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No. 2086115

This thread is for discussions and jokes surrounding those who LARP as some variety of "Queer" despite being only attracted to the opposite sex. Although most are in Hetero relationships, some may be on the "ace-spectrum" and/or polyamorous. They may discriminate against those who are same sex attracted by being uninterested in their issues, revising their history and exploiting them for personal profit. Women in particular may be incredibly rude to even libfems, let alone terf boogeywomen, because she prioritizes her Nigel above all. Men in particular are only in it for sex, so he hits on lesbians if he is ever actually in a local LGBT community and drops the Queer act when it no longer is in his benefit. Consider this a vent thread as much as it is a meme thread.
This thread is not for Homophobe-chans.

Since there is already MTF and FTM threads, this thread will focus more on the LGB community as a whole and topics that don't really fall under the Trans threads. Please also take note that this is not a Bisexual hate thread and posting about those under 18 is not encouraged, though is allowed is exceptional enough.

Topics of discussion:
-History revisionism
-Alphabet soup getting longer
-Celebs and cows pride-drama
-Spicy Straights
-Comphet and other popular "queer" trends
-Ace Discourse sightings
-Bi/Pan Discourse sightings
-"Bi-Lesbians" Discourse sightings
-Homophobia from "Queers"/Spicy Straights
-Personal experiences with these sort of people
-Lesbians Until Graduation

For rainbow consoomerism and friends, see:
Pride Month Thread >>>/ot/1924412

Previous thread:
Queers and Spicy Straights General #1: Yes, This is a Queer Family >>>/snow/1581780
#2: Yes, Heterosexuality is My Kink >>>/snow/1812525

No. 2086119

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great thread pic, nona kek

No. 2086198

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>lesbian flag
>lesbian symbol
okay kek

No. 2086233

Lately all “lesbians” on X solely talk about dick , cum and impregnation. I rarely see pussy talk kek.

No. 2086234

why would an actual lesbian be on Elon’s cringe farm? it’s probably all roleplaying coomers and pickme girls

No. 2086320

None of these women would be caught dead identifying as lesbians 15-20 years ago, if anything they might be the type who'd bully you in high school and act creeped out as if you were attracted to them. Being bi but showing legit interest in other women was also unthinkable and gross, funny how all that basically stayed the same despite the T movement

No. 2086348

God, this. It's frustrating as hell. I grew up with the fake bi trend in highschool and being honest with peers and fake friends who then acted like I was a predator or must be a creep attracted to them when I came out to them, only to now be called a "puritain straight christian" by the most fake "queer" tifs alive if I so much as suggest I don't like men much or their yaoi ships or husbandos or fantasies that sound like a straight man's ideal sex scenario. I am called homophobic for being actually attracted to women and not obsessing over moids.

And in fact I blame the T movement. They have eroded the meaning of lesbian to include "girl cock" and fantasize about corrective rape(sage your shit)

No. 2086355

>acted like I was a predator or must be a creep attracted to them when I came out to them

I never understood this. Of all people why would they think lesbians would be predators?

No. 2086360

Because they project moid insanity onto lesbians and assume we have the same type of sex drive and aggression. They don’t get that we’re still women and experience the world as women.

No. 2086361

For some reason a lot of normie straight women see all lesbians as predators but they are the biggest pickmes.

No. 2086380

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dying at how recent her lesbian tattoo is compared to the rest. bet she jumped on the bandwagon when her nigel trooned out

No. 2086382

They treat you like shit even if they think you're a lesbian. I distinctly remember one girl treating me like some kind of leper when I was a teenager because she thought I was gay and into her (neither of which were true). She's the exact kind of person who idemtifies as "pansexual" or "lesbian" now.(blogging)

No. 2086407

KEKKKK great catch, that's so fucking funny. Female chasers desperate to appropriate the lesbian label are as cringe as troons themselves.

No. 2086414

You do realize it’s nothing more than a social media app… Right? I don’t use X because the lesbian community is full of fakebians but this is a crazy take kek

No. 2086942

straight and maybe most bi women internalised the victim blaming so hard and want (are trained to) to absolve predatory men of responsibility so badly they unconsciously believe attraction to women itself is intrinsically rapey. This is why they think it's okay to be "convinced" into being with a man or have a poor understanding of sexual assault by coercion. They think this is just a part of heterosexual attraction they have to expect if they ever want a moid of their own. But lesbians' attraction to women is not acceptable because it is not a means to heterosexual relations.

No. 2087026

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But why would you subject yourself to the sight of an ugly moid and not just watch lesbian porn?

No. 2087029

Autoandrophilia (but I don't believe this person is a lesbian anyway)

No. 2087036

Lol, I'm straight but back when I watched porn I would also self-insert into the dude because I like the thought of the guy feeling turned on.(blogging)

No. 2087105

My girlfriend jokes about me knocking her up every time we use the strap, I think it's just a joke and I fail to see how two women having sex counts as "spicy-straight"(blogging)

No. 2087118

it's also pretty weird to equate a woman's attraction to being rapey in general, kind of like they're implying women should all be puritanical and not be interested in sex. it's funny how they go full circle like that.

No. 2087180

>hey guys did you know I have sex

No. 2087191

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op of this post is a ftm named pippin(wrong thread)

No. 2087192

Anyone who uses "spouse" on Tumblr is a raging obese tiffany

No. 2088049


why the fuck do they always pick names like eve or lilith etc. they think their autistic social incompetence comes across as ethereal or some shit. kinda feel bad for the tif but she's clearly brainwashed so

No. 2088251

they always pick mithology names like Eve, Lilith, Luna, Selene, Freya, Artemis etc because they want to be worshipped or being seen as something bigger and at the same time, take out something from women. They love the idea of naming themselves after powerful women or deities associated with them and symbolism to prove they can do it better, it's an imaginary competition when in reality it's troon-on-troon race about who wears the mask better but that creates a horrible stereotypical effect where you can clock them by the name alone kek, they put themselves in a new box, you don't see them naming themselves Kayleigh, Taylor, Ashley, Madison etc and for people who desperately want to be seen as normal people and blend it they surely do a shit job at it.(wrong thread)

No. 2088378

Bruce choosing Caitlin as his name somehow makes him the most normal tranny because this is so true.

No. 2089630

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Totally normal.
Having sex with a TIM sounds like a nightmare fuel.(wrong thread)

No. 2089654

> Lilith, Luna, Selene, Freya, Artemis
Nah, they pick those names because female pornstars are always called those names, and all dysphoriafags are porn addicts.

Lilith, Luna, Selene, Freya, Artemis, all conjure up the image of a green haired tattooed alt girl from Portland who sells pictures of her asshole for 5 dollars on reddit.(wrong thread)

No. 2089700

lol I do this(no1currs)

No. 2090160

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>hetero oriented aroace
I love randomly clicking on the profiles of people commenting under bl shows and then finding shit like this.

No. 2090389

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I know troons aren't allowed itt, but the added layer of a DID persona borne out of larping got a chuckle out of me, especially this bit
>mostly gay, but I could maybe potentially date a woman so long as we didn't have sex
said the straight woman, kek. Ah but no, she's actually demisexual and graysexual, my bad.

No. 2090466


No. 2090509

Not even, she's born in 1987.

Also, I think she's committed to the bit that it's not her that's married, but her malesona, cause she goes into so much stupid detail in her profile without even so much as an allusion to him. Yet she does say this
>There’s probably only one person I would sleep with, and she’s not on this site anymore.
Trying absolutely anything to just not say she's straight.

No. 2090766

So she's actually 37 (or 38, if her birthday is in January or February)? And pretending to be 16 online? Her hard drive needs to be seized, kek

No. 2092920

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No. 2092988

>muh husband
Ofc she's straight-married.

No. 2093009

Every time kek. Their husbands take out the trash once so the relationship is queer or whatever.

No. 2093010

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>people calling out spicy straight rhetoric
the world is healing

No. 2093017

Thank god, I fucking hated seeing this "joke", calling men lesbians makes me want to alog.

No. 2093022

this is gonna give me an aneurysm from trying to follow this olympics-tier mental gymnastics routine
it's one thing to say 'i'm attracted to beautiful men, that says something about me and my preferences and my identity as a straight person or a grubby fujoshi or whatever', it is entirely another thing to infer 'i'm attracted to beautiful men, but it is not I who am straight, no, it is the qualities of beauty, shaking ass, or wearing a dress which makes him a non-man and therefore i am still safely Queer when i suck his dick and not one of those nasty heteros'
like if one day he came out and was like 'actually caitlyn i still do identify as a man' would she just instantly dump him even if he still participated in ass-shaking and dress-wearing for funsies? in that case this deep queer non-heteronormative love sounds shallow as fuck.

No. 2093215

Sometimes I wonder if we'd see less of this stuff if there were more positivity posts saying bullshit like "friendly reminder that it's okay to be straight" but I refuse to ever say something like that unironically or handhold any of these tryhard women through their OSA. Sorry Hetty Betty but you're on your own with this colossal cope

No. 2093291

>calling your husband a butch lesbian
>massive Adam’s apple
>cromagnon brow
Disturbing shit kek

No. 2093409

Im straight and I will never understand this level of mental gymnastics and self deception. I understand "I wish I was gay" to a certain extent, but trying to convince yourself you're gay when you're literally with a man? What even is the point?

No. 2093542

nonna, It's robert sean leonard(sage your shit)

No. 2093551

The second QRT hit the nail on the head. Spicy straights are ashamed to do something even superficially unkweer, so they describe the het ships they enjoy as "lesbians" or "T4T." The funny thing is that normal lesbians don't even perform this kind of stupid insecure mental gymnastics, they can simply acknowledge that a couple is cute regardless of the genders involved.

No. 2093576

Oh wow the trans age meme has crossed over into reality. Super.

No. 2093646

I feel like their definitions:

>straight = macho man + tradwife, boring, lame

>gay/lesbian/queer = literally everyone else, progressive, cool

No. 2093661

kek sorry I think I was high when I last came in the thread bc I also don’t know where I got “husband” from

No. 2093702

100%. A woman with short hair dating a man with long hair? Gay. A woman dating a moidlet who makes less money? Ugly man dating ugly woman? Queer. A woman married to a man for 10 years who fixes the car? Butch lesbian. Anything that's not irl tradwife wojack + irl Chad wojack is clearly some kind of alternative lifestyle and "statement"

No. 2093925

Surely this person is being sarcastic and making fun of spicy hets

No. 2095294

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i think this couple has already been posted in the tim thread but i think they fall under “spicy straight” too. they’re apparently in a “t4t lesbian relationship”. the comments are almost even more insane, full of handmaidens and troons being unabashedly lesbophobic. the woman in the relationship seems especially milky, and seems to really enjoy the attention she’s receiving for dating a troon (@venusandhermoon)

No. 2095296

Ew, she’s fucking disgusting. I hate these stupid fake lesbian idiots.

No. 2095322

>Real men are icky but I like fantasizing about 2d men
I mean she's not wrong.

No. 2095417

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Stolen from ovarit, but this is some strange self-flagellation

No. 2095426

I'm almost astounded by how self-absorbed this person is, by this level of internalized misogyny. Kek at the idea that the cashier was rude to her because she's a straight white woman, and not just because she's weird and insufferable.

No. 2095427

>"deciding" that she's a lesbian
>bragging about her hon nigel's unwashed dick
Must… resist urge to a-log…

No. 2095433

Normal bisexual women don’t behave like this kek. My sexuality does not cease to exist if I don’t declare it to everyone and say “but I’m totes queer” while being with a man.
These women are so comically insecure.

No. 2095439

It's weird she assumed the cashier was being rude to her because she's hetero and not because the cashier was rude or didn't have time for it. It probably would would have been weirder to say "I'm queer too!" Like cashier is going instantly turn and be nice back

No. 2095442

It's the ones who've never actually been with a woman who are like this. Yes you can be SSA and never had sex with anyone or been single all your life but even gays who haven't had that aren't as desperate to seem like they're totes part of the cool kids club. If you're secure in your sexuality (and your life choices) you don't go out your way to "appear queer" you just live your life (Heteroan Chappell springs to mind)

No. 2095443

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm beginning to understand maga voters. So many woke Americans are insufferable. Also I bet white males never have to self flaggate like this and accept rude behavior because of their "racism crimes".

No. 2095454

Considering that these "outwardly queer" types are a bunch of narcissists, it's likely that the cashier wasn't thinking about her or her sexuality at all. Then of course, the "inwardly queer" woman in the OP takes that lack of interest to be rudeness due to "bi invisibility" and makes the negative behavior all about herself. It's narcissism all the way down.

No. 2095458

It’s definitely insecurity and it’s very odd to me. As a lesbian I have other shit to think about than whether or not I’m going to be read as gay anytime I go into a store and see someone who is “outwardly queer”, which tbh has little meaning these days anyway. These are the kinds of people who don’t even view gays and lesbians as actual human beings but objects to validate their own thoughts and actions. If she really didn’t care about these things, she wouldn’t have made the post to begin with and would have just gone on about her day instead of attempting to make herself seem like some kind of martyr for not announcing her bisexuality. I mean really, who gives a shit. She should just enjoy life with her nigel and stop caring so much about this stuff.

No. 2095462

What did she mean by “Karen groceries”? It sounds like internalized misogyny.

No. 2095477

>What did she mean by “Karen groceries”?
liberal self flagellation

No. 2095521

She's not fantasising about 2d men though. She watches thai bl dramas with actual moids kek.

No. 2096323

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No. 2096325

Your hubby probably wanted a threesome.

No. 2096327

Does it make me scrotey if my natural reaction to these kind of posts is to wonder if they've ever eaten pussy for real? I don't even think it in an angry way, just a genuine question I have

No. 2096338

Every time that I've interacted with one of these spicy straight types and the topic of sexuality has been brought up, I've been met with their repulsion and disgust towards same-sex experiences. They want to be pseudo-intellectual about it, but if you get them down to the nitty-gritty they will almost always react with latent homophobia.

No. 2096361

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Kek it reminds me of this reddit comment I screenshotted because it reminded me of this thread. "Fellow sapphic woman" aka "lets hold hands and pick mushrooms together uwu". Pleasuring your partner is a "sensory overload exeprience" appearantly

No. 2096363

You know very well what the answer is, nona. These women are the "haha boobs are hot I love women I'm so gay" kind who will string you along and break your fucking heart, think Pixielocks and her "mystery gf" she used for content then dumped because she wasn't actually attracted to her. I mean she did also say at one point that she'd be a lesbian if she didn't love dicks so much and that honestly applies to all these "bi" women.

No. 2096371

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Literally picrel

No. 2096379

Kek, was this made by a farmer? I want to post this on spicy straight subreddits but I'm resisting the urge.

No. 2096382


No. 2096392

You know the answer to that question.

No. 2096398

She meant a person in fashionable clothing

No. 2096447

This picture is pretty old. I first saw it on tumblr but idk the origin.

No. 2096459

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I mean…

No. 2096463

A part of me thinks they're trying to imitate gay men with diva worship who simp for Britney Spears or Lady Gaga. And failing.

No. 2096575

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you reminded me of this terrible comic. none of these losers are actually attracted to women; they don't see women as real partners. They're either quirky cottagecore girls or butch mommies, but not as actual women you could be with, just fetishes

No. 2096581

I feel like a lot of bisexual woman are like this

No. 2096598

Wants to love men but submit to women. It's pure woman hate and dick worship.

No. 2096600

It’s just porn addiction

No. 2096646

Kek this reminds me of a LADS player I once came across, she said she's a 'demisexual demiromantic lesbian' yet spent a shit ton of money on the game and had all the thirst cards. Doesn't help that she would constantly shit on actual lesbians and say homosexuality is a 'genital fetish' because it excludes rapey tims. I wish I had screenshots of that mess, but I'll try to find her again.

No. 2096708

The funny thing is the moid will probably hate all of those things while many other women would genuinely enjoy them. I don’t really get what these women’s deal is with supposedly wanting to have sex with a woman but being completely repelled by anything romantic. I mean, I know they don’t want to have sex with women either and it’s all a larp, but still.

No. 2097057

A lot of handmaidens would call this comic policing/gatekeeping because as women we're supposed to accommodate and accept everyone and not have any sort of exclusive community. As if anyone has the time or energy to handhold het women through the "sensory overload" that is interacting with a vagina >>2096361 pretty sure the saying "either shit or get off the pot" applies here. Honestly brutal to imagine going 5 months with a partner seemingly repulsed by your body and this comes from me being someone bi who isn't too into receiving oral

No. 2097070

Why are they always married? If they wanted to larp as enlightened queers so badly they could be in polyamorous relationships or have hookups but for some reason they have to follow the boring life script and then they cry about it.

No. 2097145

I seriously have no idea. I think a lot of them view it as “grass is greener” bc they realized they fucked their life up or aren’t getting the validation they require by marrying a man early or something. I don’t know why it’s so annoying but it is.

No. 2097460

Their attraction to women is purely superficial/visual, where most women would just think an actress or singer was cool or stylish those girls will exaggerate, if that makes sense. They just think "woman hot" and yeah, true, but that alone doesn't actually make someone bi (or heaven forbid when they call themselves gay) and I'm more than willing to die on this hill. Still like a decade ago girls like that just called themselves bicurious and we need to go back to that.

No. 2097495

I wonder how much of "woman beautiful" is enforced by gendered expectations that woman are only ever supposed to be beautiful. And how many of them are attracted to unconventional or even ugly women, just because they're women, or because of their personalities or whatever.
All the bi larpers I met are either sexualising women in the same way as moids are, for brownie points from moids or because they're as porn brainrotten as men. Or they confuse "I wanna be besties" with actual attraction.
I get "you would be my type, but you don't have a dick" sometimes as well. Which I have no idea what to make of.

No. 2097507

The reason they're like this is because they're heterosexual. To an extent they understand that a male will never give them something in the top panel, so it's a fantasy. They want to be dominated, but this isn't formally acceptable as 'kweer' unless the dominant male is a tranny, so they fantasize about a woman doing it in an acceptable way.

No. 2097681

Thank you, eloquent nona this is a 10/10 post, saving it for later

No. 2098201

>They want to be dominated, but this isn't formally acceptable as 'kweer' unless the dominant male is a tranny

DA Not sure about this, two big exceptions I can think of are TIFs wanting to be dominated by men and queer-identified women in kink communities wanting the same. But I guess you can argue that in those contexts it becomes something subversive (at least in their minds) and not a conservative/trad aligned thing.

No. 2098572

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reminds me of this specific comment in the comment section of the retarded video where the "lesbian queen" chapel yawn blows off a masc looking actress. I checked the profile of the commenter (she says she's a lesbian who came out when she was 15) but her profile screams a self-hating black alt woman. Profile full of pics of that misogynistic Terrifier films and scrotey metal music. It's not just that these women can't imagine being near a pussy, they actively hate lesbians and their whole deal about lesbianism is just cock-worshipping miniskirt-wearing troons.

No. 2098764

Kek at this comment when it's a widely known fact that many les/bi women struggle to take initiative to due (genuine, imo) worry about being perceived as "creepy"/moidlike. If the alternative is terrible cringe interactions like "you're so pretty!" "no YOU'RE so pretty!" then this masc woman deserves kudos for shooting her shot

No. 2098804

jasmine banks was a 'soft butch' lesbian creator known for openly expressing her disdain for bisexual women, and surprise she recently came out as bisexual herself. after facing backlash she deactivated her Instagram and tiktok accounts

No. 2098806

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her coming out

No. 2098807

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response to the backlash

No. 2098810

sorry if I'm being dramatic but this is psychological gore to me, literally just a straight moid's fetish about "fixing" a butch lesbian played out

No. 2098812

>Psychological gore
I feel the same way. This is so embarrassing, I'd never show my face on the internet again.

No. 2098814

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This has happened with so many bi-obsessed "lesbians". Looking at what she's said in your image about wanting to come back to "making content" (because this type can never live without online attention once they've had a taste of it) I wonder if she's going to do a right wing pivot to "actually I'm straight" or if she'll keep identifying as bisexual.

No. 2098815

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No. 2098816

every single time, these women have never engaged in genuine lesbian relationships. they identified as gay because it was trendy and or because they were averse to an ultra-feminine aesthetics. but deep down it was quite obvious that they desire traditional heterosexual relationships

No. 2098817

No. 2098821

Blogpost but now that I'm secure in my sexuality as lesbian and I touched grass I no longer hate bisexuals. When I was worried and questioning that I could be bi I projected that onto others. Hating anyone for any sexuality is usually due to insecurity.(blog)

No. 2098826

It would be one thing if she came out as bi and stayed single or was dating a woman but she literally went from a "lesbian" to dating a man. As a bi woman I hate these bis, they make us look so fucking bad, I get why lesbians hate us tbh.
This is very telling and nasty.

No. 2098847

The way she’s styled makes it look almost like the beginning of trad transition

No. 2098855


This. Not to blog but I'm a straight woman with similar aesthetic to her, which is basically just a slightly tomboyish woman-look, she's not even that butch at all. I think she started making content and someone called her a butch mommy so she capitalized on that fact. Came out as "bi" when her straightness couldn't be hidden anymore.

No. 2098919

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she posted this a few month ago

No. 2098940

bisexual women who dickride men are the worst type of bisexuals in the world and she ironically became that

No. 2098975

Trying not to alog at this straight bitch is really hard, I don't think I can express how much I hate this

No. 2099005

She craves male validation so badly, falls for the shit males say, and wants princess treatment. The state of ~mascs~ these days…
The way her whole style becomes more feminine when she gets a bf kek. It’s all an identity LARP that relies only upon mimicking aesthetics. I assume people like this actually hate themselves, which is why she hated openly bisexual women so much when she was LARPing as a butch lesbian.

No. 2099065

>like he can tell that I'm such a smiley person, he can tell that on my face that I'm very smiley
yes, that's because that's where smiles are located. on the face. the flattery that won you over was being told that you're 'smiley'?

No. 2099071

This is the straightest thing I've ever heard. I doubt she's even bisexual.

No. 2099073

Her voice sounds so tryhard kek

No. 2099079

>I'm just the most beautiful person he has ever seen
>No woman has ever said that to me!!
Because we don't like lying kek. You are no olivia hussey, you have the most tiktoker face with the most tiktoker voice.
>I love women. I don't even take the silicone up my goddamn poonani. But at this point I'll take the real deal.
Because you've always wanted the 'real deal.' There's plenty of lesbians and bi women who don't like strap-on/dildos and shit, none of them act even half as insecure and defensive about it as she does; they just say it's their preferences and go. Frankly, I don't think she's bi. This girl's just straight-up straight, utterly heterosexual, and so desperate to be seen as anything but an 'ordinary straight woman' that she chose to cling to labels that don't apply to her. At all.

No. 2099087

Indian 'people' shouldn't be allowed to speak. Genuinely.(racebait)

No. 2099101

She just feels like a insecure straight girl who thought men wouldnt be into her because of tomboy style and tried to larp as lesbian.

>"im a MASC into femmes and dont take strap"

>women try to compliment her by masculine words thinking she likes it
>men give her the same bullshit they say to every single woman ever
>"omg why dont you call me beautiful smiley princess like men??"
>"got to take dick then sorryy"

No. 2099106

>She just feels like a insecure straight girl who thought men wouldnt be into her because of tomboy style and tried to larp as lesbian.
I've met a lot of women like this

No. 2099118

Also men will say that about any woman, one of the most generic fucking compliments lol

No. 2099119

Do we think she’s ever actually even eaten

No. 2099128

I feel the exact same way. And as soon as she 'came out' she started piling on the makeup and wearing revealing clothes. Lmao. Nothing wrong with those things but it's gross when you pair it with the fact that she larped as a lesbian for years but now 'met a boy' and suddenly changed up

No. 2099142

She's the textbook straight but "weird" girl that since doesn't attract males, then she wants that attention from women but since she's """masc""" then goes for femmes and then cries when femmes are femmes. SHe's so fucking insecure and searches for heterosexuality in women but women don't act like moids, plain and simple kek, and I said this as a bi. If you're actually bi, you know the differences and you don't expect anything different. Also kek at the voice that she makes to sound deeper but sounds like a twelve year old boy. Girls like her don't even touch pussy and even if they're "mascs", they're dead fishes in bed. Annoying.

No. 2099174

That is fucking frat boy level flirtation… I can't believe she's buying it. That her that boy is going to break her heart in about 2-5 months.

No. 2099198

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>this is the boy
Holy mother of low standards

No. 2099199

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and that's a good angle

No. 2099203

>fuck bisexuals go get fucked! by a man! and his cock!
turns into
>fuck lesbians go get strapped and leave us bisexuals alone!

No. 2099211

File: 1742065533608.gif (2.82 MB, 640x640, im-dead-inside-creepy.gif)

No. 2099213

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No. 2099214

they look related

No. 2099221

This is why I always assume that lesbians/bi women who hate men to the point of obsession where that's the only thing they talk about are secretly really attracted to men and want to be with them but hate themselves for it and project that hate onto men. Until of course, they aren't able to hold themselves back anymore and end up with a bf/husband. Opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.(learn2sage)

No. 2099227

The same thing with bisexual haters, I swear to god every single bisexual obssesed "lesbian' I've ever met secretly had a husbando.

No. 2099229

File: 1742070108197.png (261.32 KB, 513x849, sad.png)

i only briefly watched this happen but the nyla (@nyla_sai)/penny(@mushroomvill) stuff was funny
>two "lesbians" popular on tiktok for being pretty wlw
>suddenly introduce a man into the equation (poly situation)
>everyone's bisexual now
>eventually one of the girls stops featuring in the throuple tiktoks
>revealed the throuple split into a hetero couple and the single girl
zoomers are so dumb

No. 2099232

>please recognize you need to get over your obsession with the “aesthetic dynamic” we had
>t. “lesbian” tiktok grifter who grifted off of the aesthetic dynamic lesbianism while actually fucking the same dude as gf until he finally picks his favorite and you can’t pretend anymore

No. 2099255

>This is why I always assume that lesbians/bi women who hate men to the point of obsession where that's the only thing they talk about are secretly really attracted to men and want to be with them but hate themselves
jen izaakson talked about these types of women in radfem spaces. it's one thing to hate men, but these "lesbians" who are obsessed with men do it from a position of sexual obsession and feelings of resentment. I remember she read a passage from either julia long or sheila jeffreys, about they had to condition themselves to not be attracted to men and force themselves to sleep with women to prove their lesbianism.

No. 2099320

>but these "lesbians" who are obsessed with men do it from a position of sexual obsession and feelings of resentment. I remember she read a passage from either julia long or sheila jeffreys, about they had to condition themselves to not be attracted to men and force themselves to sleep with women to prove their lesbianism.
chappell roan…

No. 2099330

>I will no longer be making content about my queerness
Good kek, are people supposed to feel bad about a straight girl ending her ~queer~ larp

No. 2099339

Ngl when I heard Jen and Hannah first discuss this I thought they were taking things a bit too far but having read these threads for a little while it's easy to see where they were coming from and likely they were also speaking from a place of personal experience with these types of women. At the very least people should be able to openly question this stuff without being shut down as a "gatekeeper"

No. 2099370

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In some ways, radfems are even worse than libfems regarding this issue. for instance, this is an ex-tif claiming that she was turned permanently straight because of hormones and that she can no longer change her sexuality

No. 2099373

They're not radfems though. Not everyone who's gender critical is radfem, nona… But wow this woman in picrel is fucking retarded

No. 2099398

boy clean your shoes

No. 2099608

File: 1742165187352.jpg (1.44 MB, 1170x1533, 83837383.jpg)

TiM who larps as a “lesbian”

No. 2099610

its always yuritroons

No. 2099624

how the fuck is he 18 he literally looks 35 help

No. 2099858

File: 1742219290208.jpg (831.29 KB, 1080x1710, Screenshot_20250317_104635.jpg)

Lmao so this video (https://youtu.be/mGMltSHjAiM?si=cJDu-Ui9lIoPgujr) was recommended to me on yt and in it this TIF makes a point to mention her kweerness and keeps bringing out her "partner".
>Check her insta
>Fat & Crusty Highschool Boyfriend
Her content seems like annoying generic TIF muchie shit, also claims to be asian.

No. 2099870

Don't crucify me for this but he's kind of hot. Resembles a less baby faced version of my ex. What a fucking waste. Ugh.(blogposting)

No. 2099871

>a full tour of my home (as a queer autistic maximalist artist!)
Even the video title is so insufferable kek. As for her asianess, she does have epicanthic folds but honestly, to me, she looks more white-passing in a very 'my dad's side of the family is from alabama' way, so I'd be surprised if she's fully asian/korean rather than only quarter or half.

No. 2099896

>>2099198 tbh I feel like most ""lesbians"" who performatively hate on bisexual women are either polilez or repressed bisexuals themselves her nigel is from the same country as I am, I'm so sorry we don't claim him. toronto arabs are so cringe.

No. 2099920

why must it be the somewhat attractive men who do this

No. 2099924

Power level moment for a sec. Lesbian here and I also hang out with a few other lesbians here and there who have the same avoidance of bisexual women, specifically wrt dating them, because it’s honestly an instant turn off to be with someone who will have the tendency to gush about males. I feel like that’s kind of common sense. Nobody is entitled to sex with you, after all. I’ve met a few gay guys who feel similarly about bisexual men as well. Some gays have also felt a distaste for dating bisexuals, since they almost always end up just being a non-serious practice run for the opposite sex in the end and slowly become frustrated. Seen it happen too many times. I’ve dated bisexual women, but we could never really vibe 100% because the moment she expresses attraction to a man, something in my head just instantly feels distant, likely because I’m not into guys. It’s cute when bisexual women get with each other though. I think it’s good to be with someone you can match 1:1. Even on here, I’ve seen heterosexual women mention their dislike of dating bisexual men for their own reasons. It’s not as deep as you think—although, if you’re thinking about social media addicts who have to be overly performative about being gay, they’re likely not gay lol. Most gays I’ve met don’t feel the need to prove themselves and just be having gay relationships and sex without posting about it online 24/7, especially if they’re normies. On another note, we can usually tell when someone online is faking being gay, and most of the Instagram “lesbians” are definitely either just heterosexual or bisexual, regardless of how they present themselves as. There’s usually an air of insecurity regarding how they themselves are perceived by others around them that outs this.(blogging)

No. 2099958

>feelings of resentment
yep. most bisexual/straight larping women like this do it out of resentment that males don't desire them lmfao. hard truth

No. 2099992

let's be real ladies…

No. 2100015

Anisa successfully turned Ian into a gendie. Saged because the milk is a week old.
>Creator Clash, their "queer and sex worker vibes" boxing event, flops
>they decide to do another one
>challenge Amouranth for a match and she declines, angering Anisa and Ian
>they start talking about putting a troon up against her in the ring
>Amouranth declines again, specifying she doesn't want to fight a man, and she wants to fight Anisa instead
>Anisa fakes concussions smth which never kept boxers from fighting and bitches out
>Ian jokes about beating Amouranth up himself
What makes this even more fucked is that Amouranth had been beaten up in a robbery recently, and before that she was being abused by her husband. Nice one, Ian. A prime example of misogyny rebranded as woke.

No. 2100022

File: 1742244725156.jpg (136.04 KB, 900x1200, F0TfIbYaMAARVJn.jpg)

Samefag because I really wanted to share picrel. He made it his Twitter pfp. In one of the podcast episodes, Anisa talked about pegging Ian unironically, and he seemed uncomfortable but took it like the bitchboy Anisa warped him into. There's lots of little milky moments like that, like when she exposed his IBS in front of their audience without his permission, or when they laughed about their dog getting attacked by another dog like assholes, etc. I would recommend Kino Casino's clip channel where they go over those, but Kino Casino are a hollering landwhale who keeps repeating the same 3 buzzwords and a garden gnome with the voice of a faggot

No. 2100030

File: 1742246675265.jpg (228.79 KB, 1080x1091, 1000013953.jpg)

>"chronic pain"
>"My special interests"
>"maximalist" aka hoarder
How the fuck is she affording all this cause as far as I can tell she just sells globohomo portraits on Instagram

No. 2100032

these two are beyond parody

No. 2100034

>How the fuck is she affording all this
rich parents

No. 2100073

wtf i love anisa now

No. 2100097

Their relationship is just like Will and Jada smith kek.

No. 2100098

He’s so embarrassing now. I can’t even wear my “hey, that’s pretty good!” Shirt anymore.

No. 2100139

Food all down him, gross

No. 2100171

File: 1742267991292.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1179x1673, IMG_3596.jpeg)

praying this is rage bait but i don’t think it is

No. 2100176

Most straight women wish they were lesbians. Can you blame them?

No. 2100305

Imagine intentionally making corporate memphis your art style. Maybe it sells but the self hatred it would take to do this would be too much.

No. 2100306

Honestly thought it was shit bc IBS got mentioned

No. 2100308

What does that even mean? I would be curious to know how she interprets it bc I’m sure it’s homophobic somehow.

No. 2100318

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No. 2100319

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it's a meme, she's basically saying she wishes she was gay in a really fucked up way

No. 2100321

>most of the time
That's funny considering that's not the case most of the time at all kek. These girls just do it to themselves.

No. 2100386

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that shit just gave me flashbacks to pinkfaefemme, an obese ""lesbian"" tif dating some less fat but equally gross moid.
She's really dry nowadays but her old thread is very fun to read

No. 2100398

anyone familiar with madeline ford from tiktok? she sets off my fakebian alarms. she mentions liking a guy around 45 minutes on her podcast but says that it doesn’t make her straight or bi.

No. 2100541

Ntayrt. But this photo deserves to be in the "people with punchable faces" thread.

No. 2100905

Ian is such a spineless bitch, I didn’t realize how insecure he was until the Sam Hyde documentary. Anisa has totally made him over in her image.

No. 2101254

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It always kills me inside knowing she dates a tim kek(sage non-milk posts)

No. 2101292

Nooooo not the Navy McDonald’s butch!!!

No. 2101296

Has she ever claimed to be a lesbian or does she just look stereotypical butch? I have only ever seen her picture posted.

No. 2101315

I hate that I found this out from a women’s only world of Warcraft group that let troons in and he started posting fit pics on the balcony and had photos of them together on his feed. They were together before he trooned out :((emoji)

No. 2101422

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At most she’s called herself butch and queer. People on xitter are saying she’s bi but I actually haven’t seen an instance of her saying that or indicating she’s into women?
I’m leaning towards her being straight and she calls themselves queer because she’s a tif in love with a tim kek

No. 2101472

>fat, superfat, fatliberation
kek, my sides

No. 2101566

be careful mentioning sides around her, anon

No. 2102615

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I hate comments like this. To me it says that they don't take same sex relationships seriously because they would never publicly thirst over men like this while having a bf but it's fine to thirst iver women because it's just for fun. Idk maybe I read too much into it.

No. 2102643

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No. 2102645

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we're never getting rid of homophobia ever

No. 2102768

I hate how they use the phrase "gay panic", because if you had any inkling about LGB history, you would not use words that describe a self defense tactic used to kill gay people and get off scot-free in court.
They don't know shit and the fact that this term is so widespread as a "teehee I am so gay acshually that I can't control my gay feefees" instead of knowing where the term comes from and that it's so deeply rooted in homophobia and prejudice that it was enough to give that particular style of defence in court a commonly known name.
Not commonly known enough for tumblr quweers apparently.

No. 2103040

Would it be fair to say internalized biphobia is partly responsible for this retarded way of thinking? Or is that too kind/generous

No. 2103125

I think maybe in some cases but usually not. Why is being a lesbian more appealing than being bisexual? It isn't like there's an extreme difference in how socially acceptable each sexuality is. I have seen people say some bi women like…feel ashamed for liking men but that's always seemed silly to me. There's nothing more socially acceptable than a woman liking men.

Lol I used to do this too, although I don't watch porn anymore. I've seen a lot of TIFs use this as the reason why they're a straight man, as if it's not very common for lesbians to like imagining themselves as men in sexual situations.

I too many people put so much importance into what porn they like and I 100% believe that's part of why there's so many straight women that identify as bi despite seemingly having no interest in women irl. They like lesbian porn and think that it means they're bisexual even if they have never had an interest in having a relationship with a woman.

One of my close friends is a gay male and used to like lesbian porn, there are lesbian fujos. I think porn has really rotted a lot of people's brains and fucked with the way some people view their sexuality. Obviously what you do like in porn can and often is what you like in real life but online it seems people are so focused on how the idea of something makes them feel rather than actually experiencing it, if that makes sense? Like omg women are sooo pretty I hate men I like so many women and like ONE man, then proceeds to only ever date men / only have serious romantic relationships with men. They only like the idea of being with women.

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