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No. 2363514
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>>2363498I was feeling positive when trump took office. Of course I can’t legally vote but I at least hoped the economy would get better. Like if we’re sacrificing our rights at least make groceries cheap. But alas I’m left disappointed and feeling uncertain about any job prospects in the future.
No. 2363529
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>>2363514idk why you or anyone else would think that. literally every single maga economic policy makes your average person worse off financially.
No. 2363532
God Musk is so fucking ugly
>>2363426Eh I understand what she's saying, he has a very nondescript look
No. 2363537
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>>2363515Is it too late for someone to make a new thread with a better pic and the correct number?
No. 2363554
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>>2363537can someone remake the thread with picrel or something similar?
No. 2363577
>>2363554>>2363572Somehow got it to work.
New thread:
>>2363575>>2363575>>2363575>>2363575 No. 2363706
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Thank you farmhand for the fix
No. 2363779
you willing to do that?
No. 2363793
>mass deportations
>most of them are arrogant violent rape apes and bring the worst their culture has to offer to our country
Keking hard at the nonnas knowing damn well we enjoy our white people taco nights and don’t need any of that authentic shit here, I think we had enough of the “vibrancy”. Don’t go to places you have no business being there illegally. Huge reminder many foreign countries would have no grace or respect for American illegals so I have zero empathy for those that are deported, that’s sweet schadenfraude for giving an immigrant woman way more rights and benefits than an American woman who’s lived her whole life here who’s breeding even more rapists and criminals to rape and steal from the actual citizens of this country. Simply telling people especially women to have some self-control and respect their bodies by not allowing the entire country in it makes many people pissed off and offended, unless they’re ready to admit that consensual rape can happen which is their hookups (that mirrors a lot like prostitution) and their marriages (which feels like prostitution with a private sugar daddy) then there’s no reason to get offended, you’re not bystanders of your own bodies and lives, if you can scream at the top of the hills that “MY BODY MY CHOICE” then finally make the choice to stop letting slop into it, make the choice to stop letting XYs into it that keep ending you in undesirable situations. This isn’t victim blaming, this is seeking to finally end and decrease the victim cycle, screeching about abortions as bandaids to be used to help with rape babies is very transparent that most pro-abortion women have no interest in actually making women’s lives safer and easier to navigate and control, it’s about erasing the consequences of uncontrollable male sexuality that’s been enabled by the increase of technological innovation with AI and internet porn. Abortions, much like birth control, IUDs, and such and such seeks to punish women and not men, abortions is another chess win for males to pump and dump with no trace of their criminality, degeneracy and illegal behavior. Adding no nuance to abortion is retarded. Single-issue voters are retarded. Foreign jannies can ban people all they want for stating facts, you just don’t know what it’s like to live in this shitheap where nuance is dead and people think you’re a misogynistic fascist for daring to critically think about the issues that face people in this country instead of taking the easy hyperemotional way out and going to the extremes.(bait)
No. 2363798
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>>2363718I really feel like our country and culture is going to degrade and degrade while other places like China advance. It's hard to feel optimistic. I've always wanted children and now I feel disconnected from where I lived my entire life.
No. 2363802
>>2363797I don’t give a damn if you don’t want to read it, then expect anybody to give a shit about you and the pregnancy you could’ve easily prevented if you actually just stopped cycling cocks every night and thinking pregnancy would never bloom out of such a chaotic strategy of fucking your natural predator. Keep doing it and see how unsustainable it is, I laugh at dumb broads who keep adding themselves and future females to the absolute slaughter and you’ll have nothing to blame but yourselves for playing the helpless
victim role, expecting males to grant you cookie crumbs and headpats through the justice system because they know you’re working and aiding in their global male degeneracy. Sleep at night knowing that, retard
(infight bait) No. 2363811
>>2363793>then finally make the choice to stop letting slop into it, make the choice to stop letting XYs into it that keep ending you in undesirable situationsAnyone have that statistic that said something like 20k or so women gave birth via rape in Texas? Guess that was their fault.
>Single-issue voters are retardedNot you tho right
No. 2363818
>>2363800Nobody mentioned authentic food and that has nothing to do with the fact that the government isn't going to pay people a living wage and offer benefits for the jobs immigrants have had for decades. Our country is built on cheap immigrant labor. Trump isn't going to change this. It's
our food on the line, not Mexican restaurants.
No. 2363822
>>2363802aw you sound so jealous it’s okay. most of us are only on one dick a night and only go to parties on weekends. you’re not as lonely
as you think
No. 2363832
>>2363823Are you retarded? Should we just let more women be raped
and have them birth a rapefetus? I wasn't aware Hispanics were the only flavor of scrote raping women.
No. 2363834
>>2363832nyart but I bet they get their info on pol or some shit.
Whenever you tell moids the stats they hide behind the race card because they are incapable of holding their own accountable. It's always gotta be someone elses fault.
No. 2363841
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>>2363831Well, now I know what I'm doing this weekend!
No. 2363855
>>2363839I can't believe that anon actually thinks 90% of rapists give a single fuck whether their
victim gets pregnant. The ones that DO care probably
would be in favour of aborting it so there's no evidence of their crime, and if the woman can't abort, he'll trap her in an
abusive relationship/marriage or just kill her. Best case scenario, the woman still has to go through pregnancy and labour for a child she didn't want, and she would still have to prove it WAS conceived by rape which is difficult. That also means the scrote has a legal entry into her life for the next 18 years. I would rather just let abortions be accessible because the alternative is so much worse.
No. 2363867
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I literally don't care if other women are being evil slutty whores who feed the moid machine kek. That doesn't change my mind about abortion.
No. 2363879
>>2363876stop calling them pro life when they want kids and women miserable and unwanted.
They are just anti woman and anti happy family
No. 2363889
>>2363881Ohhh you're a braindead blackpiller, now it all makes sense
No. 2363904
>>2363823You just want a way to punish women because you feel like the “whores” who have sex and are pregnant deserve the consequences and it doesn’t matter if rape
victims can’t access to it. There’s no point in backtracking it now.
Pro lifers don’t care about children, you would see them battling for better conditions at orphanages and foster care otherwise.
Who cares if Sally is 34 and having an abortion because her husband cheated on her; or if because she is 14 and she has been raped by her uncle; or if she is 22 and hooked up with a rando but doesn’t want to stop university; or if she already has 4 kids and she can’t afford more. Access to abortion is female freedom, I won’t care about the reasons.
No. 2363905
>>2363896It means that cunt has used that basket weave forum phrase so many previous times on his twitter that it
triggers my gag reflex. He's a social justice wanker local to me that vastly over estimates his intelligence and critical thinking abilities especially when the only long term girlfriend he had he met via tumblr while he was finishing uni and her finishing highschool and was anorexic. Shockingly hates terfs and pro trannies it's almost like he's a stupid sexist narcissistic cunt and you sound like him
No. 2363912
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>>2363901This gay bastard. He had a long tumblr history of being a cunt. Then on twitter and now he's on bluesky because his only chance of getting laid is larping as a social justice warrior when he lives on 4chan and use to constantly drop the basketweaving forum phrase in any arguments he was losing after instigating them all
No. 2363916
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>>2363905Holy shit, I am not your fucking random 7 follower Xitter boogeyman. It's not an uncommon joke to be made on this site, which you would know if you were an actual native and not a retarded baiter.
Sheesh. No. 2363925
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That is, uh, a lot of projection of shit that nobody, including me, has even said kek
>but if I called you a wastebin of genetics that needed to be discarded immediately I’m the one who needs to be banned
So you agree that I shouldn't breed, then? You agree that if (god forbid) something bad happened to me and I got pregnant, it would be better for the fetus to be terminated than to be born with my genetics? See, look how quickly we agreed on something!
No. 2363939
>>2363925I would love to see this anon >>2363917 link us to a post they made on here today that was received well.
>>2363931This is quickly becoming your manifesto.
No. 2363943
>>2363929I don't think rightoids understand that in order to live in their perfect utopia where the population is controlled, they have to
actually take steps to control the population kek
No. 2363950
>>2363941and so you're not an
amerifag, gtfo
No. 2363972
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>Get on my level with the thought process and maybe one day you will understand
No. 2363993
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Fat congressman Andy Ogles has proposed an amendment to the constitution to allow for a third presidential term. Dear god. Let the political dicksucking Olympics begin…
No. 2363995
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>>2363986You realize we were going to lose abortion anyway with birthright citizenship babies growing up with their ultra conservative parents and voting american womens rights away right? The country was doomed to lean right anyways.
No. 2364001
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No. 2364003
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>>2363993The dick sucker in question
No. 2364005
>>2363993They made it so obama cant run for a third term too. fucking pussies lmfao. Democrats should agree with the amendment
if they allow obama to run, that would be the funniest thing ever.
No. 2364008
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I mean, of course someone from the tradcath hobbit hole known as Ireland hates abortions. Who will they get their systemic slave labour from if all the pregnant women are gone?
No. 2364018
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No. 2364044
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>>2364029Racist and miosogynistic men creating a shitstorm in their own countries do not "deserve" to enter ours. All of the deportation videos have been men with criminal records and you think they want the best for you?
No. 2364052
>>2363993Having such a shitty president that long will have dire consequences. Trudeau has been in power for nearly a decade and look how awful canada is now.
No. 2364090
>>2364008>mother and baby homesOh god I remember seeing a thing on that. So pro life until you realize those babies were taken away from their mothers and most of them were starved to death.
They found a mass grave with like 800 different remains of babies and children
No. 2364092
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It snowed like 3 times for us in the south so this winter was a total success
No. 2364109
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>>2364092It’s snowed enough to get that cozy, winter vibe but not enough for me to hate my life. It’s so nice!
No. 2364146
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Uh huh, sure grandma but it's time for bed.
No. 2364149
>>2364090But pro-lifers
totally aren't the evil baby killers though!!
No. 2364152
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No. 2364157
>>2364144I'm a lesbian and I get metaphysical abortions. It kills
conceptual babies. it works
No. 2364162
>>2364158My abortion baby ghost army is bigger and stronger than
your abortion baby ghost army.
No. 2364168
>>2364162Bullshit i know you only fuck femboy k pop dweebs to force them to fund your abortions.
I fucked every contestant of worlds strongest man 10 years in a row and all my abortions are 3 feet tall at 8 weeks and raided to the teeth
No. 2364191
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>>2364179There's this cosplayer who took photos in what I presume to be cali or florida from the trees but the character is very much from New York. The aesthetic is completely wrong
No. 2364227
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>>2364044>"rapist criminals are destroying the country, so I voted for one!"The brain damage in burgerland is profound kek
No. 2364235
>>2364232>voted in TrumpCare to elaborate
nonny? Do you mean like microplastics influenced how the people voted
No. 2364246
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sad and disgusting, fucking up children’s’ education for some retarded ass great replacement theory fueled racewar
No. 2364256
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Tired of this hideous scrote. Wish the billionaires funding him would go broke
No. 2364285
>>2364278No kek thats not what I said, I mean they’re not
concerned about it. As in changes in price don’t affect them.
No. 2364310
>>2364300Nona I’m not trying to sound defensive over anything, it’s just that the original comment asked the question “Do u think a brain made entirely of meat would vote for its own destruction” and our discussion has lead to the topic of how Trump supporters apparently only voted him in because they’re concerned about gas and grocery prices. So I asked my own reasonable questions in response. Looking at the numbers, there are 77 million people who voted for Trump, and we have no way of knowing the reasons each individual chose to circle his name on the ballot. Including that other anons 2 parents, that’s 2 out of 77 million people who we know specifically voted because they think it means the gas prices will change
>>2364304But we also have to take into consideration, the average American is pretty poor to begin with. And idk if I just misunderstood his campaign but I kind of thought he was running more on trad shit?
No. 2364318
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I’m not involved in this debate, but picrel is pretty interesting. It shows which issues impacted voters the most. I do think it’s important to understand what issues actually matter to voters. Sorry if it was posted here before.
No. 2364320
>>2364313Lets take a few steps back real quick
>cares about everyday stuff like prices kekCaring about prices is one thing, but casting a vote for a specific individual because you want the price of pickles to go down is another kek. Not to sound like a hard ass but I asked a really specific question; they informed you that they
voted for Trump
solely because of their belief that he can magically change prices?
No. 2364323
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>I have the strongest abortion baby ghost army its the greatest abortion baby ghost army you've ever seen no abortion baby ghost army is as big and strong as mine its the greatest abortion baby ghost army you're ever gonna see I have the best abortion baby ghost army
No. 2364365
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In a couple years more women will be pregnant and it’s the baby boom all over again. SMH if no-fault divorce goes out the window I’m out of here.
>>2364355Illegals get lots of benefits and money. I understand why they’re hated.
No. 2364372
>>2364368No, and that's ok.
>>2364370Also No.
No. 2364374
>>2364365>Illegals get lots of benefits and moneyI see people parrot this all the time but. What benefits and money? Where?
>>2364371It was really boring, you're not missing out
No. 2364381
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>>2364376Am I a joke to you?
No. 2364392
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>>2364376wtf this is literally me tho
No. 2364404
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>>2364371some irish schizo had a full melty about immigration and abortion and how having sex is asking for death you whores etc. at one point she spiraled so much she thought we were people she knew.
No. 2364409
nonnie>>2364398Don't split hairs, she's saying ethnic Finns have been living in that region for thousands of years, in comparison to "ethnic Americans" which is not a group that exists
>>2364405I almost thought I was on /pol/ reading this post
No. 2364464
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>>2363514>thinking the 70 something geriatric man with many failed businesses would improve the economy Are you daft?
No. 2364484
>>2364404what drives people to be like this?
Does she have like that intersex mutation where she functions and looks like a woman but has a Y chromosome?
No. 2364487
>>2364227we have enough, we don't need to import more.
are you even american?
No. 2364498
>>2364487nyart but I wanted bernie in because he hasn't been accused/convicted of rape and also wanted to keep immigrants out.
Also Trump isn't preventing immigrants from coming in hes just yeeting the browns out before they get a chance to realize how hard they are being fucked and do something crazy like ask for more money for their slave labor
No. 2364518
Just remember the first one who allowed immigrants in was republican. Republicans may claim that they hate immigrants, but they love them and were the only ones who upheld policies of undocumented immigrants not having workers rights because they love unpaid labor. You are delusional for thinking someone who is known for being a grifter and is a past celebrity would actually fall through, like Elon Musk didn't just admit to liking immigrants because 20 underpaid workers can amount to the pay of one documented worker. Reagen fucked us over completely and deregulated corporations, most of the higher ups love them because of the fact that it literally benefits them. I dont like immigrants, and I do not want more of them, but these people love them because of unpaid labor. They are simply appeasing to you and giving more benefits to the higher ups. Trump's prospects of tax cuts is mostly benefiting the 1%, just like Reagen. Liberals are annoying because they like immigrants because "muh poor rape apes feelings", while republicans secretly like them because of free labor. The one defining trait of the past republican presidents was supporting corporations and deregulating them, you act like some of Reagens policies still aren't upheld. Reagen also promised tax cuts as well, and look what happened. They will continue fucking you over and telling you that the one stealing your job is the single mother, while the top 8 richest people control half of the world populations wealth. Guess who is friends with them?
No. 2364535
>>2364518>>2364498I appreciate trump, musk, and republicans for
at least placing a spotlight on the violent crimes committed by immigrants. I know nothing will change (there's millions of them here now, it's over), but the democrats and libbed up redditors love to pretend that there isn't a problem, and they even will laugh in the faces of women who express their fears over having to live on the same street as ms13 members.
No. 2364561
>>2364535you mean they placed a spotlight away from ALL men committing violent crimes.
Hating on migrants isn't new, dumbass. It's been around since the migrants were european
No. 2364566
>>2364555I had some deer chops a neighbor hunted for me
Shit was 14/10 like filet mignon
Lets go hunting together nona
No. 2364575
>>2364561They dont want to admit that republicans are the one advocating for child marriages and whatnot. They want to act deliberately obtuse and pretend like it hasn't been them who has been adamant on "fertility" on women and focusing on teen girls, because they don't actually care about that.
>What are proponents saying in favor of child marriage?Although the United States joined a United Nations’ plan in 2016 to end child marriages by 2030, lawmakers continue to debate the minimum marriage age in statehouses around the country. Those arguing in favor of permitting children to marry often argue that establishing any restrictions will interfere with parental rights or religious liberty.
In Wyoming, Republican lawmakers circulated a letter to constituents earlier this year that argued that preventing children from marriage could discourage teen parents from being able to raise their children under one roof. The lawmakers concluded that the marriage age should align with the age in which children become physically capable of having their own children. In Tennessee, Republicans temporarily sought last year to eliminate any limits on marriage entirely. And in Missouri, a Republican lawmaker earlier this year defended child marriage, supporting parents’ right to choose whom their children marry and when. In West Virginia, a Republican spoke out this year against a proposed child marriage ban because he was a teenager when he was married and worried that young people who wanted to get married would simply travel out of state to do so. No. 2364577
File: 1737763623737.jpg (133.46 KB, 720x549, Screenshot_20250123-181308_You…)

0 days without racebait and infighting
No. 2364605
>>2364600My last post was
>>2363935, I haven't been posting in about 4 hours.
No. 2364616
>>2364611No I just came into a thread late
triggered seeing that phrase and didn't realise there was active bait happening lol.
No. 2364667
File: 1737766034739.jpg (1.27 MB, 1200x800, city.jpg)

>>2364631>>2364553oh and by beautiful cities I mean a typical walkable european or asian city with access to public transit, easy access to amenities, multi family housing etc.
>>2364650my state has the best healthcare and extremely generous financial benefits for poor people, but I do not want to share these things with immigrants who can't even be asked to learn English. And financial security is important, being poor is very traumatizing, but I'd also rather not live on the same floor as haitian gang members if it means I make more money than someone in west virginia. it sucks overall.
No. 2364759
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Late to the shooter discussion but here's Candace Owens' response to being cited as an "inspiration'
No. 2364783
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>cut medical research so the richest 5% can pocket the change
The US is crumbling
No. 2364790
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>>2364577Fact Check: REAL
No. 2364819
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Honestly funny how kamala got the "well people wouldnt take her seriously because she's a woman!! we need a durrr strong man!!" when this is the "strong man" in question who shits itself in front of everyone all the time
No. 2364838
>>2364740>>2364747To add to my theory - all these cuts to everything? All the now dead initiatives, government agencies and so on? It's all because we're bankrupt. We can't finance shit anymore, so the only option America has is to turn itself into a 100% oligarchy where EVERYTHING costs money, where EVERYTHING has to be paid out of pocket. AI is also a part of this, the point of AI is to push as many people as possible into low paying jobs like agricultural work etc. That's the true reason why immigrants who are working shit jobs are being thrown out - THEY SEND MONEY BACK HOME while US citizens locked into perpetual poverty will spend it here. Trumpy promised 500 billion to his cocksucker Musk and Zuckerberg to create Stargate AI, but this is already dead in the water. It was supposed to be another Microsoft tier company worth billions in the end, but the Chinese made an open source model and released it for free and it can run on basically anything. This by itself destroyed this potential billion dollar industry AND made Nvidia's ultra expensive hardware instantly unnecessary and this'll soon wipe out their insane stock value. That's the real reason China released the model for free - it was to prevent America from creating an entire new industry and they did it in a way that benefits the whole of humanity.
Wars in the middle east or the aid given to Ukraine are peanuts, only a world war, a huge war, could bring in enough revenue to save the US economy. We produce jackshit. Tesla? The Chinese do it better for a fraction of a price. Apple? China and South Korea make phones of all varieties and price points. And… that's it. That's fucking it. We have a lot of resources we can export but that's about it. We produce NOTHING with which we can counter China or Europe. And since the US is acting all retarded it's inevitable that all other countries will start to trade with each other and avoid trading with the US, and this'll FUCK the US dollar into oblivion. Trump's crypto shitcoin is his golden parachute, that's why he made it. It's his exit scheme if… when, shit goes tits up. He sold our asses down the river.
We aren't just fucked, we're in so much deep shit nothing can save us at this point except a total removal of Trump, that faggot Vance and all the wannabe oligarchs around them. The federal government is fucking bankrupt and that's why it's all shutting down. We're fucking screwed and I wish the spirit of Washington would rise from his grave bayonet in hand because this is the kind of shit that made him and the founding fathers rebel in the first place. We're living in a tyranny and God help us all. It's going to get really, really really fucking bad.
No. 2364847
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>>2364421Ive been on a kimchi kick so i had a chili dog topped with cheddar, onion, kimchi and kewpie
No. 2364946
>>2364936I will admit I don't really give a fuck if you try and learn English and immigrant but what pisses me off is the ones who don't learn it who have public sector jobs. Why is DoorDash Amazon and instacart hiring drivers who can't speak English and also can't follow instructions?
Also people assuming I can speak espanol because I'm a spicy looking white woman and literally come up to me rambling in it. The funny thing is literally only two of my Hispanic coworkers speak Spanish, the other three of them don't kek but all things I wonder why public service jobs that require 2 way communication are hiring people who can't speak English
No. 2364975
File: 1737780567010.jpg (187.75 KB, 1280x854, 3q47d5eg52fe1.jpg)

gavin newsome looks sexci here
No. 2364978
>>2364958I heard Amazon started requiring IDs for drivers. Did that change? Or do some of them just do the social security card stealing scheme and workaround that way?
What's crazy is that I met an immigrant guy the other week who was very conversant and making a clear effort with his English (his kid spoke it too), vs the person who can't speak it at all and doesn't try. It makes me sad for the people who do come here, legally or not, learn English and work hard and then those who don't fucking try at all and make a fuss and are super rude to you.
No. 2364984
>>2364946>Why is DoorDash Amazon and instacart hiring drivers who can't speak English and also can't follow instructions? Because they’re not actually hiring those people. There is a black market for already approved accounts on delivery apps, people who would not meet the hiring criteria purchase access to approved accounts. This is why it looks like shopper A is doing your order except when they show up it is completely different person B. Shopper A was approved but person B has paid them to use their account. I know this was a problem in NYC specifically but I am sure it occurs in some form all across the country.’ve implemented additional guards against this after threat of being investigated by the government, but who knows if it’ll work long term. No. 2364992
>>2364984I could give less of a fuck about Amazon but having worked at a job that interacts with dashers and instacarters on a daily basis this fucking grinds my gears
There's this one moid instacarter who's practically mute who seriously gives me rapist vibes and I cannot stand dealing with him because he acts like he's too retarded to find anything when he's been there multiple times. I never hope for anyone's downfall but if he's not legally in the US hope he's deported because the vibes I get from him are actually vile and I have told my boss to deal with him because he creeps me out. Actually in general I can't stand lazy faggot dashers and instacarters who refuse to actually browse the store to find shit , including the ones whose native language is English. You signed up to hunt for the items, now find it yourself you faggot
No. 2365001
>>2364995Can ICE get rid of all crime scrotes?
Not just the foreign ones?
No. 2365009
>>2365006>its easier for foreign murderers and rapists to slip under the cracksOnly when they go after other foreigners. If a foreigner in the USA (can't say the same for bongland) does some heinous shit to a little white girl the media is on it like a swarm of flies on roadkill in a hot summer afternoon in Louisiana. The racist moids can go out and play superman (even though they are just protecting their property from getting stolen)
The ones who REALLY slip under the radar is when naturalized scrotes do something similar, be it grooming gangs or baby rape or whatever the fuck, they just gain more power.
It's fine and dandy to ban the brown rapeapes, but it's using a mickey mouse bandaid when what we need is a veteran reconstructive surgeon.
Like, how are we gonna deal with our own degenerates? Do you really, honestly, truly believe someone like Trump is going to enact ANY sort of anti rapist policy? Not only is that not beneficial to him, but it's suicide.
No. 2365057
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Did anything come out of our new "space military" or is it just more Elon bullshit?
No. 2365126
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I just remembered that around this time last year, some fags made a sex tape in the senate hearing room. You know this country is dumb because we got over this quick as fuck kek
No. 2365467
>>2365443Idk, wikipedia says if your parents are foreign you can apply after 10 years of living in the UK.
>>2365455So is the right to bear arms, doesn't mean it's untouchable and shouldn't be regulated/changed.
No. 2365483
>>2365471It is also based on parents. People born abroad to one or more US Citizens automatically qualify for US Citizenship, you can get the birth certificate from US Embassies.
Most Americans are born in America, so it doesn't look different from birthright citizenship. But actually most Americans inherit their citizenship from their parents(s).
No. 2365489
>>2365483samefag, while based on parents it is not a
bloodline citizenship, which there is a difference. A person with American citizen grandparents, but their parents are not American citizens for whatever reason, cannot claim citizenship automatically.
Naturalized citizens can produce US citizens abroad too.
No. 2365535
>>2364577Nonna, you just made me realize something. Do you think this 800 billion AI bullshit Trump wants is going to have to do with creating deep fakes to abuse?
>>2365139He made Melania smile which probably pisses trump off ke
No. 2365686
>>2365139a lot of people swear Trump has advanced dementia. His leaning posture, like in this picture, is a classic sign of frontal lobe dementia. He even stands on pads sometimes when making speeches to help him straighten his posture because he leans so much.
The country-club GOP loves him because he will literally sign whatever is put in front of him. He doesn't give a shit. Apparently former members of his cult say that his voice alone can hypnotize them, which is why they can stand for hours listening to him drone on about Hannibal Lecter and sharks while the rest of us normal people want to commit murder every time he speaks. Maybe it's like the frequencies only animals can hear. (Also, the woman he's with doesn't look like Melania at all.)
Yes, we are beyond broke. The last president to speak realistically about how broke we are and how much we must sacrifice was Jimmy Carter, who lost in a landslide to Reagan. Therefore, no politician will talk about it anymore. It's suicide. The cuts that the people controlling Trump are making now are nowhere near enough to get us out of the hole, and yet all Trump wants is more tax cuts for billionaires. I'm a lower-middle-class working person and I pay more in tax than his fat ass. I don't know where else they want to make cuts since those motherfuckers get everything for free.
In addition to that, their goal is to keep women out of the professions in particular: they actually don't give a shit if women work menial labor. They want us to be kicked out of college and professional workplaces under the guise of "women need to be married and have more babies!" This is Vance's ideology, ironic since his wife is an attorney and her mother is a scientist. This is why they hate DEI so much: because it helps expand job opportunities for women and black people. All moids, but especially white and Hispanic moids like Nick Fuentes and Enrique Tarrio, believe they are entitled to be at the top of society and women are standing in their way. They'd also deport black people if they could.
No. 2365697
>>2365686>voice can hypnotize peopleSimilar remarks were said of Hitler's speeches, where the crowd would start swaying to the rhythm of his voice. With Trump it's probably just the brain automatically zoning out what it considers white noise.
Now it terms of brokeness, didn't Clinton make a fairly significant effort to reduce the national debt? Presidents sometimes do mention the national debt, but I notice it hasn't been a thing recently.
>goal to keep women out of professionsThey make it so obvious too, anyone who doesn't see it is blind or in support of it. Males seethe whenever they realize women are not only capable of working any job, but we're better at it, too. It's why there was so much propaganda after WWII to get all of the working women back in the home. I wonder if being anti-union, among the other reasons to hate unions, is also a way to thrust women from the workplace.
No. 2365713
>>2365697Yes, Clinton did, which is why the right wing still hates him. His administration was the last to leave with a balanced budget (although there was still significant debt). Government spending was reigned in a lot during his years in office particularly by cutting benefits for the poor. Then Bush II came in and started a war, which was supposed to generate income but mired us in the Middle East cesspool for decades since we had to pay to help rebuild the countries whose governments and cities we destroyed. That's why we don't engage in regime change anymore and why sanctions are used in place of war: crashing a country's economy will fuck them up just as much as a war, it just takes longer.
Interestingly, there are a LOT of MAGA that are pro-union. I think it has to do with the populist element; traditional Republicans hate unions. But the pro-Trump unions are generally heavily male-dominated, like law enforcement.
No. 2365778
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No more troons in women’s prisons!
No. 2365963
>>2365958It feels like red states are legit becoming 3rd world countries. Any anthropologist worth their salt knows less gender equality=bigger shithole.
But yes, I agree. In blue states, the male population should be kept low (most of them will work border patrol and kill any invading scrotes, the hottest ones would be on the breeding farms). We might need a moid in power for blue states because men in general don't listen to women.
Things would be so much better if all men died tbh. They really are the vestigial gender.
No. 2365964
>>2364975I really dislike Gavin but seeing him look so stern and authoritative is kind of hot. I wish he would use this kind of energy towards fixing the things that matter in our state. The last few years he’s been coming across as a suit-wearing gangster that launders his money through wineries and fake homeless shelters kek
>>2364982Kek I’d ship them
No. 2365978
>>2365963Enjoy having trannys ruling over you in exchange for being able to abort your 4th pregnancy because you cant stop having sex with strangers.
>>2365975>don't want to build more housing in major citiesMaybe stop allowing a billion uneducated immigrants from God knows where over the southern border.
>.t second generation immigrant No. 2366002
>>2365985The main issue is regulation and yes migrants do take jobs and housing from citizens you hear stories of two Indian families sharing a single apartment pricing out normal people.
>>2365988>trannies even "ruling" over women There are trannys getting elected everywhere in blue states enacting retarded policies.
>we don't do the arranged marriage thing and some women will be having sex out of wedlock because humanity has literally always done thatThats not true actually most societies actually value virginity and not being a man or women whore, and very few women die in child birth with modern technology most of the red states have exceptions for rape or incest.
No. 2366005
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>>2365971If blue states were so shitty how come so many groypers live there? That your body my choice faggot lives in Chicago. He has the money to move to Texas or whatever. So why stay in the bluest part of Illinois?
>>2365978>abort your 4th pregnancy because you can't stop having sex with strangersI haven't had sex with anyone except my partner in almost 2 decades. However, i know rape exists, and I know miscarriages exists. I also am not a misogynist. I care about other women. I would rather a woman abort a baby (and get a sweet abortion ghost army) than have to deal with a babytrapping
abusive moid. Stop acting like it's abortions destroying peoples lives and not men who can't stop murdering and raping everything they see.
No. 2366019
>>2365996I don't care dude, I don't care about the fucking immigrants. I'm a transit yimby trains autist and all I care about is building more housing. Immigrants did not fuck with prices, that's my point
>>2366002There's like one tranny in congress, a representative to be exact. i agree that dems should drop the tranny shit but no tranny is gonna rule over women. that culture war will die soon
No. 2366035
>>2366023nyart, but it depends on how much the parents try to adapt to the culture and teach American culture to their children. Someone like this anon who is spiteful towards naturalized citizens who are 2nd and 3rd gen really makes you wonder about her upbringing.
Like, I don't understand why the fuck you would move to a country if you don't like the culture to begin with?
No. 2366057
>>2366055I'm tired of people with no concept of how the economy works thinking
their culture war issue is actually going to be the thing to fix everything. actual tards. the housing crisis has nuance. if you kick majority of immigrants out you're still gonna have a housing crisis, because nobody wants to build more shit
No. 2366064
>>2366060No you have people arguing that immigration and liberal policies are the reason that there's a housing crisis here, it's a bipartisan issue that both parties have a bloody hand in.
>>2366061That's definitely apart of it, they should also invest in businesses.
No. 2366069
>>2366061>overcharging for rent Most blue cities have price caps but okay.
>minimum wage not rising God I hate economic illiterates like you let me guess you want the min wage to be 15$ but why not 30$ or 100$ then everybody would surely be rich right?
No. 2366071
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>>2366042This isn't a culture war issue, it is a supply and demand issue. Also you're ignoring the big picture of people being forced out of houses and into apartment blocks and mobile homes. It's simple. The amount of land we have isn't changing, the number of people goes up.
No. 2366082
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>muh immigration
No. 2366092
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>>2366089samefag but "why don't we have enough land for big ass houses for like two people anymore?". I don't know, why are major cities often richer than buttfucknowhere, iowa?
No. 2366096
>>2366089Apartment buildings and mobile home parks help transfer wealth to billionaires. They WANT more of them, because it allows them more ownership over necessities, and are the ones who pushed for more of these in the first place.
>>2366092Cities are richer because they have more people living in them. The rich are pushing you into sardine cans so they can extract more wealth from you.
No. 2366099
>>2366096>Cities are richer because they have more people living in themWhy do they have more people?
>The rich are pushing you into sardine cans so they can extract more wealth from you.For most of american history we have lived in cities, towns, apartments, townhouses, surburban sprawl happened because of the oil lobby and the car lobby. you cannot turn yimbyism into some sort of rich people interest lol
No. 2366103
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I wish we had muh walkable city and public transport. I wish I could feel safe using public transport. I wish I could walk about my city and explore. I wish I could walk to the store or meet people spontaneously. I hate having to calculate everything with a car. I wish my city had nice affordable housing and a sense of culture and community. I don't hate cars, I just wish I could live somewhere somewhat pretty and walk around. It feels like there's nowhere to hang out.
No. 2366106
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>>2366102>new york city, 1920>>2366103Based
No. 2366123
>>2366117Lol absolutely not, landlords are shitty no matter if there's 3000 mcdonalds and exxon mobiles next to you or not
>>2366122No, im a DMVanon
No. 2366126
>>2366108I’m so glad I never threw away my sodium nitrite and still have enough reglan to not puke it up. I was supposed to throw it away and told everyone I did, but I didn’t, it’s still there. I haven’t been suicidal but I’ve known this country is on the precipice of becoming an unlivable hellhole. I don’t care how much my family and bf tell me life is worth living, even if it’s a life lived under full on fascism. I refuse to live in such a world and will not. Until that happens I’ll just continue to chill, but knowing I have a way out puts my mind at ease. I’m also glad I am not overly attached to life in general. It must be especially hard for burgers who don’t have the weird “dying isn’t a big deal” mindset I have. Living a life of terror under fascism while the fruits of my suffering allow the worst people ever to live in unimaginable luxury? Absolutely the fuck not.
I feel for people who bred and have kids to care for since they obviously can’t have my mindset, it’s incompatible with raising a human being. I simply don’t understand how anyone wouldn’t just be killing themselves once stuff like this happens unless they have kids and essentially can’t. How are humans so biologically cucked that the vast majority of us won’t kill ourselves and will just live in dystopia? I don’t get it at all. Suffering endlessly, esp when your suffering is directly benefitting the worst people ever and letting them live as kings, how does this work on people who don’t have kids? I don’t understand humanity. Even if I did have kids I’d just pull a more humane Andrea Yates before taking myself out, honestly. The will to live a horrible life simply makes no fucking sense to me.
No. 2366127
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>>2366124whats wrong with dc nona… fuck…
No. 2366148
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>>2366143what dworkin said
No. 2366192
>>2366166based stacybian.
Bonus points if you make sure the lab babies are all males.
No. 2366210
>>2366193I dunno
nonnie 10 years ago kids at my school were beheading each other
No. 2366225
>>2366210Hm, well now with easier access to guns they can administer swift killings.
>>2366215I'm not poor
No. 2366237
>>2366226We gotta see it. I know it will be an experiment (lets face it when arent we being experimented on)
But I want to see a nation where its reverse sharia law. It can be a tiny state. But all the same rules apply: Moids have to wear coverings to hide their ugly faces to anyone except their wives. Men aren't allowed to go out alone. idk about the pedo shit, women just aren't into scrotelings but we can groom them into being submissive and having to serve women.
I just want to see how the women handle it. Because in countries where there is plain old sharia law theres moids killing eachother all the time. A lot of it I think has to do with moids resource hoarding women. I don't think women are as into having multiple husbands, even if they are free slave labor, simply due to the fact that a single woman can only have so many children. Also women just aren't bloodthirsty.
I honestly feel like we would see a utopia, it would terrify moids.
No. 2366263
>>2366247Boston metro population ~5 million
Seattle metro population ~4 million
Columbus metro population ~2 million
No. 2366273
>>2366126I understand the suffering that becoming a serf would bring but please don't kill yourself! There really are much better countries than America out there so if shit hits the fan, you could always move with your bf instead.
>>2366160I consider being pregnant almost body horror so, unless I was truly ready to be a mother, I'd abort. Also, I intend to not have sons so you know what that means.
No. 2366368
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i genuinely hate how funny this man is
No. 2366408
>>2366126Just looked up andrea yates story. Her fucking retard scrote absolutely is at fault.
He also wouldn't stop getting her pregnant even though he had been advised that it was deteriorating her already fragile mental state.
I hate men.
No. 2366416
>>2366160I'm very pro choice and think the stigma against abortion should be made illegal. People who protest in front of planned parenthood should be arrested.
I come to this decision after seeing the affects of stigmatizing abortion on women and children.
Women who are scared to get an abortion will do some horrible, dangerous things to try to induce miscarriage. I've known women who have thrown themselves down the stairs, poisoned themselves, and drank heavily/overdosed on drugs in order to kill the baby because they are too scared to ask anyone for abortion money due to the stigma.
I think it's abhorrent that America treats pregnancy like a punishment for sex. Sure, it's a consequence of sex, but women should choose motherhood. I love kids, and kids deserve to be raised by parents who want them.
At this point in time if I got pregnant I would have the child. However, if anyone has doubts about having kids or doesn't want to have a kid to the point where they are willing to terminate the pregnancy, I think they should have that option. For fucks sakes it's not like humans are endangered or some shit.
No. 2366417
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i would like to remind you guys that most of the sperging about birthrates is because teen pregnancy is down. these scrotes want more teen pregnancies.
No. 2366502
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The America the elites want
No. 2366524
>>2364835>Carry armsit's becoming increasingly harder to use lethal forms of self defense without having your name dragged through the mud. the piggy kyle rittenhouse comes to mind when he shot a literal pedophile who attacked him with a glass bottle, or daniel penny in nyc who choked out a homeless guy after he threatened everyone on a train.
In my state a (cringe) guy was protesting for israel when a counter protester out of nowhere tackled him. the pro-israel guy shot the man who tackled him, but now he's still being charged despite literally being attacked first.
You mentioned child marriage, and that's disgusting, but people up north aren't voting republican for the same reasons that southerners do ("family values", anti-abortion, loyalty to israel because something-something armageddon, child marriage, etc). They vote republican because they feel like foreigners in their own country, and they can't even really protect themselves, let alone feel wary of immigrants because that would be "racism".
No. 2366531
>>2366193AYRT, oh they were shooting each other outside of school i’m sure, but they were setting off the firecrackers just to startle other kids because it sounded sort of like gunfire. it was scary the first few times though
>>2366215Tbh apart from the haitian gangs on my street and gangs at my middle school I don’t remember any other gang stuff from my poor ass childhood & i went to a middle school in the ACTUAL hood that wasn’t the one my address was zoned for, we just used my cousin’s address because i wanted to do a specific program there and i didn’t get in via the lottery system
>>2366160I am a lesbian so i personally wouldn’t need one unless god forbid i got raped but I feel no moral qualms with it. I wish we did not live in a world where abortion was necessary though and that conception was a deliberate and active choice beyond mere sex alone. i also feel like straight women are very bad at being feminists sometimes because they prioritize sex with men but they can’t help their female socialization and i hope they heal one day and they should be allowed access to abortions for any reason. My girlfriend was almost aborted so she has some hangups over abortion hypothetically but i feel like her hangups should instead be aimed at her mother for even feeling it’s appropriate to tell her that
>>2366417Tinfoil but I think the crash in birth rates in latin america specifically is because all of the latinos that want kids immigrate (legally or illegally IDGAF) here because american maximalism resonates with them and they don’t want kids unless they can live some idealized suburban life. Which i don’t blame them but a lot of the newer immigrant families i meet are all so conservative and traditionalist and it grosses me out, their sons are allowed to do whatever and their daughters have backwards patriarchal ideals placed on them. It’s so weird too because my mom and dad and their friends who are all 1st gen immigrants are such libshits to the point of raising me and my siblings without gender roles and these people from the same countries as them are so regressive but I guess you can’t expect much from people from places that have been colonized and with poor education rates
>>2366368Every fucking day i wish he had just played his cards right and ran as a dem. He is still a repugnant POS and a rapist but he is so funny… I have similar feelings about vance i don’t like him at all but he verges on wokey so many times in his book that it’s so weird to see his hard right grift now. I feel like it’s so much morally worse to ignore your values to grift than it is to have no values in the first place and if hell is real they will both have so much to answer for not just in general but for that in particular
No. 2366536
>>2366417Every single person I knew who had a kid in their teens raised that kid in a broken ass home.
Why are people shitting about the population "collapsing"?
Bitch, this was inevitable. We went from 1 billion to 8 billion over the last century. How long do you think we can keep increasing the human population jesus fuck
No. 2366566
>>2366553Capitalism needs infinite growth for the shareholders. It has to come from somewhere.
Back in the day it came from exploiting colonies. Now it's based on an infinite growth model. The GDP will increase, but individual wealth will decrease in relative and absolute terms. The pie will be bigger, but you will get a smaller piece.
Now it comes from exploiting native population.
No. 2366693
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I hope baron trump goes postal and snaps elon musks neck.
Do it you little pussy. If Hunter can get pardoned you can too.
No. 2367128
>>2362757>>2362845reminds me of how ben franklin thought germans and swedes were "swarthy"
>the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionally very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind. No. 2367379
>>2367362>reabsorbed into our bodyReproduction isn't some spiritual woowoo that causes physical components to dissolve into a mysterious non-physicality. The egg travels to the uterus, the parts break up into the lining, and that lining along with the egg remnants are later shed during menstruation.'re retarded.
No. 2367465
>>2367442Anon, that would be
actual murder
>>2366160I'm pro choice, but I don't think I would get an abortion because I know it would weigh on me very heavily. I do want children but I'm simply not ready financially, but if I did end up pregnant I would probably keep it unfortunately. It's very complicated though, I don't want to go on birth control unless I find out some form of birth control (other than condoms) that wouldn't negatively affect my health.
No. 2367492
>>2367441I don't hate babies. Kids are just innocent bystanders in the retarded politics of adult religiontards. Of course they become fodder to the propaganda machine. Baby girls become broodmares and boys become field slaves. Its retarded and this system only made sense when infant mortality was stupid high and everyone was struggling to survive past the age of 5. This 'get big or get out' policy with children doesn't work post industrial where everyone lives until 80.
I hate moids because they don't love children. They exploit a woman's (perceived) compassion and empathy (at least compared to moids who will regularly bash a babies skull if they hear it cry too much) and try to weaponize it against us.
It is psychotic and cruel to children to force or manipulate a non maternal woman to give birth and raise a child as if she was some sort of barnyard animal. News flash, moids: If a domestic cow won't accept her baby, you can't force her to. You either accept that she will stomp the calves head in every time it tries to nurse or you take the baby away and raise it yourself via bottle feeding. Moids don't want to rear kids. But they want to propagate their genetics.
I say if they want to have kids they have to accept actually being around for their kids and not being able to hide away 5-6 days a week for some office job.
No. 2367607
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this country is such a joke
No. 2367792
>>2367642what do you even mean by world hunger
instead of giving third worlders food, just teach them not to have more than 2 kids. of course they're gonna go hungry when they have 14 kids, that's like having to feed a classroom every single day.
No. 2367794
>>2367782He makes a ton of money off his grift. If he hates liberalism so much he can fuck off to a red state or literally any other part of Illinois that isn't chicago.
Most of these faggots live in cities for a reason. They wouldn't do well in red areas because they are nothing more than urbanite losers who love flapping their guns for money
No. 2367828
>>2366160I want kids but if I end up with an unwanted one I'd probably abort it unless I morally felt obligated to birth the baby and it was my only chance to have a child ie the pregnancy ruined my reproductive system. The most morally questionable idea I have is that I would be much likelier to abort the child if it turned out to be a boy. I can't stand the idea of bringing a son into this world when men are becoming degenerates younger and younger. The incel influence is simply too rampant.
At this point the way everything's going maybe I don't want children. I have a strong maternal drive and I love kids and animals, but I would feel bad bringing a girl into this world too, knowing how men will treat her too.
No. 2367830
>>2367128I wonder how Ben Franklin and
Hitler would get along
No. 2367859
>>2367799I can guaran-goddamn-tee you that the moids aren't the only ones perpetuating the racist shit we see. Just browsing this site and watching anons infight about things of that nature is proof enough. Seeing kids bully the one kid that is different, even amongst girls, and you want to tell me they only do that because moids got to them that early? It's a monkey thing; it's in our DNA to ostracize those different from us. I promise you, the problem lies so, SO much deeper than just moids.
Getting rid of moids would be step 1, not the end all be all.
No. 2367968
>>2366160Had one in June of 2023, at 30 years old. I never want to go through pregnancy, nor deal with the responsibility of raising kids (and truth be told, I'm not capable of it at all). Never felt any guilt at all. I was a little scared of the pain though, which as I suspected was not fun to deal with. I was on three different painkillers and still broke out in sweat from the pain when I left the OR. Had cramps for like a week after too and it was really unpleasant. Really put into perspective how terrible contractions must be.
Would 100% do it again if another accident happens, but I'm getting my tubes tied soon
No. 2368033
>>2367859Genuinely, what is this fake anthropological cope for racist people like yourself who don't want to be responsible for it. You're seeking some biological explanation to offshore the feelings of guilt onto. It also sounds like you're planting seeds of doubt/grooming people to assume their mild racist tendencies aren't just thoughts but a manifestation of some "innate biology."
"Racism is DNA deep for all humans." Anthropology doesn't agree with you. I mean look around you, seriously. That wasn't even true in the 1450's in places where merchants from all across the world came to trade spices, and travel amongst the locals of different regions, but that's especially not true today in today's globalized world. Like what
>>2367989 said, tribalism is culture based. It's the same reason why during the Elon being pro-H1B visas fiasco on twitter, white nationalists were saying they'd sooner have more black people in their neighborhood, than they would Indians. All of that anti-black sperging stopped the moment they wanted to suddenly seek community with the other large group that shares the '100% American' identity with them. True tribalism is in cultural attitudes. Same reason why city raised white people will have diverse friends, no problem, but they'll suddenly feel disgust when they find themselves near rural white Americans. City whites and rural whites are the same race, so according to you, they should feel camaraderie right? As you said, "racism is DNA deep" aright? Well no, people feel safe with whom they share a culture with. they're revolted by those who they don't share culture with. A country bumpkin white is a retarded genetic accident to a white person from a big city, but their middle eastern descent best friend who grew up in the same neighborhood as them is their sibling and soulmate. Why? Because they share a culture. You sound like a country bumpkin white yourself and I'm just letting you know now, you will not get your white supremacist heaven because there are a million more white people in burgerland who will see you as more of an alien than they would any black person in their state. You are the "anti-tribe" to liberal whites. You are the enemy, the alien, the foreigner, the uneducated, the ignorant, the backwards, the revolting. etc. Same reason why democrat whites hate republican whites with a genocidal passion but will hold the non-whites in high esteem. Because the republicans are the "anti-tribe" that come from a "filthy culture" that they feel needs to be eradicated. You will never get a staunch democrat white to feel community with a staunch republican white, over a democrat black person. They'd sooner behead that republican then see them as part of their tribe. Don't believe me? Comb through social media comments on various apps during October and November of last year. It was a war.
No. 2368037
>>2367979All these grocery stores are going to start price gouging due to the fearmongering about tariffs due to FOX and other new stations. He keeps fucking changing his mind so often that even if something
does change for the better, these corps are going to keep hiking prices because the public will assume that it's another country's fault and not Trump. How can so many Americans be this stupid. They took memeing and turned it into the president. The absolute lack of critical thinking has been destroyed by social media and the people who can't understand the difference between dark humor and acting on dark humor like these Nazi fuckingtoid retarded men.
I'm so mad over everything. I don't know how to handle it honestly. I feel like being a humanitarian globalist is making me too empathic. How do I turn off caring about other people.
No. 2368131
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thought it was kind of odd how I hadn’t seen any comment from or regarding the Antioch High School shooter’s parents. all I could find was that the cops had been to his house 4 times. dad claimed the sons gun was his own?
No. 2368609
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I don't mind going vegan to be honest, but can we ever catch a fucking break?? stupid orange fuck making everything worse too.
No. 2368663

>>2368033nyart, but I worry that the class war will turn into a culture war like what you're describing. I feel like the elites are banking on both sides who get fucked over by them to fail to see past their differences and unite and eventually just get into an all out civil war with themselves as opposed to teaming up against the systems who are supposed to keep their labor and wealth organized and properly distributed but instead hoard the fruits of their labor all to themselves while exploiting the shit out of their comparatively altruistic pursuits of being useful to society at large.
Trust me, I hate racist republican retards as much as any other person who has two brain cells to rub together enough to create a dull spark with, but it has less to do with that they are racist republicans but more that they let that divisive and selfish mentality shape their entire persona to the point where they become their political daddies dog even while they larp as someone who wants less government control.
I live around these types and they absolutely refuse to see past their own nose.
No. 2368676
>>2368663The culture war has been waged for years and online propaganda has been driving it. Our own nation, China, and mainly Russia have all been trying to drive Americans towards extremism via social media propaganda predominantly boosted by sock puppets and bots
>In 2014, the IRA and other Russian networks began establishing fake U.S. activist groups on social media. By 2015, hundreds of English-speaking young Russians worked at the IRA. >Their assignment was to use those false social-media accounts, especially on Facebook and Twitter - but also on Reddit, Tumblr, 9gag, and other platforms - to aggressively spread conspiracy theories and mocking, ad hominem arguments that incite American users.>A former federal prosecutor who investigated the Russian disinformation effort summarized it like this>It wasn’t exclusively about Trump and Clinton anymore. It was deeper and more sinister and more diffuse in its focus on exploiting divisions within society on any number of different levels.>As the New York Times reported in 2022, there was a routine: [Russian disinformation] workers would scan news outlets on the ideological fringes, far left and far right, mining for extreme content that they could publish and amplify on the platforms, feeding extreme views into mainstream conversations.These types of disinformation networks push a cultural divide and ideological divide in order to keep people preoccupied with fighting among themselves and not fighting the money hungry pig oligarchs at the top
No. 2368767
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nonnas… its officially confirmed. i accepted a job offer in europe
No. 2368769
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reminder of what we missed out on. I hate this stupid fucking timeline.
No. 2368873
>>2368769meanwhile trump saw an 8 year old girl on an escalator and said he was gonna date her in 10 years.
>>2368787Does your local grocery store sell those refillable water jugs? Those are cheaper and use less plastic.
No. 2369048
>>2368947Nothing worse than republicans stinking up blue cities. Go live in a conservative shithole if you hate it so much.
Back in 2017 I remember someone came into my place of business and wouldn't stop fellating about trump. We yelled at him and kicked his sorry ass out.
No. 2369050
>>2368676the chinese bots are on the rise as well. i think it used to be predominantly russian but with the Tiktok exodus to XHS I have been seeing a lot of copy-pasted anecdotes in comment sections by accounts with Chinese usernames. They're not even being subtle with it. and it's not like this stuff is expensive to do, either, 1,000 Youtube comments is something like $10.
idk what to do about it though, the teenagers who were never taught critical thinking by american public schools genuinely believe that everything the XHS algorithm pushes to the top of their feed. There's not even a pause to consider 'wait maybe I never see anything negative not because there are no downsides to being a Chinese citizen, but because Chinese citizens are literally not allowed to criticize their government or standard of living?'
The next generation of Americans is genuinely like 90% broken. It doesn't matter if it's mental illness or shit-tier education, we should all be worried about the demographic coming of voting age rn.
No. 2369051
>>2369040That anon did say
>our nation, China, and mainly RussiaIt’s not as if there are only one or two political camps involved. There are many with their own interests.
No. 2369052
>>2369043I did. 1 star, no tip and a complaint. Moid shoulnt be driving. He also went on about this uber job was his only gig too.
>>2369048For real. He should move to texas and thrive there.
No. 2369057
>>2366160I am pro-abortion, but i am not dumb enough to think that abortion is always just about flushing a bunch of cells that was a popular argument that was the got to by neo-liberals for a while. The key should be to lower the amount of abortions that happen for reasons outside medical necessity and i feel like once they go after abortion, the next step will be contraceptives which will be disastrous mainy for couples who want to keep their families to a manageable size, which is important in the current economy. I am also thankful that women have managed to take concept of celibacy and transform it from not being a whore in the eyes of god to a form of being in control of your body. Christians have no right to force their way of life on people who do not care for their teachings. But personally, i'd abort if i was pregnant because i have a pact to myself that i will never have sex or have children and in the event i am pregnant, i would not be able to afford the child nor would the child be conceived consensually. I am sure my parents would take custody of the child, but i don't think i could live my life with a constant reminder of a traumatic event constantly running around and it's not fair to the child. I just hope if i get an abortion that i get it early on so it's just a pill or else i might just consider just birthing it instead and giving it to my family and running away. I think we can still support abortion while being honest about how traumatic abortion can be. I feel like too many neoliberal's act like it's not as big as a deal as it is.
>>2366417Almost all teen pregnancies are as a result of a teenager being groomed by an older man.
No. 2369060
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>>2368947Imagine thinking Trump and Musk would give a shit about a lowly uber driver. Picrel rings so true of every braindead republican who think hard works have ever meant anything to greedy oligarchs.
No. 2369069
>>2369057>I think we can still support abortion while being honest about how traumatic abortion can be.No one here is seriously saying people should treat abortion like birth control. But at the same time you need to ask yourself if women weren't constantly moral shamed for everything, would abortion would REALLY be more traumatic that being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy?
I do 100% with you that female celibacy should be more about encouraging good mate selection as opposed to shaming women and girls for having natural sexual urges. If they REALLY wanted to lower abortion rates those idiots should be teaching teenagers comprehensive sex ed instead of abstinence only religious nonsense.
Anyways, I hate the government banning abortions. Maternity wards are shutting down in red states because now they are liable for prosecution if they have a patient miscarry. Just a bunch of fucking psychotic bullshit because men are retarded creatures who want nothing more than to make America into a third world country.
No. 2369077
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>>2369070>>2369065>Neo-liberalism is an economic policyThe Urban Dictionary entry is older than you anons are so you'll have to accept it
No. 2369084
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>>2369080I agree if anon was presenting a civics essay to us but she's sperging after hypothetically flushing fetus cells or running away after birthing and abandoning baby so it's a little nitpicky in this context imo. It's a pretty common way to insult someone for being performatively socially liberal, gullible and naive at this point
>>2369082kekk anal retentive grammar-anons, through the century
(wojak) No. 2369110
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>>2369093Okay now this is getting really funny
>not that the history lesson isn't welcome but if you read cohen's column is his. deliberately so. and that is what i for one was responding to. cohen attempts to reinvent the term neoliberal to use it as a life preserver to throw to conservatives wanting to put distance between themselves and bush's sinking ship~*WaPo's Richard Cohen: Bush is a "Sentimental Softie" And A "Neoliberal", 2009*
>anal retentive grammar-anons, through the century No. 2369144
>>2369116you know, when I read shit like this my mind goes to the manifesto of the latest school shooter and how he wrote like a 12 year old as opposed to a 17 year old.
I always thought I was fucking retarded, I barely graduated high school, but holy shit, the no child left behind act really fucked kids up good, huh?
No. 2369156
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>>2369144>the no child left behind actI dont even think it was that. i seriously think the internet and short form content fucked everything up
No. 2369157
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>>2369151I just think there's a time and place to post wojaks. Also they are overused by moidlings so I'm kind of done with them
No. 2369159
>>2369156>the good old days where you could throw a shoe at the presidentYeah, internet 2.0 and social media definitely rotted the brain.
I also think smartphones are kind of evil. A flip phone with GPS and a good camera would be adequate for the masses. We don't need access to social media outside of the home.
No. 2369181
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peter thiel lol
No. 2369206
>>2367457>>2367465Yes. I don't care. I'd rather be a murderer than an incubator.
>>2368609Am I mistaken, but isn't this already known? Hence why egg prices are so costly? Or is this is different type of bird flu? I don't eat eggs so I've largely ignored this issue.
No. 2369337
>>2369289Vasectomies doesn't prevent murder scrotes from murdering.
Best solution is to have more women than men in society. Like, way more women than men. And ugly men are banned since they always get murdery.
No. 2369681
>>2369624literally, oligarchical despot
when you think about it, it was only a matter of time with our country and it’s unchecked capitalism. maybe late stage capitalism was always just a circle to authoritarianism
No. 2369729
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NTA and while I agree it's closer to an oligarchy and if you look at Trump's close ties to people who have lifted up Yarvin, we are likely to trudge closer to a feudal-like system than see an American Nazism, but we also don't have to act like Nazi Germany was doing great things. First of all Hilter invested in "academia and science" the same way Trump and his ilk are planning to do, funding a specific subset that gives them the answers they want, not a free study for the sake of advancement. 2.) The propaganda you posted was not state-funded but rather there was a strong social expectation for the people themselves to donate and run it and it's highly likely it was just used to fund the war and wasn't used at all for winter relief.
No. 2369750
>>2369743And how long do you think all these pauses on programs and healthcare and even updates regarding food safety will last? Shutting down the government to rebuild it is not something that should be done. fixing things over time, yes, but Republicans have been refusing to allow that to happen for decades. The refuse to allow future infrastrutce because they don't want to spend the money longterm. Now we have someone who wants to destroy and hault everything all together and you think that means he wants to rebuild for the
better? I bet you're not even from the US because unless you're wealthy, you have nothing going for you now. We also have 3 levels of tax increase while people like celebrities get cuts.
No. 2369761
>>2369750>And how long do you think all these pauses on programs and healthcare and even updates regarding food safety will last? I don’t know or care, I don’t work in the government
>Shutting down the government to rebuild it is not something that should be done. fixing things over time, yes, but Republicans have been refusing to allow that to happen for decades…Now we have someone who wants to destroy and hault everything all together and you think that means he wants to rebuild for the better? Reread my post, genius. I said the work that’s been done
in the last week is making me feel like things are coming back together.
>I bet you're not even from the US because unless you're wealthy, you have nothing going for you now. We also have 3 levels of tax increase while people like celebrities get cuts. I’m not even extremely wealthy but I’m also not gonna let myself shit and scream over something that we already experienced 4 years ago kek. I’m not really worried about America.
No. 2369768
>>2369156100 percent this. Smart phones and social media ruined a lot. People don't want to think for themselves anymore, or even look up literal facts on their phones. They just consume what social media tells them to. Fomo wasn't even a big thing until social media told us to feel bad about it. I hate what the last 10-15 years has done to society. We need to go back to flip phones so your friends and family know where you are. That's it.
And kek, i remember when that shoe throwing event happened as a kid.
No. 2369780
>>2369761Don't you get tired of baiting?
>>2369768I've been saying this for years and I keep getting the same responses of "but media has been around and has always influenced people". Yes. But social media is a mass influence, not just some people looking at newspapers and hearing it in magazines and talk shows weeks later. The speed at which social media updates has made people unable to properly think about what's happening because they move on so fast. Dark humor has because actionable because people can't tell the difference between making jokes and trying to go viral. Best example is the idiot sexual harasser on collage campuses who kept saying "It's a prank!!" I feel like it might've really kicked off with that shit.
No. 2369792
>>2369785>The problem is a lot of the anons that are freaking out about Trump right now were too young to be cognizant of politics in 2016. I forget this a lot, that there are users on this website who weren’t even old enough to be consciously aware of the Trump administration kek…you’re right
>Instead of focusing on federal politics, we should be more focused on state politicsI feel the exact same way, I wish people went this hard for their individual states and not just the country as a whole, because each state is significantly different and should have their own separate laws
No. 2369804
>>2369801Ok well random chuds on twitter don’t really have the power to deport Selena Gomez, so
>Enjoy high groceries I’m not the one paying for them so I absolutely will nona! keekk
No. 2369809
>>2369761>that we experienced 4 years agouhhh what? there were guardrails when trump was in office in 2016. there's none of that now and after all the assassination attempts, he's literally taking this country by the reigns. the fact you think this will be the same as his first term is ridiculous.
>the work that’s been done in the last weekwhat work???? all he's done is started trade wars with our allies and moved the country towards isolationism. children aren't attending school now because their parents are undocumented. laborers aren't working farms anymore bc of that fear.
what he's doing is unprecedented, especially the federal hiring freeze and funding freeze of fed loans and grants. not to mention the birthright citizenship exec order.
how can someone so willfully think that this is the same as his first term? it's like people seriously have no critical thinking skills.
No. 2369832
>>2369826I’m not worried about America because I feel like we’re headed in a better direction that is putting
our people first.
No. 2369835
>>2369823yeah that's how i felt during the first trump term even though i was literally studying polisci at university in washington DC. I basically tapped out of politics until the pandemic and tuned out again during biden's pres until the recent election.
what's worse about this trump term is that there's nothing stopping him now. not the courts, not congress, not the military, not independent agencies, nor our allies. he's been there before and now he knows what to do and who to surround himself with. ultimately i'm always going to blame the democrats because its their dependency on wall street to blame for this entire situation.
No. 2369841
>>2369834No, anon. American
citizens. I’m not a billionaire but I still feel supported and good, your wallet doesn’t have to be overflowing to still enjoy your life here
No. 2369843
>2369823You're right. There's no point in getting hysterical because of things outside of your control. It's better just to focus on yourself and your immediate circle of loved ones. I think it's definitely more important to focus on municipal and state-level politics and to try and better your immediate surroundings than it is to buy-in to the alarmist reactionaries.
>>2369807>Anybody that I disagree with is a foreignerYou guys sound weird sometimes. There's hundreds of millions of people in America, sometimes some people will have different views and opinions than you. That doesn't make them any less American than you.
No. 2369869
>>2369864what illegals to do live around and interact with on a daily basis? seriously?
i truly cannot believe how people are so easily blinded by immigration issues when its always been a class issue
No. 2369871
>>2369865Oooh I
love fruit picking. I’d much rather be the one picking and washing the apples than Ricky Ricardo.
No. 2369880
>>2369868ACA makes basic healthcare (which covers almost no medical expenses) 50 dollars a month.
But on average insurance is around 500 a month. And you have a 1 in 7 chance of being denied coverage anyways (1 in 3 if you're insured under united healthcare, which is the biggest insurer in America.)
No. 2369888
>>2369874ntayrt but obamacare doesn’t exist anymore
nonnie, that went away a while ago
No. 2369902
>>2369874Woah I haven’t heard of obamacare in a few years kek, and not to doxx myself but no the health/dental combo in my state isn’t an ACA/Obamacare plan
>>2369879I really recommend doing more research on different healthcare plans that are available now, there’s more options than they want you to know about
(ban evasion) No. 2369985
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Kind of off topic. but As malleable and retarded as I think trump is, I think he could only have the people around him rip off the aesthetics of nazism but he could never do it himself. Before he even ran for president he was much more “lib” and donated to Kamala Harris for her AG run iirc. Anyways, nowadays you can tell his goal before any sort of social movement or whatever is having as many people like him as possible. You can tell that’s all he cares about, he literally never knows what he’s signing because he’s an actual retard. He latches onto immigrants because he knows that a lot of americans and his party doesn’t like him, and he only recently started the anti gay anti tranny shit (despite loving gays and trannies before 2020) (probably still loves bruce too) because that’s just what people started talking about. His ideology isn’t really ideology, you can tell he just follows whatever gives him an ego boost and reminds him of the “good ol days”. Like this guy is actually retarded, he falls for AI shit all the time on his truth social i shit you not. (spoiler for ai slop)
No. 2370102
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This makes me really worried. I applied to the FAFSA again for uni,does this mean that money is gone now?
No. 2370105
>>2370090Nyart but I think we share the internet with sociopaths who are tired of masking as people who arent chomping at the bit to watch their fellow man suffer because to them their sadistic glee is better than the absolute nothingness they feel otherwise.
This is what programmed apathy does to people.
No. 2370124
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>>2370102apparently fasfa/education grants are exempt? but trump admin did not make anyone aware of this until after he implemented that pause
No. 2370169
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>>2370140I wonder if the purpose of this is to push the people towards homeschooling and private schools. This could create an uneducated class, specifically one consisting of uneducated women who are expected to drop out of their careers to educate their children. They would be both be cutting out as much taxes as possible while creating pigeonholing women into the caretaker role, killing two birds with one stone
No. 2370256
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>>2370222Zoomers didn't grow up with the Eyewitness books and it shows
No. 2370270
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>>2370256That is not true I used to love those and books like picrel that would show the inside of appliances like microwaves
No. 2370279
>>2369856A lot of other anons are against you, there's been a lot of anti-illegal talk in the threads but even if there was a massive influx of LEGAL immigrants, that wouldn't change the minds of some anons itt. I hope you know there are some people in here that understands your point. The housing shortage, the employment crisis, etc; have never been caused by the immigrants because this problem existed prior to when biden opened the border. The anons are really complaining about feeling excluded in a walmart when they hear a family speaking spanish.
>I wanna work pedros job!But you wouldn't, because if you did you would be out there farming already. The rich already ruined the farming dream by buying farms en masse killing rural america. Pedro isn't a college graduate, and illegals aren't being hired by jobs that would required a college degree like majority of Americans are complaining about regarding the employment crisis. We seriously need to be lucky that we got immigrants that just carve out their own communities to live in when there are canadianons and europoors that have misogynistic muslim men coming in in droves trying to force random women to wear hijab in threat of raping them.
Most of the arguments against illegals are the fact that they hopped the border, when majority of the people complaining had their family lineage do the exact same thing, it's inane. Nobody is going to change my mind about this, sorry that the whining about illegals hasn't totally changed my worldview and make me join the ICE.
No. 2370286
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if abortion is gonna be made illegal and we are gonna devolve into a country where people tattle to the secret police on their neighbors for being "marxist" can we please also get some fucking support for the housing crisis and high mortgage rates???? I'm begging for fucking crumbs here but any relief will turn into more easy pickings for fucking blackrock and individual wealthy investors but at this point i'm begging to be able to afford to buy a reasonable house in a reasonable, small city and not have to live in some shitty ass exburb.
No. 2370370
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Melania’s official white house portrait
No. 2370439
>>2370393mainly the people. different immigrant groups and various waves of immigration which is so visible in the people you see walking around. white, brown, black, asians, all speaking portuguese and who have been there multiple generations. visibly seeing east asian families walking around the park speaking portuguese to each other was a trip, i don't know why, because it's literally just the US but if it had been colonized by portugal instead. also the fact that barely anyone speaks english reminded me of the US and how most people here refuse to learn another language.
i'm from los angeles, so it just reminded a lot of LA as well. the income inequality/disparity in various neighborhoods, it might as well be the united states. though i didnt see any homeless there, certainly no encampments, and people kept telling us certain areas were dangerous which i visited and i thought it just looked exactly like certain parts of los angeles. rich areas and poor areas. also just the way they dress, casual, comfortable clothing, brands etc. they looked american.
it was the first time ive ever been to south america. ive been to mexico / mexico city alot since my mom's extended family is there, but the vibe from mexico and brazil is completely different, where mexico is visibly homogeneous in its ethnic makeup, and i usually stood out there, while brazil seemed legit like a melting pot, like the US, and everyone just assumes you're brazilian and speak portuguese automatically. it was really fascinating.
No. 2370634
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so is the goal to just gut the federal govt?
No. 2370684
>>2370634>The Trump administration on Tuesday offered roughly two million federal workers the option to resign but be paid through the end of September, in an effort to drastically reduce the size of the federal work force and push out people who do not support President Trump’s political agenda. In an email, the Office of Personnel Management, an agency that oversees the federal civilian work force, gave employees the option to leave their positions by typing the word “resign” into the subject line of an email and hitting send. Workers have until Feb. 6 to accept the offer.
>The email, with the subject line “Fork in the Road,” said that the majority of federal agencies would probably be downsized and that a substantial number of employees would be furloughed or reclassified to “at-will status” — essentially making them easier to fire. Most people who have been working remotely will be required to work from their office five days a week, the email said, and some physical offices will be consolidated, causing some people to be relocated.
>The message also said that “enhanced standards of conduct” would be applied to ensure that workers were “reliable, loyal, trustworthy” and warned that “at this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency.” The email amounted to a frontal assault on the federal bureaucracy, which Mr. Trump has long derided as the “deep state” and has sought to bend to his will. In making the move, the president was testing the limits of his power, trying to push past the federal law that governs payouts and rules that have long protected the civil service from political interference and pressure.
>The move also risked gutting the staffs of a wide array of federal agencies that Americans depend on, though federal unions immediately condemned the offer, and many federal employees viewed it as a trick.
>The message echoed an email that the billionaire Elon Musk, a constant companion to Mr. Trump in recent months, sent to Twitter employees after buying the social media platform in late 2022. Mr. Musk’s email shared the same subject line and offered employees three months of severance.this is absolutely batshit. the federal hiring freeze already effectively destroyed the pending applications i had on USAjobs. i hope federal employees stay strong and are able to hold onto their jobs. working in dc once before was pretty eye opening, the smithsonian for instance, barely gets any federal funding, mainly just to keep the lights on and these institutions are already short staffed.
(this is an imageboard) No. 2370948
>>2370657HOW are you bozos still so clueless?? Its obvious these (mostly)moids wanted this all along. They want to burn the house down with the entire family in it. They were never hoping for a system that functions because they feel betrayed by the culture and women at large. They want to destroy it as a response to how they feel we've destroyed their culture. They think people don't deserve it.
How in the hell any of you still assume they believe lies takes my breath away. Its politics used as a blunt object and nothing else. Burn the world mentality.
Maybe a small handfull of these people believe those lies but they're the pinnacle of deluded by their husband, or clinging to conservative nostalgie like dumbshit feces humans.
Continuing to pretend they're stupid and their burn the world' operation is unintentional is being just as stupid as they are. Leftwings talk about their stupidity, but they often walk right into their own.
These moids need their throats slit plain and simple. If you think of them any other way you're stupid stupid stupid as fuck. They're trash they need to be disposed of like trash. Thats all they ever were, thats all they've ever been. The fake news, the "stupidity" its all intentional manipultion to destroy moral and the state/ culture at large.
Believing anything else is like agreeably walking into your own execution I'm so sick of listening to leftwings talk like dumbshits. Absolutely tired of it. Just sharpen your knives and lstop wasting time protesting like it means anything. It almost makes me as angry as MAGA turds.
Protesting is probably the stupidest thing we can possibly do. Its like begging hitler to not be a murder. What does that get you besides looking stupid and clueless as fuck? Jesus christ idiots get with the program. Stop pretending its anything else because you're obsessed with extending grace to human feces.
No. 2371261
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it’s leaked that they wanna pause a bunch of observance days, but the most notable one is holocaust memorial day. evil.
No. 2371289
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>>2371285wtf are they gaslighting us now? im so confused by this admin. maybe thats the point
No. 2371306
>>2371302errhmm ok lets call it an internment camp then. is that better for your palate?
maybe you should read up on guantanamo bay's history lmao
No. 2371313
>>2371310you do realize internment camps have a long history before the holocaust and after the holocaust correct? and the concentration camps of nazi germany did NOT begin as death camps.
i think it's 100%
valid to recognize early signs of imminent human rights violations, which will invariably occur when you place thousands of people on guantanamo bay.
No. 2371324
>>2371317>>2371323god who cares. nona is being a cringe resist lib at best. save your 'muh poor taste for
victims of holocaust' schtick for the party with the guy who performed a nazi salute to cheering crowds
No. 2371350
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No. 2371409
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>>2371302>>2371330NTA but the other anon is not wrong and is using the correct language and you are not, if you're gonna keep trying to split hairs on this. A concentration camp is quite literally when a large group of people are imprisoned without trial. The US camps for japanese americans were also concentration camps. a concentration camp is not the same thing as an extermination camp, even if nazi camps were converted to those, ultimately. No one gains anything by saying some terms are off limits because we've heard them mostly used in only one specific context.
i'm sick in general of anons keep bringing up the holocaust and nazi germany itt and accusing others of not knowing history when we are all basically retarded here.
No. 2371412
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>>2371350Knowing boeing's reputation there is a possibility for one of the funniest situations to occur
No. 2371426
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are you going to look at her and tell me it's not a DEI hire
No. 2371442
>>2371409>i'm sick in general of anons keep bringing up the holocaust and nazi germany ittMe too, and this was the anon who started this dumb debate
>>2371295. Did you read the thread?
>>2371427Anon, you realize these alleged concentration camps haven’t even been created yet, right? The US has operated and continues to operate a number of detention centers for illegal immigrants awaiting deportation. These detention centers have been harshly condemned by human rights orgs, rightfully so imo, but I feel like you’re getting swept away in this narrative about “concentration camps” when what Trump
MIGHT do is really more of the same policy that has existed under multiple presidencies, including Obama and Biden.
No. 2371548
>>2371498No. The presence of right-wing politicians in government and right-wing allies of the president are concerning, sure. I’m concerned too. But to call my point insane because you disagree is retarded because I don’t actually believe you’ve studied WWII past your high school history class. Here are a few of the conditions in interwar Germany that led to Hitler seizing power:
>War guilt clause in the Treaty of Versailles, which caused Germany to go into huge amounts of debt after WWI>Great Depression of the 1930s, leading to huge amounts of unemployment and inflation >Loss of empire (no matter how brief the German empire existed) after WWI, with German-populated lands being annexed by surrounding countries >Xenophobia and hatred of Jewish refugees fleeing the Russian pogroms and fears of Jewish communists among them>Rapid industrialization with fun new weapons of mass destruction to try out >ectWe’re not even close to being there, sorry.
No. 2371638
>>2371604Just read the thread