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No. 424675[Reply]

Wrima Aspting, EWS !oyxLDTDotI
or Steam Twist (AKA Wirma Aspie)
Aparently he's some kind of ponychan autist who is banned everywhere for being so retarded. Seems similar to Chris Chan.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VKXWoGjFB48(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 424700

Very interesting and informative thread op

No. 424726

Moved to >>>/snow/373953.

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No. 194506[Reply]

Previous thread: >>88648


Recent developments:
>Still scamming customers through bepop (the same place Felice scammed people for a minute)
>Fellow lolcow Marfmellow has been obsessing about Tess and making multiple call out videos that are like an hour long
>Her "husband" is getting really fat (still not married yet)
>Posted a really vomit-inducing bondage pic on instagram to promote #NoBraDay for breast cancer and lost a lot of fans, kek
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No. 283394

inb4 she smothers it under her fat while co-sleeping

No. 422752

So , i just read like all the comments and all i have to say is that society fucked people up! Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Just because society thinks that skinny girls are prettier. The skinny models dont eat food , they eat nothing so that they could look perfect like you and society want. some of the models eat something but only like Salats and i think thats ok at least they eat something. i dont say that skinny models are ugly or something like that but they try to hard and plus size models dont. they re just the way they are . they eat healthy food too . just because they look fat doesnt mean they dont eat helthy and everyone saying that tess holliday looks gross, thats not even true , she is just like everyone else, normal. and i think all the people that say she is ugly , you are not perfect yourself , first look at yourself in the mirror first and then write a comment. And now i ask all of you , are you perfect ? Do you love yourself ? Because the most important part is loving yourself. Everyone is perfect with imperfections. And you should know making other feel bad does that make you feel much better ? I know how bullying is and if you're yourself a bully you should be ashamed of yourself. Tess had a horrible childhood so she could use some love although she has enough but extra is better . so you should know , nobody is gross , society is !(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 422758

She's obese, not thick, not 'has a bit of a tummy', not chubby, not even just a bit fat. Obese.
And the main problem with this is not that people who are of a different 'standard' for society should feel awful about themselves, but promoting the idea that it's ok to stay and even promote unhealthy lifestyles with this haes bullshit.

No one really cares that Tess or people like her are fat, they have a problem with promoting ideas that don't actually involve encouragement to self-improve.

Sure don't hate yourself for being obese, but no one should placate themselves to the point where they refuse plain facts in order to feel better about either being too lazy or accepting personal responsibility.

It's the sort of thing that normalizes obesity.
You know what's awful to see? Obese children with their obese parents who don't see a problem with their kid 'being a little husky' or a completely healthy sized child being pinned as too skinny because the average person is overweight.
Your average person is retarded enough to take these spiels as fact. Anything to avoid personal responsibility.

No. 422759

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No. 422762

Is she really just obese though? She's definitely morbidly obese, but I'd say she's more death fat. She's past all hope. Her body is fucked, no way after even dramatic weightloss will she have a normal life span.

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No. 419968[Reply]

Onion and his smug spaceprince continue on their path towards destitution only managing to get by for the time being on their ~true~ fans' bux donations on younow and patreon.

- Onion and Plainey recently put out a video of Plainey taking an online bdsm quiz confirming they are boring and into degrading plainey both in and outside the bedroom.

- Plainey continues making horrible amalgamations out of semi-current slang and memes trying to relate to her army of agender teen girls

- Onion continues to sperg on twitter about subjects like the IRS investigation, youtube censorship and weed etc.

- Onion keeps making videos about his dying youtube channels and claiming last videos for this and that channel

- Onion decided to try to rebranch himself as "Onichan" and made a new channel where he started posting more videos with
him running around in his underwear or humping inanimate objects and showing off his crazy self.

- Trinity speculations:
- Vix a patron onion was interested seems to be gone for good except for having made one cameo typing a sad face emoji Onion's discord server while he was streaming on younow
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No. 422655

Does anyone have caps from anything else on this fake profile?

No. 422656


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 422659

Haha holy shit the kid caught him redhanded

No. 422662

New thread >>>/pt/422661

No. 422665


The point is that she's bad at it. Those lips are ridiculously over-lined in the worst and most obvious way possible.


It's not an acronym it's his fucking initials. It's only natural to assume that someone browsing a image board who doesn't know who Chris Chan is is either a newfag or underaged. And one of the people you quoted was just asking a question.

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No. 415824[Reply]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

Recent: Mariah is now telling everyone she’s hired a personal trainer to help get her in shape. Translation? She’s about to get another round of liposuction during her “cosplay break”. Cheers to everyone who guessed that one. Can’t wait for her to explain more “thigh freckles” to her neckbeards.

Redid her “adult” Kanna by throwing her in a black bikini and some random taobao/ alieexpress / ebay gothic lolita costume. That shoot featured her wearing the same ill fitting black bikini she always wears and touching the Tohru’s crotch. She did a “boudoir” Hermione shoot as well, which was what you can always expect from her. Same lingerie, same walmart stockings, same boring bed set.

Some random guy from Mexico took a picture of him aiming a gun. Whether if it was malicious or no is for you to decide in your own time since we already had enough discussion in the last thread whether it’s illegal or “just a meme”. Whether he was serious or just wanted some nasty fat girl dressed as Kanna in bikini off his facebook feed doesn’t matter right now. What matters is it caused Momo to go on a huge cry rant about it on twitter and facebook, made claims she was going to the police, tried to doxx the guy, all before she backpedalled and deleted everything about the incident.

Went on a short rant on her twitter saying how she’s a “changed person” and “doesn’t use racial slurs anymore” despite her shouting ching chong at an asian D.VA cosplayer while she was wearing Mei was from this year. She went off and mass deleted all her old tweets.

Unfortunately for her, the internet never forgets and we already have the screencaps and previous threads.

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No. 421272

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and thats just jotaro and dio, who are extremely muscular characters with huge clothing to accompany them, top fucking kek when she realizes that jolyne is a fucking twig, watch her buy another skin suit thatll make her look like a tube of chorizo

No. 421494

sage for old comment but if you're uploading straight from your phone, download a photo editing app. once you save it in the orientation you want, you can upload it.

No. 480976

fucking hell

No. 480979

>she edited the surgery scars

No. 549546

I know who you might be talking about. Just recent or I forgot when but, korftkat has been trying to befriend momo. And she's legit dropped a few friends because of how triggered she feels about all the hate that momo been getting.

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No. 419952[Reply]

>Dumb fucking attention-whore cunt whores her life out about how she relapses with cutting and bulimia on youtube.
>She wants to be an inspirational GURU for helping girls that cut and have bulimia
>Wants her fans to be part of her "Shanny Fanny Family" cult
>Happy music in the background when talking about her relapses


Im fucking mad this bitch has gotten no backlash.
Shes like the bitch on dr phil with the cuts all over.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 419957

holy desperate selfpost, batman, wtf is this shit?

No. 419958

Oh right, this place is run by retarded anorexic or fat borderline women…

No. 419960


I have no idea who this place is 'run by', but that doesn't stop this being a bullshit thread. Idiot.

No. 419973

Aren't only famous because of ED against the rules?

No. 419975

Moved to >>>/snow/368195.

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No. 415476[Reply]

It's our incumbent top lolcow, YouTube """"comedian"""" Onision, and his Agender Space Prince Lainey, better known for his rampant ephebophilia, harassment of anyone he comes into contact with, and malignant narcissism.

Last time, on As The Fidget Spinner Turns:

- Onion finally gets senpai to notice him, and "debates" Blaire White while looking like Patrick Bateman; the result is a shitshow in which Gerg showcases all his famous narc manipulation techniques, including reductio ad dictionary: "let me just check the dictionary definition of the word 'collection'"

- Lainey reckons she's losing weight so fast that by the time I finish this post she'll be weigh a negative number of pounds and be able to float away to Fiji like a helium balloon

- Greg had spotted a new potential trinity victim, Vix, until he was cockblocked by her boyfriend. He has a lot of feelings about this difficult situation, all of which are totally platonic of course

- Lainey is really relating to today's youth on her livestream #blessed #yassqueen #slay #notgroomingchildreniswear

- The IRS popped around for tea and biscuits. We look forward to future updates on how the visit went.

- Onion M.D. continues to make great strides in the fight against eating disorders by trying to trigger Shane Dawson's body dysmorphic disorder, using bogus made up measurements and advice
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No. 419944


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 419946

>tfw beck is so obsessed with smegmaman and becoming the doormats only outside human contact, that she would selfpost here
That's gingercucks twitter profile picture, I recognise it.
>inb4 Beck is so insane she stole lainey's phone to post caps on fucking lolcow
I mean, considering how nuts you have to be to actively seek out Greg's attention… While they look fake at this point nothing surprises me, look how nuts Joy turned out. The whole mansion is surrounded only by looneys.

No. 419947

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Sorry for the samefag but pic related is a cap of her post to onion's discord server with the shitty song she made for plainey


No. 419965

And what is this supposed to prove? You're obviously overcensoring a hell of a lot, and there aren't timestamps below the (2nd? why is pic etc censored at top) catfish's messages.

Also stop namefagging. Just makes you look like a newfag, which makes everything you say seem less believable, if that's even possible at this point.

But basically there is 0 reason to believe that isn't another generated/shooped pic. OH IT HAS HER TWITTER ICON IN IT SO OBVIOUSLY THAT MUST BE HER.
This isn't milk. ffs. why is this a thing that is even being discussed. If you don't understand why what you've showed is not being believed at all and is not even close to reliable evidence even taken at face value, I sincerely doubt you should be using this site.

If things HAPPEN, then that will be interesting. But drop it for now because this is just pathetic.

No. 419969

New thread >>>/pt/419968

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No. 401819[Reply]

Obligatory sperg thread https://lolcow.farm/kiki

After making appearances in student movies (like Daisy which she had clue what was about) but never actually saying how to watch her "work", Kiki resorts to what she's been hinting to go back to for ages: YouTube. But of course, never did so bc of haters, not for being simply lazy… until now. Promises to post weekly. Let's see how long it lasts this time.

Previous thread: >>358686

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilouvos/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lilouvos
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/kikikanniballl
IMDb: http://www.imdb.me/lilouvos
Actors Access: https://resumes.actorsaccess.com/lilouvos
Backstage: https://www.backstage.com/u/lilouvos/
1100 posts and 177 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 419352


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 419353


No. 419405

>how incredibly hypocritical you are.
out of literally everything that Kiki is, this is by far the biggest defining thing. With Spergchan and that Danny website, she's proved to be a very sordid, rotten-to-the-core person. it's beyond me how someone can be so shamelessly sociopathic and lie like this on the outside while being the way she is on the inside.

No. 419418

>it's beyond me how someone can be so shamelessly sociopathic and lie like this on the outside while being the way she is on the inside.

But isn't that's exactly what sociopaths do? Only a sociopath could fake their personality this blatantly and not even feel bad about it. A normal person would feel way too much guilt.

No. 419496

New thread >>419492

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No. 384956[Reply]

Previous thread: >>319570

Failed to get Japanese Citizenship. Japanese government couldn't see the value in a Canadian hick, high school drop out, with no discernible skills.

Also, while attempting to copyright claim something, confirmed her name is Miranda Constable (Something she has denied)
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No. 418263


>tiny town

>reserve added to the areas census to skew numbers
>almost anyone can be native

holy shit youre hilarious

No. 418286


Not mad at all. Retard-san said in >>418023 that:
>She was born in some small Inuit city

She was not born in Sudbury, she was born in Sault Ste. Marie. Just stating facts.

No. 418403

Uhhm, excusse me we just gang stalk and harass people, not try and get them to join terrorist cells

come on, fam, you have to admit it would be funny

No. 418404


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 418539

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No. 396612[Reply]

Old thread >>373154
>Edwin posted another video response with receipts
>Video of Dasha calling Mina a cunt leaked
>Screenshot of Dasha supposedly soliciting someone to photoshop an app screen to frame Mina for having multiple fake accounts leaked
>Edwin asks leaker to DM him
>Dasha unprivated Twitter, immediately blames Mina
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No. 417132


Anybody got a good picture header for the new thread?

No. 417162

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Dunno how to make a thread, but would this work?

No. 417163

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Haha I had similar In mind too, but yours is actually way better lol

No. 417165

No. 417226

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No. 400701[Reply]

Old Threads:

>Gave all of her kittens from her female cat away because she couldn't afford to take them to the US.
>Bought more kittens after the ones she gave away.
>Dorian got a girlfriend and decided to not move to the US with Logan and Raven. Raven proceeded to post private messages between Dorian and his girlfriend online and flip out over him not going to the US.
>The true love forever couple has called it quits! They put up a charade of being together, going as far as celebrating their anniversary this year but have been split since October.
>Raven has immediately latched onto another man's dick living in the US and have declared their undying love for each other. This one is 31 at least.
>In video of her breakup she says how much of a man her new guy is and will stick up for her in front of Logan.
>Partially blames lolcow and KF for their failed relationship, along with Logan being too young to deal with all the drama, and Logan for losing his jobs and not having enough money. No blame on her part though.
>Heavily insistent on saying she hasn't cheated in very suspiciously fast new relationship yet the new guy's ex called him out for cheating on her with Raven.
>Claims to have been empowering women for years yet is making drama with her new beau's ex fiance, calling her a n*gger whore and only wanting this man for his recent income after ex fiance called him out on cheating on her with Raven.
>Is leaving for the US in 2 months, how much milk shall we get?
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No. 415856


Because them's the new rules, you tard.


No. 415871

it's not a "new thread" you "tard"

No. 415874


See the new rules in effect when this thread was started >>>/snow/339386

No. 415895

>I don't want to bring money into our relationship

aka she doesn't fully trust Josh especially with money since he's trash.

No. 415898


As explained by a farmhand in new thread, continuations of existing /pt/ threads should be started in /pt/.

New /snow/ thread has been moved to >>>/pt/415881

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