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No. 46071
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Had 2 pot brownies about 3 hours ago. I'd love to try DMT, MDMA and mescaline. Really into psilocybin, too.
I'm getting more and more reclusive so it's really hard to get stuff.
No. 46074
>>46070drugs fuck up your life. Trust me. I have been addicted for around 5 years.
If you dont believe me then you will regret getting into drugs
No. 46085
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I've tried E, weed, salvia, K-2 (spice), acid, and molly.
I vape marijuana 2-4 nights a week, mostly for sleep, inspiration, or when I'm playing MtG/video games.
I have issues with dissociating so I avoid anything like K, I may or may not try shrooms someday tho.
>>46072care to share your salvia experience? Mine was short as fuck and pretty anticlimactic. I have a friend who smoked salvia and felt that they turned into a spoon in a full bowl of cereal, lmao.
>>46074What are you addicted to?
>>46082I was just talking to someone yesterday who did tons of drugs in the 70's– he says mescaline is very much a spiritual hallucinogen.
No. 46089
>>46085I was addicted to anything i could get my hands on. Mainly the smokable incense , heroin and marijuana.
I still have an addiction. Its something i cant get rid of honestly. I always crave and want to get high. I miss the dopamine rush.
Give me one and ill want more
No. 46135
>>46070I'm not really into drugs much. These days weed makes me feel like shit and fucks with my anxiety too much.
Done opiates, coke, some random pharms., and dudeweedlmao.
But as far as what I consume regularly it's just nicotine and alcohol (lol).
No. 46332
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blue lotus+ wine+ weed[a tiny bit] is my go-to for an altered state of mind, more wine and lotus if I feel like being sociable or more weed and lotus if I feel like being introspective and artsy.
I also like salvia, but really I have to force myself to do it at high enough doses to dissolve my bodily sense of self
No. 46347
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>>46335seeds are legal everywhere if you have the patience to grow plants and water them and all that stuff. I personally like gardening and I dont like smoking stuff so having a live plant that I can take leaves off of to chew/suck is the best option for me.
You can also buy (smokable)dried leaf in most countries pretty cheap from online ethnobotanical distributors.
Concentrates(liqud) are a third option, I like these because you can take them sublubligualy and dont have to smoke, there are also solid concentrates which you can smoke or make a tincture with.
Concentrates however are illegal in a lot of places(especially synthesized salvinioum-alpha) so the deep-web probably is the safest choice for those.
No. 46691
I smoke weed (legally, even) erryday and love that magical opioid feel, but so far I've managed to stick to pills (usually oxy or dilaudid, though I can rarely get my hands on any). I know just about everyone swears that they'll never stick a needle in their arm, so I can only hope I never get to that point, but goddamn, I love the opioid high so much, I honestly don't know how low I'd stoop.
I wish I could enjoy alcohol, but I hate it. I hate my body so much and feel so trapped in it that I've spent a lot my life trying to escape it and/or destroy it in various ways, and I found that constantly being on cold medicine and slightly stoned keeps me removed enough that I can function. I'll readily admit that I take whatever I can get my hands on, booze aside, to self-medicate. I'm well aware that it's not "healthy," but my health is and always has been shit, and I figure there's little chance of me making it to old age anyway, so I've spent the last almost-decade since I turned 18 just doing whatever I can to in order to cope and hold on. I don't do it for fun, to be "social," to party, or whatever. I almost exclusively partake when I'm alone. I'm pretty pathetic and I know it.
I've long wanted to experience DMT especially, but salvia, LSD, mushrooms, ketamine, and 2C-B or something similar are also on my "bucket list." I've just been too lazy to try to procure the materials myself, and, as someone who's spent long periods of time being a shut-in and has pretty much dropped out of society, I don't have any hookups. I'd try cocaine or MDMA if someone offered me some. I'm a poorfag, though, so I prefer shit I can grow or make myself. And, living in a glorious haven where both medical and recreational marijuana are legal, that means I mostly stick to weed.
I'm embarrassed that I smoke as much as I do, but I guess I don't come off as a pothead (thank god), because everyone seems to assume I'm the type of person who would never consume marijuana, or any other drug, for that matter. The downside of that is that no one ever offers me anything because they just assume I'll say no.
No. 47007
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>>46565>what's meth like?pic related
honestly though, don't get into it. it's crazy addictive, cheap and easy to find, you'll feel alright for a short time then you'll come down like a motherfucker for the next few days and just want to die. it also turns people into violent criminals more than any other drug imo
No. 47072
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>mfw reading this thread
T-thanks Mom and Dad for discouraging me from drug use
No. 47096
>>47094Same here with pot. I also had the same reaction (ridiculous paranoia/panic attacks) from Wellbutrin of all things once I upped the dose.
I'd like to try other drugs but I really don't think I could handle it if I ended up in a worse place than I do when smoking. At least I have alcohol.
No. 47149
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>>46085 here, I had that same issue for years– gave me panic attacks, spins, shakes, felt like I was going insane. A lot of it was anxieties I had about myself, my "failures" as
>>46155 noted, my relationships and life path, etc.
I'm older now, and have done a LOT of thinking and maturing, tl;dr decided to try it again. Lo and behold, it actually feels nice now. I still get nervous at times since it's illegal, but I can shake it off or just check outside to make myself feel safe.
If you're interested in trying again, I recommend trying to vape it rather than smoke or eat it, that way you're just getting the THC and it's not nearly as powerful. Different strains also have different effects– some will make you more peaceful, some more imaginative, some more energetic. Also, if you're not 100% comfortable with whom and where you are, you'll be more sensitive and it is more likely to become off-putting.
All in all, it's just like anything else you're putting into your body. If you do it, remember you chose to and you have control, just relax and ride it out.
No. 47153
>>47149Vaping is much healthier, but not exactly more or less powerful.
Vaping will likely actually increase anxiety and paranoia compared to smoking, not reduce it. THC vaporizes at lower temperatures than CBD and other cannabinoids that counteract THC in many ways and contribute to the body high. THC is what gives you creative and weird ideas and causes anxiety. Vaporizers give you a higher ratio of THC because they're not as hot as actually lighting the weed with fire.
Also, the toxins in cannabis smoke are theorized to contribute to the "stoned" body high by lowering oxygen intake temporarily. For these reasons, vaping will give you more of a mins high, especially at lower temperatures.
It's way more cost efficient and likely way healthier though, so I still recommend it.
No. 47195
>>47153Hmm, wasn't speaking from a scientific perspective but from one of experience. I am
definitely much less anxious when vaporizing than when smoking, regardless of what's inside. But I see what you mean.
No. 47212
>>47195Understandable; I wasn't trying to deny your own experience. I've personally had many serious anxiety episodes both when smoking and vaping. I don't think I could confidently say which ones gave me worse anxiety though.
I could also be wrong about it objectively actually causing more anxiety despite the increase in THC ratio. There are many other factors that could go into it. From Googling, it looks like some people report more anxiety from smoking, some report more anxiety from vaping, and some with no noticeable difference. It seems like more people report smoking gives them more anxiety than vaping than the reverse, so it's certainly possible your experience will apply to more people.
>>47167Yeah, set and setting matters a lot, like for many other drugs. If you go into it anxious or in a bad mood, you're just going to amplify that.
No. 47217
>>47149I'll probably try again soon since it's about to legal here (Canada) but yeah, my first experience was not cool. I had my finger on the "9" on my phone for hours, ready to call 911 becaue I was convinced I was gonna die.
But like, that shit is so much stronger than it used to be too. A ton of THC. At least according to my older stoner friends but who knows.
No. 47276
>>47246>>47247Seconding this anon's answer. If you can't get hash, a few puffs of weed and a melatonin pill will have you asleep in no time and – probably – sleeping like a rock.
I personally recommend avoiding things like Nyquil, as the DXM can worsen or initiate anxiety or panic attacks.
A word of caution though: any drug (including antidepressants, booze, melatonin) can cause you to have some really whack and fucked-up dreams. On the positive side, you can have some amazing ones too. Be careful with the combinations you're making!
No. 49230
Ive fucked w/ weed, acid, shrooms, dmt, molly (mdma), vyvanse (prescibed), benzos (prescribed), pain killers, muscle relaxers and did a little meth once.
I smoke weed daily for medical reasons, but i love mixing weed and pills like vyvanse, xanax, opiates ect. I do that on the reg and since i dont like taking My vyvanse everyday (im actually ADD) I just save what ill need for work and use the rest to speed.
I dont trip or roll as much as i use to because of the negative effects its had on my everyday ability to function (i feel like theyve made me so dumb tbh)
Ive completely stopped acid because i just cant handle tripping for so long and my come downs are god fuck awful. Shrooms ill still fuck with and maybe DMT, but other than that ive really chilled with the harder drugs.
No. 49377
>>49375All of them probably could. Weed is what i usually like becuz cheep and easy to find, and I've noticed my memoryhas went to shit, I've been making more dumb fuck ups.
At the same time I've been getting better grades in school, and I've had easier times repairing computers and learning codes.
so like idk
No. 83976
>>46070Smoking pot is a given, but I consume herculean ammounts of the stuff.
I suppose I have to, English weed isn't known for it's potency.
I like acid best of all, it's gentler than liberty caps, the emotional rollercoaster effect isn't so pronounced I find.
Can't stand uppers, coke heads and speed freaks get on my tits.
MDMA can be great if it's not cut with methamphetamine, I think the last lot I had was, it wasn't quite right.
A Salvia dose of X60 potency was the most major trip of my life.
I thought I was dead and I couldn't hear or see anything but molten brass with black chevronss moving up and right into a howling black void like someone had folded over the page corner of reality, and there was nothing behind it.
I briefly believed that I must have been hit by a car because the chevrons made me think of tire-tracks across my brainpan.
No. 83977
>>47150Best experience I had with the stuff was also the first.
A friend had some nice product they'd been gifted with, we bombed about a .3 each in rizla papers and set off into the hills with nothing but our good selves and enough water for both of us.
We talked for what seemed like hours lazily clambering from one field to another, getting lost and deciding to simply walk straight through hedges rather than find our way around them.
I remembered nothing of what we'd talked about, but at the time it seemed like all the mysteries of the universe could be unfurled in the hand; all their contents revealed like a flattened paper fortune teller.
Eventually I passed out at the summit of the hill, near some standing stones, and woke up wrapped around my toilet at home.
He'd carried me, semi-conscious two miles across hills and boggy ground and a maze of farmers boundaries, and managed to bundle me into my bathroom without me recalling any of it.
No. 84219
>>84216You don't find LSD. LSD finds you.
Seriously, try hanging out with some hippies or nerds, they tend to be the psychedelics people. Protip: the smarter the crowd the better your bet.
No. 84228
>>84216There are certain websites on the internet which shall go unnamed in this conversation.
They often change because they are continually shut down, and pop back up again, but any "legitimate" black market site will have peer reviews and comments sections, which will give insignt as to the veracity of the product, though caveat emptor applies strongly, and some vendors pad their comments sections just like Amazon.
These websites facilitate a transaction between buyer and seller by digital currency; Bitcoin being the classic example, but the websites I have used have had a list of digital currencies that they use; these digital currencies are not my specialty, and I am not knowledgeable in their procurement, nor have I needed to be thanks to my pool of friends.
LSD in tab form is easy to send by mail, as it is odourless, and comes on paper, so as to be sent by a conventional nondescript envelope.
This makes it in many ways the ideal mail-order recreational chemical, besides the other obvious complicating factors.
And remember, don't take drugs before you look them up on Erowid, which is a highly valuable resource for both basic pharmacological effects and "trip journals".
And if you don't have a reasonable suspicion of what something is, don't take it at all.
No. 84232
>>84229I suppose depth is relative.
I mean, Tor isn't exactly a big secret, it's a free user friendly legitimate downloadable application.
That just happens to make it exponentially easier to find and procure illiegal goods and services online.
I am explicitly refraining from endorsing any particular site because A: loose lips sink ships and B: I haven't done it in a while and it's likely all my links are dead.
No. 86002
my own experiences:
i never touched so much as a single beer, cigarette or ~marihuana~ until i moved away for college.
art school, man. art school.
for the first year, I was pretty good. I got drunk for the first time, which was horrible, and I think I tried cigarettes and weed and didn't like either. I tried robotripping for a little bit and really liked it, but it was very difficult to conceal/function, so eventually I stopped. Tried spice in my sophomore year because I didn't have connections for weed and the head shops in my city hadn't all been busted yet. Eventually, I moved into a hippie co-op in my junior year and turned into a total stoner. (It didn't help that I was dating the community's weed dealer for the next two years. Even since we've broken up, he's still my go-to guy 'cause I get a discount.) That's when I had most regular access to psychedelics. I haven't tried DMT or mescaline, but basically everything else is checked off. I had a fantastic headtrip about a year and a half ago and haven't really had the desire to do it since, though.
Basically, I wasn't really concerned about any of my vices until last year. I briefly dated this guy from a wealthy family and he introduced me to coke and lately, heroin. When he was buying, I would occasionally join in because 'no skin off my nose', right? but he's started asking me to go in half lately, or to buy for 'us' entirely. I like him and heroin is kind of fun for a night, but I'm starting to worry that he's addicted. He's been clean until a couple of months ago, but he's starting to use more often than I'm comfortable with.
Really, coke is my poison of choice, but it's so fucking expensive. Heroin-guy is also the source for that, so I can't really afford to piss him off or cut him out of my life. TBH, I would give up all my drugs (and my right arm, and the soul of my firstborn child) for an Adderall prescription. HOW IS IT that people can find connections for heroin at any fucking gas station in the ghetto after midnight but I can't find a source for some perfectly legal pharmaceuticals?
I could always silk road it, I guess, I just hate waiting on the mail and someone in this city has to have a stupid prescription.
No. 86006
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Also, just for you, lolcow:
I found this pamphlet (printed in 1961) called 'WHAT ABOUT SMOKING? A Brief Common-Sense Discussion' at a local garage sale. It is full of many such amusing anecdotes such as pic related and humorous illustrations. Chapter X, The Menace of Marihuana, is a particular gem.
No. 86140
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>>86117it is boring! whenever the topic comes up in person i find myself wondering if i every really graduated high school and if this is all just a fever dream
lsd is nice, i have heard so many people say this and that would lead to a bad trip but i find that a day alone with acid and some weed and a beer at the end is pure gold.
for some reason i will spontaneously get the shakes when i am smoking mj. sometimes i think i am just imagining them but i can see my hands shaking and it's a little unnerving. i find a beer or two helps. it may be just too much coffee. coffee + a bowl = how i get stuff done; so maybe i just get too tensed up. alcohol is ok, but there's definitely a "tipping point" for myself and for others. you've got to know how to ride the buzz and not drink too much or else the night is done for.
i'm glad it helps with your anxiety! that sounds positively delightful. i was prescribed klonopin (sp?) against my will as a younger person. i absolutely hated it because i was terrified of how it might change my personality, most people think i was stupid and would have loved having the prescription but ironically i associate pills and the like with the utmost of stress and anxiety and they just make me feel sick and give me nightmares. i'm glad they have a positive use for you! funny how things affect people differently
No. 86149
>>86148In my experience stoners are so used to being told straight up lies about the negative effects of weed that they're immune to any criticism of it at all even when valid. That mentality was what led me to dependency issues, I thought smoking every day was harmless when it wasn't. I've only recently substantially cut back and honestly you might need to stop hanging around with them if that's what keeps happening when you're with them.
My friends don't seem to want to cut back at all so I've been seeing them a lot less lately.
No. 86151
>>86140Personally I've never been one for drinking much (I think the last time I was drunk was September) which might explain my affinity for weed and other drugs, and I'm also worried about drinking while on benzos and fucking up my liver or just making a fool of myself.
Is the shaking ever present while sober? You could try taking one substance at a time to try and isolate the cause of the shaking if it bothers you, maybe just have a coffee, or just smoke a bowl, and see if/when it pops up?
I get what you mean about changing your personality. If I'm on 1 mg of xanax I can control myself but usually any more in a night and I'm a little more loose lipped about personal issues than I'd like. Also taking them too often makes me wary of dependency so there's a little anxiety added there ironically.
Never taken Klonopin before but from my understanding, it's slower acting and longer lasting which usually doesn't help with mental states if you're on a drug you don't really want to be on. If I sleep on a xanax I don't think I'd even be capable of dreaming lol. Hope you find something that helps you.
No. 86160
>>86133I feel you. it's no imagination, I've seen documentaries and some people react this way on thc (with panic/anxiety).
I know that feeling of being locked inside, too, but I have a weird body image/feeling to begin with.
No. 86172
>>86117I don't combine anything, when I'm high on shrooms I counteract anxiety by finding sources of light. Yep. light. The sun, lightbulbs, lamps or pretty much anything that gives off light put me at peace. You should try it, see if it works.
The bad thing is, if you spend 4 hours staring at a lamp your eyes will be dry and fucked for ages.
No. 86179
>>86117a good combination is shrooms and mdma.
acid + mdma should be good too.
LSD or shrooms are good combined with nature ;)
No. 86180
+ all criticism of it seems like some massive conspiracy against DA EXPANSION OF CONSHASNASS
No. 86199
>>86181wow that sounds really awful. are you okay now?
I've never had lab psylos but I've had lsd which is also synthetic. there's a difference, but it's important what you occupy yourself with before you're doing drugs.
No. 86207
>>86199Yeah I'm fine now. I'm not like the horror stories you hear about where people are like stuck in psychosis for eternity.
Yeah you 100% need to occupy yourself. I shot into a vortex because we were all just sitting around in a circle drinking tea and everything just felt so fucking mundane I felt like I was going to explode.
No. 86209
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>>86151i'm not one for drinking either tbh it just kind of takes the edge off when i'm hanging out with people. weed is greatly preferred - but yes preserve that liver! i totally understand that line of thinking. i got drunk on my birthday in march and ended up crying on the floor in my friend's bathroom haha. absolutely mortifying, i don't see myself drinking anything else for a long time kek
i found myself shaking just now, no coffee or weed, just really perturbed about something. i usually blame the mj but i think it just may be that pesky anxiety. currently taking some deep breaths, i think i just get wrapped up in my thoughts and forget to breathe haha. but for real apparently breathing is essential
when i was younger i used to get so stressed out i'd have out of body experiences. it was only later in life i learned what they were called so i think it may be something like that, just on a less dramatic scale. i think smoking helps keep me generally calm but it's up to me to manage small scale freakouts
ahh the legendary loose lipped-ness! haha yeah i get you there. it's so thrilling to be relaxed and be able to talk about literally anything without constant self policing, and often it's just really satisfying to be too honest. most people are wrapped up in their own dramas anyhow, don't worry about it too much <3 it's ok to just talk
you seem like such a pleasant human to chill with, drugs or not. i hope your life gets better and better anon
No. 86214
>>86181Man. The worst bathroom-walls-turning-into-other-things experience that I've had was when everything turned into cats. apparently this is a common thing.
anon, next time, think about cats instead of the white empire.
No. 86218
>>86181Which strain? Dutchii perhaps? That is a fairly new strain that can be quite a heavy experience.
Furthermore, what were you thinking? Taking psilocybin truffles IN A BAR?! You should take them in a familiar, safe place, with someone you can trust.
Also ego death and an existential crisis at the end of your trip are very common. If you would've done it in a hotel room, it would've been less intense.
Next time, stay in a room, alone or with 1 person. Keep it dark, or watch a movie. Or maybe do some in the forest. But don't do it in an environment like a bar ffs.
No. 86241
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Yeah the bar wasn't a great place because it made all our social interactions seem unbearably mundane. Movies are dumb so I couldn't have bared that either. It didn't get better back at the hotel room but perhaps it was too late by then.
I'm not sure I want to do them again, it was so horrific. If I did it would have to be in forest like you say, or in a garden on a really sunny day.
No. 86242
>>86241Atlantis should be pretty mild usually, it really was the environment then that effed you up.
In a forest or garden would already be a huge improvement, with tripping it's all about the setting. How you are feeling, where you are and who are with you.
The trick with it not getting horrific, is keeping in mind that it will pass. No matter which feelings/thoughts you get, it will pass. You don't have to panic.
No. 86253
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My best trip was after a huge binge on shrooms. I sat around being insanely happy for around an hour (so I'm told, I had no concept of time) then I worshipped a lamp for 4 hours. This ikea lamp was the most beautiful thing in the world to me, I could feel its light enter me like a loving warmth, entering through my skin and then washing over my body in waves like an orgasm of warmth and joy. I didn't feel the time pass by at all, my brain was glitching up with time. I couldn't feel in the present even when I tried. The rim of the lamp seemed to spin around and everything was so bright and colourful. When I closed my eyes I saw intense visions. To be fair I took a heroic dose, didn't even weigh it, just took all the dried ones I had (at least 6 grams at the time?) and a whole bunch of fresh ones.
10/10 would do again. Never do it without a chaperone though. I had my bf at the time looking after me. He was worried I was brain damaged lol, because I was drooling and could barely communicate beyond "The lamp…"
No. 86289
>>86209My last time drunk was a similar experience, too much red wine and I was effectively became a garden ornament for the rest of the party I was at, haven't been too inclined to do it again since then lol.
Can't really offer much advice if your shaking happens when you're sober unfortunately, but at least you know that the drugs you take aren't fucking you up in that particular respect.
I've never had an out of body experience but I'm very interested in the idea of it, although maybe an OBE as a result of stress might not be as fun. I'm curious as to what they're like but I don't think I want to take huge amounts of drugs to
trigger one. I'm glad the stress related OBEs stopped for you because it sounds really unnerving.
>it's so thrilling to be relaxed and be able to talk about literally anything without constant self policing, and often it's just really satisfying to be too honestI get you 100%. It might just be xanax, but I suspect it has something to do with me not feeling comfortable talking about personal stuff at all when sober or just on weed, so much so that it's like opening the floodgates when I take one. I'm hoping at some point my tolerance stops this, or I just run out of personal things to say.
>you seem like such a pleasant human to chill with, drugs or not. i hope your life gets better and better anon:-) You too, sometimes I forget it's possible to have nice conversations with anons.
No. 86290
>>86180I know what you mean. It took a long time for me to admit to myself that I'm slower, less creative, and unproductive when high. I think part of it was because I felt inferior for being so affected by something that other people all over the world seem to be able to do without side effects, and part of it because if I admit the side effects to myself, I admit to myself that I wasted a large part of my life/money doing something so harmful to myself. That, and when I was smoking all the time there wasn't even time for introspection or time to observe how different I am when sober. Obviously this won't apply to everyone, but in my circle of friends that do smoke I've yet to see an exception.
Not to go off on a tangent, but I think I get what is meant by 'weed is a gateway drug'. People smoke weed for the first couple of times, realise it's relatively harmless in spite of what authority figures say about it, and develop a mistrust for what the authorities say about drugs in general and decide to experiment with other drugs or use weed liberally.
I wish weed was more akin to alcohol in terms of public perception (ie safe in moderation, but can easily lead to dependency) just because I think it would lead to less distrust and misinformation about weed and drugs in general.
No. 86338
>>86323Seems like it would be an interesting high.
>>86327See, I like joints for ease of use, at least to me it's easier. That, and it isn't as easy for me to fuck myself over when doing a hit.
No. 86376
>>86338Once you know what is happening inside a bong it's not even remotely difficult. I think you've built it up to something it's not in your head, it's simple enough that stoners can do it.
Light the weed, cover the shotty hole with a finger and suck air in from the chamber slowly so that the smoke from the lit weed collects in the chamber. When there's enough smoke in the chamber, or the weed has all been burnt, take your finger off the shotty hole and breath in deeper so that outside air can enter the chamber through the shotty and accompany the smoke into your lungs. Hold and exhale. That's it. The water is just there to cool down the smoke as it passes through the pipe into the chamber and make it less harsh.
Joints waste so much weed I can't smoke them in good conscience when a bong is available.
No. 86377
>>86290I think it can initially make you more creative and want to do exciting things. Eventually though when you realise it allows you to mong out for 7 hours in front of the internet it doesn't.
I smoked for two years and then the paranoia just got too much from ConSpiracy documentaries. 'IS MY COLLEGE LEXXCTURER A LIZARD?!!'
No. 86380
>>46070I had a daily thing with weed for 4 years, now I have a daily thing with dexedrine and never smoke weed. I get a lot more done now.
I compliment the dex with magnesium, nicotine and caffeine.
I still semi-regularly take ecstasy too. I never drink so it's good to have a thing I can be on when I'm partying.
My list of drugs I've done is boring though, a few different trips, a few different benzos, a couple opiates. Nangs.
No. 86381
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>>86338I was once like you. Made everyone else do the Bong work for me till I had to do it myself when I would get a hangover. You just need practice. Alternatively, you can get a vape. I bought this one for my bf and it's a god send.
No. 86394
>>46193>benzos (but I was drunk so I didn't feel anything)m80 that doesn't make any sense, benzos + booze fucks you up good and proper, what dosage were you doing?
>>46215That doesn't sound like acid or ecstasy. LSD doesn't make you hallucinate, per se, more like it means shit warps, but that either sounds like really low dose LSD or some other new/ novel psych.
No. 86398
>>86378How into it are you, anon? Watch your bladder.
I spent 3 months a few years ago constantly high. Like I think there wasn't a single 24 hour period I didn't have k in my system, I only stopped because I ran out of money. This was back when it was cheap, plentiful and high quality. I was buying it in bulk off darknet markets, sometimes as little as £10 a gram for good, on weight shit.
A friend told me I was "the most boring person ever" for those 3 months. I definitely don't regret it, it's not like I had anything better to do at the time and I'm down to using it maybe once or twice every few months now.
No. 86429
>>86393Vapes are good if you need to get high discreetly, other than that you're not getting as much bang for your buck as you do with a bong. I have a vape and compared to a bong, it's like suddenly realising you've been high for the last ten minutes rather than feeling the high hit you, which is my favourite part.
Please don't fork out $250+ because you couldn't figure out how to use a bong.
No one is born knowing how to use a bong, and I've been smoking regularly for years and will still cough every now and then. Watch a slow mo bong rip on youtube to get a conceptual understanding if you need to lol.
No. 86430
>>86377Absolutely. Some people might be creative and have that creativity amplified by weed, but if you're not the creative type, weed won't turn you into one, and people that claim to need weed to 'get the creative juices flowing' tend to just have shit ideas that get through the filter because they're too high to care/realise.
It's great if you have nothing to do but browse all day because it makes it fun, but also removes the desire to change that situation in the first place.
No. 86465
>>86435In terms of amount of weed used per how high you get, how fast you get high, and how long that high lasts, bongs win in every category. Vaping is a much slower process than even two or three bong hits, which means the high onset is gradual. There are obviously situations where vapes are more beneficial (transporting equipment like you said, smell, etc.) but if you're asking about the best way to get high with friends or by yourself, where being caught isn't an issue, the answer is a bong.
>Granted I'm not a huge stoner but honestly, there's no difference.You do raise an interesting point actually, I'm speaking from the point of view of someone whose tolerance has stayed more or less consistent over a few years. Someone that doesn't smoke regularly might not notice the difference between vapes and bongs as much, but that said, I wouldn't recommend buying a $250 vape for someone who doesn't smoke regularly.
I have a vape and a glass bong and honestly I regret buying the vape, I'm not in situations where I need to smoke discreetly nearly often enough for it to be a good investment.
No. 86467
>>86455Please don't listen to random anons on things like radically changing your diet to alter your mental state, they're not dieticians, people react differently to different diets, and carbs, like everything else, are fine in moderation.
Saying something like 'try eating less carbs' when they don't even know your carb intake to begin with is just fucking stupid, especially when the original question was about antidepressants.
Both diet and antidepressants are something you should be talking about with professionals. Antidepressants give different effects to different people so you shouldn't be discouraged if the first one you try doesn't work, it doesn't mean you're 'incurable'.
No. 86482
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I just recently started smoking weed– my friend says if you smoke a cigarette or cigar after you smoke you can get higher? is this true?
I really do like weed like.. damn…it's so nice.. but my lungs can't really take it. I might start investing in larger amounts and make edibles.
No. 86491
>>86467There isn't great scientific basis for it in general, but new diets are worth trying and experimenting with. I think some people have varying degrees of blood sugar regulation issues, in which case carb consumption can affect their energy moreso than others.
I personally tend to have more energy if I'm fasting. Paradoxically.
No. 86517
>>86437Only for severe depression. Other wise it isn't worth the side effects.
With other disorders you can't be on just anti depressants, because then it could make you suicidal. So you would be put on anti depressants + mood stabilizer or anti depressants + anti psychotics etc.
For MILD depression, exercise and lifestyle changes can work, but we're talking about MILD depression then.
No. 86522
>>86519Exercise has been shown to help with MILD depression, and anti depressants have been shown to help with SEVERE depression.
Not every depression is the same.
No. 86555
>>86446Yeah, I stopped wanting to an hero over every little thing. They definitely help, definitely worth it.
You can do all that other shit that's good for your health once you're able to function normally. Just focus on getting out the door to an appointment anon. Hope you feel better.
No. 90338
>>86521LSD will not work properly is you are on SSRIs. Same goes for other psys like shrooms.
Also it's potentially dangerous to combine MDMA and SSRIs. It could cause serotonin syndrome.
No. 90725
>>90665You should get your information BEFORE you take hard drugs.
My experiences:
MDMA - Best drug out there if pure and used responsibly. Really helped me grow as a person.
Amphetamines - ok-ish, boring since I get Adderall on prescription anyway
Opiates/Opioids - Great but addictive as fuck. Withdrawal isn’t worth it.
Amphetamine and Opiates: Way too good, would not recommend because it ruins you.
Benzos - Same as opiates, though less fun
Weed - boring
Cocaine - Fun if good quality but way too expensive and it makes you do stupid things like alcohol
Any sort of research chemicals - Don't fuck with this shit
Ecstacy Pills - Can be fun if you're close to the Netherlands and have access to drug checking. Would't touch this shit in the US. Though I don't know for what reason anyone would prefer pills over actual mdma crystals except maybe for the fun shapes and colors.
What I’ll never do: Crack & Meth for obvious reasons, psychedelic drugs like LSD or shrooms because I don’t trust my brain.
I’d like to try ketamine in the future.
No. 90796
>>90725>>Way too good, would not recommend because it ruins you.Good reviews/list anon– but tbh the drug itself doesn't ruin you unless you have a pre existing heart condition. As long as you eat, sleep, use vitamin supplements and exercise it's fine. Even the dopamine receptors can be repaired in a few months. People (myself included at one point) try to chase the euphoria high too much and they refuse to eat or sleep. But at that point you either take a tolerance break or smoke meth. I love meth but tweakers are the worst type of people so it's not worth it.
I do agree MDMA is the bomb and the best drug. It's crazy how some people do it every weekend because THAT shit will kill you. lol. Also I'm not big on psychedelics either.
No. 90818
>>90810Your best bet is to do some research and lay off rec drugs OP.
No. 90845
>>90828order some online
it's pretty easy and safe. sometimes expensive, though.
No. 112645
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I've done acid a few times and weed. I don't know if I got a bad batch or what, but after smoking enough times with my friends I decided to buy some for myself and it made me sick every time I tried it. Now I'm pretty turned off to the drug as a whole.
LSD changed my life in all honesty. Helped with my depression and my overall attitude towards life. Much less melodramatic now and am super easy going whereas before I used to freak out about the future and worry myself sick over everything. The hallucinations were also cool as fuck obviously, but those didn't teach me anything aside from how subjective reality is which to be fair is kind of a big one.
I'm pretty open to most drugs aside from retard-tier ones like crack and heroin. I'd like to take molly, ketamine, and shrooms the most though
No. 112647
>>86404>>86394Have you guys actually never had hallucinations on LSD?
I have gotten visuals out the ass on just 110ug
To name a few just from that first trip:
>Some weird shadow lion and his cub were walking around on the roof of my apartment. Clear as day>a bull popping out of the arch of a building>cigarette turned into a lizard's tail>faces on trees and rocks, along with personalities (became best friends with one, I'd come back to check up on him every few hours and shoot the shit with him)>letters rearranging themselves on signs>the blocks were numbered while I was playing jenga and the numbers kept changing very quickly>two smokestacks with cartoon faces smoking cigarettes >face on a statue sticks his tongue out at meYou get the idea
No. 112654
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>What drugs have you done?
DPH (benadryl lol), marijuana, LSD, shrooms, DMT, MDMA, alcohol, DXM (robotussin), hydrocodone, lorazepam, xanax, and i did cocaine once but didn't really get too high off it.
>What drugs do you use regularly?
Marijuana daily, alcohol sometimes. Did LSD a few months ago after not having tripped in about two years.
No. 112660
>>86578I realise I'm replying to a 6 month old post, but as this thread has been bumped anyway, for anyone reading it through, this is false.
Here's a link
>>A review of studies stretching back to 1981 concluded that regular exercise can improve mood in people with mild to moderate depression. It also may play a supporting role in treating severe depression.>Another study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 1999, divided 156 men and women with depression into three groups. One group took part in an aerobic exercise program, another took the SSRI sertraline (Zoloft), and a third did both. At the 16-week mark, depression had eased in all three groups. About 60%–70% of the people in all three groups could no longer be classed as having major depression. In fact, group scores on two rating scales of depression were essentially the same. This suggests that for those who need or wish to avoid drugs, exercise might be an acceptable substitute for antidepressants.Exercise really does help. And unless you're diagnosed as severe, you shouldn't assume you are, because it's not that common, and it's next to impossible to say how severe you are, you have no frame of reference really. Even if you are, exercise helps.
No. 112695
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>What drugs have you done?
Trust me, a lot.
What drugs do you use regularly?
No. 112705
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>>112659I smoked it on a sunny day reclining on a lounge chair inside a screened in porch. My friend from the other end of the states gave it to me for free, she sprinkled some on top of a bowl of weed and I hit it wrong, apparently… I didn't quite "break through" to the "other side" but… as I looked at the houses across the street it was as if I saw each individual particle making up everything in my field of view turn into writhing shapes which then flickered upward like smoke or mist while getting smaller and smaller as they disappeared into the blue cloudless sky. I looked to my right where a paisley patterned curtain with a sort of vintage aesthetic was covering the living room window. A second later I returned my gaze to the view across the street, but two of the paisley patterns remained in the bottom right corner of my vision. Except they were made of translucent green and purple energy, the kind that you see against the darkness of the inside of your eyelids. Not only were the paisley beings alive and moving, they emanated a wordless anger which frightened me so greatly that within seconds everything which was abnormal to the sober mind vanished and suddenly my friend was asking me how I liked DMT. I was told my experience only lasted 7 minutes. Wish I had inhaled it correctly. Would recommend the documentary "The Spirit Molecule" if you're really curious about this substance which our brains naturally produce.
No. 112747
>>112647thats really fucking trippy. i thought those kinds of hallucinations were just made up on tv by people that have never actually done acid and just assume that's what its like.
for me, the hallucations were like the other anon described - objects around me warping, shapes, colors, patterns moving.
No. 112748
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I've only had weed and I use it regularly. I do it a few times a week, most of them being only one or two hits off of a pipe and then one night where I go to town. When I do a lot, I tend to get pretty existential in a good way. I get different perspectives on things than I would sober which can be really helpful, but I also often descend into typical stoner amazement ("Oh my god, you guys, us and dogs are different species and we're, like, best friends. That's so amaaaaazing").
Once in a blue moon I'll drink alcohol and smoke a lot of weed. That shit's pretty fun, but most of my friends don't like the combo. I'd be interested to try LSD or MDMA if ever given the opportunity.
No. 112806
>>112707I don't know if I ever try DMT. I have much respect for it. But at the same time it's so fascinating.. I like to read Terence Mckenna's experiences too.
2-CE was very funny, buyed it thinking it was acid, but it's totally different. I laughed so much about almost everything, including hallucinations.
No. 112828
>>112816what kind of mental illness did mdma help you with?
I can relate to the anxiety issue. I loved the trip itself but the come down is so awful.
No. 112831
>>112828My depression, my anxiety, and my PTSD.
I knew my shit was still there, but it felt like it had all melted or faded away for a while and I felt something close to happiness? or at the very least, normalcy. It was lovely and I saw why scientists are working on using mdma to treat veterans with PTSD and mental disorders brought on by war.
The comedown was actually quite nice for me. The afterglow was so peaceful. It's even nice just thinking about it lol
and then I later found out that if I could die from drinking too much water/drinking not enough water and I was like "well that's enough of that"
No. 112832
>>112831MDMA can be pretty bad for depression though, especially if you consider that using it too often leads directly to a depressive state even in normal people, combined with the increased risk of substance abuse for people with mental illness of any kind, and it's not the smartest combo.
In a therapy setting, sure, but I wouldn't recommend just popping them at home for that reason.
No. 112833
>>112832Yeah, that's something else I found out afterwards. I got extremely lucky there. I'd never take it by myself at home frequently, like one would with weed. Only in social settings and it's been like…4-ish years since the last time I took it.
Still, got lucky that my depression didn't get worse. Not many people can say that.
No. 112868
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>>112806Eh I wasn't looking to try it specifically. My friend just offered it to me. I wouldn't say my experience was bad at all on it. The moment I got scared, there was no longer any reason to be afraid.
2CE on the other hand, I got addicted to for a few months. Ordered in bulk from CanadaRC, it must have been at least a gram. Started out filling gel capsules from Vitamin Shoppe, then moved on to snorting it at least once a week. Ended up in the psych ward, had to drop out of school because they kept me there for a month and it was near finals. Got stuck in the gears of the psych industry for far too long after that.
No. 112894
>>112868sorry I mistaked 2ce for something else (psychedelic on blotter like lsd)
>I got addicted for a few months>got stuck in the gears of the psych industryhow are you now?
No. 112920
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>>112894I'm no longer on medication or in therapy, getting by on just vaporizing weed. Don't have random crying fits although sometimes I find it hard to sleep. I haven't gone more than one night without sleeping again though, that's when it gets bad. I wasted too many years on big pharma's pills without getting therapy. If you've been diagnosed with a mental illness you may find therapy is all you really need. My psychiatrist told me I'd have to be on mood stabilizers for the rest of my life, and once I stopped taking them without consulting her she said I must not really be bipolar, I must just have Borderline Personality Disorder if I feel better off meds. Joke is the person who actually gave me therapy said I had made too much progress to have borderline, and the Psychiatrist never offered therapy because (DIRECT QUOTE) "it's too much drama to deal with patients' problems". DEALING WITH PROBLEMS IS HARD HERE TAKE THESE DRUGS
No. 113060
>>112920>My psychiatrist told me I'd have to be on mood stabilizers for the rest of my life, and once I stopped taking them without consulting her she said I must not really be bipolar, I must just have Borderline Personality Disorder if I feel better off medsKek, this never happened. Bipolar and Borderline aren't similar at all, they don't present the same, they don't have the same symptoms, nothing.
Same with
>Joke is the person who actually gave me therapy said I had made too much progress to have borderlinePeople with BPD recover just fine if they're willing to do therapy, there's whole styles of therapy dedicated to treating them.
No. 113087
>>113060Bipolar and BPD have some overlapping symptoms anon. They are very similar in terms of mood instability, self-injury, suicidal ideation, mood swings, etc. That being said the "reason" for these behaviors is different and is treated differently.
I went to various doctors for many years and also was told at first i was borderline but then was later given a bipolar diagnosis. Once treated all of my "borderline traits" went away, totally new person now.
No. 113088
>>113087>Bipolar and BPD have some overlapping symptoms anon. They are very similar in terms of mood instability, self-injury, suicidal ideation, mood swings, etc. That being said the "reason" for these behaviors is different and is treated differently.But they're not. Like, at all. Episodes of Bipolar (depressive or manic) last at least two weeks. A mood swing for BPD could last an hour, and be changed by someone assuring you that everything is fine.
>I went to various doctors for many years and also was told at first i was borderline but then was later given a bipolar diagnosis. Once treated all of my "borderline traits" went away, totally new person now.Well, good for you, I'm glad you're doing better.
It doesn't change that Bipolar and BPD aren't at all similar. BPD has no mania present, or inherent depression. And Bipolar doesn't have any of the other features of BPD.
No. 113089
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>>113060If you don't want to believe me, it's your own fault for having such strong preconceived notions about the authority of Psychiatrists and their shit fucking industr- I mean """medical field"""
I am not
>>113087 No. 113091
>Episodes of Bipolar (depressive or manic) last at least two weeks.Not necessarily true. Ultra rapid cycling (cycles lasting a few days) or ultradian (cycles lasting less than a day) are possible. Bipolar isn't always a perfect cycle.
Some people may cycle in a few days , then may have a week long episode later one etc. Some people may have a short 1-3 day hypomanic episode and then have it followed by months long of depressive episode etc.
BPD mood swings are largely
triggered by environmental factors, whereas BP is episodic. BP swings can sometimes be
triggered by environmental things, but for the most part it just happens on its own.
That being said obvs they are different but they really do have overlapping symptoms or similar ones at least.
No. 113094
>>113089replying to this post and your previous one. I'm glad that you have found a drug that works for you (weed). I do also agree that therapy is something everyone should get if they have mental health issues. I went to professional therapy for many many years and would also "practice" CBT by myself by trying to adjust my thoughts on the daily and completing workbooks.
Obviously taking drugs or doing drugs for mental health is not inherently bad. I am a big advocate for anti-stigmatizing medications. Some people may need them a lot, others may only need them for a little while, and some many not need them at all. Brain chemistry can also change so someone who used to take something like mood stabilizers like you with good results may not need them for life.
Some doctors really do prescribe anything and wrongly, which is not ok. A lot of them are paid by certain companies to recommend or prescribe certain things so it's important to take everything with a grain of salt.
No. 113096
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>>113094Thank you. I had EMDR therapy mainly, I would say that was more helpful in changing my brain chemistry than the mood stabilizers were. On the mood stabilizers I was mainly just numb and/or dissociated until it was time to take my pills again at which point I'd start sobbing without provocation.
I was never told that taking them only for a little while was an option. I was told I needed to be on multiple drugs that had adverse side effects for the rest of my life. It's worse if you're inside a hospital, they can give you drugs against your will without ever telling you what they are. Once I couldn't sleep for three days so my family took me to the ER where they gave me a shot in my arm and suddenly I was no longer in the chair in the ER; I awoke in a gown on a steel slab in a room with no windows. My mom was holding my hand and kept telling me everything would be okay. A nurse escorted her out and I had terrifying hallucinations for an indeterminate period of time until I woke up again in the psych ward. They administered another involuntary injection during my stay and one of the pills they made me take gave me a seizure.
No. 113099
>>113089>my self medication is better than these researched medications and treatments because it worked for me and I have a comic!Nice.
>>113090Yes, that's what I said. That they have nothing in common. Not that they're so different in presentation and symptom that it would be essentially impossible for a trained psychiatrist to mistake them.
>>113091>Ultra rapid cycling (cycles lasting a few days) or ultradian (cycles lasting less than a day) are possible.Do you have a source about these? I always here people talk about them existing, but from my understanding (which isn't perfect of course, I'm not a doctor so if I'm wrong here, please, link me something showing that) a manic or depressive episode must last at least two weeks, and that anything shorter doesn't count as a full episode. Yet (once again, from my understanding, if I'm wrong, links would be appreciated), a diagnosis of Bipolar requires either the presence of a depressive or (hypo)manic episodes. Anything about diagnosis of these being recognised would be appreciated.
I do recognise that Bipolar isn't a perfect cycle though, most of the time people with it are relatively normal, not in the grips of an active episode.
>BPD mood swings are largely triggered by environmental factors, whereas BP is episodic. BP swings can sometimes be triggered by environmental things, but for the most part it just happens on its own.Nah, BPD mood swings are almost always
triggered by something. Whether that be something that actually happened, or something that they assumed happened is a whole different matter though.
>That being said obvs they are different but they really do have overlapping symptoms or similar ones at least.There's some similarities, sure, but they're really superficial, and any more understanding of either disorder shows that they really aren't at all that related, apart from both including mood fluctuation of some sort.
I appreciate you discussing this though, even if we don't entirely agree.
>>113092Come on, you could at least tone down the samefagging a little bit. Not everyone who disagrees with you is /r9k/, and I don't think anything I said suggested I was.
>>113094I agree almost completely with this post, though I'd advocate people are hesitant with trying drugs with potential for recreational use to fix their issues, as that leads really easily to addiction.
As far as I know though, the whole "paid off by muh big pharma!" is almost exclusively an American thing. Ads for medications of any sort except for like paracetamol or cough medicine are illegal in my country, for example, and we're relatively well known (Aus).
No. 113106
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>>113099I don't care about anything you have to say because you literally said that events that occurred in my life never happened. You have NO idea what it's like being admitted to an American mental hospital against your will, what it's like afterwards. Shut the fuck up.
No. 113108
>>113106I said that the events in your life never happened because they obviously didn't, retard. No psychiatrist will go "Oh, you got better without medications? Must have been this unrelated disorder, instead of you just simply getting better like people sometimes do for seemingly no reason".
It's kind of hard to play it off as not caring about what I say when you samefagged several responses to me, by the way.
No. 113109
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Nothing you say will change what happened. Have you ever even been to the USA?
>If you have bipolar disorder, you may need to take medication indefinitely and possibly for the rest of your life.First fucking sentence. must be nice over there in Australia.
No. 113110
>>113109>If you have bipolar disorder, you may need to take medication indefinitely and possibly for the rest of your life.I never denied this?
I denied this part
>once I stopped taking them without consulting her she said I must not really be bipolar, I must just have Borderline Personality Disorder if I feel better off medsAnd
>Joke is the person who actually gave me therapy said I had made too much progress to have borderlineBecause they are completely nonsensical, ignore the basic nature of both disorders, and show that you're talking from an amateur perspective of both what they are, and treatable they are.
No. 113111
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>>113110>a doctor would never attempt to justify having told you that you would need medication for the rest of your life after being wrong
>a therapist would never tell their patient that their treatment had been successfulTell me anon, what did Dr. Castellanos actually say to me when I stopped taking meds without consulting her??? :)
No. 113112
>>113111>a doctor would never attempt to justify having told you that you would need medication for the rest of your life after being wrongI really doubt a psychiatrist would go "Oh, you're in a state where you aren't displaying active symptoms? It must have been this almost completely unrelated disorder". You realise that bipolar can go years without active episodes for seemingly no reason, right? And that, as I said, it presents absolutely nothing like BPD?
>a therapist would never tell their patient that their treatment had been successfulThat's not what I said at all though. I said a therapist wouldn't go "Oh no, couldn't be BPD, you've gotten better!", because people with BPD are absolutely capable of getting better.
>Tell me anon, what did Dr. Castellanos actually say to me when I stopped taking meds without consulting her???Wow gee you sure showed me by asking an impossible to answer question for me that doesn't actually support what you're saying or refute what I'm saying.
Hey, while we're at it, what did I eat for dinner last night? If you can't answer, I'm right, just by the way.
No. 113113
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>>113112That's not what she said at all. Before I stopped taking the medication, I asked her if I should do it because I was still having symptoms (random dissociation and crying) on the medication. She said that was a bad idea because she had a patient with Bipolar Type I who stopped taking his medication after 20 years of being on it and soon after he stopped the regimen he had a manic episode and pushed his wife in a restaurant.
I asked her if I could stop taking medication after spending 4 years on different combinations, after once having been on so much Latuda that I started having involuntary muscle tremors, and I was still hearing voices, still crying, still having anxiety attacks.
I stopped taking them without consulting anyone. When I told her about it at the next appointment she initially tried to get me to get back on the medication. Then she asked me what my worst manic incident was so I told her about that one time with the gun. She said that she wasn't sure because she didn't know the whole story but it seemed like my problem was actually poor impulse control related to childhood trauma, from what she had seen between me and my family when they used to insist on sitting in during sessions. She said to ask my therapist if I had borderline because that can cause psychosis and mood swings as well.
My therapist did not tell me I could not possibly ever have had borderline, she said I didn't have BPD
BECAUSE I had gotten better. See, she's not an MD, so she has no incentive to tell a healthy person that they are sick.
BTW you're lying, you didn't have dinner last night. How does that feel?
No. 113114
>>113113>I stopped taking them without consulting anyone. When I told her about it at the next appointment she initially tried to get me to get back on the medication. Then she asked me what my worst manic incident was so I told her about that one time with the gun. She said that she wasn't sure because she didn't know the whole story but it seemed like my problem was actually poor impulse control related to childhood trauma, from what she had seen between me and my family when they used to insist on sitting in during sessions. She said to ask my therapist if I had borderline because that can cause psychosis and mood swings as well.So, to put it in a more accurate way, you misrepresented your episodes to your psychiatrist, and then bitched when they got it wrong?
That's actually even better than what I said.
And either way, no-one went "Oh, you're better without medication? Must be borderline", like you said, you just explained it more accurately to them and they asked if your therapist had ever asked you about another disorder.
Why lie anon? I get you think that muh big pharma is out to get you, but why intentionally misrepresent your story to try to convince others to do what you think is right? You didn't have Bipolar, and you going around and telling people you did and that weed cured it is just going to hurt people. It's legal in plenty of places. If it helped Bipolar, it would be a recognised treatment in those places for it. It isn't, because it doesn't, and it can be directly harmful for them.
>she said I didn't have BPD BECAUSE I had gotten better. Which is, like the rest of your story, a load of shit. People with BPD do react to therapy. They react better to some forms than others, but if they're willing to do it, they can improve from basic CBT.
Or are you trying to claim that they're now going you don't have BPD because you just recovered from it without anyone knowing you had it and your doctor was actually trying to trick you into muh big pharma schemes all along?
>BTW you're lying, you didn't have dinner last night. How does that feel?Feels like the leftovers I just finished were very unfulfilling, what with them not being there and all.
No. 113116
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>>113114I didn't misrepresent JACK SHIT to ANYONE.
I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder by hospital staff after being admitted for not sleeping for three days. I would say being unable to sleep for three days despite wanting to is a pretty clear sign of mania.
My private Psychiatrist said that if I were truly Bipolar I would have felt better on the medication and that it was impossible for me to be bipolar if I felt I could function without it.
The therapist never said I never had BPD. She said I had improved too much for me to currently have it at this moment in time.
There are studies showing that it can be directly helpful for people with bipolar disorder, actually.
>muh memes having something other than ignorance for dinner.
No. 113138
>>113116>I didn't misrepresent JACK SHIT to ANYONE.Sure.
>I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder by hospital staff after being admitted for not sleeping for three days. I would say being unable to sleep for three days despite wanting to is a pretty clear sign of mania.It's a clear sign of distress, you can't be in a full manic episode within three days though. Maybe you heard them mention Bipolar, but you clearly weren't diagnosed.
>There are studies showing that it can be directly helpful for people with bipolar disorder, actually.Why don't you link them then? I'd be interested in reading how a substance with potential for recreational use and abuse is at all recommended for someone with a fragile already mental state.
Seriously though, take off the tin foil hat. Big pharma isn't out to get you, you weren't tricked by your doctor or some shit, you just clearly misrepresented what you were going through severely, and they made the wrong choice as a result.
There's literally dozens of studies showing how medications can help people, you sperging out about them doesn't change that.
No. 113140
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>>113138The hospital gave me papers that said I had bipolar and explained what it was. I don't have them because it was over three years ago.
Me sperging out? What about the confessions of all the people who used to work in this industry? John Virapen is just a 'sperging' lying quack, right?
>Why don't you link them then?I've been accused of "linking things too often" in arguments a lot. I'm glad you're at least willing to look at these, although it doesn't seem like you looked at my other sources either. marijuana remains a schedule I drug federally despite the FDA recommending otherwise to the DEA.
Just because medications CAN help people doesn't mean that people SHOULD take them. At the very least doctors shouldn't tell a bipolar person that they will have to be medicated indefinitely for the rest of their lives, I have a UK schizoaffective friend and she said she was on meds for a while but the doctor never told her she'd have to be on them forever. And schizoaffective symptoms are supposedly worse in some aspects.
No. 113142
>>113140>The hospital gave me papers that said I had bipolar and explained what it was. I don't have them because it was over three years ago.Sure.
> just says they think a bit clearer, not that it helps with the actual symptoms of Bipolar. Neurocognitive impairment isn't the thing someone with Bipolar needs to focus on handling (generally). They need to focus on stopping the cycle of manic and depressive states.
> as above.
> doesn't really say anything about whether it helps or not, though I do agree with the content that more research could be useful.
My point as to why it's not so helpful is that (ignoring that there's been links drawn to emergence of psychosis), it is by its nature a recreational substance. People with mental health issues are at a far increased risk of substance abuse than the general population, and even if it does make them feel better, the risk for developing a dependence on it to cope with your issues at all, which does lead to tolerance (can't exactly take a t break when you're in crisis), which does lead to situations where you just end up back where you were before at best, with less money. More likely though, you'd also have the symptoms that abuse of cannabis does carry.
It's the same reason why they don't give everyone who has stress benzo's. Sure, they do work, they work exceptionally well at what they're meant to do. But it's way too easy to develop a dependence on them and end up with an addiction to it and not learned anything about how to manage your particular issues.
And until there are studies that show that it does help with the potentially dangerous symptoms of Bipolar, I think it's harmful to tell people not to take medication and just to smoke forever.
You may not have had Bipolar, and in your case, it's great it helped you. But for someone who does, they're going to need more than a joint here or there to recover.
>Just because medications CAN help people doesn't mean that people SHOULD take them.Agree completely. There's paths that should be followed first. Though I don't really think there's a difference between having to smoke pot forever to be okay and having to take a pill at night to be okay, in both cases you're relying on drug therapy forever.
>t the very least doctors shouldn't tell a bipolar person that they will have to be medicated indefinitely for the rest of their lives, I have a UK schizoaffective friend and she said she was on meds for a while but the doctor never told her she'd have to be on them forever.I can't talk to this, I've at most had a doctor say it's something that potentially might have to be taken forever, but that to come back in a few months and review how things were going then.
No. 113150
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>>113138Look, I don't believe I ever said "dude just do weed every day and you'll be fine ayy lmao fam". I just wanted to share my personal experiences because I got asked to elaborate on them.
I personally found LSD to be much more helpful than marijuana in that it allowed me to objectively examine myself without shying away from unpleasant thoughts.
I shared a link to a study done in the UK this year on LSD that indicates that it may have therapeutic potential for treatment resistant depression and PTSD in particular. But I believe it should be schedule II and taken under the care of a trusted therapist, not sold over the counter under any circumstances and always taken in a very controlled environment. I don't think people should "trip" more than once or twice a year.
> Though I don't really think there's a difference between having to smoke pot forever to be okay and having to take a pill at night to be okay, in both cases you're relying on drug therapy forever.That's true in a sense, except marijuana doesn't have any of the harmful side effects that the drugs I was on have. Latuda, a mood stabilizer that is the only FDA approved drug to treat bipolar depression, changed the way my body processed carbohydrates. I became overweight for my height on the BMI by about 5lbs, so I started taking Topiramate, an anti-seizure medication that causes short term memory loss, for its side effect of weight loss. It is funny to me that you say
>they don't give everyone who has stress benzo'sbecause my Psychiatrist knew full well about my history of drug use and prescribed me .5mg of Lorazepam for anxiety. It's ironic because I'm the crazy anon hippie druggie poster right? But I have a whole bottle of Lorazepam in a drawer that I don't even want to take because I transcended the need to take it for anxiety and the side effects are fucking horrible anyway. Oh, and I was prescribed Temazepam, another benzo, so I could sleep at night, right? And my mother actually was the one who told me not to take it too often for sleep because she had read online that it could cause serious kidney problems.
Marijuana doesn't hurt your kidneys and intoxicates less than alcohol (multiple Olympic athletes have competed with marijuana in their bloodstream, look up Ross Rebagliati).
Honestly I would advise everyone against smoking ANYTHING every day. If you're going to get potted up on weed every day, cannabis oil or cannabis vaporization are the healthiest ways to do it.
I don't think everyone should do this. But for instance; someone in my family has diabetic neuropathy, and I think maybe if the vote passes in our state this November, patients like him would see a huge improvement, at least in quality of life. Right now he drinks alcohol to be able to fall asleep, except white wine is fucking loaded with sugar. There's research showing marijuana helps with this exact problem: only thing that I would universally recommend to everyone, even if they have never had a diagnosis of a mental illness, is therapy. I can't personally speak to the effectiveness of CBT, but EMDR was really helpful in helping to reprocess trauma for me personally.
It seems like we might actually agree on more things than not.
I just want people to make informed decisions. Question everything. Peace be with you.
No. 113156
>>113150>I shared a link to a study done in the UK this year on LSD that indicates that it may have therapeutic potential for treatment resistant depression and PTSD in particular. But I believe it should be schedule II and taken under the care of a trusted therapist, not sold over the counter under any circumstances and always taken in a very controlled environment.Yep, I agree completely. It seems to have some use as a therapeutic tool, but not just as a cure you take yourself.
>Latuda, a mood stabilizer that is the only FDA approved drug to treat bipolar depressionI've been on it, but from memory, Latuda is primarily an anti-psychotic medication that also seems to help with depression in Bipolar patients. There's lots of meds that help with depression in them, it's just relatively unique because it does both pretty well.
> It's ironic because I'm the crazy anon hippie druggie poster right? But I have a whole bottle of Lorazepam in a drawer that I don't even want to take because I transcended the need to take it for anxiety and the side effects are fucking horrible anyway. Oh, and I was prescribed Temazepam, another benzo, so I could sleep at night, right?Okay? It still stands that they don't give everyone who's got anxiety benzo's, they're heavily restricted medications.
In my country, alprazolam is one of the absolute hardest medications to get prescribed, to the point where doctors have to go out of their way to get special licensing to be able to give a script for longer than a month of it, and it's controlled by a central office (pharmacy must contact them to make sure the script's been approved). People still get it, but it's rare.
>Marijuana doesn't hurt your kidneys and intoxicates less than alcohol (multiple Olympic athletes have competed with marijuana in their bloodstream, look up Ross Rebagliati).Intoxicates less than alcohol isn't much of a statement, though I get what you're saying.
Someone who's drank too much can be just as fucked up as some junkie who's nodding.
>Honestly I would advise everyone against smoking ANYTHING every day. If you're going to get potted up on weed every day, cannabis oil or cannabis vaporization are the healthiest ways to do it. I'd advice against use of anything that's not prescribed every day really. Drugs like that (With recreational usages I mean) should be used when you absolutely need to. To use the example of benzo's again, if you get a script for, say alprazolam for panic disorder, you're not meant to take that whenever you're stressed, or whenever you have a panic attack. It's for when you're in crisis.
Same goes for pot. If you're going to self medicate with something like that, it's incredibly important to realise that addiction does form really easily, and self medication has led fucking heaps of people from just smoking sometimes, to smoking all the time, to taking benzos, and then you're dealing with potential fatal wd's from that.
It's a very fraught path to take, especially when there are non-addictive options that don't have recreational uses.
>The only thing that I would universally recommend to everyone, even if they have never had a diagnosis of a mental illness, is therapy. I can't personally speak to the effectiveness of CBT, but EMDR was really helpful in helping to reprocess trauma for me personally.Yep, once again, I agree completely. You don't need a mental illness diagnosis to do therapy (and it's honestly next to impossible to diagnose someone without them regularly consulting a therapist), and it should absolutely be your first choice if you're struggling, not medication.
People are too eager to just take a pill and fix everything, and not have to possibly work on themselves, or confront intense things like traumatic events, or changing major parts about how they live day to day.
>It seems like we might actually agree on more things than not.>I just want people to make informed decisions. Yep, I agree. My main issue was that it seemed like you were coming across as "I'm Bipolar and weed cured me! Don't take your medications, just smoke week, it's a magic cure". But it doesn't seem that way, and I agree with what you're saying generally.
No. 113157
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>>113156Latuda helped with psychosis when it was really bad, but it never really did anything about the depression/crying fits and it had other awful side effects. When I was at the highest dose (120mg when i'm pretty short) I had really intense muscle tremors where I couldn't move because I was twitching so hard.
My psychiatrist told me I couldn't be on regular SSRIs or MAOIs because they had a chance of making me manic.
>If you're going to self medicate with something like that, it's incredibly important to realise that addiction does form really easily, and self medication has led fucking heaps of people from just smoking sometimes, to smoking all the time, to taking benzos, and then you're dealing with potential fatal wd's from that.I agree that benzos are terrible from both a health stand-point and a recreational high stand-point. But as I said, I have had a full bottle of Lorazepam for months since I stopped taking all prescription meds. I abused it recreationally a few times but I eventually started getting pretty bad nausea when I would only take 1.5mg at most. I don't want to take it even at the prescribed dose anymore. Benzos are terrible.
My first high and my first drug of choice was not marijuana, but benadryl. Fucking benadryl has a recreational use and I got addicted for a short period of time in my childhood, no joke. I'd rather someone my age back then smoke weed than do benadryl. Benadryl was available to me over the counter.
Nah, therapy cured me not weed. Meditation, talk therapy, private mantras, etc. I'm really grateful to have people that love me who pushed me to get therapy.
No. 113158
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I've done weed, a couple different stims, Benadryl, Dex, and methadone (w/o my consent).
Right now I have a prescription for offbrand Lexapro and Vyvanse. Used to take Wellbutrin, but found I leveled off pretty rapidly on it w/o much energy payoff. The Vyvanse is immensely better but I think I'll be forced to take breaks to keep my body from getting too used to it. I can bear to go to my stressful job and I don't cry anymore, wouldn't want to quit these drugs anytime soon. Sidenote: I tried Adderall from a friend once but coincidentally I got an insane inner ear infection literally the same day so I don't remember experiencing anything significant bc I was sick as a dog.
Before I went on these pills, I self-medicated with weed. When I lived in a blue state weed was a lot easier to obtain and I found myself indulging recreationally at least a week or two continuously every month. It really helped my stress and anxiety during grad school, and helped ease my existential dread. It curved my eating disorder and helped me sleep when I needed to.
Music and animation were wonderful while high.
These days, living in a red state, I never get any weed and my bf is hesitant to help me. So…whatever I guess. It really is my favorite drug though. I'm convinced if I had it I wouldn't need the Lexapro or the stims.
Tbh Dex and Benadryl are probably the most stupid drugs I've ever taken in excess and would never try again. I took such a retarded dose of Benadryl I'm surprised I didn't do major damage. Seriously I probably had in excess of 2000mg within 16 hours. I was seeing spiders, felt "rolling" sensations over my brain, and had strange ticks.
My list of to-trys:
Curious about Salvia but idk.
Would never bother to try coke. Refuse to do meth and most opiod pain killers.
No. 113160
>>113157>Latuda helped with psychosis when it was really bad, but it never really did anything about the depression/crying fits and it had other awful side effects. When I was at the highest dose (120mg when i'm pretty short) I had really intense muscle tremors where I couldn't move because I was twitching so hard.Yeah, didn't help with either for me, just make me dizzy and disoriented. But still, from memory it's primarily an anti-psychotic.
>I agree that benzos are terrible from both a health stand-point and a recreational high stand-point. But as I said, I have had a full bottle of Lorazepam for months since I stopped taking all prescription medsYeah, and that might be the case for you, but I'd still say that self medication is a risky path for anyone to go down, because it turns from just sometimes when it's justified to a full blown addiction very quickly, and you don't notice it's happening the whole time, it seems justified.
>My first high and my first drug of choice was not marijuana, but benadryl. Fucking benadryl has a recreational use and I got addicted for a short period of time in my childhood, no joke. I'd rather someone my age back then smoke weed than do benadryl. Benadryl was available to me over the counter.Yeah, over the counter highs are an issue too, but I don't really think I've heard of many people getting hooked on benadryl or dxm or something.
But yeah, I agree with you about therapy. It's the most important part of any recovery process, and should definitely be used before meds are even thought about, excluding very specific situations (active psychosis or mania for example).
No. 120195
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hash and/or booze usually every weekend. psilocybin shrooms maybe once or twice a year. i want to try coke…
No. 120200
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>>113158dex is my fuckin life. you got to lay in the dark and listen to music to get the most out of it. i always feel dreamy like im floating in space or like im an alien and my body is my vessel in this strange dimension. it also helps to be thoughtful throughout the day by questioning life and existence
No. 120206
>>120200How the fuck do you not itch your eyes off?
My experience with dex was such garbage and it's not like I didn't dig for any research beforehand. I saw posts saying that there
might be some itchiness but fuck me if that wasn't an understatement.
I itched myself raw and was basically incapacitated/nauseous for an entire day. Additionally I was so damn high I don't remember a lot of the trip. And I only know that because my high ass decided to record myself because I had no trip sitter, so I found that I said and did shit on video that I don't even remember doing. Freaky shit.
No. 120211
>>120206i dont get robo itch but i hear taking benadryl an hour beforehand helps with the itching and nausea so that sounds perfect for you. theres warnings not to take non-drowsy antihistamines (like zyrtec and claritin) with dxm so make sure you dont substitute with those. eating too much or too little before your trip also has a major effect on nausea. try eating some crackers before a trip and stay away from large or greasy meals.
being unable to remember the trip has something to do with an individual's brain chemistry. it's strange but common. out of curiosity, how many mgs did you take? if you're ever willing to try again, maybe take a smaller dose? the lower plateaus are just as worth exploring as the higher ones. dxm is so diverse and effects everyone in a variety of ways but the littlest things will make a big impact.
No. 120212
Weed, mushrooms, LSD, unknown RCs, mdma, mda, amphetamines, coke, probably meth, inhalents (I was a retarded teenager), tramodol, benzos, opiates, and heroin.
I really want to try DMT, but I'm waiting for the right time.
I drink everyday. I trip about once a month. I used to use valium a lot, but i don't need a benzo addiction. i still take molly at shows and clubs frequently. And I don't think anyone here would consider kava root or kratom to be drugs, but I use those a few times a week.
No. 120228
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>smoked hash for the first time
>Take Ecstasy
No. 120245
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>>120228Drugs are bad for you.
No. 120288
>>120245>>120246b-b-but i want to be like the cool kids
But in all honesty it feels really good after vomiting
No. 120308
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No. 120309
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420 everyday. I wanna try shrooms, but I fall on the schizo umbrella and worried I'll lose connection with reality. :/
No. 120333
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I miss pills so bad. I've done a lot of drugs, but I can't shake how much I crave opiates.
I went to rehab years ago and now only really do them sometimes when the opportunity presents itself, but I know I'd get back addicted to it in a second if I had the money/connects. I'm an alcoholic now and it's just made me fat and I hate that.
I usually smoke weed to help me sleep, chill out at night, but I stopped last month for a job-related drug test I might be getting soon.
No. 120380
>>120305i've done spice on two different occasions.
first time when i was 15 in a social setting. i don't remember much of it but i had a good time and nobody was acting weird or crazy. just really amused and zoned out.
second when i was 18 and i did it alone. way less fun and a bit unsettling. personally, it feels like getting too intensely high on weed with some dissociation mixed in.
definitely not something i would intentionally seek out in the future.
No. 120472
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>>120380>spicelmao I smoked that shit when I was 18 too
I had brought real cannabis to smoke and my friend had said he'd match my contribution but he had brought a "spice" called "Mr. Nice Guy" instead….
long story short the girl he and I were smoking with became nonverbal and acted extremely strange, throwing dead leaves at herself and rolling on the floor…
we were at school at the time, it was our lunch break and we had gone off campus. we needed to get back before class.
we got her in the car safely, she seemed to calm down. when we got her to the parking lot at school we thought everything was cool but she threw herself on the asphalt and started making animal noises and masturbating so that drew a crowd and we all almost didn't fucking graduate
she had to go to the hospital and apparently almost died or something
but they let us get our diplomas because the spice was legal.
Guess they didn't know I had brought actual cannabis to the park, oops.
No. 120991
>>120472Where are you from? Where I live mr. Nice guy is extremely popular, I haven't encountered the name outside of country.
The people I know who smoked this regularly had to be locked up in a closed psychiatric hospital because they became psychotic.
I know a guy who works at the narcotics department at the police, he said this thing is made from tea leaves, soaked in repellent products, dried and then soaked again. I don't remember really the details but I think you can guess this drug is just chemical garbage.
No. 120994
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My ol' art buddy knows I'm super stressed and broke (due to college related shit)
So he was a champ and just gave me a decently big bud, which made me happy as hell cause anxiety yo.
Anyways smoked that shit yesterday and it was the highest ive been since i took my first bong hit (given it was a giant glass bong) Ended up using the little money i had left to buy new underwear cause previously I had been too worried about other finances to allow myself that shit.
Cannabis is forever a best bro letting me get new bras n shit while i listen to my fave tunes.
No. 121224
>>121154You can grow shrooms yourself, just buy the spores online for "research" purposes. They even have full kits you can buy.
Or join your local mushroom hunting group. They won't let you keep the trippy ones, but then you'll learn where they are.
No. 121227
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>>120991>Where are you from?Miami, Florida. I think the popular crazy drug here is called "flakka" now, basically a tweaked version of Mr. Nice Guy or something. People smoke it and strip naked inside banks and shit, kek.
A guilty pleasure of mine is that I enjoy watching videos of people on crazy drugs like this: No. 121228
>>121154dark web yo. delivered straight to your door. do your research on using tor and bitcoin etc.
though it's a good idea to get some friends even just so you have a sitter. maybe post on a psychedelics subreddit and ask for friends and introductions locally (without sounding like a narc if possible)? acid freaks tend to be super nice and open so if you just posted your location and said you want to trip it might work out
No. 121249
>>121234>use heroin somewhat regularly>But I'm not addicted though!You realise that addicts everywhere say that same shit right? That they control it, they can stop whenever they want, that they're totally different?
Addiction is almost completely mental, not getting withdrawals doesn't mean you aren't hooked.
No. 121306
I've done weed, lsd, coke, 2CB, ecstasy.
Weed is fine but i don't like the munchies (ana-chan here)
LSD was my fave until it was impossible to get something decent in my city, i didn't want to take the risk.
I hate coke well…perico, it wears off so fast and it gets me in a bad mood.
And definitely love ecstasy to the core of my heart, is the best but sometimes but i get so depressed D: the comedown its the worst.
Want to try snorting some MDMA but i think
>>46070>>120288is pretty normal to feel nausea or to vomit with x…maybe try to eat well before you take it, every time i feel nauseous is because i haven't eating properly. Or simply you are taking too much.
No. 121310
>>121229the mechanism of psychedelics is very different from SSRIs, so they won't treat antidepressant withdrawal (although they might help on a psychological level). and like
>>121259 said, SSRIs usually weaken the effects of psychedelics, they effectively desensitize your serotonin receptors. although if you were able to trip on acid before it will probably be fine.
No. 121326
>>121258Thanks anon, I did consider that, but I thought that consistently lowering the dose of one drug and microdosing of the other would mean that at the very most, my serotonin level would remain constant.
My long-term goal with this is to normalise my serotonin receptors and not be reliant on such blunt-force meds.
>>121259>>121310Actually didn't get the opportunity for a full scale trip on acid, but I had what was probably more than a microdose, since everything looked prettier and I experienced slight euphoria. My point is, the reaction seemed normal, so I'm hopeful for this DMT experiment.
No. 173646
>>112660Can't believe that this thread is still around, but I'm the person you're replying to, and my issue wasn't with people saying exercise is good for depression (I know it is), but with them saying it was more effective than antidepressants.
I'd encourage anyone to exercise whether they were depressed or not
No. 174286
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Anyone else like to create art while under the influence even if you're just smoking some dope or relaxing with a beer? One trip, on a certain dissociative, I was captivated by psychedelic artwork after depression turned me off from drawing for years and it's gotten me into art again, completely changing my work for the better. Nothing more euphoric than opiates, listening to my favourite tunes, and turning a sketch into a personal masterpiece. It's like I have some sort of creative bone in my body again.
I've also been interested in trip journals and keeping a log of how I feel/what I'm thinking while I'm out of my mind but haven't quite gotten around to buying a journal yet. I saw some cute decorated journals on tumblr and now I really want to get my hands on a bunch of craft stuff so I can personalize it too.
No. 188187
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>>188158>when you bump the thread to tell people you smoked grasslmfao
No. 188396
>>188389Generally, yeah, cokeheads are assholes because they're by definition addicts and the drug can make you really aggressive/full of yourself
>>188391I feel like you and I are on an eternal battle over this, "don't do coke"-anon. I've done coke a thousand times, even did it daily for almost a whole year and never got to losing dignity, friends or cash (can't say the same about health, my nose bled constantly). Never got addicted. I like alcohol a hell of a lot more than coke tbh.
No. 188405
>>188396I don't want to be a dick but
>did it daily for almost a whole year>Never got addictedbruh.
No. 188410
I only smoke weed and drink, thats it. Weed does nothing for me, just makes me tired and gives me headaches, which is a shame bc i started smoking hoping it would help my anxiety but it does fuck all I sort of feel like im doing something wrong? The only time it did anything for me was at party when I took like 4 pulls and stared at a disco light for an hour, convinced it was blinking in time with the music. I smoke about once a week or so just socially now. I dont even drink often at all, but if I do its whiskey shots, drinking makes me confident but I hate it, I always end doing embarrassing shit and I hate drinking culture.
I always said I would stay clear of drugs but my anxiety and depression is getting so terrible lately Id love to just take my mind of things even for just half an hour. Where I live booze weed and nos are standard at pretty much all partys, but last weekend I went out with a friend who is into harder stuff, she offered me MD and coke to try and help me of the depressive mood I was in but I turned her down, I kind of wish I had said yes to the coke tho. She thinks Id like ketamine but Ive seen the film party monster and I dont want to end up like that lmao
No. 188460
Drugs done?
Ehh my memory is shitty but..
-pretty much all opiods but never touched heroin/fentanyl. Shot up dilaudid several times but shooting up is NOT my thing. And one of my best friends died from shooting up fentanyl so no thanks
-xanax, klonopin, ativan
-cough syrup and corocidin (terrible)
-weed/spice (one time for spice fuck that)
-air duster/whippits (also terrible)
-adderall/focalin, other uppers (no crack or meth or harder shit)
-ambien (why)
As for the one I got addicted to, and the reason for my now shitty memory is Xanax. Idk why. It started back in 2014 when I broke up with my gf of 3 years (first "serious" relationship and she cheated on me with another girl the whole time and I knew but kept taking her back cuz I was naive and she was sooo convincing, promising to change..) and I was so fucking heartbroken I just wanted to die. Friend at the time had a bf that was pushing here, so I got it alll for free. A fucking shit ton of them. I went off the deep end and I don't know how much I was using a day but it basically blanked out a complete 3 months of my life. I became a klepto, had sex I couldn't even remember having with various people, cut my legs into oblivion, basically wanting a slow, drawn out suicide.
I guess it was the fact it made me forget my feelings and completely detached me from having to cope with my emotions. Luckily when I became homeless I got arrested for tripping balls and looking suspicious as fuck at target, talking to trees and imaginary people..and my ass got sent to rehab. (Got news there was a warrant for my arrest there a month in but only spent a night in jail)
Unfortunately it resulted in my developing tics and seizures that have landed me in the hospital several times. I've since kicked the habit for the most part (sometimes rarely using it to sleep) but it sucks because any anxiety I had before had been 1000x worse since I stopped. I don't know why my brain/body wants to return to a "high" you can barely fucking remember and that makes you act dumb as hell.
I'm on probation now so drugs are few and far between now. I just take my adderall, occasionally smoke some weed, and get a little tipsy now and then. Maybe roll on special days but also rare. Anything else is a waste because I've realized I have an addictive as fuck personality and it wastes money that could be used on something…useful.
Idk kinda rambling because it's 4AM but I hope anyone reading this that has chosen drugs to deal with the problems in your life…its just not worth it. I swear. You'll come out of it and realize what a fool you were while taking them and not handling what you are feeling inside. It doesn't make anything better, just way, WAY worse. I'm here as a listening ear and guiding advice if you need help. You're not broken and there is beauty inside you if you choose to seek it out.
No. 188481
>>188389Yes. Yesterday I went to a party and some friends consumed and they start acting super annoying and agressive. It was so unpleasant to watch that I don't want to try coke. Also, if you start consuming often you get a weird belly fat and crazy eyes.
>>188422Sounds like a creepypasta but it can be perfectly true. It depends of the drugs, the quality and price the dealer sells. Expensive strains weed dealers are the chill stoner archetype, very nice and cool. If you want some cheaper and least pure you have to go to some shady places.
No. 190752
>>190725Lol, just saw your post now, I'm
>>190751. If you stay at home too do you want to chat over discord or something perhaps?
No. 191381
>>191330hello, i'm the first LSD anon. our deal predictably fell thru. waiting for an update, it's still a possibility but without a definite date.
>>190751doing acid alone-chan, have a trip sitter with you because that's my plan. never do drugs alone for the first time. it could be wild if we could chat through discord during, but it's a slim chance unfortunately. have a safe fun trip.
No. 191504
>>191330>>191381I wish I read this sooner. Because I dropped it yesterday. I can share my experience if you want. I didn't had a tripsitter because I don't really have that much friends, but I was chatting with a couple of oversea friends online so they "tripsitted" me in the beginning.
At first I cut off a small edge of the blotter and kept it in my mouth to allergy test it for an hour. Since I didn't feel anything I took the rest of the 100µg. Placed it under my tongue and let it sit there for ~20 minutes. I think around ~40 minutes after taking it I started to feel effects. I felt heavy was sinking into my chair at the PC. (I was still chatting online and looking at "trippy" pictures) Then I looked at an amazing photograph of a waterfall, that looked ultra HD and started to visually "distort". I remember writing into the chat something like "guys I think it's starting" and looked around my rooms and noticed my walls were moving a bit and the lights of the monitor were shifting like those old VHS tapes. So I went to bed and let a playlist running. I could go more into detail if you want but basically: I wrote a huge letter to myself, saying that many things in my life that are giving me a lot of anxiety aren't so bad after all. That I really stopped giving so much of a shit. That everything will be fine and that deeply inside me is something that is bright and glowing and watching me. And that this thing inside me only wants my best.
I then let this kind of music playing, because I sadly ruined a lot of my peaking because the music you find online that is "trippy psy chill" stuff all started to sound super weird to me and I really didn't want to feel a bad mood. Finally I let this here running that I created now for next time that ends with a super relaxed 24/7 radio station. Oh and that video was amazing, too
I was really afraid that meeting my "inner self" would be a bad thing. Because I always thought I have a lot of self hatred, social anxiety and depression. But seems like the something that is hurting me is the active part, not the subconcious. I even put huge towels covering all mirrors, because I've heard of people seeing themselves as Monsters and such things. So I was curious, at first I looked at a just my pupils, that were quite big. Then I was amazed, I looked at my face and just thought I look incredibly cute. Like a bug eyed happy hippie. Wearing a colorful hoodie was also beautiful.
Another breakthrough that I had was that I finally got over my Ex, that left me crying in the shower and bed as recent as the day before. I finally thought about that this douchebag was just never worth my time, that it's not his fault. He's just that kind of person, and that's okay. I spend the rest getting super comfy in bed, sometimes standing up and dancing a bit with my plushtoy cat that I was hugging. Drawing a lot and for some reason re-arranging my room to make it more comfortable.
Then I was considering even going out, because the sun was shining, but I was a little bit too anxious for that. Perhaps when I'm more experienced and not alone.
Overall it was an amazing experience. And I can't wait to wait 14 days to try it again :3 I don't want to do this regular but currently I'm not in school or college till summer, and working shitty retail jobs, so I want to do this for a bit till life gets serious. I know this sounds underage, but I'm 21, I just take a bit more time.
Surpringsly I didn't get 100% sober even after like 20 hours. I didn't feel mentally high but it didn't go away completely till I slept. If you have any more questions we can chat on discord or something.
Now the day after I feel a bit blue. I don't know if depression is just coming back or if that will go away after a while. But even though the feeling is gone, I really feel like the conclusion of this all will stay with me.
No. 191524
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I smoke weed a couple of time a week now that I'm dating my bf and going out more. I can't drink (overheating, headaches, etc.) so weed is my party drug. I've done ecstasy once and acid almost 10? times I would say. Ecstasy just gave me a bad headache when I became thirsty and acid is my favorite drug. Not interested in doing anything else that's not a psychedelic tbh - DMT, shrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, etc Might be getting a shroom connect soon :)
No. 191550
>>191549Not quoted anon, but I'm the exact same. Coke just feels like stronger caffeine =, whereas weed is just terrifying.
Weird enough, lsd is fine too
No. 191552
>>191550I've never tried any other drugs before, but weed
triggers horrible existential dread and paranoia for me. I've tried many strains, but they all have this same effect. And my friends are major potheads who keep trying to get me to smoke and say that I'm overreacting/it's good/ weed is medicine from the earth, etc.
No. 191555
I wonder how many other addicts are here? I prefer to smoke weed because it cures a lot of my PTSD and depression symptoms without any downsides but if I don't have that I'm on to alcohol, pain killers, benzos, I've even abused nyquil and benedryl when I was desperate. And if I can't get my hands on any of that I'll just shove food down my throat until I pass out. It's pretty unhealthy.
I really want to try psychedelics. I feel it would be more therapeutic for me but I have no idea where to get it and I don't have any friends to sit trip. How necessary is it to have someone there with you? Anybody have experience buying LSD or other psychedelics on DNM? I would do that but it seems really sketchy. I would hate to die or go crazy or waste my money in general from getting acid that isn't acid.
>>191553I agree. Honestly I feel ashamed to call myself a stoner or a regular smoker because then people think I'm lazy or obsessed with weed or think weed is the cure to every disease and ailment and everyone should smoke weed. I can't stand those people myself, but they make me feel like smoking weed is something I shouldn't tell people.
>>191549My best friend has ADHD and has the same reactions to coke and weed, maybe it's something like that.
No. 191572
>>191548>>191550I'm the opposite. I can handle weed but any stimulants or other drugs that cause tachycardia fuck me up bad. Even caffeine causes an panic attack and I feel like I'm going to die and need to be hospitalized.
Doesn't help that that one kid died from caffeine overdose.
>>191553Too much THC in it for you and not enough CBD. Weed's psychoactive effects (THC) are much stronger than they were just a decade ago. Some people can handle it and some can't.
No. 191573
>>191549They're completely different drugs though, I know weed is considered mild and all but I just react badly to it, and I've tried it a lot.
It just depends on the person and past experiences.
No. 191574
>>191552>>191553Same… I lose it completely. I enjoy drugs but weed just makes me feel so uncomfortable. I can't explain it.
That's why I don't want to try any hallucinogens. I'm really curious about them too, but if I react this badly to weed (technically a mild hallucinogen) then a bad trip on any stronger drugs is not going to be pretty. Shame.
No. 191619
>>191572>Too much THC in it for you and not enough CBD. Weed's psychoactive effects (THC) are much stronger than they were just a decade ago.Not an Anon you where replying to, but holy shit really? Got any links on that it'd be interesting.
Do you think the amount of THC in weed increases by year because at 21 I swear I'm getting way more fucked up than when I was 15 or 16. And I've been smoking pretty consistently.
No. 191624
>>191619 are a few. There's more sites that did articles about this but I can't get into them because I have adblock and sites like Forbes wants you to disable it for le money. Just google "Marijuana Potency Levels".
The CBS News video is pretty on point when the guy talks about THC vs CBD levels. Like he said, the medicinal component (CBD) isn't really there anymore in most strains. You can still cop high CBD strains online though if you live in a legal state OR 100% CBD strains in any state if you've got any type of pain and want to try it out. People claim it helps their seizures and joint pain, etc.
No. 191642
>>191624You can legally buy straight CBD tinctures and oils for consumption in almost every US state. Many people will vape or dab straight CBD oils after hitting flower.
I live in a red southern state and I've never had trouble buying CBD straight from sources, say from Colorado (which I use for pain and anxiety). I assume anyone who complains about weed strains not having enough THC just haven't done enough research to know where they can get CBD extracts online.
Note: Do research where you buy CBD, and don't buy from any company not willing to provide the lab results of their samples.
No. 191643
>>191642Whoops, I meant to say
weed strains not having enough CBD.
No. 191797
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I have been regularly (about once a week, usually weekends) smoking weed for a couple of years now. I'm in uni so I take 2-3 week breaks in exam periods because while I haven't noticed any other side effects my short term memory can be kind of impaired the day after.
I have been taking pure mdma once every three months at home with my bf or friends. None of the ridiculously high dosing or cutting with speed you see at parties, just the powder. I have never experienced any negative side effects, a hangover or a harsh comedown. Everything has always been 100% beautiful and I've been doing this for two years. It's probably because of the purity (I've had it tested since you can do that legally and without consequence in my country and it's 99% pure) and the time I leave in between (I really don't want to fry my brain and fuck up my serotonin receptors).
Furthermore I've tried 2CB about 5 times in varying doses, which is nice and apparently very similar to LSD in the doses I've taken. 4FA is a nice replacement for MDMA if my three months aren't over yet. I've tried cocaine, but I didn't really get the hype. Was probably one of the more mediocre drugs I've tried, although oxycodone was very boring too.
Tried ketamine a bunch of times and it's nice. Especially in higher doses it's really something else and makes me more introspective than I'd thought. Plus it actually cures depression for two weeks which is a very nice side effect.
Nitrous oxide is pretty lame when done on it's own but truly shines when done in combination with other substances. Nitrous and weed is already good, nitrous and mdma is amazing, nitrous and 2cB is absolutely orgasmic. Truly hippie crack, "I see the meaning of the universe" tier. (Which is why it's good to not have too much on hand since you'll binge without really noticing.)
I tried LSA and just got extremely sick for almost an entire day. Maybe it was just a bad batch, but I'm not eager to repeat that shit.
Will likely be trying shrooms for the first time in a week, wish me luck farmers!
No. 191835
>>191797Have fun!
Shrooms can give a great visual experience (they enhance lights, colours and patterns) which is wasted if you are indoors, so I strongly advise you to go out in nature, or at least out in the yard, or sit on your balcony if you live in a building and not a house (I did that, and the city lights looked magical).
No. 191837
>>191797Ive read about ketamine 'curing' depression, Im pretty interested honestly; Ive got to that point where Im just willing to whatever it takes to feel better. Im not sure how to go about it tho, I only smoke weed Ive never done anything more than that so I dont really know if it would be a bad idea… I really know nothing about drugs aside from all the scary stuff from hs health classes
I used to be pretty anti-drug use (for myself, igaf what others chose to do as long as they arnt being dumb about it) but right now im a point where I really dont care about my own morals anymore, I just want to be happy even for a few mintutes at most
No. 191843
>>191837This here, ladies, is a sure path to addiction.
Don't do it, any of it. Using drugs as a crutch when you're in a bad spot instead of using them recreationally when you've got yourself together is what makes addicts. It won't heal you, instead it will open up the door to a whole new, worse hell. It will alleviate the depression symptoms in the short run, it will destroy you in the long run.
Please, I beg you, don't even think about it. I am scared for you. I don't know you, but I know one more struggling addict is one more step further from the world me, you, and all of us want to live in.
No. 191853
>>191837Try ketamine. Just moderate your use or do it once. Idk what
>>191843 is on about because unless you have an addictive personality, its only easy to get addicted to retard drugs like heroin and crack.
Experience that shit. I've used morphine, codeine, and dissociatives for my depression and I'm not suddenly a drug addicted asshole lmao
>>191837 No. 191877
>>191870>SUGGESTS that it MAYCool, if you want to be a lab rat.
But I hope anon values their life more than that.
No. 191882
>>191879Because they're not in the lab. They're not part of a controlled experiment.
Nobody will know or notice the effects, nobody will know or notice their struggle, nobody will know or notice when they die.
No. 191906
>>191837Honestly anon, I think it would be good to try it. Ketamine is not a strong high at all when not in a very high dose. If you start craving it afterwards it would be wise to not do it for a while, but otherwise it's not dangerous.
>>191843I think you might be misunderstanding the depression "cure" that ketamine can provide. It isn't in the high of the drug itself and has nothing to do with it. You won't crave another hit or anything to feel less depressed. You can even take such a low dose you'll barely feel it for the effects to be present.
Ketamine high only lasts for an hour. Doesn't have any negative after effects except for a gross taste in your mouth for a few hours tops. The "depression curing" can be present in the weeks after taking.
For me, I never felt "high" or anything like that in the weeks after taking it, but I did notice my depression lessened by quite a bit.
No. 191908
>>191906I am not misunderstanding anything.
I'm saying don't play with fire while you live in a coal mine.
No. 192144
>>191935HOLy shit girl i am morning toking on this new strain and its the best ride ever,
Bout to go out and draw so much good shit in this sunny weather, my spine feels like vanilla pudding
No. 193184
>>193147Better to ask a medical professional who specializes in SSRIs.
Better he quit the weed for a while than risk stopping his real medication.
No. 193191
>>193147I went to the hospital before because of serotonin syndrome. I was taking sertraline but overdosed on it. you'll know if it happens, it's incredibly disorienting. it almost feels like you're dreaming but you're awake, and for me I was very dizzy and had trouble speaking.
I'm not too sure about mixing weed with sertraline because I never smoked heavily on it. I found I got stoned faster when I was taking it. I think, like drinking, smoking definitely alters the effectiveness of your medication, but SS probably won't sneak up on you, he'd feel it happen if my experience was standard at all.
No. 193192
>>193147I have been a chronic pot smoker for about 4 years and the entire time I was on sertraline. It worked the same as it did before I started smoking. I stopped taking the sertraline 6 months ago and still smoke weed everyday and I can feel my depression/anxiety returning.
Basically, I wouldn't worry about the two drugs cancelling each other; in my experience weed didn't effect my antidepressants at all.
No. 193209
>>193192! i'm not the person you're replying to but i was just considering this today. i've avoided weed for years since i started sertraline because the meds finally give me a semblance of normalcy and happiness that i would never trade for a high. but this has me interested.
do you mind if i ask what dose of sertraline you were on? (also why you stopped and do you plan on getting back on it, sorry 4 asking 4 blog)
No. 193223
>>193209I was taking 100 mg, but I think I probably could have had a higher dose. I stopped taking it for two reasons. First, my weight was really bothering me and I was having trouble keeping it under control while on meds. I know that's superficial, but I have never been able to lose weight while on SSRIs. (I've lost 15 pounds without any effort since stopping.) Second, I was thinking about starting a family and I don't want to be on sertraline while pregnant.
I have felt my symptoms returning recently, unfortunately. I think I might try something different this time and HOPE it doesn't kill my metabolism like the zoloft. For now I'm trying to go without but I am still taking trazodone, so I'm not totally med-free.
Back to the weed, I think you could probably try smoking again and see how you feel. I have a friend I always smoke with and she is also on SSRIs and they are fairly effective despite her heavy bong habit. Of course everyone reacts differently so I'd make sure to pay extra attention to your symptoms just in case I'm wrong.
sage for blog post
No. 193759
>>193147i smoked weed regularly when on fluoxetine, duloxetine and sertraline. when i first started on fluoxetine (prozac), the first time i smoked weed i suddenly felt very hot, anxious and hyperactive, similar to an extacy high but without the happiness-relaxation. i did not experience any adverse effects when i was on the other two. my doctor at the time told me that while what i experienced was not seratonine syndrome, drugs can
trigger shit like that when you're on antidepressants. she basically told me "do it but don't overdo it" regarding weed and antidepressants.
the second shrink i saw was a more uptight, conservative type and told me to absolutely abstain from any drug or any amount of alcohol as they would "shock my brain by changing my brain chemistry and negate the effects of the medicine". i followed his advice for a while but then i started smoking again and saw no change in my mood or in the efficacy of the medicine.
only thing i'm for sure about SSRIs and drugs is when you're on SSRIs you can't get a very potent high from extacy-MDMA because their effects clash.
sage for blogging-ish.
No. 195023
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I smoke weed pretty often but I know jack shit about strains, etiquette or anything, just smoke whatever my friends have on hand. Normally all it does is make me hungry and sleepy, usually with a small headache which sucks.
The other day tho I felt actually stoned for the first time ever after smoking with a bunch of randos, I felt majorly sick and headachy already, amplified it by like 200% but I didn't give a shit and everything was fucking hilarious. like a stereotypical stoner in a high school movie. I always thought there was something… wrong? with me but I guess I was just doing the wrong shit this whole time. felt good man
no idea what it was but it tasted pretty strong and I only had two pulls, my tolerance is pretty low lmao.
No. 195135
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>>195023i'm pretty much like you about weed, i'm about smoking it not writing an essay on it, but i learned that sativa makes you more energetic whereas indica makes you more mellow. maybe pic related will help you identify what you smoked?
also, drinking water while smoking weed helps with the headaches. if you're mixing it with tobacco, that may be what's giving you nausea.
No. 195176
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Is being prescribed the wrong meds and taking lithium and another drug a thing?
First and only drug I took. The first night was horrifying; I laid in bed feeling like my body was petrified. The whole night my legs would be pressed together and i wouldn't stop bunny kicking the whole night. The internal feeling was like going up in a fast elevator. It felt astral projection. Never again.
No. 195179
>>195155cool thanks for the input anon. earth shattering.
>>195176the uhh..first part of that confuses me. but im assuming you took a medication you were not prescribed with a medication you were. in which case, having fucked up side effects makes complete sense. what with how medications interact with each other. not to mention if it were the wrong medication and at a dosage that was too high, chances were pretty high you'd experience some weird shit.
im really sorry you went through that. ive been given the wrong meds in hospitals before and had some pretty serious things happen to me. that shit is frightening.
No. 195191
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>>195023It's REALLY really common to smoke weed for a long time and not really feel the affects. I swear I smoked for two years with mates or something before I was BTFO one day and suddenly understood what everyone was going on about.
No. 195225
>>195214No, it won't. Not enough time for it to be cleared out of your system. 2-3 weeks is more like it. Though you'll build up tolerance again in no time when you start again. Only the first few bowls will hit you hard, after that they'll be back to smoking them like cigs.
But whether or not you find enjoyment in weed is irrelevant, you've got far more pressing issues to sort out, of which weed is a part of. This
>so every time i put my bowl down something happens, i get stressed, and i smoke againis typical addict denial. Excuses, excuses.
Everyone has serious problems all the time. You have to face them, not run away from them. Or they'll catch up with you with double the force.
Drugs, no matter how benign they seem, are not a crutch. Listen to me. Weed WILL fuck you up if you use it as a tool for escapism. It will fuck you up by making the underlying issues fester.
Sober up. Face reality. Push through it. Then light up a bowl when you're in a good place again. Please. Do what's good for you now, no matter how hard it is. Because this way, you're just making it harder for future you. And the future you is the skin you'll have to live in.
No. 195254
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>>195179Me too. It was my first time going to a doctor for my depression and the doctor I had didn't have much experience and assumed i was bipolar even though i mentioned in passing my adopted sister was. She put me on mis prescribed shit for a year before my psychologist told me what she was doing was shutting my body down with all the side effects.
It was horrible but now I know how I feel when on drugs and I did not enjoy it one bit. Not knocking people who do but shit how do people do this recreationally?
No. 209262
>>46070Rarely alcohol and mushrooms, more frequently pot or nitrous oxide, which I believe is classed as a dissociative drug and I think lots of fun, it's like having a long orgasm in some way.
When I have the money, heroin. I prefer to snort it, but if I can only get tar, I'll take that. I don't shoot, I'm afraid of needles and I wouldn't have a clue how to do it.
I'm sure someone will be a jerk about this but heroin makes me feel relaxed and happy. I like myself when I'm on it. I get more talkative and friendly. It's not easy for me to be open, but heroin makes me likeable.
No. 209272
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>>209257>>209260 Update she was just really, really, and I mean really relaxed and calm the whole day.
She has arthritis and dementia, so she is always in pain/anxiety. The plus side to it was she had no pain all day, but it was way over the dose we have been starting her on.
Also yes THC free
No. 209347
i've done a fair amount of prescription opiates and benzos, amphetamines, weed, mushrooms, acid, dmt, salvia, sass, spice/k2, nitrous, some testing chemicals on accident…i think that's about it.
i regularly use cannabis in concentrate form, i prefer indica strains. it's just more convenient and plus my tolerance is fucked lol. i've been smoking concentrates everyday for about 5 years now.
i also like to trip 2 or 3 times a year on either shrooms or dmt. shrooms are my favorite
aaaand overall i think my favorite substances are cannabis obviously, morphine and dmt.
No. 236958
>>236903>Seriously felt like my heart was going to explode and I was going to die.You had a panic attack and psyched yourself out.
I remember my first marijuana reaction. My ex bf let me smoke hookah where we mixed together with some flavored shish. I was so fucking high it felt like "waves" were rolling on top of my brain. This sensation would roll from the back of my scalp to the front of my forehead. Thoughts rushed into my head but I was so baked I couldn't articulate proper.
Didn't panic though.
Don't ever panic.
Whatever sensation you feel with marijuana it will pass. Nobody just dies from marijuana. With that in mind: Try it again and be ready. Have some comfort snacks lying around, have your favorite show ready to go. Occupy your mind with things so you're not left alone to concentrate entirely on every little breath and sensation in your chest.
No. 237014
>>46565It has its reputation for a reason.
I know this post is old as shit but everybody should heed this. Meth can and probably will fuck you up. Bad. I was IVing that shit for a few months and I swear I would've pushed over my own grandmother for a point.
No. 237090
>>237078Can you get your hands on some home tests? If you're pissing hot on a home test you're kinda fucked and need to start looking for someone's urine.
If you had a bit more time on your side I'd say try something like it's a stretch, doesn't work for everyone, and it has a lot to do with your fat stores and metabolism. Try drinking a lot of water and exercise but idk if that will do much good.
No. 237105
>>237090>>237092I did actually take a home test today and it came back negative. When I showed it to one of my coworkers who told me I was fucked she seemed swayed and said then I should be fine.
I'm thinking I'll buy another one tomorrow to test and continue on staying hydrated and eating fibrous foods. I don't know if I could actually sub with synthetic or a friend's without messing it up.
At this point I'm feeling resigned to whatever my fate is because it is my fault for stupidly smoking when I've been interviewing for jobs. Maybe I can drink a lot of water to cause a bad sample and I can retake it.
No. 237123
>>237119>tfw fat cowWas he a heavy smoker? I can't imagine why it would still come up in a test if he's so active.
I don't even know how to classify myself. I've almost stopped smoking since the new year, with only doing it once in February and March for pain relief. Before then I was only smoking occasionally as I bought $20 worth to myself and had stopped smoking with friends, so that $20 lasted me from November until now.
No. 237127
>>237123He was a heavy smoker but quit, so it was embedded in his system over the number of years.
I'd say from your amounts it wouldn't take long to come out of your system, if I read correctly you took a test that came out negative? you're golden
No. 237185
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>>237078>>237105Go to any head/smoke shop and get a bottle of detox. Go in and ask for just that, a bottle of detox. If whoever works there acts confused, leave bc he’s an idiot.
You can get bottles of this stuff for $10-15, it’s basically a niacin flush. You’re supposed to get a Gatorade or something and drink two of them after you drink the detox, but I’ve used it twice to pass drug tests for jobs and I’m a pretty dedicated stoner. But you
have to follow the instructions and drink all your fluids afterward or you’ll feel like shit. Pic related, they look kind of like sports drinks.
Also, if you live near a dollar tree get some of those THC test strips you pee on, if you rip open the box it has a guide on the inside that explains how urine THC testing works, which is a nice little bonus imo.
No. 237644
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>>237641I was on a lot of mushrooms with 2 friends sitting in the woods. We were all about equally high on the same dosage. One friend and I started commenting on a high pitched bug-like drone we were hearing, kind of like the hum of cicadas. Our other friend couldn't hear it at all. All of a sudden, the noise stopped. For fun, we told the noise to start again and to our shock, it did, immediately. For the next while we were freaking out saying "stop" and "go" together and hearing the humming noise obey our commands with perfect timing. Our other friend had no idea what we were talking about.
If it's not some kind of mushroom induced psychokinesis i have no idea wtf it was, unless my friend was just fucking with me of course. But knowing her personally and the way she reacted i don't think she would have. And even if she was lying, I still heard the noise sync up to our commands myself, so weird no matter what.
No. 237707
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>>237641did acid with an ex-best friend at their house back in high school. we started tripping real hard around midnight, so we decided to go out for a walk. we walk by her neighbors house and he like, rushes out of his house to be at his mailbox by the time we passed it. we just waved bc we were just being nice and he goes, "kind of late for two girls to be taking a walk, right?" (which set off my creep detector hardcore.)
anyways, i turned to look up at the guy and his face literally looked like a mask (the ones from purge look similar). he was smiling and everything and trying to make conversation and i just kept walking because i was so uncomfortable.
one time on schrooms i thought my cat was a roomba and then got super surprised when he moved. i don't even have a roomba…
No. 237718
>>237707That gave me a good laugh haha
Once when I took acid I decided to take a shower, and I became super paranoid ,in a really unrational way, that two of my friends (male and female) were making out or having sex so I didn't dare to go out of the shower, until they came and asked me if I was okay.
I also walked out and stood in the grass, then I starded seeing and feeling slugs crawling up my legs so I ran inside.
No. 237770
>>46070Only marihuana.
Anyone knows how to get mushrooms by the way? I don't live in a place where drugs are legalized, what kind of people should I look for?
No. 238009
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No. 238259
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I used to be heavily addicted to booze a year ago, felt like shit all the time and gained a looot of weight which amplified my shame.
What got me to kick it was, hilariously enough, DXM, which I promptly fell in love with. When I used it it almost felt like my mind was being defragmented and my distorted thinking patterns vanished. It made me realise the causes of my depression and anxiety and addiction and how I'd been running from so many things. The first time I dosed was like a twelve hour orgasm. Just wrapped up in bed with an eyemask and comfy headphones listening to vaporwave and exploring the depths of my mind.
The detachment you feel from your own memories is a really fascinating experience. It helped me put a lot of things into perspective.
One time I did some Delsym and a lot of DPH and had a surprising amount of fun. I saw jumping spiders absolutely everywhere and they were dancing along with the music I was listening to, cute af.
No. 243705
What drugs have you done?
Weed, Shrooms, LSD, Xanax, Adderal, Cocaine, Meth, Heroin,
What drugs do you use regularly?
Weed, wine, adderal
I really wanna do ketamine and DMT.
No. 252499
>>46332i tried blue lotus recently (tried to smoke it with herb) and it had no noticeable effect. do you use resin or dried flowers? red wine?
>>120309 i am also under said umbrella and shrooms have changed my life for the better. have done them a countless amount of times, you shouldnt lose any sense or self or connection with reality unless you take too much. im comfortable at microdoses of 0.2g, up to 3g at the most. intensity varies strain to strain, but as a rule of thumb if i don't want to lose my mind i won't eat over a gram or 2. i have yet to heroic dose so i cannot comment on that. i've struggled with higher doses before but i've also had lovely trips at 3.5+ g, most ppl's relationships with psychs will always be a love-hate one.
>>237850 diff anon but its actually been proven that lsd helps your brain establish new neural pathways. (a quick google search will yield you all the info) this has an emotion-resetting effect. i personally call it "re-wiring your brain" but it all alludes to the same thing. shrooms have the same effect i've found. they don't call it a "trip" for no reason. a psychedelic trip is JUST that. a mental journey, you come out different on the other side.
>>237770 if you want psychedelics, look for smart people/nerds. they are easily accessible over the dark web. you can literally teach yourself via google how to buy them via tor, i did. i wouldn't recommend growing shrooms yourself if you don't have someone who is experienced to show you how. even i won't grow them myself yet, i leave that to those close to me who've perfected their technique. i do get psilocin extract tho & i combine with melted cacao to make awesome synergistic mushie edibles, combining w/ choco i've found lessens the intensity of the nausea you'll get. or i put the extract straight into veggie glycerin capsules - no foul taste @ all.
-weed daily because am ball of nerves
-lsd and psilocibin mushrooms regularly, maybe 3-10 times a year each. i enjoy microdosing more frequently while i go about a normal day. i've even microdosed lsd before work (office job) & it wasn't bad at all. i've taken so many psychedelics over the years that it requires a lot out of me to really "go in" and take a full tab+ or over a gram of shrooms. very mentally strenuous, it's not really a recreational thing anymore so much as an all encapsulating journey. trippies bring me really close to the creator, i grew up an atheist and psychedelics are what led me to believe in "a god" so it's a very personal experience for me now. the main difference i've noticed in the two is the "visuals" and the "presence". for lsd, the visuals you get are more angular, sharp, defined, etc whereas for shrooms the visuals are way more organic, soft shapes and swirls. lsd is a more "extroverted" visual trip, whereas shrooms are a more "introverted" introspective trip, less visuals but way more going on inside your head. when you take shrooms you almost feel the "presence" of the plant. fungi are super interesting and mystical beings, it's been said the spores can survive in space so my running theory is that mushrooms are just basically little aliens. sent from god himself, obvs.
have tried:
-mda (sass) & mdma ("molly"), i enjoy both but they wreak havoc on my skin texture/acne and my mental stability. rebounding is rough with either, i would usually drink vodka to get through the comedown. i prefer mda over mdma because the high is a lot more mellow. you still get in your feels and super "roll-y" but you don't get the intense energy burst like you do with mdma. i'd rather plop and cuddle on this variety of substance as opposed to dance my ass off. i've also come across a LOT of bunk shit.. mephedrone etc. str8 plant fertilizers… ALWAYS test ur shit yal. if you use drugs you need a raegent kit. i used to do this all at clubs and raves, i'd like to get ahold of some soon so i can take it at home with the bf.
-cocaine, is all fun n harmless games at first but it nearly ruined me and it ruis/nearly ruins a LOT of people. i liked coke WAY too much. not even for the effect that it had on me, but for the way it physically smelled. shits addictive on a chemical level, i craved it like a mineral. i used to order mine str8 from the darkweb bc it was the best quality i could find, if you want to try coke DONT BOTHER buying it locally unless you want stepped on rat poisoning. i dont recommend trying it though, it's rly rly expensive and ultimately not worth it. it makes you paranoid, isolated, arrogant, high strung, spatially unaware, SWEATY (with terrible chemical odor), and gave me literal rocks in my skin. not sure if it was just super hard tiny balls of sebum and my cystic acne was FLARING up at the time from it, or if the actual coke crystals were stuck inside and secreting from my pores. i did cocaine on and off for a while, then binged for like 3/4 months straight a couple yrs back. wound up blacking out, & getting a police escort to a hospital and now i wont even touch or look at it. just like it too much. i hate that i like it.
pharms: adderall, vyvanse, xanax, vicodins, codeine, dxm. i dont care for any of them. i used to abuse dxm as a 17yo and would lay awake in bed all night robotripping and hallucinating shit on my ceiling before having to wake up at 6am for high school. now i cant even drink soda or red wines because it smells too much like "cough syrup" lmao.
whippits/nitrous: this shit is wack, avoid balloons/hippie crack. you're just depriving your brain of oxygen and balloon parties honestly get wack n weird. everyone is so whiney and greedy with balloons/$ for balloons. if you want nOs, get a cavity so you can get the good dental grade shit on tap. when they leave you alone in the room with the laughing gas tank to get adjusted, just turn ur ass around sneaky quick and turn up the nitrous a notch or three. they only notice like 15% of the time. :')
i'd really like to try dmt in the near future, and eventually do an ayahuasca/peyote retreat. before i die i'd also like to experience ibogaine, fresh raw opium (smells heeeavenly when smoked), and fresh salvia leaves. i've heard that the plant isn't actually meant to be smoked, and instead chewed raw for the best effect.
also interested in what it feels like to chew a betel nut…..
i've never tried ketamine and i refuse to because i've watched so many other people take it, it's so off-putting. if you're on the schizo umbrella mentioned earlier, this is def one drug you DON'T wanna try. witnessing someone in a k-hole is terrifying. it makes you a hollow vessel. every time i've EVER interacted with someone on k, they've been in distress.. crying, think they're dying etc. i've been at a festival where 2 men on ketamine that were "mutual friends" have hit/harassed me (terrifying experience i wont elaborate unless anyones actually curious)
K is a HUGE epidemic at festivals now. last year at electric forest my neighbors were on it from the time they arrived til the time they left. they were all really whiney, bitchy, and rude to one another while sober. then you'd hear them go quiet and get to sniffing, then they'd just sit there for hours in a flooded tent giggling like idiots.. we had a massive 2 day thunderstorm that year. they were REALLY unprepared and too high to bother fixing their campsite so they ended up sitting around in a wet ass tent for days getting high on k. obnoxious. also you can't even sit at your OWN campsite at these events anymore without random sketchy looking wooks trodding through your personal space whispering about "kitty kitty meow meow i got da kitty yal want any kAY". i'm not exaggerating when i say you will hear this/get asked this no fewer than 35 times a day. these are the same kinds of people who sell decorative spoons for $50, decorative hat pins for $200 etc and then go steal your folding chairs when you're in the venue during the day anyways. idk i have a really sour taste in my mouth with this drug in particular, it's really popular and i do not understand the appeal at ALL. the drug is honestly ruining festivals and outings for me.. if anyone could explain, i'm all ears.
for everyone wondering what meth "feels" like, i couldnt tell you - but i do know a really (surprisingly) attractive & intelligent dude who used to really like to tweak and it landed him in jail several times. he said he used to be hanging out in his house alone, doing meth, and he'd hallucinate/see a living room full of people that he could have full on dialogue and physical interactions with (handshakes etc) even though the house was actually empty. i can only imagine meth makes you feel… just a lil crazy lmao.
No. 252966
>>252859You can buy some gelatin capsules off of Amazon
>>252499>also you can't even sit at your OWN campsite at these events anymore without random sketchy looking wooks trodding through your personal space whispering about "kitty kitty meow meow i got da kitty yal want any kAY".That sucks about Electric Forest. I thought it was an awesome festival. I've been to a similar music festival and have never been propositioned to buy drugs or had problems with theft.
I did too much adderall xr (took two pills instead of one 20 mg pill like I usually do). I felt like I was going crazy already and I imagine meth feels like that x100.
I chewed betel nut. I didn't notice anything too interesting. Or I got the non-betel paan. Idk.
No. 253044
>>46070>What drugs have you done?benzos, opiates (except heroin), coke, MDMA, weed, meth by accident once (thought i got molly with a friend, we did as many lines as we would have with molly and we were hallucinating for hours - i still don't know what was real, i was legit fucked up for weeks trying to remember things and discern what was reality).
>What drugs do you use regularly?benzos every day and opiates like two weeks out of the month so i don't have withdrawals and i can keep my tolerance down under 30mg of oxy to get high, which is pretty good imo. opiates are for my days where i'm depressed because it's the only shit that can make me happy. MDMA or coke if i'm partying, preferably MDMA tho since i'm all about euphoria > fun, if that makes sense. weed fucks me up like nothing else weirdly enough, so i avoid it like the plague. every time i smoke i hallucinate and think i'm in what i always call a 'time bubble' and i wind up disassociating, and the shit's not even laced. my body's weird.
No. 253112
>>252499>if you want psychedelics, look for smart people/nerds. they are easily accessible over the dark web. you can literally teach yourself via google how to buy them via tor, i didNayrt but do you have any links to get started with? I’ve been trying to get shrooms for 2 years but everyone where I live only smokes weed or meth or takes Xanax, and I’m hella paranoid about gettin caught trying to buy shrooms online because I barely know what tor even is.
sage bc I’m lame and need an emotional reset/spiritual before my life spirals out of control from not being able to feel anything anymore
No. 253165
>>253112I'm a different person but I have some tips. don't try to buy shrooms online. it's highly illegal and too risky when you can easily cultivate them yourself. look up different techs, try
all you really need is spore syringes, sterilized substrate bags, a closet, and a few other items like jars, water, and sugar. you can buy sterile substrate bags for mushroom growing legally on a bunch of sites, it will be advertised for edible mushrooms. spore syringes are also legal to buy. South American cubensis is the most common type in my experience.
it's honestly so easy to grow them yourself and it's fun.
No. 253276
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>>253089Mail guy delievered my pills that day, but when I open up the box, I notice there's three little plastic bags with dry shrooms (1g each) along with the bottle of pills. Sometimes, the girl whom I buy these sends customers these lil gifts. So I have this friend who's really experienced on the shroom, and he believes the shroom is like a living entity; once, I was telling him how the shroom has cured my depression fully, but wasn't really helping much with my adhd, so he goes: "Oh, you know, I once took 2g of shrooms and I was able to concentrate real hard". So I sent a picture of my gift to him, telling him "Look, imma try and take those 2g today!". So I go to the kitchen and eat the 2g (I think that was at 4pm). So I go back to my room and he sent me back a message (after I ate): "Are you really gonna eat those?" and I'm like "yeah, I already ate them" so he goes "oh, well, good trip". I flipped a bit ofc, but I wasn't scared. Anyway, the psychedelic effects start to kick in after around 40 minutes, and I start feeling euphoric and happy. So there's this guy I am (or was) friends with since high school. I've always liked him, but due to my… um, I don't know what's the word. Due to my inability to feel confortable with human touch/sexual interaction, we've never had anything more than friendship. Anyway, I started texting him, because I was feeling an infinite love and I wanted to share that moment with him, so I tried to explain the situation. I know, this was a bad idea. I had no clue how much I craved for him until that moment. Anyway, he was probably thinking I was an irresponsible brat but I didn't care, I just wanted him to understand how much I liked him. The thing is, I didn't use the word "like" because, at that moment, I felt like this was such a weak word to represent my love. So I tried telling him that I felt like our connection was really intense. Ofc he didn't understand shit, also he didn't give a fuck <- I realized how much he didn't care, so I started to get paranoid and then, I felt like my organs were overflowing with sourness, I also felt like there was sourness under my skin and inside my mouth, it was so intense and cruel, at this point I was crying like crazy. Anyway, I told him that I entered a bad trip and I didn't know why, but then he was like "oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that, but I gotta go do [I don't remember what], don't let that bad trip catch ya". So yeah. The rest of the day I kept remembering with vivid visions all of my fucked up childhood, crying in my bed, vulnerable, with no one around to help me. At one point I once again tried messaging him, but yeah, he didn't really care. It was so weird, I could feel like he didn't care, I could feel it under my skin, not only because of his actions. I don't know why, but I really needed him at that moment, I didn't need anyone else, just him, and I felt abandoned. He'd been ignoring me for a couple of months, but everytime he needed me, he would just pretend we were besties like nothing happened. I didn't care because I just wanted to be next to him. You must think he's a cunt (you're not wrong), but his attitude is very prince-like, he doesn't even curse. He's super handsome and intelligent so I have always put him in a pedestal. Anyway, I went to the balcony and lied down, I couldn't stop crying. I tried listening to music, but even happy music had a melancholic undertone, it was truly the weirdest thing. I tried forgiving my dad, because although he ruined my childhood (he was alcoholic), his childhood was as fucked up as mine. I falied though, I wasn't able to truly forgive him at that moment. Anyway, the effects started wearing out, by 11pm I was feeling alright. It's so weird the feeling after the trip, it feels really empty. My friend said it is called "wu wei", like the feeling you get after meditating deeply. He also said that I entered a state of telepathy while I was tripping (lmao), because I entered another reality or smth. He also said that we always have something to learn with a bad trip. I don't know if that's true, but I was right about my friend; the cunt didn't even message me (until today…), not even a "hey, last night was fucking wild are u okay now?", not a hint of worry. I'm sorry about this fucking long text, this has been eating me up inside ever since that day.
No. 254480
>>253165Thanks for the reply, but honestly I'm not that smart and would rather just
buy them personally. I also live in an apartment with a couple, so it would be kinda hard to hide- my closet is practically a shoe box with no shelves and I leave my door open so my cat can go in and out when I'm not there, and I know my roommates wouldn't be cool with me growing mushrooms in the apartment.
No. 255369
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>>255362Aw yeah haha I'm fine. I love the energy and confidence it gives me. I have low self esteem from an abusive mom and ex bf.
The biggest downsides though are the chestpains, headaches I get buying from pornsick tweaker dudes and the irregular periods. So I can't really justify or recommend it. I think my days smoking dope is coming to an end anyway. Thank you for asking.
No. 255374
>>255369samefagging to add that prior to doing this drug I kinda knew about how comedowns worked.
Tina comedowns are quite absurd in that you feel as if you wanna die but you refuse to eat. But you're only gonna feel better by eating and drinking water. It's at times almost comparable to that creepy, depressing rabies video where this man keeps trying to drink water but fails.
No. 255426
>>255405I wasn't a drug-addicted baby (thanks Mom), but I'm still so scared to try these. Except MDMA. I've done it a couple of times, and it's always been a good experience. Music tickles and I'm very happy.
I've never tried LSD or shrooms (or any other psychedelic, for that matter). I want to, but I've always heard to be careful with them if you have a history of depression or other mental illness, which I do. I'm still terrified of having a bad trip and doing something crazy or just feeling different (in a bad way) for the rest of my life.
I've tried:
- weed
- cocaine
- Xanax & Klonopin
- Lorcet
- Adderall
I think that's it. I used to smoke weed every day, and I think I had a coke problem for a minute. I had kind of a drinking problem too. And at some point, a bit of a Lorcet habit. Then a benzo habit. Now I don't do anything except smoke weed and drink occasionally.
No. 255468
I have done a wide variety and the only " drug" that caused me any problems were Alcohol and legal highs ( UK fag). I have tried pot, Coke, MDMA, Xanax, Diazepam, Clonzepam, Speed, Morphine, Codeine, DHC, Tramadol, benzos and Coke. Booze called me to make stupid choices that I regret, Legal high put me in hospital overnight and was not enjoyable. As I result I do not drink.( unless it is with a meal) Legal High gave me a terrible experience I would never use it again. The rest of the drugs despite building up a hige tolerance I was able to use without any problems. Opiates I was able to quit cold turkey and be back to normal in a week despite using lots of opiates. e.g 900mg of codeine, 40mg Morphine every few hours, I would take fri on mon of work. Have plenty of Immodium, sleeping pills, diaz, fluids, buckets to puke/shit in. put a an old towels and incontinence pad on the bed on top of old blankets. have forms of distraction, a radio, TV, netflix, etc, drink plenty, eating is hard but try and also takes suppliments. Focus on your goals. Take baths several times a day ( not showers). On Tues I would explain that I was not 100% over my gastric flu,would not wear make up, take lots of immodium, so people paid no heed when I had to dive to the toilet or was looking rough, I was mostly send home or asked to go home No one suspected a thing. I never head w/d lasting more than a week. Best thing for opiate WD is to be prepared and not have any plans, including social plans and chores, day 2 and 3 is the hardest. And immodium may not stop it all, it is the days when you are likely to puke up. . If you stay off opiates for a few weeks/ months you lose tolerance. I would never advise anyone to cold turkey benzos, but I did, yes it was difficult but I did not suffer major effects, nor did I develop PAWS or get rebound anxiety, ( I never had anxiety either regular or social in the first place so that maybe why) I did sweat and suffer from insomnia for a week and that was that. I rarely take drugs now, even though I have a bottle of Oramorph, 100's of Codeine and DHC, Trams, xanax, diaz, clonz. The only drug I use know is Ambien no more than 3 times a week. My doctor has NO idea, neither does my family, and most of my friends. In the UK, if you piss postive on a Morphine test they are likely to give you methadone or subs. This a terrible idea, I knew one girl that could only get heroin when she visited certain people, she was not addicted, yet they put her on methadone which caused her to be addicted. I know everyone is different but I do not think the way the UK treats alleged addicts is helpful to them ( but it keeps people in jobs) People have different body chemistry but Methadone and subs will cause strong addiction. My father is also against this, on that note he never suspected me of using drugs on a regular basis, even tho I lived with him. He is a sec 12 GP, meaning her has to work with drug addicts. If I could not WD, there is no way he would have recommended the NHS way for me. Those that are struggling please think carefully about going on ANY drug programmes ESP if you have children or are thinking of having kids. All my medical files say about me, is that when I was a teen I had a bad reaction to a legal high when I was at a party. in B4 someone says nice blog. I am trying to warn you of the risk and realities of drug use and their treatments. I may of got away with WD cold turkey from Benzos, but please do not take my experience as a blanket approach, I was fortunate and I had a back up as I could also go to my dad if I needed to ( I never) I hope people read this and think about what I say. If anyone has any questions let me know.
No. 274268
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Can y'all share your psychedelic trip stories? I love hearing peoples' experiences and general thoughts about them, it's so interesting. Doesn't matter what kind of psychedelic it was!
No. 274473
>>274268I took amsterdam truffles three times with my girlfriend.
First time we were at the beautiful, good smelling shop with a sweet worker girl who seemed like an angel while we were high.
everything was just cool and new but there was this spinning thing on the wall that fucked me up at first but then we “became friends”. We read comics and saw really cool flashing colors and overall it was just very comfy. Later we went to a candy shop and tripped the fuck out. That was fun.
The second time we were home and it was also comfy, we fell in love with ice skaters on youtube and had a super nice conversation with her family. I think that trip changed the way i talk to people forever. It made me more confident in a way..
The third time was my strongest dose so far. I had the worst headache after (anyone know how to avoid that lol) but overall it was very healing and enjoyable. I had strong visuals, especially when i closed my eyes, but there were colors and patterns everywhere and my gf looked like a flouredcent painting. At one point I saw a wall sepparating from its 3d form if that makes sense and behind it was a different dimension of weird lights. We listened to björks biophilia album, and for some reason I started feeling really empathetic for my child self in a very traumatic scene from my past, so I started to cry really hard but I assured my gf that it’s a good, healing cry. She held me and i sobbed for a while.
Later we danced and wordshipped her cat. We were both so full of love, it was crazy sweet.
No. 274508
This is a story of a salvia trip where I abandoned this plane of existence and ran away with the man on the package of chorizo.
I was in Amsterdam with a friend. He bought salvia because he wanted to try it. I told him I'm good, he can have it all. After 20 minutes of watching him struggle with the mechanics of the bong and burning half the salvia with no effects, I got frustrated and decided to step in. 'it's not working', he was crying. 'this isn't salvia', he was crying.
So i said 'give it to me' and proceeded to fuck myself up beyond all recognition in 10 seconds. We were sitting on the floor in an airbnb flat, and the only thing on the coffee table next to us was a package of chorizo. I remember I thought I was on some sort of surprise reality tv show, where the whole room was rotating around me and it was actually a studio full of people. The man on the package of chorizo was speaking to me. 'you see it now, don't you? it's all for you'. 'come with me, I'll show you the secrets of the universe', he beckoned, biting into his chorizo. My body was a book and he was flicking it back and forth, side to side. 'your whole life built up to this moment', the chorizo man was telling me. Around him, impossible geometry was unfolding. 'don't trust your friend, he doesn't want you to know. come with me'. Besides me, my friend was pissing himself watching me drool and failing to grab the package of chorizo from the table.
In the moment I reached it, I sobered up almost immediately. 'what did you see?' my friend asked me. 'you looked like you betrayed me. You had a lot of suspicion and pain in your eyes. What are you doing with that?'.
I keep chorizo man to this day. He is somewhere in a box in my wardrobe.
No. 274522
>>274508That's really interesting, anon.
Do you think there was some truth to what the chorizo man was saying about your friend?
No. 274590
>>274268I tried acid for the first time the other day. Bought a tab from a coworker and took it after I got home from work at like, 2:30am. With no previous experience with psychedelics and knowing almost nothing about LSD, at first I thought it wasn't working. The coworker messaged me at 4ish i the morning to ask if I was tripping balls, because apparently he gave me a higher dose than he originally claimed, but I wasn't feeling anything but mildly anxious so I told him it wasn't working.
Literally 5 minutes after talking to him the shit kicked in. It staryed with everything auddenly being way more colorful and vivid, then about 20 minutes after that the visuals started, the wiggly lines of color coming off things and when nonmoving objects look like they're "breathing". I think it took about 4 hours to fully take effect, but I don't think I really "tripped balls". He claims he gave me 140, but I have no frame of reference for it so idk.
Overall it was nice. He told me I was gonna be able to "break out of my headspace and experience ego death to deal with whatever problems I was burying", but really I just felt hella alert, like time was flying by, and I didn't feel any more introspective than usual. I was tingly and kept talking really fast, too. The only downside was that by the time it kicked in I was ready for bed, and apparently you
cannot sleep on acid because your body is so alert you keep waking up before you can fall asleep. Knowing that, next time I'll wait until a day off or just not do it after work when I'm tired. Maybe next time he gets some I'll ask for one a little stronger, then maybe I'd have something to really report.
No. 274625
>>274508Thanks for sharing anon! I used to read erowid trip reports on various substances and Salvia always sounded so crazy like this.
>>274590Ime, you really need to take quite a bit of acid to get to ego death. Imo, there are much better substances to achieve this state. The standard 8hr+ acid trip is just impractical and too loooong.
No. 274635
>>274625Yeah, but I'm currently stuck in a small, conservative town and nobody here really cares about psychedelics as much as they do shit like xanax, meth and coke. I moved here 3 years ago, I've been able to find decent weed and now the sporadic acid tab, but unless you want meth/coke/bars nobody here has anything. You'd think a bunch of broke bumblefucks surrounded by cow paddies would be itching to sell shrooms, but everyone here salts their fields or feeds their cows that enzyme that prevents the shrooms from growing. I've never lived anywhere that had so few options for recreational drugs, and they're al highly addictive and fuck you up too much to be functional.
Sorry for the mini-rant!
No. 274735
>>274522I think there was truth in a lot of what chorizo man said. Perhaps people who aren't able to use a bong just aren't to be trusted with this knowledge. Maybe one day I will be ready to see the true nature of the universe and he will return and guide me.
>>274625I read some trip reports as well before doing it, which motivated me to not do any of the salvia initially. I distinctly remember one of the reports saying something along the lines of 'I would rather put my dick in the oven and slam the door repeatedly than do salvia again'. Wasn't that bad though. Just very intense and weird.
No. 275119
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>>274590that doesn't sound much like LSD:/ maybe some other chemical, there's tons of them sold as lsd. Most of them are harmless, i've had some, they often have a lighter headspace which i like
I tripped quite a few times about 2-4 years ago, mostly on my own, it was fun. I was in one of the worse phases of depression and for some reason lsd felt like it could help me… and it did. Gave me a bit better perspective on life and myself (and a brief phase of listening to 70s rock - that's what you get for watching The Yellow Submarine movie high lol).
I tried to trip last summer and fall but had to take a xan both times to kill it bc i was headed for bad trips straight away. I'd have thought that my mentally improved mental health would be an advantage for this drug but apparently not lol. Kinda sad, my past psychedelic use vastly improved my life tbh. So I'm gonna try it again soon lol
No. 275173
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>>275140i did both lsd and mdma (separately) while depressed and it helped change myself tbh. like i still had to work on myself of course but it motivatd me more i guess? i usually rolled solo as well so i would feel more free to give in into accepting myself and my faults etc lol… it sounds kinda silly, writing it out.
you can take mdma ~every 3 months fairly safely. tbh at one point i rolled like 5 times in 3 months and tbh wouldnt recommend… i havent done it for 2 years now maybe but i carry a lot of these experiences in myself to this day… just my 2c
No. 275237
>>275173Thanks anon. I try it tommorow with my bf at home.
>>275177If my bf is enjoying the mdma I'll ask if we try mushrooms. I don't want to use it on my own
No. 288483
I tried shrooms a few weeks ago but it went kinda bad. I mean, just before taking it my bf told me that i could have some hallucinations and i got scared because i have only been doing weed and some sleeping pills when i was teenager. so I took a 1.5 gr dose (instead the 3 grams that recommended me) and felt like i was high on weed. Nothing really different, just less sleepier. Any advice?
>>287699Grindr it's pretty popular for buying drugs too.
No. 288485
>>288481adderall is the best drug BUT it can destroy your life quickly
bluelight is crazy btw. reading it makes me want to stay away from drugs, almost like i'm tripping too lol
>>288483umm a "typical" dose is 1/8th of an oz… i think your bf was right! after 30 mins it starts ramping up and a lot of people feel sweaty, energetic, weird etc.
No. 288585
>>288553i wish i had friends who would take me out to mdma parties
>>288485>>288571i think adderall is fine. just don't take it every day. my life has only improved since i started taking it, but i only take it twice a week at the most.
No. 288644
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>>288585honestly mdma is the only drug i like and trust anymore.
-no fear
-no paranoia spiraling out of control
-no hallucinations
-no sitting and shivering in the corner like a retard
plus you can still get shit done, like practical chores around the house type shit, all while in a sustained state of delicious bliss. it's not even naive, overly idealistic bliss, it just makes me feel fucking fantastic with no delusions as to why. it's like adderall's nicer, less edgy big sister. and if you take it more than about once a month it doesn't work anymore, so it's like a built in anti-addiction system. i know a lot of people feel awful during the comedown but i haven't had a big problem with it. it does kind of suck to feel the euphoria getting dimmer and dimmer, but i just think of it like getting out of a warm shower on a cold day. it sucks, but you can't stay in there forever anyway. like yeah i wish i lived in a literal paradise where i could feel like that all the time, but i'm just grateful that even if i can only do it once in a blue moon, it's always there to obliterate a rainy day.
No. 288681
>>288644>no hallucinationsyou can get nice visuals and other side effects if you take enough
problem is that if you start getting visuals on mdma you've taken waaaay too much for your own good
No. 289021
>>288585>>288571i know people who got too dependent on them quickly, and sometimes you think you're acting normal but talking really crazy and people can tell you're wired
>>288644mdma wreaks havoc on your brain, goodbye serotonin receptors
No. 289034
sort of related, but have any of you guys tried ketamine for depression or ketamine infusions, even, for it?
>>288585does no one get crazy comedowns from adderall? i'd get so depressed and angry on the comedown. it's so nice while you're high, but fuck, it's torture coming down.
No. 297443
>>296991Just make sure she hydrates regularly but not too much. The first time I did mdma was at home so it was easier, but I actually set a timer for it.
Besides that obviously make sure it's good stuff and don't give her too much. Try to always keep an eye on her.
No. 297456
>>297443>>297316Thank you for advice. I'm sure it's the real deal because I took some from the same batch and I don't plan on giving her a big dose since it's her first time and we just want to get a little loose.
I'll be sure to get something to drink and also set a timer, because it would require a certain amount of finesse to make the high hit when I need it to.
No. 341305
>>341303it isn't. it works really well. it's very nice. i tried extracts first and they worked but when i switched to leaf they didn't work for me as i overdid it. things rarely work for me but it works beautifully. it's a high very comparable to tramadol for me, which i love. the anti-depressant effects of tramadol are so understated and it mimics it almost perfectly for me
No. 341361
>>341303For me it depends on the dose. I never get any extreme reactions unless I take too much. Exactly the right dose makes me really clearheaded and content and at ease in situations that would normally cause anxiety. Too much though and I feel like shit, sweating, crazy heartbeat, nausea…
I used to take it more often but last week I took some to work and it turned out to be too much and I felt terrible for most of my shift.
Also the constipation isn't too fun as I'm already frequently constipated without taking opioids.
What method do you guys use to take your kratom? I usually stuff it in the largest size capsules I can find in the nearest headshop which ends up being about 8-10 capsules. I can't stand the taste otherwise.
No. 343264
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I do weed weekly. I love it because I have anxiety problems but I HATE that it gives me headache after using it. I keep hydrated but nothing, still feel kinda weird the day after. Any suggestions?
I also did shrooms two times. The first time I wasn't prepared at all. I was in my house with my bf and took 1 gr. After drinking it my bf told me that I maybe can hallucinate and I went kinda bananas because anxiety. He calmed me down and fortunately the dosage was low because I didn't trip at all. Just felt nauseated and sort of letargic, like high but not to quite high. It was strange. I blame on me being nervous and self conscious. Then I smoked some weed and i swear to god it felt soooo good. Apparently smoking a little weed after shrooms get you in the right place if you are having some bad trip. The effect of the shrooms lasted like 4 hours and overlapped with the high of weed.
The second time trying shrooms was the best. Did like 2 grs and know I was mentally prepared. My bf and his friend (who tried shrooms before) were with me and calmed me because I was getting nervous again because of the nausea. The trip was really good, we chatted about personal stuff a lot and very deep conversations. nothing philosophical at all, just our feeling being their purest. It was very weird but shrooms give you that mental and sentimental clarity if you struggle a lot finding what the hell are you feeling. It wasn't a big revelation at all, it just felt pretty natural and chill. It felt great. About the body effects, the nausea didn't stop but was manageable, i ate something and felt better. The colours didn't change but they were vibrating which was ok for me but I get some people can get paranoid. After all, was a good experience. I would do it again but i would like recommendations about controlling the nausea.
If you are a ball of anxiety and want to try shrooms i recommend to doing it with a very small group and with someone who at least tried before and can calm you down. that definitely did a difference for me.
No. 343490
>>343264if you're drinking water, it's probably shitty weed. they spray pesticides and whatever they hell they want on those plants, and sometimes i'll get headaches from someone else's weed. try vaping or edibles and see if it goes away?
feeling weird the day after is normal, i read that weed stays in your system for 24 hours so even if you feel sober after waking, there could be a lingering "veil" if you know what i mean
No. 583765
>>343508I have a small jar with a lid (used to be a small jar of pesto lol) where I put in a teaspoon and then a shot of super hot water. Close lid and shake shake shake. Open lid and take the shot. That totally dissolves it for me and leaves minimal taste. I'll usually immediately rinse out my mouth with more water after too.
>>341369That's nice and everything, I'm glad it has helped you, but weed and kratom are entirely different drugs. Kratom is similar to something like hydrocodone/vicodin or like the other anon mentioned, tramadol. It helps with pain and also it helps people who are getting off harder opiates like heroin. There are tons of stories online of people who've been "changed as a person" (like you) from being able to kick heroin with the help of this substance.
Anyways I just think it's dumb to discount other people's experience because it didn't work for you? Like for example, weed gives me panic attacks and makes my body frozen in fear while my mind races through all my worst anxieties for 45m straight, but I don't go around trashing it because of that since I know it helps some people.
Everyone has different reactions to any given drug.
No. 583859
I never wanted to be a barhead, but I think I've basically failed a semester of university (which was supposed to be my last) due to overwhelming email anxiety. I couldn't open my email for days on end and as a result, I think I've failed my classes. Taking kava helped, but it was too little too late.
I thought I had made really big strides in overcoming my anxiety but being stuck at home with coronavirus and not being able to see anyone has really fucked things up. Shit like xanax is a crutch but maybe it could have helped me in the same way that adderall has helped me in the past.
>>583850There's actually different kinds of kava available. Noble kava is the best kind with the least amount of health effects but it's rarer/more expensive. There's other kinds that are grown but they're considered more
toxic due to worse processing or the kind of plant used. Maybe that could have caused your problems?
No. 584386
>>584380Different people react differently to drugs. I vomited from molly each time I took it, I felt like shit while everyone else around me was having a wonderful fantastic ecstatic time. I have accepted it's just not for me, and will never do it again.
I guess it's the same for you and acid.
No. 584389
>>584386I've done it many times before and never had this issue though?
Unless my body has suddenly decided it doesn't like it anymore which would be a bummer lol
Thanks for the answer though anon!
No. 584405
I can't use weed anymore unless it's an edible. Gives me anxiety otherwise.
LSD. Fun as hell, but I abused it too much and I think it did some damage I'm only now recovering from lol, so probably never again.
Mushrooms. I've only done this a few times, not my favorite thing though. Best moment was watching Interstellar.
Vicodin, I took it when I got it, but I don't ever get the urge to do it again. I felt the effects but it's completely non-addicting to me whereas other drugs gave me a slight desire. Same with Xanax, but even on a small dose it acts as a date rape drug; I can't really enjoy the sex/experience since I'm not conscious for it at all.
MDMA, took this almost every week for a summer and I had to stay clean for almost six months for my brain to boot up again! (I was young and ignorant.) The last time I did it, I also ate a little bit of shrooms beforehand and it was very nice, so I'm repeating it years later next week. Hands down my favorite drug and the only one I can say that I'm addicted to.
I'm about to try DMT pretty soon in vape form. I attempted it back in college the old fashioned way but I'm not a smoker so I couldn't get it down.
>>584380The high dose probably did it. If you ate food close to drop time, it probably exacerbated things. Had a similar experience with shrooms, a trip or two after that one with the vomit/intense nausea, it's like my body remembers. I'd try to supplement with ginger or tums.
No. 584461
>>584392Done both.
Ketamine is awesome and like psychedelics can provide transfereable quality of mind that helps treat thing like addiction, depression or ptsd. But, unlike psychedelics, it can itself be very addictive.
Coke imo is a waste of time and money. I dated a coke dealer for a couple years and got as much as I wanted whenever I wanted in the duration, so obviously I abused it. I still party with coke on the rare occasion, but I don’t really think it’s worth it, plus the day after is murder. rip my nasal cavity.
No. 584471
>>584392Be mindful about the quality for both of them. I’ve seen people do shit ketamine and it didn’t look pleasant at all.
To me coke is overrated for how expensive it is (at least in the two countries I’ve lived in). Sure it’s a good feeling but not worth that much money. I have way more intense experiences with pills and acid.
No. 584489
>>584392I do ketamine almost every weekend. I have been doing it since about 2016 (when mxe vanished from the market..) taking 1-3 month long breaks every so often. I found a really solid vendor on darknet after some trial and error with other vendors peddling cut up crap.
>>584471>I’ve seen people do shit ketamine and it didn’t look pleasant at all.Be careful with your dosing. Invest in a mg scale for sure. You can get a decent one for around $20-30 on Amazon. Then check this out:'s a relatively safe drug in terms of overdose - it is like acid in that way. Difficult to OD. But you can def have difficult/traumatic experiences if you take more than you can handle. Good news is that it's an hour trip maximum so you won't be out for long.
If you can find a trip sitter for your first time I would recommend it.
No. 584515
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>>584514Sage for samefag,
I'm fine NOw but the 1st week was hellish, and I wouldn't have been able to do it if I didnt have my live in boyfriends support and help keeping me away from it, and emotionally.
If you have any depressive or tendencies for suicide suicidal ideation, weed withdrawl is serious. I had some good results tapering down before I went full turkey but I wouldn't have been able to do it on my own.
Booze is next!
No. 584518
>>584514I think I'm close to quitting wee again. I indulge far too much with it and it, along with my procrastination is making my anxiety and depression flare up shocking.
I've only done shrooms and acid three times. Two of those times nothing substantial happened but I had a really good trip that left me feeling so much clarity afterwards on shrooms. I was in a pretty bad depression at the time and after that trip I remember something just clicked and I was able to launch myself into actually doing productive steps. I applied for school afterwards and just recently got my masters. I'm actually looking to take some once the pandemic eases, although I don't want to put too much hope on it. Best thing is just to be thinking positive and have someone not on anything supervise the trip so to speak
No. 584548
>>584536Can't say much about foraging, but looking at the foliage/plant guide of your local woods could help.
You can also try growing them. If you have a green thumb I heard it's relatively easy and the materials are completely legal. Otherwise, I'd try asking your sketchiest/weirdest friend.
No. 584759
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>>584518Godspeed your quitting, anon. My state (cali) has been legal for a couple years, and from anecdotal evidence (me and my cousin quit weed for p much the same reasons) and from what my therapist and a doctor told me, there's more people coming out of the woodwork wanting to quit weed. It's not an easy going chill stoner lifestyle like I thought, being always high and shelling out $$$ has wasted so much of my time.
>>584536Buy them anon. the risks of foraging outweigh the cost.
No. 584867
>>584548Do you have any info about getting started and what to buy?
>>584759Yes ma'am will do!
No. 584881
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>>584867 as fuck simplified guide: you browse around r/shrooms there are other helpful threads about it. iirc you really only need the spores, a container (often lidded jar), and a dark/moist environment. If you read everything thoroughly it's a lot at first but it seems pretty simple, albeit I've never tried.
No. 585431
>>585429Mushrooms do the same to me, but I heard it helps to be in a bright environment like a park or something outdoors. (I've only done it inside my house at night lol)
Drink orange juice and eat a lot of fruit, anon.
No. 585467
>>585430don't do that anon lol
1) setup wallet to buy bitcoin on paxful
2) download tor
3) go here
might be against the rules to give you further instructions but you can start by exploring dreaddit!
No. 585481
>what drugs have you done?weed, lsd, ketamine, mdma, heroin, perks, cocaine, alcohol, shrooms, xanax
>what drugs do you use regularlynothing anymore, but the internet is kind of like a drug now. I spend all the time I used to be on drugs on the internet now. its sad.
>>585430Don't do this lol. They will think you are a narc. Make friends irl and the drugs will come. I started doing drugs when I started hanging out with artsy hippies. But stick to weed or party drugs only, no opiates. And I'm an oldfag so I can't vouch for the darkweb, but it doesn't sound like a good idea. Only get drugs from people you trust.
No. 585613
>>585481>I'm an oldfag so I can't vouch for the darkweb, but it doesn't sound like a good idea. Only get drugs from people you trust.Just my $0.02, but the best marketplaces on the darkweb function just like Amazon or any other ecommerce site. You browse products by rating/number of reviews and leave reviews yourself. It is not uncommon to find long standing vendors who sell products with 10,000+ reviews. As long as you stick to vendors with high trust scores you will be fine in terms of quality.
As for legal risk. As long as you're protecting yourself (vpn, tor, pgp encryption, only buying small recreational quantities) you should be fine. I've had ~100 transactions over the years and only had a few issues like the vendor delaying shipping or the product being slightly underweight. Usually the vendor will make it right so they can get a good review.
Lots of people either may not have the connections irl or just want the privacy of getting it themselves ..because well, your dealer (or someone above them) is probably buying from darknet anyways ..just in much larger and riskier quantities. Plus it is nice to have it delivered right to your door. I'm not knocking going thru irl connections, just wanted to give a vouch for this method.
No. 585636
>>585613If you’re gonna order from dnm, domestic vendors are always safest because they don’t have to go through customs.
If you order a drugs and the when the delivery arrives, if they ask you to sign for a package, decline. It’s a trap. You tell them “I didn’t order anything.”
If you get a call from the post office saying you have a package that needs to be picked up, decline. It’s a trap. Just say “I didn’t order anything.” Very simple.
That’s never happened ime and I order most of my shit online cuz I don’t trust dealers in my area, they don’t know shit from shinola.
No. 585642
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>>585636Samefag, I highly recommend buying a testing kit because if you’re going to do drugs, do them responsibly. You never know what street dealers are mixing their shit with and these help you know what you’re taking.
I once bought ‘adderal’ from a dealer my friend swore by, came home and tested it only to find the results concluded that it was meth, not adderal. I’ve also been sold molly that tested as a 2c. Dealers can be irresponsible as fuck.
No. 585687
>>585613Please stop spreading misinformation.
Using a VPN will not protect you. Tor is not designed to hide your identity and it clearly states that on their website. Tor is deliberately designed to tell people you're using it as a far to counteract cops using it. PGP is useful but only protects some communication and is rendered useless if the site is honeypotted, like most of the big sites have been over the last decade. All convos can be read as soon as they have your key, which they will get.
Your location can be found very easily. Tor is notorious for leaked Ip addresses and your VPN will only save you if you
1. Have it setup right. That includes checking for all leaks.
2. Have a VPN located outside 5-eyes.
Even then, there are risks. The only reason you havent been caught is because a dog hasn't picked up the scent on one of your packages. As soon as they do, they get a warrant. Your package will be delivered normally and then you will be arrested.
OR, the site is already honeypotted and they're waiting to come get you. I've known of several sites that ran honeypotted for nearly a year while the cops just collected info.
>>585636They changed their methods a year ago. The fact none of you seem to have read the manual on how postal employees are meant to deal with this (which is available all over the onion network) shows me you dumbasses are gonna be arrested in a few months max.
No. 585694
>>585687No, they won’t be. Drugs are what’s called ‘controlled delivery’. If you are asked to sign for or pick up your darknet drugs, decline. Cops can’t bother with and don’t care about busting buyers of recreational amounts. You’re paranoid and spreading bad information.
No. 585713
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>>585687I can tell you’ve never done any of this before kek.
No. 586189
>>585973I’d like to hear about the effects. Is ketamine a dissociative?
It’s kind of funny, nitrous oxide aka hippie crack is one, I think. tmi, but doing nitrous used to feel like I was having an orgasm but more like an orgasm that started in the brain. I think it was something to do with lack of oxygen more than the nitrous, but maybe not.
I had a friend who I mostly hung out with only at parties, but when we saw each other we would do tons of nitrous. My mom had got this nice whipped cream tank from Williams-Sonoma and she and I basically claimed it. You could load two canisters at once. I would stash it in my backpack with the canisters in a Xmas stocking to keep them from rattling. Anyhow, we were at this one party that actually sucked but who cares, and she was sitting on the bed hyperventilating and then she inhaled the whole thing and she flopped back and starting shaking. I had never seen anything like it and was panicking, it looked like she was having a seizure or something. Just as I was about to call 911 she came out of it, all smiles. I was freaking out, yelling what the fuck happened to you, I was so scared holy shit and all this.
She was loading the tank again and giggling like crazy. “Fishin’ out? I was fishin’ out? That’s the whole point!” Like a fish out of water, flopping around. I never asked her if this was a thing that lots of people said, or if it was just a phrase her and her friends used. I myself have never fished out, but yeah.
That’s another thing I think is interesting, drug slang between friends. When we were a little too stoned and getting paranoid we used to say we were skizzing, which was short for schizo, inb4 how awful. Does anyone else here do anything like that?
No. 586193
>>585729The phantom cigarettes thing sounds like the stuff that happens in the Don Juan books by Carlos Castaneda. I think he smoked datura as part of the process. I also think these books are widely accepted as fiction now but they’re still fun to read.
It’s like the digital elves from robocopping. Which I have not seen kek.
No. 587826
>>585729Different Anon chipping in, Keatmine is a disso yeah! It’s like a way more intense nitrous trip lol. It also depends if u get s-ket or r-ket. One is more trippy and makes me more dissociates (I was sitting in my ex room but I thought I was in a spaceship) the other is more like alcohol :-)
In other news I love speed. I am lucky to live in a country were meth isn’t as popular but amphetamine is and damn this shit pops off. Currently on it lol. It’s the least addictive hard drug in my opinion and I love tweaking out on it
No. 588978
>>584114there's clearnet research chemical vendors in a number of countries that sell 1p-lsd, which is a prodrug for normal acid and is basically metabolized into the same thing
at least this is how my friend from the internet with a degree in chemistry broke it down for me
anyways it's reasonably priced, the tabs I've tried were significantly stronger than the dnm tabs I've had before which makes me think that the illicit one's I've had up to this point were all underdosed
check with your country if it's banned and whether you've got generic drug laws or not to gauge legality and use your google fu to find out which clearnet sellers are reputable.
No. 599600
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I want to do 3-fea/2-fea combo at this free party near my city but I'm kinda worried about rolling alone and then having to walk half an hour to a night bus stop in a strange area lol. I want to do it thoooo
Also I'm planning on doing LSD on my birthday. Last time i tripped was a year ago and I thought 200-225 ug is not as impressive to me anymore, so I want to do 300 and realize things lmao
No. 599700
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>>599600>>599634I did LSD a couple days ago!! Played Journey the whole time. It was so beautiful and brought me immense joy. Have fun anon!
No. 620677
>>585687ITA. Sorry but you are insane if you think that LE gives one single rat's ass about some random nobody buying recreational quantities to have some fun on the weekend. They have WAY bigger fish to fry (hello opiod epidemic??) and it is a complete waste of government resources and taxpayer money to go after randos like me buying 2g of K on darknet.
If they are going to use sophisticated technology to break through multiple layers of rerouting/encryption, they are going after dealers who make daily trades in thousands of dollars..
No. 628356
>>628346Which benzo are you on. Was prescribed and on Xanax daily for 4-5 years, It took me months to taper off. I had to microtaper and even then the withdrawal was hellish, I guess I was luckier than others have been in my position though(considering the duration I was depending and the amount I had been taking ).
I very, VERY gradually increased the time in between each dose and shaved a tiny bit off of my pills. I was very careful and made sure to take my time and not rush it.
If it becomes so unbearable I’d see if you can get a script for Valium (this is a common method with benzo tapering) or gabapentin.
Best of luck to you, it’s difficult but your brain will heal. I still had post acute withdrawal symptoms (akathisia ) well over a year after I stopped taking it entirely but it had become less unbearable
No. 659111
>>46565This is from years ago but my mom is on meth, i found out when I was 14, it seems like she is bipolar because of meth. One day she'll be happy and the funnest person to be around, the next she's screaming at us about stealing shit/using her. I don't like how she uses but me and my sisters just accept it at this point. A little OT but I never realized how common meth was til I turned 20. I was taught as a kid that it's a scary drug and stuff like that but seeing relatives and adults I've known since childhood, people who don't seem like ~druggies~ made me feel weird. I'm quite scared for her and annoyed. I know addiction is a disease or whatever and I need to have empathy but days when she's coming down are so annoying. She threw a fit over syrup the other day ffs. She also has this weird tic that the drugs gave her where she picks at her teeth and two have fallen out. Her hair is falling out. She looks scrawny and emaciated but somehow bloated too. I hate to say it but I look at my mom and I just.., i don't wanna become that. I love her but she is so flakey and seems weak minded. I hope she makes the choice to quit
I've smoked weed and maybe I did it wrong or it was just weak, but it had no effects on me. I have also done cough syrup when i was a dumbass teen because poorfag. It made me almost shit myself and see swirlies in the ceiling. The Alice in wonderland thing, i felt like I was the size of the bathtub when I was in the bathroom, and i walked out into the living room and felt claustrophobic, the walls were at my sides and the ceiling cavingin.. Everything was so oblong. It only lasted for like 5 hours. 6/10. Cough syrup is nasty and I thought the effects would be more intense. I would never do drugs again except maybe weed because it is too expensive, and risky.
No. 659122
>>659111i don't want to derail the thread but you are not wrong for being upset / annoyed with your mom or feeling disappointed at the choices she has made. this can coexist with your empathy for her, i hope no one guilt trips you into feeling like you aren't allowed to hold her accountable for her choices or behaviours or feel resentment or sadness, disappointment, hurt, anger etc at the way her addiction affects you and your sisters (and the rest of your family, if they're affected by it as well).
this is also my mom's drug of choice, and she goes into terrifying violent psychosis. living with her has been like living inside of a schizophrenic horror movie. which is not to divert the subject onto myself, just letting you know you are far from alone, because living with this can feel very isolating sometimes.
i hope you and your sisters are taking care of yourselves, and that you all have a backup plan or a couch to surf on for a few days if shit really hits the fan. your feelings are entirely understandable and healthy, and your mixed feelings towards your mother do not negate your love or compassion for her.
i'm sure you know all of this, but i feel the need to say it anyways because a lot of resources and support groups for children / loved ones of addicts really hammer home forgiveness (and rhetoric that is often misappropriated to evade accountability or as a blanket excuse for the addict's actions)
No. 659808
I've used 3MMC, GHB, coke, mdma/ecstasy, ketamine, shroom, lsd, spice, 3mmc and weed
And I've never had any good experience with psychedelicd/weed. If you don't feel like it works good for you, trust yourself and stop trying. 3mmc and GHB are really good for freaky partying and coke never done anything good for me, I hardly get a kick out of it, it's a waste of money if you aren't in a city where they sell fine dope. I kinda feel sad but not really sad that my most magnificent nights have been spent under the influence but that's life it be what it be.
No. 670610
>>659808Do you take SNRIs (a class of antidepressant)? They stop coke working because they occupy the same neuroreceptors.
Wasted a wad of cash before checking this out on erowid and realising why I was feeling like Charlie Sheen banging 7g rocks and feeling fuck all while everyone else's faces were going numb.
No. 671249
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did some speed saturday morning since we had some laying around, then did mdma two days in a row. really bad idea in practice, but somehow im feeling fine still. it was really weird, the second day i started rolling and about 30 minutes later it was entirely gone. i made the mistake of dipping some more times after it went, it never came back. im quite young, 23, so im experimenting before ill get too caught up in life with everything to ever dedicate a weekend to stuff like this.
normally i feel the tuesday blues just like you usually do, saturday night roll, sunday monday fine and then tuesday im emotional etc (but only if i go hard, like above 300 or so, which i only did once so far) but today i just felt a bit unmotivated.
maybe its because i took some l-tryptophane which is a seratoin precursor so maybe thats the reason why.
No. 671305
>>671251I don't know about them, my friend ended up with a bunch of amyloid plaques in her brain supposedly from doing too much speed all through high school.
Other than that, you can restore your brain a bit if you don't replace drugs with something else, but I have noticed even in people who didn't do drugs that feeling less intense excitement about life is just part of getting older. So some of it never comes back.
>>671249The l-trypto helps to a point but I reckon it's better to take good breaks between to get the best quality feels or eventually every roll is kinda disappointing, after a while it actually feels worse than being sober. Punctuating big weekends with a health kick makes it better again.
No. 671458
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>>671305you are so right, honestly normally im autistic about the whole every 3 month brain neurotoxicity prevention gap but that weekend i just decided to turn my brain off. i wont be doing it ever again thats for sure.
>>671251unless you did molly like every weekend for many months, no. the true effects unfold if you take it so regularly that you barely feel the effects while rolling, and feel like a miserable bastard off drugs. taking MDMA too much is neurotoxic.
and im pretty sure that the most damage from coke is to your heart muscle and to your mucus membrane in your nose and not the brain
do you sleep well? if you have damaged your brain with mdma you should also have trouble sleeping, as one of the two neurotransmitters it releases is seratonin (contentness/sleepiness)
also keep in mind that in life you are not always supposed to be happy, dopamine is a reward hormone (normally) that gets released just enough for us to crave more. your brain isnt broken if you are always or mostly in a neutral state, but if you do feel down a lot id recommend you to try to get to the bottom of it.
No. 672379
>>671488my bf got mild mppd from weed sideeffects, but i havent gotten anything yet.
if it cheers you up, it seems to fade with time.
No. 672761
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>mom is okay with me self-medicating with THC despite her being a fundie Christian retard
>therapist/psych duo yelled at me for experiencing positive results with THC after forcing ineffective drugs down my throat and starting to push benzos to alleviate the negative symptoms of SSRIs
really makes me think :DDD
No. 672793
>>672761Sell the benzos for street $$$$
Probby solved.
No. 674066
>>673822anon…did she die?
hope you feel better now. drink some water
No. 674601
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I’ve been smoking weed a lot more after quitting for half a year. I missed it. My anxious behavior was definitely the result of my past environment more than the weed itself. Feels good to get blasted and work remotely.
No. 674794
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I took some Molly and now I regret it, any advice on how to sail through this kinda smoothly.
No. 675534
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I have no idea how to source anymore after moving, and craigslist is retarded. What do I do, anons?
No. 721306
>>720543Heh, some of the nerds I hang out with were talking about their hilarious heroin stories a week back. I mentioned DXM and my experiences of it and they immediately switched tune.
"Jesus, anon, that shit's dangerous!"
But waking up covered in heroin vomit ain't? The double-standard is real.
No. 746904
nonny are you still here? How's your grow going? What method are you using? I've been doing research trying to gear up to grow some golden teacher as well and seems like the PF Tek method is the easiest/most common. But I think I'd prefer to use a print rather than a syringe. Curious to know what you're trying.
No. 747735
>>747683I've never had Sally D, but have always been pretty curious, would love to hear what you think of it after trying anon
>>721306I know this post is old but I don't get why people who do harder drugs seem so rattled by DXM, my friend who abuses benzos constantly lectured me for trying DXM once. I don't think DXM is really worth doing though, so maybe it's a risk vs reward thing to them if they also find it lame
No. 814232
>>746904nta but I successfully grew golden teachers for the first time last year and have been trying again since April with grow bags but I'm not having the same luck. Ugh. I know that many long time growers are against grow bags but its so hard to reduce contamination esp when you don't wanna invest in a still-air kit, so I'm sticking with my grow bags for now (worked great last year!)
From my knowledge prints colonize faster which is always better because it reduces the chance of contamination. I've only used syringes so far because its much easier to just clean them off really well and stick it in but thats just me. Have fun! Its such a fun little hobby. I don't even really plan to trip much I just wanna give them away to friends.
No. 815263
>>813054I think you're just experiencing some sort of reverse placebo effect, anon. I did fuck my heart up on coke but it took me years. If your problems do persist I would go to a doctor on the (very low) chance that you have an underlying problem that coke exaggerated. But it sounds to me like you might just be a bit panicked about it, with it being your first time. Good luck,
No. 815344
>What drugs have you done?
-Weed. I fucking hate it on its own. All I do is lay down and blabber shit, reminds me of the time I was on antidepressants ages ago and was just there numb and dumb. I do love mixing it with other shit though.
-Molly/ecstasy. Eurofag so pills are good quality and it's easier for me to calculate the dosage. I love it, mixed with weed it can become very trippy and I'm one of those weirdos who loves creepy visuals. Comedowns are really bad and I feel negative for a couple days, but it's the easiest for me to get. I do it like every 2-3 months.
-Acid. My absolute favorite, soft and kind visuals, introspective and it just makes me feel good all day. I call the feeling "chill euphoria". Mixing it with weed gives stronger visuals, but like lowering the FPS on my eyes kek. The creepiest thing I did while on acid was talking to death itself but I wasn't seeing it, just knew it was there and we were chattering like buddies.
I never mix anything with alcohol, tried it a few times and my body rejects it all the way and end up throwing up. My worst experience was a molly/alcohol mix where I apparentely overdosed and couldn't stop puking. It was weird, like I couldn't get off the ride but I was still having fun with all the crazy hallucinations. Solved with a cold shower and then I fell asleep like a baby.
I did try shrooms once but it was a very very low dose so the only effect they had was making me giggle at everything. My bf took a normal dose that night and he spent a couple hours bawling his eyes out, then hallucinating, then calling all his friends and family to tell them he loved them. He's been more positive and energetic since, so next week I'm gonna try them for good too kek.
No. 887680
>>887507i just did almost a whole weed
No. 895101
>>46070>>What drugs have you done?MDMA: can 100% recommend if taken responsibly, meaning get actual MDMA, not pills, measure it out carefully, pick the dosage according to your body weight, do it with people you trust, eat beforehand, stay hydrated, only take more once and only several hours after the first dose. helps me connect with people, though the positive effects wear off after a couple of months/weeks and not every trip is equally successful.
cocaine: no idea what people see in it. awful. makes me feel more aloof and isolated.
lsd: I've always been extremely scared of psychedelics since even weed makes me a bit paranoid. This year I finally experimented with low dose acid. it was great. very different from what I expected, but also exactly what I expected if that makes sense. the most positive effect was that for a while it made my days feel longer… as in, I could get more done in a certain timeframe. Time wouldn't just run by.
>>What drugs do you use regularly?Vyvanse. Do not recommend. It'll probably end up frying my brain, but I have ADD and being completely disorganized isn't great for my health either.
No. 895129
>What drugs have you done?
Weed, benzos, tramadol, fentanyl (once and boring), dmt (incredible, 100/10), lsd, 2c, cocaine (shit), glorious ketamine, shrooms, boring party drugs like e.
Experimented a lot in my 20s and learned i don't like uppers, and lost a lot of memories and brain cells from my benzos/opiates period.
What drugs do you use regularly?
Weed only, and hallucinogens twice a year. Would do ketamine to death but is impossible to get in my country without stealing from a vet
I regret and miss benzos the most, weird times.
No. 895158
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>>895137(reposting because I wanted to add a few things)
The pills are definitely worse. In the past years they contained way too much MDMA (as well as other substances) for average-sized women. However, pure MDMA isn't easy on the stomach either even in sensible amounts.
If you have a sensitive stomach and eat nothing at all you end up retching stomach acid and whatever liquids you drank instead. At least that's my experience. Not eating all day sounds like a recipe for dehydration to me. Are your friends male?
As a woman you should expect a heavy physical impact within the first hour. Especially if you're small. That's when having people you trust by your side is key. You might feel drowsy, sweaty and sick, but it's fine and will be over soon, plus it's nothing like feeling sick from alcohol. A big part of it is psychological and if you have a friend who gets you a coke and tells you that it'll be okay it'll be fine 9 out of 10 times (the other time you'll lie down for 30 minutes and after that it'll be fine, too.)
Just to avoid misunderstandings: I don't mean eat right before taking it, more like have a healthy balanced meal 3 to 4 hours before you start rolling. Better for your system to consume some nutrients beforehand since you're not going to eat much for the next 8-24 hours. If you want to avoid throwing up at all costs, put the MDMA into enteric-coated pills. The effects start at the dopamine receptors in the small intestine anyway. No need to irritate your stomach.
Taking it on an empty stomach has the upside that there's no delay and no surprise with regard to when it will hit you.
No. 895856
>>895193Exact same thing happened to me, that's why I wrote "it's nothing like feeling sick from alcohol" kek.
>>895238To me, the biggest difference between alcohol and MDMA is that I've never done things I regret on MDMA, though MDMA also never makes me overly affectionate, just less autistic while alcohol increases both affection and autism (don't combine MDMA with alcohol).
No. 905528
>>895193man you're lucky. Puking always feels way worse for me on mdma to the point its keeping me off it again.
are you doing something to prepare yourself beforehand?
No. 905599
>>905361Honestly the type isn't going to make as much difference as the dosage. If last time was too intense, just take less next time.
That being said, I've had good experiences with Golden Teacher shrooms and found them a bit more manageable than mckennas.
No. 905964
>>905599Thanks nonna, it's not the dosage because I had both small and large doses (grew my own at home and the first kit lasted me months even sharing with friends) and the kick is the same, the only difference I noticed it how long it lasts. Gonna try Golden Teacher next.
>>905559Don't worry about psychedelics being phisically addictive, they're not. And they usually put such a strain on your mind you don't want to take them for a good while after a trip.
No. 1199077
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Reviving this to ask if 5g is too much of a dose of psilocybin to take. I've been told it's "the shamanistic way" but that sounds like a retarded LARP. I'm 88 lbs for example (no im not ana im just retarded) and I feel like 5g is a bit overkill. I've also never done shrooms before. Wouldn't 2g be enough, or 3g? I want to cure my depression and autistic tendencies, thank you.
No. 1199137
>>1199108>>1199116I did use my brain but I wanted to double check because the person (my sister's boyfriend, yes a moid, go figure) said that 5g makes no difference on different body sizes which makes no sense to me. The shamanistic shit he said made me cringe, he isn't a shaman nor has he ever met one I don't think. He's just a tard. Anyway I mostly wanted to ask to get others' opinions because maybe he will not shame me into taking 5g then. He's the one who thinks it'll cure me. Yes he's retarded, but I also want to try shrooms at least once in my life anyway.
Thanks for the advice!
No. 1199370
>>1199205What a cute experience nona, please update on your upcoming trip too.
>ordered Penis Envy shrooms and he received them today.The hell do you live where you're able to legally order these via mail? We have to order spores and grow them ourselves in the US
No. 1199474
>>1199370I am in Canada, there's a grey line when it comes to shrooms. They are technically illegal, but the law is not enforced. I order them from British Colombia. If any other nona from Canada are looking for a website with good weed and shrooms with good deals this is the website I use I took a bunch of photos of my cat during my trip and I could see the halo on the photos too. I felt kinda dumb when I looked back at them the next day and they were just very shitty cat pictures.
No. 1199593
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Don't infight and tell us more about your trips pls.
No. 1199677
>>1199650It was a psychedelic. My friend that lived there and took it a bunch of times doesn't know what it is either, he'd like to know too. The guy that sold it didn't want to tell me what the molecule was. I am pretty sure he made them himself. The only effect that it had that I can describe with words is that, like a lot of psychedelics do, everything around me was melting. I have done, shroom, acid and lsd and it wasn't the same kind of high.
I have been sober with friends that were on ecstasy and every thing they said made sense. They were just very annoying and touchy, as E does. I also have done ecstasy many times and I know how it feels.
No. 1199706
>>1199474Interesting, thanks for sharing! Maybe I should book a bnb or something and order ahead.
>they were just very shitty cat pictures.Psh you were just missing the proper enlightened state of mind kek
No. 1199905
Alcohol, tobacco and weed (obviously), tramadol, codeine and o-dsmt, all rc benzo's (plus some pharma ones), 2f-ketamine, o-pce, 3-meo-pcp, 6-apb, 1p-lsd, 4-ho-mipt, 2c-c I've tried. I know I sound like all of your moms but don't get into it too much, don't make it a daily thing. I have been addicted to benzo's, opiods and alcohol since I was 16-17 (2 years) and I can feel myself become dumber by the day. Psychedelics are 100 percent worth it though, you get a completely different perspective on the world.
No. 1199914
shrooms, weed, lsd, mdma, ritalin, vyvanse, oxycontin, morphine, codeine, cocaine, dxm, kratom, xanax, ativan. and now i just smoke pot and drink. how boring.
the only drugs i like (opiods and benzos) are the only ones i can't do because i would destroy my life so fast lmao. the only drug i want to try and haven't is ketamine.
No. 1199937
>>1199769>>1199699Yes lol, I honestly love the overwhelming laughter from lsd or shrooms. Last time I did shrooms with a couple of friends & we went camping. One of them asked "do you think trees have thoughts?" While we're all tripping & my other friend and I laughed so hard we cried for like 20min because we both thought he meant "thots" as in are some trees trap bitches lol. Laughed so hard and loud our laughter echoed off the lake & it was like 3am at that point, the other campers probably thought we were absolute nutbags. We also danced with glow sticks to 2000s techno & a car turned their headlights off so they could watch us, then ultralight beam came on & we all cried lol. What a great damn night that was!
What makes it so hard to talk on psychedelics sometimes? Like your tongue & vocal chords both forget how to work, anyone know what I mean?
No. 1199979

Penis envy anon reporting here, I am ESL so sorry if some things are worded weirdly. To anyone that has never been in that state, this will seem very deranged and will probably make no sense, you have to live this to truly understand what I just experienced.
I ended up taking 4g alone tonight. It was the first time that I had this kind of trip. I went into total primate state. This is a state that you only want to be in if you are alone or with someone you trust and can have absolutely NO shame around. I would be embarassed for life if someone saw honestly. At the beginning I just put on some music and saw the usual kaleidoscopic shapes. Eventually my mind just broke. I finally accepted the light (which was the led from my tv screen). I just went wild. I stripped down naked, only kept my underwear cause I am on my period. I started chasing one of my cats around as if I was a predator. I was chanting "Papou papou where are you Papou" (papou is my cat's nickname). That chant reoccured many time during my trip kek. My nose started to be runny and my mind told me that I was an animal. So I covered myself with my snot instead of just blowing my nose (cause that's what humans do). I was walking on all four, laughing like a hyena. I could feel that my cat loved being able to play with me when I accepted that I too was an animal. I truly felt like I was on the same plane of existence as my cat. I had no human emotions, I was pure animal. He was running around with his cat raised up high and purring the whole time. We were
both cats just chasing each others around.
Eventuallyy my brain told me that I was a human not an animal, I could feel myself becoming sober like. Then I had to accepted the light again. I learnt that I could be a human and an animal at same time. That both states can exist together.
This is when I started self reflecting on my life, I slipped into my animal state a few times and I could feel the human state battling against it. I guess that my brain was trying to tell me that there can be a balance in the emotions I can feel (I am a bpd chan). That feeling nothing (animal) and feeling too much (human) can have a middle ground if that makes sense.
I started crying while cradling my cat. I told myself that in life I had to become like a crayfish. I honestly can't explain that part it all made sense at that point. Then I accepted that my cat was a crayfish too and in the end we are both the same even if he is an animal and I a human we are both crayfishes, That we are only atoms yada yada fucking cliché stuff. When I accepted and learned everything I could truly accept the light this time. I was no longer into my primal state. I could feel my body covered in snot, I started feeling shameful and disgusting. I took a shower and went into bed. The come down was like the beginning, just felt blissful and saw some nice shapes. I wish I had the words to describe everything I felt and did. There is no words. This is a fraction of was I did and thought and felt. It was a very insightful trip. At the end I had the thought that if a troon experiences this kind of trip and is still a troon, then it is purely for the coom. I listened to Sunn O))) & Boris' Fried Eagle Mind for most of that trip and it really shaped the whole thing. I want to relive this alone in the woods. I live in an apartment with paper thin walls so my neighbors hearing me was always in the back of my mind the whole time. Also, my boyfriend texted me during my trip and I replied that I was an animal and that animals can't type kek
No. 1200403
>>1200011When I was typing this I could only think about how dumb this made me look like kek
I have been in a depressive phase lately and I feel that it helped a little. I like when I can think about my insecurities and things I hate about my life without the anxiety that usually comes with it.
I am sadly 100% human now.
No. 1200412
>>1199979I feel like I just do this shit regularly when I'm home alone and bored, minus the naked thing. The acting like a feral animal really speaks to me, I've always loved doing that when I was home alone.
I like the text part, kek. Man I used to fantasize about having friends/girlfriends to act feral with at night in the woods, in a field, running on all fours and being animals. I bet that's what girls who were accused of witches would do when they were caught dancing in the forests at night, just acting wild and free.
No. 1200517
>>1200412I was bummed to be on my period at first cause I started just after I ate the shrooms. During my trip it made me feel more connected to my animal side in a way. A part of me wanted to free bleed and cover myself with my blood, but even in my fucked up state I knew that the cleaning part wouldn't be fun the next day.
You have no idea about how I wanted to go run in the woods. I kept telling myself that animals don't belong in city cages and that you have to be free in the wild. I have been wanting to live the city for a while and go live in the country so I guess it manifested in that way. Now that I slept and can look back at my trip with a true sober mind it was so wild and fun. I felt like a kid again, just having fun with the simplest things. I wish this could be the real me, no shame just letting go of everything and live. I tend to overthink everything, stop myself from doing the things that I enjoy because I care too much about what others think of me. I'm kinda bummed that it wasn't a life changing experience like some people get. I can feel a little more clear minded but I am still a depressed anxious mess. I will retry it again in a few months. If I had a driver license, I'd rent a cabin in the wood and just go wild there.
No. 1200900
>>1200895For reference I also want to stock up on 4-AcO-DMT and LSD before they make them illegal for absolutely no reason.
It sucks so much, you could buy 100% pure chemicals from real companies that operate openly and legally, now you buy some mystery chemical from 80IQ Albanians.
Clap clap, great success glowies, you made the world a better place.
No. 1203021
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Rolled with my fiance on Friday night, usually I like to go full retard and dose like 200-300mg when we do MDMA but we chilled with only 100mg and no re-ups
It was amazing, we connected on different levels than in previous rolls and weren't too bonked to recall the night. Playing instruments together, snuggling and laughing. I always forget how connecting Molly can be, can't wait to roll again (after a lengthy period of time ofc)
No. 1204138
Regularly use weed, adderall and LSD, have tried shrooms, ketamine, and kratom before but didn't like them. Acid is wonderful, I've never had a bad trip, I love going on a hike while tripping and doing some deep introspective brain cleaning. I usually end with optimism and plans. Shrooms however… I had a bad trip, was sitting outside in my garden just fucking melting into a blob of fear and dread while the plants taunted me. Plus my body screaming "you're dying from eating poison" and retching the whole time (even with a full day fast) did not help. I spent the comedown smoking weed and petting my cat (he was my guardian during the trip, we had a nice chat), and that was pleasant but mostly because I was glad the trip was ending kek.
I have some shrooms left but I'm in no hurry to use them. My friends are all really into coke right now, but their addict behavior is a big deterrent against trying it lol. I'm super interested in DXM, and MDMA if I can ever get my hands on them
No. 1204195
>>1204065A shrooms chocolate bar? Where does one find something like that?
Also can any anons help me out with a question I have. I've been tapering off antidepressants (the SSRI paxil) for months but am still taking a low-ish dose (7.5 mg). Will it be impossible/dangerous for me to trip? Or can I just skip a day of the SSRI and still have a good experience on psychedelics?
No. 1204280
>>1204195I personally never had major issue with serotonin syndrome when I was taking antidepressant and occasionally doing drugs. There was one instance where I was on a huge dose of prozac and took drugs, I forgot what it was exactly, but I did get some symptoms like overheating, anxiety, and jitters, but it calmed down after two hours or so. So from then I always stopped taking my meds at least 3 days before before doing something big like psychedelic or MDMA.
I would also quit antipsychotic a week before because I find it diminishes psychedelics a lot (not recommended if you're a schizo of course, I only took it for mood swings when I was misdiagnosed with bipolar.)
No. 1204288
>>1204138Do you know about how much shrooms you ate
nonny? I wonder if it was the amount or just a bad reaction in general. Also what strain?
No. 1204307
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>>1204138Not sure where you live but at least on burger Amazon, you can buy DXM in form of gel caps. This specific brand contains no acetaminophen or guaifenesin or other shit that makes most over the counter brands of DXM dangerous to take in large doses.
No. 1204409
>>1204388I don't think psychedelics will fuck your life up
nonny. Being a habitual user of anything to a point where it's become a distraction will cause damage. I've never found acid, shrooms, other kinds of psyches to be addictive in ways even weed can become. It's really meant for it's own experience and can be good or bad depending on how your life is at the time.
I use to do a cocktail of drugs all the time, whatever I could find to a point where it became more destructive then productive. No one should rely on drugs for creative energy, which I did. I never needed them as a teenager but I definitely fell into the rabbit hole of feeling like I did.
I'd say an occasional acid trip on a vacation or even a micro-dose of shrooms in tea won't cause any terrible harm to your lifestyle. If you don't feel the need to do it every weekend and just once in a blue moon, whose it hurting really?
No. 1204415
>>1204406There's no reason to be a bitch. Creativity is a muscle that needs to be used.
>>1204388I'm sure you have selective memory goggles on regarding your old self who probably at many points wished for the kind of stability you have now. You probably just haven't had time to dedicate to more folly, creative pursuits.
No. 1204422
>>1204406That's not really what I mean, I gave incomplete information.
It's just that using the drugs sort of squeezed those juices out of me to the point where they are now gone because I took away the drugs. Like I used them all up from going at 500% instead of just my regular rate before I ever did anything. I also tried to get on SSRI's for half a year and that killed my soul. Wish I could reverse that.
But it could also just be good old growing up. I have become a lot more conservative lately, care more about my career, am surrounded by more mature (and boring) people. I'm 25 now. Feel reborn into adulthood now.
>>1204415I speak of being creative but that was all in my mind anyway, my way of thinking, my speech, the way I could introduce people to perspectives they wouldn't have seen on their own in 100 years. Creative in social interactions and thought. I never had the energy to continue my creative projects until I had any actual output.
Now I just feel boring and basic. Even my quick wit I seem to have lost. Like my mind is calcifying.
No. 1204457
>>1204434Other druggies become ugly hippie tattoo raver stoners, I became boring and conservative. Not sure if it's even the drugs anymore.
I get 4-5hrs of sleep most nights since I quit smoking weed daily 2 years ago. Maybe that's just it and I'm looking too deep into it.
No. 1204582
>>1204288I took 3 grams, no idea about the strain unfortunately. My friends who took them with me had a great time with almost no physical effects on the same dose so maybe my body just hates shrooms kek
>>1204307oh shit thanks
nonny No. 1243722
Used to brag about how acid did little to nothing to me and last weekend I got slapped hard but loved it.
>At music festival, camping in the woods
>Happy because 2 days earlier I finally met my online crush and he was all giddy to see me as well
>Set was ok, setting was eh considering I was surrounded by drunk campers but I was with friends so I went for it
>Take half a tab, the usual mild tripping and feeling dizzy, take 1/4 more, no improvement. Take another half a tab and share half a j with one of my friends
>I kid you not, I blinked and saw in the back of my head the Star Trek warp animation
>Lay on the grass to look at the clouds, believe I'm seeing them through the eyes of all the people watching those clouds in that moment
>Believe I can see whatever someone else is seeing if I train hard enough, try to see what my crush is seeing
>Right before the trip he texted me he was going to sleep for a while, see only a dark hotel room then nothing
>Suddenly start feeling LOVE as I never felt it before
>See myself holding a baby with him (I'm staunch childfree but in that moment it was the most beautiful thing in the world)
>Eyes switch to kaleidoscope mode, fuck now everything I see I see 6fold
>Fuck I need to go to the toilet, ask my friends to take me there because I thought they were sober, couldn't understand why I was the one guiding them back (thank fucking god I'm good with directions)
>Lay on the grass again, see my thoughts as a bunch of wires, would take one wire out of the bunch and it turned into a fractal, learned all about where that thought came from, solved whatever issue I had with it then found its place like it was some mental cleansing (this was in a span of seconds)
>Randomly got horny but didn't even flinch
>I could feel everything all at once, it was so intense but so calm at the same time
>At some point I gave up on keeping track of the time and thought "maybe that's it, maybe I'm dead" but a voice in my mind scolded me because I haven't fulfilled my life purpose yet
>According to that voice my purpose in life is to control time
>Keep staring at clouds, they shape into zodiac signs and Leo and Gemini bow to Libra (I'm not either)
>After fucking 5 hours I finally start coming down, tell my friends "whoa I was so lucky you guys were sober, I was into fucking hyperspace"
>"What are you talking about anon, we were as high as you"
And that's why I ain't doing acid at parties or festivals ever again. We were lucky our tent neighbours were happy drunk hippies and not some kind of creepy jerks or god knows what could've happened. It was like a very very strong shroooms dose but I hero dosed a couple times and it still wasn't intense. I enjoyed every second of it though.
Deleted and reposted because ESL rambling, dunno if it's more readable now but eh
No. 1345649
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>>1345643Samefag overfilled my cat bowls like this
No. 1346413
>>1346362 says doing it alone with 1.5g should be fine. I agree you shouldn't do it if you're mentally ill, unless you have really good grounding skills.
>>1346370lsd can be fun when you smoke weed to curb the anxiety but the comedowns that make you too anxious and introspective almost make it not worth dropping.
No. 1346587
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I was bored and took a bunch of diphenhydramine last night, it was pretty bad. I heard screams and people talking in my bathroom, and there were clusters of spiders like pic all over my ceiling. Needed to puke but I was terrified of the people in my bathroom. Not even the worst shroom trips I've taken have felt that "real" or terrifying. I ended up passing out and woke up with a killer hangover. Would not recommend.
No. 1347209
>>1345598That's helpful, thanks anon!
I guess I'll maybe try after my housemates go to sleep with a window cracked. I really don't feel like being grilled about why the house smells like mothballs.
No. 1348067
>>1346616Well my
terf ass just heard back and it's happening and I'm gonna have a great time so fuck off back to twitter
>>1346830Not a lot of farms around here, I heard you have to forage in manure? Wish I wasn't such a germaphobe kek. I should check out some region specific guides though to see if it is possible, thanks
nonnie No. 1379827
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nonnies what advice do you have for a first shroom trip? should i draw or just watch something that i know I'll enjoy? I worry that doing art might make me existential since I'm a career artist. I plan on microdosing to test the strength of my shrooms before taking a full dose. ive read about the shroom tea and dark chocolate trick, wondering if smoking weed might help if I get sick during the trip tho? I have a very high weed tolerance but idk how the two interact, am nervous.
No. 1379994
>>1379968Well, for one I'm genuinely curious because of how 'unique' it is I suppose. Takes 4-8 hours to kick in and lasts up to 72 hours (most often 48 though). People who liked it praised it for being very unique as well, it was an interesting rabbit hole. As for getting a different psychedelic, well, right now I'm not able to and the guy Ik isn't very reliable. Tbf I think I might have jumped on this because of how hooked I got reading about it and researching how to prepare. I've been really stressed out by life recently and it was fun to make all the plans. It's also niche and my pretentious tendencies might have jumped out.
The more I think about it the more I feel like I just want to be unconscious for two days so I don't have to deal with my emotions tbh>>1379972Thank you anon, already checked it out. Wasn't convinced before I found the other thread though.
>>1379975Yeah, it's very long and tiring for the body since you pretty much have to poison yourself for it work.
No. 1380006
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>>1379948First time? It's an uncomfortable experience for some. I personally enjoy a cheeky bit of the meg, but the dry mouth and sensitivity to sensations can be a bit much for some. Your planning is sensible, I wish I'd thought out my first time better than that.
My best trip starter with two nutmeg nuts, some oranges, and lots of cheese on toast. Fatty/dairy foods apparently help with absorption, it goes well. Milk is a good idea too. Honestly, you have your strategy down perfect, down to the exercise, the coffee, and the food. You probably already know this, as you planned so sensibly, I may even address you as the Empress Meg, however, these are things I wish I'd known
>Don't do it on a busy day. You may find yourself disoriented, losing your train of thought, and paranoid around crowds of people. Sensations are vivid. This can either make it a great or a terrible trip, so make sure you have nothing to do.
>Nature will look beautifulSeriously, get some time outside
>Don't sleep after taking nutmegYou should take it at the start of the day. It will feel like a terrible hangover, and mess up your trip, if you take it before going to bed.
>Stay hydrated but don't overdo it>Don't do this more than once every two weeksFor me I only do it once a month, it's a special treat
>Music is going to sound great. The breeze feels incredible. And you really want to chill out.It can be really enjoyable, I'm excited for you! Report back.
No. 1380010
>>1380007Lmao I wish I could have seen this with my own eyes. How do you do it now? I still crush it with my teeth, then wash it down with milk, and it is uncomfy and tastes bad. Small price to get to megtown though.
>>1379948Forgot to add- the walls may breathe, you may see sparkles, and you may feel incredibly
h0rny you'll be ok though
No. 1380073
>>1380006Is it better to take a whole nutmeg or nutmeg powder?
>>1380044Comedowns are definitely a part of MDMA. Although, I've only had a bad comedown once, so I don't really know what causes it. I'd recommend not doing it every month because that can lessen the high.
No. 1380096
>>1380007I choose whole nutmeg. The potency of the nut is based on how oily the nut is, and, supposedly, whole nuts are oilier than powder. You can crush the oily nuts yourself though, before consuming.
>>1380076girl were you on nutmeg whilst you made this edit
No. 1380187
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>>1380012there you go
>>1380076yours made me too angry
No. 1380207
>>1346587IK this is late, but do not do DPH. It can destroy you. It also has a very peculiar tendency to be addictive. People who do it regularly end up with cognitive declines and heart problems at a very early age. For your own sake
nonnie, and for anyone else reading, don't do it.
No. 1380221
>>1379827Shrooms are great!! They're a more natural trip than acid and I think you'll have a fun time. Just be mindful of how you're feeling and don't fight things, so if you wanna draw go for it! Adventure Time is my go to show when I trip bc it just makes sense in my brain (but I go for the later seasons where characters are a little more fleshed out). My first time I did shrooms, the high came in waves. Every time I thought I was getting sober something would pull me back into the high but I accepted it and loved it.
Microdosing might not result in much, depending on how much you do. For a first time 2g is more than a good amount and if you feel comfortable you can always take another gram later on.
Any sort of chocolate will do I highly recommend it, even if it's like a Reese's peanut butter cup. Its so far the only thing that I've experienced that hasn't made my stomach sick and make me vomit (felt kind of like a fire in the pit of my stomach where I breathed through it until upchucking lol). Smoking is a fantastic pairing for shrooms and can even make you feel like you've elevated yourself.
You'll do wonderfully! Don't forget to prep some snacks and maybe gatorade for yourself since I would highly advise against attempting to cook. Also looking at your phone is gonna be a funky experience so if you have a playlist you can throw on real quick with some good vibes you'll be alright. Just make things as easy as possible for yourself before tripping since you never know how it might impair you. If you can though, nature is fan-fucking-tastic while tripping and if you can get outside I 100% recommend.
Other than that, happy tripping anon!♥ Report back to us and share how it went
No. 1380629
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>>1380221this is fantastic advice, thank you nonni! i feel much more mentally prepared for my trip now, i will try to go with the flow and just enjoy it. i have a feeling I'm going to set everything up and then once I come up I'll just pet my felt animal poster for hours kek but its good to be ready for anything! I will share how it goes soon, tysm
No. 1382774
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>>1379948Trip report
>8AM Ingested two (one was a little small) crushed nuts with pudding (added cinammon for better taste)>9AM I'm convinced it's just placebo effect but I feel very energetic and my movements are very fast. I work out for an hour without feeling tired and clean my flat. Another thing I notice is that I don't feel cold despite the low temperature when I go outside. >11AM to 1PM I feel very relaxed and slowly become more lethargic.>2PM I'm feeling sleepy and it's hard to focus. I conclude the amount I've had must have not been enough because of the smaller nut. I have one more, this time I chew it in my mouth. The taste is good.>3PM Cottonmouth. Drinking a sports drink helps a lot. My vision gets blurry from time time, I foam at the mouth a little bit. I feel like after having a few drinks. Food tastes really good, when I had some grapes they tasted heavenly but I think it might be the nutmeg aftertaste complimenting the flavor kek>10PM All the effects seem to be gone, I'm left with a moderate headache. >Next day I feel nothing aside from a slight headache.Well. Like for many before me nutmeg didn't work. Either the amount I've had was too small or it's one of those times where it doesn't work the first time. I experienced minimal discomfort and overall don't feel physically ill. Interestingly enough, my eyes didn't get bloodshot like they did in other people's reports.
I will definitely try it out again just to see if it works the second time.I've read reports about reverse tolerance build up regarding meg, so I'm hoping for better results next time. Not sooner than a few a weeks from now though.
No. 1382909
>>46070>What drugs have you done?Weed, ecstasy, LSD, coke, mushrooms
>what drugs do you do regularly?I take a tiny edible now and again. I only dabbled in the other drugs for a very brief period in my life, I was a little lost. If I come across mushrooms again I will do those in an instant. Absolutely love those little bastards. Fortunately I haven't done enough drugs to cause serious damage. Alcohol however… Definitely drank way too much. Proud to have come out of that. Pretty sure I've done some damage from alcohol abuse.
No. 1382938
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I want to try amanita muscaria and although I could go to the woods and look for some myself I wouldn't have anywhere to dry them because of my family. Is it safe to buy them online? Where I live there are many people selling already dried mushrooms for a reasonable price (ofc writing it's not supposed to be ingested in the description lol). What do you think nonnies?
No. 1395369
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>>1395349Partying is a state of mind, you can party on the farms. That said I was thinking moreso a place to shitpost while high or dump drawings or something. But I know not that many nonas here are into that so idk
No. 1395525
>>1395369do it
nonny, I love shitposting fucked up
No. 1396173
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planning to take lsd this weekend. i’ve dropped acid a couple times before, always taking like 200-250ug but i’ve never had that “ego death“ experience. thinking of taking a higher dose, i’ll be safe and have my friend with me in case the trip goes wrong. anyone have any experience with higher dosages? i just wanna meet some aliens man
No. 1397798
>>1397738Tripping with your cats is the nicest thing, can recommend. I guess it depends what you want from the trip, just nice hallucinations and nice feelings or real introspection? Your home and Nigel can definitely bring up negative vibes but its good so you can address those unconscious feelings. I found out my bf is not right for me through a trip actually.
When do you think its time to stop doing psychedelics all together? Or do you never want to stop completely? I stopped doing them. Because I think they make you insane in the long run. They CAN be beneficial but you really have to know when to stop. I stopped a little to late. I'm a bit odd now. Luckily its still in the normie spectrum imo and I'm just quirky. I hope so at least. Maybe I even recover from that with a lot of time and patience. People that don't stop go off the deep end ime they keep saying stuff like oh my last trip helped me so much with x and and and but they don't see that they get really unwell in general. With unwell I mean they get actually really dense in their way of thinking and get very unstable. So stay safe nonnies. And even if you did too much acid stop and give yourself rest and a lot of time in nature so you can heal.
No. 1397823
>>1397738I cannot even imagine why anyone would want to trip indoors, but that's just me. I'll trade any of the comforts of your own home like a toilet or shower for a trip out in the nature. Find a safe but scarcely visited route in the forest or anywhere with a nice view, bring a friend of course. Warm weather is better but I went deep in winter below freezing temperatures and it was amazing as well. Just dress accordingly and you'll be fine.
If you're a strict indoor/city person who just doesn't go out ever, then I suggest watching animal planet on tv rather than cartoons.
No. 1411050
drugs i've done recreationally: weed, molly, coke, ketamine, shrooms, acid, lean, xanax, klonopin, percocet, hydrocodone, poppers, amphetamines (adderall, ritalin, dexadrine, concerta, vyvanse). yeah…
drugs i do regularly: weed (i use a 1:1 CBD/THC tincture mostly), coke, ketamine, acid, used to do shrooms a lot but i prefer acid even though it lasts forever
i want to try more psychedelics and research chems, i'm on a low dose of seroquel rn though which is a trip killer. i have to take two tabs of acid to really feel the effect, even then i don't really get visuals. would love to get off the meds one day when i'm less mentally ill kek
No. 1411103
seconding this advice
>>1397823>>1397738I think its true, at least from my experience and what I heard from others. When I’m tripping everything inorganic and man-made looks weird and kinda ridiculous to me, and I found being in the city with cars and streets and fugly buildings everywhere to be more stressful. having to see or interact with other (sober) humans feels awkward too
No. 1411285
>>1411050Don't go too wild with the research chems, nonnies, I did and I feel like somewhere along the line I harmed my brain in a fundamental way. My mind is foggier than it used to be and I struggle to think of words sometimes and to stay organized.
I've done just about everything there is including several years addicted to opiates and more research chems than most people have even heard of. I dropped it all pretty much some years ago and just have my pot and my wine. If offered a line of coke at a party I'd probably take it and maybe later on in life I'll try tripping again but I'm good on that whole lifestyle I used to live now.
No. 1412010
>>1397738You will have a bigger chance to have a bad trip indoors, but i think both ways have equal amount of advantages, they are just different. Nature trips can be epic, with the right shroom you can see amazing things outside, i recommend watching a nice sunset with a lot of colorful clouds, that shit gets transcendental. Indoors is good if you have enough things to interract with like videos, animals, you can do watercolor drawings, or if you want to meditate in the complete darkness a good music. I did that for the first time a week ago and i'm not mad at it. (Music i used in the video)
I trip outdoors in summer an autumn (for the warmth and colors) and indoors in winter and spring
No. 1413002
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I feel like my exploratory drug phase is over, I cringe thinking back at the sketchy stuff I tried. I'm lucky I'm as normal as I am
No. 1418945
>>1417734Would you be able to compare DMXE to MXE? Tried MXE once because I used to be way into ket, but it felt absolutely wrong/bizarre/"hollow" to me. Did not enjoy that one at all.
>>1418596Research chems are most definitely playing with fire.
That being said, I just ordered some o-dsmt because I'm worried I won't be prescribed pain meds after a surgery I'm about to have. Never tried it before but I've been around the block and back with opiates/opioids so I'm curious to see how it'll be.
No. 1419046
>>1418945I have never taken MXE but, from what I can read in
PsychonautWiki, both may have the exact same subjective effects. I think I understand what you mean by feeling hollow because that was quite what I was looking for when I took DMXE, and I quite enjoyed the heavy sedation that lead me to such state plus the anxiety supression. I wish I could compare it to another dissociative but when I tried ket I spaced so much my doses (oral) that I only felt slightly stoned. Any tips for ket?
>>1418983That's so nice, I don't know how I didn't think about that.
No. 1419408
I always wanted to try every drug I could for some reason. I've calmed down a bit now though. This is what I've tried:
kava kava
?? (mystery drug sold as mdma)
>>1412066I'm curious, after you did meth, did you feel the urge to try it again? And what about opioids? I'm asking bc, for me, doing opioids just gave me this "holy shit I want to do this again" feeling as soon as I started to come down which is quite scary when u consider how dangerous these drugs are. My old room mate was given meth once by some asshole who didn't tell her what it was, she said she felt normal and was productive but just didn't sleep for several days kek.
No. 1419495
>>1419408NTA but I had the same feeling the first time I tried heroin and it was really freaky. Wish I would've known to trust my gut back then but I was a retarded teenager. Still off and on opioids a decade later. I had a huge crush on the first person I did h with, she just died last month. So there's that.
Also if you're in the US maybe the mystery stuff sold as MDMA was methylone? That's always what I used to get, probably only had the real stuff like once kek. Methylone was all over the northeast last I knew but its been a few years. Has a very distinctive look to it though, you'd probably know if you saw a pic
No. 1464110
>what drugs have you done
Most of them… ecstasy, coke, smoked crack at a party once but it was shit, ketamine, weed, acid, shrooms, 4ACO-DMT, 2CB, benzos, mild-moderate opioids and gabapentinoids.
>what drugs do you use regularly
Weed is the big one, been smoking for 7ish years but severely increased consumption over lockdown when I bought a bong and found plugs for edibles. V fond of ketamine too, my bf & a couple friends sesh with it about once a month. Had a massive k binge over the holiday season so my nose + sinuses are shredded. Also a big fan of 2CB, I'd take it every day, all the best parts of ecstasy and acid rolled together.
I am realising that I probably shouldn't keep gabapentinoids in the house tbh, I just think about them constantly. Benzos do fuck all for me but pregabalin is heaven. If this post is incomprehensible that's why, btw - took 450mgs earlier and am 100% wonky. Anyway I love drugs they taught my depressed ass that it IS possible to feel so good (would insert heart emoji but don't wanna get b&)
No. 1577896
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Gonna sound like an addict, but I'm not. I just like to experience different states of mind. In no particular order:
>Meth (twice many years ago)
>Amphetamine salts
>DXM (would not recommend)
I did not like the downers personally. I liked the uppers way too much, so I try to keep my distance. Psychedelics are my favorite by far, and marijuana is also amazing. Judge me if you want, I may be fried but I have a fulfilling life and career!
No. 1577898
>>1577896>first ninedamn, this bitch cool as hell
>rest of the listo-oh
No. 1579025
>>1577896Similar experience here, minus the marijuana.
2cb only works on me if I snort it unfortunately and holy shit does that sting. You're tripping while your nose runs and you feel like a slug.
No. 1579039
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Did edibles more than once and it makes me go "hihi haha" then sleep for a whole day and even makes me sleepy for the day after. So i generally don't take it much.
I do shrooms about once a month cause it's a god send for my depression (that might actually be a bipolar disorder). But that's it. I don't plan to test more drugs. Maybe take higher doses of shrooms (i take just enough to get a light to average trip with some visuals normally), and watch some vibrant animation film at the same time like Paprika or Alice in Wonderland
As for legal prescriptions drugs i'm on both modafinil and ritalin, and got xanax if needed. Shrooms still are my favorite and really hope they'll get legalised in my life time where i live cause i genuinely think it would treat some forms of depression/mental illnesses
No. 1579162
>>1579039Shrooms once a month is key for my wellbeing, however life has been getting in the way and I haven't had time since the fall. Thankfully, the lessons from the mushroom are easily transferable for me into my everyday life!
May I ask what dosage you take for your monthly trip?
No. 1579203
I used to be a meth & dxm addict lol
I've never shot up but I've tried pretty much any type of speed you can get your hands on including gross attempts to extract it from OTC products, weed, nitrous, dxm, datura, coke, crack, opium, LSD, LSA, mushrooms (psilocybin & amanita muscaria), MDMA, DMT, 5-meo-dmt, 2ci, 2cb, 2ce, 4-HO-DiPT, probably some other dumb research chemicals I'm forgetting
Now I just drink and smoke weed daily, do some mushrooms or rub some datura on myself now and then
No. 1579220
Edibles, MDMA (over 10 years ago, when it was a little easier to find the actual stuff), Kratom (which I don't recommend for long term use as it dulls your emotions over time, it's not worth it in general), Weed (not a fan, it's okay), Salvia (I tasted colors just by looking at them), and recently, a mixture of micro and light dosing of shrooms which has improved my mental health tenfold. The anxiety and depression that was in the background of my everyday life is now gone. Things are quiet, I can focus more, and stick to healthy habits. I'm not constantly triggered by things related to my trauma, on the verge of tears and crying multiple times a week anymore. I've yet to do more than 1g, but i'm slowly working my way up. My perfect microdose is 150mg which makes me focused, calm, energetic, and more likely to be sociable. I tried shroom tea from a reputable source in Canada last Sunday, but for some reason didn't get much of an effect even though I drank about 1.5g worth on an empty stomach. I did take a microdose twice during that week, leaving at least 3-4 days before I drank the tea, so i'm not sure if tea just isn't it for me or what. I'll wait a month before I take another dose, but hopefully my own grow will be ready to harvest by then. I'm happy and calm for the first time in a long time so it's not that I'm at a point where I NEED to microdose anymore, but I did want to see some light visuals and go a bit deeper into myself.
No. 1591080
>>1591074This reminds me of a couple of times I took ecstasy and everyone around me was "awww I love everything and everyone I love youuuu" and I'm sitting there thinking miss me with that shit, y'all don't seem any more endearing to me then before, I want no part in this artificial hugbox
She was probably feeling somewhat similar. It's not that I'm not full of love, it's not that she doesn't like nature or doesn't have imagination. It just wasn't artificially boosted by the drug. And everyone is expecting us to be on the same level and "vibe", which is irritating because I didn't like their vibe.
No. 1591104
>>1591088It's not that it didn't work at all, it had psychoactive effects and it also made me vomit each time.
I felt… something, which I definitely would not name "love" like everyone else did because it was too hollow. Like, I feel a million times better after just some regular sex with my bf then after taking ecstasy.
Maybe I already have too much of what the drug is trying to boost, and that's why I vomit.
No. 1591132
>>1591074I've had two friends (both women) who got zero visual effects when taking acid. It's harder to tell whether they were otherwise psychologically impacted, but I thought it was interesting because the visual aspect has been really apparent and consistent with everyone else I've done acid with. It seems to be a very binary thing, like you either see everything get all swirly and pulsating or you see nothing change at all.
This is super anecdotal of course, but the aforementioned two women had a lot of similarities. Both were very style conscious and into arthouse films and indie music (hipsters basically). They were also both borderline ana-chans who had a lot of weird dysfunctional sexual relationships. Both were asian, although I'm not sure that's relevant lol. I've seen both people doodle before, so I don't think they have any acute lack of a visual imagination. I also knew of a third girl with the same traits who had a really bad reaction to acid, like howling and thrashing the whole time.
Assuming that it's not purely a biological resistance thing, I think it might have to do with being a kind of uptight/rigid person? The impression I got was that these people didn't like to be caught acting goofy because they had a lot of investment in looking cool. It kind of feels like they were expending so much mental capacity trying to control themselves and not be sloppy that they couldn't focus on anything else. It feels weird to say that too much self-control impacts your literal vision though, so idk.
No. 1592830
>>1592751Could it be exactly because you are trying to work through things? I don't do that ever anymore. One time i thought about family and relationships on shrooms and i didn't have a good time, even though i gained some insight. It's just way more fun and interresting to go on an adventutre with the mushroom than make it your psychiatrist…. for both you and the shroom, she wants to get high on us too you know. That's why i like to go outside where it's so much to see and occupy your mind, or i watch interresting videos with music when i can't go out.
>>1592782I guess if you smoke every day you'll be more paranoid when you're high. For me i was more paranoid when i smoked outside (i had to) because of the cops but also because of the bugs around i thought they are crawling all over me and getting into my hair. I can't smoke anymore so i make butter bisquits and so i don't use them that often, it's always good for your brain to have a break. i think you'll have less bad weed times when you smoke more rarely.
For me i don't think psychedelics make me paranoid but what did fucked up my brain was a plain old anesthesia when i had a surgery. I had hallucinations every night for 2 years since the day i woke up from my surgery. These days i have them like 3 nights a week. I don't feel schizophrenic though, i know it's a malfunction in my brain and when i see the thing my body gets scared as a reflex but in my mind i know it's not real.
No. 1593194
>>1592830see i always go into it basically hoping i just get to have a fun time and watch some videos of frogs, i just try to be prepared to have things get a little deep and usually i have a fine time but like the last time i did them i took half the dose i usually do (i don’t often leave the house on shrooms so i was trying to play it safe kek) and went for a walk and had just an abysmal time for no discernible reason, like just dry-heaving in the woods and feeling like forest demons were plotting to take me away to mushroom hell
i just want to listen to mgmt and touch grass idk what’s going wrong
No. 1593436
>>1593259i forgot to mention in my post but i havent smoked weed in four months now and i have had no paranoia for this time. my brain in general seems to be feeling clearer and more focused too. i'm hopeful my brain isn't totally fried but still scared of the possibility that i might develop schizophrenia later, i read weed use since adolescence increases the risk 8x. ive also met people who were "fried" before in real life, one guy went to art school and dropped acid constantly and he pretty much lost his personality even when sober, he would just stare at things and never seemed like he was really present.
>>1592830yeah the situation changes how paranoid i get, i always get paranoid when i'm high around people and think they're talking about me. that's so weird about the anesthesia. i've always wanted to try ketamine but apparently it can induce psychosis so i think i'll pass.
No. 1596173
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Why are there no nonnas here shitposting while high ever? Personally I love to read the incomprehensible things people write when high..
No. 1612695
High on 2fdck right now, abou to puke a lot of spit
>>1579583Kek that grows near the river
saged because why not
No. 1664590
>>1598113Get a dab pen it will still smell just not as much so maybe get perfumes and incense and candles.
I really wanna drop acid again. I love the feeling of it and recommend it, I wanna take it in nature alone but that is probably unlikely lol
No. 1664620
>>1598233Fabric refresher also works
>>1664576I got connected through Facebook to an online “confectionery” and would buy from them during the pandemic
although I am pretty sure we cannot source on lolcow No. 1665778
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nonnies came here to tell you i'm high on some 4HO-MET right now and it's pretty fun!
the letters on the screen are a little wobbly.
>What drugs do you use regularly?
i threshold dose various stimulants when I need to get shit done. when i am bored i vape weed but I try to limit intake to a few times a month.
No. 1736358
>>1665778ooh how else was it fun??
I've been eating like 40 mg of THC at once and it's fun!
No. 1753774
>>1753165I really want to try salvia properly (I've only made a tincture before and the effects were very subtle) but I'm bad at smoking, wish I could put it in my vape but it doesn't get hot fast enough.
>>1736358I took a pretty low dose: I liked it, it was like a fun, stimulating version of mushrooms. There's more emphasis on the visuals (increased brightness/saturation: it's also known as 'colour') and I enjoyed listening/dancing to music instead of feeling weighed down like can happen with mushies.
No. 1757543
>>1756422Never heard of that dream herb before!
Have you had any cool experiences with any dreaming herbs? Do you drink them as a tea or another method?
For dreaming purposes I've tried regular herbs (mugwort, valerian, damiana, etc) as well as more obscure herbs (calea, blue lotus) and various drugs that seem to increase dream vividness (kratom makes me have weird false awakenings sometimes, as do some benzos, but nothing too epic). All effects have been very subtle or non existent for me. I do have lucid/vivid dreams randomly, but never when I set out to do so using a substance.
No. 1757997
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Is any of you on Antidepressants and took shrooms? I have a friend who wanted to try shrooms but she is taking that shit so i worry if it will even work on her or if she'll have a bad time combining the two.
No. 1758361
any cokehead nonas able to give me advice? since i've started using regularly my nose will not stop running. it's genuinely embarrassing. if i use a neti pot after i finish using coke for the night will this help prevent damage to my sinuses and, from that, stop the constant runny nose? not looking to be told to stop, just want to do as little harm to my body as possible
and hopefully prevent getting a hole in my septum KEK>>1757997she won't get serotonin syndrome if that's what you're worried about. it's more likely she'll have a very weak trip than a bad one and might have to take more than other people to feel anything.
No. 1758392
>>1757997I did this on seretonin and honestly if you are weak or sucidial, DO NOT DO SHROOMS. I have done them plenty of times 0.5g to 4gr and have dx bipolar2 and was diagnosed chronic depression and I love them but unless you literally can fight demons. Risking a bad trip is not worth it unless MICRO dosing like 0.5grs. The only strain I found thats overall good and consistent and happy trips is BLUE MEANIES despite being visual heavy, they are giggly but I have had too many friends with subtle/weak depression do it and try to off themselves. So, each to their own, the strain and the mindset before going in- obvi you won't be stuck in shroom trips forever but it does feel like that and if you aren't strong enough to deal with that and thinking you will never be the same and you are a horrible person… then you are too weak to do them. But exposure therapy and starting small with exp. people will help a lot.
I'm not trying to fear monger but EXPECT THE WORST when it comes to shrooms. You will not be ok if you are not ready and that happens.
Writing a sober letter to yourself beforehand with the time, date, and a little note of what to do if you bad trip and how many shrooms you took is good.
Its nice to feel so in tune with the world though. Do them with someone you love, somewhere you love.
No. 1758472
>>1758438I'm the same way anon, substances of all kinds do absolutely nothing for me, I've rotated through dozens of antidepressants throughout my life too. I just started a new one last week, it's basically the only one I haven't tried. I doubt it will do anything since all the others have been sugar pills too.
I have also been curious about this thread topic but what
>>1758392 gives me pause, cuz I absolutely would kill myself kek. Although maybe that's what I need at this point.
No. 1758490
>>1758472I wonder why some brains are that unresponsive.
I am also underweight as fuck (BMI 15) despite eating normally. I also have a horrible lack of iron despite mainly living off of meat. I always wanted to have someone answer this because it might be connected to the ineffectivity of meds, maybe I have some systemic issue that prevents the body from properly processing thing I digest.
But no doc ever take me seriously. They just say "lol just eat more", they don't believe me that I am eating as much as people I know that weight almost twice as much or they say I should "take a walk". This is the solution for everything it seems lol
Anyway I will never find a doc that looks into this and I doubt I will ever find a med that works, but I will keep testing at least. Hate that my country is anal about change too, so some meds that seem to be stronger and work well for
problematic cases like adderall aren't allowed here because it could be abused as "drug".
I largely blame proper medication and docs that don't give a shit for the fact that my cousin committed suicide multiple times until it worked.
No. 1758622
>>1757543> Have you had any cool experiences with any dreaming herbs? Do you drink them as a tea or another method?I had fun on them. My dreams were more lucid and felt high fidelity, like the real world was the dream and I was waking up into actual reality. For the stronger tasting stuff like Entada rheedii, I'd try to just parachute it down or encapsulate. Kirkii didn't really have a taste for me so I'd take a spoonful and chase it with lemon water. Calea and kirkii worked for me, entadaa didn't, and I never got around to trying salvia. On kirkii, I was able to see my recently deceased relative numerous times (at least I sincerely felt like it), which was my whole goal in experimenting with dream herbs. He was a younger healthier version of himself which was heartening to see after his sharp decline.
> I do have lucid/vivid dreams randomly, but never when I set out to do so using a substance.Definitely try googling to see if there are any reccs on what else could be taken to enhance the substance you're using. After several failed attempts with Golden Teacher, I recently had a pretty fun trip after I took my dose with a serving of 85% cocoa. Also try meditating before hand to make sure you're relaxed. Good luck!
>>1757613Yup, I had to taper off of it for that reason. Phenylethylamine (PEA) has been a good replacement for me, though. It also gives an energy boost so I take it before exercising or when I'm headed into social situations when I want to be 'on' and extroverted. If you do decide to take it, make sure it's encapsulated because the powder has a strong chemical taste to it.
No. 1769442
>>1758392well i just can't imagine feeling like this on shrooms. I'm not on antidepressants or anything, but i do have depressions and bad intrusive thoughts but the only bad trips i ever had was ones where i cried a bit about my relationship and family being shit at that moment… no demons and feeling like i'm stuck in the trip… Like how is that even possible to feel this bad and fighting some demons when the mushroom is so nice? When i felt sad i also felt "it's just the way it is and it's ok"
I just had a trip with couple of friends and one friend crashed her car the day before, she's getting money from the goverment for how bad her mental heath is because she died and came back couple of years ago…. and even she didn't have a bad trip. She had a moment when we told her to stfu about the crash and enjoy the nice time and it was all just fine.
>>1758472isnt it exactly why you don't feely anything on any substances? That you try antidepressants all the time? It's the worst thing to take in my opinion, you just ruin your brain for nothing becaue it doesn't do anything. I can help you if you have such bad nerve pain that you get electric shocks in your body from loud sounds for example but that's probably the only thing that's good for. I've never heard that antideprssants would make people happier, they just make you numb.
No. 1798309
>>1798304I've done it twice.
First time made me feel super sick and dizzy, I think it was old.
Second time I felt kind of drunk and horny.
Be careful with it, don't mix it with anything else like alcohol
No. 1799900
toxic trait is me believing I wouldnt get addicted to it like everyone else
No. 1799905
>>1799101Hmm that sounds good I always wanted to die on acid. I tripped on acid last week and I can’t wait to again, I still have some tabs but I need to cool it down I don’t wanna kill all my brain cells at once and I wanna have a stronger trip next time.
Here are some drugs I wanna try in order from what I’ll most likely do eventually to least likely and probably maybe gonna never get around to
No. 1799925
>>1799922I took 600ug of lsd thinking it was 300, it felt like I was trapped and couldnt escape, everything was flat and 2d, I kept walking around the house looking out windows to get some sort of new stimuli. Everything was just nonsense.
At one point my vision was triangular with the sides falling into itself.
Pretty fucked, thats my bad, still love lsd though lol
No. 1799974
>>1799947Nah I just get annoyed that I cant sleep because my mind wont let me.
I didnt think it was that bad until I thought about it a few weeks later though so maybe thats what youre meaning?
Generally a normal trip gives me stuff to reflect on.
I realized I didnt consider myself the main character in my head, I'm a support character. Which has been a bit if a mindfuck but lines up with alot.
No. 1800182
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>>1800140my best friend takes 2cb and other research chemicals sometimes and likes it, this is the last order we did (I don't take drugs but my friend is chronically offline and doesn't know how to order)
No. 1800495
>>1800424>>1800367>>1800331Thanks everyone these really cleared things up for me
>>1800477It sure beats misery! Glad you're back with us
No. 1803609
>>1802135My country is a shortage too, and what ones I have had have been garbage.
Gays have turned to ghb instead of mdma, might be worth a look. Kind of the same-ish
No. 1803744
>>1803592I heavenly but my bf has done it and he still likes acid and shrooms so you don’t have to worry about that. I want to try it but I’m not sure if I’m ready yet.
I asked a while back about tripping while being on Wellbutrin and like it didn’t affect the trip. Does Wellbutrin even do anything tbh?
No. 1804092
>>18001402cb has been around since the 70s. Many RCs are just variations on an existing drug, they have weird names but are definitely real. Also (technically) legal in a few countries, to the vendors it would make no sense to sell illegal possibly deadly compounds disguised as random RCs. (But do test your drugs)
>>1800182Nice haul. ( I prefer buying powders when available, more reliable (and cheaper) than pressed pills IME if you use volumetric dosing)
>>1800138>3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine [is] also known as ecstasy, E, XTC, emma, molly, mandy, pingers, and MDMA No. 1804114
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>>1798577Good luck nonna. You're better off without them!
>>1803592I have, but only a relatively small dose since it was my first real psychedelic.
Even at my low dose, visuals were insane. the world became pixelated. When I closed my eyes, I saw infinite arrays of geometry in full HD color. I had some introspection/existential thoughts but it was mostly visual.
DMT only lasts a short while, during which you won't really be able to do anything. Unlike other psychs, there's no time to get accustomed mentally, and you won't have time to really reflect during the trip: it's more of a rollercoaster (some parts of which you may not even remember or be able to describe). Really a different vibe to mushrooms, so I don't think it will ruin them for you!
No. 1804304
>>1799905Kratom isn't worth it, it dulls your emotions after a while. It was great the first few times for me, but even after months long tolerance breaks, it never hit the same, even when I had a good and legitimate source for it. Coke is also not worth it from what i've heard. Salvia is pretty intense but awesome, although i've only taken it once and had a light trip where I looked at a mural and could taste colors (so synesthesia I guess?), and i'll probably take it again. Ecstasy I wouldn't trust these days because it seems to be a bunch of random chemicals, so that loving, warm, connected feeling isn't there anymore and instead people end up dehydrating and feeling cracked out.
>>1799913Isn't molly originally the "pure" form of ecstasy, or has it morphed to be interchangeably used for the same thing?
No. 1807356
>>1807335depends on the shroom. I usually go 3g.
depends on the type and how potent they are. Its kind of hit or miss unless youre using the same batch a second time
No. 1807419
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Don't drink or smoke but I take MDMA every 2 or 3 months and head to the EDM rave club. I do 2C-B every other week, usually by myself. Put on some music and hop in the shower. I've got a light up shower head like pic related. Pure magic. I managed to get 2g of pure powder from the Dark Web which is like 70 doses so I'm good for a while.
No. 1807514
>>1807478I wouldn't recommend my life, getting zonked in the shower is the only thing I look forward to. If I had to say anything:
1. Don't spend your early to mid 20s getting drunk all the time
2. Don't get a job working with a bunch of catty bitches
No. 1813408
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>>1803744>>1804114that's good to hear
No. 1840896
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Got my hands on some DMT. I’m so excited to do it when I’m off work. Has anyone here done it? What should I do before I trip? And am I gonna have some sort of spiritual epiphany? Eeeeek
No. 1842275
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So i had a really strange mushroom trip. It was on new year's night and i made mushroom tea. It was risky because i had tea only 2 times before and 1 time i was sick from it. Second time it was all fine. I had 29 of the handpicked mushrooms from around here, black tea bag and lemon. I drank it and i was tripping like 15 minutes after. It was really strong and i went into a guest room and there i saw a literal alien on my wall. He had a pointy head and was sitting in the position like picrel, he also had a gnome energy and he was dark green. The wall of the room felt like a cinema screen and when i got closer to the alien this seethrough thing started to come in to the room. It was like this alien's communication program that was 3D and could interract with out world. The program startedlooking like a Picasso painting and smiled at me because i thought it was cute.
After this i started being sick and had a bad time but that's not that important. What i guess i realized is that i am always looking for something. I want the mushroom to show me more, to teach me more, to experience something new…And lot of times i did experience something more and new. Some of my experiences were absolutely nuts. I always wanted to try DMT though because i though THAT's where something brand new is. But now i think it's not about the drug but about your brain. If your brain gets to the place it needs to be, you will experience the thing you seek and more, doesn't matter the drug. It's still the same space you tap into on all the drugs. My brain is good at meeting other entities. On psychedelics i saw a God's eye and it looked right at me, i met a huge 20m tall realistic angel that hypnoized me for like 20 minutes (that still helps me feel better years later), i met several lesser entities that rule over colors and shapes and now i met the alien. I'm there.
None of my friends meet any entities like that. One of my friends like to chat with trees which i like too and it's great. But others just like to joke around or watch trippy videos. Sometimes they have the Oneness with everything experience when they are alone but not such a direct contact with some other creature like me. So i wonder if they tried DMT would they have the contact like i have on mushrooms? Do they just need a stronger stuff and i don't? Possibly. Now i feel like a chosen one kek but i'm just another critter flying in space.
>>1841212same i can't figure out why all these unpleasant effects started happening all of a sudden. I make my own edibles because i can't smoke anymore and i still have weird sensation in my neck and muscles. I don't do weed as often because of it.
No. 1842310
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I have been an opiate addict since 2017 since an accident (oldest story in the book kek). Anyway the long and short of it is that the depression I had had since 2007 has lifted ever since. I'm functional and stable and my dosage has remained static. The only thing is I think it's giving me brain damage. I want to quit once I hit a decade of it but I really could not fathom working a fulltime job (I hate all jobs I've ever had) without being up to my eyeballs on tramadol. Anyway so the plan is to save up enough money to take years off work and stop the drugs.
No. 1865178
>>1849101Most dealers here say you HAVE to come alone so idk
Doing mushrooms for the first time in less than two weeks!! Excitedd
No. 1917318
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I’m a bit of a late bloomer, but I had my first acid trip and I’m okay with turning 30 now.
After doing the research I tripped alone (risky as shit I know), but I’m glad I did because I don’t think I could have gone as deep as I did with other people present. I made a cozy little nest for myself with blankets and dimmed lights.Tripped for about 12 hours, had an ego death experience where I could see my most basic character flaws that haunt my existence and keep me from being happy and connecting with others. Mental health advice talk about compassion for yourself being really important, and I feel like I experienced that for the first time in my life. I had some not too intense visuals as well which were fun, but the most important aspect of the trip was breaking my thought patterns. Maybe it’s just me glorifying substance abuse but it was a really beautiful experience. That said I can see where a trip would go so so wrong. On the other hand I’m sad I have not had the opportunity before (or I have not sought one out), but in a way it came in a perfect time in my life and I would not change a thing. I’m interested to see how long the afterglow effects last, and how will this affect my mental health in the long run. Maybe I will do this again with good friends in the summer in nature or something, I think that would be enjoyable too.
I kept a trip diary, which was fun as I never journal anymore. I might give journaling another go sober too!
No. 1940571
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>>1938642Because it makes everyone dumber and that's good for the goverment. Shroom people know goverment is a fake game. Weed people know the goverment is an opressive system… but drunk people need goverment to lend them a hand whe they fall and the goverment gets paid for it.
No. 1940683
>>1940571True. Also funny how weed is sort of accepted by some, but psychs are considered "dangerous hard drugs" even though they are comparable. Must be because weed is legalized in some places.
>>1940659Acid can actually be good for mental health, if done right. I wish I had a good set & setting for it.
No. 1944521
>>1944517>hooked on my ex's tramadol (opioid) for a bit.You can get it over the counter where I live and since my mom takes it for pain and I've taken it when I got super injured and I really don't get the hype. Literally does nothing to me
>years later got badly hooked on lyrica (pregabalin) doing as much as 1g daily until i quit recently.I use this as anxiety medication and again this does nothing but make me drowsy, maybe a bit crazy sometimes but I don't see the hype either, it's not that pleasant
No. 1950097
>>1940693This is me kek since I tried them for the first time I can't help but recommend them to anyone I think will understand and not judge. I don't preach them on hippie or spiritual bullshit tho, I want everyone to try them once and after that it's on them.
>>1944519I get some nausea and then nasty farts but never anything past that. I did notice the more often I take them the shittier the taste. Gotta learn how to make a decent shroom tea.
No. 1974728
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So tired of nonnies who don't expand their minds, it's worse than talking to my parents. They don't know anything but think they know everything. I wish i could telepathically send them what I mean instead of trying to type some deep shit they can't possibly understand with my shitty esl words.
Btw have you ever tried shrooms when you had a fewer? I had a high temperature because of a bacteria I didn't know I had and I got used to the high tepmerate so I had no idea about it. The trip was insane. I was very very hot and at first I saw a really cute and funny entity but after that ended I felt like I was posessed by a demon with a werewolf-like energy and it seriously sounded like exorcism or something. I was pretty freaked out for months and can type about it only now. When I found out I was actully ill it made sence. The mushroom interracted with the bacteria and this is how the bacteria manifested in my behaviour.. like a werewolf demon.
No. 1991478
>>1976944you could take drugs against vomitting with it, this is what they do in hospitals when they have to put patients on high doses of morphine
but check there is no interaction
No. 1996841
>>1994434what's your favourite tryptamine so far nonna?
I've been trying RC dissociatives this year but it's been pretty hit or miss – I feel like dissos are an acquired taste
No. 2001593
>>2001500How are you
nonny? Wishing you a good trip
No. 2002582
>>1999246Ohh that sucks. How long did it last??
I've done acid a few times and much prefer it to tryptamines. I'm always on the edge of getting too introspective and paranoid about all my life decisions on tryptamines. With acid (~100-150ug) I still feel very clear-headed.
I also tried 4-ho-met too but only once, and a low dose, so not so much color. It was fun though, visual and stimulating and superior to 4-ho-mipt imo, so maybe I should give it another try. With its shorter duration it's less of a commitment than acid.
No. 2096983
prescribed tramadol after surgery @ 14 then started messing with pills and partying
i've used tramadol, xanax, benzos, percs, oxys, phenibut, ritalin, codeine, dmt, adderall, vyvanse, mdma (shit,) 4mmc, pcp, cocaine, speed, 4mmc, acid, kratom, marijuana
i like ketamine. the last time i used it i was lying on someone's couch at a party and thinking about how much i love my mom; my mom loves me because i'm her child, and that if i die or something it would be so cruel to my mother because i would basically be killing the child of a woman i love.
took mdma 5-6 days a week for a period of 7 months. after the first couple times the euphoric feeling was just so much weaker and eventually i felt nothing at all. the comedowns were hellish. i think i fried my dopamine receptors with it. i haven't used it since january but i still have a lot of problems sleeping and i am waaaayyy more lethargic and demotivated. 4mmc is much more intense and feels like a better mdma but i have only tried it twice.
i abuse prescribed adderall and lack the self control to not go through it all before i can refill it, and then i feel like shit when i dont have it. i buy adderall and ritalin and sometimes cocaine to get me through until i renew my prescription. i like cocaine enough that i would have a problem with it if it weren't too expensive for me to do more than like twice a month. i've never had a bad cocaine comedown. best friend and i go on benders for like 2-3 days and i can sleep after, and i wake after 6 hours and feel normal. i quit drinking and smoking in december. still addicted to nicotine and i'm trying to taper off the zyn shit.
i thnk i have not had a day where i was not on stimulants in some form in 4 months, but the last few years have been interspersed with periods where i was completely sober, and tried cold-turkey quitting everything for weeks or even months. when i am not on drugs i am not capable of having physical stamina, energy to socialize, sharp or clear thoughts. the big thing is that i need them or i can't write quickly and proficiently. when i'm sober, i write very slowly and do not do it well at all. i have to write a lot for my job so i am basically cooked. it's shitty but i actually AM a much higher functioning person w stims and if i quit i wouldn't be able to maintain my present level of responsibilities. i worry i could fuck up my life in the future and this all costs too much money but for now i think i am functional. if i ever can go totally sober without compromising my functioning, i will do it.
No. 2140384
I've never done any drugs in my life, ever, like not even alcohol or anything
but recently I've been prescribed a fair amount of tramadol for some unrelated issue, but I don't actually need it anymore, so I figured I'd try poping since I know it's a pretty common recreationally opioid, and one of my friend is actually hooked on those
I have maybe 40 pills of 40 mg, and my tolerance is actually so low, only one of those is enough to gets my really sleepy and comfy, I just woke up from one of my best sleep ever, and finally stopped feeling psychotic for a while, hopefully I don't get used to this…
only wished I had someone to cuddle with throughout
No. 2172517
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>>1665778I'm on 4HO-MET again, I wish there was more drug posting in this thread lol
No. 2189163
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I've come into a gram of 2CE. I've never taken it before. I put it through the test kit and it seems legit. The problem is that it needs to been taken at like 10-15mg. 25mg+ will send me to the spider dimension. Any tips for measuring this? I don't really trust my scales with this low amount. I was thinking dumping it in a bottle of water and volumetric dosing but idk how evenly it dissolves in water.
No. 2189462
>>2189163I've taken this before but the dosing is indeed finicky! i've only err'd on the safe side and then just added weed near the end of the trip to get some extra effects.
volumetric dosing is probably the way to go. Limited internet research tells me it dissolves well in water just like 2cb so that should be fine.
No. 2189486
>>2189462Thanks for the advice nonna! I think I'm going to throw it in some liquid. I've seen some other places saying I should use liquor to avoid evaporation.
>weed near the end of the trip I love most everything but unfortunately weed puts me in thought loops and cold sweats.
No. 2193105
>>2191295>How much is up to you, more important that it's stretched over a long period of time because there's only that much your brain can repair in a time periodsorry wdym by this? i've never tried shrooms before but i have some cubensis at home. spontaneously i feel like psychedelics would be a bad idea while tapering benzos though coming from a pretty severe addiction? i'm trying to taper and i've had a couple of week long cold turkey breaks the last months or so but atm i'm taking like 2-4 mgs clonazepam pretty much everyday. i have really bad anxiety and
ptsd to boot so i've always been scared to try any serious hallucinogens, i'm considering at least microdosing shrooms now though because i'm kind of desperate and out of ideas, some people say it works for their addiction but there's just as many who get bad experiences. my biggest fear is that if i freak out i won't have any tripkillers because of my extremely high benzo tolerance, and that it might worsen my anxiety even more.
No. 2193535
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If lolcow was a home, I'd bust through the door, puke on the floor, announce that I'm coming up on Kratom, and watch Jeopardy at full volume until someone kills me.
No. 2194037
>>2193105I took 15-30grams dried weekly after going off clonazepam and didnt have any problems. In fact it was amazing for the fucked up brain, like a 4+ hour brain orgasm.
If you take that much of clonazepam daily you probably already have dementia from brain damage. Only mushrooms helped me deal with that. That's why I said it's up to you. I'm microdosing now for months and it's been great. But I started with insane doses and nothing bad happened, just cried a bit here and there. They make you stoned so there was no real space for anxiety. You can start with lower doses but for me around 3g dried make me very uncomfortable and I do not like it, but more than 5g is great. I just didn't take them around other people so I could freak out and do all the weird things if needed without feeling anyone judging me. Ofc take precautions like taking them in a safe space, locking yourself up in your house, wear comfortable clothing, have a blanket around, play some music, take notes etc.
I have experienced physical abuse from my family for 24 years and emotional and mental abuse for more than that. I was also bullied at school and SAd by my last partner and had extreme ptsd with fits and more than 10 daily panic attacks and psychosis before I took the mushrooms. Nothing of it came out as a bad trip, I had a few experiences where I would cry the entire trip trying to understand why my family treated me like that, but that was the extent of it. The next day I would feel good and cleansed of the bad emotions and lighter.
No. 2194048
>>2193105>>2194037Of course I was already doing most of the things I wrote about here
>>2191295Practice breathwork every day to teach your body how to deal with stress and anxiety if you're worried about it coming up while on shrooms. Doing it daily makes it autonomous so later, during the day your body will automatically regulate itself when you start feeling anxious.
And have some faith in the mushrooms. If you take them with a negative and disrespectful attitude they will not like it and can take it out on you. But if you ask for help it feels like a warm caress and comforting hug.
And yes, mushrooms were also my last resort, I was desperate and felt like my brain was dying from the addiction.
No. 2307639
>>2307435Nope, it's obscure as fuck where I'm from. Haven't seen or heard of anyone selling it here.
No. 2308059
>>2307744>Ibogaine can cause life-threatening heart complications.are you not scared of this nonna?
How does it compare to other psychedelics in your experience?
No. 2308677
>>2308059I haven't yet tried ibogaine or any other psychedelics. All I know is that I really fucking hate weed.
>Heart complications That's from a trip dose, not micro
No. 2311839
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Ordered some St. John's wort online to test it out. I've been having a rough introduction to winter so far and I live in a depressing place up north, so I was hoping it could offset some of my SAD-adjacent feelings.
Results: feels pretty legit. Could be a really strong placebo, however wouldn't that be antithetical to being a placebo in the first place?
Anyways, before I made some tea out of this, I was having a SHIT day. I'm on my period and I felt slightly more stressed about college than usual when I came home. Felt much better in 5-10 minutes after finishing up the tea: it was like all of the overlaying mild pessimism I was feeling - the period mood, the awful darkness outside, stress - went to the back burner, and I went back to some kind of normal-feeling 'default state' where feeling happy, dancing a bit, laughing over stupid shit felt a little less effortful than before. Overall, it feels like a little nudge into a natural-feeling good mood.
Do your research beforehand. Plants are shifty: it helps some people a ton, it does nothing to others. So ymmv. It also has a lot of interactions with prescriptions, especially SSRIs and birth control, so I would only really recommend someone try this if they're not taking anything.
No. 2311957
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this is real junkie hours
but for real propylhexedrine. Don't eat the cotton. Use the lemon tek. And prepare for the worst tasting solution of your life.
No. 2311980
>>2311859I'm genuinely curious about your opinion, anon. From what I've seen (and it's been a fair amount), psychonauts seem to be pretty reasonable with their drug philosophy, although I do wish so many more people would "hang up the phone" already.
No. 2317809
>>2316676This will actually be my first time trying shrooms the only other thing I've done is smoke weed. I can't remember what got me thinking about shrooms but I've heard good things about them and have really been wanting to try. I love the fact that you can grow them yourself which means no worries about them being tampered with and I just think it'll feel nice knowing you basically nurtured them kek. If all goes well and I enjoy I do plan on continuing with them and maybe exploring different spores types. I've actually never heard of truffles before anon I'm gonna look that up.
>>2316687That sounds really nice anon I hope you get to do that. What kind of dose are you planning? Heroic? Do you like being outside while on them, I know it's supposed to be really nice to be in nature but I get a little paranoid being outsise while high so I'm going to stick to indoors until I'm feeling brave.
No. 2324742
>>2324736No you can’t. But generally speaking if you have a bad experience with other things I’d be more cautious.
I just smoked weed a couple of times, so I’m not really an expert, but I went off the hinges kek. I had mad paranoia , I thought that something was out to get me, and I got anxiety through the roof. I’ve stopped smoking ever since and I’m not interested in heavy drugs nor shrooms, I would probably have a panic attack kek.
No. 2324953
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>>2324736Idk where you're based, but if it's anywhere near Baltimore, you could apply for a clinical trial at John Hopkins. It's advisable to be under the care of experts if you're looking to actually treat a mental illness (instead of getting high). Their website has the latest trials for which they need volunteers.'s no way to predict how you will react, and that's why it's best to be around people with loads of experience. I had a friend participate in a trial, and it changed her life. I've also had friends who did shrooms in non-medical environments. Most were okay and had a normal experience, and others had schizo breakdowns. One has never entirely recovered.
If you do decide to DIY it, find someone you know and trust to watch after you, ideally someone who has both done shrooms and trip-sat before. Please be careful, nona.
No. 2326074
>>2324736I don't think drugs can make your life better, only you can do that by making changes in your life and improving yourself. I do think that shrooms, or hallucinogens in general, can help you realize what you need to change though and they can help modify your perspective on certain issues.
I've only done shrooms once, a few years back, and I did 8g of it all in one sitting. At the time, I was really depressed, I had a lot of self-esteem issues, a poor relationship with my family, and a lot general ennui and lack of drive. My trip really helped me process all these things, and it actually spurred me to improve these problems. Years later, I still struggle with depressed mood sometimes, but everything else I fixed.
No. 2326129
>>2324736I don’t think it can make you worse if you follow the simple rules. Take it in a nice piece of nature you know and like, don’t take it if you are sick or if you are currently depressed or stressed about something, and best take it with someone you like.
Some nonnies really spew bullshit, you can’t overdose on mushrooms, you can have a bad time, but that’s not an overdose. And especially if you just take them for the first time, you wont become a schizophenic, that’s also not how it works. To be "delusional" you’d have to have multiple trips which move you in a certain direction each time. You will just see some nice colors and shapes, laugh and feel soft and fluffy. The first time i had shrooms i was so worried how crazy it’s going to be and it was just like strong weed with beautiful visuals. Really i was amazed how this is so demonized when it’s just Adventrure time in a form of a drug. I had some bad trips years down the line but nothing that would make me crazy, they just made me interrested in some new topics and fuctions of the brain. All unpleasant feelings will pass, and you are lucky because on shrooms they pass in like 4 hours. In sober life they pass after much longer.
No. 2326133
>>2326045>>2326096Mushrooms won't do the work for you but the studies show that they can facilitate the changes one needs to make. I wouldn't recommend it for those with certain histories of mental illness in their families (like those prone to mania or schizophrenic disorders) but they're great for depression, PTSD, substance abuse disorder. If someone takes a heroic dose unsupervised for their first time then yes, it can be very detrimental, which is why if one is going to do it alone they should start with smaller doses and see how they do on that before maybe moving onto 1g, which is the standard beginner "big" dose, because what's a lot for one person can vary.
>Users of psychedelics often report that these substances facilitate profound inner healing by promoting emotional release and introspection. This healing process may involve revisiting and reprocessing traumatic memories in a more detached and insightful manner. Psychedelics can also create a sense of interconnectedness and unity, alleviating feelings of isolation and depression. The altered states of consciousness they produce can sometimes lead to transformative insights. However, it remains unclear whether this inner healing is a real phenomenon or simply a commonly reported experience among enthusiastic users.
>To explore this, study author Joseph Peill and his colleagues hypothesized that individuals who received a high dose of psilocybin would report a stronger feeling of “inner healing” activation compared to those who received a low, placebo-like dose. They conducted their study with 59 participants who had moderate-to-severe depression. This experiment was part of a larger study comparing the effects of synthetic psilocybin treatment with those of the antidepressant escitalopram, both administered alongside psychological support.
>Study participants were 59 individuals with moderate-to-severe depression. This experiment was a part of a wider study that compared the effects of a synthetic psilocybin treatment and a treatment with the antidepressant escitalopram, administered alongside matching psychological support.
>For this specific part of the study, participants were divided into two groups. One group received 25 mg of psilocybin, while the other group received 1 mg, acting as a placebo. The study was double-blind, meaning participants did not know which dose they received. After the effects of the psilocybin wore off, participants were asked to rate their agreement with the statement, “I felt like my body/mind/brain was healing itself, automatically/naturally/by itself.”
>Participants also completed various assessments, including the Beck Depression Inventory for depressive symptoms, the Emotional Breakthrough Inventory, the Mystical Experience Questionnaire, the Challenging Experiences Questionnaire, the Altered States of Consciousness questionnaire, and a general measure of drug effect intensity.
>The findings showed that participants who received the higher dose of psilocybin reported significantly stronger feelings of inner healing compared to those who received the placebo dose. This suggests that the experience of inner healing might be a genuine component of the psilocybin experience.
>Importantly, the study found a correlation between higher inner healer scores and greater reductions in depressive symptoms two weeks after the treatment, but only in the group that received the high dose. This indicates that the feeling of inner healing might play a role in the therapeutic effects of psilocybin.
No. 2327976
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It's been 2 weeks anons and they all look like this. White on one side and not hard. Do I need to be extra patient or should I move them.
No. 2334111
can cause psychosis, paranoia, and other horrifying things though, especially if you get a bad trip. Why do so many people wanna ignore that there are people who are existentially scarred for life after taking drugs?
No. 2334880
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>>2334111No one's saying that they can't, but it's not a guarantee that it will definitely happen, especially if they're used responsibly (psychedelics I mean, although you refer to drugs in general, which leads me to believe you see all drugs on the same dangerous level, possibly). Not everyone should be recklessly taking psychedelics but the strides being made in psychedelic assisted therapy which is backed up by plenty of studies shows that their potential to heal the brain through rewiring and promoting neuroplasticity, especially when paired with psychotherapy, is promising and groundbreaking. Unlike traditional meds which have detrimental and long lasting side effects, which one also gains a dependency on, whereas psychedelics work much differently. I'm most well versed in psilocybin but I'm happy to provide any studies or recommend relevant literature to back up my points. I started with the Netflix series "How To Change Your Mind" which goes into the history of psychedelics and their research and use in treating various mental health issues, as well as the reason they were stigmatized. It would at least give you some perspective. I highly suggest picrel for reading if you can get your hands on it.
No. 2348765
>>2334111Literally everything you can experience in this life can have adverse effects.
>>2348743Start with a low dose. If you take too much you can become unable to move for a few hours. Have water around and by that I mean really close by and drink it. Your muscles can become really weak and not in a weed bodyhigh way so consider having some comfy place where you can relax. If you are sensitive to serotonin level shifts you can have awful after effects but don't worry too much. I took way too much mdma the first time I did it and had brain zaps and lags for a week after that and I was scared shitless that I ruined my brain forever, but it went away.
No. 2348786
>>2348769I had tachycardia only when I had too much edibles, not fun and i broke my glasses falling over. I guess you smoked a super strong weed maybe? I had slight hallucinations when i smoked my uncle's random plant that turned out to be super strong but no crazy hallucinations, just some colors and geometry for about 2 minutes.
>>2348780This makes a lot of sence.
No. 2348799
>>2348780You’re wrong. It’s proven that people are genetically predisposed to reacting differently to weed and all kinds of drugs. It’s irresponsible to suggest to someone who obviously had a bad experience to just keep trying with different strains.
>>2348769 I actually have a very similar reaction to weed and so does my dad. I tried not to touch weed much as a teenager when all of my friends were, but I felt left out and started smoking everyday to try and combat the anxiety that came with weed.
I started smoking alone in my own house which helped marginally but because I was smoking so often my tolerance built to a point where the anxiety wasn’t distinguishable from my regular sober anxiety. Now that’s obviously retarded, and I still do it kek, but if you actually think it’s not the right drug for you don’t even attempt to try and curb that anxiety. If I was to stop smoking for a week right now, my first high back would be exactly what you described, anxiety, paranoia and even hallucinations.
If you like some of the qualities of weed and it isn’t super bad maybe only do it in your own home and where you’re most comfortable, but don’t push yourself, because there is literally nothing you can do to change the way your brain reacts to weed unless you become a stoner. This is super common mind you, you aren’t weird at all and idiot potheads will always try to convince you ‘it’s just bad weed man’
No. 2354458
>>2348825You might already know this but another upside is that in a lot of places the spores are completely legal to buy and you can just buy them on the Internet so you don't have to know anyone to buy them from. Can another anon with more experience chime in with wether it's possible to grow "Bad" shrooms that'll give you a bad high? I assume anything that grows is good and not contaminated but maybe I'm wrong.
>>2353765I had never considered mdma before but another anon had posted in this thread a whole back her experience and it honestly sounds really nice. Is 3 months the recommended time to wait?
No. 2355210
Finally managed to get a 2cb powder connection and I am stupid levels of happy just looking at this bag
>>2353765Try get some 5htp supplements if you can. Also agree with
>>2355042 MDMA is awesome but needs long breaks
No. 2364884
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Is kratom worth taking recreationally? As a party drug, as a wind-down at the end of the day drug, or as a mood lifter for friends? I've only heard people using it for opioid withdrawals and chronic pain.
No. 2367819
>>2364884Kratom knocked me out when I took enough to feel the opiate-like effects. I enjoyed it more than drinking alcohol to unwind, but it upset my stomach and made me pretty sweaty. Also, where I was purchasing it, it was very expensive, like 10 dollars a tablet. And yes, taking a little gave me a stimulant-like high and I did that when I had some energy left over after work.
I fucked up though.
I told the people at the recreational dispensary that Kratom rocked, and they apparently didn't even know what kind of drug they were selling. I told them you take a little it's like an upper, you take a lot it's like an opiate. I think I scared the shit out of the boomers that run the place. I live in bumpkin country so yeah, opiates are a huge problem. I haven't seen them in the dispensary since and I probably never will again. It was nice while it lasted though.
No. 2373497
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about to do shroom gummies i legally obtained from amazon alone in my room for the first time
No. 2373569
>>2373551I’m particularly good at metabolising psychedelics, I also have microdosed/done shrooms a lot and didn’t feel much and have needed extra to feel as high as my peers.
I remember that netflix show about psychs a few years ago included a segment of Carrie Fisher talking about how she had a similar experience with psychs! IIRC she said she used them as a way to mediate her mood disorder, and her emotions were so heightened that she felt more comfortable tripping constantly
No. 2375975
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Okay anons. Help me out here with a decision. I know the dxm subreddit will just egg me on because they're addicts.
I'm visiting my old relative, whom I love. However, I have wanted to try DXM for a long time. Not from the USA so I can't just buy cough syrup.
I was wondering if I should even do this. I'm going 1st plat, low 2nd plat maximum, using picrel, at night so my relative won't notice. However, I feel bad doing drugs behind his back, but… Its not hurting him, right? He's been a pot smoker since the 70s and has probably dropped acid, so he's not a prude about drugs exactly. If he finds out, the worst he will feel is disappointed in me, def not mad. I've been planning to do this for a fair amount too. Done my research and everything.
Is this wrong? Should I give it a go or lay off it?
No. 2383170
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I miss mushrooms so much. I have a disease either on my brain or somewhere in my skull and i can't do drugs. Even coffee or weed makes me extremly dizzy and nauseous these days. I have some tests in a month and a half but who knows if they'll help me this time. Already had about 10 other possible tests these 4 months i've been sick and nothing. I'm just hoping that one day i'll get healthy. Hopefully still this year! And i'll go out on shrooms and lay in the leaves and chill with the forest and watch the art god makes through clouds. Maybe some light entity will chill with me, maybe not.. no pressure lol. I just want to feel good again. Not being able to do shrooms makes me feel like i'm waiting alone in the cold until somebody opens the door to a warm home with all my friends.