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No. 957057
So I decided to just make a Lovely Peaches thread and copied my initial post form PT to here. Enjoy. It's my first time making a thread.
Lovely Peaches is a crazy girl who got famous for doing outrageous things. Below some of the things she has done
>Ate her feces, piss and menstrual blood>performed multiple times bestiality with a dog/puppy (it's on twitter)>has seks on Instagram live, even before she was 18>got a kid 2 years ago, but she currently doesn't have the kid. It supposedly lived with her dad all this time>She said she was gonna pimp out her kid or murder her (even though she never had her)>has crazy antics in store all for shock value>Has severe mental disorders, untreated>began running away from home after her mother died in I believe 2013 (Cora Johnson)>she recently showed herself to minors including malu trevejo and skai Jackson on a live stream on twitter>she broke into malu's house and stole a shirt of her>I also believe she broke into skai Jacksons house, but I am not sure>She has a song burning and itching and went viral on tiktok>her fans are crazy, I don't know why she even has fans. She also got verified by Instagram multiple times>has a weird obsession with charmedMake sure to screen shot. She has a tendency of posting something and then deleting it after a few minutes or hours and replace a charmed picture.
Don't bother contacting the police. CORA IS NOT WITH HER. She posts old pictures of Cora and police know of her situation.
Pull thread. this is the twitter link also has a video on her.
Main (verified) up (private) No. 957415
Here are 2 links I forgot to include:
Primink: trevejo Flash video: No. 964973
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This person is disgusting. I hope her child grows up happy and healthy. Glad she doesn't have custody.
No. 964996
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Warning: She eats shit.
What the actual fuck.
Apparently she's getting rich from all the si called game and shooting music videos and going to real studios.
No. 965003
>>965000Yellow pop is caused by poor liver function. Usually seen in alcoholics or people with hepatitis.
Considering who she it's, it's probably both.
No. 965015
>>965000It's from bilirubin. Like when you throw up but there is nothing but yellow bile.
I wonder what is wrong with her. Physically not mentally.
No. 965112
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No. 965137
>>964839Fuck Blair white. She literally sucks Jeffery star's dick despite him being the same piece of shit she supposedly tries so hard to take down.
>>965027Easy. Little white girls see a mentally ill black women acting wild and they are entertained. They don't care about her suffering, they don't care if she is a horrible person. The don't even see a human that needs help. They just see a clown.
No. 965157
>>965137The thing is she's actually really smart and down to earth in some ways. In one video she answers a question asking how she has so much confidence and she actually gave a great response.
She's incredibly mentally ill. Not much is known about her childhood, but I read that apparently she was eating shit and acting like this since she was a child. Kids would pretend she was a virus and rub away. Apparently her parents tried to get her help and gave up. She broke down the most after her mom died when she was 13.
She's just absolutely bizarre. The way she speaks about her daughter sounds a lot like she's mimicking how she was treated. All of the online gawking fuels it.
I thought the Nika and Jaelle shit wasbad but this girl is a full blown horrorcow. I'm surprised she's not on pt with multiple threads.
No. 965239
>>965170The whole situation is so bizarre. Like I have no idea how someone ends up so depraved. Her father is a pastor but due to him having such a common name no one can find anything on him.
CPS has been called ad nauseam so apparently she is safe.
No. 965261
>>965137Your post hit me in a way I couldn't describe. I can't watch Peaches' videos or anything like that because it's too off-putting.
100% chance that if Peaches looked like she could be Amanda Bynes' cousin, people wouldn't be laughing, but showing concern and trying to get her committed.
No. 965373
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Posted some screen shots of a message with a client.
No. 966719
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Peaches gave some dude bugs after sex.
No. 966724
>>965878She was bullied and her mom killed herself, vid related. There's another clip of her crying about being bullied but I can't find it.
Pretty sad to think about how this is the affect of bullying on someone.
No. 967005
>>966751Yeah she started running away at 13, but only fully committed to the streets at 16 after leaving her baby with her dad. She allegedly was used as a sex toy with up to 21 guys a day, every day, until she managed to get out and become a prostitute.
She is a bug chaser and claims to have bugs, herpes, aids, warts and other STDs. She post about how having your pussy burn, itchy and ooze is normal. Her laughing at giving men diseases. If you look at her vagina she doesn't appear to have any of these ailments.
She's just bizarre.
No. 967760
Rubbing shit on her face. View at your own discretion. I would turn it to a webm but I'm too lazy
>>967759Youtube admins are probably at home cause of corona. Its the same with Instagram.
No. 967870
>>966751>>966849>>967005The thing that you guys don't seem to grasp is you can be sex trafficked and not like…tied to a bed or something. I highly doubt she doesn't still have a pimp or at least someone who helps her get clients. She is homeless and always staying in hotels which is typical of prostitutes with pimps. Surely she is still being trafficked.
As for the bug chasing and other disgusting things, it's a reflection of how she feels about herself. It's like she thinks this is what she is worth, so that's why she does disgusting things like eating shit and being proud of oozing genitals. There's tons of videos of her acting completely insane and hurting herself. Crying and rocking and slapping herself in the face over and over again.
I can see how someone who is already mentally unstable, and bullied as a kid, starts to run away and is sucked into the horrible underbelly of society where she is preyed upon. It exacerbated her self worth problems and made her sicker and sicker until she reached a point of no return.
No. 967919
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>>967918Here are the comments, she says peaches doesn't have access to Cora. I don't know that this the truth but it would make sense as to how peaches' mental illness went unnoticed and how she came to be like this.
No. 967922
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Also Lovely Peaches is a mega fan of the tv show Charmed. If you follow her snapchat(plovesya2001) she's always watching it and will posts fan edits of the show often.
No. 1002973
File: 1594010228042.jpeg (214.54 KB, 750x868, BBD17773-F13C-45D5-8077-F06D77…) A video of Peaches saying she hopes Charli d’amelio gets raped by a big black man
No. 1829090
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This is a dead thread but she was also recently on Judge Mathis, suing over crawfish
No. 1829183
i can't find the whole episode yet but it shouldn't be too long until it is up
No. 1829314
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>>1829183the guy she was going against in the episode is close to her, follows her and everything. i’ll try to find it. pretty sure she’s doing this for her “music career” like she says.
No. 1829405
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>>1829394I honestly kind of think the same thing but she’s done and said a lot of things that prove she at least has enough self awareness to know the shit she does is fucked up. The police checked on her after she said she would murder her dog and told everyone she beat her dog up, they went to her home and she was completely normal and sane. She calmly told them she does it to get followers and promote music. They literally left her alone after that.
I think she is obviously mentally ill and traumatized from what she has been through but a lot of the insane shit she does online is for money and attention since it’s probably the only thing she can do at this point. She’s said several times recently the weird shit she did in the past was trolling but again no sane person would threaten to kill their child and dog.
Her being 20 years old and threatening 16 year old charli d’amelio with a big male rapist all because she unfollowed her. She’s done fucked up shit that even other traumatized retards would never do. She used to always threaten teen influencers with this shit.
Honestly I don’t think she is the full lolcow in this situation, half of that goes to the underage tiktok trolls that dog her on but she still has a lot of responsibility.
No. 1829522
>>1829405That video is sad but made me kek. When she said she does this thing because her followers like it the cops pull up a fan account with 400 follows and they're like
>This isn't worth it for 400 peoplePeaches pulls out her phone with her hundreds of thousands of followers and the police and genuinely shocked, surprised, and saddened. Gen Z culture is wild.
No. 1829892
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Her second account where she defends herself doing horrendous things and claims to be a “peachling” even though it’s obviously her. She deletes all her tweets every few days. People almost always catch on. Her followers are all underage gay twitter trolls that probably know it’s her
No. 1829901
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>>1829892when you search her spam username and peaches this comes up, kek. lots of tweets come up where it looks like she was arguing with them over herself not being a bad person
No. 1902879
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