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No. 2302259

Jolly Alfred Edition!
>no baiting or responding to bait
>be a good American citizen

Previous threads:

No. 2302263

kek much cuter threadpic

No. 2302268

I love the threadpic. Good taste nonny.

No. 2302271

I love chilly alfred with the falling snowflakes effect, very kino

No. 2302273

WE’RE SO BACK. Merry Christmas Alfred

No. 2302275

King vibes

No. 2302276

Never though I would miss the hetalia guy so much, thanks OP

No. 2302291

File: 1733858617711.png (18.49 KB, 350x238, 1667260606842.png)

I know people joke about how "everyone who says they're going to move to Canada never does it" every election, but is there legit any leftist who's actually done it, actively going through with it, or even just moved to a blue state? Not a single person I know has nor can I think of anyone aside from celebrities who already have 5 houses across the globe. Can't even blame the economy because plenty of working class right wingers moved to Florida for DeSantis with no issues, so why do leftists specifically never actually move?

No. 2302292

What does this anime character have to do with Amerifags and why does everyone keep complimenting it?

No. 2302294

Hes America from Hetalia

No. 2302295

No. 2302299

Omg how young are you nonnie?

No. 2302304

kek goodness..

No. 2302305

kek it's not something I'm going to grow into but appreciate the explanation, happy for you guys and for your cartoons

No. 2302306

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He's America as a cute bishie. Basically the United States if it was good

No. 2302307

Well its only time until they animefy Luigi

No. 2302310

File: 1733859107316.png (101.12 KB, 260x384, Luigi_by_Shigehisa_Nakaue.png)

Japan already did

No. 2302312

I will only accept it if it’s drawn by nippon hands. And I don’t know that they care about King Lui.

No. 2302313

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Hes having a conniption saying the media is out of touch and an insult to our intelligence. Hes right but whats that have to do with anything? Just stay quiet, Sqweegee

No. 2302314

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Ask and ye shall receive

No. 2302315

This year was fucking insane, rivals 2020. So much weird movie plot crazy shit. What do you think the craziest Amerifag moment was this year?
I would have to say elon musk being allowed to create DOGE.
I was gonna say UHC killing but its way to obvious and already talked to death about.

No. 2302318

bro is going insane, i'm literally on the edge of my seat with this kek

No. 2302320

Probably trying to build a case for why he's innocent and plead not guilty, must be insinuating the media is lying about him being the guy

No. 2302322

I need more of him

No. 2302324

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i'm in a red state right now and want to move to a blue state but the thing is, the job market is still iffy and it's hard to get something in a blue state if you're not already there to begin with. i don't know anyone in a blue state also willing to take me in just like that either. the only people who can up and move right now are those who already have tons of savings to lie on comfortably while looking for something steady in a new place. everyone else is just fucked for now.

No. 2302325

The first Trump assassination, also the Trump v. Biden debate

No. 2302328

Post the video you useless faggit. Finally, his voice.

No. 2302329

this does feel unjust as fuck, how is he already in jail?

No. 2302332

Everything about this is so fucking weird. My brain feels like its been liquidated. This shit glows SO hard but i cant figure out what the goal is.

No. 2302334

i feel like i'm living in a sitcom like wtf is happening

No. 2302335

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Just posting the hot pics

No. 2302339

I'm digging a tunnel under the jail as we speak to bust him out so we can all take turns being his gf

No. 2302342

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If he had any sense he would be quiet. But I am happy to hear him speak.

No. 2302346

my heart skipped a beat

No. 2302350

anyone else writing a letter to him as we speak

No. 2302351

this is apparently him showing up for his extradition hearing and not the fullblown trial

No. 2302353

Yes in my head

No. 2302356

i am writing an actual letter. i hope to receive fluids from him

No. 2302358

Oh i will eventually i will also send him books

No. 2302359

i'd love to write him a letter but they're always moving him around, i'm not sure which prison to send it to kek

No. 2302362

well don't do anything yet until he's actually sentenced and you know where he's going to be staying

No. 2302365

I love you nonna. I hope he sends you a sticky letter

No. 2302366

Send him Crime and Punishment on my behalf pls.

No. 2302368

once i obtain his fluids i will ingest them and have some of his power. i will also be masturbating to send connection and sexual energy into the space between us

No. 2302369

Luigi from Mario was designed by Shigeru Miyamoto from Nippon kek

No. 2302373

This. Detention centers exist and they make you wear a bright uniform incase you flee.
Yes I’m aware. But I’m talking about Mr. Smiles, not the scaredy-cat plumber with a bother complex.

No. 2302377

Eh, needs national (well, technically it was global) riots then this year'll top 2020

No. 2302378

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I'm sure we could have made it work

No. 2302380

Criminals are always arrested BEFORE trial, do you guys really not know anyone who has gone through the criminal justice system? They keep criminally accused people in custody (jail) so that they actually show up to trial. He has 48 hours for bail to be set, and that's how he would get released again before trial, but no judge is going to allow bail in this situation. This is just the normal process of the system.

No. 2302381

nobody gives a fuck about elon and crypto which is just male MLM. it would be the assassination attempts on trump or the uhc shooter

No. 2302383

i will fly all the way to pennsylvania just to give him a nice back massage if he wants

No. 2302385

I am a CMT and will happily give free massages to this man. I can fix him.

No. 2302387

Thats the exact book how did you fucking know??????

No. 2302388

his mouth still works

No. 2302389

He’s clearly mentally ill kek

No. 2302390

>physical intimacy wasn't possible with his back injury
Smh, sounds like he never got to experience woman-on-top. I could have showed him the world.

No. 2302391

so fucking hot

No. 2302392

i'm getting just a fingernail of a munchie vibe from him

No. 2302395

doesn't stop me from sitting on his face though

No. 2302402

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you reminded me of something i wanted to talk about re: munchausen's.
it's extremely, EXTREMELY rare for males to munch. if they do it's typically to get pain medication. munching is an almost exclusively female activity because it's one way women can get some form of control and social power: being sick and receiving attention/care/money for being weak. men do not receive power from being pitied and seen as sick. if luigi has munchausen's, then he is a fascinating example of the difference between a typical female munchie vs a male munchie: the woman who makes herself so sick she has to get limbs amputated vs the man who shoots and kills someone related to his healthcare.
i doubt he's a munchie. seems more like he has severe health anxiety and untreated depression if anything. to say that you think your dating prospects are ruined because you can't thrust effectively during sex, when you look like him and come from wealth and are highly educated, tells me he struggles with a poor self image. this is likely caused from the anxiety/depression as well.

No. 2302404

he had an injury and complications from a spinal fusion that caused him chronic pain and he was only 26. he optimistically effortposted on reddit about it in r/spondylitis

No. 2302406

You can meet many male munchies in places where weed is not legal but he didn't seem like a pothead so I doubt he's a munchie either.

No. 2302408

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His jpay is up girlies. Go nuts kek.

No. 2302412

I want to buy him all the ramen and Funyuns

No. 2302414

Funny enough I worked in a prison. He will have access to a tablet. Now the contents are monitored but you can stream movies, TV services, download games etc etc. It all costs money. (Eg the crackle channel we get for free with ads inmates pay 10/20 bucks a month) So if you send him money for his books through JPay he would literally never have to leave his cell but to shower and do rec. This is after sentencing. Kid will have bail and his wealthy family (or thirsty ass fan) will post it. Kids good to go.

No. 2302416

>being physically intimate with his back injury wasn't possible
If this happened to the Italian-American real estate gigachad I used to work with he would've gone insane

No. 2302418

They will revoke bail

No. 2302421

>stone cold professional takes out insurance CEO, the people celebrate, he isnt being caught
>uh oh the people love this guy way too much and we're not finding him
>groom unstable techbro to take the fall
>now you can point to his twitter hot takes and make some people feel silly for supporting him
>unhinged fall-guyb who only wants attention ruins all the good will the public had towards original shooter
its luigi at the hostal, but the shooter is someone completely different

No. 2302422

You're probably right, actually. It was a violent offense.

No. 2302423

I think being that young + successful with school + rich and knowing you have untreatable back pain for the rest of your life, along with what his mom already experienced could easily drive him over the edge

No. 2302425

can you answer questions about what we can send to inmates or does it vary by state? i want to send him nudes and books and things like that. will they be confiscated? can he send liquids to me?

No. 2302427

Nona what are you up to lol

No. 2302428

i want his fluids i already said

No. 2302429

I absolutely support you nonny

No. 2302430

She wants that superior spaghetti sperm. Can’t blame her

No. 2302431

i will post about what they taste like if i get them

No. 2302432

You are unstable kek. (Love you tho) They will go through all mail and books sent. Inmates will teach him how to get things in. I've seen nudes, porn.. a fucking playstation..

No. 2302434

do they ever steal letters? i plan to make copies of mine just in case. but i might have to buy a printer. or i'll have to go to a city far away so they can't trace my identity and see my love letter/sexual fantasy/order of complete control to him

No. 2302435

isnt he anti porn? why not send him a nice letter instead

No. 2302436

my friend did and was fucking miserable, couldn't afford a place to live and no one would hire him and his visa expired so he had to move back. It was a little bit of schadenfreude because I'm tired of people acting like immigrating is something easy

No. 2302439

being in prison will change your morals. you will revert back to an animalistic state of seeking pleasure at any cost to escape the boredom and misery.

No. 2302441

True but
>its luigi at the hostal
Aw, do you think? I still think this guy looks a little different

No. 2302442

Do the c.o.'s steal letters? I would hope not. But it can happen. I doubt it will happen to HIM. He's not a pedo. As for getting his sperm.. fuck.. no idea. Not without visiting or working there for the state or a contract company.

No. 2302443

do i need to pretend to be a journalist writing a story to get a visit with him or can he just let anyone he wants come see him?
also >a playstation
lmao based

No. 2302448

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Imagine dying because some troon sent this hoe a bomb threat.

No. 2302472

You can seriously wreck your back at the gym, especially with the current trends like ego lifting, where showing off outweighs actual safety. It’s sadly so common now, and the damage can be brutal, sometimes putting you out for months or even years. What’s worse is how many moids base their entire self-worth on their physique and gym performance.

No. 2302476

Are you seriously gonna send him mail? Nonnies you will just radicalize him in a different way.

No. 2302482

To be sexy

No. 2302489

Attention whores gonna attention whore

No. 2302496

It’s funny that you think he isn’t going to receive hundreds of letters from all kinds of people.

No. 2302497

Do we know his zodiac

No. 2302500

>the mcdonald’s employee who turned in the CEO shooter was a woman

No. 2302501

Really? I saw it was a man

No. 2302502

He’s a Taurus hehe

No. 2302505

He's wealthy, well educated, decent looking, seems to have a sense of humour. I'm sure he could definitely found someone willing to ride it like a cowgirl.

No. 2302506


No. 2302507

>most compatible with my sign
O m g

No. 2302512

forgot to say allegedly, the story right now is that she’s an old woman and if you worked at mcdonald’s or ever interacted with an old woman who works at mcdonald’s i can believe this 1000000000000% no questions asked unironically

No. 2302516

Any nona wanna try and pinkpill him lil by lil?

No. 2302519

Yeah and he will submit immediately because you know he wants it bad

No. 2302528

>literally just facts
Can anyone explain why jews are so involved in porn? Is it meant to be a comeback for the christians? Why do jewish moids have such a psychotic hatred of men and no one really talks about it? In israel porn is also completely illegal, and i'm not a conspiracy theorist but it does lend credibility to the theory that jews are trying to destroy the west from the inside.(jewsperging)

No. 2302532

I’m loving this fixed sign representation too kekk

No. 2302533

Nonnie let’s not reawaken this infight please I beg of you

No. 2302537

I genuinely want to know. Israel making porn illegal while in the us jews fought to legalize porn just doesn't make sense to me.

No. 2302542

Well I feel like maybe American Semitic men are a little different from Israelite men

No. 2302550

It’s genuinely retarded to take a graphic picking out a handful of Jewish moids involved in the porn industry and a handful who aren’t even Jewish but label them as such as “proof” of le Jewish plot to destroy the West. As for why there are Jewish moids involved in the porn industry, American Jews overall lean politically to the left, and the left has been defending porn as totally ~empowering~ for decades.

No. 2302551

DA every time I read the word Israelite I remember the YTMND Mormon Jesus remix

No. 2302555

>it's extremely, EXTREMELY rare for males to munch
More like it's just not recognized as such because they're men and taken seriously.
Honestly some nonnas are balancing uncomfortably close to whiteknighting every flaw he could possibly have like handmaidens. You can admire him shooting a corrupt ceo without falling into the usual pattern of justifying moid's bs.

No. 2302559

Munchie bf sounds hot imagine feeding him all the drugs then having your way with him

No. 2302560

idk, I’ve seen a lot of men with munchie tendencies in recent years. maybe munchie isn’t the right word to use, they’re more like hypochondriacs who become obsessed with the idea that they have specific undetectable conditions. think about the upswell of men with an interest in alternative health stuff like carnivore diets, roiding, or nootropics. almost all of them report having amorphous physical symptoms (often some combination of fatigue, brain fog, erectile dysfunction, insomnia, and weight gain) related to an illness that they successfully treated by eating butter or something. I’ve seen whole communities of people like this who were entirely male (one such group was obsessed with mouthbreathing).

No. 2302562

ok based

No. 2302563

All of the men in the picture are jewish though? There's nothing wrong with pointing out trends between certain groups of moids, like we do here with moids of other races or religions all the time.

No. 2302564

How is that post excusing his flaws? She called him anxious and depressed, we just don’t need to assign munchie to him when it doesn’t seem to be accurate. Health anxiety is not munching.

No. 2302565

I think it would put too much pressure on the area and hurt him?

No. 2302569

Old news, but I'm really glad that we got pandas back in the Smithsonian National Zoo. That and the San Diego zoo are the on American zoos to have pandas right now. They're my favorite animal and I can't wait until I have an opportunity to see them. Here's a video of the Smithsonian pandas playing.

No. 2302572

NTA I think she’s referencing the
>wrote the first play to include women kissing
and the fritz the kat part kek

No. 2302573

Oh, those are retarded I agree. Everything else was sound though.

No. 2302575

They're so silly and cute. Thank you for sharing

No. 2302577

Beautiful babies, I wish they weren’t so stupid so they’d survive better in the actual wild though lol

No. 2302579

good idea nonnie. we need to get his sperm and freeze it and make luigi replicas to send out and get ceos

No. 2302580

>called him anxious and depressed
Exactly, making a flimsy headcanon to coddle the poor liddlwe moid who can't possibly be a munchie because only women can be attention whores. Meanwhile he posts on reddit about how partying too hard and sleeping a few hours less for a week gave him permanent brain damage.

No. 2302584

I’m not going to, but realistically he is so popular all over social media right now. His Jpay is being shared all over tiktok. I’m sure he’s going to get a lot of money and letters.

No. 2302585

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No. 2302587

he looks more similar to the smiling security camera shot in this pic

No. 2302588

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No. 2302589

I can fix him

No. 2302591

Omg he looks so scary in this and the mugshot what the hell

No. 2302592

thats him officer! thats the guy who rescued 10 kittens from a tree and backflipped holding them tightly delicately placing them in a crib and cartwheeled over to rescue an old woman from a flaming building…thats the guy! and he also said he wanted to have sex with all of the nonnies here one by one and support transgenders and and he is prolife and volunteers at soup kitchens (need to cover all angles politically to improve chances sorry)

No. 2302595

He looks exactly like the hostel pic in these. Him eating a chicken nugget while staring off into space is super cute though. What a dumb fuck for being there though.

No. 2302596

Its not really white knighting to suspect he is depressed from back pain

No. 2302597

They were surviving just fine before human encroachment. Manatees the same. I used to think how you thought until I realized we were the ones disturbing their natural order. Tbh our natural order. Same w the diminishing insect population like bees

No. 2302599

>one by one
So fucking zased

No. 2302600

>and support transgenders

No. 2302602

I don’t think he’s a munchie at all and I think that assumption is even rather out of left field. He’s not a friendless neet. He had a lot going for him. Also, there’s proof he underwent back surgery, so how exactly is he faking it? Anyway, I do think he has lost his mind in the past year or so. Possibly from never leaving the house and feeling lost in life. I couldn’t leave my house for a year and genuinely became a psychopath and was slamming doors and drawing on walls like a fag. Then one day I was like yo… this is crazy of me.

No. 2302603

they're biohacking healthmaxxing solbrah peatard idiots with delusional parasitosis and/or somatoform disorders. it's all just male neuroticism.

No. 2302604

10 bucks the snitch is a fattie.

No. 2302606

fat, diabetic, ugly, wife hates him (or doesn't even have one), i could keep going for hours

No. 2302607

It was at a mcd's of course it is

No. 2302608

honey we need to improve our chances by catering to both sides. i want him out by next week and you should too lest we get stuck with tyrones leftovers(bait)

No. 2302609

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No. 2302610

It was a woman. She probably wanted clout or money, neither of which she’s going to get. Also Nonnas, everyone is saying he was at a Starbucks and not a hostel. Don’t know why but a lot of news networks are saying it now.

No. 2302611

You'd have to be a disgusting, inbred meth addicted lardwhale with no diploma to even want to live somewhere like altoona anyway. Finding out their town is known for putting kraft singles on pizzle is vomit inducing.

No. 2302612

This whole thing has inspired me to get back on losing weight and reading more. Does anyone have the link to the goodreads?

No. 2302614

He has a sexy mouth

No. 2302618

he's angry because these brutes are manhandling him. They are not fit to touch the hem of his garment.

No. 2302619

How the fuck did this turn into an amazingly calculated murder and escape to a man who got caught in a McDonald’s eating chicken nuggets? What happened. He must be losing his mind or something.

No. 2302620

>His cute friendly eyebrows contrasting with the aggressive scowl

No. 2302621

He was eating a hashbrown

No. 2302624

Stop squeezing his nape! It’s giving him owies.

No. 2302625

>The way he mogs all these fatties

No. 2302626

He looks like Ezra miller in this pic

No. 2302627

Canada sucks ass right now. I'm trying to finish my degree so I can move down to America before they increase the exit tax. I wish I was more disciplined earlier so I could have moved and made money. Shit fucking timeline. everything sucks

No. 2302629

why are they slamming him against the wall, so unnecessary, like he's the first person to yell something for the cameras? They're so envious they can't deal with his popularity.

He should be assigned female and twink guards only, not these chodes

No. 2302630

Isn’t Canada swimming with migrants like Europe?

No. 2302631

Just go on zlibrary and click through the recommendations. Most of his list was stuff that's very popular on there.

No. 2302632

Friendless neetism does not a munchie make. There are famous actresses who are notorious munchies - having a rich family and going to fancy schools didn't make him immune from attention-seeking behavior. And there are tons of doctors and surgeons who operate on Munchausen's patients, either knowingly or because they fell for the act. Back pain is munchie 101 because it's nonspecific, hard to identify a source, and gets you the really good drugs.

No. 2302633

This. But unironically.

No. 2302634

This whole thing has made me realize how absolute dogshit the media news is. I usually ignore the news because their videos and websites are so drawn out and shitty, but since i am autistic about the Luigi thing, i been trying to get info but ALL these news sites have so many fucking video ads running that they are completely unusable. I also hate when they spend 5 minutes explaining something when all they have to do is show a clip or picture of the thing

No. 2302635

I wish they would manhandle him more. I think he's mid but him getting pushed against the wall in >>2302328 is kinda hot.

No. 2302636

It’s the American way

No. 2302638

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It’d have to be somewhat legit to undergo back surgery. I also doubt a munchie would be so livid as to murder a ceo if he wasn’t facing actual chronic pain

No. 2302639

On the subject of moving, I live in Ohio and fucking hate it here because it's a gloomy, conservitard shithole. I have a rich uncle in the bay area and I'm considering moving there and I'm thinking of majoring in compsci or something tech related and I'm wondering if I'd be work getting my uncle to help or at least offer me shelter.

No. 2302640

definitely no irony intended. they want an excuse to damage his face, I can see that

No. 2302642

I don’t know what to think anymore. Is he a modern Robin Hood figure for the people or is this an elaborate psyop with Luigi at the center as the latest MK Ultra victim? This doesn’t just glow it’s full on shining.

No. 2302643

You know that lady cop was just sneaking a hug

No. 2302644

holy based nona. The way he just kept yelling even though he got bodyslammed into the concrete tells me he was made to be hit and slapped and scratched and beaten up. I want to see his cute eyebrows furrowed in fear as he stares up at me with blood tainting his perfect lips.

No. 2302645

Get that shit off the pigs that hold up the rats of the first class.

No. 2302646

when i learned about that pig being in trouble for insider trading, that was when i started to feel like it could potentially be an inside job

No. 2302647

yeah I rewatched and came to the same conclusion, she initiated it.

No. 2302648

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No. 2302649

If you can stay with your uncle then I would take the gamble and move. If you’re studying while there make sure to take full advantage of the location and network as much as possible as well.

No. 2302651

Ugh ugly

No. 2302652

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I don’t care if he’s a munchie he’s my munchie.

No. 2302656

I know right

No. 2302657

I might be too retarded and broke to a cali school kek
Another thing I forgot to mention: My mom fucking hates Ohio and moved to San Francisco for a few months and loved it, she only came back because my fucking lardwhale of a dad wanted to stay in Ohio because “muh home” “muh friends”. He’d probably be making more as an accountant there as well. I fucking hate that fat pig.

No. 2302658

>it'd have to be somewhat legit to undergo back surgery
I'm not saying he is or isn't a munchie but men's health problems are believed more than women's are. If he was a woman the doctor would say something like "hmmm, is it your period? This is normal for women" like they always do kek. He's a man so they actually took it seriously

No. 2302660

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Nonnas im going to murder someone important in that area and identify as a trans man so we can cross paths brb.

No. 2302663


No. 2302665

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His voice is so hot

No. 2302667

File: 1733869593037.webp (48.5 KB, 615x409, IMG_8788.webp)

Nonnas we need to start a picture only thread

No. 2302668

Do federal prisons take phone calls? Idc if the feds hear me sexually harass him.

No. 2302669

When did your mom live there? My family has lived in the area for generations and it has changed a lot in the past decade. How are you planning to get the qualifications and education for CS? The industry isn’t as doom and gloom as people online want you to believe, but it’s not as sure of a shot for career stability as it once was. Also your dad is a dumbass, Ohio is trash.

No. 2302670

His fake ID had 07/21 as his birthday but it's fake so who knows kek

No. 2302671

Id make him moan for me

No. 2302672

/m/ is the primo place for this

No. 2302674

No it's not, keep you shit on /g/. He's not even an actor or musician.

No. 2302675

Do it but just know the Bay Area is a bit messy atm. Have a goals in mind. You can always look into the north bay. It’s a little cheaper and an hour or less from SF. Good luck!

No. 2302676

You can hide threads, it's actually great to keep from having spergouts. Try it out sometime nonners.

No. 2302677

all you school-schooting american neets, pls pls kill your local CEO instead, then an hero or not idc, just take a CEO with you at least

No. 2302678

I’d have to think. Before 2000, after 1990. Somewhere in between then. I have no clue what my plain for attaining education for CS is though, it’s just a flimsy afterthought since I’m familiar with computers. What better industries would you recommend?

No. 2302679

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No. 2302680

Oops, I didn’t see this. Thank you anon. My true passion is wildlife conservation which I’d need a zoology degree for but I’m worried how that would fare, I’m worried I’m not passionate enough for it and idk how much it’d pay in the Bay Area. My mom has also been really discouraging me to go into that field

No. 2302682

I feel like the articles mentioning how he's unable to have sex due to his injury are trying to make him sound like a deranged incel, especially because people are more aware of what incels are nowadays

No. 2302683

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No. 2302684

They're trying so hard to tarnish his image with the older generation lmaooo, let me brush his hair
It's so funny how he is the ideal for the conservitard shooter types, but he actually acted on his beliefs and it's pissing them off

No. 2302686

North bay has a ton of wildlife conservations ! You’d love it out here.

No. 2302687

and it feels so unneccessary and irrelevant to the case, at this point they're just trying to embarrass him because the love for him is so extreme

No. 2302688

It just makes him sound virginal and cute

No. 2302690

He gives pro Palestine vibes though

No. 2302691

File: 1733870629284.png (126.59 KB, 447x653, lopsidedking.png)

His eyes are super wonky, still cute tho

No. 2302692

Incoids themselves are trying to claim them, they slander my italian brother. I don't think anyone should claim him honestly, everyone despite their views should just croak CEOs

No. 2302693

Unironically because hes male

No. 2302694

Thank you for letting me know anon!

No. 2302695

offtopic but you can also get into wildlife conservation with biology, life sciences, or environmental science degrees. Work for the state government (department of fish and wildlife, dept of natural resources, etc.) and you'll be fine. They need people in that field tbh, you won't have a hard time getting hired.

No. 2302696

I think it endears people to him. Yeah maybe it’s embarrassing but he’s an incel in the truest definition of the word because it’s truly outside of his control.

No. 2302698

He’s going to get so many calls from desperate women while in prison. Just look at how many women were creaming themselves over Ted Bundy’s ugly ass. He’s a pretty cute guy but it still kind of throws me off that people are celebrating a murderer of some random CEO. I jokingly wish he had gone after Elawn instead…

No. 2302699

there was a $10k reward, wasn't there? so she'll get that.

No. 2302700

They’ll find a way to not give her it .. it’s happened multiple times.

No. 2302701

File: 1733871105748.jpg (2.61 MB, 4032x3024, 2023_Altoona_Pizza_from_Dino’s…)

>Finding out their town is known for putting kraft singles on pizzle is vomit inducing.
Do they just hate italians

No. 2302704

Maybe I'm cynical but I do not think she will be receiving even half of that, or worst none of it.

No. 2302705

Kek yes they didn’t even think he was the killer they just called the cops because they saw an italian

No. 2302706

I'm from Detroit and I gotta say that still looks better than NY "pizza"

No. 2302708

i know lots of people who've moved to mexico city since the pandemic, but not canada

No. 2302710

He’s not a rando though. A lot of people have been personally fucked over by their health insurance companies, myself included (by UH no less).

No. 2302711


No. 2302714

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No. 2302715

back pain literally causes people to go crazy. its not surprising

No. 2302716

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No. 2302717

File: 1733871753159.png (244.88 KB, 1080x943, d9l367o8e36e1.png)

someone finally published a copy of his manifesto

No. 2302718

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No. 2302719

whats crazy is boomers dont even realize how good they have it with medicare. i was just arguing with my dad about it who has medicare + literally almost died of a heart attack last year – every single thing covered by medicare. ambulance, meds, stents, etc.

if he didnt have it he'd probably be dead by now or 100k in medical debt

No. 2302720


No. 2302724

he definitely could have gotten a gf with a savior complex/fetish like men with severe disabilities do, if he played it up

No. 2302725

Law enforcement only cared when he put on the mask

No. 2302726

this cant be all he wrote?

i thought it was 3 pages long?

No. 2302728

He fascinates me. He has a very straightforward explanation for his actions and even says he's not at all equipped to really make a case for his argument. Wow. And even though he took the CEO's life, his twittard politics aren't even "radical", aside I guess from his desire for free (or much cheaper) healthcare. Of course I don't care for his quivering "moids are being treated unfairly" politics, but even those are lukewarm takes that many men share, even the "liberals". It's the same type of sexism that literally every normie male believes in, that's what's so crazy about him. He was so…. normal. He went back and forth but he wasn't particularly racist or especially notably misogynist. In fact his reddit comments don't even seem particularly angry at all. Despite whatever turmoil he was in it never seemed like he was brimming with rage which is so confusing.

No. 2302730

Weirdly there's a lot of leftists who move from blue states to red states. My state is an example (I'm not naming what state I'm in kek) and I know Texas is really popular to move to for some reason even though that place is hellish for women's rights. I'd like to think maybe they will even out the voting sphere but in my state they just move to the city which is already very blue voting. Literally the city is a blue dot in a sea of bright red… so it doesn't really help out anything.

No. 2302732

File: 1733872354655.png (940.53 KB, 940x970, Screen Shot 2024-12-10 at 3.11…)

lucky him to have great health insurance on our tax dollar to get him the best care in his 193821494th term in office

No. 2302733

Hope I’m not racebaiting since I’m one myself but has anyone else noticed that these type of shooters tend to have ethnicities from places that were discriminated the fuck against in the us? Weegee is Italian, and kacynzski being Polish. Wonder if it’s some generational trauma thing kek

No. 2302735

he looks so much like a fucking turtle I cannot get over it

No. 2302736

>these (indecipherable)

No. 2302737

Why are we letting retards so old they literally FALL OVER be in power???

No. 2302738

File: 1733872531059.png (4.49 MB, 1456x1295, 86KiZfO.png)

uhc talking points for its employees

No. 2302739

No. 2302740

And yet he didn’t create the company, he’s someone who moved up internally through the ladder. He doesn’t have a fancy top 10 MBA nor is he someone who has shifted around c-suites of various Fortune 100s. He is quite literally some random guy from the Midwest who worked his way up through that company, not a billionaire like Musk or Bezos. Idk maybe I feel weird about it because I work in corporate America in a F50 role that gets face time with the c-suite, but a lot of them are just normal people and it’s really disturbing to imagine randoms murdering them as opposed to the self-proclaimed archaic conservatards who want to roll back everyone’s rights. Funny to think this guy was successful and the two losers who tried to pop DJT couldn’t even get it right.

No. 2302742

Bootlicking neoliberal

No. 2302743

doesn't matter. you have to be a sociopath to get that high up in the healthcare insurance industry. blood on his hands for sure

No. 2302744

File: 1733872771130.png (591.43 KB, 1080x982, 1000001970.png)

Anyone else think that the reason he was caught was because he spent so much time planning and fantasizing about the crime/immediate escape itself, that he never got past that and either thought he'd be killed or just "figure it out" after? When the rush wore off, he sorta kicked around, then autistically just ended up at a mcds because he obviously loves it and they have free wifi kek? Anyone else get vibes maybe of opiate addiction (not just psychedelics that he was supposedly into)?

No. 2302745

i think he knew he’d be caught eventually and was just waiting it out staying undercover until then. he just wanted to send his message and maybe accept jail time or being killed

No. 2302746

Don't care didn't read all healthcare c-suites deserve the autistic vengeance bullet.

No. 2302748

I just don't get why he had the backpack full of all evidence. Dude could have literally escaped the country. But it'd seem he wanted to be caught. It would have been better to turn himself in though, can't you make a deal by doing that? I know his manifesto was in the backpack so maybe he wanted it to be read, but leaving the backpack somewhere and then leaving the country it could be found and read anyways. Idk.

No. 2302749

its our 2nd amendment right to shoot billionaires imo

No. 2302750

Please someone shave his face

No. 2302752

he moved up in the company, made a lot of money, didn't care about changing the company to actually help people but instead kept it so it was profiting off of people who desperately need care. Yeah, I don't give a shit that he died and it's a good thing CEOs are now a little scared that some people are going to stand up to their shit.

No. 2302754

No I like it

No. 2302755

File: 1733873142842.webp (17.91 KB, 670x446, NINTCHDBPICT000956318530.webp)

He's such a model

No. 2302756

I don’t think murder is just but theres so much nuance here. He made his money off of ultimately killing people, just indirectly and without violence. Why should I care that this normal person is dead? He was a monster with no conscious.

No. 2302757

Does he fuck with autistic girls who have freckles on their anuses?

No. 2302758

What are the chances he’s permanently psychiatrically hospitalized versus going to prison? That happens sometimes.

No. 2302760

i wonder what he'll beard look like in a few weeks or months when his trial starts mmm

No. 2302761

Yes. UHC is the absolute shittiest insurance company. It is also the default on tons of college campuses. for example, they didn't cover my endometriosis surgery at the percentage promised because they said it was "exploratory" and therefore optional (I have stage 4 deep infiltrating endo). You can search and there are absolute horror stories about this insurance company refusing to cover life-saving procedures for people of all ages. It is the worst and Brian Thompson pushed it in the worst direction.

They do anything possible to avoid paying out a claim and this results in deaths all the time. It makes me so angry to read about kids not getting approved for medical devices they need and old people getting denied services.

No. 2302762

Doesn’t increase your chances if he does. We’re all autistic and I have freckles on my face . get in line nonna

No. 2302763

File: 1733873268000.jpeg (192.33 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_6516.jpeg)

Clown world

No. 2302764

I don’t know what corporation you work for but if it’s built on millions of bodies like UHC then your CEO is not just a normal human being. You have to have completely switched off your capacity for empathy in order to rise through the ranks in a company that corrupt. Just look at what Luigi wrote, he was driven by the pain he and his mother went through. The CEO didn’t give a fuck about them or the millions of Americans that died due to their shameless greed. There was blood on his hands and he 100% knew that every single day coming into work.

No. 2302766

I'm getting really annoyed by everyone whos like
>why do we know stuff about this guy and nothing about Thomas Matthew Crooks???
probably because he's fucking dead already, so he's no longer a threat to anyone, and he was also ugly as hell?

No. 2302767

Wrong thread I’m guessing

No. 2302768

Everything Liquid Death puts out sells out immediately. I'm starting to think they only make like 5 of each of their merch so it sells out and trends headlines

No. 2302769

Ew please no beard im gonna barf. Please shave weegee

No. 2302770

and i'm done with my lemonade

No. 2302771

Didn’t know where else to put it

No. 2302772

Our real Trump assassin will be cute and husbando material mark my words.

No. 2302774

File: 1733873393481.png (267.22 KB, 834x1200, zhdPD4I.png)

i mean really how much longer until this country breaks? i dont think its sustainable. they people at the top are getting TOO greedy

No. 2302775

Dumb people don't understand that not everyone even has an online footprint. Some people don't post on Twitter or Reddit, imagine.

No. 2302776

he was also retarded and uninteresting

No. 2302777

yes that too

No. 2302778

Oh, well. If you're a regular person who rises to the top of a company that kills people and are fine with living by its actions, you can die by them too.

No. 2302780

Nonna this is going to sound autistic but I really don’t want him to go to prison for life. He just lost his mind. He’s not going to get pardoned and will at least serve decades. Makes me sad.

No. 2302781

That only happens when the psycho kills plebeians. He killed a CEO. Life in jail for sure.

No. 2302782

I dont think theyll let him near a razor

No. 2302784

This is the worst news of my life

No. 2302785

Aren't he and his parents rich? They can probably mediate.

No. 2302786

jay z is so nasty and gross i hope he goes to prison

No. 2302787

what lawyer do you think his rich parents will hire for him? Thank God they're rich and can get the best

No. 2302788

they're going to sedate him heavily with drugs and chemically lobotomize him

No. 2302790

Anyone who defends murdering someone's nigel or the one good father in this world is a sicko. Y'all also love to complain about scrotes abandoning their families but then glorify murder

No. 2302792

he definitely knows how to fake taking pills, it's not that hard

No. 2302793

some civil rights liberties is gonna pick up the case pro bono

No. 2302794

… who’s the one good man in this scenario?

No. 2302795

He was separated from his wife at the time lol, she’s probably glad he’s dead

No. 2302796

>the one good father in this world

No. 2302797

He was divorced from his wife he basically already abandoned his family already plus he probably left a crazy good life insurance policy for them she they're having a fucking blast I'll bet.

No. 2302798

No. 2302800

There’s a line of them frothing at the mouth to do this for free. Publicity pays more

No. 2302802

good point. who's the big shot these days? I'm a bit out of the loop.
she sounded so unemotional that people accused her of ordering the hit. I'm sure she's doing ok. The kids, idk.

No. 2302803

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No. 2302804

>the one good father in this world
Nona… what?

No. 2302805


No. 2302806

Let it be true and let this urge on the next wave of Weegee's to take out the fat cats at the top KEKKKKKKKKKK

No. 2302807

I’m surprised no one catches on to this. It’s very common

No. 2302808

Nah my company isn’t healthcare, it’s retail. But point still stands that even if the people in corporate suck I don’t think they deserve to die. It feels like people are so desensitized to murder nowadays that they’re cheering it on.

No. 2302809

retarded boomer snitch.

No. 2302810

>the one good father in this world
Are you his niece or something? Nepo baby family friend? Kek

No. 2302812

>work shitty retail job
>thinking a retail ceo is responsible for the same amount of death and pain as a healthcare ceo
Not to be rude but this is wildy retarded.

No. 2302813

File: 1733874224284.jpg (5.84 KB, 370x292, 1728070690840.jpg)

Mcdonalds work is like b-bb-b-b-but

No. 2302814

girl.. the uhc ceo basically pushed the method in making sure they are able to legally and liberally deny people coverage and then turn his other cheek away as thousands end up dying because they can't afford to go to the hospital or even see a doctor. not being able to buy a dress hasn't killed anyone as far as i know.
>t. someone who actually worked in insurance before

No. 2302815

File: 1733874559441.png (87.4 KB, 250x397, SRq9mKm.png)

should i read the book

No. 2302817

File: 1733874649129.png (913.82 KB, 1170x1721, retarded bitch.png)

the brian thompson thirst tweets have begun…

No. 2302818

Die already holy shit

No. 2302820

Dumb Bitch Capital… yeah, that adds up. This could go in the psyop thread kek they really want us to think fat uggos are who we should thirst over

No. 2302821

I work in corporate, not in a retail store kek
Does anyone have any evidence showing this guy approved of the policies during his tenure as a CEO? I haven’t seen much confirming that the guy was a douche except conjecture and I’m not sure if I’m just uninformed. And yes I know the CEO was a moid so it’s like 99% he’s into some sick shit but I guess the 1% in me feels bad for the guy getting murdered.

No. 2302822

Nonners a lot of people in the us are polish descent. Grasping at straws

No. 2302824

heh… a dead moid is a dead moid

No. 2302825

File: 1733874845311.gif (587.98 KB, 500x500, 1733785711357.gif)

Getting pissed hearing my dad's gf talk about sexy Luigi, not because he's sexy persay but the reasoning behind hating him
>he killed a man with two kids!
>he was wearing expensive shoes!
>he is spoiled!
>he looks like a rat!
>hes a killer!
This is why America can't have anything. By the way she cheered on that Penny faggot who strangled that guy on the train going free. Kind of double standards.

No. 2302826

That 1% of empathy should be given to the thousands left to die because of fat fuck greedy pig healthcare CEOs. Grow up.
Yeah only retards who should have been aborted are going to fall for the ZOMG HEALTHCARE C-SUITE IS FOR LE WORKING PEEPOL LIKE MEEEEE. Fuck no.

No. 2302828

Nona I find it really sad you care more about this scrote than all the people who died from being denied healthcare

No. 2302829

File: 1733874883460.png (171.36 KB, 1170x681, why what makes you think that.…)

like what the hell is this

No. 2302830

If he was such a good father he wouldn't be separated from his wife kek. She didn't even GAF about him being dead so the kids probably don't either.

No. 2302831

Psy-oppin, dickridin, etc etc

No. 2302832

>I guess the 1% in me feels bad for the guy getting murdered.
well don't kek it's that easy. i swear to god i can't stand this type of attitude. stop wasting any kind of percentage of energy feeling empathy over someone who wouldn't care if you lived or died. it's not like he was living a life of suffering.

No. 2302833

It's more shameful that he's the son of a blue collar family and, once in a position where he could enact real change, uses it instead as a means to line his pocket. The tradeoff is only poor nobodies! Who gives a fuck!

No. 2302835

He also had a boring nothing life compared to Luigi with all his lore

No. 2302836

Ok then don't cosign people being killed if you climb the corporate ladder KEK

No. 2302837

Not sexy, looks like Josh Peck

No. 2302838

Probably the same dumb bitch as the one right here >>2302790

No. 2302839

I bet his kids cheered when they found out he died, like if my dad was this fugly I'd be over the moon.

No. 2302841

File: 1733875247252.png (1.19 MB, 1812x617, dbc.png)

>"im just a gowrl tee heh"

No. 2302842

Exactly. Most of the retards confused as to why we have zero info on Thomas are probably old and dont understand the internet well.
Normies like Luigi post everything to social media whilst betas like Thomas probably post anonymously under an alias somewhere.

No. 2302843

You'll notice there's no empathy for the many people who die from not being able to have healthcare

No. 2302844

>Y'all also love to complain about scrotes abandoning their families but then glorify murder
KEK how do those two things even compare?? she sounds retarded

No. 2302846

Guys its bait dont reply this is shitty obvious bait

No. 2302850

Nonny you wish it was bait but this sub is retarded, there's literally a comment above you about the inability of the average poster here not being able to comprehend causality(newfaggotry)

No. 2302853


No. 2302854

>this sub is retarded

No. 2302855

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No. 2302857

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No. 2302859

This is actually hilarious though ngl

No. 2302860

Uuuh, yeah?

No. 2302866

File: 1733875851945.jpg (179.3 KB, 888x1016, IMG_20241210_181025.jpg)

No. 2302867

File: 1733875856774.jpeg (156.91 KB, 842x1500, 1.jpeg)

No. 2302868

its all a scam. these numbers are completely made up. will our government ever regulate these fucks?

No. 2302870

File: 1733875881202.jpeg (Spoiler Image,156.89 KB, 947x2048, IMG_6518.jpeg)

Kek I just got a warning on my phone from Apple making sure I actually want to post this

No. 2302871

Kek thats either a troll or a glowie

No. 2302872

I think this has already been debunked as fake

No. 2302874

Definitely not real but damn…. I'll believe it anyway.

No. 2302875

i think our country needs more healthcare radicalist assassins

No. 2302876

File: 1733876005430.jpeg (232.34 KB, 945x1800, 2.jpeg)

I'm gonna post it all anyway in case the debunking gets debunked

No. 2302877

the bookmark ratio kek

No. 2302880

I’m not sure if you care but I went on the tweet and saw your icon and profile in the replies. You should reupload this and censor your icon because there are a lot of crazy bitches on here

No. 2302882

File: 1733876182871.jpeg (207.9 KB, 957x1800, 3.jpeg)

No. 2302883

Topkek. Nice outing yourself

No. 2302885

Why do fags

No. 2302887

Thanks twitter user @fuckinreally_
Anyway, I highly doubt this is real but that penis is hideous

No. 2302889

Okay hear me out. We need to end Medicare

No. 2302890

What? Posting his cock is a service to all of us

No. 2302891

File: 1733876412290.jpeg (176.47 KB, 869x1500, 4.jpeg)

>Health insurers are removing executives' bios, images from websites

No. 2302892

Don't care if this isn't real. This shit is real. As someone who grew up with a disabled parent with chronic pain this is my ultimate nightmare. Fuck anons. It's real to me. They all need to fucking burn.

No. 2302893

Why would that be his real cock

No. 2302894

File: 1733876532337.png (1.24 MB, 1170x1509, gYOtpHU.png)

No. 2302896

Fuck her. All I'mma say. I bet when she dies and her family is left with the funeral bills they'll feel embarrassed at her retarded bullshit she pulled before she died.

No. 2302898

Hey before we seethe can we please get the full story? What if luigi asked her to report him? Also this source is from fucking Keemstar. Lets not fuck with a possibly innocent old lady(yet)

No. 2302900

>Israel making porn illegal
Except… porn is totally accessible. I would know, I just opened multiple different porn websites to check. Why do you keep spreading blatant falsehoods? It's as if you have some agenda

No. 2302901

why is she not in a nursing home? she looks like she can barely stand up on her own?

No. 2302902

I'm fucking dead that his name is Luigi Mansion and his favorite games were Animal Crossing (gamecube) and Among Us. He sounded like a wonderful person

No. 2302903

He is NOT allowed to get raped. I will fucking KILL Tyrone. That sausage is MINE

No. 2302904

what is she, a lich??

No. 2302905

Gender traitor. Also what a retarded bitch, she’s elderly and still works at McDonald’s and likely isn’t getting a single penny KEK. No wonder she lives in Altoona, slave to the working class. She’ll die being a bootlicker, being a wage slave at her age is humiliating.

No. 2302906

>violent, rich moid takes out billionaire moid
>lovely lady gets violent scrote off the streets
Sounds like a win all around to me.

No. 2302908

powered by micky ds and all of its preservatives

No. 2302909

I wanna add that luigi made it obvious he wanted to be caught. The police have been glowing this entire case and are probably making shit up.

No. 2302910

If you’re gonna bait at least make it less obvious

No. 2302911

Aww man, leave her alone. She probably needed the money

No. 2302913

Agreed, let's not act like keemstar is the pinnacle of journalism and truth.

No. 2302914

He killed a rich moid and spared the life of the woman who witnessed it. That's not violence that is passionate benevolence.

No. 2302915

Bait used to be believable

No. 2302916

>woman reports a man
>gender traitor

No. 2302917

File: 1733876876012.gif (379.11 KB, 128x128, 1727099304798.gif)

I pull my pants up to my tits too when I volunteer at Amazon

No. 2302919

One quick google search shows this isn’t try

Fuck keemstar

No. 2302922

the feds never pay out their rewards. they have loopholes like your evidence needs to be used in court in a certain way and some other BS

No. 2302923

She better sue his ass because all the retarded twitter children are gonna make her life miserable because of his shit

No. 2302925

Whoever wrote that whether Luigi or an imposter it makes me want to cry
An old woman nicknamed Soulcycle was too good to be true

No. 2302926

Looks like AI

No. 2302927

File: 1733877040446.png (1.06 MB, 1000x1024, Screen Shot 2024-12-10 at 4.29…)

stupid mouthpiece of oligarchs. this is why trump won. corporate green is violence. the whole point is corporate greediness of these insurance companies kill millions of americans a year denying them basic health care

No. 2302930

This isn't the first time Keemstar has turned people against a random elder

No. 2302932

>Thomas Dickey, the lawyer for the suspect, said outside the courthouse that he would be filing a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, challenging his client’s imprisonment. The judge has given him 14 days to do so.

>Thomas M. Dickey is a seasoned attorney based in Altoona, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Altoona High School before earning a bachelor's degree in history and political science from St. Francis University in Loretto, PA. He later obtained his law degree from Ohio Northern University.

>Dickey began his legal career at the Blair County Public Defender’s Office, where he honed his skills in assisting citizens with navigating the legal system. In 1984, he transitioned to private practice, establishing a distinguished career as a defense attorney. His portfolio includes acquittals in cases ranging from DUI offenses to first-degree murder. He has also secured landmark rulings from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, leading to new trials and the restoration of custodial rights.

>Beyond the courtroom, Dickey is a familiar face in the media, appearing as a guest commentator on platforms such as CNN and local news outlets. His practice spans over 50 counties in Pennsylvania, and he is also licensed to appear in federal court.

No. 2302933

>we condemn violence
>give billions to overseas conflicts and wars
Which one

No. 2302934


No. 2302935

Exactly like what the actually shit. They are so retarded and deserved the humiliation that was Bidens presidency and this election loss

No. 2302936

I’m a leftist and reluctantly voted for Harris but no wonder people are swinging more right these days kek

No. 2302937

It is funny that everyone jumped on the opportunity to tear apart that woman without even knowing if it's true, especially when there's so much misinformation going around right now.

No. 2302941

Kek that’s not mine, I took a photo of someone else’s screenshot on twitter, I don’t have a twitter account, well I do but just an empty one so that I can browse. Thank you for your concern nonnie

No. 2302943

Sorry anon, I forgot that we're a hivemind and any post that isn't licking Mario's ass is bait.

No. 2302945

Some of you retards would defend a sex trafficker because she’s a woman

No. 2302947

working on a wattpad rn about you, Luigi's cute state-appointed defense attorney getting to know him intimately within the confines of prison. He starts off quivering and scared like he was when he got arrested and warms up to you as you in no subtle way let him know you are his based soulmate.

No. 2302948

Post it once done please

No. 2302949

are we closer to class consciousness now?

No. 2302951

I actually wouldn't, and it has nothing to do with her being a woman. If a man reported him I would feel the same. Bye bye to the CEO and Linguine.

No. 2302952

No kek. Everyone’s too horny or still too dumb

No. 2302954

Based whether fake or not

No. 2302955

File: 1733877617700.jpeg (Spoiler Image,974 KB, 1170x1992, IMG_6519.jpeg)

Kek anon that’s not me, but here is the account I saved the screenshot from. Nice detective work though

No. 2302957

No, people are literally against his actions because he was wearing expensive shoes and the dead fatty has 2 kids

No. 2302958

>Mangione was the subject of a missing person report filed in San Francisco by his mother on Nov. 18, a senior law enforcement official said. He had stopped communicating with friends and family about six months ago.

No. 2302960

The right are the ones who cock-suck corporations and clamp down on the common man the hardest, what are you even talking about?
Dems are simpering retards, but republicans will openly say they want you flayed.

No. 2302961

yes, full of indians seeking student visas. Can't even find a decent part time job here. I blame that stupid 2100 plan, where the elites want 100 million people in Canada, when we're struggling with 35 million

No. 2302962

>In the spring of this year, a man in Japan struck up a conversation with a writer in England. The writer, Gurwinder Bhogal, had built an online following for his posts about technology, psychology and society. The man, Luigi Mangione, now accused of fatally shooting Brian Thompson, the chief executive of UnitedHealthcare, became a paid subscriber to Mr. Bhogal’s work on Substack in early April. Mr. Bhogal shared some of their email correspondence with The New York Times.

>In more than a dozen emails and a two-hour-long video call, the two men had wide-ranging discussions. They agreed on some things, Mr. Bhogal said: Both men leaned toward the political left on some issues, and aligned with the right on others. For example, he said, Mr. Mangione supported equality of opportunity but doubted the efficacy of identity politics. “Overall, the impression I got of him, besides his curiosity and kindness, was a deep concern for the future of humanity and a determination to improve himself and the world,” Mr. Bhogal added.

>According to Mr. Bhogal, Mr. Mangione mentioned health care briefly, complaining that it was too expensive in the United States and saying that he envied the nationalized health care system in the United Kingdom. They also talked about a post Mr. Bhogal had written about gamification and about the motives of Ted Kaczynski, the so-called Unabomber.

>“Luigi disapproved of the Unabomber’s actions,” Mr. Bhogal said in an email on Tuesday, “but was fascinated by his ideology, and shared his concerns about rampant consumerism gradually eroding our agency and alienating us from ourselves.” In their last exchange, a direct message on social media on June 10, Mr. Mangione asked Mr. Bhogal for help curating his social media feeds.

>“I forgot to get back to him,” Mr. Bhogal said, adding that he had since wondered whether a timely response could have done anything to change recent events.

>This week, when he learned about the charges against Mr. Mangione, Mr. Bhogal was bewildered. “He was so thoughtful and soft-spoken,” he said, “that he seemed like the last person I’d suspect of murdering someone.”

No. 2302963

can i move with you nonna? I hate living here in Canada

No. 2302964

Found the low-IQ retard

No. 2302965

> full of indians
Same boat (no pun intended) for us euros kek

No. 2302966

I hope she gets the money

No. 2302967

I need to fuck Luigi now, Ive been getting hot flashes all day thinking about him

No. 2302968

Anons… I hate performingoral but I’d gladly suck mangiones dick. I’d even swallow his cum

No. 2302969

wtf is wrong with yall? its normal

No. 2302971

What people? What you mean like 12 boomers and glowies?

No. 2302973

Class traitor

No. 2302974

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No. 2302975

I once saw an anon who defended using y’all on here but saying it’s her accent kek

No. 2302976

I hope she gets wiped out.

No. 2302978

No. 2302979

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No. 2302981

then why dont they regulate the insurance industry??? why dont they hold these people accountable for their crimes

No. 2302982

Damn you guys are dumb as fuck, they’re the government for fucks sake. What are they supposed to say?

No. 2302983

I need him, he is so smart with a dash of crazy and a whole lotta handsome

No. 2302984

then why dont they regulate the insurance industry??? why dont they hold these people accountable for their crimes

No. 2302989

I feel like this is a normal criticism tbh.

No. 2302990

someone is gonna stick a fat fucking shit in that PO box

No. 2302991

you don't get it anon, the government's supposed to endorse the murder of private citizens whenever the internet mob has deemed it sufficiently based

No. 2302993

the cia niggers glow in the dark you can see em if you’re driving, you just run them over, that’s what you do(bait)

No. 2302994

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No. 2302995

cringe, terry would have hated this bougie faggot

No. 2302996

Its already breaking. Weewee shooting the genocidal buisness beaver is just the start.

No. 2302997

The bougie faggot is the fat ceo. Stop bootlicking obese moid dick

No. 2302999

If anyone saw my photo album …

No. 2303000

I bet this isn’t her and that poor lady will probably be harassed and hurt with all of these weirdos obsessed with it all

No. 2303001

It will be pure agony to hold onto my letter for him and have to wait to send it

No. 2303002

tender hooligan ♥

No. 2303003

They could also just say nothing? Trump hasnt said shit

No. 2303005

It’s a fucking press conference, of course they’re going to say condolences and pretend to uphold the law (aka letting some people get away with murder and not others). Do you think one CEO’s murder is going to spur them to transform healthcare in this country for the common folk? More people have died in mass shootings, including politicians being shot at, and barely anything is done about guns.
You’re clearly some kind of 4chan edgelord who is so deeply entrenched in the internet that you forget how the government works. Have fun in your pathetic anarchist doomer discord groups full of NEET troon pedos because when the revolution actually comes it definitely won’t be you all leading it kek.

No. 2303007

No. 2303008

That's a big worry of mine too, nonna…
>pretend to uphold the law
They are not pretending

No. 2303009

It’s a quote you underage retard. Being a bootlicker won’t get you a raise btw

No. 2303010

No. 2303011

I have no problem saying that they're both rich shitheads who deserve the worst, idk why I'm the one being accused of sucking moid dick

No. 2303014

corporate greed should be renamed to corporate violence

No. 2303015

How big is his handwriting where that's a three-page manifesto

No. 2303016

Sorry, I posted it before I saw it was already up thread

No. 2303017

He deserves the worst for killing him? He deserves the worst cause he’s rich? Weak argument

No. 2303019

Because Americans say they want things and then most of this stupid country votes for the exact opposite lol..
People keep saying they want healthcare. Bill Clinton tried and failed to improve healthcare. Hillary got CHIP through and to this day nobody gives her credit for it. Obama brought forth the Affordable Care Act only for the public option to be killed by Joe Liberman and then the Democratic party got massacred in the polls. Kamala wanted to reintroduce the public option again but then guess what this stupid country did next??
Even getting people to have insurance has been a political quagmire. Taking on the insurance industry itself is going to be next to impossible. Anyway. I blame it mostly on the boomers on Medicare who have zero sense of how good they have it and hope Trump kills it along with Social Security.

No. 2303020

No, as in, what you posted was apparently the three-page manifesto that was found in the bag, no?

No. 2303021

he deserves the worst for being a techbro musk sycophant who believes men are the real victims

No. 2303023

That's the same tactic Kylie Jenner used for her makeup bullshit

No. 2303024

He really is a normie if we're being honest

No. 2303025

Agreed, and those who think they're being le based understander for saying things like "no wonder people move to the right!" every time some dem says something annoying or middle-groundy make it even worse kek. What have right wingers done that's on par with all the things left wingers have done to help normal Americans (not upper class people, normal fucking people)?

No. 2303028

normie programmer moids mostly deserve the worst tbh

No. 2303030

his face is so asymmetrical

No. 2303031

Well he is male.

No. 2303034

I hate myself. I can't get him out of my head. Is this how hybrystophiles are made? I don't want this.

No. 2303036

No, he's just an interesting, hot male in his prime. Just masturbate to him with me, nonna.

No. 2303037

people have such short memories. everyone forgets that before the ACA, health insurance providers were allowed to deny coverage or increase premiums for applicants with pre-existing conditions. it used to be a challenge to get insured at all if you had major health problems. that would still be the case is republicans had their druthers.

No. 2303044

There's a bunch of lookalike Luigi fags on Twitter posting themselves shirtless/naked for attention, wont post caps of course, but it's annoying I don't want you using your own naked, hairy body to implant wrong images of Luigi into my mind. Begone fag demons.

No. 2303046

I’ll be honest, I’ve felt pretty conflicted about this whole thing, I genuinely feel bad for the CEO’s wife. Apparently they’ve been living in separate houses for years, and she’s been dealing with assholes sending her bomb threats to her house in Minnesota. She doesn’t deserve this.

At the same time I can’t help but read Luigi’s Manifesto and think…based?

No. 2303047

Except nothing he’s ever posted points him being this. You sound schizophrenic

No. 2303052

I guess so. Hopefully my fixation will dissipate over time.

No. 2303053

I dont feel bad for her. She was complacent with her husband killing millions.

No. 2303058

Same. I never understood the idea of it before, but I get it now. The usual weirdo, incel, wannabe-assassins normally have some kind of retarded schizo ramblings but the fact that he seems like an intelligent, well-spoken “regular guy” who isn’t bad looking is…different this time

No. 2303061

eh she'll be fine

No. 2303062

It will, in time. Ride the horny wave.

No. 2303066

i was worried about onset schizophrenia but no, i do think that this was truly a young really smart guy (RARE) who was pushed over the edge by the healthcare system. and now he's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison. what the fuck.

No. 2303068

he shared a peter thiel speech, a post that praised musk as an anti-woke visionary, and a post that accused society of quashing men's heroic hearts. did you even read the previous threads?

No. 2303070

the $2,000 a month techie surf co-op in Hawaii he stayed at that he had to interview for is really suspicious

No. 2303072

his type of family is brutal to the ones that don't succeed, he'd become the connor roy

No. 2303075

the nootropic min/maxers and tressless guys are very close to munchies. i think the billionaire obsessed with "curing" aging is also munchie adjacent. i think women munch to get attention and affection while men munch to try and quell a distressing aspect of life to feel in control.

No. 2303076

Read all of that. Doesn’t equate to anything you’ve accused him of, and no I don’t even think he’s cute.

No. 2303078

idk nonnie when i used to obsessively follow munchies (mostly females) a few of them did manage to munch themselves into spinal fusion surgeries very similar to the one that Luigi had. Also one of his posts on that spiny subreddit was him giving tips on how to doctor shop. Including faking a drop foot and pissing yourself kek

No. 2303081

he looks like a gladiator next to those pigs

No. 2303083

File: 1733881893577.png (195.98 KB, 1075x1028, hmmmm.png)

Could this possibly be his pornhub account? It's the same username as his Reddit account. There's nothing on it though.

No. 2303084

If that multi post longer manifesto really is him it definitely explains why he isn’t capable of a relationship due to back pain, not only sex-wise but also sharing a living space, since it mentions he wakes up screaming in pain

No. 2303086

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100% convinced he's a munchie after browsing his Reddit history - however he mentions in a couple about pain and numbness in his groin .. maybe that's one of the reasons he snapped and became a hermit? Seems like he struggled with intimacy issues a lot more than the news outlets mentioned especially as he talks about pain and numbness in his dick/ass a few times

No. 2303087

How do we know this is him?

No. 2303093

File: 1733882101424.jpg (501.8 KB, 1179x956, IMG_9039.jpg)

Apparently this is him on his throwaway account

No. 2303094

No, imagine how many users pornhub has and how generic that username is.
It’s just sad, this would drive anyone to insanity. Being 26 with the hips of a grandpa. And dick pain.

No. 2303095

right wingers are like the drunk dad who beats you every night. left wingers are like the mom who does nothing to stop it.
They both suck but at least one isn't actively beating you just passively letting it happen.

No. 2303097

>techbro = peter thiel liker, programmer who lives in a techie coop
>musk sycophant = rated elon musk book highly on goodreads, shared tweet praising musk
>thinks men are the real victims = liked multiple posts about how society makes men feel bad about themselves
what am I missing here, these aren't even grave accusations kek

No. 2303098



Age, major, hobbies, everything mentioned about his spinal fusion ect, basically everything matches up and also it's been nuked. Not sure what Reddits criteria is for getting rid of profiles but it dates back to 2016 when he was at UPenn playing Pokémon Go. Kinda reads a bit depressing but the weird thing is it looks like his spinal fusion kinda worked from what he mentioned

No. 2303100

everything in this world will be corrected when boomers die off

No. 2303101

If true he is confirmed straight

No. 2303103

Do we know any more accounts of him? Farmers here better put their stalking skills to good use before the feds take everything down

No. 2303104

I am still so pissed at the way the media and the public massacred the portrayal ACA. It did a lot of good like allowing children to stay on their parents plan until 26. People dying penniless because insurance scumbags declared their newfound cancers a pre-existing condition used to be routine and totally normalized. They even denied coverage to women suffering from abusive relationships because domestic violence is somehow a pre-existing condition. It was obscene. But instead all the media wanted to talk about was the Healthcare.gov rollout or muh (nonexistent) death panels.
The companies have no morals and would 100% kick all of us out again for made up pre-existing conditions if ACA is repealed. But nooo even here we get bootlickers cry that the fattie CEO was an uwu family man who was "just doing his job"

No. 2303108

To be honest I had a dream he got caught the night before he got caught

No. 2303110

i'm pissed that the fucking democrats dont shove the ACA down repubs throats as a major accomplishment every election. its like they dont even want to talk about it anymore

No. 2303113

Ngl it's funny how much this Italian chad is making the archetypical white supremacist shooter types seethe

No. 2303115

Him posting in r/visualsnow is giving major Moscow Idaho murderer vibes I'm sad. i haven't had a major ick about him until now. I wonder if he's autistic or something. Do we know what his astrological sign is?

No. 2303118

The user of that account is still posting on that account confirming it's not him

No. 2303119

File: 1733882712086.png (1.25 MB, 1148x1362, Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 6.02.…)

What did he post?

No. 2303122

>is giving major Moscow Idaho murderer vibes
What's wrong with that

No. 2303124

he's a taurus, may 6th 1998

No. 2303126

Why what’s wrong with visual snow besides maybe supporting the munchie theory kek

No. 2303127

She looks Ai generated kek

No. 2303129

>In high school, I was fascinated with the idea of living out of a tin can. Well, not “living” that way, but being able to survive in the wild using nothing more than a survival kit small enough to fit in an altoids can. The sort of thing, like a first aid kit, that you throw in the trunk of your car. So that in case you get stranded somehow, you could survive for a week or so before rescue.

>I actually had built my own, though you can buy pre-made ones cheaply. For what it’s worth, the “meta” for the best pocket survival kit as of 2013, was the SOL Pocket Survival Pak Plus. It was the clear consensus among pocket survival kit reviewers, people who would literally go out into the woods for days at a time trying to survive with them.

why did he go to mcdonalds!?!?!?

No. 2303130

Is this real? Kek god I love being a burger. Land of the great, home of the whopper.

No. 2303131

everywhere else is reporting her as Nancy Parker???

No. 2303132

Everything, he's pretty pathetic. I know some nonnies have a crush on him for some reason, but i saw some footage of when he was being pulled over by the police and he seemed to annoying. Plus he literally did what he did because some woman who barely knows he exist wouldn't acknowledge him.

No. 2303133

They don't want to talk about it. The Kentucky governor had to rebrand the ACA plans as "Kynect" in order to convince people to sign up. Like how moms blend up hidden vegetables into pasta sauce or muffins for picky toddlers. People looove their Kynect but hate Obamacare kek. I think the dems should've let all those stubborn fools die out but whatever.

No. 2303135

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No. 2303137

Basically posting about how he's got severe brain fog and can't focus on anything, gets visual snow which is severely distracting and got diagnosed with Lyme disease when he was 13 and had a bunch of bloods done later in life to see if he still had it? Mix in candida, IBS, and the back issue and he either lost the genetic lottery or munched too close to the sun

No. 2303139

…seriously, nona?

>Murders 4 college students for absolutely no reason other than the fact that 3 of them were beautiful, happy young women

>Murders a CEO of a predatory insurance company and clearly explains his motive of getting the country to sit up and listen

These are not the same.

No. 2303141

Hes so sexy but sickly… aka extra sexy. Or sexy and a munchie aka mentally ill AKA sexy.

No. 2303143

File: 1733883176852.jpeg (80.36 KB, 600x401, IMG_7995.jpeg)

I have a question for nonnies that have some sort of connection to the public school system in recent years- I’m going to try and be as PC as possible about this question but is it true that especially in elementary school there are no classes with just “normal” kids anymore? I don’t know if I’m being misled by what I’m seeing online but I’ve seen so many stories from parents who’s kids are attacked by other kids with severe special needs in their classroom and it just seems like that should be….avoidable? I hear so much negative information about schools in the US that I honestly can’t tell what’s real or exaggerated

No. 2303144

File: 1733883192287.png (1.27 MB, 2136x1228, Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 6.11.…)

average visual snow haver
picrel is bryan kohberger schizopost

No. 2303145

I think we’re in a better headspace when Alfred is the threadpic.

No. 2303146

Can you post some other posts from him nonna

No. 2303147

I don't really care about either

No. 2303148

No. 2303149

theres a ton in the last thread. all the important ones are there nonnita

No. 2303151

it's so aggravating that dems don't talk about the ACA more. aside from the fact that it's a major accomplishment, there are a ton of people who would greatly benefit from signing up for a marketplace plan who have no idea. in my state, you get subsidies if you make less than six figures and premiums are completely covered for anyone making less than 60K. it's effectively medicare for all with a low deductible and no one I talk to ever seems to know about it.

No. 2303155

no, classes are still separated as far as i know?

No. 2303156

Former teacher here and I'll be honest, yes. After my experiences with the public schooling system in the mid-2010s it made me seriously consider putting my future kids in either private school or homeschooling them myself. I never thought I would ever consider either option because I had a decent experience in public school as a kid, even as a girl with ADHD. I'll be real, unless you're in an upper-middle class or higher neighborhood with the best school in town, almost all public schools are full of classrooms with 30+ kids, including several students with disabilities who have IEPs (individual education support) and several students who NEED them but their parents wont give them support, it's a fucking jungle out there. I left the profession because I learned that I'm simply not equipped to handle the chaos and there's no way that most kids are getting the education that they deserve these days.

No. 2303157

No. 2303159

Where I live, there are special schools that teach kids with those kinds of issues. I can’t speak for other areas tho. But kids who are that violent/autistic/whatever are in a completely different school with a different education system with people who are (more or less) capable of handling them.

No. 2303163

The school I work at has special education teachers with separate rooms than the grade level teachers. If the student is at a level where they can be in a "normal" classroom they'll participate, but some stay with the special education staff because their teaching focuses on assisting their learning impairments.

No. 2303166

People have been trying to stop the predatory american healthcare system in a diplomatic fashion for YEARS. The problem is they were given unchecked power decades ago, and by the time the powers that be saw that it was an issue it was too late. They have lobbying power and can easily buy any politician they want to be their parrot.
No one here in their right might condones violence and killing. But I see this as a symbolic act of self defense for the American people who are being systematically murdered and exploited by the people they pay to protect them.
The American healthcare system is criminal. The only thing that surprises me is that someone didn't cap a CEO 20+ years ago.

No. 2303167

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Saw the previous thread at 1200 and took the opportunity

No. 2303169

The most recent activity from his Reddit is a post about going on a multi-month backpacking adventure across Asia, which he posted sometime in April of this year. In 2023, his Reddit comments indicate that he was very pleased with his spinal fusion surgery, was off pain meds, and had successful PT. He would comment on many others people's posts in the spondy subreddit encouraging them and giving advice to other people on getting the surgery. I'm kind of wondering wtf happened on his backpacking trip in Asia because that for sure seems like the time period where he snapped. Also going backpacking when you seemingly have debilitating back pain is a choice..

No. 2303172

No. 2303173

I am 28 and when I was in elementary school there wasn't a different class for special needs children. There was an autistic boy who threw a chair when he got angry but that's about it. He was also in the extended learning program, so it's not like he was dumb, he was just lashing out over something stupid. The other autistic kids didn't act out like that though. I think if a kid was super disabled they probably wouldn't be in regular school?

No. 2303175

File: 1733884508349.png (257.43 KB, 596x528, 34343435435.png)

I mean the way I see it he's getting close to class consciousness.
The issue is that yes, even if he's sexy and he kills ugly murderous scrots. He's still a man at the end of the day.
He realized men should also choose the bear because men aren't other mens friends. He shared pic rel which shows that moids cant resist killing one another.
Idk if he blames women necessarily, imo I think the straw that broke the camels back for weegee was that his spinal injury made it so his dick didn't work. That's basically his entire being destroyed. So he threw his life away for it.

Doesn't matter to me, I'm glad that these health insurance shitheads are going to start living in fear of the people they have abused and oppressed for half a century. I want them to really pause and think about every claim they deny, wondering if it will be the next luigi mansion.

No. 2303178

I'm telling you nonny he turned himself in!!!!!!!!

No. 2303181

Maybe he wanted someone to get that reward money. I love him more now.

No. 2303182

Not into RPF but I might fold and read a Luigi mangione x reader fanfic

No. 2303184

We love the rare moids who live with conviction

No. 2303185

Please share with the class if you find a good one

No. 2303187

My cousin who went to UPenn is telling our family that they had a class together. My cousin isn’t an attention whore so I don’t think he’s lying, but maybe he is I don’t know. That would be crazy to see your classmate on national news for murdering a ceo.

No. 2303188

probably that but more importantly he is a munchy and his back hurts! Prison will give him free health care!
Tho tbh I think he should have just gone to mexico he could have potentially gotten confidential healthcare. He had several thousand dollars on him which is weird but he said he knew nothing about it.

I still think about the youtube vid that said dec 11 and shit. Will anything happen tomorrow or is it really just some sort of hoax?
Fuck this gay ARG life

No. 2303189

And he was valedictorian of high school. Imagine that!

No. 2303192

Apparently his reddit history claims his surgery worked though? Maybe it took a really long time to get the surgery he wanted but he wasn't in pain anymore from what it looks like. Not sure if his sexual functioning was still affected (and we don't know how bad it was in the first place). Also:



No. 2303194

betting it was shrooms

Also it's kind of weird he went on so many trips, was he actually making money or was he unemployed and coasting on family money/savings? Maybe he was depressed over unemployment.

maybe all threadpics should be Alfred

No. 2303195

the youtube video is fake and gay

No. 2303201

i cant get over the world we live in sometimes…post illiteracy, animal and human suffering, and we all just have to take it because we are to scared to collectively rise up. they just shove the tendies in your mouth and ipad infront of you

No. 2303207

I know a way to sort google images to show me pictures from oldest to latest (not available in the filter) and there’s nothing uploaded about him before 2020 if I remember correctly. That’s super weird. I’m a normal person with a normal name and even my shit shows up.

No. 2303212


No. 2303213

I had an ex who shared an apartment with three other law students when he was in school. One was a Chinese exchange student studying foreign law policy or something. Nice guy, chill roommate, and returned back to China after he completed the one year degree. My ex learned a year later that his former roommate is now a contestant on the Chinese equivalent of the Apprentice, competing is dumb reality show challenges for a law apprenticeship. It was absolutely bizarre.

No. 2303214

File: 1733886435153.png (53.74 KB, 1200x674, IMG_4756.png)

No. 2303216

File: 1733886532651.jpg (41.15 KB, 400x462, fettuccine-alfredo-complete-32…)

Alfredo and linguine sounds satisfying af too, this whole thing keeps making me crave Italian food

No. 2303217

A man named Mario was just arrested for hijacking a plane… what alternate reality are we living in right now nonnas.

No. 2303220

Did anyone see the video of him being brought back into the police car after court and one of the press going ,”Luigi it’s me! Mario!” Kek

No. 2303221

KEK i was thinking shrooms too. Some of the things on his goodreads was pointing toward him being pretty crunchy granola yoga shrooms and weed type dude.
especially his hawaii era. he's def some kind of neurotic but him being a munchy makes me think he may just have plain old OCD.

No. 2303222

File: 1733886819758.jpeg (362.64 KB, 1170x1891, IMG_9342.jpeg)

No. 2303225

>I know a way to sort google images to show me pictures from oldest to latest

No. 2303226

And now how many emails were asking for his hand in marriage

No. 2303227

digging the paisley tie

No. 2303229

What outcome do you want for Luigi? I think he's unwell and in need of mental healthcare but it would be sad for him to be chemically lobotomized.

No. 2303231

GOD ITS SO OVER. This lawyer doesn't seem to be Jewish or Italian so I can't imagine he's any good.

No. 2303232

open your wallets nonnies, every cent counts

No. 2303233

he probably will be though. or mysteriously die from a "suicide"

No. 2303236

he's only the extradition lawyer from PA. If he ends up going to trial in NY i'm sure he'll have a team of lawyers

No. 2303237

I met a girl in the looney bin, we hung out a few times then lost touch. Searched her up later and saw she killed her high profile trick. She’s my OG Luigi

No. 2303238

are jewish/italian lawyers better?

No. 2303239

No. 2303240

He will probably go to prison and get put on antidepressants or a mood stabilizer. >>2303225
Nonna it’s technically not oldest to newest but you can make it so that google only shows you things posted before a certain date. So for example you would type “Luigi mangione:2005-09-25”

No. 2303241

He will commit suicide by hanging himself by tying a bedsheet and jumping from the top bunk. Also it'll be PURE coincidence that the security cameras stopped working and the guards were on lunch without any guards to replace them for 45 mins.
The rich will want to make an example of him.

No. 2303242

>sponsored by Incogni
How well do those work? Considered signing up in case my BPD ex went postal

No. 2303243

On the east coast, yes.
I think he's going to prison. I think he will be like Ted K and refuse to plead insanity and since he isn't an obvious retard it will be extremely hard to say he was insane and didn't know what he was doing when he clearly did. He's going to just say hes an ideologue not insane. I doubt he will get life in prison though he will probably get out within our lifetime so start sending in those wedding propositions lol

No. 2303244

He won’t be put in a permanent psych facility. Murderers who do are usually legitimately mentally ill/clinically psychotic and have shown extensive proof of mental inability to live amongst others. For example, many women who endured long term physical and emotional abuse from their husbands and ended up killing them are deemed to be non-criminals to a certain degree and in need of therapy and rehabilitation. This was too premeditated and he’s far too coherent to be deemed someone out of their right mind, even if he is. Blame that on him being a bright man, I don’t know.

No. 2303245

not gonna lie, it feels pretty nice seeing everyone from every walk of life agreeing with each other. i've never seen this level of solidarity in america ever. i'm 26 so i can't remember anything about 9/11, but i imagine it must've been similar? i mean if you didn't look middle eastern i guess

No. 2303247

I wonder what he planned to do if he wasn't caught

No. 2303248

I was about to say kek all I remember about 9/11 was getting a donut thrown at me by a grown man.

No. 2303249

File: 1733887720604.jpg (118.01 KB, 400x400, america_adorable_jpg-7746.jpg)

My sweet Alfred is back

No. 2303252

Nta but i think maybe flee to another country

No. 2303253

thing is if they do this, he becomes a martyr

No. 2303254

im so sad i wasnt in the altoona mcdonalds to pick him up and smuggle him across the border to mexico :((emoji)

No. 2303255

godspeed girl. I recommend searching for him on the astral realm

No. 2303257

I wonder what his type in women is. Probably something basic like other Italian women.

No. 2303258

File: 1733888044952.png (3.25 MB, 2000x1333, nDkxp7V.png)

with a big ass family like this, sometimes you arent rich tho

No. 2303259

No. 2303261

The man next to him looks EXACTLY LIKE HIM and they aren’t even siblings wtf

No. 2303262

Kek they’re all so Italian. I wonder what they’re all thinking right now.

No. 2303263

my god the out of touch boomers in this comment section of ny post. out of touch with their socialist medicare coverage.
boomers need to die off immediately

No. 2303265

No. 2303266

Damn. foot on the gas pedal i guess KEK

No. 2303268

I found his home address in Maryland.

No. 2303269

No. 2303270

File: 1733888546638.jpeg (641.19 KB, 1125x914, A98B2321-AC07-4EF9-B157-7DDE31…)

Seeing all the Alfredfags ITT makes me so happy

No. 2303271

I actually like this lawyer. Personally I'm open to this case being an elaborate psyop with Luigi being MK Ultra'd into the patsy role. So either he actually did it and he represents the Rage of the People or he's an innocent man being taken advantage of.

No. 2303273

he's really cute and I can see myself husbandoing him

No. 2303274

File: 1733888645222.webp (51.54 KB, 1000x1000, MDN-ItaliansDoItBetter-2_1080x…)

can any photoshop nonnies edit luigi onto madonnas head?

No. 2303275

please put this in front of a jury, he'll be free in no time

No. 2303278

>Luigi being MK Ultra'd into the patsy role
this is so fascinating to me

No. 2303280

He looks and sounds like an effective sleazy lawyer. I'm very excited to see how things are going to play out in the future.

No. 2303281

this is making me excited for the coming weeks kekek

No. 2303287

File: 1733889163848.jpeg (497.03 KB, 2037x1280, IMG_8795.jpeg)

He’s so cute. We could have had a great life together.

No. 2303289

wow he was great at answering these brain-dead questions. journalism has been flushed down the toilet.

No. 2303291

His manifesto is so sexy anons

No. 2303292

I thought it was some random old man sitting in the lobby though?

No. 2303293

He's the type of lawyer I imagine the mob hires when one of their own gets put in the slammer in a tv show or something. Lil Tommy gets the job done every time, marone

No. 2303294

If we create an image of Luigi with breasts for any reason, we'll finally see the copycat moids everyone keeps worrying about

No. 2303296

kek this guys so confident and he talks like a bit like a new yorker, it's kind of funny. i like that he's acknowledging that the press is full of shit too so he doesn't bother with it. i love that he's shutting down all their stupid questions
>do you think this is surreal you're representing him?
eh idk
>do you think this is the biggest case you've ever been on
ehhh they're all big
KEK he's unmoved
KEKKKK I see it nonnie

No. 2303297

Why is Hilary Duff in the photo?

No. 2303300

>this is making me excited for the coming weeks kekek
honestly, me too. i haven't been this excited about anything in a long time. the election was so boring. the only other thing that has made me even close to this excited is liam payne's death. the conclusion i've come to is that more rich and/or famous people should die for my entertainment

No. 2303302

100% with you on that nonnie. I hope ugly scrotes think they can be adored by murdering rich people and we get a trend going

No. 2303303

is this what bread and circuses looks like? This lawyer gives me great vibes, loving him so far.

No. 2303304

Might be kind of a dark thought but I’ve never really understood murdering someone unless it’s to torture their family. To me it makes more sense to maim them so horrifically so that they live a life of pain and suffering until their last dying breath. That way I’m there to actually witness it. Murdering them is too kind.

No. 2303306

the elites hate the idea that they share mortality with us cattle, whether its shitting or aging and dying. suddenly departing this world like an insect that just got squashed is a fear that keeps them up at night. Thats why theyre obsessed with life extension research and becoming cyborgs.

No. 2303307

too much time and effort, especially if working alone. you have to include others in the plan and that in itself is a risk of someone getting cold feet, usually doesn't work if the group isn't big enough to have enforcers to sniff out snitches. that's why the cartel does tortures so easily (idk what word to use).

No. 2303309

They also live in Mexico

No. 2303310

File: 1733890445460.jpg (159.61 KB, 1000x1000, Weegee.jpg)

It's not great but here you go

No. 2303312

kek yeah it's a bit wild down there

No. 2303313

>uncanny waluigi with tits
Thanks anon, great work

No. 2303315

Is it though? Instead of shooting him to kill he could have just shot his legs off and stabbed him/pulled his eyes out. I’m sure that would have done some irreparable damage.

No. 2303316

>the conclusion i've come to is that more rich and/or famous people should die for my entertainment
kek i can relate, i don't actually keep up with current events at all but in this case, this shits pretty entertaining. i actually do feel bad for luigi whether he's the killer or not, i know they want to make an example out of him and humiliate him for daring to even challenge the status quo of a corrupt world. even if it isn't him, they don't care because what matters to them is someone unfortunately has to take the fall because this is an attack on the elites interests

i know the people asking questions are dying to twist his words into something else and he isn't taking any of their bait, they really want to make some dramatic story out of this and he is just like "no comment" and shutting it down immediately. love it

No. 2303317

Why is NO ONE talking about the fact that it’s a 3d printed gun? Do you realize how scary that is for society? So any dumbass kid could go to their engineering camp one day and make one and the next thing you know … no trace of purchase or gun registration or anything.

No. 2303319

does anyone else find it weird that as soon as he's inside the building after he gets out of the car he's immediately calm and chill and not sperging out?

No. 2303321

File: 1733891011237.jpg (26.38 KB, 680x840, hmm.jpg)

has anyone found out his MBTI or enneagram yet?

No. 2303322

>why didn't him tear apart?
Because brutalizing or cannibalizing other humans is disgusting or reprehensible to most people and thus bad PR

No. 2303323

That's exactly how the former president of Japan was assassinated.

No. 2303324

File: 1733891179686.webp (45 KB, 800x600, I 3D-Printes an AR-15 Assault …)

i was talking about this with my nigel and he told me how easy it apparently is to purchase patterns for printing a gun online, and people even print AR's seemingly with no issue

No. 2303325

you're glowing so bright

No. 2303327

it is scary, but if we aren't going to get any restrictions or protections in place that will protect lay citizens then I don't care about a 3d printed gun used to terrify a citizen of the elite. We can all be scared, together. It's only fair.

No. 2303328

? The way you’re not getting my point. If I’m vengeful and want someone to suffer I’m going to do that instead of kill them that’s my only point . I’m not talking about not getting caught or sparking change or whatever the fuck. I just don’t get wanting to murder.

No. 2303330

Ghost guns are popular in states where gun regulations are strict. It’s been a growing issue.
I hope it’s not him. How embarrassing would that be for the police KEK. I still think Mario is cute tho and am rooting for him.

No. 2303331

File: 1733891509200.jpg (54.98 KB, 476x532, 9d00333f3686d5b889872cd4d17cb7…)

Edge sonic plus chromosome

No. 2303332

at that point the torturer is a psychopath that needs to be put down, they would most likely not be able to hold off on their urges and take it out on random civilians. also you've never actually shot a gun before. "shot off his legs"? how juvenile is your understanding of ballistics?

No. 2303334

Smh at the media trying to spin him as a mental patient gone crazy.

No. 2303337

But killing someone isn’t indicative of psychopathy, got it. Wanting to ruin someone’s quality of life for torturing you or harming you immensely is a sign that you’d be a repeat offender, got it. Also kek shooting someone in the leg doesn’t mean doing so from afar and as the person is walking or running away. It’s just a hypothetical scenario.

No. 2303338

why are people saying there's aliens in new jersey right now

No. 2303339

File: 1733891926667.jpg (25.62 KB, 409x409, b24ab2770dd0a42e0061a23d923.jp…)

how juvenile is your understanding of ballistics?
I'd like to understand Luigi's ballistics in a very adult way, if you ladies catch my drift

No. 2303341

average day in nj

No. 2303343

this one is even more interesting than the swim trunks one

No. 2303344

I hope so. My ex lives there.

No. 2303345

Maybe controversial but I think the fact Brian Thompson worked his way up to CEO in UHC makes him actually extra deserving of revilement. It means he understands exactly the type of people he was killing year after year and simply sold them out for wealth and status. He sold his soul so none of us should bat a lash at his death nor the way it came for him. In fact I feel even less sorry for him because he knew how evil he was and just didn't care. If he really loved his kids then he shouldn't have been the CEO of a health insurance company and should have wanted them to get to live in a better world. He was an evil moid and now he's dead. If you think about it, it's a win for all involved including his family who are better off with one less piece of shit scrote on Earth

No. 2303347

No. 2303348


No. 2303350

media keeps calling them "drones"

No. 2303351

>>connor roy
ah, a woman of culture

No. 2303352

your hypothetical situation is flawed and makes no sense. pistols do not magically blow peoples legs off despite what you've seen on tv. if he wanted to take brian to a torture room he would have to injure him enough to get him immobile and THEN carry his lardass to a vehicle, all of which takes too much time.

No. 2303354


No. 2303355

Listen, I get it, but my original post is how I don’t understanding wanting to murder over wanting to inflict life long damage. I get that it’s not really doable in this scenario. But you’re right my vision of blowing peoples limbs off is unrealistic kek . I was thinking more like it needing to be amputated or something but I didn’t articulate that.

No. 2303358

This is scary what the fuck

No. 2303360

Unironically yes

No. 2303363

doesnt look like drones but I wouldn't be surprised if it was some high tech surveillance craft.

No. 2303364

I genuinely think there will be a jury nullification situation. Can any of you name someone you know that hasn't had an insurance company horror story?

No. 2303366

>CHATHAM, N.J. – The mystery in the skies over New Jersey continues. One law enforcement official said flying objects, possibly drones, were seen over critical infrastructure, while residents have reported seeing some hovering over their homes in the northern and central parts of the state.

>The FBI is investigating the clusters of possible drones reported over the last few weeks. The bureau is still asking residents to send in pictures and videos.

>Florham Park's police chief sent a message to residents that says drone sightings have been reported above "water reservoirs, electric transmission lines, rail stations, police departments, and military installations."

>He added that "their presence appears nefarious in nature."

>Local police say there's no immediate threat to the public, but all eyes remain fixated on the sky.

>New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy posted on social media Thursday, saying he was in touch with federal and state law enforcement about the sightings.

alien invasion or foreign country? or us govt?

No. 2303370

There’s some in WA

No. 2303372

File: 1733893152884.png (539.55 KB, 640x980, szBiMwg.png)

more info

No. 2303373

let the aliens come i don't give a fuck any more. surely they eat pussy

No. 2303376

why are people acting all scared? that looks like a plane landing

No. 2303380

No. 2303381

Ive been pondering, INFJ or INFP based on his writings

No. 2303382

Can you ladies take this to the mundane or news thread

No. 2303383

??? why? its obviously about our government

No. 2303384

File: 1733893790854.webp (49.27 KB, 830x1474, temp_image_FBF48E27-5840-4904-…)

I wonder if whatever caused his back injury also gave him a concussion. Could explain his gradual decline into insanity. My student had a bad concussion from football and became an absolute psychopath after. I’ll never let my kid do contact sports. Also a high schooler just killed themselves for the very same reason.

No. 2303386

It’s American news. >>amerifag general thread

No. 2303387

I think the drones might be this thing but then that does make you wonder why so many of these choppers are flying overhead and why this is even needing to be investigated by the FBI. Are the congressional hearings themselves part of an act? Are they testing some new surveilance tech or running military exercises?

No. 2303388

I really hope whatever it is that it wipes us all the fuck out.

No. 2303392

Oh yes

No. 2303393

the fact that they apparently dont show up on flight radar is whats really suspicious

No. 2303394

File: 1733894598122.jpeg (932.6 KB, 1284x2523, IMG_8798.jpeg)

Nonnas didn’t they take down his Twitter at one point? It’s up again.

No. 2303396

File: 1733894631142.jpeg (107.59 KB, 1255x1043, 9dUGzIA.jpeg)

No. 2303397

I’m really scared this is going to fuel my last situationship to do something horrible to someone. He was homicidal and an incel (but respected women) , and he thought homicidal was normal and not at all something to be treated for.

No. 2303399

File: 1733894843898.png (392.31 KB, 1468x1410, Screen Shot 2024-12-10 at 9.25…)

the new jersey subreddit is funny af right now. i'm thinking is government tech thoughever. but truly i didnt know about this because ive been so focused on luigi stuff, so you do have to wonder if a coverup somehow

No. 2303400

hopefully it's another healthcare ceo, that way it wouldn't be a person at all

No. 2303402

lmao what the fuck is this?

can't believe I've just learned of this

No. 2303403

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No. 2303404

File: 1733895013226.jpeg (28.37 KB, 640x412, 1708142597650.jpeg)

>most welcoming

No. 2303407

No. 2303408

I feel like he hasn’t had any girlfriends because he’s super smart. Maybe I’m just retarded and that’s why I’m so impressed by him, but I feel like most people would struggle to engage in conversation with him and not feel like an idiot. He probably has zero patience for average normies.

No. 2303411

File: 1733895227320.png (429.95 KB, 680x543, 179-1893347429.png)

>The drones are mysterious and sophisticated, we don't know where they're coming from, but they mean no harm….for now
kek I love how everything fits together, I'm so happy the alien invasion is starting in NJ

No. 2303412

File: 1733895328561.png (18.76 KB, 984x148, dronepossibility.PNG)

interesting comment irt jersey drones

No. 2303413

why i do feel like for the government, the drones being alien are more convenient for their narrative than it being our own tech or another country's tech. i bet its our own and theyre going to send em to israel or some shit

No. 2303415

Remember when they lost their shit over a chinese weather balloon? yeah it's BS. some kind of military testing and they just don't want to tell us

No. 2303416

I hope he wasn't being a whore in Asia, moids love doing that and of course moids are gonna moid.

No. 2303418

File: 1733895756380.png (344.05 KB, 1194x1448, Screenshot 2024-12-11 at 12.41…)

No. 2303420

this, liam payne, drones, a liberated syria- 2024 was so painfully boring and insane things are happening all at once at the very end of it. Excited for 2025 kek.

No. 2303425

The way he misuses commas bothers me

No. 2303427

According to his reddit history he has had a girlfriend before, he was sad about a breakup/possible breakup and there were instagram pictures of him with women. He was also good looking and known to be socially adept. Maybe he hasn't been in a relationship in a while but he hasn't been completely luckless.

It's sad, I think he might have had a mental break but between all his prior online activity and former friends stepping up to defend him it really does seem that he was a kind and thoughtful person. I would have liked him, total catch. But shrooms broke his brain and now he's going to prison and he can't shave his beard anymore. What a waste.

No. 2303434

Wait, you're right. Now I'm pissed off too.
It's okay nonna they eventually deem you capable of being around sharp objects and will give you haircuts in prison, which includes getting your beard trimmed/shaved.

This sounds really vain and selfish but I'm looking forward to all the pictures and videos we'll be getting now that he's caught. I want them to interview him and release it to the public. I know this won't happen because he's on trial but a girl can dream. Also, extremely random but I really want to know what shit stain musk thinks about this whole thing.

No. 2303437

Are you talking about >>2303093 ? Because that's not him

No. 2303438

File: 1733896584752.jpeg (619.8 KB, 828x891, IMG_3872.jpeg)

Simple, Crooks fit the profile perfectly and this guy doesn’t (picrel)
>>2303229 I like his odds for an acquittal. The police and media have been plastering his face and charges everywhere as if he’s already been tried and found guilty. That or the jury pulling an OJ would be based af.

No. 2303442

I thought I saw somewhere his back injury came from a surfing incident
I could be wrong though as I was skimming things pretty quickly at work. I guess you could get head trauma from surfing though.

No. 2303450

That was a reddit post which is unconfirmed to be his.

No. 2303460

Scroll up nonna.

No. 2303461

i diagnose him with intj. enneagram tritype i see 5 with his reserved and calculative nature, 8 for his surprising force of combativeness here and there, for the heart i'm not too sure. either 2 or 3. intj 583 most likely.

No. 2303466

It's a still taken from some gay OF twitter guy with the eyebrows etc photoshopped. Sorry gals

No. 2303470

I was 13 during 9/11 and yeah this is MORE solidarity than 9/11 because its white on white crime. Also the only person that died is a shithead who fucked a ton of people over

No. 2303472

I feel like the prosecution is gonna be fearful of his life while he tries to get Americas hero arrested.

No. 2303474

sorry but I personally don't support sharing photoshopped nudes, lets not

No. 2303475

File: 1733898253993.png (802.96 KB, 690x1014, 0_1280.png)

Total Luigi victory…

No. 2303478

This is fucked up nonna. It's a disgusting thing to do to women and children and should be deemed equally disgusting when done to men.

No. 2303482

>more rich and/or famous people should die for my entertainment
Yes but I say we need to continue this pattern of the killers being hot boys, and if they are found guilty instead of being imprisoned with uggo scrots they should be punished by sending him to the girl 4 chan sponsored breeding farms

No. 2303484

I think the way wee wee saw it he was just stomping on a cockroach. He doesn't want to torture the cockroach he just wants it out of his life.

No. 2303486

I have a friend who moved from our deep red midwest state to Vegas and she hated it and moved back in about a year. She's kind of an independent type but she just had no support network there, also she said it was hot as balls and even drier than it was hot. I don't mind the midwest too bad personally but if things actually got bad I would move. I just don't like cities and I like being where my family and friends are. Plus gas is cheap lol (for now)

No. 2303487

…Where the fuck am I

No. 2303489

I just think it's in bad taste

No. 2303491

I went to Vegas thinking I might move there because the housing was cheap and the heat was emotionally overwhelming and I got sunsick

No. 2303495

Ayrt and I took a trip to Vegas recently too and while the heat wasn't too bad in autumn the traffic fucked me up. People were driving so insanely. My friend didn't even mind the traffic though, but I just don't think it's worth it, at least not for a retard such as myself

No. 2303496

It's happened to me personally and passed around, so I agree with >>2303489 , it's just weird and it shouldn't be normalized.

No. 2303502

File: 1733899821960.png (159.43 KB, 638x780, statementfromtheonionaboutinfo…)



Luigi got the wrong fucking guy why does this joyless South African faggot get to ruin all the fun and piss all over the wishes of the Sandy Hook family? They wanted Infowars to go to The Onion, their wishes should be honored. They have been through enough.

No. 2303504

this is soooooo funny. thanks luigi for taking out not just an unethical CEO but a piece of shit failure husband. he's done so much for women

No. 2303505

first of all, rich men acting on behalf of the rest of us are called class traitors and we love them. second of all, get this braindead whore to the ugly man psyop thread stat

No. 2303508

I was also disappointed but I think they’ll get it back. I believe it’s supposed to go back into auction and they have a chance to bid again

No. 2303511

This. Both of them were class traitors. One was blue collar and became wealthy by contributing to a system that ruined the people he grew up with. The other was a rich trust baby who killed one of his own because he couldn't stand how these people were leeching off the working class and punishing them for it.

No. 2303512

File: 1733900411167.jpeg (210.87 KB, 1280x815, IMG_3873.jpeg)

Can someone please tell him I can do the splits on it

No. 2303514

You have to be gentle or he'll throw out his back

No. 2303515

His nose is kind of ugly.

No. 2303516

Yep faggot police will always find a way to hem and haw and mental gymnastics their way into pretending that it was their "good ole fashion police work" that solved the case and not the tip of "I saw the killer officer he's right here" kek. Even though Luigi wasn't even on their suspect list. As soon as I saw a headline that it's all thanks to police work I knew that stupid bastard at McDonald's wasn't getting jack

No. 2303517

he's Italian

No. 2303523

File: 1733901107648.jpg (151.27 KB, 774x1033, short_fat_mario_from_super_mar…)

Bitch idgaf. UGLY.

No. 2303524

This is like rule 63 "her elbows are too pointy"

No. 2303526

Kek literally

No. 2303527

Agree. I dont think Luigi is the shooter I think they got someone they could pass off (which is why hes having so many photoshoots) because they were spooked by how people were laughing and refusing to help catch him were worried it might inspire other people so did this set up to show if anyone else tries this they will be caught.

I think hes still out there but i'm also pro nonna's having fun with this and making substandard moids seethe who expect women to fall all over with them while doing fuck all when its been shown any moid who challenges the system gets rightfully respected.

No. 2303529

Calling them photoshoots is hilarious nonna

No. 2303533

I ship Luigi with the real ceo killer. Both of them are hot and I think they should make out.

No. 2303534

File: 1733902502432.png (336.26 KB, 2058x314, Screen Shot 2024-12-11 at 1.32…)

The manager of the group home doing a bunch of interviews and basically concluding he actually did it is fucking retarded and clouty. Also…I HIGHLY doubt he was influenced by the unabomber.

No. 2303535

I hope so too. Alex Jones deserves to be in prison, it's insulting he could keep control of InfoWars after how much he has harassed the victim's families.

No. 2303536

How many interviews did RJ Martin do? I think he's trying to sneakily advertise his co-living business, he's basically a landlord.

No. 2303537

Kaczynskis brother was the one who ratted him out when he recognized some weird quirk in his writing.
Although I think wee wee is different than Kaczynski. Ted killed computer shop owners who didn't actually do any harm except in the mind of Kaczynski. Theres more objective evidence that United Healthscam has royally fucked people and were dodging legal rammifications for their crimes against humanity left and right.

No. 2303539

who gives a fuck what his brother said

No. 2303540

He's done 4. he says the same thing every time.
> We're shocked that he did this
> He was a thoughtful and caring guy
> He complained of his back a lot
Let's pretend what Luigi did was shameful; it's still very isolated and personal whereas ted was just a straight up lunatic who was willing to risk the lives of innocent civilians, 23 of whom he hurt. Sure he did it in the name of societal and political beliefs, but it was very much him just not valuing human life and wanting to probably be a star of some sort. Saying he was influenced by the unabomber would mean you would have to say anyone who kills anyone was also influenced by him. School shooters kill their classmates for being bullies, does that mean they were all influenced by the unabomber?

No. 2303541

not funny i will suffer
perhaps we will connect there in the meantime indeed. thank you

No. 2303543

File: 1733903106794.jpeg (85.49 KB, 1179x1078, shark.jpeg)

You people are gross and weird

No. 2303544

File: 1733903116725.jpg (124.97 KB, 1020x573, luigi-mangione-is-seen-in-a-ph…)

If he didn't do this and wasn't involved in any way, that's a big fat lawsuit waiting to happen. Won't ever have to complain of not affording healthcare again.

No. 2303548

United WILL pay for all his munchies

No. 2303549

No, the guy who killed Shinzo Abe built his shotgun the good old way.

No. 2303550

4 is more than I was expecting. It could be:
>advertising his business
>he actually liked Luigi and is trying to influence people to be compassionate towards his friend
>something was off about Luigi but RJ and the others ignored/misunderstood potential warning signs and he feels guilty or is worried about liability
>Someone at Surfbreak introduced Luigi to shrooms
>RJ is worried Luigi might mention overseeing or overhearing something embarrassing or illegal at Surfbreak like drug use and is trying to curry favor so Luigi doesn't mention it publicly
>RJ just likes attention

No. 2303554

File: 1733903975626.png (3.99 MB, 1804x1298, Screen Shot 2024-12-11 at 1.59…)

No. 2303556

>People who are polite to me for 10 minutes a day can't possibly be evil

No. 2303558

1) It's the best book and my fave.
2) It fucking resonates (this case has inspired me to read it again).
3) Telepathy.

No. 2303559

Yeah, but they definitely got him on the ghost gun and fake IDs. Much lighter penalties on those compared to murder, though…

No. 2303560

ngl he looks like an evil child

munchie theory is by far my favorite

No. 2303561

I'm dying nonna. But in my opinion his child self looks nothing like his current self. looks like a generic white boy with a perm.

No. 2303564

Sonic said that luigi is the shooter but I don't believe him

No. 2303566

I don't simp for him but I think this is unironically how the world should be, ie evil rich men like this CEO should live in fear of the average person. Luigi fulfilled his purpose as a man and the more simps and female validation he gets, the more copycats it will likely spawn. So in a sense simping for him heals the world, that's why it doesn't bother me

No. 2303570

people who are crying "b-but murder is wrooong and this is a slippery slope" should also die. this man is not a threat to you. shooters who hate the rich are not a threat to you.

No. 2303572

Anyone who brings up the murder is wrong argument is retarded. So a man can murder thousands, just not directly with his bare hands and get rich off of it, but no one is allowed to wipe him out? Maybe an extreme comparison but would killing Bashar al Assad be wrong? No? Murder is okay in that scenario?

No. 2303574

if law enforcement doesn't intervene, the people have to. anyone with a problem with it has never had to worry about healthcare coverage.

No. 2303576

File: 1733905709884.jpg (128.8 KB, 897x901, 1671920083399087.jpg)

My man Sonic is no snitch leave him out of this.
He hates Mario but he respects him and his brothers wishes to kill villains.

No. 2303580


No. 2303585

um in minecraft but can someone take out the fafsa ceo next
walmart too pls in minecraft

No. 2303586

>fafsa ceo

No. 2303602

Is having a 3d printed gun actually illegal? I thought it was more of a gray area, like I understand conceptually why it would be illegal but I don't know if the law's caught up yet

No. 2303605

I'm not going to pass judgment on nonnas but I strongly think he's gay and the letter writing is in vain

No. 2303607

No. 2303610

Nonnies who believe the real shooter is at large, do you think he would be handsome?

No. 2303612

No he looked ugly and Pink.

No. 2303613

Even in the security cam, his facial features are weirdly big, as if someone took a normal face, enlarged each feature in photoshop, and saved it to be like that in real life.
The grainy footage and exaggerated angle worked in his favor but he just looks like a shaven V for vendetta mask.

No. 2303616

File: 1733911510878.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1205x1264, IMG_8802.jpeg)

It makes me so sad that he’s probably so sad. Alone in that cell and not even interacting with other inmates , eating jail food…. Let me keep him company . Me specifically.

No. 2303617

I unironically love America

No. 2303620

You’ll be sharing him with several other people, get used to that now

No. 2303621

He's going to father so many kids

No. 2303623

If he had to do something crazy then the timing is fortunate because he managed to do it before twink death hit

No. 2303625

File: 1733912639192.gif (1.6 MB, 498x348, IMG_3876.gif)

Elliot Rodger in Hell right now watching Stacies and Beckys falling at Luigi Mangione’s feet

No. 2303627

Are you somehow not aware that moving countries is different from moving between states?

No. 2303628

File: 1733912819088.jpg (801.83 KB, 1170x1563, 1000019611.jpg)


No. 2303629

What app is this?

No. 2303633

I’m choking

No. 2303634

ACKCHUALLY it’s a hash brown. Bro is so perfect he’s probably vegan let’s be real

No. 2303637

In prison they have sex trailers for inmates to reserve and fuck their girlfriends in. He’ll be booked and busy. I wonder if he’ll fall in love with someone through penpal like Gypsy Rose did.

No. 2303638

I read somewhere that because she called 911 instead of the tip hotline she won’t be receiving the reward. Dunno how true that is though.

No. 2303639

Elliott was cute tbh too bad he was a retard

No. 2303640

They do? I thought it was a cell

No. 2303641

Yeah he was actually attractive but you could tell he was off from his videos and he was only interested in 10/10 blond aryan stacies per his manifesto when white women are the least likely to date outside their race

No. 2303642

using this information immediately

No. 2303643

My uncle was in prison (kek) and he said at his it was trailers. Also it’s a show but in OITNB they also display trailers.

No. 2303644

They should have a “How to respond to people asking how to send gifts and flowers to Luigi Mangione in jail”

No. 2303645

I didn’t think he was cute but he wasn’t ugly. Most incels aren’t ugly they’re just socially inept and insecure. Also speaking of Elliot, this was just mentioned in stupid questions but literally every man with sunken cheeks ends up being a psychopath . Him, Richard Ramirez , etc.

No. 2303647

He was on $8m a year wasn’t he? I don’t give a shit how he got the job, he was super rich and worked for an evil company. Nothing of value was lost. Let’s not start nitpicking about weejee’s choice in CEO - let us rejoice that one died and hope for more of the same (in Minecraft).

No. 2303649

File: 1733914757690.jpg (25.32 KB, 640x360, copeandseethe.jpg)

KEKKKKKK nonna you just made my day

No. 2303652

File: 1733914798154.png (114.23 KB, 1482x590, assassinmaxxing.png)

they'd probably fuck up and kill the beloved CEO of a whimsical children's toy factory

No. 2303653

This is exactly what I mean when I said simping over him will hopefully spawn copycats. The issue is that most of these incels are retarded and would just kill women and children instead of people who deserve it. He doesn't understand that women don't want a "Stone Cold Killer", they want a hot hero. Sad!

No. 2303655

They’re honestly also not smart enough to execute executing a high profile individual. There will be so many failed attempts and celebrities and ceos will be on high alert and completely unreachable. They’ll ruin it for the smart ones.

No. 2303656

File: 1733915481515.jpeg (535.06 KB, 1009x1177, IMG_8803.jpeg)

Unironically asking my family to buy me this for Christmas

No. 2303657

I want to send him an old fashioned love letter covered in kiss marks and perfume and pussy juice

No. 2303658

Who the fuck volunteers to work at a McDonald’s? Such a boring busybody with nothing else going on. If this is a psyop trying to make me hate Luigi because AW CUTE VOLUNTEER GRANNY SAVING DA WORLD they can get fucked. Nothing can stop Luigi from being hailed a hero

No. 2303660

You see this a lot with boomers and other moldy oldies, they literally work low-wage jobs or volunteer because they have no hobbies or friends and will wither and die without wagecucking for somebody. Lower than bugs

No. 2303662

Conjugal visits are banned on a federal level but some states allow it. It's banned in Pennsylvania but allowed in New York, the attorney fucked him by contesting his extradition to New York

No. 2303663

This is why the working class can never win, she's got one foot in the grave, spends her free time volunteering at a greedy megacorporation instead of helping at a woman shelter or something and still can't help being a traitor.

No. 2303666

Britbong here, if he wanted free healthcare he could have just married me and moved here. RIP

No. 2303670

Can retards really not tell this is clearly AI? It's gotten crazy good the past year, look at her fucking face kek
https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/03kLA79CUD(this is an imageboard)

No. 2303672

The story is AI ? retard

No. 2303675

Dressing lighter today, if I still get hotflashes thinking about Weegee then im seriously fucked

No. 2303679

I wonder if he was there because he hadn't eaten since the assassination and was just starving. The dead eyed look supports this.
So wrong.

No. 2303710

Nobody wants European healthcare though, it's horrendous compared to US

No. 2303715

nta but why do people keep saying this when it isn't true, the us is ranked 69th in terms of overall health care systems while countries in europe like germany (13th), united kingdom (34th), sweden (9th) are a lot higher

No. 2303721

File: 1733920223751.jpg (27.04 KB, 467x333, 1a55a.jpg)

No. 2303726

Facts don't care

No. 2303739

He's dumb because he could've just dated some white weeb girl, they love Asian men. His autism made him obsess over normie sorority girl types.

No. 2303743

Ladies, I say this completely unironically. We need to start invading male spaces and posting shit like this. Get the incels to die killing CEOs and making the world a better place, while we hail them sexy heroes. None of us will have to have sex with them, because they will be dead or in jail. We just need to cheer them on from our computers. There will be less men in the world. Jobs will pay better wages and employers will do the most for their employees as they will become scared of the working class. I’ll start with infiltrating incel, looksmaxxing and male dating forums/reddits with Luigi worship.

No. 2303747

On the average day I could complain for hours about healthcare being shit here but it's still a million times better than in the US. I would never move into the States even if they paid me to do it.

No. 2303748

Ayrt the NHS is free though, what’s your point? He could have as many spinal fusions and hip replacements as he wants all for free here. I don’t suppose weejee would be satisfied with that though. Helping him with his healthcare isn’t the same as helping the US with their broken healthcare system. He’s very selfless for that

No. 2303756

This is literally what society is missing, positive female sexual selection. I sincerely hope more incels start going Luigicore. The world can only benefit.

No. 2303759

My point, doctors, especially surgeons, are a joke in EU. You're right he would need billion other surgeries to cover the damage the first botched up operation would incur on his general health. US has faaaaar better tech, faster approval processes and more prestigious universities so laymen can actually afford good treatment

No. 2303760

File: 1733922447966.jpeg (572.28 KB, 1170x1572, IMG_1729.jpeg)

Maybe the aliens are preparing for their appearance at a “major sporting event” in 2025 as predicted by the psychic Baba Vanga. Imagine an alien hovering down from one of these drones in the middle of the Super Bowl kek. On the other hand, hope her predictions of a Putin-led war in Europe next year aren’t true

No. 2303761

That’s the fed’s job lol

No. 2303763

gotta love that unique American-brand delusion. I get it thought - kinda the only thing propping the place up

No. 2303764

Aliens are extremely lame if they care about sports. That's the most boring and tedious outcome I can think of.

No. 2303765

Go back to your threads yuro

No. 2303767

File: 1733923047778.png (753.66 KB, 1326x830, image.png)

>CEO learns nothing and goes on camera to admit he will basically continue killing americans for profit
just in case anyone here was having empathy for insurance company CEOs

No. 2303771

The idiots who were talking about feeling sorry for the poor little CEOs should come out now and show their faces.

No. 2303774

Late but I'll always appreciate the Alfred thread picture. I love our boy.

No. 2303784

He was a shitty husband and father and he purposefully did every single thing in his power to make the lives of Americans worse kek. Yeah he had it coming

No. 2303788

unnecessary care is 100% a thing…

No. 2303792

of course it is, but in this case it's obvious that it's just a dog whistle to shareholders that they will continue denying people's claims and making as much profit off of the american people as possible

No. 2303803

It’s because of his actions AND looks women like him. If a ugly manlet did the same thing nobody would care. These dumb copycats will end up going after random people instead of powerful shitty people like Luigi

No. 2303805

What the hell is wrong with ya’ll, that’s a common way of speaking. Go back to wherever you came from now.

No. 2303806

There's a big chance she won't get it. The tip has to lead to him being convicted so if he gets off on a technically she put a target on her back for no reason outside of "murder is bad, doesn't matter who it is".

No. 2303814

>pinning Anavar
Women don't want smelly roidpigs, either. He's already lost.

No. 2303822

Literally. All he had to do was basic grooming, straighten his hair and get bangs and they would've been all over him. Too bad he was retarded

No. 2303828

He had dicksucking lips, should have went gay

No. 2303831

This is what i'm always saying we need to do but i get called a "handmaiden"

No. 2303836

How though? Women are enforcing the wrong things for sucking any old man dick for the money / social status. I would much rather they do this but normies love to shill ugly men and make them feel better about their “dad bods”

No. 2303845

I'm confused, is this about England or America?

No. 2303851

there's a reason it's called New England

No. 2303864

I'm fascinated thinking of what would happen if aliens really do come down to Earth during the superbowl. Would the human race finally unite?

No. 2303865

nayrt, but it's a screenshot of cheaterbuster, a page where you can find someone's tinder profile

No. 2303869

Thing that just occurred to me about aliens is: who would you send out to scout out a faraway land with very sketchy and violent inhabitants? The morons. The B-team. The retards that won’t be missed. These drones are the idiot fuck-ups of the alien race and that’s why they’re getting spotted lol

No. 2303872

It costs $17.99 for one search what the fuck? You guys are nuts

No. 2303875

well i'm trying to fuck a retard alien. gleezorb i'm free this weekend

No. 2303876

Probably a gay guy did it and got let down when it confirmed he is straight

No. 2303878

Even with ALIENS nonnies go for the worst moids kek. Watch him take you for a ride in his UFO and then crash it because he’s drunk

No. 2303880

I’m 100% certain there’s no aliens and it’s just some falsified drone they’re displaying in an attempt to distract us from more important things

No. 2303881

You’re no fun.

No. 2303882

They're too low iq to track a ceo and have the balls to kill him

No. 2303883

what a way to go out… drunk off the meezlexorf and crashing into the international space station…

No. 2303884

why would you think a species capable of spacefaring would have individuals like that or even individuals at all? They likely would have already achieve unified consciousness, so there would be no individuality

No. 2303885

File: 1733931065786.png (1 MB, 688x900, camrrom.png)

am i the only one who thinks Luigi looks like Cameron Boyce a little?

No. 2303886

Kek I’m sorry nonnie

No. 2303890

they have one free search and you have like 15 mins to make it, but you have to register
i hope so, and i'm glad that happened. i hate how twitter fags talk about him being their "bi king" like… you just made that up

No. 2303891

File: 1733931390713.png (55.39 KB, 970x475, ESL.png)

They sound like ESL girls writing a wattpad story

No. 2303894

this is so fucking funny please tell me what sub this is

No. 2303895

File: 1733931654190.jpg (328 KB, 1080x1594, 1000006604.jpg)

The jealousy is crazy…

No. 2303897

No. 2303899

Please ignore blue check retards. Everything they say is for monetization

No. 2303901

you can now get paid for being a retard on twitter and people are being retards on lolcow for free

No. 2303904

Post of the year kek

No. 2303907

He's bi and he WILL perform yaoi for me.

No. 2303908

it's all for the love of the game babyyy

No. 2303909

File: 1733932047598.png (735.01 KB, 1000x593, boxingiflife.png)

Twitter is just ragebait central now so it's hard to find genuine retards like picrel

No. 2303911

ew that receding hairline could use a spoiler

No. 2303913

>shrooms broke his brain
Disagree. He seems like the type to microdose to improve focus and mental/emotional well being, which strangely, a lot of these lizardpeople are into these days- not that it does them much good, but there's a study for that I won't get into. Those who haven't completely lost touch with their humanity can definitely be positively impacted long term, though. Depends on the person. None of his actions scream psychosis or mental break (killing the CEO doesn't count, he merely acted on his disgust and disappointment in the system like many of us wish we could). I don't think his shroom use is a part of the equation but so many people assume psychedelics usage guarantees the worst outcomes because most people you hear about aren't using them responsibly, whereas those whose lives have been positively impacted aren't as well known outside of the community. I could post studies and articles but that's kind of derailing.

No. 2303915

His pfp is in his wagie's breakroom KEK

No. 2303917

society is healing kekkkk

No. 2303919

Sure sure man just snuff elon you'll get all of the whamen, trust

No. 2303921

>poison is obviously a bitch play
imagine admitting that you're not smart enough to poison someone and get away with it.

No. 2303923

Sure he peepeed but he still mogs the fuck out of eggman here

No. 2303927

How many mothers and fathers were stolen because their healthcare claims were denied?

No. 2303928

>girly doe eyes
>sparse pubic hair beard
>potato nose
those kind of males should be executed on sight

No. 2303930

Luigi is gonna make the lion king movie sales go through the roof.

No. 2303931

exactly, because what the fuck is something like that even good for? worthless visually and socially too, apparently. if he had kids he'd just further taint the genepool. you're onto something, nonita

No. 2303936

>Israel #6
Fuck the USA.

No. 2303942

So are unnecessary denials, nonna.
I don't think 36% of Americans paying a monthly premium for UnitedHealth are asking for unnecessary care tho.

No. 2303944

Scrotes have gross pics like these in their social medias and still have the audacity to talk shit about others

No. 2303946

lifting for women over health is the most pathetic shit.

No. 2303947

File: 1733933524208.jpg (132.82 KB, 1079x719, 1000006606.jpg)

Men who see women as nothing but flesh lights are still crying over Luigi I'm living for this rn kek

No. 2303950

This but unironically, please kill Elon MUsk

No. 2303952

What do career opportunities have to do with that? Also when will scrotes learn that being an annoying self pitying incel complaining about non issues is why no one interacts with or hires them?

No. 2303953

KEK seethe more faggots, maybe this will motivate them to actually do something with their worthless lives and kill a CEO or two.

No. 2303956

He'll get offered sex if he kills trump or the muskrat

No. 2303959

Cute! We have a great zoo in Oregon but I want to see pandas, I might have to take a flight over.

No. 2303960

Moids are so retarded, they're confused about why they're not getting any bitches after making themselves into disgusting roidpigs when they look like >>2303909 in the face so they never had a chance in the first place

No. 2303961

1/2 a cup of Luigis piss is worth more than that CEOs networth.

No. 2303962

>Guy kills CEO to stop evil policies going through and save people from a corrupt healthcare system
>"But…but…but…how DARE he kill the people blocking muh career opportunities and get attention from women?!"
These ungrateful pieces of shit kek

No. 2303963

Pathetic male pickmeism.

No. 2303965

I'm sick of scrots treating pussy like it's food and water. I know they are just (hardly) sentient sperm cells but they need to stop acting like a Victorian orphan pathetically begging for a crumb of pussy.
He has to be successful. The incel who grazed his ear has, afaik, 0 fangirls.

No. 2303967

They don't even want too be picked, they just use women to complain to other moids and get attention from them

No. 2303968

I think only a turbo chad or a hideous soyfaced leftie incel will take out Musk.

No. 2303971

Not even having the blueprint of a Chad will make them improve themselves, it's always the women's fault in their eyes, jesas

No. 2303972

Keep malding, fella. Sex isn't a human right that you're owed. Maybe if you weren't a useless POS and weaponized that anger towards something meaningful instead of blaming women, you might be a little more likable. There are few things more attractive to me personality wise than someone with a strong sense of justice who isn't too pussy to do something about it all. Luigi's sort of like a more sane Lelouch to me kek.

No. 2303973

No. 2303974

I want a giga stacy to do it. We need more female assassins to look up to.

No. 2303975

moids unironically want affirmative action for other useless moids

No. 2303976

File: 1733934345471.jpg (31.46 KB, 400x400, 1000029103.jpg)

Survival of the fittest, bitch!

No. 2303977

male homosexual attraction is really underestimated and repressed in society. the world would be a much better place is more of these guys just admit they actually love and respect and want to fuck other men and leave the rest of us alone.

No. 2303979

A lot of what these dumb moids don't realize is wee wee was one of those rare males who didn't kill for or for a lack of female validation. As far as anyone can tell he never whined about or felt entitled to a woman. If 99 percent of men woke up in luigis body the day before the assassination they'd just use it to exploit women instead of protecting luigis purity and sending out his message to the psychotic insurance shitheads.
This assassination makes me feel like there might be a higher power and that being a good boy who truly understands that life isn't about external validation actually makes you physically hotter.

No. 2303983

Misogyny is wild in faggots too. The only ones who come out can't even get hard by the idea of spreading his seed. Any moid that is even 1% attracted to women (just for the breeding aspect) and would be substantially better off with other men are the biggest women haters.
I swear to fucking god as common as bi women are I think there are just as many if not more bisexual men. It's just that all of them are deeply closeted and cope with it by looking at futa and troons

No. 2303984

God imagine some hot girly puts a lethal arsenic in the food/drink at a big insurascam meetup and just massacres them.

No. 2303987

File: 1733935094854.jpg (183.87 KB, 1054x1102, 1000006608.jpg)

Musk is so salty over him I am loving this timeliness kek

No. 2303988

that’s a fake tweet nonnie

No. 2303991

I hope to god more and more of his fanboys split on him. What a faggot. I hope he gets shipped back to South Africa and the people attack him and tie his limbs to different cars and then slam on the gas in different directions.

No. 2303995

It's a fake tweet but I promise you elonia is probably thinking that.

No. 2303999

I wish it was real so all the anti-establishment chuds could do extreme mental gymnastics to keep sucking Elon's cock god please let it be real it would be so fucking funny

No. 2304001

Men who kill CEOs of inhumane companies do, in fact, become more attractive to women and have better access to sex. Facts > feelings.

No. 2304004

he’s a musk fanboy, why would elon be mad?

No. 2304008


Lmao last year I was researching fiction writing and clicked on a video called "Relationship Map" which turned out was a video by this guy, absolute retardation, the comments section was filled with moids who saw themselves as a wallet and a penis and then were shocked that they attracted women who viewed the world the same way. Anyway this hoe math moid claimed he was "in the top 1% of IQ and has autism." And I was like yeah I believe one of 'em.

No. 2304010

Ty nonnas my bad. I believed it after seeing the vid and conspiracy around Elon suddenly being interested in his kids to bring them places after the shooting.

No. 2304014

Just looked him up. Dude literally just moved out of his moms basement.
Just another reminder to boymoms to kick their shithead sons out at 18 ESPECIALLY if they don't get a job and go to school. Useless moids who exploit the shit out of their mothers are the saltiest.

No. 2304031

The most shocking thing to me is that they’re already trotting out their new CEO when Brian Thompson’s only barely gone cold. Remember nonnies, never devote your life to your job, because if you died they would have a listing for your role up before the end of the day.

No. 2304034

I checked his youtube he has a whiny voice you can tell hes a pencil neck. His whole social media is just crying about women, also it was confirmed hes in his 40s 50's and someone posted his pasty body online. He also admitted he was ugly which is why he blacked out his face.

No. 2304046

File: 1733938776221.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1242, 1733935985733785.png)

>Decide to check pol to get some funny caps about this guy for the thread

>Theres so many threads about him calling him ugly, coping about all the pussy he's gonna get and being salty that women want luigi over their musty dicks I cant choose

Again, loving this timeline (this pic was from there too kek)

No. 2304051

File: 1733939137266.jpg (26.98 KB, 640x711, 1714184673215259.jpg)

>someone posted his pasty body online
As long as he's clothed I wanna see it.
Also him and tate suck eachother off on xitter

No. 2304053

In the CC lolcow hate thread they're seething about it too KEK.

No. 2304054

Damn really? Fuck so the rumours that place is infested with failed males is true kek

No. 2304055

File: 1733939316028.png (20.11 KB, 390x148, you have to go back.png)

Interesting proposal: since that guy with the hood is an Italian American, how about you send an invitation to all those Italian Americans who are unhappy with the American health care system to come back to their ancestral homeland, Italy. They will be welcome to test a different way to approach health care which doesn't have to rely too much on doctors working in the private sector and which instead relies more on citizens' tax money.
See what happens

No. 2304058

KEK I was lurking around on pol laughing my ass off too. Seeing these mouth breathing retards screeching about “muh superior aryan genetics” and seething about “iTaLiAnS aReN’T wHiTe” gives me such a hearty kek. They’re so mad

No. 2304060

File: 1733939494407.png (15.29 KB, 1246x100, it.png)


No. 2304062

This is the best outcome

No. 2304063

I dont even stan this guy (and I still dont think hes the shooter) but im loving the salt I hope it continues into next year.

No. 2304068

that's not the new CEO. he's the CEO of the parent company. He's British too so he gets to enjoy all the safety nets and benefits of his own country while further ruining ours.

No. 2304072

File: 1733939895318.png (31.04 KB, 2367x125, seethe.png)

This is my favorite one

No. 2304073

it's so funny how the media is trying to spin this as him going crazy / idpol distraction nonsense and detract from the reason why he did it – it was always class motivated.
he's a class traitor for christsake!!! and these stupid articles frame luigi like he's some kind of crazy person who left his family of success etc.

why do they all miss the point?

No. 2304076

That dude hates the American health care system, send him back to Italy, he'll fare better.
Anyway, here's some Kamala Harris vs. drunk drivers

No. 2304077

kekkkkkkkkk i thought about that post when they arrested him

No. 2304079

so we have three issues:
1. healthcare industry
2. insurance industry
3. pharmaceutical industry

my question is what is the root of all the dysfunction and profit-incentive? is it simply the insurance companies?

No. 2304085

File: 1733940482444.jpeg (277.01 KB, 1188x2290, kek delete yourself.jpeg)

hoe_math confirmed to be a male failure

No. 2304086

Please post the caps, i wanna see the seethe

No. 2304089

This looks edited and like he scribbled out warping/so it can't be reversable

No. 2304090

The general problem is that private healthcare tends to be less affordable for people and it is quicker in action, meaning if people have serious problems then private healthcare can generally help them quicker. Public healthcare is for everyone and is funded by State taxes, therefore tends to be lower in quality and less quick in action.
This of course opens things up for exploitation, overcharging, and scamming.
Calling an ambulance in some Europeans states is generally free of charge for the patients, but in the United States calling an ambulance generally costs a lot for any caller.
"An ambulance ride I can't afford"

No. 2304094

Wouldnt surprise me, the guy is a seething incel moid (by his own admission) and the pic is at least 10 yrs old

No. 2304098

my dad is on medicare and received the best medical coverage from a private hospital after a stent operation/near heart attack. he pays almost nothing for his medications. why can't we just expand medicare for everyone? the system is already there.

i think its just our government doesn't want to regulate these industries for the average american, and there's really no incentive to either because everyone has just accepted this system as normal. even though its not.

No. 2304103


By every malding twitter tranny in existance.

No. 2304105

>Plus he literally did what he did because some woman who barely knows he exist wouldn't acknowledge him.
Wait, what? Sorry for missing this detail but could someone please elaborate

No. 2304109

Isn’t “visual snow” a normal thing that happens to everyone, especially in low light conditions? I feel like that’s just how our eyes normally see…

No. 2304111

>him at his peak is disappointing
>retard also doesn't understand that at least 50% of incels are physically attractive but have pussy repellant personalities.

No. 2304115

Pandas are the best. This is adorable.

No. 2304117

Elliot Rodger

No. 2304119

This reddit post isn’t real and its purpose is to instigate drama and violence amongst the weak minded.

No. 2304133

So was the luigi youtube definitely fake? Like part 2 hasnt been posted anywhere right?

i want to believe…

No. 2304134

File: 1733942965639.png (1.71 MB, 1007x992, glados.png)

No. 2304155

She’s right though

No. 2304158

>the radical left
I don’t even think it has anything to do with politics, just being attracted to his face kekkk

No. 2304162

File: 1733943860920.webp (74.51 KB, 1179x1413, ceo2287894.webp)

Wanted posters were put out for these killer CEOs despite them taking their photos and info down off of websites. Based. You fuckers can't hide from the dildo of justice and consequences.

No. 2304163

File: 1733943887002.webp (93.5 KB, 1179x1403, ceo34879584371.webp)

No. 2304167

The vid from which they were taken.

No. 2304169

Makes me feel all ooey gooey inside ♥

No. 2304170

He's not wrong though. The mentality of Japan is why the fukushima reactor disaster happened, when it was proven a lower level employee could have reported it and stopped it. Japan will listen to a man beat his wife through their paper thin apartment walls because "gotta mind your own" mentality there.

No. 2304177

I wish there was a mod to make Leon from RE4 into Alfred.

No. 2304178

Make it

No. 2304187

File: 1733945056246.png (90.14 KB, 737x392, kjhgfghjjhb.png)

he's right, I didn't expect for him to be so baste. The "mind your own business" culture of japan is the reason why so many rapes go under-reported and it's why japan's sex pest/harassment problem is sooo fucking bad. Moids tend to dickride japan alot, I'm surprised.

No. 2304189

i went to Vegas last week for a work trip, and even after the convention was over, I wanted to go asap. Prices are insane. People are smoking cigarettes EVERYWHERE, and the weather sucks. I would never wish Vegas on my worst enemy. Plus, they were the shit hole that was anti vaccine and anti mask even at the height of the pandemic.

No. 2304197

make them all pay

No. 2304199

Based af whoever out these up.

No. 2304213

im never stepping foot into another fast food place

No. 2304215

File: 1733946611954.jpeg (51.53 KB, 750x272, IMG_4848.jpeg)

I think the real reason he resigned is because his glowies have been so shitty lately

No. 2304218

File: 1733946708172.png (118.55 KB, 891x331, Screenshot 2024-12-11 115105.p…)

i fucking love hafus. truly. i would have dated him if he weren't a spaghetti dropping sperg

No. 2304223

Another nona said this but I really hope there is a hell where Elliot is forced to see every single thirst trap and hornypost from girls wanting to get pregnant by Luigi. Rodger really did have the least fuckable personality in the world. I wish that Luigi had dunked on him and other murderous incels on his twitter.

No. 2304228

They are so obviously fat. They were real heavy on them keystrokes.

No. 2304229

CC is full of troons and old web wannabe zoomers.

No. 2304234

So much scrotefoiling and hating on other women for not buying into your bs

No. 2304236

That is really not an impressive physique at all esp if you're older and had more time to train TF lmfao my Nigel looks insanely more muscular and he just goes to the gym like once or twice a week

No. 2304239

lmao anons this is fake, it's photoshopped, i recognize the nancy soulcycle memes way before the luigi thing. This is just a meme. I remember there was someone who went by that name masquerading as a old lady and trolling ethan klein a year ago, keemstar is just joining in on trolling h3.

I can't believe all you anons who replied to that actually believed that is the person who reported him. It's not.

No. 2304240

Who are you talking to

No. 2304296

>oh yes oh yes oh yes they both
>oh yes oh yes oh yes they both reached for
>the gun the gun the gun the gun
>oh yes they both reached for the gun
>for the gun

No. 2304311

Would trooning and doing a crime in NY and getting sent to male prison where Luigi is at increse my chances of becoming his wife

No. 2304322

you don’t even know what cannibalism means lmao

No. 2304327

Do you think female prisoners would be ok with luigi going to womens prison as an honorary woman?

No. 2304332

That fat, alcoholic, porcine Bert Kreischer phenotype

No. 2304334

File: 1733952129627.jpeg (26.75 KB, 245x150, IMG_6521.jpeg)

Kek, understandable

No. 2304337

They don't do anything you can't do yourself. Do Google searches for your name every once in a while and remove results when you can.

No. 2304341

Wasn't this literally a creepy plot point in Minority Report? With all of the stores and shops recognizing you from retina scans and pushing ads and asking if you want to buy the same thing as last time?

No. 2304343

We need a Chicago moovie night

No. 2304345

Those women are horny, man deprived, & hate cops/the elite, fuck yeah they would welcome him in kek

No. 2304356

File: 1733953184966.png (319.44 KB, 579x434, IMG_7046.png)

(ai out of containment)

No. 2304359

3 million animals died to generate this image.

No. 2304361

he was eating a hashbrown

No. 2304363

The cop's moustache nose is fucking killing me

No. 2304364

I thought it was a nuggy.
Im curious tho what his diet is like? Some people claim hes vegan but I doubt it.

No. 2304366

My pussy

No. 2304368

File: 1733953549558.png (1.43 MB, 1170x1895, going king mode.png)

(keep luigiposting to his containment thread in /g/)

No. 2304369

File: 1733953612481.gif (6.85 MB, 400x224, 1000030145.gif)

Mary Sunshine in this song represents us all
>Not a bit reprehensible! It's so defensible!

No. 2304370

Is it true on his goodreads he had a book about making women cum?

No. 2304373

This guy is not real lol

No. 2304374

I swear its like they’re trying to make us fall in love with him KEK

No. 2304392

File: 1733954448295.jpg (739.56 KB, 1440x1382, 1733954154255884.jpg)

Why are boomers such busybodies?

No. 2304411

File: 1733955083217.png (201.75 KB, 640x527, 1733954005813481.png)

No. 2304416

i want to fucking throw up. its never enough for the 1% and they would rather murder millions of people if it means seeing just one billion more dollars in their profits this year versus last year.

No. 2304421

Pisses me off how this stuff is public knowledge, and yet even the supposed "anarchists" and "revolutionaries" are like
>But…but…but we CAN'T be happy about the fat moid getting his head popped! Because…we just CAN'T!

No. 2304426

People with that kind of corrupt money over lives worshipping mindset need to be vivisected and eugeniced out of existence. They are a cancer to humanity

No. 2304430

samefag but i should add, i wonder if perhaps this is a sign that united states, and really just all around the world, we should start thinking about putting a law in place that says that someone or a company cannot make a certain amount of money. like once you reach like, say, 999 million dollars and just one dollar short of making a billion, anything more than that the money should be taken and put into services and programs to help society and make basic needs (medical, starter apartments and homes, student debt, etc) free of charge for everyone. i swear didn't bernie sanders wanted to do something like this?

No. 2304435

While it sounds nice in practice most richfags work around this (i.e investments where they hold there money like property and stocks)
We just need to make sure the rich assholes work for and take care of the people who pay them (the common working man) otherwise we fucking kill them.
No legal loopholes for a bullet through the back and seeing that everyone wanted you dead.

No. 2304437

It will be so amazing when the jury pulls an OJ Simpson on this, we’ll literally enter a new era

No. 2304438

>(i.e investments where they hold there money like property and stocks)
can't the government put a cap on these things also? i'm not super savvy at this topic so sorry if dumb question

No. 2304440

If he's guilty he will probably be protected in prison.
If he's not guilty he will be raped to death by horny fangirls

No. 2304444

File: 1733956777280.png (4.11 MB, 2000x1500, 98969696987.png)

Its fine. Im not too savvy on it either but with Luigi instilling autism levels of class consciousness in me I've looked into it.
The government as it stands currently can be bought and sold by billionaires. Dems are a bit more expensive then handmaiden republicans but all of them are affordable and are bought with what these companies see as ass wiping money.

No. 2304453

File: 1733957225808.jpg (58.1 KB, 1200x630, cbsn-fusion-examining-elon-mus…)

jesus christ this is so gross. thank you for showing me this info nona now i really want all billionaires to fucking die starting with this fat fuck.

No. 2304458

Honestly women should be shamed for having children with men with geriatric sperm. It should not be seen as normal. Elon really has passed his decaying DNA to a generation… Claire really is retarded

No. 2304459

NTA but I think we should all be allowed at least 1 CEO to murder

No. 2304460

What exactly is this picture?

No. 2304464

File: 1733957714188.jpeg (78.16 KB, 1290x297, IMG_3607.jpeg)

where are you even seeing “anarchists and revolutionaries” shitting on this guy? picrel is the only kind of reaction I’ve been seeing out of that camp lol

No. 2304468

why are some nonnas now only realizing that the rich are bad and retarded
can we please realize corporations are also bad next

No. 2304472

Please I need this to be true lol, if so then he is literally perfect

No. 2304494

Is the ugly old ballsack who snitched? I hope he gets fucked over in regards to the payment so he can mull over if being a boot licking class traitor really was worth it.

No. 2304495

its from the movie "sicko" depicting how much the republicans from 2004 cost to buy support for the health insurance industry. You can watch it on youtube but i think if you do it might support harvey weinstien (who worked on it) so idk if I'd reccomend unless u pirate.

No. 2304497

Weinstein is dying of bone cancer as we speak so would it really matter if a few dimes fall into his pocket? Not being a smart ass I'm genuinely asking.

No. 2304500

Prostitution needs to be turbo illegal. People who buy sex should go to prison and be put on the sex offender registry. Prostitutes need to go to rehab and get real jobs that don't encourage sexploitation.
This includes if a camera is involved btw.

No. 2304501

I wouldn't give a rapist a rusty penny that was shit on by an aids ridden hobo.

No. 2304505

Why not, that sounds like an apt punishment.

No. 2304509

They are absolutely killing him too

No. 2304577

Being all up in other peoples’ business is just a part of Boomer culture anon, like hating your wife and not being able to download a PDF.

No. 2304615

This is BEFORE you even consider the other half of the equation: the medicine is price gouged in the first place. So even that 16 billion (6,000 fucking millions) shouldn't even be half that.

THEN you can even go further back and consider how the chemically compromised food and water gives us cancer in the first place along with dozens of other factors of wage slave life… then they say you shouldn't even expect to retire.

No. 2304619

The drones are really freaking me the fuck out. I think I saw one outside my house a month ago. The two cities confirmed to have many, both have nuclear sub stations in those areas. Not necessarily close, but close enough for the drones to go deeper to survey. I feel crazy and uncomfortable. I don’t think they’re aliens, i’m scared we are actually going to deal with war on US lands. I don’t even feel like this is tinfoiling because it’s confirmed to; not be the military, and not be a high tech company. And they’re in general, very clearly here and doing something.

No. 2304621

>compares moid who brutally rapes and murders several women women to Italian moid who killed a single male billionaire

How does she even know the women talking about him are genuine about their autism? Kek what a clown show

No. 2304623

Pharm companies buy out any drug that could be used against cancer and price them insanely that's why mebendazole for example is impossible to get in the usa and families are forced to use canadian pharmacies or herbal remedies to get rid of pinworms because pyrantel doesn't work.

No. 2304626

Seems like his parents got him a good attorney, he can transfer over to represent him in New York too if he is to be tried in New York.

No. 2304632

Don't freak out, it's not war. US has most sophisticated air defense in the world by far and anything weird flying over you is more likely to be your own government heat mapping you through your home and downloading your DNA and a transcript of your inner monologue through the ceiling

No. 2304635

Scripting my inner monologue causes their servers to crash as it's just 600 yottabytes of Luigi sex(please keep luigi sperging in the containment thread)

No. 2304638

File: 1733964333163.gif (3.46 MB, 400x224, source-472816029.gif)

No. 2304646

Kek, I wish I believed in that shit. I honestly wouldn’t mind if it was my own gov stalking me. Take my DNA! I’m great. Make mini me’s!

No. 2304680

Does anyone else think the "elderly women reported Luigi" story sus? I honestly believe one of two things happened:
>1: luigi wanted her to report him. He had all that evidence and the manifesto on him, which is weird
>2: the cops are making shit up. They are lying about the evidence and how they caught him.
I mean seriously i can't imagine some elderly retard remembering two shitty survay footage images she saw on tv. Also someone looking sketchy in a mcdonalds is not that unusual.

No. 2304681

Like Luigi kek? Nobody should be allowed to kill a person they don't personally know

No. 2304682

where is the wee wee chatbots I can erp with

No. 2304683

You mean like how United Healthcare killed its clients?

No. 2304684

He's a rich fratboy with huge levels of self confidence, he was just being retarded. Not wanting to get caught is cope.

No. 2304686

>Nobody should be allowed to kill a person they don't personally know
So it's ok to kill my parents then because i personally know them?

No. 2304689

Cancer and doctors killed them actually, people die get over it. We have no cure for aging(infight bait)

No. 2304690

File: 1733965648649.jpg (34.49 KB, 1092x192, parallelconstruction.jpg)

Parallel Construction. The cops don't want to disclose how they actually got the info (facial recognition data from the McDonalds self service kiosks?) so they are just making shit up. I hope his lawyer is aware of that and is able to construct a good defense.

No. 2304691

Do you ever get tired of baiting all day every day

No. 2304692

I am pretty confident Luigi could download a pdf, perhaps even create one.

No. 2304693

hes an unstable fallguy and the evidence was planted

No. 2304695

People die get over it nonnie…maybe Ol Lardy had a heart attack coming the next day. Luigi saved him the suffering.

No. 2304699

It's pathetic attention seeking behavior. They should shoot a predatory ceo if they want validation lmao

No. 2304700

Only people who side against insurance companies have never ever worked in the healthcare sector. Patients expect miracles nobody can provide or that are way above their worth

No. 2304701

>way above their worth

No. 2304705

It's so obviously bait kek

No. 2304707

Reminder that American doctors fucking hate American insurance companies

No. 2304708

The way they write sounds like a bot. The baiter isn't even a human. Did UHC send out a bot army?

No. 2304709

Well duh, care is a limited resource…. This is why in Europe they just let people deemed too old or not worth saving die in palliative care

No. 2304713

And Europe is known for their philanthropic soul, of course.

No. 2304715

I feel like they were probably using illegal means to track him, like other nonnies said probably the self service kiosks was the straw that broke the camels back

No. 2304716

idk id rather get cancer treatment in europe than America because I am terrified of medical bankruptcy

No. 2304728

File: 1733966835096.jpg (623.42 KB, 1600x900, 1733966217169374.jpg)

They are so fucking desperate kek. Yeah Luigi is Jewish and black now. Also conveniently ignoring that people of all races, ethnicities, and religions (maybe) are rejoicing in this. You can tell these are posted by failmales whos only "virtue" is being anglo-saxon.

No. 2304739

>worst possible light and angle and weird prison gown thing (post strip/cavity search) which would make 100% of people look like absolute dogshit
>somehow luigi still looks fuckable
how does he do it?

No. 2304742

Is anti-Italian racism coming back into style

No. 2304743

File: 1733967193477.png (1.28 MB, 1170x1389, chris wray steps down.png)

does anyone else find this all happening at the same time kind of strange?

No. 2304744

holy shit the descriptions. that woman is fucking suffering.

No. 2304746

this might be more related to trump than luigi but who knows.

No. 2304749

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh my boyfriend is on the freeway right now and sees 3 of them (drones) moving out from the ocean inland. This is great, im fine.

No. 2304750

We still don't know if that manifesto is real, all we really have is the one released by the cops found in his bag. Correct me if I am wrong because the potentially fake manifesto is very scary and sad.
The moment they even dare coming near Philly they will be shot down on sight

No. 2304755

its hard to say if that typed manifesto is faked. The hand written one is real but he could have had multiple ones because he figured the one on his person could potentially be hidden from public view.
The typed one is pretty convincing though. It matches up pretty well with his own story (though he hasn't brought up his mom yet) like down to the specifics of his issues. But who knows.

No. 2304756

What if his gay landlord wrote it as fanfic

No. 2304768

Martin is married to a woman funnily enough

No. 2304771

He's embarrassed by his shitty glowies wasting time psyoping in lolcow threads

No. 2304776

Why are women stereotyped as envious bitches when males do this shit.

No. 2304782

Samefagging the fuck out. There’s 10s of them outside my house right now. We are not in NJ. Idgaf this is scary, they are very obviously not planes. I’ve got a shit phone so I can’t get good video.

No. 2304788

blame trumptards

No. 2304789

What state?

No. 2304793

No. 2304796

do they have red and green lights on them?

No. 2304797

those pro white faggots are just upset that luigi wins at life bingo at every step of the way: looks, fantastic grades in school, intelligent, well-liked by everyone, promising future in computer sci/engineering, comes from a rich family, and works out like a chad. the kkk bro next door meanwhile's greatest achievement is finally cleaning the skid marks from his boxer shorts.

No. 2304801

>cleaning the skid marks from his boxer shorts.
They don't do that. Its more realistic to say they become a greeter at walmart as their greatest achievement. Their moms clean the shitstains out of their panties.

No. 2304804

No. 2304805

Again, samefagging to say one was low enough over my house to clearly see its a drone. No one can capture it, my mom, me, my bf, all phones blur when trying to capture a photo. I clearly saw the mechanical drone parts, glowing the exact same way the NJ do. Green, red.

No. 2304807

Don’t worry nona, that’s Santa Claus

No. 2304814

it's just the feds themselves, don't let em rattle you. see >>2303412

No. 2304819

File: 1733970641672.webp (82.88 KB, 1080x1920, temp_image_D5C48238-BA6F-4CDA-…)

(luigi outside of containment)

No. 2304821

I need to put my face in that hairy Italian crotch suck him so badly. I don't care if I have to spend 20 minutes getting the pubes out from between my teeth afterwards.(luigi outside of containment)

No. 2304823

What a fucking slut.(luigi outside of containment)

No. 2304826

you're right. less luigi sperging on here and more action on plebbit to brainwash moids into actually doing something for society

No. 2304829

Need him to force my head down his crotch and have me suck him until he’s emaciated.I just know he has a forest down there,,,

No. 2304838

How big are these drones? Get out the garden hose with the pressure attachment.

No. 2304839

File: 1733972091404.png (75.85 KB, 229x224, 1707726737674.png)

No. 2304845

File: 1733972409884.jpg (16.31 KB, 602x343, navigationlights.jpg)

If they have red and green lights they are just regular ol' human made aerial craft. They are navigation lights. Red is on the left wingtip indicating Port Side while green is on the right wingtip indicating Starboard Side. Don't worry about it being aliens.

No. 2304847

Nonnies I mean this in the most respectful way possible but every time I enter this thread and see a message like this I get psychic damage

No. 2304848

File: 1733972598387.jpg (205.91 KB, 1024x1536, vbat.jpg)

It's possible you saw a VBAT equipped with nav lights. These are big drones.

No. 2304851

Like half a bicycle.
Not to be the worst anon ever but, I might have made a tip and been called by some people, inquiring what I saw in urgency. It seems much more serious than what some anons are comprehending. Again, not to be an ass. But the vibes are BAD. I clearly saw that it was not a usual aircraft. It was clearly an X at the bottom of the mechanism.

No. 2304852

Why the fuck is he standing like that?

No. 2304855

I don't know but when I first saw this picture I wondered the exact same thing. What a stance!

No. 2304861

Huh. What department contacted you? Cross reference against FlightAware https://www.flightaware.com/live/map

anything flying under 400 feet won't be picked up by radar.

Can we get some clarification here? Can we still talk about Luigi's case and trial here or is it just husbando sperging that is banned?

No. 2304864

Is it bad to say FBI? They were low. I’m not good with measurements but way lower than a plane. Maybe 100, 200 feet.

No. 2304867

Oh then I get why you're freaked out then. I wonder if this is actually a Chinese Spy Plane situation all over again. Alternately, domestic militias running flight experiments with drones? Who else could it be?

No. 2304870

The funny part is Luigi is literally white, probably not by dysgenic /pol/ scrotes though.

No. 2304874

>Health insurance companies have increased security measures since the killing of Brian Thompson, the chief executive of UnitedHealthcare, and as an outpouring of online rage toward the industry has followed. Health care leaders have spoken with frustration about feeling vilified, and in the Minneapolis suburbs where United is headquartered, police officers stepped up protection of the company’s offices.

>“Clearly the employees have been shaken,” said Mayor Brad Wiersum of Minnetonka, who said the city was working “just to provide that reassurance and that security, to let people know that we are going to do everything we can to keep them safe.”

>One UnitedHealthcare worker who processes claims described being cleareyed about the American health care system’s shortcomings, but also believes that she and her colleagues did their best to help patients within the limits of that system. Like most workers interviewed, she did not want to be named because, given the reaction after Mr. Thompson’s killing, she feared for her own safety.

No. 2304876

do you know any good (current) books on the topic of class? i dont want to read some shit from the industrial revoltuion

No. 2304877

File: 1733974574958.jpeg (418.69 KB, 1290x1658, IMG_3611.jpeg)

the muted kind of vague responses authorities are giving makes me think it’s a military test like picrel. potentially tech they want to test in an urban environment or an attempt to measure public reactions.

No. 2304880

Wellllllll, Putin. Russia is very close to parts of the US that are experiencing these drones. I hate to be that guy, but really who else. The areas make sense, the animosity makes sense. I’m not sure about their technology but they do have their own alliances that could provide these things. Alternatively, countries like China have lowkey have alliance with the cartel in Mexico. North Korea also has gun and drug connections with the cartel. So who knows, but they aren’t from the US.

No. 2304883

Idk why the big boys would call me then, unless they keep secrets. But I really do not think they would too such a large degree.

No. 2304900

what the heck does “luigi outside of containment” mean are we not allowed to post about our chad assassin in amerifags anymore??

No. 2304908

Just a guess, because this happens to me, but when I look up and there are no landmarks (trees, buildings) to help me orient myself, I get dizzy. So it I’m out in an open field and I look up at the sky and there is only sky in my vision, I will fall backward kek

So I think he’s stabilizing himself because this is how I stand when I look up at the sky. And he’s looking up at this huge drone. This is my retarded guess, sorry

No. 2304910

seriously, he's an american hero. you can't just stop us from talking about one of the most important figures in american politics rn

No. 2304921

File: 1733977167795.png (1.81 MB, 2048x1365, 9vTWklY.png)

I wish more people would recognize how awesome Lina Khan has been as our FTC chair under Biden. Corporate interests HATE HER because she actually is effective at regulating them. Trump due to replace her, but probably would've been replaced under Kamala too. Gives me a lot of hope for the future.

No. 2304922

where is the containment thread? i need to thirstpost

No. 2304930

i don't see any redtext on the post you're quoting. was it removed or am i retarded?
can we talk about the case or not? It's still a huge story. And the /g/ thread is cringe no offense
Can we at least talk about it here until his extradition to NY? It shouldn't be terribly long before that happens.

No. 2304931

it's in /g/
i'll take a guess and say all thirstposts are to be in the containment thread and case talk will be here (and ig the containment thread too)

No. 2304933

thirst posting goes on /g/, serious discussion of luigi and the shooting goes here

No. 2304935

File: 1733977759244.png (1.1 MB, 1136x1933, ot - Amerifag General #28.png)

i can still see it but this is what it looks like

No. 2304936

File: 1733977859131.png (296.3 KB, 396x437, luigi.PNG)

thank you nonnies(there’s a containment thread for him now. Go there )

No. 2304990

File: 1733980841012.png (75.63 KB, 702x474, 930249082.png)

a few updates
>Luigi's fingerprints and the gun/ammo he had at the time of arrest have been linked to the murder