Georgia packed her bags and diamond art kits for her vacation at New Farm. Porgie isn’t on EDP yet so had to beg for her precious nose hose and we have been blessed with endless tube selfies.
Elzani’s videos have revealed her family (well, one sister at least) are sick of being stuck with her. Everything is just so chill and amazing, almost like there isn’t a pandemic or lockdown.
Maria is addicted and seems to lack any common sense. No significant milk on the twinsie.
Laura’s gained but still picking away at her face. Landed herself back in hospital after 5 sooper serious attempts.
N2F is having a great time wasting supermarket delivery slots for throat lube. Just living her sad life in her dirty, hoarder house and posting bodychecks in her knickers.
As for our favourite Russian, yes she is somehow still alive. Stop asking that specific question.
Shay set up a gofundme for home feeds despite the fact that they would be covered by medicare if she actually needed them.
Paige posted more excerpts from her book, heaven help anybody that attempts to read it. She can do her makeup but needs mummy to brush her hair.
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