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No. 1533736
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Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1518926The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then… Old milk:
>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541, >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 (later revealed to be to cover for the car accident she caused with the guy she was cheating on jonny with) jonny’s ex amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his last court date was feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but syd doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260, >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare butt and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163> syd vagueposts about someone (Jonny) cheating with someone you know. That someone posts in the thread revealing screenshots of Instagram DMs with Jonny and Syd >>1318548,Syd who accuses anon of cheating with Jonny for flirting on Instagram with Jonny and allegedly calls the cops on anon. Anon says she's known Syd since high school. In the screenshots Syd calls Jonny a waste,a fat junkie, says she'll show the conversation to Taylor so that she'll ruin anon's life, threatens anon. Syd doxxes anon on Instagram.> anon posts more screenshots, looks like she was carrying the convo with Jonny. Syd sends anon a video of Jonny wasted. >>1319574 Turtle Mom ends up leaking the video >>1320319 and says she'll go the TX shows to expose Jonny with flyers, never does.> tour starts, Jonny doesn't know the lyrics to his own songs so he's reading them off his phone. >>1322793, syd goes on stage to hug Jonny and makes sure everyone know he has a kid whenever he looks in the direction of a woman >>1320416, >>1320417 She also keeps complaining about how hard working at the merch table is, jonny proposes to Syd again >>1332845, >>1333002 at a concert with the same ring.>syd, jonny, and the rest of their crew get awful matching tour tattoos >>1336731>anon posts screenshots from cps that imply storm is not in their custody >>1338649 and Syd continues to confirm this by only posting a photo of them in a public setting >>1346847>jonny goes radio silent on social media while syd's instagram use only increases, presumably because jonny is in rehab>syd buys herself an iPad and starts to vague post about a new project >>1346549, >>1363620 eventually announces a date she will announce the project >>1366535 but does not announce anything. >syd and jonny lovebomb announcing they have chosen a date for their wedding, 11/11/22 >>1367393, >>1367396>surprising nobody, anon finds jonny on tinder >>1372864 syd responds >>1374232>syd still trying to keep up the facade of being a parent >>1373001, >>1376986, >>1388466, >>1390689, >>1391059, >>1392428, >>1393204>more information is found about the courtcase that likely caused JC and syd to lose custody >>1373075, >>1373156, >>1373401, >>1373420, and a previous DV case involving syd >>1373487>syd flirts with lolbro >>1373616, >>1374083, >>1374084>syd is alone on thanksgiving, trying to seem unbothered >>1375878 while jonny enjoys his rehab/sober living slop >>1375941 more sober living shots: >>1376927, >>1401281, >>1401284>sydsosneaky visits storm at her mom's house for xmas >>1401841, >>1401842, and shows a picture of jonny with storm from last xmas, since he's away in sober living >>1401843>syd makes it obvious she’s reading the thread >>1402818, >>1402823, >>1402826, >>1402828>a fan comforts jonny about the death of a friend, causing syd to go on a sperg about him cheating >>1406759, >>1406761>anon helps us ring in the new year by providing us with screenshots… sydsosmart gets caught cheating! and this message also proves that they lost custody of storm. >>1407044, >>1407062, >>1407070>jonny and syd vagueposting, hinting at a breakup >>1407170, >>1407172, >>1407171, >>1407167>syd psychotically harasses she-who-will-not-be-named >>1407204, >>1407205, >>1407217, >>1407235>more screenshots of syd cheating are released >>1407243, >>1407258 >sticking to her usual groupie tendencies, it's some band dude >>1407304 and he is an abuser (shocking) >>1407340>syd harasses band-dude's ex-gf >>1407393>jonny will be out of rehab/sober living soon >>1408154, >>1408168 and posts about getting a puppy from a place called Borderline Bullies (ironic kek) >>1408355, >>1408449 (ends up falling through) >syd lovebombs JC >>1408808, >>1408891, >>1410001, >>1410002, >>1410776, >>1412175>jonny begins the process of removing all signs of syd/storm off of his instagram >>1408893, >>1415883>jonny is over syd >>1412293, but syd isn't over jonny >>1412296 and is on the prowl for a new girl >>1414061, >>1417679, >>1419177, >>1419188, >>1419932>syd goes quiet, leaving anons to speculate if she's been banned on instagram for harassment. anons find that she she has been liking clothes on poshmark >>1421811>syd is (unsurprisingly) back, posts videos of herself and "friends" watching some shitty emo cover band >>1424827>jonny returns to the Sac townhouse with all of his shit >>1427985, >>1427987, >>1432441>syd says nothing about his return, ghosts and sadposts about her birthday >>1430578, >>1434657, >>1434774>cowtipper confirms that jonny is indeed big boy pimpin, living the single life because syd cheated on him >>1430884>jonny starts his traditional post-breakup streaming career back up >>1434930, >>1439243>big boy pimpin starts liking tnd's instagram posts >>1436428 >>1436485>while jonny moves on to thottier pastures, syd starts posting her perfect bawd for validation despite calling every woman in a crop top a whore >>1438537, >>1439469, >>1440433, >>1443447, >>1445180, >>1445828, >>1445920>syd embarrasses herself >>1440188, >>1440189, >>1440548 >>1449879>syd's sad about her life, writes boring long story posts about how it's not what she wanted but it's so perfect >>1441750, >>1443451>syd onlyfans saga when >>1445197>syd kinda pretends to be a mom >>1445995, >>1446838, >>1447752, >>1448894>jonny's probably trying to pull a new girl with google translate arabic >>1447738, >>1447739>they unfollowed each other >>1448690 but syd will never take him out of her bio >>1448923>jonny shows his inbox on stream, apparently paid rent 3 weeks late >>1450033>jonny has upcoming court dates >>1453819>jonny is big mad about his lolcow thread, posts and quickly deletes a rant about it >>1453538 >jonny compares his bright future to his fake teeth, which someone else bought for him and he never paid back.. sounds about right. >>>/snow/1454287> anons speculate that syd could be rage posting in the TND thread >>>/snow/1454731 >syd sadposts >>>/snow/1455420, >>>/snow/1455934, >>>/snow/1455956, >>>/snow/1456157, >>>/snow/1457905, and teases making an onlyfans >>>/snow/1455738>jonny seems to visit storm more than syd >>>/snow/1458775 >jonny randomly posts an old note that his ex taylor dean’s dad wrote him >>>/snow/1462405 then clarifies it’s old >>>/snow/1462537, anons wonder if he posted it to either rile up syd or get taylor’s attention >syd officially moves in with her friend megan >>>/snow/1463462> jonny is active on tinder, matches with a girl named mars >>>/snow/1474385 who immediately posts about him being ‘washed up’, ‘not worth the story’ & ‘a lot of Ls’ >>>/snow/1474386, >>>/snow/1474411, >>>/snow/1474415> jonny shoots back, negging the girl he matched with on tinder and bragging about spEnDinG heR RenT on shoes 3 times a week (probably because you can fit into kids size shoes, JC) >>>/snow/1475483> syd tries to shade jonny on her story >>>/snow/1482229 > jonny posts a selfie featuring a bunch of dirty clothes and beer bottles in the background >>>/snow/1486532 instead of cleaning up he just scribbles it out in future photos >>>/snow/1487187, >>>/snow/1487417 >sydsomanic spams her story >>>/snow/1487040 with a bunch of compliments that seem like they were sent in by herself, continues to bring up starting an onlyfans and teases about a ‘certain someone’ who makes her feel ‘frisky’ >>>/snow/1486643 >taylor deleted/privated her video talking about JC abusing her >>>/snow/1488984 speculation that they’re back in contact continues >jonny makes references to being lonely due to ramadan >>>/snow/1489269 causing more speculation that he’s dating an arabic/muslim girl, possibly named ava >>>/snow/1489450, >>>/snow/1489610, >>>/snow/1489613 >syd returns to e-begging for rent, meds and essentials for the kid she doesn’t have custody for #itsokaytoaskforhelp >>>/snow/1490473 >syd harasses anon after she forgets to crop her pfp >>>/snow/1498275>jonny posts a pic of taylor on his story >>>/snow/1498358>if you want to flush some money down the toilet, you can find bbp on cameo >>>/snow/1499914>syd sets the tone for her OF saga >>>/snow/1499974, >>>/snow/1497288>syd is suddenly on OF >>>/snow/1500737 and leaves just as soon >>>/snow/1500754>blah blah blah something about ava>old man goiter screams at the sky aka tmobile >>>/snow/1504574>syd calls out jonny for being a deadbeat (hmm very interesting syd) >>>/snow/1509691>no words just this >>>/snow/1509695>swanfest drama between the two tards >>>/snow/1509690, >>>/snow/1509726>jonny really does not like syd >>>/snow/1511748>taylor is following jonny on instagram >>>/snow/1513531, according to taylor they're speaking again for the sake of "closure" >>>/snow/1515623>jonny shuts off syd's phone (kek) >>>/snow/1514632>jonny expected to bring the milk by coming clean about "everything" in a livestream on twitch >>>/snow/1517232, >>>/snow/1518219>syd ready to sell him out before he can make her look even worse >>>/snow/1517429>another court date, anon listens in and reveals that the DA wants to press felony charges >>>/snow/1517793>blah blah blah wigglewip layna asshurt ex-bf blah blah blah>syd brings up goiter's original baby mama in her usual self-centered manner >>>/snow/1518829, more sperging about jc >>>/snow/1518852New milk:
>emo tucker carlson interviewed jonny to try to rehab his image >>1519019 >>1519030 syd contests his narrative >>1519027 interviewer is accused of rape >>1521347>syd thinks we're funny >>1519078>a lot of athena shit; she doesn't deserve the attention, check the thread if you care because it's boring af>ANONS LISTEN IN TO THE 5/4/22 COURT HEARING, CHARGES WERE UPGRADED TO A FELONY BECAUSE STORM TESTED POSITIVE FOR FENTANYL IN MAY 2021 >>1519680 >>1519684 >>1519685 >>1519686 >>1519694>anons in the know spill about the incident >>1519842 >>1519843 >>1519879 >>1519915 >>1519919 >>1519924 >>1519974 >>1519979 >>1520007 >>1520565 >>1521350>jonny pretends everything is fine after asking for support >>1519519 >>1519568 >>1519625 >>1519674 >>1519758 >>1520751>jonny's new victim layna goes private, tea is spilled about her trip to see him >>1519544>jonny big mad at tmobile and syd >>1520854 and some clothing company >> 1521806 tldr he's poor and angry >>1524478 >>1524789>jonny posts a performative video about how he's never going to be kept from storm >>1521015>jonny's cat >>1521134 >>1521315>jonny's tattoo >>1521294 >>1521301>layna was warned about jonny, doesn't care, actively deletes comments about the situation >>1521944 >>1522095 >>1523621>jonny is big mad people are telling his new girl about his bad behavior >>1522005 >>1522147 >>1522495 blames syd for his bad life/behavior >>1522599>jonny is using kratom allegedly >>1524179>jonny publically begs tommy lee to notice him >>1526997>jonny begs for money for storm's room, later ups the goal, seemingly to raise funds for his rent >>1527261 >>1529299 >>1529960 >>1530342 >>1531985>syd is trying to "frustrate" jonny into using >>1528759>anon who knows syd speculates on her bpd >>1530988>layna is still at jonny's >>1531589 >>1532073 >>1532335 >>1532338 >>1532948 >>1532951 >>1533264>in reality-shattering irony, syd comments on the silly little brain of jonny's new child bride, says she thought she was his last victim despite being a feral bitch when people tried to warn her about jonny >>1532862 >>1533645>jonny is big mad that layna is posted on lcf, threatens everyone with the cyber police and a libel suit >>15334211:
>>>/snow/1082146 4:
>>>/snow/1518926 No. 1533746
new milk (corrected links):
>emo tucker carlson interviewed jonny to try to rehab his image >>1519019 , >>1519030 syd contests his narrative >>1519027 interviewer is accused of rape >>1521347>syd thinks we're funny >>1519078>a lot of athena shit; she doesn't deserve the attention, check the thread if you care because it's boring af>ANONS LISTEN IN TO THE 5/4/22 COURT HEARING, CHARGES WERE UPGRADED TO A FELONY BECAUSE STORM TESTED POSITIVE FOR FENTANYL IN MAY 2021 >>1519680 , >>1519684 , >>1519685 , >>1519686 , >>1519694>anons in the know spill about the incident >>1519842 , >>1519843 , >>1519879 , >>1519915 , >>1519919 , >>1519924 , >>1519974 , >>1519979 , >>1520007 , >>1520565 , >>1521350>jonny pretends everything is fine after asking for support >>1519519 , >>1519568 , >>1519625 , >>1519674 , >>1519758 , >>1520751>jonny's new victim layna goes private, tea is spilled about her trip to see him >>1519544>jonny big mad at tmobile and syd >>1520854 and some clothing company >> 1521806 tldr he's poor and angry >>1524478 , >>1524789>jonny posts a performative video about how he's never going to be kept from storm >>1521015>jonny's cat >>1521134 , >>1521315>jonny's tattoo >>1521294 , >>1521301>layna was warned about jonny, doesn't care, actively deletes comments about the situation >>1521944 , >>1522095 , >>1523621>jonny is big mad people are telling his new girl about his bad behavior >>1522005 , >>1522147 , >>1522495 blames syd for his bad life/behavior >>1522599>jonny is using kratom allegedly >>1524179>jonny publically begs tommy lee to notice him >>1526997>jonny begs for money for storm's room, later ups the goal, seemingly to raise funds for his rent >>1527261 , >>1529299 , >>1529960 , >>1530342 , >>1531985>syd is trying to "frustrate" jonny into using >>1528759>anon who knows syd speculates on her bpd >>1530988>layna is still at jonny's >>1531589 , >>1532073 , >>1532335 , >>1532338 , >>1532948 , >>1532951 , >>1533264>in reality-shattering irony, syd comments on the silly little brain of jonny's new child bride, says she thought she was his last victim despite being a feral bitch when people tried to warn her about jonny >>1532862 , >>1533645>jonny is big mad that layna is posted on lcf, threatens everyone with the cyber police and a libel suit >>1533421sorry about the broken links, nonas, i tried
No. 1533780
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Layna's story
No. 1533781
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Syd's story
No. 1533921
>>1533862lol layna is a puny nerd who has already been proven to be a spineless coward that hates herself. she didn’t stab no one because she reeks of meek. a large 8th grader could bend her in half.
and we all know no one wants to be her friend but a nearly 40 year old has-been junkie because if they did, she probably wouldn’t have felt so lonely that jonny was the next best thing. trust me doll, he doesn’t actually wanna be your friend, or girlfriend, but fucking you is better than fucking his new cat and it’s making sydney jealous so congrats to layna on the cum stained floor mattress selfies, aka the crowning achievement of your small town nobody lifetime. i bet your mom would be proud. i dare you to get pregnant to stay relevant. shit would be hilarious.
tinfoil but i don’t think her ex bf posted here at all. i think she did because no one, not even mommy or daddy, wants to pay attention to that manic depressive boney weirdo. she’s literally another unemployed nobody, acting like a clout chasing dick goblin, feeling briefly like a somebody, that will soon be back to being a nobody with no prospects, wasted youths and maybe an std.
No. 1533961
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Layna's story
No. 1534015
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“i wont stop until everyone knows” knows what? that youre a fucking piece of shit with no remorse for your actions?
No. 1534036
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His personality is so boring. Barf.
No. 1534176
>>1534135Or this is still Syd trying to clean house about the several anons here who DO know her personally and have confirmed that she is as remorseless and batshit as her "empathy" screams.
But sure, vendetta chan is totally a self-post and not Syd seething.
No. 1534219
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>>1533960Yeah this was posted around the same time as that very Syd-like post up there lol what a coincidence
No. 1534330
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Layna's story.
It's so sad to watch another young woman throw her life away after more than adequate warning that what she's doing is going to hurt her.
Jonny has a nose like a bloodhound for damaged younger women who have bad relationships with their moms which gives him the perfect window to trigger their oppositional behavior and wedge them further away from people who can help them get away. He's a streamlined manipulator that gets to add a sprinkle of underdog/redemption to his usual bag of tricks ("I'm an addict but nothing is going to keep me down! I'm a single father who loves his son more than anything!") and they just keep falling for it.
No. 1534355
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Y’all. Jonny just posted a cringy ass video promoting this. $80 for 6 songs that you can’t listen to on any of the standard apps people use, a junkie abuser child endanger bobble head, and a postcard? $80???? Plus shipping, so probably around $100? Am I just being cheap or is that ridiculous
No. 1534383
>>1534355Is this old music he recorded and produced in 2020 when he was still living in Arizona? If so I wonder why he’s just releasing it now.
>>1534370I know it sounds cold but I don’t really care what happens to this new girl, she deserves it. At this point it would be like somebody dating Ted Bundy then crying when they inevitably get killed. Unless she’s like clinically retarded she absolutely knows she’s dating a certified abuser, she just doesn’t care because internet points or whatever.
No. 1534393
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Slurp slurp slurp
No. 1534395
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Thank God we have Shitney's profound insights to guide us down the path of enlightenment.
No. 1534397
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>>1534393this RT is so fucking telling. what is this narc obsession with likes. How can you be so thin skinned that you care if someone sees your story but doesn't like ur pic. Oh god it's sad
No. 1534398
>>1534370Personally, I find it very hard to have sympathy for anyone who dates Jonny Craig in the year 2022 when anyone can Google potential dating partners, his wiki at the top clearly states his scams and sexual assaults.
I feel the same amount of sympathy towards them as I do towards people who fall in love with murderers in prison.
No. 1534401
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Syd cont kek
(the answer is wildly unmanaged bpd)
No. 1534457
>>1534445Well, we know why Syd posted that: because she has the emotional regulation of a rabid ferret and she's mad that someone else is getting her back blown out on the same floor that she used to.
But the rest of us? Basic empathy. Syd had people who said the same things about her until the full moon hit and she embraced her true form as a bpd werewolf. No one likes seeing Jonny put another point on the board for a life that he's ruined. It's even worse now that everyone knows they almost killed Storm. People are just protective and then some people wear out that good will.
No. 1534463
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Layna's story
No. 1534489
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No. 1534502
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>>1534489this mf looks like dorf
No. 1534503
There’s always women attracted to infamous people for some reason. The romantic attention serial killers get when in prison is actually quite intense.
She knows what she signed up for. As did Syd. They’re no martyr.
No. 1534508
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"Sorry bruh, the girl I flew out is crying because she's starting to think that she made a mistake, so I have to be really excessively performative about my sobriety to use it to gaslight her into mistrusting her gut feeling about me later."
No. 1534520
>>1534505I think her post was a joke
No. 1534521
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>>1534489Why is he posting in b&w when we know his sheets are red and she's filming in his bedroom?
No. 1534591
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I can't figure out what is funnier: that she caught a 5hr flight to sit in his living room and do nothing or that she saw this happen in person without the bad cats filter.
No. 1534595
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No. 1534597
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>>1534591for those on phones, it’s a video of jonny hovering over laynas fishnetted legs and then leaning back to dance and eye fucking himself with that bad cats catfish filter
No. 1534601
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I am so disgusted. Congrats on permanently marking your body with the face of a man who has been accused by countless women of abuse and sexual assault, and who is currently being charged with overdosing his son on fentanyl, and who is overall a horrible human being in so many fucking ways.
No. 1534603
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No. 1534614
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>>1534605>>1534610She's 25 and in college.
No. 1534633
>>1534616Jonny is extremely codependent. He said he asked Syd to move out two months ago in the Finn interview. He basically started talking to Syd right after Taylor left him and admitted in the Finn interview that Chelsea and Liz overlapped. He was even talking to someone else who didn't work out before Layna. (Two, actually: the Twitter girl who he matched with and was fucking with him and the Ava catfish.) He's basically due for a new relationship.
Syd got pregnant the second or third time they ever hung out. Layna hasn't gone home yet so she must not be too worried about Jonny ruining her life. Let's hope she packed her birth control.
No. 1534647
>>1534606He is so disgusting, bloated, and washed up, not to mention his entire reputation. So I'm guessing that new bitch is not just naive and intellectually stunted, she's probably
toxic af, possibly with bpd seething just beneath the surface, and we just have to wait until this new "relationship" implodes.
No. 1534653
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Also wtf is this shit in Syd’s stories, she’s lost the plot. Spiritual this love that peace here acceptance there, but then posts unhinged shit like this… god damn her posts speak for themselves she is not a safe or loving human being.
No. 1534660
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No. 1534682
>>1534647Layna seems closer to being Taylor-like than Syd-like. That's likely on purpose because a) Syd is going to make him miserable for the rest of his life and b) Taylor was much more willing to lie for him and put up a front that they were doing well when things were at their worst. Taylor is
toxic; she's a liar, unintelligent, and anxious, but she's self-destructive more than she is scary or violent and she didn't out Jonny until he knocked Syd up. She was much easier to manipulate.
No. 1534683
File: 1653097213427.webm (2.76 MB, 288x640, z4l9iy.webm)
>>1534369Local archive.
>>1534398I agree. Plus, let’s be real, Jonny is not someone she stumbled upon in her town and who she doesn’t know. She has to be a fan. What fan, in 2022, doesn’t know at least some of his story?
No. 1534684
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No. 1534687
>>1534398>>1534683Murderers in prison are highly manipulative and have nothing better to do than watch human behavior and try out different combinations of personality traits to see what works on easy targets. She has mommy issues that probably mean she also has attachment issues and she's rebounding from a ltr. Jonny insists he's reformed and has nothing better to do all day than lovebomb her.
I'll eat my words if she turns out to be Syd 2.0 though.
No. 1534726
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BBP blocked me for trolling….. Seriously always flexing shoes but acting broke.(cowtipping )
No. 1534741
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This is ironic to me because I’ve been watching clips from this trial and Amber Heard sure does remind me of Syd. And I mean that in the worst way possible. She’s a liar, she’s manipulative, she’s completely insane, and she’s abusive I’m sure. I’m surprised she didn’t take a dookie on the bed when Jonny broke up with her.
The only difference is that Jonny Craig is not the victim and is nothing like Johnny Depp. He’s also a liar, manipulator, and abuser so they were perfect for each other lol
No. 1534742
nonnie. I realized right after posting that she says she knows the feeling and the audio is of Johnny Depp… is she comparing herself to Johnny Depp in this situation??? Oh honey…. the audacity.
No. 1534752
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Wow, brave of her to warn other people not to interact with her (Syd's story)
No. 1534758
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So Jonny got Dillon to take himself and his Canadian child bride out in public.
(Ty in advance to local archive
nonnie) No. 1534824
File: 1653112598075.jpg (509.63 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220520-225407_Gal…)

Jonny met up with a group at the concert in the park and Layna isn't showing up in stories but Jonny's sausage fingers are.
No. 1534880
File: 1653119375897.webm (801.83 KB, 360x640, 125slo.webm)
>>1534758(Ty for your service an yw, Streamable
No. 1534885
>>1534775Everything about all of these threads is cringey though!
LOL @ the cowtipping police
You losers really have nothing better to do than mini mod some trash talking site on a Friday .. You're welcome for that screen shot of him calling syds mom a whore and acting like he has everything he needs at his home for Storm.
I was surprised he given bothered to respond… & he was so Salty it was funny
(oof) No. 1534891
>>1534885Psst. The criticism for cowtipping is customary and a slap on the wrist compared to other threads. Take it on the chin and sage your non-milk. No one is actually bullying you and we're all talking about his comments more than your tipping so don't be a weenie.
I swear, the newbies to this thread always get so sensitive about the most minor snark.
No. 1534998
>>1534985Hahah fucking hilarious
nonnie and it’s only morning time.
No. 1535264
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No. 1535267
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Empathic emotional genius queen hottest mom in the world clearly unbothered by Child Bride Layna
No. 1535371
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Syd's story
No. 1535401
This is the same story as his last two gfs. People wonder how he pulled a cute girl, time passes, they realize new girl is completely crazy, everything makes sense. By now we should know Jonny can only pull attractive women if they have major issues and lots of baggage. Just wait.
>>1535376Agree, their looks are irrelevant , if you chose to associate with jc after 2018 you’re automatically an ugly bitch inside and out period.
No. 1535566
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>>1535287Choose ur fighter.
No. 1535697
>>1534457I really appreciated this response, I saw what is 100% Sydney’s post, the one you’re referring to, and this
>>1534404 who could also be Sydney, and it was super vitriolic. I definitely understand following this because of an infant or another young mentally ill girl, just thought it was so weird her shit was getting blown up when she hasn’t said anything other than being a very young and naive fan. Also she’s from Canada, idk exactly what that means but I know it has to have a lot to do with her trusting personality, and I agree that is scary. I hope she has a good time and mother fucking bounces before the court shit.
No. 1535825
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No. 1535826
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No. 1535835
>>1535697Worse things are going to happen if she stays with Jonny than being one half of the Rottweiler Vs Q-tip debate or being made fun of for having winged eyeliner. He ruins lives: real lives, not internet gossip imageboard lives. I mean, buyer beware. If this thread and the documented experiences of his exes is what she wants for her life, then I'm not surprised or sympathetic that she's a topic of discussion in this thread.
We say mean shit. Most of us would own that. But we're also (with few exceptions) not liars; the criticism is often justified. I'll point out that no one is calling his first baby mama names. It is what it is.
No. 1535928
>>1522571>>1522430Catching up on a month of the thread and even though some of you emotional Karen "Where's a MANAGER" anons have chilled out, this shit is too obnoxious to witness without interjecting. Stop. Cowtipping. Some of you are acting as infantile as SydSoStumpy to be crying over a baby off the words of "anons in the know" with zero proof. How did a baby testing positive for fentanyl turn into "he od'd his ChIoLd and it nearly died waaaahhh"?
There are people that recover from addiction, and they shouldn't be kept from supervised visits for a situation we don't even totally understand.
Calling venues and creating cAlLouT shit is embarrassing and overstepping being observers of a shitstorm (no pun intended).
Btw, it's possible for fentanyl to reappear in your system despite not using. Crazy, I know. I don't want to blogpost, but I work in an addiction treatment center. A patient that was clean for a year tested positive for fentanyl and freaked out crying when it was mentioned. When we studied the levels, it was very low. We contacted the company that does our tests who confirmed fentanyl actually is stored in your fat and small amounts are slowly be released at random, often resulting in positive drug tests despite no drug recent drug use.
Moral of this comment is stop cowtipping because we're on a gossip site. We don't really know shit.
No. 1536005
>>1535928"I don't want to blogpost" but blogposts.
"Emotional where's a manager Karen anons" precedes to be an emotional where's a manager Karen telling anons what to do.
No. 1536007
>>1535928>There are people that recover from addiction, and they shouldn't be kept from supervised visits for a situation we don't even totally understand.And there are people who get their kids back and kill them.
>I don't want to blogpost>wall of text about your feelingsLiterally no one cares that you're pro-junkie and eMbArRASsEd. Thanks for sharing that you prioritize caping for (alleged, according to the state of California, don't call Jonny's very real libel lawyer) unfit parents with histories, plural, of violence and drug use over empathy or concern for their
No. 1536012
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No. 1536035
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not shooting fent isn't "heroic" it's the bare fucking minimum, goiter
No. 1536122
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Non important but I laughed when I saw the OG meme and had to put a little LolCow spin on it - Hey Syd, how's that tattoo aging? With regret??
No. 1536144
>>1536019Your aunt was from another generation and didn’t have to deal with the current housing crisis and through the roof inflation in Canada. A lot of the youth are “laying flat”, because why work and get nothing when you can not work and still get nothing. Salaries a shit here and we are overtaxed by the gov leaving not much in our pockets. Not saying this is the case everywhere, but it is like that in Canada.
Also not saying Layna isn’t dumb, but she isn’t the only 25 yo who can’t afford a house here.
No. 1536252
>>1536248What makes you think that? She uses her instagram to get attention from strangers which is something no healthy, well-adjusted adult does.
You know if she was in college or had friends she'd 1) Never stfu about it and 2) Be doing something other than taking selfies alone in her bedroom and playing animal crossing.
No. 1536261
>>1536248reeks of self post how would you know she's in college? nothing posted here says she is
>>1534614 doesn't even mention being in college on her twitch hahah stupid fuck why is this how you want to be remembered
No. 1536271
>>1536264Agree with
>>1536261 this seems like a selfpost, the most voracious anon here is watching hours of her streams. Mods pl0x.
No. 1536311
>>1536264dude fuck off you are seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel with these posts and dating this fuckhead
go study for college please you need it
No. 1536319
>>1536273I agree with
>>1536311Since you only have a few hours before mods reveal you as Layna can you please just explain to me why you're with this faggot even after Tay's video and his Wikipedia literally repoting SA accusations.
She deserves so much credit from farmers at this point, everything she said, including her predictions for the future, i.e. Jonny is not safe around and infant and will do the same thing to Syd, was true.
This is no legacy for a young lady. Why are you overlooking all this? He has nothing to offer you.
No. 1536369
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>>1536261We saw that she was in college when her twitter first dropped
No. 1536490
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imagine being the manicurist who had to do this set on his 40y/o dried up leather hands
No. 1536501
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So Syd's roommate is getting married? She's in her married friend's guest room? Lol jeez.
No. 1536507
>>1536025It's giving "hello fellow kids!"
Seriously, a female woman… as opposed to? A female bear? A male woman? What?
No. 1536533
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No. 1536535
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No. 1536618
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No. 1536647
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No. 1536648
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jonny without the bad cats filter
No. 1536683
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She looks so much like Sydney lmao wow he has a type
No. 1536694
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>>1536683i was going to say the same thing lol
No. 1536706
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Syd is so proud of that tour tattoo. Most people would have had it covered up months ago.
No. 1536727
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initials of a child she doesn’t have custody over tattooed on the side of her face and with THAT font yikes
No. 1536921
>>1536865Are you talking about Hep C? It’s not too common to catch Hep C through sex alone since it is a blood borne illness. So I’m sure she told him not to wear a condom or pull out…especially with wanting that baby from the start.
Maybe he’s gotten treatment for it at some point before now - some rehabs do offer help for getting it and the treatment is more effective and easier for the body to handle than it was years ago.
No. 1537130
>>1537122This isn’t Syd, I hate them both. You’re a fucking moron.
I’m tired of the hi Syd anytime someone insults layna, Jesus Christ
No. 1537190
>>1537174Yeah and isn’t she far from home where all the rest of her clothes are?
>>1537152Do y’all pack your entire wardrobe when you travel somewhere? I’m assuming she only brought a specific amount of clothes with her so yeah she’s going to wear the same thing different times. And please don’t hi cow me or call me a wk. She’s still a fucking idiot and disgusting for wanting to be anywhere near Big Boi let alone his little diseased weewee, but you guys sound so annoying talking about this tank top so much
No. 1537403
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“someone else will receive those spoils” posting about an ex while the new girls still at his house, sleeping on his floor bed i bet she’s swooning
No. 1537502
>>1537471Yeah all the hi cows are getting super annoying when someone insults the other, omg it must be Syd omg it must be Layna!!!!
Like shut the fuck up
No. 1537507
>>1536810In the UK we have to ask clients about any health conditions and make a note of it, anything being used near the cuticle should be single use/disinfected afterwards, Barbicide claims it kills hepatitis, but technically anything that touches blood needs to be autoclaved to be considered clean. I'd turn him away. But he probably goes to a non standard salon and they don't give a shit.
Sage for nail tech sperg.
No. 1538414
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Gonna leave this here.
No. 1538694
>>1538578She doesn't strike me as smart enough to do that.
>>1537403Is he referring to himself as the spoils? Quality!
No. 1538764
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This is gross to me.
No. 1538988
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Honestly Layna looks a lot like Chelsea to me, they have the same face shape and everything, If you look at Chelsea’s ig you’ll see what I mean
No. 1539001
>>1538998it’s almost like different people like different vocal styles
nah, must just be haters
No. 1539025
>>1538998Of course, been a fan since 06. I didn't say he was their worst, Kurt was, but Kurt albums are still better.
Also DBM > DBM2
No. 1539026
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No. 1539027
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No. 1539028
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>>1539027Why did Jonny get a tiny dick tattooed on his stomach?
No. 1539151
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>>1538988I feel like she looks closer to larkin than any of the exes and she's the one ex jonny didn't trash after their relationship ended
No. 1540240
>>1539673And the initials he got for Chelsea that he covered up
Lol and Syd has how many tattoos tying to him? 3 or 4? Yikes
No. 1540245
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Lol I feel like she’s calling out someone’s IG name at the concert she went to but of course she’s not tagging them. Just like she didn’t tag Joe when she called him a horrible person. She’s pathetic and not gonna publicly threaten anyway cuz she knows her midget self would get mopped across the floor
No. 1540251
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I bet Anthony didn’t even guest list her or acknowledge her even tho they have such a magical friendship according to her
No. 1540254
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Another blow and Jonny and/or Layna.
You’re right, you DO think you’re hot shit but you are literally cold diarrhea and so is your personality, Ms. Skidmark
No. 1540660
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No. 1540661
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No. 1540714
>>1540251This gives off strong creepy movie stalker vibes. The one with her son even more. I’d be terrified if I was Anthony.
The fact he called out Jonny on his abuse and scams 2 years ago and now goiter’s baby mama is going after him is kinda funny.
No. 1540902
>>1540873Yeah probably because she goes to concerts more than she sees her son kek.
also she seems to make all of these “magical” connections at concerts. I highly doubt she actually interacts with anyone. She’s probably just talking about the people standing next to her in the bar line or peeing next to her in the bathroom or something. Sometimes I wonder if she also has HPD, what with her thinking relationships are way closer than they are and the impressionistic speech. I’m not a psychologist tho so what do I know
No. 1541100
I find it really ridiculous she's allowed to collect disability. She's very clearly not disabled, just emotionally unstable which could be controlled with medication.
>>1540917Just picturing all the crying, psycho faced screenshots that have been posted in here of her. Hahaha.
No. 1541210
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I m gonna barf from all the laughs! What is he trying to flex at all?? There is barely even a muscle to squeeze there kek… seriously imagine having this old washes up junkie have sex with you.. gross
No. 1541238
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>>1541210The still photo really doesn't do it justice. My horrified cackle can still be heard echoing throughout the nearby mountains.
No. 1541262
>>1541210god the bingo wings
top kek
No. 1541509
>>1541210he’s honestly so gross - and his weird blunt cut baby bags make him look even worse
>>1540660she literally has the worst piercings - if she didn’t have them and those weird penciled on eyebrows she would actually be cute.
No. 1541534
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Nvm that explains that
>>1541533Layna's story
No. 1541866
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>>1536727>>1536739she brags about being a hot mom so much cause she knows deep down she’s nasty lookin now.
No. 1541919
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OBVIOUSLY inaccurate lmao
No. 1541930
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No. 1541932
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>>1541930Blocked out her number
No. 1541958
So I was going to reply to this post
>>1541542about how he probably chooses younger girl and girls who act younger because he himself is stunted and childlike. The drugs fucked up his brain and he’s mentally stuck in his early 20s or even teens.
And this
>>1541932 >>1541930 just perfectly proves my point. He’s immature as fuck.
No. 1541968
>>1541958Also no mature, successful, stable “older” adult woman would touch him with a 10 foot pole. He’s an addict, a mooch,
abusive and unstable. Hard pass
No. 1542015
>>1541930Haha I was wondering where her crazy has gone, she probably knows best to not post it online SOMEHOW in that little stunted brain of hers… but I’m sure friends and family are getting their portion of it.
OR she’s texting Jonnys mom some truths in a very unhinged way. Either way I want to see it lol
No. 1542016
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>>1541968>>1541542She is exactly the perfect
victim for goiter boy and also playing into the whole age gap, daddy, maid fantasy for him. I dont really kink shame but this is gross given their age gap and the power dynamic here. Exhibit A. She is definitely hanging around with goiter boy because of her shelter life and having 0 friends.
No. 1542490
>>1542445BORING as shit, but I agree she’s relevant by proxy, she stays in the thread.
The big question now for all for us is how long are we betting an international relationship is going to last? Does he move there or does she move here? Somehow I don’t see goiter taking his fat lazy ass there.
No. 1542593
>>1542490he’s from Canada, so could move back
maybe he can get “Canadian content” airplay for his new boring music
No. 1542695
>>1542671Also he’s from the Vancouver area, which tremendously expensive. Unless he lives in a tent, he can’t move back there.
Maybe Edmonton with Layna? It’s still cheap there and drugs are everywhere. Sounds like it’s right up his alley.
No. 1543076
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Layna is back in Sac this afternoon. Bet she’s going with him to later this week “on tour” lol
This bitch is already folding his nasty socks
No. 1543163
File: 1653801069248.jpg (1.01 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20220529-010851.jpg)

Jonny currently roasting Eugenia on his twitch
No. 1543243
>>1543163This is just another thing that proves that he doesn't have a personality beyond talking shit/being
toxic. It's literally basement tier personality development and guys like him are tedious and terrible to be around. Layna is so damaged if this is what she looks for in a fuck buddy.
No. 1543645
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No. 1543884
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Stalker Syd waited outside Anthony Green’s tour bus for god knows how long to get this pic and he looks so thrilled to see her….
No. 1543885
File: 1653880899192.png (3.06 MB, 750x1334, 44752E6B-3D1F-45F1-8BDB-0EFD07…)

Nice cankles
No. 1544014
>>1543884Not trying to nitpick but she genuinely looks like shit here.
And yeah, Anthony follows a lot of fans back, and he used to give his number out pretty freely, too. That was years ago so Skid probably missed out. Too bad. kek
No. 1544015
>>1543884First things first, what tf is that outfit and specifically those white pants and boots and random masculine v neck. Come on girl.
Secondly sorry I think this is really sweet for her and definitely of him. Don’t know him but based on skimming I hope she admires him realistically enough to pick up his sober habits and tries to become healthier. I think he called Jonny out at some point and I thought it was very kind, he’s a lot more mature so I can see why Sydney has a crush. Hard not to be happy for someone who meets their heroes, hope it does actually make he look at her life and value the one person who doesn’t have a choice but to love her and always will, her son.
No. 1544022
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Layna pulled this tweet down after a while.
No. 1544269
>>1544015Anon… it’s not that deep. She literally just wants to hook up with band guys for clout and the hopes that they’ll bring her on tour as a “merch mama” so she never has to get a job. And she never give two shits about her son, she just had him to baby trap Jonny so she could be associated with him forever.
Also I think it’s pretty pathetic that the highlight of her life is going to concerts and that she acts like they’re these magical, special moments.
No. 1544399
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No. 1544403
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the skin blurring is unreal, so it’s obvious the nose and lips are altered too as filters do. it’s funny cause we all know she looks like this
>>1543884100% of the time. the levels of copium this girl has to feed herself just to exist every day is tragic.
No. 1544442
>>1544423I love that she essentially dug her own grave with that video.
If she knew he was using and was that bad and still let storm be around him she's legitimately responsible for fentanyl being in storms system as well, even if she wasn't using it at the time she should've known better.
I can't stand her, living at her friends house without storm is so bleak, I hope she has a mental breakdown soon and does something milky.
She's deranged af, just hiding it a bit better lately. When the mask slips I'm sure we'll all be here to enjoy it.
She could easily retaliate like taylor and make a video or just in general share her experience with jonny on instagram, but I think unlike Taylor she's too much of a pussy to actually put that kind of vulnerability out there. Not that I like Taylor she's a POS in her own right, even though she could be talking to him recently she at least "owned up" to the public about the truth, even if lolcow exposed that for her lol. I don't forsee syd telling us all some of her gross, painful/personal details unless she is forced to do that in a court room.
No. 1544499
>>1544475Kek I also suspected this. What a trip that would be.
She seems to get a bit unhinged before a court date. It’s coming up on the 9th I believe so we have a few days until the poo starts flying.
No. 1544575
>>1543884Holy shit his face. He looks like he’s being held hostage
>>1544399She doesn’t know the difference between angels and angles and allowed vs aloud
No. 1544606
File: 1653958085855.jpeg (116.84 KB, 750x938, E6A2923F-F523-426D-A76C-C4067E…)

3 posts later she lost another thousand followers, we love to see it (first ss was taken Friday, the other today)
No. 1544617
File: 1653959786880.jpg (612.87 KB, 3023x2160, sss.JPG)

>>1544437Picrel, censored Storm but you can see the filter (one of Jonny’s favourite) on both. As
>>1544449 said, she deleted the comment. Perhaps because the person wanted to see a picture of baby Sydney?
No. 1544623
>>1544606That's 100 followers
nonny. 13.5k is 13,500 followers. Still a pretty big loss though.
No. 1544625
File: 1653960665480.jpeg (109.32 KB, 827x768, EB160CD3-DD20-4F27-804A-0D448B…)

Her boo. KEK
No. 1544663
File: 1653965481281.jpeg (596.93 KB, 2563x4000, 562080F4-EB33-40E0-85E1-AED14F…)

Caught this on my Facebook feed. This girl lives in Niagara Ontario. He’s also following her on insta
No. 1544719
File: 1653971629746.png (2.81 MB, 750x1334, 3913C1FC-2841-4046-997C-4A7926…)

Looks like a literal child. So glad Jonny will get to be reunited with his daughter soon!
No. 1544720
>>1544663Wait this is some other chick he’s trying to
get with besides layna?
No. 1544777
>>1544663I hope Layna sees this and her ego gets crushed a little bit. Someone else is calling your boo their boo, Layna. How do you feel about that?
I hope she turns out to be super psycho and clingy
No. 1544789
File: 1653978121856.png (4.72 MB, 828x1792, F8DA1CD1-A77A-4D73-A944-BE5386…)

>>1544719This is literally in her story right before that photo you fucking dingus
No. 1544796
File: 1653979500966.jpeg (396.29 KB, 1170x2405, B540155D-54E1-45E1-9956-614398…)

lol covering for layna
No. 1544959
File: 1654008107658.jpeg (110.64 KB, 1170x698, 9B2C9626-BB74-4EDC-9E67-BB5A78…)

>>1544945This is that girls IG who is johnnys “boo thang”
No. 1545003
File: 1654012010368.jpeg (85.06 KB, 1170x641, 8BD34D87-075A-416A-AF04-DDDE12…)

>>1544998He is following her
No. 1545046
>>1545004These women are dating him strictly for clout and are getting what they want.
You just know he talks gangsta during sex and has a serious case of limp dick, so they definitely don’t ‘date’ him for that.
No. 1545151
File: 1654020968827.png (123.57 KB, 750x1334, 30E59A36-C984-4E34-B326-51A1B2…)

She’s Such a psycho. Wishing at 11:11 won’t bring Jonny back. How’s the wedding planning going Syd? Get fucked
No. 1545167
File: 1654021689949.jpeg (449.29 KB, 750x984, 206ECD7E-75AC-4856-855F-7A631A…)

No. 1545187
>>1545167Ew she’s like Shayna but with a smaller nose. Dry lumpy skin, looks 45 but in her mid 20s, crusty and unwashed. Eyebrows too far apart and small.
Idk she’s definitely in goiters league.
No. 1545209
File: 1654024130653.jpg (Spoiler Image,258.44 KB, 1080x1854, Screenshot_20220531-120331_Ins…)

Click at your own discretion, the new hoe jonny is talking to posted this on her public page kek.
It must make layna feel super important to jonny to see stuff like this from like every single woman he follows kek.
No. 1545210
File: 1654024132635.jpg (455.68 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20220531-120536_Ins…)

Junkie inspo
No. 1545211
File: 1654024185015.jpg (128.73 KB, 1072x1651, Screenshot_20220531-120712_Ins…)

She has a sw account
No. 1545212
File: 1654024225171.jpg (100.98 KB, 1080x863, Screenshot_20220531-120632_Ins…)

Dead band boyfriend
No. 1545229
>>1543885Oh Lord, she's actually leaning into the Toxica meme. at least she's becoming self-aware.
Edited to add: in Mexican culture right now, "los toxicos" is kind of a meme, usually used by trashy couples who refer to themselves as
toxic, jealous and crazy as a term of endearment.
You all know the type, it's the equivalent of those couples who post the Joker & Harley Quinn quotes "She was fearless and crazier than him. She was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen", shit like that.
You'll see trucks with stickers on them that say "tengo novia toxica" ["I have a
toxic girlfriend"] and it's supposed to be cute and funny. Which I also hate because it reinforces the "spicy jealous crazy latina" trope, but that's a rant for another time
No. 1545343
nonnie I don’t think any of these weird ass girls are
ok with him showing attention to anyone else like that; I genuinely think in a sick sense they enjoy the competition and ending up being “the one” he picks to be with/interact with. But I always find it hard to fathom that in this day and age where one can easily google an artist like Jonny, and in his case endless negative things about sexual abuse, drug use, abandoned kids, and now potentially OD’ing his own son with fent are on his record and these bitches still want anything to do with them. If it weren’t for the internet I would feel sorry for them, but the fact that they are ALWAYS warned about him and choose to compete for his limp dick fatass is just beyond me. They deserve whatever mess they get into for choosing him over any amount of self-worth for themselves.
No. 1545416
File: 1654036548719.jpeg (232.47 KB, 1284x741, 2992FE4A-F8EE-4696-81C9-8EABB6…)

Second boo thang’s IG post of bf passing. Yikes. Lol
No. 1545447
File: 1654038593992.jpeg (448.13 KB, 1800x2400, 5B522DEE-4F65-4E76-A9EC-A9A0FE…)

>>1545416not that this chick matters, but whoever is harassing her sounds like a sydney. of course the wannabe boo is mixed up in this kind of shit. jonny craig has trash orbiting him 24/7.
No. 1545474
File: 1654040412670.jpg (69.19 KB, 951x1497, Screenshot_20220531-163222_Chr…)

Okay but at this point literally taylor has spilt more personal juicy details about him then you have?
Lol like you've hardly damaged his reputation at all skid hate to break it to you. She has hardly said anything about her relationship, the most she gave as proof was a video of him nodding out and if recall correctly that was leaked somewhere, it wasnt her intention to spread that im sure she wanted it as blackmail against him? Anyways I'm not saying I dont think he abused her I'm sure it went both ways tbqh, but her acting like she's came out all high and mighty against him is hilarious. You've practically been in hiding since the breakup kek.
I can only assume she's just as much of an annoying, mopey, whiny mess irl whos done nothing for actual abuse victims because she's done little to no speaking out about this alleged abuse online. Also her acting like she endured so much and totally didn't also facilitate domestic abuse and her son ending up with fentanyl in his blood.
No. 1545489
File: 1654041774683.jpeg (74.8 KB, 1170x560, 8A4D54B3-A09A-480F-B250-080B6B…)

Looks like Jonny unfollowed her.
No. 1545537
>>15455031000% Guilty. This is his MO. He does shit any then when the girlfriend finds out he stopped following whomever. It’s a mindfuck he plays.also jonny reads here constantly it’s no wonder all this happened.
Layna is just like syd too with her vague stupid posts that no one cares about she removes them once it’s brought up here.
No. 1545623
File: 1654055251063.jpeg (15.29 KB, 460x148, 13D9A31C-2AAC-480A-9D29-5C1745…)

>>1545474Every time she posts her aboose
victim shit all I can think of is this. We Stan a queen who only stands up for abuse
victims when it benefits her personally!
No. 1545676
File: 1654061125082.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1170x2095, 23E979F3-F6FD-4995-B58C-A87460…)

>I’ll be making money while you just straight make shit up
more damage control for Layna
No. 1545838
>>1545693I absolutely fucking hate to defend Jonny in any capacity but he's had a bad reputation for so long now that it's a huge reach to call what he's doing "predation". These women know who he is and are still entertaining his advances, they're no better than Syd in that regard. They're not poor traumatized
victims, they're fully grown adults who make bad fucking choices.
No. 1545981
File: 1654100875136.jpg (606.02 KB, 1080x1420, Screenshot_20220601-092557_Twi…)

Layna, what are you fucking doing? Trainwreck decision.
No. 1545984
File: 1654101068569.jpg (36.44 KB, 750x1334, 284987936_609254086765997_3560…)

Jonny, begging for rent/his son's furnishings money on the internet: I stay on top
Ok Jonny. Sure.
No. 1545989
>>1545981Hey Layna, in case you didn't watch the interview yourself: when Jonny talked about his mistreatment of his partners, he blamed them. He said "Yeah, I was shitty and I was an awful boyfriend, but they knew I was an addict and they knew what they were getting into with me so I don't know why they were acting like they didn't."
When he hurts you, he's going to say the same thing about you. He's the scorpion and you're the frog and when he asks you to carry him across the water, he's going to sting you, and when you ask him why he did what he did, he's going to look you in the eye and tell you that it was in his nature and ask what you expected.
No. 1546056
File: 1654105929143.png (402.88 KB, 750x1334, 3095ED4D-DEB2-4C86-906A-658EE7…)

BBP’s story
No. 1546067
>>1546056is this the same girl from
>>1545489 ??
No. 1546091
>>1546056nothing more “on top” than insulting randos
“on top” of seventh grade
No. 1546121
>>1546101She's not nearly as naive as you make her out to be. Like everyone with the internet, she's surely well aware of his past.
Also it's not like she was so lonely and this was her way out of solitude. She dumped her ex just to get with goiter boy.
TL;DR: She's not naive and deserves what's coming her way.
No. 1546259
File: 1654119081016.jpeg (469.94 KB, 828x1232, 0F11AFEB-707C-4DA8-BF02-52F91B…)

Ewww here we go! That was fast him claiming “it’s mineeee” barf.
No. 1546370
File: 1654124278458.jpeg (124.28 KB, 824x1216, DF15716F-8C14-4FB6-9ABB-7D287B…)

Wtf is going on here!
No. 1546441
>>1546414Doesn’t matter if she’s cuter than Syd. Literally everyone is cuter than Syd. She’s still a fucking dipshit dressing like a Japanese school girl trying to take Blimpie’s useless dick from soft to slightly less soft. She’s still abandoning her cat for a month to chase an
abusive junkie, still filthy (she always has food/sauce splashed on her computer monitor, bed sheets pulled up to expose the mattress behind her… she ain’t shit.
No. 1546473
File: 1654130749070.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1284x1970, F8702832-A831-43F5-903C-432A9A…)

I do love how he smears his shit into any possible male interactions with her. It’s almost like he’s taking lessons from Syd at this point. May 6 I know it’s not super recent but still. So fragile.
No. 1546486
>>1546445>>1546476Idk guys. Obviously I want to believe
victims but there is a lot of red flags and contradictions in her story. And Tilian posted a response with pictures of their texts and after the alleged assault and all the stuff that he supposedly did, she is sending him nudes, calling him daddy, and even flies all the way to Cleveland to see him again while on tour. When he breaks up with her via text, she responds with “well, if you ever are in Sac and need someone to come spit in your mouth I got you daddy” so I just don’t see how someone who was abused and assaulted would talk to her abuser like that? And then also try to hang out with him after he gives her the out. Maybe he has done stuff to others but I don’t think I believe this particular girl. Anyway I’ll stop derailing the thread now!
No. 1546513
>>1546473>>1546493>>1546482You guys just gave me a tinfoil.
He called this chick
>>1544663 the same night Layna was with her friends at a lake, some of them male
>>1544789 he also seemed to be angry with her while she was at the lake, skimming the thread I can’t find his story now but some vague bullshit ending in “fuck you”. Might not have been directed at her though.
I wonder if he was so paranoid about Layna cheating he hit up a bunch of girls to save his little ego. How insanely pathetic. Too used to SydSoFriendless.
No. 1546540
>>1546518Since when does she clean his house? God you guys are retarded. She put on some cringey cosplay maid outfit to appease weird gamer boys into sending her money via twitch. I agree with the above anon and genuinely don’t think she’s posting that shit for JC. We’ll know she’s looking for goiters attention when she starts posting things like this
>>1545209 or like the attempts from Taylor to be an insta-thot.
Side note: It’s hard to know what happens when she visits because they seem to go a bit quiet.
No. 1546578
>>1546512lol at gamer and full blown streamer comment.
are you high? she started streaming a few months ago and probably doesn’t even make enough to reach the $100 minimum for twitch payout every month. she gets like 6-9 viewers on average, and since she became jonny’s chosen cum dumpster she’s been doing it way less. not to mention leaving for a month is gonna make her growth go backwards for sure. you talk about it like she has a whole ass career when all she does is twirl her hair and play valorant with one of the lowest viewerships in the category. gamer my ass. just a fucking kid with no other prospects that seem cool or interesting and plenty of time to fuck around.
No. 1546589
>>1546486How is this girl that much different than Jonny’s supposed
victims then? They all went back to him like this too
No. 1546656
File: 1654143472089.jpeg (61.79 KB, 1170x197, 94A26623-EF05-48C5-8D25-4ED8A9…)

Left on her recent instagram photo. He’s making a joke out of it.
No. 1546699
>>1546650Nayrt but as a girl who has been streaming on twitch for years, 6-9 viewers is not hard within a few months of starting, as long as you’re a cute girl. It’s pretty typical for guys to orbit around low viewer count girls specifically because it’s guaranteed female interaction (cute girls get stuck talking to fat dudes living in their mom’s basement for months) but they leave once they feel like it’s too crowded, so that initial growth definitely plateaus below 10-15 for a long time.
It’s a lot more difficult for dudes to grow, so yeah, it is surprising when they get above 10 viewers within the first year or two even.
No. 1546730
File: 1654151405119.jpeg (384.52 KB, 1170x1311, 0FCD11DB-9D79-4731-9C9C-9D63A6…)

>>1546212I will probably get a ban for a blogpost, and for derail, but I know a lot of DGD fans read here so whatever.
I knew Mikaela for many years online, and to put it simply: she’s insane.
She used to roam the fields of Deja Entinder which was an old group for Brand New fans.
She was always causing drama, and it was always a sob fest with her. She would make up rumors about someone stalking her, beg people for money, rinse & repeat.
There are videos that are circulating on Reddit of her whipping her ex and throwing an air fryer at him.
She also allegedly accused Travis, and has made a few comments about coming for “Jon” when she got her three seconds of fame for starting the vigil for Tim.
If you go to her twitter, you can see her tweeting DGD lyrics after the allegations.
She is an attention whore, and we shouldn’t give her any credit.
She also wrote to someone “I hope you get picked next” implying they should also be raped by Tillian.
No. 1547207
File: 1654194217962.png (626.33 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220602-142319.png)

She's such a bitch kek
No. 1547211
File: 1654194313609.png (548.57 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220602-142434.png)

Here's the full story, I wanted to post a zoomed in pic first so the text was more legible
No. 1547309
File: 1654201191974.jpg (136.64 KB, 1170x2080, 285413437_152960073939677_4168…)

Does she… think she's kind? Syd England? The bpd werewolf?
No. 1547370
File: 1654205729574.jpg (617.61 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220602-143036_Chr…)

Jonny Craig and bringing addictions to the airport. Old habits die hard, don't they?
No. 1547371
File: 1654205847359.jpg (220 KB, 1080x1128, Screenshot_20220602-143308_Ins…)

They're both pussies for hiding behind locked comment sections but also, barf.
No. 1547432
File: 1654209701432.jpeg (162.64 KB, 1242x1452, received_3239218333065359.jpeg)

Reminds me of someone lol
No. 1547650
File: 1654227836538.webm (177.1 KB, 480x854, someone pretending to be good …)
>>1547207>>1547211I’m sure you know all about pretenders.
No. 1547693
File: 1654234481540.jpeg (649.55 KB, 750x1067, 6E7039A9-D23F-4EFA-A890-500E7A…)

Layna seems to be unarchiving old unflattering pictures. Look her flat her ass is, she doesn’t even have one she just has a long back
No. 1547860
>>1547693Eugenia Cooney core
>>1547370Is he just vaping in the restroom? Those bad boys are loaded with smoke detectors. This man is retarded
No. 1548010
File: 1654270051093.png (100.86 KB, 570x901, FireShot Capture 003 - Faceboo…)

>>1544663She popped up on facebook today on a call out post for a pedo in ontario.
No. 1548265
File: 1654287505579.webm (6.34 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20220603-1111…)
His voice sounds thrashed. If that's what he sounds like from rehearsals for three very small shows, that's pretty sad.
No. 1548412
File: 1654299282858.jpg (135.09 KB, 968x1270, Screenshot_20220603-163025_Ins…)

This is Jonnys repsone to Dance Gavin Dance's post about Tilian stepping down. Like they would throw out a man with 2 allegatiojs to pick up Jonny with multiple rape allegations, physical abuse, thievery, and current court case. Dream big
No. 1548615
File: 1654320966412.jpg (338.71 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220603-223542_Gal…)

No. 1548791
>>1548685Yeah definitely
nonnie, good for him. Do you know where you are?
Really telling that being the center of attention for an audience of 30 brings him to tears but his child nearly dying because of his addiction is no biggie.
No. 1548796
File: 1654347706750.jpg (133.08 KB, 1080x1920, 1654347590679.jpg)

At this point I'm just waiting for Syd to start claiming she's autistic too and that music helps her stim kek
No. 1548900
File: 1654357016657.jpg (1.11 MB, 2048x2048, Ig.jpg)

>>1548412Comment replies to Jonny's DBM3 comment.
No. 1549038
File: 1654364592882.jpeg (551.32 KB, 750x1334, 1884EAAB-52FA-4A3B-B3CA-AE0A82…)

No. 1549059
File: 1654367179638.jpg (90.42 KB, 967x1035, FB_IMG_1654366925096.jpg)

No. 1549076
>>1549038come home? he doesnt have a house; does he think people is stupid aa he is? everybody knows how hard is to get a child back even if you sober up, you have to work a lot to prove youre gonna provide him and take care of him.
im tired of this ugly delusional fuck, i hope he rot and choke on his own crap.
No. 1549480
File: 1654390182864.png (12.13 MB, 1284x2778, 713051C5-F2D9-4FB0-B2C6-155B1C…)

imagine being cursed with this on your body permanently wtf is up with the eyes
No. 1549519
>>1549445I’m the anon you’re replying to, and I hear ya but I still don’t think it will take that much time. He’s in the thick of it right now, he did the rehab thing and the supervised visits thing. The next step is custody reclamation. And the person above is also right, Syd hasn’t done shit but lay on her ass in the sun and use what little money she has to go to shows and fangirl. Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve never seen her post anything about a cool toy she bought for Storm, or… anything. Either of them actually. Syd’s got cash for trashy eyelashes and Jonny gets his little manicures but what do they contribute to their child? Still. Court’s choice looks pretty clear here. Like we all know he isn’t “working” but he does have legitimate income.
It’s so layered though. I mean enter Layna, or Layla or whatever her name is. It’s one thing to be like omg your bb is so cutes. Another thing to commit to someone and help RAISE the kid. She seems useless. And even if he gets Storm back the reality check is going to be heavy. I don’t know if he can do it. I assume he can’t. I have ten thousand kids and it’s fucking hard haha. Hopefully he can help make a decent life for ONE, especially after nearly killing the poor thing.
Sorry, blog.
No. 1549545
File: 1654394021140.png (1.57 MB, 750x1334, 5AE6E93A-8E3C-4F1B-8C07-3F7717…)

>>1549540He literally just followed this fan he met and she’s pretty cute I looked thru her profile. He’s back to following attractive fans he meets at shows. Oh Jonny, please never change.
No. 1549684
File: 1654405487847.jpeg (414.88 KB, 1242x1362, 9CAF5556-6A31-4A04-9361-0E2520…)

>>1548900Here is something I found in a Twitter thread (1/3)
No. 1549699
File: 1654406372736.jpeg (828.58 KB, 1242x1520, 6D12652F-4263-4F4A-9794-C641B4…)

Right, every girl is THE one just like how DGD would consider for half a second to take him back. Kek.
No. 1549702
>>1549480They really captured his goiter kek
>>1549636Syd blabbed to friends and they came here. More than one person confirmed that storm was unconscious. They don’t just test a baby’s blood because they’re curious. There was a reason they tested him. I’m sure it doesn’t take much for a 10mo old to OD. And considering there’s been a few cases of babies in California dying from their parent’s fentanyl, and he has a history of drug abuse and DV, I don’t see him getting custody. And it’s likely grandma may fight for sole custody if she wants to.
No. 1549741
File: 1654412736693.jpeg (448.98 KB, 750x901, EE5E3035-17B0-4F5F-987B-595DC3…)

>>1549699Here’s her onlyfans. Hahaha Layna could NEVER
No. 1549744
File: 1654412871322.jpeg (702.38 KB, 750x1234, 7E1029FF-E1F3-4C6A-ADD6-BF8912…)

Here’s her ig too. Way too attractive for BBP. So he settled for someone who looks like a literal child
No. 1549784
>>1549780anon she took the screenshot in Jan as you can see here
>>1549699it looks like she's just posting it for attention now cause of the recent DGD drama
No. 1549815
File: 1654420851910.jpeg (28.11 KB, 400x400, D8E2151E-ACA0-4824-8F95-3274C8…)

>>1549744way to attractive for BBP
No. 1549934
File: 1654437502221.jpg (105.17 KB, 1170x2080, 285899611_425747929396748_6470…)

No. 1549957
>>1549934Of course BPD Syd would liken the Cold Shoulder as abuse. Of course.
"Storm I moved 2 and a half hours away with the man who smoked Fent around you because I was trapped in an
abusive relationship!! He'd ignore me sometimes!!"
Get fucked. You're both worse than deadbeat parents.
No. 1550029
File: 1654445458500.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1284x1246, 36AB8EF0-880D-47D7-A48A-0089AD…)

imagine paying to see someone who needs an iPad to sing their own songs
No. 1550213
File: 1654458058938.jpeg (228.8 KB, 827x1399, 29939FB9-ABF7-4D13-BE41-5E0178…)

Guess who’s seeing her boo tomorrow (or is it someone else’s boo?)
No. 1550615
File: 1654485658109.jpeg (424.26 KB, 828x1094, 02ACF429-D872-406D-9417-BF2362…)

>>1546466No you’re right nonna they are her.
No. 1550630
nonnie, home girl is definitely there for his good looks and amazing personality.
No. 1550696
>>1550615Why would you go through the set up of streaming or camming and not have a ring light or at least turn the gd lights on? I think she’s decently pretty but without lighting she looks so much like Sydney and is limiting potential that other people pointed out.
What happened to him “helping Taylor out of the mess he got her into” btw?
No. 1551091
File: 1654536314126.jpeg (148.47 KB, 1078x1078, 7928F76D-84C5-464A-89AF-66723E…)

how I imagine goiter boy and his conquests
No. 1551367
>>1550840My guess is that he fried quite a few cells through his alcohol and drug abuse. Alcohol abuse is notoriously bad for memory and cognition.
There was a time when he could do shows without reading, but I think that neurological ship has sailed.
No. 1551996
>>1551367Imagine paying for tickets to see karaoke from a shell of a performer who gets his own kid high, absolutely bleak.
Also, BBP doesnt know how to reply yet?thought hed figure it out kek
No. 1552223
File: 1654620859837.jpeg (377.69 KB, 750x1081, B1A20700-E818-4137-BBD5-AE413D…)

No. 1552313
File: 1654625643485.jpg (247.23 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220607-111400_Vid…)

>>1552267This was all she left up.
No. 1552632
File: 1654646821128.jpeg (76.1 KB, 1576x398, B2AFFFDC-407D-4EDA-A9D4-151B56…)

>>1552591Sorry for shitty screenshot but it’s confirmed. Does anyone have the number and access code to call in? It’s in a different department this time
No. 1552659
File: 1654650057184.png (4.03 MB, 828x1792, 64B516C7-E9AD-4D9F-8FDD-B3D1E9…)

Layna there just in time to see goiters jail sentence.
No. 1552692
>>1552659Tf why isn’t a grown man flying to her so she doesn’t have to leave her own cat, new job, or safety, girl ask those fucking questions.
Is she going to watch him deal with court shit coming up? What could he possibly be saying to make her ignore the emergency level red flags around that and his potential travel restrictions? Someone came here to seriously defend that this man can even read, and how does she not feel guilty that any money he spends on her should be going to the kid he almost killed? She obviously has problems but sorry she would be cute if she took out her piercings and changed her hair, she really could get so much better and I’m actually sad she doesn’t understand the real risk she’s taking for nothing good in her life.
No. 1552733
>>1552632Just an observation, but it appears this is a plea hearing so they would either be pleading guilty/not guilty which normally takes place right before trial (if needed).
Assuming if this is indeed the case and it’s just the plea hearing than I bet it will be very quick as they are both convinced they’re not guilty.
No. 1552796
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yeah, you’re right syd. the new you is unemployed, unmedicated, and has a biological child that you’re not allowed to see without supervision… big come ups.
No. 1552842
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If jc gets any amount of custody at all this kid is going to be fucked. This bitch is buying herself a leash while also trying to become a step-mother? What a fucking joke.
No. 1553323
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Oh was the fentanyl video that you messaged someone how you quietly handled Jonny while he mistreated you, Syd?
No. 1553481
>>1553471Also if he got any visitation in his apartment the CPS department would make her go through background checks before they would
let a child come in. Plus all the druggies like his fanboy Uber driver other half of the rent “best friend” has got to be a bad look.
No. 1553533
>>1553149I get it, it’s just been stated multiple times. Different states have different laws about recording and consent. Expectation of privacy etc etc.
Technically the court is a public setting and you can go there just as a rando off the street and listen in(family court is different but this is not that). As far as them allowing you to record- they would say no. Which is why you have to pay for transcripts and stuff.
No. 1553658
>>1552842Uh something tells me that’s one of the cheap gifts from Amazon she said Jonny got her and she’s making up a story so she can post it publicly and not get made fun of.
That’s not a pet store collar and it’s a cheap fetish one, really doubt they went out to a sex toy shop to pay more for that than they would on amazon considering they’re both broke and it’s clear neither of them value quality
No. 1553703
>>1552801Once I’m able to log in, I’ll post everything. I might have to make a whole new account bc I don’t think I set up a real email which was stupid but yeah. I can’t believe but I also CAN believe Jonny would do something like that to Storm but I’m just happy he’s away from him and lost custody for the time being. I’m doing really well with my recovery, I just hit a year sober last month <3
I know some people here hate me but I do respect the dedication to documenting everything. I’m going to read the rules to make sure I’m not breaking anything.
No. 1553711
>>1553703anons will always be rabid, some of them have chased away milk too.
also, put sage in the email field luv
No. 1553728
>>1553658If she got there two days ago ( says flying out tomorrow 3days ago
>>1550213 )
that means she was in California when she “bought” it, so he was most likely with her and it’s entirely plausible he bought it. Or you’re right and this whole story is just made up to hide the fact her bf who’s 10 years older than her bought her a leash as a welcome back gift.
No. 1553886
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Alright anons how long till Jonny complains he has no money? Assuming these were her gifts, for going there.
No. 1554179
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Vienna sausages
No. 1554181
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Run Meg
No. 1554182
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No. 1554184
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Jonny's girlfriend, the night before his next court date:
No. 1554199
>>1553703Why do you have to log in to post something? Or is she talking about twitter…
And LOL at her saying this is her first time posting on lolcow
No. 1554656
I came back into the call, you guys are probably right that first one wasn't his case so disregard me jumping the gun upthread
>>1554563Hopefully some anon can decipher any of this, it's my day off so I'm just gonna keep casually listening to these strangers court cases kek
No. 1555005
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Jonny isn't crowing about how great his lawyer is today so apparently his charges aren't gEtTiNg DiSmIsSeD. More junkie inspo though.
No. 1555007
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Syd told someone else to come take her cheating junkie man but now she was "discarded"
No. 1555009
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No. 1555570
File: 1654840397092.gif (449.33 KB, 356x200, 5ACC119E-F6A1-486B-9FB7-3B241A…)

>nonnies itt
Kek some of you need to touch grass and chill tf out
No. 1555960
>>1555868The most lukewarm comeback as loosely understood by elder millennial. AKA a Jonny ex.
Nitpick but Jonny and his uwu, cat-girl, maid cafe gf just now finally discovered Berserk lmao. Get your chorizo fingers off Miura’s work Fatty Craig. They aren’t even good at being shut-ins.
No. 1556030
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>>1555960Talking about shut ins. Why does she always post such stupid low grade thoughts and then responds to her own posts. She’s pathetic. Jonny must be ignoring her for her to sit there and post mind numbing sentences.
No. 1556650
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Jonny. Dry heave.
No. 1556653
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This man has about five dollars and twenty six cents left to his name but I'm sure he's very excited that you're so impressed by a fake Louis, Layna.
No. 1556662
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Saged for shitpost but I laughed.
“Only 5 tickets left DM me”
“Big things coming!”
No. 1556667
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No. 1556676
File: 1654909221111.webm (388.62 KB, 480x854, @mirrorlaketx.webm)
No matter how innocuous whatever it is she’s doing, she set off all my “run, don’t walk” sensors.
No. 1556677
File: 1654909311671.webm (183.1 KB, 480x854, Tóxica.webm)
>>1556667I think she shouldn’t be wearing anything labelled as “
toxic”, even if it’s band related.
No. 1556759
File: 1654915211444.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 72982E50-EF4C-4FC6-8592-96CBC2…)

Has Jonny even been into manga before dating Layna? People can say what they want about the women he dates conforming to him but he definitely is a shell of a person enough to do that shit too
No. 1556790
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Ok this is disgusting. She posted yet another same pose selfie and put a smiley face on the cum spot in the sheet.
No. 1556913
>>1556657>I imagine them all as Lego peopleKEK nona
>>1556885>zooming in on sheets Skidmark energy
No. 1556992
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No. 1557291
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No. 1557293
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No. 1557296
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No. 1557298
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No. 1557299
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No. 1557399
>>1557291Imagine buying some random new bitch nikes and a lv purse, but still needing your roommate to transport you to go see you own child because you don't own a car.
Flex on em boy.
No. 1557415
>>1557399Exactly what I was thinking (probably everyone else). That Dillon guy is so far up jc butthole it’s not even funny. Remember that guy in LA he lived with, with the girlfriend and kid? He was his best friend too. He drove him everywhere and paid most of the rent. Goiter is so predictable. All these dudes are his new best friend when they prove they will do anything for him.
Wonder what Dillon and layna do while he visits his kid.
No. 1557938
>>1557889That was my thought, oh your PERFECT fucking voice? The same one that was completely shot after three days haha. Ok boi. What a joke.
Petty but can he stop with the little blonde baby bangs? Style your hair back dude you look like a cute little chonky lesbian. Don’t have bangs man. It’s not working. Christ.
No. 1558013
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>>1558004Kek nonita’s boyfriend probably also looks like simple Jack and is projecting
No. 1558135
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Let’s be honest she literally looks like Sydney’s sheltered little sister.
No. 1558136
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Lookin like Flat Stanley
No. 1558154
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Expectation vs reality
No. 1558262
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meanwhile, sydney finally embraced the fact that she is a middle aged woman by showing off this frumpy little swimming skirt from target while at the pool yesterday. i’ve only seen old and or fat insecure people wear shit like this. yikes. i would never.
No. 1558625
>>1558262This is not a good look for a gnome. Somehow she made herself look even more stumpy. Kind of impressive actually
>>1558154She’s a fairly average looking girl but she’s clearly fifty shades of fucked up or she wouldn’t h