File: 1653392920068.png (885.76 KB, 1000x731, 8th Rachel Thread.png)

No. 1538415
Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin, 28, of Emerald Hills, CA, is an insane Sephiroth shipper who has been terrorizing the Final Fantasy and several other fandoms for years. So far so good, but what makes Rachel and interesting cow? The sheer level of her activity, for one. She will relentlessly harass roleplayers who do not engage with her (because she is a poor roleplayer who wants only her specifically autistic scenarios), but this only scratches the surface.
She's also gotten caught repeatedly having
problematic (to say the least) sexualized interactions with minors. She's tried to defend this as "sex ed" delivered over Discord and when this didn't work said she will keep doing it because it pisses her off. In the past 2 weeks she has posted both gore and actual pornography to minors she has been slapfighting with on Twitter (bad enough in itself) and that's what she's been doing in public.
How did a lolcow of this magnitude come to the attention of (both) farms? She had a very dead /snow/ thread and managed to get it bumped by coming into the lolcord and demanding it be taken down in the most shrill and obnoxious manner possible, to the point where anons there believed her to be a troll and a man besides. She proved them all wrong by sending her own ID, saving the trouble of doxing her. She's been averaging a new thread every week or so since and an active one on Kiwi Farms as well: Cast:
> Michael: Canadian Nazi, Rachel's #1 simp and white knight, she says they are no longer together.> Elaine: British-Jewish pickme edgelord with weird bone structure and her own LCF threads who was Michael's #1 simp, now throwing shade on him in voice chats. Faildoxed LCF admin and pretends to be a hacker.> Naught and Kengle: Run Onion Farms, which is Rachel's new comfort space. Naught is a pedophile and Kengle just looks like one.> Jennifer: 39yo Sephiroth fan. May or may not have groomed Rachel as a kid. Named her 2 children after Seph and her OC she shipped with him. Her sister does weird witchy photoshoots with them and may have custody?> "Hyde": Makeup artist from LA who Rachel got in an online fight with and then got a restraining order in which she added like 50-60 pounds to Rachel's weight for the lulz. Showed up in the last thread to ask to be redacted and express her best wishes toward Rachel.> Ines and Spookybones: Michael and Elaine tried to get Rachel to attack these two and she did for ~6 threads but seems to have finally gotten the hint they're not actually the problem.> Blaine: Tranny from Onionfarms who has sometimes delivered milk, sometimes trolled, and sometimes whiteknighted, but always ban-evaded.> Nick and Caleb: Members of Rachel's supposed 8 person polycule. Don't actually exist.> Rachel's parents: Liberal Jews from San Francisco. Probably clueless but also know that Rachel has been in trouble online before, see legal troubles.Older Milk:
> posts obsessively on LCF claiming to be various other people WKing her > banned repeatedly from Twitter and almost everywhere Sephiroth related> makes socks, is too autistic to pull it off> has threatened to starve herself to get unbanned> has a whole tumblr group (Fairsinfo Center) dedicated to monitoring/alogging her> claims to be in a polyamorous relationship with 5 guys and 2 girls; no evidence these people exists> undeniably fat with a BMI of 37.4; delusionally claims to be 140lbs, calls others "fatty patty"> graphically talks about her vagina, which from her level of knowledge about actual sex has probably never been penetrated by an actual penis> spams the inbox of any Sephiroth roleplayer and resorts to threats when they won't comply> wants to RP sexual situations with underage characters> has online contact with actual minors and likes to chat them up about sex allegedly in the name of "Sex Ed"> has a disturbing obsession with Bad Dragon and similar exotic animal/fantasy dildos> repeatedly denies being a pedo or zoophile even when nobody is asking, "the lady doth protest too much"> harassed a cat blog about how DDLG fetish is awesome and valid because the cat blog made a one-off comment about it making her uncomfortble> posts about sexwork positivity and pro-tranny handmaiden stuff; calls us TERFs like it's a major insult> tranny-sucking activity ceased and she had nothing but nasty things to say about them as soon as she found a tranny who she didn't like> posted a picture of the newborn baby of one of her enemies saying she wants to sell it on the dark web> posted gore and death threats to obvious minors on Twitter> showed up in the Encyclopedia Dramatica discord with Elaine and proceeded to get made fun of by everyone in the server> went on her usual spergfest which resulted in all 3 of her accounts being banned from the EDD server and her reporting users, admins and the server to discord which resulted in a couple of bans> got additional Twitter accounts banned, currently @KILLINGJOKEThe Lolcow Uprising
> 13 May 2022 … anon rolls the devil's trips >>1527666 and shows receipts of Rachel sperging out in Discord, thinks she is talking her usual melange of schizo nonsense when she refers to anti-Semites and pedos> a big tangled web of autism is revealed which you can read about in the last OP, but it has trannies, Nazis, Nazi trannies, Kiwi vendettas, and more. It has nothing to do with Rachel except people tried to manipulate Rachel into getting involvedOther new milk
> got in a slapfight with minors on Twitter, who told her to lay off because they were kids, she retaliated by linking them to pornography> after having shown all her knowledge about heterosexual sex comes from porn, demonstrated the same about lesbian sex with unrealistic talk about "scissoring"> still at it harassing roleplayers and demanding they enact her highly specific fantasies including sephiroth/aerith ageplay> telling everyone about how she will have a baby now to own the haters> Rachel's Nazi friends are fighting, voice tape was leaked of Elaine negging Canada and questioning whether Michael the Nazi is actually White while Michael is fighting it out with the tranny on Onion Farms> She's disavowed the actual Nazi but is coy about the others> Farmers found some legal papers relating to a restraining order that was taken out against her for acting like a lunatic towards an online friend who shows up shortly thereafter after some of the bad actors reached out to her> Jennifer, who Rachel pretended was dead way back in Thread #1, was also found and turned out to be a Sephiroth-cooming lunatic in her own right who may or may not have groomed Rachel as a teen> Thread got raided by trannies last night, somehow it got wholesome eventually with people giving Rachel good advice which she mostly ignored, she did answer some questions a bit more readily thoughThread #1:
>>>/snow/1095830Thread #2:
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>>>/snow/1518588Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1529219Thread #7:
>>>/snow/1535186 No. 1538433
File: 1653394485442.png (18.65 KB, 670x184, bertha can't count.png)

>>1538430go to sleep rachel
pic related
No. 1538442
>>1538440i wasnt the anon who called you fat i havent called you fat in a while because i got bored of saying the same thing
why dont you post a pic without your face in it? you remember how quick people were to drop the whole thing about the table when you posted it so why not a pic of yourself? its not like people dont know what you look like but again you could leave out your face
just prove what you claim or continue to be called fat and a liar by anons
No. 1538446
>>1538443its not meant to be milk
when you posted proof of your table that wasnt milk that was you disproving claims of yourself why not do it again?
No. 1538447
>>1538440This is an example of your problem. You’re perceiving a
trigger and choosing to go on the attack and fixate on people calling you Bertha. Five of the last seven responses are from you. You are the one keeping this alive currently. Instead, you should choose to just walk away and ignore it but you aren’t. This is the choice YOU are making in how you are responding to an anon calling you Bertha. Do you see how you are creating this problem for yourself or are you still choosing to be obtuse about it
No. 1538477
>>1538453nayrt but she won't knock it off. this is a board we make fun of people on. that's the purpose of lolcow. if you want to improve and all, that's great, and it probably involves not looking on here for the sake of your own mental health. don't like ? don't look.
if you want to keep looking that's terrible for your self-esteem but great for us bc everything you do is laughable. the choice is yours.
No. 1538480
File: 1653398262683.jpg (94.57 KB, 1080x614, 20220524_091646.jpg)

FYI Rachel, you can retweet this kind of stuff all you want and it still won't make you any less of a groomer creep
No. 1538630
>>1538500If Rachel really cares that much it's the only way, her pictures are online so it's not extra milk unless she's wrong about the 140 number she's going on about.
>>1538615Pretty sure I was being sarcastic, but unlike what some people think I don't like steering things to be about me so I'm not gonna get into it here.
>>1538622Gonna be hard but with a little elbow grease, after last night it just might happen.
No. 1538651
>>1538645No she doesn't, she just needs to go to therapy and work on herself.
I don't think she will, but maybe she'll prove me wrong.
I cant tell if you're being sarcastic or not but even if you are, knowing Rachel she wont pick up on that. Breaking someone doesn't sound fun, even though she does deserve it for the stuff she's put other people through.
No. 1538655
File: 1653413074447.jpg (15.48 KB, 479x271, sephthink.jpg)

>>1538453Rachel I am going to tell you a super secret technique. It's ancient knowledge collected from the Lifestream. This was communicated to me directly from Lord Sephiroth himself (pbuh) and I am but his humble prophet (and wife). If you stop responding to literally every post calling you fat and acting like a complete lunatic, people might just get bored enough to stop calling you fat. If you make a public trainwreck out of yourself, people are going to come and watch it. If you'd stop sperging out all over the place and leaving a trail of enemies in your wake, people would have nothing to post about.
Alternatively, you can use the spitefulness that you clearly have an abundance of as a motivator to lose weight. Everyone can tell you're massively insecure about it. Every time you see a post calling you Big Bertha that makes you seethe, go work out instead of sperging out online. Keep up with it and it will help you deal with that anger and insecurity and you'll be working towards a positive goal instead of making an ass out of yourself on the internet.
It seems your parents either massively infantilized you or just gave up due to your aggressive harassment whenever you don't get your way. Real life doesn't work that way. You can't browbeat everyone you meet into submission with tantrums and juvenile lies until they get exhausted and give you what you want. You can't demand that the people you've wronged in the past have to talk to you again. You can't demand some weeb roleplaying as an FF7 character online use their twitter followers to undo the trashfire you've made for yourself. You simply can't act like this as an adult. I mean, you can, but everyone is just going to hate you and make fun of you. Some things really are that simple.
No. 1538663
File: 1653414064529.png (282.97 KB, 1057x638, read nigga read.png)

Why can't the bitches who keep reposting content to Kiwi Farms at least read before they do it? Obnoxious.
No. 1538698
File: 1653416502493.png (42.7 KB, 492x357, lockedin5years.png)

>>1538689At least going on what she says she was "locked in there for 5 years." I doubt this would be a traditional psychiatric hospitalization (she'd have to have done something really horrible for that) but a residential program for kids.
>>1538692I thought so but none of their programs match what Rachel is describing. Of course Rachel could be stretching the truth. She's been known to do that lol.
No. 1538722
File: 1653418551952.png (804.49 KB, 1230x2560, EBCProfile.png)

>>1538715 is right then the Esther B Clark school fits well (keeping in mind it may have changed over the past almost decade.) Interesting to see here that they boast of the rate where people get mainstreamed after 3 years and Rachel was there for 5. But also they only go up to Grade 10, so what was Rachel doing 11-12? I see now that
>>1538698 could be read as "I'm 20
now" not that she was 20 when she got out, too.
No. 1538751
If Rachel is being somewhat truthful and seriously wants help, honestly I am proud of her too.
Yeah I'll miss reading all the milk lol but seeing a "success" story imo is better.
She keeps mentioning "I don't want to remember" as a reason for not wanting therapy. If it's true then I totally understand. But even then the painful part of therapy can help you get closure, and be able to successfully go into the future without having those painful memories and nightmares.
My apologies for fagblogging, but I feel like it might help? I'll make it as short as possible:
My mom had a shitty life. Father an abusive drunk, brother trying to get her virginity, sister constantly trying to k!ll herself. Became anorexic/bulemic. Ran away at 17 and stayed with her bf, then married. He became a drunk and cheated with whores.
During her split up she became stranded, kidnapped by 2 men on pcp, raped for hours, almost murdered until one of the guys decided " he'll go to jail for rape not murder"
She tried to go to court, but because this was the early 80s, and they were related to a navy officer, she couldn't win.
Family no help. Friends, only slightly.
She had night terrors until I was 23? She went to therapy. It took a long time and many therapists (to find one that didn't suck) but she slowly was able to move beyond it. She has a better life now, albiet her body is breaking down, but therapy and meds helped.
Rachel, I know the past can be painful. But you can come out on top and be better. I believe in you.
No. 1538772
>>1538769You mean my mom?
It's not like anyone knows who I am, who she is, or anything like that. It's not like me and her are the only ones that know either.
Yeah it's in bad taste that I wrote it on a cow/anon/public site. Sorry.
No. 1538857
>>1538789kek she’ll still be talked about here unless she actually stops providing milk, nobody is giving her a pass and saying “ok we’ll leave you alone until you fuck up again” if she actually makes any changes, then her milky behavior will stop (or at least slow down) and then there won’t be anything left to even talk about. still up to her to decide to stop being a milky bitch
>>1538791yeah I was thinking this too, but it very clearly was her deviantart account that was discovered and she couldn’t help herself and gave herself away when she shut it down immediately after it being posted. also this tracks as part of her behavior pattern. there’s been plenty of times in the past where she appears to start listening to people and “accepting help” and then just goes back to her old ways, which is what’s probs happening here too. hope I’m wrong so she can leave kids alone and stop harassing people online who don’t deserve it, but if not, oh well
No. 1538885
File: 1653432107384.png (88.2 KB, 1871x340, chrome_lTgW5e0ZBW.png)

Courtesy of a KF sleuth who did the brave digging on Gaiaonline(cringe tolerance must be high). We have proof that she was on Gaiaonline back in 2009, her story about the mental stuff is really just leaning towards school councilor at the point rather than a specialized institution. Rachel always inflates(unintentional fat joke)everything she says so her name dropping a place probably isn't the truth in my opinion.
It's also one of the earlier examples of her harassing a community so much she needed to account jump. Yet again another thing she attacks others over that she clearly is ashamed of having in herself.
I hope Rachel sees how her thread immediately slowed down as soon as she went to bed and takes the hint. Course, I'm not that naive anymore.
No. 1538895
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>>1538885Samefag but only noticed the edit after posting. The sleuth added in the join date as well, start of 2007. New Years, dollars to donuts it's not her first account their either. She's probably been roleplaying among adults since a very young age.
No. 1538900
>>1538857Yeah I don't see that she has any idea how best to manage her own thread (to answer people's questions and then ghost quietly) and she's probably getting intentionally bad advice from the bad actors who are running around on the sidelines.
Speaking of they have all been quiet. The Canadian must be so pressed at this point given that his other e-fuckbuddy is getting caught on hot mics talking shit and Rachel seems to have escaped his clutches for now (I hope.) That's one of the funniest things in the thread, too. And remember that Rachel blew it all up by being right for once. Between that and the table, it is not all Ls for our girl.
No. 1538935
File: 1653434108364.jpg (110.33 KB, 1022x526, i wouldn't mind being one of t…)

>>1538906Kind of but what I mean is that she sussed him out due to his being a poor Sephiroth roleplayer. Which actually come to think of it there was an incident like that with Chris. Sean who is a guy who tried to manipulate Chris into doing a murder-suicide by getting him to 'channel' the ghost of Randy Stair. And there was an account called Lainchu that used to RP with Chris and the different trolls (including…wait for it…Naught) would rotate through this account. Chris didn't like Sean's roleplaying and wouldn't engage. So whether or not they are bigger cows than the main ones they still got clowned by them which is damn funny. May it happen to everyone who tries to tip or a-log my cows. I prefer it when they are left to graze in peace, free range milk is always better.
No. 1538994
File: 1653437848927.png (150.59 KB, 720x755, Screenshot_20220524-191539~2.p…)

Hey look, more milk, and Rachel parroting an anon from earlier who lacked reciepts.
No. 1538997
>>1538994I would say never change, Rachel, but we all already know you wont.
Thats it, thats the milk.
No. 1539004
File: 1653438218955.png (2.25 KB, 186x186, roblox.png)

>>1538994She's right though?
No. 1539011
File: 1653438493042.png (137.51 KB, 720x763, Screenshot_20220524-192647~2.p…)

>>1539004Nice dead meme, are you someone who's the tranny salted before?
More milk. Rachel switches to Erika now that she's in pleading mode, but it's an impossible ask yet again.
No. 1539015
>>1539011Why does she think she always gets to make demands of other people?
..Oh, wait, the same reason she blames everyone else for the problems she creates for herself and the same reason she's a cow. Keep mooing, Rach.
No. 1539016
File: 1653438676780.png (848.22 KB, 1920x1080, ohlooki'vebeenimpaled.png)

I know someone remembers this meme. AC used a mario pfp
No. 1539037
>>1539034She's used a considerable amount of monikers over the years (prolly because she harassed the shit outta people) but there's one thing that has stayed consistent.
FF7, Inuyasha & general anime fixation.
OC named Sera.
Obsessed with cats. (Has a particular hate boner for the wolf crowd too)
No. 1539056
>>1539048On clear web myspace era social media?
I'll just report it and carry on sleuthing
No. 1539072
File: 1653445538555.jpeg (55.17 KB, 750x353, 16A5FB6F-3DE8-46D6-A576-85926A…)

Some milk for the farm.
No. 1539087
>>1539076We were never getting a scales pic because it would confirm she's 250 lbs
>>1539081Told you she needed breaking, send her to fat camp
No. 1539100
File: 1653447624629.jpeg (119.37 KB, 750x936, A11A3068-5F2F-44AA-912A-F3E678…)

Fat hypocrite says…?
No. 1539108
>>1539100Bertha can't control her emotions or her weight
>>1539101>a new leafkek
No. 1539147
File: 1653451615794.jpeg (131.97 KB, 748x947, 3A202531-E7EF-47E3-B232-2B5E36…)

Like she even has the potential to work anywhere other than her crappy job.
No. 1539153
File: 1653452273157.jpeg (176.99 KB, 750x1006, 6EC82F48-69AE-4C11-945D-B01389…)

This retard had deflection down to an art form.
No. 1539164
>>1539153its honestly how crazy to me how she kind of had some sort of breakdown last night and seemed like she was going to change her bad habits then did a complete 180
i really wonder whats going on in her head i know there shouldnt be any sort of rationalization of irrationality but i cant help but wonder
No. 1539165
File: 1653454078513.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1284x2075, CBDE9346-EFF6-4236-A19E-4AADA3…)

didnt she steal art from that nagi person and made them lock their account? rachel… come on… sheesh…
No. 1539168
why is rachel asking fairinfo for help? lol didn't they try to help her??
>>1539153everybody, including fairinfo, tried to help this fat bitch.
no one lies yooooooooooou. you're like that fat bitch that sits in the one empty spot that says no fat bitches allowed.
No. 1539169
>>1539166as much as i would love that i dont think that would happen
im pretty sure shes an anxious pussy in real life shes probably going to go with her mom
No. 1539171
>>1539170ive just never seen her do it to this degree
she seemed like she was at least going to look into edibles and shit it almost looked a bit promising when she said it was all her fault when it came down to the cops coming to her house
No. 1539180
File: 1653455718600.png (541.63 KB, 720x1100, Screenshot_20220525-001446~2.p…)

Rachel better not fuck the cat.
No. 1539184
File: 1653456737529.png (72.93 KB, 720x386, Screenshot_20220525-003133~2.p…)

I don't know why but this one in particular killed me.
No. 1539185
File: 1653456816751.jpg (50.34 KB, 640x481, catfish.jpg)

>>1539166She is going to show up. That's terrifying.
But the thought of her getting tard wrangled in public CWC style makes me crave it.
OTOH, if anyone else goes to fanime they can see if she actually lost that weight…
No. 1539192
File: 1653457580484.png (44.24 KB, 720x218, Screenshot_20220525-004541~2.p…)

My favorite so far from that salty parody account.
No. 1539229
File: 1653467228620.gif (646.85 KB, 300x100, RachelLeedsMinkin2.gif)

Made our little strawberry cow her very own banner
No. 1539293
File: 1653482757443.jpeg (195.86 KB, 750x937, 0EB9C5E1-327D-4094-A994-7A4CD8…)

Tard rage
No. 1539371
File: 1653490704877.png (68.71 KB, 720x331, Screenshot_20220525-095646~2.p…)

I'm not offended, I'd be delighted if she died alone. Means she didn't drag anyone into her bullshit. Why hasn't this bitch cried about her genetics yet?
250lb tomato.
No. 1539377
File: 1653491025857.png (254.58 KB, 720x507, Screenshot_20220525-095916~2.p…)

Rachel showing off her belly for the scale.
No. 1539379
File: 1653491068773.png (51.01 KB, 720x231, Screenshot_20220525-100145~2.p…)

Rachel giving more chaser vibes, confirms she's into forced feminization.
No. 1539380
File: 1653491101951.png (50 KB, 720x265, Screenshot_20220525-100045~2.p…)

Rachel proving she has no boundaries and is probably bald by now.
No. 1539385
File: 1653491557844.png (166.85 KB, 720x815, Screenshot_20220525-101149~2.p…)

>>1539381Someone from the community follower her parody account and here's how she reacted.
No. 1539447
File: 1653494829072.jpg (86.88 KB, 577x433, 6hgwtu.jpg)

No. 1539495
File: 1653499346607.jpg (82.14 KB, 900x675, namine_s_charm_1_by_vincentson…)

Fat since 2009, she's claiming to have lost weight recently but it looks like she's never lost any weight before.
No. 1539575
File: 1653504638792.png (292.91 KB, 1357x662, fuckyoutherapy.png)

Picrel from kf. September 2010. She would have been 16 and is a January baby so this would likely be Junior year and if she went to the alternative school ending Sophomore year then her first year in regular HS. Note she mentions frequent therapy and an aide in her mainstreamed classes giving an idea of her level of services at this point. Unfortunately her shitty attitude towards getting help seems to have been just the same in this era.
No. 1539616
File: 1653508481504.png (237.19 KB, 720x1249, Screenshot_20220525-145311~2.p…)

He's right you know Rachel, I had to dig myself out of a hole I was shoved into. You dug your own hole and had farmers try to pull you out.
Your whole life you've had everything given to you and you have nothing to show for it.
No. 1539624
File: 1653509126780.jpeg (119.68 KB, 750x586, 184EA736-319E-47BE-94AC-4541F0…)

She’s raging against TurksAfterDark. There’s so many little gems happening right now lmao
No. 1539626
File: 1653509293364.png (213.85 KB, 720x1171, Screenshot_20220525-150719~2.p…)

Glad to see Turks laying down some truth on Ratchety Rachel.
No. 1539631
File: 1653509548476.jpg (65.09 KB, 500x562, 6hi16n.jpg)

No. 1539632
File: 1653509563086.png (34.55 KB, 470x208, lolcow-who-learned.png)

Someone needs to leash their pet tranny, he's all over the place, now revealing himself to be behind the parody account. It was funnier when we didn't know.
Here's the minor again, begging for a spoonfeeding. It still makes my skin crawl that minors and adults interact regularly on Twitter tbh. Much less like this. I like her pfp though.
No. 1539633
>>1539626>Goes out of her way to start drama over someone she's not even friends with and owes her nothing, following an account on twitter.>You assholes just want a willing victim.I don't think she knows what the word
victim means. She never has been and never will be a
No. 1539635
File: 1653509664392.jpeg (163.4 KB, 746x813, 61F9919C-A4A9-408B-889C-D764E7…)

Sure, but pedophiles don’t deserve that right.
No. 1539643
File: 1653509975591.jpeg (186.81 KB, 750x956, F3E87DCB-9A4A-46B1-B4EA-11142A…)

But they were never on your side to begin with. You don’t deserve someone being on your side after raging at them and everything you’ve done you idiot.
Your parents never taught you right. No wonder your dad only associates you with stress in his dementia and yells at you because that’s all you are, a burden and stress to your parents.
No. 1539652
>Hey, Rachel, you should to to therapy.Rachel:
>YoU aReN't GoInG tO hAvE a WiLlInG pAsSiVe PuNcHiNg BaGTotally sane and rational response.
No. 1539655
File: 1653510402306.jpeg (149.25 KB, 750x667, 177AF364-BAB7-4425-9B15-5B925B…)

I love the projection. I’m much more petite and skinnier than she is so when she in her delusion says she’s 5’2 @140 it makes me laugh.
No. 1539658
File: 1653510554018.jpeg (193.29 KB, 750x1000, A6FFEBB0-8A2B-4E84-9A80-DC3B4B…)

Circling back to the FBI defense
No. 1539660
File: 1653510606515.jpg (22.91 KB, 209x282, emo tranny face.jpg)

>>1539655>fat, angry women doing fat angry women thingsWhere have we heard that before?
No. 1539662
File: 1653510629954.jpeg (215.42 KB, 750x1032, E27DDEE3-C299-472E-9BE0-7ABAF3…)

Again. Evading responsibility like a child.
No. 1539664
File: 1653510801692.jpg (50.93 KB, 460x527, confused fbi.jpg)

>>1539658Imagine being the FBI agent … "What's a moid? What does Nonna mean? Who's Nigel? Why are these women so catty? What is a sage?"
No. 1539667
File: 1653510891961.png (328.59 KB, 561x952, Screenshot_20220525-153429~2.p…)

>>1539660Speaking of Mike here's him going full schizo on an account proven to be his sock. Like Rachel he just projected everything on the people he attacked.
Enjoy the old milk.
No. 1539669
File: 1653511015294.jpeg (134.99 KB, 750x877, A328BAF1-5269-4F1D-85D7-9A68AA…)

Why is she faking outrage at the mass shooting that happened recently in this retweet when she bragged that she would shoot people to their face and she shoots guns regularly?
Mental disconnects be strong with this cow.
No. 1539681
File: 1653511756986.png (165.92 KB, 720x627, Screenshot_20220525-154724~2.p…)

>>1539672I'm up with you until the second point, poster said it was old anyways. Here's some actual Mike milk of him hinting at what we all know now to be true. White pearls and white pride hasn't stopped sperging for a year is all.
No. 1539688
File: 1653512346251.jpeg (130.1 KB, 750x651, 305D0D6A-73CC-4C15-90CF-79EFC0…)

No. 1539689
File: 1653512368510.jpeg (81.74 KB, 750x418, 45756F0D-EC64-496B-A748-0D27D6…)

No. 1539694
>>1539685That's not me, Mike stuff belongs in the Mike threads unless it's him interacting with Rachel imo but I'm only trying to post here if I have anything relevant. Here's a tip for anyone who hasn't picked up on my writing style as of yet, I use too many commas.
>>1539689That's because, going into a discord with a cow is an easy way to become a cow yourself Rachel lol.
No. 1539703
File: 1653513256217.png (318.18 KB, 720x968, Screenshot_20220525-161259~2.p…)

Rachel being openly pedophilic.
No. 1539738
>>1539689Rachel, ask not what anons can do for you, but what you can do for anons.
But really, what exactly does she expect anyone to help her with? I don't get what she's even after. Other than getting someone to sext her as Sephiroth.
No. 1539742
>>1539738She just wants someone to tell the fandom she's changed and try to make everyone accept her. Even if she finds someone to do that (she wont) she hasn't changed and she would just be ruining that persons reputation in the community too and would end up right back where she currently is.
tl;dr she wants to RP Sera getting Sephiroth dick by fucking over someone else because she can't and wont change.
No. 1539749
File: 1653515253536.png (182.09 KB, 720x975, Screenshot_20220525-164647~2.p…)

Bitch wildly fluctuates what she says, it's great!
No. 1539760
File: 1653515490810.jpeg (139.04 KB, 1284x1262, C3AE16FC-B1C6-4F44-8631-9C0DE1…)

>>1539749Right, seems to check out.
No. 1539780
>>1539749There was no deal to be made in the first place lmao. This bitch wouldn’t know a negotiation if it bit her in the arse. It was people helping her like she wanted but she refused to listen.
None of us said, “Hey, we’ll stop making fu no of you so be better”. She misread and misunderstood. That’s on her not us.
No. 1539808
>>1539749hi rachel i was one of those anons
youre completely shooting yourself in the foot by doing all of this
you shouldnt act out because people are saying shitty things about you there will always be people talking shit and the cool thing to do is ignore it and focus on bettering yourself
there was never any sort of deal no idea what youre talking about but there should never be any kind of deal for someone to stop their bad behavior just simply do better if you want to and if you dont then don’t expect people to want to be around you
at this rate youre just going to keep up a really alienating cycle and be really unhappy with yourself and nobody not even your supposed partners or parents can change or fix that other than you
No. 1539818
File: 1653517922843.png (142.84 KB, 720x852, Screenshot_20220525-172953~2.p…)

Here we have Rachel defending one of her pedophile friends in public. Nazis? She will disavow. Pedophile? Well she's gotta be accepted somewhere and she's burned through so many communities she's down at pedophiles.
No. 1539878
>>1539854>>1539858Fuck off Rachel, you cant keep trying to cry
victim when you keep coming here. Even if you try to say "sHeS nOt HeRe" no one believes you because you're fucking obvious. No one is going to come white knight for you and thats a proven fact considering you have no one white knighting for you on twitter- where you want it to happen the most.
No. 1539891
File: 1653520453229.jpg (111.2 KB, 1280x720, ahshiet.jpg)

No. 1539898
Oh, and let’s not forget posting pornography of a small chested 3D woman from a well known pornography site that screens it’s videos before permitting they be uploaded. You think short, small chested women aren’t a thing in real life? Who gives a fuck, it’s fictional and there’s probably a stupid disclaimer at the beginning saying all characters are at least 18.
What DOES make a pedophile:
Having professed, constant attraction towards children for a period of over 6 months.
Soliciting minors for sex, or grooming them for sexual purposes.
Actually having sex with children.
Child molesters are defined by their acts; pedophiles are defined by their desire. Considering she doesn’t desire to have sex with children and expresses revulsion towards them, she’s not a pedophile. Considering she’s never molested a child or done anything of the sort to one, she’s not a child molester.
Unless she’s on a registry or has done any of these, guess what she isn’t?
My, if you followed this woman any closer, you’d have your head up her ass.
The Jaded Anon
No. 1539899
>>1539890Which is telling. Most of the time people can call a child character cute without any issue. But with Rachel, "cute" probably means something gross because of how much she harasses minors like
>>1539894 said.
>>1539881Rachel have you ever thought about just not sending porn of any kind to any person? You'd be amazed how much trouble you'll avoid that way.
No. 1539900
>>1539898kek like an anon would simp for pedophiles get real rachel also
>My, if you followed this woman any closer, you’d have your head up her ass. can your writing style get more obvious?
No. 1539903
File: 1653521027092.jpg (31.21 KB, 460x345, aK2m8wW_460s.jpg)

>>1539881Time to hold you down and record that screaming.
>>1539898Rachel you actually did molest a child by sending that porn after they begged you to stop. So FINE you're a child molester, not a pedophile.
Happy now Bertha?
No. 1539919
File: 1653521590027.png (610.37 KB, 720x1265, Screenshot_20220525-183202~2.p…)

Rachel really needs to stop thinking about cat dicks.
A cats shape is a loaf, everyone knows this. Eggplant is just a slang for penis, pervert.
No. 1539921
>>1539909She needs to be shamed and if she moos, then that’s more milk for us.
Apparently her parents didn’t raise her to feel shame because the shame would have reeled her back and made her act with a little more thought.
No. 1539950
File: 1653522489824.jpg (81.79 KB, 500x756, 6hirtc.jpg)

No. 1539970
>>1539954All she has is outdated memes, KF archive related
>>1539966Bertha's OF account (Sourpuss) is not banned rn
No. 1539975
File: 1653523571961.gif (2.63 MB, 650x723, E76FFD12-A36F-4FB0-867C-D78FCD…)

>>1539953I could make the same argument of you, who is present when she is active. Or how about those other users? Do you suppose one of them is her?
>>1539966 No. 1539987
File: 1653523948237.jpg (276.75 KB, 760x844, IMG_6474.png.jpg)

>>1539978You trap children in your parents basement.
No. 1539989
File: 1653524056932.png (515.96 KB, 715x781, Screenshot_20220525-191336~2.p…)

Rachel accepting nobody will ever date her.
No. 1539990
>>1539975You already replied to this here: >>1539955
And no, because as stated multiple times already, no one will white knight for you, as proven by no one doing it on Twitter even though you keep begging, and no one doing it on KF. Only happens a place where you can act like you're multiple people and not Rachel.
No. 1539999
>>1539994She didn't resolve to do anything. She ended up rejecting therapy and never admitting that she's been roleplaying in her threads 16 hours a day since the first one.
But resolving to be a better person would be done by changing her relationship with the internet and fandom. I know that would be difficult, and probably a main reason she refuses to seek therapy — she is probably afraid that a therapist would tell her she's terminally online and that it's damaging her life. Which they would, but a therapist's job is to agree with you before they suggest changes to your life. They work for you; they won't give you anything you can't handle. That may mean it takes longer, but it's worth it. You want someone to listen to you? You want someone to "detail how they're going to help you"? That's literally what therapists are for, Rachel. Please talk to one. Many even offer a free phone consultation.
Hypothetically aimed at Rachel of course since she's not here.
No. 1540001
File: 1653525159400.png (46.77 KB, 616x132, hiss.png)

>>1540000samefag. Here farmhands I made you this name tag you can use to mark all of Rachels posts when you decide to do that. Made while my jimmies were rustled and blood pressure raised, obviously. This is kinda too cute for her but whatever.
No. 1540010
>>1540005Yeah, as
>>1540008 just said thats never happened.
>>1540002 is correct. Just watched the clip of Ethan getting BTFO and am continuing to watch you get BTFO in real time.
No. 1540020
File: 1653525850250.png (434.59 KB, 1676x592, dumbass.png)

See: various threats to people on twitter along with continuing to harass people who have made it clear they want her to leave them alone.
No. 1540034
File: 1653526341208.jpg (181.17 KB, 1080x949, 5150.jpg)

Rachel, here are some numbers to call for your crisis.
No. 1540046
>>1540042Where is the scale photo? The people want the scale photo. It's Rachel's best chance at a W yet.
I bet she is just shaving her belly and that's why it's taking so long. Maybe I should give her some of my anti testosterone.
No. 1540068
Right right cow tipping. Honestly I have a life and don't want to get tangled up in that mess lol plus that would stop all this milk!
No. 1540069
File: 1653527298447.png (91.7 KB, 1346x330, 8E4F8FC2-DC82-4A92-80E2-50B8F5…)

Really? If this blog post is accurately her, then the fact that she had to be bribed tells me she threw a tantrum about having to go to therapy.
That doesn’t sound like a calm collected person.
No. 1540083
>>1540061Uh, I'm
>>1540050 and not Rachel. Not going to catch a ban for encouraging an anon to cow-tip while giving them a
valid way to do so. Thought that was pretty obvious.
I agree >>1540048 is her though and I'm iffy on >>1540056 since they said getting someone 5150'd was easy to do and that would be strange of Rachel to say.
No. 1540094
>>1540089I didnt tag that post?
>>1540055>>1540056> I assumed they're the same person as above which also replied to my same comment (since they're not me tagging my comment and samefagging) unless there was a comment posted between they could samefag or they dont know what samefagging means, and in those cases its likely also Rachel.
No. 1540098
>>1540090Unless she wasn’t kidding about losing weight, in which case it will be difficult to recognize her, especially if she’s wearing a mask.
>>1540088Not everyone is her retard.
No. 1540101
>>1540098She has that greasy long ass dishwater hair, is about 5'1" and will have hairy legs and probably a Sephiroth plush or that damn ring.
No. 1540108
>>1540102Rachel has posted on a 4chan style image board about shooting children not even 24 hours after the mass shooting of children.
Mhm, I'm sure the authorities will just let it slide.
No. 1540135
>>1540130so you admit hyde was lying?
sure anon. shh. it’s okay. there’s no need to be upset about being wrong. everyone is wrong occasionally.
No. 1540141
>>1540124Oh? You don’t like that phrase?
Ok then! I’ll make sure to use it as much as possible! Ho hum.
No. 1540148
File: 1653529080407.jpeg (128 KB, 1079x928, Screenshot_20220524-085904-01.…)

One day people might cosplay as you too, Rachel.
No. 1540150
>>1540149I knew it never would come because she's too much of a pussy.
Ahem, you're too much of a pussy.
No. 1540154
>>1540129I literally don't care if you believe me or not, though. Kek
>>1540141By all means, use it all you want. Makes it easier.
No. 1540163
Bertha's ID says 190 lbs, she's fat as fuck no matter what
No. 1540173
>>1540165then you really won’t be able to recognize her at fanime
even if someone weens her there, they’re still gonna have to pay$75 to get in and pray they’re in the right spot at the right time
No. 1540177
File: 1653529523100.jpg (98.53 KB, 900x675, almost_like_brothers__the_gene…)

Genesis, Rachel? Really? How can you have such shit taste
No. 1540184
File: 1653529618555.jpeg (9.46 KB, 259x194, images (5).jpeg)

>>1540176She's at home with her parents.
Picrel, it would be what you saw if she had to leave the house.
No. 1540187
>>1540171If FairsInfo has been around for at least two years, nothing has changed on her end. She’s still an
abusive person who has anger and entitlement issues. The fact she sent a heavily photoshopped selfie to someone is evidence she really hasn’t lost the weight.
No. 1540193
File: 1653529823468.jpeg (52.58 KB, 184x275, 1652936324409.jpeg)

This is the most current and accurate photo we have of Rachel until she posts those scale pics.
No. 1540196
>>1540192No, I'm absolutely correct.
Rachel is at home right now.
No. 1540206
>>1540130inb4 you call me Rachel but are you seriously citing a handwritten complaint (
not court document in the sense you imply) by Melissa, who I'm pretty sure in the last thread admitted that she wrote in '250' out of sheer cattiness? Please, nonna. Your Twitter is showing. I wonder how many of the posters here are the minors she's been bothering. I wouldn't blame them, it's what I would've done as a kid, but it would explain the quality of some of the posts ITT.
No. 1540208
File: 1653530107083.jpg (835.44 KB, 1500x1000, NINTCHDBPICT000695602927-2.jpg)

Here is a picture I took of Rachel yesterday proving she is not 140lbs.
No. 1540220
>>1540213LMAO I'm not even a dude but go off princess. Tell us all how we aren't worth it when you have the power to shut everyone up in your hands.
Fat and mad.
No. 1540234
>>1540231Oh I do know. And you’re getting your own dues, you and everyone else who kept begging for scale pics.
It’s a dumb fucking idea to put pictures of your weight measurement online anyhow.
No. 1540237
>>1540234You endlessly spew dumb shit and overshare on the internet. A scale pic isn't gonna hurt you but you're too much of a coward so you won't.
You can't face your lies.
No. 1540242
>>1540236Samefag, meant to tag
Minors in where, Rachel? Here?
No. 1540246
>>1540213I waited 'at least' 12 hours before continuing sperging
We wouldn't be getting the pictures even if Bertha had promised them because she's a catty 190 lbs (meaning 250 lbs)
No. 1540259
File: 1653532263464.jpg (1.34 MB, 3456x3456, IMG_20220525_213005.jpg)

So easy, granted Rachel should show us both her feet but hey.
No. 1540264
File: 1653532589939.jpg (704.79 KB, 2448x1885, 20220525_193435.jpg)

We should all post our weight lmao. See? Not so hard Rachel.
Sorry about the socks, they're Sally socks lol.
No. 1540269
File: 1653532919144.jpeg (45.5 KB, 750x355, 6D46DD7F-C92A-451C-BE7F-97B5BE…)

With her track of cyclical arguments? Lmao I think not
>>1540264Cute socks!
No. 1540290
>>1540274Funny how she posted that after I wrote this
>>1540263. It really does bother her when people call her a kissless virgin lelel
No. 1540300
>>1540295sounds like a scrote
>>1540298Only she doesnt have even a single partner.
No. 1540322
>>1540307There’s more evidence to suggest they exist than evidence they don’t exist. We don’t have pictures because they’ve either not consented to it or she is protecting them from LCF and KF.
>>1540289Yeah no. Her vocabulary is too complex for children to understand unless they read something dumb like War and Peace. Too complex for most people here to understand either. Using big words only makes you look stupid if you don’t know the meaning.
No. 1540331
>>1540315It really is. It's hard to ERP online without encountering weeb NEET guys who will try to take it OOC.
I'm still baffled she got banned from F-list, that's genuinely impressive. In a bad way, but still.
No. 1540338
>>1540328Even a baboon sitting at a keyboard long enough will eventually write Shakespeare.
>>1540330Whatever helps you feel better about your own fragrance being steaming dog excrement, nona. With all that lush product, it’s impossible for Rachel to not smell good.
No. 1540343
>>1540338So, Rachel in other words. She's the baboon. Imagine thinking people will fuck you based on you smelling like roses.
>>1540340She's not because she just wrote the comment I'm currently replying to.
No. 1540352
File: 1653535252492.png (47.5 KB, 720x269, Screenshot_20220525-221926~2.p…)

>>1540340Damn you sure look silly as she posted to Twitter at the same time you did disproving that.(two tabs Bertha? Damn I didn't think your pea brain could handle two tabs open at once on your computer.)
No. 1540376
File: 1653536536107.png (425.02 KB, 828x1778, C6E26789-24F7-4CD9-8802-13E143…)

Saw this and found it ironic that she screamed about being left alone. Maybe leave people alone who don’t want anything to do with you and you will be left alone.
This Person hasn’t even engaged with her at all recently and she’s up in their DMs trying to drag them into her drama again.
No. 1540390
>>1540386Hey look I baited Rachel for the umpteenth time and she confirmed she's into Loli.
Fish in a fucking barrel, and you're not the only cow I'm poking. It's taking half of my brainpower to set up traps that any sane human would walk around and you plow right into instead.
No. 1540403
>>1540395nobodys clicking that and it doesnt embed nice try "
triggering" us rachel
No. 1540415
>>1540413Oops, looks like I hit one of your nerves.
>>1540341Even a baboon is still smarter than you.
No. 1540424
>>1540417Rachel the tranny broke you easier than your mirrors break when you look into them.
Rachel, Michael broke you simply by rejecting your advances.
Rachel that minor broke you so hard you continually responded to her things before blocking her four days later.
You're unfixable.
No. 1540427
>>1540423Lol I’m not the one sending porn to children on Twitter and trying to educate children and offering to buy them sex toys.
Go make out with your imaginary lovers cow.
No. 1540433
>>1540427“Oh noooo! I a big scary farmer am intimidated by a 3D woman who has boobs bigger than me!”
Ok pedophile.
No. 1540443
>>1540432ooooh casserole sounds amazing! i just got back from making a sandwich and didn't seem to miss a beat of ragel
>>1540436anon, no…. (unless this is rachel trying to get sympathy points which if that's the case stfu rachel the adults are talking)
No. 1540458
File: 1653538317488.png (161.99 KB, 448x610, buck broken.png)

>>1540417'Unbreakable' just like her nazi bf Michael
No. 1540462
>>1540456Oh cool, did you record it?
this seems like something someone in a 16th century American colonial settlement would say if their neighbor was suspected of being a witch.
No. 1540505
>>1540496You condone rape too.
>>1540500You are okay with threatening to rape lolcows.
>>1540499You’re absolutely fine with rape threats.
No. 1540509
>>1540470Witches dont want her, anon.
>>1540472Proof? You were the only one posting porn.
No. 1540512
>>1540505Everyone here thinks that rape bit was in poor taste but Rachel has definitely made attacks about teen girls on Twitter getting raped and gangbanged.
Didn’t she say that she had a noncon kink?
No. 1540513
File: 1653539372803.jpeg (358.26 KB, 519x929, 12606914-B1BF-4F49-B6C5-440607…)

>>1540507Strong “mother” based “granny” and troon. About as credible as Graham Linehan.
No. 1540517
>>1540512Ok pedophile.
>>1540511So you’re completely fine with threatening to rape someone. Mmhm. Making a note on that.
No. 1540519
>>1540494*are Rachel.
FTFY. You're welcome.
No. 1540524
Fuck off Rachel you're the worst person here by far if you think that's what rape is. Fuck you to death for talking that way about rape. You should have been aborted holy fuck.
No. 1540534
>>1540500 and
>>1540486 so try harder. Cant just accuse random people of condoning rape threats because you dont like what they're saying. The more you do that the more you look like the one that posted it in order to use it against everyone else.
No. 1540538
>>1540517FFS Rachel I reported those posts because regardless of if it's you doing tard-ops (likely) or some anon alogging (less likely), it's still in poor taste and doesn't belong here.
The farmers here are decent people, unlike you. Something you stubbornly refuse to understand.
No. 1540544
>>1540538Ok pedophile.
You do realize he just pretends to be female so he can take advantage of actual women, right?
No. 1540552
>>1540479Oh, but he's not.
I'm gonna transfer my lipstick to a place Rachel will never get to see.
No. 1540554
>>1540523man joke's on you that's catchy as hell and i'm enjoying the hum-fest
>>1540544jeez ragel are you gonna get a new comeback anytime soon? your projection is so strong it's gonna burn a hole in your forehead
No. 1540581
File: 1653540546159.png (49.57 KB, 720x273, Screenshot_20220525-234748~2.p…)

Never in history has a lie been more obvious.
1. Rachel was posting here.
2. She doesn't own a grill.
3. She doesn't eat vegetables.
4. She cannot cook, her mom makes tendies for her.
No. 1540587
>>1540586Samefag, LCW
*Apparently I failed the vibe check
No. 1540589
File: 1653540840211.jpg (75.52 KB, 845x466, 51zvt4h0n0b21.jpg)

>>1540587I failed you, nonnas.
No. 1540616
>>1540613same i try to keep things silly and sassy but it's hard and i had to step away after she pulled that fake rape threat.
what's your take on Minnesotan accents nonnatella?
No. 1540619
>>1540616It's sing songy, idk why but I've always associated it with Christmas elves. The o sound is so unique that it was one of the first types of voices I tried to actually replicate. Your take? Any voices or accents you enjoy trying out?
It's honestly just too bad that once again Rachel didn't want to change, today could have been her wholesome redemption but now it's just a day with big Fs for a bunch of lolcows.
No. 1540626
>>1540619aww i can hear the christmas elf tone now that you mention it, that's so cute! how long have you been playing with accents?
i end up going american deep south and newcaster english that keeps getting mangled with the blokiest aussie broad accent ever.
not on purpose tho, i just have poor voice control and end up sounding like a zany tardand yeah, i had a lot of hope after her last thread. she actually seemed to be looking up and then reset back in the morning. it's tragic but not surprising
No. 1540627
>>1540626Probably going on twelve years now, practice makes pretty decent mimickry so as long as a voice isn't too far outside of the vocal range ya should be able to refine it with time.
It's sad, but I've seen her do that cycle a couple of times and know people like her who do the same. I just expected her to actually try to fake the change for a bit.
No. 1540631
>>1540627oh that is seriously cool!
yeah that was the quickest reversion i've ever seen in someone like her. it's like she thought that we'd just forget everything if she played nice for a few hours.
No. 1540824
>>1540797To be fully clear I'm lamenting how she can't learn things on her own and thus won't have empathy for
victims of rape. I'd prefer Rachel to get help and grow into a better human being but that isn't going to happen.
I'll try to be more clear in the future as Rachel will use any excuse for sympathy anyways, which is why I couldn't care less if she did.
No. 1540854
>>1540795As anon>>1540797 said, we are better than that. I do not wish rape on any one even Rachel despite how annoying she is. It’s not something one should wish on anyone. As a
victim of domestic rape for 8 years, it’s something that even my worse enemies should never befall on them. If anything, I wish karma would come get her be it a scare to her being, a criminal charge or even a financial blow that destroys her bubble of delusions she lives in. But never rape or actual harm.
No. 1540861
>>1540607A ton and that's the problem with making one group out to be all crazy, started as satire and now pedophiles use it to deflect blame and others will let them based off hatred. I can think of a few times someone's screamed 'attack the tranny not me' and it works for months or years.
Which is why I hate on an individual basis and pick cows with horrible personalities like Rachel.
No. 1540885
File: 1653581829032.png (90.75 KB, 720x718, Screenshot_20220526-111640~2.p…)

No. 1540900
File: 1653583031806.jpg (31.38 KB, 400x400, why dont you have a doot over …)

In large part I just wanna tell everyone to lol calm down and laugh at the cow but nonnies have a point that if she was a man sending kids gore and porn the vibe would be very different. And this isn't even the discussion that happens whenever a big titty blonde high school teacher gets caught with her underage male student, it's even more clear-cut than that. Her harassment of the minors is just so malicious and deliberately over the top. However for the same reason I don't know how literally you can apply the term "pedophile." Part of the issue is we really don't understand female offenders but in all honesty I don't know if she is doing this stuff out of sexual attraction to minors so much as because it's the edgiest possible thing to do at the time and in some demented way she sees it as an own on her enemies. Of course, that's an academic discussion because regardless of why she did this thing, it is equally inexcusable. Which brings me full circle: there are a lot of cows who are terrible people and getting mad over them is still not going to help anyone. Given the trajectory Rachel is on I think an interaction with the legal system is an inevitability. Just enjoy the ride. A lot of lolcows are terrible people and when they get their comeuppance it is always a spectacle in itself.
No. 1540918
I flip between thinking this
>>1540900>I don't know if she is doing this stuff out of sexual attraction to minors so much as because it's the edgiest possible thing to do at the time and in some demented way she sees it as an own on her enemiesand this
>>1540905>it's her attempting to manipulate and shape people into what she wants just like a male pedophile would do.I really can't tell sometimes if she's just tardraging and thinking she's somehow spiting other women by saying edgy shit, or if she's legit a predator trying to groom someone who won't reject her
No. 1540919
>>1540910I don’t know what is soo attractive about rape? It’s terrifying. Who wants to feel like they could be murdered at the blink of someone else mentally unstable and calling you names like whore and blaming you for making them do it to you. There is nothing pleasurable about it. It’s painful, rough and very aggressive in the worse ways. There’s no prep for it like she thinks it would be. There’s no lube, no soft petting. Just aggressive Gate filled grasping and needing to cause as much pain as possible.
It’s traumatic and makes me sick thinking someone would have a fetish for something that Traumatizes soo many people and even kills them. The amount of ptsd one endures from it is stressful.
No. 1540921
>>1540910And that's why I came here with milk, extremely unaware, arrogant and like she literally made the other people with social disabilities look like damn normies in comparison.
Frankly, I hate rape, shouldn't have to be said but it's the one thing I can't really make a joke about. Seeing her say that shit last night is the only time in a year on this side of the internet my blood boiled.
Banned to cover up incompetence? Annoying
Getting a thread?
Rachel saying she's too beautiful to be raped? Yeah that's actually upsetting.
No. 1540932
File: 1653584568847.png (51.92 KB, 1172x410, insane troon 1.png)

>>1540931Fuck off you've worn your welcome already.
Was someone asking for receipts on the tranny
the other day? Picrel.
No. 1540946
>>1540934If that's actually her I'll scream in laughter, if we wanna talk about people who deserve a thread the biggest failure of a mod over at KF is the top of my list. Kept on bringing them up long after UH was gone like she did us all a huge favor. Newsflash, Bella trolled you when she couldn't troll Chris? Why are you still around after that? I wouldn't be.
As is whoever is calling everyone the tranny and bringing it up repeatedly is far more of an issue. I came here to laugh at Rachel, not laugh at anons who make themselves look worse than Rachel.
No. 1540954
>>1540938>the singular theyAre you serious right now? Anyway I don't want to slapfight over trannies either (we nearly all basically agree on the subject, right?) but we're getting post after post like
>>1540931 which is a blatant violation of rule 4.3 ("any poster with a phallus…") and it's getting excused because he brought some milk several threads ago. Now he's hanging around for validation. Don't feed the troons, girls. Not once.
No. 1540956
>>1540932agree the tranny alog is getting really annoying and cringe
also lmao @ the 5 replies that definitely aren't him
No. 1540959
>>1540950Tranny: rape is bad
Handmaids: he can stay
Really? Is that all it takes?
No. 1540962
>>1540954Singular they has been English for a while, I don't agree or support trannies but singular they is a thing.
Odd how someone is alogging the tranny and bitching about them instead of yaknow just laughing at the cow?
No. 1541006
File: 1653590100769.png (40.58 KB, 720x227, Screenshot_20220526-133431~2.p…)

Rachel you stay away from that Baby!
No. 1541021
File: 1653590888889.png (50.39 KB, 720x267, Screenshot_20220526-134456~2.p…) way she interacts with this account and the account itself is so disturbing. I only got so far into the baby talk before I had to tap out.
No. 1541034
>>1540900Yeah she's not. Rachel is an asshole but not a pedophile, although the way she keeps trying to deflect from it by saying she can't be because she hates children is funny (so do pedophiles, or else they would care that they're hurting them).
IMO she's just really autistic and can't act appropriately around any age of person
No. 1541046
File: 1653593270177.png (371.9 KB, 976x669, Barbara Alig.png)

Now that we've got our tranny sperging out of the way and hopefully everyone can refrain from slapfighting and namefagging, here's some actual milk. This is Rachel's biological mother, Barbara. She lives in Colorado. Seems to be an open adoption or it would be a lot harder to find her, obviously. Supposedly there is a pic of her and Rachel swimming in Hawaii, I don't think there's any reason not to believe that but I haven't seen it. Longmont, CO is quite a distance from Rachel but it's perfectly plausible they have some contact. The thing is, I couldn't find criminal history on Barbara. First off that doesn't mean it's not there, but there should be something, all i've got is a bankruptcy. This of course doesn't mean that Rachel's stories about her mom being a drug addict aren't true but it's a little surprising if she was a drug addict who gave up here kid that she hasn't been in legal trouble that I can discover. Just stuff to make you think.
No. 1541050
>>1541043My opinion is: Everything about Rachel, down to the memes and gifs she uses and the fandoms she's in, is trapped in teenagerhood. She has no intuitive understanding that she's an adult and what it means to be an adult interacting with children because the transition basically never happened for her. We've also seen firsthand from her sockpuppeting how distant and foreign functioning adulthood is to her and what she comes up with when she tries to imagine what adults with relationships do and how they live. She even talks like a teenager (mixed with a 60-year-old trying to sound hip). This was probably compounded by her getting groomed by an adult when she was in this age range. Interacting in a sexual manner with adults would have been solidified for her during this time as nbd.
She's not a pedophile, she's just been 17 for a decade, and when she gets into spats with minors, she acts like they're her peers — except she also parrots other people (remember how every insult she uses on others when she posts here is one that's been used on her).
I grew up in this time too, and I remember being a minor with no protection against adults. This is where her "If the minor comes in it's their fault! Everyone knows that!" thing comes from. The difference is that other people start seeing children as children, distinct from them, because they themselves stop living and thinking like children.
tl;dr she's not a pedophile she's just retarded.
No. 1541081
>>1541077samefag as
>>1541079, agree "predator" is a term that applies because
>>1541078 is right too I am 100% sure that if Rachel could groom the girl with the cute angry avatar or whatever into erotic RPs then she would do it and I wouldn't like to see where that road would eventually lead, probably a situation to match what Rachel was in over a decade ago. Which again is no excuse. She needs to go to therapy and work on her shit and get off the Internet but I bet she is a holy terror to her parents maybe even making them feel unsafe so what can they do
No. 1541083
>>1541079>>1541077Yeah pretty much these
>>1541080I just think it's an interesting thing.
No. 1541088
File: 1653594862881.jpg (102.84 KB, 500x332, E4hlRkNWQAEKKzb.jpg)

>>1540900>>1541050Great posts nonnies. I think she's really delayed and can't measure the gravity of what she does, partly because she's like a child who can't accept responsibility because the reflection required would threaten her sense of self, and partly because it's likely adults and authority figures let her shit slide throughout her life because of said delay and she thinks she can keep on getting away with it. I agree she's definitely going to run into problems with the law or psychiatry professionals.
>>1541050You said it well. Whenever she's like
>if minors come to my NSFW twitter it's fair game for me to do whateverIt's very "but mom, he's the one who started it, he hit me first !"
No. 1541117
>>1541046incredible find ! maybe the eyes are similar.
>>1541109she's unwilling, she said so herself. she expects others to change for her.
No. 1541231
File: 1653604553203.png (65.31 KB, 714x238, Ex3QShPUYAMzSLl.png)

It's funny when you think about it. If Rachel could understand the word "no" and accepting rejection, she wouldn't be in her current situation. 2020 is when shit went down hill and she provided everyone with more information. She practically doxxed herself repeatedly and it was only when she started fuckin' with them crazy as shippers did they use that information she gave.
before then she didn't have a lolcow or kiwi thread, but she's been around since the days of MySpace. I'm gonna assume that no one could stand her on Myspace either. Even when that community relocated to another website, everyone knows who Rachel is, and they don't like her ass.
Even before the shit with Hyde, Rachel had already been stirring up a mess.
her f-list ban dates probably dates before the release of FF7 Remake.
No. 1541254
>>1541109So she's a coomer neet that just never grew out of her awkward teen years?
Going back to the "Is Rachael a pedo?" convo, I think part of it has to do with the fact that she's a 28 year old virgin that's both pent-up and has no idea how to interact with her own age-group. Like nonna mentioned before, she's probably not Nick Bate-tier in that she'll be singing songs about wanting to fuck kids in her crusty bedroom, but just a retarded (both literally and socially) NEET that has never received a proper sexual education, limited only to porn or other online degenerates who wanna coom with her before she scares them off with her crazy, leaving her with kids who she feels superior to because her brain manages to morph it into "I'm the cool older kid with experience" rather than her acknowledging she's a 28 year-old virgin trying to make up for the fact that she's a friendless loser with no life experience.
No. 1541266
So to reiterate to anyone joining/ease of making the OP for making the next thread.
Rachel is at least 190lbs, has claimed to be as low as 130lbs and is rumored to be as heavy as 290lbs. Due to her saying she is 5'3" online she may be 5'1".
Predatory Child Molester, has sent porn to minors and been extremely disturbing in her sexual behavior toward them.
Possibly shits her pants, she let it slip larping as a WK and sperged very hard about it.
Ex-GF of a Nazi, bit of a meme but she continues to interact with him after disavowing him.
Used Gaiaonline, FF communities, shipping communities, RP communities, etc and has been kicked out of all of them for her repeated behavior.
Can't regulate her emotion, admits she gets extremely angry at even obvious jokes.
Masks her transphobia and racism to score woke points, pick a lane bitch.
Refuses to work on herself, had plenty of chances with therapy, friends, other cows, and even here.
Is addicted to food and self harm, has poor diet and hygiene, and rarely sleeps.
Has been repeatedly felted by everyone she's attacked.
Is made fun on by Twitter, and on LCF and KF(most cows are only on one or the other fyi Rachel, not both).
Is rejected by the children she groomed, and rejected by by the woman who groomed her.
Is essentially her parents pet, her parents seem fine spoiling her and keeping her from the public eye to spare any potential embarrassment to the family.
Made other cows look better and touched their poo instead of the other way around.
Has been unhinged enough to warrent restraining orders put out on her.
Larps as others much akin to a scarecrow draped in flayed flesh that jerks around in an inhuman manner.
Has autism.
Continually claims she will change before going back to her regular shitty behavior within mere hours.
Expects everyone to never question what she says, worship the ground she walks on and cater to her every whim.
No. 1541301
>>1541287Kiwis, ca. 2018
> where are the comics, Chris, where are the comics?Nonnas, ca. 2022
> where are the scale pics, Rachel, where are the scale pics?Where will we be come 2026?
No. 1541303
>>1541301Gah I hate to ruin the flow of intellectual discussion but;
She did mention he father has dementia so in 2026 she might go to jail on incest charges.
No. 1541308
File: 1653611858730.jpg (9.91 KB, 275x183, lumberjack.jpg)

>>1541304While hopefully not on incest charges I see Rachel hurdling at breakneck speed towards interaction with the legal system. If you're doing low key harassment and gayops even if you're doing shit that's pretty bad, it can be years before you even piss off the wrong people (see: Michal Thurlow) and you can just sort of float on by in the ocean of piss that as the Internet but once she has people's attention who like to document things and play detective (and she has) then all bets are off and if her response to that is to get tilted and
escalate her behavior then…who knows, all bets are off. It is cliche but the only thing for it is for her to log off.
No. 1541362
File: 1653618058664.png (36.09 KB, 720x197, Screenshot_20220526-211913~2.p…)

Rachel's back online and slurring African-Americans.
No. 1541377
File: 1653619322798.png (35.67 KB, 720x168, Screenshot_20220526-213959~2.p…) in fucking London you insufferable cube of adipose tissue? Like anyone believes that whale of a tale.
No. 1541386
File: 1653620648012.jpg (483.54 KB, 1080x1541, furryrp.jpg)

No. 1541388
File: 1653620937661.png (311.56 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_20220526-220728~2.p…)

Rachel has sunk so low she's resorted to trying to hit up ebeggars for a crumb of attention.
No. 1541392
File: 1653621141856.jpeg (128.95 KB, 750x690, A0807BD7-2EEE-48AF-9860-8E7BE2…)

Lol why is she like this
No. 1541395
File: 1653621751589.png (89.55 KB, 720x431, Screenshot_20220526-222058~2.p…)

Rachel is proud of her not working, I'm sure her dad's tard bucks provide plenty of money to make sure she's fed but hardly enough to flex with even if it were her own money.
Wide Ass Patty lol
No. 1541396
File: 1653621930139.png (83.79 KB, 720x419, Screenshot_20220526-222500~2.p…)

Anons cannibal joke becoming a bit too real.
No. 1541397
>>1541395I love the classist bullshit she’s on right now. And she’s so proud of her imaginary job lmao. That tells me she’s just leeching off mommy and daddy and not working a 40 hour job like she claimed lmao
This retarded bitch
No. 1541400
File: 1653622448241.jpeg (133.93 KB, 750x717, C49F1AE2-52BF-4BF8-AA09-31BEB2…)

She’s still insisting the minor is an adult lol
No. 1541404
File: 1653622534288.jpeg (165.39 KB, 750x777, A51F1B8F-2A86-4674-AE54-47D9EC…)

She tweeted this three times at DBS, Erika and this person. Bitch is PRESSED lmao
No. 1541405
File: 1653622604090.jpeg (152.48 KB, 750x872, 4E368611-D253-4CBB-A742-B5F6BA…)

Still insisting she’s 140
No. 1541409
File: 1653622914435.jpg (325.76 KB, 806x1608, dbsfromkf.jpg)

Was supposed to add this
No. 1541412
File: 1653623129842.jpeg (157.68 KB, 745x1004, 45CB8742-CD55-4D52-B371-F3EC2B…)

No. 1541414
File: 1653623258084.png (175.92 KB, 720x816, Screenshot_20220526-224644~2.p…)

No. 1541417
File: 1653623793233.jpeg (139.44 KB, 750x851, B5406DC0-FA6B-47EB-AA0F-596C89…)

Sigh. Why don’t you ever listen to the minors babe? Why you gotta feel like you need to hav a win on literal kids? Nagl
No. 1541422
File: 1653624175487.png (79.32 KB, 720x424, Screenshot_20220526-230216~2.p…)

I'm going to shit on Rachel's face just for suggesting this.
No. 1541437
File: 1653625043378.png (146.82 KB, 567x544, Remember.png)

No. 1541438
File: 1653625048003.png (52.91 KB, 720x288, Screenshot_20220526-231621~2.p…)

Whoever does the next thread should mark Rachel's height down as 4'11".
No. 1541439
File: 1653625299776.png (40.99 KB, 589x270, EusEelJVIAAioL2.png)

Rachel has this strange need to seek out minors then force them into adulthood when she finds them.
No. 1541442
File: 1653625569262.png (334.92 KB, 580x399, lol.png)

it really is a role reversal. the fat bitch said she was into non-consent and had a daddy and baby girl kink, like damn.
No. 1541448
File: 1653625963770.png (48.45 KB, 484x423, haha.png)

rachel's mom doesn't care about her twitter adventures.
No. 1541450
File: 1653626050595.png (296.18 KB, 720x794, Screenshot_20220526-233203~2.p…)

Racism again.
No. 1541451
File: 1653626088111.png (178.27 KB, 720x1008, Screenshot_20220526-233326~2.p…)

Samefag, she's going off on a new FF rper.
No. 1541455
File: 1653626221157.png (107.67 KB, 720x545, Screenshot_20220526-233634~2.p…)

>>1541448Congrats you're Rachel's new and only friend.
No. 1541462
File: 1653626629794.png (153.38 KB, 720x642, Screenshot_20220526-234255~2.p…)

No I love you back and we are expected to buy that this is someone to RP with? More like someone who humors you when you message them.
No. 1541467
File: 1653627242350.png (325.56 KB, 720x924, Screenshot_20220526-235306~2.p…)

Ohhhhh this explains the brain damage, she drank too much cough syrup and robotripped as a kid and now she's stuck in that state permanently.
No. 1541526
File: 1653635594160.jpg (506.2 KB, 1600x1600, 1653635438725.jpg)

She's back at this turk guy now kek
Must have gotten under her fat folds lol.
No. 1541538
File: 1653637562671.jpeg (46.44 KB, 750x368, EF636F68-F5B9-4625-8D47-36A76F…)

Kind of on brand for her, no?
No. 1541578
File: 1653654230485.jpg (Spoiler Image,229.02 KB, 1080x1850, 20220527_082341.jpg)

>>1541451what is up with her and sending porn to randos
No. 1541595
File: 1653657005616.jpeg (136.37 KB, 750x649, 8418EBDD-217C-445F-B0EF-28C148…)

Make of it as you will but it’s hilarious she thinks this.
No. 1541618
File: 1653661036330.png (122.22 KB, 720x609, Screenshot_20220527-091432~2.p…)

Rachel blocks people and then goes back to attack them so she can claim a W in her mind.
She's so starving for some proof she's this goddess she paints in her head that she literally has to attack blocked accounts repeatedly.
Instead of going after active users she will double back to an inactive or blocked account. I love how pathetic Rachel is, I hope she doesn't get locked up.
She's way too funny.
No. 1541699
File: 1653669958204.jpeg (151.09 KB, 750x968, 9C55D93E-859A-418A-AE39-94E39D…)

Looks like she has someone WKing her on Twitter but they have no idea what they’re in for…
No. 1541700
>>1541699Sound like a Jew?
That's AC….I was wondering where he went.
No. 1541716
>>1541710With him whiteknighting and going against DBS I think it's safe to say that him "trolling" Rachel with the Sephiroth account probably only happened when she picked up it was him. Beforehand he was probably trying to get closer with her from another angle(as we know they were talking at the time and still are). Mike's previous tastes are trannies or fatties, he was probably in that discord to try after UH again and after striking out there moved onto Bertha.
Poor Elaine, she's stuck in a love triangle completely ignored. It's kinda what she deserves, came in as a huge pick me attention whore and now can't get interest from the biggest loser around Micheal Thurlow.
No. 1541718
File: 1653671611146.png (21.85 KB, 476x230, der Untersmoothie.png)

>>1541700>>1541699LMAO, that's amazing. He's been away for days (eons for him) but shows up again to gunt-guard his waifu. Shows his priorities. He got reamed so hard on every drama forum (this one included) and bus-chucked by all the known members of his harem to possibly even include his fat girl in California, and he comes off a few days bender on Pervitin and Jagermeister in order to…accusive DBS of being a fat Jew? Because she was alogging our favorite Sephiroth sperg? Say it ain't so! Glad to see his priorities are in order.
This is of course typical of this kind of scrote's pimpish games. He is probably trying to convince Rachel over Discord right now about how he is the only one who will be in her corner because she is otherwise worthless, etc. The idiot couldn't even keep Elaine in line. It's a rare occasion where I'd say this but:
you're better than that, Rachel. No. 1541726
>>1541724I heard the dick picture he posted wasn't even his and he got it from someone he doxed, which would make a lot of sense with how he used it.
Anyone else love his review of shitty overpriced Canadian whiskey? I know I did.
No. 1541727
>>1541231kek just how many times has she been run out of town? it's almost impressive the sheer amount of shit she manages to get herself into
>>1541716100% he was trying to catfish her and get nudes. maybe we've got a true and honest ship here
No. 1541733
>>1541727Rachel is a white supremacist openly on Twitter now, I wonder if she will denounce her denouncing of Micheal. They're a match made in hell, two annoying fuckups who can't read a room and deserve to die alone.
What kind of gay op would they even be able to achieve together? It must be simply a labor of love WKing for Bertha. Since AC is such an attention whore too I know he'll eventually read this and seethe about how he doesn't care about our opinions.
Hey Mike, everyone here likes you less than we like Rachel on the record.
No. 1541737
>>1541733>Rachel is a white supremacist openly on Twitter nowreceipts?
>>1541726>shitty overpriced Canadian whiskey?which was, by the way, paid for by the Kiwithot, he couldn't even afford his own shit. that's the true and honest alpha-pickme energy. get on
her level, Elaine and Rachel
No. 1541742
>>1541737No, Elaine and Rachel. Don't get on
her level. Don't spend any money on a disgusting piece of shit like Michael. The fact he could get
any (and I mean any) woman to give him money ever is an embarrassment to all women everywhere.
No. 1541749
>>1541737I mean this
>>1541450 is honestly enough for Twitter to call her that.
No. 1541756
>>1541749>I mean this >>1541450 is honestly enough for Twitter to call her that.but lets not stoop to their level
>>1541742>an embarrassment to all women everywhere.All memes aside preach it, nonna, the fact that Elaine isn't the biggest pickme in the room and appears to have shuffled off this guy's coil quicker than these bitches is amazing. Rene, the mousey one (Taylor Swift Ghostwriter on KF), may still be getting picked for that matter I'm not clear. I'm surprised we haven't seen the fat bitch from Cali since some scrote from KF with no teeth started sending her pizzas, but maybe she has gotten some sense in her massive, massive unit of a head, who knows. I know they weren't "married" no matter what she said.
No. 1541764
>>1541756So who are you that you care so much about these women then lmfao, I can only think of two spergs that care that much.
One that refuses to leave bait on the field like the Rachel is a white supremacist that you are up fast as possible.
Stop obvious posting if you're gonna make a stink when others do it lol.
No. 1541767
>>1541756I only saw the pretty one he doxed. Amazing she was into
him. I doubt she reads here but in case she does- love yourself, girl. The one getting pizzas was the most recent "wife" that was banned from KF, right?
No. 1541800
File: 1653678231666.jpg (161.55 KB, 947x663, dbsvsac.jpg)

DBS finally saw it
No. 1541846
File: 1653681575529.png (242.95 KB, 720x687, Screenshot_20220527-145729~2.p…)

Micheal is negging DBS, his gradeschool flirting techniques are very easy to spot. Plus he already confirmed he was reading this thread earlier so it's easy to see he's rather mad and has hurt feelings. Luckily I think DBS can weather his feeble Nazi toddler tantrum.
No. 1541848
>>1541837Idk birth mom looks white enough to me…Michael's true Aryan goddess is only
adopted by joooooooz
No. 1541872
File: 1653682882329.png (171.02 KB, 720x876, Screenshot_20220527-151953~2.p…)

Micheal just said more than he will ever know, there's so much to unpack here.
Naturally DBS is saying what I imagine a few of us are thinking.
No. 1541876
>>1541872Michael doesn't even want vagine. He just wants women to beat and take money from.
You were right, anon. This does indeed say more than he will ever know.
No. 1541883
>>1541872Lmao very telling that Michael would suggest he wants to share Bertha's hobbies of alogging and
problematic with minors rather than fuck her.
No. 1541911
File: 1653684721037.png (471.72 KB, 610x575, chrome_wyL3ZQF8Iz.png)

This is basically how I imagine tranny Michael Thurlow to look after going 3 days without copious (kek) amounts of adderall. Less acne though.
No. 1541923
>>1541893I dunno, he seems awfully mad to be getting off on the attention. Seethingly so. The fact that it's women and it's not one person he can sperg out about is probably killing him (see: how he's attempted to zero in on DBS.)
>>1541897You'd think the transgender pedophile stuff would be enough for the Nazis to back off, on the other hand Nick Fuentes (not technically a Nazi, but still) was doing insanely homoerotic stuff for years in the public eye while denouncing "degeneracy" and it took a whole different series of events for his downfall, so who knows. In fact most of the moids in that "sphere" are sexually abnormal in one way or another but the last thing they'll do is cop to it and once they do it's on to the next one.
No. 1541943
>>1541926Orbiters are relevant IMO
>>1541927Why do these kinds of dumb spergy chicks like to call people "peasant" like this? Obviously it's from fairy tales I guess but is there a specific touchpoint I'm missing because I've known like half a dozen smell fat bitches who do this.
No. 1542552
File: 1653752148963.jpg (331.78 KB, 1080x1194, Screenshot_20220528-082757_Dis…)

Well, well, well….
So now we know exactly who says not to bring up orbiters as they were POO TOUCHING AS MUCH AS THEY COULD.
They have already namefagged or I wouldn't bring this up, clearly someone wanted to be closer to the situation.
I do have more reciepts. Spooky you need to seriously go touch grass and stop trying to worm your way into drama. You were yelling at the tranny who got dragged into the drama, you blamed them while they were defending you.
You attacked them after they apologized. Regina, Spooky, whatever you call yourself, you're worse than a cow.
Stop DMing me, stop attacking Erika, stop trying to use others to contact Naught and do it openly or don't do it at all. I'm sick of you skulking about and trying to blame everyone else for shit you do.
You didn't defend me, you were losing a Slapfight and name-dropped me.
It's a few days late but relevant as Spooky was trying to get into the server as soon as Erika released the screen caps.
No. 1542554
File: 1653752173118.jpg (476.85 KB, 1080x1739, Screenshot_20220528-082529_Dis…)

Samefag, extra cap for extra context.
No. 1542597
File: 1653755217611.jpg (177.2 KB, 1080x737, Screenshot_20220528-091814_Dis…)

>>1542573AC DM'd me at the same time this was posted. How odd…
No. 1542609
File: 1653755689794.jpeg (91.19 KB, 750x496, 547594A6-3436-4F7A-A3E2-70928C…)

Lol, how did that even happen
No. 1542612
File: 1653755790714.jpeg (60.05 KB, 750x350, 50A9F657-5FDC-4FD6-87AB-E91E39…)

Of course she would retweet this after using the word “troon/tranny” multiple times to seem like she’s still a SJW
No. 1542644
>>1542598On the other hand of course Michael would immediately DM someone (anyone) laying into Regina, they've been at each other's throats for months
Also I thought Michael said he didn't even have discord lmao, what a dumbass
No. 1542694
>>1542687Great I was busy for once and missed the trashfire. Been meaning to ask since back in August, but why does everything devolve back into it?
The tranny who delivered milk talked about it less than everyone else. Idgaf about what's in someone's pants, but as soon as someone's known to be one and is tangentially related a whole bunch of hate boners come out and detail the conversation a lot of the time.
What causes the pattern? I'm too much of a newfag to get it.
No. 1542719
>>1542694I am probably too much of an angry
TERF to answer objectively but everything involving a tranny will eventually devolve into a discussion about them which will eventually devolve into a slapfight. Mostly because trannies are nearly all (or the ones we see here anyway) terminally online attention whores but also basically I think it is due to the nature of this forum (and the different but adjacent nature of Kiwi Farms) that allows people to vent their feelings on the subject which they may not have spaces to talk about it IRL/otherwise, and trannies are a frequent subject due to a lot of lolcows being trannies, which attracts people here who want to vent their spleen about trannies, who make threads on trannies, in an avalanche of tranny sperging. I mostly agree with
>>1542702 (although UH is definitely a tranny, he's made videos and posted pics), other than being named "Unabashed Hermaphrodite" in the first place other people were really the only others sperging about trannies in that case.
No. 1542726
>>1542711The name was a poor choice in retrospect, otherwise object imo. Way too many attention whoring spergs, get it irl or don't try to get it is my motto. Not sure how to say I agree with everything you say without obv posting but I've been done with Rachel for a day now anyways so I prob won't be back.
>>1542702It's just hardly ever relevant, not the place for it usually, though yes I do use that bait.
>>1542552Let me handle any bullshit, keep yourself out of the shit. Just do what I said on discord, ain't worth it, and ain't relevant here.
>>1542644He currently has three discords I'm tracking.
Anywho, prob won't see you ladies again unless I get future lolcows stumble into my pasture so any faggot that wants to talk shit can hit me up on AMB.
Let's get back to Rachel.
No. 1542798
File: 1653767793791.jpg (306.21 KB, 1080x1287, ggsephiroth.jpg)

Speaking of RPFags…
No. 1542845
File: 1653770842424.png (6.06 KB, 372x105, 2009.png)

I hate to backtrack but I was doing some research on the side characters and need to make a note with regards to
>>>/snow/1536515 which seems to be the origin of the 2009 date for when Jennifer "met" Rachel, which is sourced from here: but can you see the problem? It's an understandable mistake but the top date is the date of posting and the lower one seems to be the date they're setting their roleplay in. So unless there's more I'm forgetting, we're back to square one on any Jennifer receipts older than the Facebook ones?
No. 1542875
>>1542872Yes she would, the posts are here - all the posts are made 2017-2018ish but the date '2009' is indicated here…I was thinking that they were roleplaying something set in the year 2009 but is actually an archive of a chat from 2009 that they are posting in 2018? Does anyone know what platform that would be from?
No. 1542888
File: 1653773133579.png (32.49 KB, 372x306, devilkitty.png)

>>1542879>>1542884and this looks like a good Rachel candidate (as an aside note userid of 3, Blair's is 6, for whatever that is worth) with the kitten pfp instead of Blair's weeb one. I'd have to look more at the posts though.
No. 1542941
>>1542858I think it's the date that the scenario (or "episode", or whatever these things are) they're roleplaying is taking place on. Like "Sera" the character and the other characters did whatever on that date. Whereas 2018 is the date Rachel and the others actually wrote and RPed this, or at least posted it. But the posts seem really out of context so idk
Not sure if Devilkitty is Rachel though. This person refers to herself as "Dawn" in this thread and talks about being in an Auto Body class, which doesn't seem like something Rachel would be into. Though she does mention doing job shadowing at SVCTE which is in California.
No. 1543101
>>1543098 >>1542997
Thanks for the clarifications anon. It explains why she's so quiet and not sperging on Twitter to continue any imagined/real beef she has going on
No. 1543165
>>1543162Strange. I guess it depends on the different type of suspension on what you can do since she can still retweet things apparently.
Doesn't help that she's very familiar with how long suspensions last since she was arguing about it with kids weeks ago
No. 1543285
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No. 1543304
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No. 1543309
File: 1653825519639.jpeg (849.69 KB, 1284x1586, DDEEAFE7-7AB4-4D94-9ED3-154885…)

>>1543307roleplaying as her cat
No. 1543357
File: 1653831446586.jpeg (269.36 KB, 1284x749, 5EC3DE74-9778-401F-99EE-B009CF…)

>>1543304shes lurking or that one anon told her she added a 2 at the end
No. 1543361
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No. 1543394
>>1542694Beating a dead horse, it also seemed that most people who brought it up were Micheal and Rachel socking.
Both are balding, UH isn't.
Both are fat, UH isn't.
Both are ugly, UH isn't.
Honestly think it was a time where next to nobody brought it up and Mike and Rachel just thought we would side with pedophiles over receipts as the deliverer was a tranny. Really shows how desperate they are for uh….our approval?
I thought both swore up and down that they didn't want that?
>>1543307I want Bello rehomed after this as I'm now convinced that she is abusing him in some way, probably at least through neglect. Can't wait to see her go from Babytalk to infantile, savage attacks.
No. 1543404
File: 1653835683019.png (410.87 KB, 483x730, rachelfuckscats.png)

The implications that these two tweets together spell out is just astounding, Rachel, re-home Bello and stop molesting him!
No. 1543406
File: 1653835968659.png (354.5 KB, 598x761, Introtweet.png)

Complete tinfoil only because it'd be the funniest outcome;
Rachel does have a bf, Mike has been living with her parents for at least a month and he calls the cat Spooky out of pure obsession and fixation.
No. 1543460
>>1543434Combination of that and her cat being the closest thing she can actually claim in her mind as a friend as she is painfully aware that of her lying about having friends to us. It's why she feels the need to nearly softdox people who will give her the time of day, it comes from a deep seated insecurity about lacking friends that could go very far back. I don't think many people who had friends in real life spent that much time RP'ing, not saying RP'ers can't have friends but she couldn't make friends there so it's easy to say she may never really had a friend. She certainly had older people around who used her but someone she could call a friend? Probably not with how she would always immediately overwhelm someone with attention and then turn on them the second it seemed like they might not side with her completely.
Rachel is a sad, fat, lonely person so naturally she would be upset that her only friend was suggested not to like her.(There was a tweet about Bello sleeping on the toolbench so he probably rarely sleeps in her room hence why it strikes so true and hurts enough to address.)
However I really like your idea that she is so sociopathic she only cares because she has self-inserted as her damn cat.
No. 1543463
>>1543460Samefag but,
Just realized her tweeting an hour ago as Bello really does confirm that Fanime was yet another in her long string of lies to make her life look less pathetic even slightly.
No. 1543574
File: 1653850302759.jpeg (102.27 KB, 750x773, 578A2C64-5602-4E08-9A32-CDC0DF…)

its kind of hard for me to accept that rachel is truly this cringe, does she really think this is going to be the account that finally makes her popular and likeable on twitter? all i can think of when she types like that is picrel
No. 1543588
>>1543551Even Rachel's fandoms are obsolete and outside of the purview of normal Fanime attendees, and even within those spaces the corners she occupies have been incredibly small. I think the anons who believe she'd get recognized are a little too close to see the bigger picture that nobody really cares about this person, 8 threads on lolcow aside, and even if they did, how many people she's pissed off even live near or are attending Fanime, to say nothing of spending enough time looking at her pictures recently enough to recognize her on-sight at a con?
I just really doubt that anyone would give a shit or that anyone who'd recognize her would be there. She's just so insanely mundane, most people don't know what she looks like, and she's not a part of any flavor-of-the-week fandoms.
No. 1544256
>>1544236Afaik pretty much the same thing she’s done that we see. Demand interactions from people who don’t want to, call people names for no reason other then they don’t want to interact with her, demand erotic conversations when it wasn’t requested, post irrelevant content to conversations she wasn’t invited to.
>>1544238It’s more then just two people that for sure. I know there’s several people in the final fantasy fandom that are also in the arcana fandom. All it takes is one fandom to know to have it spread to other fandoms. Especially with how insufferable she is. One person tells their friends and shows them what she’s done, those friends tell their friends and share the proof. And on and on and on.
No. 1544389
File: 1653938300976.png (127.87 KB, 1509x260, Bellosback.png)

Samefag, left the image in my other pocket I guess.
No. 1544510
File: 1653948448932.jpeg (145.53 KB, 812x1367, 1B72056B-1B14-4988-B7B5-5386B0…)

>>1544439> says she works 40 hours a week>>1544452>works one day a month and makes 6 figures. And then there is this.
What is true? Or is it all a fib?
No. 1544688
File: 1653968183368.jpeg (81.18 KB, 750x558, AD4D6115-9B06-437C-B48F-7081F7…)

Seems like Rachel managed to piss off the Japanese side of things too. This person is a MolCar fan (show about guinea pig cars)
No. 1545021
>>1545007You ain't talkin' to the same annon. I'm a different fag, not the same one who responded to your pervious comment about "snotty." Also, I was lazy.
Your shit doesn't even make sense. No one is getting defensive or snotty. Agro much? Lol.
And it isn't readin' to deep about Rachel, this isn't new information, it has been stated already. LOL.
No. 1545032
File: 1654013980709.jpeg (Spoiler Image,53.16 KB, 804x454, 05E72142-0C34-4856-9429-B79C66…)

Okay enough of this slap fight. Back to Rachel.
I’m going through some images people posted and found this.
Why does she sound like a cartoon villain?
No. 1545034
>>1545032She doesn't know how to separate layman talk from her RP speak. It's awkward and stupid. I wonder if she talks like that irl.
Might explain her not being able to have a life irl if that's the cause lol
No. 1545143
File: 1654020442744.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.39 KB, 828x663, 3B445E1E-314E-436F-B0C3-458D72…)

It’s amusing how she made posts like this yet screams to the sky when she’s collectively shunned by nearly everyone.
No. 1545158
File: 1654021306804.jpeg (49.01 KB, 828x393, 5F12FE93-8A19-47C9-93DA-F021F2…)

Ah just like the Karen she is.
No. 1545186
File: 1654022689241.jpeg (47.65 KB, 623x324, 3C43B33B-599A-465D-A3D2-153814…)

Ooof she’s using the only Latin she knows here. So much for “ she’s not here” she pushes on her threads.
No. 1545195
>>1545186She's still using sex as a "gotcha" moment to people two years later? What a fucking creep.
She probably only learned "ad hominem" from the legal trouble she got and keeps parroting it like a retard thinking it's intelligent to do so.
No. 1545203
File: 1654023711492.jpg (Spoiler Image,289.4 KB, 2048x1362, huqz8dn1-recipe-db.jpg)

>>1545186Found the type of cream pie Rachel gets every night, no wonder she's such a chubby lumpkins.
No. 1545213
>>1545186damn, she's been going on about her totally real boyfriends for awhile now
>you wanna see the creampie he gave melmao who talks like this. she is so desperate to lie about having sex like a 16 year old boy
No. 1545232
>>1545186>almost 2 year old milknonna…
So is Rachel confirmed not at the con? Even if she's tweeting she's certainly less active.
No. 1545508
File: 1654043169341.jpg (148.08 KB, 607x492, gooseban.jpg)

I want to speak up about my experiences with her as someone who was in the FF7 roleplay community and hosted a discord for it last year.
I have myself and the person's name blocked out. I'm still in the community myself along with the blacked-out bar person. I don't want to get harassed again. I speak to the other people she's harassed sometimes and I've been lurking the threads while I'm either on break at work or on the toilet.
I wish I had more milk to show everyone, but I honestly didn't think this would be a long-haul shitshow. I had other things to worry about so I never saved anything and a lot of the people that I had sent stuff and had stuff sent back to me are no longer talking / deleted discords / closed conversations.
Rachel. If you ever read this, I'm going to tell you what I told you time and time again since you started harassing me and the other mods for unanimously banning you for wanting NSFW around minors, giving the owners attitude for the decision then blaming your autism for your behavior.
1.) You're not entitled to anyones space or time. If people block you because they don't want to interact with you, you don't bang on the door demanding to be let in. Nobody cares that you, "deserve to have a place where you belong". Everyone else is just as entitled to curate the space they want.
2.) YOU have to take accountability for the things you say and do. It's not holding anyone else accountable, but you are in no position of power to hold anyone else to what they do and say. YOU are the first step to changing your surroundings. Not Hyde, not Margo, not anyone else that you tried roping into your nonsense.
3.) If people say, "no". It means, "no." it doesn't mean, "later" it doesn't mean, "not now." It means no. You are not going to get your way all the time, nobody in roleplay has to cater to you.
4.) If a large group of people feel uncomfortable or unsafe around you, the least you could do is leave them alone. Not try to convince everyone that, "Everyone are sheep! People are lying to you!!!" If a big group of folk do not want you around and come up with the same consensus about you, it says volumes about who you are as a person.
5.) None of us heard of ZackFairinfo until you trauma dumped in one of the chats out of pocket. I spent a weekend reading through the clownfest and saw enough to deem you unfit for my former communitys space. Nobody photoshopped anything, nobody curated anything. And from personal experiences from YOU to ME, you would delete nasty messages at demon degenerate hours into the night and pretend that nothing happened when trying to appeal your ban to me. Good thing discord mobile showed a bit of what was said before dismissing your case.
Seeing how you crossing into a minors space and sending porn, gore and death threats show me that you still haven't changed.
No. 1546247
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No. 1546386
File: 1654124949198.png (160.01 KB, 1041x547, javis.png)

Some really weird scrote with trannies on the brain and a hateboner for this site (says his sister has a thread and blah blah blah women blah blah blah TERFs) has been posting in Rachel's KF thread. Starts here: really that interesting but there is some milk there and it's an excellent continuing example that Rachel really draws out other lolcows. It's amazing.
No. 1546561
File: 1654137525768.gif (276.32 KB, 480x270, hungry.gif)

Oh look, even more chaos!
I haven't had this much fun messing around on the internet in years.
No. 1546593
I like starting trashfires too much and also Null posted on my account the first day so I tanked this sock. Twas fun setting bait while I could though!(UndeadHierophant, get it?)
Dunno exactly what Naught is up to so I cannot explain that one exactly. That said I can say with certain that some more fun is coming along the pipelines I just gotta do an actual proper job instead of drawing people into aggro to crash them faster. This next project was planned unlike the Rachel shit that fell into my lap.
Good luck on pinning down the kid, I don't fuck with minors so I threw it into the proving grounds instead of doing procedure. I just want that little faggot to get off the internet myself. It's about ethics in fucking trolling, it's about quality control in trolling, it's about changing going after the softest target you can and instead making into fucking art.
Nobody weaves a good tale these days, nobody keeps the shit interesting. It's become incredibly boring and the gayops, oh the gaypops. So lazily done that I am literally walking through them by the dozens just on my way to get what I original came to fucking FK to do.
Call me an attention whore all ya want, it don't matter, but I couldn't do this without a face. I needed Michael to dox me, I needed to prove that these fucking trannies are literally insane and not the examples you will meet in real life. And there's a reason that I keyed in Michael in particular, I'm sure a few of you already pieced together what I did.
Anyways it's no secret so I called this out on August 23rd but I ain't good at connecting the dots for others. I'm not some epic hacker or doxer extraordinaire.
I am a troll, I am a white knight and I am a huge faggot but I will try to spook kids off the internet and burn a sock to do so. I will slapfight a nazi in open and annoy plenty of people with my blatant disregard for the rules(as I am doing now).
But I don't go after kids.
Rachel cannot be allowed to interact with Michael.
I know some of you probably agree but I am speaking to those right now that think it would be funny.(namefagging)
No. 1546594
File: 1654139983423.png (46.66 KB, 1494x331, Greatbaitm8.png)

Image, fucking refresh resetting my shit.
No. 1546634
>>1546630It was legit only my second sock that I was saving for the announcement. My first sock was simply to prove that I could blend in, still not found.
Honestly not sure if I'm gonna go back to KF after what I came to do is done really so hopefully before August I won't have to sign back in.
>>1546631Anti-Gay Op comrade, been year in making so no it's not Elaine.
Not only that but she's kinda boring ngl, I don't see much appeal and when she interacts with me I try to steer her out of bad shit but I know how some teenage girls are so I just can't help but watch and roll my eyes as she runs into landmines I just got done pointing out.
This new op is an old op, like I said I called it back in last August.
No. 1546638
File: 1654142308112.png (849.83 KB, 800x800, ralm9v3.png)

Well, before all of whatever this is gets completely out of hand…
>>>/snow/1546635>>>/snow/1546635>>>/snow/1546635NEW THREAD