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No. 1622886
Making a thread on incel pickme turned popstar because she meets the following criteria:
An unhealthy desire for attention
Failure to accept criticism
No willingness to improve upon their behavior
A documented history of bizarre behavior displayed online
Some sort of public presence outside of private circles, groups or irc channels.
This is my first time making a thread but I swear Amala is full of untapped milk. I apolagize for any spelling errors.
Doja Cat or Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, is a 26 year old American rapper and singer. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, she began making and releasing music on SoundCloud as a teenager after dropping out of high school. She would spend all hours of her day on forums like 4chan and online chatrooms. She has a reputation for throwing herself at older male rappers and makes peak daddy issues pick me anthems. She claims to regularly read about herself online so much so that her friends made her worry if she was a narcissist.
Social Media list of lolcow behaviors below
> Pick me who can’t refer to herself as a woman “because that’s cringe” facing sexism turned pseudo feminist for fame>Alcoholic which is not bad in of itself except she’s always drunk on instagram live and ranting> Gets drunk in chatrooms, strips for moids and speaks in a baby voice>Serial cheater>messages child actor at 3 am to help her cheat with his older costar>Tries to sic fans on child actor for sharing the interaction on tik tok>Makes cringy unfunny posts on instagram and twitter>Mocks Amber Heard>Posts cat vomit online>Posts herself taking a dump online>Bisexual but only sings about and dates ugly incel moids>So self hating that she can’t call herself bisexual, acts like a 13 year old girl trying to come out to her friends. “You can kinda have sex with anyone right”>Pedo panderer>Sings about calling men daddy because hers left>Ultimate pick-me. Defends twitter moid from “man hating” users>Speaks like a valley girl in real life but puts on a fake accent for her raps>Makes a music video set in a black church as a tribute to an Elvis Presley movie, never went to a black church and is agnostic>Stole from 3 different small creators and mocked one after her death>Tries to sic fans on small youtube creator>Claims to be body positive and an inspiration to young women while calling said youtube creator a bitch and skeleton and women “refrigerator body ass bitches” and "terry jos">Body shames women she doesn’t like, but don’t you dare body-shame her>Makes fun of random people’s looks, but don’t you dare make fun of hers>Takes anger out on fans >Admits to reading everything about her online and “lurking”>Doesn’t wash her hands after pissing>Pisses on Instagram live>Shit hygiene in general>Rage quits her job after siccing her USA fans on Paraguayan fans for sympathy>Ignores the natural disastor in Paraguay to complain about her Paraguayan fans not meeting her outside her hotel>Parties and takes pictures in her hotel while Paraguayans fans drown >Complains about how hard it is taking pictures and hints at being overworked>Gets angry if fans say she’s over worked in her defense>Told by team to stay off Instagram live while drunk after she goes on multiple incoherent rants. >Doesn’t listen and prevents her poor assistant from doing her job which is keeping her quiet on lives>Overall acts like a toddler with her team>Was trying to find moids to hook up with at the height of covid when lockdown just started>Said covid wasn’t a big deal>Got covid 3 times>Attention whore>Shaves head and eyebrows on instagram live and receives mainly positive reactions>rants about no longer being "fuckable" to moids>Does things for attention then complains when she gets attention No. 1622897
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Recently she's gotten heat for trademarking the term "It's giving" for her shit clothing line. The person who popularized the phrase called her out. He had just gotten out of a coma when she trademarked it.
No. 1622901
>>1622895She's a pick me for incels is what I meant. She isn't a femcel because she hates women. She couldn't even say she was a
victim of sexism without cringing.
No. 1622909
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Her clothing line
No. 1622931
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>>1622918She's into the ddlg shit. Calls her boyfriends "daddy". Might be a nitpick
wrong file last time, my bad. I will have more milk tomorrow. I made this thread late
No. 1623097
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No. 1623098
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No. 1623130
Anonymous 1 minute ago No. 1623129
I tinfoiled for a while that she's trying to get dropped by her label hence the retard behavior but if she's moving forward with a clothing line I'm not so sure anymore. I guess she is genuinely retarded
No. 1623266
>>1623259This gave me whiplash. She supposedly cares about her body positive "brand" enough to rant on on instagram but not enough to stop throwing cheap shots at women's bodies.
She sounded so fucking dumb the whole time and O doubt her being sober would have e made her sound smarter
No. 1623271
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>>1623114 A lot of her stans vicariously live through her. She's gross unlikable and homely but rich and famous so that gives them hope. They don't realize that unless they're a maid, she doesn't like them. That's why she's always mocking them and cussing them out.
No. 1623272
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Doja Sperg incoming
No. 1623273
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Part 2
No. 1623276
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Part 3
No. 1623372
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I'm sorry but where does "throwing herself at older male rappers" come from?
Pic related is her most known ex Jawny (formerly Johnny Utah) and if you took a minute to listen you'd know he is not a rapper. They're also the same age.
After that she was linked to Y2K, only like a year older.
This is her type of man, and she got a looot of shit for it.
>>1623283Also, "baby voice"? are you serious? Lmao idk I've watched many of her lives and she just has kinda high pitched voice
And before someone comes at me, yeah I am a fan, though I accept she's a cow and cringe af. But be coherent and do your research
No. 1623378
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i remember she was obsessed with joji to the point people thought they were dating. she was always tweeting him and he never replied and she even tweeted about him back when he was still filthy frank kek
No. 1623383
The best part of the thread is her ass being in snow instead of /pt/ or /OT/.
>>1623378Idk wasn't this kind of normal behavior for the 3edgy5me crew back in the early YouTube days?
>>1623097She's such a pickme my God. Sometimes I find her pretty but then I see her unfiltered and remember she looks like a lesser version of Tia or Tamara.
No. 1623389
>>1623372Doja worshipper, I'm clearly not talking about the ugly moid she cheated on.
She's not going to fuck you
At time stamp :36
No. 1623394
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>>1623378How low does your self esteem have to be to publicly throw yourself at a moid who's been ignoring you for over 5 years?
No. 1623396
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Also her homelife is interesting. I doubt her relationship with her mom is all that good because she mentioned living with boyfriends and when she was at home she would be in her room all day. I just can't imagine her mother not worrying about their kid or even letting them drop out of highschool at 17 in the first place.
No. 1623404
>>1623401This is not lsa you stupid fag, if you can't take the time to watch the video then shut the fuck up and go back to the celbricow thread.
You've not contributed any milk or productive conversation.
No. 1623432
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>>1623095At least amber heard doesn’t have to wear a wig this bitch is probably embarrassed of her natural hair
No. 1623437
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>>1623394>>1623378kek, also many times joji fans send her pics of him and she thirst replies
No. 1623522
>>1623432What's wrong with her natural hair? Why would she have to wear a wig?
This thread is attracting some weird racist shit lmao
No. 1623540
>>1623216I think people on LSA hate her tho
>>1623522The direction of this thread is predictable kek
No. 1623682
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>>1623506>>1623506How stupid do you have to be to not know that white women were also
gasp racist to black women. So much so that the early Suffragettes like Susan b Anthony left black women out of their fight for voters rights and yes, white women also had black slaves. Learn history and stop derailing this thread. Her race is the least milky thing about her.
No. 1623697
>>1623682Anon dont avatarfag, its obvious your the one newfag stan here
>>1623522Anon dont be dense, it’s obvious that loads of women in the black community see Doja Cat as someone who is ashamed of being black. She doesnt know how to care for her hair properly and has been known to have “wonky wigs” because she just hangs out with white people that dont know how to style or put wigs on black hair. Stop capping for someone that wouldn’t even hang out with black people in the first place
No. 1623705
>>1623682Agreed. It seems like some people just want to use this thread to air out some bitterness towards black American or biracial women, a few of the posts aren't even about Doja Cat. The "We need the LSA thread back" posters are suspicious, too, anyone who remembers that thread knows it was full of unironic /pol/tards and/or trannies.
I'm not against celebrity milk threads, but this one feels off. Not sure why
No. 1623711
prettyuglylittleliar-fication of lolcow. when are halsey and melanie martinez getting a thread?
>>1623705>Agreed. It seems like some people just want to use this thread to air out some bitterness towards black American or biracial women weird cos she's half south african and her american side is jewish.
don't have anything to offer except her manager/best friend quit after the paraguay chronicle. it's clear she's been spiraling from overworking and trying to push enough albums to get out of her contract.
No. 1623720
>>1623705 >>1623711
anons it isn't that serious.. not everything is some big race conspiracy, if that was the case why does azaelia banks not have a thread yet? it has nothing to do with race, it is just about her cowish and cringe behaviour
No. 1623745
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When I saw Dojas shaved look, my first thought was that she was trying to copy the model uglyworldwide
No. 1623770
>>1623394She’s an actual retard
>>1623446Agreed, everyone who posts there is a cow
>>1623705Anons are bitter towards LSAfags because they’re racists who openly hate white women while thirsting over white men
No. 1623775
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I suspect that Amala's boyfriend broke up with her after finding out how she tried to cheat with Noah Schnapp's costar and that's why she was actually mad. She was dating this French moid.
No. 1623780
>>1623697Her self esteem is truly low. This video of her hairstylist doing her hair had a sad undertone.
Towards the end she says she looks ugly or something and her hairstylist quickly tells her she doesn't. She seems like a draining person to be around.
No. 1623785
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>>1623760She posted this on the same day she went on tik tok live ranting about Noah.
No. 1623787
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>>1623785And she posted this on instagram which cause her to lose 400k followers
No. 1623804
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This is Doja Cat's hairstylist. A faggy moid who only stays around her because she pays him. He goes by Jay and is instagram handle is JayStayReady
No. 1623811
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>>1623711Her manager's name is Lydia Asret. She may have quit after Amala passed off all of Paraguay by being an annoying ungrateful americow.
No. 1623824
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This is her long time assistant that we was talking to on the live. I don't know her name but you can sometimes hear her in the background desperately trying to get Amala to do work.
No. 1624002
>>1623966Saying "Go back to LSA" whenever anyone doesn't hugbox you is retarded. I don't even like Doja, the people who are invested in this thread are just a certain kind of strange. The Grimes thread doesn't have this sort of autism
>low IQ mixed womanOh nvm, it's (c)rap-chan, all your days are spent seething about non-coquettes lol. Carry on fattie
No. 1624328
>>1624293Nay but maybe someone she knows has that as a last name? It’s not that deep.
>>1623522She will never win the heart of a tinychat regular with that hair..
No. 1624360
>>1624269I'm a non white woman and I dont use coomer slurs to reclaim them. She's just an edge lord freak who probably didn't think her career would ever take off.
She was just on live for 40 minutes. When will she get friends. I guess I will watch it to summarize and find some milk
No. 1624494
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No. 1624690
>>1622922she seems really insecure about the weird shit stain mole above her eye that was "discovered" when she shaved her brows. she's constantly doing designs where she covers it.
she can pull off a shaved head but she looks fucking ghastly with no bros and that moley-moley-moley.
No. 1624828
Full stop. She’s unbearable in every video. Like I force myself to get at least 30 seconds through them but she’s either too obnoxious or I feel like I’m losing brain cells.
>>1624549Her fans are retarded if they’re trying to pass shit off like this as adhd but dumbasses are gonna Stan dumbasses so it’s not all that surprising really.
No. 1625851
>>1624084Ayrt I see YOUR tinfoil & tbh I don't know enough about Azealia to say one way or another but I know enough to admit…definitely possibly!
Here's another fun tinfoil: Noah Schnapp made this thread
No. 1626049
just because you decide to wear a robe that means you want male attention?
No. 1627705
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Amala Ratna aka Doja Cat is still being a cow. Thinks being laughed at is a gotcha to everyone but herself
No. 1627943
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>>1625471Doja cat on live
No. 1646976
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>>1623745>>1623745This is the real reason
No. 1647522
>>1627943Holy shit this killed me
>>1622886Wtf is a "Terry Jo"?
I've definitely suspected this chick of being an Internet addicted sperg. Funny to see a thread on her, consider it bookmarked.
No. 1650690
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>>1646976Mei doesn't seem to think the same
Meant to post this days ago but the site was down No. 1658116
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>>1623018kek she's a confirmed lurker! hi doja!
(hi cow) No. 1658194
>>1658116doja I love you but you're doing too much, us chronically online people need breaks too
come to /ot/ it's chill there
(hi cow) No. 1658299
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Doja since you are here, can you go back to making good music instead of acting like a retard and getting in drama with other celeb and fans. And yeah you are shaped like a chihuahua + bicycle seat.(hi cow)
No. 1658303
>>1658269it wouldn't be shocking considering she's a sucker for chan-adjacent scrotes and probably has some experience with imageboards/internet culture. could really go either way. i'm rooting for doja to be a
terf queen but if she ever spoke to those beliefs publicly she'd be crucified. her and azaelia are friends, she likely knows better than to ever speak on it
No. 1658318
>>1658116Doja, come hang out with us on /m/ and /ot/, also I hope that your label will live you in peace soon
>>1658267When was the live ? Maybe someone automatically save every live from her.
(hi cow) No. 1658331
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>>1658116hey doja
i know you’re mad bc youre oh so quirky and different but all your loving and adoring fans are normie bitches :,(
sucks to be wildly successful when all you really want is to be not like the other girls. hope you eventually find your ‘daddy’ to make you feel special!!
(:’() No. 1658363
>>1658116She's so fuckin annoying my God. If her shitpost song never went viral and some other tragic mulatto got put on, Doja would definitely be calling her a ugly niggress for NLOG points.
Doja girl, just embrace your 5chins roots. You know you're a Britney venti kinda girl.
No. 1658448
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Can someone shoop doja’s face on a bike seat?
No. 1658560
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>>1658545doja cat is a
TERF confirmed
No. 1658618
>>1658560Sage for incoming
TERF rant. Literally what the do they expect? when you're trans that is exactly what you are, TRANS. you cant have your cake and eat it, stupid. You cant just cry and piss and the nice doctor man will give you a uterus and make you feel better.
Asking troons what they feel about periods is a
valid question. a delusional man who is ~medically transitioning~ could just say "I dont know anything about that, I'm transitioning" and move the fuck on. But no, they need every women's issue to revolve around them. Them and their supporters/TRA's need to fuck right off imo.
I'm here for
TERF doja cat, maybe people will start actually using their brains and critical thinking skills. But probably not because it's so embedded in for profit medical systems at this point. Sad
No. 1658732
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god fucking damn it why couldnt she just kept that shit for herself, the twittards are already making an investigation of it
No. 1659305
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>>1659302Samefag. This is extremely accurate because bald
No. 1660777
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Lsa finally made a thread on Doja name dropping and someone there also called her a bicycle seat head ass
No. 1661263
nonnie >>1658267 watched the live when Doja was talking about and said she mention the bicycle seat head
>>1623018 and that we said her mole looked like actual shit which matches this comment
>>1624690 Doja even said its lipstick alley adjacent 4chan shit
>>1658116 so LSA can eat my ass trying to claim the victory when Doja was clearly on the farm.
No. 1684885
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Oh look, it's doja scat
No. 1733192
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she's back on the chatrooms and now she's moderating. according to deuxmoi she wants to get a natural boob job kek
No. 1733195
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>>1733192samefagging, she's a mean mod kek