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No. 2274286
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No. 2274327
I was watching this video because I don't know how i'm going to maintain part time classes while doing a 9 to 5.
No. 2274335
>>2274324alcohol addiction, prescription stimulants, caffeine tablets, sports drinks, nicotine
please don't do this but i am being earnest when I say this is what gives me 4 or 5 hours after work to be my own person
No. 2274656
nonnie. what scares me is that maladjusted techbros are only gaining influence and will most likely become the most dominant group in the near future. they subscribe to a worldview where anyone who isn’t a male programmer is seen as constitutionally incapable of making good decisions. as such, they advocate for the subjugation of the majority to the will of silicon valley neckbeards, especially in the domain of sex and reproduction. anyone who’s encountered rationalists/effective altruists/thielites in the wild know that they have a sincere belief in eugenics and dream of a society where women are little more than broodmares for autists with mensa memberships. they’ve combined an unwavering belief in their own infallibility with a bitter paranoia born from social rejection and an uninhibited love for hallucinogens and sexual deviancy to create something truly repellent. it’s like a rightwing mirror image of troon culture.
No. 2274665
>>2274656I work in tech and I've met my fair share of these people. The detachment from real life conventions they have is unreal, everything operates in absolutes and mathematical equations to them. There's no room for the human experience - at least not for anyone else but themselves. They're always either from extremely privileged backgrounds or have a severe trauma that causes them to become obsessed with wealth and power (or usually both) and instead of sorting that out in therapy they take it out on the people they consider to be beneath them. The moment you meet a rich techbro who sincerely tells you that you deserve to be replaced by AI because you're not a well-connected supergenius and that AI-generated art is just the next step of evolution for mankind you see just how damaged they are.
>they’ve combined an unwavering belief in their own infallibility with a bitter paranoia born from social rejection and an uninhibited love for hallucinogens and sexual deviancy to create something truly repellent.Extremely accurate, I couldn't have said it better and it aligns with my experiences with them as well. The warped image they have of the world around them and the exclusive bubble they've spent their entire adult life in has really cultivated traits of actual narcissism in them. The belief in their own infallibility is especially strong in all of them, which in their later years causes them to get into all sorts of scammy transhumanism bullshit because the moment they get a health condition that turns deadly they will start pouring money into a research that will give them a cyborg body or magically reverse their aging.
No. 2274685
>>2274665> The moment you meet a rich techbro who sincerely tells you that you deserve to be replaced by AIgod, that sounds insufferable. I hope it didn’t get to you nona. ironically, most of these guys are obsessed with various forms of media and often harbor secret fantasies that they’ll create the next great video game or write a popular sci-fi epic. the rub is that their casual disregard for the human experience (and a general lack of god-given talent in most cases) renders them utterly incapable of creating anything worthwhile without outside help. they kind of suspect this deep down, and it makes them mald endlessly.
> which in their later years causes them to get into all sorts of scammy transhumanismmy dearest hope is that one of the fifty nootropic powders these retards take gives them exotic forms of cancer.
No. 2274791
>>2274736they’re well positioned to gain influence right now because AI and information technology broadly is seen as the future and major countries are fighting to control that domain. the government is likely willing to make large concessions to domestic tech companies if it means a competitive edge against china (and vice versa).
the current class of politicians is comprised of boomers who are nearing retirement age. there appears to be a bit of a vacuum right now when it comes to choice candidates for replacing them. this will create a good opportunity for silicon valley to boost newcomers with connections to that industry. in a way, they already have a successful trial run in jd vance.
this is all on top of the fact that the four richest men on earth (along with like half of the top 20) are all techbros. trying not to blackpill but it does seem likely that they’ll be well represented politically in the coming years.
No. 2274817
>>2274280I'm just numb. I'm sure there are worse things to come when Trump gets inaugurated, but I can only hope sheer stupidity will get in the way of anything permanent happening.
>>2274791I'm sure I don't need to spell out what techbros with a large foothold on politics will do to women they view as replaceable by technology. Women need to stop clutching their pearls and having sons like now kek
No. 2274846
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She's so baby
No. 2275214
>>2274610>having a 2D bf>not a 3D gfTbh it’s all in good fun. Pls enjoy your husbando hierarchy systems in peace anon
>>2274685>my dearest hope is that one of the fifty nootropic powders these retards take gives them exotic forms of cancer.Kek one can only hope. Their religious bio hacking is a perfect visualization of their fear of being impotent in both mind and body right down to the name. While weirdly not fearing the proven negative effects and mental decay from habitual long term psychedelics. I hope the chips they want to eventually implant into their brains self lobotomizes them
No. 2275360
>>2274685Where they continually fail is demonstrating they have no idea of how to monetize any of their AI outputs and in their inability to realize that they will now be competing against billions of people so that the only people who will consoom the things they make are like, their parents.
>>2274632Trump doesn't seem to be selecting any picks from the Vance-Thiel bubble and has given Musk a pointless make-work assignment. Seems like Trump has his own priorities.
No. 2276352
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>>2276063Very based. Ignore the bluesky trannies malding and seething over a biological woman using the full force of the federal government to tell them "Fuck no."
No. 2276641
>>2276352Has anyone else noticed how this whole thing coincidentally came about after people were saying the democrats pander too hard to trannies and that the “Kamala is for they/them” commercial alienated fencesitters? And now you see liberals rushing and falling over themselves to defend trannies as if they’re the biggest
victims when everyone knows women and girls are at the most risk with this administrations agenda???
I also keep seeing anti-Project 2025 posts once again talking about immigrants, non-white people, gays, and trannies while ignoring that women (and probably children too) are going to be in the most danger of all. It just feels like we went one step forward, one hundred steps back not only with the Republicans but the Democrats as well. At this point I hope an asteroid hits our planet.
No. 2276664
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>>2276593>It's pathetic watching her try and curry favor with people by putting on a big show.Yeah, she should have signed away women's rights and curried favor with special interest groups in a progressive way instead.
No. 2276731
nonnie can't fucking stand it. All the fucking left leaning youtubers are just non stop talking about this bitch and trannies. I'm just so tired of it.
No. 2276874
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>>2276063poorly. likes to flip-flop when faced with the consequences of being a dumb bird.
No. 2276939
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>>2274656>>2274685>>2274736>>2274791>>2274817Ladies you should be aware of what these tech bros planning. They are not opposed to genocide. You need to be planning on how to take care of yourselves
No. 2277014
>>2276063it's the same as women in conservative communities going hard on pro-life politics, no one gives a fuck about what they have to say or do otherwise and it's an easy way to get community approval regardless of what they actually believe (women in pro-life areas or who say they are pro-life still get abortions, and Mace also appears to have flip-flopped on trans policies). republicans will only make
things worse regarding trans and cause more extremism in blue states as a reaction.
>>2275385think of it like a male death cry because they don't actually have much control. most of these male maladjusts online are poor and shut ins. some will be better off and abusing women, but plenty of those women will also leave them eventually.
No. 2277044
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>>2276939the aella thread (for anyone unfamiliar, she’s a “courtesan” in techie circles) has numerous bleak examples of how these men treat the women around them. literally using their wives and gfs as sexual property, loaning them out to their friends as a favor. they may legitimately challenge fundamental islamists in the extent of their dehumanization of women. it’s extremely fucked up.
No. 2277056
>>2276939I love how these scrotes live in this pretend fantasy that nazi germany was some sort of haven that was taken away from them when in reality it was a fucking shithole, it was nothing but infighting in the government and an incoherent economy running up large debts. The eugenics part of it all truly was materially useless and scientifically outdated, especially when it came to race. It was practically woo woo. If they really want eugenics they shouldn't focus on others and should instead focus inward because they are autistic xy subhumans. Literally double defected kek
>>2277044Insanely pathetic and I expect more social media sites to be bought out by the rich scrotes in these circles. Shitlon is already talking to the Tiktok CEO. I will say that I do not expect that this techie taliban culture will live for long though, it's just asking for a prominent counterculture movement to come bite it in the ass because of how loud they have made themselves buying out literally every single media company.
No. 2277142
>>2274327i held two jobs and went to school full time until this year when i graduated. you can do it. you will have absolutely no time for hobbies, social activities and downtime will be mindless scrolling on social media. but you can do it.
i felt that i was my most productive ever and also mentally more stimulated than i've been since graduated tho, so there are upsides. esp if the job is good and your classes are interesting
No. 2277212
>>2277056>I love how these scrotes live in this pretend fantasy that nazi germany was some sort of haven that was taken away from them when in reality it was a fucking shitholeAccurate. Scrotes really out there thinking it was a paradise when they were at such dire straits they had to literally rob jews of their possessions and send them to extermination camps under the excuse of racial purity.
>>2276939This is exactly why autistic men should be more occupied with counting bug species or sperging about Sonic games than be put into charge of a large sum of money and power.
No. 2277289
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Men are just evil. Easily manipulated sociopaths. They don't care, they never have cared. They have been raping and selling women and girls since the dawn of time. This brief moment of very little decency only lasts a short time because scrotes can't stand being equal. They need to be better than women. Abortion, birth control, sex education, these are all things that have advanced women in society. It's why scrotes are coming for it. Religion is a shield to hide the darker elements. Women were literally treated like incubators in the past. No control over pregnancy is no control over your life. Being a broodmare sold into slavery (marriage) at 14 and constantly impregnated until you destroy your body and become infertile, or you just die. This is the future they want. This was the reality of women for the majority of our existence on this Earth and this is also why it's so important to know WHAT A WOMAN IS. Our oppression is because of our biology. Troons and lefties seem to forget or just not care. Using the right bathroom is more important. I guess we've forgotten the past. It just looks so grim for women.
No. 2277302
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Ever looked up the sex differences in those crimes either? Men vastly outrank women in all of them. In fact, picrel.
No. 2277683

I know that all politicians are whores who sold their souls for power and money. But if abortion is the albatross hung around every right-wing woman's neck, then transgenderism is the millstone around left-wing womens'. I cannot support any woman who tranny panders, full stop. That's my line in the sand and I'm sure other nonnies feel differently, and that's okay.
>>2277168Israel and Ukraine are trying to pull us into boots-on-the-ground, no-joke, actual factual Wars. In the meantime, the threat of Trump's tariffs have the economy in a state of indecision. The future is unknown and we just have to stay strapped in on Mr. Bone's Wild Ride. As a Sheila, you should pay close attention to the news regarding China and Taiwan as I'm sure you and NZ will feel the effects if the Pacific gets hot. Good luck and pet a platypus for me please.
That's all very depressing so here's a video of Biden performing the goofy traditional turkey pardoning ceremony. Enjoy.
No. 2277753
>>2277683I'd rather tolerate the hypothetical presence of trannies in the zeitgeist than give up my abortion rights. Because they will not stop at abortion. They will move on to contraceptives next, they have it all fucking laid down and presented yet people still get so goddamn hung on the tranny question they bring it up more than any leftist has brought up in the past two years. You try to talk about accessible health care, equal rights for women and minorities, minimum wage, better labor conditions, green energy sources yet it all gets wiped off the table because some bad faith faggot starts screeching about trannies trannies trannies.
And let's be real. Even if tomorrow the left came together and said "you know what, fuck them troons", right wingers would move the goalpost to the next issue. You support equal rights for all races, so you're approving of BLM riots right? A mentally ill antifa larper on twitter said so so it must be an official leftist stance! You approve of gay marriage? So you want pedos to adopt kids to rape! You want to fund more research to stop climate change? So you want us all to live in tents and eat bugs, nice try glowie! Accessible health care? With
my tax dollars?! And the list goes on. Right wingers will always pick something to hold against the left to paint them as morally reprehensible degenerates who want to destroy the middle class because they don't comprehend the idea of people genuinely wanting a society where people can trust the state to have their back because they themselves want the fascist billionaires to give them easy solutions to complex problems even if it did mean everyone gets screwed over.
No. 2278034
>>2277753well said anon but most of the anons on this site and thread are the exact people you mentioned in this post (the right-wingers who keep moving goal-posts).
Kamala's campaign barely mentioned trannies and was not actually pro-illegal immigration (infact it wanted to make the borders more strict) but that still didn't stop republicans from constantly talking about ''kamala wanting to bring illegal aliens'' or ''men in our restrooms''. I feel like the current American collective conscious is conservative.
No. 2278046
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>>2278034I agree nona. My pet retarded theory is that a lot of men are obsessed with the tranny phenomenon coom-wise and all of this BS is a reflection of that.
No. 2278049
>>2277683> But if abortion is the albatross hung around every right-wing woman's neck, then transgenderism is the millstone around left-wing womens'.to even compare the two shows how absolutely retarded you are. You'd rather flush away the rights of entire swaths of women because a percentage of a percentage, and yes, you know how small the population is in comparison to almost more than half of the country, of MEN who want to be WOMEN. You're not even counting the women who want to be men, or the men / women who pretend to be neither.
>"As a Sheila" okay, as an American, fuck off in the Amerifag thread you fucking moron. This is about American women's rights, not your retarded opinions about how our government is manipulating women into signing their lives away because of the fear that is perpetuated and STOKED by men and the media. Fuck you.
No. 2278066
>>2278014eh I think scammers and ebeggars ruined it for disabled people
a lot of troons and genderspecials are disabled as well (self induced or not)
No. 2278067
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>>2278057it's crazy, their logic is crazy to me because do these morons know that by taking away abortion they are not only taking away abortion but they are also taking away women's reproductive healthcare and the right to get help in case of a miscarriage. Women with miscarriages are either jailed if they get help or they are forced to.. well let the miscarriage kill them, in red states.
No. 2278090
>>2278067My sister in law desperately wants to have a child, she's in her late 30's and has PCOS but her gynecologist told her that she's very high risk for an ectopic pregnancy and if that happened they wouldn't be able to do anything for her because of the whole abortion shit. Meaning they'd just turn her away for it. Craziest thing is that my state's abortion ban is currently blocked by a judge so you actually can still get an abortion here, and the ban outlines that risk of the mother's life is
not included in the ban. It's just that her doctor doesn't even want to risk any shit over it. It's devastating and terrifying.
No. 2278091
>>2278067Woman arrested for having a miscarriage under the abortion law. Actual Taliban-esque bullshit here.
>>2278073Of course they are. They don't give a shit about the "unborn child" or the mother, the sole purpose is to "punish the whore" for having sex. Most anti-abortion stances revolve around penalizing women for "having loose morals" rather than actually "saving babies".
No. 2278100
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>>2277753I was going to effortpost in response to the catastrophic fantasy in thefirst half of your post. But then I read the pathetic DARVO attempt in the second half of your post, so I'll just say that no, you do not get to blame this on right-wingers. From Tumblr SJWs to queerios in keffiyahs, the Progressive Left has fired every single opening salvo in this culture war. Fuck you for choosing trannies (men) over the actual women and children harmed by this shit.
No. 2278123
>>2278100funny thing is the only one doing darvo is you, you are blaming women for having their rights taken away just because some of them supported trannies. It's quite telling that you can see articles of women dying and being punished and you cannot muster up any empathy in you instead you double down and still post one of the thousands same trannie related pictures you have saved up in your hard-drive.
Do you know that miscarriages are more common than you think and that 1 in 6 women can have a miscarriage. It's wild how you are making excuses to punish 30% of female population that are at complication risks just because you want to own trannies who are less 1% of the population and are way more common online than in real life.
Stop with the same trannie propaganda pics to shut women up about losing their rights, ive seen that pic atleast a hundred times, get new material.
No. 2278132
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>>2278123wow this comment is bleak….
No. 2278143
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What are you guys cooking for Thanksgiving? WhAt are you most excited to eat?
No. 2278751
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Can't believe I'm only finding out now that the hideous Tommy Tallarico house sold a few months ago… No. 2279321
>>2279187I completely agree. It's a disability at this point to focus on such a fringe minority (a fringe minority
of a fringe minority if we're counting dangerous troons) and sacrifice a right that will affect pretty much all women.
No. 2279451
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Lots of trans rights activists camping this thread apparently. Please commit seppuku by sundown tomorrow.
No. 2279553
>>2276352I want a woman like this but also uses this energy for the overturning of roe v wade. Why aren't there any fucking politicians who are gender critical AND pro choice??
Yes, I know that's JK Rowling, I want an American JK Rowling.
No. 2279794
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>>2279493You may be tired, but are you as tired as Kamala in this video?
No. 2279854
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Honestly other than Trump Tariffs, the thing you guys should really be worried about is the fact that every social media CEO (and media CEO) is starting to make connections with trumpfuckers and trump himself. We must make an effort to decentralize the internet, they want to buy out every big social media site and fill it with propaganda. We must give people other options to turn to so they're not consooming propaganda 24/7. I don't get how this isn't worrying to people, especially with the rise of AI
No. 2280040
>>2279941If the left is saying that her being "too centrist" cost her the election, they're lying kek. That doesn't even make any sense. So by not being far enough left, everyone just said fuck it and voted right? Yeah that doesn't make sense. Someone being
too left would cost an election, but being not enough left wouldn't cause lefties to vote for Trump.
No. 2280118
>>2280095Hillary and Kamala are not on the same level of evil… do people forget the shit Hillary did
>>2280083It's useless to even discuss now but she wanted to build more housing, invest in fentanyl detecting technology, would've probably prevented anymore republicans from entering the supreme court, and I liked her whole opportunity economy thing. Also her laugh is cute. Too bad we have to deal with fat rigger and co for the next four years. Already talking about tariffs on canada and mexico lmfao
No. 2280187
>>2280132The dollar is fucked and it has nothing to do with Trump. Government spending since the 9/11 Bush era has been increasing. It became much worse after the 2008 financial crisis. Increasing government revenue and lowering government spending is the one way to save the current US financial system. Revaluing the dollar or restoring the dollar to a gold back currency are also options but would have more extreme consequences.
The other problem is that the US government funds it's debt through the sale US treasury bonds to other countries such as China because other countries want dollars to use in international trade. BRICS and the global south are moving away from using the dollar in international trade so there is less demand for dollars and less demand for US treasury bonds which means that the US won't be able to sell treasury bonds to fund it's debt.
No. 2280289
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Nonnies if I have 3 years left of my IUD would it be worth it to go get it replaced again before January? I plan on continuing celibacy anyways but I’m really fearful they’re going to ban it so I can’t get it replaced when 3 years is up. I’m in Georgia btw. I also thought about buying up plan B pills in the case of rape because apparently plan B will be banned.
No. 2280317
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>>2280289It blows my mind that anti-abortion retards think Plan B needs to be banned because to them, the
prevention of conception counts as murder. Like, it's not even just abortion itself that pisses them off, they think contraceptive tablets need to be banned specifically because they think a sperm cell failing to fertilize the egg is murder at
that point.
BEFORE IT'S EVEN A FUCKING ZYGOTE. Holy fucking shit, with that logic, not trying to make a baby every fifteen minutes is murder just because you're not actively letting a sperm cell latch onto your egg cell.
No. 2280358
>>2280317I know anon, it’s insane. We just need to look at what happened to Poland to see what is going to happen here.
>>2280331The only thing is that I don’t know if they will be out of office in 8 years and also apparently doctors won’t be able to remove the IUD once their regulations are in place. I’ve heard about women in Texas already having to cross state lines just to get IUDs removed because doctors in-state won’t even remove them now. I’m thinking of moving to a blue state but no idea which one.
No. 2280497
>>2279854facebook has always been a boomer shithole that helped qanon and other conspiracy theories gain traction among gen-x and boommer population.
So not surprised by that.
But can we talk about tikttok? I feel like tiktok is also involved in this type of propaganda spreading too. Remember a couple of years ago where people who had a tiktok couldn't avoid Andrew Tate's content because he was being shoved down everyone's fyp, people no matter what content they consumed had Tate take over their fyp. His whole fame basically comes from tiktok. It's definitely a bit eyebrow-raising. Now that Connor Mcgregor is accused of rape im also seeing people's fyp being flooded with supportive videos about him….weird.
>>2280472>>2280484can you retards just not? You have the whole internet for your pol sperging do you have to come here too, Go back to your moid shithole of 4chan or X.
No. 2280802
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>>2280497Tiktok CEO has met with shitlon!! They're also pushing out propaganda for sure
No. 2280827
>>2280083>nonniesI'm not your
nonnie. What do you see in a retarded blonde haired geriatric faggot as opposed to a lawyer with experience in government? What's not to see in Kamala? She was simply more qualified for the job. I hate this country so much. Americans complain about wanting a meritocracy but as soon as you're not a scrote, suddenly having merit means nothing and it's all about subjective bs.
No. 2280830
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>>2280825I swear to god, these retards always suck up to religion whether it be christianity or islam or judaism. there's ALWAYS an exception that they must defend because it's friggin wholesome chungus!! Fortunately since 2016, alot of women have realized that religionfaggots hate them no matter what the religion itself is. All religion is retarded and you're better off being agnostic, an atheist, or slightly spiritual.
No. 2280838
>>2280830This. I'm sick of seeing these zoomie theoscrotes who claim they have seen the light and love religion but when you actually look deeper you realize they just like that religion justifies their disgusting misogyny.
There is no bigger red flag than a religious moid.
No. 2280843
>>2280838Yes, it's very weird so me. I see a lot of zoomie girls talking about it on tiktok and it just seems like a
toxic thing.
No. 2280955
>>2280813As an atheist who was raised catholic and left due to religious trauma(was abused in a catholic school) it unironically makes me homicidal. These people are so rude to the religiously traumatized too, they’ll go out of their way to find you online and harass you. The others in my family with religious trauma who stayed in the church have started to leave because the environment has started to become so
toxic towards abuse
victims. I’ve noticed that it’s really easy to tell the difference between these nu-catholic converts and cradle catholics/noncatholics because when I tell nu-catholics about the details of my abuse they have no emotional response or they blame and mock me for what happened, meanwhile the normal people will be horrified and disgusted regardless of age or demographic. When I think about the idea that more and more children will have to go through what i went through as a kid because more people are becoming catholic, it makes me feel so hopeless.
No. 2281059
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Happy Thanksgiving Nonas. My Nigel went to the store this morning to get ingredients for the green bean casserole I like to make. He brought home the Signature Select (Safeway/Vons store brand) Cream of Mushroom Soup instead of Campbell’s. Is this grounds for divorce
No. 2281066
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As a britbong where do I find a guy exactly like this? Any particular states or websites?
No. 2281085
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>>2281066Visit any of the red areas, they're truly a dime a dozen.
No. 2281104
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this guy is so obviously closeted it's insane. can't believe we're actually closer to getting our first tranny president than our first woman president.
No. 2281142
>>2280899Christians are JUST AS BAD as muslims and jews. They are all about the enslavement and oppression of women. It's just that Christianity tends to have so many different denominations cults infighting that they had no choice but to embrace secularization otherwise it would be non stop scrote war.
Most christfags will do horrible shit then blame it on other religions because they are cowards. They will say "oh that sect isn't REAL christians" when all of them are fucking horrible.
No. 2281153
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>>2281104fuck our first women president is going to be a republican man in a dress and a wig
No. 2281300
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I can't be the only farmer who has a slight attraction to JD. I refuse to believe I am.
No. 2281339
>>2281312>looks retardedThis is completely subjective
>fatChubby is the scientifically accurate term, and I'd sooner have a bi guy with a bouncy belly than an anachan faggot
No. 2281342
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There is nothing heterosexual about the way he simps for Donald. There's some kind of fucked up love triangle with Elon going on here.
No. 2281387
>>2281300He’s the mirror image of one of my ex friend’s ex. Same eyelashes and all. It’s not eyeliner btw it’s just very long and thick lashes which make a shadow. The ex of an ex was questioned the same thing from time to time too. I just rly wanted to mention that and had nowhere to say it without sounding weird
Anyway instant turnoff for me given that he already belongs to Thiel and his doppelgänger was a bit of a dick so.
Oof nostalgia
No. 2281394
>>2281339Did I say sucked up ghouls were hot? No. But neither are fat men. Both are disgusting and neither should be seen as attractive. Set higher standards for yourself. You deserve better
>>2281341Key word is lovable. Also don't compare fat women to fat men. Fat women can be really pretty, fat men cannot.
Also dude looks like a faggot. Like the kind of faggot who will cheat on you and you'll only find out once you get an AIDS diagnosis.
No. 2281410
>>2281153Hope he gets thrown into the camps his dumbass voted for
>>2278091>>2278090>>2278082Don't you retards use mothers as pawns for your arguments when the next second you're screaming your damn heads off about how women who choose to reproduce are all pickme whores who can't complain and should've closed their legs
No. 2281438
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why did JD Vance photoshop himself as Donald's tradwife. Like this is a actual post on his real account.
No. 2281469
>>2280840Also people completely forget that spending money on neighborhoods, roads, social security, schools, childcare, healthcare etc. is an
investment, not some money burning expense. It'll raise happier, more productive citizens contributing to the national wealth. I genuinely don't understand why so many republican bootlickers don't understand this.
No. 2281487
>>2281471It’s the way that I live in progressive New York and can count on my fingers the amount of trans people I’ve seen in my 30 years of life. Tbh I saw more trans people as a child in the early 2000s than I do in adulthood. These stupid women really sided with men because of less than 1% of the population that they rarely have to even interact with. All to protect the sanctity of public bathrooms kek. Who uses public restrooms even? Most places you gotta pay to even access their bathrooms at least in NY, and the bathrooms are so stank and dirty you feel unsafe from the biohazards alone that you’d rather just hold it.
Meanwhile most of the conservative politicians they vote for are actively involved with trans people and probably cross dress themselves on the low. We really fucked over women’s rights for the foreseeable future because of fear mongering. The most dangerous men to women are still the straight ones you guys are actively laid up under. So while you are out here voting red to protect “the children and women” your straight male scrote husband is molesting your baby while pretending to change its diaper rn. What a joke.
So afraid of the trans agenda meanwhile they bring any Tom, Dick, or Harry into their homes because they’d rather their children be raped by their stepdad then be labeled a single mother by the same scrotes who made you one. Why do you guys think the most popular porn is trans porn and stepsibling/parent porn. Wake it tf up please and thank you my GOD.
No. 2281513
>>2278150Thanksgiving feast overview:
>French toast>omelettes with ham and diced bellpepper>bacon>sausage>orange juice and coffeeDinner
>turkey>bbq ribs>chicken alfredo pasta>mashed potatoes with gravy>buttered corn>egg rolls>tamales>champurrado>apple pie with vanilla ice creamI ate WELL
No. 2281587
>>2280441JD Vance is right there, and he is more evil than trump. I hate the future
>>2280472I wish i had their power
No. 2281702
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Well, the good news is that Dems are figuring out that bipartisan populism is the way to go on many issues.
>And for those who fear that Democrats will look spineless by merely expressing a willingness to work with with the Republicans, it’s best to remember President Joe Biden’s tenure. Republican cooperation with Biden on his infrastructure and semiconductor bills did not discredit an otherwise extremely disciplined (as well as bad faith and over-the-top) GOP opposition to his presidency. And in the meantime, Republican lawmakers who supported the bills were able to go home and tell their constituents that they achieved something concrete with broad bipartisan appeal. More substantively, pressuring the GOP to fulfill promises that would actually improve people's lives is Democrats' civic responsibility. At the end of the day, good policy is good policy — and politicians are elected to achieve results. Politico article this references: No. 2281765
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>>2281300his face reminds me of an ewok
>>2281448This reminds me, any other nonnies going to PAX Unplugged? I'm both dreading and excited for it. Probably gonna see shitloads of troons and annoying moids but I will just gray rock them and enjoy board games. I'm gonna try a new wargame too, exciting! I haven't been to philly in a while either so I'm happy to go there again, gonna have to grab a good soft pretzel at some point. If any philly anons have recs for stuff nearby lmk.
No. 2281845
>>2281818It still kind of boggles my mind that these retards voted in Trump.
Harris was proposing housing benefits and financial aid for mothers and shit and instead these idiot monogloids voted in a guy who is going to make social security impossible for the working class and make imports 200% more expensive.
I've tried SO hard to figure out the logic behind this and the answers that I have gotten are just so pants on head retarded. Mostly just stupid faggots wanting to 'stick it to the libs', and then retards who just hate women/trannies
Don't get me wrong I hate trannies too but I'd rather risk pissing next to a moid than dying because terminating my ectopic pregnancy is 'le murder'!
>>2281818Of course I'd vote for her.
It would be great to finally get a female president, and since Bernie is too old she's the next best thing.
No. 2281855
>>2281853I hope this is bait because otherwise you're sort of implicating yourself as a handmaiden… it's one thing to not want to vote for AOC, but what good will JD Vance do for issues concerning nontrad women? Or are you the
nonny simping after his fatass kek. He has eyes only for Trump, you don't stand a chance.
No. 2281861
>>2281860NTA The fat eyeliner faggot is literally shaming women for not being baby making factories. And you would vote for him over AOC?
Can you explain what your issues with AOC is?
No. 2281865
>>2281863See this is fucking weird to me. Maybe it's because I'm actually looking into the policies of these people as opposed to personality competitions.
If a leader is going to actively working to make your life more difficult and take away your rights, why support them?
No. 2281867
>>2281865JD Vance hasn’t made my life more difficult though? Neither did Trump when he was in office. What makes you think he’s made my life harder
No. 2281877
>>2281867Trump was tard wrangled his first term. He basically was only able to get away with reganomics, which allowed for rich assholes to get richer, made the united states debt somehow even worse than any other president, made it harder for the working class to afford homes.
Vance literally is a heavy investor in some app that sells massive swaths of american land to rich shitheads in china.
>>2281869Do you really need to lose everything before you finally realize that the trump administration is fucking horrible? Or will you just blame that shit on the dems and continue to slowly boil yourself?
No. 2281902
>>2281884Yeah. Just another retard who has no fucking clue what the fuck it voted for. I swear to fucking god I hate conservatives and their shooting themselves in the foot to 'stick it to the libs' so fucking much.
>>2281887You will be able to work but idk so much about making money. The conservatives have been fucking up the housing market and making life less affordable. Sure they want you to have kids, but will give you absolutely no financial incentive to do so.
They do this every fucking time. More tax cuts for his criminal wall street buddies, more working 4 jobs and living in your car up to your eyeballs in medical debt for everyone else.
JD Vance owns an app that sells massive swaths of American land to china. FUCK. Why do you actively work against your own best interests???
No. 2281908
>>2281902i'm not trying to 'stick it' to anyone though, i'm just voting for who i want to vote for which i'm constitutionally allowed to do. also i don't remember the government ever offering financial benefits or assistance or having children? and thats coming from a child who grew up in a family with 6 kids.
>more working 4 jobs and living in your car up to your eyeballs in medical debt that sounds really traumatizing, i'm sorry you experienced that anon. and i'm genuinely curious how is it possible for non us citizens to purchase land?
No. 2281921
>>2281908I'm sorry you grew up in a religious rat pack where your mom was a womb and a maid at the mercy of your fathers income. Maybe deep down you realized your mom got fucked over and that's why you come to places like this.
Literally Harris was talking about giving paid maternity leave and financial aid for child care. The democrats are the only ones who actually try to get the government to give back to it's people.
There are tons of ways non citizens purchase and invest in US land. If you aren't willing to look it up on your own, I don't know what to tell you
You are allowed to vote for someone who will fuck everyone except the billionares who continue to destroy the working class of this country. But I am allowed to shame you for your selfishness.
But no, I didn't work 4 jobs and live in my car. But I acknowledge that more and more Americans are. It's crazy that you recognize that sort of life is traumatizing, but you still vote to make it more likely that the next generation will have to survive that way.
No. 2281980
>>2281929So you admit your family relied on government benefits to keep your family fed despite both parents working. And no, paid maternity in the united states is not a guarantee like it is in other developed nations. Even in jobs that provide paid maternity leave, the amount of paid time off is abysmal, and paternity leave is non existent. Imprinting is crucial for bonding with your child.
>>2281962idk how old you are, but since the 60s a republican has done virtually nothing good for America. Reagan, Bush and son, and trump are shitty presidents and are at their best when they do absolutely nothing.
ACA and Social Security (among others) are democratic institutions that the republicans actively want to get rid of because it's money that isn't going directly into their pockets.
No. 2281982
>>2281969first ayrt, are there any recent examples (post 2010) that you can think of of a democratic president providing assistance to his citizens?
>>2281980nona, did you read my post? i specified that we
did not receive government benefits. i say in my first sentence, my parents were able to make money, but we never received government benefits for being a family with children; because that's never been a thing in the u.s., the reading comprehension on this website is abysmal.
No. 2281995
>>2281989anon the original post i was replying to stated
>sure they want you to have kids, but they will give you absolutely no financial incentive to do soand i was explaining that the government has never (at least not post 2000's) offered government benefits to families just for having kids. so no, i never once said or implied "fuck you i got mine" kek. i was simply saying that financial benefits for starting a family haven't ever been a thing.
No. 2282024
>>2282004well anon people aren't choosing not to have kids because they can't afford it or because they can't properly support a childs growth, it's more out of personal interest. and thats totally okay.
>the population is dropping and now that they are stripping away reproductive freedom its only going to drop more the population isn't 'dropping', that would mean that a lot of people are dying. it's just growing slower than it used to. also, reproductive freedom has not been stripped away, it's simply been redirected to the states. and we all still have the choice to practice celibacy.
No. 2282064
>>2282034>I'm not against government aid but I will vote for people who are not only against government aid but also are getting rid of our current government aid. Your family lucked out with an incredibly high paying job. Kids are expensive and 6 of them means your dad and mom needed to be making 6 figures to feed you all. And that's if all of you are healthy>>2282043imo you encourage broke
abusive parents by banning abortion rather than providing government aid to families to help them pay for child care while they work on their career.
No. 2282079
>>2282063>so you can kiss family planning goodbyeYou don’t have to worry about me
nonnie I don’t spend time with men kek
>>2282064Abortion hasn’t been banned nationwide though, it was thrown back to the states which I presume does make sense on a democratic level because each state is different
No. 2282140
>>2282127I'm actually not the anon going back and forth with her, but it is very much relevant to the conversation of why she is against government aid; I want to know how her parents supported their children and what kind of resources they had to do so. No one's asking for a blogpost, it could be a simple answer. Within this conversation, it isn't derailing at all, because this is the Amerifag thread in which
several discussions relating to America and its politics can go on at once. So back off, minimod.
No. 2282143
>>2282134nta but in literally every interview trump does where someone asks him his opinion on abortion he reaffirms that he doesn't support a nationwide abortion ban and believes that
victims of rape and incest should be allowed abortions, and mothers who's lives are put in danger by following through with the pregnancy should also be granted abortions.
No. 2282144
>>2282079>It's okay it's only some states that make being a woman a nightmare!What a crock of shit. You are so close to acknowledging that anti abortion legislation is a net negative but you realize by doing so you'd have to accept the person you voted for is actually going to perpetuate this draconian misogyny. Women exist in all states, and women having the right to be able to safely end a pregnancy for whatever reason shouldn't be seen as a states rights issue
>>>2282098I promise you a large part of your financial stability was luck. It's luck for anyone who isn't a nepo baby (which just being born a nepo baby is luck based anyways)
If your parents got injured/were unable to work, if you pop popped out child number 5 and it was a miscarriage with the kind of fucked up anti abortion laws we have today and she dies in childbirth meaning you only had one income and less free child care, shit would have been fucked.
>>2282134>they want to criminalize women from leaving their states to get abortionsWant to? Already have in texas. Look up their bounty laws that will pay people 10k to rat out women leaving the states to terminate their pregnancy
No. 2282154
>>2282144>end a pregnancy for whatever reasonActually no. You should only be allowed to end a pregnancy if you’ve been raped, if you’re a
victim of incest, or if carrying the baby will be lethal to your health. You don’t get pregnant just to end the pregnancy because you feel like it. Thats absurdity.
(abortion bait) No. 2282155
>>2282143Trump says a lot of shit.
What will you say when his administration creates a nation wide abortion ban? How many more project 2025 policies will need to be put into play before you actually realize trump is a bald faced liar
No. 2282158
>>2282151i don't know what response you're looking for nona, i can only base my opinion off the words he's said
>>2282155his administration didn't ban abortion nationwide though, i was alive during his first term and witnessed the entire thing. everyone kept crying about how he was going to ban abortion, and it never happened. what he did do was give the decision making power back to our individual states, which is the way it should be.
No. 2282159
>>2282154Anon do you realize how hard it is to actually get a rape kit done. Sometimes results take years. It's hard enough to convince people you were even raped, even if its incest.
So yeah, I don't care if it makes fetus worshipping moids cry. If a woman wants to terminate her pregnancy for WHATEVER REASON. I value a womans choice over a moids feelings
No. 2282175
>>2282170This. I know about shit like this happening all the time. Its gross.
>>2282171Fuck states rights. States rights is slavemaster talk
>>2282172Kill yourself
(a-logging) No. 2282190
>>2282179>>2282184I should've known better than to share this story in this tar pit. My point still stands that nobody cares about rape
victims unfortunately
No. 2282202
>>2282190Listen, this is just a theory. But I think this is just a gross moid who came here after spending thanksgiving alone because his parents cant stand him and his weird creepy rape/incest fetish.
I personally think anyone who jokes about rape need to be institutionalized and researched. The lack of empathy for such a heinous act indicates some sort of mental pathogen. It's a disease and in order for humanity to flourish it needs to be cured.
No. 2282209
>>2282179>I-its just a jokeA: You pathetic attempts at edgelord humor isn't funny in the slightest.
B: You need help. Like you have a brain disorder and you need to get treatment for it.
No. 2282219
>>2282209Some of you guys really cannot read on this website. My post says that I’m
not joking, and I’m genuinely asking for the name of the brother and sister who were in the court case, because if you’re going to share tales like that on this website; it would be appreciated if you actually had some evidence.
No. 2282247
>>2281818>2028Fuck, I just had a moment. I was like "why is she waiting for 2 elections to run?"
Time goes by so quickly
No. 2282248
>>2282229You're assuming it's fake because it goes against the narrative you're trying to push, acting like something such as that has never or could never happen ever in the great USofA because we're so famous for protecting rape
victims and bringing them justice over siding with the moid abuser. We're pretty much about to be run by (another) serial sex offender now but hey, if you have money and are famous they'll let you do anything, right?
No. 2282250
>>2282237>You are the lower IQ party because you don’t immediately swallow the story I told you about my friends personal life and sexual trauma Not sure
nonnie. I feel like if you really had this friend maybe you wouldn’t be going around trying to shut down conversations by telling strangers about her incest in an attempt to shut down conversations where you’re losing your grip.
>>2282244>You are retarded because I like to go around sharing my “loved ones” incest trauma on lolcow and you don’t believe what I’m saying No. 2282260
>>2282253Quit gaslighting and
victim blaming you absolute wretch. I'm NTA but your responses are disgusting. Sharing one's very real experience to lend credence to their point does not entitle you to the intimate private court docs involved. You might as well share the details of your own court case where your rape was magically solved like what's supposedly the norm in your world.
No. 2282263
>>2282239Because lolcow is the site known for being completely impersonal kek.
>>2282250It’s not my friend and I did not share the story. Her sharing an anecdote about her friend to “shut down the conversation” is really no different than yours about how “muh life has not changed under trump”, is it?
No. 2282278
>>2282259Here are some reasons why women have abortions when it's not due to rape or incest:
>homeless>addicted to hard drugs>father leaves the picture>serious money issues, whether unexpected or chronic>disability>condom broke>birth control didn't work>plan b didn't workI don't really need to go on - you're retarded, and that's why you can't use your brain to think up reasons why a person wouldn't want to bring a child into the world.
No. 2282280
>>2282266No, you're trying to invalidate and shame this person for sharing the experience so you can shut them down and say that this sort of thing never happens implying that as a woman she's worried over nothing in regards to how the courts will handle cases of abortion due to rape. Because they're so easy to solve and the courts usually side with the
victims, right?
No. 2282330
lol at the stale welfare queen rhetoric in this thread. the gop has been arguing the same shit for more than forty years. the poorest people in america are white, not black or latino. the poorest people in america don't live in cities; they live in the south and are overwhelmingly trump voters. but yes, daddy cares so much and you're finally going to get more gibs. except biden gave you more gibs than trumpie ever will.
in schizo news, daddy trump has not made a significant public appearance for weeks. he was at the white house and congress, then made some rambling speech a few days later where he was visibly white-knuckle gripping the podium. elonia never leaves his side. trump was at the mar-a-lago thanksgiving dinner in a tux, but danced in his seat to ymca and never made a public speech or statement.
there are rumors flying around about the state of trump's health. he obviously has some form of dementia, but he's also lost a ton of weight just in the past few weeks and is wearing more and more bronzer. rumor is that his circle is hiding something related to his health, something huge. maybe they will weekend at bernie's him until january 20, after which they will prop him up in a darkened room and elonia, the massive ketamine addict, will realize his true ambition of finally selling the usa to big tech.
how are those bootstraps doing, eh?
No. 2282339
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>>2282275There are anons ITT who were completely mind-broken by a Canadian woman's bizarre CNC near future fantasy novel. It's the other end of the horseshoe, opposite /pol/tards who think The Turner Diaries are just 2 more weeks away from happening.
It's weird because you'd think that in the lead up to the election, they would have been vocal about get-out-the-vote efforts in states where abortion was on the ballot, and talking about ballot measures coming up in other states for future elections. But no, it's just endless fear mongering and caustic manipulative rhetoric.
Anyway, here's an opinion article that confirms my personal biases, and is therefore correct: No. 2282360
>>2282288Oh anon, you're so stupid it hurts me.
Why don't you take all those cute questions and pop them into google and see what you get.
It's crazy that there are "women" in here making fun of the fear of abortion becoming totally illegal, because right now there are states where it's legal, and despite the serious warnings and promises the dominant political party is making to completely eliminate abortion, whether that's just a lie to rile up their base, or a fake position they want to platform on, we're supposed to NOT take them seriously. Okay, retards. This wishy-washy "well, states rights are very democratic" way of thinking means you don't actually care about the women in states where abortion bans have passed. It means you don't have the ability to conceive of the logistics of getting an abortion out of state, or really anything else that goes into getting an abortion. In conclusion, the same five retards must be shitting up this thread with "well don't have sex then". Very clever. If we were talking about how things ought to be, it would be a different story. But this is the actual reality of how people live - there are people out there who don't have the foresight. You can punish people for making bad decisions, but all you're doing is forcing another unwanted child into the world.
>then put it up for adoptionMight as well sell them into sex slavery you retard.
No. 2282366
>>2282347you know what that anon meant. It's mostly either predominantly white areas in parts of the south that tend to be poverty and druggie zones or it's predominantly black urban areas that also tend to be poverty zones.
But at the same time if these people have enough time to hate then they should have enough time to get a education so they can have better job options, so many of these south rednecks don't even know how to properly read or do the multiplication table in the year 2024, that's just embarrassing.
No. 2282392
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>>2282366The areas with both the highest poverty rates and highest rates of child poverty are rural black communities in the Mississippi delta area. It honestly just sounds like you hate white southerners more than anything.
Reposted due to grammar.
No. 2282401
>>2282392yes and i mentioned both BLACK and WHITE people in my post but your crybully ass only heard white and started playing the
victim card because that's what racebaiters like you know what to do.
No. 2282424
>>2282411Oh for sure most of these forced birthers are first in line for force their daughters to get an abortion if she gets pregnant with a boy of the wrong cult sect or heaven forbid the wrong race
I saw a video where Mormon boys got paid 100 dollars to prank call their mom saying they got a stripper pregnant and one of the moms is like "tell her to get an abortion"
No. 2282589
>>2282288You sound like one of those people who would shame people on Ozempic for not just eating less. I would rather operate in reality where people make impulsive mistakes or have accidents and pick solutions that actually function.
>If you’re homeless, why are you having sex?Sadly a lot of homeless women resort to sex to get recourses
>If you’re addicted to hard drugs, you can get sober.We have spent decades and millions of dollars trying to solve drug addiction and haven't figured out a foolproof longterm solution yet. People can also relapse after years of sobriety and drug use is terrible for the fetus.
>If the father attempts to abandon his family, you can press legal charges and he’ll be forced to pay alimonyFuckin lmao. It is so hard to get child support and men will intentionally switch to shit jobs or work under the table to avoid payment (if they can even be easily found when they up and leave)
>If you have money issues, why are you having irresponsible sex and trying to get pregnant, instead of trying to find a job?People can suddenly lose their job or only make enough to support themselves but not enough for a family, having a child also impedes a person's ability to work so they make less money after having a child and people are aware of that.
>And if you’re so disabled you can’t take care of a child, how are you able to have sex?There are lots of disabilities that don't impede sex but do make it more difficult to be responsible for a child.
>And if you’re using contraception while having sex, it’s because you don’t want to get pregnant, so you could easily not have sex to begin with.Lots of women like sex and being in relationships where they can have sex and birth control works quite well
No. 2282642
>>2282288>just don't have sex!How about you mind your own fucking buisness and stop trying to force women to give birth to babies they don't want.
>you hate children!No. I'm pro choice because I love children and hearing the countless stories of children growing up in broken homes upsets me far more than abortion does.
If you love kids you want to increase the likelihood that they are raised in loving homes.
No. 2282660
How come people like
>>2282288 never go this hard against viagra?
No. 2282664
>>2282642>How about you mind your own fucking buisness and stop trying to force women to give birth to babies they don't want.I’m not forcing anything on anyone, if
you choose to have sex it’s obviously because you’re feeling the biological urge to reproduce.
No. 2282686
>>2282589But none of these arguments change the fact that sex only exists for the purpose of reproducing children, anon.
>>2282360Sorry anon I was gone for a few hours but if you don’t want to get pregnant or be a mother, you can just
not have sex. >>22826771) lolcow isn’t a website for men? and 2) Men aren’t the ones complaining about abortion though. If you don’t want to have to get an abortion, don’t have sex with men. Really simple facts. Buy a vibrator instead of having your moid choke back viagra so you guys can do the deed for 2 seconds before he falls asleep.
No. 2282714
The biggest thing i hate about anti-abortion aka pro-life (lmfao) people is that they do not act and live on what they they preach. They think the whole world should abide by and follow the rules except for them in their own personal lives. They think abortion is murder and that "women should close their legs and not be sluts" while at at the same time in their personal lives if they found out their teenager daughter got pregnant, their son got someone they hate pregnant, their husband got the mistress pregnant etc then they go and tell them to get it aborted in secret.
Its just the hypocrisy of it all and dont let me get into miscarriages either since they don't care about the women dying from them or having to cary a dead fetus until they end up being the
victims of one and don't receive receive the medical help and then are pikachu face surprised.
>>2282701Its probably a moid or a larper but even if it is a lesbian, who cares. Despite what anons here say, many lesbians can infact still be misogynistic and be against women's rights. A womans sexuality won't stop her from being a pickme.
No. 2282717
>>2282697I do have the resources to help those who are in my environment, however even if I didn’t, this wouldn’t change the validity or realism of any of the statements that I’ve made thus far.
>>2282710Did you forget that brushing your teeth and washing your mouth out exists, anon?
No. 2282719
>>2282717You literally fucking said
>And if you’re using contraception while having sex, it’s because you don’t want to get pregnant, so you could easily not have sex to begin with.lmfao
No. 2282720
Genuinely don’t understand why
>>2281980 is being dunked on,
>>2281929 said she didn’t receive benefits “solely for having children” which implies benefits were received, just not for that reason alone. If she wanted to avoid ambiguity she could have said “my family didn’t receive benefits”, she just worded it as imprecisely as possible so she could gotcha the nona she was replying to because the RW’s entire strategy revolves around saying stupid things, getting libs to reply to them, and harping on the small inaccuracies in what libs say when they acted in bad faith in the first place. We’re doomed because everyone is addicted to seeing people dunk on libs, which quietly shows solidarity for RWers even if selectively), who are aware and do this on purpose because support is support and a warm body that agrees with them at all is something even if it’s technically one of their undesirables
No. 2282725
>>2282714When have I ever used a repugnant word like “slut” in any of my posts?
> They think the whole world should abide by and follow the rules except for them in their own personal lives… if they found out their teenager daughter got pregnant, their son got someone they hate pregnant, their husband got the mistress pregnantThis is a very cute fantasy anon, however none of my children ever got pregnant/got any girls pregnant kek, and my husband is actually married to the person he’s in love with.
No. 2282727
>>2282686I'm saying women have heard your boring ass argument about sex
our entire lives. Your types never go and lecture men for hours upon hours about how they're a whore for having sex, yet we women have to hear this shit constantly. It's boring.
No. 2282730
>>2282720Ntayrt but I don’t think you’re reading the posts properly, the conversation the anons were having in the previous posts were about how one anon had alleged that united states government benefits
solely for starting a family existed, and that anon was stating that her family never received government benefits for that reason, and if you scroll down you can see she reaffirms that her family never received government benefits at all because her parents both had jobs it looks like.
No. 2282731
>>2282694Then focus your energy on shaming men for their lack of chastity and not women. If you really are a girls girl then you realize women are fucking tired of having their bodies and actions being policed.
While I agree, women should ditch men, abortion is ultimately a tool used for female liberation. If a teenager gets one, she can go to college and pursue a career and escape moid dependence.
Men have never fucking cared about fetuses or babies like women do.
Like would I get an abortion if the baby was healthy? No. But if I was pregnant and found out the baby would never have a fully functioning brain and live as a vegetable their whole life and cost me 10000000000000 dollars a year to keep alive then yeah I'm gonna want an abortion.
What really boggles my mind is how retards act like this is important. What really matters is left and right, anyone who isn't a multi millionaire is getting FUCKED by the wealthy. Your work makes them billions and 60 percent of the working class is living paychecks o paycheck.
Abortion is just another right being taken away from the poors. Of course Trump is pro choice. He has chosen to get tons of his mistresses abortions whether they like it or not. Dude probably aborted his daughters incest rape baby.
No. 2282741
>>2282731> Then focus your energy on shaming men for their lack of chastity and not women.Oh ok, so just to reaffirm, you think that when women consent to sex it should be ‘blamed’ on men, somehow? This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, considering it takes both parties to consent. Also I’m not interested in communicating with men.
> abortion is ultimately a tool used for female liberation.Yikes kek. You think getting an abortion is the only way you can exercise your freedom? You can exercise your freedom by choosing to practice celibacy.
> Abortion is just another right being taken away from the poorsSo is getting an abortion a poor person thing?
No. 2282801
>>2282794I’m not really a pro lifer as much as I am anti stupidity.
>>2282796Well anon it was just a green text of my comment?
No. 2282815
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oh nobody
No. 2282828
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>>2281818rumor unfortunately, I would not be surprised if she actually ran though
>>2282812How are you anti-stupidity if you don't understand the comparison they were making?
No. 2282835
>>2282822Lesbians are superior, we're awesome
>>2282826>walking talking human babies curled up mute human fetus
No. 2282847
>>2282820Lesbian sex can’t result in a child being reproduced so I don’t really have any comment on it but I think that gay sex is really vulgar and only results in disease and dishealth
>>2282828I understand the comparison I just think it’s stupid and isn’t applicable
>>2282832I don’t think it’s retarded to practice responsibility
No. 2282865
>>2282714it’s because they want it to be “wrong” and never be normalized because if it’s seen as bad or wrong to get an abortion, they have more power over the people in general, namely the ones they are pressuring into getting abortions than they would otherwise—borrowing an example an anon upthread gave, hypothetically speaking if a mormon guy gets a stripper pregnant, right now depending on the state she’s in she could get an abortion with no obstacles whatsoever, and the story could come back to haunt the mormon guy years later. if abortion is made illegal, it won’t stop, but the parents of the mormon guy could “know a guy” who still does them, coerce her into it by threatening inane legal action otherwise, and then she wouldn’t be able to speak out years later because she technically was complicit in a crime, and more complicit than the individuals who coerced her as she was the one who was pregnant. This is obviously a contrived hypothetical but these things do happen and it allows for consolidation of control to remain within the wealthy/religious, and even then allows them to have control over one another, because why would they tell on each other unless they might have to to leverage something.
That and it being criminalized means the status quo of the world isn’t at odds with their own moral principles. Same reason they don’t want legal immigration, they benefit more from massive swarths of poors that are here illegally who are desperate for work under the table even if it is dangerous than they would people who know their rights and have standards, which is why the argument of “illegal immigrants do all the hard work in this country!!” to defend their presence (which is by republican design) makes no sense to me—if they didn’t have illegal immigrants who had to settle for awful work, they would have to make the awful work enticing (provide medical benefits, fair wages, cooling stations, more supervision, safety standards, etc). Republican corpos want denaturalization not because they want immigrants that are here legally + their children to leave, but because they want all of them (and there are a lot of legal immigrants with legal children) to have their way of life disrupted to make them desperate enough to be willing to do anything for a job, which in turn frees up harder/less compensated “legal”/“over the table” work for nonimmigrants/americans born here, which they are forced to take because the destabilization of the economy tariffs/other policy could potentially cause will eliminate cushier jobs like upper management and office work
Rich republicans are just trying to push everyone who isn’t them further down—poor republicans, poor and wealthy democrats, all regardless of race—it’s just that “further down” means something different for every individual demographic and that wealthier democrats who lean more centrist either stand to gain from this or their lifestyle won’t be impacted so they’re less likely to attempt to intervene
No. 2282871
>>2282857You don't need sugary food. Nobody needs the amount of sugar to get a cavity. Cavities are just the natural result of eating too must sugar. pretty easy to avoid.
>>2282863sure but they can both be avoided, you don't need to get rid of either
No. 2282888
>>2282869Yes by eating food and not brushing your teeth or flossing
>>2282871>>2282880You need all three of those things, yes. Protein, fat, glucose, and carbohydrates. Not to mention all the other vitamins and minerals and electrolytes we need
No. 2282895
>>2282871cavities are a result of poor dental hygiene, you can eat as much sugar as you can handle and have perfect teeth if you just fucking brush a floss, on the other hand people with weak enamel due to childhood disease or chemotherapy will always get cavities no matter what they do.
>>2282880delusional carnivore diet freak or anachan behavior, not having enough carbs makes life miserable, i bet you dont use sunscreen either
No. 2282902
>>2282895I don't think the cavemen had that much "dental hygiene". Cavities are natural and should not be removed.
>>2282897I don't think women should fuck scrotes but tradthots who relate abortion to promiscuity are insanely retarded. The young women who are getting abortions anyways are usually dating men waaay older than them. it's fucked up
No. 2282903
>>2282826talking about babies as if they are the same as a fetus…bitch your brain is a fucking peanut.
>>2282874You would know alot about cucked porn, wouldn't you.
>>2282880Yup that's also how people survived back then when carbs were unav, their body would use ketones for energy instead of carbs. The special ed anon doesn't need to know that though since they are only educated in the school of breeding and larping.
No. 2282913
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>>2282903>Yup that's also how people survived back then when carbs were unav>carbs were unavaliablecarbs grow on fucking trees you retard, its the GATHERING part of hunter-gatherer.
No. 2282915
>>2282897I mostly just pity her because she was brain raped by some sort of horrific abrahamic indoctrination. She bought it but the voices in her head somehow led her here, desperately trying to find reason and meaning in her life. Trying to justify spending all those years just being used.
No. 2282920
>>2282888You don't need carbs. If carbs were a requirement, people eating keto and carnivore diets would be dead.
>>2282897>not having enough carbs makes life miserableStudies show that a medical keto diet can treat mental illness like depression and schizophrenia, so not eating carbs has been scientifically proven to make people happier.
>>2282898Without glucose the human body just uses ketones from fat. There are many examples of people not eating carbohydrates and being perfectly healthy.
>>2282913But what about areas of the world were plants don't grow in winter?
No. 2282922
>>2282892It doesn’t really make sense to discuss abortion with men though because men don’t have a dog in the fight on the topic of abortion so they just joke and meme and won’t have a legitimate conversation with any woman about it
>>2282871Anon I understand the comparison you’re attempting to make but, it’s unbalanced kek. You need to eat food and sugar to live, you don’t need to have sex to live.
No. 2282939
>>2282922>it’s unbalanced kekIt's not a comparison to sex, it's a comparison to contraceptives and abortion and what can be prevented. Humans didn't have the tools for dental hygiene in our early history. We diet, we brush our teeth, we get fillings despite all of the things those actions are preventing being "natural". Women get abortions for their reasons, it's not dumb teenagers who have sex for no reason getting the abortions. it's usually married women. It's dumb to be against abortion because heterosexual sex exists for reproduction, which it does. Alot of women who get abortions were prepared for the pregnancy anyways.
>>2282929I'm against women fucking moids but like pair bonding lol
No. 2282952
>>2282857You don't need sugar or even carbs at what point where people genuinely being 'educated' on the necessity of sugar?
>>2282920I think Angus Barbieri is the best example of not eating carbs, he didn't eat at all other than some milk and nutritional yeast for a whole year. He was so fat his body just burnt up the fat. But most people don't have to go that far or even cut out carbs, cutting added sugars will be enough of a benefit for most people.
No. 2282964
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>>2282947> humans preserve anything in the ice agefor fucks sake nona how stupid can you be?
>>2282949nta but this completely removes the nuance of consent, you don't need sex to live but there's many situations where women are pressured, coerced, induced etc into having sex that aren't rape, its not black and white as women who have sex should be punished with unwanted pregnancies because theyre sluts.
No. 2282969
>>2282947Anon don't bother with those links you know that retarded tradhag is not going to read them.
Tradfags have a pavlov dog reward brain so they only need thinks that agree with them with as minimal text for reading as possible that's why that slow bitch had the gall to call me a retard in another reply when i debunked her glucose-only theory by saying that ketone fuel can be used as replacement.
No. 2282972
>>2282954Cavities are actually a consequence of poor tooth hygiene, we’ve gone over this about four times now.
>>2282956I think if you felt that way you wouldn’t be talking to me anon
No. 2282975
>>2282954Samefag but my point is that why restrict women only by the bounds of "what is natural" when we do many unnatural things in our day to day life? why are we not all fat right now if our body is meant to store as much energy to keep us warm? Why must we diet? well because obesity can kill us, it can restrain our lives, it can bind us to the heaviness of our weight. No obese person gets told they should not diet or go to the doctor for their weight because they chose to overeat. Why can't we apply that same logic to osa women who get pregnant? Because the truth is society binds women away from any advancement because of what is "natural".
>>2282972Cavities are natural, we've also gone over this about four times. Early humans did not have the same tools for dental hygiene that we have today so why are we using those tools if they are not natural?
No. 2282985
>>2282948A keto diet is also an effective treatment for fatty liver disease>>2282955But how would have humans stopped pests from eating the food?
>>2282964People in the northern hemisphere were not eating dried fruit in the ice age. Fruit is ready for harvest in the autumn so how are humans drying fruit before winter?
No. 2283003
>>2282996No actually anon, a “breeding kink” is being titillated or aroused by the
idea of possibly being impregnated/having irresponsible sex. Thats not the same as acknowledging that sex solely exists for the purpose of reproduction, and
only having sex for the purpose of reproducing when you do choose to do so.
No. 2283019
>>2283007you didn't respond to my other post
>>2282941. can you give an explanation as to why this specific post dumbfounded you, mormon mommy of five?
No. 2283021
>>2283006I'll never understand why advancements in women's health is just the exception to everything, like yes we can advance in anti-obesity but we can't terminate pregnancies because muh muh muh popping out 100 babies per day is natural!!
>>2283012What's it smell like down there
No. 2283024
Ayrt, i’m just happy you understood where i was coming from. I wasnt any of the anons quizzing you about your upbringing but anecdotally speaking i was poorer growing up as were my classmates and a lot of family friends and there was a misperception of a lot of the federal aid they received being for “having a family” when it was really for “having a family and being poor”, but because they were poor and everyone else they knew was poor, that was their normal and so from their vantage point it really was just “aid for having a family”, and with how many families are below the poverty line, it really isn’t an uncommon line of thinking at all. Another example that i feel makes this gap in understanding clearer is FAFSA, which is meant to provide aid for poorer college students, but because almost everyone has to file it and even middle class students get tossed $100 or so, the perception is that it’s “for college students” rather than specifically “for lower income college students”. I just think people’s immersion within their own social straits tends to impact their perception of reality so poorer families or random example but childfree people are more likely to conceptualize welfare as “for having a family” because the first group is desensitized to their level of poverty and because the second group sees the primary difference between the first group and themselves as just them not having a family & if they’re not having children it’s because having children despite economic strain isn’t normalized to them bc they aren’t from lower income backgrounds. This is illustrated most evidently in JD vance having kids and promoting breederism, because it’s what his backwater ways know, he’s just happened to escape that tax bracket
No. 2283044
>>2283036Brushing your teeth is not the sex again, it's the contraceptive. Contraceptives prevent the fetus from conception (preventing pregnancy complications) and also prevent STDS. If we don't need contraceptives, we shouldn't have to brush our teeth. Both are unnatural
>>2283038No, you can just masturbate actually. You dont need scrotes for vag health
No. 2283062
>>2283049Humans did not evolve to brush their teeth that isn't what evolution entails. Our ancestors had better dental health than you'd expect with their low carb diets. They did still have issues with caries but not as much and wisdom teeth did help to replace a lost tooth here and there. The anthropological work of Western Price documents this well.
>>2283051I don't think she wants sex.
No. 2283078
>>2283075If you wanna have an orgasm you can buy a vibrator
>>2283073I don’t have any cavities because my parents taught me how to brush my teeth
No. 2283082
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There’s literally nothing wrong with a woman sex solely for pleasure and wanting systems in place to prevent or terminate pregnancy. If you disagree you hate women.
No. 2283095
>>2283035Very clearly a senile old boomer. Doesn't seem to know anything about imageboards or any terminology and found out about this thread like 2 months ago or less. Its obvious that 'she' found out about this site from someone on X or Ovarit sharing this site there.
No. 2283118
>>2283092That wouldn’t be physically possible anon, don’t worry about me kek
>>2283110Can you tag that post?
>>2283106Nope, sex only exists for the purpose of making more people. Just like food is only eaten when you’re hungry.
No. 2283168
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No. 2283174
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>>2283153We did it once we can do it again. Btw we have drones and nukes now. All they got is their gay boom sticks
No. 2283179
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>>2283151>>2283156It’s a combo of both, IVF makes multiple embryos to sift out which ones are going to be the most viable/healthiest for implantation. If you buy into the life begins at conception belief that means lots of embryos being terminated bc they would’ve been dead on arrival.
The American adoption industry is a lot more regulated now which is why people turn to international adoption but it was extremely predatory and exploitive before Roe v Wade, I recommend reading pic rel if you want to learn more about how terrible it was.
No. 2283203
>>2283144grew up in the south. many of these people are also just psychopathic christian freaks who believes infertility is god's punishment for immorality. Same reason why so many of them hate abortion (babies are punishment for sex) and even epidurals (pain is god's punishment to women). This doesn't stop many of them from being massive hypocrites who use ivf, abortion, and epidurals for themselves of course. But god forgives them because they're special. But anyone else trying to change their fated punishment is defying god and should be stopped.
I hate religion so much.
No. 2283216
>>2283210>>2283203Religious fags will literally shoot themselves in the foot to 'stick it to the libs'
There's a reason the poorest most rundown shitholes that make LA look like Switzerland are in the religious conservative south
No. 2283250
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No. 2283260
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>>2283218Holy shit these fucking stupid racist retards are worshipping Norman Rockwell holy shit how do they get this stupid
No. 2283270
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>>2283266your dick will fall off 428 hours from now
No. 2283271
Ntayrt but i am the anon who mentioned rwers utilizing identity politics, rwers utilize identity politics it’s just that their identities are the social norms we are forced to navigate through—IE, christianity, gender roles, misogyny. Rw identity revolves around traditionalism so their right wingers’ traditionalism/conservatism is their identity, and it influences their politics. Lib identity politics when implemented as ideally intended is supposed to revolve around supporting people who are historically oppressed, so implementing and reinforcing rights for women, nonwhite people, gay people, etc. It’s not selfish for people who have historically faced systemic oppression to want equal rights and that is the end goal of (again, ideal) lib idpol, but these are fundamentally at odds with the wants of the oppressor class (IE RWers) so they frame equality as “unfair to them” because how dare they be forced to deal with women having rights/nonwhite people not just being the serving class/gay people getting married etc etc. Rw identity politics is selfish specifically because it hinges on wanting society not to change so that they don’t have to deal with the encumbrance of treating “undesirables” as people
No. 2283309
Not caring about a chopped off dick != that posting gore is not something porn rotted guys do
No. 2283330
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Baby, can't you see I'm calling?
A guy like you should wear a warning
It's dangerous, I'm falling
There's no escape, I can't wait
I need a hit, baby, give me it
You're dangerous, I'm loving it
Too high, can't come down
Losing my head, spinnin' 'round and 'round
Do you feel me now?
With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic?
It's getting late to give you up
I took a sip from my devil's cup
Slowly, it's taking over me
Too high, can't come down
It's in the air and it's all around
Can you feel me now?
With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic?
Don't you know that you're toxic?
Taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under
With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under (toxic)
With a taste of a poison paradise
I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic?
Intoxicate me now, with your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now, I think I'm ready now
Intoxicate me now, with your lovin' now
I think I'm ready now(ai outside containment)
No. 2283338
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Most animal hoarders are white. Most meth cookers are white. Those are literally the 2 worst tenants You can have because both absolutely destroy the property
Race doesn't indicate shit.
America is just founded on racism despite importing and breeding millions of black people. You stupid inbred racebaiting yokel. Holy shit people who say racist shit should become chattel slaves to blacks for a few hundred years. Maybe then your whining will sound tolerable
No. 2283373
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>>2283329No it doesn't. At least not the actual arduous part of holding rallies in swing state to swing state. She's not even pregnant. She was on social media raising awareness about IUDs and used a story of her experience that happened a week prior and that was in July. Who gets an IUD in July just to get pregnant. She said she wanted to gain weight and she did. The right wing tards who are obsessed with her and oogling at her body picked up on that because they pay cooner levels attention to her figure. This was during the DNC
No. 2283375
>>2282741abortion is one of many tools, like education for female liberty. Would you bitch and moan about guns?
An no, abortion isn't exclusive to poor women but they are the most impacted by legal restrictions on their health. They can't just bounce to another country like you
No. 2283503
>>2283426the same reason moids lust over lesbians. They see it as a challenge.
Men are gross and shouldn't be allowed to run for office.
No. 2283542
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>>2283503reminds me of this scrote i saw in the r/purplepilldebate whining and crying he's not gonna vote democrat again because he hates lesbians and/or women who won't have sex with men anymore. All the lesbians are stealing women from the men and causing the male loneliness epidemic boohoo and his whole post history is that it's not fair that young men aren't getting sexual fulfillment. Men wanna be
victims so bad.
No. 2283543
>>2283524I mean, he has a point. But instead of racial segregation I want my loved ones and myself to not have to share any public or private spaces with retarded racist edgelord scrotes.
In fact, I actually think it would be better for polite society if moids like these were institutionalized and vivisected like the invalids they are.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2283544
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No. 2283554
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How convenient that black people who get driven out of their neighborhoods every 5-10 years are the worst tenants kek. Black neighborhoods get ignored on purpose you troglodyte. I know this because I grew up in an affluent black neighborhood and even that got ignored during snow storms and other weather conditions in order to cater to white adjacent neighborhoods.I’m talking no power and can’t even see the roads for days meanwhile the white neighborhoods got it taken care of immediately. Both neighborhoods pay the same tax btw. Had a giant pothole in my street for most of my childhood that my fellow black neighbors constantly went to town meetings and even the news to discuss. Never got fixed. In fact they just dumped random cement that sunk into the hole and called it a day. (The whole road needed to be fixed). They build power plants, railroads and other biohazards next to black neighborhoods on purpose and ignore all of our complaints. I grew up next to a power plant that will probably kill me in old age. It’s so funny how white people invented loitering laws, redlining, sundown towns etc just to set black people up for failure constantly , but when we picked ourselves up by our bootstraps like y’all say we should do we get rewarded by being bombed, imprisoned, flooded, shot and raped out of our neighborhoods. The real problem is white people and honestly a lot of immigrants as a whole are envious of black Americans and our tenacity. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tanked the economy on purpose because they saw black people being able to afford homes and college education more and more with each generation. Never forget the only reason why you pay for college and have credit scores is because everyone is so scared of successful Black people. Black people cant even get home/business loans or sell their property in 2024 for the color of their skin TO THIS DAY yet WE are the worst and the biggest problem facing the housing market KEK. Not centuries of redlining and racism. How convenient for your racist narrative.
No. 2283559
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>>2283554omg i was just looking at pictures of little black cats on the river!
No. 2283561
>>2283554This. Most racist retards get their exposure of black people from the news and maybe their one friend got robbed by a black man in the city once.
You don't even need that much non white exposure to realize blacks are empathetic, talented, hard working, and determined as fuck.
It really upsets me that schools are pretty much just as segregated now as they were pre 60s.
Nothing makes these racist losers more frightened than a school with legitimate diversity. Because if its not segregated, it's a lot harder to cut funding/fuck over the taxpayers.
I think what pisses me off the most is that people will act like black people are the ONLY people who commit crime. Trash comes in ALL colors. It's still a disgusting landfill if all you do is replace one color of trash with a different color.
White racists are so fucking insecure, like their dumb great replacement theory bullshit. 1000 years from now if we are still civilized every fucking man, woman, and child will be mixed race. If that scares some methheads I don't fucking care.
No. 2283562
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>>2283559Please post more cats with your posts ladies
No. 2283564
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>>2283559I was so heated by that dumb post I needed a black cat pic to calm my nerves. Black cats will save America from fascism and racism . They told me.
No. 2283568
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>>2283564Black cats are the best. I talk to the cashier at my local supermarket about her black cat. I wonder if she'll show me a picture of it….
No. 2283571
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btw when someone posts racist white supremacist shit on an anonymous imageboard they are 1 of 2 things
1: not white
2: are obsessed with BBC cuck porn.
I thought it was a stereotype but literally prod any of these fuckers enough and the cracks will slip.
No. 2283575
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>>2283568>>2283562>>2283564>>2283571black kitties are the biggest babies ever confirmed
No. 2283581
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No. 2283744
>>2283542Why men act like they’re entitled to sex is beyond me. How is this actually an argument? He’s acting like sex is some sort of government-sanctioned human right men must receive from women.
And then they mald when we say men can only think with their penises. Posts like this make ke really think it’s the truth. They are animals.
No. 2284041
>>2283935Crazy Asian religious cults like falungong definitely played a role in turning Asian Americans right. Instead of clamping down on the insanity that got them kicked out of their country in the first place, the US gave them funding because they're anti communist despite all their other batshit insane views. Then Asian cults, like all other crazy, conspiratorial, anti-establishment group from black hoteps to crunchy white granola moms, latched on to Trump and started spamming pro-Trump dreck all over Asian language media.
Between that and the majority of the Democratic party ignoring Asian voters outright while progressives in deep blue areas actively favored completely retarded policies like allowing trannies to invade sex segregated Korean spa houses, banning algebra, and being lax on hate crimes committed against Asians, moderate to liberal pro-Harris Asian turnout fell while crazy conservative pro-Trump Asian turnout rose.
No. 2284285
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um so are any slavic anons here who are not russian….worried a little bit. Putin seems to have his sights set on many slavic countries to overtake. Polish, Estonian, Latvian, Montenegrian, Georgian, Ukrainian etc nonnies…. i wish you luck.
It seems like russia is targeting Georgia now, Georgian nonnies stay safe
No. 2284332
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>>2284285just like to add that it's not just slavic countries either it's the middle east too.
Syria which are trying to break free of both Assad and Russia so now Russia is bombing civilian buildings in Syria…
No. 2284505
>>2283935Barely any black people voted for the soon to be retard in chief, can you not? Your theory is ass and you’re tinfoiling about the voting habits of a tiny minority for what reason?
>Also that stimulus check really appealed to the poorest people which is how Trump got more Black votes in places like Mississipi compared to 2020Awful bait please go back
No. 2284507
>>2284500Idk that just seems like systematic racism with extra steps.
Much like how both the dems and the conservatives hate women, they also hate black people.
No. 2284574
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>>2283935>she lost favor with black votersBait used to be believable.
No. 2284629
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add one line to the national anthem
No. 2284638
>>2284574the white woman thing was sad.
I heard that basically a lot of white women didn't vote because of Palestine or some shit.
idk tho whites are fucking retarded as shit falling for the same identity politics shit. I knew this one girl who was diverted from being a peaked
terf into a pickme moid apologist when she was groomed on r9k. She doesn't understand the only difference between an MRA and a TRA is the letter.
We NEED a peaked dem to run for president if Americans want Gen alpha to be able to ever buy a house. Or at the very least a democratic nominee who realizes catering to troons actually fucks over their bottom line. Like come on fuckers look at the harry potter franchise. Jk rowling cant give her money away to rape shelters and saving female lawyers from afghanistan fast enough she gets paid so hard.
Seriously. Imagine if jk rowling was a burger and ran against trump…
No. 2284712
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Could JD Vance be the first tranny in the White House?
No. 2284800
>>2284770I think if it was in 2D and drawn by a professional japanese yaoi mangaka I could get behind reading some GOP yaoi
I'm trying to think of some good ships because I struggle to find a lot of the conservatives attractive.
No. 2284815
>>2284799Yeah, legal abortion also is better for kids anyways. If a woman is having sex irresponsibly, why punish a child for it by giving them the worst life possible as opposed to just aborting them before they ever develop any semblance of consciousness?
There are fates far worse than death. Moids specialize in providing fates worse than death.
No. 2284861
>>2284815This. Forcing them to have the child isn't going to suddenly right any wrongs and make them shape up into good parents. The foster system isn't all that desirable either, because only the most congenial babies get picked in best case scenarios while others might get adopted by less than scrupulous parents, passed around and abused or used in schemes to get more money from states that pay out monthly checks to help in caring for adoptive kids, something else pro-lifers tend to bemoan. If they really care about the kids, why aren't they behind, say, having prospective parents take classes, have background checks, and get licenses as part of proving they're fit and have the means to take care of children that they want to bring into this world?
>>2284848Yup. Their choice of words says everything. Sex is evil and for procreation only, children are a rightful punishment and burden in their eyes.
No. 2284881
>>2284861>If they really care about the kids, why aren't they behind, say, having prospective parents take classes, have background checks, and get licenses as part of proving they're fit and have the means to take care of children that they want to bring into this world? Because those would likely be government programs and there's nothing a braindead conservative hates more than the government serving it's workers/taxpayers.
As it stands they won't even teach kids how to access birth control and will shame girls for not being virgins. God that fucks me up. Imagine being a little girl who is being sexually abused at home and some piece of shit abstinence only teacher compares you to a stick of gum
No. 2284899
>>2284888Dude no one hates kids more than the forced birth crowd. They ESPECIALLY hate little girl babies.
God I wish state mandated atheism actually worked….
No. 2284906
>>2284900RIGHT like this fucks me up so much the more i think about it. letting women die is a terrible way to keep the birth rate up, because having a fertile female means having to wait for one to grow up until at least 18, if they want to be legal about it. and even then, it's been said that teens also aren't capable of having healthy pregnancy and safe childbirths at all, due to their hips not being wide enough at that point. best time to get pregnant is 25 and upwards, since by then their bodies will be properly grown up and able to withstand the medical trauma of childbirth. so what happens when they've successfully thinned the female adult population down and couples are still not having enough sex? rape more teen girls and watch them die, too? they want a high birth rate, but a low population rate? how the fuck is that going to work out in the long term?
yeah yeah i know, it's about control, but still it's just weird.
No. 2284908
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It's insane how easily misinformation spreads on the shithole that is xitter. There is literally no evidence of her running. yet these fake "news" bots spam post about how she's gonna run in 2028 to rile people up about "muh elites". Crazy work, get off xitter while you still can
No. 2284909
>>2284848nta but i don't hate people who choose to have sex, i just think they should be held responsible for their actions
>>2284888>i also think the pro life crowd are honestly just average child murder enjoyers deep downthis is nonsensical kek, why would you anyone enjoy the death of any being?
No. 2284910
>>2284901oh god yeah. Have you ever had scrotes talk about neonaticides and how its such a horrible pandemic because women commit the small majority of them (even though neonaticides are 3 percent of all child deaths, and women only commit the majority of them because moids don't get an opportunity to murder the babies. And lets not forget that the vast bulk of newborns that are killed are female)
But dear god will scrotes cling onto that 60% and claim they would NEVER harm a child even though as soon as that baby is a couple weeks old the scrotes dominate in the child murdering department
But we don't talk about moids killing kids. B-b-because that's wrong too!
No. 2284919
>>2284906The person ur responding to is either a fucking retard or being deliberately ignorant for attention. They are probably brainwashed by religion and worship suffering.
Anyone who has ever been around abused children and actually has a sense of empathy realizes that yeah it would have been better off that the kid wasn't born rather than go through what they go through
No. 2284929
>>2284928no tradhag.
I will not cater to your autism
This is america. If you cant understand english go to china
No. 2284930
>>2284923i like to base my opinions off of my own life experience and knowledge, not other peoples
>>2284924anon, baiting is when you purposefully try to make posts just for the sake of getting a response. right now, we're having a discussion about responsibility.
No. 2285326
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>>2274262Biden is such a spineless piece of crap. Completely useless joke at the end of his term there blowing all his chances to be on good behavior to comply with and appease an incoming dictator. How brain damaged does one have to be? Do some people really play pretend for that long? Is he role playing like he's in 3rd grade??? He's just as insufferable as trump. With maybe 10 extra doses of infuriating for being as stupid as he is. Having no spine gets you zilch in life. No person has ever shown me that quite like he did. He blew all his chances to act like a president in exchange for good behavior stickers from his kindergarten teacher? Did he never grow up?? His failures are life lessons to all of on how NOT to revert to spineless faggotry.
No. 2285454
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>>2285364yup exactly, there is a trend among redpill rightwingers right now where they are saying how gay and soft it is for a man to spend time with his wife and children or to have affection for his wife. They basically are saying that a husband should only interact with his wife if he is using her like a incubator, beating her or giving her commands on what she should do and that these are the only interactions he should have with his family and that any other interaction should be only had with men.
No. 2285935
>>2285920Because like i said, i feel uncomfortable being a minority within a minority and in that situation i'd prefer to be with my own people. I might be able to pass as one though since i have a big nose, dark hair, and dark eyes.
>>2285926Non-jewish white americans would make up 38.4% of the population, even less if we're including hispanic people, just checked. This would make hispanic people the majority.
(baiting) No. 2285966
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>>2285935I don't know about that
No. 2285998
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>>2284712He is literally a degree of separation from the I saw the tv glow troon
No. 2286024
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Getting an email reminder about my student loans just reminded me that I totally fell for the "Biden will pardon student loans!" argument back in 2020, kek.
No. 2286032
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repost from another thread but kekkk at how evangelical americans are this far into the 21st century. literal mind virus
No. 2286066
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>>2286032even a broken clock is right twice a day. i'm sick of these right wingers thinking their mush for brains is superior and they will be able to convert all sane people to their side just because right wingers have a correct opinion on trannies.
No. 2286071
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>>2285454those two men would be so much happier if they just stopped pretending to be attracted to women, i swear. i know it's fucking retarded and all, but there is a kernel of truth to the whole "man bashing lesbian/woman hating gay man" stereotype: no one hates the opposite sex more and openly than genetic homosexuals. we have no skin to lose in the game so we can just hate on the opposite sex and feel no loss from it.
No. 2286079
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>>2285454This trend has caused a breed of right infighting to emerge. Watching rightist infighting become more prevalent is entertaining
No. 2286087
>>2286078I fucking hate closeted fags even more than out of the closet fags. At least they admit they are repulsed by women.
Closeted fags, ESPECIALLY conservative ones are the WORST worst. They oftentimes get married and them rely on viagra to have loveless sex with the poor self cucked pickme so he can reproduce and probably resent his own offspring while he fucking cheats on his beard and probably will give her a fucking std and then blame claim his AIDS came from his "cheating wife".
At least an outed faggot only gives himself aids.
>>2286081>Would rather be an incel than out himselfYou know what. Whatever. As long as he doesn't go down the beard route then whatever.
I still think all prostitutes (including male ones) need to get off the streets and stop enabling these closeted homos
>>2286084I knew a guy like this. He wrote yaoi and was into piss but swore he was 100 percent straight (even though he followed roman ideals of homoromance)
No. 2286089
>>2286024He never had the power without congress. Not to do anything wholesale for people who don't work for the government, that is.
Not only that, Biden also would've had to contend with the fact that many retirement and pension funds bought into the privatized student loan market, since it was viewed as a very secure investment. And bought bonds of public student loan debt. A fight against Wallstreet AND Boomer pensions was doomed from the start.
Thirdly, you do realize the people on the hook for it would've been the taxpayer in general right? Do you think it's fair that factory and service workers have to bail out someone in a higher tax bracket?
No. 2286193
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No. 2286254
>>2286207>>2286204And yet you have someone who pardoned a bunch of FBI probe people and over 200 other shitty people in regards to allowing Putin to intervene in the 2020 election? As well as someone who wants to pardon every single domestic terrorist from Jan 6th? Oh yeah, Trump is way better than pardoning a sex addict.
>>2286195Hunter Biden was not a pedophile and there's videos of him having sex with adult women. He went to jail for gu charges lol At least provide proof that isn't a FOX alt-right conspiracies.
No. 2286813
>Biden campaign promises he is one term president to get him elected. >Biden wins with this promise. >Biden has normal old man decline in public view >Biden drops in popularity. >Biden refuses to step down. >Dem Establishment defends him because muh party lines. Refuses to call him unfit. >Biden not stepping down doesn’t give Kamala time to earn incumbent advantage. (The Dems actually did this before and also lost that election decades ago). >Biden calls out Kamala denying open convention and getting to show his power as president (Look at Nancy’s sour comments recently) >Public dislikes being lied to and the infighting. Didn’t feel like they got a choice in primary electric boogaloo 2>independent and middle ground voters don’t vote because both sides lie and act a fool. Voting takes time and effort. Some states take hours in line with difficulty getting water.
>trump voters are Republican loyalists who always show up at polls. >trump wins. There’s more to this. Bomb threats, voter coercion, gerrymandering, Christian poll workers, etc. but one of the factors was Biden refusing to step down.
No. 2287007
>>2286725Biden didn't run again, but yeah, he tried to keep his administration in office by electing his VP to run in his place instead of having a democratic primary.
The way I see it, the republicans are like the dad that beats his kids, and the democrats are the moms who could get out of that
abusive relationship but instead sit there and enable the abuse.
Both of them are fucking monsters.