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File: 1728768179691.jpg (202.79 KB, 1080x1080, 284532.jpg)

No. 423482

ITT post your work and receive critique, advice, and feedback.

>Be honest, but don't be excessively cruel; remember that these artists are your fellow farmers.
>Try to be specific when asking for pointers
>Be gracious when receiving critique, because sometimes the most difficult feedback to hear the most valuable >Remember that art is subjective, and that anons may not agree with each others' critiques; this is not a reason to start an infight
>Check the Artist Salt threads in /ot/ for books and other resources for improving your work

Previous thread:

No. 423485

Made a typo when linking the previous thread. Here's a working link:

No. 423490

What are those gay ass new rules.

No. 423494

pyw coward

No. 423499

File: 1728769795409.jpeg (64.07 KB, 640x429, dinosaurs.jpeg)

AYRT, I really recommend looking at traditional paintings and seeing what techniques your favourite artists use! It can be super helpful to see painting being broken down like that. I'd recommend you start off with photo studies and zoom in a lot to see all the different colours that you wouldn't notice, you can colour pick at this stage but eventually you would want to replicate those colours without needing to do so. Studying forms while doing this is also incredibly helpful especially as you progress and become less dependent on the reference photo.
Not everyone likes to do this but if you learn better by reading and researching the thing you're doing, I'd highly recommend reading books like the Art of Colour by Johannes Itten, which is a fantastic book about colour theory that you can find free pdfs online of, and looking into a favourite art movement or one that interests you and learn why the artists decided to make art in that way. You could also look at speedpaints in the digital painting styles you like and just observe and copy for a faster shortcut (which has its inherent cons)
Because infighting is annoying and even more retarded?

No. 423505

Now no one is going to give actual harsh critiques. Its all going to be a fake hug box. I would rather be told to kill myself than be lied to like poor tradfag anon from last thread that hasn't improved at all since anons are afraid of telling her the truth.

No. 423507

you don't draw anyway retard

No. 423517

File: 1728771614970.jpg (703.29 KB, 1079x1522, Screenshot_20241013-091813_Chr…)

Wow, and such great criticism was in the last thread after anons had a little tard rage. Look in prior rate threads, the criticism was harsh but you didn't see anything like the last quarter of the last thread.

No. 423518

Literally no one was criticizing that anon either they were just blindly praising her which doesn't help her improve.

No. 423520

they’re seriously trying to minimod this thread into a hugbox KEK, fuck that shit i’m going to be mean as much as i like and the mods can try and ban my ass because of arbitrary rules made some twerp with shitty ass art

No. 423525

>mods can try and ban my ass
Kek, nonna that's literally the whole point of mods. Or are you bragging about ban evading?

No. 423526

File: 1728773091976.jpg (288.88 KB, 820x1086, 1000050554.jpg)

>getting this assblasted because you think anons are being too nice
What are you so mad for tardchan? Did anons make fun of or ignore something you posted? Cause you still haven't posted anything, I wonder why. If you're all about harsh criticism then share something.

No. 423527

Your art is shit, you’re spending all this time forcing people to control their speech while you could be spending time practicing. You’re truly pathetic and irritating and an absolute hypocrite(infighting)

No. 423531

You guys weren't actually critiquing anything though. "lol your art is shit" isn't critique, it's just dunking on anons. And when anons WERE giving actual critiques (e.g. the anon who posted her work or the anon who rec'd the loomis method) they were also attacked for that. It's like anons are trying to turn this into a thread where you just shit on anons instead of giving actual helpful advice.

No. 423532

>rate and give feedback
The feedback is that their art is shit. That’s funny because there were people giving them constructive advice and they got defensive towards them, they just want another hugbox where people praise them for their chicken scratch while getting people banned for rightfully laughing at their asses, they would fit right in as an art cow in the art general thread

No. 423533

Fuck off this is the internet, if you can laugh at lolcows I can laugh at random retards trying to gain attention for their 5 minute porn sketches kek

No. 423534

Plus, melodramatically pointing out what's wrong with an image but giving no suggestions how to fix it, leading to everyone itt drawing the same pic over and over again, isn't exactly productive kek

No. 423539

File: 1728774320361.jpeg (14.16 KB, 540x540, woowkwkks.jpeg)

That's exactly is happening and what some bad actors have been trying to make happen for the last six or so months. Just report. Saying PYW isn't helpful either, you know they don't know shit by the way they're "critiquing" things so pay them no mind.
If that's your work then that's some lovely rendering on the arms and legs, the abs are a bit muddy and need extra defining but I'll assume it's because it's unfinished as far as I can tell, this is a overall well done study.

No. 423540

i love this red its striking and makes me wanna stare. the values also great. anatomy on the shoulder and butt need work and he doesnt appear to have any hip bones. from afar the arm looked liked a leg so im thinking the proportions might be off but its possible fixing the anatomy of the shoulder would help that problem. let me know if you need a redline of the wonky bits. idk if this is like an unfinished study or a kind of weird practice piece but i actually kinda love how the hand melts into the hand at the bottom of the leg, would make an interesting finished piece if it had more parts like that, currently the composition is a bit off for that but i assumed this was just a study and if so thats not relevant.

No. 423542

The shadows on this look very cool.

No. 423543

I'm the OP, and making the thread into a hugbox was not my intention at all. I just wanted to try and minimize infighting. Note that I said
>be honest
because I believe that unnecessarily flattering someone when their work sucks is being dishonest.

No. 423544

Her work is not shit, c'mon. You can disagree with someone and acknowledge that their art is good. I get that it feels good to trash someone's work when you're arguing with them, but it's transparently motivated by your emotions rather than objectivity.

No. 423545

That’s clearly not her art, it’s the bunnyfag from the previous thread. Catch up on the milk instead of thinking you know everything(calm down)

No. 423547

I don't see any proof of that.

No. 423556

For this new thread we need to all come to a common understanding that the raging tard who tells everyone "your art is shit! your art is shit!" to absolutely everyone is not to be taken seriously since it's the only thing they ever say and anons need to just write them off instead of defending themselves. It's a troll so don't feed it.

No. 423559

File: 1728777912789.png (20.14 KB, 193x313, Screenshot_293.png)

drew what i think the average farmer looks like a while ago

No. 423568

No. 423583

more unrealistic beauty standards for women. every night i will beg for death because i will never be her.

No. 423589

Is this loomis?

No. 423592

So you? Damn nice self portrait

No. 423593

No your art is shit and it will keep being shit.(calm down)

No. 423598

i think you should take your own life(infighting)

No. 423599

Kekkk and when I do that, will your art not be shit anymore?(calm down)

No. 423601

No. 423603

File: 1728785266254.jpg (460.41 KB, 1900x1200, fanart.jpg)

drew the average day itt(personalityfag derailing)

No. 423604

Your line work could use some improvement, but that looks really good, nona!

No. 423609

File: 1728787326374.png (16.38 KB, 1039x771, ugly rat.png)

drew you drawing this. note your receded hairline, your beady black eyes, your witch nose, your unappealing body, your rat tail, your huge forehead, and the poor grip on your pen as well as your nasolabial folds(infighting)

No. 423612

File: 1728788923033.png (6.14 KB, 508x483, obese.png)

drew you drawing this drawing this. your features have been abstracted as legend had it you are too hideous to capture on canvas without the artist suffering a heart attack. i drew you skinnier because i can’t draw you actual size since your size exceeds the maximum hard drive capacity of 32 tb.(infighting)

No. 423613

>inflation fetish porn

No. 423614

Art is fascinating.

No. 423615

damn and you're still fatter than me. i can smell the cheeto dust from here, lose weight(infighting)

No. 423616

I’m not eating Cheetos. that’s probably your Nigel’s dried dick cheese.(infighting)

No. 423617

File: 1728789681165.png (4.76 KB, 542x260, 8980988.png)

No. 423618

What's wrong widdle baby. Googoo gaga ass bitch(derailing)

No. 423620

kindergarten tier thread

No. 423621

idk how they aren't embarrassed. this is enlightening as to the IQ level of the baiters who have been shitting up this thread for the past week.

No. 423622

Yeah. that’s the skill level everyone’s drawing.(bait)

No. 423625

kek get their fucking asses(bait)

No. 423671

File: 1728799180763.jpg (411.54 KB, 2048x3072, 1000050564.jpg)

Thanks snons
>hip bones
well this is the reference pic. I can see I made the thigh too skinny but I don't wanna mess with this forever.

No. 423674

File: 1728799888792.png (Spoiler Image,49.49 KB, 191x267, sketch1728799815794.png)

tysm nona
>The fact that deep down he doesn't even enjoy it but must be hypersexual makes it even better
hnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg seriously the most perfect tragic whore I've ever come across, and I love how he's a character that could only exist in bl. he wouldn't hit as hard in any other medium.(derailing)

No. 423675

File: 1728800052979.png (1.55 MB, 1708x2488, 7256398614002.png)

No. 423678

Do you mind spoilering this please

No. 423680

File: 1728800594803.gif (64.74 KB, 220x155, gravity-falls-baby-fights.gif)

No. 423684

Can someone explain to me why every retarded baiter on this site has seemingly simultaneously made it their personal mission to make these threads unusable?

No. 423687

File: 1728801968620.jpg (3.23 MB, 2727x3397, 1000005466.jpg)

Do you guys think my art style and aesthetic is too dated? I really love working with oil paints and fantasy themes, but I don't get a lot of engagement online.

No. 423693

I like your colors, but you need to fix your light source. It looks cartoonish.

No. 423694

It's very 70s, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Some people really like the retro aesthetic, I think you should lean into it and just focus on improving your technique rather than try to change your style.

No. 423695

Add a wizard or dragon and this would be some sick van art.

No. 423698

it looks like the cover of a really shitty paperback novel but i kind of like that aesthetic

No. 423714

Like other anons have said, it looks like you don’t have much of a grasp on light sources and shadow. It’s night and there’s a giant light explosion from behind, yet the sword looks like it’s receiving full sunny daylight from the front. Keep doing the aesthetics you like, that’s not the (biggest) problem and I’m a believer in following where your passion lies.

No. 423718

File: 1728807602518.png (46.05 KB, 2406x1644, love wins.png)

drew you two putting aside your differencies and making out passionately(encouraging personalityfags)

No. 423720

Your values are terrible, you need to stop pillowshading.

No. 423728

Cute op pic tbh.

No. 423745

its adorable, i love how the model is a cow too

No. 423747

Nta but that's not pillow shading anon… and it's pretty similar to the reference she used in >>423671. Her drawing is actually lighter and maybe lacks a bit of a gradient down his legs and arm but it's still far from pillow shading.

No. 423749

It is pillow shading, ashe needs to work in greyscale first because her values are all fucked up

No. 423753

Enemies to lovers

No. 423763

I don't think your aesthetic is the problem, because plenty of people love that old fantasy novel cover type of art. The lack of engagement is probably moreso that the aesthetic places a lot of emphasis on semirealism, subject matter, and technical execution, so it will naturally be more difficult to achieve the best possible result because it's a style that requires a greater level of honed skill than say, animu. It looks like you're well on your way there so I'm sure as long as you keep practicing that semirealism-y accuracy and mixing it with the retro aesthetic you'll gain traction. I would also suggest making your subject matter even more overt, include more obviously fantasy elements so that your potential audience can understand those themes in your compositions just from a quick glance.

No. 423765

Idk what the other anon is smoking but you're not pillowshading and your art is very nice and far from shit! Why is everybody so cranky in this thread? Anyway, a helpful tip from me to nona: when doing studies, remind yourself frequently to focus on drawing what you SEE, rather than what you think you see, or what you're expecting to see, or filling in areas the same way you'd draw as though you were drawing a regular piece. Don't draw things that aren't present in the study reference, even if you think it makes the picture look better. By rigorously practicing drawing only what you see, you'll be able to break out of habits you may not even be aware you have.

No. 423768

Threadpic is really cute. Too bad the thread barely started and there's infighting already

No. 423769

File: 1728824298623.png (6.84 KB, 602x264, PbL6ZBg.png)

Nope. Please anons, learn what things mean and don't blindly follow advice in this thread.

No. 423780

Anon seems to have confused front lighting with pillow shading. Most embarrassing

No. 423787

Did you even check her art under greyscale? she completly forgot middletones

No. 423821

File: 1728832202932.jpg (40.57 KB, 1015x699, gs.JPG)

Actually not wrong but it's difficult to see with the original red tones

No. 423836

Her art being lighter and not as smoothed out as in the reference does not mean it's pillow shading.

No. 423840

She literally completly forgot the light source

No. 423842

God if only I had people who lied to me in my life like the people who are lying in this thread, it would make my life easier. Ignorance is pure bliss(bait)

No. 423843

>everyone in your life hates you
Deserved and kek

No. 423844

File: 1728837696941.jpeg (151.84 KB, 1064x1200, IMG_2789.jpeg)

Lolcow the only place where well articulated sentences get still get misinterpreted(bait)

No. 423846

It looks like shit, the values are terrible, the anatomy looks very strange and weird, the rendering looks kind of gummy like a plastic-y texture probably because of the brushes they were using so no good balance of hardness and softness and worst of all it looks like something that would hang inside of John Podesta’s home and nobody wants that at all. I think the entire concept was fucked from the start, if you can’t do abstract modern art stuff then just go back to what’s tried and true.(bait)

No. 423847

>calling yourself well articulated while fucking up a sentence

No. 423848

No. Get your eyes checked. The harsh shadows are in the correct place, as I said before I'm not saying it's perfect because it lacks that gradient that makes the figure darker at the bottom but it still isn't pillow shading. It may be shit shading, but it's still not pillow shading.

No. 423849

Forgetting that gradient as you call it literally is the reason it looks pillow shaded

No. 423852

>shady af twitter screenshot response
go back.

No. 423858


No. 423864

File: 1728842096846.jpg (42.56 KB, 690x500, 26ab5052a7c9fa84ac615c8a8f04de…)

Pillow shading is when someone only places uniform-thickness shadows next to the edge of an object (or next to the linework if there are lines), giving it the appearance of a pillow or a puffy sticker. The drawing needs middle values in many places, but it also has cast shadows. A drawing can have middle values and still be pillowshaded, and a drawing can lack them without being pillow shading. Pillow shading is a very specific thing.

I know it seems like semantics, but specificity is very important when it comes to critique, because you need to effectively communicate what the person needs to research to improve. This is also why blanket insults or blanket compliments aren't particularly useful. What is it that makes someone's drawing good, for instance? If you clarify that their strongest attribute is their ability to draw gestures, choose color compositions, etc, that tells them what they're doing right so they know to move on to honing a different skill for the time being. Same logic applies to things you think the person sucks at: pick the most pressing problems and give detailed criticism instead of just going "it's shit lel."

No. 423873

It's silly to keep discussing whether it technically fits under the words "pillow shading" or not and getting hung up over terminology. The point is that nonna has to practice her values and do some greyscale studies or grisailles.

Did you check how your study and the reference looked in greyscale before or after finishing it? Because it's more noticeable in greyscale that the original light source is a bit higher whereas in yours it looks more frontal (except for the stronger shadows on the back thigh and arm) because you didn't make the shading dark enough (eg: almost no midtones on the chest and stomach, the thigh in particular only has a small bit of shading below and above). Almost all your highlights are way too strong as well. Also, the forearm itself doesn't look bad, but it looks a bit strange for it to be so rendered compared to what's around it, and you can tell in the greyscale that the veins don't have as much contrast as you gave them because the whole forearm is leaning on darker values in the original but if you just really like drawing arm veins that's more power to you kek, follow your passion
TL;DR: you need to push the shading harder
Anatomical note: you messed up the shape of the thigh a bit and it looks too thin above the knee

No. 423874

Your art style and aesthetic are fine, I think it has it's charm and will find its audience in time. You're currently probably not finding a lot of engagement because your technical skills could use some polishing– but by all means please keep creating.

No. 423875

Aside from what has been said, the sword looks very crooked and is asymetrical. The rock texture also looks strange, it's all very uniformly porous. You could make larger sections with more pronounced shading, while keeping in mind the light source as has been said by other anons.

No. 423879

>sperging out because she can't take criticism
embarrassing! we've got another goatfag on our hands.(encouraging personalitfags)

No. 423880

File: 1728844916584.png (Spoiler Image,30.02 KB, 829x829, IMG_20241013_213847.png)

I drew it with one finger(/m/ rule 4)

No. 423881

Zero eroticism.

No. 423882

Where are her labia minora you pedo

No. 423883

I don't care about labia, she doesn't have hole. She's Mrs. Clit

No. 423884

She's all clit?

No. 423885

Weird pedoshit art. Gross.(infighting)

No. 423886

Is it the facial expression? I'm not an artist btw

No. 423887

>I'm not an artist btw
I can tell!

No. 423891

I still think I did a better job than the two anons above

No. 423892

no1curr focus on your own traced porn shite

No. 423895

whats the triangle over the pussy

No. 423896

Pubic hair

No. 423897

Thanks anon, I didn't know to check the values like that, I wasn't finished yet anyways so I will try to fix it. And yes yes I know, the thigh!!
I try to acknowledge you bitter brainlets as little as possible, I haven't sperged about any criticism I've gotten idk what posts you think are mine. I can't imagine what a huge letdown your entire life must be to seethe in this thread constantly. I feel bad for your family and hope you find help for whatever is wrong with you.

No. 423899

>i drew it with one finger
What is with this failed humblebragging? One finger and it still looks like shit kek

No. 423900

I’m dying so hard at your seething, stop with the tinfoils about people’s lives your art is still not going to get better. Huff on that copium retard(infighting)

No. 423902

No. 423904

why are you guys literally incapable of ignoring any mean comment

No. 423906

You couldn't do better with one finger I bet

No. 423907

File: 1728849714861.jpeg (277.44 KB, 1280x1700, IMG_2792.jpeg)

No. 423910

File: 1728850408375.png (1.17 MB, 1500x1275, stupid jesus study.png)

How can I (or should I) save this? I want to finish this photo study that I abandoned back in January but my skill level has jumped massively and there's so many noticable mistakes that I'd need to fix that I'm wondering if it's worth it or if I should just start again and compare. I'm hesitant on the last option because I put a stupid amount of time into this (15< hours) and I feel like it's a waste that I didn't even finish it.
>it's shit!! (in chorus)
I know it is, glad we got that out of the way. I'm going to ignore any anons that go on like that without actual criticism because you're not telling me anything new.

No. 423914

You should try out redoing it from scratch, nona! It will be less frustrating than trying to fix every little bit of an old piece and it will help you learn better where you’ve improved and where you still need polishing. Never be afraid of painting something over, whether it’s an entire piece or a section within a piece. My old painting instructor used to tell us “If you’ve painted it once, you can paint it again!” Sometimes starting over seems very daunting but it is actually the way to the best result.

No. 423921

i really like this kek. how long have you been seriously studying art?

No. 423925

Alright, I think I will, thank you! I'll report back with the new rendition so you guys can tear me a new one (in a good way.)
On and off since early last year when I went full autistic research mode for art. I have been drawing for longer but I never really wanted to improve or study until then so I don't count it as serious study, as you put it. I posted tips earlier for study (>>423499) but yeah, observation and breaking stuff down with research were really invaluable to me.

No. 423926

No offense but this looks lifted straight out of some loli doujin. Why is it just a line?

No. 423940

I actually drew it on minesweeper paint. I didn't want to bother with coloring and shading so I kept it simple. I didn't use any reference or anything like that

No. 423946

File: 1728858432921.jpg (156.54 KB, 736x835, b2ef80c3dee7a7e601f174219794ff…)

I agree that you should start fresh. Don't worry about small details, I feel like the stuff you did on the left is already too much. It takes away from the focal point which is already blending into the surroundings. I don't know if that's because of your ref but don't follow it 1:1 if you can make your painting more readable or interesting by lightening the background to make the cross stand out more.

No. 423947

digital art looks shit(infight bait)

No. 423948

I think it looks great! I don't have any advice other than maybe you could just mess around with it now that you don't really care for it? That's what I do with old art pieces that I don't like anymore, I just doodle all over them (preserving the older piece for posterity of course). Is there any specific place you get reference pictures by the way?

No. 423952

There is a nice hint of gestural motion and quality here which is the overall strong point of this piece. Also, I think the stylistic portrayal of forms gives it a sort of candid and gritty flair. I like the grungy style of Mrs. Clit’s hair. I think the overall impression would be much improved however if you gave her face and expression a few new attempts. It is comparatively rigid and a bit inexpressive against the rest of the picture, which feels like it diminishes the overall impact. Perhaps try to infuse it more with the implied lines and loose gestural quality present in other areas of the piece.

No. 423954

Great, now we got ChatGPT posting in here too. Just nuke the thread.

No. 423956

You're late for your cribbage game, grandma

No. 423957

Moid moment

No. 423958

Yawn one of the best artists I know agrees with me, go jerk off to your same copy pasted ai art

No. 423959

No. 423960

KEK but I’m not using chatGPT nonny! I’m sprinkling in some actual helpful critiques and drowning out the infights because I actually care about art. As long as we have this thread we might as well make it useful.

No. 423962

Good for you, it's still a subjective opinion, and you're retarded if you think AI art and digital art are one in the same.

No. 423963

Definitely agree that this attempt is way too much dark on dark in what is supposed to be a foggy environment. Thank you for your recommendations.
Thanks! I don't really like doing that with non-anatomy studies but you did give me an idea to collage some of this into something else I'm working so thanks for that! As for reference images go, I got a lot initially from Tumblr and Pinterest and do occasionally take from there but lolcow itself is such an amazing treasure trove of interesting images. I think the reference for this came from the Religious Art/Imagery thread here on /m/ (could be wrong about thread title)

No. 423964

>You couldn't do better with one finger I bet
Ask your mom, she seemed to think I did a pretty good job.(infighting)

No. 423966

kek i love popping in here, this thread is a fucking sewer. you're all so unfunny and assmad. keep it up, dumbass bitches(derail / infight bait)

No. 423974

You probably get fucked so what is this post?(infighting)

No. 423981

perspective with the building and road is bad, colors are muddy and remind me of sewer water, undeveloped forms that look mushy like cereal or rice porridge. this is entirely scuffed

No. 423985

The perspective looks fine to me.

No. 423989

No. 423992

Nta but
>I don't care about labia, she doesn't have hole
sounded kinda weird. Please draw her with one next time.

No. 423993

File: 1728867536071.jpg (387.69 KB, 1280x896, 1625672454193.jpg)

Apart from the too dark foliage and incorrectly drawn trees, the site of a nuclear meltdown kinda does just look like that colourwise.

No. 423995

Well you need to take some artistic liberties then. Not every photo is good as a work of art. Spice it up a little.

No. 424000

Nta but your "spicier" version I'm imagining is much uglier than both the image and the colors anon landed on, as if you don't understand the intent. Would you post the color pallette you would've used instead?

No. 424004

this looks so post-soviet kek

No. 424005

If it were any other reference I would, I was the last art poster in the last thread if you want to check that out, but I feel like making Chernobyl look "spicy" is a bit disrespectful kek, I feel like I'm already iffy referencing it anyways. I also personally really like "sewer water" colours so I don't think it's that ugly, the values are definitely poor and I'll be adjusting them to improve readability.

No. 424008

I would make it smaller, thumbnail size, or zoom out and don't zoom in. Do a much more simplified study. Do it in a size you won't start drawing unnecessary details, like the windows, grass, or branches. Your colors are fine for a study, it's the values and composition that look really off from the reference.

No. 424012

File: 1728875037004.png (32.89 KB, 635x420, ddlwhoknows.png)

does anyone ever do a bunch of scribbles and then work with what your brain sees inside of them to create a little doodle? I find it can create some unusual stylizations and it's a fun way to get yourself to draw when you have no ideas or no motivation. I used to do this in school on my notebook paper and some of my most interesting looking stylizations came from interpreting scribble lines.

Today it spawned a girl in a beanie. I'd love to see what other anon's scribble-divining doodles look like.

No. 424019

I used to do that on my computer using paint when I was a kid, that was really fun, I had a large folder full of doodles made that way. Then I'd just give them some backstory and make comics with all of them together. It always ended up in drama and random super powers. Now I miss it.

No. 424053

File: 1728883676908.png (Spoiler Image,1021.4 KB, 1211x807, the xiv elf dude.png)

How muddy are my values and how boring are my colors? It's a study loosely based on a photo, but the source served more as an inspiration. I always feel my colors and values are off like they are boring or they don't communicate anything. Can't tell if I'm overthinking it or what exactly am I missing. When I look up other artists, the ones I really like the colors and composition have weird values. I must be missing a key to understand it.

No. 424055

apologies i dont have any critique to add since its out of my skill range, but i find that the colours are very pleasant to look at. i enjoy the detailing around the face.

No. 424067

File: 1728886246555.png (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 1211x807, image.png)

my take on pushing the values. i think it just felt like his head was being overpowered by the dark background even with his striking backlighting. idk if i can explain it well enough but just posting how i would push the values. the colors look fine, just the values not giving enough focus. i made the focus his face.

No. 424094

Nice input. I think for colors it's clear they all verge towards red/base underpaint that's why it may look boring? There's blue but with low opacity looking dark and grey. I would push the vibrancy of colours on the skin depending on the palette, orange and yellow or light blues/greens if you want complementary colors.

No. 424117

Thanks, anon. I think regardless of skill level anyone can see when something is 'off' with an image.
This is a major improvement, thank you so much. I'll keep in mind to focus my values around the point of interest.
I like your color suggestions, do you have a color palette in mind before the coloring or do you pick them as you go?

No. 424278

I may have some favourite colors and palette then have a rough base to see how what I think would actually work, and pick accordingly keeping in mind the palette I chose (like I don't need to shift to the green yellow hue if I'm doing a red/blue theme and need a green)
Once you have the basic values of lighting and subject in focus you shouldn't worry too much about the them, see how perfect greyscales still have muddy colors, I always use the impressionist painting red sun as an example. The value is no different than the sky but it still pops out.
Colors also affect each other if you know about the seven contrast (quantity, simultaneous etc) so you can have more fun with the vibrancy of colors without putting a 100% saturated color.

No. 424287

File: 1728947319635.jpg (878.35 KB, 1200x2000, 1000001323.jpg)

Well I couldn't sleep so I just tried to do my own version since I like soft oranges and blue greens, plus a tone curve because they're your best friends.

No. 424294

i think the original has more pleasant colors

No. 424301

NTA but
>actually decent art gets ignored
>generic coomer porn gets applauded
jesus fucking christ someone kill me i hate this world

No. 424303

>generic coomer porn
? nta but he's just shirtless kek. even children's media allows that.

No. 424305

Shirtless males is porn now

No. 424307

This is gorgeous nonna I have the same ref photo saved on pinterest kek

No. 424316

no I’m not talking about anon’s good painting >>424053 I’m talking about the degenerates who keep drawing disgusting bunny scrote porn and borderline loli(infight bait)

No. 424332

How is a man in a speedo porn? Have you never been to a beach? I don't personally care for anime men in rabbit ears and briefs, but that's not porn, come the hell on. You sound like a Bible-thumping trad. Also men don't have souls, so it harms no one when they're degraded and objectified.

No. 424381

Are you talking about me? >>423880(taking the bait)

No. 424538

No. 424576

are normal people in public “bible thumping trads” just because they don’t want to see naked people in the street? your logic is retarded, you don’t have to be trad to be against pervasive coomerism

No. 424578

people go to the beach and see women in micro thongs every day kek

No. 424612

The anon you're talking about didn't draw a naked person. She drew a moid in briefs with rabbit ears. Victoria's Secret ads posted in public places are about as scandalous.

No. 424623

File: 1729058815557.png (213.58 KB, 586x601, Screenshot 2024-10-16 010437.p…)

Finally went back to color this wip 2 years later. What do you think nonnas

No. 424659

Thanks, I think your input made me realize my palettes tend to be analogous which probably makes them look more "boring", I should push for more complementary palettes.
KEK that's literally where I got the photo, I typed in shirtless model on pinterest and picked the first one.

No. 424660

Looks very cute. My suggestion would be for you to be a bit more mindful of the light source the shadows seem too bright, almost blending with the rest, I would add more contrast to them.

No. 424710

File: 1729094330443.jpg (71.62 KB, 698x466, 683aac101e9652212d552e7e5bf032…)

I like the colors you chose, but like another anon said, you need more contrast in the shadows. I'd suggest making the shadows cooler than the local color, like in picrel. Notice how the house is white, but the shadows are blue and the highlights are yellow-orange.

No. 424721

That's a weird skull there

No. 424813

He must be very smart

No. 424817

File: 1729121488558.jpg (167.08 KB, 1200x900, nfiw3u432eqwñ.jpg)

Good Or bad first try?

No. 424844

If it's literally your first time drawing it's fine, but it's clear that you're a beginner that needs to study everything. This looks like those drawings a lot of day 1 beginners do where they try to copy random anime screenshots and they just start right into the lineart and don't even do a structural sketch.
You really should do line confidence exercises. The legs in particular are very hard to read because they're so chicken scratchy, and it feels like you don't have much control of the pressure you put on the pencil. The girl on the left looks better than the others because her lines are slightly more readable. You also don't seem to have a good sense of structure (or proportion/anatomy). Middle girl's legs and the arm pointing up are really tiny. You should do those studies where you draw people like mannequins with separate parts to figure out how the different parts attach to each other and proportions and etc.
Hopefully doesn't sound condescending to you, but there's a certain level of beginner where people really can't give much more input that "go study", and you just have to have patience and draw more until you gitgud

No. 424878

File: 1729142307450.png (203.22 KB, 630x767, loomis.PNG)

This is my Loomis-sona. I love Andrew Loomis. Without him my art wouldn't be good. In honor of Loomis I drew an OC based on a face in his heads and hands book. Please give me the criticism that Loomis would. Give me the loomis special.

No. 424880

Looks like a tough old bird to me

No. 424925

2/10 character design

No. 424929

Someone out there would 100% use this as a sex toy.

No. 424946

Why it's mouth open like that? This looks like an art some horny twink on deviantart would make

No. 425042

Where's his loomis hands

No. 425044

a true loomis draws with its mind no gangly hands needed

No. 425060

File: 1729209190046.png (171.56 KB, 508x608, 1687697770990654.png)

No. 425065

Study construction more like Loomis-senpai would tell you to do

No. 425134

File: 1729228204317.png (191.43 KB, 542x1008, kenny.png)

I recently started binge watching south park again. I did a quick and dirty kenny sketch while i was waiting for the episode to draw, i always struggle coming up with poses so he ended up looking boring and stiff bleh.

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