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No. 415832[Reply]

22 year old musical artist from Sweden. Is obsessed with Japanese culture. Basically plagiarized lyrics from one of his idol's songs. Ex-girlfriend said he's a lazy asshole who drinks and smokes and will cry to his daddy if he doesn't get his way. SEIKE, who is an ex-member of a band YOHIO used to be in called him out on his shit too. Shoops pictures, but never admitted it. Also pretended to be kawaii children's idol when he was smoking, drinking and fucking people behind everyone's back. Says he's so big in Japan but fucking no one knows him. Also seems to emphasize he's straight, but who knows who he cheated on his ex-girlfriend with.
Ex-girlfriend testimony (It's in Swedish) : https://www.flashback.org/leave.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.imagebam.com%2Fimage%2F74db4c257919111
Plagiarism: look up Welcome to the City by YOHIO and Welcome to the City by Amy Diamond. I also noticed that YOHIO and some guy he knows called Gackt both have a song called Last Kiss around the same time frame…?
SEIKE:"Heard That I'm being called unprofessional by a person i once held very dear. Hypocrisy just took human form. It's not me who lie to my fans about smoking, drinking and having a lot of sex. All of this would be totally fine if you would not tell your fans the opposite and then throwing away your friends when they refuse to lay people right in their face to please you. I'm fed up with your bullshit. At minimum stand for your actions, and do not you dare calling yourself a role model for young people and in the next breath accusing me of being unprofessional. I might be unprofessional for writing this message official, but it's _nothing_ compared to what you've become. "
Emocore account: Http://www.emocore.se/YOHIO/galleri

No. 415834

Gackt is one the biggest male idols in Japan. he doesn't know him.

No. 415840

shitty op suummary

no fucking links

kys op

No. 415845

Post links and actual milk, you fucking moron.

No. 415867

Yohio doesn't know him? At least casually, he does and has been photographed and filmed with GACKT several times.

So, OP. Yohio is a typical sleazy young rock star who let fame go to his head, but never managed to become as big as his promoters hoped? Kind of boring and not that milky without any links. He was 14 when he came on to the scene and is 22 now. You would think there would be a lot more shit to work with.

For my contribution, I have been living in Japan for several years and Yohio never really broke through here despite frequently hanging out with popular visual Kei artists and having connections. He really peaked at like 17 and now just looks like a wonky-looking Scandinavian weeb with thinning hair who does okay for himself. I guess that's what is most disappointing for me, and he didn't get better looking.

No. 415880

Moved to >>>/snow/359728.

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No. 411792[Reply]

1112 posts and 243 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 415817

just have all links in the second post ez

No. 415818

stop fucking cowtipping

No. 415819

No. 415826

New thread whenever y'all are ready

No. 415829

Any community is fucking trash since this whole geek and nerd culture trend is what's "cool" now.

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No. 410906[Reply]

Lainey has developed cow tendencies over the course of the Onion threads and according to the farmers, she's featured along with Onion as the second co-conspirator in this dramatic saga from now on.

>Onion attempts to instigate drama with Blaire White, wanting a major debate for views. Blaire of course, doesn't give him what he wants and ignores him.

>Onion converts a former Air Force buddy to his Sicesca cult. TomatoBallz is still sucking Onion's greasy cock, nothing new there.

>Cyr wants nothing to do with Onion, despite trying one last time tearing him away from Dasha just to have "Ocyrion" back for views and nothing more.

>Gregma is once again harassing Dan and Phil, the Phan guys don't respond to his bs either.

>No word on the IRS thing yet…

>Gertrude and minions continue to block, erase and mute comments from detractors; along with buying subscribers, follows and creating sockpuppet accounts.

>Despite Gretch's claims of no longer having a poly-relationship anymore, Lame is still going at it; hooking up with a young former schoolmate who plans on moving to Washington for college.

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1204 posts and 220 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 415451

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I haven't been on lolcow/checked my favourite car-crash onision for a coupla'days now, but seriously my dear sweet, beautiful content-creator anon; YOU ARE DOING GOD's WORK. I can say with all truth and honesty, that you have made -easily- thousands of anons here very.happy.chappies.

please keep doing what you're doing.

No. 415479

New thread: >>>/pt/415476

No. 425489

hey hey hey

no need to be nasty

No. 438342

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Holy fuck Greggles just made a video and posted it to patreon, it's about domestic violence and how everyone always takes women's side when it comes out…. suspicious. in the video;
>says not all men who hit women are doing so for no reason and that they wouldn't have hit them without one
>says if someone calls you a bitch or cunt you need to ask yourself why they did so you can better yourself so they won't call you names anymore

The whole video is a fucking mess and I'm shocked after watching it. Think it has something to do with Plainey? Looks to me like he's trying to cover his tracks before they post anything online

No. 449561

frankie isn't zig's ex…

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No. 403302[Reply]

Also known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420
IG: https://www.instagram.com/angelhair1996/
tumblr: https://angelhair1996.tumblr.com/

>previously also known as howl1996, junkhun and funeralhome420

>21 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive
>Gets by acting like a lost soul online
>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun
>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy
>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.
>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so
>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!"
>tries to be exactly like courtney love
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1199 posts and 189 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 413986

Someone tipped the cow.

No. 413993

Who are you referring to? (with no evidence?)

No. 413994


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 414011

Who gives a shit if lil fever is too lazy to crop her icon. She posts milk and gets more personal milk since she pretends to be Tuna's friend. Then all you moral-chans complaining about her doing so are no better. Lmao like fuck just be happy there's some milk since it was dry for a while.
I think the hate boner will end if you crop your screenshots since it INFURIATES some of the farmers here apparently(don't engage the snowflakes)

No. 414018

New Thread >>414017

No. 412863[Reply]

(Click OP image to go to the stream)

This thread will be very loosely moderated. It's stickied, so

- Use the "hide saged posts" feature to filter out commentary.
- Sage posts for shitposting/liveblogging/opinions
- Do not sage posts that contain quotes, debate content, screenshots and other things people who cannot watch the stream will want to follow.

This way, users can keep up without having to sift through spam and you can still blog to your hearts' content.
490 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 413552


Surprisingly, there is pretty concrete proof she has been in at least two semi-serious relationships. The Joy threads have info/at least one name/confirmation from a couple people who know her.

No. 413556

Disappointing. I've heard Blaire debate several times before and have been impressed- she speaks well, seems educated about the topics and carries things well. It's clear she wasn't taking things seriously from the start, and yeah I get it's Onision who is hard to take seriously to begin with and she has no respect for him, but I guess I was hoping she would FINALLY be the one to keep his bullshit to a minimum, and actually throw his "facts" right back in his face. She was obviously tipsy, and while I think she put him in his place better than anyone else yet (ie; Joy/Jaclyn), she could have hit a home run and really destroyed him if she put in some more time to research, which I figured she would going into a debate. Brining up his own rape videos would have really turned things back on him after him immediately going on about the picture, and how many times can the 13 year old thing be rehashed? It needed a mod bigtime. She usually uses Jeff Holiday who does a good job staying unbiased and keeping things on topic, but obviously couldn't after he flipped on Onision when he was about to mod the previous debate with Joy. I know a lot of people seemed to like how she kept "shushing" and muting him, and even though I DESPISE Onision there were several times it seemed like she wasn't letting him give rebuttals…he does a good job at digging his own grave and being contradictory as hell. Ahhh well.

No. 413644

I thought it was about as good as it can get with onion

No. 413859

he called her a cunt for 15 minutes straight in his last minute, it wasn't even a real debate since there was no mod and greg kept trying to play as the innocent good goy but we all know the truth about how he treats other women (jacklyn, joy)

No. 413899

I'm currently about half an hour in and even though I really dislike Blaire's other videos, she's impressed me so far. She's gained herself a new fan today.

The only criticism I have is that she keeps going in circles saying that he's "creepy" although not doing anything illegal, but she can't explain why it's creepy. It's creepy because people who are under 25's bodies and brains are still developing. He's under the impression that it's okay to rate someone's body becuase it's his "honest opinion" and that it's okay to have relationships with people who are about to turn 18 because legally, they can consent to sex then.

The reality is that having someone you admire tell you that you're fat or ugly is seriously damaging to a child. Sure, in a few years they'll forget about what he said but they will never forget how he made them feel. The irony is that he attacks Eugenia for causing eating disorders in young girls when his comments are the exact kind of comments that would trigger an eating disorder in someone whose brain is not yet fully developed (seriously, spend 5 minutes on a pro-ana website and you'll see that comments like these from friends, family and crushes are huge triggers for young girls which they take with them into adulthood).
Sure, someone who is 18 is legally seen as an adult (and they are trusted to drive, drink, vote and have sex) but their brains and bodies are still very much developing. He goes for young women for a reason, they are impressionable. Any of his previous wives/girlfriends have been heavily manipulated into staying at home and having no friends (nobody over the age of 25 who has had experience in relationships would stand for that!). I know there isn't much sympathy for Lainey here, but being with your "idol" from the very young age of 17, not being allowed to leave the house and having all your friends and family shit on in countless videos must be so psychologically damaging and he knows it.

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No. 413526[Reply]

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No. 404516[Reply]

>Onion continues to sperg about Jaclyn's "disgusted body" while her and Richie milk his sperging for $$$.

>Gretchen once again pulls the false dmca card outta his ass towards Richie, Jaclyn, Joy and Blaire. There may be consequences from this…

>After a deluded Lainey, minions and Onion realize that Grease's lack of emotion in a recent texts video; Lainey tries to cover his ass with a spontaneous "lulz so rand0m3!" tasting vegan food, they come out looking worse for the public. (Lol)

>The Onions decided to copy Shane, Jenna and Billie for a punx rawk tutorial, only for Gertrude to fantasize about Billie again.

>Onion boy attempts at veganism again…for the 9,002nd time.

>Oh and one more thing, Taylor has found potential Onion poly victim #2.

Meant to put links if needed:

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1198 posts and 206 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 410820

Dan Howell - the picture is photoshopped
Dan said a while ago that he doesn't like onion but onion is still obsessed with him / trying to leech off his fan base

No. 410823

No. 410843


that's so fucking creepy just let go dan doesn't like you. i can't believe this

No. 410844


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 410943

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No. 409156[Reply]

>32S size boobs
>spent 50k on boobs alone
>captions all her videos as "first time doing _____________ as a black woman" kek
>fucking hilarious. my sides

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4408048/Martina-Big-biggest-breasts-Europe.html(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 409160

Take this crap to /snow/

No. 409161

Moved to >>>/snow/350128.

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No. 408971[Reply]

Hey /pt/
Check out https://chanpink.com
It's not so moderated and it's a real time imageboard.

No. 408976

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No. 408979

Moved to >>>/ot/197851.

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No. 408931[Reply]

When your boyfriend own beauty exchange and gets you important presentation roles at large scale events for publicity.
"I'm totally independent" my ass

No. 408933

Did…you mean to reply to a pre-existing thread or…?

No. 408934

Yeah, it was a Taylor r thread but the thread was full.
I just thought this was kind of outrageous and wanted to make a thread about it.
Do you have any recommendations on where else I could comment on this topic?(read lolcow.farm/info)

No. 408937

Moved to >>>/snow/349705.

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