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No. 477247[Reply]

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No. 477348

I have met Smella a few times at raves and the odd private party and for a while I wondered why she didn't have her own thread (lets face it she's hard to miss) but after weighing up her online presence and the way she acts in person I completely understand why. She's boring and dry as a bone.
Anything of interest about her is at face-value and she knows it. She's just another boring fat rave chick with a 2D personality which is why she posts about herself online because no one else is going to lol but that's about as much milk as you're going to get out of her.

Sorry Smella, you're just not that interesting. I know you wish you were but you're not

No. 477573

This looks well done?

What's so bad about her that's worse than Jill?

No. 477596

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> nobody UggU that wants to be in kawaii international competition with Jill.
> has 15+k followers
> her photos are either photoshopped or at a club
> this shit

No. 477597

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I have to give it to her she’s better at drawing than Jill that fujoshi art though

No. 477659

no milk, bad thread OP

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No. 534935[Reply]

This is Beth Morgan from British TV soap Corronation Street/Corrie. Any other deluded cringecows who photoshop their ugly mugs into oblivion?

I'd like to start a photoshop vs. real life side-by-side comparison thread.

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No. 424115[Reply]

The gift that keeps on giving!

Joy/kati has claimed to have had a hard, horrible, abusive upbringing. Claiming that her parents were verbally and physically abusive. That her step-father's actions bordered on sexual abuse. Not only that, but she said she lived in "ghettos" and "trailer parks". If that wasn't bad enough, all her health issues that have plagued her since childhood, still haunt her today! Poor, poor, neglected, abused kati. Feelsbadman. Oh, wait! No it doesn't because it was all a lie! SURPRISE!
here's some highlights from the previous thread >>399109 :

>deleted her JoySparkleBS channel, claiming too much bullying & harassment, but was due to show analytics from do5 videos.

>still calling and texting rose, bio mom of do5 kids, reminding rose that she gave rose money and rose should be fucking greatful and should kiss her ass til the end of time.
>played peek-a-boo with her Twitter account a couple times, to get the joytards in a tizzy.
>joy and cultists drag shrubtime for (((lying))) & (((scamming))) people.
>"family" anons decide to join the discussion after fall out with shrubtime/alex/red towel head
>All namefagged post by "family" anons: >>415132 >>415237 >>415377 >>415407 >>415428 >>415432 >>415435 >>415498 >>415513 >>415517 Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 446667

My pleasure.(you are definetely a joytard)

No. 447474

I am not guessing; you are definitely a Joytard.

No. 449340

she's back on youtube on someone else's stream, she said she will start using her spurpinklebow channel for streaming. watch this space.

No. 449375

new thread is discussing it >>>/snow/446617

No. 1200509


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No. 1099880[Reply]

A thread to discuss the former and few current members attached to the online media production company Channel Awesome, Inc

It was a powerhouse in the lase 2000's and early 2010's in terms of online video content and hosted various content creators who were mostly "critics" who often made satirical reviews, After a series of scandals, nearly all the affiliated creators severed ties with Channel Awesome and departed

here's what happened since then

>Lindsay Ellis(the Nostalgia chick) ended up becoming the most successful of the former channel awesome critics and is credited as basically as one founders of the breadtube movement

>Doug walker failed at making a game show which cost him 90k
>JewWario being a sexual predator and killing himself
>Linkara's porn habbits
>The black guy working for Doug is a huge furry and got caught jacking off at a panel in a convention once
>Lindsay made a movie about herself getting an abortion. Later she got a DUI and started banging her head on the glass in the cop car
>ThatChickWithTheGoggle ended up being a camgirl for about a month until one of Doug's fans recognized her
>Filmbrain is a serve alcholic
>The guy who was basically Luke Skywalker in To Boldly Flee is a tranny now. His dad was one of the guys from "Whose Line Is It Anyways?"
>Jesu Otaku left her boyfriend for a sugar daddy. she is also now a FTM and the Head of Anime News Network after the previous one (who was her ex-boyfriend) killed himself
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No. 1130147

He wore a mask because he was a teacher or sth and didn't want to be recognized by his students. No idea about any embarassing stuff besides the fact that he used to defend Sarah Butts from accusations of pedophilia, just because he was anti-GG.

Metokur's series on TGWTG has quite a lot of salt on the entire channel and its fandom, but it was made pre-Not So Awesome doc, so it missed some of the juiciest bits.


Change the Channel

No. 1136702

This must be why his fans are mostly autists, they connect with the total lack of subtlety

No. 1136796

not surprising reading that both marzgurl and allison were shit-stirrers.
Allison stood out for me during her feud with spoony because he made some unsavoury jokes about Jesuotaku, which yeah they werent cool at all, but JO was fine with them and it felt like it was an ammunition Allison was saving to shoot at Spoony and it wasnt about defending JO's honour AT ALL. Allison made rape jokes all the time, but i guess those are bad only if Spoony made them? ok.

Marzgurl was always pretty unremarkable, but she was extremely funny during the ProJared scandal, you know, amisdt accusations of cheating on his wife, stealing his best friend's wife, sexting fans, PEDOPHILIA of all things, she did a twitter thread saying "yeah i can believe all of those things, we were friends and then he ghosted me, of course this means all of the bad things about him are true" lmaoooo.

saged for sperging, will await my ban.

No. 1136868

Honestly this sounds a lot like what I've gathered myself observing all this shit go down over the years. Doug never gave me delusional diva director vibes but instead just a doofus who wants to create his autistic content for a living, Linkara always seemed like Dunning-Krueger personified and Allison/Obscurus Lupa already outed herself as a fame hungry opportunist with the spergy change the channel movement. Even during that whole spiel she tried to hide the JewWario pedo drama to keep people focused on what an "asshole" Doug was because his Disneycember videos got top priority during Christmas. I always felt that Doug and Brad (despite his drug issues) were the only people who weren't like literal children associated with Channel Awesome and this account seemed to back it up.

No. 1136873

they kept the jewwario thing underwraps because that's what the victims asked of them, but his behaviour was brought up in the CTC document.
on a side note, JW's name got leaked because CA showed skype chats where they left one single solitary pixel and people managed to guess Justin's name lol, which is still wild to me. (the name guess i mean, the guy came off as incredibly slimey and it would have been more surprising if a 45 year old man talking about anime WASNT a secret sex pest)

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No. 13762[Reply]

Instagram: https://instagram.com/lovisakawaii/
YouTube: https://youtube.com/#/user/Looooovisa001
AskFM: https://m.ask.fm/lovisakawaii

So, does anyone know what the deal with this girl is? I'm genuinely curious. I stumbled upon her videos a while ago in a cringe thread on /cgl/ and they were…really hard to watch. Like, just flat out bizarre. I seriously just wanna know what on earth is actually wrong with her?

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No. 13801

I think it's really good for someone who's deaf from birth. It's a bit slurred, but comprehensible.

No. 13802


are you mentally retarded?

No. 13803

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So we can't joke, say anything negative about her because she's sick and her life sucks.
Hm, I see it.

No. 13804

She should stop taking pictures of herself crying. That's retarded

No. 13805

Regardless of what issues someone has, taking a pic or video of yourself crying then uploading it to the internet makes it seem like it's just for attention.

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No. 1218431[Reply]

A thread dedicated to all the stupid shit that goes down in this niche and drama filled community.
Note: This thread comes from another thread that used to be about the cow Tobi Majestic, but after milk on her dried up her thread was impromptu turned into a general ACC discussion thread. There are many cows in this entire bullshit sector of Youtube.

Dramas the Community has gotten into:
>The Spoctor situation back in 2018 where at the time a 16 year old Spoctor was accused of being a Pedophile by Stories (vanished form the internet), Atari (vanished from the internet), and Pentagrin (lying low under a new name). Misinformation was spread across hundreds of videos until Ponder Sprocket cleared it up.
>Tobi Majestic drama that happened after Omnia and Kai Weiss made videos critiquing Tobi for her behavior. Alot of misinformation and in-fighting happened with Tobi's friends being up her ass and Kai and Omnia reacting to things poorly. Tobi's channel imploded on itself and she herself was laughed off Youtube and got into more trouble over on Twitch.
>Hopeless Peaches Drama that piggy-backed off the Tobi drama and was started by Prison Mate Luke. Has been dragged out for months with no real conclusion other than Peaches attempting to comeback.

Old Thread: >>>/snow/1175470

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No. 1209094[Reply]

Ashley Nichole Rheiner is a 32 year old homeless drug addict scammer from Baltimore, Maryland, who claims to be a "multi-ethnic, psychic medium clairvoyant empath."

>drug habit funded by doing tarot readings on tiktok.

>most of her 50,000 followers are farmers or others who want to watch her nod off and possibly die while steaming.
>forgets to do peoples’ readings and then blocks them when they ask.
>spends half of her time responding to trolls, half her time complaining, suiciding baiting, and threatening harm to herself/others.
>never admits to wrong doings, even minor slips of the tongue. Rather than admit she misspoke, she flat out denies she ever said it.
>blames everyone, but herself for all her problems and frequently pities herself on live stream in hopes people will send her gifts and money.
>claims to have asperger’s and to be black, cherokee, blackfoot and lumbee. her mother has confirmed they are as white as bread.
> In response to the screenshoted messages, she made a video explaining how everyone else is racist for assuming she, clearly a white woman, is anything other than white. Ashley says this is the foundation of racism.
>Ashley vehemently denies that she is nodding most of the time, refusing to acknowledge it. Other times, when faced with video evidence or her viewers calling her out, she will say it's caused by any of the following:
- Benadryl
- she's tired
- has narcolepsy
- has insomnia
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No. 1231099

it was crack. she admits that that is what her ex husband was doing and clearly so was she. She still does it. You can hear her smoking it in her lives; the sound is a distinct crackle and her behaviour is classic speedballer. Super dangerous because crack potentiates the effects of heroin and lowers the threshold for an OD (which literally ended up happening last night but was more likely from shooting up when already completely zooted)

No. 1231734

wait so she OD'd last night? she was on live earlier wandering around a mall and junkie ranting, so I'm guessing she's "ok"

No. 1231994

yeah she was out for a long time then came back on super alert no more slurring and told people they were assholes or something of the like and ended the stream. Next morning came on alluding to them giving her narcan and admitted that she agreed to go to the hospital because the stumbling around nude wasn't normal - she was still trying to suggest that it was because she was tired or that it was a health issue. Obviously she wasn't held involuntarily and she didn't pursue further treatment.

what was surprising was that she didn't get mad and scream at people over it when it was brought up the next day. She ignored other mentions/questions about it later that day. I think it was traumatizing/at least upsetting and I do think she actually is grateful somewhere deep down that her life was saved even if it was by a "troll". It was really scary and sadly I don't think this will be the last time viewers will have to save her life which is really messed up

No. 1238417

tell me why she blames her problems on everyone but herself she is her own worst enemy she uses people for her own pleasure and then tells u she don't owe u shit… I have a tongue ring doesn't cause me to slur she is a narcissistic lil bitch she is getting worse every day she doesn't have a job she has head lice and a cat that needs to see the vet and then claims her cat tries to suckle her breast ok who would tell anyone that she is disgusting person I think her karma is coming back on her 10 folds and she claims people are jealous of her what is there to be jealous of I have a house a car food and money im not jealous no one is she lives in a dream world(namefagging)

No. 1248759

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why is it ok to record other people but people can't record you its against the law. But record to ur boss and not tell him and someone translated what they said i hope u get onto trouble(namefag)

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No. 888128[Reply]

A fedora tipping neckbeard pedo who was notorious on Instagram (before he privated it) and Facebook where he publicly makes a fool of himself
>shares revealing pictures of preteen girls
>posts depraved Facebook statuses of how he would like to engage in sexual activity with young girls
>has sexually assaulted a child (posted a picture of a legal document stating so)
>posts about how him and his sister used to be together and he misses her
>is estranged from family
>racist and homophobic
>spelling is awful and can’t form concise sentences
>currently obsessed with marijuana and stoner culture
>stalks sister and is racist towards her fiancé
>complains about sister wanting to stay away from him

is being a pedophile enough milk?

Social media:
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No. 994027

we can see your profile pic anon

No. 994227

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No worries it’s just my spam or image dump and vent account (I change my profile picture like every other day regardless) I would never follow that guy on my personal he’s trash you should look him up. He’s always begging for money despite getting unemployment checks or posting obvious underage girls look who he’s following, they’re all little kids with dancing accounts.or child models. Pisses me off that dudes like this aren’t locked up for life or just killed on the spot

No. 997086

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No. 1165082

Spoiler this ugly mf and his ugly dick, the fuck

No. 1165085

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My bad

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No. 902304[Reply]

A failed person briefly known as the BO of 8chan /tv/ from bumfuck nowhere (Saint Cloud, Minnesota). Fancies himself a "comedian", known for shilling his unfunny garbage on ghettogaggers and imageboards.

Possibly cursed with the worst genetics on the planet, he looks like an ogre and is balding at 22.

His youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCba0Ep0yWSBnfZj1IDdUKpQ/videos(shit thread)
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No. 904549

>sage and negate
ok patrick nelson
cope fat pig(necro)

No. 904664

brah, I'm saging the topic because there's no milk being added, fuck off with your "hello cow" shit.

OP made a shit thread and at this point it's gonna die anyway, there's nothing being discussed or anything being said about how or why this creepy looking fuck is even worthy of a topic.

But for the last time fuck off.

No. 1010019

savior made me want to fuck men no joke(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1276719


No. 1276721

update: tvch is dead. yakuza on house arret. patrick still incel coping

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No. 696779[Reply]

Read at your own risk, the contents and descriptions of the events below are horrifying. Many thanks to the autists at kiwi and twitter who have compiled a good chunk of this shit.

>Furry Youtuber Kero the wolf does interview with shane dawson

>Recently has been busted for having telegram/skype chats dating back about two years to the present where he talks to other users about
- pedophilia
- zoophilia
- necrophilia
>Videos surface from the chats of him and others fucking roadkill, dogs, a decapitated puppys head
>twitter user makes a callout post with all the shit one rogue group member posted on Kero and his dogfucker friends
>fanboys chasing the op of the callout post off twitter
>kero claims to be hacked
>many other furdegens involved start baleeting
1175 posts and 232 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1249658

Because no one reported to the police

No. 1251197

You don't think that anyone through all this reported him? Nor that the police stubbed across him in their investigation of his boyfriend?

No. 1252792

Why didn't he got arrested

No. 1252901

That's the million dollar question.

No. 1294707

>>696883(sage your shit)

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