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No. 2120066
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No. 2120068
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No. 2120070
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No. 2120072
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No. 2120074
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No. 2120193
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This is all so fucking gay. I hate that they erased female divinity and goddesses for this shit. I'd still be religious if I had anyone to look up to like Athena and not just a 14 year old meek virgin who never talked or did anything besides give birth. I loathe the Semitic races for not only forcing monotheism but making it so absurd and cringey.
No. 2122477
>>2122319they're snowflakes who think praying is like magic and saints are like minor gods
they remind me of kids who were into wiccan stuff who thought they could cast spells by drawing crap on floors
No. 2122512
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>>2122504christianity as a whole is a very masculine religion, where its god and his creation revolve around the narcissistic self-image of the male believer
so it makes sense that christians constantly disagree and fight with each other because everyone believes everyone else has to act and think like him
No. 2123016
>>2122900I haven't used KF in years but they were annoying even back then. The news and politics threads were treated like their containment zones because they consistently had the worst takes on the entire website and would get
triggered by EVERYTHING.
No. 2409205
>>2409164God made people who would become scientists who would develop medications and she was unwilling to accept God's blessings when offered. She doesn't realize that he operates in mysterious, roundabout ways!!!
maybe that will work
No. 2410580
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>>2410572>is it lead in their boomer brainsshh my child, it is Christlove®
No. 2410592
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>>2410585Hmm probably not. A lot of Christians are terrible at graphic design and creative art in general. I see literally no difference between an atheist and a supply-side Christian producing and selling stuff like this. I think you'd do quite well
No. 2410876
>>2410709only if you're being reductive. it doesn't really matter where he came from, his life influenced the entire direction of thought for individuals and society in the west for the next 2000 years. he probably was brown though.
>communistwhat does Jesus say about economics or means of production?
No. 2411508
>>2410876Use your head. Jesus clearly wasn't a huge fan of capitalism and he lived in communes.
>being reductiveDo you know what nationalism is?
No. 2411545
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>>2411543Well if those feathery bastards ever come back the rest of you had better learn how to swim