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No. 395817[Reply]

> - Greg's "military records" on hand were discovered to be forged and his med records implied that nothing was really wrong with him other than behavioral issues, abnormal blood pressure and ~depression~, along with warts on his freaky dick-textured skin.

> - Lainey is still playing the ~muh anxiety~ card and Grease has enough of her (and so do we).

> - Taytay's relatives paid a little visit to the Onion household and Gregma could no longer contain his rage as soon as her dad showed up.

> - The IRS is now conducting their investigation on Grease as we speak. While this loser tries to stall their plans with a crappy video tour and threatening suicide (lol).

> - Gregma throws a narc tantrum at his ex-wife for not taking the $5,000 alone and abiding by the law (I thought you were all about the law, Grease? Follow it!). He also planned to stalk the shit outta her just like Margo with Venus by trying to obtain her address.

The end is coming, can you feel it?

Previously… >>>/pt/391272
1198 posts and 181 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 400519

>it's funny cause he said Jaclyn looks masculine because she's tall
No, she looks masculine because her face is masculine. (real face not the photoshopped one you can see in her modeling pics). Horse teeth dont help her cause.

Regardless, fuck Onision for saying tall women are masculine, I am as feminine as a daisy.

No. 400521

He only hates tall women because he looks like a fucking manlet next to them.

No. 400525

Much appreciated, anon

No. 400529

Pretty sure onion is sperging saying that all tall women are masculine.

No. 400541

here i made a new one >>>/pt/400540

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No. 130504[Reply]


I know she's kind of busted, but I am tired of tumblr lolcow nobodies so lets have Michelle Phan thread.
A popular makeup guru with shit advices, lying about everything when it comes to her background, founded a rip-off make-up brand IQQU that wasn't FDA approved and made people get skin diseases etc etc

Read more about her shit here:

Anyways, anyone think she is paying that swiss dude to act like her boyfriend? They feel kind of fake.
367 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 398041

Back making shit content.

So much for her enlightening Switzerland trip that changed her life.

No. 398045

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>Braces can't magically alter the length of space between your lower lip and the tip of your chin.

Aktually they can, if you have a terrible overbite+overjet your lower lip will be forced to extend to the upper one in an unnatural way to close your mouth(lip incompetence), this will make your chin appear larger. This is however the opposite of Michelle's case as braces in the aforementioned situation would make the distance between your lip and point of your chin smaller.

No. 398069

That looks like an orthognatic surgery case. Michelle's teeth were never severe enough to warrant a significant change in her jaw shape

No. 398146

I guess her new product isn't doing as well as she expected?

No. 398812

she looks a bit disheveled(sage this)

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No. 393627[Reply]

Last thread: >>385834

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

Recent: Did an interview where she grabbed a guy's ass without his consent, clearly drunk out of her mind. Showed up to Colossal Con in public in swimsuits clearly too small with her fat spilling out, also showing more lipo marks. Stealth anon took a shot of her cottage cheese ass, Moo chimps out on Twitter about people taking pictures without her permission but seems to have forgotten she gropes people without their permission. She finally admitted what she does is porn. At the moment she is in a void of her own hugbox and neckbeards kissing her ass, with some heroes calling her out on her hypocrisy.

In need of more good art.

The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly, resorted to getting liposuction
>Proven through twitteraudit that she has bought at least 20k followers.
>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Samus/ Wicke costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay
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No. 398047


When you order something online vs when it arrives.

No. 398049

New thread: >>398048

No. 398546

cosplaying at a booth like funimation doesn't mean shit, they request no name cosplayers all the time. moomoo is milking it for more than it actually is

No. 409117

a video of momo being rude to an fellow dva cosplayer who just wanted an picture the description tells more of the incident . I just found it lol

No. 420770

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No. 397637[Reply]

So, information that some of us baited betas from /r9k/ and made their life even bigger hell that it is leaked out.
They might raid this place, so what's the plan ?
https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/37750541(read the stickied post)

No. 397639

most likely it's just a robot shitposting. less likely, it's just a rando with a shitty friend group trying to cause drama. we should just ignore it.
saged because it's a non-issue

No. 397645

Report. Report. Report. We can identify them in a thread every single time, just don't entertain them.

No. 397646

Moved to >>>/ot/195278.

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No. 396696[Reply]

>religiously blackfaces
>posted a picture of her mother who also black faces
>posted a picture of a Chinese child and said it was her (fucking kek) when she's white as shit
>maintains that she's Filipino so it's okay but is actually white as a toilet
>has a chubby ugly face that she shoops
>black bf of course
>appalling skin
>dresses up as other races too I.e. Hispanic, Japanese
>Kekworthy cow (Read the stickied post.)

No. 396697

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No. 396704

Moved to >>>/snow/335505.

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No. 373154[Reply]

Old thread maxed out >>370733

The story so far, completely unbiased kek:
>Cyr's roommate and frequent partner in videos (and fellow youtuber) Edwin was kicked out of their apartment with his girlfriend, Mina (who is also Cyrs ex and cyrxdasha's polyamo lover ♡)
>Edwin leaves behind a teen angsty note and takes Cyr's vlogging camera
>Dasha releases a periscope, earning her the name Putin after yelling at the camera for an hour about the hurt Edwin and Mina caused her
>Dasha harasses Mina with her 12y/o minions and bad photoshoop twitter memes
>Minions shit up thread v1.0
>Screenshots from last year released. in the screenshots mina implied that she was only still with cyr and dasha for youtube notoriety
>also releases evidence of Mina's fake accounts used to harass her way back in 45 B.C. after haxorzing Mina's phone in the bathroom (which is being debated as to have actually been Dasha's second phone)
>Edwin shadily appears on younow with Cyrs ex bffe and Dasha's arch nemesis, Onion to discuss the situation
>Mina and Cyr still remain very quite on the situation
>Cyr comes out as an alcoholic and disappears off social media due to bereavement
>Dasha uses this time to further bash Mina for being a bad vegan and lovey it up with her asian friend to one up Mina's Mexican that supplies her avocado sush
>Edwin and Mina release a video explaining how Dasha manipulated everyone in the household for her own enjoyment and threatened to fuck up Edwin's life after he told Mina that Dash the trash deleted her instagram
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No. 396604

The new thread guide is at the top of the board.

No. 396605

I guess that's true, but it doesn't seem like a Dasha thing to do at all. Not saying they're real/fake.

No. 396609

I wish some drama utube channel would catch this shit. Dasha stalks this thread and feels booliedddd, but hasn't felt the full extent of what she put Mina and Edwin through, and I think she deserves to have a stampede of hormonal pre-teens harassing and leaving her hate comments more than anyone.

No. 396611

>>396609 the blargh just posted it. i know some people have been paying attention to the drama on that channel

No. 396615

The new thread is here: >>>/pt/396612

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No. 396455[Reply]

Read this before posting a new thread.

Post all new cows/snowflakes to /snow/. If applicable, Lolcow staff will move your thread to /pt/. If a cow already has a /pt/ thread, you can post a continuation thread about them in /pt/. Again: if someone doesn't already have a thread, post it in /snow/ and not /pt/. Before posting, check the Catalog in /snow/ and /pt/ to see if your subject has already been covered. Hit CTRL+F (or your OS's equivalent) to search within the page.

Name/Email: Leave this empty. See the global rules
Subject: Name of the cow
Comment: Use this field to include all of the following information:
  • Who is the cow? What are they known for?
  • Social media links, as many as you know of
  • Why are they worthy of being gossiped about? What is the drama? Summarize it for the other users.
  • When posting a continuation thread because the old one filled up, include all the above info, summarize the latest thread and add a link to the previous thread(s) to the post. Simply copy and paste the thread URL and it will turn into a clickable internal link.

Threads that are missing any of the above information will be removed and the user will be sanctioned with a 30 day ban.

Examples of good introductory posts:

Bad post: >>>/snow/297535

Do not post threads about subjects that fall into any of these categories:
  • under 18
  • known only for ED/Ana/Mia drama
  • Rather than making a bad thread, request one here. >>366110

That's all, and enjoy your stay!

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No. 391272[Reply]

-We finally get to see the "expected" collab with Grease and some dumbass nobody.

-Another dumbass nobody finally withdrew her pledge on Patreon (at the same day Onion harasses her on younow about her Twitter account)

These people are no longer relevant here, moving on…

-The thread was mostly shit for the past few days, not much milk was being released

-Onion's military records have been released for the general public, with the suspicion that some of them are fake (as in typed by Greg alone)

-Oh and his mental state is slowly deteriorating whilst asking for moar $$$

New thread arises, hopefully with no shitposts this time!

Previous thread: >>>/pt/387741
1212 posts and 186 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 395678

In the tax video he shows a "Toy Room" that seems to be full of kids crap, and that room I mentioned before that he live streamed in was full of books and stuff, looked like a normal little boy's room… I think he may just be trying to throw us off with it all, putting kids stuff, such as that car bed, in places where they look odd such as when he had it in the lounge of his "recording house".
It's funny, he says he won't show his kids because he doesn't want to exploit them yet he is clearly getting a ride off of having everyone guessing and buzzing about them.. he has no shame in clearly showing evidence of their existence.

No. 395687

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Comments from his recent divorce video:

People are getting tired of this shit.

No. 395688

this may be OT but I don't think he realizes regardless what he uses his house for, that he can't claim more than his `business' makes. that house is about 700k, there's no way he made that last year.

No. 395690

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Apparently his patreon site leads to viruses…

No. 395691

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also this

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No. 4444[Reply]

Delandra Barbie Johnson Thread

Facts about her:
Is in Japan illegally

Claims to be a member of Black Diamond Gyaru Circle but

Has horrible makeup and hair but criticizes everyone else

Knows no Japanese

Prostitutes herself and spends money on brand clothing but cannot afford $100 for rent

Uses Japanese craigslist to find an anchor husband

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No. 383425


No. 383560

Yea right delandra try again… As if you would want 'friends' more like someone to mooch off. Stay to throwing that coonta and fake frontin like bow wow.

No. 391688

is she in Japan right now?

No. 395206

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No she back in the states.
She went to Japan to face her "abusive" ex-hubby idk why

No. 395216

Moved to >>>/snow/332213.

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No. 394064[Reply]

Lol this meth head thinks his cosplay look good

No. 394066

His Instagram is farron cosplay
And his Facebook is something like close enough cosplay

Lmao his cosplay aren't shit

No. 394088

Nice self-post, you wanker.

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