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No. 21633
What do you guys think of all this transgender shit?
I don't have any personal beef with trans people, but I think that surgery for gender dysphoria will be considered on par with shit like lobotomies and bloodletting in the future. If an ana thinks she's fat, you give her therapy, not diet pills and liposuction. The same idea applies to a man who thinks he's a woman. Trans suicide rates are actually higher after surgery: don't get me started on people who do this shit to children. My dad saw a commercial for the Jazz show the other day and I had to explain the premise to him. He didn't believe me.
No. 21678
>>21664Yeah. I will call someone a woman if they so desire (well, as long as they're putting a modicum of effort in - have you seen some of these tumblr trannies?!), because it's a socially constructed identity to some extent, but it is ridiculous when trans people try to deny biological facts on top of this. They want you to say "cisgender" or "AMAB/AFAB" instead of "biological male/female" because they're
triggered by their own XY chromosomes. I routinely see people cite incredibly rare hormonal/chromosomal conditions as a reason that biological sex don't real, and it always makes me roll my eyes. Once in a while a baby is born with a missing organ or body part, so it's time to do away with the whole oppressive white patriarchal study of "human anatomy"! "Humans have two arms and two legs"? Disgusting shitlord.
No. 21683
>>21664Yeah… the word vagina is offensive and terrible yet they'll pay money to have their cock removed in place for a vagina.
Mm… makes sense kek
No. 21690
>>21681>I mean of course that's yet to be proved outright but the way the science is going is does look that it's going to turn out that way."We're not sure yet, but I bet it will turn out the way I want it to!"
People who advocate for putting kids on puberty blockers always neglect to mention the possible adverse effects. Lupron (used for chemical castration as well, by the way) has the following side effects:
>hot flashes (flushing), increased sweating, night sweats, tiredness, headache, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, breast swelling or tenderness, acne, joint/muscle aches or pain, trouble sleeping (insomnia), reduced sexual interest, vaginal discomfort/dryness/itching/discharge, vaginal bleeding, swelling of the ankles/feet, increased urination at night, dizziness, breakthrough bleeding in a female child during the first 2 months of leuprolide treatment, weakness, chills, clammy skin, skin redness, itching, or scaling, testicle pain, impotence, depression, or memory problemsIt turns out that fucking with your kid's endocrine system isn't such a good idea! Not to mention the psychological impact of not going through puberty at the same time as your peers.
No. 21704
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>>21686Yeah they really do reduce identity to PINK 4 GURLZ BLUE IS FOR BOYZZZ, I WEAR PINK I GURL NOW
There's a school of thought that trans mtf are majority fetishists. It's super unPC to talk about obviously. Lots on that here->>21688A high proportion of ftm are autistic, higher than that seen for mtf. Between this statistic, and the theory of autogynephilia, it seems there are different mechanisms/underlying pathologies for different trans people. pic shows the funders of a gender dysphoria symposium. No wonder these groups want to encourage medical and surgical treatments of mental problems. Things that make you go hmmmm
No. 21712
>>21704It's crazy to see trans people denying that autogynephilia exists. A simple google search will reveal that it exists and is relatively common. Search for "sissy fetish" or "forced feminization".
I don't think ALL MTF's are fetishists, but a large proportion of them do seem to have a sexual motivation for transitioning.
The typical trans argument against autogynephilia is "b-but cis women imagine themselves as women in their sexual fantasies too!" Except women are fantasizing about the sex act and their partner's body – not their own femininity.
The FTM/autism stuff is quite interesting - thanks for that.
No. 21713
>>21709And is a 12-13 year old really prepared to make the kinds of medical decisions that will effect their bodily and mental development so irreversibly as puberty blocking does? I did a lot at that age that I really regret.
I worry about parents with munchausen syndrome by proxy forcing this shit on their kids or convincing their kids they need it in to prove how "with the times" and "understanding" they are. There are enough people with munchausen for this to be a legitimate issue.
I predict a lot of bitter adults with regret and psychological problems as a result of this.
No. 21721
Politically incorrect views on transgenderism don't agree with all of their perspectives but it's really interesting to read them.
I watched the second episode of I Am Cait and it was really weird how he treats his best friend/assistant and wanted to separate the trans and bio females during the show and was weirdly competitive. And then they were going to get into a hot tub and one of the trans mtf who is a prominent academic was like "should I go in the hot tub naked??????? should we be naked????" Idk you have to see it to get it, it was weird.
No. 21761
>>21756Do you think that's why there's more rates of MtF's transitioning? Like, women are allowed to be masculine without much of a second thought that they don't need to go the extra step and say "I'm trans, I'm FtM, I'm a boy inside"?
If it were socially acceptable for a man to wear a dress and be taken seriously, would all of those people still transition as MtF trans?
No. 21772
>>21771this tbh
you are born with a certain set of biological parts. you can be male, female, or intersex. if you choose to convert genders, all you are doing is confirming gender stereotypes and mutilating your body in the process
No. 21782
>>21772I am a closeted transgender I suppose. I've identified as male since before I really knew what transgender was, but I haven't told anyone and I have no intention of getting surgery for precisely these reasons.
I sort of wonder if I would feel this way if my father hadn't attempted to force female roles on me when I rejected them as a child. I always think that maybe I just want the same things society generally says men should have and women should avoid.
I've tried getting therapy for my dysphoria but it's really damn hard because we have two surgeons in my city who specialise in transitioning and I just get directed there. I firmly believe I have a mental illness and I would rather be taught to accept my body than to get a useless surgery. But no dice.
No. 21788
>>21782That is so shitty that they want to direct you to body mutilating surgery instead of supporting you emotionally.
This is a blog by a detransitioning ftm.. maybe you will find it insightful links you might find useful's really interesting how a lot of butch lesbians feel like they were pressured to transition by society because butch lesbians are looked down upon/lack a societal niche. But being a butch lesbian is a totally valid identity.
Funnily enough the lgbt community generally excludes and/or looks down upon lesbians.
No. 21849
>>21798THIS !!!!!!!
I mean, nothing is gonna change in their life, they will have the same hobbys, same family, same friends, same habits etc.
NOTHING is gonna change, except having a new set of genitals , and this is gonna make them happy ?
No. 21853
>>21782Man I feel so sorry for you they should try to help you loving and exepting your body but instead they act like surgery is the only way to help you ?
You should tell them how you feel about this and that you dont want surgery
No. 21860
>>21798My thoughts exactly. The idea of transitioning is inherently sexist - because clothes, mannerisms, style etc do not define genders, or they aren't supposed to. Yet people who transition almost always adhere to what is stereotypical of the gender they want to be.
Dysmorphia is a mental illness, so I don't understand why we are providing permanent, physical solutions for a problem that may be transient or treatable by therapy. Even princess Jules on YouTube (mtf) said that she wouldn't get bottom surgery if she could go back, and encouraged other mtf to not consider it.
The more prevalent this becomes, the more issues we are going to run into. Is it fair for a mtf to join women's sports? What about scholarships specifically for women?
No. 22526
>>21760Tbh, I'm really bothered by the fact that people want to allow mtf in female spaces like bathrooms and fitting rooms.
There was a story earlier in the year about a woman who complained about a trans woman in the locker room and had her membership revoked.
If I went into the locker room to change after a workout and saw a dude with a wig and a bra on, I'd nope the fuck out of there so quickly.
If trans people are gonna a make that big of a stink about it, plz just make unisex spaces or something. I'm just not comfortable with a man, trans or not, in a private space for ladies.
No. 22528
>>22526Also, the top female CEO in America is a mtf trans and that reeeeeally irks me too. Why can't they list an actual woman, and have him be listed as the highest paid trans CEO. I dunno, it sounds bad when I say it but it almost seems like a joke or something.
I dunno why women are expected to roll over and be welcoming, when men basically ostracize trans people and nobody bats an eye.
No. 22550
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No. 22557
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No. 22568
>>22526Unisex bathrooms would quickly become
Way back in 2000 I read an article about an Oregon tranny who didn't feel comfortable in either the mens' or the womens' locker rooms. The school repurposed a janitor closet into his own personal locker room and he called it "segregation" and that it was "a step in the wrong direction."
Again, this was 14 years ago, long before the current insanity we're seeing.
No. 22583
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>>22568Is this what that South Park episode (The Cissy) was based on?
No. 22588
>>22575Then they need therapy. Not doctors who will put them on puberty blocking drugs and recommend castration.
These people are obviously mentally unstable and instead of getting them the help they need, people are celebrating this like its the new hot trend. Fucking vile.
I will never believe that people can be "born in the wrong bodies" that doesn't make sense at all. Especially when you're talking about children. These people are just straight up being looney and everyone's coddling them. By not conforming to "societies gender norms" they're actually being super hypocritical and conforming even harder to what society tells you is traditionally male/female than any healthy normie would.
So you're a little girl who hates dresses and likes guns, omgz you must be a boy trapped in a girls body!!!! Quick, call the docs and we'll pump some experimental hormone drugs into you and once you turn 18, we can get ya a fake dick that'll never work and look weird as fuck!!!! You'll have to take tons of drugs for the rest of your entire life, but hey, that's how you were meant to be and you're happier now!! You're living as your true self!!
These people are basically volunteering themselves and their children to be guinea pigs for twisted doctors. A eunuch by choice. Wat a cruel joke.
>>22568They can get changed or piss at home then. If they feel segregated, sorry but there's no way that women should just be okay with these men in their locker rooms or bathrooms. This is not like discriminating against someone because of race. You cannot choose your skin color or ethnicity, but you can choose to take hormones or wear a dress. Living as a trans person is a choice, and they will never biologically be the opposite sex, so there is no legitimate reason to bow down to them and make society conform to something so superficial. No one is being separated from the other people, they'd just get their own bathrooms because why the hell should a man be ever be allowed in a ladies dressing room under any circumstance? It doesn't matter if he's wearing ladies clothes or talks in a high pitched voice. He's still a man. Even if he gets his dick and balls cut off, he's still a man. Nothing will ever change that. Considering how a lot of mtf consider themselves lesbians or are envious of women, allowing them in bathrooms/locker rooms will not end well.
I have nothing against trans people, live your life how you want to as long as you're not hurting anyone, but I do not want society to accept and encourage this behavior like it's normal.
It is a mental health issue. Why are we being told to celebrate this?? Ugh.
No. 22667
I believe doctors should focus on helping trans people accepting their sex and body instead of changing their sex and encouraging them
No. 22676
>>22672*also samefag but I know exactly what type of "trans women" you're referring to and they give real trans women a very bad name. I don't consider them trans women. It's like what Hannibal said about Buffalo Bill–he's not transgender, although he thinks he is, he tries to be, but I'm sure he's tried to be a lot of things.
Unfortunately the influx of violent, creepy pervs trying to disguise themselves very lazily as "women" for some sort of Internet validation or to weasel their way into the affections of women is very real.
But I'm not here to argue, like I'm not angry or anything.
No. 22732
I agree with OP.
Just saying.
No. 22753
>>22528That "highest paid female CEO" tranny owns a religion about uploading our memories into AI and making robot replicants.
He made a robot of his wife. Video embedded. Creepy af
pt 2 one point the robot says it's the real Bina and how much she loves her husband. so creepy
No. 22758
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>>22751 christ this lady started dating a guy who turned out to be an autogynephile
>But I believed at the time that these guys are living proof that GENDER IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. Men and women should be able to wear whatever they want, without the silly distinction of ”male clothes” or “female” clothes. To hell with gender norms….I thought it could be “edgy” and “alternative”.
>Within a few weeks of him moving in, I realised that this was much, much more than just an occasional bout of self-expression for him. It was obsessive, and it had an ENORMOUS sexual component. Dressing episodes (which were at least three or four times a week) were invariably followed by “sex” (which consisted of me masturbating him by rubbing his tucked penis as he lay on his back squeezing his fake tits). On top of that, I often walked in on him masturbating. The mirror in my bedroom was moved to his side of the bed…
>There wasn’t a time when he “dressed” and didn’t get an erection. Even after he started taking internet bought hormones. If anything, the thought that he was chemically transforming himself into “a woman”, held immense erotic charge for him.
>He was a textbook autogynophile.
>Using his smartphone, he created an online world for himself by inventing a fictitious life. I discovered that he had a secret Facebook profile, and scores of photographs of himself in varying degrees of undress– I am convinced that trannies invented that selfie – and that he had a coterie of dozens and dozens of young women between the ages of 17 and 24 who believed that he was a full-time transsexual, single, and struggling with finding a job in this cruel discriminatory society. He had a fictitious home life, fictitious job or non-job, a fictitious social life and fictitious friends. He even fabricated a “trans bashing” – this, I found particularly repulsive. No. 22759
>>22758>For example, at one point (as a means to at least get him to LISTEN to my distress) I begged him to seek relationship counselling with me. Apart from the fact that he used the trips to the counsellor as an exciting opportunity to dress in public, and spent more time stressing about what to wear (sometimes even buying entire new outfits), than any time in self-reflection, the counsellor spent an inordinate amount of time focusing on MY inability to “accept” rather than on HIS behaviour .
>In one session she grasped on to an incident of “misgendering” that had happened in her presence (I had said something like “Why can’t he understand?”). He had fled from the room in a dramatic tizzy of tears. She stated to me in a firm voice that she is prohibited from working with couples where there is domestic abuse. In other words, I was being accused of being an abuser. This almost drove me mad with pain and self-doubt …what if it really is me? Am I an abuser?
>I can’t begin to describe the pain this caused me. I carried that comment with me for months.
>I refused to go back. He was disappointed that his daylight trips outdoors with his repulsive “cleavage” showing were curtailed. However it did give him an excuse to now appropriate the identity of “abused woman”. Sickening.j
No. 22761
>>22760>I thought that perhaps if he had an outlet, the lies and stuff would stop. Lots of partners go through a similar “bargaining” phase. The gas under my pot was turned up to full.
>So I agreed to escort him to a tranny club.
>I secretly wanted to see if there would be other women there. I needed to find out if this behaviour is normal for trannies, and if there is anything that women had found that made their lives with these men more bearable.
>He would be beside himself with excitement at going out “en-femme”. I could see his hard on starting from the moment he got out of his leisurely bubble bath (my bath’s were always rushed and fitted in around his dressing schedule). Getting ready was a ritual that took at least two hours. Of course, I was expected to “help”. I’m pretty sure now that he was working that into one of his fantasies he had running on loop in his head.
>Often trips were abandoned due to some smudged nail polish, or similar “feminine disaster” that would have him stomping around in an agitated state sweating through his make-up, crying and shouting at me. Ordering me around like some demented potentate. Six foot trannies with chipped nail polish can be pretty scary, believe me.
>The tranny club comprised of men, in very short, very tight “little black dresses” (had they co-ordinated this? I thought), high heels, a variety of wigs (probably two third of them, long and blonde) and a weird atmosphere I couldn’t quite put my finger on. There were other men there too (not in dresses). They sort of lurked, and leered, most of them not actually talking to the men in dresses, but often sending a drink over for one of them, followed by a raised glass and a wink from their corner – the men in dresses responding with a coquettish smile and a simpered “Thank you”. I found out later that most of the men in dresses were doing each other and calling themselves “lesbians”. I know this, because I found the photographs.This is the scariest creepypasta ever
No. 23173
>>23047did you know that he felt this way when you first started dating? how do you feel about it? what's your feelings towards the possibility of not having pee in vee sex anymore due to hormone treatment? for me i know that's really important so i could neva, but you sound really accepting and i know not all relationships place a high emphasis on sex anyway.
thrift shops have a lot of good finds if you have time to browse. you can pick up a new warddrobe on the cheap that way.
No. 23186
>>23173>did you know that he felt this way when you first started dating?Yes, even before we started dating.
>how do you feel about it?It's extremely unfortunate because it causes her so much hardship and suffering but I accept that she has to cope with her feelings somehow and that this is the best option she has right now.
>what's your feelings towards the possibility of not having pee in vee sex anymore due to hormone treatment? We've never had sex with penetration, not in the year we've been together. It's way too uncomfortable for her, and I have my own issues that make it undesirable as well. I don't feel like we'll be missing out on anything.
Thanks for the advice, there's a lot of consignment shops and stuff in the area so we'll definitely check them out together.
No. 23266
>>23254Its called
i am jazz and it shows on tlc. It follows the life of 1r year old jazz jennings, a Transgendered female.
No. 23331
>>23312We masturbate next to each other, and sometimes we'll do more to help each other out (I'll suck her off or use my hands, finger her ass, play with her nipples, etc. or she'll play with my breasts, eat me out, etc.) but that's been less common lately since her dysphoria has been bad and my own issues have been bothering her as well.
I'd say I'm feminine despite being very dominant. I get mistaken for a man online very frequently but in person there's no mistaking that I'm a woman.
No. 23742
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trannies are mentally ill and so are you
No. 24118
>>21633Really don't like the ones I've met. The most prominent was a fullblown narcissist that acted like he was a genius despite doing nothing but playing video games in his mom's house. He was insanely smug and would lecture me and other women on "the women's perspective" or shit like that, it was frankly insulting.
The other one watched anime all day as a NEET and had a similar sense of smugness and narcissism, they were also a communist that thought nearly all of the atrocities committed in the USSR was American propaganda.
They seem like insulting caricatures of women to me. I say women because FtM seem very rare and the few I've seen seem more well-adjusted than the MtFs, who are so hysterical and mentally ill it's like it's another female stereotype they're emulating to feel like they fit in.
No. 24963
>>24895It's interesting to see how 100% hung up on looks he is and the harem of women he pays to float around him and give him female grooming.
He wanted to do a "who wore it best" versus his ex wife since they owned the same dress.
He was (according to the show's reality tv editing) pursuing Candis Cayne romantically.
No. 24968
>>24959I will never get over this
He literally killed someone and because he's a celebrity and is popular with tumblr now he's getting away with murder.
No. 25155
>>24685From reading some of the women's stories who have had husbands who became women, I'm starting to see that they are a little narcissistic yeah
Like, I can understand if they're really pained about not being the right gender or whatever but when you're in a marriage, you are a part of a functioning team and your choices influence and impact the other person. The idea of just opting to get surgery and transition without consulting the person you've essentially pledged yourself to seems selfish. If my husband showed any inclining towards it, that would be it, I would divorce him early to save myself the heartache that a lot of these women had to go through.
I'm not a fan of Kardashians but man I have mad respect for Kris for having to go through this REALLY publicly while everyone is all happy for her ex-husband. It's like the death of their marriage, essentially and everyone is celebrating it.
No. 25313
btw imagine if your clothes were randomly being moved around and you didn't know why and then later on you found out your dad had been wearing them.
>On Sunday night's episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim screeched with shock as Bruce admitted that he has worn one of her dresses before. I read that kylie was mad at kendall for stealing her clothes and kendall didn't know what she was talking about. later on it came out that it had been bruce. this was a few months ago so I can't find the link.
I would be so fucking disturbed.
No. 25507
Although I don't mind to be called a TERF. Being lumped in with people who understand how biological sex/gender work is perfectly fine by me.
No. 25574
File: 1439614801458.jpeg (3.88 KB, 120x156, premire.jpeg) is about Lana nee Larry Wachowski's transition from male to female. Basically he was obsessed with being feminized by his dominatrix and got a divorce over it etc and now is female.
Pic is Larry during transition with the dominatrix at a Matrix film premiere.
No. 25576
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This is the Wachowski brothers in 2015. $100 says Andy is also transitioning now.
No. 25719
>>21782Man anon, I'm sorry to hear that. It seems like it's common for therapists these days to not give you the therapy you need because now it's forbidden to identify dysphoria as a disorder, and is not even in the DSM anymore. I could be wrong about the DSM part but still, seems like the attitude of most therapists is to just make you transition.
Really I think the only helpful ones out there are the faith-based counselors. You might disagree with them religiously, but I get this hunch they're more likely to agree in helping you accept you who really are instead of just giving your referrals.
No. 25800
>>25734Honestly? No. If I were exactly the way I am, it would make very little difference. None of that stuff would bother me in the slightest. People misgender me all the time online, the only time it doesn't happen is here and /cgl/ where it's taken for granted that everyone is female. To most normal people gender and sex don't really matter. You have to be fucked up for you every thought and action to be centered around something that's not that significant.
>Wouldn't you feel weird having a penis and not having breasts? No! Because I'd have no idea what having breasts was like! It's a delusion. When anyone else wants to mutilate their body beyond repair because they've convinced themselves it's how they're "Really meant to be" We diagnose them with a mental illness. Everyone always says it's a problem with the body not matching up with the brain, but it's not. It's a problem with the brain thinking something is wrong with the body. Why treat the body, especially when the treatment is nowhere near ready to be done to people; it's a fucking travesty of a medical procedure, when you could just treat their brain?
>Also, therapy doesn't work on transgender people. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's the truth. The closest I've heard people come is this: "I still feel like I'm the other gender, but now I can suppress those thoughts!"Therapy doesn't work on sociopaths or psychopaths either generally speaking, it doesn't mean that they're any less fucked up mentally though. And how would you even know this as a fact? Tons and tons of research on sex differences, race and so on can't even be published, regardless of how true they are, because people throw massive shitfits about it.
No. 25900
>>21860 With your idea of transitioning, you're very wrong, as people who transition aren't adhering to gender roles, they simply have a brain-body mismatch. I can attest for this as I've always been kinda feminine, even before transitoning. It has nothing to do with clothes or the toys we wanted to play with but everything to do with dysphori (not dysmorphia, the two are not synonymous)
People who transition actually don't "almost always" and I am almost positive you're using anecdotal evidence here instead of well researched actually evidence.
As I said above, dysmorphia is not synonymous with gender dysphoria and they should not be placed together. For one gender dysphoria is actually a medical condition, not a mental illness. So because one person said she wouldn't get bottom surgery (Which could be for a number of reasons, such as financially not able, doesn't like the results of the surgery, etc.) Means it's not valid? That's a very silly way of validating if something is worth investing in.
Also, by not letting us transition, you would actually be telling us the exact opposite of accepting ourselves as you would be forcing us to deal with the depression and anxiety that comes with not transitioning.
No. 26066
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>>25900>as people who transition aren't adhering to gender roles, they simply have a brain-body mismatchThat seems really reductionist, sexist and maybe kind of anti-gay in a way, like saying butch lesbians shouldn't exist because they should feel like they need to call themselves straight men and physically transition. And like feminine guys should not exist and should do what they can to be women.
This trans trend must be so confusing to kids who are atypical. You don't need to alter your body just because you don't adhere to typical gender roles. What a backwards mess.
No. 26082
>>25800All of this, basically.
If you aren't mentally ill none of these things fucking matter to you.
No. 26199
>>258001. So you would rather that we do experimentative brain surgery on transgender people and toy with their brains instead of just letting them be the gender that they feel they are? I don't think that's the right option. Also what do you mean by "treat their brain"? There isn't just some magic brain procedure that will "cure" transgender people.
2.You're acting like they have BIID or something. You act like they're cutting their bodies up or something. They do somme surgery on their penis/vagina and either get breast reductions or implants. That's all. They can still have sex and urinate which are the two things they can't do. The only thing that it really does is render them infertile. And they can still adopt. If they even want kids.
3. When I said that transgender people can't be "cured" by therapy, I wasn't trying to say that they didn't have a mental illness. (They don't.) I was trying to say that there is no therapeutic way to stop transgender people from being transgender.
No. 26213
>>218601.Because if they want to be seen as women, they have to play along with gender norms. We live in a society like that. In an ideal society they either wouldn't have had gender dysphoria (interpret this however you like) or they wouldn't have to play along with gender norms as people wouldn't try to impose them upon each other. Heck, even we straight people feel the heat from others in society when we consciously or unconsciously challenge gender norms.
2. I don't know who Princess Jules is, but isn't she just one person? Also, what concrete proof do you have that people will "get cured" or that it's "just a transient problem". I remember bisexual and homosexual people often hear "it's just a phase"
3. Because they don't, wether you're okay with that or not.
No. 26293
>>26199>So you would rather that we do experimentative brain surgery on transgender people and toy with their brains Where did I say anything about brain surgery? They need to go through the same therapy and treatment that anorexic and BIID people do. Who also, coincidentally, are usually never cured. They just learn how to manage their illness and control the compulsion to do serious harm to themselves because of it.
>instead of just letting them be the gender that they feel they are?Gender =/= sex. Gender is an identity, they were female or male identifying before they ever had the surgery. You can't "Let" or "Stop" Someone be a gender. They can never become the opposite sex though, and no one really accepts them as such. They're just a person with a severe mental illness and a mutilated body post op.
>ou act like they're cutting their bodies up or something. They do somme surgery on their penis/vagina and either get breast reductions or implants. That's all.LOL. How is surgery NOT cutting up their body? HRT alone is risky as fuck, hormonal birth control can kill women in a multitude of ways, and they naturally produce those hormones in the first place. ftm will never have working male genitalia.
>I was trying to say that there is no therapeutic way to stop transgender people from being transgender.There's no way to cure or stop most mental illnesses, genetic disorders or disabilities (Yet) treatment is about giving the person a way to manage their illness, not enable their delusions and allow themselves to fuck up their bodies irreparably.
No. 26341
>>26223basically this.
if you have a mental illness that makes you want to be a woman, tough shit. we don't give anorexic people lipo or speed. we don't give people with BDD plastic surgery. we don't lock up people with high-functioning schizophrenia in rooms.
i hate how people compare trans therapy to "conversion therapy" for gays. gay people aren't killing themselves from depression unless they are treated like shit and abused. trans people are because they don't know how to deal with their dysphoria EVEN ON HORMONES much like people with BDD.
honeslty these men and women need to accept their sex. dress how ever you want. act however you want, but don't go around demanding to be the opposite sex. you aren't. no matter how hard i try, i'm never going to be japanese or black or latino, i can pretend all i like but its just that: pretending.
not to mention putting CHILDREN on HORMONES is literal eugenics. y'all are STERILIZING fucking children. we don't let children consent to sexual encounters, but we let them consent to being sterilized permanently??? ARE YOU ALL FUCKING INSANE?
No. 26477
>>26473this 100%
apparently saying that you don't think kids should go on hormones or that transwomen should be participate in female sports means you are a TERF now
No. 26489
>>26477i think it's interesting that gender crit and radfems cricles overlap with transmedicalist circles online. There are trans women and trans men who are gender critical and support radfems and i think it's really refreshing.
trans people make up something like 3% of the population so it's fairly easy for people who are not trans to take over the community and warp it to their own selfish needs which is what we're seeing now. I only know one trans person irl and i havent seen or talked to her in years but i have several trans friends online with varying opinions. Dont let tumblr represent the entire population.
besides you can acknowledge biological sex and not be transphobic. you can be "gynocentric" and not be transphobic.
No. 26582
I'm so tired of this bs stat being thrown around. Trans people are literally a drop in the water. Why the fuck should everything change just for such a small ass minority? Like, sure, you shouldn't be murdered everyone has a right for personal safety but fuck if we have to change bathrooms for you.
>>22761This reminds me of something that happened to me recently. Two clearly male transwomen went into the ladies bathroom with me while I was at Disneyland Paris recently and I just felt really skeeved out. They were dressed as the most stereotypical white trash hooker with high heels and slathered on make up and it was ridiculous to me. Like, why the fuck would you come to a park like that? If they'd be normal casual 'day a theme park' dressed up like a woman that would have been fine but why the fuck are they dressed up for a nightclub at a family place? Wtf.
No. 26810
>>26582>>26565sorry i didnt know. i see that stat used so much i just assumed it was right. point is TRUtrans people are rare and trenders are co opting their movement.
my trans omen friends really really dont want Cait or Bruce or w/e to be their poster child since he shows all the signs of AGP. They dont like Jazz either since there are rumors that her mom might have munchausen by proxy plus there is an interview Jazz did talking about her CIS SCUM BIOVAG SISTER and Jazz calls her sister "it" and is already acting so narcissistic for a 12 year old or w/e. She says that she's way cuter and smarter and more popular than her sister and everyone is like "awwwwwwwwwww :') so brave!!!!"
No. 28217
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The latest in trans degeneracy: This mother is raising money to cut off the breasts of her teenage daughter, WHO HAS DOWN'S SYNDROME, AND IS TOO MENTALLY DISABLED TO WRITE. fucking disgusting. I don't have words for this.
No. 28250
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>>28217>My mom writes this for me, to help with your understanding.>I have come a ways on my journey as a transgender young man, feeling awkward and out of place in the female assigned body in which I was born. Realizing my male identity, I have felt since early puberty that this is wrong, that this isn’t the way a dude’s body is supposed to appear. what in the actual fuck is going on
No. 28317
>>28315i googled a bit and found this thread it with a grain of salt but apparently Jenner still identifies as heterosexual
No. 28320
>>28310he's fixated on "looking hot" and wearing "cute stuff" and still has his dick, likes women, except said that if he were with a man he would feel "so feminine"
stole his daughters' clothes to wear
he's still totally into traditional male activities except wants to look like a sexualized female. "female power fantasy"
No. 28356
>>22568I FUCKING hate unisex bathrooms.
It disgusts me so much.
No. 28357
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>>22588If you can be born to like the same gender then I believe that you can be born in the wrong body. Gender dysphoria is a thing, whether you agree or disagree. It's a fact. I'm sorry but people said thet same thing to homosexuals: "youre not born like that!! yOU CHOSE IT" well no. they're born like that.
same as trans people. Trans people dont magically get symptoms when they become an adult. It starts from a very very young age.
Being homosexual is not a choice. Being trans is not a choice.
Seriously, who the fuck would want to be trans? Trans people endure tons of bullshit and they have dysphoria which is a mental illness. We should accept trans because they're people and they deserve to be treated like "normal" people, even if they're different.
No. 28506
>>28362>Because if they want to be seen as womenbut what does that even mean tho?
it requires action on the part of others, or exists dependent upon the acknowledgement of others, or ??
No. 28546
this story
>>25574reminds me of
>>27496 No. 29253
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I really resent the way they manipulate others into participating in their fetish. They're so narcissistic that they think people not playing along with their delusion is some kind of abuse, because in reality their whole 'identity' is just others perceptions of them. It shows in their pronoun policing and the way they obsess over being pretty or passing. It is also disgusting the way they try to normalize their deviancy and perversion by pushing it onto children or impressionable teens, and the way they sweep suicide rates or the misery of those who have reverted back to their real gender under the carpet, just to silence open discussion and opposition to their self destructive lifestyles.
And remember ladies, if you're uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with this thing, you're hateful privileged cis scum!
No. 29258
>>28506Women who are seen as women look like women.
that's what it means.
the most easiest way for a trans to try to be seen as a woman is tits and makeup because makeup is feminine and it makes you at least seem like a woman lol
No. 29267
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>>29258That sounds like
1. it requires action on the part of people around you, ie. if trans person has no one around to acknowledge them as the other gender are they still trans (if a tree falls in the woods and no one heard it, did it really fall?)?
2. a shallow understanding of what it means to be a woman. I'm not a woman simply based on the reactions of people around me. And on days I skip makeup I'm not any less of a woman.
Fallon Fox, a MtF MMA fighter beat the hell out of a biological woman in the ring. Trans bloggers celebrated this brutal beatdown. It seems like
some trans people are hostile towards women, in particular lesbian women who aren't attracted to MtFs.
No. 29268
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>>29267>This is why a heterosexual white male transgender AJ McKenna published nine successive blog posts prior to the Fox vs. Brents match calling “for blood” against black lesbian Tamikka Brents and calling her an “enemy” of men like himself. This is why he contacted her sponsors and supporters and demanded that they stop supporting the lesbian fighter. This is why he posted a video (which he removed after Tamikka was hospitalized) where he likened Tamikka to rapist Mike Tyson because McKenna felt that her failure as a gay female to accept males as potential romantic partners “rapes” their identity as male lesbians.
>To those outside the LGBT this all sounds absurd and unbelievable. Actually, it sounds absurd and unbelievable to most of us. Unfortunately, this is the state of the mainstream rhetoric of the transgender movement towards lesbians and women in general.…..
No. 29269
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>>29268McKenna who "called for blood"
No. 29273
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No. 29274
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Might as well repost some stuff I posted to the SA thread on /cow/. Some particularly crazy ones there.
This gorgeous creature is named Aleph Null. He became trans after marrying his wife and threatened to commit suicide if she left him, which basically set the tone for the marriage from then on. Some choice posts:
"I had a manicure + pedicure yesterday. It was the first time in my life that I’d had one.
I also complained a little about my ugly feet because they are gigantic and always dry and my 2nd toe is longer than my first one and my pinky toe is smaller than it should be and doesn’t have much of a nail. She didn’t say anything at all. Obviously, she didn’t do this for the conversation.
Anyway, the wife and I had talked about colors before I went and she suggested a light pink so that it wouldn’t look bad when it inevitably started to flake and peel. When the technician gave me the color samples to decide, the pinks looked so pale as to not be worth it and I wanted to be able to show everybody that I had had my nails done and see what a girl I am I am really a girl not a man who thinks he’s a girl.
Well, I went home and asked the wife if she wanted to see. Her first words were “That isn’t light pink.” When I asked her if that meant that she didn’t like it, she said nothing at all. I asked if her silence meant that she didn’t like it. She still didn’t say anything.
It was obvious. She didn’t like it.
I was pretty depressed about it. I did something that hurt my wife. I thought maybe it was something she wasn’t ready for. This was a pretty obvious expression of femininity and one that even she doesn’t indulge in. Maybe I went too far with the color?
I don’t wear earrings and don’t have pierced ears because my wife isn’t ready for that. I’m fine with that as I seem to pass well enough without it.
We do a great job of keeping each other first and always considering the other’s feelings above our own. Well, almost always. I made a mistake and I know it. I am sorry.
But I still smile every time I look at my painted nails."
An exchange between Aleph and another SA tranny:
"To be honest, I still don't feel like I act my age, I'm 42 and have pink hair, occasionally wear skirts that are far too short for someone my age, etc etc. But AFAIK noone has ever thought anything odd about me for it, and AFAIK noone has ever read me directly because of it.
The odd thing is, when I look around objectively, I tend to notice that the majority of people that have silly hair colours, or acting weird/loud, tend to be people my age, not teenagers. So embrace being childish, or something."-SybilVimes
"Yes. You are running through a second childhood and adolescence to become who you were supposed to be.
Try to think of it as a fresh start.
As for people expecting you to be "over it" already, just tell them that you are transitioning and that it takes time. You could even explain that it's like growing up all over again if you think they'd care.
If they don't like it, that is more their problem than yours.
My wife has bought me stuff like Lisa Frank sticker books and paper dolls because I missed out on those as a kid. She understand that I need to work through this just like a cis girl only twelve times faster."- Aleph Null
No. 29278
>>29273Interesting piece of propaganda, but I'm going to ask for a source on mental retardation, body integrity disorder, plastic surgery addiction, and autism overlapping with being trans.
Who the fuck wrote that nonsense?
No. 29280
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"So as much as I feel like moving towards MTF, I don't want to have breasts, I would rather wear a binder or undergo surgery to get rid of the ones that I do have even, and I want to have body and facial hair too, but that part especially would really push people away from reading me as a woman which would suck because I really want to be treated like a woman by people."- QueerPope
"Hi everybody; I figured out that I'm trans.
The only problems that I've really encountered within myself are that I'm 6'2" with naturally muscley shoulders and that my torso and back are covered with fast growing body hair."- Leonid
"And, considering I have (shit you not) two Trans brothers, I had an unconscious feeling that I was supposed to be the "normal one", which, I mean you don't even have to tell me, internalized transphobia, yeah."- Dice Dingus
"Basically, all the distinctions between people are social constructs."- Dice Dingus
"I really really hate that I can never have a face that passes for womanly because of this constant blue-black gristle that I can't get rid of no matter how cruel I am with that razor."- Dice Dingus
"When I get my loan money, I'm going to muster up the courage to get some makeup."- Dice Dingus
"I have ended up spending almost 200 dollars on new clothes though. I can't wait for my next financial aid check, I tell you what, but I also feel better about my body than I ever have in my entire life."- Dice Dingus
"So in town there's this building I go to about once a week for a regular community event and the building didn't have gender neutral restrooms so I usually just used the women's room and did it very quickly and confidently so nobody would have time to notice me. Well, last week the building unveiled a brand new gender-neutral restroom!
Exxcept well… the sign says "all bodies welcoome" (thereby equating the women's room with certain bodies)"- QueerPope
No. 29282
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>>29278I don't think the image said plastic surgery addiction had overlap with GID -though there probably is- but instead was saying the two things are similar.
As for everything else, an anecdote was given on the retardation. For autism, well have you been on the internet at all recently? Chris-chan, ADF, Robbie/Rika, there's a huge amount of mentally challenged trannies.
As for Body Integrity Identity Disorder, just look people who suffer from it up. A hell of a lot of them are also trannies.
How is it nonsense if you can't refute any of it?
No. 29283
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>>29278I dunno, I looked into it a little bit because it's interesting though. this is just one person, but omg.
>The incidence of 7.8% ASD in gender identity clinic referred children and adolescents is ten times higher than the prevalence of 0.6–1% of ASD in the general population (Baird et al. 2006; Fombonne 2005). This important finding confirms the clinical impression that ASD occurs more frequently in gender dysphoric individuals than expected by chance. No. 29286
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>>29283Before pic
>>29282I watched a video about this person that was horrifying and fascinating but I can't remember their name…
No. 29307
>>21761I think that's part of it. If a girl dresses as a boy most of the time those clothes can be considered unisex by many. It's way different if a man wants to wear a dress, no matter how bland or plain it may be. If it's a solid color shift or a flower printed dress with lace trim it's still feminine.
Women have far more acceptable choices with hair and clothing. Men are pretty much stuck with shirt and pants combos that vary in levels of casual and formal. Women can wear more accessories and still be considered suitable for a professional environment.
I think maybe some men feel bored or stifled by the limited expression they have in the same environments.
Dresses aren't considered masculine so a man who just wants to wear one for comfort or style will automatically be labeled as a drag queen, gay, sissy ect… Where is a woman wears jeans and a plain generic tshirt she's just wearing clothes.
I think gender dysphoria is real. But I also think there's a lot of pressure to conform to a narrow window of masculinity that feels very hard to breath in. If people could wear what they want without ridicule and clothes weren't gendered maybe some people wouldn't feel that transitioning was the only option. For these transtrender tumblr kids I think they are just mistaking genetic sex with gender roles determined by society. Those are already changing and maybe the snowflakes will calm down once the older generation dies off and people become more accepting.
No. 29314
>>29313Oh god, that sounds hilarious. What were the "rules"? No
triggering content like references to being a girl?
No. 29323
>>29314They were
>no explicit gender references>no vagina/boobs/period references (I burst into laughter at this)>let them handle "female issues" first (???)>come to her if I had any issues that required mod helpShe was really smug and full of herself, always teleported to me and commented on what I was doing. It made me uncomfortable at points but I eventually shrugged off.
No. 29383
>>29323obvi you can't use the word vagina, that is majorly
triggering. instead, use front hole.
>Front Hole (noun)
>Front hole is a term often used instead of “vagina” to denote that same anatomical body part that “vagina” is typically used to describe. It is especially useful when wanting to be specific and gender neutral at the same time. “Front hole” is typically but not exclusively used in reference to CAFAB trans* bodies.
> “I am down to have you fuck me in my front hole if you’re down too.”> “No way am I going camping today. I just started bleeding from my front hole.”> “I am recovered from surgery and am finally the new owner of a front hole!”
>See Also
>Bonus Hole, Cunt"bonus hole" whaaat? i'm not one for calling misogyny but this erasure of 'vagina' is like the most misogynistic shit i could even imagine. and then there's this,
>>21664> the women's college Mount Holyoke cancelled its production of 'The Vagina Monologues' on the basis that it is 'transphobic' (because it is vagina-centric) No. 29393
>>29383Jesus. What kind of girl says they're 'bleeding from the vagina' to refer to their period? Even if you can't say period, there are other euphemisms that might be less "
triggering" for trans. Time of the month comes to mind.
No. 29407
>>29393To be fair, there is the disclaimer, “'Front hole' is typically but not exclusively used in reference to CAFAB trans* bodies."
But no idea why a transsexual would be bleeding from a "front hole" unless the SRS was DIY.
No. 29459
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No. 29478
Genuine question, but what do trans people(mostly transwomen) mean by feeling like a woman?
Am I supposed to feel something when I go per? When my boobs bounce? When I flick my nipples?
I feel something when I'm on Miss Red Tides, but that's complete and utter nauseating pain.
Am I supposed to be feeling anything? I don't understand.
But anyway, off of that. In biological terms, and no matter how many Tumblr feefees get hurt when I'm saying this, a woman is a human who has two X chromosomes, has a functioning vagina, and can produce a baby from their womb. Women who don't do these functions usually have different disorders/disabilities that stop them. Clothes and makeup doesn't make you into a woman. My definition may change when scientist decide to play God, and change humanity as I know it. My views aren't too clear, so please don't get too riled up, I'm just confused and I'm using what I've been taught.
If you want me to refer you as a girl then fine. However, I'm not going to walk on eggshells while discussing my other normal functions. I think it's absurd.
No. 29484
>>29478What they say is that having a male body causes them great distress. It feels deeply wrong, and having a female appearance feels right.
What they actually do is drape their male body up in hideous clothes and poorly applied makeup while acting like a hack comedian's parody of a woman.
No. 29584
>>29577That's the case a lot of the time. For some of these people it seems that the focus on really stereotypical things like wearing pink all the time is the means and not the end.
Look at that aleph null guy. Look at his insistence that he is a "girl" as opposed to a "woman" and that he needs toys for little girls. He doesn't want to be an adult. He could try to call himself a "boy," but how successful would he be? By completely discarding his gender he's taking on a brand new identity and if that identity happens to be a child then he's sure not complaining.
No. 29837
This might be a mistake but…hey. Trans person checking in.
There's a lot of stuff in this thread that's untrue, some true, and some just scraping the bottom of tumblr for shit.
The first thing I want to say is that no, it's not about clothes and makeup and girly stuff. It's not about the trappings of femininity that make a trans person. In fact…
>> Genuine question, but what do trans people(mostly transwomen) mean by feeling like a woman?
It's hard to explain if it's not something that you feel friction with. For an analogy, think about how your thumb feels at any given time (or anything else with nerve endings). Most of the time, it just feels like a thumb. It's there because it just is. It helps you sense and manipulate things in your surrounding world. But if you smash your thumb with a hammer, you a) feel like a dumb shit, and b) suddenly have a throbbing pain in your thumb, where before, it simply existed. And after that, while your thumb is still healing, it aches.
When I say I 'feel' like a woman, what I'm saying is that there's an ache in my psyche, that comes from somewhere I can't exactly explain. But it gets worse when people interact with me as a guy, and it starts to feel like it's not there when I move through life as a woman.
It's easy to push it to the back of your mind. To tell yourself to "man up" and just deal with the pain, sometimes for decades. But it never stops hurting on its own. Where does it come from? There are a lot of opinions about that on here, especially about mental illness. The most prevalent and popular theories I've seen talk about differences in masculinizing hormones in fetal development. That, because the brain and the genitals develop at different stages, it's entirely possible for a child to develop with a roadmap that doesn't match the terrain.
I've personally been to several different therapists and psychiatrists, mostly because my dad was never satisfied with the diagnosis we received–that I didn't have anxiety or depression, wasn't bipolar, schizophrenic, autistic, or anything else that could be determined.
There are definitely quite a few in the community who do have some of the traits listed above. That's one thing I struggle reconciling. But I've seen so many people who have grown up trans, who are so into their own heads about being hated and maligned by society, that it makes me wonder what kinds of environmental factors can go into such a condition. I have trans friends who are clinically depressed, who can't even hold up a normal conversation, who have attempted suicide, not just because they feel different on the inside, but because of their families disowning them and people treating them like shit because of the way they look. Of course there are special snowflakes and all kinds of shit on tumblr, but I don't really care to get lost in that wasteland of teenage feelz. I've seen and interacted with many types of people in the community, from completely well-adjusted folks, to activists, to full-stealth peeps, to perpetual victims, to abusers.
One of the biggest cringe-fests can be older transitioners. You notice the MtF crowd much more because masculine features stick out in society's eye and HRT doesn't do much for shit past the age of 40. I don't at all judge anyone on the way they look–we can't fucking help that. But the reason you see so many older trans people clinging to ugly and outdated ideals of womanhood and femininity is actually kind of an interesting case of environmental pressure and generational tendencies. I'll throw this out there first, because it's a complete bias on my part, but when I see mid-life crises from the generation currently going through them, I see a lot of selfishness and "deal-with-it" attitudes. My dad was one of them (a mid-life crisis convertible and motorcycle and "deal-with-it" kind of person, not trans).
But the environmental factors come from knowing the trans healthcare system in its current and previous incarnations. Before the last 5-10 years, going through therapists and psychiatrists was the absolute ONLY way to get HRT from medical doctors (and surgery, which I'll get to in a minute). And they've had some truly awful definitions of what it means to be transgender. When doctors first started treating trans people, everyone was of the opinion that you should only transition if you were going to end up attractive, and to be able to blend into society. They gave a pass to only the most feminine-acting trans women, and so that quickly became the narrative that EVERYONE adopted. The narrative that goes "I've known forever, and I have all these girly mannerisms, and look at my painted nails, and oh goodness, aren't I just the picture of a trans woman?" And it lasted that way for decades, reinforced by both sides. The doctors saw everyone acting that way and deciding that was what a trans person looked like. Trans women (because the medical community didn't even recognize trans men) had to adopt that narrative if they wanted any shot at a medical transition. And even the old guard in the community telling young trans-lings that the only way to be "really trans" was high femme. There's still some of that stuff going around. I got a lot of questions from my first therapist that seemed to only accept that same narrative, and she stopped me in my tracks for a long time. Leeched money from me while she waffled about whether she thought I was "dysphoric enough to transition." She couldn't feel the ache.
Another reason that some trans women stick out like a sore thumb is that we're completely new at this whole girl thing. I'm sorry, but putting on makeup and coordinating wardrobes isn't a natural-born skill for anyone, and we all go through very awkward and painful phases before we figure that shit out. Some trans people don't. They barely make a change, because they don't feel bound by femininity, even though they feel wired to be women. There are some who don't do anything other than declare their identity, because they feel like they'd look freakish if they even attempted to transition.
A few other things.
Autogynephilia is a theory by Ray Blanchard that trans people don't exist–that trans women are just fetishists, and trans men are just trying to gain privilege. It's a dirty word in the community because it's been used to deny a lot of people their identities in the past. But as the word is evolving, it has a place in the fetish community. Yes, there are people who sexually fantasize about being the opposite sex. Some trans people feel it, many don't, and most of the community of fetishists are not trans and don't mistake themselves as such. There are some who get caught up in their fantasies and decide that they'll be happier if they transition. Honestly if that's their chosen path, I'm not going to deny an adult of their agency. I personally analyzed my own reasoning in-depth before transition, to rule out any chance that it might be some gnarled-up sexual fetish. This is pretty soul-baring of some things that really hurt me for a long time, but my sexual fantasies all involved me being a woman. Even though it's not my thing, there's a lot of sissy and forced-femme stuff that gets tossed around in the melting pot. And that's fine, whatever, it's some people's fetish. But my stuff was mostly just "1) be a woman. 2) engage in mostly-vanilla sex with people of either gender." After transition, step number 1 became unnecessary, and things feel a lot less painful in that department.
I don't want to compare my experience to someone who has lost a limb. But during sex and arousal, things feel weird down below. Like when things haven't locked into place, and like there's something missing. I've genuinely felt a sensation similar to phantom-limb…but more in a sense of just being different.
I haven't had SRS (or GRS or GCS or whatever the kids call it these days). It's possibly in my future, but it doesn't have to be. That's another of those things that the old-guard would tell you is necessary for you to be a real trans woman. Fuck them, I'll do what I want. But…having a dick feels hella weird ya'll. It responds mostly like a normal one would–just some reduced function and shrinkage so far on HRT. Except, it just feels wrong, and it has for a long, long time. Again, I can't explain how that feels if you can't feel it for yourself. But it can be soul-crushing at times. No one has to remind me that I won't have a period, that I won't get pregnant, that I won't have a feminine phenotype without hormone supplements. I AM that reminder. I eat and breathe that pain. I have plenty of happy moments and good times. But the demons I wrestle with every night are the ones I can't change. And when I get intimate with my partner–sometimes things are fine and dandy, sometimes I end up sobbing into the pillow.
I've come to hate the word "triggered," but I know what people mean when they're not being self-obsessed. There are things that set off these bad emotions inside of me, sometimes at the smallest things. When women around me talk about being pregnant it hurts. But it would be ridiculous to expect other women to never talk about pregnancy again, just because I might have bad feelies during their conversation. It's up to me to exit and calm myself.
Those are all of the answers I can think of. I'm in my 20s, I have a good job, people very rarely guess that I'm trans, so I'm pretty lucky in a lot of ways. I've been on HRT for a year, never had any surgery, and think that it's shitty that society expects us to define ourselves based on those labels. But there you go.
No. 29865
>>29837Im sorry but it just offends me as a woman that a man can think, because being a man is uncomfortable or hard or whatever for them, that neans theyre a woman! Slap on a dress and make up and call it a day! Itoffends me that transwomen think they are women, when if gender is some societal/cultural make believe (since every trans denies that your sex had baring on your gender) then even still, society believes that females are women. Call it some hateful conspiracy if you want.
End of the day i dont think 0.05% of the population should be allowed to change a definition that they dislike.
Call me an asshole, w/e, otherwise trans people are anon issuero me and literally dont care, but dont pretend that youre a real woman and stop trying to bend society to think youre totally normal. Its not.
No. 29874
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>>29837>everyone was of the opinion that you should only transition if you were going to end up attractive, and to be able to blend into society.The alternative is that you end up with people who repulse men and women. Pic related: Siobhan Meow. She's an impoverished over-the-hill tranny who takes in stray cats and sells paintings of them to support them all. She was featured in many bits on the Howard Stern Show that revolved around her awful smell/appearance.
While I think people should be allowed to make their own fuck-ups, the policy seems pretty well-meaning and not "truly awful."
>The doctors saw everyone acting that way and deciding that was what a trans person looked like.The gender therapists or the doctors? I know doctors tend to lack critical thinking skills but I have a hard time believing that they are that straight-up stupid.
Also, I think you underestimate how useful the thumbs are. Maybe the middle/fourth toes would be a better comparison- those seem useless.
Also 2.0, if you're not getting the surgery doesn't that make you a ladyboy rather than a transsexual, hormones or not?
>>29865If someone can be proven to have always had a 'female brain' and really was a female trapped in a male body, would you still have that opinion?
No. 29884
>>29874Diff anon but if someone has a male genitals then they are male. What is a female brain? I thought brain sex wasn't real.
Females have been ostracized and shitted on throughout all of history for having vaginas and being mindless fuckholes, child bearers, and having our nasty offensive periods. It's hard to feel sorry for someone just because they don't get to be part of the super exclusive fun girls club where we can't escape the trappings of femininity.
No. 29892
>>29837Even with the comparisons the phantoms limbs, you still don't get that it's the brain that has the issue - not the body? Your brain is broken because it thinks your body is broken when it's not. You cannot "Fix" Your body, because there is nothing wrong with it in the first place.
I don't get why trans people are the only mentally ill people we humor and treat like this. Exchange it for any other condition or illness and it sounds like an absolutely mental way to try and help someone.
No. 30125
>>29884I'm not informed enough to say whether male and female brains exist. But I can believe it based on the idea that hormones affect development of the body and the brain is a part of the body.
My personal hunch is that most "trans" people have a history of psychological trauma that should be addressed before rushing to hormones and chopping the dick off. But that would take money out of the pockets of SRS surgeons, gender therapists, and companies that produce hormone pills filtered from horse urine.
No. 30280 horrible site layout
Written by Jennifer Diane Reitz creator of the completely whacko COGIATI test
Just going through some of the pages…
> We are by some as yet unknown mechanism statistically far more intelligent, as a class, than perhaps any other kind of people.
>We are almost universally more creative, and we often possess incredible levels of courage and self determination, demonstrated by our very survival, and ultimate attainment of our goal.
>We are rare as miracles, and in our own way, as magical, or so has been the belief of all ancient cultures on the earth.dat ego
the site is also pretty much focused entirely on MTFs.
No. 30358
>>30322Yup, i think my fondest memory of JDR was when they went apeshit over one of their spouses refusing to put time & energy into one of their idiotic game ideas
and then drew a comic depicting the poor guy as a cuck loser
No. 30446
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>>30280>The Quick Guide to Heterosexual Dating for Male-To-Female Transsexuals>1. If you date men, you are always in potentially fatal danger. Be aware.>3. Be aware that in our society, men who are secure enough to accept you are rare. there are predators who attack transsexuals, confused sorts who seek to use and then punish transsexuals, and those who try to be accepting but fail, often violently.>4. Be honest, be aware, and be very, very cautious.
>MY OWN STORY>I knew I did not act like boys did, and that is what bothered me most. Boys were mean, they hit, they shouted, they liked to bang things together, and when they were big, like my dad, they were very mean and often full of punishment, as well as scary. Hm.
Also lol at the 'are you a transsexual' test that is designed for people who are already transsexuals and has questions like, 'Would you say you are kind of transsexual or COMPLETELY transsexual?'
No. 31949 by
>I can speak the transgender party line that I was a female trapped in a male body and I remember feeling this way since I was 4. But, it's never that easy if you look at it sincerely and without preconception. There's little question that a mid-life crisis, a divorce and a cancer scare were involved in at least the timing of my sex-change decision. To be completely honest at this point (3 yrs post-op) is not easy, however, I'm not sure I would do it again. I'm now concerned that much of what I took as a gender dysfunction might have been nothing more than a neurotic sexual obsession. I was a cross-dresser for all of my sexual life and had always fantasized going fem as an ultimate turn-on. Ironically, when I began hormone treatment my libido went away. However, I mistook that relief from sexual obsession for validation of my gender change. Then in the final bit of irony, after surgery my new genitals were non-orgasmic (like 80% of my TG sisters). Really sad.
No. 32628
>>28327It's definitely a mental illness and we need to stop bending over backwards for 0.2 % of the population. trans people need help, not surgery and hormones to spare their feelings.
>>28356Ugh. this. Unless it's one room with a lock like starbucks, I won't go inside.
No. 32630
>>29383I thought transwomen wanted to be viewed as female and therefore would refer to their "front holes" as vaginas.
Even if you are some kind of non binary gender neutral snowflake it is still a vagina. The same way a lung is still a lung or an arm is still an arm. That's what it is. Get over it. Boiling it down to front hole makes it sound like a useless fissure when it most certainly isn't. If it wasn't for front holes none of us would even be here.
If someone really wants me to use front hole they are going to have to respect my wishes to call my personal vagina a vagina. Otherwise they are being really contradictory here. Respect is supposed to be mutual. It's not a one way street where only one party gets the right of way.
No. 32634
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>“It would be very attractive to me, to have a guy treat me like a woman,” the 65-year-old former Olympian says
>The former Bruce Jenner has previously said that she is not attracted to men, telling Diane Sawyer in April that sexuality and gender identity were 'apples and oranges'.
>When asked at a past dinner party if she was more attracted to men, Jenner said 'No, I’m not gay. I am as far as I know, heterosexual.'in other words, he would be sexually turned on if a man validated his identity as a woman, but is not sexually attracted to men…
>However, Jenner's use of the phrase 'a real woman' offended her transgender friend, who has been by her side as Caitlyn navigates her new world.
>When a visibly surprised Jenny asked 'What does that mean?', the former Olympian attempted to explain herself, but just caused further offense.
>'That you would be treated like a normal woman', she said.
>That prompted a puzzled Boylan, who is chair of GLAAD, ask 'What do you mean, a normal woman?'He is such a fetishist and it's funny to see him get chastised by his own for not knowing how to use newspeak perfectly.
No. 32636
>>32630They start saying things like "penises are female" and call women "vagina havers".
Why are trans women such lunatics compared to trans men? Most trans men I have encountered seem rational about their lives and anatomy. They know they won't suddenly start being paid more in the workplace and that they won't stop getting cat called/harassed and that they will still have to deal with the general challenges of being female. Meanwhile trans women think they absolve themselves of maleness the second they discover their tru selves. Trans women are women! They're just like us! But don't mention your v
ginas or perids or they'll be
No. 32658
>>32636Transwomen fetishize femininity so much. They are obsessed with being dainty stereotypical girly girls while still preaching that gender is just a construct. So many of them are conveniently lesbians or bisexual with a girlfriend because they're still men attracted to women, and they still have the same instincts as men.
>>32656Not sure uncomfortable but I don't like it. I didn't bring shit upon myself, I've disliked trannies from the getgo. I've yet to meet one that wasn't a narcissistic walking stereotype.
No. 32663
>>32636Transwomen are insane because they're all fetishist. It's been said before by a lot of logical anons here. They're hormonally imbalanced to the max because on top of having issues with social views on masculinity, which is a social construct, having nothing to do with the actual biological sex, they are injecting themselves with all kinds of drugs that just fucks with their brains more. Instead of just being a guy who likes socially feminine clothing or other things, they NEED to be women. Women with.. i dunno– penises? Yeah, that's not how it works.
I know there are all kinds of women, but it's pretty solid that if you have certain chromosomes, you're a man, if not, you're a woman. Breasts have nothing to do with it, since a lot of women have to get them removed because of cancer and some women are just small. All women have vaginas though. And I'm pretty certain all women get their periods, with the ability to give birth.
Transwomen are bitter creatures because they are neither a man nor a woman. They're just some deformed inbetween. I will never accept them as real women because they're not, and I am sick to death of hearing the arguments on tumblr about how "Women can have penises too"
No. No, they cannot.
No. 32701
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I remember this card from Urban Outfitterswent viral on tumblr and angered people
All I could do was laugh tbh
No. 32719
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>>32665you racist fucking bigot
No. 32958
>>32943Dating someone with a severe mental illness is emotionally and mentally exhausting and is something not everyone is equipped to handle. I would argue dysphoria is more severe than any of those simply because dysphoria doesn't really have a successful treatment at this time.
Depression, bipolar and borderline aren't always treatable with meds or psychotherapy, of course, but it's almost impossible to manage dysphoria (see: anorexic people). The brain thinks the body needs fixing when it doesn't, and neither starving yourself to skeleton status nor transitioning is an actual fix.
No. 33170
I'm conflicted. I'm very much a "live and let live" kind of person because at the end of the day, who the fuck am I to tell you how to live. But at the same time I'm a bit worried about transitioning and SRS and HRT becoming so normalized and the go to for trans people. Especially after reading and some of the stories from women who were treated so horribly for not being super thrilled with their long term husbands coming out as trans. I agree that we shouldn't change things for less than 1% of the population - I'm sorry legit trans people, for not feeling comfortable with you in the women's washroom. If we start letting you in, what's to stop autogynephiles and other unsavory people from donning the mask of transwoman and coming in to be creepy and pervy? Why does what washroom you use even matter anyway?
No. 33173
>>33170The bathroom issue is something I'm kind of uncomfortable about too. I don't know about other countries, but as far as I know in the US we don't have unisex multi-stall bathrooms for public use. If a bathroom is unisex it's single stall. This is for safety and sanitation reasons. It's perfectly understandable why this is so.
If you pass chances are no one's going to notice. But if you don't you might get reported to security or at the very least upset anyone in the bathroom at the time. I too would be afraid of autogynephiles abusing things. I know it's a rare chance but I don't want to walk in on a creeper in a dress and be told I need to check my privilege if I get upset.
No. 33369
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>>32707Might have something to do with the broad shoulders, awkward height, exposed adam's apple, deep voice, no curves, etc etc….etc…
Transwomen are always going to just be men in dresses. Laura K Buzz/Laura kate dale is the most hilarious example.
No. 33417
>>33369Wait, is this the Laura that works for destructoid and I have to suffer through whenever Jim sterling is around? i really like Jim, but fuck, he kisses Laura's ass and i dont get it. i never knew what they looked like.
>that hairstyle>that jaw>so much facial hairIt's a man, baby!
No. 33425
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>>33369The funny thing is that this guy looks better than maybe 75% of trannies I've seen. If he piled on the makeup and found a way to hide his beard shadow, he might pass as a horse-faced, masculine woman (disregarding voice, mannerisms, height, etc.). Some trannies will never even approach looking ANYTHING like a woman, ever. For some reason it seems like many trannies have even manlier faces than normal men, and even with extensive plastic surgery they have no hope of passing.
Pic related, it was taken from a popular surgeon's website. These are the results he uses to advertise himself, so imagine how bad the other ones are.
No. 33447
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>>33425Eh, looks like a woman in the after pictures. A "handsome" one, but it's way better than like…Gigi Gorgeous. Natural looking plastic surgery will always be better than this way over the top shit, even if it's not "perfect."
No. 33454
>>33447Yeah, I'll have to agree. I love Gigi, but the surgeries she's gotten really age her. There was one video on her bf's ig where she's not wearing makeup and she looked like one of those rich old housewives.
I feel like she would've looked a lot better if she just waited to get all these surgeries. Iirc, she immediately did all the surgeries after announcing that she's trans. I know she didn't wait until her boobs came in to get the breast implants.
No. 33457
>>33451He's mentally ill and I can sympathize with that but he doesn't belong in the girl's bathroom.
I like how in that one pic he's the only one wearing a skirt and heels next to his female friends.
No. 33464
>>33454I found the video if anyone's curious>>33459I agree, especially in her videos/pictures. Even before she came out as trans, I think she was always passing.
And I feel the exact same way about her lips!
No. 33466
>>33465Tbh I don't even know anymore. I think maybe they're actually broken up since she still has that breakup music video thing up. And she hasn't posted any pictures with him in a while, but has posted some pictures with other guys.
He creeps me out though since he seems to only go for trans girls, he was hitting on her friend apparently, and every single time they break up, he seems to immediately get with another girl.
Gigi, if you're reading this, find yourself a new man!
No. 33467
>>33466Isn't he Alaska Thunderfuck's brother?
Man, that has some gross implications.
No. 33500
>>33451>When school began on Aug. 13, Perry told school administrators that she wanted to use the girls’ bathroom and locker room, instead of the unisex bathroom she had used as a junior.This asshole made the school bend to his whim and he's still complaining that it isn't good enough and he wants to change in the girl's lockerroom and bathroom. No. fuck you. These people are mentally ill. Why are we humoring them?
They make up 0.2 percent of the population. We need to stop this shit. Girls have the right to their own space and not feel their safety threatening, especially when removing clothing and pissing.
No. 33787
>>33786I don't see what's wrong with this.
Ugly style, though.
No. 33797
>>33790>>33791Part of being the flashy superhero stealing all the glory means that Guy has to learn how to navigate his world now with new tools — a lipstick laser, a “beautility” belt, losing his powers when his hair goes frizzy — which Wade tells us has been passed on to Guy from his Aunt Agnes.
>“SheZow is a legend that’s been passed down through the generations of Guy’s family, so when his aunt was SheZow, that’s the SheZow she created. SheZow’s throughout history have had different costumes and different hairstyles,” says Wade. And a lot of the facets to SheZow’s mythology came about from the female writers Wade has on his team.
>“I asked the women on my team … what would be a good weakness for a woman superhero and they allsaid, “Bad hair!'” laughs Wade. “A lot of the gadgets
and jokes [for ‘SheZow’] came from women.”
>While things like the “beautility” belt are a lot of fun to watch Guy figure out, the show has already been receiving some negative attention for its new twist on the superhero model, with a conservative website calling it a “transsexual superhero show” and writing that “nothing says ‘child-appropriate material’ quite like gender-bending underage superheroes.”
>To this, Wade says that “SheZow is not transgendered. He’s a boy, his gender never changes, he’s just trapped in a silly costume.”
>He also adds that he doesn’t find it child-inappropriate at all, because the idea came to him as a kid. No. 33826
>>33786Eh, it's just one of those shows with a Female agenda, but take it too far calling everything 'she'. She-lair? Really?
Think Daring Games For Girls
And that style is ugly, nostalgic though. Brings me back to cartoons from late 90' to mid 2000('05?)
No. 33951
>>33451Most women do not want to use the same bathroom or locker room as a man regardless of whether or not they are transgendered.
He already has a unisex bathroom and I'm sure he can change in there if he needs to. But he has a penis and obviously girls don't want that in their bathroom and locker room. Surely deep down he must at least get the jist of that. They don't feel safe or comfortable even if he means them no harm. That's just the way it is.
I've tried to be supportive of trans people. But at the same time I feel like women's privacy is being encroached upon and erased. What's worrying is the transtrender tumblr types. I don't want them to think they can come into our change rooms, bathrooms and showers and tell us to check our AFAB privilege because Bruce Jenner is just so brave and inspiring.
I really think that if gendered clothing and makeup and the rigid parameters of masculine and feminine would just go away everyone would be happier and less people would butcher themselves and take dangerous drugs to fit into stereotypes that real women and men already feel suffocated by.
No. 33953
Does the have to completely go away? There are people who fits into the gendered stereotype and like it. The thing is, there are a set of clothes that can be gender nuetral, and some men have no problem wearing makeup. We should just let people do what they want, unfortunately we have people like this little missy and many other trans people plus the trenders who take it a step too far.
Then again, what is too far? I want to guess she is pushing boundaries because it seems some people will bend over backwards for her.
>>33451Plus who the fuck does she think she is?? Why must people always compare trans issues with racism? If she were to have any support from me, well she just lost that shit now. I LOVE for her to have a full civil rights era black experience and she if she'll compare the again.
No matter how you look at it, she looks like a man in feminine clothing, and she would be a man in feminine clothing. Penis and all, and these girls know this, and I'm glad they are not taking this crap!
Why must the comfort of the literally less than 1 or 2% conquer over the thoughts and feelings of these girls?
And bitch you just want this to be over? Then why the fuck did you tell the media??
She sounds annoying as hell, if you already have your own PRIVATE bathroom, why would you want to force yourself into woman spaces? One of the only places woman can feel safe?
I think it's validation, they don't care if they are safe or not. They want to be treated like real women, well news flash honey, you got a penis, you're annoying, and you'll never really be a woman.
This is not the way to gain support and validation because your endeavors are pushing most people away the more you push this shit down their throats.
No. 34115
>>33951Agreed. I'm done with catering to those jerks. I refuse to change out of my gym clothing in a locker room is a man is there. If you have a penis, you are a man. What if they get off on that or get excited to see so many other women changing? That's sick and we're basically telling women to just accept it? Isn't that what men have been telling most women all their lives? No fucking thank you.
I feel bad for that women who complained to her gym and got her membership revoked. I wish I remember which gym it was and where, but that is beyond bullshit and I would sue them so badly if possible.
No. 34313
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>Don't want men in wigs in female spaces?stay at home bitch!
No. 34322
>>34313Is it bad I want a tumblrina to be attacked by a psychopath in a wig? I mean, I can see perverted men wearing wigs and skirts to get into a woman's space (bathroom or locker room)
They should get a taste of their own medicine. Not going to cater to these mentally ill people that take up less space on this planet than gay people, who are cis, so you dont have to worry about them.
No. 34330
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"These people are disgusting. She is a girl, she has the mind of a girl and was given the wrong physical body. She should be able to use the girl's bathroom, it's not as if any of you are gonna see her private parts or something like that."
He could have at least invested in a decent looking wig.
No. 34337
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I bet he's a straight little horn dog who just wants to get into the girls locker room to be pervert sissy boy
No. 34373
I've been with my girlfriend (post-op, I'm pre-op) for over a year now. I really enjoy her company, we get along really well, and I have been planning on spending the rest of my life with her.
But lately - and even a little before we met - I would get really turned on - in a way I had never felt before - when thinking about having sex with guys. The thought of seducing someone who would want to consume my body and fuck me right then and there turns me on still, quite powerfully.
When my girlfriend and I first started dating, we had sex fairly often, and it was pretty great. But over time, we started to have sex less and less, until we eventually didn't have any sex for about 3 or 4 months. I got upset and told her we needed to have more sex. We did for a bit, but I could see that she was basically forcing herself to play with me sexually. She says she's not as interested in sex as she was before surgery. This is extremely disappointing to me, as in a perfect world, I'd like to have sex once in the morning and once at night, although at least a few times a week should be plenty for me.
When we do have sex, it's pretty good, but I have to instruct her on when to change positions and so on. This is also not what I want - I want her to use my body for her satisfaction.
So you know, I respect that about her. If she doesn't want to have sex, that's ok. But I need to have sex, so I suggested we find a friend and have sex with them. I really liked the idea - I get to keep the love of my life, and I get to have the sex I want. I admit, I have always found the idea of a dedicated, three-person relationship very interesting, and I was hoping she would too. She did not - she's been going through personal and psychological problems, which have been really hard on both of us, but I stuck it out because I love her, and because so many people just dropped me because I was having psychological problems back in the day.
So that suggestion blew up in my face too. I did not improve things by instead making suggestions about our roommate - he has the advantage in that he's not a super masculine guy, which is a turn off for us. He's a great guy, really. But I don't know if he's sexually dominant in the way that I want.
And now it's been a few weeks since then, and things are sorta back to normal. We have sex every now and then as best we can. I am happy to say that she still turns me on quite a bit - so I know I am attracted to her and that I could be sexually happy with her. Maybe when she's better, when she feels more self confident, she'll want to have sex more. We did when we first started dating.
Or am I perhaps just being selfish? Wanting what I can't have, or just wanting more? I also have an addictive personality - could my sexual greed here just be a reflection of that? Of constantly wanting to evade my unhappiness through sex, since it's socially disadvantageous to use drugs to do the same?
Am I straight? Or Bisexual? I have an active dating profile, and I get more than a few messages from guys, but none of them ever appeal to me. My roommate is interesting, but probably not bold enough to offer what I'm looking for. Am I bi? Am I doomed to a three-way relationship? What if my girlfriend doesn't change her mind, and doesn't want to share me with anyone else? I can't say I blame her… but I don't want to lose her either.
It just really sucks that I'm in this situation. I have never had feelings like I do about my girlfriend. I would do anything for her, but I still want to be happy.
Oh right. And further complicating matters, she said that her sex drive went seriously downhill after she got surgery. Maybe the same will happen to me, and this will all be moot. But I can't imagine not wanting to feel something nice and warm inside of me…
And then I feel truly awful, for I sometimes wish she never would have had surgery. She'd still have her penis and her high sex drive. I would have everything I want. But then the inevitable day of surgery would come, and then I'd be right back here.
No. 34381
>>34373"Oh right. And further complicating matters, she said that her sex drive went seriously downhill after she got surgery. Maybe the same will happen to me, and this will all be moot. But I can't imagine not wanting to feel something nice and warm inside of me…"
This statement proves he doesn't understand what vaginal sex is like for women
No. 34383
>>34381All men think like this though.
Trans or not.
No. 34417
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>>34358Then why not just be gay, ya dingus?
No. 34508
>>34475that would be rude!!!!
the good news is that anyone who IDs as female can also attend!!!!
>Wellesley College this week clarified its stance toward including trans women, stating that the admissions department will accept applications from any student who "lives as a woman and consistently identifies as a woman," reports the Boston Globe.
>After a year-long committee evaluation, the Seven Sisters school will now join U.S. women's colleges Bryn Mawr, Scripps, Simmons, Mount Holyoke, and Mills in explicitly accepting trans female students. Wellesley will also admit students assigned "female" at birth who do not identify as male or female, as well as allow trans male students who begin openly transitioning partway through college to graduate, according to a school-wide letter from Wellesley's Board of Trustees and president H. Kim Bottomly.can these still be called womens colleges? so who CAN'T go to these schools? only cis men? more like no cis men colleges now?
No. 34515
>>34508>any student who lives as a woman and consistently identifies as a womanNot gonna bother to look for it, but I bet there are trannies who are
triggered over this because it would mean that they have to actually put effort into looking/acting like a woman - instead of being granted access to women's spaces just for saying the magic trans word.
No. 34522
"So you know, I respect that about her. If she doesn't want to have sex, that's ok. But I need to have sex, so I suggested we find a friend and have sex with them. I really liked the idea - I get to keep the love of my life, and I get to have the sex I want. I admit, I have always found the idea of a dedicated, three-person relationship very interesting, and I was hoping she would too. She did not - she's been going through personal and psychological problems, which have been really hard on both of us, but I stuck it out because I love her, and because so many people just dropped me because I was having psychological problems back in the day."
>"girlfriend" going through major psychological problems that are affecting her sex drive
they're just fucking dudes with fetishes my god
No. 34556
>>34540This story
>>22758 sums it up I think most of them are. They think women lead these magical, delicate, cute, feminine lives constantly, that the first thought that comes to their mind when they see anything is "I'm a woman." It's like.. dude, your world view is so warped you base your perspective of women off fiction. It's like their own lives are so sad and unsatisfying they think that women feel constant satisfaction and happiness just from existing and they try to emulate that.
No. 34558
>>34556Seriously. Have they stepped outside? Opened a newspaper? Read current events? They need to see how women are treated. In some countries in 2015, some women still struggle for an education.
If they want to be feminine men, go ahead. They don't have to try to grasp at straws like being a woman is any easier.
No. 34568
>>33786I've seen it and the concept would be amusing if the character and art weren't so horrible. It's one of those cartoons full of stereotypes. And all of the adults are borderline retarded. I hate that. Kids don't generally think that mom and dad are complete dolts. I always hated that about cartoons. It's made for kids so it's kind of dumb and it's not one of those cartoons adults would really find anything interesting in.
Anyway, Guy speaks in an amusing falsetto as SheZow. I guess he needs to convince villains that he's a girl so they won't trace SheZow back to his actual identity. I don't know. The show never became that popular and I'm not even sure if a second season exists. Only the worse SJWs would scream
problematic here.
No. 34580
>>34569I just hope you don't get a bunch of tumblrinas there who aren't really trans. I can see things like this being abused. Because there aren't a lot of traspeople. Not nearly as much as tumblr would have you think. And they might think that this is the place to converge and push their SJW agenda and hypocritical hate on everyone.
I guess it's a sign of the times. I am just uncomfortable with things like this. No matter how much they want to identify as female or manage to pass they are not the same as women by birth. There's a whole different experience growing up. It feels weird to be in the same private place like a bathroom or changeroom with a man you don't know. I don't understand why they don't see how women can be uncomfortable even if the transwomen is completely safe.
No. 34611
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No. 34612
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I use to be ok with trans men but more and more I'm becoming creeped out by them
No. 34613
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I met my friend Karen for lunch. It was nice to see her and chat with her. I also sucked cock and drank a load of cum today, yummy !
Rob has a doctor appointment for Monday morning, so we are going to cut our vacation short by a couple of days and start heading home early tomorrow."
My slut girl Candi will be in town on January 26th for 2 days. I am hoping to find her some cock to suck the 26th and 27th. She's also going to be eating my pussy as well."
This guy gives me creepy vibe. And he claims to be a real woman? No. 34626
>>34613By pussy he means asshole, right? Ugh. I know it's a total double standard but I think it's gross when girls eat booty, like some sort of Thai prostitute.
I just noticed the name of the "slut girl" is Candi, so it's probably another dude. Phew, just plain ole' faggotry.
I wonder why they can't find natural-born women to play their sick games with..
No. 34632
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No. 34696
>>34632>straight menkek
more like closeted guys and tranny chasers
I'm a biscum man and trans really are where I draw the line, although that just might be that like 70% of the ones I've met are fucking tumblrist headcases
No. 34701
>>34698Used to know a gay guy who became an MTF lesbian tumblrtard. No bottom surgery (I know this because they made a fucking song and dance about being a "chick with a dick" on some shitty nude cooking tumblr). Still made me glad I skipped breakfast that morning.
It's weird because I like traps and that sort of thing too. A guy in a dress who can actually pull it off is just fine, but anything further (like growing tits) is just way too far for me.
Then again I could just be biased because she's one of the 70% of sjw tumblrtards. Last conversation we had was an argument over whether sjws and trenders were ruining everything for actual LGBTs.
No. 34745
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This is what /pol/ thinks
No. 34751
>>34625No, that's fucking sick. If this were my father or grandfather and he heard his daughter had been exposed to male genitalia in a locker room for women, he probably would of killed 'colleen'
This is why we need to seriously protest against this shit. Transwomen are not REAL WOMEN. They never will be. And how disgusting this person is–exposing himself to six year old girls?
No. 34765
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something interesting ive noticed is trans men claim to love women and want to be women but a lot of them know very little about female anatomy. there is no excuse for that because there are many books, websites sites to learn from. youd think theyd actually try to learn about the functions of a female vagina since they claim to be women and all.
No. 34766
>>34764How the fuck does an MTF have a "female" orgasam?
Like I get you have fake lady parts but there's no way it can feel the same like a real womans orgasm.
No. 34767
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No. 34768
>>34764No. and let's get real, not all women bleed the first time they have sex and not all women are even born with hymens. Some women even 'break' theirs doing non sexual actives.
trannies are lying harpies who will forever be envious that they can't have a real vagina.
No. 34775
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these people disgust me.
No. 34777
>>34775b-but it's not a fetish anon, all women sexualize themselves!!
a mtf actually said to me that women think about themselves sexually the same way that mtfs do.
No. 34778
>>34775These men are not transgender.
These are creepy cross dressers far in their manhood who have deluded crisises and think that being "women" will make them special.
No. 34785
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>your periods trigger me. dont talk about them!
ok im done with my anti tranny posts today
No. 34796
>>34779Seriously. They're freaks
>>34778>>34777They are fucking sick. Not being born female at birth, they have no idea what it's like. If they don't have the hormones for a female brain, how the hell could they understand? I understand society tells women to be sexy, but innocent at the same time, but not all women are hypersexual. It's a terrible generalization.
No. 34797
>>34785I'll always be anti-tranny. And if anyone wants to argue, i'll save these posts to show them.
Anything having to do with being a birth woman and cis woman
triggers them. Haha! Too bad.
No. 34814
>>34797I fucking hate trannys. im not excited for the day when a 6'2, 300 pound sissy boy with a dildo up us ass and a wig can pee in the bathroom next to a little girl and theres nothing anyone can do because
No. 34815
>>34809I know! Goodbye, and have a nice night.
>>34811Whoaaaa hold on there. A previous anon said:
>You should probably take some medication to correct your imbalance, so your brain is in the right body. Trans is bullshit and trans people are mentally ill.I just asked what this magical medication that cures being "trans" was. I said nothing about not working with doctors and professionals to manage my symptoms.
No. 34818
>>34814It's super scary because women have been violated by men through out history. Look how all the horrendous acts and crimes placed upon women by men and now certain 'men' want to become women and violate them more by forcing themselves into their spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms? It's not right. It really isn't right at all.
If you have a dick, you're a man. You were born a man. Nothing is going to change that. Nothing.
No. 34820
>>34816Ftms are odd, but i've never found them threatening because they're usually smaller framed women or women who can't get very big no matter how much they work out because BIOLOGY.
But mtfs still have male sex drive, male strength and the ability to rape you with their dick. Yeah, no thanks. Both are freaks of nature, but Mtfs are definitely more worrisome to society.
No. 34823
>>34819>>34821So true. If a ftm goes into a locker room, they might get beaten up. If a Mtf goes into a locker room, he might hurt a real woman.
Men are fucking awful in both cases.
No. 34827
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>>34820sexual desire mixed with jealousy and resentment is a dangerous combo
No. 34863
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women are jealousy of trannys and not the other way around
No. 34882
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>>34879yeah so when a ladyboy is going on about how wet his pussy is, just know that "wetness" comes from his colon and that discharge is just nasty bacteria -_^
mtf say natural women stink…i can only imagine what their smell like.
puke No. 34885
>>34874When society stops accepting them. I'm gay and I understand being gay means I don't have kids biologically just more than 96% of the world. However, having such few gay people in the world is okay since we're overpopulated anyway. One gay couple might adopt kids no one else wants or ones that need a home badly. And then that heterosexual couple will probably have 2-3 kids by default.
Hopefully not getting OT, but gay people are cool since they don't demand to invade your personal bathroom space and make insane demands like trannies. Trannies are actually mentally ill, don't contribute to society and ENFORCE horrible gender roles which feminism has been trying to stop for decades.
I'm a tomboy woman, but I love being feminine from time to time. I just love being a woman in general.
Trannies are like a disease that tells people if they are a little girl that plays with trucks, they're trans!! Same with a little boy who likes dresses or just likes pastel colors or dolls. fuck off, trannies.
No. 34886
>>34875Most of them don't get bottom surgery, but still want to piss in our bathrooms. They're sick
>>34878Holyshit, that's insane. and it sounds like a health hazard.
No. 34930
>>34882Any problems he has are totally his fault from not taking care of himself. I doubt anyone is going to want to have sex with his moldy cheese scented fakegina anytime soon. This is disgusting.
Eating lots of pineapple makes you smell nice. I don't think it would work for transwomen though.
>>34904I didn't even know they could get wet at all. I assumed it was sex lube city every time they want to get it on. I don't think they'd use any colon glads because of the possibility of transferring intestinal bacteria to the urethra. But I don't know too much about how it works. I've seen some surgery videos but I don't know the ins and outs of what gets connected to what.
No. 34934
>>34851You hit the nail on the head, anon. A middle aged man doesn't want to transition into a middle aged woman. (I
have see it before, but only once. It was shocking.) He wants to be that party girl in her 20's who's such a tease because she knows she's sexy and never has to lift a finger because of all the hot guys fighting over her. Women are always super carefree, accepting and happy. Their idea of an emergency is breaking a nail and their main concerns are things like clothes, hair and bleeding through their front holes, unlike men who have real world problems and can't just wear a low cut top to get what they want.
Besides the clothes, makeup, hair, etc that they tend to choose, you can also get a sense of this in their female names. They're often young and cutesy, like Caitlyn (really, Bruce?), Zoe, Chloe, Hailey, Ashley, etc. Not something more age-appropriate like Linda, Mary, Barbara or Cindy, or even something ageless and dignified like Elizabeth, Margaret, Emma or Julia. Women (you know, those party girls in their 20's) don't have icky old lady names like Linda. (Are old ladies even women? They're not sexy like women are, so it's confusing.)
No. 34939
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>>34934rofl, I like you anon.
No. 34958
>>34934re: the names, i've noticed something similar with tumblr ftm's/fakebois
they always pick the stupidest, most effeminate millenial names for themselves
aiden, kayden, brayden, xavier, etc
these are names that are currently popular with like, 8 year old boys
No. 34975
>>34972i work at a nursing home and sometimes patients poop out this clear, mucus that doesnt have a strong smell. maybe that is what it is.
just looking at it, it looks like vagina wetness i guess.
No. 34977
>>34972>orange jelly that comes out when you push really hard but are constipatedWhat?
That's not normal
No. 35000
>>34977That's actually just oil. Anus grease, kind of.
It means that anon really needs to eat better.
No. 35010
Dr. Canavero told CNN he has received an array of emails and letters from people asking to be considered for the procedure, many of which have been from transgender individuals seeking a new body. However, the surgeon says the first people to undergo the procedure will be those with muscle wasting conditions one day transwomen will be able to put their heads on real female bodies
No. 35175
>>35171I don't disagree with any of that, I'm just saying the vitriol in this thread is getting really tiring and detracts from some actual discussion. Nobody here is even expressing their love for trannies nor defending them vigorously so why are the posters trying so hard?
>>35172Did you read the thread?
No. 35180
This is a real, serious, neutral question and I hope to receive a serious response or two if you don't mind.
I believe that these aren't even transgender people. Much like Buffallo Bill, they think they're transgender, but they aren't really.
The transgender population is far, far smaller. It exists. And it isn't anything like this nasty merry go round of pretenders who just want attention and to feel purpose.
There are transgender women, some lesbian, many straight, etc. Can't speak for all but I know their main goal is to live a quiet life as female, and not to push themselves upon anyone. Very opposite of the tumblr mentality.
They already look like women, they live as women, many are socialized as women because their transitions began very young since their chemistry was very much that of a young girl. They don't have an agenda.
Do you think they don't belong in the women's restroom? If they've already long since transitioned and are in looks appearing as entirely female, it would be violent and odd if they used a male restroom. Clearly, they just want to pee. They aren't perverse. There are transgender women that do their best to live their lives as any other woman and they aren't there to masquerade. Especially those who transition young, they appear entirely female to everyone. Many are the heights of average females too, some being extremely petite and unable to defend themselves if they used a male restroom.
Isn't that pretty harmless? These are transgender women who are just trying to live peacefully.
No. 35242
>>35180If they are legit trans I don't care.
Its the trannies and shit that I worry about, but like you said its really so few that you run into like this be it tranny or a trans woman.
No. 35265
I have zero problem with ftm trans. They're usually harmless and just live their lives quietly.
Mtf on the other hand are dangerous for the same reason males are. Because they are male they do the same exact shit males do only they get to yell "transphobia!!" to make it seem like women are actually being evil oppressive whores. They demand entrance into female only spaces, demand feminism and women's political movements to be centered around them (just like MRAs), demand access to women's and lesbians bodies. Just look up the cotton ceiling. They literally think lesbians not wanting their dicks is a huge hate crime against them. So typical male entitlement.
And yes, we can say that #NotAllTransWomen are like that, but its about as useless as #NotAllMen in this context.
>>35180>many are socialized as women because their transitions began very young since their chemistry was very much that of a young girl.This is bullshit. You get socialized based on your sex, and not "chemistry" or what you believe you are on the inside. No one tells little boys they cant play in the dirt or they have to behave properly and ladylike or that when they grow up they have to be careful going out at night and not to show too much skin.
No. 35295
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So Carlotta Sklodowska is a trans female presenting person who went to a Planet Fitness gym. A woman there complained to the gym staff that Sklodowska was in the locker room and they removed the woman's gym membership because Planet fitness is a no judgment zone.
So this is some dirt on Sklodowska- Zoey Tur, a trans journalist I think? Complained on the media saying that Sklodowska is a fetishist and not a true trans person and is not representative of true trans people.
>Tur: "That’s not the case. This person is a cross-dresser who gets a sexual high from, dressing as a female.” trans news website is angry at Tur for passing judgment on Skladowska and defends Skladowska against critics…
No. 35301
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>>35295>Judgment free zoneI'm so glad I go to a real gym and not planet fitness, but that is disgusting. They are protecting a man's 'right' to go into a woman's locker room and not their female members there and their safety??
No. 35328
>>25313Completely late reply but my dad considers himself trans and while he never wore my clothing, my sister overheard him and his ex-girlfriend arguing over him wearing her clothes.. this was before any of us knew what was up with him.
Once while my sis was on the phone with dad, she heard that he was wearing heels and she just straight up asked if he was, and he said yes. Turns out, that despite him always being hypermasculine on the outside with manly interests etc, he was a crossdressing gay teen. He didn't know what being trans is since back then, there was no way in hell it was accepted in any way so he just repressed all that shit as hard as he could, married a woman and cranked out 3 kids.
Now, he's over 60, knows about transgenderism, but considers himself too old to transition, so he just occationally wears dresses and keeps it at that.
At first hell yeah I was weirded out by the thought of my motorbike gang member -looking dad wearing dresses but the more I thought about it, I just felt bad for him. I realized his whole ubermasculine tough guy thing was a role that he kept up to hide and to overcompensate for his feminine side. Having to hide who you are, even from your family, for your entire life is some tough shit.
>tfw when you were like 8 your dad commented on your dirty nails and even as a kid you always thought it was weird he would care about nail care but then eventually it all made sense No. 35612
>>35301But anon, not wanting to get raped in a women's restroom is
actually a microagression against trans* people, you evil cishet female scum!!
No. 35674
>>35655For it being on /b/ and in a trans thread, it was pretty relevant.
I don't get when people type they don't care, when obviously they could have left it alone and scroll past it.
No. 35847 Katerina Guinevere du Lac's transition surgery healing process. It looks very painful.
oh my gosh…
No. 36070
>>35847So after reading this, do people actually still sit there, and keep on going with their lives saying that being truly trans is not a mental illness?
Painfully, permanently and harmfully mutilating you body is not a sign of someone that is mentally ill? Okay…
Wanting to changing your genitalia for something that won't even work like the part you want isn't off to them?
Saying "Ladidadida! They are normal! They are just Like me and you! We shouldn't make them get help, we should accommodate them!!"
Do these people see nothing wrong with this?
Honestly?When people say they have felt like women all this time, I shake my head and don't say a word. Why? Because I would be rediculed and torn apart by my country's liberal society.
But how does one feel like a woman?? How does one feel like a man? That's not normal nor healthy at all. Especially when people claim to be feeling this dysmorphia from a fairly young age.
The truth of the matter is, I don't "feel" like anything, I just AM.
Should we accommodate every narcissistic mental illness we come across? I obviously just can't say go get help, because 'help' is just suppressing the matter to get the label of trans, and destroying your body. I honestly cringe knowing there are people out there who don't like the research because they feel that they don't need help.
This doesn't mean we shouldn't deny them basic rights though, but we shouldn't have to cater to their every whim.
But I don't respect those who publicly go around shaming natural women/men, saying we don't appreciate our bodies. Well, damn, you don't either!! Just because we complain about, let's say, painful periods doesn't mean we don't appreciate it.
Go away with that bs saying you any better than us, and fuck you if you reach to that point.
Sorry for the long rant, I was free typing, plus I'm tired.
No. 36078
I 100% believe that being trans is a disorder. I think that, like body integrity disorder and phantom limb syndrome, it has something to do with a fuckup with the cortical homunculus. However, I have to say that I personally have experienced body dysphoria (not dysmorphia, that's something else entirely) since puberty, and whatever it is (mental illness, neurological problem, something to do with a hormonal imbalance, I don't know), it's very real. If you (general you, not you specifically, anon) haven't experienced it, please don't claim that the dysphoria aspect is not real. It is.
I know this thread is mostly about MtF individuals, but I'll throw in my experience as someone who was born (AFAIK) with XX chromosomes but would rather somehow just be completely gender-neutral instead of female. My breasts have always felt extremely wrong and I have to wear a binder in order for their existence not to drive me crazy. I hope to eventually get surgery so that I'm completely flat-chested. I loathe how my hips, thighs, and ass look "womanly"/"curvy," so I starve myself to make my body as androgynous as possible. I am disgusted by my genitals and don't like to even think about them. Taking a shower usually prompts tears and sometimes vomiting. However, I don't "feel" like a man. I "feel" like a person, and I just want to be treated and seen as a human being. My issue is that I feel like my body is completely and utterly wrong, and it has driven me to extreme depression, social isolation, and suicidality.
I know this is not normal, and I would never complain otherwise. It's totally fucking mental and abnormal. I hate "transtrenders" and these fucking kids who claim that they're "trans" just because they say so and experience no dysphoria whatsoever. I wish there was some way of treating this condition - the actual condition, not the Tumblr fakebois and autogynophiles and "sissies" - with non-body-altering medication or something, like we can now do, at least to some extent, with conditions like depression and anxiety. I don't want to have surgery or take hormones, but I also would love to not have to bind my breasts and starve myself and still hate my body for the rest of my life. And yes, I've had years of therapy, been on a fuck-ton of psychiatric medications, and none of it has helped whatsoever.
Also, on a different note, I don't know why, in general, MtF individuals seem so much more fucked up than FtM individuals. It might just be selection bias on my part, but I kinda don't think so.
I don't even know why I'm writing this. I'm really fucking down in the dumps lately about my body and the fact that I'm in my late 20s and have now spent the majority of my life feeling "dysphoric." I hate this entire issue and I wish it would just fucking go away. I wish I could say that "being trans is BS." Maybe I'm not "trans." Maybe it's something else. I don't fucking know. I'm sorry, I'm ranting, it's pointless, no1curr, etc. Goodnight.
No. 36103
>>36070I never, never understood the whole "I felt like a woman my entire life."
What does that even mean? Do you want to piss sitting down? Bleed painfully a few days a month? get fat easier than men? I don't get it. I don't feel like I do womanly things in my daily life. I just do things because I'm just me.
Trans people are sick in the head and we definitely need to stop accommodating them. Just like helping a pro-ana person diet is fucked up, this is just as bad.
No. 36146
reminds me of chrischans boobs
he had such moobs than when he 'transitioned' he didnt need to stuff I think
No. 36303
>>36301If you are a true conversative why are you even here?
I know you're trying to say "you women wanted rights now you have to suffer the consequences"
Wanting equal rights, the choice to marry who I want and go to any school I want does not mean I'm saying everything should be allowed and we all need to be having wild sex orgies in the street. Chaos is not a logical consequence for basic human rights.
No. 36367
>>36308Not that anon, but:
>Results: The overall mortality for sex-reassigned persons was higher during follow-up (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 1.8–4.3) than for controls of the same birth sex, particularly death from suicide (aHR 19.1; 95% CI 5.8–62.9). Sex-reassigned persons also had an increased risk for suicide attempts (aHR 4.9; 95% CI 2.9–8.5) and psychiatric inpatient care (aHR 2.8; 95% CI 2.0–3.9). Comparisons with controls matched on reassigned sex yielded similar results. Female-to-males, but not male-to-females, had a higher risk for criminal convictions than their respective birth sex controls.
>Conclusion: Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.Previous anon was a moron. Trans individuals - pre-op, post-op, non-op, whatever - have a higher rate of suicide IN GENERAL. Having surgery has NOT been shown to increase the risk of suicide. "Sex reassignment" provides SOME benefits, but it doesn't "fix" the whole problem, i.e., more/better treatment is needed in addition to physically transitioning. IMO, this is kind of a "no shit, Sherlock" study - mentally ill people (and yes, I do believe that being trans is a disorder, but that doesn't mean it isn't "real") are mentally ill. Unhappy people are unhappy. "Transitioning" is a stop-gap measure. We don't currently have a better way of treating this disorder. So, all of you anons who think that transitioning is such a barbaric practice, maybe you should go into the field of scientific research and start working on a better method of treatment. It's sorely needed.
Here's another study (older, but still relevant):
>Using data draw from the follow-up literature covering the last 30 years, and the author's clinical data on 295 men and women after SRS, an estimation of the number of patients who regretted the operations is made. Among female-to-male transsexuals after SRS, i.e., in men, no regrets were reported in the author's sample, and in the literature they amount to less than 1%. Among male-to- female transsexuals after SRS, i.e., in women, regrets are reported in 1-1.5%. Poor differential diagnosis, failure to carry out the real-life- test, and poor surgical results seem to be the main reasons behind the regrets reported in the literature. According to three cases observed by the author in addition to personality traits the lack of proper care in treating the patients played a major role.Wild claims that most trans people regret transitioning or that transitioning increases the risk of suicide are, as far as I can tell, unfounded. If I'm wrong, please show me some evidence, because I'd honestly like to see it. I'm talking about scientific papers/studies, not blog posts or fringe nutjob websites.
No. 36433
>>36078Ouch, that sucks. Since you're not trans (you're just uncomfortable with your body and don't want to become a man) it would hopefully be easier to get actual treatment and support rather than the indulgence that trans people get these days. At least in theory.
I get the impression that most people in this thread believe that dysphoria is real, but they think - like you do - that it's something that should be treated as a mental illness. So you're pretty much on board with everyone else.
I'll be thinking about you, anon, and I hope you can feel comfortable with your body someday.
No. 36440
Same anon as above, but this article by a former teen psychotherapist has some great points with regards to trans kids vs their family, among other things:
>What saddens me the most is the way children are being trained to think their parents do not love them if mom and dad don’t jump aboard the trans train. To me, this is a brutal aspect of a near-dictatorship being foisted on everyone. The kids are too young to see that there are no other people who will have their backs, throughout life with lasting devotion, in the unique way their families will. They think these new friends they’ve made online understand them perfectly. And in believing this unquestioningly, they find themselves lulled by the frictionless experience delivered most powerfully by group think.
>One common trait I’ve noticed in nearly all the trans kids I’ve met has been their profound sense of being different, and too alone. They often have had little success with making friends, or what I would call contact with “the other.” Because of their psychic isolation, they are prime targets for group think narratives. But in addition to looking for a way to belong, they are also craving protection and the stamp of legitimacy, perhaps because they feel a profound lack of it.
>It’s got to be dizzying for these formerly “ugly ducklings” to find themselves at the center of a flock of swans. To become a part of the movement, to finally be seen and found as whole, alive, and most importantly, wanted, all they have to do is renounce the very bodies in which they feel they have been imprisoned. In doing so, the promised payoff is very big, for they have finally found a way to render mute all those who once discounted and disbelieved them. Through silencing others who threaten them, they have unearthed a means of silencing their own self hate. Rather than being afraid of themselves, they make others fear what they have become.
>Psychologically these interpersonal tactics would once upon a time have been categorized as immature, “primitive” defenses erected by an undifferentiated self that cannot see the self or others as whole creatures. But as I witness it in my own practice, this is the basic thinking underlying the psychology of the trans narrative…Many of the trans kids I’ve worked with will joke about how they and their friends are dictators, “masters of the universe!” I find that clinically significant. This is something toddlers do when they are first discovering they are separate from their rulers (parents). Rather than fear the parent, they seek to control the parent, exert their will on the parent and co-opt the parent’s power as their own. In doing this they hide from view their terror at facing their own powerlessness. Ideally, the child will gradually outgrow this urge to control, will gradually relinquish the dictatorial need to create safety through controlling the external realm. When that happens, we say it is a sign of maturity. As our own sense of agency grows, we are better able to forfeit the habit of controlling others. We also begin to feel guilt at the idea of controlling others, as we begin to see them as separate from us, 3D human beings instead of mere props on our psychic stage.
>Unfortunately some people have a hard time making this shift. They get stuck or addicted to manipulating their external environment, and will continue to create inner safety through the constant and relentless work of controlling;dr Teens who go to doctors wishing to transition - both those with dysphoria and the many who don't have it - have low self-esteem and are often immature.
No. 36453
I really liked this article talks specifically about female to male, and the pathology of child (girl) incest victims.
>Gender dysphoria has been clinically identified as a response to child sexual abuse and incest, and it is logical to question whether or not it was therapeutic in the case of Teena Brandon to diagnose transsexualism and recommend surgical reassignment in lieu of focusing on diagnosis and treatment of Complex PTSD. If healing from child sexual abuse and incest requires retrieval and assimilation of dissociated material, a strong case can be made that Brandon's transsexualism diagnosis served to enhance her dissociation, impeding recovery from the incest and enabling an escalation of high-risk behaviors based on a dissociated identity. No. 36530
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Why are so many transwomen so freakin hypersexual?? They're trying so damn hard.
No. 40104
>>36078>I am disgusted by my genitals and don't like to even think about themsame, and i dont really enjoy sex.
i think its because women are overly sexualized in society so it feels like what you do with your body or how you feel about your body is on display as everyone's business. its like your always doing something 'wrong'. It's only a slap in the face that mtf's see this shit as being "sexy and scandalous".
No. 40181
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a fairly popular ~transwoman~ on tumblr just posted this on facebook, used to identify as a sissy and is into small penis humiliation and pegging
No. 40400
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>Misgendering is worse than women being raped and killed
No. 40404
>>40395I don't know how much of it is conscious, but I definitely think there is a segment of transwomen that harbor a level of hatred for women. Sometimes it's like
>>34632, bizarre comments about how they're not 'wasting their femininity' or that they 'deserve to be women more', sometimes it's lashing out at women just talking about their periods or whatever, or it's like the people cheering on Fallon Fox for beating up women and calling for more blood. As other people have noted, there is a disturbing tendency for transwomen to place an excessive focus on stereotypical sexiness and femininity, as if it's necessary to affirm their identity.
They'll deflect all of that with claims of transmisogyny. Seeing lesbians being called misogynists for not wanting to date transwomen reminds me of the infamous tumblr screencap that gay men are misogynists for not dating women, or the recent progressive cry that not wanting to date black people makes you racist. It's bizarre to me and I hope the trend doesn't continue.
No. 40424
>>40403Probably because we have no way of knowing what pronouns the former owners of that genitalia preferred.
It makes me sick that someone actually thinks like that.
No. 40459
>>36103I'm wondering, if they've never been a woman how do they know what being one feels like? It really confuses me. If you asked me, a biological female what it feels like I don't know what I'd say other than "I feel like me". I could go into describing various bodily functions and concerns, but those aren't things a person who was born male would have any firsthand experience of anyway. So I really don't understand.
>>36104Imagine a horrible mangled and festering vagina and there you go. It was pretty bad. I even felt phantom pains for a second. I'd advise you not to look if you are easily grossed out. This person had fissures fill of yellow goo.
>>36106I had serious issues with my large chest growing up. I'm a D cup and I've had breasts since age 9. They were so big and all my friends were flat little girls. Boys tormented me and adult men propositioned me. One even molested me and another tried to. I was too afraid to tell. I started to self harm them. Thank the gods they didn't scar. I've come to accept and like them. But it was a very long road.
I'm lucky I'm not growing up in the age of tumblr. Because I'm sure some tumblrinas with neo-pronouns would try to convince me I have dysphoria and was trans. Especially since I was a tomboy much of the time and played with Transformers and GI Joes. I had very short hair from 11-13 too. But I was very much a girl as far as I was concerned.
Sorry for the blog post. I just wanted to share that because of how much it reminds me of these transtrenders and their hypocritical views. I don't believe you can be trans without dysphoria. Being a girl who likes masciline things or a boy that likes feminine things doesn't make you trans. It makes you a person who likes things. That's it. How can they say "fuck the gender binary" when they are ascribing to all the stereotypes they claim to hate?
I really hope that this fad will die out eventually. I don't want people irreversibly mutilating themselves because they like high heels or having short hair.
No. 40596
>>40580Doing this shit to
children feels like some weird transgender grooming. Fucking christ.
No. 40600
>>40575Ginger Gorman (the journalist) in 2010 defended a gay male couple, who were pedophiles and bought a baby boy from russia and raped and molested him as early as 2 weeks old. they spent years travelling around and selling their son to other pedophile rapists.
she defended them when they were being investigated and then in 2011 when they were convicted of baby rape, making child porn and being generally gross, she deleted everything and did damage control.
then in 2015 she started defending pedophilia again, wrote an article in june about how we should be sympathetic to pedophiles.
honestly where there is smoke, there's fire. someone with a history of defending pedophiles writing an article about how great baby strap ons are? bull shit it's not pedophiliac. PIDF please go.
No. 40608
to everyone saying these aren't dildos: GO TO THE TRANZWEAR WEBSITE.
PIDF gtfo.
No. 40609
>>40608 more like the site ALSO sells dildos, not that whatever they're making for kids is meant to be used as dildos.
You're probably an actual pedo to be stretching this far , fuck off
No. 40610
>>40607Google ginger gorman
the article was for abc news australia. it was obviously taken down afterwards. there are archives on the web. this is the info for the 2010: is the two men she was talking about: you google around you can find her apology article. but this is common knowledge and it was a huge controversy in australia.
her recent sympathy piece on "virtuous" pedophiles: woman is creepily obsessed with pedophilia and defending pedophiles. A 4 year old doesn't need a life-sized dildo.
P.S. Look at the sizes of the kid's dildos, compare that to the average size for a 4-8 year old boy's penis. These things are all 50-70% bigger than your average boy's penis. Why are trannies so fucking gross?
No. 40612
>>40609The site sells child-sized "packers" along side adult sized dildos.
The fact that you don't see anything wrong with this is so, so, so incredibly disturbing. Holy shit. Again, answer my question: what kind of 4 year old needs a giant penis attached to their body?
No. 40614
>>40612Like, what 4 year old is going to ask for a pretend penis to pee with everyday?
I wouldn't expect this kind of bullshit from someone until they're at least 16
No. 40615
>>40612If you actually went to the link, you'd notice there's a section for the actual product described in the news article, and it's separate from what I linked to, with the disclaimer in
What's disturbing to me is that you liken being trans with pedophilia and spend time thinking about babies wearing strap-ons.
No. 40616
>>40613how is this a slippery slope argument?
why does a child need a giant, not-true-to-size, replica penis attached to their body? one that is not even made of medical-grade silicon, but porous cyberskin material that isn't even approved by the FDA for long-term skin-contact use?
especially when there are medical-grade STP devices out there, for much cheaper?
instead of going to a 3D printer, why did the owners of the site choose a manufacturing company that makes lolicon/pedobait sex toys as well? how did they even find this company if they are not pedophiles or sexual deviants themselves?
why does a 4 year old need a strap on?
why is a 4 year old even aware that they are missing a penis? how are they even aware of what a penis is? I'll tell you the kind of child that would even entertain this: a child abuse victim.
No. 40618
>>40615When you look at child abuse statistics, there are distinct statistics for child rapists with other paraphilias - for example voyeurism, scat, etc.
You know what the most common paraphilia that pedophiles have is? Autogynephilia.
No. 40619
>>40610>literally looks at kid's penises enough to notice something like that>calls others gross???
If you're correct about that, though, then yeah that is pretty suspicious. They're not dildos, though.
No. 40622
>>40618Autogynephilia =/= Transgenderism
People like to confuse the two and the fetishists enjoy passing themselves off as the latter because it turns them on/other sick shit, but they're literally not the same.
No. 40623
>>40619Actually I googled "average penis sizes with age"
PIDF please go
No. 40631
>>40616>why is a 4 year old even aware that they are missing a penis? how are they even aware of what a penis is? Most kids see other kids naked at some point, and a lot of parents make it clear from the start that boys have this, girls have that. It's not that uncommon unless your parents were very anal about nudity.
>why does a 4 year old need a strap on?I'm really not seeing how it's a strap-on. Explain.
>instead of going to a 3D printer, why did the owners of the site choose a manufacturing company that makes lolicon/pedobait sex toys as well?Wait what? What's the manufacturing company?
No. 40640
>>40639This. I feel like pushing transgender shit out into the open to ~normalize~ it only serves to damage kids with actually normal problems by convincing them but wait, no, you're not just a young kid learning and processing something different, or just a teen hating going through puberty like literally everyone else… you're TRANS! BLESS YOU YOUNG SOLDIER uwu
No. 40647
>>40644better than the alternative: chemotherapeutics marketed as "puberty blockers"
No. 40656
>>40648oh my god no one cares. mentally ill trannies need to be put down. the UK recently did studies that showed they are EVEN MORE dangerous than "cis" men, who are approximately 4x more violent than "cis" women.
give it up
No. 40660
>>40602>tfw first time being called a pedoAnon pls. I feel uncomfortable about it, too, but that doesn't make me leap to thinking of it as a sex toy used for penetration. That's just me, though, and I'll admit that I have essentially zero sex drive whatsoever, so maybe I'm missing something.
>>40605That's how I felt - seriously, the first "adult" shit I ever accidentally stumbled across on the internet, as a ~10-year-old, was of women bouncing on and popping
>>40608I didn't go to the website and look at the company's other offerings. I was only going off of what had previously been posted. Flaccid mini-dicks and stand-to-pee devices aren't "dildos." Erect, adult-sized dick-replicas meant for penetration are a totally different story.
>>40616Not that anon, and first, I have to say that I DON'T agree that "a child need[s] a giant, not-true-to-size, replica penis […] that is not even made of medical-grade silicon" (etc.). However, assuming that any 4-year-old who knows what a penis is is a victim of child abuse is just wrong. I knew what a penis was because I'd seen them on other children around my own age. Also, I had a little brother, and my parents didn't 100% shield me from the sight of his nudity when they were, say, changing his diaper. I don't know if that's abnormal or something, but yeah, when I was a little kid, I saw little kid penises. Fuck, I can't believe I'm even writing about this, but I might as well carry on now that I'm this far in.
Anyway, I distinctly remember being in preschool (I might have been 5, not 4, but still) and, during recess, watching a group of my male friends go behind a big tree and pee standing up. I tried to do the same and it didn't work. I cried and was very confused and frustrated. I definitely had some questions when my mom picked me up that day. I recall being so upset that I was somehow different from my male friends that I started tearing up paper. That was one of my go-to ways of venting my anger.
>>40625A 4-year-old who is completely convinced that they are a boy, is otherwise "passing" as male, and is extremely upset that they don't have a penis, I guess. I'm uncomfortable with the idea, but I understand the rationale behind it.
>>40639I agree with this, and I don't know how to reconcile my discomfort with this whole business with the fact that, from a very young age, I myself felt like my body was completely "wrong." Everything from my Halloween costumes to my My earliest memories are of experiences like the "failing to pee standing up" one (and no, I don't think that peeing standing up somehow defines manhood or makes you male or anything).
>>40640>>40643Yeah, as an adult, I'm glad that my parents didn't
push the idea of being trans onto me or anything. They never brought it up whatsoever. I'm sure a lot of people would "transition" unnecessarily/misguidedly if they were encouraged to at the first sign of them being uncomfortable with their bodies or feeling "different" somehow.
>>40649Agreed. In most cases, I do think it is just a normal part of growing up. In a few rare cases, it may not go away, but having those people have to deal with their ~issues~ when they're older is, IMO, much better than having a bunch of non-trans kids getting put on hormones and told they're the opposite sex just because they're going through a phase or something.
No. 40661
>>40630Reading that seriously made me feel sick.
What the fuck is the squeeze test? These trannies and pedos are disgusting and need to be jailed.
No. 40665
>>40664Not to mention, kids are not that self aware or that intelligent yet. Yes, your kid can count to 50 and recite their ABCs, but no one really stops developing until their early 20s and that's why thinking a little kid is trans is so dangerous.
I'm not even sure what's going on with people like Angelina Jolie, but I hope she isn't trying to make her daughter be trans. it's so disturbing imo. This is a little kid! Kids are always curious and want to replicate other kids.
No. 40668
>>40657It's just another example of the "trans" agenda ascribing gender stereotypes to the sexes.
Men don't HAVE to stand to pee. It's a gender stereotype that perpetuates itself because (American) men think it's the only socially acceptable way of peeing in public. Women can stand to pee too, we just don't because it's fucking messy and why would we bother?
But no, the trans agenda is obsessed with keeping up sex stereotypes and asserting extremes of masculinity/femininity. It's bizarre to me that people label this as "progressive". Liking pink doesn't make you a girl, and standing to pee doesn't make you a boy.
Like my female dog, she lifts her leg up to pee. And my male dog, he squats to pee - both are neutered/spayed. I guess according to transgenderism, my dogs are both trans? lmao
No. 40671
>>40660Never said it was USED FOR PENETRATION.
Sex toys can be more than just for penetration. Nipple clamps? Not for penetration. Penis pumps? Not for penetration. Bondage gear? Not for penetration.
Men fap to JOIs all the time. To me, this is literally the same thing: you're putting a fake dick on a girl.
P.S. They aren't flaccid, as people have mentioned MULTIPLE TIMES. It says in the description that it's ERECT and has to be pressed down by pants. It's made of cyberskin, which is an unsafe material used in cheap dildos. It is an abomination.
No. 40683
>>40672I did a google search and if you google transsexualism + child abuse you can see for yourself that the two are highly linked. Trannies will try to hide this but the evidence is quite clear. These are the ONLY studies I could find on this topic, and they all say basically the same thing: there is a correlation between abused kids and trans kids."Sixty percent reported one or more types of severe child abuse… I have speculated, as have some of the participants themselves, that, in some cases, transsexualism may be an adaptive extreme dissociative swival response to severe child abuse.""Findings suggest that sexual abuse in preadolescent girls is associated with cross-gender behavior and gender conflict.""The total score for the dissociative symptoms revealed no significant differences between the transsexuals and the psychiatric inpatients…. Further investigations are needed to clarify the effects of traumatic childhood experiences on sexual identity in transsexuals and to throw more light on the phenomenological correlation between transsexualism and dissociative identity, using taxometric analyses." a paywall, but it explores the paraphilias of different child rapists who were also raped as kids - transsexuals and transvestites make up the largest category of paraphilias that child rapists possess. Basically, put simply, when someone who was abused as a child grows up and becomes a child rapist, they often also have autogynephilia as a secondary paraphilia above all else. This article doesn't differentiate b/w autogynephilia and trans identity."Child sexual abuse is common and damages the body image. Child sexual abuse survivors may request body-image surgery." of the sample reported childhood sexual abuse
VERY good article for anyone that wants to connect the two things more profoundly:"Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) and adult psychosexual dysfunction are both very broad areas that share difficulties of definition and a recent evolution. This review aims to discuss the evidence in the literature supporting a relationship between these two areas. A paucity of robust evidence exists in both areas and work that has been done is difficult to compare, largely because of widely differing definitions and rating tools. An interesting gender split is seen: most work on adult psychosexual dysfunction is about males and most work on CSA is about females. Certainly both concepts are born and developed in a matrix of disparate factors that conspire to create an environment that both precipitate and perpetuate them. More research is needed to test the hypothesis that CSA does indeed predispose to later adult psychosexual dysfunction."
They need help, not lipstick and fake dongs.
No. 40708
Sage for personal blog-type shit. Please feel free to skip over my post if you're going to get all pissy over it being long and related to myself; and yes, I do know that I should just kill myself, etc. Thanks.
>>40660 - I'm in my late 20s, have XX chromosomes (AFAIK), and was never abused in any way (again, AFAIK). Although I haven't taken any steps toward "transitioning," I've experienced severe "dysphoria" (I didn't know there was a name for it until recently) as far back as I can remember, literally going back to when I was a toddler. My parents were very attentive and loving, but they were also fairly overprotective. They didn't unnecessarily discuss anything related to sexuality or gender with me until I was in my teens, and even then, it was all extremely vanilla.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm not fucked up due to "nurture," so that leaves "nature." I assume I'm some sort of genetic reject. I shouldn't have been born, or I shouldn't have survived to adulthood; at the very least, I shouldn't breed (don't worry, there's no chance of that happening). That doesn't change the fact that I'm here now, though. I've had years of therapy and "real help." None of it has
really helped. So,
honestly, what are horrible abominations like me supposed to do with the constant feeling of our bodies (NOT our ~gender roles~ or anything societal, but our physical bodies) being completely wrong? I know the obvious response is "kill yourself," but I've already tried and failed, and, after seeing what that did to my family, I'm not going to try again.
I can't speak for anyone but myself here, but I think what I'm experiencing is most similar to what's now been termed body integrity identity disorder, or perhaps to phantom limb syndrome. Since I haven't tried, I can't say whether taking hormones or getting surgery would even alleviate this shit. There don't seem to be any other alternative "treatments" at this time, though. Maybe there will be in 50 years. Maybe there never will be. But right now, is there really any other option aside from:
a) kill yourself;
b) surgery and/or hormones; or
c) do nothing and just "deal with it"?
Oh, and I do think that, if there are others with experiences similar to mine, we must make up a very small percentage of the population. I do think this is some sort of genetic flaw, not something to be embraced and celebrated (and the people who embrace and celebrate it, try to it into a fad or something that makes you cool and unique, etc. make me sick). Autogynephiles, pedophiles, transtrenders, fakebois, people who "just want to get outside their body to cope with their abuse" - it seems like there are a lot of other issues that are getting lumped into "transgenderism." Maybe there isn't any one root cause. I don't fucking know. All I know is that there's
something real here that isn't necessarily associated with being the victim OR perpetrator of any sort of abuse, and it isn't something that seems fixable with psychiatric medications or talk therapy.
I know I'll regret posting this but hey, fuck it, I'm on a lot of cold medicine and apparently it's lowering my online inhibitions.
No. 40759
>>40708i have dysphoria too, anon. in the form of BDD. honesly C is the best option.
every time i have tried to fix my dysphoria - to the point of getting surgery multiple times - it has only made me feel worse. doctors ALWAYS discouraged it.
well, now i've spent over $30,000 on trying to alleviate my dysphoric feelings, and i feel worse than i did 5 years ago before i started my journey. if i could go back, i would be so much happier. honestly i would do anything to just go back. as you go deeper and deeper, you end up dissatisfied because you'll never look the way you want to. maybe only 1 in a million do.
everyone says im better looking now too. but im not happy. it just makes me feel even more dysphoric, knowing i spent all that money, time, energy, sacrificed my studies and my life to look a certain way, and i didnt even get close to the ideal i build up in my head.
at times ive thought about fully transitioning to a guy but i know that i would be in for a world of disappointment. i already feel botched. imagine how botched i would feel if i underwent bottom surgery? ill never be a normal guy even with bottom surgery, i can admit that to myself. ill never be a normal girl either. if i had just left everything alone and admitted to myself "this is who i am. i need to cope with it." and listened to my therapist, my life might actually be happy
my parents were overprotective too. i think it is what fucked me up.
No. 40787
>>40759Hey, thanks a lot for the reply. I've never actually talked to anyone with similar feelings before. I'm really sorry that you've gone through so much trying to relieve your dysphoria, and, as much as I hate to hear that you've suffered like that, it's helpful information. I've been doing "option c" and figured I'd always keep on that way, but lately, I've been so unhappy that I've started leaning toward fucking around with surgery. I can only imagine how devastating it would be to go down that route and only end up becoming more dissatisfied, though. Yikes.
I wish we were further along with regards to understanding how the brain works. I can only hope that shit like this can get addressed in a better way in the future. Maybe it'll even happen in my lifetime. I'm really trying to just hang on here, but my body is so fucking distracting and upsetting that suicide often seems very tempting.
And overprotective parents thing - looking back, I can definitely see and appreciate the ways in which my parents helped me, but yeah, I'm sure it fucked me up to some degree as well. So, I take back what I said about there being no "nurture" component over here. Who the hell knows. Anyway, I hope that your situation somehow improves; I wish I could offer some sort of help or advice or anything in return, but unfortunately I have nothing.
>>40785Wow, what an amazingly insightful and unique comment! Truly, you've astounded me, anon. Good job.
No. 40803
>>40788no we dont. we just try to pass as men. that's the crux of it.
i live as a girl though. i gave up ever trying to be a dude. like i said, its worse feeding into transgenderism, rather than suppressing it. now all i have is BDD and inadequacies over my body, since ive accepted i will never be a man. i still have dysphoria and want male characteristics (flat chest, narrow hips, etc) but ive accepted ill never be a man.
being trans is worse for your mental health. you are constantly trying to hit this moving target of "maleness" that you are never going to be able to hit because you aren't actually a dude and never will be, you know?
those kiddy-dildos are ridiculous for the sole purpose that the kid will grow up and be left with shitty expectations about what life is like. male bottom surgery is just… fucked up. it's all fucked up. you end up feeling mutilated.
im a woman. i know a lot of woman with GID and BDD who feel this way. i think that when it comes to women, we suffer from an emotional place. for us it's an honest mental disorder where we really are unhappy with our bodies because we want to dissociate, we want to be different people. also i'm gay and into girls, so maybe that has something to do with it (repressed homosexuality in my childhood)
for M2Fs, i think they are just fetishy creepy fucks lol. even your most obnoxious F2M is not as obnoxious as ur average M2F. they are all SOOOO obnoxious and i dont trust them at all.
No. 40807
>>40803Yeah, if I ever did decide to "transition," I would only want to blend in, not try to obtain any special privileges, get up in arms about "cissexism," or call any attention to the fact that I was trans and not just a regular guy. I guess that's where the stand-to-pee devices come in: they're for people who want to be able to "pass" as a regular guy in public and not seem weird; it's not that they necessarily think that peeing standing up is the epitome of manhood or something.
I do still really want top surgery, because my breasts are the #1 cause of my dysphoria. I've wanted to chop them off myself ever since they developed, over 15 years ago (damn, I feel old). They feel like disgusting foreign objects glued to my chest, and it's really, really disturbing. Also, they're extremely lopsided, which doesn't help. So, boob removal is probably going to happen at some point, but I think I'll stop there. I don't want to mess around with my nether regions, though. I've seen what current phalloplasty options leave you with, and, to put it mildly, I'm not too happy with the results. Plus, as much as I hate even having any female sexual characteristics, I really don't have any great desire to have a penis. However, I do often experience a completely fucking bizarre phenomenon that I call (in my head) "phantom penis syndrome." User your imagination.
I'm not gay, but I'm bi, I guess, although I really don't have any sex drive at all. I'm just attracted to people and never act on it, but that might be because I'm so supremely uncomfortable with my body that I don't want anyone to touch it or even look at it.
I don't know if my mental health would improve or decline if I went down the hormones/surgery path. I definitely won't start down that road without a lot of counseling and education, though, and, if I do get surgery, it'll probably only be the top surgery.
No. 40813
>>40810>>40811Yep. And, take it from someone who's tried just about every drug for depression and anxiety that's currently out there: psych meds are a total crapshoot. I've tried ones that landed me in the emergency room with paranoid delusions and terrifying hallucinations or extreme depression and suicidal ideation/behavior, and I've tried ones that did literally nothing observable or measurable in any way. Did you know that, in the US, the FDA recommends (but doesn't currently require) that patients undergo genetic testing before getting put on SSRIs? Apparently that's a total joke in the field of psychiatry, and no one actually does it, but they're supposed to. People metabolize these drugs differently, and that determines things like how much they have to take in order for the drug to be effective. But no psychiatrists apparently
actually do this testing. They just put patients on medication after medication and with the "try it and see" approach. And yeah, this is an issue that makes me pretty angry.
>>40812It's so weird to me, though, that the aggressiveness doesn't drop off with a shift in hormones toward estrogen and away from testosterone. Just shows, again, how this issue isn't a simple one, and how we're still far away from understanding what the fuck is going on with it.
No. 41112
I think all this tranny/genderfluidity shit is one giant push to confuse people, sexualize children and normalize pedophilia.
Trans kids, packers for children, and sex ed classes for 6 year olds?
Why is gender dysmorphia being encouraged? These people need help, not coddling. If being yourself means completely changing who you are, down to your biological sex, then you are a hypocrite with absolutely no self esteem. Plus, trannies are usually perverted creeps.
Oh and the dude who coined the term "gender roles" and started all this "gender is a learned social construct" nonsense was a depraved freak that supported pedophilia.
He also drove two twin brothers to suicide, probably molested them, and totally fucked up their family with his mad scientist gender experiments.
And then he lied about it. movement is deeply rooted in disgusting perversions and I feel really bad for all of these people who are falling for this insanity.
No. 41131
>>40850Why are you against taking anti depressants? I started zoloft and it's made me feel much better whether it's placebo or not. It's like taking ecstasy but much lighter.
Also people kill themselves on SSRIs because they have more energy and are LESS depressed. A lot of depressed people are too unmotivated to do anything about their lives.
Otherwise you need to start working out, putting yourself out there, etc. But it's your life to live, not mine.
No. 41315
>>41131I did MDMA before and I highly doubt that it's anything like that.
You might be right about the reasons for many SSRI suicides, I thought of that before. Still, I find it disconcerting. I naturally have sort of manic episodes and I feel jerked around by my emotions to the point where I don't trust them anymore at all. I can never be sure if it's a normal emotional reaction or some out of control chemical shit my brain is doing.
In the past few years I did all the things you're supposed to do to beat depression. I went to work every day, I worked out several times a week, forced myself to eat regularly (healthy is a given anyway) and made myself meet people even when I didn't feel like it but inside I felt just the same.
Nothing has improved, it's been a struggle all the time and I'm a mess now. I don't see the point in trying anymore. Maybe I really need to drop some pills but I'm deadly afraid of that.
No. 41418
File: 1443881043184.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.65 KB, 500x333, vaginatrans.jpg)

I don't understand this kind of shit. This person claim to be a transboy yet they keep showing their vagina and doing porn. And they still has their boobs btw…
Transwomen are weird but this transmen is quite fucked in the head too…
No. 41567
>>41420Hopefully in the near future, we'll just eliminate all trans people so we can actually use our time and effort for…humanity?
Instead of wasting time and money and medical equipment on crafting fake dicks and vaginas, the doctors could be doing useful things.
No. 41576
>>41574Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really hope all of this (from you and others) is just online bravado and shitposting. I wonder if you'd be able to stand up and to tell me to my face that you'd like to "eliminate"
me because I "barely contribute anything to society." Would you be willing to "eliminate" me yourself?
No. 41605
>>41602Also, I resent every effort by the transgender movement to once again make the female body an ugly word. Oh no, can't say vagina, that's trans-exclusionary. Fuck this gay earth. A video game tailored to women to teach them how to masturbate was flamed awhile back for being exclusionary because it only taught how to masturbate with vaginas. Because, clearly, penises are female.
Fucking. NO. Feminists have fought too hard for women's bodies to once again get erased. By men. In dresses.
No. 41612
Reminder: MTF are still as violent as their "cis" male counterparts.
>male-to-females had a significantly increased risk for crime compared to female controls but not compared to males>This indicates that they retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime.Also, higher suicide rate after transition:
>This suggests that male-to-females are at higher risk for suicide attempts after sex reassignment No. 41733
>>41567this is true.
there are doctors working on body transplants/head transplants right now, for people with intense muscle dystrophy and paralyzed people…
and what i saw on tumblr was basically trannies complaining that they couldn't be the first to be experimented on.
like wtf. trannies are holding us back. the world would be so much better w/o them. they do nothing but suck up government funding and time.
No. 41734
I like reading this tumblr: people talk about mtf trying to hijack everything female.
>If you don’t see the problem in associating lipstick and dresses with women, but think associating vaginas with women is problematic, you seriously need to take a minute and think about that. No. 41739
>>41738sex worker exclusionary radical feminists (SWERF) like trans exclusionary radical feminists (TERF)
SWERF don't like women being manipulated/forced/etc into being sex workers, and especially don't like the women who say
but sex work is a choice thus erasing the fact that no, most sex workers aren't doing it because they're so
gloriously enlightened, but more forced into a terrible situations that no woman should have to resort to.
Naturally, tumblr hates SWERFs.
No. 43488
File: 1445228745103.png (648.68 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled.png)

No. 43518
>>41739> hurr durr women are manipulated into being cam modelsbitch please, stop painting us as children
Also this thread exemplifies why I have as much respect toward radfems as nazi and racists.
No. 43520
>>43518hurr durr as if 'cam girls' are the majority of sex 'workers'
stop comparing flashing your tits (~so empowering~) in the safety of your house to women actually out on the street getting raped/killed (you know, the majority of women in sex work aka prostitution)
No. 43522
Here’s a very, very short list of MTF sick fuckery aka pedophiles
Reginald Cathanie Artis
Convicted child rapist
William Baker
Registered sex offender (aggravated sexual battery of a child), attends an elementary school function with his trans “girlfriend” (who attempted to use the women’s room that grade-school girls were using)
David “Sandy-Jo” Battista
Child rapist
Thomas Lee Benson
Convicted sex predator and pedophile with a “long history of dressing as a female and using women’s dressing areas.”
Reed Barrow
Where do I even begin with Reed Barrow.
Norwood Smith Burnes
Masturbating in front of children at a Wal-Mart, history of indecent exposure
Carl Dahn
Child pornography, meeting with a 14 year old with the intent to have sexual contact
Robert “Kelly Dawn Hullenbaugh” Domasky
Entering high-school locker rooms (not a student), in addition to identity theft/posing as a cheerleader
Joseph “Juliana Tourmaline” Fialkowski, Celebrated advocate for trans youth. Rape & strangulation of a minor, production of child pornography
Colleen Francis
Repeatedly exposed self to high-school aged girls
Christopher “Jessica” Hambrook
Sexual predator, attacked women between the age of 5-53. Finds victims after gaining entry into women’s shelters.
Matthew “Madilyn” Harks
Convicted pedophile
Tyler Holder
Raped and murdered a 6 year old girl
Isaiah Johnson
Along with two other trans women, assaulted a special needs teen in a bathroom
”Sophie Genevieve Labelle”
Illustrating the pedophile culture of trans activism, one panel at a time
Aaron LaGrand
Convicted child molester, spent 15 years with a family pretending to be a woman
”Elissa Marcelle” aka transgalacticwarrior
Unrepentant child predator
James E. Mead, aka “Andrea James”
Trans activist, “….perhaps best known for posting photos of a nine year old girl stolen from a social networking site and captioning the child a “cock-starved exhibitionist”. In response to public outcry James deleted the posts before he was arrested yet later claimed the child “deserved it” because James was angry at the child’s father, sexologist Michael Bailey.”
“Janet Mock”
Who writes about child prostitution as being empowering
Luis “Synthia China Blast” Morales
Involved in the brutal rape and murder of a young girl. Luis was initially supported by Laverne Cox before his past was exposed.
Richard Rendler
Registered sex offender: child molestation and indecent exposure, also arrested for loitering in women’s restrooms
“Cecelia Valentine”
Publicly defends the fact that he’s a pedophile rapist
Scotty Vest
Masturbating in front of three children and trying to lure them into a nearby bathroom
Paul “Paula” Ray Witherspoon
Sexual assault of a child, indecency with a child involving sexual contact
Dennis “Allison” Woolbert
Trans advocate. Sexual assault of a family member; age of victim unclear
>b-b-b-but transwomen are women! we should accept them with open arms!
No. 43523
a camwhore saying sex work is totally cool and empowering is like a black millionaire saying racism doesn't exist
your experiences are in no way representative of the group
No. 43524
>>43520>>43523I never mentioned empowerment you deluded fuck, it's a job, not a political statement.
Also radfems are the ones pushing for laws that would put FSSW in more dangerous situations.
No. 43525
>>43524and I never mentioned camwhores in my post that you replied to, so nice job projecting your insecurities
but you know what, yeah, fuck prostitutes, don't want to help them because it might endanger a cam whore's income
you guys are so transparent
No. 43526
>>43518>>43524this just in, fuck the 89% ( of sex workers who hate it and want out because of all the violence: pampered chicks with high speed internet like it so that's that
case closed
go home everyone
No. 43531
>>43526> Author: Melissa FarleyAre you serious right now??
I don't pay attention to research done by people who are known to push their own political agenda. She is totally discredited among her "peers" due to her bias and is known for her numerous ethics breach.
No. 43535
>>43531The only people i've seen discredit Farley are sex workers on the internet aka white cam girls and strippers.
The Native ex-prostitution survivors here in Canada tends to openly agree with her statistics, do you ignore them? Cherry Smiley and others? Because they've called for the nordic model multiple times which YOU (someone completely unaffected by FSSW) fight against because you dont want there to be stigma attached to camming and stripping, two completely unrelated jobs.
No. 43540
>>43537You can be used generally. You meaning, people who are privileged and have a lot to lose from regulations on FSSW wrt stigma, etc. The 11% who don't want to exist FSSW and the pimps and "business" managers behind the scenes at AI. Which, btw, has been denounced by many human rights advocates since that announcement. I believe their secretary even resigned over the matter because she wasn't able to get a word in over the sexist men in that organization.
So yeah, wealthy cam girls/strippers, pimps and business managers, and the few FSSWs that make a lot of money w/o risking their lives.
Fyi you don't have to post 3 times to make your really shitty, ill-informed point.
No. 43605
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>>43599>>43602>>herbutt hurt transman detected
No. 43609
>>43595She will never pass.
I know its cause her face is fucked from some birth defect, but shes still really ugly.
No. 43611
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No. 43621
Why is it he had a orevious video like what, a month before he made the ~trans~ video, about how yes he was fine being called a guy cause there is nothing wrong with being a guy who likes make up etc
then all of a sudden….trans ! uwu
Nope. Get outta here with that shit.
No. 43674
>>43672I like steff so much but they sound so dumb now. It's weird for me that they jumped on the T blocker and hormones so fast. here in europe you need to follow a long ass precedure before getting any hormone, it's so much more reasonable… Come on it's a huge change in your body it can be incredibly violent, you need to be prepared.
And what about "we don't need to change our body, my body ils not male it's already female" ?? Non. That not how biology work people, it's so weird…
No. 43675
>>43674That's what bugs me. He was a dude in a video uploaded 10 weeks ago? It wasn't that long he was still an openly gay guy who liked makeup.
I guess being a gay male doesn't ring in the oppression points so he had to go on t-blockers. That's video is gross btw. Listening to him talk about eating less and feeling weaker - and feeling more like a woman now is pissing me off.
No. 43702
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>no fun allowed
it really is just for attention.
No. 43728
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>>43595Fucking ew.
All these people rushing to get on to hormones are gonna have some major health problems down the road.
No. 43918
>>41602>It's offensive to me that a man can be born a man, raised as a man, and then try and say to women that they are no longer a man but a woman and we must accept them into our spaces otherwise we are 'transphobic cunts'. Transgender male to female will never have the life experiences and pressures and discrimination that uniquely creates the 'woman' social role. Women are women because they are born female and society forces us into this role designed for females, same for male/men.I was trying to write up how I feel about this whole thing, but what you wrote pretty much hits the nail on the head.
If M2Fs accepted that they can never be the same mentally as a biological women, I wouldn't feel as… bitter? as I do. Forget the biological stuff since that is superficial, I don't care what body modifications people decide to do. IMO it's about the mentality of it all where things go sour, for me at least.
Having someone who was a man until 15-30 decide he would feel happier if he passed as a woman is fine, but those (i.e. the majority) who make DEMANDS that people feel comfortable around them, COMPLAIN when women do not accept them as a real woman, feel things are UNFAIR for them because of xyz, and use "being a woman" as an excuse for self wallowing just… really grinds my gears.
A lot of being female does have to do with being raised as one. I'm no SJW but I'd be ignorant as fuck to not acknowledge that women do not have the same rights as men in all departments and are more often than not treated as second class citizens. M2Fs don't have any idea what that feels like and yet they want to scream how they are REAL WOMEN!!! If M2Fs had more humbleness about that subject and patience about being accepted, I feel it would go over a lot better. Instead more often than not they throw it in everyone's face that they should be accepted and then wonder why a lot of people are still uncomfortable about their interpretation of what it means to be a real woman.
No. 43922
>>35180What scares me about this is… what if some is trans but is still fetishizing (not a word sorry) women when they use the restroom/locker room?
Like, let's say you go into a bathroom… pee or whatever and are washing your hands when a M2F comes it. What if they then say something inappropriate to you, either sexual or just incredibly uncomfortable? Or what if a M2F was lingering in a women's rest room or locker room and their eyes were wandering around way too much and it seemed fairly obvious they didn't need to be there to change anymore? IMO it would be like being between a rock and a hard place because complaining about it might make you look like a bitch or not have people take you seriously. But anyone can transition if they are determined enough, even perverts, and then they can take advantage of it as much as they want.
No. 44020
>>43792I agree with you. I hate the fact that more and more men who claim to be female ( even if they aren't trying to look like a female ) are allowed in women's bathrooms. The ones who get punished are the women reporting these men. Then a bunch of liberal "news" videos pop up saying that you're transphobic if you don't allow a "female" into the bathroom because none of them are going to rape. They claim it's just transphobics saying that they're worried about being raped in the bathroom by a "woman".
I don't want to go into the bathroom and see a male there. They are not women.
There was a story about a young girl going into the bathroom and there was a man in there alone with her. A male who wasn't even trying to pass as a female. She told her mom, her mom got upset and spoke to the manager. The mom was kicked out of the store for it. So are mothers supposed to be worried about their kids going into the bathroom alone because a man might be in there?
No. 44031
>>44020stop the paranoia two secs
there's no history of trans women or men assaulting cis people in bathroom, it's always the other way around, cis women ganging up on a trans one.
and some men have to use the women's bathroom because baby changing station are never put in men's one.
No. 44034
>>44031Wrong. See
>>43522Several of those listed include tranny shenanigans in a restroom/changerooms.
No. 44065
>>44041Except, words have meaning, like: woman being an adult human female and man being an adult human male. Ergo, males cannot be women. Fuck off,
triggered trannies
No. 44068
>>41746>Is that sad? Yeah.
It's a fucking echochamber and I'm sick of seeing it bumped yet again just when I thought it was finally dying. I don't like trannies whatsoever but 700+ posts later and it's still the same old dull crap which you've already covered in the first 50. I mean I'm not saying you're all wrong but can you stop making shitposts when you're not actually adding anything new to the discussion? I liked this thread when it was still interesting learning about Caitlin Jenner and autogynephilia and neurology in regards to trannies before/after treatment and whatnot. But now it's just the same tired female ain't pink and lip-gloss and trannies are violent narcissists and they all hate real women, yada yada yada. I heard you the first 20 times. I get it.
No. 44069
>>44068Nice job bumping it yourself.
Back on topic:
Male criminals who become women behind bars
>Geoffrey Ian Websdale went on a murderous rampage on a country sheep station, shooting the girl who rejected him, killing two others and rendering another young man a quadriplegic. Years later in a NSW prison, he started wearing make-up and calling himself Michelle.
>Noel Crompton Hall put a sawn-off shotgun in a man’s mouth and blew the back of his head off, in a drug deal gone wrong.While serving time in jail, he got the state to fund his sex change.
>Leslie “Krista” Richards underwent an orchiectomy (removal of the testicles), while in an Adelaide jail after being arrested for offences which have been suppressed. Richards then complained that prison authorities refused to let him wear women’s clothes around the yard.
>Paul Luckman partnered his army boyfriend, Robin Reid, in one of the most sadistic child murders in Australian criminal history.In prison, he became Nicole Louise Pearce and now lives as a woman in Victoria. No. 44072
>>44070I'm a stupid fuck? but… you know you can hide threads if you're so
triggered, right?
but you sure showed us, disapproving of us! Gee, I'll re-think my ~transphobic~ ways now. Yawn.
No. 44076
>>44072Whoa, I can't even utter one complaint, point out one circlejerk without some desperate, defensive retard saying "hurr durr ur
triggered" now?
Who's is the real
triggered one here?
>gets bullshit pointed out>I'm a stupid fuck?Um, yeah.
No. 44129
>>44065Wtf are you talking about you fucking moron. I meant that from a biological standpoint a male and a man aren't the same thing being that gender
is a social construct. Its all these
triggered trans fucks online that feel that they are being invalidated as their gender when people say you aren't male/female. To make themselves feel better now they're referring to male and man or female and woman as the same thing when it's not.
Idc how much they feel hurt by it, it's not.
>>44066One is a sex and the other is a gender.
No. 44137
roles are social constructs, gender is not.
No. 44166
>>44164This has always been my question and no one I've asked has ever been able to answer it.
I don't know if I buy into the idea of male and female brains working differently. Like… sometimes I think about the fact that I have female reproductive system, and the things I can do with it, but what else really differentiates me from a man? My boyfriend is more emotional and sensitive than I am. Does that make him a woman? Am I actually a biological male because I have a more "masculine" personality/brain?
No. 44168
>>44164Male and female brain is the gender crazy equivalent of black brains and white brains in terms of racist lunacy.
It's bunk.
>>44166Sex is what 99.99999% of the population can be divided into. Gender roles are what different societies have said X and Y sex should be. Female sex people are the women gender and the gender role for them is usually family-oriented, beauty focused etc etc etc. That whole spill.
In fact, my theory is that, cis is 100% bullshit as a term. How many people do you know ("cis" people") who talk about how much they 100% agree with identifying with their gender. IE "I was born a female you know what, I just LOVE being promoted less than my male peers, guess I identify as "woman" and that makes me "cis"!." Or for dudes, "I love being a man and being drafted into wars! I totally agree with this role in society!" Fucking no one mentally sane thinks like that. Mentally sane women don't think that liking trucks and cars makes them a man because they know that it is society that says it's not okay, not because girls like a "truck and cars lol" side of the fucking brain.
Only insane trans people think in such very odd regressive/moronic terms.
No. 44185
>>44168>>44170I agree with both of you. This is the side I tend to lean towards by default because it just makes sense.
I'm a "cis female", but I'm not content with my designated gender because it only serves to limit my expression. I think gender and gender roles are dumb. I break the rules when it is possible and it won't get me hurt. If I could do whatever I wanted at all times, I would. I let people call me a girl and I strictly wear women's clothing for the sake of fitting into society, because to me, it's not that big of a deal on the grand scheme of things.
It sucks that some people's personalities and choices in self expression are not accepted. I wish we could just be ourselves without feeling the need to label/stereotype ourselves or change our bodies to fit a label/stereotype. If anything, I'd be more for abolition of gender than making it into the complicated pile of shit it is now. That's a bit idealistic, though.
No. 44189
>>44188In fact, it's pretty common for super backwards hard core christians to prefer transgender people over gay people. My brother came out as ~trans~ and my great grandparents, old school racist fucks and christian die hards, were just relieved he wasn't gay. They know at least if he "becomes a woman" he won't be doing anything to upset society or some shit.
Go figure.
No. 44226
>>44068I've noticed it's basically the same stuff over and over. I still check it out regularly though.
>>44166I just think of my brain as my brain. That's really all you need to do. Tumblrtards like to take it to extremes. So you and your boyfriend would probably be told you were trans.
No one will be 100% like anyone else. But always remember not to let that make you a snowflake. As long as you remember that you are fine.
No. 44231
I believe there is a difference in our brains, but only SLIGHT. Nothing too special. Not as much as people who use that claim want other people to believe.
I want to blame it on our hormones the most though. Women, in general(not all), have a higher amount of feminine hormones (like estrogen), that makes them calmer or a bit more softer than men, and more inclined to teach, and nurture. Men on the other hand have more testonterone, in general, not every case, which makes them more inclined to physical work and a nit more aggressive.
Not only do male and female hormones affect the mood, but it also affects the way the body works and looks(which is why people shouldn't stick up for fucks that don't bother to pass). So yes there is a difference, and unless we humans evolve really, we wont see much of a change in some gender aspects.
The male and female won't be 100 percent similar, and I think we need to respect and accept that.
That being said, I don't know how you can feel you are the opposite gender. The word, "cis" is total bullshit. You either have XX, XY, or are intersex which is really freaking rare. No matter how you identify, you will have a human's main reproductive organ (not counting intersex), no matter how much surgery you have, your hormones would still be rearing for your biological gender. And if you do stop it, and start taking the opposite hormones you may just end up with problems along the way.
If you want to get rid of gender stereotypes, fine. But honestly, I feel some people would naturally fall back into it anyway.
Of topic but I feel we shouldn't abolish gender stereotypes like someone said earlier. We just keep doing what we are doing, but don't put any girl or boy label to them.
Thinking about it now though, most people would find it strange to say male and female all the time, and would try to find a synonym. Which is where boy and girl, men and women comes in. Then some may find that men and women may act a bit differently and then the cycle strata all over again. No matter how much you switch the names, switch the stereotype, do whatever, it may come back full circle.
Sorry if this isn't coherent, its really early, and I'm not too sure about my position on the subject.
For now, In just a do what ever the hell you want type of girl, as long as you don't shove that shot down in people's throats and force them to accept you if they don't want to.
No. 45904
>>45884Are they threatening to fuck husbands in a public bathroom? Becoming a urinal slut?
Trannys are just too classy.
No. 46163
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RIP Cosmo. Sad times.
No. 46168
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>>46166His stream is a fucking joke now, all the asspats wtf I just can't.
No. 46172
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>>46163Wow. It's not a fucking joke?
What is with these ugly betas becoming trans now? Do they do it because it's seen as "brave" now? Because they're not the ideal man, so they take pills, dress up and pretend to be women? I really am curious why it's mostly guys like Cosmo who do this.
No. 46179
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No. 46182
>>46172Ass-pats, attention, becoming their own 'perfect girlfriend'
It's pretty Darwinian really, considering how the pills sterilize them and then over time will contribute to potentially fatal conditions.
No. 46198
>>46184He was a speedrunner and got popular by running Zelda OOT any% on a Chinese version of an N64 console. His best run was this one which he was proud of and the community thought that the route was ultimately optimized and dead, then some cuck beat his time in less then 2 weeks lol. That's when things started going downhill for him.
Now, he's a tranny.
Goodnight sweet Prince.
No. 46206
>>46201It's really competitive and there is a metric shit ton of dramu.
Well that's why I still stick around.
No. 46387
>>44194this isn't a brain difference but a hormonal difference. it's why women who aren't necessarily "naturally" empathetic become extremely nurturing usually after childbirth, due to hormones restabilizing (normally, of course some people have hormonal abnormalities). there are more female nurses because sexism and it being a stereotypically female job (like hairdressing), and in the coming decade you'll see that the number of female doctors outnumbers the number of male doctors (i think in terms of graduates its now 60-40).
as for IQ, that's due to neuroplasticity and childhood brain development. women are taught to think analytically while men have good spatial development (which is why they are better at chess). you can learn good spatial development btw, it just takes a long time once your brain has fully developed.
lastly, prisoners do not have low IQs. many studies have been conducted and proved that prisoners have average IQs just like the rest of the population.
tl:dr; your post is full of misinformed broscience
No. 46404
>>46385Haha. Yeah. "They're women. they have breasts"
Yeah, implants or fake push up bras, but they still got dicks. And those chromosomes aren't going away either.
No. 46422
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Caitlyn Jenner won woman of the year
>“No longer can the media say bad things about you because then they’d be homophobic,” he said.
>Transgender actor Laverne Cox won Glamour’s Woman of the Year accolade last year.
So I guess real women can't be women of the year anymore?
No. 46432
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>>46422Didn't you know anon? The strongest, most heroic women are the ones that were born with dicks!
No. 46463
>>46422>>46432I'm all for trans woman but this is just unfair. They weren't born as women, weren't raised as women and girls get treated much differently by their parents, friends, teachers,…
So yeah they're real women but in a way they're not since they didn't have to go through the same stuff we had to go through.
I'm probably a cis pig or something for thinking like this…
No. 46479
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always rage inducing
No. 46486
>>46479What the fuck? I seriously hate this Gigi dude. Having a horrible mental disorder makes you more of a woman than someone who was actually born with lady parts? Just. No.
Do these people even think before they talk? It's starting to get really sad that the masses eat this shit up.
Enjoy your castration and retarded looking implants, ya freak. No matter what you do, you can't get rid of that ugly ass man face, kek.
No. 46582
>>46545>>46559>>46578I'm that anon, and nah I didn't make it up on the spot. Do I really believe it's an attempt by some insidious evil? No. But do I really do believe it's people being incredibly narrow minded but thinking they're being liberal and progressive? Definitely. Think about it.
What is it that the parents of "trans" kids say? Boys: "They liked pink and dresses!" and for the (very few girls): "They didn't like pink or dresses!" So, socially mandated interests (aka gender) is being used to define kids are trans or not. However, these gender roles are stupid and out dated, and instead of telling kids "No, you can be a boy and like pink!" or "No, you can be a girl and not like pink!" We are telling them "Wait, no, you can't be a boy and like pink so you must actually be a girl, here is your piberty blocking hormones, enjoy your undocumented side effects!" Why is this okay? Because it's considered socially more acceptable to have a boy become a girl because he likes pink, than a little twink gay boy.
Hell, for more proof of this regressive thinking look at Iran: they're the ones that will give free SRS to gay people because they'd rather fairy dudes be women than be, you know, fairy dudes.
This review found that kids that go against gender constructs (gender nonconforming, gender identity sufferers, etc) grow up to be gay and lesbian, only a few to be trans.
No. 46583
Anyways, my point is. Why are we forcing kids into regressive, moronic gender role boxes? And why in Satan's name is it being considered progressive to do? I don't think little kids that will probably grow up and just be butch lesbians or frilly gay men should be told "nah you can't act like that, that's for the opposite sex, take these hormones" and it be applauded.
No. 46633
>>46387the average man is more intelligent than the average woman but also a clear and rather startling imbalance emerges between the sexes at the high levels of intelligence that the most demanding jobs require.
For instance, at the near-genius level (an IQ of 145), brilliant men outnumber brilliant women by 8 to one. That's statistics, not sexism.
In this context, Professor Greenfield's indignation that only one in ten science professors is female doesn't seem all that bad. It also goes some way to explaining why, in almost 110 years of Nobel Prize history, only two women have ever won the Prize for physics, only four have won the Prize for chemistry and why no women at all have ever won the coveted Fields Medal for mathematics in eight decades of trying.
In recent years, the forces of political correctness have made the reporting of this sort of statistic virtually impossible.
Yet many psychologist who have dedicated their careers to the study of intelligence - and, in particular, to how it differs between the sexes - Thhey can tell you that in their academic circles these IQ figures are barely disputed.
Ever since the Frenchman Alfred Binet devised the first intelligence test in 1905, study after study has confirmed the same result. When it comes to IQ, men and women - at least once they've gained adulthood - simply are not equal.
Boys and girls may start out with the same IQ but by 16 or so boys are starting to inch ahead. The ever-growing success of girls at GCSE, A-level and now at university would seem to refute this - but the blame lies with our exam system, with its emphasis on coursework, which rewards diligence more than it does intelligence.
The undeniable, easily measurable fact remains that, by the time both sexes reach 21, men, on average, score five IQ points higher than women.
Before discussing how and why this might be, I ought to explain what psychologists mean by intelligence. It's made up of a range of cognitive abilities that include reasoning, problem-solving, spatial ability, general knowledge and memory.
In all of these, men outperform women - although women hold their own when it comes to verbal reasoning and have a definite edge in foreign language skills and spelling.
We must look to the field of evolutionary psychology for an explanation of why men have emerged as the more intelligent sex.
As the hunter part of a hunter-gatherer society, men were faced with complex, life-threatening problems that needed solving on a daily basis. For example, how to kill that elusive deer?
The hunters that used all their mental capabilities to come up with the answers, successfully killing animals day after day, were clearly the most intelligent.
They were the high-status males of their day and - provocative as it is to say so - must have possessed far sharper minds than those of women engaged in the relatively simple tasks of gathering berries and raising children.
Hormones have almost non inpact on men and women's IQs , Men who take Estrogen dont become stupider and women who take Testosteron dont magically become better in Maths/physics etc…
Now Prisoners are particularly vulnerable to developing mental health problems. Histories of abuse, deprivation, homelessness, unemployment and substance misuse are common. Many prisoners have numeracy and literacy problems and most prisoners have a lower than average IQ.
Women and Men are different,get over it.
No. 46768
all men are smarter than
all women?
Whatever you say, dude.
No. 46814
>>46798When your kid tells you you are gay it hurts as bad as 1000 punches in balls.
Such thing shouldn't be shared with family, if you care about them.
No. 46816
>>46771Girls geneticaly very average, they tend to not have mutations, while boys mutate a lot and they make evolutional progress.
both smart parents will have smart girl, but they may have a stupid boy because of mutations.
Both stupid parents will have dumb girl, but they may have smart boy, again because of mutation.
For girls being average and not mutate is extremely important for human species as well as for boys going through drills of natural/artificial selection
No. 47112
>>25800>Tons and tons of research on sex differences, race and so on can't even be published, regardless of how true they are, because people throw massive shitfits about it.Wait, what?! Really? I've never heard of this before. Where did you hear about it?
>>26213>gender normsWhat do you mean by this? I hope you're not referring to dresses and makeup because I can go outside with hoodies and trackpants and nothing on my face and I still won't cosidering myself as defying gender norms.
No. 47511
File: 1447963554414.png (824.94 KB, 1012x675, Rose-McGowan_article_story_lar…) I fucking hate the word "privilege" being used, but this is the way it should be used.
No. 47564
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>>47511This made my night. We have friends in high places. B-list for sure, but still.
No. 47595
>The power of the woman has just not even been unleashed around the world.
Wtf is that shit? That sack of shit has obviously never given enough of a fuck to actually think about what women have done throughout history, are continuing to do now and the future as well. I mean fuck, I didn't care too much for her comment about trying to find what to wear as being the hardest part of her journey or whatever, and just summed it up to her trying to fit the role of what a woman is by being a walking stereotype. That or just the usual Kardashian attention seeking bs.
However, this waste of space just continues to prove my suspicions every day that she never cared to be a woman, and probably did all of this because Bruce was either losing his mind, or the family needed good publicity ASAP that her sick family can't provide anymore.
I mean fuck, out of all people to be given the woman of the year award… While the award itself is worthless, it's not meaningless.
I saw some post on fb where someone was showing pictures of the Indian women who have been disfigured by men throwing acid on their faces for refusing to marry them as a response to Caitlin, showing her what being a woman can entail.
Jenner will never have any idea, no matter how much she tries because she has only started "living" as one this year. She is trans, meaning she will never be comfortable as a woman because she has to constantly remember to act as one because anything otherwise will be a reminder of what she's trying to stray from. She will never have to struggle with issues only a female body can put up with.
While I support trans people, I can't pretend that they understand being in the head or body of someone who is cis.
No. 47603
>>47595She tried to transition some time in her twenties but got cold feet, I'm assuming because of her career or the backlash or something along those lines so I don't think she's lying. The thing is, she lived as a man for 65 years of her life. She
doesn't understand being a woman and she never will, just like she will not understand being a young transgender person/transitioning person because she transitioned in private for the most part, and she is a very wealthy, very famous celebrity so she doesn't have to deal with physical and verbal abuse like a regular trans person would.
It's fucking ludicrous is what it is. Just like the PC south park episode where everyone is saying "Caitlyn Jenner is an amazing beautiful woman who had the exquisite bravery of a beautiful butterfly flying against the wind". That's real life. I almost can't believe it.
I resent the kardashians/jenners more each day.
>>47602Rose McGowan has really grown on me lately. She seems to have grown up and matured since the whole Marilyn Manson thing along with leaving acting and becoming a director, I think because she was tired of being everyone's bitch. She has a short film on her youtube channel that I enjoyed. She seems more open about her feminist views and is quick to call out bullshit in the industry, not surprising considering how she was treated plus growing up in the CoG.
No. 48638
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I'm sure this post was made in jest, but strange how 2015 has turned out
No. 48752
>>48639I wouldnt call them "vehemently" against trans people just the ideology behind it.
A transwoman is a 'real' woman but is a real (natal) woman also trans? no. transwomen need us (as the default) to 'become' us but do we need them to cement what we are? no.
Im not losing any sleep over these herds of spoiled ass males whining that they cant everything that they want…and so many of them end up offing themselves after they get it anyway. tbh it just leaves me with this sense that every aspect of womanhood is just some whimsical thing that can bought and disposed of when they decide its no longer fun.
No. 48940
>>48752>A transwoman is a 'real' woman but is a real (natal) woman also trans? no. transwomen need us (as the default) to 'become' us but do we need them to cement what we are? no. What's even the point of saying this? You're comparing an adjective and a noun.
And who is claiming you need them to cement what you are?
No. 49392
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We should get this circulating around tumblr.
No. 49444
>>49392Moar like
GENDER CRITICAL FEMINISM: If you don't act like a sexless dyke like us then you're a traitor to feminism!
No. 49460
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>>49020He is an autogynephile freak. Pic related, coming soon to a women's restroom near you.
No. 49547
>>49546That guy sounds awful, but I think it's important to not judge all trans people by people like that.
Though I guess the question is, what standard do you set before someone should start using the other gender's bathrooms? Where can you draw the line?
No. 49558
>>49547>important to not judge all trans people by people like thatWe're not talking about judging 50% of the population because of a few bad people.
Trans people are like less than 0.2% of the population, but there's a sizable list of murderers, pedophiles, and other criminals in the community, and miscellaneous freaks (largely transwomen, though, obviously). Very interesting…
No. 49600
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>>49568not sure if he actually qualifies as a tranny, but I was so far up in Jefree stars ass when I was an edgy 13-year old who tried to be emo
No. 49617
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>>49568I follow these two. The brunette is Elena genevinne and the blonde is Eden the doll.
I mostly follow because there's been drama between them and they're just generally fucking vapid and catty assholes.
No. 49618
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>>49568I follow Poy Treechada
No. 49762
>>49733I dont know how to define being a woman but that doesn't elicit men telling me they're 'just as woman as me' because they feel like it. womanhood isn't a feeling but experiences in relationship to having physically been born female.
I dont think of myself exclusively as a woman just me and female/woman is something that encompasses what makes me who and what I am.
No. 49774
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MtF trannies who keep their penises and become "lesbians" are seriously creepy as fuck. Yes, people are going to scream at you for going in a woman's change room when you look like a man wearing a wig. No, it's not discrimination when you're hardly even attempting to pass.
>Pic realted: A tranny who exposed his dick to children while in a female changing room
No. 49777
>>49762>womanhood isn't a feeling but experiences in relationship to having physically been born femaleWow I completely agree. I think that's why there is this great misconception regarding gender and sex. People seem to be under the impression that if you think of yourself as a woman, you are not only a woman, but a female as well. The problem is that as well as you can imitate the way women are perceived to behave as a whole, only cis women have grown up with the knowledge of what is expected of them as females.
It's one thing for a trans woman to go on and on about hating their body hair because they're a woman or because it makes it harder for them to pass, and another for a cis woman to go on and on about feeling less feminine or less of a woman for having it. Because according to society, "scientifically" speaking, cis women shouldn't have it. They're already in the body they feel they belong in in terms of the sex, but it's not the body they should want(in this specific situation).
No. 49778
>>49774Dude wtf, that piece of shit is sick. Women don't walk around public bathrooms showing off their vaginas, so what makes it ok for that "woman" to think it can show its dick off?
If you're a trans woman that means you try to behave as similarly to other women as possible because that is who you identify with. When considering the concept of woman that exists, having a penis is not part of the equation. Women are thought of as having female bodies.
You can be gender fluid if thats how you want to think of yourself, not ascribing to the idea that a person is supposed to behave a certain way because of their sex. However, I am in the belief that people who are truly gender fluid hate their bodies. They can never be comfortable in the skin they're in because they're constantly jumping back and forth. Either with the gender they're most feeling at a certain time, which can be limited to just stereotypical behaviors or actual body dysphoria.
To think that the rest of society should pander to their identity crisis by allowing them to expose their penises to people because it doesn't belong to a scary man but a woman is insane.
I mean fuck, tumblr has stated multiple times that a lesbian who is only into vaginas is transphobic, that society somehow manipulated them into being against trans women. It doesn't cross their minds that if they liked dicks in the first place that they would admit they're bi. I can't imagine tumblr telling gay men they have to like vaginas.
No. 49780
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>>49600Recently (almost 1 year ago) he launched his own beauty brand. His velour lipstick seems to have outstanding reviews and I definitely want to try one if I get the chance.
No. 49853
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The reason TERF and truscum politics are the same is because they are the only ones that make any damn sense. Tumblr trans people are so delusional that they think biological sex is made up pseudoscience. They sound like nutty evangelical creationists.
>>49762>womanhood isn't a feeling but experiences in relationship to having physically been born female.This was very well put. One of my major gripes with gender identity bullshit is that it is chalk full of victim blaming. For example transwomen believe that transmen have privilege over them for identifying as males which is simply not the case because they are still female bodied. This implies that if women and girls just decided to identify as men we would all be able to escape things like rape, sex trafficking, becoming child brides, etc. It implies oppression and privilege are a matter of choosing the correct identity rather than bodily reality.
No. 50257
>>49777I don't think most transwomen really understand what women go through with body hair. A man can get away with being really hairy. Even if his shaggy back hair gets him made fun of it's usually in jest.
We're pretty much not allowed to be hairy and expected to shave and pluck every stray hair. We're not even supposed to have pubic hair anymore.
I have inner thigh hair. Far more than I'd like. I thought I had some kind of issue like PCOS. But I got a bunch of tests and several doctors told me that my thigh hair was totally normal. But this totally normal hair is not "allowed" because I'm female. So I'm waxing it every few weeks to be acceptable. Transwomen don't really get this. They spend much of their lives allowed to be hairy. They don't grow up being told to shave this and that to look more feminine. They don't grow up being told that they aren't supposed to have body hair.
>>49778It's like he has some fantasy about what women's change rooms and bathrooms are like and he needs to act it out. He's obviously got a fetish and crossdressing is fueling it more. He's getting off on exposing himself to children and he's an autogynophile. It's really disgusting. If he was trying to pass he'd never show off his dick.
Can autogynophilia be cured by society accepting all clothing and cosmetics as genderless? I'm wondering if it wasn't taboo for a man to wear a dress, heels and makeup would the titilation cease? Then again if they really have a problem they might move on to something else that's taboo instead.
No. 50259
>>50257I feel you about the first part sis. I have longer arm hair in month than my dad does in his entire life.
I think it's more about being "weak" and "submissive" or being a living fuckdoll to them rather than actually being feminine. That's usually how those freaks see women.
No. 51255
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No. 51257
>>51255OMFG Thats how a post op tranny's cunt looks?!
It's disgusting, like leatherface made it
No. 51268
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>>51255No wonder they're so
triggered by the word vagina.
No. 51323
>>51255Haha that is so fucking gross holy shit.
Honestly I hope medical technology continues to improve so one day trannies can be physically indistinguishable from their desired gender.
No. 54227 stay out of my reproductive health. You knew the risks about becoming sterile. You had a choice.
Transwomen don't really have a place in women's reproductive health. It should be a separate category altogether. I'm not against them freezing sperm or anything. But women's reproductive health is about women's bodies. Just having a surgically created vagina doesn't give you the other parts or the issues that come with them.
No. 54228
>>54227Just to clarify, this article mentions reproductive justice. The definition is as follows:
>Reproductive Justice is the complete physical, mental, spiritual, political, social, and economic well-being of women and girls, based on the full achievement and protection of women's human rights.It centers heavily around the prochoice movement and the reproductive health or women and girls. So transwomen really don't have a place there at all and would be better served to create their own movement rather than trying to take over this one.
No. 54234
I like to think that the fun part about stupid snowflakes doing this as a phase is that they're going to ruin their lives. They'll not just self-mutilate in a way society finds totally acceptable, but mutilate their perfectly normal, working sex organs. It's Darwinian but kind of a comforting to know they get what's coming to them. It's already happening.
You guys need to check out the detransitioning tag: No. 54594
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>>51255>A literal axe wound.Why are people doing this to themselves?
No. 54636
>>51255I have a roastie and i'm fucking puking brb
THERE'S A HAIR COMING OUT OF THE VAGINA WHAT WHAT WHAT ?????!!!!?!?!?!? AAAAaaaaaAAAAAA my eyes oh holy shit
No. 55698
>>55646No way. I have an innie but I still have inner labia. That shit looks like an asshole that had just been pushed back in after being prolapsed.
On that note, I wonder what it smells like? Pussy has a distinct smell no? I mean, we don't all smell the same, but there is some common notes right? Help me out lesbos.
No. 55732
>>55698Since vags are self cleaning on the inside, they tend to smell fairly neutral, the natural lubricant smells kind of acidic/tangy, but it depends on your diet, it can also smell sweet. But externally it varies, since we are also able to accumulate smegma on the folds and sweat on the bush, but that's another story, fucking clean yourself good down there and no biggie, but only with cold water and specialiced soap.
But yeah, I can only imagine the smell of death coming from that axe wound they cal ~neo vagina~. You know that kind of bloody sticky secretion that usually oozes from a bad burn and that smells like pus? I imagine that's how it smells…
No. 56662
>>55698Pussies have a very distinct smell. It changes throughout your cycle and it's slightly different for everyone but it's still distinctly vaginal. It's not gross or anything and you have to be pretty damn close to a girl to smell it, but it's so obvious what the smell is when you smell it. The smell is affected by your cycle, your vaginal health, whether you're aroused, etc etc, so it'd probably be very difficult to replicate it.
>>56648Tbf there seems to be a common misconception that vaginas reek. In school, I remember half the boys thinking it was actually SUPPOSED to smell like a fish market. I know grown men who said they didn't do oral because they didn't like the smell of fish. They'd never actually been down in their girlfriend's business but they'd just been told that's what vaginas smelled like. Even girls who actually have vaginas and should know better buy into sometimes.
I've had to explain to loads of male friends that vaginas have a smell but if it's a rank, disgusting smell, there's something wrong with it.
I can imagine people with these neo vaginas hearing all this shit and being like "well okay it's not supposed to smell tolerable! It's fine for it to stink!"
No. 56672
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>>51255I know this is more than likely a joke post, but how would men not realize they're fucking a tranny? The texture of the vagina isn't the same as an inside-out dick.
No. 56696
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>>51255ftm's phalloplasty results look way more gross & ridiculous imo
lots of examples: (NSFW & very graphic)
No. 56697
>>56696The second set of pictures… They put the clit on the balls. What the fuck?
I don't understand why anyone would want this. Even if I hated having a vagina, I'm pretty sure I'd rather have a functional, normal looking vagina than a vaguely penis shaped lump of flesh that can't even get hard.
No. 56717
>>56648rofl no. Vaginas are extremely complex, which is why it takes more work to clean them, easier to get a yeast infection, etc than having a penis. Trannies don't know shit.
>>56662 this anon's post basically sums it up well.
No. 56759
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>>56696Holy fuck that is some Frankestein shit right there, my sides are in orbit.
>>56697And here's the kicker, since it can't get hard on its own, some doctors have implemented a fucking pump function so the sausage can stand up when you squeeze the balls enough times.
No. 56804
>>56802>study upwhy would you need to?
this seems less like a transperson finally coming out and more like one of those shitty sci-fi comedy/romance mangas where the dude turns into a girl but is taught that it's not all fun and games and dress up!
No. 56889
>>56844I don't even know what there is in his life to escape. Trans or not he would have gotten away scot free for killing that woman. He's loaded and a famous Olympic medalist.
I was reading some article that speculated that many affluent trans people transition late in their life because by that point they've accomplished everything they've wanted. They've had every kind of sex possible and now they're bored and roleplaying out a fetish is the next step for them. That's what I think happened with Bruce. It's like a trashy midlife crisis
No. 56963
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I'm really confused at the "some woman have penises" comment :/.
No. 56966
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>>56965Women don't have penises.
No. 57014
>>21633>Trans suicide rates are actually higher after surgeryThe surgery is entirely optional. Not only that, but the results vary quite a lot, from "meh it's okay, not too bad of scars" to "holy shit kill it with fire!" In other words, the procedures used today are utter shit. Trannies who get the surgery have a harder time getting a boyfriend or girlfriend because the only reason people go for trannies is the penis. This is also why any tranny porn star or camgirl commits career suicide if they get the surgery. The best course of action for a tranny is to accept that they have a penis, and learn to deal with it. For some that's harder than it is for others, but still, surgery should only be considered if you'd rather have a non-functioning and disgusting hole (worst case scenario with surgery) than live with a penis. Even the best surgeon in the world can't give everyone a decent surgery, due to personal anatomy and such things. Trannies often go into the surgery expecting a miracle, and are disappointed with the result afterwards. Then, they also have to deal with the fact that they are much less desirable post-op. This is made worse by the fact that many post-op trannies want to get a straight man, which they cannot, because totally straight men want a real woman, not someone who was born a man, even if they are attractive and very passable. The "straight" guys who are into trannies would rather have one with a penis.
No. 57051
>>57006If a woman has a penis, it means she wants this penis, but this penis belongs to her boyfriend or husband etc. instead of herself.
Did I crack your code?
No. 57052
>>57005It's been a mixed bag. I met one FtM in a class this past semester who was cool. I only noticed he was FtM when he wore a white shirt one day and I noticed the undershirt was a binder.
On the other hand, that same semester I met a 6 foot something MtF that wore short black miniskirts, tube tops and fishnets in freezing weather that constantly gave dirty looks to everyone. I'm also acquainted with a genderqueer (or non-gender or… something) former(?) female that's exceptionally snowflakey about it. She brought in cookies for Halloween for strangers and friends to graze from, only if they could correctly guess her pronouns.
No. 57069
Anon that give me a headache.
I don't know where you came from but in this planet women don't have penises.
No. 57238
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>>57169And I wish I was liying, but nope.
Like someone said on the tumblr thread, it could be like fucking Inspector Gadget…
No. 58368
>>58286>>58336I'll probably be crucified for admitting this, and this is the only time I have admitted it here, but I'm a tranny - one who doesn't think they know anything about what it's like or what it means to be a naturally born woman. It's stupid for any tranny to act like they know everything about the gender they're trying to become. I know I'm something different, and I don't share a lot of the same experiences and so on. At the same time I don't care about that fact, I'm pretty satisfied with my life at this point. Why should I care?
It's the shit-tier trannies that do this stuff, i.e. copying stereotypes/playing a role, or acting like they really know what it's like to be a real woman. They usually just become a caricature (a grotesque one, often) of what they think a woman is supposed to be. This is the majority of trannies, I'd say.
For the better ones, such as myself, it's much more about just not feeling like shit. It's about looking like and being seen as a woman by others, which I've pulled off very well considering my early start and almost 8 years on hormones and all that. Now I can just not feel like shit. Can I ever know what it's like to be a real woman? Nope. It doesn't matter though, I only did this stuff to myself to feel less like shit all the time, and be able to actually look in the mirror or interact with others without feeling intense hatred and disgust at what I am. It was about looks for me, mainly in physical body. I don't go around and pretend to know everything about women and what it's like to be one. I just exist and go about my life.
A funny thing I've noticed is that typically, girls have a harsher/stronger reaction to trannies than even straight guys who got fooled into thinking they were real women. In either space, I've posted pictures of very good looking trannies, without saying a single word about what they are. If their tranny status isn't revealed, nobody picks it up and nothing is said about it (other than things in relation to whichever thread it's in). The moment it is revealed that they are a tranny (or if it was from the start) everyone goes "hah hah yeah fucking totally looks like a dude, man, I wasn't fooled at all, I have a perfect trannydar". The difference is that girls will typically bash harder on them while doing this, have more of a circlejerk about it, etc. Why is this, other than regular trannyhate (which I'm all for, most of us deserve it)?
No. 58405
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>>58368Daww you're a cool chick! I usually don't like trans girls because of the tumblr attitude and some posters on /lgbt/ but you're ok.You made some really great points and have so much self awareness, it's refreshing! I wish more could be like you.
No. 58412
>>58368I can't answer your question but
>I just exist and go about my life.Kudos for this. Last year I met a guy while abroad and we became close friends. One day he revealed to me that he was born a woman and it blew my fucking mind. It was just a far cry from the trans people I hear about and see photos of on a daily basis. He's not a yaoitard, he doesn't know wtf tumblr is, he's just… a dude. He doesn't just "pass" as a male he straight up is.
I'm glad he lives in a country where he doesn't need to see the type of shit Tumblr's spewing. Meeting my friend made me get a bit angry about this whole situation. There's tons of trans people who just do their thing, or even people who are quietly transitioning, and meanwhile Tumblr is making their struggles seem like a huge joke. And unfortunately most of those people are probably not the types to draw attention and stand up for themselves since they just want to, surprise surprise, live a normal life. It's just ridiculous how far this trend has gone.
No. 58437
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>>58368I personally have a strong reaction to trannies because the ones touted as "very good looking" inevitably look like Drag Queens. I mean, it seems to me, to trannies, all women are are long ~fabulous~ hair, and ~full sensual lips~ and ~big tits~ (seriously, why do trannies never fucking want normal size tits?) etc etc etc aka every straight male's "ideal" porn woman. It's gross.
No. 58445
>>58368Why do transwomen
never say "I knew I was a girl because I was really smart" or "I knew I was a girl because I'm so great at math/science!" or "I knew I was a girl because I was great at sports!" It's always "I had more female friends!" or "I liked pink!" or "I liked playing dress up and dolls teehee!" The 'reason' is always some contrived stereotype of femininity. It's offensive to me.
I've yet to see a MTF that isn't completely vapid and obsessed with looks. It says all there needs to be said about how MTF view women.
No. 58453
>>58445Because being smart or good at math or science aren't inherently masculine or feminine traits? Why would someone be swayed towards either gender just because they're good at math or science?
Though your sports example isn't valid; more males tend to be interested in physical sports than females.
If a young girl had an unusually strong interest in, say, trains and action figures, or if a young boy had an unusually strong interest in dolls, fashion, and makeup, those are perfectly valid for them to use as examples that they feel more like the opposite gender. Regardless of if the stereotype is demeaning or socially pushed (it's probably a mix of social and natural factors), those stereotypes exist for children because they've been pretty accurate over the past few centuries. Obviously they're not always true; straight cis girls might like sports or action figures and straight cis boys might like dolls, but they're often true.
No. 58456
>>58453But liking pink is an "inherently feminine trait"? Spot the MTF.
Also, maybe more males are interested in physical sports because… they're… actively encouraged to participate in sports? That isn't "inherent" that is called socialization.
And no, those aren't valid reasons for anything except that males are socialized this way and females are socialized that way. It certainly should not be used as a reason to mutilate genitalia or put someone on hormones.
And this is why I get snippy with trannies. They go spouting this shit about the "inherent femininity" of pink and dolls.
No. 58467
>>58456I'm not trans.
I didn't address color. I don't think pink is inherently feminine, but here's some summarized research on gender color preferences: are clear color preferences, including cross-cultural ones, but it looks like there are a lot of conflicting results over how much is caused naturally or culturally. Clearly culture is involved to some extent, though, due to pink being associated with boys' clothes and blue being associated with girls' clothes in the US many decades ago.
But It's not worth arguing about that. I agree saying "I like pink so I'm a woman at heart" isn't a great rationale.
I don't agree with what you say about sports, though. Men are genetically more physically fit, and evolutionarily, physical performance correlated with sports is required of male members of species. Intuitively, that would make me think they'd be more interested in sports than women, on average.
Here is a thorough paper on the subject, which seems to corroborate that:
>Although girls and women in many societies avidly participate in sports, they have been traditionally underrepresented compared with boys and men. In this review, we address the apparent sex differences in sports interest and motivation from an evolutionary perspective.>First, we demonstrate that females’ underrepresentation generally reflects lesser interest, not merely fewer opportunities for engagement. Moreover, there is mounting evidence that male and female athletes generally differ in their motivation, specifically their competitiveness and risk taking.Research on dolls seems to show similar preferences. Giving "masculine" and "feminine" toys to male and female rhesus monkeys and vervet monkeys, without other prompting or conditioning, showed the same preferences that humans appear to have. Though they found in some cases that males tend to stick to the masculine toys, while females may switch between the masculine and feminine toys, even though they preferred the feminine ones. Which, I think, is similar to what we know of human preferences as well.
Here's a summary of that study in a women's magazine (which I think would be less likely to be biased in favor of the study): nature and nurture both play strong roles in every part of a person's preferences, but you can't just wave away everything as social pressures.
>>58460I'm not that guy. I haven't posted in that thread.
>>58464I don't think children can be trans. I'm referring to an adult recalling past examples of when they thought they identified more with the other gender. All I'm saying is that I think it's valid for a MtF person to say "I played with dolls as a young kid and never liked sports" as an early sign for them, and not an enforcement of a sexist stereotype. It's merely a sign, though, and would have to be combined with hundreds of other examples as evidence that they truly identified as the other gender from a young age.
No. 58469
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>>58467It's mostly cultural. How could you control for that.
No. 58474
>>58469Clearly that part is cultural, but they also found:
>The researchers assembled 206 test subjects of both sexes between the ages of 20 and 26 for the study. Most were British Caucasians, but 37 were of Chinese ancestry and were raised in China.>When given mixed colors to choose from, the male population of the study showed a wide preference for color blends. But when the women were asked to choose from mixed colors, they tended to prefer colors that moved away from blue and toward the red end of the spectrum, where shades like pinks and lilacs are found.Of course, that could just mean China has the same cultural preference, but it's interesting.
>>58471That's true. Here's one with chimps: No. 58478
>>58368>A funny thing I've noticed is that typically, girls have a harsher/stronger reaction to trannies than even straight guys who got fooled into thinking they were real women1)women are valued on sex appeal and sex appeal only. if men can outdo you in that one area alone your life is basically worthless as our skills are secondary to our looks.
2) females get to deal with misogyny on regular. you cant have your own spaces, opinions etc. without men walking in on you and redirecting your thoughts into something that they approve of and when you refuse, all hell breaks loose. Now transwomen(males) are doing the same thing and not just that, but telling us that we're 'ungrateful' for how men treat because it's something most of you view as validation of 'womaness'.
female reactions are stronger because males oppress us for BEING FEMALE. a male who now 'feels' innately woman, is a slap in the face to those who have no concept of 'feeling' of anything in pertaininace to their sex. for 'ciswomen', woman is just a biological reality thats going to afford you more harm than good.
the transwomens movement isnt anything more than men doing whatever they want. not surprising. not new. but irritating all the same that the one thing you did lay a claim to is now up for grabs and redifing by males.
hopefully with this in mind you'll no longer be surprised at females seeming 'harsh' reactions to transies.
No. 58520
I kinda like the TERF-like view that social gender is a spectrum, as in, your biological parts define if you are male/female, and the goal is not to transition but be able to express a wide variety of behaviors in society. Like, if you're male, you should be able to grow your hair, wear pink, act submissive, whatever, without having to be female. Even cut off your dick for all anyone cares, but as a cosmetic procedure and not a transitional one. I think this makes the most sense, at least. But then I'm not opposed to trans people either, I don't have a problem with them. But if they choose to consciously compartmentalize themselves into a gender (set of social behaviors), then why the fuck not follow some of the more common social behaviors of that gender? Like fakebois could just be masculine women without a problem, but they choose to classify themselves as "male", and yet disregard the social conventions for "males" with feminine clothing and appearance. So basically they're neither male biologically, nor socially, makes no fucking sense.
No. 58627
>>58405>Daww you're a cool chick! I usually don't like trans girls because of the tumblr attitudeHey thanks! I don't like other trannies either for the same reasons. On top of it there is this layer of "you're making us all look bad." The quiet, stealth-mode ones such as myself aren't the ones being noticed by the public, or anyone really. It's the retarded, obnoxious ones - the ones who more often than not look like shit/caricatures, that get noticed and shape our public perception.
>>58412You're right on the money with this. As stated above in this post, it's the tublerites and retards drawing attention and such, giving us a shitty public image.
>>58437What you're seeing are the vocally and visibly trans ones. The stealthy ones, surprise surprise, don't like to be known of as trannies, so you never see their image associated with what transgender people look like.
>seriously, why do trannies never fucking want normal size tits?Again, this is thanks to the tumblrite/porn stereotype of us. I personally am totally fine with what I grew on my own, and I think breast implants look like shit 100% of the time. They're just too fake looking, and the nipples tend to just not look right.
>>58445You're looking at the whole thing incorrectly. Sure, for people acting like a caricature, i.e. tumblrites, hons, etc., that shit gets done. However, snowflakes and others aside, trannies transition for one reason and one reason only: wanting to be a girl from a young age (I think "hurr hurr I always knew I was a girl" is fucking retarded) coupled with intense hatred, disgust, and revulsion at having a male body. It's about the body. Not about "teehee I love pink and dolls and fashion and blahblahblahblah!" Someone transitions because they look in the mirror and go "ugggghhhhhhh fuuuuucckkkk why????" and feel like shit. Again, snowflakes and other undesirables aside, nobody wants to become a tranny - I certainly didn't - I just chose to because I'd rather give a shot at at least looking like a girl and being seen as one, than just deal with it and feel increasingly shitty as the years go on. It's not hard being a tranny, there is just some awkwardness along the way. Of course, the tumblrites and other trash make it hard by going around as a man in a dress and other thing, but it's not innately hard. It's just got its awkward moments until you've made it far enough.
>>58449Yeah, that's pretty much why I think women sperg out about it so much.
>>58478Your entire post reeks of tumblrite. Just as bad as the shit-tier trannies out there.
>muh oppression>muh misogyny!>muh safe spacesIs your mantra this?
>oppression all around me>microaggressions on every level>invading my safe spaces>kill the cis white male devilDo you consider it an act of aggression when someone holds a door open for you? Surrenders their seat on public transportation or other such cases? I mean sure, it's annoying to have guys hitting on you, particularly the creepy ones, but still I don't feel "oppressed" going around. The only validation I feel from it all is that I'm being perceived as a woman in the first place (which came before I even started wearing girl clothes in public). I certainly don't feel that women are afforded more harm than good because of their gender. Not in the first world.
> male who now 'feels' innately woman, is a slap in the face>the transwomens movement isnt anything more than men doing whatever they want.I stress this again - you're viewing this based on the stereotypes. It's not about "doing whatever you want" because if this were the case, then I wouldn't even be a tranny. It'd have been much more preferable to me, to just have remained a normal guy, and just not have had those shit feels about my physical body - but there is and was no cure to those feels, other than transitioning. The only choice I faced was to go through with it, or to feel increasingly shitty. It was bad enough seeing my female peers, as a teen, going through puberty and getting progressively more girly, feminine, cute, etc. and feeling intense jealousy at it, coupled with hatred, disgust, and revulsion at my own body. I never "felt innately woman" or anything, I've always just existed, felt like nothing other than "me" and continue to do so. I just had these shit feelings about my own body and intense desire to be, physically, what girls are. So I took the steps to bring my physical body more in line with that. What you hate are tumblrites, even though you basically are one.
No. 58644
TERFs give me mixed feelings, but only the insane quantity of attention whoring MtFs there are in contrast with the quiet minor quantity of FtMs speaks in their favor…
No. 58649
>>58453>If a young girl had an unusually strong interest in, say, trains and action figures, or if a young boy had an unusually strong interest in dolls, fashion, and makeup, those are perfectly valid for them to use as examples that they feel more like the opposite gender. >feel likeOh my god. Here we go.
Can you explain how does a kid "feel" like the other gender? Not a teen, not an adult; a kid. When gender differences are the less noticeable they'll ever be in their whole lives.
Furthermore: Hey trannies, explain, how does one "feel" like the other gender? How do you know how a person with the other set of genitals "feels" if you never had them yourselves? Without having to resort to any gender roles. Colours, dolls, clothes, playing with more girls than boys inlcuded. C'mon, I challenge you.
No. 58654
>>58649>Hey trannies, explain, how does one "feel" like the other gender?(I'm
It's not "feeling" like the other gender. It's wishing you were the other gender. Seeing girls your age, at any age, and thinking "why can't that be me?" Once you start getting older and the physical differences become more apparent, the desire of wanting to be like that and hatred of what you have becomes more pronounced. You're missing the point all together, it's never about "feeling" like the other gender, unless you're a tumblrite/snowflake or whatnot. It's about seeing girls and wishing you had a body like theirs, wishing you were seen the same way they were seen by everyone, and hating the body you do have, because it isn't what you wish you had. These feelings start really early for most, but still, it's not until puberty that they start to hit really hard. Nobody "feels" like the other gender, and anyone who claims to is being retarded. They just want to be the other gender. Make sense?
No. 58670
>>58627>just as bad as the shit tier tranniestranstheorists first line of defense. every female who doesn't agree with you must be a man/trans themselves. wrong.
>It'd have been much more preferable to me, to just have remained a normal guy, and just not have had those shit feels about my physical bodyif female wasn't an alternative to male what would you transition to then?
and your entire post doesnt do much other than prove trans is a socially driven illness.
>jealous of females>hate being male>i must become themnot much different than any of the tumblrite trans nonsense i've heard thus far. you're not much different from the rest of the herd honestly. You're just another
TW who's ran into users and abusers within the trans community but instead of calling them out yourself you scurry to places like these and whine to the girls about your discomfort, looking to be coddled and praised on 'how much different/better' you are.
and no this isn't TUMBLR talking. Its not SJ to explain why a man isn't woman.
No. 58682
>>58670>every female who doesn't agree with you must be a man/trans themselvesAre you actually retarded? I basically was calling you retarded, and you're pretty much proving me right.
>if female wasn't an alternative to male what would you transition to then?If females didn't exist my problem wouldn't have existed in the first place, meaning no transition.
It's like everything I said flew right over your head. Makes sense - you're simply arguing against me because you don't want to be wrong. Not that it's really arguing but rather me trying to explain shit and you completely disregarding it, because you turn a discussion into a fight-or-flight scenario. Well, I suppose your stupidity also makes it hard to understand others in the first place, so there's that.
The jealousy and hate didn't make me go "I want to become more like them." Me wishing I had been female caused the jealousy and hate (both of which have been gone for years).
> instead of calling them out yourself you scurry to places like these and whineIf you had been paying attention this whole time, you'd see why this is a retarded point to make. Allow me to quote myself, here.
>>58368>this is the only time I have admitted it here, but I'm a trannyThus making it impossible for me to have come here to whine. Not to mention, I don't even participate in the "trans community" and never have. There is no point in it. If you think I mirror the thoughts of that crowd, you've obviously not paid any attention to them.
>Its not SJ to explain why a man isn't woman.That has nothing at all to do with any of the shit I've been saying. Of course a man can't be a woman. A man can take hormones at the right time, with the right bone structure and genetics, and look like one though. That's the point. To look like one. You should try reading peoples posts instead of glancing at a few random words in them.
No. 58683
File: 1452546076076.jpg (68.09 KB, 720x960, 1451525011318.jpg)

Hahaha look at how fugly and manly this tranny is. He looks like a fucking drag queen lolololololol.
No. 58717
File: 1452557060442.jpg (59.68 KB, 600x800, B8F9mK-CEAAdSKA.jpg)

>>58683>tries to show an example of a tranny 'blending in'>posts this bimbo tranny monstrosity????
No. 58719
>>58627>I certainly don't feel that women are afforded more harm than good because of their gender. Not in the first world.Well of course you feel that way, you're a man.
>>58682>right geneticsYou realize your genetics are male, tho, right? Male genes will never be the 'right' genes for being a female lol
No. 58720
Damn anon, nice find. He does look like a drag queen/blowup doll.
No. 58757
>>58740I get that, because I firmly believe MTF aren't women (obviously because they're not females). So it's obvious to me that a man can never "feel" like a woman. What annoys me about trans anon in here is them saying well, they just want to be a woman. Why? What does a woman have that they want so badly? How are women treated that they envy? The answer is invariably filled with bullshit. Just the fact that MTF seem to enjoy being catcalled, harassed, what have you, because it enforces to them that they "are" women is so incredibly mind numbingly offensive. Yay, you get treated poorly! you're a ReAl WomEns Now! Yay for you!
Can they not see diarrhea seeping from their mouths when they say shit like that? Do they envy the women subjected to honor killings due to rape? Do they envy the child brides? Do they envy the 13 year old girls sold into sex slavery? Do they envy the wife beaten by her drunk husband? Do they envy the fact that no, actually, women don't get custody of kids more in divorce courts, because when abusive husbands do actually fight for custody they get primary custody about 70% of the time? (Source for the inevitable NUH UH DADS ALWAYS GET SCREWED CUZ SEXISM!11! I'm genuinely curious about it.
They defend all their bullshit saying well it's just innate, it's not sexist, because they personally enjoy it or first world women don't experience sexism (two problems with that 1. it's not true, just because first world women aren't being set on fire anymore doesn't mean we are barred from discussing more deep-seeded, unconscious sexism that is still alive and 2. is that recognition that they wouldn't want to be a woman anywhere but the first world?)
I could respect it and understand it and support it more if it really were just "I want to be a woman because my body is wrong." Not "I want their gender roles!" which is what trans anon explicitly said above in
>>58654 that it's
>It's wishing you were the other gender.and
>wishing you were seen the same way they were seen by everyoneI can't and won't respect or support that.
Long ass rant post over.
No. 58761
>>58757I love you Anon.
I was getting real sick of this rotten ass fetishist telling us "I just felt envious of pretty women throughout my life, I felt that I could be a better woman than them so I became one, oh but I'm not like other ~transgirls~ tho uwu" haha, no, fuck off you're all the same.
No. 58764
>>58719>Well of course you feel that way, you're a man.No yeah, I definitely am. A man that gets hit on by straight guys.
>geneticsI don't think you understood what I meant. Genetics in this context is referring to both bone structure dictated by genetics, and how receptive your body is to estrogen, size of tit growth, etc. Again, not trying to -be- female. Trying to -look- female.
>>58730>You don't feel like one, you just want to be treated like one. Why?I don't feel like a guy either. I wanted to be seen as one and to look like one. Why? I wish I knew. I just did. If there were a reasoning why, it could probably be undone, but there is not. It's just there.
>How is a woman treated [retardation suppression] that you want to be treated like so badly that you'll fuck with your hormonal balance?Called "her" "she" etc. i.e. seen as a woman.
>>58740>they want to feel comfortable in their own bodiesThis.
>except that usually means mutilating their body instead of therapyActually there is no therapy to get rid of the underlying feels that cause it. Otherwise I would have just used therapy magic to get out of it.
>>58757>they just want to be a woman. Why?I don't know why I wanted to be one, I just did. I didn't want to want to be one either, but nothing made it go away (until I had been on hormones for long enough). I realize I can never be an actual woman, but looking like one and being seen/percieved as one is enough for me.
>What does a woman have that they want so badly?A female body.
> How are women treated that they envy?Treated like they have a female body. Kind of a pointless and irrelevant question to be honest.
>Just the fact that MTF seem to enjoy being catcalled, harassed, what have you, because it enforces to them that they "are" women is so incredibly mind numbingly offensive. Yay, you get treated poorly! you're a ReAl WomEns Now! Yay for you!I never said I enjoy that shit, quit projecting other trannies bullshit onto me.
>The answer is invariably filled with bullshitThen why ask? I'm sure you'll come up with some other shit I didn't say to insult me with.
>muh first world sexism against womenI'm seen as a woman, too. Life doesn't feel any harder than it was as a guy, and no, it's not because "hurr hurr you just enjoy it"
>I could respect it and understand it and support it more if it really were just "I want to be a woman because my body is wrong." Not "I want their gender roles!"At no point did I say "I want their gender roles!"
I said "I wanted to be seen as a woman"
Why? Because when I still looked like a guy and was seen as a guy by others, it reminded me of the fact that I was a guy, reminding me of how I hated my body. Which -is- saying "I wanted to be a woman because my body is wrong" and why is it wrong "because I wanted to be a woman"
I guarantee, no matter what I say, no matter what I said, you'd be attacking it.
>I can't and won't respect or support that. Like I give a shit. You wouldn't respect or support it either way.
Have fun with menopause :)
You too
>>58761There's your reply.
No. 58779
File: 1452564497999.jpg (165 KB, 1366x768, your post.jpg)

>>58771>>58770>comparing something with very reduced risk to something that is 100% guaranteed to happenlol
>>58772>>58773>>58774>>58776>tranny gets a bunch of hate thrown at them>finally throws an insult back>lololol fucking woman hater. fucking man. lol and you trannies wonder why nobody likes you. fucking man in a dress freak.You cunts sure are butthurt over that :^) I'm glad it hit home.
No. 58782
>>58779>comparing something with very reduced risk to something that is 100% guaranteed to happenNo you said >To get prostate cancer, you need testosterone.
Now we're cunts. Wow, I thought you wanted to be like us? Thing is as biological women, we will go through menopause. It's just another stage of being a women and something you'll never experience. You didn't hit nerve, but you did prove what most of us probably already thought about.
No. 58783
>>58779>implying women die of menopause Lol
>implying that even if prostate cancer doesn't kill you, you won't just off yourself like the other mentally tranny degenerates, or have some dude bash your brains for being a shemaleEnjoy :^)))))
No. 58791
File: 1452565929478.gif (458.66 KB, 480x330, jane-meh.gif)

>I-i-i'm not like the other trannies, guise! Really!
>is exactly like the other males pretending to be women
Never saw that coming. Nope.
No. 58794
>>58781>yet you frame it as a negative thingThat's because it comes with a pretty big negative: estrogen production goes down. Estrogen is really important, because without it, you get osteoporosis and age like milk.
>>58782>prostate cancer being compared to menopause at allOh I don't want to be like -YOU- guys. Trust me on that. Other women are fine, you guys are fucking retarded. Sorry I hit below the belt, I guess? lol
>>58783>what is osteoporosis>lolol death is inevitable with prostate cancer21.4 deaths per 100,000 per year. OOOOH I'm shaking in my boots.
>implying I'm not completely satisfied with my lifelol
>>58785>And how you put us women down and want to become one of usWhoa there camper, don't clump yourself with all women ever on the entire earth. I just hate the cunts here in this thread, and have no qualms with hitting below the belt, because it's not like you guys have held back from doing the same shit. You just aren't able to take it as well, to hilarious effect.
>How does it feel to look at your baby pics and see a little boy there?Pretty good, it shows me how far I've come. I'm not butthurt about not being born a girl anymore, because now I have a body I love a lot.
>>58791Every reply is a red flag signaling the butthurt
>>58792Oh I'll be ducking out, they can have their circlejerk back. I'm just watching the butthurt flow. Or is it cunthurt? kek
No. 58802
>>58794>Estrogen is really important, because without it, you get osteoporosis and age like milk.Osteoporosis isn't limited to women.
>men enforce the idea that women are useless once they start aging>MTF points out women aging like milk as a negativeMTF really are obsessed with the sexy, youthful, glamorized ideal image of girlhood. They don't want to be an ugly woman or an old woman.
No. 58815
>>58757I love you anon.
And even though that guy wasn't able to answer your questions, I think all his replies focused on his body and how natural women age like milk speak for themselves lel.
No. 58877
>>58874Is a copypasta from a chick that came here saying how she was better than her highschool Stacies because she was ugly and unpopular… And somehow that made her smarter and stronger than the ~other gurls~ in her highschool musical cliché because she totally wasn't vain or bullied others based on appearance. Then when people called her out on her hypocritical bullshit, she went nuclear and responded with that piece…
I think it was the ugly thread?
No. 58922
>>58682>>58764you need to quit acting like a victim.
skimming through your masturbatory posts a second time it's easy to tell what your true intentions were. You literally said
>better ones, such as myselfNext you bragged about the times you've posted transwomen and tricked female posters into thinking they were girls.
last you said women have more hostile reactions to transwomen, even more harsh than male reactions. So you knew there was hint of hurt or jealousy from girls who are socialized into always thinking they're ugly (even when they arent) and you found their reactions humorous without any understanding of why girls feel that way.
you got called out it and ur 'cool gurl' demeanor collapsed instantly. you didnt even try to put forth a good argument you just resorted to name calling.
>>58764 No. 58991
>>57005I know two FtM, and they are both very passing and don't talk about being trans. The other one has huge breasts, but he's saving to get them removed. They're both depressed as fuck, tho, but otherwise cool and i like them.
My friends little sister is a transtrender who wants to be a kawaii yaoi boi~~*. Her name in facebook is something along the lines of "Sebastian Miku Lucifer"
No. 58995
>>58880But finding treatments and cures for things doesn't happen instantly. Especially if it isn't some epidemic like AIDS/hiv. So I'm not surprised that there currently isn't anything successful.
And how could it be considered a bodily disorder and not a mental one if who you are is in the mind. It's not like your body is telling you that you don't belong in it. i compare transgenderism to xenomelia. No. 59026
>>59012I guess you haven't been in the ugly bitches or fat shaming threads, either? Or any other thread where girls and women call other girls and women ugly? lol
I might be retarded, but at least I'm not a tumblerina with a raging victim complex boner.
No. 59028
>>59026I would beg to differ. Of course everyone criticizes each other. What's new? Fat people deserve it because they're disgusting and unhealthy and trying to make others believe that being fat isn't a health risk.
As for ugly bitches, idk, guess they need a role model or some shit. Either way, ugly women can still get laid.
No. 59035
>>59032It's a male woman hater trying hard to be a woman.
Trying to be a cool grill and then shitting on women for having to go through a natural process, known as menopause.
No. 59054
>>59051I would, but i don't want to oppress or
trigger you guys with my whiteness or straightness or right handed privilege or anything.
No. 59164
>>59137It also says that all women have dicks but we already know that is bullshit you fucking degenerate.
Kill yourself, at least our bodies are real and not deformed beyond recognition by downing cheap pills everyday.
No. 59168
>>59137Do you even know what menopause is? I mean, you keep using it as an insult but it's so obvious that you don't know shit about it. Also, using the "you're an old hag" taunt? Basic bitch.
Should we remind you that you're still a man in drag and some day all that hair on your head will end growing up on your ears, nose, back and chest?
No. 59172
>>59035>trying hardWhoa there camper, it's pretty easy giving yourself injections and taking pills.
>>59168You realise that's not the transanon from above, right?
No. 59210
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Its a pity women cannot talk about their biology without getting shit for it or accused of being discriminatory.
This was one example i found but i am sure there are better examples online.
No. 59220
File: 1452715179154.jpg (89.96 KB, 352x640, 19750038493_fc9209cd35_z.jpg)

This man is in a vegan FB group that I'm a member of. He's a gross pervert that tries to make everything about him and cries transphobia when anyone tries to call him out.
https://smashinggenderchange.wordpress.comThis is his blog. It's full of stories about how people tried to see his panties, teehee, silly transphobes.
No. 59247
>>59225>>59235It's more of a non-response. Nothing trannies haven't heard dozens of times, always coming from some dipshit who is too stupid to come up with something on their own. Dismissed just as easily as it's posted. It's like saying "hurrrrr niggers are shitty people because their skin is the color of shit. LOL SERRRVVEEDDDD"
Come up with an actual argument, wouldn't want to convince people that women are too stupid to have a discussion, now, would you?
No. 59248
File: 1452728580250.jpg (291.14 KB, 1000x953, vegan.jpg)

>>59220>veganHow's that treating you? What's it like having no tits or ass?
No. 59253
>>59247Better than the tranny cult that just screams
ad nauseam
totally convincing
No. 59263
>some retarded trannies do this>therefore all trannies do thisSo following your logic here, all women just looooove fat acceptance, right?
>>59250Because it's wrong? For one none of that shit even applies to me. On top of that, it doesn't take FTMs into account. Same thing can be said for many arguments in this thread - they fall apart when you take into account that there are FTM trannies who transition for the same reasons as MTF trannies, just reversed. Those reasons being that their body makes them feel like shit and they just want to be able to live comfortably and enjoy life.
No. 59294
>>59284i actually found the fact this man was vegan integral to this entire thread.
fucking bring it cunt
No. 59312
>>33786My little brother was watching this shit and every time I came in he would turn it off like he instinctively knew it was wrong.
Also this show was made by a faggot or something.
No. 59353
>>59248I never get why people get so agressive about the vegan lifestyle.
I don't want to eat something that has suffered, I must be an insufferable cunt. Oh and if I casually bring it up, I'm bragging. Fuck off salty bitch, stop being so mad about other people choices.
>What's it like having no tits or ass?Kek. I could be the biggest bitch in the world on a vegan diet, that mean jack shit.
No. 59359
>>59335>God hates ugly>God gave you an ugly nose>Ugly nose makes you ugly>Therefore God hates youThere's no requirement for trannies to get plastic surgery, or even get a fake pussy. Results vary wildly with surgery, ranging from passable to "jesus christ what the fuck happened"
There is no need to get the pussy surgery unless they really hate their dick and would rather have a potentially useless hole.
>>59353Not everything that dies suffers in the process, or during its life. Sounds like you're vegan for retarded reasons. I never called it bragging, just more that vegans always have to mention that they're vegan, as much as possible. I think 100% of vegans are being idiots, so I like to harass them.
No. 59361
>>59359>I think 100% of vegans are being idiots, so I like to harass them3EDGY5ME
>>59360I can perfectly see that you are pulling those fact out of your ass and that you are nothing but a nasty troll. I'll drop the debat, I don't want to mess the thread, it would just be a waste of time.
No. 59516
File: 1452811717937.jpg (42.62 KB, 801x335, captuuuura.JPG)

>dicen que Cailtyn está arrepentida de ser mujer y que quiere volver a ser hombre
>It is said that Caitlyn regrets being a woman and wants to be a man again
Hope this is true
No. 62304
>>62259The pictured athlete was born intersex, is not a trans-trender. Nice try though.
There's been a long history of intersex athletes in some particular sports. I think ski jumping is one of them. Doesn't make it okay but where TF do you compete if you were born intersex with female appearance?
No. 62309
>>59633They are shitskin issues.
Even in Victorian Britain you'd get prosecuted for doing something as outrageous as an acid attack. Non-Whites just treat women a lot worse than Whites do, don't believe the hype.
>>62289Give it time.
No. 64436
>>62309this sounds cynical and contradictory as fuck but why do you think FGM will be a developed world issue.
I could believe recreational sterilization veiled as 'liberating' becoming the norm since its already begun, but ritualized mutilation doesnt seem like it'd be in the cards.
No. 90180
>>90177Yeah it must be a huge pain to enforce. You can't just check their ID because a lot of trannies get their name and legal gender changed - you'd have to go digging through their records. And considering how rare trannies are, you will probably catch 10 ugly looking women before you catch a MTF.
Ultimately it's mostly a symbolic argument. People aren't actually thinking about how the bathroom laws would play out in real life - they just want a way to publicly express that they approve or disapprove of transgender people. While it's nice to know that a large contingent of people does in fact disapprove, they should instead campaign for something that would actually make a difference, like cutting taxpayer funding for trans surgery/hormone treatment or removing the ability to legally change one's gender.
No. 90184
>>90170They should've just left the laws as they were. All it's doing is causing public outrage and putting people on edge. Now people are going to be actively looking for trannies in the bathroom and trying to start shit. I've already seen a few fake articles floating around about assaults in womens bathrooms. I don't want to share a bathroom with a man in drag either, but it's not like I'd even notice if the person was passable. Hell, I tattooed a trans womans breast and didn't even notice that she was actually a he until he pulled out his bank card to pay for the tattoo, and it had an old picture of him before the estrogen & long hair.
I just think it's going to start a giant witch hunt and cause more issues than it resolves.
People already get violent enough towards trans people. This is a shitstorm in the making.
No. 90293
>>90170I pretty much agree with what everyone else said.
>>90186>We may be able to solve this with a unisex or third option bathroomTbh, I feel like trannies(mtf ones in particular) would still be complaining if this were to happen. They all think being a woman is like how it is in movies/tv shows/etc, so I feel like they mostly want to go in there for "girl talk" and to feel validated.
I don't think I've ever seen any mtf trannies demand a gender neutral bathroom, which you'd think they would. They constantly say they'd get assaulted/picked on and that people would be uncomfortable with them in the mens' bathroom, but it would be the same in the women's bathroom(maybe they wouldn't be physically assaulted, but there would be tons of women who would give them shit and I feel like most women would feel uncomfortable with a tranny in the bathroom).
>>90209I hate this as well.
No. 90319
>>90316They don't have to be drag queen status, transvestites are fine too.
>>90314Sissies aren't trans, but then there's the issue. Real trans people are not the issue, it's the people who take advantage of it, especially since dumblr babbies have all this stupid made up gender politics.
People keep comparing the 'discrimination' to black vs white segregation, and it's not the same at all. The issue isn't trans people using the bathroom they prefer it's non-trans people using it. The issue differs because you can't pretend to be black or white to use whatever bathroom you want, it's obvious. Gender is something that needs to be left obvious because we use it as a descriptor more than anything else. Most of the people complaining aren't saying "hey trans people, fuck you stay out of our bathrooms." They're trying to say "hey, pervs can actually fake being trans to hurt people." and it's not crazy to think so, especially with dumblr.
No. 90323
>>90293It's definitely about validation for the AGP-type transitioners. I've seen a few MTFs complain about lockable single-person unisex restrooms. A teenage MTF from a while back demanded to be let into the girl's locker room, even though they let him use a private restroom to change in.
On the contrary, I rarely see early-transition/non-passing FTMs be as loud about the restroom issue.
No. 91336
>>90322>Max CarterHace 4 díasWhy didn't any students who disagree with Jenner get the chance to speak with her ?
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MsKTMvalleyHace 3 días
+West Yorkshire It would have been a very tricky situation and as you mentioned potentially dangerous for everyone. I don't think it would be a good idea to have some teenagers go face-to-face literally with a high profile celebrity who has a life of experience to draw from. Not that I am against open honest conversations, but I don't think that would have been the solution in this situation. In the production of this NYT opinion piece I'm sure they thought about these things. Another thing, Jenner's visit was unannounced, so it would unfair to force conversation from the teenagers.
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D Borras (Techborras)
D Borras (Techborras)Hace 2 días
+Max Carter Agreed. Should have been called Cait meets her supporters.
She's been a woman for a year, it's not like she has experience. She's also very wrong when it becomes about the idea of being a woman. You don't have to be feminine, you don't have to wear high heels. You can be a woman and use sneakers and oversized clothes. Jeanne d'Arc is a woman and she wasn't a delicate, feminine flower. She was in the army, she fought for her country, and she was a woman. Jenner woman of the year? Don't make me laugh.
No. 91369
>>91344Tbh most of them only seem to want to cosplay as women. They're not really interested in actually being women.
I remember a thread on Reddit's tranny subreddit (asktrans, something trans anyway) where one of them actually had the self awareness to wonder if they were really trans if they don't see themselves as ugly old women.
Then a bunch of trannies started enabling her and many of them said something to the effect of 'it's okay sweetie, I don't feel like an old woman either :) I don't want to be an old ugly grandma, I see myself as a pretty young lady, it's really weird because I'm totally ok with getting older as a guy but I don't want to be an old lady'
Bitch, you don't get to pick and choose.
No. 91405
>>91339Tbh, I don't mind some trannies being in the ladies room if they pass/try to pass. I mean, majority of the ones I've met/seen are just effeminate gay men who just want to fuck "straight" guys(I think Gigi Gorgeous and Princess Joules fit into this category).
But I do agree with you for the most part. The only issue is, like
>>90177 pointed out, it would be hard to enforce.
>>91369They definitely do. I remember an anon pointing this out as well, just look at the names they chose and the way they carry themselves. None of them want to be just an average girl. They all want to be the sexy, young party girl that every guy wants to fuck.
No. 91422
>>49565>gender neutral toilets>horribleDon't those exist in the US or what? They're rather plentiful where I live and no one gives a shit. Although that may be because sexual assault isn't as prevalent here.
>>49600Jefree isn't a tranny, he's just an extremely feminine gay guy. I follow him on YT, he's pretty cool.
Anyway. Am I the only one who has a 100% neutral stance on the whole trans issue? To be honest, I just really pity these people (sans the fakebois, perverts etc). It must be beyond painful having to live a life this fucked up and the whole world being disgusted with you just because you're ill (whether it's mentally or physically - as far as I know the origins of gender dysphoria are still unclear, correct me if I'm wrong), especially if you're MtF. I'm neutral about hormone therapy/transition as well; while I've read reports on post-op suicide rates being higher, I've also heard the opposite is actually true. So, who knows.
I follow a FtM guy on Tumblr (of all places) and he's unexpectedly mature and genuine. Doesn't expect society to cater to his every need, accepts he gets misgendered sometimes, has no weird SJW affilations. Not to say all trannies are okay, because there are a LOT of drama queens and selfish bitches out there. But decent ones /do/ exist.
No. 91543
>>91369>Tbh most of them only seem to want to cosplay as women. They're not really interested in actually being women.Of course, they're jealous of women for being pretty and desirable, things they think they can get by dressing up and acting feminine. How convenient that they never have to deal with the negative aspects of being a woman, since most of it is linked directly to our physical biology. They want to dress cute and get more attention as a girl, but they don't ever have to worry about people thinking less of them for their reproductive system, their hormones, their genitals, their apparent overall inferiority due to their role as baby makers. Which is why I will never buy a biological male thinking he knows how it feels to be a woman. I don't care how womanly he thinks he feels, he literally cannot ever empathize with those things and probably fetishizes most of it anyway.
Crossdressing is fine to me, but they should just keep it at that instead of insulting us by thinking they can be a woman on the inside when the outside is what's always defined our gender in the first place.
No. 91625
I know a ftm transexual who transitioned in her teens and she's so feminine it bugs me, mostly because she acts like a vapid highschool blonde who uses really ghetto phrases and comes to work in extremely inappropriate clothing (like, 5 inch long mini skirts, but I think that's just her taste rather than trying too hard to vagina). Except for her voice and broad shoulders, I think she passes well. She kind of reminds me that real, legitimate trans people exist, since I doubt if it was a 'choice' that she'd choose years of being bullied, anorexia and getting attacked on the streets (rough area).
I'm mildly intrigued by her because as a biological female, I've never been girly and went through a cringy nonbinary phase before lurking here and there knocked some sense into me (that and I deleted my tumblr) - I've always been 'one of the lads' socially but I'm ok with a female body and don't want surgery. But… I've always pretended to be a guy on the internet ever since I was a young teen because I can't do that irl without looking like an obvious femboi, and I do it because it feels like a comfortable escape. Idk, maybe I'm just retarded. Sorry for the blogpost, guys, and I don't know how to sage (where does it tell you how?)
No. 91778
>>91745I suppose so. I'm realising that no other (cis) woman I know acts like that. Sure, they can go all out at parties but no self respecting woman goes around showing her cleavage and wearing mini skirts 24/7. It also plain bothers me that the mtf acts so unprofessionally at work. She let a student use her makeup set on a male student while they were messing around and all it did was disrupt class and set him off.
you're in your 20's damnit, stop fooling around and maybe spend some of that money on work appropriate clothes instead of hair extensionsShe wants to become a model/actress and seems to be an aspiring an e-celeb even though she has less than 100 subs on youtube, her whole dream is pretty cringy. It's like she's a walking female stereotype, I wonder if she realises she comes across like that.
If there's a niche trans model thing out there, she'd fit the bill, but otherwise I doubt it's gonna happen. Either way, even though her struggle was genuine, I'm just so baffled that a grown person can act this shallow.
No. 91783
>>91778Of course
he realizes it. That's the entire point, to be a walking bimbo stereotype. Look up sissification/bimboification/feminization and autogynephilia. They don't want to be a normal woman, they want to be "every guy's dream woman" and a "irl pornstar"
I'll post an example.
No. 91833
File: 1463088924903.jpg (358.95 KB, 580x751, wolf.jpg)

Make sure to watch out for this man Seattle anons.
"Jonathan “Johanna” Wolf is a convicted rapist who lives in Seattle. He was convicted of raping a hearing-impaired girl in Nebraska — he thought she wouldn’t be able to tell on him. Jonathan is now a “transwoman” (calling hmself “Johanna”) and like many tranny toilet goblins and their enablers of late has been agitating loudly for female impersonators to be given full access to women’s locker rooms, bathrooms and other spaces that should be reserved for actual women." No. 91834
File: 1463088991489.png (12.23 KB, 352x269, wolf2.png)

>>91833Says the literal rapist.
No. 91859
>>91833 is the world coming to. I found this article from that website.
The more I find out about the transgender movement, the more disgusted I am. I am increasingly finding that people who support transgender rights do a great job of making you feel "bigoted" and "regressive" for simply disagreeing or questioning their views. I used to mostly just feel sorry for transgender people, but reading articles like those from the website (there are billions of stories there just like it) and watching videos that transgenders make, I am increasingly convinced a "transgender" identity is for perverts or whiny white middle class "progressives."