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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 2452317

>don't be stupid
>be a good citizen
>no non-americans

Previous threads #35-25:
>>2274262(/pol/shit op)

No. 2452324

Wait, why do I love this threadpic so much? Thanks for making the new thread, nona!

No. 2452346

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Threadpic hurts my eyes…

No. 2452414

Nobody even cares about the JFK files now despite them edging it for decades. People have been saying it was the CIA since forever. Did they think people would lose their minds nationwide about it?

No. 2452420

Oh shit, this is so cool.

No. 2452437

Did anything concrete even get released?

No. 2452456

No they literally just say
>he might have been in contact with the CIA
>he might have been in contact with the russians
>Also the people who researched and reported this? We dont know that either…

No. 2452471

Threadpic is hilarious 10/10
Only senior citizens (like our government officials) still think that the Kennedy assassination of all things is still, 80 years on, a big enough deal to distract people from the economical problems our nation is facing. Apparently two batches of documents have been released and frankly, not a lot of people are talking about it because there isn't a lot to say. The CIA basically fucked about trying to figure out Oswald's motivation and subsequently, didn't. It would be really interesting if they did release something substantial but for now this is just fluff.

No. 2452568

Anything interesting come out of the Kennedy files?

No. 2452593

From what I’ve read so far, they released a butt-ton of pages and re-released pages that had previously been released with redactions. Too soon to say for sure because nobody’s finished going through it all, but the new information comes down to this:
>prior redactions seem to have been superfluous and unnecessary, hiding things that weren’t really that sensitive or notable.
>the FBI had been keeping closer tabs on Oswald prior to the shooting than they’d let on, making them look kind of incompetent that they didn’t predict his plan more accurately.
>no information suggesting a second gunman or any real conspiracy past that.

No. 2452600

Also I might be confusing FBI and CIA, they do the same thing in my mind.

No. 2452671

FBI covers federal and inter-state crime in the USA. CIA works abroad, mostly looking for criminal and terrorist activity outside of the United States.

No. 2452861

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Sorry nonnie, the blingees are definitely funnier but I wanted to avoid cluttering the text so I went for a weird filter instead. You can hide the threadpic if you need to.
It's like 80,000 pages of Cold War-era government documents. If anyone has a few 100mg Addies, send them my way and I'll spend a few days combing through until I figure out how the CIA did it.

No. 2452869

JFK video makes me sad that’s a shitty way to die

No. 2452973

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Jesus fuck massive repeals of environmental regulations just happened and the estimated out comes are heinous for public health. Experts estimate by 2050, children will only be able to play outside 89 days out of the year, and cancers and heart disease are projected to go up too.

No. 2453015

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The budget cuts during this presidency are starting to become impossible for me to ignore. I try to stay out of politics and focus on things closest to me. But lately it's all relevant to myself and I do not like that. Picrel probably a tabloid site but can't he leave one group be? What is his plan?

No. 2453022

Tesla owners been crying every time this song come on lately.

No. 2453026

Embezzlement and outright theft kek. Take a look at Brazilian politicians for an example of how bad it can really get.

No. 2453029

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No. 2453036

imagine being A grown tax paying adult and thinking politics wont affect/impact you enough to care. Maybe you should've cared and maybe we wouldnt be here. Americans individualism and racism is what will end us all.

No. 2453038

the funniest part about this is this was all in Project 2025 but everyone who wasnt a leftist called it hogwash and then voted for a rapist AGAIN

No. 2453041

The reason to not care isn't because it doesn't effect you, it's because there are zero politicians in American electoralism who give the slightest fuck about representing anyone or solving any problems. And the few that do have no chance at winning because the misanthropes who just want job security weed them out.

No. 2453054

All this is showing me is that it's incredibly easy to just gut everything but incredibly hard to put it all back together.

No. 2453328

why are you blaming her for the presidential results kek? misery loves company i guess. politicians will always act in self interest and seldom for the greater good. i see nothing wrong with contributing to ethical matters in smaller, intimate ways. i didnt ask to be brought into this political rat shit rat race, and i don’t singlehandedly have the power to stop what is happening with the closures and national parks and libraries but i can act in smaller ways and do good the best way i know how. also nobody has enough time or power to dedicate every second to politics and hysterics and some retarded OCDness about fulfilling the perfect part in politics and shaming those who decide to do what they can and enjoy their life and immediate worries otherwise. you voted kamala, so why didnt you change the outcome?

No. 2453338

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I wish our country wasn't such a broken mess so that our thread could be fun like all the other country threads. It's sad that even here we don't really have anything that culturally unites us except fighting.(ai outside of containment)

No. 2453348

>fun like all the other country threads
The britbong one is a mess too.

No. 2453380

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There are anons ITT who are ultra blackpilled and can only post negativity. The awful truth is that the economy is improving and a majority of Americans think the country is on the right track even according to CNN polls.

No. 2453381

The majority of people are dumber than a bag of rocks

No. 2453384

original anon here Yeah her response confused me for a second. I'm disabled mentally so I don't think telling me to partake in things is the own she thinks it is kek. I'm staying out of it because I lack the mental capacity to make judgement of things that affect people I cannot properly relate to. I thought I was being responsible by handling what's in front of me and not what I have no business dealing with.
My bad I fuckin guess? My vote in stuff like that would be equivalent to RNG. I don't think we want this.

No. 2453421

God they're so fucking stupid.

No. 2453447




Yes, our fellow Americans are dumb, and the economy isn't doing "better" either.

No. 2453518

>the economy is improving
for who? i still cant buy a house. i can barely pay rent. my groceries cost $200 a week

No. 2453521

Yeah this is bullshit… just more "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, everything's fine and nothing ever happens" as this dumpster fire rages on.

No. 2453527

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Megakek you all are so blatantly blackpilled and dooming. Eggs are back down, gas is down, what's the issue?

No. 2453528

Every person I know irl who voted Trump already hates him now. The only people who don't are accelerationist /pol/tards.

No. 2453558

And even some of them are starting to hate him for being an Isreali cockwarmer. Congrats to the retarded maga voters itt for ruining everything.

No. 2453562

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Are you genuinely retarded or just think everyone in the american thread is? if you read more than the article title you'd realize they talk about how these supposed good signs are either not related to us policy (gas is due to china) or potentially signal the start of bigger issues.

No. 2453628

nta but what makes me angry still is that biden's economy was somehow better than it is currently. prices for everything were still sky high as they are now. nothing has been normal ever since the pandemic and its because these corporations realized they could just jack up the prices and call it inflation

No. 2453631

The fuck you mean eggs are down? I literally just went to Walmart last night and the cheap eggs were $4/dozen. They were $2/dozen this time last year. Same with gas, $3.87 last night, under $3 this time last year.

No. 2453869

Working a job that has me going to other people's homes has taken its toll on my sympathy for poor people in this country. I haven't even been at it a year yet and I can already count at least 30 houses that look like they survived war, with kids who looked malnourished and improperly clothed running around, but have brand new Hellcats, AMGs, BMWs, Harleys, Off roaders and even boats sitting in the garage (If not the backyard). And the men in these places all dress like slobs of course. Yesterday we had to go into the most ratchet neighborhood in my city, and our client was this guy who I would be amazed if he had a job at a gas station or something. He had horrific tattoos (some on his face) and could barely speak but in his absolute hovel he had a ridiculous display case with like 20 watches on their own little pedestals with a light up "Rolex" sign above it.
And of course he demanded I "don't touch that" when I entered that room. These retards always demand unnecessary trepidation when around their toys.
I can also remember one argument breaking out about which city to go see Upchurch in when their kids were all in ripped clothes.
I used to roll my eyes at the argument that poor people are dumb therefore the economy doesn't need to be reformed, but now I am starting to get it. My parents had much more stable incomes than these people and they weren't half as idiotic or selfish.

No. 2453883

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Please no recession… I was supposed to finally move out next year…

No. 2453885


No. 2453887

Where do you live that cheap eggs are 4 dollars??? Where I'm at they're 5-8 dollars.

No. 2453889

If a recession hits I'm like fucked, like thoroughly, I will definitely lose my job and my department will probably close for good.

No. 2453891

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No. 2453892

I paid six dollars for 12 eggs yesterday. I think we need to start looking for egg substitutes.

No. 2453903

Everyone i know who voted for him is thrilled

No. 2453905

It's CNN. Of course they are going to say all this stuff is bad ackshually. Do you pay any attention at all?

No. 2453908

I'm dooming and you joke around…

No. 2453912

This is what happens when we don't have Alfred in the threadpic

No. 2453913

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Democrats have the lowest approval rating in over 30 years. It's over. They are cooked. Nobody likes them, and nobody likes the people that are still allied with them. We might not tell you to your face, but we're judging you.

No. 2453915

Why did you or that anon use it as a source then

No. 2453918

Where'd you get this chart?

No. 2453919

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Sure this will happen any day now kek

No. 2453920

It wasn't me, but it is a fact that inflation is down and the economy is doing better and news outlets can't really hide that. Other anon probably just grabbed the first source.

No. 2453921

>2015 University of Cambridge says there'll be no arctic sea ice by 2015

No. 2453924

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Not really, fed is saying the same stuff about inflation that they said when inflation was shit under Biden.

No. 2453927

Could you send me the source you found this screenshot from? I’m curious, I’d like to read it.

No. 2453932

These predictions are dramatic because their goal is to get funding for some organisation or policy proposal or whatever.

No. 2453933

Dems can swing it around by next election. If they drop troons and become more populist they can definitely sucker back in the lefties.

No. 2453934

The US election cycle really is just a pendulum.

No. 2453944

It's the kind of thing you notice more as you get older too. I'm almost 40 and I remember a lot of these headlines and doom sperging and when the date arrives and everything is fine they just push the date back again and doom sperg more.

No. 2453946

Nona I think they mean the one referring to climate change

No. 2453948

Yes I make a pretty good amount of money, enough to buy a home off of it. Coworkers will be penny pinching on food but the men all have like 8 cars (most of which don't work and one of which is the prize expensive one), and a boat or plane. The women all have shopping addictions.

And the men complain about what their wives spend but then go buy 60k trucks…I don't even care if someone has debt. Buy shit like furniture at least instead of flexing your credit while you live like a pig. Poor people are pathetic, but I also see the same attitude with rich people they just grew up with money and were shipped to college by their parents and magically got out making a lot. I have very little sympathy. Recently a guy got a new truck, had another kid with his wife, and was out home shopping. He got laid off.

No. 2453950

I don't doubt that humans have had an effect on the planet and that we're responsible for damage to natural ecosystems but it's really hard to care when it's doom o clock 24/7, and there's very little individuals can do about it. Change would have to take place at a global level with government and corporate backing, and that simply won't happen.

No. 2453951

There is no next election though

No. 2453955

NTA but you also have to remember that just because we're not living in the absolute worst case scenarios right now doesn't mean it's not an issue.

No. 2453956

No. 2453958

Thanks. I will admit that I wasn't expecting that poll from NBC kek.

No. 2453962

Yep, it's all about money. Solar panels and wind turbines aren't really better for the environment. But you can get 11 billion dollars from the government if you say everybody will die if they don't give you a bunch of money to install them. It's all just selling new products.

No. 2453963

Are you saying wind turbines aren't better for the environment because birds slam into them and die? Might as well say cars are bad for the environment because squirrels love diving under moving tires kamikaze style and ban them.

No. 2453972

I think it's more along the lines of "Wind turbines and solar panels take a lot of resources to produce and take a long time to recoup that investment" but kek

No. 2453973

Does a wind turbine or solar panel produce more energy than it takes to produce?

No. 2453976

This. It's the huge manufacturing footprint. Plus they are decommissioned rather rapidly as well. Then there's the transport. And on top of it there's the bird and whale deaths. Any benefit they have is very minor.

No. 2453977

Lol nope
But I'm all for more nuclear plants

No. 2453979

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I wish I could force every American to look at a media bias chart. The amount of absolute garbage one of my roommates parrots because she exclusively lives in the bottom corner is absurd and embarrassing for someone who’s theoretically smart enough to know better.

No. 2453980

How do you feel about geothermal or hydroelectric power? I think they're at the very least supplements to nuclear and traditional energy sources.

No. 2453984

NBC’s pretty reputable, and the idea of “uneducated moids think Trump is a great idea, educated women think Trump is a terrible idea” tracks with my personal experience.

No. 2453986

The real blackpill is that everything in this chart is awful and full of lies. You have organizations that actively conspired to hide Bidens dementia and the covid origin or something like daily mail that doesn't fact check whatsoever and it's just listed as "reliability varies"

No. 2453988

Yeah, I agree. I'm just surprised because NBC is somewhat left-leaning, though I suppose they're not technically the ones conducting the poll.

No. 2453989

Buying a house isn't the standard for whether or not an economy is performing well. You could buy a house, but it would involve moving to a LCOL area which you probably don't want to do.

No. 2453991

There have been a number of studies showing similar things recently going around Twitter. The general trend is that white degree holding woman are showing extremely high levels of break away from the mean compared to all other groups. That's not just because they are "smart" and understand things better than men and minorities, this is demonstrating high levels of cloistered groupthink that is specific to a small group.

No. 2453999

Or just that current bills are particularly dangerous to women, and that’s easiest to see if you have an education. For example, the SAVE Act would take away suffrage for most married American women without passports, since their birth certificate will have a different last name than their current legal one. It’s easier to make that connection if you’re educated and men (esp. uneducated ones) are less likely to care about taking away women’s rights.

No. 2454013

Yeah sure lol. Everybody else can correctly recognize this group as the craziest bitches in the world, while they're convinced they alone see everything clearly and everything else is wrong. Cope more(infighting)

No. 2454014

>my groceries cost $200 a week
Tf are you eating? When I was living in the Bay Area last year my groceries rarely topped $200/month.

No. 2454016

>White degree holding women
>"The craziest bitches in the world"

No. 2454017

Found the moid(scrotefoiling)

No. 2454030

>Everybody that doesn't like me is a MAN(report and ignore)

No. 2454032

It’s easier to believe that than to believe in a woman who’s against women’s suffrage in 2025.

No. 2454042

I'm legit offended that you immediately started sperging about muh scary college women and still somehow thought you'd blend in.

No. 2454043

Not sure if nona is shopping just for herself or not. $200 a week would be a lot for a single person but not necessarily a family of four.

No. 2454066

I live in a low cost rural area and I can't buy a house, even the shittiest crackhouse is at least $100k. I guess they'll sell you a pile of dirt for $50k KEK what housing market are you shopping in??

No. 2454077

What are petsitting rates where you guys are? Apparently it varies drastically by area. I live in a HCOL area and some rich people will refuse to pay more than $50 for someone to watch their pet. Offered $115 a night to watch two big dogs and housesit, but boarding places charge more for less care.

No. 2454082

>last year
found the discrepancy

i'm not at that nona's level of expense yet but it's because i cook cheap slop meals and freeze/hoard leftovers. but it has definitely gone up. I can make $100 last for a week if I'm buying exclusively food-groceries but as soon as I need to refresh staples like cat litter, paper towels, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent…yeah, it can easily hit $200 per week.

No. 2454089

I'm not saying we should all doom and kill ourselves but what is this a notes app screenshot lol. The only thing I can find by Cambridge is this https://www.cisl.cam.ac.uk/resources/sustainability-horizons/august-2020/loss-of-arctic-sea-ice which says that they think that Arctic summers won't have ice by 2035. Most of these statements don't even cite an organization or a person which makes it hard to verify. Idk. People get things wrong all the time. But anecdotally, the climate around me is very different to what it was when I was a kid
We really have someone posting "hoe math" screenshots in here. Ew lol

No. 2454097

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Good news! Deporting illegals will lower housing costs for American citizens!

No. 2454109

Come on man. what do you even get out of baiting this thread… why can't we just have fun and be burgers without you shitting everywhere…

No. 2454116

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I've been eating Mcdonalds multiple times a week so that I remember what the nuggets taste like before they make the happy meal cost $50.

No. 2454119

You do realize that non-citizens can own land right?

No. 2454120

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>Barstool Sports is a news source.
This is the scariest thing on this chart.

No. 2454123

Burger gripe: I fucking hate ups. I fucking hate ups. Ups is such a dogshit piece of cock mail agency. Why the FUCK do I need to sign for every package coming through? Why the FUCK don't they fucking knock? Why the fuck is it AMAZON'S FAULT THEY ARENT LEAVING THE PACKAGE UPS IS DELIVERING IT. We need to demolish ups and replace it all with usps. Usps doesn't give a fuck about anything they'll ship weed out even in illegal states kek fuck ups. Down with ups.

No. 2454127

Samefag I'm going to bitch the fuck out of this ups rep on the phone as soon as I can get through FUCK YOUUUUUU FUCK PRIVATIZED MAIL DELIVERY THE GAYEST COCKSUCKING THING IN THE WORLD.

No. 2454135

This "bias" thing is a total meme.
I hate Hasan but if you were to just watch him and not "counter-balance" it by also watching The Daily Wire you would be more informed than if you did because The Daily Wire lies about absolutely everything they report. You shouldn't watch Hasan, but "partisan bias" isn't why news is such fucking trash. It's because journalists have become fucking horrible at their job over the last 50 years.

No. 2454142

It’s scary how untrustworthy and biased media is these days. So many Americans are legitimately retarded because of the media we consume. It also greatly concerns me how many people only get their news from one source or one angle. People like that exist in their own little universe (echo chamber) where any kind of dissent or variation is punished. Hot take: it’s actually good to talk to different kinds of people, learn different perspectives, and engage with people who think differently than you. Vidrel is by a bong but pretty spot on. I wish our news sources didn’t fuck suck.

No. 2454176

Something like 90% of journalists at major outlets are Democrat, it's crazy to not think there is some kind of bias

No. 2454182

Nta but isn't that because most people with college degrees are democrats

No. 2454184

I feel like you picked a bad example kek. I agree the chart doesn’t seem that accurate, but I think anyone who only watched Hasan would probably be so retarded it’s frightening to think about.

No. 2454190

It's slightly more, but def not enough to account for that much difference

No. 2454194

NTA but dumb take imo. You don’t even have to have a college degree to be a newscaster or a commentator. Plenty don’t. I’m not sure why it’s so hard for anons to admit that most mainstream media has a heavy left/liberal bias. The effect of this is that people who don’t want that start turning to Joe Rogan or Ben Shapiro or Andrew Tate for all their political news and social commentary because the desire for a counter-perspective and media without a Dem bias will always exist. The media is a liberal establishment and it has been that way for a long time.

No. 2454202

I agree but that's because Hasan is fucking retarded, not because he is biased. The brainrot he subjects his fantards to isn't subsided by then watching Tucker Carlson
Okay, and?
>You don’t even have to have a college degree to be a newscaster or a commentator.
To write and edit their prompts and stories you absolutely have to be.

No. 2454204

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It's too ingrained into their worldview that everybody in the mainstream establishment agreeing with them must mean that they are correct and a good person. Admitting there is bias means those sources might not be such good and intellectual people.

No. 2454208

…Hasan is definitely biased. His whole persona is being a tankie (while literally being a millionaire kek). No offense, but do you understand what a bias in media is?

No. 2454213

Christ I wasn't saying there is no bias I was just saying that's probably why journalists are usually democrats. Specifically journalism is very entwined with academia which is a liberal institution as well. Where did I or anyone say that journalists are "such good and intellectual people"? Do you think you're on reddit right now?

No. 2454218

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If you think anything in this chart is a news source in the year of our lord 2025, you are not gonna make it. One of the "least biased" news outlets literally creates narratives ahead of time to promote based on what the corporate owners want. They are not reporting facts, they are creating entertainment. They are telling you a story they want you to believe for their benefit.

No. 2454220

Anon said it's common on this board for people to think and she is right. I'm just agreeing with that sentiment. I didn't mean you specifically

No. 2454222

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No. 2454226

>Do you think you're on reddit right now?
Kek. I was just replying to what you said. You truly don’t have to reply if you don’t want to have a discussion.
>Specifically journalism is very entwined with academia which is a liberal institution as well.
Exactly as I was saying. It’s a liberal institution. That wasn’t a condemnation, just an observation. No need to get butthurt because random anons on LC disagreed with your take, maybe because of the way you worded it.

No. 2454230

What is the "take" being disagreed with, that most people with college degrees are democrats? Lol

No. 2454231

Yeah man, mainstream media has a left/liberal bias. Totally…it's not like news stations and local news in particular has been gradually being monopolized by right-wing corpos for some time now.

No. 2454236

Luckily, it can't be completely dismantled without Congress's approval

No. 2454244

Why should it be? The department of education hasn't made any improvements in education for its entire existence. Why should it stay?

No. 2454249

Ok anon, I reread everything and yeah, I think I overreacted because I thought you were being aggro. My bad. I do think it’s overly simplistic to say that legacy media leans left because of college degrees (I think that’s probably a much smaller factor), but that was my only disagreement.

No. 2454254

Chances of martial law on April 20th?

No. 2454278

I do understand. I never claimed Hasan isn't biased. I am saying his bias isn't the reason why he is shit. (He is shit because he is really fucking dumb, and a creep)
There are no truly unbiased sources. Fox News for example isn't awful because they aren't open to democrat opinions or whatever. (some of their anchors are). It's because most of their talking heads push blatantly forged evidence, lies, and incompetent research that makes a narrative look good. You aren't getting an "enhanced" view of things by consuming political media in a bi-partisan fashion. I can't name a single reputable pro-MAGA source because every last thing their shills push is completely false.

No. 2454289

Well, that just shows you're still buying into the msm narrative. You can't say every single thing is false because that's simply not true. There are a lot of things they report on weeks before the msm admits it's real. The liberal msm also lies and makes up research. I know because I started looking into the research they were quoting. It's no different from all the "reporting" on troon science.

No. 2454290

>Al Jazeera ranked above CNN
Is CNN that bad? I don't use it but I've heard how Al Jazeera was criticized for its bias towards Islamic movements and it's coverage of the Syrian Civil war.

No. 2454298

So nobody realizes the op pic is a /pol/ meme? Or is everyone just ignoring it?

No. 2454302

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Trust in media has collapsed - even non partisan people increasingly no longer trust the media. If you still trust them, you are in a shrinking group.

No. 2454303

why on earth would i willingly browse 4shit, especially /pol/

No. 2454316

That’s pretty crazy. I do think CNN is pretty biased, but Al Jareeza is a state-run outlet for Qatar (an authoritarian monarchy), and it’s basically a propaganda machine for Islamist movements like you said. I looked up the source of the chart, and it’s from Ad Fonts Media, which seems to be advertising company, so they’re collecting data to sell to advertisers so they can reach their target audience. It’s likely hard to accurately evaluate media bias based on whatever cookies they’re harvesting, so I would definitely take it with a grain of salt.

No. 2454329

You don't need to browse their board to run into /pol/ type memes. They literally insert their "based" takes and humor anywhere they can. I guess if nobody else sees it then there's no point in reporting it, but some poltard is getting his kicks

No. 2454335

Samefag, but now that I know the source of the chart, these bias rankings make more sense. The chart isn’t necessarily reflecting the content of the media, but breath of its audience. For the Al Jareeza/CNN example, Al Jareeza is going to be very biased, but it’s also widely read around the world and covers events that non-Muslim media isn’t covering, so there’s going to be a wide demographic that reads their articles. Meanwhile, no conservative in America is going to turn on CNN. They’re going to watch Fox News. That means the audience of CNN is much narrower and more politicized on a left-right spectrum.

No. 2454339

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Zero to none. Drumpf will continue his roaring rampage of revenge, and the Democrats will continue to shit their pants and do nothing. They have Soros-approved judges ready to stretch the definition of their jurisdictions to the Moon, and that's basically the only counter-attack they can muster. The fact that this will certainly lead to an executive order placing extreme limitations on the judiciary branch has not occured to them, because they have no long-term plans.
I'm so sorry nonnie, but the fact that there are a few anons who can't resist working themselves into a frothing rage at the thought of an actual woman disagreeing with their spicy hot Antifa-tier takes is irresistible to me in turn. If it's any comfort, I'm almost certain that the ones who refuse to admit they are not living in the Christofascist hellscape they so feared are actually trannies.

No. 2454351

Wow, that's really interesting. Thank you for breaking it down.
Thinking about it, I wonder if you could even have a real bias chart. Everything is biased to someone. Who gets to decide what isn't biased?

No. 2454410

Ayrt and I've been trying to decipher the second half of your post for like 5 minutes and I'm still not sure what you mean but I'll give it my best shot. For the record I'm not a leftist either but I don't see how saying that the housing market is pretty bad in low cost places too is worthy of being baited or a "spicy antifa-tier take" to be completely honest. Either way there are a million leftist websites on the internet you could be trolling right now, why do you have to bait on this one? Also, where I live it is no grand shock for a true and honest woman to be rightwing, maybe you should move out of Portland kek

No. 2454414

at this point i think the number one sign of having anger problems is owning a big fucking white truck. there isn't a driver in america that hasn't been psychotically accosted by a man in a big white truck.

No. 2454426

Do you genuinely think Trump will do anything to better public schooling which is what most of America's youth attends? Do you really?

No. 2454463

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Sorry again nonnie, I phrased that poorly, and don't worry, I'm in the free state of Florida and doing fine. Let me word that better: there's a few extreme far-left anons on this board. They consistently overreact to even very mild "centrist" opinions, like "maybe banning trannies from federal buildings is a good thing actually, even if Nancy Mace has shitty stupid opinions." I find these overreactions very amusing, and when they leave the containment threads and come here to piss and moan about Cheeto Hitler and his pet retards, I can't resist annoying them. Like look at this: >>2454426
She's literally asking for a funny response! And so, I find their bait as irresistible as they do mine. Sorry for shitting up the thread, I'll try to keep my shitposting fingers in check for a while.

No. 2454464

No offense but you seem deranged, and this is coming from someone who voted for trump in 2016.

No. 2454473

File: 1742518409202.jpg (49.96 KB, 1280x720, average floridian.jpg)

>I'm addicted to ragebait! It's just the culture!
this is the shit that is destroying this country. No one can have genuine conversations with one another, it's all about getting a rise for attention as opposed to just… You know… Talking like adults

No. 2454476

No such thing as a lcol area if you adjust for local wages.

No. 2454481

Kek this is so autistic it’s funny

No. 2454488

At least she was aware she was shitting up the thread

No. 2454489

First ayrt and I won't chew you out or anything but you have to keep in mind, you and I don't actually know the political positions of any of the anons on this board unless they point it out. For example the second anon you quoted sounds more like a regular dem than "extremely far left" kek. Why can't we just have a grownup discussion about these things without you trolling? I don't like "orange man bad" non-contribution posts either but baiting leftanons only generates more of them. If you disagree with someone you could either explain why you think they're wrong or just move on

No. 2454494


No. 2454505

No. 2454595

Anon I moved from the Bay Area to a red state and the groceries are so much more expensive out here away from the farms in CA. I miss the cheap fresh food I used to have access to.

No. 2454600

On Easter? I doubt it.

No. 2454795

>"Women who have an education just see things more clearly"
>spouts off conspiracy theory from tiktok

No. 2454903

File: 1742541808899.jpg (163.24 KB, 1456x577, insurrection act.jpg)

Okay since nobody else gave a serious answer who isn't just a trump dicksucker I'll bite…there's no real way to be sure but it's not out of the realm of possibility. Trump has already proven he doesn't care about laws, and he fucking got away with inciting an insurrection. Certain anons will call it conspiritard or "doomer" shit, but the speculation stems from the fact that Pete Hegseth and Kristi Noem are supposed to submit a report based on one of the executive orders that is about whether to invoke the Insurrection Act regarding the southern border (picrel). Btw it's worth noting that Trump previously tried to invoke the Insurrection Act during the George Floyd protests but failed. Nowadays he only keeps sycophants around him and fires everybody else, so he probably wouldn't get the same pushback if he made an attempt again. Again, I'm not saying that it's happening for sure, just that this theory didn't come out of nowhere.
Ngl I find this poll pretty funny considering how much Republicans love Fox News, which is literally one of the most (if not the most) popular "news" channels. Do they not consider Fox News mainstream or what? I can understand not trusting mass media (I actually feel this way myself), but if they're saying that while watching Fox they're just full of shit kek
Okay I thought the op pic seemed fucking weird but I didn't know it was a /pol/ meme since I've never gone onto /pol/. I can't say I'm surprised considering some of the posts in here

No. 2454915

>doing fine
Your state is literally run by migrants, and Desantis fools around with 17 year olds and could give less than two shits about you. His buddy was all chummy with him until he dropped him and posted that photo of him with a 17 year old. I have been to florida, and it is an absolute shithole. No wonder you cant differentiate your monolith of "far left" anons with normal people just asking you simple questions. Your guys IQ is literally ranked 38, you cannot even articulate your words correctly. Are you ESL or something? Are you an immigrant like most of floridians? LOOOOOOOL(bait)

No. 2455020

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It's a blessing and a curse.

No. 2455024

Seems like it's just the curse part.

No. 2455041

The poster is a literal retard with a single digit IQ. It’s not autism, it’s mental retardation that probably came from her beloved DeSantis having deregulations and cuts for climate change (like the deregulation of gas pipelines) affecting her iq. I guess the lead exposure has gotten to her so bad that it decreased her IQ.

No. 2455046

File: 1742559310696.jpg (80.78 KB, 500x542, florida_nona.jpg)

I just read your posts. None were difficult to understand and I agree with your points. It's confusing bc when anons used to be called retarded by multiple other anons, it actually meant that was true. I think this nona is baiting, in the same way a person would be "baiting" if they posted an honest opinion in their bot-hjiacked local subreddit. The only difference is that this anon is aware this thread is full of shill opinions, whereas most people are usually surprised to find their local subreddit doesn't represent their community, leave and never come back. The spirit of lc persists in this nona >>2455020 as she is still looking for keks in this bleak darkness that you all have created around yourselves

No. 2455057

Yeah man everyone who isn't right-wing must be a bot or a shill, how enlightening and rooted in reality.

No. 2455058

>Yeah man everyone who isn't right-wing must be a bot or a shill, how enlightening and rooted in reality.
There is one anon who isn't like the rest of you and you guys dogpiled her and called her a retard

No. 2455059

File: 1742560259242.jpg (28.66 KB, 349x642, BlP6StFCQAAmgU7.jpg)

She literally admitted to baiting and shitting up the thread? Kek wtf

No. 2455060

It shits up the thread bc she already knows how you guys are going to react to her centrist/mainstream opinions

No. 2455062

I don't see any centrist opinions or discussion being had, just retards getting mad when people rightfully criticize or question Trump and republicans

No. 2455063

Anon basically said there are people who are too emotionally invested in the trump circus, which there are. She finds it funny but I'm pretty tired of it, after all these years

No. 2455078

When people cry over trump rather than making small impacts like volunteering at a women’s shelter or an animal sanctuary or some other conservation efforts, is it just to make them feel as though they are involved or doing something? Also makes me wonder how they have enough time to be so heavily involved and hysteric over it all. You mean they aren’t working or have other obligations or even hobbies or values? All their free time they use to attend the trump circus?

No. 2455080

>is it just to make them feel as though they are involved or doing something
No? It's because people legitimately feel as though the country has no future/is only getting worse and that they have no way to impact what is occurring.
>You mean they aren’t working or have other obligations or even hobbies or values? All their free time they use to attend the trump circus?
Crying on the internet takes like 5 minutes max

No. 2455081

If politics weren't discussed in this thread it would pretty much be dead, but even so you could try to get them to redirect Trump hate to the Trump hate thread which was made for similar reasons >>>/ot/2382949

No. 2455088

It sucks that we have nothing but politics to talk about. We are basically if a bpdemon was a country. No identity, just rage and attention seeking

No. 2455089

How is this a conspiracy? It takes two seconds to look up the bill's page kek. You sure showed those ignorant educated women.

No. 2455093

Can we talk about restaurants we like or animals in our states or places we like to hike or cool exhibits or…

No. 2455111

>look on Google Maps for new restaurants to visit with my friend
>two that I wanted to try are permanently closed
It's sad.

No. 2455120

I already said this in the Southern US thread but I fucking love Eastern Hognoses.

No. 2455142

they are such stupid lil snooted worms. i agree with you, nona, good taste.

No. 2455144

My favorite thing about them is that they're venomous and they still chose this as their defense mechanism.

No. 2455154

>he fucking got away with inciting an insurrection.
It's 2025, take the media dick out of your mouth, this is embarrassing
Fox news is mainstream but it's 1 channel compared to like, 50 lib channels. But libs never shut up about how that 1 channel is the source of all problems.

No. 2455162

The whole bill is just to prevent non citizens voting, which is rampant, but which the media completely denies. The leftist machine riles up its base by telling them it will affect you, when it obviously won't, because women's suffrage is literally a constituional amendment that can't be taken away by a random act. They just don't want their vote factory taken away and tell their voters anything to make them mad about it and defend it.
>t. Used to be left, know how this works

No. 2455168

What's embarrassing are your attempts at gaslighting nonas by shaming them for being concerned about the current administration. I would be ashamed to call myself a Republican now.

You mean like how they weren't going to touch social security, Medicare, or abortion rights? Anyone who believes Trump and his cronies at face value at this point is a lost cause. Trump has no issue overturning constitutional amendments thinks he fancies himself king turd of shit island these days.

No. 2455171

How do non citizens vote? Also funny how most illegal immigrants tend to be right leaning anyway so by that logic I guess they're helping both the dems and the cons.

No. 2455176

>non citizens voting, which is rampant
Wasn't this disproven several threads ago around election time?

No. 2455181

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Social security is in desperate need of reform, but making it lose less money is not the same as getting rid of it (which i would glad if he did anyway, it's literally a ponzi scene??)

No. 2455185

Its only "disproven" if you trust the msm on the issue. Just like it's "disproven" that tranny surgeries are bad.
Personally I've spoken to non citizen that vote, and know at least two people that vote for dead relatives. So it definitely happens more than 0.

No. 2455189

>literally a ponzi scheme
Oh honey, no. Try not parroting your gay daddies for once.

No. 2455196

Some states don't require voter ID so anyone can walk in and vote.

No. 2455197

It's 2025, how about you stop pretending right-wingers are so oppressed like right-wing media, journalism, and news outlets don't exist? You act like media is only biased for leftists when that is the furthest thing from the truth. Rightoids have their own MSM that lies to them constantly but somehow only the leftists are lying. And you know that Fox News isn't the only one, Sinclair Broadcast Group literally owns ALL local news stations

No. 2455199

This has been known for decades, it has nothing to do with Trump. How old are you? Why are you defending social security of all things? This has literally been a bipartisan issue for decades, probably since it's inception.

No. 2455206

It's really crazy when you think about how every other country in the world has id for voting. But in America, it's somehow an issue.
Here's Clinton talking about privatizing social security. It's been a problem for a long time. But if Trump said such a thing, the reeing would be unending. https://www.forbes.com/sites/eriksherman/2016/10/23/clinton-might-be-moving-toward-social-security-privatization/

No. 2455210

The problem is leftists act like their media is the only media with authority when it couldn't be farther from the truth. Your media lied to you about trannies, it lied about covid, it lied about the war in Iraq, it lied about Biden being demented. You can complain about right wing media all you want, but at least be honest. Right wingers had to literally build their own alternative media system since they can't get hired by the traditional outlets. That's not the same as having a ready made state media apparatus with global reach.

No. 2455235

Lol, right wingers made their own media because they couldn't handle constantly being fact-checked by MSM outlets back in 2016. You claim left-wing media lies but a lot of what gets regurgitated in right wing media circles is a lie or a distortion of the truth. Facts favor the left, which is why all fact-checking websites are despised by right-wingers. And then you will claim the fact-checker is also a lie. Everything that goes against the right-wing narrative is a lie. Fake news!

No. 2455246

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No. 2455248

Yeah yeah, everyone who doesn't agree is a glowie, a shill, a bot etc we get it

No. 2455253

Fact checkers also say trooning out is a cure for mental illness and troons are women. Every expert, fact checker, and mainstream media source absolutely insists this is true. If they're wrong on that, what else are they wrong about?

No. 2455257

ALL MEDIA IS BIASED. Dumbass culture wars pit us against each other. The reality is that journalism has become increasingly politicized, and you should always consider the bias of the source. This is basic media literacy.

No. 2455259

And right wing media says you can cure Covid by injecting Ivermectin, Sandy Hook is a lie, and that there is a democratic child sex cult in a pizzeria basement. That's why you read from multiple sources and not just blindly regurgitate culture war talking points.

No. 2455262

You have to understand how much of this stuff is a matter of perspective. The left wing media says something is true, based on a study or because an expert said so or something. The right wing says it's false because the study is bad, or it goes against anecdotal evidence/history. The left wing slanders this as "misinformation".
It's just different interpretations of facts and events and weighing different points of evidence differently. The MSM puts a huge amount of trust in social science studies and experts. The alternative media puts more trust in what they can see and what they know from history. A lot of right wingers are actually very well read, reading many classic books that talk about the problems humanity has always had. They put less stock in the latest social science study that came out last week that says we need to do things completely the opposite or you're a nazi. Occasionally, those are actually right, but it's not that often when you really dig into it (replication crisis)

No. 2455264

>you can cure Covid by injecting Ivermectin
Nobody ever said this, and ivermectin DOES work for covid, just not by injection
>sandy hook didn't happen
Only one fringe outlet ever said this
>pizza gate
Honestly, this is probably true. You think CNN is going to tell you the truth about elite pedophiles?

No. 2455268

Anyone who dismisses pedo-rings are shills, totally ignorant, or insanely brainwashed.

No. 2455270

I'll elaborate on the ivermectin thing because it's really fun. The entire reason it was demonized by the media is because it actually does work for covid. But to legally push the vaccine as a mandate and get everyone to take it and get government funding, there could not be any alternative treatments for the disease in question. So big pharma, who owns the media, spun up the media to demonize cheap ivermectin so they could make billions of dollars from pushing the vaccine. Your media makes a large amount of its revenue from pharma ads (25% or so, I think), so they obviously aren't going to tell you that, and instead spin up a bunch of hysteria about injecting bleach. It's all about the money, anon.

No. 2455276

For real?

No. 2455277

It's kind of crazy how many people still trust the media in 2025. I thought such people were lost causes, but it's possible some of them are just young and haven't realized how bad it is? I'm really curious.

No. 2455280

Link a single peer reviewed study that confirms your claims. All I can find are studies that confirm that opposite of what you're claiming.
Right-wingers are proven to be less educated than libs if you want to talk about 'well-read' but I know you will just say some shit about school being a liberal institution/scam, so what does it matter.

No. 2455284

>pizza gate was probably real
god is speaking to you through this post, it is time to take your meds and get some sleep.

No. 2455285

Education is different from intelligence.

No. 2455287

Nonna I regret to inform you that they stopped teaching media literacy sometime in the mid-late 2000s, depending on your school district. Some younger anons here have likely never been taught.

No. 2455291

nta and I don't believe they were operating out of a pizza restaurant with no basement, but pedo rings are absolutely real and don't get enough media attention

No. 2455292

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No. 2455294

Yeah, and epstein hung himself. And ghislaine maxwell was convicted for trafficking nobody. Just facts

No. 2455296

File: 1742573763712.jpg (112.77 KB, 680x673, 1000014427.jpg)

>no basement

No. 2455298

Pedo rings are absolutely real. Are they being run by the government out of a fake pizzeria or furniture company? No. You're more likely to find the ringleaders of physical operations outside of the country and their material being distributed via the dark web. Everyone knows these types of organizations exist, leftists included, but only the truly stupid and/or deranged fell for pizzagate.

No. 2455299

Quick question: what do you think "peer reviewed" implies? Because it just means someone looked at it and said yeah, I guess that looks ok. a ton of fraudulent studies are peer reviewed. It doesn't really mean that much.

No. 2455302

John mcafee one hacked the US government by sending them bugged laptops. He discovered that the US government was the world's largest human trafficker.

No. 2455303

yes anon i'm sure they literally had 50,000 tomatoes rotting in their vast magically disappearing basement and were not referring in any possible way to storing tomatoes at the farm where they were grown - after all 'harvest parties' at the local pizzeria are just a normal part of average American life! kek

No. 2455308

>'shangri-la exists right under your feet! wake up sheeple!'
>'what? that sounds made up.'
>'what makes you so sure, huh?! prove it!'

funnily enough it's the person making the insane claims who is generally tasked with providing evidence that what they say is true.

No. 2455312

are you guys still talking about pizzagate?? it’s almost been 10 years now

No. 2455313

>file names
Are you the same anon who used a /pol/ threadpic? I know what you are lol

No. 2455314

if they are not the victims of some nebulous deep state villainous cancel culture oppression fantasy at all times then i genuinely don't think these people have any sense of identity.

No. 2455315

I'm honestly not invested in pizzagate, but I have no reason to not believe it, either. The media isn't going to tell you this stuff either way. This is the same media that shut down epstein stories with hard evidence. I don't personally know if they have a basement, but i have literally no reason the believe the media when they say they don't have a basement. The media lies constantly about everything and probably didn't investigate any of this at all.

No. 2455317

>i didn't research it at all myself but being completely oblivious is all the justification i need to believe something

america is truly doomed lmao.

No. 2455318

The pizza one was pulled off of Twitter five minutes ago. I have no idea what you're talking about.(ban evasion)

No. 2455320

Don't most anons use a random string of numbers as filenames to better anonymize their posts? Not a lot of wordy filenames around here.

No. 2455324

All media is biased and has always been politicized. Newspapers just used to be more upfront with who owned them and what political interests they were more slanted towards. Journalists never had integrity and it was always about money over the truth. I wish the world movies portrayed about the media was real. There is no left wing media in the United States. The liberal bullshit being spouted out is basically mild right wing bullshit anyway.

No. 2455325

Focusing solely on the pizzeria and basement is insanely retarded. If you actually look into the owner, his Instagram, and connections and still wanna spit and foam out the mouth about how simple and stupid it all is, you must be either a shill or incapable of thinking for yourself.

No. 2455327

I could be wrong, but if you look at the file names of those posts and OP, they’re all 100000xxxx, not just any random numbers. Seems like a chronic baiter.

No. 2455328

That article has been debunked countless times and Lucy Kerr and Flavio Cadegiani are literally funded by Vitamedic which is an Ivermectin manufacturer lmao

No. 2455330

There have been multiple studies at this point anon, if you looked into it. And how is that any worse than all the studies paid for by big pharma? Most studies are paid for by somebody, they don't just appear

No. 2455332

>The media isn't going to tell you this stuff either way
>implying you need to be told something by a media outlet before confirming if it's true instead of using logic, common sense, verifiable sources (hint: not some tiktokker off their meds and not /pol/fags from 4chins) and critical thinking

It was literally a meme created to troll the altright that got out of hand because /polfags/ and boomers are so easy to get hyped up… lolihaetpizza, anyone? From there pizza became associated with lolis and someone spun it into a conspiracy about grand pedo rings operating outside of pizzeria basements to both further a political agenda (because only Dems and Hollywood can be pedos, completely dismissing the Catholic Church) and have a good laugh. I agree that pedo rings are absolutely really but it knows no sole political affiliation.

No. 2455334

That's probably because they come from pol, but that doesn't mean it's the same person. There are a ton of pol images floating around Twitter with number filenames.

No. 2455336

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. Where did you even get this stuff?

No. 2455337

By that same logic, I must be running SpaceX out of my living room because I once dated a techbro. take your meds and don't believe everything you read online, simpleton.(infighting)

No. 2455338

i honestly agree with you anon, it’s just that, as i said before, it’s almost been an entire decade since, at this point you gotta accept that people choose to be ignorant to make themselves feel better. like, the wayfair child trafficking shit never even got settled, the company just ignored potential customers noticing how some pillows would cost over $100,000 and have these unique missing children’s names and when you tried to buy them, you had to give them a special password for the money to go through. and then people just stopped talking about it

No. 2455340

If you read the original article it's pretty clear he's talking about a basement at the restaurant that they can grab ingredients from.

No. 2455342

>t. was actually there to see where it originated since 2007

I don't know what youtube video or rabbithole the rest of you guys found out about it from but it's like no one can put two and two together. Regardless, believing pizzagate is absolutely retarded, enough said.

No. 2455343

File: 1742575631425.webp (36.91 KB, 640x632, yo77bimdbh381.webp)

There's a lot of studies proving otherwise and the only one you linked was funded by Vitamedic so I'm just going to discard it.

No. 2455344

By what logic? The fact that James Alefantis is a pederast? You haven't done any research and it shows.

No. 2455345

This is the playbook. When people start talking about the elite pedo rings, the media smears everybody involved and tells them to stop looking and that they are stupid for thinking there's anything there. The media does not actually investigate any of the claims.

No. 2455346

Even if you choose to refute the origins, if you just think about it, it's easy to connect the dots. But people would rather let their political tribalism get in the way of the truth because it's fun to have a boogeyman to blame everything on

No. 2455347

It’s definitely the same person. All of florida chan’s posts have the same ideological talking points, same dose of autism, and identical file names. Just go back through the thread, she’s highly identifiable.

No. 2455348

>because /polfags/ and boomers are so easy to get hyped up
This is the case like 99.99% of the time and it's hilarious to watch

No. 2455349

You know what I don't get about right-wing conspiracies? It's all dependent on elite billionaires secretly running the country so then they go ahead and elect actual elite billionaires to run the country kek. Like Trump wouldn't also be involved in these hypothetical politic satanic cabal child sex rings when they would hypothetically exist. Trump was friends with Diddy and Epstein.

No. 2455350

If there's a lot of studies for both things, maybe the evidence isn't so solid either way? If you look into most issues, this is usually the case - you can find studies that support any side of an issue.

No. 2455351

THIS A BILLION FUCKING TIMES! "Fuck the elites except the ones on my team because they're totally different and they care about fixing what's wrong" kek

No. 2455357

Trump and co. are their comfort billionaires

No. 2455358

Statistically speaking, some of them have to be more on our side than others. It's a bit childish to just believe all rich people are evil and they all have the same evil motives.

No. 2455360

>we harvest a whole crop of tomatoes

Hmmmmm. Where do you grow 10 tons of tomatoes? The parking lot of the pizzeria? No, a farm! Where do you process and can those tomatoes? A cannery! Might you store those on-site until they are shipped to the buyer? Yes! Because the average restaurant would never even build a storage room that could store TEN TONS' worth of sauce!

The store does not have a basement, has never had a basement, people have pulled up blueprints from the building permits used to construct the pizzeria in order to verify this. You got fooled because you didn't use the bare minimum of your own brain power and you didn't bother to look it up because you like fantasizing and seething about pedo rings running the country while pretending you're 'the smart one' for ignoring all of the basic logic in front of you. Seek mental health services. Sorry it has to come from a stranger like this.

No. 2455361

Holy logical fallacies batman!

No. 2455362

Exactly, kek. Peter Thiel too. The Republican Party is a tech oligarchy at this point.

No. 2455363

Rich people don't care about you they care about becoming more rich

No. 2455364

And yet when there's actual evidence of Russian or other foreign election interference, our politicians being bought out, pedo coverups, and other devious shit they will deny the hell out of it with their dying breath because it's really all about choosing what they want to believe or are comfortable with. We need another great trolling effort, the pizza's long been stale

No. 2455366

>thinking billionaires secretly running the country is a right-wing conspiracy
don’t tell me that you believe the american populace actually chooses the president

No. 2455368

They literally say they can them and then store them in the basement. So no, they are not storing 50k rotting tomatoes, they are storing cans in a basement like every other restaurant does. This isn't hard anon…

No. 2455369

Why would a tech billionaire be on your side? You are a consumer to exploit and nothing else. Don’t be naive.

No. 2455371

It's crazy how mad people get at the idea that elite pedo rings are real

No. 2455373

Yeah and then the thread immediately got derailed into more libs vs. right-wing and focusing on jars of sauce in a basement.

No. 2455374

Both parties are chock full of billionaires, it's not really a one side issue. Republicans have more high profile billionaires like musk, but democrats have more billionaires in total. Unfortunately rich people can't really be avoided

No. 2455377

aren’t they teaching how pedophilia is a legit sexual orientation and how children can consent to having sex at gender studies in universities too(bait)

No. 2455378

>it really isn't that hard
and yet apparently it is inconceivable to you that they have a separate storage facility off-site.

this isn't even good trolling bc if i were you i would simply switch the goalposts in the form of 'ok maybe they didn't have a basement full of children AT THE PIZZERIA but they totally had a basement full of kids at some other facility probably!' instead of dying on this specific hill. you need lessons, kid.

No. 2455381

Why are you so invested in there not being a basement? Have you been there? Do you know them? How do you KNOW there's not a basement? Or is it because somebody else said there's no basement, and you believed it?

I remember being told that Iraq had WMDs and believing that. The media lies.

No. 2455382

so you’re saying that they had a basement

No. 2455383

Your trolling is hilariously bad.

No. 2455385

Permanent VPN ban for Amerifag thread when

No. 2455388

VPN ban and region ban in this thread but also region ban Americans from the rest of the website.

No. 2455389

Can you explain how it's a /pol/ meme?

No. 2455390

Null, is that you?

No. 2455391

it’s an american website in the first place, oh bitter euro anon

No. 2455392

It's da joo meme image.

No. 2455395

nah, i just paid attention in american politics class

No. 2455396

>anyone i don't like is a yuropoor

No. 2455397

Isn’t cerbmin confirmed a bong though kek

No. 2455399

no wonder the place went to shit then

No. 2455401

File: 1742577046090.gif (338.01 KB, 112x112, IMG_0489.gif)

I know everybody’s fighting in here about something but is anyone else really happy that Elon has lost almost 200 billion dollars in 2025?

No. 2455402

You should stop believing AI generated pictures you see on Facebook
NTA but we literally don't know anything about cerbmin

No. 2455403

>anyone i don't like is a dogfucker

No. 2455405

Lol if true

No. 2455406

Might be like a drop in the bucket for him but it's indeed very significant and maybe one of the only things to make me smile in the news as of late.

No. 2455407

No. 2455411

All site updates are posted in GMT, so there’s that

No. 2455412

It does make me happy but it's not enough. Most of his wealth is from SpaceX

No. 2455414

File: 1742577191311.jpeg (110.78 KB, 800x692, IMG_0062.jpeg)

god bless

No. 2455415

At the very least, I know it hurts his ego since he can't stop being a whiny pissbaby about it behind closed doors. Austistic manbaby melty tears are sublime

No. 2455417

Two more weeks until the empire collapses.

No. 2455420

No, I'm really curious how anon can insist she's right. There's no a lot of evidence either way. The evidence:
-the guy who owns it says there's a basement
-the guy later said there's not a basement, after being accused of committing crimes in it.
-various people have anecdotally claimed there's a basement or not.

My position is "there could be a basement or not, I don't really know, but it seems possible." But anon INSISTS that there is NO basement and that thinking there is one is stupid.
What is this based on? Why is anon right and I am wrong? Doesn't seem like there is much evidence either way.

No. 2455422

I don't really care because I understand how stocks work

No. 2455423

You have to prove it doesn't exist anon. For them it's always guilty until proven innocent, which is why no one can ever meet their impossible standards. You can't prove a negative.
What makes you say that?

No. 2455428

File: 1742577678958.png (81.39 KB, 2041x509, brave_screenshot_nypost.com.pn…)

Notice how all these "white dudes for harris" are creepy sex pests.

No. 2455432

Most moids are, some just try to hide it through progressive politics. Democrats are so focused on gaining the “young male vote” that they’ll drop women not knowing it’s detrimental for them. Young men will never vote for them unless the democrats do something smart about the social media/algorithm issue. Democrats need to quit the “getting bitches” sentiment or the college educated women who hold up their party will be voting for Jill Stein. However, Republican males love child marriage so I wouldn’t consider this a party issue.

No. 2455433

Oh goddamn it, I didn't even see it. I thought it was a blob for the #aesthetic. Finally able to see it when I squinted my eyes and held my phone far away.
Thanks, anon.

No. 2455441

>Republican males love child marriage
Yeah and democrats love hormone blockers to children.

No. 2455444

Okay? Both are bad? What’s your point?

No. 2455447

Damn you sure took that personally, I wonder why.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2455449

This thread really is scrote bait. Mods can you please just lock it forever and not let us have one anymore?

No. 2455452

Democrats don't love hormone blockers. Trannies love hormone blockers. The democratic party is bigger than trannies, but your news outlet wants to convince you that half of this country is trooning out. It's only like one percent.

No. 2455453

I agree then.
Yes, because I live in blue state.

No. 2455455

But I like the amerifags thread, it should just get a permanent vpn ban

No. 2455460

Yeah I still enjoy this thread sometimes so I don’t want it nuked. The VPN ban is coming soon nonnas, be patient.

No. 2455461

I think there’s a moid who’s been baiting or trying to infight. There was someone who was in the tradthot thread that was saying how being anti feminist was based and that all women were a slave to their desires, and he ban evaded multiple times. He tried doing many different paths/reasonings for his posts, but the fact that he insists on defending his special party even if both are criticized is proof itself.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2455463

>I think there’s a moid who’s been baiting or trying to infight
Yeah there's one that camps out here all the fucking time it's really annoying. I remember seeing that in the tradthot thread though. You can tell it's a moid when it starts saying shit like "oh well pedophiles on THAT side are bad but not pedos on my I mean THIS side!!" It seems to fundamentally misunderstand that women don't like any pedos on any side.

No. 2455464

The democrats all support this bullshit and despite them being 1% of the population they sure as hell get special privileges from their unnecessary hormones being paid to their unnecessary surgeries and to laws being changed.

No. 2455467

>college educated
>voting for Jill Stein
Quite the oxymoron you've got there.

No. 2455468

>The democrat
Not every single individual, the party

No. 2455469

File: 1742578591003.jpeg (588.71 KB, 1170x2254, IMG_2582.jpeg)

To foreign brides - your American husband will not stand by you.

No. 2455471

Like you don’t even see racial minorities or women having these privileges kek, but since it benefits white middle class to upper class males (most of the TIMs) they obviously get coddled.

No. 2455472

File: 1742578694428.jpeg (176.52 KB, 1170x484, IMG_2583.jpeg)

I didn’t know whether to post here or Passport Bros thread, but these threads are more active.


No. 2455474

I don't really care if TiMs are allowed to mutilate themselves. It is not my problem if they want rot pockets and never-ending infections. Many pro-troon movements are also pro-woman. If abortion protection means rot pocket galore, so be it. I will never have sex with a man and that is not going to change regardless of legislature, I'm sure many would agree.

No. 2455479

File: 1742578914349.jpeg (148.55 KB, 1170x471, IMG_2584.jpeg)

Confiscating the ring for “fear of being stolen” and it’s now too much to leave America even though she jumped through hurdles to be with him. It apparently wasn’t too much for the 12-year old to have a stranger living in his home.

No. 2455480

Trannies aren't an aberration, they are the logical endpoint of leftist ideas.
Leftists say women can do anything as well as men can. So there's no difference between men and women. So why can't men be women? There is no reason why not, according to leftists.
Trannies aren't a accident. Trannies are leftist doctrine incarnate.

No. 2455481

They spend their time promoting trans rights and hardly doing shit for women. Women are dying in certain parts because they can’t access abortions and no one is doing shit, NO ONE.!

No. 2455482

They want you to die

No. 2455485

If you can’t define what a woman is , what class needs certain rights and protections then you’ve failed as a pro-woman movement, I’m sorry. And I’m saying this despite having voted Harris.

No. 2455486

>are allowed to mutilate themselves
They should pay for it though.

No. 2455490

where can i read or watch about this?

No. 2455492

Gender ideology is actually both leftist and right winged though, right wingers are the same ones who parrot the same social hierarchy for both sexes that makes both men and women want to troon out. You see a lot of gay men and lesbians transitioning with fundamental religious beliefs or them admitting they’re more accepted by their peers when they look “heterosexual”. While leftists are terrible for defending it and for perpetuating the same ideology, right wingers perpetuate it as well, though it’s the hierarchy for what defines “women” and “men” socially (heterosexual, tradwife, etc). The reality is that both are to blame for, and while the right parrots how much they hate transgenders, they don’t actually want to dismantle the root cause that causes a lot of them to troon out, despite saying how they would want them to accept themselves, they want them to just fit their rigid ideology instead.

No. 2455498

This isn’t to say in any means am I defending transsexuals, but there is a lot of nuance here when it comes to homosexuals and young women trooning out. A lot of young women troon out because they do want to escape the treatment of being a woman, and I guarantee you that it’s not helping when they are constantly met with the dichotomy of what a “woman” should be. Right now, you go women are dealing the most with sexual harassment, bullying, femicides, etc. They are at the highest with eating disorders and other mental illnesses that’s obviously reactionary to how they are being treated, ogled at, etc.

No. 2455499

i mean the alternative is voting for the party that outright campaigned for taking away reproductive freedoms, those guys are not our friends either.

from what I can tell Dems are fully aware of the difference between troons and women but their making their platform about 'uwu all-inclusive ~kindness~' means they will literally pretend to be retarded rather than rile up the percentage of their base that is libfem handmaidens. but i have talked to so many 'liberals' who will privately agree with me about gendercritical shit but won't take their pronouns out of their bio because of image concerns.

No. 2455500

why would they put this on a public storefront? also it was only first names iirc. the only part thats concerning is the password, but it wasnt for an account or to verify payment?

No. 2455503

Has it been decided?

No. 2455506

>like, the wayfair child trafficking shit never even got settled, the company just ignored potential customers noticing how some pillows would cost over $100,000 and have these unique missing children’s names and when you tried to buy them, you had to give them a special password for the money to go through. and then people just stopped talking about it
This conspiracy fits too neatly to be legit. They would not be that careless and open expecting that no one would put the pieces together because why would they want to advertise to any Tom, Dick, and Harry who could blow their cover and turn traitor one day?

No. 2455512

Yes, this thread will have a VPN ban regardless of the run off poll results because it’s on /ot/. Whether or not the ban is to be implemented on other boards has yet to be decided.

No. 2455555

File: 1742581994009.jpg (53.7 KB, 784x450, 143024.jpg)

>versus choosing to believe a Qanon conspiracy
Disregarded. It's like everyone just gets their info from washed up sensationalist youtubers and tiktokers these days.


No. 2455561

>right wingers are the same ones who parrot the same social hierarchy for both sexes that makes both men and women want to troon out
This is largely just biological reality that can't be escaped from. It would be nice if we lived in a world where everyone was equal and there are no sex differences but it's just not reality. Acknowledging this isn't a bad thing.

No. 2455572

Yes anon I'm sure Reuters thoroughly investigated. You do know most of the time the "debunking" is just them asking someone if they did it or not. Obviously global pedophile ringleaders aren't just going to be like "you got me! I did it! I got away with it for so long, but I absolutely can't lie to journalists asking a question! I turn myself in!"
Or like how do you think it works? Kek

No. 2455580

While it is biological reality, what I’m speaking of is “gendered brains” like women being less intelligent and more emotional (which isn’t true, I’m using an example that is parroted by what I’m criticizing). It is idealistic to want both sexes to be treated equally instead the basis of their sex, but that’s exactly why I pointed out that both extremists on the same side is what causes people to troon out. They troon out because they genuinely believe they fit the subjective ideal of what the opposite sex, which is perpetuated by both parties. I say this as someone who was right winged and someone who detransitioned. Both sides are guilty of it, and it doesn’t help when we are being obtuse about the dichotomy for women from both sides.

No. 2455588

Exactly. This other anon is probably a bot or shill, they always pop up and get overly invested when these topics are brought up

No. 2455589

Stereotyping men and women has existed in all societies for all time, but trannies are mostly a modern phenomenon.

No. 2455594

That's really interesting. I wonder why someone would have a bot that gets mad at people discussing elite pedophile rings if those rings are fake.

No. 2455598

Do you guys not know there's an actual thread for your retardation and you don't have to shit up this one

No. 2455601

Not quite. A lot of cultures had “third sexes” or other terms for effeminate/underaged boys that you see a lot of trannies use to defend themselves with. Even then, when Freud and other psychoanalysts came up with terms like “gender envy”, it was an analysis how a lot of women envied the placement of men in society. A lot of this can be boiled down to again, what I was saying, that a lot of women were seen as abnormal for wanted to be treated equally. I don’t know why you’re bringing up trannies being a modern problem, because what I’m talking about specifically is gender ideology, the ideology that is perpetuated by both parties and causes young kids/adults to troon out when they feel like they do not conform to the same standard. Instead of perpetuating the same stereotype and blaming one party, which I will reiterate, it does nothing but create short solutions. You don’t fix anorexia with liposuction, because it’s a mental problem mostly created by society with their self esteem. Both sides are not helping young adults when they pretend to ignore and give into defeatism and excuse their own by perpetuating the same stereotype. I don’t believe in both parties as they are equal when it comes to being detrimental to women, they both dehumanize in some kind of form if they don’t meet their standard.

No. 2455610

How America has effectively cut foreign aid with all countries except for Israel and the chokehold they have over our politics, how every awful political movement or the majority of them were propagated by Jews here (ie: neoconservatism) has made me a genuine anti semite. I’m so glad anti semitism is becoming more common on gen z
>i-inb4 durr /pol/ durr nazi
Im a leftist. An actual leftist, not “YASS QWEEN MASS IMMIGRATION AND PRIDE DLAGS FOR ALL” type leftist.(racesperging)

No. 2455620

Evidence and logical explanations were thoroughly provided, which is a lot more than some "TRUST ME GUYS!! It really happened!!" schizotuber can say. Where is your source that gives any validity to your claims?
Yes, bots or shills are people who try to poke holes in fallacious conspiracy theories, sure. You just don't want to be proven wrong because it's fun for you to believe in such an elaborate but clumsily orchestrated operation.
Yes, bots are the ones providing articles to back up or disprove claims, not the people in here parroting disjointed Qanon talking points and getting their panties in a bunch when others don't blindly believe them. No one said pedo rings aren't real, but the circumstances surrounding a few of them are pretty clearly fictional.
Exactly kek

No. 2455656

yes it feels bot-like because the articles you link don’t actually disprove anything, focus on one particular part of a conspiracy to dismiss the whole thing or just lie, like the basement not existing when the owner themselves talk about a basement in the building kek

No. 2455681

The article disproves several claims. I can provide others as well. Can you tell me what exactly backs up your belief in this conspiracy theory? It's a bit ironic, because it seems that you're the one cherry picking to say "but but but!! this one thing might possibly be true, so it all is!". You want to believe it, but it is not logically or factually sound. I'm not basement nona, btw.

No. 2455689

do you think Trump/Vance will try to abolish alimony? If they were to do that, what would happen to previous alimony and child support agreements? Kind of worried about a friend who is battling a psychopath in Texas.

No. 2455700

No. 2455762

>when Freud and other psychoanalysts came up with terms like “gender envy”,
Freud never used the term gender envy nor did he come up with it. Other psychoanalysts didn't either. If you're gonna sperg about this ITT at least do research.

No. 2455823

>Replying to the same post twice in the same post

No. 2455993

Apologies, I meant penis envy instead of gender envy as I was walking while typing this. Are you saying Freud never said penis envy?

No. 2456006

>Are you saying Freud never said penis envy?
No, retard. You made a mistake and said that Freud said something that he didn't say. I corrected your mistake. Penis envy has no relation to gender envy. If you think it does, then you have seriously misunderstood the fundamentals of psychoanalytic thought. Go read a book sometime.

No. 2456069

> In Freud’s theory, any stage of development could lead to mental illness in adulthood. If there were no disruptions at this stage, he thought girls would eventually learn to accept their lack of a penis and embrace their assigned gender role.

However, he also believed that penis envy persists throughout life and plays a role in mental health issues. For instance, Freud thought that females tend to experience more jealousy than males and that this is a displacement of their penis envy.

You don’t think this could be something that could be seen as wanting to have the same placement as men in society? I didn’t say women wanted to be men, so I’m not sure what you’re confusing, I’m saying they were deemed as mentally ill and seen as abnormal for not conforming to that. I said “gender ideology is always existed, before the idea of transgenderism. Are you retarded?

No. 2456079

Continuing off of this, I don’t know what is so confusing about what I’m saying. I’m not supporting Freud and saying “women want to troon out because they want to be men”, I literally said they want to transition due to how they’re treated and think it’s a scapegoat. I used penis envy as an example of women being seen as abnormal or mentally ill for being “different” or not fitting the same rigid gender role that is perpetuated by both sides.(learn2delete and repost)

No. 2456167

>Many pro-troon movements are also pro-woman.
So true, i can't wait until trannies get their rights to intrude in womens bathrooms all while nothing gets done for the actual women in need because you fell for their bullshit

No. 2456170

Samefagging to say you all need to understand none of them are on our side, democrat or republican they put men first always. Seeing people unironically defend a side with all their will in this thread is making me recoil of cringe.

No. 2456184

File: 1742603563698.jpg (47.71 KB, 686x386, state of the union.jpg)


No. 2456213

File: 1742604375799.jpeg (20.43 KB, 275x240, IMG_5622.jpeg)

Marry Vance bc I could probably dominate that closeted fag and run the country through his caged dick
Fuck the dweeb on the right that looks like Stephen colbert’s brother
Kill the geriatric old man in the middle

No. 2456232

File: 1742605714519.jpeg (133.38 KB, 736x736, IMG_4104.jpeg)

>texas banning anime
>texas banning scrote lolishit
Nature is healing. Now make it a wide country ban please

No. 2456234

You're right, my bad, the second to last was supposed to be a reply to >>2455594


No. 2456242


No. 2456304

That Rick Scott tweet with the giant flag of Israel on the wall.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2456503

File: 1742624780354.gif (469.29 KB, 466x500, 10578500_fab2c-576680751.gif)

Yeah I'm really into texas rn

No. 2456517

File: 1742625791184.gif (463.61 KB, 500x212, 1000013377.gif)

No. 2456521

I can't think of any scenario where I would feel cool and based posting an exploited child actress in a scrote groomer film. No wonder people think this thread is full of trannies

No. 2456523

…because it's the only scene I could think of where the shooter is shooting at multiple targets across the screen like that, it was a joke

No. 2456524

Couldn't it also be that she looked up 'shooting gif' on google and went with the first one?

No. 2456525

I haven't even seen the film, I just used to see this gif all over Tumblr and thought it fit the post because of the directions she's shooting in

No. 2456797

>Everyone I don't like is a tranny
Strikes again

No. 2456932

i have always hated CA because i've seen too many leftist idiot people move there and come back ranting about how it's utopia but ngl i moved here a couple months ago and i kinda get the appeal now. the weather really is as nice as they say and i like not having to buy my weed through sketchy-ass moids now and the crime rate in the 'burbs is way lower here than my previous two cities.

black squirrels keep eating my damn flowers though which is a problem i have never encountered before in my life and have no idea how to handle. i resorted to buying a big pet enclosure cage for the backyard garden so i can attempt to protect some strawberries this summer. fuck those fucking squirrels i can't believe i thought they were cute at first

No. 2457101

Isn't abortion still banned tho? lol

No. 2457110

But anon…what about the rare but still existing cases of rape resulting in unwanted pregnancy?

No. 2457114

>(/pol/shit op)
>tagged days after thread is made
Is the mod having a schizophrenic break down?
Anyways, >>2456932
You know what my main problem with multiple languages in one nation is? How, while you're forced to endure the one hour phone tree in order to be allowed to talk to talk to someone you can't understand in order to cancel anything, that the phone makes you sit through "press one for English," "press eight for Spanish," "press three for American sign language". Please, streamline this process. God I hate phone trees.

No. 2457120

Look at the image very carefully. Focus on the silhouette. It's okay if you don't know what it is, but it's there and the farmhand was correct to ban it. I'm not sure why the thread pic hasn't been changed yet.

No. 2457128

File: 1742665743156.jpg (180.45 KB, 700x700, EuMbwQ1VoAEgDsR.jpg)

The spanish speakers taking over is going to reach a breaking point at some point. Especially when its a really ugly pitull faced bitch saying rude stuff in your face. They have an entire continent to speak spanish/portuguese in but insist on making us accommodate them. Most jobs in my area are starting to have bilingual as a requirement and it's a pain the ass. We have a pretty large German immigrant population but they never made getting a job harder for americans, they simply learned english and kept it pushing. Why are hispanics not held to this standard? It's retarded.
t.former cashier in an area with a growing hispanic population

we should've just kept the threadpics as alfred

No. 2457148

You're trying to make being considerate for the wants and needs of women who are pregnant against their will as something "selfish and immature", but I'm just not falling for it.(do not respond to bait)

No. 2457157

Do you not think it's better that those pregnancies are terminated instead of raised by impulsive, low IQ parents as you put it? Those idiots will bone either way so is it not better to give them an option to not procreate and spread their retard genes?(responding to bait)

No. 2457159

I'm Latina, born right in South America and without close American relatives, and I speak and write fluent English. The Latinos at your country got 0 excuses to force you all to speak Spanish, they could learn the language but simply don't give much of a shit

No. 2457161

File: 1742666909782.gif (1.68 MB, 220x166, ryan-gosling-drive.gif)

Oh you're one of those types.(responding to bait)

No. 2457167

File: 1742667135056.jpg (95.36 KB, 1080x1189, 1000020767.jpg)

I'm not having one night stands. I haven't had sex in years. I just believe abortion should stay legal for the health necessity and convenience for women who feel trapped in their pregnancies. Especially for women who are pregnant from rape. Considering what THEY need isn't hiding behind them. I think it's strange that you think being considerate for women who want out if pregnancy is "hiding behind them".(responding to bait)

No. 2457173

Are you seriously asking why women who aren’t being actively abused have compassion for women who are…?(responding to bait)

No. 2457174

I get to have an opinion on abortion and women's reproductive rights because I am a woman. Your mental capacity to understand how arguments work is concerning.(responding to bait)

No. 2457176

>reee the commercials should be in english!!
so you want to be advertised to? pathetic. you should be greatful you can more easily tune out ads in a language you dont understand(responding to bait)

No. 2457180

if you're never gonna need an abortion then why the fuck are you always involved in these pro-choice arguments?(responding to bait)

No. 2457181

Kek they deleted all their shit

No. 2457183

based nonna


You sound like you hate abortion only so that women suffer instead of the whole "abortion is murder stuff." Try having empathy for the half of the population you're apart of instead of the one that wants you either dead by 30 or constantly pushing babies out until you die.

>reee the commercials should be in english!!
yes. Not sure how you can disagree with that

No. 2457185

i dont watch commercials so idc if they are in English or not. i guess if you love ads you might be offended when you cant understand one

No. 2457192

>you don't understand if the TIDE POD commercial is not in my native language im gonna RAGE. i NEED to be advertised to! me! directly!

No. 2457194

As a fellow ESL, literally stfu, it's their country, not ours

No. 2457195

Do you think they know farmhands can see post history regardless if they delete their tardouts.

Unless you live the boonies with no tv or radio(which I doubt since you're on lc) you constantly consume commercials subconsciously everywhere you go. So it does kind of matter culturally what language the commercials are in. Just speak english of gtfo, it's not that hard.

No. 2457196

i am a white american why dont you mind your business

No. 2457197

how are you gonna subconsciously consume something in a language you dont speak. you would need to be actively paying attention to it

No. 2457202

File: 1742668044767.jpg (175.9 KB, 1600x898, 1000020768.jpg)

>cobwebbed pussy
I take a shower at least once a day and always after work. Also, I still believe in abortion being open for all women who need or want one. I am the avatar.

No. 2457203

Then you're even more retarded. There are tons of Chinese people in my country yet not a single ad it's in Chinese, much less any services, nobody is told to learn Chinese. Can't you see how abnormal this situation in your country is?

No. 2457228

A child is not a consequence to a man. It's a punishment for the woman and it's retarded to pretend otherwise as some kind of laughable 4D feminist chess move.

No. 2457231

Do you seriously not know that advertisements are basically embedded into how everything looks in public spaces. If you are white american how are you so culturally suicidal

delete this, farmhands are letting the baiter make as many posts as she wants while banning anyone who responds to her.

No. 2457232

Any Florida nonnies been seeing more gators lately? Huge ones have been coming to my house and eyeing my dogs through the fence and I’m seeing babies around my beach town in communities. It isn’t even mating season

No. 2457251

Is Philadelphia a good city to visit? What's a nice area to stay in if so? Or places to avoid? (I'm from EU and travelling to the East Coast soon)

No. 2457270

I have relatives in Philly and I really wouldn't recommend visiting nowadays unless you're very well off and can afford to stay within the wealthy side.Theres a lot of crime and drug use in the city.

No. 2457310

Average consequence of globalism

No. 2457352

I enjoyed my trips to Philly. But I also live in the DMV where it's pretty easy to get to Philly. If you don't get to travel too often to the US and have only a limited amount of time to stay, I'd say DC is a much better tourist stop along the east coast than Philly. Especially right now. DC is so beautiful in spring. Avoid Baltimore though. It's extremely easy to accidentally walk into a dangerous area in Baltimore.
You should be ok if you stay in the downtown center city area along the general touristy spots. Go to Angelo's Pizzeria for delicious cheesesteaks.

No. 2457365

I think the weather getting fucked is affecting animals breeding out of season. Hope your dogs stay safe, anon.

No. 2457388

Philly will probably be fine, but it's a boring, yet probably cheaper one off the list. DC, Baltimore, Philly, New York, and Boston are all connected by train.

No. 2457536

I never go to that horrible site but I'm really curious now. What is it? I'm getting the same feeling as when your friend says she needs to tell you something, but she can only tell you later and then you're unable to sleep all night wondering what the fuck it is kek

No. 2457544

See >>2455392 for explanation and >>2455433 for how to seee it better.

No. 2457546

Mmmn, I don’t have any problem with it. America’s a place of immigration and change. I’m not speaking Shoshone so I can’t be too mad if the people living here in the future will all be speaking Spanish or something else.

No. 2457584

Took me way too long to get the op image. Not the first time /pol/ images get on here kek

No. 2458292

>DEI bad!
>except for the Jews! anti semitism is a big threat to the us guys
Why are trump and other republican cuckolds like this?

No. 2458299

Don't forget about their Indian tech import slave workers too.

No. 2458902

I'll never stop saying it: Men are the OG DEIs

No. 2458907

Kill all three and replace them with Rowling, Manifesto chan, and RFH. In that order

No. 2459102

Based except RFH is literally retarded

No. 2459210

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Doordash has partnered up with klarna, allowing people to loan money for delivered food. I know this isn't unlike paying with credit cards, but it just feels wrong. What a world we live in.

No. 2459245

The worst part is so many retards are actually going to use this for 50 dollar chipotle orders.

No. 2459503

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Seems like a way to claw more profits in the face of more people consuming less because of an uncertain economy. Tiresome, hope it blows up in their faces

No. 2459665

Why do places always have stupid fucking "payment plans" before lowering prices? Its one thing if it's a big, once in a lifetime purchase like an appliance, then it went onto luxuries like vacations, and now we moved onto food delivery? Like did they ever think lowering prices could possibly be more profitable than the millionth payment plan?

No. 2459811

This is going to trap so many people. They're going to take out a food loan (because my baby deserves to have the best for her first birthday party!), they'll set the payments to come out of their credit card, and then they'll only make the minimum payments on their credit card.
This should not have been allowed to happen.

No. 2459905

Most BNPL apps don't allow credit card usage because of people "gaming" the system, I get the feeling Klarna will follow suit eventually.

No. 2460116

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So, apparently the National Security Adviser Michael Waltz, accidentally invited journalist Jeffrey Goldberg to a Signal group chat where top officials such as JD Vance, Tulsi Gabbard, and Pete Hegseth among others were discussing war plans. He goes into detail about just how illegal this was from top to bottom in the article, it's a gift article too so you can read it for free. I couldn't do it justice with a summary so I'll attach some screenshots and a paragraph.
>The world found out shortly before 2 p.m. eastern time on March 15 that the United States was bombing Houthi targets across Yemen.
>I, however, knew two hours before the first bombs exploded that the attack might be coming. The reason I knew this is that Pete Hegseth, the secretary of defense, had texted me the war plan at 11:44 a.m. The plan included precise information about weapons packages, targets, and timing.
Article link: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2025/03/trump-administration-accidentally-texted-me-its-war-plans/682151/?gift=Cgqh0-mGExsQQ_xEA88IsFBTXcgGKcOJRI1x7WcTigU&utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share

No. 2460122

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>Flood detected, post discarded

No. 2460124

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They reacted to the strikes in Yemen with emojis kek

No. 2460147

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Did any of you remember doing math problems like picrel, where revenue or profit tends to go up with the price of a good up until a certain point, then the profit goes down as price increases?

No. 2460620

Our government is so unserious why are they celebrating the successful bombing of Yemen like they're in a WhatsApp group chat?

No. 2460630

Imagine how alpha gen will react when they are old enough to carpet bomb a country.

No. 2460664

This is so goddamn disgusting and retarded. Clown country. Clown world.

No. 2460714

They mention Pete Hesgeth, Micheal Waltz, JD Vance, Tulsi Gabbard, John Ratcliffe, it's filled with cabinet members. What kind of fuck up do you do to have that happen? No one got a message that there's a new guy in the groupchat?

No. 2461006

signal could do the funniest thing right now

No. 2461310

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That Atlantic writer is known for publishing false info, most notably for claiming connections between al queda & saddam hussein that weren't real

No. 2461555

kek you need to get a fucking grip, the White House literally confirmed that the texts from the Signal groupchat are real

No. 2461604

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So what's gonna happen with these people? Are they just gonna be unaffected by this?

No. 2461617

You know they are.

No. 2461785

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How can people still be in denial about what's happening…

No. 2461791

I fucking hate Israel and I wish we'd stop allying with them when they've done nothing but be terrible to us. Why are we bombing Yemen again? For their interests. How the fuck do US politicans even allow themselves to be played like this?

No. 2461813

Because of lobbying. US politicians are disgusting whores who can be easily bought out.

No. 2461817

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They’re trying to put crazy headlines in the news to deter attention about the signal text leaks. That or they’re using the signal leaks to push more of their coup. Either way, we’re on a sinking ship and I still have to drive to work tomorrow kek

No. 2461819

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This is a weird way of saying that Israel is capable of creating and maintaining a real economy and free society while Yemen isn't
>Corruption in Yemen is such that it ranked 176 out of 180 countries in the >2022 Corruption Perceptions Index
>It is the most corrupt country in the Arabian Peninsula. It is also the poorest country in the Middle East, "with an exceptionally high birth rate, acute rates of child malnutrition and rapidly dwindling reserves of oil and water."
>In Yemen, according to Chatham House, "corruption, poverty and inequality are systemic"; in the words of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, corrupt activity is "so entrenched and pervasive" that many citizens feel powerless.
>The government and its security forces have been responsible for torture, inhumane treatment, and extrajudicial executions. There are arbitrary arrests of citizens, especially in the south, as well as arbitrary searches of homes. Prolonged pretrial detention is a serious problem, and judicial corruption, inefficiency, and executive interference undermine due process. Freedom of speech, the press, and religion are all restricted.[268] ?>Journalists critical of the government are often harassed and threatened by the police.[173]
>Homosexuality is illegal, punishable by death.[269]
>Yemen: One of the Worst Places in the World to be a Woman
>“By God, I am broken from the inside. It’s not normal, I don’t feel like a human being. I can’t breathe properly like other human beings. We suffer from the forced niqab, child marriage, divorce shame, domestic violence and honor killings. I don’t know… as if we are aliens. They [male family members] have to oppress us and we have to stay oppressed – like a puppet controlled by strings.”
>In Yemen, a country ranked last in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap index for 13 consecutive years
more here: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2019/12/yemen-one-of-the-worst-places-in-the-world-to-be-a-woman/

No. 2461836

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samefag first picrel includes USA for this reason:
>The war-ravaged countries of Afghanistan and Syria came second and third in the study while number 10 is certainly a surprising addition. According to experts, the United States makes the top-10 list of the most dangerous countries for women due to the #MeToo and Time's Up campaigns dominating newspaper headlines and media coverage for months.
Here is another picrel from "The Women, Peace & Security Index"

No. 2461853

Shut the fuck up, ziocuck. I don't care if fags are stoned to death, that doesn't mean we should be sending billions in US aid to Israel every damn year. We are bombing Yemen out of ISRAELI INTEREST. It's corrupt precisely because your precious ethnostate uses the US as a puppet to do its dirty work for them because Israel has been destabilizing the middle east since its inception. Either way, why should our tax dollars be used for this shit when our own citizens are suffering?
Also most Israeli moids believe forced sex with an acquaintance isn't rape and have sterilized Ethiopian women who live there without their knowledge. Your "feminism" is a farce and precisely why Jewish women can never truly be feminist; they will defend their misogynistic kike scrotes before they ever will their fellow women. But keep up with your ziocuck propaganda when we all know Israel would be nothing if you guys weren't manipulating shit behind the scenes and lobbying the fuck out of politicians.

No. 2461858

Ok so.. in what way does bombing Yemen help Yemeni women more than doing literally nothing would?

No. 2461863

It's hasbara. Just ignore it. There are quite a few Zio pickme women on here who come to defend shitrael whenever it's mentioned in a negative light.

No. 2461864

Based if they were bio bombs that deleted anything with a y chromosome but unlikely

No. 2461865

I'm sure i know less than the Thomson Retueters Foundation but I'm also sure it's worse to be a woman in Sudan than US.

No. 2461869

Do you not understand the concept of an "ally" anon? Like what does that mean to you?
>Further information: Red Sea crisis and Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip
>The Houthis have long called for the destruction of Israel but did not take direct action against it until Hamas's October 7 attacks which initiated the Israel–Hamas war.[10]
>**Since the war began, the Iran-backed Houthi forces have launched drone and missile attacks toward Israel, though most were intercepted, causing minimal damage. The Houthis stated these attacks are in retaliation for Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip and vowed to continue until the "Israeli aggression stops."[10] More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's invasion of Gaza, including thousands of women and children.
>War in Yemen
>Main article: Yemeni civil war (2014–present)
>The Houthi movement, officially "Ansar Allah", is Islamist group in Yemen that follows the Shiite Zaydi faith.[10] The movement has been fueled by decades of discrimination against the Shi'ites in Yemen and took power in 2014.[10]
>In response, it was attacked by Saudi Arabia and its allies, in a war that killed 150,000 people.[10] They were designated a terrorist organization by the United States,[16][17] Saudi Arabia,[18] United Arab Emirates,[19] Malaysia,[20] and Australia.[21][22]
>The group has called for the destruction of Israel.[10]
>The movement, whose militants oppose Yemen's internationally recognized government, has controlled a considerable swath of the country's territory along the Red Sea since 2014.
Why are you all so low info, it's really weird

No. 2461871

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>AP news
>state.gov, Bloomberg
nice sources ziocuck

No. 2461873

If you stopped your Mossad cocksucking for one second you'd realize that Israel practically blackmailed the US into "allying" with them. They have never once helped the US in anyway when we've done nothing but support them, only to get nothing in return. Shut the fuck up and stop defending your fellow kikemoids. I hope Israel gets destroyed because it has no right to exist in the first place, the fucking founder of Zionism said it was a colonialist movement for fucks sake. Why do you ignore how blatantly evil kikescrotes are, you fake feminist?(back to /pol/)

No. 2461877

Israel specializes in soft power and intelligence operations, like Canada anon. USA is the might/military. It's how they work together and mutually benefit. I'm sure getting angry and jewsperging without evidence will convince me I'm wrong though, keep that up

No. 2461880

intelligence operations that each just ensure the jewnited states continue to be their goy golem for their protection and to execute their will kek

No. 2461881

How does the US benefit from Israel? They have meddled in the JFK assassination, there's evidence pointing to them being involved in 9/11, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars which costed us billions, USS Liberty, and so forth. You can't even criticize them anymore publicly without the fear of your livelihood being put in danger. Your evidence consists of propaganda articles, you can look all of this up if you don't believe me. Are you Jewish yourself? Why are you so insistent on defending this disgusting ethnostate? The Bibas family is dead btw, they won't come back and finger you KEKKK
Based. Israel would crumble if America stopped supporting them.

No. 2461885

I'm a woman so I think it's important to defend countries that aren't shitholes where anything born female is trapped inside their body until the sweet release of death. That's why most people avoid debating this topic and just assume the person behind the kb is a troon

No. 2461893

Jewish moids popularized pornography in America. Jewish American sex offenders escape to Israel to avoid prosecution. Stop distorting the goalpost

No. 2461896

If we're going by with that logic, then they helped weed out the degenerates from the next generation. Would you rather wait til you have kids with a moid to find out he's a diddler? I'd rather live in a country where women have freedom and moids have the right to self-extinct than an islamic state where women smother their female infants, so they won't live the same miserable lives as they have (or bc they will have to pay a dowry). But sure, let's have sharia law bc idiot males can't stop watching "homeless teen gets gangraped" porn

No. 2461899

t.jew(infight bait)

No. 2461906

nayrt, but gen-z boys are raping little girls in classrooms due to their porn exposure we should be thankful because you "weeded out" degenerates? Right. Can't wait for the next mass exodus.

No. 2461907

yet you didn't deny it either.

No. 2461908

More whataboutism because despite larping as a feminist you’re a porn defending pickme because your precious Jewish scrotes can never ever do anything wrong and it’s always the evil arabs
FYI, I resent Islam as I do all abrahamic religions, no scrotes misogyny is better than the other

No. 2461910

kek using misogyny to defeat misogyny is a super duper valid tactic. All hail Israel, common nonnas let's bow to Israel and their ugly wig wearing handmaidens.

No. 2461912

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They were already complaining about companies women over them and now it's starting to come true, as they become financial liabilities/lawsuits waiting to happen. Porn will be banned for minors soon but there will be "a lost generation", just like a war. Israel is pro-woman, always will be. This anon will always keep warm under the dragon's wing, as long as women come first

No. 2461916

not one piece of that rambling made sense at all

No. 2461917

If you're reading it as an independent post like a retard who camps in this thread and doesn't have an actual rebuttal, that could be true. As a reply to what anon said, it does

No. 2461918

You are a pickme who is fine with misogyny as long as it’s coming from Jewish moids, if Israel is so pro woman how come IDF soldiers inspect Arabic girls genitals at military checkpoints? You’re fucking sick. Your feminist shit is a giant grift because you want an excuse to shit on Arabs while avoiding accountability, that’s why you didn’t admit you were Jewish to me earlier. Go suck on the dicks of the kikes producing porn that you simp for so much, im sure they’d love you(infighting)

No. 2461919

>you are a pick-me
I am the opposite of that, you are illiterate which makes sense bc you support islamic states. I am picking Israel to defend bc they are pro-woman and not a scrotefilled hellhole

No. 2461921

How are yemeni women being supported by the bombs. Please answer.

No. 2461927

>supporting the existence of every single woman in the world
>supporting pro-woman countries defending themselves from islamic terrorists and allying with other pro-woman countries so the disease of islam doesn't spread more than it already has (which it will, as per it's objective)

No. 2461928

They are not pro woman and they are as misogynistic as any other scrote infested shithole you retarded pickme whore. I never once defended Islam or religious states as a whole, I just acknowledge that they are that way because of us bringing “freedom and democracy” and subsequently fucking over that country. You’d support sharia law if it was Jews that practiced it. You are an imperialist scumbag, get the fuck out of the American general if you wanna suck Israeli dick so bad.(infighting)

No. 2461931

You just sound extremely immature and unrealistic when it comes to war and how that works. It seems like you're angry that civilians are dying in a war but only when it's the side defending themselves

No. 2461934

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Israel is so pro women guiz! I fucking hate libfems, next you’re gonna tell me porn is empowering and that BDSM is feminist. You defend Jewish scrotes over other women because you’re that much of a pickme
Yes we know you think terrorism is good if you’re the ones doing it, move along

No. 2461937

Imagine being in the anti-muslim thread, reading the other nonnas cry about how they wish they could leave their abusive religion and be free'd from wearing the hijab, just to conclude that the only way to liberate them is to kill them all. Slaughter every single nonna for the unfortunate lottery of being born in the middle east. To free them you must slaughter them, and their families. Their mothers too, kill their sisters, make sure they're all suffering. But hey at least they're saved! No woman will be forced to wear the hijab anymore because no woman will be alive. That's unironically how the average Israeli thinks.

No. 2461939

If she’s actually Israeli she needs to get the fuck out of our thread, assuming it isn’t that one Zionist tranny shitting up /ot/

No. 2461944

You really had to dig back for this misinfo from a publication israelis consider worse than the daily mail. Luckily a helpful redditor is on the case:
>Quick read through:
>- The sample is entirely students and fairly small. Don't see any information on ethnicity, socio-economic status or other demographic info, so the claim this is a "representative sample" isn't really supported. Self-selection bias.
>- Questionnaire follows a standard, so probably nothing too weird happening there.
>- No multivariate analysis.
>- No accounting for confounding variables.
>- Uses RMA scale (a standard) to examine beliefs, but shortened from 45 to 7 items. Any nuance is lost and results may be skewed.
>All in all, the study is weak. 63 male students from one college does not form a statistically significant representation for the male population of Israel, and the methodology is not robust.
>Edit: I'm sloppy. This is probably not the cited study, but a different one from the same person. It's entirely possible the cited study is more robust, but I wouldn't bet money on it.
So we don't know anything about the study since it is behind a paywall and no one has been able to access it for 14 years
Nope. Just not easy to brainwash or clinging to asinine beliefs/conspiracies bc I hate women

No. 2461947

The study is by the same person. No one can access the study misinfo-anon posted but it stands to reason that if they could it would be similar (since again, it is a study by the same person if you already forgot reading that). I shouldn't even have to look for this, anon should have provided the info since it is her retarded and incorrect "fact"

No. 2461949

I literally can't. I start and my eyes roll instinctively before I can receive the info

No. 2461950

>this publication is worse because the heckin israelis don't trust it
>cites reddit
>im pro woman
>only if they're western women and follow the same ideals as me!
>claims to condemn misogyny
>jumps through hoops to defend jewish moids
Why are you so morally bankrupt? Surely you're not being paid this much to shill Israel on LC of all places, right? I wish you Israeli fucks could get deported.
The only misinformation here is claiming Israel is pro woman

No. 2461951

It was your study and you didn't and can't cite the study

No. 2461955

You definitely seem like the type. This is why I want a clear division between societies comprised of feral/barbaric humans and those capable of coexisting peacefully

No. 2461961

Once again, shifting the goalpost. Classic hasbara manipulation tactic. I don't understand why you're so insistent on defending the scrotes of your country if you're so "pro woman". But if you're a rich Ashkenazi from NYC holding dual citizenship with lawyer parents it can be hard to see the world outside of your own narrow scope. Considering Israel's lax attitude toward rape, the sample size is more than enough. But once again, you consider misogyny fine as long as the heckin jews do it
I'm not even that anon but if that's your attitude towards anyone who doesn't blindly lick the boots of your genocidal regime then maybe you're the barbaric one. October 7th truly was a wonderful day.

No. 2461969

Have you or any of the other anons posted a single thing to justify your weird hate boner for the ~evil zionists~? Someone posted a study that is probably fake or not even sampling jewish moids and lots of sexist insults. It seems like you're used to sperging about this in front of people who are even lower info than you are and not being challenged, ever

No. 2461973

They raped women to death that day

No. 2461983

>Have you or any of the other anons posted a single thing to justify your weird hate boner for the ~evil zionists~?
Are you retarded? Have you not seen the damage zios are doing to our country? Religious extremism is always bad, not just when muslims do it. I'll start with a more recent one; Anti BDS laws. It is illegal in the vast majority of states to refuse business with Israli companies. This has manifested into HURRICANE VICTIMS applying for relief funds being forced to not boycott Israel. All because of Jewish lobbying efforts.
>In October 2017, the city of Dickinson, Texas, required
applicants for Hurricane Harvey-relief funds to certify that they “(1) do[] not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel” for the duration of the agreement.
>inb4 they were just following laws!
Laws that arose because ziocucks and their cronies value the feelings of a foreign country over the welfare of our own citizens. You faggots were expelled from 109 countries for a reason, look at how disgusting you are right now.
>fake study
Yeah, Jewish moids can never ever do anything bad. You are a handmaiden to moids through and through.
Yeah, just like the IDF did. Or is it fine when it's Arabic girls and women?

No. 2462011

>It is illegal in the vast majority of states to refuse business with Israli companies.
There it is. When you don't get your way banning jews from participating in your economy, you come up with discrimination against discrimination claims. The evil hollywood jew who was blacklisted from buying/selling wherever they live, so turn to lending, vaudeville/entertainment, resulting in their descendants being called satanic cult pedophiles and globalist bankers. Anyways
>Legal analysis
>As of 2020, the question of whether American anti-BDS laws are constitutional has not yet been settled in courts. Many analysts believe that sooner or later there will be a legal showdown due to the controversial nature of the laws. The debate about the laws' constitutionality focuses on two central issues:
>Whether boycotts of Israel, and boycotts in general, can be considered a form of discrimination on the same level as discrimination based on gender, race, or similar attributes.
>Whether political boycotts are protected speech. If so, laws designed to stop them could violate the First Amendment-protected freedom of speech.
This is the USA analysis, where there are semblance of laws and human rights so I'm not sure how you're debating this in your country, judging by your posts I'm going to assume "productively".

No. 2462034

So for Americans to get relief funds from a hurricane they had to pledge their allegiance to another country that isn't American? I had no dog in this fight before but it's kinda bleak how much Israel is raping the country.
>discrimination against discrimination claims
gen what does that have to do with hurricane victims? Their house blew away in the wind who cares about muh historical discrimination get over yourself

No. 2462040

ill find you just for the fun of it

No. 2462046

The agreement wasn't that they had to do business with Israel it was that they don't boycott Israel. Considering the history I mentioned with jewish blacklisting and how groups most interested in currently boycotting Israel, are classified as terrorist groups by the US, like the Houthi movement and Hamas >>2461869

No. 2462050

Who gives a shit about the semantic distinction? No American should be withheld from funding from their own country just because of the federal's allyship. You're owed no promise of anything from American citizens. If you love Israel so greatly then go live there permanently and go make an imageboard where you can all be annoying together. But don't cripple my country you political leach. Can't believe you tried to justify that. you're skinwalking as American and its cringe

No. 2462058

It's relevant bc banning jews from participating business (and then villainizing them for operating through gray market lending and entertainment) is the driving force of antisemitism. The funding doesn't only come from their own country, it comes from subsidiaries and international councils/banks. It's how they access cash quickly, like how elon musk has no money in his bank account

No. 2462064

>It's justifiable to withold money from natural disaster survivors because they don't want to by levi jeans and Amika hair masks
I wish the jannies would permban this skinwalker I'm revolted(infighting)

No. 2462067

It's kind of embarrassing that you either don't know what "boycott" means or are pretending you don't, so you can continue being antisemitic for no reason(infighting)

No. 2462347

Not all Jews are Israelis you fucking moron. More importantly, no one is required to do business with someone just because they are Jewish or Israeli, and you are a fascist for even suggesting that. 44% of jews in America make over 100k, I don’t give a shit if they lose money from that.Imagine claiming that anti semitism is le evil as if Jews aren’t more privileged than WASPs and have privileges other minority groups don’t have. The US doesn’t treat ANY other minority group like that. They’ve trampled over women and black Americans for decades which you continue to use Muslims as a scapegoat for. You ziocucks always screech anti semitism when something doesn’t go your way, you don’t care about misogyny, you don’t care about your fellow Americans, you care about sucking the dick of Jewish scrotes who would rape you without a second thought. Kill yourself

No. 2462348

File: 1742989795632.png (398.94 KB, 479x503, GdGy-NNWkAElPgi.png)

>Still trying to push the "Hollywood pedophilia is just a conspiracy!" line in 2025.

No. 2462357

Obvious scrote skinwalker hired by Mossad. That’s why they they larp as a feminist but only care when Muslims do it, and Jewish scrotes can never ever do anything wrong in their life. It’s revolting, really.

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