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No. 2306551

>no baiting or responding to bait
>be a good American citizen

Previous threads:

No. 2306564

have the NJ nonas been abducted by the aliens yet?

No. 2306590

omg nonnie I was just about to post in the conspiracy thread about it! I saw 3 hovering over and crossing back and forth over my house and the small mountain I live near. They were there for hours going back and forth. I'm in a semi rural area where theres been a lot of sightings. My friend lives 40 miles south near NYC and she got great video of one that was hovering over her and her neighbors house for hours last night..and one of her neighbors reported one of the drones spraying shit with photos of the spray coming down! but that happened at like 1:30 am which is interesting since most people are asleep at that time. I watched them until about midnight didn't see any spraying.

No. 2306593

thank you for incorporating both the eagle AND hetalia so the anon who wants the threadpics to be 'more america' can be happy kek

No. 2306594

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Now that I think about it, yeah, this is probably just Elon being a troublemaker

No. 2306644

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Grandpa really should just resign asap and let Kamala take over. There's literally only days left at this point and he still manages find new ways to disappoint.

No. 2306676

all this UFO panic in the news feels like the media trying to distract from the healthcare CEO shooting, especially with the government response to it being unclear and flipflopping between "it's not a threat" and "we don't know what it is"

No. 2306684

I truly think that the drones in NJ are from other countries but the government doesn't want us to panic

No. 2306704

i actually think the ufo stuff is getting intentionally drowned out by luigi stuff

No. 2306705

there hasn't been a single headline story about the ufo stuff on any major paper. you'd think nytimes being so close to nj would run something, but no.

No. 2306708

it's on news channels if that means anything

No. 2306711

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No. 2306712

>Government says “We don’t know about them but they are not a threat”
They shot a multimillion dollar missile into a Chinese spy balloon off of the Carolina coast….these things are in the same airspace every night. They know exactly what is going on but they aren't telling us.

No. 2306715

Agreed. Everyone jumps to "ALIUMS!!" when it's most likely just spy drones from China. Aliens aren't out there being conspicuous as hell for all to see but most people's concept of aliens comes from Hollywood and sensationalized urban legends which to me is yet another form of programming designed to distract us from the truth. Not saying aliens don't exist, just that the most commonly held concepts of them are based on fantasy and the reality behind it is much more confusing and frightening but this isn't the thread for that.

No. 2306716

In all honestly, what is even stopping Biden from stepping down? He should have stepped down after the election results and let Kamala be our first women president representative for a minute. I hate Biden

No. 2306718

it would be very cool if everyone wanted to call their state representatives about the ridiculous amount of money our military spends on Viagra. they don't need to do that.

No. 2306719

I think it’s the government/agencies looking for weapons that got smuggled into the country.

That would be dumb, they won and aren’t in charge yet? The intelligence agencies, military industrial complex and government would also be frothing at the mouth to prove it was musk/trump and oust them from future leadership.
More likely trump being silent is an indicator they (the government/military/agencies) know what it is and it’s a serious fucking threat and they don’t want to panic the shit kickers so they’re just letting us panic about potentials instead of the probably very real, very dangerous threat.

No. 2306721

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No. 2306723

What's even the point of letting active duty have viagra? They're driving around in the fuckin desert they don't need their dicks to stand at attention too.

No. 2306725

go post this in the conspiracy thread instead
for the hazing orgies

No. 2306726

Yeah, cause that's a good look. The only woman president just had to be a black/Indian/white mixed race woman who only got to be the president because of affirmation action.
Undignified and an insult, we deserve a female president who was voted in than sliding in on a technicality at the last second just so she can claim the title while also not having enough time to do anything.

No. 2306728

Meant to write a caption sorry, I guess the drones are either aliens or Chinese waiting to throw some “ancient plague” kek, the end of the world coming soon nonnies

No. 2306730

nothing really justifies 40mil in Viagra

No. 2306732

kek i love the alfred threadpics ♥

No. 2306791

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The Luigi Effect

No. 2306817

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Could you imagine the world we could have if scrotes channeled their aggression into something useful?

No. 2306826

Luigi needs to be freed so these faggots know their lives do not have legal protection.
They should live in terror of what they have wrought.

No. 2306830

>Their debt was forgiven in November.
Still, I hope this pattern continues now. These companies need good PR now more than ever. ESPECIALLY United.

No. 2306833

we can only hope nonnie

No. 2306866

Viagra is used not typically by active duty members, but the older retired veterans who use it. Also erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of PTSD, so that might be why. The military provides for a lot of health options, and Viagra is considered important for 'men's health'

No. 2306871

splendid. now all we gotta do is go after the people responsible for putting millions of americans in massive student loan debt and i think we might be able to save america after all, since its usually medical and student debt that keeps us from living our lives like normal.

No. 2306890

throw a dog a bone to keep his hunger at bay i guess

No. 2306893

>The chief executive of OpenAI, Sam Altman, is planning to donate $1 million to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inaugural fund, the company said. He would join a number of tech companies and executives who are working to improve their relationships with Mr. Trump: Amazon said that it was planning to donate $1 million and so did Meta, the parent company of Facebook.

No. 2306897

techbros finally realized that republicans are their allies

No. 2306920

>rich people sucking each other off

No. 2306936

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Briana Boston had been arguing with her healthcare providers over a denied claim and ended the call in frustration saying, "Deny, defend depose, you people are next." Cops showed up to her house and she was arrested for "threats to conduct a mass shooting or act of terrorism" and is being held on a $100,00 bail and is facing up to 15 years in prison. She has no guns, she's 42 and a mother of three, she's no threat to anyone.



No. 2306951

>"violence doesn't solve anything"
the elites they said
>"you can't fight fire with fire!"
They said

No. 2306962

Techbros trying to infiltrate political spaces and the government is not going to end well for women.

No. 2306978

I hope she gets the same mercy, sympathy, and understanding as Luigi but let's be real, she won't because she's a woman acting """hysterical""" and faggots will wring their necks to NOT care about her.

No. 2306982

Not only because she’s a woman acting “hysterical” but she’s an average/homely looking woman, which we all know is the most galling thing a woman can do in addition to being rightfully angry at her situation. If she were hot this story would be all over the news by now.

No. 2306987

poor thing. she looks like shes dealt with so much stress. i wish there was more outrage surrounding this. is any free speech a threat now?

No. 2306988

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I googled this so I could link it to friends and the number one result I got in google newswas a fact check link saying FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS OBVIOUSLY THE MURDERED CEO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. (https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-atrium-health-medical-debts-brian-thompson-2000319) Obviously I wasn't there when these decisions were made but it looks an awful lot to me like these companies went out of their way to publicize these efforts and then when the response was "killing works!" they wanted to reclaim the narrative and pretend it's completely unrelated that we're talking about this now. They're SO scared and I'm praying every night for the copycats to get to work.

No. 2306991

>tfw no alien husbando
Human moids are worthless

No. 2306995

I have a feeling nothing huge will come of this, I don’t know if many others are courageous enough to keep this up and enact change. Maybe its pessimistic but things will just slowly go back to normal but with more protection for the rich. Unless….(redacted for legal reasons, joke, fake, AI post etc.)

No. 2307025

People are starting to cover it. They're trying to send a message

No. 2307064

millennial men scare me

No. 2307066

this is so fucked up i hate this fucking country so much

No. 2307073

why do rich people keep donating to rich people? don't the animal shelters need help or something?

No. 2307076

I don’t want Luigi to ever be freed and I want him to spend the rest of his life in prison because he’s so hot and popular that I hate him. I don’t think he did anything wrong but I want to gatekeep him from the world.(luigi sperging outside containment)

No. 2307088

>rape your own teenaged stepdaughter?
>steal $54 million from your town of 16,000?
$4,500, and also later the president's going to commute your sentence
>be a little edgy over the phone
$100,000 and charged with terrorism
This is such bullshit. I'm so disillusioned with this stupid country

No. 2307091

her bail was already paid.

No. 2307147

Thankfully he bail has been paid and she received so many donations to her commissary no more could get through the limit having been reached. I think people will donate to a gofundme if she makes one. She seems shy so I'm not sure she will try to get any limelight like Luigi. I will be keeping tabs on her case.

No. 2307161

This story pisses me off so fucking much, she was essentially jailed for mad at a major corporation. I am so sick of these entitled billionaires pushing people around and the police for not putting their foot down and being bootlickers for these companies.
Thank god people are mostly on her side and see how stupid this situation is. They probably just arrested her to make an example out of her, i hope she's ok.

No. 2307166

This poor woman. I hope she gets out of this nonsense somehow. She's just saying what we're all thinking.

No. 2307191

It pisses me off when things in America start getting exciting and the 99% start realizing there's more of us than there is of them, and then the media and the government is all of a sudden abuzz about aliens. This happens every time, they are trying to distract us

No. 2307202

you're 100% correct, this drone shit has been going on for ages at this point, but now suddenly its urgent headline worthy news

No. 2307219

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the previous OP is randomly missing link to thread #26 and so is this one and it's triggering my tism

No. 2307252

has anyone else become extremely terrified of their digital footprint since the whole luigi mangione stuff? like i like to think ive made my online presence completely anonymous but … maybe not. really makes me want to nuke every single thing i have online

No. 2307255

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nytimes finally picking up the drone story

No. 2307256

It can be both things though. Something could be happening and the media is capitalizing on societies interest to try to hyper focus us there and away from celebrating the congratulations that mass murderer got (he deserved it). Even if the thing happening is the government or intelligence agencies trying to distract us it’s still worth talking about, because let’s be honest, that’d be pretty fucked of them to be terrorizing us.

No. 2307257

Don’t be an idiot about what you post but also know you will most likely never be in a situation where thousands of people are attempting to find any trace of you online. Same with the recently doxxed personalityfag, if she wasn’t a moron on LC no one would have gone through the effort of finding all of her info. Don’t give people a reason to look and you’ll be fine.

No. 2307258

Yeppp, this always fucking happens. It's always some shit about aliens that goes absolutely nowhere after a few weeks. I'm ignoring every retarded alien story I see right now but I already know some dimwits are going to fall for it

No. 2307259

yeah but just thinking about my info being out there at all terrifies me now. i never thought about it very deeply before

No. 2307261

people in NJ have been complaining about these drones for a month, way before the CEO's killing. literally all my social media feeds are still filled w/ luigi mangione stuff, not the ufos

No. 2307269

All personal info for most people is already out but not through being retarded online. Its being sold by companies that you buy or order from as they have user data on you and they end up selling it all to companies who leak it online. Even companies that have you pay for utilities will sell user data to make more money, google makes most of its money off of the users themselves and same with every other email provider and internet provider. Its why kiwifags are able to dox so well, most of the info is already online and not even well hidden

No. 2307299

Voter registration too. It just takes knowing someone’s name and state and you can look up their address.

No. 2307312

these are obviously by the government testing new military equipment. feds putting out a statement saying that have noooo idea what it is but insisted that it's not going to cause harm, proclaimed they're definitely not foreign, allowed them to fly all over restricted air spaces and US bases in foreign countries, and apparently arrested a rando who tried to follow it with his own drone. I would've scoffed and asked "how stupid do you think we are??" but a bunch of people including local governments are running around taking the bait hook line and sinker and screaming about aliens so the answer turns out to be "we are extremely stupid".

No. 2307371

exactly.. we as laypeople aren't ever going to know what's going on.
i feel like getting her in to virtue signal as america implodes would be right up america's alley
I legitimately believe we're being invaded by other countries and our government doesn't want us to know
the military implicitly promises that they can rape. also it would be cooler if state representatives could do literally anything besides gargle cock but I am 100% into your sentiment
100 emoji
Oh shit, you're right. It's probably just governmentcraft.

No. 2307382

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San Francisco police found Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji, 26, dead in his Lower Haight apartment Nov. 26, SiliconValley.com reported on Friday. Police said there is “no evidence of foul play.”

“The manner of death has been determined to be suicide,” David Serrano Sewell, director of the office of the city’s chief medical examiner, told The Standard by email.


No. 2307383

>mass murderer
Didn’t he only murder one person?

No. 2307386

Oh no, he was handsome… What did he whistleblow? Trying to google it just leads me to articles upon articles of this man's death

No. 2307388

the red team lacked knowledge workers and striving opportunists have found an easy vacancy.

No. 2307389

and boy was he massive huehuehuehue

No. 2307392

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No. 2307393

Thank you!

No. 2307394

Unfortunately, in the U.S., digital phone book companies will often connect your full name to your address and other information and post it online. You can get it taken down if you give them an email address, but sometimes you have to bug them a bunch of times, and you might want to look up your name in quotes on Google/Bing/etc. (different search engines give different results) every once in a while to make sure someone hasn’t put it back up. I believe Europe has privacy laws to prevent this, but unfortunately we don’t.

I also hate how your full name is often forever connected to whatever stuff your high school posted online. This is probably worse for Gen Z.

No. 2307406

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huh looks like a large number of NYC's top CEOs will all be gathered in one place. that's interesting

No. 2307417

Watching them get scared is really fucking funny

No. 2307424

Boo fucking hoo. Cry more, faggots.

No. 2307432

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>"UPDATE: According to the Polk County Sheriff's website Briana Boston has been released with no charges. The GoFundMe sent a message to all of us who donated that we’ll receive a refund. This is good news. She did nothing wrong. Free speech must be protected, not criminalized."



No. 2307436

good news!!

No. 2307438

Thank god!!!!!!

No. 2307441

I get why the money was refunded but I wish she could have kept it she might still need the money for medical expenses.

No. 2307454

the lack of reading comprehension is too much sometimes. it clearly says VIRTUAL meeting.

No. 2307469

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If only you knew how bad it's going to get

No. 2307495

This threadpic is magnificent

No. 2307527

I'm so glad, I was worried about her

No. 2307753

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I hate this country

No. 2307781

This is so fucking disgusting, makes me ill

No. 2307827

this faggot would donate to Harris too.

No. 2307922

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this is the most perfect example of how women are demonized at a much severe rate compared to men lmao. she didn't even killed ANYONE and all she did was say a few mean words. the same words written by an actual murderer. no offense to luigi but i'm going to bet either he'll get a reduced sentencing or even let go completely while this woman is stuck in prison and won't be able to see her children grow up.

No. 2307929

samefag i just saw her bail has been paid, thank goodness. my point still stands.

No. 2308052

he aged rapidly or has hgh skull

No. 2308216

What’s wrong nonny?

No. 2308277

if you think we live in a dystopia now, you haven't seen anything yet

No. 2308316

>Incel neet moid makes repeated death threats and intricate detailed stories about how he's gonna shoot up a school. He has repeatedly gotten in trouble with the law for violent crimes and has a massive collection of firearms.
Normies: He just needs to see a therapist

>Mother of three says "deny defend depose, you guys are going to get what's coming!" when insurance companies fuck her 10 ways from Sunday. Even though she has no criminal background and owns no weapons

Normies: We need to lock her up for 15 years and give her a 6 figure bail!!

No. 2308326

sorry for the schizo thoughts but i kind of feel like that story was falsified to deter other people from doing copycat assassination attempts on other healthcare CEO's/employees

No. 2308345

I really think this is classism. The working class is getting too uppity and they need to send a message to the rest of us
A shit ton of people were outraged and jumped to her defense.

No. 2308346

While I understand your sentiments, I think this was a real story. I think her sentencing might have been pushed because they wanted to "make an example" out of her but it backfired completely.
I do not think this is the last we are going to see of assassination attempts unless there is something crazy happens like passing the Medicare for All Act.

No. 2308556

>Luigi kills evil CEO
"Omg guys! Violence isn't the answer!"
>man accidentally kills homeless bum for being annoying
"He had it coming, anyway lets invite this absolute folk hero to a game"

No. 2308561

Kek at the opressers acting like they are opressed

No. 2308565

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So many whistleblowers "suicided" this year. Hmmm. Remember when not 1, but 2 Boeing whilsteblowers died this year?

No. 2308572

people will see shit like this and still sympathize with ceos like they don't regularly murder people who go against them like whistleblowers

No. 2308590

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Absolutely hate this state

No. 2308612

Okay I’m one of those people who kinda felt bad for the CEO at first and now my ability to care has subsided after reading the stories of people who were unable to get insulin with UHC insurance. I admit I was wrong and I am sorry. If anything I think the bastard is lucky that he got out early and doesn’t have to live in Trump’s America (Project 2025 ver.) unlike the rest of us here.
Kind of a morbid question but does anyone else also feel jealous of people who are dying lately?

No. 2308618

It takes resolve to admit to being wrong before, I'm glad you came around nonna.

No. 2308649

Where is that gif of Bugs Bunny sawing Florida off the United States…

No. 2308725

VoTe BlUe nO MaTtER wHO, they said. This kind of shit has been the norm my whole life. I feel so hopeless.

No. 2308841

Are there any more cases like this? Because i've thought about people potentially pulling this stint for ages, although in this day and age no one needs to pretend to be Dem and then go Republicunt tbh. Especially in Florida, they have a huge base whom are loyal to party over policy.

>“I got into politics to be part of the party of progress,” Valdés wrote. “I know that I won’t agree with my fellow Republican House members on every issue, but I know that in their caucus, I will be welcomed and treated with respect.”

KEK. Good luck with that. How the hell is the party of traditionalists and loyalists the party of progress??

No. 2308871

I don't feel jealous because I currently have some hope that Americans will redeem themselves, especially after the CEO assassination. Americans are increasingly distrustful of the narrative that the mass media promotes and I think when the boomers finally die off, things might start getting better.

No. 2308941

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Since she’s not gonna be president, get her funny ass on impractical jokers

No. 2309117

What did this guy whistleblow about AI? I wanna know so his murder wasn't in vain

No. 2309122

Holyshit, I hate florida so much. that really sucks, nonnies

No. 2309168

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No. 2309183

…I voted for this bitch. Are you fucking kidding me

No. 2309197

THAT’s the one!

No. 2309237

Lots of apelitas mad about this. Something tells me they'd be thanking the cursed wyte man for intervening if it was them that were being threatened by the hobo lowlife. Go listen to kendrick, your jungle music will make u feel better(racebait)

No. 2309244

Can we just give florida back to spain

No. 2309288

Kek literally.

No. 2309296

How is this legal? Kek. If I'm a senator could I just pretend to be a Democrat and then switch to Republican even though people voted for me as a Democrat?

No. 2309953

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Trump wants to privatize the postal service, mind you he was just talking to bezos, but he's totally anti elite!!! Just get the fucking recession over with

No. 2309964

I cannot fucking stand retards who voted for him.
Every time I'd try to warn magafags about trumps economic policies they would tell me I just wanted babies to get mastectomies' and wanted my country infested with brown rapeapes.
No retard Harris was the lesser of two evils. I would happily ditch the democrats for a republican who had good economic policies and didn't want to get rid of women's rights (even tho the troon handmaidens of the left also wanna get rid of womens rights). But that fucking doesn't exist so here I am.

If I was president all rapists of all races would be sent to afghanistan and I would use the American military budget to smuggle out all the afghani and african women.
I would be able to get rid of the migrant issue, the troon issue, and the rape issue in one fell swoop.

No. 2309976

Make a change kill yourself(alogging)

No. 2309977

Cry more retard.(infighting)

No. 2309981

Harris has a legit housing plan and legit policies. Trump has been paying billionaires out to fuel a more aggressive algorithm and nothing about his cult is natural. Trump will literally do anything a billionaire says as long as they suck his dick enough, trump is literally holding the tiktok ceo hostage because he knows he can fuck with the algorithm if he lifts the ban. Trump wants to privatize everything, even talks of privatizing social security and this really is george bush but more evil. Ugh
waa waa faggot. Enjoy paying more because of your imaginary thiel funded culture war

No. 2309986

Cope, seeth and dilate troon. Already feeling better Trump clearing out all beggars and rapist. It’s called a bargaining chip. Put my fries in the bag etc.(scrotefoiling/baiting/infighting)

No. 2309989

wish we could talk about immigration without it being automatically racebait

No. 2309994

>Already feeling better Trump clearing out all beggars and rapist.
Trump better clear out himself then

No. 2310003

proof that trump voters are retards

No. 2310015

Proof that you are fast food worker.

No. 2310016

Go back to Reddit troon.(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 2310018

please learn english

No. 2310039

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School shooting that has taken place in Wisconsin at a Christian School. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cdd6z85253nt

No. 2310042

In fucking Madison? No way. This is horrible. It's so close to me.

No. 2310046

Police are saying they don't know if the gunman is a male or female, honestly wouldnt be surprised if it was a female because last time a christian school got shot up, it was a woman shooting it up

No. 2310047

I’m so sad. Fuck religious schools and I really hope the parents get charged.

No. 2310066

he wants to privatize national parks too. this country is going to shit for good smh

No. 2310071

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What's worse is that it is a school that has kindergarten through high school.

No. 2310077

Watch it be another shooting in the name of palestine. I'm so tired

No. 2310120

I wouldn't get all gloomy about Trump just yet. If we've learned anything from his last term he loves to talk, and he loves the attention. I would start worrying once he gets back into office

No. 2310127

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There’s a non-zero chance the latest school shooter might have posted here. Holy shit, they walk among us

No. 2310128

>I’m so sad.
>Fuck religious schools

No. 2310132

Ok but did she really only kill moids?

No. 2310133

Oh god I hope not imagine the wave of unintegrated newfags that would ensue if that was made public

No. 2310134

If it's true that she posted here, this place is being turned into fed honeypot 100%.

No. 2310135

What makes you think she posted here anon? sorry I can’t really make out how the twitter post relates to us

No. 2310136

The language she used in her post makes it a non-zero chance.

No. 2310138

did she only target men??

No. 2310140

Holy shit

No. 2310141

RIP radfem optics. Well done you fucking retard.

No. 2310142

Nta but where else on the internet do people talk like that?
Anyway, I’ve always been curious what this kind of deranged blackpill poster looks like and now I guess we know. Maybe? If that’s real.

No. 2310144

4chan moids are already saying that they could have fixed her.

No. 2310146

some of you act like bad actors could never exist in political movements that have merit. any racist retard could attach themselves to radfems or gender critical circles or really any other left leaning groups.

No. 2310147

Should have killed a CEO

No. 2310148

But anyone using foid gets scrotefoiled and anyone using the n word gets banned for racebaiting kek.

No. 2310149

1. This bitch is fucking retarded. What does shooting up a school (definitely traumatizing and probably injuring, if not killing, young girls in the process) do for women? She can say she hates males, but this dumbass has a male mindset and might as well be an honorary scrote just from doing this.
2. If it's true she lurked here, I hope admins can take lolcow off of the google search results or something. Iirc, there's a way to do it. There's gonna be so many newfags.

No. 2310150

How do you know this is real or is her?

Gross isn't she 17

No. 2310152

anon in their world that's the perfect age for a woman. any woman after the age of 23 is already too old for them.

No. 2310153

If I were to speak my mind, I would be called a glowie.

No. 2310154

What are you thinking?

No. 2310155

You just know these are the same type of men who bitched about women crushing on Luigi kek.

No. 2310157

>What does shooting up a school (definitely traumatizing and probably injuring, if not killing, young girls in the process) do for women?
My thoughts exactly. The way she conducted herself was insane. Now she's added extra trauma to the girls at that school, and moids will say "l-look how violent feminists are! They will kill us!"

No. 2310161

Is this even an actual thing

No. 2310162

Oh that Venn diagram is 100% a circle.

No. 2310163

Samefag, now I'm questioning if that screenshot is actually real. The shooter has a twitter account (@postalbrained) where they linked their Google doc manifesto, but they didn't change the settings so that anyone with a link would be able to read it. Google will probably hand it over to law enforcement, but that wouldn't happen so soon after the shooting. How could a random twitter user with an Evangelion profile picture get access to it? Something smells fishy.

No. 2310164

should’ve just shot a ceo. why do these retards always target schools?

No. 2310165

if that manifesto is true (doubt) she’s just as retarded as school shooter moids because instead of making any actual changes or doing something productive (killing a CEO) she killed children

No. 2310166

Supposedly they were in the same Discord group chat and she posted previews of the manifesto there.

No. 2310167

They don't even do the only acceptable way to do a school shooting and use it to kill pedo teachers.

No. 2310168

Kek which one of you was this?
Zoomer women are the most chaotic generation of women in all of human history honestly. Guns and radfem autism have caused this

No. 2310170


No. 2310172

Should've just killed scrotelings, did she kill women too?

No. 2310175

They were in the same discord chat and this person didn't inform the police immediately?

No. 2310178

>Kmfdm shirt
>School shooting
>Likes postal
>Not a tif
A rare sight, i've seen girls like this before, most of them tend to be tifs though

No. 2310179

probably because i doubt she has any semblance of an aim
also nonnas im kinda scared now some retarded moid is gonna do a copy femicide shooting

No. 2310180

File: 1734384732818.jpg (332.71 KB, 2283x1546, rdramashooter.jpg)

she wasn't a farmer, she said moids and foids because she was a rightwing rdrama.net poster https://archive.vn/RnDBj

No. 2310183

I really doubt anyone in that chat was what you’d call a sane or responsible citizen.

No. 2310184

I knew someone that idiotic couldn't have came from here.

No. 2310185

What the fuck is that? Ugly ass website

No. 2310186


No. 2310188

Oh damn, at least we don't have to deal with the feds coming to our site. Too bad about the radfem optics though.

No. 2310189

how the fuck can someone just make reddit somehow uglier

No. 2310190

Looking at that page made me lose IQ points and I was already halfway retarded to begin with

No. 2310191

100% tranny then.

No. 2310192

still trying to find anything connecting her to radfeminism. think she was just transphobic/chuddy so far

No. 2310194

Can she even be considered a radfem? She's just a racist right winger e-girl that wanted attention

No. 2310196

i don’t think a woman right winger would be so vehemently anti-moid

No. 2310197

her manifesto snippet made me think she was bp chan

No. 2310199

i’m watching her twitter get new followers by the second what the fuck

No. 2310200

Unfortunately those types of people have latched onto radfeminism just because of the transphobic part.

No. 2310204

Why? Isn’t she dead? Kek

No. 2310205

it might not even be a real part of her manifesto since it's the real one is private and could just be rdrama starting shit.

No. 2310206

sex offender registries are publicly available and yet somehow it’s a trend to shoot up schools

No. 2310209

You would be surprised, there are many rw mean girls~ nowadays who say they hate moids but really don't

It depends, was postalbrained a pole?

No. 2310211

>commits the shooting in the school library
>wears a kmfdm shirt
of course

No. 2310212

>She killed the kids that actually study

No. 2310213

File: 1734385535903.png (467.63 KB, 720x1119, 1000002963.png)

Supposedly killed another student and a teacher.

No. 2310214

Shes one of those girls who wet themselves thinking of the columbine boys penetrating each other isn't she

No. 2310215


No. 2310216

Should have just gone the Sol Pais route and offed herself only

No. 2310219

this looks fake as fuck

No. 2310220

….anyone getting FAS tranny vibes from this picture or is it just me? i could be completely off, i won't even try to argue it. it could just be this one picture/angle

No. 2310221

Probably is. Where would they have "found" that manifesto?

No. 2310222

File: 1734385818464.png (86.14 KB, 720x607, 1000002965.png)

Looks like it was in one spot.

No. 2310224

Yeah ngl that hand is very male

No. 2310225

File: 1734385880701.png (250.83 KB, 2172x1032, ex.png)

ntayrt; based on the cat icon, it's wpd, a gore site that is 99% scrotes. i couldn't find the post that ayrt screenshotted, but they've been posting her ex sperging out about her.

No. 2310226

True. Moid rage and strenght makes them a lot more deadly than women

No. 2310228

It looks like a normal girl, probably autistic

No. 2310229

Plus I think that might be a shaved mustache/5 oclock shadow

No. 2310230

notice how none of the articles state that the victims were only men
bitch supposedly hated men yet also killed other girls, absolute retard

No. 2310231

>Madison Police Chief adds that they will not be releasing the name or gender of the suspect

No. 2310232

Only killed 2 so I'm thinking bio woman. A moid would have gone to town with an AR-15

No. 2310235

>bio woman
Just say woman.

No. 2310236

The chances of all the students in the one class she shot in being male is kinda low. Even if she didn't kill a girl I'm sure she injured one.

No. 2310238

i thought the adams apple was just really small lmao, there's a faint shadow, but who knows
must be a shitty bf if he couldn't stop the shooter

No. 2310241

No. 2310245

Supposedly he did try but obviously word of mouth. He also allegedly confirmed that the shooter is a woman and her father was a catalyst and that her father needs to go to jail.

No. 2310247

Well now parents are culpable when their children shoot up schools so he probably will

No. 2310248

File: 1734386563420.jpeg (971.76 KB, 1290x2029, IMG_1467.jpeg)

The replies on the postalbrained Twitter account seem to agree

No. 2310250

I’m so confused. Was the shooter a TIF or a TIM? A radfem or a rightwinger?

No. 2310251

>All rw bots with verified checkmark

No. 2310252

Police have not released information yet.

No. 2310253

Right winger girl wanting attention

No. 2310256

bp chan is polish and loves moids kek

No. 2310257

No one knows, all information right now is from "my friend's cousin's discord buddy" tier sources.

No. 2310259

>KMFDM shirt

Oh for fucks sake

No. 2310261

File: 1734387020942.jpg (65.65 KB, 675x900, Ge7z5_ZXMAEJfzE.jpg)

Last thing she posted to Xitter. Those hands look pretty female to me.

No. 2310262

Whats the meaning behind KMFDM shirts

No. 2310265

Columbine reference

No. 2310266

How do you know she did? Or who said she did?

No. 2310270

KMFDM is a German metal band popular among white supremecists and school shooters

No. 2310273

From what im reading it seems like she only recently discovered radical feminism through radfem hitler and other rightoid adjacent radfems. Considering she still followed scrotes, the radical feminism mustve been a new thing for her. guess we're not a fringe group anymore. lmfao wtf

No. 2310274

Eric Harris one of the Columbine shooters loved the band and wore the band’s shirts often. Genuine question but do you live under a rock?

No. 2310275

She killed christcucks which is almost as good as killing CEOs in my book tbh. Good for her.(ban evasion)

No. 2310279

i just realized how fucking crazy it was we had a whole election and healthcare was NOT talked about even once?

No. 2310280

Why are so many people on twitter saying it was a Troon? From the pic?

No. 2310281

>found an extract
>no source
yeah fucking right so made up bullshit falseflag. anyway shes a dumb bitch for shooting up a school and not a CEO

No. 2310283

i’m dumb how can you tell bots apart

No. 2310285

anon she killed 2 kids who were just trying to go to school for the day, i dont think thats the same as killing a man who murdered other people and abandoned his wife and kids. the teacher however i can’t really speak on.

No. 2310286

Not that I like cops, but I honestly wouldn't be mad if they started having some sort of officers or security patrol the outside of schools. And requiring a bag check for students to enter the school. It won't fix the real problem (lack of gun control action from the government) but it'll at least be something.

No. 2310287

Yep, the psyop is full motion now. This will be used to outlaw feminism, while uwu weejie will be used to promote how heroic and totally redeemable moids are.

No. 2310289

>and every foid who worships these parasites
Uh oh, did the Luigi hornyposters drive her to do this?

No. 2310290

File: 1734387744409.jpg (69.83 KB, 828x298, 1000006938.jpg)

Is the Wisconsin school shooter a farmer?

No. 2310291

If I looked like that I would have killed people and myself too

No. 2310292

You know nobody is siding with a CEO killer and school shootings get swept under the rug in 2 weeks no matter who commits it

No. 2310293

Nta but no need to be an asshole. maybe not everyone knows what bands they liked and what tshirts the columbine shooters had in their wardrobes

No. 2310294

everyones focused on the military testing in new jersey and the nukes they're looking for now anyway.

No. 2310295

If this is real fuck this retarded bitch holy shit.

No. 2310296

Maybe this will be the final straw for me to leave this site for good

No. 2310297

assassinating a guy who’s killed thousands of innocent people? he had it coming. killing two of your child classmates because you’ve been obsessing over the columbine shooters? yeah i don’t really know how i’m supposed to feel about that

No. 2310298

I honestly hate how blindly people believe stuff like that. Why would they only have an "extract"? Where would they "find" it and why wouldn't the source just release it by themselves if they wanted?

No. 2310299

Were the kids moidlets? If so nothing of value was lost.

No. 2310300

Stop being schizo

No. 2310301

do you retards honestly think the word “moid” is only used on this site

No. 2310302

I’m not being asshole kek I’m asking a genuine question since the band was famously associated with the shooting . I thought maybe anon was underage or something.

No. 2310304

WHY DO THEY KEEP SHOOTING UP SCHOOLS?!!?!!!!!!!!!! I LITERALLY DONT GET IT. see how someone becomes celebrated for killing legitimately evil people in the world and yet people choose to kill children? i dont get it

No. 2310305

what kind of radfem calls women "foids"?

No. 2310306

sorry nona i was wrong, it looks like 1 other student died, 1 other teacher died, and the other dead student is the shooter

No. 2310307


No. 2310308

mental illness

No. 2310310

these tards need to target people in the thielverse who actually wanna set shit back for women instead of random kids lmfao

No. 2310311

Easy target, don't need to be good at shooting to manage to kill a kid or two, plus because the casualties are children they know they will be in the spotlight for at least several weeks.

No. 2310314

Scroll up nonna

No. 2310316

Because it’s easy and gives them the attention they want. Also schools dgaf about protecting students so rinse and repeat

No. 2310317

She isn't the type to think all women are queens, if that manifesto part is true. She's calling the handmaidens foids, and in that context I've seen radfems who hate handmaidens call them slurs too.

No. 2310319

I will kill the bitch myself, you know what she has done for the tranny agenda in fucking Wisconsin? She's given them EVERYTHING THEY'VE EVER WANTED. Fuck this stupid retard I hope she gets jumped in prison. Fuck blackpillers.

No. 2310320

Her friends are trying to set radfems up lol recently groypers have been seething over rfh and you cant access the actual manifesto. Sad

No. 2310321

forgot to add she doesnt even follow rfh

No. 2310322

She apparently forgot to make the link accessible to everyone when she posted it. It's on a google doc (which is so retarded she could have just made it a pdf. 4chan is already calling her a braindead foid for it)

No. 2310325

calm down falseflagging retard

No. 2310326

I doubt the entire library was just male students, and apparently even the students who didn't die were still injured
I thought it was only an /r9k/ term like "roastie"

No. 2310327

she’s dead
I agree. definitely a false flag

No. 2310328

and samefag i can’t find any news outlets that are willing to release the name of the student and teacher who were murdered

No. 2310329

At least this blackpiller had the right idea that you need to rise up and kill moids. Non-blackpillers will always be forever submitted to scrotes.

No. 2310331

I'm not joking, the trannies of Wisconsin will be CHEERING over this. Fuck this stupid bitch.

No. 2310332

I have never been more glad that we have a VPN ban going on right now.

No. 2310335

>i have never been more glad that the feds will have direct access to my ip after an event that will put lolcow in a watchlist

No. 2310336

Why would they cheer over this? Even if the text isn't made up, no radfem calls women "foids" and lurks in male infested shitholes like rdrama.

No. 2310337

The feds are gonna hate the Luiginons

No. 2310339

Are you not getting it? The fact she went on a kill all moids sperg is enough for them. They will be celebrating this like you have no idea because now they finally have ammunition to actually use.

No. 2310340

true kek

No. 2310342

Honestly, same. Hope it stays this way tbh.

No. 2310343

I was more so thinking of the amount of infighting, baiting, and derangement that's going to come from newfags flooding into the site with the possible misinformation that will occur from a so-called "radfem" school-shooter. Good point though.

No. 2310347

i feel really sad for the kid who was murdered and the teacher too…even if the victims were male the news of a school shooting and suicide of a teenage girl isn’t something i can pretend to be happy about

No. 2310348

..unless it turns out she killed girls too

No. 2310349

File: 1734388615023.webp (35.97 KB, 933x622, IMG_6583.webp)

The FBI agents assigned to lolcow having to wade through all the hornyposting

No. 2310350

ntayrt but that obviously isn’t what she meant, also theres 0 evidence that this little girl was a farmer? she’s also a young high schooler, and the minimum age to post here is 18.

No. 2310351

What ammunition? Trannies constantly bitch about women no matter what we do, even the ones caping for them. That text has more in common with trancels than it has with feminist.

No. 2310352

>nooooooo le good feminists will show dem moids by passively bitching on twitter about muh abortion and threatening to not have sex with them instead of using a constitutional right to defend themselves from them!1!!11

No. 2310354

>she’s also a young high schooler, and the minimum age to post here is 18.
You think teenagers dont just lie and post here? I dont think she was a farmer but like still

No. 2310355

Doesn't matter. She could've gone "kill all women, women are all whores from birth" but the fact that she singled out men to any extent for her motive is enough of a cause for men to use this as the ultimate ammo to claim "feminazi radical feminist are actually real totally dangerous violent more violent and dangerous than men". Calling it now, she's going to be brought up at any point as a card to be played if you get into any discussion of sex-based violence.

No. 2310356

ntayrt but based off what i’ve been able to find, it seems like she only killed one student, one teacher, and wounded 6 other students whos health statuses are currently unknown

No. 2310359

File: 1734388714852.jpg (Spoiler Image,155.54 KB, 1024x1372, s2.jpg)


Supposedly xir, matching hair + KMFDM shirt.

Male looking waist/torso/body type. Didn't get the tranny vibe from the other pic though.

No. 2310361

No. 2310362

troons don’t care if someone’s actually a radfem they will still use it to demonize them regardless. they blame male crimes on radfems all the time

No. 2310364

female school shooters don't even make 5% of all school shooters so people have to be grasping at straws pointing out the first female school shooter in years of dozens of moids doing it.

No. 2310367

Again, it doesn't matter to them. They need only a centimeter to make a mile.

No. 2310369

NTA but I’m old and have never heard of them. I think the only way I could have is if I had a vested interest in the shooters themselves, which I don’t. Don’t think anyone I know would have a clue about the reference either.

No. 2310370

KEK nonna

No. 2310371

>in years
Pooner happening was 1 year ago.

No. 2310372

Her real name is natalie and not samantha and police are saying she wasnt a tranny from what ive read up on. seems like sam was just her online name

No. 2310374

And thus, a new distraction has been born.

No. 2310376

and how many moids did we have meanwhile?

No. 2310377

>>>Eric Harris one of the Columbine shooters loved the band and wore the band’s shirts often. Genuine question but do you live under a rock?
ntayrt but some people have jobs and aren't school shooter obsessed spergs. Like what makes you expect every person to randomly know or care about eric's retarded taste in euroslop music.

No. 2310378

Posting for the first time in a couple years and I'm overjoyed to learn they finally implemented a VPN ban, wow. I was begging for that on meta for so long during the tranny spam (Blain? Blane? Idr) to no avail and it made me leave until literally today lmao.

No. 2310379

>somehow this fucking thread turned into yet another “uhm masculine features = not woman/troon!” “not feminine enough for me therefore male” argument

No. 2310380

File: 1734388943275.png (1.31 MB, 1170x1194, lindymurder.png)

made me smile kek

No. 2310381

I know, but that's why I'm saying this would change nothing.

No. 2310385

Things happening = distraction
I mean alien conspiracies are distractions, not mass shootings lol

No. 2310386


No. 2310387

Who's the one on the left supposed to be?

No. 2310388

No, no I don't think this shooting was a plot that'd be retarded. I mean, that the news is going to report on this and push this farther than the CEO thing.

No. 2310389

that is Paul Skallas (AKA Lindy Man) and luigi mangione was a fan of his

No. 2310390

I’m with you Nona. I’m so fucking sick of school shootings. I worked at a preschool for a while and when I was training they had to be sure to show me the “safe classroom” in case some incel freak decided to kill some 3-year olds that day and it was harrowing to think about.

No. 2310391

File: 1734389180973.gif (4.7 MB, 640x470, walter-white-falling.gif)

All of the super studs in prison after finding out some cute white girl who was going to be their cellmate killed herself instead

No. 2310392

she's dead retard. finish reading next time.

No. 2310394

killing two random people does nothing. affects nothing

No. 2310395

File: 1734389274359.jpg (40.86 KB, 500x500, artworks-000679304314-wkt4k3-t…)

Oh fuck you for making me laugh.

No. 2310396

If all the victims (except herself) turn out to be male then this is a net positive for the world.

No. 2310397

right like she was onto something, just sucks if this shines any negative light on rf's

No. 2310400

If this makes at least one scrote afraid of women then it's a win. More women need to arm themselves and shoot men.

No. 2310402

I really don’t think so

No. 2310403

>School shooter
>Being onto anything

No. 2310404

couldve just killed peter thiel smh

No. 2310405

RF is already bottom of the barrel in the minds of all normies, can't get any worse than it already is so why worry about it. RF also isn't supposed to make people comfortable, it's supposed to liberate women from men.

No. 2310406

there was a troon school shooter last year or two years ago so they probably don't have room to whine about "le violent radfems"

No. 2310407

fuck ur right anon.

No. 2310408


No. 2310409

>Muh optics
Amazing how women are the only group that needs to worry about optics. They don't do shit you retard. This is when you start rehearsing the "uwu disaffected young women" and "see what happens when you don't give us what we want?" routine everyone performs when an incel mows down a school for the millionth time.

No. 2310410

I’m not a shooter sperg KEK I just like some of their songs and they were literally blamed for the shooting. You don’t even need to be “invested” in school shooters to know about it tbh But maybe that depends on the time frame you were in school too.

No. 2310412

briana boston, ALC shooter, who’s gonna be next??

No. 2310413

exactly, this is why rightoid scrotes win despite being fucking evil. We have the opportunity to not be fringe anymore and we need to take it

No. 2310414

yes more scrotes need bullets in them and to fear women, even if they're baby scrotes.

No. 2310415

These people unironically think radical feminism has "good optics" in the eyes of most people alive and that "good optics" is what is going to make men stop murdering and abusing women, somehow.

No. 2310416

>>>RF also isn't supposed to make people comfortable, it's supposed to liberate women from men.
agreed nonnita

No. 2310418

Love the LC double standard praising moids when they do something fringe but shitting on women when they do something fringe.

No. 2310420

Also, the fact that her "radical feminism kill all men" inspiration is a pickme muhboys tradthot is peak out of touch glowie op. They couldn't even pick an actually misandrist "inspiration". ROFL

No. 2310421

If school shootings ever accomplished anything, they would have done so in the last 20 years.

No. 2310422

YES! nvm this actually might be goof for radfem optics, gives us an ability to exercise female violence and let society get comfortable with women actually following through with their threats. Opens up room for female violence to fill out in society, this could be the very stone that keeps rw from pressing on female rights in america any longer if they know we're going to start killing others and ourselves when pushed too far.

No. 2310424

They might not accomplish anything on the big scale but imagine one or two scrotelets are traumatized for life they dare not to mess with any woman in their lives ever, that's already a win for females.

No. 2310425

And all the female students she traumatized? They are just chuck liver?

No. 2310426

do you see anyone shitting on her anon? nobody is talking bad about her as a person, they’re talking about the decision she made to harm innocent people who aren’t comparable in any manner to a CEO who’s committed murders of his own and done harm against his wife and children

No. 2310427

> this could be the very stone that keeps rw from pressing on female rights in america any longer if they know we're going to start killing others and ourselves when pushed too far.
This should already have happened when abortion became a state issue. Men keep taking away women's rights because women won't kill them for it.

No. 2310429

Inshallah they shall be inspired by her bravery.

No. 2310430

>chuck liver
Kek do you mean chopped liver nonnie?

No. 2310431

File: 1734390130719.jpg (122.72 KB, 988x577, excerptismadeup.jpg)

no, they were an rdrama/wpd poster. this is being posted with no proof that it's even her writing. people are saying the excerpt is made up.

No. 2310432

>they dare not to mess with any woman in their lives ever

No. 2310434

If anything, this'll embolden them more.

No. 2310436

File: 1734390200143.jpg (245.03 KB, 960x732, 1000122012.jpg)

No. 2310437

Who the fuck is shooting up schools because of fucking RFH? lmfao. The most inspiration a woman is getting from RFH is to beat her moid which is still pretty baste. I doubt this was real, she wouldve been inspired by someone like solanas or wuornos.

No. 2310438

No. 2310439

Ammunition for what? The obvious fact that if men get to do this and be thrown a planet-wide pity party, then women do too?
Now every time a moid seethes about le violent feminism, just tell him that this is a sign that disaffected young women are fed up and need to be coddled.

No. 2310441

uh nona i’m pretty sure she was white lmao

No. 2310442

Quick rundown on this pic? Who is she supposed to be?

No. 2310443

No. 2310444

radfem hitler is just a radfem who posts her thoughts on twitter, apparently the shooter was a fan of RFH but theres no evidence for this yet

No. 2310445

Ammunition to further tarnish gender critical beliefs and keep libfems in the clutches of their cult.

No. 2310446

You have an incel white house after Jan 6. Wdym they accomplished nothing?

No. 2310447

File: 1734390453562.jpeg (124.11 KB, 828x537, IMG_4763.jpeg)

From her boyfriend

No. 2310448

>incel whitehouse
wait what is this in reference to? biden is married and has kids…?

No. 2310449

how do we know this is her nigel though? is there any evidence

No. 2310451

she follows him

No. 2310452

Radfem hitler isn't an actual radfem she's just an autistic NLOG tradthot that gained feminist conciousness at 35 years old unlike other women.

No. 2310454

How come absolutely no amount of inhuman depravity "tarnishes" tradfaggotry, WNs and MRAs? It only gets "tarnished" because of your own cucked perspective. Nothing sticks to moid movements because moids simply choose to make excuses for these behaviors, or celebrate them.
The psyop did its job with you.

No. 2310455

They got there with money and connections, not school shootings. The school shooters do nothing except make schools unsafe.

No. 2310458

If she went from tradthot to radfem that's still better than the other way around, which I don't understand how it happens.

No. 2310459

And how do these bad, bad people with bad optics continue gaining access to money and connections?

No. 2310460

you can tell it was written by a moid bc they had to sneak an N word in there

No. 2310461

I actually saw a news story last night where high school Moids were using AI to generate nude pics of female classmates. The female students who were targeted were called into the office on speaker phone and laughed at by male classmates. The moid’s identity who started it was kept private by the school and only got a day suspension. I thought for a second the shooting was related to that with how fucking poorly the school handled it lmao

No. 2310462

Sure as hell isn't through dead schoolchildren.

No. 2310463

trump's an incel i suppose

No. 2310464

ntayrt but…not through shooting up the school?
do we have any actual evidence though? like photos of them together or texts between each other?

No. 2310465

File: 1734390789947.jpg (160.05 KB, 555x541, 1653079746684.jpg)

>her boyfriend
do online boyfriends with anime pfp really count tho??

No. 2310466

kek they can't help themselves

No. 2310468

kek and people here keep feeling bad when scrotelets die.

No. 2310470

He’s been sperging about her for hours. She follows very few people and he is one of them.

No. 2310471

9 kids and like 3 wives is apparently incel territory now

No. 2310472

>which I don't understand how it happens

Contrarianism. With the "uwu im trad now" social media people it's all about attention-seeking and being a pickme for men. It's just NLOG going in a different direction

No. 2310473

File: 1734390907211.jpg (6.12 KB, 299x168, images (4).jpg)

>be retarded columbine fangirl
>be neonazi
>be handmaiden
>shoot up white christian kids because cool and edgy
>moids turn on you after you kill yourself and call you a racetraitor and dumb roastie
>not even radfems want you because you ex-nigel is saying you were antifeminist
>didn't even make manifesto public
Wuornos is laughing from heaven

No. 2310475

really? damn I thought it was a pretty cool industrial band to just listen to, this sucks

No. 2310476

i personally think school children shouldnt be murdered. maybe thats controversial but thats just my opinion

No. 2310478

File: 1734391005967.jpeg (404.84 KB, 828x1387, IMG_4764.jpeg)

Motive seems to be general misanthropy + tcc larp

No. 2310479

they've never been a racist band and the only reason they're infamous is because the columbine kids loved them

No. 2310480

I think it's fine when school children (male) die because it's dumb to think all men are rapeapes but you make an exception to every male who is 17yo 364d 23h 59m old and younger if the second they turn 18 that someone puts them in irredeemable rapist territory. No sense whatsoever.

No. 2310482

i’m tired of everything being able to be called a manifesto, i think there should be a minimum for how many pages it has to be before it can be legally called a “manifesto” and not just a suicide note

No. 2310483

this is evil, kids are innocent

No. 2310484

You don't even know the gender of her victims.

No. 2310485

>hamfisted moid emulation of lolcow 2xposting
The fact that glowies are targeting a niche women's gossip forum does not bode well. Maybe the handmaid's tale on jan 6 anons are correct.

This reminds me of how quickly Megalia was taken down by the Korean government while 9th rooms stayed up forever. Hope all the tardthots here welcome their Palantir homo incel overlords.

No. 2310486

ntayrt but i don’t think thats what that anon was saying

No. 2310488

Lmao, she worships neo nazi moids and the tards here are still trying to call her based.

No. 2310490

File: 1734391214503.png (295.84 KB, 1179x1118, image_2024-12-16_182011110.png)


No. 2310491

no shit. so obviously written by a man/tranny

No. 2310493

who is this text exchange between?

No. 2310495

Sure as hell through monopoly on violence, which includes holding the public hostage.

No. 2310496

Oh gee, an amerimutt burger who worshipped neo nazi spergs!!! She's so based for killing a teacher and kid and scarring the lives of everyone in that school that day! Uber basado!!!!!!!

No. 2310497

>ummm actually the diktionary definition of incel is no sex for 6 months. I can't be an incel

No. 2310499

Elliot Rodger wasn't a misogynist because he shot men too uwu

No. 2310500

i thought an incel is just anyone who’s involuntarily celibate? i can’t speak on trumps personal sex life kek but i don’t really think him or JD are just married to women who don’t wanna fuck them

No. 2310501

genuinely. i think internet access to should be completely banned for under 18 y/o. should be a phone ban implemented in all schools.

No. 2310502

God dammit. Can people PLEASE stop targeting school children?! Seriously??? Go after CEOs and then sperg about moids FUCk.

No. 2310504

>She killed christcucks which is almost as good as killing CEOs in my book tbh. Good for her.
Quit being a tard. Didn't realize parents who force their kids to go to a private christian denomination school made those kids 'christcucks.' You do realize you can attend those schools without being christian too, right? It's not a prerequisite. Parents get memed into sending their kids there because 'supposedly' it's better than public and some of those schools will say they are 'college prep.' Security usually sucks at those school too.
Shooter reminds me of Lindsay Souvannarath. How far into the rabbit hole is yet to be seen.

No. 2310506

i’ve felt this way for years, and i’m saying that as someone who had an iPhone put in her hand at 9 years old. this whole social media driven, tech focused lifestyle is not reality and has not been beneficial to the development of the last two generations, or the upcoming generation. this needs to end.

No. 2310507

File: 1734391621916.gif (1.64 MB, 220x220, elliot-rodger-chad.gif)

Misandrist king

No. 2310508

>all this obscure polisperg moid shit
Moids stay unable to pass even through text. It's actually remarkable how they are biologically unable to generate any sentiment, interest or text that's convincingly female. Is it their need to minimize their own faults by pretending women are just like them that's standing in their way? Could they at least ask an LLM to do it for them?

No. 2310510

elliot rodgers life story makes me really fucking sad

No. 2310511

I hope this causes a rubberband effect that leads to more CEO deaths.

No. 2310512

You’re retarded

No. 2310513

same for me, well maybe not age 9 but i had a smartphone at age 12. but i had unfettered computer access since at least 7 or 8. it's fucked up.

recently the largest school district in my city is implementing a phone ban starting next year. everything will improve. i think its the only way to save humanity. the ipad kid generation terrifies me a lot

No. 2310514

leaning on right wing feminazi TIM

No. 2310516

File: 1734391737503.jpg (38.16 KB, 736x408, elliot.jpg)

The Supreme Gentleman himself

No. 2310517

embolden them to do what? beat and rape us? so what they've been doing that anyway, Now we have proof that we're not receptacles for male violence without ever lashing out if anything.

No. 2310518

its not edited darker lol the original drawing is the guy concealed in shadows

No. 2310519

moids are never innocent. Ever.

No. 2310521

and a whore is a sex worker
fucking braindead

No. 2310522

File: 1734391881661.jpg (143.11 KB, 800x1269, kyung_and_friends_comic_6_by_d…)

No BPD chan. Innocent children is not even remotely the same as CEOs. You are just mentally ill.

No. 2310526

Yeah it's bad they have been discussing in full detail what luigis piss tastes like

No. 2310527

some ppl on this site genuinely need to go outside. its unhealthy

No. 2310528


No. 2310529

McDonalds hashbrown

No. 2310530

No. 2310533

well actually the word “whore” has multiple definitions, the term “incel” doesn’t

No. 2310534

Does anyone remember a video that went viral within the last 4 or so years of a young girl and her brother playing with a gun on IG live (maybe even tiktok) and the girl accidentally shoots her brother and then promptly shoots herself? It just came to my mind and I really want to know what follow up there was for it. It was one of the worst videos I’ve ever seen.

No. 2310535

Imagine your gf just killed a bunch of her classmates and herself and the first thing you do is hop on twitter. Brainrot

No. 2310537

yep, paris harvey

No. 2310542

Wournos has more in common with the CEO killer because she murdered people the world was better off without

No. 2310543

The worst part of that video for me was seeing the brothers and sisters walk into the bathroom and scream and cry at the sight of what’s just happened and then discovering that they were on live the whole time. Such an abomination.

No. 2310546

her sperging wasn't even real >>2310490

No. 2310548

true. luigi is laughing at the failure from prison and wuornos is laughing at the failure from heaven

No. 2310550

Idk I just think elliot rodgers was a pathetic manchild who should have been institutionalized. I have no pity for him

No. 2310553

elliot rodger had a rich well connected daddy and was average looking. couldve dated a 8/10 girl. He was just a homosexual bpdemon who wanted an excuse to kill people. Faggot

No. 2310555

nta, that's true, but I do agree it's kind of tragic. Both of his parents were so unfit to parent, they used him against each other, they just poured money hoping they can fix it. Essentially they saw a gaping wound and hoped a bandaid would fix it sorry for the sperging

No. 2310556

File: 1734392552509.jpg (96.02 KB, 1080x1079, 1000036113.jpg)

It's a fucking psyop to give tarditonal, pro-moid and christian beliefs government protection you retard. Not letting this faze you isn't the same as thinking she's based for killing kids or that killing kids accomplishes something in particular.

Anders Breivik mowed down like what, 40 supremo Aryan children? WNs either defend him, pretend he doesn't represent them or shill a "nuanced view" of his chimpout. Learn the playbook instead of falling for the meme and lamenting the bad optics. You are already balls deep in being psyopped by comparing her to le based CEO killer.

No. 2310558

i kind of have pity for him because his parents just put money and his bank account and completely ignored him instead of sending him to a hospital or some kind of home for severely autistic men
Anon i’ve done a lot of research on ER, i guarantee you he wasn’t gay kek, just on a very extreme, incapable end of the neurodivergent spectrum

No. 2310561

Yeah, all of them "woman I'm angry at". If it can be a meaningless misogynistic expletive, so can incel.

No. 2310562

His parents were enablers but I still don't have an iota of pity for Elliot. He was an entitled brat animal. His sister was raised in the same environment and did just fine. But elliot was consumed by his own narcissism and entitlement.
He was always a miserable, retarded piece of shit.

No. 2310563

you need medication

No. 2310565

>You are already balls deep in being psyopped by comparing her to le based CEO killer.
NTA but did you even see the post she responded to

No. 2310568

File: 1734392955378.png (174.44 KB, 1388x1040, hoar.png)

story about elliot rodger i’ve never been able to forget, apparently his classmates hated him so much that they taped his entire head to the desk when he fell asleep in class one time, all because he was a sperg who peed his pants when he got scared
anon, what are you referring to? we were having a discussion about how the whitehouse is “full of incels” now, and you’re trying to compare the word “whore” (which can mean prostitute or someone who debases themselves for attention) to the internet term “incel” which isn’t actually a word but is a term describing men who are involuntarily celibate
yeah his sister was raised in the same environment nona but that doesn’t mean she was mentally deformed the same way that elliot was, i think he had like, real brain autism. not the kind we’re all familiar with today

No. 2310569

>"You are already balls deep in being psyopped by comparing her to le based CEO killer."
I literally did the exact opposite.

No. 2310572

I read about his life and I don't recall him ever actually being severely bullied. He mostly just would constantly tardrage out which made people not want to be around him. I would have been less pissy about him if he killed a CEO. But woman disrespecters never actually do anything based.

No. 2310574

You need to prepare to apologize for her evil radical feminist actions for the next 100 years. I suggest you start now.

No. 2310575

Also Im tired of the autism excuse. Plenty of people have autism and dont murder randos. Eliot was a piece of shit and it isn't much deeper than that. I hope he's rotting in hell and is forced to watch women simp over Luigi.

No. 2310578

the stories about him being bullied are available in his biography and his wikipedia page, if you’re interested in reading about it. he was absolutely wrong for killing his roommates and those sorority girls, but he also shouldn’t have ever been living on his own to begin with because he was always a danger to himself and others
the tiktok zoomer “autism” we’re all familiar with now is significantly different from the actual neurodivergence that real legitimately, retarded people have

No. 2310579

Nobody casually uses whore according to these specific definitions. When a man calls a woman a whore, she could be a virgin who has never done anything for money or attention, it's just a slur. I can't believe the autism here sometimes.

You're like people who say "umm how could he larp on the Internet? It means LIVE action roleplaying". Fucking kek, why does a casual use of incel to denote an entitled misogynic faggot trigger so many thesaurus munchers?

No. 2310580

Holy cringe. This is what you get when low iq retards try to be cool.

No. 2310581

go back

No. 2310584

he didn't kill any sorority girls. He tried to but he didn't anticipate the door would be locked so he just killed a bunch of normies before offing himself like the psychotic loser he was.
He should have been locked up for sure but incels always get pity points and excuses for their violent tendencies like the primate shitbulls that they are.

No. 2310585

do you know what the term munchie even means? some of you just open your mouths and say shit

No. 2310590

Obviously not a man you have the same iq as conservatives who automatically think 2024 school shooting = troon

No. 2310591

yes he did, unfortunately he killed 2 sorority delta delta delta girls going to UC santa barbara, veronika and katherine

No. 2310593

The state of lolcow, most misandrist place on the Internet

>REEE that dumb bitch killed kids! And for what!!! They weren't even male!! As a young woman in 2024 she LITERALLY couldn't possibly have ANYTHING to be angry about or be mentally ill! Why couldn't she kill a CEO?

>umm aktually I don't condone his actions at all but this rich as fuck male was boolied and stuff… And peepeed himself..I know he didn't even kill his bullies and I don't condone his actions I just wish he'd gotten h-help for his autisms… Read my hurt/comfort fanfic about him on ao3 btw

No. 2310597

This retard definitely posted to r/femcelgrippysockjail kek

No. 2310600

i think you might’ve misread the posts anon, multiple users have said that he should’ve been institutionalized?

No. 2310601

Which is why it's "thesaurus muncher", not "munchie".

I swear the collective IQ here is even lower than in celebricows. Burger-born-burgers never beating the dumb American allegations.

No. 2310603

if it turns out that she was a farmer and this makes lolcow look bad, i’m actually going to be upset. the whole elliot rodger bullshit resulted in the imageboards that he frequented getting taken down, and i seriously don’t want that to happen to us.

No. 2310606

Lolcor is full of larpers, women here worship the most mid scrotes out there if not outright evil criminals.

No. 2310607

NTA but uh at the risque of sounding retarded, what is thesaurus muncher kek? You can’t eat books dumdum

No. 2310608

I have been saying this for years.
But mainstream news only tries to censor shooters when they kill rich insurance assholes.
Poor on poor crime is used to create further division among the working class.
This girl was an idiot. She should have shot a CEO.

No. 2310611

Booohooooo the mid at best looking asian moid with a rich family mad mad because he couldn’t have a sexy blonde bimbo (refused to date any other type of woman she HAD to be blonde) WAAAAH

No. 2310612

>saying someone should’ve been institutionalized instead of being allowed to murder innocent people is worshipping evil criminals now

i don’t think you know what worshipping is

No. 2310613

She's not, does no one know how to scroll up?
She's the total opposite of everyone here

No. 2310616

Yes, I am aware that the posters here write woobie fics about Elliot Rodger and how he should've been institutionalized while being completely dismissive of the female shooter and her fee-fees.

No. 2310617

How come Elliot deserves the pity of people wishing he got institutionalized but not this girl?

No. 2310618

A sped who thinks referencing dictionary definitions makes her smart, presumably.

No. 2310619

Neither of them killed CEOs of turbo evil health insurance companies.
Neither of them deserve pity.

No. 2310621

no one ever said that the girl didn’t deserve help?

No. 2310622

Yep. Both of them should have been institutionalized for violent autism

No. 2310623

I was eating borger and the news was on and a mother was talking about the shooting and her son was wearing a Skibidi Rizzmas shirt. I love this country

No. 2310624

nta but no actually, i don’t think that knowing the definiton of words makes me smarter than anyone, i just wanted to understand what you were saying because i don’t really know whats incelly about trump and vance?

No. 2310625

i love you nona this made me scream in laughter

No. 2310629

Lolcor whores try not to suck mass shooter cock challenge impossible.(ban evasion)

No. 2310630

But she has a pussy

No. 2310632

The most upsetting thing (after the fact she shot up a school, obviously) is how this will probably lead to another stupid ass 'culture war' inflated by useless fucks all throughout the internet. I can already see the hyper saturated youtube thumbnails and brain damaging Twitter threads that'll be talking about this. It's a disgrace how desensitized everyone is to shootings now, and I know the internet is full of schizos but it's still jarring to know this most likely won't be taken with the seriousness it deserves, both online and irl.

No. 2310633


No. 2310635

I suck assassin cock. If I was into mass shooters Id be a zionist

No. 2310636

>white supremacist woman with boyfriend that shot up school is based KAM stacy

No. 2310639

File: 1734395094903.jpeg (82.48 KB, 960x590, IMG_4553.jpeg)

while the shooter is seemingly a retard shes still done more than any of you. cant believe the misandry site is cockriding luigi (who is right wing) but completely shitting on this girl kek. you are all slaves to your horniness and moral correctness(bait)

No. 2310641

>Proves her hatred of males by acting like a retarded, violent moid and killing innocent people
I wanna a-log so hard, women will truly never be free
I just know she posted on the secret board, there's no way she didn't

No. 2310642

was this girl a TIF? she kinda looks like it

No. 2310643

That excerpt was proven fake >>2310490

No. 2310644

this site literally has jodi arias banners

No. 2310646

Oh lolcow please never change

No. 2310647

File: 1734395393562.gif (1.48 MB, 500x281, IMG_5016.gif)

Done what? Kill 3 randoms? Genders and motive unknown so far? This has got to be bait.

No. 2310648

jodi was also a retard, i don’t see your point. if nonnas want to idolize her i see no reason why they are shitting THIS hard on this girl. besides jodi had personal motives. not saying this girl didn’t, i expect some sort of bullying to be involved, but jodi was never the radfem queen women want her to be

No. 2310649

At least Jodi committed a victimless crime

No. 2310650

more than sit around and sulk. killing randoms was a dumbass move of course

No. 2310651

anon, she actually hasn’t done a lot of notoriety because all she did was kill a random child and a teacher then wound 6 other kids. i think when we have more information about the people who were murdered and her relationships with them we’ll be able to make more informed comments on whats happened but right now none of us know very much else

No. 2310652

what if I cockride Luigi and Aileen for killing parasitic scrots? What if I hate this new girl shooter and adam lanza for killing innocent children?

No. 2310655

Anon I don't know why you're even comparing this girl to us if you aren't baiting. The only source for her motivations and personal info is Twittertards making up shit without any sources. And yes, the average farmer isn't a useless kiddy murder?

No. 2310656

i agree

No. 2310657

You do know theres a middle ground between killing ceos and killing little kids, right? Like… idk. Working at a soup kitchen is better than killing kids imo

No. 2310658

File: 1734395681319.jpeg (159.02 KB, 682x1166, IMG_5018.jpeg)

We should stop infighting over this retard who shot up the school when the only "info" we have on her comes from some retarded kids that use Rdrama and write like this.

No. 2310659

Tinfoil but this poster is probably a 4tran tranny.

No. 2310660

we don’t know the age of the victim, you’re getting riled up for nothing.

No. 2310661

This will never happen if she's an actual women. Women get killed and raped daily and literally no one cares, what makes you think people will care about a school shooter?

No. 2310662

She shot up a k-12 school. She killed random innocent kids.

No. 2310663

i hate when people say wi-sconsin and not wis-con-sin

No. 2310664

because nonnas love to speak about some fantastical pinkpill revolution. you retards have no sense of reality

No. 2310666

The tranny who spammed lc with cp for a while came from rdrama too, so that checks out kek. You'd have to have severe autism to endure a layout and writing like on that site.

No. 2310668

luigi isn't right wing. Dude hated jordan peterson and followed AOC

No. 2310669

I don't think you are in position to call anyone a retards if you blindly believe everything discord trannies post on twitter.

No. 2310670

strange. did she feel itd be cool of her to be a female school shooter? also not sure how nobody saw the photo of her at the gun range wearing a kmfdm shirt and put two and two together…retarded bitch. i cant even feel pity for her or some bullying or trauma she may have experienced, killing children or even your peers is pathetic.

No. 2310671

Sorry if I sound schizo, but this feels like a psyop to counter-attack the hornyposting about Luigi, like if the feds were trying to show that women thirsting for a male killer is deranged, even if shooting a school is not the same as killing an evil CEO

No. 2310673

wannabe brenda spencer vibes

No. 2310674

that bitch is probably not even a woman, looks like a troonoid

No. 2310676

everything here is speculation. i never said i believed she did it for this reason, but many anons here think so

No. 2310678

File: 1734396150693.jpg (255.15 KB, 1005x1236, Ge9PGFcWMAAbR9e.jpg)

Pretty sure Samantha Ruplow's manifesto (as shared by Anna Slatz/Slatzism) was actually written by her retarded German boyfriend. I'll post the pages Anna Slatz shared here in a minute in case she deletes them or something, but I just want to say that first.

No. 2310680

File: 1734396242026.jpg (192.81 KB, 1005x1236, Ge9PGFVXUAAsudD.jpg)

No. 2310681

i cant even get past the first sentence, its just so cringe. I used to write autistic crap like this when i was an angsty teen angry at my parents for not buying me a smartphone.

No. 2310684

File: 1734396285886.jpg (111.4 KB, 1005x1236, Ge9Y3ieWUAARyd_.jpg)

This is not how a native English speaker types.

No. 2310685

This is ass, why can't anyone write good manifestos. Why even write a manifesto if it's going to be so shitty.

No. 2310686

Of course she's a Pekka fan. He was such an Eric fanboy, nothing creative or unique about him

No. 2310687

Its not gonna work I am still going to thirst over my vigilante 3D husbando. They will realize their efforts are futile once they show my italian stallion on the news for his hearing on the 23rd
This bitch shot kids. She is irrelevant and I will forget about her in a week like I did with the last tranny that shot kids

No. 2310688

Gee I don't know, a nagging need to force women to breed with men?

No. 2310689

It’s just some cringe edgelord teenager. Their hormones and brains aren’t even settled. There’s no real meaning. Just half ass hormone fueled rage, misdirected at other children. It’s just some brain rot kid. Don’t try giving it deeper thought.

No. 2310690

this sounds like it was written by chatgpt kek. what a joke

No. 2310691

File: 1734396549705.png (67.25 KB, 591x557, rwx.png)

This is the boyfriend's account.
Look at his tweets, look how he types, and look how shit his English is. Pay attention the spacing and capitalization. I'm sure the dumb faggot is going to lock his account or delete soon. Now, read the pages of "her" manifesto. It's actually irritating me seeing people take it all at face value now. Stupid cunt couldn't string together two sentences in English. He probably wrote it "with" her and did the lion's share of the work, or these are just his own faggot diary entries that he sent to her and she kept in her Google account. He's probably lying about not knowing she was going to commit the shooting, too.
>she did go to a christian school, and her father is a drinker/smoker
Her school is actually rated pretty highly, and even the most retarded Americans don't write this way IME. If you are a native English speaker from an English-speaking country and know how to operate a computer or smartphone, much less a Tumblr blog or Discord, you are not going to sound like this.

No. 2310692

File: 1734396566949.jpeg (23.85 KB, 611x414, IMG_5019.jpeg)

God these school shootings are so retarded. The shooters all have the same retarded gripes with the boolies and society.
These edgelords make me cringe so hard and the media should be banned from releasing these attention whores name and face.

No. 2310693

no, american women are not being forced to have reckless sex with men. also, thats not what an incel is? an incel is someone whos involuntarily celibate

No. 2310694

I legit don't know if I'm way too ESL because I can't make anything out of this moid-like word salad. This is like the final boss of NLOGS

No. 2310696

ChatGPT isn't nearly that shit at English. Kraut hands wrote that garbage.

No. 2310697

so what was her motive?

No. 2310701

bitch isn't even a radfem just some dumb r9k grooming fodder.
shit maybe he groomed her into doing the shooting?
She seemed really young. Like she said she was born in 2009? What the fuck? she's like 15?

No. 2310702

I give it 2 hours until troons and rw grifters take the original bait at face value and start calling her a radfem twansphobe. They already do this shit despite the fact there isnt a single radfem who's killed troons.

No. 2310703

Luigi retweeted tardthot drivel about how society needs men because they're all innately heroic. The fact that embarrassing "peepee in my mouth" speds pretend they could "pinkpill" him gives me hives.

No. 2310705

The psyop is "see, male shooters heroic and good, female shooters murder kids". Mark my words.

No. 2310706

lol is this fag a hapa?

No. 2310708

he also posted about how 99% of crimes are commited by men and how he hates porn and anime

No. 2310709

apparently being bullied? but this also hasn’t been confirmed
samantha was 17 according to all the official news outlets
nta but the rhetoric i see most normies using right now is that they’re claiming the shooter was a TIF

No. 2310713

Yes they are actually, even though I didn't even say anything about it. You're a downsie tardthot aren't you?

No. 2310717

I think luigi was trying to get incels to stop seething and for them to go out and touch grass and not blame all their problems on women.
Thats why moids seethe about him.

No. 2310718

what are you talking about? no, i’m a woman who lives in america and actually spend my time around american people and can say with 100% confidence, we’re not being forced to have sex with men. i really would appreciate some kind of evidence that supports your claim about us being forced to have sex with men? or is this just meant to be some kind of satire?

No. 2310719

So his takeaway from this is probably "men are violent because they are meant to be heroes" and "the porn we violently coerced women into is MAKING us be degenerates with soft peepees, shut it down". Which, given that he's a right winger, also means "keep it but make sure no one can see it".

You are all mentally children, it's remarkable.

No. 2310720

If the female shooter shot a ceo I'd respect her (even if I'd still consider her political views retarded). If luigi shot little kids I'd fucking despise him.
How hard is that for you to fucking understand?

No. 2310721

You're extrapolating

No. 2310723

Ain’t no way she admired those two faggots kek that is so pathetic

No. 2310724

>ITT: autists not understanding why people don't celebrate school shooters

No. 2310725

I mean shit. the girl shooter wouldn't even have to shoot a ceo. If she found out about some pimp or lured moids who buy sex into the woods and murdered them Id consider her a hero.
But no. She killed kids. She's a fucking loser.

No. 2310727

You are a woman in America and you're oblivious to muh birthrates screeching from the jailfaggot incels you elected?

No. 2310728

God shut up about the Italian already. Go to the containment thread if you want to obsessively talk about him

No. 2310729

So are you. Most MRA fags say that men are more violent (when they're not debating a woman about it, of course), they just think it's good actually.

No. 2310730

Samefag. As expected, the German fuckhole locked his account just as I posted that. He definitely didn't see this post, but the whole thing is annoying. He so blatantly wrote it. Watch him turn out to be 21-30 years old, too.

No. 2310731

I'm taking his tweets at face value actually.

No. 2310732

shooter is supposedly 17 and the weapon she actually used probably wasn’t concealable. theres no way she could’ve pulled that off

No. 2310734

File: 1734397484443.jpg (322.25 KB, 1080x1414, IMG_20241217_020144.jpg)

They already do, even when the super legit "source" account tweeted about hating radfems and sperged about "foids" only a few tweets further down. Some people shouldn't be allowed internet.
If she wasn't a killer I'd feel bad for the girl, since apparently her discord groomers love to put words in her mouth.

No. 2310735

>the porn they violently coerced women into
ntayrt but anon…have you watched any interviews of pornstars? because many of these women are not being “coerced” into anything, they’re just severely mentally ill and were raised in a neglectful environment that negatively influenced their emotional development, leading them to believe that porn/stripping were valid livelihoods. seriously, i recommend doing some research on previous strippers/pornstars because hearing about what influenced their decision making
i might be retarded for this but i can’t remember any time i’ve seen trump or JD complaining about birth rates? usually thats stuff that normie twitterfag men cry about when really theres no issue with birth rates in the US right now, thats more of a problem in asia

No. 2310736

She’s just a kid. There’s really no point in hypotheticals imo. She did something fucking retarded, that’s about it.

No. 2310738

>ITT: autists not understanding the difference between celebrating and not falling for a blatant "women just as bad" glowie narrative

No. 2310739

i literally dont understand anything he's saying why are zoomers so cringe

No. 2310743

>kmfdm shirt
she probably was a columbiner and a tcc member

No. 2310744

File: 1734397732041.png (426.2 KB, 1170x1496, severd_head.png)

Ah yes that definitely sounds like the name of a very innocent, unaware male counterpart who totally had no idea what his girlfriend was going to do

No. 2310745

>He so blatantly wrote it. Watch him turn out to be 21-30 years old, too.
Yeah, you can bet there was some level of grooming in that relationship

No. 2310746

I recommend doing some research on history of moid political sentiment. Every single thing they screech against now (porn, hookup culture, atheism) is something they used to screech FOR.
>I might be retarded
Rip american women, truly

No. 2310748

literally who said that kek

No. 2310749

The birthrates suck shit because we live in a post industrial society where people are raised to be cogs in a machine to masters who have been gradually making life harder and harder for people.
Our grandfathers could own their own business or buy a house off of a factory workers salary. Everything was more affordable. Technology also rots the mind.
People want to have kids but can't because the idea of raising a child in this kind of world is cruel.

No. 2310750

Because their point fucking sucks and is a bunch of bullshit cobbled together in faux-intellectual adolescent syntax, which is unsurprising given the Evangelion icon. Loser who thinks that kids getting molested and sold as softcore porn statues is high art, what a surprise this individual is unsympathetic to victims of sexual violence

No. 2310751

So, is he gonna go down for this? Oh wait, he's a moid so "pushing someone to do things" doesn't apply to him.

Meanwhile, remember that one girl who went to jail for telling a moid to kill himself?

No. 2310752

If you're not a burger gtfo

No. 2310754

I think he's esl too kek. My point is just that it seems like he wrote the manifesto in >>2310127 himself because radfems trigger him but still slipped by calling women "foids".

No. 2310755

I feel like this petrograd needs to also be arrested. I feel like he was involved in the shooting

No. 2310756

litterally who is celebrating her kek

No. 2310758

wait, so you’re saying trump is crying against birth rates?

No. 2310759

That's not what your new overlords believe.

No. 2310760

Theres doing something retarded like trusting a fart in public and you shit your pants.
And then theres killing kids 'retarded'. It's not some whoopsie mistake to murder schoolchildren.

No. 2310761

I am a transburger (assigned thirdie at birth). You are all fucking retarded and are willingly descending into something I ran away from. RIP you.

No. 2310764

>Meanwhile, remember that one girl who went to jail for telling a moid to kill himself?
yes. Don't tell nobody but I secretly think she's kind of based for it.

No. 2310766

Yeah, I just didn’t feel like taking the time to emit a lot of emotions like other anons. It’s bad. Any logical human will agree.

No. 2310767

She was, because apparently he was whining about it beforehand so she just told him to go ahead with it

No. 2310768

File: 1734398173171.jpg (47.47 KB, 540x570, 887687686.jpg)

>new overlords
KEK I don't know if 80 years constitutes as new, nona

No. 2310770

>which I don't understand how it happens.
It's pretty simple to see though. Radfem and trad rhetoric share some things in common, like being anti-porn, anti-degeneracy, anti-troon, but for different reasons.

No. 2310771

nta but don’t you mean our?

No. 2310772

the elites are crying because they want new work horses to exploit for money. The working class (aka the people they depend on) is dying out.
Its like the equivalent of being pissed because the cow you don't feed isn't providing milk anymore.
Absolutely retarded lizard people

No. 2310774

You mean, like, saying they're too high? Don't know what Trump and Vance have to do with it, but fun fact: bitching about overpopulation used to be moid meta - that was around the same time they bitched about women wanting commitment before sex, "Christfags", "censorship", "puritanism" and not enough porn. The American public, sadly, has goldfish memory.

No. 2310775

She's a transburger but she slipped up

No. 2310776

Depends if I can detrans on time.

No. 2310777

you guys have gotta remember to tag the previous threads, not just copy and paste the previous deciption without adding anything to it lmfao

No. 2310782

kek anon, thats where this whole discussion started. someone claimed that trump and vance (and the other whitehouse republicans) are apparently “incels” who are trying to “force women to have sex with men”, and when i came out responding that thats obviously not true at all, and the anon who replied to me claimed that our “new overlords” had been screeching about birth rates (which is now apparently the equivalent to forcing women to have sex with men), and i haven’t personally seen anything about that which is why i was confused

No. 2310785

Sometimes I wish we still had the death penalty just for edgy retards like this. If you shoot up a school and write/co-author edgy shit like this and take yourself so seriously, I can't even muster sympathy.

No. 2310788

It's not that deep. Not everything is the feds. It's just another day here in murrica kek.

No. 2310789

Kek, I didn't even notice how badly the previous thread links were until you pointed it out. How'd someone mess up that badly??

No. 2310790

Good catch.

No. 2310792

>shitting on school shooters as we always have
>suddenly misogyny because whaman

No. 2310797

The girl worshiped neo nazi moids kek.

No. 2310800

Most school shooters don't even make it to prison because they self delete at the scene like the cowards they are.

No. 2310802

Well nonita, if you don't see the writing on the wall I can't really help you. Roe was overturned, but it seems like you think there won't be any further actions to push you towards fixing those birthrates. Good luck to you all, truly.

No. 2310803

we do still have the death penalty though

No. 2310804

You can say commit suicide

No. 2310805

File: 1734399627701.jpeg (233.75 KB, 1170x718, IMG_6685.jpeg)

He was internet friends with this guy and they had dozens of conversations lmao, idiot

No. 2310806

ameriboos are cute

No. 2310807

Watch her insta-get it like Aileen did, while moid school shooters get m-muh male mental health interventions in comfy prisons for decades.

No. 2310808

File: 1734399712957.jpeg (101.84 KB, 1170x526, IMG_6692.jpeg)

No. 2310809

>talking to someone a few times on twitter means you agree with every thought they have ever had
how the zoomer brain works

No. 2310810

ntayrt but thats not a tweet made by luigi

No. 2310812

No. 2310813

Kids died for this edgy neonazi future tardthot?? So fucking dramatic. Her inability to handle shit that most people go through growing up with a dash of teenage 2deep4u angst. Fucking bitchmade generation.

No. 2310814

who says it like that kek i'd be furious if i heard that

No. 2310817

I didn't know his real name is Max

No. 2310819

File: 1734399949395.png (79.71 KB, 966x644, sub-buzz-7240-1733779961-8-252…)

Luigi and him spoke about cocks together
But yeah. I don't think Luigi and this Max guy were super tight buddies.

No. 2310820

File: 1734399973754.jpeg (149.01 KB, 1170x435, IMG_6695.jpeg)

>mutually followed each other
>joked around
>rarely debated and if they did debate it was about subjects like modernism where Luigi even referenced Tucker Carlson
>Luigi complained about wokeism and liked Peter theil

No. 2310825

not liking wokeism doesn't mean you're an alt right nazi.
For fucks sake most radfems hate the gendie wokeism. Hell, I fucking hate woke culture because its a psyop meant to distract and divide the working class.
And I hate trannies.

No. 2310828

File: 1734400190116.jpeg (64.23 KB, 567x440, IMG_5020.jpeg)

If Sam is the shooter then I can't wait to hear about how retarded she was. She will probably be on the same cringe level as Randy Stair.

No. 2310829

Kek the gendies are already trying to say that it wa sa radfem. I wish the retard could have been a TIM.

No. 2310830

File: 1734400247581.png (232.41 KB, 680x365, 43543543545.png)


No. 2310831

Beautiful image

No. 2310832

no one said misogyny.

No. 2310833

do you expect anons to brag about their crimes on a public forum or something lmao

No. 2310834

I think Luigi is hot too but at this point you’re just being delusional. I have a theory that he was just a normie libtard from an affluent background who lived will fellow rich libs in Hawaii, and somehow either online or irl became radicalized. He looked very unkempt and unhinged in his newest pictures compared to his old ones. What liberal guy brings up fertility rates?

No. 2310835

File: 1734400381616.png (1.08 MB, 1024x788, 4334535.png)

Thanks! I love Shadow the hedgehog! He's my favorite American!

No. 2310836

Can you retards at least sage this ongoing infight no1currs

No. 2310838

he was right for that keek
nona there are plenty of ladies who i mutually follow and love talking to, that doesn’t mean i agree with them on every thought they have

No. 2310839

No. 2310840

The fertility rate tweet is just him speculating on why Japan has falling fertility rates and that it's due to porn addiction and a lack of human interaction, it's still very normie

No. 2310841

scroll up retard she killed herself before the police even got there

No. 2310842

if you believe that white american hands typed this i have a beachfront property in kansas to sell you

No. 2310843

The normie take would be “bro just open up Japan and import 100k third world moids”, his take was that Japan should retvrn to tradition, if that isn’t a /pol/ take idk what is.

No. 2310844

File: 1734400778999.png (671.46 KB, 882x412, 3453453534534.png)

While I agree he was likely brought up in a liberal enviornment (affluent, educated, urban coastie)
I don't think he took the typical scrot route of going alt right wimminz belong in the kitchen shit.
His radicalization appears to be more fringe. After all, much like "what liberal guy brings up fertility rates?" I respond with a different question:
"What conservative guy cares about corrupt privatized health insurance?"

No. 2310849

Normies don't believe in importing 100k third world males into Japan, anon. Saying that Japan should return to a less hyper-Capitalist and consumerist society isn't that insane to think.

No. 2310852

nta and also not defending but is it really? japan is a notoriously insulated country so i dont think its that outlandish for someone to think considering that

No. 2310854

considering 99% of rightoid moids I speak to online had some anime avatar, I feel like Luigi was actually being turbo based by telling scrots that their loneliness wont be cured by a blue haired fat titted 12 year old dragon anime girl and that they have to actually go out and interact with real people.

No. 2310856

only rich people should be allowed to have kids in america. if you’re fucking poor, why are you bringing someone else into the picture? Why? so they can suffer and commit suicide after dropping out of college that you couldn’t even pay for?

No. 2310858

Sounds like something a CEO would say…

No. 2310859

wym? It’s literally the Reddit/normie take that Japan needs more immigration to keep up their economy.
I agree but this and also the fact that Luigi was against wokeism, cited Tucker Carlson in a positive manner, and interacted with a rw edgelord leads me to believe that he was close to that path.

No. 2310860

oooorrr hear me out, we fix the batshit insane wealth gap in our country
800 billionares
8 million millionares
and 160 million people who are 1000 dollars away from homelessness

No. 2310862

i mean youre right but it shouldn't be that way. there should be less rich and less poor people

No. 2310863

Yeah kek, I'm sure he hated wokeism for very very based radfem reasons. Cringe.

No. 2310866

>Tucker Carlson
He agreed that modern architecture kills the spirit. I think Tucker Carlson is a fucking insufferable faggot but even I can agree with that take
>against wokeism
Only end of the horseshoe leftists think wokeism is a good thing. Kaczynski was critical of the left and its over socialization and saying black people are only "good" if they act like white people, etc. Still, Kaczynski was actually slightly more left leaning than right leaning because he knew republicans were complete psychopaths. Personally I believe the SJW movement was a psyop to distract the masses from Occupy Wall Street.
>Interacted with right wing edgelords.
Doesn't mean shit. I interact with right wingers all the time. Leftists generally block me because I hate trannies and gendie shit. I still hate rightoids and think they are handmaidens to their own destruction but they have an autistic obsession with free speech and are less likely to block when you don't blindly agree with their retarded takes on the world.

I still stand by wee wee being a centrist. When you are that smart its hard to be staunchly left or right leaning

No. 2310869

You can still get good degrees from places like community college or lesser known colleges. Not to mention if it was really so hard to be poor, millions of people would not exist. A lot of people do not care about money or are not worried about having the most luxurious lifestyle. Money is great, we all love money, but it’s not required to be happy or sustainable. People live self sustaining lives all over the world. Getting tricked into thinking lots of money is a requirement, is capitalist American propaganda. So is thinking you have to have some oober success in life, college degree required. Live your life, shit out some kids, keep them warm and fed. Whatever. Or don’t! But you don’t need to be rich.

No. 2310872

File: 1734402522060.png (111.56 KB, 1106x753, reef.png)

well there goes rfh, i guess

No. 2310875

She's retarded as fuck for this because the whole fake manifesto rumor went away pretty quickly lmfao

No. 2310876

Why do they remove or delete their accounts when internet archives exist

No. 2310877

such a retarded take

No. 2310878

i think so people cant message or harass them

No. 2310879

lol I have a male friend that is shocked by the fact that I am ok with being somewhere between poor and financially stable. He wants me to do crypto, start a business, and do some other shady shit but I am content with just being a paralegal. Grindset bros are so fucking annoying.

No. 2310880

yeah well i grew up fucking poor so forgive me for not being particularly smart
nope just poor as fuck, don’t have a job, and can’t get unemployment and during this life i’ve been completely miserable and would’ve been much happier if i was rich

No. 2310881

man this fucking sucks you just know troons are going to use this to be like 'terfs are literally violent nazis!!!11'

No. 2310882

Why don’t you have a job? Just go to your local grocery store and ask if they’re hiring.

No. 2310883

at the same time the government needs to put more effort into creating stable situations for the poor so they can actually raise said children in a stable manner, but we know the government doesnt care about the poor le sighh

No. 2310884

spoiler because i hate blogposts but i am disabled

No. 2310887

NTAYRT but depending on where you live getting a job is really not that easy. I live in Oregon and there’s literally no fucking jobs here. None at all. And if you do go in and give someone your resume just in case they are hiring, you get fucking ignored or ghosted. That’s why we rank 49th out of 50 states for mental health.

No. 2310888

such a retarded take

No. 2310889

Disabled in what way

No. 2310890

Imagine if it was bjanon

No. 2310891

Self-victimizing zionist making up motives to make it seem like they're being boolied. Many such cases!
Jesus fuck, the damage this is gonna do to radfem's already bad image problem is gonna be immeasurable. Why didn't this retard just shoot rapists instead?

No. 2310892

i think we can all agree with one thing: the government is retarded

No. 2310893

She did call herself "radfem hitler" tbf, kind of walked into that one

No. 2310894

>yeah well i grew up fucking poor so forgive me for not being particularly smart
so did i nonnie and i dont think poor people shouldn't exist in america even if this place is expensive

No. 2310895

i honestly think shes cute

No. 2310897

Yeah the grocery store I worked at a few years ago is now completely overtaken by immigrants that don’t even speak English. There’s only a handful of actual Americans and they’re elderly and have already been with the company for years. I’d kms if I had to compete in the job market with a Venezuelan immigrant that is willing to work slave wages.

No. 2310900

She is cute. What a waste.
I wonder if she was groomed into doing the killing? She seems pretty retarded.

No. 2310902

again, i hate blogposts so i’m not going to go into specifics but my disability inconveniences my coworkers and managers so much to the extent where i’ve been fired from my last 2 jobs. and no, filing a discriminatory lawsuit is not easy. if i hadn’t been born, by my retarded, poor, heroin baby parents; i would not be suffering.

No. 2310903

>i don’t think poor people shouldn’t exist
why? why should poor people exist?

No. 2310904

can't believe people born in 2009 are committing shootings now

No. 2310906

like mentally?

No. 2310907

then why should anyone exist lol. how rich or how poor you are doesn't have any bearing on the right to exist

No. 2310908

no it is a physical disability

No. 2310909

actually yeah, i feel like it does. if you are fucking poor and impoverished, why are you reproducing children who you won’t be able to support or give money to? you should be required to have the ability to take care of your children if you want to reproduce so fucking bad

No. 2310910

It’s not a blogpost if we’re asking for information. My grocery store employed everyone from literal schizos to grannies that had to get around with canes.

No. 2310911

I dont know. I think there should be more opprotunities and less wealth hoarding so then there are less poor people.
Sure, some people are poor due to bad decisions they make. But some people are poor due to just bad luck. They do everything right, work hard, etc. And still end up on the streets. THATS the shit that bugs me more than the trailer trash I come across.

No. 2310913

Everyone suffers in some form. I feel super lucky I wasn’t born into some family like the Kardashians or the Royal family, I get the ultimate form of freedom. Probably gunna piss some anons off, but that seems like real hell to me. Can’t move a muscle without someone up your ass or giving their opinion on you. Grass is always greener.

No. 2310914

your anger at individual people is short sighted and too emotional. there are other people that are actively maintaining the conditions that produce stupid, impoverished people, and it's because they're produced to be cannon fodder and wagies. Stop getting mad at people who have been sold a lie that is woven into their DNA.

No. 2310915

i’m not talking about being famous, i’m talking about having financial support. being rich doesn’t immediately mean you’re famous.

No. 2310916

you’re right anon, i’m totally wrong for being angry about what i’ve experienced. my bad

No. 2310917

Same could be said about your hypothetical ideal lifestyle margin you are referring to. Issues come at every tax bracket

No. 2310918

why should poor people be allowed to reproduce children who they won’t take care of though

No. 2310919

i agree that people should probably think twice before having kids if they're poor but shit happens and people can still struggle even if they work hard
i agree nona

No. 2310920

Why do assume they will not take care of them because they are “poor”?

No. 2310921

tell that to the conservative assholes who just banned abortions

No. 2310923

Yeah, it happens all the time when people go through traumatic events. We're here for you.
Why were your parents allowed to reproduce?

No. 2310925

My local grocer hired a women with Down syndrome to bag stuff. I was surprised they can even work jobs at all.

No. 2310926

abortion wasn’t banned in america though anon, it was given back to the states which makes sense because america has 50 separate, different states
well, as a child who had poor parents, my parents didn’t take care of me so i can only speak from my own experience.
i really wish they hadn’t been allowed to, i have no idea what their thought process was. whenever i ask them why they had me (i do all the time, and i wonder why very deeply because they already had other children) they just get all whiney and pissy, like i’m somehow the one whos caused problems.

No. 2310927

File: 1734404271745.jpeg (204.38 KB, 750x1017, IMG_5022.jpeg)

Shooter comfirmed. It is Sam.

No. 2310929

Even though I think she's retarded, i still stand by that this was a groomed child and her 'boyfriend' or whatever the fuck coerced her into doing it.

No. 2310932

>shooting took place in mixed grade classroom
>killed a teacher and one student
>killed herself

No. 2310933

Cool, so she was 15? Maybe stop arguing about her micro poli ideas anons, she’s just some retarded ass kid. Any discussion is mute, she had no developed brain cells.

No. 2310935

This. wtf it's so awful these whistleblowers are being killed. It will stop anyone else from stepping forward. Why aren't they bring protected?

No. 2310936

I can't believe this retard was the shooter. Shes lucky shes dead because she would be so embarrassed by this in 2 years.

No. 2310937

is that picture really her? because that looks like an adult woman, not a 15 year old

No. 2310938

nta but sitting in front of a television screen or computer ages you faster, when i was 15 people thought i was in my 30s. i look even worse now kek

No. 2310939

how the fuck does a 15 year old girl go down the alt right school shooter nazi pipeline like this?
I'm sorry but this STINKS of child molestation.

No. 2310941

Unsupervised internet access with a touch of autism. I also went through that phase when I was her age, but without the crash out.

No. 2310942

She probably did this because she wanted to be a "super spechial edgy NLOG" and get praised by her edgy /pol/tard scrote orbiters post mortem.

No. 2310943

We see cows do it all the time

No. 2310944

letting your child run wild on the internet without any kind of parental supervision has to be classified as a form of child neglect at this point you just have 0 chance at growing up normal if your parents let you do this

No. 2310949

Yeah let's not forget that two 12 year old girls tried to murder their friend as a sacrifice for slenderman.

No. 2310950

ooh wow, how scary, so edgy

No. 2310951

oh my god i almost forgot about that

No. 2310952

>"What conservative guy cares about corrupt privatized health insurance?"
The conservative guy that's affected by it once. Until then - fuck you, got mine. Have you met conservatives?

No. 2310953

File: 1734405473710.jpg (22.75 KB, 422x377, 1000019499.jpg)

>women are the only hope for this world!
>now let me go shoot up a school to showcase how superior I think I am for being a woman!
way to go, you defective, crybaby wasted-privileged retard. Sperg about women being the superior gender, yet still choose to go out like a fucking scrote kek.

No. 2310955

File: 1734405544660.png (162.44 KB, 448x328, skjdnfrjkdo.png)

Let me guess, cunny lolis too?

No. 2310956

What did she even accomplish besides embarrassing herself and dying? She only killed 2 people so she failed the shooting as well. The only reason anyone cares about this is because the shooter is allegedly female because otherwise it would have been forgotten by now.

No. 2310957

tbf, nona could be not American and not know that many details about the shooting.

No. 2310959

I grew up with them. Rest assured even conservitards who get ass raped by their overlord daddies usually don't actually turn on them. Look at rural faggots. Most conservative demographic out there and also regularly getting a train run on them by republicans.
What Luigi did was not typical of your average conservascrot. Usually in his position he'd continue licking corpo boot and just beg his rich family to cover the medical expenses.

No. 2310960

She didn't type that up, it was fake

No. 2310961

I'm a 90s burger and the only related things I know about Columbine are the videogame and Marilyn Manson being the musician getting all the attention after the shooting

No. 2310962

>feds trying to find evidence of an ebil misandrist terrorist attack plot only to find de/g/en posts interspersed between mundane shit posts about their breakfast.

No. 2310963

and then the states banned it retard

No. 2310964

nta but rich people are able to solve their issues much more easily and have higher quality resources like when it comes to healthcare. there's no way people like the kardashians are going to have issues just as bad as someone in poverty kek

No. 2310966

no, actually. abortion is not banned in all 50 states.

No. 2310967

this is how i find out what specific image "deep dark bait" and a background poster in a chinese slice-of-life webcomic are referencing ffs

No. 2310968

>keep them warm and fed
Can't do that if they're poor. I'm talking truly poor, not low middle class

No. 2310969

15 years old. What the fuck is going on with america? I will never have kids in this shit hole country

No. 2310973

people are going to use this as the gotcha for years now whenever you try to point out that most violent criminals are males. they will use this one shooting as a gotcha and claim women are just as bad as men mark my words

No. 2310975

no one said it was

No. 2310976

well you said “and then the states banned it” and that’s not entirely true, so

No. 2310977

you are definitely autistic kek

No. 2310982

Yup. And for fucking what? This retard could have at least killed a ceo or make a difference, but now she wants to try to skew the shooter stats for males vs female. I hate this bitch so much and hope she's burning in hell

No. 2310983

nonnas real talk, do you ever think about what would happen if you were out and a mass shooting were to happen? i used to be so extremely scared of this shit i developed agoraphobia and would not leave the house for months at a time

No. 2310984

thats not what autism is, anon. autism is a mental illness. i dont think me correcting your attempt at a comeback would qualify me as autistic.

No. 2310985

she was only 15. she was probably groomed

No. 2310986

If this was true the human race wouldn’t exist. Historically, we survived, right? I mean c’mon. I personally get annoyed with conversations like this because yes, it’s hard, but we persevered. That doesn’t mean we were stupid or all died, or else we would not exist.

No. 2310987

i would jump in front of the shooter and ask them to shoot me, that would be the easiest way to be euthanized without being blamed or having people get angry at you for killing yourself

No. 2310989

ntayrt but i fucking wish autism was a mental illness because that would imply it can be cured and treated

No. 2310990

I think about it quite often, sadly. I always look for emergency exits every time I go to a venue, and try to map a plan if something happened. It sucks

She killed two innocent people, one a child.

No. 2310992

anon you do understand that she did this as a way to get back at society and not for some altruistic reason right? it makes no sense to expect anti social sociopaths to do some kind of good act and kill a ceo or someone in power. the whole point is to hurt as many people as possible kek

No. 2310993

I dont know why it isnt labeled as a mental illness tbh

No. 2310995

nta but i think the human race would still exist, there just wouldn’t be poor people. so the poor people race wouldn’t exist.

No. 2310996

the part with him by the window with the sun shining down on him like it's a fucking music video kek, it's like if Lana made music about reforming incel scrotes and not epic old men with mafia besties and much money.

No. 2310997

Tbf, in the Slenderman case, the main girl had full-blown schizophrenia and was hallucinating Slenderman telling her to do that.

No. 2310998

File: 1734406814732.jpg (118.53 KB, 1774x953, media_Ge9c-d4W4AAuKbw.jpg)

No. 2310999

autism is a developmental disorder not a mental illness

No. 2311000

I like to think I would be based and courageous but in reality most people freeze in these sort of situations. It's really overwhelming and random and most people aren't mentally prepared to deal with sudden violence. I freeze when a bike is coming towards me in the sidewalk so if course I'd freeze when I'm present in a shooting

No. 2311001

File: 1734406876829.jpg (227.53 KB, 1005x1236, media_Ge-HFo-WMAELmO1.jpg)

No. 2311002

because it isn’t something that develops later in life, it’s something you’re born with

No. 2311003

File: 1734406972921.jpg (105.89 KB, 1005x1236, media_Ge-HFo7WkAAlCPT.jpg)

>Flood detected, post discarded.

No. 2311005

Random fact but the victim in the Slenderman stabbings got stabbed 19 times and didn't die

No. 2311006

>Evolution rather than a boring suicide
What a dumbass

No. 2311007

File: 1734407063775.png (39.21 KB, 570x115, kjhhjk.png)

this little retard

No. 2311008

File: 1734407064949.png (200.41 KB, 590x922, 1734382122084.png)

Here's him joking about school shootings.

No. 2311009

because it’s not a brain chemical imbalance like depression your brain and body is wired entirely different, a lot of people forget that autism is also just as physical as it is brain issues

No. 2311011

That makes sense. Thanks, anon

That really messed with me when I first read that case.

No. 2311012

This honestly sounds like it could be one of the /2X/ spergs I would not be surprised at all it's completely incoherent babble just like them

No. 2311013

If this is real, then Is she ESL or a giga retard? Lmao

No. 2311014

It’s a disorder you are born with, that affects learning, as well as your nervous system.

No. 2311015

rich people cannot exist without poor people below them though

No. 2311016

I think anon is suggesting life without money. Correct me if wrong.

No. 2311017

Poor people and rich people arent the issue, it's classism and the wealth gap. The wealth gap has gotten worse since 10 years ago. I was making okay money in 2017, but after 2020, everything but my wages skyrocketed.

No. 2311018

well yeah obviously the rich people who can afford these luxuries would survive, and the poor people (not just middle class/lower middle class, i’m talking actually impoverished) (who don’t even need to be here, because most of us are mentally ill and useless) would be dead and gone, as we should be

No. 2311019

Her German boyfriend (a 17 year old groomer) almost definitely wrote it. He types the same way, spaces out his posts just like that and is ridiculously ESL.
She was American and a native English speaker who went to school. She was absolutely a retard, though.

No. 2311021

No. Bj-chan loves her daddy.

No. 2311022

File: 1734407510771.jpeg (56.54 KB, 735x765, IMG_5024.jpeg)

Kek, please.

No. 2311023

You could kill a raccoon and eat it, idk. Poor people will always exist and survive, whether someone likes it or not. Theres no existence without “poor”. Idk what your replying to though, it’s gone (if it was me, I can’t remember what I posted oops)

No. 2311025

ESL tier writing. is education that bad now

No. 2311026

>my therapist sucks he's just some weak and fat guy
kek therapist on suicide watch

No. 2311027

you’re right, they will always exist. maybe i should do something about that

No. 2311028

File: 1734407781941.jpeg (74.7 KB, 392x500, IMG_5025.jpeg)

Why do these shooters write these long ass memoirs about their mediocre life as if anyone cares.

No. 2311029

No. 2311030

Surprisingly her reddit spacing makes it a faster read

No. 2311034

yeah lmao, ceos notoriously want fewer poor as fuck peons

No. 2311036

15 years old? That's a whole decade younger than me. What is wrong with this country?! I guess just about everyone and their grandma is becoming a shooter now. Scary shit. Rather than containing their dangerously sociopathic citizens, the US just keeps making them grow and be even more in public. Retarded backwater country.

No. 2311037

Thats weird as fuck if her boyfriend wrote it for her. I need info NOW!

No. 2311038

Go right ahead! Definition of poor comes from countries and communities with capitalism. Indigenous communities exist without monetary trade, good luck with them! God speed, anon.

No. 2311039

apparently he also has an x account but i think someone already posted it in this thread

No. 2311042

Umm no nonna, being rich makes you so oppressed because your parents buy you stuff instead of hugging you or whatever. Look at Elliot Rodger, this was all because he was rich. If his parents were ignoring him at a section 8 apartment instead, he wouldn't have become an autistic incel.

No. 2311044

Why the fuck is this watermarked? What are they taking credit for?

No. 2311048

Rural conservative faggots love their gibs, especially when they're paid for by blue state tax revenue. The same gibs they want to deny to others. And naturally, the same gibs republicans staunchly opposed back when they were proposed.

A conservative will seethe about oh bummercare but then happily collect their deathfat insulin subsidy.

No. 2311049

I would care about her if she wasn't cringe and an anti feminist desu

No. 2311050

Sounds like a you problem. How is it a gotcha? Still one woman and countless males.

No. 2311051

Either ignore them or respond by listing every moid shooter from the last 20 years until they back down.

No. 2311054

imo the boyfriend should go to prison. I promise you that he convinced this retarded child to shoot up a school. Throughout history, females rarely chimp out independent of some scrot pushing her to the edge. The I hate mondays girl had a dad who raped her and kept her from going to school, Aileen's first murder was in self defense, that one mormon bitch killed her turbo retarded shithead boyfriend who played mind games with her.
If this Samantha girl abstained from moids she would likely still be alive today. That's all I'm saying.

No. 2311055

Scrotes still make most of school shooters, killers terrorists, rapists etc that is not a gotcha

No. 2311056

I think about it a lot and honestly, the answer is probably get shot.

No. 2311058

Of course they will. Meanwhile women will still be a minority of school shooters.

No. 2311062

depends on where I am.
If I can run, I'll run and hide. I might also hide under a dead body and play dead but only if there's no other option of escape. Ive seen vids of this shit, they will shoot the corpses.
God dammit I hate this stupid bitch shooter.
If she wanted to be remembered with honor she should have larped as an underaged hooker, lured pedo rapeapes into the woods, and then executed them.
Thats how I know she wasn't a feminist.

No. 2311063

Im going to bed

No. 2311064

Moids are retarded and prone to long reaches and logical fallacies by default, there's no need to worry about this singular event making it worse than it is. We all know they'll say "remember that one time a girl shot up a school (just likes all the thousands of times it was a failmale)?? Ergo, women are just as bad and have no room to criticize we violent rapeapes!" kek

No. 2311065

Sleep tight nonna, ily

No. 2311066

Samantha was the ultimate pick-me fangirling and being inspired by male criminals but from the posts online talking about her she seems like a discord groom victim who rubbed herself into nazi spaces online likely to feel accepted, idk if i feel bad for her or not

Nighty night

No. 2311067

File: 1734409563769.jpg (219.88 KB, 603x859, 1000002969.jpg)

Why are they all the fucking same?

No. 2311068

It won't be a gotcha. She killed two people. The record for female shooters by kills is 6 I believe, that's how many that Aiden killed last year. Male shooter record is like 50+. Count someone like the 9/11 terrorists in and you got moids singlehandedly taking out thousands. Count dictators, army generals etc. and it's in the millions. Women can kill, sure, but moids have that down to a science.

No. 2311070

goodnight nonnie

No. 2311071

Sometimes I wonder if they are manufactured by the government to instill fear into the masses.

No. 2311073

It’s teen angst fueled by hormones. It’s so cut and dry, we need to ban teens from the internet. They can’t create their own thoughts. I just have to say it, at this point it’s less about gender, it’s more of an age issue.

No. 2311074

4 chan is simping over the 15 year old girl.
how do we answer the Y chromosome question?

No. 2311075

Give normies more grace, of course the incels will go hard. Most people will see it more generalized.

No. 2311077

I'm old enough to remember when parents cared about what their child was watching and were making sure they weren't exposed to too much violence, but now I guarantee you this girl had average 10h screen time watching gore and other shit all day. Columbine made the issue of school shootings be all about video games and goths it's time we start blaming shitty parenting again.

No. 2311079

It’s definitely a mix of being young, bad parenting, rampant internet use. She had access to a gun for a reason, her parents. How the fuck does a 15 year old have a gun otherwise.

No. 2311080

The columbine kids had god awful parents.
but yeah i promise you she was crafted by scrots.
Her manifesto probably wasnt even written by her

No. 2311081

>I can report
literally who kek

No. 2311086

Should've shot her father then tbh.

No. 2311095

whats her twitter account? it has to be one with a madoka picture since it looks like they were sharing pfps

No. 2311099

I'm confused about a few things. How did Anna Slatz even find out who the boyfriend is? Why did she let her boyfriend write her manifesto? Anyway, This whole thing just sounds like typical edgy teenager "I have suffered the most nobody in the whole world could ever understand my pain" bullshit.

No. 2311100

they're doing it because they're retarded and think it's the same as luigisimping.

No. 2311104

File: 1734411805467.png (996.13 KB, 1186x1388, Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 12.01…)

No. 2311107

File: 1734411937285.png (94.43 KB, 513x827, ddv.png)

This is the account she posted the Google doc link from.
If you check the following, you'll see she's following the boyfriend and another account matching the boyfriend's pfp. More than likely her alt.

No. 2311109

I think the shooter (Natalie Rupnow) was being groomed by her e-boyfriend, who I bet is older than 18. The Madoka-pfp just gives me that impression, it's too old for someone in her age range to care about it. And then there's the bizarre way he was behaving on his twitter account leaving all that shit up there and discussing the case instead of shutting down and immediately contacting authorities.

No. 2311111

File: 1734412199507.png (123.22 KB, 661x285, dwm.png)

Samefag, check the banners too. This is his.

No. 2311112

File: 1734412237902.png (144.85 KB, 675x302, dwr.png)

And this is hers.

No. 2311114

Or they're just attracted to fifteen year olds

No. 2311117

this, 4chan had a lot of ''egirls'' that they were simping while they were underage, like hikki chan and the infamous loli-chan

No. 2311121

they also used to simp for actual three year olds like Mara, or "cp models". They've been like this forever

No. 2311128

It doesn't even say anything about lolcow, so where are you getting that?

No. 2311129

File: 1734413572705.png (284.14 KB, 667x762, foidreipist_.png)

Samefag, all the white supremacists she was friends with are now rushing to cover their asses. This guy posted this, but he is following her on the private account shown here >>2311112 and the Postalbrained account. I took a screenshot but you can check here too (please take some too so it's not just me) before he realizes it's visible and unfollows her:
Very low chance she wasn't being groomed by this community. This guy specifically talked about disliking Christianity for "subverting whites". He's mutuals with other "people" who have weighed in on the situation by mocking her or being flippant. Just more proof /pol/tards are sociopathic predators, but we'll still forever have to deal with dumb fucking pickmeisha tradthots shilling their shit ideology and bashing other women under the banner of "muh white pride" while supporting killing and raping white children.

No. 2311132

File: 1734413884564.png (53.97 KB, 670x231, foidreipist0.png)

No. 2311133

Cracky-chan and Hamtaro-chan (Ashley Isaacs) come to mind.
Yup. Been a blight since the inception.

No. 2311135

File: 1734414017460.gif (64.37 KB, 220x221, IMG_5045.gif)

>massive NLOG who follows a scrote named foidreipist
>only 15
I fucking hate this generation. Rest in piss.

No. 2311136

File: 1734414079080.png (1.46 MB, 945x2048, 1734407351806.png)

Another right wing moid from her circle weighs in and tries to sound compassionate.

No. 2311139

Honestly want proof these guys were even in contact with her even. Like where are the caps that she sent them messages?

No. 2311140

You guys need to use archive.is or megalodon.jp instead of just screencaps for these twitter posts before they get taken down by authorities

No. 2311141

File: 1734414325605.jpeg (91.1 KB, 749x529, IMG_5046.jpeg)

One of the victims she shot was a woman. If she died or not is unknown.

No. 2311145

One of us! One of us! One of us!

No. 2311146

TL;DR, but kek at
>betrayed by society
Like how? Did we all collectively fuck her life up somehow?

No. 2311147

File: 1734414523703.png (602.46 KB, 655x1129, 1734411601910.png)

And they're following other right wing moids who sexualize her.

The petro one in picrel posted screenshots of her Discord IIRC. He posted >>2310127 and the first pics of her.

No. 2311152

Better not be the crush I'm thinking of

No. 2311154

when people say shit like this on social media it needs to be treated like cp.
Except instead of prison you just fucking kill them

No. 2311155

File: 1734414926010.jpeg (37.26 KB, 293x215, IMG_5048.jpeg)

The scrotes were malding over women loving Luigi but i guess its ok to lust after 15 year old school shooters?
Scrote holocaust when.

No. 2311159

File: 1734415150823.png (47.77 KB, 671x321, grc.png)

Samefag, they're doing cum tributes now. Don't want to screenshot, but here is an archive link.
He has a mutual in common with Samantha. Her ex boyfriend, Unprep, is following him from his private account, @zweihandergroyp. All of these people are in the same circle. 300% she was groomed.

No. 2311162

I really hope her dad goes to fucking jail. If you’re going to pop out a kid and then not even do the bare minimum to make sure they don’t become a school shooter, you’re equally culpable. I swear people should have to get some kind of certification to be able to reproduce.

No. 2311163

File: 1734415366732.jpg (365.68 KB, 1080x1859, Screenshot_20241217_080221_X.j…)

Her account is locked now

No. 2311164

NOBODY should be having children, poor or not lol. Selfish as fuck

No. 2311167

Jfc. I hope all these degenerates are investigated. They aren't even phased by all this attention like wtf? Did Sam have a single female friend? Shit never ends well when a girl is surrounded by scrotes and their degeneracy.

No. 2311168

Can you retards stop its been hours no one cares

No. 2311169

Whose that in her profile pic?

No. 2311171

Cummingonpics got taken down for similar pictures, so I think so?

No. 2311172

everything about this is painfully embarrassing

No. 2311174

Really looking forward to seeing the cops expose the tards involved.

No. 2311175

File: 1734416099317.png (64.16 KB, 720x409, 1000002974.png)

A second grader called 911

No. 2311177

I just got here

No. 2311179

File: 1734416623780.png (52.03 KB, 720x331, 1000002976.png)

As of right now, not looking at charging.

No. 2311184

The photo itself isn't sexual, so probably not on its own/without other shit to corroborate it (just disgusting), but the moid who took the photo should be investigated anyway.

No. 2311186

it’s already been proven fake retard

No. 2311188


No. 2311191

i love his little homophobic quip there kek GUYS SHE WAS PURE UGU SHE WASN'T LGBT AT ALL

No. 2311194

Nta I've reread some of the replies itt and haven't found definitive proof of that misandrist manifesto being fake, hopefully I don't catch a ban for wanting to be spoonfed but can I get some definitive proof?

No. 2311205

there was no proof that was even her manifesto in the first place. it wouldn’t make sense to only have “a segment” and not a page or the whole thing either. the person who posted even admitted to making it up in their gc

No. 2311207

>someone writes some shitpost without any concrete proof or source, hints of his agenda all over his social
>okay but can you prove he's lying??
Please use your critical thinking. The account who posted it hates radfems and seethes about spending time with "foids" on his twitter, claims he has "found" the manifesto but only a part of it because reasons, doesn't give any further detail how and where he "found" it and the manifesto conveniently includes the exact topic he seethes about and the language he uses. The proof is on him, if anything.

No. 2311215

>Blackpill goes mainstream you have retards shooting up men in a generation with the most cucked men in all of existence
Radfem-anons, are we winning?

No. 2311217

>definitive proof
I knew it was fake the moment they used the word 'foid'.

It definitely makes sense that a scrot that hates radfem stacies and has a bone to pick with RFH for repeatedly calling him out would use a horrific tragedy involving small children being terrorized to push his agenda.
A REAL follower of RFH who went postal and decided to go on a killing spree would have lured pedo rapists into the woods under the false pretense of sex and took them out one by one. That way you get higher numbers and you can filter out the trash. Not to mention its far more respectable than murdering kids.

No. 2311226

Who cares about RFH anyway? Nothing she says is worthy of a shit. She posts the lamest and most asinine observations as some peak radfem thought

No. 2311229

>who cares about RFH anyways?
clearly the anime avatar scrot who decided to FAKE A SHOOTING MANIFESTO in order to smear her name.

No. 2311233

I liked her content

No. 2311235

Fuck, I could've saved her. She's too cute to be dead.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2311238

>Joined December 2024
>was an intelligent enigmatic young girl
has he read the manifesto leaks? It's the musings of a lobotomy patient

No. 2311240

she was 15 pedo

No. 2311241

ugh. meant to reply to >>2311159

No. 2311242

And I'm 18. Her being around other women would've done her more good anyway. I don't mean it in a sexual way

No. 2311245

thats still illegal weird creep, you are no different from the 4chan scrotes that groomed her

No. 2311248

smells like yuripedo in here

No. 2311251

No. 2311252

I literally just said she's cute before I knew she's 15. How is this weird when I'm around her age anyway

No. 2311256

he could've, but he only wanted blonde blue eyed sorority girls and was a flaming faggot in denial. many such cases

No. 2311257

Anon… She looks 15

No. 2311262

>she's cute before I knew she's 15
>How is this weird when I'm around her age anyway

No. 2311263

The RFH manifesto is obviously fake. Bunch of white supremacist degenerate scrotes claim she posted it in a Discord chat they were in together. And we're supposed to believe a radfem would hang out with them in Discord?

No. 2311270

People actually think she's cute? She has the neanderthal phenotype, looks severely autistic, and like she'd cry if she had to order food at McDonalds kek

No. 2311273

She looks like a literal child because that’s what she is.

No. 2311274

>like she'd cry if she had to order food at McDonalds kek
but that's cute

No. 2311275

>they are doing a cum tribute.
Is there any way I can show this to autistic young NLOG girls who think because moids are uncritical of her spergouts and encourage her edgelord shit that they are not her friend. No matter how much they larp as someone who cares, at the end of the day they will only see her as nothing more than pussy and sexual conquest?
I wonder if she even considered the fact that her gross scrot social circle would 'mourn' her in this fashion?
Fuck. I want to feel bad for this girl, but the fact is she terrorized and killed children. So unfortunately she needs to rot in hell.

No. 2311277

File: 1734427838618.jpg (72.16 KB, 1477x803, natalie rupnow.JPG)

@bx_on_x has been looking into things a bit. This is a Telegram group she was in. Telegram is full of predators, groomers, terrorists and extremists, and big in ex-USSR. Petr0grad who posted the fake RFH manifesto seems to be Russian and into gore and white supremacy (or more specifically, Russians being the supreme white race).

No. 2311279

hilarious, I still remember the 'russians aren't white' memes

No. 2311280

Ugh that came out weird. I don't want to show underaged girls cum tribute shit, but I just want them to know that they are better off socializing with other girls.

No. 2311282

I know she was a retarded piece of shit but I still can’t help but feel for her in a way. I was an edgy angsty NLOG too as a teen but still hung out with mostly girls. If she’d had even one close female friend it might have made all the difference. Instead she fell in with a bunch of nasty 4chan scrotes. I know it’s ultimately her own fault but it still sucks.

No. 2311284

Does anyone else celebrate Wham!mas? I’m doing great this year!

No. 2311285

>preserve the white race
I do not. For the life of me. Understand the race shit. It is the gayest crap ever. If you act like a subhuman, you are trash. Racial superiority larping is inherently subhuman shit. Literal monkey tier tribalism.
I swear to fucking god thinking you are great because of what country your ancestors fucked in has got to be the most insecure scrot tier shit ever.
Hitler couldn't keep his huwite utopia for a fucking decade, and during that time he killed millions of 'ubermenschen' and brought deep shame to Germany. Why worship losers?

No. 2311288

best thing you can do is find other nlogs and peak them. Generally speaking the best way to go is to remind them that the predatory troons they hate are males in dresses.

No. 2311293

File: 1734429378302.jpg (52.41 KB, 600x750, scrote retard.jpg)

The real kicker is the guy this chat appears to be based on is a half Romani and half Mexican neo-nazi who goes on chat roulette websites to call children slurs. He's currently pushing 40

No. 2311296

i'm so disgusted by this
this stinky-looking bitch is the final boss of pickmes

No. 2311299

The 4chan scrotes are pretty tame compared to the guys that might have groomed her. Terrorgram is full of murder cults that groom teens to go on rampages. The guys going after RFH and celebrating the shooting seem to be pretty into TND.

No. 2311300

its not normal to be so fixated on a childs look anon

No. 2311304

ntayrt but just over the fact that you're splitting hairs over the semantics of the word incel, and also defending JD Vance lets me know you're definitely a trump voting trad whore. Go back to rw twitter you aryan pube cocksucker.(infighting )

No. 2311331

privatizing the post office has been a longstanding Republican goal. It's so over. I would say I hope they go on strike but I don't even think they can get it together to go on strike because the postal unions are a joke and can't even bargain properly
Also this, yeah. If you go to parks you know how shitty the privatized ones are, unless you enjoy parking a camper in a circle of streetlights for $50 a night. Plus when you live near the park it sucks, just look at upper Michigan where all the water access is gobbled up by private recreation companies

No. 2311355

Not really. If anything going outside a lot exposes your skin to more sun damage (especially if you're not wearing sun screen) and that ages you way faster than just being indoors on your computer or something. Not to say people who stay indoors all the time don't still age, but yeah.

No. 2311365

NTA but I don't see how it's fixated to say she looks stinky? She does.

No. 2311366

A healthy amount of time spent outside is miles better for you than staying indoors in front of a computer. Not only looks wise because people who spend all their time in front of a screen end up looking gaunt, pale, hunched over, fucked up eyes and posture and bags under their eyes, trembling from too much caffeine or meds, but also psychologically it can be night and day. Staying inside all the time in front of screens is literally psychosis-inducing.

No. 2311371

Reading @Petr0grad's twitter account, I think there's a high likelihood he groomed her. Possibly as a show of dominance over her German e-bf.
>obsessing about which is the superior white race/ethnicity
>Christians are cucked, can't wait for Christianity to go extinct
>celebrating climate change wiping out the Global South and making Russia more prosperous
>celebrating Wagner Group killing Africans, Total N** Death, hopes for UK Labour to turn all the Browns into compost and that globalists will achieve their depopulation agenda by liquidating non-whites
>posts pedophilic fantasies
>shooter and petr0grad were mutuals with @saint_tarkoslav, saint refers to high status individual within murder and sadism extremist/accelerationist groups

No. 2311373

There's a difference between grooming someone into being your neo-nazi discord kitten or whatever, and grooming them into being an actual killer, MK-Ultra style.
If he did anything like that, the feds will get him.
If he sexually exploited her they'll probably get her for that too.
But just grooming her to drop n-bombs and be edgy and shit, that is so so far from murdering children.
She doesn't get any slack from me. Nothing of value was lost other than her innocent victims. Fuck her.

No. 2311377

File: 1734438770226.png (4.13 MB, 1536x2048, GZ7EFlzXUAAxEQI.png)

This is a face post from his account. He's lost weight since then. I have a more recent one with his face covered, and another of his eye that shows it's the same person.

No. 2311378

Was the teacher she shot a man or a woman?

No. 2311379

File: 1734438988785.png (1.52 MB, 675x900, GWLMJVrXEAE-bvY.png)

This is him with his grandmother's dog.

No. 2311380

File: 1734438995636.gif (1.19 MB, 480x360, giphy.gif)

No. 2311382

File: 1734439141815.png (1.29 MB, 720x1066, GbZfndRa0AEEA6b.png)

This is his eye.

No. 2311383

Why are you defending her groomer as if teenage girls suddenly become alt right wingers and school shooters overnight? Kind of weird.

No. 2311384

File: 1734439316082.png (24.14 KB, 603x187, game end.png)

No. 2311387

File: 1734439634805.png (121.69 KB, 497x555, __.png)

No. 2311390

I'm not defending her groomer
I'm dismayed by anyone defending her

No. 2311391

>Hitler couldn't keep his huwite utopia for a fucking decade. Why worship losers?
Because it was never about building anything, let alone a utopia. It was always about destroying, about killing. Patriarchy, at its core, worships violence. If you think of it as a religion, killing is one of its highest sacraments. It’s glorified, ritualized, and rewarded—so long as the victims are the powerless.

When the target is women, children, or marginalized groups, the violence isn’t just tolerated—it’s expected, even sanctified. The only time killing gets a raised eyebrow is when the victim is part of the elite, someone whose power benefits the system. And even then, it’s not truly condemned. It gets rebranded, immortalized, woven into the narrative of history as “great men” doing what needs to be done. Patriarchy doesn’t care about creating a better world. That would mean sharing power, dismantling hierarchies, and letting go of control—things it fundamentally cannot do. What it craves is domination and destruction, and violence is the ultimate tool for achieving both. That’s why losers like Hitler get worshipped. It’s not about their failure; it’s about their dedication to the sacred act of annihilation.

No. 2311394

File: 1734439906763.png (75.4 KB, 603x612, biancadevins.png)

No. 2311395

>>2311387 between that and knowing that some discord creeps did cum 'tributes', that's enough internet for me today.
Remember to take breaks and get away from this stuff nonnies

No. 2311397

right there with you nonnie. at least they’re saying it out loud so people can maybe have a warning of who they are. the lack of engagement on the post also makes me feel a little better. i don’t know what else to say looking at that stupid meme just made me feel quiet like oh okay. this is what men think. this entire thing is so fucked up i just feel numb right now. i don’t even know what to say reading this thread last night and today. it just makes me speechless.

No. 2311398

File: 1734440099413.png (165.95 KB, 603x692, rpe.png)

No. 2311400

Thought this was a tif tbh

No. 2311401

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No. 2311405

File: 1734440900998.png (45.98 KB, 733x150, jjg.png)

No. 2311407

File: 1734441272769.png (364.78 KB, 492x861, bld.png)

No. 2311408

He looks like he loves stealing lunch money. maybe he was her bully

No. 2311409

File: 1734441574818.png (82.29 KB, 548x297, 4e.png)

No. 2311410

The way this esl retard types pisses me off so bad. Wonder if he helped write that retarded ass manifesto

No. 2311412

File: 1734441863289.png (23.09 KB, 596x201, wdt.png)

No. 2311416

>>2311373@Petr0grad ("Nitro", also had another account called Nitrogen before creating @Petr0grad a couple weeks ago) definitely knew what was going on imo. Sexual exploitation idk since they were living in UK/Germany while she was in Wisconsin so there was probably no in person contact. Online exploitation is possible of course.

I was just going over some motive.

Wants Christianity to go extinct because they're cucked → Gets teenage girl to shoot up Christian school.

Clearly very okay with people dying.

Extreme Russian-Nationalist (currently living in UK with his mom?)

Will post more evidence shortly, but that's the background.

No. 2311418

>(currently living in UK with his mom?)
Why are these types always in the UK?

No. 2311419

File: 1734442513753.jpg (66.75 KB, 624x597, Picture1.jpg)

Pedophilia fantasies

No. 2311420

>thinks he is the hero who can show children correct cultural values and save them from minorities
>acts like a literal rabid chimp, is completely deranged and obsessed with acting like a retarded animal attacking, raping, and killing
These types are always projecting so hard. He claims he’s the arbiter of how the world must be saved from the inferior culture and behaviors of brown people, but he’s his own worst example, the exact type of person who sullies society by existing and is incapable of actually helping raise a healthy happy family. Pathetic.

No. 2311421

File: 1734442683973.png (396.49 KB, 624x585, Picture2.png)

Response to Romania refusing to certify pro-Russian president.
>no political solution means alternate methods must be used? (ex terrorism?)

No. 2311423

>inferior culture and behaviors of brown people
Notice how these types are always autists or male bpdemons too? it's like they need to bring down racial minorities to feel better about the fact theyre retarded

No. 2311425

File: 1734442856914.png (312.92 KB, 624x656, Picture3.png)

More hinting at inciting terrorism.

No. 2311428

>lack the T levels
This is very ironic considering whodunnit

No. 2311430

File: 1734443052782.jpg (19.71 KB, 741x237, Capture.JPG)

Is this when he managed to convince her to do his bidding?

No. 2311431

since she's getting attention right now slatz needs to call this out, it's so fucking obvious he groomed her. too bad she doesn't actually hate subhuman scroids unless theyre minorities

No. 2311433

File: 1734443251678.png (232.59 KB, 624x718, acc.png)

More hinting at terrorist/accelerationist objectives.

No. 2311435

File: 1734443493495.png (407.1 KB, 624x707, Picture5.png)

Posts clip of singing Happy birthday on anniversary of Sandy Hook. Just 2 days before this shooting.

No. 2311436

File: 1734443560345.png (106.77 KB, 624x437, radfems.png)

Post about hating radfems 1 day before posting manifesto mentioning RFH.

No. 2311442

File: 1734443833528.png (461.78 KB, 624x439, Picture7.png)

He's Russian and wants to see Ukrainians destroyed. Minions = yellow and blue - Ukraine's flag colors. Some sort of video showing Ukrainians as minions (dehumanizing them) getting killed in a dugout (probably edited real footage from Ukraine War).

No. 2311444

File: 1734443912301.png (17.04 KB, 523x104, jhgbnmkl.png)


No. 2311445

File: 1734443962467.png (69.46 KB, 624x381, Picture8.png)

Women should do what they're told and will be happier that way. 1 day before Natalie Rupnow does his bidding.

No. 2311446

File: 1734444067762.png (22.53 KB, 528x130, mnbvfgh.png)

The minions thing isnt because of ukraine it's just some retarded tiktok trend where underage BRICS moidlets put an ai filter over gore videos to be cool and edgy. It's just moids being subhuman as always
Lol theres a scum quote for this

No. 2311447

File: 1734444097353.png (527.89 KB, 624x761, Picture9.png)

Now here is where it gets really damning. The day before the shooting, he digs up a 4 year old clip and retweets it.

No. 2311451

File: 1734444241837.png (424.48 KB, 368x825, Picture10.png)

He concurs with the message. Attaches photo with the message "shipping in 1-3 days".

No. 2311452

This guy is retarded as fuck id tip the UK feds but theyre really incompetent

No. 2311453

File: 1734444315820.png (434.75 KB, 624x691, Picture11.png)

State of mind just hours before the shooting - nihilism.

No. 2311454

Everything about this shooting makes me want to vomit. I hope she's burning in hell for being a retarded bitch, but at the same time it's tragic that she never stood a chance because of the moids that groomed her. I guess this shit affects me a lot, because those scrotes talk like the groomers I used to hang out with when I was a teenager. It saddens me that Sam's parents never bothered to monitor her online activity when she was only a child, maybe she could have been saved if someone close had cared. It sucks all around, gen Z and alpha is doomed

No. 2311456

Right as shit's going down, posts minions edit of Natalie Rupnow.

No. 2311459

File: 1734444532178.png (221.77 KB, 624x745, Picture13.png)

Admits to having been in direct communications with her.

No. 2311460

>retarded moid thinks he’s constructing profound political philosophy and will help creating radical necessary change (he is very smart and important guys, definitely not some hentai addicted jerkoff with zero contributions to society who spends all day drooling over autist military fact collection)
>2 random people die, accomplishing nothing, and grooming victim dies in the process
Wow so special and big brained, we must thank this political Einstein for saving the world clearly. Kek it’s genuinely laughable how the biggest worthless losers among moids have such male entitlement they transform all of their guilt and shame at being mediocre into a sense of underdog elitism wherein they believe they are secretly the main characters of the world who are being unjustly martyred by a misguided society. So many hoops to jump through because he has nothing better to do with his boring unsuccessful life.

No. 2311461

If the Anna Slatz manifesto is correct, dad was alcoholic, and mom attempted to OD, so they probably weren't there for her much.

No. 2311462

Honestly it's funny as fuck that he tried to blame shit on radfems like the little vendettafag he is and if you'd look at her following you'd see that she only follows scroids like "foidrapist" with no RFH to be seen. These subhumans always think they're some high art creation of god when in reality they wallow around all day rocking back n forth to soothe themselves thinking about how they can groom some little girl into saving evropa. Pathetic as fuck, I bet he's fat. I fucking hate slatz because she's a fake ass radical feminist but bless her for leaking the manifesto, showing the reality and that this girl was troubled and clearly being taken advantage of. Those retarded subhumans just found out what "moid" meant yesterday mind you

No. 2311463

File: 1734444835185.png (66.6 KB, 624x358, Picture14.png)

Very big brained.

No. 2311464

File: 1734444946994.png (472.04 KB, 624x753, Picture15.png)

Praises her actions.

No. 2311465

What a pansy. We need to defcon 1 male autists, lets start with musk

No. 2311466

File: 1734445062825.png (137.59 KB, 624x424, Picture16.png)

He was also the initial source of trying to pin the blame on RFH afaik.

No. 2311468

File: 1734445113033.png (242.77 KB, 568x814, Picture17.png)

Boasting about Total N-word Death in bio.

No. 2311471

God, I hate this whiny faggot. I wish his ass was deported back to Russia so he can be served as cannon fodder to the Ukrainian army. He's a useless waste of space who really thinks he can stir up shit against radfems and women.

No. 2311474

More pedophilia apologetics - retweets a video of an interview where a weeb moid says his favorite anime is "My little sister can't be this cute"

No. 2311478

Why do kids even still do this retarded shit, nobody is going to be shocked anymore. Legit nobody cares about the shooters, the only thing people feel is a passing feeling of empathy for the poor victims but nobody gives a shit about the shooters anymore kek. Stupid bitch died a loser and a coward. Talks a big game about killing duh niggurz and le funny femoid rape but then talks out one kid, one teacher, then ventilates herself. What a loser. If my kid did that I'd tell the entities handling the body to just dump it in some hole in a field and set it on fire and then fill the hole in. I wouldn't give a fuck.

No. 2311481

Lmfaooo fucking subhuman. Less than 1% of japanese women date foreigners. I hate japanese nationlists but I love seeing retarded moids dreams of dating a japanese trad get crushed.

No. 2311490

Who's bp chan?

No. 2311491

imo pretty good chance she was only planning to kill herself but then groomers found her and decided to try to use some suicidal kid for their aims.

No. 2311492


No. 2311493

File: 1734446158230.png (211.74 KB, 624x642, Picture19.png)

Tarko seems to have been part of the discord group as well, possibly less involved, but just as abhorrent.

No. 2311495

File: 1734446417761.png (163.46 KB, 624x715, Picture21.png)

Tarko posting after the shooting. Goes by "Saint Tarko" - that's the honorific term they use within their violent groups. Natalie Rupnow called Arda Kucukyetim an "Ultimate Saint" - that's an 18 year old Turkish guy affiliated with Maniac Murder Cult and the website Sanctioned Suicide that went on a stabbing spree earlier this year that left 5 victims.

No. 2311497

File: 1734446452548.png (62.95 KB, 624x306, Picture22.png)

More posts from Tarko after the shooting.

No. 2311501

Wait, are you sure he's actually Russian, and not just some "MUH WEST BAD" tankie wannabe Russian LARPerfag? Most Russians i've interacted with aren't this retarded about their own government, it's the weirdos living outside of Russia doing some based commie larp from the comfort of their western capitalist societies that go hard into this. I mean, I guess if he were raised in the west that might make sense, like the western born Muslims that instead of being moderate go hardcore in an effort to reconnect with their culture or something.

No. 2311504

This. Teens are retarded, and I really worry this constant exposure to social media will make shit like this happen more often. Stupid bitch. 15 and killing people is insane. I did and said some dumb shit at 15 too, but luckily I also went outside with friends. I wasnt glued to the internet, and social media didnt exist to what it is like now.

No. 2311511

What about the parents affected by this with injured or dead kids? I'd sue that family to high noon

No. 2311517

File: 1734447216367.png (218.19 KB, 720x962, Screenshot_20241217-115153~2.p…)

Out of morbid curiosity I decided to see what KF was saying about this and found this in the community happenings. Thoughts?

No. 2311521

This is extremely fucked up. I'm seriously starting to wonder how bad it actually was for natalie

No. 2311526

>posting the incompetent tranny worshipper who failed at killing a moid right in front of her
at least this loser edgelord could actually shoot, solanas was so retarded, the only bullet that hit warhol was a ricochet

No. 2311527

The quotes are based tho and if you think trannies in the 20th century are even remotely similar to the ones in this century you're insanely retarded

No. 2311530

He claims to currently live in the UK, but that he did at one point live in Russia. Him and Tarkoslav occasionally post in Russian, so I'm assuming he's ethnically Russian at least.

This sort of Anti-American activity coming out of the ex-USSR region does have precedent, with the advent of Telegram and the Russia-Ukraine war, there's been a lot of extremist activity.
Some of it is homegrown too though.

No. 2311533

Moralfag, this is lolcow. You should've seen the Hartley Hooligans thread.

No. 2311535

they are the same and the fact that your troon worshipper idol couldn't even kill one moid says a lot

No. 2311538

>muh superior race

No. 2311539

at this point make a containment thread I don't give a shit about these twitter posts.

No. 2311542

Cant wait for the feds to go after this retard jfc. Imagine being male.

No. 2311544

This bitch must be the biggest NLOG ever if she was associating with that. This is what would happen if you gave Empath chan a gun.

No. 2311546

What a fucking embarrassing handmaiden for dating this thing. She died and scrotes are calling her a dumb useless foid because of a mistake she made when posting the manifesto lmfao. Even the TIF shooter had more self respect. saaad

No. 2311549

File: 1734448989725.jpeg (69.9 KB, 894x894, IMG_5055.jpeg)

Why do they share this shit publicly

No. 2311551

"right to exist" retard

No. 2311556

Males really don't realize that the more they post stupid edgy shit like this, the more they sound like insecure retards with an incredible thirst for dicks. Like, they immediately come off as homosexuals in denial. And the girl shooter was also an idiotic pickme who most likely felt special by being around these cannon fodder moids. They're all pathetic. This is what being obsessed with cocks, patriarchy and the (non existent) value of males does to people.

No. 2311560

>obsessing about which is the superior white race/ethnicity
aren't slavs at the bottom of this racial white hierarchy lists?

No. 2311561

You should've seen tip them anyway. This scrote has been grooming her(and since hes retarded he was doing it so publicly too) and might commit an act of violence himself. Can the US find a way to prosecute him even though he is in the UK?

No. 2311568

>adult/almost adult grooms teenager into committing violence
>continues to incriminate himself online
Is it really that lawless in the UK that he has no fear of doing this?

No. 2311569

There are people in jail in the UK for saying anti-troon stuff on twitter and facebook.
But they can't do anything about this?

No. 2311571

Been using this site for at least 5 years, retard

No. 2311578

Nta but 5 years is nothing kek

No. 2311585

From his post history, Poles/Ukrainians are backwards losers, Southern Euros are "brown", and western Euros are Christcucked n* kissers whose civilizations are in freefall.

No. 2311604

NTA. I couldn't stand the Hartley Hooligans thread, but that doesn't change the fact that this shooter looked smelly. Anyone trying to silence that is peddling utter woke nonsense lmao. Thomas J Crooks looked even smellier, but at least he actually took his shit to the bank, even if he failed. He didn't target little kids for some retarded, inbred faggots on Discord who kept babbling muh evropa and white supremacy.

No. 2311611

I dont get it am i retarded

No. 2311624

No. 2311626

File: 1734455108055.jpg (159.94 KB, 1057x947, amrNKJe.jpg)

Why are they always mexicans?

No. 2311629

I really think there should be legal action taken against her groomers.
Like, the bitch is dead, but I guarantee the groomers are gonna keep trying to find broken children to radicalize into terrorizing and murdering little kids.

No. 2311631

holy shit I thought this bully architype died in 90s sitcoms

No. 2311632

KEKKKKK I was indeed posting about food in the Luigi thread

No. 2311635

Meanwhile a mother of three in florida says "deny defend depose" to an insurance company that denied her healthcare and she was going to get 15 years in prison. Why was that unacceptable but this psycho shit is just fine?

No. 2311636

She was groomed to be a dumbass trad cumrag. She was not groomed to kill. That was all her.
I'm not saying (you) specifically are conflating the two things but some people are.
So in that context I don't rly care that she was groomed? Like when a criminal commits violent crime, especially against vulnerable innocent people, I don't give a fuck about their background and whatever trauma happened to them previously.
I hope the groomer gets vanned.
But I still don't feel one bit sorry for this stupid ugly bitch.

No. 2311642

Oh shit yeah.
He's a russian coward! LMAO! "Duurrrr I miss russia my motherland!!" Meanwhile he's no different than the muslims he hates so much who flee their war torn right wing shitholes and hate the countries they take sanctuary in.
If that was my kid (which it wouldn't be as I would restrict her internet access at the first sign of this shit and force her autistic ass to go out and socialize with other women) I would IMMEDIATELY go after the groomers.

No. 2311644

Is this guy retarded? He's 18 and revealing he sent sexually explicit messages to a minor?

No. 2311647

If that was your kid you would be in jail because she was probably groomed by you long before she was ever groomed by them kek

No. 2311648

How do these scrotes feel so emboldened posting this shit online. Are they not afraid the feds will get to them

No. 2311649

>defending the moid groomers
Smells like something but I'm not going to say it.

No. 2311652

How was I defending them anon, I said I hope they get vanned.
Grooming is never okay. But she was 15, not 5 or 10.
She knew better than to be doing what she was online, doing never mind knew better than to kill people. It's not defending groomers to say that.

No. 2311653

It's Florida. What do you expect?

No. 2311655

I don't think her parents groomed her. Her parents neglected the shit out of her and were verbally abusive (maybe her drunk ass dad beat her but that's not confirmed).
I still think her grooming gang should be in prison. That girl was too retarded to act on her own. Im glad she's in hell for what she did but I don't want her group of edgelord faggot 'friends' to get off scott free for influencing this pickme to do their bidding.

No. 2311656

>looks severely autistic
Kek no she doesn't, she looks like an average teenage girl. Why are you so salty

No. 2311658

I don't really give a shit about causation, I'm just going to tune in to a bunch of retard moids incriminating themselves and (hopefully) going to jail.

No. 2311659

NTAYRT but where is the evidence her parents groomed her into committing a school shooting? this seems more like an issue of child neglect

No. 2311662

A young girl committed a horrific crime and all the grown ass women on LC is fixated on is nitpicking her appearances. Classic lolcow

No. 2311663

I think, much like the shooter, they are all retarded. BEYOND retarded. In fact, the level of sheer stupidity that exists in moids and their handmaidens is beyond the comprehension of even the most midwitted nona.

No. 2311667

>all the grown ass woman on lc
>all the
Can you not use such broad terms because one or two celebrity zogged lolcows on here are gossiping about what this kid looked like?
Even most Luigiwives see his appearance as secondary to his actions.

No. 2311670


its honestly amazing the difference in man between luigi mangione and that anime pfp moid. genuinely, though, the root of all such evil is being terminally online.

No. 2311673

No, your just normal.

No. 2311675

OT but they all have the same "autistic psychopath" expression in their face. it's hard to explain. Also kek at the "1" NLOG.

No. 2311676

>genuinely, though, the root of all such evil is being terminally online.
Watch as they interview luigi and he says something exactly along these lines
Even though I actually don't 100% believe it. I think the internet emboldens and feeds upon the corrupted souls of these individuals, I think these anime pfp npcs would be this way even without the internet. Remember that there were edgelord scrots in the early 20th century murdering and eating little girls and jamming needles up their assholes.

No. 2311678

File: 1734458214908.png (95.67 KB, 267x173, 345443534354.png)

No. 2311685

Go back to twitter moral fag.
Australia is so based for banning minors from social media. The whole world needs to just ban minors from using the internet period. Nothing good has ever come out of minors using the web.

No. 2311693

Is it possible for a farmhand to say if we can even discuss her? She's a topic that is under 16 technically.

No. 2311695

File: 1734458856884.jpg (950.55 KB, 1079x2948, Screenshot_20241217_230654_Fir…)

KEKKK this fucker looks like a brown moid himself, what a coward

No. 2311696

As someone who grew up without social media, I think the internet can be useful. Educational websites for doing homework and expanding knowledge is a net positive for a developing young mind.
But social media, imageboards, and even modern day instant messaging programs like discord and telegram should be banned.
A child's phone should be primarily for contacting those in their direct, irl life. Their computer should be for obtaining information and expanding their knowledge. Social media is poor at doing both.

No. 2311697

But she isn't a cow or being treated as one. This isn't /snow/, it's not like she's a shooper or cosplayer. She's a school shooter, and is relevant in American news.

No. 2311698

That’s just how Eastern Europeans look kek but is this accurate/real? Groypers like to post fake doxxes of people because they’re losers

No. 2311699

AYRT and i hated that thread too. Profoundly disturbing and scrotish sometimes. I just wanted to point out how retarded it was to moralfag over calling a teenager ugly on lolcow of all places.

No. 2311700

Pretty sure we are going to have to make a thread on her because it's really clogging up the thread

No. 2311702

Also shes already dead so i dont see what problems could come out of it.

No. 2311703

The petr0grad account is not up anymore, so I'm assuming he got actually doxxed

No. 2311704

We could probably move discussion to the "News stories that fuck with you" thread.

No. 2311706

So he was posting publicly about grooming her to commut violent, then celebrates after the fact, and only NOW after everyone gathers the information he overshared, he finally freaks out and deletes everything? What a retard holy shit.

No. 2311708

>Go back to twitter moral fag.
Whenever I see someone say this, it just screams insecure

No. 2311710

Any russian I know who has a slightly above room tempurature IQ has told me repeatedly that russian moids are "actual retord cavemen", their exact words.
Also no intelligent russian likes russia. The very smartest ones have already fled that shithole once pootin started scrotting out on ukraine

No. 2311711

What? Are you a newfag or something?

No. 2311712

if he really lives in the uk he’s in trouble

No. 2311714

>t. twitterfag who leaves their safespace hugbox to shit up lc with his screeching

No. 2311715

there is an entire group on twitter (1-2K) of gen z and some late millennial russians who live abroad but praise mother russia and are nazi types. their followers are mainly 2nd gen eastern euro kids (parents immigrated in the 90s) and racists who worship russia because think it’s a pure homeland. they claim to love the country but will never move back there

No. 2311717

File: 1734459752493.png (62.98 KB, 180x225, 180px-Nikolas_Cruz.png)

Tard skull shape

No. 2311718

I swear to god I have seen chimpanzees look more human than this

No. 2311719

File: 1734459871204.png (15.82 KB, 597x433, bvbnjkl;.png)

lmfao this subhuman deleted his account

No. 2311720

>have access to guns
>sex offender registry is public
>animal abusers running rampant and getting doxxed
>"Hmm…I will kill schoolchildren"
Why are they all so fucking stupid and worthless. No, I'm serious. Even if you lack any empathy or morals, from a purely eugenic standpoint, what good do these shitstains contribute to society? Being white (meaning they're actively worsening the white race with their existence, and on a mass scale, the entire human species and other forms of life)? Because if that's the case, it's good that she killed herself and that all these other shooters tend to do the same. It's just a shame they had to target innocent teachers and kids beforehand, that's the most dysgenic shit ever.

No. 2311722

I hope the feds can get their hands on those Discord logs. There's something so fishy about her orbiters

No. 2311723

Honestly I doubt this is real there's no source for where this retard got this from + his entire account is the same shit petrograd posts so like lol

No. 2311724

Edgy neo-nazi right wingers want to kill innocent people not bad people because they want to maximize the edginess. It's really not hard to understand.

No. 2311727

My theory is that most of these 'white supremacists' are actually deeply insecure (at least the ones intelligent enough to have any sort of subconsciousness whatsoever).
They realize obsessing over racial purity larp has been historically the most cringe shit to ever exist for the human race, and objectively nothing good has ever actually come out of it.
However, these are social outcasts desperate for some sort of community, but they are an empty vessel with nothing inside them except scrot hatred so they desperately latch onto fucking ethnic DNA of all things, as if your ancestors fucking in the same 100 miles of sun depleted land for thousands of years makes you super special.
It's the saddest shit ever. They kind of have something going for them with their ideas that certain people need to be culled. But people shouldn't be taken out because of their race, they should be taken out because they are edgelords who contribute absolutely nothing to the human species except misery from their absolutely brain dead takes.

No. 2311729

They think it's fun. Men are so desensitized to violence.

No. 2311730

idk how the text works in dicord, if it's encrypted or whatever but
these terminally online freaks tend to sit in VCs all day and they record each other. if the feds show up and start twisting the balls of one freak they'll probably roll on the others and hand over the VC recordings.

No. 2311738

In any case, with a court order Discord has no choice but to comply and hand over all the chats and location data of these people.

No. 2311744

Haven't you heard? The high IQ low inhibition aryan move is killing little children, promoting child rape, jacking off to degenerate pornography while blaming everyone else for your own lack of morals and targeting elderly black and/or brown people who welcomed you into their church with open arms and haven't harmed anyone. These are supposed to be the champions of the white race.
Remember, tardthots: The moids you ball-worship and throw other women (whether they be white or not) and your own hypothetical children under the bus for scraps from will inevitably turn on you. You are fucking stupid.

No. 2311745

I think it's finally becoming in vouge to arrest people who were enablers in shooting events. Like there was one scrot shooter whose dad was arrested for providing the gun.
I think the groomers should receive the legal punishment the pickme shooter weaseled out on.

No. 2311767

File: 1734462589680.png (103.62 KB, 720x618, 1000002985.png)

If true then how sad.

No. 2311775

oh my Lord. I thought she maybe killed a scrote teacher she had beef with or something, but her killing some random substitute just because she felt like it is really fucking disgusting.

No. 2311776

>killed random substitute she probably has never seen in her life
But, the boollies!

No. 2311777

feds should've been monitoring those discords all along. TBH I can't believe the amount of actual, blatant, unfettered crime that occurs on discord and telegram. Seemingly ever neo nazi, mass murderer, pedo, etc., seems to have a discord or telegram group. A sign of our Congress' complete ineptitude is how they still autistically hyperfixate on tiktok while telegram and discord run loose despite having actually caused a national security crisis.

No. 2311801

There's a good chance these guys are ideologically, if not personally linked to these networks.

Earlier this summer, a member of one of these groups, a citizen of Georgia, planned on going to NYC and dressing as Santa Claus and handing out as much ricin laced candy as possible to Jewish and Black and Brown children in an attempt to start some sort of race war.

No. 2311803

>Earlier this summer, a member of one of these groups, a citizen of Georgia, planned on going to NYC and dressing as Santa Claus and handing out as much ricin laced candy as possible to Jewish and Black and Brown children in an attempt to start some sort of race war.
Can we please institutionalize these people? They are a blatant and immediate threat to polite society.

No. 2311809

There's basically a bunch of online gangs of these freaks trying to outcompete each other for cruelty and clout. Calling each other out for being all talk no action (Nitro was doing this for example) and bragging about their accomplishments. Blame the wrong gang and suddenly they'll start crawling out of the woodwork to take their rightful credit.

No. 2311850

It's also because children and women are often easier targets. These types of people would immediately shit themselves if they were to go up against adult men, especially if they were also armed. The last female troon that tried this was also writing the edgiest shit on her stupid journal, went to kill a few defenseless children and got obliterated by the first armed adult person that saw her. This girl just managed to kill herself first (like they all tend to do) because they know that what awaits them would make them shit their guts out. They're people who will pick up guns but will have trouble answering a phone call.

No. 2311911

I never understood how a race war is suppose to happen here. I can't imagine the average american giving a fuck about or participating in a race war. That shit only happens in primitive 3rd world countries where most people live in tribes.

No. 2311939

does anyone know how old the Rupnow parents are?

No. 2311991

Their house is shown in articles. The dad’s name is Jeff and he is in his 40s

No. 2312079

Listen I'm all for freedom of speech or whatever but like if some lady can get in trouble for yelling at an insurance company these twitter edgelords need to be locked up

No. 2312094

>saint elliot
I will never, EVER understand the worship of that loser. It would be like a woman worshipping Aiden Hale

No. 2312099

>saint Elliot
Like…as in elliot rodger?

No. 2312104

I think so. There are bottom of the barrel losers who unironically think this lame sack of shit was a hero for going on a murderous spergout and mostly killing other incels like him
idk maybe its some suicidal shit.

No. 2312126

Will these guys ever explain how raping white kids is supposed to save da white race?

No. 2312129


No. 2312136

I miss the Luigiposting

No. 2312137

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As I said, they call everyone that does this shit saints. Rupnow called this guy an "Ultimate Saint" assuming the Anna Slatz manifesto is real.

No. 2312153

File: 1734484691525.png (867.22 KB, 1080x1123, created for the incel gaze.png)

I clicked the link idfk who any of these losers are.
Is this a shooter? he looks like a limp wristed faggot larping as an edgelord.

No. 2312159

I was talking to another nona. Its a chimpanzee strategy to be a pedo utilized by lesser moid chimps. Basically they are too weak and their sperm lacks the verility to procure and impregnate a grown ass female chimp who is probably protected by her chimp chad, so he resorts to abducting baby chimps and hoarding them away so he can basically guarantee to pass on his fucked up pedo genetics with minimal competition from his arch nemesis: chimp chad.

Same shit happens with humans. Basically its SUPER important to keep women educated and radicalized with misandry to ensure womenkind can identify and cull out pedo genetics by not breeding with pedos. Seeing a bunch of incels who express pedophilic desires is actually a good thing, it means nature is healing and their pedo genetics are coming to their long needed dead end.

No. 2312165

Yeah, it won't happen in direct response to any of these shootings. However, a civil war has a higher chance of happening, and there's a nonzero chance that it could devolve into a race war later on. Civil wars are more likely to be decided by the extremists, rather than the more passive and more apolitical majority that decides elections. Most countries with civil wars have seen extremist factions rise to power, from the Jacobins, to the Maoists, Francoists, Interahamwe, the Congo, Taliban, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas… America is kinda the exception.

I think the US is metastable for the next couple years, but when you have state governments defying the federal government, presidential assassination attempts, J6, legal prosecution of presidential candidates, those are potential sparks. And it feels like the far right is getting more extreme right now, which means future sparks are more likely to inflame.

No. 2312177

Turkish incel poster on SanctionedSuicide.net who was too cowardly to kill himself so he decided to livestream himself stabbing 5 elderly people at a cafe instead. Fortunately they survived and he's going to prison so he won't be an incel for much longer.

No. 2312181

>kills elderly
Fuck god jesus fucking christ what is with these fucking incomplete demons who are obsessed with killing the weakest, most vulnerable people on earth? God fucking dammit they are so fucking pathetic this has to be some government thing where they are injected with incel drugs or some shit

No. 2312198

>kills elderly
Actually they all survived because this retarded edgelord was so scrawny that he wasn't strong enough to even kill old people. He must be so embarrassed now.

No. 2312207

how the fuck can anyone admire that? Holy shit thats the most pathetic shit ever.
I hope he gets daily beatings and ass rapes in prison

No. 2312223

her tumblr was recently deactivated. are her shitty little friends trying to cover for her again?

No. 2312225

maybe but it's also typical for the websites themselves to shut down or at least private the accounts of shooters

No. 2312227

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>>2312181 Targeting the elderly seems to be a pattern for these losers.

No. 2312231

don’t worry nona it’s still happening in his thread

No. 2312235

Why does luigi get a terrorism charge and these fucking retards get to keep their psycho hate groups.
