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No. 2290116

>no baiting or responding to bait
>be a good American citizen

Previous threads:

No. 2290119

Thread maxed out conversations over you know the rule

No. 2290122

i wish we could use the same threadpic multiple times in a row that pic of biden is so cute

No. 2290133

Ah shit just made a thread. Ill go delete it

No. 2290136

The picture is cute. Maybe use it for the next thread.

No. 2290137

jolly alfred lives on in our hearts

No. 2290139

Baiter who plays dumb every time their ass is shown. Daily costs are continually rising while wages stagnate. This is not 2004 anymore. This is a post 2008 post covid world. Please do catch up

No. 2290150

nta stop trying to reawaken infights, it’s fucking annoying. we’re in a new thread, talk about something else

No. 2290153

Anyone who thinks Bush wasn't a shitty president is retarded.
He was awful.

No. 2290156

He was basically a nepo baby kek. He tried too much to be like his dad. Retarded evangelicals are a major reason as to why he won in 2004, anyways

No. 2290159

Nona don’t let me stop you from talking about whatever you want that’s on your mind. It’s a free internet kek

No. 2290162

Retard evangelicals is why every republican since Nixon won.
They want the world to end so their messiah can return. They are a scourge to society.

No. 2290169

This is why I think fully trying to prepare for any tariffs is useless. Their MO is inherently nonsensical and self destructive. Go get your rigs either way

No. 2290173

You think this shit wont go down because religioncucks and corrupt political conservatives are going to infight for the next 4 years like they did during trumps last term?

No. 2290174

NTA but i do think that there will be a copious amount of infighting, however he has hired so many loyalists that I can actually see alot of his shit going through. Just not smoothly

No. 2290180

Idk I feel like a lot of loyalists turn on trump anyways because hes impossible to work with
Still, yeah. I think hes more prepared this time around. Its scary as fuck that edgelords would rather starve to death so they can 'stick it to the libs'

No. 2290207

File: 1733365749782.png (839.84 KB, 1080x1412, aoc.png)

I feel the AOC fever taking over my body..

No. 2290211

File: 1733365863056.jpg (27.46 KB, 735x494, beca31c97c253807063c02bee668c9…)

She has the juice, we just need to peak her it'll work… I promise…. I promise…

No. 2290218

Samefag but she has to keep wearing those damn serial killer glasses wheeewwww

No. 2290224

I think she would look cutest in classic Bayonetta glasses

No. 2290226

I heard jewn (shoeonhead) told her to drop the pronouns from her twitter bio and she listened.
There might be hope.

No. 2290230

How much moid seething did this cause

No. 2290232

I just don’t think they realize that’s what they’re doing kek. Moids aren’t prone to ana in general and the average burger has never known what it’s like to starve either unless you count nutritional deficits from being on a diet of pure sugar water and carbs. To them food insecurity might as well be a far off fantasy like from a dystopian movie or game

No. 2290267

If AOC looked older or uglier y’all would hate her and so would the lib males

No. 2290271

File: 1733368186481.webp (47.51 KB, 682x864, Bernie-Sanders-2007.webp)

>If AOC looked older or uglier

No. 2290274

i never thought we would reach this timeline but has anyone noticed a weird uprise of anti-italian sentiment among magatards and white supermacists towards italians like accusing them of not being ''actual whites'' (wtf is that supposed to even mean) and calling them slurs.

Any italian-american nonnie here? how do you feel about it?

No. 2290279

File: 1733368544326.gif (453.88 KB, 400x231, 15ea9aa6-1bbf-4168-b043-cce529…)

I'm an italian american and I haven't seen this at all in real life, on the internet I have. I don't think it's going to amount to much, though. When did they start calling us slurs???

No. 2290280

>anti italian slurs
do these even exist? kek

No. 2290281

Cmon nonna you can bait better than that!

No. 2290282

I don't think she's baiting, retarded useless racepol infighting between moids has always been a thing. To see it in 2024 is kind of funny, doesn't Vance hate the irish or some shit? Lmfao

No. 2290283

I literally dont give a fuck what she looks like. I just know sanders is too fucking old. In fact, I only support her because shes not too old. She could be 50,60, shit with this fucking geriatric boomer bullshit we got going on I'd even be fine with 70.
My main issue with her is the troon shit. The second she drops the tranny shit and goes all in on ass raping the greedy cooperate elites I will follow her to the ends of the earth.
A terf AOC would destroy trumps faggot administration in one fell swoop.

No. 2290284

I haven’t really seen Italian hate because I don’t fraternize with men, also I can’t find any evidence of JD Vance saying he hates Irish people?

No. 2290285

yeah i should have clarified that it's only on the internet and in the media because these people are too big of cowards to say that shit in real life because they know they would get beat up. Still weird though because i haven't seen this happening before this year.

No they are just using slurs that they use against other races like black people and brown people and just calling italians that.

it's not bait, retard.

No. 2290286

They think anyone who doesn't have a cali or southern accent as being non-white it seems.

No. 2290287

Maybe they're talking about like this?

No. 2290288

So they’re calling Italian people the N word now?

No. 2290289

Maybe online, that wont happen irl until you get back to early 20th century racism. Then the cracker infighting will be at its strongest.
Italians, Poles, and Irish will become the next blacks, mexicans, and arabs

No. 2290291

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Not quite but close lmao

No. 2290292

Sorry to piss any new thread purist anons off but I just want to know how foreign companies polluting on American soil is any different from American companies polluting here too? I understand the apprehension in terms of outsourcing potential industry internationally but I don’t think the party of religious extremists are the answer to environmental concerns especially when it comes to any number of various chemical exposures like PFAS. Dumpy wants to deregulate, the key to managing these toxins is increased regulation of any company located domestically by federal agencies

No. 2290293

Is this in reference to the MAGA retards thinking Ariana Grande isn't white and that Wicked is "anti-white" because they cast her kekkk. In fairness Ariana did really try to look hispanic years ago, but she looks very white now.

No. 2290294

italian people are annoying enough as it is i bet they can’t wait to claim they’re an “oppressed group”

No. 2290296

White supremacist have always had a hate boner towards Italians, that's not really new. I wouldn't be surprised if "white people can only have blue eyes and blonde hair" rhetoric goes mainstream

No. 2290297

where is the Ariana: the last racebender meme

No. 2290298

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I don't know what triggered him to say this lmfao

No. 2290299

no ive noticed this months before that, maybe im just too chronically online but i swear i haven't noticed this until this year.

No. 2290301

This is just a wall of text though anon, is there a video of this, like did anyone get it on tape or did he say it on a podcast?

No. 2290302

Isnt trump german

No. 2290303

Literally german, spiritually italian

No. 2290304

Trump is American nonnie, if your family has been here for more than 3 generations then you’re genetically American

No. 2290308

Genetically American lol what

No. 2290309

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No. 2290310

Lmao his grandpa was among that massive immigration wave I’m assuming that text is referring to. His dad, the son of that immigrant was def a huge source of conflict in the 1950s. Woody Guthrie even wrote a song on it called Old Man Trump

No. 2290311

wow, so they're going back to the literal roots of racism then

No. 2290312

But none of that is racist though, it’s just the truth. That is what was happening kek.

No. 2290316

stop sucking off that obese moonfaced abomination you degenerate.

No. 2290318

I just feel like it doesn’t make a ton of sense to try to call yourself German if no one in your family has lived in Germany for multiple generations, none of you speak the language, and you and your family have been living in America since you immigrated here

No. 2290320

Yeah but that's not genetics

No. 2290321

I don’t know why you’re calling me a degenerate? I don’t like JD Vance, but none of what he’s saying is false. You can do research yourself if you feel like spending your time doing that, but it’s not racist or hateful to any of those races to say that there was higher crime anon.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2290324

Okay but it’s accurate. He’s ethnically German with an American nationality

No. 2290326

Ok tell that to black people who have been in America for 4,5,6,8 generations

No. 2290327

Wasn't Louisiana French?

No. 2290329

Ethnic infighting has always been morbidly funny to me, because literally nobody in the US cares about this shit anymore. Like just nobody cares unless they're deranged or autistic. Back then they just wanted people to blame and it's insane how recent it all actually was. Lots of it was because of anti-catholic shit too, the KKK got on italian americans for that. Now italians aren't really seen as different. Crazyyyy shit

No. 2290330

Yeah, actually. Whatever genes you have are just whatever label the DNA tester decides to slap on them. My sister took a DNA test that said she was Northern European, a few weeks later it changed and said she was Slavic keeek

No. 2290331

Them being black doesn’t change the fact that they’re American anon. What are you talking about?

No. 2290333

You can’t really be “ethnically” german if you’re not actually german

No. 2290335

NTA but Louisiana isn’t French, they’re “Creole” which is the American version of French

No. 2290336

Those genealogy tests show you the percentage of genetics inherited/shared from others that have done the same genealogy kits. So with more data they were able to be more precise

No. 2290339

Yeah but wasn't it like one of the last states purchased from the French?

No. 2290340

LMAO what
>this is what was happening kek.
I know because you were.

Kek this just goes to show that racebait never ends at just non-white people and that retarded racebaiters will just start genociding each other and dividing themselves into different white races even if all the non-white people are gone. History and all the wars teaches us that white people for some reason love killing each other and dividing each other.

No. 2290341

And what I’m telling you is that “genealogy tests” don’t actually test anything, it’s basically a cash grab where they do family history research and then base whatever label they give your genetics off that.

No. 2290342

That’s all user volunteered data. It changes over time as the database expands

His grandpa immigrated to America from Germany, he has German heritage. What percent idk, but it’s in there

No. 2290343

That’s not what racebait is…you’re gonna have to take your anger out on the vice president kek a

No. 2290344

I've never done one because it's a private company collating data. People who are genetically American would be First Nation populations.

No. 2290345

where the fuck is vance from

No. 2290346

Genetically American would be the native population imo

No. 2290347

That doesn’t make any sense. How would France have control over a country from 3,000 miles away?

No. 2290348

He's scottish/irish which makes his comments on irish immigrants being violent even funnier

No. 2290350

I don’t know why they say “native americans” and not just Americans? Also if we really wanna get technical, there’s no such thing as a “native” American because everyone had to immigrate here

No. 2290351

How was New York called New Amsterdam when Amsterdam is in The Netherlands?

No. 2290352

I’ve never heard of first nation so I can’t respond informedly

No. 2290353

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I never thought about it that way

No. 2290354

New York isn’t called New Amsterdam though, also something being named after a location isn’t really the same as the other location (again, over 3,000 miles away) purchasing the state with money and trying to control it (which they obviously failed to do)

No. 2290356

Nona are you Canadian

No. 2290357

Anon if you study anthropology you'd be more knowledgeable on this. There were so many different hominin populations across the globe, the americas have been populated for tens of thousands of years

No. 2290359

Bless you I can see public education failed you.

No. 2290361

if they’ve been here for tens of thousands of years why is it they don’t feel comfortable claiming the sole term American?

No. 2290363

I hope you’re right because every Italian I know voted Trump like a faggot. Let them reap what they sewn

No. 2290364

I did it but used an alias. I found it to be pretty accurate based on what I know about my family. Luckily no genetically predisposed conditions either. If you have any of those I’d recommend you to not do the test

No. 2290365

And I also missed my two last years of school because COVID broke out and online school was an automatic pass for everyone

No. 2290367

Nationality and ethnicity is different. After 3 generations you don't suddenly get a Yankee doodle gene

No. 2290368

Yeah you do

No. 2290369

See this is my issue with the infighting white purists, they are all so fucking retarded.
I think this is just a race thing overall, and it's always stupid.
The way I see it anyone who engages with racial superiority has already outed themselves as an inferior human being.

No. 2290371

I don’t think he was saying that any race was superior though he was just talking about the crime rates of times when I don’t even think he was alive

No. 2290372

That anon has to be Canadian, because that term is the Canadian equivalent for Native American.

No. 2290373

I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income.
Either way, vance is a retard and a closeted homosexual. His wife is also stupid for being with him

No. 2290374

>I wouldn't be surprised if "white people can only have blue eyes and blonde hair" rhetoric goes mainstream

I'd hate to tell you but…it's already starting to pick up traction. Im seeing it on multiple social medias those types of aryan accounts pop-up and there is constant infighting between them on who is the purest white. The infighting between them is so fucking funny too, they all look schizophrenic. Now i wish i saved screenshots of those accounts and their infights.

No. 2290375

I'm not Candian. First Nation is the preferred term. I've just watched a lot of Lily Gladstone interviews lol

No. 2290376

I don’t really have much sympathy for anyone who commits crimes so I’m fine with blaming it on both

No. 2290378

NTA but can you show us what you’re talking about? Because I’ve never seen that before and googling “aryan” on instagram doesn’t really do anything

No. 2290379

The Varg thread has some great examples kek

No. 2290380

This is an imageboard anon if you can’t just post a screenshot I’m gonna assume you’re lying

No. 2290383

nta but ewww i forgot he existed. thanks for reminding me keeek omg

No. 2290384

File: 1733370903119.jpg (177.18 KB, 945x951, Screenshot 2024-12-05 045422.j…)

>don’t really have much sympathy for anyone who commits crimes

then i take it you hate Trump and his administration then?

No. 2290385

I didn’t use the word hate, I said don’t have much sympathy

No. 2290386

jesus christ ntayrt but i take it you hate obama? and kamala? and aoc? and bill clinton? and george bush? and everyone in american politics? kek every politician is a criminal anon

No. 2290387

alright thank you for the semantics,

eitherway congratulations to Trump for being the first president with over 34 felonies, that has to be a achievement of some sorts.

No. 2290392

Someone said Obama was the first black president and trump is the first gamer word president

No. 2290393

Apparently he’s the first charged criminal president ever, isn’t that crazy? We all know that all of the presidents over the course of history were liars and criminals but I’m not sure what is so special about Trump that his citizens just had to drop the bar on him

No. 2290399

looks like the magatards are coming out of the woodworks. Kamala never committed any felony and neither did AOC, for Obama he was a war fiend but that's not a felony. also inb4 your retarded >but uh i think they are criminals in the spiritual sense retardation.

George Bush belongs to you republicans and no one likes Bill Clinton including me. I bet you thought this was such a own kek go back to talking to bots on X.

Trump committed over 34 felonies and was convicted of rape. He is a piece of shit and magatards are the toilet who is clogged with it.

No. 2290404

>he was a war fiend but that’s not a felony
NTA but wow kek. The standards are buried

No. 2290406

i mean if we are playing the war fiend optics all US presidents are war fiends and that includes Donald Trump or do you not like it when the ''but all of them'' thing is played right back at you?

No. 2290407

>being able to acknowledge that politicians are criminals must mean that you like politicians
i know a lot of you guys are retarded but there’s 0 logic behind this at all. also just because someone hasn’t been charged with a felony doesn’t mean they’re not committing any crimes behind closed doors.

No. 2290409

No war happened from 2016/2020 though? Do you not remember all the shit that happened when Obama was in office kek or were you just not born yet?(bait)

No. 2290411

Makes no sense lol okay I don't have sympathy for criminals either that doesn't mean I'm going to blame immigrants and poor people. Fucking retard

No. 2290413

Didnt trump have to go to court 4000 times for a variety of lawsuits (mostly not paying his fucking workers) even before he first ran for president?
Its pretty obvious this retard only ran as a last ditch effort to get the fuck out of all the legal trouble he was in.
He was so stupid he tried to fool the dems, but then he realized republicans are significantly more retarded and allowed for more cheating in their elections (I still believe Gore won in 2000 and they hid enough votes in florida to make it go blue)
So his nepo, crooked, inexperienced in politics ass ran and won based on populism alone.

No. 2290414

Obama okayed lead being in Flint's water. Then when the car manufacturing plants nearby where using the same source of water the citizens had too the water was contaminating the car parts and corrosive and shit that the government allowed the private companies to use the clean water and leave the dirty water for citizens. You can't ever recover from lead poisoning or remove it from the system and it drastically effects intelligence. Obama did a gay stunt where he wet his lips with a glass of flint water and never swallowed. This is all in Michael Moore's Farenheit 11/9 when he tries to find out the root of Trumps presidency. His special before that was blowing smoke up Hillary Clinton's ass so in no way did he have any biases for falling Obama and the dems a bunch of cunts. Then after that Obama allowed the military to use abandoned buildings in Flint as target practice without telling the citizens. Imagine suddenly hearing helicopters and buildings getting shot at. That's fucked up and criminal and he did it to his own citizens.

No. 2290415

Anon did you and I watch the same video? He wasn’t blaming anything on immigrants and poor people, he was talking about the behavior of immigrants like over 100 years ago

No. 2290417

>4,000 times exactly
NTA but I’ll believe that when I see it

No. 2290421

Are you capable of reading the post I'm replying to
>I don’t really have much sympathy for anyone who commits crimes so I’m fine with blaming it on both
in response to
>I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income.
Why even reply if you can't follow a thread

No. 2290422

Here's the full 2 hour documentary for free. It's very interesting

No. 2290423

Around the hour and a half mark is Obama "drinking" the water

No. 2290424

They lurk here constantly. I don't even get angered by them anymore, I did the first couple times they showed up but now they've overdone the bit to the point I just pretend they aren't there and ignore them kek. They enjoy the infighting.

No. 2290425

File: 1733372222377.png (17.7 KB, 703x168, 344543354.png)

Not 4000, over 4000 times.
But yeah you still won't believe it anyways.

No. 2290426

You were replying to my post, nimrod. And you must’ve tagged the wrong one, because the post you tagged does not say
>I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income.
Kek, I can’t “follow the thread”, meanwhile you don’t even know which post you’re responding to.

No. 2290427

I’ve never seen pro Trump posts on this website though

No. 2290428

Oh my bad, I didn't know that. Is there a reason why it's not more widespread of a term? Googling it leads to only talking about Canada but nothing about United States.

No. 2290430

These threads were such a shitshow before the election nona there were definitely very pro trump anons in there. I argued with one months ago and it kept coming back to the point I just ignored them kek they seemed to enjoy riling everybody up

No. 2290432

Lmfao. Here I will break it down for you because I'm procrastinating anyway.
My first post is >>2290411
which is in response to >>2290376
which is in response to >>2290373
Does that help you

No. 2290433

That’s why I think dems lose on purpose. They have the same interests as repubs just methodically different. They don’t really want to change even if they say they do by face value on party principles alone. But still I don’t understand how anyone would assume Trump could be any better. No leeway on his end at all

No. 2290435

>So his nepo, crooked, inexperienced in politics ass ran and won based on populism alone.
Honestly funny as fuck how retarded americans are. Whoever can say "I blame the elites" first wins, the whole retardation about "muh draining the swamp" just for him to appoint a bunch of neocons. lmfao. He's as elite as bill clinton except he has gay face

No. 2290436

It doesn’t really provide much of an explanation for your response because nobody was blaming anything on immigrants and poor people, not me or other anons nor Vance in the video?

No. 2290437

I want religion to be abolished in America

No. 2290438

File: 1733372473975.jpg (480.97 KB, 904x1955, 1000011341.jpg)

Why don't you type first nation people in America into Google not sure why nothing is showing up.

No. 2290440

Good for you? Kek

No. 2290441

Move to Europe if you wanna be in a place where religion isn’t welcome

No. 2290442

They love it. It’s the only attention they’ll get all day in their pathetic lives. Mine is too but not enough to want to bait for fun

No. 2290443

Why do you think the dems focused so much on minority identity issues such as trans people? Because they can get pats on their back for prioritising less than 5% of the population while war mongering in other countries

No. 2290444

if whoever saying "I blame the elites" won first bernie would have won in 2016.

No. 2290445

I’m just a little confused because I use this website the most out of any of the anons here, and I’ve never seen any legitimate pro-Trump shilling? I’ve seen centrism from anons who have a neutral/careless attitude about Trump but I’ve never seen anything like

No. 2290446

Go back to previous threads. There were a bunch. But I don’t usually see them outside of this thread in particular

No. 2290447

oh my god. moderate derail but this just reminded me of when i was at a festival as a kid and there was a McDonalds float with Ronald McDonald sitting on it and when he came out literally everyone there was screaming “I LOVE YOU!!” at him

No. 2290449

idk if ur american or european but whenever I visited europe it was comfy as fuck

No. 2290450

Just go back in the amerifag threads before the election. One I can remember off the top of my head was very upset that I said Trump was a rapist, and started calling me a rapist. I guess it can be argued if they actually liked Trump and weren't just baiting, but still.

No. 2290451

File: 1733372769103.jpg (57.85 KB, 1170x802, F3hm_C-akAAPQzq.jpg)

The response >>2290376 quite literally says "I don’t really have much sympathy for anyone who commits crimes so I’m fine with blaming it on both", in response to the post >>2290373 which says "I think the crimes of those fresh immigrants had less to do with their country of origin and more to do with their income"

No. 2290452

I didn’t say Europe was uncomfortable anon it’s just that Americans left Europe/England and came to America precisely because the Europeans lost their way religiously

No. 2290455

Anon, that’s not literally blaming it on random immigrants and poor people though? I knew autism was rampant on this website but sheesh…not everything is meant to be taken seriously kek, and also Vinny was talking about the original immigrants who came from Ireland Italy and wherever else he was talking about, not the president day immigrants (which there are basically none because Irish and Italian people don’t want to be here)

No. 2290456

and now everyone in paris is wearing a burka…

No. 2290459

Are you guys trolling or just really ignorant?

No. 2290460

I think they’re bait too nona. They’re being willfully obtuse. You’re being more than clear

No. 2290462

second ayrt no i’m not trolling at all have you been to france recently anon? or any country in europe? islam is a big problem there now

No. 2290463

I live in Ireland. French women are not walking around in burkas

No. 2290464

No anon, I’m not baiting in the slightest, it seems like she’s taking my words a little too seriously?

No. 2290466

NTA but what are you doing in here right now?

No. 2290467

All those immigrants on president day smh

No. 2290469

Living doesn't mean ethnicity. Some of you guys need to read a book

No. 2290470

I saw tons of burkas in London in 2009, not a single fucking Burka in Prague in 2016.
I think it just depends on where you go

No. 2290471

File: 1733373286245.png (6.9 KB, 133x111, mnbvghj.png)

Rihanna? Riley? Rachel? Ruby? Rebecca? Learn2ant

No. 2290472

>is the ethnicity Vance was trashing
oh so that’s the problem

No. 2290473

Fine I’ll bite. What exactly were your words?

No. 2290474

>Is the same ethnicity as vance
NYART but can we stop with the race war divisionism shit god damn

No. 2290475

No, I articulated myself very well. I explained to her that I don’t have any political power and be offhand saying I “blame” something on immigrants doesn’t actually mean anything.

No. 2290476

Learn to Google then so you don't get a headache over the letter R

No. 2290478

My verbatim words were “I can blame both” but it sounds like you’re taking it way too seriously

No. 2290480

you know how some people say “do you still get visits from your aunt flo”? do you think they’re actually asking you if you have an aunt named flo who comes to visit you?

No. 2290481

its fucking Rihanna telling your ass off.

No. 2290483

reaanna isn’t american

No. 2290484

Okay so it's "Retard" then
I'm not even in this infight but I wish rihanna was a farmer

No. 2290485

I never responded until now lmao. If you’re not srs it shouldn’t matter anyway? You know you can drop it right

No. 2290486

Retard would be the spaz who didn't know how to use Google to learn about the term first nation. Imagine in the year 2024 not knowing how to use a search engine. What a thick cunt

No. 2290487

I wish so hard. We could maybe focus on actual issues and make progress as a society and nation.

No. 2290489

I’m glad you got to learn what a hyperbole is today

No. 2290490

>Thinks it's the same person arguing with her about first nations or whatever
>Doesnt know how to ant
Go back

No. 2290491

>make progress as a society and nation.
That would be legitimately impossible without respecting God kek, take a look at all of the countries that aren’t Christian

No. 2290492

>rihanna was a farmer
Her infights would shine so bright. Almost like a diamond one could say

No. 2290493

NTAYRT but how can you tell when someone is posting from a cellphone? I didn’t know that was a new thing on LC

No. 2290494

So? Theres an irish nonna on here too. Rhianna is welcome here and she is telling your ass off now

No. 2290495

You didn't need to get offended by technological illiterate anon being called out for not using Google correctly but you did. Bless up.

No. 2290499

Because it's the height and width of a phone

No. 2290501

What is?

No. 2290503

The screenshot

No. 2290504

I've been a majority phonefag for the last 4 years. What's the issue lol

No. 2290505

well now you’re tempting me to edit my next screenshots to be phone shaped anon…

No. 2290509

Is the word hyperbolic or is it combative? Hm hard to say

No. 2290510

Yes like Japan, famously so much worse than America. Maybe if they discovered our lord Jesus their rate of gun violence would go down. We can only hope

No. 2290520

Religious places are generally the most fucked up.

No. 2290524

plenty of non Christian countries are doing fine

No. 2290526

What do you mean combative

No. 2290527

File: 1733374792785.jpg (126.12 KB, 1748x805, Screenshot 2024-12-05 052821.j…)

The trump being anti-war thing is a propaganda myth so let's put these lies to rest, while he didn't start (well technically he did if we are counting his short war with Syria) any new wars he did help and worsen already existing wars.
Here are is a good article debunking that and showing the wars that he helped worsen and escalate, he is not this war-saint you so desperately lie he is.







I know you will probably ignore this post though since the moment magatards lies get exposed with proof you all stop replying.

No. 2290528

Anyone who thinks christian countries are somehow better are brainwashed I think.

No. 2290529

File: 1733374842883.jpeg (546.37 KB, 1170x1184, IMG_8281.jpeg)

Everyone in Japan is miserable? Suicide rates continually rise, and nobody is getting married or having children because everyone hates each other.

No. 2290531

This is an imageboard anon, screenshots

No. 2290533

>I know you will probably ignore this post though since the moment magatards lies get exposed with proof you all stop replying
This. I showed them the 4000 legal cases thing and suddenly they vanished.
The saddest part is they are just gonna go somewhere else and be a pro Trump glowie

No. 2290534

Religious as in Islam/Muslim, yeah, definitely

No. 2290535

NTA but, neither am I pro-Trump, but I also have not vanished. I’m just not gonna spend the hours before I go to bed reading articles on an imageboard

No. 2290536

Suicide is rising in the us as well, and also no one is getting married here because everyone hates eachother.
It's just that in japan you're less likely to get brained by some psycho with a glock

No. 2290538

>he is not the war saint you so desperately lie he is
Thats not lying to say there was no war from 2016/2020, there just wasn’t. At least not one that anybody heard of or cared to discuss on social media kek.

No. 2290539

I mean you can nitpick the country all you want but americans have shorter life spans and the highest amount of mass shootings. That doesn't really have to do with christianity, though, does it? Japan is still very developed I don't know what point you're making.
No1curr + birth rates are declining everywhere. alot of that has to do with teen pregnancy decreasing btw. Only tradfags care about this shit

No. 2290540

You didn't respond to me when I showed you that he had over 4000 court cases.
For someone who claims to be pro trump you sure do like to defend him.
I get it, they are all criminals. But trump is fucking sloppy as fuck. At the very least he's exposing the corruption I guess.
Still wish Bernie ran instead of hillary.

No. 2290541

>you're less likely to get brained by some psycho with a glock
Do you even live here? I live in an open carry state and I’ve never seen or heard about anyone getting randomly shot? It would just result in losing your gun license and going to prison?

No. 2290542

Ok, but South Korea’s suicide rate is higher and they’re way more Christian down there. So clearly it’s not the lack of religion causing problems. Also USA has more suicides per capita than Japan too

No. 2290544

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>At least not one that anybody heard of or cared to discuss on social media kek.
Yeah that's what's wrong with you people

No. 2290546

It’s not really defending Trump to speak my own experience though? Also, do you only post in hopes of getting a response from me? Teehee(bait)

No. 2290547

>you people
if you’re not american and don’t like us then why do you come to this thread

No. 2290549

Probably because it’s the fastest moving thread on the board

No. 2290550

I am american, "you people" refers to every retard who only cares about what they hear on social media where algorithms push out politically charged content to change your mind or make you angry

No. 2290552

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What the fuck, I was the one who didn't know the term First Nation, why am I being called a thick cunt retard kek I wasn't even mad at you or anything I literally said "oh my bad, why isn't it a more common term" as in uhhh nobody I know irl uses it. No need to be rude, damn. And fwiw, googling it on my end brought up Canada. I'm sorry I don't know what current term the natives would like to be called is.

No. 2290553

Yeah I live in the US, I've lived in urban, rural, and suburban us.
You're being willfully ignorant if you act like you haven't heard of at least one person dying or being threatened by gun violence here.
Suburban biomes you're less likely to get shot by a rando, but in all three biomes domestic gun violence is a huge problem.
I know a girl who had a disgruntled classmate break into her home and shoot her in the fucking face while she slept.
Shit is fucked up.

No. 2290554

>refers to every retard who only cares about what they hear on social media
You can get angry and stomp your feet about social media all you want grandpa but it’s the way people communicate and receive their news now, and has been for about 12 years.

No. 2290557

I’m not American and I don’t like you. I post in this thread to hopefully bring a small amount of suffering to any American who I happen to anger(baiting retard)

No. 2290558

>You're being willfully ignorant if you act like you haven't heard of at least one person dying or being threatened by gun violence here.
So…what response are you looking for? I’m being honest about my lived experience.

No. 2290559

NTA but obsessively trying to get Americans attention doesn’t really bring me any suffering, I think it’s sweet you’re such big fans of us

No. 2290561

Damn bush really had to make up for that lack of killings in 2002

No. 2290562

I like how non Americans are so obsessed with us. Feels nice knowing so many care about us when we don't care about them.

No. 2290563

File: 1733375477411.webp (13.53 KB, 800x355, twittersourcecode.webp)

Nona it's okay lol she thinks I'm you because I called her out for being a retard for having her AVI shown in her screenshot. ignore the newfag

No. 2290565

why are canadians and europeans so in love with us? is it because we dumped your sorry ass and left kek?

No. 2290566

Is there a eurofag or leaffag thread?

No. 2290567

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>I’m just not gonna spend the hours before I go to bed reading articles

yes because you don't want your view point changed and your cognitive dissonance challenged so you rather spend that hour infighting with anons and baiting. Are you the one asking anon to post a screenshot of all those articles kek are you retarded, that would be flooding and a ban, one screenshot anon posted was already okay.

>there weren't any viral wars on social media at that time.
yikes, magatards are really never beating the retard allegation.

No. 2290568

i think there has to be, i know there’s a canadian thread kek

No. 2290569

Or because I don’t feel like spending hours reading articles, have you ever heard of Occam’s razor my dear child?

No. 2290570

Just accept that guns are fucked man.
Im saying this as a gun owner. it was WAY too easy for me to get a gun. Like, getting a gun license should be as hard as getting a drivers license. But it's not. It's easy as shit.

No. 2290571

In an age where flow of information is distorted and controlled by Elon Musk (among others) and bots for the purpose of causing outrage and confusion, you owe it to yourself to do some research beyond reading a headline and a hot take.

No. 2290572

1) Being centrist doesn’t mean you support Trump 2) Social media has been the primary news channel for over a decade now anon.

No. 2290573

NTA but this is how lolcows act when they discover people are talking about them here

No. 2290574

Guns aren’t the problem though anon, mentally ill people are

No. 2290575

it's okay anon i do know how hard it is with the literacy rates and all, for some people a 5 minute article can turn into hours. Im not judging you, you have my sympathies.

No. 2290576

There are but they just wanna be included in our conversations even though they "hate us" so much kekkk.

No. 2290577

If you didnt vote you basically support trump.
I get it, Im a centrist too, but you need to vote for one of these retards every election, if only to get the one retard you hate more the fuck away from running your country.

No. 2290578

No shit nona! Thats why Im saying it should be harder to get a gun!!!

No. 2290580

Idk about you but even as someone who lives in an OC state, it was super hard for me to get my fun license. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m retarded or what, but I’ve also only lived in one state so I’m not super educated on the gun laws in each state

No. 2290581

aren't the majority of centrists basically just closeted magatards, this just proves my point.

centrist has just become the new code word for repubs who are too shame of calling themselves that. Actual centrists are becoming rarer and rarer.

No. 2290582

I’m just lazy ok, me and Mr. President have that in common

No. 2290584

the burger trad wife who i keep up with hasn’t posted in a week and i’m starting to have withdrawals…

No. 2290586

Which one there's alot

No. 2290587

i’m not gonna include her name cause i don’t want her to be forced into the right wing cows thread since she doesn’t display any cow behavior lol

No. 2290591

Praying that by the grace of God somehow Trump does something that brings us all together and makes our lives happier and brighter

No. 2290595

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No. 2290598

ot but your pic makes me happy in a twisted way. I hope all the free Palestine fags who didn't vote for Kamala enjoy seeing Palestine turned into beach front property. kekk lesser of two evils my ass

No. 2290599

I’ve also lived in suburban, urban and rural areas all over the south. It happens all the fucking time. Whether it’s that kid who accidentally murked himself at a party to prove it wasn’t loaded, that psycho who accidentally murked a baby from firing aimlessly into the air out of anger or that neighbor I was warned to stay away from with unfortunately cute goats who randomly shot his rifle from time to time near property lines to get the message across. Or even that one time I was almost shot because a cop was called to our house from an alarm accidentally going off. He aimed at me and said holy shit I almost shot you. All moids too

No. 2290601

Did you have to go in person to a government building and take multiple gun safety classes and take tests?

No. 2290603

Ban moids from having guns
This is a cold take.

No. 2290607

I was just thinking this. That and magamoids getting drafted

No. 2290614

Threadpic making me wonder which celebs voted Dubya in 2004

No. 2290626

What happened with the united healthcare ceo is what Aaron Bushnell should’ve done to other assholes in power. Lighting himself on fire didn’t accomplish anything for Palestine, it just got leftists to worship him. If you’re gonna kill yourself as a form of “protest”, you may as well take some people down with you

No. 2290636

The idea of a bush to harris voter is really funny to me, she endorsed kamala in october iirc. This is so nostalgic, I miss everything before 2015. Also Carlson is such a grifter i forgot he used to be on CNN

No. 2290641

Samefag but I looked it up guess I was wrong, she didn't comment on the 2024 election. I wonder where I remembered that from kek

No. 2290666

Speaking as someone in America with Polish ancestry (2nd Gen), the couch-fuckers quote is broadly accurate, just as >>2290312 stated. In Europe, when Poland finally joined the EU, there was a flood of migrants into Germany and Britain and with it came a certain % of thieves and petty criminals. More than the base % of criminals in Poland. The car thief stereotype may not have been an accurate descriptor of Poles in general, but was quite accurate when describing the types of crimes Poles were typically arrested for in those places.
It's quite literally a basic consequence of moving into a more prosperous country. Your "career" as a criminal can be much much shorter than typical native thief simply because you can go back to your original country and exploit the currency exchange rate to gain the maximum from what you "earned". Each stolen car in Germany was worth 10x more, making it very lucrative to go cause your mischief for a few years, then live like a boomer who goes to Mehico for his retirement back in your home country. This attracts people without options (or just bad people) like flies to honey obviously.
Italians brought the Mafia with them, which was greatly enriched back in Italy from their operations in the United States. People got murdered, businesses paid out protection money, women were abused and general security in neighborhoods WAS undermined.
Irish? Caused enough issues from their lower class immigrants also coming that even to this day Police are sometimes referred to as driving "Paddy-Wagons". Paddy of course being a slur against the Irish.
Germans broadly settled the Mid-West and further out, so I don't know what people complained of with them. But I have absolutely no doubt there were issues.
The immigration of the peoples was a net gain to the United States in the end (though I'm obviously biased). But there is absolutely no pretending we don't have our own splotches and stains. That the people of the United States are somewhat welcoming (compared to much of the rest of the world) despite these issues shouldn't be taken for granted or underappreciated. Even if it does contain racial elements. I feel the same way about (as they're referred to by shorthand in U.S. politics) "The Mexicans" (in reality at this point, Mexicans aren't even the majority of Hispanic immigrants I think). "The Mexicans" might have a warm culture, be passionate and hardworking people, with good food, and similar values. But they really do bring drugs, crime and rapists with them. Enough so that even Hispanic majority border counties in Texas sided with Walmart-Homelander this election. It's just a simple consequence of how unvetted immigration unfolds.

No. 2290673

>>LMAO what
People might not wanna hear this, but there are actually over a dozen different distinct "races" in Europe. You can literally map the continent by Haplogroup quite reliably even with 50 years of the E.U. and despite centuries of border and land changes. Africa has like 20 different "types" of black people too. The same pattern goes for Asia.
They might not be too different from each other. But the differences are there. That this isn't worth fighting about is a another topic of conversation.

No. 2290686

It's not too shocking tbh. The national security or neoliberal (or neocon, whichever you prefer, it's very close to the same thing these days) crowds had their policy represented far more in Kammies campaign. Trump is simply that huge a departure from established norms in D.C.

No. 2290688

The genetic difference in Sub Saharan Africa alone is greater than the rest of the world. Europeans are genetically very similar and definitely closer to being one race. Europe is tiny and not very diverse.

No. 2290695

still too attractive to be gay, he's weird but he doesn't have the tackiness of the gay gene

No. 2290869

Jack fucking Murphy?? I thought he was utterly humiliated and exiled for being a degen cuck and pedo and this faggot has the vice president on? It's over guys for real. The world is beyond repair. It will literally take decades to reverse this shit.

No. 2290884

>>It will literally take decades to reverse this shit.
It's fixable much faster than you think. You just have to embrace social consequences. The normie is too retarded to do anything but fall in line with a few choices of pre-approved opinions. Make those taboo and "everyone" will be insisting they could barely stomach it during it's heyday. Its quite literally treated as a fashion trend by the mob. These creatures live and die by approval.
Of course there would probably be ideological blowback and something you love will probably be shattered I'm the crossfire too.

No. 2290932

File: 1733404724324.png (99.54 KB, 719x305, 1000039281.png)

fun fact, I applied for a position at a NY university and found out that Italian-Americans are a protected class there lmao. there was a special statement on the application about affirmative action for Italian-Americans. I still can't really wrap my head around this tbh.

No. 2290951

>have eyes
>use evidence based logic to see how men abuse women
>start campaigns about identifying wife abuse, create hotlines for abused women to call to try to escape, open shelters for them to have a place to go
>years pass and Herculean efforts start to make a difference, wife abuse less common
>have eyes
>notice that porn industry hurts women
>turn attention and efforts to this different threat
You: Kek this just goes to show that man hating never ends and that retarded man haters will just endlessly find new problems and reasons to hate men and make their lives miserable

No. 2290961

Sub-sahara is way more genetically diverse than the rest of the world, it's true. But to use that to claim that the rest of the world (and Europe in particular) is basically one ethnicity is foolish. Like saying that because wolves have more genetic diversity than dogs, that there is no quantifiable difference between dog breeds.

No. 2290982

1. Salaries are too cheap there
2. too many violent muslim men

No. 2291089

Great, Elon wants to destroy society more

No. 2291110

>you may as well take some people down with you
Only if they're contributing to the suffering of others. This is the mindset school and other mass shooters use

No. 2291148

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I refrained from politisperg posting because even my autistic ass knows most nonnies find it unbearable, plus the topics like national parks and friendly Christmas cards are much better than the endlessly circular and reductive arguments.


No. 2291158

This is why modern American racism persists. I feel like there’s way more to the story on why they keep dumping money into Africa despite it slowly developing compared to other continents

No. 2291186

Europeeings are so fucking annoying. We don't think about British, Swedes or whatever the fuck a Serb is 1/4 much as they think about us. Rent free.
I don't wanna see a single nasty brit here shitting on us. The ugly British colonized the entire planet and destroyed the earths gene pool with their rapes. The gross British raping everyone is why so many people need braces now.

No. 2291211

Open up a book, Britain isn't the only nation that colonised. Why does no one ever have a go at the Dutch they're still in south Africa being cunts

No. 2291223

NTA but cause the dutch never come in this thread

No. 2291228

Why don't you build a wall and get over it

No. 2291272


No. 2291330

If this justifies hating an entire race then that's a you problem. Racism will always be a thing because people have an innate need to compare themselves to others and build hierarchies to maintain their egos. Don't blame the citizens of African countries for being born into poverty, blame the systems and politicians that keep them that way.

No. 2291354

>people have an innate need to compare themselves to others and build hierarchies to maintain their egos
Yeah the people with naturally high and primary testosterone…. wonder what those things are called.

No. 2291377

nta but
>racism somehow being exclusive to moids

No. 2291384

Yeah it kind of is since we live in a patriarchy and women are notoriously influenced by society at large, like how everyone is. If we lived in a matriarchy there would be no racism.

No. 2291403

this is not why racism persists. Capitalism is why racism persists but you guys arent ready for that convo. Africa doesnt need food it needs resources to build on their agriculture and for other countries to get the fuck out. Its fucked to keep giving them food when what they need is tools. Giving them food keeps these countries reliant on American/foreign aid which is exactly what America needs. America, Europe, Asia, The Middle East all go to Africa to rape the women with immunity and steal valuable resources while dumping all of their waste and then being shocked that the native people that live there are dying and being starved out due to climate change, constant wars and constant pillaging of natural resources. But yes tell me more about how giving people that probably won't make it into next year some bread is why racism persists. Not Asia, Europe, America and the Middle East constantly taking from Africa for eons.And dont get me started on America constantly murdering reliable African leaders to install heinous dictators who use this "aid money" to build mansions because they are being paid by America to do it otherwise face death. You dont have to believe me but this is what America is known for. It talks about democracy and how important it is while installing dictators in damn near every single developing country while killing their actual democratic leaders. Go figure

No. 2291406

Okay, I'm going to overstep the retarded comment about "muh matriarchy" and ask you nonnies, who do you hope gets the "deny, defund, delay" bullets next?(infighting bait)

No. 2291411

Don't step over my comment retard, if we lived in a matriarchy racism wouldn't exist.(taking the bait)

No. 2291413

Hey I’ll help clear this up for you. I wasn’t amused by anon’s approximation so figuratively, that’s moot. Yw

No. 2291414

i dont believe that because during ww2 when all the men went away white women upheld white supremacy.(race derailing)

No. 2291416

They still lived in a patriarchy and men still ruled law. What is your point.

No. 2291433

JD Vance isn't irish himself??

No. 2291437

Racism existed long before the current capitalist system, and will persist even through gay space communism of the future. Hunter-gatherer tribes were not living in harmonious multi-ethnic paradise, they were constantly raping and murdering other tribes with impunity. This is because humans are tribal animals who cannot get over the instinctive distrust of people who look different from their family or tribe. Forcing disparate people to live together while constantly suppressing that animal instinct is what causes racism to persist in America and other diverse societies.

No. 2291444

I think Africa is the way it is currently because many of its regions are uninhabitable first of all due to the harsh extremely varied climates and the way the borders were drawn during European colonization which don’t align with local cultural values, ethnicities and languages. I think that’s the biggest hurdle they have to overcome is learning how to live within the lines that were essentially given to them. Imagine half of France and Spain were lumped together and forced to get along despite individual differences. So those within any given country find it difficult to trust each other. I’m not saying melting pots can’t work because they do all the time despite what certain individuals like to suggest just that in forced environments like that without recognizing the original sin as it were, it might be difficult for that to happen. Although by now, shared tongue like that might’ve been lost so the countries this happened to will need to build a new way forward that they can at least baseline agree on

No. 2291449

because it's all of the negatives; eating the pollution while also sending money off internationally is a no-win situation for the US and a win-win situation for the foreign company. off-shoring pollution and heavily polluting industry is not a possibility anymore because the countries that used to accept waste contracts and huge polluting industries are not poor enough to be desperate for them anymore like they were in the 1970's, but now hollowed out areas like the rust belt of the US are, which is why it has come back. so now the US is in the situation poorer countries used to be in, existing as a site for heavily polluting manufacturing for foreign companies, not making enough money off of it to be worth the long-term consequences of the damage being done, especially the air and water pollution created by samsung. and this international game of pollution and trash hot potato could have been prevented had the outsourcing and off-shoring not happened in the first place, and instead the US held onto it and developed technology to dispose of it properly, to properly recycle or reconstitute the trash. In the 1970's scientists said that this method would just be kicking the can down the road and they were right. although it will be unpleasant to have polluting industries in the US, at least if the US was making money off of it they could finance solutions to reducing it, the discomfort of it all would be the impetus for the scientific community to solve it.

No. 2291466


No. 2291467

>this is because humans are tribal animals who cannot get over the instinctive distrust of people who look different from their family or tribe.
you can't be serious. you think racism is innate?

No. 2291470

Elon, Vance, Kash, Vivek, Trump, Gaetz, Oz, all of those nasty, shit eating grifters determined to uphold only the billionaire class while plunging the rest of us into this Hunger Games bullshit, pissing on our legs only to tell us it's raining.

No. 2291474

I wonder, would it be possible, at some point, for Africa to delimit their nations the way they truly need? It's kind of shitty how they have to live in territories that don't benefit them at all.

No. 2291479

oh yea, when WWII happened there definitely weren't any white men left in america to uphold white supremacy. all the lawyers and judges and CEOS were all replaced by white wimin

No. 2291487

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Many nations are trapped in cycles of self-reinforcing politically and economically extractive institutions, whether from lack of the centralized power structures necessary to impose stability as in many sahel and Eastern countries, or from centralized but totalitarian regimes as in several north African nations. Without stable markets that support broad participation, innovation, and investment, the most profitable activities remain accessible only to the elite who use them to reinforce their power, further aided by foreign interests who also benefit from the exploitation of the majority of the population and export of natural resources, like >>2291403 mentions

No. 2291523

And with climate change, it’s only getting worse. The continent is warming 1.5 times faster than the global average. By 2030, it’s estimated that up to 118 million people living on less than US$1.90 per day will be exposed to droughts and floods. Oil extraction has caused billions in environmental and economic losses, while foreign companies continue to exploit resources, deepening poverty and instability without facing any real consequences.

No. 2291565

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Oh no… He's cute…

No. 2291570

omg he looks like Robert Sheehan

No. 2291571

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No. 2291572

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Just look at all those white women, upholding the white supremacy while the men are away. And to think - they wouldn't even be allowed to have their own bank accounts until the 1960s!
Jokes aside, what a shit take. Like blaming the family dog for your dad's alcoholism.

No. 2291575

Unironically I hope and support women thirsting after him. I'd prefer women thirsting and coomposting over murderers who murder CEOs and people who exploit others cause it might psyop men into committing assassinations for the greater good instead being family annihilators or school shooters.

No. 2291580

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A bunch of trannies "occupied" the Capitol bathrooms in protest of the bathroom bill, so Rep Nancy Mace had them arrested LMAO


No. 2291583

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I got a few more to name, great list btw. Thiel, Kushner, Joseph Zubretsky, Karen Lynch, David Cordani, Gail Boudreaux, Andrew Witty, Bruce Broussard, Sarah London, let's throw in Ted Cruz because it would be funny. Elizabeth Shortino, and finally, LARRY FINK!

No. 2291587

NTAYRT but this argument about "racism is inherent" is bullshit, because sure, racism can develop, racism does exist, and has existed, but where racism has really SHINED, and influenced us for centuries, is when annoying fucks in power USED our prejudices against us to further their own agenda. That's what racism has been used for since the beginning, and only serves the ruling class. We can talk about individual yokels who are racist, but those yokels have been fed centuries of information to inflame their prejudices and scare them, as well as having their education slashed and put behind a pay wall. We have a system that breeds stupid, racist people, and that's because it makes the powers that be money. If those powers that be didn't exist, were killed like they deserve, or somehow, racism wasn't scratching their itch for power, it wouldn't be utilized. We also have similar psyops in our social world going on with sexism and the never-ending-debate about gender. It's all designed to STAY at the forefront of our national discussions, regardless of whether or not it's actually useful to keep discussing it. Dems, Repubs, anyone that has money invested in us following what they tell us to do, they ALL benefit from racism, sexism, and any other ism there is. These stupid mfs that think "oh it's inherent" don't think with any context about where we are in history and want to pull from a vacuum of "human behavior"

No. 2291589

Cute smile

No. 2291591

Technically he's the orange variety of the genus Shitgibbon.

No. 2291601

I thought June was pro troon??

No. 2291634

File: 1733441090903.gif (430.08 KB, 252x202, blanche.gif)

No. 2291641

Words can't describe how much I have a crush on her.

No. 2291644

i hope thats not him and he never gets caught and lives a long life

No. 2291650

File: 1733441999512.png (201.04 KB, 524x325, 7353653243454321.png)

please please let there be more copycat killers who will go after elonia, trump and all the other faggots

No. 2291656

I genuinely think the only way is if there's an incintive, I.E. enough women thirstpost.

No. 2291657

I wonder if this will lead to Trump bringing in stricter gun control laws. The Mulford Act was brought in when the Black Panther's started arming themselves.

No. 2291660

hettie betties, RISE UP!

No. 2291661

Unironically. I can still see a percentage of men using it to post shit about all women being hybristofags but if there's a chance that we could change the plot from
>disgruntled moid killing women/children
>disgruntled moid killing CEOs and corrupt people in power
I will be all for it.

No. 2291667

File: 1733443069826.jpg (264.37 KB, 1683x2560, 81pm35qQIyL.jpg)

I can guarantee Hollywood is already working on a movie to portray him as a loser psycho incel assassinating some heroic health care working to shift the narrative.
They'll probably call it "Delay, Deny, Defend" so when you Google it you see their pos movie and not the insurance book title on fucking people over he wrote on the bullets

No. 2291690

Kek too bad scrote brains don't work this way. They will continue to take their anger out on children and women as always.

No. 2291704

oh thank god nonnies, i thought i was the only one kek

No. 2291725

doubtful. trump knows he got where he is now because of all those hoplophiles that voted him in.

No. 2291726

finally woman standing up for womens rights, not that we only need the bathroom bills but more safe spaces for women without MEN

No. 2291731

>The protest was organized by the Gender Liberation Movement (GLM), a grassroots and volunteer-run collective that brings attention to issues around bodily autonomy and gender.
ah i see they stole that from the gay liberation movement.
>“Speaker Johnson, Nancy Mace: our bodies are no debate!”
ah i see they stole that from the pro-choice feminist crowds.

No. 2291732

Could be different with his CEO pals on the line. Trump himself almost got killed with the best security team in the US.
Also thanks for teaching me the word hoplophile

No. 2291740

He’s a modern Saint George the dragon slayer

No. 2291742

This is so grim, there are no real feminists anywhere

No. 2291750

The issue with nancy mace is watch her fucking crumble when you bring up womens reproductive autonomy.
Like sure the troon hate shit is great and all but its just one big fat posturing grift like "hello fellow radfems".
Like other than hating troons what else does Nancy Mace stand for?

No. 2291751

this has more to do with keeping African countries away from Russia. Russia should self-implode and get out of the continent

No. 2291756

All of the NRA, they suffer what little kids in school suffer from

No. 2291758

god im scared. Mass famine and war and more fascism and human trafficking and human experimentation in exchange for vital resources

No. 2291769

File: 1733450500648.png (66.07 KB, 639x363, kjhgfghjk.png)

>normies hate trannies
>republicans go hard on hating trannies
>democrats retaliate
>republicans go harder realizing they can make democrats focus on this retarded fringe group
>democrats retaliate harder, feeling like they have no other choice
>normies start to think dems are too leftie
Do you guys not see whats happening? Troon hate needs to become bipartisan, and if democrats want to get anywhere they must build on feminist issues more

No. 2291894

Klaus no

No. 2291912

Crazy that police can definitely narrow down on a CEO killer so quickly and yet murders of regular schmucks go unsolved because they don’t give a fuck. I really hope this guy gets away but he probably won’t. The entire machine is after him now.

No. 2291939

File: 1733465545910.jpg (398.14 KB, 1618x838, trr5454.jpg)

>Deny Defund Delay bullets
I know I'm gonna sound like an edgelord but holy fuck that guy went hard on that killing. Have they even caught him yet?
What this nona said. Especially Elon. I hate the MAGA squad but an Elon kill would be amazing. Bonus points if its caught live like the ceo cuck
The incel school murder demon vs the chad CEO exterminator. Take note, psychos

No. 2291953

>Only if they're contributing to the suffering of others
What do you think I meant by “assholes in power” kek, trying reading before accusing me of aligning with school shooters

No. 2291967

Going to bed instead of infighting and coming back to see the infighter banned. Beautiful
This was my first thought lol. I'm glad there's kindred spirits here, my friends said he looked "unnerving" like cmon he's got a cute smile. Now THIS >>2291939 is unnerving

No. 2291973

>troon hate needs to become bipartisan
I feel like it might be too little too late/dems are bleeding heart sjws so they may never stop defending shitty AGPs and their god given right to predate on children.

I think basically they need to shut the fuck up about trannies all togehter and only focus on womens rights. Quietly drop the rainbow politics for protecting women.
I feel like maybe trump paid biden to take the L. I feel like this shit has been a sham since hillary stole the democratic nomination.
Or maybe since before I was even born…

No. 2291979

File: 1733469653683.jpg (141.37 KB, 706x1280, 1000039372.jpg)

I could see someone basing an anime off this assassination

No. 2291988

Nyoooo….someone better be actively hiding him rn.

No. 2292089


No. 2292091

You should probably care about the birth rates if you have any attachment at all to the welfare state. Pensions, free e'lfcare, the fundamental basis for kenesyian economics and all the rest are fundamentally a massive wealth transfer from young to old. And the average immigrant in most western countries isn't "paying into" the system statistically. Only their children (of which they have more than natives on average, but only for the first gen until their youth are also "westernized") are profitable to that system.
Consider the fact that when first introduced in America, social security payments lasted 7 years on average before recipients perished. With a younger population. How long do you think the average boomer collects now? At a time when there are fewer young people by proportion than ever.
And we aren't even touching on the economic effects. Oh and the fact that women collect those funds for so long (because they live longer while retiring earlier) that even a working woman never hits net zero.

No. 2292093

I'm rooting for him to stay away from authorities. Keep him free.

No. 2292095

The welfare state was originally designed to keep workers content and prevent uprisings—like when Germany introduced it to avoid revolution. It’s less about freedom and more about maintaining the status quo. Maybe it’s time to rethink the whole system. Exponential growth is a myth.

No. 2292096

There are no pensions anymore and social security will not be available in 30 years. That's already a given. Medicare is probably going to be gutted as well in the next few decades. Having babies won't save us, only killing CEOs will.

No. 2292107

>>Exponential growth is a myth.
Not with money printing and inflation it isn't. Line may go up forever as long as there's a fresh infusion to keep reducing the absolute value of the numbers presented.
>>There are no pensions anymore and social security will not be available in 30 Years.
Private pensions maybe, government employees (at almost 14% of the population) overwhelmingly get pensions. And all it takes to "save" social security right now is to remove the cap on how much can be collected (from my recollection anything above 168000 in current year earnings doesn't contribute to the pool).
And Medicare is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about in terms of massively ballooning costs. People are living longer while not contributing greater amounts while not adding people to continue the social contract.

No. 2292133

You can make the argument that statistically at least a few of those children were going to grow up to work within the upper echelons of the very same companies. It was a nice school district after all.
The next zucccc could already be dead!

No. 2292135

And so is the length of the penis in scrotes' minds.

No. 2292143

File: 1733491339694.png (418.3 KB, 897x737, Screenshot 2024-12-06 081941.p…)

Personally, my favorite part is when he says RFK being anti-vaccine is merely "kind of crazy" and as if the man with the worm in his brain is not going to make chronic illnesses ten times worse.


No. 2292155

This is just who Bernie is, he also said Cuba "got some things right", to internet leftists he'll be divisive and "centrist" but this is just an optics thing, sure he's a politician but I think he tries his best to be "honest", as much as he can be allowed.

No. 2292184

File: 1733495050465.mp4 (8.2 MB, 1920x1080, sL_tNebE9sSlt0Eu.mp4)

Russians admitting on their own television programs that they are doing misinformation campaigns and want to overpower the west. Straight out of the horses mouth.
Anything to say for any russbots here?

No. 2292191

that's just a guy in Russia, not "russia". you could find basically the exact same thing coming from our side if you took a clip of some American saying it is our mission from God to spread American values across the globe and free everyone from the tyranny of communism etc etc. These attitudes are not secret whatsoever and this clip is not a revelation or proof of anything we haven't already known for 70 years. We went through an extremely long and tiresome cold war with Russia that some would argue never ended and at this point it's beating a dead horse.

No. 2292195

File: 1733495883045.mp4 (1.75 MB, 1080x1350, PhCG-lATJXRjYB6h.mp4)

please tell fellow russbots to stop drone striking ukrainian civilians that aren't even a part of the war and using them for target practise, this is incredibly cruel…

No. 2292198

File: 1733496109017.png (1013.91 KB, 2650x986, Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 8.40.…)

incels are seehting and malding at people saying he's good looking lmao

No. 2292203

Bernie just wants some political clout before he dies, lmao

No. 2292213

>5'4 indian man
Way to out himself

No. 2292214

This is so fucking funny compared to all the hideous incels going after the weakest targets.

No. 2292220

>tfw moids with nothing to lose won't use this as a sign to kill those in power but instead double down in killing women and children because they were born with three inches less of a carthenal tilt and two centimeters less of a jaw line.
worst time line

No. 2292254

i love how she calls them "tranny protesters" so brazenly. Stacy

No. 2292255

If the shooter were ugly and the CEO were handsome it would mostly be incels making any point of that at all and most normal people would still just agree he deserved it.

Also if Bernie Sanders were actually a real one, he would mention what this incident says what Americans think about private healthcare, but he's a coward and won't.

No. 2292265

That's right, no one wants a dime-a-dozen school shooter currycel, he should cry moar about it kek. Half of the attraction lies in the Mysterious Chad shooter taking some much needed justice into his own hands, he just happens to have a dazzling and cute smile to boot.

No. 2292271

Bernie Sanders is speaking common sense that's not even political
>Elon Musk is a smart guy
Yes. He owns a company that sends rockets into space which requires intelligence
>RFK Jr. is right
Yes. The standard American diet is unhealthy and the amount of processed food people eat is lowering their quality of life
>Cuba got some things right
Yes. Cuba has a national health service that provides free healthcare to all citizens
These are "no shit" level statements that people only disagree with due to political brain rot.

No. 2292290

>He owns a company that sends rockets into space which requires intelligence
The intelligence of the people he employs, maybe.

No. 2292296

Elon Musk is definitely just an idiot who does nothing beyond mascotting at any of his companies. He has never given an interview where he demonstrates a high knowledge of engineering. He is all privilege and no merit. Which is why he gets along well with Trump.

No. 2292313

People don't have critical thinking skills anymore. Saying that Elon Musk is a "smart guy" isn't indicative of support of Elon Musk, it's just recognition of reality. Elon has to be a smart guy, he's such a slimey weasel. A person doesn't get to where he is by being an oaf. Being smart isn't "good" or "bad," it's neutral.

No. 2292365

plenty of people get to where they are out of pure dumb luck and willingness to backstab or break laws. not smarts.

No. 2292393

sorry nona!

No. 2292715

You know what? I'll fucking say it, call me anti-Semitic or whatever buzzword you want to say but one thing I'm not is wrong. Get Jews and their lobbyists OUT of the government. I'm sick of the US sending billions to Shitrael when our own citizens are starving because Jews are selfish assholes who only care about other Jews.
I live in Cleveland, our county's main city, and for those not familiar it's the prototypical declining Midwest city that was heavily reliant on the manufacturing industry. 61% of our citizens are people of color. We have a poverty rate of 29%. Outside of Cleveland, 30% of our county's population is black and they make up the majority of our county's poverty. Instead of helping our struggling black citizens or even our own citizens in general, we sent 16 million in bonds to Isnotreal that'll never be paid back because it's in crippling debt. Our roads are falling apart, our inner city schools are terrible, there is one grocery store in the entirety of our downtown area, the public transport is horrific, but no we need to help the poor rich white Jews who are totally struggling right now doods! Fuck racist Cuyahoga County and fuck kikes for helping extrapolate the ongoing corruption in our county. Ban me, I don't fucking care, I'm sure there are tons of Zionist scum coming in to defend what they're doing too(jew sperging)

No. 2292756

>>Elon musk is smart because he owns a company about rockets and space
remember that guy stockton rush who owned OceanGate, who killed himself in his own submarine by not listening to experts about safety warnings? Elizabeth Holmes owned a company too. Hard to see that as proof of a person's intelligence.

No. 2292782

Thank you!

No. 2292810

You know what they say, A students work for C students.

No. 2292954

How much u wanna bet Trump is gonna blame the shooting on obamacare?

No. 2292972

KEK no bet. He’s definitely going to equate it somehow.

No. 2292978

Kek, seethe more

No. 2292985

Oh lord I didn't even think about this

No. 2292991

Also def that Spotify demon. Daniel Ek. Fitting last name. I hope it’s pronounced like ick

No. 2293010

I know it's a joke, but it honestly does worry me to see a lot of women talking about how they want him. I don't care about what he did but violent men are already too thirsted over and seen as "hot", I feel like this stuff might further that. Maybe I'm just thinking too hard about it. I don't like it though.

No. 2293027

Nothing towards you nona I just generally hate how it’s referred to as an assassination. Any Joe schmuck and it’d be called a premeditated murder nothing more. I know it’s not any Joe but idk. The language around who is deemed important rubs me the wrong way

No. 2293030

I think it's fun and I hope it encourages more scrotes to kill healthcare CEOs.

No. 2293059

He’s got a Gyllenhaal smile I mean how could he not be propped up. He did everyone a favor and has a fucking Gyllenhaal smile

No. 2293065

idgi, is a gylenhal smile a good thing or a bad thing

No. 2293075

It's like in this movie called Brokeback Mountain it's about cowboys but they're homosexual cowboys and they kiss and in the movie the two homosexual cowboys are in love but then they don't end up together so it's a sad movie

No. 2293128

File: 1733517122258.png (121.71 KB, 1442x568, Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 3.30.…)

It's the literal definition of the word

No. 2293138

Many opposite sex attracted women find Jake Gyllenhaal attractive, so him looking kind of like Jake Gyllenhaal means that a lot of opposite sex attracted women who live in America and hate the healthcare industry will find him attractive. I hope this helps, I know autism can be debilitating.

No. 2293139

File: 1733517317941.png (21.2 KB, 682x146, kjhgghjk.png)

Nick Fuentes has been charged with battery lmfao. Nick's body, Soap's choice.

No. 2293150

you love to see it, maybe things aren't so fucked after all

No. 2293193

Oh hes going to find out real soon how true the slogan "your body,my choice" is in moid prisons kekk get fucked fag

No. 2293206

File: 1733518008407.jpg (153.92 KB, 945x2048, fuentes .JPG)

Oh nonna, he’ll probably enjoy it kek

No. 2293221

oh my god KEKK

No. 2293224

He definitely fucked Destiny.

No. 2293229

This picture is making me ROFL why does he sit like that….

No. 2293233

It's funny how they ignore the fact that this guy killed an insurance ceos who has killed millions. I wouldn't consider this hybristophilia, the CEO deserved it

No. 2293263

I'm not a hettie bettie but I find it real funny how these shits have been murdering innocent children and minorities en masse for like the entirety of the 21st century and now they're shitting themselves over a ceo's killer rightfully being praised. Incel mass killers would always get lusted over by fat tumblr tifs, now they're getting beaten at their own game and actual stacies are lusting over this guy so they're seething. They're also seething because they could never kill someone rich and powerful like he did so they kill innocents who cannot defend themselves. Maybe if that fugly kid didn't miss his shot on Trump, things would be different. lol

No. 2293274

File: 1733518907337.png (Spoiler Image,306.59 KB, 587x402, 1578345829306.png)

Because he’s a literal faggot who would rather post catboy hentai in his white nationalist discord server than marry and reproduce with an actual woman, despite being a “tradcath.” Many such cases

No. 2293283

Did the faggot ever face consequences for pepper spraying an elderly woman who knocked his door after his address got doxxed or was that fake?

No. 2293287

No. 2293294

File: 1733519200163.png (190.41 KB, 1069x798, 1000017577.png)

No. 2293299

They're grasping at anything to try to make themselves feel better kekk

No. 2293301

>I love cute neet flower boys
I knew 4chan was a tranny cesspool but what in the 2013 Tumblr flower crown speak is going on??? KEK????

No. 2293305

>men consensually giving a prostitute money is the same as people's health insurance being denied. So we must go and gun down prostitutes then.

Kek why are men so retarded

No. 2293306

I love how they can’t even come up with an equivalent to that retarded ass CEO getting blasted. “findom women” who feed into scrotes fetishes are somehow the same as a CEO who caused millions who NEED medical assistance immense suffering. Lmfao. Maybe stop killing kids and people will like you, scrotes

No. 2293308

>malding so hard with muh false equivalency and what-a-boutisms

No. 2293318

It seems that this situation is causing a civil war among 4chan scrotes. Even if the shooter was ugly, sure i wouldn't want to fuck him, but i'd still be singing high praises of him.
For real, it's actually pathetic in this situation since the ceo is pure evil and was literally using busted ai to decide whether people live or die. Imagine defending such a monster all because you can't get your dick wet.

No. 2293322

File: 1733519676257.jpeg (130.01 KB, 840x1200, IMG_1544.jpeg)

It might seem Crazy What im boutta say…!

No. 2293326

Nonna what am I supposed to infer from this

No. 2293332

Wasn't United the one that just said that they will have their insurers decide how long you should be allowed anesthesia for surgery? No wonder he got shot, but these idiots wouldn't know anything about evil medical because half of this don't go to the doctor. It's not a random act men go way less than women.

No. 2293343

I think it was Blue Cross Blue Shield of Anaheim (?) actually

No. 2293347

God why the fuck did trump meet up with this
literal who? Like who the fuck even is this guy? Never heard of him til he met trump and Kayne. It's also annoyingly predictable how hypocritically degenerate these pornsick scrotes are.

No. 2293348

that was BCBS, they just reversed the policy after this dude got shot. go figure

No. 2293349

No. 2293361

File: 1733520759316.jpeg (450.75 KB, 1179x1382, IMG_0519.jpeg)

BCBS but they juuust reversed that decision. Wonder why kek. Bios and pics of executives have also been scrubbed from theirs and several other health insurance sites. Couldn’t possibly be due to their CEO’s pic being shared and reposted on Twitter kek kek

No. 2293365

fucking cowards

No. 2293366

>findom fulfilling a weird fetish
>CEO worsening diseases in and killing thousands of people
>same thing
This is the most retarded false equivalency ever.
Imagine malding so much over the fact that attractive people exist. Not even insecure teenagers mald this much kek.

No. 2293373

To any faggots lurking: this is your chance to be a real ally to women and also make some massive cash. Rape this faggot until his prolapsed anus looks like something out of Fanny's porn fodder and upload it to OF or some coomer site. You'll be a worldwide hero, even more than the ceo killer.(a-logging)

No. 2293384

File: 1733521095099.jpeg (385.06 KB, 1420x1920, IMG_4731.jpeg)

God i am loving the fanart of this guy. Im so sick of obese Beckies making fanart of ugly retards who kill children.
The Stacies making fanart of this beautiful class warrior is healing something in me.

No. 2293385

File: 1733521106478.jpg (50.4 KB, 500x522, cosigned.JPG)

No. 2293388

File: 1733521212031.jpg (326.31 KB, 1206x1560, Tumblr_l_276023250519078.jpg)

No. 2293394


No. 2293395

If the average French citizen were armed they’d do much worse I’d believe

No. 2293397

File: 1733521376565.webp (105.23 KB, 1080x1295, IMG_8358.webp)

>Rape this faggot until his prolapsed anus looks like something out of Fanny's porn fodder

No. 2293399

Aren't Europeans, especially the French, known for protesting against government and corporations though? Why would they be clutching their pearls over that

No. 2293405

I genuinely hope this dude inspires more acts of violence amongst the healthcare bigwigs, this is just for show. They will reverse this decision when everybody has forgotten about the guy and Brian Thompson's death. Death to all healthcare CEOs, death to them all. Scare them so bad they make it all free.

No. 2293412

And all rich landlords too. People should be scared if they make their money off such things.

No. 2293415

Guns are scary over there. Even their knives are regulated and there’s an age restriction to purchase heavier duty ones like for hunting

No. 2293418

They should also burn down the banks in states where they're allowed to repo your house because you can't afford to pay medical debt. Fuck it all up. I'm tired of people focusing on shit that doesn't matter, this shit matters. It only takes a fucking day to end up with 0 healthcare, it only takes one big accident or health scare to put you in an inescapable pit of medical debt. This shit needs to be changed very forcefully and violently.

No. 2293429

Genuine question, do you think it's a good thing that American citizens are suffering at the hands of our government funneling 6 billion into a country thousands of miles away from us? Do you think the suffering of Americans is funny? No wonder you guys were expelled from 100+ countries, you people are sociopathic assholes at your core. Genuinely what the fuck is your problem.(/pol/sperging)

No. 2293435

So funny how the jews psyop everyone into thinking only nazi incels distrust/hate jews when many normal people have good reason to be suspicious of them.(/pol/sperging)

No. 2293438

The projection continues. I never said American suffering is funny. Jew sperging, however, is. It makes you look extremely pathetic. If you really think every problem in America is caused by da joos, you’re probably retarded. I know you just want someone to blame for being a loser, so I’ll repeat: seethe more.

No. 2293440

Kek yeah, it's not like Jew hate started and ended at the holocaust. People are gonna hate Jews when their response to displaced minorities suffering because of Jew privilege is >>2292978
Also Jews in America have been fucking over African Americans for decades, it's very well documented and that's why Kanye was shushed; for however delusional he is there were some undeniable truths in the things he said. They love to appropriate the identities of African Americans and their cultures but would never help them.
Not every problem in America is caused by Jews, sure, but a good chunk of it is. The current Israel-Palestine conflict and my county sending millions to Israel in bonds is in fact an issue caused by Jews and them needing to stick their big noses everywhere in American politics.(/pol/sperging)

No. 2293442

Ok kek, how should I respond to a schizo saying American Jews should not be allowed to participate in civil society. You are delusional. Sorry I didn’t reply nicely enough

No. 2293446

I don't have time to hate every Jew on planet Earth, but I do have time to hate every healthcare CEO. Something tells me the Christians of America wouldn't be all hunky dory for universal healthcare.

No. 2293448

report and ignore

No. 2293450

Me saying Jews shouldn't be allowed in politics, something that'll never happen in our country, offends you but the material suffering of minorities in my neighborhood doesn't offend you? Classic Jew behavior.
Wait until you find out what the ethnicity and religion of every healthcare CEO is, or at least the majority.
Lmao if my posts were shitting on Islam moids no one would say this. Funny.(/pol/sperging)

No. 2293453

File: 1733523992184.png (190.17 KB, 552x344, LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…)


No. 2293458


No. 2293459

I think a lot of guys who act like a man being turned on by a woman gives her power over him are so weak-willed that they ARE controlled by their dicks, so they imagine other men work that way. In their minds, attractive women have great power over men that's akin to mild mind control, and so if they knowingly use it, it's morally similar to spiking someone's drink to lower their inhibitions for sex.

Thus, the findom sex workers online are really manipulating and abusing poor men who have no choice but to $end, and the men are victims. Same with OF women who are 'exploiting male loneliness'.

Or maybe they just jump to blaming women no matter what because they think of us as Machiavellian and manipulative. So they ignore the fact that the veneer of power findomme goddesses have is paper-thin, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to sexually arouse degenerate men in the hopes that some of those men will pay them.

No. 2293463

>All healthcare CEOs are Jewish
Oh yeah, Brian Thompson is definitely Jewish. Very Jewish name indeed. You will say anything to fit your narrative. Hope it helps you cope!

No. 2293466

He will not fare well in prison I know he's not going to prison but the point still stands

No. 2293469

File: 1733524481800.jpeg (65.66 KB, 750x1000, IMG_4732.jpeg)

>stick their big noses everywhere

No. 2293470

Not to derail but Vice has a mini documentary about findom. It includes a guy who leaves his wife and child to be with this fandom lady who orders him around. All the comments were calling her a horrible person and she's "taking advantage of someone with mental issues". You know those are the same exact people who defend porn and say that women who get into it "chose to do it" and "know what they're getting into"

No. 2293471

I said "at least the majority" retard.

No. 2293473

Post proof, schizo

No. 2293474

Israelis don't need to assassinate jewish health insurance CEOs because Israelis get free health insurance provided by the government.(off topic)

No. 2293475

File: 1733524734957.gif (641.47 KB, 220x220, IMG_4733.gif)


No. 2293477

Yeah of course jews invest the money they get from the USA into their own ppl.

No. 2293487

File: 1733525246663.jpg (436.59 KB, 1080x1963, Qq.jpg)

Aww retard nonna are you gonna pay off my bituach leumi debt lol?? Because i'm currently a neet and that shit keeps piling up, i'm literally about to rack up 1000 nis in debt just for existing

No. 2293493

This is so fucking based kek, I'm very happy for burger nonnies. I admit I didn't think republicans were gonna do anything to protect women from trannies but I'm pleasantly surprised, Macy is based as fuck. AOC could never.
>Literal redditor phenotype
KEKK even more based news

No. 2293500

What is wrong with him? Why does he look like that? I'm really scared. What's wrong with him? It's like his skull is deformed.

No. 2293502

I've known no less than FOUR white gay moids who had this EXACT phenotype. Like if I posted a collage they'd all look related, legit copy and pasted eyes, nose, lips. What the actual fuck.

No. 2293505

If this guy came to my country we would stone him to death for being a faggot. Lol! You can see the prolapsed asshole in his eyes,

No. 2293531

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Who will warm Destinys bed?!?!?!?!

No. 2293536

>You can see the prolapsed asshole in his eyes


No. 2293547

his body, Tyrone's choice

No. 2293548

File: 1733527710006.jpg (45.82 KB, 400x252, Fetal+alcohol+syndrome.jpg)

FAS and don't ban me for FASfoiling when he could literally be the posterchild for it

No. 2293553

File: 1733527934876.gif (14.3 MB, 486x480, black-man-donuts.gif)

No. 2293555

I honestly think the CEO assassin was wearing a nose prosthetic. Don't know why, just a feeling.

No. 2293556

For sure, most people can be easily identified by their noses actually. If he was hired he most definitely was wearing one

No. 2293560

The face of an angry evil little homosexual man

No. 2293569

File: 1733528492473.gif (663.26 KB, 220x486, IMG_1548.gif)

You lookin real good right bout now cream puff

No. 2293579

Off topic but Its bothering me how hot this mans body is but his face is so fuggly(man in gif)

No. 2293588

Nah his face is fine its just his beard is nasty.
Moids love styling their face pubes in the ugliest ways possible

No. 2293594

Smart if true. Are nose prosthetics (or prosthetics in general) a common thing for hitmen to have?

No. 2293595

>why did trump meet up with this
Pimp him out to his gay shareholders

No. 2293605

File: 1733530383691.jpeg (2.45 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7616.jpeg)

No it's more than that… he genuinely looks like a science experiment gone wrong… it's like somewhere an evil scientist created a monkey-moid monster…. he looks like a deformed chimpanzee man… I drew a picture of him because he scared me so much…

No. 2293608


No. 2293612

I wish we could kiss anon

No. 2293645

Maybe? I talked to a guy who was basically just like nick fagentues and i remember him saying his dad drank heavily but his mom made his dad go sober (for some reason this made this guy resent women?)
Maybe alchie moid seed is just as bad as drinking while pregnant

No. 2293654

File: 1733532487708.webp (26.95 KB, 1080x693, im-not-going-to-say-what-race-…)

Not gonna get too into it since it's schizo but all I'm gonna say is that fuentes' birthchart shows some majorrrr daddy issues. def had to do with his homo autist tendencies. he clearly isnt your average homosexual

No. 2293676

I'm Italian and it hasn't really affected me, mainly the really braindead racists seem to mistake my name to be "Mexican" instead. I think Sicilian Italians are going to be worse off since they usually have darker skin and "look ethnic" in comparison to the inbred hick white burgers. I don't really care, otherwise. There's always been infighting among white supremacists on who is really considered a white person or not. Racism is never rational, and it's even less so when it's towards white people or one kind of European against another.

No. 2293680

Nona please get into it. This is related to American politics. I need to study the misogynist barely closeted homo. It is a fascinating species.

No. 2293686

i guess gay face really is real

No. 2293688

How the fuck are neoliberals real? My mom is pro israel, thinks us needs to spend more on their military, is against free healthcare and college because "you should have to work for it" and thinks that one healthcare ceo getting shot was sad but votes dem every election. Why are they like this?

No. 2293691

I love how poltards always react to this like it's a huge bombshell and not just the obvious thing that a country would do kek

No. 2293694

Why are there so many Zionists on here? Many people don't know this and it shouldn't happen period, Mossad agents working overtime.

No. 2293695

>for some reason this made this guy resent women?
Moids have battered wife syndrome towards each other.

No. 2293698

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No. 2293699

he looks like my shih tzu

No. 2293711

your city is a mess because you don't value your environment or education. So much easier to seethe at Jews actually doing things while your people can't even cover the basics without begging for external help

No. 2293716

Whenever I start to feel like a doomer, I just remember modern day white supremacists aren't as organized or smart like they used to be and nothing will come out of the catboy fiasco. We are safer than we think

No. 2293717

>1000 nis
nona that's less than $300 USD, that's less than getting my teeth cleaned out-of-pocket, please come back when you have real medical debt this is not the sob story you think it is

No. 2293724

If it’s common for eastern streamers to use latex face prosthetics to gain an audience, it’s definitely in a professional’s toolbox

No. 2293730

All Hasidic Jews do is drain the system and have 11 kids so they can read the Torah all day.

No. 2293732

Do you have any examples of this? I've never heard of this and it sounds interesting.

No. 2293737

Wrong it's trannies. Jews have definitely been persecuted before kek. There was never a trannycaust… we kind of need one though.

No. 2293747

Them and every 5th generation Italian and 3rd generation Albanian kek.

No. 2293750

Are you seriously arguing trannies are more oppressed than Jews? kek

No. 2293756

How are Jewish people oppressed in the USA? Genuine question. Atheists talk smack on all religions so no bullshit about not respecting Jewish values.

No. 2293805

Jews are not just a religious group, they're also an ethnic group.
They don't actually face any discrimination based on an ethnic basis either though.
College protestors are the worst thing they have to deal with here, which basically means they have no problems.(global rule #7)

No. 2293807

Easy, statistically Jews have high rates of psychiatric conditions and mental illnesses, making them them perfect for this community.(racebait)

No. 2293834

Dago, wop, guido, even greaser/greasy/greaseball kek I don't think anyone is using these slurs though

No. 2293835

Holy shit, are you still sperging about Jews? The obsession is unreal kek

No. 2293862

L8 but "American Indian" or "Indian" is just the more established term in Canada's pants, so it's more commonly used, but I think "First Nations" is also making its way down here. Native Americans generally prefer "Indian" over "Native American".

No. 2293929

I am call me a nigger and I got a whole a laundry list of slurs directed at European Americans. They forget the true white Americans in this country are still Anglo Saxon the rest of you are just slurs to justify statistics for them kek. A lot of Europeans faced similar discrimination when coming to america as Latinos do now. especially if they spoke a 2nd language. Why do you think we have places like little Italy etc. it’s redlining due to racial discrimination. This is why I laugh when people say British people are less racist/xenophobic than Americans. The original racist/xenophobic Americans ARE Brits.

No. 2293933

Really? Anybody who can confirm? I always heard they preferred to be called natives if anything

No. 2293967

Where I live, I see Indian used most but I wouldn’t be surprised if younger generations prefer NatAm. It’s also common to use the tribal name. So they’ll say “I’m [tribe]” instead of Indian or Native American.

No. 2293968

idk the indian/native thing is kind of crazy to me.
Like the united states was more like europe on steroids before european colonization.
Think about it. No trains, no tech. Europeans reintroduced hordes to America after they went extinct 10,000 years ago.
Tribes and territories became well established. Plenty of time for cultures, traditions, civilizations to rise and fall.
sure, it didn't look european, but United states is a massive hunk of land.

I know a lot of tribes had a tendency to be scrote tribes but I wonder how many matriarchal tribes with female elders as leaders there were in America….

No. 2294004

i hear that some dislike being called Native American too because they feel like they're being branded with a white man's name bc of the name America deriving from Amerigo Vespucci.

No. 2294159

Yeah a lot of them prefer to be called first nation.

No. 2294166

To think I was pissed the other day since I assumed nothing would happen to him. BASED!
>Bianca Devins
What did she do wrong exactly? Wasn't she just an egirl with orbiters?
Fanny mentioned

No. 2294337

File: 1733588021898.jpg (539.68 KB, 1080x899, 1000008382.jpg)

I'm loving am these memes because men are maulding that this guy is loved for actions but its a bonus he's cute AF

No. 2294394

Ive seen some people clain the shooter is a woman because his smile it "too pretty"
Psyop is so powerful ppl are so confused when a man isnt ugly

No. 2294630

moids will always project their insecurities on the extremely rare moid that isn't all bark and no bite

No. 2295300

AOC thirst trap for this thread

No. 2295304

I heard the smiling cutie isn't actually him, is this true? I want it to be him.
Males don't even know what women look like

No. 2295321

So is Trump really going to be dismantling like 400 government organizations/branches? Literally how will that not totally fuck up our way of life. No way that's not going to have a lasting effect? DAE think we'll go back to Dubya gas prices? Paying five dollars a gallon??? Kek

No. 2295337

File: 1733614510313.png (2.48 MB, 3000x1690, x8Hw8qM.png)

I get making fun of idiots like nick, but we should still be afraid, we have right-wing nutjobs who are now in power, retards like nick are a joke, but the competent fascists are better at hiding themselves and creating an image of civility

No. 2295348

File: 1733614818578.png (1.91 MB, 1792x708, uhc-killer.png)

i honestly do feel like i'm going nuts because i mean, look at the pics from side to side because even i'm suspicious that it's probably not the killer and is just some random guy. because the guy everyone's simping over has darker eyes, while the first photos of the killer looks like he maybe has lighter eyes?

No. 2295350

I think people are saying it's not him to make it more confusing for cops. There are people waaahing on twitter about a uni student that was mistaken as the boston marathon bomber but there's like 0 animosity from the public towards this guy compared to that.

No. 2295352

You cannot see his eyes at all to be able to tell.
I feel like if it wasn't him, the real person would come out and beg everyone to stop posting his face everywhere

No. 2295354

i think the jackets are also different but who knows, maybe he's smart enough to change outfits to throw the police off his scent. hard to tell because the pics are too grainy anyways.

No. 2295355

people need to start making AI photos and sending that to the police, like how those autistic sovereign citizens commit paper terrorism.

No. 2295359

I saw people saying this too, but the jackets are clearly the same

No. 2295363

File: 1733615276824.png (145.48 KB, 1212x1070, Untitled 10.png)

>user reports indicate no problem!!!
fucking retards

No. 2295484

I think at this point the person who is actually in the left photos would have come forward to say that was him and he’s not the shooter. I’ve been hearing they’re different people too but it’s too difficult to tell with that kind of imaging. But the nose bridge looks very similar and the clothing is very similar.

No. 2295487

Samefag to say I think the jackets are different. One has a visible zipper and the other doesn’t. It’s possible he changed clothes like another anon said.

No. 2295500

>left jacket has pockets on front vs no pockets
>black backpack vs light colored backpack
>hoodie lighter color than the jacket (part of shirt under?) Vs jacket hoodie

Why would you change from your murder clothes into slightly similar clothes?

No. 2295506

The neck line is the same
The image on the right should be enhanced and lightened so we can see if the pockets are there, it's too dark to tell. The neck line is very similar in shape and location, and the black mask/scarf(?) matches in both images as well. His nose looks the same. I even think, although again it's difficult to really ascertain, that the brow ridge shape and eye shape is the same.
Does he have a backpack on the left? Is that a strap on his left shoulder, middle image? I feel like it's easier to have two backpacks as well, than two separate but very similar jackets. Not sure what you mean about the hood, pretty sure the hood is attached to the jacket. I'm myself wondering where the hoodie string went on the right. It could be tucked into the hood itself, though.

No. 2295507

No. 2295522

NTA but in the left image the hood of the jacket appears to be a different material from the body and sleeves, it's a lighter colour and you can see the seam on the inside of the out turned collar.

the right image being from a different camera under more challenging lighting conditions makes it hard to compare, but the hood appears to be the same material of the body.

No. 2295526

>it's a different color!
do you know how camera lighting works

No. 2295532

This. It's really just the lighting.

No. 2295534

I'm saying a different color within the same image, look at the transition from dark to light fabric on the inside of the collar. At that point there wouldn't be a change in the angle of the plane causing a shadow, it's clearly two different colors with a seam that follows the contour of the edge of the zipper. In the other image it's all monotone.

No. 2295538

I am not seeing it

No. 2295552

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No. 2295558

File: 1733622683306.jpeg (243.23 KB, 1125x887, IMG_7189.jpeg)

This is getting so wacky

No. 2295563

Maybe he was playing board games?

No. 2295566

>He likes monopoly
He keeps getting hotter and hotter
It may be the angle, hopefully we get more pics of him

No. 2295567

It's just how different cameras are capturing the colors anon. You sound kinda schizo honestly

No. 2295592

She's just having fun, no need to call her schizo.

No. 2295610

He's just fucking with us at this point kek…

No. 2295625

It's almost performance art at this point

No. 2295629

I know you're being silly, but he is making a statement, right? Like what he wrote on the bullets? He's clearly saying it's all just funny money and not something that faggot CEO should have been killing people over? Am I reading too much into this kek

No. 2295649

given the bullet situation i dont think its far fetched to suggest he was sending a message with the monopoly money; its all a game, lives over paper currency, etc. to mock it all

No. 2295662

File: 1733625960140.jpg (311.83 KB, 720x2106, 1000002902.jpg)

Agreed with the monopoly money. The term existed before the game. Monopolists held monopoly money. Also reminder what Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield was trying to pull.

No. 2295666

File: 1733626090537.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1125x1991, IMG_7192.jpeg)

I've been skimming twitter and honestly it's scary how many people have shared stories about UHC screwing them over. The company turned off its comments but if you dig through their old posts there are comments from earlier with people making posts about treatment for cancer getting denied, among other things. I wasn't aware of how bad it was

No. 2295668

Yeah, I was thinking earlier he probably changed into something that was a different color seeing as he planned stuff out pretty well

No. 2295677

I don't think it's safe for people to do stuff like this, after how many of the original protesters of various movements were terminated you don't want the gubment paying attention to you like this. Imo

No. 2295682

File: 1733626386726.jpeg (991.63 KB, 1125x1670, IMG_7193.jpeg)

There's so many posts like this

At this point I don't really like it either, the humor is too moidy

No. 2295687

He already has fanfics lol

No. 2295688

I don't think they're very intelligent.

No. 2295698

Not really surprised but damn people move fast, kek. Guessing a lot of reader x shooter ones.

No. 2295700

I can definitely see them having some fics about taking care of a sick lover kek

No. 2295713

Or fics where you smuggle him between your legs to hide him from the authorities

No. 2295725

well, they're not gonna be shooter x healthcare ceo BL

No. 2295729

File: 1733627869452.gif (579.28 KB, 220x260, IMG_9809.gif)

There’s always one

No. 2295732

Someone probably made an enemies to lovers one. Never say never.

No. 2295749

What if it's two guys working together

No. 2295756

File: 1733629317940.jpg (498.32 KB, 1920x1279, 1000011936.jpg)

His nose has got to be a prosthetic. Not that a person couldn't have such a prominent feature but idfk, my eyes are just immediately drawn to it, it looks so odd.
Also in the picture on the top of the right side he kind of has The Fallen Angel stare, damn…

No. 2295760

I was doing some research and I found out my state was the first to legalize euthanasia for humans, I don’t have an illness but I may just have to fuck around and spoil myself a little kek

No. 2295768

I've seen fujos shipping him with the Shinzo Abe assassin.

No. 2295769

Fujoshi's are going to have a FIELD DAY with this if true lol

No. 2295777

Please someone draw him naked hes soo cute

No. 2295782

I need the fujos to deliver. I believe in them.

No. 2295786

some white men got some big ass noses idk what to tell you

No. 2295822

Why don't they release these vids already

No. 2295841

bitch, you need to stick around. please.

No. 2295845

I’m sure a lot of women want to believe he did this to get revenge on his dying wife or child. Instant Hollywood Christmas movie of the decade.

No. 2295860

at this precipice in time, dear nonas, I want to let you know that despite our severe and brutal fights, the shit flinging, the name-calling, the acting unbothered, I hope that I can at the very least unite with you in regards to class. I imagine it's a mix of poorfags, "middle class" people (whatever the fuck that means) and a smattering of "rich" people (was raised on over 200k/mo). Maybe, possibly, some people are lurking/commenting on lolcow that are from old and new money. I don't want to discount anything. But I do value this website because I feel a connection that is entirely different from the people in my personal life, or my IRL acquaintances. I'm sure we wouldn't want to be associated with each other IRL as a collective but it gives me a lot of hope seeing boomers and gen alpha sharing the same sentiments almost unabashedly, with their name attached, on social media, in conversation in the presence of their phone, VPNless. It's awesome. This will probably be the only positive post I make on this godforsaken thread.

No. 2295866

Honestly it would be wild if he had 12 other people dress the same way in order to throw multiple cameras and witnesses off. If you're going to kill someone, showing your face makes the least sense.

No. 2295884

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No. 2295901

The only reason I don't believe this to be the case is because it is extemely difficult to organize en masse in reality. Every person you add to your plot is another liability who might rat you out or get cold feet. This is why terrorist cells are so efficient AND militant. People will say "they're so crazy, how could they x, y, z", well. Simply put, if they weren't fully and totally convinced of their need to do this, they would not be strapping bombs to themselves.
This is all to say, he would have already been caught or will be caught soon if there were any more than 3 people involved at MOST.

No. 2295925

It might be two guys. They're searching for the witness of shooting when they have a woman who saw his full face (on picture and in person) and heard his voice.

No. 2296109

File: 1733645243328.png (76.56 KB, 656x427, 1733606785840219.png)

I want us to never find him.
I want us to never truly know what he looks like.
I want him to make moids seethe because they never imagined in a million years that this was how to properly do a shooting and get retribution while being loved by everyone except for your enemies, who fear you.

No. 2296112

Stay and watch the show. Its got cute boys

No. 2296113

My headcanon is he's going after the FED next. I like how much this sexy man has been educating me about how fucked our insurance criminals are, maybe he can teach me about the banks next

No. 2296115

Absolutely delicious kek. Suffer.

No. 2296116

incredible, even saying "some people have wars in their countries" doesn't work now

No. 2296117

he kinda…
is this what an actual chad looks like?

No. 2296118

File: 1733646311755.jpeg (443.03 KB, 828x1324, IMG_4076.jpeg)

But when I said the Boston bomber was fine as a teen and I hope he escaped I got booed. Meanwhile Boston is racist af and probably made that boys life hell after 9/11

No. 2296123

Boston marathon bomber bombed the Boston Marathon, killing and maiming countless innocent people. This guy shot a cunt CEO running a company dedicated to killing people in the name of its bottom line.
Somehow, I can see why people were unimpressed with you, anon.

No. 2296129

Muslim scrotes murdering innocent people because they’re too yellow-bellied to target someone that’s a real threat is hardly anything special.

No. 2296130

I thought he was Russian kek

No. 2296132

He looks like leafyishere kekk

No. 2296136

Kek they never gonna catch him

No. 2296138

There are lots of Muslims in Russia, anon.

No. 2296145

He was Chechen and Avar (Dagestani), ie Muslim-majority “republics” that are geopolitically part of the Russian Federation but not actually Russian/Slavic by ethnicity. Dagestanis are quite seriously the most inbred people on earth, that’s why they (closely followed by Chechens) absolutely dominate professional ooga booga sports like MMA, they’re literal tards whose brains can’t compute anything beyond Neanderthal impulse. The combination of that and fundamentalist Islam is turbotard shit

No. 2296148

File: 1733648209487.jpeg (86.98 KB, 474x644, IMG_2974.jpeg)

I still can’t believe that Rolling Stone actually did this

No. 2296153

My girlfriend at the time said “he kind of looks like the singer from the Strokes if he didn’t have coke bloat and gonorrhea”, kek

No. 2296157

Notice how their hatred of us stems from the fact they cannot attach themselves to us? Males need females to survive. women are just fine alone. Subhuman leeches.

No. 2296158

When you put it that way I take back my teenage crush and side eye myself. This is why I only simp 2d males.

No. 2296159

The footage of the mob violence at the airport last year really gave me a good picture of Dagestani men. No concern for whether any of their own country's people were on that plane, or children, or women. Then interrogating people to find out their religion, reeeeing about da Jooz, and chimping out on tiktok.

Dagestan - life was better before I knew it existed

No. 2296161

File: 1733649858888.jpg (897.93 KB, 1170x2148, muzztards.jpg)

The whole family are low iq degenerates, the two sisters have police records too, hardly surprising given the likelihood of their parents being blood relatives. If they hate America so much why the fuck didn’t they just go back to the buttfuck North Caucasus, literally no one was stopping them. Fucking leeches. https://edition.cnn.com/2015/04/01/us/tsarnaev-family/index.html

No. 2296163

I listened to the Netflix docu released on it. From what I can remember, they came from severe poverty and despite the brothers being citizens of the US, the one who was into some boxing sport was told he would never qualify for the olympics bc of the matter of his citizenship and ethnicity or religion. Something like that. Forgive me nonnas, it was a really long time ago. Anyways, he felt betrayed by the country he grew up in and ended up radicalized by a terrorist cell.
Kek it's okay, nonna, I don't judge. I am just explaining the difference between the 4chin scrote's retard meltdown and your crush. And explaining why perhaps what you said was only meant to be posted in certain threads on lc, and definitely not out loud, irl, immediately after the tragedy, before they caught the bomber KEKK
Being a teenager is a trip.

No. 2296165

File: 1733650694451.jpeg (187.94 KB, 1280x720, IMG_2976.jpeg)

They are absolute spastics, they proselytize about being sooper extra pious mooslems but as soon as they have money all they care about is tacky ass conspicuous consoomerism like outdated gaudy designer clothing and assorted hideous blingy shit and LARPing as what they think American wealth looks like. They are also hands down the most unrepentantly hideous moids on the face of the planet, lmao

No. 2296170

I'm about to be a handmaiden about it, but posting a pic of people who literally get punched in the face for a living might be cherry picking, ever so slightly

No. 2296174

Nah that’s bullshit, the older one who was into boxing got too into the ‘Murican life (he even said he would rather compete on behalf of the USA than he would Russia) but became radicalized by another “Russian” fundie in Boston and then was further radicalized when he went to Dagestan for a holiday. The mother became increasingly radicalized too, and basically groomed the two boys to become terrorists. She was earning decent money as a beauty technician or whatever they’re called these days but fucked herself over by becoming more insane about Islam and insisting that everything she was required to do as part of her job was HARAM to the extent that she ended up getting fired. The older son also had a history of battery against his girlfriends. Charming people.

No. 2296193

File: 1733653234645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,152.04 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_2977.jpeg)

Yeah you have a point there, American scrotes who get punched in the face for a living are fugly as hell too (spoilered for gross moid)

No. 2296215

I don’t know if this is legit but some NYCers say the police knowingly publish photos of the wrong person, to give the actual criminal a false sense of confidence. Maybe this is one of those cases

No. 2296217

Oh come on some were really cute before turning 20…

No. 2296265

File: 1733663052275.webp (51.59 KB, 600x600, IMG_4779.webp)

New alleged photos of Triple D just dropped. Look at those thick ass eyebrows damn.

>um guys, actually stop spekaing bad about powerful companies! The govermint is dangerous!

No. 2296268

He's cute but I wish they'd stop releasing pictures it feels like he'll most likely get found atp, leave my man alone he's SPIRITUALLY PURE AND INNOCENT.

No. 2296271

ooh la la

No. 2296275

Why are men so retarded? He doesn't even care about REAL actual problems like our shit healthcare system. This 4chan scrote is entirely controlled by his dick. He sees a decent looking male and immediately MALDS with jealous rage. Not even teenaged girls seethe this much over the meer fact that there are women prettier than them. Pathetic. Being so insufferably insecure like this is WAY uglier than being physically ugly.

No. 2296276

His eyes are gorgeous.

No. 2296303

I really dont get how men can be so bitter as a jealous. It's not like they're bombarded with naked women perfectly photoshopped models ect the way women are. I can't stand these retards

No. 2296306

Where'd they get this pic from? Also his hoodie and his mask are different here. Are we sure it isn't his doppelganger? >>2295666 Kek
I want to see his full face so bad, we already know he has nice lips

No. 2296315

Nta but nypd like it says in the corner

No. 2296319

Ты действительно считаешь, что кремлешлюхи на первом анале не являются прямыми представителями российских властей? Какой ещё "джаст э гай ин раша", блять?

No. 2296322

No. 2296324

Yes I know its from NYPD… but I asked where did they get the pic from

No. 2296325

BUT REMEMBER! moids can cheat, follow naked women online, have mistresses, go to the strip club despite being married, and openly compare their current partner with a random hot woman walking by all day long. honestly, i truly don’t give a fuck if women cheat on men, men won’t stay loyal anyway so no point in women playing fair either imo.

No. 2296339

File: 1733668760189.jpeg (38.62 KB, 750x304, IMG_4780.jpeg)

The way the out of touch media treats our husbando hero is annoying as hell. "Killer projects cold stare" as if he shot up a daycare or something kek. That ceo caused Americans far suffering than 9/11 did. That hambeast was the real dead eyed killer.

No. 2296341

Its not even a cold gaze, he looks nice.

No. 2296380

Incel shoots up a daycare: 9000 articles about poor lonely man we have failed as a society

Random moid partakes in impactful violence that isn't punching down for once: look at this cold EVIL demon KILLER shooting DEATH LASERS from his EYES

No. 2296381

There is no such thing as "just a guy having an opinion" on Russian TV, much less on 1st (state) channel kek. They're unironically government mouthpieces, nona.

No. 2296384

bahahaha all of that seething about CHAD and then
>I fucking hate women. I hate them so much.

No. 2296406

She says that we need to stop believing that America is secretly left and do better on messaging. Basically don’t abandon left wing politics but be realistic about where America is

No. 2296412

>cold stare
Yeah the northeast is pretty chilly this time of year. Nice snowstorm the day after the event, too

No. 2296430

The government is for money and technocracy which is what we’re slowly going into the upcoming years. The manipulated the weather for this to happen, which is why Musk wanted to use Starlink to survey in rural areas, I wonder why? None of these tinfoil conservatives bring it up because TRUMPHHHH they’re all on the same side, nobody has to be a centrist to figure that shit out, trying to have one is just basically supporting the other. We need to completely stop thinking the two-party system is beneficial for us because it has not and never will be, I wish normies would keep clutching on it

No. 2296433

I thought he was a Beatle for a sec kek

No. 2296434

>I hate women. I hate women so much
KEK so it’s the women’s fault that Chad got away?

No. 2296439

File: 1733673841725.png (455.35 KB, 1170x582, obongo.png)

Thinking about Barack…

No. 2296442

I hate men because they raped me
Why can’t these fuckers just go suck some dick and leave women the fuck alone?

No. 2296446

id vote my droneking in for a 3rd term in a heartbeat

No. 2296457

And samefag I find it funny he said this considering Trayvon was like 10 shades darker than him?

No. 2296565

Yes we can!

No. 2296603

kek true (even though the op post in the screenshot reads like bait)

No. 2296621

The support for the gunman is insane. Thinking it's okay to kill someone for doing their job is moid logic. There's a reason that women don't kill.

No. 2296630

If your job is killing people, then…

No. 2296640

File: 1733679091222.jpg (63.5 KB, 268x372, Valerie_Solanas_by_Fred_W._McD…)

No. 2296654

File: 1733679413502.jpg (21.21 KB, 524x526, 1000017682.jpg)

nice try fed

No. 2296655

>Thinking it's okay to kill someone for doing their job is moid logic.
>There's a reason that women don't kill.
There's a reason that you're retarded and it's because you believe shit like this kek, I know this thread is for the country that thinks critical thinking skills are commie shit but come on.

No. 2296656

Warhol survived

No. 2296657

Nah. I like non incel shooters. Maybe someone can shoot the known pedophile politicians next

No. 2296661

Ok I’m against killing babies and everything but the united healthcare CEO had killed other people himself. At that point, it was just karma

No. 2296692

File: 1733680296666.png (500.59 KB, 1080x1525, 1000017684.png)

Feel like this wasn't talked about enough here

No. 2296696

I wish he hadn't. Overrated piece of shit worthless "artist" and also a faggot.

No. 2296712

He's been saying this for years now and kinda sorta went back and forth on it. I agree with those who say "I'll believe it when I see it."

No. 2296756

ohhh brother

No. 2296765

Are you just upset that the killer is sexy and the iconic image of him flirting and smiling at that woman will circulate forever

No. 2296817

playing dumb I see

No. 2296824

Don't mind it, just a jealous moid.

No. 2296834

You've got to be trolling.


>Just over a year before United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was murdered this week in Midtown Manhattan, a lawsuit filed against the insurance giant he helmed revealed just how draconian its claims-denying process had become.

>Last November, the estates of two former UHC patients filed suit in Minnesota alleging that the insurer used an AI algorithm to deny and override claims to elderly patients that had been approved by their doctors.

>The algorithm in question, known as nH Predict, allegedly had a 90 percent error rate — and according to the families of the two deceased men who filed the suit, UHC knew it.

Poor little CEO, doing his job of denying healthcare claims to save money for the stockholders at the expense for people's lives.

No. 2296854

Honestly good. USA has a massive problem with home grown terrorism and it starts with the white house. I'm not mad at anyone that scared politicians. Oh no!

No. 2296910

Women don't often kill, but when they do it's usually based

No. 2296931

The narrative about the fight against racism and sexism is always seen as being contradictory to one another. I like this video because she talks about how those two things were intertwined during the civil rights movement and how it was a shared effort to get women of all colors more rights

No. 2296933

Everything is women's fault to them. Two men could bludgeon each other to death with frozen animal carcasses and some retard would still find a way to blame it on women.

No. 2296956

You don’t know how genes work huh. It’s very normal to have parents who are lighter or darker than you when you’re black

No. 2296971

They’d go back to their mothers
> Timmy bludgeoned Joseph because Timmy’s mother didn’t cuddle him enough

No. 2296978

No she's right, stay mad

No. 2297010

Sadly the fight against racism focuses too much on coddling men who tend to be abusers themselves.

No. 2297014

maybe the gunman was a hitman. just a guy doing his job, y'know?

No. 2297016

File: 1733684742273.png (231.53 KB, 646x436, ceo.png)

>That hambeast was the real dead eyed killer.
Can we talk about how ugly, fat and retarded looking the uhc ceo was too?

No. 2297025

Classic case of a chad BTFO'ing an ugly virgin incel

No. 2297029

More fat sadistic scrotes need to get culled

No. 2297046

he don't look too healthy.

No. 2297053

not mad, simply rolling my eyes at
>muh dead babies

No. 2297064

The dentist did him dirty with those gopher-looking crowns/veneers, but on the other hand, it suits his chudly features.

No. 2297067

heroically died doing his duty of denying insurance to sick people who paid out the ass for coverage
why do we even pay for insurance. the whole point is that eventually if we need it the company will give up money but they dont even do that. why don't we all just stop paying insurance at the same time. theyre literally just robbing people what a joke

No. 2297071

Oh true, that was cringe.

No. 2297089

He looks like a fatter Matt Gaetz

No. 2297091

fucking ew, i'm glad he's dead now

No. 2297199

File: 1733688786949.mp4 (2.67 MB, 1280x720, mHXxNDP2hgRrPmP4.mp4)

KEK they were gossiping about Trump

No. 2297200

I thought this was a picture of him in the back go a police car kek but it’s a taxi? I hope they never find him. Supposedly they have DNA but unless he’s already a convicted criminal, they won’t find him that way. They don’t even have the gun.
If he was smart, he never told a single soul about his plan.

No. 2297205

And tbh finally a hot moid using their looks for good. Usually it’s just to scam naive girls or making it big in Tinseltown or wherever else as a step up

No. 2297211

I genuinely thought this was a Succession clip ha. Trudeau vaguely resembles Greg egg confirmed

No. 2297403

this was so crazy of him to say

This problem can only be solved if black women refrain from defending hateful violent men and let the consequences come to him.

No. 2297409

Whats your issue with black women? Do white women not defend their men?

No. 2297411

samefag but why did most white women vote for trump, wouldn't them not voting for trump and aligning with republicans solve the issue more since they are a larger percentage of the american population and thus have more influence as a whole in democracy?(learn2delete)

No. 2297421

they dont want to be faced with the reality that white women by in large coddle white men to a dangerous degree. Black men and their depravity largely only affects black women. White men's depravity affects women and children all over the world.

No. 2297424

exactly why white women are the men of womanhood(bait)

No. 2297462

>moids finally have an alpha sigma chad to look up to
>handsome, masculine, brave
>a hero of the common people, adored by women

>they piss and shit their pants instead and hope police finds him

evidence #8364829 of men ruining society

No. 2297518

It's a good video and I agree with her but… what the fuck is up with all the tranny talk? More talk about trannies than about women in this video. Why does everyone pander so fucking hard to those things. Many trannies are right-wing racist incels. Pisses me off. Can't go anywhere, can't watch a simple Youtube video without some tranny ball-sucking shoved in there somewhere

No. 2297520

I see literally no one simping for the CEO except for Ben Shapiro and Chaya Raichik.

No. 2297530

It's simple.
White women have sexism to worry about.
Black women have that compounded with racism that they can experience from white women also.
Sadly it's just 2 different worlds.

No. 2297533

>white women are the men of womanhood.
wow, what a fucking quote.

No. 2297540

please stop poisoning the gene pool with uggos.
You don't think he's hot you are attracted to how much wealth he's hoarded because that's what your chimp mind that has been conditioned to millions of generations of primate rape has been evolved to accept.
I'm tired of ugly as shit moids being excused because they have a couple more bananas. Only breed with pretty ones.
You don't think he's hot, you think he's rich. Be honest. If trump was broke as fuck and looked the way he does you'd think he was a fucking creep.
Rich uggo moids should only be betabux providers to the bastard children of chad so they can teach chad babies how to be rich.

No. 2297541

Retarded take. How many people do you think died because of this guy's policies on healthcare? Only the rich are allowed to kill people and you can't do shit in return? Fuck off.

No. 2297544

Haven't watched it but yeah I agree. Trannies need to be an afterthought. You just need to say trannies are inherently misogynistic and move on to how moids fuck over half of the human population on a daily basis.

No. 2297548

Most normies aren't exposed to the reality of trannies. They probably just know of the rupaul tier ones

No. 2297554

very shootable looking

No. 2297574

Support for INCEL gunmen who kill innocent people is insane. CHAD gunmen kill evil bitches who rack up murder high scores that make the scrotiest of school shooters salivate in envy at.
I don't think it's okay to kill. That's why I'm glad the murder CEO is dead.
Smiling sexo saved lives. There was another insurance company that was going to only cover partial anesthesia but then after CEuggo was banned from the irl servers people were plastering the CEO's name and photo all over twitter and now they pulled back on that psychotic cartoon villain shit.

I hope incels take note and realize women will get wet if they kill rich assholes. I would support this even if the appearances were reversed (it wouldn't happen because evil makes people ugly. I looked up all the health insurance CEOs and all of them are fucking hideous demons)

No. 2297585

Thinking about it, is the man in the cab really him? Why is he looking straight at the camera and where is the driver?

No. 2297589

dramatically different eyes. can't be him. i envy his brows, tho.

No. 2297591

>women are a hivemind, if a man is attractive to one woman he is to all
If this was true the ugly man psyop thread wouldn't have people infighting about what's hot or not every single week. I don't even think he's some perfect chad either based on those pictures but I'm glad he did it anyways.
This is such an overreaction kek. Men would kill themselves if they had to live like women and put through insane beauty standards if they get like this over some ok looking guy being lusted after.

No. 2297612

this is what happens to faggots who continue to act like hyper feminized princesses who insist on being treated like little girls by the women they claim to be attracted to and then force these women to pay 100% for shitty ass dates just to feel like royalty. i'm not into the whole sprinkle sprinkle thing but honestly, that shera woman be dropping truth bombs about the male species sometimes. to any moids lurking, the reason why women are squirting over this chad is because he is the kind of man of a bygone era: a man who thinks or says what he'll do, and actually goes does it, before quietly slipping away without a woman telling him. you fags, on the other hand, cry on podcasts about why you shouldn't pull all the stops for a girlfriend and that "men are the prize!" but then have the audacity to scream when women decide, yeah, they do like masculine men like the killer after all.

No. 2297708

>a man who thinks or says what he'll do, and actually goes does it
They can't even follow through on "becoming a better woman than you'll ever be!!" when they troon out which is something focus all of their time & resources on. I can't even remember the last time I've been impressed by anything a male has done, in the news or personally. If there were more of them pursuing anything other than gross or unspeakable things, they might receive positive attention too. But they don't bother at all and then blame women for "giving up", so there's no way that will ever happen.

No. 2297774


No. 2297788

could be

No. 2297828

is this a troll

No. 2297864

anynonnies going to see dead and company at the sphere this summer?

No. 2297870

File: 1733703752427.png (1.17 MB, 1080x708, prolapse.png)

>troon out
yup yup, they fail at this department also fucking kek. in their minds, they think being the better woman means being more sexually promiscuous than the average woman (newsflash: males are naturally sluttier and more disgusting than females are in that area), or being the most feminine looking or closest to looking like a porn star. they never talk about things like, oh how can i be better than natural women in things like homemaking? washing the dishes? putting away the clothes? taking care of the children so that she can get a chance at an awesome career? it is never femininity that has kept women chained down and always "femininity" that is geared towards pornographic ideal or the gay moids seal of approval brand of girly that is about pink and glitter and nail polish. fuck off.

No. 2297878

I’ve never seen TIMS March for women now that you make me think about it, it’s always trans rights plastered over everything and it’s always their interests that are top notch priority, I don’t get how women aren’t waking up. They don’t even call themselves feminists, but transfeminists kek.

No. 2297888

They are just hating out of the club because they can’t get in kek. The bar is in hell for men yet they still fail miserably at it. Mediocre scrotes should be left behind.

No. 2298378


No. 2298455

File: 1733717225586.png (3.19 MB, 1118x1871, peepee.png)

he looks like fucking shit and he literally pissed his pants

No. 2298458

They both look like they're trying to maintain neutral faces in the face of a really smelly fart. I don't know if it was JD, Kemi, or the cameraperson, but I know that someone in that room just ripped ass like never before and they're all trying to smile through it and pretend they're not smelling what they're smelling. This event is a microcosm of politics.

No. 2298502

Why does it look like he’s wearing eyeshadow

No. 2298615

Fattest emo boy in the universe

No. 2298628

White men basically behave the same as black men when they're outside of their countries and free to do what they want

No. 2298674

if trump really ends birthright citizenship does that mean all anchor babies will suddenly be illegal or the ones after he does it?

No. 2298676

The ones after.

No. 2298677

After the CEO shooting, I think it radicalized a lot of people which is a good thing. Some of my mutuals who voted for trump started telling me they regretted it because they realized he didnt give a fuck about the middle class. It baffles me because most of our issues stem from our previous republican presidents like Reagan. How the fuck did they think someone born with a golden spoon would ever support the middle class when fucking Reagan's bills about deregulating corporations are still upheld?

No. 2298678

god damn it I don’t like Trump but I wanted him to btfo a moid and his whole illegal anchor baby family

No. 2298693

you have absolutely no idea how insulting this is to literally all other women? especially muslim and south asian women

No. 2298721

every picture looks like a completely different guy

No. 2298723

This is the amerifag thread.

No. 2298916

He could be an actual skinwalker atp

No. 2299017

>before turning 20
That's not coming off how you want it to, nonna.

>This undated photo released by the New York Police Department shows a suspect in the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on Dec. 4, 2024, in a taxi. Part of the image was blurred by the source. (NYPD via X)
So unconfirmed if it is even him.

Their cope is always the looks, but personally I go for looks second and personality is first. Men forget that personality is a big portion of attractiveness for women and his moral stand to kill a CEO who wanted to strip health coverage due to feeling pressured by incoming administrations is absolutely the turn on these men refuse to admit. They focus so much on his looks. It's a bonus, but unlike men, having a personality is not secondary for a lot of people.

[Thread usually moves faster, so I had to edit my double posting]

No. 2299038

I love this so much kek. The CEO killer has made psycho school shooters look even more pathetic in retrospective and has raised the bar for hybristophiliacs. Moids will never recover knowing that shooters can be held as heroes by women, so they are failures even when going on violent rampages kek

No. 2299110

They might have caught triple D at a McDonald's in Pennsylvania

No. 2299114

ugh. bet it was some ugly jealous moid who snitched

No. 2299159

They said he raised suspicions due to having a similar gun to the one seen on the video, so it might be just some rando or even a skinwalker. Why would the guy keep the weapon for so long if it was really him?

No. 2299175

Moids on 4chan suspect the guy they caught is a skinwalker that posted on Saturday. I wanna believe

No. 2299243

"similar" gun and the same fake ID used to check into the hostel. this whole thing is weird.

No. 2299253

Lots of red herrings on purpose. It's full Joker kek

No. 2299268

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No. 2299282

No. 2299291

Absolutely not. Different eyebrows, different jawline, different nose.

No. 2299298

I think children should be left alone considering even republicans supported DACA at one time. It used to have bipartisan support despite being an Obama era program but that whole family you’ve got a hard on for might not be safe all the same. Trump also said he intends to denaturalize citizens for those who came in through fraudulent measures

No. 2299301

File: 1733769432963.jpg (360.08 KB, 1080x2543, 1000070804.jpg)

He's a "person of interest" currently.

No. 2299306

check his twitter replies, he definitely browses 4chan

No. 2299309

You could say the shooter was Robert Sheehan or even Dave Franco. They are seriously going to go after anyone who looks handsome and it's hilarious.

No. 2299313

Why is it legal to release this guys name if he’s not confirmed to be the guy?

No. 2299315

what a waste

No. 2299316

God please don't be him don't let him get captured reeeeeeeeee

No. 2299319

He’s an rw tech bro…

No. 2299320

that was like the only good looking guy left and now he will die in jail…

No. 2299323

Our based husbando can't be this retarded

No. 2299330

he’s smart (even if i disagree with him) but he’s a chud…his twitter replies are all responses to rw tech bros and nearly everyone he follows is an rw tech guy. like the kinda dudes who tweet about birth rates and the amount of women in higher education vs men. disappointing

No. 2299333

Tech bro or at least a blossoming one sure but he believes in and wants to prevent climate change based on his retweets. That’s already a huge cut above to what the average chud believes

No. 2299336

Ugh yeah his replies are sus

No. 2299337

I still don't think it's him. Maybe someone taking the fall for him, but this dude doesn't have as slim of a jawline when he smiles and the lips and nose look different to me. Then again, maybe it's the magic of angles.

No. 2299338

Yeah he doesnt look the same as the guy in the hostel imo but who knows

No. 2299340

Dude absolutely looks like the newest released photos of him in a cab (?) But looks nothing like the original two photos.

No. 2299341

Why is it legal to release the name of a person of interest when they could very well be innocent?

No. 2299343

I'm black myself and I'm criticizing from what i see in my community
All demographics coddle their men but their impact is not the same. I don't expect women to come together, but I wish for harsher consequences towards hateful misogynistic men. In a better world, Trump would have never been president

No. 2299348

https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/55354261?shelf=to-read He cares about climate change it seems. /Lit kinda guy

No. 2299349

he has the same ghost gun and a 3 page manifesto, it's him

No. 2299350

I make a distinction between book smarts and emotional intelligence/empathy. It's not enough to be scholarly and intelligent, a person should have critical thought, ready to challenge their own prejudices and biases and adjusting them where necessary as they gain new information. He's got some pretty retarded takes here and there for sure, in my opinion.

No. 2299358

a bunch of tech bros believed in climate change until they decided to pivot to right wing grifting

No. 2299359

His book choices aren't all that bad so far. Some make me raise an eyebrow, but others are decent. The duality of man.

No. 2299361

reeeee don't take the last attractive masculine man in this country away

No. 2299362

It was kind of obvious we was going to be some terminally online cocksucker. God I really hope it's not him though let us have our fantasy.

No. 2299363

A guy with a profile like this is honestly the last person I would guess would do this. I 100% thought it'd be a corny anarchist.
There are reports he had anti-capitalist writings on him. I wonder if something happened in the past few months that made him do an ideological 180. He hadn't posted on twitter in a while.

No. 2299368

File: 1733771045705.png (1.12 MB, 1170x1315, daddy pennie.png)

Good for him!

No. 2299370

I find it so odd that Luigi may have done this? Theres nothing on his twitter indicating he would do this. Either he is the wrong person and the FEDs are just finding a fall guy, or something drastic happened in his life recently that made him take such a huge risk by killing the CEO. I have never been so invested in a murder case before lol

No. 2299371

>The Infinite Jest on his to read list
kek at least in jail he will have the time to read it

No. 2299372

Literally who

No. 2299374

Yeah no I don’t think so

No. 2299375

Lol i was wondering this same thing. I accidentally Posted exactly what you said

No. 2299376

Daniel Penny is the guy who accidentally killed Jordan Neely kek, the homeless Michael Jackson impersonator

No. 2299377

another Italian american WIN

No. 2299379

tumblr infected the internet

No. 2299380

This is one for the books kek

No. 2299384

I like the pokemon he has highlighted in his banner. Breloom is class and to favor grass pokemon is an indication of high intellect. Idk if this man is responsible for the killing but I will give props where they are due.

No. 2299385

For some reason I find it funny that his books were all about the grindset lifestyle, but it has The Hunger Games sprinkled in between kek

No. 2299386

He was clearly concerned about climate change and had some leftist views. He seems complicated. I can’t believe he would tweet with his real name and photo. Maybe he left his account up on purpose?

No. 2299388

There's Mein Kampf too. Ugh.

No. 2299389

nypost said he may hate health insurance industry due to working briefly at a nursing home and may have had now dead grandparents who were fucked over by insurance. nursing homes do suck ngl and even briefly working in any medical establishment does tend to radicalize people against insurance.

No. 2299392

Seeing the FB boomers expressing joy over him getting caught makes me hope they hurry up and die so the world can be a better place. Apparently it was a boomer who ratted him out too. They just love being continuously exploited by soulless corporations.

No. 2299393

Closeted troon vibes

No. 2299394

Is this like astrology for pokemon?
What does liking Squirtle mean?

No. 2299396

You retards see trannies everywhere

No. 2299397

>that list
He definitely browses /lit/.

No. 2299398

He worked at the nursing home because his family fucking owned it lol, his family owns countless unnamed assisted living homes and hotels in the Baltimore area. I find it hard to believe his grandparents got fucked over by health insurance considering his paternal grandparents own hundreds of millions of commercial real estate in a very expensive state.

No. 2299399

You realize that gen xers are bigger bootlickers than boomers right

No. 2299401

File: 1733771469538.png (251.98 KB, 1294x1511, 1733769328821752 (2).png)

Yeah it's him

No. 2299404

They became accelerationists which means from what I understand a complete relaxation from government interference in order to accelerate (as the name) the collapse of society for it to somehow return to a manageable standard. This apparently is good for the climate long term. Or maybe money makes the world go round and they used any excuse at all to switch tunes to prevent increased regulation or taxation on their industry. Either way there is a slight difference as of the timeline of his life now. But the fact he listens to Thiel’s advice makes me think if he didn’t execute that rat faced fuck then he would’ve evolved into current day’s tech bro

No. 2299406

I see trans people. They don’t even know they’re trans

No. 2299408

Squirtle means you were around from the start of pokemon and possibly watched the anime and love the squirtle squad which would also be a correct opinion.

No. 2299409

nonnie you're coping kek

No. 2299413

I’m looking at his retweets. He has conflicting ideologies which is typical of his age imo

No. 2299415

Nta but what conflicting ideologies? I'm scared to look.

No. 2299416

File: 1733771649012.png (29.85 KB, 832x342, IMG_7683.png)

Any source on this? Why would he have that?? This tweet might be bullshit but if NYPD said that then the identification sounds sus

No. 2299421

Well he seems to be a science chad

No. 2299422

I have a millionaire dad that works in insurance but of the motor type and I'm always decrying what a con it is while living rent free in his most run down property in his gay portfolio. I am working on sorting my life out but damn, I sympathize, having rich cunts in your family can peak you very early on.

No. 2299424

why is it hard to believe?

No. 2299429

I'm so glad he's not a tankie nonnas, i can finally breathe a sigh of relief

No. 2299431

File: 1733771873234.jpg (122.35 KB, 1188x1143, 1733409122152786.jpg)

Can't believe all the boomers and gen Xers in the comments applauding like sheep at his arrest. No wonder this country is falling and more young people are getting radicalized. "Senseless act of violence" kiss my ass, Mayor Adams did you call the latest femicide in your city that? I can predict this guy is going to get so much jail mail and commissary full of money.

No. 2299433

True. rw techbro science chads are still a step above tankies kek

No. 2299434

Bemoaning the impact of coal from one tweet to retweeting a Thiel speech in the other. Reading David Attenborough’s biographical appeal to save our planet then retweeting a Tucker Carlson speech. In his replies he interacts to @minordissent who is pure Trumptard. He is absolutely on trajectory to become technocrat that I won’t dispute

No. 2299437

This dude fucking glows. Inside job

No. 2299440

I wouldn’t be surprised

No. 2299442

>All those selfhelp and improvement books sandwiched between retarded litpol "must reads"
i could've fixed him

No. 2299446

ntayrt, disappointing but not surprising. Moids gonna moid even when they manage to do something right

No. 2299448

Sage because i dont wanna derail but My dad is owns books like mein kempf and trump books even though hes a black liberal and hates trump. I dont think it's that deep. Reading from the perspective of people like hitler can be interesting and educational. Doesn't mean your a nazi lol.

No. 2299450

File: 1733772157470.jpeg (91.29 KB, 750x262, IMG_0959.jpeg)

No. 2299452

Thats right Luigi

No. 2299454


No. 2299455

This is a respectable scrote opinion. I'm of the opinion that we won't be able to entirely outlaw it so we might as well require scrotes to input their IDs to prove they're of age to consume pornography, and implement heavy bans of extreme pornography too.

No. 2299456

King shit

No. 2299458

this is gonna be a long 4 years

No. 2299460

The hero we don’t deserve.

No. 2299461

File: 1733772292768.jpeg (59.3 KB, 636x1024, 290.jpeg)

Good possibility this is him posting before he got arrested.

No. 2299463

i doubt anything will come of it, it's just a populist release value. Don't expect revolution

No. 2299464

He liked Ted k and was a compsci major. He is slightly right of center like most men. This chud radlib dichotomy is so juvenile. It’s funny though, thinking it’s possible he read that currycel self-pitying screed of seething envy and imagining that he sympathized with his plight and maybe even wrote an encouraging reply. Incels are so embarrassing.

No. 2299465

What I don’t understand is where his backpack went while he was still in the lobby? Because there’s security footage of him not wearing one but also not carrying one in his hands or anything before it happened?

No. 2299467

Why did he still have the gun and id's? Cmon dude

No. 2299468

Why tf would he still be in possession of the murder weapon??? This sounds made up to reassure people that they didn’t just pick up some random patsy with a convenient goodreads account.

No. 2299469

This would be yet another coat, prob not him

No. 2299471

Doesn’t look like him at all

No. 2299472

I thought the photo of him in the lobby was from a different day. I'm still not entirely sure all these men are the same person lol

No. 2299474

>is a weeb
>hates porn
I know it’s pretty standard chudcel position but I’m okay with that

No. 2299475

>that mistake from red scare thrown in for no reason
Go pander to moids on reddit or whatever it is that you people do

No. 2299477

He replied to the datepsych guy on twitter multiple times (dating coach who tells incels that male loneliness isn’t real and any man can get a gf). He’s probably never dated anyone before. He’ll have a ton of fangirls writing to him now tho

No. 2299479

This guy doesn't have his eyebrows. WTF

No. 2299480

It’s a tweet don’t be retarded

No. 2299483

That’s what I’m saying! AND fake ID? ZERO chance that happened.

No. 2299484

I doubt this is the real shooter. A chud could never have the balls and boldness of a real Chad

No. 2299486

Kek same, I thought all the images were from a few minutes before he shot fatty daddy

No. 2299488

It pisses me off to no end seeing all these affordable senior apartments popping up in my county when they contribute nothing to society and naturally should be dead right now. Our politics are fucked because old retired seniors vote more than young people and thus politicians try to appeal to old retards 5 years from death

No. 2299492

We should get a books to prisoners googledoc going so we can get him his books to read list without sending duplicates.

No. 2299493

My pussy can't stop throbbing im so horny

No. 2299495

kek no way this is real, it's like someone's written the ideal LC nonnie husbando.

No. 2299496

File: 1733772682412.jpg (34.09 KB, 946x509, 1593872_plotmaster_they-glow-i…)

>Jan 2024
This is way too on the nose.

No. 2299497

an extremely unfunny one

No. 2299502

literally bargaining

No. 2299503

I thought the police had intel he got a bus from ATL and then the hostel photo is from the day before the shooting or days idk. Then he shot dude. Went into central park and then disappeared. The jacket and backpack in the hostel are completely different from the day of the shooting. Why would he go through the trouble of having fake IDs and then keep the fucking murder weapon on him too. None of it makes sense lol. He's smart enough to evade everyone for days but suddenly he's caught with the fucking murder weapon. OK

No. 2299504

>changes the subject in the middle of us swooning over this price to complain about…a woman saying the words “electric feel”
I’m sorry but can you go to therapy or something instead of ruining the mood

No. 2299506

Living embodiment of weaponized autism. Reads Unabomber manifestos with a pokémon in his twitter banner but can still autistically calculate the correct macros to get absolute shredded.

No. 2299508

Someone get this Luigi some DOSTOYEVSKY

No. 2299509

Does anyone have the full sized image of him with his shirt off?

No. 2299510

>days after I make a few a-logging posts about how there needs to be people dying in the streets for letting millions die due to shit American healthcare a moid shoots a healthcare CEO and kills him
>days after posting in the unconventional attractions thread on how he looks sexy and has an Italian sort of phenotype, the top suspect is named fucking Luigi
Guys I think we're meant to be together?

No. 2299511

accelerationists want to burn down society to rebuild it in their Neo-reactionary utopia, complete with forced eugenic breeding for women (sex with chuds)

No. 2299512

The nose, eyebrows, and chin seem to match up kek.

No. 2299513

File: 1733772906692.jpg (125.59 KB, 815x995, Screenshot_20241209_205349_Chr…)

There's this one

No. 2299514

Post caps anon, this is a imageboard

No. 2299515

File: 1733772917594.gif (1.52 MB, 498x259, the-mist-suicide-attempt.gif)


No. 2299516

>Deranged guy but he will kill evil CEOs instead of shooting up schools
>Hates porn
>Hates degeneracy in general but is still a weeb
He's /g/'s wet dream kek

No. 2299517

It's on his IG someone linked upthread… which looks like it's been deleted since. Should be under his name if you google though.

No. 2299518

I'm glad he defended the mother and kid but I'm worried about chuds using this as a race war beacon

No. 2299519

No. 2299520

Alledgedly had a whole manifesto on him. It literally sounds like a 4chan shitpost.

No. 2299523

File: 1733773016805.png (93.21 KB, 750x781, 231.png)

No. 2299524

It’s definitely the same guy. Image board users are just chronically face blind.

No. 2299526

i could have saved him

No. 2299528

File: 1733773084572.png (939.48 KB, 599x591, 4 LC hybristophiles xx.png)

No. 2299529


No. 2299530

It’s just radlibs or jealous moids crying and smearing his name. Every good rhetorician reads their opponent’s perspective in order to form an argument. Educated critical thinkers know this, only dogmatic cultists are afraid to read.

No. 2299531


No. 2299532

i literally screamed NOOOOOO when i saw the headline he got arrested. fuck that boomer at mcdonalds fucking snitch

No. 2299533

Surely his manifesto was what he wrote on the bullets lol. I doubt they've got him. They've got a fall guy because there's been too much rejoicing over someone doing a Robin hood and killing the rich.

No. 2299534

File: 1733773167465.jpeg (105.46 KB, 600x600, IMG_4801.jpeg)

I genuinely hate the police. Idc of they keep (some) criminals at bay, they have no morals. If they did then Luigi would be free. Idc if hes a chud with confusing political views. I was the same at his age. Its the glowies trying to divide us over petty shit again.

No. 2299535

You’re correct but he was still rw. And that’s okay

No. 2299536

of course it's a boomer. Medicare for them, fuck all for everyone else who actually contributes to society

No. 2299537

from slackers to simps (to capital)

No. 2299538

can't cope with how ugly he is. this sucks so bad

No. 2299539

No. 2299541

i kind of wish it was organized hit against the CEO. he shouldve gotten away

No. 2299542

your taste probably just sucks

No. 2299544

File: 1733773445984.png (299.88 KB, 587x518, Screenshot 2024-12-09 144107.p…)

So fucking based
Fuck boomers, can't wait til they're gone

No. 2299546

>not yet charged with the shooting despite having gun, fake ID, and manifesto
The bullshit detector is ringing. The cops are at least lying about the amount of evidence.

No. 2299550

God his accent must be melting

No. 2299551

your telling me luigi mangione has no connections to the mob????

No. 2299552

his mother must be proud

No. 2299554

Please manifest a few more of him, but without the 4chan autism.

No. 2299556

Please be a glowie please be a glowie omg gues i cant cope that our boy was arrested i need to be euthanized now

No. 2299558

That's not the outfit the shooter was wearing though how are they linking this together

No. 2299560

anyone checked his FB if he has good looking brothers?

No. 2299561

did you post it or something? kek

No. 2299563

Well wth do you want me to do? Change the literal fact that he does?

No. 2299565

i agree, hes a fall guy. probably him in the hostal pics, but as ppl have already pointed out the dude in the hostal has a different jacket and backpack

No. 2299568

ntayrt but it does feel disruptive to change the topic to complaining about red scare when we're trying to do research on this legend

No. 2299570

File: 1733773736703.jpeg (99.03 KB, 960x1088, IMG_4802.jpeg)

No. 2299571

File: 1733773770190.png (679.12 KB, 1170x645, the luigi’s.png)

No. 2299575

File: 1733773807619.jpg (78.1 KB, 1024x512, 1000011715.jpg)

Like how are these the same

No. 2299576

it's so funny to see nonnies simping for this super average nofap gymbro. maybe conservative moids are right about what women want.

No. 2299577

He needs to thin those eyebrows out a little because it's creeping into unibrow territory.

No. 2299578

There's no way he is real. This is 10000000% a psyop.

No. 2299580

the post I was replying to wasn't even about the shooter are you okay

No. 2299582

that's a complete different angle and lighting but the same prominent nose. it's the same guy. he had a different backpack and jacket as part of his plan

No. 2299583

he sounds like every other man on that side of twitter. there are thousands who think like him

No. 2299584

I swear there are different men in the two sets of pictures. The first one looks like her has a much longer face, looks like he has a more flared nose too. The second set of pictures has Luigi's short face. The first set of pictures legitimately look so much like Jake Gyllenhaal who looks nothing like Luigi (mainly length of face).

No. 2299586

where did you get that pic nona

No. 2299588

yes indeed it was a post about daniel penny, and for some reason seeing anna khachiyans name seemed to ruffle your feathers a bit for some reason…look some more at this king it'll relax your bones nona >>2299570

No. 2299590

A man that put his life on the line to do something about a fat rich pig indirectly killing millions of innocent people is kinda attractive ngl fam

No. 2299591

So he had an outfit change, fake IDs has swarthy Italian skin in one photos and is clearly a run of the mill white moid in the initial photos that matched up with the guy on camera shooting the ceo but kept the murder weapon on himself and got caught in a McDonald's? Was he bragging to another teller about what he did or what sounds like shit

No. 2299592

File: 1733773992468.png (723.07 KB, 750x1624, IMG_4803.png)

No. 2299594

No. 2299595

so he was anti porn, good looking, athletic and smart? of course it had to be taken away from us

No. 2299596

>the depth of those dimples
DElIVER (his baby)

No. 2299597

This is Bait dont respond

No. 2299598

>Super average
3D printing a gun so you can assassinate some huge disgusting pig kinda sounds like the opposite of average

No. 2299599


No. 2299601

I thought they said the killer used a vet gun? A gun used for putting down live stock. I guess we will find out soon if this is him. He’s got a cute smile tho.

No. 2299605

his name is luigi kek

No. 2299606

File: 1733774230619.png (407.57 KB, 826x574, 1733773648933278.png)

stole from kf

No. 2299608

Honestly I wish we could stop simping for the Italian and look at the facts of the case that are known and what was shared from the start. I don't think it was Luigi. The outfits don't match the features don't match, it doesn't make sense he kept the weapon after apparently going through the trouble of outfit changes and fake IDs why keep the most incriminating bit of evidence on you.

No. 2299609

So someone snitched him out?

No. 2299610

No. 2299611

Im sending him commissary money

No. 2299612

The cops are clearly lying that they found evidence on him.

No. 2299613

NTAYRT but why do people hate the red scare ladies so much? Because of the isis shirts or like what

No. 2299615

File: 1733774346189.jpg (160.13 KB, 1080x1080, 1733772796693469.jpg)

No. 2299616

oh mein cope

No. 2299617

His family has lived in Maryland for like 70+ years so I doubt he has an accent, his grandparents were from Italy.

No. 2299618

sexist, racist, hypocritical, friends with trannies and gays who hate women and men who hate women

No. 2299619

Boomer in mcdonalds

No. 2299620

They're attention whores who say anything to be as inflammatory as possible to get as many griftbux as they can.

No. 2299623

NTA but they're retarded grifter pickme's, thread on /snow/

No. 2299624

Boomer in mcdonalds

No. 2299625

ripped…smart enough to study CS at penn…living in the middle of nowhere in hawaii…i could’ve fixed him somehow

No. 2299626

Because they are annoying pickme cows with a thread here.

No. 2299627

Even with the spaghetti hair, I still would.

No. 2299628

I don't believe it was this guy and I have other sources claiming the assasin was from Mossad and not italian. I don't buy this story, smoke and mirrors

No. 2299629

I think the cops are lying in general they don't know shit

No. 2299630

>sexist, racist
Thats everyone in Burgerland though so its kind of a given
>friends with troons and fags
that I wasn’t aware of thank you for educating me

No. 2299631

Idk, If they needed a fallguy, they would have chosen a degenerate uggo, so the killer would have zero redeeming qualities

No. 2299634

I hadn’t lurked their thread yet and her tweet was the first I saw about the Daniel Penny verdict so my sincerest apologies

No. 2299636

Then no one would believe them. The point is to pivot the conversation to left vs right instead of class solidarity.

No. 2299637

so is that his aunt or something

No. 2299638

Nah, the usual rw techbros love their animu, vidja and pedo exploitation.

No. 2299641

I don't think so. They just needed a photo of a face in a similar outfit to the shooter. I still don't understand how they were able to link the guy in the hostel to the shooting but weren't able to track him after the shooting

No. 2299642

he's ugly as fuck, looks like muslim yanderedev

No. 2299644

nice try fed

No. 2299646

The current trad consensus is that those things are bad and preventing men from breeding and saving the world or whatever but most guys who parrot that stuff are religious and motivated by religious beliefs but he was an atheist (?) which is interesting. There’s a mini war on rw twitter rn as half of them are praising him and the rest are calling him godless and trying to frame him as an anti-white resentful leftist even though he’s a rich italian kek

No. 2299647

At least 7inch hard, looks cut though -50 italian points

No. 2299648

Did the feds set his goodreads profile to private?

No. 2299650

It's weird that he'd go all the way to print a gun (to avoid identification I guess) and then just have all his info displayed freely on the internet, including very obvious hints of planning his "crime".

No. 2299651

File: 1733774890778.jpg (43.67 KB, 900x506, 1000011716.jpg)

Those aren't the same eyebrows as luigi and different nose. I know a lot of nonas are autistic and can't read faces well but these aren't the same people

No. 2299654

I think he’s got cute features. Would’ve been cuter if he didn’t kill innocent randos, that alone makes him forever ugly

No. 2299655

File: 1733774952653.jpeg (39.61 KB, 400x400, ybedb5ppojowh6cmumir_400x400.j…)

found another Twitter with the same name, I think the guy on the left looks more like the shooter

No. 2299658

bad b8 m8

No. 2299663

>tfw that there are braindead retarded moids cheering for his downfall and eventual arrest because there's a chance he's attractive and women online are giving him attention
>tfw the jealous moid ego is going ruin a chance for change

No. 2299664

Guy on left does look more like the first two pictures. He's also sexier IMO, should grow his hair out

No. 2299665

Wait… I can kinda see it… or do all Italians just look the same

No. 2299667

File: 1733775103817.jpeg (67.16 KB, 735x528, 1669738774951.jpeg)

lol lmao even

No. 2299668

This man also looks older. Idk I’m not sure I buy that it’s Luigi. Police are just so desperate to catch someone. He was smart enough to pull off this killing and get away, but kept the weapon and fake Id?

No. 2299670

Or it’s the general normie consensus

No. 2299671

i don’t believe that he’s the shooter. i think it’s someone else

No. 2299673

File: 1733775205498.jpeg (225.45 KB, 571x1201, B7621F4E-EE6D-4FB2-8D2B-7DC61F…)

Reposting for posterity. This is what he thought of women and men’s places. Apparently only men are “innately heroic” with desires for achievement… women, you stay in the kitchen and support your hero man, that’s your duty. Men are the main characters

No. 2299674

Does anyone have any pics of his feet?or sole pics??(lost retard)

No. 2299675

They sell out women to rw and gay moids for money

No. 2299677

always has been

No. 2299679

I hope this isn’t him because this is depressing.

No. 2299680

File: 1733775281763.jpg (44.21 KB, 686x386, 1000011717.jpg)

Like this is not the same man kek. He's staying in a hostel apparently but the backpack he has doesn't look much full but he's apparently got a couple of outfit changes. He shoots the ceo and disappears into central park to evade cctv and apparently do another outfit change to evade arrest. Keeps the murder weapon after he left the shells at the scene with the words written on them.so they can be dna tested and investigated. Sounds like a massive oversight for someone that managed to evade arrest for days. Leaves a massive digital footprint online for everyone to wank over? Not buying it

No. 2299681

I’m inclined to agree because he’s super hot in this pic and autistic looking in all the others

No. 2299682

God this guy is infinitely sexier than shortface Luigi. Fuuuuuuuck. Fuuuuuuuck IDC if he's the shooter I'll be thinking of him tonight. Sexy even with a bald head.

No. 2299684

File: 1733775307465.jpg (12.7 KB, 384x300, 1722558395005.jpg)

No. 2299685

TBH he would have been more based if he shot Elon Musk instead.

No. 2299686

He’s a virgin NRx guy KEKKKKKKK

No. 2299691

I hope they release him

No. 2299692

File: 1733775398516.jpeg (160.55 KB, 750x841, EDBA0D2E-18EF-461F-B215-CE1CE3…)

Kek he’s crying about men being oppressed by the evil wokoid womenz

No. 2299693

He's Luigi, he's Luigi, I'm Luigi, you're Luigi. IS THERE ANYMORE LUIGIS I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT?

No. 2299694

You know, you might be onto something. That definitely fits his nose, jawline, and eyebrows more than the other guy.

No. 2299695

I hope the sexy bald headed Italian committed the shooting.

No. 2299696

Istg when will pickmes understand that both her and her retarded nigel can be successful? She doesn't have to sacrifice herself for his hero journeys.

No. 2299697

I think you’re right

No. 2299700

This guys eyes are more down-turned tho

No. 2299702

Like look how prominent his bushy eyebrows are in the first post and then the actual cctv of the shooter has a much more slight and fine nose bridge, eyes aren't the same shape and no bushy eyebrows near the bridge of his nose. Like they're not the same person lol

No. 2299703

Men are such narcissists, it’s insane that they really believe they’re the only one with those feelings. I guess they imagine women think about nothing but babies and apple pie and fairy tales with no complex inner lives.

No. 2299704

I could've fixed him

No. 2299706

I don’t know what to believe now. I agree this looks more like the right person but maybe it’s just a common Italian phenotype.

No. 2299708

omg not the chud stemcel hating women??

No. 2299709

my friend is blaming the people that shared his face on social media for his arrest. i'm trying not to get in a fight with her about it but it makes me want to flip the fuck out. Why are you always blaming the little guy you retard? His face has been in national news since this happened. But it's the instagirlies that are to blame? The boomer that reported him MUST have been scrolling through stories and that's what triggered the report. Like take your misplaced anger and put it elsewhere, sorry we all celebrated like it was christmas that someone who actually deserved to die, died

No. 2299710

Moids of all political alignments are sexist, always have been.

No. 2299711

This guy is fully Italian it seems?? But they do look alike.

No. 2299712

all I'm getting from this is that men want to be forcibly marched out to fight each other in gladiator matches to the death for our entertainment again

No. 2299713

to be fair he is gay so that may be a dealbreaker for a lot of nonnies here.

A gay italian pretty man gunning down a ceo.

No. 2299714

I thought it was just me but I also thought the two pictures authorities provided didn’t look like the same guy. But would they really fuck up something that basic?

No. 2299715

File: 1733775726088.webp (27.66 KB, 660x371, sexi.jpg)

that's meant to be the same guy?

No. 2299716

as they should

No. 2299718

he's gay??? fr?

No. 2299719

i'm calling this one big italy and the other one little italy

No. 2299720

Is that society in the room with us right now?

No. 2299721

His pout is way fuller here

No. 2299722

damn i need me an italian husband if they're all this hot

No. 2299723

KEK nona ily. Never change.

No. 2299724

im not taking the alogging ban so i won't say what i really but i just want to let you know that you are a moid who will end up alone and miserable.

No. 2299726

This dude looks so much like this dude >>2299655 shortface gay Luigi looks to have a nose higher on his face, it's big but also delicate looking from the front whereas first picrel has a straighter, wider nose that's a bit lower on the face.

No. 2299728

Kek ask if she knows the viewership of the news

No. 2299730

File: 1733775902330.png (370 KB, 515x1802, 1000010700.png)

Bot twitter account

No. 2299732

No you couldn’t. Every woman thinks they can fix a man out of his sexism but you can’t convince someone of your humanity when they don’t even think you have it in the first place and will instantly write your thoughts off based on that. They don’t see you as intelligent enough to convince them of anything at all.

No. 2299734

Of course they would. We can't have unknown shooters targeting evil CEOs and get away with it. So they'll pick the grandson of some rich cunts to be the fall guy and have his gay family pay towards witness protection. They'll probably pick some cunts identity living in the family nursing homes who dies as his new identity.

No. 2299735

"for real" i say as i gleefully continue to perpetuate this trope

No. 2299736

Kek the boomer who called it in must be blind. That’s clearly a man in his mid/late 30s. Every Italian man with a nice smile is on alert.

No. 2299737

It's Luigi. There's no way he'd be a fall guy, why pick someone well educated from a wealthy family like that. No way it wasn't him. His eyebrows are covered by his hood in the cctv photos, that's why he looks different.
I get the feeling, with all the RW shit, that he felt as though he was destined for greatness but ended up stuck being decently successful in a mundane and dull way. This kind of sentiment is very common with that kind of techy RW guy.
Unlike most men who think like this he snapped one day and actually did something. I think the anti-health insurance cause might have been arbitrary and he just wanted to kill someone most people would recognise as bad so he could be a hero.
I don't think so, this photo is likely more than 10 years old. The guy would be way too old now.

No. 2299738

We know what you are, back to incels.is

No. 2299739

nooo don’t go to jail, ur so sexy aha

No. 2299740

healthcare ceos are criminals too

No. 2299741

nta but anons were saying that based on the pics here
it's not actually confirmed. i mean it could be possible but no one knows his dating/relationship status

No. 2299742

Ah I see the lesbians are getting mad again for…some reason

No. 2299745

Does anyone know what he was doing in Hawaii? Rich kid graduates from hs as valedictorian then goes to a good college and then randomly moves to Hawaii? Something happened to him after he moved there. He was a Ted worshipper too

No. 2299746

Nah his eyebrows are different in the photos because they're of different men.

No. 2299748

NTA and idc if he is, it's fucking funny to say he's gay bc rw males are creaming at the thought that he's muh western degeneracy Christcuck (he doesn't believe in god).

No. 2299749

I think there's a difference between being attracted to serial killer psychos and rapists who murdered innocent people, and being attracted to men who commited "righteous" crimes in the eyes of many people, like the Menendez brothers who killed their pedophilic abusive parents, or this guy who killed a rich CEO indirectly responsible for many people's deaths because they were danied health care. I think the first one is a legit mental illness, but I can at least understand the second one

No. 2299750

File: 1733776129809.png (852.48 KB, 1318x1650, P6AgLTF.png)

No. 2299752

I want this one, i can take or leave Luigi

No. 2299753

Well shit. Idk what to believe anymore

No. 2299754

can you worthless incels stop calling yourselves lesbians, you are just like trannies calling yourself that. You stick out like a sore thumb.
You must be a right-wing cuck.

No. 2299756

false i'm gay and i've been joking with my straight friends about him and posted some caps for you guys. why pit us against each other for no reason

No. 2299759

It appears he or someone close to him has had spinal surgery. There are multiple books on his GoodReads account about chronic pain and spinal health. Coupled with the x-ray on his twitter header of a spine with fused vertebrae it seems pretty obvious to me that he had some sort of health complication.

No. 2299760

The plot thickens.

No. 2299761

That's a photo of luigi at the hostel. He's got a wide nose and heavy features. Picrel (>>2299680) doesn't

No. 2299764

holy shit this is based. men need to stop being disgusting coomers if they ever want to see the birth rate start climbing upwards again. at least this guy gets it.

No. 2299765

Woops, >>2299680 didn't think brackets would break tagging lol

No. 2299768

No one is trying to fuck the sexism out of him anon. Even before the reveal it would have been retarded to assume he's some sort of feminist.

No. 2299769

Fucking stop before you derail a thread with lesbian vs bihet discourse AGAIN holy shit lolcow is so predictable and fucking boring

No. 2299773

What the hell

No. 2299775

Can someone explain to someone who is ignorant about Twitter what this means? (It’s me I’m retarded)

No. 2299776

Someone says he's compsci so he could have just been fucking with twitter API

No. 2299777

I hate that this is 100% going to be a race war thing. Anyone who's ever regularly used public transit in any of the American cities knows that homeless schizoids are a scourge that makes trains unbearable. Random women have been shoved into their deaths or permanently paralyzed because of these psychos. Public transit shouldn't act as homeless shelters and average commuters shouldn't act as mental health counselors just because the city government is too incompetent to do it.

No. 2299779

i literally said that person is a male larping as one. Maybe reply to that other retard, you smegma bitch.

No. 2299780

Ignore them anon, thread is moving fast

No. 2299781

File: 1733776395627.png (83.94 KB, 899x467, 8zUyr8L.png)

feds got there

No. 2299782

It's a bot apparently >>2299730

No. 2299783

F to pay respects

No. 2299784

Checked and true

No. 2299785

no it’s his real account and matches up with his goodreads

No. 2299787

Did someone archive it at least

No. 2299788

I literally clicked it 20 minutes ago. Hi glowies, I guess.

No. 2299789

File: 1733776474040.png (74.89 KB, 1718x583, MUoy9om.png)

course it was a fucking boomer

No. 2299790

I'm sure it's on internetarchive by now

No. 2299792

We are going to free gay rapists so they can dismember your sodomised corpse. Fear us moid

No. 2299793

He’s only saying this because his solution is to have women assigned as broodmares to make him dindin for his big boy hero adventures >>2299673 , it’s purely self-serving

No. 2299794

Yes I will sign the petition to set him free. Cry me a river.

No. 2299795

How do you know the good reads full of foreshadowing is real?

No. 2299796

fuck him, he is just one of those psychos that want to play the hero on mentally ill and homeless people. In the reports it showed that people in that subway/train were begging Penny to stop chocking that man, even after everyone left the train he was still chocking him. That is not heroism, that is psychopathy. Not surprised that right-wingers would defend someone like that yet at the same time hate on the CEO killer.

No. 2299798

These are the same person look at the fucking floor he's in the same lobby. And his jacket and black backpack don't match the actual shooters pictured here: >>2299680

So the police want me to believe he dumped an outfit and a black backpack somewhere, changed into a different outfit and different back pack. Walked off to central park to evade cctv. Changed again and discarded that outfit and bag to keep evading the cops so he can get out of NYC but he kept the murder weapon on him and had public social media accounts. Like I'm just a loner on lolcow and I don't have social media for fear of people being able to check on me but this big brained killer is didn't even think of privating anything that could incriminate him

No. 2299799

Why do we let men live past 30 again? Ugly, dust sperm, backstabbing cheater whores all of them.

No. 2299800

kek literally

No. 2299803

Fujos are eating good at least

No. 2299804

he was a normie who dabbled in rw stuff and read basic /lit/ books. there are thousands of men in this country alone just like him. he left his accounts up on purpose so leftists couldn’t claim him but also so people would know he wasn’t completely rw

No. 2299805

Frat bros always doing some homoerotic shit #greeklife

No. 2299807

Uhhhh lol nice try

No. 2299809

That man is going to be murdered, calling it now. Or, at the very least, doxxed.

No. 2299812

Literally sounds word for word schizo rambling from an anti-degeneracy anti-anime /pol/tard. This is coming from a trad stance, not some feminist "porn is bad for women" stance. I can't believe you retards fall for this so easily. The bar is truly in hell

No. 2299814

sorry i don't think you're gonna find any jordan neely lovers here nonny

No. 2299816

Ok grandma lets get you to bed

No. 2299817

That old scrote is not going to be killed, are you even American? Americans are largely docile weak creatures in general, a lot of our posturing is faggotry and pretending. Nobody's going to merk some old fuck for ratting out gayface Luigi.

No. 2299818

most women are retarded and will worship men regardless of their politics. they will now respond calling me a man when i’m just a blackpilled radfem.

No. 2299820

This is a fun website and anons are just giggling about a stupid boy. Stop acting insane. It’s not that serious

No. 2299822

Ok well sorry not all of us are above our hormones

No. 2299823

File: 1733776935282.jpg (72.68 KB, 526x1024, GeYlV-KW0AA9zJP.jpg)

no he is gay.


kek aren't you incels all pro-rw anyway? Damn you really do seethe at men who don't look like subhuman gobling like you. Male envy and jealousy is a disease.

no one takes blackpillers seriously on this site, you are all demented and you have nothing to do with radfems.

No. 2299826

Kinda hope he does get doxxed, selfish bastard should know how
I'm sorry your 9th grade crush didn't like girls anon but don't take it out on here

No. 2299828

I was thinking this kek. I don't know about some of you, but when a scrote is run-of-the-mill (MRA faggot), it's a complete turn off, no matter how hot he is.

No. 2299829

There's no help for them, that's why this system will continue to exist, because they actively support it and play within the rules. And yet they will call you insane like here >>2299820 I don't even feel sorry for sexually active straight women, they're all the same kek

No. 2299830

i dont know straight boys be doing gay shit like this

No. 2299832

there are no real radfems. it’s just women larping as feminists but continuing to worship men and having mini race wars from time to time. only bp radfems can be taken seriously. the fact you idiots think getting horny over a trad guy who wants women in the kitchen is normal shows how far women have fallen.

No. 2299835

This sounds very retarded, not buying it glowie.

No. 2299836

i wish he'd gotten away. fuck the medical insurance industry. i hate this fucking country and how its literally built to kill us

No. 2299839

daily reminder that blackpill posting is only allowed in your containment thread on the hidden board and outside of that it's bannable, so enjoy the ban and report.

No. 2299840

Killing capitalist pig is based, the end. 99% of moids with similar opinions only dare to DREAM about killing women and black people. Did you really hope he was a radfem unicorn? Purist autism only benefits the overlords.

No. 2299841

Blackpill radfems have done nothing for women's rights, all they do is have panic attacks while thinking about oral sex and sperg annoyingly online.

No. 2299842

You all sound the same as incels, go move into the woods and leave the rest of us normal people alone

No. 2299843

I believe the term you're looking for is metrosexual

No. 2299845

like seriously. all this talk about having ultra selective based taste in moids when apparently any rat-faced guy with a gym membership and a meme rw ideology is enough. never taking anons seriously again when they profess their manhate.

No. 2299847

>and you have nothing to do with radfems
Of course they don't, BPs actively want to free themselves from the system, radfems just want to suck dicks of the "right guy" and believe men can be socialized to do better and they cry about being abused by men when their nigel turns out to be "just like other men" lol

No. 2299849

This is why feminism is doomed to fail. Women just let dick control their thoughts….crazy

No. 2299850

idk he is kinda sus, lots of gay pictures

No. 2299852

kek it always amuses me how everyone in this site will claim to be super redpilled and pinkpilled and blackpilled and above other women (retarded pickme whores amirite), but the moment a single scrote does some half-agreeable typical violent scrote shit suddenly you're all on your knees worshipping his dick, even if he's a right wing tradfag that believes women should be men's servants.

No. 2299854

File: 1733777244874.png (159.54 KB, 599x399, mlYb7sv.png)

so what yall are saying is this guy didnt deserve it?

No. 2299855

>BPs actively want to free themselves from the system
In what universe? You'd have no other hobby if you weren't able to sperg about heterosexual sex and blow jobs all day every day.

No. 2299856

seeing as how you retards keep leaking out of the containment thread maybe allowing that shithole of a thread to stay up was a mistake. Why don't you go post this shit on your own thread

No. 2299859

Oh yeah the feds are here to quell any opinions and thirstposts, lemme get my popcorn

No. 2299861

I don't know about the other nonnas but I'm just shitposting

No. 2299863

It cannot be him, it doesn't fit at all. It feels like some kind of ploy, didn't they say he was out of the city? Why would he come back and not just that, have an id and gun on him that could incriminate him..? Nah.

No. 2299864

Very interesting nona if only there weren't retards in here we could actually discuss the milk. However thinking on it with everyone caught up on the Luigi false flag at least the real killer has got away with it and hopefully has other targets

No. 2299865

The FBI is mad we don't find dale cooper types sexy anymore, it seems

No. 2299867

Remember when lolcow wasn't filled with dick worshipping handmaidens and women were at least a little bit more critical? Yeah I remember(blackpill outside of containment)

No. 2299869

File: 1733777409745.jpg (157.92 KB, 1070x1723, 20241210_014932.jpg)

People are getting him tattooed.

No. 2299871

It's women's fault for not grooming cute guys enough. Some lc feminists are so blackpilled that they would rather retreat to separatism copeland instead of admitting that women need to weaponize male violence.

No. 2299874

now this is cringe. but then again most people who have retarded tattoos are cringe

No. 2299875

that literally wasn't ever a thing kek gtfoh

No. 2299877

It would be so funny if he did the murder out of some moid narcissism like wanting to be known in history, and not because he actually cared about the victims that health insurance companies cause #justtypicalmoidshit

No. 2299878

what am i supposed to be critical of? he's hot and he killed a horrible CEO. his only fault was not getting away with it

No. 2299879

I've been saying this for years

No. 2299881

>alleged misandrists caping for this obvious psyop
Wahmen are retarded

No. 2299882

File: 1733777512911.jpg (60.64 KB, 750x584, GeYokRFWwAE660n.jpg)

is he really gay?

No. 2299883

so you didnt read his goodreads profile then…

No. 2299884

I honestly don't. Wasn't LC even more dick worshipping a few years back? Oldfags constantly bitch about the radfems making this place "too manhating" and how they can't sperg about their Nigel's now.

No. 2299885

>We have to fuck pedophilia and rape and other evil behaviors out of men! It is women's job to fix men!
This is how you sound like. Like any other libtard "feminist"

No. 2299886

he deserved it but what does that have to do with anons slobbing some misogynist’s knob?

No. 2299889

Whatever stinky sperm breath(blackpill outside containment)

No. 2299891

1. He's not hot 2. He's a MRA >>2299692

No. 2299892

No. 2299894

>be more critical of some looks-could-kill assassin who murdered a fat hog that was killing hundreds of other American citizens
well I'm using my critiquing skills and they're telling me that he's a king

No. 2299895

Luigi's lips don't look like this. Am I coping? Hoping Luigi was the fall guy and this magnificent creature got away

No. 2299896

>wahhh stop saying he's attractive
but he is objectively handsome?

No. 2299897

kek they are not a oldfag they are one of those deranged blackpiller newfags who found out about this site when the BP thread was made in the hidden board two years ago.

Just report their posts as ''blackpiller out of containment thread'' since they are not allowed to post their bp bait in other boards.

No. 2299900

is it gay to stand next to another man

No. 2299901

No. 2299902

Man…the jealousy some women have for other women finding a male attractive is really strange.

No. 2299903

Oh i know whats happening right now kek

No. 2299904

not only is luigi a hero for killing that fat pig CEO, but he is also conventionally attractive

No. 2299906

File: 1733777779658.gif (1.38 MB, 407x275, 1600726664987.gif)

>meme sexual objectification of a cute guy who most likely would hate the fact that we don't respect his opinions
I still don't think he deserves to vote don't worry

No. 2299907

Nobody is jealous of you wanting to fuck men who can’t make you come

No. 2299909

He's objectively mid and you won't even stop your cum guzzling even after he got revealed to be a MRA, you're all just dick riding handmaidens.(infight bait)

No. 2299910

Schizophrenic sentence

No. 2299911

this post is certified crazy lmaoooo

No. 2299913

Yeah tbh it’s creeping me out that anons will go so hard for an MRA and brush off all his “women belong in the kitchen serving men” because he’s “attractive” like it’s actually depressing, I am not a blackpill but I can see how people get there… it really feels like women have no self preservation instinct. Yes it was great he shit the guy, no one’s saying that it wasn’t great, but if you’re clambering find post about how much you want to fuck a trad MRA just because of that… idek what to say.

No. 2299914

can any math nonna estimate how big his dick is

No. 2299915

for a CEO assassin? nah he's 10/10

No. 2299916

kek you want to call us roastie foids so bad but you know that if you did that you would get a perm-ban. Why don't you tell us how you really feel XY defect?(scrotefoiling)

No. 2299918

Thank you for proving my point?

No. 2299919

Feels like there's people sitting this thread up to bury any potential milk and the fact the two men don't match each other. The killer who put so much planning into being able to know when the people would be without security and alone made sure to get his full face caught on cctv even though he apparently had 3 outfit changes and also only though to private his goodreads account today when he was arrested. That was nice of the police to give him Internet access

No. 2299920

ntayrt but uh he wasn't posting trad shit?

No. 2299921

File: 1733777920628.jpeg (108.14 KB, 1170x422, IMG_8449.jpeg)

No. 2299922

they want to free themselves from the system by sitting in their rooms all day and writing pornographic screeds about women being low iq whores who deserved to be raped and murdered by men. the women who are lusting over this chud are dumb, but i’ve yet to meet a single blackpilled “radfem” who does anything worthwhile

No. 2299924

ehh don't speak so soon nonny

No. 2299925

Hush fool. Let us have fun oh my god it's not that deep. This is lolcor. none of us go outside so non of us have cum posioning because it is impossible. I want to goof of with my nonnas about the cute assassins boy idc about his retarded tweets.

No. 2299926

>tfw glowies are now using bpsperg's persona to derail this thread

No. 2299927

Is there any proof he was posting shit about women in the kitchen? All I saw were posts about how men aren't appreciated or whatever, which we can sperg about as hard as we can but for some radical CEO killer that kind of opinion is actually pretty fucking centrist of him considering he's a male kek.

No. 2299928

He would remove your right to vote, anon. He’s attractive and he did a good deed but look out for yourself and other women.

No. 2299929

TIL that women on lolcow will happily suck the cock of an average-looking italian guy because he decided to think of women as pets instead of cattle and decided to shoot a guy a lot of people hated. Are you okay nonnies? Maybe you should move to Italy where they all tend to be fit with a stupid smile and unibrow. The bar seems to be on the floor.(infight bait)

No. 2299932

Is it not possible to think he’s good looking while also thinking his views are stupid? Also, I still don’t think he is the guy and this is just everyone ripping apart some Italian guy who got ID’s by a blind boomer at a McDonald’s cause he wanted that $50k

No. 2299933

you're right, i will suck his cock. now begone

No. 2299934

There is no class solidarity for women. Their default state is to be some moid's slave while bringing down other women who refuse that lifestyle. Women are their own worst enemies.

No. 2299935

Do not reply to bait, just report

No. 2299936

File: 1733778036764.jpg (24.52 KB, 600x552, 1000009249.jpg)

Jealousy of WHAT, exactly? Your attraction to a man who will always look at teenagers on the street even when you're both 20 years into the marriage and probably cheat on you if you get breast cancer?

No. 2299937

im starting to think you're just racist against italians now

No. 2299938

Can we just ignore the one dullard anon who insists on ruining all the fun

No. 2299939

And if you’re gonna try to claim that isn’t what it’s implying I’m going to call you not very well-versed in trad rhetoric.

No. 2299940

MOOOODS come pick me up it’s getting weird in here

No. 2299941

Nooo Luigi

No. 2299942

i keep reporting them but im just wondering when will the moderators wake the fuck up and ban them and vpn limit this thread

No. 2299943

the fact this thread devolved into people getting seething mad at nonas for thinking luigi is hot is crazy

No. 2299944

Hope he suffers.

No. 2299945

Have fun. After that he can go be the hero while you stay in the kitchen to cheer for him, just like he wants.

No. 2299946

This is what the typical terminally online male feels though radicalized and trad or not.

No. 2299947

>Mamma Mia! Le fishies are-a-sucked in-a-the drain!

No. 2299949

KEKKKK not his fishies!

No. 2299951

Hope that boomer who snitched gets denied insurance for some kind of serious medical injury

No. 2299953

File: 1733778189212.jpg (160.73 KB, 1200x1811, 642615.jpg)

Seriously this is why there's a lack of actual activism, no one can joke around without some old bitch yelling "STAAAAHHHPPP YOU MUST TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY YOU MUST NEVER SEXUALLY OBJECTIFY MEN BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL DICK SUCKERS, WHY ARENT YOU PAYING ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE WAAAAAAAAHHHH" god old people suck

No. 2299954


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2299956

Boomers don't give a fuck because they get free medicare!!! Of course it was a boomer who snitched

No. 2299957

No. 2299958

File: 1733778232029.jpg (39.55 KB, 417x578, af198de65ea8613d2178dc5f2cdc66…)

>males are allowed to objectify female killers like Jodi Arias without getting their beliefs questioned and called pussy-worshiping simps
>women are not allowed to do the same
I'm gonna twist his dick until he cries, what are you gonna do?

No. 2299959

nooo this guy is ugly as fuck and bald and post wall, hope its cute rw scrote instead

No. 2299960

I am also a random twitter person and I say it's true.

No. 2299961

fr. i hate millennials so much. they really have obvious posting styles

No. 2299962

You gotta be kidding me. Merely bringing to light his opinions on women for our awareness is “glowie” shit? Please have some solidarity with women the same way you have solidarity with class. I’m honestly getting so depressed at this. Like we can’t even bring up his misogynistic rhetoric at all? It just shows how little women value themselves and each other that they don’t even think that sort of stuff is important enough to be critical of.

No. 2299963

honestly it makes me super depressed. was hatereading redpiller garbage yesterday and they’re all adamant that women secretly dgaf about feminism and are happy to fuck a musclepig with “traditional” conservative values. the reaction to this moid disgusts me in that regard.

No. 2299964

anon the people making the posts are blackpillers and moids. It ain't the old people.

No. 2299965

He can't be gay. It's not possible. Gay guys don't tend to follow Lindyman

No. 2299966

Well anyone with a brain could tell you that’s true kek the same way conservative men would go crazy over a hot left wing woman showing interest in them. Humans are hypocrites

No. 2299967

i was a part of a BP server together with bj-chan and none of them were millenials.

No. 2299969

he’s not gay, just sexist as all men are altho lindy has a lot of gay male followers who really hate women. the whole longhouse stuff was started by a homo anyways

No. 2299970

frankly idgaf he could be a member of the kkk and i'd still find his actions hot. killing a ceo of a healthcare company is alpha, a net good, and very sexy.

No. 2299971

Tell us more, how was bj-chan? Was she always sperging about blowjobs or was she normal sometimes?

No. 2299972

How is it blackpill to point out his misogynistic tweets???? Am I drinking crazy juice?

No. 2299974

This. There's no way the "bp radfems" itt are not men salty that some anons find him hot. It's okay for men to swoon over Jodi or that crazy Japanese girl that stabbed her bf but when we do it? All hell breaks loose.

No. 2299975

File: 1733778407904.jpeg (62.26 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4805.jpeg)


No. 2299977

Most of the simping was before the twitter screenshots.

No. 2299978

I am glad I am not you, but sad that you exist. The KKK? Really? Just going full mask off I guess now.

No. 2299979

Why is this thread filled with the most artificial bait and derailment imagineable?

No. 2299980

>spend WEEKS moaning and bitching about muh abortion before and after the election
>proceed to lust after a scrote that voted for trump and was happy that happened
You all here actually deserve your rights being taken away since you're willing to throw other women under the bus for some rape ape you find hot. Your behavior is despicable and internally inconsistent. American women should be excluded from feminism and being categorized as women because they love to be slaves to their rapist overlords and it shows. I spit on all of you, literally worse than dogs as they are at least LOYAL.(infighting)

No. 2299981

Uh huh, very interesting anon! But we're talking about forcing him to give us all cunillingus until he's crying and begging us to stop (but he won't because he's addicted to farmer pussy).

No. 2299982

there’s a difference between wanting to sexually torture him and being like “omg he’s so based i want his cum”

No. 2299983

i'm a leftie and i hate lefties like you. "wahh actually it's not cool that he killed an evil ceo because he liked some trad tweets" get fucking real.

No. 2299984

I am asking again how it is BP or lesbian to talk about misogynistic tweets???

No. 2299985

Cause heterosexual women are having a laugh and that isn't allowed

No. 2299986

you sad virgin(infight bait)

No. 2299987

They are 100% glowies or derailing incel scrotes pretending to be lesbians.

No. 2299988

Ewwwww I smell euro in here

No. 2300000

Stop infighting about the CEO shooter. The blackpillers and infighters have been banned and future infighting will be given longer bans.

No. 2300002

add a vpn ban on the americafag thread forever

No. 2300005

holy digits

No. 2300007

she was never normal, because of her conversations would die out. Me and other people on that server would be having a good and productive conversation and she would reply to us with a long wall of text talking about something totally else derailling the whole conversation and making other people stop posting, whenever she talked everyone would stop posting.

We would for example have a discussion about things like tribes and tribalism and she would suddenly post and derail the conversation with a long post about how she hates some women that she is stalking. It was the same shit with her all the time. She is actually a huge mean girl and a bully, there are some girls on ed-twitter that she is obsessed with and would constantly talk about them all the time, that was the only fucking thing she cared about, gossiping about other women.
She could never be normal and was always posting about those same 2-3 women she was obsessed with. Also she has orbiters and defenders who would enable her to act this way so if anyone told her to stop they would get attacked by her orbiters.

No. 2300010

That’s clean

No. 2300011

If she's obsessed with some edtwt users then she probably has an eating disorder herself? If true then her incessant sperging on one topic and her insane hostility makes a lot of sense she honestly has some ed brain damage happening.

No. 2300013

File: 1733779441829.jpg (86.54 KB, 1200x800, VBT72W3OKFANHFYGJZQT4KR4CQ.jpg)

I just came here to say that with how deranged the orange man is acting lately (basically threatening global economy with all the sanctions and wanting to make Canada and Mexico new States), I won't be surprised if he will soon die from unexplained reasons or will get assassinated (this time for real). It's not just regular people he's threatening now, a lot of powerful people and global corporations too. Someone will have enough money to hire an actual shooter this time.

No. 2300014

File: 1733779485793.jpeg (220.12 KB, 1113x374, A7E53C55-136F-474F-A24C-20AF89…)

60 year old creep has been doing this to countless women and it took an americhad to put an end to it. Why are eurocuck police so cowardly?

No. 2300018

all she did was talk about those women all the fucking time and im not even being hyperbolic, that's all she did. She would either talk about those women or some random pornstars or she would spam turtle pictures when someone would tell her to stop. She has the most severe case of autism i have ever seen.
I don't hate any personalityfag here because some of them are entertaining but bj-chan is such a vile, retarded individual that i want her to get sent to a care facility.

No. 2300019

Seconding vpn ban

No. 2300020

Free my girl.

No. 2300023

Annoying as fuck, she basically just expected the discord to be her army of replygyns kek, I'm surprised she wasn't booted.

No. 2300025

>Canada and Mexico new States
Can he actually do that? I'm all for America annexing Canada

No. 2300026

queen shit, may he rest in piss

No. 2300029

Free her. Make her a police officer and give her a weapon,

No. 2300031

She sounds like a miserable, jealous hamplanet.

No. 2300033

File: 1733779766398.jpeg (126.71 KB, 750x763, IMG_4807.jpeg)

Sorry i saw this comment on tiktok and thought it was funny. Shes actually 70 if u check her profile.

No. 2300035


No. 2300038

Good for her, hope she lives long enough to send him letters

No. 2300041

>there are some girls on ed-twitter that she is obsessed with
>derail the conversation with a long post about how she hates some women that she is stalking.
I am calling it now, if this is true, the bpsperg is romanianon after she took some meds.

No. 2300043

AFTER she took meds?!

No. 2300044

Nta but perhaps the meds in question are stimulants.

No. 2300045

she definitely does have some weight or ed-problem since she mentioned that her mother would weight shame her.

no, bj-chan is polish, they're totally different lol. Also romanianons english is way better tbh , when i was talking to bj-chan she even said that for some posts she uses translator and a corrector.

No. 2300057

She's facing prison time too iirc. They really do just expect you to take it in euroland

No. 2300060

That tracks. Sounds like she was insecure and spitting sour grapes everywhere by insisting all these other women are awful, D-sucking whores who willingly get used and abused by men but it doesn't sound like she was celibate by choice. Not that she's missing out on anything but she probably felt she was missing something (was she actually lesbian, or?), because it's not normal to be that solemnly vitriolic towards randos day in and day out. She would probably benefit from therapy to work through that ED stuff though.

No. 2300067

ah. fuck. i was honestly rooting for him purely for what he did and thought the people simping for him are strange. on the flip side, it's possible that luigi isn't the killer and this is just a random asshurt scrote who just looks somewhat like him.

No. 2300070

>was she actually lesbian, or?
no, she is straight and doesn't even seem to like lesbians tbh, some of her orbiters and impersonators are lesbians but bj-chan is straight.

No. 2300074

Kek she spergs about evil hettie whoors sucking cawk when she herself is heterosexual. God she's such a retarded faggot kek.(personalityfag derailing)

No. 2300078

Didn't they find a manifesto and a matching gun?

No. 2300079

I could've sworn she was one of the ones crowing about being a gold star but this doesn't surprise me either.

No. 2300080

What the fuck is this shit. It should be legal for women to kill moids.
I heard 90% of women in prison for homicide murdered their abusive psycho husbands/exes anyways.

No. 2300086

i know. lefties are so fucking soft. i hate conservatards, they're literally braindead, but lefties have become so weak. dw anon i'm still here and willing to send him nudes or fuck him in prison.

No. 2300089

deleted my post because i saw the angry farmhand upthread but yeah. it's tragic

No. 2300090

>i'm still here and willing to send him nudes or fuck him in prison.
i am going to send him the evil ceo dark romance yaoi i am writing

No. 2300091

Don't worry anon, luigi is most likely not even the shooter.


No. 2300092

hot anon maybe i can read it aloud to him while i ride him

No. 2300093

the only thing he is actually guilty for doing

No. 2300094

Almost like that's what they wanted. Including the agents itt.

No. 2300095

File: 1733781217828.jpeg (24.23 KB, 401x274, IMG_4808.jpeg)

Allegedly Luigi has/had a youtube channel with a sceduled release video. His username was @pepmangione but i cant find it. I guess jewtube removed it already.

No. 2300096

based choice

No. 2300097


she does sperg about ''evil whoors sucking cawk'' but without the hettie part. You are confusing her with her orbiters and impersonators, If you see someone adding ''straight women this'' ''hetero women that'' in their posts then that's just one of her orbiters and not bj-chan. Like for example in this thread the baiters who just got banned are her orbiters, she wasn't here because i recognize her typing style and vocabulary.
Not every bp sperg is her unfortunately, there is atleast 5 posters on this whole site who are bp so take that how you will.(personalityfag derailing)

No. 2300098

it's cracking me up, has to be the most random assortment of images ever. a pokemon, his horrific spinal injury xray, and a shirtless hiking pic where he's ripped as fuck.

No. 2300100

lmao, this is just how frat-bros act

No. 2300104

Which is gay

No. 2300107

but it's not the way actual gay moids act

No. 2300108

Yeah in his possession at the time of arrest, if thats not a glowing retarded lie idk what is

No. 2300112

File: 1733781700418.gif (2.27 MB, 480x400, Pop it up.GIF)

Does anyone have an archive of his goodreads acct? I saved a partial pdf but then got distracted by the thread. GIF related. I was too tard to think to archive it.

No. 2300115

just report the stupid incel trying to psyop that hes gay

No. 2300116

you may have a shot at finding screenshots on xitter? if you search "luigi goodreads" maybe

No. 2300117


No. 2300118

>believing anything police say

No. 2300125

So was it a customer or an employee because I've seen sources saying the latter as well.

No. 2300129

File: 1733781946780.jpeg (237.29 KB, 597x500, IMG_3257.jpeg)

Free him

No. 2300131

He looks like the chad fully-developed-in-womb version of this Italian American i know, who may or may not be a preemie

No. 2300135

Media being messy using this pic lmao

No. 2300136

He would literally want you to be a handmaiden if he could choose

No. 2300138

Seems like everything was saved.

No. 2300142

whoever chose that pic absolutely thirsts for him and was like "nooo haha i'm just using the pic on his twitter banner it's the first thing i saw haha"

No. 2300146

d…do you mean handmaid?

No. 2300147

No. 2300148

too many airport vomit popular novels there, but some cute picks too

No. 2300150

still up
i doubt this really is his account though

No. 2300153

can we make the obama trayvon quote our next threadpic i'm still laughing at it really hard

No. 2300156

File: 1733782416693.jpg (304.45 KB, 1170x1334, IMG_8420.jpg)

No. 2300159

Thank you nona. Either im retarded or youtube search is retard

No. 2300164

Sorry Girl but you know its gonna be Luigi

No. 2300165

okay let's just take away the thirst and pretend you don't like anything about this man, you gotta admit that the constant jokes and lack of seriousness or care anyone gives to "being respectful" to the dead ceo is fucking hilarious.

No. 2300167

his own wife and kids probably are glad he's dead kek

No. 2300173

Thirsting over his looks -> makes moids and lesbos seethe
Making jokes about the fatass CEO -> makes boomers and corpo bootlicker seethe
I love it

No. 2300174


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No. 2300176

Nice. Fanks babes

No. 2300178

I love the fact they’re using these photos. It makes me kek. They supposedly found letters in his backpack speaking of his motives. I’m still in denial until the DNA comes back. I don’t think the man in the surveillance footage looks anything like the Luigi guy. Maybe he’s just trolling kek

No. 2300180

If they don’t make an example of her, women may start getting ideas

No. 2300181

If someone beats me to it Please please please use the Assassin in the next theadpic. How could you not

No. 2300182

lol apparently he was separated from his wife at the time of his death. inb4 luigh is with the ceo's wife.

No. 2300184

I still think Luigi is just a copycat looking for attention. But I gotta hand it to him, this whole situation is absolutely hilarious.

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