File: 1507311128801.png (864.48 KB, 784x904, gtr.png)

No. 399004
Ever experience the worst faint ever at work while carrying a 350-lb box and no one notices? Take a selfie and eat one Oreo to gain back your energy! #recoverywin! Aly needs in your support or else she will not eat her McDonalds and maybe relapse. She will also have a breakdown. They are real and INTENSE. How DARE you not give her comments and attention? She will give you no support back but that's only because she has "SEVERE social anxiety". Oh and f*ck you for suggesting she see a nutritionist, it would only be a huge step back (!) Thanks for giving her a panic attack now and making her threaten to delete her account for the 596th time.
Previous thread:
> Photoshoots with mom on the daily> HATES her terrible evil boss, can't she see how hard it is for an EX anorexic to work in retail?> Folding clothes is so stressful, Aly has no time to eat!> Only eats mcdonalds and donnies, but why is she so weak all the time?> Under 10 comments? Does no one care? Repost x4> Under 5 comments? Blackout post> Under 3 comments? Threaten soduko> Stays up until 2am to delete non-supportive comments> Claimed she doesn't care about haters so she went public> 8 seconds later, haters ruined her day so she went private again > EX anorexic who sometimes feels like a fake anorexic and skips meals when her supposed abusive father gives her yells (!)> Aly is a true feminist who wants to be one of the guys. She isn't like the other girls who eat salads (how DARE someone be on a diet around her)."If Aly falls in a storehouse and no one is around to see it, does anyone care?"
No. 399011
File: 1507311718787.png (258.31 KB, 750x1121, IMG_2488.PNG)

"their jealousy" lol
No. 399013
>>399011Is Berto trailing behind after her or something?
>should I care if I will look dumb or shy if I almost don't know anybody?That'd be the last reason why you look dumb.
So who's she out with tonight? Same co workers as the paella party?
cough her mum
cough No. 399018
>>399015"Magic" as in occult or as in David Copperfield?
>Italian anon who's been job hunting for yearsSending you strenght.
I want to know more about this menswear brend she pretended to work at and this legal internship thing. She lies too much then forgets what she's said. But we have no pics so didn't happen.
No. 399023
>>399018she never worked at the menswear brend, she said she was working from home as a consultant before lol and then just stopped talking about it and the legal office who knows
>>399011i predict reposts and haters
why is she saying "should i care if i gain" she cant remember if shes ex anorexic or delicate ed sufferer
No. 399031
>>399018Thank you! I'm currently doing another internship but this time it's way better. I hope I can get a contract. The life of Italian young adults…
It was an occult bookshop. I have so many lulzy stories I could write a book.
No. 399035
>>399031It's good to get experience though. Internships aren't a thing over here and that's really unfortunate. Just don't take Aly as your role model (!) and you should do just fine. (Occult shops are lulzy in general. I love how serious the people are about it but the pretentious ones piss me off).
No. 399040
>>399037poor bert lol
is she really with them tho or is this like the time she got paella with her coworkers from the uh you know that place where she worked
No. 399047
>>399040Idk, but if she isn't posting that means she probably is with them. If she's feeling insicure she won't start snapping away. If she posts posed shots with a wine glass then she's out with Ma.
8.44pm in Milan. She can't stay out late because…fatigue.
No. 399075
File: 1507318954450.png (80.41 KB, 744x1035, IMG_0744.PNG)

What the actual fuck.
No. 399078
>>399075oops snap
bitch got 3 comments on last post, no hate whatsoever what is she even talking about
No. 399080
File: 1507319101267.png (1.33 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4675.PNG)

So drunk. Aly's gone wild.
No. 399083
File: 1507319238031.png (89.51 KB, 750x1050, IMG_0746.PNG)

She even repostet the black and added "or the whole account" holy fuck this bitch is seriously crazy.
No. 399084
File: 1507319239052.png (1.55 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4678.PNG)

No. 399086
>>399084Suicidal af
I swear I travel to milan and slap this fucking idiot bitch in her ugly face.
No. 399088
File: 1507319496614.jpg (273.2 KB, 1040x1487, Screenshot_20171006-145015.jpg)

is this different again? she definitely didnt get any hate cus i was looking at that post right before the black out
No. 399089
>>399084A hard time!?! She's fucking out for food! Like she is for almost every meal! Jesus Christ. I had a high grade fever this week, missed important classes, and have been working on an important presentation for a conference, and I wouldn't even call it a hard week! There was a mass shooting not even a week ago, but going out for drinks is hard for Aly. Imagine if she actually had real responsibilities! Even when she got hit by a car she wasn't so touchy!
Sage because off topic raging obv.
No. 399096
File: 1507320255450.jpg (329.21 KB, 997x852, Screenshot_20171006-150256.jpg)

has aly passed out drunk? this is the longest black out in history lol
No. 399115
>>399084Got suicidal. Suddenly. Like you do.
Almost got drunk. Almost fainted. Almost.
No. 399124
>>399121She's busy
almost self arming.
No. 399137
>>399088fuck i wish she would just learn how to disable comments for a post. she always tells people not to post comments on her black posts (because she wants to still have the proof that she is ~popular~ after she deletes the evidence of her breakdown) and it's fucking annoying. it just adds to the blatant begging and the fakeness of whatever trauma she pretends is happening. like GUYS I'M KILL ME AF I NEED SUPPORT BUT COMMENT ON THE LAST POST NOT THIS ONE SO TOMORROW PEOPLE WILL SEE ALL THE COMMENTS AND THINK I"M COOL
for some reason this bothers me so much lol esp since there's an obvious solution in turning off the comments??? like how is she on insta 8/24 and doesn't know how it works?
but i'm prob just JELOSY
No. 399150
>>399141it'll be nearly 11pm there
>>399137It bus me that she's private but still uses hashtags every post.
No. 399156
File: 1507323998506.gif (4.42 MB, 280x310, what was that.gif)

>>399075>Needed help, people on here got me suicide insteadNew favorite Aly quote
>>399083felice_ella is having none of her bullshit. New black post incoming
No. 399160
File: 1507324342034.png (849.85 KB, 720x1093, 20171006_231154.png)

No. 399183
>>399177Even though I doubt it was as shitty as Aly's day (having to see her boyfriend TWICE and being asked out for drinks at a cocktail bar AND work 8/8) I'm replying to your comment addressed to me because I don't want to see you do a REPOST X and black screen and go suicidal.
I bet you didn't get the hate on your ig that Aly also didn't get on hers.
Heh, have a better day tomorrow. Strenght.
No. 399190
File: 1507326560132.jpg (1.24 MB, 810x2945, Screenshot_20171006-164808.jpg)

No. 399194
File: 1507326886677.png (426.33 KB, 723x528, its okay.png)

>>399190And suddenly she feels great.
And it's okay to behave like an emo 14 year old at ALMOST 22.
No. 399212
>>399160WOW i was SO SURE she was going to kill herself! it's a miracle
>>399190"life of a girl without a mental illness" top kek
"gained 2kg in one friday" top kek x2
you'd think an EX anorexic would know 2kg of fat in one day = about a 14000 calorie intake
No. 399228
>>399194This diagnosis is the most accurate I can give her: cognitive dissonance.
Or just: IQ of 60.
She got drunk and now she feels like a human again. Wow aly great. Let’s become a drinker, close your account and drink alcohol to feel good and laugh.
No. 399234
>>399160the way she always says "SOON→" or "BACK←" like her followers are going to set a reminder to go check is so irritating. it's like when IG changed the algorithm and when they did the notifications thing and all the instahoes were like BE SURE TO TURN ON NOTIFS!!!~~ or when youtubers obsessively ask you to like/sub on every fucking vlog. except it's 20x more annoying bc it's aly and it's never even anything interesting.
>>399190how is she SO different from who she was 3-4 years ago when she was always clubbing and going out with (actual) friends? so many of these ana girls never had that type of lifestyle pre ED, either bc they got sick much younger than Aly or bc they were the perfectionist high-achiever type. but aly seems to have been a normal outgoing teen with friends and a party life. and now she's 22 at like peak party age and acting like 3 drinks (incl a glass of wine lol) with coworkers she barely knows and getting home by 11 is ~~~so crazy~~~. she KNOWS it's not.
like i don't just see this as ED related, it's like her entire personality changed. like she didn't have "social anxiety" or "OCDs" or whatever before and now she does. unfortunately it's hard to tease out the details bc she's such an unreliable narrator lol.
>>399192and she's STILL pretending she's going to delete? wtf girl have you no shame? she just spent the longest most dramatic buildup to a supposed leave and then changed nothing and didn't even blink, does she think anyone will believe this at all?
No. 399247
A few threads ago I wrote a dumb analysis of how Aly could get out of her rut and start being interesting, by doing things like improving her styling and capitalizing on her location to make her account more aspirational as a cool girl in a cool city. This was before she started losing followers by the thousands and posting sudoku stories 5x a day.
At this point I'm not even sure how she can get back on track. I think very few of her followers are active. Most were probably ED accounts from 3 years ago when she was thin, and most people abandon wannarexic accounts quickly. Others are shops/promoters/etc who follow indiscriminately. She never built a genuine following; it was always a revolving door of anas, brends, and farmers. She never interacted with anyone or built a personality.
So now she has all these followers but only a small percentage engage. (When she's on private she only gets like 200 likes even though she has almost 50k followers, and she rarely gets double-digit comments. Those are crazy low numbers.) She's become much less aspirational to every target audience: she's no longer skinny so the ana girls don't care. She no longer puts herself together well or eats pretty food so the #foodblogger community is out. Her constant negativity and drama would annoy recovery and #bodyposi accounts. Plus she never appealed to the feminists even though she thinks she does.
She has literally no appeal as she is. Her styling is at an all-time low, her content is repetitive, she ignores her followers while begging for support, and her emo tween behavior is cringey. It's obvious she lacks self awareness and doesn't understand why she's losing followers.
If she wants half a chance of retaining any following, she needs to go public, fix her appearance and her English, and stop alternating suicide threats and begging.
Sage for pointless marketing bullshit and being bored at work yo
No. 399265
File: 1507335713117.png (259.83 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-06-17-19-31…)

Some recent comments for those who can't see. 1/2
No. 399266
File: 1507335735645.png (291.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-06-17-20-19…)

No. 399276
>>399227 therapist is an ED therapist she sees like once a month, they can't do shit about her degree of issues
cough cluster b
cough histrionic
coughNot trying to "diagnose her" but we all must agree she has some traits at least from her internet persona. Even if she doesn't have HPD she has a very strong attention seeking personality
No. 399300
File: 1507338783414.png (886.84 KB, 2220x1112, lol.png)

No. 399324
File: 1507341068429.jpg (5.6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>399300I wasn't going to do internets again til the morning but the shit on the horror channel made me have a look AND I'M GLAD I DID (!)
I love this post into pieces. I'm educationally subnormal with photoshop or w/e and thought they were actual posts (for a few seconds) and I was like WTF hahaha.
Thanks anon for the comments as well. Is she going to pretend she's deliriously happy tomorrow or post blackouts?
And Aly was banned because she was "just another ED person". NOT!
One of the posts above reminded of when Aly was spoopy and used to say she wanted to be a journalist. She said she liked writing. A few days ago she said she writes and she meant ON IG. That made me feel like she really has lost it. She should be writing short articles and sending them to magazines or newspapers if she wants to work in print, or online sites.
But no, the once ambitious journalist-to-be Aly only writes for instagram. It's a shame because English is her second language and sometimes she can write quite well.
Fuck it, it's her life. All that'll save her is a Sudoku attempt.
Sorry for that ramble. Here's a picture of a cute ink stamp.
No. 399365
File: 1507353031378.jpg (556.38 KB, 809x1387, Screenshot_20171007-000748.jpg)

these are the comments on that last post so far. the first one was deleted idk by who
No. 399397
>>399373Basically what she told me in a dm, she loves writing. lol.
Please someone tell her her writin is bullshit and people on the internet are making fun of her. Someone show her lolcow please
File: 1507366402342.jpg (1.12 MB, 810x2814, Screenshot_20171007-035053.jpg)

aly…i just cant.. you didnt get any haters, you freaked out cus ypu were drunk and no one commented like does she actually think a few comments = hate like why is this girl insane
No. 399401
>>399397it wouldnt do any good to show her this thread it would just add to her victim complex and we'd be overun by white knights probably
she needs her account to be taken away i wish she'd leave up her suicidal af posts or something shes getting so ridiculous
No. 399404
>>399397no cowtipping.
>>399401I'd love to see her account deleted. She'd probably make a new one and despair about her folloer count never being about 500
No. 399425
>>399399>I've become stronger and less interested in dumb comments Lmao SINCE WHEN?! Since you passed out drunk after claiming to be suicide AF because of haters ?? Jesus. Aly you are so so mentally unwell. I've never encountered someone so blatantly ill and in this much denial.
>is the game still worth the candle?Badly translated idiom?
>my therapist says I'm not OCD/addicted to IG. I stay away from my phone all day during work. You need a new therapist ASSUMING this is true. Which I find hard to believe. Because, Aly, sweetheart, your page is the very definition of OCD. Anyone with an IQ of 50 could see that.
Also, you do not stay away from your phone during work. You post stories about your scary faints and two bites of chocolate.
How can one person be in so much denial? I seriously blame her mom. I used to feel sorta bad for mama C but now I'm just pissed. Because I have a feeling they are horribly codependent on each other. And I want to slap them both.
No. 399435
File: 1507379122817.png (193.82 KB, 730x1101, IMG_0759.PNG)

WHY on earth does she repost her fucking breakfast cookies?!
No. 399437
>>399434She thinks the sun shines out of Aly's flat booty.
>>399435Because she HAS to.
Uh oh she's going to demand our support next post.
No. 399440
File: 1507380037121.png (109.85 KB, 720x646, 20171007_144006.png)

No. 399441
File: 1507380114923.png (199.82 KB, 720x1083, 20171007_144139.png)

No. 399442
File: 1507380126392.png (948.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171007-144112.png)

No. 399444
sorry for the incorrect order, I just needed to get the rage about her not naming the correct days off my not-facehugger-chest
No. 399448
>>399442Thanks for updates.
Shame her breakdown tears didn't wash off that ever increasingly ludicrous - idk even what to call it anymore - swoosh at the side of her eyes.
No. 399451
File: 1507380931516.png (324.86 KB, 720x753, 20171007_145501.png)

No. 399460
File: 1507382770999.jpg (32.6 KB, 1080x1080, 2017-10-07_15.24.52.jpg)

No. 399461
File: 1507383712107.jpg (203.7 KB, 718x702, photo_editor_temp.jpg)

No. 399462
File: 1507384132259.jpg (54.24 KB, 736x736, slayin.jpg)

Here's a suggestion from one fried chicken fan to another. Not that she'll take his advice.
No. 399469
File: 1507385670534.jpg (92.02 KB, 621x576, IMG_20171007_080625.jpg)

Fun lol
No. 399516
File: 1507392140470.png (72.22 KB, 389x228, ocds.png)

No. 399525
File: 1507393333102.jpg (1.09 MB, 810x2584, Screenshot_20171007-111958.jpg)

>i dont have a problem with ig im able to stay off my phone while at work
>6 posts including a repost of some fuc*ing cookies
No. 399550
>>399516I love this one the most
>>399425 lol she just fakes all perfect and recovered with her therapist (whom she sees like once every 2 months aka not enough to develop a therapist client relationship) and i'm 99% sure they don't know anything about her insta and if they do she probably said something like "i just write some motivation occaisonally :)"
No. 399608
File: 1507403265139.gif (1.06 MB, 480x243, carefree.gif)

>>399525LUSH oily (!) copypasta ?
No. 399642
File: 1507405950407.jpg (794.51 KB, 810x1839, Screenshot_20171007-145056.jpg)

>i had a bad day :( check back post and comment
No. 399695
>>399682top kek, you put your full name in the email field like are you kidding me? why couldnt you do a little bit of research before posting for the first time
>>399691remember to sage!
No. 399699
File: 1507408108448.png (5.5 KB, 600x50, anon.png)

>>399682sorry newbie, rules are rules
No. 399702
File: 1507408280036.gif (3.17 MB, 360x360, IMG_2576.GIF)

aly's journey
No. 399709
>>399703but why the fuck would you type in your real email address with your full name at all?? like genuinely what was your thought process here?
>>399702her hair journey is terrifying
No. 399719
File: 1507408792412.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171007-153912.png)

No. 399724
>>399721haha it is you
seriously tho no one is coming after you just stop posting and it'll be done
No. 399731
>>399710kek I noticed that too, her head was always facing the ground when she was snoopy and now it's tilted up
2 year prediction: Face will be facing the sky
No. 399732
>>399726what do you mean? she loves her NO GUILT (!) EVERY TIME FAVORITE SUSHI
fish emojisometimes i wonder if she even does feel guilty at all, like obvi her food relationship is still fucked up but also she really has no problem eating that much all the time or she would've gone back to restricting since that's what she would love to do. so i feel like she just word vomits about GUILT and whatever as one of her standard 10 histrionic sperg outs of the day
>>399721holy shit are you actually in PR and handling this so spasticly
No. 399755
>>399648I really do believe that Berto
TRIGGERS her in some way. Her biggest meltdown days always involve being with him.
No. 399761
File: 1507410613216.gif (496.21 KB, 500x264, jelosy.gif)

>>399755i think she's super afraid of him dumping her (again). he's like the only thing she has going on other than IG and it's really clear she puts a huge value on being "the hot blondie girl" and attracting men. she might even realize she would have a really hard time snaring another dude at this point since she's so antisocial and wackadoo. she's already lost her skinny bod and alot of her followers, without berto she would be (in her own value system) nothing.
No. 399801
File: 1507413741865.jpg (1.2 MB, 810x2929, Screenshot_20171007-165934.jpg)

if anyone was wondering this is the 10th picture from outside mcdonalds incl a video
No. 399808
>>399801Is it okay to eat like a man though?
Is that the 10th from the same shoot posted today?
EX anorexic yet post a wall of text of anorexic thoughts. Okay then.
No. 399820
>>399808shes been mixing it up with 12oz coffee and amsterdam chips lately
i dont even understand that post
>is eating like binging?>ex anorexic>i enjoyed eating>no ed related existence>someone tell me food is good No. 399840
File: 1507417434662.png (2.27 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171007-180052.png)

so this goes before ? post
they shared some fries lol much binge
ugh who gets sushi and fries or is that normal
No. 399844
File: 1507417530447.jpg (57.36 KB, 293x361, notedrelated.jpg)

How is this not ED related?? what the hell is she talking about?
She goes on to tell her followers, exactly what to say in the comments for her to read tomorrow…
No. 399846
File: 1507417734870.jpg (35.01 KB, 277x220, tell me exactly this.jpg)

>>399844fuck it, here is the rest lol
how is it useful to tell someone exactly what to say? Doesn't that dampen the meaning?
No. 399866
>>399840Ok, this is a lot of fries, but it's for two (one a man who eats more). She thinks a standard for two portion is a binge amount? M8, she should try a British chippy or Indian takeaway. After the starters I'm done.
Makes the omg I ate 3000 calories even though I don't count them seem even more impossible. She doesn't even know what a portion looks like? Wtf did she do pre ED?
No. 399867
>>399855Seriously. Shit had me rolling.
>>399846This is where a therapist would come in. Why does she insist on asking (I mean, demanding) her "ED family" to say exactly what she want to hear.
Why not tell yourself it's ok? You said earlier you are not mentally ill so you should trust your own judgment. And if you don't…..SEE A FUCKING THERAPIST
No. 399905
>>399844i think she means like non-anorexic existence, as in she feels lost without her ED identity either (a) since she's no longer skinny/visibly ill, or (b) since she's allegedly an EX-anorexic.
i do sort of get what she means if it's the above, and it's more or less what we've been saying for ages here: that she has nothing in her life besides the ED to occupy or define her. i think she's trying to express that loss of identity, but she's just a shit writer with limited english skills.
tho i may be giving her too much credit lol
No. 399920
>>399801samefag but how is she even eating here? it looks like she's stabbing the fry/onion ring or whatever it is with a coffee stirrer or a mini chopstick. there are no tines and no curve so it's not a fork, and i thought it was just fries stuck together but i'm p sure she's actually holding some weird utensil. or else it's an optical illusion and i'm losing it.
italian anon pls weigh in on this mysterious implement
No. 399945
File: 1507427522447.jpg (710.47 KB, 3024x1376, IMG_2579.JPG)

I was reading this book and this reminds me of Aly. Imagine being so miserable that your whole identity is the memory of one whole year of your life when you were snoopy.
No. 399950
>>399945What's the book?
I can understand that, particularly with events like trauma, but like you say a few years of anorexia, well… It could've played out so differently if she hadn't had an instagram following.
No. 399968
>>399960Nah, she thinks OTHER EX anorexics don't need to read self help books, but not she. She is strong and can do it all on her own.
If she isn't going to see a therapist then the least she could do is try a self help book. It takes a lot of effort to put the advice into practice and I can't see her getting past chapter one.
No. 399978
>>399933lol i was thinking that was probably it but i feel like a sideways fork would look curved and it's totally straight! this is how boring aly is, i'm analyzing her plastic cutlery instead of reading her word salad oops
>>399873>>399960seeing a therapist or reading a self-help book would be a HUGE (!) step back! please do not give your opinion, she did not want your opinion when she asked for your opinion (!)
No. 399987
File: 1507433464676.png (33.15 KB, 750x633, IMG_0159.PNG)

>>399978It's probably something like this
No. 400017
>>399987I'm not surprised she would eat fries with a fork thing. When I visited italy, I was actually surprised to see everyone eating their pizza with a knife and fork. Blew my mind.
I assume eating with your hands is frowned upon? Unless it's a sandwich?
Sage for being a dirty, hands-on-pizza eating American
No. 400094
File: 1507454661817.png (208.75 KB, 720x1127, 20171008_112342.png)

No. 400095
File: 1507454675057.png (81.67 KB, 720x470, 20171008_112358.png)

No. 400096
prediction for today:
now that she's not so obviously ~struggling~ today as she did last night, she won't receive as much comments as yesterday, so she's set up for a breakdown
No. 400097
File: 1507454926755.png (812.18 KB, 720x1034, 20171008_112800.png)

>>400094and the picture that goes with the text, if somebody still cares (!)
No. 400132
File: 1507460041485.png (216.91 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4746.PNG)

No. 400134
File: 1507460170950.png (919.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171008-125549.png)

No. 400156
File: 1507466638012.jpg (1.57 MB, 810x3451, Screenshot_20171008-074303.jpg)

No. 400157
File: 1507466738031.jpg (567.13 KB, 810x1171, Screenshot_20171008-074420.jpg)

this was her lunch too
some clams lol
No. 400161
File: 1507467184371.png (1.2 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171008-145208.png)

No. 400163
>>400161haha oh god shes gonna go crazy on ig if they break up
i thought him moving was the end to all past struggles
No. 400169
File: 1507469663824.jpg (1.04 MB, 810x2518, Screenshot_20171008-083305.jpg)

guys they don't have any wheat so they can't move in together
No. 400181
File: 1507470299011.jpeg (81.94 KB, 640x448, 33AE5822-04BC-4EC2-8C17-7466F3…)

>>400157Have a pic of oysters, they’re very small.
This is not even a handful of spaghetti.
No. 400219
File: 1507476748532.png (85.01 KB, 720x476, 20171008_173158.png)

No. 400245
File: 1507480596057.jpg (499.89 KB, 810x1288, Screenshot_20171008-113443.jpg)

she says i know ive been a mess and i dont know if i still have a place in the community but i started here and i want to do the same for someone else and uh kisses
No. 400255
File: 1507481531528.png (1.36 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4754.PNG)

Jfc Aly get your gross little legs off the fucking table
No. 400266
>>400221>>400169samefag sorry but holy shit the "we don't have wheat" thing is somehow the funniest thing ever to me. what does she mean?
Aly the wheat farmer
No. 400272
File: 1507483593627.png (75.99 KB, 720x343, 20171008_192607.png)

video repost
No. 400273
File: 1507483602795.jpg (181.89 KB, 1014x505, Screenshot_20171008-122544.jpg)

oh the haters have taken to dms now
No. 400274
>>400266so now I'm assuming she meant heat but still lol.
She needs to break up with berto, they're codependent af and it's not a healthy relationship. Also I'm bored and would like to see how she would handle a breakup
No. 400275
>>400266My guess is she meant water. Maybe fatberto and the roomie don't have the funds to turn on utilities?
In California you usually need a deposit, especially if you have bad or no credit. Maybe they have a similar thing in Milan.
No. 400305
>>400297i have no fucking clue how the instagram algorithm works (and i don't think anyone does tbh) but i would assume that the more you interact with a person's posts, the more prominently that person's posts shows up in your feed. so most likely her constant deletes and reposts of the same things makes her move farther and farther down her followers' feeds bc they can't possibly see/interact with her posts when she has them up for 10 minutes or less. therefore the more she deletes and reposts, the less likely she is to get comments, long-term.
on the chance that someone has interacted w her enough for her shit to show up at the top of their feed, they would see her ALL the fucking time bc of her many posts and reposts, which would probably annoy people and make them more likely to delete.
i think she would be much better off posting 2 or 3 times a day, actually interesting new material instead of many similar shots and unrelated long ass captions. (not even mentioning the literaly reposts.) ofc this would also be better for her sanity lol but as if she would ever back off. she has the least chill of anyone i've ever seen.
No. 400334
File: 1507486859681.jpg (1.3 MB, 810x3123, Screenshot_20171008-131848.jpg)

so she took 10 pics, made a video, ate some fries and then TRIED to hurt herself
No. 400337
>>400270…There aren't school teams in Italy… Especially not volleyball teams…
>>400272>I kill me I love Alyisms
No. 400414
>>400262"professional volleyball player" aka played some beach vball with bro some weekends
>>400334"i tried to hurt me". Um how do you try to hurt/arm yourself and fail??? Did she like hold a dull knife to her harm and calls that "trying to hurt herself"? What a little attention seeking drama queen
No. 400454
File: 1507492687050.jpg (15.27 KB, 978x87, Screenshot_20171008-145523.jpg)

felice out here giving no fuc*s
>>400420alys mood changes by the hour it would look ridiculous lol
No. 400477
File: 1507493582887.jpg (35.22 KB, 900x430, moodpanda.JPG)

>>400420I'm looking at different ones online and as I thought a lot of them rely on that "rate your mood" thing. How did she feel this time last week…need to check other thread.
If anyone else wants to try this out for Aly, feel free. I might even do it on a text doc so we can see what she was doing to spot
TRIGGERS coughBerto
coughI'm trying Mood Panda because of the emojis.
No. 400526
File: 1507495529461.png (195.49 KB, 662x503, aly.png)

No. 400589
File: 1507497918469.jpg (521.14 KB, 810x1251, Screenshot_20171008-162259.jpg)

she went with a friend it was a friend ok not my mum at all
No. 400590
File: 1507497962449.jpg (1.24 MB, 810x3087, Screenshot_20171008-162314.jpg)

this post too girls!
i will always be annoyed by her fake hater bs
No. 400592
File: 1507498004595.png (608.51 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-10-08-16-25-30…)

No. 400642
File: 1507504426876.jpg (2.16 MB, 1920x1920, CollageMaker_20171008_18530620…)

The beginning of her video is just soooo fake.
*side glance
*brush muh hair away
No. 400655
>>400649she uses the hashtag? lol i just hate how she keeps banging on about the edcommunity and how they HAVE to support her (!) am i still part of the community girls? ? i'm still sick in the head promise ? but she never gives support out to anyone else and no one ever calls her on it
i think a lot of people get insulted by how she eats a lot of junk but still stays thin
No. 400666
>>400642why the fuck does she always do this? pretty much all other IG users, from huge celebs to random personal accounts, just start out saying hi or doing whatever the vid is. nobody does this bullshit "oh what, someone's filming me? i had no idea!" thing.
>>400649>probably want to binge if bulimiclol true. and easy to rationalize a binge too since she's typically blathering on about how it's OK (!) to eat even when full (!) and HUGE amounts (!)
No. 400672
>>400666I assume she does that cringy hair tossle because she's obsessed with "posing" and since you can't really "pose" in a video, this is her way of doing it. I assume it's a part of her OCD and having to look "perfect". Makes me nauseous honestly.
Also, notice how she became more OCD she stopped going on and on about it? Now it's her anxiety. Even tho her OCD is in it's worst stage yet.
No. 400779
Did Jasmine switch over to facebook or did she just stop commenting?
>>400745YES! how would Aly react?
No. 400836
>>399873We don't have the NHS but we do have a public health service. When I was considerably younger I went to see a therapist and I didn't have to pay for it. The problem is there are long queues and they (rightfully) prioritise severe cases.
I mean, given the amount of times she eats out and the fact that she now has
some disposable income, she could definitely afford a couple of sessions a month, if she wanted to.
No. 400837
File: 1507537401686.png (149.86 KB, 750x856, IMG_0777.PNG)

No. 400844
>>400649I can only speak from my own experience (even tho I've heard that other anorexics did stuff like that as well), but I used to spend hours on the internet, looking at pictures of (junk)food instead of eating something.
I agree with you on the bulimia thing though. Her chocolate posts actually
triggered a chocolate binge for me . I still think most of her followers are anachans
No. 400859
File: 1507544407193.png (215.14 KB, 748x1104, IMG_0782.PNG)

She lets her dying you guys
No. 400861
File: 1507544846760.png (1.94 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0783.PNG)

No. 400862
>>400861>>400859>purifyDoes she mean detox? It's the only similar word that comes to mind.
I wonder what will happen if no one comments? Another black post?
No. 400863
File: 1507545403268.png (176.15 KB, 750x1005, IMG_0784.PNG)

>>400862I think she means purging? Not sure tho
No. 400866
File: 1507546094722.png (153.65 KB, 750x1074, IMG_0785.PNG)

Well, i couldn't hold it in anymore. I'm blocked. We had a good time aly, so sad.
No. 400881
>>400866i love how quick she is to get mad and defensive when anyone tells her she shouldn't restrict, have a breakdown, self arm, or kill me based on comments or haters. she's always responding with things like this, insisting that no it wasn't bc of comments/IG/haters/whatever thing she literally blamed it on in her posts.
you can't have it both ways aly, either you NEED comments to get through the day alive or you don't. you can't attention whore like that and then backtrack any time anyone points out how fucking insane you sound.
No. 400900
File: 1507554180899.jpg (1.17 MB, 810x2627, Screenshot_20171009-080146.jpg)

No. 400907
File: 1507554968059.jpg (170.86 KB, 1009x531, Screenshot_20171009-081341.jpg)

some more comments
>>400866oh its not because of comments shes starving herself because she had an argument with her boyfriend thats much better!
No. 400911
File: 1507555672242.gif (481.15 KB, 320x188, 46ea5530-bb26-0133-a225-0e55e2…)

>>400900I can see why Berto left her with all this emotional balckmail YOU'RE MAKING ME UNHAPPY SO I'M GOING TO STAAAAAAARVE SO THERE.
Like her followers, like even one of them, gives a flying fuck whether or not she eats.
Do as you like, Aly. Starve is you want to. It's your problem, not ours.
No. 400927
File: 1507557884557.png (2.08 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171009-080346.png)

>>400866She wrote this for you
No. 400935
File: 1507558798857.png (206.12 KB, 838x421, much insane.png)

No. 400946
>>400935HOLY SHIT
No. 400957
>>400927See this in context: you see your coworker moping. She isn't that interesting and looks at you funny when you go out eating, but you decide to cheer her up and take her out for an icecream. You're both walking back to work and she stops to photograph the bottom of the cone. Several times.
As people watch, you quietly slip away, noping the fuck out ofthis.
No. 400973
File: 1507565333739.jpg (345.57 KB, 1400x899, Screenshot_20171009-100413.jpg)

>>400962I think its the same girl.
According to Aly, that girl isn't normal for eating ice cream at lunch. Even though Aly eats ice cream, croissants, donuts, chocolate as meals?
Also, Aly ditched her there? Is that what she's saying?
No. 400974
>>400973oh i didnt pay enough attention to that post
i really dont think that girls dieting aly lol i think shes just so disordered about food she has no idea whats "normal" anymore
No. 400981
>>400911B52sStarve if you want to-ooo
Starve just like a girl
Starve til Dante comes to you
Without faps, without beer
No. 400983
>>400973"Lunch on an ice cream cone" is a new favorite alyism.
I'm imagining Aly balancing nuggets, fries, and donnies on a cone, then pouring a milkshake over the top.
Remember when she used to OCD bake?
No. 400987
>>400973No, she just messed up the tenses. That sentence most likely should have read "I can't survive as she does, but I didn't have the strength to refuse and leave her there."
I mean, just eat 4 icecreams? Or see if they have something else you can have elsewhere. Or, I don't know, just fucking say it "I didn't have lunch yet, I'll go and grab something a bit more substantial."
No. 400995
File: 1507571031864.jpg (799.78 KB, 1031x1536, Screenshot_20171009-124232.jpg)

it's so sad ??
No. 400997
File: 1507571442399.jpg (1.02 MB, 810x2490, Screenshot_20171009-124821.jpg)

if that anon is keeping track of alys mood shes now happy, maybe
No. 401035
>>400997Like three days ago she asked everyone for food advice and literally everyone told her to add healthy and well balanced good to her diet of donnies and faps. She ignored it completely and is now shameless enough to ask the same fucking question.
Newsflash, of course you'll be starving and feel like shit if all you do is binge on sugar and then crash two hours later.
No. 401037
>>400911Proud of Berto!
>>400962kek yeah this irl "is on a diet" and has ice cream for lunch? She probably either already had lunch, just wasnt very hungry that day, or has small snacks through out the day instead of meals, etc. Why the fuck didn't our EX anorexic just stop by another place and grab something (ahem mcdonalds fries) else for lunch too? Isn't she perfectly recovered???
No. 401072
File: 1507580838944.jpg (693.91 KB, 1041x1532, Screenshot_20171009-152623.jpg)

No. 401109
File: 1507584134431.png (202.44 KB, 720x1128, 20171009_232116.png)

No. 401110
File: 1507584144766.png (189.91 KB, 720x1034, 20171009_232151.png)

No. 401155
>>401110haha and who was that girl aly? whats her ig? is she gonna comment on this post?
>>401113yeah she says she turned off her phone when shes been on it at every given opportunity and ya now everythings fine again when this morning she was thinking about starving herself and the other day she was self harming and gonna kill herself because of haters that she herself made up
if not today then tomorrow she'll have another breakdown
No. 401178
>>401109 ah yes, more adventures in “this never happened” land, aka Aly’s head.
Had a follower “found” her at work Aly would probably put up a million and one crazy eyed selfies bragging about how she, she alone, single handedly saved this girl from the brink of anorexia when all professionals had given up on her. Honestly, I hate her.
Sage for rage/non con
No. 401186
File: 1507588147403.jpg (471.36 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20171009-172709.jpg)

I really wish she would get a haircut like when your hair gets all fluffy like that you really need a trim and its so, so orange ew
No. 401201
File: 1507589927084.gif (714.43 KB, 360x360, IMG_2657.GIF)

imagine going to your local mcdonalds with some friends for some fries and seeing this
No. 401227
>>401089She's mostly eating at McDonalds and otherwise fast food, it's not like she's going out in a nice restaurant every day. A lot of times she's posting the same meal twice or even more often. I don't even get what you're saying; but kek'ed at organic piece of shit.
>>401186Her hair used to be so nice! I wish she'd go back to blonde or just brunette.
No. 401273
>>401216it sounds like onision & his "saving people from self harm and depression via blunt honestly" kek
she's just histrionic af and wants attention & for people to think highly of her
No. 401295
File: 1507601679063.png (2.73 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171009-201316.png)

What does this mean? What reveal?
No. 401397
>>401109I like how male coworkers is in quote marks
like, what
No. 401408
>>401295that she managed to be alone i guess? lmao
which makes me doubt she even knows what a real abandonment syndrome is. because it does not automatically mean not being able to be alone
No. 401409
File: 1507626272239.png (712.51 KB, 720x1039, 20171010_110400.png)

No. 401410
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No. 401411
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No. 401412
File: 1507626322573.png (141.59 KB, 720x746, 20171010_110320.png)

No. 401413
judging by dogs comment, following aly will make you stupid over time. How long does it take to check one sentence to correct spelling/typing errors
No. 401431
File: 1507630414593.png (73.64 KB, 720x338, 20171010_121246.png)

it's not because of the comments guys (!)
No. 401432
>>401428Fellow Italian, I misread your post as:
There are, in some schools, Italians saying this: "I kill me".
No. 401433
>>401109"free from comparison"
"Better than my male coworkers"
snap out of it bitch
No. 401434
>>401432Same person, I'll take it as a personal attack. I kill me, HUGE BREAKDOWN.
No. 401435
File: 1507631219703.png (1.26 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171010-122617.png)

No. 401442
File: 1507633423285.png (1.93 MB, 1440x2019, 20171010_065958.png)

She is really trying to let her followers know that they let Aly down!
No support!
Sage for samefagging but, as soon as I posted here, she posted pic related and it's just too ridiculous
No. 401448
>>401442She'd probably receive more advices if she could ever be bothered to comment on other peoples posts when they also need advices.
Yeah, incredible she has no idea why everyone's given up sending her a comment.
No. 401449
>>401410>>400859These two photos are making me rage. Why does she play with her food so much!? Why is her fry away from her face and her package near it in the one?! Why is she putting a French fry on her nose? Aly, STAHP.
Also I cannot stand her incessant whining about comments. She never comments on anyone's posts, but Lord forbid only dogs comments on something.
Anyone wanna make a bingo?
No. 401450
File: 1507636034254.png (900.7 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-10-10-06-44-47…)

No. 401466
File: 1507641384804.jpg (1.18 MB, 810x2629, Screenshot_20171010-081449.jpg)

doesn't she always eat fried food
No. 401468
>>401466Wait did Bertie dump her?
This "abandonment syndrome" is irritating me, there is no syndrome I googled it lol and it says there's just a type abused children get, she just means she doesn't like being by herself, why does everything need an aly diagnosis?
No. 401474
>>401434I feel like a murderer.
I kill me, too.
No. 401476
>>401468I hope he dumped her.
I can just imagine her being all "roberto come back my abandonment syndrome is going to make me kill me! thanks for killing me you dont even care."
No. 401497
File: 1507645310673.jpg (368.46 KB, 1245x1339, Screenshot_20171010-081955.jpg)

>>401442Comments under brownie pic
No. 401506
>>401468She probably means "abandonment issues", but it's not a syndrome. I think she just likes to make it sound like it's a sanctioned mental illness, rather than just feeling of loneliness.
I mean, both her parents are with her, I doubt she experienced the sort of situation that leads to abandonment issues. And even if, it's hardly something to parade around, it means that she's more clingy than the average person and gets more anxious about people's perceived or real rejection.
No. 401522
File: 1507651718757.jpg (62.42 KB, 978x183, Screenshot_20171010-110702.jpg)

yeah i think dogs said she was in a car accident so maybe she hit her head
No. 401523
>>401506she probably just has a normal fear of abandoment like most of the world and just makes everything super dramatic for the attention. that's what happens when mommy holds your hand and spoon feeds you your entire young adult life, she acts like she's about to die without attention so she can get more attention.
if she had real problems with abandonment she'd be freaking out a lot more now that berto is awol not like "i feel bad this morning bc abandonment syndrome but I am FIGHTER! SURVIVOR! Challenged myself to fried food (!)"
No. 401529
File: 1507651998759.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171010-111023.png)

ugh did she have a filet o fish for breakfast? how does she not have terrible acid reflux?
No. 401535
>>401525They do if you're Scottish.
"Abandonment syndrome" for her is probably when her dad had to work miserable long hours and Ma worked too so they weren't there 7/24 to give her attention. Anyone who had a parent they barely saw because they were working hard to keep a family could say ABANDONMENT ISSUES!!!1 but we're not all crazy, attention seeking twats like Aly.
>>401529Hoping for black post!
No. 401539
File: 1507653618323.jpg (11.32 KB, 280x180, support plz.jpg)

>>401537Either way she's an attention hoe
No. 401541
>>401466Who did she persuade to take a photo then if shes on her own?
Also when you can see the outline of your undies its time for a new bigger "dress"
No. 401543
File: 1507654043468.jpg (260.09 KB, 552x924, Screenshot_20171010-174632.jpg)

>>Guys im still 1 kg underweight!!
No. 401545
>>401541That's a #throwback to when she wasn't ~alone~
I'm just grateful she wears knickers. Please god don't let her dress this way all through winter. It would make my ~weather sensitivity~ even worse.
No. 401576
>>401543i recovered from an eating disorder (i use the term loosely - you never really recover. it just gets better for a while, for some a long time, sometimes not really) and I didn't end up fat and obsessed with food but this is pretty clearly someone heading in that direction.
what will she do when she's been chubby for so long that her 'recovery' is irrelevant and her eating is no longer worthy of any sort of praise?
this is the limbo we are in right now and she's realizing she can't milk it anymore.
what will she turn to? munchie? drugs? fitness?
No. 401583
File: 1507658892212.png (269.1 KB, 750x1136, IMG_2658.PNG)

"sold as much stuff as yesterday" "did better than my male coworkers" kek she's working in retail not as a sales representative
so professional of her to bash her superiors like this. bitch they don't like you taking extra breaks bc you take one every 10 mins
No. 401587
>>401583Why does she feel she needs to win "points" at work, especially from a supervisor? I'm sure a lot of jobs must be like that, but in the low end of retail it just makes sense to try to get along with the others as part of a team. She sees everything as a battle. If she was more amiable then she might be allowed an extra break (I wangled cig breaks by being nice). Never particularly liked bosses, but you're not there to be be bffs forever, innit.
>>401585I politely disagree that you can recover from ALL mental illness. It it's chemical then no you can't, you can only be stabilised with medication.
As for eating disorders some men and women go through decades of relapses and it eventually kills them, so not everyone can recover from eating disorders.
Every case is different and relies on a lot of complicated factors, but unless there's a bereavement and someone suffers reactive depression, clinical depression is a tough nut to crack and sometimes it's always there.
No. 401591
>>401110>she whispered "you saved me"that girl's name? Albert Einstein
>>401178main reason i don't believe this story (other than that is just obviously fake) is that one time she took a pic with a follower who ran into her on the street somewhere. she documents EVERY interaction with anyone just to prove she has friends, fans, etc–even that random dutch tourist and the stranger girl who went to budapest with them. if there was someone there she would $100% have photographed it
>>401411>"The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could."lol what a feminist. i hate bullshit like this, no one would ever say that the strongest action for a man is to ~be himself!~ or w/e. success as a man = be a CEO or president! save lives! change the world! success as a woman = aww love yrself honey don't let ~society~ win
No. 401598
>>401585>she's not chubbywhen you recover from an eating disorder it's all fat. That's just the way it is, realistically. Would you say her body composition is healthy in this picture?>>401466
>you can fully recover from a mental illnesssure, jan
No. 401605
>>401601She may not be "chubby" but she sure as hell isn't underweight or at the weight where she can blame feeling faint and fragile on being anorexic.
She needs muscle mass, but it's obvious she's gained body fat in the areas where women's fat generally goes. Having a round face is possibly her natural face shape. To look at it it does look like she's filled out in the face with body fat.
Aly's only bothered to gain weight and not work on the stuff that's lead to her illness. She'll never improve because she thinks it's all about eating and won't work on her erratic behaviours.
No. 401619
File: 1507662376980.gif (508.41 KB, 500x305, yay.gif)

>>401614Starting tomorrow first post?
No. 401622
File: 1507662548005.png (1.65 MB, 1404x1804, Screenshot_20170923-120017.png)

I got bored at work and made this. This is approximately how much she eats if she actually eats everything she posts using myfitnesspal. Wtf are her breakfasts lol? For reference, the recommended max sugar intake for the avg woman is 25 grams.
No. 401625
>>401622I like this more than the mood chart I still haven't got round to making (been out today but in all day tomorrow so might start then).
There's a calorie thing here for Oreos cals for 3
I don't eat biscuits, but I think that's average really.
No. 401642
>>401622idkkkk i really think she's eating at least 1800-2400 kcals a day. she DID gain 22 kg (!) and the weight she's been stable at for months is very close to her natural weight pre ED. i honestly think this is basically her set point and if she would just eat a more balanced diet and exercise a little more, she'd look awesome and get back the same tone she had before her ED.
if she were restricting much she would definitely be losing, and if she were losing she would definitely be talking about it (see a couple of weeks ago when she claimed to have lost 2 kg on her first week of work even though apparently she then realized it was an anomaly or gained it back, since she's posted the same 1-1.5 kg underweight thing both before and after that day).
my guess is she does legit binge sometimes too and just doesn't post everything. i was looking back at the oldest threads trying to get the timeline right since she always exaggerates how long she's had an ED, and she posted about issues with binges in her first attempt at recovery. she's never purged but has had the restrict/binge cycle many anorexics have.
the proof is in her weight, she's eating enough right now whether she wants us to think it or not. if she weren't, she'd be losing.
No. 401643
>>401642I only used the food that she's posted a picture of, she definitely might be eating some more that she doesn't post on IG. I also don't post her liquids, like sometimes she'll have some wine that she didn't take a picture of and so I didn't put that. I was mainly focused on the crazy sugar intake lol
With no exercise & no muscles she probably doesn't burn very much anyways.
No. 401647
>>401646Lack of hydration, maybe doesn't use moisturiser, smoker…not sure about genes because no clue how old Ma is. Her dad looks early 60s.
She can look really haggard, but without make up she can look 19.
No. 401703
File: 1507672025050.jpg (208.52 KB, 609x1199, IMG_2663.JPG)

um does her mom weigh her or something? and kek why is she apologizing for those things? she's so embarassing
No. 401705
File: 1507672245281.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171010-164837.png)

i think she was singing? idk what was going on
No. 401756
File: 1507679518147.png (44.98 KB, 137x116, aly faces.png)

No. 401763
>>401703>Sorry for this 'new Aly'Oh dear, she thinks that CAREFREEDOM about having a few drinks and eating with a ~coworker~ is a new improved EX anorexic Aly and it's great.
Unfortunately she doesn't see the train wreck she really has become.
>does it feel like this 'enjoying'?What is she, a fucking robot?
She didn't catch anorexia til she was out of school. Didn't she do "normal life" then? Does she have amnesia.
If she sees Berto then she's going to get
Might be at the clinic tomorrow for weigh in. She kept that quiet. She'll still be 1.5kg underweight.
Might be some lulz later on, my darlings.
No. 401815
>>401653Good job, anon! I notice the likes she got on insta line up pretty perfectly with that part of your timeline.
2015- 1000ish likes.
2016- 800-900+ likes, pretty consistent
Beginning of 2017- 400+ likes
Summer 17- 300+/-
October 17- she's barely getting over 100.
Final observation, her family has stopped caring as much as her followers.
They were vey present earlier in her account and have now dwindled away.
No. 401824
>>401795no? tomorrows still weight in day
>>401815woah she was getting 1000 likes? no wonder it went to her head
No. 401850
>>401815>>401824(anon who made the timeline, sorry for my OCDs (!) )
yes she got way more likes then and tons of comments, i think that's one reason she's so fixated on comments now. she used to delete anything negative (and random things too, like people asking what flavor something was), but she would still have 30-40 comments on many of her posts. we used to watch her comments go crazy during nighttime-in-Italy hours with people calling her out, whiteknighting, etc.
it was a different time.
tear emojialso worth noting, looking back through old threads reminded me HOW much she's changed. the first thread people were talking about how great her hair looked, lol. there were also envious comments about her food. she had friends, the restaurants she went to were nice, she would "eat" well-balanced meals, and she was attending uni. her clothes looked fine and her facial expressions were normal. farmers were assuming she was a "rich bitch".
she even did shit like arrange her cookies and tea on pretty placemats. it was super OCD but at least it was pretty, and what she does now is just as OCD but trashy af.
she also didn't post tons of photographs from the same shoot. she posted a lot, but maybe 5x a day (for each meal/snack/…prayer?) as opposed to the 13 she was doing this summer.
it was disturbing to see how much sloppier and crazier she's gotten. if i were an ana-chan and watched her whole transformation condensed to a 3-minute video, i would NEVER recover and not bc of the weight gain.
No. 401871
>>401824I know she wrote it, what post is it that mentioned the weigh in? I guess it doesn't matter. LoL
>>401614I look forward to bingo tomorrow
No. 401884
File: 1507708723791.png (1.28 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4774.PNG)

…Aly. You don't even need to weigh yourself stfu.
No. 401886
>>401884A flat surface normally helps
Dont want to gain that 1-1.5kg accidentally now!
No. 401909
>>401850It is really a quick rise to "fame"and even quicker fall. I think if she had really owned her recovery, instead of flopping around with highs and ridiculous lows, she could've maintained her followers.
Wish I knew about the farm in her 'hay' day. Lol
No. 401927
File: 1507726916950.jpg (337.15 KB, 1080x1835, Screenshot_20171011-150020_1.j…)

She just reposted this without saying she is reposting
No. 401934
File: 1507727834676.jpg (1.15 MB, 810x2769, Screenshot_20171011-081348.jpg)

guys should i weight myself i dont care if i weight myself i dont care what my weight is what if i weight myself my weight doesnt stop my recovery im still anorexic no weight can tell me that im not oh also i had a hotdog
No. 401987
File: 1507734601991.jpg (166.72 KB, 1373x1940, Screenshot_20171011-090625.jpg)

>>401614Ok, bingo time, we got:
Black out post(pic related from today)
Thigh high socks
Eat me and go
Back post back
Cookie breakfast
No. 401997
File: 1507735127432.jpg (586.84 KB, 1252x1421, IMG_20171011_091720.jpg)

>>401614Am I missing anything?
No. 402006
>>401997wow this bingo card is filling up fast lmfao
i think you missed FUC*ING and a (?!)
No. 402010
File: 1507736015539.jpg (657.66 KB, 810x1232, Screenshot_20171011-103216.jpg)

she was left alone! how could you leave her girls how could you
No. 402023
>>401850I made this a few days agp that I think you might enjoy ~
>>399702>>401987what a stupid little manipulative waste of space. how does the bitch have people who still give her support? imagine looking up to a girl (and being some v sensitive and v young mentally ill girl commenting on this bitch's profile only to have her be all "No one cares about me I just asked for help and there was no one" Remember lousrecovery and how she was actually devastated over the fact Aly ignored her 24/7?
like bitch stop crying wolf and guilt tripping everyone. This absolute cunt is the reason many people dont take suicide threats and extreme emotions seriously. Just fucking "give up with recovery" already ffs
No. 402024
File: 1507736935465.jpg (1.14 MB, 809x2613, Screenshot_20171011-104555.jpg)

why does she ask for advice about decisions shes already made? like do you think its good to go get my pap done girls? hoping in your replies
No. 402028
File: 1507737365622.jpg (375.66 KB, 1021x888, Screenshot_20171011-105421.jpg)

No. 402029
>>402024>gynecologist (!)lol
>making a mental step forward through HOT DOGSthis is her entire "journey" in a nutshell. for 2.5 years now she's been blathering on about RECOVERY (!) but it's always entirely about food or some superficial platitude that she clearly doesn't even believe (like "i love my cellulitis" or w/e). it's like she learned these two lines, junk food and fake positivity, way back at the beginning and has just been parroting them for years with no attempts to push through to legitimate psychological recovery.
how the fuck is a hot dog a "mental step forward" anyway? she's been scarfing junk food for a year now and has the 22 kg (!) to prove it. tbh eating a well-balanced meal instead of fast-food crap would be a much bigger step, let alone something like, idk, developing a personality
No. 402034
>>402031(a) probably not, have you seen the size of her giant crazy eyes?
(b) of course this isn't actually about recovery, where a normal person would def close their eyes or be weighed backwards, etc. our recoveryqueer desperately wants to know her weight bc she needs to still be 1-1.5 kg underweight so she can tell herself/her followers that she's still sick. but she suspects she isn't anymore and she knows that if she finds out she's now at a "healthy weight" she's going to lose her fucking shit.
so she needs to know she's still underweight but she needs to NOT know if she's no longer underweight. poor aly, what a dilemma
No. 402052
>>402033ikr like your weight fluctuates more than that daily
>>402034when she actually sees that shes a normal weight itll be like "im so close to being underweight again gosh im scared" or she'll pretend shes happy about it and then have the mother of all meltdowns
No. 402067
File: 1507740409409.png (1.54 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4775.PNG)

I think this is the worst I've ever seen her makeup. What the fuck is she doing with her eyeliner?
No. 402071
File: 1507740753201.jpg (1.1 MB, 810x2545, Screenshot_20171011-115120.jpg)

ok aly
No. 402102
File: 1507743168881.jpg (213.43 KB, 915x581, Skelly Christmas.jpg)

#TB (!) ???
No. 402104
File: 1507743179175.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171011-123208.png)

No. 402107
File: 1507743277454.jpg (534.57 KB, 810x1227, Screenshot_20171011-123358.jpg)

No. 402161
File: 1507749490535.jpg (1.15 MB, 810x2793, Screenshot_20171011-141551.jpg)

no one said you were fat
1 girl said maybe dont always eat fast food that was it
and you lose followers cus you treat them like shit
No. 402179
File: 1507752288875.jpg (684.82 KB, 1021x1506, Screenshot_20171011-150319.jpg)

how is there more news!
No. 402187
File: 1507753184630.png (1.43 MB, 1252x1421, image.png)

>>402180Not sure if I got everything
No. 402190
File: 1507753381197.jpg (1.23 MB, 810x2873, Screenshot_20171011-152141.jpg)

she reposted this
No. 402214
File: 1507755080511.jpg (620.26 KB, 1199x1364, IMG_20171011_144910.jpg)

Dante is the free space right?
I think we have a BINGO!
No. 402217
File: 1507756046435.gif (594.72 KB, 500x280, hearts.gif)

>>402214If only spotting Dante had been achieved. If only…
No. 402227
File: 1507756915974.jpg (545.28 KB, 1031x1313, Screenshot_20171011-161909.jpg)

i love how this crazy ass person has got aly all wrong like how can these people think shes a good person when she just manipulates people for attention
No. 402233
>>402227Proud that she's getting her cervix checked out? That's what females usually do. It's not like she's going to have any problem getting the speculum up there.
I hate all the u. Is she Prince? Makes me thing it's a sock puppet for dogsnpos.
No. 402243
File: 1507758686064.jpg (354.76 KB, 1056x1271, Screenshot_20171011-164820.jpg)

I feel like this might be too easy lol
No. 402299
>>402243Yay! Thanks, anon.
Only dogsnpos comments will be interesting.
Has Aly actually added any farmers since she went private again? I'm still waiting. It kills me not to see it all happen live, but it's saving my phone battery so pros/cons.
No. 402326
File: 1507769588043.png (1.79 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20171011-181346.png)

this didn't get posted yet.
I hate how she acts fine, "I deserve it!" then in tiny font says "help?"
help with what you dumb bitch?!
No. 402328
>>402326I hate how she does that coded system thing which tells you what to read and when. Like, fuck off.
She won't improve. She is definitely going downhill. You only have to look at her.
Ty for posting. I miss all the irrelevant posts yet hated them when they were in my feed. Help?
No. 402333
File: 1507771831966.jpg (240.96 KB, 1008x643, Screenshot_20171011-202018.jpg)

>>402326what were those posts even about? like she drags things out ridiculously
part 1: shes going to see her therapist
part 2: she hasnt seen him already cus ppl said she looks like shes lost weight (um except she doesnt??) and she was afraid he'd say quit your job
why can't she just fuc*ing work and eat a bit more and get her shit together
and im just reposting this word salad because its just so histrionic hoping in your replies
No. 402335
>>402333So basically she asks for advice and for opinions, but it's only she who will decide what to do.
>Am I mad?Next question …
No. 402390
File: 1507783597601.jpg (178.21 KB, 1344x451, Screenshot_20171011-224343.jpg)

I hate her so much…yes, you look recovered…and it's not an insult.
No. 402419
>>402390She's really a two-legged internet-equipped
I want to punch her for "Do I really look recovered and that's why I keep losing followers".
She should be happy for being recovered, she could even stop eating shitty food for gaining weight quickly which is definitely shit when recovering.
But no, her top priority is her Instagram fame. I hate her "into pieces".
No. 402420
trigger, not
No. 402423
File: 1507796030339.png (890.58 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171012-101151.png)

No. 402424
File: 1507796048482.png (958.3 KB, 720x942, 20171012_101232.png)

No. 402425
File: 1507796062393.png (205.9 KB, 720x1152, 20171012_101311.png)

No. 402426
File: 1507796073723.png (131.88 KB, 720x695, 20171012_101326.png)

No. 402428
File: 1507796086768.png (648.17 KB, 720x1033, 20171012_101250.png)

No. 402440
I want her to define ~panic attack ~ Hers sound unlike panic attacks.
>>402423If a woman is fine with her dark facial hair that's fine. Just sayin'
No. 402453
File: 1507805796763.jpeg (173.01 KB, 1354x1528, image.jpeg)

good morning aly
No. 402462
>>402456It'll say she was strong and didn't go home at midday.
>>402460And have a leisurely second breakfast (!) while it's happening.
No. 402463
File: 1507806972555.png (1.5 MB, 720x1146, 20171012_131508.png)

Clicking on her geotag never fails to amaze me. Jfc
No. 402476
File: 1507811284835.jpg (297.42 KB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20171012-142645_1.j…)

She is the new dogsandpos
No. 402489
File: 1507816161021.jpg (543.94 KB, 2896x2896, 20171012_074804.jpg)

Instead of days, she can't tell time now.
No. 402503
File: 1507818832654.jpg (959.75 KB, 810x2429, Screenshot_20171012-093217.jpg)

>comment so i can eat
No. 402534
>>402503shes going in late again? lol how hard is it to get to work for 13am
>>402521i'm pretty sure shes just saying that cus people have said to take in a packed lunch
>>402476love how all of her followers now are either idiots or farmers pretending to care lol
No. 402553
File: 1507827819193.jpg (551.81 KB, 1353x1533, IMG_20171012_110129.jpg)

there's more, if you want to count some on technicalities lol
No. 402556
File: 1507828255078.png (2.45 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171012-110543.png)

Who is she telling to fuck off?? Just all of her followers in general?
No. 402563
>>402556she never wears her crazy eyeliner at work. they must've told her during her interview that she couldn't look like a fucking loon. interesting that she never shared that story, makes me doubt even more the bullshit about the brend that was trying to enforce its sexist dress codes.
>>402548so many anas do become spoonies, but with aly i somehow can't see it? for one thing she seems really dumb and medically too ignorant to even be aware of a lot of chronic illnesses let alone fake them, she doesn't even seem to have any medical understanding of anorexia. plus her primary pathology really seems to be wanting attention and wanting to feel wanted/sexy/desirable. i bet she'll cling to the ED as long as possible, while also clinging hard to her ~sexuality~ and a series of shitty relationships. she'll be one of those women who's pushing 50 and still wearing clown makeup, out of date hair, and super short skirts to formal events, and flirting shamelessly with the teenage waiter in front of her bored middle aged husband who only keeps her around bc doesn't want to be fucked with divorce paperwork and is having an affair with his secretary anyway
No. 402572
File: 1507830767215.jpg (1.13 MB, 810x2601, Screenshot_20171012-125050.jpg)

i really hate "little big wins" you might as well say little wins aly it means the same thing!
No. 402573
File: 1507830859077.jpg (118.49 KB, 792x591, future aly.jpg)

>>402556I want to cut her pinkie fingers off with bolt cutters.
I took a ride in my time machine. Here is future Aly, still a hot blondie.
No. 402605
>>#throwback toungue chocolate donut emojiWhat's she been doing, sounds like she's been licking Bert's asshole or something
No. 402676
File: 1507841596707.png (303.64 KB, 750x1092, IMG_2730.PNG)

Yup, that happened!
No. 402685
File: 1507842476034.jpg (602.48 KB, 1353x1533, IMG_20171012_150246.jpg)

I don't think a bingo will happen today.
No. 402698
File: 1507843841507.png (316.58 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-12-14-29-28…)

Lol fenceology. Will this get her blocked? We will see.
No. 402700
>>402698Fenceology is good at this. We know they're taking the piss, but that comment would sound real to Aly. I bet Aly only sees the praise and it blinds her to sarcasm.
She had a good-ish day. That means … Eeeeeeeeee … Breakdown tomorrow!!!
No. 402705
>>402700>>402699>>402698fenceology may or may not have been sent DMs of thank yous and appreciation by Aly for some really obviously ridiculous comments.. ahem… lol
Aly always takes them so seriously it's great
No. 402726
>>402715you're doing god's work! but also, this makes me think aly has a few generic thank-you messages like this that she copy pastes to people who wrote out long supportive comments. what she wrote here actually isn't specific to the comment at all, it's about the community instead and could apply to practically anything.
makes me want to create a fake account to test this theory lol. any other farmers receive this exact same message from aly, or other stock-messages like this?
No. 402727
>>402726Nope, but I could try
Didn't dare to comment since she already blocked 4 accounts of mine
No. 402756
>>402715This is okay but
>>402739Just my opinion but I don't like when farmers leave totally nice messages. She spergs out and reposts when she gets none at all. It's funnier to me when she gets none. It's like instagram comments and likes are her lifeblood.
No. 402808
File: 1507859982866.png (50.53 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2017-10-12-20-57-29…)

>>402726Ehile ago i commented one of her pics and she DM' me with exactly the same message! I hate her, is the worst (!)
No. 402809
>>402808yeah, fuck her for saying something nice to you, how dare she
like what
No. 402812
>>402808No frickin way!!! I'm the one who got the other one. What is her thought process here? "I dont care about anyone enough to send a message so I'll just send everyone this generic copy and paste! They'll never find out and I'll continue getting asspats! Haha!!"
>>402803to be fair we're already unimportant, she ignores everyone (or as now proven sends everyone some copypasta)
No. 402820
>>402808haha yeah she obviously doesn't care about her followers so ofc she'd send some stock reply out oh but switch out a monkey for a heart or w/e
i always wonder did her and jasmin elizabeth fall out? like that crazy bitch also used to comment and now shes gone also aly still follows lous recovery so i think she hasnt even noticed that girl left her cus she treated her like trash
it really irriates me how little aly cares for the people that follow her
No. 402823
>>402808Same anon. I don't believe she's fooling her followers that beyond, one thing is guilt tripping and other is copy/paste and let's call it "social anxiety" that's the reason shes now alone (w/only ma and fatberto). Even when she was skelly she had friends and saw her "sister" more often. Now is she with herself. She NEEDS to relapse, for her wellbeing cause she can't handle recovery with her mind kms far from her body.
Don't know if in this rage attack i'd use my english correctly… agh!
No. 402826
File: 1507861207622.gif (1.07 MB, 245x300, Zombie-fingers.gif)

To Aly followers are just fingers for her to abuse when she has another bad day. Their dumb comments (!)
That Jasmine girl isn't even on Aly's friend list on fb. It's easy to spot her friends from ig because they're all spoopy.
No. 402841
>>402832If she has a PD (ahem histrionic ahem) recovery is gonna be much much much harder for her to even attain, practically impossible with the mindset she has now.
But i strongly believe if she is to ever even have a slight chance of true recovery from all her problems, she neeeeds to hit a very low rock bottom. Maybe not even ED related, maybe she needs something like a severe existential crisis. Not wishing this upon her but she I really think she needs to experience something very traumatic to want to change
No. 402849
>>402841> she needs to experience something very traumatic to want to changeBut…but she has traumas all the time. Don't belittle her being told off at work or almost getting drunk and almost drunk posting on ig!
>>402837Idk. Hopefully THIS will happen
>>402836 and I get to stay updated. Wish me luck, my darling girls.
No. 402917
>>402900I'm pretty sure she thinks "recovery means "fat"
I do have a bit of sympathy for this girl, but not in the sense that I wish to satisfy her need for attention
No. 402928
>>402756There's a psychological mechanism that makes people seek a reward more the more unpredictably and/or seldomly the reward is bestowed. Someone made an experiment with pigeons where they were given some automated treat box that would dispense rewards and the one that didn't give a reward exactly every time it was pressed by them but was more unpredictable in delivering actually had a low rate of extinction of the behaviour (pressing the button).
>(D) Variable Ratio Reinforcement>Behavior is reinforced after an unpredictable number of times. For examples gambling or fishing.>(E) Variable Interval Reinforcement>Providing one correct response has been made, reinforcement is given after an unpredictable amount of time has passed, e.g., on average every 5 minutes. An example is a self-employed person being paid at unpredictable times.
>Response rate is FAST
>Extinction rate is SLOWNever giving her comments would lead to her extinguishing her account after a set amount of time (where she'd taught that her behaviour doesn't lead to the result that she wants), giving her comments every time without fail would weirdly achieve that sooner than fenceology's behaviour as well.
Ironically, if fenceology gives her comments every now and then but not always, they are behaving in the way that is likely to guarantee the longest life for Aly's account and thus for a more protracted moronic behaviour on her part for you to witness. If Aly receives a variable amount of comments, not every time she asks for them, she's much more likely to stay addicted to asking for them.
No. 402979
File: 1507901616401.png (321.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-13-06-32-40…)

Skip your damn lunch and get to work!
No. 402981
>>402979has she never worked before?
>has anyone had to skip lunch cus theyre busy?uh yeah, also love how the pic for this post is her at the pool totally has to do w the post
No. 402994
File: 1507903581555.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171013-090415.png)

anyone fancy a breakdown today?
No. 403002
>>402979Okay, I know she's a recovering ana and needs to not fall into old patterns BUT in the real world, especially when at work, it's NORMAL to have to skip lunch or scarf something inadequate in a few minutes. This bitch thinks she deserves to be wrapped in cotton wool for the rest of her life.
>>402994Ooooo, yes please.
No. 403016
>>402698wooo she liked the comment!
>>402917meh, don't sympathize for her. She's so immersed in her own ego, she guilt trips people for attention and threatens to kill herself due to "no comments", doesn't help anyone, she makes people who care about her feel like shit, remember how she made her uncle's death all about her? Sympathize for her family and loved ones, not for her.
This isn't just some poor girl suffering from an ED. I'm sure she actually thinks extremely highly of herself, and that all her body image issues are based on her worrying about what people think of her. EDs are VERY commonly co-occuring with histrionic trails, since those who love attention are obsessed with their appearance. It sucks that she was born with that brain, but people have recovered from issues as severe as this, Aly blames everything, including her abusive behavior (ie. if she acted like she does on IG with her boy, she's 100% abusive) on her eating disorder. She needs to put in a lot of extra work to change, but she's putting in zero, and that's on her.
No. 403022
>>403002ikr and shes so needlessly dramatic about it idk anyone who makes a fuss like her "I only get 30 minutes for lunch!!" some people only get that
sometimes I think is she saying this for attention (yes) or is she just this dense (also yes) because they must have told her its "sales day" before today, so a normal person who wanted to recover would think ok I'll have to eat a bigger breakfast and bring a protein shake or something but alys like oh noes should I just skip lunch altogether??? commemt so I can be able to eat, shes not even trying
No. 403044
>>403037>>403043she could but she doesnt want to
let her starve if she wants
No. 403046
File: 1507909462754.jpg (6.42 KB, 270x45, really.jpg)

wow, she really thinks Aly cares.
No. 403066
File: 1507911860631.jpg (115.72 KB, 888x578, Screenshot_20171013-112118.jpg)

>>403054heres a graph from social blade with some fun correlation
No. 403083
>>403066this is great!!!!
Follower count is following a nice negative parabola, she should be at ZERO followers in Jan 2019
Her following count hasnt budged since she basically restored her weight. if she was really recovering you'd think she'd follow more people for inspiration, but nope. ~~she's her own inspiration~~ and what happened in sept 2016, why did she suddenly start follow 50 people then unfollow them all again?
Top kek at the daily image uploads. she deleted so many posts constantly when she was slowly starting to gain and then when she started getting really insane feb/march 2017, she deleted a bunch of photos (probably too ashamed of how "fat" she's gotten that she doesn't want people to see her snoopy pics) and it seems to be increasing at 200 posts a month…. tf I don't even take 200 pictures on my phone in 6 months let alone even consider posting 200.
No. 403097
File: 1507916186794.jpg (542.86 KB, 810x1174, Screenshot_20171013-123455.jpg)

lemme guess she was the best seller even better than The Men and her boss said shes amazing and she ate all her snacks cus she deserves recovery
No. 403099
File: 1507916234196.png (89.22 KB, 750x676, IMG_2760.PNG)

please tell me that vegan is a farmer
and kek fenceology. #teamfence
No. 403102
File: 1507916609114.jpg (1.16 MB, 810x2686, Screenshot_20171013-124228.jpg)

she needs opinions on something she already did
No. 403113
File: 1507918235512.png (2.46 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171013-120810.png)

What she passed through? Getting an hour for lunch? Oh no, poor thing…
No. 403118
>>403116>>403113lmao i think so
>oh my god guys i did it! i managed to get an hours break ? and get 400 calories worth of ice cream>>403112it doesnt even make sense like she says she needed an hours break to go get an ice cream when shes also says she ate a sandwich she brought from home, so why would she even need an ice cream! like of all the things you could eat
No. 403125
>>4031021) This is so fucking pathetic, she told her boss she's underweight and needs a longer break because of that? I wish i was her boss so I could be like "You look fine to me, go back to work". She needs to seem soooo fraile and dainty.
2) Bet none of this even happened. She probably misunderstood from the start about her hours (like didn't she say she gets a 1 hour break when she started?) and today as like "Do I get 1 hour or 30 mins of lunch" and boss was like "1 hour" and Aly was like "RECOVERY WIN!! so proud of me ?!"
3) kek I CALLED IT: she almost fainted
4) How do you NOT HAVE TIME (like 1 minute holy shit) to eat a sandwhich? Who cares if the store is busy, switch your swift and go on your mandatory break you moron, then put it in your fucking mouth and CHEW
No. 403177
File: 1507929427678.jpg (1.16 MB, 810x2597, Screenshot_20171013-161516.jpg)

why is she trying to ssy that her coworkers dont eat? if one really did say lets skip lunch it was probably because they were so busy but i even doubt
No. 403184
File: 1507930039257.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171013-162554.png)

No. 403187
>>403184this is really starting to bug me…every fucking day…help with what?! WITH WHHHAAAT??
This doesn't make sense…"Im scared but happy"…that should be the end.
No. 403376
>>403289she does not work more than 8 hour days.
>>403289yes, 10 min for 6 hour shift. Longer than 8 hours they have to give you a lunch. that's how it was for me at 7eleven in the US.
that's one 10min break every 2 hours, then you go home.
Forgive me for personal crap. When I was an assembly worker, it was 15 min break, every 2 hours, with only a 30 min lunch. AND we had a target assembly quota we had to meet, and if we didn't reach it, we had to give an explanation, even if it was bullshit. 12.5 hour shifts Thur-Sunday. Fuck Aly.
No. 403382
>>403381Lucky for you guys under 18yrs…
so you work 4.5 hours, then 30 min break…then just 1hr? lol
No. 403558
File: 1507971042472.jpg (1.18 MB, 809x2978, Screenshot_20171014-044838.jpg)

RIP job 2017-2017
No. 403612
File: 1507986256329.png (68.47 KB, 286x749, 2017-10-14 15.01.54.png)

>>403558Aly is not going to like those haters´comments.
No. 403615
File: 1507986497530.png (23.95 KB, 279x204, 2017-10-14 14.58.15.png)

>>403591But she asked an EXTRA DESERVED (!) and NEEDED break! Aly won´t let anyone mistreat her at work!
And why is she suddenly the only girl at this place? All the time she was talking about all the other girls being on diets. Have they all fainted for good from postponing lunch for half an hour?
No. 403619
File: 1507987008590.png (1.09 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4830.PNG)

Recovery, not even once.
No. 403621
File: 1507987404389.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-10-14-06-20-13…)

No aly. This is not a good decision. Her body must be screaming for nutrients at this point. Of course we know it already, but here is further evidence she asks for advice she will never listen to. I miss old aly…at least she never tried to bite her tongue off in every other photo…
No. 403626
File: 1507989042295.jpg (1.03 MB, 810x2429, Screenshot_20171014-084656.jpg)

>>403558so shes lost like 10 pounds?? lol just eat more you dumb bitch i think shes irritated a lot of her followers with this
No. 403631
File: 1507990884527.png (11.58 KB, 293x97, Bildschirmfoto 2017-10-14 um 1…)

Apparently Aly´s followers are no longer willing to put up with her bullshit.
No. 403643
>>403631This went when she becomes public. She Dropped to 48.2k and the only solution was turn public, since yesterday morning magically she turns from 48.2 to 48.4
But she'd just open the Pandora box
No. 403664
File: 1507995018975.jpg (264.86 KB, 1016x618, Screenshot_20171014-102856.jpg)

possibly someone farming the land but still
No. 403708
File: 1508002546545.png (1.37 MB, 1061x1574, 20171014_123509.png)

No. 403726
>>403708Ever since I've started following her, I see her face on the screen of my phone even without meaning to. She's always the first to pop up in instastories, always with that half-sad half-smug face, always begging for comments. I can't make it anymore.
That's it, I kill me.
No. 403737
>>403626Something "safer for her health"??? What the fuck bitch, you're one pound underweight and you can't scan an article of clothing and hand someone a reciept? what a spoiled cunt I hate her. People work in much more stressful jobs and go through a lot more shit than Aly's mild dizziness due to eating 200g of sugar a day
No. 403739
>>403626lolll i love how she can't keep her story consistent. within this week she has (1) freaked out about a theoretical weigh-in, bc she "thought she gained tons" but her mom "thought she maintained, (2) given the same damn 1-1.5 kg underweight sob story, suggesting she has maintained (again, like she has for months now), and (3) decided she has lost enough for a dress to be loose on her, which would mean losing at least 5kg to even notice a difference (and lol @ her wearing anything "loose"…)
which is it?
but of course she's weight restored to her set point, almost exactly where she was pre ED but just with much shittier body comp and makeup/accessories/hair
No. 403741
File: 1508006239031.gif (87.04 KB, 400x255, princess alice.gif)

>>403737Spoiled cunt? Excuuuuuse meee, she's instagram royalty. A classy princess! She shouldn't have to work.
Anyone reading anything into her lack of #transformationtuesday #transformationrandom POSTS?
I'm a bit underweight (not ana, just happen to be) but I'm perfectly healthy (only get colds in winter) and I've done the most strenuous, labour intensive jobs and never felt ill at work. Even when some shit I've had to haul around was perhaps too heavy really I still did it. And I'm only 5ft tall. SO fuck off Aly, you lazy bitch. There's fuck all wrong with you. Do some damn work. The world does not owe you anything and you're not a fucking superstar princess.
(imagine me doing that head wobble thing with index finger pointing upwards)
No. 403745
File: 1508007020205.jpg (28.98 KB, 278x222, almost.JPG)

Cry me a fucking river, Aly
No. 403757
>>403745Fainting/collapsing seems to be her new obsession. How in the world does all this make sense?
When she was a walking skeleton with a BMI of 10.something, she wasn't afraid of dropping dead any moment although she was in serious danger of dying from sudden heart or multiple organ failure.
But now that she´s basically at a normal weight (I don´t care for all her whining how she´s still 2 pounds underweight) she "almost faints" all the time because she can´t stuff her face with donnies and hotdogs 24/7 anymore?
The only explanation I have for this behavior is that her brain has mostly ceased working because of all the sugar she consumes.
No. 403758
File: 1508008913337.png (271.05 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171014-212011.png)

Oh I can answer this one!
She breaks down and cries.
But(!) Still gets DONNIES AND FAPS!
Our glorious recovery queer.
No. 403782
>>403741Idk you but i sympathize a lot, you’re like my grandmother, she was 37-40 kilos (5’8”) when she had been working in the wheat/corn fields, milking the cows, taking care of her younger sisters and packing the donkey with heavy material, walking kilometers, cooking and making cheese/ yoghurt.
She managed to do this all at that low BMI, she had to eat like a horse to maintain her weight. She was a real worker, people back then knew nothing about BMI, intake and outtake, all that stupid western shit. They didn’t panic after not having 1 doughnut
Or frappe (aly doesn’t drink real frappe at all), they rather panicked if the donkey or cow got sick. My grandma did shit for years, never whined about anything.
This is the story she told me, because I suffer from anxiety and it made me think. She’s right, we’re spoiled - but aly is the most spoiled being I’ve ever seen. It’s ok to have anxieties, it’s common if you’re depressed but she’s from Milan, she’s just spoiled. Can’t survive without an Oreo cookie - look, she even snacks INSIDE THE TOILET LIKE WTF?
No. 403801
>>403782My grandma was a tiny little woman and had six kids for starters and worked like an ox! Maybe it's a genetic thing where a person can be tiny but robust, but yeah, I think too many of the younger generations think they're going to drop dead if they don't wipe every surface with an antibacterial cloth every 2 seconds. Imagine how they'd cope if there was food rationing! Oh god, imagine how ALY would cope!!!
You can be healthy at a lower weight for sure. I survive without 2nd breakfast of sugar, lunch of sugar and snacks of sugar and I've never almost fainted. Lol that Aly's stepped that up to almost collapsed, hahaha.
Aly can just quit a job so she isn't bothering to try to work at it. Might be laziness plus maybe she doesn't want to save up and get a place with
trigger object Berto?
No. 403806
File: 1508014668107.jpg (246.45 KB, 1008x610, Screenshot_20171014-155634.jpg)

she only got 2 comments on the last post and this was 1 of em
No. 403820
>>403801>>403741Hm no can’t be genetics because after my grandma found a job at a factory she slowly started to gain weight. Now she’s a bit overweight but yeah, that’s basically what excercise and stress does to your body, it eats all the energy before your body can eat it.
Also all Field workers at that time in Southern Europe were that shockingly skinny, both men and women!
No one ever needed 5 meals a day and snacks. They probably had breakfast and then big lunch in the afternoon
No. 403829
File: 1508017077052.png (376.81 KB, 309x527, um.png)

Why has she put their ages on this? He looks older than 23.
No. 403838
File: 1508019561586.jpg (732.2 KB, 1038x1509, Screenshot_20171014-171732.jpg)

>>403829because anon theyre just a NORMAL 21 and 23 year old getting burgers and living life (!)
No. 403840
File: 1508019709253.jpg (52.22 KB, 349x583, normality recovery win.JPG)

>>403838and took multiple pictures of the burger like the other couple probably didn't! So JELOS.
No. 403844
File: 1508019888241.gif (2.66 MB, 1080x1920, I see you.gif)

Noticed this guy looking right at us.
No. 403851
>>403842I can imagine her saying
“Haha look ma man imma ex anorexic i hate healthy and skinny so lemme put this lettuce and tomato away haha #edsoldier #saynotosalaf”
No. 403852
>>403840I think that's called Navajo Hamburger
which is basically bun + burger + cheddar cheese and fries
pretty sure they ate half of it and berto had the fries
So im guessing this one
>>403838 isn't hers.
According to the site, they use a 150g burger in all of their burgers. So that would be around 650-700 cals per entire thing… without the fries
about 300-350 per half or less
+ the snacks? she had (!) = 250 aprox and the "lunch" that was like 5 potatoes = 220 aprox
she had less than 1000 for sure.
No. 403855
File: 1508021328551.gif (459.11 KB, 239x200, alys insta.gif)

Wow, now I'm back in Aly land on ig I'm surprised at the lack of comments. I didn't know it really was such a desert over there.
No. 403862
File: 1508021651390.jpg (1018.76 KB, 810x2368, Screenshot_20171014-175302.jpg)

>>403857idk about that but check out this #tb
No. 403868
File: 1508022432416.jpg (947.13 KB, 809x2157, Screenshot_20171014-180311.jpg)

was this a real recovery or a fake recovery?
she had more likes with less followers too, she must have lost like 80% of her active followers
No. 403872
>>403868Her fluffy dog hair do was around the time she destroyed her leg in that horrific accident. Could be fake recovery/real recovery by a matter of weeks.
If she brough those back it'd be easier to get through her comments.
No. 403877
File: 1508023271660.png (434.93 KB, 532x556, 138283.png)

>>403873Yeah, they tagged her on a facebook post… apparently she had that meal that day? i dont know
No. 403993
File: 1508045239272.jpg (12.26 KB, 455x55, c.JPG)

So. Now Aly's public and two of my sock puppet accounts are on her follower's list, guess who started following both (ie wants me to follow back then she unfollows)
I suppose this happened to all the new farmer followers?
No. 404006
File: 1508047260158.png (56.06 KB, 278x595, 2017-10-15 07.57.30.png)

No "lovely girls" in sight to kiss her ass…
No. 404049
File: 1508061601399.png (254.02 KB, 750x1092, IMG_0177.PNG)

No. 404051
File: 1508061832387.png (86.54 KB, 745x505, IMG_0179.PNG)

This person's saying what we're all thinking.
And what an absolute load of bullshit that she "didn't realise" she was on public, she freaked out her follow count got too low and she wanted more attention.
There is so much in the content of this post that makes me furious but you can read it for yourselves. I hate her.
No. 404052
>>404006I love this post and I’m sure aly will read and delete it.
It doesn’t matter if aly deletes and blocks users - she at least reads it and knows that 99% of her followers are either farmers or follow her because her stupidity entertain them.
No. 404054
>>404051Yes I left a similar post (I study chemistry, and graduated on nutritional science ) , even dmd her and the last thing she told me was “ok if I’m top noisy I won’t bother you anymore” SHE DIDNT USE AN EMOJI!!! I thought wow she’s a different personality.
It’s after she sent us all this chain mail “for thanking us for advices and the comments and shit, and I told her I dislike what she does, I clearly know this was no personal message and that I’m not a fan - she blocked me after that.
She likes being surrounded by fools and be a role model and sure there are actual fags who believe her all this stupidity.
No. 404057
File: 1508063177775.jpg (44.06 KB, 361x575, HORRIFIC.JPG)

OMG such awful work wounds. I almost fainted.
No. 404058
File: 1508063202458.png (15.51 KB, 335x351, alice_casati.png)

>>404049bitch deleted the whole post and reposted with this. i predict incoming breakdown bc even her REAL FOLLOWERS are done with her shit.
No. 404059
File: 1508063232252.png (823.3 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171015-122620.png)

No. 404076
File: 1508069933710.png (152.66 KB, 720x826, 20171015_141751.png)

No. 404077
File: 1508069947871.png (146.59 KB, 720x843, 20171015_141807.png)

No. 404078
File: 1508069962980.png (143.17 KB, 720x908, 20171015_141822.png)

No. 404079
File: 1508070065731.png (181.34 KB, 720x997, 20171015_142012.png)

No. 404080
File: 1508070082213.png (120.5 KB, 720x626, 20171015_142048.png)

No. 404086
File: 1508071055882.jpg (53.31 KB, 300x400, fatigue for women.jpg)

>>404078>I'm working with MEN only who can stand the fatigue#feminism
No. 404110
File: 1508075755399.jpg (684.45 KB, 1039x1493, Screenshot_20171015-085446.jpg)

um no, no they're not
No. 404112
File: 1508076249010.jpg (1.21 MB, 809x2932, Screenshot_20171015-090249.jpg)

this is like the 3rd repost or something
No. 404136
>>403844After Dante… here he comes, Matteo, our next lord and savior.
>>403993Yes, she quickly followed me too. Unfollowed after a couple of hours though, kek.
No. 404141
File: 1508081603200.png (2.47 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171015-103201.png)

this must be the protein and minerals shes talkin about
No. 404150
File: 1508082716069.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171015-105014.png)

she looks so happy..
No. 404156
File: 1508083477543.png (104.97 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4844.PNG)

No. 404160
File: 1508083937299.png (1.07 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4845.PNG)

No. 404162
>>404156Don't comment here..coment on my McDonald shoot…also don't dm. I just want you to comment. And in the comment I want you to tell me there's no such thing as healthy food. But you have to say it exactly like this, or I kill me. You got it? Ok post it 3min from now. I'll wait.
No. 404163
>>404156haha im screaming
is she 13???
>cant use directahhh
No. 404176
File: 1508086064236.jpg (497.41 KB, 1018x1208, Screenshot_20171015-114634.jpg)

there are 2 types of people
No. 404187
>>404183yes! shes probably having to have sex with bert or shes killed herself
next post
>guys, im safe No. 404197
File: 1508089081133.jpg (707.37 KB, 1047x1574, Screenshot_20171015-123658.jpg)

nope nothin happened
No. 404198
File: 1508089200738.jpg (1.04 MB, 810x2402, Screenshot_20171015-123902.jpg)

No. 404201
>>404198I was just posting this lol.
so, shes going to start using comments more. We will see how that goes.
Also, I don't get how she is unable to juggle the time to work and eat, but she can always manage her instagram account?
No. 404222
File: 1508094029690.png (80.85 KB, 750x445, IMG_2767.PNG)

>>404156It's ok Aly, fenceology to the rescue!!??
No. 404273
File: 1508101807553.jpg (813.21 KB, 1431x1847, Screenshot_20171015-150747.jpg)

Should be fun to see her communicating. She might start getting more followers too
No. 404280
File: 1508102646597.jpg (1.18 MB, 810x2822, Screenshot_20171015-162158.jpg)

oh shutup you fake ass bitch
the haters were just people giving their advice like you always ask
will i relapse because i have to have a job? ?
No. 404281
File: 1508102677994.jpg (96.04 KB, 429x640, ALYS VISION OF HEL.jpg)

>>404273Pre packed sushi. I wonder if she's actually ever eaten
fresh produce. She'd almost faint if she saw a real live dragon fruit or a yam. I bet she even thinks that that's what a fish looks like in the sea (if she knows fish live in the sea).
No. 404294
>>404280why is everything sooo difficult? like just go to work, eat a food, shut the hell up
someone commented saying shes always unprepared for work like eating wise and its true like all she needs to do is bring in food from home and eat it but she has to make 10 posts about getting a desperate ice cream shes so draining ugh
No. 404300
>>404296right like its not rocket science
she just has to suffer
No. 404308
>>404303We don't even know if he has a personality. He might be a massive nob and Aly's the only thing he can get.
He'd look better without the facial hair like on his earlier ig pics. He looks like a terrorist now.
No. 404339
>>404326yeah like if she cared about them she'd maybe follow them? comment on their posts?
>oh honey oh sweetheart i love you! ?? your comment saying i was amazing meant the world to meit bugs me how these girls dont see how manipulative she is and the people who do just get blocked so this saga goes round and round
No. 404360
File: 1508113926621.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171015-193023.png)

I hate this bitch
No. 404361
>>404307kek thank you for reminding me of Aly's plight, living in a house with no wheat
She's more desperate than she's ever been to keep her followers and get more likes and comments. Her numbers are lower than they've been in ages and I think she doesn't have any idea why. It's crazy to me that someone could be that un-self-aware. Like does she actually not understand how off-putting her begging and mood swings are, or does she know it but just can't help herself?
Her mind is a fucking mystery.
No. 404400
File: 1508121837363.jpg (62.93 KB, 550x413, wheat.jpg)

>>404376Well I'm going to be staying quiet for a while being a "new follower" x 2. I don't trust myself quite yet and I really mean it when I write that I'm not making any more profiles when she blocks these ones.
The thing I miss now about her being private is watching social blade. Looking at her stats filled me with glee.
No. 404443
>>404438When she writes I NEEDED HELP AND NOT ONE COMMENT THANK YOU VERY MUCH, that's not bad English it's flat out rude bitch.
Really, she must be hell irl. It's amazing she has the few friends she's got.
No. 404502
File: 1508160324163.jpg (555.9 KB, 810x1204, Screenshot_20171016-082254.jpg)

another healthy breakfast
No. 404503
File: 1508160353879.jpg (1001.24 KB, 809x2118, Screenshot_20171016-082402.jpg)

and something about idk recovery
No. 404509
>>404503I've never seen a retail store that has a separate men's and women's department. These 'cuts' or bruises that she was showing off happen, I don't know why anyone should feel sorry for her.
I also don't understand why she expects the shoe shop to be different than her current job. They also have a warehouse where you need to work in…
Can someone explain to me why she's an intern there, anyway? And why the shoe shop is looking for an apprentice? I've never heard about these positions in retail as a sales person…
No. 404511
>>404509i think an italian anon said they have internships in sales assistant positions there, like just temp ones
shes just talking about quiting for attention
>>404503>SCREAMED for my breakok..
No. 404516
>>404509There are, the C&A's in my country are that big so men's in another flat. So do other big stores. Btw idk why folding men shirts is more dangerous than folding women's.
Such a feminist.
Btw, did someone believe her shit that instagram turn her public?
Btw 2, the first comment she did were to "haters", suddenly she wanted to respond to all the comments, to me this was hypocrital, i think it won't last long because #socialanxiety
That shit of "i don't post everything i eat" is bullshit too, cause she's claiming She's dying (!) And that she can only managed to have her ridiculous fashion and exclusive candies. She's saying it! She's only believed by those "lovely girls" but it's obvious that they didn't read her captions with enough attention.
No. 404556
File: 1508168546959.jpg (262.09 KB, 985x643, Screenshot_20171016-104115.jpg)

heres whats left of alys fanbase
No. 404598
File: 1508173451810.jpg (621.11 KB, 2048x2048, 772A8F32-23F3-414A-94A9-254AEE…)

I'm crying
No. 404615
File: 1508175777340.jpg (168.46 KB, 1080x1080, 2017-10-16_19.35.40.jpg)

Lol she answers everyone but dogsandpos which of course is a zero to Aly
No. 404616
File: 1508175865680.jpg (599.19 KB, 810x1173, Screenshot_20171016-124210.jpg)

get ready she NEEDS OPINIONS
>should i quitting my job in hopes to get this new better job?? oh gosh i dont know girls its pretty scaring but i have to choose me i have to choose my self and my recovery
No. 404619
File: 1508176046876.jpg (1.15 MB, 810x2682, Screenshot_20171016-124616.jpg)

i thought she was the best seller?
No. 404706
File: 1508185938011.png (155.99 KB, 750x1098, IMG_0850.PNG)

Literally no one yelled at you stupid bitch
No. 404711
>>404707she liked it and then blocked me
i got thrown under the bus guys lol
No. 404725
File: 1508188332860.png (1.45 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0852.PNG)

Aly you should kill you.
No. 404752
>>404725lol shes talkin about my comment cus i said you should get an office job cus theyre less busy or whatever
god this bitch, someone tell her i killed myself cus shes my hero and this was the last straw
No. 404755
>>404725Everytime I look in this thread im absolutely stunned at how much of a delusional cunt she is.. "nobody cares about me, I should kill me, everyone hates me, everyone wants me to die and call me names… but if somebody finds the love in their hearts to kiss my ass alittle more, they could do that.. i mean only if they dont want me to you know, die. so if you dont, you want me to die?"
How can ANYONE seriously buy into this much emotional blackmail!!!
Sage for ranting
No. 404764
>>404725The way she overreacts/makes up stories about people yelling it makes me more on the side of Pa Casati when she says he "beats" her.
How is she getting all these opportunities for work? Her CV must be half a page of A4. Interests - "tv series".
No. 404798
File: 1508194375573.jpg (143.36 KB, 738x1598, IMG_2772.JPG)

>>404764bet it looks like this
No. 404835
>>404630and i didn't realise that shoeboxes were so fucking heavy and so sharp that they cut you
seriously wonder how this bitch would go working in a kitchen. she'd fucking die lol
No. 404847
>>404764I've noticed almost all her
things with her father seem to take place at mealtimes. I don't think that is a coincidence. I think she must pick and nibble at her food, and probably makes him furious. Some people (my own dad for one) get very bent out of whack if it seems as if you are disrespecting food they have worked one way or another to put on the table. It also probably doesn't help that she literally eats junk food all day, and then comes home and probably isn't hungry for a lovely Italian meal with real vegetables and nutrition.
No. 404970
>>404755ikr, and every time I do start feeling a bit sorry for her I remember this shit. Like, at least she could try to be subtle about it.
I wonder if she pulls the same shit to her parents and if that's why her father is so annoyed with her.
>>404798Did you really take your time to write all this? lol It's probably better than her real one.
No. 405013
File: 1508237506746.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0855.PNG)

That face. That. Fucking. Face.
No. 405015
File: 1508237554842.png (2.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0854.PNG)

All aboard the breakdown train!
No. 405017
>>405013I've never seen anyone look so smug at being a loser. I'd be so ashamed of quitting a job within a month I'd be keeping a low profile.
Basing a job decision on how much snacking she can do JFC.
No. 405018
>>405012For how she wastes money on junk food, it can even be about cash honestly.
I'm italian, and I've been to Milan quite a lot of times. I have an idea of how much she's spending on fancy food and I can assure you it isn't less than 20€/day on good days.
That would make a consinstent 600€ per month, keeping it low.
If Berto and her are thinking about moving out together, it's a lot.
Like seriously.
No. 405028
>>404984She constantly talks about people calling her greedy and lazy but I don't think anyone ever has. Like most of her shit this is clearly her own thoughts and like…Aly maybe you should work on why you think this about yourself
Also she doesn't seem to get that most people her age are in much better shape than she is. She never exercises and she eats like shit. Of course she has no stamina compared to a normal 22 year old. It has fuck all to do with her weight or the fact that she was sort spoopy for ten minutes two years ago.
No. 405060
>>404970kek it took me like 3 mins
>>405057Im confused about this bc I thought berto was moving with his roommate? does Aly just wanna leech off them and not pay rent? i cant see her paying rent
No. 405088
>>405064yeah same
like how long does it take to sort out utilities anyway, bert and his friend are probably living together already and shes just saying this because she was never going to live with them for real anyway, like she was just gonna sleepover some days or w/e
No. 405134
>>405116thats true
you'd get blocked tho
No. 405149
File: 1508264399608.jpg (61.87 KB, 351x597, cashmachine.JPG)

Berto's stuffing his wallet into his back pocket. It's getting emptier faster every day with a greedy, lazy girlfriend.
No. 405156
File: 1508265544551.jpg (10.13 KB, 200x200, berto.jpg)

>>405152It gets good for her when someone else picks up the tab at 12oz Coffee Joint.
No. 405158
What whit the new post? The last post comments' are about everybody telling her to leave, or to bear with ir or leave. Now she's saying that finally is accustoming and that she didn't faint today… I thought she was working 9 hours non stop but she's having her 1 hour break at 12pm, so now I really don't understand what she's complaining at.
>>405149Out of topic but, ok the 12 oz guy is freakin' handsome but is a bit unsanitary to have that beard at a food store.
No. 405161
File: 1508266535530.png (170.1 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4854.PNG)

No. 405162
File: 1508266565643.png (178.14 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4855.PNG)

No. 405171
>>405162Like the good old days
Eats a shit load before 'weight in' so she doesnt get found out for dropping weight. Only problem in this time she wants their permission to quit so…
No. 405189
File: 1508271144716.gif (352 B, 227x227, BREAKDOWN.gif)

>>405161Two hours and not one comment.
No. 405201
File: 1508274203237.jpeg (145.22 KB, 1245x1972, image.jpeg)

Help (!)
No. 405210
>>405201every fucking time is right
anon time to save her from her terrible job?
No. 405216
File: 1508275931401.jpg (114.99 KB, 423x460, Screenshot_20171017-152812.jpg)

eew wtf Aly..
No. 405217
>>405216Her facial expressions remind me of shows when they're trying to teach an alien or a sociopath or something how to recognize and mimic human emotions by using flashcards, and the person tries but can't get it right
Like what even is this expression? I know she's going for ~joyful blondie child~ or w/e but she looks like she's in pain
No. 405223
>>405201She didn't censor the "fu
king/fuced", this time shit must be real
No. 405258
File: 1508282101001.jpeg (423.42 KB, 1251x1898, image.jpeg)

Please leave comments praising my strength and recovery wins
No. 405260
>>405258i hope shes gained like 6 pounds
its not even like her gyno would make a big deal about her weight is it? like they just weigh you in the hall thats hardly the point of the exam
she'll say shes lost weight either way and ask for opinions on her job again but end up keeping it and not change her diet or anything
No. 405423
File: 1508318746182.png (147.88 KB, 750x1097, IMG_0860.PNG)

They are called Schoko-Bons not SHOKO you illiterate bitch
No. 405424
File: 1508319558263.png (44.51 KB, 743x166, IMG_0861.PNG)

Apparently she died in 2014
No. 405435
File: 1508323795564.png (223.17 KB, 720x1110, 20171018_124914.png)

No. 405443
File: 1508327000831.png (122.05 KB, 347x288, 20171018_134250.png)

1 hour
No comments
No. 405458
File: 1508331790565.jpg (198.87 KB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20171018-150049_1.j…)

I laughed hard at this >I RECEIVED
No. 405461
File: 1508332432425.png (166.04 KB, 749x727, IMG_0863.PNG)

Aly liked this comment.
No. 405469
>>405424She did die in 2014.
Her mother has since kept up her account, slowly but surely going insane.
First she used old pics of spoopy Aly (#realrecovery!), but to be more believable in her _sjourney she finally ordered a Real Doll to dress up and pose for extensive photoshoots in front of McDonalds with, hence the shitty hair, awful makeup, and outdated """fashion""".
Dante saw the spectacle with his own eyes while sitting in a restaurant, quickly looking down utterly disturbed.
The pure insanity witnessed will forever haunt him.
No. 405487
File: 1508338983411.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8267.PNG)

Good god. I'm gunna kill me so I don't have to see these stupid attention seeking stories anymore.
No. 405489
>>405487Someone should report this as self harm, if IG has anything like that.
Not because I believe her, but she ought to learn that crying wolf has consequences.
No. 405490
File: 1508339401351.png (169.03 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4862.PNG)

Fuck off I kill me
No. 405491
>>405487even this is a copy pasta. is she upset because americans are asleep? oh lemme guess its NOT that its cus she maintained as shes just desperate to gain weight
>>405489ya you can report them
No. 405493
File: 1508339592606.png (2.06 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8269.PNG)

Must be hard being a normal weight eh Aly.
No. 405496
File: 1508339851489.gif (581.06 KB, 432x768, Thanks haters.gif)

She also posted a video in stories saying the same shit about "being pulled down" and "thanks for that" and "now I have to meet my boy" lol
No. 405499
>>405498"I have to meet my boy now, I hope he will have me since nobody wants to"
I hope Bert wasn't already having a bad day because here comes Aly. It must be exhausting to waste time on crying and emotions over Instagram, instead of enjoying your free time with each other. I wonder if he knows what joke he is.
No. 405503
can someone who doesnt mind getting blocked say that they called the italian police and gave them her full name bc she was threatening suicide. would serve her right lol
>>405499berto must be as fucked up as her, or at least extremely desperate and undesirable. Im sure he knows how draining and selfish aly is, but still stays w her bc he's pathetic. aly does nothing for him, she clearly doesnt care about him or love him, this guy is a moron
No. 405506
>>405503I was blocked twice, so…
>>405505That were the haters? bahaha only were adressing the same words of aly "I'm not a good anorexic -enimor- (!)"
No. 405549
File: 1508349595892.jpg (27.42 KB, 219x514, man alive.JPG)

Holy shit though. Those socks with the big bow on them. What is she thinking?? Isn't the bow supposed to go at the back? She's full on hooker.
No. 405551
File: 1508351265606.jpg (49.01 KB, 325x583, b.JPG)

i'm predicting almost drunk
No. 405554
>>405549for real…
also, why isn't there a bow on the other one?
No. 405564
File: 1508354498936.jpg (30.9 KB, 308x275, JustONCE.jpg)

>>405557a loooong time ago, when lousrecovery was still commenting everyday. Aly did comment on her page, ONCE. Was this posted already? I cant remember so I censored everyone elses name.
No. 405572
>>405564This is so weird, it's like when you were a kid and saw your teachers somewhere outside of school and your brain couldn't comprehend it lol
>>405490>I'm not anymore capable at itThis is prob the truest thing she ever said. Real reason she's flipping shit 8/24 is bc she wishes she could be skinny fragile ana girl again for attention and zero responsibility, but she can't restrict anymore and she's addicted to sugary shit. She just comes up with other reasons for her breakdowns bc even she realizes this is not an ok time to admit in the #edfamily lol
No. 405574
to admit not time, mobile sorry
No. 405592
File: 1508358028714.png (448.31 KB, 815x485, freeealy.png)

>>405557It´s been quite a while, but I took a screenshot, because I could not believe it.
Here another comment of Aly. So LUSH!
No. 405594
File: 1508358298899.png (15.87 KB, 335x377, alice_Casati.png)

No is commenting? Time for a breakdown (!).
No. 405597
File: 1508358859351.png (149.91 KB, 739x834, IMG_0867.PNG)

Why are these idiots still falling for her bullshit?! It's enraging af
No. 405600
>>405594Don't fucking drink it then.
Where did these FORTIMEL magically appear from?
No. 405603
File: 1508359332741.png (6.62 KB, 289x147, alice_casati_update.png)

>>405594she edited the intro for more drama
No. 405608
File: 1508359913351.jpg (6.16 KB, 244x206, donna fears.jpg)

No. 405633
>>405594what did i do wrong? maybe saying you get no support when you do and uh why does she need ensures? shes like 2 pounds underweight lol just eat a protein bar
>>405597gedanken or whatever their name is, is like retarded they always comment nice things after aly has insulted people for not commenting. i dont get why they cant see what shes doing
i cant see alys posts, is she getting less comments?
No. 405640
>>40563330 mins, 23 likes, 0 comments.
She won't be posting tomorrow. She doesn't deserve help.
No. 405673
File: 1508369265937.jpg (148.67 KB, 1200x1600, carrot with a penis.jpg)

I'm going to sound all duuuuuuuur, but does the weight of the food you're eating affect your weight on the scale? Just asking because I ate a fuckton of raw carrots at the weekend (along with what I normally eat) and I gained 2lbs that night. Now it's back to normal.
Carrots are heavy, so ?
Aly should eat them.
Back to Aly, I noticed something about her today. A new thing I noticed. She really bigs it up when she goes for a job saying they love her and how she'll be great for the job. She launches into a scenario where she actually has the job and how she'd think.
…she isn't embarrassed when she doesn't get it.
Personally I keep quiet until I know the outcome's good, but it's like she switches herself into idgaf about that job mode when she was raving about it 2 seconds ago.
No. 405676
>>405673its cus she always has to come out on top
and ya cus its in your body? lol aly will weigh like idk 110 pounds in the morning, take a shit and be 108 and she thinks that's weight loss. ive never known an ex spoop to be so lacking in this basic knowledge
No. 405679
>>405676Anorexics should eat carrots instead of waterloading then. Not calorific and healthier.
I'm going to experiment. I don't think you'd gain as much if the carrots are steamed. They're not as heavy then.
It's weird to me that Aly wasn't on mpa. At her spoopiest she would've had a lot of attention. The wannarexics would've idolised her and she could've pretended she was ~in recovery~ like on ig. Although she doesn't do forums because SOCIAL ANXIOUS.
I like weighing myself after peeing. Playing with weight is fun if you don't have an ED (and small things amuse your mind).
No. 405696
>>405673you are saying you gained 2 lbs in one night of carrots? Or you gained 2 lbs the next day?
because if it was the next day, it was probably water weight, or poop.
if it was the day of, then you really ate 2 lbs of carrots? Just raw carrots?
No. 405698
>>405696I weighed 2lbs heavier on the same day. A few hours later. I ate my normal food, but I had a load of carrots that needed to be used and I couldn't be arsed to get the juicer out so I ate them. It was okay. I like veg.
I have as much knowledge about food as Aly but I'm allowed to be retarded there because've never been spoopy.
No. 405744
>>405698that wasn't really "no knowledge about food" that was like "no knowledge of middle school math and science" tho …
>>405667ugh i remember once she freaked out about "losing 1kg" and i was like "thats just a fluctuation" and she literally made a post refering to me saying "NO, haters, it is NOT a fluctuation. I ate LESS this week."
No. 405751
>>405744haha i remember that
like she said that she doesnt experience water weight or anything
i would guess that shes at a 18.5 bmi now and this 2kg loss, 0.9kg gained etc. is just that
i wonder how this whole aly saga will end, will she get past 18.5? will she ever eat a non potato vegetable? a murder suicide with poor old bertie?? will the bitch ever go public so i can see her posts?
No. 405759
File: 1508381256041.jpg (378.49 KB, 2048x2048, 73E9008F-DB30-401E-8AC8-5FC883…)

2 months ago -> now -> 2 month prediction
No. 405810
File: 1508395812218.png (39.64 KB, 750x239, IMG_0868.PNG)

You're a farmer, right?
I really want to comment something like "you mean harder than deciding between oreos or SHOKO bons for breakfast?"
No. 405813
File: 1508397699078.jpg (59.37 KB, 500x502, mpafag.jpg)

Can y´all PLEASE fuck off with your stories about eating carrots and losing weight by pooping? Thanks.
No. 405835
File: 1508404824585.png (224.45 KB, 750x1092, IMG_0870.PNG)

Yeah. As if Aly would ever laugh about herself.
No. 405836
File: 1508404851052.png (201.95 KB, 750x1068, IMG_0871.PNG)

Part 2
No. 405837
File: 1508404875242.png (225.83 KB, 750x998, IMG_0872.PNG)

Part 3
No. 405841
File: 1508406762089.png (100.07 KB, 724x589, IMG_0873.PNG)

I love you, fenceology
No. 405852
>>405836She's gone from 7/24 to 8/24 and now 9/24! Holy shit this girl is a parody of herself.
Is this just a typo or does she not get what 24/7 means and reason that if 7/24 is a lot, 8 or 9/24 must be EVEN MORE EXTREME, like when people talk about giving 110%?
No. 405932
File: 1508430520123.jpg (302.52 KB, 1304x746, Screenshot_20171019-102252.jpg)

Yesturday she commented that an ensure is 300 calories. So, according to this she's eating 1500 a day…no one could gain on that
No. 405939
File: 1508432707361.gif (63.98 KB, 690x780, body-mass-index-chart.gif)

so how much does aly weigh, just curious
105 pounds?
No. 405941
File: 1508432898516.jpg (22.32 KB, 340x317, 1434395344352.jpg)

>>405933Anon, are you crazy? Ensures saved our recovery queers (!) Life.
No. 405944
File: 1508433076881.gif (16.76 MB, 1327x1332, 1439678684564.gif)

>>405941Don't forget Fortimel.
No. 405973
File: 1508437525546.png (30.47 KB, 304x451, mmk.png)

She's claiming to have a BMI of 17.5 now.
No. 405989
>>405973>simple I need some supportAAAHHHH
and She doesn't know if its human to be hungry after work?
>>405979Yeah, I thought she was an ex ana
Someone should tell her that being underweight for extended periods of time, even if its minor, is damaging to your health also shes rotting her womb out
No. 405993
File: 1508441933520.png (148.32 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4881.PNG)

No. 406024
>>405496The yesterday pics (black socks with the bow) aren't #tb she'd use the same denim jacket, so… she doesn't seems to have lost weight, in theory she's claiming she went down a total of 3 kilos and restore .9, that doesn't brings 18.5 (almost (!)) to 17.5, more weight in bmi doesn't changes to much the value in grams but the values seems to be exponential, so in one kilo the difference is barely noticeable (BMI)
ie. height:x, weight: 49.5 bmi: 17.54
height: x (same), weight:: 50.5 bmi: 17.89
if aly had lost 2.1 kilos that means her bmi dropped more hay 18.5-17.5, ie2:
height: x (same), weight 46.6 (2.9 kilos less), bmi: 16.51
Conclussion: LIAR (!)
No. 406025
>>406024Same anon, i made a mistake calcullating last bmi with 2.9 kilos less, not 2.1. The result is similar bmi: 16.79
The height i use for reference was 168cm cause i don't know how much is Aly.
In simply words, if she haad lost 2.1 kilos, she's so far from 17.5/18.5 bmi.
No. 406036
File: 1508448612369.png (3.3 MB, 2048x1536, image.png)

So which sushi did she actually have?
No. 406063
>>405996definitely fenceology type
>>406036why the fuck are her binges regular meals
No. 406064
>>406059>>406063She's literally started to sound like a wannarexic that tried to make their normal eating sound like an ed by any means necessary–so a normal or indulgent meal becomes "omg I binged", a lighter meal becomes "omg restricted so much", an odd schedule becomes "fasted for 5 hours", getting normally dizzy from standing up too fast becomes "fainted".
This was all standard pro ana shit literally years ago lol great that she's unknowingly jumped on the bandwagon a decade late
No. 406091
File: 1508458014194.jpg (344.17 KB, 2048x2048, C3C0A495-75E2-4C63-A109-9084C9…)

all hail based fenceology
No. 406115
>>406103woah shes probably gonna gain 500 grams from that
i thought she wanted to gain anyway, so whys she thinking of it as a binge, wasnt she gonna drink 900 cals of ensure or w/e
No. 406123
File: 1508461321321.jpg (33.63 KB, 474x541, ana pose.JPG)

She's obviously been eating well and way over what she HAD been eating for a year or so since she began her real realrecovery when her leg was destroyed. So why is some sushi a binge? It's like she's eating way less if she isn't packing on the pounds much recently.
Yeah, she deffo wants to be an ana again, but she's finding it difficult to get into the mind set.
>>406091Daar Fenceology. My BMI is 18.4998andahalf. I know your pain. Ensure fortimel's definitely needed. Best drank out of an old plastic Starbucks cup. Maybe try a Quest bar.
I'm just sitting here in black and white thinking about #anorexiarecovery.
No. 406161
>>406146You know what though? I don't think she will.
She'll probably nod her head with understanding about Fence's dilemma at being 0.0001 close to BMI 19.
(Don't pull me up on bad maths if I've got that wrong. I don't do ~numbers~ ie maths retarded).
No. 406196
File: 1508472016291.png (2.59 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171019-215531.png)

Help for help? Someone take her up on that
No. 406262
File: 1508489522689.jpg (35.21 KB, 428x255, jelos.JPG)

Yeah but she had an out of the body experience! She has the ability to leave her body and possess a stranger!
Deffo jelos of her full days and breakfast with Berto. Especially because he pays for it. Really enviable life. Expecially the job which she hates because it arms her.
No. 406263
>>406262Jealous is a big word, but she's definitely lucky compared to other people, in some ways.
The problem is that she's such a moron, I'd rather live with my problems than let my brain crumble like that in exchange for a comfortable life.
No. 406281
>>406262Oh honey…no.
The delusion is real. The only envious thing about her is that she got money tho.
>>406279Ikr, but I'm not sure if it's because of her broken English so it comes off like that, but could she really be THAT sheltered? I mean she did use to go out, party and all that, she should be aware of at least a little bit what the real world is like.
Or maybe I'm really getting my hopes way too high on her intelligence, even after all these years.
No. 406395
File: 1508515914731.jpg (413.85 KB, 1060x1201, Screenshot_20171020-100019.jpg)

LOL don't get blocked, it's too funny! I know Aly isn't bright, but she's caught me being sarcastic before, and it didn't take much to block me after I tried smoothing it over. But then again, I wasn't as good at it
No. 406426
File: 1508521282042.png (637.59 KB, 752x858, backpost.png)

No. 406428
>>406420Nope, Italian
>>406426Lol, good one
No. 406429
File: 1508521673683.jpg (638.74 KB, 807x1713, Screenshot_20171020-134524.jpg)

I love our feminist (!)
No. 406439
>>406395These comments are legit the most entertaining thing to happen on her account in like a year. I cant wait to see how far you can push it before she finally notices the sarcasm lol
>>406356I think she wants the attention and the appearance of popularity bc it's all she has in her life, and also bc she IS legit freaking out about everything (can't lose weight, still has same anxious and disordered thoughts, fights with boy, hates work, has no direction in life) and Instagram is her escape. She obsesses about it too avoid thinking about her real problems and worries.
>>406429She really has an old fashioned view of gender roles lol. Any Italian anons, is this common for a young woman in a large city? Seems so odd for someone her age in a major city but idk if that's a cultural thing or what…
No. 406444
>>406429yeah ok quit then and shutup about it
god shes just lifting like shoe boxes
No. 406467
File: 1508527115280.png (1.13 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20171020-131731.png)

No. 406481
File: 1508529610611.png (470.49 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171020-205932.png)

What the hell is wrong with her boob???
No. 406500
>>406439>is this common for a young woman in a large cityWell… yes and no. Being very old fashioned is common in small towns, especially in the South, but it's also possible that some city people might think like that. It usually comes from the family
>>406467She's still underweight, but at least she doesn't look spoopy anymore. This is a typical slimming pose though… And it's weird, for someone so obsessed with "gaining". Let's hope she doesn't fall in the trap again
No. 406525
>>406500>>406522What's weirder is the fact she's posted numerous rants about how women can do anything a man can do then she doesn't think it's hypocritical to come out with the men are better at this job thing.
>>406500She doesn't look underweight to me. She just looks slim.
Got to say, she still can't do clothes.
No. 406541
File: 1508537891657.png (399.62 KB, 516x431, wheat.png)

>>406467omg check out the baby pictures behind her! our "little blondie child" looked much better as a dark brunette. her hair peaked at age 4
No. 406609
File: 1508544589836.jpg (49.97 KB, 354x586, binge.JPG)

>>406592I imagine the crap she eats is a danger to her health but she's deaf to anyone who says that.
Also, who else predicted we'd have a binge post again. Hands up. All of you then.
No. 406644
File: 1508547936871.jpg (101.3 KB, 408x408, Charlie-Day-Is-Interested-In-Y…)

>>406634oh you know what i think they bake it or steam it like this but it reminded me of always sunny
it pisses me off that she keeps calling normal meals a binge but says that its normal to have chicken nuggets as a snack
No. 406649
File: 1508548729774.jpg (12.78 KB, 225x225, ziploc.jpg)

>>406644She's supposed to be a recovery queer yet she's telling her ED followers that a bit of spaghetti and a few prawns is too much.
I've never eaten sloppy food out of a Ziploc bag but suddenly I want to try it.
No. 406903
File: 1508593533483.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1140, 20171021_084413.png)

Someone must have told her, her bows go in the back.
No. 406908
>>406903Every so often when I come to lolcow I see a pic of Aly in the exact same pose in exactly the same clothes with exactly the same food. For months and months on end.
She's living Groundhog Day. It's creepy.
No. 406912
>>406908Well, she switched up her outfits to these dumb stockings at least, and she seems to have acquired a few pairs of them so she is at least showing us different styles. I wonder what she'll do in a month or so, or if she'll keep walking around and posing with her ass hanging out of her micromini and her thigh-highs.
TL;DR: this particular outfit style is quite tragic, and I wish she would move on. She lives in fricking MILANO, and this is what she comes up with.
No. 406916
>>406908Either she rarely changes her clothes, or she reposts old pics day after day (it looks like both).
I've seen at least 400 pictures of her at McDonald's in the same poses, with the same fucking fry in her hand.
No. 406995
>>406935exactly. like her style has always been shit, but lately they've made less and less sense. a few years ago she dressed boring and basic but inoffensive, then once she started gaining weight her style just hit the fucking floor. right now she combines the weirdest shit. like those long socks would look much better paired with heels and a dressier outfit, and when she pairs that flannel plaid shirt with random shit it always makes me want to self arm.
she seems to only wear 3 pairs of shoes, the black low-top chucks, these gray high-top chucks, and some basic black trainers. which is fine and those would make sense with normal clothes, but the way she always pairs them with the thigh-highs and ill-fitting t-shirt dreses is just wtf.
i said it earlier in this thread but she gives off a very russian vibe sometimes, the weird combo of gym clothes, hooker clothes, and an overall cheap appearance while simultaneously trying to look dressy.
No. 407043
File: 1508608733892.jpg (94.3 KB, 826x518, one bow in front and one in ba…)

>>406937I'm thinking there is only one bow on one leg. Unless she is wearing them with one in the front and one in the back? really Aly?
No. 407048
File: 1508609259369.png (416.82 KB, 626x306, whodiditbetter.png)

pick your fighter
No. 407052
>>407048whoaa the whole right pic attitude says !!!ATTENTION!!!
look at -→ MEEE ←-
No. 407096
File: 1508615460186.png (174.44 KB, 750x685, IMG_2849.PNG)

ive been looking at bertos pics and found this girl he was dating when he broke up with Aly. i bet she's mad over how he hasnt gotten rid of their pics together on IG. aly is probably the type of person looks thru this girl's pics and gets triggered bc she's gorgeous lol
No. 407142
>>407096I think they were just friends. He refers to her as a friend and there aren't any OTT PDA shots like with Aly.
She's attractive. He's crazy if he had a chance with her but now he's stuck with Aly.
No. 407155
File: 1508623299642.png (2.54 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171021-160038.png)

No. 407159
we expected you would have a bad time so
No. 407163
File: 1508623666221.jpg (579.21 KB, 1409x1358, Screenshot_20171021-160551.jpg)

Nobody knows except 40k followers? Dumb
No. 407175
File: 1508624587455.png (11.8 KB, 311x159, Capture.PNG)

TFW when you're suicidal af but continue to post 10 paragraphs for instagram, 30 hashtags, over the top photoshoots, and telling strangers "I'm safe". so relatable
bitch fucking stop with your over dramatic "suicidal af" bullshit. this bitch has never experienced "feeling suicidal" in her entire life.
No. 407176
File: 1508624698255.jpg (56.33 KB, 344x546, by being a bitch tbh.JPG)

>>407175Ikr, you'd write a good Sudoku letter to your parents and boyfriend before writing to randoms.
Here she'd being 14 again.
No. 407183
File: 1508625108008.jpg (624.32 KB, 1284x1510, IMG_20171021_162411.jpg)

>>407096I started snooping around Berto's insta. And found hers. He left this comment on her pic. Is he being flirty or just funny? LoL this was in August. Google translate says "would you give me your number?"
Can any Italian anon maybe translate the tone?
No. 407199
>>407176even though she probably used the verb wrong and tried to mean "i'm screwed",i think this is the most correct insight she had into herself so far.
>>407183lol @ fatberto's last name actually being fattori.
No. 407206
>>407201she's purged before, it was more anorexic than bulimic tho
throwing up doesn't mean yr bulimic
No. 407211
>>407206Yeah but it's a bad habit to get into. Especially considering how she's really into food now but doesn't want to gain any more weight.
Still, her problem.
How does she afford to eat at restaurants all the time? I know they look a but crap but why doesn't he cook for her or she cook for him? How does a student and an intern manage to buy fancy food all the time? I can only imagine the prices in Milan because I once bought this posh ice cream cone in Covent Garden and if that was a regular thing I'd have to take out a loan.
No. 407212
>>406912I have a hypothesis about the awful lack of style - on top of being batshit crazy of course. Maybe she KNOWS her style is terrible and is using her clothing as a way of deflecting the attention away from her body shape (flawed logic, but I have seen people do this). The super short dresses are, I think, a way of gaining validation because she so obviously hates her body, so, if she gets male attention via hypersexualising herself, then that’s must mean she’s not unattractive. Instead of addressing her underlying issues she she’d rather dress like a Russian hooker and rely on instagram comments and catcalls for validation. She’s a bloody mess. Also she’s a massive attention whore, emotionally abusive and generally a terrible person, so don’t misconstrue this as me feeling sorry for her as she’s an awful human who uses her issues to excuse abuse and shitty behaviour.
Apologies for my armchair psych spiel/rant.
No. 407213
File: 1508627651170.jpg (1.11 MB, 1300x1940, daisy duke.jpg)

>>407212I think she's modelling herself on Daisy Duke atm.
I agree with your theory though. It's either that or she really doesn't know how to put clothes together unless it's a hoodie and chucks.
No. 407220
>>407213Heh she’s Daisy Duke’s trashy cousin Lazy Puke.
The thing Is, she used to know how to put together an outfit going on her posts wayback when, so it’s not something like learning difficulty based. Therefore, I reckon it’s either purposefully terrible or she’s actually that far gone she can’t tell and tbh that’d be some form of psychotic-esque b
No. 407241
File: 1508630598591.jpg (791.17 KB, 2048x2048, 38BB8594-91FC-4C06-BD35-665234…)

Some idiot just wrote an essay to fenceology, completely oblivious to sarcasm. Why are Aly's fans so stupid lol
No. 407261
>>407212I think it's two things - emaciated people's bodies are asexual and physically small so they can wear skimpy clothes without looking revealing (like Aly's little skirts and lowcut shirts when she was underweight). When they recover, it's both a transition to buy new clothes and a new thing to consider - that when you have an adult body you need to dress differently.
There's also a leap from being totally focused on food to being focused on appearance and sexuality. Your hormones are back and that part of you reawakens, and inviting sexual attraction is a good distraction from weight gain-associated discomfort. We've seen that happen with her too.
No. 407264
File: 1508636282016.png (34.9 KB, 730x188, IMG_2860.PNG)

WHO THE FUCK COW TIPPED. I swear to god if i get blocked I will kill me
No. 407271
>>407264I was just looking at her account and thinking how she's a bit too old to be immersed in the ~recovery culture~ of the anas.
Fence, you should write Aly a DM and give her love and say you have no idea what this bitch means and now you feel suicidal af.
No. 407276
>>407273gah, soz for spam but emergency panic. Make another account to follow quick!
Fuck you, saralin99. Get a fucking hobby. Aren't you a bit old to be stirring up shit.
No. 407281
File: 1508637307971.png (71.18 KB, 750x518, IMG_2861.PNG)

I sent Aly this. Can someone who doesnt mind being potentially blocked come and support fenceology and say that fenceology is a real account and is giving support. Fuck that cunt
No. 407307
>>407293i wanna say yes
i mean alys never gonna dm that girl and say oh really tell me more cus its not directly about her binging or her ensures or w/e and what would she say? would she tell her about her thread? bitch go for it
No. 407314
File: 1508639892187.gif (1009.71 KB, 327x200, 200.gif)

>>407310Sara's probably had to be groped by the ugly cunt of a boyfriend whose head looks like a bean. That'd make me lose control too.
Showing this thread to Aly? That's caring. What a good idea. NOT (!)
No. 407321
>>407314Hahaha, holy shit, both Sara and her boyfriend are ugly as fuck. Her head is three sizes too small for her body. She looks straight up like one of those retards who sell Younique products.
Don't forget that her snapchat is saralin999, if anyone wants to send her a supportive message~ ♥
No. 407326
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Woah, this though.
No. 407327
>>407322yup I deleted em.
>>407316I forgot to screenshot the dm before I blocked her but she said "Aly isn't stupid and neither am I, you're all miserable and have nothing better to do with your lives" etc etc. (Aly is stupid, moron)
>>407321Hahahah let's all spam this bitch with weird DMs and snapchats. Like honestly how moronic is she, showing this thread to Aly which will make her even more fucked up than she already is???
No. 407329
>>407327>nothing better to do with your livesWell I haven't got a fuckugly beanhead guy's needle dick to suck on, no. For that I am grateful.
>>407328Yeah, didn't want her to know the name. Who's Fence? I know no fence.
No. 407332
>>407329kek that's so funny
This is the most milk Aly threads have had in a while
No. 407335
>>407331I agree. If she tells Aly about lolcow then she's going to do more arm than anything.
If Aly's WKs come here (all three of them) they get reported for being newfags. Ash's WKs didn't last long. Or Crying Emily's.
I hope Aly sees our musings about her here as support and tender love as the comments are intended.
No. 407353
>>407348yeah, shes way too incompetent to figure out this site lol
imo she wont even read any messages that girl sends, shell at best just send a copypasta response. i cant see her actually clicking on any links. but maybe shell be tempted by the prospect of actual "haters". so many yells :(
No. 407390
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>>407358>>407358thats a difficult one to try and make work anon, sorry..
No. 407436
>>407130They were broken up for quite a while. I vaguely (possibly wrongly) remember her claiming her anorexia became severe not long after they broke up, which was what, 2 years ago? 3?
They've been back together for months, not years. She says they've been together for years because they
originally got together years ago. She counts all the time they've been apart as if they were actually still in a relationship.
>>407310Aly initially came to lolcow's attention years ago. She's been alerted to this site's presence before, but never acknowledged it, possibly because she didn't want her asslickers to come here and see evidence that she's trash.
Then again, she's so desperate for attention nowadays that she might be willing to out us just so she can cry about being bullied.
No. 407441
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>>407436It's easy to pinpoint when they got back together because she started making herself look all recovered and sane on her other account to win him back. So that was late Feb.
No. 407499
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Fuck me she's an idiot.
No. 407500
>>407499What exactly does she think people can do?? She is like help help im throwing up, its like and so what? people on instagram cant make the vomit go back inside your body again aly, what the fuck do you want?
She frustrates me to no end.. fucking see a therapist aly, a REAL one
No. 407502
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ah yes, our great recovery queen is purging again and im having a good old kek at the fact that this is like her 4th repost because nobody gives a shit
No. 407528
>>407518it sounds like shes just hungover lmao shes really making herself look like a wannarexic
so today will be my stomach is EMPTY from THROWING UP and then she'll overcome it by eating fries
No. 407551
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>>407547I found this. Another ironic/flirty comment. Theres no way this guy sees her as "just a friend"
No. 407556
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>>407551Another one. Idk if translate is translating right
No. 407573
>>407556From his Instagram it looks like they have their own hashtags together, some say #iloveyou #somuchlove #donotbother…im getting the impression they have something going on, but won't act on it. I don't doubt he would cheat on Aly. Also, I don't know if it matters, but he's got 2 Instagrams, but one of them won't load for me.
>>407557As for Aly finding out about lolcow, I've said it before I think she knows about us, but can't figure out how to see it, or can't read very good, I just find it really hard to believe after all these years, someone hasn't told her. But, I also think she's to self absorbed to read dms that don't praise or insult her directly. Honestly, if your going to browse lolcow, you have to enjoy reading.
No. 407637
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No. 407650
>>407556>Well, I LIKE this picture. I also say it was about time, now I'm going to stop right here or you'll kill me! I adore you, honey>I love you hun :)Yeah, the translator you're using is pretty accurate. I'm just going to add that in Italy we have two different ways to say "I love you": there's "Ti voglio bene" that you say to your friends, family and pets (so it's intended as a non-romantic, non-sexual affection) and then there's "Ti amo" that you say to your SO.
Berto and that girl seem to be really, really close anyway.
No. 407675
File: 1508696777726.png (967.26 KB, 640x1136, A2C093AF-B84E-46F8-A66D-501208…)

The start of the new video, she’s just sitting there posing with the cup for like 5 seconds before turning towards the camera and doing the whole ‘running her fingers through her hair’ thing. She’s so fucking awkward.
No. 407677
>>407650all of these photos of them were when Aly and him were broken up when she was snoopy. He doesnt post pics of that girl anymore now that they're dating and neither does she of him, meaning they probably dont hang out much anymore. There was clearly something going on, either that or Aly got jealous af, or just sucked the life out of Berto lol.
Aly nearly couldnt go on vacation when she found out that another girl was coming LOL there's no fucking way she's cool with her bf talking to a pretty girl
No. 407683
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>>407644She @'s one name, but he responds with another. When I click @robercorelli it's just blank. But the fattori one works.
No. 407704
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>>407675I noticed that too. It's like she's waiting for someone to say "action!" I don't understand why she doesn't trim that part out. Just get to the "hi guys!" Does she feel like it makes her more casual? This was one of the most awkward beginnings she's done so far.
No. 407724
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And she dropped a (TW) number
No. 407737
File: 1508702466581.jpg (289.66 KB, 1411x846, Screenshot_20171022-135733.jpg)

What did she delete? Her video is still up. And no one commented on this post in the first place.
No. 407743
>>407581I would like it if you made the next one. you are good at it. Maybe use one of these as the pic.
>>403708>>405493>>405759>>406426>>407637And mention everything said here.
>>407590Nothing fancy.
No. 407752
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>>407724With interactions like this how could that be?!