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No. 2290162
>>2290156Retard evangelicals is why every republican since Nixon won.
They want the world to end so their messiah can return. They are a scourge to society.
No. 2290180
>>2290174Idk I feel like a lot of loyalists turn on trump anyways because hes impossible to work with
Still, yeah. I think hes more prepared this time around. Its scary as fuck that edgelords would rather starve to death so they can 'stick it to the libs'
No. 2290207
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I feel the AOC fever taking over my body..
No. 2290211
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>>2290207She has the juice, we just need to peak her it'll work… I promise…. I promise…
No. 2290226
>>2290211I heard jewn (shoeonhead) told her to drop the pronouns from her twitter bio and she listened.
There might be hope.
No. 2290279
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>>2290274I'm an italian american and I haven't seen this at all in real life, on the internet I have. I don't think it's going to amount to much, though. When did they start calling us slurs???
No. 2290283
>>2290267I literally dont give a fuck what she looks like. I just know sanders is too fucking old. In fact, I only support her because shes not too old. She could be 50,60, shit with this fucking geriatric boomer bullshit we got going on I'd even be fine with 70.
My main issue with her is the troon shit. The second she drops the tranny shit and goes all in on ass raping the greedy cooperate elites I will follow her to the ends of the earth.
terf AOC would destroy trumps faggot administration in one fell swoop.
No. 2290285
>>2290279yeah i should have clarified that it's only on the internet and in the media because these people are too big of cowards to say that shit in real life because they know they would get beat up. Still weird though because i haven't seen this happening before this year.
>>2290280No they are just using slurs that they use against other races like black people and brown people and just calling italians that.
>>2290281it's not bait, retard.
No. 2290289
>>2290274Maybe online, that wont happen irl until you get back to early 20th century racism. Then the cracker infighting will be at its strongest.
Italians, Poles, and Irish will become the next blacks, mexicans, and arabs
No. 2290291
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>>2290279Not quite but close lmao
No. 2290293
>>2290274Is this in reference to the MAGA retards thinking Ariana Grande isn't white and that Wicked is "anti-white" because they cast her kekkk. In fairness Ariana
did really try to look hispanic years ago, but she looks very white now.
No. 2290298
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>>2290284I don't know what
triggered him to say this lmfao
No. 2290304
>>2290302Trump is American
nonnie, if your family has been here for more than 3 generations then you’re genetically American
No. 2290340
>>2290321>races LMAO what
>this is what was happening kek.I know because you were.
Kek this just goes to show that racebait never ends at just non-white people and that retarded racebaiters will just start genociding each other and dividing themselves into different white races even if all the non-white people are gone. History and all the wars teaches us that white people for some reason love killing each other and dividing each other.
No. 2290342
>>2290330That’s all user volunteered data. It changes over time as the database expands
>>2290333His grandpa immigrated to America from Germany, he has German heritage. What percent idk, but it’s in there
No. 2290353
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>>2290347I never thought about it that way
No. 2290354
>>2290351New York isn’t called New Amsterdam though, also something being
named after a location isn’t really the same as the other location (again, over 3,000 miles away) purchasing the state with money and trying to control it (which they obviously failed to do)
No. 2290369
>>2290348See this is my issue with the infighting white purists, they are all so fucking retarded.
I think this is just a race thing overall, and it's always stupid.
The way I see it anyone who engages with racial superiority has already outed themselves as an inferior human being.
No. 2290373
>>2290371I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income.
Either way, vance is a retard and a closeted homosexual. His wife is also stupid for being with him
No. 2290384
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>>2290376>don’t really have much sympathy for anyone who commits crimes then i take it you hate Trump and his administration then?
No. 2290385
>>2290384I didn’t use the word
hate, I said
don’t have much sympathy No. 2290387
>>2290385alright thank you for the semantics,
eitherway congratulations to Trump for being the first president with over 34 felonies, that has to be a achievement of some sorts.
No. 2290399
>>2290386looks like the magatards are coming out of the woodworks. Kamala never committed any felony and neither did AOC, for Obama he was a war fiend but that's not a felony. also inb4 your retarded >but uh i think they are criminals in the spiritual sense retardation.
George Bush belongs to you republicans and no one likes Bill Clinton including me. I bet you thought this was such a own kek go back to talking to bots on X.
Trump committed over 34 felonies and was convicted of rape. He is a piece of shit and magatards are the toilet who is clogged with it.
No. 2290413
>>2290399Didnt trump have to go to court 4000 times for a variety of lawsuits (mostly not paying his fucking workers) even before he first ran for president?
Its pretty obvious this retard only ran as a last ditch effort to get the fuck out of all the legal trouble he was in.
He was so stupid he tried to fool the dems, but then he realized republicans are significantly more retarded and allowed for more cheating in their elections (I still believe Gore won in 2000 and they hid enough votes in florida to make it go blue)
So his nepo, crooked, inexperienced in politics ass ran and won based on populism alone.
No. 2290421
>>2290415Are you capable of reading the post I'm replying to
>I don’t really have much sympathy for anyone who commits crimes so I’m fine with blaming it on bothin response to
>I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income.Why even reply if you can't follow a thread
No. 2290425
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>>2290417Not 4000, over 4000 times.
But yeah you still won't believe it anyways.
No. 2290426
>>2290421You were replying to my post, nimrod. And you must’ve tagged the wrong one, because the post you tagged does not say
>I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income.Kek, I can’t “follow the thread”, meanwhile you don’t even know which post you’re responding to.
No. 2290432
>>2290426Lmfao. Here I will break it down for you because I'm procrastinating anyway.
My first post is
>>2290411which is in response to
>>2290376which is in response to
>>2290373Does that help you
No. 2290438
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>>2290428Why don't you type first nation people in America into Google not sure why nothing is showing up.
No. 2290450
>>2290445Just go back in the amerifag threads before the election. One I can remember off the top of my head was very upset that I said Trump was a rapist, and started calling
me a rapist. I guess it can be argued if they actually liked Trump and weren't just baiting, but still.
No. 2290451
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>>2290436The response
>>2290376 quite literally says "I don’t really have much sympathy for anyone who commits crimes so I’m fine with blaming it on both", in response to the post
>>2290373 which says "I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income"
No. 2290470
>>2290462I saw tons of burkas in London in 2009, not a single fucking Burka in Prague in 2016.
I think it just depends on where you go
No. 2290471
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>>2290438Rihanna? Riley? Rachel? Ruby? Rebecca? Learn2ant
No. 2290484
>>2290476Okay so it's "Retard" then
>>2290481I'm not even in this infight but I wish rihanna was a farmer
No. 2290529
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>>2290524>>2290510Everyone in Japan is miserable? Suicide rates continually rise, and nobody is getting married or having children because everyone hates each other.
No. 2290533
>>2290527>I know you will probably ignore this post though since the moment magatards lies get exposed with proof you all stop replyingThis. I showed them the 4000 legal cases thing and suddenly they vanished.
The saddest part is they are just gonna go somewhere else and be a pro Trump glowie
No. 2290535
>>2290533NTA but, neither am I pro-Trump, but I also have not vanished. I’m just not gonna spend the hours before I go to bed reading articles on an
No. 2290536
>>2290529Suicide is rising in the us as well, and also no one is getting married here because everyone hates eachother.
It's just that in japan you're less likely to get brained by some psycho with a glock
No. 2290539
>>2290529I mean you can nitpick the country all you want but americans have shorter life spans and the highest amount of mass shootings. That doesn't really have to do with christianity, though, does it? Japan is still very developed I don't know what point you're making.
>"MUH BIRTH RATES"No1curr + birth rates are declining everywhere. alot of that has to do with teen pregnancy decreasing btw. Only tradfags care about this shit
No. 2290540
>>2290535You didn't respond to me when I showed you that he had over 4000 court cases.
For someone who claims to be pro trump you sure do like to defend him.
I get it, they are all criminals. But trump is fucking sloppy as fuck. At the very least he's exposing the corruption I guess.
Still wish Bernie ran instead of hillary.
No. 2290544
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>>2290538>At least not one that anybody heard of or cared to discuss on social media kek.Yeah that's what's wrong with you people
No. 2290552
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>>2290486What the fuck, I was the one who didn't know the term First Nation, why am I being called a thick cunt retard kek I wasn't even mad at you or anything I literally said "oh my bad, why isn't it a more common term" as in uhhh nobody I know irl uses it. No need to be rude, damn. And fwiw, googling it on my end brought up Canada. I'm sorry I don't know what current term the natives would like to be called is.
No. 2290553
>>2290541Yeah I live in the US, I've lived in urban, rural, and suburban us.
You're being willfully ignorant if you act like you haven't heard of at least one person dying or being threatened by gun violence here.
Suburban biomes you're less likely to get shot by a rando, but in all three biomes domestic gun violence is a huge problem.
I know a girl who had a disgruntled classmate break into her home and shoot her in the fucking face while she slept.
Shit is fucked up.
No. 2290563
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>>2290552Nona it's okay lol she thinks I'm you because I called her out for being a retard for having her AVI shown in her screenshot. ignore the newfag
No. 2290567
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>>2290535>I’m just not gonna spend the hours before I go to bed reading articlesyes because you don't want your view point changed and your cognitive dissonance challenged so you rather spend that hour infighting with anons and baiting. Are you the one asking anon to post a screenshot of all those articles kek are you retarded, that would be flooding and a ban, one screenshot anon posted was already okay.
>>2290535>there weren't any viral wars on social media at that time.yikes, magatards are really never beating the retard allegation.
No. 2290570
>>2290558Just accept that guns are fucked man.
Im saying this as a gun owner. it was WAY too easy for me to get a gun. Like, getting a gun license should be as hard as getting a drivers license. But it's not. It's easy as shit.
No. 2290577
>>2290572If you didnt vote you basically support trump.
I get it, Im a centrist too, but you need to vote for one of these retards every election, if only to get the one retard you hate more the fuck away from running your country.
No. 2290581
>>2290572aren't the majority of centrists basically just closeted magatards, this just proves my point.
>>2290577centrist has just become the new code word for repubs who are too shame of calling themselves that. Actual centrists are becoming rarer and rarer.
No. 2290595
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No. 2290603
>>2290599Ban moids from having guns
This is a cold take.
No. 2290666
>>2290298>>2290311Speaking as someone in America with Polish ancestry (2nd Gen), the couch-fuckers quote is broadly accurate, just as
>>2290312 stated. In Europe, when Poland finally joined the EU, there was a flood of migrants into Germany and Britain and with it came a certain % of thieves and petty criminals. More than the base % of criminals in Poland. The car thief stereotype may not have been an accurate descriptor of Poles in general, but was quite accurate when describing the types of crimes Poles were typically arrested for in those places.
It's quite literally a basic consequence of moving into a more prosperous country. Your "career" as a criminal can be much much shorter than typical native thief simply because you can go back to your original country and exploit the currency exchange rate to gain the maximum from what you "earned". Each stolen car in Germany was worth 10x more, making it very lucrative to go cause your mischief for a few years, then live like a boomer who goes to Mehico for his retirement back in your home country. This attracts people without options (or just bad people) like flies to honey obviously.
Italians brought the Mafia with them, which was greatly enriched back in Italy from their operations in the United States. People got murdered, businesses paid out protection money, women were abused and general security in neighborhoods WAS undermined.
Irish? Caused enough issues from their lower class immigrants also coming that even to this day Police are sometimes referred to as driving "Paddy-Wagons". Paddy of course being a slur against the Irish.
Germans broadly settled the Mid-West and further out, so I don't know what people complained of with them. But I have absolutely no doubt there were issues.
The immigration of the peoples was a net gain to the United States in the end (though I'm obviously biased). But there is absolutely no pretending we don't have our own splotches and stains. That the people of the United States are somewhat welcoming (compared to much of the rest of the world) despite these issues shouldn't be taken for granted or underappreciated. Even if it does contain racial elements. I feel the same way about (as they're referred to by shorthand in U.S. politics) "The Mexicans" (in reality at this point, Mexicans aren't even the majority of Hispanic immigrants I think). "The Mexicans" might have a warm culture, be passionate and hardworking people, with good food, and similar values. But they really do bring drugs, crime and rapists with them. Enough so that even Hispanic majority border counties in Texas sided with Walmart-Homelander this election. It's just a simple consequence of how unvetted immigration unfolds.
No. 2290673
>>2290340>>races >>LMAO whatPeople might not wanna hear this, but there are actually over a dozen different distinct "races" in Europe. You can literally map the continent by Haplogroup quite reliably even with 50 years of the E.U. and despite centuries of border and land changes. Africa has like 20 different "types" of black people too. The same pattern goes for Asia.
They might not be too different from each other. But the differences are there. That this isn't worth fighting about is a another topic of conversation.
No. 2290884
>>2290869>>It will literally take decades to reverse this shit.It's fixable much faster than you think. You just have to embrace social consequences. The normie is too retarded to do anything but fall in line with a few choices of pre-approved opinions. Make those taboo and "everyone" will be insisting they could barely stomach it during it's heyday. Its quite literally treated as a fashion trend by the mob. These creatures live and die by approval.
Of course there would probably be ideological blowback and something you love will probably be shattered I'm the crossfire too.
No. 2290932
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>>2290279fun fact, I applied for a position at a NY university and found out that Italian-Americans are a protected class there lmao. there was a special statement on the application about affirmative action for Italian-Americans. I still can't really wrap my head around this tbh.
No. 2290982
>>22904411. Salaries are too cheap there
2. too many violent muslim men
No. 2291148
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I refrained from politisperg posting because even my autistic ass knows most nonnies find it unbearable, plus the topics like national parks and friendly Christmas cards are much better than the endlessly circular and reductive arguments. No. 2291186
>>2290565Europeeings are so fucking annoying. We don't think about British, Swedes or whatever the fuck a Serb is 1/4 much as they think about us. Rent free.
I don't wanna see a single nasty brit here shitting on us. The ugly British colonized the entire planet and destroyed the earths gene pool with their rapes. The gross British raping everyone is why so many people need braces now.
No. 2291377
>>2291354nta but
>racism somehow being exclusive to moidslmao
No. 2291487
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>>2291444Many nations are trapped in cycles of self-reinforcing politically and economically extractive institutions, whether from lack of the centralized power structures necessary to impose stability as in many sahel and Eastern countries, or from centralized but totalitarian regimes as in several north African nations. Without stable markets that support broad participation, innovation, and investment, the most profitable activities remain accessible only to the elite who use them to reinforce their power, further aided by foreign interests who also benefit from the exploitation of the majority of the population and export of natural resources, like
>>2291403 mentions
No. 2291565
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Oh no… He's cute…
No. 2291572
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>>2291414Just look at all those white women, upholding the white supremacy while the men are away. And to think - they wouldn't even be allowed to have their own bank accounts until the 1960s!
Jokes aside, what a shit take. Like blaming the family dog for your dad's alcoholism.
No. 2291580
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A bunch of trannies "occupied" the Capitol bathrooms in protest of the bathroom bill, so Rep Nancy Mace had them arrested LMAO No. 2291583
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>>2291470I got a few more to name, great list btw. Thiel, Kushner, Joseph Zubretsky, Karen Lynch, David Cordani, Gail Boudreaux, Andrew Witty, Bruce Broussard, Sarah London, let's throw in Ted Cruz because it would be funny. Elizabeth Shortino, and finally, LARRY FINK!
No. 2291587
>>2291467NTAYRT but this argument about "racism is inherent" is bullshit, because sure, racism can develop, racism does exist, and has existed, but where racism has really SHINED, and influenced us for centuries, is when annoying fucks in power USED our prejudices against us to further their own agenda. That's what racism has been used for since the beginning, and only serves the ruling class. We can talk about individual yokels who are racist, but those yokels have been fed centuries of information to inflame their prejudices and scare them, as well as having their education slashed and put behind a pay wall. We have a system that breeds stupid, racist people, and that's because it makes the powers that be money. If those powers that be didn't exist, were killed like they deserve, or somehow, racism wasn't scratching their itch for power, it wouldn't be utilized. We also have similar psyops in our social world going on with sexism and the never-ending-debate about gender. It's all designed to STAY at the forefront of our national discussions, regardless of whether or not it's actually useful to keep discussing it. Dems, Repubs, anyone that has money invested in us following what they tell us to do, they ALL benefit from racism, sexism, and any other ism there is. These stupid mfs that think "oh it's inherent" don't think with any context about where we are in history and want to pull from a vacuum of "human behavior"
No. 2291650
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>>2291565please please let there be more copycat killers who will go after elonia, trump and all the other faggots
No. 2291661
>>2291660Unironically. I can still see a percentage of men using it to post shit about all women being hybristofags but if there's a chance that we could change the plot from
>disgruntled moid killing women/childrento
>disgruntled moid killing CEOs and corrupt people in powerI will be all for it.
No. 2291667
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>>2291661I can guarantee Hollywood is already working on a movie to portray him as a loser psycho incel assassinating some heroic health care working to shift the narrative.
They'll probably call it "Delay, Deny, Defend" so when you Google it you see their pos movie and not the insurance book title on fucking people over he wrote on the bullets
No. 2291731
>>2291580>The protest was organized by the Gender Liberation Movement (GLM), a grassroots and volunteer-run collective that brings attention to issues around bodily autonomy and gender. ah i see they stole that from the gay liberation movement.
>“Speaker Johnson, Nancy Mace: our bodies are no debate!”ah i see they stole that from the pro-choice feminist crowds.
No. 2291732
>>2291725Could be different with his CEO pals on the line. Trump himself almost got killed with the best security team in the US.
Also thanks for teaching me the word hoplophile
No. 2291750
>>2291726The issue with nancy mace is watch her fucking crumble when you bring up womens reproductive autonomy.
Like sure the troon hate shit is great and all but its just one big fat posturing grift like "hello fellow radfems".
Like other than hating troons what else does Nancy Mace stand for?
No. 2291769
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>normies hate trannies
>republicans go hard on hating trannies
>democrats retaliate
>republicans go harder realizing they can make democrats focus on this retarded fringe group
>democrats retaliate harder, feeling like they have no other choice
>normies start to think dems are too leftie
Do you guys not see whats happening? Troon hate needs to become bipartisan, and if democrats want to get anywhere they must build on feminist issues more
No. 2291939
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>>2291406>Deny Defund Delay bulletsI know I'm gonna sound like an edgelord but holy fuck that guy went hard on that killing. Have they even caught him yet?
>>2291470What this nona said. Especially Elon. I hate the MAGA squad but an Elon kill would be amazing. Bonus points if its caught live like the ceo cuck
>>2291565The incel school murder demon vs the chad CEO exterminator. Take note, psychos
No. 2291967
Going to bed instead of infighting and coming back to see the infighter banned. Beautiful
>>2291565This was my first thought lol. I'm glad there's kindred spirits here, my friends said he looked "unnerving" like cmon he's got a cute smile. Now THIS
>>2291939 is unnerving
No. 2291973
>>2291769>troon hate needs to become bipartisanI feel like it might be too little too late/dems are bleeding heart sjws so they may never stop defending shitty AGPs and their god given right to predate on children.
I think basically they need to shut the fuck up about trannies all togehter and only focus on womens rights. Quietly drop the rainbow politics for protecting women.
I feel like maybe trump paid biden to take the L. I feel like this shit has been a sham since hillary stole the democratic nomination.
Or maybe since before I was even born…
No. 2291979
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>>2291939I could see someone basing an anime off this assassination
No. 2292091
>>2290539You should probably care about the birth rates if you have any attachment at all to the welfare state. Pensions, free e'lfcare, the fundamental basis for kenesyian economics and all the rest are fundamentally a massive wealth transfer from young to old. And the average immigrant in most western countries isn't "paying into" the system statistically. Only their children (of which they have more than natives on average, but only for the first gen until their youth are also "westernized") are profitable to that system.
Consider the fact that when first introduced in America, social security payments lasted 7 years on average before recipients perished. With a younger population. How long do you think the average boomer collects now? At a time when there are fewer young people by proportion than ever.
And we aren't even touching on the economic effects. Oh and the fact that women collect those funds for so long (because they live longer while retiring earlier) that even a working woman never hits net zero.
No. 2292107
>>2292095>>Exponential growth is a myth.Not with money printing and inflation it isn't. Line may go up forever as long as there's a fresh infusion to keep reducing the absolute value of the numbers presented.
>>2292096>>There are no pensions anymore and social security will not be available in 30 Years.Private pensions maybe, government employees (at almost 14% of the population) overwhelmingly get pensions. And all it takes to "save" social security right now is to remove the cap on how much can be collected (from my recollection anything above 168000 in current year earnings doesn't contribute to the pool).
And Medicare is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about in terms of massively ballooning costs. People are living longer while not contributing greater amounts while not adding people to continue the social contract.
No. 2292133
>>2291939You can make the argument that statistically at least a few of those children were going to grow up to work within the upper echelons of the very same companies. It was a nice school district after all.
The next zucccc could already be dead!
No. 2292143
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Personally, my favorite part is when he says RFK being anti-vaccine is merely "
kind of crazy" and as if the man with the worm in his brain is not going to make chronic illnesses ten times worse. No. 2292184
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Russians admitting on their own television programs that they are doing misinformation campaigns and want to overpower the west. Straight out of the horses mouth.
Anything to say for any russbots here?
No. 2292195
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>>2292191please tell fellow russbots to stop drone striking ukrainian civilians that aren't even a part of the war and using them for target practise, this is incredibly cruel…
No. 2292198
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>>2291565incels are seehting and malding at people saying he's good looking lmao
No. 2292213
>5'4 indian manWay to out himself
No. 2292255
>>2292198If the shooter were ugly and the CEO were handsome it would mostly be incels making any point of that at all and most normal people would still just agree he deserved it.
Also if Bernie Sanders were actually a real one, he would mention what this incident says what Americans think about private healthcare, but he's a coward and won't.
No. 2292271
>>2292155Bernie Sanders is speaking common sense that's not even political
>Elon Musk is a smart guyYes. He owns a company that sends rockets into space which requires intelligence
>RFK Jr. is rightYes. The standard American diet is unhealthy and the amount of processed food people eat is lowering their quality of life
>Cuba got some things rightYes. Cuba has a national health service that provides free healthcare to all citizens
These are "no shit" level statements that people only disagree with due to political brain rot.
No. 2292715
You know what? I'll fucking say it, call me anti-Semitic or whatever buzzword you want to say but one thing I'm not is wrong. Get Jews and their lobbyists OUT of the government. I'm sick of the US sending billions to Shitrael when our own citizens are starving because Jews are selfish assholes who only care about other Jews.
I live in Cleveland, our county's main city, and for those not familiar it's the prototypical declining Midwest city that was heavily reliant on the manufacturing industry. 61% of our citizens are people of color. We have a poverty rate of 29%. Outside of Cleveland, 30% of our county's population is black and they make up the majority of our county's poverty. Instead of helping our struggling black citizens or even our own citizens in general, we sent 16 million in bonds to Isnotreal that'll never be paid back because it's in crippling debt. Our roads are falling apart, our inner city schools are terrible, there is one grocery store in the entirety of our downtown area, the public transport is horrific, but no we need to help the poor rich white Jews who are totally struggling right now doods! Fuck racist Cuyahoga County and fuck kikes for helping extrapolate the ongoing corruption in our county. Ban me, I don't fucking care, I'm sure there are tons of Zionist scum coming in to defend what they're doing too(jew sperging)
No. 2293128
File: 1733517122258.png (121.71 KB, 1442x568, Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 3.30.…)

>>2293027It's the literal definition of the word
No. 2293139
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Nick Fuentes has been charged with battery lmfao. Nick's body, Soap's choice.
No. 2293206
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>>2293193Oh nonna, he’ll probably enjoy it kek
No. 2293274
File: 1733518907337.png (Spoiler Image,306.59 KB, 587x402, 1578345829306.png)

>>2293229Because he’s a literal faggot who would rather post catboy hentai in his white nationalist discord server than marry and reproduce with an actual woman, despite being a “tradcath.” Many such cases
No. 2293318
>>2293294It seems that this situation is causing a civil war among 4chan scrotes. Even if the shooter was ugly, sure i wouldn't want to fuck him, but i'd still be singing high praises of him.
>>2293308For real, it's actually pathetic in this situation since the ceo is pure evil and was literally using busted ai to decide whether people live or die. Imagine defending such a monster all because you can't get your dick wet.
No. 2293322
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>>2293206>>2293229It might seem Crazy What im boutta say…!
No. 2293347
>>2293274God why the fuck did trump meet up with this
literal who? Like who the fuck even is this guy? Never heard of him til he met trump and Kayne. It's also annoyingly predictable how hypocritically degenerate these pornsick scrotes are.
No. 2293361
File: 1733520759316.jpeg (450.75 KB, 1179x1382, IMG_0519.jpeg)

>>2293332BCBS but they juuust reversed that decision. Wonder why kek. Bios and pics of executives have also been scrubbed from theirs and several other health insurance sites. Couldn’t possibly be due to their CEO’s pic being shared and reposted on Twitter kek kek
No. 2293366
>>2293294>findom fulfilling a weird fetish>CEO worsening diseases in and killing thousands of people>same thingThis is the most retarded false equivalency ever.
Imagine malding so much over the fact that attractive people exist. Not even insecure teenagers mald this much kek.
No. 2293384
File: 1733521095099.jpeg (385.06 KB, 1420x1920, IMG_4731.jpeg)

God i am loving the fanart of this guy. Im so sick of obese Beckies making fanart of ugly retards who kill children.
The Stacies making fanart of this beautiful class warrior is healing something in me.
No. 2293438
>>2293429>>2293435The projection continues. I never said American suffering is funny. Jew sperging, however,
is. It makes you look extremely pathetic. If you really think every problem in America is caused by da joos, you’re probably retarded. I know you just want someone to blame for being a loser, so I’ll repeat: seethe more.
No. 2293440
>>2293435Kek yeah, it's not like Jew hate started and ended at the holocaust. People are gonna hate Jews when their response to displaced minorities suffering because of Jew privilege is
>>2292978Also Jews in America have been fucking over African Americans for decades, it's very well documented and that's why Kanye was shushed; for however delusional he is there were some undeniable truths in the things he said. They love to appropriate the identities of African Americans and their cultures but would never help them.
>>2293438Not every problem in America is caused by Jews, sure, but a good chunk of it is. The current Israel-Palestine conflict and my county sending millions to Israel in bonds is in fact an issue caused by Jews and them needing to stick their big noses everywhere in American politics.
(/pol/sperging) No. 2293450
>>2293442Me saying Jews shouldn't be allowed in politics, something that'll never happen in our country, offends you but the material suffering of minorities in my neighborhood doesn't offend you? Classic Jew behavior.
>>2293446Wait until you find out what the ethnicity and religion of every healthcare CEO is, or at least the majority.
>>2293448Lmao if my posts were shitting on Islam moids no one would say this. Funny.
(/pol/sperging) No. 2293453
File: 1733523992184.png (190.17 KB, 552x344, LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…)

No. 2293459
>>2293305I think a lot of guys who act like a man being turned on by a woman gives her power over him are so weak-willed that they ARE controlled by their dicks, so they imagine other men work that way. In their minds, attractive women have great power over men that's akin to mild mind control, and so if they knowingly use it, it's morally similar to spiking someone's drink to lower their inhibitions for sex.
Thus, the findom sex workers online are really manipulating and abusing poor men who have no choice but to $end, and the men are
victims. Same with OF women who are 'exploiting male loneliness'.
Or maybe they just jump to blaming women no matter what because they think of us as Machiavellian and manipulative. So they ignore the fact that the veneer of power findomme goddesses have is paper-thin, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to sexually arouse degenerate men in the hopes that some of those men will pay them.
No. 2293463
>>2293450>All healthcare CEOs are JewishOh yeah, Brian Thompson is
definitely Jewish. Very Jewish name indeed. You will say anything to fit your narrative. Hope it helps you cope!
No. 2293475
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No. 2293487
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>>2293474Aww retard nonna are you gonna pay off my bituach leumi debt lol?? Because i'm currently a neet and that shit keeps piling up, i'm literally about to rack up 1000 nis in debt just for existing
No. 2293493
>>2291580>>2292254This is so fucking based kek, I'm very happy for burger nonnies. I admit I didn't think republicans were gonna do anything to protect women from trannies but I'm pleasantly surprised, Macy is based as fuck. AOC could never.
>>2293453>Literal redditor phenotype KEKK even more based news
No. 2293548
File: 1733527710006.jpg (45.82 KB, 400x252, Fetal+alcohol+syndrome.jpg)

>>2293500FAS and don't ban me for FASfoiling when he could literally be the posterchild for it
No. 2293569
File: 1733528492473.gif (663.26 KB, 220x486, IMG_1548.gif)

>>2293453You lookin real good right bout now cream puff
No. 2293588
>>2293579Nah his face is fine its just his beard is nasty.
Moids love styling their face pubes in the ugliest ways possible
No. 2293605
File: 1733530383691.jpeg (2.45 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7616.jpeg)

>>2293548No it's more than that… he genuinely looks like a science experiment gone wrong… it's like somewhere an evil scientist created a monkey-moid monster…. he looks like a deformed chimpanzee man… I drew a picture of him because he scared me so much…
No. 2293645
>>2293347Maybe? I talked to a guy who was basically just like nick fagentues and i remember him saying his dad drank heavily but his mom made his dad go sober (for some reason this made this guy resent women?)
Maybe alchie moid seed is just as bad as drinking while pregnant
No. 2293654
File: 1733532487708.webp (26.95 KB, 1080x693, im-not-going-to-say-what-race-…)

>>2293605>>2293645Not gonna get too into it since it's schizo but all I'm gonna say is that fuentes' birthchart shows some majorrrr daddy issues. def had to do with his homo autist tendencies. he clearly isnt your average homosexual
No. 2293805
>>2293750Jews are not just a religious group, they're also an ethnic group.
They don't actually face any discrimination based on an ethnic basis either though.
College protestors are the worst thing they have to deal with here, which basically means they have no problems.
(global rule #7) No. 2293968
>>2293933idk the indian/native thing is kind of crazy to me.
Like the united states was more like europe on steroids before european colonization.
Think about it. No trains, no tech. Europeans reintroduced hordes to America after they went extinct 10,000 years ago.
Tribes and territories became well established. Plenty of time for cultures, traditions, civilizations to rise and fall.
sure, it didn't look european, but United states is a massive hunk of land.
I know a lot of tribes had a tendency to be scrote tribes but I wonder how many matriarchal tribes with female elders as leaders there were in America….
No. 2294166
>>2293139To think I was pissed the other day since I assumed nothing would happen to him. BASED!
>>2293294>Bianca DevinsWhat did she do wrong exactly? Wasn't she just an egirl with orbiters?
>>2293373Fanny mentioned
No. 2294337
File: 1733588021898.jpg (539.68 KB, 1080x899, 1000008382.jpg)

I'm loving am these memes because men are maulding that this guy is loved for actions but its a bonus he's cute AF
No. 2294394
>>2294337Ive seen some people clain the shooter is a woman because his smile it "too pretty"
Psyop is so powerful ppl are so confused when a man isnt ugly
No. 2295300
AOC thirst trap for this thread
No. 2295304
>>2294337I heard the smiling cutie isn't actually him, is this true? I want it to be him.
>>2294394Males don't even know what women look like
No. 2295337
File: 1733614510313.png (2.48 MB, 3000x1690, x8Hw8qM.png)

>>2293716I get making fun of idiots like nick, but we should still be afraid, we have right-wing nutjobs who are now in power, retards like nick are a joke, but the competent fascists are better at hiding themselves and creating an image of civility
No. 2295348
File: 1733614818578.png (1.91 MB, 1792x708, uhc-killer.png)

>>2295304i honestly do feel like i'm going nuts because i mean, look at the pics from side to side because even i'm suspicious that it's probably not the killer and is just some random guy. because the guy everyone's simping over has darker eyes, while the first photos of the killer looks like he maybe has lighter eyes?
No. 2295352
>>2295348You cannot see his eyes at all to be able to tell.
>>2295350I feel like if it wasn't him, the real person would come out and beg everyone to stop posting his face everywhere
No. 2295363
File: 1733615276824.png (145.48 KB, 1212x1070, Untitled 10.png)

>user reports indicate no problem!!!
fucking retards
No. 2295506
>>2295487The neck line is the same
>>2295500The image on the right should be enhanced and lightened so we can see if the pockets are there, it's too dark to tell. The neck line is very similar in shape and location, and the black mask/scarf(?) matches in both images as well. His nose looks the same. I even think, although again it's difficult to really ascertain, that the brow ridge shape and eye shape is the same.
Does he have a backpack on the left? Is that a strap on his left shoulder, middle image? I feel like it's easier to have two backpacks as well, than two separate but very similar jackets. Not sure what you mean about the hood, pretty sure the hood is attached to the jacket. I'm myself wondering where the hoodie string went on the right. It could be tucked into the hood itself, though.
No. 2295522
>>2295506NTA but in the left image the hood of the jacket appears to be a different material from the body and sleeves, it's a lighter colour and you can see the seam on the inside of the out turned collar.
the right image being from a different camera under more challenging lighting conditions makes it hard to compare, but the hood appears to be the same material of the body.
No. 2295558
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This is getting so wacky
No. 2295566
>>2295558>He likes monopolyHe keeps getting hotter and hotter
>>2295552It may be the angle, hopefully we get more pics of him
No. 2295662
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>>2295649Agreed with the monopoly money. The term existed before the game. Monopolists held monopoly money. Also reminder what Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield was trying to pull.
No. 2295666
File: 1733626090537.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1125x1991, IMG_7192.jpeg)

I've been skimming twitter and honestly it's scary how many people have shared stories about UHC screwing them over. The company turned off its comments but if you dig through their old posts there are comments from earlier with people making posts about treatment for cancer getting denied, among other things. I wasn't aware of how bad it was
No. 2295682
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>>2295666There's so many posts like this
>>2295677At this point I don't really like it either, the humor is too moidy
No. 2295729
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>>2295725There’s always one
No. 2295756
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>>2295348His nose has got to be a prosthetic. Not that a person couldn't have such a prominent feature but idfk, my eyes are just immediately drawn to it, it looks so odd.
Also in the picture on the top of the right side he kind of has The Fallen Angel stare, damn… No. 2295860
at this precipice in time, dear nonas, I want to let you know that despite our severe and brutal fights, the shit flinging, the name-calling, the acting unbothered, I hope that I can at the very least unite with you in regards to class. I imagine it's a mix of poorfags, "middle class" people (whatever the fuck that means) and a smattering of "rich" people (was raised on over 200k/mo). Maybe, possibly, some people are lurking/commenting on lolcow that are from old and new money. I don't want to discount anything. But I do value this website because I feel a connection that is entirely different from the people in my personal life, or my IRL acquaintances. I'm sure we wouldn't want to be associated with each other IRL as a collective but it gives me a lot of hope seeing boomers and gen alpha sharing the same sentiments almost unabashedly, with their name attached, on social media, in conversation in the presence of their phone, VPNless. It's awesome. This will probably be the only positive post I make on this godforsaken thread.
No. 2295901
>>2295866The only reason I don't believe this to be the case is because it is extemely difficult to organize en masse in reality. Every person you add to your plot is another liability who might rat you out or get cold feet. This is why terrorist cells are so efficient AND militant. People will say "they're so crazy, how could they x, y, z", well. Simply put, if they weren't fully and totally convinced of their need to do this, they would not be strapping bombs to themselves.
This is all to say, he would have already been caught or will be caught soon if there were any more than 3 people involved at MOST.
No. 2296109
File: 1733645243328.png (76.56 KB, 656x427, 1733606785840219.png)

>>2295304I want us to never find him.
I want us to never truly know what he looks like.
I want him to make moids seethe because they never imagined in a million years that this was how to properly do a shooting and get retribution while being loved by everyone except for your enemies, who fear you.
No. 2296117
>>2295348he kinda…
is this what an actual chad looks like?
No. 2296118
File: 1733646311755.jpeg (443.03 KB, 828x1324, IMG_4076.jpeg)

>>2296109But when I said the Boston bomber was fine as a teen and I hope he escaped I got booed. Meanwhile Boston is racist af and probably made that boys life hell after 9/11
No. 2296123
>>2296118Boston marathon bomber bombed the Boston Marathon, killing and maiming countless innocent people. This guy shot a cunt CEO running a company dedicated to killing people in the name of its bottom line.
Somehow, I can see why people were unimpressed with you, anon.
No. 2296148
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>>2296118I still can’t believe that Rolling Stone actually did this
No. 2296159
>>2296145The footage of the mob violence at the airport last year really gave me a good picture of Dagestani men. No concern for whether any of their own country's people were on that plane, or children, or women. Then interrogating people to find out their religion, reeeeing about da Jooz, and chimping out on tiktok.
Dagestan - life was better before I knew it existed
No. 2296161
File: 1733649858888.jpg (897.93 KB, 1170x2148, muzztards.jpg)

>>2296118The whole family are low iq degenerates, the two sisters have police records too, hardly surprising given the likelihood of their parents being blood relatives. If they hate America so much why the fuck didn’t they just go back to the buttfuck North Caucasus, literally no one was stopping them. Fucking leeches. No. 2296163
>>2296130>>2296145I listened to the Netflix docu released on it. From what I can remember, they came from severe poverty and despite the brothers being citizens of the US, the one who was into some boxing sport was told he would never qualify for the olympics bc of the matter of his citizenship and ethnicity or religion. Something like that. Forgive me nonnas, it was a really long time ago. Anyways, he felt betrayed by the country he grew up in and ended up radicalized by a terrorist cell.
>>2296158Kek it's okay, nonna, I don't judge. I am just explaining the difference between the 4chin scrote's retard meltdown and your crush. And explaining why perhaps what you said was only meant to be posted in certain threads on lc, and definitely not out loud, irl, immediately after the tragedy, before they caught the bomber KEKK
Being a teenager is a trip.
No. 2296165
File: 1733650694451.jpeg (187.94 KB, 1280x720, IMG_2976.jpeg)

>>2296159They are absolute spastics, they proselytize about being sooper extra pious mooslems but as soon as they have money all they care about is tacky ass conspicuous consoomerism like outdated gaudy designer clothing and assorted hideous blingy shit and LARPing as what they think American wealth looks like. They are also hands down the most unrepentantly hideous moids on the face of the planet, lmao
No. 2296193
File: 1733653234645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,152.04 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_2977.jpeg)

>>2296170Yeah you have a point there, American scrotes who get punched in the face for a living are fugly as hell too (spoilered for gross moid)
No. 2296265
File: 1733663052275.webp (51.59 KB, 600x600, IMG_4779.webp)

New alleged photos of Triple D just dropped. Look at those thick ass eyebrows damn.
>>2295677>um guys, actually stop spekaing bad about powerful companies! The govermint is dangerous!Fed
No. 2296306
>>2296265Where'd they get this pic from? Also his hoodie and his mask are different here. Are we sure it isn't his doppelganger?
>>2295666 Kek
I want to see his full face so bad, we already know he has nice lips
No. 2296324
>>2296315Yes I know its from NYPD… but I asked where did
they get the pic from
No. 2296339
File: 1733668760189.jpeg (38.62 KB, 750x304, IMG_4780.jpeg)

The way the out of touch media treats our husbando hero is annoying as hell. "Killer projects cold stare" as if he shot up a daycare or something kek. That ceo caused Americans far suffering than 9/11 did. That hambeast was the real dead eyed killer.
No. 2296380
>>2296339Incel shoots up a daycare: 9000 articles about poor lonely man we have failed as a society
Random moid partakes in impactful violence that isn't punching down for once: look at this cold EVIL demon KILLER shooting DEATH LASERS from his EYES
No. 2296439
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Thinking about Barack…
No. 2296442
>>2296109>”misandry”:I hate men because they raped me
No. 2296692
File: 1733680296666.png (500.59 KB, 1080x1525, 1000017684.png)

Feel like this wasn't talked about enough here
No. 2296834
>>2296621You've got to be trolling.
>Just over a year before United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was murdered this week in Midtown Manhattan, a lawsuit filed against the insurance giant he helmed revealed just how draconian its claims-denying process had become.
>Last November, the estates of two former UHC patients filed suit in Minnesota alleging that the insurer used an AI algorithm to deny and override claims to elderly patients that had been approved by their doctors.
>The algorithm in question, known as nH Predict, allegedly had a 90 percent error rate — and according to the families of the two deceased men who filed the suit, UHC knew it.Poor little CEO, doing his job of denying healthcare claims to save money for the stockholders at the expense for people's lives.
No. 2297016
File: 1733684742273.png (231.53 KB, 646x436, ceo.png)

>>2296339>That hambeast was the real dead eyed killer.Can we talk about how ugly, fat and retarded looking the uhc ceo was too?
No. 2297067
>>2297016heroically died doing his duty of denying insurance to sick people who paid out the ass for coverage
why do we even pay for insurance. the whole point is that eventually if we need it the company will give up money but they dont even do that. why don't we all just stop paying insurance at the same time. theyre literally just robbing people what a joke
No. 2297199
File: 1733688786949.mp4 (2.67 MB, 1280x720, mHXxNDP2hgRrPmP4.mp4)

KEK they were gossiping about Trump
No. 2297200
>>2296265I thought this was a picture of him in the back go a police car kek but it’s a taxi? I hope they never find him. Supposedly they have DNA but unless he’s already a convicted criminal, they won’t find him that way. They don’t even have the gun.
If he was smart, he never told a single soul about his plan.
No. 2297403
>>2296439this was so crazy of him to say
>>2296931This problem can only be solved if black women refrain from defending hateful violent men and let the consequences come to him.
No. 2297530
>>2296931It's simple.
White women have sexism to worry about.
Black women have that compounded with racism that they can experience from white women also.
Sadly it's just 2 different worlds.
No. 2297574
>>2296621Support for INCEL gunmen who kill innocent people is insane. CHAD gunmen kill evil bitches who rack up murder high scores that make the scrotiest of school shooters salivate in envy at.
I don't think it's okay to kill. That's why I'm glad the murder CEO is dead.
Smiling sexo saved lives. There was another insurance company that was going to only cover partial anesthesia but then after CEuggo was banned from the irl servers people were plastering the CEO's name and photo all over twitter and now they pulled back on that psychotic cartoon villain shit.
I hope incels take note and realize women will get wet if they kill rich assholes. I would support this even if the appearances were reversed (it wouldn't happen because evil makes people ugly. I looked up all the health insurance CEOs and all of them are fucking hideous demons)
No. 2297591
>>2292198>women are a hivemind, if a man is attractive to one woman he is to allIf this was true the ugly man psyop thread wouldn't have people infighting about what's hot or not every single week. I don't even think he's some perfect chad either based on those pictures but I'm glad he did it anyways.
>>2296109This is such an overreaction kek. Men would kill themselves if they had to live like women and put through insane beauty standards if they get like this over some ok looking guy being lusted after.
No. 2297870
File: 1733703752427.png (1.17 MB, 1080x708, prolapse.png)

>>2297708>troon outyup yup, they fail at this department also fucking kek. in their minds, they think being the better woman means being more sexually promiscuous than the average woman (newsflash: males are naturally sluttier and more disgusting than females are in that area), or being the most feminine looking or closest to looking like a porn star. they never talk about things like, oh how can i be better than natural women in things like homemaking? washing the dishes? putting away the clothes? taking care of the children so that she can get a chance at an awesome career? it is never femininity that has kept women chained down and always "femininity" that is geared towards pornographic ideal or the gay moids seal of approval brand of girly that is about pink and glitter and nail polish. fuck off.
No. 2298455
File: 1733717225586.png (3.19 MB, 1118x1871, peepee.png)

he looks like fucking shit and he literally pissed his pants
No. 2299017
>>2296217>before turning 20That's not coming off how you want it to, nonna.
>>2296265>This undated photo released by the New York Police Department shows a suspect in the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on Dec. 4, 2024, in a taxi. Part of the image was blurred by the source. (NYPD via X)So unconfirmed if it is even him.
>>2296109Their cope is always the looks, but personally I go for looks second and personality is first. Men forget that personality is a big portion of attractiveness for women and his moral stand to kill a CEO who wanted to strip health coverage due to feeling pressured by incoming administrations is absolutely the turn on these men refuse to admit. They focus so much on his looks. It's a bonus, but unlike men, having a personality is not secondary for a lot of people.
[Thread usually moves faster, so I had to edit my double posting]
No. 2299268
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No. 2299301
File: 1733769432963.jpg (360.08 KB, 1080x2543, 1000070804.jpg)

>>2299268>>2299282He's a "person of interest" currently.
No. 2299343
>>2297409I'm black myself and I'm criticizing from what i see in my community
>>2297421All demographics coddle their men but their impact is not the same. I don't expect women to come together, but I wish for harsher consequences towards hateful misogynistic men. In a better world, Trump would have never been president
No. 2299363
>>2299268A guy with a profile like this is honestly the last person I would guess would do this. I 100% thought it'd be a corny anarchist.
There are reports he had anti-capitalist writings on him. I wonder if something happened in the past few months that made him do an ideological 180. He hadn't posted on twitter in a while.
No. 2299368
File: 1733771045705.png (1.12 MB, 1170x1315, daddy pennie.png)

Good for him!
No. 2299401
File: 1733771469538.png (251.98 KB, 1294x1511, 1733769328821752 (2).png)

Yeah it's him
No. 2299416
File: 1733771649012.png (29.85 KB, 832x342, IMG_7683.png)

Any source on this? Why would he have that?? This tweet might be bullshit but if NYPD said that then the identification sounds sus
No. 2299431
File: 1733771873234.jpg (122.35 KB, 1188x1143, 1733409122152786.jpg)

Can't believe all the boomers and gen Xers in the comments applauding like sheep at his arrest. No wonder this country is falling and more young people are getting radicalized. "Senseless act of violence" kiss my ass, Mayor Adams did you call the latest femicide in your city that? I can predict this guy is going to get so much jail mail and commissary full of money.
No. 2299450
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No. 2299461
File: 1733772292768.jpeg (59.3 KB, 636x1024, 290.jpeg)

Good possibility this is him posting before he got arrested. No. 2299495
>>2299450kek no way this is real, it's like someone's written the ideal LC
nonnie husbando.
No. 2299496
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>>2299401>Jan 2024This is way too on the nose.
No. 2299513
File: 1733772906692.jpg (125.59 KB, 815x995, Screenshot_20241209_205349_Chr…)

>>2299509There's this one
No. 2299515
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No. 2299534
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I genuinely hate the police. Idc of they keep (some) criminals at bay, they have no morals. If they did then Luigi would be free. Idc if hes a chud with confusing political views. I was the same at his age. Its the glowies trying to divide us over petty shit again.
No. 2299544
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>>2299523So fucking based
>>2299532Fuck boomers, can't wait til they're gone
No. 2299570
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No. 2299571
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No. 2299575
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>>2299544Like how are these the same
No. 2299596
>>2299570>the depth of those dimplesDEROBE
DElIVER (his baby)
No. 2299606
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stole from kf
No. 2299615
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No. 2299630
>>2299618>sexist, racist Thats everyone in Burgerland though so its kind of a given
>friends with troons and fagsthat I wasn’t aware of thank you for educating me
No. 2299651
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Those aren't the same eyebrows as luigi and different nose. I know a lot of nonas are autistic and can't read faces well but these aren't the same people
No. 2299655
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found another Twitter with the same name, I think the guy on the left looks more like the shooter No. 2299673
File: 1733775205498.jpeg (225.45 KB, 571x1201, B7621F4E-EE6D-4FB2-8D2B-7DC61F…)

Reposting for posterity. This is what he thought of women and men’s places. Apparently only men are “innately heroic” with desires for achievement… women, you stay in the kitchen and support your hero man, that’s your duty. Men are the main characters
No. 2299680
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Like this is not the same man kek. He's staying in a hostel apparently but the backpack he has doesn't look much full but he's apparently got a couple of outfit changes. He shoots the ceo and disappears into central park to evade cctv and apparently do another outfit change to evade arrest. Keeps the murder weapon after he left the shells at the scene with the words written on they can be dna tested and investigated. Sounds like a massive oversight for someone that managed to evade arrest for days. Leaves a massive digital footprint online for everyone to wank over? Not buying it
No. 2299692
File: 1733775398516.jpeg (160.55 KB, 750x841, EDBA0D2E-18EF-461F-B215-CE1CE3…)

Kek he’s crying about men being oppressed by the evil wokoid womenz
No. 2299713
>>2299595to be fair he is gay so that may be a dealbreaker for a lot of nonnies here.
A gay italian pretty man gunning down a ceo.
No. 2299715
File: 1733775726088.webp (27.66 KB, 660x371, sexi.jpg)

that's meant to be the same guy?
No. 2299726
>>2299715This dude looks so much like this dude
>>2299655 shortface gay Luigi looks to have a nose higher on his face, it's big but also delicate looking from the front whereas first picrel has a straighter, wider nose that's a bit lower on the face.
No. 2299730
File: 1733775902330.png (370 KB, 515x1802, 1000010700.png)

Bot twitter account
No. 2299737
It's Luigi. There's no way he'd be a fall guy, why pick someone well educated from a wealthy family like that. No way it wasn't him. His eyebrows are covered by his hood in the cctv photos, that's why he looks different.
I get the feeling, with all the RW shit, that he felt as though he was destined for greatness but ended up stuck being decently successful in a mundane and dull way. This kind of sentiment is very common with that kind of techy RW guy.
Unlike most men who think like this he snapped one day and actually did something. I think the anti-health insurance cause might have been arbitrary and he just wanted to kill someone most people would recognise as bad so he could be a hero.
>>2299655I don't think so, this photo is likely more than 10 years old. The guy would be way too old now.
No. 2299741
>>2299718nta but anons were saying that based on the pics here
>>>/g/449522>>>/g/449524it's not actually confirmed. i mean it could be possible but no one knows his dating/relationship status
No. 2299750
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No. 2299765
>>2299680 didn't think brackets would break tagging lol
No. 2299781
File: 1733776395627.png (83.94 KB, 899x467, 8zUyr8L.png)

feds got there
No. 2299789
File: 1733776474040.png (74.89 KB, 1718x583, MUoy9om.png)

course it was a fucking boomer
No. 2299793
>>2299764He’s only saying this because his solution is to have women assigned as broodmares to make him dindin for his big boy hero adventures
>>2299673 , it’s purely self-serving
No. 2299798
>>2299715>>2299544These are the same person look at the fucking floor he's in the same lobby. And his jacket and black backpack don't match the actual shooters pictured here:
>>2299680So the police want me to believe he dumped an outfit and a black backpack somewhere, changed into a different outfit and different back pack. Walked off to central park to evade cctv. Changed again and discarded that outfit and bag to keep evading the cops so he can get out of NYC but he kept the murder weapon on him and had public social media accounts. Like I'm just a loner on lolcow and I don't have social media for fear of people being able to check on me but this big brained killer is didn't even think of privating anything that could incriminate him
No. 2299823
File: 1733776935282.jpg (72.68 KB, 526x1024, GeYlV-KW0AA9zJP.jpg)

>>2299805no he is gay.
>>2299811kek aren't you incels all pro-rw anyway? Damn you really do seethe at men who don't look like subhuman gobling like you. Male envy and jealousy is a disease.
>>2299818no one takes blackpillers seriously on this site, you are all demented and you have nothing to do with radfems.
No. 2299826
>>2299809Kinda hope he does get doxxed, selfish bastard should know how
>>2299811I'm sorry your 9th grade crush didn't like girls anon but don't take it out on here
No. 2299829
>>2299818There's no help for them, that's why this system will continue to exist, because they actively support it and play within the rules. And yet they will call you insane like here
>>2299820 I don't even feel sorry for sexually active straight women, they're all the same kek
No. 2299850
>>2299843idk he is kinda
sus, lots of gay pictures
No. 2299854
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so what yall are saying is this guy didnt deserve it?
No. 2299869
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People are getting him tattooed.
No. 2299882
File: 1733777512911.jpg (60.64 KB, 750x584, GeYokRFWwAE660n.jpg)

is he really gay?
No. 2299897
>>2299884kek they are not a oldfag they are one of those deranged blackpiller newfags who found out about this site when the BP thread was made in the hidden board two years ago.
Just report their posts as ''blackpiller out of containment thread'' since they are not allowed to post their bp bait in other boards.
No. 2299906
File: 1733777779658.gif (1.38 MB, 407x275, 1600726664987.gif)

>>2299867>meme sexual objectification of a cute guy who most likely would hate the fact that we don't respect his opinionsI still don't think he deserves to vote don't worry
No. 2299921
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No. 2299936
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>>2299902Jealousy of WHAT, exactly? Your attraction to a man who will always look at teenagers on the street even when you're both 20 years into the marriage and probably cheat on you if you get breast cancer?
No. 2299939
>>2299673And if you’re gonna try to claim that isn’t what it’s implying I’m going to call you not very well-versed in trad rhetoric.
No. 2299953
File: 1733778189212.jpg (160.73 KB, 1200x1811, 642615.jpg)

Seriously this is why there's a lack of actual activism, no one can joke around without some old bitch yelling "STAAAAHHHPPP YOU MUST TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY YOU MUST NEVER SEXUALLY OBJECTIFY MEN BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL DICK SUCKERS, WHY ARENT YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE WAAAAAAAAHHHH" god old people suck
No. 2299958
File: 1733778232029.jpg (39.55 KB, 417x578, af198de65ea8613d2178dc5f2cdc66…)

>males are allowed to objectify female killers like Jodi Arias without getting their beliefs questioned and called pussy-worshiping simps
>women are not allowed to do the same
I'm gonna twist his dick until he cries, what are you gonna do?
No. 2299975
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No. 2300007
>>2299971she was never normal, because of her conversations would die out. Me and other people on that server would be having a good and productive conversation and she would reply to us with a long wall of text talking about something totally else derailling the whole conversation and making other people stop posting, whenever she talked everyone would stop posting.
We would for example have a discussion about things like tribes and tribalism and she would suddenly post and derail the conversation with a long post about how she hates some women that she is stalking. It was the same shit with her all the time. She is actually a huge mean girl and a bully, there are some girls on ed-twitter that she is obsessed with and would constantly talk about them all the time, that was the only fucking thing she cared about, gossiping about other women.
She could never be normal and was always posting about those same 2-3 women she was obsessed with. Also she has orbiters and defenders who would enable her to act this way so if anyone told her to stop they would get attacked by her orbiters.
No. 2300013
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I just came here to say that with how deranged the orange man is acting lately (basically threatening global economy with all the sanctions and wanting to make Canada and Mexico new States), I won't be surprised if he will soon die from unexplained reasons or will get assassinated (this time for real). It's not just regular people he's threatening now, a lot of powerful people and global corporations too. Someone will have enough money to hire an actual shooter this time.
No. 2300014
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60 year old creep has been doing this to countless women and it took an americhad to put an end to it. Why are eurocuck police so cowardly?
No. 2300018
>>2300011all she did was talk about those women all the fucking time and im not even being hyperbolic, that's all she did. She would either talk about those women or some random pornstars or she would spam turtle pictures when someone would tell her to stop. She has the most severe case of autism i have ever seen.
I don't hate any personalityfag here because some of them are entertaining but bj-chan is such a vile, retarded individual that i want her to get sent to a care facility.
No. 2300033
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Sorry i saw this comment on tiktok and thought it was funny. Shes actually 70 if u check her profile.
No. 2300045
>>2300031she definitely does have some weight or ed-problem since she mentioned that her mother would weight shame her.
>>2300041no, bj-chan is polish, they're totally different lol. Also romanianons english is way better tbh , when i was talking to bj-chan she even said that for some posts she uses translator and a corrector.
No. 2300080
>>2300014What the fuck is this shit. It should be legal for women to kill moids.
I heard 90% of women in prison for homicide murdered their
abusive psycho husbands/exes anyways.
No. 2300095
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Allegedly Luigi has/had a youtube channel with a sceduled release video. His username was @pepmangione but i cant find it. I guess jewtube removed it already.
No. 2300097
>>2300074>>2300079she does sperg about ''evil whoors sucking cawk'' but without the hettie part. You are confusing her with her orbiters and impersonators, If you see someone adding ''straight women this'' ''hetero women that'' in their posts then that's just one of her orbiters and not bj-chan. Like for example in this thread the baiters who just got banned are her orbiters, she wasn't here because i recognize her typing style and vocabulary.
Not every bp sperg is her unfortunately, there is atleast 5 posters on this whole site who are bp so take that how you will.
(personalityfag derailing) No. 2300112
File: 1733781700418.gif (2.27 MB, 480x400, Pop it up.GIF)

Does anyone have an archive of his goodreads acct? I saved a partial pdf but then got distracted by the thread. GIF related. I was too tard to think to archive it.
No. 2300129
File: 1733781946780.jpeg (237.29 KB, 597x500, IMG_3257.jpeg)

Free him
No. 2300150
>>2300095still up
i doubt this really is his account though No. 2300156
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No. 2300173
>>2300165Thirsting over his looks -> makes moids and lesbos seethe
Making jokes about the fatass CEO -> makes boomers and corpo bootlicker seethe
I love it