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No. 1997751
Hiiii guyyyys! Chantal Sarault / Chantal Al-Refae aka Foodie Beauty was once upon a time known as the "Canadian Amberlyn Reid", once the good half to fellow fattie, being a certified BPDchan Chantal has had a pretty tumultuous downward spiral over the past decade. There's a lot of chantal lore, but I'll only be recapping all the post-nader era shenanigans otherwise known as the "Kuwait Arc".
>Sometime around October 2022 our bald queen Foodie would decided to finally put an end to wearing cheap amazon wigs, opting instead for a hijab to and I quote "Try to adopt different values"
>cue the amy ramadan comparisons (yes, foodie somehow managed to wear an outfit similar to everyone's favorite child abuser)
>In true bpd fashion this sudden religious flip would be solely for Foodie's latest hunt for another Nader rebound named 'Salah'
>In her quest for middle eastern dick Foodie would begin to private and delete videos of her sordid past, onlyfans content, community posts and even claim she'd quit livestreaming in an attempt to impress her visa hunting husbando with her newfound "modesty (keep in mind she's only known Salah for about a week at this point)
>Foodie plans to leave the evils of the western world, and her bankruptcies, behind to meet her one true love in kuwait and prove to all the barren haters that he isn't just some scammer taking her for a ride (yes, we're still in october)
>Peetz, resident cuck and troon living with foodie, would also be saddled with the unpaid rent of the villa as Foodie would be fucking off to Kuwait in the coming weeks and presumably never be coming back
>On November 1st 2022 Kuwait Arc officially begins; no one from her family seems to actually want any part of Foodie's shenanigans leaving her to bus it to the airport alone
>On November 6th 2022 King and Queen Beezer Foodie and Salah are "married" with a twitter post showing off their ill-fitting rings; Plebbitors seethe enmasse at the sight of Foodie's newfound happiness
>But this happiness is short lived as it becomes incredibly clear that Salah is another abusive (he has been noted to kick her on stream when Chantal says something he- I mean Allah, would not approve of) stereotypical middle eastern man that Chantal has nothing in common with>In February 2023 there's minor drama with Foodie wanting to euthanize her neglected elderly cat BBJ instead of bringing her to Kuwait, eventually after public backlash becomes too much for Chantal, she would give BBJ away to a woman by the name of Amy who would omit the fact that she is infact the sister in-law of Foodie's archnemesis and youtube reactor FFG
>The next few months of 2023 would be filled with boring vlogs and the occasional visa hops that Chantal would vehemently deny and claim that she is both legally married and has a marriage visa, chantal has yet to provide proof to either of these claims with much speculation behind her current visa status and anticipation for when she eventually is denied entry because of said visa hopping
>Fastforwarding to December of 2023 during her latest visa hop, that she'd claim was her coming back to focus on her health, milkmas would come a bit late for everyone's favorite fattie as Salah would be revealed to have been sexting a clout chasing troll by the name of Kaibella
>These messages would reveal that Salah is somehow an even bigger degenerate than Nader from fantasizing about women shitting and pissing on him to even woofing on command in a voice message
>Naturally, we got a (now deleted) ragestream from Foodie titled "I HATE MEN IM DONE" where foodie would enter hysterics within her Kia in the comforts of the Canadian cold
>“I hate you, I don’t fucking know you! My husband fell for it. I hate cheaters! I hate my fucking self when I cheated and I hate you. I’m done. I’m auctioning off my wedding ring!”
>A few hours later Chantal would release a 10 minute video forgiving visa kun for his indiscretions because Foodie would rather push Peetz into oncoming traffic than be single.
>Within the week, Chantal would be flying back to Kuwait to be with her true love only to her absolute delight that Salah'd rearranged all the furniture in their home and even bought new furniture Chantal would obviously not fit in
>Fast-forward to now (May 2024), Chantal releases a fairly entertaining video of her flailing in a dirty pool in Kuwait
>She later releases an audio only video with her infamous "Low BMI" voice bemoaning her health and vaguely claiming things are bad while listing off symptoms but not stating exactly what's wrong with her, many speculations were had that this is the beginning of the "Bed Bound Arc"
>We get a follow up video where she sounds like her usual self with occasional coughing but it's mostly rambling about the medications she's been taking and pain she's experiencingSocials: Beauty No. 1997763
>>1997755Speaking honestly? I'm just tired of the current state of /snow/ and /pt/, just trying to do my part and see some change by contributing a thread, even though I know it's not the most precise and comprehensive thread since I missed that and skimmed over things like the cornwall rage stream that she had. Chantal is one of those slow burning cows where "things happen" but, it's mostly small blow ups and the like that builds up into one big rage eventually nowadays unlike pre-nader era.
>>1997756I was hesitant to log her past exploits just because they're old news at this point and there's plenty of places like reddit, youtube, and kiwifarms where that info's pretty accessible and available, I mainly kept it to the kuwait arc because it was the most recent and relevant to her exploits imo but I don't mind if this thread acts more like an archive of her past exploits since I know nowadays it's a slog and a bore even if I'm holding out hope for either a ragestream or fight with Salah that has her go back to Canada for the umpteenth time.
No. 1999691
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Saged as I’m unsure is this is necessarily relevant for the thread but are farmer interested in following Nader Elshamy and making this a Chantal ft. Nader thread? He seems to be pretty milky and Chantal sometimes comments about whatever he’s into
Various Milk I found
>Serial domestic abuser>Chantal’s ex>Allegations of killing an ex by stabbing her>Currently with a woman named DeeDee>Talentless Junkie>Suspected to have Committed Charity fraud >Him and DeeDee are known to copyright videos sometimes with less than 500 views from channels with less than 1K subscribers Not sure if he’s something the thread is interested in following and I’m a bit out of date with what he’s up to, if not maybe he could get his own thread?
>>1999640Gives me “Amberlynn doing weigh-ins” vibes
No. 1999708
>>1999691the only time Nader's been "relevant" in relation to the current Kuwait arc is when he'd been slapfighting with Salah over something really stupid (ngl I forgot what it was even about). The only thing "milky" related to Nader atm is just whatever legal woes he's still caught up in.
>>1999699This. Foodie will rarely give mention to either DeeDee or Nader nowadays, Nader has been relegated to "my
abusive ex" and has pretty much become her scapegoat whenever she has to respond to criticism over her relationship with Salah. Deedee only ever gets mentioned nowadays when she's absolutely
pissed and can't vent her anger at [insert reactor here].
No. 1999730
>>1999691he did stab his ex and her cousin, but they weren’t killed; the ex died later in unrelated circumstances
he went to jail for eight months for the stabby stab
he’s irrelevant now, barely gets 100 views on his demonetized YouTube
No. 2001043
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>>1999640(taken from her latest yukbang vid) This bitch, I swear. Just determined to talk herself into an early grave.
No. 2006539
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>>1999691Saw that the main Nader Elshamy channel as well as his Naddy Daddy channel was terminated recently, probably the end for now unless he’s already made a resurgence, I’m admittedly a little behind on his lore
Also to keep it relevant to the main cow here’s her snark subreddit FoodieCutie, some interesting milk on there like Salah trying to call her fat passively kek
Main Subreddit: Source: No. 2008984
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>>2006539I think he's using DDs channel now, not sure tho since I try to avoid looking at him
Here's Foodie trying to gaslight her audience not realizing how video recording works