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No. 885671[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/882448
Image Credit: >>885580

The Basics:

>26 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”

>Has overdosed 5+ times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive ED
>Started dating her (now 43) year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, etc
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless
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No. 887942

This is an imageboard

No. 887947


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 887949

God bl

No. 887950

God bless you sweet anon

No. 887952

Sorry ladies, deleted and reposted due to an erroneous link, here’s ya new thread


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No. 818510[Reply]

Since the last one postlocked right as Sperg-chan started posting again, this shall be the new Kiki Kannibal thread.

A few little updates since the last thread:

>usual manic cycling between being OTT horny&bitter, posting elaborate and detailed rape fantasies, desperately clinging to her scene phase pics and shaking her ass on cam

>made a long, graphicly detailed (and hilariously false) Halloween post completely rewriting the story re: her and Danny and the alleged rape
>also casually reposting her old Stickam videos of her chimping out in full scene makeup andher underwear, claiming she was labelled a 'coquettish Lolita' and that pedos creeping on poor, innocent Kirsten just trying to make friends her own age is what ruined her life, not her own greed, ego, and entitlement
>Anons in the thread point out that Kiki and Danny had less of an age gap than she and Kota, suddenly she drops it and doesn't mention it again as she starts posting her love & light positivity more often while also trying to casually goad Kota into interacting with her online (and failing)
>Kaka posted IG stories of her and Kooter dancing like idjits with light sticks in Orlando, confirming Koots is no longer in Japan during the latest Covid travel ban
>pics & vids she posts confirm that neither of them has really "matured" their sense of humor in almost a decade, complete with wild flailing and screeching in public gracefully captured on video by Cathy(?)
>Kiki also goes from being a precious, pitiful victim who believes all abusers should be exposed, no matter how rich or famous they are, to using the Armie Hammer cannibalism drama for clout by retweeting picrel
>anons speculate about where she lives, as she still posts content featuring her LA bedroom despite confirmation that she at least was in Orlando recently for an event
>aside from all that, our sperg queen has been quietly posting stories to IG while stalking Twitter for any use of her scene pics to RT, in her usual rollercoaster pattern of highs and lows. I recommend using an anon IG story viewer for anyone who wants to look but doesn't follow her so keeks can't see who is and possibly stalk you. Beware the Sperg.

Twitter @mmmkikikannibal
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No. 888383

i hope someone makes a new thread. i know there isn't a lot of milk but she's still batshit n my favourite cow

No. 890026

first time but made a new thread >>>/pt/890025

No. 890090


awesome work, nonna

No. 892227

I unfortunately found her on a dating app. I found this thread and it’s bizarre how accurate all of this is. Mental illness and ego are a horrible combination.

No. 896218

Cathy and Scott are still married and still own the same McMansion in the Orlando area that they've always owned. Not gonna post caps because that's doxxing and I already got banned for it once on Kota's thread lol. But the information is easily accessible public record so speculating is stupid.

Funnily enough I looked it up on streetview and these self important bastards have the streetview of their address blurred like they're a hated SCOTUS judge lmao. Not like I can't see what their place looks like on the property appraiser's site anyway. I wonder what their neighbors think of them.

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No. 885848[Reply]

Midget racist crackpot Steven L. Akins tried to 'plant' a fake gravestone in a Scots cemetery - to back up his claim to be a clan chief.

Akins is a forum administrator at https://www.f4bbs.com/ and still tries to carry on this lie.

He planned to mock up the bogus headstone at his home in Alabama, then have it smuggled into a graveyard to be photographed.

Akins could then use it as 'proof' that his ancestors had lived in Scotland in the 1700s.

The 34-year-old, who has never set foot in Scotland, tried to recruit Glaswegian William Wallace to help him.

He offered to ship the tombstone to Scotland for William to plant in a cemetery.

But William, 45, yesterday dismissed the American, who has lodged his claim to be chief of the Akins clan with the Lord Lyon in Edinburgh, as "crazy" and a complete fraud.

He said: "He contacted me on the internet and asked if I would be willing to help him forge proof that his family were based in Lanarkshire in the 1700s.
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No. 885851

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He posts about his imagined ancestry and his superiority as a white male as the handle "Southern Gentry"

He bought a bunch of ancestry "medals" on ebay and tries to present them as they're some sort of accomplishment


No. 885852

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No. 879844[Reply]

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>874714
Websites: https://momokun.co/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peachygirlmomo
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Instagram & Snapchat: momoku.n, mariahmallad (currently down/banned), mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats), momokun.co (currently down), peachycollective.co
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@xmomokunx (Banned)
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/users/mariahmallad (Inactive)
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/momokuncosplay
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No. 886051

her ass is blurred into the background.

No. 886052

Omg her teeth in this filter are killin me lmao!

No. 886056

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Looking like Jim Carrey with them chompers

No. 886070

She looks like a horse here. Also there’s a weird bump on her chin and her eyebrow has a piece missing

No. 886102

it wasn’t just that she was down bad for him, she was also reading (or pretending to read) all the woo woo “metaphysical” garbage he liked and trying to spout it herself
she definitely wanted more than a bang

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No. 882448[Reply]


https://heavenlybunnies.tumblr.com/ [deleted]
https://pileofthembones96.tumblr.com/ [ed tumblr]
https://thewrldisurs82.tumblr.com/ [active]

https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]

>26 year old "sober" heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”
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No. 885655

This is the perfect representation of this fat retard's incompetence (and her shit eyesight wtf is that blurry ass screenshot). She can easily google "Ori walkthough part xx" and get her answer but she physically cannot struggle with anything at all without waddling onto her miserable soapbox to fucking whine about it while demanding to be spoonfed.

No. 885660

that side part looks so limp and disgusting. she should try and cut in some fawcett bangs like the e-girls she thrives to be at least that will take the edge off of her six head and would stop her hair looking a triangle. the illusion of layers etc

No. 885661

>limp and disgusting

Aww her n hubby are twinning.

No. 885662

tfw you’ve been awaiting this saga, but you’ll be at work on Monday morning

No. 885666

Kek you reminded me of the time she missed her stop on the bus and ended up lost even though she could only have been a few minutes from her squat

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No. 885555[Reply]

Twitter acc:
>Minor that draws shotacon nsfw and uses trauma to keep doing that
>Extremaly rude to everyone that's warning this person
>Have a high fetish on hurtcore
>There are adults following this person(shit thread )

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No. 883715[Reply]


No. 883724

Thank you

No. 883733

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No. 879529[Reply]


https://pileofthembones96.tumblr.com/ [ed tumblr]

https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]

>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420 and Lunakittenxxx (to name but a few)
>25 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”
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No. 882346

elbow ditch looks mighty bruised

No. 882348

Even if it was her dad, that’s crazy expensive no? Maybe airbnb works differently in America, but in the UK the airbnbs at this stage in the game are all as expensive as any hotel. I get that the longer you stay there will be discount - but I don’t see how a 6 month airbnb is less expensive than 6 months in a shared house. I can only assume pricing is very different over that way.
A place to stay is different to a place to move Tuna

No. 882349

Oh I’m not that’s why I said “by extension”. He’s his son. Anyone who would participate or let their “fiancé” treat their father like that in his death mattress deserves every rotten thing coming to him but at the same time Lurch did exactly have some high moral standing ground either. We’re in the same page. They’re both hot garbage.

No. 882350

The line on her forearm in her tattoo too lmfao she got a little too excited and completely exposed herself this time 0 speculation needed by her followers now

No. 882351

Kek some anons have a real hard time with the concept of “both can be true”

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No. 879466[Reply]

cracking tf up. No no no get a load of this guy right here(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 874997[Reply]

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heavenlybunnies

Tumblr: https://heavenlybunnies.tumblr.com/
https://pileofthembones96.tumblr.com/ [ed tumblr]

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/offthebone1996
https://twitter.com/bimbokitten96 [sw twitter]

>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420 and Lunakittenxxx (to name but a few)
>25 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”
>Has overdosed thrice
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides shitty art and poetry
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No. 879467

Guys, the beach house is actually consistent with what has been said before. He has claimed to have a grandma with a 1million worth beach house in long island, that he'll "totally get to own" together with his cousins, the screenshot is in a few threads back

No. 879469

He also said that he's a baseball playing mathematician with a big totally not limp dick with Navy Seals for friends. He reaches for the skies with his lies kek

No. 879470

Why do you keep coming to this thread and pulling this kind of retardation. Tuna's never gonna be your bestie and the obsession is weird. Just fuck off already.

No. 879472

Wtf are you on? She's obviously spitting, there's literally spit coming out of her mouth.

No. 879488

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