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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 429934[Reply]

Last thread: >>425446

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

- Admits to ghosting cons/planning to ghost PAX gets in an argument claiming everyone does it, but then deletes the entire post.
- More KBBQ drama unfolds as Moo claims she made the neck piece to her new cosplay, with anons uncovering it was indeed KBBQ who is just doing commissions for her as far as we know.
- Based farmer rips into moo for lying, being deceitful overall, inciting others on her fb/twitter to do so.
- Anon starts tumblr to showcase all of Moo's shitty behavior: https://momokuncosplay.tumblr.com/
- Cue standard chimping out, underwear photos and sappy rants to hide her butthurt, complete with 'leaked?' nudes on reddit.
- Joy as many other people off anon call her out in various ways

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No. 432816

>always making posts about wanting to die but depression magically disappears when it's con season

look im not here to defend her, but do u have any idea how depression works?

No. 432840

that's not how it works, your point???

No. 433001

she acts like doing three shoots is hard in a day? Fuck I shot about 12 different things this weekend as the photographer and it was fucking heaven. Especially if its your job and you love doing it.

Sage for no contribution

No. 433650

Message me for screencaps of what happened with me and Mariah
- Sierra/thornechan

No. 433967


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No. 430450[Reply]

Itt one poster acts the part of Rita Repulsa while the 2nd player acts the part of the Power Rangers as a whole, the storylines and rules for each of the 2 players of the game are as follows

Player 1: you are Rita Repulsa and have recently discovered how to resurrect every monster of yours the rangers have defeated thus far, but to counter this the rangers manage to banish them all to the Scooby Doo universe shortly after their resurrection. Not willing to accept defeat so easily Rita Repulsa uses this new power of hers elsewhere, itt roll the dice (1 die) all numbers from 1 to 6 will determine wich slasher film character will be risen from the grave, the designated number for each character belongs to the order in which the movies were made, for example Jason Voorhees may hold the number 2 spot while the Leprechaun may hold the number 6 spot.

Player 2: you are the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers and your arch rival Rita Repulsa has sent down a new enemy the likes of which you have never seen, working together though you manage to defeat him just like every other monster, but just like every other monster Rita Repulsa throws her staff down to earth to make this slasher fim character bigger, your normal g1 Megazord may not be enough this time around so the rangers must summon from across time one of many different variations of Megazords that existed throughout the show, roll the dice (1 die) to determine which one, they will be in order from 1 to 6 as they appeared in the show.

Rules for both players: both players must do reaserch depending on which slasher film character you got or which Megazord you got in order to accuratly know fully what both character's strangths and weaknesses are and be able use that research to prove beyond a reasonable doubt to the other player which would win the fight.

No. 430455

I don't think this is the correct section for this??

No. 430457

There's nothing really explaining what subjects go where aside from a few vague as hell statements, I assumed this board was general discussion seeing as its called "lolcow general".

No. 430464

Most autistic thing I have ever seen on lolcow.

No. 430466

check the rules about posting at the top of the page maybe?
is this like a d&d thing but with power rangers

No. 430497

Moved to >>>/ot/203828.

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No. 336817[Reply]

New Vicky Thread

Previous Thread: >>327539

Vicky has been laying low recently since Kiwi shut her complaints down, but she still has time to make shit up about herself!

For newbies:
>29 year old tattoo scratcher who works out of her apartment, blames clients for poor aftercare when her inability to tattoo properly scars people's bodies
>Former myspace scene queen with a very poor grasp of Photoshop and After Effects
>Narcissistic attention whore who describes herself as a 'real life Final Fantasy character'
>Can't talk about herself without making claims so outlandish only a total idiot would believe them
>Claims to be well-versed in psychology, astronomy, quantum physics to name a few fields of study (despite never enrolling in post secondary education and/or never involving herself in groups dedicated to those fields)
>Posts videos of herself flailing around with a dollar-store katana because she is a 'sword fighter'
>(Poorly) fakes a British accent
>Known on Lolcow for selfposting hundreds of times in her own thread, pretending to be people who know her irl
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No. 430440


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 432572

Thats ? not victoria.

No. 432574

This is an iphone shot. In her driveway. Which she claimed was from a magazine…

Spoiler: those jacket sleeeves arent even attatched to the jacket…

No. 432653


I like how the trees shadow bends at her waist lol

No. 557016

Or do any of my life anyway, so I drank a milk and strawberry smoothy.

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No. 430244[Reply]

sup /pt/. oldfag here
I think /intl/ is, itself a cow. I guarantee that every single time they are fucked with, they will burst into treats
before agreeing with me, I present to you this evidence which you should peruse at your leisure:
https://8ch.net/mod.php?/operate/res/24862.html(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 425446[Reply]

Last thread: >>421206

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

- Redid her Yoko cosplay and went on a crying tirade how much effort she put into making the cosplay perfect. In other words she just re-styled the wig to make it even more inaccurate and remade the neckpiece while doing absolutely nothing else.
- Apparently planning a hentai cosplay.
- Did a Cindy cosplay and had a photoshoot at the beach despite the character not fitting in the scenario at all.
- Did a shitty "adult Kanna" cosplay with just a wig and a generic cosplay lolita dress, vaguely let people know that she "made the outfit" while she got the dress from good old eBay
- Tried to make people dogpile on a photographer she had a falling out with before, claimed to be because "he insulted her best friend Jessica" even though it's obvious the photographer dropped her due to her toxic personality.
- Keeps gaining weight.

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No. 429773

Stop posting!!!! The thread is about to lock let the mod make a new link.

No. 429781

No one has fucking made a new thread yet. Fucking make it and link it if you're gonna be so whiny.

No. 429798

No. 429801

Are her fingers getting fat or is it just me?

No. 429806

Your a fucking retarded cunt(you're)

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No. 426045[Reply]

Previous thread >>> /pt/422661

Last time on The Greg Parade:

- CloggerBex returns home after accomplishing one shaving cream video and showing up in Gerg's livestreams. Her twitter suggests she won't be flown out again due to school and expenses, not that it matters because she's sad that Plainey shit-talked her on previous younow streams.

- Lainey continues to dye her hair Billie's color, making pissy comments on her younows (bars pls!!!) about how she's not with Bex and totally not poly you guys, but she's a weeb now so pls submit fanfics and cosplay ideas. And she's vegan, and did she mention she hates weed?

- Gerg suicides his channel by transitioning the main Onision channel with 2 million subs to paid-only, 50 cents a month. Some people's Google Play connected cards were autocharged, and Gerg's 13-year-old fanbase sobs in his comments about how their mom won't let them pay him. Gerg is unmoved, knowing he needs to get sweet cash before the IRS fucks him to the tune of up to $300,000.

- A potential third trinity member, Ashlyn (macncheesefairy) appears. 18, vegan, and a visual clone of Billie, she's been getting plenty of Onion's attention on social media, but this isn't definite - Lain-boy has a new crush, but won't say who.

- Drama youtuber TallVideos and conspiracy farmers suspect that Greg has three kids total: Troy, Cloey, and one from a previous partner or marriage, which would explain some of the age-inappropriate children's toys around the house better than Lainey's daddy kink. Delicious, but unconfirmed milk on this episode of Big Greg Goes To The City.

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No. 429080

Here's to hoping onion lands a very feminine, very beautiful trans girl and lameo has to live with being inferior yet again

No. 429093

Supposedly Lt. killed himself so im not sure how hes posting spoiled milk from the grave(Fake Bait)

No. 429094

he basically got pushed out by the others mods and he and becks are no longer fb friends

maybe he's posting to get back at her but we also knew she smoked so it's spoilt milk(You too)

No. 429099

new thread >>>/pt/429098

No. 429101


Do you have any proof he really shot himself?

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No. 422661[Reply]

Last time on Kekking at the onions:
Onion invited a seemingly obsessive plainey fan to the grease mantion without telling grainey in advance, visibly pissed off the agender snowflake.

- gargoyle flew a 20 year old patron over to "stay" with them and "collab" only for him to get a crotchful of fangirl and clog the family toilet

- grease "flew over bexx to do some shitty collab vids, the first of which featured her alongside onion in her bikini and shaving cream. Head in crotch action was involved.

- first day at the mansion bexx (over)shared her adventures in the mcmansion by posting pics of how she clogged onion's toilet and was ~so embarrassed~

- plainey livestreamed and looked as furious as ever, even being unable to fidget spin because she was so triggered by bexx

- onion and his fan did some more shitty vids as well as younow streams where she gives him lovey-dovey eyes while being her dull fangirl-self

- veiney still makes shitty would-i-let-my-greasy-husband-fuck-you vids, weirdly enough seeing as she keeps saying she doesn't want (onion to have) more gfs/"""poly""" relationships

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No. 426042

she looks a lot less confident than Billie, and I'm sure Greg finds that very attractive.

No. 426044

i'll get a new thread together, give me a min

No. 426046

New thread >>>/pt/426045

No. 426050

Doesn't onion edit her videos?

No. 426228

tbh onion clan are literally nobodies so it's not surprising (assuming they even leave the house in the first place)

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No. 424675[Reply]

Wrima Aspting, EWS !oyxLDTDotI
or Steam Twist (AKA Wirma Aspie)
Aparently he's some kind of ponychan autist who is banned everywhere for being so retarded. Seems similar to Chris Chan.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VKXWoGjFB48(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 424700

Very interesting and informative thread op

No. 424726

Moved to >>>/snow/373953.

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No. 194506[Reply]

Previous thread: >>88648


Recent developments:
>Still scamming customers through bepop (the same place Felice scammed people for a minute)
>Fellow lolcow Marfmellow has been obsessing about Tess and making multiple call out videos that are like an hour long
>Her "husband" is getting really fat (still not married yet)
>Posted a really vomit-inducing bondage pic on instagram to promote #NoBraDay for breast cancer and lost a lot of fans, kek
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No. 283394

inb4 she smothers it under her fat while co-sleeping

No. 422752

So , i just read like all the comments and all i have to say is that society fucked people up! Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Just because society thinks that skinny girls are prettier. The skinny models dont eat food , they eat nothing so that they could look perfect like you and society want. some of the models eat something but only like Salats and i think thats ok at least they eat something. i dont say that skinny models are ugly or something like that but they try to hard and plus size models dont. they re just the way they are . they eat healthy food too . just because they look fat doesnt mean they dont eat helthy and everyone saying that tess holliday looks gross, thats not even true , she is just like everyone else, normal. and i think all the people that say she is ugly , you are not perfect yourself , first look at yourself in the mirror first and then write a comment. And now i ask all of you , are you perfect ? Do you love yourself ? Because the most important part is loving yourself. Everyone is perfect with imperfections. And you should know making other feel bad does that make you feel much better ? I know how bullying is and if you're yourself a bully you should be ashamed of yourself. Tess had a horrible childhood so she could use some love although she has enough but extra is better . so you should know , nobody is gross , society is !(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 422758

She's obese, not thick, not 'has a bit of a tummy', not chubby, not even just a bit fat. Obese.
And the main problem with this is not that people who are of a different 'standard' for society should feel awful about themselves, but promoting the idea that it's ok to stay and even promote unhealthy lifestyles with this haes bullshit.

No one really cares that Tess or people like her are fat, they have a problem with promoting ideas that don't actually involve encouragement to self-improve.

Sure don't hate yourself for being obese, but no one should placate themselves to the point where they refuse plain facts in order to feel better about either being too lazy or accepting personal responsibility.

It's the sort of thing that normalizes obesity.
You know what's awful to see? Obese children with their obese parents who don't see a problem with their kid 'being a little husky' or a completely healthy sized child being pinned as too skinny because the average person is overweight.
Your average person is retarded enough to take these spiels as fact. Anything to avoid personal responsibility.

No. 422759

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No. 422762

Is she really just obese though? She's definitely morbidly obese, but I'd say she's more death fat. She's past all hope. Her body is fucked, no way after even dramatic weightloss will she have a normal life span.

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No. 419968[Reply]

Onion and his smug spaceprince continue on their path towards destitution only managing to get by for the time being on their ~true~ fans' bux donations on younow and patreon.

- Onion and Plainey recently put out a video of Plainey taking an online bdsm quiz confirming they are boring and into degrading plainey both in and outside the bedroom.

- Plainey continues making horrible amalgamations out of semi-current slang and memes trying to relate to her army of agender teen girls

- Onion continues to sperg on twitter about subjects like the IRS investigation, youtube censorship and weed etc.

- Onion keeps making videos about his dying youtube channels and claiming last videos for this and that channel

- Onion decided to try to rebranch himself as "Onichan" and made a new channel where he started posting more videos with
him running around in his underwear or humping inanimate objects and showing off his crazy self.

- Trinity speculations:
- Vix a patron onion was interested seems to be gone for good except for having made one cameo typing a sad face emoji Onion's discord server while he was streaming on younow
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No. 422655

Does anyone have caps from anything else on this fake profile?

No. 422656


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 422659

Haha holy shit the kid caught him redhanded

No. 422662

New thread >>>/pt/422661

No. 422665


The point is that she's bad at it. Those lips are ridiculously over-lined in the worst and most obvious way possible.


It's not an acronym it's his fucking initials. It's only natural to assume that someone browsing a image board who doesn't know who Chris Chan is is either a newfag or underaged. And one of the people you quoted was just asking a question.

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