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No. 407494

So this cosplayer is known for being a complete liar.
1. When she was 17 years old she was sleeping with much older guys lying to them about her age.
2. She is known for only wanting fame in cosplay and will do anything to get it
3. Will BEG large cosplayers to shout her out and was only friends with some bigger cosplayers (aljcosplay, dominique_skye, SofiaSivan) to get followers
4. She posted ALJCosplay's phone number and address on 4chan/anon.ib because Ashley discovered that Emma was the one bashing her on the forum and Ashley called her out. Causing Ashley to file a police report and is currently in the process of suing her.
5. She photoshops her pictures constantly
6. She thinks because that she has boobs she can get anything she wants and that nobody will notice how fat she is.
7. Is known on the East Coast for trying to ruin photographer and other cosplayers reputation by giving false claims about them being disrespectful or stealing her designs
8. Stole Hendo arts spider-Gwen armor design and claimed that they were working together when the two had never met or spoken.
9. Gets into after parties underage by sleeping with the people who run them.
10. Claims to be body positive but will bash any cosplayer for their size
11. Has started countless rumors trying to ruin others reputations
12. Will not post pictures with unknown cosplayers but will beg to have her photos posted.
13. Will do anything for fame, except work out or get in shape
14. Thinks that she is the best cosplayer on the East Coast and has said that her armor is the best; when she is a novice with basic design.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 407499

Does no one read the rules on this board or what?

>Don't start threads in /pt/

>Post fucking links

No. 407756

Moved to >>>/snow/347715.

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