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No. 322199
>>322195Afaik hons are MTF / TIMs aka "transwomen"
I was confused too because I know hons as MLM-shilling facebook moms.
No. 322203
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I came across the KiwiFarms thread about YaoiGoddessKeale/Kalematsuba yesterday, and I realized something.
In the disgust at MtFs, a lot of GC people seem to overlook that many FtMs are female pedophiles.
I think it's because there's a lot of crossover between fujoshi and shotacon fetishists, who go on to become fakebois, who go on to actually transition.
In Kale's case, they're a huge shotacon who used to draw the stuff in public during their early, early-2000s fujo/fakeboi phase. They ultimately doxxed and stalked an actual 13 year old boy at one point, and talked about almost getting a criminal record over it.
No. 322273
>>322270because milk is drying up and most cows are boring now. gone are the days of daily sperging from the true queen.
I literally check only /ot/ and 1 thread in /snow/. All other threads are hidden because they're autistic or boring as fuck.
No. 322281
>>322273i really don't want this place to fade into obscurity, it feels super one of a kind compared to most spots on the internet… but it really does feel like the life's fading out of it.
i don't know if there's anything that can be done- with the average cow now knowing that oversharing is bad, milk seems like it's just on a downward trend in general. it's sad..
No. 322290
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I love Initial D and Takumi is fucking sexy. I want to have passionate sex with him in his AE86 and be a passenger when he's racing down Mount Akina. I wouldn't care if I fell off the mountain with him and died together.
No. 322291
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i just had some ravioli. it was good.
No. 322297
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I'm sad were going to have to wait 2.5 months minimum to see blowjob scene in the vento aureo anime
No. 322304
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need to get up, dookie and do some laundry and i'm too busy laying in bed next to my aromatherapy diffuser
No. 322372
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>>322365leave this thread alone
No. 322528
>>322428I know! It's incredibly creepy and I think this video perfectly summarizes her supposedly innocent videos.
I almost barfed when I saw her mother approving of that in one of her videos. I really like ASMR and I don't consider it of sexual nature but so many people have started sexualising it and pandering to the nogf crowd that kids following it seems really disturbing. Social services should be involved in this.
No. 322542
>>322535>>322528just listen to rainforest sounds or thunderstorms you fucking degenerates.
everyone who likes "ASMR" is contributing to this shit problem. you are all fucking creepy regardless of it being a personal fetish or not because it acts like a fetish does. there is nothing about noises making you feel tingly, that doesn't sound like a fetish. full stop. i don't care how sleepy it makes you, get a new hobby.
No. 322549
>>322542It's not our fault that twitch thots saw the cash cow and started doing this weird shit. Everything is getting sexualised these days, the problem is not ASMR, it's the audience.
I was following GentleWhispering before she even reached 100k subs, ASMR was nothing like that. Sure, there were some gf roleplays but nothing remotely on this level.
Why should any of us give up genuine ASMR because freaks taint everything with their degeneracy?
Also, ASMR isn't a hobby. It's something you watch or listen to in the background to fall asleep to. Personally, it helps me with dealing with migraines without having to chug down pills.
Don't talk about something you know nothing of.
> but sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat because the automatic playlist led to a fucking sloppy blowjob mouthsounds videoUgh I hate when that happens. It's like someone scratching their nails on the blackboard.
No. 322550
>>322542Lmao thank you, my ex looooooved asmr and was deeply offended that I called it disgusting and creepy for these same reasons.
>b-b-but my ear tingleYou’re gross and you should feel gross. Especially since your kink is on a public, kid infested platform. Keep your weird shit on red tube or cam sites and I honestly wouldn’t give a fuck. Asmr is so nasty because of where it’s posted, because it’s normalizing softcore sexual content, even if you aren’t wanking to it, you’re part of the problem.
No. 322551
>>322542ASMR (the actual response, not the shitshow of a community and videos) is one of those things that's really hard to explain to someone who doesn't experience it, and I get why people whould think it's bullshit, but it really is a legit thing and it's nothing like arousal, goosebumps/shivers or regular relaxation, it's a very distinct feeling. I've gotten the "tingles" (I fucking hate that word) since I was a kid, and even my dad who has never even heard about ASMR videos said that he experiences it too sometimes.
It's just that the whole term has completely lost its meaning and the community has gone off the rails. It's filled with people who have no idea what they're doing or talking about. I remember when the videos used to be solely made by people who experience it, for people who experience it, and you could discuss it without anyone butting in with "oh it's like when you hear a nice sound or someone plays with slime and it's relaxing, haha BRAIN ORGASM amiright, I like listening to hot girls whispering :)))". I wish it would just go back to being an underground thing.
No. 322554
>>322551I don't think it's worth explaining because if they don't experience that sensation, they won't change their opinion.
I wish it went back to being an underground thing too. I see so many top "ASMRtists" that give me zero tingles (I hate using that word too but for the lack of a better one…). I get that it's subjective, some people get tingles from microphone scratching, some people get tingles from water sounds etc., but all I see are just elaborate cosplays with whispering so I'm not even surprised people have a whole different perception of what ASMR is. It became an internet meme and, as long as there's whispering, people call it ASMR.
No. 322556
>>322542Getting this spergy over a mostly harmless series of YouTube videos is ridiculous. That child is absolutely being exploited by her idiot mother but for every weird sexual asmr account, there’s an account that is totally silent and focuses on cooking, doesn’t show any face or isn’t sexual in the least. You’re going to tell me that there’s something degenerate about this cooking video just because it’s asmr?
A few sexual weirdos exploiting it for a fetish doesn’t mean the whole genre is ruined. That’s like saying all movies are pornography, or all cosplay is for thots.
No. 322577
>>322572I'm not even the same anon, I just think you guys are over-reacting, especially since no one is really judging
you cause anons don't have identities. It's really cringy.
No. 322619
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/ot/ is my favorite board on here, but it's so slow, no one is posting anywhere, threads die super fast (the merch one is awesome but it's dead, or almost dead, etc)
unrelated but
I love how this website can be the most wholesome place sometimes (I keep screenshots from some anon's responses to my posts in a special folder on my phone to cheer up)
No. 323877
>>323873Agree, I have 1(one) normie pal and it's wholesome to just talk about school and his social life since that's really all he has going on. He's unpolluted by obscure internet subcultures and chan bullshit. He probably doesn't even know what /pol/ is.
Although I think I do have a deeper connection with my friends who are in too deep but have the same moral compass as me.
No. 324588
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I want a cat but I'm anxious about getting one for some reason. I have owned 2 cats in the past many years ago (one died from stomach cancer, the other my ex took because when we broke up I had an unstable living situation, both were rescues). Both cats were wonderful and affectionate and easy to care for. But the way some people talk about cats they're sooo difficult and destructive so I'm wondering if I just got lucky with them. However, I'm a NEET due to chronic illness and my husband works long hours so I'm pretty lonely during the day, and would like a cat to keep me company.
I guess I've just had really bad luck this year and a lot of things have gone horribly wrong so I'm paranoid about making any changes to my life. My living and money situation is very stable but it's just been such a shitty year in terms of random bad things happening.
No. 324612
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>>324588lol nah, cats aren't that bad unless you just have to have a special needs one or a breed with a lot of care. Most people who have shit luck with every cat they've ever had tend to just not understand how to deal them. If you don't think it's a good idea to get one, then don't. Maybe try at the beginning of next year to get one if you feel this year isn't a good time. I miss my cats(can't have them where I live yet) and like to go to the local shelter and play with the ones there and it's really nice. You could try that if you aren't sure you're ready yet.
On a completely different note, man I fucking miss homemade food. College food is absolute shit. I know it's not meant to be god-tier chef's cooking but fuck I get sick whenever I eat anything from the dining halls so I end up sick. I cook some stuff on my own but damn it's not the same as the food I get at home. Makes me homesick as all hell.
No. 324629
>>324621I second this. Plus, kittens can be a lot of work, which doesn’t sound like it would be a good fit considering anon’s current situation. Even a one year old cat would be less of a hassle.
I also recommend going through a small rescue, one where the volunteers work daily with the cats. They’ll have a good idea of the cats’ individual personalities and can help you match up with one that will fit your lifestyle. The one I went to also allows you to bring the cat back guilt free if it doesn’t work out. They just want their kitties to go to homes that are a good fit for everyone involved.
No. 324653
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This picture of Gay Byrne (Irish TV host) came up in my newsfeed and it made me think of reviewbrah.
No. 325484
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I'm so glad someone made a missed connections FB page specifically for my small town. Really enjoying the cringy posts, the comment slapfights, and the atrocious spelling in both. My proximity to the users makes the whole thing 10 times funnier than it should be.
No. 325510
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god, /ic/ is such a shit board
there are some decent artists that show up from time to time
but the robots that lurk there are annoying as fuck lmao
No. 325581
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I really miss when social media wasn't so huge. I miss Livejournal and just having a stupid blog online back when no one had to think about being publicly dragged or doxxed for their interests. I thought looked pretty good but apparently it has a KF thread for being SJW-pandery.
Anyone here actually use any online blog site? Is dreamwidth still alive? I know fandom secrets are still posting there.
No. 325589
>>325528nta but why is this considered man-hate derailing wtf?
someone fire this retarded mod
No. 325602
>>325599Its also probably that they were doing something rule breaking before or having this issue somewhere else. I've had to moderate on websites and chatrooms before and that happens a lot, so i don't usually like to question it.
This thread is really ill defined and shit anyway. Its basically just a "random" thread but with "no vent" rules that are subjectively enforced.
Tbh i think what would help is an admin coming in and making it clear: "no more vents period, go to the other thread" but this place has been pretty disorganized lately…
No. 325732
>>324821As a brazilian, please avoid brazilian imageboards at all costs. All of them are a bizarre lovechild of /pol/ and /r9k/ with a /b/ on the side. I'd try reading news/blog posts/any long text in general and slowly pick apart words you don't understand instead. Maybe try duolingo (idk if they teach portuguese)?
I wouldn't mind giving out my (separate) discord either if you need help.
No. 325738
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>>325581Kind of related but I kinda miss deviant art, it brought out a lot of classic nutters like sonicrocksmysocks, snapesnogger,bleedman,ramy, etc.., I remember getting home from school and just spending hours on deviantart looking for anime art tutorials, those dumb stamps that you could put on your profile and posting shitty art. (Or Posting art I found on my friends MySpace wall) Was a little bit easier to make friends back then, I even met my first online gf on there kek.
I feel like social media is only getting worse and I hate thinking about how the young kids that are heavily exposed to it are going to turn out when they become adults.
No. 325788
>>325743>>325775You can log in as a demo user to explore the communities for now. It's not exactly a clone of Tumblr, the devs set out to combine tumblr with LJ in that you have your own blog and can reblog your blog's content directly into community blogs, so let's say you draw a piece of fanart and post it on your blog, then you can reblog it into the community yourself instead of going through the blog owner to hopefully notice your content, or cross-posting it like back in the day.
One big controversial option they wanna implement is being able to edit/delete your OP and it would reflect on all reblogs too. I think that's a pretty cool option in itself when you think about it in terms old school fandom participation/functionality, let's say you draw a piece of fanart and people start reblogging it right away but you notice it has some mistakes/resolution issues that annoy you and you want to reupload it without scrapping the whole post and losing out on collected comments/faves. But since the devs made that feature for something along the lines of reducing tumblr-esque bullying (if people start to drag you for your
problematic post you can either delete it or edit your fanart of a steven universe character to be fatter and darker and it would reflect on everyone's existing reblogs and you could try to get away with pretending it was like that from the start), it's really starting to attract the specials.
Like if the devs hadn't mentioned it as "safe space" Tumblr-inspired feature, I doubt it would've received as much backlash and people coming up with ways to exploit that function for the lulz (like replacing inconspicuous photography/fanart with gore or porn). I understand why they'd want to use Tumblr as a comparison point, but they really should have just marketed this to the old crusty LJ crowd without even mentioning the kind of demographic and site culture tumblr has, cause now the website isn't even out of beta and the scary prognosis is that if the site launches, tumblr retards will flood in and hide under the NO BULLI ;w; function to stir shit among each other for disagreeing on the sexuality of some kid's cartoon character.
No. 325793
>>325788i think that's a good option. yes it means people might not be held accountable for stupid shit they say but i think it will do way more harm than good.
im checking it out as a demo user and it seems pretty good so far, i really like the communities. might be a good place for an artist to get in on the ground floor (which is what i mainly use tumblr for) so i might throw some money at it. i think it'll attract snowflakes like all blogging/social media platforms do but it seems like it'll be easier to avoid them. and if the staff is even slightly better than tumblr's it's a vast improvement.
No. 325866
>>325793I have never heard of it before, does it have a lot of users?
Gotta say the name puts me off, sounds childish. I am an old LJ user after all too.
No. 325956
>>325528>>325589>>325598But it's not even "man-hating", it's just being suspicious of men.
Is one of the mods a scrot ?
I'm tired of this bs, not one single place on the internet where you can be free of them.
No. 326037
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I've started following a personal lolcow of mine on twitter and he isn't following me back for now. He isn't posting as much stupid crap as before though so it's not as fun as it could have been if I did that earlier, instead of blocking him and lurking from time to time. I don't think he recognized me at all, since we know each other irl but I'm not dumb enough to use my real name or selfies on my social media accounts.
No. 326590
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>kpop critical thread criticizes how S.Korea has impossile/harsh beauty standards
>Last thread they're tearing apart some Kpop singers who look completely fine
There's some loonies in that thread
No. 326604
>>326380I would've been curious as to why.
It's one thing if he wants to fuck her for being tricked into thinking she's ~le edgy girl~, but if he agrees with what she says and does then that's a definite red flag. Especially the anti-feminist and troon aspects.
Either way, you sure you want a guy with shit taste? Next time he mentions it point out those flaws about her and see what he says…
No. 326662
>>326590A lot of the things posted there can be posted in the kpop thread!
I was hoping for shit like how the kpop industry is wrong and does harm, all that jazz.
It's pure weak shit, sigh.
No. 326850
>>326798Seriously, it’s annnoying. Wouldn’t be surprised if PULL was lurking in there too.
I’m tired of hearing about how old hyuna or some random idols look.
No. 326906
>>323011I’m sick of native english speakers complaining about non-natives grammar errors when they speak only one language.
Yes, I’m not native speaker myself. English is one of the four languages I speak.
No. 326912
>>326906i hate that, too. am native english speaker but damn, they're really nasty to people who make really minor mistakes. it's fucking HARD to bounce from language to language and takes a lot of courage to even try speaking to people when you aren't like completely confident. i have severe anxiety wrt languages even though i like learning them thanks to people like that, esp in america. my family is cuban and i can't even speak to them in spanish without getting so nervous and sweating bullets that they'll be nasty to me about pronunciation of obscure words that i never hear or other mistakes so now i avoid it completely.
people need to stop with that. it's just mean and prevents people from progressing.
No. 326961
>>326590That thread is a fucking mess honestly, a shame because there are a lot of interesting things to discuss that aren't "omg look how old and ugly this idol is, and she's had ps!!"
>>326906A lot of those same native English speakers don't even know how to pronounce foreign words in their own language properly or make weird grammar mistakes themselves, so as far as I'm concerned you can just ignore that shit.
No. 327041
>>327016I can assure you that even if you make mistakes, very few native english speakers as fluent in another language as you are. I study a few languages for fun and could never write a post like you just did.
In english speaking parts of the internet people might be more demanding about how fluent posters should be, but in general a lot of ESL people on eng language sites are actually really good.
No. 327096
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>>327041Seeing native English speakers correcting ESL users' grammar and making fun of them is pretty funny since in my country they're the ones who are consistently the worst at picking up our language and insecure as fuck about it to a point of grovelling and prefacing everything with
>h-haha I know my French is really bad I'm so sorry please don't bully meThey're completely unable to function outside of their little "expat" (because "immigrant" only applies if you're poor and/or brown I guess) bubbles and I often notice that they fetishise the shit out of us and our culture, especially if they have an SO who is a native, they will parade them around social media like a prized show pony and then blog about their glamorous life abroad
This is the person making fun of you on the internet, just remember that, I have yet to see one who behaves differently
No. 327296
>>327289This reminds me that I actually had some American "friends" (not really) criticise my English, because "You're German, shouldn't it be really easy for you?"
Well then, why don't you start learning a Germanic language as well?!
No. 327300
>>327096Tell me more, are the expats you know American or British or from somewhere else? I've never been aware of any of them except in my city somehow and you're making me curious.
>They're completely unable to function outside of their little "expat" (because "immigrant" only applies if you're poor and/or brown I guess) So true. I was shocked that I was treated like some foreigner when I was born and raised in France and have the French nationality compared to white Canadians who came to France to study in my university a few years ago.
>>327289When it comes to vocabulary it shouldn't be too hard though, there are a lot of words that are written exactly the same or have the same etymology, the difference is the pronunciation. What's tricky are these words that are written the same way and have the same origin but they don't have the same meaning, but honestly it's nothing compared to learning French grammar but it should just as difficult as if you were learning German because of things that don't exist in English at all.
No. 327356
Suck it up and learn. If millions of Chinese students can come here to study and manage to learn it without acting like uppity twats, surely you can too. Nobody owes you kindness when you don't offer any in return.
No. 327360
>>327299It got removed?
I haven't been on tumblr for a while, how bad is the bot problem?
No. 327388
>>327360really, really bad. like half the notes or reblogs on any given post is from porn bots. I've had 100 new followers in the last few weeks that are ALL porn bots.
>>327364I heard it has something to do with the site autobanning blogs they detect as spam…which is a lot of them because porn bots reblogging everything and flagging blogs.
No. 327417
>>327364From what I can piece togetherfrom what people are posting (staff STILL hasn't addressed it):
-tumblr removed from app store due to porn bots
-tumblr starts deleting ALL NSFW blogs
-this includes artists and big popular blogs that may have posted something occasionally NSFW (pissvortex, hugely popular, was deleted despite being a shitpost blog)
-sex worker blogs (like Shay's) are also being removed
I shouldn't be surprised staff has been completely silent while the site is melting down, but…wow.
No. 327418
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>>327299Kek I'm glad nsfw blogs are getting deleted randomly, people complaining that their precious nasty porn drawings are going to get deleted and hoes incomes. I hope they delete most of them
No. 327440
>>327426You can email support and get your blog back. According to users who contacted them, they released a new bot to counteract the porn bots and any non-bot blogs that are getting deleted is an unintended side effect.
So no, Tumblr isn't banning porn from their platform.
No. 327538
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i’m lowkey addicted to reading lolcow and kf. i feel like i’m 14 and in my 4chan phase again mostly because i don’t actually like these places but i stick around because there’s always new content and every once in awhile someone posts something funny. it’s definitely made me a lot more bitter and self-critical, though. i’m ready to move on but i hate basically all social media and i need something to browse in my off time orz
No. 327568
>>327538I'm in the same boat. I ditched fb, insta, snapchat, etc in 2016 and honestly feel much better in the anonymous setting. Haven't shared a selfie in years. The only people who I see are people I know irl and have my number.
I used to live in 4ch ~2005-2010, I think this place is better in many ways. There is definitely some negativity around but it's not nearly as damaging as the insanity I've seen on 4ch. I don't think this place has made me more bitter but instead given me a window into the thoughts of other women, and I really love that! I also love the moments where I'll burst out laughing at something especially on-point / witty / just plain silly.
No. 327589
>>327568>>327538Feel you two, I abandoned my social media and went back to anonymous posting i.e. lolcow. I'm a 4chan oldfag myself as well (since 2004)
and I've been familiar with the board culture for years, but the fascination with lolcow is that it's like 98% female, a demographic other imageboards haven't managed to create. I used to be sort of a "not like other girls" kind of girl, but lolcow definitely helped me get out of that mindset because we have a ton of intelligent, mean, nice, funny etc. girls on this board truly showing you the depths of what other women are thinking when they can share their thoughts anonymously. I love it. Girls are socialized to keep up appearances so having a place where you can be as ruthless as possible really helps.
No. 327595
>>327538I had the same before but I got more into podcasts and ebooks instead. I'll always prefer anonymous boards to everything else but obsessive use is so bad for you. Even before we get to the toxic behavior of anons, just reading everyone's depression blogs on /ot/ just because /snow/ is going slow is just going to mean you're taking in a lot of negativity that isn't even relevant to you
>>327581I feel you, I wish I could still have a corner that felt mine where I could make friends and have a pseudonym but insta has turned so I genuine and tumblr sucks dick.
>>327593Just go, you'll regret it if you don't, if it's too much then just dial back on your larp hours though you big nerd
No. 327770
>>327764I assume you've read Austen's other books? If you haven't, the Northanger Abbey has a very sweet love story.
Bridget Jones's Diary is literally a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice, and very cute in its own right.
You might also enjoy the Rosalind Thorne Mysteries. It's inspired by Austen, set in Regency London, and the heroine is clever and witty. The first book is about her and a policeman trying to solve a murder mystery, so there's romance but also an interesting mystery plot.
No. 327851
>>327764Have you read Jane Eyre ? It's a bit longer and more "dark" than Pride and Prejudice but you should like it.
>>327809what about the "MAP" ('minor attracted person,aka pedophile) communities that people keep reporting but the staff never cared about it and aren't even tagged as NSfw
No. 327873
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>>327859Omfg… I’m so glad I watched that. This girl is cringy enough to warrant her own thread.
No. 327881
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>>327859>3 mill viewsThe absolute state of weebs
No. 327889
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>>327859THIS is her kek
So young looking uwu
No. 327908
>>327890it's just men that like anime and think high pitched uwu voices are always legit, and a real life thing . think i read somewhere about japanese girls training their voices to sound as feminine and cute as possiblle from a young age, and carrying that on into adulthood to appeal to men but i'm not sure. but yeah, girs like
>>327889 are only doing it for attention and to appeal to their weeb orbiters online. himeahri, lilypichu, and kyaandere all do the same shit and they all have one thing in common; anime.
No. 327914
>>327859Dear god what the fuck
I don't know what I am supposed to do with my life from now on after watching this
No. 327921
>>327859You can always tell when people are faking their voice because of how much it waivers and changes at the beginning and end of a sentence. Most people's voices don't quiver as much as the fake high-pitched ones do, I've been friends with people who have naturally higher-pitched voices, not the anime type though. Even theirs don't waiver and and sound like they're on the verge of tears.
I hope these girls do irreversible damage to their voice box by trying to be a cute little lolicon when they're well in their twenties.
No. 328219
>>328188I guess you’re replying to me so
I got a short layered bob that I sweep back
I like my hair straight, which I’m trying to achieve with a blow drier, because it’s more gentle than a hair straightener and I have not found the right products to hold it back yet so It’s kind of a pain in the ass right now
No. 328375
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I feel good!
I was anxious and scared as shit for a whole year because in uni I have to deal with a lector that obviously hates me and I needed a favor from her to be able to even stay in uni.
Today I finally asked her and she said yes and that she's ready to help me whenever! What the fuck? I've been scared shitless over it, I lost a lot of sleep in that year just from anxious thoughts and shivering. And she just said yes! What the fuck I was afraid of all this time?
I also refilled my meds and bought a cherry pie today. For the first time in months I actually feel like I'm gonna be okay.
I'm working on slowly uprooting myself from a decade of severe depression and I made myself a lot of promises and so far it's been going fine so there's that too.
Maybe I'm going to be a functional adult after all. And after wanting to die for so long too. Maybe life isn't hopeless bullshit.
No. 328430
>>328428We have a somewhat active tfw no bf thread on crystal cafe, but most farmers hate the place. And it's slow.
There's also /r/trufemcels if you're into plebbit.
No. 328530
>>328435I think that women are less likely to use image boards or reddit and that's why there are no quality places for lonely women.
Maybe you should think about creating an image board for lonely women or something? Or an discord with some verification so it's harder for trolls to join
No. 328633
>>328533I wouldn't get too excited at a doctor weigh-in. My overweight mom got weighed recently, and the nurse was like "and we'll just subtract 20 pounds for your clothes and shoes" like it was a routine thing to do. And then my mom went "oh yeah of course. it's the clothes and the shoes."
It was the deep south, so I guess the nurses been burned before by patients being uncomfortable with numbers, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's not the mentality in more places.
No. 328648
>>328391Haha day after posting,
The stationary was a good suggest!!!! I know I spent some money on AliExpress but I don’t remember what all I got, I know there are some stickers and letter sets, but that’s about all I know, so it’ll be a fun surprise.
No. 328850
File: 1542979179698.jpg (36.35 KB, 500x388, tumblr_onojqenHQ31w5tj2lo1_500…)

I spent most of my teenage years at imageboards. It solidified my character, helped me grow (into a huge fucking mess admittedly).
And I must say, after all the male-dominated imageboards lolcow seems like actual home. People are actually nice to you if you aren't a shithead, there's genuine discussion and support too.
I just wanted to say that I love all of you girls.
No. 328851
>>328336nice bedding, scented candles or incense if you're into that, cute socks, skincare stuff, hair accessories or jewellery or bag charms, plushies or merch of things you like of other kind (posters?), novelty fairylights (saw some really cute lobster shaped ones recently..), kitchen accessories, a book you want to read maybe?
hope you have some nice prezzies!
No. 328877
File: 1542990561192.jpg (42.61 KB, 750x630, a73.jpg)

A cute emo boy liked my pic on IG. Not the current "unwashed white boy with trashy facial tattoos who worships Lil Peep/xxxtentacion and has a failing career as a soundcloud rapper" emo, but "straight out of 2006, probably listens to My Chemical Romance/Blink 182, would have a handful of people catfishing as him on MySpace" emo.
I have a huge, embarrassing attraction to that aesthetic (possibly because I'm bisexual and it's almost inherently androgynous), so it's a nice confidence boost.
No. 328888
>>328878He looks anywhere from 16 to 22. Might just be from a small town that's really backward on trends.
Either way, I'm not touching. Still cute.
No. 328896
>>328889That reminds me, I know for sure that someone at my uni uses lolcow since she got banned while using the school wi-fi lol.
Part of me wants to know her identity, but another is afraid she'll judge me for being an overweight anon.
No. 328904
>>328890I remember seeing some emos a couple of times roaming the streets last year
although they looked like they were in college
wonder what happened, haven't seen any in a long time
No. 328929
>>328889that's a pretty funny story tbh
My best friend and I discovered Lolcow through PULL, at the same time. At first we were both kind of disgusted with the abundant salt and harshness from everyone, then we got addicted to it kek.
I'm >>322619 so you can see how I went from "this is so mean and unfair" to "this is kinda wholesome tbh"She's only a lurker though, but she likes to try and guess where I posted, which threads I created… it's pretty funny. I can't imagine anyone else from our acquaintances using/browsing lc though. (but we're not from an English speaking country so it makes sense)
No. 328950
>>325581I was a teenager in the early to mid 2000's and I remember all the stupid fandom wars we had back then, they were so massively tame compared to the doxxing, death threats and political fights we have on social media now. Back then the worst you would get was someone writing about you being a nutcase on some fandom wank community and people would laugh at it. Now you're in the danger of having your family harassed, getting you fired from your job and even physically assaulted and branded as a bigot if you ship the wrong characters. It's absolute madness now, I'm so glad I'm not a teenager during this time period.
>>325738>bleedmanMy god I had completely forgotten about him and I just had to check out if he's still around, and now he's even more of a softcore shädman than he used to be. And how the hell did his art get actually worse during all these years?
No. 328951
>>328877This! I use a few goth tags so lately I've been getting young emo boys liking my pictures, I know they're just trying to promote their pages with l4l but I felt so unnerved by it I put my age on my account just in case, I swear I'm not fishing for children I just want to wear my outdated fashion crimes
It wouldn't hurt if more cute adults wanted join the revival though
No. 328970
File: 1543018398022.png (1.13 MB, 789x596, IRLbleedman.PNG)

>>328950>>328957not that anon but, I think so?
Sounds like something he'd do, I always thought all the panty shots of the PPg girls were creepy even back in 2008.
it's amazing how he's still around, all he really does is complain about movies. I wonder how old he is now, this pic was taken in 2007 and he's looking around 30-40.
No. 328977
File: 1543021135481.gif (124 KB, 250x241, 456344.gif)

I'm surprised I lost like 4-5kg by only eating when I'm hungry and not overeating
There are a lot of cute farmers tbh..
source: eye thread
No. 328980
>>328979I'm not into them either, but I did think of other farmers.
Centaurs, lmao anon.
No. 329020
>>328979Thanks anon now I'm going to laugh and think of centaurs when I see hot long haired guys
I really do like the look, but so many skinnyfat metal guys who aren't good looking just let their hair grow without trimming or maintaining it properly and expect to become some Thor babemagnet.
No. 329161
>>328921idk, she got banned for calling Jill a spoiled white girl or some shit.
Anon if you see this…let me know. We could be friends and then anonymously complain about each other on here.
>>329065I never got those vibes either. They seem close and judging at least by older vlogs (I haven't watched his recent ones) and their podcasts he comes off as clearly attracted to her. He might be bi though.
I wonder if anons are just saying that because she's older than him lmao.
No. 329237
>>329230I mean it's obvious that she did it precisely because she knew it would piss off the ultra weebs.
I think it's stupid to be pissed off over boxes, people are allowed to do what they want with their stuff and it's poorfag logic to exclaim "b-b-but to some people that's 1/2 their paycheck!" Welcome to the world of people with disposable income, they dgaf.
Moo did it to get that sweet attention and they're happily feeding into her. And watch, she'll still get money from idiots on patreon.
No. 329354
File: 1543107499588.png (753.21 KB, 930x1568, Screen Shot 2018-11-25 at 1.57…)

Guy that fucked a hot pocket showed how delusional he was once again by claiming to get tons of attention from girls with boyfriends, a bunch of girls proceed to post caps of him sliding into their DM's knowing full well they were in relationships… No. 329675
>>329365It's a thinly veiled excuse to go after beaches n shores. A punch down. """Trolling."""
I just wish they'd go after people worth pursuing, like the skeevy tax evasions by corporations and millionaires. And yet that would require actual effort, and possible legal blowback from people rich enough to pursue damages if their accusations were to be false. Oh and, not to mention no attention from hot sluts.
They just found an excuse to make the lives of women they don't agree with harder. They don't care about anything or anyone, literally just watching people burn. It's stupid and transparent.
No. 329695
>>329675I wrote pretty much the same thing as you in the related thread down to the same words, reading your comment here I thought I'd gone mad because I didn't remember posting in this thread
I'm really glad I'm not alone in feeling this way
No. 330070
>>329873Lolcow pressured me to get bangs.
…but it does look better.
No. 330565
>>329655Same, she really niled it on the Lost sad bbdoll with that song
>>329727I'm cackling anon
No. 330854
File: 1543375252268.jpeg (5.15 KB, 228x221, questions.jpeg)

I need help writing a plot point for a story.
The MC wants to make a deal with a being from a race so old and evolved that they are basically god like. He wants to bring someone back from the dead and the god agrees only if the MC gives/does something for them…
I have no clue what something so old, and essentially has seen and done everything would want from a lowly human. Add ideas?
No. 330876
File: 1543378017363.jpg (139.62 KB, 720x960, IMG_7464.JPG)

fuck I need to do my schoolwork. I'm so close to finishing up the semester. But my motivation is at 0% and I am barely skating by here at the end. I sure wish I didn't procrastinate everything all the time.
No. 330979
File: 1543403519624.jpg (145.92 KB, 1200x900, 42e4df65-4762-47f2-adfc-627f05…)

i miss miku
No. 330985
>>330881Uh…Michael Jordan lives a lavish life as a millionaire and is famous and adored. We're not Michael Jordan.
Why are you typing like a retard too
No. 330998
File: 1543409067048.jpeg (409.41 KB, 579x800, 2008-06-17-105189.jpeg)

>>330979I miss ME-tan and the other OS-tans.
No. 331315
File: 1543482073702.jpg (110.35 KB, 900x675, happy_flandre_by_k4glimit-d3b1…)

Man I like snacks! I like bean burritos, I like chips and salsa, chips and queso, queso and taquitos, choco straws, apple slices and peanut butter, salt and vinegar chips, beef jerky, wasabi almonds, wasabi soybeans, roasted broccoli, french fries, miniature sandwiches, Dansk butter cookies, mini peanut butter cups, gyoza, pizza rolls, pizza hot pockets, cucumbers with siracha, avocado toast, triscuit crackers and cheese, bagels with cream cheese, quesadillas, carrots and hummus, fried burritos with mustard, sardines, and probably many other snacks I cannot remember!
I am a snack enthusiast!
No. 331595
File: 1543532369260.gif (894.7 KB, 500x389, bhtf.gif)

>>331315i love snacks too! cucumber sandwiches, marinated white beans with crackers, queso, carrots, shrimp chips, watermelon, guacamole, hummus with pasta chips. so many good foods
No. 331952
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No. 332042
File: 1543611911459.jpg (136.46 KB, 640x480, HowDoWeShotWeb.jpg)

>>331078Feels weird being this old but hey, at least we got the glory days of photoshops and image macros.
No. 332106
File: 1543618944403.jpg (135.71 KB, 500x333, 47312-Christmas-Town[1].jpg)

Went into a store yesterday and got the christmas bug listening to their music. Been listening to a playlist of holiday jazz and drinking peppermint coffee all day today. I've been holding out for as long as I could since companies think the day after Halloween is a great time to get started with holiday decorations, but bring it on. I love this stupid commercial holiday so much.
No. 332139
File: 1543623002171.gif (975.45 KB, 500x281, mxre7hEX4h1sc1kfto1_500.gif)

Got a new job and they have some very strict IT security rules. I wasn't able to check lolcow all day. I missed you bitches.
No. 332258
I'm in the middle of interviews for a job I think I will most likely be offered. It would pay two more dollars an hour than my current position, and 30% off their rental properties. (They're luxury apartments that start at $2400 so this is HUGE). I've been at my current job for 3 years so it's a little bittersweet, but I'm thinking about how I'll finally be able to afford a place with my boyfriend where we can actually get a dog!
>>332139 I browse lolcow so often at my current job haha I'm kind of scared I wouldn't be able to get away with that at my potential new job
No. 332356
>>332258>I browse lolcow so often at my current jobthis is the same with me, i actually love what i do since it basically requires me to stay in a room and turn off and on alarms. i wouldn't want to get a different job that requires more work now that i know the ~luxury~ of this one.
not even just browsing lolcow, i'm able to do so much shit. i get to draw art and play video games.
this job is SO easy and it's so weird, because my site has such a high turnover rate.
No. 332455
>>332306 oh no i get where you are coming from. The two dollars does make a difference for me but wasn't enough without the 30% off. Where I live, apartments are around the $1800-2000 range for anywhere barely decent. You literally have to live with someone else or multiple people if you are not making a tech job's salary here. I would be basically paying the same amount of money renting there as anywhere else, except most apartments in that price range do not allow pet's/don't have accommodations such as on site gym/pool/etc. It would be just around 30% of mine and my boyfriends combined incomes.
>>332356 That sounds so fun! I would get away with reading comics and watching movies at my old position.
>>332359 I literally never thought about this/ don't understand and at this point I'm too afraid to ask. Even though I browse this site all the time I still feel like a newfag
No. 332468
>>332455I've never seen that, knock on wood.
Just be glad you haven't, either.
No. 332480
>>332455>>332468It was an issue a few months ago, but we haven't had those cp bots on here in a while. The mods would always take hours to delete that shit too.
There was gore on here only like 2 weeks ago though, which the mods also took a ridiculously long time to remove… It was a picture of a dead girl.
No. 332572
File: 1543703001547.png (980.81 KB, 584x589, rverwer.PNG)

>>330979She still lives anon, her concerts still sell out.
I still love Miku, she keeps the 12 year old weeb in me alive.
also this image
>>331315 reminded me of that damn Ronald Mcdonald madness video where they edit it him to sing U.N. Owen was her?
Makes me regret not completely getting into Touhou back in 2007.
I just want to say I really fucking love bags. I'm not sure why but I love buying them and using them.
There's so many cute bags and not enough money in my wallet, it is suffering
No. 332597
File: 1543706777714.jpg (14.76 KB, 281x187, f5d.jpg)

Just uploaded a college paper with seconds to spare on the deadline for the first time. Am I a real college kid now?
No. 333114
File: 1543763297659.jpg (488.88 KB, 900x675, advent chicken.jpg)

>>332572>that damn Ronald Mcdonald madness video where they edit it him to sing U.N. Owen was her?holy shit i fucking loved the Ran Ran Ru videos. I was obsessed with Ronald McDonald for a years because of that video and the other one where he dances to Fascination MAXX from Dance Dance Revolution. i was never into Touhou or anything, just fucking Ronald McDonald…
Also Colonel Sanders. I unironically loved all the internet jokes about the rivalry of Ronald McDonald and Colonel Sanders. McMatrix was one of my favorite Newgrounds flash animations.
god, this just brings me back to my autistic years in middle school and high school. so innocent.
No. 333266
File: 1543778271944.gif (1.37 MB, 498x372, tenor.gif)

sorry for asking a silly question in this thread but I couldn't find a "dumb questions" thread.
English speaking anons!
I'm currently writing an application letter to NYU but I'm Swedish so my English sounds awkward sometimes haha. How do I say that "I'm studying the subject teacher program in English and History"?
Do I say" majoring in English and History"? Every sentence just sounds weird
No. 333270
>>333266hey pal! nyu!! awesome! so by subject teacher program, you mean you are trying to become a teacher later?
if you are just studying those, not trying to become a teacher, you would just say "majoring in english and history."
No. 333271
>>333268correction, it's a
stupid questions general thread
>>327795 No. 333282
>>333268>>333271oh I'm so sorry, I didn't think of searching stupid instead of dumb.
>>333270>>333277Yeah I'm super hyped haha!
In Sweden there's a different program for teachers who teach high schoolers, we call that the "subject teacher program". My two subjects to teach are English and History. Is that not a thing in the US? I'm going to study my second year of the program at NYU, so I thought you guys also called it Subject teaching..
No. 333319
File: 1543782543236.png (54.48 KB, 328x396, 1499908771296.png)

Fuck people still thinking about Christmas. It ended over 11 months ago.
No. 333328
File: 1543783279087.jpg (41.6 KB, 277x260, 1455728369346.jpg)

>>333319Christmas is a shitty holiday anyway, people are actually celebrating an suspicious old man sneaking inside people's houses with no permission and being friendly to children? Really?
No. 333335
File: 1543783588754.jpg (59.52 KB, 1024x576, Dd7bo0-V4AAthcv.jpg)

>>333319Explain this meme please.
No. 333435
>>333428OH shit, so it was the same old guy?
Who would have known?
No. 334287
File: 1543913717281.jpg (29.8 KB, 450x600, PB9d7.jpg)

I dropped a laptop I bought a week ago on the floor.
Only the AC adapter broke thankfully and there is no visible damage, but I still fucking hate myself for being such a clumsy piece of shit.
That's why I always buy affordable and mediocre tech, I will just fucking drop my expensive phone and break it and will have no money to replace it.
I have butterfingers and one day I'm going to break something important and valuable and I would actually cry.
No. 335146
File: 1544093883408.png (65.99 KB, 174x226, 5eb57449ad99156eac5c552b9bdeb8…)

posting a random image to get the gore off the front page
No. 335737
File: 1544207638950.jpg (5.33 KB, 246x82, pornhub.jpg)

I'm not an antisemite or a conspiracy fag but fucking lol at pornhub changing their logo to this for hanukkah
No. 335859
>>335737i mean dont they also change it for xmas and shit other shit ?
I think this is actually more disrespectful to jews than other way round. Happy Hannukah while you watch Teen Step Daughter Gets Anally Raped.
No. 335898
>>335892I agree. While this site can be the etomime of picky, maybe vapid,
i'd prefer to those spergy monkeys on 4chan
No. 335956
File: 1544251207703.png (638.5 KB, 800x504, FB3B3EF6-5562-45D0-954E-41F04A…)

Claire and Leon look like shit in the remake. Especially Leon, can’t believe they did my boy dirty like this
No. 337174
File: 1544412398297.png (1.45 MB, 3640x2140, 1519681331056.png)

that [neet noises] anime girl reaction pic is so fucking cringy and tranny teir. every single time I see it I think of pic related.
No. 337466
File: 1544466862178.jpg (95.07 KB, 750x750, rBVaJFmSXjaAL1b6AALDV1g2j48226…)

Don't want to bump the old makeup thread so here it goes:
Has anyone tried using a wing stamp?
I have hooded and uneven eyes and I don't really have the time to practice a lot so I thought I might give this thing a try
No. 337472
>>337466Anon, are you me lol
I have hooded eyes too, I got the 'kitten' sized one and it does wonders!
Takes a couple of applications to get used to it but I think it's totally worth it.
No. 337477
>>337470It's been 20 days since the last post and I usually have shit luck with people replying so I thought I might as well put it here since ot is pretty active
>>337472Guess I know which size to choose then. Though I have to order it via ebay, but it shouldn't be an issue
No. 337505
>>332834Probably the wizard and the other military guy that'll come back in town later in the game
Just look up the wizard's tower's location on Google.
Sorry for answering 8 days late
No. 338092
File: 1544564949950.jpg (34.81 KB, 335x340, 1543903359407.jpg)

The thread pic for the celebricows #4 thread in /ot/ makes me laugh bc I'm a white girl who put adobo seasoning on chicken for the first time recently
That is all.
No. 338214
File: 1544574555255.png (19.06 KB, 1733x275, lol.png)

For people who are doubting/keep wondering that trannies are on crystal cafe and not real women. This was in the "what other imageboards do you frequent?" thread on sushgirl which is another imageboard that's userbase is predominately male, despite its name and interface. I found this sob story and thought it was pretty funny.
That one male mod on cc really let his basement-dwelling friends shit up the place.
On another note, looks comfy.
No. 338216
>>338214fuck. I really prefer cc over lolcow tho.
Tho old lolcow was best.
No. 338220
>>338216I'm pretty sure many are still biowomen, though.
I am and I post there, plus the discord girls who go through a voice test (I assume) also still post.
No. 338327
File: 1544601248659.jpg (9.95 KB, 355x355, 1544592090119.jpg)

This creepy sextoy mouth has nasolabial folds!
No. 338424
File: 1544625491302.jpg (31.07 KB, 400x362, 70000.jpg)

>>338355table games of some sort? like warriors of catan or medieval rpgs, something like that. otherwise seconding the other anon, books and series merch is a pretty good bet.
No. 339067
File: 1544757939467.jpg (77 KB, 1533x711, acd3fa0291ad0673954d8c2b2e7b8a…)

Anyone want to play cards against humanity? the password is lolcow
No. 339270
>>335859How would it be antisemitic?
MINDGEEK who owns pornhub and other porn websites was created by jews and its sitting CEO is jewish.
No. 339395
File: 1544827026123.gif (73.93 KB, 454x256, pixel.gif)

Not sure what's up with my nervous system but whenever I feel strong emotions, I get sensations in my arms and hands based on the emotions I'm having and it just started a month ago. Feeling despair? Stabbing sensations run throughout my arms and hands. Very happy/excited? Warm, tingling sensation. Turned on and horny af? Indescribable.
I've tried googling it and I can't find anything about it.
Whenever I've been feeling sick with a fever or migraine in the past year, I get weak and tingly in only my left arm until it eventually becomes paralyzed and I'm unable to move it at all until it recovers after a few hours.
I went through heart and brain scans that all came back normal so apparently there's nothing actually wrong with me. Strange. Not that I'm complaining, I guess it makes things more exciting for me when these emotions occur.
No. 339441
>>339395This is actually fascinating. Have you talked to any psychologists about this? Preferably ones with knowledge of neuroscience? Are you sure that it's the emotion first followed by the arm thingy and not the other way around?
There's a new-ish theory of how emotions are generated and felt that (as I understand it from hearing/reading small references) says feelings (happy/sad/etc) are these broad concepts applied to describe actual interoceptive sensations. There is no guaranteed set of stimuli that can generate a particular emotion because the emotion is something closer to a word that you learn/invent and which varies across cultures. Maybe a sensation in your arm could become linked to a certain emotion.
What you're describing sounds like it's going the other way around though, or there's some feedback through this specific region. One of the researchers at the head of all this stuff is Lisa Feldman Barrett, she's got a book "How Emotions are Made". If you're interested you can do a really deep dive googling her name. I feel like there's a scientist out there that could probably learn something by slapping some electrodes on you, lol.
No. 339548
>>339395sounds like your body is exerting exaggerated physical symptoms for your emotions. feeling sensations along with your emotions is normal, but your case is extreme!
i have a panic disorder where there's times when i'm panicked and i'll start getting foggy vision and shortness of breath. this also happens when i'm excited, as both symptoms
trigger the same sensations. my brain mistakes the two and i'll end up thinking something terrible is about to happen.
there was one time my panicked emotions diminished, but instead of feeling psychological fear, i had a throbbing headache that lasted a few days. when it went away the panicked emotions came back.
No. 339673
>>339657I was also following the story right after it broke, but I didn't find out he was married until the RS article. Holding out for the rockstar wife life?
And it's crazy how no one had been able to dig up anything on Jered's life before Threatin.
Waiting for an update from the bassist Gavin Carney. In his video a few weeks ago he believes and supports Jered but says he will be "very shocked, disappointed and sad" if it is a hoax. No. 339675
>>339657And the clubs that booked him? Total fail on their part in verifying his claims.
>>339673Apparently I didn't follow the story long enough. He was doxed not long after. No. 340770
File: 1545074407288.jpg (75.95 KB, 500x500, ptičice.jpg)

Do you think pic related is a nice bday gift for my mom? She loves birds and I do love the necklace but I'm afraid that it's too cheap? The price tag is approx 30 euros so 35 bucks. Is that too cheap for a silver necklace? Because I don't mind spending more but I really want to get her this one. It's so cute!
I'd probably combine it with a nice chocolate box.
No. 340775
>>340770Yes, it's not about prices you clearly put thought into it and considered what your mom likes. So that makes it a sweet gift, bonus chocolates will make it extra lovely.
(I always add a little gift with the main gift too it's cute).
No. 340778
>>340774>>340775Thank you <3
Now I can't wait until I get it for her. I'm just worried that it feels cheap or looks cheap in reality. The store seems legit and has good reviews but the necklace seems too perfect so…
No. 340865
File: 1545095376790.jpg (17.71 KB, 250x250, f2BACQoF.jpg)

a fit asian checkout guy said he likes my hair, i never get compliments on my appearance so it felt nice granted he seemed like one of the chatty checkout people but i'll take what i can get kek
No. 340946
File: 1545145358557.png (364.85 KB, 702x637, 1535220036520.png)

Just realized I've been on this site for two years now
No. 341006
File: 1545156481647.jpg (33.38 KB, 512x512, heh.jpg)

> bored
> decides to read some yaoi for the first time in 7 years
> wow i actually still like this
> feel weird and ashamed because 70% of my social circle is gay men
> its still hot though
> raises my libido thats been dead untill now
> go out and party bc libido up
> maybe i'll hook up w someone cute
> like 10 of my gay friends are at the party
> feel creepy and angry at myself
> what kind of radfem am I ?
> still reading yaoi after that
No. 341016
File: 1545158366175.png (42.07 KB, 184x168, ww.PNG)

>>341006>>341014>yaoi flashbacksI know what you mean anon. Sometimes if I'm watching a show with two male characters my brain still tells me which one would be seme and which one would be uke. I don't know how to turn it off.
No. 341040
File: 1545162794307.jpg (18.96 KB, 248x481, sennheiserMX375.JPG)

I'm looking for headphones like pic related because I feel that these ones are no longer sold by the company and whenever I look for In-Ear earphones or earbuds (whatever you call it) I only see those ones that you put "into" your ear but I HATE those so much.
So, does anybody knows similar ones?
No. 341044
File: 1545164864787.jpg (417.39 KB, 1280x1280, 1532633302105.jpg)

I forgot how good it feels to drag someone.
No. 341046
>>341040Checked the site for that brand and they seem to still sell them? not in black.
No. 341443
File: 1545238336463.jpg (40.71 KB, 400x600, IMG_4345.JPG)

Im lowkey broke saving for my apartments deposit but I still got my mom some pretty nice things and I generally got the people I care about good items I know will be used but also hits a sweet spot in them! (I love making people realise I listen, tbh fills my heart cause i only keep very few people around me on a consistent basis)
I know im not gonna get the world in return, which is fine too because we're all just in a pinch atm and currently despite the bumps im on a pretty good road!
(Also drink water and take care of yourselves anons & love your vagina. I see too much self deprecation over it like y'all despite the apocalyptice nature of the world ur vulva is neat & I will fight any man or woman who tries to get in your way over it)
No. 341606
File: 1545266861156.gif (3.51 MB, 540x304, GiddyAlertChrysomelid-size_res…)

Tomorrow my mother in law will be gone!
No. 341611
>>341607I want to show off my body while I'm young and it still looks nice. You only get one chance/time in your life to do it so why not? You can do it tastefully if you want.
Also, if you have huge boobs, any normal thing, like a tank top, that you wear is automatically overly sexualized anyway.
I don't do it 24/7, I like to sometimes when I go out to concerts or something. But it became a problem around my guy friends even if I was wearing normal clothes. No matter what you wear, if you have a "sexy" body, guys
will check you out and treat you like shit anyway.
Lately I've been wanting to be more courageous and post some kind of lingerie pics or something on instagram like I see other girls do sometimes, I haven't ever been one to do that. I'm more of the person that would want them to be more artistic than trashy, though. In the end who cares what other people think?
No. 341613
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>>341607I don't know if it's considered "sexy" in 2018 but I like to wear pencil skirts since I think it highlights my waist and makes me look less blocky.
In a way I suppose it is to appeal to men since it showcases curves, but I also just enjoy the silhouette/office lady aesthetic it gives off. And I try to always keep my chest and knees covered.
(I'm also a disgusting bisexual, so perhaps I shouldn't have answered)
No. 341675
>>341659L O L
I’m so sorry that happened to you
No. 341711
File: 1545288236066.jpeg (1.34 MB, 3024x4032, CE769850-19DC-4D1E-976C-D8D18C…)

i hope i dream about joel from vinesauce being my friend
goodnight lolcow
No. 342098
>>342062Every time I remember this at night I put myself an alarm for the next day, but I always happen to be doing something when it rings - so it's like oh! i'm gonna finish frying these eggs, then I'll call them, and I forget to do that within 3 seconds. I feel like a goldfish lol. My therapist appointments are pretty much me and her going through stuff like this, she helps me pay rent and call places bc I literally won't remember to do that.
But this kinda did gave me the idea to send a message to my friend and ask for her to do this for me or call me and make sure and I'll do it.
No. 342101
>>342069Cow culture is dying out. When was the last time any real milk happened? Even Moo's sexual assault scandal was pretty lackluster and had no real impact. Tractorgate DID have actual consequences but between a lack of sperging on Onion's part and the whole thing being quietly settled it wasn't very exciting. Nothing in /snow/ is milky, it's pure nitpicking and autism.
Cows are finally learning to keep their shit to themselves. We are never going to see anyone like PT again. I come here for /ot/ and a few flakes I have soft spots for these days.
No. 342111
>>342069I think it's because of posting issues. Sometimes nothing
can be posted for hours, or the multi-posts. It's a server issue.
No. 342112
>>342098Seems like an oversight to forget to schedule an appointment for forgetful anon
I have a bad memory too. I like to put pending tasks in my eyeline (wherever you sit most often) so you can't miss it.
No. 342201
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can anyone tell me what the fuck this is I've googled and found nothing I'm freaking the fuck out
No. 342206
>>342205iPhones are pieces of shit. it wouldn't focus how much I tried.
That white bit is literally like a skin tag growth that has grown out of my mouth like a little stump with that inflamed area around it. Its not flat. I can't find anything on the internet that resembles it.
No. 342209
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>>342207but it does hurt when it drags and when I eat
No. 343158
>>342790That sounds nice actually, I love my little sister to death but she's too messy to live alone with kek.
Anyway she is at risk by being dependent on someone else, but that would also be true if she was a housewife/SAHM so I don't think you need to feel weird about it. And you're much more likely to be loyal than a husband so really it's not a bad position to be in.
No. 343398
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I'm trying to gift myself a JoJo figure but I can't decide which one to pick so I'll probably end up buying nothing.
No. 343401
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>>343398you could pre-order the kakyoin nendo
No. 343546
>>343504i'm a survivor as well, but i don't really wish death on people. there's a difference between thinking they should die, and hoping they do.
also i personally hope those kinds of people go to prison and experience the pain they inflicted on me for the rest of their lives.
No. 343563
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As a pre-christmas present (we actually don't celebrate 25th in this country, only me and my girlfriend have a tradition of having mulled wine and putting up my christmas tree) I'm giving my girlfriend a box stufffed to the brim with the exact type of her favourite candy and a miniature bottle of Chivas Regal 12 because when we met and started dating it was on sale in full size bottles and she taught me to drink with it, so it's a very fond memory. I would have much preffered giving her a full size bottle, but it's now like 5 times the cost we used to buy it for when we were 19 and I am poor.
No. 343616
>>343603>>343504Exactly, lol.
It's bad karma to keep them
alive , let alone allowing them to stay in society.
Your boyfriend is a fucking dumbass incapable of basic empathy for victims, even while you ARE one.
Seriously reconsider your relationship.
No. 343628
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I really don't understand why people are calling her ugly.
No. 343695
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I never thought that we'd reach a point in fashion where people strive to look like IMVU avatars.
No. 343700
File: 1545677040148.jpg (71.32 KB, 625x415, bratz-photos.jpg)

>>343695And/or Bratz dolls. It's like the future was predicted in the early 2000s…
I just find it odd women are "supposed" to look so cartoony now, both in terms of makeup and proportions (with plastic surgery and etc.).
No. 343703
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oh hell no
No. 343741
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Merry DL-6 day everyone!!
No. 343864
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>>343741Merry indeed. Don't get yourself framed for murder this holiday season!
No. 344125
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kek the kpop critical thread is broken. it's a belated christmas miracle!
No. 344140
>>344136Careful anon or you'll have thrush by NYE. Don't scrub hard and always use a nonscented sensitive wash like femfresh and you should be fine, but if you go overboard even once you'll understand the warnings aren't just for fun
Kind of relared, my Christmas has been vag centric too after the result of a bad infection. It's all cut up so in order to get it to heal properly I have to rinse it with salt water every day. This is so stupid, no normal person needs to endure this. May everyone's vags be merry and fine though
No. 344153
>>344136I have an innie too but how are you not getting clean enough with just a washcloth and warm water?
Usually by the third pass with a washcloth the smell is no longer present and the cloth is clear. I only use soap for my groin and outer bit.
No. 344154
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>>344136>Scrubbing the mucous membrane of your inner labia with soapthinking about the rash and irritation this shit would give you fucking hurts me physically, I really hope this is a maleposter
No. 344184
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I desperately wish the Truman Show was real. But with a decently large group of people separated from the rest of society. Just take a bunch of babies and watch them live 24/7 until they die basically just to see what humans are actually like.
No. 344208
>>344184I love this idea too anon, besides the fact that it would be the equivalent of society giving a thumbs up to the life-long exploitation of someone; but maybe it does this already.
Surely people with the highest security clearance or hackers basically are already capable of doing this to the rest of the world.
No. 344215
>>344208tangent but i feel kind of bad for the queen. she's born into a similar kind of lifelong "acceptable exploitation". i get that she can quit, but that's a person's whole life dedicated to ceremony and she's been bred and brainwashed from birth into it.
i hate the monarchy for much more worthy reasons but i do feel a pang of sympathy for queenie
No. 344229
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You ever just was a gigorno ho but wanted to be a virgino? Because that's me…(namefagging)
No. 344325
File: 1545913341152.jpg (32.93 KB, 480x480, 1543879733032.jpg)

My older stepsister who used to mock me and bully me day in and day out has aged like milk! Guess your drugs, partying and bad diet caught up with you, huh Angel? Who is the manface now you whore!
No. 344393
>>344204Thank you for caring anon! It's starting to heal faster after lots of sleep, I'll never take intimacy health for granted again. May you always have a healthy, happy vag in 2019!
>>344215Same anon, like sure "fuck the monarchy" and all that but as much as I'd love to be born into riches, all the other stuff that comes with it is no joke and I kind of respect the old boot. You can't admit this stuff in public though or people just roll their eyes. I also wish Diana hadn't died, she she probably would have done some great stuff.
No. 344447
>>344394I don't think I should, she won't stop talking about our city in her videos and posts and I think at some points she mentions our high school by name so if anyone I know finds this I could be outed as a farmer. I'll tell you this though:
>she's a white Kim Kardashian wannabe who uses a racial slur to describe herself to make herself seem exotic>There's no English translation to this slur but an equivalent would be a white girl who likes KFC and hip hop calling herself a "nigger" jokingly all the time but disliking or avoiding black people>so many photos that focus on her cleavage>has some lips implants and had a surgeon do something to her nasolabial folds that makes her look uncanny valley and thinks that whenever someone has body issues they HAVE to use surgery. And since nasolabial folds are a bit of a meme here, she talked about it herself>thinks people who are against the use of surgery or people who personally don't want to have surgery done to them for this reason for this reason are all jealous or poor people, unlike her who has always been a spoiled brat>talks about fashion and makeup a lot but can't put on makeup for shitOverall she's just a ridiculous person that me and my friends laugh at occasionally.
No. 344495
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Just tried pic related. It literally tastes like ass. I thought it would taste way more differently wtf. Now I'm stuck with 4 more because I bought it in a 5 pack ;-;
No. 344518
>>3445024chan has been shitty since 2009 when that anonymoos we r legun meme shit was happening. You missed it's prime, there's definitely no reason to browse it now as even young normies know about it. It's just filled with retards.
Also most of the memes there now originated on tumblr and reddit. They don't even know it yet complain about both sites because they're clueless.
No. 344535
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>>344502>>344518I agree, 4chan creatively died many years ago.
Even it's early days the photoshopping wasn't amazing, but at least there was a group trying to produce original content.
No. 344723
>>344668I ruined 3 meters of fabric and still did not get what I wanted to. And I was so hopeful.
Now I have nothing to give her and feel like a total failure.
No. 344734
>>344723I'm sorry anon, perhaps it can be salvaged still. Here are some ideas:
mini pouch
fabric flower 'bouquet'
scrap keychain or pendant
table coasters
fabric bracelet
kitchen hot pads
You might also be able to turn the fabric into a strappy crop top, or a triangle bandana top. They don't require much fabric.
No. 344782
>>344674Fuck men are so fucking stupid and simple minded.
Like, have some fucking respect for the guests in your place. I highly doubt they're going to be permanently staying there, so nothing is going to happen if you abstain from sex for a couple of days.
Maybe you guys could just have a relaxing night with massages or a nice shower together. But I bet your boyfriend thinks both of those are just lead ups to having sex.
No. 345055
File: 1546039944311.jpg (908.05 KB, 6000x4000, goat.jpg)

I love crumbly goat cheese so fucking much. Truly the Greatest (cheese) Of All Time. I made a salad that had more goat cheese in it than cucumber. So good! Thank you goats!
No. 345135
File: 1546049889672.gif (637.88 KB, 498x281, tenor.gif)

I put this in another other thread but my old GM at the Gamestop I used to work at is going viral for getting yelled at and he's such a piece of shit and deserves it.
He cheats on his wife, harasses female employees, and is an absolutely terrible manager, I lowkey hope he gets fired from this
No. 345171
File: 1546054266890.png (520.78 KB, 684x562, dont call anyone 2.png)

You mean this viral video?
Top kek, anon!
No. 345172
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>>345167Yep. It's this
>>344772 one for anyone out of the loop.
God I don't support screaming at retail workers because you don't get what you want, especially because I got yelled at for dumb shit all the time when I was there, but seeing that manager get his ass handed to him was glorious. Knowing him I wouldn't be surprised if he was saying 'Sir' to them on purpose.
I found this out in the wild too, no one sent it to me. Truly a glorious viral vid for me.
No. 345187
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>>345183Eh sorry anon, definitely acting like a fucking psycho though.
Not gonna go into detail but there's threads I avoid on here.>>345171I sent this to my old co-worker and she was so happy seeing him freak out. I'm so fucking glad I don't work there anymore. I got hired over a year ago by a different manager and had to deal with a terrible transition when he came on. As a manager he:
> Wouldn't schedule you if you didn't have 100% availability, not an exaggeration> Ending up scheduling the only 3 employees that could work 7 days a week> Forced those 3 employees to work more than 40 hours a week with no benefits and no overtime> 5 other employees (Including myself because fuck you college is more important than Gamestop) were left with absolutely 0 hours for months> Before I went back to school, wouldn't let me do my training on the computer in the back, so I would have to do it up at the front and help the customers at the same time> Holiday season so obviously never actually get it done > That Gamestop was the best one in the state when I was first hired, he came on and lost its Prestige status by March> Had terrible customer service skills, talked like a condescending douche no matter what the subject> This is not the first time he's been yelled at like this kek> Many regulars stopped coming to our store because of his attitude>Was cheating on his (v cute) wife with his "best friend"> "Best friend" had an absolutely busted face with a potato nose, fucked up teeth, and was dead behind the eyes> His BF would walk around the store for several hours just waiting for him to go on his lunch break, which he always spent with her> Hired another girl who was kind of a cow herself, constantly flirting with her and creeping her out> Despite the fact that she has a boyfriend AND HE'S MARRIED> It gets so bad she has to transfer to another storeThat's just the tip of the iceberg. I left awhile ago because I wanted to focus on college and also was basically fired without getting fired. (Not scheduled for 3 months, he didn't like me because I didn't want to fuck him). I wish I knew more but unfortunately I don't talk to anyone who still works there because they all left too.
I guess as proof his name starts with 'D' and this store is in the Southwest. Rather wouldn't dox him or myself so I'll keep it at that and see how viral this goes. No. 345192
File: 1546057038251.gif (1.61 MB, 300x169, tumblr_p7m1vozNC11qcpw29o1_400…)

>>345172>>345187I'm glad you're getting enjoyment from this, and I hope he's embarrassed as fuck about the whole thing because he sounds like he deserves to suffer, but he didn't really do anything wrong in the video itself. He corrected himself when the customer asked him to.
Also, I appreciate your use of aggretsuko reaction images.
No. 345199
File: 1546057898223.jpg (222.52 KB, 653x488, _103246043_aggretsuko2.jpg)

>>345192Don't feel bad for me, I got out of there pretty early and I don't have rent/bills so my jobs were always for spending money. It sucks not having fun money but I'm actually going to be graduating college this year because I don't have a terrible retail job that makes me want to die. It's my coworkers who actually had families and bills that I felt super bad for. Either you worked to death for him or you starved and got yelled at when you had to get another job that limited your availability even more.
>>345191Definitely watching the vid by itself I understand that it's all on the customer. I would side with him too if I didn't know them, but since I know him it's all just sweet sweet karma for me. There are a few times in the vid where he switches from 'Ma'am' to 'Sir'. I think he was trying to make it seem like it was an accident but I wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to purposefully escalate the situation.
I hope no one I know sees these posts because they'd totally know who I am because of the Aggretsuko images lol No. 345373
File: 1546077512250.png (339.21 KB, 500x310, greasy gregs.png)

So farmers, if you absolutely had to choose, which daddy dom Greg would YOU lay?
No. 345376
>>345373Disgusting, anon. I'd rather die. But probably septic, because I'd love to
trigger shuwu.
No. 345395
>>345373onion, but he has to undergo a full body deep cleanse first and wear a ball gag because I don't want to have to listen to his shit.
>>345376she'd claim to get off on it, but inside she'd be dying.
No. 345403
>>345373This is the final form of the thread "Men who you're ashamed you want to fuck" type of deal.
I honestly am undecided.
No. 345455
>>345397persuasive argument!
my initial instinct was skeptic just because i'm convinced gurg is actually a rat king, unconvincingly puppeteering the skin of an ugly man. but you're right. thinking about it, i could get off on the hate element of fucking onision.
No. 345551
>>345366thank you based anon, gonna buy some goat cheese to eat on the 31th.
No. 345662
File: 1546125417677.jpeg (53.52 KB, 1280x799, D93FC67D-3BAA-4DAA-A65F-3A6E60…)

Any of you go through Bandersnatch? I was unamused for about 60% of it, but then it was kind of fun. Didn’t try to play through the whole thing (apparently there’s 5 hours of material?) but got a couple of endings.
No. 345666
>>345662The thing that made it so unsatisfying, in my opinion, is that all of the endings, maybe not the Netflix one, were kind of half assed and that there was no secrete ending you can only get if you complete all of the other endings.
It was disappointing tbh, doesn't feel like it was made by people that actually respect interactive stories.
No. 345669
>>345397late but *subconscience
and I think I just meant conscience anyways kek
No. 345685
File: 1546130479782.jpg (91.62 KB, 404x838, yeet.jpg)

I know nobody really gives a shit or anybody will see it much, but is this too creepy/tacky to sport? It's a key cover.
No. 345696
>>345662I thought it was fun. The story is really weak, but I don’t think it would’ve been easy to follow for the mainstream viewer if they made it more complicated. I see this as just a test for the medium. It would be cool if they did another choice episode that was romance themed like Hang the DJ.
I wish they did more with Colin and Pearl. I also didn’t find much of a reason to care for Colin, he wasn’t likable or unlikable, he was just blank, which I’m sure was the point.
No. 345845
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>>345373TBH I'd choose death.
No. 346314
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>>345685Kewpie merchandise is oddly cute. It has an element of surrealness to it.
No. 346515
File: 1546218367000.jpg (48.17 KB, 576x1024, Bh2G2YfIgAACSlm.jpg)

I was digging around in my ear like the Neanderthal I am and I was just about to pull a big satisfying chunk of dried earwax out but I couldn't get it out and now it's pushed farther back into my ear and probably gone forever. Pic related, it's a very accurate representation of how I feel about it
No. 346974
>>346971Isn't he still doing online school?
Eh, if he makes money off of it I don't blame him. Very young effeminate makeup boys are in right now (look at James Charles).
No. 347071
Last night was NYE in my country and I got an email like 4 min after midnight that this place I submitted an application to had just opened it. HR must've been having an even more boring NYE than I was if they were looking at applicants then, lol.
>>346974Youtube isn't gonna be around forever. Putting all your eggs in one basket is stupid as. I hope for his sake he's still in school.
No. 347427
File: 1546350727234.png (195.59 KB, 445x450, 1546011134740.png)

my friend keeps sending her selfies in my group chat, just interrupting the conversation and adding nothing. in fact, she barely says anything at all in the chat and her only form of communication is just sending unrelated selfies
its making me cringe so hard because i just cannot understand the reasoning behind doing that.
No. 347543
>>347421>>346854>>346846Of course these points are always the first to come up when one of those type of people are confronted, but I always thought other anons were tying to be insulting; I guess they really are probably just miserable, power-hungry faggots. Hm.
Funny bc I'm a loser and I don't feel comfortable acting like I'm not so it doesn't compute kek
No. 348092
File: 1546456062323.png (127.07 KB, 276x299, 1494163479377.png)

I think new year resolutions are stupid because nobody follows them but I'm willing to give them a try. So my resolutions for 2019 is to finally finish all the video games, books, manga and anime I ever started and dropped at some point, or even bought. If I have enough free time after that with my job and college I'll try to start games and manga I've wanted to play and read for a while. I'll report back once it's done. What are you guys' resolutions for this year?
No. 348120
>>347894I know it sounds stupid, but you should just listen to the weed. If it's happening every single time you get high with this guy, the weed and your brain are trying to tell you something.
I feel like a lot of the anxiety/paranoia I got while high was because my brain was trying to tell me something about this person that I couldn't admit sober.
No. 348155
>>348154samefagging but whatever
I feel like a failure as a human being being so uppity about doing something we have done since the dawn of time but like jfc I just want to be able to enjoy taking a regular bite out of my chicken.
I know how this sounds… Anyway thanks for listening.
No. 348184
>>348161>>348155It's honestly not a big deal to not like meat, and I'm saying this as a meat-eater. Almost everyone this day and age would get sick at the thought of eating livers and hearts and testicles, but people ate those no problem once-upon-a-time. As time goes on, people will probably think muscle and bone are pretty gross too.
I can't wait until lab-grown meat becomes cheap, because not only will animal husbandry decline and people can be vegetarian without sacrificing taste, but also veganfags can't be moral about not eating animal products anymore, it'd be like bragging about not eating bull testicles due to moral reasons kek.
No. 348419
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I've been obsessed with minimalism and tiny homes. There's just something about tiny homes that are cozy to me.
No. 348602
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>>348601lul owning a successful business lul its his right lul creating jobs lul
No. 348650
>>348637could you tell me why?
I don't like him either but to me he's just another corporate body that only thinks about amassing more profit. Why do you hate him specifically out of all the others?
No. 348855
File: 1546582893187.jpg (23.86 KB, 460x468, 9mzxNuz.jpg)

i havent had a cigarette in a week. i want one so bad. but this is a perfect time to quit. im a week in why no keep it going
and on a side note, fuck people who take up the whole goddamn aisle when food shopping like bitch this works like the streets i swear to god, i just want my ziplocs, move.
No. 348896
File: 1546599067267.png (29.12 KB, 774x270, bezos.PNG)

>>348650nayrt but he became this rich by exploiting people, you should look up some ex- Amazon employees stories, it's absolutely crazy. Some have to keep bottles to pee in all day because they can't even make time to go to the toilet to be able to keep up with the pace. Their wages are very low for such stressful work conditions. Bezos also believes in "fear motivation" or something along those lines, here are a few links that could answer your questions better :
pic related is from"Why Jeff Bezos wants Amazon employees to ‘wake up every morning terrified’"'t read through it yet but there's probably a ton of shit here : No. 348927
>>348092My resolution is to kick my diet soda addiction. I'm drinking one as I type so that's going well
>>348857>>348897I had high hopes for cc, it's sad how fast it went to shit.
No. 348963
>>348960She didn't advertise on 4chan, though. It was raided by it multiple times because Spoony revenge posted there when she was banned for being a sperg. She posted it on /r9k/ and robots flew there either to raid or to LARP.
I still visit there, and the admin claimed to be gendercrit, but I guess it's hard to tell sometimes. Which is a shame.
No. 348966
>>348959tbh I mainly go to cc just to complain about being ugly/no bf since I don't want to subject you lot to it.
Everyone here is good looking and socially successful it seems. It would be nice if we had a new womens only chan that doesn't make fun of a "femcel" thread if it pops up. Which I understand happening here ofc since it's a gd gossip site, it's expected even if I don't like it.
No. 348981
>>348963Well it was advertised on many other shitty locations and s/he keeps asking where else it should be advertised so clearly the man/tranny invasion hasn't put him/her off. Being gendercrit doesn't mean much when you leave up posts from "femcels" and the same conversations about religion and men's rights that you'd get on /r9k/ or /pol/ anyway.
>>348972I don't have a problem with femcels tbh I just would prefer if they were self-help threads or something positive like how people managed to get out of that mindset. Incels/femcels will attack anyone that doesn't 100% agree with them that they're ugly and will never have a partner. Living in that echo chamber is what holds people back from meeting someone, not that they're actually hideous or that they're not a "stacy". Lmao anyone could be a "stacy" if they just took care of themselves.
No. 348986
>>348981nta but first we need to define what femcel means. I don't want to have a bf, I don't hate men either but I am critical of how most men view women, I do call out bullshit when I see it and I was called a femcel here a few times just for having a different opinion. And when I did go and check the man-hating thread, anons there posted concerns and insights until robots decide to shitpost and the whole thread derails.
I don't get why everyone keeps talking about femcels when I don't see the female version of an incel here no matter how much you try to portray it that way.
There are no way near the amounts of >tfw no bf or >stupid chad why doesn't he like me? or >I should toss some acid on his face then he will have no choice but to like me!
The closest thing I could think of is the stereotype of a cat lady but I never understood why being a cat lady is bad thing.
Also, you can have a normal life and be a functioning part of the society while being a virgin and/or be distrustful of men.
No. 348990
>>348986Well since incel means "involuntarily celibate" and you are willingly not having sex with men, I wouldn't consider you one. The difference is that incels/femcels are desperate for a partner and they'll often whinge about how they don't have one due to things they can't control (they're ugly, they're not rich enough, they're socially awkward…most of these things are just excuses though because plenty of those kinds of people have partners) while also not making any effort to improve themselves. So it's basically just an echo chamber of people reminding each other that they're "not good enough" which is toxic af. Ofc these people can't find a bf when they're convinced that nobody will ever love them and it's not their fault so they shouldn't bother taking care of themselves.
I haven't seen any "femcels" here either but I have on CC where they often go on about "stacies" and "chads" which is exclusively incel/femcel lingo. I agree with you that choosing to not date isn't a problem.
No. 348991
>>348986what I've noticed from femcels even when they do hate hate men, its for a valid reason. A lot of incels definition of bullying is girls not smiling at them. lol.
while I've read heartbreaking stories from femcels and how they've been treated by guys. Just yesterday this girl told me at work, her male co-workers readily helping the attractive girls but dismissing her completely then overhearing those guys talking about her and how they "don't do shit for ugly women".
everything incels cry about is complete projection.
No. 348997
>>348981I agree threads should be a bit helpful if they do exist, admittedly asking questions on/g/ has helped me level up in the past. Although I don't think everyone can be "stacy" lol. Having shitty social skills turns people off, and not everyone is blessed with decent bone structure or the funds for plastic surgery. A space to just vent about the experience or being an ugly social failure isn't a bad idea imo
>>348972>>348991This for instance is a valid experience worth discussing among people who struggle with the same thing.
>>348986Idk where anons get off calling man hate anons femcels lmao, most of you have bfs, are lesbians, or have sworn off men.
Femcels just can't get dates for whatever reason, usually just bad luck either in genetics or timing with the right people. I'm average but it's been the second reason + garbage social skills for me, even though I've approached multiple (not even conventionally attractive) men and make an effort to care for myself.
No. 349027
>>348927>>348941I think the hardest when losing a bad habit is the beginning, I read about it long ago but I don't remember the number of days it takes on average to lose habits. Good luck with that though, and thanks for reminding me to stop drinking soda too.
>>348857I remember going to cc everyday when it was just created and having high hopes for it, but it became a boring mess really fast. The fact that so many robots and trannies came and started useless threads that we already had before was the beginning of the end for me. Even before that it was too slow. I haven't used it in months, I'm going to check it out, I'm morbidly curious.
No. 349050
>>349038wow that's literally a response I got for posting I'm lonely and want to experience a relationship.
I felt really bad about it because it was paired up with insults, and no one really called out those anons/defended my post so I thought it's like a legit thing, a normal opinion to have, which made me feel like I'm in the wrong until I realized the "femcel" isn't a term made up to argue with man-haters, it's actually true. Damn somehow I missed when we started to call each other sluts for not being celibate. What the fuck went wrong
No. 349056
>>349048it has be happening since the dawn of time
>letting women thinklol you talk like incels too
No. 349077
File: 1546630448747.jpg (621.11 KB, 2000x1334, epa_file_usa_hurricane_katrina…)

Does anyone else have a weird interest in crazy fucked up stories? Recently i've been reading about Hurricane Katrina and never realized how insane it was. I have family in New Orleans but they evacuated. Here's some wiki info if you have a morbid curiosity like me
>People who couldn't leave town evacuated to the Superdome, the roof began to cave in eventually
>no water purification equipment on site, nor any chemical toilets, antibiotics, or anti-diarrheals stored for a crisis
> the smell inside the stadium was revolting due to the breakdown of hygiene, urinals, and plumbing.
>three people died, two of them were elderly medical patients
>also a man who is believed to have committed suicide by jumping from the upper level seats
>unconfirmed reports of rape, vandalism, violent assaults, crack dealing/drug abuse, and gang activity inside the Superdome
>a National Guardsman was attacked and shot in the dark, so the National Guard inside the Superdome used barbed wire barricades to separate themselves from the other people in the dome
>While a few medical patients were able to be transported out by helicopter, it was not until August 31 that the first group of about 100 tourists (mainly international visitors) were "smuggled" out from the Superdome to the Sports Arena next door. This was done as covertly as possible so as to not cause rioting or charges of favoritism
>reports of groups of armed men running rampant through the streets, looting and pillaging unattended buildings and stores
>Charity Hospital, one of several facilities attempting to evacuate patients, was forced to halt the effort after coming under gunfire
>Snipers stationed on roofs across the city
>People at the Convention Center who died, regardless of cause of death, were not moved or removed and were left to decompose
>Bodies left all over the city floating in floodwater or rotting on sidewalks, some were reportedly torn apart by dogs
>Armed white militias cordoned off many of the streets in Algiers Point and threatened to shoot any blacks they saw, one man shot and killed 3 blacks
>six days after Katrina, a group of police officers wielding assault rifles and automatic weapons fired on a group of unarmed civilians, wounding a family of four and killing two, including a teenager and a mentally disabled man
>At Memorial Medical Center, Dr. Anne Pou and nurses supposedly euthanized roughly 20-40 patients by administering lethal doses of morphine
>The bodies sat in 100 degree weather for 10 days and no conclusive toxicology reports could be performed
Anyway, just think it's pretty wild that this kind of stuff happened.
No. 349078
>>349038It's better that women are wary of men rather then being too naive. As another anon pointed out, at worst she won't have sex with someone, at best she will be more careful when entering a relationship. tbh I haven't seen many anons parroting what you said and women in general will on average advise their friends to be careful with men so I don't find it specific to "femcel" culture or what not.
The only one that's a loser in your case is a man that may have one less fish in the sea he deems his own. It actually reminds me of that thread where I was accused of being a femcel for pointing out the overpopulation issue even though I didn't state people shouldn't have kids but that having more than 4-5 kids is selfish. I got the impression that men get butthurt the most when things like baby-making and having sex is mentioned in a bad context. really makes you think hmmm…
No. 349092
>>349077I have a morbid fascination too.
My dad did work in New Orleans years after the hurricane and said that the airport still retained a foul smell because they had used it as a triage.
Events like that have made me take any kind of disaster warning seriously. I'm shocked when people voluntarily choose not to evacuate when they receive warning of impending disaster. Everyone thinks we're sooo safe when the fact is anything could happen and then it's every person for themselves.
When I was a sophomore we had a girl transfer to our school for the year because she couldn't go back to her home in New Orleans because of the damage. Felt really bad for her, I could tell she wasn't bothering to get too attached to anybody for the fact that she knew nothing was permanent. Kind of symbolic if I really think about it..
No. 349099
>>349063No, but it'll make it harder for men to get it in, which will increase the rate of incels and drive up rape stats, on top of creating more incel killers. Men, as a group, will be in a sexual emergency, so they'll have no choice but to give in to their primitive instincts and punish us for depriving them.
Women should just make access to their bodies equal opportunity to all men, and accept the title of "slut" with pride. Sex positivity is the only viable path, because sex is a need, like food or water. Men, especially, need it to function, which is why so many of them are willing to pay for it. We need to work with them, not against them, if we want to live in harmony.
(Before anyone mentally slow takes this seriously, the statements above are 100% sarcastic, but I'm convinced this will turn out to be the underlying message behind all this fake feminist sex positive "yasss girl sell your holes and accept financial scraps from men to get by!!! slut power!!! killin' it!! by allowing just anybody access to your sexuality for the right price, or even for free, you are actually OWNING your sexuality!!! it's self-empowering af!!!" shit).
No. 349100
>>349079It's one thing to be careful but it's another to basically tell women that if you have sex you'll get pregnant and die. Yes you should be careful of course, but there's nothing wrong with having safe sex with someone you trust.
Are women not allowed to enjoy sex anymore? Just men? Fucking lol this shit all comes full circle… you literally sound like incels. No wonder you're all cunts you never get laid
No. 349103
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>when femcels think the only alternative to "NEVER HAVE SEX WITH A MAN OR YOU WILL DIE" is "omg sex positive!!! slut pride 4ever!!"
No. 349105
>>349100>>349103I still don't understand you anons calling man haters femcels.
To be a femcel means you really want to get laid lol.
No. 349107
>>349100NTA, but I see no issue with veering more on "Be careful, don't trust men, know the risks" than the "uwu fuck who u like, anything less is fearmongering, slut-shaming and femcel prude shit!!!" shit we see in the mainstream.
>>349103I posted
>>349099 and I have sex with my boyfriend, so I'm not a femcel or anti-sex, lmao, but nice try. I just recognize what's going on with the narrative being pushed. It's to placate men so they won't insist feminists are prudes trying to block their boners. No one with a brain thinks that shit is inherently empowering, considering human trafficking rates.
No. 349111
>>349110Nah. describes 90% of libfems. If it was about hoeing around shamelessly and sexual freedom, there wouldn't be so much anger and alienation at the concept of some women not wanting to do that, or being anti sex work.
>the fact that men against feminism hate that kind of shit anywayThis has nothing to do with ignoring men's wishes, and everything to do with the fact that to misogynists, women can't do anything right but function as sex dolls, pump out kids, live as slaves and die.
No. 349117
>>349116What. Are you autistic? I'm bisexual and I love pretty, sexy women. I just think sex positivity BS is just that.
I'm sorry if you're a brainlet who still thinks giving your holes to any Tom, Dick or Harry makes you a powerful Stacy goddess, but grow the fuck up, lmao.
>>349115Who's ree-ing? You haven't addressed anything I said, you're just getting mad over nothing. There is nothing wrong with personally wanting to "hoe around" because you love sex. The issue is when retards use that as a political "in". You might be an actual femcel to not see that.
No. 349122
>>349117>shitting on a group so hard that you end up acting like a reverse version of them>expecting libfems to not be retarded 14 year olds who want to be able to fuck all their high school classmates without being labeled a whoreit's also really fucking lulzy that you somehow think you're the sane one here and are condescending against people who disagree with you. you have just as little free will and are just as controlled by society as everyone else, get off your high horse. your shitty knee-jerk reaction is not special.
>i'm bi!!prepare to get betrayed by the people who were defending you
No. 349125
agree that sex positive shit and SW is stupid. i'm just not a platinum retard who assumes that the idiot libfems promoting it are somehow plotting to pander to shitty men. women are allowed to do and think stupid shit for themselves.
No. 349127
>>349121If I wanted to be a man, I'd be a tranny or a dumb pick-me (or tradthot) who worships them. If I sounded like them, I'd be reeeing at women to give up their holes or else they're femcels.
>>349122Nothing in that post has literally anything to do with what I said, or even really qualifies as an argument. I's just bitter-sounding insults. Especially this, lol:
>prepare to get betrayed by the people who were defending youI don't know your trauma, but screaming on imageboards is not the answer. Get well soon.
No. 349139
>>349132nta, but where the fuck did you read anons here telling others to completely abstain from sex and that if they have sex they'll die?
I see you (and another anon/s?) repeating that but I haven't seen this agenda pushed here. Unless urging someone to not rush into a relationship translates into that in your mind?
No. 349140
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>>349092They're making the next season of American Crime Story about the Anne Pou thing which is how I got into my wikipedia deep dive lol, hopefully it's good. I never realized before that almost 2,000 people died, and it's insane how many pictures there are online of bodies. Even news reporters had bodies in the background while on live TV. Supposedly a lot of the stuff people said happened in the super dome is myth, but also the Bush administration and Ray Nagin did a lot to ensure that people thought they had the situation completely under control so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a lot worse. Honestly it's my worst nightmare to be caught in a natural disaster like that
No. 349145
>>349141I understand that but that's not a "femcel" problem or anons proliferating that idea.
While telling someone any carnal desire is shameful and warrants a place in hell is damaging and not a healthy mindset, it's definitely not the same thing as telling someone to wait and be careful.
No. 349151
>>349139where are anons telling people to fuck everyone they want to tho?
both side just want to make themselves sound right, no one on lolcow is actually saying
>don't fuck anyone ever or you'll die>fuck everyone and be a slut there are absolutely zero consequencesCan you all go make your own forum or something for this shit it's fucking annoying.
No. 349152
>>349145Wait and be careful is fine to tell women, but look at this thread. Anons calling women names, STD shaming, accusing women who enjoy sex of just being brainwashed. You do know that women who enjoyed sex “too much” could be locked up in asylums just 60 years ago.
It’s not an either or, both statements can be true. Women can be shamed for having their own interest in sex and a sex drive, and women can be influenced to perform sexually for men due to he conditioning of living in a patriarchal society. Both are true. Just like how women are often mocked for wearing makeup while also being mocked for not wearing makeup.
There is no “winning” as a woman, no matter what choices we make.
No. 349155
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>>349150Awww :3
I love you anon
No. 349189
File: 1546643742135.jpeg (77.6 KB, 539x531, 2CFB7346-D27F-4F6A-9ACB-DA949D…)

My brother's girlfriend has an obsession with pineapples. I have my obsessions too Sanrio but it’s made to be marketable and bought, as opposed to pineapple which is just… a fruit? She has a pineapple keychain, brought pineapple the first time she came over to meet the family, a pineapple backpack. The one time I went to the mall with her she nearly bought a pineapple phone case, but it was too expensive (though I am surprised she didn’t own one already.) Pic related is her Facebook bio. I don’t mind it, because as I said I have my obsessions too, I'm just curious I guess.
No. 349216
>>349200Imagine being this upset because someone stated the truth about pineapples selling better than Sanrio.
>>349214Did you mean to type that into your url bar?
No. 349219
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>turning a wholesome conversation about innocent interests into another internet slapfight
I swear some people are using Lolcow as a place to RP as the bitchy Regina George types they were too socially retarded or unattractive to be in high school, and still could never be IRL.
No. 349237
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I never found doge memes funny, but some friends of mine have been ironically spamming them in our group chat. Now, I actually laugh a bit when I see them, especially deformed or gross ones. It's fucking stupid, but I can't help it at all.
No. 349238
File: 1546648951324.jpeg (62.09 KB, 540x464, 5741DD2A-38EE-4DD5-BD48-90CD04…)

>>349219This comm has become so hostile over the last few months and it’s only getting worse. We need to make more positive themed threads to counteract the negativity
No. 349240
File: 1546649061468.gif (1.16 MB, 480x358, stopit.gif)

>>349222>>349224>>349225>>349216>>349211all this samefagging
No. 349244
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>>349189 my apologies. I'm a newfag I didn't expect my post to cause infighting. I could not give less of an iota of a fuck if Sanrio or pineapples are better.
>>349191>>349218>>349197>>349193Thanks for the non-spergy replies.
No. 349246
>>349240Again with this shit? I'm not >>349196
Let it go already you said that would be the last (You) yet you keep posting about your asian bby shit.
No. 349255
File: 1546649935791.jpg (28.7 KB, 474x247, durian.jpg)

>>349244No worries, I think maybe Lolcow is just particularly bad before Christmas vacations end.
>mfw the Sanrio versus pineapples autist is now attacking people who are saying to stop the madness I wish the thread would just get back to normal. Holy fuck.
More on fruit, though, I think durians are overrated.
No. 349265
>>349238She just keeps going, and now she thinks I'm you.
I really don't know what that brand did to hurt this person's feelings to the point that anyone who's not weirdly pissy about it is automatically a fan with plushies, but they'll probably calm down on their own soon. Thanks for trying, at least.
No. 349268
>>349265I meant this for
>>349240 but I can't delete, RIP.
No. 349271
>>349270Oh really? Because that was only my second time posting itt the whole month it's been here.
You remind me of that unhinged woman obsessed with Lord of the Rings except with Sanrio. It's laughable that you are bothered this much about pineapples selling more than Hello Kitty or whatever it is that you cannot seem to get over.
Vid related - it's you.
No. 349273
>>349271>It's laughable that you are bothered this much about pineapples selling more than Hello Kitty or whatever it is that you cannot seem to get over. No one is arguing about this except for you at this point. No one is pressed about Sanrio or pineapples but you. I'm sorry about whatever shitty history you have with it, but give it a rest.
I can't believe you went digging for a video for the sake of insulting an anonymous person on an imageboard. This is sad, obsessive behavior.
No. 349276
File: 1546652451593.gif (1.26 MB, 443x259, giphy (5).gif)

the fuck is going on itt
No. 349284
File: 1546653858279.png (8.95 KB, 404x399, 1519226062674.png)

>>349283>muh last word!!1You're so embarrassing about how much this pointless shit about corporations and fruit means to you. Take it already if it'll stop your insane pineapple Sanrio sperging.
No. 349287
File: 1546654354744.jpg (105.57 KB, 641x534, 1329068399414.jpg)

>all this samefaggingHow many times are you going to say "Take your meds!" You keep accusing everybody of being the same anon yet here you are samefagging.
No. 349292
File: 1546654891050.jpg (Spoiler Image,305.83 KB, 825x1024, 2577266764_9a4d0b1962_b.jpg)

>>349276How to destroy a thread in one image.
No. 349295
>>349291>>349284>both used the word "embarrassing"Samefag alert.
I'm kidding, but this really does need to stop. I was replying to her, too, so I'll take my ban if it means this will end.
No. 349298
File: 1546655575777.gif (1.96 MB, 377x272, tumblr_no6xqvE4Ty1sjyujmo1_400…)

Did…did you all just fight over pineapples and Sanrio?
No. 349303
File: 1546655958680.jpg (25.1 KB, 474x318, kjn.jpg)

>>349298Yes. Be careful, or you'll get accused of samefagging for thinking this is retarded and wanting it to end.
In other news, does anyone else fucking hate Furbies and is bothered that they're a sort of nostalgic "trend" now? They're so ugly, but apparently there's a huge community/fandom for them.
No. 349478
File: 1546688107608.jpeg (64.75 KB, 500x500, 1544E569-DC7E-4C61-9AB7-EA655F…)

>>349476Mfw they have everything except the book I’m looking most for.
No. 349480
File: 1546688678761.jpg (44.8 KB, 380x376, 1532249159516.jpg)

>>349476ah yes I got it! Thanks!!
No. 349509
File: 1546696182711.jpg (141.55 KB, 700x982, tumblr_pjhu23Je561qecu65o2_128…)

I've seen certain anons here and on /g/ reeeing about her being an awful weeb in cheap clothes who looks like a little girl or whatever, but I seriously forgot how pretty Fanny Rosie actually is, and how well she pulls off all her outfits. She looks like a Disney princess, it's hard to believe she's not a model for all the brands she wears.
I never use the "jealous" argument when a girl shits on another girl, but in this case, I can't think of a single good reason to dislike her. She doesn't even tarnish her name with crazy online drama. It's insane.
No. 349602
>>349509Yeah I agree, I think she and her style is beautiful in a very princess-y way and she is totally inoffensive.
I feel like anyone reeeeing about her just think she's overrated. Like, if people weren't always fawning over her, they wouldn't think she's a weeb in little girl clothes, because they obviously really zero in on the very few outfits she wears that aren't distinctly mature.
No. 349697
>>349489That’s only for public domain books.
No good if you need modern journals or books.
Still can’t believe that none of the sites have ‘Now you’re one of us’ tho.
No. 349731
>>349728Yes, I'm well aware that some easily baited anons ruined it for everyone else. I had higher esteem for the posters here; I'm disappointed.
>>349713Keep us posted, anon. It sounds like a good time.
No. 349743
File: 1546750809877.png (893.38 KB, 742x464, SOtcmZJ.png)

>>349077>>349092Me three!
>>349140It's my worst fear too. Imagine going through all that in the Superdome during Katrina (assuming all those stories are true); it must've felt like a localized Armageddon. Meanwhile, the world goes on as normal to the point where here we are in the present day, discussing whether or not that shit even really went down. Nuts.
More morbid obsessions please! The only thing coming to my mind right now in the same vein are the crowd crush incidents. When crowd capacity goes beyond like 4 bodies per square meter, the crowd itself takes on fluid-like properties and people literally get swept up and crushed– suffocated to death.
The Hillsborough Disaster is probably the most famous example. In 1989, 96 people were suffocated, trampled, and crushed when event staff fucked up and let too many people inside a stadium in Britain. Some survivor's testimonies can be found online and they are super brutal. >People in front were shouting. People were shouting out behind but you couldn't turn your head to look round. Every so often you would get someone yelling out in agony, then it would stop. Then they would yell out again. There was a lot of noise but every so often you would hear someone shouting out louder above the noise. No. 349752
>>349743Wow, interesting and terrifying read. You might be interested in this one:, if you search there are videos from outside the club of ppl trapped, screaming, and burning alive. It's a real nightmare. Idk why this stuff fascinates me too. I'm also a big fan of true crime podcasts and documentaries.
No. 349818
>>349743shit this is absolutely terrifying. But fascinating too.
There's even a list of human stampedes and crushes on wiki.
>More morbid obsessions please! Seconding that ! let's revive the true crime thread
>>>/ot/239479(although idk if we can discuss these types of disasters anywhere ?)
No. 349838
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>>349077Same here! Also this
>>349743 reminds me of what happened 2010 in Germany. Mismanagement of a Technofestival ends up in a mass panic, 19 people die, a lot more suffer injuries. It will be 9 years this year but looking back at the pictures and watching the videos that were made when everybody got into panic mode are just rough to look at and something that I keep in my mind when I go to concerts. No. 349859
>>349838Another murderino chiming in
I am genuinely starting to worry about these kinds of overcrowding disasters, especially in the light of terrorist attacks in concerts here. A friend of mine wouldn't go to big concerts after the Manchester terrorist attack even though it pales in comparison to the size of disasters in the US. If you guys are into on the smaller stories that happen during these incidents, one prolific story from the Manchester bombing was a homeless man that was praised for helping people in the attack, so much that people raised a bunch of money for him, and then suddenly news came out that he was stealing from the people he was supposedly helping. The media circus around it gave me whiplash, you have to wonder if journalists were sitting on details to deliver them at optimal times sounds lame but the Hillsborough disaster got so much more real to me after that episode of GoT where John Snow was getting crushed in a battle scrum, and to a lesser degree the asphyxiation death in OitNB, what a horrible way to go
No. 350006
>>349859terrorist attacks at concerts or bars terrify me because you probably wouldn't even initially hear gunshots since its so loud and when you realized what was happening everyone would be freaking out and running around like crazy. I'm in the US but things like the shooting at the music festival in las vegas and shootings at bars are horrifying, and in most cases aren't even really preventable because people are buying the guns legally. Every time I go to a movie I still think of the shooting at the theater in Colorado and get nervous if someone comes in during the middle of the showing or something
I'm going to post a few greentexts in the True Crime thread if you guys want to start posting in there again
No. 350060
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Does anybody here remember a fashion blog that was called whatareasianstereotypes or something like that? It was a blogspot about new wave, goth and alternative inspired high fashion.
Idk if it was deleted bc it's been a while since I checked it for the last time (around ~2011?). I just randomly remembered it and I really liked it as an fashion inspo but can't really find something that isn't about asian stereotypes because from how I remember the name…
No. 350089
>>350063You mean T H I C C?
If so I feel the same, as a (broad shouldered) pear. Although if you're in your early-mid twenties it applies just as much I'd say (even if going without the insecure teenagehood would have been nice).
Anyway I also agree "trendy" body types are dumb, but it's always been this way. idek who decides this nonsense.
No. 350103
>>350063Not that I don't agree that any kind of body fetishization is inherently toxic, but speaking from experience as that chubbyfat teen, I'm also glad there's a broader inclusivity of shapes so that teens don't have to go through the awful bullying and hurt feelings I did as a kid.
People used to make me feel like literal hitler for having boobs and a thick lower body. It makes me feel better that someone out there can have it a bit better than I did.
No. 350109
>>350089Yeah, basically. Felt disgusting for having a big ass and thighs and it feels weird that that's what's being praised now. Also other random things like having big eyebrows is on trend and mine will never grow back to how they used to be bc I overplucked them when thin eyebrows were a thing.
I don't think the current trend is any better, btw. It's all the same shit. Instead of shooping ourselves thin, women and girls are shooping themselves thick.
>>350103I get what you mean. I watched a couple of recent coming of age movies, and I felt like the female relationships depicted were more varied than the 2000s alt girls vs mean girls thing.
No. 350116
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I never got into theater but I have a hankering to watch a play. I like horror the best, but in my search for horror-themed plays that I could also watch online, I realized that many many classic plays are full of darkness, murder, and descent into madness which is close enough to horror for me. Can someone give me a few really fucked up plays that would be easy to find recordings of online or even at my library? I'm assuming most Shakespeare are like that, but which is the most fucked up? Also I'm not terribly good at receiving Shakespearean language, so other playwrights are wholly welcomed!
I even signed up for a free trial of Broadwayhd bc it really is hard to find televised stage plays (for obvious reasons). Amazon Prime Video seems to have some as well, I'm going to start with King Lear featuring Ian Mckellen.
Also, it's odd because some of these screen recorded plays really just look like cheap movies bc they are not acted out on stage but on sets. My brain can't comprehend it. Can someone shed light? Perhaps these play-movies are more focused on actors' performances than film? Idk if that even makes sense pls let me know if it doesn't lol
I basically concluded my search for recorded stage plays streaming online by realizing I need to just start going to actual plays locally. Luckily I live in a place where there's a ton of theater and arts.
Should I have posted this in the movie thread? Oh well.
No. 350125
>>350116Welcome to the world of theatre, anon!
So, lots of classic Gothic horror novels have been performed as plays which might suit what you're looking for - The Woman in Black, Dracula, Frankenstein, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, for starters.
Then in terms of Shakespeare plays, Hamlet is a pretty dark look at the human psyche. Othello also features Shakespeare's perhaps most evil villain, Iago, and is worth looking at. Macbeth is pretty grim, as is Titus Andronicus.
Also worth having a look at Greek tragedies, such as Oedipus Rex and Antigone, which are quite disturbing.
In terms of dark plays covering a variety of themes such as rape, addiction, murder, etc., you have a lot to choose from. Tennessee Williams wrote quite a few tragic plays - I would definitely recommend starting with A Streetcar Named Desire. Similarly, Arthur Miller - try Death of a Salesman. Different sort of style but Endgame by Samuel Beckett is just bizarre, you might like that.
On a 'camper' side, plays like The Exorcist (adapted from the film) have proved quite popular recently. And, then there's musicals, which are definitely worth looking at… Sweeney Todd is absolutely excellent, and is about as dark a musical can get. American Psycho is very unsettling, as is Spring Awakening.
Hope this was useful - any questions please don't hesitate to ask! I can talk theatre all day :>
No. 350157
>>349825Then why ask if you know the answer?
Most people don’t fuck with religion because it’s for cavemen and psychos.
No. 350159
>>350130Maybe she just wanted it on?
It’s dumb but it doesn’t need an excuse lol. It’s 100% gatekeeping.
No. 350177
>>350130Maybe it's just easier to wash off the makeup and post-sweat face once than to have to go through the trouble of washing two times?
I've definitely worked out in makeup before, so I'm not sure about other peoples' reasons but it was usually because I forgot or I just figured I was going to wash my face after the workout anyway.
No. 350186
>>350125Thank you for all these suggestions! I'll surely come back if I have any more theater-related needs. I really appreciate you listing all those titles for me to check out. Many of the titles were very familiar but I have never actually looked into them, as I figured. Ty
I began watching
Carrie the Musical last night and ………wow I hate musicals. Nothing wrong with that one in particular, I think it's just the nature of a musical. I actually stopped watching. It felt extremely cringey. I felt burning embarrassment during the songs. But honestly I really appreciate the talent it takes to act-sing so I may just go back and finish it. What a strange feeling.
No. 350189
>>350130Maybe she doesn't think it's weird and gross enough not to. Or maybe she's insecure and doesn't like seeing herself or presenting herself without the lashes. Gyms are typically full of mirrors and other people after all.
But I totally understand your reaction. That's what we're here for on lolcow hehe. Just don't cow tip her irl kek. Live and let live!
No. 350222

>>350186Hope they will be of some use!
And re: Carrie. Ah. Yeah. I know you said it wasn't specific to Carrie, and just it was the nature of the musical that you found cringeworthy, but I promise you, if you are watching a good musical, that's the sort of thing that doesn't bother you. It becomes quite noticeable in poorer shows like Carrie and, actually, another horror-themed musical I had the displeasure of seeing, Dracula. I think the fact that the lyrics and music are so bad just emphasises the ridiculous nature of people just bursting into song. Whereas in truly quality musicals, that shouldn't be an issue. As
>>350190 said with the example of Once, not only are the characters singing "in context", Once is actually a good musical, lol, so that sort of cringe feeling shouldn't be present.
If you did want to have a look at Sweeney as it is exceptionally good and creepy, don't watch the Tim Burton film as it is cringey and terrible. Instead you'll be able to find official filmed versions online, probably on places like BroadwayHD.
Good places to start with musicals in general, in case you or anyone else is curious - Les Mis (everyone always enjoys this and rightfully so), Hamilton (the new Les Mis - definitely lives up to the hype), Next to Normal (absolutely amazing contemporary show about mental illness), In the Heights (written by the same person who wrote Hamilton, about Latin American New Yorkers), and Cabaret (extremely political and exciting, still holds up today).
Vid related, 'You Don't Know / I Am the One' from Next to Normal, one of the most powerful pieces of theatre I've ever seen.
No. 350315
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>>350232So glad to see some love for N2N💖 it’s so brilliant. I can’t believe it hasn’t transferred to the West End yet. I only recently gave Spring Awakening a go and I really enjoyed it - the music is reminiscent of N2N and Duncan Sheik also did American Psycho, which I love, so it makes sense that I liked it. I’ve heard lots of good things about Come from Away, I might have to give that a go.
Any other theatre-anons here? Is it worth setting up a thread?
No. 350739
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I was so excited to have a cute dress but I accidentally got it in the wrong size. I misunderstood the bust measurement and thought that the bust meant what was actually the band, so the dress is way too small.
At least maybe I can give this one to my little sister, or perhaps it will fit once I lose a little weight. The apple life is not easy anons.
No. 350754
>>350717I'm kinda living in both of these worlds rn, I am and have been in good relationships with wonderful and good looking people, I have friends that like me, I've been told that I am great at some things I do. But I also feel like I am the shittiest and ugliest person alive and my life is going nowhere because of it. I feel like I'm wasting so much time and potential because of my bad self esteem since I really don't have any reason to feel like this. So what I'm trying to say is that it's really great that you have come to that point in your life anon. It's no use to think about what you could have been, it will take away from your current well-being and what is the point in feeling like you're a decent person if you still cling to your past? Just make the best out of what you have now. I'll try to get there too some day.
>>350650It's a good thread OP.
No. 350986
For some reason I had a dream last night that Onision visited the farm, as in it was a real place you could walk to, and 6 other anons here came to life (?) and I could see what they looked like. Anyway, he was trying to groom me (im not even underage kek) and the other anons were surrounding me, bullying him off our land, defending me, laughing at him, and basically telling him to fuck off. It was really strange. It was the first time I've had a dream about this place and I've been here since Stamina Rose days.
>>350771It really does.
No. 350994
>>350990You're probably right, anon.
I know that an anon here goes to my uni but would be nervous about meeting just her if she noticed this post/another I made before…
No. 351013
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Reacting like this to an LGB reveal is just as embarrassing as getting offended and angry over it. You can be happy about representation, but these "MOVE I'M GAY HAHA GAY MEMES HE'S OURS NOW HE'S GAYYY HE LITERALLY CAN NOT STOP SUCKING BIG JUICY MAN DICKS HE LOVES BEEFY MEN HE'S SO GAYYYYYY"-reactions are just… come on. It's just a gay dude, not the second coming of Christ.
No. 351181
>>351165I hate when characters are gay/come out and then nothing else.
This happened in IASIP and it ruined Mac.
No. 351298
>>351290idk, I know my mom worked until the very last day she went into labor. I know personally a few women that worked until the month before delivering, but that's personal anecdote.
off topic, but my father was so fucking stingy that he forced my mom to take the bus to the hospital when she went into labor.
It always makes my blood boil when I recall that.
No. 351317
>>351314i know this thread is for dumb shit that doesn't belong on other threads, but this doesn't belong on
any thread.
No. 351324
>>351317Idk, knowing that dudes are reading everything we say and taking note is interesting. The narrative being
controlled by men is also interesting. I wish they were more fussy about who they let moderate.
No. 351325
>>351318thanks, that makes a lot of sense!
>>351319i totally understand that, i only stayed on because i was getting sweet bonuses for working during the busy season.
>>351322this makes sense too! thanks.
No. 351329
>>351323it depends anon. i really like mine to use youtube, netflix, hulu, and all but you can do that with a chromecast/amazon fire/etc if that's the only thing you're looking to do. I also play a lot of OW and Spider-Man (ps4 exclusive so it helps the value of it). I have the standard one so I dont know about the pro.
>>351326 the switch is fun for its portability and the games it has but you cant really do much of the above and the games are much more limited than the PS4. (it has hulu and youtube but you can also do that on your phone as well.)
I guess it depends on your game preferences. I'm glad I have both, I can't wait for the new animal crossing!
No. 351338
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>>351324This is the new "if someone disagrees with me they must be a cow!"
No. 351384
>>351366I meant more in reference to how some anons think it influenced the rest of the site in ways they dislike. Kind of like pruning trees to promote better growth.
I agree they should have just banned the spergs though.
No. 351417
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I feel insanely confident when I dress in gyaru/gal fashion and similar flashy, 'slutty' clothes. I've lived with an ED for years and severe trauma/ptsd with a ton of slut shaming and I've come to just.. say whatever if people think of me like that, because it makes me feel attractive to myself? And it sucks because I know it makes my boyfriend really uncomfortable with the way other guys look at me, even though I don't want their creepy leers and I'm not aiming to get their attention? idk. I'm just rambling but I wish I fell in love with a different style that didn't make my bf so uncomfortable and jealous and I know it's not his fault
No. 351487
>>351426Bloodborne! Also, the Last of Us and Persona 5.
And as the other anon said, Sony is looking to move away completely from discs. All the games I have are digital and the Playstation sales happen often enough so I don't need to buy it in one of my stores where games are usually much more expensive.
No. 351500
>>351489best game of the year
No. 351501
>>351489Really? I thought it was shit. An open world not worth exploring, cliche characters, tedious repetitive missions.
I wish there was a refund system like on Steam alas, I could only give a one star.
No. 351819
>>351501This post obviously isn't about Yakuza 0.
>>351815>I like getting fucked in the assGross. And yeah, you need Jesus, bitch.
No. 351824
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>>351426project diva future tone tbh
No. 351838
>>351833I mean, I think there's merit in not getting completely immersed in what you're writing when other people are involved. I've been an RPfag since I was like 13 and the people who use roleplay as escapism range from being mildly unbalanced to extremely fucked up, mentally ill people who thrive on wish fulfillment. I've met the absolute scummiest people on earth in this hobby. For me it's just fun - I love to write and I love writing with other people, that's really the extent of it. Even as a teenager when my life was a lot shittier I was always aware that none of it was real and that other people were not their characters. It's when people blur those lines that it gets fucking messy.
If you do try to get into it I wouldn't really be too worried about trying to be completely immersed. A bit of detachment is healthy.
No. 351876
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>>351833Fuck, I spent most of my teenage years (and early 20s) roleplaying as one of my main hobbies.
>>351838 pretty much hit the nail on the head, it's overall a messy subculture to fumble through and it's a goddamn miracle if you find someone on the same wavelength to write with. But when it all works out, it's a great time.
No. 352097
>>351987 may be onto something, I made twitter years ago but haven't used it, came back to it recently only to be banned for the violating the tos. I contacted support saying I ain't violated no rules you honor I've never even used this account, and turns out it was because I didn't verificate
And they unblocked me, so there's hope anon
No. 352487
>>352461probably nbd. keep drinking water, eat normally, and push a little harder on the toilet. I did what you did a couple weeks ago and it worked itself out, no pun intended.
if it continued for a week I was going to go to the doctor, but it didn't.
No. 352874
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I love my cats so much, I'm so glad I decided to adopt these two babies a year ago. The other one is currently dozing off and kneading on my lap and I'm just filled with love for these lovely animals. What did I do to deserve such precious little angels bless my life with their presence?
No. 352922
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Sometimes I dream of going to live in a woman-only large cabin in the woods, like a sorority dorm, with my gf and something like 25-30 women. We'd just chill together and live peacefully, we could get a couple of cats too.
No troons allowed, of course
No. 352958
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I fell down a rather weird rabbit hole recently. I like to watch “mommy vloggers,” though I’m not a mother myself. I find their organizing and money saving tricks interesting, and how most mothers seem to lead a kinda picture perfect household image online. I stumbled upon one of these vloggers named Jordan Page, and was curious to learn more about her and what others think specifically about her Mormonism because she's vocal about being Mormon and I'm not very fond of them but that's OT sorry. During my search I then found a whole forum dedicated specifically to criticize mothers on YouTube. It’s probably not the most niche forum out there but when I found it I was just like… what?? Like imagine /pt/ or /snow/ but with moms instead. Yet I find myself strangely addicted to it, I kinda want to find more of these lmao.
No. 352965
>>352958Not a mom but you sold me on organizing and money saving tips (I'm bad with both). Any YouTubers you can suggest?
But related to your post, I think Guru Gossiper has a subforum dedicated to mommy bloggers if you're interested.
No. 352988
>>352958sort of related question, does anyone know how these niche forums get revenue? Is it through ads, through membership, or what?
I'm asking because I plan to start an obscure forum of my own. As long as the hosting costs and the maintenance are within a reasonable range, I don't mind financing it on my own. Otherwise, I'd hate to put ads.
No. 354043
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Who takes these photos of women? For example OOTD or just hanging around their houses. Do their moms take them to support their social media? Do their friends come over specifically to help them take photos, or just spur of the moment during a hangout? Do their boyfriends take them out of adoration and support? Or the unlikely tripod and timer? It’s clear they take a lot of pains to make it look good with an expensive camera, even those who have no reason (thousands of followers) to have good photos, still have good photos, so it’s not some random point and shoot with your iPhone. Some incel said “behind every beautiful shot of a woman is a friend zoned guy”
When I thought about “who takes these photos?” it suddenly reminds me of how lonely, poor and ugly I am. I have no one who would take these photos for me.
No. 354112
>>354043Most popular influencers have a person taking their photos, usually a boyfriend mother or friend like you said, but also if they're big enough then photographers will take their photos just for the exposure. I once followed a photographer friend for the day who was meeting a wannabe instagram girl that brought three different outfits with her and they just took photos in the city for a couple of hours, and she drip fed the content over a whole month. Rich influencers also have rich influencer friends so they can all be vlogging for each other at all times.
In turn followers see these aspirational photos and try to do the same with selfies and tripods, the most privileged getting a person to help. It's a cycle.
OT but I hate Caniny's shoop. Her audience is really young weeb teens that believe her borderline anachan photos, and her skin whitening is off the charts.
No. 354293
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i've been working at a university for three months, came back in after the christmas break to a staff meeting and just… completely forgot how to talk to people. i was shy and stupid and kept stammering and i'm ANNOYED because i worked hard to come across more confident and build friendships. for the most part it was working, but now i'm just an awkward mousey retard who can't finish her sentences again.
i'm not einstein but i do have insight and some intelligent things to say but nobody can see it, because i can barely string a sentence together and i mumble. help meeee
No. 354351
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My mom said she had a "nightmare" last night, where I was a lesbian.
She has no idea yet…
No. 354919
>>354839its like mra's think this kind of stuff has some magic power to brainwash men into becoming "soyboys" lol someone showed me this the other day and it was funny to see him so
triggered over it, like he was so pissed that ~women~ got the 1-up on men somehow because a shaving ad told him to stop being a piece of shit.
No. 355013
>>354930It's pandering but TBH I feel like I've had to endure so much pandering to males over the years I rly dgaf
What's worse is all the handmaidens crying
No. 355141
>>351174Wow! I'm genuinely happy someone else remembers it!!
>>355027Anemia sucks, try bee polen.
No. 355228
>>354971its "i took
some molly" not "a molly". Molly is mdma, mdma is the acronym of the molecule.
No. 355332
>>355285I'd rather people be critical than allow everyone to go around saying things like
>I love organising my desk, I'm soooooo OCD lol!>We're out of milk, I'm so depressed!>Omg you're so schizo! or people thinking that they can talk for the LGBT community when they can't relate to the issues they face at all.
No. 355343
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>people keep asking my for my art portfolio
>make an insta for that sole purpose
>oh shit i have almost no good pics of my paintings/installations/etc
>only have 3 pics up on that account
>to affraid to follow some of my acquintances because they'll see my lack of followers/posts
>what if someone important asks me for my portfolio again and sees my lack of followers
>what if black mirror was right all along
No. 355375
>>355373Same here anon.
I even panicked a bit while scrolling down and only seeing 1 day + posts before finding yours.
No. 355383
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LOL WHATS UP GUYS? it's been a while
No. 355384
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mfw i like to watch youtube videos at least 1.5x the speed and now it seems like everyone is speaking way too slow
No. 355390
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>>355343Sign your account up to a botting service for the first month just to give it an initial boost if you are embarrassed by people seeing it. You can get free trials.
I also know there's a way to bot for free through google but I haven't bothered to try it out yet.
(Also I wouldn't bot for too long because in the end it's not as effective as constantly liking, commented, following and unfollowing yourself.)
Things are actually sicker than Black Mirror already because network technology that should mean increased democraty is entirely corrupted by purchasing power and all happenings, popularity, and what we perceive as success can simply be orchestrated by capital and legitimised by orbiting interests.
No. 355392
>>355383This made me giggle
Too cute
No. 355399
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My parents have Roku and there's this one commercial where it's this guy beatboxing on a baby by blowing onto its side, and the baby screeches.
It's supposed to be cute, tho it's pretty cringe tbh, yet without the visual from the tv it sounds like a guy taking a giant shit on a baby. It's really obnoxious and gross sounding. Wish they'd banish it back to whoever's home videos that came from.
No. 355451
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What do the farmers on here think of the giants of Philosophy, such as Hegel, Kant, Schopenhauer, Plato, etc? And more specifically, what do you all think of their views on women?
The vast majority of philosophers up until the mid twentieth century were completely dismissive of women. From Aristotle calling them 'deformed men' to Hegel metaphorizing the difference between male and female reason as being in the same vein as the physical difference between plants and animals. I can lowkey understand why so many women in my personal life have been dismissive of these philosophers entirely, but it does disappoint me. At the same time, IDK, I kind of get the same butthurt 'lol no' when reading feminist philosophers, so maybe I'm a bit circlejerky with my reading.
No. 355521
>>354234I can't believe nobody's pointed out that you called a garbage disposal a "blender sink"
youve made my life
No. 355761
>>355451Philosophy as a subject is really intriguing and opens doors to explaining and putting labels on new ideas and beliefs (poly panentheist here!) but the more well known "modern" philosophers are huge dickheads who attract nothing but other asshole men with an affinity for acting pseudointellectual. I can't stand Nietzsche in particular who tends to drone on and on about the same shit in pointless circles.
Ancient greek philosophers were cool though. That's where all the good stuff is. They proposed new beliefs and really link how people in the past didn't think much differently than we do now. Greek philosophers had the ability to ponder on life outside of religious ways (pagan or christianity) which is really neat. That era was a collide of mathematic materialism, atheism, and spirituality.
No. 355779
>>355451>what do you all think of their views on women?Who the fuck cares? The women they talk about lived vastly different lives from us, and never got a chance to prove any of them wrong.
They couldn't examine women properly, so all their opinions on women belongs in the trash. Which doesn't discredit the rest of their works at all. Don't be a dumbass, anon.
No. 355827
>>355819personal planets are generally the 'big three' - sun, moon, and rising signs. your sun sign is what's traditionally just called your zodiac sign or star sign. it's the sign you'd go to for your horoscope. in astrology, it's basically representative of the person you're growing to be. moon and rising sign depend on the specific day/time you were born. your moon sign is like your inner child basically, it's who you are at heart and what influences how you feel about things, so a lot people actually identify more with their moon sign than anything else. your rising sign is mostly how people perceive you and how you present yourself to the world. to find out what those signs are, you just put your info a natal chart generator like this one: intense astro people like to shit on that site, cafeastrology, but it's a good starting point or a good place to go if you just want to know what your signs are and don't care about degrees & transits and stuff and you're just curious. it gives simplified explanations and interpretations for every sign, and it can be weirdly spot-on. something to note though, if you don't know your birth time, you can't find out your rising sign because it changes every hour or two. the same kind of goes for moon signs - the moon changes signs every 2.5 days, so it might have changed the day you were born. obviously it doesn't matter if you have your birth time tho.
and yeah, it's something fun to look into even if you don't really believe in astro! i wasn't a huge believer before i really got into it, but i still liked to read about my signs and stuff. the site i linked is especially fun because it gives an actual interpretation of your chart.
No. 355834
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I wish I wasn't that mental about everything teeth related. Just this night I woke up about the sudden thought that I could loose my teeth at some point and since then my entire mouth era hurts because I can't stop touching everything with my tongue to make sure everything is still there. Yes, I have a dental phobia.
No. 355854
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>>355834Sometimes I feel like no one likes going to the dentist but me
No. 355858
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>>355851why are you so serious about it? it's a stupid lighthearted thing. i bet you shit on people for having fun with silly quizzes, too?
No. 355859
>>355851libra with fire energy
No. 356041
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I wanted to find a weird cult-y movie and picked A Serbian Film because its a name I read so much from my /x/ days. But I had no idea what the plot was or why it was notorious. Just went in blind.
I miss the way life was 2 hrs ago.
No. 356073
>>355858how tf is
>>355816 being lighthearted?
No. 356076
>>356049>>356073ntayrt, but i'm this anon
>>355816 and good god it was a joke. i've had a series of bad experiences with geminis and libras lately and i came here to make a joking post about it. it's really not that serious, calm down.
No. 356102
>>355858No I shit on people who use Scorpio as an excuse to be shitty or make life decisions based on what planets and stars they can see. It’s not even that fun because it’s all so vague and bland.
A silly quiz is fun, horoscope people are an ignorant nightmare.
No. 356113
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>>356041was inspired by this post to wafch a serbian film
i regret it as well and i like to think i am desensitized to shit like that
No. 356165
>>356142>>356157Oh lol I'm dumb it's actually called A Serbian Film.
Thanks, I actually will avoid since the description says contains themes of pedoness and I cannot with that.
Also ain't got time for nightmares. Gonna read the plot though.
You guys should go to the wholesome thread to cleanse your soul/brain maybe? lol
No. 356169
>>356165Double post.
Reading the plot on wiki and not even going to finish reading it wtf. True crime hasn't desensitised me as much as I thought, good to know.
No. 356269
>>356113Lmfao I'm glad you joined me, I honestly thought I was desensitized to normal movie shock/horror stuff too but that was the first thing that skeeved me out in a while. gg.
Kinda glad I didn't read the plot at the same time because its actually a really well done/well edited movie and I was genuinely shocked by the one reveal near the end. Fuckin' scummy people.
No. 356569
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Does anyone remember Georgia Gibson? She was popular on Tumblr years ago. I randomly remembered her
No. 356573
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>>356569She used to make art like this
No. 357513
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I keep having dreams that momokun is trying to Dom me and I can't escape. Help me
No. 357687
>>355541sameanon, I got the internship lol.
never trust your instincts kiddos
No. 357689
>>357513I'll take that dream from you, anon. I have a weird thing for moo.
Hope my Kim K sex dreams are okay in return.
No. 358043
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>>358017nope. and i just learned the characters are taken from a children's book series
No. 358171
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Stephen King looks like a Who.
No. 358175
I recently got more familiar to a classmate of mine and I was pretty happy as we share similar interests in games. Decided to look up his Facebook account out of curiosity and it turns out he is a hidden furry… Not sure how to react tbh.
>>358007Most artists I have came across, including myself, actually print their own stickers and cut them out themselves. Just buy some A4 sticker paper, slot it in your printer and then cut them.
If you aren't fond of intense labour for your hands, Etsy or maybe even your local printing services shop could do the trick for both stickers & paper products. Vinyl is the best material for good quality stickers, imo!
I personally feel most commercial companies like Zap overprice their shit by a large margin which makes your stuff more expensive to sell, so I would honestly advise you to avoid them.
Also if you ever wish to sell acrylic charms next time, I recommend Alibaba or Taobao as it is very affordable. Be careful with the companies you deal with though as I have seen plenty of cases of nasty ones using their customers' art for their own products.
Good luck, anon!
No. 358177
I recently got more familiar to a classmate of mine and I was pretty happy as we share similar interests in games. Decided to look up his Facebook account out of curiosity and it turns out he is a hidden furry… Not sure how to react tbh.
>>358007Most artists I have came across, including myself, actually print their own stickers and cut them out themselves. Just buy some A4 sticker paper, slot it in your printer and then cut them.
If you aren't fond of intense labour for your hands, Etsy or maybe even your local printing services shop could do the trick for both stickers & paper products. Vinyl is the best material for good quality stickers, imo!
I personally feel most commercial companies like Zap overprice their shit by a large margin which makes your stuff more expensive to sell, so I would honestly advise you to avoid them.
Also if you ever wish to sell acrylic charms next time, I recommend Alibaba or Taobao as it is very affordable. Be careful with the companies you deal with though as I have seen plenty of cases of nasty ones using their customers' art for their own products.
Good luck, anon!
No. 358178
I recently got more familiar to a classmate of mine and I was pretty happy as we share similar interests in games. Decided to look up his Facebook account out of curiosity and it turns out he is a hidden furry… Not sure how to react tbh.
>>358007Most artists I have came across, including myself, actually print their own stickers and cut them out themselves. Just buy some A4 sticker paper, slot it in your printer and then cut them.
If you aren't fond of intense labour for your hands, Etsy or maybe even your local printing services shop could do the trick for both stickers & paper products. Vinyl is the best material for good quality stickers, imo!
I personally feel most commercial companies like Zap overprice their shit by a large margin which makes your stuff more expensive to sell, so I would honestly advise you to avoid them.
Also if you ever wish to sell acrylic charms next time, I recommend Alibaba or Taobao as it is very affordable. Be careful with the companies you deal with though as I have seen plenty of cases of nasty ones using their customers' art for their own products.
Good luck, anon!
No. 358342
>>358320im on a year and 2 months no fap and honestly not masturbating has improved my mood so much its weird af i didnt believe the no fap shit at all, but i genuinely dont notice the lack of masturbation
its actually probably a mix of things, shitty sexual experiences, birth control, age etc
i just dont miss it at all because it made me really sad everytime i did it
No. 358352
>>358350yeah like i said my experiences arent so good. I lost my virginity very late in life to someone I shouldnt have and it more or less sent me on a downward spiral
this is after I battled a porn/masturbation addiction for many years and being on birth control for the first time affected my mood immensely in a really bad way
now im 30 and honestly i think i just dont have a sex drive anymore and not masturbating or being concerned with impulses has improved my mood a lot
maybe i'll meet someone who can break the spell and can redevelop a healthy sexuality again but honestly, its not something i miss basically and i can live without it if thats the case!
No. 358441
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>>358349pic related is a meme, but it's a pretty good one. Obviously you don't REALLY need to read through Mythology, Homer, and Herodotus before tackling any philosophers, but it's all added context (imo all the more important when trying to understand 2500 year old thought.). If the philosophy is all you're really interested in, though, then by all means dive right in and hopefully you enjoy it.
No. 358462
>>358349Marcus Aurelius's stuff is top tier. There's a book by him where it was basically him just writing his thoughts in a diary and it turned out to be really through provoking and was later published after he died I believe.
>>358441Wow these are terrible and more than half of these aren't what anon asked for.
No. 358543
>>355819Your personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Venus to Saturn.
Your rising sign and Midheaven aren’t planets per se as the other anon mentioned, they’re hypothetical points based on the horizon and the ecliptic.
No. 358866
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>>358043holy shit anon you just gave me a flashback to when I was 5 and watched this on Swedish television
I loved that creepy cat more than anything
No. 359353
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>>359180It was pretty inconsistent, but Jasper is finally back so I won't complain.
No. 359374
>>359362It felt like it was being pulled in two directions; the comfy one you mentioned and the serious adventure with fighting and antagonists etc.
It couldn't really deliver on either, so that's why I feel like people are disappointed. Rebecca really should have just let this show stay light and comfy and not have tried to turn it into an intergalactic space drama.
No. 359573
>>359570I started getting like this for a few years. I picked up the Yakuza games last year and got hooked, I think what got me back into playing was the fact there were a lot of mini-games and substories I could do in between the main story. Also, the fact I never played many crime drama games.
Certain rhythm games are fun for me still. I like playing Taiko no Tatsujin. With the drum pad it's fun, but my boyfriend doesn't like how loud it is lol. DDR grew stale on me.
No. 359597
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sometimes I click on random threads that I never follow and today it was idubbz's gf's thread and god what is it about that thread that attracts the nitpicking autists who take everything literally and overanalyze constantly?
No. 359609
>>359597I find the language in general "Hurr cook a child in muh gut," to be far more grating for the fact that it sounds so vulgar, paired with the vapid (yet understandable) hormonal urge to reproduce because she sees a cherrypicked cutesy picture of someone else's hellspawn.
Just saying if one is to go full autismo, there's actual things going on there that are trite and annoying other than the childish use of 'gut' as a colloquialism for uterus. I'm glad I stopped browsing as many threads as I used to, I probably couldn't make it an entire thread's worth of current snowflakes without being disgusted by their general behavior.
No. 359657
>>359634I'm not disagreeing with you that anon's rant about the word is autistic, I'm saying that the entirety of the post sounds immature, gross, and annoying for the reasons I stated in my first post. But since you don't understand what I said for some reason, you're not on the same page.
I wouldn't worry about it either way, it's nbd after all.
No. 360220
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I can't believe men think miss alice's boobs are real
No. 360234
>>360105You're not alone anon. I sometimes come here to get advice or get a different perspective knowing that if the thing I say turns out to be unpopular or shitty, I have the protection of anonymity and can walk away.
I wish anonymous boards existed back in my high school days and in my early college because I would've saved myself from a lot of circumstances if I just had an anonymous source to vent and seek feedback from. Kids are fucking blessed these days.
No. 360257
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Lainey's hairdo makes her look like the boy from Atypical.
Also Atypical sure was a shitty show.
No. 360590
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>mfw I get banned for posting about my vag in the Shay thread.
Lmfao I got reamed for it. Multiple anons called me out, redtext, and a ban. Jeezus. Tough crowd for a lighthearted comment. I knew better than to blog post too.
Oh well me and my perfectly groomed vagina will be leaving in that case. Kekekek
No. 360605
>>360601Nah like I said I knew better. It was just for shits and giggles, isn't the why we're all here?
But mods seem to be cracking down which is a good thing all in all.
No. 360626
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Stell Bell and simplykenna have ugly and pretty versions of the same features
No. 360631
>>360590surprise surprise, you blogposting about your vagina got you banned in a thread that is so full of spergs like you that its seemingly hated by the mods and keeps being put on autosage
stop posting
No. 360745
>>360590Why are you posting about your vag
>>360670Why would you want to meet him. Hes not even a proper celeb. Enthralling
No. 360986
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Thinking about school and my classes makes me nauseous