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No. 881684[Reply]

Luna Sobieski
>Instagram influencer
>Mother of 1


>Has (alleged) proof of another "big" instagrammer being a paedophile but refuses to take it to police (will happily blast it on insta for some clout though).

>Generally bad photoshop in pictures.
>Insincerely kind towards people usually in the hopes it will gain more follows or likes.
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No. 973192

No one cares that much. Shes not milky besides showing her giant nips

No. 973197

Do it yourself, luna

No. 973213

Those are some big cookies

No. 973229

She's lucky NSFW Twitter isn't big on perfection. She's very average, but that's enough because the community screeches ~all bodies are beautiful~ every two seconds.

No. 1015328

Does anyone else have the rest of her stuff from Onlyfans?

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No. 208060[Reply]

Alright, so I've seen this story mentioned a few times in The Hartley Hooligan's thread.

Having never heard about the case of Jaxon and his parents, I decided to look into this story. Whilst Gwen is delusional and misguided at best, the Buell's exploitation of their vegetative son is repulsive.

because me-not-speak-a de english so good, I'm just gonna post links and invite anons to contribute their opinion. I'm not a great journalistic writer, so I'd like to open up a discussion on the matter and hope someone here will take a cue and offer their 2-cents on the matter.

tl;dr for people who are also new to the case: two redneck american kids exploit their potato son (who appears to have NO quality of life) to buy jetskis, holidays and luxury lifestyle, all while under the guise (see: tax-evasive) of being a charitable foundation. I'm not even kidding;


FB page asking all the right questions:

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No. 954095

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No. 972232

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Almost all obit posts and News reports showed the more flattering earlier pics of him than his current ones.

No. 972288

God, he looks neglected.

No. 972311

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Found the original post. Apparently he also had pneumonia. Probably got it after DNR.
I just can't believe his death is so recent, just a month ago it happened. I assumed he died a long time ago. Heck even Lola's death feels like a distant memory. What pissed me off is that media in it's reporting of his death keeps calling him a miracle child with milestones and inspiration. Plus they presented Brandon's post about Jaxon dying in his arm. What a farce. Shame that the other side of the story remains obscure and could be found only here and on Kiwifarms.

No. 972315

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No. 971997[Reply]

LanaBeeOfficial who goes by Glitteridiot.official on tiktok posts link to her adult website on tiktok, which has substantial amounts of kids using it.
Her social media links are
https://onlyfans.com/lanabeexo(Shit thread)
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No. 972029

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wig wearing ugly bitch

No. 972057

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Talking about she's a porn star to kids? She really think that through?

No. 972082

Nearly 40k Twitter followers and single digit retweets on most of her posts? That reeks of bought followers and/or irrelevancy, which is probably the reason for this obvious self post. There are thousands of tiktok thots doing this exact same thing and somehow this girl still manages to seem like one of the least interesting so props.

No. 972087

Go back to Shay’s thread no one gives a fuck about u

No. 972121

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this girl is such a generic, pickme thot

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No. 963665[Reply]

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited are not milk and you will recieve a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiam when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread.

Summary of recent milk:

>changes twitter handle to buttstuffbarbie and goes obsessive over anal, even though she barely does any anal videos

>shay starts editing her photos beyond recognition
>admits that she's self conscious about her body…but uses this as an excuse not to work! what a surprise!
>plans to eat healthy and go to the gym one day, back to eating garbage and sitting on her ass the next day
>shay makes another pedo pandering vid
>shay lives vicariously through her sim, showing that what she really wants is to be an online influencer
>she gets bangs
>continues to start online drama while preaching how positive and above it all she is
>wants to move into a 3 bedroom house despite having no income but e-begging
>is she actually moving or is it all a scam? who knows?
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No. 972120

Oh my GOD I love you for this. Excellent job! Especially the "come here daddy" horror addition

No. 972180

pls don’t use the collage it hurts my eyes

No. 972186

NEW THREAD >>>/snow/972184

No. 972323

Sorry but this is a really retarded take, many adult wear braces as they're still the most effective way to treat orthodontic problems.

No. 972327

Right honestly lmfao my best friend has braces and she’s 24.

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No. 945131[Reply]

Last time on "This is the Song That Never Ends" Edition…

> Crazy Katie/K.T. is……still crazy

> People are STILL dunking on Hoelly, because she STILL refuses to acknowledge that her own actions are sketchy at best (and potentially supporting a pedophile as well as being extremely emotionally abusive at worse)

> Holly complained that she apparently isn't allowed to shitpost without being reminded of the fact that she's an adulterous tramp whose actions led to the downfall of not just one, but TWO marriages. After also being offended at the vulva-like appearance of the last thread pic, she ended up removing it from her instagram.

> Holly and Jared both took a brief break right around when their anniversary would be with Holly declaring she was going camping (only to post a picture of herself at a coffeeshop that same morning); Things have been….icy since they returned.

> She declares that she will be taking a hiatus from twitter due to it being so "unhealthy" for her, with the exception of posting about her Mental Health Monday or Spooky Saturday streams; Legitimately no one believes her - and she returns within 3-5 days, just to start some weird tension over credit in regards to photos of ProJared

> The Great "Is it a cold sore or is it Herpes?" Debate of 2020

> The Great "How Many Birds is an Acceptable Number?" Debate of 2020

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No. 971731

You know, Holly only made a post about her friend/co-host Kayla, & didn't say a word about Jared today, I'm almost impressed…

No. 971734

New thread, y'all?

Last time on the "#BeKind" Edition…

> Legitimately nothing has changed - Not a single thing.

> Katie / K.T. is still fucking crazy

> ProJared is STILL trying to paint himself as the victim, begging for views on his FFVII video because he was "in such a dark place last year"

> He attempted to call out Joe Exotic apparently for saying "That bitch Carole Baskin" and then claiming to be anti-bullying.

> Holly is STILL playing the "woe is me, not like the other girls, uwu bird mom" card. Her "Mental Health Mondays" are now essentially just her streaming Animal Crossing.

> She also supported the DM of Far Verona during his scandal in which he essentially forced a sexual encounter on another player's character and was rightfully called out. Holly declared "You're a good friend and a good person" and then when called out for that, declared "I was literally molested as a child" as if that made her supporting a predator okay.

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No. 971735

Sounds great, anon! Thanks for taking on the task.

No. 971737

No. 971805

This is such a reach. They blatantly point out that the pink hair is an anime trope in the game, Holly doesn't own the trademark on pink hair, and most importantly Holly would never miss an opportunity to brag about being in a game and skinwalking a character if there was a hint of a chance that it was actually based on her.

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No. 959342[Reply]

Georgia packed her bags and diamond art kits for her vacation at New Farm. Porgie isn’t on EDP yet so had to beg for her precious nose hose and we have been blessed with endless tube selfies.

Elzani’s videos have revealed her family (well, one sister at least) are sick of being stuck with her. Everything is just so chill and amazing, almost like there isn’t a pandemic or lockdown.

Maria is addicted and seems to lack any common sense. No significant milk on the twinsie.

Laura’s gained but still picking away at her face. Landed herself back in hospital after 5 sooper serious attempts.

N2F is having a great time wasting supermarket delivery slots for throat lube. Just living her sad life in her dirty, hoarder house and posting bodychecks in her knickers.

As for our favourite Russian, yes she is somehow still alive. Stop asking that specific question.

Shay set up a gofundme for home feeds despite the fact that they would be covered by medicare if she actually needed them.

Paige posted more excerpts from her book, heaven help anybody that attempts to read it. She can do her makeup but needs mummy to brush her hair.
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No. 970673

Love it but why is Satara sandwiched in there, she's just an innocent bystander to Elzani's insanity.

No. 970678

I guess cause she looks so done with E's shit and the Lifes Good is ironic. Ill change it cause you're right

No. 970692

damn i feel bad for satara. poor girl has to listen to "deviNE" "loVeleh" every thirty minutes E eats something.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 970710

New thread

No. 1036391

anyone knows if this one has changed username? i admit this may seem like a selfpost but its not. used to follow her years back and got curious but cant find her. anyone knows the name and then i can dig myself

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No. 969771[Reply]

Any info on @sandykuroneko on IG? She’s a cosplayer. www.instagram.com/sandykuroneko
She’s super cute and I love her as Toga, but she recently posted a story link to her amazon wishlist saying it was because her birthday is coming up soon. Is that a thing cosplayers do? Do they want people to buy them figurines and stuff because of their birthday? The wishlist included things like a nintendo switch and non-cosplay related presents(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 969777

Smells like self post

No. 969779

So she's a completely random girl that you just had to make an entire thread on. You obviously don't use the boards frequently orc at all. You're trying to get the ball rolling with "Is that a thing cosplayers do?" gtfo selfpost, you're boring as shit and have a forgettable face. Trying to get yourself talked about on lolcow is pathetic

No. 969794

>being a trend hopping low effort cosplayer with an amazon wishlist counts as milk
go back to PULL

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No. 270461[Reply]

short breakdown :

>relatively well known in the Toronto kink scene

>started several facebook nude sharing kink groups which devolved into drama when she refused to be held accountable for adding rapey people
>held a contest on one of her nude sharing groups, with prizes, announced winners, never actually gave any of them the prizes
>is totally tryhard when it comes to kink, boner for dd/lg and ageplay
>has a fetlife account she pushes in everyones face, uses it like an instagram for her floppy tits
>says she's poly, but can't deal with her partners seeing other people, totally obsessive and jealous
>regularly complains about her partners, tells everyone about how terrible and abusive they are (spoiler : they're not)
>claims that she has been raped by several different people, yet is still friends with them
>constantly crying about harassment online, and tells everyone that social media and internet is going to cause her to kill herself
>started a gofundme campaign for people to help her pay her phonebill because "muh chronic illnesses, muh miscarriage, no monies!" (spoiler : no chronic illness, and the only thing that bothered her about her miscarriage was that she wanted to know who the baby daddy was)
>somehow able to start her own online business selling shit tier sex toys even though she was SO BROKE she couldn't pay a phone bill
>goes to ER all the time for "being suicidal", yet will post pictures of herself the whole time she is there, along with statuses telling everyone about her ~*ER suicide emergency journey*~
>has "gone missing" on at least two seperate occasions, leading people to become super worried and look all over for her, only to be found the next day, drunk at some guys house. knows that people are looking for her but refuses to respond to anyone because she loves the attention
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No. 343061

haha I like how that last comment was basically saying "fucking relax, you're exaggerating. get off your ass and do something productive." but in a very polite and classy way. that was actually great advice.

No. 343082

Wew lad, heard this got posted on Foxdick Farms.

Met her irl, AMA. Kek

No. 346197

where/how did you meet her?

No. 346245

At this point, who hasn't met her? She's pretty well known via BunZ and it's either you love her or hate her. Most people hate her.

No. 969186


I knew this girl from highschool. I used to be friends with her. She would always get black out drunk and fuck some random guy. Her boyfriend walked in on her fucking some guy at a party. She told me she fucked some guy on the floor of a club. She used to talk bad about her friends and CONSTANTLY complain about her roommates as though they were the worst people on earth. Than she stopped being my friend because she found out I had a mental illness. OH THE IRONY!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 951424[Reply]

By popular request, one unified thread to collect all milk on Marilyn Manson, 51 year old drug addict, washed -up rocker, serial abuser and rapist still trying to live vicariously through his glory days of the 90s when he was still young and the drugs hadn't completely fried his brain.

> Accused by multiple ex girlfriends including ERW of rape, physical/sexual/emotional abuse, torture, forced confinement and forced drug use

> uses his barely legal fanbase to find young girls to groom, abuse and take advantage of while dangling the same one liners of helping with their careers, putting them in a music video or wanting a serious relationship
> Publicly talked about wanting to beat ERW's skull in with a sledgehammer
> May or may not be using multiple sockpuppet emails to harass and stalk girls, alleged to have fake Model Mayhem account to find 18 year old girls to groom under the guise of photographing them
> May have had a sexual relationship with Lilith Levisis (also a cow; see thread) when she was underaged, tried to pit her against his other girlfriend at the time, Gabriella
> Has assistant (sockpuppet? ) named Jude who has been implicated in verbal and emotional abuseand stalking towards young girls
> long term drug addict and alcoholic who hit the wall going 100 m/h then got liposuction and tried to claim the bruises were from being beat up by his ex
> torpedoed his marriage to Dita Von Teese over 10+ years ago and still trying to remake every girl he dates into her image
> Long term on/off relationship? with Lindsay Usich, 35 y/o NEET and Dita skinwalker who met him when she was 25 and has been implicated in verbal abuse and stalking herself, using his phone to send nasty message to other woman he is dating or friends with, and being violent to fans

No significant social media links; except the official @MarilynManson. Lindsay Usich's instagram is @LindsayUsichOfficial, comments disabled
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No. 958204

I think this account was created to bring as many people as possible to Manson's side, because they know that sooner or later the whole truth will come out and for him it will be the end. It is time for everyone to look the truth in the face, whether you like it or not.

No. 958208

So basically even his supporters understand he is fucked? Noice.

No. 958213

Dying to see these screenshots posted. If she's lying in them it'll make her seem even more delusional then she already does

No. 958215

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new thread >>958209

No. 958219

We have a new thread…please post the caps!


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No. 904231[Reply]

Alicia Day is a tabloid celebrity infamous for illegally owning a "pig child" in London that was seized by the RSPCA after she fed it fast food and tried to hide it in her apartment.

She reappeared in the tabloids again for whining that people online were harassing her for her photographed neglect and abuse of her other animals. Notably for repeatedly using exfoliating body wash on a chameleon.

At first glance Alicia seems to be yet another nutty animal activist but she's also a notorious femcel who devotes her time to harassing women who are in a relationship and any woman who is a threat to her self-esteem.

Alicia is currently harassing females on several sites and the accounts linked to her here are only the tip of the iceberg.


- https://imgur.com/a/eWTq9lp
- https://www.instagram.com/jixy_pixy/
- https://flickr.com/photos/185438570@N02/sets/72157711725909598


- https://metro.co.uk/2019/11/07/vegan-activist-rescued-pig-kept-tiny-two-bed-flat-11056523/
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No. 2029199

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No. 2029202

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No. 2029203

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No. 2029206

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No. 2037132

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