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File: 1728768179691.jpg (202.79 KB, 1080x1080, 284532.jpg)

No. 423482

ITT post your work and receive critique, advice, and feedback.

>Be honest, but don't be excessively cruel; remember that these artists are your fellow farmers.
>Try to be specific when asking for pointers
>Be gracious when receiving critique, because sometimes the most difficult feedback to hear the most valuable >Remember that art is subjective, and that anons may not agree with each others' critiques; this is not a reason to start an infight
>Check the Artist Salt threads in /ot/ for books and other resources for improving your work

Previous thread:

No. 423485

Made a typo when linking the previous thread. Here's a working link:

No. 423490

What are those gay ass new rules.

No. 423494

pyw coward

No. 423499

File: 1728769795409.jpeg (64.07 KB, 640x429, dinosaurs.jpeg)

AYRT, I really recommend looking at traditional paintings and seeing what techniques your favourite artists use! It can be super helpful to see painting being broken down like that. I'd recommend you start off with photo studies and zoom in a lot to see all the different colours that you wouldn't notice, you can colour pick at this stage but eventually you would want to replicate those colours without needing to do so. Studying forms while doing this is also incredibly helpful especially as you progress and become less dependent on the reference photo.
Not everyone likes to do this but if you learn better by reading and researching the thing you're doing, I'd highly recommend reading books like the Art of Colour by Johannes Itten, which is a fantastic book about colour theory that you can find free pdfs online of, and looking into a favourite art movement or one that interests you and learn why the artists decided to make art in that way. You could also look at speedpaints in the digital painting styles you like and just observe and copy for a faster shortcut (which has its inherent cons)
Because infighting is annoying and even more retarded?

No. 423505

Now no one is going to give actual harsh critiques. Its all going to be a fake hug box. I would rather be told to kill myself than be lied to like poor tradfag anon from last thread that hasn't improved at all since anons are afraid of telling her the truth.

No. 423507

you don't draw anyway retard

No. 423517

File: 1728771614970.jpg (703.29 KB, 1079x1522, Screenshot_20241013-091813_Chr…)

Wow, and such great criticism was in the last thread after anons had a little tard rage. Look in prior rate threads, the criticism was harsh but you didn't see anything like the last quarter of the last thread.

No. 423518

Literally no one was criticizing that anon either they were just blindly praising her which doesn't help her improve.

No. 423520

they’re seriously trying to minimod this thread into a hugbox KEK, fuck that shit i’m going to be mean as much as i like and the mods can try and ban my ass because of arbitrary rules made some twerp with shitty ass art

No. 423525

>mods can try and ban my ass
Kek, nonna that's literally the whole point of mods. Or are you bragging about ban evading?

No. 423526

File: 1728773091976.jpg (288.88 KB, 820x1086, 1000050554.jpg)

>getting this assblasted because you think anons are being too nice
What are you so mad for tardchan? Did anons make fun of or ignore something you posted? Cause you still haven't posted anything, I wonder why. If you're all about harsh criticism then share something.

No. 423527

Your art is shit, you’re spending all this time forcing people to control their speech while you could be spending time practicing. You’re truly pathetic and irritating and an absolute hypocrite(infighting)

No. 423531

You guys weren't actually critiquing anything though. "lol your art is shit" isn't critique, it's just dunking on anons. And when anons WERE giving actual critiques (e.g. the anon who posted her work or the anon who rec'd the loomis method) they were also attacked for that. It's like anons are trying to turn this into a thread where you just shit on anons instead of giving actual helpful advice.

No. 423532

>rate and give feedback
The feedback is that their art is shit. That’s funny because there were people giving them constructive advice and they got defensive towards them, they just want another hugbox where people praise them for their chicken scratch while getting people banned for rightfully laughing at their asses, they would fit right in as an art cow in the art general thread

No. 423533

Fuck off this is the internet, if you can laugh at lolcows I can laugh at random retards trying to gain attention for their 5 minute porn sketches kek

No. 423534

Plus, melodramatically pointing out what's wrong with an image but giving no suggestions how to fix it, leading to everyone itt drawing the same pic over and over again, isn't exactly productive kek

No. 423539

File: 1728774320361.jpeg (14.16 KB, 540x540, woowkwkks.jpeg)

That's exactly is happening and what some bad actors have been trying to make happen for the last six or so months. Just report. Saying PYW isn't helpful either, you know they don't know shit by the way they're "critiquing" things so pay them no mind.
If that's your work then that's some lovely rendering on the arms and legs, the abs are a bit muddy and need extra defining but I'll assume it's because it's unfinished as far as I can tell, this is a overall well done study.

No. 423540

i love this red its striking and makes me wanna stare. the values also great. anatomy on the shoulder and butt need work and he doesnt appear to have any hip bones. from afar the arm looked liked a leg so im thinking the proportions might be off but its possible fixing the anatomy of the shoulder would help that problem. let me know if you need a redline of the wonky bits. idk if this is like an unfinished study or a kind of weird practice piece but i actually kinda love how the hand melts into the hand at the bottom of the leg, would make an interesting finished piece if it had more parts like that, currently the composition is a bit off for that but i assumed this was just a study and if so thats not relevant.

No. 423542

The shadows on this look very cool.

No. 423543

I'm the OP, and making the thread into a hugbox was not my intention at all. I just wanted to try and minimize infighting. Note that I said
>be honest
because I believe that unnecessarily flattering someone when their work sucks is being dishonest.

No. 423544

Her work is not shit, c'mon. You can disagree with someone and acknowledge that their art is good. I get that it feels good to trash someone's work when you're arguing with them, but it's transparently motivated by your emotions rather than objectivity.

No. 423545

That’s clearly not her art, it’s the bunnyfag from the previous thread. Catch up on the milk instead of thinking you know everything(calm down)

No. 423547

I don't see any proof of that.

No. 423556

For this new thread we need to all come to a common understanding that the raging tard who tells everyone "your art is shit! your art is shit!" to absolutely everyone is not to be taken seriously since it's the only thing they ever say and anons need to just write them off instead of defending themselves. It's a troll so don't feed it.

No. 423559

File: 1728777912789.png (20.14 KB, 193x313, Screenshot_293.png)

drew what i think the average farmer looks like a while ago

No. 423568

No. 423583

more unrealistic beauty standards for women. every night i will beg for death because i will never be her.

No. 423589

Is this loomis?

No. 423592

So you? Damn nice self portrait

No. 423593

No your art is shit and it will keep being shit.(calm down)

No. 423598

i think you should take your own life(infighting)

No. 423599

Kekkk and when I do that, will your art not be shit anymore?(calm down)

No. 423601

No. 423603

File: 1728785266254.jpg (460.41 KB, 1900x1200, fanart.jpg)

drew the average day itt(personalityfag derailing)

No. 423604

Your line work could use some improvement, but that looks really good, nona!

No. 423609

File: 1728787326374.png (16.38 KB, 1039x771, ugly rat.png)

drew you drawing this. note your receded hairline, your beady black eyes, your witch nose, your unappealing body, your rat tail, your huge forehead, and the poor grip on your pen as well as your nasolabial folds(infighting)

No. 423612

File: 1728788923033.png (6.14 KB, 508x483, obese.png)

drew you drawing this drawing this. your features have been abstracted as legend had it you are too hideous to capture on canvas without the artist suffering a heart attack. i drew you skinnier because i can’t draw you actual size since your size exceeds the maximum hard drive capacity of 32 tb.(infighting)

No. 423613

>inflation fetish porn

No. 423614

Art is fascinating.

No. 423615

damn and you're still fatter than me. i can smell the cheeto dust from here, lose weight(infighting)

No. 423616

I’m not eating Cheetos. that’s probably your Nigel’s dried dick cheese.(infighting)

No. 423617

File: 1728789681165.png (4.76 KB, 542x260, 8980988.png)

No. 423618

What's wrong widdle baby. Googoo gaga ass bitch(derailing)

No. 423620

kindergarten tier thread

No. 423621

idk how they aren't embarrassed. this is enlightening as to the IQ level of the baiters who have been shitting up this thread for the past week.

No. 423622

Yeah. that’s the skill level everyone’s drawing.(bait)

No. 423625

kek get their fucking asses(bait)

No. 423671

File: 1728799180763.jpg (411.54 KB, 2048x3072, 1000050564.jpg)

Thanks snons
>hip bones
well this is the reference pic. I can see I made the thigh too skinny but I don't wanna mess with this forever.

No. 423674

File: 1728799888792.png (Spoiler Image,49.49 KB, 191x267, sketch1728799815794.png)

tysm nona
>The fact that deep down he doesn't even enjoy it but must be hypersexual makes it even better
hnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg seriously the most perfect tragic whore I've ever come across, and I love how he's a character that could only exist in bl. he wouldn't hit as hard in any other medium.(derailing)

No. 423675

File: 1728800052979.png (1.55 MB, 1708x2488, 7256398614002.png)

No. 423678

Do you mind spoilering this please

No. 423680

File: 1728800594803.gif (64.74 KB, 220x155, gravity-falls-baby-fights.gif)

No. 423684

Can someone explain to me why every retarded baiter on this site has seemingly simultaneously made it their personal mission to make these threads unusable?

No. 423687

File: 1728801968620.jpg (3.23 MB, 2727x3397, 1000005466.jpg)

Do you guys think my art style and aesthetic is too dated? I really love working with oil paints and fantasy themes, but I don't get a lot of engagement online.

No. 423693

I like your colors, but you need to fix your light source. It looks cartoonish.

No. 423694

It's very 70s, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Some people really like the retro aesthetic, I think you should lean into it and just focus on improving your technique rather than try to change your style.

No. 423695

Add a wizard or dragon and this would be some sick van art.

No. 423698

it looks like the cover of a really shitty paperback novel but i kind of like that aesthetic

No. 423714

Like other anons have said, it looks like you don’t have much of a grasp on light sources and shadow. It’s night and there’s a giant light explosion from behind, yet the sword looks like it’s receiving full sunny daylight from the front. Keep doing the aesthetics you like, that’s not the (biggest) problem and I’m a believer in following where your passion lies.

No. 423718

File: 1728807602518.png (46.05 KB, 2406x1644, love wins.png)

drew you two putting aside your differencies and making out passionately(encouraging personalityfags)

No. 423720

Your values are terrible, you need to stop pillowshading.

No. 423728

Cute op pic tbh.

No. 423745

its adorable, i love how the model is a cow too

No. 423747

Nta but that's not pillow shading anon… and it's pretty similar to the reference she used in >>423671. Her drawing is actually lighter and maybe lacks a bit of a gradient down his legs and arm but it's still far from pillow shading.

No. 423749

It is pillow shading, ashe needs to work in greyscale first because her values are all fucked up

No. 423753

Enemies to lovers

No. 423763

I don't think your aesthetic is the problem, because plenty of people love that old fantasy novel cover type of art. The lack of engagement is probably moreso that the aesthetic places a lot of emphasis on semirealism, subject matter, and technical execution, so it will naturally be more difficult to achieve the best possible result because it's a style that requires a greater level of honed skill than say, animu. It looks like you're well on your way there so I'm sure as long as you keep practicing that semirealism-y accuracy and mixing it with the retro aesthetic you'll gain traction. I would also suggest making your subject matter even more overt, include more obviously fantasy elements so that your potential audience can understand those themes in your compositions just from a quick glance.

No. 423765

Idk what the other anon is smoking but you're not pillowshading and your art is very nice and far from shit! Why is everybody so cranky in this thread? Anyway, a helpful tip from me to nona: when doing studies, remind yourself frequently to focus on drawing what you SEE, rather than what you think you see, or what you're expecting to see, or filling in areas the same way you'd draw as though you were drawing a regular piece. Don't draw things that aren't present in the study reference, even if you think it makes the picture look better. By rigorously practicing drawing only what you see, you'll be able to break out of habits you may not even be aware you have.

No. 423768

Threadpic is really cute. Too bad the thread barely started and there's infighting already

No. 423769

File: 1728824298623.png (6.84 KB, 602x264, PbL6ZBg.png)

Nope. Please anons, learn what things mean and don't blindly follow advice in this thread.

No. 423780

Anon seems to have confused front lighting with pillow shading. Most embarrassing

No. 423787

Did you even check her art under greyscale? she completly forgot middletones

No. 423821

File: 1728832202932.jpg (40.57 KB, 1015x699, gs.JPG)

Actually not wrong but it's difficult to see with the original red tones

No. 423836

Her art being lighter and not as smoothed out as in the reference does not mean it's pillow shading.

No. 423840

She literally completly forgot the light source

No. 423842

God if only I had people who lied to me in my life like the people who are lying in this thread, it would make my life easier. Ignorance is pure bliss(bait)

No. 423843

>everyone in your life hates you
Deserved and kek

No. 423844

File: 1728837696941.jpeg (151.84 KB, 1064x1200, IMG_2789.jpeg)

Lolcow the only place where well articulated sentences get still get misinterpreted(bait)

No. 423846

It looks like shit, the values are terrible, the anatomy looks very strange and weird, the rendering looks kind of gummy like a plastic-y texture probably because of the brushes they were using so no good balance of hardness and softness and worst of all it looks like something that would hang inside of John Podesta’s home and nobody wants that at all. I think the entire concept was fucked from the start, if you can’t do abstract modern art stuff then just go back to what’s tried and true.(bait)

No. 423847

>calling yourself well articulated while fucking up a sentence

No. 423848

No. Get your eyes checked. The harsh shadows are in the correct place, as I said before I'm not saying it's perfect because it lacks that gradient that makes the figure darker at the bottom but it still isn't pillow shading. It may be shit shading, but it's still not pillow shading.

No. 423849

Forgetting that gradient as you call it literally is the reason it looks pillow shaded

No. 423852

>shady af twitter screenshot response
go back.

No. 423858


No. 423864

File: 1728842096846.jpg (42.56 KB, 690x500, 26ab5052a7c9fa84ac615c8a8f04de…)

Pillow shading is when someone only places uniform-thickness shadows next to the edge of an object (or next to the linework if there are lines), giving it the appearance of a pillow or a puffy sticker. The drawing needs middle values in many places, but it also has cast shadows. A drawing can have middle values and still be pillowshaded, and a drawing can lack them without being pillow shading. Pillow shading is a very specific thing.

I know it seems like semantics, but specificity is very important when it comes to critique, because you need to effectively communicate what the person needs to research to improve. This is also why blanket insults or blanket compliments aren't particularly useful. What is it that makes someone's drawing good, for instance? If you clarify that their strongest attribute is their ability to draw gestures, choose color compositions, etc, that tells them what they're doing right so they know to move on to honing a different skill for the time being. Same logic applies to things you think the person sucks at: pick the most pressing problems and give detailed criticism instead of just going "it's shit lel."

No. 423873

It's silly to keep discussing whether it technically fits under the words "pillow shading" or not and getting hung up over terminology. The point is that nonna has to practice her values and do some greyscale studies or grisailles.

Did you check how your study and the reference looked in greyscale before or after finishing it? Because it's more noticeable in greyscale that the original light source is a bit higher whereas in yours it looks more frontal (except for the stronger shadows on the back thigh and arm) because you didn't make the shading dark enough (eg: almost no midtones on the chest and stomach, the thigh in particular only has a small bit of shading below and above). Almost all your highlights are way too strong as well. Also, the forearm itself doesn't look bad, but it looks a bit strange for it to be so rendered compared to what's around it, and you can tell in the greyscale that the veins don't have as much contrast as you gave them because the whole forearm is leaning on darker values in the original but if you just really like drawing arm veins that's more power to you kek, follow your passion
TL;DR: you need to push the shading harder
Anatomical note: you messed up the shape of the thigh a bit and it looks too thin above the knee

No. 423874

Your art style and aesthetic are fine, I think it has it's charm and will find its audience in time. You're currently probably not finding a lot of engagement because your technical skills could use some polishing– but by all means please keep creating.

No. 423875

Aside from what has been said, the sword looks very crooked and is asymetrical. The rock texture also looks strange, it's all very uniformly porous. You could make larger sections with more pronounced shading, while keeping in mind the light source as has been said by other anons.

No. 423879

>sperging out because she can't take criticism
embarrassing! we've got another goatfag on our hands.(encouraging personalitfags)

No. 423880

File: 1728844916584.png (Spoiler Image,30.02 KB, 829x829, IMG_20241013_213847.png)

I drew it with one finger(/m/ rule 4)

No. 423881

Zero eroticism.

No. 423882

Where are her labia minora you pedo

No. 423883

I don't care about labia, she doesn't have hole. She's Mrs. Clit

No. 423884

She's all clit?

No. 423885

Weird pedoshit art. Gross.(infighting)

No. 423886

Is it the facial expression? I'm not an artist btw

No. 423887

>I'm not an artist btw
I can tell!

No. 423891

I still think I did a better job than the two anons above

No. 423892

no1curr focus on your own traced porn shite

No. 423895

whats the triangle over the pussy

No. 423896

Pubic hair

No. 423897

Thanks anon, I didn't know to check the values like that, I wasn't finished yet anyways so I will try to fix it. And yes yes I know, the thigh!!
I try to acknowledge you bitter brainlets as little as possible, I haven't sperged about any criticism I've gotten idk what posts you think are mine. I can't imagine what a huge letdown your entire life must be to seethe in this thread constantly. I feel bad for your family and hope you find help for whatever is wrong with you.

No. 423899

>i drew it with one finger
What is with this failed humblebragging? One finger and it still looks like shit kek

No. 423900

I’m dying so hard at your seething, stop with the tinfoils about people’s lives your art is still not going to get better. Huff on that copium retard(infighting)

No. 423902

No. 423904

why are you guys literally incapable of ignoring any mean comment

No. 423906

You couldn't do better with one finger I bet

No. 423907

File: 1728849714861.jpeg (277.44 KB, 1280x1700, IMG_2792.jpeg)

No. 423910

File: 1728850408375.png (1.17 MB, 1500x1275, stupid jesus study.png)

How can I (or should I) save this? I want to finish this photo study that I abandoned back in January but my skill level has jumped massively and there's so many noticable mistakes that I'd need to fix that I'm wondering if it's worth it or if I should just start again and compare. I'm hesitant on the last option because I put a stupid amount of time into this (15< hours) and I feel like it's a waste that I didn't even finish it.
>it's shit!! (in chorus)
I know it is, glad we got that out of the way. I'm going to ignore any anons that go on like that without actual criticism because you're not telling me anything new.

No. 423914

You should try out redoing it from scratch, nona! It will be less frustrating than trying to fix every little bit of an old piece and it will help you learn better where you’ve improved and where you still need polishing. Never be afraid of painting something over, whether it’s an entire piece or a section within a piece. My old painting instructor used to tell us “If you’ve painted it once, you can paint it again!” Sometimes starting over seems very daunting but it is actually the way to the best result.

No. 423921

i really like this kek. how long have you been seriously studying art?

No. 423925

Alright, I think I will, thank you! I'll report back with the new rendition so you guys can tear me a new one (in a good way.)
On and off since early last year when I went full autistic research mode for art. I have been drawing for longer but I never really wanted to improve or study until then so I don't count it as serious study, as you put it. I posted tips earlier for study (>>423499) but yeah, observation and breaking stuff down with research were really invaluable to me.

No. 423926

No offense but this looks lifted straight out of some loli doujin. Why is it just a line?

No. 423940

I actually drew it on minesweeper paint. I didn't want to bother with coloring and shading so I kept it simple. I didn't use any reference or anything like that

No. 423946

File: 1728858432921.jpg (156.54 KB, 736x835, b2ef80c3dee7a7e601f174219794ff…)

I agree that you should start fresh. Don't worry about small details, I feel like the stuff you did on the left is already too much. It takes away from the focal point which is already blending into the surroundings. I don't know if that's because of your ref but don't follow it 1:1 if you can make your painting more readable or interesting by lightening the background to make the cross stand out more.

No. 423947

digital art looks shit(infight bait)

No. 423948

I think it looks great! I don't have any advice other than maybe you could just mess around with it now that you don't really care for it? That's what I do with old art pieces that I don't like anymore, I just doodle all over them (preserving the older piece for posterity of course). Is there any specific place you get reference pictures by the way?

No. 423952

There is a nice hint of gestural motion and quality here which is the overall strong point of this piece. Also, I think the stylistic portrayal of forms gives it a sort of candid and gritty flair. I like the grungy style of Mrs. Clit’s hair. I think the overall impression would be much improved however if you gave her face and expression a few new attempts. It is comparatively rigid and a bit inexpressive against the rest of the picture, which feels like it diminishes the overall impact. Perhaps try to infuse it more with the implied lines and loose gestural quality present in other areas of the piece.

No. 423954

Great, now we got ChatGPT posting in here too. Just nuke the thread.

No. 423956

You're late for your cribbage game, grandma

No. 423957

Moid moment

No. 423958

Yawn one of the best artists I know agrees with me, go jerk off to your same copy pasted ai art

No. 423959

No. 423960

KEK but I’m not using chatGPT nonny! I’m sprinkling in some actual helpful critiques and drowning out the infights because I actually care about art. As long as we have this thread we might as well make it useful.

No. 423962

Good for you, it's still a subjective opinion, and you're retarded if you think AI art and digital art are one in the same.

No. 423963

Definitely agree that this attempt is way too much dark on dark in what is supposed to be a foggy environment. Thank you for your recommendations.
Thanks! I don't really like doing that with non-anatomy studies but you did give me an idea to collage some of this into something else I'm working so thanks for that! As for reference images go, I got a lot initially from Tumblr and Pinterest and do occasionally take from there but lolcow itself is such an amazing treasure trove of interesting images. I think the reference for this came from the Religious Art/Imagery thread here on /m/ (could be wrong about thread title)

No. 423964

>You couldn't do better with one finger I bet
Ask your mom, she seemed to think I did a pretty good job.(infighting)

No. 423966

kek i love popping in here, this thread is a fucking sewer. you're all so unfunny and assmad. keep it up, dumbass bitches(derail / infight bait)

No. 423974

You probably get fucked so what is this post?(infighting)

No. 423985

The perspective looks fine to me.

No. 423989

No. 423992

Nta but
>I don't care about labia, she doesn't have hole
sounded kinda weird. Please draw her with one next time.

No. 423993

File: 1728867536071.jpg (387.69 KB, 1280x896, 1625672454193.jpg)

Apart from the too dark foliage and incorrectly drawn trees, the site of a nuclear meltdown kinda does just look like that colourwise.

No. 423995

Well you need to take some artistic liberties then. Not every photo is good as a work of art. Spice it up a little.

No. 424000

Nta but your "spicier" version I'm imagining is much uglier than both the image and the colors anon landed on, as if you don't understand the intent. Would you post the color pallette you would've used instead?

No. 424005

If it were any other reference I would, I was the last art poster in the last thread if you want to check that out, but I feel like making Chernobyl look "spicy" is a bit disrespectful kek, I feel like I'm already iffy referencing it anyways. I also personally really like "sewer water" colours so I don't think it's that ugly, the values are definitely poor and I'll be adjusting them to improve readability.

No. 424008

I would make it smaller, thumbnail size, or zoom out and don't zoom in. Do a much more simplified study. Do it in a size you won't start drawing unnecessary details, like the windows, grass, or branches. Your colors are fine for a study, it's the values and composition that look really off from the reference.

No. 424012

File: 1728875037004.png (32.89 KB, 635x420, ddlwhoknows.png)

does anyone ever do a bunch of scribbles and then work with what your brain sees inside of them to create a little doodle? I find it can create some unusual stylizations and it's a fun way to get yourself to draw when you have no ideas or no motivation. I used to do this in school on my notebook paper and some of my most interesting looking stylizations came from interpreting scribble lines.

Today it spawned a girl in a beanie. I'd love to see what other anon's scribble-divining doodles look like.

No. 424019

I used to do that on my computer using paint when I was a kid, that was really fun, I had a large folder full of doodles made that way. Then I'd just give them some backstory and make comics with all of them together. It always ended up in drama and random super powers. Now I miss it.

No. 424053

File: 1728883676908.png (Spoiler Image,1021.4 KB, 1211x807, the xiv elf dude.png)

How muddy are my values and how boring are my colors? It's a study loosely based on a photo, but the source served more as an inspiration. I always feel my colors and values are off like they are boring or they don't communicate anything. Can't tell if I'm overthinking it or what exactly am I missing. When I look up other artists, the ones I really like the colors and composition have weird values. I must be missing a key to understand it.

No. 424055

apologies i dont have any critique to add since its out of my skill range, but i find that the colours are very pleasant to look at. i enjoy the detailing around the face.

No. 424067

File: 1728886246555.png (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 1211x807, image.png)

my take on pushing the values. i think it just felt like his head was being overpowered by the dark background even with his striking backlighting. idk if i can explain it well enough but just posting how i would push the values. the colors look fine, just the values not giving enough focus. i made the focus his face.

No. 424094

Nice input. I think for colors it's clear they all verge towards red/base underpaint that's why it may look boring? There's blue but with low opacity looking dark and grey. I would push the vibrancy of colours on the skin depending on the palette, orange and yellow or light blues/greens if you want complementary colors.

No. 424117

Thanks, anon. I think regardless of skill level anyone can see when something is 'off' with an image.
This is a major improvement, thank you so much. I'll keep in mind to focus my values around the point of interest.
I like your color suggestions, do you have a color palette in mind before the coloring or do you pick them as you go?

No. 424278

I may have some favourite colors and palette then have a rough base to see how what I think would actually work, and pick accordingly keeping in mind the palette I chose (like I don't need to shift to the green yellow hue if I'm doing a red/blue theme and need a green)
Once you have the basic values of lighting and subject in focus you shouldn't worry too much about the them, see how perfect greyscales still have muddy colors, I always use the impressionist painting red sun as an example. The value is no different than the sky but it still pops out.
Colors also affect each other if you know about the seven contrast (quantity, simultaneous etc) so you can have more fun with the vibrancy of colors without putting a 100% saturated color.

No. 424287

File: 1728947319635.jpg (878.35 KB, 1200x2000, 1000001323.jpg)

Well I couldn't sleep so I just tried to do my own version since I like soft oranges and blue greens, plus a tone curve because they're your best friends.

No. 424294

i think the original has more pleasant colors

No. 424301

NTA but
>actually decent art gets ignored
>generic coomer porn gets applauded
jesus fucking christ someone kill me i hate this world

No. 424303

>generic coomer porn
? nta but he's just shirtless kek. even children's media allows that.

No. 424305

Shirtless males is porn now

No. 424307

This is gorgeous nonna I have the same ref photo saved on pinterest kek

No. 424316

no I’m not talking about anon’s good painting >>424053 I’m talking about the degenerates who keep drawing disgusting bunny scrote porn and borderline loli(infight bait)

No. 424332

How is a man in a speedo porn? Have you never been to a beach? I don't personally care for anime men in rabbit ears and briefs, but that's not porn, come the hell on. You sound like a Bible-thumping trad. Also men don't have souls, so it harms no one when they're degraded and objectified.

No. 424381

Are you talking about me? >>423880(taking the bait)

No. 424538

No. 424576

are normal people in public “bible thumping trads” just because they don’t want to see naked people in the street? your logic is retarded, you don’t have to be trad to be against pervasive coomerism

No. 424578

people go to the beach and see women in micro thongs every day kek

No. 424612

The anon you're talking about didn't draw a naked person. She drew a moid in briefs with rabbit ears. Victoria's Secret ads posted in public places are about as scandalous.

No. 424623

File: 1729058815557.png (213.58 KB, 586x601, Screenshot 2024-10-16 010437.p…)

Finally went back to color this wip 2 years later. What do you think nonnas

No. 424659

Thanks, I think your input made me realize my palettes tend to be analogous which probably makes them look more "boring", I should push for more complementary palettes.
KEK that's literally where I got the photo, I typed in shirtless model on pinterest and picked the first one.

No. 424660

Looks very cute. My suggestion would be for you to be a bit more mindful of the light source the shadows seem too bright, almost blending with the rest, I would add more contrast to them.

No. 424710

File: 1729094330443.jpg (71.62 KB, 698x466, 683aac101e9652212d552e7e5bf032…)

I like the colors you chose, but like another anon said, you need more contrast in the shadows. I'd suggest making the shadows cooler than the local color, like in picrel. Notice how the house is white, but the shadows are blue and the highlights are yellow-orange.

No. 424721

That's a weird skull there

No. 424813

He must be very smart

No. 424817

File: 1729121488558.jpg (167.08 KB, 1200x900, nfiw3u432eqwñ.jpg)

Good Or bad first try?

No. 424844

If it's literally your first time drawing it's fine, but it's clear that you're a beginner that needs to study everything. This looks like those drawings a lot of day 1 beginners do where they try to copy random anime screenshots and they just start right into the lineart and don't even do a structural sketch.
You really should do line confidence exercises. The legs in particular are very hard to read because they're so chicken scratchy, and it feels like you don't have much control of the pressure you put on the pencil. The girl on the left looks better than the others because her lines are slightly more readable. You also don't seem to have a good sense of structure (or proportion/anatomy). Middle girl's legs and the arm pointing up are really tiny. You should do those studies where you draw people like mannequins with separate parts to figure out how the different parts attach to each other and proportions and etc.
Hopefully doesn't sound condescending to you, but there's a certain level of beginner where people really can't give much more input that "go study", and you just have to have patience and draw more until you gitgud

No. 424878

File: 1729142307450.png (203.22 KB, 630x767, loomis.PNG)

This is my Loomis-sona. I love Andrew Loomis. Without him my art wouldn't be good. In honor of Loomis I drew an OC based on a face in his heads and hands book. Please give me the criticism that Loomis would. Give me the loomis special.

No. 424880

Looks like a tough old bird to me

No. 424925

2/10 character design

No. 424929

Someone out there would 100% use this as a sex toy.

No. 424946

Why it's mouth open like that? This looks like an art some horny twink on deviantart would make

No. 425042

Where's his loomis hands

No. 425044

a true loomis draws with its mind no gangly hands needed

No. 425060

File: 1729209190046.png (171.56 KB, 508x608, 1687697770990654.png)

No. 425065

Study construction more like Loomis-senpai would tell you to do

No. 425134

File: 1729228204317.png (191.43 KB, 542x1008, kenny.png)

I recently started binge watching south park again. I did a quick and dirty kenny sketch while i was waiting for the episode to draw, i always struggle coming up with poses so he ended up looking boring and stiff bleh.

No. 425137

Looks nice but the hands are different sizes and the pants look like you've never drawn any from reference and are just going off of memory. Please google jeans or something and just quickly copy one or two photos so next time you'll be able to place belt loops and pockets correctly.

No. 425141

oh thanks they arent supposed to be jeans, so i didnt know what to google. I think they are supposed to be sweatpants in the show because they are orange like his coat.

No. 425143

You didn't draw sweatpants though. I mean you should learn what jeans or dress pants or whatever actually look like because what you drew doesn't exist. No pants have random seams or such tiny buttons and belt loops for example. And if you're struggling to imagine a more realistic version of cartoon fashion you can try looking up cosplays to use as reference or inspo

No. 425144

thank you will do

No. 425195

Will you schizos give that goddamn infight a rest already? It was over a week ago.

No. 425199

Learn how to read. I'm begging you.

No. 425203

have you considered trying to have fun on the internet?

No. 425209

Disgusting shota bitch stop posting your pedophile art for once(infighting)

No. 425513

Ignore meanie-anon above, I think this is cute. The hands are the main thing you could improve, but another anon already mentioned that. I'd like to see what this looks like colored.

No. 425648

You sound normal and like you can be trusted around kids(infighting)

No. 425649

File: 1729428406111.png (446.77 KB, 790x1213, sketch.png)

Thanks nonny. Sadly, i don't know how to paint so i just sketch and add a base color at best. I wish i could learn how to render but i tried everything to no avail.

No. 425664

You can easily do simple cell shading with just a multiply layer clipped to the colors. Just a little bit of shadow and highlights in the eyes can make a huge difference.

No. 425665

I am really bad at picking colors and shading though, i just don't ''feel'' it like other artists.

No. 425666

That's the trick with multiply, you don't have to pick the perfect colors. Just greyish red for warm colors and greyish blue for cold colors. It's not perfect artistry but it's better then just flats.

No. 425680

This is so cute! I don’t have anything to add apart from yeah I love this

No. 425683

I love when a floating head uses her carrot nose to nuzzle my engorged clit

No. 425687

File: 1729442942645.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 1178x611, 3ddrum.png)

Here you are. Thanks again for your sketch of the bg, it was perfect. I played around with warm colors a lot, and at first I thought it would blend into itself making the overall piece muddy but the contrast of cyan blues and greys helped a ton to avoid that.

No. 425703

Unspoiler this masterpiece, coward

No. 425710

I love you, queen. This looks amazing.

No. 425712

Unspoiler this, everyone should see it because it's cool af

No. 425725

That has to be the most ridiculous projection I’ve ever read. All of that applies to you by drawing little children, you seem suspect as fuck anon(infighting)

No. 425749

File: 1729463310778.png (1.39 MB, 1263x1823, stan.png)

I tried painting it to my best abilities. I tried to copy the painting style of one of my favourite artists who uses really funky colors but i dont think my color theory knowledge is up there to reach what i was envisioning.
wait you have to use those colors to shade? i feel so dumb now kek i have been using the same base colors to shade. I will try that next time!
aw thank you nonny!!

No. 425751

The colors look so nice and vibrant

No. 425752

looks similar to the guy that does the lolicon magazine covers

No. 425753

File: 1729464324948.jpg (586.73 KB, 1750x1750, jdge example.jpg)

Tysm nonny!! i tried copying JDGE which is the absolute master of vibrant eye bleeding colors. I should start doing studies of his art the way he balances desaturated colors and saturated ones without making the piece look weird is so cool
Literally who.

No. 425761

It looks so much better than just the flat colors, but you should work on anatomy and foreshortening, his left arm looks like a weird short baby arm.

No. 425763

Yaaay im so happy to see it, looks amazing.

No. 425764

Thank you. I am currently studying anatomy but it takes so long to get good at it… oh well, patience.

No. 425766

I agree, but I doubt that was her inspiration. Plus, it's not exclusive to lolicons.

No. 425767

Are you talking about comic lo? Because if so it looks nothing alike

No. 425770

I don't think I'm allowed to post my work unspoilered. Thank you though.
Thank you I'm glad you were able to see it, and again, thanks for providing that base sketch to work off of. It was extremely helpful.

No. 425771

File: 1729468133569.png (338.06 KB, 1122x842, 78850337_p14.png)

How do so many of you know about lolicon magazines kekk. The only thing i used as inspiration was JDGE's art for painting and random south park fanart to help with the stylization.

No. 425781

>How do so many of you know about lolicon magazines kekk.
Some of us have been unfortunate enough to have seen a lot of disgusting shit on 4chan when we were younger.

No. 425785

I am glad i only check the yume threads on /a/ now.

No. 425789

Honestly now I have a craving to draw South Park fanart. It's kind of fun to draw more detailed fanart of source material with a really simple style.

By this logic, everyone who works on the show itself is a pedo.

No. 425791

The texture you added to his jacket looks nice, I think you should add the same texture to his hat so it looks more knitted.

No. 425792

>Honestly now I have a craving to draw South Park fanart.
You should!! its so fun and i love all the different outfits the boys wear.
Thanks, thats a super cool idea.

No. 425798

Holy shit, there are yume threads now? Maybe things over there are not so bad after all.

No. 425799

No, i meant the threads for yumefujos anime, like free and yoi. The meltdowns men have are hilarious to witness.

No. 425877

File: 1729499718877.jpeg (839.17 KB, 2048x1938, GICvKdoa8AAkwmH.jpeg)

It looks nice but your values are really weak. If you squint at this you won't be able to make out the lightsource because everything sort of blends together. Good luck with your color studies, the way that artist you mentioned does it looks a bit difficult to get into. He doesn't really use local colors at all and strictly limits his palettes

No. 425935

Thanks nonny, i will work on my values. For some reason even if i work with a layer over the drawing in color mode i always forget to push my values because i am scared it might look bad.
>He doesn't really use local colors
what do you mean?

No. 425965

I love this, keep the South Park fanart going

No. 425966

I didnt make that one sorry nonny kek.

No. 425971

File: 1729534468105.jpg (54.63 KB, 563x411, b8368f4b3d20dcdeb52cd59e7ad866…)

Local colors are the actual colors of objects, in anons artwork the green of the shirt and blue of the pants for example. That JDGE piece you posted depicts a girl in a white dress but the used color isn't actually white, it's green. It only looks white in context. You should've used a gradient map or otherwise manipulated the colors before painting to get a similar result instead of simply adding yellow to green and purple to blue.

No. 425973

NTA but I've been trying to wrap my head around this for like months now. I think I might actually be a little rarted because I can never get it to look as nice as your pic.

No. 425975

Thanks you!! i get it now(kinda) its just super hard to come up with colors that fit.

No. 425977

File: 1729535609657.png (230.68 KB, 1110x691, eskbl.PNG)

I'd recommend checking out iniro/eskbl's Color Tips pdfs. They don't cost much but you can easily find them on ic. Her style is simple and pleasing and reading through it makes picking nice colors seem so doable kek it's perfect for beginners

No. 425979

Oh shit i remember i dl this and never checked it out. Thanks for reminding me.

No. 425989

How do other nonnas ACTUALLY achieve this unified/pleasing color look though? Do you just eyeball it in the beginning color filling stage, or do you fill in the base colors as they really are then add an overlay layer over top/ fiddle with levels/color balance etc? My colors always end up so flat and misplaced, especially with the characters not matching with the surroundings environment.

No. 425992

Thank you nona! Surprisingly I found the PDFs on zlibrary. I will be studying these

No. 426020

File: 1729544386739.jpg (139.34 KB, 736x1131, 4914fba47587ffc60bf66ba0c9db2c…)

I do regular colors and adjust from there. But I naturally tend to use very limited palettes because I don't like having too much going on. If a color doesn't quite match the rest I lower brush opacity and draw over the main one to pick it, basically picrel.

No. 426042

File: 1729548344588.png (718.72 KB, 952x1032, Screenshot_20241021-174638.png)

hi guys, this is my first time drawing board-tan, im in particular trying to work on improving drawing clothes and fabric, i know the flannel looks like shit but not sure how to improve. feel free to point any other glaring errors also. my sped handwriting is a non-negotiable

No. 426052

Cute, but it doesn't really make sense for her to have a unibrow and visible arm hair if she has naturally blond hair. Obviously you can still be just as hairy even with lighter hair, but it would be harder to see. This isn't to say she should be a generic Instahoe (your drawing has way more personality than anything like that) but I think there are ways to make her defy beauty standards that would make more logical sense.

No. 426058

>>426052 thats fair! i was kind of going for a hilda from hey arnold sort of vibe. i like the idea of her being kind of busted looking farm kid lol

No. 426060

cute i really like your interpretation of elsie i think she would look cuter with her shark like teeth rather than buckteeth

No. 426061

the crotch has way too much definition for farm/denim coveralls

No. 426082

Oooh now that you mention Hilda, I can see what you're going for. I like to give board-tan cow ears when I draw her, idk why.

No. 426085

Flannel are not long sleeves shirts that stick to the body, you have to study about clothes folds and tension points and use refs

No. 426091

NTA ermm it could be gingham

No. 426092

>makes her hideous with a unibrow
literally why, what was wrong with elsie before?

No. 426093

no its definitely just poorly drawn flannel but i appreciate your optimism
little rascals and alfred maxxing maybe you wouldnt get jt

No. 426094

alfred e neuman**

No. 426099

more accurate representation of the average farmer

No. 426101

moeblob anime is a bit boring

No. 426105

she looks cute tbh

No. 426137

I like that she looks like the girl from Ed, Edd, and Eddy, May Kanker. (I would post a photo but for some reason they aren't saving properly, so I gave up)

No. 426164

fuck's sake her name is HELGA

No. 426230

Gorgeous colors!
I like this, the style feels like something you would see in a 90s cartoon

No. 426239

File: 1729618577210.png (1.17 MB, 901x1459, aalllice.png)

any tips on how i can make the hair not look like hay?

No. 426245

Needs more visible strands

No. 426333

I didn't have cable as a kid anon everything I know about Hey Arnold was second-hand information I got from other children 20 years ago

No. 426382

I would suggest making the highlights sharper and smaller to make the hair look glossy, like how you’d shade metallic things

No. 426389

sorry for not being up to date on my hey arnold lore

No. 426401

I would suggest making the highlights sharper and smaller to make the hair look glossy, like how you’d shade metallic things

No. 426455

File: 1729665109168.jpg (252.55 KB, 591x686, 927e6e8whm.jpg)

seasonal paint.net doodle

No. 426489

Block colors and volume shapes instead of painting each stroke for "hair" like a kid

No. 426490

AI hands tier

No. 427703

File: 1730084362754.png (1.11 MB, 2828x2089, goth moids_20241027195652.png)

This was done free hand with a fountain pen. I’m trying to get better at free handing, some days I’m really good, some days it’s picrel. I know the ear is fucked, I’ve never been able to do ears free hand. Any tips would be appreciated.

No. 427705

i am not a huge fan of the artstyle but i think it looks good, reminds me of daria

No. 427708

Kek nona that would have been a compliment comparing me to Daria if it weren’t for brujoari.

No. 427717

brujoaris style reminds me more of the downtowners than to daria

No. 427733

File: 1730098737629.jpg (69.91 KB, 960x628, e3a33341.jpg)

Freehanding is all about measuring things in your mind and going slowly. If you watch videos of artists doing it they will sometimes put down dots instead of full guidelines and they never rush anything. Your style looks interesting though, good luck with your further studies

No. 427795

File: 1730133332756.jpg (1.97 MB, 2880x2880, pastel.jpg)

Used pastels and tried to draw this woman from "women you're ashamed to say you'd fuck" thread. Paper too small + pastels too fat to get more detail than this. Any suggestions?

No. 427806

I think you would have had better luck if you made the piece bigger. also you made her boobs more emphasized than they actually are

No. 427810

the lines and colors look nice but the arm on the left side of the picture looks off, as well as her face and hand. other than those 3 parts i think you did good, i like the contrast/colors/clothing folds and the textured look of the pastels.
i think your strength shows in the fact that you do well with light/shadows and contrast with colors. it does look nice but that arm on the left side of the drawing really confused me. it looks like the arm is somewhat deformed and the hand is morphing into the shoulder. the hand on her stomach, i think looks good but there's something strange, like maybe it's too big/alien like, though looking at the original image i can see why it was drawn like that. but, i do really think the shading on the hand looks great. her face looks off mostly from the jaw down, specifically the mouth. however, i love the way you drew her nose.
it looks really promising but just a few parts anatomically look really off/strange. i hope that helps in any way. keep it up! i always love seeing traditional work. would also love to see a re-draw in the future with the same materials and a larger paper. this is a challenging pose to draw and i think you did well. if i could suggest anything it would be making her mouth larger and hand on the stomach a bit smaller. and i do think your strengths show in the drawing. hope anything i said was helpful

No. 427849

this is really pretty! her head seems a bit too big though

No. 427884


No. 427926

No. 427954

This is not Peter Murphy of Daniel Ash. These are my 100% original boys who will never hit the wall or be British.

No. 427955

Mouth is too small, I think it'd look better if her smile was wider. seconding about the head being too big and the hands needing some work.

No. 428139

Hahaha but you knew who I was referring to exactly

No. 428692

File: 1730441890286.png (Spoiler Image,651.95 KB, 1322x1185, tt.png)

I drew something for Halloween. Does anyone have any advice for doing better hatching?
I forgot to unselect a layer within the image, sorry for double posting.

No. 428703

this is really good. The only thing that comes to mind is that the hatching on the text doesn't seem to match the hatching on the characters as the hatchlines look thicker and it makes it look less cohesive

No. 428779

File: 1730481122705.png (4.31 MB, 3089x2184, Untitled23_20241101131019.png)

Getting back into art kind of. The one on the left is something more simple while the one on the right is something more closer and kind of has more detail? Anyways I feel like I accidentally twinkified a 40 year old man, I don’t draw that often but I really want to improve

No. 428780

the memes make your art look like it was drawn by a 13yo tif

No. 428781

I just don’t know what to do with the empty space so I just plaster a fuck ton of images

No. 428782

If you don't have anything to say regarding art skill you need to shut up. How many times do we have to go over this?

No. 428783

why? it adds nothing to the drawing and looks hideous.

No. 428786

it distracts from her art, adds nothing to the piece and is unfunny. Its a criticism of the composition, sorry it hurts your feefees but it looks ugly.

No. 428787

To be honest it’s just something i’ve always done. I don’t like doing small doodles that could fill up the space (i’ll even admit i’m pretty lazy) so it’s just filler

No. 428789

you dont need to fill anything, they would look just fine without the clutter.

No. 428791

File: 1730482263959.png (4.02 MB, 3089x2184, Untitled23_20241101132957.png)


Went back and removed all the images. It does look better but I think it’s just the random empty spaces bother me (which is on me because I just do whatever the fuck for canvas sizes)

No. 428793

nta but this looks way better than the last one, whos the character though?

No. 428794

File: 1730482418996.jpeg (44.22 KB, 400x400, IMG_0527.jpeg)

Jimmy from mouthwashing! (picrel for reference)

No. 428795

Much better now. You need to let the viewer rest their eyes, the meme were so distracting my eyes barely looked at the art. My only other critique is work on the proportions if you dont want him to look so twink.

No. 428796

damn hes ugly as sin, good on you drawing him in a anime style so he could be bearable to see

No. 428797

God, you're right. I suppose if I do something like that again, I need to be more consistent in terms of spacing of hatchlines. At the time, I thought wide hatchlines on the "BOOOO!" would have made it more cartoony and charming. However, with a fresh set of eyes it is jarring, isn't it?
Didn't he rape Anya? Otherwise, pretty nice art.

No. 428802

The first one doesn't look bad, but the level of chicken scratching is baffling. You really should practice line confidence. That type of simple basic anime style always looks a bit twinkified. If you want him to look less twinky you have to add more realistic (read: ugly) features, but he looks fine as is.
The way you drew the hair all the strands are at the same height, which is a bit visually boring. You should try to draw the strands of hair with more size and length bariation(I found vidrel to explain what I mean), and I personally would also make the back hair longer (like in the ref) to add more visual interest.

Sounds like you're using it as a crutch for not knowing what to do with the composition. The other nonna is right, it distracts from your art and doesn't make sense to do it on every drawing. Empty space isn't automatically bad on itself, it's strange that you're so opposed to it.

No. 428806

why are you drawing a rapist who killed his entire crew instead of facing any consequences for his actions?(derailing)

No. 428808

He’s a fictional character nona. I am a rape victim myself. Take it to the fandom discourse thread
I was always told that having any form of blank space was bad for your art and you need to fill up the spaces so it doesn’t look “boring” and it’s just stuck with me. The chicken scratching was more of a style choice (sorry, don’t mean to sound like well it’s muh art style LOL) because I was told having “basic” line work was boring and visually unappealing, this was super helpful and i’m definitely taking it into account next time I draw him. Thank you nona!

No. 428809

>I am a rape victim myself
and? the anon asked about the character, not you though? are you implying its alright to draw rapist yume art if youve been raped? i couldve understood if you only said hes from a horror game so you just drew him but this excuse doesn't work

No. 428811

Everything I hear about this game justifies my decision to not get it

No. 428813

I’m sorry but if you can’t separate a fictional story from reality there is something severely wrong with your psyche. This is an art criticism thread. Not a thread to start character discourse. My point is that he’s fictional. He’s not real. He can’t hurt you. I promise you none of this matters in real life

No. 428815

> My point is that he’s fictional. He’s not real. He can’t hurt you. I promise you none of this matters in real life
we know. what i dont get why did you think this was the place to share that youve been raped? so noone could call you out on drawing him? we have the vent thread for that so keep that information for the right thread retard

No. 428817

If you’re gonna call me out for drawing him then do the same to other artists who draw him you retard. Take a chill pill

No. 428819

The real question is why anyone would try to call out OP in the first place. Who gives a fuck what the made up man did or why she wanted to draw him

No. 428821

>reading comprehension is still null
read my post again autist, no one gives a fuck over you drawing the rapeape but you thinking its fine to tell us youre a rape victim in the RATE YOUR ART THREAD not the vent thread its just weird to share that here

No. 428823

>I was always told that having any form of blank space was bad for your art and you need to fill up the spaces so it doesn’t look “boring”
who the fuck told you that? it's the opposite

No. 428825

genuinely i do not understand anyone who's drawing the characters as yaoi guys or cute or whatever. did we play the same game? is everyone just incapable of understanding narrative anymore? jimmy isn't even hot enough to excuse this.

No. 428827

I really hope you’re not trying to become rancefag2.0

No. 428829

What does "understanding narrative" have to do with ooc fanart? People can draw whatever they want

No. 428831

No i’m just a autistic retard with a shitty fixation that will go away in like a month or two

Majority of art youtubers I watched as a kid always told me otherwise. so I felt like it was the norm for me

No. 428832

i explained it. i don't understand why there's art like yours and others of jimmy and curly fucking, as if the game isn't about how straight men ruin women and try to avoid consequences for their actions. what is driving the way people are ignoring what the story is about so they can draw cutesy/yaoi art?

No. 428835

Are you new to fandom? (not trying to be shitty) people will yaoify and make cutesy fan art of anything they can get their hands on. It’s become a normal thing. Take a look at all the cutesy moe fan art of a show like breaking bad. Mouthwashing is no exception to this. It’s just something that will eventually happen to most pieces of media despite if they have a serious tone or not

No. 428838

maybe the artist is a 19 year old and i'm just getting too old to understand it. it's like making fanart of lolita where dolores and hubert are consensually having sex or something. oh wait, people already made movies about that.

No. 428842

File: 1730488668323.jpg (123.19 KB, 1238x2048, F3QXqd9XMAA7c5-.jpg)

There is nothing wrong with blank space nonny, it helps define the silhouette. You dont need to fill the blank space with random stuff, artists like pic rel draw simple sketches without clutter and it looks cute and nice.

No. 428847

Immature skills, memes, and style. 3edgy5me. Please come back once you stop simping for rapist characters and learn how to draw better. Critique is not just about technique, it also applies to subject matter, and the subject matter is unappealing. I think most anons would agree with that.

No. 428848

Those two things don't contradict each other though? You can play the game and understand the message and still get some fun out of shipping or whatever. I personally don't get it either with this game because the characters are shitty people and boring losers but fans obviously think differently

No. 428849

it feels particularly egregious to see fanart of the rapist who felt nothing for the woman he impregnated and made suicidal on a site where we have multiple threads dedicated to hating men. no nonna should be a jimmy fan

No. 428851

> Critique is not just about technique, it also applies to subject matter, and the subject matter is unappealing.
i agree i wouldnt mind if anon drew him just like how some anons like horror characters but its the
>bros a rapist!! laughing emojis!
>quirky yaoi memes!
>the weird whataboutism of "umm im a rape victim so please dont tell me whys its weird to draw a rapist with hearts over him"
meanwhile the character in question has also raped a woman and the biggest thing youre posting in a thread where youre being critiqued so why are you surprised if some anons call out the subject matter?

No. 428852

I know. I’ve played the game more than once and i’m familiar with the subject matter and its dark themes. I have media literacy I genuinely didn’t mean to start any infighting for that matter, i’ll admit it was pretty tasteless of me for the images and such on the original drawing. I’m not saying nonnies can’t call me out. It’s not that I defend him or think he didn’t do anything wrong. If anything I like him as a villain and his complexities as a character intrigue me (so is the same for other fans) it just seems like nowadays you can’t really like any shitty irredeemable characters without someone getting upset over it and forced to have some reason why. You don’t have to agree with me but this is just how I see it from my perspective. If that makes any sense

No. 428853

>blah blah I am media literate!! I am not condoning!! I am so sowwy!! blah blah
>puts heart around rapist character's face and laughing emojis
If you want to be an edgelord then go to /ic/, you're being so spineless too

No. 428855

go to twitter if you want to be embraced with open arms for liking shitty characters like jimmy, not the "rate my art" thread on lolcow.

No. 428856

I didn’t want any of that I literally just wanted criticism of my art because I don’t use social media lol

No. 428858

Scrolling up to find this argument was started over such a nothingburger

No. 428859

and you got your answer: it sucks

No. 428868

The moralfaggotry on lolcow has now exceeded both Tumblr and twitter, sasuga based and rationalpilled nonnies who use fiction as the basis of their worldview.

No. 428870

again: take your shit taste to twitter

No. 428871

Ugly ass shit, cringy unfunny tiktok memes, even the anime style is so basic, boring and chicken scratchy. Subject matter is atrocious. At least draw him getting gutted or violently assfucked, not like a small uwu sad twink.

No. 428873

Seconding the other anons to work on your line art. Practice drawing lines in one stroke. The anatomy is also off. His shoulders are too narrow and slanted, his arms are wonky, and his chest doesn't look like a 3d shape. If you want him to look less like a twink, I recommend finding artists who draw anime-style men and seeing how they stylize them. Currently, in your drawing style, he looks like a scroungy, sleep-deprived young adult. Basically, my advice is to just draw more.

Aww this is really adorable! I love how expressive the Waddle Dees are. Maybe you could play around with line weight more, but I think this looks really good

No. 428880

>I was always told that having any form of blank space was bad for your art and you need to fill up the spaces so it doesn’t look “boring”
Sometimes you might see the advice that you should always draw background to give your characters a setting and give the viewer more information, and you might have misunderstood that advice (because otherwise that just doesn't sound like good advice), but even that advice isn't very good if you take it super literally. The edited picture you used already adds interest to the background anyway, so the random shitposts weren't even necessary for that.
>The chicken scratching was more of a style choice because I was told having “basic” line work was boring and visually unappealing
I get the impression that you're taking advice targeted at intermediate artists and running with it very literally on your beginner level art. It's good to experiment regardless of your level, but "basic" linework isn't really something you should be focusing on fixing that much unless you already have good linework. But if it helps, the face looks more passable than the body, having the body chicken scratch look much looser than the face's makes it look less intentional, and on the chin the chicken scratch looks better because it looks like it's implying the stubble texture.

The people that give art advice are also fallible humans, and there's many people out there giving different advice, so you really shouldn't take every piece of advice so much to heart and treat it like infallible dogma. Some advice is good, some is bad, and some is good in some situations but bad in other including lolcow advice btw. If you're unsure, it's better to test different approaches to figure out what works better/what you prefer, and also keep studying fundamentals (but even studying fundamentals can have different approaches).
TL;DR: study more fundies, avoid sticking to one super specific confort zone method, and draw more
Also I'll add the advice to stop answering to nonnas reeeeing about the ethics of the character, you'll just be infighting the whole day kek

No. 428885

left image reminds me of projared for some reason kek. maybe give him more chin to look less twinkish or move his mouth up slightly

No. 428924

kekkkkk well he suits the character

No. 428926

>I was always told that having any form of blank space was bad for your art
Whoever told you this should be tried in an art crime court. Blank spaces are important, handling rhythm between full and empty-looking areas is a good skill to have. You can practice this by drawing objects around you from the 'outside'. Instead of drawing a shape with lines and filling it in, try painting everything but the shape, like its background, or draw a scene like a park while intentionally leaving some elements blank, like a tree or part of the grass.
KEK nona this is cute. Aside from the foreshortening on the arm and her face, it's really solid, i like how supple and soft it looks. Her hand is my favorite detail

No. 428944

Dont have empty space then, learn composition.

No. 428968

Bad art and worse ship

No. 428969

>implying it's not her

No. 428978

>hour long seethe fest sparked from a nothingburger
that's 99.9% of arguments on shitcow

No. 428982

Have you ever heard of something called a "background"?

Why are you moralfagging over a fictional character on Lolcor of all places

No. 429022

draw him getting ass raped and ill forgive you for having the uwus for a walled murder rapist

No. 429042

lmaoo cute

No. 429125

>ill forgive you
nobody cares about the approval of some autistic nodraw online

No. 429126

File: 1730574758550.jpg (19.52 KB, 474x331, OIP (41).jpg)

>"nobody cares about the approval of some autistic nodraw online"
>is in post your art for nonas to rate thread

No. 429129

yeah it's the rate art thread not the moralfagging twitterfag thread, go back

No. 429134

There's a difference between moralfagging and calling out someone's objectively shit taste. Nobody's saying she can't draw her postwall rapist favorite.

No. 429140

Kek what a pickme. "Waah waah no one likes the rapist twink babygirl character like I do ree!!" if you have objectively shit taste at least learn to accept people rightfully dunking on your shit taste. Literally move on (and hopefully get better taste).

No. 429143

This is the rate your art thread, not the rate your husbando thread. That one is 3 blocks down. How are you still having a melty over anon liking a character you don't?

No. 429148

>art is shit
>underage tiktok tif humor
>husbando is shit
>ship and character are trending with underage tiktok tifs
>all of these things combined makes anons more annoyed than they would independently
simple enough to me

No. 429150

>the anon who posted the rapeape said she liked him as a villain and not a romantic interest
you do realize you arent being subtle with who you are? kek

No. 429158

>there is a difference between eating shit and eating poo
>framing someone liking a villain character through irl social issues (pickme'ism) isn't moralfagging
yeah this site is full of retards like you, no wonder it's garbage

No. 429160

No there is a difference between going
>You can't draw him because he's offensive you should never draw him ever.
>The man you've drawn is shit.

No. 429180

Right pic kinda reminds me of polyglotplatipus/null drawings with acid colored doodles

No. 429183

Do we have a rate your husbando thread?

No. 429212

No. 429481

File: 1730688107443.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1124x1407, IMG_1987.jpeg)

wip but need perspective before I do any more damage

No. 429486

File: 1730688536038.png (229.1 KB, 532x837, planarhead.png)

Think more in terms of planes and less in terms of lines. You can use the side of the stick of charcoal to achieve larger areas of value, and don't worry about blending early on. Blending can happen later on the process when you've achieved a good range of value.

No. 429487

Why the hell is this a "thing" I see with younger artists online these days? Filling your image with as much shit as possible? I remember seeing this shit on Artfight, with people's character sheets. Not every single fucking pixel needs to have something in it, christ. Idk if it's mental illness or just general ignorance but stop with this shit.

No. 429489

I’m not using charcoal I’m using 99 cent store mechanical pencils from 8th grade summer vacation. Which brands do you recommend for charcoal? I’ve always wanted to try it.
It’s a thing zoomers do to seem nonchalant. It’s the same as someone posting a meme in between selfies. Keeping things lighthearted and ironic, I guess.

No. 429503

File: 1730696189525.png (2.62 MB, 2601x3059, tfw I’ll never be leyendecker.…)

How to draw cute guys? I didn’t use loomis, I started from scratch with a skull and face muscles and got this. Not what I was going for. I didn’t have a reference but this dude ended up looking like a Brendon Urie goth Ken doll package art. I don’t want my mind to betray me like this, but it seems easier to draw cute guys with loomis method, however it’s less anatomically correct.

No. 429504

File: 1730696551218.jpg (36.01 KB, 345x250, unnamed.jpg)

I never paid much attention to brands when I was in college (that's when I worked with it most often) bc I had so little money to work with kek. I just recommend that you get three of the following to choose from: vine charcoal, compressed charcoal, and charcoal pencil. The first is the softest, for laying down large shapes. The second is the more versatile, and the tool you'll use most often. The third is a finishing tool, for details towards the end; I prefer the peel-away charcoal pencils to the ones you have to sharpen. For long drawings, you'll want large paper with a medium tooth (texture) so it can hold onto the charcoal. I typically used the brown cube erasers because the have the sharp corners as well as the large facets (though erasing is something you want to do somewhat sparingly with charcoal) but you'll often see recommendations for kneaded erasers because the charcoal is light and can be dabbed away with a kneaded eraser. Hope all that helps.

No. 429505

File: 1730697190550.webp (957.31 KB, 2127x1574, 6fc0d6_9efd250d19e0476ab799a56…)

>file name
>I didn't have a reference
Well, Leyendecker pretty much always used a reference: a live model, and it was often the same guy, Charles Beach (of whom basically no photos survive). In your case, I would just do a bunch of studies of Leyendecker's art, as well as studies of male models that appeal to you. He and his brother attended the Académie Julian, so you might also want to do some research on the French academic art style.

No. 429507

File: 1730697695592.jpg (33.88 KB, 499x337, 9c50af30a48c6f04ac8a74f54b6880…)

>no references
References would be the best start, here's one for your Meter Purphy OC

No. 429508

Leyendecker was so lucky. I wish I had a muse.

No. 429509

kekkk it’s not Peter Murphy. i used to have this exact photo printed in my wallet when I was in high school

No. 429510

I know that one isn't, it's some other guy I recognize but can't put my finger on

No. 429511

Maybe I had pre-wall Al Jourgenson or Nivek Ogre on my mind? For some reason the eyebrows remind me of young Henry Rollins.

No. 429530

File: 1730713695800.png (2.06 MB, 3128x2568, baconesque madotsuki.png)

Drawing from imagination for once, though inspired by the composition of Bacon's work (curved canvases, main subject on separate plane and axis, Van Gough-esque shadows) because this area really reminded me of his work, probably the hole faced people did it. This is more of an underpainting but I want nonna's opinion on composition and palette, and any other fatal flaws before I move on to scratching away at it.
Key points, yes I know building in top left is fucked, will fix that later (I'm going to bed right after posting this) and will put Madotsuki in more exaggerated shadow for more contrast, the purple on her is more for marking midtone placement.

also don't want to drag out that infight from before but as someone who will wk most art anons that "bro is a rapist" meme plastered on the art immediately put me off because its so incredibly unintergrated

No. 429536

My skills are severely lacking so take this with a grain of salt but I think the coloring of the girl is too bright and you should make the top of her head more visible so that she doesn’t look so 2d

No. 429542

The strong and long shadows suggest that the light source is behind her on the left, but the lighting on her is front-facing/from above.

No. 429547

its zoomer brainrot

No. 429550

What's up with the piss and poop color palette

No. 429551

looks like john koviak to me. i would work on drawing hair and maybe use references, even when building off a skull.

No. 429556


like >>429536 said make the top of the head more visible to make her more 3d in the perspective (unless making her look flat against the background is what you're going for? there's something rpg-ish about it that i sort of like actually) and yes either darken and saturate her palette and/or lighten and saturate the background more. The background swallows her and becomes the focus moreso than your character design because it is so much darker and more saturated than your character.

Also >>429542 nona is completely right about light source, you'll either want to light your character from the back (shade the front and border light on her left as though it is coming from behind) or swap the position of the shadow and shade on her left - although I think that the former would look more interesting with the implication of the sun rising or setting from your background buildings.

I just wanted to expand on the valid critiques that I saw and add a bit more detail in my own way on how you could achieve them. Unfortunately I am not great at composition so I can't help much there, I like the way that the ground is textured in almost a spiral. That part frames your character nicely. Also her design is very cute!

No. 429770

File: 1730821299721.png (2.38 MB, 1664x2292, stan kyle.png)

My resolution for 2025 is to draw more and finish more stuff, so i started to force myself to finish everything i start even if i know i wont like the result. It's easier to see my mistakes and work on them that way to be honest.

No. 429791

No. 429797

OT but I sometimes wonder about the anons who stopped posting their art here. Did they stop vc they're trying to go pro? Did they just stop using LCF? Lost interest in drawing?

No. 429807

The newfags scared them off lmao

No. 429808

The positioning of the figure and shadow looks a little awkward from a distance, I think it'll feel more balanced if you move Madotsuki up and to the left just slightly. The background has a good placement of elements, but you can also push the curves a bit stronger, really lean into that warped, wide lense look. I like the colors, the atmosphere is really eerie.

No. 429858

Yeah, I noticed people being needlessly mean, were those newfags? If you're giving constructive criticism, being a little rude is ok, but if you're commenting just to be rude you're just disencouraging people from even trying.

No. 429866

i like people being rude to my art i get motivated by spite

No. 429893

Well I'm glad it works for someone, at least, but still the lack of actionable, useful comments bother me a lot. They always give me the impression that the commenter doesn't know anything about art and isn't an artist themselves, which is why they can't articulate what exactly they think is wrong.

No. 429899

imo you should never take anyone's critique to heart unless you see their work, which is something you wont get here since most artists dont want to be associated with lolcow.

No. 429900

That actually makes a lot of sense.

No. 429945

File: 1730856284757.jpeg (Spoiler Image,478.57 KB, 852x1636, 384255BE-BF74-47D8-B423-FF129F…)

trying to do some studies from pinterest and i don’t really feel like it’s going anywhere, should i just focus on hands or smth cause i know they look pretty bad (spoilered so no frontpage)

No. 429947

I think the face is the biggest problem.

No. 429951

File: 1730856697813.jpeg (655.76 KB, 1170x2283, 79358BB1-0DE8-468D-9FAF-F7AF50…)

whats wrong with it specifically lol, here is the reference photo i used. didn't want it to be super detailed cause it is just sketchy practice

No. 429973

i dont even know what im looking at here..

No. 429975

the reference photo is right below it

No. 429981

Nose and forehead too big. The toungue looks like his chin so it looks like crimson chin

No. 429982

thank you, i appreciate it.

No. 429983

I recommend you to trace the reference then compare it to your drawing, it helps a lot.

No. 429985

i feel stupid i never thought of that, sounds pretty useful

No. 429988

I'd study the skull and head construction like Loomis method and Reilly abstraction. The general location of everything is off, but you seem to struggle with the expression and construction would help with that.

No. 429990

i've tried loomis and it never really clicked for me, maybe that reiley shit would help.. this was a quick sketch alongside a bunch of others so i didn't focus too much on accuracy, but yeah faces are confusing. thank you!

No. 429992

File: 1730863394388.webp (59.29 KB, 800x2000, Loomis-Vs-Reilly-Infographic-1…)

The reilly methos is just a more confusing loomis imo, but you dont lose anything by giving it a try.

No. 430006

Pick easier references if you're not that good. This would be a hard one to do even for some experienced artists. The low resolution, and the tricky expression covered by the hair, make it really hard to pull off. Focus on what you want to study and pick a photo that focuses on that. Let's say you want to study anatomy, then pick a high-resolution photo that has good lighting (meaning, no hard shadows obscuring half of the features you want to understand) and a clear pose, preferably not cropped. You can get away with a value or composition study with low-resolution images, but the idea is that the image isn't some pixelated mess and you can study from it without having to "guess" too much.

No. 430149

Redo the face, you didn’t quite get it right

No. 430193

Try turning your reference upside down and drawing it that way(as in you will also draw it upside down). The harder you make it for your brain to recognize the subject the easier it will be to train your eye to actually draw what you see. Your brain wants to "interpret" your subject and most people end up drawing their brains interpretation which is what causes the errors and distortions.

No. 430771

Nonner, could you please give me some pointers on how to control my lines? I can never decide whether I want thick or thin linework, so all I ever end up doing that looks half-decent are sketches. My lines suck because I don't know how to control line weight.

Old but kek, what? The background was already fine as it was. The cringe TikTok memes are extremely distracting and some of them are literally on top of the character. This >>428791 already has an interesting background to look at, I wouldn't even call it "empty space" since it's already begging for the viewer's attention even though it's a background. I hope you learn from the critique that was given in this thread and learn to use negative space better. Negative space is extremely important in art.

No. 431535

Because tifs want the male privilege to rape and kill like males do, just like that tif tranny who shot up an elementary school full of little girls. It’s also the reason why tiffaggots worship and draw fanart of the Columbine shooters. Her and rancefag are two peas in a pod(derailing)

No. 431536

Because they want you to praise their chicken scratch, they posted their rushed art for quick validation and praise kek

No. 432260

nta but rude dumb bitch(infighting a 3 day old post)

No. 432313

your expectations for yourself might be too high, you gotta start somewhere. how long did this take you?

No. 432315

Draw more, and draw more copies too

No. 432316

Your loomis is coming along nicely

No. 432321

File: 1731627081995.jpeg (242.9 KB, 750x905, IMG_1181.jpeg)

Feel like the hair is starting to look wonky and not realistic. I tried taking some of the advice from some anons. Still feel like I haven’t improved at all

No. 432322

Please go to therapy

No. 432325

I honestly think you're trying way too hard, your lines look stiff. You need to start having fun with it and feeling le flow.

No. 432330

I am gonna kill myself is the schizo from ic is a woman. Go back.

No. 432332

>go to /ic/
>go to /beg/ thread
>see those posts made today
Holy kek

No. 432333

Are they a moid or a woman? If she's a woman I would want to help and give advice but if they're a moid I'll show him the rope.

No. 432334

No clue

No. 432335

Why can't you guys just be normal

No. 432339

It has been posting for a while on /ic/ its a meme there

No. 432342

File: 1731629833766.png (91.06 KB, 541x393, 1731625206152762.png)

I see, and I think I found the right cantrip to banish it:
shu shu schizo, go finish your courses!!!

No. 432347

File: 1731630185501.jpg (568.61 KB, 1926x2149, IMG_3300.jpg)

I actually think the hair looks fine as it suits your current style. Having it be too realistic would make it off-putting. I think you should focus on studying anatomy more because the ears and face seem wonky.

I tried recreating the drawing, I don't draw males often so if any anons want to critique please be gentle kek.

No. 432350

His head is flat and the eyes are too close and big

No. 432354

File: 1731631610577.png (3.99 MB, 3075x2685, WIPP.png)

I don't know how to make the texture of the skirt, anyone has tips? also, i know the anatomy is turbo fucked, i was trying to maintain the anatomy and the sillhouette of the origina. I feel like someone who's more talented would have achieved what i was trying to do.

No. 432355

Sexo. But his pecs seem a bit low to me

No. 432356

shit you are right, its the part thats the most fucked in the original but i wanted to maintain that pigeon like puffy chest because i found it cool.

No. 432357

The thing about translating the original is that it's going to have fucked anatomy either way, and going for semi-realism makes that more apparent. As for his boobies, make his left boobie less visible, I think it'll look more like pecs that way.

No. 432359

>The thing about translating the original is that it's going to have fucked anatomy either way
Yeah, its hard to translate it to a more realistic style. I have seen some people do it but they are professionals and i am still a begginer
> As for his boobies, make his left boobie less visible, I think it'll look more like pecs that way.
sorry for sounding retarded but how? like making it an uni-boob?

No. 432361

Maybe just less boob shaped I dont know

No. 432377

hope you're being cheeky, they're clearly way too high
you gotta have his whole ribcage puffed out not just the pecs

No. 432393

You clearly have no patience. The key is literally to stop stressing about it and start enjoying the process. Adult spergs on Xitter post their crap doodles every day, some more decent than others, and they don't give a fuck about improving. They even seel their shit for like $50. Obviously you shouldn't copy their lack of self-awareness and lack of a desire to improve, but you should learn from their confidence and enjoyment.
You were much better back in late 2020. You can draw like that again, and even better. Just try to not be so desperate. I know it feels like shit not being able to draw like you want, but obsessing about it instead of taking it easy is only going to frustrate you to the point that you will abandont art altogether.

No. 432402

Stop responding to the schizo they do this every month. They already did it in a previous thread >>409540

No. 432431

Ok, sorry.

No. 432503

File: 1731672847729.png (3.31 MB, 3075x2685, 1731631610577.png)

Maybe something like this? >>432377 is right, you have to make his ribcage big too. As for the skirt I'd go for a scale-like pattern (it looks like that too in the original, it's just very small and blurry) and then fiddle around with some textured brushes, or just render each scale by adding shadows/reflections if you're the type to enjoy detailing. Mine suck of course but it was just to show how it would look like, to make it more similar to the reference you'd have to make the pattern smaller.

No. 432511

Damn, just realized the original one has a perky ass

No. 432515

make ass fatter

No. 432519

Why are you using a 4H pencil? I can barely see the drawing.

No. 432521

So true

No. 432522

>autistically refuses to learn the fundamentals

No. 432524

That kind of looks like elsie

No. 432533

He really does have a juicy ass


Kek how the fuck should we know? You're so dramatic, if you really hate drawing then don't draw.

No. 432536

that's what I was talking about with the chest, yeah. I like your fix on the skirt pattern too, didn't even notice that.
he needs his back arched a little more and his glutes engaged so they pop a little but I think proportionally it's good.

No. 432559

Crawling in my skin, these wounds they cannot heal

No. 432560

Because instead of listening to advice you just sit around and complain. Also you chimp out and scribble on everything instead of just trying again or erasing like a sensible person.

No. 432564

There's a high level of comorbidity between posting your art on imageboards and being autistic

No. 432613

File: 1731707124068.jpg (77.43 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20230404-153636_Ins…)

Try sculpting

No. 432615

Just enjoy the show
With the added muscle definition the body looks so freaky. The chest is bordering on rob liefeld levels of bad. I just don't think it will look good translated over to a more realistic style.

No. 432624

File: 1731710882702.png (5 MB, 3415x3334, Illustration8.png)

Dammit why do my guys always look so buff? i like buff guys but i honestly prefeer lean fit guys, however since they have a more normal body thats more squareish it becomes hard as fuck to translate it to drawing. I cannot find a single artist that draws nice lean fit bodies, most of the ones are follow draw super fit looking dudes.
This looks amazing! tysm i hope i can someday achieve your anatomy skills. I already finished my Minoan drawing but i will keep the info for the next one.

No. 432627

This has been said in every thread a billion times but maybe you should use a reference from life instead of looking at other artists work

No. 432628

Real life men look like fridges though, they dont look like anime bishies

No. 432631

File: 1731712766863.jpeg (838.9 KB, 1063x1648, IMG_7108.jpeg)

If you looked at an actual human instead of kyoani dorito chins you would be able to tell why your anatomy looks so bad.

No. 432636

Why would i want to look at ugly 3DPD when i want to draw my dorito chin bishies?

No. 432645

You can look at real moids, master the moid anatomy, and then alter the anatomy as you wish. But to break the boundaries you need to become familiar with the boundaries.
SHU SHU SCHIZO, GO FINISH YOUR COURSES!!! and yes that is real advice

No. 432646

NTA but while I may have no place to say anything cause I never draw humans I do know that if you're annoyed by the stiffness in your art, you should learn the fundamentals of realistic human anatomy. In doing so, you'll understand how muscles and bones move leading to an understanding in depicting fluidity and dynamic poses in your art. Learning proper anatomy from 3DPD will improve your art tenfold so that you can make better stylized art, such as your anime bishies.

No. 432647

> But to break the boundaries you need to become familiar with the boundaries
yeah i know i eat my veggies, draw the ugly fatso and old men from line of action when they pop out and try to draw ugly 3DPD for the better good of my bishies, but i still want to draw attractive men y'know and finding the right proportions is hard. My problem is, ''how do i translate the hideous real male anatomy into sexy bishies'', that's why i mostly use other drawings for this.

No. 432648

I know nonna thats like art advice 101 lol but that's not my problem. Its more about the proportions, at least in my last sketch. I do my fair share of ugly men studies but how do i translate that into attractive 2D men?

No. 432649

I think the best thing you can do for translating 3DPD > 2D is chunking your 3DPD models into "sets". Look at how the 3DPD's arm bends when its held up against his head, and then try to redraw that in 2D while holding the most important shapes and construction.

No. 432652

Nice van evade. There's no such thing as "talent," in order to get good at something, you just have to love it enough to dedicate lots of time to practicing and improving at it. Your defeatist psychology also feeds into the problem– it's actually been observed, for instance, that someone will struggle more with a math problem if they say "I'm bad at math" before attempting it. Your problem is not a lack of talent, it's your belief that you suck and a lack of genuine love for the process of drawing. Scribbling Xs and emo bullshit on top of everything you draw is not the behavior of someone who actually enjoys the act of creating. Stop crying about how you were overlooked about the magic talent fairy, and stop approaching art with a negative, hateful mindset.

No. 432653

Oh yeah i do that, but like how does it translate for a skinnier build, for example?

No. 432656

Is this the goat autist again. jfc

No. 432660

The ''talentless'' schizo is from /ic/

No. 432670

What book is this?

No. 432677

File: 1731722868705.jpeg (985.59 KB, 1125x1581, IMG_7109.jpeg)

I don't know, it was in a folder of mixed pics and 90% of them are porny women. But even Scarlet Beriko made a reference photo book because she knows anatomy is important for yaoi

No. 432678

Insane how ugly real men are.

No. 432679

No. 432681

if making it means drawing ugly men then i would rather not

No. 432683

Fun fact: all those anime bishies you’ve seen had bodies referenced from real moids. There’s a thread on /g/ that obscures 3dpd faces if you want to look for reference.

No. 432684

A lot of twitter artists feel the same way.

No. 432685

File: 1731724604784.jpg (95.41 KB, 771x555, scarlet beriko.jpg)

Yeah but those artists stylize them to make them look like bishes, that's the whole point. Scarlet Beriko is known for drawing very elongated bishies.

No. 432686

How do you think scarlet beriko learned to stylize without making them look freakish in the process?

No. 432687

Heh okay I understand… try the attractive male body thread in /g/? I sometimes find decent references there.
No, surprisingly.

No. 432688

Oh wait i misunderstood your advice then. I thought you meant i had to make my bishies more ''realistic''. My bad.

No. 432693

File: 1731725600234.png (3.6 MB, 3415x3334, improved.png)

I fixed it for you.

No. 432694

File: 1731725685334.gif (283.36 KB, 206x206, liquid chris angry.gif)


No. 432701

love how you put the gun to his head

No. 432706

He doesn't even look buff. Just don't draw the muscle lines, or realize that it won't stand out so much if you color it.

No. 432709

Oh thanks, yeah that makes sense.

No. 432713

>Of course I lost my love for drawing, I never improved.
Find a hobby you actually enjoy doing, then, because you clearly don't like drawing enough to stick with it. There are other kinds of art besides drawing, maybe try knitting or sculpture like >>432613 said.

No. 432745

This is not how you ask for advice. You should be fucking grateful anyone is still listening to ANY of your sniveling.

No. 432747

File: 1731742209013.jpg (270.39 KB, 843x592, retardcore (2).jpg)

you inspired me to make this

No. 432748

This is awesome but i am sure that anon is a, y'know.

No. 432755

File: 1731743799456.gif (148.91 KB, 236x260, meds.gif)

Can you faggots stop feeding the trolls? he's been doing this for literal fucking years. Here are some thread's he's made. He's known as 6 month schizo.

No. 432757


No. 432765

farmhands should really add a thread redtext banning all icfags in this thread they only bring their spergfests here

No. 433085

Does anyone know anything about the fat ugly bastard on line of action? Why are like half the male nude photos his and there's also no photo credit in the corner. It makes me think he uploads them for some kind of gratification or something

No. 433420

File: 1732015391005.jpg (4.22 MB, 3450x2331, monkeychan.jpg)

can nonas tell me what kind of outfit would suit monkey chan? i want it to reflect the same colours as the monkeys fur

No. 433426

How about short puffy pants (white) with stockings, a white shirt tucked in with a gray cardigan on top? It’d keep the white chest/gray fur gradient on her chest and arms

No. 433433

File: 1732017908727.jpg (2.14 MB, 1715x2331, monkeychan1.jpg)

like this? you didnt specify what kind of shirt so..

No. 434439

File: 1732302184501.jpg (550.93 KB, 3523x2419, 1000011957.jpg)

I showed my husband and he stared at it silently for 30 seconds and then asked why don't they have knees, is he retarded or right

No. 434440

hes right

No. 434441

it looks cute and stylized enough for me to not be bothered by that

No. 434442

pants don't show knees, he's a perverted retard

No. 434446

There should be some indication of folds imo

No. 434451

Nta, this is very cute! I was thinking of the cardigan and stockings thing but with a gradient colored minidress instead.

No. 434459

i am sorry nonna but i always thought you were like 15. Cute drawing.

No. 434463

did you ask for critique or is he just an annoying fag all the time?

No. 434472

Alright I'll add something


No. 434612

File: 1732342915177.png (Spoiler Image,584.81 KB, 1071x1165, MusicClub.png)

Decided to try something new and practice prop construction along with drawing without heavy reliance on a preliminary sketch (that's why it looks kind of messy.). Does anyone have any advice when it comes to making balanced compositions when using large props as focal point? I feel like this came out strangely unbalanced.

No. 434614

These are great

No. 434620

Are we going to see a doujin soon posted by you? Because I'd buy even when I'm not into kirby at all. Because your art deserves to be bought to be seen you're spoiling us

No. 434625

Eventually I would like to make another doujin again, however I'm a bit busy getting my life back together. When I do I probably won't be able to post it here though. Thank you Anon.

No. 434647

File: 1732359009257.png (324.48 KB, 1080x1163, 1000002258.png)

Scribbled out an idea for a magma shitpost in my notes app on my phone, but I can't tell if I still think it would be funny or if I'm just sleep deprived and have spent too much of my day here. Should I develop this into an actual drawing or delete in shame?

No. 434650

No. 434651

Art board admin here I would say post it

No. 434678

I always enjoy seeing your stuff. The art is stylized enough where knees aren't needed. Knees would probably look weird and out of place.
Dunno if anyone here could even give you advice since you're clearly a master here.
Go on…

No. 434777

Nonner, these redesigns are adorable!

No. 434856

File: 1732410493377.png (Spoiler Image,299.53 KB, 1447x1013, Screenshot 2024-11-23 170537.p…)

la creatura looking appropriately horrific so far. I'm new to digital painting and also bad at cloth + folds, so this should be fun.

No. 435066

File: 1732482785693.png (17.69 MB, 3450x2331, image.png)

my take

No. 435073

File: 1732484613469.png (1.75 MB, 1771x2100, image.png)

i kiiinda see what he means but ultimately its up to you and how you like to stylize it. i tried to do how i think itd look if you tried to "give them knees" if that helps you decide. but its fine without knees if thats just how you like to draw it. they literally arent bending their knees in the drawing so its not like its wrong, just style preference.

No. 435076

File: 1732485613386.png (Spoiler Image,802.93 KB, 2152x1165, image.png)

looks fine to me but if the balance isnt satisfying to you i tried a version to spread them apart. idk if you were gonna color this or add a background like last time but i also added some generic background to show how the values might be able to help if the balance is bothering you. tips for checking this stuff yourself i suggest is of course thumbnailing your image beforehand and checking your image on the navigator of your art program or just making it very small. checking it very smell helps your brain see the issues you cant see when looking at a normal scale because your brain can ignore them when it can see everything. a thumbnail scale your brain focuses on the parts that look the most off and make them immediately apparent.

No. 435221

File: 1732552728667.png (5.79 MB, 2612x2615, asdafff.png)

Some stuff i finished during the week. I dont know how mossacannabis draws so much detail on his historical themed pieces, i wish i had the autism neccesary to render small details for hours, but rendering is my Achilles’ heel.

No. 435223

File: 1732553450954.jpg (64.49 KB, 735x791, b70e69cd25ef637abc8985d8b6070b…)

for the one on the right I think this pic could help you out

No. 435224

thanks nonny, i feel like it would be too dramatic for a simple sketch though kek

No. 435226

I honestly prefer it without the knees on a stylization basis, nta

No. 435229

File: 1732556006508.jpg (966.41 KB, 1771x2100, givekne.jpg)

considering your style is pretty angular and stylized i think its best to do subtle knees than jotting out the knee joint

No. 435231

OMG I DIDNT EVEN SEE THIS!! thank so much nona!! monkey chan looks so cute i didnt even consider a lolita style!

No. 435234


No. 435240

Well done, you took the ugly source material designs and made them actually appealing.

No. 435241

Is… is caring about knees perverse?

No. 435244

It's the frame under the piano on the left that makes it pop out that much. You could make the guitar cord go over the frame or cut the piano

No. 435245


No. 435246

bait better

No. 435249

File: 1732560769966.jpg (57.1 KB, 750x734, 1000036178.jpg)


No. 435315

Notice how it looks like ballsacks. Every male fetish always circulates into male homofaggotry and penis obsession.

No. 435342

File: 1732593553280.jpg (72.14 KB, 1174x895, 1676652690301733.jpg)

Would it be fine if i post my yearly progress so nonnies tell me what i should work on?

No. 435354

>big knees

Why is there a fetish for EVERYTHING

No. 435356

Why wouldn't it be fine?

No. 435368

I think it's best not to take any art advice as an absolute. Any technique has its place and it's better to ask "what are you trying to accomplish".

Think, if you are trying to create a sense of solitude, and loneliness, a completely empty background with the character small, leaving mostly white space, it could help create that feeing.

If you keep adding images everywhere, it could create a sense of clutter, and noise. Is that what you want?

Chicken scratch can create a rough feel, or perhaps fragility depending on how you do it. Do you want to communicate those types of feelings? Would cleaner lineart add to whatever feeling you want to communicate in any particular drawing?

I think these can help you decern what advice is helpful to you and which is not. Art is a game of communication, so think, what about that character do you want people to feel when they look at your drawing?

>The people that give art advice are also fallible humans, and there's many people out there giving different advice, so you really shouldn't take every piece of advice so much to heart and treat it like infallible dogma

No. 435371

Thank you nonnie. I had no plans to color it, I just wanted to do a sketch. Your version is amazing, You're definitely right, I should start adding simple values if even just for a background. I'm just too lazy to do even that most of the time kek. I've never thumbnailed before outside of comics, I think I can start doing that and I didn't know our brains worked in such a way. I'm looking at your edit and you're right, a background and a little space between the two help immensely. I made everything a little too closed in. I didn't want to say anything but it's bothering me immensely, are those two ovals meant to be feet? Susie Haltmann has no feet at all she just floats.

No. 435384

Yeah they were feet i didnt know what she was i just gave her rayman feet to go with her hands lmao

No. 435476

File: 1732640228954.png (5.93 MB, 3756x3600, 2024.png)

I picked up drawing again this year. I feel like i didnt improve much, although i understand improving in art is a slow process. I mostly just did super begginer friendly courses(350 cubes in perspective, all of loomis books, figure drawing, doing some ecorche for muscles) but i dont know where to go from there, i feel like all of the other courses are too advanced for my level. I am not going to have as much time to draw next year, so i want to work smarter. What should i focus on?
Sorry i wasn't sure if it counted as personalityfagging.

No. 435482

kek is that a minonan carrying a gift? very nice

No. 435491

yeah, its based on real minoan art so the anatomy is pretty funky

No. 435572

You're making good progress anon, there's only one thing that I would advise focusing on before leaving you to carry on down your own path, and that's the heads of your characters. The point that you connect their heads to their necks is often not right, and sometimes the heads don't look proportional or at the correct angle. In your drawings you often keep the chin at the same angle no matter what is happening elsewhere. The sizing of the head can't be immediately fixed with learning a formula since head size is really variable on different styles, but even so the balance is off with them. I would suggest drawing the head with neck and shoulders from every angle using a 3D model online that you can rotate, it would definitely help.

No. 435610

Amazing taste and you're making really quick progress, congrats. Hope you continue drawing! Other nona is right about your heads though. The bodies you draw are generally fine, they look right on first glance, but some details are off. I'd recommend picking out and studying different bodyparts whenever you notice yourself symbol drawing rather than going off of what you know (e.g. you're drawing an arm and guessing where the muscles could be because you don't actually know). If you haven't checked out Morpho yet I'd really recommend it. It goes over basically all bodyparts, you could go through it by copying the illustrations and then draw over photos to pinpoint the muscles and bones you just learned about. It's a great book, it takes away all the guessing and there are no long paragraphs that would slow you down.

No. 435678

File: 1732674859649.png (162.4 KB, 600x785, Untitled1_20241126213257.png)

how the fuck do i shade

No. 435679

i think this type of style looks the best with no shading

No. 435680

really? I feel like it looks flat and it’s annoying me kind of

No. 435682

You need to be over 18 to post here

No. 435683

flat is cute and looks nice in drawings with simpler anatomy imo

No. 435684

i’m 19 but thanks

No. 435687

This highly stylized art style looks better without shading or with very minimal, equally stylized shading. It's too cartoony for something more detailed.
Better question would be "how do I draw this angle"? That's clearly what you should be focusing on right now, and anatomy.

No. 435689

Who is this? Why is he self-harming?

No. 435691

i’m afraid to say the exact name because it’s a tif game that’s unfortunately a guilty pleasure of mine but it fits the character + boredom and i wanted to kind of practice with fluids
i don’t usually draw from top down angles like that. do you have any tips? wanted to try something new

No. 435693

Please say the game's name. Also I do not like the self harm scars he should be relaxing in a nice bath instead.

No. 435695

he's too ugly to be happy he should be self flagellating for the sin of being an ugly moid

No. 435747

File: 1732683720655.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.47 KB, 1068x1600, COLOURBOX48058770.jpg)

Nona, please, you don't need to be so self-loathing for liking some character that isn't a pretty bishie, fuck the haters kek.
Anyway, you could take a selfie from that angle and compare, or search for reference pics online. We know he's supposed to be sitting and leaning back a little, but his arms aren't foreshortened, or at least they don't seem to be. Also, in my opinion, his hips and legs look flat in a bad, unnatural way. Like the legs don't connect correctly. They seem to be facing forwards like the torso and not slightly bent. Watch the curve of the waistband, it's too straight in your drawing and connects awkwardly on the left and right, making the pose look flat and off, so no, it's not the lack of shading that makes it look like that. Remember that the waistband goes around his body, so imagine that line like a half ellipse whose other half is obscured by the torso/shirt, at that angle the lower end of the shirt should be on top of the pants, not the other way around. The way you drew it, the pants look like a paper cutout on top of the shirt.
Also, looks like you couldn't decide whether to have the torso facing forward or foreshortened. Here, two examples I could find of photos in a similar angle, should be a good place to start. (Spoilered for those who don't want to see real moids.) Not sure which of the two photos looks closest to the torso angle you were trying to draw.
Remember to "think in 3D", as if you were handling a 3D model. The more you reference and study from photos or real-life, the better you'll get at it. And think of the whole pose, not just the part inside the frame. Sketch out the full body to have a better idea of how the pose works.

Sorry if my post sounds retarded, I'm shit at explaning and giving art advice but I tried. Hopefully someone more skilled can help us here, kek.

No. 435782

>Nona, please, you don't need to be so self-loathing for liking some character that isn't a pretty bishie, fuck the haters kek.
i was making fun of the character i am not the OP

No. 435813

Great improvement and consistency anon, keep it up! I love seeing people clearly improve.

No. 435817

Moid brains

No. 435864

I never parsed you as the same artist who drew the south park drawings in previous threads. You have a nice stylistic range and its impressive being able to switch from a moe anime style to more realistic bishie one. keep up the great work, your confidence in colouring definitely shows in the recent artworks

No. 435887

This looks like hideous TIF art, you probably have a short ugly moid-like haircut and love to wear hoodies a lot to hide your muffin top. Git gud(infighting/baiting)

No. 435888

Do your parents know you're on the scary terf board?

No. 435889

I don’t know what other people are talking about, this is clearly not amazing or good, it’s passively mediocre. I honestly see no progression, all of the line work and style look the same no matter what date it was made. It looks like 2010s deviantart as well. Keking at the broken robot anatomy on October’s, proof coomers do anything but properly learn how to draw it’s all about mindless, tasteless coom creatures they draw on their tablets that all look like the same dorito-chinned faggot man. It’s so over for you

No. 435893

Snip snip

No. 435945

Does she still have a lot to learn? Absolutely. But it seems like she's putting effort into improving, and she's having fun drawing her animu men. It strikes me as very puritanical and misogynistic that you consider another woman unclean just for expressing her sexuality through her vanilla pinup art. You need to go take a nap or something.

No. 435990

if kjg made it while being a coomer i dont understand why it should be a detriment to my artistic development

No. 435994

….taking inspiration from coomer moids who drew zooshit is a angle I thought I'd never see here

No. 435996

no1currs if i could only take inspiration from morally righteous lolcor crunch approved artists i would only be left with nothing but those boring pretentious artists like yayoi kusama

No. 435997

You're a bit too hard but I don't get why everyone else is trying to be so nice either. The uncanny valley bishie heads and snatched waists make me laugh whenever I see them

No. 435998

Yayoi Kusama is based

No. 435999

she's based for scamming people with her sad bullshit story about seeing dots everywhere but her art is boring

No. 436001

kek thats understandable the irl male body is disgusting so i tend to coomerfy the proportions to make them more appealing

No. 436011

Grow a bigger pair of panties jfc kek, if my criticism is “misogyny” then what scrotes do daily must be saving lives when it isn’t. Her shit looks like generic crap and she should really develop a personality and interests beyond coom, her source of inspirations are quite literally holding her back to her own potential. You’re turning an important word into a meaningless buzzword and it’s super obnoxious, you aren’t empowered for drawing fictional scrotes and you aren’t exempt from criticism because we share a vagina. You can take your retarded ass liberal feminist “you’re insulting my sexuality you misogynistic pig!!!!!” bullshit out of here

No. 436012

You sound joyless tbh

No. 436014

KEK nta but what do you want me to draw? it's so weird your only criticism is ''reeee you are drawing something i dont approve off!!!1!''

No. 436015

Because I am, fuck coomers, fuck porn, fuck scrotes and most importantly fuck you(infighting)

No. 436016

Don't listen to the crab nonna, keep cooming.

No. 436017

File: 1732756239070.jpg (142.85 KB, 936x720, 1615621357806.jpg)

ofcourse, those husbandos arent going to draw themselves

No. 436019

File: 1732756571020.jpeg (206.05 KB, 736x1195, IMG_3204.jpeg)

You simply lack style, sophistication, ability, skill, and did I say style? fedora tip We used to call this “swag” back in the day kek, you simply lack swag, you need to develop a personality outside of your porn addiction to make your art look good. Even generic animu artists have some kind of “swag” to them, people who actually have a personality, have taste, have style definitely understand what I’m talking about. This isn’t pretentious because I’m explaining this pretty simply, this would require you to grow out of your childlike brain because your drawings kind of remind me of the quality of Sonichu or little children art where although they’re way more interesting than yours by miles, they all do the same floating weak poor confidencd lines and crayon like coloring because they don’t have a stable internal sense of self and ego yet, so tldr your brain has been destroyed by hypersexuality because your body craves something else you fulfill through an obsession and addiction to sex. Porn and romance obsession sets female artistic expression back, especially if you’re just drawing the same bishie crap over and over like a little child. I know art isn’t serious business but you can genuinely tell when an artist has a good ego and persona, even trannoids are able to develop good pieces of art once in awhile because they know how to absorb themselves into the art because of their years of developed interests and larping as the opposite sex has actually benefited their art, kind of like drag queens. So yeah pick up a good book and throw away that pesky ugly ass manga/animu/whatever that shit is because I don’t care what it is and for once and make something that you would actually like hanging up and looking at, not something you draw because you’re horny for dick every 24/7. People bitch about people not providing proper criticism in this thread and I gave my proper criticism in imageboard quality, you already clearly know your anatomy is bogged, style is important as well and I don’t care how much the /ot/ art spergs say it doesn’t, it really does and makes art more enjoyable and fun.

No. 436022

>even trannoids are able to develop good pieces of art once in awhile because they know how to absorb themselves into the art because of their years of developed interests and larping as the opposite sex has actually benefited their art, kind of like drag queens.
schizo AND a handmaiden? and they say god doesnt punish twice

No. 436023

OP, you should become the best animu pinup artist in the world just to piss this bitch off.

No. 436024

Can't tell if this diatribe is retarded or ascended

No. 436025

lol, sure. It's good motivation, maybe it's like reverse psychology.

No. 436027

We’ve finally approached a point where people actually can’t handle effort posting anymore, it’s proving even more this website has been taken over by youngins and twitter/tiktokfags who can only handle small word limit captions and quick dopamine hits
I think it’s both

No. 436028

I love when Aiden-like retards always call women “bitches” and “cunts” when they point out their disordered behavior, your art and taste is shit

No. 436029

effort posting would be actually posting art, not wasting your time writing schizo babbles.

No. 436030

Nothing about was “schizo” or “babbling” but I guess if you’ve spent your whole entire life flooding your brain with worthless porn I would be pretty pissed about being illiterate and stupid too

No. 436031

I bet you know all about being an Aiden since you praise trannies over anons posting here.

No. 436032

I dont even draw porn i just draw shirtless anime men. If you post your art and your art is amazing i will stop drawing animu bishies.

No. 436033

Praise what? They’re still trannies at the end of the day kek
It’s pretty much porn

No. 436036

>It’s pretty much porn
read the rules newfag, porn isnt allowed on /m/

No. 436037

That’s exactly why it’s porn, they get around the rules by drawing just enough sexualized stuff to avoid bans. I like how one of their drawings clearly has his ass out in a thong like a spit roast turkey but I guess it clearly isn’t porn kek

No. 436038

"No porn" does not mean this place is a convent.

No. 436039

do you think women in bikini at the beach are sex workers or what

No. 436042

No but it’s seriously hilarious how humans think putting on two squares on their boobs and a triangle around their pelvic area somehow makes them covered up, as if there’s no other body parts practically peaking out. I guess I’m just noticing unspoken rules of humanity

No. 436045

>anon justs found out that people wear little clothes when its hot in summer
alien chan go back to pluto this is the art thread

No. 436047

File: 1732759774587.jpg (53.22 KB, 499x659, Screenshot_20241127.jpg)

This guy's wrist and hand look really jank

No. 436051

ye, its an old drawing

No. 436053

File: 1732760877189.png (566.27 KB, 1566x916, Screenshot 2024-11-27 182546.p…)

just trying to practice my fundamentals, could I plz get some crit of my forms? something's off but not sure what…

No. 436056

it lacks swag and loomis

No. 436058

Are you the same person? Why not try fixing that fucked up hand. It might be an old sketch but you can still fix it.

No. 436060

Still looks like shit even if it’s satire, goddamn sister you suck

No. 436061

Shoutout movie room

No. 436097

There's nothing funnier to me than when anons insult or "fix" others' art when their own shit is equally bad or worse. Zero self awareness.

No. 436106

>Grow a bigger pair of panties jfc kek, if my criticism is “misogyny” then what scrotes do daily must be saving lives when it isn’t.
No part of this sentence makes sense. You lost me somewhere between the mixed idioms and whataboutism. There's no moral justification for shaming another woman over something so harmless and inane. You expect women to be so detached from their own sexuality that they can't even draw something as tame as shirtless men. There's no way to characterize that but misogyny. I'd understand your reaction if she were drawing choking during sex or something of that nature, but she didn't. You're just being insane.

>shirtless men
>pretty much porn
Are you living in Sudan or something?

No. 436124

kekkk i love it, really love how you drew her face

No. 436203

Keep drawing, nice colors, and also make sure you're using references of real people and drawing what you see.
What the fuck is this? PYW
>larping as the opposite sex benefits tranny art
I can't see a world where this is true.

No. 436338

Right? Who cares what the motivation for learning to draw is, what matters is the results, and many successful and amazing female artists were motivated by their desire to draw attractive males, many amazing anime artists also started out drawing like this anon and improving over time, I've seen this happen countless times when I find gorgeous art on Pixiv and check the artists' old pieces and it's very shitty and childish looking but you can see how they improved over the years. This anon is still getting out of the beginner level, of course she's going to make lots of mistakes but that doesn't warrant shitting on her and ignoring what she did right. Nobody's saying she's the best artist ever.
I don't know what the other anons are talking about, the first replies to that nonny praised her improvement but clearly pointed out her flaws, fucking crabs I swear. Also drawing cute anime boys isn't "trying to be like a moid" as if women didn't feel any attraction whatsoever, what a retarded thing to say
You clearly improved the way you draw hands but still can't quite get it right, so keep it up

No. 437095

Goddamn, I know this is lolcow and all but some of you are too mean and aggressive. You say you're effort posting and posting criticism but none of this is actually helpful to that anon. The picture you posted is of course nice looking (also not your own work, unless?) but that anon is clearly a beginner. Everyone has to start somewhere, you can't expect someone to go from 0 to 100. You're not giving any actual specific, constructive advice and far too many unnecessary insults.
>even trannoids are able to develop good pieces of art once in awhile
Such as?
>So yeah pick up a good book
Such as?
I'd also like for you to post your own work but nine times out of ten whenever someone is very insulting to someone else's work they never post their own, wonder why.

No. 437250

>"your brain has been destroyed by hypersexuality"
>"an obsession and addiction to sex"
>"Porn and romance obsession"
>"because you’re horny for dick every 24/7"
All this talk about porn and sex addiction in reply to some drawings of shirtless men

No. 437254

It's been days move on kek

No. 437270

lol is that kurapika from the animu hunter x hunter, probably drawn by a coomer fujo? 8/10 bait wd

No. 437320

good old times when I also had at least one drawing per month…

No. 437343

File: 1733083643650.gif (495.59 KB, 500x282, tumblr_lu7sfdZaGC1qdhxyeo1_500…)

>lacks swag
is the most brilliantly retarded feedback I've ever heard, I hope it becomes a meme.

No. 437344

Nta but that drawing actually looks pretty cool to me…

No. 437356

File: 1733086439394.jpg (341.63 KB, 1941x1949, media_GbYkP-HbUAA9Cnq.jpg)

In your case maybe by doing really soft cel shading? Something like picrel (not my art), i shade similar to this and then i add soft gradients and blur to make it less boring

No. 437595

File: 1733172202212.jpg (620.67 KB, 1400x2409, 0XtYCOI.jpg)

Reading material for evey anon itt

No. 438850

Cute, but not enough swag

No. 438851

Completely irrelevant but f!light would not dress like that.

No. 438880

Anyway this picture looks bad because you should never shade with gray and also they're furries.

No. 438885

>you should never shade with gray
Really? Why is that so?

No. 438897

File: 1733597042731.jpg (42.82 KB, 461x499, k1ZgU~2.jpg)

Someone should tell whoever drew this that rabbits don't have paw pads

No. 438901

That bun bun is so cute

No. 438903

He looks fat and retarded

No. 438906

autistic liberties or something

No. 438930

you are fat and retarded

No. 438932

I'm not fat!

No. 438977

To those of you here that don't shade with black or grey which color do you use? I'm very curious.

No. 438981

A darker and cooler color than the base color

No. 438995

as in, more swag

No. 439004

Depends on the mood that you want to give the drawing or the background. Usually I go for a blue/cyan tint if I want a fresh/cold feeling, and orange/pink for a warm one. Green is also a good color that works well with everything but you need to know what kind of greens to use and how. Colored shading like this goes well with a lighting of a complementary color, eg cyan shading with a pinkish/yellow lighting.

No. 439009

I stole this from deviantart many years ago (I think pre-2015) and I agree but the image gets the point across.
Like other anon said it depends on the mood but in a white void environment I lean to using warm greens, I like the way it makes warm colours look warmer and cool colour cooler. Simultaneous contrast or whatever its called.

No. 440893

File: 1734312654122.png (2.06 MB, 2253x3017, IMG_9963.png)

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with the shading on her hair? No matter what I try it just looks wrong. Also ignore how I completely gave up on her other hand.

No. 440954

File: 1734323539735.png (1.29 MB, 1924x2100, 139570157091570913709.png)

It could use some extra hair strands so it doesnt look like one solid mass

No. 440977

It's 'black' hair but not everything is an occluded shadow where there's no light filtrated. You have to be clear with the hair shapes, where the ambient light hits, where it curls and has less light and where it has no lights. It's always about 3D volumes if you made a cube with those colors you would know what's wrong.
Also there's a bright light source on the top right, so you either have details scattered from there or you leave it bright white there like it is and have the shadows with details (photo exposure)

No. 441029

File: 1734358388086.jpeg (264.96 KB, 1503x1503, IMG_9981.jpeg)

I'm probably going to tweak it a little more but I feel much better about it now. Thank you!

No. 441060

File: 1734371088918.jpg (969.1 KB, 2253x3017, hair.jpg)

did a repaint with the light source in mind

No. 441428

File: 1734487098965.jpg (437.02 KB, 1080x2340, 1000012393.jpg)

I want to draw characters interacting but it's difficult. I'm not good as poses… I am rusty too which isn't helping
The little gleam of light helps a lot, less is probably more, i feel like much more and it would look out of place compared to the rest

No. 441431

I like this

No. 441435

Thank you Nonna, I appreciate

No. 441452

File: 1734495197216.jpeg (80.36 KB, 451x486, 825.jpeg)

Very nice, my only note is that it sort of looks like the top girl's lowered hand is either floating or resting on a bump on the lower girl's back. it's kind of hard to articulate what I'm saying, so I circled the area in green. The outline of the back is red, and the cloth (blue) wouldn't add enough height for the placement of the hand to make sense.

No. 441462

Thanks for the redline nonny! that's the main issue I'm having with interactions, getting the poses to look like they're actually touching. I think i need to do more figure studies

No. 441553

I think a good way to cheese it is to have a bit of overlap between the hand and the back, maybe have the blanket wrinkle and obscure a little bit of the hand?

No. 441582

Like you said 'less is more' you probably feel obliged to draw each part of the characters but when they're together plus dynamic perspective there's lot of overlap and hiding

No. 441686

File: 1734580503121.png (420.67 KB, 1002x1153, Screenshot 2024-12-18 194449.p…)

I can't draw weird/uncommon poses with tricky foreshortening, they never look right. I even had a reference for this one and it still looks off.

I don't know if the issue is my anatomy, or if I should be thinking about posing figures more like photography, i.e. focusing on "readability" and aesthetically pleasing angles rather than just accuracy and assuming it will look right as long as it's technically correct. Probably both, in this case

No. 441689

doing gesture studies can help with this. Our brains are used to measuring proportions against other body parts which makes us unconsciously lengthen and flatten poses when trying to foreshorten. gestures helps you not rely on the constant brain measuring which causes this. gesture is also the step to learning to actually draw what you see and not what you imagine, which is the best way to foreshorten. most people who use references are still translating it in their minds eye and struggle to accurately draw what they see. 30 second gesture studies is about bypassing your brains urge to "translate" everything and just draw what youre looking at.

No. 441728

File: 1734605639680.png (Spoiler Image,383.67 KB, 930x1007, womenshealthmascotredraw.png)

I rarely, if ever, draw outside of my preferred subject matter. However, I saw that mascot that was making a joke out of women's health in the tumblr thread and was so disgusted that wanted to re-draw it. I wanted to make the designs as unabashedly on-the-nose as the original but appealing instead. Spoiling because of the allusion to vaginas in the two's designs.

No. 441734

They're really cute, I love val's clit bangs kek

No. 441739

kek i love these, they look like something japan would unironically make

No. 441741

This is so cute! You did a great job

No. 441742

Thank you nonnie. Yeah! I wanted it so that Val, being the vulva, has bangs and side bangs represent a clitoris and the labia minora respectively and with the way her bandana is tied, it gives off the illusion of a clitoral hood too.

No. 441745

Late to this, but if you want to control your lines the best way to do it is to learn how to make pen work to your will. In my case, I have extremely shaky hands that requires me to use higher stabilizers than normal. In doing so, I make it so that I have to really push down to increase the line weight as I draw, this can make it easy to really vary my lines in a illustration. Play around with pen-pressure settings until you have it so that you can easily manipulate between thick and thin. I find it easier to require more pressure to make thicker lines. If you don't want to tinker with finnicky pressure settings and rely on the brush itself to create line weight a easy shortcut I use for having varied line weight in a drawing is by having two layers for your line art. Layer 1 should be the main line-art and Layer 2 is for going over parts of the line-art in Layer 1 with a thicker brush. It takes longer but at the reward of having a lot more control, decision making, and forgiveness in adding line weight to your line-art. Not only that, but if you color Layer 1 and Layer 2 differently and play around with layer properties you can create some really cool visual effects. Above all else, the secret to good line-art with varied line-weight is to take your time. Take as much time as you need, it's okay if it takes you an hour to line a single object because the more you plan out and slowly draw the more cleaner it will look.

No. 441762

Absolutely beautiful nona

No. 441764

I really love this, design is incredible

No. 441833

I usually don't like these, but this one is actually cute.

No. 441863

File: 1734660219338.png (193.64 KB, 569x1191, animu.png)

I character i am designing. What do anons think about the color palette? feel free to criticise anything else.
Some context about the character:
>he's a robot
>while not the main character, he's part of the 4 starter characters the player encounters
>his personality is kuudere

No. 441864

File: 1734660285651.png (523.69 KB, 2095x536, concept.png)

Here is some more context of what i am going for with it.

No. 441870

Your drawing is so cute anon! However I feel like the design is a bit lacking. If this is for a video game you're making I'd say to give the character a little bit more detail or complexity, as well as giving him more robotic traits. I also advise changing the white of his bag and shoes to something else or making his skin a more pinkish tone like the reference image in >>441864 , as the colors of his skin and shoes are too similar and lack contrast. Good luck designing!

No. 441872

File: 1734663091035.png (1.33 MB, 2048x2048, a43fcdcf5ade3ec40293a29591a144…)

Thanks, what colors would you recommend? i was going for a futuristic approach, kinda like pic rel.

No. 441894

File: 1734668269692.png (721.66 KB, 3070x1552, kuudereguy.png)

small things i think that can help elevate a design, lemme know if this helps

No. 441957

File: 1734695751953.png (378.8 KB, 478x1127, color test.png)

Thanks anon, but he's already going to have the telescopic sight on one of his eyes and also on his armband(pic rel is the color test i made where it shows his armband), i feel like its too redundant to also add it to his hoodie lol. Also i understand the value critique but its not yet rendered, values are going to look more contrasting once i start rendering them. I like to use very greyish pale colors for the base because it makes it easier to transition to more saturated colors once i shade. But i really like the darker purple, i feel like it does look better than the pastel.

No. 441979

File: 1734704435925.webp (247.06 KB, 1000x2024, Shiroko_Portrait.webp)

>kuudere starter character

No. 441981

File: 1734704655880.png (65.47 KB, 252x204, robber shiroko.png)

She was my inspiration for the character, actually >>441864 I love her.

No. 442093

This is genuinely so sweet, I know i shouldnt let a shitty scrote's art affect me so much, but the ridicule and mockery that women's healthcare faces on a daily basis is really taking a toll on me and I couldnt even find myself getting mad at the scrote's drawing, just disappointed and sad. Thank you nona for doing a genuine effort into this, I appreciate your designs so so much. The designs are incredibly cute and i love how you incorporated the vaginal anatomy into their hair styles

No. 442195

This is so cute and detailed
Give him more fashionable clothing with accessories that tie into the futuristic robot feel. He looks too preppy. I was thinking a puffer jacket, but he is a kuudere so I understand the need for more subtlety. Maybe give him some sicker kicks?

No. 442433

I don't think this looks as bad as you think it does, you pretty properly defined what was happening in the image but in a simpler form. The problem is the simple lines you used. This image needs more detail to define what is going on that simple thin lines can't portray. Like his shoe in front of her thighs is hard to read because there's just so much going on in that small space that the flat of his shoe drawn without treads muddies the information there. I would say that for this image readability would be the saving grace in portraying it, as it's one of those images that does not look as good drawn in a simplified form. There are images where that line style can work with the foreshortening but in this case, it would be better to reconstruct it so its easy to read.

No. 442704

File: 1735021774930.png (Spoiler Image,216.19 KB, 516x779, cccardpainted.png)

Hoping I can get some suggestions here regarding the composition. I'm happy with the method of coloring and rendering here, using the base Pastel brush that came with CSP and I'm happy that I was able to practice both speed and efficiency in using a limited color palette and layers. I'm just drawing blanks on how to make the card a little less blank and empty. I've never been good with backgrounds.
Likewise nonnie. As someone who suffers from reproductive issues and then suffered severe menstrual issues that were never taken seriously for a long time because of it, it seriously pisses me of when reproductive health is made fun of, even more so when the joke isn't even funny and clearly made out of someone's own malice and envy. It just disgusts me. Thanks, I might try drawing the two again to practice making an actual ref-sheet.
Sorry for the repost, I kept fucking up the post.

No. 442726

Write Merry Christmas on the bottom in white with an ornate font?

No. 443070

File: 1735245300973.png (620.42 KB, 873x762, Başlıksız59.png)

i made this at 2am when i couldn't sleep, can you give me suggestions for my next 2am finger on phone drawing?

No. 443096

File: 1735249981087.png (Spoiler Image,356.54 KB, 1054x779, 4nonnie.png)

some suggestions, agree with other nona about putting some kinda text on the bottom, maybe matching the ribbon? I also put a slighter darker green gradient on the text one. If you do or don't want text i think the snow floor one can work either way as well. Something simple but yeah I think the composition was just putting too much focus on the big blank space on the bottom, the white help draws the eye back up without cropping it.

No. 443204

File: 1735307115253.png (1.71 MB, 990x985, a0412674-0c86-41a1-a548-13149e…)

First time drawing a scenery. Will be uploading an update with my girlfriend drawn on top of it. What are your impressions?

No. 443205

I really like the texture on the mountains but you need to separate the trees in the foreground from the background, they blend in too much

No. 443206

I love how your art looks like it was inspired by an RPG videogame, looks like something made in the 90s.

No. 443207

What do you suggest? Should I use another color?

Also I kinda already put a spruce tree in front of the foreground trees and can hardly do modifications to those… I forgot to put the bigger tree on a separate layer and couldnt revert because I ran out of ctrlZs

No. 443208

You could use a slightly different color and use thicker lines, maybe incorporate some lighting to make it obvious where the background ends and the foreground begins

No. 443209

File: 1735308021808.png (2.08 MB, 1060x890, image.png)

Thicker lines? I didn't use any lines there though. I might add some snow lines to the spruce trees to make them stand out even more alongside the darker color you suggested. I will also try to play with the light, though no idea what brush to use and how to do that. I will experiment

Also I am currently drawing the hair and tail of the heroine which will stand in the middle of all of this. Thoughts on the hair so far? Anything to fix?

No. 443213

The mountains look great, but the coloring of the trees looks off, it seems very flat and saturated. Maybe try and give the trees some depth and shadow, incorporate the lighting? That way the foreground will also be more distinct like the other anon said. Also, the snow looks very soft and cloud-like to me, you could try making the edges more crisp to resemble real snow more closely.

No. 443215

I was actually trying to go for a more frosty-like fluffy snow. It looks off, kind of as if it was made with MSPaint's spray tool, but I honestly kinda like it as it is (at least on the tree branches that are at the edge of the painting which "frame" everything). I will see what I can do with more distanced snow.

No. 443241

Kek why even ask for advice if you're not going to take any and you think is good as is?

No. 443244

> I might add some snow lines to the spruce trees to make them stand out even more alongside the darker color you suggested. I will also try to play with the light, though no idea what brush to use and how to do that. I will experiment
>I will see what I can do with more distanced snow.

I stated here that I will indeed follow the advice, as soon as I am done drawing the girl on top of the scenery.

>I honestly kinda like it as it is (at least on the tree branches that are at the edge of the painting which "frame" everything)

The only thing that I like and want to keep from the criticized objects is the very near snow positioned on the branches in the edges of the canvas. The rest - I will change. You didn't even read the discussion, just butted in to argue???

No. 443257

File: 1735325208595.png (1.92 MB, 990x985, image.png)

a fundamental i suggest for you to work on that could really elevate this piece would be your values. Lighter values push the objects further into the distance and dark values bring things forward to help create a sense of depth. The mountains look incredible I love the texture. Whether you chose to work on the values of the background or not i also suggest atleast making the figures values darker than the background to bring her forward and not blend into the background. To check your values completely desat the picture and if your figure is lighter or too close in value to the background it will not read as well.

No. 443264

Figure, you mean the girl I am drawing on top of all of this?

No. 443269

No. 443275

These are great examples, the one with the white snow at the bottom looks really good. Maybe it would look good with the snow and the writing together.

No. 443276

I fucking love this nonna, it's such a cute concept

No. 443278

Objects further in the distance will be lower contrast and have a slight blue tint because of the atmosphere. I also typically use a gaussian blur that increases in radius the further an object is from the "camera."

No. 443283

Thanks for the advice. I might try with some blue-ish fog effect, or something of the sort. Will post results when I do it

No. 443293

these are such cute and elegant designs to portray female anatomy, they make me smile so much! thank you nonna.

No. 443296

File: 1735337019016.jpg (692.97 KB, 1920x1278, winter-alpes.jpg)

What kind of reference images are you using? The green of the trees is too blue-ish or is too saturated, and not dark enough like in this photo. I pulled up pictures of the alps, there may be a better mountain range to reference.

The texture on your mountains is very good but the close up tree on the left and the dead tree with snow on the right look cartoonish. Look up Bob Ross paintings, you will get a lot of examples with trees with snow on them.

No. 443303

None. I created this entire thing like Bob Ross would. Randomly threw around things and it just worked.

I originally wanted to use some random place in Yatsugatake as a refference (as the painting takes place in a fictional world where Yatsugatake was never destroyed by the Goddess of Fujiyama - Konohana Sakuyahime, and the two heroines - POV heroine and heroine in the painting, are climbing to a settlement in the mountains), but in the end I decided that making things up on my own was easier than copying pictures of Yatsugatakeyama. After all I wanted to make a world of my own, rather than base the painting on the real world. It has to do with the project/novel I am working on.

I tried following Ross's videos but couldn't find a video of him painting a snow-covered tree or a dead one, so I just did it on my own. I know it looks cartoonish, I will try to fix that with the advice given by the two Nonyas above.

No. 443304

Is that Holo? if so, great taste.

No. 443309

File: 1735340894978.jpg (1.95 MB, 3056x4732, Soneko_Nagaryuuketsu_base_kit.…)

Yeah, that is indeed Holo, or at least a resemblence of her. In reality the name of this character is Vivviana Farina D'Leoni. Why does she look like Miss Holo is a complicated and long story. The person I am drawing uses Miss Holo as her "representative", if I could call it like that. That has caused me to fall in love with Holo as they are pretty much the same person to me, by heart and mind. I am basing the second heroine in my novel (Vivviane) off of both Holo and the person in question, as that heroine is the partner of my main character (who is, in a similar way, a copy of me)

I could show you an old unfinished concept drawing of the aforementioned main heroine (me) if you wanted to see and maybe criticize it. I probably wont take criticism for it as I have given up entirely on that artpiece and want to redo it from scratch.

Sadly, because of my stupid decision to make this extremely high res, I will be showing you a JPEG export.

No. 443319

Gtfo troon(troonfoiling)

No. 443320

No. 443384

File: 1735362114025.png (2.46 MB, 1280x987, 463977a5-ef90-40bd-b210-54a6ae…)

Finished the girl.
I spent the entire night trying to get the eye, hand and glove, fur color and fur physics right, clearing errors. It is now sunrise and I am going to bed.

I want to kms

Bring it on, tell me what you think of her. Nobody criticized her, only the background.

No. 443423

I have never in my life seen a woman be this obsessed with the microscopic minutia of guns, with a complete neglect for the human form other than googly anime eyes and catgirl features. However this odd pattern is very commonly seen in male autists. i am not suggesting anything about your identity.

No. 443427

NTA but i like drawing guns myself and i also know of a few female gunfag artists(who have posted their pictures, so they arent troons). Its not common but not impossible, there is even anime like Aoharu x Kinkajuu that are aimed at women.

No. 443428

legs look kinda short and awkward
character looks out of place, apply shadows on the background and overlay/shading on the character to make it fit more

No. 443429

File: 1735377540817.jpeg (53.53 KB, 516x395, IMG_0107.jpeg)

No. 443430

>Shirt loose enough to make folds
>Boobs vacuumed in

No. 443432

what's this?

No. 443435

Not gonna comment on the subject matter but the difference in how detailed the gun is vs her face is so jarring, it’s hilarious. At least try to give everything equal attention next time.

No. 443445

Everything that looks remotely good looks traced as fuck, the rest is a trainwreck (like her face) line weight is a mess too
Nta but that's a detail from the drawing, it's on the gun
Notice how Aoharu x Kikanjuu has a cast of mostly handsome boys with some girls sprinkled in and a reverse trap protagonist, not a cast focused on moe girls with guns
Not impossible for a woman to draw that kind of thing, but even more unlikely than you think

No. 443446

File: 1735386061036.jpg (62.45 KB, 620x744, EKcVOxdUYAAowhc.jpg)

I study armaments engineering…

I will… after January ends. I will return to this when I am free from studies and apply all the criticism you guys gave me to make it better

Safety sear joke which I made 2 years ago. Total dogshit, don't even look at it.
I even have something similar on my own rifle, where I have written "peace" on my bolt, "wrath" on the middle position and "judgement" on the lower position

Like I said, this is an artpiece which I want to rework from the 0 and up. I made it very long ago as a concept drawing of the main heroine of my novel. I only posted this if anyone was interested to see it, sorry.

No. 443447

File: 1735387589919.png (169.51 KB, 662x735, sdsadsadasd.png)

> but even more unlikely than you think
anon, kodomo no jikan was written/drawn by a woman, that hideous asslet tit monster from fate was drawn by a woman, even the designer of madoka is a woman too. Its really not that uncommon for women to like bishoujo aesthetics because moids stole them from shoujo and coomerfied them. Like i said, i know several female gunfag autists like Minura Nakatawa who draw animu girls with guns, some even draw them pretty coomerfied like moids.
>I study armaments engineering
That's really cool, please keep posting. I am a begginer at drawing guns myself, do you have any tips. Pic rel MP5SD i am battling to draw.

No. 443449

>anon, kodomo no
I only said it's extremely unlikely for a woman to have that specific set of interests and that specific art style, I never said it's impossible. Learn to read

No. 443450

Tips for drawing weaponry?

I often see artists overlook very minor details in their weapons, such as coating wear and such. When drawing Kenrou with the AKS-74U and the SVD I would add little spots where the galvanization of the weapon is damaged. Additionally adding things that give character to the gun, such as modifications, tape, zipties, paracord/elastic band ties, writings with marker or engravings (i.e. the killcount on the SVD, or the ammunition type entitled to the magazine which I drew, picrelated) to give more "soul" to the weapon.

As for the shape of the weapon - if you are trying to go hyper accurate, it is inevitable not to try and trace/copy certain details of the gun, due to how precise you gotta make it, unless you are going for something more simplistic and cartoonish. On the pic you posted you certainly got perspective on your gun right, you are doing better than I would.

A thing thing that I see artists do as a mistake is the whole "worldbuilding" of the weapon - how did it end up in the character's arms, what purpose does it serve, how was it modified, where were the modifications acquired and how, do they apply by the purpose of the weapon, etc. Artists tend to just draw whatever gun they like the most, like how 2 years ago me drew an SR-3M rifle with ridiculously stupid modifications to it, just because. I jammed a fictional prism sight on a 9x39 rifle, when the absolute best choice would be a PSO-1M2 riflescope, due to the fact that it has a rangefinder and ranging arrows matching the ballistics of 9x39 fired from a VSS special sniper rifle (which ballistics would be similar to the SR-3 in suppressed configuration).

I like how you drew your girl with the finger out of the trigger guard. Perhaps the entire gun should be juuuuust a tad bit bigger, judging by how big the hand of your character is. Experiment, see if you like it, I don't know.

No. 443451

Madoka's design is peak female gaze magical girl so I get it

No. 443452

We gather on image boards because we are bizarre weird social rejects with unique traits that often set us appart from society, nyo? I thought it was more common to see girls here who do not act like normal girls. Is that not the point of chan boards like this one, or?

I come here seeking to bond with people who have been treated the same way I am for the fact that they simply are "abnormal".

I think no sphere of interest is entitled to a certain gender, unless its something super specific that has to do with the physics of said gender. I get that moids overwhelm any sphere of interest such as gun anime stuff and moe and ruin it with their perverted fantasies, but should that make me distance myself from such interests and completely cut myself off of them? Just because moids dominate something, doesn't mean I shouldn't enjoy it. The case is similar with Touhou. Just ignore the fandom and enjoy the project itself.

No. 443453

Its really not unlikely. There are tons of women who draw cgldct and even loli slop. Its waaaay more common than their counterpart(men drawing hot bishies for women), for example. Hidekichi Matsumoto, the author of a manga about cute girls with guns, is a woman. I think a woman with those tastes is way more likely to be drawn to bishoujo illustrators than bishounens, because there is way more media featuring cute girls with guns than bishies with guns.
Thanks anon i will keep everything in mind. Also, its a boy >>441863 not a girl. I feel like the details will be the hardest part, it is definetly very tiring to keep the perspective in mind but i dont like idea of tracing.
Aoki Ume knows how to design super cute and wide girls.

No. 443454

>It's a boy
Oh sorry I didn't connect the dots between the artpieces above and your post

No. 443455

File: 1735389556538.jpeg (943.49 KB, 2004x1464, IMG_3207.jpeg)


No. 443456


No I am not MantisShrimpp if thats what you mean. That picture is not my art, it is just a representation of how I felt when people criticized an artpiece which I had already given up on and left behind due to how shit it is.

No. 443457

File: 1735389715154.jpeg (28.76 KB, 447x329, b7pOX75.jpeg)

No. 443459

How new are you, do you not know what a reaction image is?

No. 443475

I like it but keep playing with her eyeball placement, and maybe the textures on her hair and tail. The pose is okay, her legs look short. I like her outfit.
Who cares
Gib gun drawing tutorial please

No. 443480

I will do fixes in February after my exams end.

We can speak of guns in private, nya! Want to exchange matrix/discord or something like that?

Same goes for you >>443447 ,btw. If you want to ask me about weapons, we can speak to me in private :D(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 443489

Holy shit at integrate you troon

No. 443491

All right this newfag is nya-ing and emoticonning now, it posts nothing but autistic gun catgirls, uses 4chan lingo, and types like a male autist. How are you guys stupid enough to have entertained this?

No. 443492

I am not speaking in private with anyone who nyas at me.

No. 443495

No I am adding my two-cents to your post, my friend.

No. 443508

File: 1735408582976.png (211.32 KB, 775x879, i sweaer i am a womnen not a t…)

hello nya guiz pls rate my animu gril! im totes not on a fbi watchlist nya pls femoi- i mean nonas contact me privately (AND ONLY PRIVATELY) i swear i wont send any moid dicks to you

No. 443519

No. 443526

We're not talking about you genius, we're talking about the tranny who responded to you.

No. 443529

the "girlfriend" he was drawing is likely another troon like himself kek

No. 443550

This thread just keeps on giving, I love it kek.
I swear anons have never interacted with male autists online before (good for them) because the way anon kept on going about autistic gun details, oc catgirl girlfriends, nyas and his personal schedule when absolutely no one fucking asked screams male autist.
>where I have written "peace" on my bolt, "wrath" on the middle position and "judgement" on the lower position
Like omfg what is this and why would you share this cringy ass shit?

No. 443557

Possibly the worst thread on /m/, why is it always such a shit show? It's like a magnet for crazies and spazzoids.

No. 443570

That's just how artists are kek

No. 443574

"The person I am drawing uses Miss Holo as her "representative", if I could call it like that. That has caused me to fall in love with Holo as they are pretty much the same person to me, by heart and mind"
tranny edating is so pathetic. its like being prison gay but with anime girls

No. 443586

To be fair he's honestly no different from yuripedo, and yuripedo is an actual woman

No. 443625

File: 1735439358487.jpeg (751.17 KB, 3589x2752, IMG_7873.jpeg)

Surgeon warriors
Sorry for spamming thread, it is mostly dead anyway

No. 443626

Yeah yeah sure you're totally not trying to get some "biofoid" e-kittens to dm

No. 443627

Finally some good fucking art after the troon spam, always love to see your work here

No. 443693

they look more like butchers to me

No. 443838

Very swag, A+

No. 443847

File: 1735499514833.png (110.93 KB, 1549x1549, catch a bus nya.png)

When you inevitably try to kill yourself remember the old adage; go across for attention but go down for results!
As an aside, I've noticed that permabeg males tend to draw the mid face really long, this >>443209 seems like overcompensation for the habit as he turned her into a chinlet. Just something to point out that can clock a male, with additional information of course. Anons could also do better at sniffing out male lexicon, the way he used the word "girl" should have tipped you off immediately. Very disappointed in you lot for entertaining him for so long.
Not sure how to explain this but her posts come off female despite her degeneracy, men have specific idiosyncrasies that she never used in any of the posts I've seen from her.
It only got so at the start of this year, it was fine before but then it got slightly more active so the retards came out of the woodwork.
Absolutely beautiful designs nonna. Leagues upon leagues better than the faggot from Artist Salt's stupid vagina gijinka.
I really like your construction! You've improved a lot from when you post in prior threads (or perhaps you're better than a poster with a similar style)

No. 443850

KEK, incredible nonnie

No. 443857

>Vix sleeps face down in her bed and likes doing yoga
thats so cute idk why
i was going to say incredible reference but turns out it's a tranny, damn it, glad he made himself useful tho

No. 443861

A martyr.

No. 443865

File: 1735505370215.jpg (30.5 KB, 567x561, 5qma1h.jpg)

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read in my life.

No. 443871

Justice for nonny

No. 443939

Fuck. I had just laid down some color and was about to start rendering and my will to finish it has suddenly been extinguished

No. 443976

File: 1735546072940.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.8 KB, 444x281, crushhim.jpeg)

sorry nonnie, i didn't mean to be a killjoy, i just didn't want you to end up using a troon as a reference for female anatomy, i have picrel as a reference for a woman beating up an expired wurstie tho

No. 443977

File: 1735546192636.mp4 (4.56 MB, 854x480, zEOGJCf.mp4)

and just in case, the sight of a hideous scrote prevents you from drawing, i have vidrel of some Japanese female wrestler going crazy.

No. 443990

was the autist actually confirmed male? fuck I missed it
>permabeg males tend to draw the mid face really long
The first thing I noticed about the face was that it looks more like an animal muzzle than is usual for anime girls so I thought it's the nose to chin area that is drawn too small, but the way you put it makes more sense kek

No. 444028

To me, it was the boobs. They always draw the bottom as if the fabric is hugging around them.

No. 444088

File: 1735578872502.png (459.58 KB, 736x1034, image-3.png)

How do i come up with a good color palette? I am struggling a lot coming up with colors for this piece. Its meant to be an abandoned mall. I want to keep it colorful though.

No. 444141

File: 1735592358712.jpg (52.35 KB, 1874x1344, 1000012733.jpg)

I am bad at color palette but I saw a helpful infographic, basically start with a color instead of white, then use that color as white and work your other colors based off it. Like start with purple as your "white". I tried green here, I've seen people pull off what I'm talking about better though, if i can find the infographic I'll post it
You can also just slap a light orange multiplier on the end, or mess with the gamma alpha color levels after until it looks good

No. 444162

I don't know if this is the right place to ask for help so excuse me first.
Nonnies, I need help. Someone, please, anyone, could give me exact pointers, an exact direction, towards being able to paint/draw like this? I don't mean it literally, it's just an example. I want to be able to use colors like this and stuff.
Whenever I try to start studying drawing I always get confused at the shade/light and color part of it, and everything seems so ambiguous. I just want very clear directions because like I'm a stupid bitch because I am. If I were to guess my level, I'd say I'm able to copy from reference realistically but not too detailed with a 2B pencil on paper, but for some reason everytime I try to draw I end up so frustrated.
Should I learn drawing (as in, only lines, no wide brush or blocking) before painting?
Do I have to only paint in black and white before trying colors? I can't learn two things at the same time so please be honest…
Does copying from reference will really help me? I mostly draw from imagination.
Should I stick with only one medium? Like, if it's trad, only pencil and paper; if it's digital, sticking with only some simple brush with pressure settings or something like that.
What materials do I study with? How much hours do I put on each exercise? Which order do I follow? I really wanted to start an art course recommended by a few friends but at the moment I'll only be able to afford it by 2026.
I'm losing my mind, HELP

No. 444163

File: 1735597026310.jpg (61.25 KB, 735x662, duckies.jpg)

shit i forgot the image

No. 444165

Painting and drawing are two different skills, if you want to be good at painting you should start painting. There's a lot of online programs to help you with color blocking, which is where you should start. There's no exact amount of hours that you should spend on each exercise, just do them until you feel like you've learned what they're trying to teach. You don't need materials either, just use a painting program on the computer, or go with cheap acrylics while you learn. There's no exact science to learning. Also drawing from imagination will only help you so much, there's only so much information already in your brain, you need to use references to gather more.

No. 444170

For the colors and studying you can literally open up the picture in any drawing program and color pick to understand how the colors really are and why they seem different in the context of the drawing. Then you can try to replicate it as accurately as possible, or you can apply some of those colors to a different drawing that you're making.
If you want to learn how to paint with colors, just start to paint with colors. References will be very useful to you anon, drawings using a reference always end up looking better.

No. 444177

I love your art but this color scheme sucks, it's so muddy, and that pink thing looks like a tampon.

No. 444180

If you go on youtube there are some good professional painters who post videos and tips, but sometimes they don't have a lot of views. I had saved this one because this guy teaches oil painting classes. Another one to look at if you're more interested in digital painting is Reuben Lara, his intro to Clip Studio is good and he has a small set of beginner digital painting brushes:

No. 444186

File: 1735602609862.jpg (137.61 KB, 1100x945, Almost.April.jpg)

NTA but the pink thing is a pipe bomb, simplified they do look like a tampon kek.
Both of you should read the Art of Colour by Ittens, very easy to find free and he wrote some amazing breakdowns of colour theory.
For you, abandoned mall anon, look at your references and note how they're coloured (colour picking will be handy), usually for that environment more realistic shading looks better but if you want you could push the palette to be more green or warm- to cheese it you could adjust the colour of your references and colour pick what shades and values you like. I know it's just the beginning stages but your values so far seem weak and the blending is muddy, in future you may want to work on hard vs soft edges and maybe do some value studies. Angelina Gualdoni (picrel) has done some beautiful paintings of abandoned spaces if you want another reference point.
You also might benefit from value studies, the colours here are nice but would look better with more contrast so the character doesn't blend so hard into the background.

No. 444189

You can achieve colors like this just by coloring normally with white and garish colors, adding a multiply layer with another color on top of all of it, then turning down the opacity. I do this on sai

No. 444204

The thing is, my favorite artists use both painting and drawing for their pieces (I often watch speedpaint videos and they paint over and under the drawing and are able to do amazing things but I have no idea how, even by watching meticulously), and I want to be like that as well. But when I try only drawing, it looks decent at most. And when I try only painting, it looks shit. And when I try bot, it looks even shittier because I never know how to integrate the two like the pieces that I like the most.

That's what I don't fully grasp, I don't know if I'm just too autistic, but won't I just end up copying references forever and ever? When I try using different references to draw something from my imagination (like using a stock image to copy the pose and lighting but drawing my character's features on it), it never looks right somehow. I never know what the next step should be, and I always stop at the sketch and flat base colors. I keep copying, but it seems to never help me, that's why I desperately wish I had someone to guide me as if I were a 5 year old with brain injuries.

I'll look into those right now, thanks!!!

No. 444231

Thanks anon. Its not the beggining stage its just me trying to come up with colors. Its like a verh rough sketch.

No. 444377

I've noticed the troons/moids tend to flock here because they usually have the undeserved self confidence that their work is "good" where as women tend to self criticize to the point that their art isn't even good enough for a group critique even if said group is just a bunch of nonnies on a image board. And you know moids they love to insert their presence where they aren't welcome. Don't think you get as many troons migrating to the general art salt thread because it's mostly complaining about shit art and artist's trooning out, so they know they'll get clocked right away.

No. 444434

Retard should've just posted gun tutorial then fucked off.

No. 445303

File: 1736001994124.png (Spoiler Image,2.53 MB, 1772x1080, sdsdafdsffdfdfgd.png)

How do you find the gesture line in pretty stiff poses like pic rel? they drive me nuts while i do timed fig drawing

No. 445304

File: 1736002093781.png (Spoiler Image,229.7 KB, 1077x612, 2min.png)

Here is my 2 minute attempt. It looks so flat and it pisses me off so badly. I dont know why most fig drawing books like hampton's fail to give advice on how to approach sitting/resting/stiff poses.

No. 445307

What more do you expect from stiff unnatural poses? It's good you can't fall into old habits and it actually forces you to train your eyes again like what happened to using circles for knees? The perspective for the arm? Some 3D volumes with hints of the shadows? The approach and rules is the same you just have to practice and draw what you see

No. 445309

anon its 2 minutes and my brain is run by a very fat and old hampster on a wheel, i am doing the best i can in that short period of time

No. 445310

Watch Marco Bucci videos

No. 445311

This is also a good, short explanation

No. 445314

You're the one who said it looks flat and it pisses you off, be more constructive with it

No. 445320

I am just explaining the time limit makes it harder to focus on all that stuff at once.

No. 445321

NGMI(infight bait)

No. 445324

Why is there a time limit? Why limit yourself before you even know what you're doing?

No. 445326

You dont know what figure drawing is? lmao why even give advice then

No. 445329

No I draw what I want when I want and I didn't give advice I was just asking.

No. 445331

lol ok watch this then i guess

No. 445340

Nice, why doesn't your stuff look like that? If you're the same anon that is.

No. 445344

File: 1736010584631.jpg (57.74 KB, 736x767, 5863046831f2eed28a95e44970187a…)

It looks flat because you're just trying to copy what you see. The time limit should force you to only think about broader shapes and lines, maybe go for 30 seconds instead. It might help to use a big sketchbook (at least A4, one sheet per pose) and work without an eraser to get into the right mindset. And as the other anon said, a stiff pose will lead to a stiff-looking result if copied directly. With those and when drawing off of photos in general it's sometimes necessary to stylize or exaggerate shapes to convey movement.

No. 445347

The pose doesnt have a clear obvious gesture line like the images Hampton uses for his demostrations so its harder to apply his method.
Ok anon but you are comparing a picture with a very obvious gesture line to one thats stiff like the ref i used. Thats my problem, not the basics, but rather how to apply them on non conventional references that dont have a super obvious gesture line.

No. 445357

Before starting stiffer poses, maybe you could examine the photo for a bit, and try to see a gesture line? In your picrel, maybe from the leg on the table, through her torso to her neck. Or from the other leg through her torso to her bent arm (the one holding her head). Also maybe from between her legs, swooping up into her head, like a u shape. After a while of pausing before you start, it could be easier to see them and you might not need the pause. These stiffer poses are probably better for anatomy studies rather than a gesture study anyways, imo. I personally try to separate gesture studies from figure ones. Figure I try to focus on anatomy, and gesture on the flow.

No. 445359

Thanks, I tried to go with the U shape at first but the pose still seemed stiff. Personally i like to start all my drawings with a gesture (gesture, then construction, then detail) so i think they go hand in hand and there is no need to separate them.

No. 445360

Make a gesture line, the world is your oyster.

No. 445362

No. 445363

Create the gesture line from thin air. The world is yours to dictate. I agree with the anon who sees the "U" shape. Just make the U a reality.

No. 445365

I agree there's no need to separate. I find I get stuck in the details if I don't make myself focus on gesture only. Whatever works! But some poses will probably always look stiff unless you really alter them. I think your sketch is less stiff than the ref, fwiw.

No. 446124

AYRT, thanks for your reply! I'll try using higher stabilizer settings. I see many better artists than me whose lines vary a lot in thickness in certain areas, while my line work is always so plain and samey and boring to look at. I never thought of using two layers for the same lineart, so I'll give that a try as well. You're right in that it takes patience, I'm very impatient and that's probably why I don't take the time to add more flair to my lines, lol.
Sometimes I also want to make artwork like Japanese artists, with very thin lines that make the whole drawing feel very light and pretty, but I can almost never get it right, I always seem to revert back to a thicker brush size or smaller canvas.

No. 447141

File: 1736481601146.png (251.03 KB, 1195x882, 9 january 2025.png)

I drew some skeletons.

No. 447162

I was going to make a joke about getting a boner or something like that but I decided to be better than that. I like the sexy skeleton pose.

No. 447165

Why does everyone tell me it looks sexy? some of you need to seek god kek

No. 447228

Well if EVERYONE is telling you…

No. 447241

Anon it's literally shaking its ass of course people are going to say it's sexy…

No. 447250

This is cracking me up so much. Nonna I love your smexy skellingtons.

No. 447255

>tailbone out
she knew what she was doing

No. 447783

File: 1736665808065.png (468.08 KB, 1056x1132, skelliess.png)

Does anyone have tips on how to draw the pelvis? i did these studies by referencing models and using refs and 3d models but i am still struggling a lot to understand its shape and form. I want to be able to rotate it on my mind flawlessly.

No. 447785

File: 1736666645658.gif (810.21 KB, 1760x1290, IMG_7136.gif)

it's a very complex shape. maybe check out a medical anatomy textbook? netter or gray's will have detailed views from multiple angles

No. 447786

Never heard of those! i have been using anatomy for sculptors and stonehouse but i am dissapointed with the lack of examples, so i will check those ones too. Thanks.

No. 447788

Aw, our tailbone actually very cute kek

No. 447791

File: 1736667621923.png (625.56 KB, 1200x927, IMG_7137.png)

ayrt, i recommend them because you've got images of bones (and organs) both alone and inside the body. here's a diagram of the hip bone seen isolated from both sides, even if you don't gaf about the terminology it's useful to see how it's structured.
i recomend netter's (just pirate it lol), it has the best illustrations (the guy trained both as an artist and as a surgeon)

No. 447793

where can i dl them? sorry for asking to be spoonfed they are not on the places i normally use

No. 447795

Try anna's archive

No. 447797

thank you! which one do you recommend? he has several books it seems.

No. 447799

"Atlas of human anatomy" should get you covered

No. 447800

File: 1736669357341.jpg (105.96 KB, 1136x984, rats hug.jpg)

tysm nonny! my husbandos will thank you

No. 447804

File: 1736670291035.gif (3.8 MB, 500x500, IMG_7146.gif)

yw nona! go forth and skeletonize

No. 447905

File: 1736703393412.png (263.17 KB, 842x838, hgfdhfdhgf.png)

this angle is beating my ass nonas… how badly did i fuck up the foreshortening?

No. 447910

Try using a reference photo.

No. 447912

i did, i even took my own
the pose looks fine to me but that could be because i got used to it after looking at it for so long

No. 447915

File: 1736704409083.jpg (846.37 KB, 2500x1518, Untitled_Artwork-233.jpg)

did you freehand the foreshortening? try using guidlines next time, it looks like you were going for a fisheye perspective which can be especially difficult

No. 447940

facehurt is that you

No. 448021

File: 1736727905293.jpeg (549.28 KB, 2236x2399, IMG_7944.jpeg)

I tried to draw someone else’s drawing of sableye. I’m not sure if I should switch styles or just hope my competency improves?

No. 448022

I think your style is fine if you only want to draw cartoons.

No. 448025

i think this style is really cool the blocky look is satisfying to look at

No. 448026

File: 1736729357219.png (498.06 KB, 2236x2399, hfghfghfgjjf.png)

oh but if i had to nitpick something id say the original had a more dynamic pose and composition with the gemstone so thats something you could work on

No. 448055

I really love your art and I'm rooting for you nonna

No. 448056

Your style is very good, I don't know what would need to change, it's very recognizable and although I don't know you, it's very "you" if you get me. Keep improving it with more dynamic poses and cool ideas, I love to see your progress itt

No. 448190

Like other anons said, your style is fine you just might want to work on composition and making it dynamic, however if you want to experiment with styles you should! Imo I think it's healthy for artists to have multiple styles because then they're relying less on muscle memory and are able to see major flaws in their worker easier. Do some style studies of artists you'd like to emulate if you like, (you don't have to commit to these at all they could be a good warm up exercise) and your normal style will always be there to pick back up.

No. 448256

>Imo I think it's healthy for artists to have multiple styles
Big big disagree. I don't want to cause a big argument but this is one of the first things people say not to do in professional settings if you want to be recognizable. Experimenting is still fine though

No. 448284

Wtf lifefuel. Thank you nonnies

Dynamism is the main thing i gotta figure out, my poses are still stiff, I think i need to work on gesture

No. 448424

File: 1736814775935.png (2.42 MB, 1622x1060, yoshinari.png)

>I don't want to cause a big argument but this is one of the first things people say not to do in professional settings if you want to be recognizable
yoh yoshinari does this and he's recognizable. Style is a stupid term anyways, if you have strong fundies you can draw in any ''style'' you want. The only people that care about style is people that dont want to put effort into actually studying art.

No. 448684

I hope this isn't rude to ask, but I've been following your art progress since the first few threads and have always wondered why you always have such samey values? You often colour in desaturated shades, but I feel as if your art would come across as more dynamic with a better contrast in colours (and maybe bolder line art - think 90s cartoons like PPG or Life of a Teenage Robot).
In the reference you posted, the artist exaggerates the reds to draw the eye to the most important elements of the character's design (gem, goggles). However, if it's personal preference, then go ahead. Your art is some of my favourites in these threads and I adore your shape language, you remind me of those older artists from Newgrounds or Oekaki boards, and I wish I had your eye for it!

No. 448688

Depends on the particular line of work. Some jobs require you do be highly adaptable, like an art style chameleon, while others require you to have a distinct style.

No. 448692

Wow… I never noticed how samey my values are, especially now that I'm looking at it compared to the reference. That's not on purpose lol, I feel like my eyes have been opened, im gonna pay attention to that more. I think you're right about the bolder lineart too, I keep being shy about making the outlines thicker, but i think I'll test that out.

No. 449117

File: 1737047914524.png (Spoiler Image,82.97 KB, 987x909, image-4.png)

>do a bunch of studies
>ok time to reward myself and draw something self indulgent
>it sucks
>go back to doing studies
How do i stop this nightmare. I wont be satisfied until i become kjg level of good. I wish i had money for a teacher to guide me to become better faster.

No. 449119

Just stop drawing all together atp, you're never gonna be satisfied with anything you make

No. 449121


Draw more and quicker. At least you won't feel like you wasted time. Do you jump into drawing from imagination straight after studying or are there hours/days between those sessions?

No. 449288

I normally do studies and then draw something from imagination.

No. 449292

Draw something indulgent and then study the stuff you need to draw it. It feels a lot more rewarding that way. Also post your studies

No. 449295

> Also post your studies
its all the skelies post + a bunc of figure drawing and ecorche, its not interesting or good so i dont know why you want to see it

No. 449299

DA are you sexy skeleton anon? I've been supporting you in my brain for the past week, I've become your fan keke.

No. 449302

File: 1737084532188.png (78.31 KB, 723x560, 13 january 2025.png)

Aw nonny thank you. Still makes me laugh so many people see them as sexy, it never crossed my mind. They are fun and helpful to do, but very time consuming.

No. 449320

give him hair and maybe you'll hate it a little less, right now it's like looking at sexy voldemort

No. 449324

do gesture studies

No. 449327

i do, its part of my studies

No. 449398

This looks super symbol drawn, do you do a loose sketch before getting to this stage because whether you do or don't you really need to learn construction. Also, apologies for medfagging and I mean this kindly, but your skeletons reveal you don't know much about anatomy, the scapula is floating on some of them when it should be connected to the clavicle, the lower arm bone on the skeleton looking back here >>447783 should be in pronation etc. and that's not even getting into the thoracic cage or your poor proportions. I highly recommend you study George Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy and Stonehouse Anatomy.

No. 449399

thanks, yeah i study stonehouse. Also dont know how the proportions can be wrong when they are traced from the models? also, yes ofcourse i do a sketch before getting to that stage. Do you mind giving me a redline if you can?

No. 449402

Sure, I'll redline some of these in a bit (I'm out atm), as for incorrect proportions I guess it's because the bones don't look like they're in perspective which could be helped by learning construction. I will say unfortunately skeleton models aren't accurate and don't move properly so do need additional supplementary study for you to actually get anything out of it.

No. 449405

File: 1737112879190.jpg (322.75 KB, 929x1271, mmm.jpg)

I feel like you should look into Morpho instead. The drawings aren't too detailed so it's much easier to follow and copy. Your stuff looks stiff and if drawing one of these takes more than 30 minutes you need to shift your focus. It seems to me like you're prioritizing the wrong things. Bones don't need to be accurate if you're looking to draw bodies but you should be able to get the overall shapes right. If you went through Morpho first you'd have an easier time with Stonehouse because you'd already have a good basis.

No. 449411

I already went through morpho but i am terminally retarded.

No. 449412

Do you have any drawings from back then saved?

No. 449415

No, but it was just doing copies and annotations of whats in the book.

No. 449421

I find it hard to believe that you copied everything and took so little from it kek maybe you should go through it again and supplement with photostudies where you point out whatever bones or muscles you just looked at in the book. How long did it take you?

No. 449423

wow this physically hurt kek i already know i am very retarded and slow learner no need to throw salt in the wound.

No. 449424

oh, wait are you actually referencing the lack of shoulder girdles in my skeleton drawings? its because i was focusing on the landmarks, not so much on making an anatomically correct skeleton. And since they are mostly facing the back(or had fat/hair covering the zone) the girdles arent present. Basically, i was focusing on understanding what you can see protrude(mostly the torax, pelvis and shoulder blade).

No. 449427

Oh, I see. Don't worry nona, you'll get there some day. For what it's worth your general proportions look fine. I think your drawings look stiff because you spend too much time thinking about details that you'd gloss over if you drew more and had built up muscle memory. Good luck with your studies

No. 449429

>I think your drawings look stiff because you spend too much time thinking about details that you'd gloss over if you drew more and had built up muscle memory
i like detailed drawings personally, even if they end up being more stiff. I dont like it when artists trade anatomy details for style, personally.

No. 449433

Not what I meant. Your art isn't detailed but you're hung up on small things. KJG who you mentioned would've drawn these in a few minutes because he's drawn thousands of bodies and skeletons and knows what each part should look like.

No. 449439

Yes, thats why i am doing those studies in the first place. So i can rotate them better in my head and learn to identify landmarks more easily. Insane that you expect me to be like kjg when i am still a begginer kek.

No. 449445

What's the point of posting then kek just keep drawing

No. 449455

to get criticism. thats the point of this thread.

No. 449826

This nonnie got it. IMO your drawing is fine but it is clear that some lines were drawn without understanding why they'd be there which makes the drawing look more flat, and small details are focused on while the larger structure of the body (the arms and where they connect to the torso is lacking) aren't given the attention they need. If you've been focusing on skeletons maybe it's time to move your focus to breaking the body and its muscles down into larger sections? I know it's frustrating to be told to just practice but when you've got the right idea but just aren't there yet, it's the only thing you can do to improve.

No. 451401

File: 1737516998232.jpg (147.17 KB, 1280x772, photo_2025-01-22.jpg)

I wanted to study Leyendecker's rendering a bit… accuracy isn't the best but I'm gonna draw a few more and see if I can learn how to push my values
Also nonas, how do you go about drawing detailed pieces? I know 3d is the best route but I always get demotivated when it comes to planning anything involving a lot of props etc, maybe I should just use more refs

No. 451417

I'm not an artist, but I think your flowers and the pot needs more red, and the leaves needs more blue. Your line art needs more confidence and boldness and less lines. For details maybe try experimenting with brushes and download new ones? Idk

No. 451471

You should look at kato_anatomy on twitter and use an add on to download all of his images, there was a time he started again with a simple skeleton structure then muscles right after with variations of angles and movements. He already studied lots as you can see, with old master and real models, and made it simple with colors it's what helped me the most, plus 30 second gestures and occasionally medical studies to have something click, but I still look at him when I'm stuck

No. 452833

File: 1737787722835.png (713.9 KB, 2744x3000, figdraw.png)

anyone here does fig drawing? how do you main the figures proportionate?

No. 454412

File: 1738064195254.png (221 KB, 656x728, hair.png)

How the fuck do you paint hair.

No. 454414

Overall it's good but you have forgotten the darkest part of the shadows. I recommend doing some grayscale studies to practice values.

No. 454455

File: 1738076558189.jpg (59.53 KB, 735x941, .jpg)

I think you're off to a good start anon! I would darken the shadows and add a bit more texture, it seems like you're struggling with it looking a bit too flat. Hopefully picrel could be a good reference?

No. 454507

File: 1738088418096.png (4.78 MB, 1200x1600, her.png)

did a monochrome study , how do the values look?

No. 454520

That looks so good. Whos the artist?

No. 454577

head looks great but the body is kinda muddy

No. 455138

File: 1738253196413.jpg (41.77 KB, 640x652, 4943153f041e8951150e82b83fe63d…)

nonnas who draw anime, how do you draw anime eyes (or anime faces in general tbh) that dont look completely soulless? for some reason i can't draw anime with the same amount life as my regular style. it always looks like picrel

No. 455140


No. 455142

Take inspo from early 2000s shoujo/josei mangas. Your picrel is what you get from seinen-shit anime adaptations

No. 455364

good advice thank you nona

No. 455369

Some problems in your picrel that might apply to you:
>General unevenness in shapes and shading
>Pupils are either too small or the iris lacks enough depth in shading to blend them in, making them look too contracted/cold
>Gaze is basically dead-straight, adding even a subtle bit of direction to your character's eyes will help to add life (and as a bonus imply something beyond the white void of a typical sketch kek)
>Similarly, the amount of iris or sclera showing at the top and bottom of the eye greatly effects expression, so play around with that
>Highlight size and placement– they tend to look better if placed in the upper/darker half of the iris/eye in neutral lighting situations
>General symbol drawing and poor structure for everything else, and the rest of the face is divorced from the expression it's trying to convey

None of that is a hard rule or anything, and I have no idea what would specifically apply to your art, but yeah the other anon is also right, take notes from anime/manga that have the look and liveliness you're after

No. 457919

File: 1738966020164.png (Spoiler Image,3.76 MB, 3243x4000, s.png)

Can someone give me critiques and tips on these? I think I have issues with shortening the torso/limbs and stiffness but other problems pointed out and specifics will help a lot. Disregard the missing heads and hands/feet for now, thanks kek. Spoilered because I don't want it on front page.

No. 457946

File: 1738971723170.png (169.93 KB, 1079x576, lineofaction.png)

I think in relation to the references, some of the poses could be pushed more. For example:

Top left, man on chair: His back is arched more on the reference picture, making a more pronounced C shape.
Middle left, baseball player throwing a ball: his left (our right) leg is turned inwards more strongly in the reference photo. His left wrist is tucked farther in. his right arm is just a little more turned inwards. Notice how his left leg and right arm cross over each other in a more pronounced way in the photo.
Middle right, dancer: his butt is tilted backwards more strongly, and his ribs stick out more.
Bottom left, woman statue: Her torso leans into her left arm more. Her right breast is higher up.

I think making a line of action, then sketching on top of it, could help. Your proportions are good already, so you could try to focus more on making the movement of your drawings loose and exaggerated.

No. 457948

File: 1738972006316.png (4.74 MB, 3242x4000, 1738966020164.png)

Jumping dude's head seems a bit too big, the woman's hip has a protruding hip bone on one side but not the other. Since she's sitting and tilting her body, I think it makes sense for the bone to be visible due to the pelvis tilting. Her arm is the wrong length, too. And the statue has more details on the thighs, while your drawing looks a bit cartoony, unless you want it that way ofcourse. I'm not an artist though, so sorry if I made any mistakes in my suggestions.

No. 457951

File: 1738972530972.jpg (67.8 KB, 735x721, aef3f2edba504ec511c7000913375e…)

Why don't you just lower opacity on the photos so you can directly compare and see exactly where you messed up? You're drawing digitally, use the advantages that has. Also keep picrel in mind, it'll make finding the correct placement easier

No. 457954

Thanks anons, all of this is helpful. Will keep in mind everything next time.
>Why don't you just lower opacity on the photos so you can directly compare
I haven't been doing this because I wanted to train myself on drawing solely by eye and getting it on the first attempt (retarded, I know) but I'll start doing that.

No. 457956

Kek you were just making it harder for yourself for no reason. If you draw something wrong it's because you don't have the skill to tell. You only need another person to point it out if you don't have the means to directly compare. It'll be much more helpful to draw, compare and then correct.

No. 458021

File: 1738985584919.png (675.31 KB, 1629x1085, 1000060200.png)

Still a very rough WIP. Trying out a new style

No. 458025

This is incredibly cute! It reminds me of lalaloopsy dolls.

No. 458281

Very cute! A painterly style would look nice with it

No. 458924

I know you said to disregard the missing heads but really, you shouldn't skip on drawing them. Even just knowing where to put the eye line and simplifying the features can help you a lot even if you want to draw more anime style.
Also pay attention to the inclination of the shoulders line, hip line and the back etc etc

No. 459043

applejack looks like elsie.
very cute

No. 459238

File: 1739304872431.png (370.4 KB, 1173x1965, sdafafsa.png)

How do non NEET nonnies find time to draw? ever since i started college i havent been able to draw for more than a few hours. It pisses me off because i just want to draw, i only go to college so in the future i can have a stable job that allows me to draw. I have a sketchbook i carry to school where i draw cars, clothes, people around me, and other non horny weeb things i like. But i just want to stay cozy at home drawing husbandos.

No. 459241

>since i started college
How old are you…

No. 459242

No. 459258

Is that a TiF? It’s wearing a binder.

No. 459265

nta but not everything form fitting like that is a binder, the character is just wearing a cropped and tight top. try harder with your bait next time

No. 459276

I typically have entire days dedicated to drawing, like the weekends. After work I do a quick doodle if I'm feeling it and head off to bed. I also am lucky to have a job where I mostly sit around and do nothing and get paid, so I draw to waste time.

No. 459280

Looks bland and soulless

No. 459289

You're already drawing during your classes, no? What more could you want?
Release the nips

No. 459290

its because her soul got sucked out from her studies

No. 459295

File: 1739318405723.jpeg (426.82 KB, 750x832, IMG_0560.jpeg)

I think I posted this before but I just saw it in my old gallery and it made me so nostalgic. It reminds me of the time when I actually had time and effort to stick to drawing. I had another one of this with another girl but I lost it unfortunately. Oh well

No. 459296

Would you say you look at your old drawings and they're still good?

No. 459298

its a see through croptop, anon.

No. 459299

Understandable, i personally like bland and soulless animu so its aight

No. 459301

I don’t know what that means anon

No. 459302

Like you look at your old drawings and think 'this is good'

No. 459304

I don’t think it’s good or amazing in the slightest but I think it’s cute and I think it makes me happy going back to a time where I didn’t really give a fuck what other people thought, I just drew because I liked it. Good times

No. 459306

Why don't you draw anymore

No. 459307

The entire left side and the face could use more studies. Idk how any times anons have told this person that the childish anime face with realistic body anatomy looks ridiculous

No. 459317

Care to post some faces you like? i personally like the cutesy faces with the realistic(?) body, i dont think i will change them, but i am looking to improve.

No. 459333

File: 1739323091723.jpeg (122.11 KB, 1200x1600, 24A0121C-B6D8-4E6B-861B-6EA02A…)

there are a lot of artists that manage to make this style work, she just needs to bee studying. I always thought that Daigo Ikeno does the idea really well, although sometimes for older male characters their faces are more detailed.

No. 459338

File: 1739323710071.png (326.14 KB, 1000x508, ab0305c40533d8fe18eb928dd6b2e3…)

sorry nonny but i dont like this style. I am aiming to have a very stylized anime style that allows for expressive faces. As much as i like LADS and other husbando media, i am super bored of all husbandos having serious expressions. Something like picrel wouldnt work in a more realistic style i think.

No. 459345

File: 1739325490903.jpeg (584.32 KB, 1966x1718, C96D60FE-309D-42AB-8186-C47388…)

nonna i'm on your side, using that shit anime as an example of how you want to draw… His art can be pretty expressive, but maybe try looking at @6798Ty52, who draws pretty expressive faces and realistically muscled bodies.

No. 459347

But i want my guys to look kawiwi, that guy looks too mean and realistic. I like the art tho, reminds me of Joshua Graham, just not what i am aiming for.

No. 459348

I like the animu face + more realistic body combo, especially for anime boys. On girls it looks weird especially if it's a super flat face + sexually stylized body

No. 459349

>serious expressions
The solution is to make them a bit more expressive, not straight up turn them into caricatures for autistic children like your pic. This >>459238 looks fine to me (the expression) but using Nagatoro as an example is too much. I see what you're trying to do, though. You just want less realistic faces, not "less serious" ones, that's why you don't like >>459345.

No. 459351

File: 1739328255699.webp (166.55 KB, 1000x1340, Savanaclaw_chara_leona_detail_…)

I used nagatoro because i personally like the how the artist draws expressions(both for nagatoro and senpai), the anime is shit and the manga is worse, specially since they got rid of senpai's glasses, but if nagatoro was a tall tanned guy instead of waifuslop she would be my husbando. What i mean is, i want to aim towards something like waifuslop but with husbandos. Also, i do like >>459345 its just that my drawing and that artist's drawing have different goals. Mine is meant to be a smug slutty husbando i drew in an hour to practice, while the joshua graham esque guy is meant to be a serious character design for a manga(i think). The exaggerated expression on my drawing is meant to be sexually appealing, while the exaggerated expressions on the art anon posted seem more geared towards gag/funny. I want to aim towards faces like yana toboso, i think they have the perfect mix of cute, expressive and manly. But its hard to draw faces, bleh.

No. 459355

File: 1739328731829.jpeg (229.69 KB, 799x1129, B071329D-09D4-4539-A617-41A3B5…)

since you used twisted wonderland as an example, is the artist @akiseizon a little closer to what you want? She's a doujin artist that mainly does a lot of NSFW, but she does do very detailed muscular bodies with animu faces really well imo (kinda reminds me of clamp at times). Sorry to keep recommending artist, idk if it bothers you. Another fanartist but @nhukioeqDWFA321 might have some interesting stuff to look at too, she does kinda cool muscular bodies and animu faces. Warning for NSFW there too though.

No. 459357

File: 1739329383722.jpg (40.52 KB, 500x431, tumblr_c87d27a0b2bab72d08dd586…)

>Sorry to keep recommending artist, idk if it bothers you.
No, its perfect! thank you, i like those two artists a lot. Thank you for taking the time to rec me artists to study from even if i am nitpicky. I only draw for myself so, while i appreciate the critique that my drawings are uncanny (and i totally get it, since i mostly take inspiration from moidslop like girls frontline/blue archive) i only draw for myself, so i am always going to be biased towards my personal opinion and what i personally like. Some anons get personally offended when i dont take their advice over subjective things like the faces i draw kek, so thank you for having patience with my autism.

No. 459364

NTA but I really like your art nonnie, I'm aiming for similar stuff with my own and we have similar taste so it's good to see you drawing what you want to unapologetically. Ganbatte

No. 459365

Good luck nonna, sometimes going down a rabbit hole like fujoshi fighting game artists can help you find some inspiration as well, they can sometimes hit that sweet spot between cute boy faces and muscular bodies. Don't be afraid of being more loose with your lines too.

No. 459367

Thanks nonny! would love to see your art. Drawing for oneself is great, i wish i could spend all day drawing. Fuck being poor.

No. 459370

File: 1739331140527.jpg (Spoiler Image,251.47 KB, 1736x1965, 1648190973257.jpg)

Thanks! i am not trying to make them super muscular tho. I am aiming for leaner bodies like pic rel. But its hard to draw bodies like this for some reason.

No. 459379

Yeah I know, in other words you want to translate cute/slutty moeshit expressions onto male characters, and that's something I fully support.
Alright then. Keep experimenting, maybe you'll find a combination you're satisfied with. I don't think there's a lot of (really well drawn) male reference for this specific thing you're trying to do, so you'll have to be the one that starts the trend.

No. 459386

Does it lack swag though

No. 459395

File: 1739336251682.gif (3.71 MB, 640x464, gachi-gachi-hugs.gif)

Thank you for understanding.
> I don't think there's a lot of (really well drawn) male reference for this specific thing you're trying to do, so you'll have to be the one that starts the trend.
yeah its really frustrating, but someone's gotta do it. I am working on a game and i hoping i can become good enough at art to fulfill my vision.

No. 459400

I'm struggling with something similar, nona, although in my case I'm tired from my wagie job, not college kek. I typically just start a drawing and work on it a little bit every day after work for like thirty minutes or whatever.

No. 459401

File: 1739337851232.jpg (58.93 KB, 256x300, Ichijou Mitsuki from Yu-no 435…)

I'm also working on a game, and my goal isn't to make the guys extremely moe, but rather more like those old-school mature women in galge from the PC-98 era, only male. The art style is going to be very hard to replicate, especially since I intend to make all the art pixel art, but I hope I can pull it off.
I wish you luck.

No. 459402

File: 1739338126415.png (17.57 KB, 512x424, 55913.png)

Based. Good luck to you too.

No. 459431

I'm also making a game/vn and the pixel art drives me nuts at times. It's so fucking tedious if you have to do bigger drawings.

No. 459530

Hawt. Best of luck in your journey. Those bodies are hard, I keep drawing mine too skinny.
I will play your game
I will also play your game
I will also play your game
What genre(s) are your games?

No. 459555

Mine (anon whining about pixel art kek) is set in a rural town in a supernatural/esoteric world where the mc has to kill one or more of the pretty boys. There is vague sexual tension. Has some poetic shit going on but I can't write very well so I don't know if it's good. Curious about the other anons!

No. 459621

>What genre(s) are your games?
mine's an advanced war/codename bakery clone(turn based strategy game).

No. 460401

No. 461478

File: 1739859476744.jpg (3.55 MB, 4080x3060, 1000072013.jpg)

picrel is a drawing i made for a friend, how do i make my femboys look more boy then female? kek

No. 461490

Stop calling them "femboys" and just draw a cute guy from reference

No. 461493

i think he looks fairly masculine as is

No. 461498

god i hate this word so fucking much, anything that isn't a big muscular man is called a "femboy" it's disgusting

No. 461500

sorry nonnies, its just what my friend calls them, id rather call them pretty boys but the word femboy generates a very specific image that conveys exactly what she wanted kek, but she liked it and im happy!
oh thank goodness, ill keep practicing then, i think im on the
right path

No. 461516

I think you're doing good anon! His face isn't super feminine and his body is great, love the legs.

No. 461689

File: 1739924676329.jpg (312.32 KB, 1683x1240, crapdogs.jpg)

I am trying to draw more of what I'm actually looking at and attempting to do construction drawings based off of photographic references. Need more practice drawing animals, harsh criticism is welcomed.
All of these are essentially attempts at 1/1 reproduction from reference but nor traced. (as if that makes a difference)

No. 461724

File: 1739937132378.jpg (189.71 KB, 1668x2388, 1000013558.jpg)

I'm trying to do figures for once

It reads male. His hair is reading kinda femanine to me though, maybe shorter?

No. 461725

File: 1739937392407.png (192.81 KB, 480x1040, d5in1th-170b8746-0888-4da6-b11…)

>from reference but nor traced
If you want to draw animals, you might need to trace the anatomy to learn a bit more. The first dog almost have "human shoulders", something not common in quadrupedal animals.

No. 461737

Gonna rec some books for you anon that helped me with animal drawing:

>Animal Anatomy for Artists by Eliot Goldfinger

Great book for anatomical breakdowns and diagrams like you'd see in detailed human anatomy books. Lots of comparative anatomy, cross-sections, and isolated musculature to learn from.

>The Art of Animal Drawing by Ken Hultgren

This one's by a Disney animator and has solid advice for construction, movement, and stylisation. Not necessarily the best for learning anatomy/realism, but still one I found helpful early on.

>Force Animal Drawing by Michael D Mattesi

Similar to the above, this one is very helpful for giving your animal drawings more life and gesture, as well as giving anatomical pointers.
(This was actually my first drawing book lmao and imo gave me a good base to move on to humans later on)

>Morpho: Mammals by Michel Lauricella

If you like the style of Morpho books for human subjects, this one might be of use for drawing other mammals. Has some pretty easy to understand discussion of morphology and comparative anatomy, with a fun bonus of including some unusual subjects

Understanding the underlying structure of animals is key, as well as their differences in morphology across species and ecological niche. You don't have to try and cover all animals, but understanding your chosen subject's quirks and adaptations will help a lot and save you from common mistakes such as 'every animal looks like a dog' or broken wrists (eg not all animals can pronate them) and mistaking ungulate (or even digitigrade) limb structure as being 'double-knee'/'reverse knee' and then giving them the wrong joints. Lastly, there's loads of anatomical tutorials/breakdowns out there online for different animal groups that either go into more specific information or are simply more recent/up-to-date for some species, so be sure to look outside of the books I've suggested (especially if you want to draw anything outside of mammals, which are usually the focus if not the only group covered in many animal anatomy books, from my experience). Try applying whatever you're learning over the top of photo refs too, écorchés are extremely helpful to do.

Most importantly though, have fun and keep practising!

No. 461880

Give him a nose job

No. 461932

I feel like it looks a bit stiff, although if you're just trying to have a grasp of proportion in a variety of poses then I have no complaints. If you want your poses to seem more fluid, I recommend not chopping up the body in parts and instead trying to draw with longer, continuous lines. Good work anon!

No. 461934

I've drawn horny husbando drawings at work before. Don't let your dreams be dreams anon. Draw whatever you want whenever you're free. As long as you keep drawing and moving out of your comfort zone, you'll improve over time.

No. 461941

>maybe shorte
femboy nonna please ignore this, if you make his hair shorter i am going to curse you

No. 462136

File: 1740077218222.png (Spoiler Image,2.13 MB, 3508x2480, dumbshit.png)

These are from a year or more ago. I stopped drawing for some reason, just lost interest but today I started feeling like it again. It's probably gonna be a slog to get back to where I was before but wtv I'm gonna try to have some fun with it.

No. 462150

Woah they're good and sexy… please start again

No. 462416

File: 1740166011487.jpeg (486.17 KB, 2419x1598, IMG_7100.jpeg)

Tried to make fanart for the game clinical trial but I gave up on the body and background

No. 462418

your artstyle is great, id play the amputee self insert game if it had your style(minus the troon shit in it ofcourse)

No. 462454

You’re making homunculus100 ftm kokichi X reader fanart unironically? It’s all over.

No. 462466

The sad part of this meme is that they spent all that time learning about shrimp anatomy and didn’t realize that shrimp aren’t curled up when they’re alive.

No. 462471

I knew you were a pooner

No. 462487

Literally all of your characters have the same type of eyes, same face syndrome much?

No. 462509

How did you manage to make the gendie versions of gendie characters nonna? You even twinkified the autistic therapist homie insert.

No. 462533

Thank, nonnie I appreciate it

Urgh I need to work on that… I should probably go outside of my comfort zone more.

Mfw.. it's not that gendie is it? I was going more more newgroundsy vibes..

No. 462535

>it's not that gendie is it
It looks like it was drawn with testosterone gel sticky fingers. Sorry.

No. 462543

It looks like if LS Mark was ftm, I’m so sorry

No. 462545


No. 462700

Ntayrt, I don't get gendie vibes from your style, but then again I'm not terminally online, or in any fandoms/communities/whatever. I just browse lc. When I do rarely browse twitter for 5 mins, I never see gendie shit. I guess it's who you follow/what fandoms someones in. I think working on different faces will improve your stuff too, but I have seen accomplished artists with sameface. Some people just don't care and make it their shtick.

No. 463560

File: 1740433263243.jpeg (3.16 MB, 3001x3259, IMG_2961.jpeg)

my first attempt at a portrait. i want to draw early 2000s looking cartoons but i am at git gud jail until i feel better about my own work. what should i work on first?

No. 463567

Super cute tbh. I'm not an artist but I'd say work on your anatomy first before trying to stylize your art style, as stylizin an art style without anatomical knowledge can result in uncanny designs that just look off. Now idk what kind of specific 2000s art style you want to go for, but all of them use shape language and some use sharp angles and simplified yet exaggerated facial features and bodies, so keep that in mind. Good luck in your artistic endeavors!

No. 463568

I would play the fuck out of that.
Why must we kill the pretty boys?

No. 463574

thanks a lot nona! you say you're not an artist but your advice is on point.
>I'd say work on your anatomy first before trying to stylize your art style
i'm gonna study the loomis method later tonight, i've been also reading his figure drawing book.

No. 463576

Good luck and have fun! I used to want to draw when I was younger so I know of some art "theory" if you will, but I had 0 luck practicing so I gave up on it because I realized it's just not for me and I hate being committed to something and having to work hard for it, I want to be automatically good without trying, lol.

No. 463662

it's like you drew the face, then had a life-altering stroke that reverted you to 3 year old motor skills, then drew the "hair". Either that or directly referenced the face only. That sort of pen/pencil handling doesn't lie.

No. 463664

please don't ever stop drawing nonna you have a lot of talent. we need you.
seriously though does any other nonna consider art good for their health? i think it staves off dementia so i consider it essential for brain health long term.

No. 463667

kek i should've mentioned in my original post that i didn't even try with the hair, i just did some harsh strokes in order to frame the face because it felt lonely and bald without it. i'm focusing on the body and head first, hair is more of an accessory to me.

No. 463670

damn nona youre really good, please continue drawing. learn to draw hands tho kek

No. 464052

any male handfags in the thread? trying to draw sexy moids/their hands better. male specific anatomy is hard and foreign to me. especially the little cute details, like their jaws and throats and knuckles.

No. 466207

File: 1741023628810.jpeg (Spoiler Image,281.22 KB, 1801x1047, image0.jpeg)

I want to use this to practice colouring but I'm losing my mind trying to capture his likeness before I start. How can I make it actually look like him!? What am I missing?
Spoiler because I'm embarrassed to have this on front page.

No. 466225

I would try to simplify the forms a bit. It doesn't actually look that bad if you're going for a realistic look (I imagine since this is colour practice) instead of stylizing it.

No. 466246

Could you elaborate?

No. 466371

File: 1741068700522.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.55 MB, 2688x4080, 1000072725.jpg)

Something I'm making for a friend, she asked for a hot muscular body with a cute face in a tuxedo(I'll add that in but like a paper drawn with the tux that she can take on and off for fun bc I'll give him sexy underwear but only if I figure out how to do it because she's fine with a sexified tux too) and he's meant to be a squirrel boy(hence the lightly drawn ears and tail), and that's crazy to me because I've never heard or seen that, DOL had lizardboys and dolphinboys, even plantboys but not this, damn, but it's what she wants so I'll make it.

No. 466377

I like that you express bewilderness over her wanting a squirrel boy

No. 466380

Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but I noticed that the right ala of the nose is a little too big in your sketch

>and that's crazy to me because I've never heard or seen that
Ever heard of Squirrel Girl? Well, it's that but male and cute lol

No. 466382

Aww he's cute anon! His body is very nice and I like how you draw faces. Mayhem show off his tail a little bit more? It's mostly hidden behind him.

No. 467179

File: 1741280842337.png (Spoiler Image,269.88 KB, 550x906, afafasdadads.png)

How do you keep going until the end i always get bored and give up.

No. 467204

Make his peepee bigger

No. 467211

Heh, nice to see you here anon. Cute boy, you're improving! Building up the stamina to complete works is a skill too. Remember that you can always go back to something.

No. 467219

I had a hunch you lurked here.

No. 467296

File: 1741297835552.jpeg (695.7 KB, 3000x2381, IMG_7214.jpeg)

Is there a way I can improve character design

No. 467298

How does it move?

No. 467306

I have a sketch I didn’t finish yet that was going to show it but she walks via her blades

No. 467314

What is going on with the holes? Why does she have a pikachu-like tail and ears? Why do they also have holes? Other than those points this design is pretty cool.

No. 467322

I just added the holes cause when it was just blocks it was a lot of empty space and I didn't know how else to break it up… as for the ears and tails I just thought it was cute

No. 467327

I feel like it's too complex. I'd get rid of the ankle box

No. 467331

It sounds unconvenient.

No. 467343

It's a cartoon drawing that isn't real.

No. 467344

Looks cool, maybe get rid of the ears or tail/ make them smaller or add holes to the blades? I’m biased aganist the ear things, because they remind me of a plug, but maybe that was your intention.

No. 467345

I know but imagining it moving looks weird too. Like a walking sarcophagus.

No. 467351

That sounds dumb and impractical

No. 467357

After I was done the ears reminded me of elekid and I was not a fan either… tbh the design overall I am lukewarm on but also don't know enough about char design to figure out how to fix it

It is sort of meant to be… I kind of imagined the rebar to be a hellish and uncomfortable but i don't think it's reading as intentional, or at least the exection is off

No. 467370

I like the ankle part, and the walking on blades could be creepy. She seems like a crazy person kek. My only issue is I don't know what the blocks are. If they're metal, you could try adding details that look like they're welded at parts, instead of holes on every piece. I'm not fond of the one on her face/neck either, maybe even changing the shape, or make it wrap around her lower face. The ears and tail are cute, but I think if you want to keep them in the final design, you could execute it a little better. Overall, I think maybe giving her design a purpose, or think more about her personality/why she is like that, could help with designing. Like if she was created/reborn using scraps of metal or stuff found in a junkyard, maybe you could give her different types/shapes of metal, instead of all the same blocks. Also if she walks with her blades, adding in something to stabilize her better, but the one on the left does have a better blade shape for walking on imo. Or if you made her tail part bigger, like how a kangaroo uses its tail. (I imagine her lifting her legs and using just her arms to walk.) I'm no character designer though, just some thoughts that come to mind. I remember watching a video that talked about adding personality, motives, etc to a character to help with designing and thought that made a lot of sense, so maybe that will help you come up with ideas as well.

No. 467558

File: 1741359870012.png (4.94 MB, 2822x1909, RocksMarker4234final1.png)

I'm a year into drawing on the computer, and I've gotten this far. But I'm struggling to make it look like the brown rocks are under water. any tips?

You can see a shitty attempt at trying it with those lighter lines over the rocks, I can easily take those out, as yeah looking at em, they don't help.

No. 467561

The stripes on the rocks are a good start. You could make them a little wobbly or distorted in some places, as well as adding highlights to the water (particularly in areas where the water pushes up against the bank and forms small waves). Try to keep in mind what direction the water is flowing while adding these details. The stripes on the rocks indicate that the water is flowing from the upper right to the lower center.

No. 467575

Anonymous now No. 467571

It needs bright spots where the light is hitting the water, i thought these were just muddy rocks at first. Once you said it was underwater I could see it though, so you're halfway there. I think it's a lighting issue, it sort of looks like the rocks above and below the water recieve the same lighting one is just darker than the other

No. 467627

File: 1741373362515.png (898.98 KB, 999x745, Screenshot 2025-03-07 133733.p…)

I thank you both! A lot. I think I just might give up on this one.
I changed the brush from a very blunt marker to a flat brush and then a watercolor brush to soften the edges of the rocks. Instead of adding highlights to the rocks I just darkened them and created 'ripples' with a darker color.
I know I'm capable of better. like every piece it was a learning experience. I'll use new brushes when I get more skill.

No. 467642

I like the darker rocks and more light lines but I liked the way the edges of the rocks looked more defined in the top one. It's at least pleasing to look at though. Something about the way you block the colors, or the edges of them… I can't put my finger on what it is but it's very good

No. 467649

File: 1741377290690.png (Spoiler Image,239.6 KB, 561x1164, 7 march 2025.png)

Goddam how do you nonnies manage time between working/college and drawing? i want to get better but i gotta study and i cant dedicate more time than maybe an hour to two a day to drawing. I did this in my 60min break before i had to go back to reading crap for school. I just feel so demotivated, i am never going to improve at this peace.

No. 467652

Thank you so much!
It's encouraging.
Yes, I see it too about the rocks at the top being more defined, which makes them more pleasing to the eye. I did get too muddy in the cluster of rocks. Again, thank you so much!

The fact you are trying means something. Even an hour or 30 minutes is great. Keep going with the intention of improving. Might not always go well, but the fact you wanna get better says a lot!

No. 468189

Don't think like this. People improve at different rates. I used to think the same, then suddenly my studies paid off and I realized I could draw things I couldn't. It's hard to keep a track on improvement, it does feel like you're not getting anywhere, but you are.

No. 468206

File: 1741474737031.png (606.8 KB, 1004x723, Screenshot 2025-03-08 175456.p…)

This anon here
New piece in progress
I'm worried it looks too boring. Yes, it is just a pear so of course, it's not that exciting but I believe that anything can look 'engaging' or dynamic' with enough skill.
Any tips?

No. 468207

Sorry I have no advice but this is extremely cute
I love the gloomy color palette

No. 468208

File: 1741475138997.jpeg (213.19 KB, 1387x582, image0.jpeg)

Why can't I get the "flow" of my clothes (especially jeans) to look natural? I've tried to loosely follow the lines of the bodies but it still looks like random squiggles.

No. 468224

Like the other nonny said the color palette is really nice. I’d suggest trying to add a little texture to the pear because it looks smooth from the brush that was used.

Try adding more line weight

No. 468233

File: 1741477237004.png (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 1320x1007, cowgirlsusiedone.png)

Does anyone have some critique on how to better stylize cell-shaded illustrations? I attempted doing another color cel-shaded illustration without overusing white highlights and I think that improves it but there's still this feeling that it looks bland.

No. 468239

File: 1741477895672.png (617.67 KB, 1001x721, Screenshot 2025-03-08 184742.p…)

thank you so much!

thank you and is this better? I used a custom brush and flat brush this time. I used an oil paint brush first and usually it can do good textures but yes, it did turn very smooth this time.
I'm mulling over the pear spots.

No. 468243

Try using darker shadows on Susie's hair

No. 468244

Yeah, that looks great!

No. 468267

File: 1741483802407.jpg (467.66 KB, 1200x1271, 1000013812.jpg)

I think you're not playing with the shapes of the color enough. One of my favorite artists does cell shading, but he uses blocks color in a way that keeps it from looking flat. Also your shadows are really not dark enough, and i don't think they take up enough room. Maybe start by overlaying a darker tint then carve out the light.

No. 468399

File: 1741521830503.jpeg (222.55 KB, 1433x1166, image0.jpeg)

I wasn't sure what you meant by adjusting the weight but I tried to guess. I also messed around with shadows, I like the middle best but more practice will tell. Maybe I need to try a different brush, this one always looks messy.

No. 468401

I don't have any time to draw and I hate it
But I like your work and I'd be proud of myself if I drew like that

No. 468404

No. 468405

>I wasn't sure what you meant by adjusting the weight
Are you ESL? That's pretty basic drawing information

No. 468417

Sorry, I just mean I don't know where or what I'm supposed to adjust

No. 468463

Thanks for liking my shitty chicken scratchs nonny

No. 468474

File: 1741544613579.png (2.4 MB, 984x2131, pearinthreestages.png)


Thanks for the tips! this was great practice.

No. 468486

Great job, nonna! The improvement is stark.

No. 468526

Were you intentionally going for chiaroscuro or is it just the angle you happened to place the light source

No. 468527

Higher contrast shadows, more line weight variation, and more dramatic color shifting in the highlights and shadows. A restricted palette (specifically complimentary or split compliment) is also a good way to make an illustration more striking.

No. 468531

It can sometimes be difficult to capture folds in clothing using line alone. Adding value can help. Additionally, you can try drawing the stripes on the right model's pants, since the patterns on clothing can help create the illusion of form.

No. 468532

You've asked this before. Just get a sketch pad and draw on the bus, during lectures, etc. Part of being an adult is learning to make time for the shit you enjoy.

No. 469226

File: 1741675326373.png (1.07 MB, 1117x1524, ratemyartpls.png)

I usually do anime/game art style mimicry and haven't evolved much on my own style. I wanna do more of whatever this is considered.

No. 469377

Looks cute but it looks like a stacy cosplaying as elsie, i think trying to make her look more gloomy and give her shark teeths might be good practice. She looks a bit plain as is.

No. 469380

i always love more elsie art no matter the skill level, so cute!

No. 469381

thank you nonnie, sorry for the late response i didn't realize i'd gotten more replies, i do wish i'd done the nose better tho like >>461880 said kek
maybe it does resemble the kind of hair girls with a boycut have than the short hair men tend to have
ok ok kek
because it's just WEIRD, i'm baffled because how the fuck is a common critter kemonomimi the first to come to mind kek
i'm happy that you think he's cute
>Mayhem show off his tail a little bit more? It's mostly hidden behind him.
will do, maybe i'll change the position of his arms too maybe because it's awkward how its right where his tail should come out but then putting his arms anywhere else would cover his tail again so i don't know
>I like how you draw faces
thank you, i really wish drawing faces could come naturally to me though, i thought i wanted to develop an anime artstyle because it's just more popular right now and likeable but everytime i try it i just can't get behind certain traits like a tiny line for a nose or pointy chins, but my way of drawing eyes is still animu and it bothers me

No. 469546

Torso seems too long due to right leg starting below the point where it should. Maybe you already fixed it though.

No. 469837

Thank you a lot! I am glad there is a visual improvement on it and I am happy I asked for help.
From a reference image.

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