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No. 2300191

>no baiting or responding to bait
>be a good American citizen

Previous threads:

No. 2300193

sorry sorry i forgot to add ____ edition

No. 2300196

yes, after feeling like i got punched in the stomach repeatedly for weeks after the election, it feels nice to turn it around and be like "don't care, would fuck" and make people mad about it. it's my turn to piss people off with my apathy and enjoy it.

No. 2300199

God bless Luigi and his mansion

No. 2300202


No. 2300203

Hell yeah

No. 2300207

i wonder how luigi would feel if he knew how wet all of America is for him right now

No. 2300209

I want first digs

No. 2300212

He probably already knows and is loving all of it kekk

No. 2300215

Through this whole thing I was constantly thinking of that one diabetic anon in the vent thread who posted a ton of vents about her pharmacy denying her insulin and she was writing about spam calling them and screaming into the receiver and shit and she said at one point she was going to call back and do a creepy killer clown voice. I hope wherever she is that she has her insulin and the killing has lifted her spirits.

No. 2300216

do you think he'll take conjugal visits?

No. 2300217

Prolly cranking that Italian hot sausage in the holding cell

No. 2300218

Apathy and joy for the death of CEOs and other technocrats is the best medicine. Even the mayor of NYC was sucking that fat fucker down to the base. Screw the first class.

No. 2300220

File: 1733783855584.jpeg (318 KB, 1200x891, IMG_1135.jpeg)

That problem will be solved in time.

No. 2300221

File: 1733783895216.png (259.83 KB, 910x438, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 2.38…)

No. 2300223

I wish I was the one doing it for him…

No. 2300226

For the millionth time, he didn't say that quote. He was quoting a redditor in his review.

No. 2300228

that's right

No. 2300233

>lusting after a tradtard MRA is sooo empowering
This is why you got your rights taken away from you.(infight bait after a farmhand warning)

No. 2300234

File: 1733784242510.jpeg (323.81 KB, 1280x1480, GeYYUb1W4AAviWL.jpeg)

it's genuinely crazy because the entire section of that part of his review is 1.) closed in between quotes and 2.) began with "A take I found online that I think is interesting: "

No. 2300235

His body, my choice

No. 2300236

No. 2300238

Apparently it was Elon Musk who said that quote. So cringe.

No. 2300240

I hope he mails me his cum

No. 2300241

Shoo. Go away Euro. Go worry about your own rapeapes.

No. 2300242

why do people keep saying hes gay if he was flirting with a girl at the hostel? maybe he's just bi

No. 2300248

I saw someone use the word metrosexual, which is when you’re straight but act gay

No. 2300249

Ugh I need him to make an appearance

No. 2300258

Him being gay would be such a funny twist though

No. 2300259

The state of reading comprehension is so poor that the average redditor sees this image and can't understand what part of it is a quote. Amazing.

No. 2300260

I thought metrosexual was a derogatory term for guys who kept up with their appearance fashion and hygiene wise and were therefore considered gay by the scrotes they mogged

No. 2300261

LC is saying luigi is a weeb but i dont see it? Because he likes pokemon?

No. 2300264

File: 1733784965321.gif (252.69 KB, 220x143, IMG_3266.gif)

>ugly male as threadpic
>infighting about the most boring shit imaginable as if scrotes don’t go postal every single day
>calling observant/smart women “blackpillers” for stating the obvious that he’s a redpiller 4chan faggot
>thread gets locked and posts get deleted because you refuse to be a penis worshipper
>tranny jannies making sure everybody appreciates and gives thanks to the ugly male
>more straight women cucking themselves for closeted ugly penis
>entire thread pretty much proving you shouldn’t care about feminism anymore because women’s behavior and lifestyle choices will always contradict their feminist beliefs therefore nobody taking any of us seriously
>le sigh
Humans are straight up cancer. Goodbye(ignoring a farmhand post)

No. 2300266

File: 1733785000293.jpeg (525.02 KB, 1290x2244, IMG_3576.jpeg)

he’s also a member of the upper class nonnie, his family’s loaded. ironically, the nursing home industry is also super predatory and abusive.

No. 2300281

sounds to me like he saw firsthand how insurance companies fuck over people in those facilities

No. 2300285

File: 1733785360010.png (176.38 KB, 786x786, IMG_8457.png)

Looks like Luigi went missing back in July…

No. 2300286

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No. 2300287

Source pls? I assumed it originated from an essay writing commenter

No. 2300290

so he's a radicalized leftist rich kid? many such cases. at least he did something useful

No. 2300294

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No. 2300295

If you work in nursing homes you know how often insurance screws families over.

No. 2300296

i feel so sad for his family they're probably so scared for him right now

No. 2300297

File: 1733785538423.png (439.58 KB, 606x792, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 3.03…)

wait nvm i guess its on a loop

No. 2300303

He also had issues with his spine and appeared to perhaps deal with insurance personally. Rich doesn’t necessarily mean 1% rich

No. 2300304

guys wtf is this?

> Part 2

> Premieres Dec 9, 2024
>his youtube channel

No. 2300306


No. 2300307

fucking feds are going to take this down before it premieres i just know it

No. 2300308

Psyop confined

No. 2300312

File: 1733785707261.png (176.12 KB, 1784x1188, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 3.08…)

holy shit

No. 2300313

File: 1733785711357.gif (587.98 KB, 500x500, picmix.com_12246875.gif)

This guy thinks hes going to be moid's hero but instead he became lolcows gap moe blingee kawaii tsundere princess husbando.

No. 2300314

I don’t think that’s his. Trolling spoofer trying to capitalize on some views

No. 2300315

It's from a redditor's comment. He has retweeted tweets in support of Elon Musk before.

No. 2300316

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No. 2300317

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No. 2300319

I saw people saying the channels username had been changed, but I can't find evidence supporting this. The channel was created in January of this year. Nothing comes up when searching the channel ID from the page source. Idk maybe it's legit. I kind of want it to be.

No. 2300320

How sad, simping over an incel rightoid who said women need to be subservient to based heroic scrotes. Go ahead and ban me(continuing to infight bait after farmhand warning)

No. 2300321

you can change your name on youtube the account is also fairly recent

No. 2300322

YouTube usernames can be changed every 2 weeks

No. 2300324

I feel catfished kek

No. 2300325

No. 2300329

He looks different in every pic and every angle

No. 2300330

No. 2300331

File: 1733785951262.png (121.91 KB, 1306x986, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 6.12.…)

the fucking account got taken down…

No. 2300332

He looks like a homosexual

No. 2300333

he looks like my brother

No. 2300334

The channel is so new and inactive that there has been no capture of it on wayback before today and nothing comes up when searching the channel ID. We have no proof one way or the other if the channel name has been changed.

No. 2300335

so do i to be transparent

No. 2300336

Did he ever actually say that? Post proof and caps

No. 2300337

damnnnn figures

No. 2300338

No. 2300339

Saw that coming, I would have to imagine people reported it for impersonation.

No. 2300340

File: 1733786010948.png (89.54 KB, 1184x1052, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 6.13.…)

No. 2300341

The binary said : the truth will set me free

No. 2300342

You're right, but my pussy doesn't give a shit. I'm so sorry.

No. 2300344

Damn, the countdown on >>2300304 is unavailable now too. This is either a good troll or feds are working overtime.

No. 2300345

Sounds like he went nuts after poor results from back surgery. Chronic pain can really change people and he took his anger out on that CEO.

No. 2300346

No. 2300347

I think he is one. There are photos of him on /g/ and he poses very faggot like especially with other men.

No. 2300348

looks like a random algerian rapefugee

No. 2300349

he's hot, is in stem and his family is rich, i would put on a maid costume and call him master if he asked. Sorry.

No. 2300350

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say those cops don't hate him

No. 2300352

Even if he’s not now, he’s gonna be one now

No. 2300353

My sides you are right

No. 2300354

ntayrt but i feel like if he was a faggot he wouldn't have been flirting with that front desk lady kek

No. 2300355

reupload of the first video, not that it contains anything.

No. 2300357

italians for you

No. 2300358

stop samefagging

No. 2300359

These comments are so funny to me it's nice to see this in a thread that isn't about a woman or child for a change

No. 2300361

hot… i want to be a fly in the dingy prison bathroom to see him pick up the soap

No. 2300362

Usually petit bourgeoisie like him takes it out on those beneath him so I’m glad for once one of their sons took it out on someone above him

No. 2300363

Why do I feel like she was lying for clout. But anyway even if he was who's to say it wasn't for some type of personal gain in relation to executing his plan?

No. 2300364

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No. 2300365

I genuinely feel more pity for the friends and family in his life than the CEO's KEK, this is sad to read.

No. 2300367

Just search his twitter

No. 2300368

Maybe he wasn’t even flirting? Just smiling and joking

No. 2300370

Jfc can it already. You're probably one of thats obese lesbians who calls themselves "butch".(infight bait)

No. 2300371

Not trying to do all that there's like 100s of tweets. Can you please just share it here.
The woman said he was

No. 2300372

If he is a faggot, he's not going to be anymore when I'm done with him

No. 2300374

Right, they keep posting the same shit everywhere but refuse to show proof.

No. 2300375

I don't know nonna he seemed pretty happy to be talking to her…

No. 2300376

he's hot

No. 2300377

So it's not true and you made it up, got it

No. 2300378

No. 2300381

since the feds took it down i guess it was real

No. 2300382

He talked about how Japan needs to get back to it's roots on Twitter. Tengas, maid cafes and Tekken are ruining Japanese society.

No. 2300384

He’s gonna get so much fan mail in prison kek

No. 2300387

facial hair…yikes!

No. 2300389

He shills Japan "going back to its roots". i.e. an even more misogynist hellhole as seen in the last bulletpoint in >>2299523

No. 2300390

do they allow conjugal visits for people in holding cells

No. 2300392

He wanted to save the grandmas!!! God dammit I know the nonas are trying to shame me but I love people who kill rich selfish assholes who are actively ruining everyone's lives.
I dont hate rich people, as long as their wealth comes from making life better for people btw. But healthcare ceo fuckers who care more about profits over their customers need to be scared.

Also it doesn't hurt that hes sexy and covert yaoi for my fujo gaze

No. 2300393

File: 1733786626429.jpg (44.21 KB, 686x386, 1000011717.jpg)

How the fuck is he going to court already whats the evidence against him, the murder weapon that makes no sense for him to have. This man in picrel is not swarthy or has luigi bushy eyebrows what the fuck

No. 2300394

He's been on the run kek

No. 2300395

i believe the world needs more handsome trustfund CEO assassins.

No. 2300397

ohnonono what would moids do without their fleshlights and maid cafes, truly the horror

No. 2300399

File: 1733786715365.gif (1.3 MB, 312x303, 1000000109.gif)

They're gonna try to meme him into our queen

No. 2300400

What a reach nonna. Nothing about what he said indicates anything that you accused him of.

No. 2300401

I think the guy they arrested is a fall guy. I think the police were pressured and so they found someone, even if it's not the right person.

No. 2300402

I think that she had asked him to show her his smile (for the camera) and then the media twisted that into him flirting and ran with it because that's more interesting.

No. 2300403

If they do end up sending him to prison, whatever douchebag prosecutes him will just end up getting assassinated too…I hope they let him go kek

No. 2300404


No. 2300405

>p-post proof
Just look back at the last thread ffs. expecting anons to spoonfeed your ass smh

No. 2300407

That's what I think. There's more evidence against Diddy and that cunts still not been put to trial

No. 2300408

I hate trannies but if I was a female inmate I'd support his social transition to come to the womens ward. He should only identify as a masculine trans women tho :) keep the test, pecs, and weinor(emoji)

No. 2300409

Yeah I'm tweaking too. This guy, Luigi, and the guy at the hostel all look different. Maybe it's just the choppy footage affecting his skin tone but I don't know

No. 2300411

no one will top jodi. like holy shit she is so gorgina here.

No. 2300412

Yes he does. The lighting and quality are washing them out, but you can see the bloc brows from other angles. They also likely have footage of him not released to the public. And his cell pings

No. 2300413

just saw my first “he’s Italian, not white” dumb response on twitter kek

No. 2300414

Your proof is ass. Borderline psychosis influenced analysis.
They look exactly alike in my opinion.

No. 2300415

File: 1733786923228.png (53.73 KB, 902x708, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 3.28…)

twitter account suspended

No. 2300416

Some courthouses are also detainment centers or directly linked to the police station.

No. 2300417

Do either of you know what Shintoism entails?

No. 2300419

Weren't parts of his manifesto released basically admitting to it?

No. 2300421

Very much so. Your interpretation of shinto is very blanketed when it's much more nuanced.

No. 2300422

Buddhism is the sexist one actually.

No. 2300425

Exactly, and any sexism existing with shinto is because of buddhist influences. Shinto was mostly respectful and even praising of women.

No. 2300426

Do you think he was on PEDs his abs look a little weird

No. 2300427

There's two photos of the guy at the hostel. The floor and little stool in the background is the same as is the outfit.

The images of the actual shooter is of a completely different guy. In all the photos of Luigi he has thick bushy brows that are completely absent on the man filmed who shot the guy. The nose is different too. The outfit is different. Hostel guy has a black backpack and different clothes. Actual shooter has white backpack and different clothes. People keep saying he could have changed clothes, ok fine. So he changes clothes again after shooting the guy to evade the cops and get out of NYC. He's been very meticulous so far making sure the ceo was alone without security and it was quiet. He labels the bullets he used. Then he apparently discards two outfits and two backpacks, keeps his fake IDs and the murder weapon. Then gets caught in a McDonalds with all the incriminating evidence on him?? It literally doesn't make any sense. So he was able to get into the city, murder someone in broad daylight, escape without detection, but he decides after pulling off the perfect crime to keep everything incriminating on him.

The only saving grace in all this is if he is the fall guy, the real hero is still out there

No. 2300430

Anon just let it go. The guy killed a faggot and is now in jail, he's not going to kill women nor hurt women and his ass is going to be yaoi'd in jail. I genuinely dont know what you want anons to do, lets us have fun memeing the autistic lasagna man.

No. 2300431

File: 1733787274745.png (3.17 MB, 2048x1536, m3t1ZNu.png)

No. 2300432

File: 1733787292124.png (103.45 KB, 1065x577, 383y26.png)

ive seen a lot of people already call out how this dude is obviously not him, dude didn't even have the same gun as the one recorded at the crime scene? he's just a clout chaser/scapegoat. the man in the hostel is also an entirely different man. anons all are lusting after 3 different men but they're too faceblind too tell ig kek

No. 2300433

Those guys are getting mogged so bad i would kill myself if someone posted this

No. 2300436

We are two completely different anons.

No. 2300437

Just anons doing autistic things. So many people suffer face blindness and they're most likely larping moids kek

No. 2300438

He's hottt. Just needs to groom his eyebrows. Looks slightly jewish but he's not, thank the lord.(baiting)

No. 2300439

Nothing in your "proof" has to do with women being subservient

No. 2300442

The smiling hostel man is the hottest

No. 2300443

>Just needs to groom his eyebrows.
Nah, leave them nice and bushy

No. 2300444

File: 1733787447858.jpg (43.67 KB, 900x506, 1000011716.jpg)

Fuck sake he has a unibrow. This man doesn't lol

No. 2300445

Except they genuinely look alike. And the moid accusation begin….mods?

No. 2300449

File: 1733787473614.mp4 (15.5 MB, 2640x1080, Screen_Recording_20241209_2319…)

This is a screen recording I took of the first video (not that it says anything).

No. 2300451

You don't get it farmers have to moralfag about everything

No. 2300452

File: 1733787499648.jpeg (801.83 KB, 1170x1563, IMG_6507.jpeg)

Seeking female

No. 2300453

10000% agree

No. 2300456

Mooooom! Sorry autism is a mainly moid trait as is faceblindness. Although there are some genuine female autists here that can't even clock models wearing natural makeup

No. 2300457

File: 1733787602898.png (1000.95 KB, 960x1088, asdafff.png)

>lion king tshirt
>posing with a lion king happy meal
kekk i am dying at the lion king being his special interest.

No. 2300458

Nah, that's an Italian if I've ever seen one.

No. 2300459

This whole Luigi thing glows so hard. Everything about it is so bizarre. What the fuck happened in this mans life that caused him to do this? He was a successful smart guy who graduated from a prestigious university. He was from a wealthy family and thus medical debt and insurance wouldn't be an issue for him. What would cause him to throw all that away? Im on the edge of my seat.

No. 2300461

Oh no what if he was a furry?

No. 2300462

at first i thought he was hot and i was joining in on the thirsting but now i'm starting to get really sad for him and his friends and family

No. 2300465

I hope all the praise the shooter has been getting inspires future incel shooters to go for billionaires instead of grade schoolers

No. 2300466

File: 1733787744457.jpg (280.54 KB, 1080x2245, 1000070852.jpg)

The cover for Part 2 is a black screen with the following numbers in white.
01010100 01101000 01100101
00100000 01010100 01110010
01110101 01110100 01101000
01000000 01110111 01101001
01101100 01101100 00100000
01110011 01100101 01110100
00100000 01101101 01100101
00100000 01100110 01110010
01100101 01100101
Which I put through a binary code translator and it says "the truth will set me free."

No. 2300467

Went nuts from chronic back pain and a bad back surgery, started experimenting with drugs to control the pain. People who say they knew him say he turned into a different person following the surgery. I wonder if he wanted more treatment and got denied?

No. 2300469

Yeah it is sad, he is only 26 and could have gone far in life and now he will likely be in prison for life

No. 2300470

his face looks photoshopped on

No. 2300471

nta but as someone who has scholiosis i 100% support the going madness theory, having back problems ruined my life and contributed to my suicide attempt

No. 2300472

I won’t lie, I’ve felt how he feels. Living with a chronic illness or disability can legitimately drive you to the point of killing someone.

No. 2300474

File: 1733787883706.jpeg (43.3 KB, 832x253, IMG_6508.jpeg)

No. 2300475

His folks ran a nursing home. Maybe he saw people getting denied a lot up close

No. 2300476

this image is so low-res tho

No. 2300478

11 Dec flashes up by the "soon" near the end

No. 2300479

reminder that the US Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that of defendants charged with felony murder, only 70% are convicted, and further the estimated wrongful conviction rate in the US is ~5%

No. 2300480

Fujo hands typed this.

No. 2300481

This is art, nonna.

No. 2300482

Blackpill lesbians who hate him fuming with rage right now

No. 2300483

and he picked a good person to kill

No. 2300484

that is if he doesn't commit suicide in jail or get raped to death, i pray neither happen and they just let him go and keep looking for someone else to take the fall instead

No. 2300485

On tiktok live this big influencer keeps saying he didn't throw his life away and that if anything he made his life meaningful by taking out a tyrant. Bitch what? HE THREW HIS LIFE AWAY. Going to prison for life because of a dirty assed moid is not worth it.

No. 2300486

There's other images where you can see he doesn't have bushy eyebrows that slope towards the bridge of his nose like in literally every image released of Luigi

No. 2300489

It's kind of crazy that if he had killed a nobody this wouldn't be news and he probably would have gotten away with it. This mostly became worldwide news because he got away (until now), more so than the fact he killed the CEO.

No. 2300490

>die with no one remembering you, leaving no meaningful mark in earth
>become the entire internet's husbando and her

No. 2300491

Shut up moralfag gayop he's based because he took out a fugly healthcare CEO due being driven crazy by back pain.

No. 2300492

anybody that thinks killing one insurance CEO is going to cause any meaningful change beyond MAYBE further obfuscation of the corruption is kidding themselves.

No. 2300493

this is my biggest hope out of all of this. the first thing i said when i heard the news was "finally they're going after the people who should get blasted instead of random innocents"

No. 2300495

Who gives a fuck. Of course this won't change shit, we just want to see CEOs die.

No. 2300496

well psychosis kinda makes you kid yourself nonnie lol

No. 2300497

The fuck was this sentence nonna. Go outside. I'm not allowed to feel bad him and wish didn't risk life behind bars? Again go outside.

No. 2300498

thats like saying we shouldnt kill rapists because its not going to change anything, who cares he deserved it

No. 2300499

He's literally a misogynist like any other scrote. Fucking men doesn't make him any less misogynistic, if the allegations are true anyway. You all are retarded handmaidens for simping him so hard.(infight bait)

No. 2300500

He wanted to, why are you treating him like a lobotomized baby that cannot decide for himself.

No. 2300501

Right, except that's not what nonna was saying dumbass. They were saying it's not worth life behind bars. He didn't do what everyone is praising him for doing in terms of corporate change.

No. 2300504

I want to murder my ex for raping and beating me to a bloody pulp. Doesn't mean I'm going to not regret lifelong imprisonment.

No. 2300505

No fun allowed

No. 2300506

Why are they still here? Funnel that rage into a Fortnite match or something.

No. 2300507

its called karma

No. 2300508

i'm nervous thinking about what they're doing to him right now you guys

No. 2300509

The way you continuously miss the point. We're all glad the faggot's dead.

No. 2300510

No. 2300511

this is literally the purpose of men, at least one is using his violent tendencies to do something good for once instead of killing children, women, or going to war

No. 2300512

Big if true

No. 2300513

>due being driven crazy by back pain
So are the simps on here just applying their headcanons on their wholesomerino cinnamon roll husbando now

No. 2300515

File: 1733788594785.jpeg (36.02 KB, 1179x212, IMG_9009.jpeg)

His goodreads is still up
> Clearly written by a mathematics prodigy. Reads like a series of lemmas on the question of 21st century quality of life.
>It's easy to quickly and thoughtless write this off as the manifesto of a lunatic, in order to avoid facing some of the uncomfortable problems it identifies. But it's simply impossible to ignore how prescient many of his predictions about modern society turned out.
>He was a violent individual - rightfully imprisoned - who maimed innocent people. While these actions tend to be characterized as those of a crazy luddite, however, they are more accurately seen as those of an extreme political revolutionary.
> Had the balls to recognize that peaceful protest has gotten us absolutely nowhere and at the end of the day, he's probably right. Oil barons haven't listened to any environmentalists, but they feared him.
When all other forms of communication fail, violence is necessary to survive. You may not like his methods, but to see things from his perspective, it's not terrorism, it's war and revolution. Fossil fuel companies actively suppress anything that stands in their way and within a generation or two, it will begin costing human lives by greater and greater magnitudes until the earth is just a flaming ball orbiting third from the sun. Peaceful protest is outright ignored, economic protest isn't possible in the current system, so how long until we recognize that violence against those who lead us to such destruction is justified as self-defense.
>These companies don't care about you, or your kids, or your grandkids. They have zero qualms about burning down the planet for a buck, so why should we have any qualms about burning them down to survive?
We're animals just like everything else on this planet, except we've forgotten the law of the jungle and bend over for our overlords when any other animal would recognize the threat and fight to the death for their survival. 'Violence never solved anything" is a statement uttered by cowards and predators

No. 2300516

Then why do you care so much that he killed that faggot? you are stupid if you think he genuinely tought he was going to generate any meaningful change, he was a kaczynski simp for god's sake. It's like you dont understand people can just want vengance.

No. 2300517

You have to be on the spectrum to KEEP missing the point this badly.

No. 2300519

I'm gonna write the most autistic AO3 yumefics I possibly can in honour of anons itt

No. 2300520

I bet he listens to Tangerine Dream

No. 2300522

teachers are making jokes about this, my coworker shared one with me today

No. 2300525

You are the one being insanely dense for no reason. He was making a statement like kaczynski, it's not deeper than that. He clearly achieved what he wanted since he made a bunch of CEOs delete their profile pictures and personal information off the internet.

No. 2300526

Hope more people kill billionaire ceos. I like how apparently the united health website started removing photos from bios and from wiki.

No. 2300527

this is already posted here >>2300234

No. 2300528

average tiktok user post

No. 2300529

The quote in his review is from a Reddit comment. The original poster just noticed

https://www.reddit.com/r/climate/s/MYv1PwZRzM(this is an imageboard)

No. 2300530

It's so beautiful seeing him mog all 10 of those fatties

No. 2300532

File: 1733789006320.jpg (31.46 KB, 400x400, 1000029103.jpg)

Aw, cute! They're experiencing fear for the first time!

No. 2300533

nta but it's literally in the last thread

No. 2300535

That’s my favorite Disney movie,it’s like we’re meant to be,,,

No. 2300536

His goodreads and Twitter activity suggest he started using drugs after his back surgery and his family/friends say that he totally changed after the surgery. It all tracks.

No. 2300537

This is an imageboard post images or learn to integrate

No. 2300538

KEKKK hope this turns into billionaire purge

No. 2300540

We get that. But what did I just say? I want to kill my ex, but I'm not going to because I know for a fact a lifelong prison sentence is not worth it, even if in the moment it does feel like it is. My one and ONLY point is that he will probably regret it and will have thrown his life away. Not saying he thought he was making a change, I said a tiktok influencer said he did and that alone was worth a life sentence. Stop overcomplicating what I said.

No. 2300541

Hoping this convinces all the future school shooters to take their angst out on ceos instead

No. 2300542

>hot moid kills an evil dysgenic creature who causes problems and then gets put in storage to be ogled at women's leisure
Even if he does have retarded beliefs, this is how nature intended for things to be.

No. 2300544

He better not get fat.

No. 2300545

Jury nullification is in sight!

No. 2300546

i think a jury will agree to let him go

No. 2300547

Unironically males purpose is this

No. 2300548

fuck youtube!!

No. 2300549

File: 1733789361191.jpeg (37.56 KB, 541x631, GeZIV0wboAAjQ6d (1).jpeg)

The Chad CEO killer

No. 2300550

very true nonnie, like david and goliath and all the ladies are wet for david after

No. 2300551

Thought experiment time. Would you be the least bit upset if someone else did the job for you

No. 2300552

The judge can override the jury in rare cases. The jury would ask that he is let go on the basis of his purpose and the fact that he won't be a repeat offender. That doesn't change the fact that he murdered a man. Hope he is somehow let go though.

No. 2300553

Needs a shave, need a wax and threading/plucking too on those unruly brows.

No. 2300554

Yeah. If my dad did life behind bars because he killed my faggot ex, I would be really sad for him and would have wished he didn't.

No. 2300555

Needs this pussy

No. 2300556

She didn't say your dad she said someone else, why'd you immediately go to your dad?

No. 2300557

you sound really self centered, just because you think that way it doesnt mean this guy also does

No. 2300558

I mean ig Luigi is daddy

No. 2300559

I think he looks pretty good for being on the run for a week, probably not sleeping well and living off McDonald’s.

No. 2300560

I've never seen them ever go this hard against actual rapists and real murderers. So because they think he killed a piece of shit ceo, they are wiping all his socials? Because people are simping so hard for him?

No. 2300561

He’s 26 he doesn’t have much time left

No. 2300562

The fact that him being handsome angers incels is what brings me the most joy

No. 2300563

Because he killed a CEO, a man with money, that's it.

No. 2300564

ntayrt but absolutely, I'd never let my nigel or my family members kill someone in my name. i'd die at the thought of them going to prison or being hunted by feds

No. 2300565

Cause who the fuck is killing my ex. And my point still stands kek. Not ruining my life or wanting others to ruin theirs over a fucking loser.

No. 2300566

I hope he gets life because he’s going to ruin his appeal with an unbearable social media presence if he’s let out. much cuter offline and behind bars.

No. 2300567

A handsome Italian

No. 2300568

Why are you guys literally stroking his cock? I just said I HOPE he doesn't regret it and throw his life away. You're adding things into the original sentence that I literally never said.

No. 2300569

is your ex even in jail? or is he still raping and abusing to this day?

No. 2300570

Don't mention stroking his cock cuz you know nonnas want to

No. 2300571

Okay barring them, your family and friends. Would you give even half a shit

No. 2300572

NTA but okay, that's understandable. What about a complete stranger who had a personal vendetta and didn't care about the consequences of revenge?

No. 2300573

Let him out, he should switch places with Chris chan

No. 2300574

Did someone unironically call him an incel lmao

No. 2300576

Idk lawyers do a whole bunch of mental gymnastics to choose jurors that are "unbiased", I wouldn't be surprised at all if they get jurors that are ceo sympathizers

No. 2300577

No. 2300578

Please link it I've already read every single one on the site

No. 2300579

if CEOs start getting mass murdered gun control will be implemented swiftly

No. 2300580

They don't want to have copycats. Social give people someone to idolize and relate to. They don't care enough about school shooters to do the same amount of energy.

No. 2300584

No. It happened overseas and the police said they would take care of it. Next thing you know my ex was nowhere to be found and I asked the police and they just said, "We couldn't track him down" despite me giving his home address. He lives in a very corrupt country (that I was only living in for him)

No. 2300585

Well then i guess they'd kinda be doing something they were already going to eventually do anyways and I just sort of pushed the button on it kekk

No. 2300587

Yes, though I think it's just one nonna that won't stop repeating it.

No. 2300588

This is such a myopic and self centered view. Honestly, you must be so embarrassed that you even thought this, let alone posted it.

No. 2300589

Unironically I hope this is true. We all know that mass shooter types are cowardly retards, but they're also fame hungry. I hope that if someone IS, hypothetically, gonna commit an atrocity and nobody is able to prevent it, they see the positive attention this guy got and decide to aim higher than easy civilian targets.

No. 2300590

Deep breaths nonna.

No. 2300591

File: 1733790063354.png (12.82 KB, 470x108, bro.PNG)

This made me kek

No. 2300592

>ex bf raped and abused her and got away with it despite being a common citizen
>still doesnt understand why the chad CEO killed the multibillionaire CEO
you are a lost cause at this point

No. 2300593

No. 2300595

him and Vance got something in common keekk

No. 2300596

You sound retarded. It’s not even remotely that deep.

No. 2300597

He read what we said about him and coomed

No. 2300598

Mark my words anons I am going to fuck him.

No. 2300599

Again fag, I just said I hope he doesn't regret it. I never said what he did wasn't respectable or satisfying to him and I both. Jesus christ get help.

No. 2300600

seeing how people automatically try to make this guy into their guy or their enemy is so annoying and shows just how far the culture war has come at dividing us. can't we just unequivocally agree that total corpo death is good without wondering if he's le based commie or a chud/incel. appreciate the art, not the artist

No. 2300602

he keeps clicking his tongue it's pissing me off kek

No. 2300603

Take your meds, touch grass, etc, etc.

No. 2300605

Not even the deep breaths nonna kek. But sure resort to the terms I use versus the fact that you're having an autistic meltdown to the most rudimentary statement.

No. 2300606

No, you have been sperging about how its not ''worth it'' or some shit and projecting your insecurities onto this guy.

No. 2300607

so true. everything about what he did was class motivated and yet the spin always ends up being some retarded idpol shit

No. 2300609

Who else gonna send him nudes and nasty fantasies and see if he wants to do it no condoms in his conjugal visits

No. 2300610

kekkk looking forward to seeing you on the 5 o clock news nonna

No. 2300611

File: 1733790414193.png (608.48 KB, 954x1164, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 4.26…)

elon unsuspended his acc

No. 2300612

File: 1733790431354.jpg (14.97 KB, 275x271, 1733554252272.jpg)

I sperged because I posted ONCE about how I don't think it will be worth it TO HIM, and then you lost your absolute mind? Okay nonnie. Let's part ways now.

No. 2300613

Any logical thoughts aside, god damn that’s a handsome man.

No. 2300614

you may genuinely have been too numbed by your social media usage to understand the shockwaves this will have sent out to the public. to make even the smallest dent in a power structure so demonic and incite fear in the ultra-rich is worth it. it's actions like these that slowly bring people to realise that they can take life into their own hands and that this doesn't have to be this way. that we do still have some kind of power despite decades of being treated like moneymaking subservient cattle. it's only natural that people will break. this guy might have been fucked up on psychedelics but he wasn't just doing this for the sake of a personal vendetta. he did what millions of people wanted to see, and what they no doubt want to see more of. your thinking is extremely self-absorbed and reflective of a generation of people raised on believing they must consider & propel themselves first and everyone else last. and you're sitting around getting upset over what a tiktok "influencer" has to say - literally who cares what a random person on tiktok thinks. embarrassing

No. 2300615

good work elon omfg!!

No. 2300616

Interesting. I wonder what he thinks, in honest curiosity. He’d be a CEO people want offed, I bet he thinks he’s different because he is not in healthcare.

No. 2300617

Yawn. One nonna says it made a big impact, then another nonna said it doesn't have to make a big impact. But the point was that I HOPE HE DOESN'T REGRET IT. You sound fucking insane.

No. 2300618

he's trying to cover his own ass kek

No. 2300619

No. 2300620

File: 1733790632193.png (27.98 KB, 564x242, quirkyy.png)

what do you think the emojis mean
>compsci nerd
>gym rat

No. 2300622

Anon, they do this every time there's a shooter.

No. 2300623

Seems like vegan and environmentalist and he does shrooms

No. 2300624

Someone more talented than me should make an edit because it fits perfectly.

No. 2300625

why would he regret it?? thats what i dont get

No. 2300626

Psychedelics, probably. He had some books about psychedelics on his Goodreads

No. 2300627

File: 1733790693420.gif (1.15 MB, 220x220, 1000030058.gif)

>Nonnas breaking into the prison and ripping Tyrone apart with their bare hands to plunder the spoils of class warfare first

No. 2300628

School shooters don't want to help people though, they're literally just retarded and want to inflict pain.

No. 2300629

>computer nerd
>fitness nerd
>gorilla brain
>takes shrooms
>browses lolcow
The fuck???

No. 2300630

>joe rogan listener
>hallucinogen fan
idk about the cow

No. 2300631

Someone mentioned this on youtube a few days ago. Apparently gun control is only a thing if it starts to affect billionaire ceos. Same way men dont give a shit about b.c and abortions because it doesnt affect them. I hope more ceos get murdered for 2025

No. 2300632

This guy is a hero, he’s not going to be harassed by inmates. Or even guards probably

No. 2300635

this kek lady elonia is shaking in her boots

No. 2300636

assassinations are so trendy this year

No. 2300637

>the cow emoji is there
he's onto us nonas

No. 2300638


No. 2300639

so the youtube channel/video premiere that was taken down was legit right?

No. 2300641

Yeah we’re nonas everything posted is basically once. Why does this scrote mean so much to you. It’s sad for a half sec his old life ended (not that you know if he was a beacon of happiness) but at the end of the day do you even know the guy. He will def have new family now and he will be given the royal treatment in prison life. Why can’t you just rejoice that a CEO is dead

No. 2300643

Ntayrt but lifelong incarceration isn’t to be taken lightly. My uncle killed his brother in law and at the time of the arrest he was fully down to go to jail for life because his brother in law was an asshole apparently. He’s 2 years in and hates his life. He wasn’t even impulsive about it, it was super premeditated. Also, the pain it left on his loved ones is killing him.

No. 2300644

maybe he thinks he was reincarnated from a gorilla

No. 2300645

Wish he pissed on me instead. Piss = wasted.

No. 2300646

Biden could give him pardon just saying

No. 2300647

but you do understand he didnt kill some random scrote right, he killed a scrote that was harming thousands?

No. 2300648

idk but it had some shit about dec 11 on it

No. 2300649

That doesn’t change the fact he’s in prison for life. I don’t know why you’re not understanding that. It’s not insane to think he MIGHT regret it.

No. 2300651

Elon is such a narcissistic retard that he probably thinks he's #NotLikeOtherCEOs

No. 2300652

But why would he? Biden doesn't give a fuck about corrupt CEOs and has refused to do a lot less for american citizens.

No. 2300653

did his goodreads page have that Delay, Deny, Defend book on his list?

No. 2300654

File: 1733791030487.png (180.67 KB, 1494x1002, 1733003727733.png)

Correct. He's going to be harassed by me.

No. 2300655

Luigi Nicholas Magione. sexy name

No. 2300656

Sounds like Luigi's mansion kek.
> Luigi Magione

No. 2300657

File: 1733791113152.png (76.95 KB, 841x451, ted.png)

ted kaczynski never regreted it. And this was way before the internet and everyone hated and feared him instead of idolizing him like now.

No. 2300658

>caught at mcdondalds still carrying fake id and weapon by someone reporting ‘suspicious behavior’
Yeah I’m calling bullshit

No. 2300659

File: 1733791132508.jpeg (61.79 KB, 640x577, IMG_9033.jpeg)


No. 2300660

those pee pants are gonna be worth millions. Trophy wives of impotent ceos want him to be her pet pool cleaner

No. 2300662

How the hell have we gone through 10 threads in a month? Amerinonnas on top I guess

No. 2300663

Ted Kaczynski is a crazy comparison. He was a straight up sociopath with nothing to live for.

No. 2300664

I wonder how uncle ted was treated in prison?

No. 2300665

File: 1733791222852.png (496.74 KB, 990x723, 1000030059.png)

This is probably a long shot, but considering how Musk is getting openly bullied by Trump and his pals this might be a passive aggressive endorsement kek

No. 2300666

I just can't get the past that baby boy was chilling in a mcdonalds. People who ARENT on the loose don't even hang out in mcdonalds anymore. It sounds really suspicious, even though I think they look alike.

No. 2300667

This guy was clearly inspired by him.

No. 2300668

He isnt even calling for a ban of porn just that kids shouldnt have acsess to it and this camwhore is getting pissed fuck this pedo bich

No. 2300669

File: 1733791283180.jpg (34.54 KB, 600x600, 1693167145602418.jpg)

Nonna, just saying but you should look up the meaning of "Magione".

No. 2300670

Humgry for borger

No. 2300671

didn't ted K kill like 3 purple and hurt others? he just killed one guy who'd already killed thousands

No. 2300672

File: 1733791297516.jpg (35.55 KB, 480x405, c_1280.jpg)

>Bro. He pee is pants?

No. 2300673

What are twitterfags talking about a link?? Like his nudes kek??

No. 2300674

His name is Luigi Mansion. This isn't real.

No. 2300675


No. 2300677

File: 1733791426570.png (149.49 KB, 524x325, GcN95C3W4AAFbf6.png)

I really need there to be nudes.

No. 2300679

Do we know if he ever had a gf? was he a virgin? because that would be cute…

No. 2300680

his goodreads account had a good review of an elon book. maybe he's flattered someone actually likes him

No. 2300681

I also think it's bullshit, but if it is him, do you guys think it could be a long, roundabout suicide? Killing a millionaire CEO and then camping out somewhere waiting to be found doesn't indicate strong survival instinct. If his health is permanently fucked up by back issues then it would explain how he got to that point.

No. 2300682

People are saying he is bi. Apparently some guy is going around saying he made out with him at a upenn party kek but who knows if it’s some attention seeking fag

No. 2300683


Yes I know imageboard blah blah but all pics/content are blurred unless you sign up

No. 2300685

No. 2300687

File: 1733791612333.png (472.33 KB, 1080x881, image.png)

Been doing some research and his family owns private resorts. His family is fucking LOADED.

No. 2300688

Barbie is probably doing the biggest double take right now kek

No. 2300689

File: 1733791634650.jpeg (69.17 KB, 828x803, IMG_8803.jpeg)


No. 2300690

Kek is this real??

No. 2300691

File: 1733791663655.jpeg (137.99 KB, 1170x1661, IMG_4176.jpeg)

It’s back now but I’m intrigued who suspended it at twitter and why kek

No. 2300693

Hes a fucking mobster.
CEO chud did insider trading that fucked them over so he fucked up ceos entire industry

No. 2300694

unsurprising since he went to prep school and upenn

No. 2300695

Definitely an attention seeking faggot

No. 2300696

free him 'til the wheels fall off!!!

No. 2300697

His sister (?) is very pretty

No. 2300698

File: 1733791770064.jpeg (771.65 KB, 1170x1760, IMG_6509.jpeg)

Even his Spotify

No. 2300699

Bottom right has gay face

No. 2300701

Damn he uses the same profile pic for everything huh

No. 2300702

File: 1733791834073.webp (83.86 KB, 1200x2058, 7313-428f521227a14bc2b0db7e62c…)

NTAYRT but none of them are real nudes, just people sending videos off pornhub. But there are some new photos on there.

No. 2300703

where?? i cant find it

No. 2300705

Yes kekekek

No. 2300706

ngl I'd cheat on my nigel with him in a heartbeat, I'd have his kids too

No. 2300707

is that really his?

No. 2300709

Thank god I didn’t sign up kek
I was close

No. 2300710

Clairo???? He has bad taste in music unfortunately.

No. 2300712


No. 2300714

Oh he’s def bi … sad.

No. 2300715

…please delete this, nona. he will never beat the gay allegations at this rate.

No. 2300717

That profile doesn't even come up on spotify. I doubt this is real.

No. 2300718

He most definitely experiences same sex attraction.

No. 2300719

Is this actually real? Between the copypaste profile picture and everything else it looks kinda memey kek

No. 2300720

if the feds want me to believe this unibrower is the killer release photos of him where the camera is looking down on him so we can see the shape of his face cause I am not buying it!!!

No. 2300721

I don’t know what’s real anymore kek

No. 2300722

File: 1733792129572.webp (274.36 KB, 1170x1506, IMG_3580.webp)

he rted this post sucking off elon and presenting him as a forward-thinking humanitarian. elon definitely thinks of him has his type of people.

No. 2300723

File: 1733792133435.jpeg (202.65 KB, 750x1056, IMG_0966.jpeg)

it's not real

No. 2300724

File: 1733792159090.jpg (35.54 KB, 612x405, gettyimages-531339029-612x612.…)

lalalala i can't hear you lalalala

No. 2300725

Am I the only one who thinks it is actually him?

No. 2300726

Fuck he's so hot

No. 2300727

Guys, rejoice, the gay Spotify isn't real, it's fags false fagging because they want to fuck him, but he's for the girlies… he's just Italian

No. 2300728

this is fucking nuts

No. 2300729

It has to be or someone who agreed to be the scapegoat. I doubt its a random man considering everything about him.

No. 2300730

i also think its him. to me the security images look exactly like him

No. 2300731

why are the ugly man psyoppers claiming its a fag? is it because he's decently attractive? i never see this happen for ugly moid shooters who actually have homo tendencies(like eric and dylan)

No. 2300732

I'd be down for a trio with him and my husbando if it was physically possible kek

No. 2300733

Literally yes

No. 2300734

Those are just his shirtless pics on his ig when he was traveling

No. 2300735

If he is I want to know why he did it, there's got to be some crazy background between his family and the UHC CEO or something

No. 2300736

Am I tripping or was this exact question posted? Anyways it's because his poses in some of his photos and the fact that someone came out and said he was bi (that apparently knows him)

No. 2300737

I bet his moans are real cute

No. 2300738

I'm surprised Musk can even see his keyboard with the massive puss-filled head swelling he must be experiencing after seeing this.

No. 2300739

I’ll be hearing them irl soon if I can get in that prison

No. 2300740

why are gay men like this

No. 2300743

and you believe him kek?

No. 2300744

Now that we've learned his family is powerful and rich, I think you might be correct. It's beyond being personal in the sense of someone he loves being denied coverage, it might be a family fued of some sort.

No. 2300746

I don't, I don't even think he's gay. I'm just answering nonna's question. But the photos in question do look faggy.

No. 2300747

File: 1733792465739.png (386.54 KB, 910x774, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 5.00…)

No. 2300748

>why are the ugly man psyoppers claiming its a fag? is it because he's decently attractive?
He's 26 and doesn't have a wife despite being loaded nonny. It's obvious he's gay, I know the type and they get married young, travel the world with their fiancees and do a lot of dumb shit together.

People who claim he isn't gay are poor

No. 2300749

you and the entire security force will have to beat me in hand to hand combat

No. 2300750

holy shit could this man talk slower.
>He apparently matches the description.
>In possession of several items that they haven't named.
>Apparently they did it by good old fashioned police work??
> A McDonalds employee phoned because of the mugshot of Luigi.

Waiting to see if the police chief says anything further.
>multiple fake IDs and American passport
>a firearm
>a suppressor
>clothing including the mask seen in photos
>fraudulent NJ ID to check into the hostel
>a written manifesto

What a load of shit!!

No. 2300751

luigi doing this at 26 is so relatable. i got kicked off my parents health insurance this year and its been fucking hell. thank god i've stayed healthy and have no major injuries. but that shit really drives me insane about this country

No. 2300752

they are just of a hot guy possing, there is nothing faggy about it. Damn you bitches are the reason moids dont wash their ass.

No. 2300754

untreatable back pain can make people crazy

No. 2300755

File: 1733792585663.png (340.85 KB, 634x483, 1639097287046.png)


No. 2300756

Gonna have Italian tonight in solidarity

No. 2300757

My friend is 30, attractive, and makes 300k a year. He asked if we could fuck. This means nothing nonna.

No. 2300758

keep coping faghag he's for the girlies

No. 2300759

uh… wait wtf are we supposed to married already at 26?

No. 2300760

now i wanna cry..

No. 2300761

Oh my god?! Are we sure these aren't edited or if that's even his real handle?

No. 2300762

File: 1733792851808.png (762.19 KB, 1170x1866, vl9y00D.png)

No. 2300763

File: 1733792896273.png (347.65 KB, 752x1320, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 5.07…)

alleging youtube videos were fake

No. 2300764

Good boy turned bad? Woaw…

No. 2300765

Makes no sense that 5 days after the shooting rich boy Luigi would keep the same mask on his person, keep the gun and suppressor, the fake IDs, a fucking manifesto and bring it into a McDonalds kek. Why does the government think we're all thick as shit

No. 2300766

Once again a mogging god.

No. 2300767

He probably wanted to be caught if he did this for attention.

No. 2300768

I love this thread so much. It's hilarious, unhinged, enraging, educational. Simply fabulous.

No. 2300769

He was relying on a McDonalds worker to phone him in? Again. Why is everything up until the actual shooting so meticulously planned for it all to go to complete shit?

No. 2300770

File: 1733793058953.png (2 MB, 2048x1170, OXl2ngZ.png)

unfortunately nothing will change about our medical industry. but at least people are talking about how batshit this shit is and how normal it is.

>U.S. residents owe at least $220 billion in medical debt. Approximately 14 million people (6% of adults) in the U.S. owe over $1,000 in medical debt. About three million people (1% of adults) owe medical debt of more than $10,000.

No. 2300771

Then why even flee? To proof he can? Then why get caught in a fucking mcdonalds of all places and look stupid? Why not post on your twitter? Doesn't make sense.

No. 2300772

Is it possible he’s just having some kind of psychotic break or other mental health shit that has suddenly made him retarded? Or he wanted to be caught and he’s trying to make some statement like the awful Christchurch shooter guy by saying he’s happy he’s in prison because he gets to waste tax payer money

No. 2300773

the twitter acount is private now but if you google @pepmangione and that guys handle in the tweets you can still see results of them

No. 2300774

File: 1733793097362.jpg (13.3 KB, 305x309, cd6.jpg)

okay this conversation regarding his orientation is scaring me. he really reminds me of my younger brother who seems quite uninterested in women and never had a girlfriend either, despite being good looking/buff/intelligent with a great paying job. i already came out to the rest of the family as lesbian, to have my brother be gay would be pretty insane. hope this isn't considered alogging.

No. 2300776

Fake ID had a better picture of his face if cops found it dumped, if gun was 3D printed, maybe that could be traced to where it was printed (saw a quick thing it was, I have no clue.) McDonald’s, maybe dude was hungry. Couldn’t travel much, his face was plastered all over the news. It’s not that far fetched.

No. 2300778

Likely he and your brother are just autistic, just like your picrel, but are sexy to make up for it. I mean, if your brother is sexy that is. Anyway thats not what alogging is.

No. 2300779

surely some family member instantly recognized the photo being plastered on every news media outlet

No. 2300780

Ah yes let's trust the words of the friends that haven't seen him in months and knew nothing about his plan

No. 2300781

You think he'll do an interview from prison like Jodi Arias? Would be super interesting. I'd beat my meat to it for sure.

No. 2300782

Maybe if the trump shooter was handsome he wouldnt have missed.

No. 2300783

Definitely not. To have planned this shooting the way he did meant he was very focused. Had to get intel on the CEO. Know when he would be alone and not as many witnesses and able to get away. To have a psychotic break and walk into a McDonalds hoping someone was going to phone the police so he could hand them his manifesto, fake IDs that link him to the man in the hostel, and the killing weapon? Why two different outfits on cctv if they are of the same man and why did he keep the outfits and the mask on him 5 days later in a completely different State. This is so fake. It's like when they sent a shooter to the restaurant named in the Pizzagate leak to muddy up everything and spread misinformation. NYPD are the most retarded cops going

No. 2300784

Kek Kaczynski was caught because his own brother snitched on him after he recognized Kaczynski's autistic ass way of speaking/writing in his letter.

No. 2300785

Bad b8 m8

No. 2300786

He shot a CEO over health insurance but wants to waste tax payer money can people try and make logical connections

No. 2300787

i was thinking about how nobody cared about him whatsoever because he was so ugly as shit, but also probably because he didnt succeed

No. 2300788

ok but what was he supposed to do, fled? kill more ceos? the only thing that makes sense is to surrender like he did. He clearly wanted his face to be attached to his crime like most shooters.

No. 2300789

another reason why he should've gotten away with it

No. 2300790

iirc it was his brothers wife who recognized his writings. She told the brother and the brother was in mega denial but eventually realized everything was too similar to be coincidence.

No. 2300791

I just wish it was Elon Musk instead of some random CEO…Oh well.

No. 2300792

Tfw peeing your pants is also free so no one else can monetize this trend

No. 2300794

In cases like these, it doesn't matter who takes the fall. The rich people are pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes. They don't really want the gunman punished, they just want someone punished. They will punish anyone for this crime because if they don't, they'll look weak and it will damage their authority. It's like the Lee Harvey Oswald thing. Oswald didn't really kill JFK, but they needed someone to punish for the crime. Maybe I'll eat crow, but I really don't think that Luigi is the gunman. Besides being a lot taller than the gunman, the CCTV would have picked up on those eyebrows.
Is this a real post by Trump? Even though I don't like him, he's really funny. I think maybe in another world he could have been a really good comedian.

No. 2300798

Of course,he just HAD to be good looking lmao we live in such a bizarre timeline.

No. 2300799

File: 1733793527152.gif (104.26 KB, 220x150, IMG_9844.gif)

No. 2300800

when they dropped those hostel pics i knew he was hot immediately

No. 2300801

Can you please write something more believable next time.

No. 2300802

Cops didnt find any of it dumped they state he had it all on him. Just walking around with a bag full of evidence connected to a murder. Even braindead retards aren't at that shit. If he wanted attention after 5 days of evasion would he not go to the police himself or do something bigger than walk into a mcdonalds and hope someone rats him out?

No. 2300803

Elon hasn't killed as many people as the fatso. Either way a net positive.

No. 2300805

nta but maybe he just didnt feel like hiding anymore?

No. 2300806

Yeah that’s why I’m saying he didn’t dump it. My statement is in regards of reason he would not.

No. 2300807

he’s actively a musk fan, he’d never harm his visionary tech daddy

No. 2300808

Yea flee. Destroy the weapon so no DNA evidence to convict on. Destroy the clothes. Use his fake IDs and passport to travel. Without evidence the mugshot of a man wearing a different outfit to the man on camera shooting the CEO wouldn't have him convicted. He could have ran for the border.

No. 2300809

He wasn’t a random CEO to Luigi kek

No. 2300810

It’s possible (given the area of PA he was found in kek) that after the shooting he went on a meth binge. Honestly drugs would explain A LOT.

No. 2300814

for 4 days he was missing, so much time to destroy stuff rather than dump it.

No. 2300815

File: 1733793778477.jpg (5.63 KB, 300x168, 43rfd.jpg)

Kek exactly, way ahead of you nonna

No. 2300816

If you think this wasn't a believable statement you're actually insane and probably not at all around males. I'm shocked that you don't believe my 30 year old friend sleeps around and isn't married, despite not being a loser. Do you come from a third world country where men marry young?

No. 2300818

So he has time to get meth and have a bender but not to destroy evidence that would see him convicted?

No. 2300819

Yes, that’s my biggest issue with this.

No. 2300820

File: 1733793862278.jpg (202.07 KB, 1386x851, 6385383.jpg)

I’m gonna laugh so hard when people find out they were thirsting for some random ass dude who looks nothing like the shooter

No. 2300821

He prob stopped in Philly at some point, he should have come to my house we could have destroyed the evidence together romantically and then make out and take each other's virginity

No. 2300822

Samefagging to say he could have gone on a nice little camp trip. Logic is lost on this one.

No. 2300824

File: 1733793948638.jpeg (31.78 KB, 460x460, 11238020.jpeg)

No. 2300826

You're all kinda dumb. Average moid marries at 30 but trust me rich do it wayyyy sooner

He's gay, it's over.

No. 2300828

Kek how was Nonnas post not believable?

No. 2300829

I don't think you should post pics like that unless that's something you randomly pulled off the net

No. 2300831

Exactly. The fall guy is some rich kid who's family owns resorts and assisted living residencies. Maybe they help the democrats traffick kids lmao and Luigi will get put into witness protection somewhere after making a big song and dance of him being arrested lol. No one gets away with killing a rich man kek. I just don't believe it. Too many false flags.

No. 2300832

File: 1733794069462.png (76.56 KB, 656x427, 1733735665566.png)

Moids are malding over our husbando. Love to see it

No. 2300833


No. 2300834

Anons I’ve been thinking about him nonstop since the 5th I need to fuck him

No. 2300835

No. 2300836

You're clinically retarded. Average doesn't mean all, you obviously know that much. Just like not all women, no matter how desirable don't marry before 30 sometimes. Same goes for men, my very straight and normal cousins being two of them. Stop dying on such a SPED hill.

No. 2300837

this has been posted so many times.

No. 2300838

Doesn't he have better things to worry about than getting mogged?

No. 2300839

I'll be honest if he's on a lot of drugs I think it would check out for him to do something like this. Especially if his family and friends are saying he was out of contact for a while. They have a ton of money and he already finished uni so it's not like he would need to stay with anyone. We don't really know anything about his personality besides a couple social media posts so far.

No. 2300840

Wish he took better care of his hair. Like conditioner or shaving down the sides just a little. Or growing all of it out a little more.

No. 2300841

Because her story is super unlikely and way to convenient
>my 30 year old friend who makes 300k
I mean really

No. 2300842

File: 1733794236315.jpeg (496.6 KB, 1144x1807, IMG_4173.jpeg)

>didn’t even kill his target
>died immediately

No. 2300843

Why does he have a unibrow, what the fuck? He looked so cute in that photo of him smiling with his mask down.. I'm disappointed in the reveal. At least he made the rich feel a little scared about prioritizing profit over humans, though. That's a positive in my book.

No. 2300845

It's unlikely that nonnas friend wanted to fuck her? Have you ever met a moid? You've never heard of someone making upwards of 300k a year? Do you know of anyone successful in your life? My brother is a field engineer in new jersey and makes 220. Think just for a second before posting or admit you don't leave your room.

No. 2300846

I still don't get why people want to fuck a narcissistic or histrionic murderer.

No. 2300847

I like unibrows. Kek

No. 2300848

lmao he was already balding in middle school? it was so over before it even started

No. 2300849

Honestly i love his insanely thicc eyebrows their amazing

No. 2300850

Again, he's Italian.

No. 2300851

Even if he was on a lot of drugs he was extremely lucid while planning the actual killing. That was no easy feat getting to kill someone in Manhattan and then evading police for 5 days. Would a getaway and destroying the evidence not be preplanned like the murder? Why fall short on his own self preservation? Makes absolutely zero sense. How did they even identify that he must have been a different looking guy in the hostel? There could be 1000s of randoms landing in Manhattan daily looking for a new start. Doesn't mean cause they're dressed similar to the actual shooter they're all the same people.

No. 2300852

he's ripped and has cute smile plus likes the lion king which is cute

No. 2300854

Least obvious samefag

No. 2300855

I feel like I’m reading Elliot Rodger’s manifesto, ironically

No. 2300856

Gays want him to be gay, girls want him to be straight

No. 2300857

Nonna you’re correct. My friend is the head of construction (forgot the actual name) for the university of Michigan and that alone lands him in the 200s. His family owns schools across Detroit and he helps them with building new schools. That probably pays 100. Nonna is just stupid.

No. 2300858

File: 1733794559826.jpeg (272.13 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_9034.jpeg)

That smile… that damn smile.

No. 2300859

Massive fucking Italian schozzerola

No. 2300860

How would a McD worker even recognize him, he looks like half of decent looking white guys in nyc

No. 2300861

I'm not, farmhands can check. Just admit you're dumb and that you only fuck men on welfare or who work at gamestop. That or you're not an Amerifag so that type of money sounds insane to you.

No. 2300863


No. 2300864

I wonder what his hair smells like,he probably uses organic shampoo like Native or something.

No. 2300865

This photo is making me laugh he looks so stupid(but hot of course)

No. 2300866

It was a McDonalds in bumfuck PA where everyone is inbred and Irish-American

No. 2300867

Even if he's not The Shooter, he's fulfilling his Divine role as Protector of Our Shooter during all of this confusion
I find this part of your post offensive

No. 2300868

he was still in the same jacket lmao

No. 2300869

wtf lmao

No. 2300870

I don't believe the "he shot him because his spine hurt too much" angle then. There's no way he couldn't afford proper care like this.

No. 2300871

File: 1733794736296.jpeg (154.78 KB, 720x977, IMG_9035.jpeg)

Based or no?

No. 2300872

he looks like my cokehead ex here with all those fucking expression lines. Homeboy needs to hydrate. I still don't think he's the shooter so I will not be lusting over a mid 20s moid that looks sun damaged af

No. 2300874

yeah his family is very well known here in maryland

No. 2300876


puts neko maid costume away

No. 2300877

He somehow looks hotter post-arrest and post-crime than he did in all of the before pics.

No. 2300878

This has been posted multiple times already and one nonna keeps using it to call him an incel.
Neither do I. He could have paid out of pocket completely if he really needed to. Though just the principle alone could have possibly pissed him off. I feel like he may have taken/abused prescription drugs for the pain and developed some level of psychosis? But he seems so normal.

No. 2300879

interesting that he never said anything about japanese women going back to being stay at home wifes, he only criticized moids. Very rarely do i see rw scrotes criticizing moids actions, they always blame women first.

No. 2300880

Which jacket? the one he wore at the hostel before the shooting? Or the one he wore during the shooting?

No. 2300881

This picture doesn’t make any sense where the fuck is the rest of his body!? Someone please do a redline.

No. 2300882

you can see his feet, sadly covered by socks, right next to his head

No. 2300883

Probably because the police are just grasping at straws and the actual shooter hasn't been identified, so rich dude with well connected parents will take the fall and since the average American has proven to be face blind he'll just pluck his eyebrows and life a normal life

No. 2300884

File: 1733795001635.webp (24.04 KB, 640x720, i-have-two-sides-glowing-man-i…)

>Luigi sitting at Mcdonald's eating his nuggies and mogging everybody with his eyebrows

No. 2300885

File: 1733795003587.jpeg (52.45 KB, 1122x751, IMG_8639.jpeg)

No. 2300886

Back injuries sometimes aren’t fixable. You’re just fucked forever. It’s not uncommon. He didn’t kill because of the back pain specifically but because people speculate he started using drugs to control the pain and then went nuts.

No. 2300887

was there something in the upcoming lawsuit that would incriminate his rich family and yknow Italians and family. Unless dude was a raging empath.

No. 2300889

This is an even more retarded scenario than a killer on the run for 5 days walks into a mcdonalds with a backpack full of evidence and waits for the police to be alerted by a mcdonald's worker.

No. 2300890

>sadly covered by socks
I bet he has sandal tan lines on his feet. He always seems to be out in the sun, enjoying life and socializing with other people

No. 2300891

James Van Der Beek announced recently he’s diagnosed with cancer and is now selling signed copies of replica jerseys like the one he wore in Varsity Blues to help pay for his treatment. It’s possible that’s not the case for the Mangione family but looks can be deceiving, they might not be completely liquid

No. 2300892

the end of the video says "soon… dec 11th"

No. 2300894

I hope he wants to fuck a suicidal pale bitch from the north with nice tits (me)

No. 2300895

I saw some people mention he was MK ultra’d to do it but I’m far too room temp IQ to understand what the fuck they are saying kek

No. 2300896

File: 1733795225138.png (4.59 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9036.png)

Dave and James Franco phenotype

No. 2300897

the level of granularity he brings to the pocket pussy discussion is very suspicious. I sense a coomer in remission.

No. 2300898

This guys the shooter, let’s put our tinfoil hats away. Not everything is a conspiracy

No. 2300899

Suckable pecs

No. 2300900

The part of PA he got caught in is known for putting sliced Kraft singles on their pizza. He probably stood out like a sore thumb by virtue of not being a lardass.

No. 2300901

File: 1733795305891.jpeg (634.07 KB, 943x1589, IMG_8640.jpeg)

He’s big

No. 2300902

Don't talk about yourself like that.

No. 2300903

schizo babble

No. 2300904

He might've just seen them during his trip >>2300431 and thought they were an insane thing to sell at a corner store

No. 2300905

Isn’t that just being Italian?

No. 2300906

I really need to know if those tweets from his friend from months ago are real. The ones where he’s saying everyone is super worried about him. Why would a friend tweet a friend? Why not dm them? If they’re real then that’s crazy because it was multiple long tweets and he seemed genuinely concerned.

No. 2300908

Nah. Makes no sense. He crosses state lines apparently by floating undetected without using public transport or any cctv picking him up and then a mcdonalds worker calls him in and he's walking around with a bag full of evidence that corroborates all the shite the nypd are spreading. I'd like to know how they were able to hone in on him in the hostel and connect him to the shooter who has different eyebrow and brow proportions and clothes and how they couldn't track him with cctv across states and had to rely on a mcdonalds worker phoning it in.

No. 2300909

Even as someone who wants to drink Luigis piss, this thing still glows and so do you.

No. 2300910

sorry but my head can not comprehend he mogged us with 1 and 1/2 inch of eye gap and then a 0.00002 megapixel cctv still… why did he also have to turn up also having the body of a greek god kek

No. 2300911

Twitter makes you retarded and socially inept

No. 2300913

hard disagree

No. 2300915

I can now see what Italians sausages were inspired by

No. 2300916

the greenish one he was flirting with the receptionist in

No. 2300917

File: 1733795589077.webp (45 KB, 570x718, IMG_9037.webp)

No. 2300918

Do you think this is as big of a deal in like Canada or non North American countries

No. 2300919

His body. My choice.

No. 2300920

He looks hottest in the CCTV footage but him staring down the camera in >>2300549
is really sexy

No. 2300921

probably because he wasn't responding to his dms and wanted to get awareness

No. 2300922

>I feel like he may have taken/abused prescription drugs for the pain and developed some level of psychosis? But he seems so normal.
Considering the twitter screenshots that claim he was missing a month before, you might be right.

No. 2300923

so the jacket he changed out of to do the shooting, then he changed back into knowing he had his face uncovered talking to people in that outfit, but somehow never gets picked up on cctv again in 5 days. Travels across state lines, and then some random worker phones him in. Oh and he also kept a backpack full of evidence on him.

No. 2300925

Guys he is clearly wearing the green jacket under the black jacket in this image.

No. 2300926

You think chronic back pain = no more six pack? sigh

No. 2300927

A gorgeous young smart man being ruined by pills and committing a murder due to drug psychosis is so sexy anons. I’ve written and read fanfics like this. I need his mentally ill cock

No. 2300928

Somehow manages to evade detection in New fucking York while he has literally all the evidence and a manifesto on him 5 days later. Starting to think he wasn't smart and just got stupid lucky for 5 days kek

No. 2300929

this is what those cringe dark romance books should be about, not about abusive rapist evil ceos twice your age

No. 2300930

>80s Madonna
>Dolce Shooter
Thank you for completing my first nsfw commission, this is beyond perfect

No. 2300931

changes into the outfit with the most clear mugshot available just to make it that bit easier for everyone, but takes 5 days after crossing the state line to be found, did he walk to the mcdonalds from the shooting? he took a bus apparently to the hostel they were able to track but couldn't figure out his exit strategy

No. 2300932

leaf here, we are definitely talking about it and cheering you on. rich fucks deserve to be afraid now if only someone could depose one of our price-gouging grocery CEOs…

No. 2300933

File: 1733795881960.png (653.92 KB, 1280x720, T9CNwXF.png)

ugly men be like

No. 2300934

File: 1733795929417.jpeg (53.57 KB, 764x764, IMG_6510.jpeg)

I swear he looks different every pic

No. 2300935

>everyone in the pic is either fat, balding or both
the seething virgin incels fear the dark triad chad

No. 2300936

Turtle man speaks lies

No. 2300937

full message
>"Some attention in this case, especially online, has been deeply disturbing, as some have looked to celebrate instead of condemning this killer. Brian Thompson was a father to two. He was a husband, and he was a friend to many. And, yes, he was the CEO of a health insurance company. In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint.

>I understand people have real frustration with our health care system, and I have worked to address that throughout my career. But I have no tolerance, nor should anyone, for one man, using an illegal ghost gun, to murder someone because he thinks his opinion matters most.

>In a civil society, we are all less safe when ideologues engage in vigilante justice. In some dark corners, this killer is being hailed as a hero. Hear me on this, he is no hero. The real hero in this story is the person who called 911 at McDonald’s this morning. The real heroes everyday in our society are the women and men who put on uniforms like these and go out in our communities to keep us safe. This killer was not a hero, he should not be hailed."

No. 2300938

I know right, so riveting

No. 2300939

File: 1733796004555.jpeg (127.97 KB, 1179x1475, GeYY8rCXcAEk8jt.jpeg)

they were real but deleted. guy also locked his twitter since then

No. 2300940

File: 1733796022347.png (Spoiler Image,423.63 KB, 768x375, large.png)

>This guys the shooter, let’s put our tinfoil hats away. Not everything is a conspiracy

No. 2300941

Who the fuck is this North African Mr Bean?

No. 2300943

The glowies must have a whole clown car’s worth of doppelgängers to switch in and out

No. 2300945

File: 1733796062398.gif (489.08 KB, 220x192, haha-el-risitas-jzcv1wyogk3l2x…)

>In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint.

No. 2300946

why do so many of them resemble fucking turtles, I'm so tired of looking at it

No. 2300947

File: 1733796087861.png (1.15 MB, 681x853, jzt1Qwt.png)

>The real hero in this story is the person who called 911 at McDonald’s this morning.

No. 2300948

>illegal ghost gun
Are 3D printed guns illegal?

No. 2300949

because it's a setup

No. 2300950

Hey don't be mean to the eyetalians

No. 2300951

he literally looks like my brother

No. 2300953

more like it's not the shooter. The bullets where the manifesto. Maybe this Luigi is a little drug addict trying to run away from his rich parents which is why he had fake IDs and why he's not covering up his face staying at a hostel because it's not the police he is evading it's his friends and family. as other nonas have said pennsylvania is a drugged out retard state. He could have just randomly been in Manhattan hooking up and then back in pennsylvania somewhere. NYPD needed to look like they had a clue what was going on so they trawl CCTVs before the shooting and some fashion and faceblind male police officer is like, hey doesn't this look like it could be the shooter? oh idk, different outfits and backpacks… NO IT DEF IS WE GOT HIM. i hope the real shooter kills another cunt soon to send a message to the authorities but the real shooter seems smart so this will probably be his only kill and he's hoping there will be copycats

No. 2300954

total corpo death, why are only rich people allowed to kill others? i don't feel bad at all

No. 2300955

Ew I hope people booed his little speech.
>the real hero is the McDonald's minimum wage slave who ratted him out
Kek, yeah, that's why they don't make much money, right?

No. 2300956

yet none like the original image released of the man on cctv actually shooting the ceo

No. 2300957

hopefully the $50k reward will cover their own medical bills once they retire from mcdonald’s kek

No. 2300959

are you italian, nonadonna

No. 2300960

Nah that looks exactly like the one in the OP image. However he looks nothing like the cctv footage kek. Did he shave his brows or something the day of the shooting? And they've just grown out over the past couple days? I don't get it.

No. 2300961

seriously its so crazy. i was arguing with my dad about this earlier, i dont feel bad whatsoever about him getting murdered. my dad keeps going on, violence isnt the answer.

but these ceos dont give a shit when they kill thousands every year propagating an industry to deny insurance to the average american

No. 2300962

Better text your bro and let him know he's about to be bombarded with poon, anon. Make sure to use the word 'poon' too, it'll be funny

No. 2300963

I think it depends on the state.
Kek my exact reaction

No. 2300964

My dad is the only one who understands my attraction to the killer

No. 2300965

>In America, we do not kill people in cold blood to resolve policy differences or express a viewpoint.
Why would he say that? It's like he's asking for it too.

No. 2300966

says the balding officer moid

No. 2300967

ur dads gay

No. 2300968

>why are only rich people allowed to kill others?
I really wish someone would ask that dipshit that question.

No. 2300969

My dad is Italian

No. 2300970

He looks the much, much more ethnic and attractive version of my student who is absolutely an angry incel. I wonder if his classmates will say anything. Even their hair is the same.

No. 2300972

That's okay, just make sure to keep mentioning it to people so you're normalizing it

No. 2300973

Topkek. Out of touch is an understatement.

No. 2300974

Isn't that kind of what America is all about kek

No. 2300975

File: 1733796646103.gif (147.64 KB, 220x202, spongebob-squarepants-spongebo…)

No. 2300977

i just know this man is so annoyed that the victim was a health insurance ceo and not like a car insurance ceo or something. everyone would've been like "yeah man those premiums suck but chill damn"

No. 2300978

>in some dark corners
he was getting praised in literally every single social media website and every single news website that allows comments. from normie legacy media to conservative to leftist rags. literally the only place I've seen where opinion was 50/50 instead of overwhelmingly positive was the neoliberal subreddit and they're currently gassing up and praising a literal jihadist.

No. 2300980

Maybe I’m just a dumbass here but how can anyone become rich in a company like that unless you were denying people the healthcare they had been paying out for the entirety of their lives for, it’s not like house insurance which is a gamble as you may never have a burglary or a fire, but you will get sick at some point and need to claim money you have paid in. Do they earn money from sponsors or something or is it purely everyone health insurance money he was living off?

No. 2300982

File: 1733796765174.png (348.98 KB, 1660x720, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 8.32.…)

>The cover for Part 2 is a black screen with the following numbers in white.
part 2 of what?! where?
picrel is one with all the emojis intact. i thought the same as >>2300623 and i hope this is right!
no it didn’t
ugh i love him
this plus he killed a ceo, he’s a bookworm and ivy league grad, plus this >>2300901

No. 2300983

File: 1733796819675.jpg (63.7 KB, 644x644, 9k939392.jpg)

>probably not at all around males

No. 2300985

>is it purely everyone health insurance money he was living off?
literally yes

No. 2300987

they make their money by charging outrageous prices for your premiums and then ensuring your total premiums exceed what they give out to you in claims. United Healthcare is one of the worst for this. they even created an AI algorithm that had a 90% deny rate for claims.

No. 2300988

I can't believe anons browse here and still have moid friends

No. 2300990

Nonna’s theory makes a lot of sense. Imagine hurting your back, not being able to leave your bed without being in pain, probably living away from family and barely seeing friends cause you’re feeling miserable, having so much free time to sink deeper and deeper into your hatred for whatever it is that triggered this, taking your pills for back pain but then abusing them, losing any semblance of being in your right mind and deciding to kill a ceo.
In my opinion killing him specifically had to be beyond his hatred for the healthcare system. It had to have been because him or someone he loves got fucked over by that company specifically, or he has a personal issue with the ceo which is possible considering how influential his family is.

No. 2300992

Which is exactly why the majority don't give a fuck that their ceo got killed kek

No. 2300993

…anon there are nonnies here who are married and in long term relationships.

No. 2300994

Damn my ass will never see 60k one day let alone 300…guess I’m killing myself early

No. 2300995

Am I the only one who doesn't think it's insane for someone to kill the CEO of a company with the highest denial rate for claims in the whole country. You don't have to be abusing pills to think that the CEO was a shithead

No. 2300996

People are just desperate to make this guy the shooter after finding out he's a little rich kid and wouldn't struggle to get treatment.

No. 2300997

I argue it's actually that peons are not allowed to kill rich people. For example, our city's incredibly lax on crime and gives teenagers a slap on the wrist for murder and manslaughter. Doesn't matter if those teenagers literally ganged up and beat a frail, cancer-riddled old man to death, they're released at 21. Similarly, look at how NYC bends over backwards to release mentally ill homeless men even after they rack up 30+ charges including attempted kidnapping of a child. Or look at how nothing is ever done about mass shootings. It's all we should try 'wah wah restorative justice' this (as if anyone ever meant for it to be applied to murder instead of petty theft or something) or 'he wasn't mentally competent and didn't know better' that.
It's totally fine for people to kill normies. But NOBODY is allowed to touch a rich moid.

No. 2300998

File: 1733797397215.jpg (15.71 KB, 307x312, 4241547721.jpg)

It's okay anon, try to look on the bright side of things. Like how this will all escalate and eventually improve your life too

No. 2300999

It is just a little considering there are so much more corrupt people in America that need to be obliterated. We’re just trying to figure out what triggered this. Was it because of the back pain and something related to it? Also, the whole reason we’re speculating this is because he disappeared for months before the incident . Why? Why does someone dissappeat only to come out and do this? They had to have been losing their mind in some way.

No. 2301000

Insurance is designed to be extremely obtuse with loads of small print so they can worm out of paying. I work in a private (aka not in-network for any insurance so they can set their own prices) doctor's office that takes insurance and working with them is hell. They fill their benefits explanations with so many tiny contingencies and deny claims for bullshit reasons. And even if you follow all the rules, trying to get them to pay up what they owe will have you on the phone for hours and faxing documents and changing procedure codes. The other day I was on hold for 6 HOURS trying to sort out a $400 claim, I swear they were trying to get me to hang up. It's so difficult on purpose so they can pocket that health insurance money. Demonic bloodsuckers.

No. 2301001

surely the real and true manifesto will tell us all and wrap this case up nicely and explain all the glaring inaccuracies and improbabilities in how this has been handled.

No. 2301002

I can actually understand that more than having moid friends, they're useless

No. 2301003

>our city
Well what is it

No. 2301004

Not if you grew up together or if you have a fwb arrangement . Did Elon really delete his twitter or did he do it himself? What a fucking asshole if Elon did it.

No. 2301005

lmaoooo this killed me. we still don't have the manifesto for the largest mass shooting in the country's history. to this day, we still don't know why the las vegas shooter killed 50 people. it's been almost 10 years.

No. 2301006

One of mine ran into a burning apartment to save a friend's cat, so there is that at least. If nothing else they are there to put themselves at risk of bodily harm.

No. 2301007

He was probably denied a health insurance claim

No. 2301008

I figured the vegas shooter was just a schizo with brain damage.
I think sexy Luigi will release his manifesto on the 11th on bitchute or some shit. He knew jewtube wouldn't show it
My theory is that its a variety of things.
1 being his family owned an old people home so he saw a whole bunch of fucked up insurance shit.
Maybe he was denied healthcare and is in constant pain. Maybe he got healthcare but he was reminded of the old people and how if he wasn't from a rich family he'd be denied.
Who knows? Maybe we find out on the 11th

No. 2301009

I want to see body cam footage because sitting there with an entire manifesto, the murder weapon in the same damn jacket without engaging in a shoot out in McDonalds just sounds bizarre to me. He didn’t use his real ID at the hostel, unless they already had his DNA to trace him, he could have just shaved his eyebrows and packed a clean t shirt, dumped the weapon in a lake a state over and went to Mexico with the rest of the deported migrants. Especially being Mr High IQ and all the whole thing is weird unless he was remorseful and “handing himself in”

No. 2301010

I really don't want to bother with any posts trying to make nonas feel bad for their reactions to the shooting or trying to point out that the shooter was an imperfect person that they should feel guilty or embarrassed for finding attractive.

This thread has been SO MUCH FUN. I haven't been able to participate much but I've been having a good time reading. It's such a nice pace from all the doom and gloom on the news. Just let us have fun for once.

No. 2301011

File: 1733798157058.jpeg (854.63 KB, 1062x1409, IMG_8754.jpeg)

His face in this mugshot is too nonchalant and unregretful for him to not be the shooter. He also looks like he hasn’t slept since he committed the shooting which makes sense.

No. 2301013

Honestly this whole situation has been fun and hilarious until that bitch at McDonald's ruined it. Whoever snitched needs to be named and shamed.

No. 2301014

He’s so unbothered. Big dick energy

No. 2301015

but the nypd have said they found a manifesto on him when he was arrested in mcdonalds with all the evidence to convict him with in his backpack

No. 2301016

>his family owned an old people home so he saw a whole bunch of fucked up insurance shit
If it's this one, I hope we get a lawyer/friend/app-released docu

No. 2301018

those rosy cheeks and nose. cute

No. 2301019

Anyone who thinks it isn’t him is a dumbass. You’re comparing him to a security camera picture taken multiple feet away with his upper face covered. They have the same teeth same jaw same lips; everything. He had severe back pain before this and has openly criticized the healthcare system? It’s him.

No. 2301020

Yeah I hate to say it but it feels planted to me, it’s too convenient, he was even wearing the outfit

No. 2301021

Does bitchute have scheduled release?

No. 2301022

i can't tell if he was trying to look good and that's strangely flustering to me

No. 2301025

I just remembered the CEO's wife said that he had been receiving death threats for a few months:
>"There had been some threats," she said. "Basically, I don’t know, a lack of coverage? I don’t know details. I just know that he said there were some people that had been threatening him."

If the death threats had been from Luigi then perhaps he had attempted to get further treatment past the spinal-fusion surgery and had been denied and that made him snap.

No. 2301026

File: 1733798537837.png (591.53 KB, 1242x828, notluigi.png)

The eyes and eyebrows don't matcb

No. 2301027

Makes sense to me. He's on the run and McDonald's is a public spot with wifi he can rest at.

No. 2301028

They are full of shit. Honestly it seems retarded that the italian stallion didn't turn himself in. He comes into the mcdonalds, acts weird, has all his evidence, then releases a youtube that day.
Wagie probably didn't do shit but nypd wants to fuck over that mcdonalds and get all those wagies fired and harassed.
Anyways I hope the italian chad is bi so I can imagine him fucking cute boys.

No. 2301033

how do you even know that shit is turbo pixelated

No. 2301034

They probably are poor (working at McDonald's) and needed the money from snitching

No. 2301035

He was wearing the outfit shown in the hostel, not of the actual shooting. I'd love to know how they connected the different outfits to being the same man, but weren't able to track him after the shooting even though he changed back into the green jacket lol and had to wait for a mcdonald's worker to notice. You know how mcdonald workers are revered by their absolute attention to detail. While for the past 5 days Luigi was able to cross the state line with all the evidence on him and not get picked up on cctv again.

No. 2301036

I'm sure he got threats from lots of people

No. 2301037

He was the real working class guy, raised in small town Iowa, worked his way up to management and then to CEO, only to be shot be TPOT freak born on 3rd base

No. 2301038

File: 1733798757927.jpeg (202.76 KB, 1280x1706, IMG_8756.jpeg)

That’s a grainy far away photo of him. It looks like him. Anyway the fact that he keeps agreeing to them taking his photo means he wants to be known.

No. 2301039

oh for sure kek, I bet he did. But if Luigi was one of them then maybe this is why.

No. 2301040

How did you see the teeth of the man on cctv? We've been shown two instances and not told how they match up. If everyone is so sure he changed clothes from the hostel to the shooting back into the hostel outfit to flee to Pennsylvania how is none of it documented but they know it was def him at the hostel.

No. 2301042

istg every picture is a different guy, that or this dude is a fucking shapeshifter

No. 2301043

File: 1733798815095.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.95 KB, 148x148, Untitled.jpg)

>mfw the thirsting will inspire chud copycats

No. 2301044

Cause I'm not fucking blind, you can see where his eyebrows end. Luigi has a fucking unibrow ffs

No. 2301046

What? Because there’s a cctv photo of him smiling.

No. 2301047

If all these guys they keep showing are different I want them all to perform yaoi for me for my female gaze

No. 2301048

Wouldn't a super grainy picture make his massive unibrow eyebrows stand out more? Not make them look tiny and far apart?

No. 2301049

File: 1733798901266.jpeg (113.37 KB, 1280x1574, IMG_8755.jpeg)

Here’s another one nonnas . From the same article. Not doing him justice in this one though not going to lie.

No. 2301050

Then why don't they release a top down one that at least attempts to resemble the actual guy on cctv with the gun

No. 2301051

Did they make him piss his pants? Is that a peepee stain. Damn.

No. 2301052

That man was the CEO of the company with the highest rate of denied claims. I fully believe he got threats from a fuckload of different people.

No. 2301053

That's a photo of him in the hostel, how do you connect his teeth to the man with a white backpack and different coloured jacket? There's no images of that man unmasked, just Luigi

No. 2301054

No, the opposite. I have thicker eyebrows but when someone takes a picture of me they look super thin. Also you’re not going to catch a faint unibrow on cctv

No. 2301055

to think he was the only one sending threats when unitedhealthcare is the biggest insurance company in america is a little naive

No. 2301057

what the fuck are they making him wear?
do you think a lady cop did a strip search on him?

No. 2301058

he looks properly mentally ill here kek

No. 2301059

Why are they using a fisheye lense for his mugshot kek

No. 2301060

some anons sound like they never took a photo before. top down angles are commonly used by fatties because they make you look completly different.

No. 2301061

NYPD subtly photoshopping his nose bigger and redder each time

No. 2301062

It's fine we're waiting on confirmation he's the actual killer and then trending it >>2300799

No. 2301063

>that posture
my babyboy got scholiosis oh no

No. 2301064

>ugh ur one of THOSE
Says the troon looking bimbo wannabe

No. 2301065

they trying to revoke his face card… jealousy I presume kek

No. 2301067

You can in the cctv image of the guy with the white backpack his eyebrows are not at all bushy like Luigi's. Luigi eyebrows go right into the bridge of the nose, this guys doesn't.

No. 2301068

It's supposed to make you look thinner kek not give you a whole different set of eyebrows

No. 2301069

try to make his eyebrows look further apart since some blind retard didn't notice the initial oversight

No. 2301070

File: 1733799201808.jpeg (227.11 KB, 1169x542, IMG_8757.jpeg)

No. 2301071

he had a back injury and got surgery for it nona

No. 2301072

Maybe the camera just couldn’t detect all those delectable wispy hairs

No. 2301074

File: 1733799269702.jpg (4.81 KB, 150x150, 2lnz6i-442410436.jpg)

It amazes me people let women like that around their children. It's like letting picrel babysit your kids

No. 2301075

Ok so what do you all think they did? Are they just grasping at straws by getting the wrong guy

No. 2301077

I can't even fathom being angry that a man isn't addicted to looking at random women being fucked, abused, and trafficked.

No. 2301078

No. 2301082

Or maybe it's simply not the same man. Luigi's eyebrows are shaped completely differently. Even his brow ridge

No. 2301084

Nonnas, it’s a downturned photo on the shittiest camera and extremely far away. Why can’t whoever released this show us a video of him moving around so we can get a better look at him.

No. 2301085

He says he’s sorry. Trump should pardon him instead of those retards from the insurrection.

No. 2301088

>PopCrave allegedly having info on the manifesto before anyone else does
What the fuck?

No. 2301089

Fuck I love him. Looks like he works at Google and hasn’t slept in a year; exactly my type. I wonder how his aim was perfect and how we was so confident in it? Surely shooting ranges in the area can look at their cameras to see if he was ever there to practice. No way he took the risk of shooting him without any practice..

No. 2301090

File: 1733799631742.png (257.43 KB, 596x528, pinkpilledkiller.png)

No. 2301091

They’re not the first, other news companies have posted the same quote today. I think if it’s not him it’s at the very least a scapegoat in cahoots.

No. 2301092

Yes. Hardly looks good an absolute nobody was able to kill a CEO in cold blood in the middle of Manhattan. Was able to plan when the CEO would be most vulnerable, alone and not be crowded. Slip away and not get picked up again on CCTV. We have CCTV of the actual shooting and the guy is in a completely different outfit. The images from the hostel were from before the shooting. So Luigi, exposes his face in the outfit he'll later be arrested in but made sure to change on route to the murder but no CCTV to pick any of that up. And no CCTV to show him traveling into Pennsylvania yet they apparently know he took a bus from NJ to the hostel? So how come they don't know how he got out of state and it was just luck that some minimum wage worker spotted him in the same jacket blasted all over the news.

No. 2301094

I wish I could've saved him

No. 2301095

oh and he kept all incriminating evidence on him in case anyone questioned why he doesn't look like the guy on cctv shooting the ceo lol

No. 2301096

I’m surprised by the extent people are willing to overlook his family’s nursing home empire. those businesses are almost always grotesquely exploitative and there are plenty of reviews for his family’s company (lorien health services) that say they abused and neglected elderly patients. the fact that he was traveling and having fun with money his parents stole from sick senior citizens is gross. idk where anyone is getting the idea that this techbro has any class consciousness.

No. 2301097

Nah, in a civil society, billionaires who deny people life saving coverage wouldn't exist. I hope more copy cat killers murder ceos like Brian thompson. He was a father or two? My guess has orphaned many children due to his shit policies and greed over human lives. Rest in piss

No. 2301099

The US doesn’t have a CCTV system like Britain. NY has lots of cameras, not the rest of the country.

No. 2301100

File: 1733799968521.png (38.6 KB, 1148x188, mcdonalds weakness.png)

No. 2301101

I rejoice every time a billionaire is killed. None of them are good people.

No. 2301102

Wait nonnas. I have a theory. Maybe it’s not him or even a scapegoat. Maybe it’s just a mentally ill clout chasing boy who saw the opportunity to get famous. I mean think about it every piece of evidence on him was different to that of what was used at the scene of the crime or in the cctv. Unless his clothes were the same?

No. 2301103

No. 2301104

why is his nose so red? cold or sad?

No. 2301105

Luigi is adorable but I won’t believe it’s him until they compare his DNA. I still want it to not be him because it would be absolutely milky.

No. 2301106

ntayrt but basically every high profile murderer is someone who's looking for clout kek

No. 2301107

so they were able to track him coming into manhattan from NJ but weren't able to do the same when he left? No CCTV at stations? Any stores? Traffic cameras? How did he evade people for 5 days and then suddenly get hungry for a mcdonald's and decides to bring everything with him that can get him jailed for life

No. 2301108

Goddamnit Luigi…

No. 2301109

I’m pretty sure this guy is a decoy to try and see if the actual shooter will be less careful about covering his tracks. Something is off

No. 2301110

don’t forget he also had a silencer on the gun, the silencer would lead me to believe he didn’t want anyone to hear the murder taking place to be caught, why wouldn’t he get caught then and there

No. 2301111

File: 1733800216463.jpeg (461.98 KB, 1170x1884, IMG_4179.jpeg)


No. 2301114

Don’t know. No one does. Just giving you the fact, the US does not have a standard surveillance system.

No. 2301116

So he was able to evade every camera in NYC apart from him revealing his face in a hostel in the jacket he'd be tipped off and arrested in and the cameras that actually recorded the actual killing and his outfit change? Then he changes back into the clothes he was smiling at people in and chatting too while carring all the evidence on him. Don't buy it.

No. 2301117

I don’t care what was on him, how similar he looks to the cctv photos, or the fact that he has back pain and disappeared for months. A MAN ON THE RUN DOES NOT HANG OUT IN MCDONALDS UNLESS ITS A CLOUT CHASER RANDO OR A SCAPEGOAT OR SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO HE CAUGHT. if he wanted to be caught he wouldn’t have fled.
It’s not him.

No. 2301118

File: 1733800336388.png (439.95 KB, 900x501, 23234321e.png)

>I wonder how his aim was perfect and how we was so confident in it?
Seemingly endless things to wonder about, I was hoping there would be more clout chasing friends with personal stories by now

No. 2301120

the nickolas cruz guy who shot up that school in Florida. didn't they catch him at a Mcdonalds as well?

No. 2301122

If he is, imagine making your decoy pee his pants kek

No. 2301123

Wouldn't be surprised if the Dems and NYPD have picked a fall guy, I can just imagine Trump using this as a slight against how retarded the democrats are especially with Trump being a New Yorker he'd never shut up about all the fucking cameras and this wouldn't happen under my presidency blah blah

No. 2301124

Double post but if he wanted to get caught a few days later then would have just called in. He would not just go to a McDonald’s and hope someone calls. It’s not him.

No. 2301125

No. He wasn’t.

No. 2301126

actually i think the democrats want this to play out. this is much better for them than hunter biden's pardon.

No. 2301128

File: 1733800670914.jpg (252.96 KB, 1080x1342, Lugee magee.jpg)

Is this really his manifesto?

No. 2301129

but Biden is already seen as a weak president, especially with the Hunter shit. They need a win before Trump takes over and gives them bad press for 4 years

No. 2301130

I don't mind billionares like jk rowling who got rich inspiring kids to read, then proceeds to use her influence to dunk on predatory troons while making conservatards seethe by being a pro choice radfem and spending her money on non woke women's abuse shelters and rescuing Afghani women.
People who make billions of dollars off of making people suffer are a cancer to society. Until the legal system actually punishes these career criminals I see this as fair justice.
I wish JK rowling was american so she could be the first female president. She would make moids and troons pay reparations to women

No. 2301131

File: 1733800723893.png (3.85 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_8758.png)

There you go nonnas. It’s him.
You can see clearly that his eyebrows grow down into his nose. His nose protrudes the same, and the lips are the same. The chin looks slightly different but it’s a different angle and different quality cameras .

No. 2301134

No one is disputing hostel guy and Luigi are similar it's the actual cctv of the man that is on camera shooting the ceo that doesn't look like the guy in the hostel or the social media images of luigi

No. 2301135

Those photos are clearly different from >>2301026 kek

No. 2301136

Him or not, that smile will go down in history

No. 2301137

Here is the latest video of him. The chins do look really different I won’t lie. It won’t let me link it so here.

No. 2301138

File: 1733800922566.jpg (29.66 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

I may be wrong in this assumption but I'm pretty sure it's picrel that everyone is comparing Luigi to, not the smiling photo

No. 2301139

The last thing the US needs, is another celebrity being president.

No. 2301140

If that’s the case why wouldn’t hostel guy come out and be like that’s not me. In fear that he’ll be accused of it being him? But he could just agree to a dna test and he’d be absolved.

No. 2301141

I think that still looks like him. It’s just a shitty angle and cctv

No. 2301142

Nicolas cruz was a (literal) retard though with no planning and got caught in a day.

No. 2301143

I think the face covering around his neck is probably resting along his jawline a bit

No. 2301144

File: 1733801029482.png (1.46 MB, 1280x720, hostel photos, black pack.png)

No. 2301145

>There's no way he couldn't afford proper care like this.
I think this could be what set him off, like finding out he has an irreversible back injury and his money can't fix it + getting coverage denied for stuff that might help ease the pain

No. 2301146

if it is its weird how much detail he put out about his mothers medical history

No. 2301147

his chin lost like 2 inches

No. 2301148

File: 1733801070855.jpg (144.75 KB, 1280x828, actual shooter, white backpack…)

and here's the man on cctv that actually was shown to kill the ceo

No. 2301149

me too, what a disappointment

No. 2301150

Exact same. Mustache , nose , all of it. If hostel guy wasn’t him hostel guy would have come out by now before people see him around and call the cops on him.

No. 2301151

biden promised not to pardon his son and pardoned him anyway after republicans went after hunter relentlessly for years. even most conservatives right now can't conjure up any sympathy for this ceo besides the uber rich fascists who could buy their own hospitals. the republican party would gain nothing by blaming this on the democrats and the democrats would lose a lot by trying to do damage control and pawn this guy off as a rogue alt right incel.

No. 2301154

Notice how in all these photos, no matter the lighting or quality, he has a completely different skin undertone from >>2301148
Luigi, being an italian, has a distinctly olive undertone. Our shooter is a pink guy

No. 2301159

My theory is that he is friends with the shooter and was only in the area to help him plan. He wasn’t at the scene of the crime and didn’t feel the need to flee because of the lack of dna or sightings. Was probably wearing a mask in case he was seen with the other guy beforehand.

No. 2301161

oh dear sweet nona i think you're very confused. Hostel guy looks like Luigi who they've arrested. He got identified based on this mugshot. He was carrying a murder weapon around with him for 5 days and changed out of his killing clothes to wear the outfit that has been blasted all over the media with a clear shot of his face. People think he is a fall guy, a decoy. It's Mr Whitebackpack that I've saw no evidence that they've got him. They have a few images of him with him concealing his face in everyone. It makes no sense that someone that planned the murder and was able to evade cops in Manhattan would then walk into a McDonald's 5 days later with the murder weapon, fake IDs and a manifesto, when the bullets that killed the CEO already had a manifesto basically on them.

No. 2301164

please let us use this for the next thread pic kek

No. 2301166

Who are the biggest donors to political parties? Big rich CEOs. Who is upset about this shooting? Big rich CEOs. Who are the biggest donors? Big rich CEOs lol. They're protecting their interests

No. 2301169

Guys why does lulu love Breloom the pokemon so much? Honestly, him being a pokenerd endears me…

No. 2301170

i think its the basis of why he decided to kill the fat CEO

No. 2301171


united healthcare as a company donated equally to both parties.

No. 2301172

I noticed that too, the shooter has a completely different complexion

No. 2301173

No. 2301174

File: 1733801829099.png (252.79 KB, 648x648, EZrVUow.png)

damn. our boy just needed to read this book. cured my back pain immediately.

No. 2301176

And what? So politicians definitely don't want to lose the backings up big rich cunts everywhere

No. 2301177

He’s not even hostel guy the chins are insanely different . It’s a clout chaser

No. 2301180

Took him 5 days because he was found in PA. The states are big, takes while to travel kek. He was obviously traveling down if you look at a map.

No. 2301181

bought. Every politician has a price. Ive seen some of these cheap fagots sell themselves for 4-5 figures.
Republicans tend to be a bit cheaper than democrats to buy but idk tho these days they both are equal priced whores.

No. 2301182

maybe its his pokewaifu

No. 2301183

File: 1733802075526.jpg (247.92 KB, 789x1306, 9e31b7d8-4e3c-4814-a6e1-4d325d…)

He likes Animal Crossing for the GameCube too… good taste

No. 2301184

>did it for his mama
a trve Italian

No. 2301185

File: 1733802191533.jpg (49.13 KB, 1320x425, GeZnsGMWkAAeU5v.jpg)

Pokemon number 286

No. 2301186

Of course nonna it was made to be seen and enjoyed, just like sexy Luigi

No. 2301187

So the manifesto says he will resist at any cost, he had a weapon in his backpack and then he uh, didn't resist? And then reddit spacing before the tangent about his mom lol, it's giving Courtney Love adding on to Kurt's suicide note lol

No. 2301189

File: 1733802241034.png (491.06 KB, 934x840, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 7.43…)

No. 2301190

stoppp this is so cute lmao. he really reminds me of my brother this is so weird.

No. 2301192


No. 2301193

What the, 4D chess type shit only to be caught in a McDonalds wearing the same outfit and having literally all evidence with him.

No. 2301194

Yeah the states are big with lots of people. Was he backpacking his whole way down through woodland then stumbled upon a Mcdonalds kek

No. 2301196

Sounds like a hero to me. And he's right. Non violent protests do shit all. Not in 2024

No. 2301197

I'm going to keep requesting a redline I don't understand how this picture works. WHERE IS HIS BODY?

No. 2301198

Imo he let himself get caught because I think prisoners get decent healthcare keke

No. 2301199

the way women will defend men they find attractive, everything in human history makes sense

No. 2301201

File: 1733802468049.png (154.98 KB, 300x300, 78yhu0.png)

Yeah ngl this sperg did something for me

No. 2301202

this is what im thinking. His Twitter banner is just pointing to that. And if that manifesto is real.

No. 2301203

Or you’re just retarded and supporting Shinto isn’t equivalent to being an incel woman hater

No. 2301204

He’s rich .., he doesn’t need good health insurance

No. 2301206

Maybe he paid the shooter to do it for him

No. 2301207

I think Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dahmer are attractive and I hope both of them rot in fucking hell for what they did.
It's not about him being hot, it's about him killing a demonic greedy psychopath who sold his customers lives for a profit. Sexy Weegee could look like a thumb and I'd still think he was based as fuck for killing the ceo

No. 2301209

File: 1733802660627.png (3.13 MB, 1606x2048, Z5WMcF0.png)

No. 2301210

I'm not one of his simps but Idgaf that he's a right leaning fag, class solidarity is based as fuck. God bless italy

No. 2301211

>bottom right

No. 2301212

If you don’t understand the geography of the US, just say that. McDonald’s are in random ass places, in the middle of nowhere. Altoona has a population of 40,000, by definition that’s a small town. The forests go on and off, little towns in between. NJ and NY have high population but still have empty forests and small towns. New York is also a state as well as a city, two different things. PA is more empty. Full of farms and Amish lands. Amish are people without phones. It’s not hard to believe he moved through smaller towns or areas with less people.

No. 2301213

Does anyone know if he had a job? If he did just get kicked off his parents insurance, and if he wasn't working, and if he lived in Hawaii wouldn't he qualify for Medicaid which IMO in HI has a very generous range of things they cover?

No. 2301214

>Right leaning
>follows AOC on twitter

No. 2301215

Damn I wasn't paying attention?? BASED

No. 2301217

some "women" itt can't understand that killing a fatfuck ceo that's killed millions over the years is based

No. 2301219

My mom AND dad went through similar bullshit with our health insurance, not quite as bad, but bad enough. I'm also still mad about how she was mistreated so I understand why he did it, its valid imo. I fucking hate how this country operates, prioritizing profit over our lives and our health. I really hope they all burn.

No. 2301222

So they were able to track his bus in from NJ to that hostel, but not able to track any part of his journey immediately after the shooting. Yeah right. You don't need to know topography to know how fucking retarded that is

No. 2301223

this guy respects women way too much to be a conservitard. He also thinks jordan memerson is a pseud.
Just because he isn't a neckbeard atheist doesn't mean he isn't a woman respecter.

No. 2301224

furthermore this country runs on GoFundMe to help with medical bills, instead of our government helping us we have to ask for handouts from friends and strangers. it's embarrassing, its demoralizing. it just makes me so sick especially after living abroad for a while and seeing how different it is

No. 2301225

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No. 2301226

an american with a gun, groundbreaking

No. 2301227

File: 1733803045385.jpeg (248.87 KB, 1290x706, IMG_3582.jpeg)

his family is super rich and his grandfather literally owned a hospital. seems unlikely that he would be this worked up over healthcare costs.

No. 2301228

As if I couldn't like him any more. Fucking based. I'm tearing up nonnas. I don't wanna fuck him but I feel like he was, even for a brief moment, a taste of justice in a corrupt and unjust world. We need more people to step up and carry out such vigilante justice with more precision and carefulness.

No. 2301229

maybe his family was in debt, maybe he saw firsthand how abusive the system was? Or maybe he's just mentally ill idk.

No. 2301230

i dont think you realize how wealthy and large families work. you can't just ask for handouts, even from your own family members. if his mother was truly on her own financially and deep in medical debt, its totally believable.

No. 2301231

i feel like crying its incredibly pathetic i wish i had the balls to

No. 2301232

he was also on the run after killing the united ceo
Also even with his rich family united ass raped his mom

No. 2301233

Again, the US has limited surveillance. It comes from private interests not the states or cities. I doubt he followed his same way in as he did out.

No. 2301234

honestly, I think it could ONLY be a rich trustfund kid to do this murder. poor people wouldn't. not even working class.

No. 2301235

i dont want to undermine what lulu has done because I do think its based but I am starting to lean toward mental illness. I'm not even trying to meme but since I know for a fact Italian Americans have a higher rate of schizophrenia than the general population and he is in the age range where those kinds of things can pop up… still brilliant tho.

No. 2301236

UHC definitely has issues. i used to work for them during the pandemic years when i couldn't work outside for obvious reasons and scrambled to get a job, any job, to do along with doing college on the side. we had to reject so many applicants for so many different reasons, and our managers were so horrible to us all. i remember having to reject an applicant who has stage 3 cancer and i felt so horrific about it. when he said not to worry about it, he'll find some way to be okay despite also losing his home for some other reason, i pretty much lost it and had to step aside from my work computer to start sobbing. it's just so fucked that insurance companies can essentially run the medical world with their billions of dollars in profits, and not even the best doctors on earth can fight against them. fuck them. fuck UHC, fuck ceos, fuck mega corporations who get rich off of people dying. i regret ever working for them.

No. 2301237

he worked at his family's nursing home (and his sister is a nurse iirc) he's definitely seen firsthand how fucking corrupt insurance companies are, he probably had friends in school who had family fucked over.
me too nonna..me too…

No. 2301238

File: 1733803400186.jpg (126.26 KB, 1280x1185, 1600222202.electovoid_breloom.…)

Keking at the breloom at the bottom being from fur affinity. Probably just googled it, but still.

No. 2301239

So towns with 40000 people would have zero cctv around? No cameras on public transport? He just walked the tunnel to Newark and started walking down the state ok

No. 2301240

His actions were fruitless
https://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1911/11/tia09.htm(this is an imageboard)

No. 2301243

its so fucking nasty the shit they get away with. blood on every hands of CEOs who run these insurance companies
really it makes me sick. and our government doesn't give a fuck either. they'll never regulate them

No. 2301244

If he shaved those eyebrows I think he wouldn't have been caught

No. 2301245

opinion discarded

No. 2301248

he could've put ANY kind of disguise on and probably would've gotten away with it. but i think his family probably ID'd him in the meantime

No. 2301250

So you're saying poor people are too dumb, weak or unorganized to shoot a civilian in a country where anyone can get a gun?

No. 2301251

He could have gotten away with it had he not kept all the evidence on him. He wasn’t even a blip on their radar.

No. 2301253

no i just think they have less time to devote to such matters when they're working to feed their family and pay off their medical bills

No. 2301254

Still can't think of a reasonable explanation he would walk around mask off in his green jacket with the black backpack, then change somewhere into a different outfit with a white backpack, to then changing back into his green jacket and keep every bit of evidence on him. How did he go from being so strategic in when and where to shoot the CEO, to make sure to evade every CCTV as humanly possible, to just walk into a McDonalds the next state over with everything wrapped up in a backpack that could get him convicted? He couldn't plan to destroy anything while he evaded CCTV and witness for 4 days? He decided to eat at one of the world's most famous franchises that absolutely will have security camera rather than say some fucking gas station somewhere or random diner.

No. 2301256

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No. 2301257

Honestly, for some towns, not saying Altoona, but yeah. Some places in the US have zero cameras. There are many complete dead zones in the US. And they can intertwine with areas that do, internet and cell phone service does not consistently go through out every inch of the whole gigantic country. I mean come on, where ever you are in the world has to have dead zones as well. PA is pretty empty to be honest. I’m not saying that’s exactly why but they probably didn’t check every single camera, it’s not possible. They couldn’t have guessed which way he went either, to prematurely pull every random camera on a random bus in bumfuck nowhere.

No. 2301259

It's making me lmfao that this guy
>likes pokemon, animal crossing, smash bros
>put a dunkey quote in his bio
>name literally means luigi mansion

No. 2301261

Yet they were able to figure out how he got into the city and what hostel he was checked in at? How'd they manage that if not tracking him with cctv?

No. 2301262

It probably doesn't have to be planned out to this extent, since he was caught immediately. A no frills version of this would be pretty cheap without all the fun scavenger hunt stuff and sexy vacation photos. Most of that is social media and lifting anyways, wagie and neet moids could spend 5 minutes away from porn every day and eventually accomplish the same

No. 2301263

I'm just glad the real shooter hasn't been caught. I could give a fuck about some 26 year old rich boy

No. 2301265

I've stepped away from religion and spirituality for a while but I'm going to start praying every day that he is found not guilty or by some insane luck breaks out of jail. I hope other anons will join me regardless of affiliation.

No. 2301268

theyd be identified even quicker if their jobs and family reported them missing or identified them

No. 2301269

I don’t want to be a retarded conspiracy theorist but I wonder too

No. 2301270

You're not a conspiracy nut for noticing those are two different men

No. 2301271

Musks's opinions here sound sane but that Jash guy sounds crazy.

No. 2301273

Private company surveillance anon. New York: big city, camera on some, but not all, buildings. Leave big city, no camera in smaller city, or camera not maintained bc poor and small. Already repeated this to you, I think you just don’t want to understand kek. Whatever, I believe he’s the guy, you obviously don’t. Cheers to British surveillance ig.

No. 2301274

Mangione means 'big eater', from the root word 'mangiare' ('to eat'). If you speak Spanish it's like the Italian equivalent of calling someone a 'Comelon'.

No. 2301278

File: 1733804527649.jpeg (152.01 KB, 545x459, IMG_1650.jpeg)

Nowwait a minute? thats the tesla symbol

No. 2301279

I have heard so many stories like this. Basically if you aren't a psycho it's impossible to work at a health insurance company. There was some shit in the 90s where a woman stood on trial and said she was a murderer because she turned down some late stage cancer patients claim for a 6 figure raise and she couldn't live with herself.
I'm sorry you had to go through that at all. I'm glad you left and I'm glad that CEO who probably got to where he was by being completely fucking soulless is rotting in fucking hell with all the school shooters and serial killers.
That healthcare CEO was imo, worse than most mass murderers. Biggest fucking traitor ever. Health insurance CEOs need to be publicly beheaded one by one French Revolution style.

No. 2301280


No. 2301282

i just feel like his political beliefs shouldn't be a factor in whether you support him blasting that pig CEO. getting fucked over by health insurance companies is like the one thing 99% of americans have in common. UHC isn't checking who your mother voted for before they deny her chemo

No. 2301283

I ship them

No. 2301284

Voglio Mangiarlo

No. 2301286

great googly moogly

No. 2301287

true. but glowies will try and divde us based on meaningless shit to distract us from the legitimate issues

No. 2301288

my uncle just found out he'll need 10k for dental work. why isnt dental covered by medical insurance?? i still dont get that

No. 2301289

>glowies will try to divide us
They are already trying on 4 chan with a little bit of success with the retard /pol/racemoids

Incels are traitors but I think most normies are sympathetic

No. 2301290

>thinking women belong in the kitchen serving men is "meaningless shit"
ok. Also everyone who brought to light his misogynist retweets was literally saying "it's good he shot the ceo, shame about this though" but for some reason we're not even allowed to be dissappointed or else it's "glowieeessss11!!!"

No. 2301291

So how'd he get out of Manhattan undetected if his arrival wasn't undetected? Did he just turn invisible and float across the bridges and tunnels? lf cctv is known to be so lacking why didn't he hit up a blind spot and destroy the evidence instead of keeping it on him? Why keep his fake IDs and not use them to cross the country border? There is no evidence to link the the men shown in two different outfits together? Thank god Luigi kept everything on his person to make it such an easy job for the police. That was very thoughtful of him, maybe he'll tell them how he planned the shooting so well and evaded them for 5 days.

No. 2301292

Because you don’t need teeth to survive. Teeth are a cosmetic luxury, of course.

No. 2301293

has anyone dug up his thoughts on trannies yet

No. 2301294

You know that rich people have families and even bosses or too right?
I just assumed no one had mentioned this because we already know from what Italians always say in cartoons

No. 2301295

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>big eater

No. 2301296


No. 2301297

I was literally thinking to myself earlier that someone needs to make a virgin beta attempted assassinator vs chad ceo assassinator meme but I cbf

No. 2301298

but you can literally die from a tooth infection…

No. 2301300


No. 2301303

File: 1733805090507.webp (640.82 KB, 889x675, 61blbl.webp)

the bacteria in your mouth that caused the infection was a pre-existing condition, please understand

No. 2301304

You know the police aren't going to make all of their information public, right?

No. 2301305

I was being a bit sarcastic. But that’s basically how insurance views teeth. They’ll patch your teeth up to prevent infection. If the tooth is beyond saving, they’ll yank it. You want to replace that missing tooth? You have to shell out 4K for an implant because it’s now cosmetic and dental insurance wont pay for it.

No. 2301307

No. 2301309

my dad is a hick and hates dentists but he once had an awful tooth abscess and refused to get it checked out. my mom convinced him to go to urgent care and they were able to give him pain meds and antibiotics to tithe him over. He ended up just ripping the tooth out of his mouth with a pair of pliars because "the tooth is probably dead anyway"

No. 2301310

Anon, if the cctv we do have is mostly private owned, how the fuck is anyone, badass sex daddy assassin or not, supposed to know where they are. KEK.

No. 2301312

I want to fuck every man involved in the ceo killing except the uggo ceo. They all seem hot to me. Especially the one who shot him

No. 2301314

>thinking women belong in the kitchen serving men is "meaningless shit"
Post caps of when he tweeted anything to do with that

No. 2301316

guys im serious, do you think anything every change in our lifetimes about this healthcare system? its the one thing that keeps me up at night, wanting to move away. i hate it so much. i dont want to be old or sick in the country

No. 2301318

hope this event isn't one of many that's going to produce nothing of real note. i hope there's an actual uprising or protest that goes somewhere please…then again even protesting feels so useless in the modern era. george floyd riots were huge and wtf happened. a few branding changes? c'mon

No. 2301320

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No. 2301322

We can only win if we do it French style at this point.

No. 2301324

Oh, it’s going to do jack shit. Let’s be based in logic for a second. It’ll be old news within the new year.

No. 2301326

That doesn't mean anything about his political leanings. Anyone who is into a shred of politics tends to follow significant figures from both sides.
Him killing a CEO may be based, but it may be better he's locked up anyway. He already showed people what violence can achieve. Just because one action of his was based doesn't mean people should blindly extol him.
What is the evidence that he respects women? That he follows a female politician? The bar is in hades. None of his tweets suggest he respects women. Just because he "thinks Jordan memerson is a pseud" doesn't mean he isn't a blatant misogynist. Again. I think this action was helpful and I'd rather men kill people where their deaths positively impact the world, so kudos to him for that. But I think it's foolish to rally behind a guy without knowing more. It seems like he was taking shrooms and I wonder if this triggered some type of mental illness in him.

No. 2301327

realistically things wont change because a single isolated incident cannot dismantle an entire complex system. but this did give people morale and have awoken many but i have no hope tbh

No. 2301329

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not positive anyway

No. 2301330

it may not influence protests but i wouldn't be surprised if it made other people wanna commit similar crimes

No. 2301331

I heard he read and recommended some book on making girls cum. Idk id be in the kitchen if he could make me nut super hard every night

No. 2301333

File: 1733805726994.gif (232.27 KB, 994x636, b8dec7e43d8443e54d6726e5da1089…)

Oh I'm hooked on this story from all the way down under nonnie, lurking this thread just for updates

No. 2301334

Trump was just reelected. i do think whoever comes after him will be some kind of populist/socialist type

No. 2301335

My hope is that it inspires other incels to shoot up CEOs instead of women.

No. 2301337

All men are misogynists, who cares, we are happy he killed the piggy ceo

No. 2301338

I looked up the united healthcare CEOs and shit there's women ones so if they wanna be a supreme gentleman and kill women ceos be my guest.
It will be hard because theres only like 2 women evil enought to murder that many people.

No. 2301341

i don't really care whether it has any lasting effects. it's fun and exciting right now, so i am enjoying myself. if it incites further fun and exciting events, all the better

No. 2301343

File: 1733805951584.jpeg (160.35 KB, 1290x481, IMG_3585.jpeg)

I wonder when he got memed into embracing tradcath beliefs? he was agnostic just a few years ago. it really does seem like he got sucked into reactionary manosphere stuff over the last few years.

No. 2301344

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No. 2301347

peoples beliefs can change nonny

No. 2301348

No. 2301349

File: 1733806140155.png (67.09 KB, 1661x251, psyco.png)

He talks shit about porn and objectifying japanese anime waifu pedo shit.
He's better than 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent of scrots.
Nona I get it most moids are fucking shit. When a man says "not all men" he is that man who is fucking horrible.
Weegee even acknowleged that human moids murder more than chimpanzees.

No. 2301354

Guys it's him stop being schizo. If he had the manifesto on him than he wanted to be caught. Also the pic everyone is comparing with the unibrow vs no unibrow the non-unibrow photo isn't even him. The AP came out the next day and said it wasn't a person related to the shooting it just got buried.

No. 2301356

I'm starting to buy the "he went insane from medication" theory tbh

No. 2301362

File: 1733806536793.webp (488.84 KB, 2016x1512, lulu.webp)

He's a bit fruity, no?

No. 2301363

An observant anon said she thought he was wearing a prosthetic nose and maybe even chin before he was caught, like last week. I can't find it anywhere now, not even the tinfoil thread. *kek sorry for the random lady and the tramp picrel, that was meant for another comment and disappeared

No. 2301365

i've said it once i'll say it again: metrosexual

No. 2301366

Oh absolutely

No. 2301367

File: 1733806609436.jpeg (594.21 KB, 1290x2381, IMG_3584.jpeg)

he’s a typical cs major moid who whines about wahmen and the supposed fertility crisis. I’ve seen worse but people who are trying to frame him as a based woman-respecter are kind of delusional.

No. 2301369

Then it's their fault people think Luigi Mario is a fall guy

No. 2301370

I would like to think 'young and exuberant' but there will probably be femboy stuff revealed at some point

No. 2301371

>I wonder when he got memed into embracing tradcath beliefs?
He's Italian…

No. 2301373

I hope other shooters see how terrible USA cctv network is then and more shootings happen against other rich bastards. Just make sure not to carry a rucksack full of evidence around and you're golden

No. 2301375

he also retweeted this

No. 2301378

Exactly kek.

No. 2301382

literally. he was actually going to get away with it if he didn't go to that fucking mcdonalds. the pigs were clueless and they admitted it >>2301100

No. 2301384

So the cctv of the guy shooting the ceo in a black jacket with a white backpack is fake? Kek ok

No. 2301386

The people who are trying to frame him as some insane right winger woman hating incel etc are ten times more delusional, he was clearly in the center

No. 2301387

Stop catering to my disgusting fujo sensibilities

No. 2301388

File: 1733807302624.webp (182.34 KB, 1440x2004, luigi-was-suffering-through-cr…)

but daddy i love him 1/2

No. 2301390

File: 1733807349619.webp (206.76 KB, 1440x2032, luigi-was-suffering-through-cr…)

No. 2301399

what does this even mean

No. 2301401

File: 1733807694839.gif (1.11 MB, 640x352, IMG_9847.gif)

He had to piss himself in order to get doctors to take him seriously.

No. 2301402

He seems to enjoy pissing himself

No. 2301404

welcome to the average female experience luigi kek.

No. 2301409

No such thing as a center moid. Made the mistake of befriending one. He was the biggest misogynist and racist. So I’m glad both these devil moids took each other out of the voting pool. 2 less conservative voters.

No. 2301410

ok which one of you is asking the sonic totem pole if he'll be ok KEEEK

No. 2301411

the reality is that the left-right spectrum doesn’t really exist for a lot of younger online people so saying that he’s a centrist isn’t super meaningful. he has a lot of haphazard beliefs, some of which are that men are innately heroic, women are obliged to support them, and that modern society victimizes men. I’m not trying to frame him as good or bad overall, these are just facts.

No. 2301412

File: 1733808062746.jpg (583.68 KB, 1200x675, covered.jpg)

off topic but
>unplanned childlessness
remember like 10 or so years ago when men were screaming at the high numbers of slutty teen moms and disgusting single moms who are trying to date men and said that they should all die alone? remember when they got mad about how so many women were totally rigging the government payouts with wic checks and food stamps and subsidized child care? remember when men said its not their fault they had to leave their wives who got pregnant or just had a baby because she's gotten unattractive and men need to always be around slender young bodies to stay happy? remember when they told us "if you can't afford it, if you're not married, if you think you'll get fat from this, DON'T have babies"?

now we have a low birth rate crisis kek

No. 2301413

File: 1733808081768.png (1.17 MB, 1854x1222, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 9.19.…)

i think hes a bit autistic kek he also posted a lot in the pokemongo subreddit as well as a bit in the subreddit about visual snow which is heavily linked to autism

No. 2301414

Your first mistake was thinking any moid wouldn't be misogynistic, they all are at some level.

No. 2301417

Ah shit, he’s reminding me of Kohlberger now. I knew he was giving me similar vibes.

No. 2301423

Any grown man that has a Pokémon as their banner and does hitman style shootings is autistic

No. 2301428

between the purported lyme disease, visual snow, and brain fog, I wonder if he’s a bit of a munchie? all three are things I’ve seen a lot of online munchies obsess over.

No. 2301429

he also posted about IBS and getting tested for SIBO. He's absolutely a munchie. Or jewish.

No. 2301431

>brain damage because he didn't get full sleep for a week
Please let him be a munchie, please god it would be so fucking funny.

No. 2301432

that puts a very interesting spin on his interactions with health insurance companies. I could see a munchie getting super pissed off if they were refusing to cover his tests/weird treatments.

No. 2301436

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No. 2301437

nonnas I wanna know when the protests are gonna happen. Im ready to GO.

No. 2301438

Same. I actually think that one looks more like him than the smiling one. His skin tone is different bc of the crappy found footage quality but the features are there

No. 2301439

Me too fr, I'm ready to go to war for this man

No. 2301440

munchie status 100% confirmed kek

No. 2301441

>my fraternities hell week
Do you think he kissed other cute boys?

No. 2301442

Oh my god he is just a deranged munchie. This is hilarious. I love this. Everyone thinking it’s some big political thing and he’s just a hypochondriac that couldn’t get his insurance to allow anymore appointments

No. 2301443

File: 1733809269827.png (771.42 KB, 1880x794, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 9.39.…)

oh man the munchies have finally taken a stand

No. 2301444

It’s possible he was tested for Lyme as a kid, possibly had motor issues. But this could also manifest from a spinal issue. If his issues are related to his lumbar region, the impacted nerves can cause issues like IBS and incontinence. It can also affect how you walk. I think it’s called lumbar stenosis.

No. 2301445

Will we be able to get a thread on /snow/ for him!?

No. 2301446

I never attended a protest before how do i find one for freeing luigi

No. 2301448

File: 1733809568760.png (230.46 KB, 1038x984, Screen Shot 2024-12-09 at 8.45…)

goddamt the reddit account was already nuked. fucking feds

No. 2301449

KEK. If anons are able to pull any more info, it might just be possible. Fingers crossed

No. 2301450

File: 1733809589344.jpeg (608.88 KB, 1290x2403, IMG_9848.jpeg)

Maybe he was born with a shitty spine

No. 2301452

he's literally a hero.
i wish more shooters would kill evil people in power. why do they always go after school children instead?

No. 2301453

Oh my god is he a virgin? He can just lay there and I will do all the work.

No. 2301454

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No. 2301455

Because they’re not hero’s.

No. 2301456

Hes too cute. We must heal him so he can be milked

No. 2301457

File: 1733809859275.png (1.18 MB, 1838x1354, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 9.46.…)

2/2 munchie king

No. 2301458

>that last sentence
Oh no, that sounds likea copout. Maybe gaytinfoil and fujo-nonnas are right.

No. 2301460

hopefully the beta males will kill evil people in power now.

No. 2301461

this matches up so well with the symptoms he ascribed to his mom in that substack post. now that I think about it, so many of the issues he supposedly suffers from (shooting pains, ibs, fatigue) are exactly the same as his mom’s. what are the chances of that? was he secretly writing about himself, do they have the same condition, or is he mimicking his mom’s health problems?

No. 2301463

even if he is a gay yaoi boy I dont want him getting raped in prison. he's too sexy and pure I want him to make consensual love to his boyfriend in their self lubricating yaoi holes and they both feel good
>t. fujo

No. 2301465

they both worked out a bunch which can lead to injury if you arent careful

No. 2301466

>self lubricating yaoi holes

No. 2301467

File: 1733810328325.png (569.95 KB, 828x823, pMqR3f8.png)

to be honest, most back pain is psychosomatic. i dealt with a back pain crisis just after the pandemic, and nearly bought a new mattress because i thought that was the problem and the pain only occurred when i woke up. but then i realized i never had that problem with my mattress before and i conditioned myself into thinking there was pain when there wasnt. was dealing with a lot of external stressors at the time as well (work,school etc. ) and was repressing those emotions

No. 2301468

This and >>2301454 are screaming munchie that pushed for a back surgery his doctors were telling him he did not need. Kek. This is great. Fucked himself over so bad he killed over it. All his “symptoms” sound like he would over work his body, rest and feel fine, and over work himself again. Needs back surgery but did a 10 mile hike. Okur.

No. 2301469

I was thinking that when reading about his back issues and seeing nonas eager to jump his bones. Y'all would have to go easy on him.

No. 2301472

munchie KING

No. 2301474

Delicate uwu pillow prince

No. 2301475

I don't buy the munchie tinfoil and think it's cruel. Tourists lurking here and feds are gonna grab that take and run with it now to delegitimize his motives. Just because munchies fake things that real people go through doesn't mean that some people aren't actually going through that.

No. 2301477

He can be a munchie AND have legitimate gripes with the healthcare system

No. 2301478

Was he the anon that was harassing McDonald's last year?

No. 2301480

Unfortunately yes. Also the unearned and pure unadulterated confidence in oneself that withers and dies when you’ve had to become accustomed to being fodder in the workplace. But hey saplings can grow anywhere

No. 2301481

>It feels good to get a guy like that off the street
you're not gonna be on the street much longer either brother sir

No. 2301482

holy shit this is literally the funniest possible reason for him to have killed that guy. I can’t believe nonnies connected the dots, this is amazing

No. 2301484

leave my cute munchie alone! He did a good thing even if it was driven by his own craziness.

No. 2301487

Your reaction to that post made me think I had missed something really interesting in this thread

No. 2301488

him being a munchie and a male and Italian is reminding me of that frank tufano guy on youtube who ragebaits vegans lol

No. 2301489

same here, i was born with a spine defect and had chronic pain for years. i really don't believe he's a munchie. as anyone who's suffered severe chronic back pain knows, it's actually very difficult to pinpoint an exact cause and even more difficult to find an exact solution, it's something that can be very on-and-off and confusing to deal with. what he's describing sounds accurate to the experience of suffering a legitimate spine injury, most traditional pain science is actually much less advanced than you would think, and many many physicians are unequipped to treat people truly effectively. it really does ruin people's lives and nobody believes them because nobody actually knows that much about how many different factors contribute to it.

No. 2301490

File: 1733811262006.png (164.18 KB, 269x400, qezfpdS.png)

please read this book or just listen to the audiobook. it changed my life in more ways than one and i feel that from what youve written in your comment it will resonate too.

No. 2301493

>do you think a lady cop did a strip search on him?
god i wish i was that cop

No. 2301495

> most traditional pain science is actually much less advanced than you would think, and many many physicians are unequipped to treat people truly effectively. it really does ruin people's lives and nobody believes them because nobody actually knows that much about how many different factors contribute to it.
Agreed. And it's not limited to just back pain either. So many physicians are "by the book" without bothering to be pragmatic or updating their knowledge because they're content to spout outdated advice or treatments. This is why getting a second or third opinion is recommended. Doctors' knowledge isn't infallible or complete for a lot of things and it's not unheard of to be misdiagnosed and suffer fatal consequences.

No. 2301496

tufano is gross and a massive fag with twinkdeath disease

No. 2301497

>they believe the killer must be some kind of master assassin…who fought in many wars

No. 2301499

what do you think the youtube video meant by "dec 11" "the truth shall set me fee"
is it gonna reveal that luigi was a patsy and the real killer is still on the run?
I dont want luigi in prison uuuuuu

No. 2301500

it was a fake youtube channel that was bullshitting for views cause some of his friends posted about it being false

No. 2301501

I’m going to bed and I hope I dream about his big Italian schnoz rubbing against my clit

No. 2301502

>Luigi's mansion edition


No. 2301503

I want it to be some big conspiracy….

No. 2301504

I used to watch him occasionally for laughs but I feel so bad for him after his eye surgery. He wasn’t bad looking to begin with, but he got sucked into this insane looksmaxxing obsession with “positive canthal tilt”- now he’s fucked over for life.

No. 2301515

File: 1733813984895.png (1.12 MB, 1170x1542, here’s what you would look lik…)

No. 2301520

Lol maybe it's just his eyebrows grow in faster than his 5 o'clocl shadow?

No. 2301523

Why are there so many weird pictures of him after being into custody? The mug shot, the toilet one, the one in the suicide vest? It all seems so scripted and weird. Has he not called for a lawyer and said "hey copbro take my pic and send it to the press" every couple of hours

No. 2301527

i don't really think he's asking to have his picture taken kek

No. 2301528

Yeah that was sarcasm.
Usually pics like this aren't posted to the public till after trial or suicide or whatever in a case like this

No. 2301531

File: 1733816313082.jpg (64.87 KB, 690x807, F693IJahDZE.jpg)

>in the current year
follow your leader

No. 2301535

Sure but why is he agreeing to all these pictures and why are they even doing it.

No. 2301538

taking pictures of criminals who've just been brought into custody and sharing them with the media has been done for like the last century nonnie

No. 2301541

Either it's a part of the psyop or law enforcement is trying to humiliate him and tarnish his image.

No. 2301544

Getting married wouldn't even disprove the claims, lots of gay men marry women too to have a beard. Who's to say the married rich men aren't also fags, they might be gayer than him. I think this >>2300452 debunks it though

No. 2301549

File: 1733817343449.jpeg (844.84 KB, 838x1260, IMG_8762.jpeg)

Yes but they keep doing it. Two mugshots, a photo of him in jeans in a holding cell, etc. they’re doing it more for him and it’s weird that he’s complying.

No. 2301559

I hate that "dr" asshole he's such a quack.

No. 2301562

Sure share a mugshot or something. But pics in the cells on multiple occasions is weird. 'Innocent to proven guilty' is an American right. This seems like a rights violation just plastering his mig every where.
Let's assume they let him walk for innocence, now he has to live with all of these pics for the rest of his life on the internet. Mighty might weird.
my tinfoil is there are trying to "prove" his safety before he gets Epstein'd

No. 2301564

>man commits aggravated sexual assault of a child
>verdict: 3 years
>arsonists fire accidentally kills firefighters
>sentenced to death

No. 2301565


No. 2301568

Why did they make his Goodreads private, everything is fucking gay

No. 2301569

It’s crazy that they put him in an anti suicide outfit. I wasn’t even put in one after attempting suicide kek.

No. 2301575

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You can see Part 2 here (never premiered).

No. 2301577

File: 1733819055569.jpg (234.15 KB, 1080x958, 1000070834.jpg)

he's so silly

No. 2301579

If i couldn’t love this man any more, so based

No. 2301581

Dude seems like a legit fun guy (or at least he was once). The people that knew him and considered him a friend all have positive things to say too and seem shocked and gutted by the news. I wonder if he still is that person or not.

If there's anyone deserving of sympathy it's Luigi's family and friends.

No. 2301584

can’t have the public seeing his tbr

No. 2301586

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No. 2301589

i mean there were NLOG mentality women on tumblr drawing yaoishit art of them both

No. 2301590

as per usual, the fags are trying to make this about themselves.

No. 2301604

I recommend researching good and quality dental clinics in Europe, getting a plane ticket and getting dental work done there. Would probably cost half as much including travel fees.

No. 2301607

if you need more than 3k of work done there's no reason to get it done in the US. Just go somewhere else. A lot of healthcare you are better off getting done during vacation.

No. 2301616

Oh my god …(learn2embed)

No. 2301617

Double post but oh my god at the fact that everyone is just deciding it’s him even though he is literally only a suspect at this point. But very interesting that he lived in a group home.

No. 2301625

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Imagine how cute and hot his moans would be while he’s hitting it, because he’s also whimpering from the back pain. But he still fucks with no restraint in every stroke because that’s how much he wants to make you cum.

No. 2301626

Why do I feel like this is a psyop desperately trying to make this guy seem uncool to rightoids (who are more likely to pull some irl hijinks)

No. 2301627

He's pretty cute in these too ngl

No. 2301628

It isn't a 'group home' in the sense that many people think of (with negative connotations). These are living arrangements for people who work remote, 'digital nomads'. From looking at the specific one he was at it actually looks fun, nice for people who enjoyed collegiate type environments.

Here's the instagram page for 'Surfbreak', the co-living community he was a part of: https://www.instagram.com/surfbreakcoliving/?hl=en

nothing particularly interesting from a quick look but I'm gonna see if maybe he was posted anyone on their instagram profile.

No. 2301629

I know… that was made clear in the video kek

No. 2301630

Fewer pictures than I expected and no, none featured him but it's possible they were already scrubbed. I was kind of hoping to see something a bit more wild/juicy but it looks like a pretty normal environment. Luigi had mentioned surfing and yoga and maybe he started doing both there for the first time.

No. 2301632

sorry doublepost but in one of his reddit posts he said that his spine injury had led to genital pain >>2301454

is it possible he's an incel? And no not a fake incel held back by a bad personality or inflated standards or lacking the right 2mm of bone I mean a TRUE INCEL, like a Qinni Art situation where medical issues were impeding sexual function? Imagine how pissed off he would be if he couldn't even get a boner without pain because of his fucked up spine.

No. 2301633

File: 1733826041491.png (139.12 KB, 640x786, 1730899401527.png)

He is literally the embodiment of the virgin bf.. Most men will chimp out and nerd out over anime/funko pops He will have genuine whimsy and would have tried to make your day due to his extrovert behavior (based off his facebook) Look at his smile here, he could have been saved by some normie woman or an autist woman. He was able to actually have some reading comprehension and sought out knowledge, a think most chimpapes lack. Not only that, he did not care to pander to niche circles or try to emulate chronically online losers that browsed /lit/ or other boards, or those who are adamant on pretending that theyre the special outlier. Instead, he still tried to associate with people out of his joyous behavior, like the tweet of the fish. Most men lack any whimsy and indulge into being a complete man child, while with him, this seems to show off a side that is friendly. He seems like the kind of person who would still try to befriend the girl who has been bullied due to her looks.. its over.. 泣きます..

No. 2301634

hes literally a bicycle that flirts with any woman he sees like a chimp. enjoy your "virgin" boyfriend. stop humanizing men

No. 2301636

File: 1733826592510.gif (700.58 KB, 220x201, rip-juice-cry.gif)

>>2301634 LA SIGH.. Its over..

No. 2301637

Personally I'm sticking with the pain/drugs/mental illness theory. In which case no he couldn't be saved by anyone unless that woman had a time machine to prevent his injury from ever happening.

No. 2301640

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anyway, he comes across like a few guys I know on twitter, who were normie-ish and got really into fitness and health stuff, but also got into far-right spheres, mostly well intentioned but close to becoming schitzo
regarding the gay stuff, I think he's more accidentally gay, that's regular for bap and frat scenes, but not really gay

No. 2301648

File: 1733827516711.jpg (120.05 KB, 2000x1000, do it for her.jpg)

Fuck this shit. He didn't need to be saved by a normie. Girl God was smiling down on us and gave us all something nice to look at as he vanquished an ugly evil scrot.
I'm GLAD he killed the united healthscam ceo faggot and peaked all the ameritards over the health insurance patriarchy murdering their grandmas!
He's cute, incel insurance monkey banana hoarders wouldn't fix his busted dick from his spinal injury and so he chimped out and fucking killed one.
Now that he's caught we need to strap him to a milking machine so we can pass around his cum like party favors to all the nonnas and breed more cute ceo killers.

No. 2301649

I don't think ML facial recognition algorithms are allowed to post here

No. 2301653

KEK every time I think about Luigi case I think of this
>”28 years he did… FOR MURDAH!”
>”That don’t make him a bad guy”

No. 2301654

File: 1733828056982.jpg (183.74 KB, 1451x1322, radicalcentrist.jpg)

he's a radical centrist

No. 2301655

Imagine you never been to a protest before and the first one you go to is to free a scrote. Women are the weakest links(infight bait)

No. 2301656

it's not like protests do anything anyway

No. 2301659

Tell me you don’t know US history without telling me you don’t know US history. It’s actually sad that this thread has turned into simping an average looking male. You bitches are losers

No. 2301660


No. 2301662

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No. 2301663

protests have been completely defanged, Occupy Wallstreet being a great example

No. 2301664

File: 1733828883491.png (76.64 KB, 914x697, qMoEvrB.png)

reddit leftists are upset that he wasn't one of them

No. 2301665

feds don't let you have shit these days even this kind of glows imo

No. 2301666

You guys have been horny posting about this loser for 2 threads now. Unpopular opinions was right you girls are obsessed with men.

No. 2301667

They're mad but tbh you're right

No. 2301669

i haven't once hornyposted about this man i just think this is fun and light-hearted for once instead of idk, doomposting about the election, economy, and state of the world. just let them have fun for once jesus not everything has to be political sperging 2 electric boogaloo

No. 2301670

I don't take it very seriously but I think it would be fine if discussion was split into it's own thread.

No. 2301671

Go nonna! People are afraid that this is your awakening into true activism.

No. 2301672

I wasn't talking about your post, I meant the situation with the shooter kind of glows. I agree that protests have been defanged (by glowies)

No. 2301673

He doesn't seem like a magatard either he's >>2301654. It's cringe how people want to 'claim him' for their side. Tomorrow he's gonna start talking about how he received The Grand Truth from aliens he contacted during a shroom trip and everyone will be playing Hot Potato to pin him on the other side. But the comments are a good example of how so many leftists only know how to do performative activism.

Sorry I'm just not optimistic about this particular form of resistance anymore. It's flashy and makes the people doing it feel good and maybe that's it. Like designated free speech zones.

No. 2301675

Yeah shits real bleak, and I'm sorry but I've seen spergs on here about a cows tit shape go on for way longer. They'll die off soon enough.

Speaking of bleak. So our decrepit president elect says day one he will end birthright status. Then when pressed on how the fuck he's going to end an ammendment without the majority approval from congress.. oh the backpeddeling. "I guess the people will have to vote on it." 4 more years of him rage tweeting, doing jack shit and golfing every weekend. Fucking retards every one that voted for him.

No. 2301676

Leftoid scrotes just want to take credit in hopes to win some pussy attention for themselves.

No. 2301677

Oh it totally glows the whole case is really fucking weird. If it isn't Luigi though then I don't know what to think. Why would they pick someone like this as a patsy?

I always recommend people try involving themselves into local politics its the easiest way to have an actual impact you can actually see.

No. 2301678

I hate culture war fags so much why do we treat politics like team sports, people can have nuanced opinions and not be entirely sjw lefty or right-wing tradtard. We let the elite divide us so easily

No. 2301680

This faggot is weirdly protected of scrotes like Peterson. Not even a real dr

No. 2301684

You sound like a man who owns a real doll. My god

No. 2301687

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No. 2301692

File: 1733831896121.png (120 KB, 1079x1152, 1733820382236076.png)

>Pokemon No. 286 in his xitter banner
>posted exactly 286 posts in his xitter account
>the McDonalds where he was caught was 286 miles away from the place where he shot that CEO.
>He paid exactly $2.86 in that McDonalds
>his cousin, the Maryland State Delegate, follows 286 accounts on xitter
what else?

No. 2301699

File: 1733832541269.png (335.32 KB, 714x798, 1733677047132118.png)

These are the people who call you a creepy weirdo for thinking that he's hot

No. 2301707

Yeah, because straight women aren't allowed to have fun and i hate it

No. 2301708

There's nothing wrong with women attracted to men expressing that towards Luigi, especially considering no one will have access to him and he has hero status and is not too different from us views wise. The people saying we're worshipping him need to chill. Practically every American loves him. I get all the rad fem stuff but the truth of the matter is, women like men and Luigi is a very safe one to like considering he's locked away. let us live!

No. 2301709

Can someone not think both are cringe?

No. 2301710

I think both are hot

No. 2301712

I'm with moids on this one. It's kinda easy to "fix" a BPD woman with genuine effort but doing so with a psychopathic/narcissistic scrote is impossible. Like these was cases are mostly caused by BPD, abuse or other environmental factors while moids murder people for fame only. She was poor and had to do it, her boyfriend was probably abusive too

You can fix women, you can't fix men, it's that simple nonnas.

No. 2301718

That woman is not bpd, she is a psychopath, also scrotes that go for bpd women are nasty scrotes taking advantage of them, they don't want the "crazy pussy" to get fixed.

No. 2301719

The same people who cheer that Penny guy who choked out and killed a homeless man being found not guilty are lambasting sexy Luigi for killing a ‘man with a family!!!’ It’s so transparent that certain lives are worth more than others. The most worthy lives are that of the wealthy.

No. 2301723

She had reasons to do what she did, Luigi didn't. You're just assuming that she's a psycho when he's definitely narcissistic

No. 2301724

Luigi back hurt

No. 2301730

Some feminists on lolcow live in some parallel world disconnected from reality where the only true radfems are the ones who live as monks who do not breathe in the same vicinity as scrotes or dare talk about them in any slightly-positive or objectifying manner despite us being straight, it became clearer with the whole bi-hate thing, they think that's the only way to set us "free", Dworkin fucked a scrote by the way.

No. 2301733

I don't think it's to far fetched that he shaved his uni brows to disguise himself and then they grew back in 5 days. I always had a thin mustache that grows back fast as fuck in like 3 days

No. 2301734

File: 1733835293707.jpg (61.74 KB, 940x1024, ERlTye8XUAI91bT.jpg)

>I'm with moids on this one
>She was poor and had to do it (source: my ass)
>her boyfriend was probably abusive too
>She had reasons to do what she did (source: my ass)
>You're just assuming

No. 2301736

NTA but trying to scrotefoil while using a pepe of all memes is wild

No. 2301745

Can I have both at the same time?

No. 2301747

I actually remember seeing this post on twitter and looking him up right after. It’s crazy to think where he’d end up.

No. 2301759

She's so fucking hot

No. 2301761

Anons… What should I do? I told my parents I thought the united healthcare ceo dying was a good thing and they threatened for me to move out of the house (it's literally impossible for me to move out since im a genuine autist in college who can't afford it) and they keep thinking i'm a violent sociopath despite no record of it. My mom flipped her shit when i insulted my dad because i said luigi is hotter and smarter than him and that's why he hates him. It's so over for me.

No. 2301764


No. 2301765

Never talk politics or current events with your parents. I don't understand how people can't grasp that. Your parents are not your friends so don't spill out your real opinions on shit. My best advice is to just lie to them and just say it's "hormones" or some bs, boomers love that shit and will gobble it up.

No. 2301770

What the fuck is wrong with your parents? Ask them what they think of penny going free. Your dad should be glad you have good taste.

No. 2301774

aqpologize and say you have no idea what came over you. lie and say you had insomnia and were delirious. if you're a smoocher it's more important to secure your position than to prove them right.

No. 2301781

File: 1733839527210.jpg (79.63 KB, 896x1754, 1000017794.jpg)

Eyebrows have different distances apart

No. 2301784

Hes so cute, i heard on the news this morning that when asked if he was in NY he started shaking and remained silent

No. 2301790

File: 1733839832712.jpeg (76.25 KB, 735x827, IMG_6512.jpeg)

No. 2301792

I hate redditors so much lol you can tell they dont go outside or have any life experience. Luigi could've been the most left wing, Second Thought, marxist man ever, but if he were to say something a little less than positive about troons, then you just KNOW they would instantly be seething and canceling him or something and being like "WE FAILED ITS OVER".

No. 2301793

it's been over an hour and i'm still laughing at this post kek


>if he were to so something a little less than positive about troons, then you just KNOW they would be seething and canceling him or something
absolutely for a fact

No. 2301794

> i insulted my dad because i said luigi is hotter and smarter than him and that's why he hates him
KEK anon

No. 2301796

I can't believe there are retards on this planet that are trying to turn this into the next culture war. I know it's a minority but it is fascinating that people who think what Luigi did was pure evil exist. My parents both think Luigi was based.

No. 2301797

Is this diaper shitting central stupidpol? I'm a radfem and have a lot of Marxist beliefs and I don't care if he was a rightoid because what he did was beneficial to humanity.

No. 2301799

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No. 2301800

He kinda looks like Jack Effron but less groomed(which is hotter)

No. 2301801

Trying to look casual after he pee peed

No. 2301802

Idk I'm starting to wonder if this Luigi guy isn't the shooter. Not only are his eyebrows larger he has darker skin, even different nose shape

No. 2301803

>he started shaking and remained silent
Why is this making me horny, now I want to bully him

No. 2301805

I don’t think he’s denied it

No. 2301806

File: 1733840430300.jpeg (106.56 KB, 1079x421, IMG_8166.jpeg)

I don’t think this was ever posted. Either way, that’s some cope

No. 2301807

He had blue cross blue shield in 2018, interesting

No. 2301808

>I know it's a minority but it is fascinating that people who think what Luigi did was pure evil exist
It's because both of them but especially my mom are neoliberals who take CNN as gospel and have the most ridiculous pro status quo beliefs ever and think if Harris would be elected everything would be resolved. My mom is ridiculously pro Israel too and thinks we need to keep sending money to them. She's also against free healthcare because "muh long wait times"

No. 2301810

He wants a gf so bad, little did he know he just had to kill a ceo to get hundreds if not thousands of poonany

No. 2301811

She's cute. Let women have fun for once

No. 2301813

File: 1733840898045.jpeg (144.1 KB, 520x614, IMG_4820.jpeg)

What does it say about them when a rightoid actually did the thing they keep sperging about instead of destroying the internet with unfunny anime memes and jacking off to horse porn(vaush)?

No. 2301815

Thinking about how luigi's special interest is the lion king is so cute

No. 2301816


No. 2301817

You forgot the skull emoji, xitter tourist.

No. 2301819

She us hot. Killing your ex bf is the move not that some anons on here would understand. Too many of you put up with nasty bfs for way too long lol

No. 2301821

guys i’m really sad they caught him. i loved the mystery of not knowing who he was, and the pic of him smiling at the hostel worker. the lore and mystery was so good. im so mad he didn’t get away with it

No. 2301822

File: 1733841453171.jpeg (555.91 KB, 2048x2048, f181.jpeg)

I like his choice of Pokemon
>several murders

No. 2301825

Free her

No. 2301826

>Overall, Blair County ranked 40th in healthy behaviors with 30% of the citizens of our county classified as obese

No. 2301832

Yeah same

No. 2301835

We only would've been a step closer to class solidarity if they never found him because everyone could just project their political beliefs onto him and be happy. Now no one can see the forest for the trees because the culture war glasses back are on.

No. 2301837