely attracted to "anything" that isnt sephirothI thought she was trying to get pregnant with one of her many boyfriends? How could this be, nonnies?
No. 1751068
File: 1674532301059.jpg (325.8 KB, 1080x1185, Rachelpaypal.jpg)

>>1751067Samefag but proof is here.
No. 1751089
>>1751083Rachel, how do you know what her hair looks like?
>>1751085Ines is much smaller than you babes.
>>1751086NTA but you're still bad at acting like you aren't you.
No. 1751092
>>1750949Her hair is beautiful and auburn. You’re jelly as fuuuuuck lmao. You’ll never be as smart as her. She’s not a virgin, but you certainly are. :3
Nobody cares, Dumb Bitch Smoothie.
No. 1751094
>>1751090Sure Karen.
>>1751089Nah, Rachel is beautiful and skinny and Fatty Patty Ines weighs like 600 pounds. Ines is fat as a pig.
“Rachel how do you know what her hair looks like” she’s not here but you look pretty damn retarded asking her what her own hair looks like.
No. 1751107
File: 1674534444858.jpeg (65.31 KB, 2048x772, 3F110581-3EA4-46ED-A1DD-850EB4…)

I am envysnest. I never thought I'd make it to the farms (indirectly) but here we are.
It was one donation, not many. I passed the screenshots to fairsinfocenter. Rachel's full name was on that transaction, so I blacked it out, but the very first result on search engines is the farms. There is an additional screenshot here that shows the donation was sent at the same time as the Dr. No message.
Rachel has block-dodged me several times over the past year or so and has made me uncomfortable with the type of language she uses against me and others. I am not interested in fighting her. I only entered her crosshairs because I happened to sus her new account and post "no MAPs" to an influx of new film twitter followers at the same time. I never mentioned her directly, only passed along PSAs until she started making multiple accounts to spam me. Trying to involve money to continue to harass me is beyond the pale.
No. 1751110
>>1751105Nobody cares, Dumb Bitch Smoothie. You’ve been necroposting this thread for months because you’re so obsessed with this girl. Your life will never be as good as hers. You will never be as pretty as her, as happy as her, or as rich as her. She will always be better than you.
>>1751104She’s not here, retard. 🤪 Her hair is beautiful, the color of lovely autumn leaves.
No. 1751120
>>1751107Hello envysnest, thanks for sharing and clarifying. Information gets a little lost in translation so it's a pleasure having that.
I'm sorry she's harassing you. As you can see, she only gets more aggressive as time goes on including telling people to kill themselves under the guise of assumed anonymity.
No. 1751146
File: 1674535157400.jpg (609.91 KB, 1080x1236, Monkeyhate.jpg)

Speaking of necro, gonna dig this out from the archives.
No. 1751147
>>1751120Thanks. I don't come here regularly and don't plan to. As said, the farms are the first result when the name was searched. I don't want people to think it was multiple transactions because this was just one of many ways she tried to contact me. I know someone who killed themselves from being abused as a kid. Abuse is a horrifying crime and I don't condone it, hence why I was concerned when fairsinfocenter contacted me. Ironically, Rachel began interacting with me because I write Sephiroth content involving my experience with ptsd. I honestly can't imagine why someone with such a horrifying way of interacting with others would relate to my experience on the other side of it.
I have refunded Rachel her money and wish her the best of luck. I am prepared to involve legal action if she continues.
No. 1751149
>>1751143It will happen.
>>1750697Nobody cares, Dumb Bitch Smoothie. You’ve been necroposting this thread for months because you’re so obsessed with this girl. Your life will never be as good as hers. You will never be as pretty as her, as skinny as her, as happy as her, or as rich as her. She will always be better than you. And you retards literally harassed an innocent person. She blocked you because you were obvious with your profile.
No. 1751152
>>1751147And somehow that excuses you abusing her.
Congratulations, you’ve ensured she won’t leave you alone by merely posting here.
No. 1751153
File: 1674535431320.jpeg (497.05 KB, 1204x980, wacky.jpeg)

>>1751144Mhm, totally.
Hey Rachel are do you love that you have a banner here now? I do.
No. 1751154
>>1751150What do you expect? She follows DropKiwifarms.
>>1750654You literally targeted a random ass fandom member, Dumb Bitch Smoothie. And when she blocked you, you got offended and stomped your fat feet, and screeched it must be her.
No. 1751157
>>1751147The truth is she believes that she's the
victim here, that anything less than people worshipping the ground she walks on is someone being hateful towards her. She can't accept being blocked because she believes she's entitled to encroach on others' even when they have tried everything to get away from her. Nobody can hurt more than her, nobody is prettier than her, nobody is more of a
victim than her, she is the main character and she has no separation of fiction and reality.
She wants to relate to trauma when she's actively causing it for others with no regard because she believes that she's doing them a favor by treating them this way. She also likes to assign a singular identity to everyone so that she can freely abuse them because in her mind they are her. Margo, Hyde, FairsInfoCenter, DBS, Ghoulie, Erika, Michael, Naught, Josh, Bri….all people she has named and latched onto as her mortal enemies.
She likely has trauma of her own but she knows what she is doing to others, acknowledges it, and somehow finds more reasons to intensify her attacks.
No. 1751162
>>1751157Tl;dr. She is the
victim here. Nobody cares, Dumb Bitch Smoothie. You’ve been necroposting this thread for months because you’re so obsessed with this girl. Your life will never be as good as hers. You will never be as pretty as her, as skinny as her, as happy as her, or as rich as her. She will always be better than you.