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No. 2363463

>no baiting or responding to bait
>be a good American citizen
>No Non-americans allowed!

Previous threads:

No. 2363498

this country feels so fried right now we are leaving our leadership in the hands of terminally online autistic manchildren who shade one another like 16 year old mean girls

No. 2363513

No Alfred? Why would you make Musks mug the threadpic

No. 2363514

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I was feeling positive when trump took office. Of course I can’t legally vote but I at least hoped the economy would get better. Like if we’re sacrificing our rights at least make groceries cheap. But alas I’m left disappointed and feeling uncertain about any job prospects in the future.

No. 2363515

How could you not use Alfred? Also this is #32

No. 2363519

Does Elon still have fanboys?

No. 2363520

Right? A bald eagle, while uninspired, would have been better than this.

No. 2363524

Yes he stills has his 4chan fanboys and middle aged retards and their pickmes. He probably helps the US government traffick kids with these 4chan discord groups and the kids they don't want to fuck they bully into becoming suicide killers

No. 2363525

You are dumb, the economy was doing fine. Now grocery prices will increase because the cheaply paid labor picking our fruit are going to be deported.

No. 2363526

Yes, the like him because he "owns" the libs who used to like him. Billionaires will always have boot-lickers.

No. 2363529

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idk why you or anyone else would think that. literally every single maga economic policy makes your average person worse off financially.

No. 2363532

God Musk is so fucking ugly
Eh I understand what she's saying, he has a very nondescript look

No. 2363537

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Is it too late for someone to make a new thread with a better pic and the correct number?

No. 2363550

It's not too late, I would jump ship just to not see this faggot's blobfish face on /ot/ everyday

No. 2363552

I feel ill knowing what we've lost out on.

No. 2363554

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can someone remake the thread with picrel or something similar?

No. 2363572

I’m trying but I keep getting an error connecting to the host. I’m on mobile so maybe another nona would have better luck. And if they somehow all post anyways sorry for the spam.

No. 2363573

Waiting for the day that someone finally fixes the previous thread links being in the wrong order

No. 2363574

How about leave the thread as is, this is America

No. 2363577

Somehow got it to work.

New thread:

No. 2363586

You guys deserve Elon as your thread pic tbh and sort out gun control

No. 2363601

>Why would you make the hot topic a lot of people have been talking about the threadpic

No. 2363638

Silly Anon, the Amerifag thread shouldn't have actual hot topics as our threadpic it should obviously be Japanese material.

No. 2363649

This is something that's keeping me up at night. If Trump does tank the economy for the common working class, is there even a chance for it to rebound back into stability? I have some positive hope, that as morbid as it may be, that Trump and his admin lap-dogs fuck up so badly that Democrats have a way better chance the next election run, maybe even Kamala can run again now that she'll be better prepared?

No. 2363650

Japanese and hot. Otherwise none of the poor anons would be able to even look at the thread.

No. 2363680

Do anons not go outside and see ugly people everyday?

No. 2363683

Sorry nona, as I was preparing the thread I was too busy giggling like a retard looking at the picture of Elon. He just looks so stupid there.

No. 2363706

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Thank you farmhand for the fix

No. 2363718

>An analysis published by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy found that Trump's tax proposals would cut taxes for the wealthiest 5% of Americans
>and raise them for other income groups.
>The tariffs Trump has proposed will cost each household over $2000.

No. 2363729

Can some judges or whatever oppose this shit. God I fucking hate this faggot any every fag voting for him because they're too cock-brained to realize what is going to happen.

No. 2363739

Watch all the MAGAtards cope and seethe about how "w-w-well th-the economy is worse b-but at least Trump is in office!!! America is great!!!" Kek.

No. 2363750

Kek this cannot be real.

No. 2363755

>MAGAhandmaidens when Trump takes away their right to divorce her AGP husband

No. 2363758

Watching the deportations is one of the most enjoyable things I’ve ever seen. Good riddance

No. 2363761

too bad he's just gonna replace all the deported mexicans with indians

No. 2363766

Hate immigrants all you want but no one else is going to work knee deep in chicken shit for 3 dollars an hour.

No. 2363771

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KEK this you?

No. 2363773

Nobody SHOULD be doing that.

No. 2363776

Thread pic is so cute

No. 2363778

But people will be. People will also be needed to work in crop fields and be willing to work more than 8 hours a day.

No. 2363779

Are you willing to do that?

No. 2363781

No this is why America has immigrants dumby

No. 2363783

That person clearly isn’t willing to get a normal job posting in every thread right now like it’s their job. But the better question is would they even be physically able to do it for more than 15 minutes and the answer is also no.

No. 2363787

I think you’re schizophrenic. Where else have I been posting?

No. 2363791

Yeah nobody wants to do that which is why the illegal immigrants do it.

No. 2363793

>mass deportations
>most of them are arrogant violent rape apes and bring the worst their culture has to offer to our country
Keking hard at the nonnas knowing damn well we enjoy our white people taco nights and don’t need any of that authentic shit here, I think we had enough of the “vibrancy”. Don’t go to places you have no business being there illegally. Huge reminder many foreign countries would have no grace or respect for American illegals so I have zero empathy for those that are deported, that’s sweet schadenfraude for giving an immigrant woman way more rights and benefits than an American woman who’s lived her whole life here who’s breeding even more rapists and criminals to rape and steal from the actual citizens of this country. Simply telling people especially women to have some self-control and respect their bodies by not allowing the entire country in it makes many people pissed off and offended, unless they’re ready to admit that consensual rape can happen which is their hookups (that mirrors a lot like prostitution) and their marriages (which feels like prostitution with a private sugar daddy) then there’s no reason to get offended, you’re not bystanders of your own bodies and lives, if you can scream at the top of the hills that “MY BODY MY CHOICE” then finally make the choice to stop letting slop into it, make the choice to stop letting XYs into it that keep ending you in undesirable situations. This isn’t victim blaming, this is seeking to finally end and decrease the victim cycle, screeching about abortions as bandaids to be used to help with rape babies is very transparent that most pro-abortion women have no interest in actually making women’s lives safer and easier to navigate and control, it’s about erasing the consequences of uncontrollable male sexuality that’s been enabled by the increase of technological innovation with AI and internet porn. Abortions, much like birth control, IUDs, and such and such seeks to punish women and not men, abortions is another chess win for males to pump and dump with no trace of their criminality, degeneracy and illegal behavior. Adding no nuance to abortion is retarded. Single-issue voters are retarded. Foreign jannies can ban people all they want for stating facts, you just don’t know what it’s like to live in this shitheap where nuance is dead and people think you’re a misogynistic fascist for daring to critically think about the issues that face people in this country instead of taking the easy hyperemotional way out and going to the extremes.(bait)

No. 2363794

>Would I willingly work in slave conditions
No. Your point retard?

No. 2363797

>all that schizo drivel
Nobody is reading that retard. Anyway abortions ROCK.

No. 2363798

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I really feel like our country and culture is going to degrade and degrade while other places like China advance. It's hard to feel optimistic. I've always wanted children and now I feel disconnected from where I lived my entire life.

No. 2363800

Wow it's almost like we should pay people more and give them benefits instead of import 3rd world puesdo-slaves. Sounds like a wage problem, not a labor problem. But muh authentic food

No. 2363801

>calls another anon in two threads a schizo
>posts that rant

No. 2363802

I don’t give a damn if you don’t want to read it, then expect anybody to give a shit about you and the pregnancy you could’ve easily prevented if you actually just stopped cycling cocks every night and thinking pregnancy would never bloom out of such a chaotic strategy of fucking your natural predator. Keep doing it and see how unsustainable it is, I laugh at dumb broads who keep adding themselves and future females to the absolute slaughter and you’ll have nothing to blame but yourselves for playing the helpless victim role, expecting males to grant you cookie crumbs and headpats through the justice system because they know you’re working and aiding in their global male degeneracy. Sleep at night knowing that, retard(infight bait)

No. 2363803

I tried , but you can’t understand it kek. It’s word vomit.

No. 2363807

Blah blah blah, I'm in the middle of my 15th abortion and it rules. Can you speak up louder?

No. 2363810

>trump doing the same shit he did last election
>retards are SHOCKED

No. 2363811

>then finally make the choice to stop letting slop into it, make the choice to stop letting XYs into it that keep ending you in undesirable situations
Anyone have that statistic that said something like 20k or so women gave birth via rape in Texas? Guess that was their fault.
>Single-issue voters are retarded
Not you tho right

No. 2363813

15? That’s child play. I’ve celebrated my 100th just last week.

No. 2363816

america is healing

No. 2363818

Nobody mentioned authentic food and that has nothing to do with the fact that the government isn't going to pay people a living wage and offer benefits for the jobs immigrants have had for decades. Our country is built on cheap immigrant labor. Trump isn't going to change this. It's our food on the line, not Mexican restaurants.

No. 2363822

aw you sound so jealous it’s okay. most of us are only on one dick a night and only go to parties on weekends. you’re not as lonely
as you think

No. 2363823

So should we continue to allow rape to happen to women? Are we going to continue to allow women and girls to be victimized? Pro-abortion retards are disgusting because they have practically admitted they have no strategy or intention to drive down or even try to put an end to male violence. It’s a silent admittance that rapes are always likely to happen and there’s nothing people can do to prevent it.. wow, just wow KEK

No. 2363826

>Birth control and access to abortion punishes women and not men.
Nona. Do you really think a guy won't pump and dump you even if you end up pregnant?

No. 2363829

It's not mutually exclusive

No. 2363830

i just did that myself! playing the victim right now

No. 2363831

This reminds me of that manga where these japanese girls had their ghost abortions around them and they would do anything to get pregnant so they could flaunt their army of fetus ghosts

No. 2363832

Are you retarded? Should we just let more women be raped and have them birth a rapefetus? I wasn't aware Hispanics were the only flavor of scrote raping women.

No. 2363833

what have you done to stop rape?

No. 2363834

nyart but I bet they get their info on pol or some shit.
Whenever you tell moids the stats they hide behind the race card because they are incapable of holding their own accountable. It's always gotta be someone elses fault.

No. 2363835

>Pro-abortion retards are disgusting because they have practically admitted they have no strategy or intention to drive down or even try to put an end to male violence. It’s a silent admittance that rapes are always likely to happen and there’s nothing people can do to prevent it.. wow, just wow KEK
And what do you suggest women do in the meantime, BEFORE we come up with the solution?? This is shitting your pants just so moids have to smell it kek

No. 2363839

Crazy idea, hear me out: What in instead of banning abortions to stop rape we actually punish rapists?

No. 2363840

If we said this about immigrants in the uk we would get banned for racebait

No. 2363841

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Well, now I know what I'm doing this weekend!

No. 2363842

do you want your newborn ghost army to fight mine sunday night? they’ve been really lazy lately

No. 2363843

If you ranked the threads by the most obese users this thread would be number 1

No. 2363850

the places with the most abortions are the places that teach abstinence only education. Those places the kids are more likely to learn about sex through porn than school.
Sorry, I'm not only pro choice but anti stigmatizing abortion. I have seen women who are scared to get abortions with their unwanted babies and so they will self harm in an attempt to kill the fetus (drinking, drugs, throwing themselves down stairs, hanger, the whole gambit.)

No. 2363853

you think we’re all fat just because we’re American? thats harsh nona

No. 2363854

there's definitely at least one immigrant farmhand banning people, you can tell it's personal because talking about immigration isn't against the rules or racebait

No. 2363855

I can't believe that anon actually thinks 90% of rapists give a single fuck whether their victim gets pregnant. The ones that DO care probably would be in favour of aborting it so there's no evidence of their crime, and if the woman can't abort, he'll trap her in an abusive relationship/marriage or just kill her. Best case scenario, the woman still has to go through pregnancy and labour for a child she didn't want, and she would still have to prove it WAS conceived by rape which is difficult. That also means the scrote has a legal entry into her life for the next 18 years. I would rather just let abortions be accessible because the alternative is so much worse.

No. 2363856

Thank you anon for acknowledging this. It’s either an immigrant or a muslim mod

No. 2363858

You literally posted that white people are fine with their taco nights and no one wants authentic food. You are an insane person and I look forward to no longer having to interact with you. Take a vow of silence.

No. 2363859

Nona every American is Amberlynn
>t. American

No. 2363863

>Abortions wouldn’t be necessary if males existed and heterosexuality existed
I hear you nona. I'm tired of lesbians getting abortions.

No. 2363864

Or trisha paytas

No. 2363865

He keeps trying to executive order things to expedite them. Problem is if the senate house etc are all majority Republican he has a home field advantage and the party sucks his dick

No. 2363866

Okay now tell males that

No. 2363867

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I literally don't care if other women are being evil slutty whores who feed the moid machine kek. That doesn't change my mind about abortion.

No. 2363868

Its because when anons talk about hating immigration its for reasons that affects women so it isn’t racebait. But moids see any hate on other races and go ape shit so suddenly you start seeing racebaity posts in these threads and then whatever flavor of the month soyjak being spammed here. The anon you responded to is constantly spamming the same sentence in the Euro thread even though its allowed to hate MOIDS no matter the race, its when it devolves into hating women that it gets out of hand.

No. 2363871

i challenege everyone in this thread to go lose 5 lbs

No. 2363872

It’s an asocial 4chan migrant angry women are even having relations. She’s going too far and it’s revealing where her heads at. It’s not the men, it’s the women. Sure.

No. 2363875

If I lose 5 lbs of my 500 lbs of bone I will die you asshole

No. 2363876

Nobody "understands" what you're saying because what you're saying is retarded. First of all, aborting a rapefetus would, at the very least, prevent a rape gene from being passed on that basically makes it clear that the father successfully reproduced through rape. Second of all, a good way to prevent rape would be to reduce males to a fraction of the populace, something that requires abortion. You are just pro-life lol

No. 2363879

stop calling them pro life when they want kids and women miserable and unwanted.
They are just anti woman and anti happy family

No. 2363882

immigration affects women for mostly the same reasons it affects men. not everything is about rape. lower wages, poorer social cohesion, loss of cultural values are all things that affect everyone in a country, not just men.

No. 2363883

Yall wish you were that quick and witty. Trisha puts the calories to werk

No. 2363885

trump won because he paid elonia to rig the polls.

No. 2363886

It wasn’t an insult, I think trisha is super entertaining, she is just ‘America’ in the form of a woman to me

No. 2363887

It's very telling that you renounce the entirety of feminism because some women disagreed with you on a basket weaving forum. Love yourself.

No. 2363889

Ohhh you're a braindead blackpiller, now it all makes sense

No. 2363893

Can you fuck up with that phrase are you brendanjharkin formerly of twitter now being a fag on bluesky or do you just love sounding like a fat bald ugly man

No. 2363895

Nobody said it’s good because males do it. Do you often see things which aren’t there? Are you superstitious?

No. 2363896

>brendanjharkin formerly of twitter
Genuinely what does this schizobabble mean

No. 2363897

yeah they hate how everyone online talks now more than they hate obvious baiters. that’s why they had a vpn ban where these posts were almost nonexistent for an entire month

No. 2363901

I looked him up and he has 7 followers

No. 2363903

what in the actual fucking schizophrenia

No. 2363904

You just want a way to punish women because you feel like the “whores” who have sex and are pregnant deserve the consequences and it doesn’t matter if rape victims can’t access to it. There’s no point in backtracking it now.
Pro lifers don’t care about children, you would see them battling for better conditions at orphanages and foster care otherwise.

Who cares if Sally is 34 and having an abortion because her husband cheated on her; or if because she is 14 and she has been raped by her uncle; or if she is 22 and hooked up with a rando but doesn’t want to stop university; or if she already has 4 kids and she can’t afford more. Access to abortion is female freedom, I won’t care about the reasons.

No. 2363905

It means that cunt has used that basket weave forum phrase so many previous times on his twitter that it triggers my gag reflex. He's a social justice wanker local to me that vastly over estimates his intelligence and critical thinking abilities especially when the only long term girlfriend he had he met via tumblr while he was finishing uni and her finishing highschool and was anorexic. Shockingly hates terfs and pro trannies it's almost like he's a stupid sexist narcissistic cunt and you sound like him

No. 2363910

>local to me
Looked him up on blue sky and it says he's based in Belfast…. are you Irish?

No. 2363912

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This gay bastard. He had a long tumblr history of being a cunt. Then on twitter and now he's on bluesky because his only chance of getting laid is larping as a social justice warrior when he lives on 4chan and use to constantly drop the basketweaving forum phrase in any arguments he was losing after instigating them all

No. 2363913

go back to twitter

No. 2363916

File: 1737748123701.gif (3.6 MB, 498x498, 1000031328.gif)

Holy shit, I am not your fucking random 7 follower Xitter boogeyman. It's not an uncommon joke to be made on this site, which you would know if you were an actual native and not a retarded baiter. Sheesh.

No. 2363919

Stop using gay 4chan phrases when trying to shut down female discussion

No. 2363921

Why is this random local male you know our problem

No. 2363925

File: 1737748370548.jpg (53.9 KB, 750x758, 1000032019.jpg)

That is, uh, a lot of projection of shit that nobody, including me, has even said kek
>but if I called you a wastebin of genetics that needed to be discarded immediately I’m the one who needs to be banned
So you agree that I shouldn't breed, then? You agree that if (god forbid) something bad happened to me and I got pregnant, it would be better for the fetus to be terminated than to be born with my genetics? See, look how quickly we agreed on something!

No. 2363928

I don’t think you understand how fucking crazy you sound.

No. 2363929

KEK it's always funny how quickly they reach this conclusion while simultaneously fighting against it

No. 2363932

injecting your paranoia that a nona is some random male you hatefollow is not discussion, learn to integrate

No. 2363935

I called you out for sounding a cunt.

No. 2363937

you are literally irish, gtfo

No. 2363939

I would love to see this anon >>2363917 link us to a post they made on here today that was received well.
This is quickly becoming your manifesto.

No. 2363941

And what, Irish were in America before you had most of your states, get bent(baiting)

No. 2363942

It isn't just "talking about immigration" there is one sperg who endlessly spams about immigrants and how much she hates seeing brown people and it's fucking annoying. Personally I don't care that people have different opinions on how countries should handle immigration because it's a complicated topic, but the anon who keeps coming back to whine about seeing immigrants/gloat about ICE raids is a freak.

No. 2363943

I don't think rightoids understand that in order to live in their perfect utopia where the population is controlled, they have to actually take steps to control the population kek

No. 2363944

okay yeah i thought it was the same irish schizo jesus christ

No. 2363948

translation: abortion implicitly allows for women to have sex. i don't think you should have sex with men because then you would have male children who would abuse women. feminism supports abortion, therefore feminism upholds a system dominated by males via allowing for reproduction. you shouldn't have children because you support this.

No. 2363950

and so you're not an amerifag, gtfo

No. 2363952

Thank fuck! Build a wall and get over it hunty

No. 2363953

that anon is way better than the posters who get offended any time women talk about immigration

No. 2363954

Not you tho

No. 2363955

You are really obvious.

No. 2363958

she clearly is obsessed with inserting herself where she doesn’t belong and doubling down when people tell her she’s insane.

No. 2363959

Sorry I'm not 200 years old

No. 2363961

I love how the exact post the schizo wanted to be made just so happened to appear.

No. 2363963

I don't see why "abortion is ultimately the best choice for women" and "immigration bad" can't coexist inside your worldview.

No. 2363965

Nta but Americans love calling themselves Irish. I have NEVER seen this kind of reaction from a burger to an Irish person kek

No. 2363966

I think you are talking about me kek I was the first anon. That anon you replied to wasn’t me

No. 2363968

Clearly that anon? It’s the americans thread. That’s all.

No. 2363970

Do patties not have their own thread or what

No. 2363972

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>Get on my level with the thought process and maybe one day you will understand

No. 2363973

there is no best choice for women, we're all different people. just because you hate men at the expense of yourself doesn't mean the rest of us do. many women are happier being in relationships with men and having kids than not.

No. 2363974

When they start sperging about how much they hate foreign accents and it's just "muh immigration talk". I dont caaareeeee

No. 2363978

>opens thread
>abortion sperging
>closes thread

No. 2363980

Your country literally worships them

No. 2363981

Getting all tribalisitic over a thread on a basket weaving forum youre sounding like an Irish republican now

No. 2363986

>itt a retarded schizo blackpiller would prefer women to die from maternal sepsis just because she wants the illegal mexicans tilling the fields to go back
Kek, never change retards.

No. 2363990

your peace and sanity isn't valid justification for controlling the choices of every other woman. and i'm not even a feminist

No. 2363992

No we like our own brand of Micks, not you

No. 2363993

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Fat congressman Andy Ogles has proposed an amendment to the constitution to allow for a third presidential term. Dear god. Let the political dicksucking Olympics begin…

No. 2363995

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You realize we were going to lose abortion anyway with birthright citizenship babies growing up with their ultra conservative parents and voting american womens rights away right? The country was doomed to lean right anyways.

No. 2363997

Your Micks are retarded if they think its patties and not paddies

No. 2363998

it's weird how people have an expectation that americans should bend over and let politicians import outsiders to destroy the country and never say anything about it.

No. 2363999

Only the illegal immigrants do this because they're incentives not to integrate into American culture (fear of deportation) and form their own language ghettos.

No. 2364001

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No. 2364003

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The dick sucker in question

No. 2364004

Sorry I am not a Mick

No. 2364005

They made it so obama cant run for a third term too. fucking pussies lmfao. Democrats should agree with the amendment if they allow obama to run, that would be the funniest thing ever.

No. 2364006

trump is going to die of a stroke before he makes it another term

No. 2364007

i can’t get past her accusing us of being a gay man she knows in her town with 7 followers coming here to argue with her. yeah love it’s just all irish in the murican thread innit.

No. 2364008

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I mean, of course someone from the tradcath hobbit hole known as Ireland hates abortions. Who will they get their systemic slave labour from if all the pregnant women are gone?

No. 2364012

>The proposed change states that no person shall be elected to the presidency more than three times, and prohibits anyone from seeking additional terms after serving two consecutive ones.
Holy shit, I didn't even notice that part, they really specifically targeted him. Why are republicans so fucking pathetic

No. 2364015

Where the fuck is the country getting destroyed lmao? You are so melodramatic. Every immigrant I've met was a normal person who just came from another country, no better and no worse than your average retard who was born here. Who gives a fuck

No. 2364016

I've personally noticed more violence and crime within the Ukrainian refugee communities in my area than any other immigrant group but that's probably because they're willing to call CPS when Vladimir beats Petyr half to death.

No. 2364018

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No. 2364021

He needs a guaranteed successor, personally I believe he should redpill AOC on troons and illegal immigrants and she'll get he dem vote ez

No. 2364022

I feel like you are talking about someone specific and generalizing your opinion of that person to all immigrants.

No. 2364028

>redpill AOC on troons
I don't think she even understand how strong she would be as a politician if she was terfpilled and read some dworkin. The tranny messaging comes of as extremely weak, in my opinion she just needs to be moderate on troons.

No. 2364029

Tbf most of the countries they're coming from are really fucked. I don't blame them for wanting to leave so they don't get raped/murdered but it's when they import the exact same shit that made their birth country a hellhole that things go south.

No. 2364030

> patties
For a country that is obsessed with them, bases their personality on ‘being Irish’ and overly celebrates St Patrick’s Day. none of you know anything about them kek(ban evasion)

No. 2364032

Based and true. Especially with the ones in the uk as they are all scrotes

No. 2364034

The only people who do that are east coast white trash.

No. 2364035

that's cool, but they still don't belong here.

No. 2364036

Yeah, they should've gone to the closest safe country that's more likely to be culturally accepting of them/speaks their language. That'd be the ideal.

No. 2364040

Americans literally put the indigenous people of America into reservations and have the gall to say this about other immigrants kek. Yall build dingy wooden houses because you won't even take a hint from the climate youre not wanted lol

No. 2364041

I heard Jewn convinced her to remove pronouns from her Twitter bio. I think AOC could become super powerful if she said some shit like "we can't talk about trannies rn we need to focus on women"

No. 2364042

But most immigrants are MEN who leave women and children behind

No. 2364043

What do wooden houses have to do with anything?

No. 2364044

File: 1737750445565.png (259.83 KB, 600x647, asGaehttatjhtj.png)

Racist and miosogynistic men creating a shitstorm in their own countries do not "deserve" to enter ours. All of the deportation videos have been men with criminal records and you think they want the best for you?

No. 2364045

That's why we should only allow whole family groups or just women and children.

No. 2364048

Democrats need to start pulling shady shit, we do not need another fugly fat rapist term.

No. 2364051

If only anon, if only. But you are regarded as a /pol/tard if you think that way

No. 2364052

Having such a shitty president that long will have dire consequences. Trudeau has been in power for nearly a decade and look how awful canada is now.

No. 2364054

No you're regarded as a /pol/tard when you go schizosperging about not caring if women die of maternal sepsis.

No. 2364057

No it isn’t. Just look at the bong/euro threads

No. 2364058

I'm not going to do that.

No. 2364066

I didn't say they deserved anything, just that I understood why they'd do it.

No. 2364074

she literally thought her nemesis from twitter was on here fighting with her so that tracks.

No. 2364078

I'm hoping we can get to a point where we can have women's reproductive rights and also an anti-troon laws into place.

No. 2364080

Kek you must be a baiting newfag because even in the OLD euro threads from years back anons would have the same sentiment of only wanting women and children being taken in for asylum. When Italy blocked a boat of refugees from coming in and most of the people drowned, anons thought it was based because the boat was filled with men only. /pol/fags think that since women agree on some aspects of anti-immigration that we’re suddenly okay with not helping other women, moids truly love tribalism and that’s why they love to racebait here.

No. 2364085

hi it’s me brendan. i’m watching you through your cameras and voting pro choice.

No. 2364086

Dont you have potatoes to grow

No. 2364089

Can you bait even harder, this one's really weak.

No. 2364090

>mother and baby homes
Oh god I remember seeing a thing on that. So pro life until you realize those babies were taken away from their mothers and most of them were starved to death.
They found a mass grave with like 800 different remains of babies and children

No. 2364091

Did u tell that to ur mom

No. 2364092

File: 1737751515707.jpg (59 KB, 736x736, 82d15336739d3f561b905bd91195e1…)

It snowed like 3 times for us in the south so this winter was a total success

No. 2364095

Lucky… the north barely gets the good snow anymore

No. 2364097

Your mom should have aborted you late into term and then slap you into a jerky dehydrater, crush you into a fine powder, then roll you up into a joint to smoke while having sex.(a-logging/replying to bait)

No. 2364104

Anon I think I hear your handler calling for you to take your anti-psychotics. Don't keep her waiting. She might even put them in chocolate pudding this time!

No. 2364105

>sexhavers should all die because i don’t… wait why are you guys calling me an incel from 4chan

No. 2364107

There's this trumptard house I drive by sometimes that makes these gay little signs to hang on his fence and one of them said "FACT: THE UNINFORMED VOTE DEMOCRAT" and that has made all the people that voted for trump only to then go "wait oh no he's gonna do WHAT????" extra funny. I wanna put bologna on his car.

No. 2364109

File: 1737751833337.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1125x1494, C6B0BFF7-76DF-442B-8B55-1A2798…)

It’s snowed enough to get that cozy, winter vibe but not enough for me to hate my life. It’s so nice!

No. 2364110

Don't dive a car if you don't want to get beheaded in a car accident! Don't go to college if you don't want to die in a mass-shooting! Don't drink two cups of coffee if you don't want to die of cardiac arrest. You sound like a retarded second grader that should have been put into the SPED program.

No. 2364113

Nyart but They are retarded attention whores and I'm surprised this level of obvious baiting is allowed.

No. 2364120

no, we should just stop importing people. this country has enough as it is

No. 2364126

stop responding to the same sperg every thread please

No. 2364127

how long have you been alone?

No. 2364128

>so why are you getting pregnant again if you’re aware of the risks of death, disability and illness it brings?
Again? KEK You literally have to be schizophrenic, what the fuck are you even talking about. Go boof your meds.

No. 2364130

File: 1737752334010.gif (2.17 MB, 323x498, ragebait-rage.gif)

No. 2364131

I wish the mods would wake up

No. 2364132

I think you can have sex without getting pregnant, and if you want to get pregnant intentionally it's important to have the ability to abort incase things go wrong.

No. 2364137

Abortion is really cool.

No. 2364138

im not spergchan lol

No. 2364139

samefag but i was agreeing with the anon i was replying to, too

No. 2364140

Wanna have an abortion ghost fight next week? I just got my 80th abortion of the year!!

No. 2364142

my apologies i thought she was seriously trying to pull a “i’m actually zen about this right now”

No. 2364144

If I didn't have sex with men how would I build my abortion ghost army?

No. 2364145

hey guys i wonder if this anon has any particular feelings one way or the other about oral sex

No. 2364146

File: 1737752616701.jpg (38.59 KB, 427x381, 1000012234.jpg)

Uh huh, sure grandma but it's time for bed.

No. 2364147

This is the majority opinion, anon. Just ignore the sperg she'll tire herself out

No. 2364149

But pro-lifers totally aren't the evil baby killers though!!

No. 2364151

Oh man I'd love to know her opinions on dicksucking otherwise known as "blowjobbing" or female on male oral sex, otherwise known as oral coitus?

No. 2364152

File: 1737752698262.gif (6.97 MB, 448x640, 1737310458254.gif)


No. 2364153

expiry of levonorgestrel: 4 yrs. just stock up until we have a new president.

No. 2364154

You are the result of a fetish roleplay kek

No. 2364157

I'm a lesbian and I get metaphysical abortions. It kills conceptual babies. it works

No. 2364158

Can we stop talking to bait chan and talk about out based ABORTION GHOST ARMY?!

No. 2364162

My abortion baby ghost army is bigger and stronger than your abortion baby ghost army.

No. 2364163


No. 2364165

I have the strongest abortion baby ghost army, it's so strong it's protecting the amerifag thread. can anyone else feel the force field? that's how many abortions i've gotten..

No. 2364166

Women aren't a monolith you tard.

No. 2364167

Samefag but I make my girlfriend get abortions too so we can stack our ghost babies.

No. 2364168

Bullshit i know you only fuck femboy k pop dweebs to force them to fund your abortions.
I fucked every contestant of worlds strongest man 10 years in a row and all my abortions are 3 feet tall at 8 weeks and raided to the teeth

No. 2364170

nta but my abortion ghost babies are xx chromosome stem cell babies so they're actually the strongest

No. 2364173

disorganized speech is a symptom of schizophrenia.

No. 2364174

the dumb thing about abortion is that people pretend it'll help us cull males when females are selectively aborted far more

No. 2364175

FUCK YOU!!! I ONLY FUCK THE SEXIEST ROIDPIG PRETTY BOYS. I can't believe this disrespect. You've deeply upset my abortion baby ghost army and the drawling melancholic wails of over a billion lost fetuses has made my neighbors call the cops for a noise complaint.

No. 2364176

It didn't occur to me that people genuinely don't know the difference between california and new york.

No. 2364177

I only have moidabortions women fetus ghosts are for for developing tech for the warrior scrotebortions

No. 2364179

both suck so who cares

No. 2364183

oh my god you can not disguise that you get off on this

No. 2364184

This is something a chuuni anime villain would type while seething and foaming at the mouth.

No. 2364186

abortion is a just choice to prevent genetic anomalies from being born

No. 2364191

File: 1737753363697.png (302.61 KB, 602x426, ashisfromnewyork.png)

There's this cosplayer who took photos in what I presume to be cali or florida from the trees but the character is very much from New York. The aesthetic is completely wrong

No. 2364196

I ship u with bj chan

No. 2364198

Im a virgin and you were born of a fetish haha

No. 2364200

Just had my seventh abortion just because of your sperging and I was planning on keeping it too. Sorry Shaynasty Anon Jr, mommy hates schizos more than she loved you. RIP.

No. 2364202

Horshoe theory in the flesh.

No. 2364205

Bait chan was the houseslave who was anti abolishing slavery in her past life

No. 2364206

No. 2364209

>Shaynasty Anon Jr
There are tears in my eyes

No. 2364210

I just think male abortion should be highly encouraged.
Rule 63 one child policy

No. 2364211

Yeah it should be a woman's choice to dispose of her unborn child. You realize keeping abortion legal everywhere lessens the female mortality rate, right.

No. 2364212

one child policy would be extremely based i really wish we would adopt that

No. 2364215

The right wingers crying about muh decreasing population would burn every abortion clinic to the ground before that happens.

No. 2364218

Deport all irish people next

No. 2364222

I only disagree because kids who grow up with no siblings are always weirdos

No. 2364224

Right wingers don't know nor understand what they want.

No. 2364227

File: 1737754242177.jpg (88.14 KB, 640x1395, 1000013955.jpg)

>"rapist criminals are destroying the country, so I voted for one!"

The brain damage in burgerland is profound kek

No. 2364229

Abortion fight with me. Now.

No. 2364232

Microplastics and roundup voted in Trump. Change my mind

No. 2364235

>voted in Trump
Care to elaborate nonny? Do you mean like microplastics influenced how the people voted

No. 2364239

Because the UK itself is India 2 at this point. I remember at one point I wanted to leave America and live in the UK so badly, but now it’s essentially the same kek.

No. 2364246

File: 1737754688631.jpeg (811.69 KB, 1170x1483, IMG_8834.jpeg)

sad and disgusting, fucking up children’s’ education for some retarded ass great replacement theory fueled racewar

No. 2364247

Do u think a brain made entirely of meat would vote for its own destruction

No. 2364248

Why are they raiding schools, what the fuck.

No. 2364249

Males exist, so yes.

No. 2364251

We need to ban moids from voting

No. 2364253

Many people feel their lives aren’t destroyed by Trump going back into office

No. 2364254

I'm sure they'll be humming a different tune after these 4 years of freakish carnival rules and regulations.

No. 2364255

They voted trump out in 2020 but then wanted him back. It makes no sense

No. 2364256

File: 1737754943647.jpeg (973.06 KB, 1125x1718, IMG_7568.jpeg)

Tired of this hideous scrote. Wish the billionaires funding him would go broke

No. 2364257

Principals should be charged for aiding criminals.

No. 2364258

They really think grocery prices will decrease kek

No. 2364263

I remember hearing people say this in 2017 when he first went into office, and then he still had people voting for him in 2020. There are Americans who just agree with what he claims

No. 2364266

The type of people voting for Trump usually aren’t the kind who are concerned about things like gas and grocery prices

No. 2364267

And those Americans are retarded.

No. 2364269

Somebody toss a rock at his 5head and record it I feel like it would make a crazy "DINK" sound.

No. 2364274

They literally made it almost their whole thing, did you even speak to Trump voters

No. 2364276

Nona who is “they”? Are you just referring to people on twitter?

No. 2364278

they don’t eat or drive?

No. 2364281

Nta but my parents voted for Trump for gas and grocery prices kek, that was his angle for the working class and middle class retards.

No. 2364285

No kek thats not what I said, I mean they’re not concerned about it. As in changes in price don’t affect them.

No. 2364287

Neighbors, coworkers, strangers irl. You know, Trump voters.

No. 2364299

>Neighbors, coworkers, strangers
Oh, ok. So every single neighbor on your block, all of your coworkers, and every stranger you happen to have a conversation with has told you that they voted for Trump solely because they’re concerned about gas and grocery prices?

No. 2364300

Nta but why are you so defensive? Why do you think MOST people voted for Trump? It was because of the "Biden gas high, Trump make gas low" stuff.

No. 2364304

the average trump voter is pretty poor, and prices for common goods were a huge part of his campaign. where have you been for the past year?

No. 2364310

Nona I’m not trying to sound defensive over anything, it’s just that the original comment asked the question “Do u think a brain made entirely of meat would vote for its own destruction” and our discussion has lead to the topic of how Trump supporters apparently only voted him in because they’re concerned about gas and grocery prices. So I asked my own reasonable questions in response. Looking at the numbers, there are 77 million people who voted for Trump, and we have no way of knowing the reasons each individual chose to circle his name on the ballot. Including that other anons 2 parents, that’s 2 out of 77 million people who we know specifically voted because they think it means the gas prices will change
But we also have to take into consideration, the average American is pretty poor to begin with. And idk if I just misunderstood his campaign but I kind of thought he was running more on trad shit?

No. 2364313

You are stupid but yes every person I know who I have spoken with who voted for Trump cares about everyday stuff like prices kek

No. 2364318

File: 1737756323120.jpg (222.84 KB, 1125x1623, voterchart.JPG)

I’m not involved in this debate, but picrel is pretty interesting. It shows which issues impacted voters the most. I do think it’s important to understand what issues actually matter to voters. Sorry if it was posted here before.

No. 2364320

Lets take a few steps back real quick
>cares about everyday stuff like prices kek
Caring about prices is one thing, but casting a vote for a specific individual because you want the price of pickles to go down is another kek. Not to sound like a hard ass but I asked a really specific question; they informed you that they voted for Trump solely because of their belief that he can magically change prices?

No. 2364323

File: 1737756564775.jpg (119.04 KB, 1480x833, abortions for all.jpg)

>I have the strongest abortion baby ghost army its the greatest abortion baby ghost army you've ever seen no abortion baby ghost army is as big and strong as mine its the greatest abortion baby ghost army you're ever gonna see I have the best abortion baby ghost army

No. 2364324

Yes people are retarded, fall for propaganda, and don’t read the opposition. I know a millennial Trumpie (yes irl) who was posting memes of AI generated Trump saving cats from Haitians.

No. 2364329

Sorry for sounding out of the loop but what’s going on with cats and haitians?

No. 2364332

There was false information going around that Haitian immigrants were going 'hunting' in residential areas for cats/dogs.

No. 2364334

Vance said Haitian immigrants eat cats and dogs and Trumpers ran with it. It wasn’t just confined to the terminally online, boomers were particularly fearmongered.

No. 2364336

Terfs are vindicated. Progressives need to opt out of the culture war and drop troons. dems also have a messaging issue, inflation wasn't actually bad, we just couldn't message that. 50% of americans believed we were in a recession despite not being in a recession

No. 2364342

>Latino voters think immigration is one of the biggest issues
Bitch you ARE the immigrants kek

No. 2364344

There's nothing legal immigrants and their children/descendants hate more than illegals. Most naturalized Latino citizens fucking despise asylum seekers from central/south America.

No. 2364345

>Kamala Harris would raise taxes on the middle class
I just don't get how people thought that the dem would raise taxes on the 99% and the rich shady businessman wouldn't. Is it facebook poisoning?

No. 2364348

samefag and tech sperg but whether you guys like it or not, the internet is reality now. most people no matter their age group are probably on social media. zoomers on tiktok and boomers on facebook blah blah blah. on tiktok zoomers would often get videos shoved in their faces like "OH EM GEE WERE IN A RECESSION SO RECESSION POP IS MAKING A COMEBACK!!" (i shit you not), zoomers dooming about groceries, zoomers believing 2% inflation is actually really bad. Kind of the same for boomers except it's obviously more republican on there so theyd get shit pushed out to them by zucky berg saying all of their financials falls are because biden hit the "prices high" button. The internet should be decentralized and we should bring the forum model back because it's human centered. the current engagement farming algorithm is not

No. 2364349

there was that viral video of the obviously 1st gen Mexican or whatever saying he didn't want any more immigrants to get let in. they literally wanna pull the ladder up behind them kek

No. 2364351

changing the topic to immigrants, when do you personally believe someone becomes American?

No. 2364353

That's been the topic for like the past 15 threads anon

No. 2364354

imo 1st gen immigrants never are but their kids are

No. 2364355

Legal immigrants hate illegals because it makes them look bad.

No. 2364356

No. 2364360

Why are we one of the only countries where you "become" american? If your family wasn't on the land when the constitution was written you're not american simple.

No. 2364362

You can't, and that's okay.

No. 2364365

File: 1737757797628.jpeg (839.09 KB, 1125x1470, IMG_5111.jpeg)

In a couple years more women will be pregnant and it’s the baby boom all over again. SMH if no-fault divorce goes out the window I’m out of here.
Illegals get lots of benefits and money. I understand why they’re hated.

No. 2364367


No. 2364368

so my 3rd great grandparents came to America around 100 years ago, does that mean i’m not American even though myself, my parents, their parents, and their grandparents were all born here?

No. 2364370

You have to be retarded, there's no other way

No. 2364371

fuck why did jannies delete all the posts itt i wanted to see the sperg you guys are making fun of

No. 2364372

No, and that's ok.

Also No.

No. 2364374

>Illegals get lots of benefits and money
I see people parrot this all the time but. What benefits and money? Where?
It was really boring, you're not missing out

No. 2364375

She was too powerful

No. 2364376

well American DNA doesn’t exist so technically nobody is American

No. 2364378

There is no such thing as "country dna" nonna

No. 2364381

File: 1737758216279.png (2.91 MB, 2048x1208, justrexin.png)

Am I a joke to you?

No. 2364382

yeah thats what i said, American DNA doesn’t exist

No. 2364383

nta but it's weird as fuck to gatekeep america as if it wasn't founded by immigrants too. i would get it if like a finnish person said that the only way to truly be finnish is if you're ethnically finnish since finns have been living there for centuries with a strong cultural identity but america has only been around for 400 years and literally brought slaves over. what even is your point

No. 2364385

Nta and yeah there isn't country DNA but I get what anon's saying, America doesn't have a strong ethnic identity because it was ironically formed by immigrants

No. 2364386

What am I then

No. 2364388

You remind me of the redditors who autistically trace their ancestry through 23andme kek

No. 2364389

why would we not be american even though the last 3 generations of my family have been born in America, assimilated to American culture, and spent their entire lives in American society?

No. 2364392

File: 1737758408669.jpg (131.65 KB, 1500x1125, burger.JPG)

wtf this is literally me tho

No. 2364395

nta but i’ve never liked shit like ancestry.org and 23anme, when someone asks me what i am i say American kek

No. 2364398

400 years is 300 years longer than finland has been a country

No. 2364402

samefag sorry i’m a retarded American and i meant to say 6 generations

No. 2364404

File: 1737758682279.jpeg (350.5 KB, 1242x1856, IMG_3466.jpeg)

some irish schizo had a full melty about immigration and abortion and how having sex is asking for death you whores etc. at one point she spiraled so much she thought we were people she knew.

No. 2364405

Sounds like indigenous people needed better border security.

No. 2364409

Same nonnie
Don't split hairs, she's saying ethnic Finns have been living in that region for thousands of years, in comparison to "ethnic Americans" which is not a group that exists
I almost thought I was on /pol/ reading this post

No. 2364410

but does anything really matter when talking about being a nation or country? it's all arbitrary. the people who live in finlad have lived there longer than europeans have even been christian so again, what makes someone an american? the brits who came here? the germans who came here?

No. 2364416

ntayrt but there isn’t any people that are technically ‘indigenous’ to America, there were Indians, Asians, and Siberians who did migrate to the land first and were the original Americans before the Italians and Anglos though

No. 2364418

Fucking kek

No. 2364421

hello fellow americans. what kind of burgers did we all eat for our meals today? i had a beyond burger, a black bean burger, and a hot dog.

No. 2364422

the irish are usually chill what happened

No. 2364423


No. 2364425

damn this makes me want a chicken burger..

No. 2364427

it’s just the one who is a personality fag at this point after the last few days of immigration sperging. she was going schizo earlier before this accusing someone of posting posing as her. i think it’s just one of the spergs here who is literally schizophrenic.

No. 2364428

i had a mcdonalds two cheeseburger meal because i wanted orange hi-c

No. 2364429

it will always be ironic that this website attracts cowlike posters

No. 2364436

The cows yearn for the Farms

No. 2364438

woman of culture

No. 2364439

I had a med-rare with special sauce and fries on top of the patty with a thick slice of tomato and butter lettuce. It made me so gassy but was so good

No. 2364462

So you think that what happened to the native Americans was a good thing? That's more of a pol opinion then anything I've heard.

No. 2364464

File: 1737760895523.jpg (119.72 KB, 608x609, tumblr_cf521fab33f9b2b18bd07e5…)

>thinking the 70 something geriatric man with many failed businesses would improve the economy
Are you daft?

No. 2364468


No. 2364483

I find it very ironic that some moid came and infested the thread when I posted in the last thread how women (including teenagers) can deal with death sentences and life imprisonment for having abortions (this includes induces miscarriages and may include situations like ectopic pregnancies, by the way.) He pretends to care about "women's safety" but nowhere mentions how America is #1 when it comes to maternal rates compared to first world countries. He never responded to my post mentioning how they're very vague about "life risk" procedures and whatnot. Do you think he would say anything if I mentioned that 42% of teenage girls who are expectant mothers (15-17) partners are adult men (25+) and if I mentioned how the percentage gets bigger the younger the mother is? My boyfriend's mom had to undergo an ectopic pregnancy because the doctors were worried they could get in trouble with the abortion law and she risked her life, she luckily lived, but that's not the case for most. There is no nuance for males, it's like they project themselves onto mommy and fear being aborted themselves. Retard, this is going to increase the maternal death rates. Didn't we just have some case recently where a mother died in texas because her doctors were afraid of being prosecuted when she had some life altering pregnancy? What the fuck makes anon think that doctors wouldn't be more terrified now that death sentences is on the line? What happens if a mom has cancer and it spreads even more if she gives birth? You really think her doctor is going to risk that when they get questioned for it when they deal with hundreds of other patients daily? Think critically. I know moids have a low eq, but seriously.

No. 2364484

what drives people to be like this?
Does she have like that intersex mutation where she functions and looks like a woman but has a Y chromosome?

No. 2364487

we have enough, we don't need to import more.
are you even american?

No. 2364498

nyart but I wanted bernie in because he hasn't been accused/convicted of rape and also wanted to keep immigrants out.
Also Trump isn't preventing immigrants from coming in hes just yeeting the browns out before they get a chance to realize how hard they are being fucked and do something crazy like ask for more money for their slave labor

No. 2364518

Just remember the first one who allowed immigrants in was republican. Republicans may claim that they hate immigrants, but they love them and were the only ones who upheld policies of undocumented immigrants not having workers rights because they love unpaid labor. You are delusional for thinking someone who is known for being a grifter and is a past celebrity would actually fall through, like Elon Musk didn't just admit to liking immigrants because 20 underpaid workers can amount to the pay of one documented worker. Reagen fucked us over completely and deregulated corporations, most of the higher ups love them because of the fact that it literally benefits them. I dont like immigrants, and I do not want more of them, but these people love them because of unpaid labor. They are simply appeasing to you and giving more benefits to the higher ups. Trump's prospects of tax cuts is mostly benefiting the 1%, just like Reagen. Liberals are annoying because they like immigrants because "muh poor rape apes feelings", while republicans secretly like them because of free labor. The one defining trait of the past republican presidents was supporting corporations and deregulating them, you act like some of Reagens policies still aren't upheld. Reagen also promised tax cuts as well, and look what happened. They will continue fucking you over and telling you that the one stealing your job is the single mother, while the top 8 richest people control half of the world populations wealth. Guess who is friends with them?

No. 2364533

i mean she thinks someone from twitter found her here so almost undoubtedly schizophrenia although the being malicious racist and hating women is one hundred percent a character defect.

No. 2364535

I appreciate trump, musk, and republicans for at least placing a spotlight on the violent crimes committed by immigrants. I know nothing will change (there's millions of them here now, it's over), but the democrats and libbed up redditors love to pretend that there isn't a problem, and they even will laugh in the faces of women who express their fears over having to live on the same street as ms13 members.

No. 2364544

The anon calling out the gay use of 4chan lingo while also doxxing a retard's twitter was not the baiting anon

No. 2364546

yes she was, farmhands went through and deleted only that users posts.

No. 2364547

I said you sounded like a faggot that i know that over uses 4chan lingo and is terminally online. It was an insult. I also haven't been posting the past 3 hours and wasn't responsible for those deleted posts you illiterate cunt

No. 2364548

Then why are my posts about Brendan gay harkin still up kek.

No. 2364549

modern progressives need to be like bernie, i miss his politics having more prevalence. I agree with him on basically everything

No. 2364551

it literally says that person was based in belfast and irish spergchan was talking about how they were local lol

No. 2364553

Bush and Reagen completely fucked us over and created a bigger gap with the working class and the higher class. The one defining trait of republicans is supporting corporations, democrats are retarded because of social issues, but their economic policies was at least fair. Do you think private sectors owning health care providers is supported by democrats or republicans? Republicans literally support private sectors, which is proven to care more about profits rather than the patients themselves. Do you know why red states have a higher increase in cancer and have lower education than blue states? They do not care about Americans, why do you think Reagen has created policies that deregulated corporations? Why do you think private owned for profit corporations have such an increase in denying insurance, including those with cancer? You thought the billionaires who has no issue denying their family would give a shit about you and not pander to you? Trump was friends with Jeffrey Epstein and was friends with Desantis even when he posted that photo of him with a 17 year old girl. You think these people actually give a shit about morals? You cannot be plutocratic without having some kind of immorality.

No. 2364555

I had a deer burger and it was amazing. First time having deer. 10/10

No. 2364559

I said I was local once and then those who thrive on infights just assumed everyone replying was me. It's not schizophrenia to say you sound like a faggot I hate, work on your English comprehension or an immigrant will take your job for a higher wage

No. 2364561

you mean they placed a spotlight away from ALL men committing violent crimes.
Hating on migrants isn't new, dumbass. It's been around since the migrants were european

No. 2364564

Amerimutts are too fucking stupid to like him. They even fear class consciousness and have feared calling out corporations because they think it makes them a communist.

No. 2364565

weird how you even care and yet are saying the exact same racist shit about immigration. trying to change the narrative now that you’re a personalityfag?

No. 2364566

I had some deer chops a neighbor hunted for me
Shit was 14/10 like filet mignon
Lets go hunting together nona

No. 2364567

immigrant with creepy male relatives exposes herself(bait)

No. 2364568

this is getting weird again

No. 2364569

Im a 4th generation european immigrant you fucking glowie. Now be gone before I alog your kind with my car terry style

No. 2364570


No. 2364571

so you're probably a suburban white women who doesn't actually need to interact with weird haitian/venezuelan/etc men on a daily basis, got it.

No. 2364573

I don't even know what personality fag you're on about because I haven't been going on about immigration i just thought it was a good insult to tack on due to the thread discussing immigration and implying youre so retarded rather than the assumption an immigrant is going to undercut you, theyre actually much more educated and valuable than your dumbass

No. 2364575

They dont want to admit that republicans are the one advocating for child marriages and whatnot. They want to act deliberately obtuse and pretend like it hasn't been them who has been adamant on "fertility" on women and focusing on teen girls, because they don't actually care about that.
>What are proponents saying in favor of child marriage?
Although the United States joined a United Nations’ plan in 2016 to end child marriages by 2030, lawmakers continue to debate the minimum marriage age in statehouses around the country. Those arguing in favor of permitting children to marry often argue that establishing any restrictions will interfere with parental rights or religious liberty.

In Wyoming, Republican lawmakers circulated a letter to constituents earlier this year that argued that preventing children from marriage could discourage teen parents from being able to raise their children under one roof. The lawmakers concluded that the marriage age should align with the age in which children become physically capable of having their own children. In Tennessee, Republicans temporarily sought last year to eliminate any limits on marriage entirely. And in Missouri, a Republican lawmaker earlier this year defended child marriage, supporting parents’ right to choose whom their children marry and when. In West Virginia, a Republican spoke out this year against a proposed child marriage ban because he was a teenager when he was married and worried that young people who wanted to get married would simply travel out of state to do so.https://19thnews.org/2023/07/explaining-child-marriage-laws-united-states/

No. 2364576

oh look. it’s getting schizophrenic in here again the second the irish personality fag just so happens to return. hmm.

No. 2364577

File: 1737763623737.jpg (133.46 KB, 720x549, Screenshot_20250123-181308_You…)

0 days without racebait and infighting

No. 2364578

White, yes, suburban, no. Sorry you are an urbanite. Not my problem

No. 2364580

why is there someone saying this thread is about immigration lol what

No. 2364583

there was a whole saga of immigration and abortion sperging all day a bunch of posts got deleted

No. 2364585

i know that but she said it as if this thread was immigration themed or something kek

No. 2364586

How much of this do u think has to do with the vpn ban being lifted

No. 2364587

Are you underage or just retarded?

No. 2364588

the anti women people were also being racist against immigration, the irish one was doing this the other day too

No. 2364589

they were gone for the most part for a minute there

No. 2364590

Imagine looking just like your fugly ass dad. Ivanka is equally hideous. Damn

No. 2364592

You've got the wrong Irish anon, I haven't been posting about immigration the past few days I've barely been active

No. 2364593

are you the spergchan lmao

No. 2364595

The only men who should be allowed in power should be conventionally attractive. Presidential elections should be beauty contests.
Change my mind.

No. 2364596

you just so happened to be posting at the exact same time when they were saying the exact same thing in multiple threads before they switched to abortion sperging.

No. 2364598

Have you like… actually worked with nonwhite people? I've literally had no more issues with nonwhite moids than I have with white moids. I just want men to die. Simple as.

No. 2364599

Abort and deport all irish! Do your due diligence

No. 2364600

You can literally scroll up and see where i came into this discussion 4 hours ago, my posts weren't deleted and I haven't posted the past 3 hours. You're acting schizo maybe take a break

No. 2364603

my grandmother was half irish, does that count?

No. 2364604

literally why do you even care just stop identifying yourself

No. 2364605

My last post was >>2363935, I haven't been posting in about 4 hours.

No. 2364606

None of this gay abortion/immigration would be here if l*igisperging was allowed is all I'm saying

No. 2364608

Yeah abort her

No. 2364611

it still looks like that was you from the other posts above and below it? maybe they left that info up intentionally? i don’t really care and idk why you’re so invested on defending your honor on an anonymous website

No. 2364613

never understood why rightoids can't just say they're racist and hate nonwhites instead of sperging out all day. it makes it easier for you and for everyone else

No. 2364616

No I just came into a thread late triggered seeing that phrase and didn't realise there was active bait happening lol.

No. 2364618

We need to do experiments on conservative brains. There has to be some part of their neurological system that is defective

No. 2364631

my whole extended family are typical northeast democrats who voted democrat for decades for the sake of their generous fiscal policies. fast forward to 2025 and now they're all republican because of social issues like the 2020 blm riots, covid hysteria, and now migrants overflowing into our state. at what point do you value financial security/beautiful cities/free healthcare/free education over immediate dangers, ie scary immigrant men?

No. 2364632

This looks AI generated tbh

No. 2364639

what phrase you just went off and started vendettafagging lol

No. 2364642

I want to live in the timeline where Bernie just finished his 8 years as president…

No. 2364644

it very obviously is. boomers and xers share these videos on facebook it's tragic.

No. 2364650

nta but is financial security not an immediate concern for americans?

No. 2364667

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oh and by beautiful cities I mean a typical walkable european or asian city with access to public transit, easy access to amenities, multi family housing etc.
my state has the best healthcare and extremely generous financial benefits for poor people, but I do not want to share these things with immigrants who can't even be asked to learn English. And financial security is important, being poor is very traumatizing, but I'd also rather not live on the same floor as haitian gang members if it means I make more money than someone in west virginia. it sucks overall.

No. 2364674

It's definitely giving off "then everybody stood up and clapped" energy kek

No. 2364684

>being racist against immigration

No. 2364689

i forgot to put an and? i’ve probably made worse typos today lol who gives a fuck

No. 2364706

i can't believe they're going to make a drunken incompetent wife-beating fox news host the secretary of defense just because he's "against woke." at this point i should believe it. but part of me just can't

No. 2364730

I have a theory Nonnas:

America is deadass broke. As in it's bankrupt. We printed so much money during Covid and it was only the cherry on top of an already unsustainable amount of debt. Now the house of cards has begun to fall, it's all unraveling. The reason Trumpy has been acting so erratic and threatening our allies and neutral states (Panama, Canada, Denmark and Mexico) is because he's genuinely trying to start a war which would result in massive revenue for the US MIC and lower our debt. Biden tried to do it as well by antagonizing China over Taiwan, but China didn't take the bait. For this plan to work another country has to take the shot first so the US can act all moral and shit, but I think others have caught on to the scheme.

I genuinely think we'll be bankrupt within a year and that our economy will simply implode.

No. 2364740

Damn interesting theory.

No. 2364747

Maybe but we already generate revenue via MIC with our meddling in the middle east. Maybe it isn’t enough though. But what does Trump know about defense contractors? Does he know enough?

No. 2364759

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Late to the shooter discussion but here's Candace Owens' response to being cited as an "inspiration'

No. 2364767

Lmao of course she's going to live in denial that her morally bankrupt divisive grifter shit isn't grooming retarded kids into psychopathy. She needs that redneck money.

No. 2364783

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>cut medical research so the richest 5% can pocket the change
The US is crumbling

No. 2364784

Is….this going to last forever, or…… what the fuck.

No. 2364790

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Fact Check: REAL

No. 2364807

Praying that this means the resulting unchecked H5N1 outbreak ravages the ivermectards, and ushers in an era of peace and prosperity. I am on a lethal dose of copium

No. 2364819

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Honestly funny how kamala got the "well people wouldnt take her seriously because she's a woman!! we need a durrr strong man!!" when this is the "strong man" in question who shits itself in front of everyone all the time

No. 2364826

one million views KEK

No. 2364833

brb, starting an ai maga yt channel to get clicks from gullible boomers

No. 2364835

I think all those things considered is better than immigrants that you can protect yourself against. Carry arms. I think living longer and healthier lives and not having to pay thousands into treatments for diseases is better than the alternative. What does it matter if now it's going to be even more difficult to have treatments, if they want to make it harder for the middle class to live? Now they're proposing bills to have death sentences for women who have abortions. They are opposing bills that ends child marriages or requires a higher age to marry. They are specifically making it harder to be well educated for a reason, and I theorize that they are deliberately doing it to make americans more dependent and more unintelligent. 21% of americans are already illiterate, what makes you think they're not using red herrings and whatnot to distract us? They have already admitted to wanting to import more immigrants for underpaid labor. The difference between democrats and republicans is that one is better at bluffing, as their entire ideology literally promotes capitalism, because that's literally what they stand for. We saw what happened with United when they denied most insurance when it comes to cancer and whatnot. Do you genuinely think billionaires who's whole ideology revolves around promoting private corporations is better for us than immigrants? There's easy solutions for immigrants, but there isnt an easy solution for the damage that previous republicans have done for the economy. Who do you think was at fault for covid? Trump was literally warned about it and did nothing in January before the pandemic even happened, he ignored it. You think our social programs for cancer research, for researching for diseases and whatnot isnt included in social programs? Be honest with yourself. Reagen completely fucked over our climate too when he was a self proclaimed environmentalist with his oil policies and when he wanted to ruin Afghan. You think these people actually mean what they're saying, the same man who has had no issue befriending Desantis and Epstein?

No. 2364838

To add to my theory - all these cuts to everything? All the now dead initiatives, government agencies and so on? It's all because we're bankrupt. We can't finance shit anymore, so the only option America has is to turn itself into a 100% oligarchy where EVERYTHING costs money, where EVERYTHING has to be paid out of pocket. AI is also a part of this, the point of AI is to push as many people as possible into low paying jobs like agricultural work etc. That's the true reason why immigrants who are working shit jobs are being thrown out - THEY SEND MONEY BACK HOME while US citizens locked into perpetual poverty will spend it here. Trumpy promised 500 billion to his cocksucker Musk and Zuckerberg to create Stargate AI, but this is already dead in the water. It was supposed to be another Microsoft tier company worth billions in the end, but the Chinese made an open source model and released it for free and it can run on basically anything. This by itself destroyed this potential billion dollar industry AND made Nvidia's ultra expensive hardware instantly unnecessary and this'll soon wipe out their insane stock value. That's the real reason China released the model for free - it was to prevent America from creating an entire new industry and they did it in a way that benefits the whole of humanity.

Wars in the middle east or the aid given to Ukraine are peanuts, only a world war, a huge war, could bring in enough revenue to save the US economy. We produce jackshit. Tesla? The Chinese do it better for a fraction of a price. Apple? China and South Korea make phones of all varieties and price points. And… that's it. That's fucking it. We have a lot of resources we can export but that's about it. We produce NOTHING with which we can counter China or Europe. And since the US is acting all retarded it's inevitable that all other countries will start to trade with each other and avoid trading with the US, and this'll FUCK the US dollar into oblivion. Trump's crypto shitcoin is his golden parachute, that's why he made it. It's his exit scheme if… when, shit goes tits up. He sold our asses down the river.

We aren't just fucked, we're in so much deep shit nothing can save us at this point except a total removal of Trump, that faggot Vance and all the wannabe oligarchs around them. The federal government is fucking bankrupt and that's why it's all shutting down. We're fucking screwed and I wish the spirit of Washington would rise from his grave bayonet in hand because this is the kind of shit that made him and the founding fathers rebel in the first place. We're living in a tyranny and God help us all. It's going to get really, really really fucking bad.

No. 2364847

File: 1737773233700.jpeg (110.03 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_7776.jpeg)

Ive been on a kimchi kick so i had a chili dog topped with cheddar, onion, kimchi and kewpie

No. 2364865

i find this interesting considering a lot of leftists say the palestine issue is why kamala lost, as much as i have my own personal beliefs about the israel/palestine conflict i just don't see it being the deciding factor, especially for swing voters. the average american can barely name two non us countries, and most of the time it will just be canada or mexico. i don't think foreign policy was as important as people are making it out to be. trump did win gains in muslim neighborhoods, but not enough to influence swing states alone.

No. 2364867

korean sonic

No. 2364868

I know this will get me in trouble but I really think alogging is the only thing that will stop these demons who have hijacked our country.

No. 2364913

I think you're right anon, what can we do though? The American people are unaware, overwhelmed, soft, and pacified. I don't see any revolution in the near future. Do we just move?

No. 2364935

I hope another Luigi rises and a few of them make nice with Mr. Gun

thank you fbi this is a joke in case you're listening…

No. 2364936

I would not give a shit about immigrants if there was more punishments for them not becoming a citizen. It’s so fucking annoying as a citizen who works customer service to constantly have to accommodate them because they don’t know basic fucking English so you have to treat them like a little kid or a retard. They’re also really mean but that’s another thing. Generally so unpleasant to deal with most of the time, but the nice immigrants are extremely nice. 0 in between.

No. 2364937

>Haitian gang members
Trump really got into your gullible head, are they also eating your dogs and your cats

No. 2364941

Yeah, I feel like the nice people who can't speak English are vastly outnumbered by the assholes. I was working at a front desk job and helped out a Russian speaking woman and her daughter. The next day, she came to the office with flowers for me. What a sweetheart.

No. 2364946

I will admit I don't really give a fuck if you try and learn English and immigrant but what pisses me off is the ones who don't learn it who have public sector jobs. Why is DoorDash Amazon and instacart hiring drivers who can't speak English and also can't follow instructions?

Also people assuming I can speak espanol because I'm a spicy looking white woman and literally come up to me rambling in it. The funny thing is literally only two of my Hispanic coworkers speak Spanish, the other three of them don't kek but all things I wonder why public service jobs that require 2 way communication are hiring people who can't speak English

No. 2364958

Because those are the only jobs they can get without having to prove identity and citizenship which sucks especially in the case of DoorDash/Amazon because they’ll fuck up your orders because they literally can’t read properly. Not too long ago me and my bf ordered from Taco Bell and the immigrant delivery driver dropped off someone’s Applebees order then proceeded to ignore us when we tried to call the driver back kek.

No. 2364967

It seems weird that you would like. Idk, use a translation app or some shit. Like if I went to a country where I didn't speak the language as a tourist I'd be hooked on that shit (although I think I'd try to take some lessons on some basics before going to the country first)

No. 2364974

I once had to communicate entirely with a customer thru google translate and not even her daughter was speaking Eng like usually at least the kids speak English but that drove me up the wall mentally cuz my boss really wanted me to make the sale. Meanwhile other customers were harping at me that I wasn't paying attention to them when bitchy mom literally kept dragging me back. If you can make that effort to drag me around and be demanding nonverblly then please could you at least try and learn English? What about your kid? If your kids enrolled in school in America how come they can't speak it to me and act as your translator? How is it that your kid can't speak English? It pisses me off when not even one member of an entire family can speak it and they're dragging me around like a ragdoll using a translation app. Can't at least one of yall learn? And one of my coworkers who's fluent is an immigrant too. people have no excuses. None of the Hispanic people at my job who actually speak the language work evenings and I'm always working evenings so if a dumbass who can't speak it comes in my boss always defaults them to me knowing damn well I can't speak Spanish.

No. 2364975

File: 1737780567010.jpg (187.75 KB, 1280x854, 3q47d5eg52fe1.jpg)

gavin newsome looks sexci here

No. 2364978

I heard Amazon started requiring IDs for drivers. Did that change? Or do some of them just do the social security card stealing scheme and workaround that way?

What's crazy is that I met an immigrant guy the other week who was very conversant and making a clear effort with his English (his kid spoke it too), vs the person who can't speak it at all and doesn't try. It makes me sad for the people who do come here, legally or not, learn English and work hard and then those who don't fucking try at all and make a fuss and are super rude to you.

No. 2364979

how often do you think Melania cheats on trump?

No. 2364982

Imagine the milk if Newsom and Melania had an affair

No. 2364984

>Why is DoorDash Amazon and instacart hiring drivers who can't speak English and also can't follow instructions?
Because they’re not actually hiring those people. There is a black market for already approved accounts on delivery apps, people who would not meet the hiring criteria purchase access to approved accounts. This is why it looks like shopper A is doing your order except when they show up it is completely different person B. Shopper A was approved but person B has paid them to use their account. I know this was a problem in NYC specifically but I am sure it occurs in some form all across the country.
They’ve implemented additional guards against this after threat of being investigated by the government, but who knows if it’ll work long term.

No. 2364989

You sound stupid and sheltered

No. 2364992

I could give less of a fuck about Amazon but having worked at a job that interacts with dashers and instacarters on a daily basis this fucking grinds my gears

There's this one moid instacarter who's practically mute who seriously gives me rapist vibes and I cannot stand dealing with him because he acts like he's too retarded to find anything when he's been there multiple times. I never hope for anyone's downfall but if he's not legally in the US hope he's deported because the vibes I get from him are actually vile and I have told my boss to deal with him because he creeps me out. Actually in general I can't stand lazy faggot dashers and instacarters who refuse to actually browse the store to find shit , including the ones whose native language is English. You signed up to hunt for the items, now find it yourself you faggot

No. 2364994

Daddy Trump isn't gonna fuck you for spreading his agenda tourist

No. 2364995

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>nothing ever happens

No. 2365001

Can ICE get rid of all crime scrotes?
Not just the foreign ones?

No. 2365006

I mean yeah but it’s easier for foreign murderers and rapists to slip under the cracks and get away with heinous shit because they often come here with no papers and/or fake identities. They should be gathered and placed in as the facility in the middle of nowhere, and then we can deal with our own home grown degenerates.

No. 2365009

>its easier for foreign murderers and rapists to slip under the cracks
Only when they go after other foreigners. If a foreigner in the USA (can't say the same for bongland) does some heinous shit to a little white girl the media is on it like a swarm of flies on roadkill in a hot summer afternoon in Louisiana. The racist moids can go out and play superman (even though they are just protecting their property from getting stolen)
The ones who REALLY slip under the radar is when naturalized scrotes do something similar, be it grooming gangs or baby rape or whatever the fuck, they just gain more power.
It's fine and dandy to ban the brown rapeapes, but it's using a mickey mouse bandaid when what we need is a veteran reconstructive surgeon.
Like, how are we gonna deal with our own degenerates? Do you really, honestly, truly believe someone like Trump is going to enact ANY sort of anti rapist policy? Not only is that not beneficial to him, but it's suicide.

No. 2365057

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Did anything come out of our new "space military" or is it just more Elon bullshit?

No. 2365126

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I just remembered that around this time last year, some fags made a sex tape in the senate hearing room. You know this country is dumb because we got over this quick as fuck kek

No. 2365132

>once again
What other manifesto was she mentioned in?

No. 2365136

Everyone in politics is a whore. A sex tape is just the political equivalent of a school shooting. Talk about it for 10 hours and then move on

No. 2365139

Them playing tug-of-war (at 0:32) and Trump failing to pull him over is so funny kek. I think he was trying to pull a little stunt and embarrass Newsom for his supporters. Also, why is Trump leaning like that? Is it just cause he's top heavy?

No. 2365357

Kek AI slop needs to be stopped, I keep seeing Keanu Reeves AI shit in my recommendations just like this

No. 2365368

is it overreacting to think whats happening to this country rn is legitimately terrifying? especially when you think of things from a historical context and perspective

>consolidating sources of info/free press - in our age this is social media (tech bros are all on trump's team now)

>we aren't getting the same news now that people are getting in the rest of the world about us
>isolationist policies, mass deportations
>federal hiring freeze and purging of top officials
>move to allow trump to run a THIRD term

the bell really did toll when he got those supreme court picks in his first term. if birthright citizenship is outlawed, i think this country is finished. but also thinking about how democrats were genuinely complacent for years, enabling trump and his rise because they were content with neoliberal policies to enrich themselves. its really a surreal time to be living in

No. 2365373

she's probably right, shooters are attention whoring misogynists

No. 2365376

i dont know if you know this but there has been a concerted effort in this country for decades now to degrade the american education system intentionally to make the voting popular dumber and dumber. we are where we are now because of those efforts. even today you hear rhetoric about how higher education isn't necessary anymore, pursue trade, a push for STEM and attacks on the humanities. all of it tied into the capitalist structure that dictates every facet of our country. high costs of higher education is intentional as well. they don't want us having critical thinking skills, which is why someone like trump gets elected in the first place.

No. 2365381

also I just found out my aunt who is a teacher in texas now has bible focused curriculum in her PUBLIC school that she is supposed to teach to her students.

No. 2365386

these religious nuts are too lazy to teach kids their slop to their kids themselves so they make wageslave teachers do it. nothing is going to make these kids respect religion less than this, at least.

No. 2365402

>change my mind

No. 2365412

>According to the BBC, full halt on all U.S. foreign development assistance effective immediately - except for military support to Israel and Egypt.


No. 2365416

I genuinely think we are heading towards a Japanese Internment Camp saga 2 just with Mexican descendants.

No. 2365433

Schizo tinfoil anon is right, they want to cause a third world war.

No. 2365440

They're still giving a few billion a year to Jordan also.

No. 2365441

Why do you think outlawing birthright citizenship would ruin the country? Several European countries don't have this system either. In france if you're born from foreign parents you only get french nationality after some years.

No. 2365443

It could mean that people who have already lived here and have been citizens since birth and THEIR children who are also citizens will be forcefully removed from this country, and if that happens these people will be stateless, as in they will have nowhere to fucking go.

No. 2365455

its literally enshrined in our constitution for one

No. 2365458

The law is grandfathered. People who already have citizenship from birthright won't have it taken away, it only prevents citizenship from being granted to children of non-citizens starting now.

No. 2365462

isn't birthright citizenship based on british common law?

No. 2365467

Idk, wikipedia says if your parents are foreign you can apply after 10 years of living in the UK.

So is the right to bear arms, doesn't mean it's untouchable and shouldn't be regulated/changed.

No. 2365468

Not so much ruin, but it means that our constitution is essentially meaningless and 150+ years of legal precedent is illegitimate.

No. 2365469

They're trying for a 3rd trump term, they dgaf about law.

No. 2365471

our citizenship in the US isn't based on parents though, that's the thing. it's not some bloodline birthright citizenship

No. 2365473

We don't care what the law is in the UK.

No. 2365483

It is also based on parents. People born abroad to one or more US Citizens automatically qualify for US Citizenship, you can get the birth certificate from US Embassies.

Most Americans are born in America, so it doesn't look different from birthright citizenship. But actually most Americans inherit their citizenship from their parents(s).

No. 2365489

samefag, while based on parents it is not a bloodline citizenship, which there is a difference. A person with American citizen grandparents, but their parents are not American citizens for whatever reason, cannot claim citizenship automatically.

Naturalized citizens can produce US citizens abroad too.

No. 2365491

>The Trump administration late Thursday deputized thousands more federal law enforcement officers to arrest immigrants in the country illegally.

>Two agencies typically enforce the nation's complex Title 8 immigration laws: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, in the country's interior, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the nation's borders.

>On Thursday, Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Benjamine Huffman expanded the universe of federal law enforcement officers who can investigate and apprehend immigrants.

No. 2365492

A friend of mine ran into this. Her parents were born US citizens but had to choose between it and another country's citizenship so she wasn't able to claim US citizenship even though her parents were born and raised here.

No. 2365493

>The Mescalero Apache Tribe said that one of its members was approached by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent in a public place in Ruidoso and was briefly questioned earlier this week.

>That’s according to a statement posted on the Tribe’s website. The incident happened at about 3:45 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 22 in Ruidoso, according to the Tribe.

>ICE agents began questioning a family standing in line in front of the tribal member and the family was escorted outside of the public place, the Tribe said. Then, the ICE agent, “still inside the public place,” approached the tribal member in Spanish. The tribal member responded by saying they spoke English. The ICE agent then asked the tribal member for a passport.

>The tribal member presented a New Mexico driver’s license and a tribal identification card, the Tribe said.
(this is an imageboard)

No. 2365501

She'll have some bonus points in her immigration file for the family connection, but yeah if she wanted US citizenship she'd have to go through the immigration and then naturalization process.

No. 2365505

wonder how boomer & gen xers will feel once trump takes away their social security ?

No. 2365513

I don't think Trump will touch anything that will upset his main target demographic so outright.

No. 2365535

Nonna, you just made me realize something. Do you think this 800 billion AI bullshit Trump wants is going to have to do with creating deep fakes to abuse?

He made Melania smile which probably pisses trump off ke

No. 2365545

Doesn't that kind of stuff still have to go through the House or Congress. Like he can't just do it all by himself.

No. 2365551

Yeah, it does, and he would have to fight tooth and nail for it too. Republicans know where their support comes from; they'll cut everything but social security.

No. 2365686

a lot of people swear Trump has advanced dementia. His leaning posture, like in this picture, is a classic sign of frontal lobe dementia. He even stands on pads sometimes when making speeches to help him straighten his posture because he leans so much.

The country-club GOP loves him because he will literally sign whatever is put in front of him. He doesn't give a shit. Apparently former members of his cult say that his voice alone can hypnotize them, which is why they can stand for hours listening to him drone on about Hannibal Lecter and sharks while the rest of us normal people want to commit murder every time he speaks. Maybe it's like the frequencies only animals can hear. (Also, the woman he's with doesn't look like Melania at all.)

Yes, we are beyond broke. The last president to speak realistically about how broke we are and how much we must sacrifice was Jimmy Carter, who lost in a landslide to Reagan. Therefore, no politician will talk about it anymore. It's suicide. The cuts that the people controlling Trump are making now are nowhere near enough to get us out of the hole, and yet all Trump wants is more tax cuts for billionaires. I'm a lower-middle-class working person and I pay more in tax than his fat ass. I don't know where else they want to make cuts since those motherfuckers get everything for free.

In addition to that, their goal is to keep women out of the professions in particular: they actually don't give a shit if women work menial labor. They want us to be kicked out of college and professional workplaces under the guise of "women need to be married and have more babies!" This is Vance's ideology, ironic since his wife is an attorney and her mother is a scientist. This is why they hate DEI so much: because it helps expand job opportunities for women and black people. All moids, but especially white and Hispanic moids like Nick Fuentes and Enrique Tarrio, believe they are entitled to be at the top of society and women are standing in their way. They'd also deport black people if they could.

No. 2365697

>voice can hypnotize people
Similar remarks were said of Hitler's speeches, where the crowd would start swaying to the rhythm of his voice. With Trump it's probably just the brain automatically zoning out what it considers white noise.
Now it terms of brokeness, didn't Clinton make a fairly significant effort to reduce the national debt? Presidents sometimes do mention the national debt, but I notice it hasn't been a thing recently.
>goal to keep women out of professions
They make it so obvious too, anyone who doesn't see it is blind or in support of it. Males seethe whenever they realize women are not only capable of working any job, but we're better at it, too. It's why there was so much propaganda after WWII to get all of the working women back in the home. I wonder if being anti-union, among the other reasons to hate unions, is also a way to thrust women from the workplace.

No. 2365713

Yes, Clinton did, which is why the right wing still hates him. His administration was the last to leave with a balanced budget (although there was still significant debt). Government spending was reigned in a lot during his years in office particularly by cutting benefits for the poor. Then Bush II came in and started a war, which was supposed to generate income but mired us in the Middle East cesspool for decades since we had to pay to help rebuild the countries whose governments and cities we destroyed. That's why we don't engage in regime change anymore and why sanctions are used in place of war: crashing a country's economy will fuck them up just as much as a war, it just takes longer.

Interestingly, there are a LOT of MAGA that are pro-union. I think it has to do with the populist element; traditional Republicans hate unions. But the pro-Trump unions are generally heavily male-dominated, like law enforcement.

No. 2365778

File: 1737836327593.png (160.37 KB, 1170x1067, Trump bars .png)

No more troons in women’s prisons!

No. 2365785

Every cloud has a silver lining, I guess.

No. 2365786

Don't like Trump at all but I'm very excited to see tranny seething on social media about this.

No. 2365787

wow thank you my glorious king

No. 2365793

I thought Republicans liked less government spending, are they just pissed a Dem did it?

No. 2365809

But now for having abortion you will get a death penalty

No. 2365813

If we reduce the male population to 20% percent we would get rid of all these problems

No. 2365815

gavin is so chadly here wtf I used to think it would be a huge mistake to ever try to run him as a dem nominee but now I'm rethinking lol

No. 2365819

Wtf is Trump's actual height? According to google he and Newsom are both 6'3 but Newsom looks taller. I know old people shrink but Trump doesn't appear to have the old person hunch yet idk it's strange

No. 2365836

>consolidating sources of info/free press - in our age this is social media (tech bros are all on trump's team now)
>we aren't getting the same news now that people are getting in the rest of the world about us
The other items in your green text I agree are troublesome, but for now there is nothing stopping us from accessing those news sources (other than many people are too lazy to do so). It is still possible to follow foreign english-language news outlets on Twitter, it is still possible to subscribe to France24's email newsletters or listen to BBC's radio coverage during commutes. If you know another language, you can read the online news sites available for that language. News is still accessible, you just have to be seeking it out.

No. 2365847

that literally doesn't even make sense. mexican americans are increasingly republican, and most violent illegals aren't even mexican, they're haitians, venezuelans, etc.

No. 2365852

everyone south of mexico is a mexican to usians.

No. 2365853

10 percent

No. 2365855

most countries in the new world have birth right citizenship as a way to encourage people from the old world to migrate and populate the land. we don't need this archaic practice anymore. it stopped being useful like 150 years ago.

No. 2365856

I worry about women immigrants who are fleeing abusive moids.

No. 2365933

I have no idea why dems never dropped trannies. such an easy win for the republicans who love child marriage and teen pregnancy. dems are soo incompetent

No. 2365954

Thank god I won't have to be worried about being raped by a feral troon while I sit in death row for having a miscarriage.

No. 2365955

I really think if dems had also been like "yes we will also ban trans shit from schools and prisons and protect womens spaces, btw did you know the republicans want to get rid of IVF and bring back child marriage?" the stupid white women would have voted blue

No. 2365958

All women should just move to blue states. We still have abortion rights and then the men who stay behind in killing-women-for-miscarriages territory can all kill themselves instead.

No. 2365962

I'm a lesbian, I live in a blue state, I probably don't ever need to get one. I do think that women should move to blue states (plus it increases the EVs the states have). but when we think of abortions, we have to realize the women that die because they can't get the care they need due to these bans are often poor, trapped in their marriages (or just extremely young for a parent), and are going through miscarriages. Those are the women I worry about

No. 2365963

It feels like red states are legit becoming 3rd world countries. Any anthropologist worth their salt knows less gender equality=bigger shithole.
But yes, I agree. In blue states, the male population should be kept low (most of them will work border patrol and kill any invading scrotes, the hottest ones would be on the breeding farms). We might need a moid in power for blue states because men in general don't listen to women.
Things would be so much better if all men died tbh. They really are the vestigial gender.

No. 2365964

I really dislike Gavin but seeing him look so stern and authoritative is kind of hot. I wish he would use this kind of energy towards fixing the things that matter in our state. The last few years he’s been coming across as a suit-wearing gangster that launders his money through wineries and fake homeless shelters kek
Kek I’d ship them

No. 2365971

>It feels like red states are legit becoming 3rd world countries
As compared to blue states that are literally losing population because of how horrible their policies are kek.

No. 2365972

At least women won't die from maternal sepsis in a blue state while doctors watch on.

No. 2365975

>how horrible their policies are kek.
nta but no it's not the liberal policies, it's really just because both parties don't want to build more housing in major cities, california is an example of this.

No. 2365977

samefag but housing in austin, texas (a relatively liberal area) is muchhh better than los angeles because they're just building more. More tech jobs too in that area. It's why some election autists believe texas will eventually turn blue (i doubt that but lol)

No. 2365978

Enjoy having trannys ruling over you in exchange for being able to abort your 4th pregnancy because you cant stop having sex with strangers.
>don't want to build more housing in major cities
Maybe stop allowing a billion uneducated immigrants from God knows where over the southern border.
>.t second generation immigrant

No. 2365985

>muh immigrants
that has nothing to do with the housing crisis. even areas with less immigrants that refuse to build more housing have a price issue. In the walz-vance debate, vance just wanted to build shit on federal land and kick out dur immigrants tuking our jerbs. frankly, that's retarded. anti-housing and anti-business policies are gonna fuck with the economy whether immigrants get in or not

No. 2365987

Most major cities are in blue states. NYC, LA, Chicago, Seattle, Boston. Texas is the only red state with any major cities, besides Arizona which is mostly a swing state and still allows abortion.

No. 2365988

>Enjoy having trannys ruling over you in exchange for being able to abort your 4th pregnancy because you cant stop having sex with strangers.
How exactly are trannies even "ruling" over women and not the scrotes in charge of passing laws that allow pregnant women to die a horrible death of maternal sepsis while doctors leave the room and make the nursing staff watch in horror? You realize this is America and not the shithole your parents came from and we don't do the arranged marriage thing and some women will be having sex out of wedlock because humanity has literally always done that?

No. 2365990

Florida too though, red states with major cities are projecting to get the biggest increase in EVs by 2028.

No. 2365993

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samefag but

No. 2365994

Same nona. Watching reverse gentrification happen in action while watching COL soar where I grew up is so disheartening. I’m 1.5th gen Hispanic (my moms parents came through ellis island, and my dad was born abroad) and the suburbs I grew up in is now just “the hood” but of course rent for a 1 bedroom is $2k a month. And ofc there’s always 1st gen immigrants outside congregating and wearing MAGA shit but 16 years ago everyone that lived there had obama signs up. It makes me so sad

No. 2365996

All your pic shows me is that there are too many people entering. I hope they reduce immigration to zilch

No. 2366000

Aren't your parents immigrants? Maybe they should be sent back too.

No. 2366002

The main issue is regulation and yes migrants do take jobs and housing from citizens you hear stories of two Indian families sharing a single apartment pricing out normal people.
>trannies even "ruling" over women
There are trannys getting elected everywhere in blue states enacting retarded policies.
>we don't do the arranged marriage thing and some women will be having sex out of wedlock because humanity has literally always done that
Thats not true actually most societies actually value virginity and not being a man or women whore, and very few women die in child birth with modern technology most of the red states have exceptions for rape or incest.

No. 2366005

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If blue states were so shitty how come so many groypers live there? That your body my choice faggot lives in Chicago. He has the money to move to Texas or whatever. So why stay in the bluest part of Illinois?
>abort your 4th pregnancy because you can't stop having sex with strangers
I haven't had sex with anyone except my partner in almost 2 decades. However, i know rape exists, and I know miscarriages exists. I also am not a misogynist. I care about other women. I would rather a woman abort a baby (and get a sweet abortion ghost army) than have to deal with a babytrapping abusive moid. Stop acting like it's abortions destroying peoples lives and not men who can't stop murdering and raping everything they see.

No. 2366006

Damn you sound like you came from some backwater hick brother-fucking country. Go back and let us be amerifags in peace, foreigner.

No. 2366007

One of them is, but they legally entered and naturalized decades ago, are a contributing and non-criminal member of society, and also created dozens of jobs. But you're just trying to start an infight because you think we need more immigration for some reason even though the country is falling apart.

No. 2366011

Let me guess it was your daddy.

No. 2366012

>waaa I cant be a whore!
grow up

No. 2366014

Samefag, I’m really excited to see this whole troon and crossdressing nightmare come to an end. I hope 10 years from now this shit is just eradicated completely

No. 2366015

Yup. Problem?

No. 2366016

This is the amerifag thread not the "my parents are immigrants and I want American women to die of maternal sepsis because they're whores" thread, go back where you came from foreign faggot.

No. 2366019

I don't care dude, I don't care about the fucking immigrants. I'm a transit yimby trains autist and all I care about is building more housing. Immigrants did not fuck with prices, that's my point
There's like one tranny in congress, a representative to be exact. i agree that dems should drop the tranny shit but no tranny is gonna rule over women. that culture war will die soon

No. 2366021

You speak like you have misogynist, chauvinistic father is all.

No. 2366023

ntayrt but if someones parents/parent are immigrants do you believe that means they’re foreign too even if they’re born her?

No. 2366025

Probably been here longer than you honey, sorry that women who cant stop having premarital sex with moids might have to face consequences for being whores.(bait)

No. 2366029

All of you don't get that all increasing our population does is push people out of houses and into shitty apartment blocks. You say, oh they don't affect housing because x y z but you're just blinding yourself to reality. We are already in the shit. More people live in apartments than in houses, and most Americans will never be able to afford a home. I will, so I could just say who cares, but I want my fellow Americans to have a good life and not reduce QoL to nothing just to help foreigners live in said shitty apartment blocks. Americans first, fix our country, trains are fine, but immigration is making everything worse no matter how much you twist data to make it seem ok.

No. 2366030

Oh wow, I wonder how you feel about blowjobs? Care to write a really long, schizo sperg about it?

No. 2366034

What are you talking about schizo? Where did I say anything misogynistic?

No. 2366035

nyart, but it depends on how much the parents try to adapt to the culture and teach American culture to their children. Someone like this anon who is spiteful towards naturalized citizens who are 2nd and 3rd gen really makes you wonder about her upbringing.
Like, I don't understand why the fuck you would move to a country if you don't like the culture to begin with?

No. 2366036

You literally said you wanted women to die, retardicus.

No. 2366039

No thanks.

No. 2366040

No I didn't you retard.

No. 2366041

No. 2366042

Okay show me proof that immigrants are the cause of the housing crisis and not supply not meeting demand lol. data is data. Your ancedote is simply emotional culture war trash, same as the tranny shit

No. 2366043

American English deserves to be considered its own language

No. 2366044

That's a different poster and you're retarded.

No. 2366045

Does that make me bilingual now?

No. 2366046

Abortion is awesome and you're bitter AND fat.

No. 2366049

No. 2366054

I'm not against abortion or fat, and you're still retarded for assuming everyone who wants less immigration is the same poster.

No. 2366055

Name those countries that value virginity. Also two Indian families living in one apartment's not a big deal. You rather they take up more apartments? Yes, immigrants tend to live in one-room apartments. They also tend to work the shittiest jobs that no American wants. Sure, I'd love it for American moids to be the ones working in dangerous conditions for hardly any money but it isn't going to happen because they're cowards. America is built on immigrant labor.

No. 2366057

I'm tired of people with no concept of how the economy works thinking their culture war issue is actually going to be the thing to fix everything. actual tards. the housing crisis has nuance. if you kick majority of immigrants out you're still gonna have a housing crisis, because nobody wants to build more shit

No. 2366060

No one said any single issue would fix everything, that doesn't mean we should let the issues persist and fix nothing.

No. 2366061

My city has been building a ton of new housing and apartments, I think most of the housing issue comes from overcharging for rent and the minimum wage not rising in over a decade.

No. 2366064

No you have people arguing that immigration and liberal policies are the reason that there's a housing crisis here, it's a bipartisan issue that both parties have a bloody hand in.
That's definitely apart of it, they should also invest in businesses.

No. 2366065

samefag and though I agree that immigration can play a part into it, it BARELY does. we shouldnt put our energy into that issue in relation to housing

No. 2366069

>overcharging for rent
Most blue cities have price caps but okay.
>minimum wage not rising
God I hate economic illiterates like you let me guess you want the min wage to be 15$ but why not 30$ or 100$ then everybody would surely be rich right?

No. 2366071

File: 1737847199302.jpg (107.14 KB, 1170x1176, zfjlco208dnb1.jpg)

This isn't a culture war issue, it is a supply and demand issue. Also you're ignoring the big picture of people being forced out of houses and into apartment blocks and mobile homes. It's simple. The amount of land we have isn't changing, the number of people goes up.

No. 2366078

kek, now show us statewide statistics. compare austin to los angeles, come on nona!

No. 2366082

File: 1737847455958.png (11.15 KB, 790x512, UnitsbyDecade_CityofLA_2019.pn…)

>muh immigration

No. 2366083

You're ignoring what I'm saying completely. The problem is that people have to be pushed into apartment units because we don't have enough land for houses. I don't give a crap about austin or los angeles, they're both shitholes.

No. 2366085

>pushed into apartment units because we don't have enough land for houses
Good lol

No. 2366088

Okay, so you don't take any of this seriously. No wonder you don't think immigration is an issue. If you ignore the problem it doesn't exist! Thankfully most Americans aren't blind on immigration like you.

No. 2366089

Suburbia is gay though and leads to a shittier economy. Suburban sprawl is the reason the housing market is so shitty now

No. 2366092

File: 1737847834535.png (122.63 KB, 456x154, ,kjhgfghjkl.png)

samefag but "why don't we have enough land for big ass houses for like two people anymore?". I don't know, why are major cities often richer than buttfucknowhere, iowa?

No. 2366095

Minimum wage should increase along with inflation, yes.

No. 2366096

Apartment buildings and mobile home parks help transfer wealth to billionaires. They WANT more of them, because it allows them more ownership over necessities, and are the ones who pushed for more of these in the first place.
Cities are richer because they have more people living in them. The rich are pushing you into sardine cans so they can extract more wealth from you.

No. 2366099

>Cities are richer because they have more people living in them
Why do they have more people?
>The rich are pushing you into sardine cans so they can extract more wealth from you.
For most of american history we have lived in cities, towns, apartments, townhouses, surburban sprawl happened because of the oil lobby and the car lobby. you cannot turn yimbyism into some sort of rich people interest lol

No. 2366101

samefag, ntm these cities and towns with bustling business were often torn down for highways

No. 2366102

They have more people because billionaires airdropped them into the apartments!

No. 2366103

File: 1737848314730.jpg (753.31 KB, 2048x1632, RTqSHC3.jpg)

I wish we had muh walkable city and public transport. I wish I could feel safe using public transport. I wish I could walk about my city and explore. I wish I could walk to the store or meet people spontaneously. I hate having to calculate everything with a car. I wish my city had nice affordable housing and a sense of culture and community. I don't hate cars, I just wish I could live somewhere somewhat pretty and walk around. It feels like there's nowhere to hang out.

No. 2366106

File: 1737848363698.gif (1.99 MB, 640x360, beastly-battle-bus.gif)

>new york city, 1920

No. 2366108

It quite literally is a rich people interest. Look into the people who own large apartment blocks and mobile home parks. They are billionaires who own a lot of the housing, and they use it as an investment to extract wealth from people. What you don't understand is that this has been in the works for a long time. They are making people poorer so that they will own nothing, while the rich have total control over necessities. Food, water, housing. All owned by companies and people. The more control they have over these things, the worse everything will get. We need the states to protect our natural water sources, and thankfully some of them have. A lot of the housing market is owned by billionaires, some by foreigners who use these properties as investments. Farms are currently being bought up by billionaires in huge numbers. They want to put you in debt to afford food. It won't be long before grocery stores are guarded by armed security to prevent looters.

No. 2366110

Yeah same. I hate cars though and will never learn to drive. I just hate taking public transportation because of the mentally ill homeless people that congregate there and it's in a really bad state overall in this country

No. 2366111

Do you realize that landlords aren't just an urban issue? just regulate shit more lol. Adding more supply to the demand isn't really a "rich people thing". But tearing down communities for a walmart supercenter and a 100000 lane highway is. Look at houston.

No. 2366113

Houston is doomed regardless, they live in the desert and will run out of water soon enough if the power grid doesn't die first and kill them all in a heatwave.

No. 2366114

They need another walmart supercenter, in my opinion.

No. 2366115

I just wish 95% of "urbanists" could admit that crime is an issue. If people, especially women, children, and the eldery, don't feel safe outside alone, then there's going to be absolutely no support for public transportation. Most urbanists will just call you racist for raising the issue of crime or say the hobos are harmless. The homeless in my city masturbate in public and harass women walking around. They are so mentally ill that they are covered in shit. It's like talking to a wall. Mental asylums and prison please.

No. 2366116

I am an urbanist, and I agree. It's mainly lefties you're talking about, most yimbys hate anti social behavior. We SHOULD punish people who make life worse for women! Not that we should punish homeless people, we need to punish the anti socials.

No. 2366117

Small time landlords aren't the problem, because they spend that wealth back into the community. It's that the wealth is being extracted from the poor to the mega-rich, who hoard it and use it to lobby politicians to make everything worse, and prevent common people from owning anything. Joe the landlord, while you might view him a leech, isn't the enemy here, he is just a small fry actor in a bad system. The enemies are the ones creating this system to begin with, and preventing anyone else from changing things.

No. 2366122

Are you a Phillyanon?

No. 2366123

Lol absolutely not, landlords are shitty no matter if there's 3000 mcdonalds and exxon mobiles next to you or not
No, im a DMVanon

No. 2366124

Fuck you I hate having to go to the DMV!

No. 2366126

I’m so glad I never threw away my sodium nitrite and still have enough reglan to not puke it up. I was supposed to throw it away and told everyone I did, but I didn’t, it’s still there. I haven’t been suicidal but I’ve known this country is on the precipice of becoming an unlivable hellhole. I don’t care how much my family and bf tell me life is worth living, even if it’s a life lived under full on fascism. I refuse to live in such a world and will not. Until that happens I’ll just continue to chill, but knowing I have a way out puts my mind at ease. I’m also glad I am not overly attached to life in general. It must be especially hard for burgers who don’t have the weird “dying isn’t a big deal” mindset I have. Living a life of terror under fascism while the fruits of my suffering allow the worst people ever to live in unimaginable luxury? Absolutely the fuck not.

I feel for people who bred and have kids to care for since they obviously can’t have my mindset, it’s incompatible with raising a human being. I simply don’t understand how anyone wouldn’t just be killing themselves once stuff like this happens unless they have kids and essentially can’t. How are humans so biologically cucked that the vast majority of us won’t kill ourselves and will just live in dystopia? I don’t get it at all. Suffering endlessly, esp when your suffering is directly benefitting the worst people ever and letting them live as kings, how does this work on people who don’t have kids? I don’t understand humanity. Even if I did have kids I’d just pull a more humane Andrea Yates before taking myself out, honestly. The will to live a horrible life simply makes no fucking sense to me.

No. 2366127

File: 1737849365200.gif (707.16 KB, 220x220, lkijhgfvbnklk.gif)

whats wrong with dc nona… fuck…

No. 2366128

I understand you but please get some help

No. 2366137

Thanks nonna. I’m on meds that make me not actively suicidal, they’re actually working really well. I used to talk about wanting to die almost everyday and now I truly don’t want to die and am pretty chill. I just also have no solid attachment to life that would make living in a society where food is hard to come by or whatever would be worth sticking around. I’m imagining in such a world I’ll be forced to watch my pets starve or have them put down because I can’t afford to feed them. I just refuse to live if life is gonna drastically change, I won’t live like a serf, I won’t live in a shithole fascist hell world. If my life stays mostly the same and I can still get my meds and there’s enough food on the table and such, I won’t be taking my life into my own hands. It’s just that it’s nice to have in case shit hits the fan in such a way there’s no way to insulate myself from it.

No. 2366139

Yeah asylums need to be brought back. What really blackpilled me was that woman who was burned alive in the nyc metro last month. The worst part was that everyone moved on as if that was normal?? In any other first world country that would've sent shock waves but this is somehow accepted in the richest country on earth. Sad

No. 2366141

It’s sad because she was a homeless woman who got fucked over by the 2008 financial crisis. Police just walked past her because they were obligated to help her (they only care about going after fare evaders). It’s fucked up, police need to do their fucking job

No. 2366142

IDK it really depends because my dad is a hispanic immigrant and moved here when he was 10 but is very “Americanized” to the point where people assume he is just biracial until they hear his last name, but he doesn’t consider himself American, idk why I think he finds it pedestrian or something kek. But I also have known plenty of 2nd gen immigrants who can barely speak English and are not at all assimilated into American culture and whose parents consider themselves nothing but American. I think wanting to be seen as “American” is something for trashy people who have little else tbh because it seems like both poor immigrants and hicks are the only people who are desperate for their Americanness to be known

No. 2366143

min you, women in long term marriages do experience trouble in late term pregnancy like ectopic pregenacies or severe pre-eclampsia and under red states, these women die from lack of necessary care. So go fuck yourself for demanding women to suffer for your lame ass religion

No. 2366144

I had to move out of a blue state to a red one because my rent kept skyrocketing every year. I got pushed out. I am a democrat and I can admit that there is a problem in blue states if you can't stay where you were born.

No. 2366145

Nyc is a shithole but yeah that woman was one of the many Americans who got affected by the 2008 financial crisis. Lost her house and her marriage as well as everything else. Is that not an indictment on how stagnant we became as a country? Everything that happened to her shouldn't have happened

No. 2366146

get off the internet and go huff your husband's cock

No. 2366148

File: 1737850327177.png (112.34 KB, 448x309, rightwingwomen.png)

what dworkin said

No. 2366149

This isn't true today. 87% of women who get abortions now are unmarried

No. 2366159

She's talking about criminal abortions, but the reason unmarried women get abortions is because theyre usually in their 20's (61%) and are low income lol (72%). Most women who get abortions have had children before too.

No. 2366160

Aside from the legality since abortion should be available for every woman, what do you nonners personally think about abortion in regards to your own personal life? This is besides rape, life or death, and financial circumstances. I feel like I'd become traumatized if I ever had one despite not wanting kids but I do find the conversation about abortion itself to be taboo amongst women for some reason

No. 2366162

>what do you nonners personally think about abortion in regards to your own personal life
I'm very pro choice, however I am a lesbian. I just want to support the women who could possibly be endangered due to lack of access, you know?

No. 2366163

I'm tired of this pickme wanting us to have weak abortion baby ghost armies. She is a coward and doesn't know of the psychic strength of an abortion baby ghost. Lesbians are incredibly powerful because by default all their periods are abortions. But she wants to punish straight women because if we abort enough babies our fetus army could grant us the metaphysical strength to take down entire armies of moids.
She is scared of her own power. Pathetic.

No. 2366166

Lesbian nona here, I don't get an abortion through periods. I create stem cell lab babies THEN abort them. It makes for stronger ghost babies

No. 2366167

If it makes you feel better, I don't think we will live in a Mad Max hellhole anytime soon even if we share concerns about politics and our country going to shit. There's still ways you can connect with others and be happy. I know this all probably sounds like cope and crazy to you, but humans are adaptable. Life is worth living and you probably have a family and bf who love you. Listen to them and let them comfort you. You're more persistent than you think.

No. 2366169

Yeah and same stance for me

No. 2366170

Anybody prefer selling their ghost babies adrenochrome to beyonce rather than creating an army? I feel like it has more benefits.

No. 2366173

I'm in a committed relationship, and I personally wouldn't want to have an abortion unless there's a good reason e.g. genetic defect, anatomic anomaly, etc. Ideally I'd rather have kids a few years from now because I'll be working super long hours for the next 3-6 years, but if I got preggers during that time, I would rather delay my career for a year than get an abortion. The thought of killing my baby makes me feel bad. Unless it's going to be a retard, then it is a mercy killing.

No. 2366176

I'm very pro-choice and in a serious longterm relationship. I wouldn't abort if I was surprise pregnant with my husband. I would if the fetus had a disability or if another man raped me. I don't think I would regret the choice at all but it would be hard. I wish society would improve so less women would have abortions overall but it will always need to be available.

No. 2366183

NTA and IDGAF what she was saying but there are absolutely haitian gang members you idiot, i live in an area largely comprised of immigrants and when i was in middle school 10-15 years ago we literally would get sent home early because the kids involved with haitian gangs (or guatemalan gangs or cuban gangs) would literally start fights and set off firecrackers. There’s like gangs for every single demographic and the street i grew up on 20 years ago had a crazy haitian gang problem

No. 2366192

based stacybian.
Bonus points if you make sure the lab babies are all males.

No. 2366193

Dang 10-15 years ago kids in gangs were setting off firecrackers, now kids in gangs are shooting each other. Different gangs, though. Or maybe just where I am.

No. 2366199

I’m an antinatalist and would feel immense guilt if I got pregnant and couldn’t abort. I’d kill myself before I’d allow my body to enslave an innocent soul with the burden of life.

No. 2366204

Why not birth it and eat it for sustenance like Hamsters living uder captivity do?

No. 2366210

I dunno nonnie 10 years ago kids at my school were beheading each other

No. 2366215

I grew up sheltered too so I never realized gangs were such a huge problem. It must suck being poor and having to live in infested-areas.

No. 2366216

If we banned men from socializing with eachother, how much would gang violence shrink?

No. 2366218

I’d probably kill the neonate and boil the bones in a stockpot if I wasn’t going to kill myself, but I’m not a cannibal and wouldn’t consider eating it. Plus I don’t want prion disease.

No. 2366221

You only get prion disease if you eat the brain. Bones are safe.

No. 2366225

Hm, well now with easier access to guns they can administer swift killings.
I'm not poor

No. 2366226

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Let's find out.

No. 2366237

We gotta see it. I know it will be an experiment (lets face it when arent we being experimented on)
But I want to see a nation where its reverse sharia law. It can be a tiny state. But all the same rules apply: Moids have to wear coverings to hide their ugly faces to anyone except their wives. Men aren't allowed to go out alone. idk about the pedo shit, women just aren't into scrotelings but we can groom them into being submissive and having to serve women.
I just want to see how the women handle it. Because in countries where there is plain old sharia law theres moids killing eachother all the time. A lot of it I think has to do with moids resource hoarding women. I don't think women are as into having multiple husbands, even if they are free slave labor, simply due to the fact that a single woman can only have so many children. Also women just aren't bloodthirsty.
I honestly feel like we would see a utopia, it would terrify moids.

No. 2366246

I'd imagine a society like that would be very technologically advanced as women are more advantaged in terms of intelligence. However, I do believe less of the focus would be on OSA women collecting as many husbands as possible, moids would simply be used for labor and sperm (until the stem cell babies come along lmfao). Moids would then be replaced by AI. However I could only really imagine a society like this existing in the future, when tech is less of a moid thing

No. 2366247

Columbus, Ohio is bigger than Seattle or Boston, what are you considering a major city?

No. 2366263

Boston metro population ~5 million
Seattle metro population ~4 million
Columbus metro population ~2 million

No. 2366273

I understand the suffering that becoming a serf would bring but please don't kill yourself! There really are much better countries than America out there so if shit hits the fan, you could always move with your bf instead.
I consider being pregnant almost body horror so, unless I was truly ready to be a mother, I'd abort. Also, I intend to not have sons so you know what that means.

No. 2366364

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No. 2366368

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i genuinely hate how funny this man is

No. 2366393

100% pro-choice and 100% celibate. I'd rather die than be a mom. If I get raped and am forced to have a kid, I'd kill him before I get an abortion.

No. 2366397

Kek I love Gemini men. I'm sorry.

No. 2366408

Just looked up andrea yates story. Her fucking retard scrote absolutely is at fault.
He also wouldn't stop getting her pregnant even though he had been advised that it was deteriorating her already fragile mental state.
I hate men.

No. 2366416

I'm very pro choice and think the stigma against abortion should be made illegal. People who protest in front of planned parenthood should be arrested.
I come to this decision after seeing the affects of stigmatizing abortion on women and children.
Women who are scared to get an abortion will do some horrible, dangerous things to try to induce miscarriage. I've known women who have thrown themselves down the stairs, poisoned themselves, and drank heavily/overdosed on drugs in order to kill the baby because they are too scared to ask anyone for abortion money due to the stigma.
I think it's abhorrent that America treats pregnancy like a punishment for sex. Sure, it's a consequence of sex, but women should choose motherhood. I love kids, and kids deserve to be raised by parents who want them.

At this point in time if I got pregnant I would have the child. However, if anyone has doubts about having kids or doesn't want to have a kid to the point where they are willing to terminate the pregnancy, I think they should have that option. For fucks sakes it's not like humans are endangered or some shit.

No. 2366417

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i would like to remind you guys that most of the sperging about birthrates is because teen pregnancy is down. these scrotes want more teen pregnancies.

No. 2366474

Is Baltimore the worst of the big cities?

No. 2366479

Is that why the cia agents on Reddit are really ramping up rhetoric women are undesirable past 30 again

No. 2366483

Oh and how can I forgot their little suicide squads and incel cells on discord.

No. 2366493

well he was right

No. 2366502

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The America the elites want

No. 2366524

>Carry arms
it's becoming increasingly harder to use lethal forms of self defense without having your name dragged through the mud. the piggy kyle rittenhouse comes to mind when he shot a literal pedophile who attacked him with a glass bottle, or daniel penny in nyc who choked out a homeless guy after he threatened everyone on a train.
In my state a (cringe) guy was protesting for israel when a counter protester out of nowhere tackled him. the pro-israel guy shot the man who tackled him, but now he's still being charged despite literally being attacked first.
You mentioned child marriage, and that's disgusting, but people up north aren't voting republican for the same reasons that southerners do ("family values", anti-abortion, loyalty to israel because something-something armageddon, child marriage, etc). They vote republican because they feel like foreigners in their own country, and they can't even really protect themselves, let alone feel wary of immigrants because that would be "racism".

No. 2366531

AYRT, oh they were shooting each other outside of school i’m sure, but they were setting off the firecrackers just to startle other kids because it sounded sort of like gunfire. it was scary the first few times though
Tbh apart from the haitian gangs on my street and gangs at my middle school I don’t remember any other gang stuff from my poor ass childhood & i went to a middle school in the ACTUAL hood that wasn’t the one my address was zoned for, we just used my cousin’s address because i wanted to do a specific program there and i didn’t get in via the lottery system
I am a lesbian so i personally wouldn’t need one unless god forbid i got raped but I feel no moral qualms with it. I wish we did not live in a world where abortion was necessary though and that conception was a deliberate and active choice beyond mere sex alone. i also feel like straight women are very bad at being feminists sometimes because they prioritize sex with men but they can’t help their female socialization and i hope they heal one day and they should be allowed access to abortions for any reason. My girlfriend was almost aborted so she has some hangups over abortion hypothetically but i feel like her hangups should instead be aimed at her mother for even feeling it’s appropriate to tell her that
Tinfoil but I think the crash in birth rates in latin america specifically is because all of the latinos that want kids immigrate (legally or illegally IDGAF) here because american maximalism resonates with them and they don’t want kids unless they can live some idealized suburban life. Which i don’t blame them but a lot of the newer immigrant families i meet are all so conservative and traditionalist and it grosses me out, their sons are allowed to do whatever and their daughters have backwards patriarchal ideals placed on them. It’s so weird too because my mom and dad and their friends who are all 1st gen immigrants are such libshits to the point of raising me and my siblings without gender roles and these people from the same countries as them are so regressive but I guess you can’t expect much from people from places that have been colonized and with poor education rates
Every fucking day i wish he had just played his cards right and ran as a dem. He is still a repugnant POS and a rapist but he is so funny… I have similar feelings about vance i don’t like him at all but he verges on wokey so many times in his book that it’s so weird to see his hard right grift now. I feel like it’s so much morally worse to ignore your values to grift than it is to have no values in the first place and if hell is real they will both have so much to answer for not just in general but for that in particular

No. 2366536

Every single person I knew who had a kid in their teens raised that kid in a broken ass home.
Why are people shitting about the population "collapsing"?
Bitch, this was inevitable. We went from 1 billion to 8 billion over the last century. How long do you think we can keep increasing the human population jesus fuck

No. 2366542

>How long do you think we can keep increasing the human population jesus fuck
I wish we kept it at 500 million max. Our lives have no value anymore. All that matters is quantity over quality. This is a problem because the population must grow since capitalism requires constant, infinite growth.

No. 2366543

does anyone know if the deportations are coming to pennsylvania?

No. 2366549

>My girlfriend was almost aborted so she has some hangups over abortion
Why the hell would that make her have hangups over abortion? My mom told me straight up to my face she wished she aborted me and I'm still pro choice.

No. 2366553

why does capitalism require constant infinite growth?

No. 2366566

Capitalism needs infinite growth for the shareholders. It has to come from somewhere.
Back in the day it came from exploiting colonies. Now it's based on an infinite growth model. The GDP will increase, but individual wealth will decrease in relative and absolute terms. The pie will be bigger, but you will get a smaller piece.
Now it comes from exploiting native population.

No. 2366577

Damn. So capitalism is just gonna collapse eventually?

No. 2366578

Idk she’s pro-choice but got an abortion her senior year of HS and got kicked out over it cuz her mom’s a weirdo fundamentalist christian so i feel like it’s a loaded subject matter for her

No. 2366580

>mom almost got abortion but can't understand why her daughter would get her teen pregnancy aborted
I fucking hate abrahamic religion and it's awe inspiring intolerance to humanity

No. 2366582

the biosphere is going to collapse eventually, there's no system of government or economy that will prevent this

No. 2366597

Same, it’s really weird to have grown up thinking i was facing some huge oppression because my parents made me do my communion even though i was an atheist just because they wanted an excuse to throw a party and see people who actually have had traumatic and actual experiences with religion. I think this election bringing out so much religious freakiness has just made me appreciate how normal my parents are but also made me feel so out of touch with people because why are most of my coworkers just praying together randomly sometimes idgi

No. 2366652

new or-leans or new or-lins?

No. 2366659

New or-layns.

No. 2366661

Has anyone noticed less immigrants in their area? I’ve heard that some have gone into hiding but it doesn’t seem like coincidence that my job that normally has more Latino/Indian customers than ANYTHING I’ve hardly seen any today.

No. 2366665

idk I live in an area thats almost 100% white

No. 2366693

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I hope baron trump goes postal and snaps elon musks neck.
Do it you little pussy. If Hunter can get pardoned you can too.

No. 2366703

You can just tell he imagines himself as Patrick Bateman. He needs to commit to the bit

No. 2366726

They're trying to avoid the ICE raids. Me personally, I haven't a difference but the area I live in predominantly black and white. I haven't noticed any of the chinese places around me closing, if that counts for anything.

No. 2366975

can't say i fault him, if elon comes across as such an enormous sped through media i have to assume he must be absolutely unbearable in person

No. 2366988

why would he? he seems to be the beloved and babied youngest son. he's also extremely tall and resembles trump, i highly doubt trump would do anything to fuck with him, especially when Melania seems to be super protective of him

No. 2367098

every time i see florida mentioned its always the wildest shit kek just walking down the street and bonk a big frozen lizard hits your head

No. 2367109

Would pelosi finally dying fix dems

No. 2367128

reminds me of how ben franklin thought germans and swedes were "swarthy"
>the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionally very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.

No. 2367135

i didn't say baron should kill his father. Pretty sure trump finds Elon to be an obnoxious sperg too

No. 2367258

I just got back from a grocery trip and started thinking about this. It’s been a while since I’ve noticed the few familiar faces I’d usually see.

No. 2367332

I work at a pizzeria and we got less doordash and uber eats drivers, but I prefer it that way. The fresh off the boat immigrants 1) use other peoples identities and 2) act retarded

No. 2367349

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>mfw this makes menstruation illegal

No. 2367362

menstruation isn't a discharged egg dipshit. it's uterine lining. we don't discharge genetic materials capable of creating an embryo. an egg that isn't fertilized is reabsorbed into our body. jesus christ sexual education in this country is so bad.

No. 2367379

>reabsorbed into our body
Reproduction isn't some spiritual woowoo that causes physical components to dissolve into a mysterious non-physicality. The egg travels to the uterus, the parts break up into the lining, and that lining along with the egg remnants are later shed during menstruation.
You're retarded.

No. 2367411

at that point, it is completely incapable of becoming an embryo. you're welcome to rifle through as many women's pads and cups as you'd like though.

No. 2367421

The wording stipulates that it would become illegal to, and I quote, "discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo". This vagueness could leave it open to be manipulated against women in the same way the abortion ban is resulting in the deaths of women with ectopic pregnancies. Stop being obtuse retard.

No. 2367427

By this point they might as well make it illegal to piss and sneeze because the energy expended during the act could have potentially gone to a fetus.

No. 2367435

The entire purpose of this proposed law is to push for more procreation under threat of force. They're not going to prosecute, arrest, and jail men for masturbation with no consequences for women. Even in the best case scenario where legal force isn't used against women who refuse to be broodmares, this is going to result in more sexual harassment towards women as men have less outlet for their urges. If they get imprisoned for masturbating, what is going to stop them from raping a woman?

No. 2367441

the more i hear about birthrates and "just have babies", as a homosexual, the more i hate babies themselves which is pretty fucked up. But i dont care, i hate how their existence is being used to propagate shit against women

No. 2367442

If they completely ban abortion and I’m unable to get a pill, or medicinal herbs, I’ll birth it and then kill it and move on with my life. You said no rape, but if amoid thinks he can use me as a vessel to pass on his shitty genes, he is mistaken. If somehow I wind up pregnant sans rape and the scrote dips, and I’m not able to abort, same situation. I don’t care if that’s seen as cold.

No. 2367457

So you'd rather go to jail?

No. 2367462

If she's going either way she may as well make a statement about the ordeal

No. 2367465

Anon, that would be actual murder
I'm pro choice, but I don't think I would get an abortion because I know it would weigh on me very heavily. I do want children but I'm simply not ready financially, but if I did end up pregnant I would probably keep it unfortunately. It's very complicated though, I don't want to go on birth control unless I find out some form of birth control (other than condoms) that wouldn't negatively affect my health.

No. 2367492

I don't hate babies. Kids are just innocent bystanders in the retarded politics of adult religiontards. Of course they become fodder to the propaganda machine. Baby girls become broodmares and boys become field slaves. Its retarded and this system only made sense when infant mortality was stupid high and everyone was struggling to survive past the age of 5. This 'get big or get out' policy with children doesn't work post industrial where everyone lives until 80.
I hate moids because they don't love children. They exploit a woman's (perceived) compassion and empathy (at least compared to moids who will regularly bash a babies skull if they hear it cry too much) and try to weaponize it against us.
It is psychotic and cruel to children to force or manipulate a non maternal woman to give birth and raise a child as if she was some sort of barnyard animal. News flash, moids: If a domestic cow won't accept her baby, you can't force her to. You either accept that she will stomp the calves head in every time it tries to nurse or you take the baby away and raise it yourself via bottle feeding. Moids don't want to rear kids. But they want to propagate their genetics.

I say if they want to have kids they have to accept actually being around for their kids and not being able to hide away 5-6 days a week for some office job.

No. 2367519

We are incredibly overpopulated. This goes for the whole globe. Not having a kid is probably good. They are only freaking out about birthrates because there is more people going out and less going in. They built up their corporations to be massive and now these companies are realizing they can't continuously grow year after year after year. That's not fucking feasible. They need to scale back, stop hyper inflating and making stupid shit that's going to our garbage dumps, and realize that no one needs one business to own 278282212 other ones and then see the big guys cry about "but birthrates.. it's women they don't want babies boohoo". Fuck no they don't want babies because most of us see exactly the type of shit they are trying to pull by complaining about this as if it's one sided. Who the fuck wants to have sex and have a baby with a disgusting moid?

No. 2367524

Desperate women do desperate things.

No. 2367599

Same, idk how no one realizes it’s the majority of moids being worthless that are the problem. They’re almost halfway there with the stupid “male loneliness epidemic” thing but it’s like they don’t understand that women are so desperate for any semblance of a decent moid that the bar is on the floor and still they are overall subterranean….

No. 2367602

why was chicago the first major city targeted for the ICE/deportation raids?

No. 2367604

I feel like it’s because it’s in the midwest, so Trump’s bravest soldiers (flyover retards with nothing to do besides go to church and post about Trump online) feel like it’s “closer to home” (plus they all think NY and CA are beyond saving) and I can’t imagine Chicago has anywhere close to as many immigrants as New York or LA does so it’s less work while still looking impressive to his voter base

No. 2367607

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this country is such a joke

No. 2367613

dystopian as fuck, but so classically american its kind of poetic. middle america won but right now everyone's distracted anyway watching the chiefs-bills game

No. 2367624

i truthfully wouldn't know what i'd do unless the situation happened. i'm pro choice. odds are i'd abort in most situations considering i can barely afford my current life as a single woman.

No. 2367642

I feel like I'm going crazy. We could stop world hunger annually because we produce like 3x more than we even need and then throw away so much that is still good. We have reached a point that we have technology to make sustainable, climate-proof housing and feed everyone, have beds. Instead we have this shit. I don't understand. What even is the end goal for being rich and owning everything possible? Just men with gross voyeurism and slave kinks. They aren't even out doing anything cool like using their money for cool experiences. What a fucking waste.

No. 2367652

I wish dr phil and robin williams switched places

No. 2367656

World hunger would end tomorrow if we eliminated all the power scrotes.

No. 2367660

We could literally have what we depict aliens as having in some of our sci-fi, but it's always men holding everything back. Those who step out of line and think for themselves need to be treated a certain way. There are guys who have had great industrial ideas, but can't keep pretending "Calculators" didn't exist in the background at all times.

No. 2367714

Literally. If men in power weren't such power hungry war mongering bastards we could have a utopia, everyone could have a home and know where their next meal is coming from for definite. It's such a farce all this bullshit

No. 2367736

I am pretty sure eliminating men is not going to solve world hunger or increase our technological advancement. Say what you want about those in power — they definitely need to be knocked down. But thinking that alone will solve the issue???

Why is this thread becoming so comedically delirious? It's not bait right?

No. 2367740

If men all dropped dead tomorrow, they'd be completely helpless and freaking out because their electricity isn't working.

No. 2367766

fuck the chiefs. that is all

No. 2367768

They legitimately don't see us as people, just as another resource. They're megalomaniacs who think this is a colony sim, where they are the players and we are the pawns

No. 2367782

>If blue states were so shitty how come so many groypers live there? That your body my choice faggot lives in Chicago.
not to defend him but he was born and raised there, it's not like he moved there.

No. 2367792

what do you even mean by world hunger
instead of giving third worlders food, just teach them not to have more than 2 kids. of course they're gonna go hungry when they have 14 kids, that's like having to feed a classroom every single day.

No. 2367794

He makes a ton of money off his grift. If he hates liberalism so much he can fuck off to a red state or literally any other part of Illinois that isn't chicago.
Most of these faggots live in cities for a reason. They wouldn't do well in red areas because they are nothing more than urbanite losers who love flapping their guns for money

No. 2367796

If you protect third world women from forced marriages the population drops to more stable levels. You have to tard wrangle men.

No. 2367797

yes but something something white feminism and our poor hecking men of color

No. 2367798

Unironically i would rather live in a mud hut and get eaten by a bear than deal with moids. If that shocks you I don't know what to tell you. I'm tired of hearing about men and the horrible shit they do. I'm not going to lick their balls because one of them invented a light bulb.

No. 2367799

You tell those dumb pickme bitches the problem is all moids. The race shit was planted by scrotes to cause division within the movement. All men of all races are shitty and dangerous to all women of all races.

No. 2367807

Studies show that a country's birth rate goes down the more educated and financially mobile women are. I'm sure they know that less kids = less mouths to feed, the men just force the women to have more kids for muh legacy and to keep the women down.

No. 2367810

That's probably so true of Elon's mindset.

No. 2367828

I want kids but if I end up with an unwanted one I'd probably abort it unless I morally felt obligated to birth the baby and it was my only chance to have a child ie the pregnancy ruined my reproductive system. The most morally questionable idea I have is that I would be much likelier to abort the child if it turned out to be a boy. I can't stand the idea of bringing a son into this world when men are becoming degenerates younger and younger. The incel influence is simply too rampant.

At this point the way everything's going maybe I don't want children. I have a strong maternal drive and I love kids and animals, but I would feel bad bringing a girl into this world too, knowing how men will treat her too.

No. 2367830

I wonder how Ben Franklin and Hitler would get along

No. 2367859

I can guaran-goddamn-tee you that the moids aren't the only ones perpetuating the racist shit we see. Just browsing this site and watching anons infight about things of that nature is proof enough. Seeing kids bully the one kid that is different, even amongst girls, and you want to tell me they only do that because moids got to them that early? It's a monkey thing; it's in our DNA to ostracize those different from us. I promise you, the problem lies so, SO much deeper than just moids.

Getting rid of moids would be step 1, not the end all be all.

No. 2367926

One of the many reasons why i voted for Kamala. Rightoids are so insanely brainwashed that they let an oligarch into office with his pet NON-CITIZEN oligarch retard calling everyone retarded and they are breaking their backs trying to suggest his nazi salute was him reaching for the stars, i hope those cunts suffer. The only way this situation could be amended is for a repeat of the last time Trump was in office where all his ass lickers quit because he's too retarded and the other ass lickers quit after being shamed like the pervy eye eyebrow drag queen faggot who liked college girls. They are so brainwashed that any old random loser can put on a maga hat and they eat it up and give them money for some reason.

No. 2367937

i can't believe people in this thread tried to convince me that tulsi gabbard was based

No. 2367943

You thinking I meant only third-world countries is crazy.

No. 2367961

Yes, if all moids disappeared the next day, women would forever be locked out from understanding the cryptic Rosetta Stone-esque knowledge of electricity that only our beloved protectors could grasp. Very true

No. 2367968

Had one in June of 2023, at 30 years old. I never want to go through pregnancy, nor deal with the responsibility of raising kids (and truth be told, I'm not capable of it at all). Never felt any guilt at all. I was a little scared of the pain though, which as I suspected was not fun to deal with. I was on three different painkillers and still broke out in sweat from the pain when I left the OR. Had cramps for like a week after too and it was really unpleasant. Really put into perspective how terrible contractions must be.

Would 100% do it again if another accident happens, but I'm getting my tubes tied soon

No. 2367977

The two ends of the autism spectrum.

No. 2367979

fucking $8.49 for Greek yogurt at the store I hope that fat orange buffoon chokes

No. 2367989

tribalism isn't race based, anon. race based tribalism was 100% created by moids and gor classist reasons, you can do research on why it started. before it was race based it was cultural, both still exist but tribalism can scale and is dynamic not static. think about it, it's part of why legal mexicans don't defend illegals, they all want to be a higher rung on the ladder.

No. 2368033

Genuinely, what is this fake anthropological cope for racist people like yourself who don't want to be responsible for it. You're seeking some biological explanation to offshore the feelings of guilt onto. It also sounds like you're planting seeds of doubt/grooming people to assume their mild racist tendencies aren't just thoughts but a manifestation of some "innate biology."
"Racism is DNA deep for all humans." Anthropology doesn't agree with you. I mean look around you, seriously. That wasn't even true in the 1450's in places where merchants from all across the world came to trade spices, and travel amongst the locals of different regions, but that's especially not true today in today's globalized world. Like what >>2367989 said, tribalism is culture based. It's the same reason why during the Elon being pro-H1B visas fiasco on twitter, white nationalists were saying they'd sooner have more black people in their neighborhood, than they would Indians. All of that anti-black sperging stopped the moment they wanted to suddenly seek community with the other large group that shares the '100% American' identity with them. True tribalism is in cultural attitudes. Same reason why city raised white people will have diverse friends, no problem, but they'll suddenly feel disgust when they find themselves near rural white Americans. City whites and rural whites are the same race, so according to you, they should feel camaraderie right? As you said, "racism is DNA deep" aright? Well no, people feel safe with whom they share a culture with. they're revolted by those who they don't share culture with. A country bumpkin white is a retarded genetic accident to a white person from a big city, but their middle eastern descent best friend who grew up in the same neighborhood as them is their sibling and soulmate. Why? Because they share a culture. You sound like a country bumpkin white yourself and I'm just letting you know now, you will not get your white supremacist heaven because there are a million more white people in burgerland who will see you as more of an alien than they would any black person in their state. You are the "anti-tribe" to liberal whites. You are the enemy, the alien, the foreigner, the uneducated, the ignorant, the backwards, the revolting. etc. Same reason why democrat whites hate republican whites with a genocidal passion but will hold the non-whites in high esteem. Because the republicans are the "anti-tribe" that come from a "filthy culture" that they feel needs to be eradicated. You will never get a staunch democrat white to feel community with a staunch republican white, over a democrat black person. They'd sooner behead that republican then see them as part of their tribe. Don't believe me? Comb through social media comments on various apps during October and November of last year. It was a war.

No. 2368037

All these grocery stores are going to start price gouging due to the fearmongering about tariffs due to FOX and other new stations. He keeps fucking changing his mind so often that even if something does change for the better, these corps are going to keep hiking prices because the public will assume that it's another country's fault and not Trump. How can so many Americans be this stupid. They took memeing and turned it into the president. The absolute lack of critical thinking has been destroyed by social media and the people who can't understand the difference between dark humor and acting on dark humor like these Nazi fuckingtoid retarded men.

I'm so mad over everything. I don't know how to handle it honestly. I feel like being a humanitarian globalist is making me too empathic. How do I turn off caring about other people.

No. 2368131

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thought it was kind of odd how I hadn’t seen any comment from or regarding the Antioch High School shooter’s parents. all I could find was that the cops had been to his house 4 times. dad claimed the sons gun was his own?

No. 2368609

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I don't mind going vegan to be honest, but can we ever catch a fucking break?? stupid orange fuck making everything worse too.

No. 2368663

nyart, but I worry that the class war will turn into a culture war like what you're describing. I feel like the elites are banking on both sides who get fucked over by them to fail to see past their differences and unite and eventually just get into an all out civil war with themselves as opposed to teaming up against the systems who are supposed to keep their labor and wealth organized and properly distributed but instead hoard the fruits of their labor all to themselves while exploiting the shit out of their comparatively altruistic pursuits of being useful to society at large.
Trust me, I hate racist republican retards as much as any other person who has two brain cells to rub together enough to create a dull spark with, but it has less to do with that they are racist republicans but more that they let that divisive and selfish mentality shape their entire persona to the point where they become their political daddies dog even while they larp as someone who wants less government control.
I live around these types and they absolutely refuse to see past their own nose.

No. 2368664

A poor black man and a poor white man have much more in common than a poor black man and a rich black man.

No. 2368676

The culture war has been waged for years and online propaganda has been driving it. Our own nation, China, and mainly Russia have all been trying to drive Americans towards extremism via social media propaganda predominantly boosted by sock puppets and bots

>In 2014, the IRA and other Russian networks began establishing fake U.S. activist groups on social media. By 2015, hundreds of English-speaking young Russians worked at the IRA.

>Their assignment was to use those false social-media accounts, especially on Facebook and Twitter - but also on Reddit, Tumblr, 9gag, and other platforms - to aggressively spread conspiracy theories and mocking, ad hominem arguments that incite American users.
>A former federal prosecutor who investigated the Russian disinformation effort summarized it like this
>It wasn’t exclusively about Trump and Clinton anymore. It was deeper and more sinister and more diffuse in its focus on exploiting divisions within society on any number of different levels.
>As the New York Times reported in 2022, there was a routine: [Russian disinformation] workers would scan news outlets on the ideological fringes, far left and far right, mining for extreme content that they could publish and amplify on the platforms, feeding extreme views into mainstream conversations.

These types of disinformation networks push a cultural divide and ideological divide in order to keep people preoccupied with fighting among themselves and not fighting the money hungry pig oligarchs at the top

No. 2368767

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nonnas… its officially confirmed. i accepted a job offer in europe

No. 2368769

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reminder of what we missed out on. I hate this stupid fucking timeline.

No. 2368775

I hope she runs for prez in 2028, or governer of CA in 2026. these retards who voted for chump will know what they missed out on.

No. 2368787

drinking from my heckin american plastic water bottle because we have no in home water filtration system

No. 2368873

meanwhile trump saw an 8 year old girl on an escalator and said he was gonna date her in 10 years.
Does your local grocery store sell those refillable water jugs? Those are cheaper and use less plastic.

No. 2368877

guess you have to stop posting itt then

No. 2368947

Speaking of Chicago, I just got back and had the worst time on the uber back to the airport to go home. My uber driver went on a random, totally unprovoked rant about how Trump is gonna deport all the immigrants and make chicago better, make gas prices lower and help with groceries. He wants food pantries banned so people can work and stop asking for hand outs. it was really, really uncomfortable. It was a very obvious demographic who voted trump too. I wish so bad we could just ban moids from voting all together.

No. 2369017

We're probably going to bomb the mexican border aren't we? ugghhhhhh

No. 2369031

The woman who was killed is heart breaking. She was minding her own business, and a random man just did it and for what? cuz he wanted to? The fact that police walked by her. No one helped. I'm just still in tears thinking about it. she didn't deserve to die like that. I left NYC in 2016 after being born and raised there for a few decades. I love cities and I'll always prefer them over suburban nowhere, but there needs to be a middle ground. Crime is rampant because men can do whatever they want and go unchecked.

No. 2369032

And let us not forget the criminal was an illegal

No. 2369037

Intelligent and informed nonna

No. 2369040

That's true. American billionaires and the wealthy elite don't benefit at all from a cultural divide. That's why we are so fortunate to have the CIA and networks like CNBC/Fox informing us that China/Russia are behind it all

No. 2369043

i hope you send a complaint to Uber about how your driver wouldn't stop fuckin' ranting about his political beliefs during the drive time. that would give me an aneurysm en route.

No. 2369048

Nothing worse than republicans stinking up blue cities. Go live in a conservative shithole if you hate it so much.
Back in 2017 I remember someone came into my place of business and wouldn't stop fellating about trump. We yelled at him and kicked his sorry ass out.

No. 2369050

the chinese bots are on the rise as well. i think it used to be predominantly russian but with the Tiktok exodus to XHS I have been seeing a lot of copy-pasted anecdotes in comment sections by accounts with Chinese usernames. They're not even being subtle with it. and it's not like this stuff is expensive to do, either, 1,000 Youtube comments is something like $10.

idk what to do about it though, the teenagers who were never taught critical thinking by american public schools genuinely believe that everything the XHS algorithm pushes to the top of their feed. There's not even a pause to consider 'wait maybe I never see anything negative not because there are no downsides to being a Chinese citizen, but because Chinese citizens are literally not allowed to criticize their government or standard of living?'

The next generation of Americans is genuinely like 90% broken. It doesn't matter if it's mental illness or shit-tier education, we should all be worried about the demographic coming of voting age rn.

No. 2369051

That anon did say
>our nation, China, and mainly Russia
It’s not as if there are only one or two political camps involved. There are many with their own interests.

No. 2369052

I did. 1 star, no tip and a complaint. Moid shoulnt be driving. He also went on about this uber job was his only gig too.

For real. He should move to texas and thrive there.

No. 2369053

congratulations, nonna! get the fuck out while you can lol. i wish you the best, hope wherever you're moving to is cute as a ghibli film with great architecture and local cuisine.

No. 2369057

I am pro-abortion, but i am not dumb enough to think that abortion is always just about flushing a bunch of cells that was a popular argument that was the got to by neo-liberals for a while. The key should be to lower the amount of abortions that happen for reasons outside medical necessity and i feel like once they go after abortion, the next step will be contraceptives which will be disastrous mainy for couples who want to keep their families to a manageable size, which is important in the current economy. I am also thankful that women have managed to take concept of celibacy and transform it from not being a whore in the eyes of god to a form of being in control of your body. Christians have no right to force their way of life on people who do not care for their teachings. But personally, i'd abort if i was pregnant because i have a pact to myself that i will never have sex or have children and in the event i am pregnant, i would not be able to afford the child nor would the child be conceived consensually. I am sure my parents would take custody of the child, but i don't think i could live my life with a constant reminder of a traumatic event constantly running around and it's not fair to the child. I just hope if i get an abortion that i get it early on so it's just a pill or else i might just consider just birthing it instead and giving it to my family and running away. I think we can still support abortion while being honest about how traumatic abortion can be. I feel like too many neoliberal's act like it's not as big as a deal as it is.
Almost all teen pregnancies are as a result of a teenager being groomed by an older man.

No. 2369060

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Imagine thinking Trump and Musk would give a shit about a lowly uber driver. Picrel rings so true of every braindead republican who think hard works have ever meant anything to greedy oligarchs.

No. 2369061

I meant the only factors we're allowed to acknowledge are Russia/China, since one world gov. is considered tinfoil but phrased that poorly/confrontationally to anon. If we're allowed to discuss the explicit NWO happening right before our eyes, then that's definitely progress kek

No. 2369065

I think you should figure out what neoliberal means first before you start using it as a synonym for "libtard"

No. 2369069

>I think we can still support abortion while being honest about how traumatic abortion can be.
No one here is seriously saying people should treat abortion like birth control. But at the same time you need to ask yourself if women weren't constantly moral shamed for everything, would abortion would REALLY be more traumatic that being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy?
I do 100% with you that female celibacy should be more about encouraging good mate selection as opposed to shaming women and girls for having natural sexual urges. If they REALLY wanted to lower abortion rates those idiots should be teaching teenagers comprehensive sex ed instead of abstinence only religious nonsense.

Anyways, I hate the government banning abortions. Maternity wards are shutting down in red states because now they are liable for prosecution if they have a patient miscarry. Just a bunch of fucking psychotic bullshit because men are retarded creatures who want nothing more than to make America into a third world country.

No. 2369070

I noticed that too kek. Neo-liberalism is an economic policy, not a social progressive ideology concerned with women’s bodily autonomy.

No. 2369073

nyart but isn't Reagan considered neo liberal? I always figured since as early as Nixon we've had neo liberals in office until Trump (who imo is the resulting oligarchy that came from uncontested neoliberalism)

No. 2369074

>isn't Reagan considered neo liberal?
Yeah, he’s like the classic American neoliberal president.

No. 2369077

File: 1738033262293.png (537.07 KB, 1575x1233, Neo_Lib.png)

>Neo-liberalism is an economic policy
The Urban Dictionary entry is older than you anons are so you'll have to accept it

No. 2369080

Unfortunately I am older than that retarded entry lol. The exact opposite of a neocon would be an anti-war liberal. Once again, figure words out before you use them.

No. 2369082

>those thumbs downs

No. 2369083

>The Urban Dictionary entry is older than you anons are so you'll have to accept it.
No it is not and no I will not. Some retarded moid who failed out of history class probably typed that.

No. 2369084

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I agree if anon was presenting a civics essay to us but she's sperging after hypothetically flushing fetus cells or running away after birthing and abandoning baby so it's a little nitpicky in this context imo. It's a pretty common way to insult someone for being performatively socially liberal, gullible and naive at this point
kekk anal retentive grammar-anons, through the century(wojak)

No. 2369087

wojaknona I don't even know wtf your point was. I've read your post like 3 times and I'm still trying to decipher what you were trying to communicate.

No. 2369088

Perhaps there is a specific or clarifying question you could ask about my post, so the menial labor of summarizing the very-recent "neoliberalism" discussion isn't entirely on me?

No. 2369089

>the neo-lib is the snowflake and the neo-con is the epic facts and logic enjoyer
Even if I am being nitpicky, you can't expect me to read this dribble and go "yas queen so true"

No. 2369090

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No. 2369091

>Even if I am being nitpicky
That was my whole point though. It has existed in urban dictionary in multiple entries since at least 2005. Consider it slang if it bothers you so much, especially since anon wasn't speaking from any kind of authoritative position. She was just sperging about abortion, so who cares

No. 2369093

I guess just writing some shit on urbandictionary makes something slang kek. You can even see how unpopular it is on the site itself. It's okay to be wrong.

No. 2369105

My church does it this way: abstinence is obviously the number 1 solution (so long as it's respected, ie the woman isn't sexually assaulted) but people are going to have pre-marital and extra-marital sex. That's just the way it is. So provide condoms and other sex education alongside abstinence. The goal is to reduce the number of abortions by there being less unwanted pregnancies overall and for abortions to ideally be only needed for cases of rape, incest, and non-viability which is harmful to the mother.

No. 2369110

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Okay now this is getting really funny
>not that the history lesson isn't welcome but if you read cohen's column is his. deliberately so. and that is what i for one was responding to. cohen attempts to reinvent the term neoliberal to use it as a life preserver to throw to conservatives wanting to put distance between themselves and bush's sinking ship

~*WaPo's Richard Cohen: Bush is a "Sentimental Softie" And A "Neoliberal", 2009*
>anal retentive grammar-anons, through the century

No. 2369111

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No. 2369116

Reagan is considered neoliberal? The war on drugs drinking age raising faggot? Are yall fucking stupid?

No. 2369119

>itt anons are unable to simply look up the definition of a term or understand it as a concept beyond a 4chan comprehension level

No. 2369120

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No. 2369128

They were raised by the "just pull yourself up by the bootstraps" generation, not taking into account a lot of what makes the poor stay poor is systematic issues. I hate it so much. The fact that so many globbrains fell for Trump's bullshit lies just goes to show how many idiots in America don't ever think outside a 4th grade education.

No. 2369138

Am I bad for thinking the instant someone posts a wojak it just destroys any legitimacy to their argument?

No. 2369139

Nona I think 50-60 percent of americans cant read above 6th grade level. It's pretty bad.

No. 2369141

Not at all.

No. 2369144

you know, when I read shit like this my mind goes to the manifesto of the latest school shooter and how he wrote like a 12 year old as opposed to a 17 year old.
I always thought I was fucking retarded, I barely graduated high school, but holy shit, the no child left behind act really fucked kids up good, huh?

No. 2369147

>1970s stagflation
I never looked much into that. I wonder if it was really all that bad? Like at least for the working class. The period between FDRs new deal and the end of the Nixon administration is such a strange period of history.

No. 2369151

Sometimes wojaks make me laugh but they’re also memes and memes are never a legitimate response during any argument or discussion kek, it makes me cringe whenever that happens

No. 2369156

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>the no child left behind act
I dont even think it was that. i seriously think the internet and short form content fucked everything up

No. 2369157

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I just think there's a time and place to post wojaks. Also they are overused by moidlings so I'm kind of done with them

No. 2369159

>the good old days where you could throw a shoe at the president
Yeah, internet 2.0 and social media definitely rotted the brain.
I also think smartphones are kind of evil. A flip phone with GPS and a good camera would be adequate for the masses. We don't need access to social media outside of the home.

No. 2369177

I heard some of the schizos trump pardoned jan 6th are either re arrested for tardraging or have been killed by cops.

No. 2369181

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peter thiel lol

No. 2369206

Yes. I don't care. I'd rather be a murderer than an incubator.
Am I mistaken, but isn't this already known? Hence why egg prices are so costly? Or is this is different type of bird flu? I don't eat eggs so I've largely ignored this issue.

No. 2369289

abortion really is last ditch birth control for undeveloped, barbaric nations where every man isn't vasectomized by law for some reason. And thats fine

No. 2369319

vasectomies don't always work, anon.

No. 2369332

Yeah, only 99.9% of the time, which is an order of magnitude higher than the pill, and the fail rate goes down over time instead of going up, unlike IUDs. And besides, why are women taking responsibility for men having a fucking bioweapon in their pants, like I say barbaric

No. 2369337

Vasectomies doesn't prevent murder scrotes from murdering.
Best solution is to have more women than men in society. Like, way more women than men. And ugly men are banned since they always get murdery.

No. 2369554

>Trump orders a funding freeze as his administration reviews federal loans and grants

>The funding freeze by the Republican administration could affect trillions of dollars and cause widespread disruption in health care research, education programs and other initiatives. Even grants that have been awarded but not spent are supposed to be halted.

>“The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve,” said a memo from Matthew Vaeth, the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Uhhh what the literal fuck?

No. 2369567

this is right out of hitlers playbook, using authoritarian power to exert ideological control over discourse by leveraging financial mechanisms to suppress. first they target academic institutions, scholars, and research… there will be a massive purge, and no, it wont just be transgender shit.

No. 2369581


I feel ill looking at this. Everything that’s come out of the Oval Office since he took office is making me ill. I think we might be kinda fucked honestly

No. 2369624

so is he a hitler against everyone but the rich?

No. 2369653

uhh gee you think?

No. 2369681

literally, oligarchical despot
when you think about it, it was only a matter of time with our country and it’s unchecked capitalism. maybe late stage capitalism was always just a circle to authoritarianism

No. 2369691

>Trump is Hitler 2!
This is stuff that I'd read in 2017 on Tumblr.

No. 2369706

Sucks it's true. I thought Pootin and the Nannybooyahoo were bad, but he's literally dismantling everything right now. Legally.

No. 2369729

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NTA and while I agree it's closer to an oligarchy and if you look at Trump's close ties to people who have lifted up Yarvin, we are likely to trudge closer to a feudal-like system than see an American Nazism, but we also don't have to act like Nazi Germany was doing great things. First of all Hilter invested in "academia and science" the same way Trump and his ilk are planning to do, funding a specific subset that gives them the answers they want, not a free study for the sake of advancement. 2.) The propaganda you posted was not state-funded but rather there was a strong social expectation for the people themselves to donate and run it and it's highly likely it was just used to fund the war and wasn't used at all for winter relief.

No. 2369736

>pause on government assistance
>literally just got approved for food stamps
my luck kek

No. 2369743

NTA but things kind of feel like the opposite of being dismantled right now? All the work that’s been done in just the last 8 days make me feel like things are coming back together

No. 2369750

And how long do you think all these pauses on programs and healthcare and even updates regarding food safety will last? Shutting down the government to rebuild it is not something that should be done. fixing things over time, yes, but Republicans have been refusing to allow that to happen for decades. The refuse to allow future infrastrutce because they don't want to spend the money longterm. Now we have someone who wants to destroy and hault everything all together and you think that means he wants to rebuild for the better? I bet you're not even from the US because unless you're wealthy, you have nothing going for you now. We also have 3 levels of tax increase while people like celebrities get cuts.

No. 2369753

Too many people here are extremely pussy-brained to think critically

No. 2369761

>And how long do you think all these pauses on programs and healthcare and even updates regarding food safety will last?
I don’t know or care, I don’t work in the government
>Shutting down the government to rebuild it is not something that should be done. fixing things over time, yes, but Republicans have been refusing to allow that to happen for decades…Now we have someone who wants to destroy and hault everything all together and you think that means he wants to rebuild for the better?
Reread my post, genius. I said the work that’s been done in the last week is making me feel like things are coming back together.
>I bet you're not even from the US because unless you're wealthy, you have nothing going for you now. We also have 3 levels of tax increase while people like celebrities get cuts.
I’m not even extremely wealthy but I’m also not gonna let myself shit and scream over something that we already experienced 4 years ago kek. I’m not really worried about America.

No. 2369762

NGOs and non profits are fucked lol

No. 2369763

also kind of illustrates that the executive branch has way to much fucking power now, and with a gridlocked congress for 20+ years, a partisan supreme court, it was only a matter of time until shit hit the fan

No. 2369768

100 percent this. Smart phones and social media ruined a lot. People don't want to think for themselves anymore, or even look up literal facts on their phones. They just consume what social media tells them to. Fomo wasn't even a big thing until social media told us to feel bad about it. I hate what the last 10-15 years has done to society. We need to go back to flip phones so your friends and family know where you are. That's it.
And kek, i remember when that shoe throwing event happened as a kid.

No. 2369770

Unregulated and unmonitored access to the internet fucked up kids.

No. 2369780

Don't you get tired of baiting?

I've been saying this for years and I keep getting the same responses of "but media has been around and has always influenced people". Yes. But social media is a mass influence, not just some people looking at newspapers and hearing it in magazines and talk shows weeks later. The speed at which social media updates has made people unable to properly think about what's happening because they move on so fast. Dark humor has because actionable because people can't tell the difference between making jokes and trying to go viral. Best example is the idiot sexual harasser on collage campuses who kept saying "It's a prank!!" I feel like it might've really kicked off with that shit.

No. 2369785

>scream over something that we already experienced 4 years ago kek
The problem is a lot of the anons that are freaking out about Trump right now were too young to be cognizant of politics in 2016. They think it's the end of the world because they haven't got a lot of life experience and they weren't paying attention to Trump's administration last time. All their posts about it are reminiscent of social media in 2016; fear-mongering about Trump and making comparisons to Nazi Germany. It comes off as naïve and alarmist. We all already lived through a Trump presidency and it really wasn't that bad, it won't be that bad this time either. Instead of focusing on federal politics, we should be more focused on state politics and continuing the fight for legalized abortion in every state and increasing the funding towards women's shelters and charities.

No. 2369787

Baiting is when you say rude or egregious things in an attempt to garner a reaction from other anons, all I did was answer the questions that she asked me?

No. 2369788

>The "socialism" bit wasn't a grift.
>Shows propaganda as evidence
Nona. The socialism was touted to appeal to the socialists to make Nazism more appealing to the masses. In reality Hitler worked very close with the industrialists, very early on Hitler was taking out workers unions. Also, keep in mind at its peak, Nazi Germany was a notorious surveillance state. You could get assigned a job but you had no control over what work you did, what hours you worked, and the pay was shit, if you complained you could get sent to the camps. Nazism and fascism in general is so retarded as a system of governance which is why it never survives more than a decade, even compared to other retarded systems like communism and capitalism.

I do agree that academia should be a bastion of conflicting ideas being able to safely butt heads in order to make societal progress though. The issue is Trump isn't going to just let you freely criticize gendie shit without fear of consequences, he's going to have his cronies make it so gendie shit will be replaced with christcuckery. If anything he's just going to further the divide.

No. 2369792

>The problem is a lot of the anons that are freaking out about Trump right now were too young to be cognizant of politics in 2016.
I forget this a lot, that there are users on this website who weren’t even old enough to be consciously aware of the Trump administration kek…you’re right nonny.
>Instead of focusing on federal politics, we should be more focused on state politics
I feel the exact same way, I wish people went this hard for their individual states and not just the country as a whole, because each state is significantly different and should have their own separate laws

No. 2369793

It wasn't that bad because Democrats kept having to put stopgaps in front of changes that would alter the lives of millions. There were issues last time. Child labor in factories increased due to lax regulations that the Supreme Court passed. Dozens of women harmed due to abortion laws. Don't act like anon is the naive one here. You're just announcing your disinterest in humanity besides yourself. They want to deport Selena Gomez and she was born in Texas. She's not even an immigrant.

No. 2369794

>Nazism and fascism in general is so retarded as a system of governance which is why it never survives more than a decade
Italian fascism lasted 21 years and Nazis ruled Germany for 12 years.

No. 2369795

ntayrt but i’m pretty sure the “deport selena gomez” shitflinging wasn’t meant to be serious kek, I believe it was intended to be a backhanded response to her referring to cubans and mexicans as “her people”, as opposed to other Americans.

No. 2369797

>It wasn't that bad
>As if the massive tax cuts on the billionaires that trump pushed have nothing to do with the jump in the wealth gap today

No. 2369799

Is this supposed to be impressive or something?

No. 2369801

I thought it came due to the fact she was criticised the administration in general. I don't think it's a joke considering everything else they are doing. Enjoy high groceries though. No "American" is going to take those jobs without wage increases. So many farmers are going to lose their fields, crops.. Del Monte is going to lose a ton of money which you'd think would concern the millionaires.

No. 2369802

No, I'm just pointing out that that anon was incorrect. Fascist governments have lasted longer than a decade in the past. I thought it was disingenuous to say that fascist governments last less then a decade when the two most common examples both lasted more than a decade.

No. 2369804

Ok well random chuds on twitter don’t really have the power to deport Selena Gomez, so
>Enjoy high groceries
I’m not the one paying for them so I absolutely will nona! keekk

No. 2369807

You have to be american to post here

No. 2369808

ntayrt but you don't buy your own groceries?

No. 2369809

>that we experienced 4 years ago
uhhh what? there were guardrails when trump was in office in 2016. there's none of that now and after all the assassination attempts, he's literally taking this country by the reigns. the fact you think this will be the same as his first term is ridiculous.
>the work that’s been done in the last week
what work???? all he's done is started trade wars with our allies and moved the country towards isolationism. children aren't attending school now because their parents are undocumented. laborers aren't working farms anymore bc of that fear.
what he's doing is unprecedented, especially the federal hiring freeze and funding freeze of fed loans and grants. not to mention the birthright citizenship exec order.

how can someone so willfully think that this is the same as his first term? it's like people seriously have no critical thinking skills.

No. 2369811

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No. 2369812

Do you think NEET means non-American, dumbass? lmao

No. 2369816

No I’m jobless my family usually does the buying

No. 2369818

I think that we have much more in common with Latin America than we have with the EU or the UK. My schizo shower thought today was just drawing comparisons between Brazil + Colombia and us.

No. 2369820

>I'm not foreign, just a leech!
God you are a fucking loser. Keep your loser opinions to yourself.(infighting)

No. 2369821

I don't think it's autistic to correct false information. Sorry that my correction hurt your feelings.

No. 2369823

>its like people seriously have no critical thinking skills.
I just don’t waste my energy where it doesn’t need to be lmao. Me personally I’m just choosing not to use my critical thinking skills and emotional energy on something I don’t have the power to influence, and also don’t really have any issue with because my life is still going good, so what is there for me to worry about?

No. 2369825

I went to brazil for vacation over winter break to sao paolo and was struck how similar it is to the US. to me it felt like the USA of south america

No. 2369826

If you're not worried about your country then maybe go to a different thread. Someone keeps posting JD Vance in the unconventional attractive males thread, maybe that is more up your alley.

No. 2369829

Life is gonna hit you like a brick

No. 2369830

Amerifags is a thread where American users are encouraged to discuss what’s happening in America with a relaxed, sociable manner. If you’re not capable of that, or can’t handle it when another user has a differing opinion to yourself (likely because we live different lives), then I suggest either 1) getting over yourself or 2) vacating the premises!

No. 2369831

nonna 500,000 people died because he lagged on literally any countermeasures

No. 2369832

I’m not worried about America because I feel like we’re headed in a better direction that is putting our people first.

No. 2369834

>our people
The billionaires?

No. 2369835

yeah that's how i felt during the first trump term even though i was literally studying polisci at university in washington DC. I basically tapped out of politics until the pandemic and tuned out again during biden's pres until the recent election.
what's worse about this trump term is that there's nothing stopping him now. not the courts, not congress, not the military, not independent agencies, nor our allies. he's been there before and now he knows what to do and who to surround himself with. ultimately i'm always going to blame the democrats because its their dependency on wall street to blame for this entire situation.

No. 2369837

Get a job

No. 2369841

No, anon. American citizens. I’m not a billionaire but I still feel supported and good, your wallet doesn’t have to be overflowing to still enjoy your life here

No. 2369842

You mean the 1%? Because only the ultra rich gain anything good from his policies. Everyone else suffers. Our economy suffers. Women are losing their rights. And his supporters are being way too comfortable now being openly racist and sexist.

No. 2369843

You're right. There's no point in getting hysterical because of things outside of your control. It's better just to focus on yourself and your immediate circle of loved ones. I think it's definitely more important to focus on municipal and state-level politics and to try and better your immediate surroundings than it is to buy-in to the alarmist reactionaries.
>Anybody that I disagree with is a foreigner
You guys sound weird sometimes. There's hundreds of millions of people in America, sometimes some people will have different views and opinions than you. That doesn't make them any less American than you.

No. 2369844

This is off topic from the thread but to respond to your suggestion, I don’t need one

No. 2369847

Willfully ignorant. Trump is never going to prioritize the regular American person, he's too busy being sucked off nasty-style by his cabal of billionaire backers.

No. 2369848

If they cared about their citizens they would give them healthcare and affordable housing.

No. 2369850

They are not here to hear the truth, and it's really sad. I lost family members, so did my wife and many friends. It was such a shit show. America doing nothing to prevent covid was the worst. I worked at starbucks at the time and had so many men yell at me for asking them to please wear a mask in store when ordering.

No. 2369855

>Everyone else suffers. Our economy suffers. Women are losing their rights. And his supporters are being way too comfortable now being openly racist and sexist.
How are we suffering? Do you feel like you’re suffering? If you seriously hate your life in America that much after 8 days of Trumps second term, then why even stay here? Again I can only speak for myself and my own experiences but even though grocery prices and the cost of gas didn’t immediately decrease, I feel like basically nothing has changed?

No. 2369856

we are the richest country in the world with the largest military in the world. to me its amazing how people fall for smokescreen issues like illegal immigration as the reason why our "economy" is bad, when it's always been the capitalists/millionaires/billionaires ruining the middle class.

no. you will not get social security when you are old. you won't even get medicare. the rich DO NOT care about you.

No. 2369857

Free healthcare and affordable housing do exist though? Are you guys all living in like NY and CA where every apartment is $2m a month or what?

No. 2369859

cool, they still need to leave though. we have enough people even without them hopping borders

No. 2369862

>Free healthcare and affordable housing
hmmm i wonder which party is the reason for that? i wonder which party wants to get rid of that? maybe you can answer that question

No. 2369863

Imagine being more useless than the illegal migrants getting kicked out and then thinking your opinion matters.

No. 2369864

>the rich do not care about you
This doesn’t make me want to live amongst illegal immigrants who refuse to assimilate to American society and live by our rules.

No. 2369865

cool, then go start picking fruit on the fields.

No. 2369868

I live in a red state so, I guess a republican party would be responsible for that? And even if “free” healthcare makes its exit, we all still have the option to pay for it ourselves, and a healthcare plan is only like $45 a month?

No. 2369869

what illegals to do live around and interact with on a daily basis? seriously?

i truly cannot believe how people are so easily blinded by immigration issues when its always been a class issue

No. 2369871

Oooh I love fruit picking. I’d much rather be the one picking and washing the apples than Ricky Ricardo.

No. 2369874

yeah that's because of obamacare you absolute fucking moron.

No. 2369876

>what illegals to do live around and interact with on a daily basis? seriously?
Uh could you repeat that anon? Kek sorry I don’t really understand what you’re asking(bait)

No. 2369879

I'm convinced yall are trolling now. No way you think the health insurance industry willingly will give you affordable healthcare just for funsies

No. 2369880

ACA makes basic healthcare (which covers almost no medical expenses) 50 dollars a month.
But on average insurance is around 500 a month. And you have a 1 in 7 chance of being denied coverage anyways (1 in 3 if you're insured under united healthcare, which is the biggest insurer in America.)

No. 2369882

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No. 2369884

Samefag, how is this bait?(ban evasion)

No. 2369885

>We need the slav- I mean illegal immigrants or else we'd have to pay people real wages to do hard labour instead of pennies!
This isn't the own you think it is. Illegal immigrants don't deserve to be treated as slaves. That's why legal immigration is so important, because it stops a lot of work-force abuse that happens to illegal immigrants.

No. 2369888

ntayrt but obamacare doesn’t exist anymore nonnie, that went away a while ago

No. 2369892

>legal immigration
what makes you think trump wont ban this as well lol. certainly for latin americans. did we just forget the muslim ban he did last time

No. 2369894

the ACA still exists, it's obamacare.

No. 2369901

He wants to strip states rights if they don't do what he wants at the federal level. Are you kidding me? I swear none of you follow along to the news factual news. Even CNN just had an anchor step down on ait because he's tired of CNN giving in to FOX news shit and refusing to criticize the overturning of longstanding laws for someone who wants a 3rd term ffs.

No. 2369902

Woah I haven’t heard of obamacare in a few years kek, and not to doxx myself but no the health/dental combo in my state isn’t an ACA/Obamacare plan
I really recommend doing more research on different healthcare plans that are available now, there’s more options than they want you to know about(ban evasion)

No. 2369906

Trump never enacted a "muslim ban." Muslims were never banned from immigrating into the country. We had lots of muslim immigrants coming into the country during Trump's administration. The original ban was when Trump paused immigration from 7 countries, and those 7 were countries with that had problems with civil strife and terrorism. Calling that a "muslim ban" is plain silly. I don't think Trump is going to ban immigration from Latin America, and if you think that he will, I think maybe you don't have a firm grasp on international politics and maybe you take what you see on social media too seriously.

No. 2369914

i already have a job. you can do that if you want to

No. 2369923

The problem is that you generally want to be paid a certain amount of dollars per hour, while Ricardo is ok with like 3 dollars each hour, which is just bad overall and explotative of the workforce

No. 2369928

I hope they don't come back without negotiating now. Trump fucked up. Honestly, even with the wage, I don't want to even go outside and do that for 14 hours even if the pay was, to them reasonable, $20. The farmers aren't going to be able to afford that due to the amount they owe to Del Monte and other seed conglomerates. You can't legally reuse your own seeds anymore. The whole farming system is fucked and and money wise, it's going to be hell for a lot of these farms to afford staying around which means less production which then means high prices for groceries. It's like this was so preventable if he was never voted in.

No. 2369936

>It's like this was so preventable if he was never voted in.
Preventing the exploitation of workers with no legal protection is supposed to be a bad thing?? Maybe this is gonna be unpopular but I don't think farmers should get a free pass to exploit people just because they own land. If a business can't afford to pay people living wages, then it really shouldn't be in business.

No. 2369946

Just because I didn't mention that doesn't mean that's not important either. Reform could've happened over time instead of straight-up haunting and scaring workers away from showing up. Oh boy, I could go over how congress stalled so many farming bills but due to the fucking republicans we got nothing done. In June legislation was going to be passed but was blocked in august to ensure workers could unionize on farms without relation to get better pay, benefits. Like i said, you have to start somewhere. Farmers would revolt if suddenly they were told to pay 10x the amount of someone who gets $2 a day.

No. 2369947

>I don't think farmers should get a free pass to exploit people just because they own land.
Nta, and I agree that we shouldn’t be maintaining a slave-like underclass of illegal immigrants to harvest our food, but most farmers don’t really own their own land anymore. The vast majority of farmland is owned by corporate giants that buyout local farmers and drive them into huge amounts of debt. I think some of these farmers wrongly assume that they’re being pushed out of the agricultural industry by illegal immigrants stealing their jobs, when the reality is corporations have annihilated small farming businesses.

No. 2369950

Does anyone know if the farmers/others unlawfully exploiting people for labor are going to actually get in trouble this time?

No. 2369956

they won't and also these conglomerate farms and their shareholders will get a big tax cut

No. 2369958

My tinfoil is this is purposeful suffocation of farms so farmers will be forced to sell their land to the government and we'll have one American "farm" manufacturing all of our food.

No. 2369959

You know these places are desperate when they (Baltimore schools and AmeriCorps) start sending bot recruitment messages to a faceless, resumeless Handshake profile

No. 2369961

this has nothing to do with trump kek, the same thing happened a year ago under biden.

No. 2369982

One of those chuds was a Republican politician. Another Georgia congressman is trying to go after the bishop who criticized trump, saying they should be deported. They aren’t joking.

No. 2369985

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Kind of off topic. but As malleable and retarded as I think trump is, I think he could only have the people around him rip off the aesthetics of nazism but he could never do it himself. Before he even ran for president he was much more “lib” and donated to Kamala Harris for her AG run iirc. Anyways, nowadays you can tell his goal before any sort of social movement or whatever is having as many people like him as possible. You can tell that’s all he cares about, he literally never knows what he’s signing because he’s an actual retard. He latches onto immigrants because he knows that a lot of americans and his party doesn’t like him, and he only recently started the anti gay anti tranny shit (despite loving gays and trannies before 2020) (probably still loves bruce too) because that’s just what people started talking about. His ideology isn’t really ideology, you can tell he just follows whatever gives him an ego boost and reminds him of the “good ol days”. Like this guy is actually retarded, he falls for AI shit all the time on his truth social i shit you not. (spoiler for ai slop)

No. 2369999

Yeah, for all the people who think Trump is some kind of political evil mastermind, he's really just an easily manipulated retard who wants to be popular.

No. 2370023

For the Medicaid pause, can I still attend appointments or am I fucked? Literally have a gyno appointment on Thursday

No. 2370037

that's dumb. they should arrest the unlawful employers.

No. 2370050

The deportation centers becoming slave labor. Not shocked.

No. 2370054

Call ahead but plan on going.

No. 2370062

wait bruh wtf i need to get a medical clearance for a job i just got and have an appointment scheduled for next month thru my medicaid provider….

No. 2370072

This is one of the most brain dead things I’ve ever read holy shit. So you’re admitting that you haven’t thought through any of it at all but somehow your wishcasting is still correct and all of the people who HAVE educated themselves about these topics are wrong? Have you developed object permanence yet?

No. 2370090

Just stop responding to bait. I don't understand wanting to go online to brag about how you don't care about imminent mass suffering, but some people think larping being a sociopathic, above it all edgelord makes them look…cool? On an anonymous message board?? It's pathetic honestly.

No. 2370102

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This makes me really worried. I applied to the FAFSA again for uni,does this mean that money is gone now?

No. 2370105

Nyart but I think we share the internet with sociopaths who are tired of masking as people who arent chomping at the bit to watch their fellow man suffer because to them their sadistic glee is better than the absolute nothingness they feel otherwise.
This is what programmed apathy does to people.

No. 2370120

Oh Jesus fucking christ. Fuck this faggot.

No. 2370124

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apparently fasfa/education grants are exempt? but trump admin did not make anyone aware of this until after he implemented that pause

No. 2370128

Trump, I guess more namely Elon Musk, is going to royally fuck over every government agency that helps poorfags. I can see it now. I can see the class division getting higher. If medicare/Medicaid get crazy cut backs, if everyone is forced to pay student and medical debt there will be millions of people with such poor credit scores they won't even be able to rent, they won't be able to buy cars, won't be able to get credit cards, won't be able to do anything. The people at the top won't worry because they never do.

No. 2370136

It just seems so objectively retarded for the economy. These ghouls only care about corporations, but it's not like people go on food stamps and Medicaid for funsies. If poor people can't buy food, that fucks over grocery stores and food manufacturers. If people are spending all of their money on healthcare, they can't buy other things. Liiiiike….

No. 2370140

Don't forget the retarded Republicans who want to separate government funding from public schools! Something tells me in this climate it might actually happen. Fuck this faggot government.

No. 2370169

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I wonder if the purpose of this is to push the people towards homeschooling and private schools. This could create an uneducated class, specifically one consisting of uneducated women who are expected to drop out of their careers to educate their children. They would be both be cutting out as much taxes as possible while creating pigeonholing women into the caretaker role, killing two birds with one stone

No. 2370178

>This could create an uneducated class
21% of adults are illiterate and 54% of adults read below a 6th-grade level. There is already an uneducated class. The majority of people in this country cannot read above a 6th grade level.

No. 2370191

>The majority of people in this country cannot read above a 6th grade level.
Every day this becomes more and more apparent to me ngl. You can even see examples of this ITT. It makes me so fucking sad actually

No. 2370207

I hope I get to graduate before trump takes away student loans

No. 2370209

That has to account for all boomers though, right?

No. 2370222

I'm in my early 20s and I have noticed so many people my age and younger who cannot comprehend simple concepts and have a shocking lack of knowledge, let alone being able to read and understand deeply. I recently spoke to someone my age who didn't understand that fossil fuels are a natural resource. There are people in Gen Z and Gen Alpha who have already outsourced their brains to ChatGPT and TikTok and either refuse to or can't read actual sources for college assignments. Some people in my classes can't finish books and complain to the professors for assigning "entire books." Blaming it on a single generation is silly

No. 2370235

What did they think fossil fuels are…? That has to do more with a failure of curriculum, right? Or did they just not pay attention at all in school? Also you're right I forgot about the AI dependence. Pathetic.

No. 2370256

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Zoomers didn't grow up with the Eyewitness books and it shows

No. 2370265

Not so much reading but I've been surprised by people who can't do math with cash money, like they don't know how much coins are equivalent to dollar bills, can't count change in cash purchases etc

No. 2370270

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That is not true I used to love those and books like picrel that would show the inside of appliances like microwaves

No. 2370279

A lot of other anons are against you, there's been a lot of anti-illegal talk in the threads but even if there was a massive influx of LEGAL immigrants, that wouldn't change the minds of some anons itt. I hope you know there are some people in here that understands your point. The housing shortage, the employment crisis, etc; have never been caused by the immigrants because this problem existed prior to when biden opened the border. The anons are really complaining about feeling excluded in a walmart when they hear a family speaking spanish.
>I wanna work pedros job!
But you wouldn't, because if you did you would be out there farming already. The rich already ruined the farming dream by buying farms en masse killing rural america. Pedro isn't a college graduate, and illegals aren't being hired by jobs that would required a college degree like majority of Americans are complaining about regarding the employment crisis. We seriously need to be lucky that we got immigrants that just carve out their own communities to live in when there are canadianons and europoors that have misogynistic muslim men coming in in droves trying to force random women to wear hijab in threat of raping them.
Most of the arguments against illegals are the fact that they hopped the border, when majority of the people complaining had their family lineage do the exact same thing, it's inane. Nobody is going to change my mind about this, sorry that the whining about illegals hasn't totally changed my worldview and make me join the ICE.

No. 2370286

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if abortion is gonna be made illegal and we are gonna devolve into a country where people tattle to the secret police on their neighbors for being "marxist" can we please also get some fucking support for the housing crisis and high mortgage rates???? I'm begging for fucking crumbs here but any relief will turn into more easy pickings for fucking blackrock and individual wealthy investors but at this point i'm begging to be able to afford to buy a reasonable house in a reasonable, small city and not have to live in some shitty ass exburb.

No. 2370293

You're supposed to pull yourself by the bootstraps nonna! If you can't afford a house, maybe you become more submissive and feminine to appeal to a man teehee

No. 2370297

amongst all the retarded nonas arguing about illegal immgrants and also STILL not realizing obamacare = ACA, this is one of the few reasonable nonnies.

No. 2370299

>The anons are really complaining about feeling excluded in a walmart when they hear a family speaking spanish.
You describe this so well, that's why there's so much sperging about stupid things like being annoyed by accents. The "taking our jobs" shit is really only discussed in debate about immigration when its brought up as a point. Something America does well is being a melting pot culture, it's how you get immigrants to assimilate and create new things instead of forcing misogynistic shit on everyone (europe). I totally agree with you nona.

No. 2370309

>Some people in my classes can't finish books and complain to the professors for assigning "entire books."
i got assigned like 20 different (non-technical) books in college and i read at most 2 of them in full. to be fair, most books are a massive waste of time to read in their entirety

No. 2370343

This is such a smooth brained take no wonder we're cooked.

No. 2370358

can I ask how many books you read in this way and how many books you read in full in 2024

No. 2370360

me reading the spark notes for all the books assigned in my lit class 15 years ago, like sorry but I have a job bc I'm poor, I don't have time to read what some ancient greek scrote wrote when it's not even relevant to my major

No. 2370370

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Melania’s official white house portrait

No. 2370373


No. 2370374

It's just the face lift

No. 2370379

she is kind of giving jenner kek

No. 2370383

She's makes me so conflicted internally. She's a boymom, she hates her husband, she hates being in the white house and hates the duties of being the wife of a president. And she was a drop dead gorgeous model. Also I really like this portrait, she wears suits very well.

No. 2370387

Her face is very feminine she’s just incredibly thin

No. 2370388

Whoever edited her picture tried to broaden her shoulders and lengthen her arms but it just gave her male secondary sex characteristics

No. 2370393

Elaborate nona, I'm curious

No. 2370426

Is it so hard for people to fact-check their shit before blackpill fearmongering? Even the press is doing it. It's especially bad with the recent federal aid pause because now I have to hear dooming about student aid going away when all it takes is one search to find out that's not true. That's completely illegal and just wishful thinking just like so many of the other things Trump wants to do. Fuck him for wording everything so deceptively and vaguely all the time so that people panic

No. 2370432

I had to explain the subtext of Nosferatu to a grown man the other day. I sometimes think maybe I'm too academia-brained and overanalyze media but I'm starting to believe a lot of people just willfully refuse to look past the surface of anything because it's slightly difficult.

No. 2370439

mainly the people. different immigrant groups and various waves of immigration which is so visible in the people you see walking around. white, brown, black, asians, all speaking portuguese and who have been there multiple generations. visibly seeing east asian families walking around the park speaking portuguese to each other was a trip, i don't know why, because it's literally just the US but if it had been colonized by portugal instead. also the fact that barely anyone speaks english reminded me of the US and how most people here refuse to learn another language.

i'm from los angeles, so it just reminded a lot of LA as well. the income inequality/disparity in various neighborhoods, it might as well be the united states. though i didnt see any homeless there, certainly no encampments, and people kept telling us certain areas were dangerous which i visited and i thought it just looked exactly like certain parts of los angeles. rich areas and poor areas. also just the way they dress, casual, comfortable clothing, brands etc. they looked american.

it was the first time ive ever been to south america. ive been to mexico / mexico city alot since my mom's extended family is there, but the vibe from mexico and brazil is completely different, where mexico is visibly homogeneous in its ethnic makeup, and i usually stood out there, while brazil seemed legit like a melting pot, like the US, and everyone just assumes you're brazilian and speak portuguese automatically. it was really fascinating.

No. 2370453

I think there's just always been a large group of people who don't know how to engage with art beyond the surface level. We have art history classes and english literature taught in schools to give people the ability to understand the ideas and meanings behind creative works, but we know half of people will just "the curtains were fucking blue," and not give a fuck about actually acquiring that skill. These are the sort of people lowest common denominator media is made for.

No. 2370634

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so is the goal to just gut the federal govt?

No. 2370657

mmhm. I hope all the Trumpfags in denial of Project 2025 because “daddy would never do this” get their well deserved FAFO results.

No. 2370684

>The Trump administration on Tuesday offered roughly two million federal workers the option to resign but be paid through the end of September, in an effort to drastically reduce the size of the federal work force and push out people who do not support President Trump’s political agenda. In an email, the Office of Personnel Management, an agency that oversees the federal civilian work force, gave employees the option to leave their positions by typing the word “resign” into the subject line of an email and hitting send. Workers have until Feb. 6 to accept the offer.

>The email, with the subject line “Fork in the Road,” said that the majority of federal agencies would probably be downsized and that a substantial number of employees would be furloughed or reclassified to “at-will status” — essentially making them easier to fire. Most people who have been working remotely will be required to work from their office five days a week, the email said, and some physical offices will be consolidated, causing some people to be relocated.

>The message also said that “enhanced standards of conduct” would be applied to ensure that workers were “reliable, loyal, trustworthy” and warned that “at this time, we cannot give you full assurance regarding the certainty of your position or agency.” The email amounted to a frontal assault on the federal bureaucracy, which Mr. Trump has long derided as the “deep state” and has sought to bend to his will. In making the move, the president was testing the limits of his power, trying to push past the federal law that governs payouts and rules that have long protected the civil service from political interference and pressure.

>The move also risked gutting the staffs of a wide array of federal agencies that Americans depend on, though federal unions immediately condemned the offer, and many federal employees viewed it as a trick.

>The message echoed an email that the billionaire Elon Musk, a constant companion to Mr. Trump in recent months, sent to Twitter employees after buying the social media platform in late 2022. Mr. Musk’s email shared the same subject line and offered employees three months of severance.

this is absolutely batshit. the federal hiring freeze already effectively destroyed the pending applications i had on USAjobs. i hope federal employees stay strong and are able to hold onto their jobs. working in dc once before was pretty eye opening, the smithsonian for instance, barely gets any federal funding, mainly just to keep the lights on and these institutions are already short staffed.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2370921

Call me a retard but if Trump takes away student loans and takes away income driven repayment plans I will be participating in the violent riots that could occur kek. If that happens I pray he takes away social security so maybe boomers and gen xers will get off their ass and do something.

No. 2370948

HOW are you bozos still so clueless?? Its obvious these (mostly)moids wanted this all along. They want to burn the house down with the entire family in it. They were never hoping for a system that functions because they feel betrayed by the culture and women at large. They want to destroy it as a response to how they feel we've destroyed their culture. They think people don't deserve it.

How in the hell any of you still assume they believe lies takes my breath away. Its politics used as a blunt object and nothing else. Burn the world mentality.

Maybe a small handfull of these people believe those lies but they're the pinnacle of deluded by their husband, or clinging to conservative nostalgie like dumbshit feces humans.

Continuing to pretend they're stupid and their burn the world' operation is unintentional is being just as stupid as they are. Leftwings talk about their stupidity, but they often walk right into their own.

These moids need their throats slit plain and simple. If you think of them any other way you're stupid stupid stupid as fuck. They're trash they need to be disposed of like trash. Thats all they ever were, thats all they've ever been. The fake news, the "stupidity" its all intentional manipultion to destroy moral and the state/ culture at large.

Believing anything else is like agreeably walking into your own execution I'm so sick of listening to leftwings talk like dumbshits. Absolutely tired of it. Just sharpen your knives and lstop wasting time protesting like it means anything. It almost makes me as angry as MAGA turds.

Protesting is probably the stupidest thing we can possibly do. Its like begging hitler to not be a murder. What does that get you besides looking stupid and clueless as fuck? Jesus christ idiots get with the program. Stop pretending its anything else because you're obsessed with extending grace to human feces.

No. 2370954

Exactly nonna, the truth is that many people simply don’t want others to benefit and have “privileges”.

No. 2370955

She’s hot idc. Slayed this

No. 2370958

I’ve seen some people saying that she’s ugly or that she looks like a man in a wig. But the picture in a suit is quite good kek, don’t like her though.

No. 2370967

Based nonita.

No. 2370976

>they're going to cancel the IRS and income tax
finallly some good news

No. 2371008

> free speech, accepting racial differences
propaganda on how some groups are less human and how it's okay to mock and experiment on them?

I know who you are, back to the kitchen. Your white husband is hungry, you tardwife(bait)

No. 2371022

This. Scrotes have the mentality of a suicide bomber.

No. 2371028

Aren't they trying to introduce the national abortion ban in the House of Representatives right now? What the fuck is happening anymore

No. 2371042

I believe the Trump Administration will bring back child labor to compensate for that

No. 2371109

Yes. They are trying to add it to the constitution.

No. 2371120

Looks like she got it taken in Korea with the amount of airbrushing

No. 2371154

The people that are going to lose most of the government funding and grants are going to be the poor idiots who voted him in and they think it'll affect rich and middle class libtards instead? Kek I can't wait for them to be the ones to do storming again but this time looking for trump.

No. 2371258

I wish it were that easy but it’s not…federal income tax makes up half of the government’s revenue. For tariffs to cover what they would lose tariffs would have to be about 60% on all foreign goods. With prices that high, people are unlikely to buy foreign goods and so less will be imported. With less imports coming in, the tariffs would have to go even higher….etc etc etc until there’s almost no revenue coming in at all. Then the country is broke and goods cost 50% + more than they did before while we only get back 20% from not having to pay income taxes. It would also mean that any good pressure placed on corporations to keep jobs here, locate to rural areas, etc would vanish because those are all based on tax incentives. Basically, eliminating federal income tax only helps the very rich and leaves the 99% way worse off.

No. 2371261

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it’s leaked that they wanna pause a bunch of observance days, but the most notable one is holocaust memorial day. evil.

No. 2371276

Genuinely, why should anybody care? This is a memo for employees of the DIA that specifies observances of certain non-holidays should be cut to reduce government spending. This has no impact on civilians or the average citizen. This memo does not mean that these observances will be banned or cease being recognized by the federal government at the civic scale. It feels like certain anons here struggle with basic literacy and critical thinking skills and get baited into believing stuff posted by hysterics on Twitter and TikTok.

No. 2371278

but then how are they supposed to send our tax money to israel????

No. 2371280

Obviously that’s what it is, it’s the observances they chose that’s the issue.

No. 2371282

>Trump Administration Rescinds Freeze on Federal Grants and Loan. The freeze is rescinded but a review to eliminate spending on ‘woke’ ideologies will proceed.

>The White House rescinded a directive on Wednesday that froze trillions of dollars in federal grants and loans after the order sparked mass confusion and legal challenges that accused the Trump administration of violating the law.

That was fast lmao

No. 2371285

We really don't need to pay taxes for the DIA to hold observational luncheons and events for civic observances. It's a waste of money and resources. The DIA employees can still observe these observances in their free time and the government can still promote these observations. It's about saving money.

No. 2371286

I feel like it was probably only rescinded because his team realized it would affect defense contractors/military

No. 2371289

File: 1738180247440.png (114.07 KB, 1052x620, Screen Shot 2025-01-29 at 11.5…)

wtf are they gaslighting us now? im so confused by this admin. maybe thats the point

No. 2371293

as long as i don't have to pay income tax i don't even care tbh

No. 2371295

>President Trump just announced that he would be signing an executive order to instruct the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to begin preparing the 30,000-person migrant facility at Guantánamo Bay.
oh boy time for human rights violations!

but no, he's not hitler. it's not a concentration camp.(this is an imageboard)

No. 2371302

Comparing that to a concentration camp is wrong and insensitive and highlights a serious misunderstanding of history. You seriously need to take a break from social media. Maybe read a book about the historical reality of the holocaust. I don't like Trump, but comparing a facility that will house 30k migrants to death camps that killed millions of people is disgustingly stupid and offensive.

No. 2371306

errhmm ok lets call it an internment camp then. is that better for your palate?
maybe you should read up on guantanamo bay's history lmao

No. 2371310

I'm being serious. It's disgusting to compare either migrant housing facilities or prisons to a Nazi concentration camp. It's offensive to the millions of people that were systematically killed by Nazi Germany and all those that suffered during that genocide. It's childish and immature of you to think that carelessly invoking concentration camps is a way to prove your point or strengthen your positions.

No. 2371312

this is bait

No. 2371313

you do realize internment camps have a long history before the holocaust and after the holocaust correct? and the concentration camps of nazi germany did NOT begin as death camps.
i think it's 100% valid to recognize early signs of imminent human rights violations, which will invariably occur when you place thousands of people on guantanamo bay.

No. 2371317

The anon specifically made reference to Hitler and the Nazi concentration camps. I think that it is in very poor taste to compare a migrant facility to Nazi concentration camps where millions of people were murdered. It's wrong and disrespectful to even begin to compare the two.

No. 2371318

>migrant facility
its fucking guantanamo bay holy shit

No. 2371323

And Guantanamo Bay is not Auschwitz. 9 people have died in Guantanamo Bay in its 23 years of operation. 1.3 million people were murdered in Auschwitz in less than 5 years. It really is not comparable.

No. 2371324

god who cares. nona is being a cringe resist lib at best. save your 'muh poor taste for victims of holocaust' schtick for the party with the guy who performed a nazi salute to cheering crowds

No. 2371330

I'm not going to apologize for caring about the holocaust. I'm not a republican. It's simply offensive and in poor-taste that anons continuously refer to the holocaust to fear-monger and sperg about Trump.

No. 2371331

You’re right and the TDS itt is very cringe. Let’s wait for the actual text of this executive order that he hasn’t even signed yet to be published before taking everything he says at face value. Oh wait, I meant Trump is literally Hitler!!1

No. 2371348

>review to eliminate spending on ‘woke’ ideologies will proceed.
So no FAFSA for humanities, got it. Jk, but what the fuck does this mean? We all know troons are a cancer but this is not going to stop at troons, so what the fuck does this mean.

No. 2371350

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No. 2371358

Trump tried to freeze funding for institutions that receive federal funding and have “DEI” programs. This was an executive overreach with many lawsuits imminent, so Trump and his team quickly took back the EO rather than waste time and money to go to court just to lose. Tbh this is an example of why I’m not too worried about Trump shenanigans. Yes, he’s retarded. Yes, he’s a megalomaniac. No, he does not actually have unchecked power.

No. 2371370


No. 2371399

Late zoomers, i had a blast in the early 2000s

No. 2371409

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NTA but the other anon is not wrong and is using the correct language and you are not, if you're gonna keep trying to split hairs on this. A concentration camp is quite literally when a large group of people are imprisoned without trial. The US camps for japanese americans were also concentration camps. a concentration camp is not the same thing as an extermination camp, even if nazi camps were converted to those, ultimately. No one gains anything by saying some terms are off limits because we've heard them mostly used in only one specific context.

i'm sick in general of anons keep bringing up the holocaust and nazi germany itt and accusing others of not knowing history when we are all basically retarded here.

No. 2371412

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Knowing boeing's reputation there is a possibility for one of the funniest situations to occur

No. 2371414

The other anon actually said "Hitler" and then "concentration camps." She was clearly invoking the imagery of Nazi concentration camps. Splitting hairs on semantics is asinine when you miss the point entirely.

No. 2371426

File: 1738186049884.png (1.42 MB, 880x1270, Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 4.26.…)

are you going to look at her and tell me it's not a DEI hire

No. 2371427

not all nazi camps even were extermination camps, which you seem utterly incapable of understanding. It's bad enough that yes, people are being rounded up and put into camps, like the nazis. we don't need to wait and see if people get killed in these concentrations camps now before we can bestow upon them the title of "concentration camp". Just because your understanding of the holocaust is only about auschwitz and treblinka. but just for your information there were 6 such camps and there were literally hundreds of concentration camps that existed at one time or another during the nazi regime.

No. 2371434

stop being autistic for a minute and use your reading comprehension skills

No. 2371440

Idk man, I was excited by the idea until I looked into the reality of it and it’s just another way for rich people to pay less so that normal people have to pay more. Saving that 20% doesn’t help if everything is twice as expensive

No. 2371442

>i'm sick in general of anons keep bringing up the holocaust and nazi germany itt
Me too, and this was the anon who started this dumb debate >>2371295. Did you read the thread?
Anon, you realize these alleged concentration camps haven’t even been created yet, right? The US has operated and continues to operate a number of detention centers for illegal immigrants awaiting deportation. These detention centers have been harshly condemned by human rights orgs, rightfully so imo, but I feel like you’re getting swept away in this narrative about “concentration camps” when what Trump MIGHT do is really more of the same policy that has existed under multiple presidencies, including Obama and Biden.

No. 2371443

it really boggles the mind how absolutely dumb trumpfags are. he is actively working to fire anyone who talked ill of him/only hire people who lick his taint. it's the easiest comparison but imagine if obama did a fraction of what trump's done in two weeks, you retards would be foaming at the mouth talking about how he's destroying america. but because every female trump supporter is the other end of the pickme-not-like-other-girls spectrum, these imbeciles celebrate him cause they're So Smart or whatever. you are all, so fucking stupid.

No. 2371447


No. 2371498

Pretending there arent holocaust beginnings and nazi, literal white supremacy assholes/Proud Boys, going around is insane. It is akin to how Hilter overthrew the government at the time.

No. 2371505

Reading shit like this makes me think I'm on SJW Tumblr in late 2016. Not everyone that you dislike is Hitler. I think Trump is a retard too, but calling him Hitler is cringey and makes it seem like you weren't old enough to vote in 2016.

No. 2371513

Did I call him hitler? No. Jfc.

No. 2371518

This doesn't feel like 2016

No. 2371520

nta but this isn't like 2016 at all lol

No. 2371531

that's not a DEI hire, they hired her because she's attractive probably, which is a separate phenomenon. women like that will still get favorable positions post-DEI

No. 2371538


that was kind of the joke

No. 2371543

it wasn't a good joke, because that's not what DEI is

No. 2371548

No. The presence of right-wing politicians in government and right-wing allies of the president are concerning, sure. I’m concerned too. But to call my point insane because you disagree is retarded because I don’t actually believe you’ve studied WWII past your high school history class. Here are a few of the conditions in interwar Germany that led to Hitler seizing power:
>War guilt clause in the Treaty of Versailles, which caused Germany to go into huge amounts of debt after WWI
>Great Depression of the 1930s, leading to huge amounts of unemployment and inflation
>Loss of empire (no matter how brief the German empire existed) after WWI, with German-populated lands being annexed by surrounding countries
>Xenophobia and hatred of Jewish refugees fleeing the Russian pogroms and fears of Jewish communists among them
>Rapid industrialization with fun new weapons of mass destruction to try out
We’re not even close to being there, sorry.

No. 2371560

No point in trying to talk sense. They just wanna fear-monger about Trump and doomfoil.

No. 2371565


ok fine, it's them hiring people because of how they look and not because of how well they do their job

No. 2371572

Being cited as an inspiration doesn't really mean much. Shooters can claim literally anything inspired them, and I wouldnt be surprised if the shooter hated her and used her name knowing it would reflect badly on her. Most shooters are well aware their actions arent going to be praised by the general public.

No. 2371604

wait why are you people talking about concentration camps

No. 2371613

A lot of us have problems with focusing and low attention spans, so we're discussion concentration camps. They're like summer camps where you go to learn how to concentrate better.

No. 2371638

Just read the thread

No. 2371644

that phenomenon has always existed though. no one wants to look at an uggo all day

No. 2371673

This is exactly how I feel about him kek. He has the potential to cause a lot of damage but blue states are going to be suing the shit out of him. People act like the executive is an elected monarch

No. 2371778

Detention center/internment camp/concentration camp are all basically the same. Not every camp sends people to death, but all hold them.

No. 2371840

my cleaning lady said the entire neighborhood she lives in is a ghost town and now she has to carry her papers everywhere with her, but today she forgot them on her way here so she was nervous.
likewise i heard from my aunt who teaches in texas, at a school with lots of immigrant children, that they are having tons of absences from class, over 100, the parents are too scared to send the kids to school.

No. 2371943

I honestly only feel bad for the innocent children who may not even fully understand why this is happening. So many latinos voted for Trump despite the fact that he's made his stance very clear since 2015. If they don't care, neither do I.

No. 2371977

"It's sold for 26 bucks a piece btw.." made me kek out loud.
also, wtf was that retard chuckling about? WHY does he sound like that it actually makes me sad that I am not deaf.

No. 2372004